[CGUYS] Fwd: [Slashdot] RIAA Gives Up In Atlantic Recording v. Brennan

2009-01-10 Thread Fred Holmes
| RIAA Gives Up In Atlantic Recording v. Brennan |
|   from the wasn't-one-of-the-ghostbusters-named-ray? dept. |
|   posted by timothy on Friday January 09, @08:07 (The Courts)  |
|   http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/01/09/022236  |

[0]NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "In [1]Atlantic Recording v. Brennan, the
landmark Connecticut case in which [2]the first decision rejecting the
RIAA's 'making available' theory was handed down, the RIAA has finally
[3]thrown in the towel and dismissed its own case. Mr. Brennan never
appeared in the case at all. In February, 2008, the RIAA's motion for a
default judgment was rejected for a number of reasons, including [4]the
Court's ruling (PDF) that there is no claim for 'making available for
distribution' under the US Copyright Act. The RIAA moved for
reconsideration; that motion was denied. Then, in December, the RIAA's
second motion for default judgment was rejected. Finally the RIAA filed a
'notice of dismissal' ending the case."

Discuss this story at:

0. http://recordingindustryvspeople.blogspot.com/
2. http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/25/195&tid=123

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Re: [CGUYS] Evernote.com? Keeping track of information?

2009-01-10 Thread Fred Holmes
At 02:09 PM 1/10/2009, Tom Piwowar wrote:
>The only thing that does not work for me is the ToDo list. Tasks go in, 
>but just accumulate.

Sounds like a personal problem, not a "computer" problem.  I procrastinate on a 
lot of stuff myself.
Fred Holmes 

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Re: [CGUYS] Evernote.com? Keeping track of information?

2009-01-10 Thread db
In terms of computer like software capabilities, someone said to me 
recently that Windows Mobile phones do and maybe Blackberries. 

Sounds like the upcoming Palm Pre would. 

In terms of PIM capability, iPhone has calendaring, Contacts and 
probably some note taking  capability but no Cut and Paste. 

Not sure about the G1.

Myself ... I'm sticking with the Palm I have ... until I find a more 
well rounded smart phone.
I'm holding out for a smart phone with Cut  and Paste and that supports 
a blue tooth folding keyboard accessory for intensive road warrioring.  
Thumb typing is for the birds.  You know ... peck peck peck...   :)

My Palm TX address book dials my Blue tooth phone... the only thing I 
find lacking with the TX is the user interface isn't as graphically gee 
wiz and speedy as the new smart phones ... especially  with displaying 
maps, pictures and video and the fact that no one is writing / advancing 
apps for it  anymore.


Ranbo wrote:

Can you input the items fast enough to make this practical; without thumb
typing?  Think a tablet might be as good for this purpose?  Do any
smartphones have enough of the Palm capabilities to just have one device for
PDA and phone?



On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Tom Piwowar  wrote:


On the subject of keeping track and organizing - anyone found good
solutions, e.g. devices, to keeping track of things you write down, say,
while on the phone, like notes, contact info, names, websites, anything
else?  Type it into computer while on the phone?  PDA?

I have been using a Palm for this purpose for years. I was surprised how
useful it was for pulling together all those random notes that I never
had a good place for.

The only thing that does not work for me is the ToDo list. Tasks go in,
but just accumulate.

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Re: [CGUYS] Evernote.com? Keeping track of information?

2009-01-10 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall


I have a Motorola, and it is not a touch screen but I do notes on it 
all the time.

Thumb typing.

The only draw back to the Palm was not being able to multi task, but 
I have not found Windows Mobile to be that great in it either.

My only experiences have been Palm phones both Palm OS and Windows, 
Samsung Windows and Motorola Windows.

I like having everything there with me.  If you are hung up on touch 
screen stick with the Samsung or Palm version of the phones.

I have Verizon so there are a few HTC models in there but I have not 
heard great things about them.

BlackBerry's are an unknown quantity to me, but I am not sure they 
really function as a PDA that much.

Find a Kiosk or a store where you can get some hands on experience 
with them to see what fits you the best.  Tell them you do not want 
to see a dummy phone but a real live phone so you can see how it operates.)

The Windows version do allow a lot of customization and some of the 
shells are pretty nice.


At 07:43 PM 1/10/2009, you wrote:

Can you input the items fast enough to make this practical; without thumb
typing?  Think a tablet might be as good for this purpose?  Do any
smartphones have enough of the Palm capabilities to just have one device for
PDA and phone?



Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace www.princeofpeaceozark.org
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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Re: [CGUYS] Making room on OSX primary drive? Disk Space Utilities

2009-01-10 Thread db
I found there are a bunch of Window's Disk Space Utilities but I found 
two I like that should do the job between them.

JDiskReport (for Mac too):



Tom Piwowar wrote:
I  just checked  ... it's free for use with 20 GB of files, $12.95 for 
unlimited data size use.  Not a bad price never-the-less.Can you 
recommend a similar software for use with PC's/ Windows?

So it used to be free, but $12.95 seems fair.

I have used something like this for Windows, SpaceMonger. I do remember 
that it was not such a good a user interface. I would google on "disk 
space analyzer" for a better one (then let me know what you found).

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Re: [CGUYS] Evernote.com? Keeping track of information?

2009-01-10 Thread Ranbo
Can you input the items fast enough to make this practical; without thumb
typing?  Think a tablet might be as good for this purpose?  Do any
smartphones have enough of the Palm capabilities to just have one device for
PDA and phone?



On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Tom Piwowar  wrote:

> >On the subject of keeping track and organizing - anyone found good
> >solutions, e.g. devices, to keeping track of things you write down, say,
> >while on the phone, like notes, contact info, names, websites, anything
> >else?  Type it into computer while on the phone?  PDA?
> I have been using a Palm for this purpose for years. I was surprised how
> useful it was for pulling together all those random notes that I never
> had a good place for.
> The only thing that does not work for me is the ToDo list. Tasks go in,
> but just accumulate.
> *
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> *

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Re: [CGUYS] firewall ...hard or what?

2009-01-10 Thread db

John DeCarlo wrote:

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:


I have a new Linksys Router with, of course, their built in firewall.
BEHIND it is my desktop computer.  Also, I use my laptop to it wirelessly.
WPA encryption is enabled.  Do I need a software firewall at all ?  I have
PCToolsPro on my desktop computer which causes some misery.  I have
ZoneAlarm on my laptop which causes some more misery.  My internet
connection sharing worked ok but my network would not do fileshare or much
else with all that going.  With it shut off, bingo, everything works!  Am I
ok this way or what?  If not, why?  TIA!!

I didn't see a clear answer, but maybe I skipped through too quickly.

1.  Protection from Internet attacks.  You don't need a software firewall to
protect you from attacks the Internet - the router should handle that.  So
all that advice is indeed correct.
I beg to differ.  A NAT firewall is a good first line defense but is 
elemental in nature and easily defeated by engineered attacks.  

Anybody ever find spyware on your computer?  Any outgoing messaging 
originating from a computer on the inside of a NAT firewall 
automatically insures access to the incoming response.  So when spyware 
calls home, WHATEVER payload comes back from the "Internet"  is routed 
right thru a NAT firewall as if it wasn't even there.

Thus layered defenses and the need for a firewall on each computer.   If 
you can't keep spyware from getting on ANY of your  networked computers 
in the first place, you shouldn't be depending on NAT as your security 

2.  Protection from wireless attacks.  Someone mentioned that the router
wouldn't protect you from someone else on the wireless.  But WPA should keep
people you don't know off.  If you have guests you let on the wireless, you
have to figure the threat from that.
Exactly.  and modern exploits are typically specifically designed to 
follow social connections. 

NAT is for protections from misc. unwanted amateur external internet 
traffic ... WPA is for people you don't know ... computer firewalls are 
for people you do know ... good computer firewalls ("Two Way Firewalls") 
protect you from yourself. (inadvertent mistakes  you might make but not 
the outgoing one you mistakenly Ok because you are tired or don't 
understand what it is or more probably were successfully socially 
engineered and intentionally accepted.  Know anyone who likes 
pornography, freeware utilities, or those fun and intriguing humor, 
video or techie web bits your friends forward you by email all the time?)

3.  Protection from web sites or other user oriented attacks.   If you get
infected, you will be one of the millions of PCs that are part of botnets
that send spam and attack sites.  A software firewall can help with this,
catching some programs trying to send to the Internet.  (not all of them).
Rootkit, malware, and other scans can also help.
Yes... good to know as in any "step in time saves nine" measure but by 
then the "horse is out of the barn"and long gone.  And so is your time 
and perhaps money...

At the U. I previously worked at, the FBI showed up one day and in the 
space of one hour hauled off the Professor's research 5 year project 
server (run by grad student employees) and all of his program's work 
environment.  They kept it for one year, his backup was not what it 
should have been so he defaulted on his grant funding  and grad student 
research obligations and lost his grant credibility. Al Queda had hacked 
the server with a trojan exploit and was using the server as a way 
station for communication.

In any case, most rootkit and trojan removal these days is going to 
require a format/ reinstall,  boot sector clearing, and a thorough 
disinfection of all of your backup data and that is a nightmare in 
itself... without even considering what the trojan might have stolen 
from you etc...

If you buy things or banks online ...which means you are providing ID, 
bank or credit card info ... or store ID info on your computer, it is my 
opinion, you should NEVER be doing simple filesharing or operating 
without a computer firewall ... hopefully two way... on every computer 
and sweetening the mix with NAT, WPA and all other tips you can find 
from googling "home network security" etc.

We live in a big interconnected works where surprises and mistakes 
happen all the time.  Just think about how your 401K just got 
surprisingly clobbered...

Your computer is a valuable asset to others  ... you need to actively 
protect it with all means possible.


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Re: [CGUYS] firewall ...hard or what?

2009-01-10 Thread db
As you are finding, networking and its security are complex topics for 
which there is no simple easy user friendly answer that it seems you are 
looking for.   Setting up good enough security is completely a matter of 
trade offs.   Professionals that know all the answers to your questions, 
get paid well because it is not a simple subject.

You probably should go down to a good bookstore and browse some books or 
browse help sections on the web in order to get a background 
understanding of home networking and its security and then we could help 
you make your "trade off" security decisions. 

It  would take a long time to type out real answers to all questions/ 
issues you raise below:  It's already been done better in books and in 
online help sites

Take a good look at some of the links on the 1st page of google search 
on "Home Networking" and secondly on "Home Networking Security"


RLeeSimon wrote:

Sorry to reveal my ignorance so blatantly, but what is "properly forwarded
file sharing ports past your firewalls" and how (in simple terms for a
dolt=me) do I know or do it?

Also, what is the actual fundamental difference between a hardware and
software firewall?  Is it simply a matter of the former one being etched on
a rom in the router while the latter being on the disk, or is there some
qualitative difference otherwise?  Are there other differences in hardware
firewalls between devices or brands?  My router is Linksys WRT150N.

Are there conflicts between coexisting hardware and software firewalls?

You should know Linksys support, when I called them complaining I couldn't
transfer files between my laptop and desktop while the internet worked fine,
told me to shut off the 2 software firewalls with which it worked fine.
They said the software firewalls are not needed unless I take the laptop
elsewhere.  What confuses me it whether the laptop, while connected to the
desktop via the wifi router, is protected from external wifi trying to
connect to the laptop's access point and thereby getting into the laptop's
file system set to share with the WPA encrypted network or what?

I don't understand the "uses no resources" since I see quite a nice
footprint for both the zonealarmfree and the pctoolsprofree firewalls when
they run.

On my Linksys, to allow my voip phone modem to run behind the router, they
had me disable DMZ.  I sure wish I knew more about that too!

As you advise, I have firewall software in the ready for any travel with the

I wish I were more clear on these points.  Thanks Tony for the good words!!

-Original Message-
From: Tony B [mailto:ton...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:50 PM

To: RLeeSimon
Subject: Re: firewall ...hard or what?

Maybe not, assuming you never travel. But it uses no resources, so why not?

OH WAIT. I didn't see you use the words "file sharing" earlier. Next to
falling for phishing scams, this is the most dangerous activity you can do
these days. The question is: Have you properly forwarded file sharing ports
past your firewalls? This has to be done from the router on down. Simply
turning off all your firewalls is not an option IMHO if you're file sharing.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:01 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:
Question is do I even need that?  I suspect the desktop being behind 
the router but wired is protected and the wifi to my laptop is behind 
the router and also protected ...waddoIneed a software firewall for, 
then?  I am not trying to be facetious...

-Original Message-
From: Tony B [mailto:ton...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: firewall ...hard or what?

The built-in Windows firewall suffices for 95% of users. Just turn 
_it_ on.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:

I have a new Linksys Router with, of course, their built in firewall. 
BEHIND it is my desktop computer.  Also, I use my laptop to it 
wirelessly. WPA encryption is enabled.  Do I need a software firewall 
at all ?  I have PCToolsPro on my desktop computer which causes some 
misery.  I have ZoneAlarm on my laptop which causes some more misery. 
My internet connection sharing worked ok but my network would not do 
fileshare or much else with all that going.  With it shut off, bingo, 
everything works!  Am I ok this way or what?  If not, why?  TIA!!

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Re: [CGUYS] Good Buzz About the Palm Pre

2009-01-10 Thread db
I see that DataViz is going to port DocsToGo to the iPhone probably this 
year sometime.  Seems like Cut and Paste would be handy at that point... 
along with a blue tooth accessory keyboard.


mike wrote:

Does anyone know what is up with the cut and paste?

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Tom Piwowar  wrote:


I hope it supports Docs to Go, cut and paste,   wifi etc.

It does do cut and paste, I'm amazed that the iPhone does not.

I expect that it will have DocsToGo since they seem to support every

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Re: [CGUYS] firewall ...hard or what?

2009-01-10 Thread John DeCarlo
On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:

> I have a new Linksys Router with, of course, their built in firewall.
> BEHIND it is my desktop computer.  Also, I use my laptop to it wirelessly.
> WPA encryption is enabled.  Do I need a software firewall at all ?  I have
> PCToolsPro on my desktop computer which causes some misery.  I have
> ZoneAlarm on my laptop which causes some more misery.  My internet
> connection sharing worked ok but my network would not do fileshare or much
> else with all that going.  With it shut off, bingo, everything works!  Am I
> ok this way or what?  If not, why?  TIA!!

I didn't see a clear answer, but maybe I skipped through too quickly.

1.  Protection from Internet attacks.  You don't need a software firewall to
protect you from attacks the Internet - the router should handle that.  So
all that advice is indeed correct.

2.  Protection from wireless attacks.  Someone mentioned that the router
wouldn't protect you from someone else on the wireless.  But WPA should keep
people you don't know off.  If you have guests you let on the wireless, you
have to figure the threat from that.

3.  Protection from web sites or other user oriented attacks.   If you get
infected, you will be one of the millions of PCs that are part of botnets
that send spam and attack sites.  A software firewall can help with this,
catching some programs trying to send to the Internet.  (not all of them).
Rootkit, malware, and other scans can also help.

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

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Re: [CGUYS] Good Buzz About the Palm Pre

2009-01-10 Thread mike
Does anyone know what is up with the cut and paste?

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Tom Piwowar  wrote:

> >I hope it supports Docs to Go, cut and paste,   wifi etc.
> It does do cut and paste, I'm amazed that the iPhone does not.
> I expect that it will have DocsToGo since they seem to support every
> platform.
> *
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Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-10 Thread mike
Why is it funny?

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Tom Piwowar  wrote:

> This is very funny...
> Microsoft postpones Windows 7 public beta
> "Microsoft Corp. postponed the rollout of the Windows 7 beta today,
> citing "very heavy traffic" on its Web site."
> http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&art
> icleId=9125626&intsrc=hm_list
> Next they will be telling us that they are suspending sales of Vista "due
> to excessive demand."
> *
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> *

Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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Re: [CGUYS] Good Buzz About the Palm Pre

2009-01-10 Thread Tom Piwowar
>I hope it supports Docs to Go, cut and paste,   wifi etc.

It does do cut and paste, I'm amazed that the iPhone does not.

I expect that it will have DocsToGo since they seem to support every 

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Re: [CGUYS] Evernote.com? Keeping track of information?

2009-01-10 Thread Tom Piwowar
>On the subject of keeping track and organizing - anyone found good
>solutions, e.g. devices, to keeping track of things you write down, say,
>while on the phone, like notes, contact info, names, websites, anything
>else?  Type it into computer while on the phone?  PDA?

I have been using a Palm for this purpose for years. I was surprised how 
useful it was for pulling together all those random notes that I never 
had a good place for. 

The only thing that does not work for me is the ToDo list. Tasks go in, 
but just accumulate.

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Re: [CGUYS] Windows 7 Public Beta: 1st Major Blooper

2009-01-10 Thread Tom Piwowar
This is very funny...

Microsoft postpones Windows 7 public beta
"Microsoft Corp. postponed the rollout of the Windows 7 beta today, 
citing "very heavy traffic" on its Web site."


Next they will be telling us that they are suspending sales of Vista "due 
to excessive demand."

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Re: [CGUYS] Siemens S46 Cellphone

2009-01-10 Thread Tom Piwowar
>Buy $100 refill to get all US minutes for 10 cents, expiring after 1 
>year unless rolled over.

Once you spend the $100, you are then a "Gold Rewards" customer 
(apparently forever). With that status, any additional time you buy will 
be good for a year and will also rollover all your unused minutes for 
another year.

My usage runs me between $60 to $70 per year so I buy $100 or $50 in 
alternate years.

This is a very good plan for folks who don't incessantly gab on the phone.

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Re: [CGUYS] Fedora download question

2009-01-10 Thread Stephen Brownfield

Thanks.  I wondered if "Netinst" was some kind of Network install.
Thanks again.

mike wrote:

Netinst is net install, sha1sum is, I believe the checksum file.  It
basically is for verifying the integrity of the download,  you will be fine
without either.

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Stephen Brownfield


I am downloading Fedora 10 to run on my old Powerbook (
 It does not have a DVD drive so I am downloading (disc1-7).  My question is
after disc 7 it lists 2 items: "Fedora-10-ppc-netinst.iso" and "SHA1SUM"
what are they and do I need to download them?  Thanks,


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Re: [CGUYS] firewall ...hard or what?

2009-01-10 Thread RLeeSimon
Sorry to reveal my ignorance so blatantly, but what is "properly forwarded
file sharing ports past your firewalls" and how (in simple terms for a
dolt=me) do I know or do it?

Also, what is the actual fundamental difference between a hardware and
software firewall?  Is it simply a matter of the former one being etched on
a rom in the router while the latter being on the disk, or is there some
qualitative difference otherwise?  Are there other differences in hardware
firewalls between devices or brands?  My router is Linksys WRT150N.

Are there conflicts between coexisting hardware and software firewalls?

You should know Linksys support, when I called them complaining I couldn't
transfer files between my laptop and desktop while the internet worked fine,
told me to shut off the 2 software firewalls with which it worked fine.
They said the software firewalls are not needed unless I take the laptop
elsewhere.  What confuses me it whether the laptop, while connected to the
desktop via the wifi router, is protected from external wifi trying to
connect to the laptop's access point and thereby getting into the laptop's
file system set to share with the WPA encrypted network or what?

I don't understand the "uses no resources" since I see quite a nice
footprint for both the zonealarmfree and the pctoolsprofree firewalls when
they run.

On my Linksys, to allow my voip phone modem to run behind the router, they
had me disable DMZ.  I sure wish I knew more about that too!

As you advise, I have firewall software in the ready for any travel with the

I wish I were more clear on these points.  Thanks Tony for the good words!!

-Original Message-
From: Tony B [mailto:ton...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 10:50 PM
To: RLeeSimon
Subject: Re: firewall ...hard or what?

Maybe not, assuming you never travel. But it uses no resources, so why not?

OH WAIT. I didn't see you use the words "file sharing" earlier. Next to
falling for phishing scams, this is the most dangerous activity you can do
these days. The question is: Have you properly forwarded file sharing ports
past your firewalls? This has to be done from the router on down. Simply
turning off all your firewalls is not an option IMHO if you're file sharing.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 7:01 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:
> Question is do I even need that?  I suspect the desktop being behind 
> the router but wired is protected and the wifi to my laptop is behind 
> the router and also protected ...waddoIneed a software firewall for, 
> then?  I am not trying to be facetious...
> -Original Message-
> From: Tony B [mailto:ton...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, January 09, 2009 4:34 PM
> Subject: Re: firewall ...hard or what?
> The built-in Windows firewall suffices for 95% of users. Just turn 
> _it_ on.
> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 3:38 PM, RLeeSimon  wrote:
>> I have a new Linksys Router with, of course, their built in firewall. 
>> BEHIND it is my desktop computer.  Also, I use my laptop to it 
>> wirelessly. WPA encryption is enabled.  Do I need a software firewall 
>> at all ?  I have PCToolsPro on my desktop computer which causes some 
>> misery.  I have ZoneAlarm on my laptop which causes some more misery. 
>> My internet connection sharing worked ok but my network would not do 
>> fileshare or much else with all that going.  With it shut off, bingo, 
>> everything works!  Am I ok this way or what?  If not, why?  TIA!!

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Re: [CGUYS] red eye

2009-01-10 Thread Tony B
Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong program. Doesn't Corel have the
templates with dog eyes and cat eyes of various hues? I'm going to
have to reinstall whichever app it was eventually, so I'd like to

Edit: Yes, it's PSP. See http://www.grafx-design.com/25psp.php

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 11:31 AM, Judy Cosler  wrote:
> well, i couldn't do much with the trial version of the Corel program.
> Made eyes really black.
> that's what my pet red eye pen is doing also.
> must be a funny reflection (or a breed with strange 'red eye'?!?!?)
> they are just going to have to be red.

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[CGUYS] red eye

2009-01-10 Thread Judy Cosler

well, i couldn't do much with the trial version of the Corel program.
Made eyes really black.

that's what my pet red eye pen is doing also.
must be a funny reflection (or a breed with strange 'red eye'?!?!?)

they are just going to have to be red.

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Re: [CGUYS] Fedora download question

2009-01-10 Thread mike
Netinst is net install, sha1sum is, I believe the checksum file.  It
basically is for verifying the integrity of the download,  you will be fine
without either.

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Stephen Brownfield

> I am downloading Fedora 10 to run on my old Powerbook (
> http://fedora.fastsoft.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/releases/10/Fedora/ppc/iso/).
>  It does not have a DVD drive so I am downloading (disc1-7).  My question is
> after disc 7 it lists 2 items: "Fedora-10-ppc-netinst.iso" and "SHA1SUM"
> what are they and do I need to download them?  Thanks,
> Steve
> *
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Make sure you support your local CarbonONset programs!

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[CGUYS] Fedora download question

2009-01-10 Thread Stephen Brownfield
I am downloading Fedora 10 to run on my old Powerbook 
It does not have a DVD drive so I am downloading (disc1-7).  My question 
is after disc 7 it lists 2 items: "Fedora-10-ppc-netinst.iso" and 
"SHA1SUM" what are they and do I need to download them?  Thanks,


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Re: [CGUYS] photo software -- red eye?

2009-01-10 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 7:52 AM, Judy Cosler  wrote:

> and, something I don't understand is why pets & people are different!
> they are also different if you use a red eye pen on a printed photo!
> Tony B wrote:
>> Oddly, the only really good red-eye tool I've ever seen is in (I
>> think, IIRC) Corel's Paint Shop Pro ( http://tinyurl.com/72x7dj ). It
>> actually contains several human and animal eye templates you can use.
>> Photoshop has a red-eye tool which often works fairly well with
>> people, but rarely works at all for pets.
>> Since this is such a common problem, one would think more programs
>> would spend more effort on it.
>> On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Judy Cosler 
>> wrote:
>>> With Picasa, I can't get good results for getting rid of red eye.
>>> anybody have other software to recommend which is good with dog red eyes,
>>> people red eyes?
The structures of the eye are different enough that they reflect different
colors.  I suspect that the color vision differences are puzzled out from
the different mixes of rods and cones on the retina.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Siemens S46 Cellphone

2009-01-10 Thread gerald
did you poke around in here:


yet.  this is sort of the definitive nerd phone site.

At 01:23 PM 1/9/2009, you wrote:
>I bought 2 Siemens S46 Cellphones from AT&T just before the Cingular
>merger which unfortunately rendered the cellphones incompatible with
>the new Cingular/AT&T network. We ended up having to buy new Nokia
>phones for the remainder of our contract. I still have the Siemens and
>wondered if I can use these in any way? I tried swapping the sim cards
>from my Nokia's but that brought up an error message. I would like to
>be able to use them with AT&T but AT&T says they can't help us make
>them work.
>Can I get the Siemens S46 phones to work with AT&T (or other
>provider), or on a pay-as-you-go plans? They are GSM/GPRS, and TDMA
>Thanks in advance.
>Richard P.
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Re: [CGUYS] photo software -- red eye?

2009-01-10 Thread Judy Cosler

and, something I don't understand is why pets & people are different!
they are also different if you use a red eye pen on a printed photo!

Tony B wrote:

Oddly, the only really good red-eye tool I've ever seen is in (I
think, IIRC) Corel's Paint Shop Pro ( http://tinyurl.com/72x7dj ). It
actually contains several human and animal eye templates you can use.
Photoshop has a red-eye tool which often works fairly well with
people, but rarely works at all for pets.

Since this is such a common problem, one would think more programs
would spend more effort on it.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2009 at 5:55 PM, Judy Cosler  wrote:

With Picasa, I can't get good results for getting rid of red eye.
anybody have other software to recommend which is good with dog red eyes,
people red eyes?

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2009-01-10 Thread Eric S. Sande

After a sufficient number of MPs have been sold...

After the first one that should have been it.

Seriously, that ain't musical.

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