Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-16 Thread Byron Mann

This may be something like that you want.

cfquery name=findDups
SELECT max(a.email_id) as email_id, a.ml_email
FROM nl_mailgroups a
  inner join nl_catREL c on c.email_id = a.email_id

WHERE  c.groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID#
   group by a.ml_email
ORDER BY email_id

Your other query may be taking a while due to a missing index on the
ml_email column.

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Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-16 Thread Les Mizzell

Ended up finally creating a VIEW in the database to handle the problem.
Even on a 15,000 record list, runs in just a few seconds...

| SELECT  DISTINCT  nl_catREL.groups_id, duplicates.ml_id
 FROM   nl_catREL
nl_mailgroupsON  nl_mailgroups.ml_id = nl_catREL.ml_id
nl_mailgroupsAS  duplicatesON  duplicates.ml_email = 
  ANDduplicates.ml_id  nl_mailgroups.ml_id|

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Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Dan G. Switzer, II

You need to turn use some debugging tools to help you identify the key
culprits. For example, if your query to check if a user has unsubscribed is
taking 500ms, that alone would be the reason for the slowness.

Either use the step debugger, a tool like FusionReactor or just turn on
verbose debugging output, so you can understand your current bottleneck.

It's very possible you have some inefficiencies in some of your SQL lookups
(do to missing indexes, etc) that would cause slowness over lots of loops.

You might look into using Java libs to read in the Excel file more

On Saturday, November 15, 2014, Les Mizzell wrote:


 I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a bit. Basically, it
 works pretty well, as long as there's a limited number of records being
 Problem is, the client tried to import a list with almost 15,000
 addresses today, and it eventually timed out or the server reset the
 connection before it finished the import. Then my phone rings...

 The app does several things:
 1. Import 4 columns from an excel sheet [email][first name][last
 name][company] into an array
 2. Check the email address to see if it's valid. If not, delete that row
 from the array
 3. Check the email address to see if it's been previously unsubscribed
 from the list and delete that row from the array
 4. Check the list against other email addresses already in the database
 for that list, and delete that row so as to not import it if it's
 already there.
 5. After all that, write the record

 Running some test with the 15,000 address sheet
 Reading the Excel sheet in and running steps 1 through 4 above is taking
 well over 10 minutes by itself.
 Writing the record after that, enough extra time to be sure it borks up.
 Smaller list (several hundred addresses) seem to import fine - MUCH
 faster than the former POI based app.

 So my question is - I need to optimize something somewhere to cut down
 CPU cycles and increase efficiency.
 The client uses this thing multiple times every day.

 Some of the code is from an example by Raymond Camden. Thanks Raymond.
 Full app below.
 Where are my major bottlenecks and what can I do about them?


 cfset theISSUE = true /
 cfif structKeyExists(form, email_list) and len(form.email_list)

 !--- Each mail list has to belong to a group:
   1. If a New Group - add to groups table and get ID---
 cfif IsDefined(form.newGROUP) AND #form.newGROUP# NEQ 
 cfquery name=addGROUP datasource = #req.datasource#
 username=#username#  password=#password#
 INSERT into nl_groupLIST ( mgroup,status ) values ( cfqueryparam
 value=#trim(form.newGROUP)# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR ,'act' )
 cfset req.thisGROUPID = #addGROUP.newGROUPID# 
 !---2. If an existing group - just get the id---
 cfif IsDefined(form.mgroup) AND #form.mgroup# NEQ xxcfset
 req.thisGROUPID = #form.mgroup# /cfif

 !--- Get the Excel Sheet and send it to a destination outside of web
 root ---
  cfset dest = getTempDirectory()

 cffile action=upload
  result=upload nameconflict=makeunique

  cfif upload.fileWasSaved
  cfset theFile = upload.serverDirectory  /  upload.serverFile
  cfif isSpreadsheetFile(theFile)
  cfspreadsheet action=read src=#theFile# query=data
  cffile action=delete file=#theFile#
   cfset theISSUE = invalid /
  cfset errors = The file was not an Excel file.
  cffile action=delete file=#theFile#
  cfset theISSUE = loading /
  cfset errors = The file was not properly uploaded.


  cfset metadata = getMetadata(data)
  cfset colList = 
  cfloop index=col array=#metadata#
  cfset colList = listAppend(colList,

   cfif data.recordCount is 0
   cfset theISSUE = empty /

 !--- Create an array and read the data into it ---
 cfset mailREC=arraynew(2)

   cfoutput query=data
   cfif IsDefined(data.col_1) AND
 #isVALID(email,data.col_1)#cfset email = trim(#data.col_1#)
 /cfelsecfset email = - //cfif
   cfif IsDefined(data.col_2) AND #len(data.col_2)#cfset fname =
 trim(#data.col_2#) /cfelsecfset fname = - //cfif
   cfif IsDefined(data.col_3) AND #len(data.col_3)#cfset lname =
 trim(#data.col_3#) /cfelsecfset lname = - //cfif
   cfif IsDefined(data.col_4) AND #len(data.col_4)#cfset other =
 trim(#data.col_4#) /cfelsecfset other = - //cfif
   cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][1] = email /
   cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][2] = fname /
   cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][3] = lname /
   cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][4] = other /

 !--- Before we can save the list, we need to run two 

Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Les Mizzell

  I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a
  bit. Basically, it works pretty well, as long as
  there's a limited number of records being imported.

Was testing last night with the 15,000 record Excel sheet.
If I comment out the two filter queries in the code, it will read in the sheet 
and a cfdump of the array shows everything was imported properly. Didn't time 
it, but it only took a few minutes. Adding those two queries back in and trying 
to import the entire sheet - the server choked and I had to call support to 
reboot it. Whoops.

It's the two filter queries below that are slowing the whole thing down and 
choking the server. The one optimization I can think of is the look for 
duplicates query. Instead of running that against the entire database looking 
for matches (several hundred thousand records last time I checked), I should do 
a query of queries and run the loop ONLY against records for that one group, 
which I'd prefetch before starting the loop. That should help a lot. Working on 
that now...

One thought I had - I don't care how long the import of a large sheet takes. It 
just can't choke the server. Would there be any benefit of putting in a DELAY 
for every 500 records (or so) in the loop to give the server a rest to do 
other stuff?

cfif i MOD 500 EQ 0
cfset sleep(5000) /

!--- Before we can save the list, we need to run two checks  ---
!--- First, is there an email address in this list that has previously 
unsubscribed? ---
  cfloop from=#arrayLen(mailREC)# to=1 step=-1 index=i
  !--- delete the row if it was an invalid address. Got to be a way to fix 
this but ---
  !--- the above data output block wants to add an invalide row if you 
try to skip the entire row when the address is invalid ---
 cfif mailREC[i][1] eq -
cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)
  !--- OK, it's a valid address. Have they unsubscribed before? ---
 cfquery name=unsubbed datasource=#req.datasource# 
username=#username# password=#password#
 SELECT groups_id FROM maillist_unsubscribe
 AND ml_email = cfqueryparam value=#mailREC[i][1]# 
 AND groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID# 
cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER /
   cfif unsubbed.recordcount EQ 1cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, 

   !--- if Admin has checked the duplicate filter box on the form, but sure 
nothing incoming is a duplicate already in the database for this group ---
   cfif form.dupFILTER EQ on
cfloop from=#arrayLen(mailREC)# to=1 step=-1 index=i
 cfquery name=ckDUP datasource = #req.datasource# 
username=#username# password=#password#
 Select groups_id from vw_mailLIST
 WHERE groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#trim(req.thisGROUPID)# 
cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER  /
 AND ml_email = cfqueryparam cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar 
value=#mailREC[i][1]# /
 cfif ckDUP.recordcount EQ 1cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)/cfif

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Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Michael Grant

Do you have indexes on ml_email and groups_id columns? I would likely
create an index that has both in it.

There's a couple of suggestions about changing your architecture a bit:

First, from the looks of it I think you could probably combine both these
queries into one with a left join vw_mailLIST and then evaluate the outcome
to determine if you delete the item from your array. As long as the items
joined on are PKs or have an index it should be faster than running two
individual queries. Without knowing the actual table structure or data I
can't be sure but off-hand I'd think the following would be much quicker.
(Note that since I can't test there may need to be some tweaking.)

SELECT mlu.groups_id as mlu_gid, mlu.dateRESUB, vw.groups_ID as vw_gid
FROM   maillist_unsubscribe mlu

JOIN   vw_mailLIST vw
ON mlu.groups_id = vw.groups_id

WHERE  mlu.ml_email = vw.ml_email
ANDmlu.ml_email = cfqueryparam value=#mailREC[i][1]# cfsqltype=
ANDmlu.groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID# cfsqltype=

You can then evaluate if dateRESUB is NULL, if mlu_gid and/or vw_gid are
null or if there's recordCount at all to determine whether you remove the
item from the the array. You can also have your if statement about the
dupFILTER there as well. This puts everything into a single loop with 50%
less queries.

Second, I would consider doing things a bit differently and instead of
looping over your array with individual queries it should be much faster if
you run a single query and then loop over the query result to determine if
you update the array. So create a comma separated list of email addy's from
your mailREC array and use it in an IN statement on mlu.ml_email. IN
statements aren't super efficient, but if you have an index on ml_email it
should still be much faster than 15,000 individual queries. Then loop over
the result set and use ArrayFind to see if the result is in the array and
if it is, delete it. The result set should only contain the results you're
looking to delete if I'm understanding your queries correctly. This
approach would be WAY faster and much more scalable since looping over
15,000 or even 100,000 results in memory is way quicker than making that
many database queries.

Hopefully you find this useful. Without having your database to query
against it can be a bit tough to determine if the code I wrote works. I do
think the architecture logic in approach two is worth the time to refactor

Have a great day.


On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Les Mizzell wrote:

   I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a
   bit. Basically, it works pretty well, as long as
   there's a limited number of records being imported.

 Was testing last night with the 15,000 record Excel sheet.
 If I comment out the two filter queries in the code, it will read in the
 sheet and a cfdump of the array shows everything was imported properly.
 Didn't time it, but it only took a few minutes. Adding those two queries
 back in and trying to import the entire sheet - the server choked and I had
 to call support to reboot it. Whoops.

 It's the two filter queries below that are slowing the whole thing down
 and choking the server. The one optimization I can think of is the look for
 duplicates query. Instead of running that against the entire database
 looking for matches (several hundred thousand records last time I checked),
 I should do a query of queries and run the loop ONLY against records for
 that one group, which I'd prefetch before starting the loop. That should
 help a lot. Working on that now...

 One thought I had - I don't care how long the import of a large sheet
 takes. It just can't choke the server. Would there be any benefit of
 putting in a DELAY for every 500 records (or so) in the loop to give the
 server a rest to do other stuff?

 cfif i MOD 500 EQ 0
 cfset sleep(5000) /

 !--- Before we can save the list, we need to run two checks  ---
 !--- First, is there an email address in this list that has previously
 unsubscribed? ---
   cfloop from=#arrayLen(mailREC)# to=1 step=-1 index=i
   !--- delete the row if it was an invalid address. Got to be a way
 to fix this but ---
   !--- the above data output block wants to add an invalide row if
 you try to skip the entire row when the address is invalid ---
  cfif mailREC[i][1] eq -
 cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)
   !--- OK, it's a valid address. Have they unsubscribed before? ---
  cfquery name=unsubbed datasource=#req.datasource#
 username=#username# password=#password#
  SELECT groups_id FROM maillist_unsubscribe
  AND ml_email = cfqueryparam value=#mailREC[i][1]#
  AND groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID#
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER /

Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Roger Austin

Any chance to have the database engine do all that record logic? That would be 
the first thing I would try. Stored procedures are great for things like this. 
I don't know what RDMS you are using, but most have SQL that can do this. 
Complex database stuff is usually better off doing within the database as it 
can scale.

1 store the four Excel fields in a temporary table in the database
2 Use SQL to weed out all the records against the current tables. Google for 
3 Dump the parsed records into the production table.

2 and 3 probably are one step in the database engine, but the SQL might be 
tedious so my first thought is to separate it.

Good luck, Roger

 Les Mizzell wrote: 
 I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a bit. Basically, it 
 works pretty well, as long as there's a limited number of records being 
 Problem is, the client tried to import a list with almost 15,000 
 addresses today, and it eventually timed out or the server reset the 
 connection before it finished the import. Then my phone rings...
 The app does several things:
 1. Import 4 columns from an excel sheet [email][first name][last 
 name][company] into an array
 2. Check the email address to see if it's valid. If not, delete that row 
 from the array
 3. Check the email address to see if it's been previously unsubscribed 
 from the list and delete that row from the array
 4. Check the list against other email addresses already in the database 
 for that list, and delete that row so as to not import it if it's 
 already there.
 5. After all that, write the record
 Running some test with the 15,000 address sheet
 Reading the Excel sheet in and running steps 1 through 4 above is taking 
 well over 10 minutes by itself.
 Writing the record after that, enough extra time to be sure it borks up.
 Smaller list (several hundred addresses) seem to import fine - MUCH 
 faster than the former POI based app.


Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Les Mizzell

On 11/15/2014 12:42 PM, Roger Austin wrote:
 Any chance to have the database engine do all that record logic?

After killing myself on this, I finally realiaed I was doing it ALL 
WRONG! All those loops and everything to filter the array, then do the 
insertwas taking forever.
I'm revising - BULK IMPORT EVERYTHING to a temp table. No filters. Then, 
run the filters against the database and write to the final table.  A 
LOT faster. Duh..

Still got one problem, and it's the duplicates filter.

So, I need to filter the inserted records and kill any duplicate email 
First, I need to be sure I'm filtering ONLY the addresses that belong to 
the specific group, as folks might be subscribed to more than one group:

cfquery name=getFULLLIST
SELECT groups_id, email_id from nl_catREL
WHERE groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID# 
cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER  /
cfset fullLIST = #ValueList(getFULLLIST.email_id)# /

Now, let's see if I can return JUST the duplicates. Once that works, 
it's no big deal to delete them...
cfquery name=findDups
SELECT distinct a.email_id
FROM nl_mailgroups a, nl_mailgroups b
WHERE a.ml_id in (cfqueryparam value=#fullLIST# 
cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER list=yes  /)
AND a.email_id  b.email_id
AND a.ml_email = b.ml_email
ORDER BY a.email_id

That doesn't work. It returns everything ... and it takes a really long 
time, even with only 150 addresses or so.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-15 Thread Roger Austin

You might try something like this

FROM t1 

Without being more familiar with your use case, it is very difficult to suggest 

 Les Mizzell wrote: 
 On 11/15/2014 12:42 PM, Roger Austin wrote:
  Any chance to have the database engine do all that record logic?
 After killing myself on this, I finally realiaed I was doing it ALL 
 WRONG! All those loops and everything to filter the array, then do the 
 insertwas taking forever.
 I'm revising - BULK IMPORT EVERYTHING to a temp table. No filters. Then, 
 run the filters against the database and write to the final table.  A 
 LOT faster. Duh..
 Still got one problem, and it's the duplicates filter.
 So, I need to filter the inserted records and kill any duplicate email 
 First, I need to be sure I'm filtering ONLY the addresses that belong to 
 the specific group, as folks might be subscribed to more than one group:
 cfquery name=getFULLLIST
 SELECT groups_id, email_id from nl_catREL
 WHERE groups_id = cfqueryparam value=#req.thisGROUPID# 
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER  /
 cfset fullLIST = #ValueList(getFULLLIST.email_id)# /
 Now, let's see if I can return JUST the duplicates. Once that works, 
 it's no big deal to delete them...
 cfquery name=findDups
 SELECT distinct a.email_id
 FROM nl_mailgroups a, nl_mailgroups b
 WHERE a.ml_id in (cfqueryparam value=#fullLIST# 
 cfsqltype=CF_SQL_INTEGER list=yes  /)
 AND a.email_id  b.email_id
 AND a.ml_email = b.ml_email
 ORDER BY a.email_id
 That doesn't work. It returns everything ... and it takes a really long 
 time, even with only 150 addresses or so.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Advise in optimizing an application

2014-11-14 Thread Les Mizzell


I'm still fighting with my Excel Import application a bit. Basically, it 
works pretty well, as long as there's a limited number of records being 
Problem is, the client tried to import a list with almost 15,000 
addresses today, and it eventually timed out or the server reset the 
connection before it finished the import. Then my phone rings...

The app does several things:
1. Import 4 columns from an excel sheet [email][first name][last 
name][company] into an array
2. Check the email address to see if it's valid. If not, delete that row 
from the array
3. Check the email address to see if it's been previously unsubscribed 
from the list and delete that row from the array
4. Check the list against other email addresses already in the database 
for that list, and delete that row so as to not import it if it's 
already there.
5. After all that, write the record

Running some test with the 15,000 address sheet
Reading the Excel sheet in and running steps 1 through 4 above is taking 
well over 10 minutes by itself.
Writing the record after that, enough extra time to be sure it borks up.
Smaller list (several hundred addresses) seem to import fine - MUCH 
faster than the former POI based app.

So my question is - I need to optimize something somewhere to cut down 
CPU cycles and increase efficiency.
The client uses this thing multiple times every day.

Some of the code is from an example by Raymond Camden. Thanks Raymond. 
Full app below.
Where are my major bottlenecks and what can I do about them?

cfset theISSUE = true /
cfif structKeyExists(form, email_list) and len(form.email_list)

!--- Each mail list has to belong to a group:
  1. If a New Group - add to groups table and get ID---
cfif IsDefined(form.newGROUP) AND #form.newGROUP# NEQ 
cfquery name=addGROUP datasource = #req.datasource# 
username=#username#  password=#password#
INSERT into nl_groupLIST ( mgroup,status ) values ( cfqueryparam 
value=#trim(form.newGROUP)# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_VARCHAR ,'act' )
cfset req.thisGROUPID = #addGROUP.newGROUPID# 
!---2. If an existing group - just get the id---
cfif IsDefined(form.mgroup) AND #form.mgroup# NEQ xxcfset 
req.thisGROUPID = #form.mgroup# /cfif

!--- Get the Excel Sheet and send it to a destination outside of web 
root ---
 cfset dest = getTempDirectory()

cffile action=upload
 result=upload nameconflict=makeunique

 cfif upload.fileWasSaved
 cfset theFile = upload.serverDirectory  /  upload.serverFile
 cfif isSpreadsheetFile(theFile)
 cfspreadsheet action=read src=#theFile# query=data
 cffile action=delete file=#theFile#
  cfset theISSUE = invalid /
 cfset errors = The file was not an Excel file.
 cffile action=delete file=#theFile#
 cfset theISSUE = loading /
 cfset errors = The file was not properly uploaded.


 cfset metadata = getMetadata(data)
 cfset colList = 
 cfloop index=col array=#metadata#
 cfset colList = listAppend(colList,

  cfif data.recordCount is 0
  cfset theISSUE = empty /

!--- Create an array and read the data into it ---
cfset mailREC=arraynew(2)

  cfoutput query=data
  cfif IsDefined(data.col_1) AND 
#isVALID(email,data.col_1)#cfset email = trim(#data.col_1#) 
/cfelsecfset email = - //cfif
  cfif IsDefined(data.col_2) AND #len(data.col_2)#cfset fname = 
trim(#data.col_2#) /cfelsecfset fname = - //cfif
  cfif IsDefined(data.col_3) AND #len(data.col_3)#cfset lname = 
trim(#data.col_3#) /cfelsecfset lname = - //cfif
  cfif IsDefined(data.col_4) AND #len(data.col_4)#cfset other = 
trim(#data.col_4#) /cfelsecfset other = - //cfif
  cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][1] = email /
  cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][2] = fname /
  cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][3] = lname /
  cfset mailREC[CurrentRow][4] = other /

!--- Before we can save the list, we need to run two checks ---
!--- First, is there an email address in this list that has previously 
unsubscribed? ---
  cfloop from=#arrayLen(mailREC)# to=1 step=-1 index=i
  !--- delete the row if it was an invalid address. Got to be a way 
to fix this but ---
  !--- the above data output block wants to add an invalide row 
if you try to skip the entire row when the address is invalid ---
 cfif mailREC[i][1] eq -
cfset ArrayDeleteAt(mailREC, #i#)
  !--- OK, it's a valid address. Have they unsubscribed before? ---
 cfquery name=unsubbed datasource=#req.datasource# 
username=#username# password=#password#
 SELECT groups_id FROM maillist_unsubscribe