Re: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo Tree Search reference bot

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Boon

On 27-nov-08, at 19:50, Denis fidaali wrote:

So, you use AMAF for "simulating" the first UCT evaluations ?
I though the classical way to use AMAF, was to affect only the
win/lose ratio portion of the uct equation.
Obvioulsy it should be allowed to use an arbitrary
large number of AMAF simulation accumulating them longer
than what it take to expand a node.
I think that a classical way to affect the win/ratio is to
decrease the effect of the AMAF correction as the number
of simulation grows.

If you test with a very low number of simulation
(in the 1000 - 3000 range), i think you should be
able to get out a very nice improvement out of the
AMAF version. If you don't, i would think that something
is wrong somewhere.

What test process do you use for this version ?

I tested it mostly doing 2,000 playouts. When AMAF is true I create a  
map of virtual-win values of all the moves played during a playout.  
These values get accumulated over all the playouts (not just the  
first ones). The 'virtual-value' of a move is calculated as follows:

exploration-factor * UCT + ( (nr-wins*2 + nr-virtual-wins) / (nr- 
playouts*2 + nr-virtual-playouts))

where the exploration-factor is currently sqrt(0.2) and UCT is sqrt 
( log( nr-parent-playouts ) / ( nr-playouts+1) )

Like I said, I haven't had time to experiment much so this formula  
may not be any good. I had also expected to see some positive effect  
of the virtual-win / virtual-playout ratio from AMAF, but I see none.  
Of course it's also possible I have a different kind of bug still.

What happens in my 'formula' is that when it never expands beyond the  
first level, which is what happens if the number of simulations is  
equal to the number of simulations before expansion, the virtual- 
value becomes completely determined by nr-virtual-wins / nr-virtual- 
playouts making it equivalent to the original ref-bot. In case it  
does expand further and creates a tree, the actual win-loss ratio is  
weighed twice as heavily as the virtual win-loss ratio. That seemed  
like a reasonable first try. I have tried a few others, but usually  
didn't get much different results or much worse results.


computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Claus Reinke
>The use of C is almost the only choice, but I'm on the lookout for the
>next wave of languages that will be:
>   1.  Native code compiled - no external runtime required.
>   2.  High level language features, but not imposed on you.

Have a look at Haskell ( I don't want to get into
language advocacy (you'll find enough of that elsewhere;-), so I'll just
address your points:

1. GHC compiles to native code (either via C or, increasingly, directly)
2. Higher-level language features are strongly suggested (and even higher-
level features are being worked on continuously), but not imposed - if
you want to write C-style code in Haskell, you can (just don't show it:-)

(and if you absolutely want to write the inner loop in C, Haskell has a
nice foreign function interface - it gets a lot of its libraries from 
the C APIs and wrapping higher-level safer interfaces on top; so you
always have the fallback of writing a few core pieces in C for speed
while writing the framework and interface code in Haskell for 

You also mentioned string handling, which harks back to your second
point above: a game engines involves many tasks, not all of which require
low-level bit-fiddling, so you actually need to be able to mix high- and
low-level code as appropriate. Again, Haskell allows this.

Disclaimer: Haskell is by no means perfect, and I have many, many
gripes with it and it implementations. But it is very good for increasingly
many things, and games programming might well be one of it (I'm not yet
sure about Go in particular - the performance-critical part of the code
doesn't look much nicer than it would in C at the moment). The thing I
like best is that it that it brings practitioners and researchers together in
a fairly nice community (it used to be more research-heavy, but that has
balanced over recent years).


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo Tree Search reference bot

2008-11-27 Thread Denis fidaali

So, you use AMAF for "simulating" the first UCT evaluations ?
I though the classical way to use AMAF, was to affect only the
win/lose ratio portion of the uct equation. 
Obvioulsy it should be allowed to use an arbitrary
large number of AMAF simulation accumulating them longer
than what it take to expand a node.
I think that a classical way to affect the win/ratio is to 
decrease the effect of the AMAF correction as the number
of simulation grows.

If you test with a very low number of simulation
(in the 1000 - 3000 range), i think you should be
able to get out a very nice improvement out of the 
AMAF version. If you don't, i would think that something
is wrong somewhere.

What test process do you use for this version ?

> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 18:15:34 -0200
> To:
> CC: 
> Subject: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo Tree Search reference bot
> I have added a MCTS implementation to my reference-bot project. It  
> allows you to specify how many nodes to search, after how many nodes  
> to expand and whether to use AMAF or not. If you specify the number  
> of nodes before expansion to be the same as the total number of nodes  
> to search and set AMAF to true you get the equivalent of Don's  
> original ref-bot. When you set AMAF to false and set the number of  
> nodes before epxansion to 1 you get my original UCT search algorithm.
> Between those extremes there might be a good formula to combine AMAF  
> with tree-search, but unfortunately I haven't had time lately to look  
> for one. The few small attempts I made show no benefit using AMAF in  
> tree-search, only when used on a single level. The contrast between  
> the two exptremes is very stark, so I'm actually convinced there  
> should be a way to use both. This implementation is also quite a bit  
> slower than my original search algorithm but I also didn't have time  
> yet to trace it. It might simply be due to the different expansion  
> method, which is much more expensive with a value of 1. Also,  
> searching for the best UCT node gets more expensive with more  
> (unused) nodes on each level. Using a higher expansion value may  
> alleviate the performance hit. Anyway I think this is a reasonable  
> starting point.
> At first I intended to create a different project for the search  
> reference bot. But half of the code (the MC part) is the same. And I  
> don't want to end up having to maintain the same code in two places.  
> I also didn't want to separate out some code into a separate library  
> and making the structure for the simple ref-bot more complicated.  
> This organization may need some more thought though.
> I'll update the project pages tomorrow.
> Mark
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Monte-Carlo Tree Search reference bot

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Boon
I have added a MCTS implementation to my reference-bot project. It  
allows you to specify how many nodes to search, after how many nodes  
to expand and whether to use AMAF or not. If you specify the number  
of nodes before expansion to be the same as the total number of nodes  
to search and set AMAF to true you get the equivalent of Don's  
original ref-bot. When you set AMAF to false and set the number of  
nodes before epxansion to 1 you get my original UCT search algorithm.

Between those extremes there might be a good formula to combine AMAF  
with tree-search, but unfortunately I haven't had time lately to look  
for one. The few small attempts I made show no benefit using AMAF in  
tree-search, only when used on a single level. The contrast between  
the two exptremes is very stark, so I'm actually convinced there  
should be a way to use both. This implementation is also quite a bit  
slower than my original search algorithm but I also didn't have time  
yet to trace it. It might simply be due to the different expansion  
method, which is much more expensive with a value of 1. Also,  
searching for the best UCT node gets more expensive with more  
(unused) nodes on each level. Using a higher expansion value may  
alleviate the performance hit. Anyway I think this is a reasonable  
starting point.

At first I intended to create a different project for the search  
reference bot. But half of the code (the MC part) is the same. And I  
don't want to end up having to maintain the same code in two places.  
I also didn't want to separate out some code into a separate library  
and making the structure for the simple ref-bot more complicated.  
This organization may need some more thought though.

I'll update the project pages tomorrow.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Don Dailey
On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 16:22 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> Don,
> I'm not going to argue about the merits of Java or C++ as it won't  
> change anyone's point of view anyway.
> What you're arguing is you should use C/C++, period. Fine by me if  
> that's what you think is best.
> But that's not what Denis was saying. He didn't specify he'd start  
> with C/C++, although that may be likely. He was saying he would move  
> to a more flexible language like Java later. That's the part that  
> doesn't make sense to me. Your litany against Java seems irrelevant  
> in this context.

I don't know what Denis meant,  but it doesn't seem likely that he
wanted to start with a low level language and then move up to a higher
level language.   That's what Dave Dyer thinks he meant and maybe he did
mean that, but I'm inclined to believe we just didn't understand him.

My "litany" wasn't supposed to be against Java.  It was against what I
consider to be a myth,  the idea that it makes great sense to start with
a high level language to figure out what you want, then recode it all
from scratch in a high performance language.  

The use of C is almost the only choice, but I'm on the lookout for the
next wave of languages that will be:

   1.  Native code compiled - no external runtime required.

   2.  High level language features, but not imposed on you.

I think we are poised for this now.   Lisaac seems promising,  bitC,
Digital Mars D,  and Vala seems very interesting.  I think there are
couple of others mentioned here too. These all seem to be a step in
the right direction to me,  these are languages that can be used for
very low level control without too many compromises.   One of them could
be the next C.  

We may look back in 10 or 20 years and see that we have been foolish.
It could be that the problem is with the processors we use, designed a
very specific way to basically support C programming.   So maybe we are
perpetuating our own nightmare.  

- Don


> Mark

> On 27-nov-08, at 14:55, Don Dailey wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> >> You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then  
> >> when it
> >> shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
> >> language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
> >> me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
> >> work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
> >> CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.
> >
> > This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a  
> > mistake for
> > an "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
> > prototype. The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and  
> > nail
> > down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.
> >
> > I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
> > discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
> > major advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is
> > very important for games:
> >
> >1.  It's about as fast as you will get.
> >
> >2.  It is superbly flexible.
> >
> >3.  It is not a memory hog.
> >
> >
> > To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are
> > full of limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
> > work around them. Even the speed limitation is more of an issue  
> > that
> > you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy
> > use of testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway.
> >
> > For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At
> > some point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than  
> > what
> > you were doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a
> > large number of games to measure superiority, unless it is  
> > overwhelming.
> > Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a
> > lot of games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language
> > this is correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the  
> > supposed
> > high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests  
> > than
> > programming, even in C.
> >
> > Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...Well
> > if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
> > author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to  
> > utilize
> > as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100  
> > workstations I
> > still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
> > because what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
> > workstations perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.
> >
> >
> > When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
> > to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
> > performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and t

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Don Dailey
On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 12:59 -0500, steve uurtamo wrote:
> don,
> i agree, although i will point out one of C's biggest flaws, which
> happens (conveniently for the sake of this argument) to be its
> least important one for game programming:
> string handling sucks
> if i never have to handle a string, i'll choose C without question.
> when i need to handle strings, i choose C with major reservations.

Yes, string handling is very low level and primitive in C.  However it
doesn't seem much better in Java, if you are talking about Java.

Can it be worse than this?  :

  if (string1.equals(string2)) {
 ... do stuff

Ok, it's probably a little worse in C,  but Java is no giant in string

  the C way:

  if (!strcmp(string1, string2)) {
 ... do stuff

A lot of times this comes down to what is abstracted away from your
control.   For instance in C you can do tricks with pointer magic to
speed things up.   In Java, some of this also happens underneath the
hood, for instance string space can be shared.I think the substring
method in Java doesn't allocate more space for storing the characters,
although it must need to create a new object.   But my point is that all
of this is outside the control of the programmer, at least without
herculean efforts.   That is almost always bad for performance
programming, when the compiler doesn't really know what you really
intend to do and makes too many decisions for you.

Of course there is another myth about this and it's not uncommon to see
blogs or diatribes about how compilers are much smarter than humans
about making decisions.   I'm completely in favor of automating things
like memory management,  instruction scheduling, and other low level
details that I don't want to be bothered with,  but I disagree that
humans cannot compete.   The truth is that most humans don't want to be
bothered with this because it's difficult, and we would rather have a
compiler make a good decision than for ourselves to have to take a lot
of time and effort making a better decision. Having said that, there
probably are specialized cases where even expert humans would be
significantly challenged to outperform a compiler in any significant

- Don

> s.

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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Boon


I'm not going to argue about the merits of Java or C++ as it won't  
change anyone's point of view anyway.

What you're arguing is you should use C/C++, period. Fine by me if  
that's what you think is best.

But that's not what Denis was saying. He didn't specify he'd start  
with C/C++, although that may be likely. He was saying he would move  
to a more flexible language like Java later. That's the part that  
doesn't make sense to me. Your litany against Java seems irrelevant  
in this context.


On 27-nov-08, at 14:55, Don Dailey wrote:

On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then  
when it

shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.

This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a  
mistake for

an "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
prototype. The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and  

down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.

I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
major advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is
very important for games:

   1.  It's about as fast as you will get.

   2.  It is superbly flexible.

   3.  It is not a memory hog.

To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are
full of limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
work around them. Even the speed limitation is more of an issue  

you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy
use of testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway.

For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At
some point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than  

you were doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a
large number of games to measure superiority, unless it is  

Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a
lot of games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language
this is correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the  
high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests  

programming, even in C.

Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...Well
if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to  
as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100  
workstations I

still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
because what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
workstations perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.

When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and this would be
worse with a high level language.

A word about Java, which will probably produce some anger because I  
some of us here love Java.   I have never seen a top level, non- 

game playing program in Java.   I don't think you could build a strong
chess program in Java.  Probably more due to memory issues than
performance - but I think for a top chess program performance would be
an issue too.   Yes, it's possible to write some programs in Java that
are almost as fast as C,  but probably not a chess program.You
really need system level programming type of flexibility that C
provides,  not high level abstractions that the processor doesn't care
about, and the compiler cannot optimize away.

An ad-hoc poll:  What is the strongest Java playing program on CGOS?

I can't see building a very strong MCTS GO program in Java, because  

in C,  the tree does not fit in memory.

My little reference bot can be done in Java however.  The performance
loss is modest and memory isn't an issue.   But the code is clearly
larger.   Perhaps because I'm not a Java expert, it seems to take more
code to do the same thing in Java.   All kinds of scaffolding required
to use the standard data structures.Much more typing.
System.out.printf()  is just one example.   Seems like a little thing
and I'm nitpicking - I see some value in this kind of anal-ism for big
projects especially, but it's pretty annoying.  I cannot see an  
ease of
use difference between Java and C but I can imagine with large  

Java has some advantages.With it's strong typing Java seems almost
as low level to me as C.

To summarize, I have found over the years that just plain CPU/MEMORY
performance is the primary ba

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread steve uurtamo

i agree, although i will point out one of C's biggest flaws, which
happens (conveniently for the sake of this argument) to be its
least important one for game programming:

string handling sucks

if i never have to handle a string, i'll choose C without question.
when i need to handle strings, i choose C with major reservations.


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:55 AM, Don Dailey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
>> You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when it
>> shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
>> language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
>> me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
>> work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
>> CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.
> This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a mistake for
> an "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
> prototype. The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and nail
> down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.
> I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
> discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
> major advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is
> very important for games:
>   1.  It's about as fast as you will get.
>   2.  It is superbly flexible.
>   3.  It is not a memory hog.
> To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are
> full of limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
> work around them. Even the speed limitation is more of an issue that
> you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy
> use of testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway.
> For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At
> some point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than what
> you were doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a
> large number of games to measure superiority, unless it is overwhelming.
> Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a
> lot of games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language
> this is correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the supposed
> high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests than
> programming, even in C.
> Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...Well
> if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
> author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to utilize
> as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100 workstations I
> still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
> because what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
> workstations perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.
> When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
> to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
> performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and this would be
> worse with a high level language.
> A word about Java, which will probably produce some anger because I know
> some of us here love Java.   I have never seen a top level, non-trivial
> game playing program in Java.   I don't think you could build a strong
> chess program in Java.  Probably more due to memory issues than
> performance - but I think for a top chess program performance would be
> an issue too.   Yes, it's possible to write some programs in Java that
> are almost as fast as C,  but probably not a chess program.You
> really need system level programming type of flexibility that C
> provides,  not high level abstractions that the processor doesn't care
> about, and the compiler cannot optimize away.
> An ad-hoc poll:  What is the strongest Java playing program on CGOS?
> I can't see building a very strong MCTS GO program in Java, because even
> in C,  the tree does not fit in memory.
> My little reference bot can be done in Java however.  The performance
> loss is modest and memory isn't an issue.   But the code is clearly
> larger.   Perhaps because I'm not a Java expert, it seems to take more
> code to do the same thing in Java.   All kinds of scaffolding required
> to use the standard data structures.Much more typing.
> System.out.printf()  is just one example.   Seems like a little thing
> and I'm nitpicking - I see some value in this kind of anal-ism for big
> projects especially, but it's pretty annoying.  I cannot see an ease of
> use difference between Java and C but I can imagine with large projects
> Java has some advantages.With it's strong typing Java seems almost
> as low level to me as C.
> To summarize, I have found over the years that just plain CPU/MEMORY
> performance is the primary barrier not just to program strength, b

RE: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread David Fotland
I have to agree with Don.  This year I went from knowing nothing about Monte
Carlo and UCT to world champion.  I tried more than 400 variations on the
basic UCT algorithm or playout strategy during 6 months of intensive
development.  The engine is written in C and tuned from the start for
performance.  I couldn't have done this many experiments (often several per
day), without a very fast engine, because I used 1000 game contests to see
if there was improvement, to get statistically significant results.  Part of
the reason I won is because the basic UCT/MC is so fast that I can
incorporate the slow Many Faces knowledge and still get over 10K playouts
per second per CPU on 9x9.


> -Original Message-
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:computer-go-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Dailey
> Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:56 AM
> To: computer-go
> Subject: Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> > You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when it
> > shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
> > language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
> > me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
> > work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
> > CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.
> This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a mistake for
> "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
> prototype. The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and nail
> down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.
> I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
> discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
> advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is very
> for games:
>1.  It's about as fast as you will get.
>2.  It is superbly flexible.
>3.  It is not a memory hog.
> To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are full
> limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
> work around them. Even the speed limitation is more of an issue that
> you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy use
> testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway.
> For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At some
> point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than what you
> doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a large number
> games to measure superiority, unless it is overwhelming.
> Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a lot
> games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language this is
> correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the supposed
> high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests than
> programming, even in C.
> Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...Well
> if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
> author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to utilize
> as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100 workstations I
> still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
> what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
> perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.
> When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
> to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
> performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and this would be
> with a high level language.
> A word about Java, which will probably produce some anger because I know
> some of us here love Java.   I have never seen a top level, non-trivial
> game playing program in Java.   I don't think you could build a strong
> chess program in Java.  Probably more due to memory issues than
performance -
> but I think for a top chess program performance would be
> an issue too.   Yes, it's possible to write some programs in Java that
> are almost as fast as C,  but probably not a chess program.You
> really need system level programming type of flexibility that C provides,
> high level abstractions that the processor doesn't care about, and the
> compiler cannot optimize away.
> An ad-hoc poll:  What is the strongest Java playing program on CGOS?
> I can't see building a very strong MCTS GO program in Java, because even
> in C,  the tree does not fit in memory.
> My little reference bot can be done in Java however.  The performance
> loss is modest and memory isn't an issue.   But the code is clearly
> larger.   Perhaps because I'm not a Java expert, it seems to take more
> code to do the same thing in Java.   All kinds of scaffolding required
> to use the standard data structures.Much more typing.
> S

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Don Dailey
On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 13:03 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
> You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when it
> shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What
> language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to
> me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to
> work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific
> CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.

This is clearly the conventional wisdom,  but I think it's a mistake for
an "ultimately"  high performance game program, even for an initial
prototype. The supposed benefit is "freedom to experiment" and nail
down your algorithm,  but I think this is a myth.

I know that sounds like blasphemy,  but when I've tried this before I
discovered that even though C/C++ is pretty gnarly,  it has at least 3
major advantages that might not matter for many other things, but is
very important for games:

   1.  It's about as fast as you will get.

   2.  It is superbly flexible.

   3.  It is not a memory hog.

To summarize my experiences, these wonderful high level languages are
full of limitations and you spent more time pulling your hair out to
work around them. Even the speed limitation is more of an issue that
you think, if you make heavy use of testing.  If you don't make heavy
use of testing, you don't know what you are doing anyway. 

For instance,  let's say you are experimenting with an algorithm.  At
some point you must test that algorithm to see if it's better than what
you were doing, or to compare it with something else.  You must play a
large number of games to measure superiority, unless it is overwhelming.
Most changes won't be overwhelming and even if it is you still need a
lot of games to know how overwhelming it is.  With a slower language
this is correspondingly a slower process, negating much of the supposed
high level language advantage.   I spend more time waiting on tests than
programming, even in C.

Someone says, but if you have a large bank of workstations ...Well
if you do, it doesn't change the fact that you are wasting them.   An
author for a strong playing engine for any game will be able to utilize
as much power as you give him for testing.   If I had 100 workstations I
still would not use Ruby (a joy to program in and one of my favorites)
because what a stupid waste of resources it would be to make those 100
workstations perform like only 2 or 3 workstations.

When developing the simple reference bot, and experimenting with ideas
to make it play better with fewer simulations,  guess what?   I am
performance bound - I cannot test ideas fast enough and this would be
worse with a high level language.  

A word about Java, which will probably produce some anger because I know
some of us here love Java.   I have never seen a top level, non-trivial
game playing program in Java.   I don't think you could build a strong
chess program in Java.  Probably more due to memory issues than
performance - but I think for a top chess program performance would be
an issue too.   Yes, it's possible to write some programs in Java that
are almost as fast as C,  but probably not a chess program.You
really need system level programming type of flexibility that C
provides,  not high level abstractions that the processor doesn't care
about, and the compiler cannot optimize away. 

An ad-hoc poll:  What is the strongest Java playing program on CGOS?  

I can't see building a very strong MCTS GO program in Java, because even
in C,  the tree does not fit in memory.   

My little reference bot can be done in Java however.  The performance
loss is modest and memory isn't an issue.   But the code is clearly
larger.   Perhaps because I'm not a Java expert, it seems to take more
code to do the same thing in Java.   All kinds of scaffolding required
to use the standard data structures.Much more typing.
System.out.printf()  is just one example.   Seems like a little thing
and I'm nitpicking - I see some value in this kind of anal-ism for big
projects especially, but it's pretty annoying.  I cannot see an ease of
use difference between Java and C but I can imagine with large projects
Java has some advantages.With it's strong typing Java seems almost
as low level to me as C.  

To summarize, I have found over the years that just plain CPU/MEMORY
performance is the primary barrier not just to program strength, but
development time.

You must measure development time 2 ways.  One is how many man hours are
spent, and the other how much "calendar" time is spent.   With a high
level language you can (in theory, but maybe not in practice) minimize
man hour time,  by giving up calendar time and dramatically increasing
testing time (which need not involve the programmer.)But you also
would have to be willing to wait much longer between tests and be
willing to work piece-meal on a project while mostly waiting for tests.
You will also inevitably take

RE: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Denis fidaali

 Thanks all for your support and suggestion.
I'll let you know if i happen to get any success.

> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 16:08:24 +0100
> To:
> Subject: Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> Dave Dyer wrote:
> > At 01:52 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> >
> > ...
> >   
> >> But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong 
> >> community like there is for go.
> >>
> >> A CGOS equivalent.
> >> A GTP equivalent.
> >> A Gogui equivalent.
> >> A Kgs equivalent.
> >> 
> >
> >
> > I don't think there's a match between your goals and what boardspace 
> > wants, but you ought to discuss cloning and adapting CGOS/GTP for
> > Hex with Don.
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > computer-go mailing list
> >
> >
> >   
> This may be what you want:
> You may also be interested in a few messages in the game-programming forum:
> Rémi
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Rémi Coulom

Dave Dyer wrote:

At 01:52 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:


But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong community 
like there is for go.

A CGOS equivalent.
A GTP equivalent.
A Gogui equivalent.
A Kgs equivalent.

I don't think there's a match between your goals and what boardspace 
wants, but you ought to discuss cloning and adapting CGOS/GTP for

Hex with Don.

computer-go mailing list

This may be what you want:

You may also be interested in a few messages in the game-programming forum:

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Mark Boon


A CGOS equivalent for Hex would probably be good to have. But since  
the CGOS server software is open-source you can easily adapt it.

GTP you can simply use as-is, I don't see why that wouldn't work.
GoGui is also open-source and can possibly also be easily adapted to  
Hex as well. But to be honest, I don't really need a Gui that much.  
But twogtp is really useful.
A KGS equivalent will only come into existence if there are actually  
enough people playing the game.

You say you're going to try to make a prototype first and then when  
it shows promise, move to a more flexible language like Java. What  
language are you intending to use? It seems the wrong way around to  
me. Develop the prototype in a flexible language and when it seems to  
work, move it to a specific langauge that can leverage some specific  
CPU features. Seems to make much more sense to me.

If you want to save even more time, you can consider using my CGOS  
client and plugin framework. Most of it can probably be used as is.

Good luck.


On 27-nov-08, at 07:52, Denis fidaali wrote:

I have put a lot of though in that Hex bot stuff. I realize now how  
eager i am to try my ideas with an Hex bot. It's been a long time  
since i first realize how much more elegant it would be to try  
those ideas for the Hex game anyway. Your site seems a great source  
of interest for that game. When i tried to find out a community for  
Hex-computer, i stumbled upon it. But what really lacks (or i  
wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong community like there is for  

 A CGOS equivalent.
 A GTP equivalent.
 A Gogui equivalent.
 A Kgs equivalent.

That made it hard for me to settle for putting on the hex bot a lot  
of work. But as i said, it seems so much more reasonable to me, to  
first try my ideas with Hex, rather than with go. It seems that  
Montecarlo is as sound for Hex as it is for go. Given that some of  
the good-playing programs are montecarlo ones; Although it seems  
the strongest one is not.
So what i will do, is to make up a prototype, that suit my goals :  
assembly 64 bits montecarlo prototype, with all the tricks i want  
to try in it. I then will provide a Java gui, for Playing against  
One instance of the bot when there is an Hardware online willing to  
support it. I will use a protocol that seems promising, or make up  
a new one from scratch, if nothing hits me as being standard. It  
would be logical to use the same protocol that the Computer Games  
Olympiad uses. But i wasn't able to figure out where to find it.

 So if all goes well, i should have a prototype available for  
trying punctually through a java Applet by the end of January 2009.  
If this prototype shows promises, then i might try to port it to a  
more flexible langage (like Java). The name of the prototype will  
be Stohex.

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:56:19 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> At 01:31 PM 11/26/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> >Speaking of hex ... I really think it would be a nice  
intermediary game before tackling the complexity of go. Do you know  
of any good community (and protocol equivalent to GTP) where i  
could start to look for submitting a bot ?

> There are a couple of pretty decent programs and some nice  

> theory. Also a perfect play bot for a small board. I would start
> at the Hex wiki page to research them.
> A credible Hex bot is on my wish list for Boardspace. The one I  
> is laughably weak, but it will be a significant effort to write a  

> one. If you're willing to work in Java and within the constraints of
> a realtime web site, lets talk.
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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Re: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Don Dailey
On Thu, 2008-11-27 at 02:05 -0800, Dave Dyer wrote:
> At 01:52 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> ...
> > But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong 
> > community like there is for go.
> >
> > A CGOS equivalent.
> > A GTP equivalent.
> > A Gogui equivalent.
> > A Kgs equivalent.
> I don't think there's a match between your goals and what boardspace 
> wants, but you ought to discuss cloning and adapting CGOS/GTP for
> Hex with Don.

It would be simple to adapt CGOS for hex.   CGOS consists of the server
stuff, which would change very little,  and a single class that defines
the game.   The class that defines the game would be completely

I wrote the initial CGOS prototype in one long work day,  but I already
had the class available that knows the rules of the game and thus
defines the rules and such. Since I'm not familiar with Hex, writing
this class would probably constitute 90% of the work.I would
probably be better off spending some time first getting familiar with
the game, how it's notated and so on.   There is also the swap rule
which seems a little non-standard (there are a couple of variations on
how to do this from what I understand.)   

As much as I love this kind of programming,  my time is in short supply
as I have to make a living. I suggest that someone familiar with tcl
take a look at the server code which is freely available on sourceforge
and modify it accordingly if you want such a thing.   

Another possibility is that if someone were interested enough to pay me
for this,  I would be delighted.It would be very useful to have an
existing bot playing program available and it would make sense to use a
very GTP like protocol since that is familiar and works well.So
there is already work needed to populate a server with something that
works.I could probably hack up a very weak playing reference bot in
short time.I wonder if Monte Carlo methods make any sense here?

- Don

> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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RE: [computer-go] RE: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Denis fidaali

 Hopefully you will be proved wrong by the end of January 2009.
I don't feel like i should involve anyone in this before a working prototype is 
out. Your skepticism is probably statistically correct, so we'll resume this 
conversation in two month. If my algorithm doesn't work indeed, i'll certainly 
stop all work on go and hex altogether.


> Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 01:57:55 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [computer-go] RE:  hex robot
> Permit me to play the skeptic here; I think you're going about it absolutely 
> backwards - unless you already have a strong algorithm which depends on 128 
> bit rotations, and only lack an efficient hardware engine to run it on.
> If your idea of fun is to really feel the bits squishing between your toes, 
> by all means do, but I don't think it's likely you will simultaneously make 
> advances in Hex theory or practice.
> At 12:19 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> > My current plan is to tackle directly the power of x86-64bits architecture. 
> > Because it's now quite well represented. And there is this "larrabee" 
> > project that may get out in one or two years (48 x86-64bits processors). So 
> > my true goal is to try and see what i can do with my quad Q9300 2.5Ghz 
> > running a 64 bits linux. Obviously one need a bit of work before being able 
> > to hope to achieve something with assembly.
> etc...
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Dave Dyer
At 01:52 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:

> But what really lacks (or i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong community 
> like there is for go.
> A CGOS equivalent.
> A GTP equivalent.
> A Gogui equivalent.
> A Kgs equivalent.

I don't think there's a match between your goals and what boardspace 
wants, but you ought to discuss cloning and adapting CGOS/GTP for
Hex with Don.

computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] RE: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Dave Dyer

Permit me to play the skeptic here; I think you're going about it absolutely 
backwards - unless you already have a strong algorithm which depends on 128 bit 
rotations, and only lack an efficient hardware engine to run it on.

If your idea of fun is to really feel the bits squishing between your toes, by 
all means do, but I don't think it's likely you will simultaneously make 
advances in Hex theory or practice.

At 12:19 AM 11/27/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:

> My current plan is to tackle directly the power of x86-64bits architecture. 
> Because it's now quite well represented. And there is this "larrabee" project 
> that may get out in one or two years (48 x86-64bits processors). So my true 
> goal is to try and see what i can do with my quad Q9300 2.5Ghz running a 64 
> bits linux. Obviously one need a bit of work before being able to hope to 
> achieve something with assembly.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Denis fidaali

I have put a lot of though in that Hex bot stuff. I realize now how eager i am 
to try my ideas with an Hex bot. It's been a long time since i first realize 
how much more elegant it would be to try those ideas for the Hex game anyway. 
Your site seems a great source of interest for that game. When i tried to find 
out a community for Hex-computer, i stumbled upon it. But what really lacks (or 
i wasn't able to find anyway) is a strong community like there is for go.

 A CGOS equivalent.
 A GTP equivalent.
 A Gogui equivalent.
 A Kgs equivalent.

That made it hard for me to settle for putting on the hex bot a lot of work. 
But as i said, it seems so much more reasonable to me, to first try my ideas 
with Hex, rather than with go. It seems that Montecarlo is as sound for Hex as 
it is for go. Given that some of the good-playing programs are montecarlo ones; 
Although it seems the strongest one is not.
So what i will do, is to make up a prototype, that suit my goals : assembly 64 
bits montecarlo prototype, with all the tricks i want to try in it. I then will 
provide a Java gui, for Playing against One instance of the bot when there is 
an Hardware online willing to support it. I will use a protocol that seems 
promising, or make up a new one from scratch, if nothing hits me as being 
standard. It would be logical to use the same protocol that the Computer Games 
Olympiad uses. But i wasn't able to figure out where to find it.

 So if all goes well, i should have a prototype available for trying punctually 
through a java Applet by the end of January 2009. If this prototype shows 
promises, then i might try to port it to a more flexible langage (like Java). 
The name of the prototype will be Stohex.

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:56:19 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> At 01:31 PM 11/26/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> >Speaking of hex ... I really think it would be a nice intermediary game 
> >before tackling the complexity of go. Do you know of any good community (and 
> >protocol equivalent to GTP) where i could start to look for submitting a bot 
> >?
> There are a couple of pretty decent programs and some nice underlying
> theory.  Also a perfect play bot for a small board.  I would start
> at the Hex wiki page to research them.
> A credible Hex bot is on my wish list for Boardspace.   The one I wrote
> is laughably weak, but it will be a significant effort to write a better
> one.  If you're willing to work in Java and within the constraints of
> a realtime web site, lets talk.  
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Re: hex robot

2008-11-27 Thread Denis fidaali

 My current plan is to tackle directly the power of x86-64bits architecture. 
Because it's now quite well represented. And there is this "larrabee" project 
that may get out in one or two years (48 x86-64bits processors). So my true 
goal is to try and see what i can do with my quad Q9300 2.5Ghz running a 64 
bits linux. Obviously one need a bit of work before being able to hope to 
achieve something with assembly.

 Although if there really is nothing to do about it, i may try to translate 
brutally the intended assembly algorithm in java. But it may be quite slow. 
Especially with the heavy use of 128 bits rotations. (yes the x86 has a 128 
bits rotation instruction). I don't know about java, but the C rotation is not 
specified for at least one (or both) the extreme rotation range (like 0 or 32 
in 32bits modes). I don't even know how to do a 64 bits rotation in java. 
(appart from a time consuming combination of 32 bits ones). So there is chances 
that my translation will be quite slow. Also if i go for java, i probably won't 
try too hard to optimize : because it is not my target platform.

 So it would been hundreds time more motivating for me if i could run the bot 
you hope for on a quad 64-bits x86 environnement. But if you provide a way to 
(roughly) test the strength of the bot, i guess i will try it even if it's in 
java, because i'm so curious about how my ideas would do with hex. Hex is so 
much easier to look at :) No strange "capture" factors. If you give me a strong 
assurance (and a nice communication protocol) that you can provide this 
testing, i guess i could have a bot ready for the end of January 2009 (be it in 
java or in assembly). If it's really fun, i may even end up trying to optimize 
it a bit :) Also i would rather work for a fixed size ... (but once again, i'm 
willing to do it anyway, although i won't try to optimize too hard with the 
variable sizing)

 So the worst scenario would be that i try my ideas and they don't work out 
well by the end of January, the bot is so slow and cpu-eater, and it doesn't 
even beat out yours :) But i'm really willing to try.

 I don't understand your point about the real-time web site constraint. Do you 
mean that you would expect to have hundreds of people playing against the bot. 
All instances running on the same hardware and sharing ressources with the all 
the web components ? If so, i think it really gets far away from what i can be 
involved in. My goal is to design a bot, and then implement it in assembly, 
running on a quadQ9300 with 8GB of memory. Ideally i would try to use most of 
those ressources. I may try to downgrade from that, but it probably won't do it 
to get half a cycle every three seconds, within a 64kb memory frame :). It is 
not one hundred percent excluded that i provide a full time server of my own 
(although it would probably not be running a 64 bits system, nor dedicate all 
ressources to the running instance). But that would be running only one 
instance of the bot at a time. And we would have to agree on a communication 
protocol. (alike GTP for go). This HTP (Hex text protocol) is probably the way 
to go, if people are to get serious with Hex anyway. I'm sure that the protocol 
already exists. One would have to agree and pick up a good and easy one.

> Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:56:19 -0800
> To:
> Subject: [computer-go] Re: hex robot
> At 01:31 PM 11/26/2008, Denis fidaali wrote:
> >Speaking of hex ... I really think it would be a nice intermediary game 
> >before tackling the complexity of go. Do you know of any good community (and 
> >protocol equivalent to GTP) where i could start to look for submitting a bot 
> >?
> There are a couple of pretty decent programs and some nice underlying
> theory.  Also a perfect play bot for a small board.  I would start
> at the Hex wiki page to research them.
> A credible Hex bot is on my wish list for Boardspace.   The one I wrote
> is laughably weak, but it will be a significant effort to write a better
> one.  If you're willing to work in Java and within the constraints of
> a realtime web site, lets talk.  
> ___
> computer-go mailing list

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