Re: Does anyone need any clojure work done?

2009-07-08 Thread fft1976

On Jul 7, 10:18 pm, ataggart wrote:
 After having spent the last decade doing server-side java, lots of
 infrastructure level code which I enjoy), and going blind on xml, I'd
 really like to get more into clojure.

 I've been playing with it off and on for about a year now, reading
 whatever FP-related material I can get my hands on, but without a real
 project to work on it's all been a bit aimless.  To get more serious
 about it I'd need to work on an actual problem to solve.

 To that end, if anyone has a project they'd like help on, be it open
 or closed, paid or not, please let me know.

Talk to Jon Harrop. He just asked for help with his ray tracer. Also
all the shootout needs porting to Clojure. Beware the frequently bad
tempered admin though.
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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Smith

On Jul 7, 5:10 pm, John Harrop wrote:
 Problem: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently.
 Here is what I've found.

 The fastest method of result batching, amazingly, is to pass out a list and:

 (let [foo (loop ... )
 x (double (first foo))
 r1 (rest foo)
 y (double (first r1))
 r2 (rest r1)
 z (double (first r2))] ... )

This isn't suprising if you think about it.
In the list situation you are just grabbing the next pointer,
in an array situation you have to do math to access a vector.

 (here passing out three doubles).

 About half as fast is:

 (let [[x y z] (loop ... )] ... ) with (double x), (double y), and (double z)
 used later in place of x y z and only one occurrence of each (so no more
 (double foo) conversions than before). The destructuring bind apparently
 exerts a higher run-time overhead compared to manual destructuring.

If you look at the source code this isn't that surprising.
The big difference between (for example):
(let [[x y z] [1 2 3]] ...) and
(let [v [1 2 3] x (v 0) y (v 1) z (v 2)] ...)

Most of the slowdown Seems to have to do with bounds checking:
The first is 'safe' and returns nil for out of bounds, the second
throws an exception.

If you look at the source the 2ary version of nth gets inlined and the
3ary version (which destructuring bind expands to) does not.

if you put a symbol in the second position you'll note that
Destructuring bind rebinds the symbol with a Gensym even though it
cannot suffer from multiple evaluation.

If you look here:
And look at 'avoid destructuring binding for vectors'

I did some hacking and improved the worst case from about 500ms on my
computer to 300ms.

(By inlining the 3ary version and removing the duplication; compiling
a destructuring function without bounds checking breaks compilation
for obvious reasons...). There are probably better ways to optimize it
as this was just me screwing around ('What can i break this

I will note that there is something very funny going on with the
destructuring/binding example in the link above. The fast version on
my machine returns every number of times(1e7 1e8 1e9 etc...) returns
26 ms. It is kind of like it all just got collapsed into a constant.
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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Frantisek Sodomka

If result is a vector v, then from these 4 cases:
(let [v [1 2 3]]
  (let [[a b c] v] a b c)
  (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
  (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first
r2)] x y z))

using 'nth'
(let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
is the fastest.


On Jul 7, 11:10 pm, John Harrop wrote:
 Problem: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently.
 Here is what I've found.

 The fastest method of result batching, amazingly, is to pass out a list and:

 (let [foo (loop ... )
 x (double (first foo))
 r1 (rest foo)
 y (double (first r1))
 r2 (rest r1)
 z (double (first r2))] ... )

 (here passing out three doubles).

 About half as fast is:

 (let [[x y z] (loop ... )] ... ) with (double x), (double y), and (double z)
 used later in place of x y z and only one occurrence of each (so no more
 (double foo) conversions than before). The destructuring bind apparently
 exerts a higher run-time overhead compared to manual destructuring.

 (with-locals [x (double 0) y (double 0) z (double 0)]
 (loop ... )
 (do-something-with (double (var-get x)) (double (var-get y)) (double
 (var-get z

 is two full orders of magnitude slower (here the loop doesn't return a list
 but uses var-set).

 Using atoms is even worse.

 (let [#^doubles xyz (double-array (int 3))]
 (loop ... )
 (do-something-with (aget xyz (int 0)) (aget xyz (int 1)) (aget xyz (int

 with the loop using aset-double to pass out values is, surprisingly, no
 faster. Using plain aset makes no difference, as does removing the (int ...)
 wrappings around the numbers.

 Intermediate in speed is using a clojure vector to pass out values, e.g.
 [result-x result-y result-z] is the expression that returns a value from the
 loop, and

 (do-something-with (get results (int 0)) (get results (int 1)) (get
 results (int 2)))

 It's surprising that this is faster than using a primitive Java array with
 type-hints, and interesting that retrieving sequential items from a list is
 faster than a like number of in-order indexed retrievals from a vector,
 which could theoretically be optimized to a pointer-walk with each retrieval
 involving an increment and a dereference and a store, rather than an
 increment, three dereferences, and a store. (Dereference linked list entry
 item pointer, store, increment pointer, dereference to get next-entry
 pointer, dereference again, repeat.)

 Whatever, these results may be useful to someone, along with:

 (defn- extract-result-list-into [conv hint gensyms result-generator] (let
 [rs (take (count gensyms) (repeatedly gensym))] (into [(first rs)
 result-generator] (loop [r rs g (if hint (map #(with-meta % {:tag hint})
 gensyms) gensyms) output []] (if (empty? r) output (let [fr (first r) rr
 (rest r) frr (first rr)] (recur (rest r) (rest g) (into output (concat
 [(first g) (if conv `(~conv (first ~fr)) `(first ~fr))] (if frr [frr `(rest

 This helper function can be used in a macro to suck the contents of a list
 into variables with conversions, type hints, or both; conv would be a symbol
 like `double, hint something like BigInteger, gensyms some gensyms (or other
 symbols) for the variable names (in order), and result-generator some code
 (e.g. resulting from a backtick expression). The output is a vector
 [G__5877 (loop ... whatever code)
 #^hint G__5874 (conv (first G__5877))
 G_5878 (rest G__5877)
 #^hint G__5875 (conv (first G__5878))
 G_5879 (rest G__5878)
 #^hint G__5876 (conv (first G__5879))]
 which can be used in a let, loop, or other construct that uses bindings with
 the usual clojure syntax, and can even have other things added to it by
 macro code.

 The downside is relative inflexibility. If you pass in a gensyms seq with an
 embedded vector of two gensyms you'll get a valid destructuring bind for a
 composite item in the results, but it won't work with type hints or
 conversions, nor can those be mixed. Making it more sophisticated would be
 possible, though.

 This arose when I had a performance-critical double-barreled loop to
 optimize, and found that the outer loop was spending several thousand
 iterations of the inner loop worth of time just to extract the results via
 with-locals. I did some experimenting and benchmarking of various ways to
 get the output of the inner loop to code in the outer loop, using
 System/nanoTime, millions of repetitions, and averaging to determine the

 An efficient labeled recur would be nice for clojure 2.0. :) (Limited
 though it would be to when the inner loop was in tail position in the outer
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Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell


Sometimes I have pretty long REPL sessions where I'm trying to flesh
out some ideas. When I close my instance of Clojure Box (Emacs based)
I lose all the definitions I had worked out over time. Is there any
way to dump namespace(s) to an image? It would be great to be able to
load up some workspace image and pick up where I left off.


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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Daniel Lyons


On Jul 8, 2009, at 2:13 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Sometimes I have pretty long REPL sessions where I'm trying to flesh
 out some ideas. When I close my instance of Clojure Box (Emacs based)
 I lose all the definitions I had worked out over time. Is there any
 way to dump namespace(s) to an image? It would be great to be able to
 load up some workspace image and pick up where I left off.

Something similar was discussed recently but didn't come to a solid  

This is kind of a cop-out, but in general my advice would be to work  
from a file. Get your Clojure and Emacs set up so that you can compile  
your stuff pretty easily and your files are in the namespace- 
appropriate folder underneath your classpath. For example, I keep my  
Clojure code in ~/Projects/Languages/Clojure and my Emacs config looks  
like this:

(setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
   (cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure/classes
(cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure
  (directory-files ~/.clojure t \.jar$
(eval-after-load 'clojure-mode '(clojure-slime-config))
(setq swank-clojure-extra-vm-args '(-Dclojure.compile.path=/Users/ 

Now if I want to load or compile a Clojure file, it just works.

Next, when I start doodling I make a file in the aforementioned  
directory and put my stuff in there and open up a slime session in  
another window. C-c C-c sends the current form over Slime to the  
running session. Then I do my interactive testing and exploration in  
the slime session. Whenever I hit on a form I want to keep, I copy and  
paste it over to the file and make it into a function over there. I  
might make a function with a dumb name like demo or test and put a  
bunch of forms in there, and eventually they get refactored into unit  
tests (or not). If I close Emacs and reopen it on a file that doesn't  
yet have a namespace and whatnot, I select the stuff I want to  
evaluate and do C-c C-r to evaluate the region. It's handy, if less  

The main advantage to this, apart from keeping the code clean, is that  
you avoid the dirty image problem that can happen with Common Lisp or  
(I assume) Smalltalk, where the code seems to work but accidentally  
depends on cruft in the image that never made it into the source file.  
I've had this happen in CL and found it very frustrating. I had a  
tumblog which I tried to make faster by saving images and found one  
day to my surprise that I couldn't make a fresh image on my server,  
which was running a different architecture, because the only reason it  
was able to make images on my box was because the first image had some  
crap in it that never made it to the source file. Maybe this problem  
isn't as prevalent in Smalltalk; maybe the JVM can circumvent this by  
being cross-platform, but it's happened more than once in CL. IIRC,  
CMU CL for a long time was self-hosting to such a degree it couldn't  
be built at all without a running binary of a previous version. That  
kind of thing makes porting to new architectures quite difficult.

Just my $0.02,

Daniel Lyons

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

Thanks Daniel, that makes perfect sense, especially about having
random - and forgotten - code in the image. I have a lot of this
during my exploration sessions.

The main reason this is an issue for me is during development I
sometimes find I need another library added to my classpath. Right now
the only way I know how to modify the classpath in Emacs is to change
the .emacs file with an add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
and reboot. I think my looking for an image solution might be a
cop-out itself; I need to learn Emacs better so I can figure out how
to modify the classpath without rebooting. Then I wouldn't be
rebooting so often and I wouldn't need to be making images to save
I'm-in-the-middle-of-a-thought state

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Daniel wrote:


 On Jul 8, 2009, at 2:13 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Sometimes I have pretty long REPL sessions where I'm trying to flesh
 out some ideas. When I close my instance of Clojure Box (Emacs based)
 I lose all the definitions I had worked out over time. Is there any
 way to dump namespace(s) to an image? It would be great to be able to
 load up some workspace image and pick up where I left off.

 Something similar was discussed recently but didn't come to a solid

 This is kind of a cop-out, but in general my advice would be to work
 from a file. Get your Clojure and Emacs set up so that you can compile
 your stuff pretty easily and your files are in the namespace-
 appropriate folder underneath your classpath. For example, I keep my
 Clojure code in ~/Projects/Languages/Clojure and my Emacs config looks
 like this:

 (setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
       (cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure/classes
            (cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure
                  (directory-files ~/.clojure t \.jar$
 (eval-after-load 'clojure-mode '(clojure-slime-config))
 (setq swank-clojure-extra-vm-args '(-Dclojure.compile.path=/Users/

 Now if I want to load or compile a Clojure file, it just works.

 Next, when I start doodling I make a file in the aforementioned
 directory and put my stuff in there and open up a slime session in
 another window. C-c C-c sends the current form over Slime to the
 running session. Then I do my interactive testing and exploration in
 the slime session. Whenever I hit on a form I want to keep, I copy and
 paste it over to the file and make it into a function over there. I
 might make a function with a dumb name like demo or test and put a
 bunch of forms in there, and eventually they get refactored into unit
 tests (or not). If I close Emacs and reopen it on a file that doesn't
 yet have a namespace and whatnot, I select the stuff I want to
 evaluate and do C-c C-r to evaluate the region. It's handy, if less

 The main advantage to this, apart from keeping the code clean, is that
 you avoid the dirty image problem that can happen with Common Lisp or
 (I assume) Smalltalk, where the code seems to work but accidentally
 depends on cruft in the image that never made it into the source file.
 I've had this happen in CL and found it very frustrating. I had a
 tumblog which I tried to make faster by saving images and found one
 day to my surprise that I couldn't make a fresh image on my server,
 which was running a different architecture, because the only reason it
 was able to make images on my box was because the first image had some
 crap in it that never made it to the source file. Maybe this problem
 isn't as prevalent in Smalltalk; maybe the JVM can circumvent this by
 being cross-platform, but it's happened more than once in CL. IIRC,
 CMU CL for a long time was self-hosting to such a degree it couldn't
 be built at all without a running binary of a previous version. That
 kind of thing makes porting to new architectures quite difficult.

 Just my $0.02,

 Daniel Lyons


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Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Baishampayan Ghose

So we are going to develop a moderately complex Database driven
application in Clojure and I am looking for easy-to-manage solutions for
talking to Databases.

I am quite used to the way Object Relational Mappers like SQLAlchemy 
Django work in the Python world.

We define the DB schema using simple classes and then we access and
manipulate the DB using objects and their properties/methods.

I would prefer a similar setup for Clojure as I would rather not deal
with any kind of raw SQL.

I am also a Java newbie; and I am currently looking at Hibernate (and
may be Spring to make Hibernate less verbose).

I would like to know how you have solved similar problems.

Is Hibernate useful? Is managing a bunch of XML config files a necessary

Any help will be appreciated.


Baishampayan Ghose

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Wilson MacGyver

Take a look at ClojureQL

It's not a ORM system like SQLAlchemy/Django ORM in that
it won't manage the table schema for you.

There is also clj-record.

which is inspired by rail's ActiveRecord.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:59 AM, Baishampayan wrote:

 So we are going to develop a moderately complex Database driven
 application in Clojure and I am looking for easy-to-manage solutions for
 talking to Databases.

 I am quite used to the way Object Relational Mappers like SQLAlchemy 
 Django work in the Python world.

 We define the DB schema using simple classes and then we access and
 manipulate the DB using objects and their properties/methods.

 I would prefer a similar setup for Clojure as I would rather not deal
 with any kind of raw SQL.

 I am also a Java newbie; and I am currently looking at Hibernate (and
 may be Spring to make Hibernate less verbose).

 I would like to know how you have solved similar problems.

 Is Hibernate useful? Is managing a bunch of XML config files a necessary

 Any help will be appreciated.


 Baishampayan Ghose

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Baishampayan Ghose
Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 Take a look at ClojureQL
 It's not a ORM system like SQLAlchemy/Django ORM in that
 it won't manage the table schema for you.
 There is also clj-record.
 which is inspired by rail's ActiveRecord.

How mature are they? Do they work well with PostgreSQL? Apparently,
ClojureQL doesn't.


Baishampayan Ghose

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Jurjen

I had the same thought (as posted in the other thread) and haven't
come to a final solution yet. The main reason I wanted to achieve it
was that I do my developing / tinkering / brainstorming spread over
several work boxes spread out through several locations, and a clojure
REPL is cheap and easy, whereas maintaining several IDEs in synch (3
locations at work, 2 at home) can be a bit of a nightmare.

The compromise I've got at the moment is that I've made a custom
wrapper around [defn] that records the code used to create the
instance, and stores it in the metadata of the var that points to the
function. I can then cycle through the namespace definitions using ns-
interns / ns-publics and see the definition of each function, and can
save it to a file.

I tried to create a print-dup method so that the entire contents of a
namespace could be dumped to a file, but as chouser pointed out, print-
dup works on the function itself, whereas the code is stored in the
metadata of the var that points to the function (and there's no back-
link from the function to the var), so now it is a multi-stage process
to port current code in its entirety, but as I'm generally only
working on fairly limited areas of code it isn't a huge deal.
Also, any closures are not captured by capturing the source, so
there's still issues there, but for me the function definition is
generally good enough. Still have to implement it for macros as well,
but haven't needed that as much.

Incidentally, I find the easiest way to port my code around is to
print it to the repl, then cut-and-paste it to etherpad, which I can
then access from anywhere (without having to save). Now if only there
was a hosted REPL that integrated an IDE nicely I would really be set.
Lord-of-all-repls comes close, but is not pure clojure or JVM.


On Jul 8, 8:13 pm, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Sometimes I have pretty long REPL sessions where I'm trying to flesh
 out some ideas. When I close my instance of Clojure Box (Emacs based)
 I lose all the definitions I had worked out over time. Is there any
 way to dump namespace(s) to an image? It would be great to be able to
 load up some workspace image and pick up where I left off.

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Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Matt Culbreth

 I am quite used to the way Object Relational Mappers like SQLAlchemy 
 Django work in the Python world.

I've recently thought that a good project would be to port SQLAlchemy
to Clojure.  It wouldn't be a straight port since the languages are so
different, but at least SQLAlchemy's query generation stuff against a
reflected schema would be great.  Maybe ClojureQL gets close to this
though, I haven't worked with it enough yet to know.
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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

Hi Jurjen,

That wrapper for defn is something I was looking for in another post;
I previously asked how I can inspect the definitions of my functions
on the REPL. When I'm exploring stuff I'll be redefining many
functions many times and sometimes I lose track things. I basically
have to scroll around searching my REPL for the last definition. It
sounds like you have a solution to this problem. It seems strange to
me that Clojure doesn't support this concept natively. At some point
the function definition is compiled into bytecode to run on the JVM,
why not just automatically safe the original definition in metadata
when this is done? Have you should about adding your wrapper code to


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

 I had the same thought (as posted in the other thread) and haven't
 come to a final solution yet. The main reason I wanted to achieve it
 was that I do my developing / tinkering / brainstorming spread over
 several work boxes spread out through several locations, and a clojure
 REPL is cheap and easy, whereas maintaining several IDEs in synch (3
 locations at work, 2 at home) can be a bit of a nightmare.

 The compromise I've got at the moment is that I've made a custom
 wrapper around [defn] that records the code used to create the
 instance, and stores it in the metadata of the var that points to the
 function. I can then cycle through the namespace definitions using ns-
 interns / ns-publics and see the definition of each function, and can
 save it to a file.

 I tried to create a print-dup method so that the entire contents of a
 namespace could be dumped to a file, but as chouser pointed out, print-
 dup works on the function itself, whereas the code is stored in the
 metadata of the var that points to the function (and there's no back-
 link from the function to the var), so now it is a multi-stage process
 to port current code in its entirety, but as I'm generally only
 working on fairly limited areas of code it isn't a huge deal.
 Also, any closures are not captured by capturing the source, so
 there's still issues there, but for me the function definition is
 generally good enough. Still have to implement it for macros as well,
 but haven't needed that as much.

 Incidentally, I find the easiest way to port my code around is to
 print it to the repl, then cut-and-paste it to etherpad, which I can
 then access from anywhere (without having to save). Now if only there
 was a hosted REPL that integrated an IDE nicely I would really be set.
 Lord-of-all-repls comes close, but is not pure clojure or JVM.


 On Jul 8, 8:13 pm, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Sometimes I have pretty long REPL sessions where I'm trying to flesh
 out some ideas. When I close my instance of Clojure Box (Emacs based)
 I lose all the definitions I had worked out over time. Is there any
 way to dump namespace(s) to an image? It would be great to be able to
 load up some workspace image and pick up where I left off.


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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

 It seems to me you want:
 user= (list + 1 2)
 (#core$_PLUS___4006 clojure.core$_plus___4...@1acd47 1 2)

That looks like what I'm after. When I run a test, however, it doesn't
behave properly:

user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
user (my-func)
; Evaluation aborted.
clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 6:06 AM, Timothy wrote:

 It seems to me you want:
 user= (list + 1 2)
 (#core$_PLUS___4006 clojure.core$_plus___4...@1acd47 1 2)

 As opposed to:
 user= '(+ 1 2)
 (+ 1 2)

 Regarding examining a function, contrib has some helpers written by
 user= (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils)
 (source func)
 (show func)
 In your case source wont be useful as the function is generated not
 read from source. The output from show is a bit opaque to me so not
 sure if it is useful to you.

 I think once it is compiled a function is not easy to examine... so as
 you alluded to the best alternative would be to keep the AST?


 On Jul 7, 10:18 pm, Robert Campbell wrote:
 I'm trying to write the first basic GP example in this free 

 I've gotten a lot of the suppor methods working correctly (like
 fitness) but I'm having problem convering the pseudocode on page 14
 for generating random expressions to make up my initial population.
 Here's what I have so far:

 (defn gen-rand-expr [functions terminals max-depth arity method]
         (if (or (= max-depth 0) (and (= method :grow) ( (rand) (/ (count
 terminals) (+ (count terminals) (count functions))
           (rand-element terminals)
           (let [arg1 (gen-rand-expr functions terminals (- max-depth 1) 
 arity method)
                 arg2 (gen-rand-expr functions terminals (- max-depth 1) 
 arity method)
                 func (rand-element functions)]
             (func arg1 arg2

 First, how can I print out the definition of a function in clojure?
 For example, if I do (defn add [x y] (+ x y)) how can inspect this
 definition, like (show-def add) - (defn add [x y] (+ x y)). This
 would help a lot in debugging the random programs I'm trying to

 Second, I believe the last line is the problem in my code. Let's
 assume the function randomly selected was +, it will run (+ 1 2) and
 the entire function returns 3 instead of a randomly generated syntax
 tree like I need. I then tried '(func arg1 arg2) hoping it would
 prevent evaluation, but then it will always just return (func arg1
 arg2) which isn't what I need either. I need it to actually return a
 syntax tree made up of expressions like (+ 1 2) but unevaluated.

 I am guessing I need to start reading and using macros at this point?


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Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread dumb me

Hi All,

I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
Here's what I want to do:

1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
when I load ClojureBox.

2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
don't see one...

3) I have been trying to do (load-file
code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
File-not-found exception.

[ i did my share of trying to make clojure work from cygwin and even
windows command - failed to start clojure with all the libraries, had
to manually create a bat file to run. Then came the indentation part,
I have been typing away on one line, but is terribly messy.The biggest
obstacle is indentation. I know I can edit a file and reload it, but I
prefer it via the REPL]

I did read about an earlier post (
clojure/browse_thread/thread/0bb49e6409f43f5d/cbf20098c83215d3) but I
didn't see an accepted solution to that.


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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Frantisek Sodomka fsodo...@gmail.comwrote:

 If result is a vector v, then from these 4 cases:
 (let [v [1 2 3]]
  (let [[a b c] v] a b c)
  (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
  (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first
 r2)] x y z))

 using 'nth'
 (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
 is the fastest.

Is it faster than using list and manually destructuring the list?

If so, that would mean that (nth v n) is faster than (get v n), which would
be odd since the latter should turn into the former anyway and be inlinable
by the JIT.

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Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Steve Tayon

Hello everyone,

while looking around for a modern lisp, I discovered Clojure and was
instantly infected by the new possibilities to write software. Since
then I watched the screencasts and read several tutorials. Finally I
bought Programming Clojure by Stuart and I was impressed by his
clean and well-structured writing style.

There are many many great tutorials about Clojure out there, but I was
interested in a summary of the available Clojure functions and macros.
So I decided to hack together a Clojure cheat sheet in the style of
the Latex cheat sheet by Winston Chang (
latex). Consequently the sheet should not contain more than two pages.

At first, I though about the following arrangement: function | short
description | example. Quickly I realized, that the sheet would become
a book. Therefore I mostly used the categories in the Clojure Wiki on

For example, when you are working with sequences, you can look up,
which function could be used to get your things done. Most names are
self-explaining and in doubt (doc function) will help you out with
parameters and description. Sometimes an example for a complicated
function would be useful, but in that case, you have to look up
elsewhere. Sorry...

You find the cheat sheet in the Clojure group file section (clojure- Hope you find this useful! Still, the credit goes to
the Clojure Wiki. If you are missing something, tell me!

Thank you Rich for developing this excellent piece of software.


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Re: Dependency management

2009-07-08 Thread Daniel

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:28 AM, Phil wrote:

 I've been noodling on the problem of dependency management for a while
 now. It's definitely a pain point for projects with more than a couple
 dependencies. Currently our approach has been to use maven, but that
 involves a fair amount of arcane knowledge as well as writing a bunch of
 XML, which isn't a lot of fun. But there's been a community consensus
 that any dependency tool needs to be able to leverage all the valuable
 stuff out there that's currently in maven repositories.

 I've put together a proof-of-concept dependency manager called
 Corkscrew. It uses Maven under the hood as well as offering dependencies
 on source packages stored in git or subversion. A simple project.clj
 file lays out the dependencies and other project info:

{:name my-sample
 :version 1.0
 :dependencies [[tagsoup 1.2 org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup]
;; group defaults to name
[rome 0.9]]
 :source-dependencies [[clojure-contrib r663 :svn;]
   [enlive 95b2558943f50bb9962fe7d500ede353f1b578f0
:git git://]]}

 You can install it with:

  $ git clone git://
  $ cd corkscrew
  $ ./install
  $ cp bin/corkscrew /somewhere/on/your/path

 Create a project.clj file in your project root based on the one
 above. Then you can use corkscrew deps to set everything up for
 you. At that point just make sure your classpath includes
 target/dependency/ and you should be good to go.

 It's simple, but it solves the main problems that I've been having with
 more complicated projects. I'd love to get some opinions on it.

 The biggest issue right now is that it runs Maven as a subprocess rather
 than using the Java API in the same VM because I can't make head or tail
 of the Maven Java API (it uses plexus.core), but shelling out works as a
 proof-of-concept even if it's tacky.


Thanks for bringing that up, as it's been bugging me for a some time
now (and violently ejected me out of lurk mode on the list). What
follows is a pretty long essay on the topic, I hope you stay with me,
and take part in the debate, because I think the availability of a
good buildtool/dependency manager is absolutely crucial to use Clojure
in larger projects, and as such for adoption on a wider scale.

I have basically the same problem as you in that Clojure is lacking a
proper buildtool (i.e. one that can replace Maven). I used Maven for a
long time and lived with it's strengths and weaknesses. It's far from
perfect, but Maven does still give you quite a lot:
* a dependency resolution and publishing model for generated artifacts
* a build based on conventions (can be overridden, but Maven pushes
you hard to do things in a de-facto standard way)
* a defined execution model (the phases thing. Not always nice, and
not always sufficient, but at least something)
* a defined API to hook into with your plugins (API design is so-so,
and documentation is IMHO abysmal, but ...)
* a ton of reports and plugins to extend the model (not always
perfect, and configuration is not nice, but they usually do what they
* more?

On the other hand, some things Maven are always a pain in the back:
figuring out how to configure plugins, writing plugins because it's
the only way to do something non-standard in Maven, and
debugging/finding out what the heck is going on, if some plugin is not
doing what it should do... That's the arcane knowledge part.

But recently I had the need for a more flexible buildtool that would
allow me to build non-standard JVM based languages in a non-standard
fashion and still play nice. Case in point was that I had to marry two
different dependency resolution systems (Maven style, and
Jython/Python style), and then build a mix of code in
Scala/Java/Jython. The experience was none too pretty with Maven.

Most of the buildtools out there for JVM related stuff don't try to
compete with Maven and all it's plugins and reports, but they start by
replacing/wrapping Ant (and usually Ivy for dependency management).
That description applies to Buildr, the Groovy Ant Builder, Gant,
Grape (which is a wrapper for Ivy), SBT (Simple Build Tool - Scala),
Scalr (Scala), Lancet, and probably some more that I missed. The only
notable exception I could dig up was Gradle.

Gradle ( turns out to be very interesting. Here are
some propaganda points (not exhaustive):
* Although it currently uses mainly a Groovy DSL, the Gradle core is
written in Java, and there's an explicit goal on the roadmap to
support DSLs written in other JVM languages on top of it as to make it
an attractive choice for everybody. For Scala there's a patch in the
Bugtracker to add a Scala DSL on top. Other languages I'm unaware of.
* Convention based builds. They have taken 

Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Suresh Harikrishnan

Check out clj-record modelled around Rails' ActiveRecord.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Baishampayan wrote:

 So we are going to develop a moderately complex Database driven
 application in Clojure and I am looking for easy-to-manage solutions for
 talking to Databases.

 I am quite used to the way Object Relational Mappers like SQLAlchemy 
 Django work in the Python world.

 We define the DB schema using simple classes and then we access and
 manipulate the DB using objects and their properties/methods.

 I would prefer a similar setup for Clojure as I would rather not deal
 with any kind of raw SQL.

 I am also a Java newbie; and I am currently looking at Hibernate (and
 may be Spring to make Hibernate less verbose).

 I would like to know how you have solved similar problems.

 Is Hibernate useful? Is managing a bunch of XML config files a necessary

 Any help will be appreciated.


 Baishampayan Ghose

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Thanks Daniel, that makes perfect sense, especially about having
 random - and forgotten - code in the image. I have a lot of this
 during my exploration sessions.

Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a transcript
of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find any cruft
your image had become dependent on, or whatever.

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Trouble specifying a gen-class constructor taking an argument of the class being created

2009-07-08 Thread Garth Sheldon-Coulson


Does anyone know a straightforward way to create a constructor using
gen-class that takes an argument of the same class as the class you're

When I try to do it I get a ClassNotFoundException, assuming I don't
have a previous compiled version of the class in my compile path.

Basically what I'm trying to do is:
(ns my.class
   :init init
   :constructors {[String String] []
  [] []
  [my.class] []}
   :state state)
  (:import []))


I could just instruct the constructor to take an Object, but that's
not satisfying and forces me to branch more in -init to determine the
class of the argument.

On a different note, is there a capitalization convention for classes
created with gen-class? Is it CamelCase since they're java classes for
all intents and purposes? Or hyphen-case since we want to spread the


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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Mark Volkmann

Looks good! You might get some additional ideas for categories from

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:04 AM, Steve wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 while looking around for a modern lisp, I discovered Clojure and was
 instantly infected by the new possibilities to write software. Since
 then I watched the screencasts and read several tutorials. Finally I
 bought Programming Clojure by Stuart and I was impressed by his
 clean and well-structured writing style.

 There are many many great tutorials about Clojure out there, but I was
 interested in a summary of the available Clojure functions and macros.
 So I decided to hack together a Clojure cheat sheet in the style of
 the Latex cheat sheet by Winston Chang (
 latex). Consequently the sheet should not contain more than two pages.

 At first, I though about the following arrangement: function | short
 description | example. Quickly I realized, that the sheet would become
 a book. Therefore I mostly used the categories in the Clojure Wiki on

 For example, when you are working with sequences, you can look up,
 which function could be used to get your things done. Most names are
 self-explaining and in doubt (doc function) will help you out with
 parameters and description. Sometimes an example for a complicated
 function would be useful, but in that case, you have to look up
 elsewhere. Sorry...

 You find the cheat sheet in the Clojure group file section (clojure- Hope you find this useful! Still, the credit goes to
 the Clojure Wiki. If you are missing something, tell me!

 Thank you Rich for developing this excellent piece of software.



R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Michael Wood

2009/7/8 John Harrop
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 Thanks Daniel, that makes perfect sense, especially about having
 random - and forgotten - code in the image. I have a lot of this
 during my exploration sessions.

 Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a transcript
 of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find any cruft
 your image had become dependent on, or whatever.

One way of doing this (although you can decide for yourself whether
it's acceptable) is to run clojure inside of the Unix script

Michael Wood

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Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Mike

One of the things that drew me to Clojure was the fact that it's
homoiconic (and my previous lisp [Scheme] was not necessarily), which
means code is data, macro writing is easy etc. etc.

What I'm missing is why I can't print a function.  I understand that
most of the functions I write use quite a few macros, and after
expansion into the core forms it looks shredded...but isn't there any
way for me to see a representation of this source after a function
has been compiled?

For instance,

(def a #(+ %1 %2))
#user$a__3 user$a...@a141e

Isn't there any way for me to get something like

(deep-print a)
(fn [arg1 arg2] (*built-in-+* arg1 arg2))

or whatever that anonymous lambda would actually evaluate to?

Any tips greatly appreciated!

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Josh Daghlian

I half-solve the what have I defined? problem with a combination of:

1) trying to always work from a file rather than entering stuff by
hand at the repl
2) always working in a scrap namespace whose contents I can inspect
using ns-interns and clojure.inspector/inspect-tree, like so:

user= (ns scrap
(:use (clojure inspector set)))

scrap= (inspect-tree (ns-interns 'scrap))
;;shows me an empty inspector window
scrap= (def x 10)
scrap= (defn hello [s] (str Hello,  s !))
scrap= (inspect-tree (ns-interns 'scrap))
;;now shows me a list of what I've defined in my namespace

At some point I'll improve the gui inspectors to more closely resemble
(in functionality) the object inspectors from Eclipse or Idea, but
this suffices for now to at least identify what things I've defined so
I know to shove their definitions into a file before restarting the

On Jul 8, 9:04 am, Robert Campbell wrote:
  Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a transcript
  of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find any cruft
  your image had become dependent on, or whatever.

 The only problem I see with this approach is that you leave it up to
 the user (me) to sort though this transcript and try to reproduce the
 latest version of the image. A function may be redefined many times
 and the only version I'd _usually_ care about is the latest. This is
 typically because the latest definition encompasses the latest
 understanding of the problem or solution.

 Having said that, it's better than nothing. There are certainly times
 when I need to backtrack to previous definitions when I've down down
 the wrong path. Having a transcript is better than where I'm at today.

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 12:00 PM, John wrote:
  On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 5:14 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

  Thanks Daniel, that makes perfect sense, especially about having
  random - and forgotten - code in the image. I have a lot of this
  during my exploration sessions.

  Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a transcript
  of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find any cruft
  your image had become dependent on, or whatever.
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Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Stephen C. Gilardi

On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Mike wrote:

What I'm missing is why I can't print a function.  I understand that
most of the functions I write use quite a few macros, and after
expansion into the core forms it looks shredded...but isn't there any
way for me to see a representation of this source after a function
has been compiled?

For instance,

(def a #(+ %1 %2))
#user$a__3 user$a...@a141e

Isn't there any way for me to get something like

(deep-print a)
(fn [arg1 arg2] (*built-in-+* arg1 arg2))

or whatever that anonymous lambda would actually evaluate to?

Once it's compiled, it's JVM bytecode. I'm not aware of a tool that  
could decompile it into Clojure code, even in a low-level form. If you  
want to see the full expansion of a function while you still have its  
source, you can use mexpand-all from clojure.contrib.macro-utils:

Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
user= (use 'clojure.contrib.macro-utils)
user= (mexpand-all '#(+ %1 %2))
(fn* ([p1__1432 p2__1433] (+ p1__1432 p2__1433)))

That output contains no macro calls.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Calling static methods on a variable holding a class

2009-07-08 Thread Nicolas Buduroi

 If you know the method you wish to call, do you not know the class and can
 thus call the static method directly?

Well that was the point of the question, that is if I have to call a
static method on a class we don't know in advance. I understand this
capability isn't that useful and is quite rarely used, but maybe
somebody will one day need it for some practical reason. ;-)

 My first impression is that this is probably not the best way to go
 about this.  Java classes are not like Ruby or Python classes; you
 can't just call methods on them.  Using eval is a hack, and probably
 not a good idea.

Yeah, you're quite right about this. For now I'm just experimenting
with some ideas on how to abstract Java libraries, nio in this case.
So it's not something I really need.

 If you go this route, I recommend either using or learning from the  
 functions in clojure/src/jvm/clojure/lang/ Its methods  
 are not part of Clojure's official interface, so the usual caveats  
 about using unsupported implementation private code apply, but it  
 include many useful methods for dealing with reflection from Clojure.

I'll certainly use the Reflector class, should have thought about it!
I wonder if it would be a good idea to include a function for it in
Clojure or in Contrib?

As for the call-static macro, I now understand the error message. It
was quite obvious in fact, as macros must output something that the
reader can read!

Thanks all!

- budu

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[ANN] clj-peg 0.4

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Lyman
Version 0.4 brings modifications to the syntax for declaring grammars as
well as suggestions about avoiding the exponential runtimes that can occur.

Here is a post walking through these


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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Frantisek Sodomka

To compare timings, I use this macro:

(defmacro time-ms [n expr]
  `(let [start# (. System (nanoTime))]
(dotimes [i# ~n]
(/ (double (- (. System (nanoTime)) start#)) 100.0)))

(defmacro timings [n  expr]
  (let [expr-are-not-equal (cons 'not= expr)
expr-times (cons 'vector (map #(list 'time-ms n %) expr))]
`(if ~expr-are-not-equal
  (do (println Expressions:\n)
  (dorun (map prn '~expr))
  (println \nare NOT equal!))
  (let [ts# ~expr-times
max-time# (apply max ts#)]
(dorun (map (fn [~'t ~'e] (printf %8.2f ms %6.1f%% %5.1fx  
~'t (* 100.0 (/ ~'t max-time#)) (/ max-time# ~'t))
  (prn ~'e))
 ts# '~expr))

Use is:
user= (timings 1e6 (+ 2 4 5) (+ 2 (+ 4 5)))
  727.50 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (+ 2 4 5)
  353.18 ms   48.5%   2.1x  (+ 2 (+ 4 5))

For our case:
(let [v [1 2 3] lst '(1 2 3)]
  (timings 1e5
(let [[a b c] v] [a b c])
(let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] [a b c])
(let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] [a b c])
(let [a (first v) b (second v) c (first (rest (rest v)))] [a b c])
(let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first
r2)] [x y z])

(let [[a b c] lst] [a b c])
;; (let [a (lst 0) b (lst 1) c (lst 2)] [a b c])
(let [a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] [a b c])
(let [a (first lst) b (second lst) c (first (rest (rest lst)))] [a
b c])
(let [x (first lst) r1 (rest lst) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z
(first r2)] [x y z])))

And on my computer I get these numbers:
  145.86 ms   64.5%   1.6x  (let [[a b c] v] [a b c])
   97.37 ms   43.1%   2.3x  (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] [a b c])
   94.66 ms   41.9%   2.4x  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)]
[a b c])
  226.15 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [a (first v) b (second v) c (first
(rest (rest v)))] [a b c])
  205.05 ms   90.7%   1.1x  (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1)
r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] [x y z])
  219.42 ms   97.0%   1.0x  (let [[a b c] lst] [a b c])
  171.32 ms   75.8%   1.3x  (let [a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth
lst 2)] [a b c])
  179.03 ms   79.2%   1.3x  (let [a (first lst) b (second lst) c
(first (rest (rest lst)))] [a b c])
  170.41 ms   75.4%   1.3x  (let [x (first lst) r1 (rest lst) y (first
r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] [x y z])


On Jul 8, 9:53 am, John Harrop wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Frantisek Sodomka fsodo...@gmail.comwrote:

  If result is a vector v, then from these 4 cases:
  (let [v [1 2 3]]
   (let [[a b c] v] a b c)
   (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
   (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
   (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first
  r2)] x y z))

  using 'nth'
  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
  is the fastest.

 Is it faster than using list and manually destructuring the list?

 If so, that would mean that (nth v n) is faster than (get v n), which would
 be odd since the latter should turn into the former anyway and be inlinable
 by the JIT.
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Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Mike wrote:

 One of the things that drew me to Clojure was the fact that it's
 homoiconic (and my previous lisp [Scheme] was not necessarily), which
 means code is data, macro writing is easy etc. etc.

 What I'm missing is why I can't print a function.  I understand that
 most of the functions I write use quite a few macros, and after
 expansion into the core forms it looks shredded...but isn't there any
 way for me to see a representation of this source after a function
 has been compiled?

If you want to see macro expansions, macroexpand and macroexpand-1 will do

If you want to be able to query a function for its source code later on,
that's tougher. You'll need to make a macro that wraps defn and assigns a
copy of the body form to a metadata tag on the function's name.

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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Steve Tayon

Mark Volkmann schrieb:
 Looks good! You might get some additional ideas for categories from

Thanks for the hint. I will look for missing commands and merge them
into the sheet.


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Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Mike

On Jul 8, 10:14 am, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:
 Once it's compiled, it's JVM bytecode. I'm not aware of a tool that  
 could decompile it into Clojure code, even in a low-level form.

That's what I was afraid of.

How do folks interactively code with a REPL and then once things
settle down dump it back out so you can make a proper module out of

I'm using that JLine thing for command history, but I would imagine
it's completely oblivious to Clojure forms so they get split
(potentially, depending on how I typed it) on multiple lines.

Is SLIME (slime?) a better approach to interactive development?
(I.e., is it like a REPL in a buffer, and does it have hooks so you
know which definition of what is actually in place currently?)

I find myself doing a lot of:

(use :reload-all 'some-more-stable-thing-im-working-on)
(defn foobar [...] ...)
; play with stuff, oops
(defn foobar [...] ...) ; fixed foobar
(defn foobaz [...] ...) ; etc.
(defn foobar [...] ...) ; fixed foobar again
;; now I want to take the new stuff I've experimented with in the REPL
;; put it in some-more-stable-thing-im-working-on, but what is it?

Does this make any sense?  Maybe I'm not doing things right.  Again,
any advice on what your interactive development workflow is would be


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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread dumb me

anyone? Has anyone worked on Clojure box with the book examples?
Last thing I tried was to load a single file (load-file c:\emacs\code
\examples\introduction.clj) and what I get is the last program in
that file.


On Jul 8, 2:55 pm, dumb me wrote:
 Hi All,

 I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

 I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
 to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

 I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
 Here's what I want to do:

 1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
 when I load ClojureBox.

 2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
 will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
 don't see one...

 3) I have been trying to do (load-file
 code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
 and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
 File-not-found exception.

 [ i did my share of trying to make clojure work from cygwin and even
 windows command - failed to start clojure with all the libraries, had
 to manually create a bat file to run. Then came the indentation part,
 I have been typing away on one line, but is terribly messy.The biggest
 obstacle is indentation. I know I can edit a file and reload it, but I
 prefer it via the REPL]

 I did read about an earlier post (
 clojure/browse_thread/thread/0bb49e6409f43f5d/cbf20098c83215d3) but I
 didn't see an accepted solution to that.


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Starting REPL in vimclojure

2009-07-08 Thread Bart J

I have setup vimclojure but am unable to start the REPL.

When I give the foll. call vimclojure#Repl.New() in vim I get the
foll. error:

Couldn't execute Nail! java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not
initialize class de.kotka.vimclojure.nails.Repl at
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName
( at

But, the REPL window does open up.  I then hit a I to go into insert
mode and type this: (+ 2 3) (ENTER key). But, nothing happens.

Is it because of the error above?

Thanks in advance.

Additional info:
vim version: 7.2.1 and vimclojure version: 2.1.1

The  classpath looks like this:
vimclojure.jar and I have started the NailGun Server

my (for vimclojure) looks like this:

my /etc/vim/vimrc (and /home/user/.vimrc) looks like this:
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
let vimclojure#NailgunClient = /home/user/clojure/vimclojure-2.1.1/
let g:clj_want_gorilla = 1

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Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Jonas


I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).

I have a function `make-matcher`

(make-matcher pattern)

which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).

((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
; = {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
; = nil
((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
; = nil
((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
; = {x 3}

I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:

(match data
  pattern-1 body-1
  pattern-2 body-2)

The macro should work like this:

(match (list 1 2 3)
   (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
   (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
; = 5

I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):

; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
; =(should) expand to=
; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
(defmacro letmap [dict  body]
  `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
 (do ~...@body)))

; (match (list 1 2 3)
;   (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
;   (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
; =should expand to something like=
; (let [dict (matcher.. (list 1 2 3))]
;   (if dict
;  (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
;  (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y
(defmacro match [data  clauses]
  (when clauses
(let [pattern(first clauses)
  body   (second clauses)
  matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
  `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
 (if dict#
   (letmap dict# ~body)
   (match ~data (next (next ~clauses

Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
learn more about macros.


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Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 How do folks interactively code with a REPL and then once things
 settle down dump it back out so you can make a proper module out of

Typically, folks don't.

Use Vim, Emacs, Eclipse... any tool that provides an interactive  
Clojure toplevel and the ability to evaluate forms within files. You  
edit a file as you go, evaluating forms as they change; if you really  
need to, the REPL history itself is in a buffer. If you're ever in  
doubt as to which version is current, just \ef (in Vim) and your  
current file is evaluated.

 I'm using that JLine thing for command history, but I would imagine
 it's completely oblivious to Clojure forms so they get split
 (potentially, depending on how I typed it) on multiple lines.


 Is SLIME (slime?) a better approach to interactive development?
 (I.e., is it like a REPL in a buffer, and does it have hooks so you
 know which definition of what is actually in place currently?)

I don't think it has the latter, but it allows you to macroexpand,  
evaluate the current buffer, evaluate a form, etc. etc.

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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Sean Devlin

This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

1.  Use arrays instead of lists
In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
macro call should look like this.

(match [1 2 3]
   [1 x]   (+ x x)
   [1 x y] (+ x y))

2.  Could you post the source to match maker?  That would help my play
around in a REPL

3.  As for books go, get yourself a copy of Programming Clojure by
Stuart Holloway


On Jul 8, 11:42 am, Jonas wrote:

 I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
 trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).

 I have a function `make-matcher`

 (make-matcher pattern)

 which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
 map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).

 ((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
 ; = {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
 ((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
 ; = nil
 ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
 ; = nil
 ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
 ; = {x 3}

 I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:

 (match data
   pattern-1 body-1
   pattern-2 body-2)

 The macro should work like this:

 (match (list 1 2 3)
        (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
        (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
 ; = 5

 I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):

 ; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
 ; =(should) expand to=
 ; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
 (defmacro letmap [dict  body]
   `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
      (do ~...@body)))

 ; (match (list 1 2 3)
 ;       (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
 ;       (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
 ; =should expand to something like=
 ; (let [dict (matcher.. (list 1 2 3))]
 ;   (if dict
 ;      (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
 ;      (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y
 (defmacro match [data  clauses]
   (when clauses
     (let [pattern    (first clauses)
           body       (second clauses)
           matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
       `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
          (if dict#
            (letmap dict# ~body)
            (match ~data (next (next ~clauses

 Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
 learn more about macros.

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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Sean Devlin

4.  Is this example from SICP?

On Jul 8, 12:12 pm, Sean Devlin wrote:
 This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

 1.  Use arrays instead of lists
 In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
 macro call should look like this.

 (match [1 2 3]
        [1 x]   (+ x x)
        [1 x y] (+ x y))

 2.  Could you post the source to match maker?  That would help my play
 around in a REPL

 3.  As for books go, get yourself a copy of Programming Clojure by
 Stuart Holloway


 On Jul 8, 11:42 am, Jonas wrote:


  I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
  trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).

  I have a function `make-matcher`

  (make-matcher pattern)

  which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
  map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).

  ((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
  ((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
  ; = {x 3}

  I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:

  (match data
    pattern-1 body-1
    pattern-2 body-2)

  The macro should work like this:

  (match (list 1 2 3)
         (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
         (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; = 5

  I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):

  ; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
  ; =(should) expand to=
  ; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
  (defmacro letmap [dict  body]
    `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
       (do ~...@body)))

  ; (match (list 1 2 3)
  ;       (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
  ;       (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; =should expand to something like=
  ; (let [dict (matcher.. (list 1 2 3))]
  ;   (if dict
  ;      (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
  ;      (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y
  (defmacro match [data  clauses]
    (when clauses
      (let [pattern    (first clauses)
            body       (second clauses)
            matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
        `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
           (if dict#
             (letmap dict# ~body)
             (match ~data (next (next ~clauses

  Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
  learn more about macros.

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Daniel Lyons

On Jul 8, 2009, at 5:46 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 It seems strange to me that Clojure doesn't support this concept  

Comments are part of the problem. Clojure's reader strips them out  
while parsing before compiling the function, so you would lose them  
during the first round-trip of read and print. Even a macro doesn't  
really solve this problem; the only possible solution is to accept  
comments that aren't really comments because the reader sees and  
preserves them, or decide that they aren't an important part of the  
function definition.

I'm sure there are other hang-ups (closures are probably another) but  
this is the first one that comes to mind for me.

Daniel Lyons

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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/7/8 Sean Devlin

 This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

 1.  Use arrays instead of lists
 In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
 macro call should look like this.

 (match [1 2 3]
       [1 x]   (+ x x)
       [1 x y] (+ x y))





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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Laurent PETIT

Hi, interesting, thanks for doing this !

Maybe you could add also the reader syntax for lists (), vectors [],
sets #{}, maps {} or do you think they are too trivial to be in the
cheat sheet ?



2009/7/8 Steve Tayon

 Mark Volkmann schrieb:
 Looks good! You might get some additional ideas for categories from

 Thanks for the hint. I will look for missing commands and merge them
 into the sheet.



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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Sean Devlin

Isn't this why you would use a doc string, and not a comment?

On Jul 8, 12:14 pm, Daniel Lyons wrote:
 On Jul 8, 2009, at 5:46 AM, Robert Campbell wrote:

  It seems strange to me that Clojure doesn't support this concept  

 Comments are part of the problem. Clojure's reader strips them out  
 while parsing before compiling the function, so you would lose them  
 during the first round-trip of read and print. Even a macro doesn't  
 really solve this problem; the only possible solution is to accept  
 comments that aren't really comments because the reader sees and  
 preserves them, or decide that they aren't an important part of the  
 function definition.

 I'm sure there are other hang-ups (closures are probably another) but  
 this is the first one that comes to mind for me.

 Daniel Lyons
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Re: Is this unquote dangerous?

2009-07-08 Thread Nathan Kitchen

On Jul 7, 5:02 am, Mike wrote:
 (not sure where my reply to Chouser et al. went, but basically I said
 that I was writing a macro and I might be overdoing it.  I was right!)

 Here's what I was trying to accomplish, but in functions, not macros:

 (defn slice
   Returns a lazy sequence composed of every nth item of
    coll, starting from offset.
   [n offset coll]
   (if (= offset 0)
     (take-nth n coll)
     (take-nth n (drop offset coll

Your slice function looks similar to the built-in partition:

(defn slice [n offset coll]
  (apply concat (partition 1 n (drop offset coll
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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Sean Devlin


I don't quite understand your point.  Could you please explain it a
little more?


On Jul 8, 12:16 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
 2009/7/8 Sean Devlin

  This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

  1.  Use arrays instead of lists
  In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
  macro call should look like this.

  (match [1 2 3]
        [1 x]   (+ x x)
        [1 x y] (+ x y))




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Re: Dependency management

2009-07-08 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Daniel writes:

 I would very much like to see that people don't suffer the NIH
 syndrome everywhere. Usually people forget that every alternative
 technology implemented has an associated cost that everyone looking
 for a solution has to pay, because I have to consciously discard the
 tool as insufficient, and that means I have to acquire enough
 knowledge about each tool to make an informed decision (the paradox of
 choice). I cannot even imagine how much time has been wasted by
 halfbaked (and partially or fully abandoned) projects.

Interesting. If you think this is promising, let's see some code. Like I
said, corkscrew is not much more than a proof of concept. It's only 210
lines of code; I haven't invested lots of effort in it. If you think
something based on Gradle has a better chance of taking off and meeting
people's needs, I'd love to see that in action.

For my own needs, I care primarily about dependency management, which as
far as I can tell is the one thing that Maven does well. (I had never
used Maven before working with Clojure, so I make no claims towards
knowing what I'm talking about wrt Java build systems.) The actual
compilation phase is generally trivial for the projects I've worked on
once you've got your deps in place, so that's what I decided to tackle
first with corkscrew. In my mind the place it makes sense to share
infrastructure with other JVM languages is in the repository format, so
I'm unlikely to invest much effort in Gradle unless there's community
consensus what it offers is really advantageous. (I know better than to
write code that solves problems I don't personally have.)  But if Gradle
is shown to be a solid tool that gains traction, I'd love to help hack
on it.

I just don't want to ever have to download a jar and add it to my
classpath manually ever again, and the less XML I have to churn out, the


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Re: Starting REPL in vimclojure

2009-07-08 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 08.07.2009 um 16:56 schrieb Bart J:

I have setup vimclojure but am unable to start the REPL.

When I give the foll. call vimclojure#Repl.New() in vim I get the
foll. error:

Couldn't execute Nail! java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not
initialize class de.kotka.vimclojure.nails.Repl at
java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName
( at

Your VC jar is broken. It contains the nailgun
part, but not the VC nails. Please re-built the
jar. Look out for compilation problems!


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Mike writes:

 I'm using that JLine thing for command history, but I would imagine
 it's completely oblivious to Clojure forms so they get split
 (potentially, depending on how I typed it) on multiple lines.

It's easy to get in a state where you're not sure how to reproduce it if
you enter a lot of defns at the REPL that didn't come from a
file. That's why editor integration is important.

 Is SLIME (slime?) a better approach to interactive development?
 (I.e., is it like a REPL in a buffer, and does it have hooks so you
 know which definition of what is actually in place currently?)

Yeah, SLIME can do that. For any var (unless it was entered at the REPL
or via eval), you can jump to the file location that contains its
definition. It's also easy to send a whole file to the REPL, which makes
it easy to ensure that the current instance is consistent with what's on


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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Sean Devlin

Good point.  I'll be careful to use the term vector in the future, and
array for java interop only.

On Jul 8, 12:30 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
 2009/7/8 Sean Devlin


  I don't quite understand your point.  Could you please explain it a
  little more?

 Oh, I wanted to be quick.

 I think using the term array instead of vector (which is the real
 term used for datastructure created by a [:a :b :c :d] form) may be
 confusing (one could overlook and understand java array).


 and from (
 Vectors are zero or more forms enclosed in square brackets:
 [1 2 3]




  On Jul 8, 12:16 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
  2009/7/8 Sean Devlin

   This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

   1.  Use arrays instead of lists
   In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
   macro call should look like this.

   (match [1 2 3]
         [1 x]   (+ x x)
         [1 x y] (+ x y))




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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Robert Campbell writes:

 The main reason this is an issue for me is during development I
 sometimes find I need another library added to my classpath. Right now
 the only way I know how to modify the classpath in Emacs is to change
 the .emacs file with an add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 and reboot. I think my looking for an image solution might be a
 cop-out itself; I need to learn Emacs better so I can figure out how
 to modify the classpath without rebooting.

Unfortunately this is impossible due to the way the classloaders in the
JVM work; you can't modify your classpath at runtime and have it work

The solution I've settled on is to have a static classpath; no matter
what the project is, my classpath is always the same:

When you need to add a new library, instead of putting the jar on the
classpath, just unpack the jar in the target/dependency directory. Then
you can access it without restarting the JVM.


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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Laurent PETIT

2009/7/8 Sean Devlin


 I don't quite understand your point.  Could you please explain it a
 little more?

Oh, I wanted to be quick.

I think using the term array instead of vector (which is the real
term used for datastructure created by a [:a :b :c :d] form) may be
confusing (one could overlook and understand java array).


and from ( ):
Vectors are zero or more forms enclosed in square brackets:
[1 2 3]




 On Jul 8, 12:16 pm, Laurent PETIT wrote:
 2009/7/8 Sean Devlin

  This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

  1.  Use arrays instead of lists
  In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
  macro call should look like this.

  (match [1 2 3]
        [1 x]   (+ x x)
        [1 x y] (+ x y))





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Re: Homoiconicity and printing functions

2009-07-08 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


I'd like to second the suggestion of Richard and Daniel (in
the other thread): use a file.

It solves almost all problems with immediate effect.

Here is my workflow for your example. I added some
annotations. (as a note: I use VimClojure for development)

Am 08.07.2009 um 16:39 schrieb Mike:

(use :reload-all 'some-more-stable-thing-im-working-on)


(defn foobar [...] ...)

In file. Send expression to the REPL via \et.

; play with stuff, oops


(defn foobar [...] ...) ; fixed foobar

In file. Send expression to the REPL.

; play with stuff, oops


(Repeat as necessary with:

(defn foobaz [...] ...) ; etc.
(defn foobar [...] ...) ; fixed foobar again


;; now I want to take the new stuff I've experimented with in the REPL
;; put it in some-more-stable-thing-im-working-on, but what is it?

Add suitable (ns) clause a the top of the file and put it
into the right directory structure...

This solves almost all problems:
 * you always have the latest version available
 * if unsure, just load the whole file to get a clean state
 * you can comment your functions easily
 * you have them syntax highlighted
 * you have them properly indented
 * you don't clutter your REPL history with multiline function  

 * you can easily restart with a fresh REPL (just load the file)
 * you can easily move the stuff to a proper namespace
 * whether to paste a REPL history or the file in some etherpaste  
thingy should not make a difference...

In the REPL just play with your functions.

Hope this helps.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Daniel Lyons

On Jul 8, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Sean Devlin wrote:

 Isn't this why you would use a doc string, and not a comment?

Docstrings aren't the only comments in my code. :)

Daniel Lyons

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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Wilson MacGyver

Great idea, maybe you should talk to about turning this into  
a refcard.

On Jul 8, 2009, at 5:04 AM, Steve Tayon  

 Hello everyone,

 while looking around for a modern lisp, I discovered Clojure and was
 instantly infected by the new possibilities to write software. Since
 then I watched the screencasts and read several tutorials. Finally I
 bought Programming Clojure by Stuart and I was impressed by his
 clean and well-structured writing style.

 There are many many great tutorials about Clojure out there, but I was
 interested in a summary of the available Clojure functions and macros.
 So I decided to hack together a Clojure cheat sheet in the style of
 the Latex cheat sheet by Winston Chang ( 
 latex). Consequently the sheet should not contain more than two pages.

 At first, I though about the following arrangement: function | short
 description | example. Quickly I realized, that the sheet would become
 a book. Therefore I mostly used the categories in the Clojure Wiki on

 For example, when you are working with sequences, you can look up,
 which function could be used to get your things done. Most names are
 self-explaining and in doubt (doc function) will help you out with
 parameters and description. Sometimes an example for a complicated
 function would be useful, but in that case, you have to look up
 elsewhere. Sorry...

 You find the cheat sheet in the Clojure group file section (clojure- Hope you find this useful! Still, the credit goes to
 the Clojure Wiki. If you are missing something, tell me!

 Thank you Rich for developing this excellent piece of software.



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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread mccraigmccraig

what's the problem with adding urls to the current ClassLoader ?

i've seen remarks to the effect that it doesn't work well, but i don't  
understand why...


On 8 Jul 2009, at 17:37, Phil Hagelberg wrote:

 Robert Campbell writes:

 The main reason this is an issue for me is during development I
 sometimes find I need another library added to my classpath. Right  
 the only way I know how to modify the classpath in Emacs is to change
 the .emacs file with an add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 and reboot. I think my looking for an image solution might be a
 cop-out itself; I need to learn Emacs better so I can figure out how
 to modify the classpath without rebooting.

 Unfortunately this is impossible due to the way the classloaders in  
 JVM work; you can't modify your classpath at runtime and have it work

 The solution I've settled on is to have a static classpath; no matter
 what the project is, my classpath is always the same:

 When you need to add a new library, instead of putting the jar on the
 classpath, just unpack the jar in the target/dependency directory.  
 you can access it without restarting the JVM.



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Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Wilson MacGyver

Lau, one of the co-developer sad he was working on pgsql, I haven't
tried it with pgsql. I'm sure he'll jump in here. :)

As for maturity, apprently 1.0 release is near.
I only tried some limited queries so far. You
should stress test it for your project.

On 7/8/09, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
 Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 Take a look at ClojureQL

 It's not a ORM system like SQLAlchemy/Django ORM in that
 it won't manage the table schema for you.

 There is also clj-record.

 which is inspired by rail's ActiveRecord.

 How mature are they? Do they work well with PostgreSQL? Apparently,
 ClojureQL doesn't.


 Baishampayan Ghose

Sent from my mobile device

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

 Unfortunately this is impossible due to the way the classloaders in
 JVM work; you can't modify your classpath at runtime and have it work

Doesn't this seem a little crazy though? My day job is Java dev in
Eclipse and a little IntelliJ and both IDEs allow you to modify
classpath at any time. It seems like it would be a basic requirement
for any IDE. Think of how often you do this. If I had to reboot
Eclipse every time I'd go crazy. Then throw in the lack of image
support and it becomes a real obstacle.

Does anyone know exactly when the JVM is booted for the REPL? Is it
from swank or clojure-mode or one of these systems? Couldn't there be
a way to reboot this subsystem instead of all Emacs?

Maybe from the command line you could execute the (add-to-list
'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths /whatever) then reboot the subsystem
which invokes the JVM? Or modify the .emacs file and just reboot the

It's tough because I'm completely new to Emacs and I'm not clear on
how all the pieces fit together yet.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:14 PM, wrote:

 what's the problem with adding urls to the current ClassLoader ?

 i've seen remarks to the effect that it doesn't work well, but i don't
 understand why...


 On 8 Jul 2009, at 17:37, Phil Hagelberg wrote:

 Robert Campbell writes:

 The main reason this is an issue for me is during development I
 sometimes find I need another library added to my classpath. Right
 the only way I know how to modify the classpath in Emacs is to change
 the .emacs file with an add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 and reboot. I think my looking for an image solution might be a
 cop-out itself; I need to learn Emacs better so I can figure out how
 to modify the classpath without rebooting.

 Unfortunately this is impossible due to the way the classloaders in
 JVM work; you can't modify your classpath at runtime and have it work

 The solution I've settled on is to have a static classpath; no matter
 what the project is, my classpath is always the same:

 When you need to add a new library, instead of putting the jar on the
 classpath, just unpack the jar in the target/dependency directory.
 you can access it without restarting the JVM.




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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 That looks like what I'm after. When I run a test, however, it doesn't
 behave properly:

You'll want to either eval the expression, or apply the first item in  
the list to the rest:

user= (eval (list + 1 2))
user= (let [form (list + 1 2)]
   (when (not (empty? form))
 (apply (first form) (rest form

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Re: Using Clojure for complex database driven applications

2009-07-08 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 08.07.2009 um 12:10 schrieb Baishampayan Ghose:

How mature are they? Do they work well with PostgreSQL? Apparently,
ClojureQL doesn't.

ClojureQL is not very mature at the moment.
Eg. the join syntax will change soon. Other
parts need clean up. Basic things are still

We cannot test all database backends. And
there are as much special cases as there are
backends. So if anyone wants to lend a hand
in making CQL fit for a backend, we are happy
to accept any support.

Examples are already there for MySQL and
Derby. Eg. FULL JOIN is emulated, since
both backends don't support it.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Trouble specifying a gen-class constructor taking an argument of the class being created

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 Does anyone know a straightforward way to create a constructor using
 gen-class that takes an argument of the same class as the class you're

I've actually hit a related problem: a generated class cannot have  
type annotations for itself (because, as you've noticed, the class  
doesn't exist yet), and thus ends up using reflection when calling its  
own inherited methods. I end up annotating the 'this' argument with  
the superclass name, but of course that's not strictly correct.

 On a different note, is there a capitalization convention for classes
 created with gen-class? Is it CamelCase since they're java classes for
 all intents and purposes? Or hyphen-case since we want to spread the

I use PascalCase. (camelCase is where there's a hump in the middle.) ;)

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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Robert Campbell writes:

 Doesn't this seem a little crazy though? My day job is Java dev in
 Eclipse and a little IntelliJ and both IDEs allow you to modify
 classpath at any time. It seems like it would be a basic requirement
 for any IDE. Think of how often you do this. If I had to reboot
 Eclipse every time I'd go crazy. Then throw in the lack of image
 support and it becomes a real obstacle.

Oh, sorry; sounds like I was unclear. You don't have to restart Emacs,
just the JVM subprocess.

  M-x slime-restart-inferior-lisp

You don't run into this problem with Java dev in Eclipse because Java
doesn't have a REPL. I agree that it sucks though. Unpacking your
dependencies all in one place is a lot nicer anyway; no restarts required.


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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a  
 of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find  
 any cruft
 your image had become dependent on, or whatever.

For the record, this is usually termed dribbling in the Lisp world.  
It's very handy for debugging customer interaction -- just tell them  
to turn on dribble, and have them send you the file rather than  
copying and pasting:

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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Jonas Enlund

1. Ok, I'll consider that.

2. Yes, I'll post a link when I have uploaded the code somewhere.

3. It has not yet arrived

4. No. I have two sources of inspiration. Pattern matching in PLT
Scheme and this link:
(which is almost SICP as it is written by Sussman)

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Sean wrote:

 4.  Is this example from SICP?

 On Jul 8, 12:12 pm, Sean Devlin wrote:
 This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

 1.  Use arrays instead of lists
 In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
 macro call should look like this.

 (match [1 2 3]
        [1 x]   (+ x x)
        [1 x y] (+ x y))

 2.  Could you post the source to match maker?  That would help my play
 around in a REPL

 3.  As for books go, get yourself a copy of Programming Clojure by
 Stuart Holloway


 On Jul 8, 11:42 am, Jonas wrote:


  I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
  trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).

  I have a function `make-matcher`

  (make-matcher pattern)

  which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
  map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).

  ((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
  ((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
  ; = {x 3}

  I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:

  (match data
    pattern-1 body-1
    pattern-2 body-2)

  The macro should work like this:

  (match (list 1 2 3)
         (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
         (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; = 5

  I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):

  ; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
  ; =(should) expand to=
  ; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
  (defmacro letmap [dict  body]
    `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
       (do ~...@body)))

  ; (match (list 1 2 3)
  ;       (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
  ;       (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; =should expand to something like=
  ; (let [dict (matcher.. (list 1 2 3))]
  ;   (if dict
  ;      (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
  ;      (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y
  (defmacro match [data  clauses]
    (when clauses
      (let [pattern    (first clauses)
            body       (second clauses)
            matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
        `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
           (if dict#
             (letmap dict# ~body)
             (match ~data (next (next ~clauses

  Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
  learn more about macros.


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Re: Newbie macro problems

2009-07-08 Thread Jonas Enlund


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Jonas wrote:
 1. Ok, I'll consider that.

 2. Yes, I'll post a link when I have uploaded the code somewhere.

 3. It has not yet arrived

 4. No. I have two sources of inspiration. Pattern matching in PLT
 Scheme and this link:
 (which is almost SICP as it is written by Sussman)

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Sean wrote:

 4.  Is this example from SICP?

 On Jul 8, 12:12 pm, Sean Devlin wrote:
 This seems like a good use for a macro.  A couple of thoughts:

 1.  Use arrays instead of lists
 In clojure, it is best practice to use arrays for data.  So, your
 macro call should look like this.

 (match [1 2 3]
        [1 x]   (+ x x)
        [1 x y] (+ x y))

 2.  Could you post the source to match maker?  That would help my play
 around in a REPL

 3.  As for books go, get yourself a copy of Programming Clojure by
 Stuart Holloway


 On Jul 8, 11:42 am, Jonas wrote:


  I'm developing a simple pattern matching library for clojure but I am
  trouble with macros (which I have almost zero experience with).

  I have a function `make-matcher`

  (make-matcher pattern)

  which returns a function that can pattern match on data and returns a
  map of bindings (or nil in case of a non-match).

  ((make-matcher '(list x y z w)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = {x 1 y 2 z 3 w 4}
  ((make-matcher '(list x y z x)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 2 3 4))
  ; = nil
  ((make-matcher '(list 1 x 2 _)) (list 1 3 2 9))
  ; = {x 3}

  I have been trying to write the following 'match' macro:

  (match data
    pattern-1 body-1
    pattern-2 body-2)

  The macro should work like this:

  (match (list 1 2 3)
         (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
         (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; = 5

  I have the following macros (none of which works correctly):

  ; (letmap {a 1 b 2} (+ a b))
  ; =(should) expand to=
  ; (let [a 1 b 2] (+ a b))
  (defmacro letmap [dict  body]
    `(let ~(into [] (reduce concat (eval dict)))
       (do ~...@body)))

  ; (match (list 1 2 3)
  ;       (list 1 x)   (+ x x)
  ;       (list 1 x y) (+ x y))
  ; =should expand to something like=
  ; (let [dict (matcher.. (list 1 2 3))]
  ;   (if dict
  ;      (letmap dict (+ 1 x))
  ;      (match (list 1 2 3) (list 1 x y) (+ x y
  (defmacro match [data  clauses]
    (when clauses
      (let [pattern    (first clauses)
            body       (second clauses)
            matcher (make-matcher pattern)]
        `(let [dict# (~matcher ~data)]
           (if dict#
             (letmap dict# ~body)
             (match ~data (next (next ~clauses

  Any help is appreciated. Also pointers to documents and books where I
  learn more about macros.


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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
Interesting. How are these timings affected if you add in the time taken to
pack the list or vector in the first place, though? I have the feeling it
may be slightly cheaper to unpack a vector, but noticeably cheaper to pack a

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Re: Calling static methods on a variable holding a class

2009-07-08 Thread Nicolas Buduroi

 Lets say you want to call static method foo of a class,
 but you don't know which class -- you want this to be
 specified at runtime in a parameter.  Something like this:

 (defn map-foo [cls coll]
   (map cls/foo coll))  ; doesn't work

 As mentioned by others, one approach is to use reflection,
 either Java's API or Clojure's (undocumented,
 may-change-without-warning) wrapper:

 (defn map-foo [cls coll]
   (map #(clojure.lang.Reflector/invokeStaticMethod
cls foo (to-array [%]))

 (map-foo MyClass [1 2 3 4])

 This works, but if you're allowed to adjust the requirements
 a bit, a better solution is possible.  What if your user

 (map-foo #(MyClass/foo %) [1 2 3 4])

 This can be done without any runtime reflection at all,
 which can greatly boost the runtime speed.  Also, it's more
 flexible:  I *told* you to name your method foo but
 I guess I should have been more explicit.  Oh well, no

 (map-foo #(YourClass/Foo %) [1 2 3 4])

 Or if your user is using Clojure rather than Java, they
 don't even have to use a class:

 (map-foo #(her-do-foo-thing %) [1 2 3 4])

 or just:

 (map-foo her-do-foo-thing [1 2 3 4])

 Best of all implementing map-foo is simpler:

 (defn map-foo [f coll]
   (map f coll))

 Which in this trivial example means you can just use 'map'
 instead of 'map-foo'.  But even in a less trivial example
 you may find this approach more workable all around.

Wow, that was a great answer, a thousand thanks

 Now if you were going to do more than one thing on the class
 (call static methods foo, bar, and baz, for example) things
 get more complicated.

Yeah, that was one of constraint for the problem I was trying to
solve, I should have mentioned it.

- budu

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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

That's it, that's exactly what I needed to complete this example. I'm
pretty pumped because you guys have shown me a way to do it without
macros and without manually managing a quoted tree structure.

If it's okay, could somebody explain the difference between what's
happening here:

user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
user (my-func)
; Evaluation aborted.

and here:

user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
user (eval my-func)

I don't really understand how:
user(my-func) is NOT eval on my-func in the REPL. My understanding is
the first item in the list is treated as a function, with the rest of
the list passed as arguments. Wouldn't the REPL just be calling eval
internally on everything you type in?

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:22 PM, Richard wrote:

 That looks like what I'm after. When I run a test, however, it doesn't
 behave properly:

 You'll want to either eval the expression, or apply the first item in
 the list to the rest:

 user= (eval (list + 1 2))
 user= (let [form (list + 1 2)]
   (when (not (empty? form))
     (apply (first form) (rest form


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Re: Trouble specifying a gen-class constructor taking an argument of the class being created

2009-07-08 Thread Chouser

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Garth wrote:


 Does anyone know a straightforward way to create a constructor using
 gen-class that takes an argument of the same class as the class you're

I think what you're describing is:


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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 AM, dumb me wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

 I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
 to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

 I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
 Here's what I want to do:

 1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
 when I load ClojureBox.

This requires putting the example source directly and all the jars into the
Emacs Lisp variable swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (or writing some code to
scoop them all up and generate a value to put in a variable). See the
Customization section of the README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.
There should be a shortcut in the Start menu.

 2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
 will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
 don't see one...

C-x C-f ~/.emacs. More info in the Customization section of the README.rtf
that installs with Clojure Box.

 3) I have been trying to do (load-file
 code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
 and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
 File-not-found exception.

Once the classpath is set up correctly using the above techniques, in the
REPL you can type (use 'code.examples.introduction) or leave off code. or
code.examples. depending on what part you actually put on your classpath.


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Re: Questions / guidelines for adopting Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Rayne

On Jul 7, 7:08 am, Roman Roelofsen
 Hi all!

 I've been playing around with Clojure in the last couple of days. Very
 interesting! However, I have never used a non-OO, lispy, pure
 functional language before and several questions popped up while

Clojure is /not/ a pure functional programming language. That's the
first step in recovery.
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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

Phil - got it. It wouldn't be hard at all to write a script to monitor
a directory, and any jar you throw in there gets exploded to the
classpath dir like you use. That would make it pretty painless.

 For the record, this is usually termed dribbling in the Lisp world.
 It's very handy for debugging customer interaction -- just tell them
 to turn on dribble, and have them send you the file rather than
 copying and pasting:

I hate to go completely off topic, but could you explain what advices
are in Lisp? When I was reading a post by Steve Yegge he wrote

As far as I know, Lisp had it first, and it's called advice in Lisp.
Advice is a mini-framework that provides before, around, and after
hooks by which you can programmatically modify the behavior of some
action or function call in the system.

Searching turns up some pretty thin results, maybe the better one
being details on Emacs Lisp advices:

Does Clojure support something like this? I didn't come across it in
Stuart's book, website, etc. and AOP certainly helps manage complexity
in Java

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:34 PM, Richard wrote:

 Perhaps instead of saving an image, it should be able to save a
 of the REPL inputs? Then you could rescue code from this, or find
 any cruft
 your image had become dependent on, or whatever.

 For the record, this is usually termed dribbling in the Lisp world.
 It's very handy for debugging customer interaction -- just tell them
 to turn on dribble, and have them send you the file rather than
 copying and pasting:


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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

1. Here is my .emacs I use for Clojure Box to load the Jars and add
the proper paths to your classpath:

(setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths

(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths

etc... just add directories and jars as needed

2. Your .emacs file would be here: C:\Documents and Settings\${your
username}\Application Data

3. I don't know about this one, but I had problems setting my home
directory. Even though I did it, it was still looking in C:\Documents
and Settings\${your username}\Application Data. Files there would load

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Shawn wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 AM, dumb me wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

 I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
 to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

 I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
 Here's what I want to do:

 1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
 when I load ClojureBox.

 This requires putting the example source directly and all the jars into the
 Emacs Lisp variable swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (or writing some code to
 scoop them all up and generate a value to put in a variable). See the
 Customization section of the README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.
 There should be a shortcut in the Start menu.

 2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
 will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
 don't see one...

 C-x C-f ~/.emacs. More info in the Customization section of the README.rtf
 that installs with Clojure Box.

 3) I have been trying to do (load-file
 code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
 and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
 File-not-found exception.

 Once the classpath is set up correctly using the above techniques, in the
 REPL you can type (use 'code.examples.introduction) or leave off code. or
 code.examples. depending on what part you actually put on your classpath.



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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Shawn Hoover
Oh, here's an example snippet I just saw from Daniel Lyon on another thread
(note how it cleverly grabs all the jars from the ~/.clojure directory--you
could add another one of these for another directory of jars):

(setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
  (cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure/classes
   (cons /Users/fusion/Projects/Languages/Clojure
 (directory-files ~/.clojure t \.jar$
(eval-after-load 'clojure-mode '(clojure-slime-config))
(setq swank-clojure-extra-vm-args '(-Dclojure.compile.path=/Users/

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Shawn Hoover wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 AM, dumb me wrote:

 Hi All,

 I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

 I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
 to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

 I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
 Here's what I want to do:

 1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
 when I load ClojureBox.

 This requires putting the example source directly and all the jars into the
 Emacs Lisp variable swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (or writing some code to
 scoop them all up and generate a value to put in a variable). See the
 Customization section of the README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.
 There should be a shortcut in the Start menu.

 2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
 will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
 don't see one...

 C-x C-f ~/.emacs. More info in the Customization section of the
 README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.

 3) I have been trying to do (load-file
 code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
 and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
 File-not-found exception.

 Once the classpath is set up correctly using the above techniques, in the
 REPL you can type (use 'code.examples.introduction) or leave off code. or
 code.examples. depending on what part you actually put on your classpath.


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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 I hate to go completely off topic, but could you explain what advices
 are in Lisp? When I was reading a post by Steve Yegge he wrote

CLOS (the Common Lisp Object System) has before, around, and after  
methods. Advice is similar, and certainly informed the CL standard. So  
far as I understand it, advice (in its various historical forms)  
provides a way to intercept the call to a function to modify arguments  
or otherwise advise the function about what to do. The function  
continues to do the heavy lifting, but is unaware of the advice.

CLOS around methods can do the same thing, with two differences:

* Advice is -- I think -- intended to be narrower in scope (you don't  
put big functionality in advice: you add individual features). Emacs  
doesn't follow this, of course :)

* Advice is more modular -- around/before/after methods in CLOS are  
run in a defined order, each controlling the invocation of the next  
around method; multiple pieces of advice can be toggled on or off.

You'd do things like turn on tracing/logging/profiling using advice.

Interesting reading:

 Does Clojure support something like this? I didn't come across it in
 Stuart's book, website, etc. and AOP certainly helps manage complexity
 in Java.

IME AOP in OO languages usually helps because they lack higher-order  
functions, first-order functions, and other linguistic features. It's  
much easier to define global triggers in Lisps: just have some global  
list of function objects that you can call, call a method and allow  
other people to define their own arounds, etc.

You can implement something like method combinations in Clojure, but  
it's not built in. People have worked on CLOS-style object systems in  



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Re: Questions / guidelines for adopting Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Vagif Verdi

On Jul 7, 4:08 am, Roman Roelofsen
 * Parametrization of function groups *

 Lets say I have a bunch of functions that provide database operations
 (read, write, delete, ...). They all share information about the
 database the operate on. In an OO language, I would define these
 methods in the same class and an instance variable would define the
 database. The advantage is, that the caller side does not need to be
 aware of the database name. I can create an instance somewhere and
 pass around the object.

For this particular case i just create a simple macro with-db, that
behind the scenes passes a premade db connection info into with-
connection macro.

So the actiual usage looks very simple and clean:

(with-db (sql-val [select name from author where id = ? 123]))

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zip of docs?

2009-07-08 Thread Raoul Duke

is there an archive of e.g. i can
download for offline work? i haven't found it yet if there is :-)


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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Frantisek Sodomka

So far it seems that vectors win in Clojure:

(timings 3e5
  (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b
  (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+
a b c)))

  680.63 ms   83.6%   1.2x  (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth
v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b c))
  813.79 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b
(nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+ a b c))


On Jul 8, 7:29 pm, John Harrop wrote:
 Interesting. How are these timings affected if you add in the time taken to
 pack the list or vector in the first place, though? I have the feeling it
 may be slightly cheaper to unpack a vector, but noticeably cheaper to pack a
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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Steve Tayon

Laurent PETIT schrieb:
 Hi, interesting, thanks for doing this !

 Maybe you could add also the reader syntax for lists (), vectors [],
 sets #{}, maps {} or do you think they are too trivial to be in the
 cheat sheet ?

Although the initialisation of lists, vectors etc. is a reader task, I
will put them into their relevant data structures section, if there
are no complaints. Thanks for pointing this out!

On 8 Jul., 19:03, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 Great idea, maybe you should talk to about turning this into
 a refcard.

You don't like the design, huh? I find it a little bit annoying, that
I have to register to get their cheat sheets. So it is not as fast
accessible as I would wish for.


Since I don't want to spam the Files section in this clojure group
with one single file for every new revision. Is there a way to
overwrite or remove files?

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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Mani

Thanks Shawn, Robert.
From Robert's post, I am bit confused here. I also read that .emacs is
in %appdata% folder (vista), but all I see is .emacs.d folder (which I
guess is for the emacs server). I tried creating one C-x C-f
~/.emacs - under my home-directory (C:\emacs). Should i just create
a .emacs under %appdata%/.emacs.d  OR right under %appdata%?

thx again.

On Jul 9, 2:13 am, Robert Campbell wrote:
 1. Here is my .emacs I use for Clojure Box to load the Jars and add
 the proper paths to your classpath:

 (setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths

 etc... just add directories and jars as needed

 2. Your .emacs file would be here: C:\Documents and Settings\${your
 username}\Application Data

 3. I don't know about this one, but I had problems setting my home
 directory. Even though I did it, it was still looking in C:\Documents
 and Settings\${your username}\Application Data. Files there would load

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Shawn wrote:

  On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 AM, dumb me wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

  I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
  to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

  I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
  Here's what I want to do:

  1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
  when I load ClojureBox.

  This requires putting the example source directly and all the jars into the
  Emacs Lisp variable swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (or writing some code to
  scoop them all up and generate a value to put in a variable). See the
  Customization section of the README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.
  There should be a shortcut in the Start menu.

  2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
  will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
  don't see one...

  C-x C-f ~/.emacs. More info in the Customization section of the README.rtf
  that installs with Clojure Box.

  3) I have been trying to do (load-file
  code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
  and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
  File-not-found exception.

  Once the classpath is set up correctly using the above techniques, in the
  REPL you can type (use 'code.examples.introduction) or leave off code. or
  code.examples. depending on what part you actually put on your classpath.


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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Mani

Robert? Is that all you have in your .emacs? I am looking to create
one from scratch.

I noticed that you have clojure / clojure-contrib jars in your .emacs,
but what about slime/swank settings? won't they be overridden by
Clojure Box -settings or other way - .emacs loading without slime/
swank? (taking a blind guess)

On Jul 9, 2:13 am, Robert Campbell wrote:
 1. Here is my .emacs I use for Clojure Box to load the Jars and add
 the proper paths to your classpath:

 (setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 (add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths

 etc... just add directories and jars as needed

 2. Your .emacs file would be here: C:\Documents and Settings\${your
 username}\Application Data

 3. I don't know about this one, but I had problems setting my home
 directory. Even though I did it, it was still looking in C:\Documents
 and Settings\${your username}\Application Data. Files there would load

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Shawn wrote:

  On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:55 AM, dumb me wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am a dumb around here. my first post among many to come :)

  I setup clojurebox to work thru the book. I am a newbie to emacs and
  to clojure. I don't mind the learning curve to emacs.

  I am completely blank  about configuring Clojurebox.
  Here's what I want to do:

  1) load all the code-examples and the related jar-files of the book -
  when I load ClojureBox.

  This requires putting the example source directly and all the jars into the
  Emacs Lisp variable swank-clojure-extra-classpaths (or writing some code to
  scoop them all up and generate a value to put in a variable). See the
  Customization section of the README.rtf that installs with Clojure Box.
  There should be a shortcut in the Start menu.

  2) Where do I find the .emacs for Clojure Box? As I understand that I
  will have to modify this file to include the libraries/folder-path. I
  don't see one...

  C-x C-f ~/.emacs. More info in the Customization section of the README.rtf
  that installs with Clojure Box.

  3) I have been trying to do (load-file
  code.examples.introduction.clj) [my home directory being c:\emacs
  and the code folder inside the emacs folder.] and I always get the
  File-not-found exception.

  Once the classpath is set up correctly using the above techniques, in the
  REPL you can type (use 'code.examples.introduction) or leave off code. or
  code.examples. depending on what part you actually put on your classpath.


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Re: zip of docs?

2009-07-08 Thread Justin Johnson
It looks like anyone with Organizer rights on Clojure's wikispaces wiki
should be able to export an HTML or WikiText backup zip file.


On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:

 is there an archive of e.g. i can
 download for offline work? i haven't found it yet if there is :-)



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Re: Save current namespace like a Smalltalk image

2009-07-08 Thread Daniel

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Phil wrote:

 Robert Campbell writes:

 The main reason this is an issue for me is during development I
 sometimes find I need another library added to my classpath. Right now
 the only way I know how to modify the classpath in Emacs is to change
 the .emacs file with an add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 and reboot. I think my looking for an image solution might be a
 cop-out itself; I need to learn Emacs better so I can figure out how
 to modify the classpath without rebooting.

 Unfortunately this is impossible due to the way the classloaders in the
 JVM work; you can't modify your classpath at runtime and have it work

 The solution I've settled on is to have a static classpath; no matter
 what the project is, my classpath is always the same:

 When you need to add a new library, instead of putting the jar on the
 classpath, just unpack the jar in the target/dependency directory. Then
 you can access it without restarting the JVM.


 You don't run into this problem with Java dev in Eclipse because Java
 doesn't have a REPL. I agree that it sucks though. Unpacking your
 dependencies all in one place is a lot nicer anyway; no restarts required.

Uhm, that's not exactly true. The classpath is what you give your VM
as initial set of available classes to what it defines internally. The
definition is static, but there are other ways to inject code into the
class lookup mechanism inside the JVM which is where the classloaders
come in. It's perfectly fine to reload any class at runtime, including
the ones in a jar if they are defined in a classloader that you can
control. There are two problems you have to overcome though.

1) If you want to change classes that are already loaded, one strategy
is to hot swap the code (either via JVMTI, that's what you can do when
you're in debug mode in an IDE, or you use JavaRebel (commercial),
which goes a bit further in what you're able to redefine without
killing the JVM, and losing state). Not sure if that's needed for
Clojure code, since I haven't looked much at the bytecode so far, but
it's really handy for Java and Scala for instance).
2) If you really need to add new things to the classpath (e.g. a new
Jar), or you just want to reload a whole bunch of stuff, then you have
to ditch the classloader that has these classes loaded (does not apply
if you're adding new stuff), and add a new classloader that finds the
new dependency at runtime. This is not that hard to do (check
classloader javadoc), but it has quite a few cornercases, so it's not
recommended to try it adhoc. There are systems that implement the
whole system for you. Eclipse itself (the IDE, not the projects in it)
can install plugins at runtime (although it asks you whether you want
to restart), as can Maven (plugins are installed at runtime). The
mechanism that supports this in Eclipse is OSGi (in Maven it's
homegrown - classworlds), which is a nifty specification for dynamic
service management inside the JVM. It can do a lot of things, but what
is most interesting here is that it tracks versioned dependencies of
runtime components. Think Maven or Ivy at runtime, and it's
dynamically loading/unloading code based on what you specify. All of
the OSGi implementations feature a management console (a REPL) where
you can interact with the system at runtime (load and unload
dependencies, it will warn if there are unmet dependencies etc.).

I think making Clojure work well with OSGi is under 'longterm' on the
roadmap, but I don't know what the current status is. I'm definitely
giving it a vote though.

Just to be clear, the classpath you define on the commandline is just
a shortcut to define a classloader that looks up classes inside the
jars and directories you define on the commandline. If you have your
own classloaders (instantiated) you can load your code from a special
directory (that's what the webcontainers (tomcat etc.) do to support
hot redeployment of apps), the web (that's what applets do), a
database (don't know who's doing that), an uncompiled script file
(that's what scripting languages do unless they have precompiled to
class files), or any other storage you can think of. The only
requirement for a classloader is to return a bytearray that is valid
java bytecode according to the spec, and it can only load the code
once (it's cached after that, that's why you have to ditch the

(And although the -cp argument supports wildcards since Java 1.6, they
are expanded early and cannot be reevaluated during runtime :( )

More information available at:

So depending on your approach and what you want to be able to do
(redefine/reload or add), it's a bit of work. The easiest thing is to
unpack your 

Re: Trouble specifying a gen-class constructor taking an argument of the class being created

2009-07-08 Thread Garth Sheldon-Coulson
I think you're right. Thanks. At this point I'll just work around it rather
than patching, but it's good to know people are thinking about it---even if
Rich has set the ticket to Backlog.

And thanks Richard... I didn't even know PascalCase had a name =).

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 7:57 AM, Garth wrote:
  Does anyone know a straightforward way to create a constructor using
  gen-class that takes an argument of the same class as the class you're

 I think what you're describing is:



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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:57 PM, Robert Campbell wrote:

 If it's okay, could somebody explain the difference between what's
 happening here:

 user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
 user (my-func)
 ; Evaluation aborted.

 and here:

 user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
 user (eval my-func)

 I don't really understand how:
 user(my-func) is NOT eval on my-func in the REPL. My understanding is
 the first item in the list is treated as a function, with the rest of
 the list passed as arguments. Wouldn't the REPL just be calling eval
 internally on everything you type in?

Not every expression is a function, even if most are function calls.

Any expression can be evaluated with eval. To call something as a function,
though, it has to be something invokable. A list, even a list of a function
and two values, isn't. An actual function is, as produced by defn or fn or
#(). So are sets, maps, and vectors, which will look up the argument key or

user= (#{'x 'y} 'x)
user= (#{'x 'y} 'z)
user= ({:key 'val} :key)
user= ({:key 'val} 3)
user= (['a 'b 'c] 0)
user= (['a 'b 'c] 2)
user= (['a 'b 'c] 3)
#CompilerException java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3

And keywords can be invoked to do set and map lookups:

user= (:key {:key 'val})
user= (:x {:key 'val})
user= (:key #{:key})
user= (:x #{:key})

Last but not least, there's ., .., .methName, Class., Class/staticMeth,
Class/staticField, and other variations on this theme to interact with Java
classes. And maybe one or two things I'm forgetting. :)

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Re: zip of docs?

2009-07-08 Thread Raoul Duke

 It looks like anyone with Organizer rights on Clojure's wikispaces wiki
 should be able to export an HTML or WikiText backup zip file.

is that different than

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Re: Clojure cheat sheet

2009-07-08 Thread Wilson MacGyver

No no, that's not it. I merely suggested because they generally
promote their refcards, and I thought it would be a good way for clojure to
get some press, and for you to get some fame. :)

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 1:49 PM, Steve wrote:
 On 8 Jul., 19:03, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 Great idea, maybe you should talk to about turning this into
 a refcard.

 You don't like the design, huh? I find it a little bit annoying, that
 I have to register to get their cheat sheets. So it is not as fast
 accessible as I would wish for.

Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread Richard Newman

 Any expression can be evaluated with eval.

As, indeed, can self-evaluating forms:

user= (eval 3)
user= (eval (eval (eval (list + 1 2
user= (eval :foo)
user= (eval '+)
#core$_PLUS___3949 clojure.core$_plus___3...@1d05c9a1
user= (eval 'eval)
#core$eval__4610 clojure.core$eval__4...@4ef5c3a6

This kind of fiddling around in a REPL is very enlightening.

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Re: Help with example from A Field Guide to Genetic Programming

2009-07-08 Thread Timothy Pratley

 user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
 user (my-func)

A list is not a function. Expanded: ((list + 1 2)) The first item in
the outer list is a list, it is not a function. So to invoke the
function you need to get it using first. Eval call on a list is
evaluating a list, and the first item is a function so yup that works.
It was bad (confusing) advice from me to store it like this really.
You could just as easily used something like (let [my-fun {:fn
+, :args [1 2]}] (apply (:fn my-fun) (:args my-fun))) The list
approach is slightly more compact in that you can use eval and it
'looks' more lispy? Just a note, apply here isn't doing anything
magical it is just unpacking the arguments to give (+ 1 2).

 user (def my-func (list + 1 2))
 user (eval my-func)

 I don't really understand how:
 user(my-func) is NOT eval on my-func in the REPL.
 My understanding is
 the first item in the list is treated as a function, with the rest of
 the list passed as arguments. Wouldn't the REPL just be calling eval
 internally on everything you type in?

Yes they are both evaluated, but they are different expressions:
((+ 1 2))
vs (+ 1 2)


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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Smith

On Jul 8, 4:57 pm, Frantisek Sodomka wrote:
 So far it seems that vectors win in Clojure:

 (timings 3e5
   (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b
   (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+
 a b c)))

   680.63 ms   83.6%   1.2x  (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth
 v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b c))
   813.79 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b
 (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+ a b c))


 On Jul 8, 7:29 pm, John Harrop wrote:

  Interesting. How are these timings affected if you add in the time taken to
  pack the list or vector in the first place, though? I have the feeling it
  may be slightly cheaper to unpack a vector, but noticeably cheaper to pack a

I did some playing and it seems that the x-factor is really whether or
not the array access function is in-lined into the code. I made a few
tweaks to the source code so that the destructuring bind is able to
rewrite the code with the 2-ary version and avoid rebinding overhead.
I'll post it in reply to this.

Here are some results I collected:
(I like your 'timings' macro, by the way).

(let [v [1 2 3] lst '(1 2 3)]
  (timings 1e7
(let [[a b c]  v] a b c)
(let [[a b c] #^{:length 3} v] a b c)
(let [[a b c] #^{:tag :vector :length 3} v] a b c)
(let [[a b c]  #^{:length 3} [1 2 3]] a b c)
(let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
(let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] a b c)
(let [a (first v) b (second v) c (first (rest (rest v)))] a b c)
(let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first
r2)] x y z)

(let [[a b c] lst] a b c)
;; (let [a (lst 0) b (lst 1) c (lst 2)] [a b c])
(let [a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] a b c)
(let [a (first lst) b (second lst) c (first (rest (rest lst)))] a
b c)
(let [x (first lst) r1 (rest lst) y (first r1) r2 (rest r1) z
(first r2)] x y z)))

no inlining of 3-ary version (inlines 2ary version as normal),
rewriting to 2-ary version dependant on :length :tag metadata and
 4650.19 ms   34.2%   2.9x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;;nothing
 3675.41 ms   27.0%   3.7x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;;length
 3414.78 ms   25.1%   4.0x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;; tag length
13606.68 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [[a b c] [1 2 3]] a b c)
 3459.74 ms   25.4%   3.9x  (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
 3551.73 ms   26.1%   3.8x  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)]
a b c)
 9810.52 ms   72.1%   1.4x  (let [a (first v) b (second v) c (first
(rest (rest v)))] a b c)
 9234.34 ms   67.9%   1.5x  (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1)
r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] x y z)
 9519.99 ms   70.0%   1.4x  (let [[a b c] lst] a b c)
 7131.29 ms   52.4%   1.9x  (let [a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth
lst 2)] a b c)
 7665.99 ms   56.3%   1.8x  (let [a (first lst) b (second lst) c
(first (rest (rest lst)))] a b c)
 7490.44 ms   55.0%   1.8x  (let [x (first lst) r1 (rest lst) y (first
r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] x y z)

inlining 3ary version, rewriting dependant on :length and :tag.
 3230.53 ms   24.6%   4.1x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;;nothing
 3557.94 ms   27.1%   3.7x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;;length
 3287.01 ms   25.1%   4.0x  (let [[a b c] v] a b c) ;;tag +length
13116.50 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [[a b c] [1 2 3]] a b c)
 3287.39 ms   25.1%   4.0x  (let [a (v 0) b (v 1) c (v 2)] a b c)
 3615.61 ms   27.6%   3.6x  (let [a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)]
a b c)
10634.64 ms   81.1%   1.2x  (let [a (first v) b (second v) c (first
(rest (rest v)))] a b c)
10147.02 ms   77.4%   1.3x  (let [x (first v) r1 (rest v) y (first r1)
r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] x y z)
 8476.63 ms   64.6%   1.5x  (let [[a b c] lst] a b c)
 7106.42 ms   54.2%   1.8x  (let [a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth
lst 2)] a b c)
 8172.17 ms   62.3%   1.6x  (let [a (first lst) b (second lst) c
(first (rest (rest lst)))] a b c)
 8031.60 ms   61.2%   1.6x  (let [x (first lst) r1 (rest lst) y (first
r1) r2 (rest r1) z (first r2)] x y z)

I'll post the rather small tweaks in a response to this post. Please
note that i was playing with a (month old) alpha 1.1 version of
clojure.core, so I am not sure what the differences would be between
it and a current version. I think the most interesting part is that
you can get pretty much the same effect by just telling it to inline
the 3ary version of nth. (Although it is a multi function, so it seems
there is still some sort of funcall overhead).
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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread Jonathan Smith

Seperate so it can be easily ignored:

Changed in core.clj:

(defn nth
  Returns the value at the index. get returns nil if index out of
  bounds, nth throws an exception unless not-found is supplied.  nth
  also works for strings, Java arrays, regex Matchers and Lists, and,
  in O(n) time, for sequences.
  {:inline (fn ([c i] `(. clojure.lang.RT (nth ~c ~i)))
   ([c i n] `(. clojure.lang.RT (nth ~c ~i ~n
   :inline-arities #{2 3}}
  ([coll index] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index)))
  ([coll index not-found] (. clojure.lang.RT (nth coll index not-
;;changed to inline the 3ary version of nth

(defn destructure [bindings]
  (let [bmap (apply array-map bindings)
pb (fn pb [bvec b v]
   (let [pvec
 (fn [bvec b val]
   (let [gvec (if (symbol? val) val (gensym
 length-val (:length ^val)]

 (loop [ret (if (symbol? val) bvec (- bvec
(conj gvec) (conj val)))
n 0
bs b
seen-rest? false]
   (if (seq bs)
 (let [firstb (first bs)]
(= firstb ') (recur (pb ret (second
bs) (list `nthnext gvec n))
 (nnext bs)
(= firstb :as) (pb ret (second bs)
:else (if seen-rest?
(throw (new Exception
Unsupported binding form, only :as can follow  parameter))
(recur (pb ret firstb (if (and
length-val ( n length-val))
(if (or 
(vector? val)(= (:tag ^val) :vector))
gvec n)
`nth gvec n))
(list `nth gvec 
n nil)))
   (inc n)
   (next bs)
 (fn [bvec b v]
   (let [gmap (or (:as b) (if (symbol? v) v
(gensym map__)))
 defaults (:or b)]
 (loop [ret (if (symbol? v) bvec (- bvec
(conj gmap) (conj v)))
bes (reduce
 (fn [bes entry]
   (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 ((val
entry) %2))
   (dissoc bes (key
   ((key entry) bes)))
 (dissoc b :as :or)
 {:keys #(keyword (str %)), :strs
str, :syms #(list `quote %)})]
   (if (seq bes)
 (let [bb (key (first bes))
   bk (val (first bes))
   has-default (contains? defaults
   (recur (pb ret bb (if has-default
   (list `get gmap bk
(defaults bb))
   (list `get gmap
  (next bes)))
  (symbol? b) (- bvec (conj b) (conj v))
  (vector? b) (pvec bvec b v)
  (map? b) (pmap bvec b v)
  :else (throw (new Exception (str Unsupported
binding form:  b))
process-entry (fn [bvec b] (pb bvec (key b) (val b)))]
(if (every? symbol? (keys bmap))
  (reduce process-entry [] bmap

;;I wasn't sure how to do a 'vector' (kept getting the 'vector'
function instead) so I just used
;;:vector keyword to dispatch  on. Becomes kind of unsafe if you
violate the 'length' promise.
;;this also eliminates a redundancy where you were binding (let [v [1
2 3]] (let [[a b c] v]))
;;and the inner let would have (let [gensym_vec v, a (nth gensym_vec
;;as opposed to (let [a (nth v 0)...]...)
;;which should be ok because we don't have to worry about multiple
evaluation if we are destructuring from a symbol.
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Re: Passing primitives from an inner loop to an outer loop efficiently

2009-07-08 Thread John Harrop
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Frantisek Sodomka fsodo...@gmail.comwrote:

 So far it seems that vectors win in Clojure:

 (timings 3e5
  (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b
  (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+
 a b c)))

  680.63 ms   83.6%   1.2x  (let [v (vector 1 2 3) a (nth v 0) b (nth
 v 1) c (nth v 2)] (+ a b c))
  813.79 ms  100.0%   1.0x  (let [lst (list 1 2 3) a (nth lst 0) b
 (nth lst 1) c (nth lst 2)] (+ a b c))

Does using vec instead of vector make a difference? Using first, rest,
first, rest instead of nth to destructure the list?

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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Shawn Hoover
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Mani wrote:

 Thanks Shawn, Robert.
 From Robert's post, I am bit confused here. I also read that .emacs is
 in %appdata% folder (vista), but all I see is .emacs.d folder (which I
 guess is for the emacs server). I tried creating one C-x C-f
 ~/.emacs - under my home-directory (C:\emacs). Should i just create
 a .emacs under %appdata%/.emacs.d  OR right under %appdata%?

Wherever the files goes after C-x C-f ~/.emacs and then C-x C-s is where
emacs thinks your home directory is. I would just go with that. It's
normally in %appdata%, but it won't be there until you create it and save

For ideas for a .emacs from scratch, you can look at


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Idea for contrib.def: defmemo

2009-07-08 Thread samppi

In clojure.contrib.def, I'd love to have a defmemo macro that acts
just like defn, only with memoize. I'm planning to change a lot of
functions to use memoize, and I'm not looking forward to changing
nice, clean defns with docstrings to (def {:doc docstring} function
(memoize (fn ...)))s. Would this be useful for anyone else?
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Re: Clojure box - loading book examples from Programming Clojure

2009-07-08 Thread Robert Campbell

 Wherever the files goes after C-x C-f ~/.emacs and then C-x C-s is where
 emacs thinks your home directory is. I would just go with that. It's
 normally in %appdata%, but it won't be there until you create it and save

yes, this is better than my #2

 Robert? Is that all you have in your .emacs? I am looking to create
 one from scratch.

Here is my entire .emacs file, which is extremely basic but got me up
and running at least:


(setq swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/clojure/clojure.jar)
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/deps/jetty-6.1.16.jar)
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure 
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure 
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/deps/commons-io-1.4.jar)  

(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/compojure.jar)
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(cua-mode t nil (cua-base))
 '(show-paren-mode t))
  ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.


You'll notice the paths are different (I changed it during my first
post) but obviously they aren't relevant. A big problem I had was
getting versions of Clojure, Contrib, Compojure, Enlive, HttpClient,
etc. that all play well with each other. I'd frequently have a version
of Compojure/Enlive/HttpClient that was dependent on one or another
Contrib version, etc.  A quick trick I learned was to just check out
Compojure from git, run the ant deps which downloads the dependencies
compatible with that version, and just use those because James of
Compojure has done the work syncing them all up, so:

(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/compojure.jar)
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/deps/clojure.jar)
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-extra-classpaths
 C:/Program Files/Clojure Box/compojure/deps/clojure-contrib.jar)

But with 1.0 out now I haven't had as many issues.


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 5:35 AM, Shawn wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 2:56 PM, Mani wrote:

 Thanks Shawn, Robert.
 From Robert's post, I am bit confused here. I also read that .emacs is
 in %appdata% folder (vista), but all I see is .emacs.d folder (which I
 guess is for the emacs server). I tried creating one C-x C-f
 ~/.emacs - under my home-directory (C:\emacs). Should i just create
 a .emacs under %appdata%/.emacs.d  OR right under %appdata%?

 Wherever the files goes after C-x C-f ~/.emacs and then C-x C-s is where
 emacs thinks your home directory is. I would just go with that. It's
 normally in %appdata%, but it won't be there until you create it and save

 For ideas for a .emacs from scratch, you can look at



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ANN: Upcoming Clojure events (now with an 864 core Azul box)

2009-07-08 Thread Krukow

Hello everyone,
I thought I would take the liberty and announce a number of upcoming
Clojure events.

Rich Hickey is speaking at the JAOO Aarhus 2009 conference. Rich has
two talks:

* Introducing Clojure [

* The Clojure Concurrency Story [

I am particularly looking forward to the latter, which is in the
Concurrency track that I am hosting (other notable speakers: Brian
Goetz, Simon Peyton-Jones (Haskell) and Francesco Cesarini (Erlang)).

Also the Danish Clojure Users' Group (dcug,
is arranging a free Clojure Workshop at JAOO where Rich is also
attending. We're not sure exactly what we will do for the event - so
feedback is welcome. But I can say this: Azul Systems has agreed to
let us access one of their Vega compute appliances (hwlab38 - Vega2,
768 core, 384G ram). Now that will be fun!


With DCUG, I will be giving two talks on Clojure – one in Copenhagen
and one in Aarhus (that would be Denmark :-)) :

Tuesday September 8th in Århus, 16:00 – 18:30
Wednesday September 9th in Copenhagen, 16:00 – 18:30

This event is also free - and an opportunity to meet other Clojure
users. I haven’t decided on the exact topics yet. Also, I am hoping we
can access the Azul box for this event also ;-)

Finally, I have arranged a special discount on JAOO Aarhus 2009
tickets for DCUG members! Details will come soon, but we’re looking at
a sweet 15%. If there ever was a doubt on whether you should attend
JAOO it must be gone now ;-)

News and updates: and


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Re: ANN: Upcoming Clojure events (now with an 864 core Azul box)

2009-07-08 Thread Krukow

Line break errors:

On Jul 9, 6:34 am, Krukow wrote:
 * Introducing Clojure [

 * The Clojure Concurrency Story [

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