Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Interesting! Wonder where I got the idea that active skills were only obtainable through beating chapters.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I might be wrong but not all of them are passive. I remember coming across one that allows you to glide faster which would be passive but I believe there was another one called shield bash which was active, for example. But the majority of the ones I’ve noticed are passive but quite useful such as increased damage when using multiple skills in one combo chain, increased damage for larger unbroken combo chains, and defensive boosts. using the PlayStation magnifier, I can see the cost of skill points to unlock as well as whether it’s active or passive.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I'm guessing the ones you can unlock with ability points are passive skills... because so far as I know, the story has always been that there are only 3 special attack skills per chapter. I'm not far enough in the game, been stuck on 13 sentinels lately. Also realized that when you have a skill you can either upgrade or highlighted, it plays the click sound that also plays when an item can be picked up! At least, that's what I'm assuming.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@assault how far along are you in the game? The sphere or honeycomb skill grid is sort of confusing to navigate but I can figure out where the spots are for the skills you get upon completion of a level and post directions on how to get there so you can at least upgrade the skills you do have. If that would be of any help. There are also skills you unlock using ability points which you gain by leveling up. I can locate some of those on the sphere grid as well and make a note of it here. The hidden skills I have found have been by sheer luck so unfortunately I can’t be of much help with that.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Yeah, unfortunately the skill locations aren't really that helpful because they rely on a visual map, and the directions are just coordinates on the map. Too bad.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Skills are a circular layout if I remember right, but I don't have enough of those yet to actually play around in that menu. lol


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I’m trying to figure out how the skills menu is laid out in Odin Sphere but I find it confusing. It’s not a simple grid so far as I can tell. anybody have any tips or ideas regarding the layout?I just finished the first area and boss. I forgot how much I love this game.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I got it on ps3 and played it for about a week before I gave up, but if there's progress made I'd love to try it again. And I'd definitely like shops, equipment and skills menus for Odin Sphere. But one thing at a time!lol


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

My brother says you need to manually direct food to your allies. I was going to pick up a copy of dragons crown for the vita so I didnt have to dig out my ps3, but the touch screen stuff makes me very hesitant. I wonder if there is an optimize button that equips your best gear like in squares games.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Another thing regarding dragons crown would be using the right analog stick to click on treasure chest and to find hidden doors and loot throughout stages. I can’t see well enough to do this by sight so I would just go crazy moving the analog stick around everywhere and pushing it in in hopes of finding a crack in the wall or a treasure chest. I think you can get by with doing this.Also with the way dragons crown is made, you end up going back to the same levels over and over and over again. After a while you start to develop a sense of where things are which helps.When you are at the town you can press the touchpad so that you can fast travel to the item shop or the guild, for example.But now I’m just excited and rambling. Give me a little bit of time to check out the game to speak on it better.It’s my understanding though that was something like Parsec, and please correct me if I’m wrong here, you would be able to load up the game and set up a local multiplayer that someone else would be able to join remotely.If that is the case and I’ll or someone else can have eyes on your screen, loot sorting and inventory management would be a breeze. I know that sounds like a lot of bullshit but I just really wish more people could play this game.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Should I bother with the menus for equipment and skills for OS:L?Or is there a resource for that already?Dragons crown is tough, man. I just remembered you have to beat all the stages on your own before you can unlock online multiplayer. But I think this can be done. I recommend picking a player like the wizard who has crazy mobility and who has Area of attack abilities. I find it hard because of the fact that you can move deeper into the background or closer to the foreground when using melee characters. If I’m not mistaken, the wizard has certain attacks that track and others that damage an area which only gets larger as you level up.  However you can set the game so that AI controlled allies join you which makes it easier. Getting quest from the guild and purchasing items from the shops might be a little tricky but because the positions are always the same, I think, for the items and the quests are the same sequentially, I think it can be done.But yeah it won’t be easy because you’ll have to know that you killed X amount of a certain type of enemy in a level. Which I can’t do so I would find myself repeating levels over and over to complete quests. I think the biggest challenge is figuring out what loot you can keep and whether or not it is stronger than your current loot after each quest.So yeah, I wouldn’t say it’s accessible but it may be doable. Especially with something like Parsec? Or share play? I mean I have friends who are completely blind and they do stuff like stream and have their audience help them with certain things like inventory management.Another challenge would be strengthening your abilities and skills but again this can be handled with a guide, for sure. I’m going to install it and mess around and see if there are any design choices which leads to accidental accessibility regarding the issues I mentioned aboveI think it won’t be easy and it probably involves quite a bit of help which I know is a turn off for a lot of people, including myself. Let me take a closer look so I can speak better about how doable it is.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I never got into Dragon's Crown, I didn't find it accessible enough unfortunately. But I might give it another try now that I know it's possible.. thanks for the menus man. I love it!


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Just wanted to mention here, in case it wasn’t previously, after the initial tutorial you were given the option of choosing difficulty. I’m already passed the screen but I think by default it’s set to normal. So if you press up you choose easy, press down you choose hard. Remember you can always change this later in the options menu. After that it will ask you to create a save. You can just hit X through all of this. I did a quick Google search and found a character guide for Gwendolyn which includes written directions for the hidden skills among a bunch of other useful tips. Not sure how helpful the directions to the hidden skills will be. … ations.htm


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Also own Dragons Crown Pro on PS4. Because I can read the menus and because I had a friend who helped out during the segments in which you have to place certain stones in a certain order in a couple of stages, I was able to beat this game once.I can help with menus for this game but it’s a little tricky because of all the loot you get from playing. Not sure if there is some sort of design during the loot sorting screen after a quest that could be exploited somehow.If I’m not mistaken once you beat the game in its entirety once, you can start new characters at higher levels and just assign skill points and you do not have to place stones in order for any of the levels… I think. Anyway this is one of my favorite games of all time and it’s something I find I can play endlessly. I grew up with beat em ups and RPGs so this is a very cherished genre for me.I have a few fully cited friends who are usually up for playing this game so if anybody wants to party up and beat it just reach out to me on PSN. It’s not perfect but we may be able to help with the sorting of loot and stuff somehow if we party up? But whatever you guys need with dragons crown, let me know and I’ll try to help as best I can.Love Vanillaware and as a low vision Gamer, it’s extremely frustrating that their games tend to come so close to being totally blind accessible But there’s always something. So always happy to help with dragons crown, Oden’s fear and to whatever extent I can with the upcoming 13 Sentinels. I may not always be able to reply quickly because I am in school but please feel free to harass me with no shame if it seems like I’m ghosting. My twitter is @mostlyblind. Or you can always add and harass me on PSN. LOL. Hope I can be of help.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Wow, thanks! The book area always gave me trouble. Wonder how useful the pass through floors option is.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Odin Sphere LeifthrasirTitle Screen: New Game (default position upon no previous save data)Load GameClassic Mode After this you will be prompted to select a languageEnglish (default position) Japanese After this you are in a room in which you can select to either pick up a book named Valkyrie or a cat named Socrates after which you can sit down in a chair. Valkyrie starts the game and should be indicated by a click as you walk right. Valkyrie is the left most click after that should be the cat Socrates after that should be the chair. If you walk all the way to the left of the screen you’ll be asked if you wish to return to title screen. Press circle to exit return to title screen.Once you pick up Valkyrie and sit down in the chair the game begins with the tale of the character Gwendolyn. Next is a cut scene. If you hit the options button you will posit and bring up a pause menu screen as follows.Cancel (default)SkipSkip AllYou can hit Circle to exit pause menu screen.After the cut scene you are at the hub in your army stronghold, I think.Here you can pause. There are tabs for skills, equipment, etc. but you cannot choose any of them at the moment. The only thing available would be Options. Here is the layout.Skills (default position)EquipmentRetryHomeTextsStoryOptionsSystemSo once at the hub, hit the options button, press up twice to highlight options. Hit X.options Menu Screen Game Settings (default)Button ConfigDisplay SettingsManualGame Settings MenuDifficulty (default position)*Set to Normal by default. Note: you cannot change the difficulty during the tutorial. Left once for easy and right once for hard, I assume.Audio Output* set to stereo by default, hit right once to set to mono if you’re nuts.BGM Mode* it’s a slider which is set to maximum volume. Tap left to lower accordingly.SFX Volume* Slider said to maximum volume, tap left to adjustVoice Volume*same/sliderEvents Volume*same/sliderMessage Color* options for changing the background of chat bubble during cut scenes, if you go all the way to the right it’s set to no chat bubbles and voice onlyInitial Mix Category* sets the category when starting alchemy from the item ring*set to Mandragoras by default,* directions to change from default position:-left once for Other-left twice for Equipment-left 3 times for Materials-left 4 times for Magic Potions-hit left 5 times for Foods-hit right once for Seeds-right twice for Do Not SwitchFloor-Pass Settings* pass through floors by pressing down arrow* set to off by default, press right to turn onSimple Map Display * displays area map by pressing the right analog stick* set to on by default, tap left to change to offVoice language* set to whatever was chosen at beginning of game by default, press left or right to change. Right is English, left is Japanese.Restore to Default* Press X to restore game settings to default valuesPress circle to exit this menu at any timeButton ConfigAttack* by default, it’s set to squareJump* by default, it’s set to XSkill* by default, it’s set to circleGuard* by default it’s set to Hold AttackEvade* by default it’s set to R1Absorb Phozons * by default it’s set to hold R1Release Phozons* by default it’s set to hold both R1 and AttackItem Ring * by default sent to triangleSkill List* by default set to L1Area Map* by default set to touchpadRestore to default*press X to restore values in this screen to default** you have to tap left or right to change the buttons. If you guys want the information for this let me know but if you don’t need to change button configuration, I do not recommend it. LOL. Display Settings MenuRadar (default position)* set to display by default, tap right to not displayMini Map* set to display by defaultMini-gauge * set to display all by defaultEXP Gauge* set to display by defaultIntelli-Tips*set to display by defaultFixed Camera* set to off by defaultAutomatic zoom* set to standard by default* tap left for do not zoom, tap right for maximum zoomRestore to default* hit X to restore all values on screen to defaultHit circle to exit at any timeManual Hit X to display a digital version of the manual for the gameIf you guys have any questions as to what any of these do, I can try messing around and let you know. I’ll be posting more updates as I play.If there is anything specific, please let me know. I can’t see very well when there is movement or a ton of shit going on on the screen but I can read menus.Don’t think these will be of much help except for maybe lowering the BGM. Apologies for any typos, errors and sorry if all this has already been covered.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I mean, both for sure, but I think there's more people who have scattered menu knowledge for Odin Sphere than 13 Sentinels, so if possible, I'd prefer 13 Sentinels. I have a list of Japanese menus, but I don't know if it's complete or not.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@Assault just to clarify you mean menus for 13 Sentinels next week? Or for Odin Sphere?


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Yep, right there with you! And for whatever reason, their games have always had some form of accidental accessibility. 13 Sentinels looks to be the same, and 'd actually love menus for that one.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gilly B via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

This thread has inspired me to reinstall on my PS4. Not completely blind so I may be able to help with menus, at least, if anything let me know. I didn’t even know there were hidden skills. 13 Sentinels looks so rad. Huge fan of Vanillaware so I couldn’t resist and just pre-ordered.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I had the same problem. Youtube videos showed me I needed to jump, but obviously that's like no help.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Anyone else have more luck getting the hidden skill in levels?


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Just beatchapter 1 again!I can't find that damned second skill... the room where it is is either one I can't find, or I can't find the treasure chest that holds the skill. lol I love the game, but this is frustrating.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Playing this game again, and I'm definitely enjoying it. But I still get lost in the maps, and get figure out how item purchasing works. And I'm stil trying to figure out the'shard not to get lost in that particular screen as to which tab I'm on which has killed me more than once against the final boss of the first chapter when I wasn't able to get to a healing item when I needed


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Yes, but that's not hard... ps4 owners have to do that by default whenever there's an update. Wish I had a Japanese account to buy the import with... I don't want to wait another three weeks. lol


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Yes, but that's not hard... ps4 owners have to do that by default whenever there's an update.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I’ve watched some japanese playthroughs as well, indeed the game is fully voiced, including in visual novel segments. I also heard that there will be some kind of an audio queue if you reach an interactable items like in odin sphere.As for english voices, when the game is out, you have to install the day 1 patch.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

any chance this will be ported to windows in the future? atlus will starts porting stuff so yeah... I'll be happy if they do.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I've heard reports from Japanese friends this game is playable. From what I've watched, there seems to be a lot of voiced dialogue and parts, which means it'l be pretty easy to tell what's going on. And yes, there will be English voices!


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

A bit off topic here, but i’m curious about something.So there’s this new game by vanillaware, called 13 sentinels: aegis rim. The game was released in japan back in november 2019, and it will be released in the west on september 22nd, which is 2 weeks from now.This is also a side-scroller like most games by this developer, but unlike other games, it uses a modern / sci-fi setting and the gameplay is focused more on adventure then an action RPG, to be exact it’s more of a visual novel where you’ll have to talk to people, making choices ETC.Battles are also different from any other vanillaware tytles. Instead of a beat-em-up, it’s more of a strategy / tower defense type game, where you’ll fight on a mech and you have to defeat something called kaiju while at the same time protecting the sentinels from being attacked, until the aegis defense system is activated.My question is, will this game be playable? I’m more worried about the battles in this game, cause it’s more like a realtime strategy game


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Definitely a lot more. 


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I am glad it helped. Just let me know if you need any further help and I'll be happy to help as much as possible of course! 


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Thanks for that video. That's exactly what I was looking for. I did get through the first few chapters, but that was about 5 years ago and I don't have the notes I made anymore. lol I'm not completely new to this game. haha.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@hanif, this is actually a bit different from the PS2 version as there's a bit more.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Sorry for tripple posting (yeah, I am never doing that)Here's the video which should help you get through that and be more familiar with the game a bit.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

if I'm not mistaken, the tutorial are layed out like this:first, do a single jump by pressing X. then you have to do a double jump by pressing X twice. once that's done, press square to attack, then do a combo by pressing square 3 times. then do an areal attack by jumping, followed by the square button while in mid-air.once done, some soldiers wants to mess around with you so you can try out all of your attacks. don't worry, unlike in the PS2 version you won't lose stamina for doing normal attacks. kill all the soldiers in the area, then you'll learn how to absorb phosons. this is like an EXP that you got after defeating enemies. to absorb a phoson, hold the R1 button. once done, another soldier comes to you, so just kill all of them and absorb the phoson again, then you'll hear a sound indicateing that you've leveled up the you'll learn how to use special attacks. since your sword is leveled up, press triangle to open the special attacks menu, then press X to choose the only available skill that you can use, the cyclone. basically, using this attack will cause a wind fly to a direction that you're currently facing, hitting the enemy continuously. once done, absorb another phoson, but this time you have to walk around until you hear an item sound. press down to pick up the item, then press circle to open the inventory menu. press X to use the item, then absorb another phoson to reveal another item. pick it up by pressing down, then press circle to open the inventory menu then press X to use the item, leveling up your max HP.then you have to search a door by pressing up while walking, and when your character stops walking press X to enter. fight the soldiers, then after all of them are gone press square to open a chest then press down to pick up all of the items if any. absorb all the phosons if you can, then walk to the door then when in the world map press X to choose the raging battlegrounds.that's it for the tutorial level, hope this helps and I'm sorry if there are mistakes in some parts, so correct me for that.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Basically try every combination of attack plus arrows and if I remember correctly special needs holding down plus attack and after that just release. I'll try to put here everything I know tomorrow and will ask my wife for specific stuff.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@Assault: Sorry buddy, I said I'll put the menus etc today but my day was just full of stuff including my son just crying for the most of it's part so I was unable to do that.Regarding the tutorial just use OCR if possiible and if not? Well, try everything you can think of like standing attack, jump attack, when in the air just press down plus attack, press down plus attack to perform an special attack, collect phozons etc. I remember I did it without any tutorials at first.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tabalus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

well, i'm also interested in the guide. I could play it with ocr, but my hardware does not support the open GL required for the emulator, so I can only play with audio for the time being.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Right. First problem. The tutorial... does anyone have instructions for this? I can figure out a few by watching videos, but at some point I inevitably lose track. Not exactly sure which attacks I'm missing.


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Would definitely appreciate it. I know there are definitely a decent amount of sound settings, including the ones to switch voice languages.But it's not just the option settings. I just like to know what I'm clicking on, as I said. 


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Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

As far as I know there are not much settings as far as I remember so I didn't anything. I could be wrong but this is what I remember. I can check that out tomorrow for you if you wish.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Menus are not vital yes, but I prefer to know them when I can so I can change settings and know what I'm clicking on. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@assault, menus are not that important there. I've played with OCR and it is not hard to figure it out. Just shops are kinda weird but you can check everything if FAQs as the shops are not changing that much.Also, really Muramasa is that playable? I remember I defeated the first boss and after that there's some jumping to higher places going back to get another route to open a gate or something like that. I'll just give it another shot.@kenshira yes, there's a lot of jumping to the higher places and some platforming like jumping from onee side to the another to get to the other areas. The most problem though are the keys and doors and also the places where you can just teleport to other sectioons. I think it is something like a waypoints.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Just spent another half hour with this. Still kimda lost and seems like there's lots of climbing to do here too.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I got through the first couple chapters of Muramasa.. it's still a side scroller only so you can figure it out. Hoping one f the people who's had more time with Odin Sphere can give me more menus. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Muramasa? That one is not really playable due to an (kinda) open-world structure. Basically it plays like a medroidvania so you need to jump a lot to get to the different sections as you need to go back many times to locked areas.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Its still sitting on my vita. Just need to find motivation to get to this and Muramasa. If I remember correctly, you can adjust some game settings before starting, and there are some options in the start menu for this before you pick your book..


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I keep meaning to finish this game but get distracted by one thing or another. It's slightly frustrating to me that I, at least, can't find the hidden skills in levels.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Yup. Just loaded up this game and am trying to start again. Completely lost just in the menus and in the starting area... lol. Can't seem to find options, and I can only find books for the characters.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I'd be interested in trying this as well, and would also like a guide.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I've been playing this and was able to beat the first Gwendolyn's book. After that I feld tired of doors especially. There are so many doors to get through and this is not an easy thing for me atleast.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2020-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Bringing back this topic because I still have this game in my ps4 and want to try it again... anyone have any updated resources? I don't think this guide was ever finished, unfortunately. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Hi.Holy [[wow]] dude. Your patience is totally amazing... I would never have had the patience to do just half of all what you're doing regarding to this game. But I don't have access to any patient sighted people.  It's so great that you're even able to figure out all this great stuff. Just [[wow]]... All your work is really worth a donation...Regarding the last chapter, I would like to just have the notes, so we are able to figure it out on our own in an accessible way instead of having it spoiled.I have the feeling that this game, with your guide, is going to be one big reason to get a console for those who don't have it already. This game seems to have so much to offer, so I think it'll be the mainstream game I will play most in my life. It's amazing that you've found so many workarounds for things in the game. Keep up the f
 antastic and totally amazing job. I bought the game long time ago then it was very cheep, but I haven't installed it on my ps4 yet, because I'm waiting for the guide.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Congratulations. Huge creds to you man. I could never do it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

guys, i finished the game! finally!i've unlocked boss rush mode and new game +, i think. i can redo all the game but with my skills unlocked and much stronger enemies!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : michaelhoffman1976 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

speaking of guides. what games have people written guides for? I'd like to expand my game experience from fighting games. I am considering buying Re 7 so.. that's one.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

about the final book, I think you just need to list the strategies for each boss, and the list of attacks for each of them. for the order of characters to play in that book, it's not necessary for it, so anyone can get all the endings, including the good ones.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

All I can say is, your patience is amazing. I enjoy games, but have not nearly enough patience to go through everything like that... and I'm looking forward to the guide when it's finished. I haven't touched the game in probably three months, so I may just start from scratch since I have no idea where I am in terms of progress anymore. So I'm definitely not as hardcore as you... thanks for all your hard work! I thought about looking at a Japanese site for menus and lists, but never had the time or motivation... and Alchemy being possible with the game mixing recipies for you is the one thing about this verison that I already knew about.  Keep up the amazing work man!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

well people, i have several things to say i'll do a double post, starting what i wrote for slj and assault_freak. in the next post, i'll ask some questions and give some more coments.some weeks ago, i was able to buy a psvita to play odin sphere at work, or while traveling, so i was able to continue playing for trying to make the first, the game was harder tan the original version, because this remake has platforming, some doors need keys to open, and you can't know where the doors are. but i've managed to solve those problems nicely, thanks to having the game in a portable device like the vita.about the platforming, you can't die or hurt yourself if you fall, so that's a positive. but the characters in odin sphere are very movile, meaning that even if you do a wrong jump, you can do a double jump, you can even use some attacks to gain altitude to reach the area or platform you want. platforming is a joke for these char
 acters, up is unlocking some stages, when you win a battle, you gain keys that you need to open closed doors. these doors are easily found by sighted people because they have a map, but for us, they doesn't make any sound, and there's no indicative of where they are.this was frustrating me a lot, because... you know, a great game with lots of story, great voice acting and combat mechanics and? .. well, fortunately, i discovered something that saved owr lives hahaha.teleportation!. at specific areas of the stage, there are checkpoints. kind of. by pressing select or touchpad in ps4 and then start, you can Access a menu with all the checkpoints you have reached. by selecting one, your character will teleport immediately to that place and know what? every area of the game that needs a key to unlock a door, has a checkpoint! furthermore, when selecting a chekpoint from the menu, it doesn't wrap around so it's even easi
 er for us!.next up is you win battles, you will get some items that can be used to create alchemy potions. these include healing potions, antidotes, tornadoes to attack enemies, and more.i've discovered that if you press triangle while mixing items, you can Access a menu with all your available recipes to mix. by selecting one, and if you have the ingredients, the game will do the mixing for you and that's all, you can have your potion!next up is... every stage of the game, there are three skills for your get one after clearing a specific area of the stage, one is hidden inside the stage and the last one is given to the character when defeating the boss of the stage.of course, the problem is the hidden skill of each stage. but fortunately, i was able to find all of them at the moment! i'm at the 3rd book, meaning, i'm using the 3rd character and the other two i have used already have
  all of theyr skills!.to use these skills or power or special attacks or whatever you want to name them, you can select them from a menu, or assign shortcut is circle, another is up +circle, down+circle, and so on.another way to do them is assigning them to directions + buttons, like if you were playing a fighting game. down, forward + square, forward, down forward + square, down, up + square. and so on.with the help of a sighted friend, we recorded how they appear in the menu for assigning them.after all of this, do you understand why i haven't updated the guide yet? this sounds nice, but it took me a long, long time to figure all these things out, hours and hours trying to find a skill, trying to mix potions, wasting items and backtracking to the point of extreme boredom. but it's done and i'm advancing pretty quickly now!...considering the Little time i have, and that i'm living with my girlfriend and can'
 t find sighted people to help like before.i even found the shop lists in a japanese site and i'm translating the list into english so we can have everithing we need... trust me, i'll do the guide, i'm puting a lot of work in this game.there's more, like the timeline to view story events, but that's easy and i think this is enough for now, it was an extremely long message! deserved an explanation, so i wrote all of this. i think i'll send this message to the forum as well.any coment is apreciated!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

now, i can say for sure... i've finished all 5 books!.but there is another book, called this final book, you decide the fate of your characters. you can get the correct ending, or multiple bad endings for your characters if you don't follow the prophecysOnly one battle left, and i'll finish the game completely!.About the guide itself, i'll include phisical descriptions of all the characters and enemies, i have the item listings already, and i've discovered and obtained all skills for each character.a question about the final book and endings.there are some notes that hint on how to fight in the final book, they're easy to understand and i think i should coppy those notes into the guide instead of giving the correct path to the good ending, in this way you can experiment yourselves and if you get a bad ending, you can always replay the book.all the diferent scenes and endings are voice ac
 ted, so i think it's funny to watch the result of your decissions yourselveswhat do you think?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

well people, i have several things to say i'll do a doublé post, starting what i wrote for slj and assault_freak. in the next post, i'll ask some questions and give some more coments.some weeks ago, i was able to buy a psvita to play odin sphere at work, or while traveling, so i was able to continue playing for trying to make the first, the game was harder tan the original version, because this remake has platforming, some doors need keys to open, and you can't know where the doors are. but i've managed to solve those problems nicely, thanks to having the game in a portable device like the vita.about the platforming, you can't die or hurt yourself if you fall, so that's a positive. but the characters in odin sphere are very movile, meaning that even if you do a wrong jump, you can do a double jump, you can even use some attacks to gain altitude to reach the area or platform you want. platforming is a joke for these characters, up is unlocking some stages, when you win a battle, you gain keys that you need to open closed doors. these doors are easily found by sighted people because they have a map, but for us, they doesn't make any sound, and there's no indicative of where they are.this was frustrating me a lot, because... you know, a great game with lots of story, great voice acting and combat mechanics and? .. well, fortunately, i discovered something that saved owr lives hahaha.teleportation!. at specific areas of the stage, there are checkpoints. kind of. by pressing select or touchpad in ps4 and then start, you can Access a menu with all the checkpoints you have reached. by selecting one, your character will teleport immediately to that place and know what? every area of the game that needs a key to unlock a door, has a checkpoint! furthermore, when selecting a chekpoint from the menu, it doesn't wrap around so it's even easier for us!.next up is you win battles, you will get some items that can be used to create alchemy potions. these include healing potions, antidotes, tornadoes to attack enemies, and more.i've discovered that if you press triangle while mixing items, you can Access a menu with all your available recipes to mix. by selecting one, and if you have the ingredients, the game will do the mixing for you and that's all, you can have your potion!next up is... every stage of the game, there are three skills for your get one after clearing a specific area of the stage, one is hidden inside the stage and the last one is given to the character when defeating the boss of the stage.of course, the problem is the hidden skill of each stage. but fortunately, i was able to find all of them at the moment! i'm at the 3rd book, meaning, i'm using the 3rd character and the other two i have used already have all of theyr skills!.to use these skills or power or special attacks or whatever you want to name them, you can select them from a menu, or assign shortcut is circle, another is up +circle, down+circle, and so on.another way to do them is assigning them to directions + buttons, like if you were playing a fighting game. down, forward + square, forward, down forward + square, down, up + square. and so on.with the help of a sighted friend, we recorded how they appear in the menu for assigning them.after all of this, do you understand why i haven't updated the guide yet? this sounds nice, but it took me a long, long time to figure all these things out, hours and hours trying to find a skill, trying to mix potions, wasting items and backtracking to the point of extreme boredom. but it's done and i'm advancing pretty quickly now!...considering the Little time i have, and that i'm living with my girlfriend and can't find sighted people to help like before.i even found the shop lists in a japanese site and i'm translating the list into english so we can have everithing we need... trust me, i'll do the guide, i'm puting a lot of work in this game.there's more, like the timeline to view story events, but that's easy and i think this is enough for now, it was an extremely long message! deserved an explanation, so i wrote all of this. i think i'll send this message to the forum as well.any coment is apreciated!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Hi.It's great to hear from you. Yeah I know what it feels like when life is busy. I'm just glad you haven't given up on the guide. I look forward to hear from you soon, but no need to stress...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

hi everyone,My sincerest apologies for the lack of updates. i'm really bussy with work, personal life, and some game testing these days, it was nearly imposible for me to play odin sphere or any other game (except the one i'm testing), but i've bought the vita verssion of it, hoping to be able to play when i'm alone at work or while trabeling home.@slj, i'll contact you via Facebook soon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I look very much forward to this as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I'm also waiting for an update to the guide


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Here's hoping for an update soon!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Can't wait. Thanks for this. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Awesome. I have looked very much forward to this for long time.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I am very much looking forward to this! Been stuck on this game and where to go for quite a while... and you and I still have to get some Street Fighter V matches on! haha.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2017-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

hi guys!Well, new home, new life, new updates soon!.After completing the first book again, i'm ready to continue the guide!.It'll be presented in HTML format, i already have the menu structure for the options!I'll be back in a few daysChapter 1 will be completed entirely and the update also will contain chapter 2.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Chapter 2 is completed! Picking alchemical materials to mix together is tricky, but doable... love this game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Still stuck in the same spot. lol Wish there was a more detailed guide, or an easier way to mix potions!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Despite the problems, I'm loving the game so far! Presentation is great, and the story is fantastic as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I look very much forward to the guide.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Well, I've gotten through the first alchemy tutorial... but can't get past the rest of them. Looks like mixing still has to be done manually... and I don't understand how the item menu is laid out at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Wondering if there's been any update on the guide? I'm picking up the game again after an extended break just to give myself something different to play, but so far, have no clue where to start other than that I know I'm on chapter 2. Still hoping for menus, etc... and I'm in another tutorial and have no idea what to do next. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

That really looks great man. Keep up the fantastic job. Can you hear when you pass a door?As I wrote to you privately, I would gladly help with the layout by setting it up in html. I didn't thought this old game was that detailed. [[wow]]...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@Mr.brunete, the format of the guide looks ok, keep it up


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

That definitely looks good to me! I've been meaning to pick up this game again, I just don't remember where I left off. lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

hi everyone,i have an example right here to show you how i plan to make the guide, of course, the real thing will be much more organized and i'll probably do the guide in HTML, so you can navigate more easily.odin sphere leifthrasir.Well guys, this is simply a test to see if you like the format of the guide.valkirie: chapter raging battlefields.number of important items: 4.*stage map: buy in the shop in the first rest area.*ice shot skill. received in a tutorial.*beak drive skill. hidden in a room before second rest area.needle strike skill: defeat the boss.stage walkthrough.area 1.type of stage: sidescroller.just go to the right to enter second area. there's also an object to destroy, you get a coin.second area.type: battle area.just destroy the soldiers that will appear.after clearing the stage, open the chest and pick up the items, then walk holding 
 up. when the character stops walking, it means that you're in front of a door. press x to open it.3rd area.type: sidescroller.upon entering this area, you will ear a sound. and a message will appear. this is a fozzon butterfly, and you will need to absorb it. just center the sound in your headphones, and hold r1.There are things to break here as well, so break them and don't forget a chest somewhere around here!to continue, just go to the right.4th area.type: battle.more soldiers, you already know what to do here.after clearing the area, you will receive a story text automatically.after opening the chest and geting the items, look for a door and enter it.important! how do you know if you've entered the door to the next area, and not the one where you came from?lets see. in this case, we came from a sidescroller stage, and we went all to the right to enter this area. right?after opening the 
 door, just don't move. instead, use a single attack. if you hear the attack sound in your right headphone, it means you went back to the previous area. so, go right to enter 4th area again, and search for another door.note: when you clear a battle stage and re-enter it, it will be empty and you will start directly in front of the door to go back to previous area.lets continue.area 5.type: rest.note: the music will is a sidescroller area, all rest stages are like this.there are people who you can talk to, and a merchant to shop.i'll give specific instructions in the full to the merchant and you get these two list.stage map.price: 5.mulberry seed:price: 4.healing tonic.price: 16.note: when you get a map, it will never appear again on the shop, so, you will only have the seed and the healing tonic to buy.go right t
 o continue into area 6.area 6.type: tutorial, mini-boss stage.the music will change to the tutorial theme, and you will get your first skill!go all to the right until you can use your attacks, and then look for a chest and attack it to getskill: ice shot.description: gwendolin will fire several ice shots that can track enemies.more about this in the full guide.note: every time you get a skill, the game will pause and the skills upgrade menu will appear.close the menu with circle several times, press l1 to access your skill list, and press x to use it.go to the right boss battle.battle vs. unicorn knight.attack list. coming up later.after beating this thing, open the chest and advance to the next area.oops, almost forgot. you will get a text story after defeating the mini-boss.area 7.type: sidescroller with enemies.once you enter this area, a small group of soldi
 ers and a fairy will attack you. watch out for the fairie's arrows. they float in the air, so press up plus square to attack upwards, gwendolin will jump after attacking, so you can continue the combo from there, marvel vs capcom style haha.after killing the enemies, look for any breackable items to get some money and go right to continue to area 8.area 8.type: battle.more soldiers, you know what to do.after clearing the stage, you will get a text, and the usual chest.important!there are 3 doors on this get things easier, locate the door to previous area, enter it, and then re-enter area 8.from the start, you have.1st door: room where you can access the hidden room with the second skill.2nd door: rest area, you need to go there to continue with the story.3rd door: mini-boss battle.lets see each of the doors, shall we?1st is a normal sidescroller room, but it seems you can

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

hi everyone,i have a example right here to show you how i plan to make the guide, of course, the real thing will be much more organized and i'll probably do the guide in HTML, so you can navigate more easily.odin sphere leifthrasir.Well guys, this is simply a test to see if you like the format of the guide.valkirie: chapter raging battlefields.number of important items: 4.*stage map: buy in the shop in the first rest area.*ice shot skill. received in a tutorial.*beak drive skill. hidden in a room before second rest area.needle strike skill: defeat the boss.stage walkthrough.area 1.type of stage: sidescroller.just go to the right to enter second area. there's also an object to destroy, you get a coin.second area.type: battle area.just destroy the soldiers that will appear.after clearing the stage, open the chest and pick up the items, then walk holding u
 p. when the character stops walking, it means that you're in front of a door. press x to open it.3rd area.type: sidescroller.upon entering this area, you will ear a sound. and a message will appear. this is a fozzon butterfly, and you will need to absorb it. just center the sound in your headphones, and hold r1.There are things to break here as well, so break them and don't forget a chest somewhere around here!to continue, just go to the right.4th area.type: battle.more soldiers, you already know what to do here.after clearing the area, you will receive a story text automatically.after opening the chest and geting the items, look for a door and enter it.important! how do you know if you've entered the door to the next area, and not the one where you came from?lets see. in this case, we came from a sidescroller stage, and we went all to the right to enter this area. right?after opening the d
 oor, just don't move. instead, use a single attack. if you hear the attack sound in your right headphone, it means you went back to the previous area. so, go right to enter 4th area again, and search for another door.note: when you clear a battle stage and re-enter it, it will be empty and you will start directly in front of the door to go back to previous area.lets continue.area 5.type: rest.note: the music will is a sidescroller area, all rest stages are like this.there are people who you can talk to, and a merchant to shop.i'll give specific instructions in the full to the merchant and you get these two list.stage map.price: 5.mulberry seed:price: 4.healing tonic.price: 16.note: when you get a map, it will never appear again on the shop, so, you will only have the seed and the healing tonic to buy.go right to
  continue into area 6.area 6.type: tutorial, mini-boss stage.the music will change to the tutorial theme, and you will get your first skill!go all to the right until you can use your attacks, and then look for a chest and attack it to getskill: ice shot.description: gwendolin will fire several ice shots that can track enemies.more about this in the full guide.note: every time you get a skill, the game will pause and the skills upgrade menu will appear.close the menu with circle several times, press l1 to access your skill list, and press x to use it.go to the right boss battle.battle vs. unicorn knight.attack list. coming up later.after beating this thing, open the chest and advance to the next area.oops, almost forgot. you will get a text story after defeating the mini-boss.area 7.type: sidescroller with enemies.once you enter this area, a small group of soldie
 rs and a fairy will attack you. watch out for the fairie's arrows. they float in the air, so press up plus square to attack upwards, gwendolin will jump after attacking, so you can continue the combo from there, marvel vs capcom style haha.after killing the enemies, look for any breackable items to get some money and go right to continue to area 8.area 8.type: battle.more soldiers, you know what to do.after clearing the stage, you will get a text, and the usual chest.important!there are 3 doors on this get things easier, locate the door to previous area, enter it, and then re-enter area 8.from the start, you have.1st door: room where you can access the hidden room with the second skill.2nd door: rest area, you need to go there to continue with the story.3rd door: mini-boss battle.lets see each of the doors, shall we?1st is a normal sidescroller room, but it seems you can
 39;t go to the rightmost edge of the screen.go all to the right, for several seconds, and then do this:i suggest if this is your first playthrough, double jump in place to know how it sounds when gwendolin do a double jump, ear the sound of the landing, and the time she takes to land.well, to get the a double jump in place, but just when you do the second jump, move a little to the left. if done correctly, you will hear gwendolin took less time to land, and also the landing

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Definitely looking forward to this!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@lirin.message sent.tomorrow i'll be posting the menu guide and some general tips, to see if you like the format, and i have a few questions that i'll ask after posting the info.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Thanks MR. Brunete!Appreciating this a lot! and yeah, feel free to contact me whenever you wish. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

@lirin.definitely the ps3 / ps4, original mode is the original ps2 game, you'll definitely get lists, tips, and stage specific tips as well.I'll send you a pm regarding another topic.@sljAbout donations, it is not necessary, thanks so much, but it is enough reward if the guide makes things easier for you and the comunity.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

MR. brunete, can I expect a guide for the original PS2 one? I haven't ps3 / ps4 and I want to play this so badly!I managed to complete first book but it was really hard and I played without any guides / tips so I used cheats at times. Need to play it again but with complete menu / inventory / tips guide.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Awesome. I look so much forward to this...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I would be interested too, I haven't actually started playing the game yet but I've been meaning to, this might just be the push I need


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

great! then, it's decided!.I'll start working on the guide, might post the first part once i complete it, so you can read it and help me improve it, gramar errors, wrong words, anything would be very welcomed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Would also love a guide myself.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I would also be interested for the guide, so continue on making it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

I would be very much interested in the guide. I'll even  donate when the guide is finnish. Damn it would be awesome...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Well, you have at least one person who might want it. lol I haven't had time to go through the game, and when I do, it's hard to even remember exactly where I am since the acts, stages and whatnot all seem to blend together. lol I'd definitely love the guide!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


odin sphere leifthrasir. anyone interested in a guide?

Hi everyone,i'm playing odin sphere leifthrasir, the remake of odin sphere that appeared this year for ps3 and ps4.sinze i've managed to complete the first book, and i've finished the original game on ps2 as well, i imagine i'll be able to write something useful for us.i'll restart the game from scratch again, and i'll take notes for stages, skill locations, etc. if you're interested, i can take notes in english, rather than spanish, witch is my primary language.the guide, when finished, will contain:*menus.*shop lists.*tips for inventory.*tips for alchemy.*detailed explanations of skills and how to assign shortcuts.walkthrough, it'll include:*stage specific problems and how to solve them.*boss strategies?*hidden skill locations.*original mode guide and long it will take to make the guide?Unfortunately, a long time. i'm about to get
  married, i have my job, well you know, those changes take's away lots of free time.I can promise, if the comunity is interested, i'll finish the guide sooner or later.


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