Re: Suspected 9/11 Mastermind Caught

2003-03-02 Thread Bradford DeLong,1280,-2445121,00.html

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of Sept. 11, 2001 terror
attacks in the United States, was arrested Saturday in Pakistan, a senior
Pakistan government source told The Associated Press.
Yay! Yay! Yay!


Re: Benford on space exploration

2003-02-09 Thread Bradford DeLong
On Brad's site...

Discussion of the article on Slashdot:


Hmmm. I didn't notice anything odd about my server yesterday... Maybe 
slashdotting is not what it used to be?

Brad DeLong


Re: Benford on space exploration

2003-02-09 Thread Bradford DeLong
On Brad's site...

Discussion of the article on Slashdot:

Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198


I take it back. Slashdot gets you an extra 2 pageviews. 
Fortunately, the page just has a (small) style sheet and no 

Brad DeLong


Re: Catholics Could Lose Seal of Confession

2003-01-27 Thread Bradford DeLong
Bradford DeLong wrote:

But when the Knights Templar were suppressed by Philip the Fair of
France and Pope Clement V in 1307, one of the charges was that the
Templars confessed only to each other and not to other priests--so
that nobody outside the order knew what horrible and foul things
were going on within the order.

I refuse to listen to any further slander against my people.  En 
garde, sirrah!  ;-)

Jim Templar Sharkey

Are you suggesting Pope Clement V lied?



Re: Catholics Could Lose Seal of Confession

2003-01-26 Thread Bradford DeLong
But when the Knights Templar were suppressed by Philip the Fair of 
France and Pope Clement V in 1307, one of the charges was that the 
Templars confessed only to each other and not to other priests--so 
that nobody outside the order knew what horrible and foul things were 
going on within the order.

So it would seem that the not under any circumstances be divulged 
is less than seven centuries old...


Brad DeLong

The seal of confessional, which guarantees that whatever a penitent
confesses may not under any circumstances be divulged by the confessor, is
under attack...

Theories Of God Maru


Re: Twins and Clones are soulless [was: Child abuse]

2003-01-17 Thread Bradford DeLong
Brad said:

 More interesting is what happens if your embryo absorbs your
 embryonic twin. Then you have two souls...

A few years ago, I read a story in New Scientist about a boy whose blood
had no father, because the ova that became him had divided and then one
of the two cells had been fertilised but both began morphogenesis. That
must do interesting things to souls.

GCU Let Us Not Speak Of Virgin Births

So are you maintaining that his blood has no soul? Or are you 
maintaining that he has two souls--one soul being his body, the other 
being his blood?

ROU Does This Mean Morganti Weapons Would Have No Effect on Him?


Re: Twins and Clones are soulless [was: Child abuse]

2003-01-16 Thread Bradford DeLong
  It seems clear that conception in human can occur

 both sexually and asexually.   Thus, it would seem
 that the second soul would logically
 arrive at the moment of the second conception.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Have you watched any movies recently?
It's obvious that, in any pair of twins, one is
born evil. So, we can use Occam's razor, and
conclude that there is just one soul in each pair.

Ergo, clones will also be soulless.

Alberto Monteiro

More interesting is what happens if your embryo absorbs your 
embryonic twin. Then you have two souls...


RE: Is Anyone Else Offended By This?

2003-01-15 Thread Bradford DeLong
Excluding the 1/3 or so of conceptions that are `aborted by God'

God aborts 1/3 of all conceptions Doesn't He realize that each 
one is a human life!?!?

He's going to go to HELL for this!!

Brad DeLong


Re: A Problem For Conservatives

2003-01-15 Thread Bradford DeLong
William said:

 Since there is empirical evidence for consciousness, your argument

There's only heterophenomenological evidence for consciousness - some
people say they experience it. There's exactly the same kind of
evidence for God.

GCU Entirely Serious

There's only heterophenomenological evidence for *your* 
consciousness. The evidence for my consciousness is of a different 
order entirely!

GSV Solopsist

Re: Admin: Server access blocked

2002-12-06 Thread Bradford DeLong
At 11:31 06-12-2002 -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:

I'm disturbed by his being blocked at, but I'm more 
disturbed that the list server was attacked from that isp.

The nature and extent of this attack is being grossly exaggerated. 
Arnett immediately assumed the worst, but the truth is that the 
alleged hacking was very limited. In fact, I doubt it even 
qualifies as hacking. All I did was go to the page where we all 
can go to log in and change our subscription settings; there I made 
a few attempts to login using the e-mail addresses of the list 
censors, and take a few guesses at the corresponding passwords. That 
is all.

That is more than enough...

Brad DeLong

Re: jesus genealogy is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-12-01 Thread Bradford DeLong
Nick Arnett wrote:

It's really only a minority that believes wacko ideas such as dinosaur bones
being a trick of the devil.  But we live in a time when the more wacky an
idea is, the more media attention it gets.

I had thought that the dinosaur bones is a trick of the devil line 
was utter and rank heresy: it attributes creative capabilities to the 
devil--which is expressly forbidden.

Where is the Inquisition when you really need it?


Brad DeLong


Re: jesus genealogy is evil, why it must be eradicated

2002-11-29 Thread Bradford DeLong
  I imagine that the fact that Mary was mentioned in

 this sentence might be interpreted as Jacob being
 _her_ father and not Joseph. You know, translation
 errors from Aramaic to Greek, etc.

Were I an omnipotent omniscient omnibenevolent God, such translation 
errors are things that I would be sure were *not* made.

But maybe he has a really weird sense of humor.

Brad DeLong


Re: heading towards a singularity

2002-11-05 Thread Bradford DeLong
Brad asked:

 Now any suggestions on what I should tell the cybermasses?

That they should give me their money.

Or I destroy Tokyo.

Adam C. Lipscomb
Silence.  I am watching television.  - Spider Jerusalem

A surprisingly small proportion of _Wired's_ readers live in Tokyo.

Hmmm... Uplifting Gojiru. That *is* a thought...

Brad DeLong

Re: heading towards a singularity

2002-11-05 Thread Bradford DeLong
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 9:49 AM
Subject: heading towards a singularity

I started reading this and felt that I had read it before.
I read a bit further, skimming, and knew I had read it recently.

Oh Hell  Its that article by Brad Delong.

Been posted recently on the Culture list, where Bradford can be seen with a
bit more frequency than here.

That's because the BRIN-L list has flame wars, while the Culture list 
has parodies of Charlie Stross's work that involve wombats, and also 
has discussions of the effect of different planetary/lunary 
environments on the transformations of werecreatures. Not to mention 
sentences like, They were making plaintive sounds of the type 
penguins tend to make when they are forced to participate in an art 
exhibit against their will.

Brad DeLong

Re: Market caps v. economy (was RE: Well, This Is Fun...)

2002-11-05 Thread Bradford DeLong

 Who is the economics professor here?


Me! Me! Me!

And it's spelled ekonomics perfesser!

Brad DeLong


Re: Market caps v. economy (was RE: Well, This Is Fun...)

2002-11-05 Thread Bradford DeLong
In a message dated 11/5/2002 4:18:54 PM US Mountain Standard Time,

   Who is the economics professor here?

 Me! Me! Me!

 And it's spelled ekonomics perfesser!

 Brad DeLong

You mean he didn't see the tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, the shoes
with a hole in the bottom, and the battered tin cup?

William Taylor

Liar! The tweed jacket does *not* have leather elbow patches (yet)! 
(It has, however, been relined twice.) The shoes do not have holes in 
their bottoms! (The left sole has, however, separated from the upper 
at the toe.)

Brad DeLong

Re: Well, This Is Fun...

2002-10-19 Thread Bradford DeLong
I've scored (though how long it will last I don't know) a monthly 
column in _Wired_: Change.

What do people think that _Wired's_ subscriber base and other readers 
need to be told?

Brad DeLong