Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
cpreston wrote:

> If you are on this mailing list and have an opinion about Backup  
> Central's use of this list, please read this message and respond.   
> I'm doing what I'm doing because I believe it helps the BackupPC  
> community -- no other reason.  It sure isn't to generate more web  
> traffic.  (If that's all I wanted to do, I could do that by setting  
> up a one-way setup where I import the messages from the list and  
> don't send forum messages back to the list.)  I believe that what  
> I'm doing is the right thing, but at least one member of the list  
> seems to feel rather strongly in the opposite direction.  I thought  
> I'd give you a chance to respond to that.

I'm with Holger on this one. I'm a member of a lot of mailinglists and  
I find the edited reposts coming from Backup Central quite annoying.

> Second, I DO understand the basics of email threading, and am well  
> acquainted with the appropriate RFCs.  I'm a Unix geek through and  
> through and used to use Usenet before it got popular and got all  
> messed up.

I feel now this mailinglist is getting messed up. And I think Holger  
felt the same.

> Do you yell at people that use email clients that mess up the thread  
> as well?  Just curious.

I do from time to time, yes.

> Apparently there's some combination of what I'm doing and what this  
> poster is doing that is driving you crazy.  I _think_ it's that he's  
> been editing previous posts.  The ability to edit a previous post is  
> on by default, but I have now turned it off.  (In fact, I decided to  
> do it for all forums.)  See how easy that was?  I am neither stupid  
> nor evil.  Quit trying to make me so.  I am a reasonable person who  
> responds to reasonable requests, even when they are stated rather  
> unreasonably strong, as is the case in your case.

Turning off editing previous posts is probably going a long way  
towards fixing our annoyance. Thanks for that.

> In addition, the poster to which you have sent such hateful sounding  
> posts has posted both questions AND answers to this forum and by  
> extension your mailing list.  (See 
>  )  While the majority of his/her posts have been questions, it  
> seems that they are trying to help as well.  Maybe you could back  
> off just a little.

I think Holger is maybe the most helpful and knowledgable person on  
this mailinglist, so we might want him to stay as well.

> Then you said:
>>> Any idea what's wrong here?
>> I really couldn't care less.
> So you posted all that just to say that you weren't going to answer  
> his question?  Now THAT'S being unreasonable.

I think he posted to say that he would have cared if the person asking  
would refrain from sending edited posts to the mailinglist via Backup  
Central. It was not the first time Holger expressed his annoyance with  
posters coming through Backup Central, so I guess this was just the  
drop and someone got a reaction that was maybe a bit stronger put than  
he could have expected.

Just my 2 cents,

Nils Breunese.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup Central posting to this list

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Stephen Joyce wrote:
> Well, personally I find the Backup Central forum traffic to be annoying. 
> The email list existed long before the BC forum (for BackupPC) did and got 
> along fine without it. Further it's an untenable practice; if every 
> centralized resource wannabe created a web forum <-> email listserv 
> gateway, it would get very chaotic very quickly.

How so?  As far as the list is concerned, the forum is one member and it 
is generally pretty well behaved.  The more the merrier as long as there 
is some protection against spam.

 > I will say that I
> haven't been impressed with the quality of the questions or solutions from 
> the users of the Backup Central forum (not saying that we don't get a lot 
> of RTFM questions via the email list, but it seems the forum is responsible 
> for far more than its share).

That's kind of the point.  How much should you have to know to be able 
to ask a question?

I've always thought that had the right idea. 
It's simultaneously a set of newsgroups, email lists, and web forums, 
depending on how you want to read it.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] [OT] Backup Central (was Re: missing rdev on device...)

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Holger Parplies wrote:
> Sorry about the trouble and the long off-topic post, list. I *would* be
> interested in how others feel about the matter though.

I always read mail list email backwards.  That is, new messages in 
reverse time order since the last batch I read so threading is more or 
less irrelevant.  If a conversation is interesting, I'll remember it 
from one message to the next.  If it isn't, it doesn't matter and 
threading won't make it better.

Anyway, that means I generally see edited messages before the originals 
so even though they seem a little strange on a mail list it is not a big 
problem.  I think the forum has attracted a few people that weren't 
familiar with mail list etiquette but I'm not sure that's a bad thing. 
I'd rather see people able to ask for help even if they haven't first 
learned the exact procedure you want them to use.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-23 Thread Holger Parplies

Glassfox wrote on 22.12.2008 at 16:50:24 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> I tried a complete restore on my localhost (which also runs BackupPC) today 
> and got a lot of error messages like this:
> "2008-12-22 21:54:23 localhost: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode: missing rdev 
> on device file dev/initctl"
> Any idea what's wrong here?

this is weird.

1.) /dev/initctl is a named pipe. There is no point in *restoring* a named
pipe, because you can't "restore" the process listening "on the other
end". You might still want to back up named pipes, for the sake of
having an exact image of your file system for reference or auditing
Did all of the error messages refer to named pipes?
2.) As far as I understand the complaining code (FileList/FileList.xs in the
source of File::RsyncP), it is interpreting the file as a device, not
a pipe. Might this be related to the "-D" option syntax change in rsync
2.6.7? Has anyone successfully tested backing up and restoring named

What rsync commands are run for backup and for restore? You can find them in
the XferLOG and RestoreLOG files ...


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Backup Central posting to this list

2008-12-23 Thread Stephen Joyce
Well, personally I find the Backup Central forum traffic to be annoying. 
The email list existed long before the BC forum (for BackupPC) did and got 
along fine without it. Further it's an untenable practice; if every 
centralized resource wannabe created a web forum <-> email listserv 
gateway, it would get very chaotic very quickly. In short, it's "not the 
right way to do things" (tm).

I have no problem with searchable web archives of mailing lists; they can 
be quite useful. But I don't buy the "It sure isn't to generate more web 
traffic," argument. If that were true, you'd have your forum be a simple 
archive with explicit instructions how to subscribe to the *email list* to 
submit a question. If someone can't figure out how to subscribe to an email 
list, they probably shouldn't be trying to install/manage BackupPC. ;-)

Like I said, I personally find the forum traffic annoying, but it's not 
annoying enough for me to complain unless asked. That might be the same 
perspective of others, but I won't speak for them. I will say that I 
haven't been impressed with the quality of the questions or solutions from 
the users of the Backup Central forum (not saying that we don't get a lot 
of RTFM questions via the email list, but it seems the forum is responsible 
for far more than its share).

I wouldn't have said all of this unless asked, but you did ask. My opinion 
is mine, not my employer's.

On Tue, 23 Dec 2008, cpreston wrote:

> If you are on this mailing list and have an opinion about Backup Central's 
> use of this list, please read this message and respond. I'm doing what I'm 
> doing because I believe it helps the BackupPC community -- no other reason. 
> It sure isn't to generate more web traffic. (If that's all I wanted to do, I 
> could do that by setting up a one-way setup where I import the messages from 
> the list and don't send forum messages back to the list.) I believe that what 
> I'm doing is the right thing, but at least one member of the list seems to 
> feel rather strongly in the opposite direction. I thought I'd give you a 
> chance to respond to that.
> Holger said to another poster on a different thread:
>> Since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing
>> list* via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
>> MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter
>> fool of yourself...
> So let me get this straight. I've never met you, and you've never contacted 
> me and explained what your problem is with Backup Central doing what it's 
> doing, but you've taken it upon yourself to wage an off-list email campaign 
> to tell anyone that posts on Backup Central that they should not do so.
> BTW, no one else has complained either. In fact, of the 15 mailing lists that 
> I've done this with (containing a grand total of well over 15,000 subscribers 
> on said mailing lists and hundreds of thousands of posts), you are the ONLY 
> one who has made it a point to do what you're doing.
>> You *cannot* edit previous posts.
> Yes you can -- if you're using a different medium other than email. And, if 
> you CAN edit a previous post to correct a misunderstanding in your question, 
> why shouldn't you? What is so evil about that? Email is a very nice medium, 
> but not everyone uses it to the degree that you do. An increasing number of 
> people prefer to reserve email for interaction with direct coworkers and 
> friends, and use the web to interact with communities like this one.
>> "Backup Central"s official point of view seems to be something like "we
>> only encourage fools to do stupid things, we don't make them do them;
>> if that annoys mailing lists, so what?". They obviously don't grasp the
>> basics of threading and the involved email headers, and, frankly, I
>> couldn't be bothered to explain them to them.
> First, Backup Central is not a "they," it's a "me." I'm ONE GUY trying to 
> manage a resource for the backup community while keeping tens of thousands of 
> people happy and apparently not doing a good job with one of them. Second, I 
> DO understand the basics of email threading, and am well acquainted with the 
> appropriate RFCs. I'm a Unix geek through and through and used to use Usenet 
> before it got popular and got all messed up.
> I also understand that there are a lot of users out there that don't even 
> know what a mailing list is, and wouldn't know how to join one if they needed 
> to. They wouldn't even know to look for one. But they know what forums are. 
> It is for those users that I did what I did.
> I could have started a SEPARATE forum, but then the forum posters wouldn't 
> gain access to the information on the list, and the list wouldn't gain access 
> to the increased exposure that the forum brings. (Every list I've done this 
> for has increased it's participation both in terms of subscribers and in 
> terms of overall posts.) I didn't want to do that, so I'm using a

[BackupPC-users] [OT] Backup Central (was Re: missing rdev on device...)

2008-12-23 Thread Holger Parplies

cpreston wrote on 2008-12-23 17:25:58 -0500 [[BackupPC-users]  missing rdev on 
> [...] I'm doing what I'm doing because I believe it helps the BackupPC
> community -- no other reason. [...] I believe that what I'm doing is the
> right thing, but at least one member of the list seems to feel rather
> strongly in the opposite direction.

I don't doubt that your intentions are good. I see some problems which I
suspect other *mailing list* users also have.

> Holger said to another poster on a different thread:
> >Since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing 
> >list* via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
> >MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter 
> >fool of yourself...
> So let me get this straight.  I've never met you,


> and you've never contacted me and explained what your problem is with
> Backup Central doing what it's doing,

Partly correct. I've made several points on-list, supposing someone from
Backup Central (which turns out to mean "you") would read them (which
probably did not happen), and one admittedly vague hint off-list,
to which you responded

[2008-12-11 10:58:48 -0500]:
> Backupcentral maintains the subject heading, so I'm not sure why you
> wouldn't be able to follow the thread. As to this one, the poster fat
> fingered his response, the same as can happen on a mailing list.

This did not encourage me to expect technical expertise or much
open-mindedness towards "reasonable requests".

Let me explain how the situation appears from my point-of-view:
 is the upstream users mailing list, the primary resource
for contacting the developer(s) and the user base of BackupPC. You have
decided to make the list available to web users - a fine goal per se. I
would expect that anyone can do this without special permission. I would
also expect this to be done in a non-intrusive fashion. I believe you are
trying to do it in a non-intrusive fashion. But your implementation has
flaws which are becoming increasingly annoying for me as user of the mailing
list. The nature of the flaws makes me believe that it must annoy other users
of the mailing list, too, though I have not asked so far (because it is
off-topic). I do not believe you introduced yourself to me (though you may
have to the list before I joined), so I don't know much about who you are,
what your interest in this list is, how to contact you, what reaction to
expect and so on. I don't really *want* to know any of this either. I don't
*want* to search your web site. That's not what I'm here for. Up to a certain
point, I'll ignore what is annoying me. I'll try to stop the effect by
recommending to people not to post through Backup Central but to join the
mailing list instead. I'll get tired of doing it, because I have to tell every
new poster. I'll stop doing it on-list, because it's not very interesting for
the list (and other new posters won't see it anyway). So,

> but you've taken it upon yourself to wage an off-list email campaign to
> tell anyone that posts on Backup Central that they should not do so.  

that does not explain my attitude very well.

> BTW, no one else has complained either.

I have read several other requests on-list that a new poster should join the
mailing list instead of posting via Backup Central.

> >You *cannot* edit previous posts. 
> Yes you can -- if you're using a different medium other than email.

My point exactly. If you are posting to , you are *not* using
a different medium, even though Backup Central may make it appear so.

> And, if you CAN edit a previous post to correct a misunderstanding in your
> question, why shouldn't you? What is so evil about that?

Apparently, I don't need to convince you, because you already understand the
problem. Just the same: your emulation (or that of mail2forum) of editing a
mailing list email produces an almost identical copy. On the list, we generally
read the first version before the second, because they are sorted by date.
What's more, the edited version appears to miss reasonable threading headers,
so it may appear outside the thread. If you've read the first version, how much
time are you inclined to spend re-reading the complete message to find some
subtle difference, which may well turn out to be cosmetic (spelling correction,
quotation-markup correction or similar - in this case, in fact, the addition
of a ", use rsync", which was apparent from the quoted error message)? It's
not as though the edited version would make it easily possible to ignore the
*first* version. Or that we were desperately in need of solving other people's
problems, even if it means going too far out of our way. I routinely ignore
"edited version" completely, because the change is unlikely to be important
enough (for me) to warrant the trouble involved in spotting it. Now, how does
it make your forum user

[BackupPC-users] Backup Central posting to this list

2008-12-23 Thread cpreston

If you are on this mailing list and have an opinion about Backup Central's use 
of this list, please read this message and respond. I'm doing what I'm doing 
because I believe it helps the BackupPC community -- no other reason. It sure 
isn't to generate more web traffic. (If that's all I wanted to do, I could do 
that by setting up a one-way setup where I import the messages from the list 
and don't send forum messages back to the list.) I believe that what I'm doing 
is the right thing, but at least one member of the list seems to feel rather 
strongly in the opposite direction. I thought I'd give you a chance to respond 
to that.

Holger said to another poster on a different thread:

>Since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing
>list* via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
>MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter
>fool of yourself...

So let me get this straight. I've never met you, and you've never contacted me 
and explained what your problem is with Backup Central doing what it's doing, 
but you've taken it upon yourself to wage an off-list email campaign to tell 
anyone that posts on Backup Central that they should not do so.

BTW, no one else has complained either. In fact, of the 15 mailing lists that 
I've done this with (containing a grand total of well over 15,000 subscribers 
on said mailing lists and hundreds of thousands of posts), you are the ONLY one 
who has made it a point to do what you're doing.

>You *cannot* edit previous posts.

Yes you can -- if you're using a different medium other than email. And, if you 
CAN edit a previous post to correct a misunderstanding in your question, why 
shouldn't you? What is so evil about that? Email is a very nice medium, but not 
everyone uses it to the degree that you do. An increasing number of people 
prefer to reserve email for interaction with direct coworkers and friends, and 
use the web to interact with communities like this one.

>"Backup Central"s official point of view seems to be something like "we
>only encourage fools to do stupid things, we don't make them do them;
>if that annoys mailing lists, so what?". They obviously don't grasp the
>basics of threading and the involved email headers, and, frankly, I
>couldn't be bothered to explain them to them.

First, Backup Central is not a "they," it's a "me." I'm ONE GUY trying to 
manage a resource for the backup community while keeping tens of thousands of 
people happy and apparently not doing a good job with one of them. Second, I DO 
understand the basics of email threading, and am well acquainted with the 
appropriate RFCs. I'm a Unix geek through and through and used to use Usenet 
before it got popular and got all messed up.

I also understand that there are a lot of users out there that don't even know 
what a mailing list is, and wouldn't know how to join one if they needed to. 
They wouldn't even know to look for one. But they know what forums are. It is 
for those users that I did what I did.

I could have started a SEPARATE forum, but then the forum posters wouldn't gain 
access to the information on the list, and the list wouldn't gain access to the 
increased exposure that the forum brings. (Every list I've done this for has 
increased it's participation both in terms of subscribers and in terms of 
overall posts.) I didn't want to do that, so I'm using an open-source product 
that connects the two.

Is mail2forum (the product I use) perfect? No. Have I written my own hacks to 
the code to minimize negative impacts on mailings lists? Yes. Am I crack php 
programmer would could make it do cartwheels? No. Have I done my best to 
respond to those who don't like it? Absolutely. Have any of the lists where 
I've done it taken a vote and asked me to leave? No.

>It's not that it is *impossible* to follow a mutilated-by-Backup-
>Central-type thread, it's just that it's a pain, and I, for one, don't
>voluntarily inflict pain upon myself. I would be happy to continue simply
>ignoring your posts and the partly incorrect or misleading answers there
>have been, if not for the fact that all of that lands in the archives and
>may mislead readers who have done *nothing* to deserve it.

Do you yell at people that use email clients that mess up the thread as well? 
Just curious.

Apparently there's some combination of what I'm doing and what this poster is 
doing that is driving you crazy. I _think_ it's that he's been editing previous 
posts. The ability to edit a previous post is on by default, but I have now 
turned it off. (In fact, I decided to do it for all forums.) See how easy that 
was? I am neither stupid nor evil. Quit trying to make me so. I am a reasonable 
person who responds to reasonable requests, even when they are stated rather 
unreasonably strong, as is the case in your case.

In addition, the poster to which you have sent such hateful sounding posts has 
posted both questions AND answers

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 72

2008-12-23 Thread Ray Todd Stevens
Interesting.   First the tar thing definitely did not work. 

Second it sure might be good to have this in the documentation.  It might be 
even cooler to 
have a restore from tape function as a part of the application.

> Ray Todd Stevens wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > OK I have the system so that I can save an archive off to tape.  (select
> > the tape host -> start an archive --> select the hosts to be archived
> > --> press the start button at the bottom of the page)
> > 
> > But if and when I need to recover the data that is on that tape how do I
> > do that?
> You'll end up with a normal tar archive, so the restore would be the same
> as if you had created a tar tape directly.
> > After all a backup is only as good as the restore procedure.
> You can use something like 'tar -tv /dev/tape' to check the tape files,
> -xv to copy them into your current directory.  Add 'z' if you used
> compression - you might need a blocking factor, depending on the tape
> type.  In a real disaster scenario you'll work from a bootable CD or do
> enough of a system install to have the tape working and a place to drop
> the files.  Note that if you still have access to the backuppc server you
> can also run Backuppc_tarCreate via ssh to get a tar stream over the
> network instead.
> I've never put more than one host on a tape so I'm not sure what is 
> involved in separating them if you do.
> -- 
>Les Mikesell

Ray Todd Stevens Specialists in Network and Security Consulting
Senior Consultant  Stevens Services
Suite 21  (812) 279-9394
3754 Old State Rd 37 N
Bedford, IN 47421

Thought for the day:
Advertising (n): the science of arresting the human
intelligence for long enough to get money from it.
   -- Stephen Leacock.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Anand Gupta wrote:
> Thanks for the link. I see BackupPC_tarCreate and BackupPC_zipCreate for 
> tar and zip. Is there an rsync version ? So instead of creating a tar or 
> zip, it can rsync the data over to another location ?
> The reason i asked is because the amount of data i am going to backup is 
> 1T+ and thus creating a tar of the same would be unnecessary time 
> consuming job, whereas infact i would only want to rsync the data across 
> to another location.

Rsync is only going to help if most of the files already exist at the 
target.  There is probably some sort of server message to start a 
restore, but I haven't tried it.  If you are set up to use rsync to back 
up and your rsyncd permits write access a restore will also work over rsync.

> My main motive is incase i don't have access to a browser, i can still 
> restore files using console. My backup server runs behind a firewall, i 
> only have console access to the server.

I assume you mean you have ssh access to the server.  If so, you just 
need to learn the tricks of ssh tunneling.  If you specify 
-L8000: on your ssh command line or the equivalent with 
putty's ssh/tunnels, you can point your browser on the same machine at 
and get a connection.   Or, for something even nicer for remote work, 
look at the NX client/server from - or your 
distribution might include the freenx version of the server.  These give 
you a full GUI remote desktop with good performance over an ssh connection.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] copy open files on windows

2008-12-23 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky
Anand Gupta wrote at about 03:32:31 +0530 on Wednesday, December 24, 2008:
 > Is there a way to backup open files like outlook.pst using backuppc ? I 
 > know that there is something called vss for windows which allows you to 
 > do so, but has anyone had any success ?
 > I came across a very nice howto at 
 > while googling, though i have to still test if it works for me or not.
 > --
 > Thanks and Regards,
 > Anand

See my recent post that includes a fully automatic script that sets up
shadow copies based on your existing rsyncd.conf file. If you have
rsyncd working properly, then all you need to do is call this script
in the pre and post dump command and it will set up the shadows (based
on the content of your rsyncd.conf file), mount the shadows, and then
start rsyncd. The same script called with '-d' undoes it all when used
in the post command. You shouldn't need to change anything in the
configuration if you are using standard locations for rysncd.conf.

BTW, I do my full backups on all my windoze machines using shadow
copies. That way I am assured that the snapshot is truly a consistent
snapshot of a single point in time while also allowing me to backup
things like the registry (or Outlook if I used it).

 > --
 > --
 > --
 > ___
 > BackupPC-users mailing list
 > List:
 > Wiki:
 > Project:

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] restoring a tape backup

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Ray Todd Stevens wrote:
> OK I have the system so that I can save an archive off to tape.  (select the 
> tape
> host -> start an archive --> select the hosts to be archived --> press the 
> start
> button at the bottom of the page)
> But if and when I need to recover the data that is on that tape how do I do 
> that?

You'll end up with a normal tar archive, so the restore would be the 
same as if you had created a tar tape directly.

> After all a backup is only as good as the restore procedure.

You can use something like 'tar -tv /dev/tape' to check the tape files, 
-xv to copy them into your current directory.  Add 'z' if you used 
compression - you might need a blocking factor, depending on the tape 
type.  In a real disaster scenario you'll work from a bootable CD or do 
enough of a system install to have the tape working and a place to drop 
the files.  Note that if you still have access to the backuppc server 
you can also run Backuppc_tarCreate via ssh to get a tar stream over the 
network instead.

I've never put more than one host on a tape so I'm not sure what is 
involved in separating them if you do.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 69

2008-12-23 Thread Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote at about 21:17:33 + on Tuesday, December 23, 2008:
 > Found the problem and its solution already as mentioned in my earlier post. 
 > The first time ssh creates and entry in known_host file, which was missing 
 > and hence the error.

This problem comes up time and again for both new and old users. I
remember I one time switched machines or ip addresses and I got the
generic "read 4 bytes error" or something and it took me a while to
figure out the cause. In fact, the error is almost unavoidable on many
ssh setups where the first time login requires confirmation of the
fingerprint. The error is compounded by the fact that it is far from
intuitively obvious that you need to login manually over ssh as user
backuppc to confirm the fingerprint. 

Perhaps, a line could be added to the error
message saying something like "check to make sure user 'backuppc' is
authorized to connect to 'host' via ssh. Try typing 'ssh
backu...@host -i id_rsa_file' to verify that your login is setup
correctly" (note I may have the ssh line wrong but you get the picture).

Even better, backuppc should be able to detect the specific
"known_hosts" error (either requesting verify of the fingerprint or
warning that the fingerprint has changed) and signal that

In summary, the combination of a common (and understandable) newbie
error combined with a completely non-informative error message is a
situation that can and should be fixed.

 > --
 > Thanks and Regards,
 > Anand Gupta
 > -Original Message-
 > From: Ray Todd Stevens 
 > Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 16:10:50 
 > To: 
 > Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 69
 > It sounds like the backuppc side is setup properly or close to it.   The logs
 > here are really not telling us anything except that it didn't work.   Do you 
 > have
 > any logs from the client side.   I don't know why it is succeeding when run 
 > from
 > the command line.   But I would think that the logs from the client might 
 > give
 > some great clues.
 > >Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 01:11:32 +0530
 > >From: Anand Gupta>
 > >Subject: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client
 > >To: "General list for user discussion,  questions and support"
 > >>
 > >Message-ID:>
 > >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
 > >
 > >
 > >I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
 > >what i get in the logs
 > >
 > >Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
 > >2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)
 > >
 > >full backup started for directory /
 > >Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
 > >--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
 > >--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
 > >Xfer PIDs are now 1373
 > >Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
 > >Tried again: got 0 bytes
 > >Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
 > >Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the 
 > >prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)
 > >
 > >
 > >On the console, i switched to backuppc user, and then ran the above 
 > >command without any errors.
 > >
 > >/usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server 
 > >--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links 
 > >--times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
 > >
 > >However i do not understand the above error. Here is extract from the 
 > >LOG file
 > >
 > >2008-12-24 00:42:16 full backup started for directory /
 > >2008-12-24 00:42:17 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >2008-12-24 00:42:22 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >2008-12-24 00:44:01 full backup started for directory /
 > >2008-12-24 00:44:02 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >2008-12-24 00:44:07 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
 > >
 > >Any ideas on what could be happening here ?
 > >
 > >--
 > >Thanks and Regards,
 > >
 > >Anand
 > --
 > ___
 > BackupPC-users mailing list
 > List:
 > Wiki:
 > Project:
 > --
 > ___
 > BackupPC-users mailing list
 > List:
 > Wiki:
 > Project:


Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc 3.0.0: another xfs problem?

2008-12-23 Thread Chris Robertson wrote:
> How dangerous is it to run xfs without write barriers?

As long as your computer shuts down properly, sends a flush to the 
drives, and the drives manage to clear their on-board cache before power 
is removed or the chip set is reset, it's not dangerous at all.  :o)

Here's a thread from SGI's XFS mailing list from before XFS on Linux had 
barrier support:

Here's an informative thread on LKML with some good information:
A analysis of the performance hit due to barriers (and a fairly vague 
suggestion on a solution) can be found at:

The executive summary is that you can use xfs_db to change the log 
(journal) to version 2, which allows larger buffers, which reduces "the 
impact the barriers have (fewer, larger log IOs, so fewer barriers)."


BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] copy open files on windows

2008-12-23 Thread Anand Gupta
Is there a way to backup open files like outlook.pst using backuppc ? I 
know that there is something called vss for windows which allows you to 
do so, but has anyone had any success ?

I came across a very nice howto at 
while googling, though i have to still test if it works for me or not.

Thanks and Regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Chris Robertson
Anand Gupta wrote:
>  Hi Les,
>  Thanks for the link. I see BackupPC_tarCreate and BackupPC_zipCreate
>  for tar and zip. Is there an rsync version ? So instead of creating a
>  tar or zip, it can rsync the data over to another location ?
>  The reason i asked is because the amount of data i am going to backup
>  is 1T+ and thus creating a tar of the same would be unnecessary time
>  consuming job, whereas infact i would only want to rsync the data
>  across to another location.
>  My main motive is incase i don't have access to a browser, i can
>  still restore files using console. My backup server runs behind a
>  firewall, i only have console access to the server.

You are probably best off tunneling HTTP through your SSH connection 
(assuming you don't really mean "console" access over a serial line), or 
installing the Lynx browser on the server, and using that.  If neither 
of those options work for some reason, I'll you can use wget from the 
server's command line.

The wrapping on this might get ugly (make sure the command is all on one 
line and that the post-data has NO spaces in it)...

/usr/bin/wget --http-user=${MYBACKUPPCLOGIN} 

Replace anything that looks like ${VARIABLE} with arguments that are 
reasonable for your install.
${SHARE} is the rsync share
${PATH} is the path within the rsync share
${BACKUPNUMBER} is the backup number to use (-1 for the latest, -2 for 
the one before that or you can explicitly specify it)
${FILE1} is the filename within ${SHARE} (I can't remember if it 
requires the full path or just the filename) to restore.  Increment the 
number after fcb for each file.  I think specifying a folder will 
recursively restore the folder and all files under it.
Hopefully the rest are self explanatory.

Basically this tells wget to POST the data in specified by the 
--post-data argument to the BackupPC_Admin script interpreted by the web 
server on localhost, and to use the HTTP credentials specified by 
http-user and http-password.  Just what your browser would do.

Yeah.  Using Lynx is a much better option.

>  -- Thanks and Regards,
>  Anand


BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] missing rdev on device...

2008-12-23 Thread cpreston

If you are on this mailing list and have an opinion about Backup Central's use 
of this list, please read this message and respond.  I'm doing what I'm doing 
because I believe it helps the BackupPC community -- no other reason.  It sure 
isn't to generate more web traffic.  (If that's all I wanted to do, I could do 
that by setting up a one-way setup where I import the messages from the list 
and don't send forum messages back to the list.)  I believe that what I'm doing 
is the right thing, but at least one member of the list seems to feel rather 
strongly in the opposite direction.  I thought I'd give you a chance to respond 
to that.

Holger said to another poster on a different thread:

>Since you're ignoring off-list requests to stop posting to this *mailing 
>list* via "Backup Central", let me explain to you on-list, that this is a
>MAILING LIST (shouting intended), and that you are making an utter 
>fool of yourself...

So let me get this straight.  I've never met you, and you've never contacted me 
and explained what your problem is with Backup Central doing what it's doing, 
but you've taken it upon yourself to wage an off-list email campaign to tell 
anyone that posts on Backup Central that they should not do so.  

BTW, no one else has complained either.  In fact, of the 15 mailing lists that 
I've done this with (containing a grand total of well over 15,000 subscribers 
on said mailing lists and hundreds of thousands of posts), you are the ONLY one 
who has made it a point to do what you're doing.

>You *cannot* edit previous posts. 

Yes you can -- if you're using a different medium other than email.  And, if 
you CAN edit a previous post to correct a misunderstanding in your question, 
why shouldn't you?  What is so evil about that?  Email is a very nice medium, 
but not everyone uses it to the degree that you do.  An increasing number of 
people prefer to reserve email for interaction with direct coworkers and 
friends, and use the web to interact with communities like this one.

>"Backup Central"s official point of view seems to be something like "we 
>only encourage fools to do stupid things, we don't make them do them; 
>if that annoys mailing lists, so what?". They obviously don't grasp the 
>basics of threading and the involved email headers, and, frankly, I 
>couldn't be bothered to explain them to them. 

First, Backup Central is not a "they," it's a "me."  I'm ONE GUY trying to 
manage a resource for the backup community while keeping tens of thousands of 
people happy and apparently not doing a good job with one of them.  Second, I 
DO understand the basics of email threading, and am well acquainted with the 
appropriate RFCs.  I'm a Unix geek through and through and used to use Usenet 
before it got popular and got all messed up.

I also understand that there are a lot of users out there that don't even know 
what a mailing list is, and wouldn't know how to join one if they needed to.  
They wouldn't even know to look for one.  But they know what forums are.  It is 
for those users that I did what I did.

I could have started a SEPARATE forum, but then the forum posters wouldn't gain 
access to the information on the list, and the list wouldn't gain access to the 
increased exposure that the forum brings.  (Every list I've done this for has 
increased it's participation both in terms of subscribers and in terms of 
overall posts.)  I didn't want to do that, so I'm using an open-source product 
that connects the two.

Is mail2forum (the product I use) perfect?  No.  Have I written my own hacks to 
the code to minimize negative impacts on mailings lists?  Yes.  Am I crack php 
programmer would could make it do cartwheels?  No.  Have I done my best to 
respond to those who don't like it?  Absolutely.  Have any of the lists where 
I've done it taken a vote and asked me to leave?  No.

>It's not that it is *impossible* to follow a mutilated-by-Backup-
>Central-type thread, it's just that it's a pain, and I, for one, don't 
>voluntarily inflict pain upon myself. I would be happy to continue simply 
>ignoring your posts and the partly incorrect or misleading answers there 
>have been, if not for the fact that all of that lands in the archives and 
>may mislead readers who have done *nothing* to deserve it.

Do you yell at people that use email clients that mess up the thread as well?  
Just curious.

Apparently there's some combination of what I'm doing and what this poster is 
doing that is driving you crazy.  I _think_ it's that he's been editing 
previous posts.  The ability to edit a previous post is on by default, but I 
have now turned it off.  (In fact, I decided to do it for all forums.)  See how 
easy that was?  I am neither stupid nor evil.  Quit trying to make me so.  I am 
a reasonable person who responds to reasonable requests, even when they are 
stated rather unreasonably strong, as is the case in your case.

In addition, the poster to which you have sent such hateful sou

[BackupPC-users] restoring a tape backup

2008-12-23 Thread Ray Todd Stevens

OK I have the system so that I can save an archive off to tape.  (select the 
host -> start an archive --> select the hosts to be archived --> press the start
button at the bottom of the page)

But if and when I need to recover the data that is on that tape how do I do 

After all a backup is only as good as the restore procedure.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 69

2008-12-23 Thread anandiwp
Found the problem and its solution already as mentioned in my earlier post. The 
first time ssh creates and entry in known_host file, which was missing and 
hence the error.

Thanks and Regards,

Anand Gupta

-Original Message-
From: Ray Todd Stevens 

Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 16:10:50 
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 69

It sounds like the backuppc side is setup properly or close to it.   The logs
here are really not telling us anything except that it didn't work.   Do you 
any logs from the client side.   I don't know why it is succeeding when run from
the command line.   But I would think that the logs from the client might give
some great clues.

>Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 01:11:32 +0530
>From: Anand Gupta>
>Subject: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client
>To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support"
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
>what i get in the logs
>Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
>2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)
>full backup started for directory /
>Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
>--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
>--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
>Xfer PIDs are now 1373
>Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
>Tried again: got 0 bytes
>Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
>Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the 
>prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)
>On the console, i switched to backuppc user, and then ran the above 
>command without any errors.
>/usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server 
>--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links 
>--times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
>However i do not understand the above error. Here is extract from the 
>LOG file
>2008-12-24 00:42:16 full backup started for directory /
>2008-12-24 00:42:17 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:42:22 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:44:01 full backup started for directory /
>2008-12-24 00:44:02 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:44:07 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Any ideas on what could be happening here ?
>Thanks and Regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC-users Digest, Vol 32, Issue 69

2008-12-23 Thread Ray Todd Stevens
It sounds like the backuppc side is setup properly or close to it.   The logs
here are really not telling us anything except that it didn't work.   Do you 
any logs from the client side.   I don't know why it is succeeding when run from
the command line.   But I would think that the logs from the client might give
some great clues.

>Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2008 01:11:32 +0530
>From: Anand Gupta>
>Subject: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client
>To: "General list for user discussion, questions and support"
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
>what i get in the logs
>Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
>2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)
>full backup started for directory /
>Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
>--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
>--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
>Xfer PIDs are now 1373
>Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
>Tried again: got 0 bytes
>Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
>Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the 
>prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)
>On the console, i switched to backuppc user, and then ran the above 
>command without any errors.
>/usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server 
>--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links 
>--times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
>However i do not understand the above error. Here is extract from the 
>LOG file
>2008-12-24 00:42:16 full backup started for directory /
>2008-12-24 00:42:17 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:42:22 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:44:01 full backup started for directory /
>2008-12-24 00:44:02 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>2008-12-24 00:44:07 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>Any ideas on what could be happening here ?
>Thanks and Regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Anand Gupta

Hi Les,

 Original Message  
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client
From: Les Mikesell 
To:, General list for user discussion, questions and 

Date: 12/24/08 1:54 AM

Anand Gupta wrote:

One more question i have, when i see the backups being created by 
backuppc, to each directory name, i see f%2f prefixed to it. So this 
means i would always need backuppc running to restore files and hence 
a browser ? I can't use the normal rsync / command line to restore 
files for any machine :(

The file is compressed and doesn't have correct attributes since it is 
a link that may be shared by many instances.  You can use these 
command line tools to access the backups directly: 

You could use BackupPC_tarCreate through ssh, of course, to restore 

Or you can use the server's restore option or download a tar or zip 
copy through a browser.

Thanks for the link. I see BackupPC_tarCreate and BackupPC_zipCreate for 
tar and zip. Is there an rsync version ? So instead of creating a tar or 
zip, it can rsync the data over to another location ?

The reason i asked is because the amount of data i am going to backup is 
1T+ and thus creating a tar of the same would be unnecessary time 
consuming job, whereas infact i would only want to rsync the data across 
to another location.

My main motive is incase i don't have access to a browser, i can still 
restore files using console. My backup server runs behind a firewall, i 
only have console access to the server.

Thanks and Regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Anand Gupta wrote:

> One more question i have, when i see the backups being created by 
> backuppc, to each directory name, i see f%2f prefixed to it. So this 
> means i would always need backuppc running to restore files and hence a 
> browser ? I can't use the normal rsync / command line to restore files 
> for any machine :(

The file is compressed and doesn't have correct attributes since it is a 
link that may be shared by many instances.  You can use these command 
line tools to access the backups directly:
You could use BackupPC_tarCreate through ssh, of course, to restore 

Or you can use the server's restore option or download a tar or zip copy 
through a browser.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Anand Gupta
> Anand Gupta wrote:
>> I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
>> what i get in the logs
>> Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
>> 2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)
>> full backup started for directory /
>> Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
>> --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
>> --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
>> Xfer PIDs are now 1373
>> Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
>> Tried again: got 0 bytes
>> Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
>> Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
>> Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
> This usually means your ssh keys are not set up correctly.

Found 2 problems. First i hadn't supplied the shell when doing su, so i 
was logged in as user root only. Second when logging in the first time, 
i have to add the host to known_hosts file. Once added, logs now show 
backup started :)

Thanks for the help.

One more question i have, when i see the backups being created by 
backuppc, to each directory name, i see f%2f prefixed to it. So this 
means i would always need backuppc running to restore files and hence a 
browser ? I can't use the normal rsync / command line to restore files 
for any machine :(

Thanks and Regards,


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] new to backuppc

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Anand Gupta wrote:
>> Anand Gupta wrote at about 04:11:05 +0530 on Saturday, December 20, 2008:
>>  > Now i need to setup a windows host. I do have a question on that though, 
>> the
>>  > cygwin-rsync package from sf states it doesn't have ssh on it, however 
>> from
>>  > the howto it looks to me ssh would be required. Any ideas on that ?
>>  > 
>> It's not required if you just use 'rsyncd' without an ssh tunnel
>> (though rsyncd security alone is rather weak - just password
>> protection and the data isn't encrypted).
>> On the other hand, you have to be careful about using regular
>> rsync-ssh on windows since many people report errors with hanged
>> backups due to long or weird filenames in windows. This is a problem
>> with rsync protocol 28 that has been fixed in protocol 30 --
>> unfortunately, backuppc uses perl-File-RsyncP which has not yet been
>> updated to protocol 30. You can get around it by using rsyncd with or
>> without a separate ssh tunnel.
> So is there a solution for this ? OR we are stuck with either to use 
> rsync without encryption or do ssh tunneling as recommended earlier. I 
> am already going to go mad over installing cygwin+rsync on so many 
> machines, the ssh tunneling package might be just over the edge :(

There are other ways to get encrypted connections: openvpn, stunnel, 
etc., but I doubt if any are substantially easier to set up than an ssh 

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Anand Gupta wrote:
> I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
> what i get in the logs
> Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
> 2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)
> full backup started for directory /
> Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
> --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
> --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /
> Xfer PIDs are now 1373
> Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
> Tried again: got 0 bytes
> Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
> Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
> Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)

This usually means your ssh keys are not set up correctly.

> On the console, i switched to backuppc user, and then ran the above 
> command without any errors.
> /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server 
> --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links 
> --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /

Did this start transferring files without asking for a password?  If so, 
that would indicate that your keys are correct.  I usually just test 
with something like:
ssh -lroot id
to see if it completes without a prompt.   If that works, check anything 
that might be different about the server's environment than the way you 
are testing.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] problem with linux client

2008-12-23 Thread Anand Gupta

I tried to add a linux client today to my test environment and this is 
what i get in the logs

Contents of file /backup/backups/pc/, modified 
2008-12-24 00:44:07 (Extracting only Errors)

full backup started for directory /
Running: /usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync 
--server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /

Xfer PIDs are now 1373
Read EOF: Connection reset by peer
Tried again: got 0 bytes
Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the 
prior one (got 0 and 0 files versus 0)

On the console, i switched to backuppc user, and then ran the above 
command without any errors.

/usr/bin/ssh -p 11000 -q -x -l root /usr/bin/rsync --server 
--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links --hard-links 
--times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times . /

However i do not understand the above error. Here is extract from the 
LOG file

2008-12-24 00:42:16 full backup started for directory /
2008-12-24 00:42:17 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
2008-12-24 00:42:22 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)
2008-12-24 00:44:01 full backup started for directory /
2008-12-24 00:44:02 Got fatal error during xfer (Unable to read 4 bytes)
2008-12-24 00:44:07 Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)

Any ideas on what could be happening here ?

Thanks and Regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] new to backuppc

2008-12-23 Thread Anand Gupta
 Original Message  
Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] new to backuppc
From: Jeffrey J. Kosowsky 
To: General list for user discussion, questions and support 

Date: 12/21/08 12:40 PM

> Anand Gupta wrote at about 04:11:05 +0530 on Saturday, December 20, 2008:
>  > Now i need to setup a windows host. I do have a question on that though, 
> the
>  > cygwin-rsync package from sf states it doesn't have ssh on it, however from
>  > the howto it looks to me ssh would be required. Any ideas on that ?
>  > 
> It's not required if you just use 'rsyncd' without an ssh tunnel
> (though rsyncd security alone is rather weak - just password
> protection and the data isn't encrypted).
> On the other hand, you have to be careful about using regular
> rsync-ssh on windows since many people report errors with hanged
> backups due to long or weird filenames in windows. This is a problem
> with rsync protocol 28 that has been fixed in protocol 30 --
> unfortunately, backuppc uses perl-File-RsyncP which has not yet been
> updated to protocol 30. You can get around it by using rsyncd with or
> without a separate ssh tunnel.

So is there a solution for this ? OR we are stuck with either to use 
rsync without encryption or do ssh tunneling as recommended earlier. I 
am already going to go mad over installing cygwin+rsync on so many 
machines, the ssh tunneling package might be just over the edge :(

Thanks and Regards,


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Juergen Harms
Thanks, and yes, the problem is mobile laptops (occasionally mobile). 
The positive answer to (1) means that I can go ahead, considering them 
"quasi-static" and set the DHCP flag to 0. First priority is now to get 
backups working, optimise mobility later.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Juergen Harms wrote:
>  > I think you misunderstood this. Nmblookup runs on the backuppc server,
>  > not each client, and it communicates with the native windows name
>  > resolution protocol
> When I run nmblookup on the server, I expect a response to the broadcast 
> from clients, and in particular from Linux clients (which do not have 
> native windows name resolution). If I got it right, the nmbd daemon can 
> do that job, and this daemon is packaged into the samba-server.

Yes, nmbd should work, but I assumed your clients were windows.

> I tried: after installing the samba-server and adjusting the firewall 
> correspondingly I get the responses with the name-to-address mapping. 
> Did I misinterpret how it works?
> Yes, I will have a look at installing a name server. But I wonder 
> whether a 10-line script (probably fewer lines) for occasionally 
> adjusting /etc/hosts is not much simpler.

Unless you have mobile laptops, why not just set static IP's on the 
clients?  Even if you can't exclude a range for statics in the DHCP 
server, most servers will try to ping an address to avoid giving out an 
already-used IP.  I suppose you could have a problem if a machine was 
turned off and it's IP was taken, but if you can assign all statics or 
exclude a range for them you should be safe.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Juergen Harms
 > I think you misunderstood this. Nmblookup runs on the backuppc server,
 > not each client, and it communicates with the native windows name
 > resolution protocol

When I run nmblookup on the server, I expect a response to the broadcast 
from clients, and in particular from Linux clients (which do not have 
native windows name resolution). If I got it right, the nmbd daemon can 
do that job, and this daemon is packaged into the samba-server.

I tried: after installing the samba-server and adjusting the firewall 
correspondingly I get the responses with the name-to-address mapping. 
Did I misinterpret how it works?

Yes, I will have a look at installing a name server. But I wonder 
whether a 10-line script (probably fewer lines) for occasionally 
adjusting /etc/hosts is not much simpler.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Les Mikesell
Juergen Harms wrote:
> I am trying to plan my first backupPC installation and have a question 
> on how to set up the backupc/host file (Mandriva 9.0, intending to use 
> rsync).
> The "How BackupPC Finds Hosts" section in the documentation is very 
> clear: for DHCP hosts I should set the DHCP flag to 1 and then will get 
> NETBIOS name resolution (rmblookup). That means, that I need to install 
> a samba server on each DHCP client - which is an overkill and an 
> undesired complication, I do not need samba if I use rsync.

I think you misunderstood this. Nmblookup runs on the backuppc server, 
not each client, and it communicates with the native windows name 
resolution protocol (i.e. broadcasts the netbios name and listens for 
something to respond, or talks to a wins server if one is configured).
It should work with no setup if everything is on the same subnet.

> 2 questions:
> 1. If the /etc/hosts files on the server and clients contain the correct 
> IP addresses, can I than simply set the DHCP flag to 0 and fake using 
> static addresses, even if a host has obtained its address via DHCP?

Yes, as long as you know the address.  If you have any number of hosts 
it would be better to set up a dns server, though.

> 2. If yes, has anybody experience in using nmap for verifying/correcting 
> the /etc/hosts entries for use by backupPC? At present I use nmap (run 
> as root) to get a list of valid name<->IP address mappings for manually 
>   adjusting addresses if a DHCP laptop needs to assume certain server 
> functions. It looks promising to digest this into an automatically run 
> procedure.

That seems like more trouble than running a DNS server.  Most can be 
configured to update dynamically.

   Les Mikesell

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread dan
Definitely stick with what you are used too.  Ubuntu and Debian are great
bases for a backuppc server just because of simplicity in setup but any
linux as well as BSD, *Solaris are all very good.  Installing from source is
quite easy except when some of the required perl stuff is not packaged for
the platform you use..  Not backuppc's issue, but and issue none-the-less.

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 8:55 AM, James Beam  wrote:

> Thanks everyone for quick responses. I will give it a go on our Suse setup
> and see how it works. Since they have the deal with Microsoft - active
> directory integration makes life so much simpler.
> --
> From: "Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom" 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:03 AM
> To: "General list for user discussion,questions and support"
> Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...
> > I figured out pretty quickly that it's not hard to switch from one distro
> > to
> > another, personally. The issue is whether you have infrastructure in
> place
> > that indicates one distro over another (custom RPM build environments,
> > documentation, etc.)
> >
> > I chose Debian because it had the most sensible layout, best quality
> > control, best selection of packages, and was easiest to update, as of a
> > few
> > years ago.
> >
> > I find Debian to be by far the best & easiest BackupPC install; but
> Ubuntu
> > is pretty much the same thing (tho I don't like the name as much); so I
> > don't see much difference there.
> >
> > --
> > Carl Soderstrom
> > Systems Administrator
> > Real-Time Enterprises
> >
> >
> >
> --
> > ___
> > BackupPC-users mailing list
> >
> > List:
> > Wiki:
> > Project:
> >
> --
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Client initiated backups, input wanted

2008-12-23 Thread dan
If the web server handles the authentication, how would the CGI file get the
username?  The CGI script
/usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/index.cgi says that $ENV{REMOTE_USER} requires
.htaccess style authentication..

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 3:15 AM, Paul Mantz  wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:00 PM, dan  wrote:
> > Ideally, we should write LDAP or AD(or both) authentication into the
> > backuppc web interface.  You wouldnt really have to limit access to any
> > users as the hosts file handles restricing users to hosts.  You could put
> a
> > flag in the directory that a user is a backuppc user and have the
> > authentication check that.  Any user that logged in that was not setup
> for
> > backups wouldnt see any hosts anyway.
> >
> > If this was PHP I could do this myself but it is not.
> I've thought about this and I feel that the cleanest way to implement
> this is in the webserver, outside of BackupPC's core functionality.
> BackupPC Community Edition deals with web access in the same way as
> the Red Hat and Fedora packagers do; in the packaging.  One can edit
> the provided backuppc_community.conf file (or BackupPC.conf file) that
> is installed in the /etc/httpd/conf.d folder (for redhat-derivative
> distros, /etc/apache2/conf.d for suse, etc...) and substitute htaccess
> authentication for something that relied on mod_ldap, or something
> else instead.
> One thing I would like to flesh out more is the server message system,
> and decouple it from the web interface, so that the web interface can
> be run on the same computer under mod_perl without having to be the
> backuppc user.  In this situation, it would make more sense to add
> more authentication than a shared secret between the web interface and
> host, but right now that's all the authentication that makes sense in
> the BackupPC code.
> As far as backups are concerned though; one of the items on my to-do
> list is to add functionality to add a host to the BgQueue.  I haven't
> tested the 1 vs. 4 argument BackupPC_serverMesg call extensively, but
> I will do so in the morning and see about adding a patch if Holger
> doesn't beat me to it :-)
> Adios,
> ---
> Paul Mantz
> BackupPC - Network Backup with De-Duplication
> Zmanda - Open source backup and recovery
> --
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread James Beam
Thanks everyone for quick responses. I will give it a go on our Suse setup 
and see how it works. Since they have the deal with Microsoft - active 
directory integration makes life so much simpler.

From: "Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom" 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 9:03 AM
To: "General list for user discussion,questions and support" 

Subject: Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

> I figured out pretty quickly that it's not hard to switch from one distro 
> to
> another, personally. The issue is whether you have infrastructure in place
> that indicates one distro over another (custom RPM build environments,
> documentation, etc.)
> I chose Debian because it had the most sensible layout, best quality
> control, best selection of packages, and was easiest to update, as of a 
> few
> years ago.
> I find Debian to be by far the best & easiest BackupPC install; but Ubuntu
> is pretty much the same thing (tho I don't like the name as much); so I
> don't see much difference there.
> -- 
> Carl Soderstrom
> Systems Administrator
> Real-Time Enterprises
> --
> ___
> BackupPC-users mailing list
> List:
> Wiki:
> Project:

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom
I figured out pretty quickly that it's not hard to switch from one distro to
another, personally. The issue is whether you have infrastructure in place
that indicates one distro over another (custom RPM build environments,
documentation, etc.)

I chose Debian because it had the most sensible layout, best quality
control, best selection of packages, and was easiest to update, as of a few
years ago.

I find Debian to be by far the best & easiest BackupPC install; but Ubuntu
is pretty much the same thing (tho I don't like the name as much); so I
don't see much difference there.

Carl Soderstrom
Systems Administrator
Real-Time Enterprises

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread Tino Schwarze
On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 05:01:10AM -0600, James Beam wrote:

> Anyone have suggestions on the best 'recommended' flavor of Linux to run 
> this on as the host?
> We are using Ubuntu and Suse Enterprise (due to the Active Directory 
> integration) in-house currently. We are a Microsoft shop, but us IT folks 
> always have varied Linux boxes around for the real work.
> Would just like to hear folks thoughts - do not want to start an OS debate 
> however - just some suggestions.

As two people already said: Stick to what you know. We've been running
BackupPC on SuSE (not Enterprise) for some time now. We installed from
source - it's not complicated.



"What we nourish flourishes." - "Was wir nähren erblüht."

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Juergen Harms wrote:

>> Most DHCP servers can be configured to hand out the same IP address  
>> to
>> a machine every time
> This alternative is not feasible unless I install a software DHCP  
> server
> on one of the machines. At present I stick (quite small and simple  
> LANs)
> to the servers that sit in the xDSL router boxes - my current boxes do
> not allow to do what you suggest (one of them is ISP provider-imposed
> and configured).

Hmm, too bad. Even my cheap home ADSL router can do this.

Nils Breunese.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread Johan Ehnberg

James Beam wrote:
> Anyone have suggestions on the best 'recommended' flavor of Linux to run 
> this on as the host?
> We are using Ubuntu and Suse Enterprise (due to the Active Directory 
> integration) in-house currently. We are a Microsoft shop, but us IT folks 
> always have varied Linux boxes around for the real work.
> Would just like to hear folks thoughts - do not want to start an OS debate 
> however - just some suggestions.
> Thanks in advance folks!
> James Beam
> Network Operations
> Pinnacle Technical Resources, Inc. 

I think most distros are just fine, so the biggest benefits probably 
come from not deviating from your current choices.

You mentioned ubuntu; I run BackupPC on ubuntu and think the 
installation was a breeze.


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Juergen Harms
 > Most DHCP servers can be configured to hand out the same IP address to
 > a machine every time

This alternative is not feasible unless I install a software DHCP server 
on one of the machines. At present I stick (quite small and simple LANs) 
to the servers that sit in the xDSL router boxes - my current boxes do 
not allow to do what you suggest (one of them is ISP provider-imposed 
and configured).

I will suspend the decision until I have some hands-on experience with 

Thanks for you reply!

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
James Beam wrote:

> Anyone have suggestions on the best 'recommended' flavor of Linux to  
> run
> this on as the host?
> We are using Ubuntu and Suse Enterprise (due to the Active Directory
> integration) in-house currently. We are a Microsoft shop, but us IT  
> folks
> always have varied Linux boxes around for the real work.
> Would just like to hear folks thoughts - do not want to start an OS  
> debate
> however - just some suggestions.

Just go with whatever flavor of Linux you're comfortable with  
administering. I you don't want to install from the source tarball  
(there is nothing to compile, so it's easy), check if there is a  
BackupPC package available for your favorite distribution.

Nils Breunese.

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Question about OS Flavor...

2008-12-23 Thread James Beam
Anyone have suggestions on the best 'recommended' flavor of Linux to run 
this on as the host?

We are using Ubuntu and Suse Enterprise (due to the Active Directory 
integration) in-house currently. We are a Microsoft shop, but us IT folks 
always have varied Linux boxes around for the real work.

Would just like to hear folks thoughts - do not want to start an OS debate 
however - just some suggestions.

Thanks in advance folks!

James Beam
Network Operations
Pinnacle Technical Resources, Inc. 

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Nils Breunese (Lemonbit)
Juergen Harms wrote:

> I am trying to plan my first backupPC installation and have a question
> on how to set up the backupc/host file (Mandriva 9.0, intending to use
> rsync).
> The "How BackupPC Finds Hosts" section in the documentation is very
> clear: for DHCP hosts I should set the DHCP flag to 1 and then will  
> get
> NETBIOS name resolution (rmblookup). That means, that I need to  
> install
> a samba server on each DHCP client - which is an overkill and an
> undesired complication, I do not need samba if I use rsync.
> 2 questions:
> 1. If the /etc/hosts files on the server and clients contain the  
> correct
> IP addresses, can I than simply set the DHCP flag to 0 and fake using
> static addresses, even if a host has obtained its address via DHCP?
> 2. If yes, has anybody experience in using nmap for verifying/ 
> correcting
> the /etc/hosts entries for use by backupPC? At present I use nmap (run
> as root) to get a list of valid name<->IP address mappings for  
> manually
>  adjusting addresses if a DHCP laptop needs to assume certain server
> functions. It looks promising to digest this into an automatically run
> procedure.

Most DHCP servers can be configured to hand out the same IP address to  
a machine every time. Have you looked into that? I'd go with either  
that or a proper DNS server.

Nils Breunese.

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Client initiated backups, input wanted

2008-12-23 Thread Johan Ehnberg
> As far as backups are concerned though; one of the items on my to-do
> list is to add functionality to add a host to the BgQueue.  I haven't
> tested the 1 vs. 4 argument BackupPC_serverMesg call extensively, but
> I will do so in the morning and see about adding a patch if Holger
> doesn't beat me to it :-)

Excellent! In my first post I also linked an earlier patch from a year 
back, but AFAIK it wasn't included or considered. I haven't tested it, 
however, and I've been trying to contact the author but so far with no luck.


BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Specifying DHCP client addresses

2008-12-23 Thread Juergen Harms
I am trying to plan my first backupPC installation and have a question 
on how to set up the backupc/host file (Mandriva 9.0, intending to use 

The "How BackupPC Finds Hosts" section in the documentation is very 
clear: for DHCP hosts I should set the DHCP flag to 1 and then will get 
NETBIOS name resolution (rmblookup). That means, that I need to install 
a samba server on each DHCP client - which is an overkill and an 
undesired complication, I do not need samba if I use rsync.

2 questions:

1. If the /etc/hosts files on the server and clients contain the correct 
IP addresses, can I than simply set the DHCP flag to 0 and fake using 
static addresses, even if a host has obtained its address via DHCP?

2. If yes, has anybody experience in using nmap for verifying/correcting 
the /etc/hosts entries for use by backupPC? At present I use nmap (run 
as root) to get a list of valid name<->IP address mappings for manually 
  adjusting addresses if a DHCP laptop needs to assume certain server 
functions. It looks promising to digest this into an automatically run 


BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Client initiated backups, input wanted

2008-12-23 Thread Paul Mantz
On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 7:00 PM, dan  wrote:
> Ideally, we should write LDAP or AD(or both) authentication into the
> backuppc web interface.  You wouldnt really have to limit access to any
> users as the hosts file handles restricing users to hosts.  You could put a
> flag in the directory that a user is a backuppc user and have the
> authentication check that.  Any user that logged in that was not setup for
> backups wouldnt see any hosts anyway.
> If this was PHP I could do this myself but it is not.

I've thought about this and I feel that the cleanest way to implement
this is in the webserver, outside of BackupPC's core functionality.

BackupPC Community Edition deals with web access in the same way as
the Red Hat and Fedora packagers do; in the packaging.  One can edit
the provided backuppc_community.conf file (or BackupPC.conf file) that
is installed in the /etc/httpd/conf.d folder (for redhat-derivative
distros, /etc/apache2/conf.d for suse, etc...) and substitute htaccess
authentication for something that relied on mod_ldap, or something
else instead.

One thing I would like to flesh out more is the server message system,
and decouple it from the web interface, so that the web interface can
be run on the same computer under mod_perl without having to be the
backuppc user.  In this situation, it would make more sense to add
more authentication than a shared secret between the web interface and
host, but right now that's all the authentication that makes sense in
the BackupPC code.

As far as backups are concerned though; one of the items on my to-do
list is to add functionality to add a host to the BgQueue.  I haven't
tested the 1 vs. 4 argument BackupPC_serverMesg call extensively, but
I will do so in the morning and see about adding a patch if Holger
doesn't beat me to it :-)


Paul Mantz
BackupPC - Network Backup with De-Duplication
Zmanda - Open source backup and recovery

BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Changes between two versions

2008-12-23 Thread Tim Connors

There is a way of finding annotated history of one directory:


But I was wondering whether it was currently possible, or whether it was
easy to add support to show the changes of an entire hierarchy (starting
from some nominated path) between two nominated backups (not just the last
and the second last backups) and/or the current filesystem (eg, the last
backup and the current filesystem.  Would naturally be a very slow list to
produce, as it would have to log in and inspect the current filesystem.
I'd willingly give up this aspect, and just require you to perform another
backup to compare against, as long as I could ensure that it wasn't about
to clear out the backup I was just going to compare it against).

I was thinking of a list of all files that have changed, with a link to
each file that shows the unified diff between them (if an ascii file).

It'd be easy to produce a list in the first place, if you knew you were
looking at 2 full backups -- just do a `find -printf '%i %p' | sort -g`
and look for inode/filename that don't match between the
two trees (this wouldn't find metadata changes, which would presumably
require parsing the attrib file.  It would also get confused by pools that
had their hardlinks broken).

It is impossible to sharpen a pencil with a blunt ax.  It is equally vain
to try to do it with ten blunt axes instead.   -- Edsger Dijkstra

BackupPC-users mailing list