
2003-09-13 Thread bernerlover
Okay, now I am freaking out again. I have heard Bacchus yelp several times
over the past few days. But, just now, he growled at me. Not a viscious,
snarling growl. The quiet, polite rumbling that I've heard when Ari got into
his personal space during a nap. He was immediately apologetic. But still. I
know my boy. This is not like him. He has never, ever grumbled at me. Ever.
I know what it's like to be in pain, and I've snapped and growled myself at
a lot of people.

I just laid on the rug beside him and cried. I can't believe this. Not so
quick, not so soon.please.


Ari and Bacchus, thoughts and pictures

2003-09-11 Thread bernerlover
I miss her. And so does Bacchus. I worried about him Tues and yesterday, he
seemed so depressed. I've been trying to be happy and cheerful for
him.but berners can see right through that. So to compensate, I've been
stuffing his face with everything he'll eat. Bacchus has always been around
115lbs as an adult [give or take a couple of pounds]. I had cut back on
treats a bit, hoping to get maybe 5 lbs off him to help his joints. I was
shocked when he was weighed at the emergency vets, 2 days before Ari. He was
only 104lbs. And then Tuesday he was only 97.

But today he seems more animated.

I have been looking through pictures, literally hundreds, to find one of Ari
to send to Jean. Out of hundreds of photos, there are only a handful of Ari
alone. It is always the two of them, Bacchus and Ari, joined at the hip.

I went to a grief counselor yesterday.She specializes in Pet Bereavement. I
found her on . I clicked on Ohio and was surprised to see
someone here locally. She was very helpful. Knows about bloat and cancers.
Has Akitas and GSD's. I'm going back next week.

Yesterday I got Ari's Angel pin from Karen. So beautiful, so touching, so
meaningful.yet something we dread receiving. I wear it over my heart.

Cathi with Bacchus

Bacchus' diagnosis confirmed

2003-09-09 Thread bernerlover
The referral vet has confirmed Bacchus' diagnosis of osteosarcoma. 



2003-09-09 Thread bernerlover
I have used the word overwhelmed so many times this past week that it has
almost lost it's meaning. But I am once again, overwhelmed. First, by all
the wonderfully supportive prayers and support, then by the joy everyone
shared with me, then by all the financial support by phone and mail, then by
lovely notes of condolence, then by those who picture Ari as I do.

I sat here yesterday at the computer. And as a kind of therapy, I just read
all the incoming thoughts of Ari. It was so helpful to me, I want you all to
know. I have sent an e-mail, upon the passing of a beloved berner, and often
thought what are my words going to mean or what can a few words do? I
assure you that those individual words, when joined with hundreds of others,
create a tidal wave of love.

And something else I've noted. The people who write I don't know what to
say or  words cannot express must have to look very deeply into their
hearts to continue. Because what they say next is so often the most moving
thing I've ever read.

Bacchus is not a good candidate for amputation. He has a bad left elbow and
had partially torn his right rear cruciate ligament a few years back. Not
bad enough for surgery, but I can already see it is taking a strain on him.
I talked about many, many options with the vet today, even limb sparing
surgery. I know what I have to do. And I welcome all help as I support him
with diet and love and pain med when we need it.  I hope you all don't think
I am giving up on Bacchus. It's just that we all know where this leads

Cathi with Bacchus

Prima Ariadne V Adlerhorst CGC TT 11/28/96-9/08/03

2003-09-08 Thread bernerlover
Ari is gone. She didn't want to get up in bed with me last night, so I left
her in the crate with the door open. I got up at 2am and couldn't find her.
She was curled up on the rug in front of the front door. I called to her and
she didn't raise her head. And I touched her. And she was gone.

Ken got her in the truck for me and I took her into the emergency vets. They
said it was her heart. They are making arrangements for cremation for me and
will return her to me afterwards.

Everyone at the vets is devastated as I know you all we be. So am I.

Cathi with Ari has wings

Ari....Inside the Front Door

2003-09-08 Thread bernerlover
Inside the front door is a good place. A place where Ari waited for me, even
if I just went out to check the mail. She sat peeking over the screen door
and listening for my footsteps. And wherever I went, and wherever she was
when I left, she would always be waiting for me there.

It was a place of excited dancing at the prospect of another adventure, even
if it was just a walk in the park or a ride in the car. And when the sun
came through in the afternoon, it was a good place for a nap.

When you picture Ari in your minds eye, see a silly girl. Sitting there with
head cocked, one ear flipped over, and her tongue hanging out of the side of
her mouth. Smiling.

I see Bacchus looking around quickly as if he's just seen something out of
the corner of his eye. And I know what he sees. The hint of a halo and the
wisp of a wing.

I believe Ari knew exactly what she was doing. She showed such courage to
make sure she was home. And I believe when Ari left her crate this morning,
she knew exactly where she was going. And she made it as far as inside the
front door. And the angels took her from there.

My sweet, sweet girl. I will miss your kisses, soft as velvet.

Cathi with Bacchus

Worried Mother Syndrome-Ari takes a ride

2003-09-07 Thread bernerlover
Everything is fine. But late this morning Ari didn't look right. Didn't want
to stand, when she did she was roach-backed, stiff legged, tail tucked. Temp
was elevated. I called the emergency vets and they said bring her in just to
make sure.

Of course, when we got there she was wagging her tail saying hello..they
are so wonderful there. They looked her over, but said they expected a bit
of WMS [worried mother syndrome].

Then they told me how tickled they are by the people calling for Ari.
Evidently now, after taking a call, the receptionist goes into the back and
announces I just got a call from  [fill in location]. And they are all
just blown away. She told me she got tears in her eyes yesterday.

And this is without including the wonderful people who are sending help by
mail. Wait till they see that.

Thanks again a million times over for everyones prayers, support,
suggestions, and help with her bills. You are not just affecting me and the
babies.but an entire emergency clinic is overwhelmed by the generosity
of the berner community.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Ari, Bacchus and thanks-long

2003-09-06 Thread bernerlover
Whew, I feel like I can take a deep breath for the first time in many days.
Woke up this am to many kind posts...tried to respond only to find I must
have burned out my old keyboard with all the e-mails of the past week. And
it was OLD. How old you ask? Still used Roman Numerals! Now have very spiffy
silent kind [Office Max on sale for only $6.49!!].

Ari is doing wonderfully. Sleeping and healing. I think her tail up,
prancing around act yesterday morning was just a ploy..get me outta
here!. But I can't imagine I'd be prancing around 5 days after having my
spleen removed, stomach re-rotated 360 degrees and stapled to my insides,
either. Eating small meals of whatever concoction I can tempt her with.
Mashed potatoes with baby food mixed with a little finely minced cooked
chicken has worked. Right now I'm just wanting to get a little something in
her. She went in weighing 83 lbs, and I would guess that she's down to about
70. Of course with her belly and halfway up her sides shaved, she looks like
a tri-colored greyhound, so maybe it's an optical illusion. I should have
had her weighed on the way out.

I have Bacchus going into the referral vet in Akron on Tues. Karen forwarded
me info from the Naturalberners list about an Oct Dog World article about
the University of Illinois Cancer Care Clinic wanting dogs diagnosed with
osteosarcoma to participate in a drug trial using the drug Pamidronate. I
wrote down all info to take with me Tues. Let's hope I don't have to use it.

And again thank you all for the prayers and support you have sent and
continue to send me. I know I wouldn't have been able to cope as well as I
have if it hadn't been for each and every one of you.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Re: [NaturalBerners] OT -- Ari update #3

2003-09-05 Thread bernerlover
I was so touched when I saw this post. I'm sorry I didn't include the phone
for the vet clinic. Actually, the number I have [memorized...but I looked it
up in the book, too] is [330]452-5116. They do not answer their phones
between 8am-6pm while they are closed. They are open from 6pm-8am Mon-Fri
and from 6pm Fri-8am Mon. In other words nights and weekends. All times are
Eastern Standard time.

So much for sleeping. I'm like a kid on Christmas eve. Took me till midnight
to doze off.then I was up at 4. Reminds me of the night [s] before we
went to first pick up these 2 furbabies.

Who cares..I can sleep later.

Love to all

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
- Original Message -
From: Andrea Brin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 9:01 PM
Subject: FW: [NaturalBerners] OT -- Ari update #3

 this is a great way to help ari.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jennifer Lennon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 8:23 PM
 Subject: Re: [NaturalBerners] OT -- Ari update #3

 I would imagine that one could call the veterinary clinic with a VISA
 as well. It might make donations easier for folks. Not from a trust
 just from a getting it done aspect. I know for me in Canada, it would be
 easier from a foreign funds aspect.

 I think that's what I'm gonna do. The phone number (looked it up on the
 internet) is (330) 452-8906. Wouldn't it be cool if she got there to pick
 her up and Ari's bill is paid!! That would be grand, indeed!!

 - Original Message -
 From: Karen Connors [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ...If you feel moved to help in any way, you can send a check, no matter
 amount ...

   Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

 NaturalBerners Features found at

 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.


2003-09-05 Thread bernerlover
Sweet Ari is home. She actually TROTTED out of the emergency clinic. Now she
has assumed her rightful place-smack dab in the middle of the waterbed-and
is sleeping quietly.

Bacchus was overjoyed to see her. I am being careful not to let him get too
exuberant with her. He is just so happy she is home.

While I was there picking Ari up this morning, 2 people called to offer
their credit cards to help with her medical bills. I couldn't believe it.
Neither can the staff there. In fact, I have to apologize if the
receptionist seemed a bit harried. She was trying to get 3 dogs [plus Ari]
released, I mentioned to her that someone might call to offer help, and she
said That was the 2nd call I've taken in the last 15 min. Then she said
I'm going to ask how to 'do' this, this is the first time this has ever

What a wonderful testament to the berner community. Again, I am just
overwhelmed. I will never be able to thank everyone enough. When I was
looking for solace the other day, I opened a book someone gave me about
angels. I would like to share these words.

Angels come to help and guide us in as many guises as there are people who
need their assistance. Sometimes we see their ethereal heavenly shadow,
bright with light and radiance. Sometimes we only feel their nearness or
hear their whisper. And sometimes they look no different from
ourselves---until, their work done, they leave suddenly, quietly, with only
a hint of a halo or a wisp of a wing behind to make us wonder.---Eileen
Elias Freeman

Dedicated to the loving bernerfolk out there.


Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
To those who believe-no explanation is necessary.
To those who don't believe-no explanation is possible.

Ari update #4

2003-09-04 Thread bernerlover
Today Ari looked and acted about 100% better than yesterday morning. The
blood transfusion made a big difference. She is still throwing some PVC's,
but not as often, and not so many at once.

Again, they let me lay with her for about an hour. Her tail is wagging
furiously now. She is making her little oof, oof, oof noises [I call her
my little piggy when she does that] and rolling over for tummy rubs. Most
importantly, she did her cutest trick. If you stop petting her, she will
put her paw over her eye and look cute.

They had me bring up some scrambled eggs [last nights hamburger and rice
didn't tempt her at all] and she ATE!

But the biggest thing.and I am trying to stay cautiously optomistic
here.they said maybe.just MAYBEAri can come home tomorrow.

My heart is doing cartwheels! Thank you again everyone for your
wonderfully supportive messages of love and hope and prayers. Your support
has helped me stay strong. After my initial freakout, that is.

I haven't posted much about Bacchus, he is doing very well. In fact, he is
doing real well. As soon as I get Ari home, I feel then I can concentrate on
my boy.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Ari update #5-YIPEE!!!!

2003-09-04 Thread bernerlover
Just got back from visiting Ari and [barring any complications
tonight]she is coming home tomorrow morning!!

She is doing even better than this morning. The nurse grabbed my hand and
took me back there. She was so excited. Wait till you see her, wait till
you see her! And sure enough, Ari was sitting on the floor with 2 other
nurses/vet techs and she was just eating up all the love they could give
her. They all had the biggest smiles on their faces. I just broke down
crying.but not the tears of the past few days. These were tears of joy.
Then THEY started crying. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I
sat down beside her and she smothered me with kisses.even wagged her
whole butt. Boy, did she want to come home with me tonight! But they want to
keep her just one more night. But she went all day without any heart

I thanked them all so much for the love and care they have shown her.
One nurse said How could we not? Look at her! She is such a sweet girl.
There went the tears again. I told them again how many people have been
sending prayers and good thoughts and that I would never, ever be able to
thank them enough for everything they have done. I do believe they have gone
over and above the call of duty with Ari. Not just with the technical
medical care.but with the extra love and compassion they have shown her
[and me]. For any one who has been in the hospital, you know what I mean.
All the care in the world is great, but sometimes it is just that one nurse
who takes a few minutes to sit with you and give you a pep talk, that can
make your day and help you in your recovery.

She still doesn't have much of an appetite, but they think it is more just
the fact that she doesn't have mama hand feeding her. While I was there she
ate a little yogurt for me. I left that and some baby food and cottage
cheese and some more scrambled eggs. They laughed and said she IS going
home tomorrow morning, ya know.

Laughter.what a beautiful sound. You don't realize how much you miss it,
until you go a few days without it.

So, my friends, I thank you all again from the bottom of my heart for your
love and support. I will post in the morning as soon as our dear Ari is
home again. I think I will actually sleep tonight. I told Bacchus that his
girl is coming home. He understood.

Much love

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Another Ari update

2003-09-03 Thread bernerlover
I called the vet this am to check on Ari and they told me to come in. This
worried me as they haven't wanted me to visit in case that stressed her
more. They are now extremely worried about her. Her red blood count is very
low [around 27.normal is 40-60 I think they said]. So she will need
blood. Gums are still grey.

But the biggest worry is still her heart. She is throwing PVC's left and
right. They put her on the heart monitor while I was there and she was
throwing 9-12 in a row. When she has the arrythmia, her heart rate rises. It
went from 78 to 190 and back. It is all over the place.

God bless the staff there. They let me stay with her for about an
hour.very low key just whispered gentle thoughts in her ear and massaged
her, laying beside her on the floor. I told her about all the people praying
for her and how much Bacchus misses her. I brought up her favorite squeaky
toy so she would have some smells from home. Evidently the vet has been
hovering over her constantly monitoring her. The nurses said they have never
seen him do that.

I know she is in the best of hands. All of the staff has fallen in love with
her, and the concern on their faces broke my heart.

They said usually the arrythmia stops within 12-14 hours. It has been 24
hours now.

Thank you all for your prayersI will keep the list informed. Today is an
important day for her survival.


Ari update #3

2003-09-03 Thread bernerlover
I just returned from seeing Ari again. She still has them troubled about her
heart, but they still want to do all they can. I mentioned this am that Ari
would need a blood transfusion. I offered Bacchus, but he is not a good
candidate. One of the vet techs is bring in her GSD for the blood this

I brought some hamburger and rice to see if that would help her appetite,
they said she actually ate some canned food today! This morning she would
only take one chunk of it from me.

Ari still has a spark in her eye and a wag in her tail. If I thought she was
ready to give up, I would respect that. But she still has the will to live.

I know I said just yesterday that I did not want to seem like I was asking
for money from the people on the berner-l. But in case anyone feels like
they would like to help in Ari's case, I thank you. I have already heard
from bernerfolk privately that want to help her. And now I am swallowing my
pride and asking. If you feel moved to help in any way, you can send a
check, no matter the amount either to me

Cathi DeSantis
3533 Mollane St NW
Massillon, Oh 44646

or to

Stark County Veterinary Emergency Clinic
c/o Ari DeSantis
2705 Fulton Dr NW
Canton, Oh 44718

I don't know what else to do. I am desperately trying to buy some time and
give her a chance.


To the coward who is A Kessel

2003-09-02 Thread bernerlover
Thanks for the horrible private post. I'm not suffering enough for you I
guess. To even respond to your poison sickens me but in case there are
others who may think I posted as a way to get are wrong. I
had already decided on Saturday that I wouldn't even apply to BEHAF because,
even though I am no longer on the board, I didn't want there to be a hint of

Excuse me that I felt the need to vent to the people who have become my
friends over the last 5 years or so. And I did think twice before posting
about my divorce, but thought it could serve as a cautionary tale as well.
How was I to know that my marriage would end after almost 20 years? That my
husband would, as you put it, finaly [sic] figure out I was a fat, ugly

And as for your suggestion that I get a real job. Again it disgusts me to
even respond. I have worked since I was a teenager [I am now 47]. Now I
cannot work due to medical reasons.

I hope spewing the vile vomit got it out of your system. I feel sorry for
you. If anyone would like me to forward this curse laden sack of bile to you
privately, please let me know. I won't insult the entire list by doing so.
But it is very eyeopening to think there are people like this out there.

To everyone else that has posted with their kind words and prayersI
thank you. That is all I was hoping for. Just prayers for Ari and Bacchus
and a little moral support for me. Just like so many of us have needed from
time to time.


Ari update

2003-09-02 Thread bernerlover
Just got off the phone from the emergency vets office. They said her heart
showing signs of arrythmia [sp] earlier and her heart rate jumped to 200
[normal resting berner is around 90]. With an infusion of Lydocain they have
it down to 130.

She is not out of the woods. But the vet was optomistic, saying she is a
real trooper and wagging her tail and wanting to love on all the staff.
That's my girl.

The hardest part is not being able to see her. They have asked that I don't
so she is not further upset. I understand, but still it is so very hard to
just sit here, waiting.

To all my wonderful friends on the berner-l.I cannot thank you enough
for the tons of supportive e-mails I have gotten. There are prayers being
said, candles lit..I can't believe the outpouring of support. I love you
all. Please understand if it takes me a bit to reply.I will keep sending
updates to the list. I hate to stay on the computer too long, as I have to
use the phone line and I am trying to keep it open in case the vet has to
call suddenly.

I will call them again before I go to bed and again first thing in the
morning and will let you all know how Ari is doing.

Thank you all again so much. It means so much to me to know that Ari has so
many praying for her.

Most sincerely


a scare with Bacchus....again

2003-08-30 Thread bernerlover
Hi all

Well once again my boy decided to freak me out. He started limping really
badly a week or so ago. And this was not on his left front [the bad elbow]
but his right front. Well, like all good berner owners, I totally lost it,
thought the worst, and was busy writing his obit, figuring it could be
nothing other than ostoscarcoma. sighsometimes too much info is a bad

Got him into the vet and it turns out he sprained the middle 2 toes on his
right foot. I have never heard of such a thing. But, boy am I happy! A
sprain I can live with. Of course our vet [the cortisone king] gave me
cortisone. I have been doing crate rest and leash walking, but he said this
is a very slow healing injury. Bacchus isn't complaining or yelping like he
did with the ACL injury, he's just limping. My poor boy. He's 8 1/2 and my
best friend. The only reason I continue with this vet is he was Mary
Townsends vet for like 20 years and knows berners. She is Bacchus's sires
owner. So he knows berners but unfortunately isn't ready to accept anything
new. Like BARF or not giving regular vaccinations. Sigh. No amount of
research I've given him has swayed him.

Bacchus' half brother died at 7 after a rabies shot. It was just horrible.
Documented by UC Davis. But he [the vet] won't concede that that would have
anything to do with my boy.

Sorry to rambleglad I have good news. Just thought I'd pass this along
and ask if anyone has ever had an injury such as this.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

Re: hot spot or not??

2003-08-16 Thread bernerlover
Hi Kathleen

My experience with hot spots is they are gooey, wet, raw sores that the dogs
can't leave alone. Bacchus will chew and lick and worry over it. They tend
to increase in size and kind of crust over, but underneath it's still raw
and gooey.

They remind me of cold sores in people, except bigger.

After trying lots of different treatments [homemade and commercial], what
works best on Bacchus has been clipping the fur, cleaning gently [including
removing any loose scabby stuffyuck] and using Gold Bond powder. For him
it serves to keep the area somewhat dry, and there is a soothing quality
that gives him some relief.

No hot spots for a few years here [knock on wood], but it used to be a
seasonal problem with him.

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari
- Original Message -
From: kathleen mcguire [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 1:19 PM
Subject: hot spot or not??

 I've noticed a dime sized spot of dry skin on Franklin's back foot (about
 from the pad). It doesn't seem to be bothering him at all, he doesn't try
 lick it. I'm just wondering if this is the infamous hot spot. He has
 enjoying the water (up until he was fixed) and recently had a bath. It's
 been there for about 10 days and hasn't really increased in size over the
 last week. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas. Should I just leave it
 alone or what?? We're going to the vet next week for a checkup, but I
 want to be prescibed any antibiotics unless really necessary.  Thanks :)

 Kathleen and Franklin, Vancouver BC

 Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.

Berner Sighting

2003-08-16 Thread bernerlover
During the first 10 min of the AKC National Invitational Championship
[Animal Planet], there was a story on junior handlers. Breenie and her
berner were interviewed briefly. Beautiful girl, beautiful berner.


Cathi with Bacchus and Ari

2 Labs

2003-08-02 Thread bernerlover
Try going to . They are a wonderful organization that rescues
Labs and places them. They were a great help when we were first setting up
BEHAF [Berner Emergency Health Assistance Fund] .

Good luck

Cathi [former BEHAF Board member]
with Bacchus and Ari

Re: Haltis and prong collars/Articles about; URL correction

2003-07-31 Thread bernerlover
WowI just now had a chance to go read the articles at flying dog press
and I was blown away. Her experiences almost mirrored mine in regards to the
prong versus halti [with Bacchus anyway].

Thank you both for sending in this info. I have bookmarked it for future

Thank you so much

Massillon Ohio
- Original Message -
From: Pat Long  Paul Dangel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dog Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 6:54 PM
Subject: RE: Haltis and prong collars/Articles about; URL correction

 I found it here:

 Thanks Cheryl!


re: Haltis and prong collars

2003-07-29 Thread bernerlover
Hi all,

Just my personal experience-at around 8 months of age we needed some extra
help with Bacchus. He was full of himself and I couldn't take the chance of
him pulling me off my feet on a walk [I've had a total knee replacement,
broke my hipetc, blah, blah].

We were taking obedience classes and first tried the halti. It looked like
his spirit was broken when he wore the halti. He would stand with his head
down, looking up at me with those big brown eyes.or else would be so
fixated on removing it that he would try to rub it off on the helpers legs
when we were doing the figure 8 in obedience. But it did prevent him from
pulling. He just hated it. So, reluctantly, I tried the prong collar. I had
never used one. He acted like it was no different from a buckle collar. Head
up, tail wagging, happy.

I did find you want the prong collar to fit snuglyand that [in our case]
leash corrections were not necessary [in fact I believe they discourage any
leash correction, instead let the dog pull once and learn that way]. He
walked like a good boy with a happy face.

Alsothis was only used for about 2 months. Bacchus got over his teenage
years quickly and now at the age of 7 continues to be a gentle boy [of
course he's also neutered nowLOL].

So keep that in mind.just because one might need a bit of temporary
help.doesn't mean you have to use it forever. I've heard the same thing
from people that have used haltis successfully.

Again just my personal experience

Cathi with Bacchus and Ari [mom never had to use ANYTHING on me!]

Re: What's Next???/Goldie

2003-07-14 Thread bernerlover
Hi all

Yes she will be worth her weight in gold. Might I suggest the name
Goldie? When we got our Costco berner, Bacchus went through the exact same
things..licking ears, smelling nether regions [or will the new PC name
be neither regions] rolled her over and gernerally fell in love. And this
is a boy with a real live berner girl living here. He still protects her
from Ari. Not in a mean way.just in a that's my baby and not yours
kinda way.

Trust me.a Costco berner in the home is worth HER weight in gold.

Love from Cathi, Bacchus and
Ari [her favorite is the little pup they sold at Big Lots that sings and
they called it puppy love]
Massillon, Oh
- Original Message -
From: Maria Crifasi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: What's Next???

 Pat wrote:

  And will you accept even my bad ideas for a name for the Costco Berner?
 you think your dogs would mind if I entered a name like Spot, or Rover?

 sigh. oh Pat. Pat. Pat.  Don't you realize how valuable that giant stuffed
 Costco Berner is to those who own tactless, intact male Berners?  Win
 that Berner and slap a nice big pink ribbon on her -- then watch as your
 big male approaches her -- (I own a Costco Berner).  This stuffed Berner
 is matchless at ignoring your male.

 He will flip her ears. When no reaction is forthcoming, your male will
 her and eye her with confusion.  Back to nuzzling and flipping ears. Nope.
 No reaction.

 Your male will become more tender ... more ardent ... until that ear is
 may trust me on this) sopping wet.  Still no reaction.

 Your male will whine.  No reaction.

 Bark. No reaction.

 He will sniff her nether region and give you, his owner, a very confused
 hilarious expression.

 You can practice  LEAVE IT with that female.

 You can practice NO SNIFF with that female.

 She will be worth her weight in gold.

 trust me.

 Maria Crifasi
 owned by Daisy and Buddy
 Catoctin Mountains, Maryland

re: tails

2003-04-01 Thread bernerlover
I had to gigglethis  post came  up a while back and I suggested sippy
cups for serving our guests a fine wine.
