Re: Deputization funds

2014-04-15 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 01:46 AM 4/15/2014, David wrote:
>We now have regional deputization funds, which 
>can support living costs for pioneers.  My 
>suspicion is that sooner or later the system 
>will be abused, prompting more scrutiny in how funds are distributed...

If there is anything new about this it might 
perhaps only be that it is now being done on a 
"regional" basis.  Otherwise the same situation 
has applied since at least the 1930's when Shoghi 
Effendi dealt with it in some detail in his letters.

A collection of some of those and also some words 
from the Universal House of Justice can be found at:

Specifically #1937, pages 572 and 573.

It was such concerns that were being directly 
addressed in these letters.  Obviously there is 
always an opportunity to abuse the process, but 
since the whole enterprise is rooted in an 
explicit exhortation of Baha'u'llah, I don't see 
any immediate prospect of eliminating the practice.

Quoting from one of those letters: "Bahá'u'lláh 
Himself has not only enjoined on every one the 
duty of teaching His Faith, but stated if you 
cannot go yourself, to send someone in your stead."

Which I assume is a reference to these lines:

"...Center your energies in the propagation of 
the Faith of God.  Whoso is worthy of so high a 
calling, let him arise and promote it.  Whoso is 
unable, it is his duty to appoint him who will, 
in his stead, proclaim this Revelation..."
(Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, pp. 196-197)

John B.

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Ancient Curiosity Accidentally Revisited

2014-04-07 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
This morning I was paging through photographs in the book "What is 
Life?" (Lynn Margulis and Dorion Sagan, 1995-2000) when Plate 17 
caught my attention.

Some of you might recall a minor curiosity that came up in one of the 
Baha'i listservs or Newsgroups around 15 years ago.  Someone had come 
across a cross-sectional micrograph of an alga called Chlamydomonas 
reinhardii - see:


for more specifics - where there is a reproduction of a 1974 article 
from "Journal of Cell Science".

The point of vague interest being that some of the cross sections 
through this alga look like nine-pointed stars with nine Arabic 
letters Ha attached to the points.  To a Baha'i, they can have a 
rather striking and suggestive appearance.

At the time of the earlier discussion, it was assumed (apparently, 
none of us being biologists) that this was a unique and obscure 
little life form that someone had just happened to take a cross 
section of, resulting in this very curious image.

So, this morning I was a little surprised to see a similar image in 
this book, with the description: "Undulipodium in cross section.  The 
shaft (axoneme) displays the 9(2)+2 arrangement of 
microtubules.  This distinct intracellular organization is found in 
the sperm cells of widely diverse beings throughout the natural 
world, from men to ginkgo trees.  Electron micrographs of cuts 
through the shafts of the cilia propelling swimming paramecia and 
trichomonads and the cilia that push the egg through a woman's 
fallopian tube also reveal this 9(2)+2 pattern."

Turns out, rather than being unique to Chlamydomonas reinhardii, this 
pattern is very common in nature.

Similar pictures can be seen on the Wikipedia pages for "Flagellum" 
and "Axoneme":

Strange minutia.

John B.

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Re: “The World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI"

2014-01-25 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 04:30 PM 1/25/2014, Don C wrote:
>I recently found an old pamphlet entitled “The 
>World Religion A summary of Its Aims, Teachings 
>and History by SHOGHI EFFENDI Guardian of the 
>Bahá'i Faith” as reprinted Jan 1941.

The first two paragraphs from the statement 
appear inside the back cover of each issue of 
"The Journal of Baha'i Studies", which is 
probably where people are most likely to have encountered it.

I see that there is a reference to the statement 
on the Lincoln, Nebraska Web site, where they 
refer to it as having been written in 1933:

Following up on that I noticed that a single 
phrase from the statement “scientific in its method,”[121] is referred to in:

"Shoghi Effendi’s The Dispensation of Bahá’u'lláh: A Theology of the Word"

by Jack McLean

Published in Lights of Irfan, Volume 9, pages 
239-280 (Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia, 2008)

This document is also online as a formatted PDF; 
download from

The footnote (121) indicates the origin of the statement as:

"[121] Shoghi Effendi, letter of June 1933 to the 
High Commissioner of Palestine. Extract from 
Compilation of Letters and Extracts of Writings 
 From the Guardian Published in the Baháí News of 
the United States (December 1924 – November 1934), no. 85."

"This letter provides a cogent summary statement 
of the teachings of the Bahá’í Faith."


Likewise, the first two paragraphs are also 
referred to in a compilation on "Science and 
Technology" put together by the Research 
Department of the Universal House of Justice:

And the source is again identified as:

"(June 1933, from a letter written by Shoghi 
Effendi to the High Commissioner for Palestine)"


The entire statement is also online, but without 
identification of its source, at:'i/Authoritative_Baha'i/Shoghi_Effendi/Summary%20Statement%20-The%20World%20Religion.aspx

Possibly this rendering has its origins with the pamphlet that you found.

John B.

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Re: Steven Greer

2013-06-21 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I see that there is another, older, document that includes more of 
the quote that Sen pointed out, which did come from the Research 
Department at the World Centre.  Maybe it was  "eye opener" (still, 
nothing more there to get excited about):

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Re: Steven Greer

2013-06-21 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 06:19 PM 6/21/2013, Mike wrote:
Hmmm. I got to the page through a Google search. Not sure why it's 
not working. It comes from an old Delphi forum called planet bahai.

The link did work for me.  A pretty goofy conversation, there.

...there's a compilation from the House on extraterrestrials that's 
a "real eye opener" (which I can't find any evidence for), and on 
and on it goes. It all leaves me a bit speechless.

I suspect the "real eye opener" is this document:

It isn't from "The House" but rather was compiled by Duane Troxel 
(1996).  The quote from "Divine Philosophy" is included there.  It's 
rather long and I'd say it looks pretty comprehensive on the subject, 
but I don't see anything there to get particularly excited about.

John B.

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Re: Religious rejection of politics

2012-11-21 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 03:03 PM 11/21/2012, you wrote:

LL scores people have said they tend Democrat even though they're closer to
Green Party or Jill Stein
Socialist Party USA or Stewart Alexander

Interestingly, my score overlapped what is supposed to be that of 
Stewart Alexander.  However, my guess is that our actual answers to 
the questions would have been very different.  Certainly not 
diametrically opposed but not particularly compatible, either.

Two people might well lean in the same direction based on a two 
dimensional graph but have actual views that are still largely at 
odds.  Even a two axis assessment doesn't do one's political views 
justice.  Slightly better than the one dimensional assessment we tend 
to see in the press, though.

You might need an extra dimension for every question in order to 
graph the relationships.  Add another question, add another 
dimension.  Parties and pigeon holes are equally uncomfortable.

On matching the quotes to the people on that other part of the Web 
site, I did manage to guess 57% of them right.  Given the low 
standards of today's classrooms, that might actually equate to a 
passing grade.  I'm so proud...

John B.

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Re: Cloning, other soul in the same body

2012-05-14 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Sure, in the same way that all of today's clones are "akin", which is to say 
siblings.  Today's clones are called identical twins.  They don't seem to share 
a single "soul", though.

John B.

-Original Message-
>From: Hasan Elías 
>Sent: May 14, 2012 12:40 PM
>To: Baha'i Studies 
>Subject: Cloning, other soul in the same body
>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>Hi all,
>I know that cloning is relatively new and the bahá'í writings don't addresses 
>this issue.
>But, do you think that the clone's soul will be akin the soul of the deceased?
>For example, if some day someone clone any Central Figure or Shoghi Effendi, 
>what will be the result?
>Sorry for going too far in this issue, but I think it is an important matter. 
>After all, there are DNA material avaliable and it is possible that someone 
>(enemies, crazy scientist, etc.) could do this in the future when cloning will 
>be stable and secure.

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Re: The `ulama' in the Bahai community

2012-04-19 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 08:57 AM 4/19/2012, you wrote:

"Those divines [`ulama'], ... who are truly adorned with the ornament
of knowledge and of a goodly character are, verily, as a head to the
body of the world, and as eyes to the nations. The guidance of men
hath, at all times, been and is dependent upon these blessed souls."
(Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, 16-17)

If the guidance of the world depends, in Baha'u'llah's vision, on
these divines, why is the topic not treated in our public literature,

Wouldn't the Hands of the Cause be considered the Baha'i ulama?

But then, I guess that would make the "Hands" as: the "head" and 
"eyes".  That's so confusing.  Well, unless they were also blind and 
deaf.  No, that's no good...

John B.

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Re: Baha'is in My Backyard (Movie)

2010-11-10 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 02:53 PM 11/10/2010, Matt wrote:
>I found it to be somewhat of a satirical mockumentary. I'm not sure 
>if that was their intention starting out, but that's how it came together imo.

I had a somewhat similar reaction.  It's been a long time since I 
watched it but I vaguely recall finding it pretty funny, but mixed 
with some unease because it was impossible to tell whether the 
investigators were as goofy as they appeared to be or if they were 
just putting on for the camera - following a very loose script.

And I seem to remember it lacked any kind of satisfying ending.  Sort 
of like watching an old Gilda Radner "Emily Litella" piece on the 
1970's Saturday Night Live program's Weekend Update segment where she 
goes through a long sequence of impassioned misunderstandings which 
always rapped up with "Oh!  Well, that's very different Never mind."

In the Internet age I'd think they would have had to be willfully 
ignorant to know as little as they seemed to about Baha'is, while 
still knowing things that most Baha'is weren't even aware of.

The biggest problem I had with it, though, is that I never felt I 
could share it with anyone because I'm afraid most Baha'is wouldn't 
recognize the humor.  (Or, perhaps I should say they might feel it 
wasn't at all funny.  Maybe horrifying?)

Kind of a minor, if guilty, pleasure - maybe a little along the lines 
of the movie: "The Gods Must Be Crazy".

John B.

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Re: "Out of the fusion of two souls a third subtle entity is born;..."

2010-08-21 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv

It looks like this quote was misattribution.  I found a .pdf file 
that attributes it to (Rosemary Sala, The Bahá'í World, Volume 7, 
"Marriage in the Bahá'í Faith", p. 763):

Searching to find Volume 7 of the Baha'i World (I don't have a 
copy) I was surprised to see that the text is on the WWW at:

It appears that it actually was Rosemary Sala who wrote that 
paragraph.  On page 763, a small part of the text reads:

Abdu'l-Baha in writing to a Baha'i stated
that everyone had an affinity, but that af-
finities did not always meet in this world,
and if they did, they might not be happy
together, as this was not a place for perfect
happiness. He added that there was no
power that could keep them apart and that
in one of the worlds of God they would
recognize their oneness, and go through eter-
nity inseparable. He refers further to this:

"The souls who sacrifice self, become de-
tached from the imperfections of the realm
of man and free from the bondage of this
ephemeral world, assuredly the splendors of
the rays of Divine Union shall shine in their
hearts, and they shall find ideal relationship
and happiness in the Eternal Paradise."

Out of the fusion of two souls a third
subtle entity is born. Though invisible and
intangible on earth it is the composite soul
of true lovers. The progress of one mys-
teriously influences the other, they become
the tutors of each other's soul. Distance or
death, being physical forces, cannot cause its
disintegration. To a Baha'i whose husband
had died, the Master wrote:

"Be confirmed with such deeds as to be-
come the cause of his joy and happiness in
the other world."

When marriage has such permanent value,
we can understand the importance of the
preliminary steps which lead up to it.

John B.

At 03:00 PM 8/21/2010, you wrote:
>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>In Stanwood Cobb's book 'Life with Nayan' page 61 (Avalon Press, 
>1969), he attributes the following quote to 'Abdu'l-Baha:
>"Out of the fusion of two souls a third subtle entity is born; 
>though invisible and intangible on earth it is the composite soul of 
>two lovers. The progress of one mysteriously influences the other. 
>They become the tutors of each other's souls. Distance or death, 
>mere physical forces, can not cause its disintegration."
>I cannot find a source for this quote in Ocean or Google.
>Does anyone know where this was sourced?

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Re: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are sitting, stand up; .....

2010-07-26 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
   Oh, I just typed the first few words into Google along with some of the more 
prominent latter ones.  Later, I added Baha'i to the search, and finally 
Nakhjavani, which brought up the book I had never heard of.


-Original Message-
>From: Larry Marquardt 
>Sent: Jul 26, 2010 2:40 PM
>To: Baha'i Studies 
>Subject: Re: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are 
>sitting, stand up; .
>The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>THANK YOU JOHN! This is exactly what I was looking for. If it is not too much 
>trouble, may I ask how you found this source so quickly. I need to learn how 
>to sharpen my researching skills. :-)
>Warm regards,

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Re: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are sitting, stand up; .....

2010-07-26 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
OK, I see that there is a more direct source of this possible misattribution - 
an online book available in .pdf format:

"Once ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said: ‘If you are asleep, wake up! If you
are awake, do not lie down, sit up! If you are seated, stand up! If
you are standing, march! If you are marching, run!’ This is a 
process that God wants us to follow. He does not say: if you are
asleep, run! Gradually, step by step, we change."  


John B

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Re: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are sitting, stand up; .....

2010-07-26 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At first glance it looks like a case of misattribution.  By whom is hard to 
say.  The only "Baha'i" source I see on the google for it is in a blog by an 
unknown person in Idaho.

He or she says that `Ali Nakhjavani attributed it to `Abdu'l-Baha at a meeting 
sometime in 2007, but no source is given:

   "...`Abdu’l-Bahá once said to following. (Paraphrased) “If you are asleep, 
wake up. If you are awake sit up. If you are sitting, stand. If you are 
standing, walk. If you are walking, march, and if you are marching, run!” (‘Alí 
yelled that last bit at the meeting.)..."

Another Web site:

   attributes this as being from Letters to Atticus by Marcus Tullius Cicero 
2.23 (XLIX) in 59 BC.

Yet another site says the same thing:

   "...Wherefore, loving me as much as I know you do, if you are asleep, wake 
up; if you are standing, start walking; if you are walking, set off running; if 
you are running, take wings and fly..."

It looks like more than a coincidence.

John B.

-Original Message-
>From: Larry Marquardt 
>Sent: Jul 26, 2010 12:06 PM
>To: Baha'i Studies 
>Subject: "If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are 
>sitting, stand up; .
>Dear Friends,
>I cannot find the source for this quote attributed to 'Abdu'l-Baha:
>"If you are sleep, wake up; if you are awake, sit up; it you are sitting, 
>stand up; if you are standing, walk; if you are walking, run."
>I checked the Baha'i Academic Library, Ocean and Google. Does anyone know 
>where this quote came from? 
>Thank you,

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Re: Rv: possibilites of remembering Shoghi Effendi's birth or passing or some date related to his work?

2010-07-23 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 09:33 PM 7/23/2010, It was written:
>  WHY?
>lo mismo pregunto yo :)

I think that reading the quote in the context of the adjoining text 
makes it a little more clear.  I've copied that below this.

On the whole, though, I think that the best way to honor the Guardian 
is to allow him what he desired in this regard.  It strikes me as 
similar to when `Abdu'l-Baha insisted that His birthday not be 
celebrated.  Had the decision been left up to the Guardian, perhaps 
he would have permitted it.  It is out of respect for `Abdu'l-Baha 
that we don't celebrate His birthday, as that is His way of honoring the Bab.

We commemorate the Ascension of `Abdu'l-Baha because that was the 
wish of Shoghi Effendi.  Had `Abdu'l-Baha been asked He might have 
forbidden that as well.  I suppose we will never know.

I do wonder whether someday the Day of the Covenant and the Ascension 
of `Abdu'l-Baha might be combined.  Perhaps it is only Baha'i lore 
that I was infected with somewhere along the line (I can't find 
anything of the sort written anywhere), but at some time it seems I 
had heard a rumor that `Abdu'l-Baha chose the Day of the Covenant as 
a Holy Day because it was as far from either May 23rd or May 29th as 
one could get.

If there was such a reason for the choice of the Day of the Covenant, 
it doesn't work, though.  November 26th isn't six months from May 
23rd.  It is a little closer to being six months from May 29th.  But, 
the day that is closest to being six months from the Ascension of 
Baha'u'llah is November 28th - the Ascension of `Abdu'l-Baha.

In years when there is a leap day between November and May (like 2011 
to 2012) the time between the two dates is exact - 183 days between 
May 29, 2011 and Nov. 28th, 2011, and 183 days between Nov. 28th, 
2011 and May 29th, 2012.  In other years it's 183 and 182 days 
between those dates.

Or, maybe it's just another curious coincidence.

John B.

Dearly-beloved friends! Exalted as is the position and vital as is 
the function of the institution of the Guardianship in the 
Administrative Order of Bahá'u'lláh, and staggering as must be the 
weight of responsibility which it carries, its importance must, 
whatever be the language of the Will, be in no wise over-emphasized. 
The Guardian of the Faith must not under any circumstances, and 
whatever his merits or his achievements, be exalted to the rank that 
will make him a co-sharer with 'Abdu'l-Bahá in the unique position 
which the Center of the Covenant occupies -- much less to the station 
exclusively ordained for the Manifestation of God. So grave a 
departure from the established tenets of our Faith is nothing short 
of open blasphemy. As I have already stated, in the course of my 
references to 'Abdu'l-Bahá's station, however great the gulf that 
separates Him from the Author of a Divine Revelation it can never 
measure with the distance that stands between Him Who is the Center 
of Bahá'u'lláh's Covenant and the Guardians who are its chosen 
ministers. There is a far, far greater distance separating the 
Guardian from the Center of the Covenant than there is between the 
Center of the Covenant and its Author.

No Guardian of the Faith, I feel it my solemn duty to place on 
record, can ever claim to be the perfect exemplar of the teachings of 
Bahá'u'lláh or the stainless mirror that reflects His light. Though 
overshadowed by the unfailing, the unerring protection of Bahá'u'lláh 
and of the Báb, and however much he may share with 'Abdu'l-Bahá the 
right and obligation to interpret the Bahá'í teachings, he remains 
essentially human and cannot, if he wishes to remain faithful to his 
trust, arrogate to himself, under any pretense whatsoever, the 
rights, the privileges and prerogatives which Bahá'u'lláh has chosen 
to confer upon His Son. In the light of this truth to pray to the 
Guardian of the Faith, to address him as lord and master, to 
designate him as his holiness, to seek his benediction, to celebrate 
his birthday, or to commemorate any event associated with his life 
would be tantamount to a departure from those established truths that 
are enshrined within our beloved Faith. The fact that the Guardian 
has been specifically endowed with such power as he may need to 
reveal the purport and disclose the implications of the utterances of 
Bahá'u'lláh and of 'Abdu'l-Bahá does not necessarily confer upon him 
a station co-equal with those Whose words he is called upon to 
interpret. He can exercise that right and discharge this obligation 
and yet remain infinitely inferior to both of them in rank and 
different in nature.

To the integrity of this cardinal principle of our Faith the words, 
the deeds of its present and future Guardians must abundantly 
testify. By their conduct and example they must needs establish its 
truth upon an unassailable foundation and transmit to future 
generations unimpeachable evidences of its reality.

For my own p

Re: Fasting and the definition of sunrise and sunset

2010-01-26 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

At 06:02 PM 1/26/2010, it was written:
Both muslims and baha's fast from sunrise to sunset on their 
fasting days. They do not define what they mean by the terminology

1. Civilian: The sun is just at the horzon (zero degrees)

Civilian sunrise occurs when the center of the sun is 6 degrees 
below the horizon, not at the horizon.  This is the point at which 
terrestrial objects are clearly discernable and is what Baha'is 
use.  It is wwhat is published in newspapers and the like.

   I think you might be confusing this issue because of the 
terminology that Stephen used.  He referred to these as civil, 
nautical and astronomical sunrise, but the terms are actually civil, 
nautical and astronomical twilight.  Sunrise is none of those.

   Civil twilight is when the center of the sun's disc is at 6 
degrees below the horizon, but that is not sunset (or 
sunrise).  Actual sunset isn't perfectly definable (except, perhaps, 
by watching it from a specific location with a clear horizon).  It 
depends upon your elevation, latitude, whether you are on a plane, in 
a valley, on a hill or mountain, etc.

   For simplicity's sake astronomical sunset (and sunrise) is 
generally defined as a local time when the center of the sun's disc 
is 50 arc-minutes below the horizon.  At that time, at sea level, 
with average refraction (and so-forth), the top of the sun's disc 
would disappear from view.

   So, for instance, here in Fayetteville, Arkansas, today, the 
Weather Underground < > reports:

January 26, 2010  Rise: Set:
Actual Time 7:21 AM CST   5:37 PM CST
Civil Twilight  6:54 AM CST   6:04 PM CST
Nautical Twilight  6:23 AM CST   6:35 PM CST
Astronomical Twilight   5:52 AM CST   7:06 PM CST

   Now, I, personally, would take the time for the beginning and 
ending of the Baha'i Fast as being at the "actual" sunrise and sunset 
times - and it's always give-or-take a couple of minutes.

John B.

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Re: A Calendrical Curiosity

2009-06-09 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
-Original Message-
>From: Dean Betts 
>Sent: Jun 9, 2009 12:49 AM
>How can we determine when (in the 19th Century)  the prior solar eclipses
>occurred in Iran?


   The two pages I included toward the end will let you do that,
the latter one being a specific example for Shiraz:

   If you go to the first page and scroll through the available
cities for one in Iran and click on the city it will present a
list of all of the eclipses that were visible in that city back
to about 1500 AD.  Dates shaded orange are ones in which there
was either a total eclipse or a total annular eclipse.

   One can look at the circumstances of the individual eclipses
or see animations of them.

   The more comprehensive "eclipse portal" for the site is at:

John B.

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Re: A Calendrical Curiosity

2009-06-08 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
At 07:52 PM 6/8/2009, I wrote:
It spit out the particulars of a total eclipse that will happen on 
March 20th, 2036 AD.

That should have read "2034 AD".

John B.

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A Calendrical Curiosity

2009-06-08 Thread John Bromberek

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I thought perhaps some of you might find this amusing.

Last month I was playing with the new factoid engine 
and entered the search criteria:

   total solar eclipse shiraz iran

to see if maybe there would ever be a total solar eclipse there.

It spit out the particulars of a total eclipse that will happen on 
March 20th, 2036 AD.

I plugged that information into another Web site

that plots such eclipses on google maps so that I could zoom in on 
Shiraz to verify that the eclipse would indeed be total there:

Yes, it will be.

Supposing we have an actual Baha'i calendar by then, and if it were 
to be defined such that the days change according to the existing 
International Dateline, then (assuming I haven't made a mistake - and 
that's entirely possible) this would also coincide with first day of 
Spring, Nawruz.  Otherwise it would correspond to the last day of the 
Fast.  The last day of the Baha'i year 190 BE (= 2 X 95 years).  The 
last day of the 10th Vahid.

Depending upon when the crescent moon becomes visible, following that 
solar eclipse, the first day of the Islamic year will fall on either 
March 21st or March 22nd (1 Muharram, 1456 AH).  So there is a 
possibility of having two or three holy days in a row following this 
total eclipse in Shiraz: Nawruz, The Birth of the Bab, and The Birth 
of Baha'u'llah.

Well, I thought it was interesting.

There will also be a total solar eclipse in Mecca on August 2nd, 2027 AD.

A couple more Web sites on which to play with this 2034 and other eclipses:

   Of course, my favorite one remains that on Dec. 20th, 1843, 
because there are so many weird coincidences between it and May 22nd, 
1844, 2 hours and 11 minutes after sunset in Shiraz.

John B.

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Re: give away the sister in the Bible

2009-01-22 Thread John Bromberek
The Baha'i Studies Listserv
-Original Message-
>From: Hasan Elias 
>Sent: Jan 21, 2009 11:56 PM
>On other side, Christian dates seems wrong, I, myself always ask how it is 
>possible Jesus born on december 24th? and (at the same time) believe 
>Immacualte Conception is on december 8th? It is ilogical, since humans need 
>from 6 to 9 months from conception to birth.

   They have provided those nine months in their calculations.  The Feast of 
the Annunciation is on March 25th.  That is considered the time of the 
conception of Jesus.  The Feast of the Immaculate Conception has nothing to do 
with Jesus, it is the conception of Mary that is commemorated on that day.  The 
Catholic belief is that Mary was conceived without original sin.  They figure 
that's why she was worthy to be the mother of Jesus.  Of course, we don't think 
anyone was born with original sin (at least not in that sense).  

John B.

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Re: peaking of realiy and meaning ang geometry

2008-08-05 Thread John Bromberek
At 08:54 PM 8/5/2008, Ben wrote:
>I don't know if you noticed this before, and you can pass the info 
>on to whomever it matters, but there is a discrepancy between the 
>two drawings; on the 'original' drawing, the "grades in the 
>spiritual kingdom," which are infinite in series and progression, at 
>their highest attainable point, touch the unknowable, but the finite 
>NEVER becomes the infinite.  In the new version, the finite becomes 
>the infinite.  A rather important distinction, don't you think?

Nice catch.  Perhaps Duane didn't notice it either when he garbled it 
(unless there's yet another version out there somewhere).

John B.

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Re: peaking of realiy and meaning ang geometry

2008-08-05 Thread John Bromberek

At 04:53 PM 8/5/2008, I wrote:
>I have a copy that I got somewhere back in 1971, but it didn't
>have any attribution other than that of having been printed by
>Kurtis Kelsey...

   I'll have to take that back.  I see, now, that the attribution is 
within the written introduction to the explanation.  So, the copy I 
have is also attributed to Lua Getsinger.

   The version I have is that scanned by Robert Stauffer, the 
prettier version at the second listed URL was redrawn by Duane Troxel.

   The letter connected to the graphic, written by the Research 
Dept. (on the Web page) casts some doubt on authenticity of the 
graphic - as far as having originated with 'Abdu'l-Baha.

John B.

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Re: peaking of realiy and meaning ang geometry

2008-08-05 Thread John Bromberek

At 04:25 PM 8/4/2008, firestorm wrote:

mark, excuse mu lack of clarity,
 it was at, i thought,

It sounds like you are referring to this graphic:

 also at:

I have a copy that I got somewhere back in 1971, but it didn't have 
any attribution other than that of having been printed by Kurtis 
Kelsey.  The one at bahai-library indicates that it was probably 
drafted by Lua Getsinger, rather than Juliet Thompson - but possibly 
you are thinking of a different picture.

John B.

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Suratu'l-Haykal & W.O.B. p. 117

2007-01-14 Thread John Bromberek


I'm wondering whether anyone can enlighten me as to the reason for the 
absence from the 2002 translation of the Suratu'l-Haykal of the two lines 
Shoghi Effendi quotes on page 117 of the World Order of Baha'u'llah:

   "I am not apprehensive for My own self," Bahá'u'lláh still more 
explicitly declares, "My fears are for Him Who will be sent down unto you 
after Me -- Him Who will be invested with great sovereignty and mighty 
dominion." And again He writes in the Suratu'l-Haykal: "By those words 
which I have revealed, Myself is not intended, but rather He Who will come 
after Me. To it is witness God, the All-Knowing." "Deal not with Him," He 
adds, "as ye have dealt with Me."

(Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 117)

   At least, I haven't been able to find those last two lines in the 
published translation.  Is there another Tablet of the same name, or is 
this 2002 translation abridged?

In notes attached to a translation of the same Tablet by Anton Haddad

there is an association made between the sentence: "Deal not with Him as ye 
have dealt with Me." and Haddad's translation: "Beware not to do with Me 
that which ye have done with My Precursor [(the Bab)]", But, why it was 
believed one could substitute one "translation" for the other is not clear.

In fact, the authorized translation doesn't do this. On page 42 of "The 
Summons of the Lord of Hosts" the sentence is translated much as Haddad 
did: "Beware lest ye deal with Me as ye dealt with My Herald."

Indeed "WOB 117" is nowhere listed in the back of "Summons" among the "Key 
to Passages Translated by Shoghi Effendi".

A related question: It is also unclear where the first line of the above 
passage (WOB 117) is being quoted from.  Possibly it is from the 
Suriy-i-Sabr quoted in the previous paragraph, but the source is not 
explicitly identified.

John B.

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Re: Edict of toleration

2004-11-28 Thread John Bromberek
Greetings Sam,
At 10:09 PM 11/27/2004, you wrote:
I did find on the globalperspectives website the following mention of the 

"The Edict of Toleration. In that book and several others written by both 
Bahá’í and non-Bahá’í authors, that document was overrated. Now the good 
news. We discovered a new document--proclaimed and published in 1844--that 
is far more significant than the so-called "Edict of Toleration." We 
believe you should become familiar with this new document, which has 
remained unknown not only to the Bahá’í community but also to Jewish and 
Christian writers. "

This intrigues me.  Ok, perhaps I'm being a little naughty and I should go 
out and buy this book "I shall come again" (which I will end up doing 
after finishing the several books I have yet to read) even though I 
haven't seen the whole series for sale in the UK, but I was just wondering 
if anyone knows what this is about.

Does anyone have any more info on the Edict that WS mentions or that which 
this book mentions?
   Can't say that I have seen that Web site.  I did read "I Shall Come 
Again" some years ago, and, this morning, reread the couple pages that 
Hushidar Motlagh devotes to this topic.  Unfortunately, his treatment 
appears little less confusing than that of William Sears.  He quotes a 
couple of Christians (a Dr. Guinness, and Leroy Froom) on the subject, but 
provides no further enlightenment as to how the so-called "Edict of 
Toleration" got transformed from a pronouncement that Muslims who converted 
to Christianity would no longer be executed for apostasy into a charter for 
the return of the Jews to the Holy Land.

   He does quote Guinness as saying about this edict that "Europe obliged 
the Turkish Government to cease the practice of execution for 
apostasy..."  This is added to other statements that refer to the Jews 
returning to the Holy Land, but the connection is not apparent to me.

   Three years ago there was a discussion of the subject on 
soc.religion.bahai.  The full discussion can be found by doing a Google of 
Groups on the subject.  I've attached a copy of what I wrote, there, at 
that time.

John B.
From: John Bromberek ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Re: Edict of toleration
Newsgroups: soc.religion.bahai
Date: 2001-12-02 06:46:03 PST
On 28 Nov 2001 14:17:44 GMT, in soc.religion.bahai "Geoff" 
> I've noticed over the years that people have been trying to locate the 
> of toleration. It would seem to be a crucial document, on which much Baha'i
> scriptual interpretation hinges. Has a copy of it been located? What did it
> actually proclaim?

The subject does come up from time to time.  The last time I got involved 
in the discussion was in April of 1998 on the bahai-discuss e-mail 
list.  That exchange was sparked by earlier notes from the s.r.b newsgroup.

In a note to bahai-discuss, on April 11th, 1998, I attempted to briefly 
recount some of the history of the Palestine of that time - between 1838 
and 1857.  I won't try to get into that, but anyone who is interested might 
search out a book called "Zion Before Zionism: 1838-1880", by Arnold Blumberg.

Briefly, there was a lot going on at that time with respect to increasing 
freedom (at least nominally speaking) for Jews (and Christians) in the 
Ottoman Empire, at the instigation of European powers.  It began before 
1844, though.  No specific March 21, 1844 "Edict of Toleration" is required 
for the fulfillment of prophecy, in this respect.  It might be nice to 
have, but would only be one relatively insignificant (and probably 
unenforced) document among many.

Moreover, it appears to be commonly agreed that there have been Jews in 
Jerusalem and the surrounding areas pretty much continuously throughout the 
last 1900 years (and, of course, before that time) - with possible 
exceptions for an occasion of Crusading fervor when Christians put everyone 
in Jerusalem to the sword, and maybe, again, at the time of the Mongol 
invasions, when there was a similar slaughter.  There may not have been a 
lot of Jews in those parts, but they were already there - and, especially, 
in somewhat greater numbers following their expulsion from Spain in 1492.

Coincidentally, two weeks after I sent that note the then-current issue of 
"Journal of Baha'i Studies" arrived in the mail (Vol. 8/No. 3/1998) 
containing a long article by Michael Sours (with some assistance from 
Stephen Lambden) on this very topic: "The 1844 Ottoman 'Edict of 
Toleration' in Baha'i Secondary Literature" (pages: 53- 80).

Earlier in the e-mail exchange Dick Detweiler had mentioned that he had 
received information from Dennis McDonnell informing him that he had 
learned that documents relevant to this edict cou