[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: redwine audio mods

2006-08-29 Thread davehg

I opted for the Bolder mod, and was lucky to compare their mods against
a stock SB3 (I have 2, one for the family room). I did the digital only
mod, and spent way too much for Bolder's power supply upgrades. The
digital mod is minimal, it adds a Nextgen digital output and a few
other doodads. I heard a difference. The power supply upgrades were
pretty impressive in their difference with the stock unit. You can read
the various impressions at my blog http://musicserver.blogspot.com

I think if you have a separate DAC, the difference in the mods takes
the SB3 from a really good player to one that can outperform a high end
CD playback system. That was my experience, and I am happy to have spent
the almost $650 in mods. Whether the transporter would provide the same
sonic experience will be the topic of another post, since my buddy is
going to pop for the transporter and we can compare it against the
bolder mods and the stock unit. Of course, he has a system worth over
$50k, so to him, the differences are important. My system is about half
that much, but the difference was audible and enjoyable. 

The SB is a great unit, made even better by the modders.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-05-25 Thread davehg

mauidan Wrote: 
 I've never heard a $6K CDP in my system either.
 Once again, I was only interested in what experience you'd had with the
 best transport/DAC combos out there, to arrived at your guess.
 Nothing more.

I did own a $6kish system to compare to: a Pioneer Elite PDS-95
transport (retail $3k) using an MC2 cable ($300) with several
upgrades/tweaks ($300) feeding a MF Tri-Vista DAC ($2400), both using
Foundation Research LC-1 power conditioner AC cables ($800 ea) or
Cardas Golden Reference AC cables ($450 ea). You can read my
experiences and see my system at http://musicserver.blogspot.com. 

I also have 2 SB3's, one stock, the other modifed (digital only Bolder
Mods, Bolder Deluxe PS). 

I thought the stock SB3 was good but no match for the combo
transport/DAC. Frankly, it wasn't until I paired the modded SB3 using
the Bolder ps, feeding the Tri-Vista, and only then using the expensive
AC cables/conditioners, that the SB3 bested the transport/DAC. And while
this combo is great, there certainly are better (and much more
expensive) transport/DAC combos out there that would probably tip the
scales the other way. But for most audiophiles, these setups would be
beyond their price limits.

Since I was not willing to invest more than $6k into a stand alone CDP
or combo transport/DAC, and since the modded SB3 with tweaks and
goodies sounded better than what I had, for less, than the choice was
simple, even without resort to the convenience and features of a
computer based system.

All told, I poured (not including my existing DAC and cables) $2400
into replacing the transport with a dedicated music server. This
included the computer: MAC mini, 2 external HDD's, LCD Screen 
wireless mouse/keyboard ($1500 total); SB3 ($250), and bolder mods/ps

The best part: the computer music server can be repurposed when
eventually another unit comes along that sounds better than the current
setup, plus I gain convenience and ability to repurpose on my IPOD.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: DACs for SB3

2006-05-09 Thread davehg

You can find them in mint condition (they are only about 1-2 years old)
for $1200 on Audiogon, about half what they sold for. Built like a
tank, with 4 trivistors in the output stage and switchable upsampling
(96/192), the tubes have 100,000 life on them (meaning unlikely you
will ever change them).

It does all you ask for. Musical in a way tubes can be, but with pace,
dynamics, slam.

i LOVE mine and despite listening to many new DAC's recently, have
never heard something I liked more, even with more expensive DACS. THe
Benchmark DAC, a good DAC by comparison, sounds a tad more revealing,
but less musically engaging. 

The Tri-Vista differs from the new MF X-10 and similar DACS in the
following ways: The new DACS have a cheaper power supply (you have to
pay more for the upgraded PSU), and they separate the tube stage into
an external optional box which can use the same upgraded PSU as the
DAC. I don't like this approach, since you have to buy an extra set of
RCA cables to use the tube buffer.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-09 Thread davehg

I share your concern about portability of the Bolder/RWA upgrades, that
is one major reason I chose to do the digital only upgrade to the SB3
(cheap at $150), use my own separate DAC (an MF Tri-vista 21), and
spend the SB upgrade money on the Bolder PS, which should be portable
to the new SB4, if and when one comes out (it is portable to the SB2
and 3).

As far as the tube buffer goes, see my post above about the Tri-Vista.
Great, great DAC with the tubes in the output stage and with a killer
regulated interal PS, without the hassle/expense/loss of signal and
expense that may occur by having to add an extra set of RCA's.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-08 Thread davehg

If you have not upgraded your SB with the digital upgrades and power
supply (Bolder or Red Wine Audio), I would spend my money there first.
Bolder was my choice.

The digital upgrade ($150) was an easy and cheap way to remove some of
the digital glare from the stock unit. The power supply really moved
things into a whole different universe. Being a bit skeptical of how a
power supply upgrade could have such an effect, I had mine done in
stages, ultimately going from a basic upgrade (no longer offered) to a
deluxe upgrade. Cost was near what a tube buffer was.

Incredible performance; I have 2 SB3's, one left stock, so I could A/B
them. My experience (and more info on upgrades) can be read at

I have a MF Tri-Vista DAC, which is essentially using an X-10 type
output stage, but with a better regulated PS. Love it, but it didn't do
anything huge until I had the upgrades done.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why not more Squeeezbox reviews in hi-fi magazines?

2006-04-14 Thread davehg

John, there has been lots of discussion of the low jitter on the SB3, I
would be curious how it measures overall.

Also, you really should try (perhaps in a follow up) to report on the
effect of power supply upgrades on measured response, as well as your
sonic impressions. I am sure the guys as BolderCables and Red Wine
Audio would spare a PS for a test.

Finally, wouldn't it be cool if you could get your hands on the new
Intel-based Mac Mini and install windows XP using BootCamp. That would
allow you to sonically compare and report, using the same gear, on any
difference in sound and measured performance of the SB3 playing (i)
iTunes encoded WAV and Apple Losseless files,  and (ii) EAC-encoded WAV
and FLAC files.

I am sure you will ignore the trolls on this discussion board who have
nothing productive to add. Stereophile is a fine publication that I
have enjoyed for more than 18 years, and it pleases me to see coverage
by S'Phile of a device like the SB3, which will undoubtedly be a
precursor of the emergence of computer audio as a major component in
high end audio.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: OT- Check out THIS guys DIY Media Server!

2006-03-24 Thread davehg

tomsi42 Wrote: 
 It does indeed.
 Now, if we had a squeezebox on a PCI card. Then we could make a
 high-end audiophile HTPC or music server...

Sean, offer SB as an OEM card and attached display, allowing high end
vendors to hook up their own computer innards, PS, drives, and screen

Personally, the look of this guy's attempt is great, but this is a
computer subject to RFI and noise from a decidely consumer power
supply. I would love to see something more regulated, isolated, and
audiophile parts.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-24 Thread davehg

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 FWIW, the Acoustic Zen MC2 is a 110ohm cable that was designed to be
 used with an AES/EBU interface, not a 75ohm SPDIF interface; so right
 there your going to be introducing some reflection and jitter problems.

I had heard that from the dealer (I had the option at the time of using
BNC connectors vs. RCA). Tried a few 75 Ohm cables, including ones from
Bolder which I still have. The MC2 was by far better than all of them.
Which would you recommend listening to that would improve upon the MC2?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 rave in Stereophile March eNewsletter

2006-03-23 Thread davehg

PhilNYC Wrote: 
 I have a pretty high-end system and a pretty well-treated acoustic
 listening environmentTo my ears, there is no question that the
 reference gear outperforms the SB2.  I agree with John Atkinson that
 for casual listening, my SB2 as a transport sounds more than good
 enough...but for dedicated listening, I find my reference gear to be
 preferrable by a significant margin.  Is it 95%?  I think that is up to
 the individual listener...

Hmmm. I had what was considered a very good transport (Pioneer Elite
PDS-95), using a good digital cable (Acoustic Zen MC2) into a Class A
DAC (MF Tri-Vista). The SB3 stock was not 95%, rather more like 60%,
rising to 85% when feeding the Tri-Vista. The Bolder digital only
modified SB3 into the Tri-Vista was more like 110%, probably higher
with Bolder's latest platinum PS. 

My own experience was happily selling the transport and getting the
benefit of the ease of use of the SB3 without sacrificing any of the
high end sound. My buddy has an even better system (VAC PA90D into VAC
reference preamp powering Joseph Audio Pearls) and I will be bringing
the system to his house for extended listening session.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB3 + MF X-DAC v3?

2006-02-20 Thread davehg

For PS and X3 DAC, I'd rather buy a used trivista DAC. You get the added
benefit of the tubes, whereas you have to get three units (X3+PSU+Tube
Buffer stage) to equal the Trivista. Plus, with the TriVista you only
have to use one expensive power cord, not three.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Any one know anything about the little isolator blocks you put under the feet of cdp?

2006-02-07 Thread davehg

My personal experience is that certain isolators have worked incredibly
well with turntables, and noticeably improved tube amps/preamps and
some CD players. Of the various ones I have tried (those that absorb
and release, those that insulate), my favorite products are the Final
Labs Daruma, which use a steel or ceramic ball b/t two cups. Haven't
tried but heard good things about using a heavy base supported by
racquet balls or tennis balls cut in half.

I get why these devices would work in a turntable, where vibrations
transmitted to the pickup device would be thereafter amplified
downstream. I also get why they work in tube devices: tubes are
microphonic and could amplify noise/vibration. Could the same be true
with non-tube DC players? Why not? After all, these devices have
amplification stages which are not immune to the effects of vibration.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that vibrations can be amplified
and interfere with and obscure the original amplified signal. Check out
the following articles: 


I have my SB3 sitting on an old pair of Audioquest sorbothane feet, but
can't say I notice any differences. My computer is not sitting on any
feet, but does sit on an older target rack with spiked feet. Again, I
don't notice anything, but never have tried.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone here got a $50 power cord?

2006-01-15 Thread davehg

Mark Lanctot Wrote: 
 I love this statement:
 Bob Lee on AVSForum.com is a design engineer for 
 QSC, and he has long stated that any piece of 
 audio equipment whose performance can be 
 noticeably changed by swapping out the power cord 
 is incompetently designed.
 He's also said that if the engineer can't get the 
 power supply right, there isn't a chance they got 
 the far more complicated audio sections right.

Well, the power supply on both my Musical Fidelity and VAC Avatar are
among the most well designed, most regulated I've seen in over 20 years
of experience with hifi gear, and yet all of the exotic AC cables I've
tried made a significant, audible difference. The audio sections are
beyond reproach, with some of the best measured performance (for those
who follow measurements instead of their ears) and sound available at
their price levels. I don't think the aim of exotic power cords is to
correct deficiencies in the the power supply; rather, the aim is to
correct errors and anomolies in the AC circuits of the house.

I also don't think that an exotic power cord will have significant
effect on lesser-designed gear or typical AV home theater gear, no more
than a cold intake air filter would have a significant effect on a Buick


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2006-01-12 Thread davehg

Until or unless they decide to certify these mods, or release their own
high end audiophile versions (unlikely), the risk is on us. Why should
Sean and his team spend their time determining what the problem is when
it could be tied to a defective part on a mod?  That is why companies
like Dinan (BMW) and Benz (AMG) and John Cooper Works (MINI) spend so
much $$ getting their products certified for warranty coverage (and
partly why they cost so damn much too). Modder beware. hey, the thing
is only $250. I'll buy a new one.

That said, I have ZERO qualms recommending Wayne at Boldercable, who
has modified two devices for me and built two power supplies and few
interconnects, digital cables, and a Bybee purifier. His work is great
(I opened it up to see up close), he uses the best parts, he knows the
gear, and has modded countless SB2's and SB3's. Plus, he backs up his

Sean, glad to see your company supports the audiophile community and
hosts forums and the time spent developing software that allows high
resolution playback.

[See my blog on building an Audiophile SB3 based computer server:


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Modifying the Squeezebox 3

2006-01-10 Thread davehg

Of course, if the problem is traced to the SB3, not the modders work, an
interesting dilemna, as Slim Devices may choose to void the warranty,
even if the defect is not caused by the mod. Sean?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-01-09 Thread davehg

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
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Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

I've since had Boldercables modify it, along with their Deluxe power
supply. Sounds phenomenal.

Gear is Tri-Vista 21 DAC feeding VAC Avatar SE. Foundation Research LC1
and LC2 power cable boxes are visible in the corners, and silver looking
cable coming out the back of the SB3 is a Acoustic Zen MC2 silver
digital cable.

Ohh yeah, that great 40 lb hunk of stainless steel and copper
supporting the Tri-Vista and the SB3 is a rare Pioneer Elite PD-S95
Stable Patter transport, one of the best I've heard. I've barely turned
it on since getting the modified SB3 back. 

I'll post a comparison once the Bolder power supply burns in.

|Filename: System[1].jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=668|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker recommendations aprox. $1, 000

2006-01-08 Thread davehg

Nat, you didn't mention the type of music or volume level you listen to,
or if they need to do double duty in home theater. Nonetheless,
regarding your current speakers, the SM Infinity's, are probably
bass heavy and have a sizzling top end. (In my college days, I sold
Infinity and many other brands, including very expensive high end
gear). The NAD gear is good and gives a pleasing sound, so it really
depends on what you are looking for. 

I'd recommend two sites to explore. First:

(choose the speaker section)
choose the speaker section. 

$1k is a pretty good budget for used speakers, and you can find lots of
excellent choices on audiogon. I would have little worries about buying
used speakers, either at a dealer or on audiogon; I've purchased many
with no problems.

I looked for full range speakers on audiogon and found several brands
in your price range that you would be happy with (Revel, Totem, BW,
Paradigm, Spendor). 

I've got more than $20k invested in my system, and you can go pretty
hog wild.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone here got a $50 power cord?

2006-01-07 Thread davehg

Actually 2. They are really a cross between a filter and an AC cable.
See http://www.musicfirstdistribution.com/lc1_2.htm for details. 

I heard a major difference b/t it and my $50 DIY cable.

i also have 2 Cardas Golden reference cables. Heard differences there
too, major (like someone hit a bass boost button). 

If you can't hear it, don't buy it. If you can hear it, spend your
money as you see fit. I think people who spend $400k on a performance
car, or $300 on a bottle of wine, are a bit off too, but are they
idiots or fools? I think not...


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: question to everyone...

2006-01-05 Thread davehg

I just got the Bolder Cable digital mods, coupled with their direct PS.
PS is burning in right now. 

SB3 by itself did not outmuscle with my stable platter Pioneer Elite
PD-S95 transport feeding a TriVista 21 DAC. Running the SB3 into the
Tri-Vista was a big upgrade, and recent upgraded digital mods made
another positive difference. The new Bolder PS sounds loads better. I
will do an A/B comparison this week b/t the transport and the various
stock and modded SB3's (I have a unmodded SB3 to compare) to if the SB3
system comes out on top.

Trouble is, regardless of how good the transport sounds by itself (and
I suspect the upgrades and mods to the SB3 will close or eliminate the
gap), I cannot fathom using a CDP or transport, given the convenience
of the SB3 and how good it sounds. 

And good it really sounds!


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB1 digital out compared to SB2 and SB3

2005-12-13 Thread davehg

in the January 1993 volume of Stereophile. The author, recording
engineer and now absolute sound editor Robert Harley, first explored
the scientific measurements of Ed Meitner, who first discovered a means
of measuring jitter. Meitner presented his findings to the 91st AES
convention, in a paper called Time Distortions within Digital Audio
Equipment due to Integrated Circuit Logic induced Modulation. 

Harley references the following scientific journal article:

Is the AES EBU/S/PDIF Digital Audio interface Flawed? by Chris Dunn and
Malcolm Hawksford. Dunn and Hawskford calculate that for 16bit
converters, a measurement of less than 100 picoseconds of jitter is not
likely audible, whereas a 20 bit conversion accuracy on the order of 8
picoseconds in order not to induce audible (and measurable)
differences. This also assumes that the jitter is random; in many
cases, it appears consistently at the same frequency as the audio
signal. Also, in 1993, these engineers did not have access to 24 bit
converters, whose jitter measurements would need to be well below 8ps
given the mathmatical formula developed. 

Pat, I appreciate your healthy skepticism of the hi end, but as others
have noted here, jitter has a discernible and measurable impact on
audio frequencies, which is also easily heard. Less clear is at what
point the lowest measured jitter becomes relevant when all such devices
display incredibly low measured jitter. In the case of the SB3, its 55
ps of jitter is audible using a 24 bit conversion, and comparing
against typical transports which measure in excesss of 100ps.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How to get a deep soundstage

2005-12-07 Thread davehg

using it with a Tri-Vista DAC, VAC Avatar SE, and Merlin TSM-MM's.
Soundstage is not a problem, though just a tad less than my transport.

I am expecting a Bolder modified SB3 in the next day or so, it will be
interesting to see if that made any difference.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2005-11-28 Thread davehg

While Vinnie (RWA) and Wayne (Bolder) make strong claims that the
modified SB3's analog output sounds better than many expensive DAC's
and transports, I think it is not fair to make this comparison. A
separate high end DAC should sound significantly better than a modded
SB3's analog out. 

I wouldn't mind hearing a modified SB3's analog outs, but chose to skip
this because a) I already have a nice expensive DAC, and b) even
including the mods, I would not seriously expect that the SB3 would
have an adequately designed analog output stage, with proper isolation,
power supplies, etc.  Only if you removed the guts of the SB3 from the
case, put it inside a better case with proper grounding, power
supplies, and room for output caps, and perhaps had the option of a
good tube output stage, would the comparison be realistic. But hey, if
someone wants to bring their fully modded SB3 to my Seattle area house
to A/B. I will listen.

Instead, I'll be comparing the digital output of a modded SB3 to the
digital output of an unmodded SB3, both sending S/PDIF to my musical
fidelity DAC. For fun, I will do an A/B against my Pioneer Elite PD-S95
cd transport to see how well the $250 SB3 stacks up against the $3k
Pioneer. Of course, if I added the cost of the computer (MAC Mini) and
periperals, it would probably cost the same.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2005-11-21 Thread davehg

I use a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista 21 DAC, and have a/b'd an unmodified
SB3 against the DAC and a Pioneer Elite PD-S95 transport. I actually
bought 2 SB3's; one to modify and one to place downstairs so the wife
can listen.

I think the sound of the stock SB3 into my system is good, but not as
exceptional as the separate transport and DAC combo, which yields much
more resolution, depth, and air. Swapping the transport with the SB3
shows that the Pioneer still has an edge, but the difference is closer,
and a stock SB3 into the external DAC is really nice. I presume the
difference is probably less to do with the DAC and more to do with the
tube analog section of my Tri-Vista (plus its awesome regulated power

I am awaiting the Bolder Cable digital mod and power supply, and will
A/B the two SB3's. My experience with Bolder mods previously (using an
Art DIO)is that the power supply does make a big difference. 

See my music server blog at http://musicserver.blogspot.com for details
of my current setup (Merlin TSM/REL Strata III, fed by a VAC Avatar SE,
cabled by Acoustic Zen, and AC'd by Foundation Research).


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