Fwd: Top5 Science - 5/2/06

2006-05-02 Thread Ronn!Blankenship


   May 2, 2006


Bladders grown in the lab have been
successfully implanted into people:

  This technology obviously has
tremendous life-improving potential,
 which we will of course ignore and
explore instead our frivolous topic:

The Top 9 Other Uses of Lab-Grown Bladders

 9 Pool water warmer.

 8 Biodegradable water balloon fights.

 7 Very expensive whoopie cushions.

 6 Bladder balloons make for festive med school graduation

 5 Now even Johonasen Brinbachermeisterwin can spell his name in
the snow.

 4 Inflated to 240 kPa: emergency spare.

 3 Attach a lab-grown harmonica: instant bagpipes.

 2 Really extreme volley ball.

 and the Number 1 Other Use of Lab-Grown Bladders...

 1 Put a leaky one in your friend's locker just to piss him off.

  [   Copyright 2006 by Chris White]
  [   http://www.topfive.com   ]

Selected from 27 submissions from 6 contributors.
This week's list authors are:
Kevin Van Houten, The Colony, TX   -- 1, 3, 4, 9 (Eureka!)
Guy Payne, Leeds, AL   -- 2, 6
Stephen F. Roberts, Fredericksburg, VA -- 5
Marshall Gatten, Glendale, CA  -- 7
Philip Chang, Birmingham, AL   -- 8
Larry Baum, Hong Kong  -- List Moderator

[Top 10 lists on a variety of subjects ]
[  http://www.littlefivers.com   ]
[  Copyright 2006 by Chris White   All rights reserved.  ]
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Re: Paging Alfred Hitchcock . . .

2006-05-02 Thread Klaus Stock
  ... Now, ... it seems
   that the same pair of mockingbirds has built a nest
   in the bush at my
   mailbox, and in the spirit of protecting their nest,
   one of them
   attacks me every time I go to or near the mailbox.

If they attack, they have something to protect, so I guess they have put the
nest to use already.

Set up a diversionary mailbox, to lure the mailman away from the present
secured mailbox. Once the mailman is trained to the other mailbox, you can
pick up your mail without being attacked by the mentioned pair of

Note: you might choose to provide the diversionary mailabox at a location
which lacks trees and bushes. Nature might have set you up with more than
one pair of birds... ;-)

- Klaus

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WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-02 Thread The Fool
What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

It began, I believe, in a late-20th-century event that transformed the
world more profoundly than the collapse of communism: the world-wide
collapse of white supremacy as a source of moral authority, political
legitimacy and even sovereignty. This idea had organized the entire
world, divided up its resources, imposed the nation-state system across
the globe, and delivered the majority of the world's population into
servitude and oppression. After World War II, revolutions across the
globe, from India to Algeria and from Indonesia to the American civil
rights revolution, defeated the authority inherent in white supremacy,
if not the idea itself. And this defeat exacted a price: the West was
left stigmatized by its sins. Today, the white West--like Germany after
the Nazi defeat--lives in a kind of secular penitence in which the
slightest echo of past sins brings down withering condemnation. There
is now a cloud over white skin where there once was unquestioned

In Japan, rape is how you say hello.  I am Learn custom from Hentais.
--Jack Chick Parody

Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremecy

2006-05-02 Thread Matthew and Julie Bos
On 5/2/06 1:07 PM, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

The Opinion Journal is part of the Wall Street Journal.

But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?  If you need some
background info on Shelby Steele, you could start here:


But that would be too easy.

Re: Paging Alfred Hitchcock . . .

2006-05-02 Thread Deborah Harrell
 Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
  At 01:08 PM Monday 5/1/2006, Deborah Harrell
   Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

snippage throughout
  ... Now, ... it seems
   that the same pair of mockingbirds has built a
   nest in the bush at my
   mailbox, and in the spirit of protecting their
   nest, one of them
   attacks me every time I go to or near the

 I don't think staking out a cat would work, since
 you'd likely end up with either dead baby birds, or
 a cowed cat...
 I don't know how long mockingbirds live, so it may
 indeed not have 
 been this pair... who used to 
 attack Andy (and other cats) when he was just
 walking up or down the  street...
 ...Andy [looked like] a bobcat or at least
 half-bobcat because he was so big...
 Them mockerbirds ain't a'scairt o' *nuthin'!*
 You are the first person so far who has recognized
 this [major] part  of the problem...  
Cricket [RIP] had some memorable run-ins with the
mockingbirds in the camellia shrubs - he never did get
any of their babies.
  ...your best bet is to take down the nest.
 And if (when I can find it) it turns out to be
 already in use?  Any 
 suggestions from anyone on how to transplant it
 and have the 
 parents accept the new location rather than
 abandoning the younguns?

I think that mockers are such fierce parents that they
would not abandon the nest, unlike their more timid
cousins -- Gosh, they might be the Terran ancestral
Gubru! -- OK, seriously, try the local wildlife dept
or state Ag Coop Ext; I had a remarkably pleasant
encounter with ours last week (about a banded pigeon -
turned out it was a racing homing pigeon; I had no
idea they'd cover hundreds of miles in a stakes race
(yes, for prize money)).  Me, I'm betting that if you
move the nest, they'll continue to care for their
babies -- and despise you, unless you bribe them with
food (raisins, nuts, breadcrusts, bits of cheese,

 whose Bashir was highly annoyed when his stalk of
 turkeys was interrupted by his human's arrival...
 Were the toms big/old enough to have spurs?  If so,
 that could have gotten interesting . . .

These were big mature toms, not the little yearlings;
thye were more curious about the over-large,
under-tailed squirrel interrupting their stately
courtship displays than cross...but that will change
when chicks arrive.  I'm pretty sure that Bashir had a
run-in with a couple of nursery hens late last spring
- he came running like a streak of stormcloud, with
one hot on his tail.  As he'd quit stalking them then,
I was a little surprised to see him try again this
year; either he's forgotten, or now that he's almost
two, he's feeling sassy and (over-)confident.

who was grateful that ravens alerted her to a fox's
presence yesterday evening, so she could scoop up the
cats and take them inside

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Re: WSJournal: Western Moral Authority is based on White Supremacy

2006-05-02 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:15 PM Tuesday 5/2/2006, Matthew and Julie Bos wrote:

But just to entertain me, how can a newspaper be racist?

'Cuz until very recently, everything in it was either black or white . . .

Rimshot Maru

-- Ronn!  :P

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Re: Paging Alfred Hitchcock . . .

2006-05-02 Thread Ronn!Blankenship

At 02:41 PM Tuesday 5/2/2006, Deborah Harrell wrote:

OK, seriously, try the local wildlife dept
or state Ag Coop Ext;

I knew if I asked enough of the smart people I knew on the Internet, 
someone would come up with an answer!  (The one which _I_ should have 
been able to come up with on my own:  there's an Ag Coop Ext I've 
contacted previously (to find out why I came back from a trip to find 
that one of my trees had died) at the Botanical Gardens, and a 
Wildlife Rescue Service at one of the state parks--I've never 
contacted them, but I've heard about it numerous times on the news . . . )


Phone Time Tomorrow Maru

--Ronn!  :)

Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country 
and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER 
GOD.  Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that 
would be eliminated from schools too?

   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


RE: WSJournal: Western

2006-05-02 Thread Jim Sharkey

The Fool wrote:
What you would expect to read in the more overtly racist Washington

Wow.  It's as if you didn't actually read the editorial, beyond that 
first paragraph.


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Re: Paging Alfred Hitchcock . . .

2006-05-02 Thread Russell Chapman

Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

and in the spirit of protecting their nest, one of them attacks me 
every time I go to or near the mailbox.  Does anyone have any 
suggestions of how to solve the problem which does not involve 
destroying the nest and any eggs/babies which may be in it or waiting 
until sometime in the fall after all the local birds have flown south 
for the winter to next get my mail

Have you tried wearing an old light coloured hat/cap with a big pair of 
angry eyes drawn on it in marker pen? Works on our territorial dive 
bombers here...
Apparently they attack the top of your head to avoid your defences, and 
if they see the eyes on the top of your head, they think you're ready to 
counter-attack. Not sure how it works, but it does (here, anyway...)

Russell C.

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