[CTRL] Bush and links to the Washington/Political Menagerie

1999-12-05 Thread piper

Go past the first set of tables to the links on Bush
Get ready for a lot of research (reading)

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you
will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

ICQ 14484977
NEW - my sites are having a problem staying up right now.
So, here they are mirrored.

Title: Main Site Index of The Pied Piper

Main Site Index of The Pied Piper 

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Misc Information

These seem to go missing from the web pages that I put them on
so let's see if I can keep track of them here.

Tarpley, Webster G. & Anton Chaiktin. "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush"  1992. 15 Apr.
99 < "http://www.radix.net/~tarpley/bushb.htm#Table" >or the new link at
This book follows the Bush family
connections from 1914 to the present. From the time of George's grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, the Bush family has attempted to stay involved in politics.  The book seems to show that since the family could not rate by having royal blood lines (that rate)or by having a high degree of education, that they would try to control by a philosophy of  "The one with the most money makes the rules."   They believe in "racial cleansing" and have cultivated people like Adolph Hitler.

 Also I understand that Bush and Forbes are both alumni of Yale's sority
 "Skull and Bones".  So, could they have the same agenda?

 Bush Family - Looking behind the Bushes

"This fuzzy bipartisanship spared President Bush from
   accountability in scandals ranging from the Iran-contra
   affair to Iraqgate -- the clandestine arming of Saddam
   Hussein -- from the contra-cocaine operations to October
   Surprise, allegations of secret contacts between
   Republicans and Iranians in 1980. [For a summary of
   President Bush's alleged misconduct, see Robert Parry's
   Lost History.]"..."Although other Chilean human-rights documents were
   released, Clinton's Justice Department blocked disclosure
   of key Letelier evidence on the grounds that the 23-year-old
   murder case is still active. [For details, see Bush & the
   Condor Mystery.]"

"October 5, 1999 Bush & the Condor Mystery By Robert Parry Newly  released U.S. government documents reveal that George Bush's CIA knew  more about Chile's role in an international assassination ring, code- named Condor, than Bush and the agency disclosed to FBI agents"

October 5, 1999 "Bush's 'Zingy' One-Liners" By Robert Parry

May 15, 1999 "Russia's Prime Minister and October Surprise" By RobertParry  Additional Reading(s) for this article - [For details on the  House task force report and its unusual logic, see Robert Parry's Trick  or Treason. For the full text of Stepashin's report, see Parry's The
 October Surprise X-Files.]

From: Highlights of Radio Free Eireann
Bill Hughes' WBAI Commentary, 10/26/96
"In Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry has a golden opportunity to defeat the British sympathizer William Weld, in that tight senate race. He might also further expose George Bush's suspected role as a drug kingpin, and possibly,..."

Corporate Accountability Project
 Ewall, Mike. "It's no accident that Coors is the right beer in America."   12 Dec. 1995. 15 Apr. 1999 
 < http://www.corporations.org/coors/index.html  >
  Mike Ewall's article Should be titled "The Other Adolph, Adolph  Coors of Coors beer."  This article details Coors connections with Ex- President Bush and how Coors and Bush both have a policy of "Racial  Cleansing."  Co

[CTRL] Failed trade talks had "no chance" of consensus

1999-12-05 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

> WTO '99: Failed trade talks had "no chance" of consensus
> 6-Dec-99 00:22
> SEATTLE --Talks at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial meeting
> here - intended to launch a major new international trade round - broke-up
> Friday night when negotiators conceded that there was no chance of
> reaching consensus.
> Negotiators told reporters that they were not even close to agreeing on
> fundamental issues such as the scope of a new trade round or the basic
> governing procedures the WTO should use to negotiate terms of agreements.
> Environmental, consumer and labour groups hailed the talks failure, saying
> that it was a major blow to efforts to expand the WTO.
> Progress on a number of issues of importance to the chemical industry will
> have to wait until WTO members can muster consensus for launching a new
> round of trade talks. Among key chemical industry issues left unresolved
> were accelerated tariff liberalisation, reduction in non-tariff
> impediments to trade, harmonised international regulations governing trade
> in genetically modified organisms, and enhanced intellectual property
> protections.
> US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky told reporters that the WTO
> might hold a meeting within 6-12 months in another attempt to set an
> agenda for a trade agreement.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Problems with my sites

1999-12-05 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

Tripod is up
Digiweb and Zoom are still having problems - Which
Could be because I seem to have messed up my FTP uploads!

Any way the updated site can be found on Tripod.
under Essays at < es_major.htm > is a intresting page.
The Pied Piper

ICQ 14484977
NEW - my sites are having a problem staying up right now.
So, here they are mirrored.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NASA cover up?

1999-12-05 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

   Mr Scwartz downloaded the report of NASA's Mishap Investigation Board on
the Mars
Climate Orbiter failure from their site a few weeks ago, but a search this
evening disclosed that is no longer there. He  placed a copy
on his own web site:
http://www.sba.oakland.edu/faculty/schwartz/nasa/mco_report.pdf. Check it
out and you'll not wonder why they took it off.

"Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of
external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of
heresies was common sense."
   George Orwell, 1984

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.N. Millennium Assembly - arrival of global governance

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Forwarded with no endorsement implied--
 for education, research and discussion.


 eco-logic, Sunday, December 05, 1999

 U.N. Millennium Assembly celebrates
 arrival of global governance

 By Henry Lamb

 A decade of preparation will culminate in the year 2000, in a
 massive celebration and series of events, carefully designed to
 change the world forever. The United Nations' Millennium Forum,
 Assembly, and Summit have been planned to set the world on a course
 of global governance under the authority of the United Nations.

 The new scheme of global governance will empower, and fund, the
 United Nations to be the supreme governmental authority on the
 planet. Selected NGOs (non-government organizations), called civil
 society, will take their place as both representatives of the
 people, and implementors of U.N. policies. More than 130
 international organizations, called IGOs (inter-governmental
 organizations), will be consolidated as direct administrative
 agencies of the new U.N. system. National governments will become
 administrative units, reporting through the appropriate IGOs, to
 the supreme authority of the U.N.

 As the rash of U.N. conferences unfolded during the last decade,
 few people realized that they were a part of a long range plan to
 establish global governance:

 1.World Children's Summit, held in New York in 1990

 2.United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the
 Earth Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992;

 3.World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993;

 4.International Conference on Population and Development, held
 in Cairo in 1994;

 5.World Summit for Social Development (the Social Summit), held
 in Copenhagen in 1995;

 6.Fourth World Conference on Women, held in Beijing in 1995;

 7.Second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements
 (Habitat II), held in Istanbul in 1996;

 8.World Food Summit, held in Rome in 1996;

 9. International Criminal Court, held in Rome in 1998.

 Each of these conferences produced a policy document, declaration,
 or treaties, that now serve as the basis of international law to be
 enforced through global governance.

 The less publicized Commission on Global Governance, established in
 1993, created the framework document to integrate the international
 law into global governance. The Commission's 1995 final 410-page
 report, Our Global Neighborhood, set forth the additional steps
 that needed to be taken to fully empower the United Nations to
 operate as the supreme global governmental authority.

 Among the Commission's recommendations was the creation of a
 "People's Assembly," and the creation of the documents necessary to
 achieve global governance by the year 2000. All the documents are
 now prepared, or are in the final stages of preparation, and the
 plans are all in place to make the 2000 Millennium events at the
 U.N. the launching pad for global governance in the 21st century.

 Few people in America are even aware that the U.N. has six regional
 commissions that have been holding hearings around the world during
 the last few years, gathering information about, and fanning the
 fires in support of global governance. The final regional hearing
 will be held in Chicago in January 2000.

 Simultaneously, civil society (NGOs accredited by the U.N.) have
 also been preparing to create the "People's Assembly." To prepare
 for the home stretch, a World NGO Conference is scheduled for
 December 8-12, 1999 in Montreal, Canada. The NGO process began at
 the U.N. University in Tokyo in 1996, shortly after the publication
 of Our Global Neighborhood. The process is moving toward the
 "Millennium Forum," scheduled for May 22-26, 2000, in New York,
 which will be the first meeting of the People's Assembly.

 The Forum will be followed in September by the U.N Millennium
 Assembly, which will consist primarily of the Millennium Summit,
 the largest gathering of the heads of state in the history of the
 world. The purpose of the summit is to consider, and possibly
 adopt, the documents necessary to implement global governance as
 envisioned and planned by the United Nations.

 The Millennium events were authorized by the U.N. General Assembly
 in resolution 53/202, December 17, 1998. There was little
 publicity; no one noticed. Under the guise of "United Nations
 Reform," the agenda for the Millennium events was developed and
 revealed in the Secretary General's report to the 54th General
 Assembly, May 10, 1999. Major themes identified in the report are:

 1. The role and function of the United Nations in the 21st

 2. Towards a global society: the tasks for the U.N. in the 21st

 3. Challenges to multilateralism;

 4. International cooperation;

 5. The role of the U.N. in peace and global sustainable

 Among the specific propos

[CTRL] [nhneffacu] Clinton Cancels Millenium

1999-12-05 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-

>  Clinton Cancels Millenium
>  (WTO chaos cited as reason)
>  November 30, 1999
>  By J.J. Johnson
>  American Provda Staff Reporter
>  SEATTLE (AP-Provda) In the midst of grunge music, fire, unrivaled chaos,
> the smell of
>  burning coffee grounds, Bill Clinton signed an executive order effectively
> putting the
>  millenium on hold.
>  Clinton, speaking from the Seattle Space Needle, said, "Aw, the hell with
> " as he
>  signed the order with his famous partial-birth abortion ban veto pen.
> House staffers
>  said the President made the decision after witnessing the chaos over the
> World Trade
>  Organization insurrection.
>  Joe Fatneck, White House Spokesman said that people shooting insulators on
> substation
>  transformers, coordinated traffic stalls on Interstates 5, 90, and 205,
> Bill Gates'
>  surprise retirement announcement helped Clinton come to his decision. "
> when the
>  President saw Air Force One in flames over at Boeing Field, I think the
> writing was on the
>  wall." Authorities believe the complete loss of electricity, water, and
> sanitation in the
>  King County Area is what caused what one foreign trade minister called,
> Y2K preview."
>  This morning, Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates made matters worse by
> announcing that
>  he was retiring, followed by immediately terminating all Microsoft
>  This moved
>  shocked the high-tech markets, as Gates revealed that his move was in
> response to the
>  recent judgements made against Microsoft in federal court.
>  "This government has preformed an illegal operation," Gates said. "And it [
> Microsoft] will
>  be shut down. If a problem persists, tell Janet Reno to fix it. " Gates
> spoke to over 3000
>  reporters that had already been burned out of their hotel rooms. Gates'
> spokesman later
>  said that the Microsoft CEO had spent last evening reading the famous
> "Atlas
>  Shrugged", by Any Rand. Gates spokesman said [Gates] received a copy of
> book from
>  Boeing Chairman, Philip Condit.
>  The Seattle Fire Chief said the fires are under control and, "should be
> in time for
>  the millenium celebration." The Seattle Police department has a greater
> concern: who
>  crashed the MSN web site? Police believe this action is what caused much
> the power
>  outages and subsequent rioting in the Seattle area. "According to the FBI,
> this could be
>  worse around the millenium."
>  But according to Clinton's latest executive order, there won't be a
> millenium. The order
>  states:
>  ".At 11:59 p.m. on 31 December in all time zones, Americans shall set
> clocks back
>  one hour. This shall be done repeatedly each time a clock reads 11:59 p.m.
> This order will
>  remain in effect until this Executive Order is lifted..."
>  Morris Dees of the Southern Perversion Law Center praised the President's
> move. "The
>  President's leadership may prevent right-wing extremists from taking
> like the one'
>  s we've seen here." But Dees said no action should be taken against the
> environmentalists,
>  union-organizers, and animal rights activists that have systematically
> Seattle apart.
>  "Many of these people share my view. They are not anti-government. They
> not right
>  wings zealots," he said. "Therefore, it's their first amendment right to
> burn, baby burn."
>  The President's Chief of Staff said Clinton had also grown tired of White
> House staffers
>  referring to him as "President McKinley" after the fiscal year began on
> October 1. The
>  order, he said, "prevents any computers from having any problems in to the
> next year, and
>  has a positive effect on other issues. He noted that since 2000 will never
> arrive, "The
>  elections can be put on hold.
>  Civil Libertarians and anti-government extremists criticized the move as
> Clinton trying to
>  "solidify his power." Cy B. Space, self-proclaimed head of the Computer
> Hacker's Militia
>  of Washington (an IBM compatible group) out of Seattle, was angered over
> President's
>  executive order. "This is not a silver bullet," he said. "The government
> computers will
>  still go haywire. Our operatives in the IRS gave their word on that."
> is a computer
>  contractor for Microsoft's Y2K compliance program. He claims the President
> has no right to
>  alter time.
>  But according to Janet Reno, Clinton has the constitutional power to
> time by
>  Executive Order. "The President has the power to maintain domestic
> tranquility, and
>  protect the National Security. She said that changing time is expressly
> written in the
>  constitution, but could not cite where. "It's been while since I've read
> damn thing.
>  But we should get guns out of the hands of criminals and children," she
>  The FBI in Seattle could not be reached for a Justice Department
>  since they
>  were busy trying to extinguish and investi


1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



 by Sherman H. Skolnick

 Adolph Hitler was joined at the hip with American big business
 jointly with the British royal family. They financed him as a
 bulwark, they thought, against the Soviets. The Moscow government
 was perceived by them as a great threat to the West.

 The British royals were and are heavily German and were originally
 Von Battenberg. Following World War One, they changed their name to
 the House of Windsor, which sounds harmless. King Edward 8th
 abdicated the throne in the 1930s with the cover story that he
 wanted to marry a commoner. In fact, it was because he was very
 pro-Hitler and this would cause trouble with war clouds gathering.
 As the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, they lived mostly in the
 Bahamas, and he was the Governor there. He treasonously permitted
 Nazi U-boats to refuel there and be able to sink U.S. and British
 ships. After all, the British royal family was tied to the Nazis.
 See: John L. Spivak's book, "Secret Armies, The New Techniques of
 Nazi Warfare" [Starling Press, N.Y. N.Y., 1939], pages 17-30.

 World War Two started when the Germans invaded Poland, September,
 1939. Three weeks AFTER that, Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New
 Jersey and the German chemical octopus, I.G. Farben, made an unholy
 deal to share patents, royalties, and deals all during the war via
 neutral South American countries like Columbia. To make it seem
 legal, they arranged to fraudulently back-date the deal to THREE
 WEEKS BEFORE THE WAR STARTED. Who brokered and arranged this? Why,
 Joseph P. Kennedy, the pro-Hitler U.S. Ambassador to London until
 October, 1940, and "Founding Father" of the Kennedy clan. See: "The
 Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin. I.G. Farben
 had a secret arrangement with the top U.S. Military brass, not to
 bomb any of Farben's facilities during the war. At the close of the
 conflict, Farben's facilities were 93 per cent untouched and

 A U.S. Military officer wrote a heavily documented account of
 Farben being not bombed. See: the book "I.G. Farben" by Richard
 Sasuly, Boni & Gaer Publ., N.Y. N.Y, 1947.

 With Joseph P. Kennedy having a strong financial link to Hollywood,
 he ORDERED some 50 of the leading screenwriters NOT to write
 anything about the Nazi concentration camps. See: Ben Hecht's book,
 "Child of the Century", Simon & Schuster, N.Y. N.Y., 1954, page

 "The Cliveden set" of the British aristocracy wanted peace and
 collaboration with the Nazis. [Jacqueline Bouvier Auchincloss
 Kennedy's family were close to that group.] Hitler's top aide,
 Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland on a peace mission shortly after the
 war started. He was murdered by British Intelligence on behalf of
 the anti-Cliveden set and a double inserted instead. That double
 for Rudolph Hess was designated a war criminal after World War Two
 and was kept in Spandau Prison until he was way past 90 years of
 age. He was never allowed to write anything down or communicate
 with anyone. Hess's wife once proclaimed it was not her husband
 that was in jail because the jail inmate did not have her husband's
 tell-tale battle scar from World War One. To protect the secret
 about the peace overture, British Intelligence murdered the Hess
 double in jail.

 In 1962, after Joseph P. Kennedy's son, John F. Kennedy, had become
 President, the President and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, as
 U.S. Attorney General, arranged for hundreds of millions of dollars
 of Nazi alien property, still in the hands of the U.S. Government,
 to be returned to Nazi war criminals by way of a Swiss front,
 Interhandel. See: New York Times, September 21, 22, and 24, 1964.

 Some contend these treasonous dealings by the Kennedys justified
 the "patriotic" political assassinations of President Kennedy, and
 then later, his brother Bobby, each murder falsely blamed on a
 "lone assassin". How far into the next century will one have to
 wait for the truth? The American CIA has used dozens of Nazi war
 criminals as consultants, particularly on how to cover up political
 murders and how to snuff out material eyewitnesses to the same.

 A magazine called "The National Tattler",before they ceased
 publication, had a hard-hitting story, February 22, 1976, showing
 how Nazi war criminals after World War Two, run an international
 secret police group called Interpol, which specializes in hunting
 for people with Jewish surnames, often fingering them for minor
 offenses. In the 1970s, in Chicago, Cook County Undersheriff, Ross
 V. Randolph, was Interpol's key man in the Windy City. For many
 years, holding a top Post-War position also with
 Nazi-war-criminal-run Interpol, was FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

 As we stated in Part One of "Great Secrets of the 20th Century",
 "1912- the Britibsh ship TITANIC sunk moreso from an internal
 explosion in the coal bunker than from hitting an

[CTRL] NSA to work with FBI

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Newsweek:  National Security Agency Drafts
 'Memoranda of Understanding' To Work With
 FBI in the U.S.;

 This is the cover for the December 13 issue of Newsweek (on
 newsstands Monday, December 6 ). Newsweek looks at last
 week's WTO meetings in Seattle and the new face of protests
 in the U.S. There are also reports on the Internet "Brain
 Drain" and its effects on main stream businesses, troubles at
 the National Security Agency behind the "techno-curve,"
 rapper Jay Z's arrest after last week's stabbing of a record
 executive, Columbine principal speaks about his school's
 recovery from last spring's shooting rampage and the mystery
 surrounding the death of billionaire Edmond Safra.
 (PRNewsFoto)[KI] NEW YORK, NY USA 12/04/1999

 May Be Falling Behind the Techno-Curve in
 Surveillance Techniques

 NEW YORK, Dec. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- The National Security Agency
 is now drafting "memoranda of understanding" to clarify ways
 in which it can help the FBI track terrorists and criminals
 in the United States, territory in which it is generally
 off-limits, Newsweek has learned.  The FBI, never known for
 its technical know-how, welcomes the help from the high-tech
 NSA, but some senators are uneasy about letting the NSA
 eavesdrop more in the United States, report Washington
 Correspondent Gregory Vistica and Assistant Managing Editor
 Evan Thomas in the current issue of Newsweek.

 (Photo:  http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19991204/HSSA003 )

 While a secret court must approve any national-security
 wiretaps on U.S. citizens, there is still the risk of abuse.
 Under pressure to perform better, the NSA and CIA could
 overreach.  Under the existing rules, the NSA and CIA are
 supposed to spy on foreign threats while the FBI tends to
 crime at home. But the Internet has blurred boundaries, and
 as the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993
 demonstrated, foreign terrorists have targeted the United

 But the NSA may be losing its grip on the technology front.
 "The agency has got to make some changes," because "by
 standing still, we are going to fall behind very quickly,"
 concedes Air Force Lt. Gen. Mike Hayden, the new chief of the
 NSA, in an interview with Newsweek.  The old tools, such as
 spy satellites and global-listening stations to pick up
 broadcast transmissions and massive computers to sort and
 decipher them, are relatively ineffective on the new Info
 Highway.  The agency's problems have already been costly.
 The intelligence community's failure to predict that India
 would test a nuclear weapon in 1998 suggests that the NSA is
 becoming hard of hearing. Some intelligence experts speculate
 that Washington has had difficulty finding its most-wanted
 terrorist, Osama bin Laden, because Islamic extremists use
 European-made encrypted mobile phones, reports Newsweek in
 the December 13 issue (on newsstands Monday, December  6).

 SOURCE Newsweek
 Web Site: http://www.newsweek.com
 Photo Notes: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/19991204/HSSA003
 or NewsCom, 213-237-5431; AP PhotoExpress Network, PRN1;
 PressLink Online,

 ©1996-1999 PR Newswire. All rights reserved.

 Redistribution, retransmission, republication or commercial
 exploitation of the contents of this site are expressly
 prohibited without the written consent of PR Newswire.

 Forwarded with no endorsement implied--
 for education, research and discussion.

 *** NOTICE:  Per Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest, for Fair Use research and educational purposes, only.
 *** Ref:  http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml  


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Arafat steals show as Israel misses out on Millennium

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Arafat steals show as Israel misses out on Millennium

 By Alan Philps in Jerusalem
 London Telegraph
 4 December 1999

 THE Holy Land begins its Millennium celebrations today when
 the Christmas tree in Bethlehem's Manger Square is
 illuminated. But the hand on the switch for one of the
 greatest Christian festivals will be that of a Muslim, Yasser
 Arafat, the Palestinian leader.

 Mr Arafat will land in his helicopter in Jesus's birthplace
 to inaugurate the Bethlehem 2000 celebrations, 13 months of
 festivities that will see the former guerrilla fighter cast
 in the role of guardian of some of the holiest places in

 The heads of 13 Christian churches in Jerusalem are putting
 aside their differences to come to Bethlehem for a joint
 celebration under Mr Arafat's patronage. On Jan 7, the date
 when Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas, Mr Arafat has
 invited the heads of state of the Orthodox countries,
 including President Yeltsin of Russia, to visit.

 In March, the Pope is expected on a pilgrimage. Builders are
 rushing to finish the first five-star hotel in Bethlehem -
 which had no room at the inn 2,000 years ago - so that the
 Pope can stay there.

 The role of starting the celebrations is accorded to Mr
 Arafat as president of the Palestinian Authority. Mr Arafat
 has commissioned a £130 million facelift, which will
 eventually make the rather scrappy Palestinian town into a
 place fit for millions of tourists and pilgrims.

 While Mr Arafat seems to be enjoying the role, some Israelis
 are wondering if they have not been outsmarted by him. Israel
 has long seen itself as the Holy Land and is in charge of the
 Christian sites in Jerusalem. However, the government has
 failed to capitalise on the Millennium, which has no meaning
 for Jews, leaving the field open for the Palestinians.

 Meron Benvenisti, the former deputy mayor of Jerusalem,
 believes that the Israeli government has been paralysed by
 its fear of highlighting Christian claims to the Holy Land.
 "Yasser Arafat and his colleagues are artfully exploiting the
 Israeli failure and snatching the Holy Land away from the
 Jews," he wrote in the newspaper Haaretz.

 Mr Arafat, he said, was on the way to casting himself as the
 embodiment of Islamic religious tolerance, while the Israelis
 were stuck "in a cultural and religious ghetto".

 Israel's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi, Yisrael Lau, said last week
 that Christians were welcome in the Holy Land, but that the
 sight of crosses and Christmas trees was offensive to
 observant Jews.

 Israel's Millennium contribution has been mostly in crowd
 control and tourist development. Hidden cameras have been
 installed in Jerusalem's Old City, while new lavatories,
 first aid posts and a police station have been built near the
 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the presumed site of the
 crucifixion and burial.

 By a twist of fate, the last day of the Christian Millennium
 is a Friday. Sundown on this day marks the beginning of the
 Jewish sabbath, when public entertainment is banned in west
 Jerusalem, where the main hotels are. Despite the protests of
 hoteliers, no exceptions are to be made for Millennium
 revellers, which will make Jerusalem probably the dullest
 place on earth on Dec 31.

 Those who want to have a ball will have to go to Bethlehem,
 where Mr Arafat is laying on a peace party, with 2,000 doves
 being released into the night.

 © Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 1999.

 Forwarded with no endorsement implied--
 for education, research and discussion.

 *** NOTICE:  Per Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
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[CTRL] Hackers uncover secret billions of Arafat's PLO

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Hackers uncover secret billions of Arafat's PLO

 By Tom Gross in Jerusalem
 London Sunday Telegraph
 5 December 1999

 THE Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat has salted away billions
 of pounds for the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in
 secret foreign bank accounts and investments, including
 property in London.

 The disclosure about the hidden wealth of his PLO comes amid
 deepening economic hardship in his Gaza and West Bank
 fiefdoms. It will also hamper his efforts to woo a huge
 influx of European aid for his fledgling Palestinian regime.

 The timing of the disclosures could not have been more
 embarrassing as Mr Arafat, seated before a stage built to
 resemble a giant Christmas crib, yesterday opened Millennium
 celebrations in Bethlehem. He hopes that the year of
 festivities in Jesus's birthplace will showcase his push for
 an independent Palestinian state.

 New details of the vast PLO fortune he controls have come to
 light following a series of computer break-ins at the
 headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organisation in

 The hackers discovered that the PLO maintains about £5
 billion in numbered bank accounts in Zurich, Geneva and New
 York. It also holds accounts with smaller sums in north
 Africa, Europe and Asia. They are not registered in the PLO's
 name, but in the names of private individuals.

 The records also showed that the PLO owns shares on the
 Frankfurt, Paris and Tokyo stock exchanges, including stock
 in the German car giant Mercedes Benz, and property in
 prestigious areas of European capitals, including Mayfair in

 The organisation, which once specialised in aircraft
 hijackings, also has shares in several airlines, including
 the national carriers of the Maldives and Guinea Bissau. The
 computer security breach is believed on the West Bank to have
 been carried out by PLO officials disgruntled with Mr
 Arafat's leadership. "They wished to dispel the smokescreen
 created around the PLO's finances," a Palestinian official
 told The Telegraph.

 Mr Arafat has always refused to comment on reports about the
 foreign bank accounts. But the disclosures caused anger in
 poverty-stricken Gaza. One embittered Palestinian said: "Why
 is he sitting on a mountain of gold, while there is a
 desperate lack of jobs and medical supplies here?"

 Mr Arafat is both president of the Palestinian Authority, the
 semi-autonomous organisation that governs parts of Gaza and
 the West Bank, and the chairman of the PLO, which maintains
 its headquarters in Tunis, its base during its terrorist

 The creation of the Palestinian Authority, the embryonic
 government for a future Palestinian state, was supposed to
 lead to the winding-up of the PLO - and make the Palestinian
 leadership accountable and law-abiding. But the authority has
 in fact been repeatedly accused by domestic opponents of
 rampant corruption and mismanagement.

 The web of secret bank accounts and assets held around the
 world is believed to be so complex that only Mr Arafat
 himself and two of his most trusted aides know the overall
 picture. Much of the money is the result of "taxes" levied on
 Palestinians working in Kuwait and other Gulf states in the
 Seventies and Eighties, and of donations from wealthy states
 such as Saudi Arabia.

 The assets are controlled by Mr Arafat himself and it is not
 known what would happen to them if the 70-year-old, who is
 said to be suffering from Parkinson's disease, should die. An
 Israeli intelligence analyst said: "These revelations are
 almost certainly not the whole story. No one can know the
 full extent of the PLO's assets. They are so well hidden."

 The disclosures are also likely to prompt international
 donors, including the European Union countries, to ask why Mr
 Arafat is still demanding aid for his Palestinian authority.
 Nor will they have been impressed by his decision to invite
 Slobodan Milosevic, Yugoslavia's president, to Bethlehem.

 © Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 1999.

 Forwarded with no endorsement implied--
 for education, research and discussion.

 *** NOTICE:  Per Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest, for Fair Use research and educational purposes, only.
 *** Ref:  http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml  


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to rea


1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



 by Sherman H. Skolnick

 Chicago Federal Appeals Chief Judge Richard A. Posner was appointed
 as mediator in the Microsoft case. Who is he really?

 For twelve years he was a professor at the Law School at the
 University of Chicago, founded by the oil-soaked Rockefeller
 Family. One thing you can say about Richard A. Posner. He has been
 clever. His fellow law professor, some say his shadow, is Frank H.

 They have been quite a team. They reportedly represent
 Rockefeller's University of Chicago's ONE BILLION DOLLARS stock
 portfolio. Few stop to realize, some universities are actually
 huge, tax-exempt money ships, that survive wars and depressions,
 even, like in France, the overthrow of government.

 While a professor, Posner formed and became the President of
 Lexecon Inc. Their press agent describes it as" a firm comprised of
 lawyers and economists who perform economic and legal research and
 support clients in antitrust cases and other litigation." The firm
 supplies "litigation services". But that is not how some of its
 critics describe it. They reportedly say it is made up of experts
 in applying the "big fix" in and out of Court. Lexecon, according
 to some critics, works a malign, if not corrupt, influence on
 judges in important cases. Later, as a federal appeals judge,
 Posner reportedly retained a financial interest in this reputed
 "court fixing" enterprise.

 In more recent years, Lexecon was swept up in a series of smelly
 cases. Charges and counter-charges flew up and back, in and around
 the Courts, like bullets of jurisprudence. "Blackmail",
 "extortion", and hints of even worse that that. Few commentators,
 however, on Lexecon wanted to be publicly quoted by name on the
 really dark side of the accusations, "bribery of judges". But some
 who claimed to know about this enterprise of "litigation services",
 somehow whispered from what they felt in their heart of hearts,
 that knowing how to get away with strong-arming court officials,
 evening black-mailing or bribing them, is what Posner's creation is
 reportedly all about.

 Under President Lyndon B. Johnson, Posner worked his way into the
 center of the secrets of influencing the monopoly press. Posner was
 General Counsel to President Johnson's task force on communications
 policy. An expert on anti-monopoly matters, Posner actually
 reportedly arranged for the newsfakers to avoid becoming the target
 of a shakedown by the Justice Department's Anti-Trust Division,
 notoroiously politically-motivated and highly corrupt. Blackmail
 and counter-blackmail seems to be the machinery of American
 government. And Posner for years and years has been in a position
 to know about and operate such mechanisms.

 In December, 1981, President Ronald Reagan appointed Posner
 [(312)-435-5806] to the U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, in
 Chicago, hearing cases from federal courts in Illinois, Indiana,
 Wisconsin, and petitions to review federal agency rulings. [Some
 claim Reagan starting early on, did not attend to Presidential
 business that much and it was handled, actually by Vice President
 George Herbert Walker Bush, former head of America's secret
 political police, the CIA. Thus, Bush, in violation of the U.S.
 Constitution's 22nd Amendment, was actually "President" for 12

 Few caes actually have the statutory or other right to be heard by
 the U.S. Supreme Court. The petitioners in the bulk of the high
 court's cases have to, in effect, knock on their door and beg
 permission to enter to be heard. It is called, filing a Petition
 for Certiorari. In a recent term of the U.S. Supreme Court, with
 1600 such "begging" petitions pending, the 9 high priests in that
 temple rejected, without explanation, each and every such Petition,
 with just one word "Denied". The bad news, by the way, is sent by
 collect telegram to the petitioners or their counsel. That term,
 and thereafter, of that Court, they were either tired, lazy, or
 indifferent, or needed a nursing home. The High Court judges are
 most all multi-multi-millionaires. Do they decide matters involving
 their own financial interests? Some think so. When Justice Clarence
 Thomas was appointed to the Court and being ratified by the U.S.
 Senate, he started to mouth off about "natural justice". He stopped
 himself just as he was about to mention that the infamous "Dred
 Scott" decision was a proper decision under "natural justice".
 Still on the books, that pre-Civil War ruling held negroes to be
 mere slave chattel and baggage that could legally be moved from
 State to State.

 [For better or worse, I have held for years the record of having
 petitioned the high court more than any other petitioner in U.S.
 history. So I understand plenty about the High Court.]

 So, the High Court in Washington being for most a dead letter,
 Judge Posner knows HIS court in Ch

[CTRL] Emails Can Betray Personal Info

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-


 Emails Can Betray Personal Info

 Wired News Report
 9:20 a.m. 3.Dec.1999 PST

 Privacy groups are petitioning the FTC to address what they
 call a major privacy concern involving email software.

 They took action after software analyst Richard Smith
 reported a loophole that enables unsolicited emails to
 retrieve personal information using anonymous Web cookies.

 "Web browser cookies and email messages don't mix," said
 Smith, who frequently analyzes software for security and
 privacy problems.

 Cookies are anonymous identifiers collected by Web sites from
 a user's browser to identify return visitors.

 "Web surfing is supposed to be anonymous, but with the cookie
 leak security hole, companies can easily match our email
 addresses to the Web sites we visit."

 Smith said that the data tracking is set up by sending a Web
 page in email. The messages' HTML code contains enhanced
 cookie information that includes the recipient's email
 address. Anyone using Netscape Communicator, Qualcomm Eudora,
 and Microsoft Outlook is vulnerable, since those programs can
 view messages as HTML pages and store cookies without the
 recipient's knowledge.

 Using code that embeds graphics into the email message, the
 sender can easily cause the recipient's email address to be
 sent along with a cookie to Web sites they visit, Smith said.

 Smith sent a report of his finding
 ( http://www.tiac.net/users/smiths/privacy/cookleak.htm )
 to the FTC earlier this week. The Consumer Project on
 Technology, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the
 Electronic Privacy Information Center, and the Center for
 Media Education joined Smith in calling for the loophole
 to be closed.

 Copyright © 1994-99 Wired Digital Inc. All rights reserved.

 *** NOTICE:  Per Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
 distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
 interest, for Fair Use research and educational purposes, only.
 *** Ref:  http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml  


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fidel: Seattle Police "Worse Than Pinochet"

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Fidel: Seattle Police "Worse Than Pinochet"

Castro sounds off after hearing first-hand accounts of events in Seattle
from Cuba's returning World Trade delegates; pointing out that if
tactics like those employed by the government against demonstrators in
Seattle had been used in Cuba, the island nation would have likely been
the target of a NATO-led attack to "restore human rights" (kind of like
how the U.S. "restored" "DEMOCRACY" in Haiti! [see yesterday's article
"Mind Control On Demand Takes Flight"]). Again, though we are most
decidely NOT fans of Castro or many aspects of his regime, we have to
say his call on this is a dead-on bulls-eye. 

Catro makes some other quite pertinent points in his remarks quoted below.

Additionally Castro says he bailed out of attending the WTO talks after
getting word U.S. government gangsters planned to arrest him while in
Seattle--a very serious charge which, given the ongoing torrent of
lawless and atrocious actions on the part of the federal government, is
certainly believable.

NewsHawk® Inc.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

WIRE:12/05/1999 12:40:00 ET
Castro Says Seattle Police 'Worse Than

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuban President Fidel Castro on Sunday branded U.S.
police action against protesters at a trade meeting in Seattle as worse
than repression by Chile's former military ruler Augusto Pinochet.

The fiery 73-year-old communist leader, often accused of repression at
home, suggested that had such scenes been seen in Cuba, there would
likely have been a NATO-led invasion of the island on grounds of human
rights abuses.

And he contrasted the absence of U.S. political leaders on the streets
of Seattle to calm protesters with his own personal intervention during
a rare outbreak of public disorder in Cuba five years ago.

Thousands of protesters disrupted last week's opening of the World Trade
Organization talks, bringing chaos to the streets of downtown Seattle,
where running battles with police led to the arrests of more than 500 people.

In comments broadcast on state television on Sunday, Castro said the
Cuban people, like the world, had been astonished at the U.S. police's
"brutal methods".

"They are images that not were even not seen in the era of repression in
Chile, in the era of Pinochet," Castro said at Havana's Jose Marti
international airport where he received late on Saturday Cuba's
returning WTO delegation.

Pinochet, 84, is currently under house arrest near London at the request
of Spain, which wants to try him for torture charges dating from the
latter part of his rule in Chile. More than 3,000 people were killed or
disappeared in the years after Pinochet ousted elected socialist
President Salvador Allende in a bloody coup in 1973.


In the "peaceful and cultured city of Seattle," Castro said, the world
saw "a mass of masked men who looked like Martians or travelers to an
unknown planet, with blood- curdling uniforms designed to frighten the
people, and with aparati to hurl gas, bullets and blows."

He added: "What would happen if such images came out of Cuba? ... They
would say that it is a flagrant, massive violation of human rights, and
therefore NATO would have to be used for a humanitarian intervention."

Since his 1959 Cuban Revolution, Castro has faced one failed U.S.-backed
invasion attempt at the Bay of Pigs in 1961, and has constantly
maintained the specter of another possible armed "imperialist"
intervention since then.

He noted that neither President Clinton, nor the governor of Washington
state, appeared in the streets to "persuade the demonstrators" as he
says he did during a riot on Havana's sea-front Malecon on Aug. 5, 1994.

"I remember that day, when those disorders took place, provoked by them
(the United States), and finished without a shot, in a minute" after his
personal arrival on the scene, Castro said.

The Cuban leader had wanted to attend the WTO meeting, but decided not
to at the last minute, alleging a "plot" hatched by Cuban exiles and
backed by U.S. authorities to have him arrested Pinochet-style.

His comments on Seattle followed high-profile coverage in Cuba's state
media of the protests which Havana claims show the brutality of its
northern neighbor and expose the hypocrisy of human rights' criticism
against Castro's government.

Foreign critics and local dissidents accuse Castro of subtler but no
less effective forms of repression in a society where such open and
noisy protests as those seen in Seattle would never have been allowed in
the first place.

Copyright 1999 ABC News

[CTRL] Fwd: (en) Fringe anarchists in middle of violent demonstrations

1999-12-05 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Re: Fringe anarchists in middle of violent demonstrationshttp://

Ruth: I want to thank you for the interesting article on the anarchists
at yesterday's Seattle protests. It was good of you as a journalist to
spend some time talking with SOME of the anarchists who were present
yesterday. However, there are quite a few problems with your account,
which are typical of mainstream media coverage of the anarchism

Let me first say that I am a 34-year-old anarchist who works as a
webmaster in Washington, DC (three blocks from the White House).
Yesterday I attended two rallies here in D.C. to protest the WTO and
GM-modifed foodstuffs.

That being said, let me say that I fully support all of the actions
yesterday in Seattle, as long as they didn't hurt anybody. The whole
world saw who was really violent yesterday: the police. If that was a
restrained police action, should we get body bags ready for a "typical"
police action? All around the world today, people are looking at their
newspapers and seeing cops firing chemical weapons at nonviolent
demonstrators sitting in the street.

The street battles yesterday represent a frustration that many
nonviolent activists around the world are having with the police. We
can't do anything nonviolent without getting beat up or pepper-sprayed.
The cops have left us with no way to protest effectively.

I'm not sure how much the Eugene anarchists were involved with
yesterday's street battles, but they have legitimate reasons to be angry
with the cops. Over the past years, they have experienced pepper spray
attacks, a terrorist incident where the cops held the mom of an
anarchist at gunpoint, and last, but not least, the incarceration of an
older anarchist for 7 YEARS for throwing a rock at cop. He'll do more
time than most rapists and murderers.

I'm getting really sick and tired of reading journalists describe
anarchists as "self-proclaimed" or "self-described." We are anarchists,
period! Do you call Bill Clinton a "self-described Democrat?" Or
Governor George Bush a "self-proclaimed Republican?" You've gotten off
to a good start by describing the history of anarchism, but please
accord us with the same respect you use for any other political flavor.

More importantly, there were more anarchists in Seattle than you
counted. Probably in the thousands. I should know, because I helped one
financially travel there, and I know that many others were there. Not
all anarchist dress like the ones you interviewed. There were probably
ones there dressed like hippies, or students, or just middle class
suburban people. There were anarchists among the people who sat
nonviolently in the street. There were hundreds of anarchists (IWW) at
the labor rally. Other anarchists helped with alternative media work,
including websites and the micropower radio station. I suspect that
several dozen were involved with that building occupation.

Anarchists are all around you, but we don't all dress the same, nor do
we agree with each other. But we all stand in unity in our opposition to
capitalism and secret trade bodies such as the WTO.

Seattle is just a taste of things to come.


Mid-Atlantic Infoshop

Leonard Peltier Freedom Month
Executive Clemency For Peltier!

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Now!

"A society is a healthy society only to the degree that it exhibits
anarchistic traits."
- Jens Bjoerneboe

   ** The A-Infos News Service **
  News about and of interest to anarchists
WWW: http://www.ainfos.ca/
INFO: http://www.ainfos.ca/org

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] God, Guns, & Guts built America!

1999-12-05 Thread BARD

 -Caveat Lector-

And whatsayest my Lord,
will destroy America?

My Brothers and Sisters, shush, bend close,
fore whatsoever I sayest will be with you
all the days of your life.
Yes, through me you have created;  but lo,
you strayed from the path of righteousness,
and for that major error in your judgement,

Hate, Handgun control & Homosexuality
is destroying America!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Memory and the evolving psychobiology of post traumatic stress

1999-12-05 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Below please find an excerpt from: "THE BODY KEEPS THE SCORE:  Memory and the
evolving psychobiology of post traumatic stress" by Bessel van der Kolk

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them.  Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list.

excerpt from http://www.trauma-pages.com/vanderk4.htm

TRAUMA AND MEMORY: The flexibility of memory and the engraving of trauma
One hundred years ago, Pierre Janet (1) suggested that the most fundamental
of mental activities is the storage and categorization of incoming sensations
into memory, and the retrieval of those memories under appropriate
circumstances. He, like contemporary memory researchers, understood that what
is now called semantic, or declarative, memory is an active and constructive
process and that remembering depends on existing mental schemata (3,80): once
an event or a particular bit of information is integrated into existing
mental schemes, it will no longer be accessible as a separate, immutable
entity, but be distorted both by prior experience, and by the emotional state
at the time of recall(3). PTSD, by definition, is accompanied by memory
disturbances, consisting of both hypermnesias and amnesias (9,10). Research
into the nature of traumatic memories (3) indicates that trauma interferes
with delarative memory, i.e. conscious recall of experience, but does not
inhibit implicit, or non-declarative memory, the memory system that controls
conditioned emotional responses, skills and habits, and sensorimotor
sensations related to experience. There now is enough information available
about the biology of memory storage and retrieval to start building coherent
hypotheses regarding the underlying psychobiological processes involved in
these memory disturbances (3,16,17,25).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan


Only recently has Richard Mellon Scaife come into
public prominence, as a result of the disclosure that he is the bankroller
of a cushy ``retirement'' position for Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth
Starr at Pepperdine University. This raised eyebrows, to put it
mildly, because Scaife is the principal funder of a news media propaganda
campaign aimed at defaming and discrediting Starr's main target, President
William Clinton. Scaife has also bankrolled a nationwide crusade charging
that White House aide Vincent Foster did not commit suicide, but was murdered;
something which is also the subject of official investigation by the recipient
of Scaife's largesse, Kenneth Starr.

Ok.  This should convince even the most dim witted.  Star
hired the lawyer Barry Seal used but could find nothing wrong in the 8
box cars of cocaine Seal brought into America that tracked to Clinton or

Starr should go to prison for 20 years for obstruction of justice. 
Why would Scaife reward Starr for dropping the ball?  Scaife wanted
the ball dropped.  This should prove that all this New Right stuff
coming at us is phony.  They are all working together.

This leaves us with the uneasy question HOW COME THIS EIR WRITER

Brian Quig

Dave will find it of interest that it was the son in law of Andrew
Mellon, Harry Anslinger, who criminalized marijuana.  The Mellon apples
have not fallen far form the tree.

Title: Richard Mellon Scaife:  Who Is He Really?

End of Page
The Assault on the Presidency
Site Map
Overview Page

Part I
Part II
Part III

Who Is Richard Mellon Scaife?  Part I
 Return to Contents 

The following article will be continued in a
forthcoming issue.

He's considered the stupidest member of his
extended family, and was kicked out of Yale, not once, but
twice. He's a (supposedly recovered) alcoholic, as have
been most members of the family. The kindest description
of his personality is ``dark and mysterious.'' He is known
for never looking his own employees straight in the eye. 

He has a long history of using the U.S. Justice
Department to target his enemies. He got his own sister's
fiancé indicted; after his sister married the poor chap,
the man ended up dead within a year--some say suicide,
some say murder. 

He owns a network of newspapers, but he himself
refuses to be interviewed by reporters from other
publications. On one occasion, when a reporter for the
Columbia Journalism Review tried to question him, he
berated her as a ``f--king Communist c--nt.'' 

He gave a million dollars to Richard Nixon's
Committee to Re-Elect the President (CREEP), and he is the
biggest funder of right-wing think-tanks in the United
States today. 

Meet ... Richard Mellon Scaife. 

His name is hardly a household word, but in the past
quarter-century, ``Dickie'' Scaife has been one the most
powerful behind-the-scenes operators in the United States.
His power comes purely from his wealth, and specifically,
from the way that he has deployed that wealth at the
instruction of the Anglo-American banking families that he
represents. Dickie is not known for his brains--in fact,
he was kicked out of college twice, first expelled as the
result of a drunken brawl, and flunked out the second
time. His family made him go ``local,'' to Pittsburgh
University, which he tried to make up for, by majoring in
British history. 

Only recently has Richard Mellon Scaife come into
public prominence, as a result of the disclosure that he
is the bankroller of a cushy ``retirement'' position for
Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr at Pepperdine
University. This raised eyebrows, to put it mildly,
because Scaife is the principal funder of a news media
propaganda campaign aimed at defaming and discrediting
Starr's main target, President William Clinton. Scaife has
also bankrolled a nationwide crusade charging that White
House aide Vincent Foster did not commit suicide, but was
murdered; something which is also the subject of official
investigation by the recipient of Scaife's largesse,
Kenneth Starr. 

In the 1980s, Scaife also coordinated and financed a
similar campaign of media defamation against Lyndon
LaRouche, a Presidential candidate and founder of EIR,
and Scaife has a long history of using his own newspapers
to smear others who have drawn his ire. 

But this is nothing new for Scaife. What he is now
doing to President Clinton, and what he did to Lyndon
LaRouche, is what he was trained and deployed to do.
Scaife is not simply a ``multimillionaire supporter of
conservative groups,'' as he is portrayed in the news
media; nor is he simply an eccentric rich man who has an
obsession against President Clinton. 

To understand what is being done to President Clinton
today, and to understand what lies behind the campaigns of
defamation run by the news media against figures such as
Clinton or L

[CTRL] Fun In The "Holy Land"

1999-12-05 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

Holy Sepulcher Guardians Slam Door on Portal Plan
 Church: Israel cites safety in bid to open a second entry. But 6
denominations at site decry move as infringing on their turf.

By TRACY WILKINSON, Times Staff Writer

 JERUSALEM--Pushing through the single, medieval portal of the Church of
the Holy Sepulcher, worshipers, priests and pilgrims jostle for space. Smoky
perfumes of frankincense and myrrh mingle in the air. The flickering light of
hundreds of candles bounces off gilded mosaics and silver chalices. Rhythmic
liturgical chants in Latin, Greek, Aramaic and other ancient tongues echo and
clash through the cool, dark chambers of Christianity's most sacred shrine.
 Any morning inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is an assault on the
senses, an experience in otherworldly rapture for the deeply pious--and a
confusing mess for the less spiritually moved.
 For this is where most Christians believe Jesus was crucified, buried
and resurrected. No fewer than six Christian denominations physically share
this holiest of churches, and its hodgepodge of architecture, decoration and
ceremony reflects centuries of turbulent competition among the faiths for
domination and control.
 Millions of visitors to Jerusalem count the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
as their most important destination, and with the advent of the millennium,
millions more are expected to make the pilgrimage.
 And that is exactly what has Israeli authorities worried. The church has
just one entryway, a heavy wooden door about 6 feet wide and hundreds of
years old. So far, despite months of negotiation, the authorities have failed
to persuade the church's Christian guardians to open a planned second door in
time for the anticipated millennium crush.
 It is a disaster waiting to happen, Israeli government officials say.
 But the government is also reluctant to impose an emergency exit on the
church. Israel is already in hot water with the Christian world because of
its decision to allow construction of a mosque near another Christian shrine
in Nazareth, the town of Jesus' boyhood. Even the Vatican has reacted with
uncharacteristically blunt fury.
 The denominations that control the Holy Sepulcher have likewise made it
clear that they do not welcome Israeli interference.
 "We do not recognize Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem," said Wadi
abu Nassar, a spokesman for the Latin, or Roman Catholic, patriarch. And, he
added, a new door could be seen as tipping the balance of power among the
 Indeed, the denominations' mistrust of Israel is second only to their
mistrust of one another.
 Three main religions--Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian--have
principal custody of the church under an edict issued in 1852 by the ruling
Ottoman sultan and known as the Status Quo. Three additional denominations,
Coptic, Syrian Orthodox and Ethiopian Christian, are given space within the
church, portions of which date to the 4th century.
 The jealousy with which each faction guards its interests, status and
turf is legendary. Disagreement has blocked or delayed even the most
fundamental renovation projects. The purported tomb of Christ, the
centerpiece of the church, remains encased in rusted scaffolding erected more
than half a century ago by British Mandate governors seeking to repair
earthquake damage. The factions cannot decide how to go about removing the
scaffolding, even though it is a harsh blemish on the one feature that
pilgrims will queue for hours to behold.
 "The timetable of the churches is not the timetable of the modern
world," said Uri Mor, the Israeli government's liaison to the Christian
community and a principal proponent of opening a new door. "It took them 30
years to agree to paint the cupola. It took another 30 years to repair some
of the arches. So now we don't have 30 years, maybe only two months, but I
think they understand the situation."
 Israel has a responsibility to guarantee the safety of visiting
pilgrims, Mor said, but also must enforce the Status Quo, maintain the
delicate balance that exists within the church and respect the will of the
denominations. Unilateral action by Israel would also stir the wrath of
Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority, which maintains its own claims for
influence over the holy shrines.
 As the controversy over the door shows, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
is really a metaphor for the region, where historically adversarial peoples
crammed in a small space struggle for a share of land and power. No faction
is willing to cede anything that might take away from its own position or
give another faction advantage.
 "You might say it's childish, that it's un-Christian," said Daniel
Rossing, an expert on interfaith relations and the Holy Sepulcher. "But this
is the reality of Jerusalem."
 Under the Status Quo agreement, the congregations that control and
worship in the Holy Sepulcher follow a deta

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Regarding your IRS overpayment...

1999-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/04/1999 10:23:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< > Mr. Clinton has directed the FAA and other federal agencies to treat
 > Ms. Rodham-Clinton's plane, "Executive One Foxtrot," just as if it was
 > Air Force One -- giving her priority for take-offs, landings, ramp and
 > hangar space, air traffic diversions, etc.  Air traffic controllers
 > say the directive is unprecedented.  As a result, taxpayers are not
 > only paying for her Senate campaign travels, but also waiting for her
 > to come and go!
 > http://www.Federalist.com >>

It is more likely that the Secret Service is requiring this particular
behavior.  If you do not approve, perhaps you might suggest to them  that
taxpayers be allowed to proceed first.  They may not like it because it will
keep them away from their families longer, but their comfort should not
necessarily be the first consideration.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-12-05 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 12/04/1999 7:29:33 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 on the occasion of the
 Third Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization
 November 30-December 3, 1999

 We, the Indigenous Peoples from various regions of the world, have come to
 Seattle to express our great concern over how the World Trade Organization
 is destroying Mother Earth and the cultural and biological diversity of
 which we are a part.
 Trade liberalization and export-oriented development, which are the
 overriding principles and policies pushed by the WTO, are creating the most
 adverse impacts on the lives of Indigenous Peoples. Our inherent right to
 self-determination, our sovereignty as nations, and treaties and other
 constructive agreements which Indigenous nations and Peoples have negotiated
 with other nation-states, are undermined by most of the WTO Agreements. The
 disproportionate impact of these Agreements on our communities, whether
 through environmental degradation or the militarization and violence that
 often accompanies development projects, is serious and therefore should be
 addressed immediately.
 The WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AOA), which promotes export competition
 and import liberalization, has allowed the entry of cheap agricultural
 products into our communities. It is causing the destruction of ecologically
 rational and sustainable agricultural practices of Indigenous Peoples.
 Food security and the production of traditional food crops have been
 seriously compromised. Incidents of diabetes, cancers, and hypertension have
 significantly increased among Indigenous Peoples because of the scarcity of
 traditional foods and the dumping of junk food into our communities.
 Small-scale farm production is giving way to commercial cash-crop
 plantations further concentrating ancestral lands into the hands of few
 agri-corporations and landlords. This has led to the dislocation of scores
 of people from our communities who then migrate to nearby cities and become
 the urban homeless and jobless.
 The WTO Forests Products Agreement promotes free trade in forest products.
 By eliminating developed country tariffs on wood products by the year 2000,
 and developing country tariffs by 2003, the Agreement will result in the
 deforestation of many of the world's ecosystems in which Indigenous Peoples
 Mining laws in many countries are being changed to allow free entry of
 foreign mining corporations, to enable them to buy and own mineral lands,
 and to freely displace Indigenous Peoples from their ancestral territories.
 These large-scale commercial mining and oil extraction activities continue
 to degrade our lands and fragile ecosystems, and pollute the soil, water,
 and air in our communities.
 The appropriation of our lands and resources and the aggressive promotion of
 consumerist and individualistic Western culture continue to destroy
 traditional lifestyles and cultures. The result is not only environmental
 degradation but also ill health, alienation, and high levels of stress
 manifested in high rates of alcoholism and suicides.
 The theft and patenting of our biogenetic resources is facilitated by the
 TRIPs (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) of the WTO.
 Some plants which Indigenous Peoples have discovered, cultivated, and used
 for food, medicine, and for sacred rituals are already patented in the
 United States, Japan, and Europe. A few examples of these are ayahuasca,
 quinoa, and sangre de drago in forests of South America; kava in the
 Pacific; turmeric and bitter melon in Asia. Our access and control over our
 biological diversity and control over our traditional knowledge and
 intellectual heritage are threatened by the TRIPs Agreement.
 Article 27.3b of the TRIPs Agreement allows the patenting of life-forms and
 makes an artificial distinction between plants, animals, and
 micro-organisms. The distinction between "essentially biological" and
 "non-biological" and "microbiological" processes is also erroneous. As far
 as we are concerned all these are life-forms and life-creating processes
 which are sacred and which should not become the subject of private property
 Finally, the liberalization of investments and the service sectors, which is
 pushed by the General Agreement of Services (GATS), reinforces the
 domination and monopoly control of foreign corporations over strategic parts
 of the economy. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund impose
 conditionalities of liberalization, deregulation and privatization on
 countries caught in the debt trap. These conditionalities are reinforced
 further by the WTO.
 In light of the adverse impacts and consequences of the WTO Agreements
 identified above, we, Indigenous Peoples present the following demands:
 We urgently call for a social and env

Re: [CTRL] Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine

1999-12-05 Thread David Rupp

 -Caveat Lector-

Rodrigo wrote
Leaders and Founders of Satanic Cults... (Crowley, Gardner, Westcott,

I wouldn't consider them Satanists, per se, because they didn't actually
*worship* Satan. What they called 'Satan' was a principal different than
that of mainstream Christianity. These people tapped into the beliefs of
other cultures which had different ideas about sex, the feminine principal,
creativity, and intelligence. If you're going to transmit new ideas you need
to use metaphors that other people can understand.

David Rupp
Get caught up in The Web of Fate at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WTO-The World's Still Watching- more Sunday comments from brit paper

1999-12-05 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley

SUNDAY INDEPENDENT (London)05 December 1999

Seattle puts world trade on hold

Few emerged from the summit with credibility intact  -  including the WTO

By Andrew Marshall

They were dancing late into the night outside the Westin Hotel, where the
American delegation to the Seattle trade talks was staying.

The World Trade Organisation meeting finally collapsed under the weight of
its own contradictions late on Friday night, and the protesters who had
done so much to bring this about were jubilant. "History has been made in
Seattle as the allegedly irresistible forces of corporate economic
globalisation were stopped in their tracks," said Lori Wallach, director
of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch.

But the main reason for the Seattle fiasco was not the mainly white,
middle-class demonstrators in their bobble hats and face paint: it was the
quietly dignified men and women of the trade delegations from Africa, Asia
and Latin America who reclaimed a little self-respect by standing up to
the United States of America. They have less in common with the
demonstrators than they think, apart from one thing: they agree that the
World Trade Organisation does not work.

The meeting had become a debacle long before it was ignominiously closed
down, with virtually every delegation expressing amazement at the
incompetence of America's management. "Do they want this to fail?"
European officials asked in stunned incomprehension as the talks failed to
tackle the most important issues, and the procedure started to crack under
the strain. The US had lost on many key demands, and may conceivably have
decided failure was better than a bad agreement. In any case, the
recriminations were already starting to fly.

The summit cost hundreds of millions, all of it wasted. Shopkeepers in
Seattle lost more than $7m (#4.5m) of business, and suffered further bills
for damage during the demonstrations. The bill for police and security
force overtime also runs into millions, as does the cost of bringing
thousands of delegates and journalists halfway round the world.

The mayor and police chief of Seattle have been lambasted for their
handling of security, but other reputations have suffered too. The event
has crippled the political credibility of the US Trade Representative,
Charlene Barshefsky, fresh from her triumph in negotiating a deal with
China, while Mike Moore, the new WTO director-general, was booed and
heckled. The organisation itself is badly holed below the waterline  -
though international summits often walk a fine line between success and
failure, and are sometimes blocked by a few key demands, few, if any, have
simply collapsed like this. It was "a remarkable meeting," as Mr Moore put
it  -  "much was done," he added, in apparent contradiction of the facts.

One of the main intentions, the US said, was to heal the divide between
rich and poor countries. By the end, it was turning into a pitched battle
between the US and the South on a scale that has not been seen for
decades. Developing nations, furious at the way they were treated by
America and American demonstrators, stood firm against demands for new
rules on labour standards. And they demanded new concessions to make up
for the fact that they had gained too little from the last round of trade
talks. " It's a great day for the developing world," said Duncan Green of
the Catholic aid agency Cafod.

Most felt their views were ignored and they were marginalised. "They have
been treating us like animals, keeping us out in the cold and telling us
nothing," said the Egyptian trade negotiator, Munir Zahran. But while
developing nations have felt this exclusion before, "the difference was
that they did something about it", said Mr Green. "They wanted to put down
a marker that they couldn't be used as a doormat."

The Seattle shambles was also hailed a victory by the groups which
organised the demonstrations that paralysed the city for several days. But
they represented very diverse interests, ranging from the environment to
labour, and in fact most have lost in some way.

Those who marched to demand that labour standards be included in the WTO,
including US unions, must now confront the fact that there is no chance
that America will be able to resurrect this issue. Those who wanted the
non-governmental organisations to get a seat at the table also lost,
because the developing countries feared that more white middle-class faces
would mean even less influence for them. They did not want more
environmental rules, but they did want more trade access for their
textiles and manufactured goods, something that would be very difficult
for the unions that were out on the street.

More than the demonstrations which halted proceedings on Tuesday and
brought tens of thousands of people into the street, the fundamental cause
of the collapse was internal differences and clashes within the US

[CTRL] Seattle is the beginning of a police state

1999-12-05 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

> >Interview with Seattle MD:
> >"This is the beginning of a police state"
> >
> >My name is Richard DeAndrea. I'm a medical doctor. What I saw up here was
> >martial law. This turned into a police state. Everything you have seen on
> >television regarding local news broadcasts including national public radio
> >was a blackout. The police were using concussion grenades. They were
> >shooting tear gas canisters directly at protesters' faces. They were using
> >so-called rubber bullets. These are actually hard plastic. Some of the
> >damage I saw: these plastic bullets took off part of one person's jaw,
> >smashed teeth in other people's mouths. I saw the police arrest people who
> >had their hands up in the air screaming we are peacefully protesting. The
> >amount of looting that took place was so minimal I don't even know where
> >they got the footage from. I am saying this beyond a shadow of a doubt. This
> >is a definite sign that America is heading towards a police state unless
> >people start standing up for their rights as individuals. I am actually
> >shocked and ashamed. I am ashamed of the police force, I am ashamed of the
> >mayor I am ashamed of Bill Clinton. I am ashamed of the whole thing.
> >
> >Jared: These rubber bullets - what are they?
> >
> >Dr. DeAndrea: They are made of polyester type material. They are like a hard
> >plastic toy. The idea is to hit your body, do damage, not actually
> >penetrate. But I did see penetration wounds, I did see people bleeding. I
> >did see teeth loss, I did see broken bones. There were children present,
> >there were families present, they were firing upon families, mothers,
> >grandmothers,. They were just firing at them. They came out in full police
> >force. They brought out swat teams, they had the national guard up here,
> >there was CIA surrounding the delegates' buildings. It was very obvious that
> >there was an institutional control that had no regard of human rights
> >whatever.
> >
> >In addition we have video footage of protesters being taken away as well as
> >human rights being violated. Prisoners were taken and they were tortured.
> >There is a case, I believe his name is Holm, Keith Holm. He was tortured
> >because he would not give his name. They handcuffed, laid him on the floor,
> >they smashed his face against the concrete, they grabbed his hair, they
> >ripped out a lock of hair. and then placed pencils between his fingers and
> >pressed on them until he would give his name. He refused. They were also
> >banging his head against metal objects. He was actually the first protester
> >released because the Internal Affairs came in to do an investigation and
> >they wanted him gone because he would be able to give testimony.
> >
> >We're treating people in a studio loft downtown. I just treated an ear
> >wound. People have been treated for concussion injuries. There have been
> >people who have been treated for plastic bullet wounds. Lots of tear gas
> >injuries, lots of damage to cornea, lots of damage to the eyes and skins.
> >They were using a pepper spray, a tear gas and they were also using some
> >sort of nerve gas. We had reports of many demonstrators winding up with
> >seizures the next day. It causes muscles to clamp up, muscle contraction,
> >seizures.
> >
> >They have done several illegal things regarding these people in jail. They
> >have been telling them that they would not be let out, not have their bail
> >set if they didn't give their names. Its their legal right not to give their
> >name. They don't have to speak at all. Attorneys came up and said we are
> >representing these people. The police called the attorneys liars. At this
> >point they have still refused to let any of them see their clients. There
> >are close to 600 people who were arrested and they have been holding them
> >for two days on charges that are mostly misdemeanors, such as refusal to
> >disperse. A lot of people in there have not gotten medical attention either.
> >I have gotten calls from young ladies in there who have had all sorts of
> >emotional problems as well as physical problems. They have called me for
> >medical attention from inside the jail. There are people still sitting in
> >there who have not even been processed.
> >
> >Today there were fewer attacks by police, but they did arrest more people.
> >And there was no violence today by the marchers and all through the day
> >yesterday it was the same. What you are seeing on television about looting
> >and anarchistic protesters - there's astraight-out blackout and they are
> >basically pushing that [line]. There is not much damage to property here.
> >There are not many windows that have been damaged or stores that have been
> >looted. Those are extremely rare cases.
> >
> >I used to believe newspapers were telling the truth. But now I am no longer
> >behind that. This is the beginning of a police state. You can quote me on
> >that.


[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] "Get Clinton!"

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't think anyone believes Clinton is clean--probably not even the
LaRouchies.  That's one reason I broke with them, because they were so
one-sided.  But that doesn't mean the information on Scaife is wrong.

I think LaRouche's strategy was to butter Clinton's people up in order to
convince him he had to turn to LaRouche for advice, and they didn't want to
offend him in any way.  But I disagree with that when they are supposed to
be reported the truth.  Everyone's truth seems to be relative to their own
self-interest.  Right?


-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, December 05, 1999 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [CIA-DRUGS] "Get Clinton!"

>Scaife shmaife, if anyone on this list thinks Bill Clinton's hands are
>I suggest he consult a surgeon about a frontal lobotomy. The source of 99%
>the information in my first book about Clinton and the Dixie Mafia (Circle
>Death: Clinton's Climb to the Presidency), was personal interviews, reviews
>of documents filed in courthouses in Arkansas, DEA files, and the work of
>local detectives. The most significant sources of information for the new
>book (Sold Out: The Clinton Legacy) were interviews and transcripts from
>trials. And, as for the late Mr. Foster's demise, my brother, a homicide
>detective who teaches seminars each year at the FBI academy in Quantico,
>related an interesting vignette to me after returning from his Feb. 1998
>trip. I've already posted it to the list, but the short version is that
>several FBI agents sitting around a table in a coffee lounge told him that
>Vince Foster was killed at the White House, and that his body was
>to Ft. Marcy Park, to create the appearance that he'd committed suicide. I
>have no reason to defend Scaife, but to infer that Foster's death was a
>suicide based on little more than speculation that Scaife was trying to
>disparage Clinton, is tenuous at best.

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Re: [CTRL] The New Callousness

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Thanks Bill, quite the piece.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: N30 Black Bloc Communique about Seattle US

1999-12-05 Thread nessie

 -Caveat Lector-

  A - I N F O S  N E W S  S E R V I C E

Report from one section of the anarchist black bloc during Seattle's N30

On November 30, several groups of individuals in black bloc attacked
various corporate targets in downtown Seattle.  Among them were (to name
just a few):

--Fidelity Investment (major investor in Occidental Petroleum, the bane of
the U'wa tribe in Columbia)
--Bank of America, US Bancorp, Key Bank and Washington Mutual Bank
(financial institutions key in the expansion of corporate repression)
--Old Navy, Banana Republic and the GAP (as Fisher family businesses,
rapers of Northwest forest lands and sweatshop laborers)
--NikeTown and Levi's (whose overpriced products are made in sweatshops)
--McDonald's (slave-wage fast-food peddlers responsible for destruction of
tropical rainforests for grazing land and slaughter of animals)
--Starbucks (peddlers of an addictive substance whose products are
harvested at below-poverty wages by farmers who are forced to destroy
their own forests in the process)
--Warner Bros. (media monopolists)
--Planet Hollywood (for being Planet Hollywood)

This activity lasted for over 5 hours and involved the breaking of
storefront windows and doors and defacing of facades.  Slingshots,
newspaper boxes, sledge hammers,
mallets, crowbars and nail-pullers were used to strategically destroy
corporate property and gain access (one of the three targeted Starbucks
and Niketown were looted).
Eggs filled with glass etching solution, paint-balls and spray-paint were
also used.

The black bloc was a loosely organized cluster of affinity groups and
individuals who roamed around downtown, pulled this way by a vulnerable
and significant storefront
and that way by the sight of a police formation.  Unlike the vast majority
of activists who were pepper-sprayed, tear-gassed and shot at with rubber
bullets on several
occasions, most of our section of the black bloc escaped serious injury by
remaining constantly in motion and avoiding engagement
with the police.  We buddied up, kept tight and watched each others'
backs.  Those attacked by federal thugs were un-arrested by quick-thinking
and organized members of
the black bloc.  The sense of solidarity was awe-inspiring.


Unfortunately, the presence and persistence of "peace police" was quite
disturbing.  On at least 6 separate occasions, so-called "non-violent"
activists physically
attacked individuals who targeted corporate property.  Some even went so
far as to stand in front of the Niketown super store and tackle and shove
the black bloc away.
Indeed, such self-described "peace-keepers" posed a much greater threat to
individuals in the black bloc than the notoriously violent uniformed
"peace-keepers" sanctioned
by the state (undercover officers have even used the cover of the activist
peace-keepers to ambush those who engage in corporate property


Response to the black bloc has highlighted some of the contradictions and
internal oppressions of the "nonviolent activist" community.  Aside from
the obvious hypocrisy
of those who engaged in violence against black-clad and masked people
(many of whom were harassed despite the fact that they never engaged in
property destruction), there
is the racism of privileged activists who can afford to ignore the
violence perpetrated against the bulk of society and the natural world in
the name of private property
rights.  Window-smashing has engaged and inspired many of the most
oppressed members of Seattle's community more than any giant puppets or
sea turtle costumes ever could
(not to disparage the effectiveness of those tools in other communities).


Here's a little something to dispel the myths that have been circulating
about the N30 black bloc:

1.  "They are all a bunch of Eugene anarchists."  While a few may be
anarchists from Eugene, we hail from all over the United States, including
Seattle.  In any case,
most of us are familiar with local issues in Seattle (for instance, the
recent occupation of downtown by some of the most nefarious of
multinational retailers).

2.  "They are all followers of John Zerzan."  A lot of rumors have been
circulating that we are followers of John Zerzan, an anarcho-primitivist
author from Eugene who
advocates property destruction.  While some of us may appreciate his
writings and analyses, he is in no sense our leader, directly, indirectly,
philisophocally or

3.  "The mass public squat is the headquarters of the anarchists who
destroyed property on November 30th."  In reality, most of the people in
the "Autonomous Zone" squat
are residents of Seattle who have spent most of their time since its
opening on the 28th in the squat.  While they may know of one-another, the
two groups 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Walkers, Welds and Whites

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

From: "Linda Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Footnote 7:
George Bush is a member of the same Walker family, on his mother's side [Cf.
Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: The Unauthorized
Biography (Washington, D.C.: EIR News Service, 1992)], as Governor Weld's
former associates of the Walker clan, in his family firm of White Weld. It
was one of those White-Weld associates of the Walkers, Weld's cousin, Ogden
White, Jr., for whom William Weld, as Boston U.S. Attorney, covered, in
cutting a deal which ended the biggest money-laundering case in U.S.
criminal history, that of the Bank of Boston. During the same time Weld was
blocking criminal charges against his money-laundering cronies, he was
launching criminal prosecution, in Bush's interest, against such key Bush
opponents as this writer and his friends. Weld, as head of the Justice
Department's Criminal Division, ran the point for obstruction of justice in
the investigation of the Iran-Contra operations back during 1986-1987. The
Bush White House, in turn, ran a 1990 dirty-tricks operation against the
Massachusetts Democratic Party, to assist in securing Weld's election as
governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The nepotisms of the
Bush-Weld family connections are intimate, important, disgusting, and often
very, very dirty.


Highlights of Radio Free Eireann
Bill Hughes' WBAI Commentary, 10/26/96

In Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry has a golden opportunity to defeat the
British sympathizer William Weld, in that tight senate race. He might also
further expose George Bush's suspected role as a drug kingpin, and possibly,
send both Bush and Weld to Allenwood FCI for long vacations at the
taxpayers' expense. It was Weld, who used the Justice Department, during
most of the 80's, as an instrument of oppression towards activists, like
Richard Clark Johnson, and others. He also stands accused by Jack Blum, a
congressional investigator, of stonewalling the probe into the Bush-North
criminal syndicate. Sen. Kerry also said that Weld, while at the Justice
Department, had all the information on the Contra-drug running scandal and
did "zippo" about it. This is the same Weld, who traces his blue blood line
back to Lulworth Castle in England.
When they write the book on conflicts of interest, Weld should be in chapter
one. In the Bank of Boston sweetheart deal, which I spoke of last week, he
was obligated as a prosecutor to recuse himself from any role in that plea
bargain. Weld refused, despite the fact, his cousin, A. Ogden White, Jr.,
was then chief of foreign operations for the Bank of Boston, and both he and
his cousin also had connections to another bank involved in the scandal. My
source advises that White, in order to avoid the spotlight, has retreated to
the Bush Family compound, located on Florida's Jupiter Island.

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[CTRL] [3] The Squad

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Squad
Michael Milan
Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press©1989
Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 1001
ISBN 0-944007-52-X
304 pps.  – First/only edition[there is also a UK printing] -- Out-of-print

Boss of All Bosses

It was 1947 and I had been out of the Navy for two years, my chest still
popping buttons 'cause we'd won the war. At first I just knocked around the
streets, picking up action here and there and letting friends of friends know
I was back in town and looking for work. I sold used cars off the books for a
local gas station owner I knew from before the war. It was a legit cover for
putting new paint and plates on the buggies his friends had snatched for
their out-of-town heists. I made unannounced visits to merchants in the rag
business who were not paying their vig to my clients on time. And I settled
disputes between the boys from Little Italy and the few Jewish businessmen
who still stayed on the Lower East Side. Today you'd call me a financial
consultant. They paid me for keeping the peace. I'd been working indirectly
for one of Frank Costello's underbosses at the time, but I didn't know it.

I had never met Frank Costello, but I'd certainly seen him and heard about
him from people I knew. He had a reputation for hardly ever speaking to
anyone in public. Mostly he spoke with his hands and his eyes. He would
point. He would make a fist and shake it at someone. He would turn his thumbs
down. To make a comment, sometimes he would shrug his shoulders and grunt
from deep inside his belly. And when he spoke in words, he growled like it
hurt him to breathe. Or he hissed in a whisper that was like a knife.

"You don't talk to Frank Costello," old Sam Koenig once told me years before
as Mr. C.'s limousine pulled up to the curb. It was a warm spring day and the
first time I'd ever seen Mr. C. in person. "You don't even look at him unless
he looks at you." I was twelve years old then and had just started collecting
the skim from Meyer Lansky's crap games. I kept a good count and was always
on time with my deliveries. Mr. Lansky had told me that he was going to move
me up in the organization. Sam Koenig and I were watching Frank Costello get
out of a car in front of Pollack's fruit stand on Essex Street. Mr. Costello
was a round man with short arms and legs, and he needed the help of his two
button men just to make the step down from the car's running board. A small
crowd had gathered, but they pretended nothing was happening. Frank Costello
shaded his eyes with his hat brim as he pushed his way along the sidewalk. He
stopped in front of us, paused just long enough to look Koenig directly in
the eyes, and then swaggered up to the fruit bins. He motioned quickly with
his hands at the crates of fruit, making two's and three's with his fingers
over each fruit as if he was putting a hex on 'em or something. Then he
inspected each paper bag as Pollack handed them over. Mr. Costello dug around
in a bag of apples, pulled out an orange, held it up to his face, handed it
back to Pollack, and looked over at Koenig who seemed to nod before turning
away. Frank Costello went back to his car without looking back in our
direction and drove off towards Delancey Street. That was the only time I saw
him in person before we had our first meeting.

Now it was early November and the weather had just turned chilly. I was
twenty-three. My life was about to change because Frank Costello wanted a
sitdown. I didn't know why he wanted to see me, but I wasn't worried because
the message was delivered with a basket of strawberries. Strawberries were my
favorite fruit and the button man who brought them, a pal named Augie from my
Grand Street Boys Club days, knew it. It was the Family's way of saying
you're not in any trouble. The heads of the syndicates always sent messages
with fruit or flowers because it was their way of throwing cops or Feds off
the scent. Augie didn't even have to say anything. He just handed me the
strawberries and motioned to a car in the street. Then he rolled his eyes all
the way back and nodded big. That told me it was either Mr. C. or somebody
close to him.

We drove back to my place where I got dressed for the occasion. I knew it was
important and asked Augie to do me a favor and wait while I put on my special
white-on-white linen shirt and searched for my best ruby cufflinks, the ones
that sent red sparkles on the ceiling when they caught the light. I picked
out my new black suit and wore a gray fedora with a little feather in the
band. Anything less would have been a sign of disrespect. I was spending a
lot of time in front of the mirror and knew that Augie was getting restless.
He grunted a few times and paced real loud outside my bedroom door while I
straightened my tie just right and slicked down my hair. I was proud of the
way I looked and still wanted the chance to go out to Hollywood and show my
stuff. I knew I was taking too

[CTRL] [2] The Squad

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Squad
Michael Milan
Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press©1989
Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 1001
ISBN 0-944007-52-X
304 pps.  – First/only edition -- Out-of-print

Mitchell Field

I'm working the heavy bag in the gym over at Mitchell Field. I'm back in my
own world again. Throwing punches in flurries while I'm ducking and weaving,
putting combinations together that don't give a man time to think. Make him
blink his eyes' cause the left stays square in his face. I move in, punching
on the bag. I clinch and steady it. Catch a breath. Keep my head low. Then I
move out, punching off the bag even faster. Can't let him. come after me.
Can't let him get started. Play peek-a-boo, crouch, snap a jab, jab, jab.
Double up on the jab. Triple up on the jab. Snap it.

I like the way a punch feels when you connect with it. And I like throwing
the short stinging jabs that make a man's face burn red and puffs up his
eyes. Or connecting with a hooking uppercut dug right under his diaphragm
that sucks out all the air and locks him up so he can't move, or a straight
overhand right that lands flush on his nose and flattens it out in five
directions at once. When you throw a good punch, you throw it right from the
dead center of your fear with the weight of your whole body behind it. You
use your leg muscles and drive your fist with the swing of your shoulders.
You make your contact right on your knuckles and punch through his face like
you're taking his head clean off. All fighters hit from fear. They feed on
fear. Fear is what keeps us alive.

Maybe I'm feeling too good. Maybe I think I look like the kid I was fifty
years ago when I wanted to be a movie star. Maybe all the weight I lost has
taken off the years as well. I say it's 1944 again and I'm fighting some
piece of pork in the Navy championships. I skip to my left and dig a quick,
hard uppercut into the bag and push off with two high left jabs. I'm up on
the balls of my feet, dancing away, making him work if he wants me. Then I'm
low and in tight, fighting out of a crouch and playing peek-a-boo behind my
gloves with the cement-foot palooka lumbering after me, measuring my head for
his one lucky shot of the night. He wants my pretty face spread all over the
canvas. I pull my head back and drop my hands. I flash him my Jimmy Cagney
grin before I slip away.

Take the poke, you fuck. You're goin' through the ropes.

Swish. His wild right goes sailing over my head like he's in slomo. So I set
him up again with two high jabs that split his lip. Bam, bam. The gorilla's
head snaps back.

Where'd they come from, you sonofabitch?

I fake a looping right with my shoulder more than my hand and he pulls his
head back. Then I fire a left hook straight up under his chest cavity with
everything I got. I feel the oomph of that punch all the way across my back,
down the backs of my legs, and straight to my ankles. The gorilla's whole
midsection seizes up. He gasps for air. I know he's ready. I push off the
hook with a high double jab just as he drops his hands. Bam, bam. The jabs
sting his eyes so they water right up. Then I smother him with as many rights
and lefts as I can throw in one minute flat. My arms work like pistons
driving into the heavy sand. I keep throwing my punches as the sweat runs
through my sweat band like It's a teabag. I keep throwing 'em until I'm out
of air and near gasping. Then I throw two more just to push off the bag. Even
when a man's knees buckle and he's going down you still bury him with all the
punches you can throw until they pull you off. Make them pull you off. Make
them scream. Make them throw themselves in front of you, but never stop

Now I'm starting up again with a deuce of spring-loaded lefts-the fastest
left hand in the world is what they called 'em forty years ago—but just
before I go sliding back to 1944 and the USO party that always used to follow
the fights, I see this black Marine out of the corner of my eye. He's big
like a heavyweight, mean like a prize fighter, and his eyes follow every move
I make. I circle around the bag to get a better look at him, but I bob in and
out so he don't know I'm giving him the once over too. He's watching me like
a scout so I give him something to look at while I flash face cards in my
mind, looking for a match with his. Dance for the man, I say to myself, and I
do the Ali shuffle out of a peek-a-boo. I see the Marine's head bob when my
head bobs, his fists clench when I throw a punch, and his hips move when I go
up on my toes. It's like he's clocking me for somebody else. Now he walks up
and stands directly alongside the heavy bag.

"Tom Seamus," the Marine says, referring to a fighter I used to manage years
ago. "Irish Tom Seamus out of Boston. Didn't you used to manage him? Whatever
happened to that kid?"

This Marine is tall and thick-framed, maybe six-three or four, about
thirty-five years old, and he has hands like a 

[CTRL] [1] The Squad

1999-12-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Squad
Michael Milan
Rose Ann Levy and Shadow Lawn Press©1989
Shapolsky Publishers, Inc.
136 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 1001
ISBN 0-944007-52-X
304 pps.  – First edition


You can call me Michael Milan. Everybody else does, or something close to it.
Milan's not my real name. Officially I have no real name-just the names they
called me when they sent me out on jobs. Mike Milan was only one of them.
It's the one well use in this story. I've used a hundred names on the job,
none of them my own. The people who know me-the people that I once reported
to even they didn't want to know my real name. They sent me orders with my
serial number in the upper right-hand comer: 80762546. That number was a
code, and it always meant that someone who I'd never met was supposed to die.
By my hand. The people who gave me these assignments always referred to them
as "foreclosing a loan," "delivering a package," or "terminating someone's
employment." "Killing" was something the bad guys did. We were supposed to be
the good guys. I wasn't the only person executing the contracts. I worked
with others and they didn't have real names either. They only had their
serial numbers and the names they picked up along the way.

My story takes place over the span of forty years when I was a member of an
undercover squad—J. Edgar Hoovers private Squad. It was a top-secret
operations unit that did jobs so dirty even the other intelligence services
were afraid of it. The Squad operated on the fly out of the Departments of
Justice and Treasury from 1947 to 1971, and for all that time we were more
rumor than fact. We were the boogey men that FBI recruits talked about when
they were brought up from Virginia. We were the guys in the black fedoras and
behind the sunglasses that made files disappear from locked offices between
five in the evening and nine the next morning.

The Squad itself no longer exists as a unit. It faded away as the Old Man was
falling from power; it died when he died. This story is about the Squad and
about the kinds of jobs the Squad specialized in: executions. The Squad was
set up by Mr. Hoover personally. He recruited each one of us individually. He
picked us out of the Families, out of the OSS, or out of local police forces.
He figured us to be specially trained for undercover work because we came
from the streets. His own agents, the guys who came out of law school,
couldn't do what we did. Besides, the Old Man always said that he would never
put regular FBI agents undercover because he was afraid they might get
corrupted. We were different. He knew exactly what we were. He pulled us in
one by one, told his bodyguards to leave the room, and made his decisions
right on the spot. He either liked you or he didn't, but you knew where you
stood. He looked us right in the eye, told us to stand up straight and keep
our hands out of our pockets. And then he ordered up exactly what he wanted.
He knew our backgrounds and he made sure that we knew that he knew. He pulled
out these grey file folders and read from them right into our faces like he
was reciting chapter and verse: names, AKAs, dates, warrants, convictions,
dispositions, time served, warrants outstanding, cases still open. He put the
round in the piece and the pieces in our hands. He was the best cop I ever

Mr. Hoover had decided that the courts of the United States did not properly
administer justice the way he thought they should. Whether he was right or
wrong is for history to say. Personally, I know he was right. All that
matters now is that there were certain cases that never hit the courts. They
never could hit the courts. Maybe the cases were too sensitive or Mr. Hoover
felt that the courts would never dispense the justice he wanted. Many times,
these were cases that involved national security or that couldn't be
prosecuted because there was no evidence. In these cases the guilty people
walked away. Mr. Hoover had a way to deal with that. He found ways to make
the guilty parties disappear. He devised what could only be called an
execution squad made up of no more than ten men at any one time, none of whom
ever went to any FBI academy or took a civil-service exam. None of the men
were supposed to be seen by regular FBI agents. He called us the Unknowns. We
always worked in the background, finding the people the Bureau couldn't and
turning them into John Does on hundreds of Medical Examiners' reports for
over forty years. Some people we turned into informants—although I hate that
word-who were used to pursue cases through regular channels. Sometimes we
were there and gone before the regular Bureau agents ever got to the scene.
We would do our work and plant the necessary evidence for the FBI to follow.
How we got the evidence wasn't important, just so that it held up in court.
If it didn't, we'd have to go back to work. Sometimes the regular agents
never even got to the scene because there was no

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Sunday #1- y2k minus 27

1999-12-05 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

SkeptiNews 991205a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* Nothing contained here is ever endorsed for truth, accuracy, or meaning.
* No NASA spacecraft were cannibalized for parts to produce this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ The Idol of Fombum: http://www.mjt.org/exhibits/fombum.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# DOMINION - Crucified gorilla painting yanked from show. While the work
  gets criticized & vandalized, the artist defends the piece. The painting
  symbolizes man's inhumanity to animals and Earth, she says. Crucify her
  too: http://www.dallasnews.com/texas_southwest/1203tsw4nmcrucify.htm

: What's your favorite religious art? Do you worship art depicting tortured
entities? Who would you rather see crucified: humans, animals, aliens, me,
cartoon characters, politicos, performers, preachers, potentates? D'ya want
them clothed, nude, gore-smeared, tarred/feathered, painted, gilded, burnt?
How do you react to such images? Do you join angry mobs attacking'em? Why?

# Out of Africa: from simple squares to fractals, African
  craft and art traditions show stunning, complex designs:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# A deafening silence from the Mars Polar Lander. (BBC) US space scientists
  have once again failed to make contact with the Mars Polar Lander, raising
  fears that their multi-million dollar mission may have ended in failure.
  Bother: http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_55/550600.stm

: Did ETs hijack the Polar Lander for spare parts? Did they need the solar
panels, the semiconductors, the rare metals? Have ETs stolen your hubcaps?

# No word from Mars, now what? NASA tries to spin the disaster:
# Silence from Mars: Polar Lander Teams Hunker Down for Long Wait:
# Beltway Holds its Breath and its Opinions about Mars Mission:
# NASA Tests to See If Mars Polar Lander Survived- Here we go again!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Cave fossils expose new mysteries of paradise lost. FOSSIL evidence found
  on cliffs near several Oz beaches reveals a tropical paradise existed in
  NSW as late as 6000 years ago - a blink-of-an-eye in geological terms. The
  findings suggest answers to many historical mysteries. Dramatic change in
  sea levels & climate could explain why ancient Egyptians stopped building
  pyramids, why the Bronze Age came to an abrupt halt, why the Dark Ages
  began, why social collapse occurred wherever civilisations were beginning
  to emerge. http://news.com.au/news_content/national_content/4401871.htm

: When humans achieve total control of Earth's weather, will social/historic
boom-bust cycles stop? Will we achieve Nirvana? Will we be as gods? Will we
get fat'n'lazy? Will aliens easily harvest us? Are aliens leaking weather-
control technology to us so that all this may happen? Should we resist? How?

# The brain has no center for intelligence, which has neither focus nor
  locus. Like the other higher faculties, it is everywhere and nowhere:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  voters don't vote. In 1998 the turnout was 36 percent, along with 1986 the
  lowest since 1942, when a lot of Americans were away fighting a war.  But
  now most Murkans won't even respond to opinion polls. The response in some
  recent polls fell as low as 20%. Makes you wonder what significance these
  surveys have. http://capitolhillblue.com/Dec1999/120599/voters120599.htm

: Do citizens in a democratic republic get the govt they deserve? Would you
prefer monarchy, syndicalism, theocracy, kleptocracy, anarchy, rule by ETs?
Has The Conspiracy successfully alienated US voters? Are they gloating? Eh?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  is described as being a newborn male, 12 inches long, with a socket in his
  back. He is made of plastic." Please be on the lookout. Is Charleston such
  a hotbed of yidnapping? http://www.dailymail.com/news/News/1999120121/

: How many footlong plastic newborn males with back-sockets are missing in
your town? Are they hard to track down? Do Satanists torture them in ritual
abuse? Do you? Has a plastic baby Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Joseph Smith
been snatched in your community lately? Are they held for ransom? D'ya pay?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Wishbone and Santa help with dog's return. Bosley, a 12-year-old deaf
  Springer spaniel, didn't return home after a romp in the woods. Days went
  by and it looked blea

[CTRL] The New Callousness

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

The New Callousness
Filed November 29, 1999

By Ariana Huffington

Judge Judy, the doyenne of syndicated self-righteousness, solidified that
preeminence two weeks ago at a literary luncheon in Brisbane, Australia. On
tour to promote her new book, ``Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever,'' she
suggested that instead of attempting to control AIDS and hepatitis by
providing clean needles to drug addicts we should ``give them all dirty
needles and let them die.''

Instead of resulting in universal derision (and, even more justly, a
lightning bolt from the sky) this stunning proposal evoked cheers from her
fans in the audience. But it got not a mention from the U.S. press (indeed,
if it weren't for the people at Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, I never
would have heard about it). Granted, Judge Judy isn't William Rehnquist, but
the sharp-tongued, dull-witted jurist's opinions -- doled out on her
top-rated TV show -- are heard by millions more people than the Chief

Worse, her views reflect a disturbing trend in our culture toward getting the
``love'' out of tough love. Call it the New Callousness: turning an
indifferent shoulder to anyone -- drug addicts, the homeless, those behind
bars -- who hasn't had the good sense to become a bull-market rider. After
all, they're getting in the way of the Panglossian message that all is well
``in this best of all possible worlds.''

Evidence of this cold spot on the national heart is all around us. In New
York, Mayor Rudy (rhymes with Judge Judy) rang in the holiday season by
ordering the NYPD to step up its efforts to sweep the city's streets of
homeless people by arresting them for so-called ``quality-of-life'' crimes.
Declaring that the city has not been strict enough in rousting people ``who
don't belong there,'' Giuliani claimed that the right to sleep on the streets
``doesn't exist anywhere. The founding fathers never put that in the
Constitution.'' He doesn't seem too keen on the homeless living in city
shelters either: He recently announced that anyone wanting to stay in one
would have to work or face expulsion -- mental illness or not.

Apparently, he prefers sending them to jail, where mental-health-unit beds
cost $91,000 annually. It costs $20,000 for a bed in a shelter and $12,000
for the supervised apartments that remain woefully underfunded, even though
they have proven the most effective in dealing with chronic homelessness.
``There were times,'' Mayor Rudy said, ``in which we romanticized this to
such an extent that we invited people to do it.'' Ah, yes, the romance of
sleeping under the stars in a cardboard box in the dead of winter.

Proving that heartlessness cuts across party lines, Willie Brown, San
Francisco's liberal mayor, is overseeing his own crackdown on the homeless --
just in time for his upcoming runoff election against even-more-liberal rival
Tom Ammiano. Brown is clearly reveling in this rare chance to stake out the
``conservative'' position in the race -- going so far as to arrest homeless
advocates for handing out soup and sandwiches to the poor. ``Advocate types
claim I'm the most hostile'' to the homeless, said Brown. ``That's not true.
I'm not the most generous. I'm not the most hostile. But I am the most
firm.'' Call Tony Bennett, it's time for a rewrite: ``I lost my heart in San

In fact, more and more of our cities are using the police to enforce arcane
laws -- such as sanitation statutes that make it illegal to leave cardboard
boxes in a public place -- to get the homeless off the streets, including
many homeless veterans who risked their lives for their country.

In Los Angeles, Ted Hayes, who has devoted his life to working with the
homeless, calls the coast-to-coast crackdown ``status cleansing.'' ``For us
to turn to outlawing our homeless citizens,'' he told me, ``is a betrayal of
the promise of America -- `Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me.'
Perhaps the Statue of Liberty should be turned around to face this country.''

Transforming human beings into nuisances -- problems that must be eradicated
-- is a dangerous step along the deadly path of dehumanization. It takes very
little to end a life that has been stripped of its humanity. Which is exactly
what is happening in Denver, where this fall seven homeless men have been
bludgeoned to death, two of the victims beheaded.

Is this the logical endgame for a culture so intent on celebrating its
``winners'' that it has no room left for life's losers?

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

CTRL is a disc

[CTRL] LaRouche--Against Anarchy

1999-12-05 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Perennially petulant George has done much evil, but he is no "Evil Genius."
Intellectually and morally, he is fairly regarded as "Forrest Gump's Evil
Twin." His significance is that his father, the former Senator, and Dwight
Eisenhower golf-partner, Prescott Bush, was adopted by one of the most
politically powerful financier-oligarchical families in the U.S.A., that of
fellow-Bonesman Averell Harriman. Averell's position, in turn, was that of
being a son of the E.H. Harriman who rose to fame and power during the
1890s, representing the Union Pacific railroad interest of Britain's Prince
of Wales Albert Edward (later King Edward VII). Harriman also became the
business agent for the Russell Trust, the formerly opium-trading,
financier-oligarchical interest, behind Yale's gloomy Skull and Bones cult.

As Tarpley and Chaitkin document, George never could "cut the mustard" on
his own. Without the backing of his Uncle Herbie (Walker), his mother's
brother, George could not have made it in business. His two 1960s terms in
Congress were fixed elections, arranged by the family. Otherwise he could
never find an elected or appointed position in government, until 1992, that
was not fixed for him, either by his family circle, or by Henry A.
Kissinger. [ 12 ] His career shows but one talent which might be deemed
useful by his backers: he is a mean, but loyal dog of the "patrician"
equivalent of an "organized-crime family."

These "secret governments," notably that administered by Vice-President
Bush, have conducted the hidden foreign and domestic policies of that
special interest, behind the back, and without the explicit knowledge or
consent of the constitutional institutions of our rightful government. These
secret government arrangements include such instances as that channel of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff through which Vice-President George Bush facilitated
the secret and unlawful subterfuges of his Contra operations, his
international weapons-trafficking operations, his drug-running into the
United States itself.

These covert operations are not operated by "some people"; they are run
according to what a powerful financier oligarchy perceives to be its very
special, self-interested policy. Like monarchs and oligarchies of old and
foreign places, this financier-dominated circle which deploys Bush, confuses
the name of the U.S. interest with its own interest, and delimits its
perception of "patriotism" to that which is dutiful to the perceived
self-interest of the ruling oligarchy.

We, the citizens, must regain control of our constitutional institutions of
Federal government. We do not want an anarchic democracy, under the
irrational caprices of a transient majority opinion; we, like Socrates'
Athens, are already suffering far too much of government subverted, in the
perverted name of "democracy," by the transient whims of men. We require
government under law, as the Preamble of our Federal Constitution commands
government implicitly, to protect the rights of the minority opinion against
the overreaching arrogance of the passing whims of an accidental majority.

We must not destroy our Federal government, as lunatic libertarians and
similar anarchists propose. We must take back our Federal government, by
acting in exemplary fashion now, to bring back a government under
constitutional law. We shall never accomplish that, until we bring to the
bar of justice: George Bush, his cronies, and his "secret government"
established under Executive Order 12333. Unless we act so, to defend our
Constitution, none of us alive today shall ever again enjoy the means to
defend ourselves against the homicidal tyranny of those who follow in the
footsteps of Vice-President and President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Leesburg, Virginia
October 15, 1996

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Week Ending: 4 December 1999 / 25 Kislev 5760

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!


Tzemach News Service
Week Ending: 4 December 1999 / 25 Kislev 5760

"And now many nations have been assembled against you who say,
'Let her be polluted, and let our eyes gloat over Zion.' But they do not
know the thoughts of the L-rd, and they do not understand His purpose;
for He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing-floor." (Micah

HERE WE GO AGAIN: The UN General Assembly on Wednesday
passed  six resolutions regarding Israel and the Middle East. The three
main resolutions call for Israel's withdrawal from the Golan Heights to
the July 4, 1967 borders, the removal of all international embassies from
Jerusalem, and canceling the Israeli Parliaments' decision to apply
Israeli law to the city of Jerusalem. Resolutions regarding Israeli rule
over Jerusalem have been passed every year at this time since 1980.
The vote regarding the Jerusalem resolution was 139 votes in favor, one
against (Israel), and 3 abstentions (Swaziland, United States and
Uzbekistan). The other resolutions covered the "question of Palestine"
and authorized the continued work of the "Committee on the Exercise of
the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People". One resolution, calling
for resolution of the problem of "Palestinian" refugees from the 1948 war
of Independence and Israel's withdrawal to 1967 lines, was adopted with
149 votes in favor. The United States, Israel and the Marshall Islands
voted against the resolution, which also included support for
"Palestinian" statehood, while Uzbekistan and Micronesia abstained.

The representative of Israel Tuesday afternoon reiterated to the General
Assembly that Jerusalem was the united capital of the State of Israel,
as established by King David more than 3,000 years ago.

With an overwhelming majority, the General Assembly also approved a
draft resolution submitted by Egypt to ban nuclear proliferation in the
Middle East region. The resolution calls on Israel to promptly submit to
the nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT) and to put all its nuclear
installations under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA). The draft resolution, further, calls on Israel to give up its
unclear weapons and to refrain from producing or stockpiling such

[Editor's note: Sites with information regarding the UN's treatment of
Israel and Jerusalem can be found on our links webpage located at:
http://www.tzemach.org/fyi/links.htm] (UN PRESS OFFICE, KOL

to secure a place for Israel in a regional group from which it could
compete for a Security Council seat and other UN positions appear
stalled within the European Union (EU), diplomats said. The EU, at a
meeting of political directors in Brussels on 26 November, failed to
reach any decision. The issue is expected to be discussed again on
Dec. 6, the diplomats said. The regional group, known as Western
Europe and Others (WEOG) and includes nations from Australia to
Canada, has been considering giving Israel temporary membership, an
action promoted by the government of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud
Barak. Under UN rules, Israel should be part of the Asian regional
group, which includes its Middle East neighbors. But Arab nations have
opposed its membership for years so Israel is seeking a place in the
Western group. Many committee posts as well as the ten non-
permanent seats on the Security Council are nominated by regional
groups to retain a geographical balance. Although some countries never
get nominated for a seat, only Israel cannot compete at all.

"And the L-rd has today declared you to be His people, a treasured
possession, as He promised you, and that you should keep all His
commandments; and that He shall set you high above all nations which
He has made, for praise, fame, and honor; and that you shall be a
consecrated people to the L-rd your G-d, as He has spoken"
(Deuteronomy 26.18-19). (REUTERS, NASB)

THIRD STAGE TALKS TO BEGIN SUNDAY: Israel and the Palestinian
Authority (PA/PLO) will commence negotiations on the third
redeployment from Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) pursuant to the
Interim Agreement on Sunday, HA'ARETZ reported. Prime Minister
Ehud Barak instructed the Israeli negotiating team not to discuss the
size of the withdrawal. At this stage, the second redeployment has yet
to be completed, as PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat refuses to approve
the current maps. Barak stated unequivocally on Thursday that the
maps will not be altered. According to all the agreements, Israel alone
determines what land will be turned over. The PA/PLO has no say in the
matter. (ISRAEL LINE)

VISITORS FROM THE US: US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
will travel to the Middle East Sunday to assess the efforts of the Israelis
and Palestinians to reach a frame

[CTRL] House Joint Resolution 77

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

  House Joint Resolution 77

 Introduced by Rep. Chenoweth-Hage - 11/9/1999

Notifying the government of Panama of the nullity of the Carter-Torrijos
treaties and recognizing the validity of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty with
respect to control of the Panama Canal Zone.

Whereas the United States Canal in Panama,
linking the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, is one of the most
strategically important naval choke points in the
essential to our national  defense and vital to our
economic well-being;

 Whereas occupation, damage, or destruction of
 this crucial waterway by a hostile power whether
 an unfriendly Panamanian government, terrorist
 organization, or other foreign government  could be
 calamitous to the United States in time of war
 and disastrous to our economy even in time of peace;

 Whereas the Republic of Panama does not have an
 army, navy, air force, or other military or police
 adequate for the defense of such a strategic asset;

 Whereas the communist government of the
 Peoples Republic of China has been pursuing an
 aggressive expansionist agenda in Panama, the
 Caribbean, and Latin America, while, at the same
 carrying out a concerted and much-publicized
 campaign of bribery and espionage reaching to the
 highest offices of the United States;

 Whereas Hutchison Whampoa, a front company for
 the Peoples Liberation Army of China, utilizing
 practices, has acquired leases giving it control of
the ports
 of Cristobal and Balboa at the Atlantic and Pacific
 of the Panama Canal, positioning the Peoples
 of China for de facto control of the Canal;

 Whereas the Peoples Republic of China, through
 its agent, Hutchison Whampoa, is also in the process
 of taking over the Rodman Naval Station and other military
 facilities being abandoned by the United States, and
has the  exclusive authority to hire the pilots
who control
 all traffic through the Canal;

 Whereas the Peoples Republic of China, a
totalitarian regime,  refers to the United States
in its military literature
  and official Communist Party statements as its
"main enemy"
  and has aligned itself with other communist regimes
  and terrorist states avowedly hostile to the United

 Whereas China expert Dr. Michael Pillsbury of
 the National Defense University testified to the
 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence in
 September 1997 that the Chinese military
 officials have written extensively of their nations
 intention "to defeat the United States";

 Whereas in spite of these manifest dangers, the
 Government of the United States is pursuing a policy
 transferring possession, ownership, and control of
 Panama Canal and  Canal Zone, which
 includes the United States military bases, to
 the Government of Panama, in accordance with the
 1977 Carter-Torrijos treaties, which were never legally
 ratified by either the United States or Panama;

 Whereas in their respective instruments of
 the United States and Panama did not agree to the
 same text of the treaties, and, in fact,
 each party stipulated to conditions that are in
 fundamental conflict with, and mutually exclusive
 the demands of the other;

 Whereas one of the most basic and universally
 accepted principles of international law concerning
 treaties holds that the parties must agree to

[CTRL] Iranian Investment in Colombia Raises Suspicion

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
December 2, 1999

Iranian Investment in Colombia Raises Suspicion


Colombian and Iranian officials have signed an unusual agreement:
Iranians will invest $3 million in a meat-packing plant in the
heart of Colombia's rebel-held jungle. Exactly why Bogota would
encourage investment that benefits guerrillas who have fought for
more than three decades is unclear. But the implications are
extraordinary. Colombia's violent right wing will be angered. The
region will risk increased international terrorism and invigorated
trade in drugs for arms. The United States will probably sour on
the Pastrana government, which may ultimately be weakened.


On Nov. 11, a delegation of Iranian government and business
representatives arrived in San Vicente del Caguan, a town deep in
the jungles of southern Colombia that is held by the Revolutionary
Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).
[ http://www.stratfor.com/meaf/countries/colombiairanmap.htm ] The
delegation visited to assess a site on which the Iranians will
build a meat-packing plant and slaughterhouse that would process
beef bound for Iran. The visit was the latest step in a process
that began Oct. 21, when Colombian and Iranian officials signed an
agreement committing $3 million in Iranian investment.

There is, however, one major oddity: Colombia's major cattle
production takes place on the other side of the Andes Mountains,
more than 300 miles to the northwest. Near San Vicente del Caguan
there is little but jungle. There are no major roads and precious
little infrastructure. The town is, however, in the heart of drug-
producing territory held by the FARC, the country's largest and
most successful guerrilla movement after more than three decades of
civil war.

Sizable implications will grow from this comparatively small
investment in a little town. The government of President Andres
Pastrana may push his stalled peace process forward by placating
leftist guerrillas. But the government is equally likely to spark
anger among Colombia's most violent right-wing elements. By opening
the door to Iran, the government unwittingly risks increasing the
influence of Iranian-backed terrorists in South America. From
nearly any angle, this investment will likely damage relations with

With the apparent blessing of top Colombian officials, talks began
in the spring, when a delegation of Iranian officials and
businessmen visited the town of San Vicente del Caguan, which is in
the municipality of Caqueta. On Oct. 21, Iran's ambassador to
Colombia, Hossein Sheikh Zeineddin, and the office of San Vicente's
mayor signed the deal. Significantly, the government's top peace
negotiator with the guerrillas - peace commissioner Victor G.
Ricardo - signed the agreement, acting as guarantor.

But not everyone in the Pastrana government appears pleased;
indeed, the military seems distinctly displeased. On Nov. 27,
Colombian Defense Minister Luis Fernando Ramirez accused the
Iranians, who resisted an inspection of their baggage, of being
military advisors to the FARC, reported Agence France-Presse. Iran
has denied that it is using the investment as a cover. In Tehran,
Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza Asefi dismissed the charge as
astonishing, according to the BBC's monitoring of Iranian official

The Pastrana government's motives are unclear. One possible
explanation is that Colombia is in dire need of economic
development. In recent testimony to Congress, Undersecretary of
State Thomas Pickering described an economy in free fall. In the
midst of a recession, its economy has contracted by 5.8 percent in
the first quarter of 1999, and its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is
forecasted to fall 3 to 4 percent by year's end. Unemployment
stands at nearly 20 percent. But the Iranian investment seems like
a poor start, improperly located even to lend any immediate help to
the country's cattle industry.

A more likely explanation is that the government is attempting to
kick-start a badly stalled peace process. By steering investment
into FARC-held territory, the government may be trying to get the
guerrillas re-engaged in negotiations. The FARC has even intimated
recently that it may not observe an upcoming Christmas cease-fire.
Ricardo's role in securing the Iranian investment suggests that
reviving the peace process is the true agenda. Another possibility
- however remote - is that Ricardo was acting on his own. The
president has remained largely silent on the entire investment

Regardless of the government's motives, the deal will undermine the
country's right-wing elements and its violent paramilitaries. The
right, too, is deeply involved in drug trafficking. And the right's
paramilitaries are increasingly believed to be behind most of the
country's politically-motivated murders. The right is not likely to
take Iranian in

[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Homosexuals, Fulani, and Me

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

Dear Brigade,

I thought that title would get your attention!

This note is for Pat's supporters who are concerned about the support of
Lenora Fulani and others.  Also see below a comment from Pat Choate.

Let me say this Brigade, at first I was outraged about the Fulani deal. I
sent a few emails to friends telling them so.  But then, I remembered an
important event that I was involved in 1997.

In late June 1997, I was living in Huntsville Alabama when a few friends and
got wind of a plan by the AL Department of Public Safety to begin forcing all
citizens to be fingerprinted before they could obtain a drivers license.

You want to talk about outraged?

To make a long story short, our small band of activist set out to prevent
from happening.  We formed a group called "Fight the Fingerprint".  I set up
website and over the Internet we organized a diverse coalition of citizens
activist groups who banded together who not only stood up to Big Brother -
we put an end to his scheme - in under 3 weeks!

We were up against dismal odds - the fingerprinting equipment had been
purchased, the employees trained, the databases were set up, and the
fingerprinting had already begun in a few cities.

Yet, because we united with others, we were able to win that battle.  On this
one issue, people and organizations who normally would never speak to
each other, came together.  We had the Christian Coalition, the ACLU,
Concerned Women for America, Gun Owners of America, the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference, Eagle Forum, Electronic Frontiers, the
Southern League, the US Taxpayers Party, and many more.

If any of you know me at all, then you know that there is no one more
hardcore on the Right than me.  But when I was forming this coalition and
organizing the activists, do you think for a minute that I cared whether any
them were homosexual?  Did I ask them if they were pro-life?  And guess
what?  Not one of them questioned my loyalty to Pat Buchanan - even
though many of them were probably opposed to him.  All of us put aside our
differences and united on this one issue and we were able to slay the dragon.

BTW - I've also included a column below: "True Identity Fraud" that covers
just some of the reasons why we need to be concerned about the
fingerprinting and privacy issue.

So, what's the moral of this story?

To anyone who has written to me complaining about Lenora Fulani,
homosexuals, pro-aborts, et al, you have a choice.  You can sit on your
hands and talk about how mad you are that Pat has accepted the support of
people you do not agree with.  You can waste your support and money on
candidates, who may be good men, but will never be permitted to win their
party's nomination.  And then you can cast your vote for the Bush/Gore
ticket.  Because if you don't stop you're whining and get off your butts and
help Pat right now - they are going to be in the White House in 2000.  Or,
you can accept that these people who have offered to support Pat, just might
be able to bring him more votes - and that is the bottom line.

Pat has never compromised. He will never change his stand on our issues.
Many of these new supporters do not agree with Pat on everything, but they
have put aside their differences.  Most Americans want a President they can
trust -- even if they do not always agree with him.  They want a President
who will govern with integrity, end the corruption, and put America and
Americans First again.

As far as I'm concerned, even if Pat - or his campaign ( ;-> ) -- does a few
things that get me miffed, he is still so far ahead of the other candidates
they will never, ever, measure up to him.

Pat is the Man Brigade!!

Date sent:  Sun, 28 Nov 1999 11:29:41 -0500
From:   patchoate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:Re: NYT - Fulani before Buchanan?
To: Ed McClelland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ed: As I have written to you before,  Fulani will NOT be Buchanan's VP.
That has been made clear both by him and by her.  She is going to assist in
getting the Black and Minority Vote in the general election.  She is also
working very hard to help Pat get the nomination of the Reform Party.   If
get publicity in the process, that is fine with Pat and Bay Buchanan. Fulani
is part of Buchanan's campaign.  Not Trump's.  Not Ventura's.  Not
Anderson's.  Not Weicker's.  And she will stay part of the Buchanan
campaign to the end.  The left hates this because they know a left-right
coalition can win the Presidency.  Put another way,  I am not reading much
about the Green, Constitution, or Libertarian Parties because they are not a
threat to the established order.

The question people should be asking themselves is this:  Do I wish to
support Pat Buchanan who has the endorsement and

[CTRL] Aggravating email chain letter humor from Jeff Rense

1999-12-05 Thread Hilary A. Thomas

 -Caveat Lector-

Jeff Rense Weekly E-News

The Week Ahead
12-5-99 thru 12-11-99

   Guests, Announcements, Week's Top Stories
  From sightings.com

   Jeff Rense E-News is distributed
   exclusively by Free Subscription.

 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--


If you have ever received an aggravating email chain letter, the
following commentary/rant will probably be fun... (note: the
expletives and racy words have been sanitized in this version)

   Hello, my name is Basmati Kasaar. I am suffering from rare
   and deadly diseases, poor scores on final exams, extreme
   virginity, fear of being kidnapped and executed by anal
   electrocution, and guilt for not forwarding out 50 billion
   chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe that
   if you send them on, that poor 6 year old girl in Arkansas
   with a breast on her forehead will be able to raise enough
   money to have it removed before her redneck parents sell her
   off to the travelling freak show. Do you honestly believe
   that Bill Gates is going to give you and everyone you send
   this email to $1000? How stupid are you? Ooooh, looky here!

   If I scroll down this page and make a wish, every Playboy
   Bunny in the magazine'll visit me! What a bunch of B.S.!
   So, basically, this message is a big * to all the people
   out there who have nothing better to do than to send me
   stupid chain mail forwards. Maybe the evil chain letter
   leprechauns will come into my apartment and terrorize me in
   my sleep for not continuing the chain which was started by
   Jesus in 5 A.D. and was brought to this country by midget
   pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes it to the year
   2000, it'll be in the Guinness Book of World Records for
   longest continuous streak of blatant stupidity.  If you're
   going to forward something, at least send me something
   mildly amusing.

   I've seen all the "send this to 50 of your closest friends,
   and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will somehow
   receive a Nickel from some "omniscient being" forwards about
   90 times. I don't give a damn! Show a little intelligence and
   think about what you're actually contributing to by sending
   out forwards. Chances are it's your own unpopularity.


   Chain Letter Type 1:
   (scroll down)
   Make a wish!!!
   Keep Scrolling

   No, really, go on and make one!!!
   Oh please, they'll never go out with you!!!
   Wish something else!!!

   Not that, you pervert!!
   Wasn't that fun? :)
   Hope you made a great wish :)

   Now, to make you feel guilty, here's what I'll do. First of
   all, if you don't send this to 5096 people in the next 5
   seconds, you will be assaulted by a mad goat and thrown off
   a high building into a pile of manure. It's true! Because,
   THIS letter isn't like those fake ones, THIS one is TRUE!!
   Really!!! Here's how it goes:

   *Send this to 1 person: One person will be pissed off at you
   for sending them a stupid chain letter.

   *Send this to 2-5 people: 2-5 people will be pissed off at you for
   sending them a stupid chain letter.

   *Send this to 5-10 people: 5-10 people will be pissed off at
   you for sending them a stupid chain letter, and may form a
   plot on your life.

   *Send this to 10-20 people: 10-20 people will be pissed off at you
   for sending them a stupid chain letter and will napalm your house.
   Thanks Good Luck!!!

   Chain Letter Type 2
   Hello, and thank you for reading this letter. You see, there
   is a starving little boy in Baklaliviatatlaglooshen who has no
   arms, no legs, no parents, and no goats. This little boy's life
   could be saved, because for every time you pass this on, a dollar
   will be donated to the Little Starving Legless Armless Goatless Boy
   from Baklaliviatatlaglooshen Fund. Oh, and remember, we have
   absolutely no way of counting the emails sent and this is all a
   complete load of B.S. So go on, reach out. Send this to 5 people in
   the next 47 seconds. Oh, and a reminder - if you accidentally send
   this to 4 or 6 people, you will die instantly. Thanks again!!

   Chain Letter Type 3
   Hi there!! This chain letter has been in existence since 1897. This
   is absolutely incredible because there was no email then and
   probably not as many sad jerks with nothing better to do. So this
   is how it works... Pass this on to 15,067 people in the next 7
   minutes or something horrible will happen to you like:

   *Bizarre Horror Story #1
   Miranda Pinsley was walking home from school on Saturday. She
   had recently received this letter and ignored it. She then
   tripped in a crack in t

[CTRL] Occasion for Pan-Asian Cooperation

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a prelude to war!

STRATFOR.COM Global Intelligence Update
December 3, 1999

Occasion for Pan-Asian Cooperation


Asia is on the threshold of abandoning its longstanding policy of
non-interference. On Nov. 2, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir
Mohamad called on the region to form a pan-Asian security structure
to promote peaceful cooperation. His move echoes a growing paradigm
shift, as Asian countries begin to realize that threats to
individual nations' stability threaten that of the entire region.
The ongoing separatist struggles in Indonesia have strengthened
this sentiment; the 10 ASEAN members, and Japan, China and South
Korea have announced that they stand behind Indonesia's
sovereignty. Although they now lack the military capability to
support their stand, Asian nations are moving faster than ever
toward acting like a regional bloc.


Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has called for a pan-
Asian security force. On Dec. 2, he urged Asian nations to "forget
the war which was fought 50 years ago," in order to join together
to maintain peace in the region. Mahathir suggested that China and
Japan could play leading roles.

While a unified security structure is likely years away, Mahathir's
statement unmistakably articulates an ongoing shift in Asian
governments' attitudes. The region is becoming increasingly
convinced that its historical policy of non-interference in each
others' domestic affairs is no longer adequate.

Since World War II, Asian nations have followed a doctrine of non-
interference in regional relations. Each nation has dealt with its
own internal security issues. In recent years, regional events have
challenged that policy. Asian countries are beginning to realize
that the instability of individual countries affects the security
of the entire region. For example, the region-wide currency crisis
in 1997, as well as the ongoing recovery, has shown Asian nations
that their economies are closely intertwined. Also in 1997, ASEAN
did everything but intervene when a violent coup stalled Cambodia's
entry into the organization.

Indonesia's growing instability sparked a debate over the rigid
policy of non-interference, starting with East Timor's violent
transition to independence. East Timor's pro-independence vote
threw the island into chaos in early September, and began a
downward spiral of separatist activity that increasingly threatens
Indonesia's stability.

With East Timor, Asian countries faced a difficult decision: defy
their longstanding policy of non-interference, or risk Indonesia's
stability -- and their own. A healthy Indonesia is extremely
important to the region. The country guards the Straits of Malacca,
the region's major shipping route. Indonesia is also ASEAN's
largest member.

Yet the region failed to respond quickly when the situation in East
Timor grew violent. Instead, the first troops to arrive on the
island Sept. 20 were almost entirely from Australia, Britain and
New Zealand. While Asian countries did eventually send troops,
Australia remained the dominant force, with 4,303 out of 5,651
troops on Oct. 18. Asian troops will finally take a more
substantial role in January 2000. Kofi Annan announced Nov. 17 that
the Philippines and one other country, yet unnamed, will takeover
control of the U.N. peacekeeping force.

Now, Indonesia is dealing with another threat to its stability:
urgent calls for independence from separatists in Aceh, one of many
restive provinces inspired by East Timor. Both the Indonesian
government and military have said that Aceh would not be allowed to
vote on independence. Meanwhile, Aceh has set Dec. 4 as the
deadline for the government to agree to a referendum on
independence. With compromise unlikely, violence could ensue.

All 10 countries of ASEAN, plus Japan, China and South Korea, have
agreed that they are committed to protecting Indonesia's
sovereignty and stability. This is a significant departure from the
past. However, they are not prepared to back Indonesia militarily.
The countries do not likely have the necessary force projection to
carry out such an operation. Moreover, forming an integrated
security alliance would be logistically difficult. Trying to
integrate the militaries from more than a dozen different countries
would be no easy task.

Asia is clearly unready to launch Mahathir's suggested alliance.
Nevertheless, it realizes the need for a regional approach to
security, as is seen in a plan approved at the recent ASEAN summit
to establish a permanent ministerial-level group to deal with
rapidly emerging security issues. Asia has crossed the threshold
and is moving faster than ever toward acting like a regional bloc.

(c) 1999, Stratfor, Inc. http://www.stratfor.com/

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or

[CTRL] Christmas Tree Fire Safety

1999-12-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Christmas Tree Fire Safety

Every year many dreams result in tragedy as a result of Christmas trees
catching on fire.

Traditionally, we take a dead tree (usually a spruce or fir, which is highly
flammable when dry) not properly prepared, set it in our homes and wrap it
with electric wires.

What an invitation for a fire! Provided you follow the directions carefully,
this remedy should make your Christmas tree fireproof.

Two cups of Karo syrup
Two ounces of liquid chlorine bleach
Two pinches of Epsom salt
One-half teaspoon of Borax
One teaspoon of chelated iron
Hot water

You can purchase the Karo syrup, Borax and liquid chlorine bleach from your
supermarket. The Epsom salt can be purchased from the drug store and the
chelated iron (pronounced key-lated) can be purchased from a garden shop or
plant store.

1. Mix your fireproofing ingredients listed above. Fill a two-gallon bucket
with hot water to within one inch of the top and add the ingredients. Stir
thoroughly, dissolving ingredients. Put to side.

2. With a saw, take your recently-purchased Christmas tree and make a fresh
cut at the base on the tree trunk. Cut an inch off the base of the tree. Try
to make a level cut.

3. Immediately stand the trunk of the tree in the solution and leave for 24

4. Keep the remaining solution. Place your tree in a tree stand that contains
well where liquids can be poured.

5. When the tree is in its final resting place, use a plastic cup to pour
solution from the bucket into the tree well. Fill the well.

6. Every day without exception, the well of the tree stand must be "topped
up" with the solution from the two-gallon bucket.

Follow these simple directions and your tree should be fireproofed. It may
save your home and family from those fire tragedies we hear about around the

If you're curious, after Christmas when you remove your tree, snap off a
branch and try to set it on fire, OUTDOORS.

How does the solution work?
In a nutshell, the Karo syrup provides the sugar necessary to allow the
base of the tree to take up water. Up to 1.5 gallons of water can be
taken up by the tree over a two-week period. Boron in the Borax allows the
tree to move the water and sugar out to every branch and needle in your
tree. Magnesium compounds in the Epsom salt and iron from the chelated iron
provide essential components for the production of chlorophyll which will
keep the tree green. The bleach prevents mold from forming in your solution.

Some of the other beneficial side effects of this procedure are that
the needles will not drop and you will notice an increase in natural
pine fragrance. Have a safe and happy holiday!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fuzzy Logic at UC Santa Cruz

1999-12-05 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

UC Santa Cruz Postpones Grade Vote

.c The Associated Press

SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) - Professors at the notoriously liberal University of
California, Santa Cruz, put off a vote to change the school's grading system
Friday, saying they want more feedback from students.

Since it opened in 1965, UC Santa Cruz students have been given narrative
essays describing their work instead of traditional letter grades.

Students can request letter grades, but last year only one in three did.

Still, 170 faculty members have asked the Academic Senate to dump the
narrative evaluation system. They say it makes it harder for employers and
graduate schools to evaluate UC Santa Cruz graduates.

The controversy has rocked the campus of 11,000 where 1960s radical Angela
Davis is a professor and the banana slug is the school mascot.

Over 1,000 students, most indignant over the proposed change, swarmed the
Academic Senate's Friday night meeting, saying they didn't come to UC Santa
Cruz for traditional grades.

``Grades say nothing,'' said Jen Sethsong, a junior sociology major. ``But a
narrative evaluation talks in detail about my strong and weak points.''

To reach the meeting, professors had to walk a 300-foot path lined with
hundreds of silent students linking arms and holding signs. One read:
``Grades are a method of sorting vegetables.''

Professors who support the change say eliminating evaluations will help the
university attract and retain students with strong academic records and make
it easier for graduate schools and employers to evaluate student achievement.

When the school opened, almost all University of California students were
``well documented A students,'' Chancellor M.R.C. Greenwood said. ``At the
time, the thinking was, 'What can you tell a student who is already very,
very good?'''

But entrance standards have lowered, and there is stiff competition for
students seeking financial aid, grants, graduate school admission and jobs.

``There are pressures in society that UC Santa Cruz can't control,'' she

Instead of voting on the proposal as planned Friday, the Academic Senate,
made up of 588 faculty members, postponed the vote to give members more time
to hear from students.

Manuel Schwab, a senior majoring in politics and literature, said the
decision to postpone the vote reflected a willingness to listen to student

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] National Letter of Protest about the Contrails.

1999-12-05 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

These contrails need to be brought out into the open. We have to make a
noise about this unless of course they do not exist and you are all


Hello All:   If you go to http://www.carnicom.com/he has a
National Letter of Protest about the Contrails.  Sign it.  I did.   There is
already a Class Action Lawsuit  out also.  Rusty (Retha Rutherford)

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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