display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Nathan Chen

Hi everyone,

For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that allows to display all
the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or is just my

Nathan Chen
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Re: Errors occuring in server.log

2000-09-24 Thread David Shadovitz

Here's an answer from Jonathan Broome when someone else asked the same
question (almost a year ago).


I asked about these two related errors at the Dev. Conference and the
instructor's advice was just to ignore them.  It happens when CF is
processing a page and the user who started that request hits their stop
button or goes to another page before CF finishes.  CF's reporting "Hey,
finished this, but the user wasn't there to receive it anymore."

So I asked if CF 4.5 will let us turn off logging of that error. 
not, but it may be a feature in a future version.

In the mean-time, I *raally* like LogViewer, from

It makes finding and clearing those out of the log files a breeze.


-Original Message-
From: WBB [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: SERVER.LOG Errors

Hi Jim,

For NT errors drop into a command box and type:

net helpmsg errornumber [enter]

 Anyone know what these two server.log errors mean?  It looks like for
 of errors occurring, two lines are written to the log.

 "Error","TID=116","11/11/99","09:15:06","Unable to write reply --
 browser stopped waiting for request. "
 "Error","TID=116","11/11/99","09:15:06","Windows NT error number 109

 "Error","TID=227","11/11/99","11:46:51","Error number 232 occurred
 attempting to write the reply to the web server."
 "Error","TID=227","11/11/99","11:46:51","Windows NT error number 232



On Sat, 23 Sep 2000 17:16:23 -0500 "David Sparkman"
 We keep getting the following errors appearing in our server.log in 
 and are at a loss as to what would be causing it.
 "Unable to write reply -- client browser stopped waiting for 
 "Windows NT error number 109 occured"
 They are always occuring in pairs.

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Question about OLE-DB -- How to set up a SQL Server 7 database connection?

2000-09-24 Thread Reuben King

I'm mystified at how to go about setting up a native
connection to SQL  Server 7 databases using OLE-DB
datasources.  I've looked at all the docs I could find
but the information available to me thus far is sparse
and I'm left perplexed.  Can someone give me a hand? 
My SQL Server's name is "warlock" and the database is
"db_dev".  My security is set up so that the CF
service logs on as the same account that SQL server
uses for database security.  

So, please help:  What should I fill in "provider",
"server", and "default database" fields to get it to
work?  All my attempts at guessing thus far have
resulted in failure.

Thanks in advance,

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RE: Another CFSPOT question

2000-09-24 Thread Robert Everland III

You got it right they were looking for just isdefined, you were taking them
too literal, they only wanted what it was called.

Bob Everland

-Original Message-
From: Chapman, Katrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 1:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Another CFSPOT question

"What is the name of the ColdFusion function used to check for the existance
of a variable or parameter?"

I answered IsDefined("") and got it wrong?  What are they looking for here.
ParameterExists?  Or maybe I just didn't put it in the perfect format.


Thank you,
Katrina Chapman
ColdFusion Web Developer
System Development
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
--Rich Cook"

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Re: ASP or Coldfusion?

2000-09-24 Thread sebastian palmigiani

on 9/22/00 11:08 AM, Steve Pierce at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can write junk code in ASP just as well as you can in CF. The programmer
 is the number one factor in the success and performance of the site. Not the

I am a new programmer with ColdFusion. What is junk code? Can you give an
example? I want to see if I am writing junk. Want to nip bad habits in the


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Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Hydra

I continue to be mystified by these kinds of discussions. Would someone take
a moment to explain this phenomenon?

If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

Do all of you live at home with your parents or what???

-Original Message-
From: Rick Osborne (Mojo) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Crazy idea? (topical, but not programming)

Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF?  Do we *really* think
they're going to GPL (or even just OpenSource) it any time soon?  I'm naive,
but I'm not *that* naive.  :)

I've often pondered the feasibility of writing a "FreeCF" of some sort.
(More and more lately, actually.)  Of course, I have no doubt that it would
be vastly inferior to the real thing.  But then, that's not the point, is
it?  I've got the SourceForge account, I've got the compiler, and I've
certainly got the motivation.  My ODBC, ISAPI, and Apache mod_ skillz aren't
where they were, but I'm sure I could get back up there.  Now all I need is
the free time.  :)

But, actually, you know what my numero uno motivation for writing FreeCF
would be?  I want a CF interpreter object library that I can embed in my
applications without a web server.  (Yes, yes, I know, I've thought about
it, you'd still have to emulate a CGI environment, I know.)  You've seen how
many posts we get on "CF on a CD" and all that rot.  I've thought about it,
as I'm sure have most others on the list.  I would *kill* for that

That, and in a more selfish vein, think about the recognition for doing
something like that.  Allaire would sent out the men in the black sedans,
but everyone else would buy you lots of free beer.  (Or your favorite
non-alcoholoic equivalent.)  shiver  Gives my ego the willies just
thinkin' about it.  :)

Okay, that's my non-programming post for the month.  I'll get back to work


-Original Message-
From: Juan Andres Alvarez Valenzuela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Crazy idea?

any topic about a Coldfusion Open source ?
what about CFML especs ? any ideas ?

is it a crazy idea to have a GNU Coldfusion servers ?


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RE: missing files from book

2000-09-24 Thread Chris Montgomery


I have the book and still unsealed CD in the back of it.  But what do
you mean by missing files?
Maybe if you came up with a list of files you need I can help.

Chris Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Web Development  Consulting http://www.astutia.com
Allaire Consulting Partner  NetObjects Reseller
210-490-3249/888-745-7603Fax 210-490-4692

-Original Message-
From: Richard Kern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: missing files from book

Does anyone have the files missing from the book
CF3.0 Intranet Application Development Toolkit by JR Desborough?

If so, would you share them with me?


RIchard Kern

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RE: ASP or Coldfusion?

2000-09-24 Thread Geoffrey V. Brown

Here's a question- are you running 4.0 or 4.5.x?

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Fantini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:16 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ASP or Coldfusion?

 Then you truly must be doing something wrong...

 Our main site does over 1.2 million hits a week with extremely heavy
 database and CF processing.  The CF machine is a Dual PII 400,
 512mb RAM and
 a RAID array... The database hardware is identical, and is running SQL7.
 That's it, no clustering or anything like that.  We rarely ever have a
 problem with CF.  The code has been optimized on the heavily hit pages but
 there is still a decent amount of older quick and dirty stuff.  I
 don't have
 a clue as to how you were crashing the server with only 100,000
 hits... but
 I'm willing to bet it was your code.


 - Original Message -
 From: "Geoffrey V. Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:45 AM
 Subject: RE: ASP or Coldfusion?

  I'll offer my opinion, as I'm facing the same thing.  I have a site that
  going to be massive.  Cold Fusion simply could not hold up to the load,
  crashed repeatedly.  The site is about 99% data driven, so
 there is a lot
  data access going on.  I am now developing this site in ASP,
 and it seems
  far more stable.  We are generally getting 100k+ hits a week on
 this site.
  After seeing many large projects fail with cold fusion, I'd recommend
  other options before going the CF route on a large project.
 Note, I am a
  die hard CF developer, I feel that CF is good for smaller sites, less
  and allows for a faster development time than ASP... but it just doesn't
  hold up on larger projects.

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RE: CFExam at India

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Stolz

Check out :


-Original Message-
From: Venkata Ramakrishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:40 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFExam at India

Iam from India and want to know where can i take the
Allaire certification exam in CF at India? Please help
me out.

with regards,


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RE: Question about OLE-DB -- How to set up a SQL Server 7 database connection?

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Stolz

There is a complete tutorial on setting up OLE DB datasources in the CFDJ


-Original Message-
From: Reuben King [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 8:50 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Question about OLE-DB -- How to set up a SQL Server 7 database

I'm mystified at how to go about setting up a native
connection to SQL  Server 7 databases using OLE-DB
datasources.  I've looked at all the docs I could find
but the information available to me thus far is sparse
and I'm left perplexed.  Can someone give me a hand?
My SQL Server's name is "warlock" and the database is
"db_dev".  My security is set up so that the CF
service logs on as the same account that SQL server
uses for database security.

So, please help:  What should I fill in "provider",
"server", and "default database" fields to get it to
work?  All my attempts at guessing thus far have
resulted in failure.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: ORDER BY in a UNION Query

2000-09-24 Thread David Shadovitz

Let me follow up to my last post, with more info from Joe Celko's "SQL
for Smarties":

Here's an example of why an ORDER BY in a UNION query is problematic:

SELECT a,b,c FROM TableA WHERE city = 'Boston'
SELECT x,y,z FROM TableB WHERE city = 'New York'

This query is fine (assuming that the datatype of "a" matches that of
"x", etc.), but what would the ORDER BY look like?  The columns in the
result set are not named (a,b,c) nor (x,y,z); they have no names at all. 
One solution has been to use column position:


SQL-92 deprecates this, but allows the naming of the result set and its
columns via the AS operator:

SELECT a,b,c FROM TableA WHERE city = 'Boston'
SELECT x,y,z FROM TableB WHERE city = 'New York'
AS Cities (tom, dick, harry)

Now you can add an ORDER BY:


If you're working with a database which doesn't allow the user of the
column position and doesn't allow use of the AS operator as shown above,
you can make a view from the plain UNION query and use the view's column


On Sun, 17 Sep 2000 00:06:08 -0700 David Shadovitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Here's why:
 Joe Celko writes in "SQL For Smarties" (2nd Ed., p230) that refering 
 to a
 column by its positional number is a deprecated feature in SQL-92,
 meaning that it will be unavailable in the next SQL standard.
 On Wed, 19 Jul 2000 16:48:13 +0200 Paul Wakefield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I was working in Oracle 7.3 - but I can't see why they'd disabled 
  facility on a later version.
  Paul Wakefield
   -Original Message-
   From: Olive, Christopher M Mr USACHPPM
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 4:46 PM
   Subject: RE: ORDER BY in a UNION Query 
   odd.  last time i ported from informix (where i used the 
   column position) to
   Oracle 8i, it barfed.  strange.  i'll have to try it again.
   Chris Olive,
   DOEHRS Website Administrator 
   -Original Message-
   From: Paul Wakefield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:14 AM
   Subject: RE: ORDER BY in a UNION Query 
   Um, I've written many union queries on Oracle, and that's how 
   I've always
   handled the Order By. It also seems to work on SQL Server. 
   Dunno about the
   rest of the DB world.
   Paul Wakefield
-Original Message-
From: Olive, Christopher M Mr USACHPPM
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: ORDER BY in a UNION Query 

as a side note, this will not work in all DBs (eg, oracle)

Chris Olive,
DOEHRS Website Administrator 

-Original Message-
From: Paul Wakefield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: ORDER BY in a UNION Query 

Try using column positions, rather than names, eg.

(You'll need to substitute appropriate column positions)

 CFIF IsDefined('ordervalue')
  CFIF ordervalue EQ "Name"
  CFELSEIF ordervalue EQ "Absence"

Paul Wakefield

 -Original Message-
 From: Angél Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 2:30 PM
 Subject: SQL: ORDER BY in a UNION Query 
 Hey folks :)
 I'm trying to write a simple UNION query, between two 
 dynamically created
 select queries.
 Based on the feilds that the user entered in the previous 
 form, the SQL
 statement's WHERE clauses are created.
 Basically, I want to pull data from the current Employee 
 table, and the
 Employee History table, for a report.
 However, the user has the option of Ordering the report 
 either by name, or
 by Absence Type.
 When I stick the Order By statement at the end of the second 
 Select clause,
 Oracle returns the error:
 "[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]ORA-00904: 
 invalid column name "
 The column names Name and Reason *are* present in both 
 tables. I tried to
 qualify these columns by using empinfo.name and 
 empinfo.reason, but this has
 not helped.
 Do any of you have a sample SQL statement that includes 
 and an ORDER
 BY clause?
 CFIF IsDefined('ordervalue')
  CFIF ordervalue EQ "Name"
   ORDER BY empinfo.Name
  CFELSEIF ordervalue EQ "Absence"
   ORDER BY empinfo.Reason
 (If order value is not selected, then the resulting 
 will be sorted
 according to Employee ID.)

RE: Another CFSPOT question

2000-09-24 Thread Andrew Scott

Then that is a bug in the answer then, this should have been checked for a
contains and not and equals. Because I got this wrong 5 times before I
realised the same thing, IsDefined when most people would write IsDefined,
or IsDefined() or IsDefine("variable") and the list goes on. As a Senior
Systems designer, this means only one thing to me and it means poor planning
on the programmers point/designers point, should be more QA/Testing before
its released!

-Original Message-
From: Robert Everland III [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, 23 September 2000 9:57 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Another CFSPOT question

You got it right they were looking for just isdefined, you were taking them
too literal, they only wanted what it was called.

Bob Everland

-Original Message-
From: Chapman, Katrina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 1:42 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Another CFSPOT question

"What is the name of the ColdFusion function used to check for the existance
of a variable or parameter?"

I answered IsDefined("") and got it wrong?  What are they looking for here.
ParameterExists?  Or maybe I just didn't put it in the perfect format.


Thank you,
Katrina Chapman
ColdFusion Web Developer
System Development
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.
--Rich Cook"

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Re: Flushing mech..in CF

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

You need to jiggle the handle.


-Original Message-
From: Venkata Ramakrishna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, September 23, 2000 11:56 PM
Subject: Flushing mech..in CF


Can somebody please enlighten me on the flushing
mechanisms available in CF.


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csv file as datasource

2000-09-24 Thread Bud

Hi all. I see you can set up a csv file as a datasource. What would 
be the proper method to query that in CF? "CAN" it even be queried in 
CF? :)

Would you name the columns in the first row, or is there a different 
way of specifying the columns?

What about the fact that there won't be a table name?

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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Fw: 2nd Conference

2000-09-24 Thread CF-Talk

Kevin, I think you are from the States aren't you ?
Remember one thing: For Europeans the dollar is incredibly high
and therefore it is almost not affordable to book such an event.
The travelling expenses would be too high even for a lot of firms to finance
their developers.
With flight, hotel and course I would estimate at least a 4000-5000 USD if
you calculate all.
All what Iztok was asking is, that he would love to get it a bit cheaper.
What is your problem with that ??

- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Schmidt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Freitag, 22. September 2000 17:56
Subject: Re: 2nd Conference

If their taxes are too high, that is their problem.  That still doesn't
change the fact if you can't afford it you can't go.
- Original Message -
From: "Daye, Marianne" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: 2nd Conference

 Yeah, but you probably didn't have to pay it out of the pocket money you
 after the European tax rate (depending on where Iztok is from).

 Marianne Daye
 (originally from Denmark)

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 10:12 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: 2nd Conference

 No you are not mssing anything. It means if you can't afford it you can't
 go.  That is a fact of life. Deal with it. I am coming from Michigan and
 still had to pay for airfare, entrance fee, car rental, hotel, spending
 money too...
 - Original Message -
 From: "Iztok Polanic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 7:57 AM
 Subject: 2nd Conference

  We received (some time ago) a notice from Allaire, that they will host
  2nd Developer Conference in Washington D.C.  This conference is great
  was at the 1st conference). But to my surprise the entrance fee is $899
  $799 if you register before July or something). THAT'S TOO EXPENSIVE if
  ask me!!! If you are from Europe, then you can't come, except if you
  lot of money (entrace fee + plane tickets + hotel + spending money). Am
  missing something?

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Fw: 2nd Conference

2000-09-24 Thread CF-Talk

Iztok, I agree with you. I made a request to Allaire to make the 3rd
Conference in 2001 somewhere in Europe.
- Original Message -
From: "Iztok Polanic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Freitag, 22. September 2000 14:57
Subject: 2nd Conference


We received (some time ago) a notice from Allaire, that they will host the
2nd Developer Conference in Washington D.C.  This conference is great ( I
was at the 1st conference). But to my surprise the entrance fee is $899 (or
$799 if you register before July or something). THAT'S TOO EXPENSIVE if you
ask me!!! If you are from Europe, then you can't come, except if you have a
lot of money (entrace fee + plane tickets + hotel + spending money). Am I
missing something?



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RE: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Hoffman, Joe (CIT)

Rick Osborne wrote:
Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF? 
You say that as if maybe there is something wrong with that.  
It's the basis of a capitalist, free market economy.  You 
work, you make the money ... not the motherland.  From what 
I understand from your post ... you want an independent solution 
... and like a lot of others ... that 15 minutes of fame :)

Coleman wrote:

Would someone take a moment to explain this phenomenon?
Dreamers with a good imagination..  More power to them ...
I'm still contemplating perpetual motion.

Joe Hoffman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Institutes of Health 
Center for Information Technology 
Division of Computer System Services

-Original Message-
From: Hydra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 1:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Money for Nothing  Chicks for Free?

I continue to be mystified by these kinds of discussions. Would someone take
a moment to explain this phenomenon?

If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

Do all of you live at home with your parents or what???

-Original Message-
From: Rick Osborne (Mojo) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Crazy idea? (topical, but not programming)

Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF?  Do we *really* think
they're going to GPL (or even just OpenSource) it any time soon?  I'm naive,
but I'm not *that* naive.  :)

I've often pondered the feasibility of writing a "FreeCF" of some sort.
(More and more lately, actually.)  Of course, I have no doubt that it would
be vastly inferior to the real thing.  But then, that's not the point, is
it?  I've got the SourceForge account, I've got the compiler, and I've
certainly got the motivation.  My ODBC, ISAPI, and Apache mod_ skillz aren't
where they were, but I'm sure I could get back up there.  Now all I need is
the free time.  :)

But, actually, you know what my numero uno motivation for writing FreeCF
would be?  I want a CF interpreter object library that I can embed in my
applications without a web server.  (Yes, yes, I know, I've thought about
it, you'd still have to emulate a CGI environment, I know.)  You've seen how
many posts we get on "CF on a CD" and all that rot.  I've thought about it,
as I'm sure have most others on the list.  I would *kill* for that

That, and in a more selfish vein, think about the recognition for doing
something like that.  Allaire would sent out the men in the black sedans,
but everyone else would buy you lots of free beer.  (Or your favorite
non-alcoholoic equivalent.)  shiver  Gives my ego the willies just
thinkin' about it.  :)

Okay, that's my non-programming post for the month.  I'll get back to work


-Original Message-
From: Juan Andres Alvarez Valenzuela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Crazy idea?

any topic about a Coldfusion Open source ?
what about CFML especs ? any ideas ?

is it a crazy idea to have a GNU Coldfusion servers ?


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Re: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Adrian Cooper

 -Original Message-
 From: Hydra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 To: CF-Talk

 I continue to be mystified by these kinds of discussions. Would someone take
 a moment to explain this phenomenon?

 If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
 tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
 OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

 Do all of you live at home with your parents or what???

There area already many alternatives to CF - ASP, IHTML, XML, PHP, SOAP to name
but a few - but CF continues to go from strength to strength. The reason it does
so is the same reason that we all use it here  - there is no better solution
right now for creating dynamic, data driven services and sites. Whether the
development tool is free or commecial is irrelevant - developers make their
money from using the tools to create apps, rather than selling the tool itself.

Allaire though is extremely exposed as a company (IMO) having said that - it is
still ostensibly a one product company unless Spectra takes off big time, and
even that is still based on the same fundamental product. I want to see Allaire
survive and prosper to keep on developing CF as a commercial product, but they
had better diversify and fast, or exist as a takeover target.

Adrian Cooper.

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Re: csv file as datasource

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

When querying csv , as far as remember you point the odbc to the
irectory( like a db), and the file in the directory become the table
(month.csv is like a table called month etc) and then you just query as

Justin MacCarthy

 What about the fact that there won't be a table name?

 Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

 ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development

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Re: Flushing mech..in CF

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

I presume what you mean by "flushing" is sending data to the client before
the cfm template has fully run, Unfortunatly , you can do this in CF, you
have to use ASP , Perl etc...

It is one of the few weeknesses in CF

Justin MacCarthy

- Original Message -
From: "Venkata Ramakrishna" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:47 AM
 Can somebody please enlighten me on the flushing
 mechanisms available in CF.


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VERY OT : Re: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

Although this is very OT:
I suggest you read more about Free Software.

Just because OS, etc are free doesn't mean programmers can't make a living.
For example C/C++ is free (open standard ) since the 70's , yet C
programmers still get paid $400 a day...

Justin MacCarthy

- Original Message -

 If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
 tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
 OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

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Re: ASP or Coldfusion?

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

 I am a new programmer with ColdFusion. What is junk code? Can you give an

Most of the CF stuff I wrote in 95 :-)

I want to see if I am writing junk. Want to nip bad habits in the

It's hard to show you bad code but have a look here for tips on Optimization



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Re: CFPOP's MessageNumber

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

You should look at cfx_imap tag in the tagGallery

The Imap protocol will give you much for control over your mail access.
Most pop servers are imap servers too.

~Justin MacCarthy

- Original Message -
From: "Owen Leonard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 12:54 PM
Subject: RE: CFPOP's MessageNumber

 I'm looking for the answer to the very same question.  I'd like people
 to be able to check their messages via the web, but also have access to
 them from other mail clients.  My solution was to copy their mail
 messages to a database, but then I run into the problem of CFPOP not
 knowing which messages on the server have already been downloaded.
 I wondered if it would be simpler to just download all the messages
 again, and then run some kind of comparison to look for duplicates in
 the table.  But that sounds kinda time-consuming.
 I know that mail programs like Outlook and Netscape leave a file on
 your mail server that acts as a kind of placeholder so they know where
 they left off.  I wonder if a combination of CFPOP and CFMAIL could do
 the same thing?

 -- Owen

 Athens County Library Services

  -Original Message-
  From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 11:11 PM
  Subject: CFPOP's MessageNumber
  If I do a CFPOP with ACTION="GetAll" and then later do an
  ACTION="Delete", how does CF keep track of which message I'm referring
  to?  What if in the meantime another process had deleted one
  or more of
  the messages returned in the original call to CFPOP - will message #10
  still be the message I thought it was?  I suspect it will
  simply be the
  10th message returned by the mail server whenever the delete action is
  run and the wrong one message would be deleted from the server.
  A variation on this, which is what I'm trying to do:  I'd
  like to have a
  CF program, using CFPOP, retrieve messages from a mailbox,
  _not_ delete
  the messages, then in subsequent runs, retrieve only new messages
  (similar to the way an email client might operate)?  I understand the
  STARTROW attribute, but once again, it doesn't seem to
  address starting
  at a specific message, simply at the Nth message.  What if
  messages had
  been deleted since the last program execution - won't that throw this
  STARTROW point off?  Is there any other way of identifying a specific
  message and saying "retrieve every message after this one"?


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Re: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

What DB nathan ???

In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables witch will return all
the tables in a DB including the sys tables

In Access you can get at the table names from a systable but I can remember
which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has alot of other stuff
in there. To view the table in access go to tools-options-view and tick
hidden objects and system objects

or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)


- Original Message -
From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
Subject: display a list of table names

 Hi everyone,

 For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that allows to display all
 the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or is just my

 Nathan Chen

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Re: National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

What ??? Don't you guys go on about Free Speech ll the time??  :-)

~Justin MacCarthy

 Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open forum
like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the internet.
Mark Warrick

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Browser problem?? Grasping at straws here.

2000-09-24 Thread Terri Stocke

Hey all,

I just installed CF Ent. 4.0 on my NT4.0 Server (IIS). I verified that the 
install was successful by running the test query provided by Allaire.

I then created a subdirectory under wwwroot for an app that I have been 
working on at work and placed my .cfm files in a folder called "application" 
(incidentally, these files work fine on the workplace network). I placed my 
access db under a directory called "database". I set up the DSN in CF admin 
and verified it. I also set up the DSN via the ODBC datasource 

When I browse to my page via Explorer, the page (i.e. HTML) shows up, but 
the query-generated dropdown boxes don't have the data displayed. Instead, 
the CF variables are shown. None of the forms are functional. If I use 
Netscape 4.7 and try to browse to a .cfm file, I get a "save as" prompt! I 
seem to recall someone else here having this problem at one time, but I 
could not find the info on it. I also combed the Knowledgebase, but couldn't 
find anything.

Obviously it's not an install or DSN problem (the test for installation 
worked, and my DSN was verified). There must be something with my browser 
setup that's causing this? Or maybe (in the case of the IE problem) some 
coding errors? Can someone please tell me how to resolve these problems?

Thanks! Terri

p.s. Yes, all of my variables are wrapped in cfoutput tags. I know the cf 
code is fine, because I literally took the working pages off of our network 
at work, threw them on a disk, then brought them home to work on. Any input 
is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Browser problem?? Grasping at straws here.

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

Hi Terry ,
The problem is you IIS setup.
 I then created a subdirectory under wwwroot for n app that I have been
 working on at work and placed my .cfm files in a folder called

The Directory that you placed you files in need to be setup correctly in
IIS. Right click on the folder in IIS manager , and choose properties,  make
sure that  in Permissions that Execute or Script is choosen, Click
Configuration , and make sure .cfm is in there mapped to the  iscf.dll.

~ JustinMacCarthy

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Re: Scoping

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

 1. Can variables in the application scope be made available to custom
 (I know I can set application variables in the request scope which will
 them available to custom tags.)

Yes  Application Scoped vars are available to Custom tags. The application
scope that is used is the scope of the calling template .

 2. If I set variables in my application.cfm to be in the request scope,
 this mean they are set every "request" to the web site? It seems as if my
 app.cfm is no longer being cached but is instead being processed every
 view.  How can I test to see if this is true, or does anyone know FOR SURE
 the behavior of the request scope?

Yes they are set for each request as request scope only lasts for the for
the length of the request , unlike application vars which are stored in

Try something like

cfif not IsDefined("Application.IsInitialised")
!---set your app vars ---

cfset Application.IsInitialised = 1

Justin MacCarthy

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Re: Embedding printer control codes in HTML

2000-09-24 Thread JustinMacCarthy

It is possible to put some printer control stuff in html , but you have to
use CSS and it only works for some browsers .

If you need a fine level of control I suggest use cf to write to a pdf..

Check cfadvisor of an article on same..


- Original Message -
From: "Olson, Kelly" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 6:04 PM
Subject: Embedding printer control codes in HTML

 Has enyone ever attepted to embed printer control codes into CF or HTML


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Re: CF friendly URL Major Search Engine Design.

2000-09-24 Thread Chris Lott

Hash: SHA1

 index.cfm is an directory ? how can i do that ?
 I use a fuseaction like a URL paramater not like a directory.

No, you code the way you normall would. The formURL2attributes tag
just converts everything after the index.cfm to the appropriate

So in your code where you normally write

You would make the link

(you can even add a .htm on the end if you want)

The formurl2attributes tag converts the /fuseaction/runaway to the
appropriate attributes.fuseaction = runaway

(Since it sounds like you are using Fusebox, then you are probably
using that tag. If you are NOT, then you can write a function
yourself to parse the cgi.query_string variable, which is where the
extra information gets stored.


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Re: Irregular/*NO* display of results in NN???

2000-09-24 Thread Chris Lott

Hash: SHA1

And by the way, why are you displaying states in the display list
which you KNOW don't have retail outlets in them?
Because everyone on the net seems to love irritating us Alaskans (and
those Hawaiians too) by letting us find all kinds of interesting
goodies to buy and then telling us we can't have any. Of course, the
best are those that don't tell you until you are ready to pay. Or the
places that let you pay and then send a note right about the time the
object should arrive that they don't ship to foreign countries :)


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Re: Browser problem?? Grasping at straws here.

2000-09-24 Thread Terri Stocke


Thank you SO much! This fixed the problem. I'm still really wet behind the 
ears with web servers, configuration, etc. I really appreciate the help!


Original Message Follows
From: "JustinMacCarthy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Browser problem?? Grasping at straws here.
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 16:19:21 +0100

Hi Terry ,
 The problem is you IIS setup.
  I then created a subdirectory under wwwroot for n app that I have been
  working on at work and placed my .cfm files in a folder called

The Directory that you placed you files in need to be setup correctly in
IIS. Right click on the folder in IIS manager , and choose properties,  make
sure that  in Permissions that Execute or Script is choosen, Click
Configuration , and make sure .cfm is in there mapped to the  iscf.dll.

~ JustinMacCarthy

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No Subject

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

Can't figure out why the following query behaves like it does, but
I'm guessing there must be something fundamental about how SQL
operates that I'm not comprehending.

I've got a one:many relationship between table A and table B.  Table
B records represent "new for  year" for a given record in 
table A.  For example, there can be 0 or 1 "new for 2000" record in
table B for one record in table A.   I've got about 650 records in
table A, with 593 of them with a status of 'ACTIVE'.  In table B,
there are about 1000 records, and exactly 89 are for the year 2000.

Table A:
areacode varchar(5)
status   varchar(10)

Table B:
areacode varchar(5)
year smallint
new  varchar(255)

I want to return all of the records in A, along with the "news" for
the year 2000, from table B.  I should get 593 records.  Since table
B only has year 2000 records for 89 of the records in table A, I
think I need to do a left outer join.

SELECT A.*, B.new 
FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
  AND B.year = 2000

I get only 89 records returned, and the query appears to behave 
exactly like an an inner join.  I suspect it has something to do
with my WHERE clause that defines conditions on both of the tables,
but I can't see another way to do this.

Thanks for any assistance,

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RE: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce


 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 7:25 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

on 9/22/00 11:08 AM, Steve Pierce at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can write junk code in ASP just as well as you can in CF. The
 is the number one factor in the success and performance of the site. Not

I am a new programmer with ColdFusion. What is junk code? Can you give an
example? I want to see if I am writing junk. Want to nip bad habits in the


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Re: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

2000-09-24 Thread Bill Davidson

I hope tongue was firmly in cheek when you wrote this, as there are some
cases when you have to SELECT *, or at least it makes the most sense to.

If not, elaborate, I'd love to hear this one

- Original Message -
From: Steve Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question


  - Steve

 -Original Message-
 From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 7:25 AM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

 on 9/22/00 11:08 AM, Steve Pierce at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can write junk code in ASP just as well as you can in CF. The
  is the number one factor in the success and performance of the site. Not

 I am a new programmer with ColdFusion. What is junk code? Can you give an
 example? I want to see if I am writing junk. Want to nip bad habits in the


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Re: Junk Code was Re: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

2000-09-24 Thread Bill Davidson

A few suggestions:
1) If your code cannot be followed by a third party without completely
dissecting it, it is junk code - (COMMENT!)
2) Go back a few steps and think about what you are writing.  Good
algorithms lead to good code.  Poorly planned algorithms, schemas, and
database design will lead to 'junk code'.
3) Watch the debug timings of your pages, if there are templates that are
taking a couple hundred milliseconds, yet not accomplishing much, then start
to investigate this.
4) Not locking shared access variables can lead to jc (getting tired of
typing it out)
5) Lack of error handling can lead to jc
6) Over selective SQL can lead to jc (try to limit what you are SELECTing)
7) Doing the same thing over and over.

Try to pick a coding methodology, or at least coding conventions and stick
to them, they'll make your stuff infinitely better.

You might want to read through some data structure and algorithm books.  I
had a decent one in school, and even though I HATED the class, it really did
pay off.  Makes you evaluate how you handle things.

Good luck.

- Original Message -
From: sebastian palmigiani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 7:24 AM
Subject: Re: ASP or Coldfusion - There is no Question

 on 9/22/00 11:08 AM, Steve Pierce at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You can write junk code in ASP just as well as you can in CF. The
  is the number one factor in the success and performance of the site. Not

 I am a new programmer with ColdFusion. What is junk code? Can you give an
 example? I want to see if I am writing junk. Want to nip bad habits in the



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Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Olson, Kelly

How would you write a conditional statement like this:

CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
CFSET words="small"
CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.


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RE: Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Warrick

cfif (data gt 0) and (data lt 1000)
CFSET words="small"

cfif (data gt 1000) and (data lt 2000)
CFSET words="medium"

cfif data gt 2000
CFSET words="medium"

Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386
Efax.com Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL: http://www.warrick.net 
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL: http://www.fusioneers.com
ICQ: 346566

 -Original Message-
 From: Olson, Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 12:51 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Newbie" CFIF for range of data
 How would you write a conditional statement like this:
 CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
 CFSET words="small"
 CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
 CFSET words="medium"
 CFSET words="large"
 All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.
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RE: Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Norman Elton

You almost had it:

CFIF (data GTE 0) AND data LT 1000
CFSET words="small"
CFELSEIF (data GTE 1000) AND (data LT 2000)
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

Make sure to use GTE (greater than or equals) rather than simply GT (greater


-Original Message-
From: Olson, Kelly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 3:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Newbie" CFIF for range of data

How would you write a conditional statement like this:

CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
CFSET words="small"
CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.


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RE: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Ed Toon

 There area already many alternatives to CF - ASP, IHTML, XML, PHP, SOAP to

Uh... SOAP isn't an alternative to CF. It may be an alternative to WDDX,
but... Perhaps you mean Zope?

 Allaire ... is still ostensibly a one product company unless Spectra takes
off big time,

JRun is a separate product, and (not very arguably) a better product. And
when they merge the two, I doubt you'll complain about it being one product.


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Re: Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

If you're not worried about the number being negative:

cfif data gte 2000
  cfset words = "large"
cfelseif data gte 1000
  cfset words = "medium"
  cfset words = "small"


-Original Message-
From: Olson, Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: Newbie" CFIF for range of data

How would you write a conditional statement like this:

CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
CFSET words="small"
CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.


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RE: Decrypt cold fusion files

2000-09-24 Thread Ed Toon

 Why would you want to decrypt a cf file?

I don't know about anyone else, but I wanted to decrypt the CF Administrator
to remove dependence on SiteMinder, which is a big gaping security hole.

I also now have one of the coolest looking CFIDE/administrators around. ;)


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Query Sort and Multiple columns

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

Does someone have a solution to sort on two or more columns in a Query. Nate
Weiss's QuerySort.cfm will sort a single column. Which works great. What I
want to do is set a group and then sort within that group. Or sort by two

I can't do a Group by in the query as the Query results are actually
generated from an Array that has dynamic data that is not stored in the

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
Direct: (734) 482-9682
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

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RE: Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Norman Elton

Jim got it even better than I did :). CFIF only evaluates the first block
matching the specified condition, and skips the rest.

Norman Elton
Information Technology
College of William  Mary

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 4:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Newbie" CFIF for range of data

If you're not worried about the number being negative:

cfif data gte 2000
  cfset words = "large"
cfelseif data gte 1000
  cfset words = "medium"
  cfset words = "small"


-Original Message-
From: Olson, Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 1:50 PM
Subject: Newbie" CFIF for range of data

How would you write a conditional statement like this:

CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
CFSET words="small"
CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.


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Re: Newbie CFIF for range of data

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Adams


Make sure you look at the reference for attributes and tags and study them,
rather than getting so caught up in examples.

Would look like this:
CFIF (data LT 1000) AND (data GTE 0)
CFSET words="small"
CFELSEIF (data LT 2000) AND (data GTE 1000)
CFSET words="medium"
CFSET words="large"

-Mark :o)

 How would you write a conditional statement like this:

 CFIF data is greater than 0 and less that 1000
 CFSET words="small"
 CFELSE IF data is greater than 1000 and less than 2000
 CFSET words="medium"
 CFSET words="large"

 All of the examples seem to only show an "IS" value. not  "IS" range.



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comparing original data with user inputted changes

2000-09-24 Thread Terri Stocke


I'm still struggling with this particular piece of funtionality, so I'm 

I'm working on a class approval app where employees fill out a form to 
request management approval to enroll in a company sponsored class.

An admin can go in and view all requests for each particular class, and 
change each request status (registered, wait list, pending approval, not 
approved, cancelled) via a dropdown list for each record. She can make all 
of her changes on the one screen, and click submit to update all of the 
records at once (via a loop in the update query in the action page).

Now, I don't want the admin to make the mistake of overbooking the class. 
So, I pass a hidden field with each record to indicate what the original 
status was for each record. Then in the action page, I'm trying to compare 
the original status with the status the user (may have) changed it to. If 
the admin changed a status to "registered" (represented by the value "1"), 
then I want the registered_count to increment. I then want to compare the 
registered_count to the maximum class size. If it has been exceeded, I want 
to display a CFABORT error message before any data is even written to the 

This is what I've tried so far, but unfortunately, this is still allowing me 
to register beyond the class capacity:

cfloop list="#form.fieldnames#" index="ThisRow"
cfloop from="1" to="#numrecords#" index="current"
cfset new_status=#Evaluate("status_name"  current)#
cfset original_status=#Evaluate("original_status"  current)#
cfif (original_status NEQ 1 OR original_status IS "") AND new_status EQ 1
cfset registered_count=#incrementValue(registered.registered_count)#
cfset new_registered_count=#incrementValue(registered_count)#
cfset new_registered_count=0

Any suggestions?

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Re: csv file as datasource

2000-09-24 Thread Bud

On 9/24/00, JustinMacCarthy penned:
When querying csv , as far as remember you point the odbc to the
irectory( like a db), and the file in the directory become the table
(month.csv is like a table called month etc) and then you just query as

Great. I'll try it. What about column names. Will it read the first 
row as the column names? Or is there something else?

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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Re: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Adrian Cooper

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:09 PM

 JRun is a separate product, and (not very arguably) a better product. And
 when they merge the two, I doubt you'll complain about it being one product.

I wasn't complaining - just making an observation.

Of course there is also "Tron" and "Harvest", and I seem to remember seeing
mention of next generation CF (compiled I think) called "Pharaoh" or something
like that - maybe that is the integration of CF and JRun.

The sooner the better for all concerned I think.

Adrian Cooper.

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Re: Decrypt cold fusion files

2000-09-24 Thread Jim Taylor

;) CAN I SEE:)

- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 1:18 PM
Subject: RE: Decrypt cold fusion files

  Why would you want to decrypt a cf file?

 I don't know about anyone else, but I wanted to decrypt the CF
 to remove dependence on SiteMinder, which is a big gaping security hole.

 I also now have one of the coolest looking CFIDE/administrators around. ;)



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SQL Help

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

Try it again, with a subject this time...

Can't figure out why the following query behaves like it does, but
I'm guessing there must be something fundamental about how SQL
operates that I'm not comprehending.

I've got a one:many relationship between table A and table B.  Table
B records represent "new for  year" for a given record in 
table A.  For example, there can be 0 or 1 "new for 2000" record in
table B for one record in table A.   I've got about 650 records in
table A, with 593 of them with a status of 'ACTIVE'.  In table B,
there are about 1000 records, and exactly 89 are for the year 2000.

Table A:
areacode varchar(5)
status   varchar(10)

Table B:
areacode varchar(5)
year smallint
new  varchar(255)

I want to return all of the records in A, along with the "news" for
the year 2000, from table B.  I should get 593 records.  Since table
B only has year 2000 records for 89 of the records in table A, I
think I need to do a left outer join.

SELECT A.*, B.new 
FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
  AND B.year = 2000

I get only 89 records returned, and the query appears to behave 
exactly like an an inner join.  I suspect it has something to do
with my WHERE clause that defines conditions on both of the tables,
but I can't see another way to do this.

Thanks for any assistance,

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RE: SQL Help

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Warrick

Silly question but have you tried a right outer join?

SELECT A.*, B.new 
FROM A RIGHT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
AND B.year = 2000


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386
Efax.com Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL: http://www.warrick.net 
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL: http://www.fusioneers.com
ICQ: 346566

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 3:10 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: SQL Help
 Try it again, with a subject this time...
 Can't figure out why the following query behaves like it does, but
 I'm guessing there must be something fundamental about how SQL
 operates that I'm not comprehending.
 I've got a one:many relationship between table A and table B.  Table
 B records represent "new for  year" for a given record in 
 table A.  For example, there can be 0 or 1 "new for 2000" record in
 table B for one record in table A.   I've got about 650 records in
 table A, with 593 of them with a status of 'ACTIVE'.  In table B,
 there are about 1000 records, and exactly 89 are for the year 2000.
 Table A:
 areacode varchar(5)
 status   varchar(10)
 Table B:
 areacode varchar(5)
 year smallint
 new  varchar(255)
 I want to return all of the records in A, along with the "news" for
 the year 2000, from table B.  I should get 593 records.  Since table
 B only has year 2000 records for 89 of the records in table A, I
 think I need to do a left outer join.
 SELECT A.*, B.new 
 FROM A LEFT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
 WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
   AND B.year = 2000
 I get only 89 records returned, and the query appears to behave 
 exactly like an an inner join.  I suspect it has something to do
 with my WHERE clause that defines conditions on both of the tables,
 but I can't see another way to do this.
 Thanks for any assistance,
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RE: Decrypt cold fusion files

2000-09-24 Thread Ed Toon

See what? Nothing to see here.

Move along...

-Original Message-
From: Jim Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 3:08 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Decrypt cold fusion files

;) CAN I SEE:)

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RE: National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread paul smith

Oh, good grief!  Not this old urban legend again.
Our fees are posted on our website at www.support.net
Haven't heard from the feds yet!

best,  paul

At 04:57 PM 9/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open forum 
like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the internet.

Paul Smith, Web/Database Droid
A: SupportNet, Inc, 3871 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611
(There, there, there; there's, there, there)
P: (510) 763-2358
C: (510) 205-6755
F: (510) 763-2370
W: http://www.support.net

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Re: SQL Help

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

Yep.  Left, right and inner joins all produce the same result.


-Original Message-
From: Mark Warrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 4:15 PM
Subject: RE: SQL Help

Silly question but have you tried a right outer join?

SELECT A.*, B.new 
FROM A RIGHT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
AND B.year = 2000


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RE: SQL Help

2000-09-24 Thread Mark Warrick

If you don't use the join you get all 593 but the 89 that have a record table b are 
duplicated.  Right?


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386
Efax.com Fax: (801) 730-7289
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL: http://www.warrick.net 
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL: http://www.fusioneers.com
ICQ: 346566

 -Original Message-
 From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 3:35 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: SQL Help
 Yep.  Left, right and inner joins all produce the same result.
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Warrick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 4:15 PM
 Subject: RE: SQL Help
 Silly question but have you tried a right outer join?
 SELECT A.*, B.new 
 FROM A RIGHT JOIN B ON A.areacode = B.areacode
 WHERE A.status = 'ACTIVE'
 AND B.year = 2000
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Re: Decrypt cold fusion files

2000-09-24 Thread Wjreichard

You know you guyz kill me sometimes! I thought this list was for the open 
exchange of information?

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RE: ASP or Coldfusion?

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Hash: SHA1

Have a look here for a feature comparison:


Peter Tilbrook
Internet Applications Developer
Aspect Computing Pty. Ltd.
19-25 Moore Street
Turner, ACT, 2612


Phone: (02) 6247 7677
Fax: (02) 6249 1620
Mobile: 0428 765 020
ICQ: 666275

ACT ColdFusion Users Group -

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com

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RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your rates
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to get
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members are).

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between competitors
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a group of
people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
price fixing.

For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
visit the following locations:

Another good FAQ
How to Set Rates FAQ
The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion lists.
However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild policies.
(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this FAQ
is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to do
so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the actual
rates of any particular web developer.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

-Original Message-
From: paul smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: National Radio Commercial

Oh, good grief!  Not this old urban legend again.
Our fees are posted on our website at www.support.net
Haven't heard from the feds yet!

best,  paul

At 04:57 PM 9/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open forum
like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the internet.

Paul Smith, Web/Database Droid
A: SupportNet, Inc, 3871 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611
(There, there, there; there's, there, there)
P: (510) 763-2358
C: (510) 205-6755
F: (510) 763-2370
W: http://www.support.net

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RE: ASP or Coldfusion?

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

This comparison is from 1998 to a version of ASP, version 2.0, that is no
longer used or supported by Microsoft. This comparison chart is not very

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

-Original Message-
From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ASP or Coldfusion?

Hash: SHA1

Have a look here for a feature comparison:


Peter Tilbrook
Internet Applications Developer
Aspect Computing Pty. Ltd.
19-25 Moore Street
Turner, ACT, 2612


Phone: (02) 6247 7677
Fax: (02) 6249 1620
Mobile: 0428 765 020
ICQ: 666275

ACT ColdFusion Users Group -

Version: PGPfreeware 6.5.8 for non-commercial use http://www.pgp.com


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Re: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

Thanks for the advice, Steve.  I'm raising my fees.  (Now your in for



-Original Message-
From: Steve Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio

Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a
group of
people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
price fixing.

For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
visit the following locations:

Another good FAQ
How to Set Rates FAQ
The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion
However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild
(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this
is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to
so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the
rates of any particular web developer.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

-Original Message-
From: paul smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: National Radio Commercial

Oh, good grief!  Not this old urban legend again.
Our fees are posted on our website at www.support.net
Haven't heard from the feds yet!

best,  paul

At 04:57 PM 9/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open
like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the

Paul Smith, Web/Database Droid
A: SupportNet, Inc, 3871 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611
(There, there, there; there's, there, there)
P: (510) 763-2358
C: (510) 205-6755
F: (510) 763-2370
W: http://www.support.net

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RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Norman Elton


Might want to watch your signature :).

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

Norman Elton
Information Technology
College of William  Mary
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RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

Like I said, you can post your rates in a forum, you can't 'discuss' them.

 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: Norman Elton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:27 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio


Might want to watch your signature :).

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

Norman Elton
Information Technology
College of William  Mary

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RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

Actually, the statement you made is probably OK. What would  be considered
illegal is for several of you to get together and discuss about raising
rates. Simply to announce you are raising rates is not illegal. No different
than United Airlines announcing they are raising rates to flights to Denver.

But of course, this cannot be considered legal advice, if you have any
questions, you need to seek your own legal counsel.

 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 8:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio

Thanks for the advice, Steve.  I'm raising my fees.  (Now your in for



-Original Message-
From: Steve Pierce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio

Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a
group of
people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
price fixing.

For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
visit the following locations:

Another good FAQ
How to Set Rates FAQ
The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion
However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild
(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this
is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to
so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the
rates of any particular web developer.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

-Original Message-
From: paul smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 6:33 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: National Radio Commercial

Oh, good grief!  Not this old urban legend again.
Our fees are posted on our website at www.support.net
Haven't heard from the feds yet!

best,  paul

At 04:57 PM 9/22/00 -0700, you wrote:
Sorry.  It is illegal US citizens to discuss our rates in an open
like this.  Check the many salary surveys widely available on the

Paul Smith, Web/Database Droid
A: SupportNet, Inc, 3871 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, CA 94611
(There, there, there; there's, there, there)
P: (510) 763-2358
C: (510) 205-6755
F: (510) 763-2370
W: http://www.support.net

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access front-end for SQL

2000-09-24 Thread avex

Hi guys...

I think it has been briefly mentioned..
but does anyone know how to use access 2000 as a front-end for an SQL

any info would be great...


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RE: access front-end for SQL

2000-09-24 Thread Norman Elton

Yes, it's possible and fairly painless.

- Go to your Data Sources (ODBC) Control Panel
- Make a new System DSN
- Select the driver for MS SQL Server
- Follow the wizard's instructions. You'll have to click "Client
Configuration" and tell it to use TCP/IP (or whatever protocol you use).
- In Access, make a new database.
- File - Get External Data - Link tables
- Change the "Files of Type" to be ODBC Datasources()
- Choose your DSN under "Machine Datasources"
- Access will walk you through which tables you need

You can view and work with data through Access, but you normally can't
change the structure of the tables (i.e. Design Mode).

Reply to the forum if something doesn't work!

Norman Elton
Information Technology
College of William  Mary

-Original Message-
From: avex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 9:59 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: access front-end for SQL

Hi guys...

I think it has been briefly mentioned..
but does anyone know how to use access 2000 as a front-end for an SQL

any info would be great...


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access to SQL server woes

2000-09-24 Thread avex

hi everyone.

sorry if this is kid stuff..but i finally decided to make the jump from
access to SQL server on one of the applications i have done.

I used the import wizard in the SQL enterprise manager...and from the look
of it it imported all the tables and content correctly...

I set up the sql datasource in the cold fusion administrator...
changed my datasource name to point to the new datasource...

and at this stage i thought it was suprisingly easy
and then i ran my templates and i got errors

from this query:
cfquery name="lastupdate" datasource="#datasource#" dbtype="ODBC"
FROM lastupdatetable

I got this error:
ODBC Error Code = S0002 (Base table not found)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (4:1) to (4:105) in the template file

Is there something else I need to do..
is it obvious what i am doing wrong..
any help is greatly appreciated...


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Re: access to SQL server woes

2000-09-24 Thread Jim McAtee

I recently got this error when I failed to change the default database
during the ODBC setup.  If you do the ODBC setup from the control panel,
and within the setup wizard you fail to notice this step, then you're
likely pointing your ODBC datasource at the 'master' database.  I
believe the wizard presents a drop-down box that shows all of the
databases on the server.


-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 7:48 PM
Subject: access to SQL server woes

hi everyone.

sorry if this is kid stuff..but i finally decided to make the jump
access to SQL server on one of the applications i have done.

I used the import wizard in the SQL enterprise manager...and from the
of it it imported all the tables and content correctly...

I set up the sql datasource in the cold fusion administrator...
changed my datasource name to point to the new datasource...

and at this stage i thought it was suprisingly easy
and then i ran my templates and i got errors

from this query:
cfquery name="lastupdate" datasource="#datasource#" dbtype="ODBC"
FROM lastupdatetable

I got this error:
ODBC Error Code = S0002 (Base table not found)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
The error occurred while processing an element with a general
identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (4:1) to (4:105) in the template

Is there something else I need to do..
is it obvious what i am doing wrong..
any help is greatly appreciated...


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RE: Template not found. Which template?

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Theobald

Knowing what you write and what was last displayed doesn't help much if you have 
called several ACTION-only templates that have no display.

I'll try that error catcher though...

At 01:54 PM 9/23/00 +1000, Andrew Scott wrote:
It comes down to knowing what you write, and what was last displayed on the

However I find this method to work very well:-) It displays a list of the
current stack and it should display the last file called/opened and thing
its a matter of taking the matter from there:-)

!--- the message to display ---
H3You've Thrown a Database BError/B/H3
!--- and the diagnostic message from the ColdFusion server ---
PCaught an exception, type = #CFCATCH.TYPE# /P
PThe contents of the tag stack are:/P
CFLOOP index=i from=1 to = #ArrayLen(CFCATCH.TAGCONTEXT)#
  BR#i# #sCurrent["ID"]#
(#sCurrent["LINE"]#,#sCurrent["COLUMN"]#) #sCurrent["TEMPLATE"]#

-Original Message-
From: Peter Theobald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 22 September 2000 5:05 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Template not found. Which template?

How would it be clear if I click on a link that loaded a handler template
(index.cfm) that itself includes 30 other templates?

I suppose I could put cftry and cfcatch around the entire file and print
more information myself. But the last time I tried that the error
information I found was exactly the same as what CF printed by default. No
more no less.

At 05:08 PM 9/22/00 +1100, Scott, Andrew wrote:
Try cftry and cfcatch tags there is a way to put the stack onto the
that will show the last page called, then it would be a matter of that.
However if you clicked on a link or something then it would beclear that
this template would be the culprit, basic QA would solve this fairly


Andrew Scott
ANZ eCommerce Centre
* Ph 9273 0693

-Original Message-
From: Peter Theobald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 22 September 2000 16:30
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Template not found. Which template?

I have a "FuseBox-like" structure with a lot of template files including
other template files.
Now I get the error: Template not found. But WHICH template isn't found?!
It could be any one of about 30 templates!

Why on Earth didn't Allaire print the NAME of the template you are trying
to include?
How can I find out?

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
LiquidStreaming http://www.liquidstreaming.com
Phone 1.212.545.1232 Fax 1.212.679.8032

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the body.

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
LiquidStreaming http://www.liquidstreaming.com
Phone 1.212.545.1232 Fax 1.212.679.8032

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Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
LiquidStreaming http://www.liquidstreaming.com
Phone 1.212.545.1232 x204 Fax 1.212.679.8032

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RE: Money for Nothing Chicks for Free?

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Theobald

If the original poster is really serious about writing a FreeCF, why doesn't he make 
better use of his valuable time and join the PHP project?

At 09:23 AM 9/24/00 -0400, Hoffman, Joe (CIT) wrote:
Rick Osborne wrote:
Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF? 
You say that as if maybe there is something wrong with that.  
It's the basis of a capitalist, free market economy.  You 
work, you make the money ... not the motherland.  From what 
I understand from your post ... you want an independent solution 
... and like a lot of others ... that 15 minutes of fame :)

Coleman wrote:

Would someone take a moment to explain this phenomenon?
Dreamers with a good imagination..  More power to them ...
I'm still contemplating perpetual motion.

Joe Hoffman mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
National Institutes of Health 
Center for Information Technology 
Division of Computer System Services

-Original Message-
From: Hydra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 1:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Money for Nothing  Chicks for Free?

I continue to be mystified by these kinds of discussions. Would someone take
a moment to explain this phenomenon?

If someone really writes a "FreeCF" and the Allaire Corp. goes down the
tubes, then will we really all be better off? When all software is
OpenSource, free, etc. then how do developers make a living?

Do all of you live at home with your parents or what???

-Original Message-
From: Rick Osborne (Mojo) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 12:34 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Crazy idea? (topical, but not programming)

Allaire gets how many thousand dollars per copy of CF?  Do we *really* think
they're going to GPL (or even just OpenSource) it any time soon?  I'm naive,
but I'm not *that* naive.  :)

I've often pondered the feasibility of writing a "FreeCF" of some sort.
(More and more lately, actually.)  Of course, I have no doubt that it would
be vastly inferior to the real thing.  But then, that's not the point, is
it?  I've got the SourceForge account, I've got the compiler, and I've
certainly got the motivation.  My ODBC, ISAPI, and Apache mod_ skillz aren't
where they were, but I'm sure I could get back up there.  Now all I need is
the free time.  :)

But, actually, you know what my numero uno motivation for writing FreeCF
would be?  I want a CF interpreter object library that I can embed in my
applications without a web server.  (Yes, yes, I know, I've thought about
it, you'd still have to emulate a CGI environment, I know.)  You've seen how
many posts we get on "CF on a CD" and all that rot.  I've thought about it,
as I'm sure have most others on the list.  I would *kill* for that

That, and in a more selfish vein, think about the recognition for doing
something like that.  Allaire would sent out the men in the black sedans,
but everyone else would buy you lots of free beer.  (Or your favorite
non-alcoholoic equivalent.)  shiver  Gives my ego the willies just
thinkin' about it.  :)

Okay, that's my non-programming post for the month.  I'll get back to work


-Original Message-
From: Juan Andres Alvarez Valenzuela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 11:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Crazy idea?

any topic about a Coldfusion Open source ?
what about CFML especs ? any ideas ?

is it a crazy idea to have a GNU Coldfusion servers ?


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Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
LiquidStreaming http://www.liquidstreaming.com
Phone 1.212.545.1232 x204 Fax 1.212.679.8032

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RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Theobald

You'd better watch that signature of yours... looks like you're discussing rates.

At 08:13 PM 9/24/00 -0400, Steve Pierce wrote:
Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your rates
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to get
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members are).

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between competitors
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a group of
people within the same industry is illegal in the U.S. The feds call it
price fixing.

For additional information on the legal aspects of price fixing, please
visit the following locations:

Another good FAQ
How to Set Rates FAQ
The question of how much to charge is a popular one in the minds of web
developers and it's a topic which crops up often on Guild discussion lists.
However, it's a subject which is not permitted according to Guild policies.
(See HTML Writers Guild Pricing FAQ.) Nevertheless, the purpose of this FAQ
is to provide you with a number of ways to arrive at your rates, and to do
so without once running afoul of Guild policies or discussing the actual
rates of any particular web developer.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
"Co-Location starting $99 per month, no setup fee"
(734) 482-9682 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://HDL.com

Peter Theobald, Chief Technology Officer
LiquidStreaming http://www.liquidstreaming.com
Phone 1.212.545.1232 x204 Fax 1.212.679.8032

Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/cf-talk@houseoffusion.com/
To Unsubscribe visit 
http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or send a 
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with 'unsubscribe' in the body.

RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio Commercial

2000-09-24 Thread Steve Pierce

I hope you are joking. If not, you need to take a business class on
commercial law and commercial speech. The reason I posted that signature was
exactly to demonstrate, that that form of commercial speech is legal in a
public forum.

If you are joking then good, you got it like several other people did.

 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: Peter Theobald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 24, 2000 10:16 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Discussing Rates in a Public Forum -- was National Radio

You'd better watch that signature of yours... looks like you're discussing

At 08:13 PM 9/24/00 -0400, Steve Pierce wrote:
Uhhh, you can post your rates, that isn't illegal. Talking about your rates
in a discussion forums is subject of some laws and has lots of room to get
yourself in trouble. Be careful.

HWG Pricing FAQ
Is it illegal to discuss pricing?
The short answer: YES (at least in the U.S. where many of our members are).

The U.S. law specifically makes discussion of pricing between competitors
(all or some) a federal offense. According to either Marshall Kragen or
Lewis Rose (both practicing lawyers), several brokers in DC were
successfully prosecuted for simply discussing an increase of fees at a
dinner meeting.

When, where, or how doesn't matter. Any discussion of pricing by a group of
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Re: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Nathan Chen

I am using MS SQL 7 and I want to do it remotely using cf page.  Thanks.

JustinMacCarthy wrote:

 What DB nathan ???

 In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables witch will return all
 the tables in a DB including the sys tables

 In Access you can get at the table names from a systable but I can remember
 which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has alot of other stuff
 in there. To view the table in access go to tools-options-view and tick
 hidden objects and system objects

 or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)


 - Original Message -
 From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
 Subject: display a list of table names

  Hi everyone,
  For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that allows to display all
  the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or is just my
  Nathan Chen
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Re: access to SQL server woes

2000-09-24 Thread avex

Hi Jim...
thanks for your answer.
it fixed the problem!

I never even entered the ODBC setupwhich of course set the default value
to "master".

but just a qustion.i didn't think i had to set it up within the ODBC
I thought I could just do it within cold fusionat least that is what i
have been doing.

So when i setup datasources do i do it through the ODBC setup, and then in
CF admin?


 I recently got this error when I failed to change the default database
 during the ODBC setup.  If you do the ODBC setup from the control panel,
 and within the setup wizard you fail to notice this step, then you're
 likely pointing your ODBC datasource at the 'master' database.  I
 believe the wizard presents a drop-down box that shows all of the
 databases on the server.


 -Original Message-
 Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 7:48 PM
 Subject: access to SQL server woes

 hi everyone.
 sorry if this is kid stuff..but i finally decided to make the jump
 access to SQL server on one of the applications i have done.
 I used the import wizard in the SQL enterprise manager...and from the
 of it it imported all the tables and content correctly...
 I set up the sql datasource in the cold fusion administrator...
 changed my datasource name to point to the new datasource...
 and at this stage i thought it was suprisingly easy
 and then i ran my templates and i got errors
 from this query:
 cfquery name="lastupdate" datasource="#datasource#" dbtype="ODBC"
 FROM lastupdatetable
 I got this error:
 ODBC Error Code = S0002 (Base table not found)
 [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name
 The error occurred while processing an element with a general
 identifier of
 (CFQUERY), occupying document position (4:1) to (4:105) in the template
 Is there something else I need to do..
 is it obvious what i am doing wrong..
 any help is greatly appreciated...


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2000-09-24 Thread Jake Hileman

Is CFCASE faster then CFIF?

Also, execution time wise.. I'm hitting upwards of 500ms or so when I
usually only hit about 100-200ms.. but I'm setting about 100CFparams in this
so 500 I guess is expected.

Is 500ms slow?  This is my dev machine.. p2 300, 256mb ram, win2k, mysql


jake --more below.
422 milliseconds
  282 ms D\ADDPLAN.CFM
  16 ms D\FOOTER.INC

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2000-09-24 Thread Michael 'Maxx' Porter

If you have more than 2 choices then SWITCH/CASE is faster.  The down side 
to SWTICH/CASE is CASE has to be constant it cannot be a varaiable.

At 11:24 PM 9/24/00 -0400, you wrote:
Is CFCASE faster then CFIF?

Also, execution time wise.. I'm hitting upwards of 500ms or so when I
usually only hit about 100-200ms.. but I'm setting about 100CFparams in this
so 500 I guess is expected.

Is 500ms slow?  This is my dev machine.. p2 300, 256mb ram, win2k, mysql


jake --more below.
422 milliseconds
   282 ms D\ADDPLAN.CFM
   16 ms D\FOOTER.INC
   0 ms D\HEADER.INC

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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)
Michael "Maxx" Porter
Vice President
Paradox Studios Inc.

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Re: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Michael 'Maxx' Porter


At 08:29 PM 9/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
I am using MS SQL 7 and I want to do it remotely using cf page.  Thanks.

JustinMacCarthy wrote:

  What DB nathan ???
  In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables witch will return all
  the tables in a DB including the sys tables
  In Access you can get at the table names from a systable but I can remember
  which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has alot of other 
  in there. To view the table in access go to tools-options-view and tick
  hidden objects and system objects
  or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)
  - Original Message -
  From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
  Subject: display a list of table names
   Hi everyone,
   For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that allows to display all
   the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or is just my
   Nathan Chen
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  http://www.houseoffusion.com/index.cfm?sidebar=listsbody=lists/cf_talk or
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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)
Michael "Maxx" Porter
Vice President
Paradox Studios Inc.

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RE: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Jared Clinton

To query for a list of table names :  run the 'sp_helpdb' system stored
procedure.  (MSSQL only) 

Look at the system stored procedures entry in SQL server books online.  It
is helpful.


 -Original Message-
 From: Michael 'Maxx' Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:59 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: display a list of table names
 At 08:29 PM 9/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
 I am using MS SQL 7 and I want to do it remotely using cf 
 page.  Thanks.
 JustinMacCarthy wrote:
   What DB nathan ???
   In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables 
 witch will return all
   the tables in a DB including the sys tables
   In Access you can get at the table names from a systable 
 but I can remember
   which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has 
 alot of other 
   in there. To view the table in access go to 
 tools-options-view and tick
   hidden objects and system objects
   or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)
   - Original Message -
   From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
   Subject: display a list of table names
Hi everyone,
For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that 
 allows to display all
the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or 
 is just my
Nathan Chen

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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)

Michael "Maxx" Porter
Vice President
Paradox Studios Inc.

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2000-09-24 Thread Peter Tilbrook

Depending on how it is used CFCASE is usually faster than CFIF (or nested

If CFCASE will do what you want it would be the better method.
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RE: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Michael 'Maxx' Porter

This may work for you..make sure you change the datasource parms..

CFPROCRESULT NAME="qu_tablenames"

cfloop query="qu_tablenames"

At 03:03 PM 9/25/00 +1000, you wrote:
To query for a list of table names :  run the 'sp_helpdb' system stored
procedure.  (MSSQL only)

Look at the system stored procedures entry in SQL server books online.  It
is helpful.


  -Original Message-
  From: Michael 'Maxx' Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:59 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: display a list of table names
  At 08:29 PM 9/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
  I am using MS SQL 7 and I want to do it remotely using cf
  page.  Thanks.
  JustinMacCarthy wrote:
What DB nathan ???
In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables
  witch will return all
the tables in a DB including the sys tables
In Access you can get at the table names from a systable
  but I can remember
which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has
  alot of other
in there. To view the table in access go to
  tools-options-view and tick
hidden objects and system objects
or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)
- Original Message -
From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
Subject: display a list of table names
 Hi everyone,

 For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that
  allows to display all
 the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or
  is just my

 Nathan Chen


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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)

Michael "Maxx" Porter
Vice President
Paradox Studios Inc.

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Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)
Michael "Maxx" Porter
Vice President
Paradox Studios Inc.

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2000-09-24 Thread Peter Tilbrook

If you have more than 2 choices then SWITCH/CASE is faster.

The down side to SWTICH/CASE is CASE has to be constant it cannot be a

It can indeed be a variable however you need to know what you are checking
for. If all CFCASES fail then you can use the CFDEFAULTCASE to perform
default processing or error correction.
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2000-09-24 Thread Gunawan

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Tilbrook" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 11:10 AM

 Depending on how it is used CFCASE is usually faster than CFIF (or nested

 If CFCASE will do what you want it would be the better method.

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Re: display a list of table names

2000-09-24 Thread Gunawan

- Original Message -
From: "Jared Clinton" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 12:03 PM
Subject: RE: display a list of table names

 To query for a list of table names :  run the 'sp_helpdb' system stored
 procedure.  (MSSQL only)

 Look at the system stored procedures entry in SQL server books online.  It
 is helpful.


  -Original Message-
  From: Michael 'Maxx' Porter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 1:59 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: display a list of table names
  At 08:29 PM 9/24/00 -0700, you wrote:
  I am using MS SQL 7 and I want to do it remotely using cf
  page.  Thanks.
  JustinMacCarthy wrote:
What DB nathan ???
In MsSql you can use a StoredProc called   sp_tables
  witch will return all
the tables in a DB including the sys tables
In Access you can get at the table names from a systable
  but I can remember
which one... hold on it's called MsysObjects ,but it has
  alot of other
in there. To view the table in access go to
  tools-options-view and tick
hidden objects and system objects
or use ado (search for ADO in the Allaire Forums)
- Original Message -
From: "Nathan Chen" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 1:09 AM
Subject: display a list of table names
 Hi everyone,

 For some reason I remember there is a CF tag that
  allows to display all
 the table names in a database.  Is there a such tag or
  is just my

 Nathan Chen


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 Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he
 grows up. -Pablo Picasso, painter and sculptor (1881-1973)

 Michael "Maxx" Porter
 Vice President
 Paradox Studios Inc.

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2000-09-24 Thread Jake Hileman

Okay also.. about my MS question.

I have a form with about 25 check boxes.. so the processing of checking if
they are checked, etc.. makes my one template run at about 600-800ms.. while
every other template on the site runs at around 200ms or less.

The db time is 0-20ms.. so it's very fast.

I am doing the following:

action can be, insert, update, delete.

action is a cfswitch and each switch loads up 3 include files.. about 40k in
total include text with about 2-3 quick db calls.  the 3 include files
include all the large code to check the checkboxes out, etc. and a header
and footer.

this takes upwards of 800ms... I've never written anything so far that took
over 400ms or so on this machine.

is my coding bad?  is 800ms slow?



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