[CTRL] I support your right to hate. WAS: Big news, Clinton and hate crimes

1999-04-07 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/6/99 3:58:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, April 6) -- President Bill Clinton urged Congress
 Tuesday morning to expand the list of hate crimes covered under federal law
 to include cases involving sexual orientation.
 "The Hate Crimes Prevention Act would be important substantively and
 symbolically to send a message to ourselves and to the world that we are
 going into the 21st century determined to preach and to practice what is
 right," Clinton said during a Roosevelt Room ceremony.

Well, here is the deal, and a lot of you may not like this but I support your
right to hate.  That's right I think it is covered under the constitutional
right to personal privacy and security in your person and property.  You have
the right to hate me, because I'm ugly, slow, of a different race, rich,
poor, stupid, moronic, a genius, fat, lazy, homosexual, heterosexual,
indifferent, passionate, arty, chintzy, cheap, generous, liberal,
conservative, skinny, too loud, too quiet, aloof, arrogant, and any other
reason.  Additionally you have the right to think these things of me any time
you wish and with my complete support.  The problem with all of this, to me,
is that it imposes upon you to change your mindset and your belief system.
It would be the same as the government telling you you had to be a certain
religion or that you had to act a certain way, even if it is contrary to your
belief system.  That is mind control and it should not be anything that we
are forced to deal with.  We have enough artificial control in our lives now
we don't need more.
I think you have a right to be bigoted, hateful, and racist.  You have a
right to be secure in your thoughts.
While I do support your right to hate, I also support people rights.  Which
is to say while you can hate, if you ACT on that hate then I have a problem
with it.  We are guilty when we COMMIT acts against people not when we think
them, otherwise we would all be guilty of murder at one time or another
because we have all thought about killing that really annoying person at
least once.  You have a right to be secure in your person from physical harm,
violence, rape, theft, and discrimination.  So hate all you want, more power
to you, but just don't act on it or face all the power of the state to punish
you for your actions.  Should you suffer more because the crime was committed
because of hate or bias?  NO.  The end result is the same, an injury has been
done, the motive is not important the crime is.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 04.04.99 RMNews--Europol Operative Predicts Three Year War, Dragons and ...

1999-04-07 Thread Teo One Thousand

I don't know if this made it to the list yet, if so forgive the extra copy,
if not, enjoy!

The following two articles were first published by RMNews in 1996. They are 
being republished because the information will help you understand what is 
going on in Yugoslavia.

   First Article:
 A Europol Operative Predicts a Three Year War
Second Article:
   Aliens Are Being Settled in the former Yugoslavia

Both  these articles are republished from 1996 issues of
Rumor Mill News
   We are republishing them because they have timely
  Information about what is really going on in

In October of 1996, RMNews published a letter from a
Europol intelligence officer. In the letter he  predicted a
three year war. I have republished his letter. His insight and 
information will amaze you.

Many of you will see things in his letter that have already
happened. Others will have the uncanny sense that he has
predicted our future. This man is one with whom I had long
conversations while I was in Austria. He was the first
person who told me about the Templar Charter, and later he
saw to it that I received a word for word copy of the
charter. I included a portion of the Templar Charter in my
last article, "Kosovo, the Truth Behind the Headlines".

The author of this letter is a member of the Austro-
Hungarian royal families, he is a  Knights Templars, and 
he is also a member of Faction Two. Yes, Faction 2 is
world wide, not just in the United States.

The man who wrote this article is very well informed about
the Federal Reserve Banking system. He also understands
the philosophy and morality behind the New World Order.
Like most Continental European royals, he blames the
international bankers who created the Federal Reserve, and
who are behind the New World Order, for destroying his

My European Source was introduced to me by Navy
Intelligence officers that  I have known for years.

At one point he revealed more than I think he intended. He
was talking about the United States and the Federal Reserve
Banking system. He called the Fed  a "fat, over bloated tick
that sucks the life blood out of America." He then
expounded on how foolish Americans were not to rise up
and demand that the Fed be abolished. At the end of his
little speech on the Fed,   he slipped and revealed more than
he had intended. 

He boasted, "We have plans that will kill your well Fed
tick, but  sometimes when you kill a parasite, you come
close to killing its host!"

When you read his letter, be sure to read between the lines.
He quickly slides over some points to which we need to pay 
 attention, such as the concentration camps. 

Sometimes it is the things he doesn't say that ring the
loudest. He never mentions a time of unrest or riots, and yet
he mentions a new strong police force to deal with "home
grown terrorists". He never mentions any problems with
South America, and yet he states that we will have the
military policing our borders to protect from the flood of
illegal aliens, from South America. 

I am sure you will find many things that you wish he had
expounded on. This Source has provided no information to
RMNews since December of 1996. Maybe he will see his
letter and start sending us information once again. 
   * * *

Letter From Our European FanOctober 15, 1996
Dear Ru,
Our faith in the dollar has been rocked to no end. At this
time, the dollar is not indexed and fluctuates severely
against our Euro-currencies. The reason the market has
risen, (or been allowed to rise to such heights) is because
the full scale operation to get the new issues, and upstarts
out of the market, has only been plus or minus 10%
implemented. Operation Sledgehammer, along with less
drastic means will drop the market-- when the operation
goes on line by well over 3,000 points. 

These new companies need to be removed as they don't
have the financial reserves to make it through any
recession no mater how mild.

The money will have to be devalued. That means literally,
that the dollar will be worth far less than its present value
on overseas markets. It wouldn't be so bad, if the U.S. had
a more open and far less saturated market. That way you
could continue holding the dollar, at present value (28›). 

As your own market is saturated, and you   can't sell your
own products at home, you'll try for Europe or the Far East.
For them, however, the dollar will not be worth nearly what
it is worth at home. The end effect is that your products
will be far too expensive for export. 

You can't import, because of the expense of European
goods. Therefore, the economy will turn inward and you'll
have to eat your own production. That's when recession

You don't need the products you manufacture, and will
have to get rid of them for whatever you can get. This move

[CTRL] Fwd: The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #85

1999-04-07 Thread Teo One Thousand

For those opposed to the so-called war on drugs.

  The Week Online with DRCNet, Issue #85 -- April 2, 1999
   A Publication of the Drug Reform Coordination Network


(To sign off this list, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
 line "signoff drc-natl" in the body of the message, or
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] for assistance.  To subscribe to
 this list, visit http://www.drcnet.org/signup.html.)

This issue can be also be read on our web site at
http://www.drcnet.org/wol/085.html.  Check out the DRCNN
weekly radio segment at http://www.drcnet.org/drcnn/.


1. Portland, Oregon Police Called to Account for
   Surveillance Operation

2. Two New Polls Show Strong Public Support for Drug Policy

3. Courts Place Limits on Drug Testing in Workplace, Schools

4. Hash Bash Draws Ire of State Lawmakers

5. California Democrats Give Nod to Industrial Hemp

6. Government Reports:  Prison, Drug Use Trends

7. ACLU:  Financial Privacy Update

8. EDITORIAL:  Funding The Unknown Soldier

1. Portland, Oregon Police Called to Account for
   Surveillance Operation

A county circuit judge in Portland, Oregon, has ordered the
city police bureau's Marijuana Task Force to release details
of a secret "trap and trace" telephone surveillance
operation they have reportedly maintained on American
Agriculture, a local indoor gardening supply store, for at
least the past three years.  The task force, apparently,
traced the numbers of every caller to the store, and used
that information to target private homes for searches for
evidence of marijuana cultivation.

Trap and trace procedures do not record conversations like a
wiretap, but only trace callers' phone numbers.  Still,
their use by law enforcement is regulated and limited to
certain circumstances.  In Oregon, police are required to
have a court order allowing them to collect the numbers from
the local phone company, and the trap and trace is supposed
to be used only for thirty to sixty days in order to monitor
a specific suspect.

But several months ago, a defendant in a marijuana
cultivation case became suspicious of what had led police to
his door.  According to court documents, Jeffrey Hauser of
Bend, Oregon, called an officer on the Portland task force,
pretending to be a Bend policeman.  In the conversation that
followed, the Portland officer revealed that since 1995, the
task force had made weekly downloads of the phone numbers of
all callers to American Agriculture.  Using a reverse-lookup
service to find the callers' names and addresses, the task
force then ran the information through the local electric
company, profiling those customers who used too much -- or
even too little -- electricity.

Now, a group of defense attorneys and their clients are
questioning the legality of the task force's use of the trap
and trace, and hoping that the judge's order will shed more
light on the special unit's practices.

"It's our theory that the trap and trace is like pulling on
the string that unravels the whole sweater," defense
attorney Bob Theummel told The Week Online.  "It's the
beginning of a process that results in a whole lot of
marijuana busts."  Theummel said he suspects that the trap
and trace is behind the task force's great success with
knock-and-talk busts, wherein the police come to people's
doors without a warrant and attempt to talk their way
inside.  Once the resident has consented to this, it becomes
nearly impossible to have any evidence the police find
suppressed in court.  The four member task force boasts a
50% arrest rate in as many as 2,000 knock-and-talk
operations over the seven years since its inception.

But attorney Michelle Burrows, who is also representing a
client in the trap and trace case, said that at least one
member of the task force has resorted to strong-arm tactics
when he is denied entry to a home.  She said, "Brian
[Schmautz] claims that whenever he has smelled marijuana at
someone's door, he has found it.  In Oregon, it's not enough
to have high electricity bills to get in the door, but once
they have the smell, they can get a warrant.  Well, when
people would say 'go away,' he would say 'okay, fine, here's
my business card' or would reach out to shake the person's
hand.  And then -- he's said this in affidavits, in the
police reports -- he arrests the person's hand.  And then we
found out that in several cases, they don't even arrest the
hand.  They will actually pull the person out of the house
and then arrest them on the porch."

Burrows said that one motivating 

Re: [CTRL] I support your right to hate. WAS: Big news, Clinton ...

1999-04-07 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-06 23:19:19 EDT, you write:

 So hate all you want, more power
  to you, but just don't act on it or face all the power of the state to
  you for your actions.  Should you suffer more because the crime was
  because of hate or bias?  NO.  The end result is the same, an injury has
  done, the motive is not important the crime is.

I feel the same as you.  I do know that a hate crimes bill would make a
crime out of some things that were before just indecent acts.  That's my
understanding, anyway.

We were entering an amusement park in Missouri.  A group of white teens
and an adult were crossing our paths.  One of the teens took his cup of water
and flung it in the face of a young black boy sitting alone on a bench.  I
was stunned for a time -- I simply couldn't grasp what I'd just seen.  Then I
hollered to the teen, "What did you just do?  You come back here.  You come
back here and apologize!"  He kept walking.  The adult looked over his
shoulder and said "It's no big deal.  He was just cooling the boy off."  It
was fucking disgusting

My companions stayed with the boy while I went to report the incident.
The police took it quite seriously, and I was surprised.  They explained that
it fell into the "hate crimes" category.  The white group got away.

What a bad day it must have been for that little boy.  He endured the
cold water without even flinching.  He was alone on the bench because his mom
was punishing him.  His whole family had gone to the car for lunch and left
him behind, alone, in the sun, in 110 degree heat.

When the cops located his mom, apparently she wasn't very sympathetic.
Poor kid.

Anyway, I was glad for the hate crimes classification that day.  And
that's about all I know about it.


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Re: [CTRL] Balkan Stew

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

The hypothetical situation could play out as follows: Bulgaria would come to
the rescue of the Bulgar minority in Macedonia, confronting the Greek push.
At that point, Turkey could not stand aside because the Turkish armed
forces, struggling to fend off Islamic fundamentalism, would have to back
Bulgaria and Albania, officially secular but historically Muslim countries.
The crisis between Greece and Turkey would wedge apart the alliance's
southern flank, weakening NATO's ability to project stability into the
eastern Mediterranean and protect Western interests.

And World War ONE all over again.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

This report states John F. Kennedy was a member of the CFR he was not,
and Ronald Reagan was not.what did these two men have in
commonthey were both gunned down in the "open sight of others",
according to biblical ritual murder, at high twelve

It is odd though, as important as Kissinger seemed to be to Nixon, that
he alone escaped the wrath of the Watergate revenge.

I always thought it rather humorous - once I said, you know, if I could
find out who owns the Watergate Motel and named it, I will tell you who
set up Nixon

Well, the Watergate was owned by the Pope; property under direct control
to the Vatican.so it must truly have been the Judgment at the
Watergate, as mentioned in Nehimiah.

This is why I always had a warm spot in my heart for G. Gordon Liddy,
who remained loyal to the endonce a Jesuit, always a Jesuit.

Those stupid bungling burglars; your CIA in action.most of the
intelligence they get is out of the newpaper, and someone else writes
that out for them.

As for Deep Throat, there were others who knew who A.H. was, but never
revealed his namehow did they know?  Because he had a line, as did
Kissinger, to the National Enquirer.where Henry exposed a secret
list of CIA agents stationed all over the world, where a picture was
taken with a scopethe fact that it got into the Enquirer, which was
then headed up by CIA Bob Pope, makes the story twice as interesting but
still somewhat of a mystery.

It looks now like NATO will take over the office of the President, under
the direct control of the CFR.that is, by the secret three to 13 at
the top of the pyramid.
The could not so do under JFK or RR; and we all know what happened to


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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Templar Revelation

1999-04-07 Thread Che

 -Caveat Lector-

At 11:35 AM 4/5/99 EDT, someone wrote:

You must look for clues in movies too: note that the actor
Roger Moore plays, in movie The Saint, Simon TEMPLAR, and in movie The
Persuaders Lord SINCLAIR.

And don't forget the 1st captain of Babylon 5 was Jeffrey SINCLAIR, and
more importantly the object of Robin William's affections in The Fisher
King (there's a hint!) was Lydia SINCLAIR!!!

The Sinclairs, the conspirators, are everywhere!

Just kidding.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oklahoma City Kosovo

1999-04-07 Thread Geri Alfred Webre

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:10:08 EST
From: Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  --- Why Clinton learned to love to BOMB --- . . .
 -Caveat Lector-

Has it something do with the bridge to the New World Order village?

"War is Peace!"  -- Orwell _1984_

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

There may be deeper irony at work in the Oklahoma City-Kosovo parallels.
There is a serous vein of scholarship which holds that the Oklahoma City
bombing may have
actually the result of an attack by an electromagnetic pulse (emp) weapon.
On-site observations of the
damage were apparently more like the results of an emp weapon, than of the
jhome made fertilizer bomb to which the damage was officially ascribed.
By this line of research, the alleged perpetrators were actually "guided" by
mind control technology into
carrying out an ineffective attack which served as cover for the emp weapon;
a provocateur
incident was then created which ascribes terrorism to the "freedom" right
Classic european state terrorism, right before your eyes, brought up to date
emp  mind control technologies.

If you would like to research this for yourself, search "electromagnetic
pulse weapons"
in a good search engine like google.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-07 01:10:07 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, the Watergate was owned by the Pope; property under direct control
to the Vatican.so it must truly have been the Judgment at the
Watergate, as mentioned in Nehimiah.

Here's some thought-provoking trivia.  The architect of the Watergate, turns
was originally Benito Mussolini's architect (Il Duce's Albert Speer, so to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Albanians Destabilize Macedonia, Montenegro

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Macedonia says it cannot take in more than 20,000 refugees, fearing
they will destabilize its ethnic balance and lead to calls for autonomy for
the Albanian minority...
 "Too much pressure on Macedonia could endanger Georgievski's fragile
coalition of Macedonian and Albanian parties.
 "Anti-NATO resentment has been growing among Macedonian nationalists,
angry at both the airstrikes against fellow Orthodox Serbs and the influx of
minority refugees."
 "Greater Albania," anyone?

 I wonder how 'humanitarian' the US gov't would feel if suddenly a civil
war in Mexico sent 2 million new illegal immigrants across the border into

Macedonia Criticizes NATO

.c The Associated Press

BLACE, Macedonia (AP) -- Macedonian officials early today emptied a border
enclave where thousands of refugees had been trapped for days in squalid

Working through the night, officials bused refugees out of the encampment at
Blace, on the border with Kosovo.

A bus convoy out of the camp had been running for days, but the pace was
sharply stepped up to move out the last of the refugees, who had numbered in
the tens of thousands only the day before.

However, the fate of a long line of refugees who had been waiting on the
other side of the border was not known. There was speculation they had been
turned back to Kosovo.

Paula Ghedini, a spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, said about 15,000
of the remaining refugees from Blace had been taken to a transit camp near
Macedonia's capital, Skopje, but officials were not sure what happened to the

``We don't have manifests from all the buses,'' she said.

Paramilitary police kept journalists at a distance from what had been a
sprawling encampment. Viewed from a distance, the site was a giant,
smoldering pit, with garbage fires burning and tons of muddy clothing and
plastic sheeting strewn about.

The move came against a backdrop of growing tensions between Western aid and
alliance officials and Macedonian authorities.

On Tuesday, Macedonia's prime minister criticized NATO for ignoring warnings
that airstrikes on neighboring Yugoslavia could cause a humanitarian

Llubco Georgievski, premier of the former Yugoslav republic, also blamed the
alliance for allowing 130,000 Kosovo Albanians to gather on its border
without proper measures to care for them.

``In the 15 days since the airstrikes started, Macedonia cried out that
something dramatic was going to happen. The United States and European Union
have done nothing to help,'' Georgievski said, calling the NATO allies
``completely irresponsible.''

U.N. aid agencies have accused Macedonia of using bureaucratic delays to slow
the influx of both refugees and aid. They are also looking into reports that
Macedonia may be forcing Kosovo Albanians to leave the country in a
Western-organized airlift that started late Monday with flights to Turkey and

Macedonia, flooded with more than 130,000 refugees from Kosovo, says it
cannot take in more than 20,000, fearing they will destabilize its ethnic
balance and lead to calls for Albanian autonomy in this country of 2.2

Too much pressure on Macedonia could endanger Georgievski's fragile coalition
of Macedonian and Albanian parties. On Tuesday, the government reportedly
asked the United States to postpone the deployment of some of its forces, who
were to assist in building refugee camps.

Anti-NATO resentment has been growing among Macedonian nationalists, angry at
both the airstrikes against fellow Orthodox Serbs and the refugee inflow.

In a news release late Tuesday, the government hinted it would stem a future
tide after 65,000 refugees are moved out from Blace.

``The Macedonian government has decided that refugees will only be accepted
through the crossing borders and be transported at ... transfer camps where
they will be transferred to other countries,'' it said.

NATO troops in Macedonia have been working day and night to set up nine tent
cities to temporarily house refugees. NATO said it had ferried into Macedonia
more than 1,373 tons of aid, including 350 tons of food and water and 250
tons of tents and other supplies.

An additional 30,000 refugees were caught in a bottleneck at a border
crossing in southwestern Jazince, caused by the Yugoslav government's
decision to close the border Tuesday, Macedonian officials said.

April 6 (Reuters)  Western governments have warned that Milosevic might take
advantage of the NATO strikes to stage a military coup in Montenegro and
overthrow the 37-year-old Djukanovic.

The coalition government here says it is ready to defend itself and has
placed well-armed police outside key public buildings around Podgorica.

However, with many people in this mountainous republic fiercely opposed to
the NATO attacks, Djukanovic and his ministers have been careful not to make
any public declarations which might be seen as a push for independence.

[CTRL] ... and Bosnia

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Troops in Bosnia Fired On

.c The Associated Press

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) -- A NATO helicopter flying on a routine
mission apparently came under fire over Bosnian Serb territory, NATO
officials said Tuesday, the latest in a recent series of attacks on
alliance-led forces in Bosnia.

The crew of a Black Hawk helicopter observed a flash on the ground 10 miles
southwest of the northern Bosnian city of Doboj, on Monday.

Within seconds they saw an object fly in front of them, forcing them to take
``evasive action.'' The helicopter landed safely, said Maj. Sheena Thomson, a
NATO spokeswoman.

NATO-led forces are investigating the incident and received assurances from
the Bosnian Serb Army and local police that they will cooperate.

Since NATO launched airstrikes against Yugoslavia, relations between the
NATO-led Stabilization force, SFOR, and Bosnian Serbs have deteriorated and
SFOR has increased security measures as a precaution against retaliation.

The Bosnian Serbs have strong ties to Serb-led Yugoslavia and consider the
NATO action an aggression.

In another incident which occurred on Sunday, a hand-grenade was thrown at a
house where an SFOR member had once lived in the Bosnian Serb town of
Bijeljina in the north-east of the country. There were no injuries and the
damage was minimal, Thomson said.

A day earlier, two civilians driving in an SFOR vehicle in a Sarajevo suburb
were shot at with a small caliber weapon. One person was wounded.

Several Bosnian Serb leaders have condemned NATO's behavior, particularly the
Bosnian Serb Radical Party, which international officials say is steered by

``We remain concerned that the SRS (Bosnian Serb republic), the Radical
party, in particular, continues to be manipulated by forces outside,'' said
Simon Haselock, the spokesman for Bosnia's top international official, Carlos

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[CTRL] Canada's Anti-War Voice

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Canada Dissenters Fault Kosovo Move

.c The Associated Press

TORONTO (AP) -- While Canadian leaders unwaveringly defend Canada's role in
the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, a vocal chorus of dissenters says the
nation's legacy as a pioneer in international peacekeeping is being betrayed.

The anti-war movement staged its first news conference Tuesday, featuring a
member of the Canadian Senate, a prominent historian and a maverick
politician known for his opposition to free trade with the United States.

``Our country is violating its most profound traditions,'' said Michael
Bliss, history professor at the University of Toronto. ``We're now in the
hands of military men who have a vested interest in escalating the

So far, there have been no nationwide polls to gauge public support for
Canada's engagement in the bombing campaign. But most of the major media have
been depicting the handful of Canadian airmen in the war zone as heroes, and
leaders of the four main opposition parties have backed the government's

The Kosovo conflict has produced a dramatic shift in Canada's foreign policy,
which for many years has emphasized the country's abilities as a mediator and

Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy successfully led a campaign last year for
Canada to win a seat on the U.N. Security Council, yet Canada now finds
itself engaged in a war that lacks Security Council authorization.

Douglas Roche, an independent member of Canada's Senate, noted that Axworthy
had wanted a Security Council seat so Canada could prod the big powers into a
greater preoccupation with human security.

``We have abandoned that noble and realistic goal ... by joining in an
aggressive military action,'' Roche said. ``To bomb for peace -- this is the
greatest oxymoron of the 20th century.''

David Orchard, a farmer and free trade foe from the opposition Progressive
Conservative Party, said Canada should reconsider its membership in NATO.

``After years of pious bleating by Canadian governments about war crimes ...
we are committing one of vastly larger proportions,'' Orchard said.

There has been no formal debate or vote in Parliament about Canada's role in
the bombing, although a debate is expected in the House of Commons on Monday.
The Liberal Party government has not indicated whether it would allow a vote
on its policy.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien's office said Tuesday he would cut short his
trip to Latin America this week in order to be back in Ottawa for the
parliamentary debate.

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[CTRL] Please, China, Join the WTO

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., chairman of the House Government Reform and
Oversight Committee, called on Clinton to insist that China provide U.S.
investigators bank records that ``would demonstrate the origins of the
MILLIONS of dollars that flowed'' from China to the Democratic Party."

 How much is peace on earth worth to the infinitely-greedy NWO

U.S. Wants China To Open Market

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. and Chinese negotiators went back to work today in
their down-to-the-wire push for an agreement to open China's vast market to
American exports. While Chinese officials portrayed an agreement as close,
U.S. officials insisted substantial differences remain.

Both countries are struggling to strike a deal that would pave the way for
China to gain entry into the World Trade Organization, hoping an agreement
can be announced on Thursday when Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji will meet with
President Clinton at the White House.

In an indication that progress is being made, the discussions were extended
into Wednesday. Chinese Vice Trade Minister Long Yongtu, the head of the
Chinese delegation, told reporters late Monday that both sides were ``very
close'' to a deal.

But Jay Ziegler, chief spokesman for U.S. Trade Representative Charlene
Barshefsky, was less optimistic, saying substantial differences remain in a
number of areas.

Zhu, the first Chinese premier to visit the United States in 15 years, was
scheduled to arrive later today in Los Angeles for the start of a nine-day
American visit.

While he would like to return home with an agreement on WTO membership, the
administration has continued to insist it will not accept an agreement that
does not open Chinese markets to U.S. manufacturers and farmers.

In addition to the economic concerns, the administration faces a tough sales
campaign in a Congress upset over allegations of Chinese nuclear espionage
and a new crackdown on human rights.

Zhu, in an interview with Wall Street Journal executives distributed Monday,
accused President Clinton of caving in to Congress and changing the standards
for China's entry into the WTO.

He told the newspaper that Chinese concessions had brought a WTO agreement
within reach, but ``due to pressure from the U.S. Congress, the U.S.
government has shown a change in attitude.'' He called Washington's new
demands ``unreasonable'' and said China is not inclined to make further
concessions. ``Make no mistake,'' he said. ``China is not begging for
accession to the WTO.''

But administration officials insisted Monday the priority is to get an
agreement that will open China's vast market, not one that simply meets the
Thursday deadline.

``Rather than looking at a calendar, we're going to look at the details of a
deal and we're not going to take anything but a good deal,'' presidential
spokesman Joe Lockhart told reporters.

The administration sees China's barriers to American exports as the chief
cause for a record $57 billion trade deficit last year with China.

Robert Cassidy, America's top negotiator on Chinese trade issues, was
scheduled to resume discussions today with Long Yongtu, China's vice minister
for trade. U.S. officials said Monday's opening session was devoted to a
review of the gaps still existing between the two countries.

China has made a number of concessions in recent weeks in hopes of overcoming
U.S. objections to its membership in the Geneva-based World Trade
Organization which sets the rules for world trade. But that effort is coming
at a time of serious strains in U.S.-Chinese relations.

Greg Mastel, an economist at the Economic Strategy Institute, a Washington
think tank, said tensions between the two countries are so great that China
may achieve only a ``framework'' agreement where both sides would spell out
areas of agreement and differences, and set a deadline for resolving those

``It would in large part be a face-saving move ... if they can't finish the
full package,'' said Mastel.

Zhu's visit comes at a time when the United States is upset over a Communist
Party-ordered crackdown on Chinese trying to form a democratic party and
allegations of Chinese espionage at U.S. nuclear labs. For their part, the
Chinese are troubled by NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia, which China's
government has condemned as a dangerous attack on international security.

Lockhart refused comment Monday on a published report that the chief of
China's military intelligence secretly directed $300,000 to Clinton's
re-election campaign in 1996. He said the allegations were ``the subject of
an on-going investigation at the Justice Department.''

The Los Angeles Times said that former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung
had given an account to federal investigators of payments of $300,000 to the
re-election campaign.

Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., chairman of the House Government Reform and
Oversight Committee, called on Clinton to insist China 

Re: [CTRL] OEN 4/6/99

1999-04-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

I am more interested in who is going to lay the brick and the mortar,
build the highways to keep the traffic going; build the cars, the tall
buildings, homes for the veterans returning from war, laying sewer lines
and wter lines, building cities

Poor Bill Gates.why don't they just say Ahab wants his very
profitable vineyrd.

By their fruits, you shall know them all.

Glad to see you around Mr.Goat.


We have wars that have been going on for 2000 years and they are worried
about Bill Gates.seeding corn?

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frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fake Poll Seen

1999-04-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

From Capitol Hill Blue, 4/7/99:

   The Rant

   I am, therefore I rant. . .

   The poll that wasn't

   They held a small celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday. As
   celebrations go, it wasn't much of a gala, but things to celebrate
   have been few and far between at the House of Clinton these days.

   The celebration came with a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll that
   says a majority of Americans now support Bill Clinton's Kosovo war and
   would also support the use of ground troops.

   So there were a few high-fives and back slaps issued as the the
   illusion masters of the Clinton administration congratulated
   themselves on yet another propaganda victory.

   A week of televised images of Kosovo refugees had paid off. Bill
   Clinton now has the American public behind him.

   Or does he? Like Bill Clinton's Presidency, the poll released Tuesday
   appears to be more than it really is.

   The poll was conducted by Hart Research, a Democratic polling firm
   whose clients include many Democratic members of Congress, the AFL-CIO
   and a President named William Jefferson Clinton. Fred Yang, the Senior
   Vice President for Hart, often writes articles that offer "the
   Democratic perspective" on issues for magazines like Campaigns and

   Before the key questions were asked, those polled were told: "As you
   may know, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been forced to leave
   Kosovo." And the question on ground troops was worded to invoke
   emotion: "Would you favor or oppose a decision to send U.S. and NATO
   soldiers into Serbia if the Serbs continue to drive people out of

   In the polling business, this is called stacking the deck, wording the
   questions in a way to make sure you get the answers you want.

   "If you want an honest poll about the actions of a Democratic
   president, you don't hire a pollster who works for the Democratic
   party. Hart is considered one of the most partisan firms around," says
   Dr. Ralph Bakke, a retired professor who taught demographics and
   polling. "You either hire an independent pollster or you hire polling
   firms from both sides and aggregate their results."

   US News  World Report, for example, publishes a series of
   "battleground" polls that uses both Democratic and Republican

   NBC and the Wall Street Journal, however, chose to go the partisan
   route and the results of their poll gave them just the story they
   wanted to trumpet in print and over the airwaves today.

   There are many things you can call this: Cooking the books and
   stacking the deck are just two.

   One thing you can't call this is honest journalism.

  --Doug Thompson
  Founder, Publisher  Editor
Capitol Hill Blue


   Want more Rant? Try Recycled Rant

   Want to Rant? Visit ReaderRant

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[CTRL] The 'Right' Bush ?

1999-04-07 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From IntellectualCapital.CoM

The Right Bush
by Ed Kilgore
Thursday, April 01, 1999
Comments: 227 posts

A former vice president of the United States. A conservative U.S. senator
who is a war hero and a media darling. A 1996 candidate with big sacks of
cash and a message slavishly devoted to every pet cause of economic and
social conservatives. Another 1996 candidate who has spent more than four
years virtually living in Iowa and New Hampshire. Still another 1996
candidate with universal name ID and a devoted national following of angry
right-wing populists. A Christian right leader with a gold-plated mailing
list of true believers. A genial young House leader who can credibly claim
to have balanced the federal budget. A former Cabinet member with a famous
name who could close or even reverse the dreaded "gender gap."
It's all about George

By any measure, this is a Republican field of presidential candidates that
is broad if not terribly deep. But at present, they are all chopped liver.

Does George W. have what
it takes?
The prohibitive front-runner for 2000 is a candidate who is just beginning
his second term as governor of a state where governors wield little real
power. His main first-term initiative -- a tax-reform scheme -- went down in
flames. He is not identified with advocacy of any particular issue or cause,
and can boast no unique accomplishments. (In a puff piece selling him to
conservatives, Robert Novak, the dean of right-wing columnists, called him a
"blank page when it comes to foreign and much of national policy."). Even
his most avid promoters do not claim that he is a brilliant or especially
charismatic man. Until election night in 1994, when his brother, Jeb, lost
while he won, George W. Bush was reportedly the second choice for the
dynastic succession in his own family.

Yet hordes of GOP congressmen have begged him to run. Most of his Republican
gubernatorial colleagues have signed on. British Tory leader William Hague
has made a pilgrimage to Austin to discuss how conservatives can respond to
the "Third Way" politics of Bill Clinton's New Democrats and Tony Blair's
New Labor.

The Washington "pundits' primary" of infallible insiders is all but over,
with the focus shifting to a Bush-Gore general election. Most remarkably,
key opinion-leaders for the dominant conservative wing of the GOP --
famously suspicious of the policy views of Republican politicians,
especially those named Bush -- are all but fawning over the ideologically
anodyne governor.

The conventional gospel

Some examples of their self-seduction:

Novak, keeper of the flickering flame of the supply-side wing of the
conservative movement, startled many readers with a Feb. 22, 1999 piece
flacking Bush's candidacy and vouching for the governor's right-wing
credentials. In an interesting act of imputed parricide, Novak stressed that
Bush's policy advisers were not Bushies, but Reaganites. Dealing with a
particular fear of conservatives, Novak let it be known that Bush The
Younger had hung out a "not wanted" sign for former Office of Management and
Budget Director Richard Darman, blamed for convincing President Bush to
violate his "read my lips" pledge on taxes. He concluded that George W.'s
"brain trust" suggested "his administration would be to the right not only
of his father's, but of Reagan's."

In the March 22, 1999, issue of The Weekly Standard, Executive Editor Fred
Barnes penned a cover article ("The Gospel According To George W. Bush")
that goes to inordinate lengths in reassuring Christian conservatives that
the Texas governor is one of them. Barnes dwells lovingly on Bush's fairly
recent "spiritual awakening." He documents through the testimony of friends
that it was a genuine turning point in Bush's life, but is careful to avoid
any suggestion of the showy emotionalism that discomfits more secular-minded
conservatives. The article also addresses in great detail the possible
Achilles Heel of the Bush candidacy: rumors about his
pre-spiritual-awakening personal behavior. According to Barnes, there is
nothing lurking in the gubernatorial closet other than some frat-boy
hi-jinks at Yale and a now-abandoned habit of taking a second highball
before dinner.

In a rare pronouncement on policy, Bush recently let it be known that he no
longer favored aggressive action (e.g., a Human Life Amendment to the
Constitution, or overt attacks on Roe v. Wade) to outlaw most abortions,
preferring incremental initiatives such as bans on "partial-birth" abortions
and a long-range effort to change public opinion. The Human Life Amendment
has been advocated in the last five Republican platforms, and Bob Dole got
himself into a world of trouble with conservatives in 1996 for suggesting
the party was out of touch with public opinion on abortion. You might expect
howls of outrage from a similar, and perhaps even more provocative,
statement on abortion 

[CTRL] TWA 800 Trial Underway

1999-04-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

From Chris Ruddy's web site:

 Wednesday April 7, 1:25 AM

   FBI Loses First Round in TWA 800 Case

 TWA 800 defendant James Sanders was upbeat when reached by Inside
  Cover late Tuesday. His trial on charges of conspiracy to obtain
secret evidence from the wreckage of the July 1996 air disaster was
   only in its second day and already presiding Judge Joanna Seybert had
   handed the prosecution a major defeat.

 "The judge quashed the illegal seizure of my computer hard drive,
   which is very good news for us, " Sanders said, referring to the FBI's
   confiscation of manuscripts which he argues should be protected by the
  First Ammendment. "They hadn't even bothered to get a warrant,"
Sanders complained.

   The story of Sanders' independent investigation into the still
   unexplained crash is told in his 1997 book, "The Downing of TWA Flight
800". As a working journalist, he obtained fabric swatches from the
   plane's seats and had them analyzed by a California laboratory. Their
conclusion? Red stains on the material were identical in composition
to missile exhaust.

Despite more than a hundred eyewitnesses who told investigators they
 saw a streaking object strike TWA 800 that July night, the FBI and
NTSB have discounted the missile theory. That's what makes Sanders'
 discovery of missile exhaust trace evidence so problematic for the

   Early courtroom reactions seem to favor Sanders, with several offering
   praise for his attorney Bruce Maffeo's opening arguments. But
  Wednesday's session will be key.

  That's when former TWA crash investigator Terry Stacey takes the
   stand. Stacey is now the government's key cooperating witness against
Sanders and his wife Elizabeth, who is also named in the indictment.
The conspiracy charge rests on the allegation that Sanders solicited
Stacey to obtain the fabric samples.

 Elizabeth Sanders is charged on the basis of a single conversation
   with Stacey, during which her husband says the fabric evidence wasn't
  even mentioned.

 "Wednesday is going to be quite a day," Sanders told Inside Cover,
eagerly anticipating public exposure of what may be one of the worst
government cover-ups of the century.

  Monday April 5, 4:25 PM

  TWA 800 in Court

 The trial of TWA 800 defendants James and Elizabeth Sanders, which
began Monday in a Uniondale, N.Y., federal courtroom, could produce
some real fireworks -- depending upon what evidence presiding Judge
  Joanna Seybert lets the defense present.

   James Sanders, you may recall, is the journalist who accepted a piece
of fabric taken from one of 800's seats by a TWA crash investigator,
   which contained evidence contradicting the official government theory
  that the July 17, 1996, disaster was accidental.

 Sanders' 1997 book, "The Downing of TWA Flight 800" documented his
   early investigative work. Unhappy with his report, the Justice
   Department has put Sanders on trial for interfering with the official
  FBI-NTSB investigation.

   Cmdr. William Donaldson, whose two-year-long crusade for the truth has
made him the premier expert on the 800 disaster, has signed on as a
  defense team consultant.

Friday, Donaldson told Inside Cover that the evidence he's uncovered
suggests wrongdoing that reaches to the highest levels of the White
House. Should Judge Seybert take an interest in the larger story of
   how 230 souls perished off Moriches Beach that July night, this trial
   could get a whole lot more intriguing than current media non-coverage
  would indicate.

   Both Sanders and Donaldson have promised to keep NewsMax.com apprised
of daily trial developments.

Stay tuned.

  Monday April 5, 7:16 AM

 White House Doves Turn to Hillary

The Clinton White House was so divided over the president's plan to
   bomb the Balkans that administration doves hoped Hillary would

   That's the word from longtime Clinton nemesis Larry Nichols, who seems
   to have developed a reliable White House source for the latest on the
   Kosovo crisis.

For instance, Nichols knew that Clinton's war on Slobodan Milosevic
would commence precisely on March 24 -- and said so up and down the
radio dial nearly a week before it happened.

 And now, other events Nichols described to Inside Cover early 


1999-04-07 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Ah ha..there is always the architect with the plan, but as Jimmy
Hoffa once said - hey he might have done it, but he wasn't the architect
of that plan.

That was a real flood gate, eh what?

Tell me, das Goat..do you think little Monica, that sweet, child
like floozie, was really a Mossad Agent - or rather, hired by the Mossad
to back Clinton into a corner in the OVAL office, which was an
accomplishment unto itself.

I wonder how many golden earrings she took to do tht.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: O then, tell me Sean O'Farrell, tell me why you hurry so / The Rising of the Moon

1999-04-07 Thread Colleen Jones

For those who like good Irish Music, this is it; hope some of you can
pick up the music, as well.

For it looks to me, as if the old ones of Ireland following the rising
of the full moon.for all you astrology lovers out there, and to Mr.
Shannon...I do not drink, just because I am Irish.doesnot
necessarily mean that I drink.there was a day so I used to sit with
the boys (not the girls mind you) but the boys, and match them drink for

Lady Marion


Re: [CTRL] APRIL Worldwide Holiday List

1999-04-07 Thread Gerry Forbes

 -Caveat Lector-

According to this list the Serbs don't celebrate Easter
at all... Are they Knights Templar? That might explain
why the Vatican has it in for them.

Of course, there is a simpler explanation. Go-Global doesn't
give a shit about promoting understanding of world cultures (sic)
They collect travel industry demographic data in exchange for
informing their subscribers of STATUTORY holidays which might
inconvenience their travel plans.

 -Caveat Lector-

To answer the question as to who celebrates what, when...

 Begin Forwarded Message 

... Worldwide Holidays List ..

 Sponsor: Global Sources

Thank you for subscribing to our Worldwide Holiday List!
Go-Global.com promotes understanding of world cultures through the
explanation of holidays celebrated worldwide.

This month is one of the busiest months. Why?
Because their are so many religious days being celebrated all around the
world.  If you are planning to travel, be careful of travel between April

Kindest Regards,
Rebecca Noel

In order to receive this list, you signed up by submitting a form at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Pope Buys Cease-Fire; Italy, Other NATO Members Waver ...

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 "Japan said it supports Russia's proposal for a special meeting of the
Group of Eight industrialized nations on the Kosovo crisis.
 "Japanese Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi ``strongly supports any diplomatic
efforts that would lead to an early political solution.''

Vatican: Cease-Fire 'Sign of Peace'

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The Vatican greeted Yugoslavia's unilateral cease-fire
with Kosovo's rebels as a ``sign of peace'' on Tuesday and again urged NATO
to halt its airstrikes.

Vatican envoys have been working without success for an end to the NATO
bombings as well as a return of Yugoslav leaders and ethnic Albanians in
Kosovo to the negotiating table.

``One thing is certain: to continue the violence of the last few days
represents a grave obstacle to the search for a negotiated peace,'' said the
Vatican secretary of state, Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran.

Tauran, who met with Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic last week, said
Tuesday that the cease-fire was a ``very important step towards peace.''

Pope John Paul II has repeatedly called for an end to the conflict and on
Easter Sunday he implored Yugoslav authorities to open a ``humanitarian
corridor'' so aid can reach Kosovo's desperate refugees.

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NATO Allies Reject Yugoslav Cease-Fire Declaration

Belgrade, April 7 (Bloomberg) - NATO rejected the Yugoslav government's
unilateral declaration of a cease-fire in Kosovo, saying the alliance won't
halt its bombing until President Slobodan Milosevic allows the province's
ethnic Albanians to return and accepts an international peace-keeping force.

NATO forces stepped up their attacks, hitting targets early today in Kosovo's
capital Pristina and the Yugoslav capital Belgrade, Agence France-Presse
said, citing eyewitnesses. Targets at around at least five Yugoslav cities
were struck, yesterday including a chemical plant, an airport, and an army
firing range, according Yugoslav state television.

The Yugoslav offer is ``clearly insufficient,'' NATO Secretary-General Javier
Solana said after meeting with NATO ambassadors. Milosevic must end his
crackdown and accept a political settlement based on the Rambouillet accords,
he said.

By meeting those conditions, ``Mr. Milosevic could end this now,'' U.S.
President Bill Clinton said earlier. ``The United States would never choose
force for anything other than a last option.''

Serbian Television described the cease-fire pledge as temporary to mark the
Orthodox Easter holiday, but when asked if it was permanent, Belgrade Deputy
Mayor Milan Bozic told Sky News: ``Let's try for that.''

Improved weather has enabled allied forces to launch the most intense raids
so far on targets throughout Yugoslavia, British Defense Secretary George
Robertson said Tuesday. NATO is destroying bridges and highways critical to
Yugoslavia's military communications, as well as tanks, artillery and
barracks, he said. ``With every sortie, Milosevic's war machine is being
weakened,'' he said.

Attacks Intensify

MSNBC reported anti-aircraft fire and at least a dozen explosions in the
Belgrade area Tuesday night. Three powerful blasts rocked the Kosovo capital
of Pristina and a Yugoslav army firing range was hit in a village near the
Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, Serbia's smaller partner in the
Yugoslav federation, Agence France Presse reported.

One U.S. bomb landed in a civilian area Monday night, U.S. Defense Department
spokesman Ken Bacon said. The 500-pound laser- guided bomb hit an apartment
building in the central Serbian coal-mining town of Aleksinac. NATO Air
Commodore David Wilby said the strike had been aimed at a nearby artillery
brigade. Yugoslav media said 12 people died and dozens were injured.

While Robertson dismissed the Yugoslav cease-fire declaration as ``just a
propaganda ploy,'' the euro rallied to its biggest one-day gain against the

The offer ``gives the market a bit of hope that we might get an agreement
that would stop the bombing,'' said Rainer Guidon, manager of foreign
exchange at Erste Bank. ``Still, I wouldn't load up on euros right now,'' he
said. ``It's a bit too early.'' The euro rose to $1.0847 from $1.0712 late
yesterday in New York.

Bonds Rallied

European bonds rallied, and U.S. bonds rose for the second time in three

[CTRL] John Andrews passed away

1999-04-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

[Message delayed from April 3.]

Jim Goodall reports that "Spy #1" John Andrews passed away last night
(April 2) from cancer.

John was a model designer for the Testors Corporation, known for his
model kits of secret and rumored aircraft, including the Lazar S-4
Spacecraft and the speculative Aurora aircraft (labelled the XR-7
Thunderdart by Testors).

He was one of the original Groom Lake Interceptors featured in the
March 1994 issue of Popular Science.

The funeral will be in Clairmont Mesa, CA, this coming Thursday,
April 8th.

Glenn Campbell

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Ethiopia/Eritrea/Somalia

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
April 7, 1999

Somalia -- Emerging Third Front in the Ethiopia-Eritrea War?


Reports continue to emerge that Asmara and Addis Ababa are arming
competing factions in Somalia in order to create a third front
that could break the deadlock on the Ethiopian-Eritrean battle
front.  While both sides deny the charges, the consistency and
redundancy of the reports and the logic of the presumed
underlying strategy suggests that Somalia may soon emerge as a
third front in the war -- or at least as a new source of chaos in
its own right.


According to the April 3 edition of the Mogadishu daily Xog-
Ogaal, a truckload of ammunition arrived in Mogadishu on April 1
from the town of Beled Weyne near the Ethiopian border.  The
ammunition was allegedly part of a 40 metric ton shipment
supplied to warlord Hussein Haji Bod by Ethiopia.  Two similar
truckloads were reportedly detained by members of the United
Somali Congress-Patriotic Movement (USC-PM) in Beled Weyne.

While Xog-Ogaal is supportive of Mogadishu warlords Hussein
Mohamed Aideed and Ali Mahdi Mohamed, who are opposed to
Ethiopia, an April 3 Agence France Presse article confirms the
report.  AFP cited witnesses, including one of the workers who
reportedly unloaded the shipment, as saying that multiple cargo
trucks escorted by gunmen in machine-gun mounted pickup trucks
["technicals"] delivered the ammunition to the Gedoole militia
compound in northern Mogadishu.

Adding to the paper trail, on March 31, Mahdi Mohamed charged
Ethiopia with violating the arms embargo on Somalia by providing
weapons and ammunition to various factions.  In comments carried
on April 1 in Xog-Ogaal and on March 31 in the Mogadishu daily
Qaran, Mahdi Mohamed claimed that United Somali Congress splinter
group leaders in Beled Weyne, including Hussein Bod, Umar Hashi,
Muhammad Dhereh, and several others, had received arms from the
Ethiopian government.  Mahdi Mohamed alleged that technicals had
been dispatched from Mogadishu to escort the arms from Beled
Weyne.  Qaran noted that this was the first time some of the
warlords had received aid from Ethiopia, and that some rival
factions were being armed by Eritrea.  Both Eritrea and Ethiopia
have denied the charges.

This by no means the first allegation that the deadlocked battle
between Ethiopia and Eritrea may be seeping into neighboring
Somalia.  The Mogadishu newspaper Tarik reported on March 6 that
some 200 of Aideed's militiamen would travel to Eritrea for
military training.  In late January, the Rahanwein Resistance
Army and the Digil Salvation Army factions in Somalia alleged
that Eritrea had flown five plane-loads of arms and ammunition to
the Balidogle airfield, west of Mogadishu, for distribution by
Aideed to Ethiopian opposition forces based in Somalia.  And the
Addis Tribune reported on March 5 that, the previous week, an
unidentified ship was spotted at the port of Merca, south of
Mogadishu, unloading arms thought to be for Aideed.  The arms
reportedly included armored personnel carriers, as well as BRDM
and Ferret type reconnaissance vehicles.

The Mogadishu Times reported on March 8 that Ethiopian government
officials held talks with USC-PM officials in Feerfeer, on the
Ethiopian-Somali border north of Beled Weyne.  According to
sources cited by the Mogadishu Times, the meeting was in
preparation for an Ethiopian offensive against some border
districts of Somalia.  On March 9, Somali National Front leader
General Omer Haji Mohamed "Masale" claimed that an Ethiopian
armored column crossed the border on March 7 near Balanballe,
north of Feerfeer on the Ethiopian-Somali border in the Galguduud
region.  The troops allegedly looted Balanballe and kidnapped a
local businessman before returning to Ethiopia on March 8.
Eyewitnesses reported that the soldiers claimed to be chasing
members of the fundamentalist Al-Itihad Al-Islam, an allegation
repeated in the Mogadishu newspaper Ayaamaha on March 10, citing
an Ethiopian government spokesman.  The Ethiopian embassy in
Nairobi denied Haji Mohamed's allegations, but did reserve the
right to take steps against terrorist groups operating out of

Al-Itihad Al-Islam has been fighting to unite Ethiopia's Ogaden
region, formerly Western Somalia, with Somalia.  The London-based
newspaper Al-Hayat on March 29 cited the head of the National
Front for the Liberation of Ogaden (NFLO), Mohamed Umar Uthman,
as stating that Addis Ababa's rejection of a dialogue with the
NFLO left the group with no option but to intensify its military
operations.  Uthman denied his group had received military
assistance from Eritrea, though he admitted the NFLO was in
contact with Eritrea for political dialogue and 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Guardian ( Australia ) NATO bombing.

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

The Guardian March 31, 1999


The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia is an act of open and barbarous
aggression against an independent, sovereign country whose borders are
recognised by every government in the world. It has been undertaken
without the authority of the United Nations. It is illegal.

Its aim is the dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the occupation of all
Balkan countries by NATO military forces.

It is the prelude to an eventual military attack on Russia, the
Ukraine and Belarus.

Yugoslavia has not committed any act of aggression against any of her
neighbours. It does not have one soldier outside its own territory
while US military and airforces are in Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia,
Hungary, Greece and many other countries in Europe and other parts of
the world.

The world's biggest nuclear power of 272 million people, together with
the snivelling European governments of NATO, are bombing a small
mainly agricultural country of about 10 million people. The real crime
of the Yugoslavs is that they refused to bow to US dictatorship.

The real war-criminals are Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, US
Defence Secretary William Cohen, British PM Tony Blair, Schroeder of
Germany and the other compliant government leaders of NATO countries.

During the Vietnam War, General Curtis Lemay declared that the aim of
the US airforce was to bomb Vietnam "back to the Stone Age".

Is this now the objective in Yugoslavia?

Using the excuse of an ethnic conflict in the Yugoslav province of
Kosovo (which has been deliberately stirred up by the western powers),
the bombing is justified by references to "human rights" and
allegations of the persecution of ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo.

The western powers care nothing for the fate of ethnic Albanians any
more than they care for the millions of Kurds who have been persecuted
by the Turkish Government which is also a member of NATO.

When 100,000 indigenous people were slaughtered in Guatemala (which
has been confirmed by a recent report) there were no denunciations, no
bombing of Guatemala. Why? Because the death-squads were trained,
financed and armed by the CIA and other US agencies.

It is worthwhile recalling that Hitler used the excuse of the alleged
persecution of the Sudeten Germans living in Czechoslovakia to invade
that country in the lead up to World War II.

Earlier in their program of dismembering Yugoslavia, which has always
been a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state, the western powers have
incited separatist sentiments, first with the Croatians, then the
Muslims of Bosnia, followed by the Slovenians. They were successful in
setting one ethnic group against another or one religious group
against another.

This dirty game has been played time and again to divide nations and
weaken them so that the big powers can impose their rule.

But condemnation of the NATO aggression and anti-NATO demonstrations
are flaring around the world (See references in the Editorial page 2).

Russia has broken off relations with NATO and expelled its two
representatives in Moscow.

Foreign Minister Ivanov said, "We cannot now have any contact with the
leaders of NATO until the aggression against Yugoslavia has stopped".

A Russian resolution in the UN Security Council was predictably
defeated but it is the western powers which are flagrantly violating
the UN Charter.

Members of the Russian Duma are calling for military assistance to
Yugoslavia and for the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in
neighbouring Belarus. The Ukrainian Government is also reconsidering
its decision to become nuclear weapon free.

The Chinese Government has strongly denounced the bombing.

China's representative at the UN said: "Any military action against
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia without the authorisation of the UN
Security Council will be a severe violation of the UN Charter and the
established principles of international law. Such action will not be
accepted by the international community."

"The question of Kosovo is an internal matter. The Chinese Government
believes that it should be settled politically through dialogues on
the basis of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
Yugoslavia and the guarantee of the legitimate rights and interests of
the ethnic groups in the region."

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: The Secret CIA Report

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: Jim Hargrove [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Tuesday, April 06, 1999 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: The Secret CIA Report

The CIA put up on its Website IG Kirkpatrick's Bay of Pigs report last
summer.  To view it online, go to:


Click on "Popular Document Collections;"

click on two "Bay of Pigs Reports" links;

and finally click on the first listed document link, which is: "Inspector
General's Survey of the Cuban Operation and Associated Documents."

These are graphic scans, and so the pages load a little slowly, but it
flawlessly and the scans are excellent.

--Jim Hargrove

It's at

[CTRL] Big Brother Taps the Bitstream

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

[from alt.conspiracy
I have received many enquiries about whether the first cypherpunk movie,
Cryptic Seduction (crypticseduction.com) will be shown at the CFP
conference. The producer just sent it to me and I will give it to the conf
organizers possibly to show this evening. Be warned: It is sexually
explicit -- as befits a movie about free speech. --Declan]
A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/news/politics/story/18987.html"Political
News from Wired News
Big Brother Taps the Bitstream
by Declan McCullagh

3:00 a.m.  7.Apr.99.PDT
WASHINGTON -- Bob Barr is an unlikely defender of civil liberties.
A former federal prosecutor and fierce opponent of gay rights and
abortion, he recently won national notoriety as a House floor manager
who argued at length for impeachment.

But on Tuesday, the staunch Georgia conservative showed up here at the
Computers, Freedom, and Privacy conference to warn of the dangers of an
overly intrusive government.

Barr said that as the 19th century dawned, natural resources were vital
to our country. A century later, it was financial resources. Now, he
said, information "will represent power in the 21st century."

He condemned the collection of information by both corporations and the
government, and said that Congress needs to intervene.

"We need to look for ways to make these issues nonpartisan," Barr said,
advising the audience to become active in lobbying their legislators and
federal agencies.

Public outcry, he said, was what caused bank regulators to abandon the
reviled "Know Your Customer" plan, as well as another scheme that would
have led to a de facto national ID card. "The public was heavily

Other panelists described a growing trend toward global electronic
monitoring, including the latest developments in the National Security
Agency's surveillance system, first documented in James Bamford's The
Puzzle Palace.

Steve Wright from the UK-based Omega Foundation recounted his
investigation into Echelon, an international network of highly sensitive
listening posts operated in part by the supersecret NSA.

The system taps 2 million calls an hour, Wright said, and has been the
subject of an investigation by the European Parliament. The report will
be released in two weeks.

The Austrians have their own problems. A proposal that is nearly certain
to become law will expand police surveillance capability to a level not
seen since the Nazis, said Erich Moechel from Quintessenz. "They can
wiretap according to this law ... without the order of an independent
court," he said.

And Russia? Forget about it. The country has already banned encryption
software that can be used to shield sensitive information from prying
eyes. More recently, the FSB -- the successor to the KGB -- has required
Internet service providers to allow agents to monitor all communications

"[They] must maintain hardware, software, and a dedicated line to the
local FSB department," Moechel said. The US government has required
telephone companies to build in similar capabilities, though officials
say surveillance will take place only with a court order.

A representative from the US Department of Justice said that societies
had to balance freedom with security. No surveillance at all would be
fine, said Scott Charney, "if everyone were law abiding, but they're

Charney, who heads the agency's computer crime unit, said the threats of
child pornography, terrorism, and hackers like Kevin Mitnick mean
technology should be restricted.

One audience member asked whether Justice Department-backed restrictions
on overseas encryption sales that keep encryption out of the hands of
human rights workers in Kosovo can be justified. "You have to balance a
lot of competing equities," Charney replied.

The CFP conference continues through Thursday evening.
Related Wired Links:
Shaping Online Privacy
Know Your (Customer) Rights
Europe Is Listening
Spying on the Spies
Eavesdropping on Europe
Russia Ponders Net Snooping

Copyright © 1994-99 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] OEN 4/7/99

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia


"How many body bags will it take to make this jerk face reality?"

Bill Clinton's failing Kosovo war is part of a desperate, dangerous and
fatally flawed plan by a scandal-ridden President to salvage a legacy
for the history books, White House and Pentagon insiders say.
In fact, the President is willing to risk a global military conflict to
shift the emphasis on his Presidency away from the many sex and money
scandals that have dogged his administration, interviews with present
and past White House and Pentagon staff members reveal.

Interviews conducted over the past two weeks show an increasingly
isolated President whose obsession with his place in the history books
has led him to ignore the recommendations not only of career military
officers, but also of many close aides.

"The President is standing alone on a lot of this," says one White House
aide. "He's finder fewer and fewer people who are willing to stick with
him over Kosovo. He's backed himself, his administration and his country
into a corner."

Two who are sticking with Clinton are National Security Advisor Sandy
Berger and Secretary of State Madeline Albright, who aides say would
follow Clinton anywhere.

"Berger and Albright put their loyalty to Clinton above their oaths to
serve the constitution," says military analyst Sander Owen. "It's
pathetic to watch."

At the Pentagon, senior officers now call the President the "draft
dodger in chief," and sneer at his inability to grasp simple military

"The man is an ass," says one career officer. "He has no concept of a
military operation. To him, it's just a video game. What we don't know
is how many body bags it will take to make this jerk face reality."

Arnold Crittendon, a retired intelligence analyst, says Clinton has
become a "laughing stock" in both the military and intelligence

"His political motives are so blatant that they would be farcical if we
weren't talking about the lives of American soldiers," Crittendon says.
"There wasn't that much respect for the man to begin with. What little
there was is long gone now."

Clinton, who often turns to history to justify his actions, has told
aides that Richard Nixon, who resigned from office in the Watergate
scandal, will be remembered more for his foreign policy accomplishments
than the scandal that ended his Presidency.

"There's a real irony here," says one White House staffer. "The
President's troubles have often been compared with those of Nixon. Now
he's using Nixon as a model to justify his actions in Kosovo."

Aides say that Clinton started focusing more on foreign policy when it
became clear he would not be convicted in the Senate impeachment trial.

"He wanted to find some foreign policy arena where a bold stroke would
showcase his administration as a world leader," one former aide says.
"When it became clear that he was focusing on Kosovo, a lot of people
tried to talk him out of it. But Bill Clinton is a man who won't let go
of something once he focuses on it. He was sure that defeating a tyrant
would restore his place in history."

But military planners told Clinton he could not win a limited air war in

"The President was advised that his strategy was flawed and did not
serve the national interest," says one Pentagon planner, "but he wasn't
interested in hearing the facts."

Now, with the air war turning into a global fiasco and some calling for
sending in ground troops, Clinton is faced with either a full commitment
or a pullout that will be seen worldwide as a defeat.

"The President is really facing only two choices," says one White House
aide. "He can get out before American lives are lost or he can increase
the commitment and plunge the country into a prolonged war that will
undoubtedly lead to American casualties."

Former Navy Capt. Al Simonson says he knows several career military
professionals who are willing to resign their commissions rather than
continue to serve under Clinton.

"I've been around the military for more than 30 years and I have never
seen morale this low," Simonson says. "Bill Clinton has destroyed the
soul of our armed forces."

At this point, few at either the White House or the Pentagon are willing
to guess which direction the President will go.

"There's a real feeling at the Pentagon that the President may have gone
off the deep end on this one," says retired Air Force officer Matthew
Higgins. "He has become very unpredictable on this one."

"A few weeks ago, we all would have said that Clinton would give up as
soon as the going got tough," says a high-ranking Pentagon officer. "But
no one is really sure what he will do now. He's obsessed with this thing
and that makes him both unpredictable and dangerous."

A psychologist who treats obsessions says Clinton's preoccupation 

[CTRL] Bomb Congress With Calls To Stop 'Spy Network' - Barr

1999-04-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Hilary A. Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Bomb Congress With Calls To Stop 'Spy Network' - Barr
06 Apr 1999, 4:34 PM CST
By Robert MacMillan, Newsbytes.

Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., today told Newsbytes he has called for hearings in
the House of Representatives to examine the possibility that the greater
part of our country's -- and world's -- population is being watched by the
global "Echelon" network, as well as other spying systems.  Speaking at the
Computers, Freedom and Privacy 1999 conference today, Barr said while
Congress may end up holding hearings on the issue, the only way to get
members in both houses to take notice of -- and take a stand against --
Echelon and other threats to personal freedoms is to bombard them with
"phone calls, faxes, e-mails, postcards, letters, you name it."  A variety
of international speakers at today's panel spoke of the threat to freedom
of privacy in daily lives and communications not only through Echelon, a
satellite-based UK/US-stewarded spy network, but the proposed Enfopol
system.  Enfopol is a purported FBI/European Union-led initiative to
conduct surveillance on phone conversations and Internet access. Most of
the participants in today's session railed against the possibility that any
communications all over the world easily could be intercepted because of
Enfopol.  Steven Wright of the UK's Omega Foundation said these spy
networks are not just used to halt criminal activity, but to keep watch on
groups like Amnesty International and to look over the shoulder of business
deals.  "It's a transatlantic agenda for making the telephone system
transparent," Wright said.  He added that now-former European Commissioner
Martin Bangemann told the EU's European Parliament that he had no knowledge
of Echelon. However, the European Parliament is expected to receive and
publish a report from inside the European Commission on the state of the
Echelon Network in about three weeks.  Barr said many members in Congress
need to be prodded into addressing the illegal use of wiretapping in the
name of national security because the issue currently is not a
"headline-grabber."  "It's going to take hitting these issues any way you
can, over and over and over again... so they cannot be ignored," Barr said.
"It will require even more than legislation... it will require oversight."
Barr also said that the issue of protecting US citizens' privacy rights
must not degenerate into partisan issues, saying that proponents of
increased wiretapping capabilities (such as the FBI with Enfopol and its
CALEA proposals) will try to introduce partisan splits into Congress to try
to take away from initiatives to preserve personal freedoms.  Erich
Moechel, an Austrian journalist following the Enfopol developments, said
that his country already is laying the groundwork for allowing Enfopol to
thrive, having recently given conditional approval to a law that allows
wiretapping without court orders.  Barr said the entire international
cooperation process exists partially so that countries seeking criminals
who evade law enforcement's ability to catch them within one set of borders
can go outside their own orders to ask for international cooperation --
because they use a shared network. This, he said, amounts to law
enforcement going out of bounds legally to do its job.  Scott Charney of
the US Justice Department said that the US does not conduct surveillance
activities for no reason, adding that he doubted that a huge majority of
phone calls all over the world are being tapped. "I don't know who you
would find to process that information," he said. "We do indict people for
illegal wiretapping."  He added, however, that the increasing globalization
of information makes law enforcement's job difficult because it "still
recognizes borders."  "If I download data on a legal search, what if that
data is stored in Germany?" Charney said. "All countries don't work to the
same standard, everybody is not everybody else's friend."  Charney added
that approximately 1,000 wiretaps on the combined federal, state and local
levels are conducted each year in the US.  Reported by Newsbytes News
Network, http://www.newsbytes.com .  16:34 CST Reposted 16:54 CST
Copyright (c) Post-Newsweek Business Information, Inc. All rights reserved.

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[CTRL] book discusses CIA, KGB and Kosovo

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512823"book discusses CIA, KGB and
Subject: book discusses CIA, KGB and Kosovo
From: "C. Fanelli" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tue, Apr 6, 1999 10:55 AM

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Some of you might be interested in knowing that "Every Man Should
Try", an newly published life memoir byt Federation of American
Scientists President Jeremy J. Stone has five exciting chapters
concerning intelligence issues including ones on espionage, explanations
of how CIA-KGB cooperation came about, illegal mail opening, and the
arrest of Guzman of Peru's Sendero Luminoso.
There are also chapters on Stone's role in arms control talks with
Russia and a proposal he brought to Kosovo in the 1990s, which is very
pertinent to the present situation.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] John Taylor Gatto on education

1999-04-07 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

John Taylor Gatto (1991 New York State Teacher of the Year)

We The People Radio Interview By Jerry Brown
March 25, 1997
Transcribed by Howard Wang

Jerry Brown: Welcome to another edition of We The People, this hour we're
going to talk some more about learning, education, and schooling in its
many variations. To help us reflect more deeply on this question, we have
on a line from New York John Taylor Gatto, he was named the New York
Teacher of the Year in 1991, he was also named New York City Teacher of the
Year in 1989, 1990, as well as 1991. He resigned from teaching during his
state titled year, and he's put out an op-ed piece in the Wall St. Journal,
and four months later he was honored by his former students in a program at
Carnegie Hall called "An Evening With John Taylor Gatto - the Exhausted
School." He's written the book "Dumbing Down - the Hidden Curriculum of
Compulsory Schools."

JB: John, you've been in the school business thirty odd years teaching in
the public schools of New York, so can you state here in the beginning what
the problem is. People are just wringing their hands, and it doesn't seem
like anything is going to get better with the path that we're on.
JTG: Well, there's a lot of problems Jerry. But I think they boil down to a
quick slug of we don't teach the way children learn and because the
business has become really a central part of the American economy, you're
really not allowed to teach the way children learn although any individual
component in this system would admit privately that they wish they'd allow
you to do that. You have the perfect example of that out your way: an
elderly Peruvian immigrant, in a school near Los Angeles, inside of four
years, had the best scores on the Advanced Placement Calculus Test. I'm
sure he was an excellent
teacher, but that's really beside the point. He was working with a group of
kids with no mathematical tradition, and very little literary tradition,
and inside of a short time, Garfield High was the third ranking school in
the US on the AP calculus. Mr. Escalante's fate is just fascinating - he
was harassed and hounded out the school. They made it intolerable for him
to stay!

In Chicago, there's a black lady named Marva Collins, working with black
ghetto kids, many of them with no intact families. She found out what I
found later on, which was that these children have no resistance to very
high level work and ideation. In a quick take, if you set the idiom aside,
they're producing work of a caliber that we associate with adults. I know
this must sound fantastic to your listeners, but the truth is you and I
could spend hours and not come to the end of people
stumbled on the great dirty secret of American schooling: it just doesn't
teach the way children learn, nor can it be allowed to, or maybe that's
just momentum and not design. We're dealing with a 6700 billion dollar a
year industry - it's the gatekeeper to all of the rest of the jobs. We
couldn't turn out an excess of competent people without really doing damage
to this economy. If this sounds like I'm playing a conspiratorial string on
my violin, hardly, the president of Columbia's teacher's college, Dean
Russell, in 1908, in the keynote speech to the NEA, said that there was a
tremendous danger that too many leader's would be produced, and it would
cause a collapse in the system.

JB: I'm reading where a quote that you have in an article by you, by Edward
Roth, in his book written in 1906 called "Social Control," says the
following "plans are on the way to replace community, family, and church
with propaganda, education, and mass media. People are only little plastic
lumps of human dough." Now you quote that I suppose because for you it
encapsulates the underlying spirit of education in America?
JTG: Yeah, I actually used that in a book that's coming out in the summer
called "the Empty Child" by Simon and Schuster. Since they wouldn't give me
the million words I needed, I needed to find the most trenchant reflection
of this attitude towards children that they're little plastic lumps of
dough. Roth of course is not just a professor of sociology he was one of
the two or three people who created the American discipline of sociology.
And you also have a few years later Geddard of Princeton, the head of the
psychology department, who said that standardized testing would function as
a dunce cap, making people aware of their inferiority, making them
reluctance to compete and even, even reproduce themselves! There's a
current to this, not a strain but a powerful central current right before
the first world war, reaching a tremendous visible crescendo sometime right
after the
second world war, after which it disintegrated itself, rather than
provoking controversy, as a duty thing and not talk about it.
I stumbled upon all of this while I was trying to figure out why on earth
so many people appeared to have a vested interest in trying to stop me from
doing what they knew 

[CTRL] [2] Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Treason in America -- From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman
New Benjamin Franklin House
P. O. Box 20551
New York, New York 10023
ISBN 0-933488-32-7


The British Surrender, But the War Continues

At the close of the American War in 1783, while the British and French were
still fighting, East India Company operative Adam Smith wrote an updated
version of the Wealth of Nations. This was to be the essential document of
the new order of things in London, for by then Smith's friend Lord Shelburne
had established his power in the British government by a virtual coup.

In it Smith complained that "Mr. Colbert, the famous minister of Lewis XIV .
. . [endeavored to regulate] the industry and commerce of a great country
upon the same model as the departments of a public office; and instead of
allowing every man to pursue his own interest in his own way . . . he
bestowed upon certain branches of industry extraordinary privileges, while he
laid others under as extraordinary restraints . . . [Colbert preferred] the
industry of the towns above that of the country."(1) This unfair policy (by
which France had become a greater manufacturing power than England!), said
Smith, was responsible for provoking cycles of retaliation between France and
England, and peace between the two nations could only be secured on the basis
of "free trade" between them.

In France, Adam Smith's theory of free trade was popularized by Burr's new
cousin, Jacques Mallet du Pan, who called Smith "the most profound and
philosophic of all the metaphysical writers who have dealt with economic
questions." Later du Pan's cousin Pierre Prevost, professor at the University
of Geneva, would translate the works of Adam Smith and Thomas Malthus.

Attacking Colbert's policies in 1786, Mallet du Pan lobbied strenuously with
France's King Louis XVI to accept British Prime Minister William Pitt's offer
of a treaty that would force France to give up all protective measures, and
put the country at the mercy of Britain's "free trade" policies. At the same
time the international banking houses, led by the Swiss, suddenly refused
credit to the French government, and Louis XVI was forced to sign Pitt's Eden
Treaty. No sooner had that been accomplished, than the British launched a
terrifying trade war, dumping cheap British manufactures on the French market
and cutting off the supply to France of vital Spanish wool.

Within France, employment, agriculture, and trade quickly collapsed and
starvation followed. In 1789, credit was again withdrawn from the French
government. King Louis XVI was forced to reinstall Genevan banker Jacques
Necker as minister of finance—after having fired him several times before—in
order to "regain the confidence" of the banking community.

Necker proposed austerity as the only solution to the crisis. He told the
people of France that their troubles stemmed from "wasteful spending' by the
King and Queen.

Necker was again dismissed by the insulted King, but now mobs surged through
the streets crying that Necker was the only hope for the French people. As
they stormed the Bastille prison, the French Revolution began.

Aaron Burr's kinsman, Mallet du Pan, satisfied that anarchy was burying
French greatness, returned to Geneva and then settled in London—where he set
up a European-wide spy network for the British. Spymaster du Pan received
first-hand accounts of French government secret deliberations from his agents
within France. (2)

Enter Albert Gallatin

Albert Gallatin, who was to serve the British with Burr on American soil in
the decades that followed the Revolutionary victory, came from one of the
leading oligarchical families of Geneva. Relations of blood, and of bloody
deeds, united them with Gallatins, Galitzins, Galitis, and Gallatinis in
Russia, South Germany, Holland, Italy and Savoy, where the family originated.
They had served the feudal nobility of Europe for centuries as financiers and
soldiers of fortune.(3)

The Gallatins maintained a seat on Geneva's Council of 200, along with the
family that had finally given Aaron Burr a home and identity—the
Mallet-Prevost family. The Gallatins were cousins of the Mallets, the
Prevosts, and the Neckers, with active relations in England, Holland, and

Albert Gallatin was born in 1761. His most intimate friend and father-figure
in his youth was the writer Voltaire, the Gallatins' neighbor. According to
all his biographers, Albert spent countless hours on the lap of the
ultra-rich cynic, whose love of British and hatred of Continental philosophy
made a deep impression on the youth.

At the University of Geneva as a student, Gallatin formed a life-long
friendship with classmate Etienne Dumont, who left Switzerland and became the
tutor to the sons of Britain's Lord Shelburne, as well as the worldwide agent
and translator of Jeremy Bentham.
Another formative relationship, not mentioned in any existing Gallatin
biography, can best be 

[CTRL] Steve Mitchell of ARIS/Oxford (0604)

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512815"Steve Mitchell of ARIS/Oxford
Subject: Steve Mitchell of ARIS/Oxford (0604)
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Corley)
Date: Tue, Apr 6, 1999 9:22 AM

A long time ago when I started these posts, people encouraged me to
put names to my tales of woe, to give them some checkability and
credibility. Now that I have been "outed", I can identify applications
group manager Steve Mitchell of Oxford Computer Group as my main
persecutor during 1992. I am posting this article not to attract
sympathy, but to give credibility to my statements; and also because
Mitchell's abuse in 1992 worsened my mental state and I've never got
over it. Before 1992 I did not have to take medication, but after it I
am having to take medication every day. I am not really sure if I
should be washing dirty linen in public in this way, but I don't
suppose I have very much to lose by it. OCG can hardly sue me for
libel since it's all true.

OCG used to be called Oxford Computer Training Services (OCTS) in
1992, then it became OCG/OCA, and it is currently a subsidiary of an
American company as ARIS/Oxford. They are on the web at
http://www.ocx.com/ and have an email address of [EMAIL PROTECTED], and are
still located at the same place as when I was there, namely Oxford
Computer Group, Wolsey Hall, 66 Banbury Rd, Oxford OX2 6PR. The phone
number listed on their web page is +44 (1865) 315200, when I was there
I think it was 512675.

To sketch out the background, I joined them in Jan 92, was harassed
continuouly until Nov 92 when I was forced to take two months sick
leave and start taking medication (sulpiride) regularly. Things
improved when I returned in Jan 93, and I stayed with them until May
94 when I emigrated to Ontario. When I started taking the medication
people's behaviour to me changed and I effectively forgot about what
1992 had been like (a self-protecting reflex, or an effect of the

The evening of the first day at OCTS, I went over the road to the
"company" pub, the Rose and Crown. During the course of the evening,
the technical director Ian C. said to co-worker Phil, "is he the bloke
who's been on TV?" to which Phil replied "Yes, I think so". They'd
just been talking about me so it was definitely me they were referring

The first year was very unpleasant. Mitchell was clearly being
supplied by "them" with details from my private life, and kept on
repeating words which were being spoken at my rented room, or at home
in London where I was returning weekends. In particular he was
repeating words which I was frequently thinking but not saying; I
think I must have been saying them in my sleep (on one occasion, while
waking during the night, I did catch myself talking in my sleep). One
weekend I played Lemmings on my computer at home, and the following
week Mitchell said to someone, "I heard he was playing on his computer
over the weekend". Another time I went for a walk in the woods outside
Oxford, and the following day Mitchell said he'd heard that I'd gone
for a walk in the "forest". Yet another time, in autumn 1992 I was in
a neighbour's house (in London) when she said something about doing
the ironing. I know her house was bugged because it had been made
clear to me by the boy and girl on the coach on the trip to Poland in
summer 1992; in this case, the technical director Ian C. repeated with
sarcasm about "doing the ironing" very soon afterwards.

And a couple of times Hugh S. the MD repeated things from my home;
when I was talking to him about the harassment, he asked if "they
would have thought they'd won" if I sought medical help (which
directly repeated something I'd said at home about them thinking
they'd won if I went to a psychiatrist), and he also said humorously
that "it wasn't fair" that I was being victimised (again I'd expressed
the opinion at home that my victimisation wasn't fair). There was a
further echo on the topic of fairness when I went to hospital for the
first time in Nov 1992, when I was asked by someone I passed "did they
pay your _fare_? they should have paid your _fare_".

That "they", the persecutors, were watching my home was reinforced
when one day, on leaving the house to go to work, I was attacked; not
beaten up, just grabbed by the lapels, with some verbals thrown in. I
told nobody at work about this, yet they knew, because Alex G. said to
a co-worker, "I heard he was attacked".

Steve Mitchell's verbal harassment was mainly to do with sexual or
egestive functions. He seemed quite obsessed with the latter in
particular, finding every conceivable assonance to the word "shit". So
there were Excel spread-"sheets", time-"sheets", pressing the
"shift-insert" keys, etcetera. I spent much of the autumn of 1992
severely depressed from the abuse. The final straw was when he
repeated, grinning, a comment somebody else had made, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Kissinger's Sympathies with Pinochet

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

Miami Herald
April 5, 1999

 Kissinger supports release of Pinochet

 Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on Sunday
 joined calls for extradition proceedings against ex-Chilean
 strongman Augusto Pinochet to be dropped and for the
 83-year-old to be allowed home.

 ``I would be very happy if Pinochet was allowed home,''
 Kissinger told The Sunday Telegraph.

 ``This episode has gone on long enough and all my sympathies
 are with him.''

Miami Herald
April 5, 1999

 Court orders arrest of former police agents

 SANTIAGO -- An appeals court on Tuesday ordered the arrest of
 a dozen agents of former President Augusto Pinochet who are
 suspected of involvement in the 1982 slaying of labor leader
 Tucapel Jimenez., officials said.

 The suspects, who include retired Gen. Ramses Alvarez, retired
 Col. Maximiliano Ferrer and Capt. Raul Descalzi, were members
 of the former secret police organization known as the National
 Information Center (CNI).

 The move came as a surprise because last November, a judge had
 closed the case and cleared four ex-CNI agents of charges in
 connection with the murder of Jimenez, who was found with his
 throat cut near Santiago days after issuing a call for workers
 to unite and restore democracy in Chile.

[CTRL] Microsoft's New Brain Project

1999-04-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

I have a photo of Rupert.  Write me if you would like me to forward it to


From: "Hilary A. Thomas" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

April 1 - 7,
[cid:026b01be809c$47d75360$[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Microsoft's New Brain Project


A prodigy's Redmond isolation lab faces 'outing' over life secrets

The most classified program at Microsoft isn't an operating system. It
isn't a Web browser. It's a 9-year-old boy named Rupert.
When Microsoft executives talk about fear, they often use the phrase
"garage factor." The term comes from computer history, which is full of
stories about code geeks hatching the Next Big Thing in their parents'
basement, and it refers to the possibility that a new product or company
might come out of nowhere, overnight, and crush the industry's dominant
corporation. In other words, do to Microsoft what Microsoft did to IBM.
"Bill Gates' greatest fear is not that some kid is brewing the next killer
app in his garage in Kenosha," says Robert Warburg, an analyst with the Bay
Area venture capital firm Klein  Fairfield. "His greatest fear is that
some kid will brew up the next killer app in his garage in Kenosha and
Microsoft won't own it."
The US Justice Department's antitrust suit against Microsoft can be seen as
one consequence of the software giant's fear of garage factor. "When
[Netscape] Navigator hit the market in '96, all of a sudden this garage
factor X became real," recalls a former product manager who worked on
Microsoft's rival product, Internet Explorer. (In the Justice Department
suit, which is still being argued in court, Microsoft is charged with
unfair business practices in an effort to sink Navigator.)
Chastened by their experience with Netscape, Gates and a small circle of
top executives--including company president Steven Ballmer and chief
technology officer Nathan Myhrvold--met in the fall of 1997 to find a way
to co-opt the garage factor. What they came up with is a program whose
existence has been known, until recently, only to an elite cadre of
Microsoft vice presidents. Instead of buying start-up companies whose
innovations might be a threat to Microsoft, the company would, as one
executive reportedly put it, "leap two rungs up the food chain." Under the
code name "Manchuria," Gates gave the green light to a program that would
identify child prodigies and bring them under the proprietary wing of the
Redmond software giant. In exchange for stock options that ultimately may
be worth anywhere from $5 million to $100 million, Microsoft would care
for, house, feed, and educate the children until the age of 18. "If they're
going to invent the next Apple or Linux," says one executive, "they're
going to do it in our garage."
On the face of it, the idea sounds insane. And indeed, Manchuria has been
slow to get off the ground. There's only one entrant in the program so far.
But since his arrival in Redmond early last year, he's been the subject of
endless in-house e-mail gossip. One string of messages debates whether he's
a Mozart-level genius. Another lays bets on when he'll occupy Bill Gates'
chair. A third questions whether the program, and the entrant, even exist.
The doubters can relax. Three things about Manchuria are now known for
certain. The entrant exists. His name is Rupert Tollefsen. And Rupert is 9
years old.

A black budget job

"I don't know who told you that, but I've never heard of any such program.
Or person. We get a lot of weird rumors around here, but that's one of the
weirdest." That's Microsoft spokesman Emmett Richter, filling in for an
antitrust-weary Mark Murray. And he may well speak the truth. That is, he's
never heard of Manchuria. The program operates completely off the budget
books. Even Microsoft's chief financial officer is said to be unaware of
its existence.
"You have heard of the Pentagon's 'black budget'? That is the model upon
which the program is based," says Vikram Narayan, a former research fellow
at Microsoft's research center in Cambridge, England. Narayan (not his real
name), who left Microsoft earlier this year, was brought over to Redmond in
December 1997 to get Manchuria up and running. He agreed to talk about the
program only if his name was not used. "Everyone who contacts Rupert is
subject to double-secret nondisclosure agreements," he explains. During
Tollefsen's first weeks on campus, one of Gates' personal assistants was
assigned to tail the boy and secure NDAs from everyone he talked to. That
duty has since been eliminated. "They realized they could not shut everyone
up," Narayan says, "so they concocted a cover story about Rupert being Bill
Gates' nephew."

A day in the life

Although Microsoft officially denies his existence, if you happen to stroll
by the northwest entrance to Microsoft's Building 8--where Chairman Bill
works--on a weekday 

[CTRL] Mission Creep, Stealth War, Seen (fwd)

1999-04-07 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/07/99) --  "Creeping  gradualism"  is  the typical U.S.
*modus operandi*.  For example:  the constant whittling  away  of
civil  liberties  here in the U.S., under the guise of the failed
"War on Drugs."  Some compare  this tactic of creeping gradualism
to frogs being slowly boiled:  if you drop a  frog  into  boiling
water,  the  frog will jump out; but if you put the frog in water
and gradually raise the heat, the frog will be boiled alive.  The
key to sneaky  success  in  planned operations, knows Washington,
DC, is to be gradual about it.

So it is significant  that  a  press  release from the Serb Unity
Congress warns that

  This is war by stealth.  The Congress and  American  people
  are being led along a series  of  incremental  steps  to  a
  final fait accompli of war.  This does grave damage to  the
  U.S. constitution which vests  authority  to declare war in
  Congress and Congress alone. [1]

First  there's  bombs  and  missiles  only.   Then there's Apache
Attack Helicopters.   Then  you  need  a  few  "observers" on the
ground.  (Promises Bill Clinton:  "They are there acting only  as

A  few observers here, a few observers there, and before you know
it we're talking about real war.

In Vietnam, in the early 1960s,  it  began much the same:  with a
small number of "observers."  Back then, the propaganda was  that
we  were in Vietnam to prevent a "domino effect."  Supposedly, if
Vietnam went communist that would  lead  to all of Southeast Asia
falling into the communist camp; the surrounding countries  would
fall  like dominoes.  (But then-Secretary of Defense Bob McNamara
later admitted that, by the  mid-to-late 1960s, U.S. leaders were
no longer sure why exactly we were at war in Vietnam.)

It's  "deja  vu  all  over  again."   Secretary of State Madeline
Albright says that  if  we  lose  Kosovo, instability will spread
throughout Europe.   Pentagon  brass  are  critical.   They  have
"challenged  the  'domino theory' put forth by Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright..." [2]

According to Arianna  Huffington,  Her  Ladyship  Albright is the
spiritual  patron  of  the  escalating   international   war   in
Yugoslavia.   "The  Balkans  have  always been Albright's special
project," says  Huffington.   "Everyone  in  Albright's circle is
very conscious of how anxious she has been to have a  victory  to
call  her own.  Instead, she now has a calamity to call her own."
Albright's fanatical tenacity  caused  her  to disregard warnings
from the CIA about the terrible repercussions  likely  to  follow
the  implementation of her bombing mania, writes Huffington.  "So
blinkered was her  vision  that  all  warnings  by  the CIA about
Serbian retaliations were ignored."  [3]

Privately, the U.S. government remains deeply  divided  over  the
wisdom of U.S. attacks on Yugoslavia.  Several reports, including
one  by  the Washington Post, indicate that the U.S. military has
serious misgivings.   But  they,  under  the  military  code, are
Commander-in-Chief,  Bill  Clinton.   And  politicians  skeptical
about U.S. involvement in the Balkan tinderbox mostly  adhere  to
the truism that "politics should stop at the water's edge."  But,
reports UPI, many in Congress "remain leery." [4]

"The President  is  standing  alone  on  a  lot  of this...  He's
finding fewer and fewer people who are willing to stick with  him
over  Kosovo.   He's  backed  himself, his administration and his
country into a  corner,"  reportedly  says  one White House aide.

Internationally, many countries are also leery.  "Lebanon's Prime
Minister  Selim  Hoss  says  the mass exodus from Kosovo is clear
proof  of  the  failure  of  NATO's  military  operations against
Yugoslavia."  [6] Israel's foreign  minister  worries  about  the
threat  of  a  Moslem state of Kosovo.  [7] Greece and Italy have
urged a cease fire.

Darker nuances associated with the Balkan Blow-up hint  that  the
growing  disaster  comes  from yet another CIA project gone awry.
In Zaire, in late-1960,  the  CIA  engineered the murder of Prime
Minister  Patrice  Lumumba.   Lumumba   was   replaced   by   the
CIA-friendly  Joseph Mobutu.  "The lure of [Zaire's] vast mineral
resources led the CIA  into  a  marriage of convenience with him"

But not all CIA covert projects have such "happy  endings."   The
CIA's  man  in  Panama, Manuel Noriega, got along quite well with
the U.S. ruling class, for years.  But when Noriega began to defy
Washington's anti-Sandinista  mandate,  the  USA  mass media went
into  high-gear  and  Noriega  became  an  instant  demon.   This
propaganda saturation by the USA mass media was  the  prelude  to
U.S. invasion of Panama and the kidnapping of Noriega.  [9]

According  to  Sherman  Skolnick,  head  of  the  public interest
research group, Citizens' 

[CTRL] Oil off of Yugoslavia?

1999-04-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Does anyone have supporting evidence that there is a rich oil reserve off
of the shores of Yugoslavia?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [12] Mellon's Millions

1999-04-07 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.


Miners and Machine Guns

SENATOR WHEELER'S committee looking into the coal and iron police system used
by the Mellons' Pittsburgh Coal Company and other corporations in western
Pennsylvania never established whether Richard B. Mellon really meant that
"you could not run a coal company without machine guns." Oliver K. Eaton,
counsel for the United Mine Workers, was asking the former chairman of
Pittsburgh Coal's board of directors for his concepts of labor relations.

Mr. Eaton: Mr. Mellon, in the board of directors' meetings has the matter of
the employment of the coal and iron police been brought up for discussion
before the board?

Mr. Mellon: In what way? We have had them, I know that.

Mr. Eaton: Well, you knew that they were being put into force and effect?

Mr. Mellon: Yes.

Mr. Eaton: Was the matter of the equipment for these men and what they were
to use brought up before the board?

Mr. Mellon: Well, that is the operating department. I never heard of it.

Mr. Eaton: You never heard of it?

Mr. Mellon: I know that they have them.

Mr. Eaton: You never heard of the question of machine guns being bought for

Mr. Mellon: I never heard of that. They may have.

Mr. Eaton: Would you approve of them having machine

Mr. Mellon: Such as the police here have them?

Mr. Eaton: I beg your pardon.

Mr. Mellon: Such as the police have them?

Mr. Eaton: Well, would you approve of that?

Mr. Mellon: It is necessary. You could not run without them.

Mr. Eaton: You could not run a coal company without machine guns?

   Mr. Mellon: No, I didn't say without machine guns.

   Mr. Eaton: Well, I am asking you about machine guns

   Mr. Mellon: Well, I don't know anything about machine guns. I don't know
whether we have them here.

Whether the machine guns were indispensable or not, the Pittsburgh Coal
Company's coal and iron police had them, along with ample stores of tear gas
bombs and other paraphernalia of industrial warfare, for use against
rebellious employees. In this the Smithfield Street bankers and
industrialists merely followed the fashion in industrial relations. On
occasions when its own private armies were unable to cope with the working
force, as in the Standard Steel Car Company strike at Butler, Pa., state
police were called in and those workers born in Tsarist Russia were not
surprised to see mounted troopers riding into their very homes, scattering
curses and terror among women and children. In fact, the state troopers were
dubbed "Cossacks" by strikers who had felt the impact of mace on skull.

Andrew Mellon's partner, Henry Clay Frick, was responsible for the victory of
the "American plan" of industrial relations in the country's basic industry.
In 1892, in a bitter, ruthless conflict, he destroyed the steel workers'
union at Homestead and decreed that henceforth steel should be non-union.
Thereafter steel and coal companies changed gradually from the employment of
casual armies of Pinkerton gunmen into the building of reliable private
regiments. Aided by the Pennsylvania Railroad and the anthracite coal
companies in eastern Pennsylvania, they strengthened the coal and iron police
law which clothed with the state's police power their privately paid guards.

Despite the best precautions of private police and an elaborate espionage
system that reached into every nook and cranny of the steel mills, machine
shops and workers' homes, industrial rebellions broke out sporadically.
Thousands of eastern and southern European workers would down tools in a
spontaneous, if forlorn, protest against the twelve-hour day or other
grievances. On such occasions, the regular labor unions being banned, they
readily joined organizations like the Industrial Workers of the World.. In
1913 such a revolt convulsed New Kensington, whose main industry was the
fabrication of ingot aluminum into sheets, utensils, wire, foil. Strikers'
wives rushed to the picket lines armed with blacksnake whips and lashed
strikebreakers. State troopers swept through the streets, dispersing
gatherings and smashing the picket lines. The strikers held on for six weeks
and then returned under promise of arbitration.

Two years later, in the dog days of 1915, a savage outbreak in the Aluminum
Company's mills in Massena, N. Y., added a fresh note to the sanguinary pages
of American labor history. With stagnant wages despite a sharp rise in the
cost of living, and grievances against the company's house rental policy, the
employee's staged a literal revolt. They captured department after
department, mill after mill in the immense works. Frightened officials ran
for their lives. By nightfall the strikers controlled every section of the
aluminum works and were throwing up a barricade in front of the main gate.

Sheriff Thaddeus P. Day of St. Lawrence County swore in a posse 

[CTRL] Our Illegal War

1999-04-07 Thread Lyn McCloskey

 -Caveat Lector-

Our Illegal War
by Congressman Helen Chenoweth

Rep. Helen Chenoweth - Congress must reclaim its authority
When the order was given for American military personnel to attack Yugoslavia,
it was not issued following a declaration of war from Congress.

Nor was the order given by the President as a means of repelling a sudden attack
on America by a foreign aggressor, or as a measure intended to rescue Americans
abroad from unexpected peril.

In fact, the order to attack Yugoslavia didn't even follow the pattern set in
Korea and Vietnam, in which our nation was committed to protracted foreign wars
through unilateral presidential action.

On March 23rd, the order to commence hostilities was given to an American
general by a Spanish Marxist - NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana.

"I have just directed the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, General [Wesley]
Clark, to initiate air operations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,"
announced Solana, who insisted that the attack "is intended to support the
political aims of the international community." Congress played no role in
defining those political aims, which means that the American people - in whose
name Congress is empowered to act - were not permitted to play any role in the
decision to commit our nation to war.

In the run-up to our war with Yugoslavia, Congress was permitted by its leaders
to carry out an impotent charade of debate. On March 11th, the House approved a
non-binding resolution endorsing the use of American troops to enforce a peace
agreement between the Yugoslav regime of Slobodan Milosevic and secessionist
leaders in Yugoslavia?s Kosovo province. On March 23rd, just hours before Solana
issued the order to begin the bombing, the Senate approved a resolution
supporting the military campaign. But Clinton Administration officials,
including the President, had by that time made it clear that while they sought
approval of the military action from Congress, they did not consider it
necessary for Congress to authorize the military strike on Yugoslavia.

A few senators seemed to understand the constitutional implications of these
actions. Senator Don Nickles (R-OK) pointed out, "If we start a massive bombing
campaign, we?re going to war." Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) described the prospect
of waging an undeclared aggressive war upon Yugoslavia as "a precedent I don?t
want to be involved in." Even more pointed were the comments of Senator Pete
Domenici (R-NM). "I say shame on the President," declared Domenici, momentarily
forgetting that Bill Clinton has repeatedly demonstrated that he is incapable of
shame. "If this is such an important matter, why couldn?t [the President] trust
the United States Senate and United States House and ask us whether we concur?"

In order to appreciate the depth of the Administration?s deception regarding the
war over Kosovo, it is necessary to understand that the war was "authorized" by
NATO long before the bombing began on March 24th. The day after the war began,
the London Telegraph reported that General Clark, NATO?s supreme military
commander, "received his activation order for hostilities last October. The
order was the official moment when authority over the forces to be used was
transferred to him from the top brass of the member countries supplying them.
The supreme commander does not need new permission from politicians or diplomats
whenever he wishes to change tactics, or increase or scale back operations."
(Emphasis added.)

At 1:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on March 24th, with American bombers en route
to Yugoslavia and just minutes before the first explosions were reported on the
ground in Kosovo, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart explicitly admitted that
the power to take our nation into war had been surrendered to a foreign official
- namely, the NATO Secretary-General. Lockhart was asked by correspondent Helen
Thomas, "Who gives the green light on this now? Is t the President himself, or
the Supreme Commander of NATO...?" Lockhart replied, "The Supreme Commander of
NATO acts on the authority of the political leaders of the NATO countries, and
he has that authority."

In brief, the power to declare war in Kosovo was exercised by NATO
Secretary-General Solana; the power to make war was given to NATO?s Supreme
Commander; the President of the United States played the role of "selling" the
war to the public, and Congress was tacitly told that its duty was to
rubber-stamp the decision to take our nation into war, and to authorize payment
of the resulting expenses.

"No power but Congress can declare war," observed Daniel Webster in 1846, "but
what is the value of this constitutional provision, if the President of his own
authority may make such military movements as must bring on war?" The
Administration?s actions in committing our country to enforce, through military
action, diplomatic initiatives in Kosovo presented Congress with a fait

The only recourse left to Congress was 

Re: [CTRL] I support your right to hate. WAS: Big news, Clinton ...

1999-04-07 Thread William Hugh Tunstall

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you for the posting, Samantha.

You told us that you were glad that hate crime legislation
exists  and that the context of a situation must be taken into
consideration in order to more fully understand the nature and
ramification of a crime.

I won't belabor this...but this "isolated" incident that so many members
of our list feel is so untypical and "out of character" in America is
not an "isolated" nor an "untypical" event at all.  When one group
(whatever their color or sex) dominates and controls the
political/economic/social/cultural life of a nation to the detriment of
other groups, it is not surprising that individual members of the dominant
group begin to feel a sense of entitlement...special privilege...a sense of
superiority to others--even to the point of feeling that they have the
right to assault a innocent child.

The little boy is going to grow up with the memory of that incident...and
his family must live with it, too.  And the seeds of distrust and hatred
will grow   That's one scenario.  Of course, hopefully, he
will learn to view members of the dominant group as complex human beings
who are neither "good" nor "bad".just individuals like himself.

Hopefully, when he grows up, he will want to try and change this
society...to make it a place where children won't be assaulted or
humiliated because of their membership in a particular group.

But he will probably grow up to listen to the arguments so often
advanced on this list about how America is a color-blind society, how
social problems are non-existent...that in America, how it's not the color
of one's skin that determines your life circumstances, it's your
character, etc.

On Tue, 6 Apr 1999, Samatha 'Smith' wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 99-04-06 23:19:19 EDT, you write:

  So hate all you want, more power
   to you, but just don't act on it or face all the power of the state to
   you for your actions.  Should you suffer more because the crime was
   because of hate or bias?  NO.  The end result is the same, an injury has
   done, the motive is not important the crime is.

 I feel the same as you.  I do know that a hate crimes bill would make a
 crime out of some things that were before just indecent acts.  That's my
 understanding, anyway.

 We were entering an amusement park in Missouri.  A group of white teens
 and an adult were crossing our paths.  One of the teens took his cup of water
 and flung it in the face of a young black boy sitting alone on a bench.  I
 was stunned for a time -- I simply couldn't grasp what I'd just seen.  Then I
 hollered to the teen, "What did you just do?  You come back here.  You come
 back here and apologize!"  He kept walking.  The adult looked over his
 shoulder and said "It's no big deal.  He was just cooling the boy off."  It
 was fucking disgusting

 My companions stayed with the boy while I went to report the incident.
 The police took it quite seriously, and I was surprised.  They explained that
 it fell into the "hate crimes" category.  The white group got away.

 What a bad day it must have been for that little boy.  He endured the
 cold water without even flinching.  He was alone on the bench because his mom
 was punishing him.  His whole family had gone to the car for lunch and left
 him behind, alone, in the sun, in 110 degree heat.

 When the cops located his mom, apparently she wasn't very sympathetic.
 Poor kid.

 Anyway, I was glad for the hate crimes classification that day.  And
 that's about all I know about it.


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, 

[CTRL] Huang Deposition, Chinagate, Filegate

1999-04-07 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Huang Deposition, Chinagate, Filegate
4/7/99 C-SPAN

On C-SPAN tonight:
07:30pm to 08:30pm ET 04:30pm to 05:30pm PT LIVE
Speech Huang Deposition, Chinagate, Filegate
Judicial Watch
Washington, DC
ID : 122338 Length : 1 hr 00 min Event date : 04/07/99
Klayman, Larry, Chairman, Judicial Watch

Free Republic

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-


Homosexuals in the Military
OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile

 Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?
  (The Military as an Example)

Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that
homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."
By refusing to commit to someone of the
opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
about the responsibility of children, much less the
responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do
decide to break off the relationship they normally do
not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.
Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
be allowed to serve in the military?

In the military you have to trust that the person next
to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you
killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the
country. The contract that you are required to
sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment.
Being in the military, means that you are
responsible for the people you work with and that they
are responsible for you. What kind of person
do you want to depend on? Would you rather
depend on someone that is willing to take on
commitments of religion and family, or would
you rather have to depend on someone that has a
noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military,
you are signing an agreement that allows other
people to control your life. So if the people that
you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life
were to require that you have to live with a person
that doesn't seem to care about anything other
than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust
and teamwork might get lost.

Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are
concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often
the military is a large part of the first contact that
the United States will have with other cultures.
Since they often have the responsibility of dealing
with people from other cultures, they need to be
perceived as stable and responsible. If people in
the military, are perceived by other countries as
allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will
the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing
our military to help when they have problems.
The military image requires that the people of the
military be true to the most stringent standards
that their culture has. If you can not take pride
yourself and your own culture, how can you
understand the pride that someone else has in their

True homosexuals have decided what sex they
are and what life style they want to follow. True
homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always
done by those that use sex as a control feature.
These controlling personalities are really in the
closet! Because if the real truth were known,
they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
male or female of any age. These control fiends
are the type to have a physical relationship with a
single or divorce mother and also think nothing
of having a relationship with here male OR female
child. These control fiends are the ones that think
that a child (as young as six) is old enough to
decide their sexual orientation and to have a
physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They
refer to the child's parents, as people that have
a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child
from making an immediate choice. They are the
main ones that would like to see homosexuals
completely accepted since it will be harder to
question these control fiends at that time.

Some countries have been sympathetic to the
American Homosexual. Iceland has an
overwhelmingly female population - I think the
current ratio is five females births to every one male
birth, and parts of the Orient have five male
births for every female birth. This leads to same sex
dancing predominating in their clubs their clubs.
The biggest difference that these countries have,
particularly in the Orient is the family obligation
to have children. They are usually not homosexual
from choice, and they grow up knowing that they
have a commitment to their family. The American
homosexual has usually decided that they want
few, if any commitments.

Our constitution guaranties us the right to live
our lives, as we want, as long as we do not infringe
upon someone else's right. The constitution is a
commitment between this country and it's people.
The Constitution is also a commitment between
the leaders of this country and the people. This
nation was created by many different people,
and different cultures. All of these people and cultures
have a right to live in their own ways. But the
military is suppose to be reliable, trustworthy, and to

[CTRL] USTaxpayer(Slave) Feeds IMF(Master)! or We Lost our Freedom!

1999-04-07 Thread Peter L. Sroufe


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Mark A. Smith
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 11:07 AM
To: Mark
Subject: SNET: IMF funds now would reward Russia for anti-U.S. behavior


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Document ranked 1, retrieved from news database.

 04/07/99- Updated 01:21 AM ET

   IMF funds now would reward Russia for anti-U.S. behavior

   By Ariel Cohen

   Drug addiction is terrible. So is an addiction to
   someone else's money. In both cases, the worst thing you
   can do is hand over more to the addict.

   That, however, is precisely what is about to happen in
   Russia, where a delegation from the International
   Monetary Fund is supposed to meet today with Moscow
   officials to hash out details of a plan that would give
   Russia billions of dollars in additional loans.

   More IMF loans to Russia means more money for a country
   that has become a financial junkie. IMF bailouts
   amounting to $27 billion since 1992 have failed. Russia
   has defaulted on most of its foreign loans since its
   August ruble crisis, and it threatens further default on
   its debt if the IMF does not provide the new credits.
   Its promise to do better if only given more of what it
   craves, coupled with a history of repeated failure, is
   chillingly similar to the earnest vows of other addicts
   desperately in need of a fix.

   Amazingly, the Clinton administration supports this
   handout despite Moscow's saber rattling over Kosovo and
   the Russian Navy's menacing deployment in the
   Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

   The United States should not be fooled. Any new credits
   or other largesse almost certainly will be wasted - or
   worse. We already know that up to $50 billion of Russian
   Central Bank reserves, including IMF loans, were
   siphoned off to secret offshore accounts.

   Additional funds now only would prolong Russia's
   economic agony, postpone its day of financial reckoning
   and perpetuate the poor conditions under which Russian
   and foreign businessmen must work. New credits also
   would effectively reward Russia for its anti-U.S.
   positions on international security issues, most notably
   its opposition to the ongoing NATO airstrikes.

   Biting hands that feed

   It's time for some tough love. Americans do not need to
   turn their hard-earned tax dollars over to the IMF to be
   disbursed to a corrupt Russian government.

   Why, Washington should ask, should Russia's debt be
   forgiven when it continues to support Slobodan Milosevic
   and his marauding bands? Why aid Moscow as it continues
   to send ballistic-missile and nuclear technology to
   states such as China and Iran? Why reward it for going
   against the will of the United Nations to support Saddam
   Hussein's regime in Iraq with illicit weapons?

   And why, Russia's leaders should be asked, are they
   spending billions of dollars modernizing Russia's
   strategic-weapons arsenal while millions of Russians are
   impoverished and hungry?

   The goal of U.S. policies, and of the IMF money, should
   be to help Russia integrate into the global economy and

   international community. But, like a drug addict, Russia
   has to help itself, too.

   Release ties to past

   Russia must come to grips with the twin legacies of its
   Soviet past: a superpower ambition, with its reflexive
   hostility toward the 

Re: [CTRL] Microsoft's New Brain Project

1999-04-07 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-07 12:18:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Under the code name "Manchuria,"

--as in "Manchurian Candidate"--

[Bill] Gates gave the green light to a program that would
identify child prodigies and bring them under the proprietary wing of the
Redmond software giant.

At this week's "Computers, Freedom + Privacy 1999" conference in
Washington, DC, Winchell is scheduled to present a paper hypothesizing
about a TR-run civilization 20 years hence.
"What we're talking about is becoming Borg," Winchell says.
"But Borg with a friendly face."

Hmm ... Do technogeeks dream of electric sheeple?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] David Orchard: Canada at War

1999-04-07 Thread James Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-


Canada at War
by David Orchard

Following the lead of the U.S., Canada is participating in a massive
military assault against a sovereign nation in central Europe. The
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is a small country of approximately
12 million. Its crime is that it is fighting to preserve its
territorial integrity against an armed secessionist movement. Every
other nation would do the same.

When Abraham Lincoln went to war against the Confederate south "to
preserve the union," as he put it, he was regarded as a national hero
and Washington bore long and vindictive grudges against any countries -
including Canada and Britain - that did not leap to support it.

Has not Britain waged a decades long war against the Irish Republican
Army? Was it not a Canadian government in Ottawa that invoked the War
Measures Act and moved troops into Quebec when faced with "apprehended

We are told that Yugoslavia refused to sign a "peace agreement" with
its armed separatists. There is no peace agreement. There is an 81 page
document, drawn up by the U.S., which will in effect sever Kosovo, long
regarded as the cradle of Serbian nationhood, from Yugoslavia. Belgrade
was told to sign or be bombed.

The majority of the population of the separatist region are of a
different ethnic group than those in the rest of Yugoslavia, we are told.
If this were justification for secession, most nations in the world,
including Canada and the U.S., would disintegrate overnight.

A long political and media campaign to demonize the Serbs has culminated
with Bill Clinton's comparison of war-torn Yugoslavia to Hitler's Germany.
Equating a weak, already partially dismembered country under economic
sanctions for almost a decade, struggling to hang on to its heartland,
surrounded and menaced by the world's most powerful nations armed to the
teeth with the latest high tech weapons, to Nazi Germany only goes to
graphically illustrate that truth is the first casualty of war.

Lest anyone be confused, the attack on Yugoslavia is not a United Nations
operation in any way, nor does it have U.N. sanction. Both Russia and China
have condemned it unequivocally. It is a unilateral and unprecedented act
of war by the world's most powerful military alliance in violation of
international law and of NATO's own charter, which provides for defence
in the case of attack against a member nation. No member nation of NATO
has been attacked or threatened by Yugoslavia.

Why is Canada, the famed peacemaker, involved in the illegal destruction
of a founding member of the U.N. and our ally in both world wars? Today,
Yugoslavia is virtually defenceless, yet with a long and proud history
of fighting for its independence- for almost five centuries the southern
Slavs led by Serbia fought against the Ottoman Empire, for years
Yugoslavia fought against Hitler's Nazis and, under Tito, against control
by the Soviet Union.

As in Iraq, many of the bombs and missiles raining on the people of
Yugoslavia are coated with depleted uranium. The radioactive fallout will,
as is happening today in Iraq, ensure an agonizing death for tens of
thousands in the years ahead, long after the bombs stop falling.

After years of pious bleating by Canadian governments about war crimes
(only those by small nations, mind you), we are committing one of vastly
larger proportions as these words are being written.

Who has given NATO the authority to attack Yugoslavia? What exactly is
the Kosovo Liberation Army (regularly described as a terrorist organization
less than a year ago) on whose side we are now entering this conflict? How,
and with whose financial backing, did it emerge as a fully equipped army
complete with anti-tank weapons, uniforms and grenade launchers? What is
its connection to U.S. intelligence and, as recently reported in the
London Times, to organized crime and the heroin trade? If NATO has become
an instrument of terror against the virtually defenceless population of
our former ally - and it has - Canada should reconsider its membership in
that organization.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread Edward Ford

 -Caveat Lector-

Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen Him/Her display
any responsibility for His/Her creation. Given His/Her track record, I certainly
wouldn't want Him/Her in a foxhole next to me. Not only do I not know His/Her
sexuality, He/She has shown no interest what so ever in the workings of mankind,
all the way up to and including the death of his/her own son!

The authors bias is appalling and an insult to every person on the planet. You
just gave it the name "homosexual".

If you, 1lls0081 wrote this piece, I urge you to get help. It is bigoted concepts
like these that lead to young black men  being dragged behind cars, and young gay
men to be murdered. Their blood is own your hands.

God help you, but then again given your logic, there's a fat chance of that. But
in this case, I don't blame Him/Her!


1lls0081 wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-


 Homosexuals in the Military
 OR Homosexual, Control Fiend, Pedophile

  Homosexuals: Who or What is Really Hiding in the Closet?
   (The Military as an Example)

 Many people would define the homosexual lifestyle
 as one of promiscuity. The reason for this is that
 homosexuals seem to be like the legendary "Peter Pan."
 By refusing to commit to someone of the
 opposite sex, they normally do not have to worry
 about the responsibility of children, much less the
 responsibility of a commitment. Also if they do
 decide to break off the relationship they normally do
 not have to worry about the legal tangles of divorce.
 Should admitted homosexuals that are seen as
 promiscuous, unable to make commitments, and
 unwilling to take on responsibility for other people
 be allowed to serve in the military?

 In the military you have to trust that the person next
 to you is Reliable enough that they won't get you
 killed. The military oath is a promise to defend the
 country. The contract that you are required to
 sign upon being accepted into the military is a commitment.
 Being in the military, means that you are
 responsible for the people you work with and that they
 are responsible for you. What kind of person
 do you want to depend on? Would you rather
 depend on someone that is willing to take on
 commitments of religion and family, or would
 you rather have to depend on someone that has a
 noncommittal lifestyle. By signing up in the military,
 you are signing an agreement that allows other
 people to control your life. So if the people that
 you are allowing to tell you what to do with your life
 were to require that you have to live with a person
 that doesn't seem to care about anything other
 than themselves, it seems as if the concept of trust
 and teamwork might get lost.

 Those same concepts of trust and teamwork are
 concepts the military can not afford to lose. Often
 the military is a large part of the first contact that
 the United States will have with other cultures.
 Since they often have the responsibility of dealing
 with people from other cultures, they need to be
 perceived as stable and responsible. If people in
 the military, are perceived by other countries as
 allowed to have idiosyncrasies such as this, will
 the other countries be enthusiastic about allowing
 our military to help when they have problems.
 The military image requires that the people of the
 military be true to the most stringent standards
 that their culture has. If you can not take pride
 yourself and your own culture, how can you
 understand the pride that someone else has in their

 True homosexuals have decided what sex they
 are and what life style they want to follow. True
 homosexuals have seldom if ever been known
 to rape a heterosexual. This is usually, if not always
 done by those that use sex as a control feature.
 These controlling personalities are really in the
 closet! Because if the real truth were known,
 they usually are willing to have sex with any person -
 male or female of any age. These control fiends
 are the type to have a physical relationship with a
 single or divorce mother and also think nothing
 of having a relationship with here male OR female
 child. These control fiends are the ones that think
 that a child (as young as six) is old enough to
 decide their sexual orientation and to have a
 physical relationship, at six, based on that design. They
 refer to the child's parents, as people that have
 a slave mentality, and that want to keep the child
 from making an immediate choice. They are the
 main ones that would like to see homosexuals
 completely accepted since it will be harder to
 question these control fiends at that time.

 Some countries have been sympathetic to the
 American Homosexual. Iceland has an
 overwhelmingly female population - I think the
 current ratio is five females births to every one male
 birth, and 

[CTRL] funny.jpg (...KNOWN SEX OFFENDER.)

1999-04-07 Thread Peter L. Sroufe


[CTRL] Scholarship: Ayn Rand

1999-04-07 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From http://chronicle.com/colloquy/99/rand/background.htm

Ayn Rand Has Finally Caught the Attention of Scholars
New books and research projects involve philosophy, political theory,
literary criticism, and feminism

New York

Sipping a drink atop this city's tallest skyscraper, decked out in a gray,
pinstriped, double-breasted suit, his brown eyes unblinking as he declares
his commitment to "total freedom," Chris Matthew Sciabarra knows that he
might easily be mistaken for a "Randroid."

"Randroids," he explains, are true believers. They believe in the truth
according to Ayn Rand, and only Ayn Rand.

Mr. Sciabarra adores the writer best-known for her novels The Fountainhead
and Atlas Shrugged, in which she insisted that selfishness is a moral path,
and that only capitalism can set the world free. But although he's a
card-carrying member of the Ayn Rand Society, he views her with a degree of

He is Rand's most vocal champion in academe, a status that demands he help
to open the long-closed circle of Randianism to new perspectives. Along with
a small but growing movement of philosophers, political theorists, and
literary critics, he thinks that Rand, who died in 1982, will soon take her
rightful place in the hearts and minds of scholars.

As co-editor, with Mimi Reisel Gladstein, of the recent Feminist
Interpretations of Ayn Rand (Penn State University Press) and author of Ayn
Rand: The Russian Radical (Penn State, 1995), Mr. Sciabarra, a visiting
scholar at New York University, is riding the crest of a Randian wave.

Like born-again Christians recalling the moment of their salvation, many
Randians remember their own conversions -- to laissez-faire capitalism,
selfishness, atheism, and the objective truth -- with a mixture of reverence
and amusement at their former selves.

Mr. Sciabarra credits his own first encounter as the source of his ability
to distinguish between himself and the uber-men of Rand's novels. As a
high-school senior daunted by the heft of The Fountainhead, he was more
intrigued by Rand's slim Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal. "Unlike virtually
everyone who has come to Rand," he says, "I devoured her entire nonfiction
before reading any of her fiction. I think that saved me from becoming a
true believer."

Mr. Sciabarra pauses for reflection, stares into the dusk at the tiny flame
of the Statue of Liberty in the harbor beneath the World Trade Center, and
takes another drink. He is sipping seltzer, not a martini, and when he says
he's a "man of ideas," it comes out Brooklyn-style: "idears." That's fine by
him. "I never wanted to be Howard Roark," he says.

Howard Roark, the "cold-eyed" and "contemptuous-lipped" architect of The
Fountainhead, who designed buildings too beautiful for a mediocre world, is
"[m]an as man should be," in Rand's words. "The self-sufficient, the
self-confident, the end of ends. ... Above all, the man who lives for
himself -- as living for oneself should be understood."

If that strikes you as circular logic, you can turn to the book's afterword,
by Leonard Peikoff, self-proclaimed intellectual heir to Rand and executor
of her estate. "Objectivism," he clarifies, "defines the abstract principles
by which a man must think and act if he is to live the life proper to man."

Although such phrases make perfect sense to Mr. Sciabarra, he throws his
hands in the air when he thinks of how his colleagues in academe must
understand -- or misunderstand -- such self-satisfied words. "I know they
laugh at Rand," he laments. And even though he's enough of a free thinker to
share a chuckle himself from time to time, he'd like the laughter to stop.

Randians often have taken comfort in the phenomenal sales of her books -- 30
million and counting, at a pace of several hundred thousand a year. Now her
academic followers can point to the sales of Mr. Sciabarra's book as proof
that she's not just for the masses. At 8,500 copies sold, The Russian
Radical has hardly vaulted to the popularity of Atlas Shrugged, but it's a
best seller for a university press like Penn State.

Sanford G. Thatcher, director of the press, sees The Russian Radical and
Feminist Interpretations as turning points. "A lot of what had been written
before was done from a cultish viewpoint," he says. "The effort here is to
bring Rand into dialogue with other thinkers, the way Marx or Jung were
brought out of their narrow circle of devotees." He also notes that Rand
"sells a lot of books."

Other presses want a piece of the action. In addition to Mr. Sciabarra's two
volumes, new books are forthcoming or in process on Rand's aesthetics, moral
philosophy, relevance to the philosophy of science, and stormy relationship
with libertarianism. A journal of Rand literary studies is in the works, and
the Twayne Masterworks Studies, published by Macmillan, will soon include
volumes on The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

Gene H. Bell-Villada, chairman of the Romance-languages 

Re: [CTRL] Homosexuals in the Military:OR Homosexual, Control Fiends and Pedophiles

1999-04-07 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Edward Ford wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 Hey let's do this, apply the authors logic to God. I have not seen Him/Her display
 any responsibility for His/Her creation. Given His/Her track record, I certainly
 wouldn't want Him/Her in a foxhole next to me. Not only do I not know His/Her
 sexuality, He/She has shown no interest what so ever in the workings of mankind,
 all the way up to and including the death of his/her own son!

Is it possible to teach people to read?  I DID no say that they had or Should leave
or be kicked out!!!

 The authors bias is appalling and an insult to every person on the planet. You
 just gave it the name "homosexual".

Many Homosexuals have a level of self discipline that makes the pope look like a
goof off.  OK.  Maybe I should not go - Quite - that far, but have you seen what
it takes for a woman to get dressed up.  Think of what it takes for a cross dresser.
Many managed to look better than I did when I was in my twenties!

 If you, 1lls0081 wrote this piece, I urge you to get help. It is bigoted concepts
 like these that lead to young black men  being dragged behind cars, and young gay
 men to be murdered. Their blood is own your hands.

It is people like you that would have the blood of homosexuals on your hands.  The
ones that would kill homosexuals to make this kind of point are the ones
that want the homosexuals to run point for them.  The kind of people that
"might" read

 God help you, but then again given your logic, there's a fat chance of that. But
 in this case, I don't blame Him/Her!

Now for the regular, run of the mill person that has a same sex orientation.
They are normally not a sadist, or controlling.  Well, not any more so than a man
that has complete control of a female when he is lying on top of her.  Would
you call the missionary position - Sadistic or controlling?  That testosterone
should be good for something (up, down - you get the idea) for my view point I think
it is workable.

Some have been lead to believe that they should have been born the opposite
sex because of the fact that many animals can switch sexes.  Take a laying hen,
there have been some that have gone from a fertile hen to a fertile rooster.  Many
fish are capable of changing sex as well.  Males that produce eggs in their testes,
and think that they should have been born female.  This can be cause by

Then to the current scoop on chemicals (New 2 Nov 98)
"Concerned that endocrine disrupters were causing fetal development
 problems and adversely affecting male sperm counts, in 1996
 passed the Food Quality Protection Act and amendments to the Safe

 Drinking Water Act. In part, that legislation required EPA to
develop new
 chemical testing techniques. "
"As an example, LeBlanc points to incidents such as the discovery of
 demasculinized alligators in Florida's Lake Apopka. The
 may be caused by accidental spills or improper disposal of
chemicals and
 may not indicate an exposure problem of the general population. "

http://biology.usgs.gov/frog.html(New 17 Nov 98)
take a look at the map and think of couples that are trying to have children.
Men that wear underwear that they can put ICE in so that their testicles will
be cool enough to produce sperm.
and wonder...

World Wildlife Fund - chemicals in the environment -
http://www.worldwildlife.org/toxics/(New 17 Nov 98)

"In the end we will only love what we know
and we will only protect what we love"

Find more about Health Canada's perspective on antibacterial soaps at (New 04 Nov

I like the fact that there are males on this planet.  Companies do not want to be sued

and foresee the fact that they will just clone your child IF you want one.

This current war on a small "mainly" agricultural country, that will have to take
loans from the world bank and will probably have to import food now instead
of being able to grow "possibly" (organic) food?

Are we going to hide our heads in the sand?  If this comes out the even the KKK
will lay of homosexuals, consider these chemicals are going to de - masculinate the
KKK too.  Wonder what a KKK'er sounds like in Sapporo?

Just thoughts-
Laura - ex-NCO of the United States Air Force
aka The Pied Piper

PS - Just between you and me.  I was more worried about getting raped
by a cilivian MALE then worrying about any of the females in the barracks.
Difference?  I knew I was a female and that my orientation was Heterosexual
it would have been the same as if a male had propositioned me that I did not
want - he would be slapped.  You imply that 

[CTRL] Unraveling Kingdom

1999-04-07 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

Wednesday, April 7, 1999

SNP strategy to win power
in Scottish parliament

By Douglas Fraser, in Edinburgh
Britain: The historic battle for the future of Scotland's place in the
United Kingdom began formally as the Scottish National Party set out an
audacious strategy to win power in the first Scottish parliament for nearly
300 years.

Mr Alex Salmond, the 44-year-old economist who has led the SNP for nine
years, has embarked on a high risk strategy for the May 6th ballot of
promising higher tax than the Labour Party and also being strongly critical
of the NATO action in Yugoslavia.

Having faced flak for describing the bombings as "unpardonable folly" in an
official broadcast statement last week, he used the campaign launch in
Edinburgh yesterday to back Mr John Bruton's initiative on a ceasefire,
urging the British government to give it full consideration.

Although the SNP remains firmly committed to a referendum on independence
within the first four-year term of the Scottish parliament, its 10 election
pledges published yesterday put independence as lowest priority. Instead,
the party is flying in the face of conventional political wisdom by
featuring its promise to reinstate a one penny in the pound tax cut made
last month by Chancellor Mr Gordon Brown.

The "Penny for Scotland" campaign attempts to place the SNP to the left of
Labour as the party of public services, with £230 million sterling per year
of additional spending for schools, hospitals and housing. This is in
addition to a £50 million per year promise to abolish student tuition fees,
which were introduced last autumn for the whole of the UK.

The stress at yesterday's campaign launch was on the choice between "A penny
for Scotland", or London Labour's "tax bribe", in an attempt to portray the
governing party as under the tight control of Prime Minister Tony Blair and
his team.

Labour, which was due to launch its campaign this morning, brought its
counter-attack forward by a day, having latched on to a campaign theme
intended to stress the costs of "divorce" from the UK.

This must be the first time in political history that a separatist party
tried to hide its separatist intentions - a single plank party trying to
hide its one plank, claimed Mr Donald Dewar, the Scottish Labour leader.

Although the SNP has only six seats in the House of Commons, and Labour has
55, the SNP surged in the polls, peaking last summer 14 points ahead of
Labour. But recent polls have shown a very clear lead opening up in favour
of Labour. However, in a new proportional voting system, it is likely no
party will have overall control, making it likely that the Liberal Democrats
could hold the balance of power.

Rachel Donnelly adds: Launching its latest slogan promising "a new beginning
for Wales" the nationalist Plaid Cymru party fired the first shot in the
campaign for the Welsh Assembly elections which began yesterday, claiming
public support for the party was the highest in its 75-year history.

The Plaid Cymru president, Mr Dafydd Wigley, warned Labour the election
campaign would not be a one-horse race. "We have made up tremendous ground
since the general election," he said, "and have fully established ourselves
as the only credible alternative to Labour in Wales."

Recent opinion polls show that Plaid Cymru is gaining popular support in
Wales. It has steadily increased its support among voters from 10 per cent
at the election in May 1997 to 29 per cent on the latest figures.

From  http://www.manxman.co.im/cleague/index.html#aims

Aims of The Celtic League
The fundamental aim of the Celtic League is to contribute, as an
international organisation, to the struggles of the six Celtic nations to
secure or win their political, cultural, social and economic freedom. This

- fostering co-operation between Celtic peoples.
- developing the consciousness of the special relationship and solidarity
between them.
- making our national struggles and achievements better known abroad.
- campaigning for a formal association of Celtic nations to take place once
two or more of them have achieved self-government.
- advocating the use of the national resources of each of the Celtic
countries for the benefit of all its people.
These aims are pursued by non-violent means.

The Role The Celtic League in Our National Struggles
On an internal level, the role of the Celtic League is secondary to that of
the national organisations which work for the rebuilding of our respective
nations as fully integrated communities. At an inter-Celtic level we should
promote exchanges and facilitate acquaintance of people from different
Celtic countries with one another to strengthen our solidarity. On the
external level, we should let other peoples know that the Celts are
determined to 

[CTRL] Fw: International Perspectives on the NATO Bombing

1999-04-07 Thread Alamaine Ratliff


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new 
landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + Every great advance in natural knowledge has 
involved the absolute rejection of authority. -Thomas Huxley+ + + + + + 
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Forwarded as information only; 
no endorsement to be presumed + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 
+ + + + +In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material 
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have expressed a 
prior interest in receiving this type of information for non-profit research 
and educational purposes only.
- Original Message - 

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 3:40 PM
Subject: International Perspectives on the NATO Bombing
Institute for Public Accuracy 915 National Press Building, 
Washington, D.C. 20045 (202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * 
__2 P.M. Eastern 
BOMBINGROBERT GREENBERG, [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.unc.edu/~rdgreenb Assistant 
professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of North 
Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of the forthcoming "Language and Ethnic 
Identity in the Former Yugoslavia," Greenberg said today: "Milosevic is 
looking for an exit strategy, with the cease-fire proposal and the 
possibility of the U.S. soldiers being released. We just don't seem to want 
to deal with him. I don't see the benefit of continuing to risk killing 
Yugoslav civilians and to risk losing any of our pilots. We should have some 
sort of resumption of negotiations; it's an opportunity to cooperate with 
the Russians in finding a way out... Rambouillet was a take-it-or-be-bombed 
deal. That is not giving diplomacy a fair chance to succeed."DMITRI 
GLINSKI VASSILIEV, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Dmitri Glinski Vassiliev is a research 
associate at George Washington University and co-author of the forthcoming 
"Market Bolshevism: The Tragedy of Russia's Reforms." He said: "The bombing 
of Yugoslavia has endangered U.S.-Russian relations in a way unprecedented 
since the early 1980s. Polls show that 92 percent of Russians condemn the 
bombings, and 70,000 young people have registered as would-be volunteers for 
Yugoslavia. U.S. actions have given a big boost to militant anti-American 
politicians in Russia. They may win the December elections and unseat 
Yevgenii Primakov's moderate reformist government that has been trying to 
abstain from an open confrontation with NATO. The American-led operation 
against Yugoslavia is an egregious violation of international law. The 
Clinton administration and its allies have arrogated the authority of the 
virtually defunct United Nations. The aggravation of the humanitarian 
disaster as a result of the bombing undermines the claims that Cold War 
institutions could be converted to humanitarian purposes."ROBERT 
WEIL, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Author of "Red Cat, White Cat: China and the 
Contradictions of 'Market Socialism,'" Weil said about Chinese Premier 
Zhurongji's current visit to the U.S.: "There is apparently real outrage in 
China, as there is in Russia, about the bombing of Yugoslavia. They've been 
concerned about what they see as U.S. bullying -- a throwback to the 'great 
power' of the past, which the Chinese have a long history with. Broadly, the 
Chinese resent the drift of U.S. policy with Albright's 'we're the 
indispensable nation' view of the U.S. using force to pursue its global 
interests. Specifically, they're concerned about the U.S. intervening in a 
sovereign state while citing humanitarian reasons... The Chinese are also 
concerned about the missile defense systems in Asia that they see as 
threatening their strategic interests."For more information, contact at 
the Institute for Public Accuracy: Sam Husseini, (202) 347-0020; David 
Zupan, (541) 
Marguerite L. Hiken * [EMAIL PROTECTED] Associate Director, Institute 
for Public Accuracy 65 Ninth Street, Suite 3, San Francisco, CA 94103 
415-552-5378 * Fax: 415-552-6787 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * www.accuracy.org Email subject line 
"subscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to sign on to IPA's list. If you are a 
journalist, please include your name and outlet in the 

Re: [CTRL] Fake Poll Seen

1999-04-07 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Brian Redman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 From Capitol Hill Blue, 4/7/99:

The Rant

I am, therefore I rant. . .

The poll that wasn't

They held a small celebration at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday. As
celebrations go, it wasn't much of a gala, but things to celebrate
have been few and far between at the House of Clinton these days.

The celebration came with a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll that
says a majority of Americans now support Bill Clinton's Kosovo war and
would also support the use of ground troops.

So there were a few high-fives and back slaps issued as the the
illusion masters of the Clinton administration congratulated
themselves on yet another propaganda victory.

A week of televised images of Kosovo refugees had paid off. Bill
Clinton now has the American public behind him.

Or does he? Like Bill Clinton's Presidency, the poll released Tuesday
appears to be more than it really is.

The poll was conducted by Hart Research, a Democratic polling firm
whose clients include many Democratic members of Congress, the AFL-CIO
and a President named William Jefferson Clinton. Fred Yang, the Senior
Vice President for Hart, often writes articles that offer "the
Democratic perspective" on issues for magazines like Campaigns and

Before the key questions were asked, those polled were told: "As you
may know, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been forced to leave
Kosovo." And the question on ground troops was worded to invoke
emotion: "Would you favor or oppose a decision to send U.S. and NATO
soldiers into Serbia if the Serbs continue to drive people out of

In the polling business, this is called stacking the deck, wording the
questions in a way to make sure you get the answers you want.

"If you want an honest poll about the actions of a Democratic
president, you don't hire a pollster who works for the Democratic
party. Hart is considered one of the most partisan firms around," says
Dr. Ralph Bakke, a retired professor who taught demographics and
polling. "You either hire an independent pollster or you hire polling
firms from both sides and aggregate their results."

US News  World Report, for example, publishes a series of
"battleground" polls that uses both Democratic and Republican

NBC and the Wall Street Journal, however, chose to go the partisan
route and the results of their poll gave them just the story they
wanted to trumpet in print and over the airwaves today.

There are many things you can call this: Cooking the books and
stacking the deck are just two.

One thing you can't call this is honest journalism.

   --Doug Thompson
   Founder, Publisher  Editor
 Capitol Hill Blue


Did you all notice that NO polls were presented to the public for
almost two weeks. Isn't it curious that the polls being televised
show support for the White House.

Does anyone know which PR firms are handling this war?


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] What is this??

1999-04-07 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

 For it looks to me, as if the old ones of Ireland following the rising
 of the full moon.for all you astrology lovers out there, and to Mr.
 Shannon...I do not drink, just because I am Irish.doesnot
 necessarily mean that I drink.there was a day so I used to sit with
 the boys (not the girls mind you) but the boys, and match them drink for

 Why did you single ME out in this post? And what exactly are you trying to
say? I guess you lost me!
 You know us dumb brunettes...


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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