Michaela's problem

2002-12-08 Thread Rhona Vantine
Hi Michaela
My suggestion for a quiet, uninterupted drink at the
pub with friends and your dogs .. I borrow your
two teddy bears and you have Cujo here  Guaranteed
to get people talking about you and not to you!!!  
Rhona and Louis
in The Netherlands  :)

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Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

fencing woes

2002-12-08 Thread Susan Wilkinson
My backyard has a multi fencing system that has always worked well for us --
there's a new chainlink dog yard (40x70') which I love, and the perimeter of
the greater than 1 acre yard is fenced with picket fence along the road
side, a thick cedar hedge between us and the neighbours to the east, and
then the horse pasture & paddock on the other 2 sides.  One of those buried
fences reminds dogs not to cross the visible boundary ~ but some 25 acres of
field borders the pasture with 200+ acres forest behind that.  At least a
couple of times a day, dogs would have suppervised run/play time in the big
yard + they run lots in the dog yard (my poor watergarden is now the infield
of the established dog track, complete with banked corners!  I thought Aeryn
was fast, but Rowyn's faster, he just flies around digging the track deeper
with every lap!)

In her grief following Talon's death, Aeryn (who's always been very
respectful of the buried fence) began to ignore it -- chosing the correction
in favour of unescorted runs in the field.   Infuriatingly, she would look
at me, ignore my calls and make a run for it.  She shakes her head fast as
she runs through, so the collar doesn't make good contact.  Then I couldn't
find her, nor would she come when called.  She was acting out in the worst
possible way.  The arrival of Rowyn helped her grief and the walkabouts
stopped.  Until recently when she decided to resume her runs with a
vengence.  After a harrowing 1 1/2 hr. search for her one morning while I
could hear shots being fired in the woods, I decided enough was enough (she
finally returned unscathed).  She was restricted to dog yard or flexi until
more conventional fencing could be erected.

I already had the pasture & paddock fence posts to work with, my dilemma was
in finding an affordable fencing that was rigid enough for the 12' post
spacing and at the same time not too heavy for my posts or for me to work
with.  And I had to get it up before the weather closed in.  Finally settled
on some 14 ga. welded wire with 3" spacing.  I'd just gotten nicely started
2 Sunday's ago when Aeryn scared me with her vomiting and suddenly painful
abdomen.  Fencing was abandoned and the rest of the afternoon was spent at
the clinic (all turned out well, must have been something she ate).  I had
to wait until my next day off and hope the weather co-operated.  It did! and
I got all the fence hung along the pasture & paddock perimeter.  That left
the cedar hedge, but the dogs never tried to go through there, it could wait
until spring.  HA!  Silly me to think that Ms. 'Ryn wouldn't find that weak
link and take every advantage of it!  The next morning there was her tail
disappearing down the laneway back into the field.  Amazingly, this time she
actually came when called, bearing a prize in the form of a deer leg bone.
Back on the flexi for her until I got more fencing & posts.

Got the posts last Saturday and then awoke Sunday a.m. to sunny skies but 4"
of snow on the ground.  Fortunately, the ground wasn't frozen, so I was able
to dig the post holes and get them in.  The instructions on the cement bag
said to let it cure 24 hrs. -- I checked the long range weather forecast,
and that looked like it would work, the next day was supposed to be warmer,
so I decided to wait until then to put up the fencing.  What the forecast
failed to mention was the little blizzard we had that dumped 16" of snow on
us!!  So much for fencing! Then it turned bitterly cold with howling winds.
Tues. a.m. it was -23C and even Aeryn was saying it was too cold for her
feet!  Even with his coat on, little Devyn was shivering.  Rowyn seems
immune, but really likes Devyn's coat -- thinks it's a convenient handle for
carrying around little dogs!  Thurs. a.m. was at least sunny and the wind
was calm so I decided to risk all and tackle the fencing.  Had to dig a
trench through the snow all along the fenceline so I could get the fence
down to the ground.  Nearly froze my butt off, but got the darn fence up!!

And I'm happy to report that it's "so far, so good"!  Aeryn has bigger
smiles now that she gets to run and play with her friends again.  So far no
escapes.  The welded wired worked very well and was relatively easy to
handle and seems to be easy enough on my posts (they've been in the ground
13 years and I'm not keen to replace them anytime soon I hope!).

sue(Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)

Aeryn antics

2002-12-08 Thread Susan Wilkinson
My keyboard has been a little quiet of late, but that doesn't necessarily
mean that Aeryn's been a stellar little angel!!  Far from it actually!!

Two Sundays ago she scared me half silly by suddenly starting to vomit up
foul, dark brown, gritty stuff, and went into full panic mode with a
galloping pulse, anxious panting, eyes rolling, crying and whining, with her
abdomen tense and very painful.  I popped her a Gas-X and headed straight
into the clinic.  X-rays were normal -- no bloat, no foreign body, and
nothing amiss on her bloodwork -- no pancreatitis from that 2 lbs. of raw
stew beef she'd stolen a couple of days before.  She vomited 3 more times at
the clinic -- definite dirt this time -- hmmm, what did the little
madame dig up and eat this time?! then she started to feel better.  By the
time we got home from the clinic she was begging for supper (which she most
definitely did not get!).

Yesterday a.m. I came out of the barn from doing chores and could only find
2 dogs in the yard.  No Aeryn, and I can't even hear the big bell on her
collar.  I call and call.  I walk the fence line (through the snow in my
totally inadequate shoes) and see no sign of her and no sign of any track to
tell me she's managed the great escape.  Coming back towards the barn I see
a flicker of movement behind my horse trailer -- there she is!  She's acting
very furtive and when I approach (all the while asking her why on earth she
ignored my calls) Aeryn lunges at the ground and then gallops madly away
with her prize in her mouth.  Rowyn and Devyn have presumably been warned
off previously as they don't even try to follow her, but leap on the spot
where she'd been.  I investigate and find a quantity of rabbit hair and a
dent in my new fence.  I think the poor unfortunate bunny must have made a
run for it and got caught under the rigid fence.  Aeryn rejoins us,
immensely proud of herself and her unauthorized early breakfast.  Well good
for her, because now there's no time for my breakfast, all her shenanegans
have made me periously close to being late for work!  In the house we all
troop, I'm pretty happy to get my cold, wet socks off.  Aeryn immediately
runs downstairs and I hear the unmistakable "hurka gurka" sound of a dog
about to vomit.  Too late -- she has neatly deposited the remains of the
bunny on the rug.   Fortunately, she at least did it right beside the x-pen
(Rowyn's nighttime bed) so I'm able to corden off the mess and prevent it
being re-eaten while I dash madly around for plastic bag, paper towels and
cleaner.  Amazingly, I made it to work in time (just a minute to spare!),
but I don't think I was a pretty sight!

This afternoon one of the dogs managed to capture a slow bird at the bird
feeder.  I suspect it was Aeryn, for she was refusing to come back in the
house, but it was good boy Rowyn who proudly brought me the prize (poor
little birdie was very dead & bedraggled looking).

She is a treasure!  (and I mean that ~ I adore and cherish every hair on her
body and all her naughty ways ~ but no kisses please when her breath smells
like dead rabbit!)

sue(the irrepressible Aeryn with Devyn & Rowyn)

re: baby or puppy

2002-12-08 Thread Elizabeth Malcolmson
Laura -- I especially appreciated your comments, sitting here nine 
months pregnant, due on Thursday... wondering, was that twinge 
something?  Probably not...

We lost our older dog on September 20 and are left with the younger 
one... We are a two-dog house.  This one-dog thing is awful, especially 
with this particular dog... And so, even though the baby is due any 
time now... we're probably getting a puppy at the end of February... 
but it will be our 4th Berner... I'm not TOO panicked about it... But I 
*do* feel a LITTLE crazy!!  :-)


Elizabeth Malcolmson with
UUD Ledgewood's Ptolemy, UDX, DD, Can. CDX & DD
Remembering Tycho & Zoey, treasured beyond measure
Rockport, MA, USA

Re: Nose to Nose Book

2002-12-08 Thread Dr. William B. Neff
Hi Kelly,

Here is the Boris' Books website: 

Some of the proceeds come back to the BMDCA Health Fund, so it's always a 
good idea to shop at Amazon.com, Dogwise, sitstay.com by first going to the 
website, then going to those other sites.  THANKS for asking and 
remembering to help Berners as you shop on the internet.

Joye Neff and Winston (Samantha and Ben)
Mt. Lebanon, Pittsburgh, PA

Re: Fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/08/2002 10:11:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I'm sure it's easier for the fire/rescue people if they know exactly who 
they're looking for and have a name to go with it. I'll be getting a few of 
these decals , >>

In a message dated 12/08/2002 10:11:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I'm sure it's easier for the fire/rescue people if they know exactly who 
they're looking for and have a name to go with it. I'll be getting a few of 
these decals , >>

I have one for each of my boys on the front door.  I got them on eBay, but 
now I have found cling film that can be used in an inkjet printer at Office 
Max and can do my own.  I need to do one now for our little guest.  Being 
cling film, they are easy to put up, take down and move around when necessary.

I also got "shrinky-dink" sheets that can be used in the inkjet printer.  I 
make temporary ID tags for the dogs when we are traveling, using the contact 
phone of where we are headed.  It wouldn't help to have my home phone on an 
ID tag if I am not there!  Using the shrink sheets, I can write large enough 
for me to see it and then shrink it down to fit their collars.  Before 
heating and shrinking the cut outs, I use a paper punch to make a hole for a 
split ring to hold on their collar.  You can even decorate the tag with color 
if you want.
For a few cents you can make LOTS of tags.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page: http://www.geocities.com/workingyorkie/ty.html
Gypsy's page:http://hometown.aol.com/annes4/Gypsy.html


2002-12-08 Thread traceywashere
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cage training

2002-12-08 Thread Terry & Cathy Bering
This message is to Robert Rose and any other berner owners that are
using the crate for puppy training.
Thank God for the crate!!
With that being said, we love to give our berner pup free reign of our
home, a city condo. Unfortunately, having a pup and trusting our pup can
be contraindicated.
Our 14 week berner has come a long way since we purchased her at 10
weeks old.
Today, our pup (and us) attended a Ill berner xmas party. Seeing all of
the juvenile and adult berners helped put raising a pup in perspective.
All of the dogs were beautiful, babies, teenagers, adults and my
favorite,  senior berners. Frankly, I would have liked to see more
seniors in the group.
Of course many gravitated to the puppies.
Regarding the crate, I keep my pup out of the crate after we come in
from the outside where she has 'done her business'.  After a few hours
(up to 3 hours now ) I return her  in the crate, whether she is good,
bad, entertaining, awake or asleep. I never feel like I am only training
the pup. I understand I am training her bowel and  bladder, especially
her bladder.
My pup might still have an accident, regardless.  When it occurs it is
usually my fault, not hers. It is because I did not spend enough time
with her outside, she was nervous, too tired etc.
As each day passes she gets a little better in house training with a
regular schedule walk. I think right now our berner is coming to terms
that  doing her business outside is a job, not an option. Other owners
may have more success with the potty training. We feel great about her
continuing progress. Terry Bering

lost dog

2002-12-08 Thread marthah 25
My dog is not lost, but I went to Danbury, CT. with a friend of mine to get
a rescue dog, a very small chihuahua/boxer/who knows what else mix and after
she dropped me off she went home, took the dog out of the travel crate,was
about to put a leash and harness on her and the dog ran away. I remember
that a few months ago someone posted a procedure to follow for lost dogs.
Please post again. Thanks.


Re: Histiocytoma!!

2002-12-08 Thread Corinne
Hi Karen,
I understand very well how much you can be worried
but what you describe, is not inevitably a malignant tumor.
Go to : http://www.peteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=2&cat=1593&articleid=424
and look the picture. Is it the same ?
You can also read all the table and you will see a lot of conditions (most
Histiocytoma is also a begnin tumor ; go to :
You said Stevie had a spot hot this summer ... so, may be Stevie is allergic
... (my Boy Phlibust is food allergic and got hot spots when he reacts).
May be it is a deep inflammation of hair follicles (my Girl Wonda got one
this year) ...
May be it is a reaction to the saliva of an insect ...

You know, there is full of possible hypotheses.
Hope that I help you ;-)))

Corinne (sorry for my bad english language)
Phlibust & Wonda
Near Paris (France)

- Original Message -
From: "Karen McFarlane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Okay it is paranoid me again! I wrote to an on-line vet yesterday evening
> about the small growth on Stevie's muzzle. I had originally wrote to the
> list thinking that this was a "hot spot" , not knowing full well that "hot
> spots" do not usually occur on the face. (Stevie had a hot spot on his
> foreleg this summer) Anyway, the vet wrote back suggesting that it might
> a histiocytoma. Does anyone have any input into this. Of course I have
> frantically looking around the net for more information. I have an appt.
> with our vet tomorrow, and now I am just worried sick. I am I am becoming
> neurotic freak!  In my email to the list yesterday I described this
> growth as a pinkish, reddish looking mole type of lump just on the side of
> his muzzle. There is now no hair around it. I am not sure if he rubbed it
> just why there is no hair there. The "mole" is about the size of a small
> and round. It does not appear to be painful. Has any one out there had
> anything similar. I know, I know I should just wait until tomorrow when I
> see the vet, but I am upset NOW and dreadfully worried. With all the
> horror stories out there I am afraid. Sorry to sound like such a baby.
> Karen and her beautiful Boy Stevie.
> N.B. Canada

Re: The CH Budman

2002-12-08 Thread Fran Jones
W  woo! Buddy, You rock, man.  Let me welcome you to the wonderful 
world of "romancin' the guuurls".  They got big brown eyes and flirty little 
butts that they wave under your nose.  Let me tell 'ya, Bud, the best is yet to 
come, man! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Congrats, big fella!

Sisco Jones
West Vancouver, BC

Re: Neutering poll

2002-12-08 Thread Fran Jones
Sisco is our 3 year old intact male who we co-own with our breeder.  He was kept 
intact while the rest of his litter was early spayed/neutered because our 
breeder saw potential as a future show quality guy.  As it turned out, she was 
right and he finished his Can. Ch. when he was around 2.  He has sired two 
litters so far, producing 14 little furballs.  The best thing about the big 
goofball is his personality and temperament.  Even after he became sexually 
mature and found out what the ladies are for, he remained sweet, loving, goofy, 
and very easy to manage even though he's a big clown at heart.  He will go out 
of his way to avoid confrontations with other dogs, and we never have to worry 
about him in off-leash situations.

He started lifting his leg when he was about 2 years old and will mark every 
leaf, blade of grass, tree, and bush on his hikes, and around our house, but 
never inside.  He still squats to do a big dump, like first thing in the a.m. 
And interestingly enough, very recently he's just started the "studly scratch 
and stomp the ground" dance when he's through peeing out in the woods. There's 
never a dull moment with the big galloot around.  For anyone who's interested, 
he can be seen on my website (URL below).

Fran & Macho Man Sisco
West Vancouver, BC

SportSound Music:http://www.geocities.com/franinvancouver
Phone: 604-926-0084  Fax: 604-926-9543


2002-12-08 Thread Karen McFarlane
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RE: chasing tails

2002-12-08 Thread Terri Taylor-Mikes
My Dharma does not chase her tail, but she does pull big chunks of fur from
it.  Anyone know why?  Is this normal for Berners to do this?

She did have a "rash/bug bite" on it at one time and lost some fur because
of it - that is all healed now and she still pull chunks of hair from her
tail; has since she was about 7-8 months.

Thanks for any help!


-Original Message-
From: Karen McFarlane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 6:07 PM
Subject: RE: chasing tails

Hi, Well Stevie has just discovered his "tail" within the last month or so.
He seems to catch it in a side glance and then treats it like it is some
alien life-form. He'll chase and chase and chase, sometimes he'll catch it
and sometimes not. He actually got dizzy this morning and landed head first
in the fireplace. (Not to worry it is a non working fireplace that has been
painted and actually it is Stevie's favourite place to sleep because it is
cool! ) I get such a chuckle out of watching him. But then he also like to
chase the cat's tail too. He came out of the kitchen the other day, carrying
the cat by the tail, ever so gently, the cat was not even making any fuss
about it at all!! I wish I had had my camera on that day
Karen and Stevie
NB, Canada

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 1:57 PM
Subject: chasing tails

Hi there,
How many of your berners out there chase their tails?
Misha is crazy about hers.  She chases it round & round.  Then when she
finally gets hold of it in her mouth she just spins across the yard,living
room where ever she is.  It is just too funny.
When she finally stops she looks so dazed & confused, then she starts all
over again usually in the opposite direction, maybe she is unwinding herself
She has done this one time that I must have watched her for 10-15 mintues.
She's just a girl having fun.

I wish I could catch it on film.

Beth Schmoyer
Snowden & Misha
Bethlehem, PA
(where we just received about 8" of snow & the dogs are having so much fun)

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Re: berner pup or baby - which should come first???

2002-12-08 Thread A. Sufi
While I completely agree with Janice, my logic
was reversed
>>the temperament of the dog has a lot to do with the acceptance of a
>>new child. 
While my daughter (now 10 and an aspiring Vet) would have been
absolutely fine with a puppy/young dog from the very beginning, my
son is something else entirely!
Because I already had little ones, I held off on getting a beloved berner 
because of the temperment of my SON, not the dog. 
My son was close to 5 before I brought Zeus home.
They are completely attached and adore each other, but had I added Zeus 
at an earlier age, my SON would have - due to his being a healthy and 
exhuberent little boy - harassed the DOG.  I watched my son chase the 
cat, in spite of being put in constant "time-outs", constantly while he
was a toddler. That combined with a mouthy puppy is not a good mix!
Now that my son is 6, he limits his harassment to his older sister and
is always gentle and loving with Zeus. 
Gee, I guess it's time to have another one!

dog! another DOG!

Antoinette & (the only furchild) Zeus
San Ramon, Ca. 

Message-ID: <00fa01c29e55$46dafa40$98cc5b18@OFFICE>
From: "Janice Parky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Berner List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: berner pup or baby - which should come first???
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 20:01:01 -0500
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I think the answer to your question is a very individual one. Hopefully the
advice you get will help you and your husband decide what will work for you.
For me, personally, it was baby first. It was also a looong time ago. I
waited until my first child was 2 years old to add a dog to the family. I
believe, and I'm sure some will disagree, that it is easier to add a dog to
a family with a small child, than a small child to a family with a dog. Of
course, the temperament of the dog has a lot to do with the acceptance of a
new child. If you decide dog first, find a breeder who will help you find a
pup that they feel will do well when baby arrives. I believe very stongly,
that dogs raised with children have a better chance of learning
child-tolerance and respect than a dog that has not and then is asked to
accept another "pack" member. I also have know of two beloved family
dogs-one rehomed, one euthanized because of it's intolerence of the new
child. It is also important that you and you husband, as parents of both
the pup and child realize that it is your job to make it work. Small
children need constant vigilence amd training around puppies, as puppies and
older dogs need socialization, training and viglience around small children.
I would also not advise, which ever "first" happens, that you wait until you
are confident you can handle the "other".

As for the ticking clock, both scenarios will be exhausting. Sorry.. Of
course, you also have no idea of what "Mother Nature" and the ticking clock
will decide, so eventually that may need to be factored in as well

Janice Parky
> Cape Cod, MA.

Berner Character Design

2002-12-08 Thread Santi Rowe
Well its me again *chuckles*

Ok Im revamping the character design, and about ready to start
production on the costume. In fact it should be fully done before summer
(have a few others in the works right now to which this one had to be
put on hold)

Anyhow, I had remembered someone telling me a cute fact about the
whisker coloration. Something like one black whisker in each side and
only one? Or a white one... I cant remember the exact fact but I would
like to find the person who submitted this fact to me, or someone who
can give me the fact?

Thanks for all your help

Re: neutering and marking

2002-12-08 Thread A. Sufi
 Zeus was neutered when he turned 6 months 
(what a birthday gift, eh?), and I also had hip and 
elbow x-rays taken at the same time, since he
was already medicated and out of it.
Regarding marking, my big boy Zeus, now 17
months old, still doesn't lift his leg.
When he needs to go, he just moves his back paws
further apart and sprays straight down. 
He has still NEVER done his business, either one,
away from home. When/if he feels the urge during
one of our long daily walks, he will hold iteven if 
he has to waddle with a worried expression...until 
he gets home and back to his own spot in the back yard. 
I'm interested to see what he will do when we go up north
for a week later this month. We will be staying in a cottage
on 5 private acresdo you think he can hold it that long?
Antoinette & (camel bladder) Zeus
San Ramon, Ca. 
(near San Francisco)

>Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 17:05:14 -0800
>Subject: Re: neutering and marking
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
>Mime-Version: 1.0 (Apple Message framework v482)
>From: Willemijn Beurskens-Ilcisin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Logan was neutered just before 6 months and started leg lifting at about 
>18 months. He still does not really "know" what he needs to do - he 
>lifts his leg and half he time does not pee. If he really needs to go 
>he squats...
>Will Ilcisin and Logan


2002-12-08 Thread Martha Hoverson

Hi, I have just joined the list.  Our Berner is Molly, 9 months old and a 
great example of complete, unconditional love for everyone and everything.  
Molly unfortunately has both bilateral elbow and hip dysplasia.  She is on 
her way Thursday to Foster Small Animal Hospital at Tufts to have a Triple 
Pelvic Osteotomy on Friday.  Needless to say we are worried about her, but 
pleased that she can be treated at such a fine facility.

I have really enjoyed reading all the posts the past few days and look 
forward to more!

Martha and Molly in Maine

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE* 


2002-12-08 Thread Alan & Susan Kowitz
I've been off this list for a while, and missed it.  Cervical disc problems
have made the use of my right hand capricious.  I just had to peek back in
and acknowledge all of the seniors who arrived in my mailbox yesterday via
the December Alpenhorn.  Some I've met, some I know from this list, and
others are new to me.  All of them are just gorgeous.

Michael O'Hara once posted that every approach is a desire to be near you
and I've really taken that to heart.  I never walk past a Berner, cat or kid
in my house without hugs and pets, nor do I let it go unnoticed when they
approach me.

Happy holidays all.

Susan Kowitz, Mercedes, and Bentley
Sequim, WA

Re: Nose to Nose Book

2002-12-08 Thread BernerFolk
In a message dated 12/8/2002 11:46:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

>  want to order two copies of Nose to Nose for presents and want the 
>  to go to help our Berners. 

Boris's Book Pages, http://members.rogers.com/bernerboris/bbook_index.html

-Sherri V.

Baby or Berner first

2002-12-08 Thread Don Metzler
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Re: Neutering poll

2002-12-08 Thread David Nowell and Susan Burnham
>I was wondering how many of you have neutered/spayed/unneutered/unspayed
females and males, and what you're reasoning for doing it or not doing it
is--i.e. >breeding purposes or personal preference, or whatever--and how
many BMDs you do have.

We spayed Mattie (our only dog) when she was 8 months old.  We spayed her
because is  BARC rescue and her spay was part of the adoption contract as
well as for the obvious reason that she was never going to be bred.   We
waited until she was 8 months mostly because we wanted her to recover from
elbow surgery she had when she was  4-5 months.

Sue Burnham and Matilde
Santa Fe, NM

Calling Cards

2002-12-08 Thread Jeannie Schoen
I noticed something odd with my Greta.  During her
recent heat cycle she left calling cards everywhere
and then scruffed up the ground with her back
feet--dirt, leaves, snow go flying.  This looks like
what many male dogs do.  I think this practice will
end soon and is probably just lingering from the
previous hormonal activity.

Happy Trails, 
jeannie in Mi. Greta, Gulliver, Sophie forever.

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Nose to Nose Book

2002-12-08 Thread Kelly4joy
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Re: berner pup or baby - which should come first???

2002-12-08 Thread Dave or Stephanie
I had two adult dogs when I had my first child.  A German shepherd(who was
my guide dog puppy who did not pass the program...was too obedient..would
not do the intelligent disobedience to keep the person from getting run over
by a car...you told him to go he was going..car or not :-) ).  He was
completely trust worthy with kids as he had been extremely well socialized
with all types of people and situations.  We also had a Aussie mix who was
just lovable to everyone, didn't have a mean bone in his body.  We got our
rescue golden when she was about 10 months old and our second(and last)
child was about six months old (They are now BEST buddies).  Our Aussie mix
got out on the fourth of July (We had the dogs in the house and had I just
let them out for a second for a last pee before we went to bed and he split)
we searched and searched and the next day when I was out putting up flyers
we got a call from the vet.  He had been hit by a car :-(.  We got
Brina(BMD) when my kids were 2 1/2 and 1.  She is wonderful with the kids
and loves to hang out with them when they play outside.  I feel very secure
about my childrens safety when the dogs are with them.  I have no doubt that
they would lay their lives down to protect our children.  I think children
and dogs are a wonderful mix IF the temperment of the dog is right and you
train each of them to respect the other one.  I have the cutest picture of
our son, Billy, and Brina sleeping together under the kitchen table.  He
just crawled under there with her and fell asleep on her tummy!
Stephanie Heeter and Brina

Cage (or Crate) Training

2002-12-08 Thread Jean Coker
We've had considerable success with crate training all of our berners by
just having the crate in the doggie area - x-penned off area of the
dining room/kitchen and leave the crate doors open all the time (except
when we want one of the dogs inside) - that way they go in and out as
they want and often choose to go in to sleep - with the door open -
treats often get tossed inside for them to retrieve, and we often put
their food dishes there.   Going in the crate is a "fun" thing to do, so
when we need to send them there, it's no big deal.
If your vehicle is sized so a crate will fit in (we have a Dodge
Caravan, so we have room for several when the seats are out), hopping in
the crate for car trips also settles them, keeps them out of my lap when
I'm driving, and gets them further used to the crate being a wonderful
and friendly and fun place.
Good luck with your boy.  And take lots and lots and lots of pictures.
They don't get any better than 3 months old!  Just bigger!  And those
guys when they grow up are SO- O-O-O-O adoring!!
Jean Coker
Jacksonville, Florida
With Bridger (who has  "adoring" down to a science), Duncan (who
keeps wanting to be as big and adoring as his Dad, Bridger), Dixie (who
is certain she was born "to BE adored", and Suwannee - who well, is all
PuppyChow at heart - the eternal child at 15 months)

Re: Fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread Laurie Montoya
>I hope it's OK that I posted this- I'm not connected to her in any way,
>than being her best customer today!  And I thought that this is an
>to make sure our pets are OK while we're away.
>Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie
 I'm pretty sure it's ok to post about a site , as long as you have no
affliation with it. And I went to the site , and it's great !! I'm sure it's
easier for the fire/rescue people if they know exactly who they're looking
for and have a name to go with it. I'll be getting a few of these decals ,
LOL ! One for each side of the house :-). Thanks for posting about it !
Laurie Montoya  PAand Hannah Banana and Shelby the Wonder Mutt

fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread KendyBo
I made a mistake on the website address!  

It's www.sundogsdecals.com.

Sorry about that!


Fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread KendyBo
I just wanted to share with everyone a great thing I just found.  There is a 
woman who makes fire/emergency rescue stickers for dogs, cats, and birds.  
She offers stickers for over 150 different breeds of dogs, and most 
importantly, she has a Berner one!  The Berner on the sticker is GORGEOUS!!!  
You can get a singular or plural version, or can have one custom made.  She 
even made one for my friend with both a Berner and a Black Lab.  The stickers 
are cling film, so you can easily remove them later.  They are full color, 
She can also make stickers for you car with sayings like:
"My Bernese Mountain Dog is smarter than your Honor Student" or "Berners are 
like Potato Chips- You can't only have one".  She is very nice and 
accomodating, and I ended up buying 9 stickers from her .  
She is also willing to produce them in bulk for fund raisers, if clubs/rescue 
sre interested.
You can find these in two places:  ebay, and www.sundogs.com (her website).

I hope it's OK that I posted this- I'm not connected to her in any way, other 
than being her best customer today!  And I thought that this is an additional 
to make sure our pets are OK while we're away.

Kendra, Jackson, and Sallie

A season to be thankful

2002-12-08 Thread Kelly4joy
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2002-12-08 Thread Pippa Antonio
I have 3 male intact Bernese Mountain Dogs. Col aged 5
years, Toby aged 3 years and Ulysses aged 11.5 months.

I have never had any aggression issues even with encounters
whilst walking with other males and bitches. I try to avoid
bitches that I know are in heat. The 2 oldest lift their
legs and would mark every tree in the street if I let them.
Col is probably the most sexually aware dog I have
known..(smile)..just like his father..

But saying this I am having Col neutered on thursday due to
mild prostatitis. And I will be having Toby done shortly

Pippa Antonio in Washington DC

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baby or puppy?

2002-12-08 Thread Lcaprara
Of course every person is a little different.
My husband and I didn't marry until we were thirty. We wanted children 
but wanted to be married a few years before we added the responsibility of a 
child. So our dog came first. I will never regret doing it that way.

Spencer (our first berner) WAS our baby. He went everywhere in 
the car with me, he went to work with me, if he couldn't go with us, we didn't
go at all... just like a baby.

We decided to show Spencer when I got pregnant. It was a fun diversion from
feeling awful all the time. Right about the time he finished to his 
I was getting too big to travel comfortably anymore. I had a sense that 
always knew that Anthony was coming.

I had my first (and so far, only) child in January 01. My husband brought 
the blanket that was first used to wrap Anthony so it smelled like him.
When we brought Anthony home Spencer acted like he knew him already.

Spencer, my gentle giant, never as much as startled my small son and at the 
same time was not shy or scared to walk up to him and sniff him out or give 
him big slobbery kisses. Spencer always got his "Spencer time" after Anthony 
came home.

When Anthony turned 10 months we added another berner boy to our home, Elwood.
Spencer and Elwood taught Anthony how to walk and waterski on the wood floors.
Anthony taught Elwood and Spencer about children and tolerance.

Today, Anthony is 22 months. I have two 115 lb boys in my home. Is it 
cramped? Yes.
Is is chiaotic? At times. Is it worth it? Every bit... 

Getting my dog BEFORE the baby taught me A LOT about the responsibilities of 
being a mom. Midnight trips to the vet. Long drives to the shows. Worry, 
memories and unconditional love. My canine boys are just two other sons. I 
feel so blessed to have such strong connections to both.

My two cents.

Laura Caprara

Re: A Brag for the Budman

2002-12-08 Thread jane heggen
WOW, congratulations!  I was going to suggest a big food fight or some such
while Pat was gone.  But now I am so impressed by the Budman I wouldn't dare
cause trouble for his Mom!  Way to go Budman, the heggen boys bow wow to

jane heggen & the boys of iowa

New address

2002-12-08 Thread mudpuppy07
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Buddy-Congrats to Maria and Dede

2002-12-08 Thread Joanne Gerow
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Champion Budman

2002-12-08 Thread Marion Brown
Dear Maria

Whilst sincere congratulations are in order for Mom, Handler and Breeder the
greatest influence in Buddy's life has been forgotten. Despite the fact that
Daisy has long held the opinion that her little "brother" is one bellyrub
short of a Bernese, she has nevertheless cherished upon him all of her life
skills and guided him towards this ultimate destiny. Like the Miss World
competition it would seem that beauty will win over brains, and it takes all
sorts to make up our world.

Congratulations Daisy, you have succeeded where many might have quailed at
the prospect!

Marion Brown
Teversal Bernese Mountain Dogs
South Africa
Dogs Never Lie About Love (Jeffrey Masson)

Age for carting...

2002-12-08 Thread MazamaDog
Lisa Ebnet did a nice job of describing how she starts puppies getting used 
to the idea of carting at a very young age.  It is fun to help puppies learn 
this way, and always nice to introduce them to new things.  Some people wait 
until their dogs are much older to introduce carting, and that's fine, too.   
The BMDCA does not allow dogs to compete in draft tests until the dog is two 
years old.  However,  the Canadian Kennel Club has Draft titles that are open 
to all breeds capable of pulling the necessary weight - the Canadian Draft 
titles are CKC titles, not just Berner club titles.The CKC allows dogs to 
compete in Draft tests at 18 months, so those of us who enjoy competing with 
our dogs on both sides of the border have an added incentive to introduce the 
concept of carting at a younger age.  There are certainly plenty of dogs who 
are mature enough and ready to compete at 18 months if they have the proper 
foundation and training.Whenever you decide to start introducing the cart 
- have fun with it!  
 - Ruth Nielsen and ZenMaster Max (four draft titles) and the Winter-boy 
(three draft titles)  in Seattle, WA

OT: feline osteosarcoma

2002-12-08 Thread Sharon Montville
Do any list members have experience with feline
osteosarcoma?  My 12-year-old red tabby American
Shorthair, Flounder, was tentatively diagnosed with
osteosarcoma in his rear knee today.  We will be doing
more tests and if it has not spread, I guess he will
live out his days 3-legged.  Apparently this cancer is
very uncommon in cats (my vet has only seen one other
case, in the jaw).  He is also borderline

To make this Berner-related: Tanzi took very good care
of him at the vet's today.  She went along to get a
vaccination and a microchip.  She nuzzled and licked
him alot, much more gently than usual, and laid down
by his crate when he was in it, like she was guarding

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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