Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc hangs on certain files.

2018-05-31 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Brent Clark,

On 31.05.2018 13:29, Brent Clark wrote:
> As you can see they are the same.
> 3.1.1-3+deb8u1 vs 3.1.1-3ubuntu1.2

They may have the same base version but they differ in distro specific

Anyway, the message

> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] ABORTING due to unsafe pathname from sender:

seems to point to the rsyncd server dropping the connection. I'd
investigate in this direction.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc hangs on certain files.

2018-05-31 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi Brent

On 31.05.2018 09:13, Brent Clark wrote:
> I too set rsyncd debugging (max verbosity = 2) and in the log I get:
> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] name lookup failed for REMOVED: Name or
> service not known
> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] connect from UNKNOWN (REMOVED)
> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] rsync to REMOVED/download/cougar/ from
> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] receiving file list
> 2018/05/31 08:59:52 [4524] ABORTING due to unsafe pathname from sender:

Could it be that you are using Debian stretch and are bitten by this bug:

Does the download/cougar directory exist on the system you want to
restore to?

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Can't switch users to BackupPC in terminal?

2018-03-12 Thread Stefan Peter
On 12.03.2018 15:09, Marc Gilliatt wrote:
> I'm sorry, I'm not too sure on what you mean by working in /srv/backuppc?
> I copied and pasted the RSA key from my backuppc server to my host I
> would like backing up. I ran the following commands, 
> On my backuppc server:
> /cat /root/.ssh/ > id_rsa.pub_copy 
> /
> On my host server:
> ///cat id_rsa.pub_copy >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys/
> /
> /

I don't see any copy command from the backuppc server to the client here?

Why dont you use

ssh-copy-id -i /var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/ root@backuppc-client

(execute this as root user on the backuppc server!)

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] No files dumped for share for localhost

2018-02-06 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear RAKOTONDRAINIBE Harimino Lalatiana

On 06.02.2018 07:26, RAKOTONDRAINIBE Harimino Lalatiana wrote:
> Hi Alexander ,
> I did what you said so I created three module in rsyncd.conf
> [boot]
> path = /boot
> comment = all boot files to be backupc
> [var]
> path = /var
> comment = all files from var
> [all]
> path = /
> comment = it's a test

Are you aware of the fact that both 'var' and 'all' modules include the
default /var/lib/backuppc, the default location to place your backups?
This definitely will lead to issues? Unless you have excluded this
directory in the modules definition, of course.

with kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] File System containing backup was too full

2017-12-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Adrien Coestesquis
On 19.12.2017 13:10, Adrien Coestesquis wrote:
> i don't think so, the BPC arborescence is somewhere else

And BackupPC knows this for real? If I remember correctly, you can
deviate from /var/lib/backuppc only if you install directly from the
sources. If you use an upstream package, you can not.

Could it be that your /var partition is at 95%?

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] File System containing backup was too full

2017-12-18 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Adrien Coestesquis
On 18.12.2017 16:15, Adrien Coestesquis wrote:
> Block count:              3906469376

This does not look like the reserved block count hit the limit:
> Reserved block count:     195323468
> Free blocks:              1613863920

The inodes look fine, too:
> Free inodes:              476144318
> Inode count:  488308736

What system is this? Did you set any disk quota? Is there anything
besides BackupPC living on /dev/sda1?

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] File System containing backup was too full

2017-12-18 Thread Stefan Peter
On 18.12.2017 14:42, Adrien Coestesquis wrote:
> Hi BackupPC Users !!
> Since few days I receive notifications which warn me about hosts skipped.
> I recently backuped a server which took a lot of place. I was trying to
> make only one full backup, then i disabled the backup with the
> BackupsDisable setting.


> In the notification, it says that my threshold in the configuration file
> is 95% and says that yesterday the system was up to 96% full
> I already tried to modify this value (*
> DfMaxUsagePct)
> * to 98% but the notification still says 95%

This most probably is caused by the formating of your disk. From man mk2fs:

 -m reserved-blocks-percentage
  Specify the percentage of the filesystem blocks reserved for the
  super-user.   This  avoids  fragmentation, and allows root-owned
  daemons, such as syslogd(8), to continue to  function  correctly
  after non-privileged processes are prevented from writing to the
  filesystem.  The default percentage is 5%.

So if you did not add an -m parameter, the last 5% of your disk can be
used by root only.

You can change this percentage using tune2fs -m

But I'd definitely would recommend to enlarge the volume in question or
to organize an additional server.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BPC4: checksum

2017-10-27 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Gandalf Corvotempesta
On 27.10.2017 17:11, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
> I'm using ZFS, so checksumming is done by ZFS itself, is not an issue
> for me to skip any data corruption check, as zfs does this automatically

But this won't help BackupPC to decide which files have changed and,
therefore, need to be transfered from the client to the server.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up the server computer

2017-07-15 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Kenneth Porter

On 15.07.2017 10:23, Kenneth Porter wrote:
> Does --one-file-system work with rsyncd (daemonized rsync)?

No, at least there is no such parameter documented for rsyncd.conf. You
may be able to provide a --one-file-system parameter upon startup,
though (untested).

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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A: Top-posting.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up the server computer

2017-07-15 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Bob Katz

On 15.07.2017 00:22, Bob Katz wrote:
> I have root as the user for backuppc for all my other hosts and it
> works. And it's also currently set up as root for backing up the server.
> I did try "backuppc" as the user before and it failed, maybe for
> different reasons. Anyway, I'm not sure how confused the app backuppc
> would be in the case of trying to back up itself. The server app
> backuppc is running as the user "backuppc", but I do know that it can
> call through port 873 as the user "root" when it is backing up all the
> other clients. Yeah, I'm confused  :-)

Yes, I can imagine. Maybe this will help:

The rsyncd user has nothing to do with th operating system. It's name
and password are only used by the rsync client on the BackupPC server
(the machine that does the backup) and the rsyncd daemon on the BackupPC
client (the machine you want to backup).
So, if your /etc/backuppc/ contains
$Conf{RsyncdUserName} = 'JoeDoe';
$Conf{RsyncdPasswd} = 'Password';

you need to have the line
auth users = JowDoe
in your /etc/rsyncd.conf on the client and
in /etc/rsyncd.conf

The rsyncd on the client will operate with the privileges of the user
you have specified in /etc/rsyncd:
uid = root
gid = root
In this case, I use root so the rsyncd daemon has all read and write
rights on all directories and files.

Now, in order to get more information about what goes wrong in your
setup, I recommend to enable logging. Just add
log file=/var/log/rsyncd.log
max verbosity = 3
to your /etc/rsyncd.conf file and then stop and restart the rsyncd daemon:
systemctl stop rsync
systemctl start rsync

and verify that rsynd is loaded:
systemctl status rsync

which should result in something like

● rsync.service - fast remote file copy program daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rsync.service; enabled)
   Active: active (running) since ...

Then, try again to start a backup. Afterwards, have a look at
/var/log/rsyncd.log, it should contain error messages that help to find
the problem in your setup.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up the server computer

2017-07-14 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi Bob

On 14.07.2017 21:32, Bob Katz wrote:

... snip ...
> 2017/07/14 15:06:17 [3292] connect from localhost (::1)
> 2017/07/14 15:06:17 [3292] rsync denied on module Backup-Data-Folder
> from localhost (::1)

... snip ...

> ###
> ##
> ##  RSYNCD config file for the backuppc server
> ##
> ###
> transfer logging = false
>  lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock
>  log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
>  pid file = /var/run/
>  port=873
>  address=localhost.localdomain
>  uid=root
>  gid=root
>  use chroot=yes
>  read only = no
> ## host allow: this is important.
> ## In my case leaving the subnet-mask leads to a failure,
> ## so I only provide the IP.
>hosts allow =, localhost.localdomain

I'd use
hosts allow =,

because something has to translate localhost.localdomain to an IP
address and if this fails for whatever glitch of the day is present in
name resolution, your backup will fail, too.

>  motd file=/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.motd
> ## Now you have to declare, in brackets, the RSYNC 'module', or "share
> name" as it is called within backuppc
>## Next, set the path you want backed up. Be sure to use a trailing
> slash
>path= /

Please don't do that:
o a Linux system has virtual file systems mounted (/proc, /temp,
  /sys/ ...) that will either not be readable, change during
  access or may lead to endless loops.

o this includes your /var/lib/backuppc directory. That's where
  your backup goes, so you backup your backup. It won't take long
  until the backup of backups of backups (...) will fill up your drive.
  I'd go for /etc at this point and add additional paths later, when
  this works.

>read only   = no
>list= yes
>auth users = root

Most probably, BackupPC will try to connect as user backuppc, not root.
At least, that's the default.

See 'man rsyncd.conf' (and search for 'auth users'). Please note that
auth users is just a user name (which needs a corresponding password in
the secrets file). This does not translate to actual users on the
system, the user name (and the the corresponding password from the
secrets file) are just used to govern access to the rsyncd server share.
the access rights to the files are deined by the user rsyncd runs under,
so in your case

>  uid=root
>  gid=root

And have a look at the 'secrets file' section right below.

BTW, it is cool that you are still on it and, despite all the troubles
you went through, did not abandon the whole project!

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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A: Top-posting.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backing up the server computer

2017-07-06 Thread Stefan Peter
Am 05.07.2017 um 17:26 schrieb Bob Katz:
> Dear Les and group:
> So it seems the daemon is not running on the port? This ps command
> seems to say the daemon is running:
> [bobkatz@localhost Documents]$ ps x | grep rsync
> 17690 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto rsync

The output of this command should look like so:
 3411 ?S  0:00 /usr/bin/rsync --no-detach --daemon --config
13490 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep rsync

The line with "grep rsync" comes from the ps x command you entered.

So, no, your rsync server does not run.

Try to start it with
service rsync start
(or whatever your server OS requires to start the rsyncd)

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] back to ssh class, I guess

2017-03-28 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Bob of Donelson Trophy,

On 28.03.2017 19:24, Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
> I now have a functional VM running Ubuntu 16.04LTS and BackupPC 4.0
> (from the master) source.
> I have "su - backuppc -s /bin/sh" and acquired the "$" prompt.
> Generated the keys with "ssh-keygen".
> Now when I:
> $ ssh-copy-id root at client ipaddress<<< sanitized for security
> /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed:
> "/var/lib/backuppc/.ssh/"
> /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to
> filter out any that are already installed
> /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you
> are prompted now it is to install the new keys
> Permission denied (publickey,password).

Your client most probably is not configured to accept a password for the
user root. This is ok for a configured system where you already have
installed the public key, but will not allow you to do so using a password.

You will have to
o change the entry "PermitRootLogin" in /etc/sshd/ to yes
o restart the sshd on the client
o re-issue your ssh-copy-id
o change back the entry "PermitRootLogin" in /etc/sshd/ to
  “prohibit-password” or “without-password”
o restart sshd again.
o test your connection.

Or you may have to find another way to transfer

You may want to read the "PermitRootLogin" stanza in
man sshd_config
for further information. There seems to be a way to even limit logins
with a public key to specific commands. This explicitly mentions backup

All information above is from a fairly recent Debian system, so your
mileage may vary depending on the OS and release you are using.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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A: Top-posting.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc 3.3.1-2ubuntu3 breaks pool graphs on the Status page.

2017-02-23 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Bob of Donelson Trophy

On 23.02.2017 16:42, Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
> Stefan,
> Is you OS Ubuntu/Debian?

Yes, I use Debian for all my servers and both of my BackupPC are Debian

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc 3.3.1-2ubuntu3 breaks pool graphs on the Status page.

2017-02-23 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Joe Leavy
Am 23.02.2017 um 14:34 schrieb Joe Leavy:
> Thanksbut
> james@store-01:~$ sudo chmod 644 /var/log/backuppc/pool.rrd
> [sudo] password for james:
> chmod: cannot access '/var/log/backuppc/pool.rrd': No such file or directory

Well, on my systems the path is
and not

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC fails with aborted by signal=PIPE, Can't write to socket

2017-01-20 Thread Stefan Peter
On 20.01.2017 09:13, Stefan Peter wrote:
> If you use the rsync method, make sure your
> RsyncClientCmd does not use the --timeout parameter or at least sets a
> reasonably high paramter value.

As an afterthought, I suppose the BackupPC parameter
$Conf{ClientTimeout} from the clients Backup Settings may be used to set
the rsync timeout. But I did not verify this and the BackupPC help does
not explicitly mention rsync.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC fails with aborted by signal=PIPE, Can't write to socket

2017-01-20 Thread Stefan Peter
Am 20.01.2017 um 04:57 schrieb John Spitzer:
> On 01/19/2017 1:28 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 2:25 PM, John Spitzer <>
>> wrote:
>> The most likely suspect is that rsync timeout shown in the log snippet
>> you posted.  But you didn't provide any details about why or how your
>> rsync had timeouts enabled.
> That rsync timeout is being set 'under the hood'.

No, I don't think so. If you use the rsync method, make sure your
RsyncClientCmd does not use the --timeout parameter or at least sets a
reasonably high paramter value.
from man rsync:
 This  option allows you to set a maximum I/O timeout in seconds.
 If no data is transferred for the specified time then rsync will
 exit. The default is 0, which means no timeout.

An additional issue I had with this method at some point was that the
ssh connection was terminated, most probably by one of the two firewalls
involved. When doing large file transfers, rsync tends to take quite
some time doing checksums and the like in order to reduce the amount of
data to be transferred. This results in long times when nothing is
transferred over the ssh connection which in turn may lead a firewall to
believe that the connection is dead.
Setting the ClientAliveCountMax and ClientAliveInterval in sshd_config
on the client fixed this problem for me. Again, man sshd_config may help
you with details.

If you use the rsyncd method, you will have to set the timeout value in
the rsyncd.conf file on the client. From man rsyncd.conf:
 This parameter allows you to override the clients choice for I/O
 timeout for this module. Using this  parameter  you  can  ensure
 that  rsync  won’t wait on a dead client forever. The timeout is
 specified in seconds. A value of zero means no  timeout  and  is
 the  default.  A  good choice for anonymous rsync daemons may be
 600 (giving a 10 minute timeout).

In one notoriously busy and slow server I had to set this to 3600
seconds in order to be able to backup DVD images.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] question about backuppc topdir

2016-09-13 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Juan Manuel,

On 13.09.2016 16:57, Juan Manuel wrote:
> Hello we have a backuppc server and work perflectly, but it near to disk 
> full.
> So it is posible to add another resource/filesystem that to use 
> backuppc, another TopDir ?
> We dont have more disk space on the same disk, but we can add another disks.
> The resource (TopDir) /backuppc is actually in a logical volume LVM. We 
> try to find a solution that not imply using expanding logical volume 
> with other physical volume on LVM.

Why don't you want to expand the LVM volume? The ability to expand,
shrink, migrate and taking snap shoots are the only valid reason to use
LVM, IMHO. And all these operations are more or less painless (I just
migrated a 12TByte BackupPC volume from an old raid to a new one, which
is possible without even unmounting the volume!).

You can find more information about LVM at
by the way.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] Backuppc appears to be ignoring home directories on full and incrementals

2016-06-14 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear G Jones

Am 14.06.2016 um 04:53 schrieb G Jones:
> The logs don't really have anything significant in them
> /var/lib/Backuppc/pc//LOG.062016
> 2016-06-13 17:59:24 full backup started for directory /
> 2016-06-13 18:00:03 full backup 0 complete, 79580 files, 1979593737
> bytes, 0 xferErrs (0 bad files, 0 bad shares, 0 other)

This is the log from a local backup.

Please note that the rsync backup method con not access other hosts. For
this, you need to use rsyncd (and prepare an rsyncd server on the other
host), or tunnel rsync over ssh by defining
$Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';
and make sure the user backuppc on the backup server can ssh to
root@client without password. Please see the docs (link is in the
footer) for further instruction.

Your config has
$Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '/usr/bin/sudo $rsyncPath $argList+';
which will only backup locally.

I have no idea why you see 3 backups.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-20 Thread Stefan Peter
On 20.05.2016 20:22, David Cramblett wrote:
> I think it's more the general idea of this situation is common. My
> employer uses BackupPC as well, and much of my work would be on company
> time - although I work for a government agency. So not necessarily
> singling you out, just the situation your in. I think it's a common
> situation.

Sorry, but I think there is a misunderstanding here. What I said is,
under some jurisdictions, a contributor can not transfer his or her
copyright unless she or he is paid to do the work.

Have a look at the source of the Linux kernel: Vast parts of the code
are copyright by Intel, AMD, ARM, Broadcom and so on.

But all of the code is licensed under the GPLv2. And this means that
those companies have agreed to distribute their code under the rules the
GPLv2 defines. But this also means that they want to retain the rights
on their code. They want to be able to sue anyone who takes their code
and redistributes it under a non compatible license (or even closed
source). This is the copyrights holders right (and plight).

A rather interesting read is
for example.

There have been mentions of the infamous SCO trials. But there, the
situation is different: SCO claims that vast amounts of their code has
been lifted and transplanted in to the Linux kernel. And such claims can
be made by anyone, against any project. This is just lawyers having a
blast and investors gambling.

Another issue that may creep up in this regard are patents. I'm quite
sure that somewhere, some "ingenious" guy has patented "a method to
backup a computer" or "a method to reduce backup footprints by pooling
the files/blocks". There is no real defence against this, other than not
having an entity responsible for the project that could be sued. And if
it happens regardless, move to project to a country where software
patents do not exist.

I feel that this whole discussion is pointless and a real time sink. All
the effort going into this discussion would better be spent by working
on BackupPC and the infrastructure to support it. All I wanted to say is
that CDAs may not be legally possible for all contributors and that it
would require some institution which may have to be tightly controlled
in order to mitigate the risk of loosing the control over the project.

And I'm still not a lawyer.

Therefore, I will refrain from participating in this discussion from now on.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
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Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear David Cramblett

On 20.05.2016 01:28, David Cramblett wrote:
> Stefan - Based on all this discussion, is your recommendation the GPL
> lic alone is enough, and we don't need anything additional?

The license is given, more or less. If Craig and the other contributors
do not agree to a license change, there is nothing anyone else can do.
But I do not see any reason to change the license, so I'd suggest to
forget the whole license discussion for now.

A contributor agreement, roughly cut along the one of the Linux Kernel
would be the next item on my wish list.

In order to become a mature, well functioning open source project, there
are a lot of other requirements, as you well may know. Bit I'm to tired
right now to go into details, I might miss something crucial.

> All - Does anyone know what the situation is with this Zamanda site
> ?

I have no idea, why don't you contact them and ask? But be polite, they
actually may be the driving force behind the resurrection of the
BackupPC development, just using their private eMail instead of a
@zamanda one.

Another issue may be They feed our mailing list into
their forum (probably displaying adds and monetizing on that, but I
could not be bothered to have a closer look) and the quality of input
this mailing list gets from them "leaves something to be desired"
normally. I do not remember any constructive input from their site, but
I may be wrong, as usual. But this situation opens the question for me:
What shall we do with pilot fish?

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear David Cramblett

On 19.05.2016 23:59, David Cramblett wrote:
> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 1:00 PM, Stefan Peter <
> <>> wrote:
> On 19.05.2016 19:01, David Cramblett wrote:
> > Yeah, or "CofO", or "Sign-Off", or whatever term folks feel the most
> > comfortable with. It doesn't have to be "CLA", it could be whatever make
> > since. Just something protecting the project from the unlikely "evil
> > company scenario".
> Sorry, but I seem to have missed something. What "evil company" scenario
> exactly do you talk about?
> We're talking about a scenario where an individual submits code to the
> project while working for "abc company", who later says they own the
> copyright of the code and not the individual.

So what? In order to "capture" the project and make it their own, they
would have to get the consent of all other copyright holders
(contributors). Unless you actually introduce this CLA and the "enemy"
company manages to get hold of it, you have nothing to fear.

The worst that can happen is that the new copyright holder wants to
retrieve his contribution. So you remove the individuals code and
replace it with independent, fresh code from another contributor. But I
have never heard of an event like this and I'm not sure if it actually
is possible to retract a license. And whatever company actually would
try to get off a stunt like this would probably be taken to the internet
sponger so fast they would not survive it.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Les Mikesell,

On 20.05.2016 00:19, Les Mikesell wrote:
>> How does this relate to BackupPC?
>> Not at all, I think. Because we do not want commercial business to
>> resell "enriched" BackupPC applications.
> Why not?  If someone had a commercial device that needed a bit of
> proprietary code added to backuppc to access correctly, why would
> anyone be against allowing it to be linked into backuppc?

What would stop them to provide these bits to the main BackupPC source?
This exactly is the companies/entities like Intel, IBM, AMD, The
Raspberry Pie Foundation and so on contribute to the Linux kernel: They
make sure Linux runs on their hardware by providing the needed bits and
bytes in order to bring their hardware into the mainstream kernels. When
did you last bought a Linux machine where you had to get the kernel as a
binary from the manufacturer?

  That would
> be the equivalent, say, of gluing a proprietary database client into a
> perl module which is a better example of the need for dual-licensing.

So only the ones that pay for this solution get to use it? Translating
to BackupPC: Imagine that Microsoft decides to provide a BackupPC client
that relies on some obscure transfer protocol MS is unwilling to open
source. So if you pay $$$ per server/user/year, you get seamless
BackupPC integration for MS systems. Then, OracleOS releases a similar
solution, although the two of them are not compatible because the do not
have to release the sources and neither will be willing nor able to
integrate the others protocol. Then Ubuntu, RedHat, (... you name it)
all follow this path.

Where does this leave you as a burdened administrator who just wants to
make sure the company survives the next crypto locker surge? And would
you recommend BackupPC to a fellow sysadmin well knowing that you need a
separate instance for every client OS you need to backup?

> Or even if someone created a much better user interface and packaged
> it as a product - why would that be a problem as long as the original
> still existed?

Why shouldn't they release it to the public so all BackupPC users
benefit? Who knows, the BackupPC developers may be kind (and fair)
enough to openly praise them or even put this someones logo in the open
sourced user interface?

And, by the way, providing a new BackupPC user interface already is
possible. You just have to write something from scratch that can drive
the BackupPC server component and you even can make it closed source.
Because the front end only has to use the back end API in order to
provide the functionality required. No license violation required (at
least not until the US courts finally decide if an API is copyrightable
(ann if yes, this would apply to the US only, one would hope)).

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Les Mikesell

On 19.05.2016 23:12, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 3:45 PM, Stefan Peter <> wrote:
>> How can an open source project defend against the misuse of their project?
> First you would have to define misuse - of something the author wanted
> to give away.   Personally, I think perl got it right with the
> dual-license that keeps it from being either locked into GPL-only code
> or locked out.

But Perl is a language, not a program. In order to be able to penetrate
into commercial entities, Perl had to have a non GPL license because GPL
does not allow modifications without open sourcing them. This is frowned
upon by companies beacuase of this:

Salesman: Hey, this is our xyz product, it is so much better than the
competition  and you can get a license for only !!!
Customer: But it is Perl, so I can download it for free from the internet!
Salesman: No, you can't, because we have added our secret sauce to Perl
and because it is licensed under the Arthritic License, we do not have
to reveal the secret! So you can only get it from us!!
Customer: Ok, where do I have to sign?

How does this relate to BackupPC?

Not at all, I think. Because we do not want commercial business to
resell "enriched" BackupPC applications. So we demand that whoever
enhances BackupPC does so by adhering to the GPL by opensourcing their
additions/modifications. Re-licensing or dual-licensing under one of the
permissive licenses would open the door to the scenario above. Whatever
Perl (or Apache or OpenOffice or ..) has done in regards of licensing
does not automatically server or apply to BackupPC.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
On 19.05.2016 18:28, David Cramblett wrote:
> If you read this (from Linux kernel link provided):
> |(d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are
> public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal
> information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained
> indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or
> the open source license(s) involved.|
> It's kind of splitting hairs to say they don't require CLA, "it's a
> Certificate of Origin". It's essentially accomplishing the same goal.

No, definitively not. With a CLA, I give up my copyright. I have no
rights on the code submitted anymore and the entity that I had to
transfer my copyrights to can do with my contribution as it pleases.
They can even go closed source.

The (d) point you cited above just informs me that anyone can look up my
contribution as it will be publicly available indefinitely.

> The developer is agreeing that the patch belongs to the project and may
> be redistributed indefinitely.

Where does it say that?

> I'm not particularly concerned one way or the other. If any evil person
> or company tries to convert a useful OSS project into a pay-for software
> (or do other disruptive things), the community is going to fork the
> project and move on, e.g. LibreOffice, MariaDB, etc.

There is no easy way to prohibit this. Look at The Gimp, for example:
There are dozens of outlets on the internet that _sell_ precompiled
versions, sometimes "enhanced" with add ware and sometimes even under
the "Photoshop" label.

As a side note, even the current infrastructure supplier of BackupPC,, is known to do such things. Just google "sourceforge
grabs gimp".

Now, the GPL does not prohibit to sell software. It demands that you
have to make the source code available and that you can not mix GPL with
non GPL software (oversimplified, I know). But you actually are allowed
to charge for compilation, media, documentation, support and so on.

How can an open source project defend against the misuse of their project?

Mostly by making sure the source code stays open source. Try to attract
as many contributors as possible so the number of copyright holders make
it improbable that the source is taken over.

In the case of BackupPC, the risk of misuse is small: The target
audience are system administrators who will not download BackupPC from
some shady operation for a handful of megabucks if they can install it
from their OS repository for free. So another target would be to closely
cooperate with OS package maintainers in order to make the inclusion of
BackupPC as hassle free for them as possible.

Most OS packagers carry patches for the packages the maintain. Some of
the patches are distribution specific, some are bug fixes, some are even
functional extensions. And all package maintainers would prefer if they
would not have to carry these patches because these may break and the
maintainer then has to redo them for every new release of the upstream
project. So, harvesting these patches and incorporate them into the main
BackupPC source makes sure we stay in the distribution.

Another thing most OS packagers do is accepting bug reports. We should
harvest these bug reports and fix the issues in our source code. The
more bug reports a maintainer can close with a "fixed upstream" notice,
the better the reputation of a project is and the larger the chances of
a project to stay in the distribution (or even get a special exposure in
the distribution) are.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
On 19.05.2016 19:01, David Cramblett wrote:
> Yeah, or "CofO", or "Sign-Off", or whatever term folks feel the most
> comfortable with. It doesn't have to be "CLA", it could be whatever make
> since. Just something protecting the project from the unlikely "evil
> company scenario".

Sorry, but I seem to have missed something. What "evil company" scenario
exactly do you talk about?

In large opensource projects like the Linux kernel multiple contributors
provide patches/pull request that eventually get merged. Every
contributor retains the copyright to the code she or he has contributed.
Using git, a list of all contributors is relatively easy to compile when
signed-off-by tags are used.

If there would be a license change mandated, all contributors would have
to agree to this change. If they don't, the project still could change
the license, but the code from the contributors rejecting the change
would have to be removed and/or replaced with code from other
contributors who support the change.

> David
> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Kris Lou <
> <>> wrote:
> How about making the above explanation in a "How to contribute to
> BackupPC development", and requiring a short note in the pull
> request?  Something as simple as "CLA:agreed"?

I'm not a lawyer but I seriously doubt that this is considered as
legally binding.

And I definitely would not want to participate in a project that
requires me to sign a CLA. I even would consider to refrain from _using_
BackupPC if this is implemented. Just because in this case, there would
be a single entity who could change the rules from one day to the other.
And I would not want to risk the ability to restore my own backups from
last year.

And no, I would never expect Craig to do something evil like that. But
this is because I trust him personally. I would not have the same trust
in whatever organization that would have to be created or mandated to
serve as the final copyright holder.

Just my 2 cents. And, as mentioned above, I'm not a lawyer.


Stefan Peter
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
(See for details)

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Copyright protection

2016-05-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear David Cramblett,
Am 18.05.2016 um 18:45 schrieb David Cramblett:
> I think most GPL projects still use a CLA to help protect the project in
> the case of future litigation. The Linux Kernel for example is GPL v2,
> but still requires CLA language appended to each patch submission.

This is simply wrong: The Linux Kernel does _not_ require a CLA. But it
requires a Certificate of Origin, also known as Signed-off-by. See
for details.

Additionally, there are countries where you can not legally transfer
your copyright to someone else unless you have been hired to do the work
in question. This would mean that Backuppc would either have to hire the
contributors or reject their contributions in order to make sure the CLA
is effective.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Mobile security can be enabling, not merely restricting. Employees who
bring their own devices (BYOD) to work are irked by the imposition of MDM
restrictions. Mobile Device Manager Plus allows you to control only the
apps on BYO-devices by containerizing them, leaving personal data untouched!;131938128;j
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Random Daily Backups remain idle, can be started manually 4.11.16

2016-04-15 Thread Stefan Peter
Am 15.04.2016 um 16:06 schrieb tschmid4:
> Thank you for all of your help.
> -Copy the status line of your host:
> ? Selecting Host Summary from the WebGUI, I see a list of hosts. Providing 
> User, #Full, Full Aga (days) Full Size(GB) etc... 
> No exactly sure what you need here.

There are several crucial informations to be gleamed from the Hist
Summary page you should be aware of if you operate a BackupPC instance.
Some of them:
o LastBackup (days) : This should never go above 1.0 if you do
  daily backups.
o #XFer Errs: This should be 0, otherwise your backup may be
  incomplete. You will not get an eMail warning from
  BackupPC in this case!
  But some errors may be unavoidable, for example the ones
  caused by files being deleted during the backup on a live
  server. Inspect the errors periodically and evaluate their
o State: My hosts all show "idle" or "auto disabled" but
  I suppose that yours don't. And I know exactly why some
  show "auto disabled".

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Random Daily Backups remain idle, can be started manually 4.11.16

2016-04-15 Thread Stefan Peter
Am 15.04.2016 um 17:01 schrieb Les Mikesell:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:06 AM, tschmid4 <> wrote:
>> Here is a link to the .PL files.
> There may be more, but this looks wrong - and not the default setting:
> #
> $Conf{WakeupSchedule} = [
>   23
> ];
> Normally that should be a list of hours when you want it to wake up
> and schedule/start potential backups (see the nearby comments).

Another one, I think:

$Conf{MaxBackups} = 2;

So you only wake up once a day and then shedule only two backups.

So why could you run them manually? Because for this no wakeup is needed
and you have

$Conf{MaxUserBackups} = 4;

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Random Daily Backups remain idle, can be started manually 4.11.16

2016-04-14 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear tschmid4

Please stop top posting (see

On 14.04.2016 18:06, tschmid4 wrote:
> I looked in the Gui LOG file.
> (there are 15 servers scheduled to backup)
> 2016-04-13 23:00:00 Running 2 BackupPC_nightly jobs from 0..15 (out of 0..15)
> 2016-04-13 23:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly -m 0 127 (pid=42153)
> 2016-04-13 23:00:00 Running BackupPC_nightly 128 255 (pid=42154)
> 2016-04-13 23:00:00 Next wakeup is 2016-04-14 23:00:00
> (2 or 3 backups COMPLETE)
> Then,
> 2016-04-13 23:42:13 Finished  adm  (BackupPC_nightly 128 255)
> 2016-04-13 23:42:25 BackupPC_nightly now running BackupPC_sendEmail
> 2016-04-13 23:46:38 Finished  admin  (BackupPC_nightly -m 0 127)
> 2016-04-13 23:46:38 Pool nightly clean removed 0 files of size 0.00GB
> 2016-04-13 23:46:38 Pool is 0.00GB, 0 files (0 repeated, 0 max chain, 0 max 
> links), 1 directories
> 2016-04-13 23:46:38 Cpool nightly clean removed 155 files of size 36.09GB
> 2016-04-13 23:46:38 Cpool is 2201.54GB, 1705438 files (2697 repeated, 184 max 
> chain, 31999 max links), 4369 directories

The log file lines you sent only cover the BackupPC_nightly job. This is
a housekeeping task that should run after the backups, so this
information does not really help to find your problems.

Please point your browser to your BackkupPC server, navigate to "Old
LOGs" and select "LOG.0.z" (or LOG.1.Z" or whatever). Then post the
_complete_ output in _text_ format on this mailing list.

If you really want to find a solution, we need more information, though.

Select one problematic host, browse to the "Host Summary" of your
BackupPC server and copy the status line of your host into the email (No
printscreens please). Then attach the /etc/bakuppc/ and
/etc/backuppc/.pl to the email. But first check these two
files for user names and passwords and redact them if needed. If you
want to be considerate about the amount of data you send out to all the
participants of this mailing list, you put the files on a sharing
service like pastebin and only post the links or at least run through
'|grep -v ^#' prior to attaching.

The output of "df -h" nay be helpful, too.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?

Find and fix application performance issues faster with Applications Manager
Applications Manager provides deep performance insights into multiple tiers of
your business applications. It resolves application problems quickly and
reduces your MTTR. Get your free trial!;130105516;z
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] missing libsocket6-perl dependency Backuppc 3.3.0 on Ubuntu 15.10

2016-03-28 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi Robert,

Am 28.03.2016 um 13:16 schrieb Robert Wooden:
> A few months ago I built a Ubuntu 15.10 backuppc (current 3.3.0 version, I 
> think) and had an issue regarding missing dependencies. I got busy and forgot 
> to post my incident. Well, had a hard drive failure and have had to rebuild 
> the machine. Install Ubuntu 15.10 server with a "minicd" with "basic server", 
> "lamp", and "openssh" (tasksel) options only. On start up, installed 
> "vim-nox" and set ssh to allow root password and installed "backuppc". On 
> restart I could not access the "ipaddress/backuppc" and received a long 
> complaint regarding "Socket6" missing instead of the usual backuppc gui. Some 
> Internet research and discovered that to solve my issue I had to install 
> "libsocket6-perl" package and my issue was gone. Backuppc now properly offers 
> it's gui. 
> I just thought someone should know that all the dependencies are not included 
> when installing from repository against U15.10. Perhaps someone could correct 
> this?

This is a packaging issue. Please file a bug at

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Using Amazon AWS S3/Glacier with BackupPC

2016-03-19 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi list,

On 17.03.2016 13:16, Marcel Meckel wrote:
> I'm curious if anybody managed to use Amazon S3 or Glacier with 
> BackupPC,

Being responsible for a small setup that does not want to afford a
symmetric internet connection, so full backups to S3 was out of question
(pool size is around 8 TB at the moment), I was confronted with this
issue, too.

In the end, I used s3ql ( for a very
limited subset of the total backup. I bypassed backuppc, though, I just
rsync the relevant files to the s3ql file system using a cron job. But I
feel that backuppcs archive feature could be used as well when not using
compression (which would throw off the block de-duplication of s3ql).

I use a standard Amazon S3 object and I limit the number of backups to
the last 8 days. The total backup size is around 200 GBytes and the
monthly costs never exceeded 10$ yet. We currently have 1MBits upstream,
the s3ql backup starts at 02:00AM and I have not yet noticed that it
interfered with daily business.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Any technology that does not appear magical is insufficiently advanced.
~ Gregory Benford

Transform Data into Opportunity.
Accelerate data analysis in your applications with
Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library.
Click to learn more.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] R: Re: R: Keep getting "Aborting backup up after signal PIPE"

2016-03-02 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Nicolas Göddel
Am 02.03.2016 um 11:41 schrieb Nicolas Göddel:
> Hi,
> thank you. I did an incremental backup with verbose output. The last few lines
> in the log are these:
> attribWrite(dir=fbenutzer/.Trashes/501/Recovered files
> #1/
> -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/suw03/new/fbenutzer/f.Trashes/f501/fRecovered files
> #1/
> Done: 0 files, 0 bytes
> Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)
> Backup aborted by user signal
> dump failed: aborted by signal=PIPE

This didn't reveal additional information, so I would propose to have a
look at the other end of the backup.

According to the first mail you wrote, you are using the rsyncd transfer
method. So, according to my experience, signal=PIPE errors most of the
time are caused by timeouts. Although the rsyncd has no default I/O
timeout, most default rsyncd.conf files use something along the lines of
600 seconds.

Can you check your /etc/rsyncd for a timeout=... parameter?
If you find one, double the amount, restart rsyncd and retry your backup.

If there is no timeout to be found in rsyncd.conf, it may be specified
on the command line of the rsyncd startup script. A 'ps faxw|grep rsync'
should reveal it.

If this does not help, finding the logs for rsyncd may shed some more
lights on the problem. Because AFAIK there is no standard rsyncd.conf
for Debian/Ubuntu, check your config file for 'log file' and 'syslog
faclities' entries. These define where rsyncd will put the log files.
You can find out more about these entries by issuing "man rsyncd.con".

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Creating a "read everywhere" user to backup Windows profiles

2016-01-14 Thread Stefan Peter
On 14.01.2016 00:13, Adam Goryachev wrote:
> On 14/01/16 07:11, Andreas Piening wrote:
>> I wonder what the easiest / best way is to create a „read everywhere“ user 
>> on ms windows to create backups with via CIFS / SMBFS.
>> Ideally I would like to run a short .cmd script or do a couple of clicks to 
>> give a local windows user (let’s assume ‚backuppc‘) full read access to 
>> everything under c:\Users. Even better with write access to be able to 
>> restore in place.
>> I know that I can enable inheritance for permissions in c:\Users and 
>> overwrite all permissions on subfolders with the current one. But this would 
>> also enable read for everyone for every user on other users profiles which I 
>> don’t like. And even this does not work everywhere, even not with an 
>> administrative account. I need to take ownership recursively in order to do 
>> that and I don’t want to own other users files.
>> Is there a better way?
> Isn't there a specific "Backup Operator" account on windows which has 
> "super" permissions for exactly this reason? I'm not sure if that 
> account will work over samba though?

Additionally, isn't there something like junction points on windows that
can not be read by an ordinary user? I seem to remember that there have
been lists floating around on this mailing list with directories to
exclude for the various windows versions.

A list of failure messages encountered by you may help, btw.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Any technology that does not appear magical is insufficiently advanced.
~ Gregory Benford

Site24x7 APM Insight: Get Deep Visibility into Application Performance
APM + Mobile APM + RUM: Monitor 3 App instances at just $35/Month
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Forbidden You don't have permission to access /BackupPC on this server.

2015-09-21 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Bob of Donelson Trophy

Please find my comments interspersed below:
(this is the stanza I use for noobs)

On 21.09.2015 14:03, Bob of Donelson Trophy wrote:
> First, my only comment on top posting.
> Here in the states most email clients default to top posting. Therefore,
> if I set my defaults to bottom post (as requested but not mandatory by
> all mailing list I participate in) my US customers (who, grant you, are
> NOT logical and think email should be in bottom post, logical order)
> reply to my emails with "your email response was empty" or "You didn't
> answer my question" and then I would need to explain to all of my
> customers where my answer is (at the bottom, where, yes, I think,
> logically it should be.) I cannot redirect the masses to bottom post,
> sorry. I, like you, have to live with top posts occasionally, sorry.

You are not supposed to bottom post, either. The idea behind the whole
eMail rule is to have a dialogue, to allow a reader who is subscribed to
a couple of mailing lists to be able to follow the conversation without
digging through a 2000+ line email you have to read *bottom up* if
she/he wants to understand the context.

> We mailing list normal users, although annoyed with top posting, can
> learn to follow the combination of top posts with bottom posts and keep
> up with answers.

One could, but I have other emails to read, my boss does not pay me for
reading eMails and I don't have the time to dig through the mess top
posters produce. Result: Your eMail most probably will be ignored by a
majority of the participants of a tech related mailing list. Not what
you aim at, I suppose.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

Any technology that does not appear magical is insufficiently advanced.
~ Gregory Benford

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Debian / Ubuntu restore solution?

2013-12-10 Thread Stefan Peter
On 10.12.2013 14:12, Adam Hardy wrote:
 How about I do something like this:
 (1) Move the backups onto a USB drive
 (2) Make some sort of Debian-specific image of the OS partitions
 (3) Replace hard drive
 (4) Restore image from 2 onto new drive
 (5) Check BackupPC is happy

This seems to be about right. However, the next time your disk goes
sour, you will have the same issues. It may be prudent to take a RAID
solution into account. I have such a setup (external eSATA 2-bay RAID 2
enclosure with one cold spare disk) working at home with no problems
yet. The only issue is that smartmontool does not work with the external
RAID controller and I have to check the LCD screen of the RAID enclosure
for error messages periodically. An internal LVM based (software) RAID 2
may have been the better solution in this regard.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

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Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC 4.0.0alpha1 released

2013-07-01 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Craig Barratt

On 01.07.2013 20:53, Craig Barratt wrote:
 BackupPC community,
 I'm pleased to announce that BackupPC 4.0.0alpha1 has been released on
 SourceForge at:

Thank you very much. And in case nobody has mentioned this before:
*You simply rock, Sir*

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
the tool actually works in the first place :)
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky on the backuppc mailing list

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] BackupPC as a personal backup solution?

2013-06-23 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi Daniel

On 23.06.2013 15:13, Daniel Carrera wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'd like to ask an opinion question: Do you think BackupPC is a
 sensible backup solution for personal, non-enterprise,
 only-one-computer use?

Yes, I use it both ways, in the company for enterprise wide backups and
at home for my images and the rest of files that accumulate on a
personal PC. However, at home I do backups manually (automatic backups
disabled) because data doesn't change that often, my PC doesn't run 24x7
and I don't want to be slowed down by a backup run when starting up my
PC for the first time in two weeks. In the office, everything is
automatic, though.

However, I'd strongly recommend to use either an additional machine to
hold the backup data (this could very well be a NAS that is capable of
running backuppc or an old desktop machine with ample of free disk space
to do so). The reason to do so is simple: Data that does not exist in at
least three different, independent locations doesn't exist at all. If
you do only one backup to the same hard drive the data lives on, what
will you do if this drive suddenly dies? At home, I use an old
industrial PC (low power consumption) with an external 2TB USB2 disk
located in the cellar as my private backuppc server. USB2 is not really
recommended as it is really slow, and the cheap drives would make a
professional shudder, but backups never take more than 4 hours in my
case. I use another USB2 hard disk connected to my cellar server from
time to time (using the backuppc archive target) in oder to take
off-site backups to be stored in my desk at work, just in case ...

In the office, a similar setup is in use: the backuppc server is located
as far away from the other servers as possible, and monthly off-site
backups to a couple of external hard disks are kept off site in my
private cellar.

With kind regards

Stefan Pter

In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
the tool actually works in the first place :)
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky on the backuppc mailing list

This email is sponsored by Windows:

Build for Windows Store.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Full restore problem part II

2012-12-03 Thread Stefan Peter
Hi Gary

On 01.12.2012 02:35, Gary Roach wrote:

 Everything worked fine for /etc. /root and /var. When I tried to backup
 / home the system chugged along for a long time and then went to sleep.

You mean the system went into sleep mode during the restore?

 I had to manually stop the process by killing the PID.
 The restore log had the following entries:
 2012-11-30 09:53:41 Started restore on TargetComputer (pid=7601)
 2012-11-30 10:59:23 Restore failed on TargetComputer (aborted by

What else did you expect after having it killed?

 2012-11-30 10:59:23 TargetComputer: File::RsyncP::FileList::encode:
 missing rdev

This and the following missing rdev messages seem to indicate that the
backup does not contain a value for the device ID for these files. In
all the errors you have showed, only pipes seem to be affected. This may
either indicate that backuppc does not properly handle pipes or that the
rsync configuration during the backup of these files was missing the -D

However, this is not a problem: I'd assume that KDE will silently
recreate the pipes if they are missing. If not, you still can recreate
them from the command line using the mkfifo command.

 I use
 inetd.conf to start the rsync daemon with an entry of :
 rsync   stream  tcp  nowait   root  /usr/bin/rsync   rsyncd --daemon
 If the -D switch must be included, should it be something like rsyncd -D

The rsync daemon in general uses /etc/rsyncd.conf for configuration. The
only options it accepts are listed in the man pages under the heading
DAEMON OPTIONS and those only deal with network parameter and daemon
behavior. The -D option needs to be present n the client side (and it
needed to be there during backup, too).


Stefan Peter

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practice there is.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Full restore problem part II

2012-12-03 Thread Stefan Peter
 partition again, this time mustering the
  patience to wait until it really finishes.
o Move all those files with the missing rdev error message
  out of the way (don't delete them, you may need the information
o try to use the restored system. In case you get errors related to
  one of the restore failures mentioned above, recreate the fifo
  using the information from the files moved out of the way.
o Alternatively, I'd inspect the error messages and I would move
  the whole .kde part of your home directory to .kde.old. I'd
  expect KDE to re-create .kde upon first start up: You may have
  to redo some configurations, but you still have the files in
  kde.old as a reference.

With kind regards

Stefan Peter

In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
the tool actually works in the first place :)
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky on the backuppc mailing list

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Reduce backup load on clients

2012-11-23 Thread Stefan Peter
On 22.11.2012 14:18, Jimmy Thrasibule wrote:

 Today I started to backup my users Windows computer via Rsyncd and
 complaints started to arrive.

 What are your solutions for backups to have less impact as possible on

I used the entries in rsyncd.conf for nice and ionice quite successfully
on two of my linux servers. It prolongs the backup time, though. And I
don't know if nice or ionice are implemented or even make a difference
under windows. If not, I'm sorry for the noise.


Stefan Peter

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practice there is.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] archive aborts after signal ALRM

2012-11-18 Thread Stefan Peter
On 18.11.2012 20:44, Till Hofmann wrote:
 But now, when I'm trying to archive more clients at once, the process 
 receives ALRM after exactly 20 hours.
 2012-11-09 19:54:29 Starting archive
 2012-11-10 15:54:29 cleaning up after signal ALRM
 2012-11-11 03:16:38 Archive failed (aborted by signal=ALRM)
 I figured my system is set up to allow only 20 hours of execution time but I 
 couldn't find any settings like that, all my files in /etc/security are 

Have a look at the ClientTimeout in the Backup Settings of your
archive host (or the $Conf{ClientTimeout} variable in


Stefan Peter

In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
the tool actually works in the first place :)
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky on the backuppc mailing list

Monitor your physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure from a single
web console. Get in-depth insight into apps, servers, databases, vmware,
SAP, cloud infrastructure, etc. Download 30-day Free Trial.
Pricing starts from $795 for 25 servers or applications!
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problems on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0

2012-04-11 Thread Stefan Peter

On 09.04.2012 19:54, Shang-Lin Chen wrote:
 When I look in the last bad XferLog, I see the following:
 full backup started for directory / (baseline backup #433)
 Running: /usr/bin/ssh -tt -q -x -l backuppc myhostname sudo /usr/bin/rsync 
 --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links 
 --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --one-file-system 
 --ignore-times . /
 Xfer PIDs are now 15493
 Got remote protocol 1701274484

This is not a valid protocol number. I normally get something like

Xfer PIDs are now 8447
Got remote protocol 30
Negotiated protocol version 28
Checksum caching enabled (checksumSeed = 32761)
Xfer PIDs are now 8447,8680

It seems that your shell does display some additional text after log in.
This confuses the local rsync that expexts to get connected to the
remote rsync immediately.

What do you see when you log in to you BPC Server, su to the backuppc
user and issue an ssh remote-user@remote-server ?


Stefan Peter

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In
practice there is.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] problems on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0

2012-04-11 Thread Stefan Peter
Dear Shang-Lin Chen,

On 04/11/2012 09:17 PM, Shang-Lin Chen wrote:
 I can ssh to the remote user from the backuppc server without a problem. 
 I get a shell prompt. When I run the backuppc rsync command
 [backuppc@bpcserver ~]$ /usr/bin/ssh -t -t -q -x -l backuppc 
 remoteserver  /usr/bin/rsync --server --sender --numeric-ids --perms 
 --owner --group -D --links --hard-links --times --block-size=2048 
 --recursive --one-file-system --ignore-times . /home/backuppc/
 I get a weird symbol, and it sits there. I think this is the correct 
 response because the same thing happens when I run the backuppc command 
 to connect to a different remote server whose backups run successfully.

I believe you. However, if I remember correctly, backuppc does implement
a rsync client hand coded in perl that is meant to communicate with the
rsync server you start up with the command above. The 'weird symbol'
mentioned above is a handshake sequence used to negotiate the rsync
protocol between the two. Backuppc 'speaks' protocol version 28 only, so
any higher version displayed indicates a failure during this handshake.
Most of these failures mentioned on this mailing list have been caused
by additional messages issued by the client after the ssh login. These
messages will be interpreted as the handshake sequence by the backuppc
server. Unfortunately, the backuppc server does not bail out with a
sensible error message upon receiving an inappropriate protocol version
(Why not?) and because the handshake has not been successful, the
connection hangs (and will time out eventually).

If you have a client that does not exhibit the problem mentioned, record
the screen output of an ssh connection from the backuppc server/backuppc
user to this client. Then, compare its output to the one from the
failing client. I'm sure you will find additional messages from the
failing client.


Stefan Peter

In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
the tool actually works in the first place :)
Jeffrey J. Kosowsky on the backuppc mailing list

Better than sec? Nothing is better than sec when it comes to
monitoring Big Data applications. Try Boundary one-second 
resolution app monitoring today. Free.
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc incremental taking up a lot of bandwidth with no additional changes

2012-01-20 Thread Stefan Peter
On 01/20/2012 08:49 PM, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
 need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
 understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
 the tool actually works in the first place :)

can I use this sentence for my own purposes or do you have a copyright 
on it?


Stefan Peter

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In
practice there is.

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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] backuppc incremental taking up a lot of bandwidth with no additional changes

2012-01-20 Thread Stefan Peter
On 01/20/2012 09:07 PM, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
 Stefan Peter wrote at about 21:00:22 +0100 on Friday, January 20, 2012:
 On 01/20/2012 08:49 PM, Jeffrey J. Kosowsky wrote:
   In summary, I think you are trying to solve a problem that may not
   need to be solved, using a tool that is not meant to solve it, without
   understanding what is causing your problems and without knowing how
   the tool actually works in the first place :)
 can I use this sentence for my own purposes or do you have a copyright
 on it?

 Sure use it to your hearts content... but if anyone asks you where it
 came from, I just made it up on the spur of the moment...

I will remind in your debt forever.


Stefan Peter

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In
practice there is.

Keep Your Developer Skills Current with LearnDevNow!
The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers
is just $99.99! Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL - plus HTML5, CSS3, MVC3,
Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Issue with remote backup of server(s) over VPN after failover

2011-02-11 Thread Stefan Peter
Hash: SHA1

Hi Scott

Am 11.02.2011 01:29, schrieb Scott Saunders:
 I let the most recent backup 'finish' on its own. It becomes a partial
 backup in the host backup summary page with the following error:
 Read EOF: 
 Tried again: got 0 bytes
 finish: removing in-process file path/to/filename.ext
 Can't write 4 bytes to socket
 Child is aborting
 Done: 229002 files, 82767774899 bytes
 Got fatal error during xfer (aborted by signal=PIPE)
 Backup aborted by user signal

I had this problem in several times yet. In one case, it was caused by
the remote ADSL line changing the TCP/IP address during the backup.
Switching this line to a fixed IP fixed this for me. In all other cases,
a fsck of the file system in question fixed the issue.


Stefan Peter

- -- 
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In
practice there is.
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BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Bare metal restore

2010-05-10 Thread Stefan Peter
Am 10.05.2010 16:41, schrieb Boniforti Flavio:
 Hello Joshua

 What my concern is about, is the fact that when I'd be reinstalling from
 scratch on a new HDD, how would I get to the same state of installed/not
 installed packages as it was on its latest useful backup? Is there any
 way to somehow extract some sort of Sysmte State (like on Windows
 boxes) to know which packages are installed, and which aren't? 

Under Debian, a '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host /usr/bin/dpkg
--get-selections /root/selections.txt' in the DumpPreUserCmd works

Other package managers may have something similar.

Of course, you need access to this file prior to restoring the data in
order to be able to re-install your packages on a basic OS installation
(this will be along the lines of 'dpkg --set-selections
/root/selections.txt' under Debian).

Stefan Peter


BackupPC-users mailing list