[CTRL] Fwd: Ted Gunderson Confirms Facts Regarding the Coming Revolution

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 From the Offices of:  Rumor Mill News Agency
The Uncensored National Rumor

E-mail Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

December 4, 1998

On November 28, RMNews  released a commentary titled "When the Revolution

Many people have written back and asked where we got our facts.  We got our
facts from the unnamed sources who have supplied us with information for over
three years.  I can't give you their names because I don't know who these
sources are.  I just know that over the years, they have been more right than

For those of you who need names on your sources, I am enclosing the following
from Ted Gunderson, former SAIC (Special Agent In Charge) of the Los Angels
FBI office.  I received this note today, my friend received it December 2,
1998.  Many of the facts listed in the 11-28-98 commentary are listed here.
Judge for yourself if you think we need to be worried that the Revolution is
about to begin.

The closer the nation gets to impeachment, the more I fear a domestic version
of "Wag the Dog."

Christopher Hitchens, editor at large for Vanity fair, and the first person
to write about the October Surprise, stated on FOX News that Clinton committed
treason when he bombed the Sudan chemical factory.  Hitchens states that it
was known that this plant only manufactured pharmaceuticals, not chemical
weapons.  Innocent civilians were killed in this bombing.

Aren't you glad you weren't touring Sudan on that day?

War Criminal Bill Clinton?
RMNews has heard from other sources that the reason the United States will
not sign onto the War Criminal Court, is because they know President Clinton
will be tried as a war criminal.
* * * * * * *

This note was forwarded to me from a friend. She writes:

I received this from Ted Gunderson on 12/02/98.

June 22, 1998

A reliable, confidential source advised on May 3, 1998 that
during the week of April 13, 1998, 137,000 AK-47 automatic
weapons were shipped into Los Angeles, California.  At or about
the same time, eleven semi-truck loads of AK-47 ammunition
were also  shipped into the Los Angeles area.

The source does not know the exact destination, the means by
which these items were shipped, the shipper(s) or individual(s)
involved or responsible.  Some of these arms were also shipped
to unknown locations in Arizona.

On May 3, 1998, a reliable, confidential second source advised
a Los Angeles based trucking company may have been the
company used to transport these items.  The informant suspects
this Company because the Company has been used in the past to
ship Chinese communist merchandise within the United States of
America.  This source  has  photographed  this  activity.
According  to  this informant, the FBI has escorted several trucks
transporting these goods.

After receiving the above information, this author contacted other
sources to confirm these facts and the following information was

On May 27, 1998 an Oklahoma state police officer advised he
had learned the following in the Fall of '93 or Spring of '94, from
one of his contacts on the Los Angeles Police Department:

United  States  BATF  and  Customs  agents  had intercepted a
shipment of fully automatic weapons and explosives being
off-loaded from a ship in Long Beach harbor.  The contact
believes the ship was of Chinese origin.

Contained in that shipment were two or three SeaLift boxes
(metal semi-trailer size boxes used for ocean shipping) full of
weapons and explosives. Also contained within that shipment
were between 6,500 and 7,500 fully automatic AK-47s, several
machine guns of communist manufacture (RPD and RPK belt-fed
machine guns) and cases of explosives and detonators.

A source close to the L.A.P.D. contact said the information on
these shipments came from informants inside  street gangs  who
had  inter-related working relationships with gangs in Chicago,
New York, and Florida.  He speculated the shipments were bound
for drug-running street gangs but also felt it was possible these
shipments were intended for previously located terrorist cells
in the United States of America.  These terrorist cells,  who are
of  mostly middle-Eastern extraction, are controlled out of the

This indicates shipments were coordinated with the Pakistani ISI,
the Internal Security service, (similar to the CIA of the United
States of America).  The Pakistani ISI is controlled out of Cebu
City, P.I.

At or about the same time, a similar shipment came in and was
intercepted in Dade County, Florida. Another shipment
supposedly came in through Houston, TX, and was not
intercepted because no forewarning was issued.

On May 7, 1998, another reliable, confidential informant advised
of current plans by certain members of the New World Order, including
President Bill Clinton, prominent political figures, bureaucrats and members
of the United States of America military, who have formulated a plan for the
initial steps for the actual 

[CTRL] Madonna and Media Targeting - repost

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/5811/mc.html">Madonna and Media
Wild. As always, . . .
Madonna Louise Ciccone's involvement in the federal civil rights lawsuit

Ciccone's involvement with the plaintiff dates as far back as 1984.
Madonna is in the secret, secret, service known as the "Cross". Many of
the people who are in the entertainment industry are "in the Cross".
Madonna Ciccone is associated with the defendants in the federal
lawsuit. The Miramax movie called: Desparately Seeking Susan(D.S.S.),
1984, staring Rosanna Arquette, and Adain Quinn, is a "sleazy service"
targeting movie___shadow targeting the plaintiff. The movie uses
background props and double inuendo to target the plaintiff. Outsiders
don't understand the movie, the movie is not a screw-ball comedy___it is
a movie about slavery, illegal gambling, and the secret system.
Baby Jesus? Madonna sucks her thumb and says: "Baby Jesus" during MTV's
 Tenth Anniverary show
Madonna visting Babs(Barbra Streisand) and Dryfus(Richard)
on the set of "Nuts"(1986?)
There seems to be a correlation here!

Notice the background scene in this picture. Every element of the
picture has been specifically selected to tell a story__ from the neon
sign "Magic Club" to the "yellow" bag slung over Susan's shoulder to the
bum leaning against the wall__its all about the secret system and the
secret system games.
When Susan(Madonna) says: "she doesn't want to buy one", she is talking
about buying a human being(a stranger, an outsider,.etc), she is not
talking about buying a bathtub! Review the "Cross-Talk reference guide"
and find out what the movie is actually about.

Although the character's name is never mentioned in the movie, the
excerpt from the book "Madonna Superstar", 1988 by Schirmer/Mosel GmbH,
Munich, provides the concrete evidence: In the movie, the character who
is trying to catch Susan(Madonna) is named "Wayne", the same name as the
plaintiff(remember Madonna knows the plaintiff's wealthy family). As
indicated in the exhibit below: Wayne the gangster who is following
Susan(Madonna). Note the design on the back of Susan's jacket___this
is a very important symbol__the all seeing eye__which indicates the
attributes or characteristics of those in the system, those on the
inside. The full analysis of this movie is forth-coming__along with the
game that Madonna(and NYC) played while the plaintiff (the engineering
 student) was a homeless "hostage" in Manhattan(1995).

Question? Why would they use such blatant targeting? I believe that they
are very cruel and ruthless people and that this movie was created as a
message to the engineering student basically saying "we set you up..."
This is how the insiders target people! Remember, the main objective of
those inside the system is to destroy people(they don't like)__that is,
to remove people from society___they do this by manipulating, framing,
torturing, etc... If they can't get you to break the law and have you
incarcerated, they torture and harass you in such a way that they can
label you as "nuts", and of course__incarcerate you. If they fail at
their attempts of illegal incarceration then they use high tech means of
causing illnesses that can be attributed to known diseases___hm.

The above is part of Madonna's(attorney's) response to the student's
1996 federal civil rights action. The student was living on the street
at the time and did not have a mailing address; so the court dismissed
the case on a technicality.
Spooked by a (Spook?)Superstar__ My Baby Has a Secret!
Ciccone Delivery Truck
Observed in Downtown Chicago, 11/98
"A" - Mo Co (AMOCO) Building
Note the Frame?
Madonna(Breathless Mahoney, Dick Tracy 1990) look-alike, Chicago Tribune
advertisement supplements(11/16/98). This Is How They Do It!
Reviewing "DSS" Desperately Seeking Susan, Miramax - 1985, Madonna's
Character, Susan, is known to play games with people; she utilizes the
want ads, etc, to send messages___Susan's boyfriend "Blackie" says:
"She's been playing games with me for years"!
Also, the link to the Breathless Mahoney Picture is:
http://www.geocities.com/capitolhill/5811/ imgs/mhny.jpg
These are recent photos of Carlos, Lourdes, and Louise(Madonna), from a
magazine called Semana
Carlos Leone and his daughter Lourdes
Wonder what little Lourdes is thinking?

In a recent tabloid magazine there was an article about the feud between
Madonna and Cher. It appears as if the feud might be a result of the
activity between Madonna, the secret system, and the student. The
student met Cher at the Studio 54 party in 1997? The student was walking
on West 53rd street(the back entrance to studio 54__also the street
where celebs enter the David Letterman Show) when he met Cher as she was
leaving. The student gave her flowers but wasn't able to talk to her
about his story. Cher is part Armenian an so is the student. Is Cher

[CTRL] US halted plot to oust Saddam

1998-12-05 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

I remember fowarding the original information concerning the plot to
overthrow Saddam by Iraqi Republic Guards, when it was occurring, to
either CTRL or Biowar. In any case, this is a follow-up.

From: http://reports.guardian.co.uk/articles/1998/12/6/36964.html

US halted plot to oust Saddam

In June, Iraqi Republican Guards were poised to overthrow Saddam
Hussein. Helga Graham reports  on the man behind the plot and his backer
- CIA agent 'Mr Fox'

 Sunday December 6, 1998

The US put on hold a coup planned by elements within the elite
Republican Guard which had a real prospect of removing President Saddam
Hussein, according to a dissident regarded by the Iraqi leader as one of
his most dangerous enemies.

Abdel Razak Sultan al-Juburi, a former general in the Guard, said the
coup had been in preparation for a year and was 'well advanced'. But on
30 June he had been told by a US agent to postpone it - despite the
Administration's public statements of support for the Iraqi opposition.

'He said we will stop now, but in six months' time or maybe one year, we
will contact you again in London or Saudi Arabia,' Juburi said,
recounting the conversation with his Ankara-based CIA contact, a 'Mr

Now a refugee attempting to find a foothold on the fringes of Eastern
Europe, Juburi will this week renew his application for entry to the UK.
In the precarious security situation in Belgrade, where he was forced to
seek asylum, his safety must be a matter of some concern.

Saddam has twice placed a huge price on his head - in 1995 the reward
was an 'open cheque' in US dollars. His revelations about US and Saudi
intelligence operations may also put him at risk.

He has been told by Fox that he can expect no US support for his
application for entry to Britain. 'We can't help you to make contact
with the British. We don't like or allow the British to be involved in
our operations,' Fox told him.

By contrast, the Iraqi National Congress, the opposition group led by Dr
Ahmad Chalabi, has - according to the US press - received around $40
million from the US and was last month invited to brief Congress.

Juburi said: 'Internally, the psychological and political effects [of
the postponement] will be devastating. The Republican Guard would now be
ready to follow a well-organised revolt. People are boiling.' Young
officers in the Republican Guard previously masterminded Iraq's most
serious potential coup, just before the Gulf war in January 1990.

After ignoring him for a number of years, the CIA approached Juburi
briefly in 1995 and more seriously in April 1997. He had by then already
set up an underground organisation in Iraq. Despite its few resources,
it has hit the regime hard.

Juburi travelled once a month to Dahok in northern Iraq, making contact
with officers through intermediaries. Fox declared himself well
satisfied with an operation and, according to Juburi, said it was 'the
best ever'.

But Juburi was frustrated by the meagre funds - less than $100,000 spent
in a year - and other restrictions. He was prevented from contacting a
group of exiled Iraqi officers in Holland. 'Not for now,' said Fox.

A final straw for a shaken Juburi was Fox's languid timetable for
ousting Saddam, over three to four years. 'He also said Saddam was
strong,' says Juburi, less in anger than disbelief.

Encouraged by the promised US support of the Iraqi opposition and the
lavish $100 million voted for the task by Congress, he flew to Istanbul
to be close to the action, hoping his own 'postponed' coup would take

Here a second shock awaited him. Despite possession of a valid visa,
Turkey rejected him, as did Pakistan and Jordan. Both put him on the
next flight back to Istanbul. Fox declined to help with US allies in
Jordan and Turkey.

After this airport merry-go-round, Juburi's wife and young family were
forced to camp in the transit lounge at Istanbul for a fortnight while
Juburi was held in semi-detention by the Turkish police. Meanwhile,
Juburi was trying to find a 'safe haven' for his family - not an easy
task for an Iraqi without financial resources.

A tall, well-built, impressively controlled man in his early forties,
Juburi was one of Iraq's most decorated soldiers in its war with Iran.
>From a sheikh-status family linked to Iraq's former parliament, he has
been fully committed from early in his military career to opposing
Saddam. He is unideological, a modernising democrat against both
Saddam's repression and his corrupt cronyism.

In 1991, he disobeyed orders to kill Shia Muslims in Kerbala and
disappeared underground, a hefty price on his head within hours. After
fleeing Iraq, he returned to rescue his family, bringing them out across
a perilous no man's land.

He returned to Iraq again in 1994, 'disguised and working at night' -
the first and only Iraqi to set up an organised, military-style
underground opposition both among civilians and the Republican Guard.
With astonishing aplomb, Juburi now turn

Re: [CTRL] Why Waco? Patriots Respond!

1998-12-05 Thread American Patriot Friends Network

 -Caveat Lector-


Subject: Re: Why Waco? Patriots Respond!
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 08:48:40 -0500
From: "Carol A. Valentine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "\"\\\"APFN\\\" MyFreeOffice\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,

Please allow me to respond to points made by Gary Hunt and C.Moore:

>Subject: Re: Waco Documentary Is A Hoax
>Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 18:20:17 -0700
>From: Gary Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: Outpost of Freedom
>  Regarding Carol Valentine's post, "Waco Documentary Is A Hoax",
>Valentine has, desperately, attempted to maintain the failed position
>taken by Linda Thompson years ago. What "Waco, The Rules of Engagement"
>does is bring forward more evidence which supports what was believed by
>many and supported by little credible evidence, but with statements made
>in interviews by some of the Davidians.
>  It is, indeed, unfortunate that the position Valentine and Thompson
>hold requires that some of the Davidians be government agents.

Gary apparently has not read the US government's Treasury Report. On pg. 92
it describes "former cult members" (note the plural use of the word) who
were in the "Compound" at the time of the raid.


These agents were apparently deployed throughout the building, studying and
later reporting the reaction of the Davidians to the news of the impending
ATF raid.

There is other evidence, though.  For example, go to:


and read "Smart Diagram of the Mt. Carmel Center "  and  "Dumb Diagram of
the Mt. Carmel Center."  You will see evidence that a deep cover
agent/agents were living amongst the Davidians, informing the govt. on the
location of the living quarters and offices of the Davidians before the

Deep cover agents also took down the ham radio tower before the ATF raid .
. . and set up a virtual test laboratory of surveillance devices within the
Mt. Carmel Center (see London Times article of March 21, 1993 at:


>Subject: Waco Update: 12-3-98
>Date: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 23:20:06 -0500
>From: Carol Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: A-Waco List from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  In early July I visited the National Holocaust
>Museum in Washington, D.C., where I live.  It was something
>I'd been meaning to do for a few years. I was motivated, in
>part, by my disgust with Carol Valentine's Holocaust
>Museum and her recent Holocaust denial rants on usenet.

>  The national Holocaust Museum presented ample
>evidence of Nazi crimes against political and religious
>activists and resisters, gypsies, the disabled, homosexuals,
>as well as those against Jews.  The museum's decor of
>brick, grey metal and unpainted wood simulates concentration
>camp architecture.  The three floors of the permanent exhibit
>detail in video, audio and artifacts the rise of the Nazis,
>the massacres, the concentration camps and the liberation
>of the few survivors.  One glass wall of a hallway lists
>the names of hundreds of predominantly Jewish communities
>and towns decimated by the Nazi's.  The Nazi's committed
>hundreds of "Wacos" against Jews alone. (And destroyed
>thousands of other villages on their march through Eastern
>Europe and the Soviet Union.)
>  I was most strongly reminded of Waco at the end of
>the 15 minute movie that described the museum's exhibits.
>In the final scene an American flag flies as the commentator
>says something like, "And Americans must make sure that
>something like this never happens here in America or anywhere
>again."  Well, I hadn't intended to do so, but I spontaneously
>called out, "No More Wacos."  I'm sure a few of the other
>visitors understood my concern-and that it was in the spirit
>of the Museum and not against it.

C.Moore fails to mention, among other things, that the USHMM helped
President Clinton hide the murders of the Davidians from the US public.

The inferno at Mt. Carmel had hardly gone out when the USHMM presented
Clinton as guest of honor at the dedication of the USHMM held on *April 19,

While *affirming* the holocaust of the Jews during WWII, Clinton used the
backdrop of the USHMM dedication to *deny* the Davidian holocaust, and to
make the false claim that the Davidians had committed suicide!

And not one of the "Never Again" crowd opened his mouth or uttered a word
of condemnation or comment on the public slaughter of  the Da

Re: [CTRL] Possible Santa Conspiracy Uncovered

1998-12-05 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

Brian Redman wrote:

> (CNNS,  12/05/98)   --   Sherman   Skolnick   III,   grandson  of
> Chicago-area researcher Sherman  Skolnick,  has  issued  a  press
> release  in  which the 7-year-old investigator insists that there
> is no Santa Claus.  "It's  all  a  plot  by adults.  They are all
> lying to us.  There is no Santa Claus," said the young Skolnick.

This is propaganda from the same labs that suggested the Easter Bunny
isn't real. Santa continues to bring me toys and partake of the snacks I
leave for him. I propose an alternate conspiracy theory. This message
was sent from Santa Claus, who is sick and tired of bringing children
gifts. Proof comes from the name of the sender of the message, Brian
"Redman," as in the fat red man who jettisons down the chimney with toys
for all.

Brian Redman is Santa Claus, and he's sick of bringing us gifts.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Countermands Netanyahu

1998-12-05 Thread Gerald Harp

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/5/98 6:08:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> I don't think the Lebanese think of the Israeli as liberators nevertheless.

You're right, they no longer do.  The Israelis overstayed their welcome.  The
Israelis had advanced to Beirut with the Lebanese cheering them all the way.
However, the US State Dept. saw to it that the IDF didn't wipe out the PLO
forces, the very thing the Israelis came to do (Remind you of the US in
southern Iraq?).  Israel withdrew from most of Lebanon once they belatedly
realized that the people were no longer cheering.  Actually, Israel only
controls the most southern part of Lebanon now.

Jerry harp

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: corporation nation

1998-12-05 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

In reply - This covers the fact that pharmaceutical are trying
to patent native remedies (mainly) of emerging countries.  Trying
to pressure some countries to help pass laws to their benefit (marijuana).
And (it seems) that if Clinton is not able to enact FEMA and the
School to work law (more about why if asked).  That these companies,
which seem to rule (own) some of the small nations, will start to feel the
pinch in their off shore bank accounts (which Clinton seems to have helped
out with).  Aspartame, organophosphate, pvc, Canola Oil and a host of others
will be kicked out if the FDA and EPA get together, and have the
support that could enable then to kick these things out of America.

What would happen, well the R and D, and propaganda divisions of those
companies know.  We will follow a path that the Orientals, Africans, South
Americans, and some other counties have already blazed.  We will go
mainly to herbs.  They will not make so much money, will not be able to
sell us so much snake oil, and you will have to be a informed consumer
which will mean that the Muzzle that was put on the Doctors (med
mal-practice) will be somewhat taken off.  We will be allowed to work
with our doctor.  HMO's - now with this laying in the future for those
companies do you have any question about why they were able to get
Hillary to put in HMO's.

But wait the Pres. may not be able to protect them well enough.  So,
what else are they doing.  Well they want to patent and be the only ones
allowed to market Herbs.  How can they drive a wedge in there?
How about getting the Shrinks in on it?  Psychologist and Psychiatrists -
The ones with a medical degrees are (currently) the only ones
allowed to dispense drugs.  But the other ones are lobbying to be able
to do it to.
>From my home page-

(New 23Oct 98) Monsanto is the company that makes
Aspartame, Bovine Growth Hormone, Terminator Seed
Technology, Roundup, and assorted other goodies that
are being proven detrimental to the health of the
Sugar has been shown to be addictive and a hazard to
your health (1). It has been linked to lung disease
when used to cure tobacco. Think of burnt sugar, now
think of burning it in a cigarette.  But what of cigarette
manufacturers, wonder of some of them are ready to
make marijuana cigarettes - considering California's
newest legislation. What are the alternatives? It is not
Aspartame or artificial sweeteners, the ones currently on
the market have been shown to CAUSE things like
Diabetes, heart attack to hyperactivity and death. So what
is the alternative? Macrobiotic Cooking (2) and the
cookbooks that they have put out can be a guideline. If
anyone has other ideas, or urls please send them to me!
Will be putting a editorial on sugar in this site within
the next several weeks. In the Middle Ages refined
sugar was originally handled by apothecary shops as a
dangerous drug, it was not until the Age of Enlightenment
that it started being used. It is one of the causes of
degenerative disease, as well as mental and emotional
disorders. Bottom line - do we label ADD, ADHD as
genetic because we refuse to stop using things that are
detrimental to our health or do we look for the
answers? One more help - some vitamins have a bad
bases, check out info on the web, I (personally) suggest
NATURAL and only the natural food supplements -
(these can be checked out through this page too, so that you
can make your own choice). These are different in the
ways that they are made. That means that even though
the merger between Monsanto and American Home
Products (makers of Centrum) fell through, "I" think that in
some ways they are still treading the same path.
Wonder how much stock Monsanto already owns (of American
Home Products?) If Monsanto goes bad they can always take
over a company that makes Vitamines - expessally IF they
can try to get Herbs labeled as pharmaceutical...

I agree the next war is going to be between the companies
not the countries.


my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors http://members.xoom.com/ThePiedPiper/Intro2.htm
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites

[CTRL] Possible Santa Conspiracy Uncovered

1998-12-05 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  12/05/98)   --   Sherman   Skolnick   III,   grandson  of
Chicago-area researcher Sherman  Skolnick,  has  issued  a  press
release  in  which the 7-year-old investigator insists that there
is no Santa Claus.  "It's  all  a  plot  by adults.  They are all
lying to us.  There is no Santa Claus," said the young Skolnick.

Asked to explain the various TV appearances by  Santa,  in  which
the  kindly  North  Pole  entrepreneur is clearly seen as in fact
existing, young Master Skolnick  elaborated:  "Those guys are all
fakes.  They all disguise  themselves  as  'Santa,'  but  they're
really just regular people."

CNNS (Conspiracy Nation News Service) contacted Chip Berlet, Jr.,
son  of  noted conspiracy debunker Chip Berlet, and asked for his
thoughts  on  a   possible   "Santa  conspiracy,"  where  'Santa'
supposedly does not exist and adults  are  all  lying  about  it.
Young  Master  Berlet  waxed  philosophical  as he stared out the
window and voiced his thoughts:   "Is he [Master Skolnick] saying
that THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of adults are  ALL  somehow  keeping
this a secret? I find that hard to believe."

Young  Master  Berlet  added  that  he  feared  there  could   be
anti-Semitism involved in Master Skolnick's "Santa doesn't exist"
conspiracy  theory.   "How  long will it be before young Skolnick
somehow blames it on the Jews?" he wondered.

Also  contacted  by  CNNS  was  Gerald  Posner  III,  grandson of
conspiracy debunker Gerald Posner.  When asked for his opinion on
the matter, young Master Posner raised the question as to why, if
Santa Claus did not exist, no major journalist had yet broken the
story.  "This would be one  heck  of a story," said young Posner.
"It would sell a lot of newspapers and make  the  career  of  any
reporter  who  uncovered  it.   So  how  could it be that NOT ONE
credible journalist has reported on this?"

Master Posner also found it hard to believe that so  many  adults
could keep such a secret to themselves.  "A football stadium full
of  adults, all tacitly agreeing to lie about Santa Claus?" asked
young Posner.  "Hey. It's hard enough for just two people to keep
a secret and here we're  talking  about thousands of people.  Not

But Sherman Skolnick III is  sticking  by  his  story,  insisting
again  and again that there is no Santa Claus.  Too bad for young
Master Skolnick:  unlike good  boys  Chip Berlet, Jr., and Gerald
Posner III, it looks like there'll be no toys for Master Skolnick
this Christmas.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
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Re: [CTRL] The World Conspirators: the Illuminati

1998-12-05 Thread Jesse M Dolan

 -Caveat Lector-

About the Illuminati and the New World Order:

Very good article. It fits in with a book I just finished reading, it was
called "New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies" it's
written by William T. Still.

Good book with lots of sources on this subject.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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1998-12-05 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: 112.000 IRAQ EVIL EMPIRE

Where did the Iraqis get all their military might in
the beginning?
It was given to them by the US government.

Through the use of agents like the C.I.A. the US
politicians turn countries against their neighbors
and create civil wars with in nations in order that
the American politicians can take control of other

The evil empire is controlled by the Republican
and Democratic Mob families.
There is no nation in the world which compares
in the responsibility of deaths of people of other
nations to achieve it's own agenda.

Wave a red, white and blue flag ... play a tune
the Lemmings have been conditioned to march to
and the party groupies will throw flowers at
the feet of the party mobs.

As states of America were once sovereign nations
which have become slave territories, so will the
other nations of the world be controlled by the
party mob bosses of the United States.

They have the same dream as Hitler, except that
they will stand back and watch as they turn other
nations against each in slaughter, until it is time
for them to step in and take over their countries.


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1998-12-05 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: 112.000 CLINTON/DOLE 96 CAMPAIGN

The democratic and republican mob family both
were involved in the 1996 robbery of the American
Between Clinton and Dole, they illegally used over
46 million dollars in their 86 campaign.

And who in the mob families is going to bring
their own mob members to justice?

You see when you belong to the mob, it is your
mob family which protects it's own.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-05 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-


In the minds of the American people, Cuba began
the offensive action when they teamed up with
Russia to install the missiles.

#1  They neglect to remind people that the US
had already installed missiles in Turkey to
point at Russia BEFORE the Russians made their

#2  They neglect to tell how in the proceeding years
the United States government sent agents into
Cuba to blow up factories and to burn large farm
People do not want to know how the American government
was trying to control the Cuban government just like
they are trying to control other governments.

#3  What would the American people have thought if they
would have known that the president with his hand on
the red button, was on speed?

How many Americans know that the Cubans were taking
defensive action against the party mob families of the US
who were/are trying to control all nations in the world?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FWD: EU's Hypocrisy

1998-12-05 Thread A.C. Szul

Date: Sat, 05 Dec 1998 17:42:44 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: CAS: OT: Wired: Europe is Listening
Reply-To: BRENDA JINKINS 383-4248 

   For education and discussion only. Not for commercial 
   Europe Is Listening 
   by Niall McKay 5:10 p.m. 2.Dec.98.PST 
   The European Union is quietly getting ready to approve 
   legislation that will allow the police to eavesdrop
   both on Internet conversations and Iridium satellite 
   telephone calls without obtaining court authorization.
   The legislation is part of a much wider memorandum of 
   understanding between the EU, the United States,
   Canada, New Zealand, and Norway, a nonmember European 
   nation. That agreement allows authorities to conduct 
   telecom surveillance across international borders, according 
   to a Europol document leaked to members of the European 
   If approved, it would permit real-time, remote monitoring 
   of email, as well as of calls placed on satellite
   telephone networks such as those maintained by Iridium 
   and Globalstar. Unlike most laws in Europe, the
   agreement will allow law enforcement to listen in 
   without a court order. 
   Ironically, in September, the European Parliament 
   called for accountability of Echelon, the US National
   Security Agency's spying network that is reportedly 
   able to intercept, record, and translate any electronic
   communication -- telephone, data, cellular, fax, 
   email, or telex. 

This mailing list is for discussion of Clinton Administration Scandals. If
you wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, send electronic mail to
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What happened to practicing what you preach?
"The sharpest tool in the shed." -- anonymous

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Countermands Netanyahu

1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/98 5:14:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< It tends to be rather the opposite.  For instance, when Israel invaded
 (actually no longer a functioning country by then thanks to Syria's invasion
 into the north and the Palestinian invasion following King Hussein's kicking
 the Palestinians out of Jordan), the Lebanese hailed the Israelis as
 liberators.  The Lebanese had been under the occupation of the gangster like
 PLO forces.  The American press was careful not to report this reality and
 video of this reaction was not shown. >>

I seem to recall it was the Syrians who had taken over Lebanon in large part.
I don't think the Lebanese think of the Israeli as liberators nevertheless.
We never talk too much about the fact that Israel orders Lebanon around as
though it was a colony.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Waco video on HBO3 Sun. Dec. 6

1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/2/98 10:02:14 PM Eastern Standard Time,

>  It's 86 murdered at Waco, not 186. I highly recommend the film.

Yes, it is a terrible thing that a charismatic pedophile and his sicko
followers burned their own children to death rather than be served a

Jerry harp

Did you know that 'gullible' is not in the dictionary?

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: corporation nation

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

Exxon merges with Mobil. Citicorp marries Travelers. Daimler Benz gobbles
up Chrysler. BankAmerica takes over NationsBank. WorldCom eats MCI.

Corporations are getting bigger and bigger, and their influence over our
lives continues to grow. America is in an era of corporate ascendancy, the
likes of which we haven't seen since the Gilded Age.

Charles Derber, a professor of sociology at Boston College, believes that,
contrary to the lessons our civics teacher taught us, it is undemocratic
corporations, not governments, that are dominating and controlling

In his most recent book, Corporation Nation (St. Martin's Press, 1998),
Derber argues that the consequence of the growing power of giant corporate
multinationals is increased disparity in wealth, rampant downsizing and
million dollar CEOs making billion dollar decisions with little regard for
average American.

A couple of years ago, Derber wrote The Wilding of America (St. Martin's
Press, 1996) in which he argued that the American Dream had transmuted
into a semi-criminal, semi-violent virus that is afflicting large parts of
the elites of the country.

That book tried to call attention to the extent to which violent behavior
could be understood as a product of oversocialization.

"The problem was not that they had been underexposed to American values,
but that they could not buffer themselves from those values," Derber told
us. "They had lost the ability to constrain any kind of anti-social
behavior -- because of obsessions with success -- the American Dream."

By anti-social behavior, Derber means the epitome of Reaganism -- "a kind
of warping of the more healthy forms of individualism in our culture into
a hyperindividualism in which people asserted their own interests without
regard to its impact on others."

At the time, Derber was interviewed on a Geraldo show about paid assassins
-- people who killed for money.

"It was scary to be around young people who confessed to killing for
relatively small amounts of money -- a few thousand dollars," Derber said.
"They said things like -- 'you have to understand, this is just a
business, everybody has to make money.' I pointed out on the show that
this was the language that business usually uses."

At the same time, Newsweek ran a cover story titled "Corporate Killers."
On the cover, Newsweek ran the mug shots of four CEOs who had downsized in
profitable periods and upped their own salaries.

"These corporate executives tended to use the same language as the paid
assassins on the Geraldo show, 'I feel fine about this because I'm just
doing what the market requires,'" Derber explains. "I develop an analogy
between paid assassins on the street and those in the suites. In the most
general sense, these corporate executives are paid hitmen who use very
much the same language and rationalization. I argue that corporations are
exemplifying a form of anti-social behavior which is undermining a great
deal of the social fabric and civilized values that we would hope to

With the hitmen parallel fresh in his mind, Derber began writing
Corporation Nation. In it, Derber points to the parallels between today
and the age of the robber barons 100 years ago -- the wave of corporate
mergers, the widening gulf between rich and poor (Bill Gates' net worth
(well over $50 billion) is more than that of the bottom 100 million
Americans), the enormous influence of corporations over democratic
institutions, both major parties bought off by big business, and a
Democratic President closely aligned with big business (Grover Cleveland
then, Bill Clinton today).

One big difference between then and now: back then, a real grassroots
populist movement rose up to challenge corporate power, though it did not
succeed in attaining its core goals.

Today, while there are many isolated movements challenging individual
corporate crimes, there is no mass movement attacking the corporation as
the cause of the wealth disparity, destruction of the environment, and all
the many other corporate driven ills afflicting society.

Derber, a professor of sociology at Boston College, says that when he asks
his students, "Have you ever thought about the question of whether
corporations in general have too much power," they uniformly say they have
never had that question raised.

Derber says that one good way to again build a populist movement to attack
corporate power is to study the language and tactics of the populists of
100 years ago. He has, and he makes clear in his book that the original
conception of the corporation was one of a public -- not private --

We the people created the corporation to build roads, and bridges, and
deliver the goods. If the corporation didn't do as we said, we yanked
their charter.

The corporate lawyers quickly got their hands around that idea, smashed
it, and replaced it with the current conception of the corporation, a
private person under the law, with the rights and privileges of any other

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: US Countermands Netanyahu

1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/98 5:14:11 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Something similar is happening with the American news media playing down
 reaction of ordinary Chileans at the arrest of Pinochet.  Have you noticed
 outraged the WSJ is at Pinochet having suffered the indignity of it all.
 Scant mention much less interviewing of the still living victims or showing
 the cheering people.  Thank God that at least Spain and Britain care that
 their citizens are murdered while our own diplomats wring their hands at the
 thought of making tin horn dictators upset. >>

Read my posting about the "Prisoner Pinochet" article in the December 2l issue
of THE NATION.   Our government and its CIA worked side by side with Pinochet
to achieve his ends.  Further when Spain asked in l997 for some of the records
that we had on the human rights abuses,  the Clinton Administration
stonewalled for a year and then gave them four boxes of trash--a box with
newspaper clippings, documentation of an operation in Honduras called Condor
that was unrealated to Chile's Operation Condor and two other boxes of pages
of legal files on the prosecution of the anti-Castro Cubans who participated
in the Letelier-Moffitt car-bombing.  We're obviously with our friend Pinochet
right to the end.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Did You Know 8

1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

The December 2l, l998 issue of THE NATION has a marvelous article by Peter
Kornbluh about Pinochet and our part in making his governmental policies.  It
appears the British are not all fond of him either.  There is one spot in the
article where a British columnist for THE INDEPENDENT responds to Chileans
lobbying for Pinochet's release by writing:

"Your beloved general is safe from us.  He will not be tortured, stabbed or
shot, or have electrodes attached to his genitals.  We will not drop him from
a helicopter into the sea, kidnap his grandchildren, break his hands or gouge
his eyes.  Our most vengeful hope is that he and his family may feel--if only
for a second--one billionth part of the terrible pain and mental agony that he
so pompously and callously visited on others."

And our CIA could always chime in just like the kid in the commercials with,
"And I helped."   There's one observation that the CIA's Santiago station
chief, Stuart Burton, maintained "a close relationship: with DINA commander
Col. Manuel Contreras.  They used to go on SUnday picnics together with their
families.  It's a humdinger of an article, and I recommend it highly.   The
Calvin Trillin poem alone is worth the price of the magazine.


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Re: [CTRL] New Info On Colby Death

1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/98 4:36:40 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< Has any prominent person in Washington, DC dropped dead within the past six
 years who wasn't done in by the President or the First Lady? >>

Probably not.  In fact just read the obit lists in the Post and TImes.  It's
all the fault of Bill and Hillary.  This takes in the surrounding areas of
Maryland, Virginia, N. Carolina dn South Carolina, a bit of West Virginia as
well.  Not a soul as perished that we can't blame on the White House.  Prudy

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/98 7:36:51 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 But beware, pennyroyal is a strong abortificant, so pregnant women should
 handle it or be exposed to it. >>

I've heard some warnings from vets too.  It seems that it can cause similar
troubles to animals.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: column, Dec. 9

1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

This column really tells it like it is.  Thought you might like to read it.

THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz
Role of U.S. businessmen must be exposed

The first instinct is to dismiss allegations that major American auto
makers collaborated with Hitler's war effort. After all, it sounds like
another attempt to blame "greedy businessmen" for all of history's ills --
a favorite tactic of the political left.

  The current civil case against the major automakers is being brought by
"lawyers in Washington and New York who specialize in extracting large cash
settlements from banks and insurance companies accused of defrauding
Holocaust victims," reports Michael Dobbs of The Washington Post.

  (When individual culpability can be shown, of course, actual surviving
victims deserve restitution. But when do such lawsuits cross the line into
an extortion racket, in which those with deep pockets -- generations
removed from any real culpability -- are hounded into paying up, regardless
of guilt?)

  But let's be clear: There are times when history does need to be rewritten.

  Some who put their lives on the line flying bomber missions over occupied
Europe in 1944 -- including Reuben "Red" Hafter, now a retired test pilot
and active spokesman for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership --
have long held that American bomber command was not ignorant of what was
going on in Hitler's death camps. Hafter recalls arguing with his
commanders repeatedly that they should bomb the rail lines leading to the
German concentration camps in order to interrupt Nazi logistics. "I told
them, 'People are dying there.' It's not true that we didn't know."

  Rumors have also circulated for years that the allied air forces
purposely held back from bombing certain industrial targets because English
or American corporate interests owned shares in those facilities.

  Now come revelations (in newly-rediscovered official postwar
investigations by the U.S. Army) that, far from being a hapless victim when
the factories of its German subsidiary were taken over and converted to
German war production in 1939, the German branch of Ford became an "arsenal
of Naziism" with the "consent" of the firm's Dearborn headquarters.

  Meantime, according to the typewritten notes of James Mooney, then GM
director in charge overseas operations, Mooney met with Adolf Hitler in
Berlin two weeks after the invasion of Poland -- and returned to Germany in
February of 1940 for further discussions and a factory tour with no less a
figure than Hermann Goering -- to negotiate a government-brokered contract
under which GM's German subsidiary helped manufacture the Junker

  An FBI report dated July 23, 1941, quoted Mooney as saying he would
refuse to take any action that might "make Hitler mad."

  It's unlikely any of these actions violated U.S. law. The United States
was technically neutral until Pearl Harbor in 1941. Germany was not then an
"enemy" with whom trade was restricted.

  But such rationales do little to curb our shock over revelations that
American businessmen were cooperating with the Fuhrer even as his troops
carved up Poland and prepared to turn their eyes to the west. Nor should
the assertion that "they didn't do anything illegal" now prevent a full
exposure of the historical truth -- especially since American businessmen,
operating subsidiaries all over the world, doubtless still face similar
moral quandaries every day.

  Is it enough to merely obey local laws and "prevailing customs"?

 American businessmen take political heat when their foreign factories pay
less than American wages, or when they provide factory jobs to children
overseas. But if they're putting meals on the tables of families that would
otherwise be worse off -- if those child laborers are their parents' sole
breadwinners, and would otherwise have to fall back on child prostitution
-- applying American standards is absurd.

  Yet how tempting it is to then go a step further, justifying bribery or
the use of the forced labor of political prisoners, rationalizing "That's
just the way things are done over there -- if we say no, the contract will
only go to the Germans or the French."

  Go far enough down this road, and you can probably convince yourself it's
OK to build bombers for the Wehrmacht.

  In the end, the only solution is for each investor to take some personal
responsibility for knowing how his or her capital is used.

  Did Ford and GM stockholders know or care what was being done in their
names in 1940?

  For that matter, did you own U.S. Treasury bonds in 1993, when some of
the money our government thus borrowed from its own citizens was used to
arm and pay men to shoot up and finally burn down a Seventh Day Adventist
church in Waco, Texas, immolating dozens of unarmed women and children --
all merely to justify their agency's "SWAT" funding at pending


1998-12-05 Thread Hilary Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Together We Create Heaven on Earth
-Original Message-
Date: Saturday, December 05, 1998 3:10 PM

Prudy writes:

>I've always used this with a vacuum cleaner.  It seems there are no fleas
>Utah.  When I moved there, the vet so informed me.  No one seemed certain
>not, but some folks attributed it to the borax in the soil there.

You may be above the flea line.  They can't survive (or the eggs can't
survive) above 5000 feet.  I'm at 7000 ft and not a flea in sight all summer
long anywhere.  Additionally, rattle snakes don't usually go above 5000 ft
either unless it is particularly dry and they go in search of water from the
mountain springs/streams.


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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1998-12-05 Thread PRUDYL

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/4/98 12:13:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< >
 > Well, and while we're on the subject, I have a great, and very cheap method
 > keeping fleas out of the house.  Anyone interested?  Prudy

 I am...please send. By the way vinegar, just plain vinegar works on ants! >>

I've always used this with a vacuum cleaner.  It seems there are no fleas in
Utah.  When I moved there, the vet so informed me.  No one seemed certain why
not, but some folks attributed it to the borax in the soil there.  So when I
got to Pennsylvania  and became owner of a very large dog that needed long,
long walks which took place in a state park, I decided to try the borax thing.
I bought a large box of 20-Mule Team Borax and every time I change the vacuum
cleaner bag, I start it by letting it suck up about a forth of a cup of the
borax.  Just the fumes going out the vacuum exhaust seem to be enough.  I've
been walking the dog three to five miles every morning in a wooded parkland
where there is a ton of wild life, and we live next to a wooded area with more
wild life that visits our back yard whenever the sun goes down.  My dog hasn't
had a flea in six years, and there are none in my carpets.  I do vacuum every
day; I don't know if it would work if I didn't vacuum regularly.  Bye the way,
how do you use the vinegar for ants?  I have a girlfriend with an ant problem.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Koreana: 12-05

1998-12-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I think they call it 'Ops check' and I think it worked ... I recall a time
at the firing range when a co-firer complained his rifle was jammed after
having fired only one round.  The instructor when to check it out and found
the 'switch' for single round firing or clip firing was faulty -- fired the
clip in either position.  Darned switches ...


Via Irish Times

WORLDSaturday, December 5, 1998

Missile launch blamed on
'circuitory problem'

South Korea: South Korean forces near the heavily militarised border
accidentally launched a fully armed antiaircraft missile yesterday that
exploded in mid-air, injuring at least three people.

Defence ministry officials said the missile was fired in the morning during
an equipment-checking drill at an air force base in the western port city
of Inchon, some 40 km from the border dividing the two Koreas.

The Korean air force later said in a statement that an electrical defect
occurred as soldiers turned on a switch which signified that all was ready
for inspection.

"Normally the missile cannot be launched with this switch," the statement

"A circuitory problem, not human error, was the cause of the accident," it

The statement said military authorities would continue to investigate the
reason behind the defect.

Air force Lt Col Lee Sung-ryol said earlier that an automatic safety device
caused the missile to self-destruct in mid-air three seconds after it was
launched because a target was not assigned to it.

The missile was fully armed, he said. Reports earlier had said the missile
was unarmed.

Fragments from the exploding missile hit a nearby residential area,
injuring at least three civilians and damaging cars and homes, Yonhap
Television News (YTN) said. The flaming debris also set off a fire on a
nearby hill.

One man was brought to hospital with head injuries from the missile's

Local television showed images of damaged cars and broken windows from the
missile fragments. Police said 41 cars and nine homes and business were
reported damaged by the explosion.

Some 165 sq metres of trees and brush were burnt down by flames on the
hill, police said.

The missile was identified as a 34-year-old "Nike Hercules" with a target
range of some 160 km, designed for shooting down enemy aircraft and large
missiles, YTN said. The accident near the last Cold War frontier came as
North Korea was escalating its war of words with the US. - (Reuters)
>From Sydney Morning Herald

Friday, December 4, 1998


Seoul to pay for North's reactors


Seoul: Cash-strapped South Koreans may be forced to open their wallets to
help pay for two nuclear reactors being built in North Korea, despite an
economic slump which has slashed their incomes.

The Government is considering boosting electricity prices by between 2 and
4 per cent to defray the cost of the $US4.5 ($7.25) billion reactors, which
are being built under a 1994 deal to mothball North Korea's nuclear menace.

Seoul will pay $US3.2 billion - about 70 per cent of the total bill. The
rest will be provided by other members of an international consortium
behind the light-water reactors, which produce only small amounts of
weapons-grade plutonium.

But a worsening economic slump means South Korea does not have the spare
cash to pay for the project.

An official said yesterday that it may resort to a price rise which would
only slightly boost the average monthly electricity bill.

Officials believe, perhaps a little hopefully, that Koreans would not mind
paying for peace, despite the fact that many oppose the idea of paying
blackmail money to a regime which does not even recognise their country.

With Koreans taking to the streets to protest against politicians who
failed to foresee the economic crisis, many will see the latest proposal as
adding insult to injury.

But it is not finalised yet. Newspaper articles outlining the plan
yesterday were seen as a ploy to gauge public opinion before pressing ahead
with consultations before new laws.

The cash grab comes as North Korea accuses the United States of driving the
Korean peninsula "to the brink of war" over its demand for inspections of a
suspected underground nuclear site.
>From Yahoo! in Asia News

Saturday December 5, 3:46 AM

"Great differences" with US on nuclear talks: North Korean

NEW YORK, Dec 4 (AFP) - US and North Korean delegates are faced with "great
differences" in talks over a disputed North Korean nuclear site which
opened here Friday, a North Korean delegate said.

The North Korean vice foreign minister, speaking through an interpreter,
said the talks were "not that smooth."

There are "great differences in our views," Kim Kye-Gwan said, during a
lunch break after an official round of negotiations.

And he repeated North Korea's rejection of proposed inspections at the
suspect site an

[CTRL] Weaver angry at U.S. over Ruby Ridge

1998-12-05 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From: http://insidedenver.com/news/1205weav6.shtml
Weaver angry at U.S. over Ruby Ridge

Son, wife killed during 17-month siege with marshals, FBI in 1992

By Kevin Flynn
News Staff Writer

Randy Weaver, an idol of many in the anti-government movement, went
after federal agents in absentia when he told his side of the story of
the 1992 Ruby Ridge tragedy on Friday at the Denver Preparedness Expo.

"Some of them believe they're God and they can do anything they want to
you," Weaver told an audience of several hundred people.

Weaver's wife, Vicki, and 14-year-old son, Sam, were killed during a
siege of the Weaver home in Idaho by U.S. marshals and FBI agents.
Marshal William Degan was killed during a shootout.

"A lot of people tell me I have to forgive these people for what they
did," Weaver said. "No I don't, not unless they have a contrite heart."

Weaver kept his presentation to about as many words as he exchanged
with federal agents during the 17 months he was holed up in his
mountain-top home. He talked for just six minutes as the featured
speaker kicking off the lectures at the Expo's opening day.

He took questions when he finished, but politely declined one questioner
who asked for details of the events of the deadly siege.

He drew applause when he said he hopes for chaos in the coming year from
Y2K computer glitches. Y2K stands for year 2000, when some computer
programs that operate with two-digit year entries are predicted to fail
and cause widespread disruption of goods and services. The Preparedness
Expo, which runs through Sunday at the Merchandise Mart on East 58th
Avenue at Interstate 25, is drawing people in search of survival goods.

"I hope Y2K shuts the government down totally and they have to go out
and get real jobs," Weaver said.

Weaver, 50, is at the Expo to sell the self-published book he wrote with
his daughter, Sara, 22, titled The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge in Our
Own Words.

Asked about the major difference between his book and others written
about the event that galvanized the citizen patriot movement in
America,  Weaver said, "Everything in this one is true."

Weaver and his children won $3.1 million from the government to settle a
lawsuit they brought over the killings. Weaver and a friend at the
siege, Kevin Harris, both were wounded and later were put on trial in
Degan's killing. They were found innocent of murder.

Weaver blames the entire episode on federal law enforcement bungling and
"lack of common sense."

A white separatist who knew people in the Aryan Nations movement in
northern Idaho, Weaver says he was targeted for three years by a
government informant trying to turn him into a snitch against Aryan

The informant got Weaver to sell him two sawed-off shotguns in 1989.
Agents later threatened to prosecute him on the illegal weapons charge
unless he cooperated. He refused. When he was given the wrong date for
his trial and didn't show up, a fugitive warrant was issued and Weaver
resolved to stay on Ruby Ridge.


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[CTRL] N. Ireland Police Blame Masonic Orangemen For Violence

1998-12-05 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

From: http://www.cwnews.com/news/getstory.cfm?recnum=9086
Northern Ireland Police Blame Orangemen For Violence

DUBLIN (CWNews.com) - In Northern Ireland, the Chief Constable of the
Royal Ulster Constabulary, Ronnie Flanagan, has hit out at attempts by
Orangemen to blame police for last night's trouble in Drumcree, in which
10 policemen were injured.

Members of the Masonic Orange Lodge have been camped at Drumcree in
County Armagh since July, when they were refused permission to march
through a Catholic area to commemorate the victory of the Protestant
King William of Orange at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690.

Flanagan -- a Protestant -- said one thousand Orangemen arrived in
Drumcree last night with fireworks in their back pockets, with iron
bars, cudgels, stones, bricks, and bottles, with the intention of
provoking violence and confrontation with police.

Four protesters were treated in hospital after the clashes but there
were no arrests. None of the RUC injuries were serious. Portadown Orange
Lodge spokesman, David Jones, said Orangemen intended to continue the
protest until they were allowed down the nationalist Garvaghy road.


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[CTRL] CIA Role In Satellite Case Leads To Probe - Report

1998-12-05 Thread Dan S

 -Caveat Lector-

Saturday December 5 12:08 AM ET

CIA Role In Satellite Case Leads To Probe - Report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Justice Department is investigating whether
the CIA obstructed justice by giving Hughes Electronics Corp information
about a congressional inquiry into the transfer of U.S. space technology
to China, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

Quoting unidentified senior federal government officials, the newspaper
said high-ranking CIA officials had agreed to testify next week before a
federal grand jury about information provided earlier this year to

The company has supplied the CIA with satellites and sophisticated
communications equipment for decades.

The CIA gave Hughes information about the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence's technology transfer investigation that might have enabled
the firm to anticipate the moves of congressional investigators, the
Post said.

The Justice Department initiated the probe at the request of the Senate
committee. The report said the committee was alarmed to learn the CIA
had told Hughes the names of company officials which the agency had
previously supplied to the panel to assist in its investigation.

A CIA official acknowledged that the agency may have erred in providing
certain information to Hughes, the Post said.

But the official said the information was turned over in the normal
course of business between the agency and one of its major classified
contractors with no intention of interfering with the Senate

A spokesman for the company told the Post: ``Hughes has not been
provided information by the CIA regarding the details of federal
criminal investigations involving Hughes.''

Hughes and Loral Space & Communications Ltd (NYSE:LOR - news) are under
investigation by the Justice Department and two congressional committees
for their role in transferring technology to the Chinese after
satellites belonging to Hughes and Loral were destroyed in two Chinese
rocket explosions.



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[CTRL] Veterans back Iraq over Gulf war illness

1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-



December 3, 1998

Veterans back Iraq over Gulf war illness

Iraq blames DU for increase in deformities

Veterans from the 1991 Gulf war against Iraq
are joining the Iraqi authorities in saying that
ammunition used by the allies in the war has
caused severe health problems.

The veterans are attending an international medical
conference in Baghdad on the impacts of depleted
uranium, DU, which Iraq says is still poisoning the

Iraqi doctors say they have seen a huge increase in
problems in former combat areas and that   childhood
cancers have increased four-fold.

DU, a metal residue left when natural uranium is
refined, gives shells extra penetrating power.
On impact, the shells create an airborne dust,
which can be poisonous if inhaled or ingested.

Two British Gulf War veterans, Ray Bristow and
Colin Purcell-Lee, have travelled to Baghdad to
gather more information on DU.

The two men say they are suffering from the
effects of DU.

Our correspondent in Baghdad, Jeremy Cooke,
says the fact that two British ex-servicemen are
at the symposium, sitting with their former
enemies, is clearly embarrassing for the UK

MoD raids soldier's home

Mr Bristow has learned that his home in Hullhas
been raided by Ministry of Defence police   and
several official documents removed.

 The former warrant officer said he expects  to
be arrested when he gets home, but is notworried.

 ''I'm not frightened of the truth. Maybe the
Ministry of Defence are, the government are. I'lldo
what's just and right. That is being patriotic to
one's country. I'm not atraitor,'' he added.

Our correspondent says the veterans know Iraqi   leader
Saddam Hussein will use them for propagandapurposes, but
they are not apologising.

The MoD says there is no evidence that British troops  were
exposed to depleted uranium.

Child cancers soar

The two-day conference, attended by 600 Iraqi doctors   and
scientists, called for a ban on DU and urged   affected
families to seek compensation from the US and Britain.

 Iraqi scientists showed pictures and slides of   disfigured
babies who were born without hands or legsor with
distorted heads.

 They said the number of babies with birth  defects
had increased three-fold around thecity of Basra
in the south, which was close  to Gulf War

And hospital statistics indicated that the
number of Iraqi children with cancer rose to
130,000 in 1997 from 32,000 in 1990.

'Oil well fires could be to blame'

But a Canadian scientist, Dr Hari Sharma, said
although the deformations were heartbreaking,
the Iraqis had failed to prove a link to DU.

He suggested the increase in cancer could be
caused by the huge oil well fires during the war
or the subsequent UN sanctions which led to
severe shortages of food and medicines.

But he said he had found DU in urine samples
from allied Gulf War veterans who had
complained of unexpected ailments following

British and American veterans said they had
come to the conference because their own
countries were withholding information on DU.


  The CIA recently leaked an area called Kamaishu as being a
chem/bioweapons site the US blew up to destroy way out in the middle of
no where.Yet---right in the middle of a huge area where soldiers
were an ammo depot that cought fire ---burned up---blew up with
enough DU to kill half the town with DU toxicity goes uninvestigated or
modeled to the degree of the one out in the middle of no where.

DU and heavy metal poisioning has the apearance of some biological
agent because it alters the immune response and virals, bacteria, and
other problems accompany the neurotoxic damages.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Carbon Watch

1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Erin Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


  The Sustainable Energy and Economy Network's Bulletin on Fossil Fuel
  Projects and Development Aid

  Profiting from pollution
  International lender leads developing world toward fossil fuels and
global warming (This issue also published in November 22, 1998, San Jose
Mercury News/Knight-Ridder wire)


  THE GATHERING in Buenos Aires a week ago was supposed to be about
climate   change, but it felt more like a trade show. Instead of
focusing on how to   prevent global warming, attendees jostled to get a
piece of a lucrative   emerging market: trading in pollution credits.

  Leading the pack was the World Bank, which has become the largest
public financier of carbon-emitting oil, gas and coal projects in
developing nations. Not only are the bank's projects contributing to
climate change, but the bank is also hoping to double-dip -- by
funding fossil fuel projects in poor countries at the front end, then
reaping financial benefits from the resulting pollution.

  The consequence of this daisy chain is to lock developing countries
into a fossil fuel energy path, repeating the mistakes of the First
World rather than leapfrogging to newer and cleaner energy
technologies. And the ultimate   consequence is rapid, perhaps
irreversible, global climate change.

  The World Bank's stated mission is to alleviate poverty and promote
sustainable development. Energy consumption is a key indicator of a
nation's economic growth, so it is no surprise that roughly a fifth of
the World Bank's lending goes toward increasing energy and power supply
in poor nations.

  What is surprising is that the World Bank is doling out billions of
dollars a year for fossil fuel projects -- the single greatest
contributor to climate change.

  This is despite the bank's acknowledging that climate change is
disastrous for poor nations, and that efficiency and renewable resources
such as solar power are the best ways to serve the 2 billion rural poor
worldwide who have no electricity.

  Nevertheless, more than three-fourths of its energy loan portfolio is
devoted to fossil fuels. Since the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 1992,
the World Bank has spent $13.6 billion on coal mines, oil and gas fields
and fossil-fueled power plants in developing countries and the former
Soviet bloc; an additional $3.9 billion in loans and credits is pending.
And each taxpayer-backed World Bank dollar paves the way for five or six
additional dollars in private investment for such projects.

  Together, these projects will have a significant impact on the global

  Fossil-fuel burning from post-1992 World Bank projects eventually will
contribute an immense burden of carbon dioxide to the Earth's atmosphere
-- equivalent to 1.3 times the total emitted by all the world's
countries in 1995.

  Profiting from emissions
  Plan to enter market in trading pollution

  It is these emissions from which the bank now hopes to profit.

  Under a proposal that has been kept tightly under wraps, the bank
plans to enter the market in pollution credits -- estimated to reach
$150 billion in trading by 2020 -- and skim 5 percent from each trade it

  Two types of emissions trading exist under a system approved at the
Kyoto climate conference last December:

   Trades between industrialized nations.

  These nations pledged at Kyoto to reduce their emissions to below 1990
levels by 2008. Some countries have reached this goal already, so they
have the ``right'' to pollute more. They can sell that right to other
nations. The climate doesn't know the difference, or so the logic goes.

   Trades involving a specific project in which two nations cooperate.

  Under these so-called ``joint implementation'' deals, one nation gets
outside investment and allegedly cleaner technology than it could afford
alone. In return, the other doesn't have to reduce emissions as much
within its borders.

  That might be a good idea -- if it worked. But the concept behind
emissions trading fails on several counts.

  First, the rationale for emissions trading is that fossil fuels are
the only economically viable way for developing countries to get the
energy they need to grow. Yet already, the health and other costs from
burning coal in China are estimated at 5 percent of China's gross
domestic product. And hurricanes such as Mitch, which are expected to
increase in intensity with climate change, cause incalculable damage in
countries such as Honduras or Nicaragua.

  Second, emissions trading assumes energy services will ``trickle
down'' to the poor, who will then be able to use that energy for
cooking, heating or lighting. In fact, the opposite is happening.

  That's because some World Bank-supported projects encourage the export
of fuel to wealthy nations, such as the pipelines that extract oil and
gas from Nigeria and Chad. Others produce power for the urban


1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-


The Pioneer

Wednesday, December 2, 1998

The Gene Campaign, an organisation fighting for the protection of
rights of Indian farmers, has urged the Union government to cancel
the licence granted to the US-based multinational Monsanto to
conduct field trials as it "lacked transparency in its

Gene Campaign convenor Suman Sahai, in a statement here, said the
interests and goals of Indian agriculture and Monsanto company were
diametrically opposite and the latter was in the process of
terminator technology for self destructing seeds.

"What is good for monsanto is not good for us."

Our goals are food and nutritional security for our people and
maintaining genetic diversity and easy availability of seeds in all
agro-climatic zones," Dr Sahai added.

Dr Sahai, a noted bio-technologist, questioned the motives of
Monsanto conducting field trials on cotton crop in 40 places in
India when it could conduct similar tests in the US which had five
times more agricultural land where the BT cotton variety was

"Probably, to escape the critical scrutiny and expensive field
trials, that company had selected India."

Dr Sahai said the gene terminator technology was against nature and
was one of the "most dangerous developments'' in agriculture.

"There can be nothing more perverse in the field of agriculture
than to create seeds that were sterile,'' she said.

``By throwing out the US-based multinational, India must send a
message to others that the country was not a dumping ground for
toxic wastes, untested vaccines or undesirable seeds,'' Dr Sahai

PTI adds from Hyderabad: Monsanto India and Maycho on Tuesday ruled
out the use of terminator gene technology in its ongoing field
trials, with genetically-improved bollgard cotton crops either now
or in future.

``We are only using a bacterium from the soil called BT (bacillus
thuringiensis) to protect cotton ball from the dreaded bollworm. It
is a more cost effective method for Indian farmers than using
insecticides,'' said Mr M K Sharma, managing director, Mahyco, and
Monsanto manager V Meena.

The selective field trials-cum-demonstrations at 41 places and
would always be fully in accordance with the statutory requirements
and guidelines spelled out by the department of biotechnology, they

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1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-

> **The information below may be found at SOA WATCH WEB PAGE at:
> http://www.soa.org/**
> US Defense Department says teaching manuals violated
>  US policy
> On September 20, the U.S. Defense Department admitted that manuals
used to train soldiers at the US Army School of the Americas at Fort
Benning, Georgia, included practices that were outlawed in the 1980s.
According to the Pentagon, the manuals suggested that informants could
be controlled with fear, beatings, truth serum, and death threats.
> One manual, entitled "Handling of Sources" stated that "The
counterintelligence agent must offer presents and compensation for
information leading to the arrest, capture or death of guerrillas."
Another manual, entitled "Terrorism and the Urban Guerrilla" suggested
using extortion in interrogations and that counterintelligence agents'
duties should include specifying "targets for neutralizing."
> The Pentagon said that the manuals were used at the School of the
Americas from 1989 to 1991 and by trainers in Latin America from 1987
to 1989. According to Lt. Col. Arne Owens, a Pentagon spokesman, "The
problem was discovered in 1992, properly reported and fixed." On July
4, 1996, in response to an Intelligence Oversight Board report, School
of the Americas spokesman Major Gordon Martel stated that "All of the
manuals used by the School of the Americas are approved by the Army,
and the school has never done those things [executions and physical
abuse], ever, in its history... I'm flabbergasted. I don't know how
they could say such things without ever having come down here to the
School of the Americas. " The manuals specifying such methods of
operation, which violated Army policy at the time. The Defense
Department claims that is trying to collect the manuals, but noted
that "due to incomplete records, retrieval of all copies is doubtful."
> White House spokesman Mike McCurry, when asked about the School of the
Americas during a press conference on Monday, September 23, stated
that "the School for the Americas is not the school that would have
entertained the use of these very inappropriate manuals long ago."
> The Center for International Policy has made the following related
documents available online:
> Defense Department "Fact Sheet" detailing the manuals' use and
> quoting the objectionable passages. March 10, 1992 Defense
> Department report of the investigation into the manuals'
  content. 1992 Department of Defense memo detailing "policy on
intelligence and counterintelligence training of non-United   States
> ___
> NUEVO AMANECER PRESS-N.A.P.To know about us visit:
> http://www.nap.cuhm.mx/nap0.htm  (spanish)
>   ***
> In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107,this material is
distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a
prior interest. This information is for non-profit research and
education purpuses only. **We encourage you to reproduce this
information but please give credit to the source, translator and
publication. thank you.**
> General Director:Roger Maldonado-Mexico  Director Europe: Darrin
> Advisor and Special Correspondent:Guillermo Michel-Mexico.
> NAP Coordination:Susana Saravia

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[CTRL] Secret tests on Gulf troops -- Radiation checks after top brass try to hush up

1998-12-05 Thread John Kemp

 -Caveat Lector-



Secret  tests on Gulf troops
Radiation checks after top brass try to hush up the risk


The Ministry of Defence is conducting secret tests into the possible
deadlyb radiation poisoning of Gulf War veterans. Scientists at defence
research centre Porton Down are looking into the potential effects of
depleted uranium on troops who fought in the 1991
conflict. The MoD has repeatedly insisted British soldiers were not
exposed to harmful leels of radioactive substances in the Gulf, but last
month former Royal Army Medical Corps theatre technician Ray Bristow
became the first British Gulf War veteran to test positive for uranium
depletion poisoning, raising the prospect that the thousands more have
been exposed.

Now the Express can reveal that 16 more British soldiers are awaiting
the results of expensive urine tests being carried out at their own
expense in Canada and 10 more have asked to give samples.

Minutes of a Gulf Veterans Medical Assessment Programme meeting, headed
by Professor  Harry Lee, which took place earlier this month, seem to
contradict MoD denials tht its scientists are investigating the effect
of exposure to radioactive material.

The document, which has been seen by The Express states:  “Research was
also on-going on depleted uranium and NAPS (nerve agent protection
tablets), and Professor Lee mentioned he was going to visit Porton Down
next week as part of these investigations.”  Since coming home from the
Gulf at least 300 veterans hae died and around 3,000 have suffered
illnesses including breathing disorders, neurological problems, skin
problems, memory loss depression and leukaemia.

Allied forces in the Gulf War used large quantities of shells and
missiles tipped with depleted uranium, especially in anti-tank weaponry.
When DU tipped weapons hit  a target, tiny radioactive particles are
scattered in the surrounding area.  Those breathing in large quantities
of these particles are likely to suffer from poisonous deposits in the
blood, kidney lungs or bones.

Cells coming into contact with the uranium can be killed or altered and
likely illnesses caused by exposure include kidney damage, psychiatric
disorders and cancers.

Andrew Honer , of the International All Vets Unit, demanded the
Government come clean about any research being carried out into the
depleted uranium. Mr Honer, 41, who served in the parachute regiment
during the Gulf conflict, said:  “Its role is supposed to be examining,
advising and counselling thousands of active and former members of the
armed forces with illnesses related to the war. “Given that the MoD has
always denied that our forces were exposed to dangerous levels of
radiation, why are they now doing research into the effects of exposure?
It is an affront to those who have served their country to keep that

Asked whether the MoD was carrying out any research into the effects of
depleted uranium, an MoD spokesman said: “ The MoD continue to consider
evidence on all suggested causes to Gulf veterans’ illnesses. These
included depleted uranium and Professor Lee is involved in these
deliberations. “However there is no formal research programme.  The MoD
remains open to any ew proposals.”

Psychiatrist Dr Beatrice Bocter, who has been coordinating the testing
of veterans worried about DU poisoning said:  “Our soldiers were
poisoned, their forces and populations were poisoned.  The West must
take responsibility and start cleaning up.”

Jo Masters, a solicitor at Hodge Jones and Allen which is representing
300 Gulf veterans, said:  “It’s the front line soldiers who are most
likely to be affected.  “ We have clients with kidney problems and
psychiatric disorders.”

Page 10
Gulf Veterans face new fear

The saga of the so-called Gulf War Syndrome has been with us ever since
the end of the conflict in 1991. Two years ago the then Defence
Minister, Nicholas Soames, apologised to veterans for the use of
dangerous pesticides but the authorities have consistently denied any
other liability. Indeed they have refused to acknowledge even that the
supposed symptoms of Gulf War Syndrome existed.

As we reveal today, however, scientists at the Porton Down defence
research centre are looking into the potential effects of deadly
depleted uranium on Gulf War troops. Allied forces used large numbers of
arms coated in the substance and there is evidence this may have exposed
them to dangerous levels.

The Government’s dismissive reaction to veterans’ claims has long been
unsatisfactory. If the Porton Down research provides concrete proof, the
next step will have to include proper compensation.

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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Re: [CTRL] Killing unwanted people

1998-12-05 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Legalized Drugs?  The main one that I see right now is
Marajana.  Monsanto sells most if not all the rape seed to
grow Canola Oil.  Who sells the Marajana seed, and wants to
sell it in America?
The Pied Piper

my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors http://members.xoom.com/ThePiedPiper/Intro2.htm
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's NutraSweet/Equal/Spoonful/Benevia/NatraTaste)
VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites
VISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/   ..FAQs & Cases
VISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Piper Fwd: Legislation Draft

1998-12-05 Thread Laura Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi everybody...

I have added 2 more responses to the web site, plus the group
response has
been updated as well.


The first new response, Michelle, is a very personal reply.  Perhaps
reply will encourage those of you who were afraid to respond directly
report, but who still wanted to somehow have your comments recorded

The second response is from the Massachusetts Association for the
Injured, Inc.

Finally, the group response has been updated.

The deadline for comments is looming quickly.  Please consider making
sort of comment if you have not done so already.

Please feel free to distribute this information widely.

Andi DesJardins
Exec. Dir., Health & environment Resource Center


my ICQ# 14484977
Education: A House of Mirrors
Legislation and what we are allowing by Letting our
children be labeled as only ADD or ADHD
http://www.cec.sped.org/faq/gt-ld.htm (New 16 Oct 98)

3) Uncover Myths in Education
Myth 1 That Home Schoolers Need to be under the
Umbrella of a Church or Religious Group.
1. Take the 60-day No Aspartame Test and send us your case history.
Mission Possible International
5950-H State Bridge Rd. #215
Duluth, GA 30097 USA
2. Tell your doctor and all of your friends!
3. Return Asparcidal food to the store.
(anything with Monsanto's
VISIT http://www.dorway.com/possible.html Get links to over 30 sites
VISIT http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame/   ..FAQs & Cases
VISIT http://www.notmilk.com Exposing Bovine Growth Hormone
Disability and Death are not acceptable costs of business!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Evil Germans

1998-12-05 Thread dduckquack

 -Caveat Lector-

One says:
While it is true that the Germans, Slavs, and Jews bore the brunt of
WWII, the
difference is that the Jews were killed simply for being Jews.  Do you
get it

The reason to understand religion is because it is intertwined in greed
and politics.
It does not matter who or what religious group people belong to, when
they claim they are God's special people and better than every one
else, those (other religious people) around them begin to hate them.

Note all the gold and paintings those "Jews" claim to be theirs.
Where did they get those billions in wealth?
When a great depression is going on and a people's children
are starving and with out heat, they tend to hate any group
who hoards money and cheats pathetic people.

Other than "Jews" there were Hindus, Buddhist ... other religions
in Germany, but the Germans did not single them out to kill
"because they were Buddhist\Hindus".

Jews/Germans were not singled out by English/Germans,
Russian/Germans, French/Germans ... because they were Jews.
"Jews" were hated because of their better than thou beliefs
and because they horded money and took advantage of helpless
Dutch/Germans, Polish/Germans 

It was not those who's heredity involved Jews. It had nothing
to do with being a physical Jew. It had every thing to do with
hating a group better than all others and stomping on others
to gain wealth in the time of a great depression.

Nazis, the SS ... begin to trace their family trees and know that
thousands of them had Jewish heredity in their past.

The fact is that in WW2 there were millions of those evil
Germans/Japs who were Americans. Germany was no different
than America.
Germany was not some nation of German/Germans, Germany
was a composite of Europeans from all nations.

People are not evil because of their nationality, they are evil
because they are mindless groupies who allow themselves
to be led by evil leaders.
Republicans, Democrats ... The Nazis are all Lemmings
who blindly follow corrupt leaders.
When one of their gods are exposed in perverted corruption,
the party patsy does not distance themselves from that
evil, they begin to make excuses for them and change the
subject by pointing to some one else.

No famous evil leader is no worse than any of millions of
others. The thing that empowers an evil person to produce
gross evil is party groupies who blindly follow and protect
their evil leaders.

The reason to understand the identity of the Jews of the bible
is to know (according to the bible) all Jews of the bible were
Arabs and Africans.
The reason to know that all Jews were Arabs and Africans is
to know how after WW2, Britain and the allies conspired to
establish control of a land area in the middle east by placing
mixed Europeans (calling themselves Jews) in power.

If by nationality ... Britain and the UN gave half of another people's
nation (Arabs) to a bunch of European citizens.
If by religion ... Britain and the UN gave half of another people's
nation to a group of people based on their religion.

Think about it, What do you think the Brits would do if the UN
divided England in half and gave it to Chinese because they were


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Probe of CIA/China/Technology transfer

1998-12-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

CIA Faces Criminal Probe in China Case
Information Given To Satellite Firm

By Vernon Loeb and John Mintz
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, December 5, 1998; Page A01

The Justice Department has initiated a criminal probe of the CIA to
determine whether the agency obstructed justice when it provided
information to Hughes Electronics Corp. about the scope of an ongoing
congressional investigation into the transfer of sensitive U.S. space
technology to China, according to senior federal government officials.

High-ranking CIA officials, including the agency's general counsel, have
agreed to testify next week before a federal grand jury in Washington
about information provided earlier this year to Hughes, which has supplied
the CIA with satellites and sophisticated communications equipment for

Government sources say the CIA provided information to Hughes about
the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's technology transfer
investigation that might have enabled the firm to anticipate the moves of
congressional investigators.

The Justice Department initiated the obstruction probe at the request of the
Senate committee, sources said. The committee became alarmed after
learning that the CIA had informed Hughes of names of company officials
that the agency had previously supplied to the committee to assist in its
investigation, sources said.

A CIA spokesman said the agency is fully cooperating in the obstruction
probe. Another CIA official, speaking on background, acknowledged that
the agency may have erred in providing certain information to Hughes. But
the information was turned over in the normal course of business between
the agency and one of its major classified contractors with no intention of
interfering with the investigation, the official said.

The CIA official also stressed that agency employees who provided
information to Hughes did so in their official capacities with approval of
their superiors, not as individuals acting on their own. The official said that
some of what the CIA gave Hughes pertained to the investigations
precisely because there was no intent to hide anything, and that agency
officials informed the committee of their communications with Hughes.

Hughes spokesman Richard Dore said, "Hughes has not been provided
information by the CIA regarding the details of federal criminal
investigations involving Hughes."

Much of the information provided by the CIA to Hughes is contained in
CIA documents subpoenaed by the Senate and by federal investigators
conducting a parallel probe into the transfer of U.S. technology to China,
sources said. Hughes and Loral Space & Communications Ltd. are under
investigation by the Justice Department and two congressional committees
for their role in transferring technology to the Chinese after Hughes and
Loral satellites were destroyed in two Chinese rocket explosions.

Government sources said it is highly unusual for the Justice Department to
investigate a fellow federal agency -- particularly one as sensitive and
secretive as the CIA -- for possible obstruction of justice.

Sources said the matter began this fall when a CIA analyst specializing in
Chinese technology, Ronald Pandolfi, was called to the Senate committee
and told staff members that he had concluded in 1995 that Hughes had
been too aggressive in marketing high-technology equipment in China.

At the time, according to an account from several sources, Pandolfi
conducted interviews with Hughes executives about their work in China,
causing Hughes to complain angrily to the CIA that he was operating
outside of customary channels. The CIA office that regularly deals with
Hughes reprimanded Pandolfi, who, after being summoned by the
committee, in September laid out a set of accusations against the firm,
sources said.

Aware of Pandolfi's views, the CIA gave Hughes a heads-up about his
discussion with the committee and offered to supply the panel with the
names of Hughes executives who might explain the disagreement, sources

Meanwhile, in a related development of concern to federal investigators,
the House select committee looking into the transfer of sensitive U.S.
space technology to China has indicated that it wants to grant immunity to
certain Hughes employees from future prosecution based on information
they would provide to Congress. One federal government source said that
some of those employees are subjects of the Justice Department probe.

Federal investigators are concerned by the prospect because congressional
immunization can complicate any attempt to prosecute those individuals on
any future charges. In one celebrated instance, former White House aide
Oliver North had his federal conviction in the Iran-contra scandal
overturned after arguing that witnesses who testified against him may have
relied on some of the immunized testimony he supplied Congress.

The controversy involving Hughes is rooted in its practice, shared by other
aerospace firms

[CTRL] OEN 12/5/98

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe
Impeachment Watch

Impeachment Trial More Likely after Evasive Clinton
Angers House

The White House sweats

PRESIDENT CLINTON'S evasive answers last week to 81 questions about the
Monica Lewinsky sex scandal may have cost him the sympathy of members of
the House of Representatives.
Fears were voiced that Mr Clinton's refusal to admit that he had lied to
a grand jury might mean that the House will narrowly favour his
impeachment for perjury. This could come within a fortnight after what
seems a certain House Judiciary Committee vote to oust the President.

Orrin Hatch, the Senate judiciary committee chairman, is a Utah Mormon
Republican and once offered to go easy on Mr Clinton if he told the full
truth. But he is now lobbying Republican leaders to prepare for a trial.
For the first time Trent Lott, the Senate Republican leader, is
mentioning the possibility of a trial. He has been silent on the issue
for most of the year.

Senate rules state that William H Rehnquist, the Chief Justice, would
preside over a trial beginning at 1pm the day after senators receive the
article, and would continue in session until a judgment was reached.

The general feeling is that, as happened in 1868 when Andrew Jackson
escaped impeachment, the Senate would eventually bury the idea. However,
in swiftly moving developments yesterday it became clear that there is
singular alarm at the White House, where aides warned wavering Democrats
to hold the line, saying that a trial could paralyse the country.

More alarm was expressed by the New York Democratic congressman Charles
Schumer, who has just won a Senate seat and sits on the crucial House
Judiciary Committee. He said a full House vote might be inevitable.

Republicans say that if necessary Mr Clinton could field witnesses for
his defence at next Tuesday's hearing. A debate would ensue, with the
party's line being to hand the impeachment issue to the full House. Just
what would happen in a full House debate is a nail-biter. Republican
head-counters have identified only five of their House members dead set
against impeachment. But with at least three Democrats inclined to vote
for impeachment, the President would need a minimum of 14 of the 228
House Republicans to rescue him.

The London Telegraph, Dec. 5, 1998

Technology to China

Dept. of Justice Investigates CIA in Satellite Case

Hughes Electronics in the line of fire

The Justice Department has initiated a criminal probe of the CIA to
determine whether the agency obstructed justice when it provided
information to Hughes Electronics Corp. about the scope of an ongoing
congressional investigation into the transfer of sensitive U.S. space
technology to China, according to senior federal government officials.
High-ranking CIA officials, including the agency's general counsel, have
agreed to testify next week before a federal grand jury in Washington
about information provided earlier this year to Hughes, which has
supplied the CIA with satellites and sophisticated communications
equipment for decades.

Government sources say the CIA provided information to Hughes about the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's technology transfer
investigation that might have enabled the firm to anticipate the moves
of congressional investigators.

The Justice Department initiated the obstruction probe at the request of
the Senate committee, sources said. The committee became alarmed after
learning that the CIA had informed Hughes of names of company officials
that the agency had previously supplied to the committee to assist in
its investigation, sources said.

A CIA spokesman said the agency is fully cooperating in the obstruction
probe. Another CIA official, speaking on background, acknowledged that
the agency may have erred in providing certain information to Hughes.
But the information was turned over in the normal course of business
between the agency and one of its major classified contractors with no
intention of interfering with the investigation, the official said.

The CIA official also stressed that agency employees who shared
information to Hughes did so in their official capacities with approval
of their superiors, not as individuals acting on their own. The official
said that some of what the CIA gave Hughes pertained to the
investigations precisely because there was no intent to hide anything,
and that agency officials informed the committee of their communications
with Hughes.

Hughes spokesman Richard Dore said, "Hughes has not been provided
information by the CIA regarding the details of federal criminal
investigations involving Hughes."

Much of the information provided by the CIA to Hughes is contained in
CIA documents subpoenaed by the Senate and by federal investigators
conducting a parallel probe into the transfer of U.S. technology to
China, sources said. Hughes and Loral Space & Communicatio

[CTRL] Vatican Promoting Extraterrestrial Contact Stories?

1998-12-05 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

>-=> Illusions Mailing List <=-
> Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a theologian member of the Vatican Curia
>(governing body),
>and an insider close to the Pope, has gone on national Italian television
>times, including recent
>months, to proclaim that extraterrestrial contact is a real phenomenon.
> Balducci provided the Catholic Church's analysis of extraterrestrials,
>emphasizing that
>extraterrestrial encounters "are NOT demonic, they are NOT due to
>they are NOT a case of entity attachment, but these encounters deserve to
>studied carefully."
> Since Monsignor Balducci is a demonology expert and consultant to the
>Vatican , and since
>the Catholic Church has historically demonized many new phenomena that were
>understood, his proclaiming the Church's non-censure of these encounters is
>the more
> Balducci revealed to a visiting American professional that the Vatican
>following this phenomenon. My informant surmised that the Vatican is
>information about extraterrestrials and their contacts with humans from its
>(embassies) in various countries, such as Mexico, Chile and Venezuela, but
>Monsignor may
>have gotten his cases from other sources. Monsignor Balducci is a member of
>group which acts
>as consultants to the Vatican on various matters possibly involving
>beings, including the
>matter of extraterrestrial encounters, and what the spiritual significance
>of the emerging general
>realization of extraterrestrial contact.
> Parallel information from National Security Council scientist Dr.
>Wolf , a member of
>the NSC's MJ-12 subcommittee for managing the UFO phenomenon, as well as
>author and Vatican expert Father Malachi Martin, suggests that the Vatican
>concerned that it
>will have a major doctrinal updating situation on its hands when
>extraterrestrial contact becomes
>authoritatively announced by world governments over the next several years.
> Parenthetically, it can be observed that the Vatican Curia member's
>declarations on Italian
>national television represent technically the first declaration by an
>of a Major Power
>government that extraterrestrial contact is real and happening, and
>serious study.
> Also, Whitley Strieber has just come out with a new book,
>which features an
>interview, in which Monsignor Balducci makes additional striking comments
>extraterrestrials as probably superior spiritual beings.
>   -- Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
>Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC 2826 O Street, Suite 2, Sacramento, CA 95816,
>USA. (916) 455-0120 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; Primary website:
>http://www.ufonetwork.com/boylan/ Author: Close Extraterrestrial
>Encounters, Labored Journey To The Stars and Project Epiphany.
>-=> Send 'subscribe' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] <=-
>-=> Posted by:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] <=-
> --
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>with the body text:  leave Ark
>  or go to the archive web site at http://millennium-ark.net/ark_mail/
>   { in case of difficulty contact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> }
> --

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to H


1998-12-05 Thread Carl Amedio

 -Caveat Lector-

Institute for Public Accuracy
(202) 347-0020  *  http://www.accuracy.org
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045

Friday, December 4, 1998


 A new report by the World Bank is sparking controversy
because of its criticism of the IMF's policies related to the
Asian economic crisis. Among those available for comment are:

ROBERT NAIMAN, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.preamble.org
 A research associate at the Preamble Center who specializes
in assessing the impacts of economic globalization, Naiman said:
"The good news is that the World Bank admits that punishingly
high interest rates have destroyed these economies and that
nations need controls on capital flows. The bad news is that it
still funds IMF bailout packages that impose impossibly harsh
austerity conditions on developing countries."

 The author of "Masters of Illusion: The World Bank and the
Poverty of Nations," Caufield said: "It's outrageous that the
World Bank should criticize the IMF and the U.S. without
acknowledging that it pursued the same policy of deregulating
financial markets that led to the present instability. The Bank
has been trying to distance itself from the IMF, but the fact is
that it has pursued the same flawed policies since the 1980s."

 Winters is a professor of political economy at Northwestern
University who has written widely on Southeast Asia. "The World
Bank's years of tolerating corruption contributed as much to the
current Asian crisis as the more proximate policies of the IMF,"
said Winters, who is author of "Power in Motion: Capital Mobility
and the Indonesian State."  "Over the course of the Suharto
regime, for example, the Bank loaned roughly $30 billion to
Indonesia, knowing that roughly a third -- by the Bank's own
admission -- was being systematically stolen."

NJOKI NHOROGE NJEHU, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.50years.org
 Director of the 50 Years Is Enough Network, Njehu said:
"People have been suffering from the IMF/World Bank policies for
over 20 years, not just the last year in Asia. What is different
is that some bankers and investors lost money this time -- though
they benefitted from the bailouts, while poor and working people
were excluded."

CAROL WELCH, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.foe.org
 The international policy analyst for Friends of the Earth,
Welch recently authored a paper titled "IMF and Good Governance."
Welch comments: "It's refreshing to have the World Bank finally
criticizing the austerity programs of the IMF The report
demonstrates the need to rein in rampant speculative capital.
They should have `speed bumps' for capital outflows."

For more information, contact at the Institute for Public
Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020, or David Zupan, (541)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: "New World Order's Control of Israel's Economy" (TiM GW Bulletin 98/12-2, 12/03/98)

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please update your bookmarks and/or links with the new
Truth in Media Web site: www.truthinmedia.org .  Thank you.

NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 98/12-2  3-Dec-98

By Barry Chamish

JERUSALEM - The forces who wish to create a New World Order (NWO) based on
a One World government, long ago realized that to destroy a nation's
sovereignty, it was not enough to merely corrupt its diplomacy; they must
also enjoy the overwhelming leverage that comes with controlling its
economy. So, through the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF),
they have planted compliant administrators throughout the governments of
the world: in Israel their current agent is the Chairman of the Bank Of
Israel, Yaacov Frenkel.

Typically, the World Bank loans many billions of dollars at high interest
rates to a Third World dictator to fund some hare-brained engineering
scheme. Within a few years much of the money is in the tyrant's offshore
bank accounts and the megalomaniacal engineering scheme is draining his
country of all its resources. Unable to return the World Bank loan, the
dictator's government turns to the IMF for a covering loan. The IMF agrees
to indebt the country even more and keep it temporarily fed by demanding a
series of "reforms" guaranteed to sink the people into pathetic misery.
These "reforms" come in the form of making the economy more "efficient" by
such measures as turning a working variable peasant-based agricultural
economy into a one-crop producer, thus throwing most of the peasants out of
work, enslaving the remainder on corporate plantations, and thoroughly
wrecking the country when natural disaster or a drop in the commodities
market strikes.

By controlling the nation's economy, the NWO inherits control of its
independent diplomacy. In Israel, in the early 1980s, the NWO retaliated
against the honorable and independent Prime Minister, Menachem Begin by
shooting the inflation rate up to 450%. The men who arranged this from
within the government were Bank of Israel Chairman Michael Bruno and
Finance Minister Yoram Aridor. Bruno justified a series of measures by
Aridor guaranteed to cause instant inflation, including the sudden and
unexpected lifting of most duties on imported goods. Both men were rewarded
well for their treachery: Aridor, against all natural reason, was made
Israel's United Nations ambassador and Bruno retired to the good life at
the IMF.

In 1991, the Shamir government was forced to appoint as Chairman of the
Bank of Israel, Yaacov Frenkel, a World Bank executive based in Washington,
who had not lived in the country since 1967. Once in his post, Frenkel
wasted no time indebting Israel enormously by raising interest rates and
encouraging the government to request $10 billion dollars in loans from
American banks guaranteed by the Federal Reserve, nominally to be used to
absorb a wave of Russian immigrants flooding the country. Economists later
figured out that the loans were disastrous and would cost triple the
principle before they were paid back.

In 1996, Frenkel's first term ended and then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres
was not inclined to offer him a second chance to run the nation's finances.
He changed his mind quickly when a power-delegation from the World Economic
Forum arrived from Switzerland and had a few convincing words with him.

If Frenkel's NWO ties were ever in doubt, take a look at the biography of
Frenkel which appeared in Haaretz Magazine of Nov. 27, 1998:

·   "During his third year at university, Frenkel went to work for the

Israel's communist national Labor Union and the primary economic blackmail
tool employed by the Labor Party.

·   "Tel Aviv University offered him a chance to earn a doctorate at the
University of Chicago and then return to Israel to set up a School of

My, wasn't that a big step forward, offering a whole school of economics to
a Histadrut worker without even a PhD, let alone professorship?

·   "After Frenkel got his doctorate in 1970, Chicago offered him a spot as
professor. In 1973, when David Rockefeller retired from Chase Manhattan,
the bank decided to commemorate his life's work by endowing a professorship
in international economics. A search committee set up by the bank chose the
University of Chicago and Frenkel to set up the chair."

How wonderful for Frenkel! Not three years at the U of C and David
Rockefeller, chairman of the Council On Foreign Relations and possibly the
top man in the NWO, chooses to employ Frenkel to run his new chair.


[CTRL] Apples and Oranges: REDEFINING Capitalism

1998-12-05 Thread M. A. Johnson

 -Caveat Lector-

A totalitarian state thrives on propaganda, and there
   is no more effective way to limit thought than to
   control the language itself.  By changing definitions
   of words through continual association, any serious
   discussion involving the concepts that the words
   represents becomes hopelessly muddled.

   The words 'democracy', 'hate' and 'racism' immediately
   comes to mind. -- Thomas Sowell

Laissez faire capitalism means the complete separation of economy
and state, just like the separation of church and state. Capitalism
is the social system based upon private ownership of the means
of production which entails a completely uncontrolled and unregulated
economy where all land is privately owned. But the separation of
the state and the economy is not a primary, it is only an aspect of
the premise that capitalism is based upon: individual rights.
Capitalism is the only politico-economic system based on the
doctrine of individual rights.  This means that capitalism
recognizes that each and every person is the owner of his own
life, and has the right to live his life in any manner he chooses
as long as he does not violate the rights of others.

The essential nature of capitalism is social harmony through the
pursuit of self-interest. Under capitalism, the individual's
pursuit of his own economic self-interest simultaneously benefits
the economic self-interests of all others. In allowing each individual
to act unhampered by government regulations, capitalism causes wealth
to be created in the most efficient manner possible which ultimately
raises the standard of living, increases the economic opportunities,
and makes available an ever growing supply of products for everyone.
The free-market operates in such a way so that as one man creates
more wealth for himself, he simultaneously creates more wealth for
everyone, which means that as the rich become richer, the poor
become richer too. It must be understood that capitalism serves
the economic self-interests of all, including the non-capitalists.

Contrary to widely held beliefs, capitalism is not a system which
exploits a large portion of society for the sake of a small minority
of wealthy capitalists. Ironically, it is actually socialism that
causes the systematic exploitation of labor. Since the socialist
state holds a universal monopoly on labor and production, no
economic incentive exists for the socialist state to provide anything
more than minimum physical subsistence for the workers except to
perhaps prevent riots or revolutions. Exploitation is inherent to
the nature of socialism because individuals cannot exist for their
own sake, rather, they exist merely as means to whatever ends the
socialist rulers -- the self-proclaimed spokesman of "society," may
have in mind.


Capitalism undoubtedly has certain boils and blotches
upon it, but has it as many as government? Has it as
many as marriage? Has it as many as religion? I doubt
it. It is the only basic institution of modern man
that shows any genuine health and vigor.
-- H. L. Menken

Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of
belief in freedom itself.  -- Milton Friedman

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Obstructs Justice

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

Justice Department Investigates CIA

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department is conducting an obstruction-of-
justice investigation of CIA officials who passed along to a satellite
contractor sensitive information about a Senate investigation into technology
transfers to China.

Government officials reached late Friday said the criminal investigation
centers on information passed by the intelligence agency to Hughes Electronics
Corp., maker of both commercial and spy satellite systems.

At issue is whether that information compromised a Senate Intelligence
Committee investigation into allegations that Hughes and other U.S. companies
violated federal export laws by sharing restricted technology with China as
part of commercial satellite export deals.

There is no dispute that the CIA passed information on to Hughes -- the CIA
has acknowledged as much to both the Senate committee and the Justice
Department. The question being examined by the department is whether the CIA
broke the law in doing so.

``The CIA is cooperating fully with the investigation,'' said an agency

The probe was first reported in today's editions of The Washington Post.

U.S. officials familiar with the investigation said it focused on two
incidents in which information connected with the Senate investigation was
passed by CIA officials to counterparts at Hughes.

The CIA told Hughes officials that one of the agency's analysts, Ronald
Pandolfi, had told Senate investigators that he had concluded as early as 1995
that Hughes had become too aggressive in marketing technology to China.

CIA officials also advised Hughes that some company officials might be called
before the Senate panel. The agency further sought to make available to Senate
investigators the names of Hughes executives who were familiar with the
technology transfers to China and could give their version of the
disagreements with Pandolfi.

When the CIA informed the panel it had told Hughes that company officials
might have to testify, committee staffers and some senators were furious,
according to officials familiar with the case.

Several CIA officials, including general counsel Robert McNamara, are
scheduled to testify before a federal grand jury investigating the CIA's role
in the Hughes case.

The potential case against the CIA appears to boil down to one of
interpretation. Some on the intelligence committee argue that the CIA may have
obstructed justice by revealing to Hughes information about the committee

The CIA, according to U.S. officials familiar with the case, argues that the
information passed on to Hughes was shared in the normal course of business
and that the committee was informed of the information sharing.

``At worst, this could be viewed as a miscommunication among government
agencies,'' said one U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Several investigations -- both by the Justice Department and Congress -- have
focused on concerns that China received valuable information useful in
improving ballistic missiles from U.S. contractors who were ostensibly working
with China on commercial satellite projects.

[CTRL] Protest vs China's capitalism

1998-12-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

/* Written  8:29 PM  Nov 15, 1998 by peg:greenleft in igc:greenleft.news */
Title: Protests surge against China's capitalism

By Eva Cheng

Despite Beijing's repressive rule, pockets of small protests
persist across China. In recent years, the number of such
protests have risen sharply in reaction to mass sackings, rampant
corruption by Chinese Communist Party officials and other ills
associated with the Beijing bureaucracy's push to restore
capitalism in China.

On November 11, 200 demonstrators attempted to march to Tiananmen
Square in Beijing in protest against the loss of their
``investments'' in the Beijing-based Xin Guo Da Futures Company.

Thousands of workers invested their life savings in Xin Guo Da,
which offered lucrative interest payments of up to 30% per month.
For many, the risks seemed to have been mitigated by the firm's
perceived backing by the People's Liberation Army. It was
state-owned until January.

The police stopped the protesters from reaching the square, but
the demonstrators quickly marched to the nearby office of the
official news agency Xinhua to protest against its ``unfair''
reporting against them. Police videotaped the protesters and
several foreign journalists were arrested for covering the event.
They were later released.

The workers demanded compensation from the government for
allowing a phoney firm like Xin Guo Da to take investments from
the general population.

A number of small investors in Xin Guo Da have been protesting
almost daily since the firm went bust in August. The exact losses
of these investors are unclear. Xinhua reported that the firm had
attracted a total investment of 532 million yuan (US$58 million),
while only 15 million yuan in cash has been recovered.

In Luoyang, Henan province, 200 workers employed by a state-owned
cement factory staged a protest outside a city government office
for five days until November 6 in a desperate attempt to stop the
government privatising their factory.

The workers have little doubt that the privatisation would put
their jobs and pension at grave risk. The protesters suspended
their action after officials pledged to ``look into'' their

In Beijing on November 3, 30 workers recently sacked by a
state-owned hotel near Tiananmen Square and the central
government offices staged a sit-down protest.

``I came [to the protest] to defend my means of livelihood'',
said one of the laid-off workers, a 40-year-old caretaker who has
worked for the hotel for 20 years. ``This is too unfair. We want
to reclaim our lives - to have a wage and medical care'', he

In the Xinglong district, Sichuan province, on October 21, dozens
of farmers from the Si'er village stormed the local government
offices and demanded the release of four representatives who had
been detained by police.

The four had just returned from Beijing where they delivered a
protest letter to the central government against crushing taxes
levied by the local authorities on farmers.

China Rights Observer newsletter reported that a local official
died from a fall while trying to run away from the protesters.
Local officials refused to confirm the report, except for
admitting there had been ``serious political incidents'' lately.

About 50 ``temporarily redundant'' workers of Wuhan's Heavy
Machineries Plant protested outside their factory on October 9,
after failing to receive their maintenance pay for months.

On October 12, some 300 workers from several factories in Shi Yan
city of Hubei blocked a main road to demand official compensation
for the loss of their ``investments'' in a collective enterprise
called Golden Bull, which is majority-owned by the local
government but went bust recently.

Offering high interest, Golden Bull had been actively soliciting
investments from workers of key local factories since 1993 and
about 600 put in their money, including life savings in some

On October 14, more than 200 workers of Wuhan's Integrated
Manufacturing Plant, who were earlier put onto ``temporary''
redundancy on partial pay, had their maintenance payments halved
to 100 yuan (US$11) a month - hardly enough to cover even
essentials for an individual, let alone a family.

With banners reading, ``We need to fill our stomachs'', the
workers staged a sit-down protest on a main road.

In September, more than 1000 workers of the Hunan Television
Plant in Changsha, Hunan province, blocked the traffic of a main
road to demand the payment of three months of unpaid wages. They
demanded punishment of their factory officials whom they accused
of corruption.
First posted on the Pegasus conference greenleft.news by
Green Left Weekly. Correspondence and hard copy subsciption
inquiries: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, mis

[CTRL] [24e] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / The New World Order

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush24.htm">Bush book: Chapter -24-

The United Nations Security Council resolution, with its approaching
artificial deadline which Bush had demanded, plus the failure of the
Baker-Tariq Aziz meeting, on January 9 became the tools of the White
House in obtaining a Congressional resolution for war. Bush was careful
to stress his view that he could wage war without the Congress, but that
he was magnanimously letting them express their support for him by
approving such a motion. On this same day, the Kremlin despatched troop
contingents to seven Soviet republics where nationalist movements were
gaining ground.

The Congressional debate provided many eloquent pleas, generally from
Democrats, for delaying military action in order to save Americans from
useless slaughter. But these pleas were almost always vitiated by a
failure to recognize the equal claim to humanity of the Iraqi
population; the Democrats who urged continued reliance on sanctions were
in effect calling for an equal or greater genocide prolonged over time.
One exception was Senator Mark Hatfield of Oregon, who voted against the
Bush war resolution and the Democrats' sanctions resolution on the
grounds that he opposed the entire military deployment in the Middle
East; Hatfield argued for a peaceful settlement using diplomacy alone.
This Republican defection in the name of high principle may have
attracted the darts of Bush's vindictiveness; in May a report on
Hatfield's personal finances appearing in the Capitol Hill weekly Roll
Call alleged that a former Congressman and a California businessman had
forgiven $133,000 in loans to Hatfield over an 8-year period. This
information was somehow leaked from Senate records. [fn 74] The obvious
intent of this story was to make it look as if the loan forgiveness had
been used to buy influence. Hatfield's actions were not in violation of
senate rules at the time these loans were forgiven.

Bush's war resolution passed the Senate by the narrow margin of 52-47;
Sen. Cranston, who was absent because of illness, would have come to the
senate and voted against the war if this would have changed the outcome.
This vote reflects a deep ambivalence in the ruling elite about Bush's
bellicose line, which was not as popular in US ruling circles as it was
in London. Bush's margin of victory was provided by a group of southern
Bush Democrats (Gore, Graham, Breaux, Robb, Shelby). In the House, a
similar Bush war resolution passed by 250 to 183. Many Congressmen from
blue-collar districts being pounded by the economic depression reflected
the disillusionment of their constituents by voting against Bush and the
war. But the resistance was not enough.

Despite the extremely narrow mandate he had extorted from the Congress,
Bush now appeared in a gloating press conference: he had his blank check
for war and genocide. Now Bush was careful to create pretexts for
attacking Iraq, even if Saddam were to order his forces out of Kuwait.
Bush noted that "it would be, at this date, I would say impossible to
comply fully with the United Nations resolutions," and he "would still
worry about it, because it might not be in full compliance." [fn 75] UN
resolution 242, calling for Israel to withdraw from the territories
occupied in the 1967 war, had been flouted for almost a quarter century,
and the nation of Lebanon had just been snuffed out by Bush's friend
Assad, but all of this paled into total irrelevance in comparison to the
need to destroy Iraq.

The mad dog of war was now unleashed on the world. Later, in early June,
Bush would edify the Southern Baptist Convention with a tearful and
convulsive account of his long night in Camp David as he prepared to
give the order to attack. Bush's story, quite fantastic for a chief
executive who had pursued his "splendid little war" with monomaniac fury
since August 3, is a reflection of the Goebbels-like cynicism of the
White House wordsmiths and propaganda technicians to whom it may be
safely attributed. "For me, prayer has always been important but quite
personal," Bush told the Baptists. "You know us Episcopalians."

And, like a lot of people, I have worried a little but about shedding
tears in public, or the mention of it. But as Barbara and I prayed at
Camp David before the air war began, we were thinking about those young
men and women overseas. And the tears started down the cheeks, and our
minister smiled back, and I no longer worried how it looked to others.
[fn 76]

In delivering this fanciful account, Bush broke into tears once again, a
behavior which showed more about his unresolved, and by that time
public, thryoid difficulties, than it did about his qualms in waging
war. An interesting question involves the identity of the minister
mentioned by Bush. In order to drape his genocidal war policy with the
mantle of Christian morality, Bush was at pains to keep pastors and

[CTRL] [24d] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / The New World Order

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush24.htm">Bush book: Chapter -24-
The following week was a time of great political hemorraging for George
Bush. His problems grew out of a clumsy series of trial baloons he
floated about what kind of tax package he would accept. By one count, he
changed his mind five times in three days. First came the government
itself. Any president, and especially an apparatchik like Bush, has a
healthy respect for what the Washington bureaucracy might do to him if
it, like the mercenaries Machiavelli warned about, were not paid. Bush
accordingly relented and signed a short-term continuing resolution to
keep the paychecks flowing and the bureaucracy open. Now Congressmen of
both parties began to offer amendments on the $22 billion tax bill that
was at the heart of the new austerity package. First Bush indicated that
he would accept an increase in income tax rates for the most wealthy in
exchange for a cut in the capital gains tax. Then he indicated that he
would not. In a press conference, he said such a deal would be "fine."
Then a group of Republican Congressmen visited him to urge him to drop
the idea of any such deal; they came out declaring that Bush was now in
agreement with them. But then Bush drifted back towards the tradeoff.
Richard Darman, one of Bush's budget enforcers, was asked what Bush
thought about the tax rates trade off. "I have no idea what White House
statement was issued," said the top number cruncher, "but I stand behind
it 100%." By the weekend of October 13-14, there were at least three
draft tax bills in circulation. Even hard-core Bushmen were unable to
tell the legislators what the president wanted, and what he would veto.
The most degraded and revealing moment came when Bush was out jogging,
and reporters asked him about his position on taxes. "Read my hips!,"
shouted Bush, pointing towards his posterior with both hands. It was not
clear who had scripted that one, but the message was clear: the American
people were invited to kiss Bush's ass.

It was one of the most astounding gestures by a president in modern
times, and posed the inevitable question: had Bush gone totally

"The public is not laughing," commented a White House official. Newsday,
 the New York tabloid, went with the headline READ MY FLIPS. The New
York Times revived the label that Bush resented most: for the newspaper
of record, Bush was "a political wimp." A senior GOP political
consultant noted that "the difference is that Reagan had principles and
beliefs. This guy has no rudder." In the opinion of Newsweek, "Bush took
no stand on principle and didn't seem to know what he wantedHe made
incomprehensible jokes. He was strangely eager to please even those who
were fighting him, and powerless to punish defectors. As in the bad old
days, he looked goofy." [fn 52]

The haggling went on into the third week of October, and then into the
fourth. Would it last to Halloween, to permit a macabre night of the
living dead on the Capitol? Newt Gingrich told David Brinkley on "This
Week" of October 21 that most House Republicans were prepared to vote
against any plan to increase taxes, totally disregarding the wishes of
Bush. Senator Danforth of Missouri complained, "I am concerned and a lot
of Republicans are concerned that this is becoming a political rout." At
this point the Democrats wanted to place a 1% surtax on all income over
41 million, while the GOP favored reducing the deductions for the rich.
In yet another flip-flop, Bush had conceded on October 20 that he would
accept an increase in the top income tax rate from 28% to 31%. By
October 24, a deal was finally reached which could be passed, and the
next day Bush attempted to put the best possible face on things by
assembling the bruised and bleeding Republican Congressional leadership,
including the renegade Gingrich, for another Rose Garden ceremony.

The final budget plan set the top income tax rate at 31%, and increased
taxes on gasoline, cigarettes, airline tickets, increased Medicare
payroll taxes and premiums, while cutting Medicare benefit payouts and
government payments to farmers. Another part of the package replaced the
Gramm-Rudman-Hollings once a year sequester threat with a "triple,
rolling sequester" with rigid spending caps for each of the three
categories of defense, foreign aid, and discretionary domestic spending,
and no transfers permitted among these. The entire apparatus will
require super-majorities of 60 votes to change in the future. Naturally,
this package was of no use whatever in deficit reduction, given the
existence of an accelerating economic depression. In Bush's famous New
World Order speech on September 11, he had frightened the Congress with
the prospect of a deficit of $232 billion. In October of 1991, it was
announced that the deficit for the fiscal year ending September 31,
1991, the one that was supposed to show improvem

[CTRL] [24b] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / The New World Order

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush24.htm">Bush book: Chapter -24-
It was also in the early summer of 1990 that it gradually dawned on many
taxpayers that, according to the terms of the Savings & Loan bailout
championed by Bush during the first weeks of his regime, they would be
left holding the bag to the tune of at least $500 billion. Their future
was now weighted with the crushing burden of a defacto second mortgage,
in addition to the astronomical national debt that Reagan and Bush had
rolled up. This unhappy consciousness was compounded by the personal
carnage of the continuing economic contraction, which had been
accelerated by the shocks of September-October, 1989. An ugly mood was
abroad, with angry people seeking a point of cathexis.

They found it in Neil Bush, the president's marplot cadet son, the one
we saw explaining his March 31, 1981 dinner engagement with Scott
Hinckley. As even little children now know, Neil Bush was a member of
the board of directors of Silverado Savings and Loan of Denver,
Colorado, which went bankrupt and had to be seized by federal regulators
during 1988. Preliminary estimates of the costs to the taxpayers were on
the order of $1.6 billion, but this was sure to go higher. The picture
was complicated by the fact that Neil Bush had received a $100,000
personal loan (never repayed, and formally forgiven) and a $1.25 million
line of credit from two local land speculators, Kenneth Good and William
Walters, both also prominent money-bags for the Republican Party. In r
eturn for the favors he had received, Neil Bush certainly did nothing to
prevent Silverado from lending $35 million to Good for a real estate
speculation that soon went into default. Walters received $200 million
in loans from Silverado, which were never called in. This was a prima
facie case of violation of the conflict of interest regulations. But
instead of keeping quiet, Neil Bush showed that the family tradition of
self-righteous posturing even when caught with both hands in the cookie
jar was well represented by him: he launched an aggressive campaign of
proclaiming his own innoncence; it was all political, thought Neil, and
all because people wanted to get at his august father through him.

Sleazy Neil Bush's pontificating did not play well; Neil sounded
"arrogant and flip" and the result, as People magazine commented at the
end of the year, was "a public relations fiasco." Posters went up in
Washington emblazoned with the call to "Jail Neil Bush," while out in
Denver, the Colorado Taxpayers for Justice marched outside Neil's
downtown office (where Neil had answered questions about his ties to the
Hinckley family in on March 31, 1981) carrying placards and chanting
"Yes, Neil, it's wrong to steal!" and "Give it back, Neil!" [fn 19] Neil
was looking forward to public hearings organized by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation to probe his malfeasance; there was talk of a
criminal indictment, but this eventually dwindled into a $200 million
civil suit brought against Neil and 10 other former Silverado officials
for "gross negligence" in their running of the affairs of the bank.

Bush's immediate reaction to the dense clouds gathering over Neil's head
was to step up a scandal he saw as a counterweight: this was the
"Keating Five" or "Lincoln Brigade" affair, which hit Senate Democrats
Cranston, Riegle, Glenn, and DeConcini, plus Republican McCain. Some S&L
loans showed "excesses," Bush was now ready to concede, and some were
"foolish and ill-advised." But, he quickly stipulated: "I don't want to
argue in favor of re-regulating the industry." And Bush was also on the
defensive because, while he mandated $500 billion for the S&Ls, he
wanted to veto a measure providing for unpaid parental leave for working
mothers, despite a campaign promise that "we need to assure that women
don't have to worry about getting their jobs back after having a child
or caring for a child during serious illness." Bush now specified that
he was not endorsing "mandated benefits" from government, but was just
supporting collective bargaining to allow such leave. What to do if
employers refused to grant leave? "You've got to keep working for them
until they do," answered Bush with the ancien regime "let 'em eat cake"
logic of a Marie Antoinette. [fn 20]

At a press conference in mid-July, Bush was asked if he agreed with son
Neil's self-defense campaign, which was premissed on the idea that the
attack was a purely political smear, all because the poor boy's name
happened to be Bush. The issue was focussing public attention on all the
inherent rapacity of the predatory Bush family. George launched into an
enraged, self-righteous monologue:

I agree that the president ought to stay out of it, and that the system
ought to work. And I have great confidence in the integrity and honor of
my son. And beyond that, I'm -- say no more. And if he's done something

[CTRL] [24c] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / The New World Order

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush24.htm">Bush book: Chapter -24-

On Saturday morning, August 4, Bush met with his entourage in Camp
David, present Quayle, Cheney, Sununu, William Webster, Wolfowitz,
Baker, Scowcroft, Powell, Schwarzkopf, Fitzwater, and Richard Haas of
the NSC staff. Military advisers, especially Colin Powell, appear to
have directed Bush's attention to the many problems associated with
military intervention. According to one version, Gen. Schwarzkopf
estimated that it would take 17 weeks to move a defensive, deterrent
force of 250,000 troops into the region, and between 8 and 12 months to
assemble a ground force capable of driving the Iraqi army out of Kuwait.
For the duration of the crisis, the Army would remain the most
reluctant, while the Air Force, including Scowcroft, would be the most
eager to open hostilities. Bush sensed that he had to stress the defense
of Saudi Arabia to keep all of his bureaucratic players on board, and to
garner enough public support to carry out the first phase of the
buildup. Then, perhaps three months down the line, preferably after the
November elections, he could unveil the full offensive buildup that
would carry him into war with Iraq. "That's why our defense of Saudi
Arabia has to be our focus," Bush is reported to have said at this
meeting. This remark was calculated to cater to the views of Gen.
Powell, who was thinking primarily in these defensive terms. [fn 38]
When the larger NSC meeting dispersed, Bush met with a more restricted
group including Quayle, Sununu, Baker, Scowcroft, Cheney, Powell, and
Webster. This session was dominated by the fear that the Saudi Arabian
monarchy, which would have to be coerced into agreeement with plans for
a US military buildup on its territory, would prefer a compromise
solution negotiated among the Arabs to the Anglo-Saxon war hysteria. The
 Saudis were not all as staunch as the American agent Prince Bandar; the
presence of large contingents of infidel ground troops, including Jews
and women, would create such friction with Saudi society as to pose an
insoluble political problem. There was great racist vituperation of the
Arabs in general: they could not be trusted, they were easy to
blackmail. This meeting produced a decision that Bush would call Saudi
King Fahd and demand that he accept a large US ground force contingent
in addition to aircraft.

As Bush feared, Fahd was inclined to reject the US ground forces. There
was a report that Iraq had announced that its forces would leave Kuwait
on Sunday, and Fahd wanted to see if that happened. Fahd had not yet
been won over to the doctrine of war at any cost. Through an intrigue of
Prince Bandar, who knew that this difficulty might arise, King Fahd was
prevailed upon to receive a US "briefing team" to illustrate the threat
to him and demand that he approve the US buildup on his territory. Fahd
thought that all he was getting were a few briefing officers. But Bush
saw this as a wedge for greater things. "I want to do this. I want to do
it big time," Bush told Scowcroft. [fn 39] By now Bush had launched into
his "speed-dialing" mode, calling heads of state and government one
after the other, organizing for an economic embargo and a military
confrontation with Iraq. One important call was to Sheikh Jabir al Ahmed
al Sabah, the degenerate Emir of Kuwait, representative of a family who
had been British assets since 1899 and Bush's business partners since
the days of Zapata Offshore in the late 1950's. Other calls went to
Turgut Oezal of Turkey, whom Bush pressed to cut off Iraq's use of oil
pipelines across his territory. Another call went to Canadian Prime
Minister Mulroney, who was also in deep domestic political trouble, and
who was inclined to join the Anglo-Saxon mobilization. During the course
of Saturday, White House officials began to spread a deception story
that Bush had been "surprised by the invasion this week and largely
unprepared to respond quickly," as the next day's New York Times

At 8 AM on Sunday morning, there was another meeting of the NSC at Camp
David with Bush, Baker, Cheney, Scowcroft, Powell and various aides.
This time the talk was almost exclusively devoted to military options.
Bush designated Cheney for the Saudi mission, and Cheney left Washington
for Saudi Arabia in the middle of Sunday afternoon.

Bush now boarded a helicopter for the flight from Camp David back to the
White House south lawn. Up to this point, Bush was firmly committed to
war in his own mind, and had been acting on that decision in his secret
councils of regime, but he had carefully avoided making that decision
clear in public. We are now approaching the moment when he would do so.
Let us contemplate George Bush's state of mind as he rode in his
helicopter from Camp David towards Washington on that early August
Sunday afternoon. According to one published account, Bush was "in a
mood t

[CTRL] [24a] George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography / The New World Order

1998-12-05 Thread RoadsEnd

 -Caveat Lector-

http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bush24.htm">Bush book: Chapter -24-
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley &
Anton Chaitkin

Chapter -XXIV- The New World Order

Roma caput mundi regit orbis frena rotundi

(Rome, the chief of the world, hold the reins of this round orb.)

Inscription on the imperial crown of Diocletian.

During late 1989 and 1990, George Bush traversed a decisive watershed in
his political career and in his own personal mental life. Up until this
transition, Bush had attempted to secure advancement through an attitude
of deference and propitiation, currying favor with a series of
politicians and power brokers whom he despised as his social inferiors,
and whom he never hesitated to stab in the back once he got the chance
to do so. This was the old duplicitious "have half" persona of his early
childhood. During the long years of Bush's quest for the vice
presidency, and during the eight long years of his tenure in that
office, the public face of Bush was that of dog-like fidelity and
Reaganite orthodoxy. During these years Bush exhibited the same relative
cognitive impairment which he had exhibited since his Andover days. On
the surface, he was a top-level bureuacratic functionary of the US
police state, sharing the moral insanity of the policy committments of
the government apparatus which he represented.

Severe and debilitating mental strains had been evident in Bush's
personality from his earliest years. Such tensions were an inevitable
result of the inhuman self-discipline demanded by his mother, Dorothy
Walker Bush, whose regimen combined the most ruthless pursuit of
personal affirmation for its own sake, with the imperative that all this
single-minded striving be dissembled behind the elaborate pose of
fairness and concern for the rights of others. During 1989 and 1990, the
tensions converging on Bush's personal psychological structures were
greatly magnified not just by the Panama adventure and the Gulf war, but
also by the crisis of the Anglo-American financial interests, by the
threat posed to Anglo-American plans by German reunification, by the
thorny problems of preparing his own re-election, and by the foundering
of his condominium partners in the Kremlin. As a result of this surfeit
of tensions, Bush's personality entered into a process of
disintegration. The whining accents of the wimp, so familiar to
 Bush-watchers of years past, were now increasingly supplanted by the
hiss of frenetic spleen.

The successor personality which emerged from this upheaval differed in
several important respects from the George Bush who had sought and
occupied the vice-presidency. The George Bush who emerged in late 1990
after the dust had settled was far less restrained than the man who had
languished in Reagan's shadow. The hyperthyroid "presidential" persona
of Bush was equipped with little self-control, and rather featured a
series of compulsive, quasi-psychotic episodes exhibited in the public
glare of the television lights. These were typically rage-induced
outbursts of verbal abuse and threats made in the context of
international crises, first against Noriega and later against Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein.

Some might argue that the public rage fits that became increasingly
frequent during 1989-90 were calculated and scripted performances,
calibrated and staged according to the methods of mind war for the
express purpose of intimidating foreign adversaries and, not least of
all, the American population itself. Bush's apprenticeship with
Kissinger would have taught him the techniques we have seen Kissinger
employ in his secret communications with Moscow during the
Indo-Pakistani war of 1970: Kissinger makes clear that an integral part
of his crisis management style is the studied attempt to convince his
adversary that the latter is dealing with a madman who will not shun any
expedient, no matter how irrational, in order to prevail. But with the
Bush of 1990 we are far beyond such calculating histrionics. There were
still traces of method in George Bush's madness, but the central factor
was now the madness itself.

The thesis of this chapter is that while it is clear that the Gulf war
was a deliberate and calculated provocation by the Anglo-American
oligarchical and financier elite, the mental instability and
psychological disintegration of George Bush was an indispensable
ingredient in implementing the actions which the oligarchs and bankers
desired. Without a George Bush who was increasingly non compos mentis,
the imperialist grand design for the destruction of the leading Arab
state and the intimidation of the third world might have remained on the
shelf. Especially since the Bay of Pigs and the Vietnam debacle,
American presidents have seen excellent reasons to mistrust their
advisers when the latter came bearing p


1998-12-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Gerald Harp wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 12/2/98 11:45:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > And I've been simply deleting jana whoever, thinking that after all
> >  the Nazi brouhaha, she was simply a bore.
> >
> It does not seem to have occurred to Nurev, SnowOwl and some others that Jana
> is very simply sick and badly in need of therapy.

Are you kidding? There isn't one reply where I haven't clearly stated
that this
is one crazy kumquat. What does it take? Do you people need her to
dribble on
your shoes?

> She deserves our sympathy
> for her condition.

She doesn't deserve sympathy. She deserves heavy doses of Thorazine.

> What appalls me is that several list members who do not seem to be crazy have
> blandly responded in a spirit of academic inquiry, as in "Gee, is that true?
> Why do the Jews do these terrible thing?"  What i wonder is whether these
> folks are simply naive and bewildered, deliberately egging Jana on while
> secretly enjoying the sewage, or if they are basically nazis attempting to
> give these wacko charges an air of reasonableness.
> Jerry Harp

People believe what they WANT to believe.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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