[cobirds] Rarest bird event of the year

2015-12-29 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

I agree with Ted, by far the biggest bird event of the year was finally 
obtaining documentation for the Vaux’s Swift after sitting on the hypothetical 
list for decades. Congrats to Brandon for bagging this one

Here is a fantasy thought, wouldn’t it be great, by arranging events, that the 
Vaux’s Swift becomes the 500th state bird?. Then the next bird accepted to the 
list slips into the distinguished 499th slot?  Of course it won’t happen the 
way  we all wish it would, darn.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Alfred M Bailey's Film series at the DMNS

2016-01-20 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER
For those who might not be familiar with Bailey he was an ornithologist,  first 
curator of Louisiana State Museum, then curator of the Field Museum and the 
Chicago Academy of Sciences and in 1936 became curator then director of Denver 
Museum of Natural History now the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (DMNS) 
Almost single handedly he elevated the museum into the world class museum as we 
know it today. He traveled extensively around the world collecting  natural 
history items for the museum. For example trekked 1600 mile through Ethiopia 
studying their natural history, 700 mile dogsled trip through northern Alaska, 
also to the Laysen Islands studying Albatrosses. Bailey and Neidrach in the 
early 1960s produced Birds of Colorado the sumptuous two volume set of books 
that most of us have or wished we did have.

He was an early innovator in how too use film in portraying natural history and 
made many films which the DMNS has fastidiously converted to digital format and 
last night the first of a series films was shown, his museum trip to New 
Zealand in the middle 1950’s. The auditorium at the DMNS was packed with 
over-flowing crowds. Just to see what New Zealand was like in the early 50s was 
worth the price of admission. I’ve never been to New Zealand and was intrigued 
by the vegetation, dense tropical forest in the northern islands and in the 
southern island  subtropical vegetation with gorgeous ,12,000’ snow-capped 
peaks in the back ground. What glued the film together for me was Bailey’s 
narration which was warm, inviting and informative. There was never a dull 
moment during the film.

Check with the DMNS and watch for the next film.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Say's Phoebe (Denver),

2016-02-01 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

While visiting my 103 year old father-in-law at Clermont Park retirement digs, 
there was a Say’s Phoebe working under the eaves for ___?

Of interest the Say’s Phoebe was first discovered for Science on the 1820 
Steven Long Expedition while the expedition was in an area that is know Pueblo 
Reservoir, the phoebe was discovered along Turkey Creek. The new phoebe was 
named in honor of Thomas Say, a naturalist, who was on the Expedition.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO   

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[cobirds] Merlin

2016-03-10 Thread Robert Righter
While lovey, our spaniel, and I were walking around the DU area in Denver, a 
Merlin swooped by, scaring me, but only startling Lovey. Her life list is 
nudging 10 species

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Questioning to Lovey's Life List

2016-03-12 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

In rebuttal to a recent post questioning Lovey’s life list. Lovey is an 
exceptional spaniel. When we walk her head is always about 2” from the ground. 
She is a scent tracker as opposed to a sight hound, so when she abruptly looks 
up from a strong scent and locks on to  a bird with her binocular vision I 
count that swift action as confirmation she’s tallied again another new bird 
species.  In reality Lovey, I’m sure, has a much larger Colorado life list than 
what she is letting on to, but don’t you all think modesty is always a good 
virtue to have when birding!

Bob Righter (and Lovey)
Denver CO.

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[cobirds] Eagle in flight

2016-03-19 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Did you ever want to fly like Eagle. Go to the Lab of Ornithology web site and 
click on Golden Eagle sky-dancing, utube.com. The video sure convinced me to 
consider putting my name on the waiting list for the "next life” to become a 
Golden Eagle.

Apparently I seem to lack the tech skills for embedding the ULR into this 
notice, sorry for inconvenience

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Great-tailed Grackles (Weld Co)

2016-03-25 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

In the Beebe Draw region on the west side or Rd 43, in-between roads 46 to the 
north and 44 to the south, opposite a small farm to the east, in a field 
feeding on the grounds were a flock of blackbirds including 

Great-tailed Grackles, 50 plus, male and female , 
Yellow-headed Blackbirds, several males.

Bob Righter
Denver CO  

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[cobirds] Tom's Slideshow of SLV

2016-03-26 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER
That was a most enjoyable slide show by Tom of the birds and scenes of SLV.

My favorite was the of the two, side by side, Sandhill Cranes, each looking the 
opposite direction from each other with one stepping forward in a classic Fred 
Astaire dance step, wing to wing with his partner.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Orange-crowned Warbler--Denver CO

2016-04-23 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Seen in the DU area in Denver during morning walk today. Could this be a first 
of the season sighting for this species on the eastern plains ?? 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Black Rail Cherry Res

2016-05-04 Thread Robert Righter
The Black Rail was first heard from  the wet lands on the west side of park, 
opposite from the the road to the model air plane field. I heard two singing 
ki-dick, Ki-dick, ki-dick  from 12:15 to 1:15 pm. They were actively singing. 
Also from the same vicinity there were Sora and Virginia Rails vocalizing

Please do not play tapes as tapes disrupt normal behavior and would encourage 
them leave

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Correction on Black Rail Cherry Creek Res

2016-05-04 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Good Grief, I should have known better, what I was hearing was a Virginia's 
Rail. My apologies to anyone who made the trip to Cherry Creek for the Black 

Most embarrassing, my face is now beat red, probably turning to a crimson color 
as type this out. I’m sure the egg on the face will be there shortly


Bob Righter

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[cobirds] Den Botanic Gar Chatfield Jeffco

2016-05-08 Thread Robert Righter
1 Northern Waterthrush
1 Virginia's Warbler

Early Arrivals
Western Wood Pewee
Warbling Vireo

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Routt country bird report

2016-06-19 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER
Hi all

My wife Sandy and I spent five days in the Routt National Forest--Mt. Zirkel 
Wilderness area in Routt County bird watching and botanizing primarily  in the 
montane, 7800’ to 8800’ zone. The major vegetation consisted of sub-alpine fir, 
some spruce, lots of aspen and a solid covering of scrub oak in the lower 
montane zones. There were large areas covered with corn lilies and mules ears. 
The most common bird species were American Robin, House Wren, Green-tailed 
Towhee, Lincoln Sparrow, White-crowned Sparrow and, surprisingly, of the 
warbler's the MacGillivray’s Warbler were numerous.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Lower Latham, Weld Co

2016-08-06 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Lots of bird movement around Lower Latham region, apparently gearing up for 
migration south. Most notable were concentration of swallows, Bank, Barn, 
Cliff. Western Kingbirds seemed to be everywhere. 35 Cattle Egrets in one field 
that contained just a handful of cattle. Didn’t detect any shorebirds except 
just a few Killdeer. One would expect in a week or two shorebird number will 
start increasing. Whoopee

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Blanca Wetlands (Alamosa Co)

2016-09-08 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Today on one of the playa lakes on the North Mallard section there were 600-ish 
American Avocets. There were the most numerous species on this playa, Also just 
about all the expected dabbling ducks were present in sizable numbers, with the 
Northern Shoveler perhaps the most abundant.

 8-10 Northern Phalaropes were also recorded.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Red-necked Grebe--Boyd Lake SP-- Larimer Co

2016-11-05 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

At about 10:45 am, viewing from the southwest corner of the lake, the grebe was 
swimming amongst 20 + Western Grebes in the middle of the southern-third of the 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Surf Scoters--Cherry C SP--Arapahoe Co

2016-11-06 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Two Surf Scoters at Cherry Creek SP—seen 02:30— middle of the middle portion of 
the lake.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Two Common Loons Cherry Creek SP Arapahoe Co

2016-11-20 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Two Common Loons motoring around in the southern half of the reservoir

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] DFO Talk about Owls

2017-01-23 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Paul Bannick, from Seattle, gave a stunning presentation to the DFO this 
evening about the owls of North America. The photos were sensation, but his 
understanding of each of owl’s seasonal needs, their variation of habitat 
usage, corresponding with different biological requirements was remarkable. 
Even more remarkable was his ability to keep the audience on edge of their 
seats as he cleaverly rolled out this amazing presentation.

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Bird Song Apps

2017-02-01 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

If anyone has info on good bird song apps I’d appreciate if you could send me 
that info to my email address, not to Cobirds.

Thank you very much in advance for your effort

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] White-winged Scoter--Aurora CO

2017-02-01 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

At Aurora Res, today (cold and windy), there was a female-type White-winged 
Scoter steaming around the dam outlet area.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek SP--Those ?? gulls

2017-03-22 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

The water was calm on Cherry Creek SP, not even a wave, just the small 
assortment of the usual ducks, so I decided to scope those annoying-looking 
gulls standing on the logs at the marina, adjacent to the dam in the northwest 
There were about 5-7 Herring Gulls and many, many adult Ring-bills and on one 
log was a smaller cluster of ?? gulls consisting of either first summer plumage 
Ring-bills or second winter California Gulls transitioning to a third or adult 
winter type plumage. Determining mantle color was hopeless as any small shift 
in position  a dark mantle gull would turn into lighter mantled gull and the 
same was  for a smaller gull  shuffling on the log, would suddenly change into 
a larger one. The leg colors were neither yellow or pink just various shades of 
in between tones. Occasionally some would flap their wings and fly in circles 
screaming and shouting and return to the log.  The upper tail consistently 
showed a thin, dark band at the end of the tail. The field guides  seem to 
suggest that while it is possible for the California Gull, in latter stages of 
molt, so show this feature it would be more usual for the Ring-bills to show 
this thin dark band at tail end, So I concluded those  gulls were probably 

As I’ve learned the hard way there is nothing wrong with skipping those gulls 
at the marina and continuing down the road to watch colorful ducks dabbling in 
the smaller ponds.

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Few Nifties @ CC Res

2012-12-05 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all:

One adult N. Shrike west side on drive to Marina

On Ad and 2nd cycle-type Lesser Black-backed Gull viewed from Marina fishing 

There were also intermitted flocks of waterfowl seen "...cleavering through the 
sky, splitting the forces of nature." (lifted from Thoreau).

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Rufous-collared Sparrow, more thoughts

2011-05-12 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all
There is a 975 page book weighing at least 4 pounds, Migration Ecology of 
Birds, by Ian Newton that basically suggests that any bird for a whole host of 
reasons is capable of getting up going to odd places. Whether they are 
sedentary or migratory species, it doesn’t seem to make any difference. 
Sedentary species can become migrants and migrants can become sedentary species 
and there can be migratory populations within sedentary species as well as 
sedentary populations within migratory species.

I remember when the first Green Violet-ear appeared north of the border which 
stimulated the same discussion we are having now. then  subsequent records 
began to appear, even one for Colorado. So it will be interesting to see if 
other Rufous-collared Sparrows begin to show up north of the border—is there 
any reason it couldn't happen!!

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] How about becoming a CFO member

2012-02-17 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all

For all of you out there thinking about joining the CFO but just haven’t gotten 
around to it. One of the many great reasons for joining is the CFO Journal. The 
recent issue is packed with all kinds of interesting articles covering an array 
of varied topics pertaining to Colorado birding. For example Dave Leatherman 
has penned a great paper all about the current state of the bark beetle, which 
is the beetle that is slowly nibbling away at our coniferous forest. So far the 
beetle has voraciously gnawed through 800,000 acres of prime forest. Is the 
beetle still on the rampage or is it eating less? Is this bad or good for our 
woodpecker population? Become a member, get the Journal and find out the answer.

Bob Righter
Denver CO


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[cobirds] Ruby-crn Kinglet in Denver

2009-06-15 Thread Robert Righter


For the past several days I've heard several Ruby-crowned Kinglets  
around the Observatory Park region in Denver. While they were frequent  
in early June as migrants, the middle of June is getting on the late  
side for migrants and I was wondering if they could be breeding of  
thinking about breeding in the vicinity.

It wasn't that long ago where we were suddenly detecting Red-breasted  
Nuthatches and Bushtits on the eastern Plains during the middle of  
June and now they are well established residents.

Anyone else currently detecting RCK's in front range cities?

Bob Righter
Denver CO

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Re ruby-crn Kinglets

2009-06-16 Thread Robert Righter


In response to the RCK post Michele Bloom detecting them around her  
house in Centennial.

Dave Leatherman reports they occasionally nest in Grandview Cemetery  
in Fort Collins.

Bob Spencer mentioned he detected them around the Golden in the 1960s  
during the summer.

It does seem like the RK's are sending out their scouts out to the  
eastern plains. Lets keep an eye on any RCK activity along the front  
range this summer.

Cheers, Bob
Denver CO

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Need help on Ptarmigan in RMNP

2009-06-23 Thread Robert Righter


I'm leading a DFO trip to RMNP this weekend and was hoping someone has  
information on up-to-date where-abouts of the White-tailed Ptarmigan  
at the Medicine Bow Curve pull out. Also any other info concerning the  
birds in the Park would be most helpful.

I would greatly appreciated any info.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] The South Hills Crossbill ?

2009-07-01 Thread Robert Righter

If the Red Crossbill complex isn't confusing enough I recently read in  
the recent Bird Calls that potentially there could be a new crossbill  
species, the South Hills Crossbill (Loxia sinescuris). This crossbill  
inhabits lodgepole pine in the South Hills and Albion Mountains of the  
Sawtooth National Forest of southern Idaho. This forest is void of Red  
Squirrel and therefore the crossbill has less competition for the pine  
seeds and apparently through evolution has developed a short, thicker  
bill that is suppose to be better adapted at extracting lodgepole pine  
seeds. According to the article this crossbill appears to be  
genetically enough different to be considered as a species, also its  
vocalization is different some what from its congeners. The AOU is  
suppose to vote on this later this year. Colorado has a lot of, or  
used to have a lot of lodgepole pine and southern Idaho isn't that far  
away from our forest. This could be interesting.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Dickcissals Bebee Draw

2009-08-03 Thread Robert Righter

Hi all:

Just to inform everyone that Bebee Draw, Weld CO, is now being invaded  
by Dickcissels. Lock up the dogs and keep the children inside ! On  
Saturday, while birding the Bebee Draw region I noticed Dickcissels at  
several locations. The easiest location to get to was at a farm house  
on the north side of Rd 52 just north of Lower Latham Res.

Bob Righter
Denver CO


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[cobirds] Western Kingbird migration

2009-08-11 Thread Robert Righter


It has always been curious why the Western Kingbirds leaves Colorado  
so abruptly at the end of August, beginning of September, after which  
they are quite scarce. One obvious reason is that Colorado’s insect  
population rapidly diminishes. Recently its become known that the  
Western Kingbird fits a pattern shared by other western songbirds in  
that they travel to an area described as the “Mexican monsoon” area  
which in this country includes southern New Mexico eastern Arizona. At  
this time of year this monsoonal region is rich in insect life where  
the kingbird can obtain the necessary protein needed to replace many  
of its now year old feathers. What is also interesting is that adults  
leave Colorado much earlier than juveniles where by the end of July  
beginning of August they have started to move out and by mid August  
most of the Western Kingbirds remaining in Colorado are supposedly  
juveniles. For more information in this phenomenon see Auk, April 2009.

This summer Colorado has experienced an unusual amount of moisture,  
perhaps even historical amounts, so it will be most interesting to see  
come the end of August if Colorado’s Western Kingbird population will  
linger longer than usual, assuming the more moisture-insect ratio is  
in place or will they instinctively disregard this weather anomaly and  
move south anyways. Lets all keep our eyes open after Labor Day and  
see how many Western Kingbirds we can tally up.

Bob Righter

Denver CO

Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Cheery Creek

2009-11-15 Thread Robert Righter

I visited CC Res Sunday afternoon for an hour and there were lots of  
water birds, most what one would expect, the highlights included:

Red-breasted Merganser, 4 females, West side
Hooded Mergansr, mostly males West side
Common Loon east side
Herring Gulls west side
Bonaparte Gulls east side

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Bird Brain

2010-03-21 Thread Robert Righter


The term “Bird Brain” has been used by human species over the  
millennium in a derisive manner, usually implying that someone is as  
dumb as a bird. It might be fun to look at just one aspect of a bird’s  
biology, its migration strategies, to see if this perception of a  
bird’s brain is factual. Let’s focus on the Upland Sandpiper, an inter- 
hemispheric migrant shorebird that winters in South America and whose  
breeding range includes Colorado. Right now the Upland has left its  
wintering grasslands in Argentina and is winging its way north, could  
be in Texas in a couple of weeks. So how does the Upland navigate its  
way to the grasslands in northeast Colorado? Most likely the Upland  
has an imprint in its brain of the general longitude and latitude of   
Colorado’s grasslands where it may have successfully bred the year  
before, but again how does it accomplish this feat of navigation?

Migrating bird use three orientation strategies assisting them in  
keeping on course to a destination.

Magnetic compass: following the magnetic pull from either the northern  
magnetic pole or the southern magnetic pole. The receptor for the  
magnetic influence in a bird is located in a  tiny section of the  
retina of the eye also in some species on some skin located near the  
upper beak.

Sun compass: depending on the geographic latitude, longitude, and time  
of year, the sun will have a varying influence on the bird’s ability  
to zero in the relative azimuth of the sun to orient its migratory  

Star compass: this orientation is used mostly by night migrating   
species. Because stars in the Northern Hemisphere rotate counter- 
clockwise around the Polaris star and clockwise in the Southern  
Hemisphere, changing their appearance seasonally as well as  
attitudinally, when stars can be seen, they offer a reliable source  
for direction.

The Upland may use one strategy or another or a combination of all of  
them depending upon conditions. It is quite amazing to think how the  
brain of an Upland Sandpiper, leaving its wintering grounds in South  
America for the grasslands of Colorado can compute all this incredibly  
complex, sophisticated information. We may be able to accomplish this  
feat, but we would have to carry around a sack full of expensive gear,  
and confusing manuals, to have any hope of doing it.

For more on this topic please see the Auk Vol 126,no 4, October 09

Bob Righter

Denver CO


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[cobirds] Bonnie Res, Report

2010-05-17 Thread Robert Righter

Hi all:

Rain, wind and cold had no effect on DFO-ers Tim Schowater, Betsey  
Shaw, Francies Speal, and Jack and Joan Whiting as we all slogged our  
way around Bonnie Res, totally up 94 species, which included 9 warbler  
species with 4 Blackpolls and one Black-throated Green Warbler, a  

Northern Cardinals continues to establish their toe-hold in the region  
with 4-5 detected in and around all the Wild Turkeys at the Forster  
Grove Campground.

The water level at Bonnie was significantly higher than in previous  
springs which meant a greatly reduced shoreline and consequently only  
a few shorebirds were noted.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Red-neck Grebe--CC Res

2014-10-28 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all

Randy Lenrtz and I saw a Red-necked Grebe at Cherry Creek Res from the east 
side, south of the swim beach, from the picnic tables all in a row, at 11:00 
this morning. The grebe was swimming amongst Western Grebes,first noticed by 
dingy gray neck, whitish cheeks and long-ish bill (not as long as Western 
Grebe) and its bill slightly turned downward from side profile.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] CC Res

2014-11-02 Thread Robert Righter

3 Common Loons in south end of CC Res
Since all good things happen in threes, must mean the Broncos will take the 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] CC Res

2014-11-15 Thread Robert Righter

>From sitting in warm car

Ross's Goose n-east
Hooded Merganser 10 e-central
Common loons 2 e-central
Wilson's Snipe 1 so-western
Bonaparte's Gull 10-15 all

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cheery Creek Res

2014-11-19 Thread Robert Righter

Highlights from quick spin around Cherry Creek Res. at noon. Most birds seen in 
northeast section of the lake.

Cackling Geese, quite a few
Brass-eyed Whistlers, (Common Goldeneyes), in large numbers, all over
Lesser Black-backed Gulls, 2 adult, 
Thayer’s Gull, 1 adult, excellent views of wingtips, seen flying in 
north-central region

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] L-t Duck, Cherry Creek

2014-12-02 Thread Robert Righter

Not sure if the Long-tailed Duck was recently report At Cherry Res., but 
nevertheless there are now two females types very near the shore on the the 
central western side. They were so close that I wish I had my point and shoot 
camera, because I would have had some good pics.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Chatfield Yell-bill Loon

2014-12-17 Thread Robert Righter
11am seen by Steve Hodges and myself off handy capped pier, no more than a 
stone's throw away!!! Was swimming surprising fast easy towards spit

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cherry Crk Res

2014-12-24 Thread Robert Righter

1 female type White-winged Scoter NE section near out let. At first I thought I 
looking flippity jippet!!!

8 Bald Eagles, most NE section good chance for photos.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Comments Winter/Pacific Wren

2015-01-15 Thread Robert Righter

I was struck with Chris Knight’s post about recently viewing less-than- 
definitive fields marks on a Winter/Pacific Wren. Sibley presents this tricky 
identification dilemma by being equivocal. For example, he states for the 
Pacific Wren “ …from Winter Wren….averages slightly darker and more rufous, 
best identified by voice.” For voice Sibley continues with more equivocation by 
stating “…each male Winter sings a repertoire of two songs, while each male 
Pacific switches between thirty and more songs.” This statement suggests there 
could be variation in  the Pacific Wren song. How would one know which song 
type or variation of song type you are hearing? Also, this statement suggests 
there could be overlap in song types between the two wrens. In addition, what's 
not been established is the degree of variation for each wren and the possible 
degree of overlapping features. 

Annoying as it is some Winter/Pacific wrens just can’t adequately be ID in the 
field at this time. Let’s keep working on it. 

Thanks for Chris’s informative post.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Re State Land Board

2015-01-28 Thread Robert Righter

To follow up on Larry Modesitt request for input for potential areas of 
protection by the State Land Board.

For years Sandy and I have been volunteer stewards for one of the Land Board’s 
holding, Sand Creek in Larimer Co. We have been most impressed with the 
organization. The expertise, care and concern  they demonstrate in managing 
their properties is impressive. If they choose an area for protection you can 
be assured that land will be well watched and attended to.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Hudsonian Godwit

2015-05-01 Thread Robert Righter

In Weld Co, just south of Lower Latham Res on E-W road CR 48, in flooded field 
south of road was one Hudsonian Godwit, at 10am

Good luck

Bob Righter

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[cobirds] House Wrens increasing in Denver

2015-07-14 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all

The House Wren has always been an infrequent spring and fall migrant in our 
neighborhood in Denver. Last summer a few House Wrens were noted in our 
backyard. This summer the House Wren has blanketed not only our backyard but 
the whole neighborhood’s backyards, to where the wren the now is the most 
common breeding bird species.

It is curious what environmental factors have triggered this increase. We 
rightfully take note of birds decreasing in populations but rarely take note of 
bird population increasing, except those that are considered pest species.

Could there could be common environmental reasons  for populations both 
increasing and decreasing? Perhaps knowing the reasons why some birds are 
increasing could help explain why some birds are decreasing? 

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Eastern Screech Owl

2015-09-30 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

At least in my neighborhood near DU the Easter Screech-Owls have been actively 
calling nightly for at least the past week.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Slow Migration?

2015-10-14 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

This fall seems unusually sparse on reports for land and shore bird migrants—I 
wonder why. 

I was recently in central California and at least for land birds the conditions 
seemed similar-- very sparse. Because I had my scope stolen I was unable to 
offer an opinion about shorebirds. Conditions in California were still very hot 
and dry as they have been this fall in Colorado. Lack of moister can explain 
some the contributing factors, but I suspect there is more going on.

Anyone have any thoughts ?

Bob Righter
Denver Colorado 

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[cobirds] Thanks to B Guarente

2015-10-16 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Thanks to Bryon Guarente for sharing  knowledge about wind patterns from UCAR’s 
Comet program—very interesting.

Bob Righter
Denver CO  

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek Res Arapahoe Co

2015-10-27 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Lots of grebes, mostly Eared and Western but also ample amount of Horned, some 
still sporting their rufous neck breeding plumage, 

Common Loon, first reported by Mary Cay Burger

Lesser Scaup and an assortment of dabbling ducks

One adult Herring Gull, only a few California Gulls and of course many 
Ring-billed Gulls 

Of note is a lack of reports this fall for the long distance, migrating 
Franklin’s Gull. I’ve only seen a few during the few times I’ve been out. Maybe 
they have been seen in higher numbers by others but just not noted as they are 
usually a common fall migrant ?

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Great Discussion

2015-10-31 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Cobirds vs Ebirds, what a great discussion, lets keep going with it.

What about the the birder, that just has four hours to spend and wants to go to 
a location where there is a good diversity of birds and is not interested in 
traveling great distances for a rare bird. For example a birder may be 
interested in sifting through a variety of ducks, viewing them at different 
distances, light conditions and plumages in order to develop a degree of jizz 
about ducks. Or during spring and fall migration wanting to study shorebirds in 
their different transitional plumages, Or in winter where are the best 
locations for watching and studying hawks?. Or how about interesting 
discussions like this?

I think there is value in conveying location and type of interest  information. 
Not everyone at every moment is interested in just knowing where a rare bird is.


Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek Res 2 Common Loons

2015-11-01 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

There were two Common Loons motoring along the north side, at about 2pm.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek Res (Arapahoe Co)

2015-11-08 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

A pair of Black Scoters swimming amongst  a lot of Western Grebes in the 
northern half of the Res. The female is distinctive

One juvenile Pacific Loon also in the northern half.  The Loon is about the 
same body size as the Western Grebes, but structured differently. At just the 
right light conditions shows a slight contrastingly grayish hind neck, but at 
most times the head just appears dark. The bill is difficult to see at a 
distance as opposed to a larger, more noticeable Common Loon’s bill,  the 
squatter size is apparent as opposed to the W. Grebe.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] CCSP (ArapahoeCo)

2015-11-19 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Snow Goose, one  light phase and one slightly darker than light phase

Good assortment of dabbling and diving ducks in south end

One Common Loon (Juv, barred backed) by the outlet

Dark phases of western Red-tailed Hawk, 3-4

Bonaparte’s Gull, 7-10, (named after Charles Bonaparte, ornithologist, nephew 
to Napoleon)

Bob Righter
Denver, CO


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[cobirds] CCSP (Arapahoe Co)

2015-11-24 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

The 3 Swans previously reported were again seen today flying around the 
reservoir, but were last seen by Tuesday Birders flying south over the gun range

3+  female type Red-breasted Mergansers seen in northern half

1 Common Loon still present, last seen at boat launch area.

Bob Righter
Denver CO.

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[cobirds] CCSP (Arapahoe)

2015-12-02 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER


1 jv Common Loon (westside)

Many ad Bonaparte’ Gulls

1 ad Lesser Black-backed Gull

1 fat and happy ad Bald Eagle (ne side)

Bob Righter
Denver cO

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[cobirds] JJ Audubon, the benefits of of using bait

2015-12-07 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Many folks wondered how John J Audubon was able to get so close to hummingbirds 
in order to paint them. 

He would fill up a small cup with red wine wait for a hummingbird to be 
attracted to the color and then watch the hummer sip the wine. After a short 
wait the now giddy hummer would tumble too the ground drunk, where upon Audubon 
with great loving care pick it up, gently posed the new feathered model and 
then quickly penciled an outline of the bird before the hummer woke up and flew 
away. The hummingbird paid a small price, (hangover) to be immortalized in 
Audubon’s magnificent Birds of America.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO  

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[cobirds] CCRes (Arapahoe)

2015-12-09 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Hooded Mergansers, lots M & F

ad Ross's Goose—siting on ice west side picnic area

Jv Common Loon—slowly patrolling the west side

ad Glaucous Gull—first seen sitting on ice west side then flew off into the 
heat waves of the middle of Res.

many Bonaparte’s Gulls.

Did not see Mew’s or Thayer’s Gulls previously reported, but could have been in 
the heat waves section of Res 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] CCSP--Long-tailed Duck

2015-12-14 Thread ROBERT RIGHTER

Found Walbek’s  f-type, Long-tailed Duck, that he recently reported.

Since the female L.-t duck is small and rides low, good viewing conditions are 
helpful in finding it.

About 1:30 pm, the light from the west was perfect for scoping the water. From 
the westside, from the peninsula the duck was about 500 yards away viewing 
towards the dam

Good luck in re-finding Walbeck’s Long-tailed Duck

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] News from Crow Valley Campground

2018-08-31 Thread Robert Righter

The main campground area it was quiet. One contributing factor was at a camp 
site in middle of prime migrate habitat on the south west side was a large, 
Boxer/Mastiff with a ferocious sounding bark, convincing enough to have me 
scurrying back to the car, locking the car doors.

In the pasture just north of the campground there were some interesting bird 
comparisons. In an area including tall cottonwoods with dead branches were 
łabout 4-5 Olive-sided Flycatchers. Also there were 1-2 Western-wood Pewees in 
the area. It was interesting to study the size and flying comparisons for each 
Contopus species. Actually in the greater area there 4 times as many O-s fly as 
there were robins. Also had good views of side by side comparisons of Sage and 
Brown Thrashers

Bob Righters
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Great-horned Owls--started hooting (Denver Co)

2018-09-21 Thread Robert Righter

On recent, loosening up the back, evening walks around the greater DU area in 
Denver, I’ve detected Great-horned Owls hooting starting at 7PM and continuing. 
Actually I’ve heard them hooting, to a lesser degree, during the day. The 
extent of their hooting suggest they are already setting up territories, the 
end of September! Anyone else hearing them?

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek Res--Black-bellied Plovers

2018-09-29 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all:

>From the  observation area in the south west corner there were two juvenile 
>Black-bellied Plovers. One with white spotting on its black and the other with 
>gold spotting on its back.

Other notes of interest:
3-4 Snowy Egrets
1 Great Egret
3-4 juvenile, Black-crowned Night-Herons

Plus lots of Boats, all sizes and shapes

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Shorebirds Cherry Creek Res (Arapahoe Co)

2018-10-16 Thread Robert Righter

In the southwest corner,
from the observation platform, were 4 Lesser Yellowlegs

About  2 football field lengths away, still in the southwest corner,
6-8 Yellowlegs, presumably, also Lesser Yellowlegs
1 Dowitcher species
1 Stilt Sandpipers

1 White-faced Ibis flew over the marsh

I Ferruginous Hawk flying over the dam

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Sexual Dimorphism for Northern Black Swift

2018-10-17 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all

An important paper was just published in the prestiges, ornithological journal, 
Western Birds—Sexually Dimorphic Plumages Characteristic  in the Northern Black 
Swift written by Colorado authors, Carolyn Gunn, Kevin Aagaard, Kim M. Potter, 
and Jason P. Beason. The paper, all of it’s science all taking place in 
Colorado, discusses the implication of the depth of the tail fork as an 
important feature in determining sexual differences.

The paper credits, in part, contributions made by the Denver Field 
Ornithologist, Education and Conservation Fund and the Colorado Field 
Ornithologist. Everyone reading this post is probably a member of one or both 
of these fine organizations.

Cheers, Bob  

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[cobirds] Rusty Blackbirds Cherry Creek Res

2018-11-13 Thread Robert Righter
In the southwest corner, about 100 yards north of the observation area was a 
male and female Rusty Black

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Cobirds vs Facebook

2018-12-08 Thread Robert Righter

Leon Bright makes a good point. For almost 30 years Cobirds has been the 
established platform for communicating all kinds of interesting birding news 
about what is  going on in the state
By promoting the advantages, or perhaps its
disadvantage of using Facebook as a platform (check out facebooks recent stock 
collapse) for disseminating bird information could have the effect of 
splintering, or complicating how we get the daily bird news. Is this what we 

Are there ways of making Cobirds more relevant to changing times ?

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Including age when reporting rare gulls

2018-12-27 Thread Robert Righter

It could be helpful to birders when reporting rare birds to include the age of 
the bird, particularly with gulls, notable the large, white-headed gulls, also 
helpful when reporting terns, and very important when reporting Jaegers. These 
categories of birds arrive sporting a multiple array of confusing plumages so 
if age is also included with report birders will know more what to look for.

Hope this is helpful

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Timberline Sparrow ??

2019-06-30 Thread Robert Righter

Just reading Peterson Reference Guide to Sparrows of North America (2019) by 
Rick Wright, apparently on page 321, Timberline Sparrow (Spizella Taverneri), 
previously a subspecies of the Brewer’s Sparrow has been elevated to a species. 
A brief search of the internet didn’t produce any information to this effect so 
I’m not sure how this subspecies gained species status.

Here is what is stated in reference to Colorado; Still mysterious is the summer 
occurrence of Timberline-like sparrows in suitable breeding habitat at high 
elevations in the Colorado Rockies; it is not certain whether these birds are 
in fact Timberline Sparrows—or the altitudinal range of the Brewer Sparrow…

If this information is true the Timberline Sparrow would automatically ascend 
to first place as being the most difficult species to identify in Colorado if 
not for North America.

Anyone have any more information about the Timberline Sparrow status?

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Another excellent Hummingbird Guide

2019-09-04 Thread Robert Righter

Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding  is an excellent guide. There is  over 
30 pages devoted to just the 8 most challenging hummingbird species. Also a few 
years ago John Vanderpole published an excellent video guide, along with John 
Dunn, on North American Hummingbirds


Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake, Adams Co

2019-09-25 Thread Robert Righter
American Golden-Plover, in immaculate juv. plumage, circulating between the 
southern and middle sections of the lake

There was an impressive quantity of waterbirds on the lake today, the most 
numerous--listed by volume:
American  White Pelican 1000
Double-crested Cormorant less than a 1000
Ringed-billed Gull 400
Killdeer 350
American Coot, 325
Ruddy Duck 250
Shoveler Duck 200  

Others of note:
Sanderling, juvenile,1
Baird’s Sandpiper, juvenile 40
Lesser Yellowlegs several
Long-billed Dowitchers; 40

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] News from Barr Lake Adams Co 10/2

2019-10-03 Thread Robert Righter
Because one can walk out on the sand towards the water's edge, makes it very 
easy for close viewing of the birds.

Just in the southeast section:
3 American Golden-Plovers, (at least one was a Jv.)
50+ Killdeer
2 Marbled Godwits
3 Jv. Sanderlings
20 Baird’s Sandpipers
3-4 Pectorial Sandpipers
1 Least Sandpiper
20+ Forster’s Gulls

1000’s of Barn Swallows and vast numbers of other regularly occurring 
waterbirds were present
If there was more time I’d visit Meredith at Conservancy Banding station. It 
would have been fun to see the Philadelphia Vireo

Lots going on at Barr Lake, Come on out!

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Cooper's/Sharp-shinned downtown Denver

2014-03-10 Thread Robert Righter

While downtown I noted either a first year, female Sharp-shinned or a male 
Cooper's Hawk. The small accipiter was working a parking lot and associated 
parking meters when it grab a House Sparrow, flew to a window sill and began 
eating it.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Bird Song ID Gadget

2014-07-30 Thread Robert Righter

It seems I'm frequently being asked if I know of a gadget that could be pointed 
at a singing bird that would ID the songster.

I recently called the Laboratory of Ornithology and was put through to the Wild 
Bird Store associated with the Lab and was told "not yet, they are working on 
it." Apparently the technology is available and it is just the question of 
adapting the technology to bird songs and then to a gadget. If you are 
interested in how the technology works try the app "Soundhound" where you can 
point the iPhone to the radio playing a song and it will uncannily tell you the 
name of the song.

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Jaeger sp. Warren Lake Fort Colins

2019-10-12 Thread Robert Righter

An adult, light-morph Pomarine/Parasitic Jaeger seen about 10 minutes ago, 
bathing in the middle of the larger portion of Warren Lake.

If it was a Pom it’s characteristic longs twisted tail feathers were either 
broken off or molted away. The dark helmeted head feathers appeared to come 
below it’s bill and it’s mantle was dark, no tones of brown.. It was difficult 
to assess  the shape of it’s remaining tail feathers. In some looks the tail 
feathers seemed pointed and in other looks, not so sure.

Bring the long lens

Bob Righter
Denver, CO  

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[cobirds] 6 Grebe Day ??

2019-10-15 Thread Robert Righter

Today at Cherry Creek SP the tally was 5 grebes species: Western, Clark’s. 
Horned, Eared, and Pied-billed, which made me wonder if anyone has ever had a 6 
grebe day on one body of water in Colorado, which would be quite an 

To have a 6 grebe day has to include the Red-necked which of course is possible 
but more likely later in the season, but later in the season runs the risk of 
missing the Clark’s.

I would imagine that Pueblo SP would have the best chance of have a 6 grebe 
day,  but maybe others have already experienced a 6 grebe day on one body of 
water ?

Let us know


Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Northern Shrike River Bend Ponds Ft Collins

2019-11-08 Thread Robert Righter

Seen in the northwest section of Big Pond at about 3:30 pm

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Common vs Yellow-billed Loon

2019-11-21 Thread Robert Righter

Two days ago I was birding Cherry Creek Reservoir looking for the Yellow-billed 
Loon that was previously reported. About half way across the southern portion 
of the reservoir a loon was spotted. Because of heat waves the only impression 
that registered with me was the head was light brownish and the bill, appearing 
through shimmering light, was light colored.

I checked with Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Birds of North America series (an 
excellent resource) to see what the latest word was in distinguishing the 
difference between the Common and Yellow-billed Loon. Here is a brief summery 
of what I found 

Because of sexual and age  variation in size between the two loon species, it 
would be challenging just using size as a distinguishing characteristic for 
either loon. Also because of the subtle variation in plumage for juveniles and 
non-breeding adults for both loons relying on appearance is tricky although 
could be highly suggestive for the Yellow-billed   

"Only characteristic diagnostic in all plumages and ages is color of culmen 
(ridge of upper mandible). In Common Loon in winter plumage this ridge and 
about 5 mm on either side is black (in breeding plumage the entire bill is 
black), but in Yellow-billed Loon at least the distal half and usually distal 
two-thirds is whitish-yellow" (Common Loon BNA series)

Bob Righter
Denver, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Overeager, Arapahoe County

2020-01-16 Thread Robert Righter

I just penned a short article for the Lark Bunting, should be in the February 
issue, about a whooper of a mis-id I made many years ago. It’s taken me over 40 
years to finally come to grips with that excruciatingly embarrassing call.

Stay tuned, more to come 

Cheers, Bob

> On Jan 16, 2020, at 9:31 AM, Mary Kay Waddington  
> wrote:
> OK, I don't really want to turn this forum into a list of everyone's 
> "NotABird" stories, because we've all had them -- but I couldn't resist this 
> one.  When Charlie Chase was Curator of Ornithology at the museum (and I a 
> lowly bird-skinner) we were out birding one day and passed by a road kill.  
> We both agreed immediately that it was a Short-eared Owl!  So we slammed on 
> the brakes and backed up the road to pick it up  ---  Sheep's head.
> Mary Kay Waddington
> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 8:09 AM Sebastian Patti  > wrote:
> Chlorox  bottles hiding in corn stubble in mid-winter can closely resemble 
> SNOWY OWLS . . .
> Trust me . . . 
> sebastianpa...@hotmail.com  
> Sebastian T. Patti 
> 770 S. Grand Avenue
> Unit 3088
> Los Angeles, CA 90017 
> CELL: 773/304-7488
> From: Joe Roller mailto:jroll...@gmail.com>>
> Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2020 8:08 AM
> To: Colorado Birds  >
> Cc: twilberd...@comcast.net  
> mailto:twilberd...@comcast.net>>; Bob's Email 
> mailto:rorigh...@earthlink.net>>; Sebastian Patti 
> mailto:sebastianpa...@hotmail.com>>
> Subject: Re: [cobirds] Overeager, Arapahoe County
> Good photo documentation of the seldom seen hybrid, "Loon x Grebe".
> Joe Roller
> PS Cobirds is chock full of serious bird reports, so it's refreshing to find 
> one like Tom's
> that screams "Beware! I goofed! So can you!"
> Here's the tale of the worst ID I ever made. 
> A DFO trip to South Texas, led by the stalwart Bob Righter, found our group 
> on the ferry ride across Galveston Bay.  
> Bob had just told us to be alert, as this leg of the trip offered our only 
> chance for Brown Pelican. I was excited 
> and determined to be the first to spot one. 
> "Brown Pelican!" I yelled out, agitated and excited. "Two o'clock on the far 
> shore!"
> Bob glassed the spot I pointed to and calmly asked, "Joe, where is it from 
> that German Shepherd?"  
> My meek reply, "Oh, well. Never mind. He was scratching himself and got into 
> a shape like a Brown Pelican.
> I'll keep scanning." 
> Roger Tory Peterson led a field trip to a Bronx shore one winter. He called 
> out "Mountain Bluebird!"
> It turned out to be a half-buried Bromo-Seltzer bottle.
> I suppose that bone-head calls like that happen to most of us from time to 
> time, but who will admit it?
> Who else has stories like those?
> On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 8:32 PM Sebastian Patti  > wrote:
> Overeager and maybe just a tad too GREBEY!!
>  . . . sorry . . .
> sebastianpa...@hotmail.com  
> Sebastian T. Patti 
> 770 S. Grand Avenue
> Unit 3088
> Los Angeles, CA 90017 
> CELL: 773/304-7488
> From: cobirds@googlegroups.com  
> mailto:cobirds@googlegroups.com>> on behalf of Tom 
> Wilberding mailto:twilberd...@comcast.net>>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 8:59 PM
> To: Colorado Birds  >
> Subject: [cobirds] Overeager, Arapahoe County
>  Hi all,
> This afternoon I was at windy Aurora Reservoir looking for the often-reported 
> Yellow-billed Loon. I went down to the beach and started scanning with my 500 
> mm camera lens. I spotted three Common Loons way out there , but then 
> realized they were Common Mergansers. That should have been a warning to me.
> After a long while I feared I would dip on the YBLO, but suddenly, out of the 
> corner of my eye, there it was. Wow! Swimming along pretty close to shore 
> between the waves. It looked maybe a little too brown and the bill looked a 
> little small, but “WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE?” I took about 100 photos and felt 
> triumphant. 
> Later at Starbucks I zoomed my camera screen in close to appreciate the 
> subtleties of a Yellow-billed Loon. Below what I saw. Truly jaw-dropping.
> Better birding next time,
> Tom Wilberding
> Littleton, CO
> <_V6A1103.jpg>
> -- 
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> "Colorado Birds" group.
> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an 
> email to cobirds+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com 
> .
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> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/cobirds/0e701bbe-6186-40a8-a1e6-41b784ded427%40googlegroups.com

[cobirds] Van Truan 405 Pueblo County list

2020-01-21 Thread Robert Righter

That's an amazing, county record for Colorado, an inland state, rivaling some 
of those west coast county records.


Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Variation

2020-02-04 Thread Robert Righter

I’m not necessary a “Guller” but I am a believer in variation. There is 
probably more variation within a species than we like to believe. Darwin was 
constantly confused by variation and I think that theme is still with us today 
particularly  obvious within the Large-white-Headed Gull group.

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Introducing Cole Sage

2020-02-04 Thread Robert Righter

Cole Sage is a newer birder to our community. Cole is 16, very thoughtful,  
enthusiastic, and best of all is hooked on birding. Cole already has an 
interesting birding blog about some of the birds seen on his trips:  
http://birdsonthewing.com/ .

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Favorite Songs of Spring

2020-03-06 Thread Robert Righter

After a long winter hearing the first  Western Meadowlarks bugling in spring 
gives me reassurance that winter is on the way out. Hearing the gurglings from 
the first Lark Buntings in May lets me know Summer is fast approaching, Hearing 
trumpeting from the first Sandhilll Cranes migrating south in fall lets me know 
winter is on the way.

What would we do without hearing bird songs?


Bob Righter
Denver Colorado

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[cobirds] Suspending the rare bird alert ?

2020-03-30 Thread Robert Righter

Spring migration is one of the most exciting times of the year for birding in 
One way we  are made aware of the progress of migrations is by noting the wide 
variety of species as well as the volume of migrating birds through our state 
via  Cobirds. 
A rare species is a rather subjective label, rare to one birder is not so rare 
to another birder depending on season and location. We all have a choice to 
chase or not to chase or just  observe the action on Cobirds.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Eastern Screech-Owl

2020-04-06 Thread Robert Righter

My wife Sandy in walking our spaniel around the neighborhood heard two  
separate E. Screech-Owls vocalizing during the day. They seem to be  active 
now, at least in the greater DU area in Denver.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Palm Warbler Cherry Creek SP

2020-05-01 Thread Robert Righter

The warbler was first seen this morning at about 08:30 on the west side in the 
marsh area just south of Lake Loop. First seen by Mitchelle Bailey, then Joey 
Negreann obtained a photo, and later I got a quick glimpse.

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek SP, Marsh Wren

2020-05-02 Thread Robert Righter

Marsh Wren singing in the cattails at the pond adjacent to the road on the 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Red-breasted Nuthatch possible nesting Pawnee NG

2020-05-05 Thread Robert Righter
While at the Pawnee National Grasslands, Weld Co., saw a Red-breasted Nuthatch 
entering a possible nesting cavity at Norma’s Grove, (40-42-39N: 104-31-3W).

At Norma’s Grove detected 24 species of birds, which was many more birds than 
was seen on the three hour Auto Tour loop!

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Golden Eagles Nesting, Bellvue, Fort Collins

2020-05-06 Thread Robert Righter

Since I haven't  seen any nesting activity with the Golden Eagles that 
traditionally nest on the steep cliffs along the Poudre River, adjacent to the 
State Fisheries Research Unit, which is near Bellvue Colorado, I began to 

Today when I checked still no recognizable activity, but when glassing along 
the high ridge line I saw two Golden Eagles copulating, so we hope something 
could happening soon?

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Re a 20 warbler day in Colorado

2020-05-09 Thread Robert Righter

Just to underline how impressive Brandon’s report is in seeing 20 warbler 
species in one day in southeast Colorado. This would be a remarkable feat 
anywhere in North American, perhaps aside from Louisiana, Texas and a few other 

Congratulations to everyone involved

Green with jealously ,

Bob Righter
Denver, CO 

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek SP--Blackpoll Warbler

2020-05-12 Thread Robert Righter

Seen about two hours ago, along the east side the South Connector trail, about 
50 yards in from the trail entrance from the main driving road

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek SP--Ash throated Flycatcher

2020-05-16 Thread Robert Righter

The Ash-throated Flycatcher was seen two hours ago. From the Prairie Loop 
parking area, after crossing the bridge over Cotton Wood Creek, several hundred 
yards along the path the bird was seen and heard in the tall trees left of the 

Also from Prairie Loop a Plumbeous Vireo was seen near the water at the 
observatory area

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Common Nighthawk--Denver

2020-05-23 Thread Robert Righter

Probably not that unusual of a sighting, but what could be unusual was that it 
was resting on a small bare branch, forty to fifty feet up in a dense spruce 
tree in our backyard. Makes one wonder how often does this happen and if so 
could there be more Common Nighthawks migrating through urban Denver than we 

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] The Rare Bird Alert

2020-05-26 Thread Robert Righter

I like the RBA on Cobirds. With one quick click and I immediately get a quick 
snapshot of what its going on in our state. The RBA is much more than just rare 
birds. It also includes out of season and out of range reports, unusually high 
counts. For example today there were six Black Swifts and a Eastern Wood-Pewee 
seen at Pueblo Res. To me that is interesting information. For more information 
about a post, just click on the poster’s email. Just looking at all the unusual 
sighting per county I find very stimulating.

My question is can I click on ebirds and obtain the same information as quickly 
as I can on the RBA?

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Birding in Jackson County

2020-06-06 Thread Robert Righter
Are you wondering where your next birding adventures will be? How about Jackson 
County? It is one the few counties in Colorado where Covid19 has not paid a 
visit.The county has an assortment of critters, 1400 folks, 600 moose, 
pronghorns, 2500 cattle and over the years 272 bird species have been tallied 
(CFO). The county is bounded to the west by the specular Park Range and to the 
east by the Medicine Bow mountains. Sage is the dominate vegetation within the 
county. Arapaho NWR maintains jurisdiction over a good portion of the wetlands 
in the central valley and provides an impressive auto tour that snakes its way 
through lakes and ponds. This is where Sandy and I discovered sixteen species 
of ducks as well as many other water oriented birds. We spent several days in 
the preserve and never saw another car except for one distant NWR truck. 
Driving the unpopulated county roads, all one sees are these gentle rolling 
sage brush covered hills for miles. The county has impressive State Wildlife 
Areas and Walden Reservoir SWA has several hundred nesting White Pelicans, 
California Gulls, and Eared Grebes in flashy breeding plumage. There is lots to 
look at in Jackson County.

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Lewis's Woodpecker

2020-07-09 Thread Robert Righter

On June 30, Courtney Schultz alerted all us on Cobirds that there were Lewis’s 
Woodpeckers at Hewlett Gulch, along the Poudre River in Larimer Co. Today I 
spent a few early morning hours audio recording those woodpeckers. If anyone is 
interested in either photographing. recording or just watching these unusual 
woodpeckers, this is a great location. They are in tall bare trees visible from 
the parking lot, but by walking down the trail can get relatively quite close 
to them.

Bob Righter
Denver CO  

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[cobirds] Snowy Range, Wyoming

2020-07-15 Thread Robert Righter
If you are thinking about birding RMNP this summer but are not sure of your 
reservation status for entering the Park or just not wanting to battle the 
crowds, think about visiting the Snowy Range in south central Wyoming. The 
Range is about forty miles north of RMNP or about a three hour drive from 
Denver.The Snowy Range shares similar geology and habitat with the Park. The 
base elevation of Centennial, WY is about 8200’ as compared to 7500’ for Estes 
Park resulting in corresponding cooler temperature. Based on the hikes Sandy 
and I have taken, it appears there is more and easier access to the spruce-fir 
forest and the tundra zone starts about 10,500, considerably lower than at 
RMNP. In 2018 a California Condor, number 72, visited the tundra in the Snowy 
Range and who knows what else could show up! 

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Re Mike Britten's bird song quiz

2020-08-05 Thread Robert Righter
Hi all

After going 0 for 4 on these  bird song quizzes and risking being sent off to 
the minors for some extensive audio re-tooling, I’ll take another swing.

Since the Cassin’s Finch has a numerous call types, I think in the past I've 
recorded a call similar to Mike's quiz bird !!

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Re-Bird sound quizz

2020-08-09 Thread Robert Righter

I’m now 0 for 5 with these bird sound quizzes, When is the next one?

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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[cobirds] Shorebirds at Barr Lake

2020-08-19 Thread Robert Righter

At 06:15 am I arrived at Barr Lake just as the Great Eastern Sun began to rise. 
With the sun behind me I began to look for shorebirds along the southeastern 
shore. Most of the shorebirds were in there juvenile, neat and tidy appearing 

Avocet 8-10
Killdeer 60 +
Marbled Godwit 10-13
Baird’s Sandpiper 40 + 
Least Sandpiper 15-20 (juvenile and adult plumage)
Semipalmated Sandpiper 10-15
Spotted Sandpiper less than 10
Solitary Sandpiper 5-8
Lesser Yellowlegs 20-25
Greater Yellowlegs (just heard) 4-6
Wilson’s Phalarope 5-8

At 8 o’clock it began to get hot and I left
I can only wonder what the list could have been if I’d walked  the shore all 
around Barr Lake

Bob Righter
Denver CO


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[cobirds] Re- Cliff and Cave Swallow

2020-08-21 Thread Robert Righter
What a wonderful, illuminating discussion we are having on Cobirds

David Tonnessen alludes in his recent posts in the difficulty in separating 
juvenile Cliff swallows from juvenile  and perhaps adult Cave Swallow. 

Tony’s post, in part, concurs with that premise but suggest that phase of 
juvenile plumage may not be that prevalent?

In the Sibley Guide the notation adjacent to the depiction of the juvenile 
Cliff Swallow (Jun-Dec) “juveniles extremely variable…”

So what do we do about this dilemma in Colorado. Could we just say that any 
well documented record of a Cave Swallow before June would be more viable than 
any juvenile record of a Cave Swallow discovered after June which would to have 
to have an exceptional level of documentation. Would even photographic evidence 
be satisfactory or would it take just  specimen evidence?

Bob Righter
Denver CO 

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[cobirds] Caspian Tern--Barr Lake

2020-09-02 Thread Robert Righter

In the southwest section of Barr Lake;
One adult being harassed by a squawking  juvenile

Lots of the usual shorebirds present.  A large flock, 30-40 Stilt Sandpipers 
was a treat

Bob Righter
Denver CO

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