Re: Apostates!

2006-10-18 Thread John W Redelfs

On 10/17/06, Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 18/10/2006, at 2:31 AM, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

 (Printed in the local paper this morning.  I found it on-line at
 Jewish World Review Oct. 16, 2006 / 24 Tishrei, 5767)

Global warming... just a theory...

I've read that Mars and Jupiter are also warming, and that it has something
to do with the output of the sun.  Is that true?  If so, then why should we
suppose that human activity is responsible for global warming here on
earth?  I mean, we aren't responsible for the global warming that is
happening on Mars and Jupiter are we?  If the globe warms up, just move
further north.  If the seas rise, just live farther away from the coast.
Isn't that what people did the last time the globe warmed up as it did at
the end of the last ice age?  Sure some currently productive agricultural
areas will no longer be as well suited for agriculture as they are now.  But
as the globe warms up, won't areas that are not productive now because the
weather is too cool become more productive?  It ought to balance out
shouldn't it.   Somehow agonizing over global warming reminds me of a fairy
tale I once read in which the king had his courtiers take his throne down to
the edge of the sea at low tide.  As the tide came in he commanded the water
to stay back and not wet his feet as he sat upon the throne.  Guess what?
The tide came in anyway completely oblivious to the king's law, and this was
supposed to show his sycophantic followers how silly they were to keep
flattering him about how much power he had.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: What should we believe when there is no reliable information?

2006-09-14 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/13/06, William T Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 13 Sep 2006, at 8:34PM, Dan Minette wrote:

  I think she used some four letter words in response to the poll
 that stated  that somewhere about 30% to 35% of Americans believed that
the US
 government  was somehow involved in 9-11besides questioning the
 methodologyshe was rather upset that very many people at all could
 subscribe to crackpot theories.

Most Americans believe in prophetic dreams; four in 10 say there were
once ancient advanced civilizations such as Atlantis. 91.8% say
they believe in God, a higher power or a cosmic force.

Crackpot theories are *very* popular in America.

True, oh so true.   There are actually irrational people in America who
think that somehow the universe created itself. LOL.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: What should we believe when there is no reliable information?

2006-09-14 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/13/06, Gibson Jonathan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Dan,

I guess I missed that message in the bustle of my life.

As another after word, every single one of my Archt schoolmates
contacted in no way buys the official story.  Every one of them cited
the pile-up of those vertical support beams should have tipped the
building, any building, off to one side or another.  None could think
of examples of a zero footprint implosion w/o demolition.
Confusion over the complete sell-off of all material that could be
studied was a mystery that baffles many

The same sort of thing baffled me after the fire that destroyed the Branch
Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.  How can anyone conduct an arson
investigation to see who started the fire if the mess is cleaned up before
the ashes are even warm?  Isn't that called destroying evidence or something
like that?  I thought destroying evidence was illegal?  And doesn't it seem
like that is what happened after the WTC towers came down on 9-11?  Why the
big hurry to clear up the mess before an investigation can be conducted to
see exactly what happened?  Look how long they tape off a crash site for a
downed airliner so they can figure out what happened.  But the way the news
came out on 9-11, it seemed they knew exactly what happened even before the
dust had settled.  They even knew Osama bin Laden did it before the day was
out.  Amazing!

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-14 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/12/06, Richard Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JohnR said:

 I may be wrong, because I do not have a lot of confidence in
 history, but it is my
 understanding that the One Hundred Years War that took place in Europe
 following the Protestant Reformation had a huge impact on the
 population of
 Europe for many decades.

The Hundred Years War lasted from 1337 to 1453. The Reformation was
started by Luther in 1517. Were you thinking of the Thirty Years War?

Obviously I don't know what I was thinking.  I took European history in
1970, and I have obviously forgotten a lot and gotten much of what I do
remember confused.  I just seem to remember some series of wars practically
depopulating Europe at some time or other.  I also read once that at one
period in French history dueling with swords became so widespread that it
almost eliminated the aristocracy.  But that is probably baloney that I
picked up somewhere and got wrong too.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

What should we believe when there is no reliable information?

2006-09-12 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/9/06, Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is a vital point: ABC was _given_ the public airwaves --
a multi-billion dollar gift. People had to decide to drive to the
theater and pay ten bucks to see the Moore film if they chose to.
ABC will air Path to 9/11 for free for two consecutive nights to
an audience that has a hard time discriminating between reality
and fiction when the fiction is presented as reality.

I think I see a way forward:

ABC can run a crawler under the entire miniseries (giving it
that breaking news feel) stating THIS PART HAPPENED ...

I am deeply puzzled by the events of 9-11.  I am a conspiracy theorist and
have been from my earliest teen years in the 1950s.  But I have always felt
I could tell the likely conspiracy theories from the obvious bunk and
baloney.  I have never gone in for UFO testimonials, stories about pyramids
and so-called Watchers, the hollow earth and other weirdness.  I do find
likely, however, that multibillion dollar banks and other private financial
institutions have a great deal of influence on governments around the world
and that they are involved in the financing of our wars throughout history.
And since corruption in government is so commonplace in countries around the
world and throughout history, it is reasonable to suppose that these vast
accumulations of capital in private hands are in some cases involved in that
corruption and that huge bribes take place that are never detected or
prosecuted, and so forth.

But I am really confused about the 9-11 attacks.  What part happened?  What
part is fiction?  What part is propaganda?  Sure Osama bin Laden may have
had something to do with it, but how sure are we that he was not working at
someone's behest?  If our government is genuinely concerned about terrorism,
why do they continue to drag their feet in securing our ports and borders?
If millions of illegal aliens come into our nation every year, how can our
government be sure that there are no terrorists coming in and bringing
weapons of mass destruction with them?  Were controlled demolitions involved
in the collapse of the WTC towers?  How can we be sure one way or the
other?  If the towers were brought down with controlled demolitions, who
could have done it?  Why would they do it?  Did not Hitler and his followers
have something to do with the burning of the Reichstag in Germany during the
rise to power of the Nazis in that country?  Could the attacks on 9-11 have
been something like that?

My access to the Internet has caused me to become increasingly skeptical
about virtually all information sources.  I no longer know how to tell good
information from bad information, something I used to think I was good at.
I am now confused to the point where I do not know what to believe about
anything.  It seems like almost everything is smoke and mirrors and media

What do you think?  Is the official government story about 9-11 accurate?
Or are we being fed an official line that is covering up something far more
sinister?  I just don't know any more.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-12 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/7/06, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: John W Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I confess that I do not know as much about atheism as an atheist does,
or a
 least not as much that is correct.  But neither do atheists know as much
 about religion as religious people do, at least not as much that is
 correct.  Some things you cannot understand correctly from the outside
 looking in.  In all advanced fields of learning including both science
 religion, most of the knowledge can be learned only after learning the
 prerequisites.  Without those prerequisites, a student must remain
 ignorant.  I know some science, but not much beyond the level of my
 mathematics which only goes as far as high school algebra, geometry and
 trigonometry.  However, I know the scriptures rather well compared with
 most.  And one thing I can state with dead certainty:  The scriptures
 cannot be correctly understood unless you believe them.  Therefore,
 made about religion (scriptures) by atheists are almost always made from
 position of bustling ignorance.

A. I know more about 'scripture' than you do.  Much more.

B. I've read the bible, more times than you will for the entire rest of

C. I've read more about the bible than you ever will.

D. I Own more translations of the Bible than there are regulars on this

E. You know nothing.  You are a Fvcking idiot and a troll.

It is not hard for me to see why you use the handle that you do in email.
Think about  what you have just written.  How could you be sure you know
more about scripture than I do when you do not know how much I know?  How
could you know you have read the Bible more times than I have when you do
not know how many times I have read it?  Ditto to your assertion labeled C
above.  As for your assertion labeled D, does owning many translations
necessarily mean that you understand any of them?  It seems to me that a
person might become confused if he owned too many translations, especially
if he had no criteria for knowing which of the translations were any good.
Have you ever considered that all of the translations might be bad?  If that
were so, just how much would your knowledge of the Bible be worth then?

Is every one you disagree with a lowbrow explitive deleted idiot and a
troll?  Or just me?  You strike me as a person who thinks himself much
smarter than he really is and much better educated than is the actual case.
Your opinions might be a bit more convincing if they were expressed with a
little more humility.  As my Uncle Bob used to say, It isn't what you don't
know that hurts you.  It's what you know that's not so.

Lots of people know a great deal more than I do.  I'm sure that you do.  I
do not know very much.  Hardly anything.  But I suspect that a great deal of
what you know is false, perhaps all of it or nearly all of it.  If that is
the case, then your lofty education really isn't much of an education at

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-12 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/7/06, Richard Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So you want your brothers and sisters to die in large numbers through
famine, pestilence and war? Or have you just failed to write clearly
enough to convey what you really mean?

I would rather my brothers and sisters, the whole human race, would stop
killing each other unnecessarily.  But if we are all just organisms, nothing
more, then why would abortion and birth control be any better for
controlling population than war, pestilence and famine?  If we are in effect
nothing more than so many bacteria in a petrie dish called Earth, what
possible difference could it make which method is used for controlling the
growth of the culture?  In fact, when you consider how much disgusting and
unnecessary slaughter, poverty and starvation there is.  Perhaps the best
thing to do would be to throw the petrie dish into an autoclave and have
done with the bacterial culture within it.  Nothing at all is better than
what has been going on.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-12 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/8/06, Alberto Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John W Redelfs wrote:

 So what?  In the USA people need to eat less anyway.  And globally,
 needs to be a reduction in population that could most easily be
 effected by widespread starvation.  People extol the virtues of
 abortion and birth control, but doesn't starvation, disease and war
 control over population just as well?


Starvation and War have, historically, made no impact on the
growth of population - probably they even had the opposite effect.
And disease should be quite devastating - like AIDS in Africa -
to have a significant effect.

Well, when you consider that mankind has been around during historical times
for over 6,000 years, and when you consider that accurate census data has
only been available for a little of a hundred years, and when you consider
that such data has been available only in those parts of the world where
there are accurate censuses taken, I find it hard to take your above
assertion seriously.  How could you or anyone possibly know?  I may be
wrong, because I do not have a lot of confidence in history, but it is my
understanding that the One Hundred Years War that took place in Europe
following the Protestant Reformation had a huge impact on the population of
Europe for many decades.  Historical records seem to indicate that the Black
Death of the 14th Century had an enormous impact.  Some reputable
paleoanthropologists who have made a life's study of prehistoric America now
believe that when Europeans made first contact with the natives of America,
that smallpox preceded them everywhere they went and was responsible for the
relative emptiness of the Americas which actually had a much larger
population than has been previously thought.  But you may be right.  I just
have no confidence that you are.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-07 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/7/06, Charlie Bell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 07/09/2006, at 6:58 PM, Brother John wrote:

 William T Goodall wrote:
 The atheists eat less babies than the theists though due to having
 a rationally designed, probably vegetarian, diet.
 There is nothing rational about a vegetarian diet. Vegetarianism is
 just a form of holier-than-thou for atheists.

Rich, atheist and vegetarian.

Me, atheist and omnivorous.

Doesn't matter a damn to me what you eat.

What does matter is that it's clear from your posts that you don't
understand atheism, as you're repeating old and wrong canards about
ethics and morality. Atheists have one thing in common, and one only
- that they do not believe in gods. Beyond that, they're as diverse
as any other random group of people.

I confess that I do not know as much about atheism as an atheist does, or a
least not as much that is correct.  But neither do atheists know as much
about religion as religious people do, at least not as much that is
correct.  Some things you cannot understand correctly from the outside
looking in.  In all advanced fields of learning including both science and
religion, most of the knowledge can be learned only after learning the
prerequisites.  Without those prerequisites, a student must remain
ignorant.  I know some science, but not much beyond the level of my
mathematics which only goes as far as high school algebra, geometry and
trigonometry.  However, I know the scriptures rather well compared with
most.  And one thing I can state with dead certainty:  The scriptures cannot
be correctly understood unless you believe them.  Therefore, statements made
about religion (scriptures) by atheists are almost always made from a
position of bustling ignorance.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-07 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/7/06, Richard Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And there in fact is a rational argument in favour of vegetarianism,
because a given area of land can feed more vegetarians than meat
eaters essentially because of thermodynamics. More solar energy gets
into plants used as human food than into plant-eating animals used as
human food.

So what?  In the USA people need to eat less anyway.  And globally, there
needs to be a reduction in population that could most easily be effected by
widespread starvation.  People extol the virtues of abortion and birth
control, but doesn't starvation, disease and war control over population
just as well?  I fail to see the advantages of birth control and abortion.
That is, I would if I did not believe that every human being on this earth
is a child of the same Heavenly Father and hence truly brothers and sisters.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Manners (was Re: Religious freedom)

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/3/06, Andrew Crystall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 4 Sep 2006 at 0:41, William T Goodall wrote:

 It's nice that this topic has attracted some interest and that people
 are giving some thought to the sickening poisonous evil filth of
 religion and the ghastly damage it causes individuals and society.

No, people are calling you a atheist zealot. There's a difference.

 However a number of people (you know who you are and I won't
 embarrass you by quoting you) have veered from the polite and
 civilised example I set when discussing this pernicious vileness and

What,  bigotry, intollerance, anti-sematism and police-state
mentality? Yes, you givre a great civilised example - of precisely
why laws against fanatics of any stripe should not mention
religion, since you'd try to dodge on that basis.

 written some things that are simply gratuitously insulting or ad
 hominem attacks.

Like the ones you constantly make against any beliver?

 I suggest those people stick their heads in a bucket of ice water
 until they regain their manners.

I suggest that you use a few buckets of soap to wash your mouth out.

I'm certainly not going to stop pointing out your blatent lies,
distortions and intollerance of anything which you define as a
religion (as YOU see fit).

I agree with Goodall, us religious people are sickening poisonous evil
filth.  That is why we need the Atonement and forgiveness that can only
come in one way.  But I can see things from the atheist perspective too.
Since all of us are nothing more than an accidental arrangement of atomic
and subatomic particles, and such particles are of little intrinsic value
any more than a fart, it would be morally acceptable for all of us to just
slaughter anyone who doesn't agree with us about everything until none of us
are left.  Er... come to think of it, that is what we have been trying to do
throughout human history.  We just haven't been able to develop technology
fast enough to get the job done.  Kill everyone who doesn't agree with you.
That's the solution to this meaningless mess.  When we are all dead, we can
stop fighting.  Or course, that won't matter either.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Anti-Matter Collisions

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

If our Milky Way were to collide with an anti-matter galaxy of equal mass,
perhaps one that our astronomers had somehow overlooked, and tomorrow our
whole galaxy were to cease to exist, what difference would it make?  Is the
universe benefited in any way from having the Milky Way as part of its
mass?  Or would the net loss amount to nothing of any importance?

The Morality of Killing Babies

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

My atheist father used to tell me that might makes right is a bad
philosophy?  Why?  Unless there is a God who is against it, why would that
philosophy be any better or worse than any other? Upon what do atheists base
their morality?  I've never been able to understand this.  If selection of
the species is determined by survival of the fittest, isn't might the
ultimate good, biologically speaking?  The strong are just doing nature a
favor by rubbing out the weak, preferably before they have a chance to
reproduce.  Following this line of reasoning, would not killing babies be
one of the moral things a person could do?  That way only the babies of
the strongest parents would be able to survive, and that would improve the
bloodline, isn't that so?

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Global warming on Mars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/4/06, Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I wonder what the Barsoomians are doing to increase green house gases like
this?  For shame!

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: unholy OS wars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/3/06, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Andrew Crystall wrote:

 I do dual-boot windows 2k and linux, but I don't feel that Linux is
 ready for most home users, unlike projects like OpenOffice, which
 I've recommended for some years... it's a shame that I can't move
 away entirely because of some of the more arcane Excel spreadsheets
 used by friends of mine don't translate to Calc well.

I have dual-boot Windows XP and Linux, and Linux is increasingly
more useful for my home users than Windows. For most tasks
there is only Linux, and Windows is relegated to games. It's a
pity that there's no way to play The Sims 2 with Linux, or I would
thrash Windows completely.

My system is a dual boot XP/Ubuntu machine, and I 'm using Ubuntu as I write
this.  But it took me days of struggle to get my xorg.conf file in my
/etc/X11 directory edited correctly before I could get the 1440x900 display
I'm using to work properly.  And that is even though in Dapper Drake, the
latest and greatest Ubuntu version, the right Nvidia driver was
automatically installed when I installed the operating system.  On the XP
side of my machine, by contrast, all I had to do was download and install
the Nividia driver and everything worked perfectly.  It took me maybe five

What is better on the desktop, a two day struggle editing a text file of
technical jibberish and searching online forums and user groups to learn
what to do, or a five minute download and install?

Linux is going to take off when it is better than Windows, not merely just
as good.  Both operating systems are pieces of crap compared with what we
really need.  Twenty years from now people will shake their heads in wonder
that anyone could use a desktop computer back in first decade of the
century. We can't even keep malware, the RIAA and abusive governments out of
our machines.  And tomorrow, Google will be forced to turn over all our
search history to George Bush just so he can make sure he approves of where
we visit on the web.  Why are these companies keeping sensitive data on us
anyway?  Are there laws that require them to?  I don't think so?  Why aren't
there laws that prohibit them from collecting such data?  What ever happened
to our rights to be secure in our persons and effects as guaranteed in the
Bill of Rights?  And how come none of these free men and women in this
country seem to care?

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: unholy OS wars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/4/06, Andrew Crystall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Those people either buy from people like me (who pre-install the
software), or they buy a brand..which allready has antivirus and
firewalls loaded. I have not seen a PC sold in the last 4 years
without that software...the ones loaded with infections are older
than that, IME. Moreover, a 70-80 minute process lets me reinstall a
fresh windows install from scratch without deleting any data.

Infections are no problem on a PC, just reinstall the operating system.  You
have to do that every couple of months anyway just to replace the system
files that are damaged every time it crashes and you have to do a cold
reboot without shutting down properly.  If you are backed up, no big deal.

I wonder if a guy could keep all his most important files on one of these
new 2GB flash drives, and boot his operating system from a read only DVD or
CD-ROM like these Live CDs that some Linux distributions come on?  How would
malware get you then?  You wouldn't even need to have an operating system on
your computer, maybe not even as hard drive.  Wouldn't that give the makers
of spyware, viruses, etc. the fits?

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: unholy OS wars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/4/06, Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sep 3, 2006, at 8:12 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

No: I'm afraid WTG made a mistake in making that equation, so I won't

throw my lot in with him on that account. They're both valid points,
Macs *do* tend to have a longer productive life than PCs and Macs *are*
significantly less prone to attack than PCs for reasons that are far too
boring to discuss here.

Besides Unix and its variants are el spiffo.  Unlike  Windows, they actually
make sense.  There is only one right way to do something, and if you do it
like that it always works.  With Windows there are a dozen ways to do
anything, and none of them work all of the time.  What a confusing mess.
What we really need is an OS with all of the advantages of XP and Ubuntu and
none of the disadvantages of either.  Then maybe we would have a decent
operating system.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: unholy OS wars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/3/06, Andrew Crystall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3 Sep 2006 at 20:01, Dave Land wrote:

 On the contrary, there may well be better words for it, such as better
 informed about the current state of the Macintosh line than you seem to
 be. Or, not just shooting his mouth off without being in possession of
 the facts.

Okay, you're supporting the direct comparison of component lifetime
vs unprotected time connected to the internet without catching
nastyware? Just to be clear.

  From the page:

  The brilliantly redesigned Mac Pro enclosure accommodates up to
  four drives and 2TB of storage; offers 8 DIMM slots to fill with
  up to 16GB of RAM; provides up to two SuperDrives. You also have
  four PCI Express slots, and more I/O ports - including two
  additional ports up front.

That's nice. I can't change the motherboard, there are seriously
limited drivers avaliable for graphics cards, sound cards...forget
it, and so on. And when I upgrade, I can't take much of it with me,
with a Mac, compared to a PC. There are no options just to get a new
Motherboard and RAM, if everything else would still be useful.

 Marketing hype aside, I think if you actually look, you'll see that
 not only
 do Macs come equipped with a lot that you'd have to _add_ to most

Like what? Remember I build my own PC's, so that's not something I'm
bothered about. The premium for pre-assembly is a direct strike
against Mac's for me.

 find that opening up a Mac and accessing all that expandability is a
 sight easier than most PCs:

Entirely based on case choice. My case is very well designed and I
have no issues working with it.

  Blithering. Retard.

 Don't be so hard on yourself: lots of Windows users are uninformed
 about how
 far the Mac has progressed.

Yes, it's only 60% more expensive, as I said. Only. Given another,
what, twenty years, it might even become avaliable for sale in a form
I'd consider buying - one that dosn't tying me to a specific base

And hard on myself, right. I'm REALLY enthused about getting a mac
when all its zealots seem unable to stop themselves from taking cheap
potshots about the superiority of their machines when I have zero
dogma and are interested in precisely what they do - and how friendly
and helpful the community are (which is why I picked SuSe Linux over
Red Hat, for reference).

Given a lot of the professional programs I run are DirectX/.NET
based, and will not run on a Mac without installing Windows (and no,
I'm not a good coder and am not prepared to port them), there is
absolutely no reason for me to consider one. And no, I'm not changing
profession just so I can use a Mac.

I wonder if anyone has two machines, a Mac and a PC?  That way you could use
whichever one seems to be doing best whatever you want to do.  I used to
have a Linux machine and a Windows machine side by side on my computer
desk.  I used both of them.  Right now I've got both Linux and Windows
running on my PC, and I use both sides of the machine every day.  When our
computers get past the horse and buggy stage, we won't have to do all this
switching around.  Everybody's machine will do everything.  All it takes is

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: unholy OS wars

2006-09-06 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/4/06, Dave Land [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think anybody's suggesting that you change careers just so you
can use a Mac, but you could always run Windows via Parallels
( and enjoy the best of both worlds (on a box
that you did _not_ build yourself, I understand). CrossOver Mac
(, which is in Beta, lets
Windows apps run under Mac OS X without having to run Windows itself.
This probably wouldn't cover your need for .NET stuff, though.

Or you could buy a machine with lots of RAM, hard drive and a fast chip.
Then install VMware and a half dozen operating systems and use all of them
at the same time.  I wonder if anyone finds doing that to be useful?

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Religious freedom

2006-09-03 Thread John W Redelfs


I would be interested in seeing William provide evidence that the Catholic
Church has been running a pedophile ring for centuries...

There are many things that are true for which no evidence can be produced.
In fact, I would suggest that no evidence can be produced for most of what
is true.  I've got two objects in my left, front pocket as I type this.
What are they?  You have no evidence at the moment to prove one way or
another what I have in my left front pocket.  Does that mean that nothing is
there?  No, it just means that there is not evidence, or at least no
evidence that you have access to.  This constant demand for evidence is
unreasonable.  It is narrow minded.  A person who believes only the evidence
doesn't believe much. This is especially true when it comes to religion.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Religious freedom

2006-09-03 Thread John W Redelfs

On 9/3/06, William T Goodall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 3 Sep 2006, at 10:53PM, William T Goodall wrote:

 It seems pretty obvious to me, but it's not a subject I find
 important enough to put any extra effort into. If you want to prove
 me wrong go ahead and knock yourself out. Otherwise we'll just have
 to differ on the matter.

Just to clarify that: since they are quite obviously an active and
dangerous pedophile organisation *now* the only part  you could
disprove is that they were in the past also. Since it's a clear
pattern of ongoing behaviour that's documented for the past half
century or so as victims have begun to come forward you'd have to
come up with some reason that pattern *shouldn't* be expected to
continue further back into the past.

Given the Church's ongoing efforts to cover up the issue any lack of
published scandal prior to the well-known present day cases can't
show that molestation wasn't going on then too.

I really don't see how you could disprove it actually, but good luck.

I belong to a church that teaches a very strict Law of Chastity.  And after
my divorce when I was 23 years of age, I was celibate for 8 years while I
tried desperately to find the wife that I have now been married to for 28
years.  Anyone who has tried to live a perfectly chaste life after having
once been sexually active, especially a young male as I was and as most
priests are when they start out in their vocation, can tell you that such
celibacy is extremely difficult to achieve and even more difficult to
maintain.  It is preposterous to suppose that the legions of Catholic
priests are able to accomplish this.  By enforcing a strict rule that
Catholic priests must be celibate, the Catholic church virtually ensures
that sexual hypocrisy will be the rule of the day among priests.  I am dead
certain that a great many of them are either misbehaving with young boys,
other priests, nuns, or the wives of parishioners.  Celibacy is simply too
difficult to accomplish successfully for it to be effectively practiced on
such a wide scale as many suppose.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Warlords of Barsoom

2006-08-31 Thread John W Redelfs

Just a note to let fellow list members know that the Warlords of Barsoom is
now an officially registered World of Warcraft guild on the Sentinels
server.  If any of you share my admiration for the science fiction and
fantasy of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and also play World of Warcraft, check out
our website at or contact me,
Morskajak, in the game for further information.

Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe
we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: Warlords of Barsoom

2006-08-31 Thread John W Redelfs


D'oh! Wrong server for me!

Speakking of which, any Brinnell users on the Thunderhorn server?

My main character, a level 50 Dwarf Priest (Holy) is on Boulderfist, a PvP
server.  But I have started a new character named from the Mars novels by
Edgar Rice Burroughs on the RP server Sentinels just so I can relax with
friends in a guild that is more casual, and made up of players that are more
mature, than many I meet on Boulderfist.  I intend to play both characters
as the mood strikes me: my main when I'm hot for some hard core gaming,
leveling and high level instances.  My Warlords of Barsoom alternate
character on Sentinels when I just want to relax, chat with friends, do some
crafting and so forth.  Almost everyone in the guild has higher level
characters on other servers.

Here are our URLs: Guild Website
Guild Forum

You have to be 21 years old to join.  And you have to start a new character
with a name taken from the Mars novels of Edgar Rice Burroughs.  Also, when
you reach level 60, you have to leave the guild.  So don't be in a big hurry
to level.  We are a casual, family guild and not specialists in power
leveling and the endgame.  Instead we are focused on the lower and mid
levels of the game.  Later on, if we get a lot of high level players in the
guild, we might form a new guild just for Warlords of Barsoom graduates.

Anyway, you are certainly welcome.  Don't feel like you can't play just
because your main character is on another server.  My main character is on
another server too.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: SciFi Channel sinks to all new low.

2006-07-26 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/25/06, Gary Nunn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's with a heavy heart that I must report the SciFi Channel has sunk to a
new all time low.

I can only guess that SciFi Channel felt as if they had to do one worse
Tremors: The Series, and Scare Tactics.

[Deep sigh here]  As I type this, the SciFi Channel is showing

Gary    Who just doesn't have the heart to create a witty closing
after this traumatic event.

How I love my Tivo.  I can just cherry pick the science fiction channel
movies that I want to watch and never even see the other crap.  I don't even
know how I watched TV before I had a Tivo.  I've quit renting from
Blockbuster or Netlflix.  I don't buy DVDs anymore.  I just keep trying to
watch the stuff I've already recorded on the Tivo.  And because I would much
rather spend my time on the Internet anyway, I can never catch up.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: SciFi Channel sinks to all new low.

2006-07-26 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/26/06, Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How I love my Tivo.  I can just cherry pick the science fiction channel
movies that I want to watch and never even see the other crap.  I don't
know how I watched TV before I had a Tivo.

Some of us look in the program guideĀ¹ ahead of
time and make decisions for ourselves . . . :)

I used to try an avoid the crap using the TV Guide, but it was so much work
compared with doing the same thing with Tivo that I rarely made the effort,
and I ended up watching whatever was on whenever I felt like watching TV,
which isn't all that often.  Now, whenever I feel like watching, there is
something waiting on the hard drive that I really wanted to see.  And I
don't have to do a lot of research or remember when it comes on and all that

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: SciFi Channel sinks to all new low.

2006-07-26 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/26/06, Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But you may also miss things that you might have chosen for yourself . . .

Huh?  Maybe you don't know how Tivo works.  I give them a wishlist of
films I want to see based upon category, director, actor, or keyword, and
then it computes a list to choose from of everything coming up in the next
two weeks on all the channels I receive.  I get to review the list with
complete information available for every program, and schedule each one that
I want for being automatically recorded when it comes on.  They it just does
its thing, and I end up with dozens of films and programs that I wanted to
see and that I chose myself. They are already on my hard drive so I can
watch them whenever I want. And being able to skip the commercials is just
frosting on the cake.  The fact is, I get to watch what I wanted and picked
myself, and I get to watch it from the beginning of the show, and I get to
watch it whenever I feel like sitting down to watch TV.  --JWR


Re: Wealthy couples travel to U.S. to choose baby's sex

2006-07-22 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/22/06, Gary Denton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can say it's not human if you like, but genetically you are just
 wrong.  It is distinctly human and not of any other living species.
 Furthermore, it is alive.  If it were not, there would be no need to
 kill it. --JWR

It is not a free-standing individual but is at the stage of a
symbiotic parasite.   My definition of live human begins at a  later

If there is a God, I wonder where his definition of a live human being
begins, and does he feel it is morally OK for each of us to have our own
personal definition that is different from his?  Is there any way to find
out without merely guessing or theorizing?  If we place the point at which
the organism is viable, and can survive outside the womb without a
mother's love and care, then we deny the label human to many children and
even some adults.  Perhaps we should just kill every human organism that is
helpless and cannot sustain itself.  It would certainly solve a lot of the
problems with the elderly, the homeless, the handicapped, and the starving
poor of Africa and North Korea.  I'm not sure that even atheists and
agnostics would find that morally acceptable, although I cannot imagine why
not.  From my perspective, God is the source of all moral law.  And if there
is no God, or if his will is unknowable, then all things are equally moral.
And to be more precise, the concept of morality ceases to exist.  Of course,
that is just from my perspective.  People think and believe in a marvelous
variety of ways.  It seems to be as much a unique quality for each
individual as his face or his fingerprints.  We love to think that our
attitudes are all the result of reason, logic and carefully though out
positions.  But my observation over 61 years indicates to me that people
don't even know why they feel and believe as they do.  It is all determined
by mental processes that take place far deeper than that part of the mind
which we are aware of or have conscious control of.  And happiness for each
individual depends on how well we are able to live according to what we
really believe on this deeper, involuntary level.  People who outrage their
inner most convictions, the ones we are not even aware of on a conscious
level, can never be happy and often end up either suicidal or
self-destructive or both.

Just to be on the safe side, I personally opt for preserving all human life
from a zygote to a completely senile person well over a hundred years of
age. Why kill them?  They are going to die anyway.  Every living thing
does.  All we have to do is be more patient.  That some are unwilling to
wait for natural death seems morally risky to me.  Some women who abort
their children never recover emotionally but spend the rest of their lives
agonizing over the choice they made.  And this is undoubtedly true
regardless of what stage of development the unborn child was.  Not being a
woman who has ever aborted an unborn child, I cannot speak from experience.
But I imagine that for some women recovering from a youthful and foolish
decision to get an abortion is like trying to recover from sexual child
molestation.  There is a sense in which all of us are children and always
will be.

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

Re: RFK Jr. interview

2006-07-22 Thread John W Redelfs

On 7/22/06, The Fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


difficult for non-citizens to vote.  One example that I just read was the
opposition to a picture ID voting card, which requires proof of
to vote.

Requiring citizens to get an ID card from one single statewide office that
never open, to be able to vote is the essence of jim crow.

Which is why that law has bee struct down, in both state and federal

Maybe it would make more sense to shoot down the laws that permit a state
government to keep difficult office hours.  Why don't the people in this
country stop kidding themselves about states rights and just admit that the
various states are administrative units of the federal government?  The
Tenth Amendment is obviously repealed without due process simply by ignoring

John W.
Do you play World of Warcraft?  Let me know.  Maybe we can play together.
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR