Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread Matthew Taylor
Yes, it is a bit of jargon.  Strangely, none of them can produce a  
title or deed of ownership.

If I best you in some challenge I might say I own you.  Does not make  
you my property.


On Jul 16, 2009, at 5:59 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
No one denied there isn't a market.  It's just not something you  
can own, at

least not in any literal sense.

Marketing types even use the term owning the market. It is exactly  
what they strive to do. Literally.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 17, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
Yes, it is a bit of jargon.  Strangely, none of them can produce a  
title or deed of ownership.

A circular argument. By definition The Commons have no deed of  
ownership. Circling back to my original comment: some of you have an  
obvious problem understanding the concept of The Commons. Your  
responses have proved this to be true. QED.

You are lucky I'm not grading your papers.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 9:02 PM, db wrote:
Is this the one you are talking about ... or did you find something  

Just doesn't look all that hard to me...

Move your playlists: If you want to copy your playlists to another  
computer, along with your music, just go to the File menu and select  
Export Library. Type a name for your exported library, save it to  
your removable hard disk, and then click Save. Now connect your  
removable hard disk to your new computer and open iTunes. From the  
File menu, select Import. On a Windows computer, select XML files  
from the Files of type menu, and then locate the exported library  
file on your removable hard disk. Click Open, and all the playlists  
on your old computer will be copied over. If some playlists were  
duplicated, just select the duplicates, go to the Edit menu, and  
select Clear. 

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread Matthew Taylor
Interestingly enough when I got my economics degree I did not have a  
grade problem.

In the historical example there often was a deed of sorts to a commons  
- a provision in the royal charter of a town would designate certain  
lands as commons as the town was recognized as having a corporate  
existence separate from any individual townspeople.

This is distinct from a market, wherein the crown might grant a  
monopoly on trade out of a port or such to a foreign land, but could  
not control what happened on the other end.


On Jul 17, 2009, at 10:47 AM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 17, 2009, at 10:09 AM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
Yes, it is a bit of jargon.  Strangely, none of them can produce a  
title or deed of ownership.

A circular argument. By definition The Commons have no deed of  
ownership. Circling back to my original comment: some of you have  
an obvious problem understanding the concept of The Commons. Your  
responses have proved this to be true. QED.

You are lucky I'm not grading your papers.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread Jeff Wright
 A circular argument. By definition The Commons have no deed of
 ownership. Circling back to my original comment: some of you have an
 obvious problem understanding the concept of The Commons. Your
 responses have proved this to be true. QED.

Please explain to the class what a commons is, Thomas.  So far, all you've
done is twist reality, cite Wikipedia and demonstrate no real understanding
of either markets nor commons.  It's just been the usual bag of cheap debate

 You are lucky I'm not grading your papers.

You might pass, barely, with some extra credit.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 17, 2009, at 5:33 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
Please explain to the class what a commons is, Thomas.  So far, all  
done is twist reality, cite Wikipedia and demonstrate no real  
of either markets nor commons.  It's just been the usual bag of  
cheap debate


Here we go again. You won't follow the link to Wikipedia and instead  
play the I don't understand broken record game.

It is not my job to teach you. I merely point out a serious defect in  
your understanding of how the world works.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-17 Thread Jeff Wright
 Here we go again. You won't follow the link to Wikipedia and instead
 play the I don't understand broken record game.
 It is not my job to teach you. I merely point out a serious defect in
 your understanding of how the world works.

I did follow the link.  Here is the sum total:

The commons refers to resources that are collectively owned[1]. This can
include everything from land to software.[2]. The process by which the
commons are transformed into private property is often termed enclosure.

You have repeatedly failed to demonstrate, in even the smallest way, how a
market is collectively owned.  You seem to think that simply saying it makes
it true.  Your sole means of articulation of this claim is to pull out yet
another horn from your bag of debate tricks and honk it even harder this

The mark of a true scholar, to be sure.  

If you want to have an adult conversation about this, then by all means do
so.  Otherwise, buh-bye.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread mike
Never, never, nevernever, let iTunes manage your music if you already
know what you are doing.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 7:19 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

  On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
   They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?
  I hope the DOJ smites them good.

 I don't.  It's their software, they can cripple it any damn way they want.
 Take your business elsewhere if you don't like it.  Considering the
 overwhelming success of the iPod and its successors, the consuming public
 doesn't feel harmed by this arrangement.  Those who do or simply desire
 another player, have many other options.  That said, Apple's whining excuse
 about not wanting to have to support other hardware is lame.  If it's
 about propping up the bottom line, just say so.

 Frankly, I can't stand the way iTunes mangles your music collection.  I
 my iPod Classic walking out to the garage at work recently, somebody found
 nice surprise on the sidewalk that day, and I don't miss iTunes.  It took
 days to get my collection back to normal, deleting all the ghost folders
 all the pointers to compilations iTunes left littered throughout, along
 just plain odd stuff that it did.

 I bought a used Zune 80 off of eBay for $100 to replace it (in excellent
 condition--no scratches or damage at all) and I'm very satisfied.  I almost
 didn't bid, since it was the first auction I came across and had only 12
 minutes left, but I took a chance and got a bargain!  Since then almost
 every auction has been $125 and up.  Amazon has a good selection of really
 inexpensive accessories for it.  Nothing even remotely approaching the
 selections available for iPods, but good enough.  Now, I have all these
 accessories to get rid of.

 The Zune 80 is a very nice, solid player with a screen about twice the size
 of the iPod Classic.  The cover art is big and beautiful when playing music
 and watching video podcasts isn't a squinting chore any longer for my aging
 eyes.  I find the squircle controller (yes, stupid name) on the Zune
 device to be easier and more accurate to use than the iPod's rotary dial.
 No turning down the volume when attempting to do something else entirely.

 The Zune software, while not perfect, leaves my music alone and doesn't try
 to manage it for me.  It's *much* better at finding missing album art,
 even the rare stuff; no store account required as with iTunes.  Oddly, it
 doesn't broadly display the cover art during playback as does the Zune
 itself.  There is a lot of white space in the software's interface and it
 lacks some of the fine controls of iTunes.  But, considering that it
 think that it knows better than I do about data management, it's a
 worthwhile trade-off.

 I installed Songbird on the upstairs computer and it's pretty good.  Fairly
 iTunes-like in appearance, almost a cross between iTunes and Winamp, but
 still getting used to it.  It seems to leave the music collection alone as
 well, but it doesn't support Zune yet, so it's just for playback in the
 living area.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:42 AM, mike wrote:
Never, never, nevernever, let iTunes manage your music if you  

know what you are doing.

That is an option that can be set in iTunes preferences. So if you  
don't like it you have only yourself to blame.

On the other hand, I do let iTunes manage my music files and I see no  
problem with how it organizes them. The organizational scheme is  
intuitive and you get lost there is a Reveal in Finder command in  
iTunes. I have never had a problem getting to and moving iTunes music  
files via the Finder. I see no problem here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
I didn't; I explicitly chose the let me manage my music option.  But it
did its folder juggling act anyway.

 -Original Message-
 Never, never, nevernever, let iTunes manage your music if you already
 know what you are doing.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 That is an option that can be set in iTunes preferences. So if you
 don't like it you have only yourself to blame.

Nope.  I did set it not manage the data.  It's not even in the default

This all the stuff it adds as part of its normal operation.  It didn't like
question marks, for example, and would empty the offending folder and move
the files to a new one with an '_' instead.  The Zune software just deals
with it and leaves it alone.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 But it is not their market. When any large corporation makes anti-
 competitive actions it damages the market. If the damage is slight we
 let it pass. If the damage is major we go after the bastards.

Define anti-competitive please.  Objectively, if you would, not EU-style
where the technocrats and the competitors define it by what they say it is.

 The market belongs to us collectively and
 it is a collective responsibility to protect it.

This is just flat out wrong.  No one owns a market.  You are expressing
propriety where none exists.  How do you own an abstract concept?

If anything, you own only your little slice, where you decide what to do
with your money.

 When we fail to do
 that we risk market meltdowns like we now have, which is due to the
 failure of financial market regulators and likely corrupt
 administration intervention in support of the bad guys. Imagine how
 unlivable it would be if the current market meltdown were repeated
 every year or two.

Then don't bail out the bad actors.  They won't be around to screw up again
the next time.

You also might stop printing trillions of dollars of money that we don't
have.  Use your wheelbarrow in the garden, not the bank.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 -Original Message-
  Apple apologist?  Are you talking to me?
 The truth comes out. You closet Apple lover you!

No!  Stop!  It burr-r-r-rns!

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 That's like having baseball eliminate umpires. Not a good move in any

Swing, and a miss.  This like having the Nats (or insert your favorite
cellar-dwelling team here) have a say in who should be allowed to play in
the World Series and with what equipment.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread db
Because of iTunes two music management styles, it a royal pain in the 
butt to move iTunes music to another machine WHILE maintaining your play 
lists.  Too many variables and iTunes is all too happy to stick its big 
butt into the process promptly ditching the playlists.

I just don't understand why these big Apple and MS corps ... who want us 
to love their products ... don't put ANY energy or thought into making 
it EASY and CONSISTENT for use to take our music and mail with us to our 
new machines they so much want to sell us every several years.

It appears they only think about it occasionally... as an afterthought!

What? They want to keep their mail... their music playlists?

God forbid should we want to change from a PC to a Mac or the other way 
around while moving our music or mail...

Why is it good business to let us twist in wind?


t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:42 AM, mike wrote:
Never, never, nevernever, let iTunes manage your music if you 

know what you are doing.

That is an option that can be set in iTunes preferences. So if you 
don't like it you have only yourself to blame.

On the other hand, I do let iTunes manage my music files and I see no 
problem with how it organizes them. The organizational scheme is 
intuitive and you get lost there is a Reveal in Finder command in 
iTunes. I have never had a problem getting to and moving iTunes music 
files via the Finder. I see no problem here.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
This is just flat out wrong.  No one owns a market.  You are  

propriety where none exists.  How do you own an abstract concept?

I think you have a problem understanding what economists call the  

Markets are a common good from which we all benefit and which we must  
all protect (or suffer the consequences).

When one company essentially owns a market it is called a monopoly  
and is an abuse of the Commons.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:09 PM, db wrote:
I just don't understand why these big Apple and MS corps ... who  
want us to love their products ... don't put ANY energy or thought  
into making it EASY and CONSISTENT for use to take our music and  
mail with us to our new machines they so much want to sell us every  
several years.

Apple's Migration Assistant does a fine job with this.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread db

Now you are sounding like a WFB er ... MFB

Apple's migration assistant helps you migrate a overflowing iTunes 
library to an external drive?  To a Vista computer? To a widely 
different version of OS X?  Does it distinguish between managed and 
unmanaged iTunes libraries?

I believe the answer is no to most  of those questions if not all.

Who fits in the our libraries don't get too big ... we only constantly 
buy the latest Mac goody mold?


t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 12:09 PM, db wrote:
I just don't understand why these big Apple and MS corps ... who want 
us to love their products ... don't put ANY energy or thought into 
making it EASY and CONSISTENT for use to take our music and mail with 
us to our new machines they so much want to sell us every several years.

Apple's Migration Assistant does a fine job with this.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Matthew Taylor
On the contrary Tom - you clearly do not understand the concept.  The  
Market is nothing more than a convenient term for the aggregation of  
all the individual transactions and interactions under examination.
A company does not own the market in a monopoly, they control or  
dominate the resource at the core of the transactions.

By your logic if I invent a widget or widgets and process by which  
they are used that grants a new or vastly improved capability and  
there by gain a monopoly I am abusing a commons - a commons that did  
not exist until I invented it.


On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:23 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 10:34 AM, Jeff Wright wrote:
This is just flat out wrong.  No one owns a market.  You are  

propriety where none exists.  How do you own an abstract concept?

I think you have a problem understanding what economists call the  

Markets are a common good from which we all benefit and which we  
must all protect (or suffer the consequences).

When one company essentially owns a market it is called a monopoly  
and is an abuse of the Commons.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:40 PM, db wrote:
Apple's migration assistant helps you migrate a overflowing iTunes  
library to an external drive?  To a Vista computer? To a widely  
different version of OS X?  Does it distinguish between managed and  
unmanaged iTunes libraries?

I was responding to a more complicated situation. To move your iTunes  
library to an external drive you change its location in iTunes  
preferences. To import your iTunes library from an external drive you  
just import the library into iTunes. As to doing it on a Vista  
computer, you are rightly on your own -- that's a wholly different  
can of worms (yuck!).

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:37 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
Seriously?  The World Series is preordained before the season even  

Oh the things WFBs don't know -- I could fill a book.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
By your logic if I invent a widget or widgets and process by which  
they are used that grants a new or vastly improved capability and  
there by gain a monopoly I am abusing a commons - a commons that  
did not exist until I invented it.

Not by my logic. What I stated is the way it is viewed by economists.

A patent is exactly a limited grant of monopoly rights. It is a deal  
made between society and inventors so that the society may benefit  
from the work of inventors. Each contributes something of value so  
that a deal may be struck. In the end the patent expires and the  
inventor must return their exclusive part of the market to the Commons.

For those that claim that the market is not a thing, your example is  
a great counter-example. If the market were not a thing then how  
could it be given away in a patent-grant transaction?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 I think you have a problem understanding what economists call the
 Markets are a common good from which we all benefit and which we must
 all protect (or suffer the consequences).

Each according to their needs, eh Thomas?   You seriously misunderstand the
concept of the commons.

A commons is something that everyone can use and enjoy equally, such as the
Internet or a grassy area.  That's all fine and dandy unless someone abuses
their share of the commons.  For example, spam overwhelming an ISP or a
sheep herder takes his sheep to eat and defecate in the grass in the field
that everyone else enjoys as a recreation area; that's the situation known
as The tragedy of the commons.

A market is a collection of inputs, outputs and information.  No one can own
it as there is nothing to own.

A single company can dominate a given market, but in no way does that make
it illegal or abusive by default.   

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 Not by my logic. What I stated is the way it is viewed by *some*


 A patent is exactly a limited grant of monopoly rights. It is a deal
 made between society and inventors so that the society may benefit
 from the work of inventors. Each contributes something of value so
 that a deal may be struck. In the end the patent expires and the
 inventor must return their exclusive part of the market to the Commons.

I defy you to find the term commons in any patent materials.

It's a temporary gummint charter designed to protect proprietary ideas,
while encouraging innovation and balancing against the need for economic
vibrancy.  It's a compromise, like most political creatures.

 For those that claim that the market is not a thing, your example is
 a great counter-example. If the market were not a thing then how
 could it be given away in a patent-grant transaction?

They aren't.  Patents are a charter *for a specific design* of a product.
It's not a license for a monopoly.  Anyone can compete against you with
similar or alternative products.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
A market is a collection of inputs, outputs and information.  No  
one can own

it as there is nothing to own.

You keep digging yourself in deeper. So now you deny the existence of  
intellectual property? There is plenty of case law to sustain the  
concept of ownership for information. To deny there is such a thing  
as a Market puts you out in lala land.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Matthew Taylor

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:01 PM, t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:36 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
By your logic if I invent a widget or widgets and process by which  
they are used that grants a new or vastly improved capability and  
there by gain a monopoly I am abusing a commons - a commons that  
did not exist until I invented it.

Not by my logic. What I stated is the way it is viewed by  

Demonstrate please.  Certainly your wikipedia link does not define  
commons as such.

A patent is exactly a limited grant of monopoly rights.

No - it is a limited protection for specific intellectual property.  I  
can have a patent for a specific type of flying toy, but not  
protection for all toys that fly - and the latter is the market -  
those buyers and sellers concerned with flying toys.

It is a deal made between society and inventors so that the society  
may benefit from the work of inventors. Each contributes something  
of value so that a deal may be struck. In the end the patent expires  
and the inventor must return their exclusive part of the market to  
the Commons.

No - in the end others can make use of the inventor's invention after  
the agreed upon exclusive period is over.  Other folks still don't get  
to sell Widget brand thingamabobs - they can just sell thingamabobs  
under their own brand that are copies.

For those that claim that the market is not a thing, your example is  
a great counter-example. If the market were not a thing then how  
could it be given away in a patent-grant transaction?

 The market is not given away - the patent holder has exclusive  
rights to offer a specific thing into the market.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread mike
And we all know economists agree on everything...

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 11:01 AM, t.piwowar wrote:

 Not by my logic. What I stated is the way it is viewed by economists.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread db
It makes a 100 % difference in moving your iTunes library to an external 
drive whether you have a managed or unmanaged library.  If you don't get 
the difference in procedures just right... poof goes your playlist that 
you may have been compiling for several years.

IT professional that I am, following all the many newsgroup tips that I 
looked up, the playlists still went poof.

Then I clicked around a bunch and all of a sudden most of the playlist 
mysteriously came back (except the recent additions).  Don't know why... 
iTunes was doing something on its own ... smart/ stupid beast that it 
is.  I spent a LOT of time and heartache on a procedure that should have 
been 1,2,3 done.

I resent a lack of info / guidance for a procedure that most anyone who 
really uses iTunes to any degree is absolutely going to need.  Like a 
bank taking your money deposits but not giving you any way to transfer 
them reliably.  Gee ... they disappeared?  You're upset?

This migration issue ... like the recent iTunes Pre issue ... or Mac not 
overtly labeling its successive equipment models ...  is the same kind 
of inconsiderate bad business in the long run BS that MS is famous for.  

Making your customers hate you via incredible arrogance and and I'm too 
famous and rich to be anytthing but golden disregard for their customers.

Can you tell I am upset?



t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 1:40 PM, db wrote:
Apple's migration assistant helps you migrate a overflowing iTunes 
library to an external drive?  To a Vista computer? To a widely 
different version of OS X?  Does it distinguish between managed and 
unmanaged iTunes libraries?

I was responding to a more complicated situation. To move your iTunes 
library to an external drive you change its location in iTunes 
preferences. To import your iTunes library from an external drive you 
just import the library into iTunes. As to doing it on a Vista 
computer, you are rightly on your own -- that's a wholly different can 
of worms (yuck!).

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jordan
I'm sure you know that you can tell iTunes to leave your audio files 
alone and where they are.
That said, I don't like iTunes either, for lots of reasons. I don't like 
any of these modern apps that put all the files in one huge pile 
somewhere. We're supposed to use tags or something to categorize them. I 
still much prefer putting stuff in the folders I want them in.

I know. I'm hopelessly old fashioned.

Jeff Wright wrote:

Frankly, I can't stand the way iTunes mangles your music collection.  I lost
my iPod Classic walking out to the garage at work recently, somebody found a
nice surprise on the sidewalk that day, and I don't miss iTunes.  It took me
days to get my collection back to normal, deleting all the ghost folders and
all the pointers to compilations iTunes left littered throughout, along with
just plain odd stuff that it did.

I installed Songbird on the upstairs computer and it's pretty good.  Fairly
iTunes-like in appearance, almost a cross between iTunes and Winamp, but I'm
still getting used to it.  It seems to leave the music collection alone as
well, but it doesn't support Zune yet, so it's just for playback in the
living area.


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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jordan

t.piwowar wrote:
Imagine how unlivable it would be if the current market meltdown were 
repeated every year or two.

What do you mean?
This was their idea of a free market.  The rich don't care and the poor 
become homeless. So what?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Matthew Taylor wrote:
No - it is a limited protection for specific intellectual  
property.  I can have a patent for a specific type of flying toy,  
but not protection for all toys that fly - and the latter is the  
market - those buyers and sellers concerned with flying toys.

As M$ showed us with its sales statistics for MP3 players that are  
brown, the market is whatever you want to say it is.

Twist and turn all you like, markets exist.

No - in the end others can make use of the inventor's invention  
after the agreed upon exclusive period is over.  Other folks still  
don't get to sell Widget brand thingamabobs - they can just sell  
thingamabobs under their own brand that are copies.

Now you are mixing up patents and trademarks. Not the same thing.

 The market is not given away - the patent holder has exclusive  
rights to offer a specific thing into the market.

Playing word games does not change a thing. A pie vs. a slice of a  
pie. A market vs. a market segment. Same difference.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 3:18 PM, Jordan wrote:
I'm sure you know that you can tell iTunes to leave your audio  
files alone and where they are.
That said, I don't like iTunes either, for lots of reasons. I don't  
like any of these modern apps that put all the files in one huge  
pile somewhere. We're supposed to use tags or something to  
categorize them. I still much prefer putting stuff in the folders I  
want them in.

I know. I'm hopelessly old fashioned.

You probably use paper checks and DOS too.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 You keep digging yourself in deeper. So now you deny the existence of
 intellectual property? 

Of course not.  But I'm not the one conflating IP with the concept of

Honestly, it's going to take a bit more than putting all the things you
can't see or touch into a Venn diagram.

 There is plenty of case law to sustain the
 concept of ownership for information. To deny there is such a thing
 as a Market puts you out in lala land.

No one denied there isn't a market.  It's just not something you can own, at
least not in any literal sense.

C'mon Tom, I know you can grok that if you try really, really hard.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 Twist and turn all you like, markets exist.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?
   The market is not given away - the patent holder has exclusive
  rights to offer a specific thing into the market.
 Playing word games does not change a thing. A pie vs. a slice of a
 pie. A market vs. a market segment. Same difference.

Why yes, yes you are.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 5:12 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
No one denied there isn't a market.  It's just not something you  
can own, at

least not in any literal sense.

Marketing types even use the term owning the market. It is exactly  
what they strive to do. Literally.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread Jeff Wright
 Marketing types even use the term owning the market. It is exactly
 what they strive to do. Literally.

It's called a metaphor, Tom.  It's the same as a simile without using like
or as to describe something.

You're taking advice from marketing trolls now?  Wouldn't an ice pick to the
forehead be quicker?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:54 PM, db wrote:
I resent a lack of info / guidance for a procedure that most anyone  
who really uses iTunes to any degree is absolutely going to need.   
Like a bank taking your money deposits but not giving you any way  
to transfer them reliably.  Gee ... they disappeared?  You're upset?

When I needed to move my iTunes library I found detailed step-by-step  
instructions at the Apple website. Nothing to feel resentful over. 

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-16 Thread db
Well I lost the playlists and wasted a lot of time... why not feel 

Is this the one you are talking about ... or did you find something better?

This one is a rather scattered/ conflicting collection of directions (If 
you logically just follow the steps laid out you will end  up 
with no playlists).  It makes no mention of the different procedures 
required by managed or unmanaged libraries except how to set your ipod 
... and doesn't address the other obvious need... moving the library out 
and keeping iTunes where it is. 

It isn't rocket science ... the techniques needed are only 4 or so.
How hard would it be for them to just document those... and not leave us 
scratching around ... wiping out play lists etc?  

The device is all over the place and people discuss the problem a lot on 
Trying to assemble a set of comprehensive tips that cover the various 
iTunes move possibilities is harder than most IT work I do.

Anybody know of a good resource on this subject?


t.piwowar wrote:

On Jul 16, 2009, at 2:54 PM, db wrote:
I resent a lack of info / guidance for a procedure that most anyone 
who really uses iTunes to any degree is absolutely going to need.  
Like a bank taking your money deposits but not giving you any way to 
transfer them reliably.  Gee ... they disappeared?  You're upset?

When I needed to move my iTunes library I found detailed step-by-step 
instructions at the Apple website. Nothing to feel resentful over.

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[CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread Jeff Wright

They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread t.piwowar

On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?

I hope the DOJ smites them good.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
  They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?
 I hope the DOJ smites them good.

I don't.  It's their software, they can cripple it any damn way they want.
Take your business elsewhere if you don't like it.  Considering the
overwhelming success of the iPod and its successors, the consuming public
doesn't feel harmed by this arrangement.  Those who do or simply desire
another player, have many other options.  That said, Apple's whining excuse
about not wanting to have to support other hardware is lame.  If it's
about propping up the bottom line, just say so.

Frankly, I can't stand the way iTunes mangles your music collection.  I lost
my iPod Classic walking out to the garage at work recently, somebody found a
nice surprise on the sidewalk that day, and I don't miss iTunes.  It took me
days to get my collection back to normal, deleting all the ghost folders and
all the pointers to compilations iTunes left littered throughout, along with
just plain odd stuff that it did.

I bought a used Zune 80 off of eBay for $100 to replace it (in excellent
condition--no scratches or damage at all) and I'm very satisfied.  I almost
didn't bid, since it was the first auction I came across and had only 12
minutes left, but I took a chance and got a bargain!  Since then almost
every auction has been $125 and up.  Amazon has a good selection of really
inexpensive accessories for it.  Nothing even remotely approaching the
selections available for iPods, but good enough.  Now, I have all these iPod
accessories to get rid of.

The Zune 80 is a very nice, solid player with a screen about twice the size
of the iPod Classic.  The cover art is big and beautiful when playing music
and watching video podcasts isn't a squinting chore any longer for my aging
eyes.  I find the squircle controller (yes, stupid name) on the Zune
device to be easier and more accurate to use than the iPod's rotary dial.
No turning down the volume when attempting to do something else entirely.

The Zune software, while not perfect, leaves my music alone and doesn't try
to manage it for me.  It's *much* better at finding missing album art,
even the rare stuff; no store account required as with iTunes.  Oddly, it
doesn't broadly display the cover art during playback as does the Zune
itself.  There is a lot of white space in the software's interface and it
lacks some of the fine controls of iTunes.  But, considering that it doesn't
think that it knows better than I do about data management, it's a
worthwhile trade-off.

I installed Songbird on the upstairs computer and it's pretty good.  Fairly
iTunes-like in appearance, almost a cross between iTunes and Winamp, but I'm
still getting used to it.  It seems to leave the music collection alone as
well, but it doesn't support Zune yet, so it's just for playback in the
living area.

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**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
So, if Microsoft elected to STOP you from using another browser- it's their
software, admit, leave me alone- it would be ok.
I love the consistency of Apple apologists.
May you all get your just desserts (or is that deserts)

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice 
  703.783.1340 fax 

From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of Jeff Wright
Sent: 07/15/2009 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

 On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
  They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?
 I hope the DOJ smites them good.

I don't.  It's their software, they can cripple it any damn way they want.
Take your business elsewhere if you don't like it.  Considering the
overwhelming success of the iPod and its successors, the consuming public
doesn't feel harmed by this arrangement.  Those who do or simply desire
another player, have many other options.  That said, Apple's whining excuse
about not wanting to have to support other hardware is lame.  If it's
about propping up the bottom line, just say so.

Frankly, I can't stand the way iTunes mangles your music collection.  I lost
my iPod Classic walking out to the garage at work recently, somebody found a
nice surprise on the sidewalk that day, and I don't miss iTunes.  It took me
days to get my collection back to normal, deleting all the ghost folders and
all the pointers to compilations iTunes left littered throughout, along with
just plain odd stuff that it did.

I bought a used Zune 80 off of eBay for $100 to replace it (in excellent
condition--no scratches or damage at all) and I'm very satisfied.  I almost
didn't bid, since it was the first auction I came across and had only 12
minutes left, but I took a chance and got a bargain!  Since then almost
every auction has been $125 and up.  Amazon has a good selection of really
inexpensive accessories for it.  Nothing even remotely approaching the
selections available for iPods, but good enough.  Now, I have all these iPod
accessories to get rid of.

The Zune 80 is a very nice, solid player with a screen about twice the size
of the iPod Classic.  The cover art is big and beautiful when playing music
and watching video podcasts isn't a squinting chore any longer for my aging
eyes.  I find the squircle controller (yes, stupid name) on the Zune
device to be easier and more accurate to use than the iPod's rotary dial.
No turning down the volume when attempting to do something else entirely.

The Zune software, while not perfect, leaves my music alone and doesn't try
to manage it for me.  It's *much* better at finding missing album art,
even the rare stuff; no store account required as with iTunes.  Oddly, it
doesn't broadly display the cover art during playback as does the Zune
itself.  There is a lot of white space in the software's interface and it
lacks some of the fine controls of iTunes.  But, considering that it doesn't
think that it knows better than I do about data management, it's a
worthwhile trade-off.

I installed Songbird on the upstairs computer and it's pretty good.  Fairly
iTunes-like in appearance, almost a cross between iTunes and Winamp, but I'm
still getting used to it.  It seems to leave the music collection alone as
well, but it doesn't support Zune yet, so it's just for playback in the
living area.

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
That was dammit- but my damned software corrected it...

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice 
  703.783.1340 fax 

From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-Original Message-
From: Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. [] 
Sent: 07/15/2009 10:50 PM
To: 'Computer Guys Discussion List'
Subject: RE: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

So, if Microsoft elected to STOP you from using another browser- it's their
software, admit, leave me alone- it would be ok.
I love the consistency of Apple apologists.
May you all get your just desserts (or is that deserts)

Eschew Obfuscation

This is a reply from: 
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. 
  Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization

  703.548.1343 voice 
  703.783.1340 fax 

From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy

-Original Message-
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of Jeff Wright
Sent: 07/15/2009 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

 On Jul 15, 2009, at 6:06 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:
  They really are temping the anti-trust hammer of justice, aren't they?
 I hope the DOJ smites them good.

I don't.  It's their software, they can cripple it any damn way they want.
Take your business elsewhere if you don't like it.  Considering the
overwhelming success of the iPod and its successors, the consuming public
doesn't feel harmed by this arrangement.  Those who do or simply desire
another player, have many other options.  That said, Apple's whining excuse
about not wanting to have to support other hardware is lame.  If it's
about propping up the bottom line, just say so.

Frankly, I can't stand the way iTunes mangles your music collection.  I lost
my iPod Classic walking out to the garage at work recently, somebody found a
nice surprise on the sidewalk that day, and I don't miss iTunes.  It took me
days to get my collection back to normal, deleting all the ghost folders and
all the pointers to compilations iTunes left littered throughout, along with
just plain odd stuff that it did.

I bought a used Zune 80 off of eBay for $100 to replace it (in excellent
condition--no scratches or damage at all) and I'm very satisfied.  I almost
didn't bid, since it was the first auction I came across and had only 12
minutes left, but I took a chance and got a bargain!  Since then almost
every auction has been $125 and up.  Amazon has a good selection of really
inexpensive accessories for it.  Nothing even remotely approaching the
selections available for iPods, but good enough.  Now, I have all these iPod
accessories to get rid of.

The Zune 80 is a very nice, solid player with a screen about twice the size
of the iPod Classic.  The cover art is big and beautiful when playing music
and watching video podcasts isn't a squinting chore any longer for my aging
eyes.  I find the squircle controller (yes, stupid name) on the Zune
device to be easier and more accurate to use than the iPod's rotary dial.
No turning down the volume when attempting to do something else entirely.

The Zune software, while not perfect, leaves my music alone and doesn't try
to manage it for me.  It's *much* better at finding missing album art,
even the rare stuff; no store account required as with iTunes.  Oddly, it
doesn't broadly display the cover art during playback as does the Zune
itself.  There is a lot of white space in the software's interface and it
lacks some of the fine controls of iTunes.  But, considering that it doesn't
think that it knows better than I do about data management, it's a
worthwhile trade-off.

I installed Songbird on the upstairs computer and it's pretty good.  Fairly
iTunes-like in appearance, almost a cross between iTunes and Winamp, but I'm
still getting used to it.  It seems to leave the music collection alone as
well, but it doesn't support Zune yet, so it's just for playback in the
living area.

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**  policy, calmness, a member map, and more at  **

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Re: [CGUYS] Apple Bans Palm Pre from iTunes

2009-07-15 Thread Jeff Wright
 So, if Microsoft elected to STOP you from using another browser- it's
 software, admit, leave me alone- it would be ok.
 I love the consistency of Apple apologists.
 May you all get your just desserts (or is that deserts)

Apple apologist?  Are you talking to me?

OK, let's pretend that MS did stop me from using another browser, and the
answer is no, that wouldn't be OK by me, but yes, it's OK in the scheme of
free enterprise.  It's their product and it shouldn't be subject to the
whims and *cough* wisdom of bureaucrats and rent-seeking competitors.  I
suspect their customers might have a different opinion of such a
ill-informed move and would communicate that in many ways, not the least of
which is with their feet and dollars.

It would significantly lower the value of their product to me.  I can always
buy an Apple or roll a Linux desktop.

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