[css-d] Table Cells Filled with Images

2008-11-23 Thread Doug Jolley
When I fill table cells with colors and set cellspacing=0,
cellpadding=0, border=0, I can get the cells to butt right up against
one another both vertically and horizontally.  However, when I fill
the same cells with an image I can't get them to butt up against one
another vertically although they do butt up against one another
horizontally.  Does anyone know why that is and what I can do about
it?  I know that I can use div elements.  I just want to know why this
doesn't work.  Thanks for any input.  BTW here's some test code I have
been playing with:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
 headtitletd test/title/head
  table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0
 img src=images/bg1.gif height=100 width=100 alt=[Image] /
 img src=images/bg1.gif height=100 width=100 alt=[Image] /

  ... doug
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Re: [css-d] Table Cells Filled with Images

2008-11-23 Thread Doug Jolley
 if you add

 td img {display:block}

 it should work.

It did work.  Thanks very much.

Now that I understand the basis of the problem, I was inclined to try:

td img {vertical-align: bottom}

That also seemed to work.  I'm curious as to whether you see that as
being an acceptable alternative solution.

... doug
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Re: [css-d] Table displays strangely in IE

2008-11-21 Thread Doug Jolley
 I guess this is meant by CSS2.1:17.5.3: CSS 2.1 does not define how extra
 space is distributed when the 'height' property causes the table to be
 taller than it otherwise would be.

That appears to be the explanation.

So, obviously, the fix is to set the height of the individual elements
so that the overall height of the table is the sum of the heights of
its component parts rather than setting the overall height of the
table and leaving an element to be filled in as the difference
between the overall hight and the total height of other relevant

Thanks for the input.  I'd say that you nailed it! :)

   ... doug

 ... doug
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[css-d] Table displays strangely in IE

2008-11-20 Thread Doug Jolley
The code shown below sets up a 2-row table 300 px high.  The top row
should be 80 px high and the remaining 220 px of height should be
allocated to the bottom row..  It works exactly as expected in
Firefox.  However, in IE, the top row is much taller than the bottom
row.  It almost looks like the 80 and 220 are reversed.  Can anyone
tell me why?

Thanks very much for any input.

  ... doug

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN
html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; xml:lang=en lang=en
  table style=width: 400px; height: 300px;
td style=height: 80px; background-color: #003366;
td style=background-color: #ff;

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[css-d] tr, td, th, and caption

2008-11-11 Thread Doug Jolley
The XHTML 1.0 DTD makes clear that the table element is a block
element.  No surprise there.  However, the tr, td, th, and
caption elements are not listed in either the Block section or the
Inline section.  How do I know what type of elements these elements
are?  Thanks for any input.

 ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] Ordered and Unordered Lists

2008-11-05 Thread Doug Jolley
 the distinction clearer by specifiying  the available type
 attributes for both ol and ul.

And I think that if you do it with the type attribute, you are
indeed limited.  Including a 'type=disc' attribute in an ol element
is undoubtedly going to cause the document to fail validation.
However, I really don't see any problem with doing it with a style.

Thanks again to everyone for the input.

... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Ordered and Unordered Lists

2008-11-04 Thread Doug Jolley
I just noticed that apparently the full spectrum of list-style-types
apply equally to both ordered lists and unordered lists. So, ordered
lists can have a list-style-type of disc and unordered lists can
have a list-style-type of decimal.  Does anyone see any reason why
ALL list-style-types can't be applied to both ordered and unordered
lists? I guess the only reason that we have 2 types of lists is
backward compatibility.

Thanks for any input.

... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] vertical-align - Parent Element

2008-10-28 Thread Doug Jolley
Thanks for the additional input.

I've sort of concluded that the way vertical-align:middle works is
this:  The vertical midpoint of the inline element being vertically
aligned is aligned with an imaginary line which runs parallel to the
baseline and at a distance of one-half the applicable font-height
above it. The preceding sentence applies even if there are no actual
textual characters in the line.

As near as I can tell that's pretty much it.  How one gets from the
typical explanations that I read all over the Net to that remains a
mystery to me.

Thanks again for the input.

   ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [css-d] vertical-align - Parent Element

2008-10-25 Thread Doug Jolley
 Not the block ... the paragraph line-boxes -
 one for each  line in the paragraph.

Thanks.  I don't really see how a line-box can be considered to be a
parent element. when it's not even an element at all.  However, the
whole world must think that it is because virtually everyone refers to
parent when addressing this issue.

Thanks for the input.

   ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] vertical-align is driving me crazy!

2008-10-25 Thread Doug Jolley
I have a short line containing some text and two images.  The text is
default height, let's assume that is somewhere around 18px.  Let's
also assume that the two images are both 100px high.  With respect to
one image I have done nothing; so, as expected, it's bottom aligns
with the baseline of the text. With respect to the other, I have set
vertical-align to middle.  I would expect that the line-box would be
100px high which is the height of the first image.  Therefore, I would
expect that the second image would be centered vertically with respect
to that line-box.  Thus, I would expect that the second image would
wind up with it's bottom aligned with the baseline just like the
first.  Instead, the second image is centered vertically with respect
to the text.  Why is that?  What am I missing?  Thanks for any input.

  ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] vertical-align - Parent Element

2008-10-24 Thread Doug Jolley
I must be missing something real obvious.  In discussing
vertical-align there is a proliferation of references to parent
element.  For example, we might see a reference like, baseline -
Aligns the baseline of the element with the baseline of the parent
element..  What is the parent element?  For example, suppose that I
had pMy dog span style=vertical-align:
baseline;has/spanfleas./p  I would say that the paragraph
element was the parent of the span element.; but, I certainly don't
intend to align the baseline of the word has with the baseline of
the paragraph block.  So, can someone please tell me what the word
parent means when used in this context?

Thanks for any input.

   ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] Selecting from sibling elements

2008-02-02 Thread Doug Jolley
Suppose that I have something like:


Is there some way (without assigning a class) that I can structure a
selector so as to select only the second paragraph?  Thanks for any

   ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[css-d] IE7 a la Dean Edwards

2007-05-17 Thread Doug Jolley
A couple of days ago I ran across http://dean.edwards.name/IE7 and thought I
had found the Holy Grail.  The mere thought of being able to bring IE even
into near compliance with CSS standards excites me no end.  But the more I
read the less I understood.  I think it is clear that Dean Edwards IE7
(hereafter DEIE7) is pointed at conforming IE5 and IE6 (hence the name).
During 2006 this seemed to be a fairly active on-going project.  One post
that I read even indicated that Dean had trademarked 'IE7'.  However, when
MS released their version of IE7 (hereafter MSIE7) it appears that interest
in DEIE7 seemed to completely vanish overnight.  We know that MSIE7 failed
to address many of the CSS issues that it should have.  However, the release
of MSIE7 could have morphed them.  I would have thought that Dean would have
quickly made an assessment and re-released DEIE7 with a new name and tweaked
to work with MSIE7.  It appears that that didn't happen.  What's more
surprising is that I can't seem to find any mention from Dean or anyone else
as to how DEIE7 can be used with MSIE7 if at all.  I've tried it and it does
seem to fix a lot of problems; but, I'm real nervous about going down that
path because there seems to be no commentary on the Net about it.

So, that brings me to my question which is:  Does anyone know what's going
on with DEIE7 and whether or not it's usable with MSIE7?  If it is so
usable, are there any caveats that I should know about?

Thanks for any input.

   ... doug
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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