Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-12 Thread Nando
As others are indicating, factories become more and more useful as your
application becomes more and more complex.

In the first app i built using CFC's, after about a year of iterations and
improvements, i had well over 1800 CreateObject() calls in the thing. One
day a problem arose because of the mapping to those objects. I wanted to
fork the development, maintain the current version and keep going with a new
one. So the 2 versions couldn't use the same mapping.

I was nervous about doing a search and replace through the whole
application, because i wasn't sure if it would break anything. So i
carefully stepped through each CreateObject() call. It took me a long time,
and i made a few mistakes along the way. All in all, i think it took me the
better part of a day more or less to deal with it, after dithering about my
approach, working through all those CreateObject() calls, and fixing my

It was on that day that the usefulness of factories really came home to me.
If i had encapsulated all my CreateObject() calls in a factory, i could have
simply copied the original, ran a quick search and replace on the copy, and
even could have swapped the new factory in for the old one.

If i had to possible fix a mapping issue every time i installed an instance
of my app, if it were an ASP type of thing, then i'd only need to adjust the

Which makes all the instances of my app MUCH more maintainable, because i
can roll out bug fixes to all the instances without fiddling with each one.

Mike's comment about how CFC use has increased also applied to me. It didn't
make sense to use a factory to me at first either. But the need crept up on
me. That's the reason i'd suggest to someone for getting into factories
early. Encapsulating object creation make your app much more flexible and
easy to maintain, down the road. It's really true, even in ColdFusion.


On 12/12/06, Mike Kear [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My experience has been thinking i only have a few objects so it's not
 really worth the effort of building a factory.  But i built one anyway
 for the experience.  But when i look at that first OOP project now, a
 year later, i see my site which was originally going to have only 10
 objects now has more than 50. I'm REALLY glad i built the factory now!

 Once you see how great this OOP thing is,  you start bolting on
 applications like there's no tomorrow, and complexity starts coming
 looking for you.

 When you think you are only going to have a few objects,  I reckon for
 most cases, that's only because you have missed something.  And you're
 going to get more complexity anyway.

 Mike Kear
 Windsor, NSW, Australia
 Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
 AFP Webworks
 ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

 On 12/12/06, Judith Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I'm going to look for some decent example of a objectFactory and do
   some testing to see if there is a performance hit.
  That sounds like a great idea. Here is an objectFactory to look at and
  compare with:
  Please let us know what you find.
  Well, as I believe Chris Scott explained in his article ColdSpring
 Fundamentals (FAQU 2), object factories really make a difference when your
 application gets highly complex and you start having many more objects to
 initialize with dependencies...  That's what ColdSpring tries to do, to
 manage the objects for you. If you've only got 8 or 9 objects, then maybe an
 object factory is not for you.


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-12 Thread Nando
PS ... On the way to the post office to check my mail, i realized i forgot
to say something in my reply. :-)

Your approach of creating all your objects in Application.cfm and placing
them in application scope kind of encapsulates your object creation for now.
But this approach will break down the moment you need an object in a
different scope, say session scope.

And the way it seems you are doing it is not as efficient as it could be.
I'm looking at your example and assuming it's verbatim:

cfset application.objectOne = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.navigation')
cfset application.objectTwo = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.users')
cfset application.objectThree = CreateObject('component', '')

In this way, you recreate the objects for each request. There's little point
in using application scope in this case.

It would be much more efficient if you created a singleton factory in
application.cfm like so (with a double lock as shown, to make sure you have
only one instance of the Factory in application scope):

cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application,Factory)
cflock name=factoryLock Timeout=10 THROWONTIMEOUT=No
cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application,Factory)
cfset application.Factory = CreateObject('component','

And then in Factory.init(), you can instantiate any singletons you need into
the variables scope of the factory and they'll persist then effectively in
application scope for the duration of your application.

A singleton, if you don't know the term, is one and only one instance of an
object that persists in application scope in CF. I guess you could also use
the term for a server scoped object.

--- simple Factory.cfc example ---

cffunction name=init access=public returntype=Factory output=no
cfargument name=AppSettings type=any required=Yes/
cfset variables.AppSettings = arguments.AppSettings /
cfset variables.Navigation = createNavigation() /
cfset variables.Navigation.init(variables.AppSettings.getDsn()) /
cfreturn this /

cffunction name=createNavigation access=public returntype=any
cfset var Navigation = createObject('component','cfc.Navigation') /
cfreturn Navigation /

cffunction name=getNavigation access=public returntype=any
cfreturn variables.Navigation /


When you need your persisted Navigation object somewhere in your
application, you can do  this:


And if you need the navigation for a particular visitor you, could do
something like this:

session.navigation = application.Factory.createNavigation()

The example might be a bit contrived, but i'm only trying to show that with
a factory, you can cache objects in application scope within the factory
itself, which means you only need to deal with double locking in one place
for singletons. Or you can use the same factory to create objects for one
time use or session scoped objects.

Different people will design factories in different ways, and use different
naming conventions for the functions. The more sophisticated your factory,
the more flexible and abstract. You could for instance build a load()
function something like this:

cffunction name=load access=public returntype=any output=false
cfargument name=objectName required=Yes type=string /
cfargument name=isSingleton default=false type=boolean /

cfif arguments.isSingleton IS true
cfif StructKeyExists(variables,arguments.objectName)
return variables[arguments.objectName]
create arguments.objectName
put it in variables scope
return variables[arguments.objectName]
create arguments.objectName
return it

That's fine, but what if you need to pass in parameters to your init()
function? how would you do that? What if one of your parameters is another

Now we're getting close to ColdSpring, so we might as well use it. But for
most people starting out with factories, it's probably easier to get a feel
for them using a simple factory you build yourself that has separate
create() or get() functions for each object. Once the usefulness of it
really clicks, then ColdSpring might be the next step.

But i can guarantee to you that factories can be very useful. You just need
to take a few more steps into deeper water with your CFC use and it will
become apparent.

On 12/12/06, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 As others are indicating, factories become more and more useful as your
 application becomes more and more complex.

 In the first app i built using CFC's, after about a year of iterations and
 improvements, i had well over 1800 CreateObject() calls in the 

Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-12 Thread Phill B
On 12/12/06, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the first app i built using CFC's, after about a year of iterations and
 improvements, i had well over 1800 CreateObject() calls in the thing.

By the power of Greyskull! Are you trying to take over the world with
your 1800 objects? ;-)

We use a lot of object calls thru out our sites. The way we have
managed them is with a masterController. It is mapped to all of the
sites and handles all of the work. Sort of MVC but not really.

We do use a lot of singletons. I guess that is why I'm having a hard
time seeing the benefit of a factory. We can instantiate all the
objects we need when the app gets initialized. The app only gets
reinitialized when it is necessary. So maybe we don't need to worry
about a factory at this point but I still want to learn more about how
they can help. I'm going to do some testing to see if there is any
cost to using one. When I get the results I'll pass them on to the


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-12 Thread Phill B
I do use this technique.
cfif NOT isDefined('application.layout') OR isDefined('url.appInit')

I just didn't want to take the time to write it out though. hahaha
Thanks for posting that though. I think there are a lot of people that
don't know that they need to do these sort of things.

Thanks again Nando.

On 12/12/06, Nando [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 PS ... On the way to the post office to check my mail, i realized i forgot
 to say something in my reply. :-)

 Your approach of creating all your objects in Application.cfm and placing
 them in application scope kind of encapsulates your object creation for now.
 But this approach will break down the moment you need an object in a
 different scope, say session scope.

 And the way it seems you are doing it is not as efficient as it could be.
 I'm looking at your example and assuming it's verbatim:

 cfset application.objectOne = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.navigation')
 cfset application.objectTwo = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.users')
 cfset application.objectThree = CreateObject('component', '')

 In this way, you recreate the objects for each request. There's little point
 in using application scope in this case.

 It would be much more efficient if you created a singleton factory in
 application.cfm like so (with a double lock as shown, to make sure you have
 only one instance of the Factory in application scope):

 cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application,Factory)
 cflock name=factoryLock Timeout=10 THROWONTIMEOUT=No
 cfif NOT StructKeyExists(application,Factory)
 cfset application.Factory = CreateObject('component','

 And then in Factory.init(), you can instantiate any singletons you need into
 the variables scope of the factory and they'll persist then effectively in
 application scope for the duration of your application.

 A singleton, if you don't know the term, is one and only one instance of an
 object that persists in application scope in CF. I guess you could also use
 the term for a server scoped object.

 --- simple Factory.cfc example ---

 cffunction name=init access=public returntype=Factory output=no
 cfargument name=AppSettings type=any required=Yes/
 cfset variables.AppSettings = arguments.AppSettings /
 cfset variables.Navigation = createNavigation() /
 cfset variables.Navigation.init(variables.AppSettings.getDsn()) /
 cfreturn this /

 cffunction name=createNavigation access=public returntype=any
 cfset var Navigation = createObject('component','cfc.Navigation') /
 cfreturn Navigation /

 cffunction name=getNavigation access=public returntype=any
 cfreturn variables.Navigation /


 When you need your persisted Navigation object somewhere in your
 application, you can do  this:


 And if you need the navigation for a particular visitor you, could do
 something like this:

 session.navigation = application.Factory.createNavigation()

 The example might be a bit contrived, but i'm only trying to show that with
 a factory, you can cache objects in application scope within the factory
 itself, which means you only need to deal with double locking in one place
 for singletons. Or you can use the same factory to create objects for one
 time use or session scoped objects.

 Different people will design factories in different ways, and use different
 naming conventions for the functions. The more sophisticated your factory,
 the more flexible and abstract. You could for instance build a load()
 function something like this:

 cffunction name=load access=public returntype=any output=false
 cfargument name=objectName required=Yes type=string /
 cfargument name=isSingleton default=false type=boolean /

 cfif arguments.isSingleton IS true
 cfif StructKeyExists(variables,arguments.objectName)
 return variables[arguments.objectName]
 create arguments.objectName
 put it in variables scope
 return variables[arguments.objectName]
 create arguments.objectName
 return it

 That's fine, but what if you need to pass in parameters to your init()
 function? how would you do that? What if one of your parameters is another

 Now we're getting close to ColdSpring, so we might as well use it. But for
 most people starting out with factories, it's probably easier to get a feel
 for them using a simple factory you build yourself that has separate
 create() or get() functions for each object. Once the usefulness of it
 really clicks, then ColdSpring might be the next step.

 But i can guarantee to you 

Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-12 Thread Craig Drabik
Why would I want to load an object into the application scope just to
load more objects? This is one more piece of code that has to be ran,
maintained, suck up processes, suck up memory, to explain Wouldn't
it be best to just keep it simple and call right to the CFC?

It sounds to me like you're using CFCs more as code libraries and less as 
objects, or that your particular application(s) generally only use singletons 
(one instance of an object only), like an object that handles security.  In 
these cases factories are next to useless - as you noted why would you want to 
write a factory to build one instance of an object?

Factories build instances of objects for you.  And more than that, they may 
build instances of different objects depending on the input you send to the 
factory when you request an instance.

In the simpler case, elsewhere in this thread someone already pointed out the 
benefits of using a simple factory for instantiation of a single object type 
when you are creating lots of those objects - you consolidate initialization of 
the object in one place, simplifying your code and making maintenance easier.

Consider a hypothetical situation...  I work at a university.  So I might have 
objects that represent Faculty, Staff, and Students, all inhieriting from a 
Person class.  I could use the factory to decide for me whether I need to 
instantiate a Faculty, Staff, or Student at runtime, and to centralize that 
decision making activity for me.

Another example would be a factory that creates instance of objects that wrap 
remote services..  If you had a class that generically implemented access to 
various kinds of remote data (XML files, CFCs, web services, etc).  The 
implementation of those classes would be different for each type of call, but 
the interface - the properties and method definitions - would be the same.  At 
runtime the application wouldn't need to care if it was holding a RemoteCallCFC 
or a RemoteCallWebService.  A factory would determine which class was 
necessary, instantiate it, initialize it, and pass it back to the requesting 

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whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Phill B
I have read a lot about people making their own objectFactory and I
still don't see the need for one. Can some one please give me a reason
why I would need to use one? So far I have yet to find a reason not to
call to the objects directly when I need them. My lack of
understanding makes me think it is just adding more code than is


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Adrian
The real benefits I have found are:

Objects are initialised in one place only, so if the init arguments change,
then I only need to change one piece of code.

Objects are created in one place only, so if the location of the component
changes, then I only need to change one piece of code.

Less code!


is less code than


On 11/12/06, Phill B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have read a lot about people making their own objectFactory and I
 still don't see the need for one. Can some one please give me a reason
 why I would need to use one? So far I have yet to find a reason not to
 call to the objects directly when I need them. My lack of
 understanding makes me think it is just adding more code than is



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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Josh Nathanson
I am just working through OOP stuff myself...

Regarding the object factory, would you have a separate factory for each 
object, say the object was User, like UserFactory?  So if you were 
instantiating a User and then populating the bean from the db, (assuming all 
the obvious stuff, your classes are init'd into the Application scope etc.) 
the call would be

cfset tempUser = Application.UserFactory.getInstance()
cfset myUser =

Or is there another best practice for handling a factory?

Also, what is the generally accepted way to init your classes into the 
Application scope, is this just done in App.cfm or App.cfc?  Thanks for any 

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

 The real benefits I have found are:

 Objects are initialised in one place only, so if the init arguments 
 then I only need to change one piece of code.

 Objects are created in one place only, so if the location of the component
 changes, then I only need to change one piece of code.

 Less code!


 is less code than


 On 11/12/06, Phill B [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have read a lot about people making their own objectFactory and I
 still don't see the need for one. Can some one please give me a reason
 why I would need to use one? So far I have yet to find a reason not to
 call to the objects directly when I need them. My lack of
 understanding makes me think it is just adding more code than is



Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Aaron Roberson
 Also, what is the generally accepted way to init your classes into the
 Application scope, is this just done in App.cfm or App.cfc?  Thanks for any

I am not one to give guidance since I am new to all this myself,
but... I don't use an object factory. Instead I init all of my
services, gateways and DAOs in Application.cfm. This provides the same
benefits Adrian mentioned for using object factories (there are
probably other benefits to using object factories that my approach
does not benefit from).

I have also chosen to place Application.cfm files in each directory.
That way I am only initting objects that will be used in that
directories files. If all of my objects for the entire application
were initted in one Application.cfm there would a rather long delay
when someone first visits the site.

On the other hand, Phill Nacelli has created an object factory that
looks pretty good. I was going to use it but he took a while to post
an explanation about it on his blog and I had to continue developing
my application so... maybe next time. He has since blogged about it


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Josh Nathanson
 He has since blogged about it

Thanks for pointing me to that article Aaron.  Very helpful!

-- Josh

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Phill B
I do all my work in application.cfm file as well. I load the 7 or 8
objects I need and I'm done with it. I just don't see how there code
be a speed benefit.

Why would I want to load an object into the application scope just to
load more objects? This is one more piece of code that has to be ran,
maintained, suck up processes, suck up memory, to explain Wouldn't
it be best to just keep it simple and call right to the CFC?

I don't know what is right or wrong when it comes to objectFactories.
That is why I am asking the question.

On 12/11/06, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not one to give guidance since I am new to all this myself,
 but... I don't use an object factory. Instead I init all of my
 services, gateways and DAOs in Application.cfm. This provides the same
 benefits Adrian mentioned for using object factories (there are
 probably other benefits to using object factories that my approach
 does not benefit from).

 I have also chosen to place Application.cfm files in each directory.
 That way I am only initting objects that will be used in that
 directories files. If all of my objects for the entire application
 were initted in one Application.cfm there would a rather long delay
 when someone first visits the site.

 On the other hand, Phill Nacelli has created an object factory that
 looks pretty good. I was going to use it but he took a while to post
 an explanation about it on his blog and I had to continue developing
 my application so... maybe next time. He has since blogged about it


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RE: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Ben Nadel
I think the issue is not up-front object instantiation. That is simple.
The beauty of the Object factory I think is that at any time down the
road, any part of the application that has access to the object factory
can request object instantiation without having to know how it is done.
This cannot be done via the Application.cfc unless it was a component
method of the Application.cfc.  

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
Need ColdFusion Help?

-Original Message-
From: Phill B [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 2:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

I do all my work in application.cfm file as well. I load the 7 or 8
objects I need and I'm done with it. I just don't see how there code be
a speed benefit.

Why would I want to load an object into the application scope just to
load more objects? This is one more piece of code that has to be ran,
maintained, suck up processes, suck up memory, to explain Wouldn't
it be best to just keep it simple and call right to the CFC?

I don't know what is right or wrong when it comes to objectFactories.
That is why I am asking the question.

On 12/11/06, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am not one to give guidance since I am new to all this myself, 
 but... I don't use an object factory. Instead I init all of my 
 services, gateways and DAOs in Application.cfm. This provides the same

 benefits Adrian mentioned for using object factories (there are 
 probably other benefits to using object factories that my approach 
 does not benefit from).

 I have also chosen to place Application.cfm files in each directory.
 That way I am only initting objects that will be used in that 
 directories files. If all of my objects for the entire application 
 were initted in one Application.cfm there would a rather long delay 
 when someone first visits the site.

 On the other hand, Phill Nacelli has created an object factory that 
 looks pretty good. I was going to use it but he took a while to post 
 an explanation about it on his blog and I had to continue developing 
 my application so... maybe next time. He has since blogged about it


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Josh Nathanson
 Why would I want to load an object into the application scope just to
 load more objects? This is one more piece of code that has to be ran,
 maintained, suck up processes, suck up memory, to explain Wouldn't
 it be best to just keep it simple and call right to the CFC?

I think the idea is that as long as you have sufficient RAM, a call to the 
Application scope will always be quicker than than a call to the CFC.  If 
you have a gig of RAM dedicated to CF, a few MB of objects is negligible. 
If your RAM is an issue, it's probably fine to call right to the CFC.

Also Adrian gave a few good reasons to take the objectFactory approach:  the 
main one being you are re-using code rather than duplicating code in 
different places.

-- Josh

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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Aaron Roberson
Another reason why I did not use an object factory is because I noted
the fact that you have to register all the DAO's, gateways and beans
with the full path in Application.cfm. It seemed just as easy to
instantiate all of my objects directly in Application.cfm and assign
them to the application scope. With my current method I am still only
setting the path in one place. I can also reference all of my objects
from any part of the application that is in the same directory as
Application.cfm without having to know how it is instantiated.

However, I think that Phill's ObjectFactory.cfc does not instantiate
the objects when registered in Application.cfm. Instead, I believe
that all of the details are placed in a struct that can be be
referenced at any time. The advantage of this would be that the
objects are not instantiated until they are actually used. You still
get the benefit of having only one copy of the object in memory and
you do not have to use a full path to the object when instantiating it
in the view or controller.

If that is the case, I just talked myself into using Phill's
ObjectFactory.cfc. The benefit over my current method would be that
the objects are not instantiated until they are used. Even if a
request to instantiate the object is made several times across several
pages, there is still only one copy of the object in memory because
complex objects are passed by reference.


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Phill B
On 12/11/06, Josh Nathanson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think the idea is that as long as you have sufficient RAM, a call to the
 Application scope will always be quicker than than a call to the CFC.  If
 you have a gig of RAM dedicated to CF, a few MB of objects is negligible.
 If your RAM is an issue, it's probably fine to call right to the CFC.

 Also Adrian gave a few good reasons to take the objectFactory approach:  the
 main one being you are re-using code rather than duplicating code in
 different places.

 -- Josh

But there is less code being used with out the objectFactory.

I could have this in my application.cfm
cfset application.objectOne = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.navigation')
cfset application.objectTwo = CreateObject('component', 'cfc.users')
cfset application.objectThree = CreateObject('component', '')

Three lines to load instantiate an object.

Or you could have this in the application.cfm
cfset application.objectFactory= CreateObject('component',
cfset application.objectFactory.register('objectOne')
cfset application.objectFactory.register('objectTwo')
cfset application.objectFactory.register('objectThree')

This takes one more line of code in the application.cfm file plus what
ever you have written into your objectFactory.

Now I have the objectFactory in memory that only gets used when I
initialize my app. Plus, I have more code to maintain inside the

The beauty of ColdFusion is how simple it is to get things done. Why
would I want to go ruin that by jumping on the bandwagon to the
factory? I'm not trying to say that objectFartories are bad. M'kay I'm
just trying to find a way that they would help me.


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Phill B
On 12/11/06, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If that is the case, I just talked myself into using Phill's
 ObjectFactory.cfc. The benefit over my current method would be that
 the objects are not instantiated until they are used. Even if a
 request to instantiate the object is made several times across several
 pages, there is still only one copy of the object in memory because
 complex objects are passed by reference.


But why not go ahead and get the job done with the initial load of the
application? Why wait for  it to happen two page loads later?


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Aaron Roberson
 But why not go ahead and get the job done with the initial load of the
 application? Why wait for  it to happen two page loads later?

If you initialize all of your objects with the start of your
application then the user will have to wait until the objects are all
initialized before they can view any pages. As you know, CFC's are
pretty heavy and createObject, though it is better than cfinvoke,
still takes time.

ANSWER: If the application waits two pages later, the visitor to your
site will not have to. I put my users first.


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Josh Nathanson
 If you initialize all of your objects with the start of your
 application then the user will have to wait until the objects are all
 initialized before they can view any pages.

This can be overcome by extending your Application timeout.  If your app 
only gets hit once every two days, make the Application timeout three days.

Then in App.cfm you do something like
cfif not isDefined(Application.myObject) or 

This way the object will not re-instantiate every time the page is hit, only 
if it is not yet defined; or if you do want to explicitly reload your 
objects, set the url variable reloadObjects.

-- Josh

- Original Message - 
From: Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2006 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

 But why not go ahead and get the job done with the initial load of the
 application? Why wait for  it to happen two page loads later?

 If you initialize all of your objects with the start of your
 application then the user will have to wait until the objects are all
 initialized before they can view any pages. As you know, CFC's are
 pretty heavy and createObject, though it is better than cfinvoke,
 still takes time.

 ANSWER: If the application waits two pages later, the visitor to your
 site will not have to. I put my users first.



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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Phill B
On 12/11/06, Aaron Roberson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you initialize all of your objects with the start of your
 application then the user will have to wait until the objects are all
 initialized before they can view any pages. As you know, CFC's are
 pretty heavy and createObject, though it is better than cfinvoke,
 still takes time.

 ANSWER: If the application waits two pages later, the visitor to your
 site will not have to. I put my users first.


I have to ask, how many objects are people trying to instantiate? I
have maybe 8 or 9 objects to load into the application scope. I'll
tell you right now that there wont be any noticeable savings doing
with the initialization of the app or waiting until you need it. To
make sure its understood, I'm talking about objects that will persist
until the app times out. Not some thing that would be instantiated on
every page load.

I'm going to look for some decent example of a objectFactory and do
some testing to see if there is a performance hit.

I'm getting the feeling that people are starting to use
objectFactories because its cool and new. Not because it will benefit
the performance of their applications. And we all know that a high
performance app makes the users happy.


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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Aaron Roberson
 I'm going to look for some decent example of a objectFactory and do
 some testing to see if there is a performance hit.

That sounds like a great idea. Here is an objectFactory to look at and
compare with:

Please let us know what you find.


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade  integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2;56760587;14748456;a?


Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Judith Dinowitz
 I'm going to look for some decent example of a objectFactory and do
 some testing to see if there is a performance hit.

That sounds like a great idea. Here is an objectFactory to look at and
compare with:

Please let us know what you find.

Well, as I believe Chris Scott explained in his article ColdSpring 
Fundamentals (FAQU 2), object factories really make a difference when your 
application gets highly complex and you start having many more objects to 
initialize with dependencies...  That's what ColdSpring tries to do, to manage 
the objects for you. If you've only got 8 or 9 objects, then maybe an object 
factory is not for you. 


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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Re: whats the purpose of an objectFactory?

2006-12-11 Thread Mike Kear
My experience has been thinking i only have a few objects so it's not
really worth the effort of building a factory.  But i built one anyway
for the experience.  But when i look at that first OOP project now, a
year later, i see my site which was originally going to have only 10
objects now has more than 50. I'm REALLY glad i built the factory now!

Once you see how great this OOP thing is,  you start bolting on
applications like there's no tomorrow, and complexity starts coming
looking for you.

When you think you are only going to have a few objects,  I reckon for
most cases, that's only because you have missed something.  And you're
going to get more complexity anyway.

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks
ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month

On 12/12/06, Judith Dinowitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm going to look for some decent example of a objectFactory and do
  some testing to see if there is a performance hit.
 That sounds like a great idea. Here is an objectFactory to look at and
 compare with:
 Please let us know what you find.
 Well, as I believe Chris Scott explained in his article ColdSpring 
 Fundamentals (FAQU 2), object factories really make a difference when your 
 application gets highly complex and you start having many more objects to 
 initialize with dependencies...  That's what ColdSpring tries to do, to 
 manage the objects for you. If you've only got 8 or 9 objects, then maybe an 
 object factory is not for you.


Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
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