[CTRL] Uniting Belief

1999-05-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

Monday, May 10, 1999

Romanians told to
heal rift with Orthodoxy

From Kieran Cooke, in Bucharest

NICOLAE Ceausescu, the former Communist dictator of Romania
overthrown in a violent revolt 10 years ago, had a passion for
grandiose building projects.

In the centre of Bucharest, Ceaucsescu ordered the construction
of what is one of the world's biggest buildings, a lavishly
decorated palace with more than 1,000 rooms.

In the shadow of this gigantic Communist monument, the fiercely
anti-communist Pope John Paul II said Mass yesterday evening on
the final stage of a three-day visit to Romania.

More than 200,000 people, one of the biggest crowds seen in
Romania for several years, had gathered in hot spring sunshine
to attend. Many had journeyed for several hours from Romania's
Catholic heartlands of Transylvania, in central Romania, and
Moldova in the north-east of the country.

While the Pope's trip to Romania was a relatively subdued affair
in comparison with many papal tours, it was seen by Rome as a
vital bridge-building exercise with the Orthodox Church.

Romania's Orthodox Church is the world's second-biggest after
Russia. The Pope's trip marks the first time a pontiff has paid
an official visit to a country where the majority are Orthodox.

Pope John Paul, who impressed the crowds by speaking in Romanian
at all his public engagements, talked of the need for arguments
between Rome and the world of Orthodoxy to be resolved.

"These ancient wounds must be healed," he said. Patriarch
Teoctist, the head of the Romanian Orthodox Church, accompanied
the pontiff on a drive through the capital.

The two were in attendance at each other's services, singing
their blessings to the crowds like a well practised duet.

The Romanians, though strongly influenced by their Slav
neighbours, are primarily Latin in their language and character.
Patriarch Teoctist is reported to have joked with the Pope about
the strange paradox of a trip in which a Slav pope came to meet
a Latin patriarch.

Romania, racked by economic problems with rising unemployment
and much of its infrastructure in serous decline, is desperate
for foreign investment. The Pope's visit was seen as a way of
showing that the country is opening up to the world. Romania's
economic problems have been exacerbated by the Yugoslav
conflict. One of the country's main trade routes, the Danube,
has been blocked as a result of NATO's bombing campaign.

However, Bucharest, which has made EU and NATO membership key
objectives of its foreign policy, is allowing NATO aircraft to
use its air space.

The Pope and the Orthodox patriarch issued a joint declaration
calling on all sides in the conflict to put down their arms and
stressing the dangers of war in the Balkans region. But for all
the bonhomie between the two church leaders, there are still
tensions between Rome and the Orthodox Church.

Only about 6 per cent of Romania's 23 million people are
Catholics. These include about 250,000 who are Greek Catholics,
a community that broke away from Orthodoxy in the 17th century.
The Greek Catholics recognise the jurisdiction of Rome but
follow many Orthodox practices, including allowing priests to
marry. The Greek Catholics were suppressed during the years of
Communist rule: priests and bishops were tortured and imprisoned
and church property was confiscated. Some Greek Catholics accuse
the Orthodox Church of having collaborated with the Communists
and arguments over the return of confiscated Greek Catholic
properties are only now being addressed.

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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust 

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: Howard R. Davis III [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 nurev wrote:
  "Howard R. Davis III" wrote:
   Ric Carter wrote:
Does the concept of the primacy of "individual rights" preclude
any individuals from joining in free association, incorporating
as groups to engage in commercial, charitable, governmental or
other activities? Do corporations [public or private] have more,
equal or less rights than individuals?
   Corporations do not have individual rights nor should they. They
   are a creation of government and thus should be regulated.
  No no. They are the creation of Capitalists with the license from
  government. Jeez guys, can't you get over this government as bogey-
  man shit? It positively ruins your thinking abilities.
 A corporation is an artificial entity. It can have no existence without
 government. It is you that have a problem with your thinking ability. It
 is true that someone (usually capitalists, but also others) may petition
 the government for the corporation's creation and own it. It is,
 however, created by the government when a charter is filed.

Everybody's missing the point: a gov't is a corporation too, as are
non-profit agencies [NGOs], religions, any groups that are organized
within certain guidelines [which vary from place to place].  To that
extent, ANY legally organized group is an "artificial entity", eh?
Cities, churches, cartels, charities, manufacturers, bankers, unions,
traders, lawyers, political parties, doctors, all incorporate under
the laws of some jurisdiction or another.  And such a jurisdiction,
itself a corporation, defines the rights/privileges/obligations of
any individual or organized group within that jurisdiction.

So I return to my original question: does the concept of "individual
rights" interfere with the ability of individuals to associate, to
join together, to organize in groups, for whatever purpose? Do people
in groups have more or equal or less rights/privileges/obligations
than they do individually, as seen from the context of "individual
rights"?  Remember, people organize such groups precisely because a
group is capable of mustering resources, developing specialties, doing
things that an individual is unable to do.  So, because a group can
do things an individual can't, is a group more or less responsible
for its actions than an individual would be?  Or does "individual
rights" mean that groups are non-entities, fictional, evil, what?

  Ric, puzzled...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Michael: Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

"M.A. Johnson" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

   No one is FORCED to purchase *anything* (except Government).
   So long as this same entity does not prevent entry into the
   marketplace, *anyone* may 'offer' alternatives.

 nurev wrote:
That's right. No one is forced to buy food, or shelter,
or transportation, or education, or health insurance,
or entertainment, or life saving drugs.
No one is FORCED to obtain money in a money based economic
system. The alternative, of course, is simply to die.In
your ideal world of freedom, all have the freedom starve,
freeze, or work for the likes of you.

 What happens [in your ideal world of pull-peddlers who plunder
 and redistribute] when the productive cease their activities?

Which " productive?" Stockholders? Managers? Bosses? Investors?
Actors? Middlemen? Lawyers? Pro Athletes? Pet Rock Manufacturers?
Ticket scalpers? Politicians? CEO's? Bankers?

 nurev wrote:
 You Libertarians are pathetic and ridiculous.
 As stated numerous times, I am not nor have I ever claimed to
 be a Libertarian.

I know what you are, you are a deluded ideologue divorced from
However, you keep quoting Libertarians like Milton Friedman, economic
Libertarians ( free traders,) likr Von Mises, and anarcho-
But mostly you quote those mouldering dead lawyers and landlords from
the 18th century.

This is the dawn of the 21st century. Wake up!

 nurev wrote:
 You guys may be dumb enough to equate freedom with the
 free market,  but just about everyone else knows that
 the free market = widespread slavery for working people.

 What is a 'working person'?  Millions of people labor each and
 every day ... from the 'sweep boy' to the 'CEO'.

Oh come on. Even you are not so demented that you would equate the
Are you?



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sen. Inhofe Almost Assassinated?

1999-05-10 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Senator Inhofe has been openly critical lately on U.S.
policy. Then, next thing you know, the propeller on
his airplane falls off. Below from USA Today 5/10/99.


  Sen. Inhofe makes emergency landing

   CLAREMORE, Okla. - Sen. Jim Inhofe, a pilot for 41 years, made an
   emergency landing early Saturday after the propeller fell off his
   airplane. Inhofe, R-Okla., was not injured, but his single-engine
   airplane was slightly damaged, said press secretary Danny Finnerty.
   Inhofe was alone in the aircraft. Inhofe said he glided for about
   eight miles before landing the plane at Claremore Airport. He said he
   took off from Ketchum, where he keeps his 1979 Grumman Tiger, and had
   been in the air about 10 minutes when trouble began. Inhofe, an
   experienced, commercially rated pilot, was en route from northeastern
   Oklahoma to Oklahoma City, where he was to meet President Clinton, who
   was touring tornado-ravaged parts of central Oklahoma. Finnerty said
   the FBI has been asked to investigate because "propellers don't just
   fly off airplanes every day."


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pipes on Property

1999-05-10 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-


 Property and Freedom
 Alfred A. Knopf


 Property can be studied from two distinct points of view: as a
 concept and as an institution. The two approaches yield very
 different results. Throughout the history of thought, property has
 enjoyed a mixed reputation, being identified sometimes with
 prosperity and freedom, sometimes with moral corruption, social
 injustice, and war. Utopian fantasies, as a rule, place the
 abolition of the distinction between "mine" and "thine" at the
 center of their vision. Even many thinkers favoring property view
 it as, at best, an unavoidable evil. The history of all societies,
 on the other hand, from the most primitive to the most advanced,
 reveals the universality of property claims and the failure of
 every attempt to found a propertyless community, whether
 voluntarily or by force. In this instance, therefore, there is an
 unusually wide disparity between what mankind thinks it wants and
 what, judging by its actions, it really prefers. Lewis Mumford
 explained this disparity by suggesting that man lives in two
 worlds-the world within and the world without, the first being the
 realm of ideas, wishes, and images, the latter that of harsh,
 inescapable reality. "If the physical environment is the earth, the
 world of ideas corresponds to the heavens."

 We shall, accordingly, divide our discussion into two parts.
 The present chapter will deal with the attitudes toward property of
 Western philosophers, theologians, and political theorists. The
 chapter that follows will be devoted to the institution of property
 as revealed by history, psychology, anthropology, and sociobiology.
 The distinction, of course, is artificial and is introduced only
 for the sake of clarity of exposition; in actuality, ideas and
 events have constantly interacted. As we shall point out, every
 change in attitude toward property can be explained by political or
 economic developments.

 Discussions of property from the time of Plato and Aristotle to
 the present have revolved around four principal themes: its
 relation to politics, ethics, economics, and psychology.

 1. The political argument in favor of property holds that
 (unless distributed in a grossly unfair manner) it promotes
 stability and constrains the power of government. Against property
 it is claimed that the inequality which necessarily accompanies it
 generates social unrest.

 2. From the moral point of view, it is said that property is
 legitimate because everyone is entitled to the fruits of his labor.
 To which critics respond that many owners exert no effort to
 acquire what they own and that the same logic requires everyone to
 have an equal opportunity to acquire property.

 3. The economic line of reasoning for property holds that it is
 the most efficient means of producing wealth, whereas opponents
 hold that economic activity driven by the pursuit of private gain
 leads to wasteful competition.

 4. The psychological defense of property maintains that it
 enhances the individual's sense of identity and self-esteem. Others
 assert that it corrupts the personality by infecting it with greed.

 These four approaches fairly exhaust the range of arguments for
 and against property articulated during the past three thousand
 years. At its most fundamental, the controversy pits the moral
 approach against the pragmatic.

 1. Classical antiquity

 The ethical treatment of property, which has dominated the
 discussion until modern times, has evolved against the background
 of a pervasive belief in the existence of a "Golden Age." In its
 most familiar guise, the Golden Age is the Jewish, Christian, and
 Islamic Paradise (Garden of Eden), but in one form or another it is
 common to all civilizations. The outstanding quality of this
 mythical past is the absence of private ownership: in the Golden
 Age everything is said to have been held in common and the words
 "mine" and "thine" were unknown. Since, as we shall show in the
 chapter that follows, no society has ever existed without some kind
 of property, the vision of an ideal propertyless world must be
 grounded not in collective memory but in collective longing. It is
 inspired by the belief that inequalities of status and wealth are
 "unnatural." They have to be man-made, not God-made: for are not
 all beings born equal and, upon death, do they not turn alike to

 The earliest known depiction of the Golden Age occurs in a work
 by Hesiod, a contemporary of Homer, called Works and Days. The
 Greek poet of the early seventh century B.C.E. 

[CTRL] Fwd: S99-72, Day 48, Update 1 (May 10; 0:15AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-72, Day 48, Update 1
May 10, 1999; 0:15AM EDT


Belgrade   1. Two Chinese Sweethearts (Newlyweds) Among the
 Embassy Dead

Beijing  2. As China Roars, U.S. Embassy, Consulates Are Under

Toronto 3. Massive Anti-war Demonstrations in Canadian City
  Which Is a Model of Multiculturalism

Phoenix4. Some Reactions to "What to Do with World Class War

Belgrade  5. Hanibal Ante Portas: Barbarians Are at Our Gates (By
 Branislav Andjelic)


1. Two Chinese Sweethearts (Newlyweds) Among the Embassy Dead

BELGRADE, May 9 - Two newlywed Chinese reporters were among the four people
killed in NATO's May 7 attack on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, the
Washington Post reported today. "Xu Xinghu and Zhu Ying were newlyweds.
They lived in China's embassy in Belgrade. Earlier today, four NATO bombs
struck the building, killing them both," the Post said.

Xu, 31, was a graduate of the Beijing Foreign Languages University and a
Serbian speaker. He'd been dispatched to Yugoslavia in July 1998, soon
after he married Zhu. Xu was a correspondent for Guangming Daily, one of
China's top five newspapers. Zhu had been an arts editor at the paper.

Since NATO's aerial strikes on Yugoslavia began March 24, Xu had published
43 stories. His series of reports, called "Living Under Gunfire," was a
diary of daily life in Belgrade. He wrote about fuel shortages, food,
listed the number of houses NATO destroyed and the challenge of writing
about a city under attack.

In his last report, he wrote about an evening he spent at the site of a
NATO attack. "The place was exploding with noise. The planes were roaring
overhead. I parked my car on the side of the road and waited until the
attack ended. I called Zhu Ying to tell her I was okay."

The NATO missiles left friends and relatives back home devastated.  "We
used to think that NATO's bombing was far away from us. Now we see that
it's very close," said Xu Changyin, deputy director of the New China News
Agency, which also lost a journalist. Correspondent Shao Yunhuan was killed
and her husband, a diplomat, was seriously injured, Xu said. Shao, who also
spoke Serbian, had been sent to Belgrade in early March.

2.  As China Roars, U.S. Embassy, Consulates Are Under Siege

BEIJING, May 9 - As China roared this weekend in angry protests against the
NATO attack on its Belgrade embassy, the American embassy in Beijing is in
a state of siege.  Never mind what the Clinton News Network and other "lie
and deny" media sources are reporting.  There were tens of thousands of
demonstrators in front of the embassy in Beijing all through the night
between Saturday and Sunday, hurling stones and insults at the symbol of
the New World Order.

Several other U.S. and British consulates across this vast country were
also under attack by angry mobs.  The situation is all the more
extraordinary since the Chinese communist government has repressed any mass
demonstrations for any cause ever since the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square
massacre, whose anniversary is just around the corner.

Here are excerpts from a very emotional, and thus perhaps not as
reliable(?), dispatch which we have received from a Serbian source in
Beijing whose apartment is "50 meters away from the American embassy."  But
if you manage to strip away the excess emotion of the moment, perhaps you
will still grasp the enormity of the blunder which NATO has just committed.
 It was bad enough to have 200 million Russians seething with anger at the
West over NATO's bombing of Serbia.  Add to it the billion-plus Chinese,
and you've got one hell of a "chow mein" in the making...

"It is midnight now (May 9).  The Chinese are coming, and coming, and
coming... The entire nearby boulevard is blocked by the buses, cars,
people... They are carrying posters of Clinton with the swastika, singing
songs - like, "Destroy, destroy barbarians, but you'll pay in the end."
Or, the "hour has arrived to stop America in her mad attack."

About half an hour ago, they started to knock down the (U.S. embassy)
fence, throw stones at its windows. They've already broken the street
lights at the entrance to the embassy.

Chinese radio has just reported that all nearby provinces (states - in the
American lingo), are sending their own protesters to the U.S. embassy.  And
that by Monday, we can expect a million people in front of the embassy!

The Chinese TV has just shown similar demonstrations all across the
country.  In Hong Kong and Canton, protesters could be seen 

[CTRL] Fwd: Indonesia

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan


Stratfor's FREE Kosovo Crisis Center -
The most comprehensive coverage of the
Kosovo Crisis anywhere on the Internet

Global Intelligence Update
May 10, 1999

The Emerging Indonesian Crisis and its Strategic Implications


Indonesia's coming presidential elections have created enormous
social and political tension domestically, and they have
significant strategic implications.  With U.S.-Chinese relations
at their lowest point in years, the possibility of confrontation
over Indonesia is substantial.  Indonesia is vital strategically,
sitting astride the trade routes between the Pacific and Indian
Oceans.  Everything from Japanese oil supplies, to Singapore's
banking system and U.S. power projection in the Persian Gulf, are
at risk in an Indonesian crisis.  The crisis is also an
opportunity for China to do what Russia did in Yugoslavia: make
it clear to the United States and the region that China cannot be
excluded from the regional dynamic and that the U.S. does not
have the ability, without Chinese cooperation, to act in Asia.
Everything is in place for a crisis that could dwarf Kosovo in
global significance.


More than anywhere else in Asia, Indonesia was socially and
economically destabilized by the 1997 Asian meltdown.  Indonesia
has recovered less than almost any other Asian country, thus
feeding the social and political crisis.  The social and
political crisis has, in turn, made recovery impossible.
Indonesia has been caught in a downward spiral that could result
in a major crack-up, triggered by a presidential campaign that is
scheduled to begin on May 19 and culminate in elections on June
7.  There are some real questions about whether those elections
can be held without a blood bath and indeed, whether Indonesia
can ultimately survive the political crisis surrounding the
elections.  Indonesia's Asian neighbors are deeply concerned.  On
May 7, both South Korea and Taiwan warned their nationals against
traveling to Indonesia in the coming weeks.  Today, Thailand
joined in that warning.

Let's consider the origins of this potential crisis.  President
B.J. Habibe assumed the Presidency of Indonesia after President
Suharto, who had ruled Indonesia for more than thirty years since
he overthrew his predecessor, Sukarno.  Upon taking power,
Suharto had waged a ruthless campaign against Indonesia's small,
but extremely wealthy, Chinese community.  Tens of thousands of
Chinese were slaughtered, to state a conservative number.  Why
were the Chinese attacked?  The Chinese community had become a
mainstay of Sukarno's power.  First, its financial resources
buttressed Sukarno's regime.   Second, the Indonesian Communist
Party (PKI), which was substantially broader than the Chinese
community alone, but which was closely linked to the People's
Republic of China (PRC), had grown in strength and threatened to
create a revolutionary regime.  Sukarno tried to balance between
the competing forces in Indonesia, but the dynamics of the
situation drew him closer into the PKI/PRC orbit.  Suharto
overthrew Sukarno and with that action arrayed himself against
both the PRC and Indonesia's domestic Chinese community.

There were two foundations for Suharto's regime.  One was
xenophobia against the Chinese residing in Indonesia and China
itself.  The importance of this xenophobia cannot be
overestimated.  Indonesia is not so much a country as a legal
fiction imposed on widely dispersed islands by Dutch colonialism.
This regime governs a mixture of ethnic groups, religions,
languages and deep resentments, not much dissimilar in scope and
intensity to what we have seen of late in Kosovo.  Both Sukarno
and Suharto sought psychological glue to hold the country
together.  For Sukarno it was the creation of a revolutionary
nationalism that sought confrontation with neighbors.  For
Suharto it was an inward looking nationalism that drew its
strength from anti-Chinese sentiment.

The second pillar of the regime was the Indonesian Army.  The
only truly national institution, the Army represented a means for
the elite to administer the country and a path toward upward
mobility for poor peasant boys.  The Army suppressed not only the
Chinese community, but also numerous regional challenges to
Djakarta's authority.  The Army's command structure remained
loyal to the Suharto regime because Suharto cleverly used the
expanding Indonesian economy of the 1970s and 1980s to reward
local and regional commanders.  Indeed, the Army became a
participant in and a facilitator of the tremendous growth in
Indonesia's economy.  It also became a prime beneficiary,
participating at many levels in the lucrative deals that were
being made until the collapse of 1997.

All of this motivated the Army to hold the country together.
Moreover, it gave regional political and military administrators
the means for 

[CTRL] Fwd: What to Do with World Class War Criminals? - a letter to the Wall Street Journal (5/09/99)

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan


Thought you may be interested in the enclosed letter to the Wall Street
Journal.  The letter is also available at the Truth in Media Web site
(http://www.truthinmedia.org/Activism/wsj5-9-99.html), along with other
commments in the "TiM Activism" section.


Bob Dj.

May 9, 1999; 12:50 PM

Ned Crabb
Letters Editor
New York, NY

Subject: A letter to the editor re. the editorial, "A Good Deal for
Milosevic," May 7, 1999

Dear Ned,

Your editorial, "A Good Deal for Milosevic" (May 7, 1999), quotes Victor
Chernomyrdin, Russia's special envoy for the Balkans, as saying that the
peace proposal, agreed to by NATO leaders in Bonn, Germany on May 6, was "a
good deal for Milosevic," Yugoslavia's president.  To which your editors
added, "certainly it is a far better deal than the gallows he no doubt

Well, well... he who lives in a glass house should not cast stones.  If
Milosevic deserves the gallows, what then shall be proper punishment for
the world class criminals, like Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac,
Wesley Kanne Clark, Madeleine Albright, Sam Berger, William Cohen, Javier
Solana, Jean Chretien... to name a few?  Or for the accomplices of these
mass murderers of innocent civilians and Chinese diplomats - the globalists
who bought them and put them in positions of power - the Bilderbergers, the
Trilateralists, or the CFR members?  Which includes, of course, many
members of the media, such as the Wall Street Journal's publisher, Peter
Kann, and the editor-in-chief, Bob Bartley.

If Milosevic deserves the gallows, the proper punishment for these war
criminals may be what the Ottoman Islamic rulers of the Balkans, whose
descendants are now NATO members and Washington's allies, used to mete out
to local Christians - impaling them on a stick.  For all gory details of
what that was like, your publisher and editor may wish to check out the
Nobel Prize-winning novel, "The Bridge on the Drina," by Ivo Andric (George
Allen  Unwin (Publishers) Ltd., 1959, ISSN 0-04-823017-0).

But personally, I'd prefer sending them to Serbia to face the parents of
the children they've killed; to beg the people they have crippled for life
for forgiveness.  And then, if they are granted mercy, as I suspect they
would be by the Serb Christians, be condemned to hard labor for life;
rebuilding with their own hands the country they have destroyed, but whose
spirit they could never vanquish.

Meanwhile, if the above-named world class thugs think that they are above
the law, they should read the formal complaint filed at the International
War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague this week against 60 of them by a group of
Canadian lawyers.  And a parallel legal action being taken by Glen
Rangwala, an international lawyer at the Cambridge University in Britain.
And then they should consider what Russia's foreign minister, Igor Ivanov,
said on May 8 - that those who launched the military strikes against
Yugoslavia "must be punished appropriately." He warned the NATO leaders
that those who "hope to escape punishment are seriously deluding
themselves."  As were the Nazi leaders at their pinnacle of power.

Best regards,

Bob Djurdjevic
Founder, Truth in Media
Phoenix, Arizona
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply with REMOVE
or UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

Visit the Truth in Media Web site http://www.truthinmedia.org/ for more
articles on geopolitical affairs.

[CTRL] OEN 5/10/99

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Gold Market

UK Sells the Family Gold

Other central banks to follow suit?

There are three questions to ask about the British government's
decision, announced on Friday, to sell more than half its gold reserves
over the next few years. Does the decision make sense? Is the timing
right? And is the Treasury going about the job in the most sensible
fashion? It is hard to be entirely rational about the case for holding
gold bullion, as is evidenced by some of the comments over the weekend
about this move.

For example, there is no merit in suggestions from the Conservative
opposition that the sale represents in some way a plot by the government
to drag the UK into the single currency by stealth.

Instead, it is just the latest in a series of decisions by central banks
around the world - the Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina, Australia and
Canada, to name just five - to reduce their bullion holdings.

Central banks everywhere are seeking to improve the return on their
reserves: for those within the single currency, this is one of their few
remaining roles.

Gold generates no income directly. And the scope for capital
appreciation is limited by the probability of further official sales
into the foreseeable future from, among others, the International
Monetary Fund and from those members of the European Union that find
themselves with more reserves than they need after consolidation of
monetary affairs into the European Central Bank. The ECB has said it
intends to hold 15 per cent of its reserves in the form of gold. By this
benchmark the UK, which holds more than two fifths of its net reserves
in bullion, can comfortably afford to cut back its holdings.

As for the timing, the bullion price is close to the low point of a
broad range spreading back over the past dozen years, and although the
UK Treasury is by no means the last in the queue of likely sellers, that
prospect is presumably already reflected in the price.

But there is no reason to think that it would have done better by
waiting. At least there were no leaks ahead of the event, and perhaps
the worst that can be said about the timing is that the government
appears to have been up to its old tricks of short-term news management.
There were other things to excite the headline writers on the day after
crucial elections across the UK.

The decision to sell the gold by way of auction, and to announce the
news in advance, is entirely to be welcomed. Gold auctions work well, as
the US government showed back in the 1970s. Far better to conduct them
in a transparent fashion than to allow the sales to be conducted in
secret by a group of insiders. And with annual mining output running at
more than 2,500 tonnes, the market is well capable of handling a sale of
125 tonnes from the British in 1999-2000.

The Financial Times, May 10, 1999

Der Fuhrer Bombs Chinese Embassy

US and UK Companies Tighten Security in China

There goes our investment.

US and British companies were yesterday stepping up security for their
staff in China in the face of increasingly hostile anti-Nato protests
spreading across the country's cities.

Tens of thousands of demonstrators, some shouting "Kill Americans" and
"Get out American pigs" and others hurling bricks at the US and British
embassy buildings, rallied in Beijing during the weekend to vent their
anger at the Nato bombing of China's embassy in Belgrade.

As the protests grew yesterday James Sasser, US ambassador to China,
said on television that he was concerned Chinese authorities could lose
control. "No question that we're hostages here," he told CBS's Face the

Describing the situation as ugly, he said virtually every window in the
embassy's chancery and his personal residence had been broken. He said
his wife and son were evacuated outside Beijing.

The Chinese government last night announced its support for the mass
protests which have targeted the US and British diplomatic missions and
isolated foreign businesses and institutions across the country.

Hu Jintao, vice-president, said on national television that the
outpouring of public rage was an expression of "the keen patriotism of
the Chinese people" and a condemnation of "the barbaric acts of the
US-led Nato". But he also called on protesters to act within the law.

The state media has fuelled public outrage by suggesting the attack on
the Chinese embassy was deliberate. Nato and the US have acknowledged
they targeted the embassy due to an error of intelligence, but their
apologies have not been broadcast in China.

The attacks on US property by angry students and workers, who threw
rocks and paving stones at embassy buildings and American cars while
Chinese police stood by, marked the most venomous outpouring of anti-US
sentiment since bilateral ties were established 20 years ago.

The bombings, which left four 

[CTRL] Separation by the Numbers

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.19/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 19
Laissez Faire City Times
May 10, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 19
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Separation by the Numbers

by Peter Topolewski

Gaining independence has never been easy, and rarely is it beautiful.
These days we need only watch the horror show in the Balkans, the epic
drama in the Middle East, or even the comedic follies in Quebec, Canada
(where francophones eternally threaten to secede but never do) to bear
witness to this bitter truth. In Canada, however, Quebec’s minority
effort to form an independent state is not the most interesting or the
most important threat to the country’s status quo. That distinction
belongs to the irreversible course set upon to return land and
self-governance to Canada’s native people. With potentially hundreds of
independent governments to be established across the country, Canada is
entering an era of immense social and political experimentation.

Few deny that for the dismal plight of Canada’s natives to end, changes
must be made. As a people they suffer from the highest jobless, suicide,
addiction and incarceration rates in the county. They constitute the
majority in Vancouver’s infamous Downtown Eastside, an armpit where chic
Vancouver society has cast its poorest, sickest, and weakest to die in a
spiral of addiction, prostitution, violence, and AIDS. The Downtown
Eastside is a place where twenty women, nearly half of them native,
disappeared without so much as a ho-hum from media, police, or Joe and
Sally Punch-clock. Here, where native prostitutes are the majority and
shooting up is the center of existence, HIV spreads among natives faster
than among any other group. Establishing native self-government is not
only a means to compensate natives for expropriating their land and
other past injustices, it is an attempt to halt a tremendous human

Land is central to any form of native self government or compensation
package. Reclaiming sovereign control of traditional native lands has
long been a contentious issue in Canada, one that has at times led to
armed standoffs. Many native groups, or bands, have adhered to a
negotiation process that will, among other things, return small portions
of their original lands to them. In the province of British Columbia, to
take one example, that process is just now beginning to bear fruit, and
with up to 50 native treaties to be signed over the next few years the
province is entering an era of radical change. Although few citizens
seem to notice that the treaty process holds the potential to re-shape
the province and the nation, the real problem is that no one has a clue
how fundamental, or rough, that change will be. In fact, indications are
the country is walking a route to colossal and dangerous conflict.

No Union Dues

One native band in BC in the throes of a huge commercial development
recently created a labor code that it claims supersedes federal labor
legislation. The code, which the band began drafting when its employees
had just unionized, bans strikes, lockouts, and union dues on the
reserve. While union leaders say the band is "abusing the principle of
self-government by trying to deny their employees basic labor rights",
the band maintains that strikes and lockouts "would have the effect of
dividing our community" and that union dues defy a section of the Indian
Act that states the property of an Indian cannot be seized against his
will. The federal Indian Affairs ministry has made it clear that the
band has no legal authority to implement its labor code. But when asked
what action would be taken if the band defied the ministry, an Indian
Affairs spokeswoman replied, "I’m not sure what the response would be."

The band has ignored the ministry and enforced its new labor code. So
far the federal government has done nothing but wonder aloud. This
conflict, whose resolution quite possibly lies outside the current legal
realm, is one example in hundreds where self-governments can and will
test the limits – and exceed the bounds – of their authority in efforts
to broaden their power. A process for resolving this and the conflicts
to come remains frighteningly non-existent.

An Indian band on the more populous coast of BC presents a different
problem. As one of the first urban bands to negotiate a treaty
settlement, the Tsawwassen First Nation has a population of non-native
residents significantly larger than the 200 registered band members.
Non-native residents of the reservation have no voting rights in band
elections. The problem is how to provide natives with self-government
while preserving the democratic rights of their non-native tenants. Tom
Isaacs, the province’s chief treaty negotiator for the region, admits
that he knows of no system in the world that balances 

[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: NO COMMUNICATION

1999-05-10 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  Aleksander Zograf (aka Sasa Rakezic), a cartoonist living in
Serbia, has been witnessing the bombing of his hometown, Pancevo, by NATO.
He has been staying in contact with the international alternative comics
community by e-mail.  Following is his latest report.

From: "Sasa Rakezic" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 9 May 1999 22:51:14 +0200
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Priority: 3
MIME-Version: 1.0

Sasa Rakezic
P.F. 163
26000 Pancevo
Yugoslavia (Serbia)

May 9th 1999

Hello friends!
Last night, a main post office in Kragujevac, in Central Serbia,  was hit
by a
NATO bomb, but it didn't explode. During the same night, another post
office - in a town of Uzice, was completely destroyed by NATO projectiles,
and in a second attack, the same bulding - which was already turned into
ruins - was bombed once more. The whole area was left without phone
connections. The same thing could happen here in my town as well, and it
makes me sad  just to think about the possibility that we could be cut off
from our friends all over the world...
By the way, I have found more funny NATO leaflets - they are so
collectible!  I already gathered  an interesting collection. The newest one
is with the target sign ( so, it seems that  - eventually -  it was adopted
even by the NATO designers! ) and with the message:NO FUEL, NO POWER, NO
TRADE, NO FREEDOM, NO FUTURE: MILOSEVIC. Milosevic's photo ( a rather small
one) is also included.
 Could these leaflets, dropped (maybe?) from the same planes which are
dropping bombs on the towns bellow, be the  meaningful media for the
communication with the Serbian people? Ironically, one of the small Tv
stations  here has aired  "Mars Attacks" movie few weeks ago. One of the
scenes includes Martians destroying the towns and people of the Earth,
while at the same time there was a voice from the speaker saying (with
RUN AWAY! WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!" This whole situation seemed strangelly
familiar to what we are experiencing in this silly land of Serbia.
Anyway, after most of the offices and the transmitters of the major Tv
stations ( some of which were owned by a state, and some which were private
ones) in Serbia  were rocketed , in some parts of the counrty you can see
only a couple of programs, aired by some small local transmitters, but in
some parts there is no signal of any Tv station left. Instead, I heard that
some people were able to receive the signal by some sort of NATO Tv
program, in Serbo-Croat language, transmitted probably from the near-by
countries. I wasn't able to watch any of it, but I can guess that most of
the people here will not be quite delighted to watch the program with NATO
trademark , after the domestic stations has been  blown to pieces by the
very same organization (even though most of the Serbian stations were
mostly airing American movies and Tv series anyway. At the beginning of the
bombing campaign, as I  described, there were some attempts by local
censors to exclude American movies and series from the Serbian media. But
it lasted just few days or so ).
 It is obvious that war kills communication, and that people who are
pointing the means of destruction at each other don't really want to
establish a meaningful communication in the first place. I should say
again, and again,  that we are living in a savage world, hiding behind the
happy face of the mass communication. We are still learning to talk to each
otherAnd we almost forgot that it is a simple and natural thing to do.
Bye bye

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-10 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting, and he makes some good points. What I definitely do not agree
with is Hoffmans anti-abortion proselitizing. What is Hoffmans answer then to
woman who want to have an abortion. Would he force them to have the baby and
then give it up for adoption? What about crack babies and woman who are
raped, do they have to gve birth too? It seems Hoffman has become
indoctrinated himself with all the hype about abortion issues. In England and
most other European countries there is no where near the kind of hatred and
divisiveness on the abortion issue as there is in America. I wonder why?
(kind of ironic really;anti-abortionists killing doctors who perform
abortions)One other point which somebody on the list might be able to help me
with is what my wife was telling me the other day. That more woman (and
embryo's) died getting illegal abortions in 50' s and 60's America than the
1.5 approx million abortions that there are today. This could be media
manipulating stats. Gavin.

 A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Addendum

 Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

 THE HOFFMAN WIRE, April 22, 1999

 Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

 The Mirror World of Columbine

 Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
 as a guest on his radio program, discussing Hoffman's new work, "Profiling
 the FBI's Unabom Charade." With regard to the Littleton, Colorado high
 school massacre, Mr. Shannan posed the following question-via e-mail:

 Dear Michael

 I understand that you predicted this Colorado tragedy. I may want to do a
 story with the Satanic tie-in with these Sodomites and several previous
 school shootings. What evidence exists of a CIA and MK-Ultra influence?

 Thanks, Pat


 There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence. Most programming cues
 are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
 gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
 "Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
 was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
 only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
 paramount. The medium is the message.

 The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
 regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
 only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
 lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world.

 Public school students have little if any understanding of their hereditary,
 Common Law and Constitutional rights. They are increasingly herded like
 assembly-line automatons. The elite among them intuitively revolt. Once our
 people as a whole would have rebelled. It was a common pastime of the
 English people to hurl rocks at the royal carriage during the reign of
 George I (1714-1727). Bill Clinton would have been routinely stoned and spat
 upon by our ancestors.

 Unfortunately, disaffected youth today turn toward the Hegelian fake
 alternative: System-certified "rebels," the System's manufactured image of
 Hitler, System-distributed videos and films--most of which have implanted
 behavior cues for these elite kids to emulate and create the kind of mayhem,
 murder and suicide the System needs to build its police state.

 American forces are presently terror-bombing the Serbian people for "peace,"
 and Americans have butchered 37 million unborn babies on the altar of
 convenience, in abortions. President Clinton rapes and abuses women like
 cattle, perjures himself and remains the beloved leader of the soft-spoken
 liberal humanists and feminists. America has become a pathological culture
 of violence against the innocent while a jaded populace of movie-goers and
 TV spectators are mesmerized by ever more deadening hyper-violence on the

 The message of Oliver Stone's much maligned movie, "Natural Born Killers"
 (NBK), one of the few Hollywood films to critique and lampoon the culture of
 death, was that, in the face of killings like those in Colorado, the
 suposedly "shocked and saddened" TV networks gleefully market and sell the
 violence at a profit,  just like they sell tampons and toilet paper. I
 discuss this phenomenon at length in my book, "Secret Societies and
 Psychological Warfare."

 Stone's NBK pointed out that the source of the violence is America's culture
 and the media that drives it. NBK concludes with a song by Leonard Cohen
 attacking perverted sex and abortion. I am not an Oliver Stone fan, but in
 this rare instance, he hit the media where it hurts. For this reason his
 film is deliberately stigmatized and falsified as the evil paradigm for
 future killers.

 The racist/Hitler angle: one of the members of the Colorado Trench Coat
 Mafia was a Hispanic girl named Alejandra who the media have now nicknamed

[CTRL] The Brain Song

1999-05-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Well, you never know what a search on the ol' Internet will turn up. I started
   looking for info on just what besides exact calculation the left frontal
   might govern, and found...the Brain Song

   Neuroscience '98 at RWJMS
   Course Director, Richard S. Nowakowski, Ph.D. (e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
   Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology
   Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
   Spring, 1996



   Dr. Nowakowski,

   This is an excerpt from a news group which may be useful for neuroanatomy.
   It's the parts of the brain set to the tune of 'Camptown Races.' It
   most of the larger structures from which the details can be fleshed out
   the text book. This might be something useful for the neuromailer for all
   enjoy/study from.

   Erik A. Boatman RWJMS Class of 1999

   Newsgroups: alt.tv.animaniacs.pinky-brain

   Keywords: The Brain's Brain song.

   [The song and episode name is 'Brainstem!' Here we go...]
   P: And now...the parts of the Brain...presented by the Brain
   B: Yes!

   [sung to the tune of 'Camptown Races']
   Neo-Cortex, Frontal Lobe
   P: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   B: Hippocampus, Neural Node Right Hemisphere Pons and Cortex Visual
   P: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   B: Sylvian Fissure Pineal Left Hemisphere Cerebellum Left, Cerebellum Right
   Synapse Hypothalamus Striatum Dendrite

   [Brain dances with tambourine]

   Axon Fibers, Matter Grey
   P: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   B: Central Tegmental Pathway Temporal Lobe White Core Matter, Forebrain,

   P: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   B: Central Fissure, Cord Spinal Parietal Pia Mater Meningeal Vein Medulla
   Oblongata and Lobe Limbic Micro-Electrodes
   PB: The Brain!
   B: That oughta keep the little squirts happy
   [THE END]
   "I am not devoid of humor!"--Brain

   Lyrics by Tom Minton

   Sung to Camptown Races by Stephen Foster.

   Pinky: And now, the parts of the brain, performed by The Brain!
   Brain: Ye-e-s!

   Brain: Neo-cortex, frontal lobe
   Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   Brain: Hippocampus, neural node
   Right hemisphere.

   Brain: Pons and cortex visual
   Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   Left hemisphere.

   Brain: Cerebellum left!
   Cerebellum right!
   Synapse, hypothalamus
   Triaton, dendrite.

   Brain: Axon fibers, matter gray
   Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   Brain: Central tegmental pathway
   Temporal lobe.

   Brain: White core matter, forebrain, skull
   Pinky: Brainstem! Brainstem!
   Brain: Central fissure, cord spinal

   Brain: Pia mater!

   Menengeal vein!
   Medulla oblongata and lobe limbic
   Pinky: Naaarf!
   P+B : THE BRAIN!!!

   Brain: That ought to keep the little squirts happy. Ye-e-s!

Robert F. Tatman
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-05-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Do movies reflect as the glass we see through but so darkl as Clinton
saidwell let the idiot take off his sunglasses.

The first time I heard Ronald Reagaon say "Just like Easy Rider", I
about died.and then Dan Quayle said "Just like Hoosiers", both
movies - I saw Hoosiers, and then saw Dan QuayleEasy Rider I missed.

Even Quayle and Reagon were influenced by moviesnow how about these
two kids, now killers, did they also see through the glass but
darkleyremember Quayle getting so involved in Murphy Brown, which I
also never watched, that he needed a reality check?

I do not read fiction; but I see fiction.  Somehow reading fiction is
much more impressive.  But when you are on drugs, and under a control,
you cannot distinguish between fiction and non-fiction.

All these dark glasses; I remember once, when I was downed with a drug
compliments of the Columbus, Ohio Police and low degree Masons all upset
with my work, and had the FBI following me around (hopefully they were
not involved in the drugs).suddenly these people would be all around
me at Democrat Meetings in the evening, wearing these horrible shiney
sunglasses, which I could not bear to look at.   Fortunately my Doctor
(also masonic - and he let me know someone had been in my records)
recognized the fact that the drug was he thought chloral hydrate...but
does that make words jump off pages at you when you are trying to work
and read?

The friendly police (and a wife of one) also ransacked my house, and lo
and behold - have you ever gotten zapped on a cup of tea?

Something happened to those kids at Littleton; and I know what drugs can
do to you.  The one drug paralized by eyes, I could not move themmy
head wracked with pain, and it felt like my brain was splitting in
halffortunuately agian, my son was to pick me up, at high
noon.and did...my 6 year old had pickedup the coke from which I
drank, and was knocked out for 12 hours.   This happened one half block
from my homefor several days, I had flashbacksmy doctor (Daniel
Bunner) coud do nothing for thisto this day I have difficulty
believing something like this could happen.

Later I was told that the drug was put into ice on a glass, etc., by the
waitress paid to do same...later, this woman was found murdered
having left townand on her person was the card of a lawyer, th one
for whom I later worked, and whose office I sat when it blew up.and
by what a small K Mart propane gas tank, much smaller than they would
hve used in Littllleton.

The key to psychology is do not identify with anything; yet, I know for
fact that under drugs,  you can identify with what you read.in
particular, take another look at Manson and the BibleCharles Jesus
Mansondo many people know that this man shot secret masonic signals
up to the Judge in the case, which agitated him.

Want to know why kids react?  Look at the Chinese students; if that
bunch were on drugs, they would have blown up the US Embassy by

In Littleton, there was a little too much relgion, and too much
hatred.and too much of a certain drug, with a control.

And, how easy it is to poison or drug a water system (look at the
Legionairres Disease' - My Name is Legion) and look at the Contrails now
that people are in some instances afraid.look at two kids, not
imitating Hitler, but getting revenge because they obviously knew about
the genocide which would be forthcoming...would they get the Jew again,
or would it be the Christians...or maybe the Moslems.

During the 60 period young blacks freaked out on drugs, Fred Ahmed Evans
for instnce, murdere 4 policemen in Clevelandhe followed astrology
and believed the white man was a blue eyed, blonde haired devil - they
feared genocide.

Halle Bopp in their work referred to Wacoconnected to Rick
Strawcutter who was trying to save the farms of farmers from the banks
foreclosingthe Militia - why are they up in arms?   They all fear
for the safety of their children, land, and farmers.

Now look at the pigs in the Whitehousel.Warthogs, and that is just
what they areClinton, Gore, Albright,  Generl Clark, and Sheaare
they still smirking today?  Has not the wrath of God fallen upon their
eviland thre is no other word for it than evil..now, I see
through the glass but clearly, and had a glimpse many years ago what
these people can do.

You are what you read.   The first thing you do, when they catch a
killer is to first see what he reads, look whats on the computerin
this, you see the man
these were all children at Littletonthe slaughter of the innocents.

And this is one murder, yet unsolved, that you will eventually track to
the doors of the peacemakers with guns, whips, and hatred against
humanity where now lay the Spear of Destinyabout to take aim.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting 

[CTRL] Dutch Govt Confirms: Nerve Gas Samples to Israel

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:28:58 -0500
Subject: [BIOWAR] Dutch govt confirms: nerve gas samples to Israel

Source:  Fox News

Dutch government confirms lab provided nerve gas samples to Israel
 10.42 a.m. ET (1443 GMT) April 27, 1999

 THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — A Dutch laboratory provided samples of a
nerve gas similar to that used in the deadly 1995 Tokyo subway attack to
Israeli research institute, the government confirmed Tuesday.

 The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research sent 20
milligrams of soman gas, similar to sarin, to the Israel Institute for
Biological Research in Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv in 1996, economic
ministry spokesman Hans Jacobs said.

 The lab, which is licensed to produce and store nerve gases to help it
develop protective measures against chemical weapons, had Dutch
clearance to export the sample to Israel.

 According to shipping documents, the gas was intended for use in
medical research.

 In a letter to the Dutch parliament, Foreign Trade Minister Gerrit
said the quantity of gas was so small that it would pose no health
if released into the air.

 Ybema was reacting to questions raised in March by an opposition
after a Dutch television program exposed the shipment.

 Last year, Israel confirmed that raw materials used in the manufacture
sarin were aboard an El Al cargo plane that crashed into an Amsterdam
apartment block in 1992, killing 43 people. The chemicals, being
transported to the Ness Ziona research center from a producer in the
States, were to be used to test filters, Israel said.

   © 1999, News America Digital Publishing, Inc. d/b/a Fox News
BIOWAR-L Biowar/Bioterrorism/Toxins Mailing List
To unsubscribe or subscribe: send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the following text: unsubscribe BIOWAR-L or subscribe BIOWAR-L.
Post to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Archive:
http://www.sonic.net/~west/digest.htm. BIOWAR Web site:
http://www.sonic.net/~west/biowar.htm.  -Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA Official Lauder Testimony on WMD Proliferation

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 22:19:01 -0400
Subject: [BIOWAR] CIA Offical Lauder Testimony on WMD Proliferation


- -
29 April 1999


(Says over 50 states of proliferation concern to U.S.) (4190)

Washington -- A senior CIA official says that there are "well over 50
states that are of proliferation concern as suppliers, conduits, or
potential proliferants" of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Special Assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) for
Nonproliferation John Lauder says "the security of Russian WMD
materials, increased cooperation among rogue states, more effective
efforts by proliferants to conceal illicit activities, and growing
interest by terrorists in acquiring WMD capabilities" are the main
proliferation concerns of the Intelligence Community.

In testimony before the Commission to Assess the Organization of the
Federal Government to Combat the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass
Destruction April 29, Lauder said these concerns are exacerbated by
the increasing "brain drain" -- in which scientists with transferable
know-how continue to leave the former Soviet Union, some potentially
for destinations of proliferation concern -- and by the fact that some
nuclear supplier states are pursuing nuclear and dual-use trade --
even with non-NPT and "rogue" states.

The following is the text of Lauder's prepared statement:

(begin text)

Thank you Messrs. Chairmen and members of the Commission.

I welcome being here today to help inform and support the work of this
Commission. We in the nonproliferation intelligence community look
forward to your recommendations in helping us deal with the formidable
challenges that the United States Government faces in seeking to
anticipate, assess, counter, and even roll back the spread of weapons
of mass destruction (WMD). Conveying to you a full understanding of
both the threats and what we in the Intelligence Community are doing
to combat those threats are best dealt with in the closed sessions of
the Commission. There are some observations and trends, however, that
I can highlight in this unclassified setting. I have provided a
Statement for the Record, and with your permission I will now draw
from it to make some key points.

Let me say first that I particularly welcome being here with Neil
Gallagher of the FBI. Also here to help answer the Commission's
questions is (name withheld) of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Other
experts are in the room and we will ask them to identify themselves if
we need to call on them to help during the questioning. The
interagency team that all of us represent is a symbol of the type of
cooperation that we have been fostering and indeed that is essential
to providing the intelligence that this country needs to understand
and address the proliferation challenge.

DCI George Tenet has emphasized in his appearances before Congress
that no issue better illustrates the new challenges, complexities, and
uncertainties that we in the Intelligence Community face than the
proliferation of WMD and their delivery means. Over the past year, we
have witnessed the nuclear tests in South Asia, continued concerns
about Iraq's WMD programs, broader availability of technologies
relevant to biological and chemical warfare, and accelerated missile
development in Iran, North Korea, and -- most recently -- in Pakistan
and India. Particularly worrisome to the Intelligence Community is the
security of Russian WMD materials, increased cooperation among rogue
states, more effective efforts by proliferants to conceal illicit
activities, and growing interest by terrorists in acquiring WMD

US intelligence is increasing its emphasis and resources on many of
these issues, but there is a continued and growing risk of surprise.
We appropriately focus much of our intelligence collection and
analysis on some ten states, but even concerning these states, there
are important gaps in our knowledge. Moreover, we have identified well
over 50 states that are of proliferation concern as suppliers,
conduits, or potential proliferants. Our analytical and collection
coverage against most of these states is stretched, and many of the
trends seen, such as the possibility of shortcuts to acquiring fissile
material and increased denial and deception activities, make it harder
to track some key developments, even in the states of greatest
intelligence focus.


Looking at the supply-side first: Russian and Chinese assistance to
proliferant countries has merited particular attention for several
years. Last year, Russia announced new controls on transfers of
missile-related technology. There were some positive sips in Russia's
performance early last year but, unfortunately, there has not been a
sustained improvement. 

Re: [CTRL] The Brain Song

1999-05-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes ago, may in the 30 period, thre was a man named Uncle Don, who used
to read the funny papers, as they called them then, to the kids..

Every Sunday, innocent little children would listen to Uncle Don

Then one morning, reality hit.Uncle Don read his funnies, and then
you heard"
"Are we off - are we off.Well, that ought to take care of the little

So you see the line from  the "Brain's" song, is really not that
original.but what the intent is, is something else...

Doo Dah.An old Civil War Song was used by spies many a time, was it
not - but how many people know that.

Whoever the Brain is, he is really rather stupid for showing his hand.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Aspartame Causes

1999-05-10 Thread 1lls0081

 -Caveat Lector-

Exert from
These are from a data base that I am doing for my web site.
I have seen this post shot down as a hoax, so I offer this
links in rebuttal of some that would say Aspartame is not
hazardous and support of this post. Nancy Markel was
NOT the original author, but overall the post is on track.
Another point is that Aspartame is suppose to Mimic MS
ect., I personally am not interested in something that even
   Mimics diseases such as this post describes! Please
remember that much of the research that is out there
(and that some sites cite - FDA included) saying that
 Aspartame is NOT hazardous comes from the very
company that makes Aspartame.  From these links
you wonder how anyone is capable of having nutritious
food, and think of the developing bodies and brains of
children. These will allow you to
research on your own.

Lloyd Miller wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Sean Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 07, 1999 11:48 PM
 Subject: [afs] HEAL: Aspartame

 Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 19:43:51 -0800
 From: darryl avec une d [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: re: aspartame
  ubject: FYI
  Subject: URGENT: World Conference Warned about
  Date:  Fri, 11 Dec 1998 22:39:00 EST
  Article written by Nancy Markle (1120197)
  I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD
  'Spoonful"'. In  the keynote address by the EPA, they announced
  that there was an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus,
  they did not understand what toxin was causing this to be rampant
 across the
  United States. I explained that I was there to lecture on exactly
  When the temperature of Aspartame exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood
  alcohol in ASPARTAME coverts to formaldehyde and then to formic
  acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis. (Formic acid is the
  found in the sting of fire ants). The methanol toxicity mimics
  sclerosis; thus people were being diagnosed with having multiple
  error. The multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, where methanol
  toxicity is.
  In the case of systemic lupus, we are finding it has become almost as
  rampant as multiple sclerosis, especially Diet Coke and Diet
  Pepsi drinkers. Also, with methanol toxicity, the victims usually
  drink three to four 12 oz. Cans of them per day, some even more. In
  of systemic lupus, which is triggered by ASPARTAME, the victim
 usually does
  not know that the aspartame is the culprit.  The victim continues its
  aggravating the lupus to such a degree, that sometimes it becomes
  When we get people off the aspartame, those with systemic
  lupus usually become asymptomatic. Unfortunately, we can not reverse
  this disease.  On the other hand, in the case of those diagnosed with
  Multiple Sclerosis, (when in reality, the disease is methanol
  most of the symptoms disappear. We have seen cases where their vision
  returned and even their hearing has returned. This also applies to
 cases of
  During a lecture I said "If you are using ASPARTAME
  (NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc.), and you suffer from fibromyalgia
  symptoms, spasms, shooting pains, numbness in your legs, cramps,
  dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, depression, anxiety
  slurred speech, blurred vision, or memory loss-you probably have
  ASPARTAME DISEASE!"   People were jumping up during the lecture
  "I've got this, is it reversible?"  It is rampant. Some of the
 speakers at
  my lecture even were suffering from these symptoms. In one lecture
  by the Ambassador of Uganda, he told us that their sugar industry is
  adding aspartame! He continued by saying that one of the industry
  leader's son could no longer walk due in part by product usage!
  We have a very serious problem. Even a stranger came up to
  Dr. Espisto (one of my speakers) and myself and said, "Could you tell
 me why
  so many people seem to be coming down with MS?"  During a visit to a
  hospice, a nurse said that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet
  addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence.
  the problem. There were Congressional Hearings when aspartame was
  included in 100 different products.  Since this initial hearing,
 there have
  been two subsequent hearings, but to no avail. Nothing as been done.
  The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets. Now there
  are over 5,000 products containing this chemical, and the PATENT HAS
  EXPIRED!  At the time of 

Re: [CTRL] Flaw in Capitalist system]

1999-05-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Okay  Nuerve and E Mael..that's good boys.

Now Moo Moo is going to take  nap (but I  am a light sleeper, remember

Moo Moo

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] HOFFMAN and Cups of Tea

1999-05-10 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

The friendly police (and a wife of one) also ransacked my house, and lo
and behold - have you ever gotten zapped on a cup of tea?

Someone claiming to be working with MI5 attempted to end my career in
music - saying that if I didn't stop playing with musicians the group
would have an accident.
This person claimed to have a firearm, work for MI5 and regularly required
me to drink doctored cups of tea.
I was there attempting to find out what - if anything - I had done wrong,
and was prepared to expose myself to nosebleeds and splitting headaches
to find out.
I had had a temporary interest in the Scottish Knights Templar, and I know
now that my sister was in trouble with the United Nations for having
exposed sleaze.

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #1

1999-05-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990510a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Within six months of the crash of TWA Flight 800 in July 1996, investigators
from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms had decided that mechanical
failure, not terrorism, likely brought down the New York-to-Paris flight.
But it wasn't until 10 months later that the FBI withdrew from the case,
a formal admission that the plane wasn't brought down by a criminal act,
according to U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). Senate subcommittee will
hold hearings Monday: http://cnn.com/US/9905/09/twa.800.report/index.html

: Would you rather conspire to 1) suppress the existence of a conspiracy,
2) suppress the nonexistence of a conspiracy, 3) promote a nonexistent
conspiracy, 4) expose your own conspiracy of type (1),(2) or (3)? For such
meta-conspiring, would you rather be paid, elected, appointed, immortalized,
lobotomized, implanted, mummified, transmogrified? Is good sex sufficient?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** China sees threat in secret sect. BEIJING (AP) - Shocked by throngs of
meditating protesters on their front door, Chinese leaders are preparing a
methodical campaign to discredit and rein in the martial arts sect they now
see as a threat to Communist Party power. President Jiang Zemin has formed
a high-level task force to monitor the group, and gov't agents have started
taking names and infiltrating the sect. The swift preparations underscore
how rattled senior leaders were by the sudden sight of thousands of silent
practitioners of Falun Gong, the Wheel of Law, outside party HQ on April 25.
All at once, the group was transformed from an obscure school of Yoga-like
exercises and meditation into a challenge to the communist hold on China's
future. See http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559462955-efc

: Would you rather conspire to overthrow a gov't, a sect, a major religion,
an economic system, an artform, a sport? Have you overthrown/undermined any
lately? Have you taken over a political party, a fraternity, an industry?
Have you diverted any existing conspiracies? Which? Was it hard, slow, fun?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

system crashed anyway. A fast-traveling rumor that the Chernobyl computer
virus would wreak havoc on cellular phones in Lebanon on Saturday tangled
telephone lines and briefly shut down Lebanon's telephone network. Lebanese
flipped off their mobiles, picked up traditional telephones to warn friends
and family to do the same. The panic in this cellular-loving country over-
loaded the network, disrupting service for a few minutes. Parliament may
investigate: http://cnn.com/TECH/science/9905/09/lebanon.cell.hoax.ap/

: Do you panic over rumors? Is your panic worse than the rumored event? What
are your favorite rumors, non-rumors, events, non-events, facts, not-facts?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Hollywood to grovel? LOS ANGELES (AP) Pres. Clinton says Monday's summit
on youth violence is about finding answers, not assigning blame. But partic-
ipants from the entertainment biz will be feeling more pressure than anyone
else on the guest list, particularly since the gun lobby wasn't invited;
they'll be met with growing calls for gov't intervention. Dispute whether
movies, music video games shape a culture of violence among young people:
*** Also: Reno, Rockers fight teen violence. See

: Does entertainment program you to kill? Can a kill-crazy gov't deprogram
you, or will it just assign you to other targets? Would you rather shootup/
bomb schools in the US, Serbia, Iraq, Eire, Borneo, Burundi, Zeta Reticula?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Khmer Rouge torturer found - now a "born-again" Christian, praise Jesus!
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) An admitted Khmer Rouge mass murderer was found by
Cambodian security forces and is now under government protection. Kaing Khek
Iev, the Khmer Rouge prison chief known as Duch, has said he is ready to go
on trial and testify about the movement's genocidal policies. Taste blood:

: Do politics/economics/faith program you to kill? Can a kill-crazy church
deprogram you, or will it just assign you to other targets? Would you rather
kill atheists, Xians, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Pagans, Jews, Sikhs, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Microsoft plans virtual clinic. REDMOND, Wash. (AP) Jim Pittman woke one
morning with a strong squeezing sensation in his chest. Fearing the worst,
the 42-year-old Microserf wasted no time driving 10 miles to his doctor's
office only to be 

[CTRL] [22] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




Through President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal and his bright new
World War II, the Dynasty gained many victories for the Rockefeller Empire.
The greatest prize of all was the rich oil fields of the Near East,
especially Saudi Arabia.

All of the territory that lies between the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, the
Black and Caspian Seas at the North, the Mediterranean Sea at the West and
the Persian Gulf at the East, is a vast oil basin. Large concessions in the
southern part of this region had been granted between 1935 and 1937 to
British interests headed by Sir W. Fraser and C. S. Gulbenkian and were
turned over to a series of companies controlled by them including Petroleum
Concessions Ltd., Petroleum Development (Oman and Dhofar) Ltd., Petroleum
Development (Palestine) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Qatar) Ltd., Petroleum
Development (Trans-jordan) Ltd., Petroleum Development (Trucial Coast) Ltd.,
and Petroleum Development (Western Arabia) Ltd. Hitler's war on England had
gravely endangered these concessions.

Our entry into the war had rescued them and had assured the Rockefeller
dominated Aramco the right to develop Saudi Arabian oil for Standard Oil of
California's and Texas Company's joint venture, Cal-Tex. When King Ibn Saud
demanded royalty payments amounting to $30,000,000, Cal-Tex employed James A.
Moffett, Vice-President of Standard Oil of New Jersey who had been appointed
by Roosevelt to the post of Housing Administrator, to use his influence to
get the Government to pay for holding the concession. Moffett had no
difficulty in arranging this "New Deal" for the Rockefeller interests. For
his success he alleged in lawsuits which he brought against the Companies in
1947, he was promised a total commission of over $8,000,000. This was one of
his rewards for contributing to the Georgia Warm. Springs Foundation.

The $30,000,000 which the  United States Treasury gave Ibn Saud for the
support of himself and his 450 wives and their progeny, to maintain the
RockefellerStandard Oil interests in his good graces, cost the American
people twenty cents a head. In addition King Ibn Saud got a "loan" of
$25,000,000 of taxpayers' money from the Export-Import Bank to build a
railroad from his capitol across the desert to his summer palace at Rayadh,
and numerous gifts from the American taxpayers ranging from multi-million
dollar airplanes to sight-seeing tours to the United States for himself, his
many princes, and their numerous retinues.

For the millions of taxpayers' money poured into his lap by the United
States, King Ibn Saud did offer to them in return, a very suggestive, and
under the circumstances, a premonitory and appropriate token gift. He
presented America's Queen Eleanor (Roosevelt) with a jewel becrusted, solid
gold crown. Eleanor accepted this crown with peculiar alacrity, but it was
given little publicity.

After they secured payment for their concession by the United States
Treasury, the Rockefeller Empire then ordered their New Deal agents in 1941
to begin the construction for them of a pipe line in Saudi Arabia at the
expense of the American taxpayer. This required the diversion of pipe sorely
needed for the war effort and for the heating of homes on the Eastern
seaboard that were without fuel and beat. Though it was frankly stated by the
oil interests that the pipeline in Saudi Arabia could not play any part in
the war and would not be completed until five years after the war, pipe was
to be diverted from the war effort at top priorities and shipped.

A bill was introduced in Congress appropriating $165,000,000 for this
Rockefeller-Standard Oil chore. The outcry against the bill was so great that
it was dropped.

In the following year President Roosevelt gave the Rockefeller interests the
$165,000,000 out of special, secret appropriations given him by Congress for
use in the war effort, for which he was required to render no accounts. It
was used for surveys and preparatory work for the pipeline. In addition the
United States Army was assigned to do part of the task and to build an
airfield and base at Dhahran, the construction of which by soldier labor
battallions is still progressing. Under the contract with Ibn Saud, the base
will have to be turned over to the Saudi Arabia in February, 1949, shortly
after its completion at the cost of more than six millions to the United
States taxpayers.

Two drafted United States soldiers who were kept in the service after the
termination of the war to labor on the fields protested to Congressman
Phillip J. Philbin who denounced this "quasi-private" undertaking for the
Rockefeller Empire at the cost of the American 

[CTRL] Investigators Debate Anthrax Vaccine's Safety

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 22:19:10 -0400
Subject: [BIOWAR] Investigators debate anthrax vaccine's safety

- -
Investigators debate anthrax vaccine's safety

Copyright © 1999 Nando Media
Copyright © 1999 Associated Press


WASHINGTON (April 29, 1999 3:20 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) -
Congressional investigators questioned the long-term effects of an
anthrax vaccine given to America's armed forces despite government
assurances Thursday that U.S. troops are being protected, not harmed by
the shots.

Skeptical lawmakers suggested the Defense Department shouldn't continue
mandating anthrax vaccinations until further studies ensure there won't
be health problems later.

"Are we using our service men and women as guinea pigs?" asked Rep. John

Mica, R-Fla., a member of a House Government Reform Committee panel that

held a hearing on the vaccine.

The General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, found
no data on long-term effects of the vaccine.

Kwai Chan, a GAO official, said federal health and drug safety officials

have only looked at whether the vaccine appears to protect people from
anthrax and whether there were any immediate adverse reactions to

"The long-term safety of the vaccine has not yet been studied. Therefore

one cannot conclude there are no long-term adverse effects," Chan told

Since its introduction three decades ago to protect mill and textile
workers, Chan said there have been no reports of fatalities or major
illnesses caused by the vaccine.

Still, some of the 150,000 Gulf War veterans who received the vaccine
suspect it may be a factor in their mysterious maladies, including
fatigue, headaches and nerve disorders.

Defense Secretary William Cohen last year ordered all 2.4 million active

duty and reserve troops to get the anthrax vaccine as protection against

biological warfare.

More than 220,000 service members have been immunized so far, the
Pentagon said, with 42 reporting adverse effects - seven serious enough
to be hospitalized or take a sick day. All recovered from complaints
including soreness, rashes, headaches and fevers, U.S. officials said.

Between 100 and 200 service members have refused the vaccine, according
to Pentagon estimates. Those who reject the shots can be dismissed for
refusing a direct order.

Anthrax has never been used in combat, but the Pentagon fears Iraq,
North Korea and other countries - or terrorist groups - might try.
Anthrax is a naturally occurring bacteria found in domesticated animals;

it can be produced as dry spores that, when inhaled, cause death within
a few days.

The Food and Drug Administration licensed the vaccine in 1970 based on
animal studies and on the experience of how well the vaccine worked for
those inoculated since the 1950s. It is considered 92.5 percent
effective, early studies showed.

Rep. Janice Schakowsky, D-Ill., said she was concerned there were no
studies showing how well the vaccine protects against inhaling anthrax
spores in a warfare or terrorism scenario. Instead, experience focuses
on subcutaneous infection.

"What we don't know is just so overwhelming," she said.

Katherine Zoon, an FDA official, said federal authorities have received
101 complaints of adverse effects from the anthrax vaccine since 1990,
only 14 of them serious.

"We believe the anthrax vaccine is a safe and effective vaccine for the
prevention of anthrax disease," she said.

Brig. Gen. Eddie Cain, head of the Pentagon's biological defense
program, called the anthrax vaccine a "key element" of the military's
modern force protection program.

- --

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Is NY City Ready For Unconventional Terror?

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-

Date: Mon, 03 May 1999 13:17:55 -0400
Subject: [BIOWAR] Is New York City ready for unconventional terror?


- -
Is New York City ready for unconventional terror?

The Associated Press
05/03/99 2:23 AM Eastern

NEW YORK (AP) -- As terrorists' arsenals grow ever more sophisticated,
New York City is quietly preparing for a biological or chemical attack
- -- but emphasizing that the chance of one happening is remote.

Emergency officials are monitoring hospitals to spot any waves of
sickness that could indicate a sudden release of germs, working with
drug companies to ensure medicines are available and training doctors,
paramedics and police on unconventional terrorism.

Experts say New York -- frightened into vigilance by the 1993 World
Trade Center bombing -- is ahead of the nation in preparing for 21st
century terror.

Three phony anthrax threats recently reminded the city of its
vulnerability, but experts believe most terrorists still lack the
technology to execute a major chemical or biological attack.

"Near term, the biggest threat from terrorist groups is still bombs and
guns," said Jerry Hauer, who as director of the Mayor's Office of
Emergency Management heads the city's efforts to prepare for
unconventional terrorism.

Within the next few years, though, the picture could change.

"There is evidence of rising interest in chemical and biological
terrorism, and rising capabilities and thus rising risk," said Brad
Roberts, who studies weapons of mass destruction at the Institute for
Defense Analysis in Alexandria, Va.

"We're still just trying to figure out what kind of a problem it is.
Until you figure that out, you really can't know what you're supposed to

be doing."

Questions about the city's preparedness were raised in February, when a
female activist who received a phony anthrax threat said police who
hurried to help did not know what to do.

"There was a serious response, but there was also some serious
confusion," said Galen Sherwin, head of the city's chapter of the
National Organization for Women.

She called 911 after opening an envelope filled with powder described in

an accompanying letter as anthrax spores. She worried authorities made
two lapses in their response that could have allowed the germs to spread

if they had been real.

First, she said, an operator told her to wait for police in the
building's lobby, where she was in contact with more people than had she

stayed in her office.

Then officers failed to isolate her for 20 minutes after they arrived.

"They just have to take this as a warning that there has to be better
training on this at every level," she said.

Hauer dismissed Sherwin's criticism, saying anthrax is not as easily
transmitted as she believed.

But police Chief William Morange, commanding officer of the department's

special operations division, conceded that there might have been flaws
in the response.

"That's something that we have to look at, to figure out why," he said.
"Criticism is how you have to learn. ... I will look at it."

The day after NOW was threatened, an East Side women's clinic got a
similar letter, and a phoned-in anthrax threat forced police to close
Central Park for several hours last week.

The chances of a massive, citywide chemical or germ attack are slim, but

some experts say terrorists probably have the technology to create
smaller-scale havoc like the 1995 sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway,
which killed 12 people and sickened thousands.

"To me, it's a more likely scenario than somebody spreading anthrax over

... all of southern Manhattan," said Jessica Stern, a fellow at the
Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., who wrote a book about

terrorists and weapons of mass destruction.

Unconventional terrorism is particularly frightening to many people
because it involves a lot of unknowns, she said.

"We can see that we're extremely vulnerable, but we don't know that much

about the adversary," she said. Biological and chemical attacks are
"invisible, mysterious, ... poorly understood by scientists. This sort
of hits all the wrong buttons."

As with old-fashioned terrorism, the best strategy for dealing with
biological and gas attacks is to find would-be terrorists before they
strike, said FBI spokesman Joe Valiquette.

Law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the New York Police Department

routinely monitor threats of high-tech terror, but Valiquette said it's
impossible to head off every one.

"Everything is a symbol in New York, and there aren't the resources to
protect everything," he said. "Nothing's ever going to be foolproof."

Many fear New York's position as the nation's largest city and its
financial and media center could make it a very enticing target,
although experts say attacks like the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing prove
it's hard 


1999-05-10 Thread ethhoack ethandphi exbeess



one can ask why nothing is being done against the exponential growth of gsm cellfones 
while studies that proof its harmfulness multiply.
it used to be an easy answer to give: "because there is too much money at stake".
i start to believe the situation is a bit more intricate.
there is an ongoing problem nowadays: overpopulation, and its obvious trailing 
pollution which is consuming the planet´s ressources.
because worldwide, there are too many people too selfish to accept state birth 
control, and because killing a large number of people is an evil process,
i suspect technocrat tyrans have set up the "portable fones" network, aka gsm, a 
´revolutinary´ communications medium. gsm fones implant a brain or nervous
cancer to its regular user in less than 10 years. before 51% of the people worldwide 
notice it, hundreds of millions will die. the same kind of
suspicions already have risen by conspiracy theorists about aids or the madcow 
disease, and there is no smoke without fire.
in TESLABEL info files, one can read the following: "teslabel coordination sadly 
numerous disinformation manoeuvers and dilatory processes inciting political leaders 
to idle about legislating over health protection and concrete
prevention and caution measures. we are, doubtlessly, haunted by recent experiences 
which were similar and desastrous, such as the contaminated blood, aids,
minors silicose, asbestos, amonst other sagas... and more recently of the possible 
transmission of the madcow disease (esb) to the human being. in all these
cases, like currently about magnetic fields, they have first denied, beaten about the 
bush, they have then asserted to control and damp down the problems, they
have then got to admit, while keeping on expressing doubts about the reports 
if this is obviously correct if you consider gsm sellers care only about their money 
and not at all about people´s health, it´s even more clear if it´s part
of a worldwide program to eradicate more than a billion lives, which gsm fones 
producers may not be aware of either.

2.6.x key id  fp: 7579B421   7D 29 B3 3A CB 2D 42 B1  DE F3 19 D6 18 F6 C5 55

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Monday #3

1999-05-10 Thread ric carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 990510c - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

: Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
: Nothing contained herein is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy or meaning.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

*** Thai monk defrocked by colleagues. BANGKOK (AP) More than 5000 Buddhist
monks held a ceremony to defrock a colleague in absentia for breaking rules
by owning land and distorting the teachings of Buddha. Sunday's defrocking
ceremony, which took place at a temple in a northern suburb of Bangkok, was
aimed at Phra Dhammachayo, abbot of the nearby Wat Dhammakaya temple. Last
week the Supreme Patriarch, the country's highest Buddhist monk, wrote that
any monk guilty of the violations Phra Dhammachayo had committed must be
defrocked. The abbot owns lands and companies, which under clergy rules
should be owned instead by the temple. He also has claimed to have performed
miracles. http://www.infobeat.com/stories/cgi/story.cgi?id=2559490640-460

: Does defrocking hurt? Was it a nice frock? Can the abbot just start a new
sect with whatever rules he wants? Would you join that sect? Want a bribe?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Bubonic plague confirmed in Namibia. WINDHOEK (AP) - Medical authorities
confirmed an outbreak of the bubonic plague in Namibia's populous
north-central region. Bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, killed
an estimated 25 million people, 1/3 of Europe between 1346 and 1351. See

: What's your favorite plague? War, famine - what's the fourth horseman?

  SELECTIVE GENOCIDE ?  http://torpedoes.enemy.org/strafe-gsm

: Cellphone usage  brain damage - think of it as evolution in action, eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# IRIDIUM: EDSELS IN THE SKY? One of the world's most indebted companies,
Iridium is struggling to find customers. If the satellite telephone outfit
doesn't find a couple hundred thousand in a hurry, it could be terminal.

# SATELLITES FOR SALE, BARELY USED. There are still lots of ways for Iridium
to make money on its US$3 billion satellite network. Some humble suggestions

: D'ya wanna buy some satellites? What would you do with them? Go into the
mind-control business, maybe? Lease space to Reptilioids, Republicans, me?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Slow delivery for Buddha birthplace project. (BBC) Plans to turn Buddha's
native village into an international centre of pilgrimage have been hampered
by political uncertainty and a lack of money. No big bucks for boffo Buddha:

: Should the founder of your belief system be exploited for ritual worship
and/or marketing? Would you hire top consultants to do the job right? Who?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


# FBI criticized over flight 800 probe - "hindered the investigation":
# White House opens violence session - "it's all your fault":

# SPYING ON THE SPIES - Euro Parliament investigates NSA's Echelon net:
# US scientist 'leaked radar secrets' to China - submarine-tracking tech:
# COMPAQ ADDS SECURITY TO HANDHELD - built-in smartcard reader:

@ The 13th Illuminati Bloodline: aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:40426
@ Satan's Lair on Morton Street: aol://5863:126/alt.mindcontrol:40538
@ MIND CONTROL OUT OF CONTROL: http://www.leadingedgenews.com/cathyo.html
@ Royal, Reptilioid, Hitler blood: www.peg.apc.org/~nexus/coevolution.html
@ Old UFO photos: http://www.theyknow.com/contributions/rob/1950-ufo.html

# SNIFFING OUT PHEROMONES - scent less important than previously thought?
# Companies seek chip implants to control staff - BigBro on the inside:
# THE PHONE ON A CHIP - have one implanted into your skull tomorrow:

@ The Chess Lab - 2 million games online: http://www.chesslab.com/
@ Talk among yourselves, anonymously: www.speech.free-online.co.uk

@ King Tutankhamen's tomb: http://guardians.net/egypt/tut1.htm
@ The Encyclopedia Smithsonian: http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/start.htm
@ Lewis  Clark hit the road: http://www.lewisandclarktrail.com/
@ United Nations - Division for Sustainable 

[CTRL] Omnology.com --- Know-It-All

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.omnology.com/om-knowitall.html"Omnology.com ---
Remember what Marx said about religion? "The opiate of the masses." Or
something like that. One day I found the quote and I put it on my
Then, while I was reading a book about evacuations, I found a few good
paragraphs about Bhopal and Three Mile Island. I put those on the
website, too.

I continued to add excerpts from books and magazines and newspapers. By
the time I had thirty entries on a single web page, it was taking too
long to load. So I started a new page.

As this project snowballed, I added an index, grouped by topic.

I think you'll find a lot of useful information here. Most of it is
political, because that's what I spend most of my time reading. If you
don't like to read text on the computer screen, just print the pages.

Send me e-mail and tell me what you think.
The Index
links to everything so far, organized by topic
What's New?
•Nine Practices of a Destructive Cult
•The US Reaction to Genocide in Rwanda

•Fighting Democracy in Vietnam

Chapter One:   Fighting democracy in Chile. The School of the Americas.
The effect of the Reagan budgets. Covering up massacres in el Salvador.
East Timor. The war on poverty. Three Mile Island. Bhopal. The National
Reconnaissance Office. Iran-contra. Rush Limbaugh. Selling cigarettes to
kids. Prisons. Raising your taxes.

Chapter Two:   Operation Greenback.
Tobacco companies. The end of welfare. The United Nations. Attacking
Iraq (again). The erosion of the minimum wage. Corporate welfare. The
massacre at el Mozote. Reagan versus the Reds. The class war. Quotes
from Marx. Hours spent watching television. COINTELPRO. East Timor. Fred

Chapter Three:   The Second Amendment. George Bush and
Iran-contra. Banks in 1982. Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Clinton bombs Baghdad. Team B. East Timor. The Black Budget. COINTELPRO.
Fighting democracy in Vietnam. Belief in God. Intensive probation and
arrests for violent juvenile crimes. Genocide in Rwanda.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [5] Revelations of an International Spy

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Revelations of an International Spy
I. T. T. Lincoln
Robert M. McBride  Company©1916
New York



BEFORE, however, pursuing the intrigues of the Triple Entente, I must deal
with an international matter which took place between 1903-06 and which is
but additional proof of the brutal selfishness and unscrupulous plottings of
Downing Street.

I have related in the previous chapter that I made the acquaintance of a Herr
Rosenkranz in Copenhagen during 1906, and that in September I again met him
in Berlin, where I was spending ten days. Both of us are partizans of a glass
of genuine Rhine or Moselle and as we sat in the Garden of the Kaiser-Keller
in Friedrichstrasse, discussing past adventures in international 'politics,
Rosenkranz related to me the story of the Abyssinian intrigue, without
disclosing his part in ferreting out the facts. I was very much interested in
his narrative and even more in the documents he showed me next day. He was
good enough to make me a present of some of them, which I am keeping among my
collection of interesting curios of diplomatic espionage. He was also good
enough to give me some unique photographs he had taken himself of the Emperor
Menelik in his full "canonicals" and also of M. Ilg his "Chamberlain," the
members of the Austrian Commercial Embassy and the cuirassiers of the German

Abyssinia, a country of great natural wealth and of strategical importance,
drew early the attention of some of the European Powers. In 1805, Great
Britain sent a mission under Lord Valentia, to Abyssinia to conclude an
alliance with Abyssinia and to obtain a port on the Red Sea, in case France
should secure Egypt by dividing up the Turkish Empire with Russia. During
1838 and 1848, Northern Abyssinia was divided into two camps; the one, Amhara
and Ras Ali, under Protestant British; the other, Tigre and Ulre, under Roman
Catholic French influence.

The latent hostility between the two factions threatened to develop into a
religious war. In April 13, 1868, Negus Theodore died; he was mysteriously
killed,'[1][ 1. Downing Street can explain how and why.] and Menelik gained
in power, defeating Ras Bareya of Tigre, the Ras of Amhara, and Tekla
Giorgis, with help of British rifles and guns presented to him by the British
Government. In 1870 an Italian company bought of the local Sultan Assab a
port near the southern entrance of the Red Sea and, after adding to it more
land by purchase, it was bought out by the Italian Government in 1882. Soon
afterwards Count Pietro Antonelli was sent to Shoa to improve by treaties
with Menelik and the Sultan of Aussa the prospects of an Italian colony.

In January, 1885, Italians occupied Beilul, a port in the north of Assab Bay;
some time later they took Massowa, an Egyptian port. This was strongly
resented by Abyssinia, as they had treaties with Britain and Egypt for free
transit of goods through this port. Up to 1887, Italy was systematically
occupying the country round their ports and placing a large number of troops.
In January of this year the Italian General Gene refused to withdraw his
troops, after which refusal the Abyssinians attacked a detachment of 500
Italians, killing nearly 400 at Dozali. Great Britain sent a mission under
Sir Gerald Portal to try and mediate between the Italians and Abyssinians,
but he failed utterly and returned after many hardships in Egypt.

Abyssinia has no port of her own. It is enclosed in the west by
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, in the east by British Somaliland, in the south also by
English possession, while in the north by French and Italian Somaliland

Great Britain knew how to secure the imports and exports of Abyssinia. The
port from which the domination of Abyssinia's trade and commerce is carried
out is Aden, almost opposite Djibuti, the French port of Abyssinia. There are
bi-weekly steamers from Aden to Djibuti. At the time under review no steamer
of any European or any other country had called at Djibuti—this was achieved
by England's consistent and perpetual opposition and intrigue against the
establishment of a coaling station at Djibuti. All steamers passing eastward
call for their coal at Aden. Abyssinia is a country of enormous natural
wealth-the existence of which England had the best knowledge. It has always
been the policy of England, through might, intrigues, or downright bad faith,
to prevent other nations getting a share in the opening up of Abyssinia.

The chief exports from Abyssinia are coffee[1][ 1.This coffee is re-packed in
Aden and sold as real Mocha.], timber, and skins; the imports, cotton goods,
small arms and ammunition and hardware, nearly the whole of which was done
through English agents in Abyssinia.

Meanwhile, as we have seen, Menelik became Emperor of Abyssinia. He, in spite
of English opposition and intrigues, surrounded himself by European advisors
in order to benefit his country by the gradual 

[CTRL] The Ayn Rand Cult

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Ayn Rand Cult
Carrus Puublishing Company©1999
Jeff Walker
Open Court Publishing Company
PO Box 300
Peru, Illinois 61534-0300
ISBN 0-8126-9390-6
Introduction: The Most Peculiar Cult on Earth

In a furious rage, the 63-year-old woman glared at the handsome young man
seated in front of her, and in a choked voice, with a heavy Russian accent,
placed a curse on his penis: "If you have an ounce of morality left in you,
an ounce of psychological health, you'll be impotent for the next twenty
years! And if you achieve any potency, you'll know it's a sign of still worse
moral degradation!" Having delivered this imprecation, she violently slapped
his face—once, twice, and some witnesses say, even a third time.

These slaps rang out like pistol shots. And these shots would soon be heard
round the world. For this was the first great schism in the Objectivist
movement. The woman was Ayn Rand, believed by her followers to be the
greatest thinker since Aristotle, though some said, not to damn her with
faint praise, the greatest thinker of all time. That she was the greatest
novelist of all time almost went without saying. The young man was Nathaniel
Branden, second greatest living intellect, who had brought the followers into
the fold and had done more than anyone to convince them of Rand's greatness,
and incidentally of his own.

In the weeks that followed, the rank and file, the 'students of Objectivism'
(they were not permitted to call themselves 'Objectivists') would be asked to
take sides. Without knowing the cause of this violent rupture, the students
of Objectivism would be asked to shun Branden and anyone who continued to
associate with him. Many of them did just that, because Ayn Rand asked them
to. Others refused to denounce Branden until they were shown a reason, and
these were excommunicated, anathematized, boycotted, and blacklisted forever
by official Objectivism. Their close friends abruptly stopped speaking to
them. Some of Branden's own sisters and cousins would never speak to him
again. One of the loyal Randians who shunned Branden was a young man named
Alan Greenspan. The face-slaps would drastically change thousands of lives,
and oddly enough, they continue to do so. And it would be years before the
full story which led up to them would come out.

Prior to this dramatic incident in New York City on 23rd August, 1968,
Objectivism had grown by leaps and bounds. You might think that the Break
between Rand and Branden would put an end to all that, and so it seemed for a
while. In fact, things turned out differently Some of the history of the
Objectivist movement can be found in this book, but let me just mention here
a few of the highlights of the year 1998. A Showtime cable TV movie, The
Passion of Ayn Rand, based on Barbara Branden's biography of the same name,
finished shooting, with Helen Mirren as Ayn Rand, Eric Stoltz as Nathaniel
Branden, and Peter Fonda as Frank O'Connor. The documentary movie, Ayn Rand:
A Sense of Life, premiered and appeared in theaters across the U.S. and
Canada, and was nominated for an Academy Award. The views of neo-Objectivist
philosopher David Kelley dominated a popular John Stossel TV special on

Since her death in 1982 several books on Rand have appeared, most notably,
Barbara Branden's biography The Passion of Ayn Rand (1986), Nathaniel
Branden's memoir Judgment Day: My Years with Ayn Rand (1989), and Chris
Sciabarra's Ayn Ran The Russian Radical (1995). Reading these three volumes
will leave one with some understanding of what Ayn Rand and her movement were
all about-but not much.

The Sciabarra book is precisely the kind of academic exercise that Rand would
have felt justified her contempt for academic philosophy. Apparently not an
Objectivist, Sciabarra is nonetheless so sympathetic a critic as to invite
the label of 'neo-Objectivist'. Ayn Rand: The Russian Radical goes to great
lengths to suggest that Rand's philosophy is to a significant extent an
outgrowth of various Russian influences present during her youth and is as
systematic and radical as Marx's. Yet what Rand in fact took from her
strictly Russian milieu was little more than a perceived need to counter
Marxist ideology with an alternative indepth complex of ideas.

The Passion of Ayn Rand and Judgment Day are works by the pair who were her
greatest champions between 1950 and 1968. Both Brandens strive to preserve
the Randian core of what they learned in their 18 years with her. Both strive
also to expose Rand's volcanic temper and moralizing judgmentalism. Though
both Branden books appear critical at times, and some unattractive wrinkles
are sculpted in, care is taken to avoid knocking Rand off her pedestal. It
was the Brandens, after all, who placed her there.

Ron Merrill's The Ideas of Ayn Rand (1991) points to Rand's Nietzschean
influences but argues unpersuasively against what seems obvious to
non-Objectivists, namely that Rand clung 


1999-05-10 Thread Yardbird

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Mark McHugh wrote:
 I remember reading a study back in the 80s about physical/psychological
 reactions to colors.  Subjects were placed in rooms painted solidly with various
 colors.  Pink stands out in my mind for some unknown reason.  It produces a
 calming effect...for a short period of time.  After about 15 minutes of sitting
 in the pink room, most subjects would be come agitated.

 Perhaps some other readers of the list have better information.  I haven't seen
 this information since back then.

 Mark McHugh

Really? I remember the study, unless there was more than one, in which
pink was actually found to have a calming influence over time; especially
in regards to prison populations. I'm not sure there were ever any
experimental replications. Could be wrong on both accounts.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Influence in Littleton]

1999-05-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Members of the so-called Trench Coat Mafia - who reportedly had a thing for
Swastikas, spoke German phrases to one another and executed their horrific
mission on Adolf Hitler's birthday - were said to be devoted fans of the
veteran German techno band KMFDM.

That's an acronym for Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid, which can be roughly
translated into: ''No Pity for the Majority.''

A better translation--and more ominous, in light of German history--would be
"No Majority for Compassion."


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-05-10 Thread Mark McHugh

 -Caveat Lector-

Andrew Hennessey wrote:


 The themes they explore are asexual eg. the male teletubby wearing a skirt
 and playing the 'round and round' game, the pink energies from the central
 transmitter hypnotically swirled before my eyes and I actually felt a
 physical sense of relaxation as I watched [I'm not prone to this]
 The eyes of the teletubbies are wide and innocent and the childlike god
 of the sun looks down upon the spirits at play in the well monitored and
 controlled utopia.
 Children are being indoctrinated into accepting remote instructions.

 Andrew Hennessey
 Transformation Studies Group

I remember reading a study back in the 80s about physical/psychological
reactions to colors.  Subjects were placed in rooms painted solidly with various
colors.  Pink stands out in my mind for some unknown reason.  It produces a
calming effect...for a short period of time.  After about 15 minutes of sitting
in the pink room, most subjects would be come agitated.

Perhaps some other readers of the list have better information.  I haven't seen
this information since back then.

Mark McHugh

She comes in colours,
she's a rainbow!
  -Keith and Mick

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] A Religion for Every Taste]

1999-05-10 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Ric Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-

 This fantasy of national doctrinal orthodoxy is belied by the great
 upwelling of religious ferment in upstate New York during the period
 1800-1850 that gave us Mormons, Millerite Millennialists [leading to
 Jehovah's Witnesses and 7th-Day Adventists and Christian Scientists],
 Spiritualists, Prohibitionists, Suffragettes, Abolitionists, et al,
 as documented in THE BURNED-OVER ZONE; the Quakers, Shakers and other
 Nonconformists; the wildly populist Wesleyans/Methodists and Baptists,
 in constant bitter struggle with each other and with the Calvinists/
 Puritans and Episcopalians representing more propertied classes; and
 uneasy Roman Catholic dominance of Maryland, Louisiana, Maine. ...

Not to mention the assorted flavors of Presbyterian and Covenanter. (See the
*Yearbook of American and Canadian Churches* for an astounding array of
minuscule churches...) An important element in the extremely fluid
religio-social picture of the 19th century was the identification of different
churches with different social classes. For example, in 19th-century
Philadelphia, when people left the Society of Friends (Quakers), what church
they moved to depended on their social standing and, to some extent, on what
neighborhood they lived in. A Quaker shopkeeper living in Northern Liberties
(working- and middle-class) would become Presbyterian, while a Quaker banker
living on Rittenhouse Square (upper class and upper-class wannabes) would
become Episcopalian. And when Philadelphia Quakerism split in 1828, it was in
part because the rural Friends, mostly small farmers, deeply resented the
economic control over their lives exercised by the wealthy Quaker bankers from
the city. This split is paralleled within the Congregational Church, when the
Unitarians broke away. In both cases the issues were ostensibly theological
but with a deep underlying element of class mistrust, even hatred.


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For

more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] This Time, Things Are Different (fwd)

1999-05-10 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 05/10/99) -- The year is  1992, and the U.S. is shocked by
starvation in Somalia.  But an article in EXTRA!  asks,  "If  the
U.S.  has  not  consistently acted in an altruistic manner toward
starving people in Africa, why  did it dispatch troops to Somalia
at this point?"  [1]  But  Washington  Post  lullabied  us  that,
"Unlike   previous  large-scale  operations,  there  is  no  U.S.
strategic or  economic  interests  in  the  Somalia deployments."
[2].  Later on though, we learned that "...four  major  U.S.  oil
companies  are  quietly  sitting  on  a  prospective  fortune  in
exclusive  concessions to explore and exploit tens of millions of
acres of the Somali countryside."  [3]

Then the U.S. deployed into Haiti.  The cover story was that we'd
again  become  very  humanitarian,  concerned about the Haitians.
What we didn't widely understand was  that for years the U.S. has
been quietly involved in Haitian politics.   [4]  We  wanted  the
leader  of  Haiti  to  be  *our* stooge, not just any stooge.  It
turned out that Haiti is "a major transshipment point for cocaine
traffickers..." [5]

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson  authorized  formation  of  the
Committee  on  Public  Information  (CPI).  CPI was "a propaganda
machine headed up  by  George  Creel."   [6]  The  USA mass media
played along:  "most newspapers reportedly  published  all  6,000
press  releases  sent out by the CPI News Division."  [7] The USA
mass  media  even  today  is   a  "team  player"  with  the  U.S.
government; night after night their  news  coverage  mostly  just
relays  whatever  the government said that day.  (Nightly "News":
"Bill Clinton said this"; "Madeleine Albright said that.")

In 1941, President  Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt "created the U.S.
Office of Censorship, appointing Byron  Price,  former  executive
news editor of the Associated Press, director."  [8] Also helping
control the news during wartime was the Office of War Information
(OWI),  "a  propaganda  organization  headed  up  by Elmer Davis,
formerly with CBS News and the New York Times..." [9]

In 1968, "some 570 South Vietnamese civilians were slaughtered in
Mylai."  [10] But  the  U.S.  mass  media  did  not challenge the
Pentagon's story that it was really 128  commies  that  had  been
killed,  even  though  they  were  aware of controverting reports
coming from Europe and  elsewhere.   [11].   It's  all in a day's
work for the lambkins of CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS, etc.

In 1991, "the networks rejected uncensored videotape  footage  of
the  heavy  Iraqi  civilian damage," during the Persian Gulf War.
[12]   Instead,   "thenetworkscontinued   to   feed   the
Pentagon-approved, high-tech, smart-bomb, antiseptic,
non-threatening version of the war." [13]

In 1992, the "Department of Defense and a group of  self-selected
media executives agreed on nine out of ten ground rules for press
coverage of America's next military engagement." [14]

President George Bush  once  exclaimed,  "The American people are
not stupid!"  Why did Bush feel he needed  to  say  that?   Polls
supposedly  show  that  most  of the U.S. public is supportive of
current U.S. intervention in  Yugoslavia.  They've obviously been
seduced by U.S. mass media news reports.   In  spite  of  a  long
history   of   the   consistent  untrustworthiness  of  the  U.S.
government and  the  mainstream  news  media,  Americans  seem to
believe that, "This time, things are different."

--- Notes ---
[1] "The Somalia Intervention:   Tragedy  Made  Simple,"  by  Jim
Naureckas.   EXTRA!   March  1993.   Qtd. in *Censored:  The News
That Didn't Make The News  --  And  Why* by Carl Jensen  Project
Censored.  New York:  Four  Walls  Eight  Windows,  1994.   ISSN:
1074-5998. (A.k.a. The 1994 Project Censored Yearbook.)
[2] Washington Post, 12/6/92. Qtd. in Jensen, op. cit.
[3] "The Oil Factor in Somalia," by Mark  Fineman.   Los  Angeles
Times, 1/18/93. Qtd. in Jensen, op. cit.
[4] Jensen, op. cit.
[5] Jensen, op. cit.
[6] *Censored:  The News That Didn't Make The News -- And Why* by
Carl  Jensen   Project Censored.  Chapel Hill:  Shelburne Press,
1993.  ISBN:  1-882680-00-6.  (A.k.a.   The 1993 Project Censored
[7] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[8] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[9] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[10] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[11] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[12] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[13] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.
[14] Jensen, 1993. Op. cit.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

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screeds are not allowed. 


1999-05-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

With regard to the abovefirst, Eric's eyes looking "dead"that is
the dead zone alright, drugshe probably could not even move them

Second.and this just rang a bell.Halle Bopp, their tapes were in
English and GermanI think they were murdered, just as
Jonestown.and if you look for this Rabbi Washingon, House of Israel,
undoubltedly a Black Nationalist, you might have some answers.if yu
check old newspaper clippings, he is or was surrounded with Ghana black
childrne, who looked like zombies...unhappy, none smiling... yet, you
looked at pictures of Jonestown children, and I preseume the children at
Waco, they were happy, laughing children.

It is said the Trenchcoat Mafia spoke German; this may have an entirely
different meetingif there was progrmming done until hypnotic drugs,
the two kids could not help wht they didit still seems to me, there
was a little too much religion.

Now go to Jonesboro, Ark, the President's home state.what does all
this stuff mean.

Are these psychologists and psyciatrists this stupid, or are they guilty
because often they too are involved in thise behavior modificaiton
programs that go amuckjust like that missile on the Chinese

Halle Bopp - well, they were packed and ready to goyou do not take
clothing on a one way trip to heavennor do you buy new shoesI
keep thinking of Oswayd when he said "by June new shoes"Lee Harvey
Oswald's daughter's name was Rachel...and other was Audry...he had no
daughter June

It will take a good researcher with access to all data to figure his
out; also I would be intrested in knowing if Eric's father was ever
stationed in Germany.

These were kids killing kidswhat was the magic word - maybe we need
a dog trainer, one that trains the K-9 ChoirI hve seen dogs backed
down with a look, so what figures here.

Our intelligensia in the police and in the CIA are pretty damn stupid if
they think the American people are going to buy any more of this crap.
What have they done to the children...and Bill Clinton, mass murderer
and sodomistthis goes to his front door.


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[CTRL] Brainwashing-the f thing

1999-05-10 Thread Localfreak

 -Caveat Lector-

A little while back someone posted a note where there was a sentence with the
word "of" in it two times. You were supposed to count the f's and the point
was that many people skip over the f in the word "of" because we've been
trained to look at it as "ov." I was wondering if anyone had the sentence, or
a link to the phrase. I am writing a paper on brainwashing and would like to
use it. thanks!

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[CTRL] SONY: Standard Oil of New York

1999-05-10 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

From Dr. Beter Audio Letter #3 (August 21, 1975):

For example, the Rockefeller-controlled "Hertz Rent-A-Car Company"
has just launched a new magazine for customers called "NUMBER ONE",
and the inaugural issue contains a cover article titled, quote:
THE SECOND REVOLUTION." In that article John's involvement in the
IPR is paraded as if it were something to be proud of; but it
doesn't mention that after Japan was defeated in the War (that
the IPR helped bring about), John D. Rockefeller III swooped
down with his entourage and proceeded to take over the Japanese
economy lock, stock, and barrel, consolidating great chunks of
it into a huge cartel called the Zaibatsu.

The so-called economic miracle of Japan is in fact no more surprising
than the remarkably American appearance of this Asian giant since the
War. Since World War II both America and Japan have been under
Rockefeller control. After all, even SONY stands for nothing more
than the former Standard Oil Company of New York!

From Dr. Beter Audio Letter #36 (July 27, 1978):

   When war broke out, John D. Rockefeller III promptly made
himself "Assistant" to the same Norman Davis who had told Bishop
Wells of the coming war with Japan.  From there, John moved from
one position to another, setting the stage for a complete
Rockefeller take-over of Japan after the war.  As soon as World
War II ended, John D. Rockefeller III and his entourage swooped
down upon the ruins of Japan.  To a people destitute in the
aftermath of war, financial resources of Rockefeller proportions
can buy almost anything and everything--and they did just that.
Soon the mammoth Rockefeller Cartel of thousands of Japanese
enterprises, the zaibatsu, began emerging.  Much of the early
industrial rebirth in Japan under Rockefeller control was in the
area of electronics, for which the Japanese have an enormous
aptitude.  One of the most famous Rockefeller enterprises in
Japan in this realm is that of "SONY" whose products have
penetrated every nook and cranny of the world.  SONY, my friends,
is not a Japanese name or word, but an acronym--it stands for the
former Standard Oil of New York.  Today Japan is making a bid to
become the No. 1 power in electronics in the entire world.  At
the funeral of John D. Rockefeller III this month, more than half
of the cables and telegrams came from associates in Japan, but
John's expertise in the Far East went far beyond Japan to include
all of Asia.

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Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-10 Thread Jim Norman

 -Caveat Lector-

"Howard R. Davis III" wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 nurev wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-

   Whether they be pro-gun or anti-gun, most people would
   acknowledge that mankind has certain, Inalienable Rights.
  Not at all. Rights are a conceptual legal concept. If everybody
  plays along, you have rights. If most, or even many people don't
  play along, you have bupkes. There is nothing inalienable about
  legalisms in the real world.

 The above is a most revealing statement. It shows that Nurev has the
 same understanding of rights as did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and all the
 other mass murders of the past (and of the future). They have no concept
 of the agreement among mature people to recognize the humanity of others
 and not treat them as resources to be exploited and killed if they get
 in the way. The very basis of the concept of "rights" comes from our
 innate understanding that others value their lives and we cannot take
 that life without doing harm to our very soul. (There has been some
 postings on this list by a retired military officer about the
 difficulties in training young men to kill which go into this more
 deeply). We look at ourselves and others and realize that others have a
 life which they value as much as we value our own. While Nurev may claim
 to wish to ban guns for the good of humanity, it is obvious from his
 replies that this is only a cover. His replies often show a deep hatred
 for any who disagree with him and often are made up of threats of harm
 (of course from others, not himself) to that person and an unseemly
 desire to see that threat of violence come to fruition.

 In an earlier post to this list, I suggested to those who wish to end
 the "culture of violence" that instead of repealing the 2nd amendment,
 that the first amendment might be modified to prohibit the showing of
 violence in the media. Did anyone one of those supposedly so concerned
 about the "culture of violence" respond? Of course not. They are not
 interested in this because they, in fact, are happy to see this violence
 in the media and in our society. They want to see this, because they
 know that it is necessary for their campaign to disarm the American
 people. Does anyone doubt that they are happy to hear of the killings?
 Look what Nurev writes later about the increasing number of people who
 might join his cause: "Oh yeah??? Wanna bet? This country has one, maybe
 two more massacres left before it becomes a groundswell". Does that not
 sound like someone who is looking forward to more such murders?

 On several occasions Nurev has threatened his critics with a future
 revolution of the people. He seems to enjoy fantasizing about a future
 revolution against the "capitalists" who he seems to fear will take over
 the government. (They haven't already?) Yet here he wants to take away
 their guns. What kind of sense does that make? Of course, Nurev probably
 has a nice useless government job and really doesn't care a bit about
 the "people".

 Howard Davis

Clap, Clap, clap, clap, clap,...Howard, this is a most thoughtful and accurate
analysis.  I only wish I had said it.
Jim Norman

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[CTRL] German Teen Fires Gun in Classroom

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

German Teen Fires Gun in Class

.c The Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) -- A 15-year-old boy who had threatened a teacher with a pistol
that fires plastic bullets came back the next day and shot at a student
during class before fleeing the school, police reported Sunday.

No one was injured in the incidents last week in the town of Velten, just
north of Berlin. Police said the student used a ``soft-air pistol,'' which
looks like a real gun but shoots plastic rounds using compressed air.

The student, identified only as Manuel G., came into class on Thursday and
pointed the gun at a teacher's head. School officials did not report him,
however, until Friday, after the shot was fired at the student, police said.

A search of Manuel's room turned up the pistol, two slingshots, several
knives and ammunition, as well as an old German war flag, newspapers from the
Nazi era and a school notebook with the letters ``SS'' written on it, the
initials of the elite Nazi units responsible for many wartime atrocities. All
items were confiscated.

A police spokeswoman said she had no information as to the teen's motives. He
was questioned and released to the custody of his parents. Prosecutors are
considering charges, she said, and the investigation is continuing.

The incident came just two weeks after two U.S. teen-agers killed 13 people
at a high school in Colorado before turning their guns on themselves. That
attack, one of a string of similar incidents in the United States, shocked
many in Germany as well, especially because of the teens' reported admiration
of Adolf Hitler.

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[CTRL] Return of US/China Cold War

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "China has broken off diplomatic contacts with Washington."
 "U.S. official travel to China has been suspended."

China Walks Fine Line With Protests

.c The Associated Press

BEIJING (AP) -- In unleashing indignant crowds of stone-throwing students on
the U.S. Embassy, Chinese leaders have allowed the nation to vent some deeply
felt anger. But they have also taken a risk.

Since crushing massive pro-democracy demonstrations on Tiananmen Square 10
years ago, Chinese leaders have forbidden large-scale protests, fearing they
could quickly spiral out of control.

But stopping people from demonstrating after NATO accidentally bombed the
Chinese Embassy in Belgrade late Friday could have been just as hazardous:
Emotions could have turned against the government, which might have looked
weak and out-of-touch with the public mood.

``We're just coming out here to smash up some bricks to show our anger,''
said a protesting worker, who only gave his surname, Wang. ``We wish our
officials would be stronger.''

In opting to allow protests, Chinese leaders also put in certain controls.
It's mostly students who have been allowed to march on the U.S. and British
embassies, not ranks of burly workers that police would have found harder to

Authorities ferried students on buses to the embassy district, and police
allowed them to hurl rocks and smash cars -- but prevented anyone from
storming the embassy gates.

It's hard to see a bright future for U.S.-China relations. The bombing of the
Chinese Embassy, which killed three people, and the subsequent protests in
Beijing and torching of a U.S. consulate in southwest China come on top of a
wide range of problems between Beijing and Washington.

Allegations -- hotly denied by Beijing -- that China stole U.S. nuclear
weapons secrets have hardened anti-China sentiment in the U.S. Congress.
There are also persistent tensions over Taiwan, human rights, and U.S.
research into an anti-missile system that Beijing fears could spark an arms

With public emotions running high, China said today it was breaking off
diplomatic contacts with Washington on human rights, arms control, weapons
proliferation and international security.

The tougher attitude towards Washington may prevent Chinese leaders from
making the concessions U.S. negotiators are seeking before China is admitted
to the World Trade Organization.

In another sign of how the protests were complicating U.S.-China ties, U.S.
official travel to China was suspended.

State-run Chinese media helped set the angry public mood. Their coverage of
the Kosovo conflict has often been belligerently anti-American. State media
have focused heavily on Yugoslav casualties from NATO attacks, not on the
plight of hundreds of thousands of Kosovo's ethnic Albanian refugees.

Having let the protest genie out of the bottle, China will inevitably seek to
get it back in again: The 10th anniversary of the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen
crackdown is approaching, and the government will very likely take whatever
steps are necessary to prevent demonstrations on that sensitive date.

Allowing protests to go on too long also carries with it the risk of them
getting bigger, and angrier.

``We must prevent overreaction,'' Vice President Hu Jintao said Sunday in a
nationwide televised address.

EDITOR'S NOTE: John Leicester has been a Beijing-based correspondent for The
Associated Press since 1996.

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[CTRL] NATO Facility in Greece Attacked

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

NATO Facility in Greece Damaged

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Scores of demonstrators broke into a NATO
communications facility in northern Greece in renewed protests against the
alliance's bombing in Yugoslavia.

Shouting anti-American slogans, the protesters broke into an unused army base
and damaged communications equipment stored at the base, near the northern
port Salonica, local media said.

There were no arrests, and the extent of the damage was not immediately

The air campaign has been widely condemned in NATO-member Greece, where
attention is largely focused on the damage and deaths caused by the bombing
and sympathy has grown for fellow Orthodox Christian Serbs.

More than 3,000 anti-war protesters joined a ``Marathon March'' on Sunday.
They followed the ancient course that gave the marathon its name and passed
outside the U.S. Embassy in Athens.

Smaller demonstrations were held in five other Greek towns.

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[CTRL] Russia Meets With China

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Chernomyrdin planned to head for Belgrade to discuss the German peace
plan with Milosevic, but instead returned to Moscow after the talks in
 "He said he came back because ``new, very serious developments have
emerged connected to the Balkan settlement.'

Russian Envoy To Meet With Chinese

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia's envoy for Kosovo headed for China today for talks on
the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade and ways to end the crisis
over Kosovo.

The decision to send envoy Viktor Chernomyrdin came after President Boris
Yeltsin spoke by phone with his Chinese counterpart, Jiang Zemin, Russian
officials said. Few details were given on their conversation.

``The leaders of both states discussed in detail the situation in Yugoslavia
and its further aggravation due to NATO's barbaric action, which caused
casualties among Chinese citizens who served in Belgrade,'' said a statement
from Yeltsin's office.

Chernomyrdin, who has headed Moscow's efforts to find a diplomatic solution
to the Kosovo crisis, was expected to try to calm China's anger over the
embassy attack. Aides said he would meet Tuesday with Chinese Prime Minister
Zhu Rongji.

NATO's unintentional bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade late Friday
killed three people and prompted the largest public protests in China since
the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy demonstrations 10 years ago.

Chernomyrdin criticized the embassy bombing, but insisted it should not
derail progress toward resolving the Kosovo crisis. The attack ``has thrown
us backward and is not leading to peace,'' he said Sunday.

Russia has repeatedly denounced the NATO attacks against Yugoslavia, but is
also keen to play a key role in finding a political solution.

NATO nations have encouraged Russia's diplomatic efforts and were jubilant
when Moscow endorsed a tentative peace plan in talks with G-7 nations last

Russian officials were stepping up efforts to get China and other Asian
countries to help work out a peaceful settlement to the Kosovo conflict,
Foreign Ministry spokesman Grigory Karasin said Sunday.

Chernomyrdin has said progress is being made on the diplomatic front.
Returning from Germany on Sunday, he said that serious new developments had
emerged during peace talks, but gave no details.

Chernomyrdin said he told Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic about the
developments in a phone conversation and Milosevic was ``very satisfied,''
Russian news agencies reported.

Chernomyrdin had planned to head for Belgrade on Sunday to deliver the plan
to Milosevic, but instead returned to Moscow after the talks in Germany.

He said he came back because ``new, very serious developments have emerged
connected to the Balkan settlement'' that he wanted to discuss with Russian

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[CTRL] Fw: rally

1999-05-10 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

Just got a message from my sister in Riverside CA:

- Original Message -
From: Carter, Marsha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 11:48 AM
Subject: rally

 the protest rally in the police killing of a 19 year old black woman in
 Riverside is going on right now. THEY are meeting in front of city hall,
 2 blocks away, for speeches and getting worked up, then marching to the
 DA's office, cuz he won't charge the officers. The JDL is pissed at Rev.
 Jackson, so they are down here also. The cops are out in force, city,
 sheriff, and CHP. I'm on the first floor, facing a window that looks
 towards city hall, watching all the traffic and activity.  Other streets
 are closed, so this street has way more traffic than usual. There's
 officers posted on the jail roof, protesters walking past going to the
 rally, with their babies and toddlers in hand. Yep, another day in

To which I responded:

 You didn't go out for lunch today, I'll bet, eh?

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] * http://www.sonic.net/~ric * ICQ# 19633976 *
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now featuring SkeptiNews: All The News That's Fit To Question

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[CTRL] Red Chinese Espionage in Clinton's 2nd Term

1999-05-10 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Despite claims by administration officials that the problem was
confined to previous administrations, this case demonstrates that Chinese
espionage took place during President Clinton's second term.
 "Energy Secretary Bill Richardson acknowledged on NBC news that China
had engaged in espionage during the Clinton administration, but did not go
into detail.
 "Federal prosecutors wanted to charge [this particular spy] with
espionage but couldn't because the [Clinton] Justice Department disapproved
of the prosecution."

Report: Scientist Spied for China

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- A scientist working on a classified Pentagon project for
tracking submarines passed advanced radar technology secrets to China in
1997, The New York Times reported today.

The information about the radar technology, including a program in the works
for two decades, was presented to Chinese nuclear-weapons experts during a
May 1997 lecture in Beijing by Taiwanese-American scientist Peter Lee, the
newspaper said, citing court records. At the time, Lee was working for TRW
Inc., which was doing work for the Pentagon.

Technology to detect and track submarines is closely guarded by the Pentagon
because the Navy's ability to hide its submarines is a crucial military

The case shows alleged Chinese espionage took place during President
Clinton's second term. After assertions of Chinese-orchestrated theft of
nuclear secrets from Los Alamos National Laboratory emerged earlier this
year, U.S. officials had said the problem was confined to previous

On Sunday, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson acknowledged on the NBC news
program ``Meet the Press'' that China had engaged in espionage during the
Clinton administration, but did not go into detail.

Federal prosecutors wanted to charge Lee with espionage but couldn't in part
because the Navy refused to allow open-court testimony about the
anti-submarine warfare technology, the newspaper quoted unidentified law
enforcement officials as saying. The Justice Department also disapproved of
the prosecution.

Instead, Lee pleaded guilty to filing a false statement about the 1997 trip
to China and to revealing classified laser data during a 1985 trip to China.

The FBI watched Lee from the 1980s but did not prevent him from traveling to
Beijing in 1997 when he discussed his work on the submarine-tracking project,
the Times said. He had told his employer, TRW, that he was going to China
only for sightseeing and pleasure.

At Lee's sentencing on March 26, 1998, prosecutor Jonathan Shapiro told the
judge that Lee's activities struck at the heart of national security, the
Times reported, citing unidentified witnesses at the hearing.

But Lee and his lawyer said the scientist had simply made mistakes and never
intended to help a foreign country or harm the United States.

Lee was sentenced to a year in a halfway house with three years' probation
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[CTRL] Blair-y Eyed

1999-05-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From www.newstatesman.co.uk

Blair revives imperialism

The war over Kosovo (or "conflict" as western politicians insist
on calling it) is beginning to migrate to the inside pages of
the newspapers and to the backs of our minds. This was no doubt
inevitable; the late-20th-century mind has a chronically short
attention span. We have created a desert, called it a
humanitarian intervention, and soon we shall grow bored with it.
Yet the western leaders who have recklessly intervened in the
Balkans will soon face painful choices about the region's

The war was launched on a false assumption: that Slobodan
Milosevic would quickly back down; indeed, that he wished to do
so and merely needed a few bombs as political cover against hard-
line Serbian rivals. When that premise proved unsustainable,
Nato switched to another false assumption: that Milosevic is
personally responsible for the atrocities in Kosovo and that,
once he is removed from power or forced to climb down, everybody
can go home and live happily ever after. The reality is
different. The west has taken responsibility for a region where
the ethnic groups show no signs of co-existing in peace. The
violence is now in Kosovo; it was formerly in Bosnia; it may
next be in Macedonia or Montenegro or even Serbia itself. We may
be bored; but there is not the remotest chance that Serbs,
Albanians, Macedonians, Hungarians and others will grow tired of
their ancient quarrels, any more than have the Catholics and
Protestants of Ulster. The west must therefore do one of two
things: police the region indefinitely, or preside over a series
of partitions and population exchanges. And if humanitarian
intervention is to become the norm, as Tony Blair suggests, the
west is likely to face similar choices in parts of Africa, the
Middle East, the Caucasus, and south Asia. Yet the western
liberal mind will not be comfortable with either alternative.

The first option - policing - means in effect the revival of imperialism, with the 
liberal humanitarian's burden replacing the white man's burden. Imperial powers have 
always been the most effective at suppression of ethn
ic conflicts, as the British were in India and Africa, the Habsburgs in central 
Europe, the Russians in Caucasia. Just as western powers once took peace and 
Christianity to savage people, so now (if we accept Mr Blair's l
ogic) they will take peace and western liberal democracy. Just as markets were once 
secured for the East India Company, so now they will be secured for Microsoft or 
McDonald's, since our belief in the civilising benefits
of western trade and capital is quite as strong as our ancestors'. But imperialism is 
not usually a pretty thing. If policing is to be effective in areas of ethnic 
division, it must be armed and it must be ruthless. Other
wise, the population will continue to fear the local police and
the ethnically based gangs more than they fear the outside
authorities, so that hatreds continue to build. The security
must also be offered without any fixed time limit; local police
officers will not act against their own ethnic group if they
think they would be left unprotected from revenge a year later.
These lessons, in different ways, can be learnt from both Bosnia
and Ulster.

The second alternative - partition and population exchange - was
most famously adopted by the British in India. It was clumsily
done, with horrific short-term results, yet the Indian
subcontinent, by international standards, has stayed mercifully
free of serious ethnic conflict. Population exchange has
happened in Europe, too, notably between Greece and Turkey in
the 1920s. Though never officially recognised, partition has
been the solution for Cyprus. Yet our minds recoil. Partition
and population exchange legitimise ethnic cleansing; worse, they
encourage it elsewhere and seem to undermine the principles of
tolerance and multiracialism that western societies have
struggled so painfully to establish.

So this is a choice between a rock and a hard place if ever
there was one. No wonder western leaders prefer not to think
about either too much. Is there, to coin a phrase, a third way?
Yes, though not a very glamorous or exciting one. It is simply
to re-state the UN principle that the proper occasion for war is
when international boundaries are breached; to keep out of other
people's internal conflicts, unless there is overwhelming
evidence that we can enforce a solution; to spend on food,
medicine, clothing and shelter what we now spend on bombs and
missiles; to give a warmer welcome to refugees who flee tyranny
or ethnic harassment; and to show our disapproval of odious
regimes by ostracising them and refusing to sell them arms or to
give them trading privileges. That option - which is more or
less what worked for South Africa - has the merit of being both
realistic and humanitarian.

New Labour's secret godfather

Charles Leadbeater discovers that Blair and Brown owe a

[CTRL] Keynes

1999-05-10 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : The Balkan Crisis

Lord Skidelsky's criticism of NATO: the driving forces of "ethical imperialism"

By Nick Beams
10 May 1999

There is a particular significance to the criticisms of the NATO war against Serbia by 
Lord Robert Skidelsky and his warning that its doctrine of "ethical imperialism" could 
result in a breakdown of the economic and polit
ical order of world capitalism.

Skidelsky, who issued his criticisms in a series of lectures in Sydney and Melbourne 
last week, is the author of a widely-acclaimed two-volume study of the life and work 
of the British economist John Maynard Keynes. He is
 currently writing a third volume dealing with Keynes' role in the Bretton Woods 
Agreement of 1944, which played such a central role in the economic restabilisation of 
world capitalism following World War II.

In the popular mind Keynes is most directly associated with the policies that bear his 
name, based on government stimulation of the economy and "demand management" to 
prevent the emergence of slump and depression. But thi
s was only part of his theoretical work, which was aimed at trying to establish the 
mechanisms to effect a stabilisation of world capitalism.

Keynes first came into public prominence in the aftermath of World War I. A member of 
the British delegation at the Versailles negotiations he resigned his post in June 
1919 and issued a devastating critique of the Versai
lles Treaty under the title Economic Consequences of the Peace. Keynes had two central 
objections to the Versailles arrangements: that the policy of harsh war reparations 
imposed on Germany would destroy the economic mech
anisms on which pre-war Europe had been based, leading to a war of vengeance by 
Germany, and that the terms of the treaty increased the power of American finance 
capital over Europe.

Following his criticisms of Versailles, Keynes became increasingly critical of the 
free market orthodoxy which dominated official government circles and in 1925 wrote a 
scathing attack on the decision of the then British
Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill, to return Britain to the pre-1914 gold 
standard. Issuing a pamphlet entitled The Economic Consequences of Mr Churchill, he 
warned the policy would require a 10 percent cut i
n British wages and could only be achieved by "intensifying unemployment without 

As the economic problems deepened in the 1920s, Keynes was increasingly concerned with 
devising measures which, in Skidelsky's words, could "reconstruct the capitalist 
social order on the basis of improved technical manag

In the aftermath of the economic collapse of 1932, he appealed to the incoming US 
President Roosevelt to reverse the policies of the previous Hoover administration, 
which threatened to bring social revolution. In an open
letter to Roosevelt on the New Deal early in 1933, he wrote: "If you fail, rational 
change will be gravely prejudiced, leaving orthodoxy [the doctrine of the free market] 
and revolution to fight it out."

In 1936, Keynes published his most famous work, the General Theory of Employment, 
Interest and Money in which he denounced the assertion of the defenders of free market 
orthodoxy that the capitalist system could automatic
ally reach equilibrium at full employment, arguing that government intervention was 
necessary to increase "effective demand" to lift national income and employment.

His policy prescriptions for state intervention were based on a key assumption--that 
finance capital should remain within the confines of the national state. As he had 
written in 1933, ideas and culture should, by their n
ature, be international, goods should, where possible be "homespun", but capital had 
above all to be national in scope.

The necessity for the strict regulation of finance capital in order to facilitate 
national economic regulation by governments was to form a key component of the Bretton 
Woods Agreement of 1944, drawn up by Keynes and his
American counterpart in the negotiations, Harry Dexter White.

Under the agreement, the value of major world currencies were tied in fixed exchange 
rates to the US dollar, which, in turn, was to be backed by gold at the rate of $35 
per ounce. Loans were to be provided to countries th
at experienced balance of payments difficulties, ruling out the need for the 
imposition of tariffs, and currency devaluations, which had brought about the 
devastating contraction of world trade in the 1930s.

While providing the framework for free trade, the Bretton Woods system embodied strict 
government controls on the movement of finance capital. As US Treasury Secretary Henry 
Morgenthau told the conference, the aim of the
agreement was to "drive the usurious moneylenders from the temple of international 

In less flamboyant language, Keynes explained that: "Not merely as a feature of the 
transition but as a permanent 


1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Monday, May 03, 1999 

The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections
Part III

© 1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved 

 There is a significant red flag, in my opinion, in the following
facts regarding Eric Harris, widely acknowledged to be the mastermind of
the devastation at Columbine High, the "dominant" personality in his
relationship with Dylan Klebold and it would seem at least a would-be
ringleader among the Trenchcoat Mafia crew.
 In my research of the covert government's various and sundry mind
control operations and certain related activities, a number of military
bases and facilities such as national laboratories like Oak Ridge,
Sandia, Los Alamos and  Brookhaven have stood out as being in many cases
closely or even inextricably linked to a number of these mind control
activities. The Presidio Army base in San Francisco was the scene for
CIA operative Col. Aquino's psychosexual abuse mind control operation
aimed at children in the base's daycare center. Vandenberg AFB in Santa
Barbara County has also been named as a site for "MK" activity--much of
it in the verified, documented subterranean facility there. Long
Island's Montauk Air Force Station and nearby Brookhaven National Labs
is of course another location for lots of mind-tweaking weirdness.
 In a section of my report on the current state of the Montauk
Project and related activities entitled "Phoenix Undead" which lists
some known subterranean facilities where evidence shows covert "psy-ops"
activity being conducted, I referred specifically to an installation
beneath Plattsburgh AFB in northeastern New York State. Plattsburgh AFB
has a VAST, 18-level subterranean facility.
 Columbine perpetrator Eric Harris was born in Plattsburgh and spent
his whole life there until his family moved to Littleton in 1996. Eric
Harris's father was an Air Force pilot stationed at Plattsburgh AFB.
 What's also curious here is that Plattsburgh AFB closed in 1994,
was SUPPOSEDLY completely inoperative and the property due to be
"recycled" for various other uses by September 1995. And yet Harris was
still in Plattsburgh well after 94-95! The only thing still going on at
Plattsburgh AFB after 1994 would obviously be covert activities. The
peculiarities regarding the text of documents from Eric Harris's website
and the likelihood that father Wayne Harris was connected to not only
the documents themselves but ALSO to the activities described therein
CANNOT be forgotten.
 Local residents and other eyewitnesses report that the base, though
somewhat deserted, was still in some level of operation in 1997 even on
the "surface," AND that top-secret operations were definitely going on
in the documented 18-level underground complex beneath the base. This
was verified by EM/RF signal detection equipment. Aside from mind
control related operations, the base at Plattsburgh has currently been
verified as a site of particle accelerator/beam research and
 There are indications that in the 1960s Plattsburgh AFB was linked
to the horrendous Ewen Cameron, president of the American Psychiatric
Association, The Canadian Psychiatric Association AND the World
Psychiatric Association, and his massive abuses in the MKULTRA (drug and
neuroelectrically-based mind control) Project just over the border in
Montreal. Reports indicate that this legacy continued at Plattsburgh
through the 70s and beyond with electromagnetic/radio-frequency MK
activities tied to some of the experimentation at Montauk.
 (Mentioned also in "Phoenix Undead" as a location for covert
operations linked to Montauk's mind control experimentation is Stewart
Air Force Base in New York, in between Plattsburgh and Montauk. Military
facilities at Malta, N.Y. are also strongly tied to MK operations at
both Montauk and Plattsburgh.)

 A girl at Columbine High School said gunman Eric Harris's "eyes
were dead."
 This phrase stuck out in my recollections of (early) news reports
from the scene at Columbine.
 Eric Harris was being treated by a psychiatrist and was on Luvox,
one of a class of drugs similar to Prozac, which like Prozac has been
proven a potentially deadly combination when taken my mentally or
emotionally unstable people, at least in certain instances.
 Interesting that Eric's psychiatrist was supposedly not only
unaware of Eric's violent and blatantly antisocial tendencies but also
of the many reports and studies showing the potential for disaster with
Luvox and similar drugs when administered to younger people in general.
 I consider psychiatry in general to be a highly suspect field,
which has had extensive 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The Rocky Mountain Horror Show: ADDENDUM

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Link to entire text of Harris website docs

Kent's page on Plattsburgh radar anomalies--month after month! 
 Following is a verbatim transcription of the text from Eric
Harrisís webpage. I have emphasized some of the most significant
John Quinn
Pipe bombs are some of the easiest and deadliest ways to kill a group of

people or destroy a few things. First off, we will talk about the pipes.

Second will be the explosive filler and last will be the shrapnel.

 PIPES: Pipes are about as easy to purchase as a CD. You do not want to
have the length any longer than 8 inches. Diameter should usually be
between 1íí and 2íí. If itís any longer than around 8íí it might not
blow up how itís supposed to. If itís thicker than around 2íí, it will
cost you a fuck-load of money. Normal metal galvanized pipes are the
best to use, since plastic melts to easy and I donít think copper would
be that great. Never did try it though.

PIPES: Pipes are about as easy to purchase as a CD. You do not want to
have the length any longer than 8 inches. Diameter should usually be
between ?íí and 2íí. If itís any longer than around 8íí it might not
blow up how itís supposed to. The way I bought most of my pipes is by
going out and getting all of the caps one day, then getting the pipes a
few days later, or at a different store. You donít want to look too

 (There follows detailed technical instructions for assembling
configurations of pipe bombs, and descriptions of results of numerous
tests run on different explosive materials. This material CLEARLY PROVES
a longterm hand-in familiarity with the handling and use of such
materials and and displays such an unusually proficient writing style
and error-free command of language as to be most certainly NOT the work
of a 16-year-old boy.  Whatís more, how Eric Harris could have done all
this testing and experimenting with no one else knowing anything seems
inconceivable. This section ends with the following EXTREMELY
INTERESTING comments. [John Quinn])

I did try it on the DELTA batch, and since they wonít be used until
NBKitíll be kind of hard to report the results. You might try asking the
survivors if they got a good look at the bomb before it went off and
then the remains!

Napalm is used to burn people, houses, cars, or anything else that can
be burnt. It can be produced in a wide variety of ways and by using
pages of different ingredients. In this text I will review the methods
and ingredients that I have found to be most promising.

INGREDIENTS: In just about every ìanarchistî cookbook you can find you
will see tons of napalm recipes. Through trial and error I have found
that only a few are worth the trouble. Although, some of my tests can
not be considered completely accurate since I was short on time and
resources because of the WAR.First of all, one of the best recipes is
actually the simplest. Motor oil and gasoline in a glass bottle is about

all you need. You could spend hours and hours and lots of money to make
a batch of napalm that if at all is only a little better.

 (Again very detailed descriptions of various ìrecipesî for napalm
are given and descriptions of results of tests conducted for every
method mentioned. Again the possibility Eric Harris could conduct such
extensive testing of explosives without anyone else being aware of it
seems nil. This section ends with the following comments. [John Quinn])

STORAGE: Storing gasoline is one of the biggest pain-in-the-ass tasks I
have gone through in the pre-war era. First of all, you have to take
into account that any extra gas containers lying around the shed or
garage can easily cause suspicion. Second of all, it smells. So putting
a couple jars in your closet is a bad idea. Third, gas expands when it
is hot, so you donít want to put it in your trunk under a blazing sun
all day long, because it might just blow up. So some good storage areas
are deep in garage closets that are rarely visited, in your trunk if the

weather is not hot at all, or under a tarp in your yard some place, if
you have a rather fucking large and wooded property around your house.
Other than those suggestions, you are on your own. Just be smart and
remember the basic principles of gasoline. Itís flammable.

(The following is part of the hidden code from any Microsoft Word
document. It states the directories where the file is saved and the
author. Note that the author is Wayne N. Harris. ëDOOM2í directory is
the default directory 


1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Monday, May 03, 1999 

The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections
Part I

© 1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved


 So now we have it. On Saturday May 1, in outright contradiction of
dozens of eyewitness accounts, other evidence, news reports and in
contradiction of all common sense AND of their own statements regarding
the focus of their investigations for the preceding week and a half,
Jefferson County law enforcement officials announced that Eric Harris
and Dylan Klebold "acted alone" in carrying out the murderous rampage at
Littleton's Columbine High School. Two "lone gunmen." No other
involvement, no conspiracy at all. Well isn't that just peachy. And
blatant, bold, bald-faced lying of the first magnitude.
 Strange indeed how a pronouncement of such significance on an issue
of such undeniable gravity was made at a date and time whereby it
received very little attention from the press: late in the day on
Saturday. In fact, the actual news item did not show up on our radar
screen until Sunday morning. Hmmm...

In the aftermath of the murderous rampage at Columbine High School
in Littleton, Colorado, an avalanche of mind-boggling grief and
heart-wrenching tragedy will haunt the lives of many families for a long
time to come, as it will haunt the memory of a nation. Colorado's
Attorney General referred to the madness at Littleton as one of the most
tragic days in our entire national history, a sentiment many would
pretty much share. What's more, an avalanche of questions, fears and
doubts on nearly everyone's part about the madness at Littleton remain
fundamentally unaddressed.
 However one thing stands out very clearly in the days following
this horror. The news and information disseminated to the public by the
investigatory agencies involved in the case through the mass media is
now being manipulated extensively, and some of the most significant
information mentioned in the original news reports from the scene has
literally disappeared from all discussion of the events, along with
those individuals OTHER THAN Harris and Klebold who were described by
EYEWITNESSES as being directly involved in the murder and mayhem at
 I've been tracking the events at Littleton and subsequent numerous
indications of official coverup and disinformation regarding the
massacre at Columbine High School on April 20.
 Such a coverup can be easily demonstrated by analysis of certain
facts and information--in particular information in EARLY news reports
from the scene at Columbine that day.
 Proof now exists that significant information on the case is being
withheld from the public. As well, extremely pertinent information has
been pieced together regarding Eric Harris's past and that of his
father, along with numerous other unexplained facts and circumstances
regarding this  tragic, horrifying and ultimately deeply sinister
 Very strong indications have been uncovered showing this was a
covert operation utilizing a severely mind controlled subject, Eric
Harris, and other more senior operatives in carrying out an incident of
murder, mayhem, devastation and madness; engineered to have massive
sociological impact on the psyche of the American population and also
the world in general.
 On behalf of those whose lives were lost and indeed on behalf of us
all we must examine what really is and has been going on with the
Littleton massacre and subsequent coverup.

 As a coverup in the massacre at Littleton is undeniable, a good
place to look for hints to the truth is in the earlier news reports from
the scene of the event. All early news reports mentioned AT LEAST 3
gunmen entering the school, due to MANY, MANY eyewitness accounts of
such by students and faculty.
 A MAN, seemingly too old to be a student and NOT the person in a
white T-shirt identified by witnesses as throwing bombs or grenades onto
the roof of the school, was photographed being arrested and taken away.
All mention of this person has now vanished from the news and from
statements by any officials. This individual has NEVER been specifically
identified or referred to again by anyone or any agency investigating
this case.
 In addition, the person in the white T-shirt seen throwing
explosives is another individual whose actions and identity have never
been satisfactorily explained either and who has also now vanished from
all reports on the incident.
 The coverup now in place concerning the person in the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW - Littleton Witness Chris Wisher

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Interview - Littleton Witness Chris Wisher
Friday, May 07, 1999


I conducted a telephone interview with Columbine High School student and
witness Chris Wisher on 5/7/99, and also spoke briefly with his father.
I asked the father about Chris's statement from the day of the tragedy
identifying the person being arrested as one of the gunmen. Mr. Wisher said
they had spent 2 1/2 hours with the FBI and apparently Mr. Wisher was
reluctant to say too much as the investigation is ongoing. However, he DID
say that Chris and the family are doing "everything they can to see that
those responsible are brought to justice!" Obviously he is not referring to
dead people here!
I then spoke with Chris himself.
Among his remarks and comments, Chris Wisher stated to me that he and certain
companions are ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that AT LEAST THREE perpetrators were
involved in the mayhem at the school, and have given their testimony to that
effect. This was directly witnessed by them outside the school building. One
of those witnessed was the person in a white T-shirt throwing bombs onto the
school roof. Another was someone OTHER THAN Harris or Klebold, OUTSIDE, in a
black trenchcoat with a shotgun. SIMULTANEOUSLY they heard shots coming from
Chris Wisher also stated that he is personally acquainted with another
witness who witnessed a GROUP OF 7-8 ASSAILANTS UPSTAIRS at Columbine in
black trenchcoats with weapons, when Harris and Klebold were downstairs! He
told me that there were MANY OTHER WITNESSES TO THIS!
Mr. Wisher further stated that he is personally acquainted with a witness who
was blatantly coerced by Sheriff's Dep't. investigators to CHANGE THEIR
TESTIMONY REGARDING ADDITIONAL GUNMEN! Every time she stated that she saw
more than three people they attempted to get her to CHANGE HER TESTIMONY!
What's more I was told that a number of other witnesses have ALSO been
coerced by investigators into changing their testimony.
Mr. Wisher stated that many Columbine students, including himself, WILL NOT
RETURN TO SCHOOL, because some of the murderers are RIGHT THERE, ATTENDING
This is yet another control element of this diabolically clever operation.
What an EXTRAORDINARY intimidation upon ANYONE who would say what they know;
to have some of the perpetrators right there in front of you and know that
investigating "authorities," incomprehensibly, have "CLEARED" these murderers
from any involvement; knowing that these participants in the slaughter are
walking around with impunity and could obviously take measures to silence
Chris stated to me that he and other students/witnesses KNOW that a coverup
is going on in Littleton.
He pointed out that the fact SWAT teams waited fours hours before entering
Columbine High School literally proves that they and other authorities were
well aware there were far more than two gun men inside.
Furthermore Chris noted that he and other witnesses found it incomprehensible
how 67 explosive devices could have been positioned in the building by just
Harris and Klebold: and hard to figure how not one of these devices was seen
by ANYONE, no matter how many people had positioned them.
Other than what would be called circumstantial evidence the only solid
evidence yet which I know of PROVING that investigators are intentionally
STORIES comes from my talk with Columbine student Chris Wisher.
Wisher's statements to me are the single strongest proof so far that more
than playing with the news being dribbled to the public, the "authorities"
are actively, AGGRESSIVELY instituting a GENUINE coverup at this point in
That being the case, though I deeply empathize with the unimaginable horror
these families have been through, I believe it is far more horrifying for
them and our country as a whole that a coverup about this gruesome madness is
allowed to stand.
How deep will their grief be then, knowing that the real truth has been
buried; that some of the murderers of the kids have either disappeared or
are, UNBELIEVABLY, back at school; their kids have been brutalized yet again
by a system bent on twisting the truth; utterly spitting on the graves of
those lost and protecting itself and it's apparent complicity to whatever
degree at all costs?
I strongly urge witnesses and their families to maintain their position an
refuse to give in under pressure to ANYONE in ANY POSITION who attempts to
manipulate and/or coerce them.
I would also strongly urge anyone who knows witnesses and/or their families
to bring up the subject of coercion of 


1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Monday, May 03, 1999 

The Littleton Massacre's Hidden Mind Control Connections
Part II

© 1999 John A. Quinn/NewsHawk, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

 In addition to the massacre in Littleton there have been
indications of official coverup and disinformation in most of the other
bizarre, unprecedented and predominantly inexplicable cases of
school-based terrorism carried out by rather young students the past few
years. There have been the same such indications regarding such
incidents as the crash of TWA Flight 800, the death of Princess Diana,
the O.J. Simpson business, the Long Island Railroad Massacre, Waco, the
Oklahoma City bombing as well as the Manson murders, the two Kennedy
assassinations, the Martin Luther King assassination and a staggeringly
long list of other profoundly significant and SHOCKING events of our
recent past. Many of these events have had tremendous impact on
prevailing social, political and philosophical conditions and

  It is becoming ever-more-obvious there is a coverup regarding the
massacre at Littleton, and it is essential that the reason for this
coverup is understood. The only conceivable reason for a coverup of such
magnitude regarding an event of such stunning and massive social impact
would be the direct involvement to some degree in the events on the part
of a governmental or official agency of some kind, at some level--very
likely a covert level.
 I am highly suspicious that, as in so many other of the
above-mentioned incidents, this operation was carried out through the
use of mind-controlled operatives fulfilling the directives of their
controllers--the super-secret intelligence and (para)military agencies
running our covert government (AND our "overt" government too!)--in
implementing such carefully engineered and manipulated scenarios as the
terror at Columbine High School.
 For the time being I leave it mainly to others to decipher the many
"messages" undeniably lurking beneath the surface in this manipulated
event of mass horror. Results such as causing increasing polarization
and mistrust between various social and age groups and raising the bar
in terms of what violent, sociopathic actions troubled teens (and
others) might contemplate enacting are among the likely agendas.
 Galvanizing public support for gun control legislation and for
restrictions on the Internet seem to be likely agendas at work in the
Littleton massacre also, though as a parent I find it unconscionable
that teenagers have almost unrestricted access to weapons of mass
murder. Yet this is true for Americans in general. On this issue and
regarding restrictions on the Internet, the role which active,
attentive, loving and concerned parenting plays in having our youngsters
mature into healthy and reasonably decent adults in a confusing and
fast-changing world cannot be overemphasized or underestimated.
 As a society we cannot duck responsibility for the tidal wave of
violence-oriented "entertainment" so prevalent today in the lives of our
children. Parents, educators and other guardians have too often been
either unaware, inattentive, unconcerned, tacitly or actively
acquiescent and even directly supportive of our children being
constantly bombarded by a proliferation of movies, TV shows, toys, video
games and websites depicting graphic, gratuitous violence on an
ever-increasing level. Regarding this issue we cannot be too surprised
that our children are acting out violent behavior to an ever-increasing
degree. We are undeniably reaping what we have sown or have allowed to
be sown.

 As a target area, Denver would seem (unfortunately) rather well
suited for such terrible event. Denver has come under serious scrutiny
for the massive oddities at Denver Int'l Airport, rampant rumors (and
more) that a well-verified and tremendous underground complex beneath
the airport is some sort of nerve center or "headquarters" for the
western United States under some upcoming "New World Order" regime.
Reports are that in addition to housing a massive number of subterranean
"offices" and similar facilities there are also holding areas for tens
of thousands of people: like, an underground concentration camp. I
consider such reports interesting though not exactly verified.
 What IS a fact is that the walls of the airport's "GREAT HALL" (a
Masonic term) are covered with tremendous murals depicting death,
destruction, horror and what could only be termed apocalyptic chaos
descending on the Earth. In particular non-white races and Jews are
depicted as being decimated or exterminated in a veritable Nazi's wet
dream. Absolutely EXTRAORDINARY that such depictions 

Re: [CTRL] Web site: Conspiracies, Paranormal Phenomena, Covert O...

1999-05-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 5/10/99 2:13:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,


It's OUR HOME!  Everyone here should know about this site and visit often.
Charles Overbeck (aka EASTERISLE) who is an editor on CTRL has done great
work at Parascope.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Clinton seen as Hitler!

1999-05-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

(I don't believe Hitler liked Cigars.)

Sunday May 9 4:09 PM ET

Russia WW Two Veterans Call Clinton Today's Hitler
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia celebrated the anniversary of Nazi Germany's
defeat Sunday and many veterans said President Clinton and other NATO
leaders had filled Adolf Hitler's boots in leading aggression against

``Clinton and NATO are worse bastards than Hitler. Shame on them!'' said
Heidar Sufiyani, 75, who helped liberate Berlin in 1945 at the end of World
War Two.

Leaders of the NATO alliance waging a more than six-week-old air war against
Yugoslavia have compared its leader Slobodan Milosevic to Hitler, but
veterans in Russia, which bore the brunt of fighting against Nazi Germany,
strongly disagreed.

``Between Hitler and Milosevic there is a world of difference and it's
absurd to compare them,'' said Mikhail Cherikov, 75. ``There is a complete
parallel between Hitler and NATO.''

Russians, who feel a common Slavic and Orthodox Christian bond with
Yugoslavia, have rallied against the NATO air war.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin presided over the Red Square parade and made
no mention of Yugoslavia, but hailed the unity that Russians found in
celebrating the end of Nazi Germany.

``Today's victory holiday unifies Russians, regardless of their beliefs and
political inclinations,'' he said in a short speech. ``Every city and
village marks this great day. Every household remembers the fallen and
raises a toast to victory.''

Later Yeltsin said Russia would spare no effort to end the war in
Yugoslavia, and that World War Two was a lesson in the danger of war
spreading, Russian news agencies reported.

``All countries should not forget the main lesson of war. The rule of power
may spark a big fire,'' he said.

The Soviet Union suffered more than any other country during World War Two,
losing 27 million people, and its victory over Nazi Germany was the greatest
and one of the few lasting achievements of the Soviet era.

``We were at the front and know how terrible bombing is. In America very few
understand because they were never bombed,'' said Anastasia Titova, who
fought in the Ukraine.

Cities across the former Soviet Union celebrated with ceremonies, but for
some it was bittersweet.

Yakov Khartenko, an 87-year-old major who fought in Berlin, summed up the
loneliness of many veterans at a celebration in Almaty, the largest city in

``This celebration brings tears to my eyes. I live alone, and the friends
that I served with have all died,'' he said.

In Petropavlosk-Kamchatsky in the Russian Far East, a parachutist at a
Victory Day celebration killed a nine-year-old boy after going off course,
Itar-Tass news agency reported.

One of the Soviet Union's great allies against Hitler -- bitter cold
weather -- was on display in Moscow in the coldest Victory Day on record as
temperatures fell below freezing.

The weather forced Moscow's diminishing ranks of veterans to cover chests of
medals with overcoats, although some left buttons open to display their
hard-earned honors.

Even amid condemnations of the Yugoslavia war, some veterans remembered
their former World War Two allies warmly.

``After the war I served with Americans for two months on joint patrol in
Vienna,'' said Sufiyani, who wore a blue military uniform with pins noting
years of service in the Soviet KGB. ``If any of them are still alive, a big
hello to them.''


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Illuminati in Bible Prophecy PLUS Masonry etc. . .

1999-05-10 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

This is from alt.illuminati.  Some Biblical prophecy related to Masonry, NWO,
and that lot.  Have a look but remember Kris' catch phrase Caveat Lector!!

Subject: Tribulation/Illuminati/NWO
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (poet)
Date: 5/10/99 10:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time


First let me say that those who dare to read/post here in this
newsgroup better know what they are getting themselves into. The time
has come for the Great Society to crash and the New World Order
(Masonry Project ) to take hold.

Read Ezekial Chapter 33 and where ever you see the word Pharoa replace
it with President of the USA and where ever you see the word Egypt
replace it with America. After reading Ezekial please move forward and
read Revelations Chapter 18. My friends, America is about to be
unseated and she doesn't even realize that her President is helping in
her demise, albeit knowingly or unknowingly.

The great Mason Project began hundreds of years ago with the theory
that from chaos voluntary world domination and slavery could be
achieved. Thru the use of violence and missing children the Illuminati
has accomplished the level of fear world wide which will be needed to
convince the billions of people to accept the NWO. A one world
government with a one world religion and trading organization.

President Clinton, albeit a Mason, is deceived into thinking that the
Masonry will want America to host the NWO. In fact America was the
planting pot and the Euopean Union will be the host.

The Bible tells us when these things will come to pass. "He who has
wisdom will calculate, the mark of the east is 666" God is telling us
the time period when the beast will take his seat. He also tells us
where the beast will sit. 666x3=1998, in 1998 the beast will/did take
his seat. The Bible tells us that he will be in the World Empire. We
know thru the Bible as well as history that there were only four world
empires. Media, Persia, Greece and Rome. The beast shall take his seat
in the fourth empire; which means Rome must revive. With the formation
of the EU Rome's western hemisphere is alive and well.

The beast shall take his seat in the revived Roman empire in the year
1998 in the EU. There was only one person to take his seat in the EU
and he was Germany's Schroder.

The Bible also talks about the woman who sits on the beast of ten
heads. The EU has eleven countries currently as members, though
Britain has not joined monetarily leaving ten nations tied completely
together to form the new Roman empire. On the back of the new currency
for the EU (Euro) sits a woman on a beast of ten heads. So we know the
Bible is telling us that Satan's leader will be in the EU and most
likely Schroder.

The Bible also tells us the time period for the tribualtion. Christ
was asked and told us that when the jews return to Isreal that that
generation shall not pass before the end. The jews returned in 1948
and according to biblical standards is within a generation...50 years.

America is the great babylon (Rev 18) polluting the world with her
immorality (Hollywood) greed (Vegas, Atlantic City, Wall Street) and
Policies (Wash D.C.). She will be destroyed within one hour. When?
Christ told us that when the fig tree begins to bare fruit it shall be
near summer. Yugoslavia is a ploy to get American planes and arms out
of America...Russia, China, N. Korea, Cuba, Mexico, Arab World will
move on us with great speed and bring us to our ruins.

The National Tribune (Currently called Stars And Stripes) published an
article in the 1850's of three prophetic visions George Washington
received at the beginning of the Rev War. The first two we know of as
well as their outcome. The thrid vision was of a black cloud covering
America from all over the world. America was brought to ruin. Even so,
George Washington said that after the war he saw America standing,
though deminished. America has lost her way and left her puritan
roots. God is not even allowed in school or work. He will return.

My fellow Americans. Brace yourselves, the next seven years are going
to be very hard and tens of millions of Americans will lose their
lives. Understand that God is not doing it because he hates us, indeed
he loves us and wants America back as his beacon. Love your children
and your neighbors. Help those in need. Now is the time to set your
life right with God and allow Christ into your hearts.

If believing the Bible is not written by God I urge you to read, "The
Bible Code" to convince you that indeed God did write every word of
the Bible and now we have scientific proof that he did. Just as a boos
dictates to his secretary, God dictated every word to the men who
wrote down his guide to living a better life.

Russia and China will soon be attacking. The Bible says when the world
is calling for peace. I do not know if that means the war in
Yugoslavia will be over and the world will be thinking they are at
peace or if the world 

[CTRL] China Stole Secrets On Clinton Watch!!

1999-05-10 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Sunday May 9 12:05 PM ET

Richardson: China Stole Secrets On Clinton Watch
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Energy Secretary Bill Richardson said Sunday the
Chinese government had obtained nuclear secrets during the Clinton
presidency -- something the administration had previously denied.

Speaking on NBC television's ``Meet the Press'' show, Richardson admitted
security breaches had occurred during the Clinton presidency, despite
denials by the president.

``There have been damaging security leaks,'' Richardson said. ``The Chinese
have obtained damaging information ... during past administrations and (the)
present administration.''

In a March news conference, President Clinton denied the Chinese had secured
nuclear secrets during his presidency.

``To the best of my knowledge, no one has said anything to me about any
espionage which occurred by the Chinese against the labs, during my
presidency,'' Clinton said then, referring to allegations of security
breaches at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

But The New York Times reported a week ago that counter- intelligence
officials had told the Clinton administration in November that China posed
an ``acute intelligence threat'' to nuclear arms labs.

The Times disclosed in March that a scientist at Los Alamos, Wen Ho Lee, was
suspected of helping China obtain arms secrets. China has repeatedly denied
the charges and the scientist last week rejected the accusations against

The Senate intelligence committee said in a report last week that China
gained technical information from U.S. companies during satellite launches
which will improve its missiles and could threaten the United States.

The report capped a 10-month investigation by the committee into the impact
on U.S. national security of advanced satellite technology exports to China.

Senator Richard Shelby, chairman of the intelligence committee, said Sunday,
``This is probably the most serious espionage we have had in this country in
modern times.''

Shelby said his committee's investigation uncovered ``very suspicious
banking relationships'' which would need further investigation. The
Republican from Alabama said millions of dollars were funneled to a small
bank in the United States from China, possibly as political campaign

Bob Kerrey, the ranking Democrat on the intelligence committee, agreed there
had been leaks at the Los Alamos lab.

``I have no doubt there has been Chinese espionage at these nuclear labs,''
the Nebraska senator said. ``I have no doubt the efforts to reduce the risk
of that espionage was sloppy and not well coordinated and as a consequence
has been damaging to the people of the United States.''

Despite the breaches, Kerrey said, the threat to Americans was not on the
scale suggested by Shelby.

``This is a very serious case of espionage, a very serious breach of
security at the labs, but its very important for us not to overestimate the
threat,'' he said.



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Why GUNS are here to stay.

1999-05-10 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Jim Norman wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 "Howard R. Davis III" wrote:

   -Caveat Lector-
  nurev wrote:
-Caveat Lector-
Whether they be pro-gun or anti-gun, most people would
acknowledge that mankind has certain, Inalienable Rights.
   Not at all. Rights are a conceptual legal concept. If everybody
   plays along, you have rights. If most, or even many people don't
   play along, you have bupkes. There is nothing inalienable about
   legalisms in the real world.
  The above is a most revealing statement. It shows that Nurev has the
  same understanding of rights as did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and all the
  other mass murders of the past (and of the future).

And not just mass murderers Howard. Everyone who understands the
business of
power. It's the real bottom line. I never said I condone it. I always
it out for the fools and ideologues who invent unreality.

They have no concept
  of the agreement among mature people to recognize the humanity of others
  and not treat them as resources to be exploited and killed if they get
  in the way.

Sounds like anarcho-capitalists to me. Sounds like tobacco and gun
Sounds like Pentagon and Weapons CEO's. Sounds like Elite Politicians.
Surely you're not describing me!

The very basis of the concept of "rights" comes from our
  innate understanding that others value their lives and we cannot take
  that life without doing harm to our very soul. (There has been some
  postings on this list by a retired military officer about the
  difficulties in training young men to kill which go into this more
  deeply). We look at ourselves and others and realize that others have a
  life which they value as much as we value our own. While Nurev may claim
  to wish to ban guns for the good of humanity, it is obvious from his
  replies that this is only a cover. His replies often show a deep hatred
  for any who disagree with him and often are made up of threats of harm
  (of course from others, not himself) to that person and an unseemly
  desire to see that threat of violence come to fruition.

Man are you dense or what? I am not threatening you with violence. I
telling you that your philosophy will end in violence. I paint those
dramatically so they penetrate that dense fog of ideological unreality
live in. I wish to avert that violence because I live in this society,
and I
don't want to go down with it.
  In an earlier post to this list, I suggested to those who wish to end
  the "culture of violence" that instead of repealing the 2nd amendment,
  that the first amendment might be modified to prohibit the showing of
  violence in the media. Did anyone one of those supposedly so concerned
  about the "culture of violence" respond? Of course not. They are not
  interested in this because they, in fact, are happy to see this violence
  in the media and in our society. They want to see this, because they
  know that it is necessary for their campaign to disarm the American

You are a paranoid monomaniac. You invent these looney scenarios to
your paranoia. When the American people decide to remove guns from
their midst,
that's when the government will feel empowered to do so.
Theoretically, that's
their job.

By the way, I don't allow my children to play violent videos or go to
movies because it damages them. It damages many youngsters. But it
makes allot
of money. So, like cigarettes and guns, that makes it OK. No one has
the right
to interfere with Free Speech, or Free Enterprise, or your personal
freedom to
fuck up anything or anyone.

What are you going to do? Restrict " free speech " for Hollywood, or
2nd Amendment right to bear arms? Or just let them both be because
some 200
year old dead lawyers and landlords and merchants
didn't have the ability to see how overgrown and sick their nation
become just 2 centurys hence.

How many more people will kill each other with guns just so you can
ideologically correct? 1000? 10,000? How many?

Does anyone doubt that they are happy to hear of the killings?
  Look what Nurev writes later about the increasing number of people who
  might join his cause: "Oh yeah??? Wanna bet? This country has one, maybe
  two more massacres left before it becomes a groundswell". Does that not
  sound like someone who is looking forward to more such murders?

That's a warning of inevitability. Not a desire for carnage. That was
pathetic attempt. You are so self centered that you ( pl ) think
we are after you. The intent here is to stop the killing and you and
the NRA
and some bought politicians are in the way. But every massacre is a
in the NRA's coffin. Every shot to death citizen, every accidentally
child brings your time to an end. It's called change. It's called
Live with it. Or not.

  On several occasions Nurev has threatened his critics with a future
  revolution of the 

[CTRL] NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  05/09/99) -- Special correspondent "Ru Mills" (pseudonym)
reports on the recent NATO  missile attack on the Chinese embassy
in Belgrade:

NATO Purposely Targeted Chinese Embassy
By "Ru Mills"

05.08.99 RMNews -- "NATO purposely targeted the Chinese Embassy",
says a usually reliable Rumor Mill News Source.  "It was done  to
derail the peace initiative being put forward by the Russians and
the Chinese."

The  Source  went on to say that the Big Three socialist leaders,
United States, President Clinton, Britain's Prime Minister Blair,
and  Germany's  Chancellor  Gerhard  Schroder,  need  to  win  in
Yugoslavia no matter what the  costs.  The precedent being set by
this action will forever put an end to national  sovereignty  and
will usher in the One World Government.

Countries  will  no  longer  be  in charge of what happens inside
their borders.  An  international  watch  dog  group will oversee
everything from farming to religion.  If  a  country  refuses  to
comply  with  international  treaties  put  forth  by  the United
Nations, it will face the Serbian Solution.

Jesse Jackson threw a  monkey  wrench  in  the Big Three's bid to
bring Milosevic to his knees.  Not only did  Jackson  go  against
his  old  friend, Bill Clinton and travel to Belgrade, but he did
it under the threat of  death  from  NATO bombs.  The mission was
successful.  So successful, in fact, that  Jesse  Jackson  became
the  senior  statesman  and  diplomat  who  suggested a course of
action which would end the killing.

Russian leaders agreed to  broker  a peace agreement between NATO
and Milosevic.  When it appeared that the Russian  agreement  was
going  to  be  successful  in  stopping the "ethnic cleansing" of
Kosovo, the Big  Three  had  to  act  and  act fast.  The Russian
agreement had Kosovo staying part of Serbia,  with  no  autonomy.
If  this  were let to stand it would mean that Milosevic had won.
He had successfully  cleansed  part  of  Kosovo  of Muslims.  The
Muslims would not be able to turn Kosovo  into  a  Muslim  nation
with  its  own  language,  alphabet,  schools, religion, army and
police force.

The solution proposed  by  Russia  would  mean that all countries
would be able to control what went on within their  own  borders.
It  would  mean  that  California  would  be able to call out the
National Guard or the Army if the Atzlan Liberation Army demanded
autonomy for southern California.

This  solution  did  not  fit  into  the  plan  for  a  one world
government  with  no  borders  and   no   national   sovereignty.
Therefore  the  plan  had  to  be derailed immediately.  With the
tensions rising  between  the  United  States  and  China, it was
decided that by striking the Chinese Embassy, the  already  rocky
relationship between the two countries would be further inflamed.
The more Chinese killed, the better.

The second reason behind the choice of the Chinese Embassy was to
push  China  into  attacking  Taiwan and reclaiming the island of
Formosa and making it part of China once again.  RMNews will soon
be reissuing an article written in 1996 about the coming war with

The Kosovo autonomy plan being  put  forth  by the Big Three does
not sit well with either China or Russia.  China  still  believes
Taiwan  belongs  to  them.   Russia is still having problems with
provinces like Chechnya that want  to break away and become their
own country.  If  NATO's  Serbian  Solution  is  successful,  all
groups of ethnic people, no matter where they are living, will be
able  to  break  away  from  their  countries  and form their own
autonomous and independent nations.

Imagine what New York  City  will  look  like  if the Big Three's
Serbian Solution is successful.  The Puerto Ricans  will  declare
themselves  an  autonomous  nation,  as  will  the  Haitians, the
Russians, the Italians, the  Chinese.   Each new nation will draw
its own borders and if  there  are  border  disputes,  wars  will

What is the  purpose for such planned chaos?

Tribal war, the destabilization and  depopulation of the world.

After   several   years  of  chaos,  confusion  and  mass  ethnic
cleansing, the United Nations will be asked begged to come in
and bring stability and order to the world.

The Hegelian dialectic  theory  of  an  evolving history is being
played out here with a New World Order slant.  The  Thesis  is  a
world full of sovereign nations.  The Antithesis is ethnic tribes
wanting  to  breakaway and form their own nations.  The Synthesis
becomes  worldwide  wars  which  cause  famine,  pestilence,  and
massive death.

After a period of time, the survivors  will beg for an end to the
wars.  Out of the chaos brought about by the Synthesis of the old
Thesis and Antithesis comes the new Thesis.  The new Thesis  will
be  a  world with no borders, no sovereign nations, and 

[CTRL] A Reason to use BCC for lists

1999-05-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

The following individual asked not to be identified, but she asked me to
forward this to anyone who does not bcc online... and to spread the word.
Please read this; it is not a joke, not an internet hoax, and not something
someone made up to get attention!  This person is a member of an on-line
group that I belong to.  Please pass this on after you have read it, and
please make sure you cut n paste this info before you forward it.  This is a
valuable lesson in using the BCC feature.

Late one evening, while online, I received an IM from a gentleman who
said he knew me through mutual pals online.  We chatted for an hour or so
before deciding to keep in touch, as we had so many things in common.  I
eventually, after a week or so of knowing him, trusted him with my name
(first name) and phone number; after all, he knew my friends and I felt he
must have been ok if they all liked and knew him.  He knew a lot about them,
he knew a lot about me, he knew a lot about a lot!  He seemed like such a
nice person, a pleasant person, and someone whom I felt very comfortable
sharing my time online (and on the phone) with.
Most of the friends I had made on AOL knew me and I knew them, so I
felt quite safe with anyone whom they associated with.  We all talked on a
regular basis, though we seldom went into chat rooms.  One night, a friend
from our group of friends invited me to a chat room where several of the
friends had gathered and were chatting (it was an open chat in the members
category, romance) and we were all chatting when this gentleman popped into
the chat room.  He popped in and then left quickly.  He then blocked his
buddy list and sent me an IM.
I instantly became curoius as to why he was acting so suspicious.
Then, for the first time since I met and started chatting with him, I
mentioned him to one of the friends who were in the chat room.. one whom this
gentleman claimed assocation with.  She was in total awe, she did not know
who he was!  However, she had experienced the same thing as I had.  Only
difference was, the guy who sent her an IM claimed to have known her from a
former friend online.  Things were beginning to look really suspicious. The
more she and I chatted, the more suspicious it became.
It also became apparent that this guy knew none of us.
Suddenly, he dissapeared offline for a few days... then one day he
pops back in and sends me an IM saying that we need to talk.  He called me at
my home and I was very upset, so I asked him how he really found me and why
he had felt the need to lie in the first place.  This is where you all need
to pay attention:  He told me that he spotted my screenname on a forward that
one of my friends sent to someone else.  My screenname is what attracted him.
 He then used the screenname of others on the list of forwards to acquaint
himself with me and various others from our clique of friends.  He also used
the member directory to look up info about others on the list of forwards, so
not to look suspicious.  He said he felt it was the only way he would have
the chance to get to know me, and the main attraction to me was "My
Screenname" because he thought it was "sexy!"
I was upset, needless to say, as I had trusted this man with my
personal info... such as phone number and name.  He also knew where I lived
(thanks to the phone bill) and I was now his prey!  A few days after having
last talked to this person and thinking that was the last of him, I received
a phone call at 4:am, it was this man telling me he was in town to see a
friend who lived 20 minutes from my house, and wanted to know if I would like
to meet him for coffee or breakfast.  When I told him it was not such a good
idea, he became irate and hung up on me.  I immediately called him back
(caller ID) and explained to him that my husband was back home (trying to
scare him) and to please not be so mad (in fear of him and what he might do).
 His whole demeanor changed and a different person was on the other end of
that phone..not the man whom I had talked to online so many times (and seemed
so sweet and caring).  He was very uneasy and angry towards me.
Telling him that my husband had returned and we were reconciling was
a lie, and I told him this to make him think I was not alone!  Imagine the
feeling I felt in the pit of my stomach when he came back with the following
response:  "You're a lying bitch, your husband is not there with you...you
are alone!"  I hung up on him and immediately called the Broward County
Sheriff's office and told them what had happened.  They sent an officer over
to take a report and said that was really all they could do for me at that
time.  So, I packed a few belongings into my car, while the deputies waited
and drove to my sister's home for the night.  I was in shock!
Fifteen or twenty minutes after I arrived at her home, I received a
phone call from this man again!  He knew I called the Sheriff and 

[CTRL] (just agreeing on the Inalienable Rights of mankind)

1999-05-10 Thread Tsadowq

 -Caveat Lector-

I would have just sent this offlist to Howard
personally, but I lost the original post.

Previous thread: "Why GUNS are here to stay."

In a message written some time ago, Howard Davis wrote:
The above is a most revealing statement. It shows that Nurev has
the same understanding of rights as did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and all
the other mass murders of the past (and of the future). They have
no concept of the agreement among mature people to recognize
the humanity of others and not treat them as resources to be
exploited and killed if they get in the way. 

This is just the first statement of Howard's that I found
myself in complete agreement with. As for the rest of
Howard's post, I couldn't agree more, and couldn't have
said it better myself.

:::begins clapping with Jim Norman::

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Wow this is weird

1999-05-10 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

 Go into Microsoft Word.

 Type: I'd like Bill Clinton to resign

 Highlight the sentence.

 Go up to tools.   Option, Thesaurus.

 See what it says.  Is Bill Gates telling us something?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Wackenhut Pt. 1

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Tue, 11 May 1999 06:09:40 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Wackenhut Pt. 1
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The history of Wackenhut Corporation is best described from its own
literature. An outdated letter of introduction typed on Wackenhut letterhead
once sent to prospective clients provided me with the following profile:
(Excerpted) "Wackenhut Corporation had its beginnings in 1954, when
George R. Wackenhut and three other former Special Agents of the
Federal Bureau of Investigation formed a company in Miami, Special
Agent Investigators, to provide investigative services to business and

"In 1962, Wackenhut operations extended from Florida to California and
Hawaii. On January 1, 1966, the company became international with offices
in Caracas, Venezuela, through half ownership of an affiliate.

"The Wackenhut Corporation became public in 1966 with overthecounter
sales and joined the American Stock Exchange in 1967. Through
of subsidiaries and affiliates, now totaling more than 20, and expansion
of it contracts into numerous territories and foreign countries, the
Wackenhut Corporation has grown into one of the world's largest security
and investigative firms.

"In 1978 acquisition of NUSAC, a Virginia company providing technical
and consulting services to the nuclear industry, brought Wackenhut into the
fields of environment and energy management. In 1979, Wackenhut
acquired Stellar Systems, Inc., a California company specializing in
outdoor electronic security.

"The executive makeup of the company reflects the stress Mr. Wackenhut
placed on professional leadership. The Wackenhut Corporation is guided
executives and managers with extensive backgrounds in the FBI and other
military, governmental and private security and investigative fields.

"The principle business of the company is furnishing security and complete
investigative services and systems to business, industry and professional
clients, and to various agencies of the U.S. Government.

"Through a whollyowned subsidiary, Wackenhut Electronic Systems
Corporation, the company develops and
produces sophisticated computerized security systems to complement its
guard services.

"Major clients of Wackenhut's investigative services are the insurance
industry and financial interests. These services include insurance
inspections, corporate acquisition surveys, personnel background reports,
preemployment screening, polygraph examinations and general criminal,
fraud and arson investigations.

"The wide variety of services offered by Wackenhut Corporation also
includes guard and electronic security for banks, office
buildings, apartments, industrial complexes and other physical structures;
training programs in English and foreign languages to apply Wackenhut
procedures to individual clients needs; fire, safety and protective
patrols; rescue and first aid services; emergency support programs
tailored to labormanagement disputes, and predeparture screening
widely used by airports and airlines.

"The company now has some 20,000 employees and maintains close to
offices and facilities with operations spread across the United States and
extending into Canada, the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Middle
East, Indonesia, Central and South America and the Caribbean."


On the surface, Wackenhut Corporation seemed innocous enough, but
documents later obtained from Michael Riconosciuto, I learned there was
another, darker side to Wackenhut operations, at the Cabazon Indian
reservation near Indio, California.

Because Indian reservations are sovereign nations and do not come under
federal jurisdiction, Wackenhut International had formed a partnership and
entered into a business venture with the Cabazon Indians to produce
hightech arms and explosives for export to thirdworld countries. This
maneuver was designed to evade congressional prohibitions against U.S.
weapons being shipped to the Contras and middle eastern countries.

In the early 1980's, Dr. John Nichols, the Cabazon tribal administrator,
obtained a department of Defense secret facility clearance for the
reservation to conduct various research projects. Nichols then approached
Wackenhut with an elaborate "joint venture" proposal to manufacture
combustible cartridge cases, 9mm machine pistols, lasersighted assault
weapons, sniper rifles and portable rocket systems on the Cabazon
reservation and in Latin America. At one point, he even sought to develop
biological weapons.

Again, through Michael Riconosciuto's files, I later obtained interoffice
memorandums and correspondence relating to biological technology, but
on that in chapter 10. Meanwhile, in 1980, Dr. John Nichols obtained the
blueprints to Crown Prince Fahd's palace in Tiaf, Saudi Arabia, 

[CTRL] Wackenhut Part 3

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 10 May 1999 19:28:21 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Wackenhut Part 3
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At Michael Riconosciuto's trial in Tacoma Washington, Peter Videnieks
testified that while working for the Justice Department he had contact
with the PROMISE software. He "conducted the competitive contract
competitive procurement for acquisition of the services to implement
PROMISE."Under cross examination he testified that "it required
preparation of a request for proposals issuance of that document to
industry ... negotiating, selecting, and awarding the contract. Then after
award, administering the contract to see that the work that the government
paid for was properly performed."

So, essentially, Videnieks administered the Inslaw contract with the
government. His employment record included work with
the Internal Revenue Service as a revenue officer from 1964 to 1967. From
1967 to 1972 as a contract specialist with NASA. From 1972 to 1973 with
Customs as a contract specialist. From 1973 through 1975 back at NASA
as a
contract specialist. From 1975 through 1981 as a contract specialist with
Customs, supervisory at this time. From 1981 through September, 1990,
the Department of Justice as a contract specialist. And from September
1990 through present (January 1992) as a supervisory contract specialist
at Customs again.

Thomas Olmstead, Riconosciuto's attorney, showed Videnieks the Inslaw
affidavit signed by Riconosciuto. Videnieks said he had seen the affidavit
prior to court, but testified that he'd never heard of the
WackenhutCabazon joint venture and never visited the WackenhutCabazon
facility in Indio, California. He also testified that he'd never met Earl

Olmstead asked Videnieks if he knew Robert Chasen [Executive Vice
President of Wackenhut]? Videnieks testified that he knew him "by name
since he was head of Customs for about a threeyear period, from about 1977
through 1980. I met him once in the line of my duties."

Interestingly, according to his resume, Robert Chasen was Commissioner of
Customs in Washington D.C. from 1969 to 1977, then Executive Vice
President of Wackenhut from 1981 to present (1991). And Peter Videnieks, a
contract officer at Customs in Washington D.C. from 1972 to 1974, then
again at Customs from 1976 to 1981, said he did not know Robert Chasen.
How could that be? Videnieks had worked in the same department with
Chasen, off and on, for at least three years.

Videnieks also testified that he met Chasen in the line of his duties
sometime between 1977 and 1980. Yet, Chasen no longer worked at Customs
between 1977 and 1980?

Olmstead asked Videnieks to reiterate his position with the PROMISE
software. "I worked on the [PROMISE] contract. ...
The procurement was assigned to me by a lady named Patricia Rudd. ... My
function was to conduct a competitive procurement, negotiate an award of
contract, and then administer the contract."

Olmstead: "What time frames are we talking when you were ...?"

Videnieks: "We're talking about from the day that I reported for duty at
Justice, which was in September 1981, through about 1985."

Olmstead: "Are you familiar with Hadron Company?" (This was a loaded
question because Earl Brian, who Videnieks testified
he did not know, owned Hadron Company at the time of the court

Videnieks responded, "Yes, I am."

Olmstead: "Have you done work for Hadron Corporation in your procurement

Videnieks: "I supervise currently a contract specialist who is
administering a contract with Hadron."

Olmstead: "Prior to supervising someone, did you personally handle that
particular contract?"

Videnieks: "I have administered well over a hundred contracts, maybe a
couple hundred or several hundred over my career, and I don't recall
whether I have or not."

Olmstead: "And you have never given a deposition in regards to the Inslaw

Videnieks: "My recall is not that good. Like I said, I have administered
hundreds of contracts, and I may or may not have administered one with

Again Olmstead asked Videnieks if he knew Earl Brian?Videnieks responded,
"No, sir."

Olmstead: "Do you know who owns Hadron?"

Videnieks: "I really don't. I've heard I mean, I don't want to speculate
now. He may be an officer with Hadron. He may be."

Olmstead: "You don't recall any questions in any depositions at all
regarding that?"

Videnieks: "I do recall questions along these same lines. But again, from
general knowledge, I think he is an officer or has been an officer with

Olmstead: "In fact, in your deposition, you admitted you knew that he was
an officer of Hadron, didn't you?"

Videnieks: "I would like to see my transcript from my deposition as to
what I said ..."

Olmstead went on to question Videnieks about "Modification 

[CTRL] Wackenhut, Part 2

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 10 May 1999 19:26:58 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Wackenhut, Part 2
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Danny Casolaro's body was found at 12:30 p.m. in a bloodfilled bath tub by
a hotel maid who called the Martinsburg police. The body contained three
deep cuts on the right wrist and seven on the left wrist, made by a single
edge razor blade, the kind used to scrape windows or open packages.At
bottom of the bathwater was an empty Milwaukee beer can, a paper glass
coaster, the razor blade and two white plastic trash bags, the kind used
in wastepaper baskets.On the desk in the hotel room was an empty mead
composition notebook with one page torn out and a suicide note which
"To those who I love the most, please forgive me for the worst possible
thing I could have done. Most of all, I'm sorry to my son. I know deep
down inside that God will let me in."

There were no other papers, folders, documents of any sort, nor any
briefcase found in the room. Danny's wallet was intact,
stuffed with credit cards.The body was removed from the tub by Lieutenant
Dave Brining from the Martinsburg fire department, and his wife, Sandra, a
nurse who works in the hospital emergency room. The couple, who often
moonlighted as coroners, took the body to the Brown Funeral Home where
they conducted an examination.Charles Brown then decided to embalm the
body that night and go home, rather than come back to work the next day,

No one in Danny Casolaro's family had been notified of his death at that
time, nor had they requested the body be embalmed.When Casolaro's
learned of the death, they insisted it was not a suicide and called for an
autopsy and an investigation. Though the body had already been embalmed,
an autopsy was performed at the West Virginia University Hospital by a Dr.
Frost. The findings indicated that no struggle had taken place because
there were no recent bruises on the body. The drugs found in Casolaro's
urine, blood and tissue samples were in minute amounts but they were also
unexplainable by his brother, Tony, who is a medical doctor.

According to Tony Casolaro, Danny did not take drugs or have any
prescriptions for the drug traces of Hydrocodone and
Tricyclic antidepressant that were found in the body. No pill boxes or
written prescriptions were found. Dr. Casolaro searched through his
brother's Blue Cross records and found no record of the prescriptions or
doctor visits.

During the autopsy of the body, Dr. Frost had found lesions within the
brain which were characteristic of Multiple Sclerosis. It was possible
that Danny was having blurring of vision, but Dr. Frost downplayed the
possibility that this contributed to any suicide. Of particular interest,
was Frost's observation that the deep razor wounds on Danny's wrists were
inflicted "without any hesitation marks." However, the lack of hesitation
did not indicate one way or the other whether they were or were not
selfinflicted.Investigators and police never found Danny's missing

On August 6, 1991, Casolaro's housekeeper, Olga, helped Danny pack a black
leather tote bag. She remembered he also packed a thick sheaf of papers
into a dark brown or black briefcase. She asked him what he had put into
the briefcase and he replied, "I have all my papers ..." He had been
typing for two days, and as he left the house, he said, "Wish me luck.
I'll see you in a couple of days."

By August 9th, Casolaro's friends were alarmed. Noone had heard from him
and Olga was receiving threatening phone calls at Danny's home. On
Saturday, August 10th, Olga received another call, a man's voice said,
"You son of a bitch. You're dead."After learning of Danny's death, Olga
recalled seeing Danny sitting in the kitchen on August 5th with a "heavy
man ... wearing a dark suit. He was a dark man with black hair he turned
towards the door, I saw he was darkskinned. I told police maybe he could
be from India."

At 3:00 p.m. on Friday, the day before Danny's death, Bill Turner, a
friend and confidante, met Danny in the parking lot of the Sheraton Hotel
to deliver some papers to him. The papers allegedly consisted of two
sealed packages which Turner had been keeping in his safe at home for
Danny, and a packet of Hughes Aircraft papers which belonged to Turner.

Danny had appeard exhuberant to most of his friends before his death,
noting that he was about to "wrap up" his investigation of The Octopus.
Casolaro was trying to prove that the alleged theft of the Inslaw computer
program, PROMISE, was related to the October Surprise scandal, the
IranContra affair and the collapse of BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce

Turner later admitted to police that he had indeed met with Danny on
August 9th, but at that time he refused to specify what time and would 

[CTRL] Wackenhut Pt. 4, FIDCO and Nichols

1999-05-10 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 10 May 1999 19:34:12 +0100
From:   Ashley Rye [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: Wackenhut Pt. 4, FIDCO and Nichols
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Through one of Michael's contacts, I was able to obtain the corporate
documents on F.I.D.C.O. Corporation (First Intercontinental Development
Corporation). This formidable organization lead me straight to the head of
The Octopus.The Board of Directors of FIDCO consisted of the following

(1) Robert Maheu, Sr, Vice President, Director former FBI agent, former
CEO of Howard Hughes Operations, senior consultant to Leisure

(2) Michael A. McManus, Director, Vice President and General Counsel to
FIDCO former Assistant to the President [Reagan] of the United States at
the White House in Washington D.C.

(3) Robert Booth Nichols, Director, Sr. Vice President and Chairman of
Investment Committee Chief Executive Officer of R.B.N. Companies,
International, a holding company for manufacturing and development of high
technology electronics, real estate development, construction and
international finance.

(4) George K. Pender, Director former Director of Pacific Ocean area of
Burns  Roe, Inc., an international engineering  construction corporation
with active projects on all seven continents of the world. Senior engineer
consultant to Burns  Roe, Inc.

(5) Kenneth A. Roe, Director Chairman and President of Burns  Roe, Inc.,
International engineers and Constructors, a family corporation owned by
Kenneth Roe and family. Major current project of the company is the
engineering design and construction of the U.S.A. Fast Breeder Nuclear
Reactor Plant in conjunction with Westinghouse Electric Corporation which
is responsible for the nuclear system supply of steam. Construction value
of present business backlog of Burns  Roe, Inc. is in excess of six
billion U.S. dollar.

(6) Frances T. Fox, Vice President and Director former General Manager of
L.A. International Airport, former Director of Aviation for Howard Hughes
Nevada operations, now called Summa Corporation, City Manager of San Jose,

(7) Clint W. Murchison, Jr. Director Owner of the Dallas Cowboys NFL
football team.

(8) William M. Pender, Director and Sr. Vice President licensed
contractor, State of California.

(9) Glen R. Shockley, Director Consultant to Fortune 500 Companies in
business management. Internationally known as financial consultant in

The list of directors was accompanied by a letter dated January 11, 1983
on FIDCO letterhead originating out of Santa Monica, California addressed
to Robert Booth Nichols in Marina Del Rey, California. The letter, signed
by George K. Pender, briefly referenced a copy of a resolution resulting
from a meeting of the Board of Directors of FIDCO.

On April 13, 1983, Robert Booth Nichols wrote a letter to Joseph F.
Preloznik in Madison, Wisconsin, outlining proposed
arms projects, one of which was to build a two story building of
approximately 7500 square feet with concrete walls and floors
to house the "R  D position." (I later found the R  D facility
referenced in a 1981 Wackenhut Interoffice memorandum as a companion
facility to Wackenhut to be constructed on the Cabazon Indian reservation
for the assembly of shell casings, propellants, war heads, fuses,
combustible cartridge cases and other weapons systems).

Nichols wrote to Preloznik, "Should there be any questions with regard to
my credibility, verification can be made through F.I.D.C.O. I have
enclosed a copy of that appointment."

If in fact, F.I.D.C.O. was a vehicle of The Octopus, then the tentacles of
its Board of Directors lead straight to the head. Clint Murchison, Jr. of
Dallas, Texas was the son of Clint Murchison, Sr. who, according to Dick
Russell, author of the book, "The Man Who Knew Too Much," (pp. 521523) was
cut from the same political cloth as H.L. Hunt.

Wrote Russell: "Back in 1951, after General Douglas MacArthur was relieved
of his Korean command by President Truman, H.L. Hunt accompanied MacArthur
on a flight to Texas for a speaking tour. Hunt and Murchison were the
chief organizers of the proMacArthur forces in Texas. They would always
remember the general standing bareheaded in front of the Alamo, urging
removal of the `burden of taxation' from enterprising men like themselves,
charging that such restraints were imposed by `those who seek to convert
us to a form of socialistic endeavor, leading directly to the path of
Communist slavery.'"

According to Russell, Hunt went on to set up a MacArthurforpresident
headquarters in Chicago, spending $150,000 of his
own money on the general's reluctant 1952 campaign, which eventually fell
apart as MacArthur adopted the strident rhetoric of the right wing.

"Still, connections were made," wrote Russell, "Charles Willoughby, for
example, was a 

[CTRL] Web site: Nikola Tesla, Project HAARP, Causal Research Fertility Group...

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Web site: Hypnotism, Trance Phenomena, MIND CONTROL

1999-05-10 Thread True Faith

 -Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: S99-73, Day 49, Update 1 (May 11; 0:30AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.HEADLINES 

Beijing  1. China's Leader Raises Stakes in Kosovo "Peace

Montenegro  2. No "Peace Plans" Anymore, Please; Just a Straight 
 Aggression. Thank you. 

New York 3. Russians and Serbs: A Story of Love and Betrayal

Phoenix4. A "Home-made" War Crimes Complaint Filed

Budapest  5. All of Budapest Marched for Peace

Belgrade   6. "Windows '99" Launched in Serb Capital


1. China's Leader Raises Stakes in Kosovo "Peace Initiative"

BEIJING, May 10 - Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, has placed a major
obstacle in the path of the Kosovo "peace initiative" being pursued by
Russia's NWO quislings and the world's leading industrial countries. 

In his first public reaction to the NATO bombing of China's embassy in
Yugoslavia last Friday, Jiang said the UN Security Council could not
discuss any peace plans for Kosovo unless NATO first stopped its bombing
campaign, the BBC World News reported today. 

Jiang condemned the NATO action as "absolute gunboat policy." He added
that, "with the bombing continuing, it is impossible for the UN Security
Council to discuss any plan to solve the problem," he added. 

Jiang's remarks came in a telephone conversation on Monday (May 10) with
the Russian President , Boris Yeltsin, who was sending his Balkans
negotiator Viktor Chernomyrdin to Beijing for urgent talks. 
TiM Ed.: As usual, what the establishment western media report is only a
part of the story.  And here's the part you may not have heard about

Following his missions to Washington and Bonn, where Chernomyrdin earned
the epithet of the Serb Backstabber-in-Chief (see Special TiM GW Bulletins
S99-69. Day 45, Update 1, Item 1, May 7), this friend of Al Gore's, and
traitor of Russia's own interests in Chechnya, was supposed to travel to
Belgrade to try to sell the Yugoslav president, Slobodan Milosevic, on the
bill of goods supposedly agreed to buy the Gee-Eight countries.  

Well, guess what... Right after the ceremonious (re)declaration of NATO
unity in Germany, Chernomyrdin instead flew straight to Moscow.  For
consultations on some urgent matters to do with his back-stabbing of
Serbia.  Such as that Germany and Italy apparently weren't going along (see
"Ain't Gonna Do There," S99-66, Day 43, Update 1, Item 1, May 5).

And now, Yeltsin is apparently sending his Backstabber-in-Chief to China,
in the hopes that Chernomyrdin can placate Beijing the way he was hoping to
do it to the Serbs in Belgrade.

2. No "Peace Plans" Anymore, Please; Just a Straight Aggression. Thank you.

MONTENEGRO, May 10 - Meanwhile, ordinary citizens of Yugoslavia are getting
tired of duplicitous "peace" proposals which only mean further propagations
of war.  Here's a tongue-in-cheek letter which TiM received today from a
reader in Montenegro, one of two constituent states of Yugoslavia:

"There is one accord that I believe is acceptable for Serbia to sign:
Surrender. No 'peace plans any more, please! Just surrender agreements.
For, then we would all know the truth: The NATO troops are the invaders and
conquerors who attacked our state and devastated it, not the not

And since we were weak to resist; and since we had no allies, and since so
many many potential allies actually betrayed us...

This can be the only way I can explain to my children why there are some
foreign soldiers traipsing around our country as if it belongs to them.

The only other option is to fight against NATO until they quit. Which may
last a very long time.  So be it. Just no 'peace plans' any more, please!
Make it a straight aggression.  Thank you.

Keep up the good work, and God be with us."

3. Serbia and Russia: A Story of Love and Betrayal (By Tatiana Popova)

NEW YORK, May 10 -The western establishment media keep propagating stories
about the alleged "traditional friendship" between the
"fellow-Orthodox-Christian" countries - Russia and Serbia.  Not only are
such claims ludicrous in light of Boris Yeltsin's betrayal of the Bosnian
Serbs during that country's civil war (see Special TiM GW Bulletins S99-69.
Day 45, Update 1, Item 1, May 7).  But they are even more preposterous when
considered in a wider historical context.

Which is why TiM brings you an expert foreign policy paper on the
Russo-Serbian relations during the last two centuries.  Since the person
who wrote this essay is an American working within the NWO establishment,
she has opted to have it published under the pseudonym - Tatiana Popova.

"NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia has once again raised the complex question of
Russia’s “loyalty” to the Serbs.  Both nations share an Eastern Orthodox

[CTRL] Fwd: Gold Conspiracy?

1999-05-10 Thread Kris Millegan

There's Gold in Them There Black Helicopters
By Aaron L. Task
Senior Writer
5/7/99 3:31 PM ET

Fact:  For the two weeks ended April 6, noncommercial short interest in gold
totaled 88,363 contracts, according to the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission in Chicago.  That was the largest short position in history (and
just a fraction of total worldwide short interest).  Short interest has
declined in subsequent weeks but still remains at extremely high levels,
equal to about 10% of total production last year.

The Gold Conspiracy Gold Bugs Light Up as They Forecast a Short Squeeze

Fact:  Michel Camdessus, managing director of the International Monetary
Fund, has extolled the virtue of using gold-sale proceeds to pay for debt
relief for "heavily indebted poor countries," in the IMF parlance.  President
Clinton has expressed support for the sale of up to 10 million ounces of the
approximately 103 million ounces of gold committed to the fund.  To varying
degrees, the notion has been seconded by financial and political luminaries
such as Vice President Al Gore, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, U.K.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown and Switzerland National Bank
President Hans Meyer.  Even German Finance
Minister Hans Eicherl says Germany has "relaxed" its once-staunch
anti-gold-sale stance.

Fact:  Last month, Switzerland voted to begin decoupling the Swiss franc from
its gold backing.  The Swiss central bank could begin selling gold as early
as next year, The New York Times reported.

Fact:  The Gold Antitrust Action Committee, known as GATA, has retained
securities law specialist Berger  Montague to assist in the "investigation
of the alleged manipulation of the gold market," according to a press release
from the organization.  Bill Murphy, chairman of GATA, believes so-called
bullion banks, which include many of Wall Street's biggest firms, have
violated the Sherman Antitrust Act by colluding to keep the price of gold
down.  A senior partner at Berger
 Montague confirms the firm has been retained by GATA but says "no decision
to file a case has been made at this time."  He declined to comment further.

Fact:  Last Tuesday, Murphy met with Rep. Jim Saxton (R., N.J.), vice
chairman of the Joint Economic Committee.  Congress must approve the proposed
IMF gold sale, and Saxton has "taken a strong position of skepticism on the
gold-sale issue," according to Christopher Frenze, chief economist to the
committee vice chairman.  Neither Saxton nor the committee has any position
or comment on the allegations made by GATA, Frenze says. "Our focus is
directed more at the IMF as an institution and how gold sales would relate to
IMF finances and lending."  (Those
interested in more about Saxton's position should visit www.house.gov/jec.)

Fact:  Most market players deny there is any cabal corrupting the gold
market.  And despite Murphy's 25 years as a precious-metals trader, broker
and analyst with firms such as the defunct Drexel Burnham Lambert, the former
Shearson Lehman and Veneroso Associates, many believe his charge is, to be
polite, meritless.

An English Surprise Knocks Prices

"I do not think his views hold much water," says Philip Klapwijk, managing
director at Gold Fields Mineral Services in London. "The U.S. Treasury and
Fed are happier with gold at a certain level, but it's equally wrong to
suggest they are in favor of excessively low gold, which sends a deflationary
signal.  It's a big leap to say there is intervention or a systematic

Indeed, without Oliver Stone, it is a huge (and ultimately unprovable) leap
to say IMF gold-sale proposals are part of some vast, multiwinged conspiracy
involving the top levels of government and so-called bullion banks (among

Yet today, the price of gold tumbled $7.60 an ounce to $283.10 after the Bank
of England, much to the gold community's surprise, announced its plans to
sell up to 125 tons, or almost 60% of its reserves, between now and March
2000.  Before the announcement, gold had crept up to the high end of its
several-month-long trading range of $275 to $290 an ounce.

Already unmoved by the critics, the Bank of England's announcement today
stiffened Murphy's resolve.

"This is right on cue," he says. "Yesterday, the bonds got clobbered and the
gold market was surging and getting close to the point where gold borrowings
could go under water.  Then out of nowhere, right on cue, the BOE comes out.
It's unbelievable."

And other gold market participants are becoming increasingly outspoken about
the action (or lack thereof) in the once-precious metal.

Barrick Gold (ABX:NYSE) Chairman Peter Munk railed against central banks and
the IMF for generating "enormous negativism" in the market at the company's
annual meeting Tuesday.  Munk also criticized hedge funds and other
speculators for using rumors and the opaqueness of the gold market to
exaggerate weakness in gold prices.

Previously, Nicky Oppenheimer and Bobby Godsell, chairman and