Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] NAS vs. Locally Attached Storage

2007-09-11 Thread ron thigpen
donqwan wrote:

 I am getting ready to bite the bullet and digitize my music
 collection of ~600 CD's to both FLAC (for listening @ home) and 196
 kbps Mp3 (for the iPods).

The rule of thumb for FLAC filesize is that you'll be able to store 
approx. 3 CDs per 1 GB of storage.  So, for just the FLAC portion of 
your library, you're looking at about 200GB.  MP3 filesize varys more, 
but you should be safe adding about 25% to the FLAC storage requirement. 
  That brings you to 250GB.  You'll want to add some headroom for 
growth, and for the funny math that HDD makers use to calculate their 
storage sizes.  For safety's sake, and while still being very 
economical, you could get a good 500GB rated drive.  These are running 
about $100 right now.  Note that two of these will cost about $150 less 
than a single 1TB drive.

 Am I better off with a 1TB Lacie with firewire, or a 1TB WD with

For best performance and packaging, just mount this HDD as a second 
drive inside your desktop computer's case.  (This assumes you have a 
desktop, with an additional HDD mounting point and a sufficient power 
supply.)  If this is not the case, think external.

I'd also recommend getting an external drive of the same or larger 
capacity than your primary storage drive.  This will let you run 
occasional backups, and give you the option of keeping your backup 
offsite.  You'll appreciate the value of this once you begin putting 
time into the ripping and tagging process.

For performance reasons, I'd recommend an HDD with a SATA interface, 
whether mounting internally or externally.  For external cases, these 
are your external interface options in rough order of decreasing 

eSATA  FW800  FW400 = USB2  1000BaseT  100BaseT  USB1

For flexibility and future-proofing, look for a case with both USB2 and 
one of either Firewire or eSATA interfaces.  (IcyDock makes some nice 
ones for about $60-70.)

A dedicated NAS solution is going to be generally more expensive and 
give lower performance than a direct attached solution.  The benefits of 
a NAS is that it can be a low power device that services an entire 
network (even when your desktop is powered down) and that it may offer a 
user friendly way of achieving RAID.  Note that you'd still want a 
backup, even with RAID, and that your storage requirements don't compel 
a spanned solution.  So, unless you really like the idea of a NAS, 
you'll almost certainly be better and more cheaply served by a two HDD 


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Here is why no FF/RW

2007-06-28 Thread ron thigpen
seanadams wrote:

 I agree. I think the button _should_ behave like a CD player and I'm
 not aware of any reason why we could not do that. Also,
 displaying a large progress bar or time line indicating the new seek
 position might be helpful.

+1 on the separate buttons

The glyph convention seems to be:  | |

I recall it took me a while to figure out what the expected behavior was 
intended to be, as well as how to invoke it.  The button configuration 
was definitely a contributing factor.

Also +1 to the position indicator during seek-ahead.  Very useful, and 
likely to be self-explanatory once invoked.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Ripping CD's

2007-04-03 Thread ron thigpen
jeffmeh wrote:
 I always find that the FLAC compression takes longer than the EAC rip,
 so I do not worry about the ripping time.  

This will vary depending on the speed of the host machine.

Before upgrading my box with new mobo, cpu and ram, FLAC took longer to 
run and EAC+FLAC took about 7 or 8 minutes per CD.  After the upgrade, 
the FLAC encoding almost always finishes before the following track is 
ripped - it's no longer the bottleneck.  It now takes about 4 to 5 
minutes to rip and average CD.  Same CD drive and interface, EAC error 
correction enabled.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Cheap tweaks that really work

2007-03-29 Thread ron thigpen
jeffmeh wrote:

 Would my audio sound better if I had a cat that was neither alive nor

The hifi always sounds better with the house cat in a box.  No 
bothersome mewling at the door, or using the speaker cloth as a 
scratching post.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A Cut-Rate Audiophil e�

2007-01-17 Thread ron thigpen

jonheal wrote:

This time, I listened over my speakers. I asked her not to try to trick
me, but to simply switch one supply out for the other without telling me
which was which. 

A Question:  When your wife was swapping out the PS, was she unplugging 
them from the wall or just at the SB?

The reason I ask is that if the switcher were still plugged into the 
wall, and the predominant audible effect of the switcher is due to EMI 
(see John Swenson's post), then it could be that your test didn't 
properly control for the principle causal factor.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Recommended inexpensive Linear PSU Wallwart for SB3?

2006-11-28 Thread ron thigpen

stamsyl wrote:

I saw it on Ebay. (item # 180054037839)

It's mislabeled on Ebay.  Should be a WM220-1 (see pic).  This looks a 
lot like one of those listed in the chart here:

It doesn't say 'Linear', but does refer to it as a 'regulated' power 
supply.  And by the 4lb. bulk of it, I'd guess it was a linear.

Search the net or eBay for WM220-1 and find one.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Aaargh! InfrantNas / Transporter disaster!

2006-11-01 Thread ron thigpen

wreford wrote:

I just took receipt of my lovely new Transporter and tried to hook it up
- only to find it need slimserver 6.5 and the version required for
InfrantNas is 'coming soon' - so I can't listen to the damn thing! 
Does anyone know the eta for the Infrant-compatible v. 6.6?


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Speaker recommendations for Sonic Super T Amp

2006-10-12 Thread ron thigpen
The Klipsch bookshelf models are high efficiency, affordable and nice 
sounding.  Should be well suited to rock.

Here are the RB-51s:

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Sirius Satellite goes CD quality over internet

2006-09-26 Thread ron thigpen

Pat Farrell wrote:

seanadams wrote:

So is it CD quality, or 128K?  :)

Its digital, so it is perfect!
They just leave out 90% of the notes.

Short Attention-Span Radio Presents: 20 Second Pops!!
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Raise Your Hand If You've Ordered a Transporter

2006-07-27 Thread ron thigpen

Responding to some of what Sanjay wrote:

0. A way to purchase individual songs online in lossless format.

This is coming.  Nothing to do with SD directly, of course, but I've 
seen industry reporting that hints at this.  Some specialty labels and 
sites already offer this.


1. More reliable WiFi transmission (not a signal strength or channel
interference issue - see above). 

Recent firmware changes have addressed many issues.  Not sure what 
problems you are having, but you might consider going to the latest 
802.11n technology or switching to HomePower or wired Ethernet.  SD may 
still have some work to do in this department, but can only take so much 
responsibility for local conditions beyond their control.

2. bigger display with more characters readable from 12 feet away by 40
year olds - skip the screensaver spectrum analyser

Agreed, strongly.  This is one hardware enhancement I'd happily pay 
extra for.  If the graphical remote options are good enough, the need 
begins to fade however.

3. a low jitter digital only version (SPDIF only no BNC/XLR, no DAC)

Not sure that the cost savings from leaving out these components would 
outweigh the expenses of keeping separate models in the channel.  Also 
there are definite benefits in keeping the DAC close to the source 
clock.  To my mind the upgraded DAC in the Transporter, and the removal 
of SPDIF and the interconnect from the signal path, is the most 
worthwhile feature of that box.  We just need to hear with our own ears 
how it sounds in order to judge it's value.  I'm hopeful.

4. 96Khz/24 bit output option - upsampling from 44.1khz/16 bit

Makes sense for native 24/96 sources.  I doubt upsampling will sound 
better, but some may want to try it.  Not important to me.

5. a legal way to rip DVD-Audio in 5.1 96kHz/24bit or even just a two
channel mixes at up to 192 kHz/24 bit onto Slimserver for personal use
and stream it to Squeezebox - consider using MLP to reduce data rate. 
E.g. Figure a way to pay a license fee to decrypt the data, re-encode

with DRM to permit only streaming to Squeezebox not file copying, and
charge the small DVD-Audio market $100 extra for a Slimserver plug-in
that does this.

Interesting, but I suspect only a fringe might find this useful.  Are 
any of these formats seeing significant numbers of releases?  Could be 
useful for pulling audio off of DVD concert and music video compilations.

6. A way of running multiple Squeezeboxes with lossless, synced audio
without multiplying use of WiFi bandwidth.  Multi-cast?  Ad-hoc mode
from one SB to the next on a separate channel/SSID?

I agree that sync'd playback is a very important feature.  The system 
needs to get this right w/r/t bandwidth, server performance, drift, etc. 
   For me, it's mostly usable right now but I feel there is still some 
ways to go before this is really nailed.

7. WMA lossless decoding native in the Squeezebox assuming a sound
quality benefit or reduced delay between songs.  Surely the open source
community can reverse engineer WMA lossless decoding without needing to
run Windows on the Squeezebox?

Being investigated:

8. A remote with an IPOD style wheel control

I would love to see a richer remote.  For now, the Nokia 770 or a 
Windows PDA is a good option.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-07-06 Thread ron thigpen

DerekDenyer wrote:

Based on 50w vs. 200w 24/7/365 at 8p per KWHr. I didn't believe this
figure when I first calculated it!. 

The next version of the ReadyNAS firmware is in beta and being community 
tested.  Some of the features in this update will address issues of 
noise and power consumption.  It looks like there will be a disc 
spin-down feature that may get power consumption down to 35w when idle.

More here:


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-05 Thread ron thigpen

Phil Leigh wrote:

One note of caution - the Faraday cage has very low WAF...

No, no, no.  It's not a Faraday Cage at all.  Completely the wrong 
name for this.  Call it an Antique, Burnished Copper, Flowering Vine 
Trellis.  All the rage in English garden clubs.  A must have for every 

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-07-05 Thread ron thigpen

Phil Leigh wrote:

I'm still having some trouble explaining 1Tb of external disks as
somewhere to keep all of our digital photos...

Oh, that sounds like a Treasury of Precious Memories.

Don't forget the flowered dust ruffle (sound-proofing) and doily (drink 
coaster).  Bonus points for lavender potpourri behind the fan.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Naim enters the music server game

2006-06-23 Thread ron thigpen

Andyoz wrote:

I think someone needs to really push the active speaker concept into
the mainstream.  The more domestic friendly versions of active
speaker out there, the better.

Yeah, I wish Paradigm would bring out a new edition of their Studio Actives.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-06-22 Thread ron thigpen

Pale Blue Ego wrote:

It seems a little underpowered with 256 MB of RAM. 

RAM is upgradeable.



audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Check your hearing

2006-06-14 Thread ron thigpen

Deaf Cat wrote:

Is it me being a bit daft, what would create that sort of high freq
(annoying) stuff in music anyway?

Drummers and piccolo players, mostly.

Seriously though, pure sine waves are rare in music.  Exceptions for 
synthesizers, triangles, and members of the flute family.

Musical waveforms are complex mixtures of primary frequencies and 
secondary harmonics.  These secondaries are responsible for the timbre, 
or quality of sound, that, as an example, makes a piano playing a 
middle-C sound different than a clarinet playing the same note. 
Secondaries are multiples of the primary frequency and can range quite 
high up into the audible spectrum.

A reproduction system that does not cover this spectrum will not be able 
to accurately represent the full range of each instruments voice.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Help...not enjoying my SB3

2006-06-12 Thread ron thigpen

Lyonesse wrote:

Im not knocking the SB3 in any way, I just want to find a way to
integrate it into my system better so as to kick back and chillout with
my new toy  ;)

Have you tried using the SB3's analog outputs?

It won't cost anything to try this and you may find that they sound 
better (to you, in your system).

You may also want to try one of the linear power supplies.  Though 
scoffed at by the empiricists, and lacking a clear engineering story for 
why the sound might improve, many users have reported an audible and 
desirable change in the quality of the sound.  It's not free, but is 
cheap to try this.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-06-09 Thread ron thigpen

Heuer wrote:

No. The NV is designed as a RAID server so the disks spin 24/7 and so do
the fans. The Qnap TS-101 disk does stop (no fan) when not being used.

Not currently anyway.  The NV has upgradeable firmware, and the request 
has been made and acknowledged for a disc spin-down feature.

AFAIK, no promises or ETA.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-08 Thread ron thigpen

radish wrote:

The point is, replacing the $300 Behringer with a free piece of
software will save $300 from whatever the total cost of the solution

And allow us to continue to make use of the SB's internal DAC.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: digital room correction

2006-06-07 Thread ron thigpen

opaqueice wrote:
azinck3 Wrote: 

The possibilities are exciting.  Thanks for all of your work in this
area, Hugh.

Agreed.  I'm very interested in trying this.

I might even have tried out the DEQ, but I like using the analog outs on 
my SB2s.  Using the DEQ would mean either using it's internal DAC or 
pairing it with another external DAC.  I doubt the DEQ's DAC is as good 
as the SB2's, and an external DAC might be nice, but it's not in the 
budget right now.

The approach of using the SlimServer computer to do the processing makes 
more sense to me.  The computing power is already paid for, and by doing 
the processing upstream of the SB, I can continue to use it's DAC.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Sonic Impact Super-T amp with SB - speaker choice?

2006-04-03 Thread ron thigpen

joncourage wrote:

I use the Super-T with a pair of Totem Arro's

Just out of curiosity, do you have any specs on the Arro's efficiency?

Having some numbers in hand might provide a usable baseline for those 
considering this amp.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Flac vs Wma

2006-03-28 Thread ron thigpen

steelee wrote:

I'm using MP10 and can't find anywhere to turn it off, have logged a
support call with MS via a select account we have at work!! so will
wait to see what they have to say..

If you get the chance, try to confirm not only whether automatic level 
adjustment is occurring, but how it is implemented.

In other words, are gain information tags being stored and applied on 
playback, or is the adjustment being applied to the audio data itself 
before it is stored.   Big difference.

If it uses tags, then the original data is theoretically recoverable. 
If not, the WMP Lossless isn't lossless at all.

Maybe someone on HydrogenAudio has some knowledge of this.  Of course, 
the likeliest response will be a hailstorm of Don't Do That remarks.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Flac vs Wma

2006-03-27 Thread ron thigpen

steelee wrote:

Has anyone actually done any comparison of Lossless Wma vs Flac Or is it
the assumption that flac must sound better?

On the contrary, I believe the assumption is that they should sound 
exactly the same.

Each file format is storing a compressed, but fully retrievable, 
representation of the original bits.  Presumably, there is no problem 
here and the bits are being retrieved correctly after decompression.

So, what else could account for the difference?

1)If one or the other is being inadvertently transcoded to a lossy 
format by the server.  Check your server settings.

2)If one or the other is having its gain adjusted somewhere in the 
process.  Most likely this would be due to the encoding software either 
altering the original data before storage or adding gain tags that are 
triggering SlimServer to apply adjustment.  Control for this by turning 
off SlimServer's gain adjustment features and making sure that the WMA 
encoder isn't changing the data.  For the latter compare original WAV 
data with a copy that has been compressed to WMA Lossless by your 
encoder then decompressed back to WAV.

3)That there is some difference caused by the server-side decoding of 
WMA Lossless tracks vs. the SB decoding of FLAC tracks.  Though this 
seems unlikely, it could be controlled for by decoding both WMA Lossless 
and FLAC tracks to WAV on the server before sending to the SB.

perhaps others??

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Flac vs Wma

2006-03-27 Thread ron thigpen

snarlydwarf wrote:

It looks like it is -always- encoded with the equivalent of
replay-gain turned on.

Any idea of whether this is accomplished by storing gain adjustment tags 
in the file header data, or actually applied to the audio data?  If it's 
the latter, then WMP Lossless isn't.   Lossless that is.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-06 Thread ron thigpen

ezkcdude wrote:

Welcome, John! Because I'm slightly star-struck :), I won't belabor the
point, but why aren't you using FLAC or some other lossless codec? 

Of course, a full review of the device should include coverage of how it 
works while playing back the various file formats.

Considering your audience, I would hope however, that the majority of 
the review would be given over to the audiophile potential of the 
device.  And for that section of the review, I would hope that lossless 
formats (esp. FLAC) would be used.

After all, why conflate the matter of the device's performance potential 
with the issue of the sonic impact of lossy formats?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Anyone recommend decent speaker cable?

2006-03-05 Thread Ron Thigpen

You might take a look at the Mapleshade speaker wires.

Very nice sounding in my system.  I had tried fat braided copper 
bi-wires and DIY Cat5 before these.  They were a big upgrade over both.

Plus versions are, I believe, cryo'd.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Mobile Music

2006-03-02 Thread ron thigpen
I'll add one more shortcoming to the list: lack of support for 
replaygain.  Any device that supports a shuffle playback mode really 
needs to support gain tags.

Take care of that and add FLAC support for those times when I just don't 
want to transcode, and the iPod would be just about complete for me.

For now I use one anyway.  Because I already have it.  It does most of 
what I want, and there's not anything out there that's compellingly 

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: AB Testing Support

2006-02-28 Thread ron thigpen

hifisteve wrote:

As it happens, the time difference between creating WAV and FLAC files
is quite significant in my experience. Multiplied by 2000 CD, that's a
good chunk of my time I'd prefer not to spend sat at my PC when the
extra storage cost so little.

You may be able to get the advantages of FLAC without spending any more 
time than you would on WAV.  EAC can be configured to rip and compress 
to FLAC in one step.  On my machine (Athlon XP 2400) the compression 
process only lags a few seconds behind the rip.  Other folks are using a 
batch process that compresses overnight.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stock RCA cables?

2006-02-24 Thread ron thigpen

Skunk wrote:

I do want to make the DIY silver wire in teflon tubing

I made these:

They work great.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Interim Measures - PC Powered Speakers?

2006-02-23 Thread ron thigpen

radish wrote:

I know everyone's probably sick of hearing this already but the T-amp
really is amazing. 

I agree on the sound of the T-amp, but be sure to know it's limitations 
before buying.  It is a low power amp that really ought to be paired 
with high efficiency speakers.  This depends on how loud you might like 
to listen, but should be considered.

The spec on the T-amp says something like 15wpc, but I'd estimate it's 
real usable range to top out at probably 6 to 9 wpc.  Driven too hard it 
will distort.  Using a better power supply may stretch this somewhat.

In any case, if you are shopping for speakers at the same time as this 
amp, make sure to look at the efficiency spec.  I'd be image most folks 
would be happy with something with a 90db/watt rating or better.

Some of the small Klipsch models look like they might be a good match.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Where is the incredible sound?

2006-02-22 Thread ron thigpen

pablolie wrote:

Like the OS I use now will be around in 5 years... right. Good luck
running that application then.

two thoughts:

 1) store the source code, not the binary executable
(better yet: store the format spec and re-implement if needed)

 2) emulators already exist for current OS's (VMWare,
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Idiots guide to FLAC vs WAV vs MP3

2006-01-12 Thread ron thigpen
A decent, rough rule of thumb for me has been to estimate about 1GB of 
HDD space needed to store 3 CDs worth of FLAC encoded files.

Double this figure if you want to keep a backup of your library on HDD.

Background numbers:

CDs are averaging about 500 to 550MB.
FLAC encoding results in an average of about 55% of original file size.

This based on a sample of a couple of hundred CDs encoded.  Your sample 
may differ significantly, but it's a decent guide for estimation purposes.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Idiots guide to FLAC vs WAV vs MP3

2006-01-12 Thread ron thigpen
IIRC, EAC has the capability to test whether the drive has the caching 

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Idiots guide to FLAC vs WAV vs MP3

2006-01-12 Thread ron thigpen

Skunk wrote:
fuzzyT Wrote: 
IIRC, EAC has the capability to test whether the drive has the caching 

Yes, it does. And if your drive caches it automatically checks the box,
sort of guessing that you want it to rip 'faster' rather than 'better'.

Skunk, i think you may (or i) must be misunderstanding the meaning of 
that checkbox.

You seems to be describing it as:

This deluxxe drive caches data, please use the data from the cache in 
order to get faster rips.

While I've always understood it to mean:

This darn drive caches data, check here if you'd like me to try harder 
to defeat the cache and get you an accurate rip.

I think maybe somebody is going to have to go to hydrogenaudio after all.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Speaker recommendations aprox. $1, 000

2006-01-11 Thread ron thigpen

teanau wrote:

or is part of the beauty the single driver? not just the elimination of

one of the key design benefits of a single driver system is that there 
is a single point source.  this avoids time-alignment error and other 
issues and helps with imaging.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2006-01-06 Thread ron thigpen

Heuer wrote:

Photos of the completed unit will be much appreciated here to inspire
others. Glad you managed to get the job done at the right price.

Quick question: Has anyone had a chance to do any listening comparisons 
between the Cascade-sourced PSU and the Elpac unit?

The Elpac costs a bit more, but is plug-and-play.

The Cascade-sourced unit is cheap but needs tinkering and a case to get 
it going.

I have the Elpacs but would consider replacing it for at least one of my 
players (SB2) if there was an audible difference.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB-3 and external DAC

2005-12-02 Thread ron thigpen

Hiroyuki Hamada wrote:
I got a great tip from a Toslink user, Victor Lee, at another audio  
forum ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  He soldered in a 0.1 uF ceramic cap  
between the 5V pin and the ground pin of the Toslink module of his  SB1 
and got much better sound.  He found that there was no local  filtering 
for the toslink transmitter of the SB1.  


Any comment on the above?
audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Audiophile review of SB3

2005-12-01 Thread ron thigpen

Jim wrote:

Gassing people because of their religion was right to some depending on
what side of 1940's German politics they were on - Hitler even wrote
about that.

Hitler has been mentioned.  I now invoke the tradition of Godwin's Law 
and call for an end to this thread.'s_law


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Receiver / Speaker Recommendations?

2005-12-01 Thread ron thigpen
Are you going to want to use the reciever as a selector/amplifier for 
sources other than the SqueezeBox?  (ie: radio,cd,tv,etc).

If not, you may want to consider powered speakers (amp built into 
speakers, aka active speakers.)

In fact, even if you are using other sources, you could still use a 
preamp/input-switching device that would output the chosen source at 
line level to the powered speakers.

Do a bit of forum searching for some recommendations for powered 
speakers that others here have experience with.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread ron thigpen

seanadams wrote:

Hmmm looks like using 128x (instead of 64x) oversampling brings the
out-of-band noise way down, mostly under -115dBu all the way up to

wonder what are the pros/cons of using 128x all the time.  the noise is 
low level and out of band, but could be interacting with signal, no?  is 
the level still that much lower when processing signal?

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2: reduce analog out voltage by 10x?

2005-09-14 Thread ron thigpen

seanadams wrote:

well it does have a marginally higher noise level in the audio band.
here they are overlaid:

promising.  for the few db in the audio band and for the potential 
harmonic interactions of the slightly higher band stuff.

hard to say what the ears will make of it, but we'd sure love to find out.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Warming the sound a little on a SB2

2005-09-01 Thread ron thigpen

Deaf Cat wrote:

Are these linear 5V supplies something that can be picked up easily?

Is it any linear 5v supply we are looking for or are some types better
than others?

I'm not sure that anyone has identified a cheap, easily available 
off-the-shelf model that fills the bill.  If they have, I've not heard 
about it.

The Bolder Cables company sells what looks to be a high quality unit, 
priced accordingly.

Vinnie at Red Wine Audio will put you on batteries, among other things.

You could rig your own battery/charger system.

Other list members have been working on designs for what may become a 
DIY kit or someone's product.

There was some discussion here a while back:

Enthusiasts at diyaudio and audiocircle are also hard at work.

Part of the delay in finding options for a quick and easy, external 
linear PSU upgrade seems to be that the more talented and ethusiastic 
designers and modders are setting their sights higher than that. 
They're seeing bigger gains in more extensive internal changes.

For myself, I'm waiting to see how it settles out before carving up my 
SB2 or spending big on an external PSU that may or may not work well 
with whatever mods turns out to be The Way.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 audiophile edition

2005-08-25 Thread ron thigpen

well, not _just_ for the sake of fitting in.

if the power supply and regulator bits were internal, then a bit larger 
case would be in order.  and i'm not wanting anything massive, just a 
something on the order of a standard CD player.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB2 audiophile edition

2005-08-25 Thread ron thigpen

Yannzola wrote:

That's assuming folks want to have their SB2 sitting with the rest of
their gear. Personally, I like my gear hidden away... 

I _like_ the way my gear looks.  And I'm just musing about have an 
alternate model, not a design change for the existing model.

audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Flac or not, that is the question

2005-07-28 Thread ron thigpen

Pat Farrell wrote:

This tells me that one shouldn't bother to read AudioAsylum.

Your conclusion covers vastly too much ground.  We have a paraphrased, 
hearsay report of a statement attributed to one user of a well-populated 
forum and you would judge that this somehow invalidates the statements 
of the entirety of that group?

Lossless means that the data is preserved.

It is trivial to test that a lossless process is correct,
compress and uncompress and then bit compare.

All true.

Similarly, if you hear that Lossless WMA is different (more or less
accurate ) from lossless AAC is different from MLP is different from
flac, it is pure BS. The speeds, DRMs, platforms supported, etc.
are different, but being lossless is like being pregant.
You are or you are not. There are no degrees.

The problem with this is that no human can hear a bitstream.

These bits everyone is so fond of characterizing with pure perfection 
are an abstraction.  Information represented by physical changes in an 
engineered system.

In this case, represented by the rise and fall of --analog-- voltages in 
wire.  Buffered and pumped into a processor for digital decoding.  Sent 
to an imperfect receiver into another device for D/A conversion. 
Amplified and sent to an imperfect transducer and pumped into a 
non-ideal acoustical space.  Energy then transferred to another 
transducer and converted to perception by an organic system of which we 
have only the barest of understanding.

What could go wrong?  Everything.  Perfect Sound Forever was, is and 
shall continue to be another case of marketing fluff.

FLAC encoder input = FLAC decoder output, certainly.  But extending that 
to a statement that a system processing identical bitstreams will 
produce identical sound is to ignore an awful lot of real world complexity.

If you must have a rational model for expecting the observed behavior, 
I'd float these as possibilities: power supply variance or noise due to 
processor current consumption, RFI or other system noise due to 
processor activity, difference in signal paths for PCM vs. decoded FLAC, 
just to name a few.

Before attributing the strength of a mathematical proof to your 
understanding of a physical system, it is best to be sure that you have 
modelled the entirety of that system.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] limits of perfection

2005-07-28 Thread ron thigpen

Pat Farrell wrote:

No problem. I think you have me confused with others.

Or, more likely, just a general Zeitgeist sort of thing.  Apparently 
this had been building and for whatever reason this thread tipped the 
boat.  Nothing to do with you at all as it turns out.

This is the line of BS that the XM and Sirius folks say,
its digital, so it has to be just like CD. Ah, no, not at
the data rates that they send. Of course, in a car, 
Red Book is overkill. Even my Lincoln has 65 or 70 dB of

road noise at speed.

Yeah, the satellite and cable TV companies are playing this game as 
well.  Acting like their precious all digital signals are the cat's 
meow when I can clearly see compression artifacts from across the room 
on my decidedly non-spectacular, 27 set.

High rate and wider than 16 bit bitstreams are much closer, but
DVD-audio and SACD are dead. Too bad.

Well, these died in the market but despite the obvious improvements. 
suffered from PSF problems similar to RedBook.  Consider what you are 
really buying when you know how much resampling typically occurs in the 
path from the source studio and on through mixing and mastering. 
Another confusion between ideals, real-world potential and actual 

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