Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

@Figment, firstly I did not see the report because up until yesterday I was at music school singing for 8 hours a day! I have now checked the report and noted Jayde's remark. To be brutally honest however Figment, I have noticed you have a rather extreme tendency to look at every situation antagonistically. When you express an opinion you often do so in a harsh and curt manner, as a direct attack, and then proceed to express equally aggressive opinions about those who disagree with you or hold opposing views rather than discussing the issue at hand, indeed this "double standard" you mention of myself and the moderators is a case in point.This is perhaps why Jayde made the remark he did, since while definitely out of line, it possibly is due to a perception people have that you are simply aggressive for the sake of being aggressive and enjoy picking fights, which I am sure is not the case. This is a tendency I've noted many times in you
 r posts, and one which probably does not make for peaceful feeelings on the part of other members. I'd really! recommend you relax, play some games, and perhaps look at some sort of anger management stratogies in the future. This is of course not intended to be an attack, or to agree directly with jayde's comment. Your very welcome on the forum and have made some valuable contributions, especially with technical assistance, and are definitely appreciated as a part of the community. This is also not an official moderation comment either, it's just intended as a piece of advice, though if you choose to take it otherwise feel free, indeed I post it here so that other moderators will see what I've written in case it is out of line.So bottom line, while Jayde was definitely in the wrong there, perhaps you could consider expressing yourself a bit more diplomatically and a bit less as though you believe everyone is automatically against you.<


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

I have no pets.  If you want me on your side, use the art of diplomacy.  make a point without making enemies.  I like everyone equally; it's when I get to know you that I might start not to like you very much. :d


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

I admit that sometimes I get carried away and post messages that are harsher than intended. All somebody has to do is say something and if I in the wrong, I'll correct it, as I did in that thread.But honestly, in one thread I called someone a pirate because they said that they have a cracked version of some software that I had to pay for. The following morning I was called out for it by a moderator. Jade's message stood for 3 days  and nobody called him out for it and still hasn't. At this point I don't want him to be, it wouldn't serve any purpose. But it does show that the playing field isn't level when it comes to how different members are treated.Now try and convince me that there isn't a double standard here that allows preferred or favored members to do as they wish while those members who aren't among the moderator's pets better not even think the wrong way.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

I admit that sometimes I get carried away and post messages that are harsher than intended. All somebody has to do is say something and if I in the wrong, I'll correct it, as I did in that thread.But honestly, in one thread I called someone a pirate because they said that they have a cracked version of some software that I had to pay for. The following morning I was called out for it by a moderator. Jade's message stood for 3 days  and nobody called him out for it and still hasn't.Now try and convince me that there isn't a double standard here that allows some people to do as they wish while others better not even think the wrong way.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Yeh, a little humility never goes amiss.  I'm sure we'd all like to think that we alone are absolutely humble in commenting on and or suggesting this or that thing, even good at acting as such, but you fall into a trap where you tell yourself that you are a humble person, that you're doing really really good, and guess what?  You've hit pride!


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

The problem is not the presence of any double-standard, the problem is people choosing to view different comments with differing levels of severity.Like most people, you will down-play the hostility/rudeness of your own posts and exaggerate it in posts that are made toward you.  This is completely normal because everything is relative.  With that in mind, outside opinion is what must be used when judging whether comments made are crossing some kind of line, and need moderation.If rudeness is to be considered, your post (before you rewrote it) struck me as far more rude than someone using the phrase "resident troll".  Because you are viewing the situation with your own interests as priority, you see the "troll" comment as being worse than what you wrote.  I believe most outsiders would disagree with you on that.Fortunately in this situation, neither comment (regardless of which was better or which was worse), seemed like 
 it needed a moderator to step in and address it.Let me add that you are welcome to voice your opinions, but also keep in mind that an opinion can be laid out in a constructive way (which can sway people to agree and share in that opinion), or it can be laid out in a rude and destructive way (which tends to just anger people and cause trouble).  It's always a good idea to re-read your post before submitting it, and honestly ask yourself which approach you've taken.  I think many of this forum's problems would be solved if everyone took this advice.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Aprone via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

The problem is not the presence of any double-standard, the problem is people choosing to view different comments with differing levels of severity.Like most people, you will down-play the hostility/rudeness of your own posts and exaggerate it in posts that are made toward you.  This is completely normal because everything is relative.  With that in mind, outside opinion is what must be used when judging whether comments made are crossing some kind of line, and need moderation.If rudeness is to be considered, your post (before you rewrote it) struck me as far more rude than someone using the phrase "resident troll".  Because you are viewing the situation with your own interests as priority, you see the "troll" comment as being worse than what you wrote.  I believe most outsiders would disagree with you on that.Fortunately in this situation, neither comment (regardless of which was better or which was worse), seemed like 
 it needed a moderator to step in and address it.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Not about banning but definitely a need for moderator actions, or lack of, needing to be peer reviewed.In a topic about a new accessible game being developed and already on Steam, I posted a message about Steam's inaccessibility and my opinions about Steam itself. Another member later called me the resident troll for posting that message.This was three days ago and no moderator has cautioned the member about personal attacks. If I had been the one calling somebody a troll, you can be certain that I would have been called out for it with in a few hours.So, it appears there are double standards here, it's OK for other people to attack other members, but heaven forbid that I should even think along those lines.Since I'm apparently not allowed to voice my opinions, because the moderators allowed the name calling to stand, I went back and edited the original post.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : blindncool via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

I have to agree with the mods here. Ethin was banned for a reason; such behavior should not be tolerated. The mods did the right thing and I hope they keep up the great work.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

For me it depended on the content of the offending message. Most messages were left as is as a reminder to all. But if the message contained something more specific such an attack on an individual or a group, or specific information about a crack such as a link to it or how to do it, the offending material would be removed and a description of what was remove left in its place. I've only had to delete the entire message twice, one was nothing but offensive language and the other was full of antiSemitic remarks.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

@Tj, the ban goes a bit further than just the email address, since if it was just that it wouldn't work on even most spambots. It is possible to get around, however it's more a statement of intent. As regards a "moderated status" system I'm personally not in favour of it, especially for a forum. Firstly as Figment said, it would mean moderators literally checking every post, and we just don't have that kind of time, indeed it'd likely annoy members no end having to wait around for their messages to get posted. it would also potentially be far more open to abuses and moderator power. Suppose for example I decided not to approve posts I disagreed with? Well nobody would know why! I didn't approve said posts accept me, and I could be free to say "well I don't like that opinion so it doesn't get posted on the board!" where as by issuing moderation warnings after the fact everyone can understand and see what has b
 een done, it's an entirely  transparent system.I also don't like the formality of "Well a few of these and you get banned" or "Respond immediately" Generally speaking rules are best when kept flexible and the amounts and kinds of drama that can result in any community can be very complex and need on the spot decisions from people with their heads screwed on and their feet on the ground, as opposed to some complex system of automated checks and balances which would probably inconvenience the innocent as much as annoy the guilty.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

There is always the problem with banning the people that they could wait a little while, get a new email address, create a new forum account and change their writing style and writing habits, and they can post all they like again. I am just saying this to say that banning people is not--in many cases--a way to permanently keep them from posting here.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Sometimes we do not delete post for the sole purpose of showing precisely what a user is banned for, as was the case with Ethin.  they stand as reminders that such behavior is unnecessary and not tolerated.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Hi figment sir! I think you are right. but what I want is if the moderator see the message and yes if someone reports the message the moderator put the user in moderationafter the moderation status if the user post offensively as per the limit of 4 post the 5th post will be deleted and the user should be banned. in that way a user can afraid of moderation and do not post offensivelyanother advantage is that if a moderation feature should be added then the user have the chance to change his behavior. ya the SRC of this website has to be updated if the moderation feature a mod wants to add. ThanksIshan


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Figment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

While moderating users would cut down on offensive posts, it adds a lot of work for the moderators. I know, because we tried it on our support forum for our DRM system because we had problems with some persistent pirates posting cracks, and it was a pain in the butt. Not only did it inconvenience users because many would repost their messages, thinking that the forum didn't record it the first time. It ment that moderators had to approve every message.What we ended up doing was adding some code to the forum that if a user used the same email address they used when they purchased our software, they were marked as a customer, so their messages didn't have to be moderated. Although still a pain, it made moderating messages a little more tolerable by reducing the number of messages that needed moderating.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Hi quanin I am ready for the moderation feature. Yes If a moderator wants me in a moderated status I will be. I rather will be happy because sometime we don't know that what is right from the prospective of others and if a mod thinks I am going against the community without a word put me in a mod status ThanksIshan


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Hi here I am not saying that what should be done rather I just gave the example that I have said this previously. ya a lot of neutral stands I have seen I am just saying that should this feature added or not. ThanksIshan


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

@Ishan: as moderators we have to maintain a neutral stance as much as possible, and I don't think it'll be fair to say who is and who isn't being watched publicly as it could probably cause a lot of drama, more so than we already have.


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Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : quanin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

still going on about people who were banned months ago, are you? If a moderation feature does get implemented, I sincerely hope they test it on you.


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a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

2016-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


a direct suggestion to moderator regarding banning and unbanning.

Hello greetings to everyoneI have seen that a lot of banns happens in this yearlike yesterday ethin was banned Walter and ivan soto lewis carlos are the example of banned users If I am right. well it is not the question nor I want to say that whom you have to ban or whom you have not. But here I am suggesting another thing which is quite accurate and free from the discrimination. however people say that this person should be banned or sometime people condemn the mods that unban this user Like myself I have repetedly said that unban walter. what I want that a moderated status. I want to humbly suggest that if a user said that go go and then he writes the abusive words then the moderator have to write down a notification in moderation when we see his name. like Ishan Dhamiin moderationpost 570 user karma12like that. If the user who is in moderation repetedly offends the 
 community he or she should be bannedthe limit of moderation is four post per user. from that way moderator can save their time. and they will not then post their valuable comments to the community. I know that this is not the valuable suggestion but I think it can be applied. we see that when a user post offensively then a moderator post warning for the topic. or for the usera moderator wrote Moderation! I have considered that this post is going against the community. Please consider and delete or take down your post. instead of doing that a notification should be added and the same post or same warning message immediately should be sent on his email. After 4 post if the user don't post offensive the moderation will be automatically removed ThanksIshan


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