Re: [CTRL] Remains Found beneath former home of Benjamin Franklin

1999-03-18 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

According to the article initial estimates are that the bones are about
200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the
house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775.

Science can only determine that the bones are 'about 200 years old', it
does NOT have the capability of pinpointing the date down to two narrow
windows of 5 years and 11 years, respectively.

I'm sure the residence Franklin stayed at was rented out to other people
in his absence, and did NOT remain unoccupied between 1762-64, nor was
unoccupied prior to 1752 or after 1775...

I haven't heard any reports of bones being discovered in any residence of
his in Philadelphia...nor at any residence he stayed in while in Paris...

"Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One
skull has been drilled with several holes. Paul Knapman, the Westminster
Coroner, said: ‘I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime.
There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest’."(
Times article)

The common practice of the day was to buy bodies from 'body snatchers' who
stole them from cemetaries, so that scientific studies could be
was illegal at that time to perform autopsies, so those with a medical
bent who wished to study anatomy and physiology first hand would often
resort to 'body snatching'...

This story is significant to historians today, because it helps them to
understand the medical practices of the 18th century, and also gives
more insight into the life of Ben Franklin and his interests,

There is nothing which should suggest that Franklin was the one who
performed experiments on these bodies, and indeed, while Franklin DID
display an interest in science in general, there is no indication that he
had a particular interest in medicine...

The Times quoted Dr Knapman said that: "It is most likely that these are
anatomical specimens that Dr Hewson disposed of in his own house, but we
are still not certain about the bones' exact age or origin."

But it won't stop them from casting suspicion on Franklin himself...


   Part of me will always be with you,
part of you is growing in me
It's just the way we happen to be...
We don't know how to love,
Love without fear.

--Yoko Ono, "Even When You're Far Away"
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Re: [CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Final Jihad is said to be a fictional account of terror and
intrigue authored by Oklahoma governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin
Keating. Written in 1991, but not released until 1996, it has been
called prophetic because of the many terrorist crimes which have been
perpetrated with amazing similarity to its story line.


 Keatings book was completed in 1991, prior to the acts of terrorism
he describes. In 1991 Keating "accurately reveals what the highest
government officials have known." He detailed beforehand in The Final
Jihad, a whole series of terrorist activities including the OKC bombing,
the Arizona Amtrak derailment, the plane crash into the White House, the
World Trade Center bombing and TWA Flight 800. What does this say for
all the government's denial of prior knowledge in the OKC bombing?

Of course, we only have THEIR word for it that this book was written in
1991, but not published until 5 years later...

A distinct possibility is that it was indeed written in 1996, but claimed
to have been written earlier to boost sales...

Because if Keating indeed wrote it in 1991 (and remember, that would have
been during the BUSH Administration), then one has to ask why he didn't
try to do something to try to save all those lives


   Part of me will always be with you,
part of you is growing in me
It's just the way we happen to be...
We don't know how to love,
Love without fear.

--Yoko Ono, "Even When You're Far Away"
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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[CTRL] [net-alert] Net-Alert Volume 1, Issue 4

1999-03-18 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

 Begin Forwarded Message 
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 14:41:58 +0930
Subject: [net-alert] Net-Alert Volume 1, Issue 4

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

18 March 1999

If you have any questions, comments or other feedback concerning
Net-Alert articles, contact the Editor at mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


##We're Back!
##Microsoft Trojan Horse
##More Trojan Shenanigans
##Y2K Banking Scam
##File Sharing Checkup
##Defend Your Data Web site
##Profile of a Hacker
##Hacking 101

We're Back!

Apologies for the interruption in the publication schedule of
Net-Alert. I was interstate on business for a fortnight, and my
Internet access was flaky at best!

We will now return to our previously scheduled schedule :)

Microsoft Trojan Horse

A trojan horse program is currently being circulated via email
messages with headers that have been "spoofed" so that it appears
to have been sent by Microsoft Corp. (specifically, they are
using the address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]").

The text of the message may vary, but in essence users are
advised to run the attached program, which purportedly contains
an urgent upgrade for the Internet Explorer Web browser program.

In reality, it is a trojan horse program (ie0199.exe). The trojan
horse program does not appear to harm the host computer. Instead,
it uses the host computer to launch hostile attacks across the
Internet on an Internet computer located in Bulgaria.


Further information and uninstaller -

More Trojan Shenanigans

Another trojan horse program is currently doing the rounds of the
Internet, offering what is described as a "captive and
mesmeris[ing]" game. The message, containing a file named
Yahoo.exe, has been "spoofed" so that it appears to have been
send by staff at Yahoo!.

In reality, the program is a copy of the NetBus 2.0 trojan horse


NetBus Info -
NetBus Removal -

Y2K Banking Scam

This is not strictly an Internet-related scam, but it is
certainly worth noting.

Fraudsters have been calling bank customers, masquerading as
representatives of their bank, advising that the Bank's computer
system will not be Y2K-ready in time. The customers are then
advised to transfer their money to a "special" account. That
special account just happens to be operated by the fraudsters.


Scam details -

File Sharing Checkup

In Net-Alert Vol 1.1, i warned of the risks of leaving "file
sharing" activated under Windows 95/98 when accessing the

If you are not sure whether file sharing has been enabled on your
computer, you can access an online tool - provided by RootShell -
which will advise whether or not file sharing is enabled on your


RootShell Check -

Defend Your Data Web site

The American Civil Liberties Union recently launched an extensive
public-awareness campaign to highlight the threat to privacy
posed by new technologies; in particular, the collection and
widespread distribution of personal data.

As part of the campaign, they have created the Defend Your Data
Web site.

Much of the site relates to efforts in the United States to enact
pro-privacy legislation, but it also contains some useful
pointers to other sources of online privacy information.


Defend Your Data Web site -

Profile of a Hacker

Just how accurate is the popular media and law enforcement
portrayal of computer "hackers" as young, socially maladjusted
teenagers bent on breaking into systems? Not very it seems.

According to recent statistics compiled by the FBI and the
Computer Security Institute, 80 percent of computer criminals are
"insiders", who penetrate their employers' computer systems for
financial gain, industrial espionage or revenge.

These "professional" crooks caused over US100 million in losses
last year, and that figure is expected to grow this year.


Smashing the Hacker Stereotype -

Computer Security Threat on the Rise -

Hacking 101

Whether you are protecting your home PC, or defending a sprawling
computer network, one of the key defences is to know what your
opponent knows.

Jesse Berst has released an interesting editorial, aimed at
educating both home 

Re: [CTRL] Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About

1999-03-18 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Well after reading the Washington Post, we all know why newspapers are
an endangered species.

Years ago, re Jonestown; this was an experiment supported by Ronald
Reagan, according to one source at the time.

Now, when I was told this, I did not believe it because it was so
fantastic.  Then I thought, well they do have heart pace makers, etc.

My friend told me that some of the bodies at Jonestown had obvious
surgical scars, "slits" as this indiidual called them which is repugnat
enough which indicated the surgery...and that transmitters of this type
had been placed within he area.

Why?  Consider Rabbi Washington, the House of Israel (was not Jewish)
and the camp he had within walking distance of Joneshis children,
looked like they were in hypnotic trances; Jones' children looked happy,
health and content - just like the kids at WACO.

After considerable CYA stuff, Jonestown was forgotten - but the book was
on the stands about Jonestown within a week.   Mark Lane, author/lawyer,
was at Jonestown, but call me Ishmael - he was one of the few, to

Nobody would look into this Black Nationalist Group headed up by Rabbi
Washington; and then, years later, it was reported that Washington had
returned; he had been involved in criminal activity and was really a
very quesitonable figure.  There were serious charges against him; but
not once, was this man investigated.  Had they done so, maybe we would
have a clue as to what really happend at Jones town; its a wonder they
didn't announce another comet.

If Washington Post wants to talk about paranoid types, suggest they
consult Woodward.he would be a good case history.  Had the real
truth come out about Watergate, Nixon would never have stepped aside
without a fight.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] IUFO: WHO Created AIDS.

1999-03-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Steve Wingate wrote:

 U.N. AIDS Chief Says No Vaccine For At Least 10 Years

 By Bert Lauwers

 BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A vaccine against the HIV virus will not be
 available for at least another decade, the head of the United Nations
 agency responsible for combating AIDS said Wednesday.

Well, they may claim such, but I PERSONALLY DON'T GO THIS, not by
a long shot!  There is a vacine NOW!  Don't ask for references,
cuz I got none...just my gut feel on the topicand I knew of
(stufdied this new desease in advanced college courses LONG
before this desease had a name, i.e., 1980)...and followed it
HEAVILY all the way, i.e., I have frequented seminars conducted
by the task force for ONLY MEDICAL PERSONEL/Staff on regional
hospitals, etc...flew into MANY of these over the years...and the
speakers DID NOT LIKE MY ATTENDENCE (my questions, etc.)!

There is NO DOUBT in my mind that this pathology is NOT natural
in inception, nor is the means used to fight it VALID!!

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] WHO Created AIDS.

1999-03-18 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Colleen Jones again displays her lack of scholarship:
Now there was no "Aics" in 1930, but there was something they called a
breaking down of the immune system- what caused this - sharing of
needles used intravenously by cocaine users, etc.  And of course, linked
to Karposi's saracoma.These books are so interesting;  Nixon had
come up with something new called accupuncture which had been used by
Chinese for centuries;

Nixon didn't 'come up with something new'...due to his detente with China,
all things Chinese suddenly gained interest in the west, esp. acupuncture,
which Nixon used for his phlebitis...

I looked that up in my Funk and Wagnall, and it
said "see hypodermic needle"..what is in a name.

Then your 1930s FW displays ignorance of what accupuncture really is (or
you are misreading or misquoting the passage), since it does NOT use
hypodermic needles...

I notice you don't provide any details regarding your supposed set of 60+
year old who published it, the EXACT publication date,
and the exact pages where you're supposedly finding these strange

Some of the innoculations they give our children have caused death,  and
of course our Legionairres with Swine Flu, or whatever that was.

Legionaires Disease is a separate disease, and not related to, the Swine
Flu...Legionaires is a type of pneumonia caused by fungii/molds growing in
uncleaned cooling systems...

NO cases of Legionaires Disease were caused by vaccinations/innoculations.

But of course, someone who only has a 60+ year old encyclopedia would have
no way of researching that...

This web site has brought out more facts and good research material-

You wouldn't know good research if it fell from heaven and bonked you on
your head...


   Part of me will always be with you,
part of you is growing in me
It's just the way we happen to be...
We don't know how to love,
Love without fear.

--Yoko Ono, "Even When You're Far Away"
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Free Energy Devices, Davey Crockett, and Reality

1999-03-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, J. Hoffa wrote:

 Just why do you think he calls it "the holy grail of energy research"?
 Precisely because no one has found it yet !

Well, don't tell the Japanese that the BILLIONS of dollas they
spent in these areas have been spent on bunkcuz they won't
give a $h!t.  This stuff SEEMS to be justifying BOOKOO bucks in
research lately.

I just had to go on the record in the favor of the reality of
"zeropoint/free energy" cuz it IS real (altho Newman's stuff
may not be suchand IF it is, he sure scared off a FULL HOUSE
OF US ENGINEERS recently in Sun City, AZ!).

   Kaddish, Kaddish, Kaddish, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Duh 2000 (Humor)

1999-03-18 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I liked my idea better; duh, why don't they just add 2 more digits to
the date like it should have been...duh?

I want to know - after reading all this, why Dan Quayle was not

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 1st in 25yrs, Interview, antidote to human problems, Sr

1999-03-18 Thread Liz Schumacher

 -Caveat Lector-

it mayhaps took him 25 yrs to clear the grease from his ears why is baba loo
or whatever any different from anyone else that wants your money, your heart,
your mind and your soul?
spare me-- i can deal with the TBN monstrosities, but do we really need to
import them too??

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WHO Created AIDS.

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(Global 2000 is on-track and working as planned. --SW)

Wednesday March 17 1:37 PM ET

U.N. AIDS Chief Says No Vaccine For At Least 10 Years

By Bert Lauwers

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A vaccine against the HIV virus will not be
available for at least another decade, the head of the United Nations
responsible for combating AIDS said Wednesday.

``If we are realistic, we will not have a vaccine for at least 10 more years,''
said Peter Piot, Belgian executive director of UNAIDS and assistant
U.N. secretary-general.

``So prevention remains the only option,'' he told the Belgian parliamentary
committee for foreign affairs.

Piot said 35 million people were infected with the HIV virus and there were
16,000 new cases every day, mostly young people.

``Every minute five youngsters between 15 and 24 are infected with HIV,''
said Piot, adding that AIDS caused 2.5 million deaths in 1998 and
was now killing more people than malaria.

``There's still far too little attention given to AIDS,'' Piot said.

UNAIDS was stepping up the fight against AIDS in Africa this year and was
negotiating with governments, donors and non-governmental
organizations, he said. He declined to give details but noted the political
will existed to make a special effort.

``It's very clear that if we carry on with business as usual, an even bigger
catastrophe is waiting to happen in Africa,'' Piot told Reuters after the
meeting, which preceded the signature of a long-term cooperation
agreement between Belgium and UNAIDS.

Piot said between a quarter and a third of the adult population in countries
like Zimbabwe, Swaziland, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa
were carrying the HIV virus.

``In Africa alone there are about nine million orphans whose parents have
died of AIDS,'' he said.

AIDS had caused life expectancy in the hardest hit African states to fall
back to levels last seen in the 1960s.

And it was devastating their economies by decimating the working
population, he said, adding that gross domestic product was declining in
several African states.

``It is causing real devastation among the middle class,'' said Piot. In
addition, armies in many African nations had a infection rate of between
50 and 70 percent.

``(AIDS) and war are Africa's biggest catastrophes. AIDS is much bigger
than any other health problem or natural disaster including drought,''
he said.

Piot said a major problem was that many political leaders failed to admit
there was an AIDS problem.

But Piot said he refused to be pessimistic about the fight against AIDS.
``There are countries like Uganda and Senegal which have succeeded
in sharply reducing the number of new infections with limited means,'' he

UNAIDS had managed to get the disease on some political agendas and
was making progress in raising awareness about AIDS among
political leaders like South Africa's Nelson Mandela and Indian Prime
Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee.

Success also depended on changing attitudes among the general
population, as was happening in Thailand and Brazil.

``It is possible to fight AIDS,'' he said.

Steve Wingate

California Director


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Calif. Capitol May Cause Cancer

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Calif. Capitol May Cause Cancer

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) -- San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown wants a thorough
inspection of the state Capitol because he thinks the building may be killing

Brown, for years the powerful speaker of the Assembly, says there's enough
cancer among legislators, ex-legislators and staffers to warrant a full
epidemiological survey.

Senate President Pro Tem John Burton says Brown's concern ``sure bears looking

But he added, ``I don't want anyone to have a heart attack by thinking they're
working on top of a toxic dump.''

Brown said he asked Burton for the study after former Senate Minority Leader
Ken Maddy announced last month he had lung cancer.

Six lawmakers have died in the last 12 years of cancer, including former
Speaker Jesse Unruh.

``There's something in that building that's causing cancer and nothing is
going to change my mind,'' said former Assemblyman Gerald Felando, who
suffered from a rare form of lymphoma in the early 1990s.

[CTRL] Fwd: House Plans $25,000 Pay and Benefits Raises

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Subj:House Plans $25,000 Pay and Benefits Raises
Date:   99-03-17 14:32:59 EST
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gary Ruskin)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Multiple recipients of list CONG-REFORM)

Congressional Reform Briefings  March 17, 1999

To subscribe to Congressional Reform Briefings send the message:
  subscribe CONG-REFORM your name

-- Powerful Members of the U.S. House of Representatives are planning salary
and cash benefits raises of as much as $25,000 per year for House Members,
lifting their salaries and cash benefits over $160,000 per year.

-- House Administration Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-CA) is proposing a
$125 tax-free per diem for House Members, worth about $18,000 to $20,000 per
year, and House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) and Minority Leader Richard
Gephardt (D-MO) are supporting a $4,600 congressional pay raise.

-- Please contact your House Members to oppose the congressional pay raises.
The congressional switchboard phone number is (202) 224-3121.  E-mail
addresses of Members of Congress are available at:


 For Immediate Release: For More Information Contact:
 Wednesday, March 17, 1999  Gary Ruskin (202) 296-2787

 Groups Criticize Plans for $25,000 Pay and Benefits Hike
 for U.S. House of Representatives

 Raise and Per Diem Could Boost House Salary
 and Cash Benefits over $160,000

Responding to news reports that some Members of the U.S. House of
 Representatives want to raise their salaries and cash benefits by as
 much as $25,000 per year, Ralph Nader said that "Greed has aggressively
 overtaken this Congress.  House leaders have abandoned self-restraint,
 and are shamelessly trying to pack their wallets with the people's tax
 dollars without even discussing it with the voters back home. Congress
 is quickly eroding its moral authority to govern."

The Hill reported today that House Administration Committee Chairman
 Bill Thomas (R-CA) wants to allow House Members to receive a tax-free
 $125 per diem, worth perhaps $18,000 to $20,000 per year, from their
 congressional office budgets.  The Thomas per diem plan would amend the
 rules governing Members Representational Allowances.  It could be
 approved in the Administration Committee, and would not require a House
 floor vote.

"The Thomas per diem plan is a devious backdoor salary grab," Nader

Roll Call reported this week that both House Speaker Dennis Hastert
 (R-IL) and Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-MO) are also supporting a
 $4,600 pay raise for Congress.

"These pay raise plans are an arrogant and outrageous affront to
 American taxpayers," said Gary Ruskin, director of the Congressional
 Accountability Project. "House Members do not deserve salaries and cash
 benefits worth over $160,000 per year."

"Congressmen keep bringing up schemes to give themselves more money,"
 said Paul Jacob, national director of U.S. Term Limits.  "If they aren't
 happy with their jobs, there are plenty of good citizens willing to
 serve in their place."

Members of Congress are already overpaid.  They currently earn a
 $136,700 annual salary, plus generous pensions, perks, and other
 benefits.  Top leadership earns more. House leaders are supporting
 congressional pay raise of 3.4%, which would boost congressional
 salaries to $141,300 per year, without the proposed per diem.  Last
 year, Members of Congress gave themselves a $3,100 raise, effective
 January 1, 1998.

During the last ten years, House Members gave themselves five pay
 raises, Senators six.  Congressional salaries grew by $47,200 -- more
 than $15,000 above inflation.  In 1989, the base congressional salary
 was $89,500.

The Hill reported today that both Speaker Hastert and Minority Leader
 Gephardt are discussing the Thomas per diem plan with Members.
 According to The Hill, the $125 per diem would be paid to Members living
 outside a 50 mile radius of the Capitol.

The federal debt is currently over $5.6 trillion dollars.  "House
 Members are wrong to enrich themselves from taxpayer funds, but
 especially wrong when our country is so deep in debt," Nader said.

"While the Congress is diverting attention to the federal deficit, its
 leaders are furtively ballooning the congressional deficit, making a
 mockery out of the principle that frugality begins at home," Nader said

"Accumulating a 5.5 trillion dollar national debt, changing our role in
 the world from creditor nation to a debtor nation, watching our
 educational system sink to the lowest levels of industrialized nations,
 allowing Social Security and Medicare to teeter on the brink of
 bankruptcy, exporting our good paying manufacturing jobs overseas and
 trying to personally destroy one another at every opportunity is hard
 work!" said 

[CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-03-18 00:10:28 EST, you write: 

Clinton Administration Successful in
Establishing Party Line

The Oklahoma County Grand Jury recently
concluded its 133-day inquiry into the bombing of the
federal building. Governor Frank Keating praised the
group by saying: "Their conclusions and their very
thorough report will hopefully put an end to unfounded
conspiracy theories and irresponsible claims about the
 While public officials in Oklahoma express satisfaction with the grand
jury's efforts and continue
working to put the the matter to final rest, the unanswered questions still
persist. Although McVeigh
and Nichols have been convicted as the sole perpetrators of the bombing, and
the grand jury has
issued its concluding report and disbanded, still, the troubling questions
that have plagued this
investigation from its tragic origin, have not been answered. The disturbing
questions have been
covered and silenced under a continuing shroud of official denial.
 The immediate response to the bombing was the formation of a federal
grand jury. It was
organized to investigate the bombing and issue indictments against all
perpetrators of the deadly
terrorist attack. Hoppy Heidelberg was a member of that original grand jury.
Heidelburg told The
WINDS of his experience as a grand juror, the response of officials to his
appeal for a
comprehensive, independent investigation, and his removal from that position
due to his insistence on
conscientiously fulfilling his responsibilities.
 During the initial investigative phase of the grand jury, Heidelburg's
attempts to have specific
witnesses called, which were considered critical to the establishment of the
basic facts, were
obstructed. He said these witnesses would have substantiated whether the
degree and pattern of
damage to the Murrah building was compatible with a truck bomb.
 "I tried to call the architect of the [Murrah] building because I needed
to know how strong the
columns were," said Heidelburg. "I needed to know what they could withstand in
pounds per square
inch pressure. I wanted a structural engineer to tell whether the building was
built according to
specifications. I wanted the structural engineer to analyze the [column]
stumps and also the remaining
columns to determine whether they could withstand that kind of pressure. Then
I needed an
explosives expert to tell me how many pounds per square inch 4800 pounds of
ammonium nitrate
produced at ground zero. Then I needed a mathematician or an explosives
expert, whoever could
give me the formula for the dissipation of energy over distance. Then you have
to plug in all the
numbers and you can determine which, if any, of the columns could have been
destroyed by a truck
 Heidelburg says, "as a grand juror, I had every right to call any witness
that was involved, any
expert I needed. I was prevented from doing all of that." He was further
prohibited from showing the
police sketch of John Doe II to any of the witnesses. "They did not want me to
pursue John Doe II at
all," said the former grand juror.
 It was his attempts to discover these fundamental facts which brought
about Heidelburg's sudden
removal from the grand jury. After repeated attempts to have these crucial
expert witnesses called he
said, "I finally wrote the presiding judge a letter and told him. Once the
judge had that letter he had a
problem. If he had denied me those witnesses, then he would have been guilty
of obstruction of
justice, but if he had allowed me to have those witnesses, then I would have
it figured out. So he
didn't have any choice but to kick me off; that way he could prevent either
one of those [allowing the
expert witness testimony or the obstruction of justice charge] from happening.
That's how he got out
from between his rock and hard place."
 Heidelburg said the judge didn't explain his dismissal, "He just wrote me
a letter and said, 'you're
out.'" Heidelburg said the threats and intimidation attempts were both overt
and forceful. The base
conduct of the FBI and federal officials toward Heidelburg is reminiscent of
tactics used against some
who have been labeled as Mr. Clinton's foes.
 Following Heidelburg's dismissal, federal prosecutors proceeded to
prevent every witness to any
"John Does" from appearing before the Federal Grand Jury. There exist more
than twenty such
witnesses, yet not one was allowed to tell the grand jury what they saw.
Federal prosecutors
prohibited those witnesses from being seen or heard by grand jurors.
 Former Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key stated that "the federal
grand jury wanted
to interview both the eye witnesses and the sketch artist who drew the John
Doe composites but they
were flatly refused by the federal 'authorities.' Clearly they were blatantly

Re: [CTRL] William Thomas on Art Bell's Coast to Coast

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

On 17 Mar 99, at 16:00, Steve Wingate wrote:

 William Thomas will be discussing contrails and biowarfare.

 Listen Live: 10pm - 3am PT

Starts in a few minutes.

I understand there may be new laboratory evidence presented.


Steve Wingate

California Director


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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1999-03-18 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Hello. First of all, I only forwarded information about probable camps
dispersed around the U.S., secondly, I have not personally researched this
issue to the degree for me to say that it is as widespread as some attest to.
My primary question to the people saying that they have dozens of photographs
and exact locations of many dozens of camps is why haven't they published a
book, or set up a website? Here is some more info. I do believe that there are
camps ready and waiting for martial law or some other emergency so as to
imprison "subversives", but I am still unconvinced about allegations of over a
hundred or several hundred. Thanks. Gavin.

 URLs Of Alleged US Military
 Detention Camps And UN Vehicles

 From: John Hammell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 US Military Detention Camp Photos

 Note that the barbed wire is configured to keep people
"in", not "out", and also note in the middle of the guard towers, a platform
for the mounting of a machine gun.

 This site is on the Michigan National Guard base in
Grayling, Michigan

 View #1

 View #2

 View #3

 Photos of an "Ememy Prisoner of War" camp at Fort Dix,
New Jersey. Is there going to be a war here?

 Prisoner of War Camp

 Watch Tower

 Barb Wire  Towers

 Close-up of Barb Wire

 Portable Jails on a Truck

 Close-up of Portable Jails

 Alleged Internment Camps List


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-18 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

It may be of note that Mr Tolkein was a south african who was brought up in
Bloemfontein in the 30's was the centre of calvinism. The catholic church
was regarded as the whore of babylon, the possible antichrist , die romeinse
gevaar by many in the reformed churches at that time.(they must have all
been reading anti albion Lloyd). Although there was religious freedom and no
persecution of catholics at the time, it would have made a distinct
impression on the young mr Tolkein.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Deadbeat Press

1999-03-18 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

The Deadbeat Press
Establishment - How Our
News Is Controlled
The Deadbeat Press Establishment
By Joseph Farrah

Last weekend, reports on the Internet, in the New York Post
and on the BBC told the story of young Danny Williams and
his quest to determine whether Bill Clinton is really, as his
prostitute-mother claims, his Daddy. The results of a DNA test
should set the record straight very soon. But the question I was
asked on radio talk shows all over America yesterday was:
Why hasn't the "mainstream media" covered this story yet? It's
a good question -- a darn good question.

Let me try to answer it, not as a media critic, but as a news
professional who has spent most of my adult life running daily
newspapers in major markets.

There are a couple of institutional problems at play.

When we say "the media," these days, what we're really talking
about is a very small group of newspapers and one -- count
'em, one -- wire service that controls nearly the entire flow of
mainstream news. That's it. What Americans know from the
establishment press is based on the decisions and the reporting
of a handful of people.

There are very few establishment news organizations that are
actually doing any serious investigative or enterprising
reporting. When they do, they count on it being recycled by the
Associated Press, which really holds a monopoly nowadays as
the major wire service. If it doesn't make it on AP, it didn't
happen. And it doesn't get on AP unless it is either written by
one of their small coterie of national reporters or it appears first
in The New York Times, Washington Post, L.A. Times,
Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune or another of those elite
"serious" national papers.

Think of how this story broke -- as a result of enterprising
reporting by a "trashy" tabloid magazine and hyped by the
dreaded Internet. If there is one entity more despised by the
media elitists than the tabloid industry, it's the fledgling
independent Internet news business. Don't you think it bugs
journalists that Matt Drudge and his laptop have more influence
than 99 percent of the daily newspapers in this country? Don't
you think it bugs the elite old media, as they battle trends of
declining circulation and ratings, that WorldNetDaily, after 19
months of Internet publishing, got more than 1 million hits on
Monday of this week?

The other institutional problem is that the news media has truly
lost its way, its moorings, its sense of purpose, its mission.

I know I have said this before, but it bears repeating. The
central role of a free press in a free society is to serve as a
watchdog on government. From Thomas Paine to Thomas
Jefferson, the Founding Fathers understood this. The American
press instinctively understood it and lived by that code for
nearly two centuries.

Sometime in the last 30 years or so, the press drifted in another
direction. Ask most reporters and editors today what the central
role of a free press in a free society is and you're likely to get a
blank stare. That was not the case a generation ago, or even
when I entered the business during the Watergate era.

Nailing government officials for fraud, waste, corruption and
abuse were always the hallmarks of good reporting. Pulitzer
Prizes were awarded for holding government officials
accountable for their words and deeds. Not any more.

In the 1990s, the U.S. press establishment crawled into bed
with the government. Reporting on government today means
rewriting press releases, transcribing the words of official
spokesmen, standing in front of the Capitol with the videocam
on and repeating what you just read in The New York Times.
Today, the government-media complex is more scary than the
military-industrial complex.

And that's how a story like the Danny Williams story can go
virtually unreported in the establishment press -- even though
the whole nation is talking about it. Without the Internet, you
could learn more about the details of this U.S. story in London
than you could in Washington. Not a word in the big papers.
Not a word on the semi-official U.S. news agency AP.

It's just one more example of how the "mainstream press" is
digging its own grave. And it's why the independent new media,
which actually performs the mission the old media were created
to perform, are experiencing such unprecedented growth.


A daily radio broadcast adaptation of Joseph Farah's
commentaries can be heard at

© 1999 Western Journalism Center

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Duh 2000 (Humor)

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

Welcome to Duh-2000

The monthly contest for the stupidest thing said about the Year 2000

And the winner of Contest #9 is:

Alexander Krupnov, chairman of Russia's Central Telecommunications
Commission, which is coordinating the country's work on the millennium
bug: "These agencies have already done half their jobs, they've counted out
how much" money they'll need, he told a news conference. "Now they're
seeking their own sources of financing." And you all thought testing was half
of remediation.  Actually, it's a pretty simple methodology when you think
about it: figure out how much money you need, test, then declare you are
compliant.  Then hide January 1, 2000.   Quoted on CNN Interactive from
Reuters Russia admits it needs $3 billion to fight millennium bug January
1999.  Submitted by Linda Fitzpatrick.

And Now, On To This Contest's Candidates (the official list, in no particular

Who's on first, the Y2k edition Exchange between Larry King and Art Bell
on Larry King Live, March 5, 1999:

KING: Why is it called Y2K?
BELL: 2000 -- simple 2000, 2-0-0-0.
KING: And the Y?
BELL: I don't have a slightest idea.
(Art Bell is a radio amateur and should know this! --SW)
KING: Who put a Y in there?
BELL: Two -- 2K is 2000. But Y2K?
KING: Year 2000 -- that's what it could be.
BELL: Year 2000.

 Obviously Larry and Art were demonstrating "channelling" with the spirits
of Bud Abbott and Lou Costello.  Quoted on CNN's Larry King Live Art Bell
Discusses the Unexplained March 5, 1999.  Submitted by Merle Bengston.

Joe Riley, president of the Technological Information Consultants of
Australia: "One likely thing that may happen is something like an insurance
company will not insure or underwrite planes that go to (non-compliant)
countries. ... Nobody's alarming people or doing alarmist things. It's a
reality.'' The Australian definition of "alarming" must be different that the
American version.  Probably has something to do with those Fosters beer
ads (whose web site, by the way, is blissfully non-compliant).  G'day mate!
Quoted on Reuters Y2K Summit Consensus: No One Totally Safe From
Bug March 3, 1999.  Submitted by Linda Fitzpatrick.

Jack L. Brock, director of governmentwide and defense information
systems at GAO, said DoD needs to take extra precautions to make sure
its critical systems will work. "It's like going to a party, and you risk your
pants falling down," he said. "You not only want to wear a belt, but
suspenders as well." And clean underwear!  Yeah, it's exactly like that, in a
way that is utterly different. Quoted on Auditors say DoD
needs to look at the big Y2K picture March 3, 1999.  Submitted by Kirsten

This is like shooting Russian fish in a barrel... Serhiy Parashin, head of the
Ukrainian Energy and Information research center: "We have to prepare for
the worst in our nuclear energy sector, and this 'worst' might mean that all
stations could stop simultaneously." That's the absolute worst, huh?
Parashin, who is a former director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant,
also said in the same article that the consequences of the bug problem
could be 'most unexpected,' but did not elaborate.  Quoted on Reuters
Millenium Bug May Stop Ukraine Nuke Plants-Expert March 5, 1999.
Submitted by Linda Fitzpatrick.

Not to be outdone by the Russians and the Italians, Spain checks in...
Xavier Vidal, head of millennium-bug preparation for Spain's biggest
savings bank La Caixa: "This is a Latin characteristic. ... We wait for the
last day, but it gets done." Well, they have the "wait until the last minute
part" down anyway.   Quoted on the Wall Street Journal Spanish
Companies Scramble To Avoid the Millennium Bug (Requires Paid
Registration) March 2, 1999. Submitted by Christine Greenwald.

Vice President Al "Mr. Information Superhighway" Gore weighs in on Y2k:
"We feel, and the Defense Department feels, that problem is not going to
be a problem. Of course, it can't be a problem. We won't allow it to be a
problem. ... We're confident that it is going to be solved, but we're going to
be doubly, triply and quadrupally confident that it's going to be solved
before September of this year." Wow. And we'll bet you didn't even know
"quadrupally" was a real word!   Quoted on San Jose Mercury News Gore
says U.S. will be ready for Y2K February 28, 1999.  Submitted by Bill Adsit.

Sen. Richard Lugar, telling Indiana state legislators that government
agencies and private companies should tell the truth about possible
problems looming from the Y2K computer bug to prevent possible panic:
"And even after all of our reassurances, some people are skeptical of the
government." "Hi.  We're from the government and we're here to help you."
Quoted on Lugar tells lawmakers about Y2K progress,
worries February 19, 1999.  Submitted by Christine Greenwald.

Graeme Inchley, CEO of the Australian government-sponsored Y2K
industry program. "We're at the point where the 

[CTRL] Nazi Gun Law/U.S. Gun Law/Same

1999-03-18 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

"The right of self-defense is the first law of nature: in most governments it
has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits
possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and when the right of the
people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever,
prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of
Henry St. George Tucker 

by Joyce Rosenwald

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms
is, as a
last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
Many of us living today were not yet born during the reign of terror of
Adolph Hitler and his
German Nazi party. Yet, every one of us have been told about the horrors and
inhuman crimes
perpetrated by the Nazis against select groups of people throughout all
of Europe. We refer
to Hitler and the Nazis as a group of criminals who took over a legitimate
government and turned it
into a killing machine. We heave a sigh of relief and thank God that kind of
thing could never happen
here in America.
Germany's Nazis were criminals  mass murderers. About 12,000,000 civilians
were murdered by
the Nazis, among them thousands of women and children. Jews and Gypsies were
targeted by the
Nazis for total extermination. Some died from gassing in concentration camps.
Some died from
starvation in ghettos. Some were lined up in front of open graves and shot.
In 1928, five years before the rise of Hitler, Germany's freely elected
government enacted a
"Law on Firearms and Ammunition." This law required anyone who owned
a firearm, or who
wanted to own a firearm, to make themselves known to the authorities. Anyone
who wanted to
purchase a firearm had to get a "Firearms Acquisition Permit." If you needed
ammunition, you had
to get an "Ammunition Acquisition Permit." When you wanted to go hunting, you
had to get an
"Annual Hunting Permit." Every firearm that changed hands professionally had
to have a
serial number and the maker's or dealers name stamped into the metal.
"Proof of need" was made a
condition for issuance of all licenses, not just the carry permit. Mandatory
prison sentences were
imposed on anyone who professionally sold or transferred a firearm or
ammunition without a license.
Truncheons and stabbing weapons were subject to the same licensing
requirements as firearms, in
terms of their manufacture and sale.
As a result of the 1928 Law, all firearms and firearms owners were registered.
To take firearms from
anyone they distrusted, the Nazis simply did not renew permits. Under the law,
their privately created
law, the Nazis could now easily confiscate all firearms and ammunition from
any, or all,
selected groups. The gun law of 1928 had served the Nazis well. It made almost
all law abiding
firearms owners known to the authorities. The 1928 law on firearms and
ammunition helped the
Nazis to destroy democracy in Germany, by disarming the law abiding majority,
whom they feared.
By the end of 1931, a rising tide of violence, mainly between Nazi and
Communist street fighters,
moved the authorities to tighten restrictions. Under new regulations, the
police could order
everyone's firearms and ammunition ... even items not normally used as
weapons ... to be put into
police custody,
"If the maintenance of public security and order require it."
'1, Fourth Regulations of the President for the Protection
of the Economy and Finance, and on the
Defense of Civil Peace, December 8, 1931
The Nazis came to power legally. They were voted into power. In elections held
on March 5, 1933,
the Nazis fell short of 50 percent of the vote. Hitler, afraid the public
might oust him, didn't plan to
hold more elections. On March 23, 1933, parliament voted to give him
emergency powers under the
Constitution. There were no more elections in Germany until after
World War II. The Nazis were far
from being popular with the German people. The Nazis knew that many Germans
opposed them.
The Nazis used the 1928 Law on Firearms and Ammunition to disarm their
opponents and to
prevent any armed resistance. The Nazis, at most, were a minority of the
German population, not the
majority. The Nazis operated within the Law. But in Germany, as here, a small
private elite group
only came to power legally, but instituted dictatorship legally.
On taking power in 1933, the Nazis did not immediately begin killing Jews.
In April 1933, the Nazis
enacted a law that kept Jews out of the civil service, universities, and most
In September 1935, the Nuremberg Laws were enacted: Jews lost their
civil rights.
In November 1938, the Nazi SS troops were unleashed against Germany's Jews.
Jewish property
was confiscated.
On March 18 1938, the Nazis 

Re: [CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

This is a good article.  The following is the passage I found most intriguing:

begin quote

 The Final Jihad is said to be a fictional account of terror and
intrigue authored by Oklahoma governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin
Keating. Written in 1991, but not released until 1996, it has been
called prophetic because of the many terrorist crimes which have been
perpetrated with amazing similarity to its story line.

 Four years before the devastating Oklahoma City bombing Martin
Keating wrote of a terrorist network in Oklahoma with a central figure
named Tom McVey. He tells of the terrorist's arrest based on a minor
traffic violation by an unsuspecting highway patrolman.

 At the time Timothy McVeigh was originally apprehended by an
unsuspecting state trooper near Perry Oklahoma- only an hour and a half
after the bombing- televised news accounts for several hours thereafter
were reporting the arrest of "Thomas McVeigh" (Tom McVey?). Was this a
simple mistake or an unplanned slip?

 Is this a bizarre, uncanny coincidence or is there some strange
connection? The publicity notes which promote the book on an Internet
site claim that "Martin Keating is a master storyteller with unique
access to government intelligence agencies and clandestine terrorist
groups. His brother Frank Keating, currently governor of Oklahoma, is a
former FBI agent and assistant secretary of the Treasury who supervised
the Secret Service, U.S. Customs, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
and Firearms."

 The notes further reveal that Keating was "introduced to the
intelligence community through generations of family involvement. Martin
Keating knows intimate details of what the rest of us can only imagine.
Armed with firsthand knowledge...Keating accurately reveals what the
highest government officials have known."

 Keatings book was completed in 1991, prior to the acts of terrorism
he describes. In 1991 Keating "accurately reveals what the highest
government officials have known." He detailed beforehand in The Final
Jihad, a whole series of terrorist activities including the OKC bombing,
the Arizona Amtrak derailment, the plane crash into the White House, the
World Trade Center bombing and TWA Flight 800. What does this say for
all the government's denial of prior knowledge in the OKC bombing?

end quote


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Good Site

1999-03-18 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting site. Many good articles if you have the patience. Gavin.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Did anyone ever verify or know for sure, that there were a lot of BATF,
etc., who did not go to work that day.   Was there a threat they did not
share with their fellow workers.  .

When I heard of Oklahoma, first thing I said was "what's the

These "prophetic" reportsyet, none dare call it propaganda or

Like the Titanic - the book written before the deed; however, the plan
was on the drawing board long before the book.

As for Waco, Texas...that is where the use of "fluoride" became
"in a little town called Waco, Texas, it was discovered there was a lot
of fluoride in the water, etc." and Colgate, I believe used that line
and passed it onto Eisenhower who endorsed fluoridated wataer.does
that stuff really affect the nervous system, and could someone overdose
on it.

If the story re Keating really true; if it is, there should be a serious
investigation of Oklahoma by an independent prosecutorbut I guess
that fund along with a few others, has been drained dry by the real
masters of deceit and intrigue.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: House Plans $25,000 Pay and Benefits Raises

1999-03-18 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Back in the early 1980 period, a huge pay increase was tacked onto a
very important bill, which had nothing to do with pay raises in the
title (I always thought that was illegal to do this...the title is
supposed to capsule the content).

Well of course this bill got approval..later when it was discovered
this huge pay increase had been included. they all said "we didn't
know that bill was loaded"..but nobody rescinded same.   The usual
suspects took their pose of innocense, and laughted all the way to the

Three are people living in this country - if you can call that living
on less than $10,000 a year.

Well like Santa Claus, I will be making a list, and I will be checking
it twice.and we will see who gets my vote next election.   It still

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I have had two people tell me this - that the BATF was the most
dangerous organization in the world.

These men dressed in black alone, are enough to intidate and put fear
into the minds of children who will be controlled obviously through

The two individuals stating the above, one was former (?) CIA, and the
other MI6.   Second, the IRS because they have it within their power to
destroy a person socially, financially, and ecoomically thorugh their
uncontrolled tacticsthe former can kill, the latter destroy.

Let us get these "men in black" into different uniforms.let them
stand out in a crowd like Tim McVey did in his orange jumper suit.   Who
makes all these uniforms; someone is making a real killing here too.
Always wondered who cornered the market there.

First look for the enemy withinbut when you look at BATF, who wonder
just who the enem is.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The REAL plan behind Y2K?

1999-03-18 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


I've seen lots of theories about what's REALLY going on behind Y2K, but
this one is the best so far. Less a few references to "evil Masons," etc.,
this theory is entirely plausible. As if it weren't obvious, remember that
to rule the world, you need only control two things: money and information.

Subject: Y2K: Incompetence or Genius?
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 1999 15:28:51 EST

Y2K: Incompetence or Genius?

 This article was written in January of 1999, author UNKNOWN, and
forwarded to me by Mark at: [EMAIL PROTECTED] The people who run the
world are NOT stupid. Start from that basis and so much falls into
place. OK, I’ll grant you, many of them appear to be stupid and some of
their underlings are employed primarily because they are incompetent at
what they do. But that’s the idea. There is no more effective way of
advancing a hidden agenda than to persuade people that those making the
key decisions are idiots and to have a few genuine ones around helps
this myth to no end.

But those who are really in control are NOT stupid. No, no, no. I can
give you a wonderful example of that from Europe. Some years ago the
media was full of stories about the "beef mountains", "butter
mountains", "grain mountains" and "wine lakes". These were the vast
stockpiles of food and wine caused by massive overproduction by farmers
in the European community (now Union) which could not be sold. The
bureaucrats of Brussels were condemned as incompetent and stupid and
therefore the true agenda was obscured.

Now look at what was really happening: The farmers overproduced because
the bureaucrats said they would buy (the taxpayer would buy) whatever
they produced at an agreed price no matter what. The farmers were
enticed into this trap by greed and naiveté. It is amazing how naïve
people can become when they see dollar signs before their eyes. The next
stage was to encourage public hostility to the food mountains and the
policy that was making farming a license to print money. In "response"
to this "public concern", the same bureaucrats changed the policy and
stopped the no-questions-asked subsidies. Now the smaller farmers were
faced with vastly reduced subsidies and the need to sell their produce
on the "open" market, a market in which prices had plummeted because of
the surpluses all across Europe caused by bureaucrats’ policies.

So what happened? Enormous numbers of smaller farmers went out of
business. And what was the result of that? The major transnational
corporations moved in, bought their farms at knockdown prices or allowed
them to disappear, and the grip on world food production from soil to
plate was increased dramatically. But people didn’t see that agenda.
They saw what they thought was incompetence.

Which brings me to Y2K. There are only two digits on most computerized
systems to count the passing of the years. 1999 to a computer is 99.
This means that when they click to the year 2000, the computer will
register 00. The question then arises; will the computer take this to be
the year 2000 or the year 1900? If it picks 1900 the system it controls
will fail, be it energy, banking, whatever.

Does anyone believe that such lack of foresight, given the possible
consequences, was just incompetence? Well, here’s one who doesn’t for a
start. I have written in my books and emphasized in my talks the
technique I call problem-reaction-solution. This is when you covertly
create a problem and blame someone else for it. You then encourage
people to demand that "something must be done" about the problem and
this gives you the opportunity to offer the solution: the policy you
wanted to introduce all along.

This is why chaos is a wonderful means of control, indeed essential to
it on a mass scale. Chaos always divides people (every man for himself)
and chaos always leads to a demand to restore order: "something must be
done". It is not without reason that the Freemasonic motto "Ordo Ab
Chao" translates as order out of chaos. In other words: problem,
reaction, solution. The agenda for the Millennium years is to introduce
a world government, central bank, currency, army, and a micro chipped
population linked to a global computer.

Anyone with an activated brain cell can see this unfolding before our
eyes every day. However, if you want the quick road to this global
fascist structure, you need a massive global problem (global chaos) to
which you can offer a global solution. And nothing fits the bill better
than a collapse of the computer system on which the world economy and
daily life now depends (on purpose). It really doesn’t matter if the
effects of Y2K are as bad as we are led to believe with power failures,
food shortages, money chaos, and the like, or whether they are being

The fact is that the Y2K propaganda means they have an excuse to
collapse the computer system which people will accept is 

[CTRL] Interesting facts about Social Security

1999-03-18 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

Walter Williams

Why Congress can't be trusted

about Social Security,
our national Ponzi
scheme, in addition to
its pending
bankruptcy. Read the
Social Security Act,
Section 208 (42
U.S.C. 408),
paragraph 8, which
says, "Whoever
discloses, uses, or
compels the disclosure
of the Social Security number of a person
in violation of the laws of the United
States shall be guilty of a felony and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined under
title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned
for not more than five years, or both."

During the 1930s, many Americans were
concerned that Social Security numbers
would become national identity numbers.
Congress put in paragraph 8 to allay their
fears. My Social Security card issued in
1949 says "Not For Identification

Today, there's little one can do without
giving one's Social Security number,
whether it's getting a driver's license, filing
tax returns, opening a bank or stock
account, getting a job, or even bringing a
baby home from the hospital. That's a
standard practice of Congress. They say
one thing just to get a law passed. Then
they change it to something we would have
never accepted when the law was first

Most Americans think they have a legal
right to the "contributions" they made into
Social Security. They don't. In Flemming
vs. Nestor (1960), Ephram Nestor sued
the federal government, claiming he had a
right to collect Social Security benefits
since he had paid his Social Security
taxes. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that
workers have no legal right to Social
Security, saying, "To engraft upon the
Social Security system a concept of
accrued property rights would deprive it of
the flexibility and boldness in adjustment
to ever changing conditions which it

That means
Congress can cut
or eliminate Social
Security benefits
anytime it pleases regardless of worker
contributions. That decision was
consistent with the court's earlier opinion
in Helverigh vs. Davis (1937), where the
court pointed out that Social Security was
not an insurance program: "The proceeds
of both the employee and employer taxes
are to be paid into the Treasury like any
other internal revenue generally, and are
not earmarked in any way." That means
Social Security is a tax like any other tax.
Congress can spend as it pleases
regardless of what promises were made
back in 1935 when Social Security began.

To add insult to injury, politicians feed us
lie after lie about the Social Security trust
fund, but they are increasingly being
cornered into admitting the fraud. The
Office of Management and Budget in its
"Budget of United States, Fiscal Year
2000," says: "These (Trust Fund)
balances are available to finance future
benefit payments ... but only in a
bookkeeping sense. ... They do not consist
of real economic assets that can be drawn
down in the future to fund benefits.
Instead, they are claims on the Treasury
that, when redeemed, will have to be
financed by raising taxes, borrowing from
the public, or reducing benefits or other
expenditures." That, ladies and gentlemen,
translates into saying there is no trust

The White House and many congressmen
say they want to use what they're calling a
budget surplus to save Social Security
rather than give across-the-board tax
cuts. They're lying, and they're going to
get away with it because most Americans
can't or don't bother to think.

What Congress really wants, in their
so-called saving Social Security scheme,
is to keep money coming to Washington, in
the name of Social Security, so they can
spend it on bread and circuses as they've
done in the past --- and Americans are
buying into their ruse.

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to
educate a menace to society."

--Theodore Roosevelt

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1999-03-18 Thread J. Hoffa

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated  Thu, 18 Mar 1999 03:11:35 -0700,

 Just why do you think he calls it "the holy grail of energy research"?
 Precisely because no one has found it yet !

Well, don't tell the Japanese that the BILLIONS of dollas they
spent in these areas have been spent on bunkcuz they won't
give a $h!t.  This stuff SEEMS to be justifying BOOKOO bucks in
research lately.

I just had to go on the record in the favor of the reality of
"zeropoint/free energy" cuz it IS real (altho Newman's stuff
may not be suchand IF it is, he sure scared off a FULL HOUSE
OF US ENGINEERS recently in Sun City, AZ!).

First of all, I never said that free energy devices are not real. Read
my words again, carefully this time. I merely said that no one has
yet "found" (meaning verified in the scientific community through
repeatable experiments so as to reach a consensus among
researchers) such a device. I am glad research is being done and
money is being spent in this area. In fact, I, and most probably
others on this list, would like to hear more about what you saw
"recently in Sun City, AZ." Please let us know.

As for the Japanese and their spending habits, well, the state of their
economy doesn't seem to be justifying spending billions on
anything except restructuring their faltering financial system.

As for scaring a house full of engineers, well, that's not so hard. Just
get rid of the morning doughnuts and coffee at work!   ;-)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] William Thomas on Art Bell's Coast to Coast

1999-03-18 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/18/99 1:31:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  On 17 Mar 99, at 16:00, Steve Wingate wrote:

   William Thomas will be discussing contrails and biowarfare.
   Listen Live: 10pm - 3am PT

  Starts in a few minutes.

  I understand there may be new laboratory evidence presented.


For those of us who didn't hear the show, can anyone provide a recap of any
substantive information that might have been presented? .You don't have to
be paranoid to realize that there is something unusual about these contrails
once you see them for yourself.


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-18 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

I do not have any posts for 3-16, + 3-17. My mailbox is not full. What

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-18 Thread Jim Yester

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/18/99 10:18:14 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I do not have any posts for 3-16, + 3-17. My mailbox is not full. What

"What happened?"   They probably got sucked into an AOL black hole. You can
access them from the archieves. See tag info below.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [ma] Wild greens destroy GE experimental crops

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved
the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

: Subject: [ma] Wild greens destroy GE experimental crops
: Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 6:04 PM
: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- /\/\eta-axio/\/\ Mailing List -=-=-=-
: Source: a-infos
: Sender: belgrave
: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
:   A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E
: From: Mark Eden [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Christchurch, New Zealand
: In the early hours of Thursday 11th March, a dozen people jumped the
: at the Crop and Food Research Centre at Lincoln, just outside of
: Christchurch.
: Within minutes an experimental genetically modified potato crop was
: destroyed and a $200,000 research project was ruined. The experiment
: involved mixing the genes of potatoes with genetic material from toads
: silkworms to make the potatoes rot resistant.
: The timing was perfect. Opposition to genetically modified food has been
: growing and the debate about Genetically modified food was one of the
: major political  issues this week, with even the Prime Minister suddenly
: announcing she was in favour of labelling GM food the day after the
: government called  labelling "costly and unworkable".
: Considering that this was the first major act of sabotage by
: activists in this country for as long as most people can remember, the
: reaction to it was quite good. The most common reaction by environmental
: group leaders was an attitude of cautious support or "understanding" of
: the sabotage.
: Most of the media were quick to use the word "eco-terrorism" to describe
: the nonviolent act of uprooting some potatoes.
: The sabotage was claimed by a group called the Wild Greens who are the
: direct action youth branch of the green party.
: Meanwhile security has been stepped up at Ruakura Agricultural Research
: Station (The biggest vivisection lab in the southern hemisphere) where
: genetically modified cows are being bred, and at other crop research labs
: around the country.
: Mark PO Box 6387, Wellington, Aotearoa (New Zealand)
:   The A-Infos News Service
:   WWW:
:   INFO:
: /\/\eta-axio/\/\ Mailing List ~~ PROFIT COPYRIGHT ~~  a [S]F[M]H[P]

[CTRL] Fwd: Swedish Euro Take

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan


WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe

Sweden edges towards adopting the euro

New attacks prepared against working class

By Steve James
18 March 1999

The Swedish coalition government of the Social Democratic Party, the Left
Party and the Greens faces two strategic decisions. Within a short period,
months at most, the government will have to make clear how it intends to
take Sweden into the single currency "euro-zone". At the same time, in
April's budget, the government will set out plans to radically decrease
taxes on private and corporate wealth and to privatise 25 of 59 remaining
nationalised industries.

Taken together, the moves show how fully the "Swedish model" of
welfare-state capitalism has been abandoned. In the last months, most major
Swedish companies have merged with international competitors, and many have
moved production out of Sweden. All have loudly complained that they are
taxed too highly. Last year, Ericsson, the telecommunications group famous
for its mobile phones, and Sweden's largest exporter, declared its
intention to move much of its administration to London. The company has
announced 11,000 job losses worldwide out of a global workforce of 104,000.
Stora-Enso, formed through the merger of leading paper companies in Sweden
and Finland, is moving its headquarters to Helsinki, as is the recently
merged pharmaceutical giant Astra-Zeneca. Two leading Swedish and Finnish
banks have merged, as have the chief Swedish and Norwegian
telecommunications companies, Telia and Telenor.

Volvo, recently taken over by Ford, has announced that not being in the
euro-zone will cost them up to $36.9 million a year, and is urging the
government to join as soon as possible. It is already using euros for part
of its financial operations. The investment agency "Invest in Sweden"
claimed that 25 percent of foreign companies in Sweden would cut investment
simply because Sweden was not in the euro, and 32 percent of companies said
they would increase investment if Sweden joined.

The combined business campaign on taxes, and the introduction of the euro
by eleven other European countries from January this year, is having an
effect. The social democratic government in Sweden is preparing new tax
cuts and an early entry into the euro.

For four decades after the Second World War, every Swedish government
adhered to the view that living and welfare standards should always
improve. Then, in the early 1990s, the social democrats announced that the
"era of reform" was at an end, and promptly set about preparing tax cuts to
big business and a freeze on welfare payments. For most of the decade,
Sweden, which previously had jobless levels close to zero, saw unemployment
rise to around 10 percent. At present, if those in "work creation" schemes
are included, the figure is nearer 14 percent. A recent report in the
British medical journal The Lancet suggests that health inequality in
Sweden and the rest of Scandinavia is greater than in the rest of Europe.
The Lancet

Although company taxes are lower than most European countries at 28
percent, Sweden remains a country where private wealth is relatively highly
taxed. High earners pay as much as 56.7 percent on their income, compared
to the average tax rate of 36.4 percent. There is also a 1.5 percent wealth
tax, a property tax and double taxation on share dividends. Big business is
insisting that this change. While Swedish workers are seeing the social
gains of the post-war period eroded, a small and vocal wealthy minority at
the pinnacle of society is demanding more.

SAP Finance Minister Erik Asbrink announced on February 26 that there would
be "across the board" tax cuts, with the government targeting payments
towards state pensions and considering the removal of a 5 percent levy
imposed on those earning more than $4,050 a month. Asbrink told the
Financial Times, "I would like to see income tax cuts for everybody...
Everyone has endured higher taxes during the 1990s."

The government has also intensified its efforts to take Sweden into the
euro. The SAP has moved forward a special conference due for 2001 and
intended to discuss the party's attitude to the single currency. The
conference will instead take place next year.

The issue of Europe has been the source of considerable debate.
Historically, Sweden's capitalist class has attempted to balance between
Britain and Germany. In the post-war period, Sweden joined the European
Free Trade Area, set up by Britain to rival the newly formed French and
German dominated European Economic Community (which later became the
European Union).

In the 1990s, there was a pronounced shift towards European integration.
But this met widespread opposition due to the austerity measures demanded
in order to meet the criteria for European Union membership. This
opposition was divided between newly emerged right wing parties and the
ex-Stalinist left, both of which advanced explicitly anti-European
policies. Only 52 

[CTRL] Fwd: The IMF Ecuador

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan


WSWS : News  Analysis : South  Central America

Ecuador on brink of civil war as government deepens austerity measures

By Bill Vann
18 March 1999

Ecuador drifted closer to the brink of civil war over the past week.
Following a two-day general strike, the government of President Jamil
Mahuad deepened economic austerity measures and ordered the virtual
militarization of the country. Food and gasoline prices more than doubled
overnight, bank accounts were frozen and proposals were advanced for
drastic tax increases, sweeping privatizations of state-owned enterprises
and the layoffs of thousands of public employees.

Defying a nationwide state of siege and the most intense police-military
operation in Ecuador's history, taxi drivers and bus drivers paralyzed the
capital of Quito and Ecuador's major port and industrial center of
Guayaquil on March 16. Schools remained closed as teachers continued
militant protests, and the southern part of the country was cut off by
highway blockades by Ecuador's indigenous population.

The Mahuad government has responded to the rising tide of unrest with two
appeals: one to the army to restore order, and the second to the
Inter-American Development Bank and other international lending
institutions to provide economic resources needed to prevent the country's
"democracy from being put at risk."

International Monetary Fund Managing Director Michel Camdessus, meanwhile,
issued a direct appeal to the Ecuadorian population. In a televised address
the IMF chief combined understatement with irony by declaring that the only
reason that the international financial community was not providing
assistance was "the fact that there is no unity in Ecuador behind an
emergency economic program."

While unions, social organizations and indigenous groups have called a
series of protests, strikes and blockades, even the center-right Social
Christian Party, a traditional ally of Mahuad's Popular Democracy Party,
has denounced the austerity measures as "useless and inhuman," demanding a
wholesale revision of the government's economic policies. Five of the six
members of the governing board of Ecuador's central bank, meanwhile,
resigned their posts, declaring it impossible "to work in a coordinated way
with the executive on the monetary and fiscal policy of the country."

The head of Ecuador's Chamber of Commerce responded to the combination of
price increases and the freeze on accounts by declaring, "We expected him
to hit the accelerator, and instead he stepped on the brakes."

The Patriotic Front, which unites the country's main trade union federation
and the social and indigenous organizations, has declared Mahuad's economic
policy "a declaration of war against the people" and demanded the
president's immediate resignation.

With 60 percent of the country's 12 million people living below the poverty
line, Mahuad's measures are widely seen as simply another means of forcing
the most oppressed sections of society to bear the brunt of Ecuador's $15
billion foreign debt.

"A social explosion is getting ever closer," declared Alberto Acosta, one
of Ecuador's most well-known economic analysts.

Thousands of teachers marched through Quito to the Italian Embassy, where
30 of their colleagues are carrying out an indefinite hunger strike to
protest the government's economic measures. The National Union of
Educators, which has been on strike for more than a month, chose the
embassy because it fear that under the state of siege any other site would
be raided by the police or military.

Ecuador has been swamped by the same global economic pressures that have
ripped through the Brazilian economy and, before that, unleashed turmoil in
East Asia, the former Soviet Union and elsewhere.

It has emerged as the weakest of Latin America's fragile national economies
with an inflation rate of over 40 percent and rising, a 14 percent official
unemployment rate and negative indices of growth and investment. Bank
interest rates border on 100 percent and major bank collapses have occurred
on an average of one a month since Mahuad took office in August.

The immediate roots of the crisis date back to 1995 and the five-week
border war with Peru. The government launched a frantic arms-buying spree,
creating an uncontrollable budget deficit and sending the economy into a
decline that has continued to the present.

In the wake of the war, and amid growing economic crisis and social unrest,
Abdala Bucaram, the right-wing populist from Guayaquil, won a heated 1996
presidential election. Dubbing himself "el loco," or the madman, Bucaram's
government was riddled with corruption and engaged in public spending aimed
strictly at servicing his supporters. Faced with mounting economic and
political crisis, the Ecuadorian Congress voted in February 1997 to remove
Bucaram from office on grounds of "mental incapacity."

Bucaram was succeeded by Fabian Alarcon, who may have appeared saner, but
varied little in terms 

[CTRL] OEN 3/18/99

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Money Laundering

How Saddam Skims Off Oil Profits

(This story heats up. See below.)

by James Norman

While sabres rattle over Iraq's rebuff of UN arms inspections, a nagging
question persists: How does Saddam Hussein keep funding his huge army
and adding new weapons?

In part, it could be through lucrative kickbacks and money laundering
wittingly or unwittingly built in to the UN's little-watched Iraq oil
pricing regime.

Ever since the UN let Iraq resume selling crude in 1995 under its "oil
for food" program, Iraq has consistently proposed prices far BELOW the
market. UN overseers have had to repeatedly prod Iraq to bring its
prices UP. Why?

The answer is that funds from those sales, which have risen from less
than 300,000 b/d at the end of 1996 to more than 2-mil b/d, do not go
directly to Iraq. They first go to the UN to buy food, and now oilfield
spare parts.

But the discount between Iraq's approved formula price and its market
value, which has ranged above $0.60/bbl and seldom below $0.20/bbl,
itself becomes a kind of black market currency.

By underpricing his oil, Saddam can create upwards of $1-mil a day at
times in phantom funds to either pay past debt, buy new arms, or simply
line his own pockets.

How does the scam work? By controlling which obscure trading companies
win the right to buy that oil, Iraq can direct the flow of these
discounts. That would explain why major western refiners have been
bumped off the Iraqi buyer list and replaced by more and more unknown
names. Increasingly, Iraq's customers are trading companies with no use
for the crude except to quickly resell it.

Gone are Shell, BP, Exxon and Chevron. Instead, Iraq is selling to a
dozen Russian trading houses and has recently added half a dozen Chinese
firms. Whether or not these firms actually are conduits for arms
payments or kickbacks, sources say the system is clearly rigged to
launder money. They even say a fairly well-established pricing structure
has emerged for buying one's way onto Iraq's approved list: Less for old
friends like the French and Russians, more for other Westerners.

Whether the rumored black money goes for more arms buying or mere Iraqi
greed is hard to tell. But clearly, until they were thwarted by Saddam
(and, oddly, the US State Department last summer), UN arms inspectors
like Scott Ritter found no shortage of weapons sites to inspect.

In theory, the UN sets the price of Iraq oil to match market prices.
That work is done by a three-person committee to review Iraq's monthly
proposed pricing formula. That team's recommendation is then voted on by
the UN's 15-member Iraq oversight committee.

For instance, Iraq's Kirkuk crude is pegged to Russian Urals, which is
of comparable quality and location, though somewhat lower in sulfur.
Urals is quoted by its delivered price to Sicily. But the UN calculates
a differential to dated Brent.

For instance, the UN's November price for Kirkuk was set at $1.55/bbl
below dated Brent. That was based on a $1/bbl differential between Urals
and dated Brent in mid-October when the price was set, plus about
$0.45/bbl to ship Kirkuk half-way across the Mediterranean from Ceyhan
to Sicily. That would leave a modest $0.10/bbl profit for the buyer: A
nice days' pay for making a few phone calls to place a million-bbl

In reality, the differential between Urals and dated Brent shrank to
only $0.50/bbl this month. So an Iraq oil buyer could be sitting on a
windfall of almost $0.60/bbl or almost 6% of the total price. Typically,
oil traders are gleeful to make even 1%.

Other big sellers like Saudi Arabia, who deal with a stable slate of
end-use buyers, compensate for such swings by adjusting the next month's
formula to take back windfalls. Not the UN: It has left a generous
built-in profit each month, with periodic orgies of profit-making for
Iraq's shadowy customers.

Last summer, trying to adjust for gyrations in the Brent market, the UN
set July's Kirkuk differential $2.60/bbl below dated Brent. But that
sent the spread between Urals and Kirkuk soaring well over $1/bbl.

Until his retirement last summer, former Exxon trader Maurice Lorenz was
the US man on the UN Iraq pricing team and a frequent critic of Iraq's
lowball formulas. Also on the team is a Russian insurance veteran and a
former EP official of France's Elf Aquitane. Lorenz was the only oil

The US nominated as Lorenz' replacement ex-Mobil trader Bryan Williams
III, whose appointment remains stalled by China, which wants a seat on
the panel but is opposed by the US. Williams left Mobil after being
involved in controversial Russian and Nigerian deal-making (ON 7/10).

Amid the UN stalemate, Lorenz was set to resume work on an interim basis
Nov 1, but has not yet been called back. Too bad: One sharp-eyed UN oil
price overseer might do more to curb Iraq's armaments than a fleet of
warships and bombers.

[CTRL] Who's Afraid of a Run on Banks?

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Who's
Afraid of a Run on Banks?  -- y2kculture. /A
Who's Afraid of a Run on Banks?
By Declan McCullagh
March 17, 1999

Bank runs should be welcomed, not feared.

That's what the Ludwig von Mises Institute -- a bastion of Austrian
free-market economics -- says about bank runs in its April 1999 monthly

"They spur banks on to be more careful in the conduct of their business.
We need more, not fewer, of them," says Llewellyn Rockwell, president of
the institute, in an article titled "Y2K and the Banks."

"The [Y2K] bug has exposed a very real and deep infraction that has long
plagued the US banking system. Thanks to long-ago government
interventions that redefined a bank deposit as a loan, modern banks only
hold a fraction of the demand deposits in people's cash accounts. The
rest is used as the basis for extending and pyramiding loans," he

Here's the inevitable kicker: "If too many depositors demand their cash
at once, which is their right, it would trigger a bank run, which in
turn would lead to the so-called contagion effect, and runs on other

Keep in mind that Rockwell is a longtime critic of the current banking
system, in which the Federal Reserve encourages banks to lend out much,
much more money than they actually have in their vaults. (Banks no
longer act like storage lockers, where everyone can take out what they
put in.) If everyone wants their money at once, only those lucky enough
to be first in line can get it.

Unless, of course, the Federal Reserve steps in, which it has said it
would do. It seems ready to print up as much physical currency as
necessary, which would salve the worst fears of jittery customers.

Rockwell predicts that would cause problems: "The Fed would have to run
the printing press full time or they would go belly-up immediately. The
result would be a dramatic deflation followed by hyperinflation."

We disagree. Seems to us that once the newly-minted money enters the
banking system again -- either from relieved depositors or through
indirect spending on purchases -- the banks will repay their loans to
the Fed and we'll be back to normal.

That point aside, he's right to say that even with Fed intervention, Y2K
could get messy: "Despite the appearance of stability and soundness,
then, the foundations of modern banking are actually extremely
precarious. It would only take the right kind of crisis, or perceived
crisis, to throw the entire system into chaos."

Book Reviews
Y2K already has spawned its own genre. We tell you what books are worth
Chip 'n Little Visits John Koskinen

Chip 'n Little and the Mouse
Warning: This cartoon has been called "foolish and tasteless."

Y2K from A to Z

Y2K Haiku
Traditionalists may be shocked.
Declan McCullagh's Y2K articles
Psychology of Y2K

LATEST NEWS As of March 17, 1999
•Who's Afraid of a Run on Banks?
•Poll: Americans Are Nervous
•The Glitch that Stole Christmas
•Government Y2K Secrets
•The Y2K Presidential Race
•Air Travel Terror
•Cartoonists Find New Gag

Copyright 1999 All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Salon Newsreal
| The question that won't go away/A
The question that won't go away



 In James Baldwin's account of the Atlanta
murders, "The Evidence of Things Not Seen," he recalls a dreadful
earlier moment from 1965. The swamps and creeks of Mississippi were
being dragged for the bodies of Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and
Andrew Goodman (done to death by the political ancestors of Bob Barr),
and the search parties kept turning up corpses. Examination proved that
these were not the cadavers that the authorities were seeking. It took a
while for the subject to change, or at least for it to change enough for
someone to exclaim: Wait a minute! What are all these other bodies doing
in the swamp?

It's one thing to say, with reasonable confidence, that the Oval Office
is currently occupied by a war criminal, a rapist and a pathological
liar. It's another to ponder the full implications. If half of the many
allegations about Clinton's business deals and date rapes are even
half-true, then he has been going through political life for years,
aware or quasi-aware that any or every telephone call might be the one
he has been dreading. That's more stress than most of us could take:
Only a certain kind of personality could be expected to endure it. You
can look this up under the simpering liberal media description of
"Comeback Kid," or you can check it under an entry of an entirely
different kind, where the key phrase is "Threat to self and others."

In the last taped conversation between Monica Lewinsky and Linda Tripp,
the two women are heard wondering how Clinton will explain away a
two-hour telephone call to "Juanita." Investigation shows that this
Juanita is not Juanita Broaddrick. But then who is it? What else is in
the swamp? And is this man a stone-cold rapist or isn't he?

It seems to me morally feeble, as well as intellectually slack, to split
the difference between Clinton and Broaddrick, or to characterize her
allegation as unprovable. The feeblest summary of this compromise is
contained in the lazy phrase "he said, she said." In the case of the
"he," we already know that he is a hysterical, habitual liar. We also
know that almost no allegation ever made by a woman and denied by him
has proven to be untrue. And we know that ex-girlfriends have been
subjected to extraordinary campaigns of defamation, amounting in some
cases to intimidation, merely for speaking about "consensual" sex. What
allegation could be more horrific than that of rape?

And yet, "he" hasn't said anything yet. If I was accused of rape, and
the woman making the charge was a lady of obvious integrity, I would
want to do better than have a lawyer make a routine disclaimer.
(Especially a lawyer, in this case the pathetic figure of David Kendall,
who had not even met me at the time of the supposed crime.) Asked by NBC
to say where Clinton had been on the morning in question -- a fact
easily established in the life of a state attorney general -- the White
House declined cooperation. I would have wanted to do better than that,

So much for the "he said." What of the "she"? If the allegation is
false, then Broaddrick is not just getting her facts wrong. She is
deliberately fabricating one of the most damning charges that any one
person can make against another. She must be a wicked or deluded or
vicious person. There seems no escaping this corollary conclusion. There
also seems no reason at all for reaching it. Where is the famous
Clintonian rapid-response team? Has it no pride? Can it not find or
produce any shadow of a doubt to cast on Broaddrick's character? I think
that if it could, we would know by now.

A provisional but not unpardonable induction, then, is that she is
speaking the truth. Questioned fairly closely by Lisa Myers, she and her
contemporary corroborative witnesses were easily able to answer the
questions about silence and delay. The victim felt guilty for letting an
unchaperoned man into her room, even if he was the attorney general. In
a banana republic like Arkansas, allegations against powerful men were
believed to have potentially unpleasant consequences. The victim was
also having an extramarital affair with a man she hoped to marry. She
did not want to be exposed, and she did not expect to be believed.

Finally -- and very importantly -- she didn't "go public." She was made
public. The feminist movement has taught us to recognize this pattern of
response as a familiar and intelligible one. (How sad it was, by the
way, to see Patricia Ireland changing her mind at this late stage.
Doesn't she know that she has lost something that she can't ever hope to
retrieve, and has lost it to Clinton?) Even the first lady seems to be
hesitant these days: The question before us being not "Will she run?"

[CTRL] Ocalan Kidnapping

1999-03-18 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Africa analysis No 316: 19 February 1999

Mossad, CIA helped grab Kurdish leader
NAIROBI. Africa analysis can confirm that the Israeli secret intelligence
service. Xlossad, and, to a lesser extent, the US Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) played a key ro1e in the capture in Nairobi and extradition to
Turkey of Abdullah Ocalan 'APO', the 49-year-old leader of the Kurdistan
Workers' Party (PKK), which is fighting for Kurdish self-rule in south-east
Both agencies have a heavy presence in Kenya- beefed up since last
year's bombing of the US embassy-and enjoy warm working relations with the
Kenyan security organs. In the eyes of ordinary Kenyans Israel's image was
boosted by its sensitive and professional rescue operation after the blast.
Sources close to the CIA have admitted to Africa Analysis that only
'a little bit of help' was offered, mainly in logistics, with 'no direct
involvement'. But Mossad is believed to have been highly involved in the
operation. Israeli agents are adept at kidnapping and such cloak-and-dagger
operations as the one that appears to have sealed Ocalan's fate. Israel's
links with Kenya run very deep and the Jewish state is not without influence
within the Kenyan government. Its key link there is the minister in charge
of east African co-operation, the colourful Nicholas Biwott.
The exact role of Kenya in the Ocalan saga is still shrouded in
mystery. Its foreign minister Dr Bonaya Godana has vehemently denied his
country's involvement. A livid Godana also demanded the immediate recall of
the Greek ambassador to Kenya, George Costalos, whom he accused of smuggling
Ocalan into Nairobi two weeks ago. But our sources indicate that Godana's
apparent anger was only a ruse to divert attention from Kenya's true part in
the affair. They insist rhat Mossad, working with Turkish authorities, had
exerted a lot of pressure on Kenya to extradite Ocalan to Turkey where he
may be tried for treason and executed.
There is even a suggestion that money was paid to senior Kenyan
officials to facilitate Ocalan's forced departure from
Nairobi. This may explain the ease with which the Kenyan government agreed
to deport Ocalan to Turkey to stand trial for terrorism. In the event,
Ocalan was forcibly removed from Costalos' official residence in Nairobi by
Kenyan security agents, blindfolded and later driven in a convoy of Kenyan
government cars to the Jomo Kenyatta international airport where he was
placed aboard a plane and flown to Turkey early on the morning of 16
Kenya has now closed all its 36 embassies and consulates abroad as a
precaution against attacks by Kurdish protesters. The protesters had stormed
Kenya's missions in Bonn, Paris and Vienna on 16 February after it \vas
rs\.ealed that Ocalan had been deported from Kenya to Turks?:.
A sure beneficiary of the Ocalnn attair is the Turkish prime
minister and poet Biilent Ecerit \vhose minority party is now expected to
have an advantage in next month's general election. An emotional Ecevit told
a press conference immc-diately after Ocalan's aIri\ al in Turkey: 'We had
promised that the state would catch him. We have kept our promise.'

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US Launches Web Police

1999-03-18 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Monday March 15, 3:53 pm Eastern Time
Company Press Release
SOURCE: Computer Sciences Corporation
CSC, Other Tech Companies Join ITAA and Department of Justice To Unveil New
Cybercitizen Partnership
New Alliance to Promote Computer Ethics, Civic Responsibilities

FALLS CHURCH, Va., March 15 /PRNewswire/ -- Computer Sciences Corporation
(NYSE: CSC - news), in cooperation with a host of high technology companies
through the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA), will
establish with the Department of Justice the Cybercitizen Partnership, a
new alliance designed to promote computer ethics and civic responsibility
in the cyber age.
In making the announcement today, Attorney General Janet Reno also noted
that the partnership between government and the private sector will also
aim to aid law enforcement and industry in the battle against a new breed
of criminal -- the on-line outlaw. CSC's Federal Sector President Milt
Cooper, ITAA President Harris Miller and other high tech CEOs joined Reno
at a press conference today to announce the new program.
Computer crime is a growing problem worldwide, increasing concern that
information-based assets must be protected. A recent survey by the Computer
Security Institute estimates that over 60 percent of companies have
experienced financial losses due to cybercrime. The proliferation of
low-cost computers and networks has spread information technology to every
quarter of society. The Cybercitizen Partnership, driven by the belief that
the societal stakes involved in critical information protection is best
served by a joint effort of government and industry, will conduct a major
national campaign to educate, raise awareness and provide resources to
empower concerned users and citizens.
The partnership will consist of three complementary segments. The first
segment is a ``good cybercitizenship'' awareness campaign reaching a wide
segment of computer users, including students from kindergarten through
college, as well as users in the business community. The second component
is an indexed reference guide of information security software tools and
services to aid industry and law enforcement, while the third is an
Information Security Professional fellowship program between industry and
``As a nation, we are enjoying unparalleled economic success, much of which
has been driven by the explosive growth of information and
telecommunications technology,'' CSC's Cooper said. ``Unfortunately, there
are some who look at these new technologies for criminal purposes.
Protecting against illegal activity starts with the very fundamental step
of teaching our young people the ethical use of these new technologies. The
Cybercitizen Partnership will address this need.''
CSC, taking a leadership role within ITAA to actively address cyber
concerns, became the first company to contribute to the private sector fund
for the Cybercitizen Partnership.
``As a provider of I/T solutions for government and industry, we have a
first-hand view of the growing potential for cybercrime and the need to
protect our country's technology infrastructure,'' said Van Honeycutt,
CSC's chairman, president, and chief operation officer.
``Government and the private sector can always accomplish more by working
together on challenging issues such as this, and CSC is proud to have set a
precedent with our contribution to the private sector fund for the
Cybercitizen Partnership. We encourage others within the I/T and
telecommunications industries and all users of technology to do their part
to ensure the future safety of our society.``
Honeycutt, who is the current chair of the President's National Security
Telecommunications Advisory Committee, and the other CEOs of the
Cybercitizen Partnership have also dedicated their companies' resources to
examine critical telecommunication and information technology issues
central to national security and emergency preparedness and to advise the
President accordingly.
Computer Sciences Corporation helps clients in industry and government use
information technology to achieve strategic and operational objectives. The
company develops individual business solutions that are delivered by CSC's
50,000 employees in more than 700 offices worldwide in areas such as
management and information technology consulting, systems consulting and
integration, operations support and information services outsourcing.
Since its formation in 1959, CSC has been known for its flexibility in its
relationships with clients. The company maintains numerous agreements with
hardware and software technology companies and thus is able to identify and
manage solutions specifically tailored to each client's needs. CSC had
revenues of $7.4 billion for the twelve months ended January 1, 1999. Its
headquarters are in El Segundo, California. For more information, visit the
company's web site at
SOURCE: Computer Sciences Corporation


[CTRL] Judicial Watch Needs Interns

1999-03-18 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-


Call to Legal Arms We need people like you!   --- IMMEDIATE NEED: INTERNS!

Judicial Watch is actively recruiting interns (preferably juniors or
seniors in college who adhere to conservative ideals) to supplement the
everyday office staff.  Intern duties will vary. They will include
assistance with processing incoming and outgoing mail, direct mailing
projects, organizing special events, computer/data processing of different
types, and assisting the professional staff on a variety of projects and
assignments.   If you plan to be in the Washington area, and would be
interested in completing an internship with Judicial Watch, please forward
your resume to Tom Katina, Executive Director, with the dates you will be
available.Judicial Watch, the group that uncovered John Huang, sparked
the Chinagate scandal, and is pursuing Filegate in the courts, has
accomplished more with our limited resources than Starr, Congress and the
Clinton Justice Department have with their multi-million dollar budgets.
Because of this, we need troops!   If you have background in these areas,
Judicial Watch needs You!  Public Relations and Communications  Litigation
Attorneys  Researchers  Secretaries and Office Assistants  Office Manager
Computer Specialist  Fundraisers  Excellent salary and benefits. Please
contact by fax Tom Katina at 202-646-5199 by first sending your resume

Judicial Watch, Inc.  P.O. Box 4 Washington, DC 20026 Tel: (888)
JW-ETHIC Fax: (202) 646-5199 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Web Site by GXS Web
Design  © 1999, Judicial Watch, Inc. ® All rights reserved.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Jack Parsons Stanton Friedman

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/"Re: Jack Parsons  Stanton
Subject: Re: Jack Parsons  Stanton Friedman
From: Urban Guerrilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 11:26 PM

Alex Constantine wrote:

 Jack Parsons  Stanton Friedman - The Eschaton is Open
 Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 12:36:28 -0500 (EST)
 To: zee-list
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fr.L.D. Funquiebutt,F.'.E.'.)


 Whoa, the internet is a SCAY tool sometimes...

 Scrambling franticly through the search engines, I found another bizarre
 twist in the Jack Parsons story today. It seems that some folks think that
 the Parsons/Hubbard/Crowley "Babalon Rite" somehow succeeded in opening a
 portal to another "plane" (or more appropriately, dimension), and SOMETHING
 came through (and is probably STILL coming through!). That something is
 supposed to have been the source of the sudden jump in UFO sightings and
 scientific development in the 1946-1948 period. Other interesting events
 that happened in that period included the discovery of LSD, the Roswell
 incident, the invention of the transistor, the discovery of the Dead Sea
 Scrolls, the sound barrier was broken, and Crowley's death.

 Also there is a fellow named Stanton T. Friedman, (who is a nuclear
 physicist) who was supposedly the original researcher of the Roswell case
 who ties into Parsons. Friedman's 14 years in the aerospace industry includs
 work for General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse Astronuclear
 Laboratory, TRW Systems, and Aerojet-General Nucleonics (Parson's company)
 on several classified projects. Friedman is also one of the most vocal
 proponents of the existence of the "Majestic-12" project, and claims to have
 been one of the original members of the MJ-12 team.

 Also, if you are familiar with Crowleys sketches of his personal
 conjourations and "spirit guides", there is one he described as "a
 foetus-like head with large, black almond shaped eyes". He called it "Lam".
 It is a dead ringer for what UFOlogists today call "greys".

 LRON also talks about similar critters in his Scientology mythos, and
 alludes to mankind receiving "help" from estra-terrestrial beings.

 So now we have a HUGE conspiracy, beginning with Uncle Al, Jack  Cameron,
 and LRON all screwing around, conjouring holes in the space-time continuum,
 and bringing forth aliens in flying saucers. These saucers spur the DOD into
 action, thereby making Parsons a millionaire (and subsiquently, LRON gets a
 piece of it too!). Crowley had previously masterminded a deal between the US
 government and the Nazis called Operation Paperclip, wherein dozens of
 ex-Nazi aerospace and genetic researchers are given asylum in the USA after
 the war, for cooperation in our "Alien Technology Backwards Engineering"
 program. Parson gets blown up in a mysterious explosion and his wife leaves
 the country. LRON cruises the oceans in multi-million-dollar ocean liners,
 the COS becomes one of the fastest-growing Western religions, and the OTO
 becomes one of the main forces in occult research and publishing in the US
 and England. All the while, UFOlogists are chasing the Department of the Air
 Force on some UFO coverup goose chase, when the whole time it's the Navy
 (after all, Crowley, LRON and Parsons all had connections there, and
 Camerson worked for the Navy during WWII in Washington DC)...

 So let me get this straight. The Eschaton has already been immanetized, the
 gates are already open, and the "demons" (or angels, depending on your POV)
 that are rushing into our Earthly plane are actually aliens?


 Bright Blessings, and watch the skies...

___r e p o s t___
From: --- (Blue Resonant Human)
Subject: ::: The Rocket Scientist  The Guru: Stardate 1946 :::
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 01:06:48 GMT
Organization: The B:.B:.

The Rocket Scientist  The Guru: Stardate 1946
by T. Allen Greenfield, Bishop EGC/OTO

"At about the same time that Parsons was trying to incarnate an
 extraterrestrial entity, he also claimed that he had met a
 Venusian in the desert of New Mexico -- an odd foreshadowing of
 the claims of later 'contactees' such as George Adamski in the
 early 1950's."
-Jay Katz, _Saucers of the Illuminati_ [1]

"Hubbard wished to bring this other world into Manifestation
 but lacked the technical knowledge to do so.  So, he came to
 the innocent sex magician Jack Parsons.  In this version, the
 Babalon Working, guided by Hubbard, had little to do with
 'Babalon' and more to do with the hideous Old Ones of the
 H.P. Lovecraft Cthuthu Mythos.  "A door opened; something
 came through" is the 

[CTRL] Clinton Uses 'Security Threat' Ploy to Keep Protesters at Bay

1999-03-18 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

03/18/99 12:02:36
White House uses "security threat" ploy to keep Clinton protesters at bay
Capital Hill Blue

Citing "a threat to the President's safety," White House officials are
using Secret Service agents to keep protesters out of sight of both Bill
Clinton and news media. "The Secret Service has been instructed to remove
any and all protesters from any immediate proximity to the President," a
White House aide confirmed Wednesday. "The 'official' reason cited is the
protesters pose a threat to the President. The real reason is to keep them
away from the television cameras." The plan, devised by White House
communications advisor Sidney J. Blumenthal, is aimed at the increasing
number of protesters who have appeared at events since the impeachment
process began against Clinton last year. "Mr. Blumenthal told the President
the presence of such protesters could affect his job approval numbers," one
White House source said. "It was his idea to concoct the 'security threat'
issue so the Secret Service could be instructed to keep the protesters out
of sight." At a Presidential appearance in Texarkana last week, protesters
carrying placards that read "Impeach him Again" and "There's a Pervert in
our Neighborhood" were herded away from the front of the hotel where
Clinton was arriving. Secret Service agents moved the protesters to the
rear of the building, away from both the public and media view. Blumenthal
has reportedly referred to the protesters as "malcontents" and "crazies"
and suggested it would be easy to convince the Secret Service that the
presence of such protesters posed a security threat to Clinton. "He said
that anybody who opposed Clinton must be a nut so it made sense to keep
them away from the President," a White House source said Wednesday night.
"He said it with a straight face." Some aides reportedly argued against the
practice, saying the use of Secret Service in such a way could backfire on
the President and give the appearance of a secret police. "What are they
going to do," Blumenthal is reported to have sneered, "vote against him in
the next election?" Neither the Secret Service nor the White House would
comment on the report Wednesday, but other sources told Capitol Hill Blue
that the practice would continue "until further notice." --Doug Thompson

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Constantine vs Cannon . . .

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39691"Martin Cannon's Attacks/A
Subject: Martin Cannon's Attacks
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 2:33 PM

 Note: The letter below is a response to attacks from
"mind control researcher" Martin Cannon on victims of
federally-sponsored experiments in trauma-based mind
control, whom he dismisses as "wackos." We are talking
here of a "researcher" who now believes in "aliens" and
never misses an opportunity to verbally abuse victims of
the illicit experimentation. Who, exactly, is the
"wacko?" Read what one victim has to say in response
to Cannon's accusations, and you decide. ‹ AC

From: Lynne Moss-Sharman [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yeah, I guess the waves of nausea
started by Martin Cannon's writings
have passed. Once you print it all
out and put the pages in chronological
order, his words become "propaganda"
or a cry for help and/or sedation.
I agree that he needs to step back before
he becomes a one-man FMSF. He has gone
over the edge and it's scary to watch.
What really concerns me is that this
goes back so many months ... when you
are geographically distant from the
sources of research/publication (in
the case of mind control, California)
you tend to treasure the names of those
who are writing/perceiving what you,
as a survivor, know to be the "truth".
Because the "truth" has been so difficult to
track down (not only internally but via traditional
means ... regional libraries, regional newspapers,
?regional broadcast media) you treasure the astonishing/
the affirming (Psychic Dictatorship; Deep Black Magic;
Mindnet Journal; Freedom of Thought; The Mind
Manipulators; Journey Into Darkness; etc.). My first
writing to Harvey Weinstein ... it has
been like following a trail of breadcrumbs through the forest (a la
Hansel and Gretel). Until Thelma, Mohawk trauma survivor, donated this
computer and Diane/Tony/Phil donated the modem and internet hookup last
November ... I was limited to stamps and telephone calls ... very costly,
very slow. It was a long journey ... a long time coming to the Bowarts,
and the Constantines, and the Scheflins, and the Porters, and the Lights,
et al. A long long time. We all know survivors who are totally in
seclusion, totally unwilling to disclose their names, addresses,
whereabouts. Do and do not want contact. Not paranoia. Immobilizing fear.
People like Martin Cannon need to stand back and realize this isn't
Hollywood, it isn't a made for tv movie ... these are real lives.

When I think of the amount of energy it took to organize parents at my
daughter's public school years ago to get a teacher to stop tipping the
kids' desks over onto the floor if she thought their books weren't lined
up neatly inside ... Martin Cannon's rantings make me laugh. People,
parents, adults (not survivors) are terrified of perceived "authority". or
endorse it willingly.

Oh god ... two jehovah's witnesses were just at the door. Ha ha. Good irony.

What I was trying to say is how terrifying it is to plumb one's own
depths ... it is not encouraged in that greater community (no matter how
small, how large a municipal structure). As I went down the stairs to
answer the J.W. knock on the door ... I was thinking about how devastating
it is/has been for North American survivors to realize their
therapists/counsellors/ social workers will not and cannot speak on their
behalf. The Valerie Wolf's are anomalies ... they are not the norm. Much
of the work has been laid on the shoulders of survivors themselves
(already burdened or disabled economically, psychically, emotionally,
spiritually, physically, intellectually, professionally, academically) to
'b r e a k t h e s i l e n c e'.

Forget mind control -- look at the ECT figures in the North America of
the 1990's. eg. ECT has gone up 1000% at the Lakehead Psychiatric Hospital
in Thunder Bay (a middle of nowhere economically devastated backwater). We
have the figures from the Freedom of Information office at the Ministry of
Health. Who are the recipients of ECT? Female survivors of ritual cult
trauma by their prominent fathers and friends. I work part-time at the
women's shelter which serves Native women from fly-in reserves. What I see
there is never reported in the media and I am sick at the damage. Many
crisis calls that come in are from women who have been drugged out of
their minds by psychiatrist at the LPH or at the zone hospitals out in the
Northwestern Ontario region. Battered Ojibway women (and I am talking
skull fractures and dislocated arms, knifings) are given Prozac to help
them cope. If they do end up at our shelter it is not because they were
referred by a doctor or a psychiatrist ... it is invariably through the
underground women's network.

I always have to come back to where I live to put things into

Re: [CTRL] Rapist Bill and Hitlery Separating?

1999-03-18 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

I firmly believe that had Clinton not won the nomination for pres. several
years ago, Hillary would have dumped him back then, or even earlier. She had
to know about some if not all of  his sexual indiscretions. The reason she
stuck around then is simple, she wanted to ride his coat tails right into the
white house. Just look how soon she ingrained herself in the running of
affairs that only the pres. should be running. Look at all the women "Bill"
has nominated for key positions in gov. Do you believe Hillary was behind
these nominations? Do you believe she kept her mouth shut about what kind of
person he was so as not to jeopardize his nomination and election?The payback
being her access to practically running the country hand in hand with Bill
until the country took notice and made their disapproval known.
Now that his term is winding down, now's the time you'll begin to hear about
her bailing-out of that joke of a marriage. I mean, why stick around now? He's
got nothing more that she would want.
What I find hard to believe is the fact that he is allowed to get away with
all these charges and allegations-RAPE-SEXUAL HARASSMENT-MURDER? ACCESSORY TO
Be honest, if this were Joe average citizen who had these alegations, what
would you think the law would do? Clinton is not GOD!! Why does and can he get
away with this without so much as a full investigation by a law agency that
won't whitewash the proceedings and outcome?! ie: The Warren Commission
I've had enough, I'm sure you have too!
Get these two jerks out of the public eye and keep them out! They embarrassed
this country long enough!
Most sincerely,JOHN

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About

1999-03-18 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Teo One Thousand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Vast Winged Conspiracies Something to Worry About
 Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 9:18 PM

 The article was indeed funny, but it is like most of the mainstream
 view of "conspiracy literature" as well as "theory".  It is usually
 in such a way that everything is rounded up together and there is guilt
 association, whether or not the thing being touted has been disproved.
 article is a good example of this, first they state that Naeslund has an
 implant in his head (no refutation) put there by the Secret Police (no
 refutation), THEN they jump to saying that the FBI and CIA are doing this
 us (which is certainly TRUE but the implication of the article is that
 amounts of people are affected).  It is typical stuff.

Agreed and I found it vastly amusing.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Flamewar and 'discussions' at alt.mindcontrol

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Gee, ya skip a newsgroup fro a couple of days and holy heck breaks out.

I have already posted one and will post some more of these 'discuassions'.

I am sorry but posts numbered 1, 2, 3, Costantine vs Cannon are in reverse
chronological order, please keep that in mind.

Interesting. MHO.

As, always, Cui Bono and Caveat Lector.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Michael Aquino Ritual Child Molestion

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39510"Re: Michael Aquino  Ritual
Child Molestion/A
Subject: Re: Michael Aquino  Ritual Child Molestion
From: John M Price PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, Mar 4, 1999 4:43 PM
Message-id: 36e009bd.0@calwebnnrp

This is real mindcontrol.  These interviewers were set on getting the kids
to state and believe what the kids knew was not true, and the interviewers
did not know anything at all about.  Or what the interviewer wanted to
hear, as the interviewer believed it true, though it was only belief.

This is the real mind control, and when these 'reports' come out, what we
the public, unaware of the methods of mind control used on the
'interviewed', see is simply the reflection of the diseased mind of the
interviewer, in the MVMP sex cases one obsessed with having little kids
talk dirty it seems.  No data, no truth, no facts.  Simply an amalgam of
the imaginings of the interviewer as interpreted by the child.

Why Dan Rightmeyer, in his pen name of Constantine, would be siding with
the likes of these interviewers, and yet rail against an imagined mind
control establishment using ELF is really beyond me.  The harm done by
these types of interviews is immense, hence the Miranda warnings!

Perhaps Dan Rightmeyer is simply a hypocrite, and is unconcerned with
truth, kids, or anything else, but rather wants to try to make bucks.

In sci.psychology.psychotherapy article
7bn5v0$2je$[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nancy Stone
: Excerpts from  the questioning of children in the McMartin Preschool
: child molestation case and Kelly Michaels case [as quoted by Margaret
: Talbot in The New Republic, March 15, 1999]:

: Interviewer:  Who do you think played that game [horsey]?
: Child:  Ray and Miss Peggy
: Interviewer:  Ray and Miss Peggy?  Did Miss Peggy take her clothes
: off?
: Child:  Yeah
: Interviewer:  I'll bet she looked funny, didn't she?  Did she have big
: boobs?
: Child:  Yeah
: Interviewer:  Yeah.  And did they swing around?
: Child:  Yeah

: ..

: Interviewer:  Did she put a fork in your butt?  Yes or no?
: Child:  I don't know, I forgot.
: Interviewer:  ...Oh come on, if you just answer that one, you can go.
: Child:  I hate you.
: Interviewer:  No you don't.
: Child:  Yes I do.
: Interviewer:  You love me I can tell.  Is that all she did to you,
: what did she do to your hiney?
: Interviewer #2:  What did she do to your hiney?  Then you can go.
: Child:  I forgot.
: Interviewer #2:  Tell me what Kelly did to your hiney and then you can
: go. If you tell me what she did to your hiney, we'll let you go.
: Child:  No.
: Interviewer:  Please.
: Child:  Okay, okay, okay.
: Interviewer:  Tell me now...what did Kelly do to your hiney?
: Child:  I'll try to remember.
: Interviewer:  What did she put in your hiney?
: Child:  The fork.


: Interviewer:  Do you think that Kelly was not good when she was
: hurting you all?
: Child:   Wasn't hurting me.  I like her.
: Interviewer:  I can't hear you, you got to look at me when you talk to
: me.  Now when Kelly was bothering kids in the music room...
: Child:  I got socks off.
: Interviewer:  Did she make anybody else take their clothes off in the
: music room?
: Child:  No.
: Interviewer:  Yes.
: Child:  No.

: Testimony of children needs to be evaluated in the context of how that
: testimony was obtained, how the children were questioned, and what
: else they may have said (such as persistent denials that were ignored
: or overridden).  The eagerness to obtain corroboration for something
: an adult believes occurred cannot justify browbeating, bribing,
: putting words into children's mouths, and otherwise coercing them into
: making statements needed to prosecute someone, guilty or innocent.
: Videotapes of interviews with children have provided the grounds for
: overturning convictions in several cases.  If you believe that the
: people set free were actually guilty, all the more reason to treat
: children carefully when interviewing them so that their evidence is
: not tainted.  From the excerpts below, one cannot tell whether the
: children said these things upon first questioning or whether they are
: well-rehearsed statements that children were taught to give after
: repeated interviewing using the tactics described above.  If one
: believes that children can be intimidated by molesters into
: withholding truth and must therefore be exhaustively interrogated
: using techniques like those illustrated above, one must also believe
: that they can be intimidated into saying things that are not true,
: especially to please parents or placate annoying adults (especially
: when they are ganging up on a child of four years in age, as
: Interviewers 1 and 2 did above).

: Nancy

: Alex Constantine wrote in message ...
:Michael Aquino/Child Molestion Charges
:Newsgroups: alt.true-crime

[CTRL] [2] Constantine vs Cannon . . .

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39613"Martin Cannon Declares MC
Victims "Crazy"/A
Subject: Martin Cannon Declares MC Victims "Crazy"
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 1999 1:30 PM

Note: The correspondence below came after Martin Cannon
declared to a network of political researchers that Claudia Mullens,
a victim of illicit CIA mind control experimentation in the 1960s, was
"crazy" and a "liar." He claims on the Net (see the "Visitations"
web site) that victims of EM assault are also "crazy," that they
have read is unpublished ms., "The Controllers," and, being highly
impressionable "loons," got it into their heads somehow that they
are also victims. Sure, sure.
  Claudia risked her own life and welfare to testify before the
President's Advisory Committee on Radiation Testing in April, 1995.
Martin Cannon claimed that she was "crazy" because, he wrote,
Claudia said she'd overheard CIA scientists discussing "terminal
experiments," and he had searched CIA documents and "could not
find the prase 'terminal experiments' used before the mid-'70s."
Tenuous reasoning for declaring someone "crazy," particularly since
she was relating a conversation she'd heard and not citing documents,
and the letter below raises serious questions about who, exactly, is not
playing with a full deck.
 This letter is from a friend of Martin Cannon's, who also complained to
me of his sickening behavior after reading his vicious attack on Claudia
Mullens. I received it in June, 1996. My response follows:

From: KK


Based on Martin's behavior towards me this past weekend at the UFO EXPO
West conference, I am going to need to agree with you in part about
Martin. I don't feel like name calling. However, I am very disappointed in
his behavior. Even Whitley Strieber felt the need to apologize to me for
Martin's behavior.

His tirade, based on the advice he asked me to give him, was deemed by him
incorrect; then the basis for the tirade shifted to another issue, then to
other (I could not keep up with his reasons as the nature of them
changed). The tirade then went on for at least three days via a public
dressing down in the middle of a group of people (whereupon one of the
individuals felt the need to explain Martin's behavior), note left on my
windshield, a telephone call left on my answering machine, and several
e-mails (which started out as apologies and ended up re-explaing my
behavior to me). I finally got him to make a call on the future outcome of
our professional relationship. He decided to cut off communications with
me. At this point, I have mixed feelings about this, but do feel a

Just to clear up some questions I have, addressed in your e-mail, would
you please answer the following questions:

1) Are you saying that Martin is not under contract to write a second
updated version of "The Controllers." Because one of the issues he brought
up (in one of the recent e-mails) regarded my introducing him as the
author of that book, and stating that he was writing an update. He has no
contract with Feral House or anyone else?

2) Has he in fact done physical violence? Do you have supporting facts,
not just someone's comments?

Alex, during a hotel lobby conversation, after Martin brought up the
"umbrella" matter, someone pointed out to him that this was a common
phrase and asked for other evidence that Claudia was lying. He shuffled
around in his chair (I focus on behavior, not words). However, I don't
think he had anymore to say, and just restated his position and agreed
with the individual.

I have watched Martin over a period of two months pick a fight with each
and every one (except Mike Coyle, but Martin claimed he had a
"mis-communication" with Mike), I knew it was just a matter of time before
he got to me.

Well, the other shoe has dropped and there will be no more communication
with Martin Cannon by me. Too bad.


REPLY FROM: Kasten, Kathy
Received: from by id
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 11 Jun 96 19:10:01 PDT Return-Path:
Received: from ( by (Sendmail 4.1/3.00weo) id AA03793; Tue, 11 Jun 96
18:57:10 PDT
Received: by (8.6.12/8.6.12) id WAA29879 for
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 11 Jun 1996 22:05:26 -0400 Date:
Tue, 11 Jun 1996 22:05:26 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Undoubtedly creating a Sh*t-storm

Forwarded message:
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 96-06-09 15:52:58 EDT


[CTRL] [3] Constantine vs Cannon et al . . .

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.mindcontrol
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:39564"Dan 'Alex Constantine'
Subject: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: John M Price PhD [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, Mar 8, 1999 4:42 AM
Message-id: 36e4a6cf.0@calwebnnrp

A while back (Aug 97) I was contacted concerning Alex Constantine.  I
recently asked for permision to post that email, and did receive it, but
asked that the writer review it for personal data he might want removed
(hence the subject line: Post - for your review).  Essentially, that is
all that was removed - phone numbers etc.

So, Dan, CIA still inflating your muscles?  Any recent diaramas depicting
your present usenet insanity appearing in your room?  And are you having
difficulty walking through them?

=== begin email note ===
From mcannon (aaa) thorin (ddd) instanet (ttt) com Mon Mar  8 20:22:26
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 19:12:29 -0800
From: Martin Cannon mcannon (bbb) thorin (fff) instanet ( 0 ) com
To: "John M Price, PhD" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Post - for your review

[ The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set. ]
[ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set.  ]
[ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ]

Mr. Price,

I don't really know much about who you are, or why you have gotten into
a net-spat with one Alex Constantine -- whose real name is Dan
Rightmyer. Only a couple of your posts have come to my attention. But I
guess I'm the "ex-friend" of Dan's to whom you refer in one of your

If you stated that he spent time in a mental hospital in 1991, you did
so incorrectly. Unfortunately, a guy like Dan will use any mis-statement
on your part to his advantage.

Feel free to contact me for the facts. I was never very close to him,
although I knew him since the late '80s, and my present roommate was
probably the best friend he ever had -- and put up with more
sheer shit from the guy than you can imagine.

Yeah, Dan did have a severe breakdown in 1991. I visited him at that
time -- one could almost hear the "Twilight Zone" theme music playing in
the background. He wouldn't discuss anything involving politics because
he was sure that "they" (his unseen enemies) were listening to his every
word, and "they" had allegedly ordered him not to discuss anything of
that nature. He used a cloth or some other protective covering every
time he picked up the telephone. He destroyed or gave away his files on
numerous subjects, acting at "their" unseen psychic request. He didn't
work (even as a drug dealer) and could barely take care of himself.

His former best friend tells me that when he ventured out of his
apartment, he would interpret innocent, everday objects (a child's
shirt, a plant on a neighbor's balcony, etc.) as threatening signals
directed against him by "them."

The breakdown resulted from a complex series of events having to do with
a woman he was then seeing. I can discuss the matter with you at length,
if you like.

His agoraphobia is a comes-and-goes kind of thing. I know for a fact
that he gets increasingly nervous and agitated when taken on car trips
for short distances. Long distances are out of the question. (Although
he did once take -- due to psychic urging from "them" -- a long bus trip
to Omaha, Nebraska! That's a wild story in and of itself...) He's
usually OK when walking in familiar locales, but generally prefers not
to leave home.

There's lots more to be said, of course. Bottom line: Dan Rightmyer is
the most severely mentally ill person I have ever known.
Virtually everyone who has known him as long as I have will tell you

-- MJC
=== end email note ===

Life: Chemistry, but with feeling!   |   PGP Key on request or by finger!
  Email responses to my Usenet articles will be posted at my discretion.
Comoderator: sci.psychology.psychotherapy.moderated  Atheist# 683

It would be an exaggeration to state that victims of sexual abuse
inevitably sustain permanent damage.
 - Judith Lewis Herman
Subject: Re: Dan 'Alex Constantine' Rightmyer
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Constantine)
Date: Tue, Mar 9, 1999 3:58 AM

In article 36e4a6cf.0@calwebnnrp, John M Price PhD

A while back (Aug 97) I was contacted concerning Alex Constantine.  I
recently asked for permision to post that email, and did receive it, but
asked that the writer review it for personal data he might want removed
(hence the subject line: Post - for your review).  Essentially, that is
all that was removed - phone numbers etc.

So, Dan, CIA still inflating your muscles?  Any recent diaramas depicting
your present usenet insanity appearing in your room?  And are you having
difficulty walking through them?

 John: Your source regarding myself is Martin Cannon. If you like I can
post letters, too. I 

[CTRL] [11] America's Secret Establishment

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommended. There is more in this book than can be presented here.
Many charts and reproductions of orginal source material.As, always, Caveat

In stock:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)

How The Order Controls Education

Further Influence Of The Order - Post-1900

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
President 1910-1934, Wm. H. Welch ('70)

American EconomicAssociation
- first Secretary Richard T. Ely

Union TheologicalSeminary
- President 1926 -1945 Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin - ('97)

U.S. NavalAcademy
William Chauvenet ('40)

UNESCO - Constitution
 Archibald MacLeish ('15)

   Memorandum Number One:
   It All Began At Yale

  The first volume of this series introduced The Order, presented three
preliminary hypotheses with examples of the evidence to come.

 We also asserted that any group that wanted to control the future of
American society had first to control education, i.e., the population of
the future. This volume will outline the way in which education has
been controlled by The Order.

 It all began at Yale. Even the official Yale history is aware of Yale's
power and success:

 "The power of the place remain(s) unmistakable. Yale was or-
ganized. Yale inspired a loyalty in its sons that was conspicuouorking for
each other. In short, Yale was exasperatingly and mysteriously successful. To
rival institutions and to academic reformers there was something irritating
and disquieting about old Yale College. (1)

 "Yale was exasperatingly and mysteriously successful," says the of-
ficial history.

 And this success was more than obvious to Yale's chief competitor,
Harvard University. So obvious, in fact, that in 1892 a young Harvard
instructor, George Santanyana, went to Yale to investigate this "disturb-
ing legend" of Yale power. Santanyana quoted a Harvard alumnus who intended to
send his son to Yale - because in real life "all the Har-
vard men are working for Yale men. (2)

 But no one has previously asked an obvious question - Why? What
is this "Yale power"?

A Revolutionary Yale Trio

 In the 1850s, three members of The Order left Yale and working
together, at times with other members along the way, made a revolu-
tion that changed the face, direction and purpose of American educa-
tion. It was a rapid, quiet revolution, and eminently successful. The
American people even today, in 1983, are not aware of a coup d'etat.

 The revolutionary trio were:

   * Timothy Dwight ('49) Professor in the Yale Divinity School and
then 12th President of Yale University.

   * Daniel Coit Gilman ('52), first President of the University of
California, first President of the Johns Hopkins University and
first President of the Carnegie Institution.

   * Andrew Dickson White ('53), first President of Cornell Universi-
ty and first President of the American Historical Association.

 This notable trio were all initiated into The Order within a few years of
each other (1849, 1852, 1853). They immediately set off for Europe.
All three went to study philosophy at the University of Berlin, where
post-Hegelian philosophy had a monopoly.

   * Dwight studied at the Universities of Berlin and Bonn between
 1856 and 1858,

   * Gilman was at the University of Berlin between 1854 and 55
  under Karl von Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenberg, both
  prominent "Right" Hegelians, and

   * White studied at the University of Berlin between 1856 and
 Notably also at the University of Berlin in 1856 (at the Institute of
Physiology) was none other than Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of ex-
perimental psychology in Germany and the later source of the dozens of
American PhDs who came back from Leipzig, Germany to start the
modern American education movement.

 Why is the German experience so important? Because these were the
formative years, the immediate post graduate years for these three
men, the years when they were planning the future, and at this period
Germany was dominated by the Hegelian philosophical ferment.

 There were two groups of these Hegelians. The right Hegelians, were
the roots of Prussian militarism and the spring for the unification of Germany
and the rise of Hitler. Key names among right Hegelians were
Karl Ritter (at the University of Berlin where our trio studied). Baron
von Bismarck, and Baron von Stockmar, confidential adviser to Queen
Victoria over in England. Somewhat before this, Karl Theodor Dalberg
(1744-1817), arch-chancellor in the German Reich, related to Lord
Acton in England and an Illuminati (Baco v Verulam in the Illuminati
code), was a right Hegelian.

 There were also Left Hegelians, the promoters of scientific socialism.
Most famous of these, 

Re: [CTRL] Jack Parsons Stanton Friedman

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Where do you get that Stanton Friedman claims to have been one of the original MJ12 

i think you have your facts forked up, and I am sure if he reads this you will be 
hearing about it.

Michael Estes

The New Gateway to Intelligent Infinity is in process ...

-Original Message-
From:   Kris Millegan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Thursday, March 18, 1999 8:27 AM
Subject:Re: [CTRL] Jack Parsons  Stanton Friedman

 -Caveat Lector-

As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/"Re: Jack Parsons  Stanton
Subject: Re: Jack Parsons  Stanton Friedman
From: Urban Guerrilla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 11:26 PM

Alex Constantine wrote:

 Jack Parsons  Stanton Friedman - The Eschaton is Open
 Date: Wed, 8 Jan 1997 12:36:28 -0500 (EST)
 To: zee-list
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Fr.L.D. Funquiebutt,F.'.E.'.)


 Whoa, the internet is a SCAY tool sometimes...

 Scrambling franticly through the search engines, I found another bizarre
 twist in the Jack Parsons story today. It seems that some folks think that
 the Parsons/Hubbard/Crowley "Babalon Rite" somehow succeeded in opening a
 portal to another "plane" (or more appropriately, dimension), and SOMETHING
 came through (and is probably STILL coming through!). That something is
 supposed to have been the source of the sudden jump in UFO sightings and
 scientific development in the 1946-1948 period. Other interesting events
 that happened in that period included the discovery of LSD, the Roswell
 incident, the invention of the transistor, the discovery of the Dead Sea
 Scrolls, the sound barrier was broken, and Crowley's death.

 Also there is a fellow named Stanton T. Friedman, (who is a nuclear
 physicist) who was supposedly the original researcher of the Roswell case
 who ties into Parsons. Friedman's 14 years in the aerospace industry includs
 work for General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse Astronuclear
 Laboratory, TRW Systems, and Aerojet-General Nucleonics (Parson's company)
 on several classified projects. Friedman is also one of the most vocal
 proponents of the existence of the "Majestic-12" project, and claims to have
 been one of the original members of the MJ-12 team.

 Also, if you are familiar with Crowleys sketches of his personal
 conjourations and "spirit guides", there is one he described as "a
 foetus-like head with large, black almond shaped eyes". He called it "Lam".
 It is a dead ringer for what UFOlogists today call "greys".

 LRON also talks about similar critters in his Scientology mythos, and
 alludes to mankind receiving "help" from estra-terrestrial beings.

 So now we have a HUGE conspiracy, beginning with Uncle Al, Jack  Cameron,
 and LRON all screwing around, conjouring holes in the space-time continuum,
 and bringing forth aliens in flying saucers. These saucers spur the DOD into
 action, thereby making Parsons a millionaire (and subsiquently, LRON gets a
 piece of it too!). Crowley had previously masterminded a deal between the US
 government and the Nazis called Operation Paperclip, wherein dozens of
 ex-Nazi aerospace and genetic researchers are given asylum in the USA after
 the war, for cooperation in our "Alien Technology Backwards Engineering"
 program. Parson gets blown up in a mysterious explosion and his wife leaves
 the country. LRON cruises the oceans in multi-million-dollar ocean liners,
 the COS becomes one of the fastest-growing Western religions, and the OTO
 becomes one of the main forces in occult research and publishing in the US
 and England. All the while, UFOlogists are chasing the Department of the Air
 Force on some UFO coverup goose chase, when the whole time it's the Navy
 (after all, Crowley, LRON and Parsons all had connections there, and
 Camerson worked for the Navy during WWII in Washington DC)...

 So let me get this straight. The Eschaton has already been immanetized, the
 gates are already open, and the "demons" (or angels, depending on your POV)
 that are rushing into our Earthly plane are actually aliens?


 Bright Blessings, and watch the skies...

___r e p o s t___
From: --- (Blue Resonant Human)
Subject: ::: The Rocket Scientist  The Guru: Stardate 1946 :::
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 01:06:48 GMT
Organization: The B:.B:.

The Rocket Scientist  The Guru: Stardate 1946
by T. Allen Greenfield, Bishop EGC/OTO

Re: [CTRL] Very good OKC Key G. Jury Article

1999-03-18 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-

 The Final Jihad is said to be a fictional account of terror and
intrigue authored by Oklahoma governor Frank Keating's brother, Martin
Keating. Written in 1991, but not released until 1996, it has been
called prophetic because of the many terrorist crimes which have been
perpetrated with amazing similarity to its story line.
 Keatings book was completed in 1991, prior to the acts of terrorism
he describes. In 1991 Keating "accurately reveals what the highest
government officials have known." He detailed beforehand in The Final
Jihad, a whole series of terrorist activities including the OKC bombing,
the Arizona Amtrak derailment, the plane crash into the White House, the
World Trade Center bombing and TWA Flight 800. What does this say for
all the government's denial of prior knowledge in the OKC bombing?

Of course, we only have THEIR word for it that this book was written in
1991, but not published until 5 years later...
A distinct possibility is that it was indeed written in 1996, but claimed
to have been written earlier to boost sales...
Because if Keating indeed wrote it in 1991 (and remember, that would have
been during the BUSH Administration), then one has to ask why he didn't
try to do something to try to save all those lives

Because Keating, McVeigh, Bush et al were all involved in the GOP
program to dismantle the federal gov't, building by building...

Also note that Ruby Ridge occurred in the Bush administration, as
did the inception of the Waco operation, the denouement of which
was supervised and implemented primarily by Reagan/Bush appointees;
so one can only conclude that the Bush agenda included a dissident
removal program, much more far-reaching than anything attempted
under the dixiecrat Clinton, whose police augmentation policies
have been mostly directed against non-White entrepreneurs.  Yow.

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * ICQ# 19633976 *
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now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Funny

1999-03-18 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Hello, and welcome to the mental health hotline:

If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5 and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay
on the line so we can trace your call.

 If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred
to the mother ship.

 If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice
will tell  you which number to press.

 If you are a manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number
you press,  no-one will answer.

If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969.

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key
until a  representative comes on the line.

If you have amnesia press 8 and state your name, address, phone
date of  birth, social security number and your mother's maiden name.

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, slowly and carefully
press 000.

If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the
beep or  before the beep. Or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.  If you have
short-term memory loss, press 9.  If you have short-term memory loss, press
9. If you have  short-term memory loss, press 9.

If you have low self esteem.  Please hang up.  All our operators
are too busy to talk to you."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jack Parsons Stanton Friedman

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, I am just the paperboy, but I'll gladly read while I wrap. ;-)
In a message dated 3/18/99 9:53:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Where do you get that Stanton Friedman claims to have been one of the
MJ12 members?

i think you have your facts forked up, and I am sure if he reads this you
be hearing about it.

Michael Estes
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: Middle East Peace ?

1999-03-18 Thread Kris Millegan

From ArabicNews.CoM

US missiles for Bahrain
Bahrain, Politics, 3/18/99

The US on Tuesday announced that it had officially proposed to Bahrain the
sale of some 26 advanced Amraam air-to air missiles and other related
equipment in a deal estimated at US $110 million.

During his regional tour last week, US Defense Secretary William Cohen
proposed the deal to Bahrain. Cohen also proposed for Saudi Arabia Amraam
missiles and also discussed a deal to sell several missiles of Amraam type
and F-16 jet fighters to the United Arab Emirates. But no mention was made
on why such an arms deal was not announced during Cohen's visit to the

The US deal to Bahrain will also cover 50 systems for launching missiles
for F-16 fighters available in Bahrain, missiles containers, computer
programs, maintenance equipment and training of pilots.

Later in the day, the US State Department informed the congress officially
about the proposed sale of some 26 Amraam missiles to Bahrain at a cost of
US $110 million.

AFP said that in a statement the US Defense Department said that Bahrain
can use these missiles to develop the performance of F-16 planes it already
owns. The statement added that the US congress still has 30 days to oppose
or approve the sale of these medium-range missiles, which had been until
recently dedicated only to the NATO member states.

US Defense Secretary William Cohen had approved the sale on March 6 during
his visit to Bahrain.

Israeli FM considers UN resolution on Jerusalem as null and void
Regional, Politics, 3/18/99

Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon reiterated on Tuesday his
government's ambitions in the occupied city of Jerusalem in aiming to
tighten the Israeli occupation on the city and thereby defying, once again,
the position voiced by the European Union recently, rejecting the
annexation measures taken by Israel against the city.

During his meeting with the ambassadors of foreign countries accredited to
Israel, Sharon said his "government considers the UN resolution 181
concerning Jerusalem, which was released in 1947 as void and null."

Sharon confirmed that "Jerusalem will be always the united eternal capital
for Israel."

Meanwhile, a high-ranking German official told the Israeli daily Yediot
Ahronot on Tuesday that, "In a dirty electoral maneuver Netanyahu and
Sharon bombarded friendly relations between Israel and the closest European
state to it," in reference to the Israeli critical reaction to a statement
made by Germany on the Arab identity of Jerusalem.

He added, "We have not ever recognized Jerusalem as a united capital for
Israel." He accused Netanyahu and Sharon of leaking the message in order to
use it for electoral purposes.

Report highlights Israel's refusal to join the NPT
Israel, Politics, 3/18/99

BBC radio has said that Israel is the only country which refused to sign
and ratify the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) on preventing the
production and dissemination of nuclear arms.

In a report in the course of its program "Between the question and the
answer" on Tuesday, the radio added that more 170 world countries have
signed and ratified the NPT since 1998 at a time when Israeli refused to
sign this treaty with the aim of continuing its escape from the possibility
of having the UN observers and the International Atomic Energy Agency
inspect its nuclear firms and reactors in Dimona, the Negev and near Tel

The BBC indicated that the Dimona reactor, which produced since 1960
nuclear bombs and spare-warheads is still working until now, adding that no
person is allowed to get near it.

In this respect, the BBC noted to the life imprisonment sentence taken
against Israeli nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu under the pretext that
he disclosed top secrets information about the nuclear reactor in Dimonah
to the British press.

The BBC concluded by saying that Israel's lack of credibility and
unwillingness to ratify the NPT will keep the region in a state of tension
and continued threats and may result in encouraging other parties to
maintain the arms race in the region.

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