[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2017-02-15 Thread Y Herman

Yoseph Herman, 15 Feb 17


In mid January ‘17 we were informed by a mashgiach that matzos under his
hashgocho are made from a combination of winter and spring wheat,
contradicting our assumptions generated from the inception of the Guide to
Chodosh that matzos are always exclusively from winter wheat making it
Yoshon. This surprise led to a flurry of preliminary research. The research
showed that indeed the winter wheat over the last several years has been
declining in protein level. Therefore, even some items that used to be made
exclusively from winter wheat now need to have some added spring wheat to
make the product satisfactory. That revelation seemed to overturn one of
the basic assumptions that have always been used by the Guide. Until now
the assumption was that, with some known exceptions, items such as cakes,
cookies, matzos, crackers, pretzels and other such “crunchy” and easy to
break products use only winter wheat and are Yoshon. When we were first
informed, we had no idea how far reaching are the consequences of this
change and whether mashgichim who have been giving Yoshon hashgochos have
been aware of this change. Therefore, we felt that our responsibility to
the Yoshon-observant public that is relying on us, mandates that we issue a
warning of possible unexplored Chodosh problems with items such as matzos,
flour, pretzels, some cakes and cookies. These are all items that used to
use only winter wheat.

Hard work by kashrus organizations and other sources, and our further
research has now led us to conclusion that we can now cautiously  cancel
that warning, but only for items under hashgocho for Yoshon.  It is indeed
true that many matzos, both machine and hand matzos, are made from spring
wheat as well as the usual winter wheat. However, all the matzo bakeries we
had contacted that do add spring wheat are making sure that the spring
wheat is Yoshon (either by storing from the past year, or by using spring
wheat from those few areas where the planting takes place before pesach.)
Regarding other foods, for those with a Yoshon hashgocho, it would seem
that the mashgichim had probably taken this potential winter wheat problem
into account.

It is important to note that the alert is being called off only for items
under hashgocho for Yoshon. Other items not under such hashgocho do need to
be checked individually. This includes cakes, cookies, pretzels, flour,
matzos and matzo meal and foods using matzo meal such as gefilte fish.
Below we present a list of items in this list that have been verified as
being only from winter wheat, with no spring wheat added.

Therefore, at this point BE”H we believe that the listings in the Guide to
Chodosh have are basically correct (with the exception of minor ongoing
corrections and updates such as those listed below.) Naturally we plan to
continue to monitor the Chodosh-Yoshon scene as we have done in the past.
Now we have also been made aware that we must pay attention to the winter
wheat situation as well. If need we will issue any necessary alerts in this
area in the future, as we have done in the past for other problem areas. We
apologize for any inconvenience anyone experienced over the past several
weeks. However, our responsibility to the public demanded that we issue
that alert until we had a chance to clarify the situation.


ALL ITEMS made in Israel under any reliable kashrus hashgocho. All items
under hashgocho for Yoshon.

GEFILTE FISH: A, Ungar, Freunds, Dagim, Mrs. Adlers, Manischewitz,
Mothers, Rokeach, Malchus

MATZOS AND MATZO MEAL: Streits, Manischewitz, Horowitz Margarettin,
Rokeach, Mishpacha, Kemach, Heimishe Lokshen (matzo meal only)

MATZOS FOR PESACH: Several hand matzo bakeries that we have contacted say
that they are adding spring wheat to their winter wheat flour. However they
make sure that the spring wheat is Yoshon from last year. We hope to have a
list of such bakeries compiled before pesach.

BAKING FLOUR: Gold Medal flour from factory KC (KC next to the date),
Heckers, Ceresota, General Mills Purasnow bakery flour, Ardent Mills and
Snavely’s all purpose bakery flours.



Note: Vaad HaRabonim of Queens is NOT makpid on malt.

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies, and Crackers*

*Kemach Flatbreads* have a code of 05 FEB 2018 and will likely be Yoshon
for the whole season. Check back for updates. *Pita Chips* (Sea salt and
multigrain) have a Chodosh code of June 16, 2017.

*Old London* Cookies and Crackers have a Chodosh code of Jul 29, 2017 (12
months after packing) for those containing wheat. For products with oats
the code is Jul 20, 2017.

*Section 4.4 Melba Toast*

*Old London* Melba Toast has a date of July 20, 2017 as it contains oats

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen and Croutons*

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-09-13 Thread Y Herman



Several weeks ago we were warned by sources in the flour milling industry
that a recent major recall of Gold Medal home baking flour may result in
significant shifts in the use of winter wheat vs. spring wheat in such
flours. As a result of this, we issued a warning to the Yoshon-observant
public for assurance of Yoshon to use all home baking flour if it either
has an hashgocho for Yoshon, or it can be determined from the dating code
that the flour was packed before Jul 29 ’16. In fact, it has now been
determined that the situation has not changed from previous years.
Therefore, those flours which have been from winter wheat in the past,
should continue to be so this year as well. This includes Gold Medal Flour
from factory KC and the Heckers and Ceresota brands.


The Guide to Chodosh is published in two editions. The Preliminary Guide is
due to be released soon, the full Guide for the season after sukkos. The
SECOND *draft* of the Preliminary Guide is ready. It is still incomplete
and has some errors, mostly typographical. I hope to send all of you this
preliminary draft later today. You should be able to use it to get the
Chodosh code for most packaged products. You will note that most
information that depends on mashgichim is missing. Their information has
not yet been forwarded to us. If you find any errors or confusing entries,
please drop me a note to yher...@earthlink.net. I will not be able to
answer each email, but will appreciate your feedback.



The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish 

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-08-28 Thread Y Herman


In general, if you have last year’s Guide, you can use the package cutoff
code for any item given in last year’s Guide and modify the date to conform
to the packing dates given here for each type of grain, spring wheat, oats
or barley. Just change the date and the year. If you do not have last
year’s Guide, you may get it by sending email to chod...@moruda.com. To
change the date, change the year in last year’s Guide by adding 1. For oats
(except those listed below) subtract 6 from the date, for wheat subtract 3
from the date, for barley, add 7 days. Note that any package with a Yoshon
label is Yoshon, with the possible exception of some items where the
hashgocho for kashrus in the Volover Rav.


-Quaker oats (hot cereals) Chodosh  PACKAGING date Aug 31. Date on the
package Feb 22 18.

-General Mills cereals, including all Cheerios. Oats Chodosh PACKAGING date
Aug 31. Date on the package Sept 6 17. Wheat in all General Mills cereals
is Yoshon. (Note that the OU is working to arrange that all Cheerios sold
in Israel should be Yoshon till pesach. This is to be confirmed later.)

-Nature Valley Granola Chodosh PACKING date of Aug 31. Date on the bars
(the date on the individual bars, not on the outside box) Sept 6, ’17.

-Post cereals. Chodosh PACKAGING date for oats Aug 31, date on the package
for oats is Aug 31 17.

-Shoprite oats Jan 20 ‘18

-Village Farms, Sturms oats Jul 20 ‘18

-Kemach, Taanug oats Jul 20 ‘17

may continue to produce Yoshon after these dates by special arrangement.

-General Mills flour from Buffalo, NY may be Chodosh starting from Aug 29.

-Ardent Mills in Albany may be Chodosh starting Aug 12.

-Bay State Milling Clifton may be Chodosh Aug 28.




The Chodosh season has begun this year somewhat earlier than usual due to
the agricultural conditions in the growing areas. Our estimates of the
start of Chodosh for each crop are based on the reports from the US
Department of Agriculture. This year, this information is enhanced by
reports sent to me by several mashgichim, for which I thank these


1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
13 and the PURCHASE date of Aug 27.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 9 and PURCHASE date of Aug 23.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing


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[Chodosh] Latest update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-07-28 Thread Y Herman


We have not yet received official confirmation from the US Dep’t of
Agriculture of the start of the harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat and
barley. However, it is certain that this has begun. We have received a
message from a mashgiach that at least one mill received shipments of
Chodosh spring wheat on Friday, Jul. 22 and a second mill has received
Chodosh on Jul 27. These 2 mills are in the Midwest, near the harvest
areas. I will not issue final Chodosh cutoff dates for the upcoming season
until the official word is out from the US Dep’t of Agriculture, expected
this coming Tuesday.  Meanwhile below are the updated revised *tentative*
Chodosh starting dates.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Jul 29. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 12.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Jul 29, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 12.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
17 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Oats in all products, including cereals, may be Chodosh
starting with a PACKING date of Jul 20, PURCHASE date of Aug 3. (The known
exception is for General Mills cereals including all Cheerios, for which
the Chodosh packing date is July 31 or later.)

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Dec 15* for *beer *made from barley
malt and *Mar 15* for malt in other products.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing

Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season
should do so now, as soon as possible.

The next revised update on this topic is due BE”H one week from now.



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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facilities of the Guides to Chodosh.

[Chodosh] Latest update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-07-19 Thread Y Herman


The harvest of the Chodosh spring wheat and barley had not yet started as
of the beginning of this week. Therefore, below are the revised tentative
starting dates:

Our *tentative* recommended cutoff dates for packaged foods is Jul 20 for
oats and Aug 3 for wheat and barley products (not malt, which is much
later). These are packaging dates. It should take several weeks beyond that
for the Chodosh packages to reach the local groceries. However, freshly
baked goods in bakeries, such as bread, challah, bagels may be Chodosh
(tentative) starting Aug 3 in the mid West and Aug 10 elsewhere in the US.

Even though pesach was late on the solar calendar this year, still almost
all of the 3 crops of interest were planted after pesach and are Chodosh.
The early harvest this year is due to weather conditions in the growing

Those who want to purchase Yoshon items to store over the Chodosh season
should do so now, as soon as possible.

The next revised update on this topic is due BE”H one week from now.

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2016-02-08 Thread Y Herman

8 Feb ’16

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

**NEW Bloom’s *cookies. We have no information about the Chodosh status of
any Bloom’s baked products. The company would not provide us even with
dating codes.

*ד Kashi *Cookies, Chodosh code Feb 4, 16 (6 months after packing).

*ב  Kemach Oatmeal Cookies *(12oz. & 18oz.) have a Chodosh code of 12 14
16. *Pita Chips (Sea Salt and Multigrain)* have a Chodosh code of
09/23/16. *Flatbread
Crisp (everything)* have a Chodosh code of 06/21/15.

*ד Kitov** and Matamim Products*: French Twists and Melba Snacks have a
Chodosh code of Mar 18 2016 (7 months after packing). Soft bite Cookies:
Dec 18 15 (4 months after packing). Flatbreads, Honey Wheat Pretzels,
Breadsticks and Tin Breadsticks: Aug 18 16 (1 year after packing).

*ד Nature’s Bakery* fig bars have a Chodosh code of March 26, 2016.

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*NEW ד *Pretzel** clarification:* *Crunchy pretzels* that break easily *and
are not made with whole wheat flour*, are from winter wheat. If they
contain malt, then they may be Chodosh after a packing date of Dec 15, or a
purchase date of March 15. (The purchase date was changed from Jan 15 to
Mar 15.)

*Section 5.1 Regular noodles, pasta, mandlen and croutons*

*ב** Greenfield Noodles,* bowties, farfel. If the packages marked Yoshon
then they are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Berel Broyde.Added
note: As of December 22: GREENFIELD NOODLE CO. has exhausted its stock of
Yoshon flour, and is now using Chodosh flour. Any product that does not
state Yoshon next to the expiration date is not Yoshon.

ד* Ronzoni *pasta made in the USA (for Canada see next listing.) Egg
noodles, healthy harvest, and garden delight: Aug 15 17, (2 years after
packing.) Smart taste pasta contains oats and has a chodosh date of July
26, 2017. For all other pasta use the date of Aug 15 18, (3 years after

ד* Wacky Mac* Macaroni and Cheese from New World Pasta has a Chodosh code
of August 15, 2017, 2 years after packing.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*ד Unger Barley* is packed in a 100% Yoshon facility, however we cannot
include it in the א section  it until we can get confirmation that it is
Yoshon from a Mashgiach.  *IMPORTANT WARNING: *The Kashrus Magazine
(January ’16, page 18) reported that this barley with a code on the bag of
928017 has been found to be infested with bugs. Please note that this is
not a Chodosh related problem. Page 33 of the Guide warns clearly that all
barley should be checked for bugs, all year around. To check barley, the
Kashrus Magazine recommends that you take a full handful of the barley from
the bag and check in on a white paper plate under a strong overhead light,
while you slowly separate and move the kernels around.

*Section 8.1 Breakfast Cereals*

** NEW* *ד* *General Mills cereals*, including all Cheerios products sold
in Israel are Yoshon PROVIDED the label states that they are made in the
USA and that they are imported by Osem under the Hashgocho of the OU.

** NEW* *ד* *Nature Valley Granola Bars* made in Spain and sold in Israel
are Yoshon if with Hebrew writing on the package under the Hashgocho of the

*ד  Rite Aid Oatmeal*, single serve packets have a Chodosh code of January
26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*ד **Shoprite *cereals: Hot cereals have a Chodosh code of Jan 26, 2017 for
oats  and Feb 2, 2017 for wheat. (18 months after packing). Cold Cereals
have a code that can vary. Therefore we give a safe date of 11 months after
packing that covers all cold cereals. This date is June 26, 2016 for oats,
July 2, 2016 for wheat and November 2, 2016 for malt.

*ד **Sturm and Village Farms *oats cereals and oatmeal in cans (quick and
old fashioned) Chodosh packing code July 26, 17 (2 years after packing.)
For Farina the Chodosh code is Aug 2 16. (1 year after packing.)Oatmeal
packets Feb. 26, 2017 (18 months after packing).

*Section 9.1 Frozen and other Packaged Foods*

*א* * Dr Praeger’s Sensible Foods* fish products, including gefilte fish,
gluten-free fish products, and breaded fish products are Yoshon. Under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Mordechai Unger.   For all other Dr. Praeger’s Sensible
Foods Products see listing in Section ד below.

ד *Dr. Prager's* Sensible Foods Products not listed under א above, have a
code of Aug 2, 17 (2 years after packing)

**NEW **ד French’s Crispy Jalapenos*: Chodosh code Aug 2, 2015 (1 year
after packing).

*NEW *ד Golden Bowl Spring Roll Wrappers*: Chodosh code Aug 2, 2015 (1 year
after packing).

ב  *Kemach *pie crusts: Chocolate Pie Crust Yoshon as stated on the label.
Graham Pie Crust uses Yoshon flour. The malt may be a problem after a
packing date of 10 20 16 (360 days after packing.) This date may change to
a later date. Updates will be issued when available.  Under the hashgocho
of Rabbi Nussen N. Horowitz.

*Section 9.3 Soups and Soup Mixes*

*ד*  *Tradition Soups.* Have one of two forms of code, 

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-11-05 Thread Y Herman

4 Nov 15

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*

*ב** B’Gan* cookies are Yoshon except for cookies containing oatmeal, Under
the hashgocho of Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rov

ב  *Baker’s Best* rugelach and cookies only with a Yoshon label, and a CRC
hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

ב* Home Style *cookies from Cornwall NY, cookies only with a Yoshon label,
and a CRC hechsher for kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

ב*  Lekach Tov* cookies only with a Yoshon label, and a CRC hechsher for
kashrus. Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC.

*ב  Liebers* cookies, crackers and snackers made in the *USA* without oats
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec 15. From *Israel*
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from *Brazil* are Yoshon. The malt
in these items may be Chodosh if *purchased* after Jan. 15. Snackers from
Brazil are Yoshon. Whole Wheat Snackers are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho for
Yoshon of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א** Min Bites* fancy cookies and cakes under the Hashgocho of the PCK  -
Passaic-Clifton Kashrus.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos, regular and whole wheat matzo meal, Graham Cracker
Pie Crust, Chocolate Graham Cracker pie crust, and Tam Tams are all Yoshon
under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav. Matzos will
also have a Yoshon label.

*א One Stop Bakery*, Brooklyn, everything Yoshon under the hashgocho of the

*א Bloch* cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Fourre *cookies Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א ** Gross *cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Kineret Brownies* are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*א Sabra *pretzels and humus are Yoshon,, under the hashgocho of Rabbi

*א  **Shrem’s Bakery*, Cornwall, NY. All items Yoshon under the hashgocho
of the CRC.

*Section 4.2 Pretzels and Potato Chips*

*ב Haddar Honey Wheat* *Pretzels* Yoshon under the Hashgocho of the CRC
only with a Yoshon Label.

*א**  Liebers pretzels* Yoshon Under the hashgocho or Rabbi Weissmandl,
even those containing premixed oats and Honey Wheat Pretzels, includling
the malt.

*Section 4.5 Ice Cream Cones*

*א** Liebers* cones are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav M. Weissmandl.

*Section 4.6 Matzos*

*אּ** Gefen* matzos from Israel are Yoshon, including the whole wheat
matzos, lightly salted matzos and onion poppy matzos.

*א **Mishpacha* matzos and matzo meal, regular and whole wheat, are all
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater Rav.
Matzos will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen, and Croutons*

ב  *B’Gan* noodles and pasta Yoshon only with a Yoshon label, under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav. Chow Mein noodles
are Yoshon as well.

ד* Hodgson Mills* all noodles and other pastas including whole wheat
Chodosh code 02 15 18 (02=month, 15 day, 18=year, 30 months after packing).

*א **Mishpacha* noodles and pasta, *including whole wheat items, tri-color
noodles, lasagna and egg noodles* are all Yoshon, Packages will also have a
Yoshon label. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbater
Rav. Note that the Yoshon label may be written in English on the back of
the packages. (Chow Mein is NOT Yoshon, See Section 5.2 below.)

*Section 6.1 All Purpose White Flour*

*ד Bay State Bouncer Flour*  Chodosh code of AA AA080215, (aa mill code 08
month 02 day 15 year). This is the production date.

ב * Glick’s *flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC, with Yoshon
label only.

*א Mishpacha *white baking flour is Yoshon, including the malt, under the
hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirbator Rav. Product will also have
a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.2 Whole Wheat Flour*

*א **Mishpacha *whole wheat flour and white whole wheat flour are Yoshon,
including the malt, under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 6.3 High Gluten or Bread Flour*

*ב **Glick’s *high gluten flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the CRC,
with Yoshon label only.

*א  Mishpacha *high gluten flour has a Yoshon label and is Yoshon,
including the malt under the hashgocho of Rav Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbator Rav.

*Section 6.5 Cake and other mixes  *

*א B’Gan Cake Mixes* are Yoshon under the Hashgocho of Rabbi Aaron

*Section 6.6 Baking Sprays*

*ד Glick’s Baking Spray* with flour has a code of 21415. These are numbers
9-13 of the code. (214-day of year, 15-year).

*א Mishpacha *baking spray with flour is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav
Aaron Teitelbaum, the Nirabator Rav. Product will also have a Yoshon label.

*Section 7.1 Barley*

*א  B’Gan barley* is Yoshon the entire season. It is packed in 1 pound
packages and is available primarily to food service customers, very limited
amount to grocery sales. Yoshon hashgocho, Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum, the
Nirbarter Rav.

*א  Gefen 

[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2015-08-15 Thread Y Herman



Telephone Hot Line: 718-305-5133, Email: yher...@earthlink.net


MASHGICHIM AND CONSUMERS NOTE: The OU has revised the Chodosh starting date
for at least one major flour mill, General Mills in the New York area. The
new Chodosh date is now Aug 22 or shortly thereafter. This mill is one of
the more popular sources of professional flour to bakeries and pizza shops
in the New York area, including the All Trump brand high gluten flour. Keep
in mind that this early in the season, information is still subject to
change. Nevertheless, we still keep to our earlier estimate that to be safe
it is reasonable to assume that as of Aug 9, these freshly baked items may
be Chodosh everywhere in the USA (MidWest after Aug 2), unless otherwise
indicated by mashgichim or unless they were produced in facilities under
hashgocho for Yoshon.



MASHGICHIM NOTE: We became aware last year that some pizza shops and other
facilities that produce both Yoshon and non-Yoshon items may be using the
same oven for both at the same time. Mashgichim should please check that
this practice should not be allowed. They also should make sure that other
keilim should not be used interchangeably between Yoshon and Chodosh items.

AUG 4.

The following Chodosh starting dates are based on the weekly crop bulletins
from the US Department of Agriculture.

1)   *Freshly baked items using spring wheat*, including breads,
challahs, bagels, rolls, pizza and some cakes and cookies may be Chodosh in
the Midwest after the PURCHASE DATE of Aug 2. Elsewhere in the US, this
date would be Aug 9.

2)   *Packaged foods from spring wheat* may be Chodosh after the
PACKING date of Aug 2, or the PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

3)   *Noodles and pasta* may be Chodosh after the PACKING date of Aug
15 and the PURCHASE date of Sept 1.

4)   *Barley*, such as pearled barley, may be Chodosh after the PACKING
date of Aug 2 and PURCHASE date of Aug 16.

5)   *Oats*: Last year, according to the O-U all oats used in *cereals*
had a Chodosh PACKING date of Sept 1 or later, PURCHASE DATE of Sept 15 or
later. Exceptions to this included General Mills cereals such as Cheerios
and Quaker oats made in the USA for which the Chodosh dates were later. We
are waiting for an update on this for the forthcoming season from the O-U.
Oats used in non-cereal products such as oatmeal cookies, may be Chodosh
starting a PACKING date of Jul 26, PURCHASE date of  Aug 9.

6)   *Barley malt* (also listed in the ingredients as “malt”) may be
Chodosh as of the *packing* date of *Dec 15*. Package codes should be
checked after the *purchase* date of *Jan 15* for *beer* and *Mar 15* for
malt in other products.

The above dates are estimates of the *earliest* time that those items may
already be Chodosh. In case of packaged goods, in most cases you may use
last year’s Guide to see what the package code is for the cutoff dates
given. Just add 1 to the year given in those codes. Those who do not have
last year’s Guide may get *last year’s * Guide by sending an email message
to either chod...@sefer.org or to chod...@moruda.com. We plan to issue a
Preliminary Guide to Chodosh, BE”H, by early September which will contain
the package codes revised for the new season.

(1)   How to subscribe to have the printed material mailed to you

The subscription cost is $18 for all material to be mailed within the USA,
$20 to Canada and Mexico, and $25 to be mailed to Israel and other parts of
the world. The preferred method is to subscribe using a credit or debit
card. This is very convenient for most people and is easier for us. We
accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. *If you are totally
unable to charge to your card we will accept checks, but only if you have
no other option. We have had problems with checks being mailed for
subscriptions in the past.*

*How to subscribe with credit/debit cards*

(a)*By recorded telephone message*

Call 646-278-1189 and record a voice message with the requested
information: Your phone number, credit card number and expiration date
month and year, your name, and mailing address. *Note we must have your
contact phone number or email address so we can contact you in case of
questions.* *We cannot accept subscriptions without   such contact
information.* *Without it,* *your subscription can not be processed and you
will not receive a Guide. *Do not leave us any Chodosh questions or other
messages at this number. Use instead our Hot Line number 718-305-5133.

(b)   *Fax your credit/debit card information*


[Chodosh] Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2014-07-22 Thread Yoseph Herman
As of the latest report from the US Dep't of Agriculture of July 21, the
harvest of the Chodosh wheat and oats crops have not yet started. The oats
harvest is in its second week.
Yoseph Herman

[Chodosh] Revised update from the Guide to Chodosh

2014-07-22 Thread Yoseph Herman
Based upon the latest bulletin from the US Dep't of Agriculture, the
harvest of the Chodosh oats crop is entering its 3rd week. The harvest of
the Chodosh wheat and barley crops have not yet started.
The following are advanced estimates of the PURCHASE dates when items may
start being Chodosh. These dates are subject to change.
-Oats in Quaker cereals September 1
-Oats in most other cereals September 15
-Oats in Cheerios and other General Mills cereals October 1
-Freshly baked wheat products such as breads, challahs, bagels, pizza
August 15 in the Mid West, August 22 in the rest of the US.
-Packaged wheat products September 1
-Pearled barley September 15.

Sorry about the misprint of the previous email of today.

Yoseph Herman

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2013-12-29 Thread Yoseph Herman

Corrections to the Guide to Chodosh

(Note: Each item below is preceded in parentheses with the date on which
that item was written. The intent is to make it easier for you to skip
items that you saw already and concentrate on the new additions.)

*General Cautions*

(revised 29 Dec 13) The general guidelines mentioned in the Guide to
Chodosh apply only to products manufactured in the USA or other specified
countries. They do not necessarily apply to items made elsewhere such as
China. Examples are that winter wheat and spelt are always Yoshon, or the
general cutoff dates given in the Guide.

(revised 29 Dec 13) Some companies produce many items that are Yoshon.
Also, many mashgichim provide hashgocho for many items that are Yoshon.
That does not mean that ALL items from that company or mashgiach are Yoshon.

*Section 4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Kemach *oatmeal cookies have a Chodosh code of 12 10

*Section 5.1 Noodles and Pasta*

(revised 29 Dec 13) *Gefen* noodle and pasta products are Yoshon under the
hashgocho of the O-U only for those package where there is both an O-U
hashgocho and a Yoshon label on the package. So far as we know, the Yoshon
status of the other products, which do not have the O-U and are claimed to
be Yoshon, have been checked only by the company and not an outside
hashgocho authority.

*Section 6.1 All-purpose white flour*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Kansas Diamond Flour: *White and whole wheat have a
Chodosh code of 3230 (3-year, 230 – day of year).

*Section 8.1 Beakfast Cereals*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *General Mills* cereals including all Cheerios, made in
the USA under the O-U hashgocho, all wheat ingredients are Yoshon, with the
possible exception of WHEAT GERM. The Chodosh package date for items
containing wheat germ in the ingredients is Aug 18, package date of Aug 25
14. For items that do not contain wheat germ, but do contain *oats* or *barley
(grain not barley malt)* the Chodosh packing date is Sept 18, package date
of Sept 25 14. In particular, the O-U certified that this Chodosh date
applies to the following: Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Chocolate
Cheerios, Multigrain Cheerios (even though this contains barley grain),
Honey Nut Cheerios, and Fiber One.

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Kemach Cereals: *All cereals containing oats have a
Chodosh Code of October 1, 2014 such as Toasted Oats, Honey Nut, Bunch O’
Krunch, Honey Crunch, Fruit Whirls, and Corn Crisp. Sugar Puffed Wheat has
a code of November 17 2014. Please note that Toasted Oats and Honey Nut
Toasted Oats have the same Chodosh date.

(revised 29 Dec 13) *Norman* yoghurts with granola or other cereals added
cannot be recommended as Yoshon. The dating codes on the packages refer to
the date that the yoghurt is made. The granola may be Chodosh, stored from
weeks or months before.

(revised 27 Dec 13) *Quaker* oats packed in Aug 21 or later may be Chodosh.
The table on page 38 has an error. Oats and 540 days should have a package
Chodosh date of Feb 12 15. In addition, the wheat date in that table for
540 days should be Feb 9 ’15.

*Section 9.3 Soups and Soup Mixes*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Liebers* soups in cups the Chodosh code should be
19013 not 18913.

*9.5.1 Beer*

(revised 26 Dec 13) The guidelines in the Guide to Chodosh and the dates
only apply to conventional beer made from barley malt. Some beers that are
made from wheat or other possibly Chodosh grains may have an earlier
Chodosh date.

*Section 12.1.3 Retail bakeries, New York City*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Weiss Bakery *in Brooklyn is listed in the “aleph”
section of the Guide, but it was left out of the index at the end of the

*Section 12.1.7 Riverdale*

(revised 26 Dec 13) *Grandma’s Pizza. *Muffins are not Yoshon. Other items
are the same.

*Section 15.5 Australia*

(revised 27 Dec 13) The wheat in Australia is planted after pesach from May
to June of each year. The harvest of the wheat is in the October-December
period. Therefore wheat products produced in Australia from October to
pesach may be Chodosh.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2012-07-17 Thread Yoseph Herman

*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net


The US Department of Agriculture ( USDA) releases their weekly report on
crop progress on Monday of each week. The latest report indicates that the
harvest of oats is well on the way. Our estimated oats packing cutoff date
for oats is Jul 21, one week earlier than normal.  The latest report does
not mention any harvest of spring wheat or barley. We are quite certain
that the harvest of these crops must also on the way by now and  should  be
reported by the next weekly update from the USDA. Pending future reports,
our preliminary estimate for spring wheat Chodosh date is Aug 2, and barley
Aug 7. These dates refer to the earliest packing date when Chodosh may
start to appear in manufactured items. These tentative dates should
finalized in the next 1-2 weeks.



I had stated on several occasions that according to the crop progress
reports issued by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), about 2 days
before pesach 55% of the oats crop was already planted. Therefore,  if one
holds that crops that took root 2 days before pesach are Yoshon (3 days
before the second day of pesach), then this year oats grown in the US would
be majority Yoshon. However, recently I spoke to a respected mashgiach, who
is more knowledgeable about practices out in the fields than I am.  He
pointed out that these data issued by the USDA have a significant
statistical error margin, possibly more than 5%. Therefore, if the USDA had
indicated that 65% of the crop was planted before pesach, he would have
full confidence that oats would be mostly Yoshon (if you hold the
3-day-before the second day of pesach opinion.) However, 55% is so close to
50%, that it is not at all certain that such a small margin over 50% is
significant. The best one can say is that there is a sofek of being mostly
Yoshon (according to the 3-day opinion.)  This is the revised advice being
offered by the Guide to Chodosh.


The O-U had estimated that at least up to a packing date of Sept 15, all
oats cereals made be General Mills, Quaker and Malt-O-Meal use Yoshon oats.


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free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations.
We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to
use E mail to request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh
and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2012-02-01 Thread Yoseph Herman

*From the Guide to   Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*  Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net

The following are additions and corrections to the second issue of the

*Section 4.1 Cakes, Cookies and Crackers*
Baker’s Harvest Crackers, Graham Crackers and Saltines,   Chodosh code: Feb
11 12 (6 months after packing) or letter, 3 numbers, letter for example
(A001B). If the numbers are 227-365 or 001-042 it is Yoshon.

Fiber Gourmet Crackers - All,   Chodosh code: Aug 14 12. (365 days after

Mrs. Pure’s ginger snaps have a   Chodosh code of Aug 15 12 (1 year after

*Section 4.2 Pretzels*
Anderson’s Pretzels:   Chodosh code: 15JAN12 (5 months after packing)

Haddar Honey Wheat Pretzels are Yoshon both in the large and small sizes,
even without the Yoshon label. Under the hashgocho of the CRC.

Liebers Pretzels Snacks whole wheat rings are Yoshon under the hashgocho of
Rabbi Weissmandl.

New York Pretzels have a   Chodosh code of code: 2271 (227-day of year
1-year) or August 14, 2012 (365 days  after packing).

*Section 5.1 Regular Noodles, Pasta, Mandlen and Croutons*
Barilla Fediccini code is Apr 22 14 (32 months after packing).

Ronzoni Catelli and Lancia pastas from Canada   Chodosh codes: Regular
white pasta Nov 24 13, Smart, Whole Wheat, Egg noodles, and vegetable pasta
Nov 24 12; Multigrain Oct 26 12.

Fiber Gourmet Pasta has a   Chodosh code of Aug 21 13, 2 years after

Goodman Pasta. Egg noodles   Chodosh code: Aug 21 13 (2 years after
packing), All other pasta has a code of Aug 21 14 (3 years after packing).

Taaman Pasta is Yoshon under the Hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerushalayim and
is Yoshon

*Section 6.1 All Purpose White Flour*
Best Kamut white flour with a Yoshon label is Yoshon under the hashgocho of
Rabbi Gruber.

*Section 6.2 Whole Wheat Flour*
Best Kamut whole wheat flour with a Yoshon label is Yoshon under the
hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*Section 6.5 Cake and Other Mixes*
Fiber Gourmet Cake Mixes - All,   Chodosh code: Aug 14 13.

*Section 7.1 Barley*
Martisco Barley - out of Business - Old supplies are Yoshon, but may be

*Section 7.2 Bread and Corn Flake Crumbs and Matzo Meal*

Jason Bread Crumbs have a   Chodosh code of code of 2273 (227-day of year,
3-year+2) or August 15, 2013 (2 years after packing).

*Section 8.1 Cereals*
Bob’s Red Mill Oat FLOUR has a   Chodosh code of Feb 15 13 (18 months after

General Mills sold in Israel. Claims have been made that the O-U has
provided special communications to authorities in Israel regarding the
Yoshon status of American cereals under the O-U hashgocho that are marketed
in Israel. For example, the O-U has been reported to certify that the   Chodosh
dates for certain Cheerios cereals are later than the dates given in the
second issue of the Guide to   Chodosh. The O-U denies ever supplying such
information. In fact, the O-U certifies Yoshon in Israel for General Mills
products only on special runs of Nature Valley Granola bars sold in Israel
where both the O-U symbol and Yoshon are printed on the label.

General Mills cereals. The oats   Chodosh PACKING date is revised to Feb
29, ‘12. This only applies to oats. Cereals that have wheat or wheat starch
would have the earlier date published in the Guide. Code for oats only: Mar
7 13.

Kemach cereals, the   Chodosh malt packing date will start at March 1, ‘12.
Therefore, for Kemach cereals where the only  Chodosh prom is malt,
such as  corn
flakes, crisp rice, wheat flakes, bran flakes, cocoa munchees, sugar flakes,
the   Chodosh code is March 1, ‘13 (1 year after packing.) Kemach Toasted
Oats and Honey Nut Toasted Oats   Chodosh date Oct 1 12. Up to this date
the oats and all wheat products are Yoshon.

The Quaker table on page 36 of the Guide has an error. The oats date for
360 days should be Nov 8 12 for USA produced cereals and Sept 21 12 for
those made in Canada.

Quaker Oat Bran has a shelf life of 540 days, not 270

Wheatena cereal is listed in the Guide as being Yoshon, since it is made
with winter wheat. However, it contains what germ and wheat bran that may
be   Chodosh. Code not known yet.

*9.1 Frozen and other packaged goods*
Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream, Vanilla Crunch, Chocolate
Crunch and any other flavor with wheat have a   Chodosh code of Feb 15 13
(18 months after packing).

Chef’s Kingdom should be category “bais’ not “aleph”

Gefen Pie Crusts have a   Chodosh code of AUG 15 14 (3 years after packing)

Gefen Egg Roll Wraps have a   Chodosh code ##11H (##-first two numbers not
important, H=month in alph order, other characters not important).

Keebler’s Pie Crusts have a   Chodosh code of Aug 15 12 (1 year after

Lightlife Smart Ground Original and Smart Ground Mexican Style:   Chodosh
code: ###1227## (first 4 numbers- not important 1-year 227-day of year,
last 2 numbers - not important).

Manischewitz pie crusts have a   Chodosh code of 2272 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2011-09-27 Thread Yoseph Herman

*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@earthlink.net

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the new season was sent to paid
subscribers during the week of Sept 26. The following are additions and
corrections to the new Guide.**

* *


* *

Quaker oats cereals have been very popular with Yoshon consumers. The O-U
just informed us that the Chodosh starting date for the oats in Quaker
cereals have been extended from Jul 26 (our early estimate) to at least Oct
1. This only applies to oats in such cereals. Any cereal that contains any
wheat products, including wheat starch, have the earlier  wheat Chodosh date
of Aug 15. In the Quaker table on page 36 of the Guide, change the oats
column entries to reflect the new Oct 1 date, which at this time is the same
for cereals sold in the USA and made either in the US or Canada: 180
days=March 28 ’12; 240 days=May 27 ’12; 270 days=Jun 26 ’12; 360 days=Sept
24 ’12; 540 days=March 23 ’13. In other words, the dates given in that table
for cereals made in Canada now also apply for cereals made in the USA.


Section 4.1 Cakes, cookies and crackers

Kemach flat bread Chodosh code 18 Spt 12

Section 6.5 Cake and other mixes

Duncan Hines mixes. Brownies and muffins have a Chodosh code for wheat of
Feb 15 ’13 (18 months after packing). All other items except cookies have a
Chodosh code of Aug 15 ’12 (12 months). Cookies can be either 12 or 18
months, call the company about the cookie of interest to you.

Section 9.1 Frozen and other packaged foods

Pepperidge Farms products Chodosh code 8-15-12 (1 year after packing)

Section 12.1.4 Restaurants and pizza shops-Brooklyn

Ave P Appetizer, 460 Ave P is no longer under the hashgocho of Kehila
Kashrus. Not recommended until hashgocho clarified.

Section 13.3 California

Love Bakery, Los Angeles P is no longer under the hashgocho of the RCC. Not
recommended until hashgocho clarified.

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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement
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use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides free email and web
hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We also thank the
sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to
request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-11-07 Thread Y. Herman
The second printed issue of the Guide to Chodosh was supposed to be 
received by the subscribers and local distributors by Nov. 15. 
Unfortunately, due to personal problems the second issue will be delayed 
somewhat. We hope to complete it about 2 weeks late, by the end of 
November. We apologize for this delay. Meanwhile, below we list the 
draft of the changes and additions to the first issue of the Guide. 
These will be incorporated in the second issue.


*_Israel_*: All *Cheerios* products sold in Israel under the General 
Mills/Nestle label have Best if used by date (referred here as the 
code) that is 372 days after packing. Wheat products in the 
ingredients may be Chodosh starting with at packing date of Aug 9, code 
Aug 16, 2011. For those cereals that contain oats but no wheat the oats 
may be Chodosh staring a packing date of Oct 15, code Oct 22 11. Nature 
Valley Granola bars sold in Israel with Hebrew Lettering and an O-U 
symbol are Yoshon with codes of 8/21/11 or earlier.

*_Canada_:* All items from wheat and oats made in Canada are Yoshon at 
least up to a packing date of Oct 1.

*_Pretzel_*_clarification:_ *Crunchy pretzels* that break easily and are 
not made with whole wheat flour, are from winter wheat. If they contain 
malt, then they may be Chodosh after a packing date of Dec 15. *Chewy 
soft pretzels* are from spring wheat and are probably Chodosh if 
produced after Aug 9. *Pretzels from whole wheat* *flour* such as honey 
wheat pretzels may use either winter or spring wheat flour. They may 
also be Chodosh after a packing date of Aug 9.

*_Section 4.1 Baked Products_*

*Bloch* cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*Gross *cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

*Kemach*. All cookies, snackers, crackers are Yoshon, even whole wheat 
and graham, at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. Bread 
sticks are Yoshon including the malt. Kemach Flat breads have a Chodosh 
code of Nov 1 2011. Chip-a-Riffic, Chunky Chip-a-Riffic cookies are 
Yoshon. SofBite Oatmeal Raisin Cookies have a Chodosh code of 1102B 
(110=day of year, 2=year+2, B=not important.) All cereals with oats have 
a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011 (1year after packing.) Under the hashgocho 
of Rabbi Horowitz.

*Liebers* cookies, crackers and snackers made in the USA without oats 
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. From Israel 
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from Brazil may be Chodosh. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*_Section 5 Noodles and Pasta_*

*America's Choice* noodles and pasta the code is Aug 16 2012 (2 years 
after packing.)

*Eden* pasta is Yoshon, even without a Yoshon label, under the hashgocho 
of Rabbi Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav.

*Kemach *egg noodles are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label until Jan 1. 
After that only with a Yoshon label. Kemach spaghetti, macaroni, 
lasagna, ziti, penne, spirals in 1 pound boxes all have a Chodosh code 
of Nov 1 10.Bulk food service 10 pound boxes of bow ties, egg barley, 
fine noodles, medium noodles, broad noodles, have a Chodosh code of 
3030xxZ (303=day of year, 0=year, xx=not important, Z=must be Z for 
this code to be valid.).Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz.

*Liebers Chow Mein* noodles, soups with noodles, soup mixesmay be 
Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

*_Section 6 Flour_*

*Dependable* all purpose and whole wheat flour sold in groceries in 5, 6 
or 7 pound bags are Yoshon if there is a Yoshon stamp on the package.

*Kemach*-All flour sold in groceries, all purpose, whole wheat and high 
gluten all use winter wheat that is Yoshon. The whole wheat flour does 
not contain any malt. The other flours do contain malt that could be 
Chodosh after December. Code to be supplied later.Under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Horowitz.

*_Section 7.1 Barley_*

*Gefen* barley will be Yoshon the entire season, under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Friedman. His name does not appear on the package.

*Dependable* barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbis Klein and Taub.

*_Section 7.2 Bread crumbs, matzo meal_*

*Kemach* bread crumbs in 50 pound bags and matzo meal in 25 pound bags 
are Yoshon.

*_Section 8.1 Cereals_*

*Dependable* farina, oatmeal, oats bran, malt barley flour, oats flour, 
rolled oats,in industrial sizes haveChodosh code Jul 31 2010. Under the 
hashgochos of Rabbi M. B. Klein and B. Taub.

*General Mills cereals* using oats, the oats will be Yoshon at least up 
to the packaging date of Oct 15. Therefore, when using the table in the 
Guide for General Mills cereals, use the earlier wheat Chodosh date, not 
the oats.

*Kemach cereals*. The following use only winter wheat and are Yoshon, at 
least until the malt becomes a problem after December. Whole Wheat 
Flakes, Raisin Bran and Bran Flakes, Cocoa Munchies, Choco Chippers. 
Kemach cereals with oats have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011. 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2010-10-24 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The following are additions and corrections to this first issue of the 
Guide to Chodosh.The items added since the last bulletin are marked at 
the start with **.

**_Israel_: All Cheerios products sold in Israel under the General 
Mills/Nestle label have a Chodosh CodeofAug 16 11. Nature Valley Granola 
bars sold in Israel with Hebrew Lettering and an O-U symbol are Yoshon 
with codes of 8/21/11 or earlier.

**_Canada_: All items from wheat and oats made in Canada are Yoshon at 
least up to a packing date of Oct 1.

CRC Hashgochos

On page 17 of the Guide it mistakenly states that their hashgocho 
policies are not known. In fact they are known, as detailed in Preface 
A.2, page 4-5.

Section 4.1 Baked Products

**Bloch cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

**Gross cookies are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Kemach. All cookies, snackers, crackers are Yoshon, even whole wheat and 
graham, at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. Bread sticks 
are Yoshon including the malt.

**Kemach Flat breads have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011. Chip-a-Riffic, 
Chunky Chip-a-Riffic cookies are Yoshon. SofBite Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 
have a Chodosh code of 1102B (110=day of year, 2=year+2, B=not important.)

** Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers made in the USA without oats 
are Yoshon at least until malt becomes a problem after Dec. From Israel 
are always Yoshon. Whole wheat crackers from Brazil may be Chodosh. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Section 4.2 Pretzels

WARNING: Honey-wheat pretzels (all brands) use whole wheat flour that 
may be Chodosh after a packing date of Aug 9. No codes known at this time.

**Liebers pretzels are Yoshon, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Section 5 Noodles and Pasta

America's Choice noodles and pasta the code is Aug 16 2012 (2 years 
after packing.)

Kemach egg noodles are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label until Jan 1. 
After that only with a Yoshon label.

**Kemach spaghetti, macaroni, lasagna, ziti, penne, spirals in 1 pound 
boxes all have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 10.Bulk food service 10 pound 
boxes of bow ties, egg barley, fine noodles, medium noodles, broad 
noodles, have a Chodosh code of 3030xxZ (303=day of year, 0=year, xx=not 
important, Z=must be Z for this code to be valid.)

**Liebers Chow Mein noodles, soups with noodles, soup mixes may be 
Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl

Shoprite noodles and pasta code has changed. It is now 2 years after 
packing. The Chodosh code should be Aug 16 2012.

Section 6 Flour

** Dependable all purpose and whole wheat flour sold in groceries in 5, 
6 or 7 pound bags are Yoshon if there is a Yoshon stamp on the package.

Kemach-All Kemach flour sold in groceries, all purpose, whole wheat and 
high gluten all use winter wheat that is Yoshon. The whole wheat flour 
does not contain any malt. The other flours do contain malt that could 
be Chodosh after December. Code to be supplied later.

Section 7.1 Barley

Gefen barley will be Yoshon the entire season, under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Friedman. His name does not appear on the package.

Section 7.2 Bread crumbs, matzo meal

Kemach bread crumbs in 50 pound bags and matzo meal in 25 pound bags are 

Section 8.1 Cereal

**Dependable farina, oatmeal, oats bran, malt barley flour, oats flour, 
rolled oats, in industrial sizes have Chodosh code Jul 31 2010. Under 
the hashgochos of Rabbi M. B. Klein and B. Taub.

General Mills cereals using oats, the oats will be Yoshon at least up to 
the packaging date of Oct 15. Therefore, when using the table in the 
Guide for General Mills cereals, use the earlier wheat Chodosh date, not 
the oats. The package code for Nestle cereals sold in Israel is still 
not known.

Kemach cereals. The following use only winter wheat and are Yoshon, at 
least until the malt becomes a problem after December. Whole Wheat 
Flakes, Raisin Bran and Bran Flakes, Cocoa Munchies, Choco Chippers.

**Kemach cereals with oats have a Chodosh code of Nov 1 2011.

Quaker instant oats, code is now in transition. Some packages on shelves 
still have the old code which is 540 days after packing. Some of the new 
production already use the new code of 360 days. Some guidance in the 
unavoidable confusion: new packages of Cinnamon Spice, Apples and 
Cinnamon and Maple and Brown Sugar should use the new code. In addition 
all boxes with the notation New Hardier Texture or when the ingredient 
state 25% less sugar all are using 360 days.

Section 9.1 Frozen and packaged foods

**Bodek croutons and crackers in the Bodek lunch box Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger. Bodek egg rolls are Chodosh.

Kemach pie crusts, graham and chocolate graham are Yoshon at least until 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-11-11 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


By the end of the week of Nov 9, all the local Guide distributors, as 
well as most of the individual subscribers should have received the new 
issue of the Guide

To receive a (free) copy of the latest Guide, send a blank email message 
to ONE of the following: chod...@sefer.org mailto:chod...@sefer.org or 
chod...@moruda.com mailto:chod...@moruda.com. Some people have 
reported that their email request for the Guide did not respond or had 
some other problems receiving the Guide by email. First make sure that 
your email service does not stop such responses due to the size of the 
file or due to the fact (in case of the sefer.org site) that it comes 
from overseas. (Many spam filters automatically stop overseas email.) If 
this is not the case, please send me an email copy of the response you 
got to yher...@yahoo,com. I will then send you a copy of the Guide.


   Barilla pastas that are packed on Aug 16 or later may be Chodosh.
   The codes for different pastas are as follows: Plus Pasta code Aug
   16 10 (1 year after packing). Whole Grain Pasta code  Feb 16 11 (18
   months after packing.) Oven Ready Lasagna code Apr 16 11 (20
   months). Straight Semolina Pasta code  Apr 16 12 (32 months).

Mishpacha, the malt in all flours is confirmed to be Yoshon till pesach.

Weetabix cereals with wheat. For _organic_ Weetabix, the Chodosh  code 
for the wheat is Oct 1 10 (1 year after packing.) For the _regular_ (not 
organic) cereals, the wheat is Yoshon. Malt may be a problem  starting 
with a code of Jan 1 11.

Off the Grill at 600 Central Ave, Cederhurst, NY is not certified as 
Yoshon until further notice.

Circa-NY Restaurant, 22 West 33^rd St, New York City is NOT Yoshon.

General Mills cereals oats code. The summary of changes at the beginning 
of the 2d Guide has Chodosh code dates for oats in General Mills cereals 
that are not consistent with those dates in the table on page 36. The 
table on page 36 is the correct one.

   _ _



Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF  provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-10-07 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com mailto:chod...@moruda.com

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


*CORRECTION: *The oats in *Cheerios *and in other cereals from General 
Mills, the Chodosh packing date is delayed from July 26 to Sept 15. 
Therefore, for all Cheerios cereals sold in the USA the revised code for 
_oats_ is Sept 22 2010. The same date goes for the oats in most General 
Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. The exception is the oats date for 
MultiGrain Cheerios for which the code when sold in Israel is July 22 
10. _However if the ingredients list wheat or wheat flour_ then the 
earlier packing date of Aug 9 for wheat holds. This would translate to a 
package code for the wheat of Aug 16 10 for all General Mills cereals in 
the USA and (Nestle) in Israel. The exception would be MultiGrain 
Cheerios in Israel for which the wheat code is June 13 10.

Nature Valley Granola bars. For bars that contain oats and no wheat, and 
for those that also contain wheat, see the dates and codes given above 
for General Mills cereals.

Masor dough products will continue to be Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi M. A. Bussu.

JJ blintzes are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yehuda Shain.

Chuster noodles and pasta and Landau made by Chuster Co. all products 
Yoshon till Oct 31. Chuster items with Yoshon label, Yoshon to pesach. 
Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Avrohom Z. Glick.

Zomicks and Steinberg’s bakeries should be a catergory ?, under 
hashgocho for Yoshon, only with a Yoshon label.

Unger’s frozen pizza dough Chodosh code D9247 (9=year, 247=day of year). 
Regular and whole wheat pizza crust Chodosh code January 19 2010. Frozen 
pie shells and tart shells, Chodosh code 09259 (09=year, 259=day of the 
year.) Under the hashgocho of the New Square Kashrus Council.

Tuv Taam meals and other packaged products with an OK Labs hashgocho and 
a Yoshon label are Yoshon under the OK Labs.

America’s Choice (by AP, also sold in Pathmark and Waldbaums) oatmeal 
cereals have the Chodosh code of Jul 26 11 (2 years after packing.)

BUGS WARNING: I have come across a kashrus alert newsletter that warns 
that bugs have been found in some heimishe brands of barley (no names 
were given). Barley should be checked for bugs. Note that this is not a 
Yoshon-generated problem, especially since it occurred so early in the 

French’s French Fried onions Chodosh code Aug 9 11 (2 years after packing.)



Liebers update: All cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless 
they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. 
Liebers soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single 
digit, 33=week of the year.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl. 
Cup soups may not be Yoshon.

Smackin Good potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes are 
Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kineret, Kosheriffic pizza Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Lite fish 
sticks and onion rings, are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

* *

Kashi cereals. With the following exceptions, the date on all cereals is 
12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions 
are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months.

Kemach all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 30 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Oct 
15, code Oct 15 10 (1 year after packing.)

In the Los Angeles area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
RCC: Schwartz Bakery -Pacoima CA, Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, Unique. The 
following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of Los Angeles: Love Bakery-all items 
baked there, and Jerusalem Pizza and Sushi-only the pizza.

Mechel’s Puffed Pastry Dough is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K.

Sterits Chow Mein noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of Jan 31 
2010, under the hashgocho of  Rabbi Soloveichik.



* *

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-21 Thread Y. Herman

First and foremost, the best wishes to all for a gmar chasima tova.

Now for the Update:

From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman
Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


Cheerios and the oats in other cereals from General Mills, the Chodosh 
packing date is delayed from July 26 to Sept 15. Therefore, for all 
Cheerios cereals sold in the USA the revised code is Sept 22 2010. The 
same date goes for most General Mills/Nestle cereals sold in Israel. The 
exception is MultiGrain Cheerios for which the code when sold in Israel 
is July 22 10.

Liebers update: All cookies, crackers and pretzels are Yoshon unless 
they contain oats or the label states that they are made in Brazil. 
Liebers soup mixes have a Chodosh code of 09x33 (09=year, x=any single 
digit, 33=week of the year.) Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl. 
Cup soups may not be Yoshon.

Smackin Good potato knishes always Yoshon, waffles and pancakes are 
Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kineret, Kosheriffic pizza Yoshon at least until after sukkos. Lite fish 
sticks and onion rings, are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rabbi Weissmandl.

Kashi cereals. With the following exceptions, the date on all cereals is 
12 months after packing. That includes all cereal bars. The exceptions 
are Golean Rolls-8 months, Soft Baked cereals-10 months, Pilaf-24 months.

Kemach all flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 30 2010 (13 months after packing.) Bread sticks are 
Yoshon the entire season, including the malt. For the graham cracker pie 
crust the wheat is always Yoshon. The malt may be a problem starting Oct 
15, code Oct 15 10 (1 year after packing.)

In the Los Angeles area, the following are Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
the RCC: Schwartz Bakery -Pacoima CA, Classic Le Palais, Reniassance, 
Unique. The following are Yoshon under the Kehilla of Los Angeles: Love 
Bakery-all items baked there, and Jerusalem Pizza and Sushi-only the pizza.

Mechel’s Puffed Pastry Dough is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K.

Sterits Chow Mein noodles are Yoshon at least up to the purchase date of 
Jan 31 2010, under the hashgocho of  Rabbi Soloveichik.


WARNING: Puratos Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by 
several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made 
from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this 
product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date 
of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 
(08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of 
this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. 
Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the 
fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!

Mishpacha barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ, even without 
a Yoshon label.

Kemach updates and changes, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz: 
Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Chodosh code Oct 15 10. Egg noodles and farfel 
Yoshon without a Yoshon label at least until Dec 31, after Dec 31 with 
Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 
09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Toasted oats, Honey Nut Toasted Oats, 
Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch (like Honeycombs), Corn Crisps (like Kix), 
Bunch ‘O Krunch, all have a revised Chodosh date of Sept 21 10. Chow 
Mein noodles Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in 
alph. order.)

Rabbi Gruber : Regarding items under the hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber, the 
following are confirmed Yoshon for this year: Paskesz products without 
oats, Best products except Kamut, Kosher Depot wraps, Mendelsohn frozen 
pizza in the store and frozen products, Sweet Choice, Weiss Kosher 
Cuisine, Merkaz Hasimcha, Newborn Caterers, Pavilion 39 Caterers, 
Michyou Pita, Glauber Bakeries, Spring Valley and Brooklyn, Munch and 
Lunch, Monsey Glatt and Wesley Kosher items prepared in the store, 
Mechel’s Takeout.

The following items are no longer under Yoshon under Rabbi Gruber and 
therefore are not recommended as Yoshon: Landau Supermarket takeout and 
bakery, Kaff Café, Main Street Pizza-Fallsburg, Moshe 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-13 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com mailto:chod...@moruda.com

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should have received 
them by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to 
the new Guide.


* *

*WARNING: Puratos* Bagel Improver is a dough conditioner that is used by 
several bagel shops. Even though the company may claim that it is made 
from winter wheat, the Kof-K that provides the hashgocho for this 
product will not certify that claim. Therefore, as of a packaging date 
of Aug 9, this item may be Chodosh. The code for Aug 9 is 08099221 
(08=month, 09=day, 0=year, 221 not important.) Yoshon stored supplies of 
this item are available from Velenti Co. 718-565-1300 speak to Bob Cory. 
Please check with your local bagel shops. Many may not be aware of the 
fact that this or other dough conditioners may be Chodosh!

Mishpacha barley is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the KAJ.

Kemach updates and changes, under the hashgocho of Rabbi Horowitz: 
Graham Cracker Pie Crust, Chodosh code Oct 15 10. Egg noodles and farfel 
Yoshon without a Yoshon label at least until Dec 31, after Dec 31 with 
Yoshon label only. Bulk pasta in 20 lb packages have a Chodosh code of 
09/01/11 (2 years after packing). Toasted _oats_, Honey Nut Toasted 
Oats, _Fruit Whirls, Honey Crunch_ (like Honeycombs), _Corn Crisps_ 
(like Kix), _Bunch ‘O Krunch_, all have a revised Chodosh date of Sept 
21 10. All flat breads, regular and whole wheat, are Yoshon at least up 
to a code of Oct 1 2010 (1 year after packing.) Chow Mein noodles 
Chodosh date Aug 29, code 2909H (29=date, 09=year, H=Aug in alph. order.)

_Rabbi Gruber_ : Regarding items under the hashgocho of _Rabbi Gruber_, 
the following are confirmed Yoshon for this year: Paskesz products 
without oats, Best products except Kamut, Kosher Depot wraps, Mendelsohn 
frozen pizza in the store and frozen products, Sweet Choice, Weiss 
Kosher Cuisine, Merkaz Hasimcha, Newborn Caterers, Pavilion 39 Caterers, 
Michyou Pita, Glauber Bakeries, Spring Valley and Brooklyn, Munch and 
Lunch, Monsey Glatt and Wesley Kosher items prepared in the store, 
Mechel’s Takeout.

The following items are no longer under Yoshon under _Rabbi Gruber_ and 
therefore are _not recommended as Yoshon_: Landau Supermarket takeout 
and bakery, Kaff Café, Main Street Pizza-Fallsburg, Moshe 
Pizza-Monticello, Raleigh Hotel.

Shrem’s Bakery, Cornwall, NY will continue to be Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Lipa Klein.

Snack Factory Pretzel Crisps, the malt may be Chodosh. Package code for 
the malt Chodosh date of Oct 15 is July15 10 (9 months after packing).

Taanug cereals with wheat but no oats. There is a mistake in the Guide. 
The Chodosh code should be Aug 9 2010 (1 year after packing.)

Ronzoni oven-ready pasta Chodosh code is Aug 16 2011 (2 years after 

Streits products are Yoshon only if under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Soloveichik or the Kof-K.

My Own Meals products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Soloveichik.

Glick’s Graham Cracker Pie crust on the shelves at this time is Yoshon. 
No code has been given to help determine when it may start becoming 
Chodosh. Glicks baking spray may be Chodosh.

Pereg bread crumbs may be Chodosh, unless the package states product of 



* *

Cheerios sold in Israel under the Nestle label (other than Multigrain) 
the Chodosh date is supposed to be Aug 2 10 (372 days after packing.)

Shoprite hot oats cereals, all hot cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 
11, 18 months after packing.

Great Value flour from WalMart with a “W” in the code, the wheat is 
always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh 
after October, code to be supplied.

Nabisco Triscuits are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.



* *

The following establishments in Monsey will continue to be Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz: Pita Land, Chai Pizza and 
European Home Made Kosher.

The following information provided by Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger regarding 
establishments under his hashgocho: In Lakewood, following ARE Yoshon: 
Gelbstein Bakery, Gruenebaum Bakery, Salad Garden, Kosher Village-Weiss 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-09-02 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready 
for you to download free of charge by email from one of two locations. 
Send a blank email message to ONE of the following:


chod...@moruda.com mailto:chod...@moruda.com

The printed version of the new Guide to Chodosh was mailed out to all 
paid individual subscribers and to the various local distributors on 
Monday and Tuesday, Aug 31 and Sept 1. Most people should receive them 
by Shabbos, Sept 5. The following are changes and corrections to the new 


* *

Cheerios sold in Israel under the Nestle label (other than Multigrain) 
the Chodosh date is supposed to be Aug 2 10 (372 days after packing.)

Shoprite hot oats cereals, all cereals the Chodosh date is Jan 26 11, 18 
months after packing.

Great Value flour from WalMart with a “W” in the code, the wheat is 
always Yoshon, under the hashgocho of the O-U. The malt may be Chodosh 
after October, code to be supplied.

Nabisco Triscuits are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-U.



* *

The following establishments in Monsey will continue to be Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbi Chaim Yaakov Horowitz: Pita Land, Chai Pizza and 
European Home Made Kosher.

The following information provided by Rabbi Shlomo Gissinger regarding 
establishments under his hashgocho: In Lakewood, following ARE Yoshon: 
Gelbstein Bakery, Gruenebaum Bakery, Salad Garden, Kosher Village-Weiss 
Bakery (except 6-grain bread). Following are _NOT Yoshon_: Kitov 
products, Bodek egg rolls, Taste Bud Restaurant-Lakewood, Just Good Food 

Ungers Kosher Market bakery department in Cleveland Heights will be 
Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi B. Greenwald.


The Bagel Shoppe located in South Euclid Ohio is no longer Yoshon.

* *


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:


Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new 
service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a 
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail 
distribution list can not provide such responses. Other filters 
eliminate all mass mailings such as this one. If you are using such 
filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.


Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-08-11 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@yahoo.com* 

* *


At this time, the harvest of the three Chodosh crops have begun in the 
USA, marking the official beginning of the new Chodosh season. The start 
of the oats and spring wheat harvests followed our earlier prediction. 
However, the barley harvest is about 1 week later that predicted 
earlier. Therefore, the dates the follow reflect a 1 week delay for 
barley. The first of the dates given below is the first Chodosh PACKING 
date. If you know the dating code system for your package, any item 
packed before that date will be Yoshon. The second date is the PURCHASE 
date. If you do not know the date code, you can assume that all items up 
to the given purchase date will be Yoshon.

OATS: Packing date=Jul 16, purchase date=Aug 9 (THIS HAS PASSED.)

WHEAT packaged goods (other than noodles and pasta): Packing date=Aug 9, 
purchase date= Aug 21.

WHEAT BAKERY, pizza and other _fresh baked products_: purchase date IN 

Purchase date ELSEWHERE in the USA=Aug 21.

WHEAT pasta and noodles: Packing date=Aug 16, purchase date= Sept 1.

BARLEY (pearled): Packing date Aug 16, safe to purchase to Aug 28.



* *

The first issue of the season of the Guide to Chodosh is due BE”H by the 
end of August. I will send out an email to alert everyone when the new 
Guide will be available for download by computer.


* *

I have been receiving email lately from sender addresses that are 
supposed to be yher...@earthlink.net mailto:yher...@earthlink.net and 
yher...@onlymyemail.com mailto:yher...@onlymyemail.com. Both of these 
are my email addresses. Both have contained spam messages. None of those 
were actually sent by me. Apparently, it is very easy for anyone to send 
out email with any other email address as the “sender”. I was told that 
there is no way I can stop such messages. _Please do not respond to such 
messages and certainly never send any private information as a result of 
such messages._ In case of doubt contact me directly by calling the Hot 
Line number given above.


* *

Our earlier fears for the availability of Yoshon bakery flour in the 
Greater New York area have B”H eased. Apparently the flour suppliers and 
distributors will be able to cover the potential loss of available 
Yoshon flour brought about by the very popular General Mills “All 
Trumps” flour no longer being available in Yoshon form for most of the 
Chodosh season. Nevertheless, the users of Yoshon bakery flour have to 
contact their flour distributors to make sure that their needs will be 
adequately covered. This notice only pertains to bakery flour, not flour 
purchased in groceries for home use.



* *

As noted above, the new Chodosh season will start soon. I would like to 
ask you again that if you have not yet done so, to urgently forward to 
me a list of all products and establishments for which you provide 
Yoshon hashgocho for the upcoming season. I need to make sure that 
up-to-date and accurate information is passed on to the Yoshon consumer 
in the first issue of the Guide to Chodosh.

You may forward this information to me in one of several ways:

- Email to yher...@yahoo.com mailto:yher...@yahoo.com

- Fax to 845-356-5999

- By US mail to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan Road, Monsey, NY 10952

- By recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line, 718-305-5133.

A few months ago, I sent out the revised issue of the Mashgiach’s Guide 
to Chodosh and Yoshon by mail to many mashgichim and hashgocho 
organizations. (See details about this Guide below.) If you did not 
receive it and want a printed copy (instead of the email version that is 
available), please contact me.

Thank you and tizku l’mitzvos

Yoseph Herman



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now 
available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh (the 
first issue for the new season is due out in a few weeks) is aimed at 
consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and tries to 
provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. Conversely, 
the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name 
information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help 
the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download 
a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by sending a blank email to ONE of the 

Post-pesach update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-05-06 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email yher...@yahoo.com 

* *

   The Chodosh season is over, with the passing of pesach. Chodosh will
   become a concern again when the harvest of the new Chodosh crop
   starts, approximately around the end of July or early August.

We are monitoring weekly reports from the US Dep’t of Agriculture 
regarding the progress of the new crops. For a grain to be Yoshon, it 
should have been planted 3 days (or 2 weeks) before the second day of 
pesach. As of 3 days before pesach, the following are the percentages of 
the crops that were already planted and are therefore Yoshon: Oats=37%, 
spring wheat=2%, barley=3%. The very fact that such small fraction of 
the crops was planted before pesach assures that the majority of these 
crops will be Chodosh after the harvest of the new spring crops begins, 
near the end of July. (Most of the spring wheat and barley is grown in 
upper mid West of the US. These areas were subjected to heavy flooding 
during the end of the winter and early spring. That resulted in a later 
than usual start to the planting season.)



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now 
available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh is 
aimed at consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and 
tries to provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. 
Conversely, the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name 
information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help 
the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download 
a copy of the Mashgiach’s Guide by sending a blank email to ONE of the 
following addresses:


mashgi...@moruda.com mailto:mashgi...@moruda.com

Printed copies of this Guide are available. Rabbonim and mashgichim can 
request that a copy be mailed to them free of charge via US surface mail 
by providing their full mailing address by either (1) sending an email 
request, or (2) recording a message on the Chodosh Hot Line 
718-305-5133, or (3) sending a written request to Y. Herman 20 Sylvan 
Road, Monsey, NY 10952 (make sure that you include a note with your full 
address and the request for the Mashgiach’s Guide.)

Those who are not rabbonim or mashgichim may order a copy of this Guide 
by sending $1 plus their full name and address to Y. Herman, 20 Sylvan 
Road, Monsey, NY 10952

* *


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do 
not need to renew this email subscription.


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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any 
movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for 
allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides 
free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach 
organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for 
allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their 
facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2009-03-08 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@earthlink.net* 

* *


The third and final issue for the season of the Guide to Chodosh has 
been mailed out to paid subscribers. As usual, free copies of this Guide 
are available by email by sending a blank email message to ONE of the 


chod...@moruda.com mailto:chod...@moruda.com

The following is an addition to the new Guide:

*Kemach* graham cracker pie crust is Yoshon only with a Yoshon label (in 
Hebrew) on the package. The latest batch is without such label and is 
Chodosh. Kemach egg noodles without a Yoshon label may be Chodosh

*Grain for Your Brain* rolled oats from Monroe is Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rabbi Gruber.

*Mechel’s* frozen dough products are Yoshon under the Star-K of Baltimore.

*Dependable Foods* is a distributor that provides a broad range of 
Yoshon products to establishments and institutions. The items listed in 
the Guide to Chodosh as being Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi Taub, 
refer to only to the listed items and only under the Dependable label. 
In addition, Dependable distributes Yoshon bakery flour and other Yoshon 
items, where the hashgocho for Yoshon is clearly stated on the package. 
However, caution is advised since Dependable is selling other items as 
Yoshon without any specific hashgocho for Yoshon, without the 
verification of the Yoshon status by an independent mashgiach. For the 
last several years the Guide has been recommending that only items with 
an hashgocho for Yoshon be used as Yoshon, regardless of how 
“dependable” the supplier is.




In past years we used the packing date of Dec 15 as the starting date 
for Chodosh malt. This year, we moved that date up by 2 months to Oct 
15. This earlier date is reflected throughout this season’s Guides. 
Therefore we advised that all items containing malt may be Chodosh if 
packed on or after Oct 15, or if purchased after Jan 15. Here we explain 
the rationale of why this year we have been using the earlier date and 
on what basis are we suggesting to move this date to the old guidelines, 
to a point 2 months later on the calendar.

_Manufacturers in the USA_ have always claimed and are still claiming 
that they do not start producing Chodosh malt until Dec 15 or later. 
However, Canada has experienced unusual problems with their barley crop 
that has forced some malt manufacturing companies to switch to Chodosh 
barley for malt produced as early as Oct. 15. It has been verified that 
at least 2 USA companies have been importing and are using this Canadian 
company’s malt. These are the cereal company Kellogs and Samuel Adams 
beer. Since we had no way of accurately determining which other USA 
manufacturers are also using this malt with the early Chodosh starting 
date, we have been advising this year that one assume that malt in 
general starts in USA manufactured foods as of Oct 15.

Since so far we have only verified that two USA companies are using this 
Canadian malt, we are now suggesting that you consult your Rav or posek 
and ask if (for products other than Kellogs cereals and Samuel Adams 
beer) you could apply the usual later dates based upon the following 
“double doubt” argument (/sfek sfeika of the Rema)/. Many, maybe most, 
companies located in the USA probably use malt manufactured in the USA. 
This malt first starts becoming Chodosh after Dec 15. Even if the 
company in question uses Canadian malt which started becoming Chodosh 
around Oct 15, maybe the package you have still used old malt left over 
from before.

If your psak is that you can return to the old Dec 15-Mar 15 rule, then 
all off the malt dates and dating codes in the Guide may be extended 
from Oct 15 to Dec 15 (except for Kellogs and Samuel Adams beer) for 
those products where the dating code is known. For cases where the 
dating code is not known, you would be able to purchase items that 
contain malt up to March 15 and assume that it is still Yoshon. These 
later dates then would apply to malt-containing items such as cookies, 
crackers, pretzels, cereals and beer.



The Mashgiach’s Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon has been updated and is now 
available by email or US surface mail. The regular Guide to Chodosh is 
aimed at consumers. It contains names of foods and establishments and 
tries to provide guidance about which are Yoshon and which are not. 
Conversely, the Mashgiach’s Guide contains almost no specific brand name 
information. Rather, it provides detailed technical information to help 
the mashgiach provide hashgochos for Yoshon. You are welcome to download 
a copy of the 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2008-12-21 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email **yher...@earthlink.net*

* *


*_ _*

On Dec 4 I asked for your help on forwarding to me data on the use of
malt in bakeries. So far I have received one reply which directed me to
2 manufacturers of flavorings used by kosher bakeries. From these I have
identified one additive, ?Honey-Like Blend? made by U. S. Chocolate Co.
that does contain malt flavoring. I would appreciate further feedback
from those who have checked their local bakeries for flavorings and
additives. Please let me know whether you did or did not find any malt
at your local bakery. (As mentioned below, I am not concerned at this
time about malt in baking flour.)

_This is my earlier request_: I do not have an adequate understanding of
which bakery flavorings and other bakery additives may contain MALT. It
is well known that all bakery flour (except cake flour) contains malt.
It is known that in Yoshon bakery flour that malt is always Yoshon as
well (either because the flour was stored since August, or for
freshly-ground bakery flour the O-U makes sure that the added malt is
Yoshon.) However I need a better picture of which flavorings and other
additives added in the bakery to cakes, cookies and other products may
contain malt. I am asking mashgichim and consumers to please check at
the local bakeries. Ask them to show you the labels of such flavorings,
coatings and other additives. Check the list of ingredients for ?malt?
or ?barley malt?. For each item where you find such malt, please note
the following:

  1. Exact name and use of the additive
  2. Name, address and phone number of the manufacturer
  3. Sample dating code or ?best if used by? date
  4. Is the malt listed in beginning of the list of ingredients, in the
 middle or near the end?

Please forward this data, only to the following email address:
yher...@earthlink.net mailto:yher...@earthlink.net

Thank you

Yoseph Herman



*Weetabix* (this cereal is misspelled in the Guide as ?Wheatabix?) the
wheat in all cereals is winter wheat and is Yoshon. The malt in all
organic cereals is Yoshon until pesach. For non-organic cereals, the
malt may be Chodosh with a package code of Jan 15 09 (1 year after packing.)

*Columbia *egg noodles have a Chodosh code of Aug 15 09 (1 year after
packing). The macaroni, spaghetti and other pasta have a code of Aug 15
10 (2 years after packing.)

*Kemach* minestrone soup Chodosh code in 3170 (317=day of the year, 
0=year+2). Vegetable soup code is 3030.



*Brill?s Bakery* in Spring Valley, NY (This is misspelled in the Guide
as ?Brulles Bakery?) and *Taam Eden Bakery* in New Square. All baked
items are Yoshon including whole wheat bread. The only exceptions are
6-grain and 9-grain breads which may be Chodosh. Under the hashgocho of
the Beis Din of New Square.

*Liebers.* As the Guide states, all cookies, crackers, snackers that are
without oats are Yoshon. However, _whole-wheat_ snackers, pretzels and
whole wheat crackers may be Chodosh starting a purchase date of Dec 1.

/?/* Garden of Eat-In*, 1416 Ave J. (718)252-5289. The following are
Yoshon: zucchini muffins, breads, rolls (excluding hamburger rolls, and
hamburger buns), blintzes, and bialys. /_Yoshon pasta available on
requests_/_. _All products breaded in the store are also Yoshon. _The
following are NOT Yoshon_: baguettes, English muffins, white bread,
bagels, barley, most of the pastas, hamburger rolls and buns, and
anything fried. Low-fat or fat-free muffins are probably NOT Yoshon
please contact the Kehila Kashrus office at the telephone numbers
718-951-0481 or 646-739-2465. Under the hashgocho of Kehila Kashrus of

*? Ave P Appetizer*, 466 Ave P, Brooklyn, 646-302-6372. All products may
not be Yoshon. For questions, contact Kehilah Kashrus at (718) 951-0481.
. (Warning: this hashgocho does not check the Yoshon status of malt
which may be a problem after Oct 15. For a discussion of malt, see
Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 10.1.)

*Ungers* pizza crust (regular, not whole wheat) has the Chodosh code of
Feb. 26 2009. The Strudel leaves have a Chodosh code of 08303 (08=year,
303=day of year.) If there is no code printed on the package, then it is
not recommended as Yoshon due to lack of information.

*Ostrovsky Heimishe Bakery*, 1201 Ave J, Brooklyn. All items Yoshon
under the hashgocho of Rabbi Yechezkel Shraga Kahana of the CRC.

*Rabbinical Council of California (RCC)* the current policy is that all
facilities certified by the RCC as being Yoshon also are checked to make
sure that they use Yoshon malt, unless stated otherwise. Therefore, the
following establishments in Section 13.3 of the Guide that are under RCC
hashgocho should 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2008-11-02 Thread Y. Herman


*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

* *

* *


*OF 2 NOV 08*

* *

MALT UPDATE: Malt included as an ingredient in foods and in beer bay be 
Chodosh as of a packing date of Oct 15 08. We received confirmation that 
such Chodosh malt from Canada has been shipped to at least some cereal 
and beer manufaturers as of about Oct 15.

Beigel’s Bakery, maker of wholesale breads and other baked products. All 
items are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the OK Labs even without a 
Yoshon label. (Possible exceptions are the multigrain breads whose 
Yoshon status still is awaiting confirmation.)

Klein ice cream products are all Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi 
Eckstein. (Possible exception may be items containing sandwich cookies. 
These require further clarification.)

Yossie’s Heimishe Bakeries in Brooklyn at 5717 18^th Ave, 14^th Ave, 
13^th Ave at 38^th Street, New Utrecht Ave at 53^rd St, are all Yoshon 
of Rabbi Eckstein. Exceptions are the hamotzy bagette sandwiches which 
may be Chodosh.

Quaker cereals. The table on page 37 of the Guide has an error. The 
Chodosh date for 540 days and wheat/barley shoud be Jan 30 10.

Tofutti Cuties should read: Chodosh code Aug 1=2148(214=day of the year, 

La Choy chow mein noodles the Guide states that the code is 6 months 
after packing. The company still claims the 6 month code. However, at 
least one consumer has reported seeing a package clearly indicating that 
this code is wrong. Due to this confusion, this product is being deleted 
from the Guide pending clarification.

Bagel Deluxe, 421 Rt 59, Monsey, NY. The bagels only are Yoshon under 
the hashgocho of Rabbi Steinmetz.



America’s Choice products sold in AP, Waldbaum and Pathmark products 
have the same code. So far the following are known: pasta, baking flour 
and barley Chodosh code is Aug 1 09 (1 year after packing.) Other codes 
such as cereals are not yet known.

Unger’s pizza crust has the Chodosh code of Jan 2 09. The frozen pie 
shell and tart shell have the Chodosh code of 08255 (08=year, 255=day of 
the year.) Under the hashgocho of the Beis Din of New Square.

Hecker’s whole wheat flour is supposed to have a code that is 1 year 
after packing. By mistake one batch was made with a 18 month code.

Kemach egg noodles sold after Oct 15 are to be assumed to be Yoshon only 
with a Yoshon label.

Samuel Adams beer Chodosh code Apr 17 2009 (5 months after packing.) 
Under the hashgocho of the Star-K of Baltimore.

Shrem’s Bakery, Cornwall, NY. All items Yoshon under the hashgocho of 
Rabbi Lipa Klein.


* *


* *

REVISED: Pathmark Supermarkets in the Metropolitan New York area have 
been purchased by AP. Recently, AP has been substituting for the 
Pathmark private brand products, the AP private brand under the name of 
“America’s Choice”. All items in the Guide that refer to Pathmark brand 
products should be disregarded. We are still waiting for information 
from AP on America’s Choice products.

CORRECTED: Kemach pasta code change. Kemach elbow macaroni, spaghetti 
and lasagna have a Chodosh code of 093010 (2 years after packing.) (The 
company just recently switched from a code that was 1 year after packing 
to a code that is 2 years after packing.) Kemach soups in tubes that are 
currently on the market are all Yoshon. It is not known at this time 
when the next production of these soups will take place.

CORRECTED: Old City Café products are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the 
O-U and Rabbi Weissmandl. The exception is Old City Café macaroni and 
cheese that is only under the O-U and has a Chodosh code of 2148 
(214=day of year, 8=year.)

CORRECTED: Peppridge Farms products. The revised codes given in our Sept 
15 Bulletin were completely incorrect, due a misunderstanding with the 
company’s Consumer Office. We believe that the codes printed in the 
Guide are still correct.

Liebers cookies, crackers and pretzels that do not contain oats are 
Yoshon at all times, under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl. Liebers soup 
mixes and onion rings are not recommended as Yoshon until further 
updates from the mashgiach.

Kineret and Kosherific onion rings and fish sticks are Yoshon under the 
hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl at least until after Sukkos. Further updates 
needed after that time. Dough products made in Israel are Yoshon. Dough 
products made in the USA or Canada are not recommended as Yoshon at this 
time, pending further updates.

Smackin Good knishes are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl at 
least until after Sukkos. Further updates needed after that time. Other 
Smackin Good 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2008-07-22 Thread Y. Herman


*Y. Herman/Guide to Chodosh*


We have just received the latest weekly crop report from the US Dep’t of 
Agriculture. That report indicates that the harvest of the Chodosh oats 
crops is further behind than we anticipated. As a result, we are putting 
off the starting Chodosh date for _oats_ from Jul 15 to *_Jul 26_*. So 
far our estimates for the start of Chodosh _spring wheat and barley_ 
remain at _Aug 1_ and for _noodles and pasta_ the date still tentatively 
remains at _Aug 15_. (Note that Gefen expects to produce Yoshon barley 
till pesach.) These dates are PACKING dates. This means that packaged 
food items packed on these dates or later may contain Chodosh. Any 
packaged foods that you will find on the grocery shelves after these 
dates for _at least 2 more _weeks are almost certain to still be Yoshon. 
Beyond those 2 weeks, using package codes from earlier Guides should 
allow you to find Yoshon items on your grocery shelves that were packed 
before the cutoff packing dates. (If you don’t have old Guides, you may 
download the last Guide of the previous season by sending a blank email 
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]. However, remember that 
this is still last year’s Guide and it should only be used as a 
reference for dating codes. The actual dates and information in that 
Guide are not to be used for the new season. The first issue of the new 
season is due out in early Sept.)

For _freshly baked_ bakery, pizza shop, etc foods, the preliminary 
estimate is that, for facilities that did not make arrangements for 
Yoshon flour, the flour they use may become Chodosh as early as _Aug 1_. 
This is a _purchase date. _ That means that it is possible that those 
facilities may sell Chodosh starting Aug 1.

Please note that these dates are still tentative, subject to change 
until the US Dep’t of Agriculture confirms that the harvests of Chodosh 
crops have actually started. Please look for future update bulletins as 
more data becomes available.


Regarding our earlier fears for the availability of Yoshon in bakeries, 
etc, the situation has dramatically and unexpectedly improved. As of 
June 1, we were still being told by the flour mills and flour 
distributors that most likely there will be no Yoshon spring wheat flour 
available for the new season. This was because it was expected that 
there would not be any Yoshon spring wheat left over at the start of the 
Chodosh harvest.” What was not predicted is that the increased price of 
spring wheat resulted in a decreased usage of this crop, giving rise to 
an unexpected surplus. It was at the time that we called for the June 14 
emergency meeting of flour producers, sellers, and Yoshon mashgichim. 
Then the prospects still looked bleak indeed. In fact, there is indeed 
some left over Yoshon wheat - less than usual, but enough for our needs. 
This is yet another example of the /seyata d’shmaya/ that the Chodosh 
project has seen throughout the years.

By today, BE”H almost all of the bakeries and other facilities that have 
produced Yoshon in the past have already contracted to have adequate 
supplies of Yoshon for the next season. Therefore, we are cancelling our 
previously published alert. We now expect the Yoshon scene (and even the 
first issue of the Guide to Chodosh) to follow patterns established in 
previous years. If anyone is aware of any food producer who has problems 
procuring Yoshon flour, please ask them to contact Yoseph Herman at the 
Guide to Chodosh by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by the Hot Line at 718-305-5133.

Y. Herman


Those who have access to email can have important corrections and 
updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this 
free service send a blank email message to:


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not need to renew this email subscription.

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(the computer sending out this email is in Israel). If you are using 
such filters, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of your 
filter, otherwise you will not receive the 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2006-01-23 Thread Y. Herman



Twizzler and other licorice products from YS Hersey all use winter wheat.
For malt, the Chodosh code for Jan 06 is 58LYU7A, where the last 2
characters are important. 6=year+1, A=month in alph. order, day of month
not used.
15th Ave. Food Corporation that sells breads throughout the
New York metropolitan area in groceries under the names off Sterns, Kohen
and New York kosher. As of Chanukkah, they were able to acquire a new
supply of whole wheat flour that is Yoshon. As a result, all their whole
wheat products are once more Yoshon. 
Con Agra Harvest all purpose flour with CC in the dating code is from
winter wheat.
Kemach High gluten flour had a few bags that had worm problems. Most of
those bags have been collected back from the stores by the company. The
company has now switched to a new supplier that is milling fresh high
gluten flour on an ongoing basis and is free of worm problems. The old
flour had a code on it that is not a simple date. If any of those are
found they should be sifted. The new flour bags can be recognized
by a regular date: month, day and year, stamped on the top of the
bag. The malt in all Kemach flour, both regular and high gluten,
will be Yoshon at least until the purchase date of mid-March. Kemach is
also now producing freshly milled Yoshon whole wheat flour in two pound
Manischewitz and Gefen Tam Tam crackers are Yoshon, including malt, at
least until a purchase date of mid March.
Eden Soy Light soy milk. The date on the package is 1 year after packing.
For barley (not malt) use Oct 1 06 as the Chodosh date. For barley malt,
use Jan 15 07.
King Arthur white whole wheat flour is made from winter wheat only, as
printed on the flour bag.
General Mills Reeses Puffs cereal. Use the codes for 248 days given in
the table in the Guide. 
Btam Yoshon bread crumbs in large, 25 pound bags are available. They have
the hashgocho of the Badatz of Yerushalaim. Call 908-862-8200.
Bordens Old London and Devonsheer melba toast. The new dating code is
0522761 (05=not important, 227=day of the year, 6=year+1, 1=not
Best brand products. A range of Best products are
available that are Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rav Gruber. These
include white flour, whole wheat flour, light wheat flour, spelt flour,
spaghetti, macaroni and spirals. Other items may be added later.
With Yoshon label only.
Kikkoman teriyaki sauce is listed in the Guide as being Yoshon. Caution
is urged since this may contain wine making it non-kosher. Check
Gefen soups in cups and the pancake mix are Yoshon. All Gefen pasta and
noodle products have a Chodosh code of 05233 (05=year, 233=day of the
Em Zee Fruit Flicks are Yoshon. 
Glick Graham pie crust is Yoshon. 

AS OF 29 DEC 05

Pizza Mizza, 305 Ave. K., Brooklyn, New York, telephone 718-692-2800.
Everything in the store is Yoshon. No hashgocho for Yoshon.

Eagle Bakery, address correction: 3801 13th Ave., Brooklyn, New
M  M Bakery, address correction: 2610 Ave. U, Brooklyn, New
Gefen Rice Milk is Yoshon.
Liebers graham and saltine crackers may contain small amount of barley
malt that is Chodosh starting at this time according to the
Kinneret onion rings are now Chodosh according to the 
Dr. Praeger breaded fish products and fish cakes, all varieties, are
always Yoshon as stated in the Guide. Dr. Praeger's veggie burgers,
vegetable pancakes, and Nuggets contain some oat bran. All packages
with codes such as L05AE use Yoshon oat bran. However packages with
the code of W05, where W is the first letter, contain Chodosh oat
Paskesz Encore candy bar under the hashgocho of Rabbi Westheim is
General Mills Total cereals have a date that is 310 days after
Kosher Gourmet produces frozen hospital food packages. These are
all Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon.



Subsational. The address given in a Guide was incorrect. The
correct address it is 992 E. 15th St., Brooklyn.

Diari pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of

Primoro pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K
of Baltimore.

Spiga pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of

American Roland pasta and cous cous are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the
Star K of Baltimore.

Gustoro cous cous is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star K of

Everything Spelt Bakery in Monsey. All items are Yoshon at all
times, including items containing oats. Under the hashgocho of Rav

Liebers brownies are probably Chodosh at this time.

Kinneret and are Kosherific frozen chalehs and fish sticks are Yoshon
until approximately January 15. Latke mixes are always

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2004-12-29 Thread Y. Herman


The second issue for the season of the Guide to Chodosh has been mailed
out. The following are corrections and additions to the new

29 Dec 04

Quaker oats cereals made in England and sold in Israel are Yoshon until
pesach, according the company. However, for Quaker cereals made in the
USA, the information in the Guide is believed to be correct.

Smackin Good cereals with the Unger label, use the information given in
the Guide for Malt-O-Meal.

Liebers update: Liebers brownies and all cookies and cereals with oats
are now Chodosh. Other Liebers products are Yoshon including other
cookies and cakes, candies, soup mixers and cup soups, bread crumbs, Coat
 Bake spray, licorice, ice cream cones and corn chips. Under the
hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

Smackin Good update: Smackin Good pancakes and potato knishes are now
Chodosh. Other Smackin Good products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of
Rav Weissmandl.

Kinneret and Kosherrific update: Kinneret onion rings may be Chodosh
starting Jan 12. The Kinneret challehs may be Chodosh starting Jan 19.
Other Kinneret and Kosherrific products, including fish products are
Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

Old City and Old City Café products are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of
Rav Weissmandl.

Gross short cakes are Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Rav

Blochs Best products such as soup mandlen and baked goods are Yoshon.
Under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl.

Beechnut baby cereals, the sample code for barley is in error, it should
have been Oct 1 06.

Gefen barley at this time is Yoshon, without hashgocho for Yoshon. The
new packing to take place soon is expected to be Yoshon under hashgocho.
More details to be forthcoming.

Chadash Pizza, 1919 Ave M, Brooklyn is NOT under hashgocho for Yoshon.
All items except items fried in oil are probably Yoshon.

Kemach Flat Bread Chodosh code is Nov 1 2005.

Eden wraps are available wholesale with Yoshon label. Call

Dec 21 04


CAUTION: A caller to the Hot Line pointed out that some chocolates may
have wheat products in the ingredients. These may be Chodosh. An example
is a type of chocolate non-pareil, which is a small disk of chocolate
with colored candy sprinkles. Check your chocolates and 

HO Oats cereals, Chodosh packing date is Oct 10, code Oct 10, 2006, 2
years after packing.

Duncan Hines mixes code revision: The probable Chodosh packing date is
Aug 20. All cake mixes have a date that is 1 year after packing.
All brownies, muffins, and cookies have an 18 month code except those
that contain nuts or candies. These latter brownies, muffins and cookies
which contain nuts or candies have a 12 month code. 

Mishpacha soy sauce is Yoshon. Mishpacha barley is probably Yoshon if it
was in the stores before Sept 30 04.

Kosher Pastry Oven in Silver Springs, MD is no longer producing

EM Zee Fruit Flicks are not recommended as Yoshon, according to the

GMC Spelt products are Yoshon.

Wolf egg challehs are Yoshon at least till Jan 5 05, probably till

JJ Dairy products, such as ice cream products with cookies and
wafers and other items. The company advised us that they will not take
any responsibility for any Yoshon related information.

King Arthur regular white home baking flour, the malt should be Jan 15

Hodgson Mills whole wheat cus cus may be from spring wheat. Probable
Chodosh packing date is Aug 20, code is 082006 (2 years after


To get the latest Guide to Chodosh by E mail, in PDF format, send a blank
E mail message to either one of the following two addresses:

There is a Guide written especially for Rabbonim and Mashgichim. To get
this by E mail, here, too, send an E mail message to either on of the
To get the latest Update, such as this one, send an E mail message to:
In the message type:
get News.txt
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You can also download these files, without using E mail by using the
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one time preliminary setup steps.

1) Activate the program Hyperterminal.
2) Enter a name such as Chodosh, and choose

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2004-09-03 Thread Y. Herman


The following as of 3 Sept 04

The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh is expected out BEH around
Yom Kippur time. Meanwhile, we will try to keep everyone updated by E
mail, Hot Line News recording and the BBS.

Freshly baked bakery products are probably Chodosh as of Sept 4
everywhere in the USA. In the Midwest this starting date was Aug

Packaged wheat products except for pasta and noodles are probably safe to
buy up to Sept 20.

Pasta and noodles are probably safe to buy up to Sept 30.

Oats probably Yoshon up to a purchase date of Oct 19 (except Quaker, see

Barley probably safe to buy up to Oct 22.


Gefen and Unger barley will be Yoshon under hashgocho all year.
Goya barley Chodosh as of packing date of Oct 1. Quaker barley as of Feb
1 05.
Barley by Trinidad, Peak, Jack Rabbit, Shoprite, White Rose Chodosh as of
packing date of Sept 30.

Quaker oats Chodosh packing date is Sept 7, General Mills (e.g. Cheerios,
etc) is Oct 15.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to:

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from
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Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new
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To receive a copy of the Guide to Chodosh and Yoshon for Mashgichim, send
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have trouble receiving response from this site can download the same
document from my new BBS. Call the Hot Line for instructions on how to
use the BBS.

CAUTION: Some new anti-spam filters require senders to respond to a
challenge in order for their E mail to be received. This E mail
distribution list can not provide such responses. If you are using such a
filter, be sure to put these messages on the allowed list of
your filter, otherwise you will not receive the updates.

Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any
or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us
to use
their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides free email

and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2003-09-15 Thread yherman




The Guide has not yet been mailed out and there is already a correction 
thanks to an alert person who called the Hot Line to provide me with new 
contacts at the company in question: Natural Ovens breads are all Chodosh 
at this time, with the exception of the Best Burger Buns.


As mentioned below from my earlier announcement, I offered to make the PDF 
version of the Guide available to all those who request it by E mail. I 
have since received a very large number of such requests. It is not 
possible for me to respond to all of those using the old manual one-by-one 
response approach I used last year. Meanwhile, someone is kind enough to be 
working on an approach so that people should be able to request the PDF 
version without the need for my direct intervention, the way that you can 
already request the text version. I have saved all the existing requests 
for the PDF report without answering them. I hope to have the auto-response 
approach working within a day of two. I will send out a new message when it 
will be available. Meanwhile I am asking that you please excuse the delay.


Last week I sent out a message which indicated that I am honoring a psak 
halacha not to use Web pages on the Internet. Several people have responded 
to that with varying levels of incredulousness. Some people asked that I 
discuss the reasonability of such a psak. I do not have the qualifications, 
ability, or time to enter into such discussions. The approach of the Guide 
over all of the years has been that we do not force any psak halacha on 
anyone else. Therefore we have always presented Chodosh-related facts and 
urged the reader to ask his and her own halachic questions. In this case, 
years ago I accepted, bli neder, on myself the psak not to use any Web 
pages for the Chodosh project. I hope to continue passing Chodosh-Yoshon 
related information to the interested public as in the past, within the 
constraints inferred by this psak.


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh has gone to the printer. It is 
expected back on Monday or Tuesday, Sept 15 or 16. It will be mailed out to 
the local distributors and paid subscribers as soon as possible thereafter. 
Meanwhile, we have prepared two versions of this Guide to be available by E 
mail, at no charge to your. One is a text only version that any E mail 
reader can read. The other is a PDF file that can only be read by the Adobe 
PDF reader program.

This years Guide has the first major change of format in the 31 years of 
its publication. We have assigned one of 5 categories to each items listed 
in the Guide, indicated by the Hebrew letters aleph, beis, gimmel, daledand 
ches. These are measures of the reliability of the claim to Yoshon and the 
ease of finding the Yoshon item in the stores. These symbols work fine in 
the printed and PDF versions of the Guide. However, they are lost, replaced 
by ?in the text only version.

To order the text only version to be sent to you automatically, send an E 
mail message to:


In the body of the message type:

Get Guide.txt

Make sure you capitalize as shown. DO NOT send this request to the yherman 
E mail address.

To order the PDF version, send an E mail message to 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] In the subject line, 
state that your are requesting the PDF file. We will try to send this file 
to you as an attachment by return E mail as soon as possible.

Meanwhile we plan to disseminate information on a frequent basis via E mail 
and news recordings on the voice Hot Line (845-356-5743). If you find the 
frequent E mails annoying, you may unsubscribe from the E mail list, as 
described below.



Those who wish to order the 3 printed issues of the Guide to be printed 
through the season should send a check for $15 to our new address. (This 
address is only for subscription-related matters.) Project Chodosh 
subscriptions, PO Box 297279, Brooklyn, NY 11229.

Our current preliminary date estimates follow:

Freshly baked products in local bakeries such as breads, challehs, rolls, 
bagels probably Chodosh starting: Sept 1 in the East and Far West, Aug 15 
in the Mid West.

Packaged foods containing wheat, other than pasta: Probably Yoshon if 
packed before Aug 15. Probably Yoshon if purchased up to Sept 5. After that 
package codes have to be used.

Packaged pasta probably safe if packed before Sept 15, probably safe to 
purchase up to Oct 6. After that package codes have to be used.

Foods containing oats probably safe if packed up to Sept 23, probably safe 
to purchase

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2003-03-11 Thread Y. Herman

Kemach crackers and cookies, the Chodosh date for malt was given as Jan. 
23, with a code of 1P023N. In fact only the three digits in the middle of 
the code are relevant. The other letters and numbers can be ignored. If 
those three digits are 023 up to the day of the year for the current date 
(for example up to 065 for Mar. 6) then the malt may be Chodosh. For high 
numbers such as from 200 to 365, the item was produced last year and the 
malt is Yoshon.

Kehilah Kashrus has asked that we remind the public that both in the 
restaurants and pizza shops under their supervision and in many other 
restaurants, the fries, the spicy fries and the Cajun fries may be Chodosh. 
Since these are fried in the same oil as other fried items, all fried items 
may be Chodosh due to the oil in which they are fried. This warning has 
been printed in detail in the Guide at the beginning of the restaurant 
listings for each city.

Post cereals contain a confusing statement. To clarify: the bran in Post 
Shredded Wheat is Yoshon. The bran in other Post cereals may be Chodosh.

Liebers cereals the code given in the Guide is incorrect. The correct code 
is not available.

Kashi cereal update. The date on Kashi Pilaf cereal is the actual date of 
packing. For the Heart and Headcereal the package date is 10 months after 
packing. For the Honey Puff Kashi it is 9 months after packing. For all 
other cereals, the date is 12 months after packing. Check the ingredients. 
For wheat, the probable Chodosh packing date is Aug 20, for oats and barley 
it it Sept 14. For barley malt or plain malt, it is Jan 15.

Weetabix cereal update. The wheat in Weetabix, Alpen and Graifield Raisin 
Bran is winter wheat. If there is malt in the ingredients, the probable 
Chodosh date is Jan. 15, code is CRJA 15 04 (CR=not important, JA=month, 
15=day, 04=year+1).


The third and last issue of the Guide to Chodosh has been mailed out. The 
following are additions and corrections since the publication of the Guide.

Schreiber Bakeries, 3008 Ave M, Brooklyn and 409 Ave M. Everything is 
Yoshon except muffins and whatever contains oatmeal. Under the hashgocho 
for Yoshon of the Kehilah Kashrus.

Le Chaim Fruit Bars. The example given on page 31 is wrong. The code of 
2350 should have stated (2=year, ). In addition, any Le Chaim bar that 
states Yoshon on the label is Yoshon without the need to check codes.


Over the past several years, I have published a collection of data on 
supermarkets from the perspective of buying chometz after pesach. This is 
meant as a guide for Rabbonim, with little specific data for the average 
consumer. In this respect, it is very different from the Guide to Chodosh. 
The first draft of this years report is available for you to look at. I 
invite comments on this. In particular, I have not found a good way to 
figure out when to stop and start buying chometz in questionable stores 
after pesach. How does one trace the path of a package found in a store 
after pesach that is, say 150 from its packing? Any suggestions about this 
would be welcome.

To see the draft report send E mail to 

In the message type:

get Chometz.txt

Make sure that you capitalize as shown.


Now, for the first time, we are offering on an experimental basis a 
formatted version of the Guide by E mail, in the PDF format. This file can 
only be read if you have the free Acrobat reader (available from 
http://www.adobe.com/acrobatwww.adobe.com/acrobat.) This preserves most 
of the format of the full, printed Guide. The page layout is slightly 
altered, so that the table of contents and the index may be off by 1-2 
pages. This version is also available to you free of charge on the 
condition that if you print it out it should be for your own use only, that 
you do not distribute it to others. To request this send an E mail to 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED] and request the PDF 
version of the Guide. The file that you will get is large, about 304 KB in 
size. Make sure that your E mail system allows such large attachments to 
received mail messages.

Y. Herman

To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: 

Before you discontinue using an E-mail service, please unsubscribe from 
this list by sending a message to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Then if you wish to resume receiving these 
messages from your new service, send a message 

You can request several reports by sending an E-mail message to: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Then in the body of the message type the 
command: get (without the quotes) followed by the name of the file that 
you want. Type each request on a new line. Make sure that you copy the file 
name exactly as spelled including capital letters. These reports 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2003-01-17 Thread Y. Herman


MANISCHEWITZ Tam Tam crackers are Yoshon, including the malt, at least up 
to the packing date of Feb. 28. Manischewitz pasta has the Chodosh date of 
Oct 17, code 2902 (290=day of year, 2=year).

GOURMET ON THE BAY, 8501 Bay Pkwy in Brooklyn. Revised listing: Everything 
is Yoshon besides barley, couscous and anything made with Chinese eggroll 
skins. Under the hashgocho of Kehilah Kashrus.

ESSEX ON THE CONEY, 1359 Coney Island Ave, Brooklyn. The American side is 
Yoshon, including noodles and pasta, but excluding the egg rolls, hamburger 
and frankfurter rolls, baguettes, fries, square knishes, and fancy cakes. 
Also excluded are anything that is fried. On the Chinese side nothing is 
Yoshon. Under the hashgocho of Kehilah Kashrus.

LANDAU SUPERMARKET, 4510 18th Ave, Brooklyn, 718-633-0633. All items in the 
bakery and takeout sections are Yoshon. No hashgocho for Yoshon.

MATAMIM CATERERS, 4302 16th Ave, Brooklyn, 718-435-8556. Mrs. Resnick. All 
catered items are Yoshon. No hashgocho for Yoshon.

KEMACH correction. The malt in flour date given below applies only to the 
regular baking flour. The high gluten flour is always Yoshon, including the 
malt (since the flour is in storage.)



We never found any malt manufacturer that begins to ship Chodosh malt from 
the new barley crop earlier than Dec. 15. The malt is then shipped, Dec. 15 
or later, to other factories that begin to use it in the end products. 
Therefore, using the terminology established in the Guide, all malt in 
foods is definitelyYoshon before Dec 15. Up to Jan. 15 such malt is 

The following applications of malt pose a problem of Chodosh. Malt is used 
for several purposes. Foods using malt for flavoring or coloring should not 
be used if packed after Dec 15 or at least Jan 15 since that malt may be 
Chodosh. That includes cereals flavored with malt such as Corn Flakes and 
Rice Crispies, as well as most pretzels where it is used for coloring. Beer 
is also included in the category of items which are Chodosh because of 
malt. (In the case of beer, we recommend that the Dec 15 date should be 
used, not the probable date of Jan 15.)  In addition there are specialty 
vinegars such as malt vinegar, terragon vinegar and salad vinegar which are 
made with high concentrations of malt.

We had urged our readers to avoid some items in the past because they may 
contain barley malt. We have since discovered that many of these are not a 
problem so far as the malt content is concerned. This includes baking flour 
that lists barley malt in the ingredients. Also permitted are most 
vinegar-based items such as ordinary household vinegar, and condiments such 
as ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, etc.


KEMACH malt update.  All Kemach cereals dated Jan 04 or later may have 
Chodosh malt.  All flour dated Jan 13 04 or later may have Chodosh malt. 
Bread sticks have no malt and are Yoshon. Crackers malt status to be announced.

LIEBERS cereals. All cereals containing oats or wheat germ should be 
considered Chodosh now. No codes given. Malt in cereals is Yoshon. Liebers 
potato chips and corn chips are Yoshon. All under the hashgocho of Rav 

FLOUR USA. Caution, the high gluten flours in brown paper bags made by this 
company may be Chodosh at this time. Those bags that contain Chodosh flour 
have the Yoshon label crossed out. Always check the label on the bags.

LANDAU whole wheat pasta is Chodosh at this time. No code given.

LE CHAIM Potato Crisps (like Pringles) is Yoshon. It contains no flour. The 
flour listed in the ingredients is by error.

BEECHNUT baby foods code update. For example for the sample code of 
2507MAY04, look only at the first 4 characters. 2=year, 
5=month(1=Jan9=Sept, X=Oct, Y=Nov, Z=Dec), 07 day of the year. For oats 
and barley the code would be Sept 14=2914 For wheat Sept 11, code 2911

MAYPO oats Chodosh date is Sept 21 (Note earlier than the date in the 
Guide!), code SEPT 21 2003 (1 year after packing). Maypo farina is Yoshon.

KOSHER BITE restaurant in Baltimore. Not all items are Yoshon. Yoshon is 
only available on some items and only on request. Ask at the restaurant.

SOUTH AFRICA. Up to date Yoshon information is available from the UOS, The 
Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa in Johannesburg. Their Yoshon 
Bulletin may be accessed on the Web at the address 
http://www.uos.co.za/www.uos.co.za.  Look for the Kashrus Guide. Under 
that look for Yoshon Update. You can also call them at 011-27-11-485-4865.

MANNA frozen pizza is Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Star-K. This is 
stated in the Guide, but is hidden there.

GENERAL MILLS cereal Lucky Charm is NOT KOSHER. The Guide does state that 
we take no responsibility for kashrus. Nevertheless, we try not to include 
items that are known not to be kosher. This cereal should be deleted.

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2002-10-01 Thread Y. Herman


1 Oct 02

The Guide to Chodosh was published and mailed out right after Yom Kippur. 
The following are changes, additions and corrections to the Guide.

New pasta dates and codes: For the following brands Ronzoni, Creamette, 
Giorgio, American Beauty, Skinner and Prince, the new Chodosh packing date 
is Oct 28, 02. The revised code is 2301 (2=year, 301=day of the year).

General Mills cereals. The table on page 19 of the Guide has an error. The 
Chodosh cutoff package code for 248 days for wheat germ should be Apr 25 
'03. The package code for 372 days and malt should be Jan 22 '04. Further 
clarification: the wheat, wheat bran and wheat starch in General Mills 
cereals is from winter wheat. However if wheat germ is listed in the 
ingredients (instead of just wheat) then it may be from spring wheat. 
That is the reason that the table on page 19 only lists wheat germ as a 
wheat problem for General Mills cereals.

Quaker cereals. The table on page 20 of the Guide has an error. For 360 
days and malt, the package date should be Jan 10, '04.

Smackin Good  pancakes under the hashgocho of Rav Weissmandl may be Chodosh 
after the purchase date of Oct 2 '02.

Cereals in Israel. The Guide stated that all General Mills/Nestle cereals 
sold in Israel with on O-U hashgocho have the same dating code as the Guide 
lists for each cereal sold in the USA. It is possible that this is not 
true, that the dating code for all such cereals sold in Israel may be one 
year after packing. We hope to have this matter clarified in about 2 weeks 
and will issue a further update on this.

Mendy's Bakery, at three sites, produces Yoshon without hashgocho for 
Yoshon. These are 2213 65th St. Brooklyn (718) 837-0782, 4611 13th Ave, 
Brooklyn (718) 851-6624 and 72-22 Main St. Flushing, NY (718) 544-8736.

Circa-NY Restaurant, 22 West 33rd St, New York, NY (212) 244-3730. This 
restaurant has many items that are Yoshon. There is a posted sign to 
indicate which items are Yoshon and which are not. For further information, 
ask the full-time O-U mashgiach Rabbi Shia Wurtzberger. (Note that the O-U 
officially only gives a hashgocho for kashrus. Therefore, the mashgiach's 
information on Yoshon will be unofficial.)

Moshe's Supermarket, 325 Ave. M, Brooklyn. The bakery section gets their 
products from Korn Bakery. See page 29 of the Guide under 15th Ave Food 
Corp and Korn for further details.

The Guide incorrectly listed Bernie's Place in Brooklyn as being Yoshon 
under hashgocho. In fact, this store has closed and is out of business.

Page 34 of the Guide listed two establishments for Queens, NY, the Pizza 
Professor under hashgocho and the Pizza Warehouse without hashgocho. In 
fact the Pizza Warehouse listing should have been deleted. It has been 
replaced by the Pizza Professor. The corrected phone number for the Pizza 
Professor is (718)261-.


Yoshon Update # 2
Date: September 30, 2002
The Yoshon cutoff dates for the following products are as follows:
Robin Hood Multifoods

Old Mill Oats, Robin Hood Oats - Imprinted code must be 2612 or lower.

Robin Hood Organic Oats - Imprinted code must be 2253 or lower

Robin Hood/Monarch Retail Flour (excl. Cake and Pastry, Organic) - If the 
last digit of the imprinted production code is S, the first digits must be 
2632 or lower. If the last digit is M, the first digits must be 2273 or lower.

Robin Hood/Monarch Retail Flour (Cake and Pastry) - Imprinted code must be 
2632 or lower.

Robin Hood/Monarch Retail Flour (Organic) - Imprinted code must be 2882 or 
Quaker Oats
Products containing oats - Embossed code must be 0814P2 or lower.
Puffed Wheat and Malt Flavoured Shredded Wheat - products are still yoshon.
Muffets Shredded Wheat and Quaker Puffed Rice are always yoshon.
General Mills (mf'g in USA, for export to Canada only, OU certified)
Regular and Apple Cinnamon Cheerios are yoshon, will change in Nov.
We currently don't have accurate information on other Cheerios products.
Weetabix, Corn Flakes, Bran Flakes and Raisin Bran, are still yoshon.
Alpen and Grain Shop - products are still yoshon.

Presidents Choice (COR 123)
Toasted O's, Honey Nut O's, Fruity O's, Frosted Oats and Fibre First 
Multibran - products are still yoshon.
Post Cereals  (COR 38) and (COR 114)
Products are still yoshon.
Kelloggs Canada - products are still yoshon.
Barley - Product currently in stores is possibly Chodosh.
Kolbo has yoshon barley.
Equality (Dominion) and Our Compliments (Sobeys) - All purpose flour is 
still yoshon.
Five Roses Flour - (up to and incl. 10 kg sizes)
Products are still yoshon.
Unico - Products carrying the OU - First digits of the embossed code must 
be 091204 or lower.
Products carrying the MK are still Yoshon.
Italpasta - is still yoshon.
Primo - is still yoshon.
Pita (COR 64 only) is still Yoshon.

No Name Instant Oatmeal (flavoured packets) COR 

Update from the Guide to Chodosh

2001-12-04 Thread Y. Herman


It was called to my attention that some issues of the second edition of the 
that was just mailed out have several pages out of order. If you received 
one of these,
please notify me of your name and address by E mail or the Hot Line and I 
will send
you a replacement copy.

The following changes and additions to the Guide are since the printing of 
the second

KEMACH macaraoni, spaghetti and lasagna. According to the Guide, the 
Chodosh date
is Oct 1. In fact the Chodosh date is later, Nov. 1, package code Nov. 1 
2002 (1 year after

ARROWHEAD MILLS. The following items are now from winter wheat only: Wheat
bran, wheat germ, regular whole wheat flour, whole wheat pastry flour, 
vital wheat
gluten, bulgur, puffed wheat, cracked wheat cereal. Still from spring wheat 
is puffed
kamut. Chodosh date for kamut is Sept 25, code 2681 (268=day of the year, 

WILLMARK makes mixes used by bakeries. The following mixes are Chodosh at this
time: donut mix, yeast raised dough. These mixes are available in Yoshon 
form only to
those establishments that reserved Yoshon before the start of the Chodosh 
season. Cake
mixes are always Yoshon.

LAKEWOOD HEIMISHE BAKE SHOP, 225 2nd St. Lakewood, (732) 905-9057. This
bakery has now provided the requested information: All challahs, rolls, 
cakes, pastries, as
well as 2 lb rye breads, white bread, whole wheat bread, club bread are all 
Yoshon.  The
kashrus hashgocho does not take responsibility for Yoshon. However, 
six-grain breads,
breads not listed above and bran muffins are NOT Yoshon.

YOSHON, DESPITE THE CLAIMS OF MARTISCO: I have received a copy of a letter
being sent out by Martisco to prove that these barleys are Yoshon. The 
letter states that
all this barley comes from Yoshon crop that was sealed by Rabbi Abraham 
Juravel (of
the O-U). It invites all interested parties to check with the owner of the 
bins that contain
this barley or to go to Idaho to verify this information. The fact is that 
Rabbi Juravel did
seal bins of Yoshon barley in Idaho. However, we explained in detail in 
Preface A-3 of
the Guide, barley takes several steps between the storage bins mentioned in 
letter and your grocery shelf. It is first transported from the bin to a 
pearling company
that removes the outer shell of each barley kernel. This company does 
pearling of barley
from all sources, most of them being Chodosh at this time. This is also 
done in Idaho.
Then the pearled barley is shipped in bulk to Martisco in New York State 
which packs
the barley into individual 1 pound bags. We have explained to the 
representative of
Martisco and Unger that in order to be considered Yoshon throughout the 
season we need to have reliable mashgichim verify that Yoshon barley that 
leaves the
bins sealed by Rabbi Juravel is the only barley that is contained in the 
shipments that go
East from Idaho and are packed by Martisco. This representative explained 
to us that they
can not afford to pay for the additional hashgocho due to the small profit 
that can be
earned by selling barley. We do not insist that they hire any mashgichim 
when they can
not afford to do so. However, we do feel obligated to inform the 
public, that so far the company has not been able to show how they verify 
the Yoshon
status of this barley in a manner that Orthodox Jews consider reliable. We 
have contacted
Benzy's which originally claimed that their barley is Yoshon based on such 
from Martisco. So far as we know, they understood our objections and are no 
claiming that their barley is Yoshon. The management of Ungers refused to 
discuss this
matter with and referred the questions back to the representative that does 
not return our
numerous phone calls. (Yoshon barley seems hard to find now. People are 
urged to look
for Geffen barley that is Yoshon at least up to the packing date of Oct 15, 
code 15 OC02
or Goya barley which has a revised Chodosh date of Nov. 1, code 030501 (0=not
important, 305=day of the year, 02=year +1.)


The second edition of the Guide to Chodosh for the current season has now 
been printed
and most have been mailed out to the paid subscribers. To request an 
unformatted E mail
version to be sent to you (free of charge) send a message to:


On the first line of the message type:
get Guide.txt

(This only works if you copy the message exactly, including 
capitalization.) The file is
large, 200 KBytes. It will be sent to you by return E mail.

Meanwhile, attached below is the summary of changes and news taken from the
beginning of the new Guide. This contains some new information, plus all of 
information which I had been sending out piecemeal in earlier E mail updates.

Yoseph Herman