New paper Beamed Energy and the Economics of Space Based Solar Power

2009-10-19 Thread Keith Henson
This is very late draft full of graphs taken off the physics spread
sheet models if anyone wants a copy to review.

It lays out in detail how to get SBSP down to 2 cents per kWh or less
and how to get the project started to self sustaining stage a modest
number of tens of billions.

 If you have anything to say about it, let me know soon.  It will be
presented sometime after Nov 1 at the Beamed Energy conference.



Re: DeLong on health insurance reform and other stuff

2009-10-19 Thread Deborah Harrell
On Mon, 9/28/09, wrote:
Debbi wrote...

 We're Number 37! Maru
 and yes, I too am still alive in the real world...  :)
   We XXs have just been sitting back proving we can have quiet 
   moments and listen snort be scared when we start getting
 chatty again

I'm going to try to get a computer going at home, since I need to have email 
for my new position at the stable (Riding Academy Director)...if only it paid 
more than a pittance!  But hey, it will be a good learning experience, no?

Who Is Forrest? Maru



RE: Cloud Computing Smears (Was: Google Wave)

2009-10-19 Thread Jo Anne
Julia wrote:

 (Jo Anne -- a RAID is a Redundant Array of Independent Disks, where the data
 is stored on multiple disks and checked for accuracy on some regular basis.
 If one drive goes down, either the data should be duplicated somewhere, or
 there should be enough information stored on another disk or disks to
 reconstruct what was lost.  Off-site backup is still recommended for things
 like fire, floods and tornadoes, and don't anyone laugh about the tornadoes,

Thanks, Julia.  I figured it was something like that and not a can of bug


Jo Anne


Re: DeLong on health insurance reform and other stuff

2009-10-19 Thread Deborah Harrell
On Tue, 9/29/09, Jo Anne wrote:

 Yea!!!  More xx'ers.

And feeling every x in the morning...urf, when did my joints decide to become 
musical?!  I don't even _like_ Rice Krispies anymore.
  Debbi wrote...
  and yes, I  too am still alive in the real world...  :)
 And Dee responded 
  We XXs have just been sitting back proving we can
 have quiet  moments and listen
  snort be scared when we start getting chatty again
 So where were you two when the heat was on with the health
 care debate?  You
 two are the heavyweights, I'm just the lightweight
 (figuratively) on this
 subject.  Please keep adding your Voices.

grimace  It's such a disaster, and the money from the big companies so 
pervasive - nd apparently persuasive - that only with great effort will real 
reform and not mere window-dressing occur.  I'm not overly hopeful, given 
recent events (or lack thereof).

Biting The Bullet Maru



Re: Google Wave

2009-10-19 Thread Deborah Harrell
 From: Matt Grimaldi

 FUD usually appears as an acronym for
 the usual resistance to change:

Oh, dear.  I'm hosed.  I neither twitter nor text nor have a phone that I use 
for anything other than talking...

I Am NOT A Fuddy-Duddy!!! Maru I?



Re: Cloud Computing Smears (Was: Google Wave)

2009-10-19 Thread Deborah Harrell
 From: John Williams

massive snip 
 Never underestimate the power of human error. As this
 debacle demonstrates.

Which particular debacle would that be?  We gotcher health care, Afghanistan, 
Eyerak, and balloon boys...

Take yer pik!

Whaddya Expect From A Family On Wife-Swap Twice? Maru



Re: Google Wave

2009-10-19 Thread Matt Grimaldi
 From: Matt Grimaldi

 FUD usually appears as an acronym for
 the usual resistance to change:

From: Deborah Harrell

]Oh, dear.  I'm hosed.  I neither twitter nor text nor have a phone that I use 
for anything other than talking...
]I Am NOT A Fuddy-Duddy!!! Maru  
] I?

No, you just haven't found the killer app that would make you *need* to get one 
yet.  Being a late adopter doesn't become FUD until you're trying to convince 
everyone that it (whatever it is...) is just a fad, will be dangerous, won't 
work properly, will cost too much, and so on...

-- Matt


Re: Cloud Computing Smears (Was: Google Wave)

2009-10-19 Thread John Williams
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Deborah Harrell wrote:
 From: John Williams

 massive snip
 Never underestimate the power of human error. As this
 debacle demonstrates.

 Which particular debacle would that be?

I was referring to the Sidekick debacle:


Is the Large Hadron Collider under attack from the future? It's operators think so...

2009-10-19 Thread Dave Land

New York Times: The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate

[When the LHC is powered on after a year of repairs after an
accident shut it down] it will be time to test one of the most
bizarre and revolutionary theories in science. I’m not talking
about extra dimensions of space-time, dark matter or even black
holes that eat the Earth. No, I’m talking about the notion that
the troubled collider is being sabotaged by its own future. A
pair of otherwise distinguished physicists have suggested that
the hypothesized Higgs boson, which physicists hope to produce
with the collider, might be so abhorrent to nature that its
creation would ripple backward through time and stop the
collider before it could make one, like a time traveler who goes
back in time to kill his grandfather.

Apparently, the (mere prospect that the) LHC will succeed in creating
the Higgs boson will ripple backward through time to prevent its own

NOTE: The article makes brief mention of God. If you are fanatically
opposed to all references to deity, it's probably not the article for
you. This is not an invitation to restart THAT old argument.
