Re: [CGUYS] security softward - trendmicro - any information?

2010-05-04 Thread George Carr
I've been using Trend Micro PC-Cillin for quite a few years and it has done
the job. The only problem, kind of a big one, was that they majorly updated
the program a little over a year ago and uninstalling the old program
(necessary before installing the new one) was very complicated. Because I
was having trouble with the uninstallation and was busy with other stuff at
the time, I put off completing the job, and, of course, contracted a virus
necessitating (or so I thought) reinstallation of the entire OS. This will
not be a problem for you, unless Trend Micro does another similar upgrade in
the next couple of years. Soon we PC users will all be running Windows 7 and
hopefully these security issue will be but a bad memory.

 -Original Message-
 From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:COMPUTERGUYS-] On Behalf Of Mother Geek
 Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 5:37 PM
 Subject: [CGUYS] security softward - trendmicro - any information?
 Hi - I have a tech guru who wired my house who suggests dumping McAfee
 (even before last week's difficulty) and use Microtrend instead Have any of you used this successfully? Is there
 something else you'd recommend?
 Thank you.
 /gayley knight
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Re: [CGUYS] Should I buy for my wife?

2010-04-17 Thread George Carr
I have been using the Acer Aspire Revo R3610-U9012 for a few months as part of 
a home theater setup and it has been fine. This is more expensive than the 
AR1600 but it comes with a wireless keyboard and mouse (which I needed) plus 
Windows 7 with its built-in security program, which seems to work. It's 
amazingly quiet and small, and I understand it can be attached to the back of a 
flat display to keep it off your desk and out of sight.

 Acer - AspireRevo Nettop with Intel® Atom™ Processor
 Model: AR1600-U910H | SKU: 9535434
 She is not a computer person. Only uses it for limited e-mail and for
 microsoft word. Is not interested in using for more than this.
 Would this Acer do the job?

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Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread George Carr
The other day John Gilroy on WAMU's Computer Guys (and Gal) radio show
recommended a program called Revo to clean up a machine infected with what
sounds like the same malware on your machine:  It is able to hunt down the hidden files
which enable the malware to resurrect itself after it has ostensibly been
removed by more conventional methods.
Link to show:

I can connect to the internet and use email, so long as about every 5
seconds I say no to the pop-ups that say my computer is at risk or
infiltrated or bring up these websites (using IE, while I am only using
FireFox).  I keep stopping the scan this new antivirus program seems to be
running because I am afraid it itself is a virus, maybe part of a scam to
infect the computer in order to get me to buy the software to disinfect it!

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Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread George Carr
 The software is $40 and is designed for something else. Malware is not
 going to create the uninstall files a program like Revo would need.
 Maybe if you already had it installed and monitoring changes it might
 be able to uninstall some malware, but I would not bet on it. Note
 that its web pages does not say a word about removing malware.

Yeah, I kind of wondered how one ANY program could be installed on so badly
an infected system, (and I yes I did note that the website says nothing
about removing malware) but John Gilroy did say he used it for that, and
recommended it for that purpose. Maybe there was more to the story than he
had time for. If you were still on the show you coulda ast him. BTW, I miss
those Edgy Listening first Tuesdays with you, Mr. Gilroy and Derek McGinty.

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Re: [CGUYS] Help - computer seems infected, going crazy!

2010-02-25 Thread George Carr
 Battling against those two sure was entertaining.


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Re: [CGUYS] New SIM, but improved?

2010-02-02 Thread George Carr
   I have noticed this in the past with some items, but today we are
 seeing somewhat of a reversal.  A lot of the cell phones are getting
 bigger, and some even say the the iPad, the latest major computing
 product release, is essentially a larger Ipod Touch.  Computer
 monitors are also getting bigger as Apple is showing us.  TVs are
 getting humongous.

Yes, TVs are getting larger in two dimensions, but they are also getting
thinner and lighter. The new LED displays are super thin.


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Re: [CGUYS] Ban mobile computing

2010-01-28 Thread George Carr
Yes, I wasn't thinking about vulnerable pedestrians in the mix. The stakes
are considerably higher in the human vs. large, speeding machine context.
Good point. But even here I bet there will be a tech solution to preventing
car collisions with ANYTHING, humans, animals, trees, ice patches. Even now
there are (infrared?) sensors that can pick out warm people on a dark night,
warning a driver of their presence. But I agree that at present people
should not be using their devices while driving.

The New York Times had an article about pedestrians who are getting injured
while walking and using electronic devices. One teenager gave himself a
concussion by walking head-first into a pole!

 Safer cars don't do very much for pedestrians, who are no match for
 drivers on cellphones or computers.
 Human flesh versus a ton of speeding metal--it's no contest.
 No many how many safety improvements you put in the car.
 --Constance Warner

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Re: [CGUYS] Ban mobile computing

2010-01-27 Thread George Carr
Technology helped to create this problem but technology eventually will
provide solutions such as safer cars, reliable crash-avoidance systems, and
even vehicles that drive themselves. Meanwhile people need to focus on their
driving. Did I read somewhere about a car-based system that would disable
cell phones when the car is moving?

  we just cannot have folks driving around doing all that stuff,
 sometimes multiple things at once, hands-free or not. 

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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread George Carr
As Jordan and Steve described, I also join all the tracks before importing an 
audiobook CD, then make a playlist of all the CD's in the correct order. But I 
sometimes had a problem with regaining my place after stopping playback on my 
iPod. Somewhere on the web was a post explaining how to change the file 
extension of the audio files from .m4a to .m4b, in order to make the file 
completely bookmarkable, so this is the practise I now follow. Now the only 
time the iPod loses its place is after it has been connected to a computer 
(usually I recharge it from a wall socket), or if I connect the FM tuner. This 
may be different on a Mac, but when you change the file name a new file is 
created and you have to show iTunes where to find it. Kind of a PITA but 
preferable to have to fiddle with the iPod right when you are ready to drive 
somewhere, work out at the gym, etc. If anybody knows how to join all the 
individual CD files into a single monster file of the whole book, I would love !
 to know how to do that, since this is the way downloaded audiobooks are 
delivered and playback is almost completely trouble free.


 -Original Message-
 From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:COMPUTERGUYS-] On Behalf Of b_s-wilk
 Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 11:02 AM
 Subject: Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem
  I have loaded books on CDs into iTunes. Many of them have dozens or
  even a hundred tracks on each CD, and a book might be 10 or 15 CDs
  long. These audio files typically have a name like Track 1, Track 2,
  and so on, there are no differentiating titles, up to 25 or 99. So
  when I first loaded up a book I'd have 15 tracks called track 1, and
  15 called track 2 and so on, and I quickly discovered that iTunes
  could get confused about the order of these apparently identical
 With audio books I generally have no problem listening to them in
 iTunes. On an iPod it's another story. I was listening to a collection
 by Neil Gaiman, with 70+ chapters. On my iPod they were out of order,
 but not in iTunes. I took the book and merged all of the chapters,
 adding chapter markers. It was easy, but, sorry, I don't remember which
 program I used, maybe QT pro, Garage Band, or Audacity. It played
 correctly on the iPod that way, and I could select chapters. It's
 possible, no, likely, that since I didn't RTFM for the iPod Touch, I
 might have set it on Shuffle by mistake.
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Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem

2009-07-27 Thread George Carr
Thanks, I will try changing the iTunes option you mention next time I import
an audiobook, as it is indeed way easier than what I have been doing. And I
will also check out MP3Tag at a later date. I got my feet wet with tagging
photos in Photoshop Elements, but gravitated back to the old folder system
just because after years of organizing files that way it seems more natural.
But clearly the tagging system is a much more powerful way of storing and
retrieving data and is the way of the future as you, Tom, and others have
pointed out.

 -Original Message-
 From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:COMPUTERGUYS-] On Behalf Of mike
 Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 12:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [CGUYS] iTunes problem
 This seems to be much harder then it should be.  Properly tagging your
 upon import will correct any issues relating to order of the tracks.
 of the issue seems to be the reliance on iTunes to tag files.  It can
 basic tag editing but if your library is already imported and you want
 tag more then a few files, iTunes lags way behind.  MP3Tag is a great mass tag editor
 allowing for wildcards among other things.
 To make any mp3 recall where you left podcasts do by default,
 select the files you want and right click (on windows) and select get
 Under options there is an area to select remember playback position.
 will make it so when you go to replay the file, it starts where it last
 off even after sync.  You can select one file or multiple files to do

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Re: [CGUYS] Blogging for marketing networking (was: Blogging: is it worth it?)

2009-06-05 Thread George Carr
 That's why I asked about other list members' experiences with
 blogging; if they got anything out of it, and if it's worth the large
 investment of time.

 --Constance Warner
The weblog has enabled some practitioners in the Daily Painters movement
to successfully market their work in a new way not formerly possible, and
many of us other painters are trying to jump on board. It's fun for admirers
of a certain artist to see a new piece from him or her almost every day, and
it has the salutory, spine-stiffening effect of forcing the artist to
produce work regularly. Plus the pieces, necessarily small, are affordable,
and so some of the best painters sell almost all of their daily paintings as
soon as they are posted. 

 Obviously, what's on your blog had better be pretty good. 

The same rule applies here: the artistry has to be at a pretty high level.


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-17 Thread George Carr
Jordan [] wrote:
 ... one of the very cool things about this Nikon is that the
 display folds out and swivels like a camcorder display. This allows the
 user to hold the camera at the waist or where ever and view the

So this display is not available on any new cameras that you know of? I rigged 
up a hinged mirror contraption for my Sony still camera, in order to do 
something similar, but it doesn't really work because it is nearly impossible 
to compose the reversed image. 


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-16 Thread George Carr
Some of my best pictures of people were taken using neither the viewfinder
nor the LCD screen. You point the camera in generally the right direction,
talk to your subject, smile perhaps, all the while maintaining eye contact,
then shoot when an appealing facial expression appears. Later, in Photoshop,
you can fix rotation problems and compose the shot. Obviously this technique
is for shooting people only, and is a way of circumventing the natural
guardedness we all have.

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2009 2:38 PM
Subject: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

  Digital camera folks!  Which manner of viewfinding do you use
and/or prefer?  Camera held out in front of you at arms length as you
stand or walk about looking like a zombie, or to use the actual
viewfinder if your camera has one?

  I'm a viewfinder person myself if for no other reason than any
camera is hard to hold steady when held at arms length.


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Re: [CGUYS] Camera query. Just curious.

2009-04-16 Thread George Carr
How do you support the camera? Do you wear the camera bolted to your head?

Um... I hold it in my hand?

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Re: [CGUYS] USB Turntable?

2007-12-05 Thread George Carr
When I am working out and sweating, and feeling inclined to feel sorry for
myself, listening to an account of, say, the Bataan death march, can put my
head in a useful place!

Tom Piwowar wrote:
I can think of plenty of up-tempo music for exercising, but I can't 
imagine what kind of audio book would be suitable!

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