Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Mary did you knowthat so many posts would cause us so much drama?Mary did you knowThat we argue more than Romney and Obama?Did you know, when we rage like this, it's everybody's loss?We crucify our forum on this sad iron cross


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Your correct Arjan. I did hear that bow peep was attempting to rest control of the lamb followers from Mary, but apparently Mary had hacked most of the lambs accounts so that they  get back to their home screens, she also had hacked the accounts to stick tales behind them to alert her of their position.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

I thought Mary's contributions to the forum mostly consisted of silence, unless it involved the silence of the little lambs.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Well Mary's tendency to contradiction is well known, what is lesser known is that she is the sort to develop a following, apparently there was another forum user who would follow her everywhere she went, even when on academic forums, and pretend that he had a snow white reputation there, though most people with real academic qualifications found out the truth and gave him the boot when they realise what a rabble rouser he was.he just protested he adored mary, but I think it was untrue myself, particularly since Mary was at her most active around christmas time and would often post on forums whilst drunk by all accounts. now, as to Peter, a little bird told me he caused amazing trouble for Paul once upon a time, plus he's apparently quit the gluttann  and reputedly extremely mean to his wife.He also is positively rabid on anything to do with vegetarianism, though can get quite peppery whenever he's challenged.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Should you reach the top of the hill, make sure you don't  sit on the wall... You might fall off it and go splat, and all the kings horses and men are on vacation from all I've been able to gather.  Personally, I think they've gone on strike given they weren't allowed to participate in the king of the hill tournament, but that's just my personal opinion on that matter, as I don't know any of them personally.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : smoothgunner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

don't mind me, i'm just reading the comments in this post, as I go up this hillcarry on carry on


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Ug, just goes to show that I don't know Jack... I really thought I did!  Any info on Mary?  I hear she's quite contrary.  I dare not ask why; that's just too scary!  I also hear she has a garden but no one really knows how it grows; it might be one of those government conspiracies.  I've no idea why, but methinks she might be related to the little old lady who lived in a shoe...


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

@nocturnus, you've been taken in, don't you realise that John is actually an alt account for Jack. That is why John always agrees with what Jack says, even when Jack is talking rubbish? I mean, John only joined the forum after Jack  got that temporary ban for that giant fiasco with thee beanstalk. It was odd, Jack had been such a frosty character up to that point, but then he showed his true colours, he was really nimble and quick to change, and completely stuck up the candle if you ask me. then of course, there was that nasty business where Jill claimed Jack led her up that hill and completely let her down, though I suspect that was as much Jill's fault as Jack's, after all, they both got splashed at that point, and remember Jack's got his finger in a lot of pies, not just on this forum. so yes, jackk is trouble! infact he's a giant sized forum killer in my opinion and should get the boot as soon as possible, as should John, Jonathon, Johnny, Jonty, Jacky, and any other of his proven aliases. Now George is a totally different matter, I mean, George has been around the internet for such a long while, I've heard he wrote an article inn dragon magazine and made an absolute killing, though he's gone a bit mad since then I admit.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

@nocturnus, you've been taken in, don't you realise that John is actually an alt account for Jack. That is why John always agrees with what Jack says, even when Jack is talking rubbish? I mean, John only joined the forum after Jack  got that temporary ban for that giant fiasco with thee beanstalk. It was odd, Jack had been such a frosty character up to that point, but then he showed his true colours, he was really nimble and quick to change, and completely stuck up the candle if you ask me. then of course, there was that nasty business where Jill claimed Jack led her up that hill and completely let her down, though I suspect that was as much Jill's fault as Jack's, after all, they both got splashed at that point, and remember Jack's got his finger in a lot of pies, not just on this forum. so yes, jackk is trouble! infact he's a giant sized forum killer in my opinion and should get the boot as soon as possible, as should John, Jonathon, Johnny, Jonty, Jacky, and any other of his proven aliases. Now George is a totally different matter, I mean, George has been around the internet for such a long while, I've heard he wrote an article in  magazine and made an absolute killing, though he's gone a bit mad since then I admit.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Jack, Jill, Peter, Mary?  Joe?  I lost track of all these people and what they were supposed to be doing!  I'm just glad John wasn't brought into it all... I mean he's innocent!  So is George!


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Vulcan_Raven via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Unfortunatly their are people in the world who live off the unhealthy excitement drama brings with it.  So they will stir the pot just enough so they can get their jollies off and be satisfied until they are in need of more.  And yes their are users of this forum who are like that.  Claime they don't like the drama and before you know it, they stir the pot just a bit, and we as a whole community suffer because of said stirring. And can't we just drop this whole clone business?  Its out their and anything anyone says to stop doing it won't help the issue.  People will do what they do. And as Nocturnus said, "And in all reality?  They're more likely to clone games because you're telling them it's a no no.  It's tabu!  Part of the fun in it now is that the whole thing is hush hush business.  It's like telling an inquisitive child who has just asked you what first person shooters are never to discuss them under your roof and never to play them at all.  What will they do?  It's a no brainer!"  Couldn't have said it better myself.  Disagreements do happen on here quite a lot, and yes they could be delt with in a much more civil way instead of bighting one another's heads off.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Bad, bad Jack lol.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Interestingly enough, back in 2005 when I first joined the forum, it was far smaller and there was little to no drama. Moderation practices began as the forum grew larger, and as the online climate generally grew rather more factional and prone to disagreements, indeed prior to 2012 it was rare to have to hand out a warning, let alone a ban, and contrary to some opinions, it was never something I enjoyed doing or did too lightly.On the plus side, I will say the drama seems to have been managed very well over the passed year or so, likely due to having more people on the case and a unified front, though of course I probably would say that, given that I no longer have to open up my browser in the morning and deal with god knows how many reports of drama from the previous night, (which to be honest I really wouldn't want to do in my life at the moment anyway).Apart from the hole climate of things these days though feeling much more confrontational over all, one of the intrinsic problems with drama, is that those who cause the most drama, are also those least likely to listen to calls to stop.Sometimes this is because they are decent individuals who have just got carried away in the emotion of the moment, often however, it is because they have an almost pathological inability to understand that they themselves have actually caused said drama in the first place, or an inability to see why said drama they  cause is actually afecting others, or the environment as a hole  negatively.If it is the former occurrence we can hope that the person will come to their senses after a reminder or two. If it is the latter occurrence however, as unfortunately increasingly seems to be the case,  the problem will generally continue until the person gets themselves banned, whereupon they will complain bitterly about the ban, since they do not perceive the reason for it. another problem with drama, is that drama is infexious, once the flame wagon gets a rollin' everyone wants to ride, and so you then have far more of the first sort of case I mentioned above. Jack might be a pathological arsehole, and Jill generally a decent person, but Jill  can also dip into arsehole tereirtory, even when expressing her justified annoyance at Jack, whereupon Peter starts defending Jill, mary tries to make peace, Paul agrees with Mary but states Jack should get a break, then Jo comes in and is an equal arsehole, and so the hole thing snowballs, and even if Jack was the instigator, working out who was stirring the pot, who got carried away and over all who needs reminding of what becomes an unholy mess, particularly because nobody involved was in a position to recognise that they were causing trouble in the first place. after all, few people set out to cause drama (I have seen a few but they're comparatively rare), most people just get swept up in emotion, which as I said is also I suspect why drama is more prevalent at the moment, since we're in an age when being swept up in emotion is sort of the norm, rather than the exception.And to quote Douglas Adams, to summarise the summary of the summary, people are a problem .


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

And in all reality?  They're more likely to clone games because you're telling them it's a no no.  It's tabu!  Part of the fun in it now is that the whole thing is hush hush business.  It's like telling an inquisitive child who has just asked you what first person shooters are never to discuss them under your roof and never to play them at all.  What will they do?  It's a no brainer!And no, for the record, I'm not advocating clones.  I banned cloners and people who ripped off other people's sourcecode for their own gains and did it publically.  By that same token though?  I'm not going to go around drawing attention to the problem, either.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

And in all reality?  They're more likely to clone games because you're telling them it's a no no.  It's tabu!  Part of the fun in it now is that the whole thing is hush hush business.  It's like telling an inquisitive child who has just asked you what first person shooters are never to discuss them under your roof and never to play them at all.  What will they do?  It's a no brainer!And no, for the record, I'm not advocating clones.  I banned cloners and people who ripped off other people's sourcecode for their own gains andd did it publically.  By that same token though?  I"m not going to go around drawing attention to the problem, either.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : moaddye via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Who cares anyway?The people who, do this will simply laugh at you. Just because you make several topics and a signature that says stop playing/discussing cloned games won't stop it, at all. They won't see why they have to listen to you


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

@rwbeardjr, you cannot kill what doesn't die.  While you can cover thirst you'll once again be thirsty.  Stave off hunger, but you'll again be hungry.  Drama?  It's based on human emotion, and people get wrapped up in it.  For some, drama is the go-to-place to make themselves feel better.  Mods don't close topics concerning drama to teach lessons; they close topics involving drama because they have to.I can't speak for Liam, Jayde or any of the others, but I know that if there weren't certain guidelines to follow where this site is concerned I"d probably have just let all hell break lose.  Would that have been best for this site?  I don't know.  What I do know is this; what guidelines do exist seem to have kept this forum alive for almost 20 years and, while I may not care much for every rule, they do seem to be doing something.  So in the end?  It's much like taking a bath.  Get dirty, step in tub, turn on water, soak, wash, rince, repeat cycle.


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Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

@rwbeardjr, you cannot kill what doesn't die.  While you can cover thirst you'll once again be thirsty.  Stave off hunger, but you'll again be hungry.  Drama?  It's based on human emotion, and people get wrapped up in it.  For some, drama is the go-to-place to make themselves feel better.  Mods don't close topics concerning drama to teach lessons; they close topics involving drama because they have to.I can't speak for Liam, Jayde or any of the others, but I know that if there weren't certain guidelines to follow where this site is concerned I"d probably have just let all hell break lose.  Would that have been best for this site?  I don't know.  What I do know is this; what guidelines do exist seem to have kept this forum alive for almost 20 years and, while I may not care much for every rule, they do seem to be doing something.


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Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

2019-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Some things I have realized in my time on this forum

Hi.So in this topic, I am going to discuss some things I have noticed about people on this forum. Myself included. Some things may seem opinionated, but some I've just realized are known facts on the forum. I am not going to sit here and act like I'm not to blame for some of these problems, because I know that I have done things I shouldn't have, or said some things I shouldn't have said. So note that this topic is not about one particular person or group, but the community as a whole.1. The forum is a good place to hang out and you have good discussions.In the last year or so, which is when I became a participant of this forum, I have had good discussions with people. People have helped me out with finding things such as games, and I have done my best to help people out whenever possible.2. There is almost always drama up here.One of the cons of this forum is the drama. I will admit that I myself have been a part of it, and it is my hope to start working towards not playing a part in it as much. If something's true, then I will say it. I personally hope to think a little more about topics and replies that cause arguments. I don't mind if we have civil conversations, but I unfortunately have caused some of it. A prime example was the JAWS and NVDA topic I created last month. I know drama will continue to happen here, but I know that I personally will do my best to limit my involvement.3. Some people never learn.This may seem like I'm targeting one person or group, but that's not the case. Look in general game discussion, and you will see that people are always talking about cloned games. There is one problem however. Mods close these topics, and they tell people that they shouldn't talk about it. Unfortunately, after a mod says this and closes a topic, what will you see in a few weeks? More discussion of cloned games. I don't agree with them, but if you see my signature, it says it all. Stop playing clones. If you continue to do it, then don't discuss it here.4. Disagreements can get pretty nasty.In my experiences, I have seen some topics where people really go at one another. Again, this is something I feel I am part of. Someone says something, and I end up getting mad at what they say and I do rage. Sometimes, I say something that with me is fine, but a lot of people take it the wrong way.In the end, I hope that this post helps others reflect on the community as it has helped me. I'm not perfect, but I want to do my best to make the community as fun and safe as humanly possible. I hope that 2020 will bring an end to the drama. If not that, I hope the amount of drama just reduces and doesn't happen as much


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