Re: Spanish translation

2002-07-25 Thread Kolbe Kegel

this SAME thing with all the languages just happened on the mplayer 
list.. how weird.

Marian Andre wrote:

On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 07:06:01PM -0400, Jan Schaumann wrote:

rkc ( BreakStuff ) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If the mail is for all the spanish-speaking users, why do u write it
in English ?

Weil halt auch anders-sprachige Leute diese Mailingliste lesen.



Presne tak, prispejme svojou troskou do mlyna :)


Re: alt and ctrl hotkeys

2002-07-13 Thread Kolbe Kegel

the scroll lock one sounds good... i don't even know what the hell 
scroll lock is supposed to do.

scroll lock on = no black box key bindings would be pretty novel

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

On 14-Jul-2002 neuron wrote:

Posted this thread on a messageboard not related to bb, and got in reply that
I may wanna try this mailing list, so I am :)

running Maya on linux is SWEET, but .. I can't seem to get it working well in
my favorite window managers.

not the first time this has come up.  It is a little annoying currently and is
actually the oldest bug in the Tracker on blackbox.

Before I took over maintenance of blackbox it had a feature where if num,
scroll, or caps lock was on the blackbox key bindings would not work.  People
complained about this because they liked num or caps lock.  I am considering
adding this back in as an option in the config menu.



Re: new NETWM key grabber

2002-07-10 Thread Kolbe Kegel

I'm not sure if this behavior would be compatible with the NETWM thing, 
but it would be really nice to be able to specify keysyms instead of 
just keys. For example, I have one of those multimedia keyboards and I 
would love to be able to use my window manager's keygrabber to assign 
actions to them instead of having to do it through xmms.

Ben Jansens wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hey folks.

So, work has begun as of tonight on a next generation key handler for 
blackbox. It will be written against the NETWM spec as much as possible. But, 
we're not sure just what kind of feature people out there want in their 
keyhandler. So, I'd like to take a bit of a poll.

Do you use the window list cycling currently found in bbkeys?

Thanks for your feedback!
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see



Re: background terminal

2002-06-30 Thread Kolbe Kegel

it sounds like he's a little confused about what ctrl-z does... he says 
he uses it to send the process to the background, but that's not what 
ctrl-z does at all. ctrl-z just *stops* the process. while stopped, it 
can't do anything. it can't respond to input, create output, or receive 
events from blackbox or anything else. what you need to do to send the 
process to the background is press ctrl-z and then type bg, as martin 
illustrated in his example but didn't point out explicitly.

Ciprian Popovici wrote:

I did the following:
* launch a terminal window
* from it, launch another (ie. $ aterm)
* the new terminal windows works ok, the old one is waiting for the
other to finish in order to resume
* in the first window I press ctrl-z and send the second to background
* the second window freezes and cannot be killed or used
* when I return to foreground in the first window ($ fg) the second
one return to normal and resumes whatever was attempted (if kill was
attempted, it finally dissapears).

Is this normal?

Ciprian Popovici


Re: styles help...

2002-06-29 Thread Kolbe Kegel

this is completely off topic for this list, but may be tangentially 
on-topic for this thread. my quesiton is whether there is any facility 
in X for truly transparent windows that will allow them to maybe alpha 
blend the actual windows beneath them with the stuff they're trying to 
paint. like a terminal would maybe darken what was behind it and then 
print over top of that. i think OSX does stuff like this...


Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

Thanks for the info, Shaleh. I wasn't quite sure how that stuff was
being implemented, nor what it would mean for resources -- and since
mine are few (366Mhz machine with 96MB RAM), I'll skip it for now. In
the meantime, I've managed to create a very nice looking theme, err,

for the curious the psuedo transparent applications work by taking the
background image and blending it into their own image.  The Xft lib does some
nifty optimizations to this.

Blackbox has never been about eye candy and it is this reason more than
anything else we are not interested in adding the new transparency ideas.


Re: blackbox and mozilla

2002-05-31 Thread Kolbe Kegel

i have that trouble on my linux machine, too... has something to do with 
focus, i never even considered that it might be a wm bug. basically what 
i do to fix it is give focus to another application and then back to 
mozilla a few times, and just click like an idiot around the mozilla 
interface. i can't remember a time when it didn't return to normal 
operation after a bit, but it's pretty annoying if you're trying to get 
something done.


Adam Hooper wrote:

Dunno if it's any help, but on my Windows box (at work! I wouldn't dream of running 
it at home!) Mozilla does what I think might be the same thing. Sometimes all the 
input type=text boxes simply don't let me type anything in, and the address bar 
won't let me type stuff in. However, I still get the context menu 
(cut/copy/paste/select all). I can also select the text inside - I just can't replace 
it (except by cut/pasting other text inside). I've been trying for a while to 
consistently get this to happen, but no luck yet.

If that's the same problem as you're getting, I'd say it's most likely a bug with 
Mozilla and not blackbox :)

Adam Hooper

On Fri, 31 May 2002 07:46:08 -0500
Art Haas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Thu, May 30, 2002 at 07:06:14PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

On 31-May-2002 Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

Has anyone else seen this? I'm running on linux,
with glibc-2.2.5 and compiling with gcc-3.1.1
(again from CVS).

I am not seeing this with rc2, apt is retrieving rc3 as I type this mail.

Ok, have rc3 now.  I type in about a dozen urls and middle clicked my way
around several sites I frequent.  No problems.

Yes, this is Debian's mozilla which is subtly different.  if you can come up
with a sure fire site or way to recreate this please let me know.


My mozilla is the build retrieved from, though like
you I am running Debian. As for a way to recreate the problem, I
just have to try and type something in the entry box and the program
locks up. I can click the arrow looking thing that shows the drop-down
list of sites without problem, it's just when trying to type text
that things get sick.

Let me see if I can get the Debian mozilla along with its dependencies
and see how that runs here. Thanks for looking into this.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
 -- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759


Re: Mouse-wheel change workspace

2002-05-28 Thread Kolbe Kegel

i would never try to tell someone giving me awesome free stuff how to do 
what they do, but at some point when the beast has grown big enough, you 
have to let some other people help you fight it, even if they haven't 
been there as long and haven't been battle hardened per se. there are 
plenty of people who will use the feature and report bugs and maybe even 
fix them for you. i guess it's cool if you don't want to let blackbox 
out of your personal control at all or let it evolve beyond what you 
need it for, but using the no silly unnecessary features line sounds a 
little better than i don't use it, so i won't know if it works or not 
to me.


Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

On 29-May-2002 Mr.X wrote:

I'm not sure if this has already been discussed or not (maybe I missed
it), but a feature that I've always loved from WindowMaker/Enlightenment
is the ability to scroll the mouse-wheel over the root window (or even
the toolbar maybe?) and change workspaces.  It really grows on you. 
This doesn't seem like any kind of bloat, and I assume it would be
fairly easy to implement, that's why I ask.  Are there any plans for
something like this?

I have seen patches.  In fact we talked about it this morning because
xor made a patch for it against cvs.

I don't own a mouse wheel and neither does Brad.  Our experience over the
last few years has shown that code we don't use is broken code.  The click
focus code is a prime example.

And yes this is just one more feature.  It is always one more feature.  But
that is not why we have chosen not to add the patch in.  We are more concerned
over a hidden bug that goes unreported because no one with a mouse wheel tried
that weird thing that made it break (whatever that is).  If you did report it,
neither of us could not reproduce it or even test it.


Re: click to focus bug when in sloppy focus

2002-05-11 Thread Kolbe Kegel

IT can't be that hard to solve... I just commented out line 2398 of and everything seems to work like it should (used to). I 
prefer it this way much more.. not having the window raise when clicked 
in, simply because i like to be able to put windows over the window i'm 
working in without having trouble. it seems like it would be quite 
simple to add an option and put an if before that line, but what the 
devil do i know.
