Re: Nullsoft's WASTE communication system

2003-06-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
The AP wire reports that the founder of Nullsoft, Justin Frankel, plans 
to resign in the wake of WASTE being pulled.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: Pre-cursor to Non-Secret Encryption

2003-06-18 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Young writes:

Related: We have a three-year-old FOIA request to NSA for 
information on:

  The invention, discovery and development of non-secret 
  encryption (NSE) and public key cryptography (PKC) by 
  United Kingdom, United States, or any other nation's 
  intelligence and cryptology agencies, prior to, parallel with, 
  or subsequent to, the PKC work of Diffie-Hellman-Merkle. 

NSA has recently said that some responsive information 
may be released in the near future, although it is not clear if 
that is weeks or months or years away.

Can you amend that to ask for digital signature information, too?  From 
my research on Permissive Action Links, I think there's some chance 
that digital signatures were invented separately, possibly by NSA 
before GCHQ's non-secret encryption work.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: authentication and ESP

2003-06-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], martin f krafft writes

As far as I can tell, IPsec's ESP has the functionality of
authentication and integrity built in:

RFC 2406:

   2.7 Authentication Data

   The Authentication Data is a variable-length field containing an
   Integrity Check Value (ICV) computed over the ESP packet minus
   the Authentication Data.  The length of the field is specified by
   the authentication function selected.  The Authentication Data
   field is optional, and is included only if the authentication
   service has been selected for the SA in question.  The
   authentication algorithm specification MUST specify the length of
   the ICV and the comparison rules and processing steps for

To my knowledge, IPsec implementations use AH for signing though.
Why do we need AH, or why is it preferred?

Thanks for your clarification!

The question has been asked quite often.  The short answer is that AH 
protects parts of the preceeding IP header, which ESP doesn't do.  I 
did an analysis many years ago which showed that everything in the AH 
header was either unprotectable, irrelevant, or protected in some other 
fashion.  But the question has been re-opened, notably with regard to 
protecting Neighbor Discover in IPv6.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: New toy: SSLbar

2003-06-24 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

It's a toolbar for Mozilla (and related web browsers) that automatically 
displays the SHA1 or MD5 fingerprint of the SSL certificate when you visit 
an SSL secured web site. You could of course click the little padlock icon 
and dig through a couple of dialogs to see it, but it's much easier when 
it's right there in front of you on the toolbar.

So, what's the point?

If you look at the fingerprint of an SSL certificate, and compare this 
against a fingerprint that you obtain from the site's owner via another 
channel (IIP, email, PGP-signed web page, etc.) you can be absolutely 
certain that the certificate is legitimate, and that you are exchanging 
encrypted data with the persons(s) you intended to.

Please don't take this personally -- I'm speaking in general terms 
here, rather than casting aspersions on anyone in particular.  I've
deliberately deleted any personal names from this reply, to underscore 
that point.

From a security point of view, why should anyone download any plug-in 
from an unknown party?  In this very specific case, why should someone 
download a a plug-in that by its own description is playing around in 
the crypto arena.  How do we know it's not going to steal keys?  Is the 
Mozilla API strong enough that it can't possibly do that?  Is it 
implemented well enough that we trust it?  (I see that in this case, 
the guts of the plug-in are in Javascript.  Given how often Javascript 
has played a starring role in assorted security flaws, that doesn't 
reassure me.  But I do appreciate open source.)

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: New toy: SSLbar

2003-06-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ian Grigg writes:

Also, to impune the plug-in arrangement is to
impune all plug-ins, and to impune the download
from an unknown is to impune all downloads from

Sounds about right...


I.e., download this fantastic tool which
just so annoyingly includes a trojan from the
person who manages the site doesn't seem to
occur as a real attack with any frequency.

In fact, the come and get it method seems to exceed the scan and 
'sploit method of building botnets.  That is, Trojans are a very 
active method of infection.

(Partly because it takes a long time to find
the right victim, and partly because it
leaves the attacker static and vulnerable,
I'm guessing.  In comparison, it seems that
attackers get much better results by using
targetted mass mailings tools to deliver
their EMD.)

Botnets communicate via IRC, among many other ways.  Sometimes, they 
even use encrypted channels

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: Attacking networks using DHCP, DNS - probably kills DNSSEC

2003-06-29 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bill Stewart writes:
Somebody did an interesting attack on a cable network's customers.
They cracked the cable company's DHCP server, got it to provide a
Connection-specific DNS suffic pointing to a machine they owned,
and also told it to use their DNS server.
This meant that when your machine wanted to look up,
it would look up instead.

This looks like it has the ability to work around DNSSEC.
Somebody trying to verify that they'd correctly reached
would instead verify that they'd correctly reached, which can provide all the signatures
it needs to make this convincing.

So if you're depending on DNSSEC to secure your IPSEC connection,
do make sure your DNS server doesn't have a suffix of

No, that's just not true of DNSsec.  DNSsec doesn't depend on the 
integrity of the connection to your DNS server; rather, the RRsets are 
digitally signed.  In other words, it works a lot like certificates, 
with a trust chain going back to a magic root key.  I'm not saying that 
there can't be problems with that model, but compromised DNS servers 
(and poisoned DNS caches) are among the major threat models it was 
designed to deal with.  If nothing else, the existence of caching DNS 
servers, which are not authoritative for the information they hand out, 
makes a transmission-based solution pretty useless.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: Attacking networks using DHCP, DNS - probably kills DNSSEC

2003-06-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon Josefsson writes:

Of course, everything fails if you ALSO get your DNSSEC root key from
the DHCP server, but in this case you shouldn't expect to be secure.
I wouldn't be surprised if some people suggest pushing the DNSSEC root
key via DHCP though, because alas, getting the right key into the
laptop in the first place is a difficult problem.

I can pretty much guarantee that the IETF will never standardize that, 
except possibly in conjunction with authenticated dhcp.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: Attacking networks using DHCP, DNS - probably kills DNSSEC NOT

2003-06-30 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Simon Josefsson writes:
Bill Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

* Your laptop see and uses the name
   You may be able to verify this using your DNSSEC root key, if the people have set up DNSSEC for their spoofed
   entries, but unless you are using bad software or judgment, you will
   not confuse this for the real

 The DNS suffix business is designed so that your laptop tries
 to use, either before
 or after unsuccessfully trying, depending on implementation.
 It may be bad judgement, but it's designed to support intranet sites
 for domains that want their web browsers and email to let you
 refer to marketing as opposed to,
 and Netscape-derived browsers support it as well as IE.

It can be a useful feature, but it does not circumvent DNSSEC in any
way, that I can see.  DNSSEC see and can
verify that the IP addresses for that host are the one that the owner
of the y.c.a.c domain publishes, and that is what DNSSEC delivers.
The bad judgement I referred to was if your software, after DNSSEC
verification, confuses with

It's also not a new problem -- see RFC 1535.

--Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of Firewalls book)

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Re: Monoculture

2003-10-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

Unfortunately, those parts are rather dangerous to omit.

0) If you omit the message authenticator, you will now be subject to a
   range of fine and well documented cut and paste attacks. With some
   ciphers, especially stream ciphers, you'll be subject to far worse
   attacks still.
1) If you omit the IV, suddenly you're going to be subject to a
   second new range of attacks based on the fact that fixed blocks
   will always encrypt the exact same way.

We went through all that, by the way, when designing IPSec. At first,
we didn't put in mandatory authenticators, because we didn't
understand that they were security critical. Then, of course, we
discovered that they were damn critical, and that most of the text
books on this had been wrong. We didn't understand lots of subtleties
about our IVs, either. One big hint: do NOT use IVs on sequential
packets with close hamming distance!

Better yet, don't use predictable IVs; the threat is much clearer.

Perry is right -- a number of us learned the hard way about 
cryptographic protocol complexity.  I led the fight to remove sequence 
numbers from the early version of ESP, since no one could elucidate a 
threat model beyond the enemy could duplicate packets.  My response 
was so what -- packet duplication is always possible per the IP 
datagram model.  (A while back, my ISP fulfilled that part of the 
model; I was seeing up to 90% duplicate packets.  But I digress.)  But 
then I wrote a paper where I showed lots of ways to attack IPsec if you 
didn't have both sequence numbers and integrity protection, so I led 
the fight to reintroduce sequence numbers, and to make integrity 
protection part of ESP rather than leaving it to AH.  We all learn, 
even in embarrassing ways.

My first published cryptographic protocol, EKE, has had an interesting 
history.  One version of it is still believed secure:  encrypt both halves
of a DH exchange with a shared secret.  (Ironically enough, that was
the very first variant we came up with -- I still have the notebook 
where I recorded it.)  We came up with lots of variations and 
optimizations that all looked just fine.  We were wrong...

Someone has already alluded to the Needham-Schroeder protocol.  It's 
instructive to review the history of it.  The original protocol was 
published in 1978; it was the first cryptographic protocol in the open 
literature.  Presciently enough, it warned that cryptographic protocol 
design seemed to be a very suble art.  Three years later, Denning and 
Sacco showed an attack on the protocol under certain assumptions; they 
suggested changes.  In 1994, Abadi and Needham published a paper 
showing a flaw in the Denning-Sacco variant.  In 1996, Lowe published 
a new attack on the *original* Needham-Schroeder paper.  Translated 
into modern terms -- the first paper was published before certificates 
were invented -- the faulty protocol was only three lines long!  Three 
lines of protocol, in the oldest paper in the literature, and it took 
18 years to find the flaw...

No, we're not a guild.  To me, guild has connotations of exclusivity 
and closed membership.  Anyone can develop their own protocols, and 
we're quite happy -- *if* they understand what they're doing.  That 
means reading the literature, understand the threats, and deciding 
which you need to counter and which you can ignore.  In IPsec, Steve 
Kent -- who has far more experience with cryptographic protocols than 
most of us, since he has access to, shall we say, more than just the 
open literature -- was a strong proponent of making integrity checks 
option in ESP.  Why, when I just finished saying that they're 
important?  Integrity checks can be expensive, and in some situations 
the attacks just don't apply.  The trick is to understand the 
tradeoffs, and *to document them*.  Leave out what you want, but tell 
people what you've left out, why you've left it out, and under what 
circumstances will that change get them into trouble.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: anonymous DH MITM

2003-10-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Benja Fallenstein writes:


bear wrote:
starting with Rivest  Shamir's Interlock Protocol from 1984.

Hmmm.  I'll go read, and thanks for the pointer.
 Perhaps I spoke too soon?  It's not in Eurocrypt or Crypto 84 or 85,
 which are on my shelf.  Where was it published?

Communications of the ACM: Rivest and
Shamir, How to expose an eavesdropper, CACM vol 24 issue 4, 1984. If 
you have an ACM Digital Library account, it's at

I've started writing a short summary earlier today, after reading, but 
then I got distracted and didn't have time... sorry :) Hope this helps 

The basic idea is that Alice sends *half* of her ciphertext, then Bob 
*half* of his, then Alice sends the other half and Bob sends the other 
half (each step is started only after the previous one was completed). 
The point is that having only half of the first ciphertext, Mitch can't 
decrypt it, and thus not pass on the correct thing to Bob in the first 
step and to Alice in the second, so both can actually be sure to have 
the public key of the person that made the other move.

You have to be careful how you apply it; sometimes, there are attacks.  
See Steven M. Bellovin and Michael Merritt, An Attack on the Interlock
Protocol When Used for Authentication, in IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory 40:1, pp. 273-275, January 1994, for an example of 
how it's a bad protocol to use to send passwords.  

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: A-B-a-b encryption

2003-11-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E.Metzger writes:

Hmm. You need a cipher such that given B(A(M)) and A you can get
B(M). I know of only one with that property -- XOR style stream
ciphers. Unfortunately that makes for a big flaw, so I'm not sure we
should throw out our Diffie-Hellman implementations yet.

I believe that Pohlig-Hellman with the same modulus has this property, 
too.  But I don't recall seeing any analysis if Pohlig-Hellman modulus 
reuse has the same failings as RSA with modulus reuse.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Open Source Embedded SSL - Export Questions

2003-11-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], J Harper writes:

SSLv3 protocol implementation
Simple ASN.1 parsing
Cipher suites:

I understand the need to conserve space; that said, I strongly urge you 
to consider AES as well.  If this is for embedded systems, it will live 
for a long time, and I expect AES to displace 3DES in the near future.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Problems with GPG El Gamal signing keys?

2003-12-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anton Stiglic writes

By the way, is the paper by Phong Q. Nguyen describing the vulnerability
available somewhere?  

This note appeared on the IETF OpenPGP mailing list.


Subject: Re: Removing Elgamal signatures
From: David Shaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:31:11 -0500

On Mon, Dec 01, 2003 at 08:46:25AM -0800, Hal Finney wrote:
 It would be good to see these results made available because they might
 turn out to be applicable to other types of keys that we might consider
 in the future.

The paper is as yet unpublished, but the author's web page with
contact info is

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: yahoo to use public key technology for anti-spam

2003-12-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], bear writes:

But you should be sending mails via *your* SMTP server, and should be
connecting to that SMTP server using SSL and authentication.  Open relays
encourage spam.  People shouldn't be relaying mail via just any SMTP server.

This is generally how I work it.  I sit down at any hotspot and I
get network connectivity.  But all the hotspot is ever going to see
of my browsing, email, and anything else I like to keep private is
SSH packets to my home machine, or encrypted X packets running
between the X server on my laptop and X clients on my home machine.

A bit of lag is acceptable. Sending private mail via untrusted
SMTP servers is not.

That isn't Carl's point.  He may very well be using a trustworthy SMTP 
server, via a secure tunnel.  The issue is whether he has to use a 
server owned by the owner of his return address.  

I use a variety of email addresses, for various reasons.  I have my 
usual work account, some university accounts, a few personal accounts, 
one I reserve for EBay use, etc.  I also use several different SMTP 
servers to send my email.  I *always* have a secure tunnel set up; in 
fact, Postfix on my laptop is hard-wired to send to port 20025 on  Of course, where that ends up will vary, but it's not in a 
one-to-one correspondence with the sending address I use.  The Yahoo 
scheme would apparently require that each email I send be routed via 
the domain owner's SMTP server.  

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The future of security

2004-05-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ian Grigg writes:
 Security architects
will continue to do most of their work with
little or no crypto.

And rightly so, since most security problems have nothing to do with 
the absence of crypto.

j.  a cryptographic solution for spam and
viruses won't be found.

This ties into the same thing:  spam is *unwanted* email, but it's not 
*unauthorized*.  Crypto can help with the latter, but only if you can 
define who is in the authorized set of senders.  That's not feasible 
for most people.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The future of security

2004-05-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anton Stiglic writes:

- Original Message - 
From: Steven M. Bellovin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 j.  a cryptographic solution for spam and
 viruses won't be found.
 This ties into the same thing:  spam is *unwanted* email, but it's not 
 *unauthorized*.  Crypto can help with the latter, but only if you can 
 define who is in the authorized set of senders.  That's not feasible 
 for most people.

Something like hashcash / client puzzles / Penny Black define a set
of authorized email (emails that come with a proof-of-work), and then
provide a cryptographic solution.   This is not a full-proof solution (as
described in the paper Proof-of-Work Proves Not to Work), 
but a good partial solution that is probably best used in combination
with other techniques such as white-lists, Bayesian spam filters , etc...

I think cryptography techniques can provide a partial solution to spam.

The spammers are playing with other people's money, cycles, etc.  They 
don't care.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The future of security

2004-05-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ben Laurie writes:
Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anton Stiglic write
- Original Message - 
From: Steven M. Bellovin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

j.  a cryptographic solution for spam and
viruses won't be found.

This ties into the same thing:  spam is *unwanted* email, but it's not 
*unauthorized*.  Crypto can help with the latter, but only if you can 
define who is in the authorized set of senders.  That's not feasible 
for most people.

Something like hashcash / client puzzles / Penny Black define a set
of authorized email (emails that come with a proof-of-work), and then
provide a cryptographic solution.   This is not a full-proof solution (as
described in the paper Proof-of-Work Proves Not to Work), 
but a good partial solution that is probably best used in combination
with other techniques such as white-lists, Bayesian spam filters , etc...

I think cryptography techniques can provide a partial solution to spam.

 The spammers are playing with other people's money, cycles, etc.  They 
 don't care.

We took that into account in the paper. Perhaps you should read it?

We're saying something different.  If I understood your paper 
correctly, it says, more or less, that setting the cost high enough to 
reduce spam will make the cost too high for legitimate users.  My point 
is that even if you do raise the cost high enough, they'll become more 
aggressive at 0wning machine so that they can throw more (stolen) 
cylces or (stolen) zorkmids at the problem.  The economic question, 
then, is what is the cost of compromising enough new machines.  Given 
the code base and the user behavior that we see in the field, my answer 
is pretty low.  The consequence, in your metric, would be an increase 
in C, which would further inconvenience legitimate users, thus creating 
a feedback loop.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Is finding security holes a good idea?

2004-06-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ben Laurie writes:

What you _may_ have shown is that there's an infinite number of bugs in 
any particularly piece of s/w. I find that hard to believe, too :-)

Or rather, that the patch process introduces new bugs.  Let me quote 
from Fred Brooks' Mythical Man-Month, Chapter 11:

The fundamental problem with program administration is that fixing
a defect has a substantial (20-50 percent) chance of introducing
another.  So the whole process is two steps forward and one step

Why arene't defects fixed more cleanly?  First, even a subtle
defect shows itself as a local failure of some kind.  In fact it
often has system-wide ramifications, usually nonobvious.  Any
attempt to fix it with minimum effort will repair the local and
obvious, but unless the structure is pure or the documentation
very fine, the far-reaching effects of the repair will be
overlooked.  Second, the repairer is usually not the man who wrote
the code, and often he is a junior programmer or trainee.

As a consequence of the introduction of new bugs, program
maintenance requires far more system testing per statement written
than any other programming.


Lehman and Belady have studied the history of successive release
in a large operating system.  They find that the total number of
modules increases linearly with release number, but that the
number of modules affected increases exponentially with release
number.  All repairs tend to destroy the structure, to increase
the entropy and disorder of the system.  Less and less effort is
spent on fixing original design flaws; more and more is spent on
fixing flaws introduced by earlier fixes.  As time passes, the
system becomes less and less well-ordered.  Sooner or later the
fixing ceases to gain any ground.  Each forward step is matched by
a backward one.

Etc.  In other words, though the original code may not have had an
infinite number of bugs, the code over time will produce an infinite

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Re: Question on the state of the security industry (second half not necessarily on topic)

2004-07-08 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jason H
olt writes:


I had the same question about the NSA when some friends were interviewing
there.  Apparently investigators will just show up at your house and want to
know all sorts of things about your friends, who you may or may not know to be
in the process of looking for work there.

As I understand it, the investigators don't even carry NSA badges; they're DSS
or private investigators.

In all seriousness, background investigations have been outsourced...

I had a similar experience a few years ago.  I was supposed to visit 
the --- agency.  Someone I had *not* been dealing with called to ask 
for my social security number and birthdate.  I declined, on the 
grounds that I had no idea who he was.  But if I'm not legitimate, how 
do I know you're going to visit tomorrow?  My reply was you're from 
--- and you don't think people can learn things they're not supposed
to know?

He was livid -- if you don't tell me, you can't visit.  I told him 
that that was fine with me, and he should get my usual contact to call 
me.  But he's unavailable today!.  I indicated that I was still 
unconcerned -- and 10 minutes later, this unavailable person called 

On the other hand, when my broker called last week and asked for some 
confidential info, he was very understanding and co-operative when I 
declined to give out that information over the phone when he had called 
me.  So it's not completely hopeless.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: EZ Pass and the fast lane ....

2004-07-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Gilmore writes:

If they could read the license plates reliably, then they wouldn't
need the EZ Pass at all.  They can't.  It takes human effort, which is
in short supply.

There are, in fact, toll roads that try to do that; see, for example,

But it's not foolproof; see
(the original seems to have expired, hence the reference to the Google 

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: Using crypto against Phishing, Spoofing and Spamming...

2004-07-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ian Grigg writes:

 Don't be silly. It's not a threat because people generally use
 SSL. Back in the old days, password capture was a very serious
 threat. It went away with SSH. It seems to me quite likely that
 it would be a problem with web browsing in the absence of SSL.

Right...  It's easy to claim that it went away
because we protected against it.  Unfortunately,
that's just a claim - there is no evidence of

This is why I ask whether there has been any
evidence of MITMs, and listening attacks.  We
know for example that there were password
sniffing attacks back in the old days, by
hackers.  Hence SSH.  Costs - Solution.

But, there is precious little to suggest that
credit cards would be sniffed - I've heard one
isolated and unconfirmable case.  And, there is
similar levels of MITM evidence - anecdotes and
some experiences in other fields, as reported
here on this list.

I think that Eric is 100% correct here: it doesn't happen because it's 
a low-probability attack, because most sites do use SSL.

I think that people are forgetting just how serious the password 
capture attacks were in 1993-94.  The eavesdropping machines were on 
backbones of major ISPs; a *lot* of passwords were captured.  
Furthermore, the technology has improved -- have you looked at dsniff 
lately, with the ARP-based active attack capability?  And credit cards 
are much easier to grab -- they're probably sent in one packet, instead 
of several, and the number is a self-checking string of digits.

It's also worth remembering that an SSL-like solution -- cryptographically 
protecting the transmission of credit card number, instead of digitally 
signing a funds transfer authorization linked to some account -- was 
more or less the only thing possible at the time.  The Internet as a 
medium of commerce was too new for the banks to have developed 
something SET-like, and there wasn't an overwhelmingly-dominant client 
platform at the time for which custom software could be developed.  
(Remember that Windows 95 was the first version with an integral TCP/IP 
stack.)  *All* that Netscape could deploy was something that lived in 
just the browser and Web server.  SET itself failed because the 
incentives were never there -- consumers didn't perceive any benefit to 
installing funky software, and merchants weren't given much incentive 
to encourage it.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: [anonsec] Re: potential new IETF WG on anonymous IPSec (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED]) (fwd from [EMAIL PROTECTED])

2004-09-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Gutmann writes:
Eugen Leitl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maybe it's worth doing some sort of generic RFC for this security model to
avoid scattering the same thing over a pile of IETF WGs, things like the
general operational principles (store a hash of the server key, compare it on
subsequent connects), how to present the value to the user (a format that's
consistent across protocols would be nice), maybe a simple /etc/passwd-type
file format listing servers and their matching hashes, etc etc etc.

Sounds good.  Who wants to write it...?

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: IBM's original S-Boxes for DES?

2004-10-04 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nicolai Moles
-Benfell writes:

A number of sources state that the NSA changed the S-Boxes (and reduced the ke
size) of IBM's original DES submission, and that these change were made to
strengthen the cipher against differential/linear/?? cryptanalysis.

Does anybody have a reference to, or have an electronic copy of these original

It was only to protect against differential cryptanalysis; they did not 
know about linear cryptanalysis.  See Don Coppersmith, The Data Encryption
Standard (DES) and its strength against attacks, IBM Journal of Research
and Development, Vol. 38, n. 3, pp. 243-250, May 1994.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: workshop on unwanted Internet traffic

2004-12-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Bellov
in writes:
Readers of this list may be interesting the the SRUTI -- Steps Towards 
Reducing Unwanted Traffic on the Internet -- workshop.  See for details.


--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail, by David Kahn

2005-01-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Bill Stewart writ
My wife was channel-surfing and ran across David Kahn talking about his 
recent book
The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail: Herbert O. Yardley and the Birth of 
American Codebreaking.

ISBN 0300098464 , Yale University Press, March 2004

Amazon's page has a couple of good detailed reviews

I have the book.  For the student of the history of cryptography, it's 
worth reading.  For the less dedicated, it's less worthwhile.  It's not 
The Codebreakers; it's not The Code Book; other than the title 
quote (and I assume most readers of this list know the story behind 
it), there are no major historical insights.

The most important insight, other than Yardley's personality, is what 
he was and wasn't as a cryptanalyst.  The capsule summary is that he 
was *not* a cryptanalytic superstar.  In that, he was in no way a peer 
of or a competitor to Friedman.  His primary ability was as a manager 
and entrepreneur -- he could sell the notion of a Black Chamber (with 
the notorious exception of his failure with Stimson), and he could 
recruit good (but not always great) people.  But he never adapted 
technically.  His forte was codes -- he know how to create them and how 
to crack them.  But the world's cryptanalytic services were also 
learning how to crack them with great regularity; that, as much as 
greater ease of use, was behind the widespread adoption of machine 
cryptography (Enigma, M-209, Typex, Purple, etc.) during the interwar
period.  Yardley never adapted and hence he (and his organizations) 
became technologically obsolete.

One of the reviews on noted skeptically Kahn's claim that 
Friedman was jealous of Yardley's success with women.  I have no idea 
if that's true, though moralistic revulsion may be closer.  But I 
wonder if the root of the personal antagonism may be more that of the 
technocrat for the manager...

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: entropy depletion

2005-01-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Let me raise a different issue: a PRNG might be better *in practice* 
because of higher assurance that it's actually working as designed at 
any given time.

Hardware random number generators are subject to all sorts of 
environmental issues, including stuck bits, independent oscillators 
that aren't independent, contamination by power line frequency noise, 
etc.  By contrast, a correct implementation of a cryptographic 
algorithm will always function correctly.  (Yes, there could be an 
undetected hardware fault.  Run it three times, on different chips)

To me, the interesting question about, say, Yarrow is not how well it 
mixes in entropy, but how well it performs when there's essentially no 
new entropy added.  Clearly, we need something to see a PRNG, but what 
are the guarantees we have against what sorts of threats if there are 
never any new true-random inputs?  (Remember the purported escrow key 
generation algorithm for Clipper?  See
for details.  The algorithm was later disavowed, but I've never been 
convinced that the disavowal was genuine.)

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Cryptanalytic attack on an RFID chip

2005-01-29 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Steve Bono, Matthew Green, Adam Stubblefield, Ari Juels, Avi Rubin, and
Michael Szydlo have successfully attacked a cryptographically-enabled 
RFID chip made by Texas Instruments.  This chip is used in anti-theft 
automobile immobilizers and in the ExxonMobil SpeedPass.  You can find 
details at (and a link to the draft paper),
and a New York Times article at

The paper itself is very nice, and combines RF techniques, 
cryptanalysis, Internet sleuthing, space-time tradeoffs, and more.  
There are some points I'm sure we'll be discussing at length, such as 
the authors' decision to withhold some of the details of their attack, 
the actual effective range of an RFID transponder when the attacker 
uses a suitable antenna, and the practical significance of the work.  
But oddly enough, what struck me was TI's response: rather than 
attacking the researchers, they co-operated, to the extent of providing 
them with challenge keys to see if the technique was really that 
effective.  TI is to be congratulated -- such a response is all too 

Btw, the paper suggests carrying car keys or SpeedPasses in aluminum 
foil.  I suspect that a more practical form factor is a spring-loaded 
conductive sleeve that normally surrounds the RFID chip, but is push 
back either manually or on key insertion.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Is 3DES Broken?

2005-02-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Aram Perez writes:
Hi Folks,

I hate to bother you with what I consider a dumb question, but I'm 
trying to give a person the benefit of my doubts. There's a person on a 
legal forum that I participate in that claims that 3DES has been 
broken/cracked. However, he has not provided any documentation to the 
effect as his time at present is limited and valuable. He claims that 
the specifics were already posted on this and several other similar 
forums. Other than Ross Anderson and his students extracting a 3DES 
key from an IBM4758, has 3DES been in fact broken?

Thank you,
Aram Perez

[Moderator's note: The quick answer is no. The person who claims
 otherwise is seriously misinformed. I'm sure others will chime
 in. --Perry]

I'll be happy to second Perry's comment -- I've seen no evidence 
whatsoever to suggest that it's been broken.  But there are some 
applications where it's a bad choice for cryptographic reasons.

When using CBC mode, one should not encrypt more than 2^32 64-bit 
blocks under a given key.  That comes to ~275G bits, which means that 
on a GigE link running flat out you need to rekey at least every 5 
minutes, which is often impractical.  Since I've seen Gigabit Ethernet 
cards for US$25, this bears thinking about -- and while 10GigE is 
still too expensive for most people, its prices are dropping rapidly.
With 10GigE, you'd have to rekey every 27.5 seconds...

For reference purposes, with AES you'd be safe for 2^64*128 bits.  
That's a Big Number of seconds.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: how to tell if decryption was successfull?

2005-02-02 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andreas writes:
[newbie here]

I was wondering how can one tell if some data was successfully 
decrypted. Isn't there an assumption going on about what the cleartext 
data should be? Text? Image? ZIP file? Ziped jpeg? Another cyphertext? 

There are a lot of ways to tell, but you generally have to have some 
idea what you're looking for.  For two examples of how to do it, see (or .pdf) and (or .pdf)

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

2005-02-05 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dan Kaminsky writes:

Uh, you *really* have no idea how much the black hat community is
looking forward to TCPA.  For example, Office is going to have core
components running inside a protected environment totally immune to

How? TCPA is only a cryptographic device, and some BIOS code, nothing
else. Does the coming of TCPA chips eliminate the bugs, buffer overflows,
stack overflows, or any other way to execute arbitrary code? If yes, isn't
that a wonderful thing? Obviously it doesn't (eliminate bugs and so on).


TCPA eliminates external checks and balances, such as antivirus.  As the 
user, I'm not trusted to audit operations within a TCPA-established 
sandbox.  Antivirus is essentially a user system auditing tool, and 
TCPA-based systems have these big black boxes AV isn't allowed to analyze.

Imagine a sandbox that parses input code signed to an API-derivable 
public key.  Imagine an exploit encrypted to that.  Can AV decrypt the 
payload and prevent execution?  No, of course not.  Only the TCPA 
sandbox can.  But since AV can't get inside of the TCPA sandbox, 
whatever content is protected in there is quite conspicuously unprotected.

It's a little like having a serial killer in San Quentin.  You feel 
really safe until you realize...uh, he's your cellmate.

I don't know how clear I can say this, your threat model is broken, and 
the bad guys can't stop laughing about it.

I have no idea whether or not the bad guys are laughing about it, but 
if they are, I agree with them -- I'm very afriad that this chip will 
make matters worse, not better.  With one exception -- preventing the 
theft of very sensitive user-owned private keys -- I don't think that 
the TCPA chip is solving the right problems.  *Maybe* it will solve the 
problems of a future operating system architecture; on today's systems, 
it doesn't help, and probably makes matters worse.

TCPA is a way to raise the walls between programs executing in 
different protection spaces.  So far, so good.  Now -- tell me the last 
time you saw an OS flaw that directly exploited flaws in conventional 
memory protection or process isolation?  They're *very* rare.

The problems we see are code bugs and architectural failures.  A buffer 
overflow in a Web browser still compromises the browser; if the 
now-evil browser is capable of writing files, registry entries, etc., 
the user's machine is still capable of being turned into a spam engine, 
etc.  Sure, in some new OS there might be restrictions on what such an 
application can do, but you can implement those restrictions with 
today's hardware.  Again, the problem is in the OS architecture, not in 
the limitations of its hardware isolation.

I can certainly imagine an operating system that does a much better job 
of isolating processes.  (In fact, I've worked on such things; if 
you're interested, see my papers on sub-operating systems and separate 
IP addresses per process group.)  But I don't see that TCPA chips add 
much over today's memory management architectures.  Furthermore, as Dan 
points out, it may make things worse -- the safety of the OS depends on 
the userland/kernel interface, which in turn is heavily dependent on 
the complexity of the privileged kernel modules.  If you put too much 
complex code in your kernel -- and from the talks I've heard this is 
exactly what Microsoft is planning -- it's not going to help the 
situation at all.  Indeed, as Dan points out, it may make matters worse.

Microsoft's current secure coding initiative is a good idea, and from 
what I've seen they're doing a good job of it.  In 5 years, I wouldn't 
be at all surprised if the rate of simple bugs -- the buffer overflows, 
format string errors, race conditions, etc. -- was much lower in 
Windows and Office than in competing open source products.  (I would 
add that this gain has come at a *very* high monetary cost -- training, 
code reviews, etc., aren't cheap.)  The remaining danger -- and it's a 
big one -- is the architecture flaws, where ease of use and 
functionality often lead to danger.  Getting this right -- getting it 
easy to use *and* secure -- is the real challenge.  Nor are competing 
products immune; the drive to make KDE and Gnome (and for that matter 
MacOS X) as easy to use (well, easier to use) than Windows is likely to 
lead to the same downward security sprial.

I'm ranting, and this is going off-topic.  My bottom line: does this 
chip solve real problems that aren't solvable with today's technology?  
Other than protecting keys -- and, of course, DRM -- I'm very far from 
convinced of it.  The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in 

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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link-layer encryptors for Ethernet?

2005-02-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Are there any commercial link-layer encryptors for Ethernet available?  
I know that Xerox used to make them, way back when, but are there any 
current ones, able to deal with current speeds (and connectors)?

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: link-layer encryptors for Ethernet?

2005-02-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], james hughes writes:
The following device is a layer 2 tunneling device that has 256 bit AES 
at up to 400Mb/s.

Layer 2?  It seems to be an IPsec box.  At the least, their 
Administrator's Guide talks about using IP Protocol 50.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: link-layer encryptors for Ethernet?

2005-02-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Anne  Lynn Wheeler writes:
the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet just about the 
whole time up until about mid-85. all the links leaving physical premise 
had to be encrypted ... there was the claim that over half of all 
encrypters in the world were on the internal network (and put at least 
one of the major products/companies into business). lots of random 
comments about about the internal network

small sample posting about the internal net passing 1000 nodes not long 
after internet passed 255 nodes.

one of the big issues in part of this period was getting encrypters on 
links that cross national boundaries.

Yup.  Often, large corporations had policies requiring them, because of 
how frequently a transoceanic fiber would be cut and the circuits 
rerouted to satellite.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: A cool demo of how to spoof sites (also shows how TrustBar preventsthis...)

2005-02-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Amir Herzberg writes:
Want to see a simple, working method to spoof sites, fooling 
Mozilla/FireFox/... , even with an SSL certificate and `lock`?

  See also:

Want to protect your Mozilla/FireFox from such attacks? Install our 
(this was the first time that I had a real reason to click the `I don't 
trust this authority` button...)

Actually, both Trustbar and checking the certificate are working 
because the code isn't right yet -- those sections of code (in Firefox) 
don't understand IDN yet, and they need to.  Sure, they're catching a 
problem here, but they're catching the problem for those network users 
who are expecting and reading ASCII characters.  But think of, say, the 
Japanese user who would like to see that the certificate really was 
issued to some string of Kanji, and instead sees the IDN encoding?  
That's less than helpful -- he or she would have no way whatsoever of 
verifying the certificate.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: link-layer encryptors for Ethernet?

2005-02-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chris Kuethe writes:

Maybe one of these nifty looking  general dynamics widgets is what you're afte

Anything beginning with KG or KO is government, and not what I'm 
looking for.  The KG-235, which your second URL took me to, is for
TS/SCI traffic -- *way* above what I need...

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: A cool demo of how to spoof sites (also shows how TrustBar preventsthis...)

2005-02-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Amir Herzberg writes:
Steve, my point was not the trivial fact that TrustBar would not display 
the homograph; suppose it did... even then, the user is _asked_ about 
the certificate, since it was signed by an unusual CA that the user did 
not specify as `to be trusted always`; this should certainly be a good 
warning for most users (and of course, a good situation to check for 
tricks such as homographs...).

And even if some user allowed this CA as `always trusted`, there is 
still a fair chance he'll notice that the brand of CA on his bank's site 
has suddenly changed... which may also raise the alarm.

Unusual CA?  I'm not sure what a *usual* CA is.

Just for fun, I opened up the CA list that came with my copy of 
Firefox.  There are no fewer than 40 different entities listed, many of 
whom have more than one certificate.  I personally know less than half 
of them to be trustworthy -- and that's assuming that, say, Thawte, 
Thawte Consulting, and Thawte Consulting cc are all the same company 
and I can count that as three different ones.  I had no idea that that 
the U.S. Postal Service had a CA that was trusted by my browser -- and 
I dare say that many non-Americans wouldn't trust it at all, on the 
assumption that it would do whatever the U.S. government told it to do. 
(For such people: the relationship between the USPS and the government 
is complex.  Let it suffice to say that they moved from .gov to .com, 
and they had quasi-valid reasons for doing so.)  Baltimore is listed; 
last I heard, they were out of business.  Is a private root key (or the 
equivalent signing device) an asset that can be acquired under 
bankruptcy proceedings?  Almost certainly.  The following text appears 
in the December 2004 Shareholder Circular I found at

The Company sold the last of its remaining operating
businesses in 2003, and has not engaged in operating
activities since that time. Since taking office in July
2004, the Company's new Board of Directors has been working
to resolve all significant legacy issues, to identify a
means of utilising the Company's remaining non-cash assets,
toreduce costs so as to maximise the cash available for
future deployment and to review appropriate business
opportunities to enhance shareholder value. Paragraph 5 of
Part II of this document describes, among other things,
the current position relating to the utilisation of the
Company's non-cash assets.

Apart from the question of whether or not EvilHackerDudes.Org, a sub rosa
corporation, purchased that key, the fact that this CA is out of business
is certainly good cause for a bank to change its CA.  Would you like
to be the supervisor of customer service when people start calling
about this problem their browser is complaining about?  Remember that
99.99% of people have no idea what a certificate is, what a CA is, or
how to judge whether or not a given CA exercises due diligence when
issuing a cert.  

One member of this mailing list, in a private exchange, noted that
he had asked his bank for their certificate's fingerprint.  My
response was that I was astonished he found someone who knew what
he was talking about.

I'm not saying your toolbar is a bad idea; in fact, I think it's a good
one.  But the problem of verifying certificates is a very deep one,
and simple answers will not solve the phishing or MITM problem.

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SHA-1 cracked

2005-02-16 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
According to Bruce Schneier's blog 
(, a 
team has found collisions in full SHA-1.  It's probably not a practical 
threat today, since it takes 2^69 operations to do it and we haven't 
heard claims that NSA et al. have built massively parallel hash 
function collision finders, but it's an impressive achievement 
nevertheless -- especially since it comes just a week after NIST stated 
that there were no successful attacks on SHA-1.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: SHA-1 cracked

2005-02-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alexandre
 Dulaunoy writes:
On Tue, 15 Feb 2005, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

 According to Bruce Schneier's blog 
 (, a 
 team has found collisions in full SHA-1.  It's probably not a practical 
 threat today, since it takes 2^69 operations to do it and we haven't 
 heard claims that NSA et al. have built massively parallel hash 
 function collision finders, but it's an impressive achievement 
 nevertheless -- especially since it comes just a week after NIST stated 
 that there were no successful attacks on SHA-1.

and what  about HMAC-SHA1 ? Is  it reducing the  operation required by
the same factor  or as the structure of HMAC is  so different that the
attack is very unlikely to be practical ?

As the blog entry mentions, it's it's unlikely that SHA-1 is affected.

That said, the attack merits close attention; as Schneier has noted in 
other contexts, attacks always get better, never worse.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: [IP] One cryptographer's perspective on the SHA-1 result

2005-03-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Burt Kaliski posted the following to Dave Farber's IP list.  I was 
about to post something similar myself.

Beyond that, it is now clear that the industry needs an open evaluation
process -- like the Advanced Encryption Standard competition -- to establish
a new hash function standard for the long term, or at least an alternative
if SHA-256 and above turn out still to be good enough after review.

As he quite eloquently pointed out, we have a near-monoculture of hash 
algorithms.  Virtually every well-known hash algorithm, with the 
exception of Whirlpool, is derived from MD2/MD4/MD5.  At the time SHA-0 
was released, in fact, there was a great deal of speculation that NSA 
had copied Rivest's framework to avoid disclosing any new principles 
for hash function construction.

I have no idea if that's true or not.  As we all know, even NSA found 
SHA more problematic than they would have hoped; witness the release of 
SHA-1 not all that long afterwards.

When NIST released SHA256/384/512 shortly after AES, but without a 
public competition, the word was that they didn't have the resources to 
run two simultaneous large-scale, open processes.  That's a fair 
statement, and given the choice between an openly-chosen encryption 
algorithm and an openly-chosen hash function I think most of us would 
have made the same decision.

I don't know if there's quite the need for open process for a hash 
function as there was for a secrecy algorithm.  The AES process, after 
all, had to cope with the legacy of Clipper and key escrow, to say 
nothing of the 25 years of DES paranoia that was only laid to rest by 
the reinvention of differential cryptanalysis.  (The Deep Crack machine 
only confirmed another part of the paranoia, of course, but the 
essential parameter it exploited -- key size -- was both obviously 
insufficient in 1979 and obviously sufficient from the requirements of 
the AES competition.)  It is clear, as Burt said, that we need a 
large-scale effort to produce new and better hash functions.  To try to 
repair the MD*/SHA* family is to risk the cry of epicycles.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: FUD about CGD and GBDE

2005-03-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Thor Lancelot Simon writes:
On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 05:31:34PM +0100, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], ALeine writes:
 Not necessarily, if one were to implement the ideas I proposed
 I believe the performance could be kept at the same level as now.
 I gave up on journalling myself because IMO it complicates
 things a lot and the problem it solves is very very small.
 The impact in disk seeks is non-trivial to predict, but it is
 very hard to argue that it will not lead to an increase in
 disk seeks.  (This is really a variant of the age old argument
 between jounaling filesystems and traditional filesystems)
 I can only recommend that you try :-)
 We need more ideas and more people trying out ideas.

I could not disagree more.  When it comes to nonstandard homebrewed
cryptosystems foisted off on unsuspecting users with a bundle of
claims of algorithm strength that they're not competent to evaluate
for themselves, we do not need more ideas, nor more people trying
out ideas; we need less.

Standard, widely analyzed cryptographic algorithms are good.

What Thor said.

It's instructive to quote from Vol. 2 of Knuth:

With all the precautions taken in Algorithm K, doesn't it seem
plausible that it would produce at least an infinite supply of
unbelievably random numbers?  No!  In fact, when this algorithm
was first put onto a computer, it almost immediately converged to
the 10-digit value 6065038420, which---by extraordinary
coincidence---is transformed into itself by the algorithm (see
Table 1).  With another starting number, the sequence began to
repeat after 7401 values, in a cyclic period of length 3178.

The moral to this story is that *random numbers should not be
generated with a method chosen at random*.  Some theory should be

And Knuth was talking about a situation without an adversary.

I don't claim that there's a flaw.  I do assert that that I haven't seen a
threat model that would justify extra complexity.

Let me go one step further.  The cryptographic literature is full of
examples of broken protocols.  My favorite is the flaw in the original
Needham-Schroeder protocol, from 1978, that went unnoticed until 1996,
when an automated tool found it.  I should add that once pointed out, the
flaw is blindingly obvious -- but it went unnoticed for 18 years, in the
oldest protocol in the open literature.  Btw, in modern terms this
protocol is 3 lines long.

One more quote, this time a remarkably prescient one from that Needham
and Schroeder:

Finally, protocols such as those developed here are prone
to extremely subtle errors that are unlikely to be detected
in normal operation. The need for techniques to verify the
correctness of such protocols is great, and we encourage
those interested in such problems to consider this area.

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NSA warned Bush it needed to monitor networks

2005-03-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The National Security Agency warned President
Bush in 2001 that monitoring U.S. adversaries would require a
``permanent presence'' on networks that also carry Americans'
messages that are protected from government eavesdropping.


``Make no mistake, NSA can and will perform its missions consistent
with the Fourth Amendment and all applicable laws,'' the document


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how to phase in new hash algorithms?

2005-03-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
We all understand the need to move to better hash algorithms than SHA1. 
At a minimum, people should be switching to SHA256/384/512; arguably, 
Whirlpool is the right way to go.  The problem is how to get there from 

OpenSSL 0.9.7 doesn't even include anything stronger than SHA1.  As a 
practical matter, this means that no one can use anything stronger in 
certificates, especially root certificates.  Worse yet, people can't 
use anything stronger for public consumption for at least five years 
after a stronger hash algorith is available -- we have to wait until
most older software has died off, since most machines are never
upgraded.  This means that appearance of the code in client machines is 
on the critical path.  I've heard that OpenSSL 0.9.8 will include 
stronger hashes, but there's no work in progress to backport the code 
to 0.9.7.  

So -- what should we as a community be doing now?  There's no emergency 
on SHA1, but we do need to start, and soon.

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: NSA warned Bush it needed to monitor networks

2005-03-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
A few days ago, I posted this:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The National Security Agency warned President
Bush in 2001 that monitoring U.S. adversaries would require a
``permanent presence'' on networks that also carry Americans'
messages that are protected from government eavesdropping.


``Make no mistake, NSA can and will perform its missions consistent
with the Fourth Amendment and all applicable laws,'' the document

Today, I happened to learn the URL for the document itself: .  There's 
little that strikes me as sensitive in it, other than the (redacted) 
budget numbers.  What's someplace between amusing and appalling is some 
of the other things that NSA had considered sensitive.  For example, 
consider this paragraph, from page 5:

The National Security Agency has a proud tradition of serving the
nation.  NSA has been credited with preventing or significantly
shortening military conflicts, thereby saving lives of U.S.
military and civilian personnel.  NSA gives the nation a decisive
edge in policy interactions with other nations, in countering
terrorism, and in helping stem the flow of narcotics into our
country.  NSA has been the premier information agency of the
industrial age, and through ongoing modernization and cutting edge
research, will continue to be the premiere knowledge agency of the
information age.

That paragraph, believe it or not, was classified Secret.  For what
it's worth, the official definition of Secret, from Executive Order
12958 (, is:

 Secret shall be applied to information, the unauthorized
 disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to cause serious
 damage to the national security that the original classification
 authority is able to identify or describe.

What in that paragraph could cause serious damage?  The notion that
NSA gives the U.S. government an edge in policy interactions, i.e.,
it may spy on foreign governments?  I'm shocked, shocked to hear that.

Then there are the paragraphs on pages 16 and 17 that describe
NSA's legislative lobbying on crypto legislation.  Those were marked
FUOO -- For Official Use Only.  DD Form 254 says

The For Official Use Only (FOUO) marking is assigned to
information at the time of its creation in a DoD User
Agency. It is not authorized as a substitute for a security
classification marking but it is used on official government
information that may be withheld from the public under
exemptions 2 through 9 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Why is that information eligible to be withheld?  Because it tells
the public that NSA is interested in legislation about crypto and

I could go on, but the topic of overclassification is well-worn.

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Re: Encryption plugins for gaim

2005-03-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Saint-Andre writes:
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 02:02:31PM -0500, Adam Fields wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 12:54:19PM -0600, Peter Saint-Andre wrote:
  Why not help us make Jabber/XMPP more secure, rather than overloading
  AIM? With AIM/MSN/Yahoo your account will always exist at the will of
 Unfortunately, I already have a large network of people who use AIM,
 and they all each have large networks of people who use AIM. Many of
 them still use the AIM client. Getting them to switch to gaim is
 feasible. Getting them to switch to Jabber is not. However, getting
 them to switch to gaim first, and then ultimately Jabber might be an
 option. Frankly, the former is more important to me in the short

Yep, the same old story. :-)

  AOL, whereas with XMPP you can run your own server etc. Unfortunately
 Does can == have to? From what I remember of trying to run Jabber
 a few years ago, it did.

No, we have 200k registered users on the server and some
servers have even more. You can run your own server, though, and accept
connections only from other servers you trust, etc.

Let me second the recommendation for jabber (though I wish the code 
quality of some of the components were better).  The protocol itself 
supports TLS for client-to-server encryption; you can also have AIM (or 
other IM) gateways on that server.  In many situations (i.e., 
wireless), it protects the most vulnerable link from eavesdropping.  
While clearly not as good as end-to-end encryption, it's far better 
than nothing, especially in high-threat environments such as the 
IETF...  (Of course, I only know of one open source client -- psi -- 
that checks the server certificate.)  In theory, server-to-server 
communications can also be TLS-protected, though I don't know if any 
platforms support that.

On top of any other encryption, many implementations support PGP 
encryption between correspondents.  I don't know of any support for 
e2e-encrypted chat rooms.

I haven't played with OTR, nor am I convinced of the threat model.  
That said, what you really need to watch out for is the transcript 
files on your own machine...

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Schneier: SHA-1 has been broken - Time for a second thought about SDLH ?

2005-03-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ralf Senderek w

And that is why I ask to give the Shamir Discrete Logarithm Hash Funktion a se
thought. At leeast we have a proof of collision resistance under the assumptio
that factoring is infeasible for the modulus used.

And that it more than we ever had regarding the MD4 series.

BTW, choosing the next generation hash function should - as I think - not be 
dominated by terms of performance. (i.e done in the olde fashion)

Dominated?  No, of course not.  But a hash function based on discrete 
log will be slow enough that no one will use it.  

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Moore says his law won't last

2005-05-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Something like this cannot continue forever, he said.
The dimensions are small enough now that we're approaching
the size of atoms and that's a fundamental block. I think
the law has another 10-20 years before fundamental limits
are reached.

This has obvious implications for brute force attacks -- projections
based on Moore's Law are thus much too conservative.

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Three NIST Special Pubs for Review (Forwarded)

2005-05-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--- Forwarded Message

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 13:29:28 -0400
From: Elaine Barker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Three NIST Special Pubs for Review

There are three NIST Special Publications available for public review and 

SP 800-38B:
As part of NIST's ongoing effort to update and develop modes of operation 
for use with the AES algorithm, NIST intends to recommend either the Galois 
Counter Mode (GCM) or the Carter-Wegman + Counter (CWC) mode. GCM and CWC 
are modes for authenticated encryption with associated data, combining 
Counter mode confidentiality with authentication that is based on a 
universal hash algorithm. Both GCM and CWC are parallelizable. The 
submission documents specifying GCM and CWC are available through the modes 
home page, NIST invites 
comments on these two modes, including comments on intellectual property 
matters, by June 1, 2005, at 

SP 800-57, Parts 1 and 2:
Drafts of NIST Special Publication 800-57 Recommendation for Key 
Management, Parts 1 and 2 are available for public comment at
This Recommendation provides cryptographic key management guidance.

Part 1 provides guidance and best practices for the management of 
cryptographic keying material. Comments will be accepted on Part 1 until 
June 3, 2005. Please send comments to 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED], with Comments on SP 800-57, 
Part 1 in the subject line.

Part 2 provides guidance on policy and security planning requirements for 
U.S. government agencies. Reviewers of Part 2 should note that a number of 
the security planning documents referenced in this part of SP 800-57 are 
undergoing review and revision. It is anticipated that Part 2 will be 
updated to reflect these revisions. Comments will be accepted on Part 2 
until May 18, 2005. Please send comments to 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED], with Comments on SP 800-57, 
Part 2 in the subject line.

Elaine Barker
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8930
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Phone: 301-975-2911  

--Prof. Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: What happened with the session fixation bug?

2005-05-31 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], James A. Donald writes:
PKI was designed to defeat man in the middle attacks
based on network sniffing, or DNS hijacking, which
turned out to be less of a threat than expected.

First, you mean the Web PKI, not PKI in general.

The next part of this is circular reasoning.  We don't see network 
sniffing for credit card numbers *because* we have SSL.  Since many of 
the worm-spread pieces of spyware incorporate sniffers, I'd say that 
part of the threat model is correct.

As for DNS hijacking -- that's what's behind pharming attacks.  In 
other words, it's a real threat, too.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: SSL stops credit card sniffing is a correlation/causality myth

2005-05-31 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ian G writes:
On Tuesday 31 May 2005 02:17, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], James A. Donald writes:
 PKI was designed to defeat man in the middle attacks
 based on network sniffing, or DNS hijacking, which
 turned out to be less of a threat than expected.

 First, you mean the Web PKI, not PKI in general.

 The next part of this is circular reasoning.  We don't see network
 sniffing for credit card numbers *because* we have SSL.

I think you meant to write that James' reasoning is
circular, but strangely, your reasoning is at least as
unfounded - correlation not causality.  And I think
the evidence is pretty much against any causality,
although this will be something that is hard to show,
in the absence.

Given the prevalance of password sniffers as early as 1993, and given 
that credit card number sniffing is technically easier -- credit card 
numbers will tend to be in a single packet, and comprise a 
self-checking string, I stand by my statement.

 * AFAICS, a non-trivial proportion of credit
card traffic occurs over totally unprotected
traffic, and that has never been sniffed as far as
anyone has ever reported.  (By this I mean lots of
small merchants with MOTO accounts that don't
bother to set up proper SSL servers.)

Given what a small percentage of ecommerce goes to those sites, I don't 
think it's really noticeable.

 * We know that from our experiences
of the wireless 802.11 crypto - even though we've
got repeated breaks and the FBI even demonstrating
how to break it, and the majority of people don't even
bother to turn on the crypto, there remains practically
zero evidence that anyone is listening.

  FBI tells you how to do it:

Sure -- but setting up WEP is a nuisance.  SSL (mostly) just works.  As 
for your assertion that no one is listening, I'm not sure what kind of 
evidence you'd seek.  There's plenty of evidence that people abuse 
unprotected access points to gain connectivity.

As an alternate hypothesis, credit cards are not
sniffed and never will be sniffed simply because
that is not economic.  If you can hack a database
and lift 10,000++ credit card numbers, or simply
buy the info from some insider, why would an
attacker ever bother to try and sniff the wire to
pick up one credit card number at a time?

Sure -- that's certainly the easy way to do it.

And if they did, why would we care?  Better to
let a stupid thief find a way to remove himself from
a life of crime than to channel him into a really
dangerous and expensive crime like phishing,
box cracking, and purchasing identity info from

 Since many of 
 the worm-spread pieces of spyware incorporate sniffers, I'd say that
 part of the threat model is correct.

But this is totally incorrect!  The spyware installs on the
users' machines, and thus does not need to sniff the
wire.  The assumption of SSL is (as written up in Eric's
fine book) that the wire is insecure and the node is
secure, and if the node is insecure then we are sunk.

I meant precisely what I said and I stand by my statement.  I'm quite 
well aware of the difference between network sniffers and keystroke 

  Eric's book and 1.2 The Internet Threat Model

Presence of keyboard sniffing does not give us any
evidence at all towards wire sniffing and only serves
to further embarrass the SSL threat model.

 As for DNS hijacking -- that's what's behind pharming attacks.  In
 other words, it's a real threat, too.

Yes, that's being tried now too.  This is I suspect the
one area where the SSL model correctly predicted
a minor threat.  But from what I can tell, server-based
DNS hijacking isn't that successful for the obvious
reasons (attacking the ISP to get to the user is a
higher risk strategy than makes sense in phishing).

They're using cache contamination attacks, among other things.


As perhaps further evidence of the black mark against
so-called secure browsing, phishers still have not
bothered to acquire control-of-domain certs for $30
and use them to spoof websites over SSL.

Now, that's either evidence that $30 is too much to
pay, or that users just ignore the certs and padlocks
so it is no big deal anyway.  Either way, a model
that is bypassed so disparagingly without even a
direct attack on the PKI is not exactly recommending

I agre completely that virtually no one checks certificates (or even 
knows what they are).

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Citibank discloses private information to improve security

2005-05-31 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Bank of America is adopting some new schemes that might help.  First, 
they're asking users to select a picture the user selected at 
registration time.  The theory is presumably that a phishing site won't 
have the right image for you.  Second, you can register your 
computer; if your account is accessed from another computer, additional 
authentication is demanded, thus rendering a compromised password much 
less useful.

I think both schemes will help; I doubt that either will stop the 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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analysis of the Witty worm

2005-06-02 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Readers of this list may be interested in an analysis of the Witty 
worm's spread by Kumark, Paxson, and Weaver.  An article summarizing 
the paper is at
A tentative conclusion is that the worm was probably written by an 
insider at ISS

The paper itself (there's a link in the article) has several more items 
of interest to this list.  Especially interesting is the effective 
cryptanalysis of the PRNG used by the worm.  Implicit in many of the 
analyses, though not a focus of the paper, is the amount of information 
that the authors could gather about network configurations at different 
sites: as we all know, traffic analysis is a powerful technique.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: encrypted tapes (was Re: Papers about Algorithm hiding ?)

2005-06-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

The truth is, the likely reason no one encrypted the data on the tapes
in transit was because no one thought to do it, or they were too lazy
to bother to make even the simplest effort, or both.

I don't completely agree.  While I suspect that laziness or lack of thought
are the primary problems, there are some real costs.  The minor one is 
compression: most modern tape drives compress the data before writing, 
and you can't compress encrypted data.  That means they'd need to 
compress in software before writing to the tape; that chews up CPU time 
that they may not have to spare on the machines in question.  (Remember 
that we're talking about massive amounts of data here.)

The bigger issue, though, is more subtle: keeping track of the keys is 
non-trivial.  These need to be backed up, too, and kept separate from 
(but synchronized with) the tapes.  Worse yet, they need to be kept 
secure.  That may mean storing the keys with a different escrow 
company.  A loss of either piece,the tape or the key, renders the 
backup useless.  

Backups are not very reliable to start with.  Too few companies do 
regular checks on the adequacy or quality of their backups.  Most 
companies feel they can't afford lowering the reliability even further.


The only thing that will fix this having enough people get so badly
burned that CEOs start taking heads when people do dumb things. I
imagine it can't be too many more years before that becomes the case.

Bingo.  Especially the CEO's head -- or the CFO's head, or the general 
counsel's -- for some of the mistakes we've seen.  But there's no one 
cause.  For those who subscribe to the Wall Street Journal online, see
for a chart of recent failures to protect identity data.  Of the 10 
failures for which a cause is listed, though, 4 were loss of tapes in 
transit.  (One was a shipment of tapes to a credit bureau.)  2 involved 
hacking, one was an inside job, one was a stolen laptop, and 2 were 
fraudulent use of logins and passwords.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: AmEx unprotected login site

2005-06-08 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

Jerrold Leichter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If you look at their site now, they *claim* to have fixed it:  The login box
 has a little lock symbol on it.  Click on that, and you get a pop-up window 
 discussing the security of the page.  It says that although the page itself 
 isn't protected, your information is transmitted via a secure environment.

 No clue as to what exactly they are doing, hence if it really is secure.

They're still doing the wrong thing. Unless the page was transmitted
to you securely, you have no way to trust that your username and
password are going to them and not to someone who cleverly sent you an
altered version of the page.

They're doing the wrong thing, and probably feel they have no choice.  
Setting up an SSL session is expensive; most people who go to their 
home page do not log in, and hence do not (to Amex) require 
cryptographic protection.

A few years ago, I talked with someone who was setting up a system that 
really needed security.  Given how few pages people would visit on the 
site, though, he estimated that it would increase his costs by a factor 
of about 15.  (I didn't verify the numbers; I know from experience that 
he's competent and has his hear in the right place re security).

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: AmEx unprotected login site

2005-06-08 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

Steven M. Bellovin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
They're still doing the wrong thing. Unless the page was transmitted
to you securely, you have no way to trust that your username and
password are going to them and not to someone who cleverly sent you an
altered version of the page.

 They're doing the wrong thing, and probably feel they have no choice.  
 Setting up an SSL session is expensive; most people who go to their 
 home page do not log in, and hence do not (to Amex) require 
 cryptographic protection.

That's why Citibank and most well run bank sites have you click on a
button on the front page to go to the login screen. There are ways to
handle this correctly.

There's an attack there, too -- one can divert the link to the login 

The other major offender are organizations (such as portions of
Verizon) that subcontract payment systems to third parties. They are
training their users to expect to be directed to a site they don't
recognize to enter in their credit card information. Really! This is
your vendor's payment site! Pay no attention to the URL and

That one in particular takes amazing brains...

It's a tough problem: they want to outsource the payment processing, 
but don't have the infrastructure to do so properly.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: analysis of the Witty worm

2005-06-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jerrold Leichter writes:
| | The paper itself (there's a link in the article) has several more items 
| | of interest to this list.  Especially interesting is the effective 
| | cryptanalysis of the PRNG used by the worm.  Implicit in many of the 
| | analyses, though not a focus of the paper, is the amount of information 
| | that the authors could gather about network configurations at different 
| | sites: as we all know, traffic analysis is a powerful technique.
| The links in the paper no longer work - they go to restricted pages.  The 
| (or an) HTML version is in the Google cache at:
Oops.  I should have read it more closely first.  The only thing in Google's 
cache is the intro page, with an abstract.  The paper (pdf and ps) and a slide
show are inaccessible, and are not in Google's cache.

Anyone saved a copy?

It's on Vern's web page: or

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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AES cache timing attack

2005-06-16 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Dan Bernstein has a new cache timing attack on AES:

(This was mentioned in Bruce Schneier's CRYPTO-GRAM newsletter.)
Briefly, the attack relies on the fact that retrieving an S-box
entry from the cache is much faster than retrieving it from main
memory; this in turn leaks bits of keying material.

One of his claims is that the attack is possible because of the
characteristics of efficient software implementations of AES, and
that NIST should have realized the problem -- there are ciphers
that don't have this problem.  He also makes some suggestions to
CPU designers about steps they can take to let implementors avoid
such traps.

For years, it was a commonplace that one should not design one's
own encryption algorithms.  Some people have extended that advice
to apply to cryptographic protocols.  Dan Boneh now says he's
warning people even against doing their own implementations.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: de-identification

2005-06-16 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I'd like to come up to speed on the state of the
art in de-identification (~=anonymization) of data
especially monitoring data (firewall/hids logs, say).
A little googling suggests that this is an academic
subspeciality as well as a word with many interpretations.
If someone here can point me at the mother lode of 
insight, I would be most grateful.

What's your threat model?  It's proved to be a very hard problem to 
solve, since there are all sorts of other channels -- application data, 
timing data (the remote fingerprinting paper mentioned this one), etc.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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massive data theft at MasterCard processor

2005-06-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
MasterCard reported the exposure of up to 40,000,000 credit card 
numbers at CardSystems Solutions, a third-party processor of credit 
card data.  CardSystems was infected with a script that targeted 
specific data.  In other words, this wasn't the usual carelessness, 
this was enemy action, and of a sophisticated nature.  See for 
the official statement.

Designing a system that deflects this sort of attack is challenging.  
The right answer is smart cards that can digitally sign transactions, 
but that would require rolling out new readers to all the merchants.  
That's doable, about once per decade -- and at least one credit card 
vendor (JP Morgan-Chase) is using the opportunity to push out 
RFID-based credit card readers instead.  So the marketing department 
outranks the security department -- big surprise there

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: [Forwarded] RealID: How to become an unperson.

2005-07-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

But nevertheless, I do not understand why americans are so afraid of
an ID card. It has by far more advantages than disadvantages, and
actually the US driving license is already a kind of ID card.

Let me refer you to a National Academies report (I was on the 
committee):  Stephen T. Kent and Lynette Millett, ed. IDs -- Not That
Easy: Questions About Nationwide Identity Systems. National Academies
Press, 2002.  Briefly, the 
report notes that there are a very large number of questions that need 
to be answered about any such system before it's even possible to 
discuss it intelligently.

whenever I enter the US, I have to give the fingerprints of my index
fingers and they take a picture of me. That's worse than an ID card. 


--Steven M. Bellovin,

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new NSA chief named

2005-07-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin,1,6042171.story?coll=bal-home-headlinesamp;cset=truectrack=1cset=true

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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the limits of crypto and authentication

2005-07-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
There's been a lot of discussion about how to strengthen cryptography 
and authentication, to get away from problems of phishing, pharming, 
etc.  But such approaches can take you only so far, as this link 

Briefly, it's a Trojan that waits for you to log int o E-Gold, checks 
your balance, and drains your account except for .004 grams of gold.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Why Blockbuster looks at your ID.

2005-07-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], John Levine writes:
Why does the clerk at Blockbuster want to see your driver's license?
Because his management has been told, by their bank, that if they do
not attempt to verify the identity of credit card users they will
risk their business relationship with the bank.

It's been my impression that the way you're supposed to verify the ID
of a credit card user is by checking the signature.  I've heard of
banks telling businesses not to demand separate ID.  On the other
hand, I can easily believe that Blockbuster came up with the ID idea
all by themselves.

I very rarely rent from Blockbuster, so I may have the details wrong; I 
can state for sure how things work at the local video store I usually 

When I signed up with them, I supplied a credit card number; they 
retained that for contingency charges if I fail to return a video.  
(Odd -- my local library doesn't do that.  But I digress.)  In return, 
they handed me an account-linked credential -- exactly the sort of 
thing that is often advocated on this list.

From my perspective, the form factor of the credential wasn't ideal; it 
was one of those key ring-sized cards, and I soon lost it, probably 
during a wallet upgrade.  No problem -- they're happy to fall back to 
the secondary authentication system, to whit my drivers' license.  I 
show that to get access to the account, independent of how I actually 
pay for the rental.  In other words, they are not using my license to 
authenticate my credit card.  (I would add that the feeds are low 
enought that I almost always pay in cash; I have no idea if they even 
have the ability to use the stored credit card for rental fees if I 
don't present the card separately.  Hmm -- the account is old enough 
that the expiration date on my credit card has long since expired.  
They've never asked me for an update.  Maybe they're using a reputation 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: the limits of crypto and authentication

2005-07-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick Owen writes:
It would seem simple to thwart such a trojan with strong authentication
simply by requiring a second one-time passcode to validate the
transaction itself in addition to the session.

How does the user know which transaction is really being authenticated?
(I alluded to this in a 1997 panel session talk; see )

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: mother's maiden names...

2005-07-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], R.A. Hettinga writes:
At 12:26 PM -0400 7/13/05, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Why do banks not collect simple biometric information like photographs
of their customers yet?

Some do.

Cambridge Trust puts your picture on the back of your VISA card, for
instance. They have for more than a decade, maybe even two.

One New York bank -- long since absorbed into some megabank -- did the 
same thing about 30 years ago.  They gave up -- it was expensive then, 
and may not have solved any real problems.  (Possibly, it simply didn't
fit their real purpose of attracting more customers.)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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draft paper: Deploying a New Hash Algorithm

2005-07-21 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Eric Rescorla and I have written a paper Deploying a New Hash Algorithm.
A draft is available at
and .

Here's the abstract:

As a result of recent discoveries, the strength of hash
functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 have been called into
question.  Regardless of whether or not it is necessary to
move away from those now, it is clear that it will be
necessary to do so in the not-too-distant future.  This
poses a number of challenges, especially for certificate-based
protocols.  We analyze S/MIME, TLS, and IPsec.  All three
require protocol or implementation changes.  We explain
the necessary changes, show how the conversion can be done,
and list what measures should be taken immediately.

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Re: draft paper: Deploying a New Hash Algorithm

2005-07-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Alex Alten write

This also seems to be in conjunction with the potential switch over from 
RSA et al. to
ECC for PKI, etc.

Yes, Eric and I have been talking about that, and we'll add some 
discussion of that to the next version of the paper.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: draft paper: Deploying a New Hash Algorithm

2005-08-05 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Furlong writes:
 [Moderator's note: ... attackers are often cleverer than protocol
 designers. ...

Is that true? Or is it a combination of

(a) a hundred attackers for every designer, and
(b) vastly disparate rewards: continued employment and maybe some
kudos for a designer or implementer, access to $1,000,000,000 of bank
accounts for an attacker

I'd have phrased it differently than Perry did.  I'd say that the 
attackers are often cleverer *about security* than protocol designers, 
because insecurity is their specialty.  Ordinary protocol desingers are 
good at designing those protocols, but they haven't been trained to 
think about security.  Here's how I put it in my talk at the IETF 
plenary last night:

\ns{Patterns of Thought}  
\item   Serial number 1 of any new device is delivered to your enemy.
\item   You hand your packets to your enemy for delivery.
\item   Your enemy is just as smart as you are.  If we haven't seen
a given class of attack yet, it's because it hasn't been necessary;
simpler attacks have worked well enough.  (Besides, how do you know
if you'll actually notice it?)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: faster SHA-1 attacks?

2005-08-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

I was unable to watch webcast of the rump session at the Crypto
conference last night, but I have heard that a proxy announced that
Wang has an order 2^63 attack on SHA-1. Can anyone confirm that, and
give details?

Shamir gave her rump session talk (and first gave a humorous 
presentation on why she couldn't get a visa -- she admitted to 
attacking U.S. government systems, and used collisions).  She is indeed 
claiming a 2^63 attack, and found a new path to use in the attack.  
Because of the new path, there is reason to think the attack will get 
even better.  Shamir noted that 2^63 is within reach of a distributed 
Internet effort to actually find one.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: How many wrongs do you need to make a right?

2005-08-17 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Florian Weimer writes:
* Steven M. Bellovin:

 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Florian Weimer writes:

Can't you strip the certificates which have expired from the CRL?  (I
know that with OpenPGP, you can't, but that's a different story.)

OTOH, I wouldn't be concerned by the file size, although it's
certainly annoying.  I would be really worried that the contents of
that CRL leaks sensitive information.  At least from a privacy point
of view, this is a big, big problem, especially if you include some
indication which allows you to judge the validity of old signatures.

 One can easily conceive of schemes that don't have such problems, such 
 as simply publishing the hash of revoked certificates, or using a Bloom 
 filter based on the hashes.

This doesn't completely eliminate the data leak, as a long as the
certificates were used in end-to-end communications.  Analysis for
relative outsiders becomes harder, though.

Details matter.  If two parties do a DH exchange before sending their 
certificates, it would take an active attack.  In many protocols, one 
party authenticates first, thereby preventing an active attack on the 

But any CRL scheme exposes knowledge of a compromise to a corrupt 
insider -- and they're often the primary party from whom you want to 
keep such information.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Adam Back writes:
Thats broken, just like the WAP GAP ... for security you want
end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third

What is security?  What are you trying to protect, and against whom?

I use Jabber extensively, and I utterly rely on the SSL encryption to 
the server.  I sometimes use end-to-end GPG encryption, but only when I 
need to discuss something very private.  In general, I don't bother, 
because of my threat model.

The biggest threat I face, in many situations, is people eavesdropping 
on my wireless link, or playing ARP-spoofing games on my wired link.
SSL to the server combats that nicely.  (I run psi, because it's the 
only open-source client I've found that actually checks the server's 
certificate against a pre-configured list.  I have no idea what the 
default list is, since I just replace it with my own...)

I'm not particularly worried about the server end.  I and most of my 
Jabber correspondents use one of about four different Jabber servers.  
I run one myself; the other three are also very tightly administered.  
Sure, there could be a problem with any of them; given how bad typical 
endpoints are today, I'd guess that the servers are actually safer.

I'm not even slightly worried about eavesdropping on the backbone.  
I assume NSA can do that if they really want to.  But I *know* that 
it's hard enough that they're not going to waste their time without a 
reason, and I doubt if my IM conversations are high enough on their 
list.  (They're pretty boring, as a rule...)

I'm much more worried about implementation bugs.  A previous version of 
psi had the bad habit of silently falling back to unencrypted mode if 
it couldn't find the local crypto library, and due to some glitches in 
my environment this could happen fairly easily.  I was forced to resort 
to firewalling the unencrypted port on my machines...  (The 
implementation has since been changed to make that failure much less 

If you don't trust your (or your correspondents') IM servers, it may be 
a different situation.  I haven't read Google's privacy policies for 
IM; if it's anything like gmail, they're using automated tools that 
look at your messages and add to your behavioral profile.  As Peter 
said, though, you can always run your own server or find one that you 
do trust.  The protocol itself is quite nice, and was designed with
due attention to privacy.  (Aside: the Jabber RFCs were some of the 
best I dealt with while I was Security AD.  They were remarkably easy 
to read, given their length and the complexity of the protocol.)

Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the 
computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need to 
get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's 
beyond the ability of most people.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Chris Kuethe writes:
On 8/26/05, Steven M. Bellovin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you don't trust your (or your correspondents') IM servers, it may be
 a different situation.  I haven't read Google's privacy policies for
 IM; if it's anything like gmail, they're using automated tools that
 look at your messages and add to your behavioral profile.  As Peter
 said, though, you can always run your own server or find one that you
 do trust.

Got a nice little surprise yesterday when I [ge]mailed someone, and
moments later gaim beeps at me. Checking gaim, I see that suddenly
these users had been added to my gaim/gtalk buddies list without my
intervention. Grr

Yup -- documented in the Googletalk pages.

Anyway, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if somewhere down the
road a folder called archived gtalk shows up in gmail where you can
search through all your old conversations.

That wouldn't be a surprise at all -- a number of IM programs, 
including at least Gabber and Psi, keep local logs.  Given Google's 
core competency of retaining searchable data, one would expect them to 
do that.

But this underscores one of my points: communications security is fine, 
but the real problem is *information* security, which includes the 
endpoint.  (Insert here Gene Spafford's comment about the Internet, 
park benches, cardboard shacks, and armored cars.)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: e2e all the way (Re: Another entry in the internet security hall of shame....)

2005-08-26 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Adam Back writes:
On Fri, Aug 26, 2005 at 11:41:42AM -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
 In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Adam Back writes:
 Thats broken, just like the WAP GAP ... for security you want
 end2end security, not a secure channel to an UTP (untrusted third
 What is security?  What are you trying to protect, and against whom?

Well I think security in IM, as in all comms security, means security
such that only my intended recipients can read the traffic.  (aka e2e

I don't think the fact that you personally don't care about the
confidentiality of your IM messages should argue for not doing it.
Fair enough you don't need it personally but it is still the correct
security model.  Some people and businesses do need e2e security.  (It
wasn't quite clear, you mention you advised jabber; if you advised
jabber to skip e2e security because its too hard... bad call I'd

On the contrary -- I did say that I support and use e2e security.  I 
simply said that user-to-server security solves a lot of many -- most? 
-- people's security needs.

 Do I support e2e crypto?  Of course I do!  But the cost -- not the
 computational cost; the management cost -- is quite high; you need
 to get authentic public keys for all of your correspondents.  That's
 beyond the ability of most people.

I don't think it is that hard to do e2e security.  Skype does it.
Fully transparently.

Really?  You know that the public key you're talking to corresponds to 
a private key held by the person to whom you're talking?  Or is there a 
MITM at Skype which uses a per-user key of its own?

Another option: I would prefer ssh style cached keys and warnings if
keys later change (opportunistic encryption) to a secure channel to
the UTP (MITM as part of the protocol!).

Ssh-style is definitely not hard.  I mean nothing is easier no doubt
than slapping an SSL tunnel over the server mediated IM protocol, but
if the security experts are arguing for the easy way out, what hope is
there.  I'm more used to having to argue with application
functionality focussed people that they need to do it properly -- not
with crypto people.

I'm not arguing for the easy way out; I'm saying that security is an 
engineering matter, and that there are tradeoffs, including in the 
human factors.  People who click yes to every download aren't going 
to understand when to accept a key change notice.  Btw, I regularly 
use 3 different machines when talking to my Jabber server.  Is your 
client going to cache all 3 keys for me?  Will all of my correspondents 
know when to click yes and when not to?  My son sometimes uses AIM 
from public web browsers.  What then?

I'm sure you're itching to type that my keying material should be on a 
smart card of some sort, so that I could carry it with me and use the 
same key from any machine I choose.  If so, you'd be 100% right.  I'll 
note that for about 99.99% of people, that's just not feasible; they 
don't have a smart card and their OS doesn't have an interface that 
makes it easy to do the right thing.  Heck, I don't have a smart card; 
I don't even know of any smart card readers that talk properly to 
NetBSD, my OS of choice.

Here's the problem for a protocol designer.  You want to design a 
protocol that will work as securely as possible, on a wide range of 
platforms, over a reasonably long period of time.  What do you do?  If 
you engineer only for e2e security, you end up in a serious human 
factors trap (cue Why Johnny Can't Encrypt and Simson Garfinkel's 
dissertation).  Instead, I recommend engineering for a hybrid scenario 
-- add easy-to-use client-to-server security, which solves at least 75% 
of most people's threats (I suspect it's really more like 90-95%), 
while leaving room in the protocol for e2e security for people who need 
it and/or can use it, especially as operating environments change.  
This is precisely what Jabber has done.

To sum it up in one sentence: design for the future *and* the present.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: MD5 Collision, Visualised

2005-08-28 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ben Laurie writes:
I wrote some code to show the internal state of MD5 during a collision...

Very nice, though you need to give a scale of rounds -- how many 
horizontal lines per round?  

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Ben Laurie writes:
Alexander Klimov wrote:

 But (potential) problem still persists: even if openssl implements ECC
 it does not save you from patent issues if they exist.

It does if they are owned by Sun.

It does if *all necessary patent rights* are owned (or licensed) by 
Sun.  For obvious reasons, it's remarkably hard to get someone to say 
that they don't have a claim on some product.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Clearing sensitive in-memory data in perl

2005-09-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Furlong writes:
On 9/11/05, Jason Holt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Securely deleting secrets is hard enough in C, much less high level language

But, but..Java is the be-all end-all!

Three years ago I advised a business/tech guy to avoid Java for crypto
and related purposes. I'll revise that somewhat in light of greater
experience and developments: Java is ok if you control the platform
it's running on and if the programmers were very careful. In practice,
that means I'd be willing to do the server-side programming in Java if
I (or my employer or client) controlled the server. I'm not happy
about doing client-side programming in Java for arbitrary users, but
users in a controlled business environment is ok. From a user's
perspective, I'd be _really_ cautious about using a crypto app written
in Java.

FWIW, lately I've been earning my daily bread with Java server-side
programming. Fortunately for me, it's been mostly crap work, where it
doesn't really matter if data leaks or someone cracks in. Considering
that I don't control any of the J2EE or database servers and for the
most part they're administered by poorly-trained monkeys, I'd have a
really tough ethical call if my clients wanted me to do some work
where security really mattered.

There's an interesting tradeoff here: which is a bigger threat, crypto 
secrets lying around memory or buffer overflows?  What's your threat 
model?  For the average server, I suspect you're better off with Java, 
especially if you use some of its client-side security mechanisms to 
lock down the server.  Under some circumstances, you could do a 
call-out to a C module just for the crypto, but it's by no means 
obvious that that's a major improvement.

Again -- what is your threat model?

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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MIT talk: Special-Purpose Hardware for Integer Factoring

2005-09-14 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--- Forwarded Message

Open to the Public

TIME:4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
PLACE:   32-G575, Stata Center, 32 Vassar Street
TITLE:   Special-Purpose Hardware for Integer Factoring
SPEAKER: Eran Tromer, Weizmann Institute

Factoring of large integers is of considerable interest in
cryptography and algorithmic number theory. In the quest for
factorization of larger integers, the present bottleneck lies in the
sieving and matrix steps of the Number Field Sieve algorithm. In a
series of works, several special-purpose hardware architectures for
these steps were proposed and evaluated.

The use of custom hardware, as opposed to the traditional RAM model,
offers major benefits (beyond plain reduction of overheads): the
possibility of vast fine-grained parallelism, and the chance to
identify and exploit technological tradeoffs at the algorithmic level.

Taken together, these works have reduced the cost of factoring by many
orders of magnitude, making it feasible, for example, to factor
1024-bit integers within one year at the cost of about US$1M (as
opposed to the trillions of US$ forecasted previously). This talk will
survey these results, emphasizing the underlying general ideas.

Joint works with Adi Shamir, Arjen Lenstra, Willi Geiselmann, Rainer
Steinwandt, Hubert K?pfer, Jim Tomlinson, Wil Kortsmit, Bruce Dodson,
James Hughes and Paul Leyland.

--- End of Forwarded Message

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Amazon's

2005-09-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Amir Herzberg writes:

Amazon have this lovely service: if you tell if you forgot your pw, they 
send you to:

where they ask you to confirm your identity... using 5 last digits of  a 
credit card you used with them.

Nice oracle to find last 5 digits... making it quite easy to find the 
full number.

It's actually an interesting tradeoff.  The older scheme, as I recall, 
would mail you your password; knowledge of that (say, by intercepting 
the email) lets you at your account, which will display the last 5 
digits of your credit cards.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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[Colloquium] ARMSTRONG LECTURE on Quantum Crypto and Optical Networks (Forwarded)

2005-09-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 18:30:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dan Rubenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Department of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University invites you
to attend
Monday, September 19 - 3:00pm
Davis Auditorium (Schapiro/Host)

Host:  Professor Osgood

Unbreakable Secret Key Distribution?
Quantum Cryptography and Optical Networks


Matthew S. Goodman, Ph.D.,
Chief Scientist and Telcordia Fellow, Telcordia Technologies  Laboratory
for Telecommunications Sciences Red Bank, NJ and Adelphi, MD

Manifestly quantum mechanical behavior has had tremendously important
implications for the development of modern technology.  In this talk we
explore the impact of recent ideas and new approaches that quantum
information is having on future secure communications for high performance
optical networks. The talk will concentrate on quantum cryptography, which
offers the promise of unconditional security for communications, and
complements existing mathematically based cryptography, which is applied at
higher networking levels.  The talk will review the rapid progress in this
field as well as some very recent experimental results from the Telcordia
research group and its collaborations.  We will describe the impact that
this work is having on optical networking research and some early
commercial activities and will speculate on its broader commercial

Light refreshments will be served.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Colloquium mailing list


--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: ECC patents?

2005-09-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], James A. Donald writes:
Whyte, William:
 It hints that only some particular curves have been 
 licensed. It could be that NSA has decided not to buy 
 a license for the other curves, or it could be that 
 operations on those curves aren't patented. The 
 presentation doesn't give enough information to 
 establish which.

If the NSA paid anything significant for any of the 
curves, we would be told.  Therefore the NSA paid
nothing or almost nothing, and therefore if the NSA 
licensed anything, it would have licensed everything.

I doubt that the NSA paid any money whatsoever for this 
license, making it profoundly unimpressive as evidence 
that *any* curves have a plausible valid patent.  If the 
NSA paid real money, the patent holders would be 
sticking it in our face as a price setting precedent. 

We have been told.  I downloaded Certicom's 2005 annual report
On p. 11, it says

For the year ended April 30, 2004, revenue from IP totalled
$25-million represented by a licensing contract for our
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) technology by the NSA,

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Java: Helping the world build bigger idiots

2005-09-19 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Gutmann writes
Found on the Daily WTF,

  try { 
int idx = 0; 

while (true) { 
  catch (IndexOutOfBoundException ex) { 
// nil

As opposed to the C version:

int idx = 0; 

while (true) { 
printf(Segmentation error; core dumped\n);

If it were input, it would print you are now 0wned...

No, Java isn't the solution to the world's programming problems.  But
bounds-checking -- in any language! -- would be a very big help.

The first principle was security: The principle that every
syntactically incorrect program should be rejected by the
compiler and that every syntactically correct program should
give a result or an error message that was predictable and
comprehensible in terms of the source language program
itself. Thus no core dumps should ever be necessary. It
was logically impossible for any source language program
to cause the computer to run wild, either at compile time
or at run time. A consequence of this principle is that
every occurrence of every subscript of every subscripted
variable was on every occasion checked at run time against
both the upper and the lower declared bounds of the array.
Many years later we asked our customers whether they wished
us to provide an option to switch off these checks in the
interests of efficiency on production runs. Unanimously,
they urged us not to--they already knew how frequently
subscript errors occur on production runs where failure to
detect them could be disastrous. I note with fear and horror
that even in 1980, language designers and users have not
learned this lesson. In any respectable branch of engineering,
failure to observe such elementary precautions would have
long been against the law.

From Tony Hoare's 1980 Turing Award lecture.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Guideline for Implementing Cryptography In the Federal Government

2005-09-20 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Java: Helping the world build bigger idiots

2005-09-22 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Furlong writes:

On a related note, I've worked a bit with avionics and embedded
medical software. The certification requirements for those bits of
critical code might be helpful for crypto programming.

Not quite.  The name of the game is information security, and that's 
far more than crypto.  Sometimes, in fact, the two conflict.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: PKI too confusing to prevent phishing, part 28

2005-09-27 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jerrold Leichter writes:

Talking about users as being able only to hold one bit continues an 
unfortunate attitude that, if only users weren't so dumb/careless/whatever, we
wouldn't have all these security problems.

This is an important point.  When *many* people are doing the wrong 
thing, the problem isn't the people, it's the mechanism they're being 
asked to use.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Venona not all decrypted?

2005-10-13 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Have a look at .  The 
one-time pad was used to superencrypt a codebook; two different 
codebooks were used.  Most of the successful decryptions were done by 
1952; there was some additional help from a partial codebook recovered 
in 1953.  Here's the key section of that monograph:

The Translations and KGB Cryptographic Systems

The VENONA translations from 1942 to 1943 messages occasionally
are fragmentary and difficult to understand. The code itself
was complex and difficult to exploit using pure analytic
techniques. Moreover, the broad contextual sweep of the
content of these messages vastly complicated the difficulty
of reading these KGB systems.

The cryptographic systems used by the KGBís First Chief
Directorate involved a codebook in which words and phrases
were represented by numbers. These numbers were then further
enciphered by the addition of random number groups, additives
taken from a so-called one-time pad. A one-time pad comprised
pages of random numbers, copies of which were used by the
sender and receiver of a message to add and remove an extra
layer of encipherment. One-time pads used properly only
once are unbreakable; however, the KGB?s cryptographic
material manufacturing center in the Soviet Union apparently
reused some of the pages from one-time pads. This provided
Arlington Hall with an opening. Very few of the 1942 KGB
messages could be solved because there was very little
duplication of one-time pad pages in those messages. The
situation was more favorable in 1943, even more so in 1944,
and the success rate improved accordingly. In order to
break into the system successfully, Arlington Hall analysts
had to first identify strip off the layer of additive in
order to attack the underlying code. These two levels of
encryption caused immense difficulty in exploiting the
codebook, and many code groups were, therefore, never
recovered. The KGB messages from 1942 through 1943 and into
1944, as well as from earlier years, were based on one
codebook version. The 1944 to 1945 messages were based on
a new codebook.

Given that intelligence scrutiny of the intercepts continued until 1980,
I doubt there's any more to recover.  That said, the NSA admits of the

There are still gaps of two different types in the translated
messages, as indicated by the words unrecovered or
unrecoverable. The phrase unrecovered meant that the
underlying Russian text in theory could be obtained, but the
cryptanalysts did not have sufficient text to do so.
Unrecoverable, on the other hand, indicates passages
unaffected by the Soviet misuse of their own system which
therefore could never be solved by cryptanalysts 

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Re: NSA Suite B Cryptography

2005-10-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Sidney Markowitz writes:

The possible twist that I see is if the NSA declares that any freely
available open source software that interoperates with Suite B is by
definition in support of US national security interests and therefore
automatically gets one of their sublicenses. That would effectively
remove the patent encumbrance for GPL code. There would still be patent
restrictions on the code, but they would not apply to open source freely
redistributable code, therefore would not get in the way of the GPL.

I strongly suspect that Certicom would sue if NSA tried that.

So it still comes down to what I think is the important point: BSD
licensed Suite B code may be possible, GPL'd Suite B code is not
possible unless Certicom makes appropriate free license to the patents
available for software licensed under GPL.

I think that that's a fair summary.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: semi-preditcable OTPs

2005-10-25 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Trav
is H. writes:
I recall reading somewhere that the NSA got ahold of some KGB numeric
OTPs (in the standard five-digit groups).  They found that they
contained corrections, typos, and showed definite non-random
characteristics.  Specifically, they had a definite left-hand
right-hand alternation, and tended to not have enough repeated digits,
as though typists had been told to type random numbers.  Despite this,
the NSA wasn't able to crack any messages.

My question is, why?   I think I know the reason, and that is that any
predictability in a symbol of the OTP correlated to a predictability
in only one plaintext symbol.  In other words, there was no leverage
whereby that plaintext could then be used to derive other symbols. 
Can anyone explain this better (or more accurately)?  Is this lack of
diffusion?  Or does it have something to do with the unicity distance?

Another possible answer is that it didn't matter because of how it was 

If you read the NSA monograph on Venona -- I posted a link a few weeks 
ago -- you'll see that the OTP in that case was used to superencipher a 
codebook, by adding the 5-digit OTP number to the 5-digit code value.  
Non-random digits in such a setting are more or less irrelevant, unless 
there is enough of a pattern that it helps you strip off the 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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The Pentagon is block NSA patent applications...

2005-10-31 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: Symmetric ciphers as hash functions

2005-11-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Trav
is H. writes:
 How does one properly use a symmetric cipher as a cryptographic hash
 function? I seem to be going around in circles.

Isn't this is like asking a mechanic how to use a screwdriver as a hammer?

Given that we seem to know much more about block cipher design than 
hash function design, finding a hash function that is provably as 
strong as a block cipher is a great idea.

 Reversing the situation (using the data as the key and a known plain-
 text) makes a plaintext attack seem like a joy etc..

This is exactly how traditional Unix crypt(3) implementations used
DES, although they used a null string as the input and added some salt
to prevent dictionary attacks.  What exactly do you mean by plaintext
attack?  If we choose the plaintext, then we can compute the hash...
what's the problem?  All hashes I can think of work this way.

Incidentally, does anyone know how crypt(3) used salt, and why it used
so little instead of using a 64-bit IV in some mode with feedback?

Have you read the Morris and Thompson paper?  If not, see

Briefly, though, the 12 bits of salt were used to permute the E-box in 
DES.  They limited the salt to 12 bits because there was little need for
any more.  The salt served three purposes: discouraging hardware attacks 
based on off-the-shelf DES chips; rendering precomputed dictionaries 
prohibitively expensive; and forcing an attacker to attack individually each 
password in a file.  If you have 500 passwords -- a lot for 1978 -- and 
4K choices, the odds are high that you won't get much overlap in salt 
space.  Even with 15K entries, a high figure even today, you're not going
to increase the attacker's work factor by more than a few bits.  As for 
the dictionary size -- they felt (probably correctly) that the size 
expansion was already large enough that that wasn't a feasible path for 
the attacker.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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RSA-640 factored

2005-11-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: How broad is the SPEKE patent.

2005-11-09 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], James A. Donald writes:
Does SPEKE claim to patent any uses of zero knowledge
proof of possession of the password for mutual
authentication, or just some particular method for
establishing communications?   Is there any way around
the SPEKE patent for mutual authentication and
establishing secure communications on a weak passphrase? 

It certainly doesn't claim EKE, by myself and Michael Merritt, since he 
and I invented the field.  Of course, EKE is also patented.  

SRP is patented but royalty-free.  Some of have claimed that it 
infringes the EKE patent; since I don't work for the EKE patent owner 
(Lucent), I've never tried to verify that.

Radia Perlman and Charlie Kaufman invented PDM specifically as a 
patent-free method.  However, the claim was made that it infringed the 
SPEKE patent.  Since it wasn't patented, there was no one willing to 
spend the money on legal fees to fight that claim, per a story I heard.

Have a look at
for some history.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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cryptography and security-related papers from North Korea

2005-11-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
I stumbled on the following link:

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: ISAKMP flaws?

2005-11-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Perry E. Metzger writes:

Some articles have been appearing in various web sites about flaws in
IPSec key negotiation protocols, such as this one:

I haven't been following the IPSec mailing lists of late -- can anyone
who knows details explain what the issue is?

Broadly speaking, they're implementation bugs.  The folks at University 
of Oulu are doing what developers around the world and across the 
industry should have been doing: they're writing test case generators 
that stress parsers.  So far, they've been extremely successful against 
IKEv1, ASN.1, SNMP, and more.  This should surprise no one and depress 
everyone. is the home page 
for this project. 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: ISAKMP flaws?

2005-11-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Hoffman writes:
At 10:14 AM -0500 11/15/05, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Some articles have been appearing in various web sites about flaws in
IPSec key negotiation protocols, such as this one:

I haven't been following the IPSec mailing lists of late -- can anyone
who knows details explain what the issue is?

The advisory itself is at 
Note that the abstract is Multiple Vulnerability Issues in 
Implementation of ISAKMP Protocol, with emphasis on Implementation 
of. It appears that this is *not* a problem with ISAKMP or IKE, but 
instead only a problem with some implementations. A summary would be 
when some IKEv1 implementations are sent certain malformed messages, 
they stop, reboot, or possibly do other bad things.

Given that they started this research with sending malformed SNMP 
packets to SNMP-aware systems (with similar results), it is safe to 
extrapolate the results to implementations of nearly any protocol to 
varying extents. It is likely that this applies to IKEv2 as well, but 
using differently-malformed packets. It is also likely that it 
applies to some SSL/TLS implementations, of course using very 
different malformed packets.

I mostly agree with you, with one caveat: the complexity of a spec can 
lead to buggier implementations.  Sure, even relatively simple 
protocols can be implemented poorly, but complex ones have more places 
to go wrong.  (It's instructive, I might add, to read RFC 1025, 
especially the part about dirty blows.)

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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the effects of a spy

2005-11-15 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
Bruce Schneier's newsletter Cryptogram has the following fascinating 
It's the story of effects of a single spy who betrayed keys and 
encryptor designs.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: ISAKMP flaws?

2005-11-18 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Paul Hoffman writes:
At 11:20 AM +0100 11/17/05, Florian Weimer wrote:
These bugs have been uncovered by a PROTOS-style test suite.  Such
test suites can only reveal missing checks for boundary conditions,
leading to out-of-bounds array accesses and things like that.  In
other words, trivial implementation errors which can be easily avoided
using proper programming tools.

Which proper programming tools would check for a logic path failure 
when a crafted packet includes Subpacket A that is only supposed to 
be there when Subpacket B is there, but the packet doesn't include 
Subpacket B? There are no programming tools that check for this, or 
for related issues: it has to be the implementer who has enough 
understanding of the protocol and enough time (and program space) to 
code against such issues.

Decent test case generators.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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the early history of NSA

2005-12-02 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
The Quest For Cryptologic Centralization and the Establishment of NSA:

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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NSA declassifies some Vietnam-era SIGINT

2005-12-03 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

These are the documents related to the claim that NSA suppressed many 
of the intercepts relating to the so-called Gulf of Tonkin incident.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: [Clips] Banks Seek Better Online-Security Tools

2005-12-06 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jonathan Thor
nburg writes:
I would never use online banking, and I advise all my friends and
colleagues (particularly those who _aren't_ computer-security-geeks)
to avoid it.

I do use it -- but never from a Windows machine.  The OS I use is 
probably better, but it's *definitely* a much less attractive target 
for malware writers.

Problems?  I did have my credit card number stolen, but almost 
certainly not that way.  The bank believes it was a random card number 

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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Re: [Clips] Banks Seek Better Online-Security Tools

2005-12-07 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Janusz A. Urbanowicz

statements come on paper or in S/MIME signed emails. 

This is interesting -- the bank is using S/MIME?  What mail readers are 
common among its clientele?  How is the bank's certificate checked?

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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secure links using classical (i.e., non-quantum) physics

2005-12-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Totally Secure Classical Communication Utilizing Johnson (-like) Noise 
and Kirchoff's Law
Authors: Laszlo B. Kish
Comments: 14 pages; Google search terms: +totally +secure +communication
Subj-class: General Physics
Journal-ref: Manuscript featured by Science, vol. 309, p. 2148 (2005, 
September 30)

An absolutely secure, fast, inexpensive, robust, maintenance-free 
and low-power- consumption communication is proposed. The states of the 
information bit are represented by two resistance values. The sender 
and the receiver have such resistors available and they randomly select 
and connect one of them to the channel at the beginning of each clock 
period. The thermal noise voltage and current can be observed but 
Kirchoff's law provides only a second-order equation. A secure bit is 
communicated when the actual resistance values at the sender's side and 
the receiver's side differ. Then the second order equation yields the 
two resistance values but the eavesdropper is unable to determine the 
actual locations of the resistors and to find out the state of the 
sender's bit. The receiver knows that the sender has the inverse of his 
bit, similarly to quantum entanglement. The eavesdropper can decode the 
message if, for each bits, she inject current in the wire and measures 
the voltage change and the current changes in the two directions. 
However, in this way she gets discovered by the very first bit she 
decodes. Instead of thermal noise, proper external noise generators 
should be used when the communication is not aimed to be stealth.

--Steven M. Bellovin,

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