Re: perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 3:39 PM, Andy Bach  wrote:
> meaning, you added:
> use lib q{/home/user/.cpanm/};

Well, no.  That one didn't work.  I had to be specific about where 
CGI::Carp was installed to get it to work:

use lib '/home/user/.cpanm/work/1512448551.26554/CGI-4.38/lib';

> Right, so that's your 500 error. But you added the same line in the original 
> (before the use Carp line?) and it *didn't* fix the problem?  Can you sym 
> link the .cpanm dir under one of those @INC dirs.   Hm, there's also an 
> PERL5LIB env var you can set to add libraries (maybe in the webserver config).

I've read about those, but I'd rather not jerry rig this install just 
to get it to work.  I've been using perlbrew on my Mac (with 5 different perls) 
for years without incident, so that's why I'm at a loss as to what's happening 
on this VPS.  Maybe I should just cut my losses, delete everything, and start 
over.  I just hate doing that after spending so much time on something.  It's 
like admitting defeat and giving up. ;)

I just thought to compare the install on my Mac with the one on the VPS 
and the binaries of perlbrew are exactly the same, but the binaries for 
patchperl and cpanm are wildly different from each other.  Are these customized 
during installation for the platform that running?  If not, would it be safe to 
copy my known good copies over to the server (Mac vs Linux)?

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Re: perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 3:09 PM, Andy Bach  wrote:
> Can you not look a the web server's error_log?  A 500 error would put the 
> perl error msg in there.  Have you tried just "use" a different module?  

Those errors aren't appearing in the errors log in cPanel.  I couldn't 
find another error log in WHM.

> Hmm, can you try...

I ran your script and, when I manually include the .cpanm directory, it 

/home/user/cgi-bin/ syntax OK

otherwise, it returns:

Can't locate CGI/ in @INC (you may need to install the CGI::Carp module) 
(@INC contains: 
/home/user/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.26.1/lib/5.26.1) at 
/home/user/cgi-bin/ line 9. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/home/user/cgi-bin/ line 9.

Here's more info.  I ran the following command, which produced an error:

> perlbrew exec perl -e 'print $]'
Use of uninitialized value in list assignment at 
/home/user/perl5/perlbrew/bin/perlbrew line 2220.

Looks like this has been reported for a few years without a solution:

Could this be part of the problem?  I'm running perlbrew 0.80.


P.S. Re-installing cpanm didn't solve the problem.
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Re: perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 1:40 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> you should make sure that the modules you wish to use are in one of the
> dirs in @INC. cpanm should install to  the global directories.

Another question.  How can I check to make sure cpanm was installed 
properly under perlbrew?

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Re: perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 1:40 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> you should make sure that the modules you wish to use are in one of the
> dirs in @INC. cpanm should install to  the global directories.

That's what I thought.  Shouldn't "cpanm install Module::Name" do that 
on it's own?  There's only one perl install and one alias, and the alias is 
selected.  Running "perl -v" returns version 5.26.1 so how can I get perlbrew 
set to install in the current installation?

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Re: perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 7, 2017, at 12:04 PM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> What does:
>   say "@INC";
> say if you add it to the script?

I get:


I found a .cpanm directory in /home/user where all the modules are 
being installed.  Could that have anything to do with it?  I tried adding that 
directory with "use lib" but I still get the 500 error.

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perlbrew and modules

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
I've run into another strange problem that I don't understand.  Running 
the script below produces the output "Perl v5.26.1".  However, if I add the 
line: use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);  it produces a 500 error.

On the shared server, this worked as it should, with 'fatalsToBrowser' 
showing any errors.  But the VPS is just backwards - adding it crashes the 
script!  This actually happens with any module and, yes, they are installed:

> cpanm install CGI::Carp
install is up to date. (0.01)
CGI::Carp is up to date. (4.38)

I have been fighting with this VPS setup for almost 2 weeks now just to 
get a functioning modern Perl environment and I'm about at my wits end.  It 
shouldn't be this hard.

I'd appreciate any help.



use v5.26;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
say 'Perl '. $^V;
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perlbrew and cron

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
After moving to a VPS, I'm finally able to use perlbrew to use the 
latest perl, but it's not working the same as it does on my Mac.

In terminal, I can call a perl script with either the full path to perl 
or with an alias I've set up in .bashrc.  So far, so good.  However, to run a 
script with cron, I can't seem to get it to run with the perlbrew version.  
I've even tried it with just the path to the script, as mentioned by ikegami 

Unfortunately, I don't have anymore to go on than this as, literally, 
nothing happens - the script doesn't get run and I don't get an error email 
from cron, so I don't know where to look.

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Re: Problem with perlbrew and LiteSpeed

2017-12-07 Thread SSC_perl
> On Dec 5, 2017, at 10:23 AM, Chas. Owens  wrote:
> Test one: does the file actually exist.

Thanks for the tests.  It turns out there was a typo in the shebang 
line.  It was a tough one to diagnose as the error said the file wasn't there.  

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Problem with perlbrew and LiteSpeed

2017-12-05 Thread SSC_perl
I'm hoping someone has seen this before and can point me in the right 
direction.  I'm moving my site to a VPS to be able to use a more modern version 
of Perl, but I've run into a problem.

I installed perlbrew along with Perl 5.26.1.  That went smoothly.  
However, when I try to run even a small test script in a browser, the server 
returns this:

lscgid: execve():/home/user/www/cgi-bin/ No such file or directory

The perlbrew installation on my Mac works perfectly, but on this *nix 
server, it doesn't**.  The VPS is using LiteSpeed, but I've been told it's a 
drop-in replacement for Apache, so everything *should* work the same as before.

Do I need to do something more than just putting the perlbrew perl path 
in the shebang line?

Has anyone seen anything like this before?  I'm working with my web 
host on this, but so far they don't seem to know what's going on, so I thought 
I'd ask here just in case.


** Running the script in terminal works properly, just not in the browser.
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Re: Getting the results of a remote script

2017-11-09 Thread SSC_perl
> On Nov 9, 2017, at 2:06 PM, David Precious  wrote:
> you'll get whatever the script output to STDOUT.

Thanks a million, Dave!  STDOUT was what I was missing.  I've never 
used that before, so this was news to me.  The remote script now returns a 
string that I can manipulate and use in the local script.

Thanks again,
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Re: Getting the results of a remote script

2017-11-09 Thread SSC_perl
> On Nov 8, 2017, at 5:16 PM, thelip sia  wrote:
> you can use backtick to store the output.
> $list = `ssh '/usr/bin/perl /path/to/'`;

Thanks, Heince.  I had mistakenly thought those were synonymous with 
each other.  And, of course, this morning, doing a new search produced the 
backtick solution.  However, every example I found was for a unix command, not 
a perl script.  

Using the backticks returns nothing, so perhaps my remote script may 
not be set up properly to "export" it's result?  Sorry - I've never dealt with 
WAN solutions like this before so I don't even know how to put it.

5 hours later...

I've since decided to offload a portion of my local script to the 
remote script to avoid the back-and-forth.  However, I'm still curious if this 
can even be done.

As I mentioned, my remote script produces an array of directory names 
that I need to use in my local script.  The array is populated correctly, but I 
can't see it in my local script.

Can the result of a remote script be used in a local script by calling 
it via SSH or some other means?  If so, how do you get the result back?  This 
is not a CGI script - that was only an example path I used.

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Getting the results of a remote script

2017-11-08 Thread SSC_perl
I have a script on a remote server that creates a list of all 
directories on the server that end in a dash.  I need that list on my laptop.  
Is it possible to get the result into a variable in my local script by 
triggering the remote script via ssh?  I've tried this:

$list = system('ssh '/usr/bin/perl /cgi-bin/'");

but it just returns '0'.  The system call is working fine - I just can't get 
the result returned in $list.

Searching hasn't returned an answer.  Is there another way to get what 
I'm after?

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Astro::Sunrise vs DateTime::Event::Sunrise

2017-08-19 Thread SSC_perl
Does anyone here use either the Astro::Sunrise or the 
DateTime::Event::Sunrise module?  I'm curious as to what the major differences 

From what I can see, Astro::Sunrise uses DateTime behind the scenes (if 
at all), so you don't need to enter that info yourself, making your script a 
little cleaner.

However, DateTime::Event::Sunrise seems to offer more functions, e.g.:

# Is it day or night?
my $day_set = DateTime::SpanSet->from_sets( 
start_set => $sunrise, end_set => $sunset );
print $day_set->contains( $dt ) ? 'day' : 'night';

which seems handy, but that can be mimicked.  

The accuracy of both is only one minute apart, and they're both 
maintained by the same person, so I'm not really sure if there is a noticeable 
difference between the two.  These are the only sunrise/sunset modules I found 
on CPAN.

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Re: "Information station" using Perl and Raspberry Pi

2017-08-01 Thread SSC_perl
There was some good information in this thread.  Thank you!

> On Jul 26, 2017, at 2:38 AM, David Precious  wrote:
> FWIW, it might be sensible to not fully discount the HTML option -
> seting an RPi up to start a browser on boot in full-screen "kiosk mode"
> is easy, and you could have it load either a page served by the RPi
> itself, or hosted elsewhere, whichever you prefer.

Thanks for this, Dave.  I forgot about kiosk mode, so you were right - 
HTML was the easiest.  Just to get this up and running for my mother, I settled 
on JavaScript embedded in HTML to change the messages for her.  It's pretty 
clunky at this point, but at least it's usable - and I can make changes 
remotely.  That's nice!  Now I can take my time and work on this at my 
convenience to make it a lot more powerful.

Thanks again,
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Re: "Information station" using Perl and Raspberry Pi

2017-07-25 Thread SSC_perl
> On Jul 25, 2017, at 2:08 PM, Andrew Solomon  wrote:
> In case you want to see what's already out there, the search engine term for 
> you is "assistive technology".

Thanks, Andrew!  I appreciate it.  However, I think that's more than 
what I need.  I'm really only looking to display formatted text on a TV screen.


I finally found a project that looks similar to what I want to do:

It's a lot more elaborate than what I need and it uses a web service to 
display the information.  I'd prefer to use Perl, if at all possible, and use 
my own server for the files.


"Information station" using Perl and Raspberry Pi

2017-07-25 Thread SSC_perl
I'm looking to get some ideas on how to make an "information station" 
for my mother who has the beginning stages of dementia.  I want to display 
information on her TV, like when her next meal is, time of day, date, etc., 
which of course would change daily and throughout the day.

I was thinking that I'd get a Raspberry Pi and program that to retrieve 
text files from a server depending on the time of day.  I don't know how well 
the RPi handles Perl - it seems to be geared for Python.  I would need to be 
able to display text in any size and style.  My first though was to use HTML, 
but I don't want to use a browser to display the text onscreen.  Would this 
require a GUI, such as Tk?

Has anyone done anything like this before?  Am I on the right track 
with my ideas or is there a better way of doing this?

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Using __DATA__ with XML::LibXML

2017-06-22 Thread SSC_perl
I think I'm losing it.  I'm trying to do something simple here but I 
can't get it to work.

I'm using XML::LibXML to verify XML sitemaps and it's working fine with 
an external XSD file.  However, I'd like to add the schema to a __DATA__ 
section so that I only need a single file.  However, no matter what I do, I get 
error messages***.  I've tried the following:

my @data = ;
my $data = join ('', @data);
my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => $data);
my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => *DATA);
my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(string => \*DATA);

but the only thing that works is:

my $schema_file = '/home/user/cron/sitemaps/xsd-schema.xsd';
my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => $schema_file);

Why can't I get the DATA solution to work?


*** Some of the error messages I've seen:

Schemas parser error : Failed to parse the XML resource 'in_memory_buffer'.

Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found


The full script is as follows:

package XML_Check;

use XML::LibXML;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../../perl/Modules";
require EmailSender;

## Load YAML Config File 
use YAML qw(LoadFile);
my $config = LoadFile('/home/user/conf/config.yaml');
my $to_address   = $config->{'email'}{'report_to'};
my $from_address = $config->{'email'}{'report_from'};

sub verify_xml {
my $document = shift;
my $schema_file = '/home/user/cron/sitemaps/xsd-schema.xsd';
my $schema = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => $schema_file);

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new;
my $doc= $parser->parse_file($document);

eval { $schema->validate($doc) };
if ($@) {
my $subject = 'XML Sitemap Error';
my $message = "There was an error in the $document sitemap.";
EmailSender::send_mail($subject, $message, $to_address, $from_address, 

return $@;



XML Schema for Sitemap files. Last Modifed 2008-03-26

Container for a set of up to 50,000 document elements. This is the root element 
of the XML file.

Container for the data needed to describe a document to crawl.

REQUIRED: The location URI of a document. The URI must conform to RFC 2396 

OPTIONAL: The date the document was last modified. The date must conform to the 
W3C DATETIME format ( Example: 2005-05-10 
Lastmod may also contain a timestamp. Example: 2005-05-10T17:33:30+08:00

OPTIONAL: Indicates how frequently the content at a particular URL is likely to 
change. The value "always" should be used to describe documents that change 
each time they are accessed. The value "never" should be used to describe 
archived URLs. Please note that web crawlers may not necessarily crawl pages 
marked "always" more often. Consider this element as a friendly suggestion and 
not a command.

OPTIONAL: The priority of a particular URL relative to other pages on the same 
site. The value for this element is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 where 0.0 
identifies the lowest priority page(s). The default priority of a page is 0.5. 
Priority is used to select between pages on your site. Setting a priority of 
1.0 for all URLs will not help you, as the relative priority of pages on your 
site is what will be considered.

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Re: Time::HiRes output

2017-05-27 Thread SSC_perl
> On May 24, 2017, at 7:17 PM, Chas. Owens  wrote:
> Take a look at Devel::NYTProf...

Thanks, Chas.  I had made a mental note a while back to look into 
Devel::NYTProf, but it had slipped my mind, so your response was perfectly 

Just within the first hour of using it, I found a few subs that were 
being called when they shouldn’t have been, so I blocked that from happening.  
Doing that alone has shaved off 132 ms, 6,333 statements, 956 subroutine calls, 
and 11 string evals - and I’m just getting started!

However, my little “profiler” that I wrote is coming in handy, as well. 
 It’s very simple - it only lists the subs in the order that they are called, 
the time they take, and a few key variables to see how/why they are being 
called.  This shows me the sequence of events depending on which links were 
clicked, which is giving me a deeper insight into how the shopping cart 
actually works.  I'm sure NYTProf does that as well, but I'm still learning it.

This is going to make the script that much more efficient.

Thanks again,
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Time::HiRes output

2017-05-24 Thread SSC_perl
I’m timing sub routines to get an idea of where my scripts spend the 
most of their time.  This is an example of what I’m doing:

use Time::HiRes qw( clock );
my $clock0 = clock();
... # Do something.
my $clock1 = clock();
my $clockd = $clock1 - $clock0;

I’m getting values like $clock1 = 0.030259 and $clock0 = 0.030212.  
However, instead of $clockd being 0.47, it’s returning 
4.700019e-05.  I take it that’s exponential notation (?) but it’s 
actually more difficult to read than the regular number.  Is there a way to get 
it to print out differently?

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HTTP::Recorder problem [solutions?/alternatives?]

2017-04-28 Thread SSC_perl
After automating test orders in my script with WWW::Mechanize, I ran 
across HTTP::Recorder and thought I’d give that a try:

However, I feel like I’ve missed something in the setup.  I’m on OS X 
11.6.4 and I’ve chosen “Auto Proxy Discovery”* in the Proxies section of the 
Network control panel, and then I run the perl script on the command line.  Is 
that all there is to it?

When I surf, nothing gets written to the log file I have set up, and 
then after a few minutes, the process in Terminal quits with this message:

(3724) PROCESS: Too many child process, serving the connection

Does anyone have any experience setting up HTTP::Recorder?  Or is there 
a different solution?  I just noticed that HTTP::Recorder is deprecated.


* I’ve also read to choose “Automatic Proxy Configuration” in the control 
panel, but I don’t know what to enter in the URL (.pac) box.
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Re: Getting a specific page using WWW::Mechanize [SOLVED]

2017-04-25 Thread SSC_perl
I found my error.  I ended up using $mech->save_content(‘result.html’) 
at the end of my script and, lo and behold, it produced the confirm.htm page 
with an error.  I had forgotten to add the cardholder’s name field to the final 
form submission, so of course, SurfShop was returning the same page and asking 
for it to be filled in.  Talk about embarrassing. :\  Oh, well, everything is 
working fine now and I have a super little script to place test orders 
automatically.  It’s turned out to be a great tool for solving problems.  
Before this, I was manually placing test orders, filling in every field by 
hand, which gets old real fast when you have to do it repeatedly.

If anyone is looking to automate tasks like this for testing or 
whatever else, I whole heartedly recommend WWW::Mechanize.  It’s a real time 

Thanks again to Chas for the reply.

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Re: Getting a specific page using WWW::Mechanize

2017-04-25 Thread SSC_perl
> On Apr 25, 2017, at 10:09 AM, Chas. Owens  wrote:
> Are you using JavaScript to redirect the user to the sorry page?

Nope.  All navigation is handled by perl.  Thanks for the link, though.


Re: Getting a specific page using WWW::Mechanize

2017-04-25 Thread SSC_perl
Here’s more information on this situation.  SurfShop uses two main HTML 
templates, main.htm and secure.htm.  Then there are sub-templates that get 
loaded as the content of those two main templates.

During checkout, secure.htm is used.  If the order is successful, 
receipt.htm is used as the sub-template, if not, then sorry.htm is shown with 
the error message.  This, of course, works as expected when placing an order by 

When placing a successful order with WWW::Mechanize, receipt.htm is 
shown correctly in $mech->content().  However, if the order was declined, 
that’s when Mech returns the same page it was on when the ‘processTransaction’ 
button was clicked, which is confirm.htm.

Up until this point, Mech performs just like when I manually place an 
order, so what could be causing it to get mixed up at the end?  I don’t think 
I'm doing anything special, but you never know.  Here’s a snippet of the code 
where the process fails:

form_name => 'ccForm',
fields=> {
  Ecom_Payment_Card_Type  => 'VISA',
  Ecom_Payment_Card_Number=> ‘',
  Ecom_Payment_Card_Verification  => '123',
  Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Month => '05',
  Ecom_Payment_Card_ExpDate_Year  => '2024',
button=> 'processTransaction',

As you can see, it’s pretty standard stuff.

Is there another method I can use besides $mech->content() to see 
what’s being returned?  The more tests I can do on this, the more it will help 
me find where I went wrong.

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Getting a specific page using WWW::Mechanize

2017-04-25 Thread SSC_perl
I’ve written a script using WWW::Mechanize to place test orders in 
SurfShop.  I wish I had know it could do this before. :\  For some reason, I 
was under the impression that it was only good for scraping.  

The script works great, but I need to find a way to get the contents of 
the receipt page in the cart to test if a credit card order was accepted or 
denied.  Using $mech->content at the end of the script gives me the penultimate 
page - not the last one.

How can I get the contents of the final page of the checkout process?

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Re: Perl reserved words

2017-04-24 Thread SSC_perl
> On Apr 23, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Shlomi Fish  wrote:
> It is not a reserved word of Perl. No idea about MySQL.

Must be something in the code then.  I’ll try it again and see if it 
still happens.  If so, I’ll make sure to mention the error instead of just 
saying “it doesn’t work”. ;)  That’s what I get for letting too much time pass 
before asking a question.

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Perl reserved words

2017-04-23 Thread SSC_perl
Is ‘vendor’ a reserved word of some type in either Perl, MySQL, or DBM? 
 I tried to add a ‘vendor’ field to SurfShop but it didn’t work.  I don’t 
recall exactly what happened now (sorry), but I had to settle on another word 
to get it to work.

Any ideas on what it could have been?


It’s not listed here:

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Re: how to repeatedly execute a command on a remote machine via a shh login from within a perl program capturing the output?

2017-04-18 Thread SSC_perl
> On Apr 18, 2017, at 6:19 PM, lee  wrote:
> The purpose is to get room temperature readings

Hey Lee,

I don’t have a solution for you, but I have an idea that might help.  
Have you tried the Misterhouse mailing list?  It’s a Perl script that handles 
sensors like that so someone there may have done what you’re trying to do.

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Re: Scalar References - oxymoron?

2017-04-04 Thread SSC_perl
Thanks for all the replies.  It’s been a very interesting thread.

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Re: WWW::Mechanize requires wget

2017-04-04 Thread SSC_perl
> On Apr 4, 2017, at 12:01 PM, John SJ Anderson  wrote:
>  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

It’s been awhile since ascii art made me laugh.  That’s a good one! :)
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Re: WWW::Mechanize requires wget

2017-04-04 Thread SSC_perl
> On Apr 4, 2017, at 10:59 AM, John SJ Anderson  wrote:
> I’m not sure what was behind the resolution of your problem, but I can assure 
> you I’m typing this on a Macintosh without wget installed, and WWW::Mechanize 
> works just fine.

Weird.  Which OS are you running?  I’m on 10.11.6.

Perhaps something else got installed along with wget, but whatever it 
was, that install solved my problem.

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WWW::Mechanize requires wget

2017-04-04 Thread SSC_perl
This is a heads up for anyone wanting to use WWW::Mechanize on OS X.  

I’ve been fighting with WWW::Mechanize all morning, trying to get it to 
work with no success.  There were no error messages telling me what was wrong.  
I checked my firewall to see if anything was being blocked, but it wasn’t.  I 
finally ran across a post where someone was asked if they were able to access 
the target web site using wget, so I decided to try that myself.  Terminal told 
me that wget wasn’t found.  So… off to homebrew to install wget, and lo and 
behold, Mech now works!  I went back to see if Mech had wget as a dependency, 
but nothing was mentioned on CPAN.

So just in case someone else was having the same trouble, I thought I’d 
post this.  Not sure why wget wasn’t installed with Xcode Developer Tools.

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Scalar References - oxymoron?

2017-04-03 Thread SSC_perl
Reading I see it’s possible to 
create a scalar reference.  What situation would require someone to create a 
reference to a scalar?  I thought refs were only useful for passing complex 
data structures.  Is it just because Perl lets you, or is there a reason I’m 
not aware of?  It seems like it would just be redundant.

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Re: Perl Critic and subroutine signatures

2017-03-29 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 29, 2017, at 3:47 PM, Kevin Phair  wrote:
> Something like
> [-Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes]

Thanks.  I ran across that myself on right before I went 
to lunch.  I was hoping to find a page on CPAN or even the Perl Critic web site 
that would list all the exceptions, but unless I just don’t know where to look, 
it’s simply not available.  Now watch - someone will find that list and prove 
me wrong. ;)


O.K., if you install P::C on your own machine, you can run:

perlcritic -list

to get a list of them.

Also, some good news.  It looks like P::C is now under new management, 
so we’ll probably be seeing an update before too much longer.

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Re: Perl Critic and subroutine signatures

2017-03-29 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 29, 2017, at 10:19 AM, Uri Guttman  wrote:
> i would ask why are you using prototypes?

I’m not using prototypes.  I’m using subroutine signatures.  Perl 
Critic only thinks they are prototypes.

Perl Critic and subroutine signatures

2017-03-29 Thread SSC_perl
Does anyone know how to keep Perl Critic from complaining about 
subroutine signatures?  I’m getting a massive amount of these types of warnings:

Subroutine prototypes used at line...

It also thinks that postfix dereferencing is a magic variable.  Is this 
because PC hasn’t been updated for a couple years, or is there an add-on that 
takes care of these situations?


Re: Equivalents statements using if and unless

2017-03-29 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 28, 2017, at 1:58 PM, Uri Guttman  wrote:
> the only difference i see is using defined in the 2nd line.

Thanks, Uri.  Yeah, I got overly aggressive there.

> also i would test $field ne 'categories' first as if that is true why even 
> test $out->{$field}? it is a slight optimization but may also clarify the 
> logic.

And thanks for this, too.  That makes sense.  I’m looking at all lines 
of logic now to see if they can be optimized.

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Equivalents statements using if and unless

2017-03-28 Thread SSC_perl
I could use another set of eyes on this.  Could someone please double 
check these two sets of conditions and let me know if the first is equivalent 
to the second?  I believe they are, but I don’t want to take any chances.

# Both of these should be equivalent.
$out->{$field} =~ s/``/\r/g unless (not $out->{$field} or $field eq 
$out->{$field} =~ s/``/\r/g if (defined $out->{$field} && $field ne 

# Both of these should be equivalent.
… unless (not defined ($main::global->{form}->{$field}) || $field =~ 
… if (defined $main::global->{form}->{$field} && $field !~ 

The first of each set is a double negative, so I’m wanting to rewrite 
them to be easier to read.

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Re: Changing date format using carpout

2017-03-26 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 26, 2017, at 1:15 PM, Shawn H Corey  wrote:
> it would mean replacing the subroutine after the module was loaded.

Thanks, Shawn, but I can’t get that to work.  Reading perldoc Core 
gives me the impression that I’d need to call the new sub, not the module.  If 
that’s true, I don’t see how it would work in this scenario.  Here’s what I 

use CGI::Carp qw(carpout fatalsToBrowser );  # noTimestamp
no warnings;
use Time::Piece;
local *CGI::Carp::stamp = sub {
my $frame = 0;
my ($id, $pack, $file, $dev, $dirs);
if (defined($CGI::Carp::PROGNAME)) {
$id = $CGI::Carp::PROGNAME;
} else {
do {
$id = $file;
($pack, $file) = caller($frame++);
} until !$file;
if (! $CGI::Carp::FULL_PATH) {
($dev, $dirs, $id) = File::Spec->splitpath($id);
return "$id: " if $CGI::Carp::NO_TIMESTAMP;
my $time = scalar(localtime);
my $dt = Time::Piece->strptime($time, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y');
my $datetime = $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');
return "[$datetime] $id: ";
open (my $log, '>>', ‘/path/to/error.log');
close ($log);
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Re: Changing date format using carpout

2017-03-26 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 26, 2017, at 1:20 AM, X Dungeness  wrote:
> but you could post-process the logfile in an END {} block

I wouldn't have thought of that.  Thanks!

This now gives me a cleaner log to scan — streamlining the timestamp 
and adding a blank line between entries.  I also learned about $^I / 
$INPLACE_EDIT.  Very nice!

use Time::Piece;
$^I = '';
@ARGV = '/path/to/error.log';
while (<>) {
next if (m/^\s*$/);
if (m/\[(.+)\](.+)/) {
my ($timestamp, $message) = ($1, $2);
## [Wed Mar 22 12:43:20 2017] -- Original timestamp format.
my $dt = Time::Piece->strptime($timestamp, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y');
my $datetime = $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M');
say "[$datetime] $message\n";
else {
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Re: Changing date format using carpout

2017-03-26 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 25, 2017, at 8:58 PM, Jim Gibson  wrote:
> You could also try overriding the supplied function of the imported module 
> with your own version (not sure exactly how that is done).

Hmm… me neither, but it’s a good idea.  I’ll contact the maintainer of 
CGI::Carp to see if that could be added as a feature.

> I usually write my own log files using normal file output functions. However, 
> that is harder, but not impossible, when you are writing CGI programs.

I do that as well, but that BEGIN statement catches things I wouldn’t 
normally look for myself.

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Changing date format using carpout

2017-03-25 Thread SSC_perl
I’ll sometimes use the following code at the beginning of a script to 
log errors while testing:

use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(_STDERR,'>&STDERR'); close STDERR;
open (my $log, '>>', 'logs/error.log') or warn("Couldn't open 
error.log: $! \n");
close ($log);

However, I would like to change the date format.  I’m not wild about 
seeing the the full timestamp on every line:

[Sat Mar 25 08:05:58 2017]

Is there a way I can format that to my liking?  I see there's a 
‘noTimestamp’ option to stop it from printing altogether, but I don’t see a way 
to change the output.

Side question: is there a better way to accomplish what I’m doing 
above?  I’m happy with what I already have (except for the date) but only 
because I don’t know anything else.  I’d like to hear how others do this.

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Re: Problem using Email::Mailer on laptop

2017-03-20 Thread SSC_perl

> I've taken the liberty of raising this on Github for you, since I'd
> already done the digging and found the code in question, so it was just
> as easy to more or less copy & paste this reply into a ticket:

Thank you for that, Dave.  He fixed it in record time!  The latest 
version works as it should.  I had also installed it on my server where it 
worked fine, but it’s nice to be able to use it locally, too.

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Re: Problem using Email::Mailer on laptop

2017-03-20 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 20, 2017, at 12:04 PM, SSC_perl  wrote:
> Is anyone familiar with Gryphon Shafer’s work?

After hitting the send button, my last question didn’t sit right with 
me.  It kind of sounds like I was questioning his work, which I wasn’t.  

I did some digging and found that Gryphon has been a pretty prolific 
contributor to CPAN since 2015 - 30 modules in all.  I like his pod writeup on 
Email::Mailer - it’s very comprehensive, straight forward, and easy to 
understand.  And after browsing the source code, I like his coding style, too.

He also lives in my neck of the woods, and he’s a pilot!!!  How cool is 
that??? :)  I wonder if he belongs to SPUG? ;)

So my question goes back to the original - why wouldn’t this work from 
a local install?  Could I be missing some component without knowing it?

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Re: Problem using Email::Mailer on laptop

2017-03-20 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 20, 2017, at 11:42 AM, Bill  wrote:
> Not available to me via AS PPM, suggest you try MIME::Lite instead.

MIME::Lite is not recommended by its current maintainer.

I don’t use ActivePerl, so I don’t know why PPM wouldn’t include it.  
Perhaps it’s too new?  Is anyone familiar with Gryphon Shafer’s work?

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Problem using Email::Mailer on laptop

2017-03-20 Thread SSC_perl
Is anyone here successfully using Email::Mailer?  I installed it using 
cpanm a couple of days ago on my Mac and I can’t get it to work.  It just 
prints the following output and nothing more:

postdrop: warning: mail_queue_enter: create file maildrop/352468.4276: No such 
file or directory

It appears to be trying to send it directly from my laptop, but I have 
the SMTP transport variable set up correctly (which works just fine using 
Email::Stuffer, BTW).  I really like what I’ve read about this new module - I 
just need to get past this hurdle.

Everything installed correctly and there are no error messages, so I’m 
at a loss as to what to try next.


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use 5.024;
use warnings;

use Email::Mailer;
use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP;

my $to   = ‘xxx';
my $from = ‘xxx';
my $password = ‘xxx';
my $subject = 'Hello';
my $text = "This email was sent via Email::Mailer.\n\n";

my $transport = Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP->new(
host  => ‘',
port  => 587,
sasl_username => $from,
sasl_password => $password,
debug => 1,
) or die "Error creating multipart container: $!\n";

to=> $to,
from  => $from,
subject   => $subject,
text  => $text,
transport => $transport,
) or die "Couldn't send email.";
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Re: Installing Net::SFTP

2017-03-20 Thread SSC_perl
> On Mar 15, 2017, at 6:44 AM, Shawn H Corey  wrote:
> I don't know about Crypt::SSLeay but Net::SSLeay needs two
> libraries: `zlib1g` and `libssl`
> I don't run RHEL but IIRC, the command is:
>yum install zlib1g libssl

I don’t know if this will help the OP, but I too tried unsuccessfully 
to install Net::SSLeay on OS X.  However, the log said I was missing ‘openssl'. 
So after I installed that using homebrew, the Net::SSLeay installation 

At first I tried to install both zlib1g and libssl, but neither could 
be found by homebrew.  This could just be a platform difference, but I thought 
I’d mention it just in case.


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Logging SQL Queries

2017-02-22 Thread SSC_perl
I’m using DBI::Log to capture SQL queries but the log file gets huge 
exponentially.  Is there a way to filter what gets logged?  If I could 
eliminate the SELECT queries, that would help a lot.

I’ve also install Log4perl and DBIx::Log4perl.  This appears to be a 
very powerful solution, but again, I’m not seeing how to filter what gets 
logged.  I’ve read this page:

but it’s pretty terse so maybe I’m just not seeing it.  Adding 
{dbix_l4p_logmask => DBIX_L4P_LOG_SQL|DBIX_L4P_LOG_DELAYBINDPARAM} helps some, 
but I still need more filtering.

What can I use to capture only certain SQL statements?

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Re: Strange HASH(0x2ced735) values

2017-02-21 Thread SSC_perl
> On Feb 21, 2017, at 2:34 PM, Sam  wrote:
> One can also turn on the DBI trace log as well.

Thanks, Sam!  That helped a lot.  Now I know which subs are involved in 
creating the SQL so I’m much closer to tracking this down.

This is why they say that two heads are better than one.  It didn’t 
even occur to me to turn that on.  :\

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Re: Strange HASH(0x2ced735) values

2017-02-21 Thread SSC_perl
> On Feb 21, 2017, at 8:34 AM, Uri Guttman  wrote:
> you can't trace it from the value. but you can write code where that value is 
> stuffed into the db and look for a reference vs 1 or a blank. then you can 
> dump the call stack (with caller()) or do other debugging. something is 
> putting a hash reference in there that shouldn't be doing it.

Thanks Uri, but that’s the problem - so far I haven’t been able to tell 
where it’s being generated.  That’s why I was hoping to decode that value.  
Looks like I’ll have to continue searching. :\

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Strange HASH(0x2ced735) values

2017-02-21 Thread SSC_perl
In a MySQL db I have a `customers` table with a field called `hide`.  
There are some strange values that I’d like to know where they’re coming from.  
In most records `hide` is blank, some others have the value ‘1’, but a handful 
have values like HASH(0x2ced735).

I take it from what little information I could find, that those are 
%hash values stored in the db.  Unfortunately, I can’t find where they are 
generated from in the script, so I was wondering if there was a way I could 
decipher what’s in those HASH() vales?  Maybe that will help me find the source 
and fix it.

I know this is not a lot to go on, but any pointers would be a big help.

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Re: Declaring and conditionally assigning to a variable on the same line

2017-02-15 Thread SSC_perl
> On Feb 15, 2017, at 11:08 AM, Uri Guttman  wrote:
> try the even simpler and cleaner use of ||
> my $show_ref = delete $log{'show_ref'} || 'no’;


After I had sent in my question, I began wondering if exists was even 
necessary, so I experimented with the || solution and it worked.  However I 
didn’t know that it was acceptable until I got your reply.  I’m happier with 
this solution than with what I wanted to use anyway, so you just made my day.  
It’s the simple things in life… you know. :) 

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Declaring and conditionally assigning to a variable on the same line

2017-02-15 Thread SSC_perl
I’ve read where writing a one-liner like this is frowned upon:

my $show_ref = delete $log{'show_ref'} if (exists $log{'show_ref'});

but what about this?

my $show_ref = exists $log{'show_ref'} ? delete $log{'show_ref'} : 'no’;

They both seem to work without a problem in my tests.  

I prefer the 2nd one anyway as you can assign a default value if that 
hash key doesn’t exist.  Is this proper Perl or is it a problem waiting to 



use 5.022;
use warnings;

my %log = ( 
   filename   => 'trap-generic.log',
   show_uri   => 'yes',
#  show_ref   => 'yes',
   to_db  => 'no',
   error_type => '',

my $show_ref = exists $log{'show_ref'} ? delete $log{'show_ref'} : 'no';

my $log_line;
foreach my $key (sort keys %log) {
my $value  = $log{$key};
$log_line .= "\n$key : " . $value;

say $log_line;
say '-';
say "The deleted show_ref = $show_ref";
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Re: Extra text printed by Data::Dumper

2017-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
> On Feb 3, 2017, at 7:17 PM, Ken Slater  wrote:

Yes, it does.  Thanks to both you and Chas for the help.


Extra text printed by Data::Dumper

2017-02-03 Thread SSC_perl
I have the following sub that creates a log file using Data::Dumper.  
It also lists the name of each of the variables that it’s fed.  It works great 
except for one problem - every line is appended with “ = undef;” (minus the 

I’ve tried stripping it out of $var_value with regex but that doesn’t 
work, so it appears that Data::Dumper is adding that text during the print 

Does anyone know how I can eliminate that extra text from being 
printed?  My searches have come up empty.


datadump('log_name', '>>',
"database $database",
"matches $matches",
"image $image",

sub datadump {
my $filename = shift;
my $write= shift;
my @var_info = @_;
no strict;
open(my $log, $write, "temp_logs/TESTS-$filename.log");
use Data::Dumper;
foreach my $var (@var_info) {
my @vars = split (/,/ => $var);
my $var_name = '$'.$vars[0];
my $var_value = $vars[1];
print {$log} Data::Dumper->Dump( [$var_value], [$var_name] );
use strict;
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Re: This is one of the things ...

2016-05-12 Thread SSC_perl
On May 12, 2016, at 7:10 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:

>> my $holders = join ',', ('?') x @cgi_params;
> PBP recommends that you put short strings that are all punctuation in
> q{}, so they will be easier to read.
>my $holders = join q{,}, (q{?}) x @cgi_params;

I realize stuff like this is subjective, and coding styles can be very 
personal, but this looks cleaner to me:

my $holders = join ',' => ('?') x @cgi_params;

Since I found the fat comma, I use it all the time now - especially 
when two commas are so close together.  I'm kind of surprised PBP would say 
that q{} is easier to read in this situation.  IMHO, it seems to just adds 

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Re: Regex to match "bad" characters in a parameter

2016-01-26 Thread SSC_perl
On Jan 26, 2016, at 11:22 AM, Chris Charley wrote:
> You could do that in 1 line - See the following small program.

Thanks, Chris.  That'll do the trick.  And the grep alternative is 
interesting, too.  I hadn't thought of that.

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Re: Regex to match "bad" characters in a parameter

2016-01-26 Thread SSC_perl
On Jan 25, 2016, at 4:59 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> Use the negative match operator !~
>  if( $QUERY_STRING !~ m{ itemid = [-0-9A-Za-z_]+? (?: \& | \z ) }msx ){
>print "bad: $QUERY_STRING\n";
>  }

Thanks for that, Shawn.  It works perfectly except for one criteria 
that I inadvertently forgot to include.  It's possible that the string will 
_not_ contain the itemid parameter at all.  When that's missing, the regex 
matches and it shouldn't.  I guess that's why I was trying to stay with the 
positive match operator.

I tried inverting your regex:

if ( $QUERY_STRING =~ m/ itemid= .*? [^-0-9A-Za-z_]+? .*? (?: \& | \z ) /sx ) {
   say "bad: $QUERY_STRING";

but that doesn't work either.  It catches even good item numbers.

In the meantime, I got it to work by grabbing the itemid and working 
with that separately:

my $item_id = $1 if ($QUERY_STRING =~ m/ itemid=([^&]*) /x);
if ( $item_id =~ m/ [^a-zA-Z0-9_-] /x ) { ...

however, I'd like to do that with a single line, if possible, so I don't have 
to create a new variable just for that.

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Regex to match "bad" characters in a parameter

2016-01-25 Thread SSC_perl
I'm trying to find a way to trap bad item numbers.  I want to parse the 
parameter "itemid=" and then everything up to either an "&" or end-of-string.  
A good item number will contain only ASCII letters, numbers, dashes, and 
underscores and may terminate with a "&" or it may not (see samples below).   
The following string should test negative in the regex below:

my $QUERY_STRING = 'itemid=AT18C&i_AT18C=1';

but a string containing "itemid=AT18/C" should test positive, since it has a 

I can catch a single bad character and get it to work, e.g.

if ( $QUERY_STRING =~ m| itemid= .*? [/]+? .*? &? |x ) {

but I'd like to do something like this instead to catch others:

if ( $QUERY_STRING =~ m| itemid= (?: .*? [^a-zA-Z0_-]+ .*? ) &? |x ) { ...

Unfortunately, I can't get it to work.  I've read perlretut, but can't 
see the answer.  What am I doing wrong?


Here are a couple of test strings:



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Re: Prepending an equals sign to a numeric value returns empty result

2015-09-08 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 7, 2015, at 10:15 AM, Andrew Solomon wrote:
> If I were you I'd do something like
> print STDERR "UPTO 1\n";
> in various places to see what's actually being executed.

Thanks for the reply.  I had done that with Data::Dumper and I couldn't 
see where the problem was coming from.  So I manipulated $search->{$field} 
instead of the global and it works perfectly.  I swear I had tried that before 
and it didn't work, but it does now.  Even though I'm still curious as to what 
the problem was, it's working the way it's supposed to.  What's nice is that if 
you just enter alphanumeric data, it's prepended with an equals sign to narrow 
the results, but it you add a wildcard in the search, it doesn't, so you can 
fine-tune the search to your liking.  The best of both worlds.

And just to let everyone know, SurfShop was recently added to the 
Softaculous collection.  I'm pretty excited about this as it opens the door to 
expose a lot more people to a Perl shopping cart.


SurfShopCART 2

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Prepending an equals sign to a numeric value returns empty result

2015-09-05 Thread SSC_perl
I've run across something that seems strange to me and I'm hoping 
someone has seen this before.  In SurfShop, you can search the product database 
by either item #, product name, or full description.  When searching by item 
id, let's say 'AM', the code will find any part # with the letters 'A' and 'M' 
in it, e.g. 'ATXM3'.  If you add an equals sign to the start of the product #, 
i.e. '=AM', it will find all items with the letters 'AM', in that order.  If 
you append two equals signs, i.e. '==AM', it will return that record only.

Depending on the size of the products db, performing an item # search 
without prepending '=' can return a long list, so I'd like to have the code add 
that automatically.  In the snippet below, I added the section with the <---.  
It works perfectly fine, until you try to search for only numbers.  If you were 
to do a search for, say '1234', $main::global->{form}->{'searchtext'} will be 
blank on the search page, where it's displayed.

The strange part is that if I remove the <--- code and just add the 
equals sign manually in the search field, everything works normally.  So the 
code apparently doesn't like a number prepended with an equals sign.  Why would 
that be, and how can I get it to work?  When I ran a test script appending = to 
a number, it seemed to work just fine, so I'm at a loss.

I hope this is enough to go on.  If not, please let me know.


foreach my $field (@fieldnames) {
if ($main::global->{form}->{'setSearchBox'} eq $field 
 || $main::global->{form}->{'setSearchBox'} eq 'both') {
if ($field eq 'itemid' 
 && $main::global->{form}->{'searchtext'} !~ m/^=|\*|\%/
 && $main::global->{config}->{'useDBM'} eq 'sql') 
$main::global->{form}->{'searchtext'} = 
"=$main::global->{form}->{'searchtext'}";  # <---

$search->{$field} = $main::global->{form}->{'searchtext'};

SurfShopCART 2

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Need explanation of code

2015-04-11 Thread SSC_perl
Could someone please explain the difference between:

%{$self->{'DATA'}} = () }


$self->{'DATA'} = {}

I was told that they are equivalent, but they're not.  One works and 
the other doesn't, so they must be different.  Here's the context:

sub empty_db {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'USEDBM'} eq 'sql') {
$self->{'SQL'}->do("DELETE from $self->{'DB'}") or 
$self->{'ERRMSG'} .= $DBI::errstr and return;
else { %{$self->{'DATA'}} = () }
#   else { $self->{'DATA'} = {} }  # This does nothing


SurfShopCART 2

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Re: How to handle null elements inside an array

2015-04-02 Thread SSC_perl
On Apr 2, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Anirban Adhikary wrote:
> When I am trying to split the line based on whitespace
> @elements = split(/\s+/,$line);

It will be interesting if someone can come up with a solution to this, 
but I don't see one.  If your separator is whitespace, then the split has 
nothing to work with if some values are blank.  You'd need to add some kind of 
separator between your values, like a tab, or a comma, or something else unique 
that you can split it on.

What kind of a file is this information in?  If it's in something like 
Excel, then, of course, you could just re-export it with another separator.  
However, if it's in a simple text file, you may have to add them by hand.  I 
copied your data into a text file and it looks like you have an arbitrary 
number of spaces between your data (though that could just be the formatting 
from the email).  I thought that if the spacing was consistent, then you could 
count the number of spaces, but it doesn't look like that will work, either.

Am I missing something?


SurfShopCART 2 is here!

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Re: Use vs Require with version number

2015-03-05 Thread SSC_perl
On Mar 4, 2015, at 8:15 PM, Brandon McCaig wrote:
> That could matter in rare, silly cases. In most cases, it
> wouldn't really matter (usually we "require" modules and assert
> versions at the beginning of a program or module before anything
> else is actually done).

That explains it.  Thanks.  I wasn't aware that the version requirement 
might be added later in the script.


SurfShopCART 2.0  Coming Soon...

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Re: Use vs Require with version number

2015-03-04 Thread SSC_perl
On Mar 4, 2015, at 6:14 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:
> it is more about when the check is done. use is done at compile time and 
> require is done at run time. also use effectively calls require to load the 
> module and then it may do importing as well. when a module is loaded it will 
> run any use lines during its compile and require lines once the module is 
> run. but from the point of view of the code that loaded that module both will 
> cause failure if the version is not supported.

So there's only really a difference for loading modules, not for 
setting the minimum version number?


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Use vs Require with version number

2015-03-04 Thread SSC_perl
Hi all,

I'm just curious about something.  What's the difference between using

require 5.016;


use 5.016;

The only thing I've seen is that if 5.16 isn't installed, 'use' outputs:

Perl v5.16 required--this is only v5.10.1, stopped at shop.cgi line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at shop.cgi line 26.

while 'require' outputs this:

Perl v5.16 required--this is only v5.10.1, stopped at shop.cgi line 26.

I know there's a difference when calling a module, but what about the 
version number?  Is it just semantics or is there something more to it?  My 
search hasn't revealed an answer. 


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Re: Finding my localtime

2015-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
On Feb 4, 2015, at 5:20 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> I seems to me if you change locales, you would necessarily change
> timezones too. But I haven't done much playing around with locales. :(

Me neither, but I'm learning more than I thought I would! ;)  Looking 
at the locales for just the US:

there isn't anything that differentiates the timezone, so I don't think it 
does.  But it might for countries that have only one timezone.



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Re: Finding my localtime

2015-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
On Feb 4, 2015, at 4:30 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> Have you read `perldoc perllocale` especially the `setlocale` function?

Actually, I did, but unless I read it incorrectly, it doesn't appear to 
have anything to do with timezones.  Did I miss it?

I can see where it will come in real handy with month names and days of 
the week for different locales, though.



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Re: Finding my localtime

2015-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
On Feb 4, 2015, at 1:55 PM, $Bill wrote:
> I had a similar situation where I'm in Pacific time and my server is in 
> Eastern time.
> My solution was to just add this to my BEGIN { } :
>   $ENV{TZ} = 'PST8PDT';
> to force my time displays to Pacific time.

I didn't think about adding it to a BEGIN block.  I just added it to 
the get_date sub and it seems to work fine.  I just didn't know if it was a 
proper way to do that.  I'm using it to make sure that all orders added to the 
shopping cart are in the store owners timezone and not the server's, if it's 

> I'm not sure what ( $main::global->{'config'}->{'timezone'}; ) gives you in 
> terms of a timezone.
> Is that the compiled in timezone when Perl was built ?  Or the dynamic 
> timezone determined
> at runtime from the system ?  Or ?

I'm using standard timezone names, e.g. America/Los_Angeles.  I've 
setup the configuration script with a drop down list of all timezone names and 
their offsets ("-8") which then populates the config file.  It's then pulled 
from there.



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Finding my localtime

2015-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
I'm trying to break out a timestamp into it's appropriate fields, like 

my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = 

but no matter if I use localtime or gmtime, $my_time gets analyzed as either in 
the server's timezone or in UTC.  I need to break apart the timestamp in 
$my_time without it being changed.  In other words, I'm trying to get $hour, 
$min, $sec, etc, in _my_ timezone, not the server's nor in UTC.

I finally got it to work using:

$ENV{'TZ'} = $main::global->{'config'}->{'timezone'};
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();

but I read somewhere that this may cause problems depending on the platform (?) 
or something.  I can't find it again.  Is this solution O.K. to use, or is 
there a better way to do what I'm after?

I know that I can use DateTime for this, but I'm trying to see what I 
can do without it.


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Re: Multi-line `find` commands

2015-01-01 Thread SSC_perl
On Jan 1, 2015, at 4:08 PM, $Bill wrote:
> You can always separate the two, eg:
>   my $find = "find $dir_to_search" .
> '-name cache -prune' .
> '-o -name tmp -prune' .
> '-o -name session -prune' .
> '-o -print';
>   @files = map {  s|/home/user/public_html||; $_; } `$find`;

We have ourselves a winner! :)  Thanks, Bill.  After I realized that 
you could put a variable between backticks, that's exactly what I did.  Too 
much eggnog here this week, I guess!

On Jan 1, 2015, at 4:04 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> File::Find::Rule is easier to use.

Thanks, Shawn.  I'll check it out over the weekend.

Happy New Year!

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Re: Multi-line `find` commands

2015-01-01 Thread SSC_perl
Thanks, guys.  I appreciate the responses.  I couldn't get either of 
those solutions to work so I'll switch over to using File::Find.  I don't know 
why I didn't think of that before - I use it in other scripts. :\  I guess I 
was just trying to see if I could tweak the script and get it to work since 
it's super fast.

Thanks again,

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Multi-line `find` commands

2015-01-01 Thread SSC_perl
Is it possible to wrap a `find` command on multiple lines in a script?  
This is what I'm using now:

foreach $dir_to_search (@dirs_to_search) {
@files = map { 
s|/home/user/public_html ||;
} `find $dir_to_search -name cache -prune -o -name tmp -prune -o -name 
session -prune -o -print`;

I'd like to be able to do something like this to make it more readable:

foreach $dir_to_search (@dirs_to_search) {
@files = map { 
} `find $dir_to_search 
-name cache -prune 
-o -name tmp -prune 
-o -name session -prune 
-o -print`;

however my searches have turned up nothing.  Using returns, commas, 
backslashes, or concatenation breaks the find.  Does anyone know if this is 

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Re: CGI::Application::Plugin::TT

2014-11-12 Thread SSC_perl
On Nov 12, 2014, at 4:54 AM, Patton, Billy N wrote:
> I’ve , mistakenly, updated to Mac OS 10.10 Yosemite.
> That completely caused my app to fail in Apache 2.4.

And that's one of the many reasons I'm not updating my MacBook. ;)

You really have too try Perlbrew .  It's perfect 
for this.  You can install any version of Perl that you want, and then install 
the modules you'll need.  You can even install multiple versions of Perl and 
each version can have it's own set of modules!  Best of all, it leaves your 
system version of Perl untouched, which helps prevent problems for other apps 
that rely on it.

Perlbrew, along with cpanm, will make your Perl setup as painless as 
possible.  However, I do remember the initial setup was somewhat confusing 
because of a lack of documentation at the time.  Hopefully that's changed by 
now.  I've been using it for years now and I'd never go back.



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Re: map vs foreach

2014-09-30 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 30, 2014, at 4:19 PM, David Precious wrote:
> So, e.g.:
> my %fields = map { $_ => shift @record } @{$self->{'FIELDNAMES'}};
> ... would make sense, because you're using map to produce the data you
> want, rather than using it instead of a for loop.

Thanks, David.  That was an excellent explanation!

As usual, I stumbled across an old thread on PerlMonks after I posted 
my question. :\  It was a good read, however, and it's helped to clear up my 
understanding of map.  If anyone else is interested, it's here:

However, David's response was pretty much everything that was in the 
thread, but in a nutshell.



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Re: map vs foreach

2014-09-30 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 30, 2014, at 4:08 PM, Shawn H Corey wrote:
> code like you will have to read it after an all-night party
> (some day, you will).

Those days are over, but point taken! ;)



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map vs foreach

2014-09-30 Thread SSC_perl
Is the output of these two lines equivalent?

map { $hash->{$_} = shift @record } @{$self->{'FIELDNAMES'}};

$hash->{$_} = shift @record foreach @{$self->{'FIELDNAMES'}};

They appear to be in my testing, but I'd like to make sure.

Is one more appropriate than the other in a situation like this, or is 
it simply a styling difference?


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Re: [ANN] SurfShop 1.6.1 Shopping Cart Released

2014-09-25 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 21, 2014, at 5:07 PM, John W. Krahn wrote:

> If the unwanted elements are in the middle or left hand side of the list:
> ($null, $item) = join_cart_item('', '', '', $data);
> Then you could use undef as a place holder:
> (undef, $item) = join_cart_item('', '', '', $data);

Thanks again for your help, John.  I'm just about finished implementing 
your suggestions. Some of them have prompted a few technical and style 
questions, but I'll ask them separately so I can change the subject.


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Re: Argument isn't numeric warning in if statement

2014-09-17 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 17, 2014, at 3:32 PM, Rob Dixon wrote:
> As you have presented them, those code fragments are identical in meaning.

That was my understanding as well, but the inline 'if' gave an error 
while the block didn't.  Running the code by itself in TextWrangler does not 
produce the warning.  However, inside of my script, it does.  Strange.

This probably doesn't have anything to do with it, but I'm logging 
during tests with this code:

use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(my $log, '>>', 'temp_logs/error.log') or warn("Unable to open 
error.log: $! \n");

> $item->{unitprice} += $item->{optionprice} if ($item->{optionprice});

Just so I'm clear on this, am I correct in thinking that Perl evaluates 
an inline 'if' from right to left - meaning that if $item->{optionprice} is NOT 
true, then the addition will not even be seen?  Or does Perl look at the entire 
line before performing it?


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Re: Argument isn't numeric warning in if statement

2014-09-17 Thread SSC_perl
On Sep 16, 2014, at 6:58 PM,  
> Are you sure you've quoted the code (that's producing the warning) correctly?

Yes, I did.  I double-checked it just to be certain.  However, I ran 
the code by itself and it doesn't produce that warning, so it must be something 
upstream that's causing it.


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Argument isn't numeric warning in if statement

2014-09-16 Thread SSC_perl
I just ran across something puzzling.  Why are these two statements not 
equivalent when it comes to warnings?

if ($item->{'optionprice'}) {
$item->{'unitprice'} += $item->{'optionprice'};


$item->{'unitprice'} += $item->{'optionprice'} if ($item->{'optionprice'});

Given the following values:

$item->{'unitprice'}   = '12.16';
$item->{'optionprice'} = '';

the 2nd statement returns an "Argument '' isn't numeric in addition (+)" 
warning, while the 1st one doesn't.  I thought I read where Peal reads a 
statement like the 2nd one from right to left.  It looks like it doesn't, since 
$item->{'optionprice'} is evaluated in spite of the 'if'.  Am I mistaken?

Perl 5.10.1


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[ANN] SurfShop 1.6.1 Shopping Cart Released

2014-09-06 Thread SSC_perl
Sorry for a repost so soon, but if you downloaded SurfShop 1.6.0, you 
were greeted with a 500 error upon installation.  Somehow, during the upload, 
GitHub for Mac corrupted some of the files with extraneous text which rendered 
SurfShop unusable.  Unfortunately, it wasn't caught for a few days.

I apologize profusely if you were bitten by this.  I have found and 
cleaned all the miscreant files, and version 1.6.1 was uploaded to GitHub on 
Friday.  After that fiasco, I wanted to sit on the fix awhile and run more 
tests before letting everyone know that it was fixed.  I'm pleased to say that 
version 1.6.1 fixes those problems.

So, if you're interested in an open source Perl/MySQL shopping cart, 
check out our forum for more information:

Again, let us know what you think!  Your feedback, as always, is 

Frank Jance
Setting up shop has never been easier!

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[ANN] SurfShop 1.6.0 Released

2014-09-02 Thread SSC_perl
Just a short note to let everyone know that a new version of SurfShop 
was released to GitHub today.  We've added some requested features and made 
some fixes, as well.

Let us know what you think!  Your feedback is always appreciated.

Frank Jance
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Re: script to match a valid email id

2014-07-10 Thread SSC_perl
On Jul 10, 2014, at 11:30 AM, Sunita Pradhan wrote:
> I want to write a script which will verify a valid email address .
> Could anybody give some ideas , how to write a pattern for this ?


I've used Email::Valid for this and it works nicely.  And the code to 
use it is pretty easy, too.

use Email::Valid;
if (!Email::Valid->address( -address => $email_address_to_test, -mxcheck => 1 
)) {
... process error here ...

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Re: Creating a hash of arrays from

2014-07-10 Thread SSC_perl
On Jul 10, 2014, at 9:00 AM, Ron Bergin wrote:
> my($state, @zipcodes) = split /[=,]/, $line;

Interesting concept, the multiple split.  I'd be interested in knowing 
how Perl knows to give the singular value on the left of the "=" to $state and 
all other values split on the "," to @zipcodes.  Is it because $state is a 
scalar and @zipcodes is an array, or is it more complex than that?

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Re: Creating a hash of arrays from

2014-07-10 Thread SSC_perl
On Jul 10, 2014, at 7:14 AM, Nathan Hilterbrand wrote:

> $entries{$state} = [ (split /,/ => $zipcodes) ];

Thanks, Nathan.  The line above caught my eye.  It's interesting to see 
that you don't need both 'push' and 'split' to populate the hash.

Could you explain a little about what the square brackets are for here? 
 Does that have something to do with array ref's?  Sorry... hashes are a weak 
spot of mine.

I also noticed that you wrote the split as 
> (split /,/ => $zipcodes)

instead of 
> split (/,/ => $zipcodes)

Is that just a stylistic difference or is there something more to it?  Both 
work for me.

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Re: Creating a hash of arrays from

2014-07-09 Thread SSC_perl
On Jul 9, 2014, at 7:56 PM, John SJ Anderson wrote:
> This foreach loop is looping over the five zip codes in the array...
>>   print Dumper (@{$entries{$state}});
> And printing out the same array each time.

Thanks, John.  I wasn't even looking at the printout loop. :\   For 
some reason, I was thinking my problem was in creating the hash.  I see what I 
did wrong now.

Thanks again,
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Creating a hash of arrays from

2014-07-09 Thread SSC_perl
I'm having a problem creating a hash of arrays.  The while loop below 
works, but it's working too well. ;)  Instead of giving me 5 values (from the 
example data below), it's giving me 25.  I don't understand why it seems to be 
"looping" through the push statement.

If someone could explain what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it.  I 
just can't see it.



use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Data::Dumper;

my %entries;

while (my $line = ) {
chomp $line;
my($state, $zipcodes) = split (/=/, $line);
push( @{ $entries{$state} }, split( /,/ => $zipcodes) )

foreach my $state (sort keys %entries) {
say "The Zip Codes of $state are";
foreach (@{$entries{$state}}) {
print Dumper (@{$entries{$state}});


The Zip Codes of AK are
$VAR1 = '995';
$VAR2 = '996';
$VAR3 = '997';
$VAR4 = '998';
$VAR5 = '999';
$VAR1 = '995';
$VAR2 = '996';
$VAR3 = '997';
$VAR4 = '998';
$VAR5 = '999';
$VAR1 = '995';
$VAR2 = '996';
$VAR3 = '997';
$VAR4 = '998';
$VAR5 = '999';
$VAR1 = '995';
$VAR2 = '996';
$VAR3 = '997';
$VAR4 = '998';
$VAR5 = '999';
$VAR1 = '995';
$VAR2 = '996';
$VAR3 = '997';
$VAR4 = '998';
$VAR5 = '999';
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Re: CGI script produces blank screen

2014-06-28 Thread SSC_perl
> Perhaps some module on which the script depends is not available/installed on 
> that server. But yes.. looking into the web server error log should help. 
> On 28 June 2014 08:35, John SJ Anderson  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 7:34 PM, SSC_perl  wrote:
> > Any input would be greatly appreciated!
> Look in the web server error log.

Thanks for the pointers, guys.  It turned out to be an errant line in 
the .htaccess file on that domain.  It would have paid to take that out of the 
equation first.

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CGI script produces blank screen

2014-06-27 Thread SSC_perl
I don't have a lot of info to go on just yet, so please bear with me.

I'm experiencing a problem with a blank screen on a certain install of 
SurfShop.  When on a product detail page that has options, if I try to add that 
item to the cart w/o selecting any of the options, it should return the current 
page with a warning that I need to select the options.  However, I'm getting a 
completely blank screen.  Even when viewing the source, there's no HTML being 

The odd part is that I copied this same installation to another server 
-- so it's an exact duplicate -- and it functions normally there!  As far as I 
can tell, the code seems O.K.  The only difference that I can see, so far, are 
the different servers.  One's running Perl 5.8.8 and the other has 5.10.1.  The 
latter is the one that's working correctly.

What kind of tests can I do to see why it's acting up on one server and 
not another?  I'm already running with warnings and CGI::Carp, but without any 
output, I'm at a loss as what to try next.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Stopping undefined warnings

2014-06-23 Thread SSC_perl
I just realized that I can add 

no warnings 'uninitialized';

to the entire script, which probably makes my last question moot.  Unless 
there's an answer that someone likes better, just disregard that question.

I can't think straight with this cold.  Not that I need an excuse. ;)

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Re: Stopping undefined warnings

2014-06-23 Thread SSC_perl
On Jun 17, 2014, at 1:27 PM, Jim Gibson wrote:
> I would split your one, long line into several lines and use a temporary 
> variable to hold the possibly undefined value and assigning '' to it if it is 
> undefined:

I like that idea.  Thanks, Jim.

However, that's going to be a lot of extra work.  Does anyone know of a 
way to suppress all uninitialized warnings to the log?  That way, I wouldn't 
have to add extra code throughout the script just to stop those.

CGI::Carp allows you to send 'fatalsToBrowser' but I can't find an 
equivalent 'fatalsToLog' or 'justImportantErrorsToLog' feature.  Am I missing 
it, or is it just not there?  Is there another module that allows this?  I'd 
like to find a replacement for the following, as it allows the code to be added 
to the script only once, which makes it easy to use it or comment it out as 

use CGI::Carp qw(carpout);
open(my $log, '>>', '/usr/local/cgi-logs/mycgi-log') or
   die("Unable to open mycgi-log: $!\n");

SurfShop does have an error subroutine, but I like to use the above to 
catch things that may not be flagged by the sub.

Thanks again,
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Stopping undefined warnings

2014-06-17 Thread SSC_perl
What's the best way to stop undefined warnings for code like this:

$data->{'image'} = CopyTempFile('image') if ($main::global->{'admin'} && 
$main::global->{'form'}->{'image_upload'} ne '');

CGI::Carp gives the following:

[Tue Jun 17 14:54:36 2014] admin.cgi: Use of uninitialized value in string ne 
at admin.cgi line 219.

I know that I can surround the section with 
no warnings 'uninitialized';

or I could add a check for defined-ness as follows:

$data->{'image'} = CopyTempFile('image') if ($main::global->{'admin'} && 
defined $main::global->{'form'}->{'image_upload'} && 
$main::global->{'form'}->{'image_upload'} ne '');

Is there a better way to stop this warning in situations like this?  
I'd like to keep these warnings from filling up the log.

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Re: Passing multiple select statements to MySQL

2014-02-20 Thread SSC_perl
On Feb 19, 2014, at 4:20 AM, Dr.Ruud wrote:
> my $sth_4;
> ...
> (untested)

Thanks for the code but I still get the same error: DBD::mysql::st 
execute failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax;

- Long pause for trial and error --

Well with the help of the author, I was able to get it to work.  This 
is the code I used before, based on the CPAN page:

use SQL::SplitStatement;
my @statements = $sql_splitter->split($query_4);
my $sql_string = join ' ', @statements;
my $sth_4 = $dbh->prepare($sql_string);

and this is the working code that he sent me:

use SQL::SplitStatement;
my @statements = $splitter->split( $query_4 );
foreach my $statement (@statements) {
$sth_4 = $dbh->prepare($statement);

I know I had tried something similar, but it didn't work before and now 
it does.  :\

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Passing multiple select statements to MySQL

2014-02-17 Thread SSC_perl
I'm helping someone retrieve some info from a MySQL db and I'm having 
trouble sending multiple select statements with Perl.  Here's a portion of the 

use SQL::SplitStatement;
my $query_4 = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `temp_ip` AS
(SELECT `ip`
   FROM `ip_addresses` "
" AND TRIM(`referrer`) LIKE '' GROUP BY `ip` HAVING COUNT(*) > 1);
SELECT `ip`, `page`, `url`, `time_stamp`
FROM `ip_addresses` "
"AND TRIM(`referrer`) LIKE '' AND `ip` IN (SELECT `ip` FROM `temp_ip`)";

my $sql_splitter = SQL::SplitStatement->new(
   keep_terminators  => 1,
   keep_extra_spaces => 1,
   keep_comments => 0,
   keep_empty_statements => 1
my @statements = $sql_splitter->split($query_4);
my $sql_string = join ' ', @statements;
my $sth_4 = $dbh->prepare($sql_string);

I believe what's throwing a wrench in it is the ";" separating the 2 
select statements.  That's why I'm using SQL::SplitStatement, but that doesn't 
seem to help, so I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.  The SQL works fine, so my 
problem must be with my Perl code.

I've read everything I can get my hands on but no luck.  Any help would 
be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Replacing the first line of a text file

2014-02-04 Thread SSC_perl
Thanks everyone.  Both Tie::File and File::Slurp work nicely for this 
purpose.  Now comes the hard part - picking which one I want to use. ;)

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Replacing the first line of a text file

2014-02-03 Thread SSC_perl
I'm having a problem with the script below.  I want to alter just the 
first line of a CSV file, removing the prefix "tag_" from each value in that 
line.  However, because the new line is shorter than the original, the script 
is only over-writing part of the original line (exactly the number of 
characters  of the new line).

Is there a way to replace the entire line with the new, shorter one?


use strict;
use warnings;

my $filename = 'products.csv';
open (my $fh, '+<', $filename) || die "can't open $filename: $!";
my $line = <$fh>;
$line =~ s/tag_//gi;
seek $fh, 0, 0;
printf {$fh} $line;
close $fh;
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Re: baby perl to get the right date

2014-01-29 Thread SSC_perl
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Rob Dixon wrote:
> It is probably best to use the Time::Piece module, which has been part of 
> core Perl 5 since version 10

Side question: does anyone know why the Perl team chose Time::Piece 
over Date::Time to be bundled with Perl?  I've known about Date::Time for 
awhile now, but this is the first I've heard of Time::Piece.  Just curious.

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Re: Package version numbers

2014-01-14 Thread SSC_perl
On Jan 14, 2014, at 4:04 PM, John SJ Anderson wrote:
> I'm not sure exactly when that syntax was added, but for what it's
> worth, it fails with 5.10.1 here too. Perl 5.12.5, on the other hand,
> works.
> You may just need to upgrade.

Thanks for the test, John.  In the book's example, they have:

use v5.10;

so I thought I was new enough, but maybe not.

I've resorted to adding:

use vars '$VERSION'; $VERSION = '1.01';

after the package declaration.  That works, but it's just not as clean looking. 
 Not a big deal, though.

Thanks again,
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Package version numbers

2014-01-14 Thread SSC_perl
I'm trying to number packages the way it's written about on page 406 of 
Programming Perl, 4th ed., e.g. 

package Emailer 1.01;

However, when I do that, I get the following error:

syntax error at ss_files/ line 1, near "package Emailer 1.01"
Compilation failed in require at admin.cgi line 38.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at admin.cgi line 38.

I'm running Perl 5.10.1 on my laptop so that should be new enough to 
handle this.  What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Locating files in sub-directories

2013-12-17 Thread SSC_perl

Thanks for the reply.

>> So I tried the following:
>> use lib "ss_files";
>> This also works, but iirc, I read that it won't work across all platforms.  
>> Is that correct?
> This method also works, but to be equivalent with the first method it should 
> have been:
> use lib "../ss_files";

Actually, that doesn't work.  Adding "../" breaks the script.

> If you change the current directory to be another directory, like /home/user 
> for example, it won't work, because it will search for modules in 
> /home/ss_files.

The directory won't change once the script is installed.  Both shop.cgi 
and the ss_files directory are in the surfshop directory and will always remain 
there.  The surfshop directory could, in theory, be placed anywhere, but that 
shouldn't have any effect on shop.cgi calling the other files, no?

If that's the case, I like  use lib "ss_files";  simply because it's 
short and sweet.  If no one knows of a problem with portability, then I'll 
stick with it.  I just don't want someone to download our cart and then have a 
problem with it simply because I wasn't able to test it properly.

Thanks again,

SurfShop v1.5.2 Released


For the sake of completeness, I ran across another way to locate files 
in a sub-directory here:

use Cwd;
our $cur_directory = cwd;
use lib "$cur_directory/ss_files";
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