Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I totally agree with the good and bad music idea, I just like to use genres to find certain things that sound similar. I only discovered that I actually had my own distinct taste in music at 15, about 3 or so years ago, and it took almost another two years for that to mature beyond angsty teenage post-grunge rock, so I definitely still have a long way to go; combine that with the fact that not many people Im around regularly have their own refined tastes and I dont have many recommendations coming in unless I specifically look for them online, so I still havent explored a whole lot out of my comfort zone, mainly progressive rock/metal, a (very!) little older country, a bit of orchestral and psychedelic, and some jazz. The database isnt my primary organizational tool, and Id never dream of using it for books and audio dramas.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hay, at the start it was! about ios, remember that offtopic posting just means not posting completely unrelated questions, discussions can change after all and so long as one post follows logically in content from another post its okay, even if the topic winds up being about something %100 different. Ive actually een on forums where people are quick to push the That is offtopic! button and treat topic subjects like streight jackets, but that definitely goes in with what tends to be nazi moderation. As to genres well I just dont find them helpful. As the tenor Alphie bowe said, there are two sorts of music, good music and bad music and I agree with him rather a lot, which is why my music collection goes from progressive rock to disney, to weerd experimental, and a few bits of pop albeit less of the last sinse far too much pop tends to be very manufactured and more about images and formula than actual musical c
 ontent or emotion,. It always amuses me how many people I meet who are like The waitress in the blues brothers film who says well were very liberal here, we have both kinds of music country and! western . This is also why genre annoys me sinse it goes with the hole demographic thinking so often practiced by marketing executives, Well this is such and such a genre and will appeal to teenagers, or singles, or old fogies or whatever.Then again I will admit musically Im quite a snob, but that is another discussion. BAsically I tend to find what I like not by genres but usually by recommendations instead, which is why my collection is so eclectic.And of course, the genres distinction breaks down utterly with books and audio dramas, I do always laugh wen I see J K Rowling listed as the a
 rtist and harry potter as the album, its just so pathetically formulaeic.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Well as I said I find myself that things dont exactly marry up well. Oddly enough my own teenaged anxty phase if you want to call it that wwas much more based on if it doesnt have an orchestra I wont listen to it, with a possible exception made for game soundtracks.It was really not until I got to university and found people who had wider appreciation that I tended to change things around quite a lot. If you havent run across them before try bellowhead, if you really! want to see eclectic, anyone who can take traditional English stuff, (what over here is called folk though I know that can mean lots of things elsewhere in the world), and do them in really of beat ways, ever heard a disco sea shanty or a jaz version of of a civil war era puritanical anthem? I also am a fan of blackmores night, who are sort of similar though their basis is more medeival than folk. Metal wise, I tend to prefer metal with actual 
 complexity and if its going to be discordent discordent with a point rather than just instrument abuse for no reason, so less of the blatantly heavy stuff. Actually Im more a fan of epic or symphonic metal, particularly luca torelli. This is as I said why I dont do genres, and hay I dont especially mind if other people do, I just resent the way Itunes doesnt give me a choice at all and much prefer my own organization as opposed to being forced to use anyone elses, indeed when I bang music onto my victor i just stick in the folders according to type, so I have a folder called new doctor who with all of seasons 1-5 of the new tv series music right next to the soundtracks to King of dragon pass and Ludavico Ionaudi, who is a pianist I rather like, sinse that way I can just level 1 folder navigate around through each thing and go down into level 2 or lower folders if I wish.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Im still not sure on the speech delay on victor you mean sinse to me it is! instant, or at least instant after the bing. Then again at one point the rnib handed out victor classic dazy disc players for the talking books service (I was even on the testing team for those), so Im probably used to victors software generally for all Id never bother with the disc version these days after using the stream.the hole artist/genre thing just annoys me, mostly because most music I like isnt really genre specific, or is down right weerd and I dont care for this well its got to be pop, or blues, or classical (which is a silly term anyway given that the classical period technically only refers to music from about 1750-1820), actually Ill say for anything orchestral at all the id tags tend to be a nightmare!I much prefer to organize my own stuff by either intention or group, eg, game and film soundtracks folders with 
 subfolders for game or film series, and while each person or group gets a folder such as Enya, bellowhead or blackmores night, I dont want to organize these into more specific categories. I do have one orchestral music folder which contains everything from Beathoven to Ionaudi and KArl Jenkins which is as close to a genre folder as I have. Similarly, with audiobooks I have folders for each author, and then subfolders for series with usually individual folders for each book and each book or series numbered so as to play in the right order, however there are occasions when I dont such as my doctor who folder and my folders for things like Starwars or Startrek or Graphic audio, not to mention my folder for audio recordings of articles I made to do my thesis with. This likely explains why I hate itunes ad the insistance that you must! have stuff organized as almighty apple says or else! especially when the id tags misfunction as frequently is the ca
 se with a lot of orchestral music, it is sort of funny when the artist is given as something like Scottish national orchestra or Michael kennedy as conductor instead of the actual composer, which usually gets stuck in the name of the peace field while the generic term classical is used for anything from renaesance to the most post modern! .Btw, the bank situation is probably one to discuss in monthly chat sinse people who just read this topic likely have no idea what your talking about, and while weve moved from a discussion abut Ios and Itunes to a general chat about music players and file organization a talk about banking machines is a little to ot methinks.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I dont usually browse by genre but at times I find them useful for finding similar artists, at least to a point, and sometimes its fun to see just what genres individual files have been tagged with.Perhaps we could rename the topic to something like the Battle of the Players™ continued 


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Simba and fatih,Unfortunately I cant help with the install process, to be honest I havent done it myself yet, so cant help on it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I really dont know what you mean by tagged files not in their propper folder sinse for me at least the first thing I do when I get a new music file whether its converted from youtube or ripped from cd or bought from somewhere or whatever is put it in whatever folder or subfolder I want it in, and usually Ill rename it to something that makes sense if I dont like the default name, this particularly goes for numbering tracks. I have noticed auto tagging of files when ripping cds and it is a nice thing to have just to save me having to rename the individual files, however if it isnt there Im not going to worry, particularly sinse sometimes it goes a bit wrong, I was quite amused when windows media player auto tagging confused a roahld Dahl book on cd I was ripping with an 80s punk band! . Id never! trust a d
 atabase to organization sinse I prefer to do my own. For example, I recently downloaded the song skyfall. I notice the tags would have it under adelle, or under pop, however I wanted it in my folder of film soundtracks in a subdirectory of james bond themes which also contains a couple of cd collections such as best of bond. Similarly, I do occasionally find I have to rename tagged folders to sute myself, especially if I want to number each folder so that the hole directory plays in the right order. I will say I sort of enjoy organizing my collection in one sense, its like seeing what I have and being able to run my hand across a book shelf, as well as doing stuff like playing at random, indeed sinse for so long what books I had to read was dependent upon what the Rnib talking book service happened to send me through the post (I could submit a list but I got no power over what turned up when), looking through my audio folder and thinking what do I want next? 
 is actually a nice feeling in and of itself, indeed when Im loading audiobooks onto the victor Ill usually load in more than I need if I expect to be away from my desktop collection for a while just to give myself some choice.I still wonder if you either had a bad sd card with your victor or something, sinse honestly I just dont notice this lag you mention. The only slowness Ive seen in navigating with the victor generally is the slow, or at least average speed of the voice reading the directory names. As to batteries, well I do with my victor exactly what I do with my Iphone, ie, I use it on power most of the time if Im not going anywhere, for all if I need to pick it up and have it portable for a bit Ill do that, however every so often Ill specifically run the batteries down to nothing just to keep their charging capacity working properly, indeed Ive been amazed when Ive done this how long the Victor lasts, a good 15 hou
 rs plus, rather longer than my Iphone actually given that the Iphone battery usage fluctuates with internet connection etc, (sometimes Ive seen my Iphone battery run down in as little as four or five hours, though when I was using it rather more for audio playback I could usually get ten or so out of the thing). Oddly enough, I do plan to get some good use out of my victor this morning sinse I need to take reever for a walk but have just started Robin Hobbs Rainwild chronicles which is prooving awesome. Sinse said walk happens to go past the best sandwich place in the northeast of England (really, it just does! thats not my fault), Ill probably drop in for brunch, and take my victor with me. Said sandwich place have a table full of newspapers and magazines and of course most people who go in will idly grab one up and read it, and up until I first got my Iphone in 2012 and then my Victor last year it did always get slightly on my nurves that I cou
 ld not do the same.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

In Rockbox you get the best of both worlds, since you can browse by tags or filenames depending on your mood. The nice thing about the database feature is that it will scan the whole player including the SD card, and its structured so that theres no separation between the two, so if I have some tagged files that dont happen to be in their proper folder theyll be organized in the database structure by default. Music bought from Amazon comes tagged (though I dont buy from them anymore because they dont offer lossless quality,) and most CD ripping programs will auto-tag most files provided youre connected to the internet. Before my music collection got so big I actually used to just throw all my files into my music folder and let the database do all the work; obviously this got pretty inefficient with a few hundred files when trying to delete things. As for navigation yeah, its the traditional arrow in and out of folders method; if ther
 e hadnt been that pause between navigating folders on the Victor I might have actually grown to find that slightly more efficient. The time skip feature was one of the attractive features for me as well, though I didnt consider it worth keeping the player over. I listen to books on my desktop to save battery life, since I can still move around and not have a half-charged player if I need to travel. Unfortunately I need a person with me when I run, but have actually started getting into it a bit despite that.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Still using the same card with my Sansa and have no problems, so doubt the card had much if anything to do with it. I think it might be more my perception than anything; Im used to having items announced instantly and quickly with Rockbox so the delay was pretty noticeable, and Im pretty impatient in general when it comes to response time. I think simply arrowing through lists should in most cases elicit a near instantaneous response on most devices, and a delay for more than a quarter of a second or so on a portable music player is going to drive me insane. Ill usually have a 32gb card in a Sansa for music as well as the stuff thats on the internal memory, and it usually gets filled up pretty quickly, which is when the tag scanning comes in handy. The startup time was also pretty long, dont know what that was about either. Ah well, looks like Ill finally be getting my refund for the Victor in a few days. Ive got a lot of music as well, I 
 just dont see any need to organize it beyond the standard artist/album structure and I generally only have one or two books on my Sansa at any given time, so it might just be a different use case. Btw, it isnt necessary to run down lithium ion batteries as if was with older rechargeables, and might actually slightly reduce their lifespan as being drained can put a strain on the cells, though Im sure almost all devices that use them would shut down before it got to that point.Funnily enough my bank is pretty weird as well. About 2 years ago we were switched out of the blue from our previous one, Bank of America, because they sold off some of their branches and force-switched a bunch of customers in the process, which I still find hard to believe is legal. Not many people have heard of the one were using now, and Ive yet to find an ATM for them outside of my hometown, though Im sure there are probably some in larger cities. Luckily the one in 
 town talks, though I still dont really know where it is either since I live 3 miles out of town. Im wondering how long it will be before I get switched to the Bank of the Borg Collective .


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Fare enough on the tags, though to be honest tagging is a process I never cared about sinse the last thing I want to do is sit and write in lots of information about files, I just want to bung them in a folder, name the folder something cogent, put that in a subfolder, directory etc and then play when I like. For example, I dont really care! if the player I use calls the tracks of an audiobook track 1, track 2 etc or just lists the author information, sinse all I want to do is play the thing. While having the title of tracks on a music album is nice, well that is what file names are for. And plus of course, lots of my organization methods dont depend upon stuff like artist or genre, eg, I have a folder for game soundtracks, and a folder for mega man soundtracks within which are folders for each game, however I dont care that much whether they count as rock or electronica or j pop or whatever, or who the composer is, Im just bothered that when I
  want to play the music to mega man x6, or have the entire mega man cannon on shuffle, that is what I get when I play that folder.As to cross folder playing, well thats the difference between directories. The victor will stop at the end of a book,but with music will go on to the next folder once its finished all the subfolders of a current folder. this is why the organization sutes me, sinse I have for example one mondo folder containing all my new doctor who music, with folders for series 1-5, then folders for individual discs Ive ripped, so effectively I just start playing and Ill get all the Doctor who stuff in order. Also i confess Im rarely a person for shuffle or cross genre or album playing. The Victor will support m3u playlists if I cared about making them, but I prefer to just play folders. As for bookmarks or transferring, well I can see your point there, although the victor is so easy to cart around I dont real
 ly bother playing audiobooks on my desktop much these days anyway, and time skip on the victor makes it fairly easy to get to any part of a book quickly if you know the total time, indeed that is one area where the victor is vastly! Superior to my iphone, sinse I used to dread losing my place in a book with my Iphone as finding it again was such a pain given that Itunes only has one fast forward button, and if it was a really long file it could be extremely! annoying. One question about the hole sansa thing though, how do you actually navigate between folders? if its a case of arrows list and enter, that actually isnt so different from the victor anyway, its just the victor announces what level of sub folder your looking at and doesnt require you to return to the main folder level to view the next subfolder though the full path name will be announced, eg, the victor will tell me when Ive gone from doctor who/companionchronicles to 
 ot;China Mievelle/embasy town Its actually a nice way of looking through books or series of books. Im not sure on durability of the victor and its not something Ive experimented with, though Ill say its not too fragile sinse its dropped onto a carpeted floor a few times, once from a hight of about five foot up and been absolutely fine, plus its under guarantee anyway. The victor is a bit big to clip to your collar or whatever, but it does fit quite wel in a top pocket or has a case with a lanyard you can buy if you were going to run, though there isnt really anyway I could run safely at this point with any device much less with my ears covered.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I think the navigation thing is just personal preference. The Sansa with Rockbox acts like a normal removable drive, with the internal memory and the SD card listed as separate disks, so no complexity there, plus it stores bookmarks and configuration settings in normal files; I really love being able to listen to a book on my desktop or laptop, then copy the bookmark file to my player and resume. I like to keep my music organized as well, usually just with the artist as a top level folder and their albums in subfolders underneath, but I myself hated that the Stream would play across folders. Also Rockbox can build a database with tags in audio files regardless of their location that you can then browse by artist/album/genre etc, and unlike iTunes it actually works very nicely. The other thing I like about the Clip players is just how small they are and the fact that theyre pretty much indestructible; through the years Ive had various Clips get dropped, throne, stepped 
 on, nearly run over by a car, accidentally left in a damp environment for several days, and the one I had the longest went through the wash twice, (once while it was clipped on the collar of my coat) and they all came out working fine. Theyre perfect for running too, because you can quite literally just clip them and forget theyre there, and for such a small device the audio quality is great. Okay, enough with my fanatical praise of the great Sansa . I do really love these little guys though, and its really sad to see such stellar devices abandoned by Sandisk. They used to be very cheap, around $50usd for an 8GB model, but if you can find one on Amazon (some are still being sold by a third-party seller for now) itll cost at least twice that.That Beatbox thing reminds me a bit of the NLS players my state talking book library gives out, but even more basic.
  Theyre just really large rectangular boxy things, with huge buttons and a ridiculous slot on the front in which youre supposed to insert cartridges (ridiculously oversized 1gb flash drives) containing books. Pretty ridiculous how low most blind organizations set their standards, but that topics been worn out time and time again.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Dark, I got the newest model, and I think some of my speed issues were because of the large (500+ at any given time) number of music files and folders Id have on one card. Still I found the navigation to be pretty cumbersome, and the wait while it spoke with the human voice samples was absolute agony. The TTS voice is atrocious as well, and I was irked by the fact that theres only about 2.5 GB of internal memory which you cant use to store music. Ive returned mine and am currently trying to convince Humanware to give me my money back...aaargh! Apples return policy is an absolute breeze, Ill give them that. I suspect its a moot point for you since youve got a Stream, but Rockbox setup isnt very complicated at all; I got a new Zip the other day and had it all set up in about 10 minutes or so. I dont bother with recording the filenames (though the process is all automatic and was pretty easy last time I tried,) and if you c
 an stand them being spelled out its not a problem. Only thing I really dislike about it is its pretty hard to get time information about a track spoken, but thats a minor inconvenience, certainly not worth changing players over. You can alter pitch and speed and fine-tune equalizer settings, and it plays just about every format out there. The Clip Zip has a nice little alarm clock feature too, and Rockbox even runs on Windows in what it calls a simulator, which actually makes a pretty decent computer media player, with the bonus that I can listen to books on my computer, create bookmarks and put them on my mp3 player and vice versa. Sadly the Clip Zip and Plus have been discontinued and are getting pretty expensive, and the newer Sansa models dont support it; with Rockbox development being pretty much stalled at this point, they probably never will. Still a Zip might be a worthy investment while you can still find one, matter of fact I think Im going to
  get a spare while I still can.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@dark if you set it up yourself its on, Im not sure if a sighted person sets their phone up if it is, the phones I tried it with it wasnt.Maybe they turned it off.My nephew doesnt have his set up that way, but for all I know, he could have turned it off himself.iTunes should really have its name changed to suit what it does.You can organise your songs the way you like, but you have to do it with in the application itself.Creat playlist folders, but if you have like 1 songs, then its probably not worth going to all that trouble, Im certainly not going to even though I know how to do so.Its just way too tedius.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Wanderer, I cant say I had either of those issues with victor myself, but whether thats because I have a different model or just didnt notice Im not sure. I was put off the Sansa by the hole rockbox thing sinse the last thing I wanted to do after getting free of the annoyence of Itunes was have something with yet more software to grapple with (I didnt like the sound of all that file name recording at all, not with how often I change the contents of my victor).@Cooltirk, Im not sure what you mean to be honest. I bought my Iphone in October 2012, brand new, in a box, never been used before. I got it out charged it up, turned it on and was told to use vo tripple click home, its worked sinse then, no siri or Itunes required (I didnt download Itunes until a couple of months later and during setup I needed to configure my internet connection so had no siri).You probably could! turn on vo with Itunes, but I dont really 
 see why youd need to unless you bought someone elses Iphone second hand, and even then Id imagine doing a factory reset would restore the tripple click home option sinse its on by default and you have to specifically turn it off if you want it off, att least on the Iphone 5 anyway, indeed my brother has never once used siri on his Ipad, but at one point when I was checking whether Vo would work with a program hed downloaded I tripple clicked the home button, turned vo on, then turned it off when Id finished.As with most of Itunes, I couldnt even find where the settings were if I wanted to because of the big sprawling tree of death, and that even before Apple killed the headings, and besides, why the hell is a music program being used to store and alter device settings anyway? thats loopy!


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kool_turk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Not everyone has Siri switched on, I know my dad and uncle both dont have it switched on cause their english isnt good enough to use it.Triple click home has to be set up, so the only sure way to turn on voice over is to turn it on using iTunes.Something similar was brought up a couple of years ago on apple vis and the guide they have up there says to use iTunes.Triple click home works on the setup screen, but thats about it.You do actually have to set it up for it to work.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I think tripple-click home is set to toggle VO by default in the iPhone 5 or 5S and later, not sure of the model. It only works on the setup screen of my 4 unless I configure it manually, if I recall.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I have heard the streem has issues with some makes of sd card, maybe that was the problem, sinse I just dont see this wait you mention at all myself.The numbers thing only applies to when navigating by books, ie, lowest level of folder navigation, and I agree its a wee bit superfluous but nothing that bothers me so much, and personally I always found the folder structure quite logical once I got the idea behind it, indeed it can be very helpful when for example I have a doctor who folder with several sub series of audios each with different seasons and individual folders for each audio, sinse if I say want to go streight from companion chronicles season 4 to companion chronicles season 5 victor will do that with one button press, plus with music it plays all folders streight through which is handy if say I want to listen to a hole bunch of stuff such as all my blackmores night albums, indeed multi level navigation is something I use
  a lot in the music folder sinse as I said Im quite a fiend for organization which is one reason I hate Itunes.My only major issue with the victor is I wish there was a way to alter the speed of the tts voice without altering the speed of playback over all, sinse while it isnt so slow it sets my teeth on edge the way some synth voices are, I would like it a trifle faster especially when reading long file and path names, though at least when youve set what level of folders or subflders your navigating at it just reads the names.People have said it is possible to alter the speed of the tts voice but Ive not found the option for that, just the general speed of playback control. I think the thing I like most about the Victor though is just how dam easy transfers are. For example, yesterday with all the talk of Kodp I fancied listening to the kodp soundtrack. Putting this onto my victor was as simple as sticking in the Usb and copying across an
 d took me less than a minute, and wouldve taken even less time if I used one of those usb sd card readers, (though the speed of transfer directly to the Victor has never bothered me).No renaming files, no playlist creation, no pratting around, I just copy it across and bing, there in my music directory is a folder called king of dragon pass done!Ill say this is precisely what put me off the Sansa and the hole Rockbox thing, sinse while its quite possible Rockbox is easier to use than Itunes, (well it could hardly be worse), the second someone mentioned all that software to reccord file names with sapi and what not I just thought oh yee gods not again! Of course if you prefer the Sansa thing fare enough, Ive not used one myself so cant actually comment with any sort of authority, but this probably explains why I am! very happy with my Victor.Btw, sinse I and my dad both read extensively, Ive b
 een trying to find an mp3 player for quite some time that he could use and that was easy to transfer stuff onto. My dad is not exactly Mr. technical at the best of times, indeed we tried a couple of graphical varients and they failed miserably mostly because the on screen controls were so very obscure. The victor might have done (sinse fundamentally my dad couldve just pressed the play button and used the basic time skip controls and ignored everything else), but the price was waay prohibitive, and there was always the risk that my dad hit the wrong button and navigated away from what he was reading and couldnt get back. Itunes is definitely! out, even if I had been willing to grapple with the horrors of putting stuff onto an Ios device for my dad, easy to use methinks not! Oddly enough, we found exactly what we wanted of all things at a local society for the blind technical open day, the beatbox. No, it is not commplex, its basically an fm radio 
 with a memory stick slot in the top and three buttons, play, skip forward and skip back. It does not even recognize! folders, so basically you have to stick on one book or audio drama at a time as all it does is play the files in alphabetical order, (I tried sticking on two things and it played track one of the first, track one of the second, track 2 of the first etc, that is how I knew it ignored folders). While I do wish it played folders in alphabetical order rather than just files, sinse its a little silly to have an 8 gb memory stick with just one book on, For literally 15 pounds (theyre usually thirty quid but this one was in a sale), its surprising how well its done what my dad wanted. Would it sute me? hell no! however its ideal for my dad, indeed its sort of amazing that the only place I can find an mp3 player that would suit a completely none technical person is a society for the blind, though its equally amazing the t
 hing was so inexpensive, especially for a peace of supposedly access tech.Btw, Id not recommend the beatbox to anyone who is vaguely the least bit possibly at all computer literate to the smallest extent, it just surprised me that the only

Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hmm, interesting. Might have been because I was using a 32gb Micro SD card, but theyre fast enough on all my other devices. I guess Im just used to the traditional method of arrowing in and out of folders as opposed to the Streams navigation levels, and I thought the keypad was rather cumbersome. Also the interminable wait while it said folder... or file... (followed by its number if it wasnt in a bookshelf folder drove me up the wall. Granted I only had it for a few days so might have gotten used to it given time, but it cant do near what my Clip can and definitely wasnt worth what I paid for it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I have heard the streem has issues with some makes of sd card, maybe that was the problem, sinse I just dont see this wait you mention at all myself.The numbers thing only applies to when navigating by books, ie, lowest level of folder navigation, and I agree its a wee bit superfluous but nothing that bothers me so much, and personally I always found the folder structure quite logical once I got the idea behind it, indeed it can be very helpful when for example I have a doctor who folder with several sub series of audios each with different seasons and individual folders for each audio, sinse if I say want to go streight from companion chronicles season 4 to companion chronicles season 5 victor will do that with one button press, plus with music it plays all folders streight through which is handy if say I want to listen to a hole bunch of stuff such as all my blackmores night albums, indeed multi level navigation is something I use
  a lot in the music folder sinse as I said Im quite a fiend for organization which is one reason I hate Itunes.My only major issue with the victor is I wish there was a way to alter the speed of the tts voice without altering the speed of playback over all, sinse while it isnt so slow it sets my teeth on edge the way some synth voices are, I would like it a trifle faster especially when reading long file and path names, though at least when youve set what level of folders or subflders your navigating at it just reads the names.People have said it is possible to alter the speed of the tts voice but Ive not found the option for that, just the general speed of playback control. I think the thing I like most about the Victor though is just how dam easy transfers are. For example, yesterday with all the talk of Kodp I fancied listening to the kodp soundtrack. Putting this onto my victor was as simple as sticking in the Usb and copying across an
 d took me less than a minute, and wouldve taken even less time if I used one of those usb sd card readers, (though the speed of transfer directly to the Victor has never bothered me).No renaming files, no playlist creation, no pratting around, I just copy it across and bing, there in my music directory is a folder called king of dragon pass done!Ill say this is precisely what put me off the Sansa and the hole Rockbox thing, sinse while its quite possible Rockbox is easier to use than Itunes, (well it could hardly be worse), the second someone mentioned all that software to reccord file names with sapi and what not I just thought oh yee gods not again! Of course if you prefer the Sansa thing fare enough, Ive not used one myself so cant actually comment with any sort of authority, but this probably explains why I am! very happy with my Victor.Btw, sinse I and my dad both read extensively, Ive b
 een trying to find an mp3 player for quite some time that he could use and that was easy to transfer stuff onto. Though he has a full set of optics, My dad is not exactly Mr. technical at the best of times, indeed we tried a couple of graphical varients and they failed miserably mostly because the on screen controls were so very obscure. The victor might have done (sinse fundamentally my dad couldve just pressed the play button and used the basic time skip controls and ignored everything else), but the price was waay prohibitive, and there was always the risk that my dad hit the wrong button and navigated away from what he was reading and couldnt get back. Itunes is definitely! out, even if I had been willing to grapple with the horrors of putting stuff onto an Ios device for my dad, easy to use methinks not! Oddly enough, we found exactly what we wanted of all things at a local society for the blind technical open day, the beatbox. No, it is not commpl
 ex, its basically an fm radio with a memory stick slot in the top and three buttons, play, skip forward and skip back. It does not even recognize! folders, so basically you have to stick on one book or audio drama at a time as all it does is play the files in alphabetical order, (I tried sticking on two things and it played track one of the first, track one of the second, track 2 of the first etc, that is how I knew it ignored folders). While I do wish it played folders in alphabetical order rather than just files, sinse its a little silly to have an 8 gb memory stick with just one book on, For literally 15 pounds (theyre usually thirty quid but this one was in a sale), its surprising how well its done what my dad wanted. Would it sute me? hell no! however its ideal for my dad, indeed its sort of amazing that the only place I can find an mp3 player that would suit a completely none technical person is a society for the blind, th
 ough its equally amazing the thing was so inexpensive, especially for a peace of supposedly access tech.Btw, Id not recommend the beatbox to anyone who is vaguely the least bit possibly at all computer literate to the smallest extent

Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Wanderer, I regularly have over 25 gb of the card filled up with audiobooks and music, usually about 12 gigs of each with many many subfolders, so I will confess your Atrocious and wait being agony comments confuses me a bit, indeed I just now turned on the Victor and waited for it to start counting myself, and it did so in 6 seconds. The only time Ive notice it take a really long time to start is if I try flicking it off and on again quickly, or if I plug it into the usb and then pull the usb out without turning it off first. I do know when I bought the thing Humanware advised me not to use a 64 gb card on the basis itd slow things down, it is apparently a bug with the os that is being worked on. Ive got 8 gb of space left on the card at the moment, maybe this changes if you fill the hole thing I dont know though to be honest Ive never had need to sinse I just change what is on the card every day or so from my pc,
  (I read a lot), indeed at first I thought Id have to buy a separate card and maybe an sd card reader but one 32 gb card has been enough thus far. I will say the male tts voice that comes with the victor I really! cant stand, so I use the female one. Its certainly not my favourite tts available, not compared to Realspeak Daniel or even Orphius human voices, but its better than some Ive had to use like eloquence, and its just there to read file names after all. Im also not sure what you mean about tortuous navigation hit the 1 key to go between directories (otherbooks and music are the main two I use), then use 4 and 6 to go back and forward, with 2 and 8 changing whether your going through individual files or various categories of subfolders, that indeed is why I like the Victor, sinse it preserves my folder structure and I do tend to be a big fan of organization, for example I have just finished Celia Friedman
 s coldfire trilogy. The Friedman books were in a main author folder called Celia Friedman, indeed the fact that I could just streight out copy this folder from my hd rather than mucking around with all the playlist shenanigans like Itunes is one thing I love. In the Celia Friedman folder I have two subfolders, one for the cold fire trilogyy, one for her majester trilogy, so I just hhit 8 to go to level 2 navigation. I then have each book of the cold fire trilogy in its own folder and they count as a book according to victor, so I just hit 2 back up to book. This is the only mildly confusing part, that in the books directory it calls its first level folders books rather than level 1, as it does in the music directory. Once Im on book Victor will read the name of each book, eg 01 Black sun rising, 02 When true night falls, and 03 Crown of shadows no problem. I admit having to go up and down with 
 the keys is not as quick as just pressing the first letter of a folder or sub folder name as I would in windows, but sinse I can always navigate by directory its not usually too bad unless Ive got a hole bunch of books in one folder, and even then sinse its my practice to number series book folders anyway so that theyre always in the correct order its pretty easy to know where things are. I do admit Im an organization fiend where books are concerned, which is precisely why I like the Victor so much, no need for changing anything. No, Im afraid I am not bothered about the Sansa at this point sinse I am indeed completely happy with the Victor Xtreme. I will certainly admit the thing was stupidly expensive, although half the price of what I thought it was, but I cant deny Ive probably had my moneys worth out of it even though Ive not owned it more than a year, heck I even lock the keyboard, bang on some headp
 hones and stick it in my top pocket while Im cleaning or stick it in my shoulder bag and take it with me when I take Reever for a walk so that I can sit in my favourite cafe and have something to read while other people read their newspapers, not to mention it being used a lot while Im on the train if I get tired of playing games on my Iphone. Of course that side of things is something youd get with any portable player, and I previously did use my Iphone for that purpose, but it is rather handy, especially being able to keep a large amount of different things on there so that whether I want to sit ad listen to music, read a book or do an audio drama, and being able to change on the fly, say bang on the latest Doctor who from big finish, listen to it that morning then take it off when Im done.@Cooltirk, Creating playlist folders was indeed what i did when I used Itunes, but it was a problematic process at best. Even when I found where my actual Iphone w
 as on the evil tree, firstly, I could not create subfolders, much less many sub directories, secondly I only seemed to have a limited amount of folders, and thirdly, the process was a right royal pain in the arse! For example, I couldnt just copy my celia friedman folder as described, oh no, I would

Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hi, sorry for bringing this post to attention again. I tried to transfer a video today from my PC to my friends iPad and everything became, a tremendously, big, pain , in the neck!I started working on it since 11:15 and at the moment of speaking, I stopped my attempts to copy it and as an alternative decided to upload the video somewhere and download it then to the iPad.Lifes not fair at all. Things shouldnt be so dam complicated. 


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Again, see above comments about the bloated, over complex ridiculousness that is Itunes. even though I will likely be getting a mac soon, I will keep media on my xp machine, Itunes can go to blazes for all I care.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I agree, see above comments. Why Itunes has to make simple processes so bloody compex and have a stupidd, over bloated interface I dont know. Even though Im looking at getting a mac and I know the mac interface is more screen reader friendly than the windows one (mostly because Apple have literally hard limited Vo to speak specific screen elements, rather than because the interface is any better), Ill still be keeping most media on my xp machine and my victor, and even if by any chance I do decide to play any audio or music on the mac Ill be using vlc media player not Itunes. Itunes can go to blazes for all I care!


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I agree, see above comments. Why Itunes has to make simple processes so bloody complex and have a stupidd, over bloated interface I dont know. Even though Im looking at getting a mac and I know the mac interface is more screen reader friendly than the windows one (mostly because Apple have literally hard coded limits in Vo to speak specific screen elements, rather than because the interface is any better), Ill still be keeping most media on my xp machine and my victor, and even if by any chance I do decide to play any audio or music on the mac Ill be using vlc media player not Itunes. Itunes can go to blazes for all I care!


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I thought I would be able to get round to transferring files from my computer to the iPad, but nothing seemed to work for me. Imagine that the video I needed to transfer was around 850 MB, so I had to upload it somewhere to send it to the iPad.I supposed iTunes wouldnt be so bad.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-08-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wanderer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Just have to say I bought a Victor and hated it, but this is coming from someone whose used to Rockbox which is, in my opinion, much more efficient, even if it spells filenames and cant do anything over the internet. The thing is just way too slow and verbose; there was about a 15-30 second wait every time I turned it on before I could actually play anything, compared to 4 on my Sansa Clip. Very frustrating, especially since I can get something that does what I need it to for about one sixth of the price of the Victor.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Afrim, Ill have to disagree, an interface with that amount of random crap on the screen, and! apple removing the headings in Itunes 12 is not not that bad it is down right awful! especially when combined with the fact that the program does no good at all. @GeneWarner The Victor stream is fine as a music player, its got a music directory with a shuffle function. Itll handle most audio formats such as Og, Mp3, M4a and M4B, and can handle stuff directly in folders no problem. If your a playlist sort of person you can create m3u playlists , though personally I tend to prefer to play each folder directly. Also, as with books the Stream will handle many subfolders and sub directories efficiently as well which is nice. No, it doesnt have all the ratings and library shenanigans,n but Im never that bothered about those anyway. The victor stream will also play digital radio stations and podcasts as well. Audio quality depends upon hea
 dphones, but through a decent set its pretty good going.While I know the manual pushes the Victors compatibility with dazy and audible and lots of other stuff first, it actually does very well as streight off playback and handling of standard folders of music, audiobooks or audio dramas, indeed I wouldnt have bought one if options had been restricted, and as I said, I just find the transfer and organization so much easier than with Itunes.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

I think accessibility in iTunes isnt such bad, comparing to its complication.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Afrim, Ill have to disagree, an interface with that amount of random crap on the screen and no way to limit the interface, and! apple removing the side bar labels in Itunes 12 is not not that bad it is down right awful! especially when combined with the fact that the program is such an over bloated restrictive mess anyway.@GeneWarner The Victor stream is fine as a music player, its got a music directory with a shuffle function. Itll handle most audio formats such as Og, Mp3, M4a and M4B, and can handle stuff directly in folders no problem. If your a playlist sort of person you can create m3u playlists , though personally I tend to prefer to play each folder directly. Also, as with books the Stream will handle many subfolders and sub directories efficiently as well which is nice. No, it doesnt have all the ratings and library shenanigans,n but Im never that bothered about those anyway. The victor stream will also play d
 igital radio stations and podcasts as well. Audio quality depends upon headphones, but through a decent set its pretty good going.While I know the manual pushes the Victors compatibility with dazy and audible and lots of other stuff first, it actually does very well as streight off playback and handling of standard folders of music, audiobooks or audio dramas, indeed I wouldnt have bought one if options had been restricted, and as I said, I just find the transfer and organization so much easier than with Itunes, heck I frequently change my music collection every couple of days on the Victor, which of course is no harder than punting files around with any usb.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

What I hate the most in iTunes is the countless number of dialog boxes that it shows when you open it.iTunes dialog. iOS 8.3 is ready for download. Do you want to download it? Ok button. to activate press space bar.iTunes dialog. iTunes has discovered that your iPhone is not plugged in correctly. Please plug it in again. Ok button. To activate, press space bar.This is actually boring and I hate it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

hii have questionhow i can turn off and turn on voice over?thanks


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

This is a bit off topic for this thread, but I just had to respond to Darks comments about the iTunes program.Like Dark, I too detest the iTunes program. I find it ironic that Apple should produce such an inaccessable (without some work) piece of junk when it seems that accessability is so important to them.Id have bought a Victor Reader Stream instead of an iPod Touch, except that it seemed to be designed primarily as an audio book player, so I didnt think it would be very good as a music player.We now return to our regularly scheduled program.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sswwaaiikkee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS



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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

hi.You can press the home button three times fast to turn on voiceover. Pres the home button three times again fast to tern it off.You can also use siri to turn on and off voiceover. Hold down the home button until you hear the siri sound, then say tern voiceover on, or tern voiceover off and siri will do it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hi,While ITunes may not work so well with audiobooks an such because having different folders for audiobooks is quite needed,songs if put in a playlist will do just as well.ITunes might be a bit complicated to learn at first for some people, I personally found it just as eazy or hard as any other software. Transfering music or adding music to your phone can be done quite eazyly in the ways explained above, and I dont really see what could be more eazyer than say pasting the files you want into the automaticly add to iTunes folder and when you connect and sync your phone for the music to get transferred to your phone and be available in the music app.If you have a main directory of music which youd like symced to your iphone, you can also have iTunes just add that folder for you. However as pitermach said, if songs are not labeled well and are missing albom and other info,obviously the music app will show those songs in unknown albom and so on.
 The music app on your IOS device can let you search for your files,view them by alboms,playlists or all songs.Which works well for my needs.Obviously if apple were to allow a android like usb feature for transfer of files and apps and other things,itd be much awesome and better than this ITunes business,but then Apple is the company that runs the ITunes store which sells loads of music too, No one likes DRM music files, so if they were to allow that,itd result in mass pirating of their media and thus losses for them, so I do see where they are coming from,or at least why they employ such a thing. grryf


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@pitermach, even with perfectly legal stuff Itunes fails horribly even if you just want stuff organized in your own way rather than the way the almighty apple says so, like putting all books of a trilogy together or all your music from lotr versions together and the shenanigans with the horribly bloated program with its cruddy interface full of stuff everywhere doesnt help. I also disagree that files not having Id tags is your fault, an audio player should just,  well play what audio files you want, not force you to comply with its own structure. I actually sometimes think the reason Apple doesnt do a streight Usb folder transfer and makes the process so complicated is quite deliberate, sinse they want to make it as hard as possible for your Iphone to work with stuff you havent bought through Itunes! though for me, this has the opposite effect sinse as I said I wouldnt use Itunes ever again!@Afrim, yep, itunes is a bastard. I

Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hi Dark,Thank you for your answers.In fact, the first question relates to Brail keyboard method which comes in iOS 8. So you have a touch keyboard which can be changed to brail keyboard. Actually everythings working great, but the guy isnt managing to find how to type left and right parenthesis.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hi, no nee for torturing yourself while adding music. Go into your music folder, click itunes, click itunes media, and click automatically add to itunes, paste your music, sync your iPhone. Done, you now have the music.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Your questions I shal answer in order to the best of my ability. 1: No idea at all, not having a braille keyboard (mines just a standard one). 2: Its a tortuous and not fun process, you need to install itunes, sink your Iphone to your computer, and then either let Itunes scan your music folders and add them to its library with its own very stupid structuring that takes no notice at all of file names or folders, or copy them directly into playlists yo create on your device which is doable but certainly not easy. Combine this with the tree interface from hell, and so many stupid functions shoved together and the hole things really not worth it imho. Personally I tried with Itunes for two years, but after the point Apple arsed up the headings ecided to sod the hole thing and bought myself a victor reader stream mp3 player instead, which just bangs streight into your usb and takes no shenanigans at all! its been so much easier! So, my personal advice is to not touch Itunes with a ten foot pole as it is the spawn of satan and failing jail breaks is the ony choice silly Apple give you, go and buy yourself a nice Usb player instead! 3: this is where the Iphone really excells, and for all my castigation of Itunes I wont deny it has both an awsome screen reader and many amazing aps you can get, including absolutely awsome games. First off Id recommend trying the looktell voiceover tutorial (go and check the database for details), sinse its a short set of interactive little games designed to teach you how to use voiceover. There are then many reat games like King of dragon pass, lost cities, star traders elite, dark room and the ensign, audio defense, pappasangre 1 and 2, the nightjar, All of the choiceofgames and hosted games titless, Solara, lost cities and probably gooddness knows how many others! there are then really useful things like the blindsquare satnav ap and
  various object and colour identification aps too, and of course people are making new stuff all the time, for example the other day I heard of the voice dream reader. not my thing but if your into reading ebooks or the like could be dam useful.So, useful aps? there are very many!


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

To fix the braille keyboard:First he needs to find out which braille code he is using. I think this can be found in the keyboard setttings. By default its set to UEB, but if youre more familiar with grade 2 like I am, then you can change it. Then parentheses should work as they should.Later Ill try doing something with parentheses and see if it works on my device. I dont see why it wouldnt, as it seems pretty smart to know the difference between context sensitive symbols, from what little Ive done with it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

To fix the braille keyboard:First he needs to find out which braille code he is using. I think this can be found in the keyboard setttings. By default its set to UEB, but if youre more familiar with grade 2 like I am, then y ou can change it. Then parentheses should work as they should.Later Ill try doing somethinig with parentheses and see if it works on my device. I dont see why it owuldnt, as it seems pretty smart to know the difference between context sensitive symbols, from what little Ive done with it.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Hİ, if you put your music in the way that I told you, it just doesnt seperate them. It just puts it in an unknown albüme. You have to do this without folders though.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

Ah, Ive not heard of this braille keyboard thing, but to be honest Ive not really written braille seriously for years so I am happier on qwerty anyway. As to Itunes burak, its all the shenanigans with Itunes buggering up music tracks, and especially audio books, changing your file names, as well as finding the various icons to do various things around the program or look at your folders. Yes, You can scan folders and have it run fairly automatically, but thats not a good idea unless you want every single bit of media you own attempted to be shoved on your Iphone all at once, and then be left to track them down with whatever craziness Itunes has used to rename them, and separating out folders is again a pain with the tree of doom! As I said, i really did! try with Itunes for years, but in the end I gave up, and the difference in getting something that will just do a standard Usb transfer is frankly amazing!


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : pitermach via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

iTunes doesnt use the folder structure. All of the track names and what have you come from the ID3 tags of the music, and anything that ends up as unknown album are things that havent been tagged very well aka probably a crappy illegal m-p3 search engine of some sort . Theres a jailbreak tweak called pwntunes that just lets you paste tracks to the phone through Windows explorer and it can make playlists based on the folders you paste it, but its still far from perfect because they get merged into the database using tags just like with iTunes.Now as to parenthesies, the braille screen input uses the same language as the language of the on-screen keyboard currently in use. So, if you tap a text field to edit it and an English keyboard pops up, then braille screen input will use English braille. If you switch to a different language on the keyboard 
 using the next keyboard key, then you will be using the braille code of that language.


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Re: Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some questions about iOS

@Dark,Neither me, I dont use that, but he finds it easy to type in a brail keyboard rather than touch keyboard. I hope I havent forgotten brail. Ill go and try myself iTunes and check how it works, but still it sounds a difficult and a little complicated process. Really dont see the need why to go through that long process and why dont they give us the opportunity to paste it in the main folder of music, or show the music folder through iTunes and paste what we want. Think of what a non-English speaking person should do to learn this process. There are an extreme large number of people around the world who do not have the idea what the iTunes media is and most of them wont know even how to use iTunes.And what about those songs which have a named album, a named title and a certain number and tag? cant we place them whe
 re we want?


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Some questions about iOS

2015-05-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Some questions about iOS

Hi,My friend has just got a brand new iPhone 5s and he wanted to ask something. I told him I would ask on this forum hoping we’ll get relevant answers, since there are a considerable number of iPhone users here.How do I write left and right parenthesis using the brail keyboard?How to transfer music from my computer to iPhone using itunes?+what are some apps you recommend?Thank you for your answers.


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