RE: CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Adam Hope
Hi Joe,

 I am unable to access the CFMX administrator with different port

When you use the default J2EE install and you tell it to connect to the
webserver what happens is that it installs the CFIDE in your

So you will be able to access your first instance/CFIDE/.

You will find that it has installed the CFIDE directory structure in:

your first instance/context root/CFIDE

But there will be no .cfm pages in there.

What you need to do is take a copy of the CFIDE from your
webroot/CFIDE/ and place them in your first instance/context
root/CFIDE which should be:


Now remove the your webroot/CFIDE/.

You will also find that if you connected your first instance to Apache
on installtion that the internal web server will not be running for your
first instance. You can start that from:

Jrun Admin Console - first instance - Services - WebService

Just click the run button.

Now you should be able to access both of the coldfusion administrators
individually by using:

ip address:port/context root/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm

You will also need to remove the web connector and re-attach it to the
cluster you created in JRUN that points to both of your instances.

Remove by using: java -jar wsconfig.jar -uninstall -v

Restart apache.

Re-connect by editing the in /opt/jrun4/bin and
changing the line with the server in to cluster:

So this:

$CF_DIR/runtime/jre/bin/java -jar $CF_DIR/lib/wsconfig.jar
-server cfusion -ws apache -dir /usr/local/apache/conf -bin
n/httpd -script /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -map .jsp,.jws
-coldfusion -v


$CF_DIR/runtime/jre/bin/java -jar $CF_DIR/lib/wsconfig.jar
-cluster mycluster -ws apache -dir /usr/local/apache/conf -bin
n/httpd -script /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl -map .jsp,.jws
-coldfusion -v

Execute the as root and check the
/opt/jrun4/ConnectorInstall0.txt for any errors.

If that was successful, stop and start all your cfusion server instances
from the JRUN admin console and they will find each other. The event
logs will show this as they are now clustered.

You can now place content in your /usr/local/apache/htdocs directory and
have your pages accessed by both instances.

Bear in mind that by default JRUN uses sticky sessions so that if you
are testing from a single machine/browser you will most likely only see
one instance processing anything. You can tun off sticky sessions but I
would only recommend this if you do not want to share session data
between the instances because when you make a request to one server it
stores your session data in ram and when you immediately hit the next
server it sync's all your session info. Thus drastically slowing down
the server.

I hope this help (and I hope I didn't miss anything),

Adam Hope.
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RE: Hosting at CrystalTech or EdgeWebHosting

2003-09-29 Thread Snake Hollywood are good, good reviews, nice control panel. Do pretty
much anything CF wise.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Sabir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 September 2003 01:21
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Hosting at CrystalTech or EdgeWebHosting

Hey all,

I remember some talk a while ago about some of you guys who were
hosting with CrystalTech. How have they been lately? Most of the
reviews I find about them say they are really good. I'm thinking of
moving a high volume site over there.

I'm also looking at another company called EdgeWebHosting has anyone
tried them out?


Ryan Sabir
Newgency Pty Ltd
2a Broughton St
Paddington 2021
Sydney, Australia
Ph (02) 9331 2133
Fax (02) 9331 5199
Mobile: 0411 512 454 


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RE: How can i test for this?

2003-09-29 Thread Philip Arnold
 you could as Paul Hastings suggested (and as I typically suggest)
 use #structkeyexists(session.auth,100824)#

Ahem g

It was me, not Paul who suggested that



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Re: Retrofit user login/validation

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 29 Sep 2003 00:19 am, Jim McAtee wrote:
 Is it possible to add in a CF session based validation scheme to the site
 purely by implementing it within application.cfm? 

Sure, whack in a 
if not isDefined('session.auth') and referer not loginForm then
	include loginFrom
elseif referer is loginFrom
	check login
	if OK 
		set session.auth 

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
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this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***

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Re: Retrofit user login/validation

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 29 Sep 2003 10:25 am, Thomas Chiverton wrote:
 elseif referer is loginFrom
 	check login
 	if OK
 		set session.auth

Spot the deliberate mistake :-)
s/	fi/else exitWrongLogin fi/

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***

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Need better CFX tag instead of CFHTTP tag.

2003-09-29 Thread Ketan Patel
I am looaking for a good CFX tag which resolves URL redirects and all. I
need CFX http tag which resolves url redirects at server level means IIS
redirects and all. Also returns me header information with the page content.
Eg: which redirects to new hp site.
Please suggest me a good CFX tag which will help me. I tird using cfx_http
but its not giving me what I want.


Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell.

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SES and URL Rewrite

2003-09-29 Thread Ketan Patel
I am also looking for something but. I want to know that for
if my URL is:

can I rewrite the URL as

If you notice that I replaced info.cfm by info , means I want to remove the
file extension.
Let me know if this is possible, I know in Apache there is something like


Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell.

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Using cfobject

2003-09-29 Thread Bushy

I'm using the line to grab the computer name and the authenticated user on a WIndows 2000 Server.

cfobect type=COM name=w class=WScript.Network action="">
cfcookie name=DisplayComputerName value=#w.ComputerName# expires=never
cfcookie name=DisplayAuthenticatedUser value=#auth# expires=never

Is there a better way of getting this information without using cfobject?

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Reusing COM objects?

2003-09-29 Thread Bushy

In my application I'm using the following CFC. This gets loaded everytime a user click on a file link to get the file information (date, size, etc.).
I've been told that I could speed things up substantially by just having one function do a
single COM connection and have the other functions just re-use the COM
connection (COM connections have to go through a login process each time
that obviously have a lot of overhead).

How can I do this?

Do I put the code in my application.cfm and then just reuse it? If so, how?

Below is the code I got off

 * Returns the date/time a folder (directory) was created. (Windows only)
 * @param path 	 Absolute or relative path to the specified folder. 
 * @return Returns a date/time object. 
 * @author Rob Brooks-Bilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 * @version 1.0, July 20, 2001 
function FolderSize(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var folder = fso.Getfolder(path);
Return folder.Size;
function FolderDateLastAccessed(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
Return folder.DateLastAccessed;
function FolderDateLastModified(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
Return folder.DateLastModified;
function FolderDateCreated(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
Return folder.DateCreated;
function FileDateCreated(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var theFile = fso.Getfile(path);
Return theFile.DateCreated;
function FileDateLastAccessed(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
Return theFile.DateLastAccessed;
function FileDateLastModified(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
Return theFile.DateLastModified;
function FileSize(path)
Var fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
Var theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
Return theFile.Size;



cfset strFileName = ListLast(url.filename, \)
cfset DirPath = Left(url.filename, Evaluate(Len(url.filename) - len(strFileName) - 1))
cfset TheFile = ListLast(url.filename)
cfset TheFolder = DirPath

body bgcolor=#617087 leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0

link rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href="">

p class=wdirlinks align=centerbFile Information/b

p class=wdirlinks

table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0

table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbFile:/b/tdtd#strFileName# created on #DateFormat(FileDateCreated(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
(FileDateCreated(TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast accessed on #DateFormat(FileDateLastAccessed(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
(FileDateLastAccessed(TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#/td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast modified on #DateFormat(FileDateLastModified(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat(FileDateLastModified
(TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbSize:/b/tdtd#FileSize(TheFile)# bytes./td/tr

tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbDirectory:/b/tdtd#TheFolder# created on #DateFormat(FolderDateCreated(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at 
#TimeFormat(FolderDateCreated(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast accessed on #DateFormat(FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
(FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast modified on #DateFormat(FolderDateLastModified(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
(FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdsize of directory (including all files/subdirectories) is #FolderSize(TheFolder)# bytes./td/tr


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Getting file information

2003-09-29 Thread Bushy
Whats an easy way of getting file information with CF (filename, size, last modified etc.)? I tried using cfdirectory but it won't display the name or size of the file. Do I have to 
use cfdirectory in combination with cffile?

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Re: CF-Talk: Digest every 6 hours

2003-09-29 Thread David Hannum

I've been using Edgewebhosting for over 3 years now, and I've seen them grow
from an afterthough to a first class hosting operation.Vlad Freeman, their
CEO, is a real straight shooter.They interviewed him it this month's CFDJ.
I have nothing but praise for their operation.You can find cheaper.You
can't find better.

Dave Hannum

David R. Hannum
Web Analyst/Programmer
Ohio University Computer Services
Administrative Systems
(740) 597-2524

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RE: Getting file information

2003-09-29 Thread Philip Arnold
 Whats an easy way of getting file information with CF (filename, size,
 last modified etc.)? I tried using cfdirectory but it won't display
 the name or size of the file. Do I have to use cfdirectory in
 combination with cffile?

Erm, CFDIRECTORY returns all of that information;
(this list is copied from the Documentation)

It'd be a bit stupid if it didn't return the file name at least

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RE: Using cfobject

2003-09-29 Thread A.Little
You ought to be able to get the authenticated user from the cgi vars,
cgi.remote_user or cgi.auth_user, not sure about getting the computer name
using thsi method though.
-Original Message-
From: Bushy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 29 September 2003 12:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Using cfobject


I'm using the line to grab the computer name and the authenticated user
on a WIndows 2000 Server.

cfobect type=COM name=w class=WScript.Network action="">
cfcookie name=DisplayComputerName value=#w.ComputerName#
cfcookie name=DisplayAuthenticatedUser value=#auth# expires=never

Is there a better way of getting this information without using cfobject?


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CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Eric Chataigné

I have to gener
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CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Eric Chataigné

I have to generate a XML document that contains a lot of records (the size of the text file can be more than 10 Mb.

Does anyone know how must a CFMX variable requires as RAM in regards to the text docuement?

Many thanks.
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Re: Hosting at CrystalTech or EdgeWebHosting

2003-09-29 Thread Clint Tredway
I have 3 sites at crystaltech and they are great.


Snake Hollywood wrote: are good, good reviews, nice control panel. Do pretty
 much anything CF wise.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryan Sabir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 29 September 2003 01:21
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Hosting at CrystalTech or EdgeWebHosting

 Hey all,

 I remember some talk a while ago about some of you guys who were
 hosting with CrystalTech. How have they been lately? Most of the
 reviews I find about them say they are really good. I'm thinking of
 moving a high volume site over there.

 I'm also looking at another company called EdgeWebHosting has anyone
 tried them out?


 Ryan Sabir
 Newgency Pty Ltd
 2a Broughton St
 Paddington 2021
 Sydney, Australia
 Ph (02) 9331 2133
 Fax (02) 9331 5199
 Mobile: 0411 512 454


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Re: CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Thomas Chiverton
On Monday 29 Sep 2003 13:51 pm, Eric Chataign wrote:
 Does anyone know how must a CFMX variable requires as RAM in regards to the
 text docuement?

If you are that short on mem., build it stright to disk.

Tom Chiverton 
Advanced ColdFusion Programmer

Tel: +44(0)1749 834997
BlueFinger Limited
Underwood Business Park
Wookey Hole Road, WELLS. BA5 1AF
Tel: +44 (0)1749 834900
Fax: +44 (0)1749 834901
Company Reg No: 4209395 Registered Office: 2 Temple Back East, Temple
*** This E-mail contains confidential information for the addressee
only. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us
immediately. You should not use, disclose, distribute or copy this
communication if received in error. No binding contract will result from
this e-mail until such time as a written document is signed on behalf of
the company. BlueFinger Limited cannot accept responsibility for the
completeness or accuracy of this message as it has been transmitted over
public networks.***

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RE: Bluedragon Licensing et al.

2003-09-29 Thread Vince Bonfanti
FYI, you might be interested to know that the following web site is running
on BlueDragon Server JX (all of the .htm pages are really dynamic CFML
pages being served by BlueDragon--there are no static pages on the site):
That server has the following configuration:
 Dell dual 1.5GHz with 1GB RAM
 Red Hat 8
 Apache 1.3.27
 MySQL 4.0
 BlueDragon Server JX 3.0.2
Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

-Original Message-
From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Bluedragon Licensing et al.

I am drafting the specs for a volunteer project and considering using
BlueDragon Server on RedHat. I want to make sure I am not misreading
anything: BlueDragon server, with the PostGres drivers, costs nothing in
terms of a license. Can anyone (maybe from New Atlanta) confirm this is

Also, does anyone have any information about the performance of the
server version on Linux? The site will need to be able to handle an
average of 250 concurrent users and will be running on a dual processor
server (at least a Compaq Proliant 370 with dual 800 Mhz processors,
which I think we already have donated). 



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RE: Bluedragon Licensing et al.

2003-09-29 Thread Vince Bonfanti
P.S. For those of you who might be skeptical:

-Original Message-
From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 9:23 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Bluedragon Licensing et al.

FYI, you might be interested to know that the following web site is running
on BlueDragon Server JX (all of the .htm pages are really dynamic CFML
pages being served by BlueDragon--there are no static pages on the site):

That server has the following configuration:

 Dell dual 1.5GHz with 1GB RAM
 Red Hat 8
 Apache 1.3.27
 MySQL 4.0
 BlueDragon Server JX 3.0.2


Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

-Original Message-
From: Haggerty, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Bluedragon Licensing et al.

I am drafting the specs for a volunteer project and considering using
BlueDragon Server on RedHat. I want to make sure I am not misreading
anything: BlueDragon server, with the PostGres drivers, costs nothing in
terms of a license. Can anyone (maybe from New Atlanta) confirm this is

Also, does anyone have any information about the performance of the
server version on Linux? The site will need to be able to handle an
average of 250 concurrent users and will be running on a dual processor
server (at least a Compaq Proliant 370 with dual 800 Mhz processors,
which I think we already have donated). 




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Re:SES and URL Rewrite

2003-09-29 Thread Jack Dalaa
Download ISAPI Rewrite (, then use the following rules in httpd.ini:

RepeatLimit 20

# Defend your computer from some worm attacks
RewriteRule (/dyn/.*?)(\?[^/]*)?/([^/]*)/([^/]*)(.+?)? $1(?2$2:\?)$3=$4?5$5: [N,I]
RewriteRule /dyn(.+?)/?(\?.*)? $1.cfm$2 [I]

.. You can change the 'dyn' to whatever you want, but that would enable URL's like:

If you don't include the dyn, all URLs will be picked up by the filter, which wont work right.

Have fun!


I am also looking for something but. I want to know that for
if my URL is:

can I rewrite the URL as

If you notice that I replaced info.cfm by info , means I want to remove the
file extension.
Let me know if this is possible, I know in Apache there is something like


Ketan Patel
G3 Technology Group, LLC
Graphics III Advertising, Inc.
(410)789-7007 or (800)783-1799
It's Not Creative if it doesn't Sell.

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Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Brandon Purcell

There are two ways you can accomplish this. You can copy the cfusion-ear directory to another instance of JRun or you can rerun the installer and buildwar file.

For the first approach just copy /server/cfusion/cfusion-ear. 

You can also create a new instace of JRun. Then rerun the installer and create a war file.Then follow the steps in my article steps 8 and 9 if you do not want to cluster.I will look into writing a step by step doc on this and posting it is as a technote.

Brandon Purcell

No, i only have one Instance of CFMX. I am looking for the proper docs
to deploy a second instance of CFMX and change setting etc.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 4:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

 I wasnt able to find any clear documentation of the correct setup
 for Multiple Instances of CFMX on JRun.

 I installed CFMX Enterprise with Full JRun Version running.
 Can someone point me any docs on how to add the Second Instance of CFMX
 pointing to the same Web Root.
 It would be nice to debug which instance processed the request as well.

Do you have 2 instances installed already, and you're just looking for
on how to share the doc root? Or are you asking how to install a second
instance *and* set up the shared doc root.

For sharing the doc root, the most concise instruction set is this:

I've done this a lot, so if this doesn't fully answer your question, let
know and I'm glad to help you out. It can be confusing.


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OT:Date Comparison using JavaScript

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Sueltenfuss
Sorry for the Off Topic post, but I am hoping someone on the list will
be able to help me out.
Does anyone have a script for comparing two dates within _javascript_? I
have a date input field, and the date needs to be within two months
either way of today. Any help is appreciated.


Dave Sueltenfuss 
Application Developer 
Certified ColdFusion MX Developer 
Arch Wireless 
Phone: 508-870-6711 
Fax: 508-836-2760

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Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Joe Eugene

As Per the Livedocs and 1st way of accomplishing this.. i did the below.

1. Install CFMX ENT 6.1 with JRun Full install.
2. The above install creates One Instance of CFMX.
3. I created a second JRun Server Instance through JRun JMC(cfusion2)
4. Copied the Expanded default Intall of CFMX(cfusion-ear Folder) to new
CFMX Instance(cfusion2)
5. Left (SERVER-INF Folder) alone in (cfusion2 folder), since this has the
config for 2nd CFMX Instance.
6. Deleted (default-ear) in cfusion2 folder cause this is the default ear
created by JMC.

I am unable to access the CFMX administrator with different port numbers.

What am i doing wrong? 
I dont think there is a need to use the 2nd Way, since original CFMX 6.1 Install already expands the Ear.

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Brandon Purcell 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:01 AM
Subject: Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN


There are two ways you can accomplish this. You can copy the cfusion-ear directory to another instance of JRun or you can rerun the installer and buildwar file.

For the first approach just copy /server/cfusion/cfusion-ear. 

You can also create a new instace of JRun. Then rerun the installer and create a war file.Then follow the steps in my article steps 8 and 9 if you do not want to cluster.I will look into writing a step by step doc on this and posting it is as a technote.

Brandon Purcell

No, i only have one Instance of CFMX. I am looking for the proper docs
to deploy a second instance of CFMX and change setting etc.

Joe Eugene
-Original Message-
From: Dave Carabetta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2003 4:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

 I wasnt able to find any clear documentation of the correct setup
 for Multiple Instances of CFMX on JRun.

 I installed CFMX Enterprise with Full JRun Version running.
 Can someone point me any docs on how to add the Second Instance of CFMX
 pointing to the same Web Root.
 It would be nice to debug which instance processed the request as well.

Do you have 2 instances installed already, and you're just looking for
on how to share the doc root? Or are you asking how to install a second
instance *and* set up the shared doc root.

For sharing the doc root, the most concise instruction set is this:

I've done this a lot, so if this doesn't fully answer your question, let
know and I'm glad to help you out. It can be confusing.


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Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Joe Eugene

Thanks, i will give the below approach a shot but what i dont understand is.. if you
already have an expanded cfusion-ear(ear file) install.. why cant you just copy the
expanded ear to new JRun Instance.. this should work right?

Joe Eugene

- Original Message - 
From: Dave Carabetta 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

 Have you configured Multiple Instances of CFMX (version 6.1)?
 Did you do something different than i did?

For starters, I don't use the official instructions I've seen in the
Macromedia documentation regarding installing MX into a JRun instance (EAR
deployment, etc.). I find them too cumbersome and confusing. So while I'm
going to outline what I do in my installs, I just want to point out up front
that it's going to be different from the official docs that I've seen, and,
in my opinion, my way is much easier to follow and maintain.

This is what I do:

1. Open the JMC and click the Create New Server link and follow the wizard
steps to set up the new JRun instance. Do not start the new server after
creating it.
2. Run the MX installer, choosing the WAR deployment option. You will wind
up with two resulting files, cfusion.war and rds.war. (Note that rds.war
will not be necessary if you're not going to use a context root.
3. Delete the default-ear directory.
4. In the root of your new JRun instance (in this example, assume I've named
the JRun instance cfmx2), create a folder called cfusion.
5. Copy cfusion.war to the cfusion directory.
6. Run jar -xvf cfusion.war to deploy the WAR file.
7. Delete cfusion.war.

Now that the installation phase is done, now it's time for the configuration

8. Open WEB-INF/jrun-web.xml in the cfusion directory of your new instance.
9. Look for the context-root/cfusion/context-root element and delete the
/cfusion between the tags.
10. To set up the shared document root, you need to set up the mappings to
the doc root. In my installations (MX 6.1 on Linux/Solaris), I have the
following. The only thing you'll need to change is the values between the
system-path tags to reflect your system setup.


The first mapping sets up the redirect when a URL is requested in the
browser. As you can see, it's not in the same directory path as my JRun
installation. The second mapping allows the web server to find the MX
libraries, etc., it needs to process and serve the request. The last mapping
isn't necessary, but using it means that I don't have to copy the MX
administrator out to my site.

At this point, you're ready to start up your MX instance.

For anybody who has come across the installation instructions for MX 6.0,
the only difference (that I've found) between the 6.1 instruction set and
the 6.0 instruction set is that you don't need to copy the
file to you document root (some architecture changes in 6.1 alleviated the
need for this).

Once your instance is started up, you canaccess the new instance through the

Once you're satisfied that things are working as you like, you can just run
the wsconfig to get your external web server running with this MX instance.

Hope this helps?


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RE: Date Comparison using JavaScript

2003-09-29 Thread Pascal Peters
Create JS dateobjects and use the getTime() method to compare them. The
function uses US dateformat (mm/dd/)
function InRange(mydate){
 var aDate = mydate.split(/);
 var currDate = new Date(); 
 var minDate = new
 var maxDate = new
alert(No date);
return false;
 var theDate = new Date(aDate[2],aDate[0]-1,aDate[1]);
alert(No date);
return false;
 if (theDate.getTime()maxDate.getTime() ||
alert(date out of range);
return false;
 alert(date in range);
 return true;

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sueltenfuss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: maandag 29 september 2003 16:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT:Date Comparison using _javascript_

Sorry for the Off Topic post, but I am hoping someone on the list will
be able to help me out.
Does anyone have a script for comparing two dates within _javascript_? I
have a date input field, and the date needs to be within two months
either way of today. Any help is appreciated.


Dave Sueltenfuss 
Application Developer 
Certified ColdFusion MX Developer 
Arch Wireless 
Phone: 508-870-6711 
Fax: 508-836-2760


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Verity and Collection

2003-09-29 Thread Kurt Knazek
I would like to know if it's possible to create a collection on a different 
cold fusion server on the same network.

I need the process to be automated.

I have a site publication tool which generates out web sites on the fly. 
When the site has been published I move the publish site to a different 
cold fusion server on the same network to separate the load on the 
application server traffic from the web site traffic. The only problem I'm 
running into is the verity collection for each site needs to move to the 
other server also .


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RE: Verity and Collection

2003-09-29 Thread Philip Arnold
 I would like to know if it's possible to create a collection on a
 cold fusion server on the same network.

 I need the process to be automated.

 I have a site publication tool which generates out web sites on the
 When the site has been published I move the publish site to a
 cold fusion server on the same network to separate the load on the
 application server traffic from the web site traffic. The only problem
 running into is the verity collection for each site needs to move to
 other server also .

When you copy the site over, why not copy the Verity Files?

You'll have to create the Verity first, otherwise I think it'll kill
your previous files

I've done this before and it's a LOT faster than making the Verity


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Re: Verity and Collection

2003-09-29 Thread Stephen Moretti
Philip Arnold wrote:
 I would like to know if it's possible to create a collection on a
 cold fusion server on the same network.

 I need the process to be automated.

 I have a site publication tool which generates out web sites on the
 When the site has been published I move the publish site to a
 cold fusion server on the same network to separate the load on the
 application server traffic from the web site traffic. The only problem
 running into is the verity collection for each site needs to move to
 other server also .
 When you copy the site over, why not copy the Verity Files?
 You'll have to create the Verity first, otherwise I think it'll kill
 your previous files
 I've done this before and it's a LOT faster than making the Verity

 From CF5 onwards you were able to copy the collection files across and 
then just Map to your collection files.

Getting stuck in your old ways there Phil... ;oD



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404 error admin page for CF MX not found

2003-09-29 Thread lmarcus
Hey folks:

 This is one that happens a lot.I just installed CF MX
 on win2k server without any service packs and IIS 5.0 and I
dont get the CF MX admin page-- I get a 404 error). Went to 
localhost or and I 
get a 404 error -- I know this is a path problem. But how can 
I fix this? I also installed CF MX on a server at work but 
now that I installed service pack 4 I get the same 404 
error.Interesting huh?
 I didnt change anything at work except the service pack.

 As for my development server at home I get the 404 error
 and the home directory points to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Am
 I missing a dll? What is the solution to both these problems.
 I am very concerned. Guess youve heard this one before.


Larry Marcus
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2003-09-29 Thread Gary Hotko
I am having a problem with a CFTABLE that I am createing and would like 
to know if there is a way to solve the problem with out having to 
recreate a new table.

I am trying to make a decision as to what the value of the data in the 
column should be.

Based on the value from the control field on the table either the 
messageif it is equal to D --strong class='disclaimer'ITEM 
input type='button'  value='edit' 
name='edit#ItemID#' should be displayed. 

one of my code attempts is below.

cfcol header=Edit align=center cfif control EQ 'D' text=strong 
ACCEPTED/strong CFELSE text=input type='button' 
 value='edit' name='edit#ItemID#'/cfif

Please assist. Thank You.

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Re: CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Joe Eugene
I wouldnt advice creating a 10MB XML Document Via CFMX Or any other Application Server. I would write a simple
Java Application (Win NT Scheduled Or Other) that creates the XML file and let the User Download the File like
any other download.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Eric Chataign 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:51 AM
Subject: CFXML use of memory 


I have to generate a XML document that contains a lot of records (the size of the text file can be more than 10 Mb.

Does anyone know how must a CFMX variable requires as RAM in regards to the text docuement?

Many thanks.

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query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread Ubqtous
I have code that checks for an affiliate ID in a URL and sets a cookie
accordingly. I noticed that if the referring site uses

instead of

my code [ isdefined(url.someid) ] does not properly recognize the
query string.

Is this because it's incorrect to append a query string directly to a
root URL, or is there something different I need to do in order to
check for the URL parameter in this case?


~ Ubqtous ~

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Re: CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Brook Davies

I am curious, how are you creating the XML doc? What is the format of the 
data? I is based on a recordset? I ask because I am currently tasked with 
doing the same thing and want to know what is a good format for exchanging 
a CF recordset with a Delphi application.


At 12:14 PM 9/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I wouldnt advice creating a 10MB XML Document Via CFMX Or any other 
Application Server. I would write a simple
Java Application (Win NT Scheduled Or Other) that creates the XML file and 
let the User Download the File like
any other download.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message -
From: Eric Chataign
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:51 AM
Subject: CFXML use of memory


I have to generate a XML document that contains a lot of records (the 
 size of the text file can be more than 10 Mb.

Does anyone know how must a CFMX variable requires as RAM in regards to 
 the text docuement?

Many thanks.

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Re: Load testing CFMX6.1

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Norloff
Thanks, Stacy.

What drivers are you using, and to what database?

I ask because we're running CFMX on WebSphere with Oracle drivers and have been running into some slowness issues, and lately some problems connecting to the database.

Chris Norloff

-- Original Message --
From: Stacy Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:Sun, 28 Sep 2003 22:30:16 -0400

We're prepping a cfmx cluster (cfmx on jrun4) of 2 severs to go live in
the near future. I'm currently load testing break and destroy scripts
on a single server to see our max capacity in the event one server goes

I'm happy to report that @ 30 virtual users with an aggressive wait time
(meaning low)...cfmx just smiles and keeps on coming. :)

The application is very data intensive (reporting) so there's plenty of
file i/o (outputting csv files)...loads of database work etc. The
machine is also less powerful than our production boxes...and has 512
RAM. (Solaris 8)

I have to say I'm very relieved. This same app used to explode on CF5.
In fact, I can still browse the site with a very acceptable response



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Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Brandon Purcell

Do you get an error when you try to access the admin? When you go into the JMC under J2EE apps do you see CF deployed on the new JRun instance.Check the JRun4/logs to see if you see any issues with the CF deploy.

 You may want to try the second approach if you still have problems with the first since it would give you a fresh start with the cfusion.war.

Brandon Purcell
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RE: CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Stacy Young
Speaking of this appears (on NT anyway, will be testing
solaris shortly) that setting the mapCheck attribute to 0 causes server
fail over NOT to work.(not setting it causes apache to spawn bunch of
child processes for mapping updates on every request)


Has anyone else seen this? I'm re-installing the environment to make
sure it's not a config issue...but as of right now...if I remove that
attribute, failover works flawlessly. 





From: Brandon Purcell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: September 29, 2003 1:02 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re:CFMX Instances on JRUN



Do you get an error when you try to access the admin? When you go into
the JMC under J2EE apps do you see CF deployed on the new JRun instance.
Check the JRun4/logs to see if you see any issues with the CF deploy.

You may want to try the second approach if you still have problems with
the first since it would give you a fresh start with the cfusion.war.

Brandon Purcell


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Re: 404 error admin page for CF MX not found

2003-09-29 Thread lmarcus
Whoops, solved the one at work, just restarted CF services 
but at home this may be a harder nut to crack. I checked out
CF knowledgebase at Macromedia but didnt find exactly what I 
was looking for.So I still have the 404 error problem at 
home -- when I installed SP3 I couldnt get IIS to start. When 
I took it off IIS started again with MX CF (on Win2k server)
but I got the 404 error because CF administrator (login page -
- index.cfm) was not found.

L Marcus

 Original message 
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 11:55:56 -0400
Subject: 404 error admin page for CF MX not found

Hey folks:

This is one that happens a lot.I just installed CF
on win2k server without any service packs and IIS
5.0 and I
dont get the CF MX admin page-- I get a 404 error).
Went to
localhost or and I
get a 404 error -- I know this is a path problem.
But how can
I fix this? I also installed CF MX on a server at
work but
now that I installed service pack 4 I get the same
error.Interesting huh?
I didnt change anything at work except the service

As for my development server at home I get the 404
and the home directory points to
c:\inetpub\wwwroot\. Am
I missing a dll? What is the solution to both these
I am very concerned. Guess youve heard this one


Larry Marcus

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Re: Reusing COM objects?

2003-09-29 Thread jon hall
How about something like this...

cfset this.fso = CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject)

function FolderSize(path)
Var folder = this.fso.Getfolder(path);
Return folder.Size;



Store it in the application scope like so.

cfset application.fileLib = createObject(component, fileLib)

Then call the methods just as you have been, just prefixing the calls
with 'application.fileLib.'.


Monday, September 29, 2003, 7:58:12 AM, you wrote:
B Hi,

B In my application I'm using the following CFC. This gets loaded everytime a user click on a file link to get the file information (date, size, etc.).
B I've been told that I could speed things up substantially by just having one function do a
B single COM connection and have the other functions just re-use the COM
B connection (COM connections have to go through a login process each time
B that obviously have a lot of overhead).

B How can I do this?

B Do I put the code in my application.cfm and then just reuse it? If so, how?

B Below is the code I got off

B /**
B* Returns the date/time a folder (directory) was created. (Windows only)
B* @param pathAbsolute or relative path to the specified folder. 
B* @return Returns a date/time object. 
B* @author Rob Brooks-Bilson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
B* @version 1.0, July 20, 2001 
B function FolderSize(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar folder = fso.Getfolder(path);
BReturn folder.Size;
B }
B function FolderDateLastAccessed(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
BReturn folder.DateLastAccessed;
B }
B function FolderDateLastModified(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
BReturn folder.DateLastModified;
B }
B function FolderDateCreated(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar folder = fso.GetFolder(path);
BReturn folder.DateCreated;
B }
B function FileDateCreated(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar theFile = fso.Getfile(path);
BReturn theFile.DateCreated;
B }
B function FileDateLastAccessed(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
BReturn theFile.DateLastAccessed;
B }
B function FileDateLastModified(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
BReturn theFile.DateLastModified;
B }
B function FileSize(path)
B {
BVar fso= CreateObject(COM, Scripting.FileSystemObject);
BVar theFile = fso.GetFile(path);
BReturn theFile.Size;
B }


B /head

B cfset strFileName = ListLast(url.filename, \)
B cfset DirPath = Left(url.filename, Evaluate(Len(url.filename) - len(strFileName) - 1))
B cfset TheFile = ListLast(url.filename)
B cfset TheFolder = DirPath

B body bgcolor=#617087 leftmargin=0 topmargin=0 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0

B link rel=STYLESHEET type=text/css href="">

B br
B p class=wdirlinks align=centerbFile Information/b

B p class=wdirlinks

B table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0
B tr

B td
B table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0
B cfoutput
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbFile:/b/tdtd#strFileName# created on #DateFormat(FileDateCreated(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
B (FileDateCreated(TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast accessed on #DateFormat(FileDateLastAccessed(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
B (FileDateLastAccessed(TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#/td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast modified on #DateFormat(FileDateLastModified(TheFile), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat(FileDateLastModified
B (TheFile), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbSize:/b/tdtd#FileSize(TheFile)# bytes./td/tr

B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70 align=rightbDirectory:/b/tdtd#TheFolder# created on #DateFormat(FolderDateCreated(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at 
B #TimeFormat(FolderDateCreated(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast accessed on #DateFormat(FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
B (FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdlast modified on #DateFormat(FolderDateLastModified(TheFolder), 'mm/dd/')# at #TimeFormat
B (FolderDateLastAccessed(TheFolder), 'HH:MM:SS')#./td/tr
B tr class=wdirlinkstd width=70nbsp;/tdtdsize of directory (including all files/subdirectories) is #FolderSize(TheFolder)# bytes./td/tr
B /cfoutput
B /table
B /td

B /tr
B /table

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Re:Verity and Collection

2003-09-29 Thread kknazek
How can I register the collection with the other cold fusion server after copy the collection to this server ? 
This needs to be an automated process.

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Re: CFXML use of memory

2003-09-29 Thread Joe Eugene

Are you trying to exchange Data between Systems? (Different Remote Systems or Internal Network?)
Why Not Let the Delphi Application read the data Directly rather than having CF Process
the Data and hand it over to Delphi App?

If the Applications are running on different remote machines... Here are a few options..
1. You can configure the Delphi application to read the Remote Data Store and pull data directly.
 If Dephi cant do the above, you can use JDBC Type IV Drivers to pull the data.
2. You can have a Scheduled Java Application creating the XML Doc as *.xml and the Dephi application
 can get the data from the Remote Server via HTTP/HTTPS.
 I wouldnt recommend using ColdFusion for creating XML Docs for Data Transfer or Transaction Processes,
 this can hurt the performance of CF Server Or any other application server.
3. You can use a Java Application to create large XML docs and FTP the xml doc to the remote server, where
 the Dephi application can pick it up for processing.

The best route depends on the Sensitivity, size etc of the data.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message - 
From: Brook Davies 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: CFXML use of memory 


I am curious, how are you creating the XML doc? What is the format of the 
data? I is based on a recordset? I ask because I am currently tasked with 
doing the same thing and want to know what is a good format for exchanging 
a CF recordset with a Delphi application.


At 12:14 PM 9/29/2003 -0400, you wrote:
I wouldnt advice creating a 10MB XML Document Via CFMX Or any other 
Application Server. I would write a simple
Java Application (Win NT Scheduled Or Other) that creates the XML file and 
let the User Download the File like
any other download.

Joe Eugene
- Original Message -
From: Eric Chataign
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:51 AM
Subject: CFXML use of memory


I have to generate a XML document that contains a lot of records (the 
 size of the text file can be more than 10 Mb.

Does anyone know how must a CFMX variable requires as RAM in regards to 
 the text docuement?

Many thanks.


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RE: Verity and Collection

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Watts
 How can I register the collection with the other cold 
 fusion server after copy the collection to this server ? 
 This needs to be an automated process.

I'm guessing you could do this with the CFCOLLECTION tag, using

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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CF5 Hotfixes

2003-09-29 Thread Jim McAtee
Did Macromedia at one point in time renumber their KB (technote, whatever)
articles?Maybe it's a result of the merging of the Allair and MM sites.I'm
rebuilding a CF5 server and today I went to the Macromedia site to download all
of the hotfixes for Windows.I've got a number of CF5 hotfixes that I
downloaded about 18 months ago and the article number don't jive, so I'm trying
to sort it all out.I had written some pretty good notes to myself at the time
I last applied the fixes, but my notes reference the published article numbers
of the time.

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RE: CF5 Hotfixes

2003-09-29 Thread Debbie Dickerson
Yes, the TechNotes were re-numbered last year during one of the website redesigns. The master hot fix TechNote is located here: 
 You should also be able to search on the old article number and have it show up in the search results.

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:39 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF5 Hotfixes

Did Macromedia at one point in time renumber their KB (technote, whatever)
articles?Maybe it's a result of the merging of the Allair and MM sites.I'm
rebuilding a CF5 server and today I went to the Macromedia site to download all
of the hotfixes for Windows.I've got a number of CF5 hotfixes that I
downloaded about 18 months ago and the article number don't jive, so I'm trying
to sort it all out.I had written some pretty good notes to myself at the time
I last applied the fixes, but my notes reference the published article numbers
of the time.


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credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Robert Orlini
I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am Express, M/C and Visa?


Robert Orlini
HW Wilson
718-588-8400 x2656

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RE: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Che Vilnonis
visa 4111
amex ???
-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: credit card test numbers

I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I
don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am
Express, M/C and Visa?


Robert Orlini
HW Wilson
718-588-8400 x2656

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RE: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Jim T
do you know if these work on pay pal?

-Original Message-
From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 11:51 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: credit card test numbers

visa 4111
amex ???
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: credit card test numbers

 I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I
don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for
Express, M/C and Visa?


 Robert Orlini
 HW Wilson
 718-588-8400 x2656

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Re: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
It's been discussed before and 2 examples have been given:

 I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I don't
want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am Express,
M/C and Visa?


 Robert Orlini
 HW Wilson
 718-588-8400 x2656

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Re: CFMX Instances on JRUN

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Carabetta
Thanks, i will give the below approach a shot but what i dont understand 
is.. if you
already have an expanded cfusion-ear(ear file) install.. why cant you just 
copy the
expanded ear to new JRun Instance.. this should work right?

>From what you describe, yes, it should theoretically work. However, as I 
mentioned, I found the EAR deployment approach overly complicated and 
cumbersome, so I used and continue to use the WAR deployment option instead. 
Using the WAR option, I've had no problem using the same cfusion.war in my 
deployments to multiple instances.

Sorry I can't answer your question more specifically, but I abandoned EAR 
deployments a long time ago.


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Re: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread jon hall


Monday, September 29, 2003, 2:41:08 PM, you wrote:
RO I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am Express, M/C and Visa?

RO Thanks.

RO Robert Orlini
RO HW Wilson
RO 718-588-8400 x2656
RO ¿

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RE: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Robert Orlini

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:57 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: credit card test numbers

It's been discussed before and 2 examples have been given:

 I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I don't
want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am Express,
M/C and Visa?


 Robert Orlini
 HW Wilson
 718-588-8400 x2656


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RE: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread Robert Orlini
Thanks all.

-Original Message-
From: jon hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: credit card test numbers


Monday, September 29, 2003, 2:41:08 PM, you wrote:
RO I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit cards. I don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use for Am Express, M/C and Visa?

RO Thanks.

RO Robert Orlini
RO HW Wilson
RO 718-588-8400 x2656
RO ¿


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Re: CF Studio 5 Character Entities for XHTML

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Montgomery

Thursday, September 25, 2003, 12:49:35 PM, Chris Montgomery wrote:

 I'm still using CF Studio 5. These days, I'm working on XHTML sites and
 have a question about character entities in Studio.

 By default, the View toolbar in Studio has a button for Extended and
 Special Characters (it's the Omega symbol, looks sorta like a horseshoe
 hanging from a nail). If, for example, I want to insert a double
 quotation mark in a template, clicking on the above button and then
 clicking again on the double quote mark enters quot; in the template.
 Using XHTML, I would rather have it enter #34; . Same for all of the
 other extended and special characters.

 Does anyone know if it's possible to edit the extended character set
 that this button uses to enter them in templates? Thanks.

Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

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OT: SQL padding then to file question

2003-09-29 Thread Eric Creese
I have been given a task to get some data and put it into a file format for another company with starting and end positions for each column. For example this file requires the following

name		width	start	end
unique id	10	1	10
Indicator	1	11	11
title		4	12	15
first name	30	16	45
mid initial	1	46	46
last name	35	47	81

...and so on.

Here is my query

select personid,companyid='I',perprefix,perfname,left(permname,1),perlname,addrline1+' '+addrline2,city,state,left(zip,5),country = 'USA'
from peopleroleup
where country ='United States'
and companyidis null

How do I pad this out? I am using SQL2k Query Analyzer.

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RE: CF Studio 5 Character Entities for XHTML

2003-09-29 Thread Douglas.Knudsen
look at Options  Settings  Markup Languages  HTML/XHTML
There is a setting there that looks like what you are looking for.

-Original Message-
From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:32 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF Studio 5  Character Entities for XHTML


Thursday, September 25, 2003, 12:49:35 PM, Chris Montgomery wrote:

 I'm still using CF Studio 5. These days, I'm working on XHTML sites and
 have a question about character entities in Studio.

 By default, the View toolbar in Studio has a button for Extended and
 Special Characters (it's the Omega symbol, looks sorta like a horseshoe
 hanging from a nail). If, for example, I want to insert a double
 quotation mark in a template, clicking on the above button and then
 clicking again on the double quote mark enters quot; in the template.
 Using XHTML, I would rather have it enter #34; . Same for all of the
 other extended and special characters.

 Does anyone know if it's possible to edit the extended character set
 that this button uses to enter them in templates? Thanks.

Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales


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Re: Re:dynamic menus

2003-09-29 Thread Sam Fisher
Thanks, L.Unfortunately I'm dense and am having trouble making sense of the code you sent me.Suppose I have two lookup tables, (a) is for three types of Apples [red, golden, grannysmith], and the other (b) is for Nuts [walnut, chestnut, pecan, peanut].

The criteria are such that
1) Each Apple-type can have only one Nut-type.
2) red apples can only be paired up with a chestnut or a pecan.
3) golden apples can only be paired up with a walnuts or a chestnut.
4) grannysmith apples can only be paired up with any type of nut.

-I write a query to get all of my Apples listed in a drop-down menu.
-I write a query for each situation possibly selected.So for red I'd write something like:
 CFQUERY name=redlistSELECT nut FROM tblNUTS WHERE nut = 'chestnut' OR nut = 'pecan'/CFQUERY 

So how do I create the form?I guess I'm not understanding how multiple lists can be mixed and matched.I still feel that I need a switch to handle the specific cases.Perhaps I'm not looking for a dynamic menu system.Anyway, sorry to bug you again.Your help is very welcome.

- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: Re:dynamic menus

Try this. I'm a big fan of NOT using CFFORM etc.

Note the onChange event - very straightforward.

And this way you need only one list (no case statement needed).

cfparam name=FORM.author_id default=

cfquery name=Alist datasource=word
ORDER BY author_first_name
form method=post name=listForm
select name=author_id >
option value=-- SELECT --/option
cfoutput query=Alist
option value=#author_id# cfif #FORM.author_id# EQ #Alist.author_id#selected/cfif#author_first_name#/option

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Re: SQL padding then to file question

2003-09-29 Thread Phillip B
I'm reaching here but could you cast the fields into a char datatype with
the specific length you need?

Phillip B.
- Original Message - 
From: Eric Creese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: OT: SQL padding then to file question

 I have been given a task to get some data and put it into a file format
for another company with starting and end positions for each column. For
example this file requires the following

 name width start end
 unique id 10 1 10
 Indicator 1 11 11
 title 4 12 15
 first name 30 16 45
 mid initial 1 46 46
 last name 35 47 81

 ...and so on.

 Here is my query

1+' '+addrline2,city,state,left(zip,5),country = 'USA'
 from peopleroleup
 where country ='United States'
 and companyidis null

 How do I pad this out? I am using SQL2k Query Analyzer.

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RE: Date Comparison using JavaScript

2003-09-29 Thread Lofback, Chris
Do you mean to compare date strings rather than date objects?I have a JS library I wrote that will do this, but it requires v4 browser or better.Is that OK?

-Original Message-
From: Dave Sueltenfuss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:20 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT:Date Comparison using _javascript_

Sorry for the Off Topic post, but I am hoping someone on the list will
be able to help me out.
Does anyone have a script for comparing two dates within _javascript_? I
have a date input field, and the date needs to be within two months
either way of today. Any help is appreciated.


Dave Sueltenfuss 
Application Developer 
Certified ColdFusion MX Developer 
Arch Wireless 
Phone: 508-870-6711 
Fax: 508-836-2760


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OT: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Jr Placo
I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post what most Coldfusion developers make or a range? 

Thank you
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Re:SQL padding then to file question

2003-09-29 Thread Eric Creese
Ok I will give that at try but how do I account for NULL values? If I have a NULL value I want it to be padded out. 
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RE: Re:dynamic menus

2003-09-29 Thread Ian Skinner
This might be an option for what you want.HTH.

Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Sam Fisher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:51 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Re:dynamic menus

Thanks, L.Unfortunately I'm dense and am having trouble making sense of
the code you sent me.Suppose I have two lookup tables, (a) is for three
types of Apples [red, golden, grannysmith], and the other (b) is for Nuts
[walnut, chestnut, pecan, peanut].

The criteria are such that
1) Each Apple-type can have only one Nut-type.
2) red apples can only be paired up with a chestnut or a pecan.
3) golden apples can only be paired up with a walnuts or a chestnut.
4) grannysmith apples can only be paired up with any type of nut.

-I write a query to get all of my Apples listed in a drop-down menu.
-I write a query for each situation possibly selected.So for red I'd write
something like:
 CFQUERY name=redlistSELECT nut FROM tblNUTS WHERE nut = 'chestnut'
OR nut = 'pecan'/CFQUERY 

So how do I create the form?I guess I'm not understanding how multiple
lists can be mixed and matched.I still feel that I need a switch to handle
the specific cases.Perhaps I'm not looking for a dynamic menu system.
Anyway, sorry to bug you again.Your help is very welcome.

- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 4:40 PM
Subject: Re:dynamic menus

Try this. I'm a big fan of NOT using CFFORM etc.

Note the onChange event - very straightforward.

And this way you need only one list (no case statement needed).

cfparam name=FORM.author_id default=

cfquery name=Alist datasource=word
ORDER BY author_first_name
form method=post name=listForm
select name=author_id >
option value=-- SELECT --/option
cfoutput query=Alist
option value=#author_id# cfif #FORM.author_id# EQ


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connection error in 6.1

2003-09-29 Thread Jeremy
Just upgraded to 6.1 and now get this error on all my access connections
in the administrator- ODBC sockets also
Connection verification failed for data source: fed
[]java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver]TCP/IP
error, connection refused.
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink
JDBC Driver]TCP/IP error, connection refused.

SQL server connections are fine.
What do you think it could be??

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Re: OT: SQL padding then to file question

2003-09-29 Thread kpeterson
Use the replicate function with the len function.

Something like below where 10 is the field size needed..

select personid + REPLICATE(' ', 10-len(personid) ),

Kore Peterson

Eric Creese
Subject:OT: SQL padding then to file question 
02:41 PM 
Please respond 
to cf-talk

I have been given a task to get some data and put it into a file format for
another company with starting and end positions for each column. For
example this file requires the following

namewidth startend
unique id 10110
Indicator 1
first name301645
mid initial 14646
last name 354781

...and so on.

Here is my query

select personid,companyid
='I',perprefix,perfname,left(permname,1),perlname,addrline1+' '
+addrline2,city,state,left(zip,5),country = 'USA'
from peopleroleup
where country ='United States'
and companyidis null

How do I pad this out? I am using SQL2k Query Analyzer.

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Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Michael Dinowitz
Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but I
think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
$120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now its
impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the 90k-110k

 I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post what
most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

 Thank you

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RE: SQL padding then to file question

2003-09-29 Thread Ian Skinner
Don't know if it is a requirement to do this in the query, but I've done
exactly what you are describing by formatting the file output using the
LJustify() and RJustify() functions possibly even the CJustfy() but that
would be odd to me.
Ian Skinner 
Web Programmer 
Sacramento, CA 

-Original Message-
From: Phillip B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:54 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL padding then to file question

I'm reaching here but could you cast the fields into a char datatype with
the specific length you need?

Phillip B.
- Original Message - 
From: Eric Creese [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: OT: SQL padding then to file question

 I have been given a task to get some data and put it into a file format
for another company with starting and end positions for each column. For
example this file requires the following

 name width start end
 unique id 10 1 10
 Indicator 1 11 11
 title 4 12 15
 first name 30 16 45
 mid initial 1 46 46
 last name 35 47 81

 ...and so on.

 Here is my query

1+' '+addrline2,city,state,left(zip,5),country = 'USA'
 from peopleroleup
 where country ='United States'
 and companyidis null

 How do I pad this out? I am using SQL2k Query Analyzer.


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Re: OT: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Jim Campbell
You should look into re-posting this in the CF-Jobs-Talk list - this is 
more on-topic for that and it's fairly active, too.

- Jim

Jr Placo wrote:

 I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please 
 post what most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

 Thank you
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Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Doug White
In this area CF'ers are earning from $23k to 55K annualfull time employed.
with a median around $33k.
consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I have not
seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs (with
clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.

I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range, and
still getting applicants.

Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of glad I am

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- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

| Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
| fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
| we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but I
| think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
| headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
| $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now its
| impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the 90k-110k
| range.
|  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
| most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
|  Thank you
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RE: Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Mike Brunt
Doug, that's very low.Where abouts are you located?

Kind Regards - Mike Brunt

Original Message ---
In this area CF'ers are earning from $23k to 55K annualfull time employed.
with a median around $33k.
consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I have not
seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs (with
clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.

I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range, and
still getting applicants.

Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of glad I am

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
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- Original Message - 
From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

| Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
| fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
| we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but I
| think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
| headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
| $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now its
| impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the 90k-110k
| range.
|  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
| most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
|  Thank you

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RE: Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Tony Weeg
I was about to say the same thing.
mcdonalds employees do better than that... 


tony weeg
senior web applications architect
navtrak, inc.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Brunt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:07 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Re: CF Salary Range

Doug, that's very low.Where abouts are you located?

Kind Regards - Mike Brunt

Original Message --- In this area CF'ers are earning
from $23k to 55K annualfull time employed.
with a median around $33k.
consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I have
not seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs
clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.

I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range,
and still getting applicants.

Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of glad
I am retired.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions Featuring Win2003 Enterprise,
RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message -
From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

| Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to
| fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long
| we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range,
but I
| think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
| headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
| $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now
| impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the
| range.
|  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
| most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
|  Thank you

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cf server variable not available to all requests

2003-09-29 Thread Kate Johnson
Server.ColdFusion.SerialNumber is not displaying on web pages when called with #Server.ColdFusion.SerialNumber# on our two servers with 6,1,0,63958 installed. We are running Enterprise on Windows 2000. The serial number is required by ActivEdit which sets a cookie using the sn.
The serial number shows up in CF Administrator on the CF 6.1 boxes, and all the other server-scope variables display correctly when called.
We have another server with CF5 and can display the sn with #Server.ColdFusion.SerialNumber# on pages.
Any ideas?
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Re: Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Doug White
I think it is ridiculous -and is quite a drop from just a couple of years ago.
The DoD jobs have held pretty steady. but the private sector is really trying to
hire cheap, and what bothers me, is that they are still getting applicants.
That low of an hourly rate is what I consider the educational rate - mostly for
college students on an internship.

Most moderately experienced independents were in the range of $40-45 hourly, but
there are enough of them available that bids are in the $25.00 range for new

The strongest competition for ColdFusion developers is off-shore -and they are
promoting themselves quite well, do very good work, and charge really low rates.
The headhunters love them because of the increased profit margins.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
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If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Brunt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: Re: CF Salary Range

| Doug, that's very low.Where abouts are you located?
| Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
| Original Message ---
| In this area CF'ers are earning from $23k to 55K annualfull time employed.
| with a median around $33k.
| consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I have not
| seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs (with
| clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.
| I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range, and
| still getting applicants.
| Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of glad I
| retired.
| ==
| Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
| For hosting solutions
| Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
| ISP rated:
| Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
| ==
| If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
| - Original Message - 
| From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
| Subject: Re: CF Salary Range
| | Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
| | fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
| | we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| | That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but
| | think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
| | headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
| | $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now
| | impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the
| | range.
| |
| |
| |  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
| what
| | most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
| | 
| |  Thank you
| |
| |
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Re: OT: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Rafael Bleiweiss
 From peanuts to palatial estates

At 03:09 PM 9/29/03, you wrote:
I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post 
what most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

Thank you

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OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II
I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
sitting side-by-side. 

I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk style--but I
don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
have some room for writing notes, etc.

- Dan
: Name:Dan G. Switzer, II:
: Blog:

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Re:query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread lee
I can't replicate this error on the one machine I've tested (netscape server).

However, there IS an issue with Apache where you have to set the httpd.conf file to recognize the trailing / (or ignore; I fergit). Are you running Apache? What is the error you're seeing?

I have code that checks for an affiliate ID in a URL and sets a cookie
accordingly. I noticed that if the referring site uses

instead of

my code [ isdefined(url.someid) ] does not properly recognize the
query string.

Is this because it's incorrect to append a query string directly to a
root URL, or is there something different I need to do in order to
check for the URL parameter in this case?


~ Ubqtous ~

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RE: credit card test numbers

2003-09-29 Thread cf

look at bottom of page

 do you know if these work on pay pal?

-Original Message-
From: Che Vilnonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 11:51 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: credit card test numbers

visa 4111
amex ???
-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:41 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: credit card test numbers

I'm testing out the use of our CF validation script for credit
 cards. I
don't want to use real cc numbers. Anyone know of test numbers to use
Express, M/C and Visa?


Robert Orlini
HW Wilson
718-588-8400 x2656

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Re: OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Jim Campbell
Dan -

Check out Room  Board.I have a huge (3'x6'x3) table I bought from 
them 4 years ago.It's very plain - just a flat solid mahogany tabletop 
- but holds dual 22 monitors (heh, heh) just peachy, and has plenty of 
room for keyboard, mouse, Wacom tablet, Clie cradle, books and 
note-taking space.

Their schtick is you can choose all manner of tabletops and all manner 
of legs to attach to it, so you can get a fairly customized piece of 
furniture for your needs.I think I might someday buy a really nice 
workstation desk, but for now, this suits my needs very well.

- Jim

Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:

 I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
 home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
 sitting side-by-side.

 I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk 
 style--but I
 don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
 furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and 
 it must
 have some room for writing notes, etc.

 - Dan
 : Name:Dan G. Switzer, II:
 : E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :
 : Blog:

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Re: OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread jon hall
Totally for everything. When you move, it doesn't
have to be taken apart, and if you want to customize it, you can break
out the tools, or paint, and not worry about screwing up an expensive
computer desk.
I have two of them in my computer room at home currently.


Monday, September 29, 2003, 4:58:09 PM, you wrote:
DGSI I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
DGSI home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
DGSI sitting side-by-side. 

DGSI I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk style--but I
DGSI don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
DGSI furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
DGSI have some room for writing notes, etc.

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Re: Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Jr Placo

Where abouts are you located?

From: Doug White [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Re: CF Salary Range
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:52:07 -0500

I think it is ridiculous -and is quite a drop from just a couple of years 
The DoD jobs have held pretty steady. but the private sector is really 
trying to
hire cheap, and what bothers me, is that they are still getting applicants.
That low of an hourly rate is what I consider the educational rate - mostly 
college students on an internship.

Most moderately experienced independents were in the range of $40-45 
hourly, but
there are enough of them available that bids are in the $25.00 range for 

The strongest competition for ColdFusion developers is off-shore -and they 
promoting themselves quite well, do very good work, and charge really low 
The headhunters love them because of the increased profit margins.

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message -
From: Mike Brunt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:06 PM
Subject: RE: Re: CF Salary Range

| Doug, that's very low.Where abouts are you located?
| Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
| Original Message ---
| In this area CF'ers are earning from $23k to 55K annualfull time 
| with a median around $33k.
| consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I 
have not
| seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs 
| clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.
| I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range, 
| still getting applicants.
| Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of 
glad I
| retired.
| ==
| Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
| For hosting solutions
| Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
| ISP rated:
| Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
| ==
| If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
| - Original Message -
| From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
| Subject: Re: CF Salary Range
| | Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to 
| | fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as 
long as
| | we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| | That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 
range, but
| | think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without 
| | headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was 
| | $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). 
| | impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the
| | range.
| |
| |
| |  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please 
| what
| | most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
| | 
| |  Thank you
| |
| |

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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Barney Boisvert
I've found the best way to have multiple monitors and still have a desk is
to put them on a platform.I have a single monitor stand that's just wide
enough for 3/4 of both monitor bases to sit on it at work, and at home I
have a piece of plywood resting on legs made from 4x4s.Might not be as
asthetically pleasing as a 'real' desk, but it leaves plenty of desk surface
for writing and storing stuff, and it puts the monitors at a better viewing
height as well (but then I'm just shy of 6' 6'', so that might not matter to

Or you can do like one of my friends and buy a solid core interior door, put
it across a pair of 1/2 height filing cabinets, and have enough real estate
for three monitors, a printer, and a scanner, plus the various other things
on a desk, and still leave room for legal pads of paper.

-Original Message-
From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 1:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
sitting side-by-side.

I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk style--but
don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it
have some room for writing notes, etc.

- Dan
: Name:Dan G. Switzer, II:
: Blog:

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Re[2]: query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread Ubqtous

On 9/29/2003 at 17:02, you wrote:

lgclgc However, there IS an issue with Apache where you have
lgclgc to set the httpd.conf file to recognize the
lgclgc trailing / (or ignore; I fergit). Are you running
lgclgc Apache? What is the error you're seeing?

Sorry, should have specified to begin with: this is code running on
IIS4 / CF5.

No error is thrown by CF, isdefined(url.someid) just doesn't detect
the query string in, so the
cookie code dependent on 'url.someid' does not run.

~ Ubqtous ~

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2003-09-29 Thread Greg Luce
Has anyone used CF_MagickTag to write text on an image? If so can you
shoot me some sample code? I'm not able to find any suitable examples of
the tag comfigurations. I'm hoping to create an interactive ad banner
tool.(All I've ever used magicktag for is to resize uploaded images.)

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Re:Re[2]: query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread lee
OK, a cookie is not set (you know that how??).

What are the URL params passed? Turn on debugging (for your IP, at least, or on a test machine) and see what is going on.

Is the value passed? Is the value passed but NULL? Is the cookie set but - since you have to refresh the page to see such - you can't see it there

And so on. 

With IE5 and CF5, I still can't replicate. (Yes, I have it running on many servers...)

How are you getting this URL? Is YOUR site, or a referrer?


On 9/29/2003 at 17:02, you wrote:

lgclgc However, there IS an issue with Apache where you have
lgclgc to set the httpd.conf file to recognize the
lgclgc trailing / (or ignore; I fergit). Are you running
lgclgc Apache? What is the error you're seeing?

Sorry, should have specified to begin with: this is code running on
IIS4 / CF5.

No error is thrown by CF, isdefined(url.someid) just doesn't detect
the query string in, so the
cookie code dependent on 'url.someid' does not run.

~ Ubqtous ~

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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Watts
 I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a 
 good desk for my home office that will support dual 19 
 monitors which I'd like to have sitting side-by-side. 
 I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional 
 desk style--but I don't want it to look too much like 
 corporate or LAN workstation furniture. A corner 
 L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
 have some room for writing notes, etc.

I don't know if I'd make this as a general recommendation, but several years
ago I wanted a desk with very specific features. So, I went to a local
furniture maker and together, we planned (and he then built) a custom desk.
The upside is that you get exactly what you ask for. The downside is that
it's a bit more expensive, and you get exactly what you ask for, if you know
what I mean. In my case, I wanted a desk that could be expanded as needed
into a table, so it's got a hinge along the back edge, and a folding leaf
expansion top. It's solid oak - and weighs about 600 pounds.

I guess what I'm saying is, consider having something custom-made.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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Re: Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Doug White
San Antonio

Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
For hosting solutions
Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
ISP rated:
Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Re: CF Salary Range

| Doug,
| Where abouts are you located?
| From: Doug White [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: Re: Re: CF Salary Range
| Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:52:07 -0500
| I think it is ridiculous -and is quite a drop from just a couple of years
| ago.
| The DoD jobs have held pretty steady. but the private sector is really
| trying to
| hire cheap, and what bothers me, is that they are still getting applicants.
| That low of an hourly rate is what I consider the educational rate - mostly
| for
| college students on an internship.
| Most moderately experienced independents were in the range of $40-45
| hourly, but
| there are enough of them available that bids are in the $25.00 range for
| new
| gigs.
| The strongest competition for ColdFusion developers is off-shore -and they
| are
| promoting themselves quite well, do very good work, and charge really low
| rates.
| The headhunters love them because of the increased profit margins.
| ==
| Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
| For hosting solutions
| Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
| ISP rated:
| Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
| ==
| If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
| - Original Message -
| From: Mike Brunt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:06 PM
| Subject: RE: Re: CF Salary Range
| | Doug, that's very low.Where abouts are you located?
| |
| | Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
| |
| | Original Message ---
| | In this area CF'ers are earning from $23k to 55K annualfull time
| employed.
| | with a median around $33k.
| | consultants are going anywhere from $22.50 per hour to around $45.I
| have not
| | seen anything in two years over that in this area, except for DoD jobs
| (with
| | clearances) which are in the $65-75k range.
| |
| | I am seeing more and more offers being made in the $12-15 per hour range,
| and
| | still getting applicants.
| |
| | Not a great state of affairs, but improving slightly of late.Kind of
| glad I
| am
| | retired.
| |
| | ==
| | Stop spam on your domain, use our gateway!
| | For hosting solutions
| | Featuring Win2003 Enterprise, RedHat Linux, CFMX 6.1 and all databases.
| | ISP rated:
| | Suggested corporate Anti-virus policy:
| | ==
| | If you are not satisfied with my service, my job isn't done!
| |
| | - Original Message -
| | From: Michael Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:19 PM
| | Subject: Re: CF Salary Range
| |
| |
| | | Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to
| price
| | | fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as
| long as
| | | we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
| | | That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60
| range, but
| I
| | | think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without
| the
| | | headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was
| making
| | | $120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month).
| Now
| its
| | | impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the
| 90k-110k
| | | range.
| | |
| | |
| | |  I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please
| post
| | what
| | | most Coldfusion developers make or a range?
| | | 
| | |  Thank you
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread cfhelp
I use two Cafeteria tables one 8' one 6'. The best desk I have ever had. I
got a 21, 19, two 15 and a 17. 2 Macs and the 3 PC's underneath.
Keyboards sit in front of monitors. Writing Space to the side and Collect
all at the far end. Durable long lasting and easy to move.





From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:53 PM
To: CF-Talk


 I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a 
 good desk for my home office that will support dual 19 
 monitors which I'd like to have sitting side-by-side. 
 I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional 
 desk style--but I don't want it to look too much like 
 corporate or LAN workstation furniture. A corner 
 L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
 have some room for writing notes, etc.

I don't know if I'd make this as a general recommendation, but several years
ago I wanted a desk with very specific features. So, I went to a local
furniture maker and together, we planned (and he then built) a custom desk.
The upside is that you get exactly what you ask for. The downside is that
it's a bit more expensive, and you get exactly what you ask for, if you know
what I mean. In my case, I wanted a desk that could be expanded as needed
into a table, so it's got a hinge along the back edge, and a folding leaf
expansion top. It's solid oak - and weighs about 600 pounds.

I guess what I'm saying is, consider having something custom-made.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software 
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444


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Re: OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Larry C. Lyons
Dan G. Switzer, II wrote:
 I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
 home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
 sitting side-by-side.
 I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk style--but I
 don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
 furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
 have some room for writing notes, etc.
 - Dan


Depending on where you're located, I'd looking into custom cabinet 
makers. I've seen some very nice looking custom made desks done that 
way. But they are pricey.



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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Tony Weeg
ikea has a great one, called the efektiv desk.
its rockin!
(a now more ergonimicall sound developer)

-Original Message-
From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:53 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

 I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a 
 good desk for my home office that will support dual 19 
 monitors which I'd like to have sitting side-by-side. 
 I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional 
 desk style--but I don't want it to look too much like 
 corporate or LAN workstation furniture. A corner 
 L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
 have some room for writing notes, etc.

I don't know if I'd make this as a general recommendation, but several
ago I wanted a desk with very specific features. So, I went to a local
furniture maker and together, we planned (and he then built) a custom
The upside is that you get exactly what you ask for. The downside is
it's a bit more expensive, and you get exactly what you ask for, if you
what I mean. In my case, I wanted a desk that could be expanded as
into a table, so it's got a hinge along the back edge, and a folding
expansion top. It's solid oak - and weighs about 600 pounds.

I guess what I'm saying is, consider having something custom-made.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444


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Re[4]: query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread Ubqtous

On 9/29/2003 at 17:32, you wrote:

lgclgc OK, a cookie is not set (you know that how??).

The value of the cookie is displayed in the footer of the site. So I
set the cookie and then in the footer I have an
isdefined(cookie.someid). I also have set IE and Firebird to prompt
for all cookies and 'someid' does not come up when there's not a file
name in the URL.

lgclgc What are the URL params passed? Turn on debugging (for your
lgclgc IP, at least, or on a test machine) and see what is going on.

lgclgc Is the value passed? Is the value passed but NULL? Is the
lgclgc cookie set but - since you have to refresh the page to see
lgclgc such - you can't see it there

Debugging shows that the 'someid' URL variable does not exist unless I
include the file name; CGI.QUERY_STRING is null as well when no file
name is provided.

I can see the value present in the URL (e.g., If the cookie were being set
I would see the value in the footer. If the cookie were not being set,
but the value was being recognized I would at least have the cookie
value available on the page that sets the cookie as CF makes it
available despite the fact that the page has to finish loading before
the cookie is truly set.

lgclgc How are you getting this URL? Is YOUR site,
lgclgc or a referrer? is a site on my server. Another website features a
banner ad for this site and passes ?someid=x to this site. As I
said, I can see the URL parameter, but it's not getting read by CF for
some reason if the URL does not contain a file name.

I posted similar code to a Apache (2.0.47) / MX6.1 server and it works
fine--with or without the file name. Very odd!

Thankfully, I have been able to get the referring site to adjust the
URL so that it includes the file name. I may not be so lucky next time
though, so it would be nice to find out who the culprit is: IIS4, CF5,
NT4 SP6, or my code. Seems unlikely that the OS would have anything to
do with this, and my code works fine on MX...

I appreciate your help!

~ Ubqtous ~

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OT: RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Tyler Silcox
We have several of these at work, and I have another at home...
Works swell with 3 monitors, and you should be able to find a cheaper price
and/or different colors through froogle( if you don't want the
free storage cabinet or don't live near a OfficeMax (free shipping if you


From: Dan G. Switzer, II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:58 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

I was just wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good desk for my
home office that will support dual 19 monitors which I'd like to have
sitting side-by-side. 

I'd like to have something that's more in the traditional desk style--but I
don't want it to look too much like corporate or LAN workstation
furniture. A corner L-shaped unit I think would be my preference and it must
have some room for writing notes, etc.

- Dan
: Name:Dan G. Switzer, II:
: Blog:


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RE: Re[4]: query string recognition

2003-09-29 Thread Andre Turrettini
Look in your cgi variables.You may have to parse it out of a string.
 -Original Message-
From: Ubqtous [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re[4]: query string recognition


On 9/29/2003 at 17:32, you wrote:

lgclgc OK, a cookie is not set (you know that how??).

The value of the cookie is displayed in the footer of the site. So I
set the cookie and then in the footer I have an
isdefined(cookie.someid). I also have set IE and Firebird to prompt
for all cookies and 'someid' does not come up when there's not a file
name in the URL.

lgclgc What are the URL params passed? Turn on debugging (for your
lgclgc IP, at least, or on a test machine) and see what is going on.

lgclgc Is the value passed? Is the value passed but NULL? Is the
lgclgc cookie set but - since you have to refresh the page to see
lgclgc such - you can't see it there

Debugging shows that the 'someid' URL variable does not exist unless I
include the file name; CGI.QUERY_STRING is null as well when no file
name is provided.

I can see the value present in the URL (e.g., the cookie were being set
I would see the value in the footer. If the cookie were not being set,
but the value was being recognized I would at least have the cookie
value available on the page that sets the cookie as CF makes it
available despite the fact that the page has to finish loading before
the cookie is truly set.

lgclgc How are you getting this URL? Is YOUR site,
lgclgc or a referrer? is a site on my server. Another website features a
banner ad for this site and passes ?someid=x to this site. As I
said, I can see the URL parameter, but it's not getting read by CF for
some reason if the URL does not contain a file name.

I posted similar code to a Apache (2.0.47) / MX6.1 server and it works
fine--with or without the file name. Very odd!

Thankfully, I have been able to get the referring site to adjust the
URL so that it includes the file name. I may not be so lucky next time
though, so it would be nice to find out who the culprit is: IIS4, CF5,
NT4 SP6, or my code. Seems unlikely that the OS would have anything to
do with this, and my code works fine on MX...

I appreciate your help!

~ Ubqtous ~


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Re: CF5 Hotfixes

2003-09-29 Thread Jim McAtee
Thanks.I think I've got it fairly straightened out now.Two questions:

With several of the Windows hot fixes, the application instructions in the
TechNote article talks about files or services that are non-existent on my CF 5
server.What would be the most likely reason for this?Could the fixes
possibly be only for CF Enterprise, even though the TechNote article makes no
mention of this?For example, Article 18000 mentions stopping the ColdFusion
Management Repository Server Service which doesn't exist on my server.

Is it safe to apply all of the hot fixes at once (in sequence by date) so that
I can just stop all CF services, apply the fixes and restart the CF services,
with minimal down time?Most of the hot fixes just replace a DLL or CF
template, which I can't see causing any problems, but several are EXEs which, I
assume, patch existing files.

- Original Message - 
From: Debbie Dickerson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 12:44 PM
Subject: RE: CF5 Hotfixes

 Yes, the TechNotes were re-numbered last year during one of the website
redesigns. The master hot fix TechNote is located here:
You should also be able to search on the old article number and have it show
up in the search results.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 2:39 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: CF5 Hotfixes

 Did Macromedia at one point in time renumber their KB (technote, whatever)
 articles?Maybe it's a result of the merging of the Allair and MM sites.
 rebuilding a CF5 server and today I went to the Macromedia site to download
 of the hotfixes for Windows.I've got a number of CF5 hotfixes that I
 downloaded about 18 months ago and the article number don't jive, so I'm
 to sort it all out.I had written some pretty good notes to myself at the
 I last applied the fixes, but my notes reference the published article
 of the time.

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Re: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Lists2 - TriPointTek
Interesting stuff there. The prices sure do blow away office depot. 
Organized Living store also have some nice office concepts and again, 
more reasonable than Office Depot.


Tony Weeg wrote:

 ikea has a great one, called the efektiv desk.

 its rockin!


 (a now more ergonimicall sound developer)

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RE: CF5 Hotfixes

2003-09-29 Thread Dave Watts
 With several of the Windows hot fixes, the application 
 instructions in the TechNote article talks about files 
 or services that are non-existent on my CF 5 server. What 
 would be the most likely reason for this? Could the fixes
 possibly be only for CF Enterprise, even though the 
 TechNote article makes no mention of this? For example, 
 Article 18000 mentions stopping the ColdFusion Management 
 Repository Server Service which doesn't exist on my 

I think that service only gets installed with CF 5 Enterprise. If you don't
have it, don't worry about it.

 Is it safe to apply all of the hot fixes at once (in sequence 
 by date) so that I can just stop all CF services, apply the 
 fixes and restart the CF services, with minimal down time?
 Most of the hot fixes just replace a DLL or CF template, 
 which I can't see causing any problems, but several are EXEs 
 which, I assume, patch existing files.

Yes, as long as you install them in order, you won't have any problems.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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RE: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Michael T. Tangorre
Id like to see someone break down salaries for Cf developers based on years
experience and degrees held and certs etc
Can someone provide some info on that :-)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but
think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
$120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now
impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the

 I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

 Thank you


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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Casey C Cook
I dont see that desk anywhere on the site, can you link it?

Not listed in master products list that I can find


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RE: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Tim Laureska
I'm more concerned about what someone mentioned previously... the
offshore folk who work for peanuts, but still do decent work. it
seems this type of foreign competition is pervasive throughout our
economy anymore ... Can anyone give me a reason to say those fears for
the future are unfounded??? Sometimes I feel like we're all just
circlin' the drain, albeit slowly

-Original Message-
From: Michael T. Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 8:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Salary Range

Id like to see someone break down salaries for Cf developers based on
experience and degrees held and certs etc
Can someone provide some info on that :-)

-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to
fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as
long as
we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range,
think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was
$120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month).
impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the

 I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please
most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

 Thank you


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Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Eric Dawson
did you go to ?
- Original Message - 
From: Michael T. Tangorre 
To: CF-Talk 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 19:36
Subject: RE: CF Salary Range

Id like to see someone break down salaries for Cf developers based on years
experience and degrees held and certs etc

Can someone provide some info on that :-)


-Original Message-
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: CF Salary Range

Before everyone starts saying that this information is illegal due to price
fixing, please be aware that we've bashed that topic to death and as long as
we're NOT setting a price level for our work, there is NO issue.
That being said, I've been seeing a few jobs fly around in the 60 range, but
think that is mostly due to head hunters fees. The same jobs without the
headhunter goes for a few thousand more. Before the dot bomb, I was making
$120,000/year and had a contract after for 18k/month (then 16k/month). Now
impossible to find contracts of the sort. I'm looking for jobs in the

 I'am doing a study on technology pay scales. Can some people please post
most Coldfusion developers make or a range?

 Thank you


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RE: Computer Desk for Multiple Monitors...

2003-09-29 Thread Stephen Hait
 I use two Cafeteria tables one 8' one 6'. The best desk I have ever
 had. I got a 21, 19, two 15 and a 17. 2 Macs and the 3 PC's
 underneath. Keyboards sit in front of monitors. Writing Space to the
 side and Collect all at the far end. Durable long lasting and easy
 to move.

I will second this. I have a door laying on top of 2-drawer file 
cabinets for one side of an L and a shorter table to the left 
making up the other side of the L. Very inexpensive and flexible 
and lots of work space/monitor space.

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Re: CF Studio 5 Character Entities for XHTML

2003-09-29 Thread Chris Montgomery
Howdy Douglas,

Monday, September 29, 2003, 2:43:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 look at Options  Settings  Markup Languages  HTML/XHTML
 There is a setting there that looks like what you are
 looking for.

Thanks. I've already checked all of the options for this setting but it
still doesn't address the special and extended characters. I've pretty
much decided that I'll have to do this manually.


Chris Montgomery
Airtight Web Services
Web Development, Web Project Management, Software Sales

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OT: Toyota revs up supply chain

2003-09-29 Thread Peter Tilbrook
Toyota Australia has begun a massive supply chain integration program using
web services to link with suppliers and dealers.

A major implementation of web services...,7204,7411068%5E15306%5E%5Enbv%5E

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Re: CF Salary Range

2003-09-29 Thread Jim McAtee
Tim Laureska wrote:

 I'm more concerned about what someone mentioned previously... the
 offshore folk who work for peanuts, but still do decent work. it
 seems this type of foreign competition is pervasive throughout our
 economy anymore ... Can anyone give me a reason to say those fears for
 the future are unfounded??? Sometimes I feel like we're all just
 circlin' the drain, albeit slowly

Are you kidding?We've only seen the beginning.Moving programming offshore
is about many times as easier than moving manufacturing (it's just another type
of manufacturing, anyway, isn't it?) and we've seen how quickly the
manufacturing job sector of our economy has been lost in the US.A large
portion of high paying programming and engineering jobs are about to leave and
never return.And it will happen _much_ faster than we've seen in the hard
goods sector.Ten years or less.It will be an unprecedented job exodus the
likes of which we've never seen before.

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