Brin: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with Robin Hood.

2009-08-06 Thread Trent Shipley
I wrote a suggestion to my Arizona State legislators about de-funding
the state universities in favor of tuition vouchers.  Vouchers would be
in keeping with Arizona's conservative libertarian bias in favor of a
low taxes-low wages-strong small business environment.  If I lived in
Massachusetts or Minnesota where the culture favors high tax-high
wage-strong big business I would never have made this suggestion.
Anyhow, I am through with school.  As a good libertarian and social
Darwinist it is now time to screw the following generations.

When I inappropriately sent a selection of my idea as an off topic
contribution to the Phoenix Linux email list I was astounded that the
comments came not from the left but from the RIGHT!  The respondents
were self-educated technicians suspicious of higher education in general
and wanted NO public funds spent on higher education.

It started me thinking about the bases of libertarianism and American
conservatism.  Previously when I had thought of libertarianism, I had
not thought of it as particularly based in a moral principle.  I thought
it just a political extension of liberal or neo-classical economics that
 reduced the general welfare to economic efficiency.

Of course, I knew there was another strain in libertarianism that was
based in morality.  This was an ideological commitment to maximize
individual freedom.  Basically Aleister Crowley's Harm no one and do
what thou wilt, with the harm no one clause being
optional--particularly when doing business.

But there other moral strains mentioned by one of my libertarian Linux
respondents. Taking money from some one who earned it to give it to
some one who didn't is stealing, government or otherwise.  This
actually combines two moral axioms common to libertarians and
conservatives.  The first is that taxes are a form of theft.  The second
is that it is immoral to give (poor) people money. (Exceptions are made
for rich people and corporations because in that case they earn the
money through their cleverness and not through class conscious theft).
The morality of taxes are theft, in particular, is logically self
consistent; therefore, convincing on its face.


I used to be a pacifist. I was raised Mennonite.  Pacifism is a
logically self-consistent principle.  Killing is horrific, killing is
murder, killing for a cause or for war is still horrific and is still
murder.  The problem is that war is an inescapable part of the human
condition.  Even in the best of times the potential is there.  Pacifism
doesn't allow for the complexities of human reality, it isn't pragmatic.

end lemma

The moral principle that taxes are theft suffers from a similar
limitation.  Logically taxes ARE theft.  However, one must be expedient
and practical.  We have a society to run.  We need to buy social goods.
 Social goods have to be paid for and that money has always come from taxes.

There is a more fundamental problem with libertarianism and some of
David Brin's thought.  Libertarianism assumes humans descended from
tigers.  Unfortunately, humans descended from chimpanzees which are the
most intensely social primates.  Humans are as social creatures, they
have an individual dimension, but human experience cannot be reduced to
individualism.  Government--or rather governance--is NEVER going to
whither away.  Governance is part of organizational behavior, and any
human society larger than a hunter-gatherer troop has to have some
formal organization and that organization has to be governed.  Even if
we assume that one day soon (no more that 10,000 years) humans will be
succeeded by their brain children, those children will soon run into the
organizational behavior and governance problem.  Managing your
relationships in ever increasing troop sizes will not scale in
polynomial time.

Begin forwarded message:

 From: Trent Shipley
 Date: August 3, 2009 3:01:01 PM GMT-07:00
 Subject: Higher Education Vouchers and Oddments

 Dear Senator Linda Gray, Representative Doug Quelland, and  
 Representative Jim Weiers,

 I am a resident of District 10 living a 4750 West Acoma Drive,  
 Glendale (vote in Phoenix), AZ 85306

 Suggestions for the Reform of Public Higher Education in Arizona.

 The following are suggestions to reduce the deficit in the current  
 budget crisis and are in keeping with Arizonans' values of free  
 enterprise and small government.

 1 Replace Subsidy with Vouchers

 Subsidies to community colleges and state universities should be  
 replaced with a one-size-fits-all higher education vouchers.   
 Students and parents have little or no sense of how much public  
 higher education is subsidized so receiving a voucher will seem a  
 huge boon, even if the actual size of the per capita subsidy is  
 reduced.  Using vouchers will also contribute to a free market in  
 higher education services, leveling the playing field between the  

Re: Brin: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with Robin Hood.

2009-08-06 Thread David Hobby

Trent Shipley wrote:

I wrote a suggestion to my Arizona State legislators about de-funding
the state universities in favor of tuition vouchers.  

Dear Senator Linda Gray, Representative Doug Quelland, and  
Representative Jim Weiers,

“Be it resolved that the mission of Arizona's public institutions of  
higher education is to educate undergraduates and train graduates  
for essential professions.”


Hi.  It's interesting.  I wonder about the last bit,
though.  How does one tell whether or not a profession
is essential?  (I can certainly name some that I feel
are NOT essential, but let's get beyond our personal biases.)

One answer may be a profession is essential as long as
people in it manage to find work.  Markets certainly
don't solve everything, but may be giving information
about the relative importance of various kinds of work.  : )



Re: Brin: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with Robin Hood.

2009-08-06 Thread Trent Shipley
David Hobby wrote:
 Trent Shipley wrote:
 I wrote a suggestion to my Arizona State legislators about de-funding
 the state universities in favor of tuition vouchers.  
 Dear Senator Linda Gray, Representative Doug Quelland, and 
 Representative Jim Weiers,
 “Be it resolved that the mission of Arizona's public institutions of 
 higher education is to educate undergraduates and train graduates 
 for essential professions.”
 Hi.  It's interesting.  I wonder about the last bit,
 though.  How does one tell whether or not a profession
 is essential?  (I can certainly name some that I feel
 are NOT essential, but let's get beyond our personal biases.)
 One answer may be a profession is essential as long as
 people in it manage to find work.  Markets certainly
 don't solve everything, but may be giving information
 about the relative importance of various kinds of work.  : )

Taxpayers tend to see the Universities exclusive mission as training
(not educating) their kids to get a certificate that will let the kid be
middle class.  In short we pay taxes for undergraduate education NOT
research or grad school.  I imagined the state department of education
defining some professional level degrees like Medicine, Master of
Nursing, M.Ed. and D.Ed., Masters of Engineering, MSW as essential for
Arizona.  Others, like Law, MFA, or a PhD in Astronomy would be elective
and unsubsidized.  Some, notably the profitable hard sciences, like
geology, biology, or chemistry, might qualify for partial subsidy.



Re: Brin: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with Robin Hood.

2009-08-06 Thread David Hobby

Trent Shipley wrote:

Hi.  It's interesting.  I wonder about the last bit,
though.  How does one tell whether or not a profession
is essential?  (I can certainly name some that I feel
are NOT essential, but let's get beyond our personal biases.)

One answer may be a profession is essential as long as
people in it manage to find work.  Markets certainly
don't solve everything, but may be giving information
about the relative importance of various kinds of work.  : )


Taxpayers tend to see the Universities exclusive mission as training
(not educating) their kids to get a certificate that will let the kid be
middle class.  In short we pay taxes for undergraduate education NOT
research or grad school.  I imagined the state department of education
defining some professional level degrees like Medicine, Master of
Nursing, M.Ed. and D.Ed., Masters of Engineering, MSW as essential for
Arizona.  Others, like Law, MFA, or a PhD in Astronomy would be elective
and unsubsidized.  Some, notably the profitable hard sciences, like
geology, biology, or chemistry, might qualify for partial subsidy.


So you're not big on the wisdom of the market?
Your post did mention libertarians a bit, but I
was unclear where you stood.  Why should profitable
hard sciences need a subsidy?  I'd hope that the
state money would go towards fields that we worthwhile
yet underfunded.  : )

My daughter is in law school, and is paying for it
with a pile of student loans.  It's reasonable that
she not be subsidized, since she'll (hopefully) wind
up making enough to pay back the loans.

We're in New York state, which has fairly high barriers
to entering K-12 teaching.  The teachers who come to my
school to get the Master's they need for permanent
certification tend to be making enough money that
they don't need subsidies.

As for subsidizing a Masters in Social Work, why not
just pay social workers a bit more?



Re: [Brin]: Libertarian Morality--Up with good King John, down with Robin Hood.

2009-08-06 Thread Trent Shipley
David Hobby wrote:
 Trent Shipley wrote:
 Hi.  It's interesting.  I wonder about the last bit,
 though.  How does one tell whether or not a profession
 is essential?  (I can certainly name some that I feel
 are NOT essential, but let's get beyond our personal biases.)

 One answer may be a profession is essential as long as
 people in it manage to find work.  Markets certainly
 don't solve everything, but may be giving information
 about the relative importance of various kinds of work.  : )


 Taxpayers tend to see the Universities exclusive mission as training
 (not educating) their kids to get a certificate that will let the kid be
 middle class.  In short we pay taxes for undergraduate education NOT
 research or grad school.  I imagined the state department of education
 defining some professional level degrees like Medicine, Master of
 Nursing, M.Ed. and D.Ed., Masters of Engineering, MSW as essential for
 Arizona.  Others, like Law, MFA, or a PhD in Astronomy would be elective
 and unsubsidized.  Some, notably the profitable hard sciences, like
 geology, biology, or chemistry, might qualify for partial subsidy.
 So you're not big on the wisdom of the market?
 Your post did mention libertarians a bit, but I
 was unclear where you stood.  Why should profitable
 hard sciences need a subsidy?  I'd hope that the
 state money would go towards fields that we worthwhile
 yet underfunded.  : )

The post is divided into two parts.  The top part is the actual topic of
the post.  The main text.  The part about vouchers and so on is an
appendix provided as background.

Now a pure market fundamentalist libertarian would be against
subsidizing legislation.  So even by brooking vouchers we are in the
realm of libertarian lite.  However, the voucher proposal is a HUGE
libertarian increment over the system of funding higher education common
in all states.  It would make undergraduates true consumers.  They could
study at a community college, for-profit institution, religious
institution, or state university as long as it was approved as a bona
fide higher education program by the Department of Education.  The
student could study English lit or electrical engineering, or for that
matter auto mechanics or go to beauty school.  Power to the individual,
student to customer.  How's that for libertarian morality?

Restricting grad school is a political sop.  Voters really do tend to
see the state universities as their to credential their kids into middle
classdom.  Oh, and tack a medical school on the side.

What I would really like to see is a matching funds market in grants and
 loans so that young undergrads don't do the stupid thing I did and
study history, but are expediently philistine and study business.  The
idea is that if Intel put in 1% for EE, the government matches it 99%.
Oh look! No money for fine arts.  Maybe you should major in nursing,
hospitals put up money so the nursing grants would be funded.

 My daughter is in law school, and is paying for it
 with a pile of student loans.  It's reasonable that
 she not be subsidized, since she'll (hopefully) wind
 up making enough to pay back the loans.
 We're in New York state, which has fairly high barriers
 to entering K-12 teaching.  The teachers who come to my
 school to get the Master's they need for permanent
 certification tend to be making enough money that
 they don't need subsidies.
 As for subsidizing a Masters in Social Work, why not
 just pay social workers a bit more?
