Re: shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-14 Thread TomFODW
 Your stance is to be expected since your positions are rather extreme when
 it comes to religious issues.  Unfortunately, since you sacrificed accuracy
 in your pursuit to prove a point your position seems no different from the
 Bush administration presenting this as an overwhelming success based on a
 deliberately flawed reading of the data.

When an individual on a list makes an overstatement, it has very little 
consequence. When the Bush Administration makes an overstatement, it may have 
enormous consequences. To say that this person's position is no different from the 
Bush Administration totally ignores the fact that a person posting on a list 
most of the time has absolutely no responsibility to be anything more than 
opinionated. The Bush Administration has the responsibility to be truthful; a 
listee's failure to do so in no way is equal to or excuses the Bush 
Administration's failure in this regard.

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle

RE: shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-09 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-

 To say that this person's position is no
 different from the
 Bush Administration totally ignores the fact that a person
 posting on a list
 most of the time has absolutely no responsibility to be anything
 more than
 opinionated. The Bush Administration has the responsibility to be
 truthful; a
 listee's failure to do so in no way is equal to or excuses the Bush
 Administration's failure in this regard.

Strange mixing of words there... he is taking the same type of position as
the administration.  Your words confuse the position with the degree of
responsibility and the statement's impact.  Did you mean to discourage
comparisons of list postings' positions with those held by people in power?



Re: shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-09 Thread TomFODW
 Strange mixing of words there... he is taking the same type of position as
 the administration.  Your words confuse the position with the degree of
 responsibility and the statement's impact.  Did you mean to discourage
 comparisons of list postings' positions with those held by people in power?

No, but someone complained that a person was essentially being untruthful in 
criticizing the Bush Administration of being untruthful, and that therefore 
they were, apparently equivalent in being untruthful. My point is, if I am 
untruthful here on this list, that has relatively little consequence. When the Bush 
Administration is untruthful, it can - and does - have serious consequences. 
Any attempt to portray both untruthfulnesses as even remotely equivalent is, 
to me, cutting the Bush Administration enormous slack that it does not deserve. 

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle

shrubCo's faith-based prison program an absolute failure

2003-08-06 Thread The Fool

hey, wait a minute  The conventional wisdom debunked. 

Faith-Based Fudging
How a Bush-promoted Christian prison program fakes success by massaging
By Mark A.R. Kleiman
Posted Tuesday, August 5, 2003, at 9:35 AM PT 

The White House, the Wall Street Journal, and Christian conservatives
have been crowing since June over news that President George W. Bush's
favorite faith-based initiative is a smashing success. 

When he was governor of Texas, Bush invited Charles Colson's Prison
Fellowship to start InnerChange Freedom Initiative, a fundamentalist
prison-within-a-prison where inmates undergo vigorous evangelizing,
prayer sessions, and intensive counseling. Now comes a study from the
University of Pennsylvania's Center for Research on Religion and Urban
Civil Society reporting that InnerChange graduates have been rearrested
and reimprisoned at dramatically lower rates than a matched control

For those who know how hard it is to reduce recidivism, the reported
results were impressive. Colson celebrated the report by visiting the
White House for a photo op with the president. House Majority Leader Tom
DeLay issued a triumphal press release. The Journal smacked critics of
faith-based programs for turning a blind eye to science by opposing
InnerChange. The report heartened officials in the four states that have
InnerChange programs and buttressed President Bush's plan to introduce
the Christian program in federal prisons. 

You don't have to believe in faith-healing to think that an intensive
16-month program, with post-release follow-up, run by deeply caring
people might be the occasion for some inmates to turn their lives around.
The report seemed to present liberal secularists with an unpleasant
choice: Would you rather have people saved by Colson, or would you
rather have them commit more crimes and go back to prison?

But when you look carefully at the Penn study, it's clear that the
program didn't work. The InnerChange participants did somewhat worse than
the controls: They were slightly more likely to be rearrested and
noticeably more likely (24 percent versus 20 percent) to be reimprisoned.
If faith is, as Paul told the Hebrews, the evidence of things not seen,
then InnerChange is an opportunity to cultivate faith; we certainly
haven't seen any results.

So, how did the Penn study get perverted into evidence that InnerChange
worked? Through one of the oldest tricks in the book, one almost
guaranteed to make a success of any program: counting the winners and
ignoring the losers. The technical term for this in statistics is
selection bias; program managers know it as creaming. Harvard public
policy professor Anne Piehl, who reviewed the study before it was
published, calls this instance of it cooking the books.

Here's how the study got adulterated. 

InnerChange started with 177 volunteer prisoners but only 75 of them
graduated. Graduation involved sticking with the program, not only in
prison but after release. No one counted as a graduate, for example,
unless he got a job. Naturally, the graduates did better than the control
group. Anything that selects out from a group of ex-inmates those who
hold jobs is going to look like a miracle cure, because getting a job is
among the very best predictors of staying out of trouble. And inmates who
stick with a demanding program of self-improvement through 16 months
probably have more inner resources, and a stronger determination to turn
their lives around, than the average inmate. 

The InnerChange cheerleaders simply ignored the other 102 participants
who dropped out, were kicked out, or got early parole and didn't finish.
Naturally, the non-graduates did worse than the control group. If you
select out the winners, you leave mostly losers.

Overall, the 177 entrants did a little bit worse than the controls. That
result ought to discourage InnerChange's advocates, but it doesn't
because they have just ignored the failure of the failures and focused on
the success of the successes.

The Penn study doesn't conceal the actual poor outcome: All the facts
reported above come straight from that report. But the study goes out of
its way to put a happy face on the sad results, leading with the
graduates-only figures before getting to the grim facts. Apparently, the
Prison Fellowship press office simply wrote a press release off the spin,
and the White House worked off the press release. Probably no one was
actually lying; they were just believing, and repeating as fact, what
they wanted to believe. It's hard to know for sure what those involved
were thinking: Study author Byron Johnson canceled a scheduled interview
at the last moment. The White House didn't respond to requests for

InnerChange program manager Jerry Wilger says he doesn't know much about
research, but he doesn't think it's fair to count the performance of the
people who dropped out of his program against him, a fair-sounding
objection that