Re: SHA-1 and Git (was Re: [tahoe-dev] Tahoe-LAFS key management, part 2: Tahoe-LAFS is like encrypted git)

2009-08-26 Thread James A. Donald

Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Consider for example a system that uses two
> authentication algorithms in case one fails, or that
> has an algorithm-upgrade/rollover capability, perhaps
> via downloadable plugins.  At some point a device
> receives a message authenticated with algorithm A
> saying "Algorithm B has been broken, don't use it any
> more" (with an optional side-order of "install and run
> this plugin that implements a new algorithm instead").
> It also receives a message authenticated with
> algorithm B saying "Algorithm A has been broken, don't
> use it any more", with optional extras as before.

Not so hard.  True breaks occur infrequently.  Those
that download the scam version will find that they can
*only* communicate with the scammers, so will sort
things out in due course and all will be well until the
next break - which will not happen for a long time, and
may well never happen - unless of course one has the
IEEE 802.11 working group designing the standards.

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Re: Client Certificate UI for Chrome?

2009-08-26 Thread James A. Donald

Ben Laurie wrote:
> If the problem you are trying to solve is client
> authentication then client certs have some obvious
> value.

But if client certs are Certificate Authority centric,
then they prove that so and so's true name is so and so.
They don't prove that so and so is one of our gang,
which is generally what people care about.

A typical situation is that someone whose legal address
is in the united states, wants to order some good from
an entity whose physical address is China, but whose
legal address is in a tax haven, for delivery to a
physical address in Singapore.  True names are rather
low on their list of priorities.

If you want to get people to use client certificates,
client certificates have to do what people want, not
what governments and certification authorities want.

What is needed is client certificates that work like
shibboleths or gang colors.  Microsoft's cardspace
was a try at that idea.

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Re: SHA-1 and Git (was Re: [tahoe-dev] Tahoe-LAFS key management, part 2: Tahoe-LAFS is like encrypted git)

2009-08-26 Thread Peter Gutmann
Ben Laurie  writes:

>It seems to me protocol designers get all excited about this because they
>want to design the protocol once and be done with it. But software authors
>are generally content to worry about the new algorithm when they need to
>switch to it - and since they're going to have to update their software
>anyway and get everyone to install the new version, why should they worry any

It's not just that, while pluggability (for transparent crypto upgrade) may
sound like a fun theoretical exercise for geeks it's really a special case of
the (unsolveable) secure-initialisation problem.

Consider for example a system that uses two authentication algorithms in case
one fails, or that has an algorithm-upgrade/rollover capability, perhaps via
downloadable plugins.  At some point a device receives a message authenticated
with algorithm A saying "Algorithm B has been broken, don't use it any more"
(with an optional side-order of "install and run this plugin that implements a
new algorithm instead").  It also receives a message authenticated with
algorithm B saying "Algorithm A has been broken, don't use it any more", with
optional extras as before.  Although you could then apply fault-tolerant
design concepts to try and make this less problematic, this adds a huge amount
of design complexity, and therefore new attack surface.  Adding to the
problems is the fact that this capability will only be exercised in extremely
rare circumstances.  So you have a piece of complex, error-prone code that's
never really exercised and that has to sit there unused (but resisting all
attacks) for years until it's needed, at which point it has to work perfectly
the first time.  In addition you have some nice catch-22's such as the
question of how you safely load a replacement algorithm into a remote device
when the existing algorithm that's required to secure the load has been

Compounding this even further is the innate tendency of security geeks to want
to replace half the security infrastructure that you're relying on as a side-
effect of any algorithm upgrade.  After all, if you're replacing one of the
hash algorithms then why not take the opportunity to replace the key
derivation that it's used in, and the signature mechanisms, and the key
management as well?  This results in huge amounts of turmoil as a
theoretically minor algorithm change carries over into a requirement to
reimplement half the security mechanisms being used.  One example of this is
TLS 1.2, for which the (theoretically minor) step from TLS 1.1 to TLS 1.2 was
much, much bigger than the change from SSL to TLS, because the developers
redesigned significant portions of the security mechanisms as a side-effect of
introducing a few new hash algorithms.  As a result, TLS 1.2 adoption has
lagged for years after the first specifications became available.

Thor Lancelot Simon  writes:

>the exercise of recovering from new horrible problems with SHA1 would be
>vastly simpler, easier, and far quicker

What new horrible problems in SHA1 (as it's used in SSL/TLS)?  What old
horrible problems, for that matter?  The only place I can think of offhand
where it's used in a manner where it might be vulnerable is for DSA sigs, and
how many of those have you seen in the wild?


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Re: SHA-1 and Git (was Re: [tahoe-dev] Tahoe-LAFS key management, part 2: Tahoe-LAFS is like encrypted git)

2009-08-26 Thread Jon Callas

On Aug 25, 2009, at 4:44 AM, Ben Laurie wrote:

Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Yet another reason why you always should make the crypto algorithms  
use pluggable in any system -- you *will* have to replace them some  

In order to roll out a new crypto algorithm, you have to roll out new
software. So, why is anything needed for "pluggability" beyond  

It seems to me protocol designers get all excited about this because
they want to design the protocol once and be done with it. But  
authors are generally content to worry about the new algorithm when  

need to switch to it - and since they're going to have to update their
software anyway and get everyone to install the new version, why  

they worry any sooner?

I have no idea, myself.

I have said many times effectively what you said, and there's always  
the same hand-wringing.

I believe that it boils down to this:

They aren't software engineers and we are. We've designed  
paramaterized or (that's or, not xor) versioned protocols before.  
We've done upgrades.

They will inevitably bring up downgrade attacks, but come on. It is a  
truism that there is more stupidity than malice in the world and if  
you stupid-proof your protocol, you've also malice-proofed it.

And yes, yes, one has to be thorough in your design of plugable  
system. I, too, can come up with a scenario where a simple version  
number is not enough. It's just a software engineering problem, and  
you and I and the other software engineers know how to do software  

I think that again, they haven't in general deployed software to a  
population large enough to contain stupid people. If they have  
deployed it to stupid people, they haven't had the attitude that  
stupidity is a fact of life and has to be fixed in the software, not  
the person.

And after boiling it down, let me go further and reduce it to a  
sticky, bitter sauce:

They don't believe it's important. They so believe the naive simple-is- 
better line that they end up believing that brittle is better than  
resilient. They're so enamored with the aphorism that you can make  
something so simple it's secure or so complex it's secure that they  
forget the aphorism that you should make things as simple as possible  
and no simpler. They're not engineers, so for them, upgrades are free.  
Therefore brittle is simpler than resilient.


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Re: a crypto puzzle about digital signatures and future compatibility

2009-08-26 Thread Richard Salz
> This at least suggests that the v1.7 readers need to check *all* 
> hashes that are offered and raise an alarm if some verify and others 
> don't.  Is that good enough?

Isn't that what SSL/TLS does?


STSM, DataPower CTO
WebSphere Appliance Architect

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Re: Client Certificate UI for Chrome?

2009-08-26 Thread Stefan Santesson
There is an approach to this that currently is being standardized in the
IETF PKIX group. The certificate image work

The current draft is available from:

The technical idea behind this is very simple. Instead of trying to break
our back in an attempt to decode the extremely underspecified attributes in
a certificate and instead of trying to come up with sensible display labels
for each attribute (instead of CN, C, O, OU and other useless abbreviations
used today) This specification lets the issuer associate a complete display
ready image of the certificate that contains the essential information a
user would be interested to see.

>From a UI perspective, this turns a close to impossible task to a simple
task as the client, given that the issuing CA is trusted, simply displays
this certificate image.

Major certificate issuers (no names) have expressed substantial interest in
issuing certificates with this feature if there are clients that are
interested to make use of them in their UI.

Stefan Santesson

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Ben Laurie
> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 9:59 AM
> To: Cryptography
> Subject: Client Certificate UI for Chrome?
> So, I've heard many complaints over the years about how the UI for
> client certificates sucks. Now's your chance to fix that problem -
> we're in the process of thinking about new client cert UI for Chrome,
> and welcome any input you might have. Obviously fully-baked proposals
> are more likely to get attention than vague suggestions.
> I imagine I may well hear "what about the UI around server
> certificates?" - fair enough, feel free, and I'll see what I can do.
> -
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a crypto puzzle about digital signatures and future compatibility

2009-08-26 Thread Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn


My brother Nathan Wilcox asked me in private mail about protocol  
versioning issues.  (He was inspired by this thread on [1, 2, 3]).  After rambling for a while  
about my theories and experiences with such things, I remembered this  
vexing "future-compatibility" issue that I still don't know how to  

Here is a puzzle for you (I don't know the answer).

Would it be a reasonable safety measure to deploy a Tahoe-LAFS v1.6,  
which used SHA-2 but didn't know how to use SHA-3 (because it hasn't  
been defined yet), and then later deploy a Tahoe-LAFS v1.7, which did  
know how to use SHA-3, and have v1.7 writers produce new files which  
v1.6 readers can integrity-check (using SHA-2) and also v1.7 readers  
can integrity-check (using SHA-3)?

So far this seems like an obvious win, but then you have to say what  
if, after we've deployed v1.7, someone posts a perl script to  
sci.crypt which produces second-pre-images for SHA-2 (but not  
SHA-3)?  Then writers who are using Tahoe-LAFS v1.7 really want to be  
able to *stop* producing files which v1.6 readers will trust based on  
SHA-2, right?  And also, even if that doesn't happen and SHA-2 is  
still believed to be reliable, then what if some sneaky v1.7 user  
hacks his v1.7 software to make two different files, sign one of them  
with SHA-2 and the other wish SHA-3, and then put both hashes into a  
single immutable file cap and give it to a v1.6 reader, asking him to  
inspect the file and then pass it on to his trusted, v1.7-using,  


This at least suggests that the v1.7 readers need to check *all*  
hashes that are offered and raise an alarm if some verify and others  
don't.  Is that good enough?





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Re: Client Certificate UI for Chrome?

2009-08-26 Thread Ben Laurie
On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 6:35 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> More generally, I can't see that implementing client-side certs gives you much
> of anything in return for the massive amount of effort required because the
> problem is a lack of server auth, not of client auth.  If I'm a phisher then I
> set up my bogus web site, get the user's certificate-based client auth
> message, throw it away, and report successful auth to the client.  The browser
> then displays some sort of indicator that the high-security certificate auth
> was successful, and the user can feel more confident than usual in entering
> their credit card details.  All you're doing is building even more substrate
> for phishing attacks.
> Without simultaneous mutual auth, which -SRP/-PSK provide but PKI doesn't,
> you're not getting any improvement, and potentially just making things worse
> by giving users a false sense of security.

I certainly agree that if the problem you are trying to solve is
server authentication, then client certs don't get you very far. I
find it hard to feel very surprised by this conclusion.

If the problem you are trying to solve is client authentication then
client certs have some obvious value.

That said, I do tend to agree that mutual auth is also a good avenue
to pursue, and the UI you describe fits right in with Chrome's UI in
other areas. Perhaps I'll give it a try.

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