Re: BERNER-L - time to take drastic measures

2003-09-04 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 09/04/2003 8:57:01 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Yahoogroups has its problems, but looks like those of us that use AOL can 
 finally upgrade (geesh, I'm still running 5.0)  >>

Me also!  Now we can go to the new V 9.0 and see how things look in the 21st 
Century.  I have had the Breed Steward list on Yahoo since early this year and 
so far, things are going well.  I think my current list of Yahoogroups of 
which I'm a member is about 20+, it is an easy system to use.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Indoor Games and Missouri heat

2003-08-21 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 08/21/2003 9:34:21 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< If anyone has suggestions about indoor games to engage the mind and spend 
some of the pent up energy we would really appreciate it.  >>

We find this a good time to teach tricks like shake, high five, wave, spin in 
place, back up on command, walk around my legs in a figure 8 (both standing 
and walking), roll over, etc.  With a clicker and tiny treats we do many 
sessions during the day, but each session is 5 minutes or less in duration.
Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: pine gum

2003-08-20 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 08/20/2003 2:41:37 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< our Berner gal, Barli, lay in pine gum. Can't recall the remedy and have a
 vague recollection that it is peanut butter. >>

Peanut butter will work, but it is the oil in it that does the job.  Plain 
vegetable/cooking oil will also do the job with less stickiness.  It also works 
on tar and chewing gum.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Large "skin tag" on left flew?

2003-08-19 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 08/17/2003 8:31:40 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< What is this?  It is unsightly. >>

Without seeing it and better yet, biopsy of it, it is hard to say but a 
possibility is a "histiocytoma" which is not uncommon in young Berners.  These are 
benign growths which come up fast, may bleed, are often on the face or feet 
They can be removed if it really bothers you or if left alone, will resolve 
themselves in time.  I would ask the vet to take a look and see.  When Flash had 
one, my vet said afterwards, "It's a good thing we took it off as fast as we 
did."  When I asked why, his answer was, "Because in a few weeks it would have 
healed itself and I would have missed out on the removal fee!"  Of course, it 
was my choice to have it removed and he was joking with me about the fee .

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Finding a breeder and a puppy

2003-08-14 Thread Annes4
 Dear Deasun & Judith
A good place to start looking for a breeder in your area as well as get to 
meet the dogs is to go to the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America (BMDCA) web 
site.  On that site is a page that has some good information about how to go 
about looking for a breeder as well as a link to volunteers in the various 
states who can answer your questions, direct you to Berner events in their area, 
put you in touch with local BMD clubs and possible breeder contacts.  I have put 
the link to that page in this message.  If you still need additional 
assistance, please let me know and we will be glad to help you.";>Click here: Finding a 
breeder and a puppy 

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: mouthy puppy

2003-08-04 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 08/04/2003 12:35:57 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< I also yip and carry on piteously when they bite someplace else. They seem
 to find that strange enough that it helps, too. >>

In most cases, this only works on young puppies, less than 4 mos. of age.  
Once they get to the 3 or 4 mo. stages, the noise seems to incite them to bite 
harder; it seems the prey drive is starting to overtake the inhibition.  For 
the little older puppies, the ignoring them and giving them a time out seems to 
work better.  Just remove their object of play (you) for a few minutes.  What 
we really need them to learn is not so much not to put their mouth near us, 
but to inhibit or moderate the pressure.  If you watch two well socialized dogs 
play, you will see lots of wrestling, lots of open mouth biting and growling, 
but no one is hurt, just lots of shared drool .  These are dogs who have 
learned that bite inhibition allows play, bite too hard and the game ends.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: anxiety wrap?

2003-08-01 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 08/01/2003 7:24:51 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Hello-does anyone know where I can find out more information about the
 Anxiety Wrap or a similar product? (for thunderstorms) >>

For my big guy, I use a long, wide (3 or 4"), Ace bandage that goes around 
his body in this fashion:
Around his chest (center the bandage), both ends up over the back and cross 
each other behind the shoulders, both ends down each respective side (just 
behind the ribs) and under each back leg, both ends up the rear between the back 
legs then each end is looped under the bandage on the same side of the back. 
and the two ends tied on top of the back.  Sounds confusing but if you try it 
following the above, it is really easy to do and does work.  It is cheaper than 
the anxiety wraps and I just throw the bandage in the wash when it gets 
grungy.  This technique was taught to me in a T-Touch class several years ago.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Seven generations from now

2003-07-30 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/30/2003 8:13:29 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Repeated health surveys over time will help us learn that. >>

On this note, Pat, are there plans underway to do another survey in or around 
2005 (5 years after the last one)?

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Berner Contacts in Hawaii??

2003-07-29 Thread Annes4
As chair of the BMDCA Breed Steward Program, I have been contacted by a woman 
in Hawaii who is looking to add a Benese to her family.  The BMDCA has only 
one member listed in Hawaii and she has no email address (Paula Schmidt).  Is 
there anyone out there in Berner-l land who knows of any contacts in the 
Islands to whom I can refer this individual?  TIA for any assistance here.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: fat berners

2003-07-25 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/25/2003 2:05:48 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  Can someone go over the logic of eating fewer times a day?  I know I'm 
supposed to reduce it to 2x per day in a month or so... and then at a year (I 
think), down to only one feeding per day. >>

Jenn -
More importan t than how many times a day your dog eats is how much food is 
the dog getting over the day.  If you want to keep feeding three times a day 
and it is convenient for you, just figure out the total amount of food the dog 
should consume per day and divide into three meals.  Both my adult dogs are fed 
twice a day as it is  convenient for me and does not leave their bellies 
empty as long so I get less of the "bile regurgitation" that some dogs do when 
they have empty stomachs.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Meaty Bones

2003-07-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/24/2003 1:50:23 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  Neck  bones, and pork and lamb ribs are also excellent. >>

We also find raw chicken wing tips are good.  This week we were able to get a 
couple of Buffalo knuckle bones.  The boys love them, much more than the beef 
bones.  The cartilage of these is MUCH tougher than beef and even after 
several days, thedogs haven't been able to chew it away.  The way they're cut, 
there is very little marrow available so not so much concern with tummy upset with 
the richness of it.  I'm going to have to stock up on these as I only have 
easy access during the summer and fall when our town has their weekly "Farmer's 

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Fwd: fat berners

2003-07-24 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 07/24/2003 1:10:12 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< For those who feed kibble and want to cut back, green beans are fine but so
 are other veggies as well. >>

Another great vegetable for "dieting" dogs is canned pumpkin; not the pie 
filling but the plain canned pumpkin.  It is already pureed so the beta carotines 
and other nutrients are available.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA
--- End Message ---

Re: ear problems

2003-07-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/18/2003 7:12:03 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< I also wonder if there is any more natural, more gentle cleaner I could 
get or make. >>

My vet has recommended making up a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water 
as an ear cleaner.  Of course, the dog does smell like a salad for a while 
after .  It doesn't seem to irritate the ear canal the way most commercial 
cleaners do; most commercial cleaners contain some alcohol which can burn 
irritated tissues.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Fwd: [showberners] response to newspaper ad for Berner puppies in North Dakota

2003-07-14 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 07/14/2003 8:02:18 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Any suggestions or comments on this? >>

Would they accept wording such as:
"Bernese Mtn. Dogs, puppies occasionally available. Call xxx- or write 
xx for more information."  
This would at least give you an opportunity to reach folks looking for a BMD 
and possibly present the educational info you want to share and if you have a 
list of breeders you are comfortable referring, you can give it to the ppo's 
then.  Your predicament is not uncommon.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA
--- End Message ---

Re: dog with a mission

2003-07-13 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/13/2003 3:08:29 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Also showing my  ignorance here is it safe for her to eat the things she 
catches (we did not  let her either time)? >>

I would suggest NOT to allow her to eat her "catch" as wild things carry 
parasites, both internal and external, that I would rather not have my dog get.  
As for training her that some wild things are OK (mice YES, birds NO) and 
others are not, that is asking a lot of discernment in a dog in the heat of the 
chase.  I would think it best to either train not to go after things at all, or 
just let her hunt at will.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: collars

2003-07-11 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/11/2003 2:49:50 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Was he right? >>

My experience over the years is that there is far LESS control with a harness 
than a collar as the dog can throw its entire weight into the chest strap.  
That's one of the reasons harnesses are used in drafting rather than just 
hitching the cart to the collar.  I sincerely doubt, unless one of the special "no 
pull" harnesses are used, there would be greater control.  I think you are 
doing fine using the Halti when you anticipate problem behavior.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Move over Dog!!

2003-07-05 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 07/05/2003 5:21:35 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< . One should NOT, I am told,  close the doors and windows in the case of a 
tornado. This creates a pressure that can contribute to lifting the roof off 
the house. >>

The most recent studies have shown that this is NOT true.  I too, was always 
taught to leave the windows open at the southwest corner to equalize the 
pressure inside and outside the house.  It turns out, it makes no difference and it 
is just important that inhabitants of the house go to the lowest level away 
from all doors, windows and outside walls, preferable under something.  Some 
people have survived by crawling into their bathtub and pulling a mattress over 
themselves.  Since I'm still up here in IL and in the vicinity of strong 
storms, if the alarms sound, the dogs and I huddle in the hallway with all doors to 
other rooms closed!

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Flash's Birthday!

2003-07-01 Thread Annes4
For those of you out there who knew my sweet boy before I did and those who 
have had the pleasure of meeting him since  he and I became an "item", just an 
announcement that today he is 9  While I know his breeder will not see 
this, I am ever grateful to her for allowing me to adopt my "boy".  Through him I 
have had the opportunity to meet some of the greatest people, as well as 
spending 7+ years with a loving animal who makes friends for us whereever we go.  
The children of Palatine's School Dist. 15 and the teachers, plus the 
residents of several nursing homes are also the recipients of his warmth and large 
heart.  Every day is now an extra blessing.  Happy Birthday "Big Guy" from your 
Mom and your little brother!  Unfortunately, part of his celebration is a visit 
to the vet for a follow-up on his ear surgery and some diagnosis in regard to 
his recent rapid and shallow breathing.  However, he remains hungry, peppy 
and happy!!

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 9 yrs. old, Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yrs. 
old, Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   [EMAIL PROTECTED], Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Anxiety wrap (was:drugged BMDs on the 4th of July)

2003-06-28 Thread Annes4
I use a long, wide Ace bandage that wraps around the dog's forechest, crosses 
behind the front legs on the back, then under the belly, between the back 
legs, up from under the tail, then each end goes under the bandage on the 
appropriate side to hold it in place and the two ends are knotted.  I used this a lot 
on my old Rottie both for stress as well as to help her back pain.  Amazing 
what a difference it made!  I keep forgetting to try it on Flash for his storm 
stress, will have to do that.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDIA, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 
yr. old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: balls and balloons

2003-06-19 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/19/2003 12:09:07 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  chased down some helium balloons left  over from a party. They had gotten 
soft so they could be carried but I  almost died of laughter after they would 
pop!  >>

Did they bark with a high pitched voice after popping them? 

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: hot weather haircut?

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 11:17:41 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on giving my neutered 1 1\2 
year old Quinn a summer trim.  I would appreciate peoples feedback and hearing 
about other's experiences. >>

Because of Chicago areas high humidity and temperatures, plus the fact I do 
not have air conditioning at home, I have Flash's belly and inner thighs shaved 
in the summer so that when he lies on the tile floors or the damp soil, he 
has as much skin surface contacting the cool area.  I also comb and brush out as 
much undercoat as I possibly can, leaving the outer coat to protect his skin 
from sun and bugs.  I used to do the same thing with all my heavy coated sled 
dogs in the summer.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Water change-?

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4

I might suggest you fill several containers that you can lift (1 gal. of 
water weighs approx. 8 pounds!) to take with you when you move.  This way you can 
gradually switch Stevie over to new water.  Instead of buying bottled water, 
you might look for the water filters that either fit on the sink spigot or the 
pitchers that filter the water.  They do remove the chemicals but not 
microbial contamination - at least most of them don't filter out the bugs - but if you 
are using city water, the chlorine added will have taken care of that anyway. 
 I have a 1/2 gal. Britta pitcher and Flash definitely prefers the water from 
that over the sink tap water.  The filter must be changed every 8 weeks but 
it only costs about $5 US on sale if you buy in 3 packs.  Good luck on the move!

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Silverfish (DE)

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 1:32:02 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< DE can also be purchased at most home improvement stores in the pool 
 section or at a pool supply store and it's usually cheaper there. Do be 
 careful not to get it in your eyes - it's a very fine powder and flies 
 everywhere and if you get it in your eyes it won't feel good at all! >>

The fineness of the pool filter grade is the reason I suggested getting the 
type found in the garden center, garden grade is somewhat coarser.  The pool 
filter grade is not as effective for "bug killing" as the nursery type.  In any 
case, like any fine powder, don't get it in your eyes or breathe it.  It is 
quite irritating to mucus membranes, for the very reason it works on the bugs.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Pet Insurance- Consumer Report

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/18/2003 8:59:26 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<< With a good plan one doesn't have to go cheap on veterinary care. >>

As Shakespeare would say, "Ah, there's the rub!"
What is a "good" one?  If your dog has serious problems that the company can 
claim is "genetic" or "congenital" (in their mind they are the same, even 
though we and the vets know they are not!) the treatment will not be covered, no 
matter how long you have been a client or how much you paid for the policy or 
how many independent veterinary specialists challenge the denial of coverage.  
That eliminates all surgery or treatment due to arthritis, dysplasias and 
spondylosis.  They consider all of those to have a "genetic or congenital" origin. 
 It does appear from previous emails to the list that our Canadian members 
have a much better selection of companies or coverage than we do in the States.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Silverfish

2003-06-18 Thread Annes4
Sharon -
One of the safer ways to eliminate "crawling" bugs is to sprinkle 
Diatomaceous Earth, available at gardening stores, in the dark places they tend to 
 DE is a non-toxic powder.  It is composed of the microscopic glass shells of 
aquatic plants and is used in things like swimming pool filters and 
toothpaste!  However, if it gets wet, it loses its efficiency and needs to be 
reapplied.  I would sprinkle it along the baseboards in the basement, under the sinks 
and other damp spots.  It works on bugs by making tiny cuts in their outer skin 
and they dehydrate to death; purely mechanical - no chemical toxins.  It is 
also pretty inexpensive.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Tilly Update

2003-06-17 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03-06-17 10:51:25 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  Yet she is not losing blood anywhere so where is it all going? The spleen 
is very enlarged. Clear weight loss (boney on face, hips, back). 
 Could it be that the cancer is in the spleen and liver hence the RBC and 
protein. Or is it not cancer and the spleen is enlarged from trying to produce 
RBCs? >>

First, let me say I am so sorry you and Tilly are going through this.  The 
enlarged spleen is probably what is destroying the RBC's.  The spleen's job is 
to remove old or damaged red blood cells from the circulation.  This is 
probably where they are going following the transfusions.  Has an MRI been done of 
the abdominal organs to rule out any growths?  If her blood counts show many 
immature RBC's compared to mature ones, no matter what the total count is, her 
marrow is trying to replace them but can't keep up with the need.  The marrow is 
the primary source of new blood cells.  I know this doesn't help much, but it 
is something of which to be aware.

Anne C., Flash the Berner and Gypsy the Cavalier

How accurate is this?

2003-06-16 Thread Annes4
This message was posted on another breed's list and I was wondering how 
accurate the information is?  Do most stud owners actually do this?  Is the 
practice seen more in one area than another?  In all my years of breeding and owning 
stud dogs, I had never heard of the practice of basing a stud fee on number of 
pups; interesting concept.

Anne Copeland (Flash CGC, TDI, 8 11/12 yrs. old Berner; Gypsy CGC, TDI, 2 yr. 
old Cavalier)
Northern Illinois   Annes4, Corr. Sec. BMDCA

Re: Car Sun Shields

2003-06-12 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03-06-12 14:17:17 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< few years ago a Berner club sold those sun visor things that were made of 
 lightweight fabric that would kind of twist up into a small circle.  >>

The BMDCSEW had these for sale.  I don't know that there are any more left as 
the club has tried to disperse all remaining inventory as they no longer plan 
to have a Ways and Means committee.  You might try contacting Mary Alice 
Eschweiler who was the person I last remember as having any remaining club 
inventory, and find out if any are still available.  Her email is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anne Copeland

Re: Mars Coat King (was:Tangled fur behind the ears)

2003-06-10 Thread Annes4
The Cavalier show people seem to swear by these.  It is how they get thick, 
fuzzy, or curly coats to lie nice and flat for the ring.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Fear Factor

2003-06-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/09/2003 12:55:09 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  When he reacts, we ignore his behavior and when and  if he gets close to 
the case we treat, treat, treat.  Nothing we have  tried has worked.   He 
remains terrified of the case. >>

Dogs tend to perceive things very differently than you or I and trying to 
understand why he fears the case is probably an exercise in futility.  Perhaps he 
was looking at it one day and it fell, making a noise and scaring him; 
perhaps one day the case's owner accidently bumped into the dog with it and 
frightened or hurt him (no matter how minor the event) but in any case, Beuf remembers 
something bad about that case.  To understand how dogs seem to view things, 
imagine you are walking down the street with your dog and a car suddenly 
backfires making a very loud scary noise.  At the same time the noise occured, you 
were close to and approaching a Little Old Lady.  It is very possible from that 
day on, your dog will associate LOL's with something bad and will act very 
fearful of them.  You will not understand why he is fearful, as humans would not 
associate the LOL with the backfire noise - we know they are not connected, 
but in the dog's mind they are since that is what he was focused on when the 
scary noise happened.

The answer lies in slowly, gently and patiently working on desensitizing him 
to the case.  Do NOT force him to approach it.  With him on leash, bring him 
as close as you can to the offending case without him reacting (it may be 20 
ft. it may be 5 ft but as soon as he appears to be tensing or reacting, back 
off!)  At this distance, have him do something he knows such as sit or down so 
that he is focusing on you, not the case, and treat with very high level treats. 
 Do this a few times a day, SLOWLY moving closer, maybe 6 inches at a time, 
if you can without him reacting to the case.  Continue this until you can 
actually get him up to the case.  If he can sit by the case without reacting, be 
sure to jackpot treat him.  This is not something you can accomplish in a week 
or even two.  Good Luck!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

BMDCA members - Breed Steward Program Open

2003-06-09 Thread Annes4
 years or older, treating mild cases as they would
any other fault, and excluding from breeding programs dogs with more severe
evidence of hip dysplasia.

d.   Refrain from breeding the bitch until
her second season, preferably waiting until at least 18 months of age. A
bitch shall be bred no more than two out of three seasons, this depending on
the size of the litter whelped and her condition. It is suggested that in
most cases a period of one year lapse between litters.

2.Breeders will not sell stock without true representation
to the purchaser nor use misleading or untruthful statements in selling or

3. No member shall sell adults or puppies to any known
retail or wholesale pet outlet.

4.A buyer should be supplied with a four generation
pedigree, with information on inoculations an other veterinary care that the
dog has had, and with instructions on the care, feeding and training of the
Bernese Mountain Dog.

5.A breeder will guarantee the health of his stock subject
to a veterinarian's examination within 48 hours of the sale.

6.A breeder should try to keep in touch with the progress of
dogs of his breeding in order to better analyze his own program.

7.A breeder shall exhibit at dog shows and matches where

8.Members shall at all times exhibit good sportsmanship at
all events related to the club and dog shows.

9.Members shall not degrade any other member or kennel.

I agree to abide by the above Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America Code of

Signed:  __   Date:___

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: alternative to neuters

2003-06-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 06/08/2003 9:51:09 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< For those who are leery of early spay/ is an alternative
 way to protect your boys. >>

Unfortunately it does not reduce the chance for testicular cancer or 
eliminate/reduce behaviors that might be exacerbated by testosterone.  However, they 
are sterile!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: what age do puppies start drooling?

2003-05-30 Thread Annes4
Most Berners are dry mouthed but when anticipating food or a treat, or if the 
weather is really warm, they can produce some very liquid drips.  Rarely, if 
ever, does a Berner produce the thick, ropy drool of the Newfies, Pyrs, 
Saints.  I have found that Flash, who is usually dry mouthed, has gotten a little 
sloppier as he has aged and his lower jowls are looser with age.  I dearly love 
my Berner, and loved my Rottie to pieces and I can stand hair, mud, etc. but 
thick slobber sticking to my walls and ceilings is more than I can tolerate.  
In all my research, the Bernese was the largest dog I could find who did not 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Bad Experience in Class

2003-05-27 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 05/27/2003 9:33:09 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  I am going one more week but if I come away with mixed feelings again 
then I'll quit this instructor and go elsewhere. >>

My own feeling is - go with your "gut" feeling.  I have made it a policy of 
my own that no one works with my dog but me.  I will ask for an instructor's 
advise and suggestion and if it "feels" right to me, I will do it.  Berners are 
sensitive dogs and usually should not  be subjected to rough treatment.  Most 
of them do not forgive easily and tend to have memories like the proverbial 
elephant.  It is often best to observe an instructor doing a class before 
signing up to be sure their methods and your comfort level are on the same wave 
length.  Your boy could easily have been taught not to "snarf" his treats without 
the "punching".

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: New CD!!

2003-05-27 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 05/27/2003 12:56:06 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< Timber earned his third leg in Novice B obedience yesterday  He had 
 gotten the first two legs on May 10th & 11th.  :-))) >>

Wow!  What a BIG congratulations to you and Timber, that's pretty impressive.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 3/4 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: RE Canine Good Citizen

2003-03-28 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/28/2003 7:51:55 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I think that I recently hear that this book was out of print.   >>

The Volhard Canine Good Citizen book is still available through Amazon both 
new and used.  

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Fwd: Return of The Fun Survery!!

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 03/23/2003 10:22:36 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< 1 --- Do you live in
  b) suburbs
 2 --- Where does your dog spend the night?
The hall outside my room or the floor next to the bed.  He has never even 
tried to get up on furniture or the bed; not at home or in hotels/motels
 3 --- What is your dog's favorite toy?
He doesn't play with toys anymore.  He does really enjoy raw meaty bones 
 4 --- Your dog's most remarkable feature is (fill in the blank)
His regal air and presence when out in public.  It causes everyone to notice 
 5 --- You bought a new car for your dog(s)
  6 --- Your dog participates in (feel free to list any titles your dog
 has won)
 a) conformation
Once in a while in a regional Veterans class
 e) therapy work
Both for the elderly and for children.  He is TDI certified and works both 
for Hospice of Northeastern Illinois and Community Consolidated School Dist. 
15 .
 f) tracking
Has been entered into a few tests but needs to be certified again.
  h) digging to China
Only in the heat of summer, under the faucet spigot where it is damp and cool!
 7 --- The naughtiest thing that your dog has done is.
Chewing up a patio stepping stone kit, complete with concrete powder and 
concrete dye, which he managed to spread all over the living room floor.  
That was shortly after he came to live with us almost 7 years ago.  Now he is 
a really good boy!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec./ BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:
--- End Message ---

Premium lists available for tracking test

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
Premium lists are now available for the Wisconsin club hosted BMDCA Tracking 
Test and Tracking Dog Excellent Test on May 18 in Eagle Wisconsin.  All 
Bernese without a tracking title will be given preferential entry positions, 
followed by Bernese with a title, and then breeds other than Bernese.  Please 
contact me if you want a premium.  Closing date for the tests is May 7.  
Entry fees are $45 for theTD and $80 for the TDX.  There are 6 TD tracks and 
2 TDX tracks planned.

If you have already contacted me about a premium, it is in the mail to you 
now and should arrive shortly.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec./  BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Pet Therapy

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/23/2003 8:46:03 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Please feel free to forward your opinions and experiences! >>

Flash works as a Therapy Dog for both Northeastern Illinois Hospice, visiting 
clients either in nursing homes or at their own residences, and for our local 
school district.  His favorite "job" is participating in our "Read to the 
Dog" program.  He has 6 children at two different schools.  He visits each 
school once a week and each child reads at least one book to him.  At one 
school, the children are in second grade, in the other school they are fifth 
graders.  The kids love the special privilege and Flash enjoys just lying by 
their feet while they talk to him!  In past years, he has visited in 
preschool classes with children who needed the physical challenge of brushing 
and petting him; or classrooms where the children had communication problems 
and had to ask permission to pet him or ask questions about him.  Flash 
definitely prefers visiting with the children over visiting the seniors, but 
he is much too polite to refuse to visit with anyone who indicates they want 
to "pet the biggest dog they've ever seen!"

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Bloat

2003-03-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/24/2003 9:09:34 AM Central Standard Time, 

<<   I never feed more than four cups of food to a Berner at one time." >>

While discussing bloat and factors that might contribute to the bloat risk, 
keep in mind that not all cases are directly connected to food in the 
stomach!  Just this summer, a young female drank quite a bit of water as she 
was warm from an unaccustomed amount of exercise during the day; she was in a 
new location and very shortly, she demonstrated bloat symptoms.  Fortunately, 
temporary veterinary care and support were immediately available and kept her 
alive until she was transported several miles to a surgical site where her 
torsion and volvulus were reduced and a gastropexy performed.  It had been 
many hours since food had been ingested so don't get a false sense of 
security because your dog has an empty tummy - other factors can contribute 
to this deadly condition.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Looking for a roomie!

2003-03-22 Thread Annes4
If there is a "female" planning on attending the Specialty next month and 
does not have space at the host hotel, I am looking for a room mate for the 
week.  I am not bringing a dog.  If you are interested, drop me a note and 
we'll see what we can work out. I have the room from Tues. until the 
following Mon. morning.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Revolution

2003-03-20 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/20/2003 10:31:52 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  Sarcoptic mange and ear mites, for example are not frequently seen in 
adult dogs.  >>

In July, 2001, when Gypsy arrived here, he brought a case of Sarcoptic Mange 
with him from either the broker's kennel or the auction site.  Since it is so 
contagious - we had to treat Flash as well.  For Sarcoptes, application is 
required every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks.  Then, last May, Flash (at almost 
8 years of age) began to have serious itching and was tearing all his fur out 
from his hind quarters.  The dermatologist thought it might be allergies, but 
when I mentioned the previous year's mange, we treated both dogs again - this 
time with four doses each and all cleared up!  Adult dogs can develop 
Sarcoptes - and it does cause an itchy rash in people also!  Revolution works 
great on this parasite, did not cause any irritation on the dog's skin.  So 
far, we have been blessedly free from flea issues since the cats have gone to 
Rainbow Bridge!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Biospot (was: Frontline)

2003-03-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/18/2003 7:53:16 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Any opinions on this brand , Biospot ???  >>

I used this one time each on my Rottie and my Berner and both had a nasty 
skin reaction at the point of application.   It took weeks to clear up.  I 
have heard this happening on many other dogs who have had this applied.  I'm 
guessing there is something in the carrier that is extremely harsh and 
irritating.  When I apply Revolution (Heartworm preventative, flea killer, 
wormer, miticide) the dogs take no notice at all.  When I applied the 
Biospot, they ran around the house/yard, rubbed their backs on the floor and 
generally appeared distressed - This from my usually stoic Rott as well as 
the normally blase Flash!!  Then they got rashes, lost hair in the 
application site, developed small blisters/sores.  I won't use it, won't 
recommend it.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: fabric or leather?

2003-03-17 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/17/2003 9:45:16 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Anyways, the question is: fabric or leather on the seats? >>

I have had the same Mercury Villager since 1998 with closely woven fabric 
seats.  It has transported both my now departed Rottie as well as Flash in 
all weather and conditions.  The seats are still pretty presentable and clean 
up easily with a damp cloth if I let the mud dry and brush most of it off.  I 
like the cloth as it is warmer in the cold weather and doesn't get boiling 
hot in the summer if the vehicle is parked in the sun, so my thighs don't get 
burned when I sit down!  It also gives Flash traction when on the seat; 
although he is belted in, a sudden stop would still allow him to slide off 
onto the floor as the harness is only around his forward body, not his 
hindquarters.  My personal opinion is that cloth seats also keep the noise 
level down somewhat more inside the vehicle, both from inside conversation 
and outside road noise.  Must say, however, I really do love the smell of new 
leather; it is a real high for me to walk into a luggage store .

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:


2003-03-16 Thread Annes4
Announcing a Spring Tracking test hosted by the BMDCSEW in Eagle, WI on May 
18, 2003.  We have 6 TD spaces and 2 TDX spaces.  This test will be opened to 
other breeds after all Bernese Entries have been assigned a place.  Entry 
Fees are $45 for the TD and $80 for the TDX.  Judges are Ed Presnall and Ann 
Campbell for the TD and Ann Campbell and Ev Campbell for the TDX.  Entries 
close May 7, 2003.

For a premium list, contact:
Anne Copeland  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
1034 E. Tulip Way
Palatine, IL 60074

Feel free to cross post.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Proposed AKC fee increase

2003-03-16 Thread Annes4

Thought this was interesting.

>From Chris Chin, Wrangler Collies, with permission to cross post:

> I'd like to encourage everyone to take a moment and contact the AKC
> regarding this matter.
> It seems that they will be putting into place a plan to increased the
> recording fee on entries from $0.50 to $3.00
> Apparently their plan of increasing litter registration fees rather
> producing increased revenue has actually produced less revenue. So now
> it seems they plan to try the same system on dog exhibitors. With gas
> prices headed for $3.00 a gallon by the end of the summer -- can we as
> exhibitors also manage to shoulder the cost of an increase in entry
> fees. There is no way the host club will be able to absorb this
> increase. As it is very few clubs are making profits on hosting shows.
> Entries have been down and as a result many clubs have even stopped
> offering discounts for puppy classes and BBE.  Spaces for holding a dog
> show are becoming more and more limited and costs are sky rocketing to
> lease them.
> It seems to me that just like the litter registration increase, this
> won't result in increased revenue but rather decreased revenue,
> decreased entries, and potentially the ultimate ripple effect resulting
> in the demise of host clubs.
> I hope that you will contact the AKC and share your concern.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Fwd: Whats so special?

2003-03-07 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 03/07/2003 8:35:00 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Look out, too, because as many of us have with potato 
chips, it's hard to have just one! >>

On the other hand, I have found, due to the intensity of our relationship and 
the needy emotional nature of my Berner, I can't imagine living with more 
than one!!  I was warned before getting my boy that Berners "need" their 
people and my experience has been that is very true.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:
--- End Message ---

Re: Acupuncture?

2003-03-06 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/05/2003 2:17:36 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< Could anyone share their experience with acupuncture, positive or negative?

I used accupuncture with my old Rottie when her lumbo-sacral disease really 
became a problem for her.  We began with once a week treatments and by 4 
weeks moved to every other week and about 6 weeks later, just once a month.  
It made a major difference in her comfort and mobility!  The day after a 
treatment she was like a new dog, and I could tell a few days before our next 
appointment that she was getting uncomfortable again.  Since the dog does not 
have the knowledge to contribute to the "placebo effect" I have to believe 
that it was truly helping maintain her comfort.

I would be very cautious with a partially torn cruciate as they very often 
tear through completely and then definitely require surgical repair to 
prevent serious permanent lameness.  Good luck to both of you!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Burning Lawn (urine burns on lawn -- yellow grass, etc.)

2003-03-06 Thread Annes4
Don't know why, but in over 35 years of owning dogs of several breeds, sizes, 
ages, sexes, I have never had a problem with yellow, burned spots in our 
grass.  All the dogs have been fed on some sort of dry kibble (except the 
first dachshund who was pampered with Gainesburgers!) but not the same kind 
of kibble.  Our water has changed from originally being well water to now 
treated Lake Michigan water; so none of those factors can be held responsible 
for my good fortune.  Must be due to something in the soil (very alkaline, 
heavy clay originally; now been conditioned to a little more organic but 
still alkaline) or the type of grass - some sort of bluegrass primarily.  We 
do get extra thick green growth where "poop piles" have been.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: WI regional news?

2003-03-02 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/02/2003 2:58:10 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< news from the WI regional anyone??? >>
Gee, thought no one would ever ask .

Best in Sweeps: 15 - 18 mo. dog - Mnt Spirit Aparition Dornbusch, breeder:  
Mylene Turbide, owner: Marie Wright & Mylene Turbide.
Best of Opposite: 12 - 15 mo. bitch - Bayley Van De Weyenberg, breeder: M.  
Jacobs & B. Vanden Driessche, owner: Theo G. Parfet & Amy E. Tucker

Veteran Sweepstakes:
Best in Sweepstakes: 9 & older bitches - Brighteye Bailey Buffalo Gal CD
TDX, breeder: Glenn & Debbie Hotze, owner: Kathy Berge
Best of Opposite: 7 - 9 yr. dogs - Ch. Dornbusch's the Conjuror CD, breeder:
Maria Wright, owner: Susan E. Sanvido & Maria C. Wright

Best Junior Handler:  Open Sr. Class - Rebecca Krumnow

Best of Breed:  Ch. Adesa I'm Stepping Out, breeder: Bobbi Kinley-Blewett & 
C. Bergmann, owner: William Blewett
Best of Opposite: Ch. Adesa Honky Tonk Woman, breeder: Bill 7 Bobbi 
Kinley-Blewett & C. Bergmann, owner: Bobbi Kinley-Blewett & Stephen M. & 
Kimberly Elksnis & Willi
(This is mother and son!)
Winners Dog: (35 dogs) 6 - 9 mo. puppy dog: Adesa Red Hot Chili Pepper, 
breeder:Bill Blewett & Bobbi Kinley-Blewett & C. Bergmann, owner:   Bobbi 
Kinley-Blewett & Wendy Hess
Reserve Winners: 9 - 12 mo. puppy dog: Country Wings No More Credit,
breeder: Kathleen Radke, owner: Doug Hildre & Ondrea Hildre
Winners Bitch: (39 bitches) Open Bitch: Swisskiss Sentimental Journey,  
breeder: Madeline Knowles, owner: Christine McLean & G.W. Robinson  & 
Madeline Knowles & G. Hu
Reserve Winners: 9 - 12 mo. puppy bitch: De-Li's It's All Relative, breeder:
Lilian Ostermiller, owner: Joanne Brault
Best of Winners: Swisskiss Sentimental Journey
Awards of Merit:Ch. Garissa Just A Little Crush
Ch. L-Sin's Dream's and Desire's
Ch. Ch. Stonehill's Black as Coal
Ch. Co Wings Genie In a Bottle

Stud Dog: Ch. Garissa Just a Little Crush
Brood Bitch: Ch. Adesa Honky Tonk Woman

High in Trial  - Ch. Brighteye Expresso Bean, UD, breeder: Deborah & Glenn 
Hotze, owner: Vilma K. Kistner-Briggs & Glenn Hotze

Lots of lovely dogs and NO Snow!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Kenny's choice

2003-03-02 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 03/02/2003 8:03:01 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< If in fact that is the going rate do you mean to tell me that I should 
expect to pay
 $45000.00 for vet charges for my berner? Is there insurance available for 
them because $45k is way over my expected berner vet budget expectations?? >>

Kenny -
While I do not mean to  diminish the impact of Lisa's statement, I do not 
believe that the vast majority of Bernese owners spend anywhere near that 
amount on their dog's health care.  Anyone can have the misfortune of severe 
and expensive illness in their pet and this is not limited to Bernese, nor 
are Berners particularly more susceptible to high cost problems than many 
other breeds, it seems that Berner owners/breeders are more open about the 
challenges they face.

I have met thousands of Berners over the past 8 years and most of them are as 
healthy as dogs of other breeds I know.  When it comes to the actual health 
costs, I can only relate what I have spent on my Flash.  His average medical 
bills for any one year run about $400 - $500.  This is strictly veterinary 
care and includes things such as heart worm tests and preventative medicine, 
annual booster vaccinations, biennial dentistry, annual blood panel and 
thyroid panel (he is hypothyroid) plus thyroid medication and miscellaneous 
visits to the vet for things such as a hematoma in the ear flap, a case of 
sarcoptic mange and currently a middle and outer ear infection that is 
resisting treatment.  Now this may sound like a lot when written together 
this way , but this is over a period of almost 7 years!  And none of these 
issues is particularly Berner related, they could just as easily been found 
in my old Rottie, my Cavalier or any mixed breed!

There are pet insurance companies, but their coverage is limited in maximum 
payments and they will not cover a claim if they feel (and it is their total 
decision) the condition is any way related to a genetic or congenital problem!
Owning a dog, like having a child, is a big committment of both time and 
money.  But the rewards are "priceless."

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Early Neutering Linked to Osteosarcoma

2003-02-28 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/28/2003 3:11:13 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< It is not clear why spaying or neutering had an impact on cancer risk,
 but it may be related to their lower levels of sex hormones. More study is 
 needed to determine if these factors play any role in human cancer. >>

Just curious how many "spayed and neutered" humans they will get to 
participate in such a study?  Also, how "low" a level of hormone becomes 
significant?  My scientific mind just wonders.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Collars

2003-02-27 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/27/2003 11:24:36 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I guess if these are not available for dogs, >>

The collars that are made with the plastic clip type fastener do function as 
a break away collar.  We had it happen with my Cavalier when his leash got 
caught and the collar snapped open with the two "prongs" breaking off, 
releasing the dog.
As with so many things in life, you choose your risks.  On the one hand is 
the chance to lose the dog, on the other is the chance of injury.  My guess 
is, there is a very small chance of either if you are a reasonably careful 
guardian, so each person must decide which direction is right for them.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Collars

2003-02-27 Thread Annes4
You will hear many opinions on the collar on/collar off situation.  I now 
always keep a flat, buckle collar on all my dogs with their tag ID's.  In 
past years, twice I had dogs escape the fenced yard and neither time did the 
dog have on any ID although all had been tatooed (before microchips were 
available).  Only through my own efforts at calling all vets, police 
stations, kennels, humane societies several times a day, repeatedly were 
these dogs recovered.  I now keep tags on all the time.  

Slip collars, whether chain or nylon braid, are not the safest to keep on all 
the time.  To preserve coat and be safe, a rolled leather collar or nylon 
will not destroy coat or choke the dog under ordinary circumstances.  I must 
say, in my limited experience, the flat nylon buckle collar that Flash has 
worn for 5 years has not left any mark on his neck coat, but he has a rather 
long, harsh outer coat.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Sterling is 9

2003-02-27 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/26/2003 1:34:53 PM Central Standard Time, 
<< If a breeder gave you a puppy free of charge, and it came up with health
 issues later on, would you feel that the breeder should be responsible to
 pay all the health costs? >>

While my boy was not free of charge, I did get him as a rehome when he was 20 
months old.  No way do I expect the breeder to be responsible for any of his 
health costs.  He is ours to love and enjoy, and also to care for.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Fwd: best in breed p.s.

2003-02-12 Thread Annes4

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 02/12/2003 6:48:35 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  but i just don't understand why so few of the other groups win.  >>

One of the reasons is that this is a "Dog Show" and terriers by their very 
nature are very showy.  They tend to be really alert and on their toes much 
of the time.  By the time the dogs get into the BIS ring, the extra touch of 
a turned on dog can be enough for the judge to give it to that dog.  Any one 
of the group winners is certainly good enough per the breed standard to be 
able to win, but by that level, the name of the game is showmanship.  
Terriers do tend to excel in that.  The look in Mick's eye and the way his 
tail just vibrated when the judge gave him a look on her last go round was a 
joy to behold.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

--- End Message ---

Re: Weird things eaten

2003-02-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/09/2003 9:48:28 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Schoenli specializes in eating the tags that come on pillows that say 

And she is "consuming" them, hence she IS the consumer .

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Puppy ate a bully stick!

2003-02-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/08/2003 8:26:08 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Personally I don't feed such treats nor rawhide either as they can stick 
to the intestinal wall and cause problems. They are processed using a lot of 
chemicals as well, better to stick with nylabones or a real bone. >>

While agree that rawhide does have all the issues stated above, the same 
issues do not ordinarily apply to bully sticks (macho sticks, etc.)  They are 
treated primaily with only drying - no bleaching, etc.  They also do not get 
sticky when wet, more slimy than anything and dry easily if any are left at 
the end of a chewing session.  I have had my 22 lb. Cavalier swallow a 2" 
piece at the end of the stick and not had any issues at all.  Most dogs 
cannot chew big chunks off initially as they can with rawhide.  It is only 
that last couple of inches that they can swallow whole, so I usually monitor 
the chewing and remove the stick when it can all fit inside the dog's mouth 
at once.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Ohio Health Clinic

2003-02-04 Thread Annes4
Cross Post
  Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 21:30:46 EST
Subject: Health Fair & VetGen Clinic

The Central Ohio Shetland Sheepdog Assoc. will be hosting a vWD clinic 
that will be running from Feb 8, 2003 through March 12, 2003. 
It will be in conjunction with our Annual Health Fair on March 8, 2003 In 
Columbus Ohio. Included in the Health Fair will be Eye Clinic, 
Cardiologist, Patella Examination, Micro chipping, Tattooing, CGC testing, as 
well as Sheltie & Collie Conformation/Sweeps Specialty Matches Pet Massage, 
For more information:

Health Fair Information and Appts. & Registrations: 
Beth Ann Davis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 VetGen vWD clinic contact: 
 Leanne DeLancey - MESAshelties@aol,com
Mail orders to PO Box 315; Reno, Ohio 45773
(Info & phone orders - credit card orders only)
List of Tests offered by VetGen: 
Regular Price / Clinic Discount 

American Cocker Spaniel  - (PFK)$80 / none
Basenji  - (PK) $140 / 99
Bernese Mountain Dog  - (vWD)$140 / 99
Doberman Pinscher  - (vWD)  $140 / 99   
English Springer Spaniel  - (PFK)  $80 / none
Irish Setter  - (PRA) $140 / 99
Kerry Blue Terrier  - (vWD)  $140 / 99
Manchester Terrier  - (vWD)$140 / 99
Newfoundland - (Cystinuria)   $80 / none
Pembroke Welsh Corgi  - (vWD)  $140 / 99
Poodles (all varieties)  - (vWD)$140 / 99
Papillon  - (vWD)   $140 / 99
Shetland Sheepdog  - (vWD)   $140 / 99
Scottish Terrier  - (vWD)$140 / 99

** Feel free to cross post

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Westminster and Other Benched Shows

2003-02-03 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 02/03/2003 9:39:11 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< There are two other benched shows that I am aware of:
 February 21/22 - International Kennel Club of Chicago >>

Actually, this year, the IKC show is Feb. 22 and 23.  The show on Fri., Feb. 
21 is Blackhawk KC and although in the same location, it is NOT benched.  The 
IKC is really two back to back benched shows.  If you go, wear comfortable 
walking shoes as McCormick place is HUGE and there are tons of vendors 
selling the greatest stuff, besides having a chance to visit with breeders 
and the dogs on the benches.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: unique tricks

2003-01-31 Thread Annes4
While Flash has a limited repetoire, shake, high "4" (his dewclaws are 
removed ), bow, and pray, Gypsy is much more into tricks.  One of the 
easiest to teach and won us some "Best Trick" classes as breed picnics was to 
jump through a hoop.  I got a large hula hoop at the toy store and starting 
with it on the ground and using a treat as a lure, first got him walking 
through it.  Slowly I began raising it off the floor maybe an inch at a time 
until. after a few weeks, it was about 6 - 8" off the floor.  While you 
wouldn't want to be jumping your young Berner, at that height, he really 
wouldn't be jumping, but he would be conditioned to going through the hoop.  
It's a great start on teaching the agility tire!  Put a few streamers on the 
hoop and it is very showy .

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec. - BMDCA Corresponding Secretary
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Freezing

2003-01-22 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/22/2003 8:17:26 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I had to go pry the boy's off the posts they were peeing on! >>

This is one of the funniest comments I've heard in a long time !!
Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,2 yrs.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: For sale at ebay

2003-01-14 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/14/2003 4:40:09 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Freshly gathered Berner hair for sale! >>

What is even odder is that someone is offering a bag of Samoyed combings on 
eBay also!  Not the same people and at least the Sammy owner knew to offer 
combings not the random gathering of hair from the house, plus they are only 
asking 2.50 to start on the Samoyed.  Of course, with a medium size Samoyed, 
you can fill two paper grocery bags with one brushing session when it is 
shedding season.  Even Flash can't supply me with that much coat at once.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: guard dog?

2003-01-14 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/13/2003 10:38:12 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  However, the Rottie Standard requires a self assured dog and as such they 
will be wonderful companions that do not fly off the handle, but if push 
comes to shove you can rely on their protective instincts towards their 
family. >>

And this is the greatest difference in disposition/temperament I found 
between most Berners I have met and the Rotties I have known.  I always put 
it in these terms - "My Rottie was always by my side because she wanted to 
take care of me, my Berner is always by my side because he wants me to take 
care of him!"

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: guard dog?

2003-01-12 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/12/2003 10:45:40 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Does anyone have a Berner that ever acts as a guard dog?  >>

Flash is definitely a guard dog.  When he is in HIS house or yard and anyone 
comes that he does not know well, this big boy lets the world know about it.  
He is not at all aggressive, just noisy.  When my Rottie was alive, Flash did 
not bark or make a fuss at strangers, but with her gone two years now, he 
took over the guardian job.  When we are away from home, he loves everyone 
and is one of the quietest, most affectionate dogs I have ever had.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Allergies and BMDand Sarcoptic Mange

2003-01-09 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/09/2003 6:17:05 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Has your dog had any skin biopsies done to rule out mites  >>

We went through a bout of sarcoptic mange mites first with Gypsy a year ago 
fall (one of the joys of an auction rescued dog) and then with Flash this 
past spring.  We thought it was allergy related as Flash has a history of 
severe hot spots (those who saw him at last year's National with his bandaged 
and "bagged" leg can testify).  Knowing that Gypsy had mange several months 
earlier, the veterinary dermatologist did skin scrapings twice and we never 
found mites (we had never found them on Gypsy either).  We decided to try 
treatment (Revolution applied every two weeks for 4 treatments) to see if the 
condition cleared.  Amazing!! Within 2-3 weeks the intense itching stopped 
and within 2 mos. after the first treatment he began to regrow hair on the 
bald spots.  We were brushing little scabs and skin flakes out of his coat 
for several months after but no more bald spots from his pulling at the hair 
and scratching.  Skin biopsies will not always show the Sarcoptes mite even 
if they are present.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Clipped Nail

2003-01-08 Thread Annes4
Pressing the bleeding nail into a damp bar of soap helps stop the bleeding 
and soap is usually available.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: left over puppy

2003-01-08 Thread Annes4
I have to go along with Mark Mohapp on this one.  Why do some on this list 
IMMEDIATELY think the worst of someone "new" who questions something about 
breeding their dog, or worse yet, has the NERVE to ask this list the BEST way 
to place a puppy for which they currently do not have a forever home?  I 
realize that the wording on the original request for help leads one to 
believe this individual is somewhat uninformed about the ideal way to produce 
and place Berners, but we don't know that for sure from the short message 
posted to the list.  While a few of the responses were somewhat toned down 
from what I have seen in the past, they still assume the worst about the 
original poster.  

While I no longer breed dogs, I have been there earlier in my life.  If we 
want to educate the public about the proper way we believe our dogs should be 
bred and placed, we need to approach them as mentors, not as police.  The 
original poster cared enough to approach this list and ask for information 
about how to find a home for a puppy.  She may be uninformed, but hardly 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: intact female and bonding

2003-01-07 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 01/07/2003 5:35:54 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< The very next day her bed smells really weird, there is clear discharge, 
she starts humping everything and everybody in sight, and she smells strange. 

The only thing I would question about her being in season (heat) is the clear 
discharge.Virtually all estrus discharges start out as a "bloody" color and 
lighten up as the heat period continues.  I would suggest checking her vulva 
and if it is not swollen and "mushy" after two weeks of this, I would 
definitely see the vet about a possible vaginal or uterine infection of some 
sort.  This can also present as a discharge odor and "sexy" behavior.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Laundry Thief

2002-12-23 Thread Annes4
Flash - the truly best boy Berner, does not touch laundry, etc. but little 
monster Gypsy more than makes up for him!  Gypsy has managed to teach me (at 
age 60+ years of age!) what my mother never could, and that is to pick up my 
clothes from the floor, whether clean or dirty!  I keep the laundry basket on 
top of a chair behind a closed door so that the "small one" cannot reach 
anything or you can be sure parts will be chewed out.  Even my daughter got 
used to keeping her laundry in a closed laundry bag hung up off the floor.  
Only used tissues are as fascinating to Gypsy as dirty underwear.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Tracking Test Chair/Sec.
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Moses' second round of chemo. for bone cancer

2002-12-19 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/19/2002 9:06:05 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< When I arrive to pick up Moses, at about 7PM, and I see the nurse walking 
 him down the corridor toward me, my heart grows wings; >>

I can empathize entirely as that is how I felt yesterday when I came to pick 
Flash up from having a few growths removed.  They have been sent out for 
analysis, and tentative diagnosis is cysts, but we won't know for sure for 
another week.  My spirits soar when I see him still running around the yard 
with Gypsy, tail wagging, smile on his face.  I don't want it to ever end.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: cancer advice

2002-12-19 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/19/2002 9:19:02 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<<  when I asked about the why of this (bad luck, genetics,
 whatever) there seemed to be a consensus that Berner's were no more liable
 to cancer than any other breed.
So, how do I balance the conflicting advice?  >>

Jordan -
While it may appear to those on this list that Berners are more prone to 
cancers than other breeds, there are a lot of breeds where the leading cause 
of death is one of the cancers.  What differs most, from breed to breed, is 
the form of cancer prevalent in each.  Both Golden Retrievers and Rottweilers 
have very high incidence of death from cancer, but neither seems to have the 
genetic tendency toward histiocytosis that Berners do.  Rotties suffer most 
often from osteosarcoma.

Since the cause of most forms of cancer is still unknown, it is hard to 
answer your question as to whether it was genetics, environment, or bad luck. 
 I, personally, wonder if the apparent increase in number of cancer cases in 
our pets isn't due to the fact that more of our animals are living longer 
lives than they used to, allowing for cancers to take over where in 
generations past they might have died from other diseases first.  In 
addition, there is no question that we are all exposed to more and different 
chemical entities in our lives than we were 50 years ago.  Since we are still 
searching for answers in the human medical field, so we are in the veterinary 

Again,  best wishes to you and Hesse.  We are all pulling hard for you!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Missing Link

2002-12-16 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/16/2002 1:29:40 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< Anyone have any experience using "Missing Link" food supplement? >>

I have been using Missing Link for Flash for somewhat over a year now and he 
loves it!  It was recommended to me by a vet because Flash is quite prone to 
developing hot spots.  While it took quite a while for its full effect to be 
seen, this was the first year since 1996 he did not have a full blown hot 
spot in the fall, even though he has been sitting in fallen leaves.  He had a 
few scabby spots under his fur but they never turned into the typical wet, 
raw sores he has developed in the past.  At 8 + years of age, his coat is 
nice and his body condition pretty good for a couch potato .  I just had a 
blood panel done on him as he is having surgery tomorrow to remove some skin 
lumps (fingers crossed that they are nothing) and all his values are normal 
for him.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: My Berner Babbles

2002-12-13 Thread Annes4
My Berner is not a talker; the most he does is groan with pleasure when his 
ears are massaged.  However, I had a male Samoyed that was a real talker!  He 
would greet us in the morning with "Harow" (as close as he could get to 
Hello), and then woo, grumble and chatter all day long.  I forgot how much I 
enjoyed that and have missed it.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Fire/emergency stickers

2002-12-08 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/08/2002 10:11:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I'm sure it's easier for the fire/rescue people if they know exactly who 
they're looking for and have a name to go with it. I'll be getting a few of 
these decals , >>

In a message dated 12/08/2002 10:11:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< I'm sure it's easier for the fire/rescue people if they know exactly who 
they're looking for and have a name to go with it. I'll be getting a few of 
these decals , >>

I have one for each of my boys on the front door.  I got them on eBay, but 
now I have found cling film that can be used in an inkjet printer at Office 
Max and can do my own.  I need to do one now for our little guest.  Being 
cling film, they are easy to put up, take down and move around when necessary.

I also got "shrinky-dink" sheets that can be used in the inkjet printer.  I 
make temporary ID tags for the dogs when we are traveling, using the contact 
phone of where we are headed.  It wouldn't help to have my home phone on an 
ID tag if I am not there!  Using the shrink sheets, I can write large enough 
for me to see it and then shrink it down to fit their collars.  Before 
heating and shrinking the cut outs, I use a paper punch to make a hole for a 
split ring to hold on their collar.  You can even decorate the tag with color 
if you want.
For a few cents you can make LOTS of tags.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Neutering Poll

2002-12-07 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/07/2002 11:03:48 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Could anyone tell me whether or not he will stop “marking” after he is 
done or are we too late now. >>

The best answer anyone can give about this is - Maybe.  It seems that leg 
lifting can be as much a dominance thing as a testosterone thing.  I've had 
adult bitches who leg lifted  Flash was neutered at 20 mos. and still lifts 
his leg, and will lift it as high as he can without falling over when we are 
in a strange place where other dogs have marked.  Gypsy was neutered at 5 
mos. and he does not mark but he does pull one leg up when he squats - like 
he thinks there is something he should be doing but isn't sure what it is 
.  Harry Potter, our foster Cavalier was just neutered less than a month 
ago at 3 yrs. and once in a great while he will lift, but most of the time he 
just squats.  Doesn't seem to be any set pattern that I've ever seen.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Neutering poll

2002-12-07 Thread Annes4
Both my rehomed Berner and my rescue Cavalier are neutered, as is the  rescue 
Cavalier we are fostering.  Several reasons for neutering here are: health 
(no testicular cancer, less chance of prostate problems with age); reduced 
urine odor (that musky, male smell just doesn't happen); reduced chance of 
aggressive behavior; and of course, no opportunity for them to accidentally 
contribute to pet overpopulation.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr. and our guest Cavalier, Harry Potter, 3 yrs.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Oversocialization????

2002-12-05 Thread Annes4
Reminds me of my childhood when I carried "Dog Yummies" (anyone else remember 
those little cylindrical dog treats?) and small Milk Bones in my pockets, so 
I could truly say "But MOM, he followed me all the way home."  Now and then I 
would munch on a Milk Bone; tasted like a harder Rye Crisp.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: State of the Breed (dog on the mt, whatever)

2002-12-05 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 12/05/2002 12:00:42 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< This is no longer a "special" breed in the sense that when you are on the 
other end of the lead, you get alot of attention because people are so 
surprised to see a BMD, or don't know what breed it is, whatever. >>

I can only respond to this statement with my personal experience.  In my area 
of the Chicago suburbs, my Flash still gets lots of attention whereever I 
take him and I still get LOTS of questions about what kind of dog is that?  
While I occasionally do meet people who recognize him as "that Mountain Dog", 
those who have never seen a Berner, outnumber the "knowledgeable" ones by 
better than 25 to 1.  In my area, this is still a rare dog.  Also, most 
people, while they love the look and feel of a Berner, don't want one because 
they are too big, or they probably eat too much, or they have all that hair!  
So that's a good thing!

That is not to say that the breed has serious problems. We will see whether 
or not the millers are able to continue breeding and supplying the pet shops. 
 There have been in the past and will be in the future, BYB who will sell to 
shops and anyone with sufficient funds; but hopefully, as written before, 
this breed will save itself and there will still be knowledgeable, caring, 
responsible breeders with good and healthy dogs to bring back the "well-bred" 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 1/2 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Looking for Stepping Stone

2002-11-25 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/25/2002 9:42:58 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< I'd like to buy my neighbor a Berner stepping stone for Xmas but I'm not
 having any luck finding one. >>

Try "Fantasy Enterprises" at .  These are the 
folks that make the fused glass stepping stones that were on display at the 
Spokane Specialty and provided the trophies for the 2002 Wisc. club regional 
specialty.  Their stuff is lovely.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: thornit

2002-11-25 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/25/2002 8:46:30 AM Central Standard Time, 

<<  However, I was wondering if anyone on the list has tried this and
 what reults they have had. >>

I haven't tried it myself, but the people on the Cavalier list swear by it!  
I did not hear one negative comment when this product was under discussion a 
few weeks ago.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: posters

2002-11-24 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/24/2002 2:03:50 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< ust wondering who bought posters to promote ppo education. i did and have
 been dropping them off ever pet place i see. what have you done with yours? 

The BMDCSEW bought some and distributed them to members to post.  I have mine 
in the local PetSmart, in the window of our feed store and at the grooming 
school where Flash gets bathed.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Fwd: Anxiety Wrap

2002-11-22 Thread Annes4
I sent this privately to Vickie and she suggested it be posted to the list.

--- Begin Message ---
In a message dated 11/21/2002 2:11:28 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  I plan on trying some Rescue Remedy next time, but  I'm wondering if some 
type of anxiety wrap would be appropriate?  MAYBE A  STRAIGHT JACKET AND A 

Jacket for him and JD for you???  

Seriously, have you worked on doing just one nail a day with a treat before, 
treat during, and treat after?  I do this with Gypsy routinely as he decided 
about 6 mos. ago that nail grinding is "off limits" and clipping is even 
worse torture.  I try to use something he really, really likes.  I give a 
little before the grinder, turn on the grinder and give another "chewy" treat 
and touch-pull away-touch-pull away-touch-pull away, etc. on just one nail, 
then give another treat and end for the day with lots of praise.  I do them 
in rotation so I can remember which one I did the day before.  If he doesn't 
have dewclaws, it will take just over two weeks (16 days) to get through all 
nails by which time you are ready to begin again !  Good luck.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

--- End Message ---

Re: We need Help Help Help with Transport!!!

2002-11-22 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/22/2002 8:04:46 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< We are still in need of some help transporting Teddy.  >>

There is still a segment between the IL/IN border and Akron, OH on Saturday 
that still needs filling as I understand it.  Are there any listers that can 
fill in parts of that leg?  Contact Ellen at ERKEANE@ if you can help.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: BERNER transport

2002-11-20 Thread Annes4
Ellen -
If someone can get the dog from WI to the IL/WI border, I can take him from 
there another hour or so south of Chicago toward Peoria.  Then we need 
someone to take him from that point (near the I-80/I-294 junction), another 1 
1/2 to 2 hours down to Peoria.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: celebrating seniors

2002-11-20 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/20/2002 12:50:09 AM Central Standard Time, 

<<  Mi-ja's Solo Singer NDD, BNDD, CGC aka Cricket 9/4/01 (10 yrs., 2
 > Sajan's Vivacious Vicka aka Vicka 2-16-92 (10 yrs, 8 mos)
 > Talley 9-30-90 (11 yrs, 1 mo.)
 Besides Cricket really being 11 yrs. 2 mo.  it looks like Talley is actually 
12 yrs. 1 mo.  Lets be sure these lively seniors get all the credit they are 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: HI

2002-11-19 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/19/2002 12:15:11 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  can anyone else help?  >>

Please be more specific about what help/transport legs are needed!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Ideal world AND When Pigs Fly

2002-11-12 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/12/2002 6:51:48 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Being a person who wants a "performance" dog and loves to do activities 
with that dog whether it be drafting, Tracking or Obedience  I would like my 
"ideal" breeder to offer some kind of refund and offer another pup down the 
road. >>

And being another person who prefers doing activities with my dog(s), I don't 
take chances by getting an 8 or 10 week old pup.  By waiting and looking for 
a young adult or older puppy (or even older adult) that needs rehoming or 
rescue, I can get a dog with known status for joints, heart, etc. at the age 
I secure it. I am prepared to adjust our activities to the dog's capabilities 
if need be.  If I want to do Agility or drafting, I don't adopt a dog with 
grade 3 or 4 hips or elbows.  However, even the dog with moderate physical 
challenges can still do obedience and tracking provided it isn't limping.

Anne C., long time proponent and practioner of adopting the somewhat older 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 3/4 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

What dog Breed are you - revisited!

2002-11-11 Thread Annes4
Thought I'd retake the "What Breed of Dog are You" test again after several 
months.  Guess what - I came out a Bernese Mountain Dog - again.  Only 14% of 
US respondents are BMD's.

For newbies who have not had a chance to do this yet, the web site is:
On the left side of the home screen is the link to the breed test.
Have fun.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: the nature/nurture HD discussion

2002-11-11 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/11/2002 1:05:16 PM Central Standard Time, 

<< >I cannot imagine telling my puppy buyers, "get 'em nice and fat and run 
'em til they drop, so I will really know whether they got the HD genes or 
not."  >>

This is why it is so important that research into marker genes for the 
condition continues to be funded!!  Until we have some way of testing for the 
genetic component(s) of the disease, we will continue to have this condition 
popping up no matter how much x-raying and certifying we do.  We can reduce 
the incidence with current knowledge but we will not be able to eradicate the 
disease until we can test the genetics.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Poisonous Plants & Flowers and other hazards

2002-11-10 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/10/2002 1:42:24 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< Poinsettia: Leaves are fatal. One leaf can kill a child. >>

I'm not sure where this information originally came from.  While the 
poinsettia is a member of the Euphorbia family and contains a latex type sap 
that can sicken and irritate, but my personal experience denies the fact that 
ONE leaf can kill a child.  I had a litter of three 6 week old Bichon Frise 
along with a 1 1/2 yr. old Samoyed completely denude a growing poinsettia and 
not even vomit, let alone have any lasting symptoms or illness.  I strongly 
recommend keeping houseplants away from your dogs, but don't panic 
unnecessarily.  Certainly, do call the vet right away if your animals have 
ingested any suspicious plant material or are vomiting frequently with no 

Also, the houseplant, Diffenbachia (Dumb Cane) also contains calcium oxylate 
crystals in all parts of the plant and can cause severe swelling of the mouth 
and throat if chewed.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: Microchips

2002-11-06 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/06/2002 11:28:25 AM Central Standard Time, 

<<  I'm wondering if the chips have changed and she isn't up to date on them. 

The chips have not changed but the needle used in injecting them is only 
about the size of one used to take blood in a blood donation, it is not HUGE. 
 Since it is usually only used one time, it is quite sharp and most of the 
dogs don't even realize it's been placed.  I had little Gypsy done at 5 1/2 
mos. when he weighed only 11 lbs and he didn't even give a yip.  I have a 
friend who had both of her birds (an Amazon and a conure) done and I don't 
think either of them were anesthetized.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: re; Innova - HATE IT!

2002-11-06 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 11/06/2002 3:39:19 PM Central Standard Time, 

<<  Mind you, I am not saying that is what you are doing but I for one am 
rather tired of hearing excuses for bad orthopedics, and I am especially sick 
of hearing it blamed on the owners (bad food, jumped off a grooming table, 
jumped from the car, too much exercise, too little exercise, on and on...). 
Hip and elbow dysplasia are inherited diseases, and pretending or wishing 
otherwise will not make those facts go away. >>

While I agree whole heartedly that the TENDENCY for poor joint orthopedics is 
inherited, whether the dysplasias are evidenced can be influenced by 
environmental factors.  It is not likely that a dog with good genetics for 
joints will have a negative response to early jumping, poor diet, etc. Dogs 
with a genetic propensity for joint problems can , with the best of care and 
avoidance of challenges to its body, grow and live without showing those 
"bad" genetics.  When I was breeding dogs, I believed in allowing my young 
dogs destined for the show ring, sled team or breeding to be challenged in 
many ways as I wanted any tendency toward dysplasia to be demonstrated if 
possible prior to their 2 year OFA clearances and their first breeding.  On 
the other hand, I also recommended to pet dog owners to avoid these 
challenges if possible so as to reduce the opportunity to have joint problems 
in a dog destined to live a less strenuous life.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Survey re: airline travel with pets

2002-10-19 Thread Annes4
Cross posted from another list by request of author.
Anne Copeland


Recently I've been whining about trying to get a workable schedule for an 
upcoming specialty, but more than that I've been frustrated and complaining 
about the high costs of taking the dogs with me - if the carrier will even 
allow pets. Some 
carriers allow in-cabin dogs and not 'excess baggage' dogs (one airline's 
concern is the connecting flights, essentially worrying about dogs not making 
the connections - has anyone experienced that?), and the cost of a dog as 
carry-on is amazingly high. Why the outrageous charges for a carry-on that 
the airline personnel don't even touch? They don't charge extra for someone 
taking on a huge duffle bag, a computer, a garment bag or musical instrument 
that goes in the closet,  or even a noisy baby! Most people aren't even aware 
of a dog in the cabin, the dogs are usually very pleasant travelers - they 
don't smell of smoke, marinate in perfume, get noisy after their third 
pre-flight drink, or cry (as do the infants) when their ears pop from the 
pressure. I'd rather sit near a dog in a Sherpa than a lot of people I've 
encountered over the years!!

But, to the point: I set up an online survey last night, as I am incredibly 
curious about other's opinions about flying with dogs. If I have a good 
response (and that's exactly what I'm hoping for), perhaps we can combine our 
voices and help the airline industry to see that they could be losing a 
market share. It's my belief that there are an awful lot of people flying 
with their dogs, and the prices and policies are effecting their travel 
plans. If you, too, feel that you are effected by prices and/or the carriers 
that are no longer taking dogs on flights, take the survey! If we have 
hundreds of responses our opinions will be taken more seriously, and it will 
really help make an impact on the information that I will (eventually) 
present to the major air carriers in the USA. I would like to compile the 
data and present it to the major US carriers. Maybe, just maybe, we can 
convince them to re-think their prices and/or pet policies.  The URL is:

PLEASE cross post to other breed or performance email lists, and encourage 
your "doggie" friends and acquaintances to take part in this project! Any and 
all comments are most welcome.
Thanks so much,
S. L. Reiley-Lince * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dark Star Cavaliers - they'll drive you happy! 

Re: Update on Porter

2002-10-18 Thread Annes4
In a message dated 10/17/02 4:49:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< YES!!!
 The public health services in the US have done several 'campaigns' over the 
 past few years to get parents to thoroughly cook hotdogs.  Seems a lot of 
 people would grab a dog from the fridge and hand it to Junior...sort of a 
 substitute pacifier. >>

Most of the time, the problem in uncooked hotdogs (which, by the way, have 
been cooked prior to packaging) is not Salmonella but Listeria monocytogenes. 
 Listeria is the "bug" that caused the most recent recall of chicken & turkey 
deli meats in the Midwest.  Most healthy adults won't have adverse effects 
but those with compromised immune systems and the very young or old can be 
quite ill from Listeria.  Salmonella is more often found in raw meat, eggs, 
raw chicken and in the feces of the infected animals.

Anne Copeland
Microbiologist in a former life 

Re: PRA diagnosis

2002-10-14 Thread Annes4

Sorry all.  Replied to the wrong list.  Another Sr. moment!

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: [BMDCAmembers] Re:PRA diagnosis

2002-10-14 Thread Annes4

In a message dated 10/14/2002 6:47:50 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<< This disease does not take testing to diagnose, not really that hard to  
recognize a blind dog.   >>

Hard to believe, but when a dog goes blind slowly as many do with PRA, it can 
be VERY hard to recognize that they are blind.  They become so good at 
maneuvering with sound and scent, that people would never know they can't 
see.  We had a Sammy male that was diagnosed with PRA at 6 1/2 yrs during his 
annual CERF exam, went to live with my daughter in the North Woods of 
Wisconsin, ran those woods for the next 4 years of his life and never hit a 
tree, fell in the river or any other symptoms of blindness.  It's amazing how 
they can sometimes hid afflictions.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: introducing myself

2002-10-13 Thread Annes4

In a message dated 10/11/2002 9:44:13 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  He was I must admit THE perfect dog-and I had only gotten him because I 
couldn't find a Berner-that was many many  years ago.  Well when he died I 
knew I could never find another Rottie as wonderful as Baer so I again 
started my search for a Berner. >>

Wow Dino!  That could be my story with my much loved Tyval, except she was a 
female Rottie!  In all my years with dogs and all the dogs I've owned and 
loved very much, there is something very special about a Rott who is true to 
the standard for temperament.  They are loving, fun, outgoing, easy to teach 
and almost always watch out for your welfare.  They can also be hard-headed, 
and need a job to do every day or will get into trouble.  They consider 
clicker training a WONDERFUL job and most have a serious food addiction.

My Berner is also very loving, not quite as outgoing, easy to teach and 
chooses to let me watch out for his welfare .  He is rarely hard-headed 
but does need some kind of daily stimulation or would just turn into a puddle 
of mush.  He too, loves clicker training and will do almost anything for a 

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: anesthetic procedure

2002-10-13 Thread Annes4

In a message dated 10/12/2002 4:09:59 PM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  but I  wonder if I've missed anything to deal with the coming-out-of-it  
process -- when Ptolli had her OFA x-rays done, she had what the vet  termed 
a "storm" coming out of it and they had to restrain her for ten  minutes 
while she came out of it!!  >>

Some animals do have this reaction when recovering from anesthesia, but the 
incidence is greatly reduced if the inhalation anesthesia, isoflurane is used 
and even fewer cases are seen with the newer, sevoflurane.  It is very 
frightening to watch a dog in the throes of these episodes, but even with the 
thrashing, whining and crying, it seems the dog is not really aware of it.  
While Sevo has not been labeled for use in horses, several university studies 
were done with it on that species as a thrashing horse can do severe damage 
to itself, occasionally fatal.  Sevo almost never had these reactions in the 
studies and recovery time was often 10 minutes to ability to walk instead of 
30 to 40 minutes with other anesthetics.  

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

Re: dog tags

2002-10-11 Thread Annes4

In a message dated 10/11/2002 7:17:17 AM Central Daylight Time, 

<<  i do not want to microchip them because of the dye etc. >>

To what dye are you referring?  I don't think there is any dye in the outer 
covering of the chip which would be in contact with the tissues.

I also have Flash's tags in a little pouch that slips onto his collar.  I 
haven't found a pouch yet small enough for Gypsy.

Anne Copeland, Flash,TDI/CGC (Berner, 8 yrs.) & Gypsy TDI/CGC(Rescue 
Cavalier,1 1/2 yr.)
BMDCSEW Vice President
Ty's memorial page:
Gypsy's page:

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