Re: Demeter Non-profit - Not!

2002-02-20 Thread Susan Misgen

**In order to clear up any confusion, an organization or a company cannot
have one without the other.  You cannot declare yourself non-profit
WITHOUT securing tax exempt status.  The IRS likes to know about these
things because that means they owe back taxes and penalties.**

I don't think the above statement is true.  Non-profit corporations are a
name for a type of corporation, not a statement.  Tax-exempt status is
granted by the IRS to certain organizations that meet the requirements for
charitable organizations.  (See publication 557 from the IRS.)  Because the
tax-exempt status is difficult to receive, many non-profits set up a
separate corporation for that purpose.  In many circles, it usually is for
educational purposes--even scholarships to universities.


Re: Demeter Non-profit - Not!

2002-02-20 Thread jsherry

To all especially Frank  Greg,
I have NO interest in pursuing this thread. Go for it those of you who find
it useful. I have NO interest of war of any kind. I am a pacifist. I believe
in PEACE is what that means. Besides, you CAN have a non-profit company and
NOT be tax exempt.

Because Demeter has chosen NOT to engage with us in this dialogue, I choose
to no longer pursue any dialogue on this subject. As far as I am concerned,
certifying agencies are worthless as are names such as organic, biodynamic,
natural etc. Natural was the first of these words to be co-opted by the
powers that be (economic self interest) to use it to sell unnatural products
thirty years ago or more.

The best way I know of to decide whether I should buy a product is to use
the knowledge I have about the company IF I do not know the producer myself.

Those of you who are in the business of producing, distributing, and selling
food may have legitimate economic concerns about third party certifying
agencies. However, as a consumer (or if I were a producer) I am firstly
wanting to know my producer and failing that I would use my INTUITION when
shopping to sense whether or not the food is safe, vital and local.

If you don't trust your intuition and want someone else to tell/sell you
what is accepted as safe or organic or natural, well, good luck. I
think you'd be best off learning to use your intuition since it is unlikely
you're going to know all of the people who produce all of the food you use.
And intuition is a tool that gives good advice!

Know your farmer, know your shopkeeper, talk to the people who are involved
in getting you your food. Learn about the distribution system and the farms
involved. This is the way to engage with your community and be part of the
food system  in which you find yourself.

When you know your producer and you trust your intuition, then certification
is redundant.

I would also like to know how a discussion about healing and radionics so
quickly devolved into a discussion about the failings of the old guard of
bd yet again. And has devolved once again into a sales pitch for Greg
Willis' preps.

How can you have a meaningful discussion about this in this venue, if all
the parties will not engage? It devolves into the same old rant. It is more
constructive to hear how you will change things, how the trademarking of
biodynamics will change the face of bd agriculture, how this nomenclature is
making certification ultimately useless, watering down what has been age old
practices of working in partnership with nature. Let's hear more about your
innovations and less about your litigious threats.

Or please, go ahead and sue already and report back your progress. But
please, please stop trying to start or continue a war with the mother
(Demeter that is).


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 11:23 AM
Subject: FWD: Demeter Non-profit - Not!

Dear Allan and Listmembers,

Due to a momentary misalignment of my brain cells with my eyeballs, I

Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-20 Thread jsherry

Frank wrote with great insight: I think the people on this list are much
more in tune with the concept of multiple methods of accomplishing a goal
rather than one orthodoxy. One
pitfall to avoid is excessive indulgence in demonizing the Other.

Here here! I would love it if this list could set itself apart from other
conversations in the world, and NOT participate in demonizing the Other!!

Thanks for your insight,

- Original Message -
From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Hi Jane,

Sorry but all I have for you is a chiding admonishment, eh? Please think of
it kindly

Fwd: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-19 Thread bdnow

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:13:06 -0800
From: Greg Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Dear Allan and All Listmembers,

On Saturday, I received in the mail a copy of THE VOICE OF 
DEMETER, ISSUE NO. 15, WINTER 2002.  On the back cover is a plea 
for money under the title BECOME A FRIEND.

I direct your attention to the opening statement, which says, and I quote:

Become a friend of Demeter and join the circle of supporting 
members.  The Demeter Association, Inc. is a national, independent, 
non-profit, corporation . . .

Wait just a minute.  Non-profit?  I have a letter in my possession 
on Demeter letterhead, written and signed by Anne Mendenhall 
explaining to me that I could neither ask for nor receive copies of 
Demeter's 990 IRS filings because Demeter Association, Inc. not 
registered by the IRS as a 401(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

So here's the dirty little secret that they don't tell unsuspecting 
people who contribute money to their organization.  Demeter 
Association, Inc. was incorporated in Massachusetts as a corporation 
that intended to become a non-profit organization.  According to the 
officials with whom I spoke in the department of the Secretary of 
State in Massachusetts, Demeter Association, Inc. never applied for 
tax exempt non-profit status in Massachusetts.  When I inquired 
whether or not they enjoyed tax exempt status in the State of New 
York where their offices are located, again I was told that they do 
not have tax exempt non-profit status.  And, when I checked with the 
IRS, they told me that Demeter does not have federal tax exempt 
non-profit status either.  That would be 401(c)(3) designation.

Well.  Isn't this interesting?

I would recommend that anyone who becomes a Friend of Demeter 
demand a copy of the IRS papers granting the company current federal 
tax exempt non-profit status or the contributor can't deduct it on 
their personal or company income tax.  Then I'd make some serious 
inquiries with Demeter and the BDA since them support Demeter 


Am I the only one in the whole damn UNIVERSE who cares that Anne 
Mendenhall and Demeter look like they're running a scam?

Is there anyone out there who cares that it looks like they're 
committing fraud in the name of biodynamics and Rudolf Steiner?

Are the people on this list so frickin' apathetic that they don't 
give a crap that when Demeter does something that has all the 
appearances of being fraudulent and unethical, it smears anyone and 
everyone who calls what they do biodynamic?

I'd like to know where the BDA stands on this.  Let's see the proof, 
Anne.  Let's see the proof, Chuck.  If you've got it, so be it.  If 
you don't, you should tell your members, subscribers and those whom 
you certify that you lied.

How about it all you Demeter/Aurora Organic certified farmers, 
winemakers,breadmakers, vegetable growers, coffee growers, 
herbalists, flower growers and vineyard owners?  Ask Mendenhall for 
proof.  Put it up on the web.  Let everyone see it.   Prove me wrong.

Period.  Anything else is fraud.

I, for one, am appalled, but not surprised.

Greg Willis

Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-19 Thread jsherry

Perhaps you looked in the wrong place. Demeter to the best of my knowledge
is in NY state, not Mass.

- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:19 AM
Subject: Fwd: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:13:06 -0800
From: Greg Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Accept-Language: en
To: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Dear Allan and All Listmembers,

On Saturday, I received in the mail a copy of THE VOICE OF
DEMETER, ISSUE NO. 15, WINTER 2002.  On the back cover is a plea
for money under the title BECOME A FRIEND.

Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-19 Thread Bonnie York

On Monday, February 18th Greg Willis wrote:

 Become a friend of Demeter and join the circle of supporting 
 members.  The Demeter Association, Inc. is a national, independent, 
 non-profit, corporation . . .

 Period.  Anything else is fraud.

When I joined this list and learned about the history of the grab of the 
term biodynamic by Demeter I was saddened and appalled.  Rather than 
laying claim to the word biodynamic they would have done well to put 
their energy into strengthening the Demeter label.  Then, as in Europe, 
Demeter would be the label that consumers look for.

On their website, Demeter says they are a nonprofit, as is the BDA. BDA 
is however tax exempt, while Demeter is non tax exempt. Can one  claim 
nonprofit status unless they are certified as such by the government?

Could the truth be in the words that they use to describe themselves? By 
law they are a corporate entity, yet they use the friendly term 
Association as their public face.  They certainly know the power of 

Bonnie York

Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

2002-02-19 Thread Aurora Farm

Hi Frank:
Yes war sucks bigtime. And there are other choices for the good of all.
Think it has to do with cooperation.
Blessings, Barbara
Aurora Farm is the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: Frank Teuton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

Hi Jane,

Sorry but all I have for you is a chiding admonishment, eh? Please think of
it kindly

When reading these 'sturm und drang' posts please read carefully, to avoid
misunderstandings.  You see, Greg points out that the offices are in New
York further down in his post:

  When I inquired
whether or not they enjoyed tax exempt status in the State of New
York where their offices are located, again I was told that they do
not have tax exempt non-profit status.  And, when I checked with the
IRS, they told me that Demeter does not have federal tax exempt
non-profit status either.  That would be 401(c)(3) designation.

I expect your less than careful reading probably comes from some place
you feel the attacks are overly one sided and that there is good in these
people that is being denied by their attackers. Something in that old
Catholic tradition of 'hating the sin, loving the sinners' seems to be
missing, eh?

It seems to me that the BD community in the US is getting caught up in an
organizational dynamic similar to the struggles over defining organic for
the National Organic Program and defining composting, which is being
increasingly narrowly defined as thermophilic composting, (as in the NOP

Maybe there is some deep astrological reason for this, who knows?

But the businesses of Self-Other conflict on the one hand, and cooperation,
on the other, can certainly entail crimination and recrimination, before
they move to a more constructive level.

Rather than stay within the little world of BD I would like to make you
aware of the slightly large world of organics and composting. In both of
these worlds process standards, ie how something has to be done, rather
performance standards, ie what are  we trying to do, have become or are
becoming the rule, not only of a core group of practitioners but as a
of law (in the case of the NOP, Federal law.)

I think the people on this list are much more in tune with the concept of
multiple methods of accomplishing a goal rather than one orthodoxy. One
pitfall to avoid is excessive indulgence in demonizing the Other.

But it is hard to refrain from doing battle when the other side attacks
I was recently thrown off the US Composting Council list for coming to the
defense of vermicomposting, particularly vermicomposting in schools, which
Jim McNelly has made a hobby of attacking in a 'Dennis Avery' sort of way
over the last few years. I basically think he has an ax to grind against
Mary Appelhof and fearmongering against her life's work is how he does it,
for what that's worth.

It is hard to avoid angry feelings in these contexts, but it is important
keep some sort of perspective.

By and large, war sucks.

Frank Teuton

- Original Message -
From: jsherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 9:36 AM
Subject: Re: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

 Perhaps you looked in the wrong place. Demeter to the best of my
 is in NY state, not Mass.

 - Original Message -
 From: bdnow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:19 AM
 Subject: Fwd: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!

 Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 13:13:06 -0800
 From: Greg Willis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-Accept-Language: en
 To: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Demeter Non-Profit - Not!
 Dear Allan and All Listmembers,
 On Saturday, I received in the mail a copy of THE VOICE OF
 DEMETER, ISSUE NO. 15, WINTER 2002.  On the back cover is a plea
 for money under the title BECOME A FRIEND.