[CTRL] Nation Shocked by Pre-Natal Shooting (fwd)

2000-04-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

ALBUQUERQUE, NM--Investigators are trying to determine what led
an unborn child to fatally shoot his twin with a .38-caliber
revolver during an altercation in their shared Albuquerque womb

According to police, the twins' mother, Evelyn Alpert, 34, was
awakened at 4 a.m.  by the sensation of a scuffle in her uterus,
which she dismissed as "routine kicking." Approximately 30
minutes later, Alpert heard and felt three pistol shots.

A subsequent forensic ultrasound revealed that the unborn
gunman--identified as a five-inch-tall male Caucasian of slight
build with no eyes or hair--shot his brother twice in what
eventually would have become his heart.

After a tense four-hour standoff, the unborn gunman threw out his
weapon when police threatened to induce labor.  Police spokesmen
have denied that the use of tear gas or forced C-section was ever
considered. Alpert was unharmed in the shooting, with two of the
bullets lodging themselves in the victim and the third passing
harmlessly through the birth canal.

The shooter has yet to emerge from the crime scene, but a
court-appointed lawyer has said that the fetus will surrender
himself peacefully upon his post-partum separation from Alpert
sometime in early October.

"This whole tragic chain of events is hard to comprehend,"
Albuquerque mayor Jim Baca said.  "Where did we as a community
fail these unborn boys?  Could their parents have done a better
job of conceiving, carrying, and pre-natally educating them?
And how did the fetus get access to firearms?"

Police officials say the shooter used a revolver registered to
his father, Lee Alpert, who may have left the firearm within
reach of his wife's womb.  No charges have been filed against the
man at press time.

According to Albuquerque D.A.  Eugene Billups, though the
assailant is legally recognized as a fetus, he will be tried as
an infant.  Pretrial hearings begin next week, and ultrasound
technicians will not be allowed in the courtroom.

"This is hard to take," Billups told reporters.  "These kids were
no more than babies."

Offering the Alpert family "my deepest sympathy and support in
this difficult time," President Clinton said he is redoubling his
efforts to pass tougher obstetric gun-control legislation.

"Last year, I called upon Congress to require trigger locks on
handguns and place metal detectors at the entrance of every
womb," Clinton said at a White House press conference.  "Such
laws may well have saved the life of that unborn child.  I now
ask Congress to do the right thing and pass that legislation, as
well as a measure extending the waiting period for firearms
beyond nine months.  We must keep handguns out of the unformed
hands of our nation's fetuses."

The fetus, following the advice of his attorney, has offered no
comment on the shooting.


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 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Vaticans use of "Conspiracy Theory"

2000-04-12 Thread David Sutherland

Preliminary thesis - that "Conspiracy Theory" is political plant by the
Vatican for the purpose of its Global Religio-Political paradigm and
dominion over humanity.

The Vatican's contribution, promulgation, and political manipulation of
"Conspiracy Theory" can be traced over many decades.

It has particularly been endorsed, propagandised, and applied by what has
been termed the Vatican's "Storm Troopers", who originally modelled
themselves on a military order - and are known as the Jesuits. Nazi Germany'
s Himmler himself remarked on his modelling the SS on the Order of his
backers - the RC Jesuits.

A common byword for Jesuits was Jesuitism, which term was associated with
the adage "The End Justifies the Means".

In recent history, we have the Vatican's political application of
"Conspiracy Theory" in such creations and mechanisms as follows:

In the not to distant past, we had the Jesuit incubated forgery, ala French
Jesuit named Abbe Barruel and the subsequent "Protocols of Zion" which was
reverenced by the Nazi's and which today's Neo Nazi's deem as a veritable
work of biblical proportion that "exposes" the evil plans of the fabled
worldwide "Jewish Conspiracy" to enslave humanity.

The conceptual inspiration for the Protocols can be traced back to the time
of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century. At that time,
French Jesuit Abbe Barruel, representing reactionary elements opposed to the
revolution, published in 1797 a treatise blaming the Revolution on a secret
conspiracy operating through the Order of Freemasons - another favourite
Vatican scapegoat.

Barruel's idea was nonsense, since the French nobility at the time was
heavily Masonic, but he was influenced by a Scottish mathematician named
Robison who was opposed to the Masons. In his treatise, Barruel did not
himself blame the Jews, who were emancipated as a result of the Revolution.

However, in 1806, Barruel circulated a forged letter, probably sent to him
by members of the state police opposed to Napoleon Bonaparte's liberal
policy toward the Jews, calling attention to the alleged part of the Jews in
the conspiracy he had earlier attributed to the Masons. This myth of an
international Jewish conspiracy reappeared later on in 19th century Europe
in places such as Germany and Poland.

Though proved in a court of law to be a forgery that is, a fakery - certain
conspiracy devotees non-the-less revere the "Protocols" as a genuine
blueprint for the planned conspiratorial method of a Jewish elite for a
complete global take-over.

In an even more recent era, to the quote the author's term, "inspiration"
from the General of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order, "the Black Pope" Pedro
Arrupe was what Gary Allen received for his enormously populist mega-hit
bestseller, "None Dare Call it Conspiracy".

Allen therein attack's every imaginable evil and ungodly foe that his
"inspirer", Jesuit General Pedro Arrupe - who was himself a proponent
Marxist Liberation Theology - condemns as globalist devils of "freedom".

Of course, we would be amiss not to mention Vatican Jesuit Georgetown
University and the conspirators Hercules - Professor Carroll Quigley, who
wrote the mega-tome, and the conspirator's grand saga; "Tragedy and Hope",
now also adored as one more holy book of those that hold to the Cosmic Grim
view of the universe.

The work is all the more venerated due to its now apparent rarity, and hence
its relic-like attraction for the "Conspiracy Theory" faithful who ardently
sermonise from its weighty writ.

US president Clinton, who was trained in Global Politics at the Vatican's
Jesuit Georgetown University, has also heaped praise on Quigley.
Undoubtedly, the Vatican, and its Jesuits concept of "moral theology" has
rubbed-off onto Mr Clinton who has since expounded and put into practice the
Jesuits elevated "moral theology" in the Office of President.

Quigley, highly esteemed by his former student, William Jefferson Blythe
Clinton, indoctrinated the future leader of the world's most powerful nation
with Vatican ideals, and also Jesuit notions of the "vast Right Wing
Conspiracy" theory, of which his sturdy, victimised by his very infidelity,
but stalwart mate would one day expose to the panting media as the cause of
the paranoid pairs many vicissitudinous misfortunes.

It has been an oft attempt to discover in Quigley's conspiracy tome, where
in fact he indicts his own University's Jesuit Order in the Grand and Global
Conspiracy schema.

After all, it is common knowledge that the Vatican for a time itself
suppressed the Jesuit Order for its vast political intrigues and asserted
attempted and delivered assassinations of heads of State. Quigley's pallid
silence on the Jesuits appears ominously indicative.

Shall it not also be made mention of another nefariously known Jesuit - an
infamous fellow, said to be another "rogue" from the stable of the "Eternal
City" of Roma, one Jesuit inspired and trained Adam Weishapt.

No serious Conspiracy Theori

Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites -NOPOST

2000-04-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
> Odd how the most profound

>conspiracies posted to CTRL seem to "wither on the vine" so to

>speak, and seem to fade away with little or no comment

Like I said, maybe we're victims of a psy-op here. Let's talk about that.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] FW: Subtle Energies Research Article (XVII)

2000-04-12 Thread Dave

forwarded from the author..

Dave Hartley

-Original Message-
From: Paul Von Ward [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 7:00 PM
Subject: Subtle Energies Research Article (XVII)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The below article was requested for the University of Science and
Philosophy's Spring issue of Cosmic Light. It gives an overview of some of
the issues regarding the existence and characteristics of the phenomenon of
subtle energy. It also highlights the work of several people in this area.

I thought you might find it of interest. Please fill free to share it with
anyone you would like.

With best wishes,


"Subtle Energy in Human Senses and Powers"
Paul Von Ward

This article reviews a series of discoveries that reveal inherent principles
of the subtle energy aspect of reality. The research moves us beyond the
descriptive articles and books that have thus far dealt with this topic. It
suggests how the human senses and powers that lie beyond the world of the
five senses actually function.

Such research provides support for the hypothesized existence of a three
faceted universe (with consciousness, subtle energy, and physical
matter/energy posited in my book SOLARIAN LEGACY: Metascience and a New
Renaissance) where consciousness is "primo entre pares" or predominant among
the three. I have suggested "subtle energy" is the conductive medium through
which consciousness acts on the realm of ordinary matter and energy.

The existence of subtle energies has been described in historical records at
least as old as Hinduism. The first discussions of chakras dealt with their
role as the vortices of interaction between this pervasive life energy and
the human body.(1) According to a 1990s National Institutes of Health
literature review, at least 52 terms are used for "subtle energy": chi,
prana, holy spirit, manna, ether, orgone, bio-magnetism, and zero-point,
among many others in our current vocabulary. William Collinge, in his fine
description of ways in which subtle energy plays a role in our lives,
settles on the term biofield.(2)

(In SOLARIAN LEGACY, I used the terms noumena, energeia, and phenomena for
the three aspects. The noumena comprises universal and local consciousness,
the realm of pure thought-ideas, concepts, patterns and numbers. Phenomena
is the realm of dark and light particles and waves-matter and energy, the
two poles of matenergy-and their antimatter counterparts. Energeia stands
for subtle energies, the "virtual reality" distinguished from the four
forces of physics.)

Regardless of the label, subtle energy appears to contribute to many
processes not currently explained by conventional science: telekinesis,
remote sensing, gut- or heart-based intuition, healing by prayer or other
psychic means, biocommunication between species, etc. Since these processes
have tangible effects that can be documented, but not explained by the known
principles of the electromagnetic force, they require that we hypothesize
another force through which conscious intent acts on the affected objects,
senses, and cells.

Some researchers believe a fuzzy part of the electromagnetic (E/M) spectrum,
beyond gamma rays, constitutes this force, but that it has not yet been
discovered due to the lack of refined instrumentation. People like Hal
Puthoff (see below), Beverly Rubik, Ph.D. (Head of the Institute for
Frontier Science in Oakland, CA), and William Tiller, Ph.D. (author of
SCIENCE AND TRANSFORMATION: Subtle Energies, Intentionality and
Consciousness) believe development of more advanced technology will enable
humans to use directly this fuzzy extension of the E/M field. (As the
harnessing of Maxwell's hypothesized radio waves and X rays had to await the
development of new technologies.) Others postulate that this subtle energy
exists in correspondence, but parallel, to the E/M spectrum, and may not
have the constraints of that spectrum, such as the speed of light.

Regardless of whether there are parallel spectra or all three aspects
(mental, emotional and physical fields) collapse into one unified force at
some level, there is practical value in viewing them as distinct, but
interrelated and interdependent facets of our universe. These distinctions
permit humans to consciously participate in the process. This article all
too briefly reviews the work of several people whose research shed some
light on these issues.

Backster and Primary Perception

Cleve Backster's work in the late '60s and early '70s was an important
impetus for the best selling book THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANTS by Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird. In the '80s and 90s, his work was chronicled
by Robert Stone in THE SECRET LIFE OF YOUR CELLS and many periodicals. His
research journey started with the 1966 almost accidental rediscovery that
plants are sentient and respond to the spontaneous emotions and strongly

[CTRL] Report to the Director National Reconnaissance Office

2000-04-12 Thread Michael Pugliese


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colonists May Have Been Poisoned

2000-04-12 Thread Kelly


April 12, 2000

Colonists May Have Been Poisoned

 RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- In what could be a macabre sequel to the
 Pocahontas story, a pathologist says many of the settlers who died
 at Jamestown may have been poisoned with arsenic -- perhaps by
 Capt. John Smith himself.

 Dr. Frank Hancock examined writings by Smith and other English
 settlers in Jamestown, Va., in search of a medical explanation for
 why so many colonists died within two years after the first
 permanent English settlement in America was established in 1607.

 His conclusion: Many of the colonists may been poisoned.

 ``I continue to find what I consider circumstantial evidence that
 would lead one to believe that a plot may have been in place,''
 said Hancock, medical director for Laboratory Corp. of America.

 While reluctant to name suspects, he said one settler wrote that
 Dutchmen in the colony had accused Smith of poisoning others with
 ratsbane, or arsenic trioxide.

 ``There was an indication Smith was having disputes with the
 Dutchmen and others,'' Hancock said Wednesday.

 He said he found no mention of possible motives, but there was no
 question the atmosphere at the colony was politically charged.

 In Europe, James I had angered both Catholics and Puritans as he
 sought to consolidate his hold on the throne; England and Spain
 were continuing their fight for global dominance; and the brother
 of colonist George Percy was imprisoned in the Tower of London,
 suspected of conspiracy.

 In going through the writings of that period, Hancock found about
 60 phrases that suggested symptoms of illness.

 ``Out of that, I began to seek a common medical diagnosis,'' he

 He ruled out lead, cadmium and mercury, then settled on arsenic.

 Hancock believes the poisonings occurred in at least four episodes
 from 1607 to 1610.

 The deaths during the so-called ``starving time'' of 1609, after
 which only 60 of the 504 colonists remained, may have been
 poisonings as well, he said.

 Historians blame rats for the starvation, saying they destroyed
 much of the colony's corn stores in the spring of 1609. Hancock
 acknowledged that ratsbane, used to kill rats, was present
 throughout the Jamestown settlement and on ships, and the poisoning
 could have been accidental.

 But he said, ``There is some pattern for the deaths in terms of
 timing'' that warrants further study.

 Hancock, who is not a forensic pathologist and has no experience
 with arsenic poisoning, admitted he has no clinical or historical
 evidence to prove his conspiracy theory.

 Bone samples found in an excavation of the Jamestown site were
 provided by the Association for the Preservation of Virginia
 Antiquities, but test results were inconclusive.

 ``Without modern toxicologic evidence, it may never be answered,''
 Hancock said.

 His research will be featured in a documentary being produced by
 the BBC and PBS for Channel Four Television's ``Secrets of the

 ``As far as a conspiracy, anything's possible, but I don't think
 it's probable,'' said Bill Kelso, director of archaeology for the

 Karen Kupperman, a New York University professor and expert in
 Colonial history, said she is vaguely familiar with the accusations
 made against Smith but somewhat skeptical of Hancock's theory.

 In a 1979 article in the Journal of American History, Kupperman
 speculated that nutritional diseases such as pellagra and scurvy
 killed many colonists, who were helped early on by Powhatan, a
 local chieftain and father of Pocahontas, but who endured frequent
 episodes of hunger and disease.

 ``Obviously, this is something that has intrigued a lot of people,
 because there does seem to be a pattern that is hard to explain,''
 she said.

 Another historian, Carville Earle, has argued that colonists died
 of salt poisoning from drinking the brackish water of the James
 River. Kelso said a geology student from the College of William and
 Mary is testing groundwater in the area to see whether any
 conclusions can be drawn.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and

[CTRL] Forwarded Post

2000-04-12 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

>From the archives of A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220.

Gopher:  gopher.a-albionic.com 9006

 Who Was Carroll Quigley?

Too often the John Birch Society interpretation of Carroll
Quigley's Tragedy and Hope and AngloAmerican Establishment is accepted
without further research, even in some left-wing circles!

We think it is important to know that Carroll Quigley's mentor at
Jesuit Georgetown University was Jesuit Father Edmunt Walsh a Vatican
expert on Geopolitics and founder of the Georgetown's School of Foreign
Service in 1919.  In addition to founding an institution designed to
counter the Anglophile WASP Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Father
Walsh debriefed the Prussian geopolitical savant Karl Haushoffer after

We have gathered together a number of items published by
A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220 (The Project, $30.00
year/quarterly).  In the hopes provoking a more sophisticated
interpretation of Carroll Quigley's still very important work.

   New Source of Support
   for Project Theory of Quigley

 We recently discovered through a SpyBase computer search for
references to Carroll Quigley a defunct magazine named ParaPolitics/USA
which contained a fascinating article by Kevin Coogan which we have quoted
below.  Ignoring the obvious "left-bias" for a moment, note the support
the article gives for the Project theory of Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and
Hope as a Georgetown Jesuit, Vatican plot.

Quoted from ParaPolitics #6, 1982:

  "It was the SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of the Knights of Malta)
-- Georgetown axis which also launched Joe McCarthy's career.  McCarthy
was directly briefed by men like Father Walsh of Georgetown University
who, with the help of the FBI, fed McCarthy his stories of "Communists"
in the State Department.

It is not just a case of "deja vu" when today the group is
Georgetown-CSIS and it goes after such politically pathetic groups as the
Institute for Policy Studies for their "KGB connections".  In fact, the
IPS in these circles is perceived as the outer wing of an "Atlanticist"
faction in both American and British intelligence.  Such British
intelligence figures (and social democrats) as Richard Crossman have long
been attacked by SMOM types for sponsoring the social democratic parties
of Western Europe.

It was because men like Gehlen (SMOM) hated the social democrats
of all kinds that they also hated whole sections of British Intelligence.
In effect they saw the Anglican and Catholic progressive circles as having
their stronghold in the British Labor Party and other circles.

This is why Georgetown was the home base for Professor Carroll
Quigley whose book Tragedy and Hope "exposes" the close relations between
the British "Roundtable" group and the American Council on Foreign

Tragedy and Hope is the bible of the Birch Society and Catholic
right.  With the rise of the Thatcher faction of the Tory party (and the
decline of Edward Heath whose ties were to much more moderate elements)
the SMOM right has run a virtual coup in England."
 from ParaPolitics #6, 1982
The Men Behind the Counterreformation by Kevin Coogan


 Of course, the above quote also contains many distortions due to the
left-wing obsessions of the author.  First, it fails to mention Carroll
Quigley's hatred of McCarthy.  However, Quigley's hatred was not based
upon McCarthy's anti-communism, but rather h is primitive intellectual
nature that made it impossible for him to carry-out the sophisticated
program planned by Jesuit Father Walsh in a sensible manner that would
have achieved its anti-communist goals instead of discrediting them!

 Second, Coogan tries to dismiss the Institute for Policy Studies as
politically impotent.  On the contrary, IPS, which was extremely
influential with left-liberals in the radical 60's and early 70's, was
founded with money from the estate of James Wa rburg.  Recall that the
Warburgs, in combination with the Rothshilds with whom they are
intermarried, were the founders of the Federal Reserve System and one of
the premier International Merchant Banking firms of the Queen's Empire of
the City (of London).

 Third, Coogan thinks IPS and similar circles are seen as creatures of
the "Atlanticist faction of British and American Intelligence" by the SMOM
forces.  This failure to see that the Royalist ruling class of remnant
British Imperialism (hardly just a n "Atlanticist" intelligence agency
faction) controls left-wing groups such as IPS is t


2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.skolnicksreport.com/protects.html">Sherman
Skolnick's Report
by Sherman H. Skolnick

"They are willfully blind". That is the way some describe the Federal Bureau
of Investigation in Chicago. Of course, minor gangsters ARE targeted.
Long-time FBI dicatator, the late J. Edgar Hoover repeatedly claimed there
was no Crime Syndicate. Big-time criminals were blackmailing Hoover on his
homosexuality. And hoodlum bigshots in the liquor industry even set up a
Foundation for Hoover's financial benefit. (See, Anthony Summers, "Official
and Confidential: The Secret Life of J.Edgar Hoover", Putnam, N.Y., 1993.)

In 1974, there was a 25 million dollar robbery of a vault used to store large
sums of money in transit for an armored truck business, at the time a
division called Purolator. The money was supposedly recovered by the then
U.S. Attorney in Chicago, James "Big Jim" Thompson. For him, FBI agents
carried the recovered loot in the trunk of their cars but somehow reportedly
"neglected" to count how many bags of cash there were or to mark the bags
with identifying markings.

Guess who did the counting? Why, a reputed gangster-linked enterprise called
Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, politically and criminally tied to Big Jim and
his cohorts in the federal bureaucracy. They counted and counted and counted,
and said they find only two million dollars. Really? The rest went apparently
to further the political ambitions of Big Jim who was elected Illinois
Governor in 1976 and stayed there for 14 years.

Although Thompson was a close pal of the Rockefeller family, he had to supply
a lot of "his own money" for political campaigns.

An accused vault guard in custody kept saying the money was twenty five
million dollars and was grabbed by Nixon's pals, a left over detail of the
Watergate Affair. In jail, the guard was pumped full of forget-me drugs to
silence him. An apprehended reputed minor gangster hired private
investigators to help with his court defense. As shown by the voluminous,
undisputed federal court records, the gumshoes unraveled vast FBI criminal
enterprises, including stolen farm and construction equipment taken across
state lines, and converted by crooked FBI officials in Chicago for re-sale
for their own financial benefit. A top FBI inspector in Chicago, who
apparently helped Thompson divide up the recovered Purolator vault loot, was
quietly allowed to escape prosecution and take an early retirement.
[From the tremendous undisputed court files in the group of cases known as
the Marzano matters.]

One of the times Big Jim was re-elected as governor there was massive vote
fraud, to favor him, covered up by the FBI n Chicago. After 14 years as
Illinois Governor, Thompson became the head of a huge law factory, Winston &
Strawn, headquartered in Chicago, with offices in Washington, and worldwide.
Their overseas offices were reportedly part of the international dope traffic
tied to Red China. They reportedly had an inner circle, not in the law
business at all, but links to nefarious activities. [Through a relative,
Beryl Anthony, there were reported links to Vincent W. Foster, Jr. and his
law partner Hillary Rodham Clinton. Before his short-lived, ill-fated
position in the Clinton White House, Foster was a super bank money launderer
with Hillary. Read about Foster and why he had to be murdered: GREENSPAN

In 1994, we did a one-hour public access Cable TV show about Big Jim and the
dope traffic, confirmed by sources within his law offices and corroborated by
us elsewhere. Of course, the Chicago FBI did nothing to pursue these details.

Little understood are the links of Bill/Hillary to the REPUBLICANS as well as
the Democrats. Their GOP crony has been George H. Ryan, a reputed long-time
criminal who was for several years Illinois Secretary of State, and in 1998
elected Illinois Governor.

The office of Illinois Secretary of State has a long history of corruption.
Holding that office in the 1960s, was an enterprising criminal named Paul
Powell who dressed in dreary black garments like a mortician. Those applying
for drivers licenses and car and truck title registration and such had to
make their payments payable TO PAUL POWELL. Since it was made out to his
name, he figured it was perfectly okay to pocket those checks and money
orders. [Some people just made the remittances TO PAUL POWELL, not Paul
Powell, Illinois Secretary of State.] Powell kept shoeboxes full of those
payments in his hotel apartment. One mistake. Being a cheapskate, he did not
tip the maid who discovered the shoeboxes with the loot in his closet. She
turned him in.
By the time he was put on federal criminal trial, Powell had bladder trouble.
You could see his accidental urinating down the carpet to the courtroom. A
group of reporters one day asked me

Re: [CTRL] possible connections to RA

2000-04-12 Thread Smart News

Hi !

The information below is not meant to show any disrespect to anyone's
religious beliefs. It is only being presented as information for those
interested in hearing more about some possible Mormon connections to ritual

Sincerely,   Neil Brick

http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Sample-Issue-06.html - This includes info on
the Pace Report

A search on the word "Mormon" at
http://members.aol.com/smartnews/Back-Issues-Ordering-Info.htm will have
links to other newsletters with pertinent info.

Deviant Scripturalism and Ritual Satanic Abuse Part Two: Possible Masonic,
Mormon, Magick and Pagan Influences by Prof. S. Kent, other articles avail.,
S. Kent, Univ of Alberta, Dept of Soc. Faculty of Arts, 5-21 HM Tory Bldg..,
Edm, Canada T6G 2H4

Utah Lighthouse Ministries - books and newsletters, info on Masons also, P O
Box 1884, Salt Lake City, UT 84110, books: Evolution of the Mormon Temple
Ceremony, Satanic Ritual Abuse and Mormonism, Occult Ritual Abuse - Fact or
Fantasy,  http://www.utlm.org (These pages may be Christian in nature and may
be triggering for survivors of alleged Mormon RA.)

Mormonism, Masonry and Godhood, (Christian in nature) Dr. Burns, Sharing, 212
E 7th St., Mt. Carmel, PA 17851-2211

Clergy Ignores Victims, Allege LDS Plaintiffs, 10/17/99, Salt Lake Tribune by
S. McCann, discusses a $750 million lawsuit against the LDS church (Mormon)
in West Virginia at http://www.sltrib.com/1999/oct/10171999/utah/38781.htm,
"more than 40 plaintiffs have alleged church officials knew of molestations
or ignored warning signs and failed to alert either victim's families or


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Gen Clark

2000-04-12 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic, Secretary General

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

Date: Monday, April 10, 2000 11:36 PM
Subject: [sn-vesti 4670] Fw: Gen Clark

>Any comment?
>- Original Message -
>PRESS RLEASE (2000)037   10 April 2000
>At a ceremony at HQ NATO on Wednesday, 12 April 2000,  at 12:00 hours,  the
>Secretary General of NATO, Lord Robertson, will present NATO's Supreme
>Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR),  General Wesley Clark, with his NATO
>medal for the Former Yugoslavia and his NATO medal for Kosovo. Accredited
>press and media wishing to cover the event are welcome and should arrive at
>NATO's Main Entrance no later than 11:45 a.m.
>In the event of bad weather, the ceremony will take place inside the
>building, in the lounge area outside the conference rooms.  The decision on
>whether it will be a wet weather or outdoor programme will be made no later
>than 10:00 hours on 12 April 2000.  The ceremony will be followed by a
>reception in the Salon des Ambassadeurs,  hosted by the Secretary General.
>There will be no invited press to the indoor events but NATO photo and
>video coverage will be available to all accredited media on request.
>General Press Arrangements:
>Press & Media :
>Mr Fran?ois Le Bl?vennec+ 32 (0)2 707 50 38
>TV-Radio :
>Mr George De Brouwer+ 32 (0)2 707 50 49
>Photo Office :
>Mr Armando Soares   + 32 (0)2 707 50 46

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Other 56/100

2000-04-12 Thread Alamaine

>From (both) www.wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe : Britain
Britain: Labour government and Conservative opposition reported for stoking up
anti-immigrant prejudices
By Julie Hyland
12 April 2000
Back to screen version

Britain's ruling Labour Party and the Conservative Party opposition were
referred to the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) for making allegedly anti-
immigrant statements in the run-up to next month's local council elections.

The home affairs spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, Simon Hughes, said he had
made the referral because he believed the Labour and the Conservatives had
broken an agreement drafted by the CRE not to "use problems in the immigration
and asylum system to damage community and race relations", signed by all three
main parties the previous year. Hughes, a former human rights lawyer, said the
Conservative Party local election manifesto and remarks made by Labour Home
Secretary Jack Straw in the wake of the Stansted hijack crisis, when Afghan
hostages applied for asylum in the UK, breached this agreement.

In his complaint Hughes said, "There is growing concern that the struggle by
the Conservative and Labour parties to be seen to be tough on asylum and
immigration issues is motivated by short term party political advantage, rather
than any objective of longer term racial and national tolerance."

The referral came just days after the United Nations Commissioner for Refugees
(UNHCR) had also attacked the Conservative election manifesto for claiming that
racketeers are "flooding our country with bogus asylum-seekers". Such language
plays into the hands of racists and xenophobes, the UNHCR said, and amounts to
Conservative attempts to whip up fear to win votes. The UNHCR also criticised
the Blair government for doing nothing to combat the current climate of
hostility that has been created towards asylum-seekers.

Anti-immigrant propaganda has reached a crescendo over the past month, as both
parties compete to prove they are harsher on immigration. Politicians, and much
of the press, have scapegoated asylum-seekers for the running down of health,
education and social provisions carried out by both Conservative and Labour
governments over the past two decades.

For the Conservative Party, anti-immigrant propaganda is a means through which
they hope to rebuild their political support based on the most reactionary and
backward prejudices. The Tory election manifesto concentrates on the issue of
asylum-seekers, claiming that council tax bills—used to finance local
services—are increasing because the Labour government has allowed bogus
refugees to flood into Britain. The manifesto also claims that the average
household pays the equivalent of up to £160 in tax a year to finance "bogus"

The Conservatives responded to the CRE referral by aggressively defending their
campaign. Ann Widdecombe, Conservative Shadow Home Secretary, said the party's
manifesto reflected “the gravity of the situation. We have a very serious
problem in which the asylum system is out of control and everybody can see it
is out of control." Conservative Home Affairs spokesman David Lidington said
the UNHCR had made a "foolish" intervention. "What we're doing is giving
expression to the genuine feelings of anger among very large numbers of British
people at the fact that our immigration controls and our tradition of giving
hospitality to genuine refugees is currently being abused, and that the Labour
government has taken insufficient action to bring this crisis to an end,"
Lidington said.

Although dismissing Hughes' referral as a "political gimmick", Labour was
deeply embarrassed by it. Prime Minister Blair has sought to portray his
government as "inclusive" on racial and sexual issues, but the longer the
controversy over asylum-seekers goes on, the more Labour's own racist
immigration policies are exposed.

Reflecting their own electoral considerations, Labour has conducted "private
polling" sessions to assess their target voters' attitudes towards asylum-

The increase in asylum claims over the last year—to approximately 74,000
individuals and families—is mainly attributable to the war in Kosovo. NATO's
exploitative use of Albanian refugees fleeing Kosovo in order to justify its
bombardment of Serbia saw Blair forced to allow a number of them into Britain
for a limited period. Outside of this, Labour has pursued a draconian offensive
against the right to asylum.

This week saw the start of a system, adopted from continental Europe, where
those awaiting the outcome of their asylum claim receive vouchers rather than
cash benefits. The government has also introduced a "fast track" system of
assessing asylum claims, in order to remove immigrants as quickly as possible.
For the first time in over two years, those whose applications are turned down
now outstrip the numbers seeking asylum.

But even this is not regarded as enough to discourage refugees—fleeing terrible

[CTRL] SNET: please read (fwd)

2000-04-12 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 18:50:47 -0700
Subject: SNET: please read

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

I received this today from another list..I think it's great

This, from a Canadian newspaper, is worth sharing.
> America:  The Good Neighbor.
> Widespread but only partial news coverage was given recently to a
> remarkable editorial broadcast from Toronto by Gordon Sinclair, a
> Canadian television commentator.  What follows is the full text of his
> trenchant remarks as printed in the Congressional Record:
> "This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the
> most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the
> earth.  Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were
> lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions
> of dollars and forgave other billions in debts.  None of these countries
> is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United
> States.
> When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans
> who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on
> the streets of Paris.  I was there. I saw it.
> When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that
> hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened
> by tornadoes. Nobody helped.
> The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into
> discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing
> about the decadent, warmongering Americans.
> I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the
> erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any
> other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet,
> the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10?  If so, why don't they fly
> them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American
> Planes?
> Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on
> the moon?  You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios.  You
> talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles.
> You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon - not
> once, but several times - and safely home again.
> You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store
> window for everybody to look at.  Even their draft-dodgers are not
> pursued and hounded.  They are here on our streets, and most of them,
> unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars
> from ma and pa at home to spend here.
> When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down
> through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them.  When the
> Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned
> them an old caboose.  Both are still broke.
> I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other
> people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced
> to the Americans in trouble?  I don't think there was outside help even
> during the San Francisco earthquake.
> Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned
> tired of hearing them get kicked around.  They will come out of this
> thing with their flag high.  And when they do, they are entitled to
> thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present
> troubles. I hope Canada is not one those."
> Stand proud, America!
> This is one of the best editorials that I have ever read regarding the
> United States.  It is nice that one man realizes it.  I only wish that
> the rest of the world would realize it.  We are always blamed for
> everything, and never even get a thank you for the things we do.
> I would hope that each of you would send this to as many people as you
> can and emphasize that they should send it to as many of their friends
> until this letter is sent to every person on the web. I am just a single
> American that has read this, I SURE HOPE THAT A LOT MORE READ IT SOON.
> Stand proud, America!

-> To unsubscribe send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enlighten your in-box. http://www.topica.com/t/15

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credenc

[CTRL] B the H: 04-12-00

2000-04-12 Thread Alamaine

>From AntiWar.Com

>>> Hot linques in the article at the site <<<


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
April 12 , 2000

At the height of the Kosovo war hysteria, when we were being subjected to a
daily barrage of bawling refugees telling vivid horror stories of alleged
Serbian "atrocities," the estimates of dead Kosovars went as high as 100,000.
If "genocide" was committed in Kosovo, then where are all the bodies? This is a
question that the Western news media, and their overseers at NATO headquarters
in Brussels, dare not ask, let alone answer. For the fact is that, so far, a
full year after the Kosovo war was launched amid the self-righteous braying of
our "humanitarian" militarists, a grand total of 2,108 bodies have been
uncovered. How to account for the discrepancy?

The reason is because every tall tale told by a Kosovar "victim" was considered
unbiased "testimony" and reported as "fact" by Western governments and the
media – and the story was, unsurprisingly, always the same. It was always the
Kosovars who were the victims, and the evil Serbs who were cast in the role of
"Milosevic's willing executioners," in the New Republic's typically hopped-up
phrase. The same methods were used to demonize the Serbs during the Bosnian
civil war, and now we have a spate of "war crimes" trials, with indictments
based on "testimony" of similar credibility. Bosnian Serb leader Momcilo
Krajisnik is the latest to stand in the dock for the "crime" of standing up for
the independence of the Serbian people: a few days ago, the NATO-crats came
knocking on his door in the night, dragging him out of bed and clapping him
into jail on the authority of a secret warrant issued by that star chamber
tribunal headquartered in The Hague. The gloating New York Times [April 8,
2000] account gives us the flavor of what life is going to be like in the new
world Tony and Bill and George and Al are building for us:

"Long a powerful figure, Mr. Krajisnik, 55, seemed just a slight figure in the
largest courtroom of the tribunal. Twice he tried to speak, first asking, 'May
I say a few words?' and then saying, "I would like to ask for a couple of
minutes at this hearing to say a few words in my own defense.' Both time Judge
[Richard] May [of Britain] cut him off, saying that no statements could be made
at this stage."

Bound, gagged, and delivered before their tormentors, all who resist the New
World Order will grovel at the feet of the Tribunal's lord high executioners
and beg for mercy – or else find themselves in for long prison terms in the
Euro-Gulag. Communism may be dead, but show trials are even more vogueish than
ever. Not since Vyshinsky indicted Bukharin and Trotsky as agents of Hitler and
the Mikado have so many Stalinists had such a good time of it. Why, it's almost
like the old days of the Moscow Trials again, lacking only a Stalin of
sufficient stature to rival the towering evil of the original.

By a great coincidence, the arrest of Krajisnik occurred on the eve of the
Bosnian municipal elections – a model of the New Europe in which all Serbian
opponents of the NATO military occupation were banned from the ballot. In spite
of such measures, including the seizure of Serbian resistance radio and
television stations, and censorship imposed by the occupation forces, the
remaining Serbs, having been forcibly incorporated into the "multiethnic" state
of Bosnia-Hercegovina, stubbornly resist the NATO-ization of their nation.
Every effort to install a democratically-elected regime of Quislings has
failed, and the NATO-crats are fuming. The American ambassador, Thomas Miller,
complains: "I'm not interested in recommending to my bosses in Washington that
they put any money into areas where you have people who are doing all they can
to obstruct Dayton implementation." The Times> account of Bosnia's electoral
charade goes on to note that "such voting patterns have long obstructed
reconstruction efforts."

The history of these persistent voting patterns, and Western efforts to break
them, underscores the eerily Orwellian atmosphere of NATO-run Bosnia: In every
election held since the imposition of the Dayton Accords, the Serbian
Democratic Party, the party of Radovan Karadzic and Krajisnik, has maintained
full support in the Serbian regions, and the Croatian nationalists have
retained control of their own precincts. This time, too, it seems that in spite
of threats by the Western powers to starve them out and bring them to their
knees if they didn't vote the "right" way, the people outside the Muslim-
controlled urban centers such as Sarajevo have rejected the occupiers and their
collaborators. Yet still the NATO-crats issue press releases opining that these
elections augur the beginning of a "new era" – yet more evidence that the
forcible absorption of Serb and Croat communities into a "multicultural" state

[CTRL] CATO Film on Kosovaria

2000-04-12 Thread Alamaine

>From http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38f31c535073.htm

>>Comments and opinions at site at bottom of article -- as ever.  A<>E<>R <<

FreeRepublic.com "A Conservative News Forum"

Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual
posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its
management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the
exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

Film Depicts Damage Wrought By Kosovo Air War
Foreign Affairs News
Source: Defense Week
Published: April 10, 2000 Author: Christian Lowe
Posted on 04/11/2000 05:36:35 PDT by Stand Watch Listen

When NATO’s Kosovo air war wrapped up in June 1999, U.S. and NATO officials
touted its "overwhelming success." In 78 days and nights of bombing over Serbia
and Kosovo, NATO’s three goals of ensuring Europe’s stability, stopping ethnic
cleansing and bolstering NATO’s credibility were accomplished without the loss
of a single alliance member’s life, they said.

But a new documentary film presented last week at the CATO Institute, a
Washington, D.C. think-tank that tends to oppose U.S. intervention abroad,
argues that NATO’s "victory" was not as clear-cut as some have claimed.
In many ways, the situation in the Balkans has either not improved or gotten
much worse since the war started in March 1999, according to the film, titled
Collateral Damage. Far from stopping the ethnic cleansing and stabilizing
Europe’s southern flank, the war resulted in displacement of Serbs and
Albanians, crushed economies and a real threat to democratic reform in the
region, the film makers say.

Two CATO staffers, Gary Dempsey and Aaron Lukas, flew to the Balkans on a shoe-
string budget to document the "unintended consequences" of NATO’s bombing
campaign. They traveled extensively through the region, filming patrols in
Kosovar cities where NATO troops are stationed, inspecting bombed-out
industrial complexes in Serbia and interviewing victims of the war who were
nowhere near the bombed areas—citizens of Macedonia, Romania and Bulgaria.

One repression for another
Collateral Damage directly attacks the notion that the air war stopped ethnic
cleansing. In fact, according to the film, the Yugoslav army was engaged in a
campaign against Kosovo Liberation Army insurgents in the region and switched
to a tactic of mass expulsion. The intent was to flood NATO staging areas with
refuges, thereby hampering a possible ground invasion, the film said. The U.S.
Department of State admitted, although belatedly, that the NATO bombing caused
the Yugoslav cleansing campaign to begin, according to the documentary.

Up to 2,000 people were killed during the war, including around 1,000 Serbs
outside Kosovo, the film said. Since NATO’s occupation of Kosovo, according to
Sava Janjic, an orthodox priest interviewed in the film, 200,000 Serbs have
left Kosovo. The exodus of Serbian authorities and the organizations they ran
has left a void that organized crime has quickly filled, the priest said.
"Now, one repression has been replaced with another," Janjic said.

The air war did more than stir up the ethnic pot in the region. Precision
bombing strikes against bridges, oil refineries and other civilian industrial
targets have plunged the region into a severe economic crisis, the film argues.
Serbia has suffered $30 billion in damage to the economy, which has seen its
gross domestic product cut by 41 percent in 1999, it says.

Most disturbing has been the damage done to the city of Nis. Formerly an anti-
Milosevic bastion, Nis now boasts 30,000 jobless citizens and an average 3,000
residents using soup kitchens every day, the city’s mayor said in the film.
More than just affecting Serbia and Kosovo, the bombing has brought Romania and
Bulgaria’s burgeoning export economies to a virtual stand-still, the film says.
NATO’s targeting of bridges crossing the Danube river on Yugoslavia’s border
has strangled shipping along that vital riparian way.

Romania, on Yugoslavia’s eastern border, conducts 67 percent of its trade with
European Union member nations, one official said in the film. Because of the
downed bridges, the country’s industries can’t move products by barge along the
river to customers in Hungary and on into the rest of Europe.

The country is losing $50 million a week because of the damage, the official

A threat to reform
The bombs may have splintered the fragile brick and mortar of democratic reform
in the region as well—still hardening after years of communist domination. Many
of the Balkan countries are trying to become members of the European Union and
eventually NATO. But now, that pro-NATO, pro-Europe position is harder to
explain, the film said.

A Bulgarian journalist said that the NATO bombing had prompted nearly 1 million
voters to withdraw support from the ruling democratic coalition government.
Some polls showed that 60 percent of Bulgarians disapproved of the bombing, he


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #3

2000-04-12 Thread Ric Carter
e 2000-yr-old computer: http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal040702.html
# Basic Mind-Control - How-To: http://www.geocities.com/wtmick/basichow.htm

: Are you intrinsically connected to other people;the universal unconscious;
your memories; space-time; machines? Where would you like to send your soul,
if any? Would it be rejected and sent back? Would that rilly bum you out??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Wicca-Hater With Dagger Guilty of Interstate Stalking. (Reuters) A man
  armed with a dagger who hitchhiked across the United States in search of
  a death duel with members of the Wiccan faith was convicted on interstate
  stalking charges: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000412/10/odd-hitchhiker

# GOOD CATHOLIC/BAD CATHOLIC: A former altar boy (and lapsed Catholic)
  reveals what stopped him from attending Mass after 19 years of perfect
  attendance. The Grateful Dead and pretty girls were just starters:

# Mission to seek lost Persian army in Egypt desert. CAIRO (Reuters) -
  Archaeologists head into Egypt's  Western Desert next month to try to
  solve an ancient mystery - the fate of the lost Persian army of Cambyses.
  Abducted? http://www.abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters2411_2173.html

: Are/were you on a holy mission? Was it canceled? Who plans/controls holy
missions? Have you stalked any human/aliens/spirits lately? Did you get'em??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


  of two slain Columbine High School students have given the sheriff three
  days to release his final report on the shootings. Then they'll come out
  with guns blazing... http://CNN.com/2000/US/04/11/columbine.parents.ap/

# As Infamous Anniversaries of US Terrorism Loom, Nation Asks Why. WHY!?!
  Citizens and government to mark dates of Oklahoma City and Littleton
  tragedies. http://www.latimes.com/news/nation/2412/t34282.html

  straight year since Gen. Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, repre-
  sentatives for the South announced Monday that the region has postponed
  plans to rise again. http://theonion.com/onion3613/south_postpones.html

# Bill Gates uses Ralph Reed to buy George W. Bush Jr. - affordable:
  Satanic tool: http://www.ewtn.com/vnews/getstory.asp?number=49053
# Alleged rapist footballer Mark Chmura wanted to be GOP politico:
# Holier-than-thou Chmura refused to meet with "sinner" Clinton:

@ Hillary Clinton has built her child-care policy on a curious -- and false
  -- theory of human development. Where do her ideas come from? Where are
  they going? Who's right? http://www.gladwell.com/2000_01_10_a_baby.htm
# Jenny Craig drops Monica Lewinsky - too unwieldy to lug around any more:

# Going to Pot. The Web is going to pot. Just ask the founder of iToke:
  a Web-based pot delivery service preparing to launch in Europe. If you
  think the concept is outrageous, wait until you hear the plans for world
  domination. http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,35496,00.html
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  "There is no sin except stupidity." --Oscar Wilde

* Rev.R.Carter, ULC * http://skepticon.pitas.com * FAX: 603-415-3736
* SkeptiNews bulletins now *ONLINE* at: http://skeptinews.pitas.com/
* Fringes of Thought, Experience, Behavior, Knowledge, Foreboding...

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Chinese Embassy Bombing

2000-04-12 Thread Michael Pugliese


Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 14:07:12 -0400
From: Seth Ackerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Mowing Embassies (was sowing dragons)

Doug Henwood wrote:


>I agree with Brad. Imperialism is at least as stupid as it is evil.
I mean,
>look, we sent a man with a cake shaped like a key to see if he
could pry the
>American hostages loose from Iran.

Uh, guys, sure bureaucracies screw up, and the U.S. military is the
biggest bureaucracy known to humanity, but the Observer/Politiken
story is based on interviews with people who said the bombing was

- ---
That's right. Here's a list of the Observer/Politiken's sources--for their
*first* story--based on conversations with the reporters:
* A European NATO military officer serving in an operational capacity at the
four-star level - a source at the highest possible level within
NATO--confirmed three things: (1) That NATO targeted the Chinese embassy
deliberately; (2) That the embassy was emitting Yugoslav military radio
signals; and (3) That the target was not approved through the normal NATO
channels but through a second, "American-only" track.
*  A European NATO staff officer at the two-star level in the Defense
Intelligence office confirmed the same story.
*  Two U.S. sources: A very high-ranking former senior American intelligence
official connected to the Balkans - "about as high as you can get,"
according to one reporter -- confirmed that the embassy was deliberately
targeted. A mid-ranking current U.S. military official, also connected to
the Balkans, confirmed elements of the story and pointedly refused to deny
that the embassy had been bombed deliberately.
*  A NATO flight controller based in Naples and a NATO intelligence officer
monitoring Yugoslav radio broadcasts from Macedonia each confirmed that
NATO's signals intelligence located Yugoslav military radio signals coming
from the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. When they informed their superiors,
they were told that the matter would be handled further up in the chain of
command. Two weeks later, the embassy was bombed.
*  An official at the U.S. National Imagery and Mapping Agency told the
reporters that NATO's official explanation, which involves a faulty map of
Belgrade, is a "damned lie." The Alliance claims it was targeting the
Yugoslav Federal Directorate for Supply and Procurement which had once been
located at that site. But Holsoe discovered through simple open-source
inquiries that no building was ever on that site before the embassy. The
Yugoslav office for supplies is in fact 500 meters down the street and was
struck later by NATO. According to Helsoe, "nearly everyone involved in NATO
air operations or signals command knows that the embassy bombing was
deliberate." (Pacific News Service, 10/20/99)
- ---
In the Observer/Politiken's follow-up story, they wrote:
"Five weeks ago the Observer reported evidence gathered from sources within
NATO -- serving military officers who would be instantly sacked if named.
Our account was denied by the CIA, by Albright and by Cook, who said there
was not a "shred of evidence to support this rather wild story."
"The Observer has gone back to its original sources, and also spoken to
other serving officers, from NATO colonels to intelligence officers to a
military officer with the rank of a general. All are in agreement. The
Chinese Embassy was deliberately bombed."
- ---
The reporters have also spoken to officials in the Danish and British
foreign ministries who confirmed the story to them.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Jane Fonda Says Pro-Life People are Hypocrites -NOPOST

2000-04-12 Thread pmeares

Kris Millegan wrote:
> I don't really care and this is not the list for this discussion. You had
> been asked. And I ain't got time for this bs.

Not only time... considering the 144+ megs of disk space at l-soft,
costing you about 120FRN a month (if I remember correctly), who can
blame you? And how many tens of megs in the CTRL archive have been
squandered on off-topic crap as this? Odd how the most profound
conspiracies posted to CTRL seem to "wither on the vine" so to
speak, and seem to fade away with little or no comment, while
the BS, non-conspiracy releted threads like "Jane Fonda Says
Pro-Life People are Hypocrites", and other "Battling Bickersons
BS", as you aptly call it, seem to run on forever.

As far as the "Battling Bickersons BS" threads that seem to run
on forever goes, IMO this re-post seems to sum it up well:


Question: How many [CTRL] posts does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: 1,331:

 1 to change the light bulb and to post to the mail list that the light bulb
 has been changed;

 14 to share similar experiences of changing light bulbs and how the light
 bulb could have been changed differently;

 7 to caution about the dangers of changing light bulbs;

 27 to point out spelling / grammar errors in posts about changing light bulbs;

 53 to flame the spell checkers;

 156 to write to the list administrator complaining about the light bulb
 discussion and its inappropriateness to this mail list;

 41 to correct spelling in the spelling/grammar flames;

 109 to post that this list is not about light bulbs and to please take this
 email exchange to alt.lite.bulb;

 203 to demand that cross posting to alt.grammar, alt.spelling and
 alt.punctuation about changing light bulbs be stopped;

 111 to defend the posting to this list saying that we all use light bulbs
 and therefore the posts _are_ relevant to this mail list;

 306 to debate which method of changing light bulbs is superior, where to buy
 the best light bulbs, what brand of light bulbs work best for this
 technique, and what brands are faulty;

 27 to post URLs where one can see examples of different light bulbs;

 14 to post that the URLs were posted incorrectly, and to post corrected

 3 to post about links they found from the URLs that are relevant to this
 list which makes light bulbs relevant to this list;

 33 to concatenate all posts to date, then quote them including all headers
 and footers, and then add "Me Too";

 12 to post to the list that they are unsubscribing because they cannot
 handle the light bulb controversy;

 19 to quote the "Me Too's" to say, "Me Three";

 4 to suggest that posters request the light bulb FAQ;

 1 to propose new alt.change.lite.bulb newsgroup;

 47 to say this is just what alt.physic.cold_fusion was meant for, leave it
 here; and,

 143 votes for alt.lite.bulb.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] [BCPolitics] Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy. (fwd)

2000-04-12 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 12:45:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [BCPolitics] Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy.

David: This is where my limits are (first year college chemistry
only). You however were aspiring to be a vet before becoming a tv
celebrity so you may know this one. I thought the idea of the aluminum
oxide was to reflect the sun back into space and reduce global warming.
If that is so, cities shouldn't be targeted. OTOH, cities produce more
heat so infrared is the problem there. I guess you could say that our
benign masters are doing this for our own good...even the biowar
tests. After all we (they) have to know how to deal with this contingency
if an enemy were to attack. That was the reasoning way back in the
Cole/Cranston reporting on spraying large Canada-US populations with
microbes in the 60's/70's.
   The additional consideration is that the "democratic
society" guaranteed and in those words by the Canadian Constitution is
trashed by the senior politicians of this country. Diane Francis, Bill
VanderZalm and others have said, THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY, on public tv.
Why don't you invite them on with that as a topic?
   You see, it doesn't matter much what us peasant masses say on this
topic or any other as long as Chretien, Manning and their ilk are running
the political show.

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Will Thomas wrote:

> Yes Franklin,
> Your points are well taken. If the "screen" is also meant to cut down on
> dangerous levels of UV, "they" would spray over cities. But spraying
> pathogens has nothing to do with weather/atmospheric modification. The
> implications are disturbing and ominous.
> Best,
> - Original Message -
> From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Will Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 12:07 PM
> Subject: Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy.
> > Thanks for the compliment William. Your excellent work here has drawn a
> > lot of attention on the Internet. I'm not big on David Ingram's
> > "conspiracy theory" guests, like Horowitz though I think he should present
> > their messages for the public to decide. I still get my flu shots every
> > year! But I think you have a hold on something real and scientifically
> > verifiable by the chemical-lab tests. And it is BIG...HUGE. The question I
> > wanted to ask you is whether you can demonstrate if those "gassing" North
> > America are flying over cities more than non-cities. If they just want to
> > reflect light back into space they don't need to target cities. But the
> > microbes you find in the samples suggests a repeat of "Clouds of
> > Secrecy" (Cole/Cranston) which means there is an anti-personnel purpose to
> > this. That is bloody well chilling.
> > FWP.
> > On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, Will Thomas wrote:
> >
> > > Thank you Franklin,
> > >
> > > Your comments re. journalistic ethics and the responsibility of
> > > journalists to cover news is well said.
> > >
> > > Best Regards,
> > > William Thomas
> > >
> > >
> > > - Original Message -
> > > From: Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: Barry Rueger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2000 1:50 PM
> > > Subject: Re: Chemtrail Conspiracy.
> > >
> > >
> > > > What about calling journalists to task for a BREACH OF JOURNALISTIC
> > > > ETHICS? You have a duty to the public when it comes to protecting the
> > > > democracy of this country. That is what I was taught by Professor
> Dawson
> > > > in my Canadian Government course and it is sound to-day.
> > > > FWP.
> > > >
> > > > On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Barry Rueger wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > CAJ guidelines - Rule Number One:
> > > > >
> > > > > "1. CAJ-L is not to be used as a tip sheet or a means to lobby
> > > > > journalists to cover certain events or issues. Nor is it a
> discussion
> > > > > list for general public policy or political issues. Postings should
> be
> > > > > directly relevant to its main purposes (see above)."
> > > > >
> > > > > OK?
> > > > >
> > > > > B.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > On 8 Apr 2000, at 13:06, Franklin Wayne Poley wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Date sent:  Sat, 8 Apr 2000 13:06:34 -0700 (PDT)
> > > > > From:   Franklin Wayne Poley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Copies to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> > > > > Subject:Chemtrail Conspiracy.
> > > > >
> > > > > > Anybody on Canadian Association of Journalists List come across
> the
> > > > > > "Chemtrail Conspiracy"? See http://www.islandnet.com/wilco .
> "Project
> > > > > > Censored" rated it as one of its top contenders last year.
> > > > > > Investigator William 

[CTRL] [NA] Lies! Lies! Lies!

2000-04-12 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

From: Jim Condit Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [NA] Lies! Lies! Lies!
Date: Friday, April 07, 2000 2:25 AM


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

(Listen anytime to Votefraud vs Honest Elections "crash course" radio show over the 
internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, 
Jim Condit Jr. guest)

April 6, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Lies! Lies! Lies!

As we have stated repeatedly in one way or another: computerized
votefraud, buttressed by phony polls, is an absolutely essential
lynchpin of the hoped-for world dictatorship, now in progress. As the
program for the regimentation of mankind gets farther along, the “world
rulers of this darkness” foresee that resistance will increase, so it
absolutely essential to have completely controlled elections,
masquerading as honest elections.

The New Age Dictator doesn’t want to have to say: “You serfs! Do this!
Because I demand it.” No, not at all. The New Age Dictator wants to be
able to say: “Dear People, I am doing this – WE are doing this – because
YOU, THE PUBLIC have demanded it! Look at the polls. Look at the
election results. I am only forging these chains for you and your
children, and placing them on your wrists and ankles, because you have
demanded it. I am only freeing the evil-doers to run rampant throughout
the land, while imprisoning and neutralizing the good,  because YOU have
demanded it by way of polls and election results. What else can I do?”

One of the biggest lies told by public officials is that they can’t
return to paper ballots counted by the people in the precinct. They will
even be so brazen as to say that they can’t return to verifiable
elections because they’ve spent so much money buying systems which
provide UNVERIFIABLE elections – off limits to citizens.

The following is from our Canadian ally, Brent Belesky, investigative
researcher, and director of the International Voters Coalition:

Re: City of Barrie, (Ontario, Canada) past and future, -- illegal,
unfounded $500,000, soon to be a million dollar, ballot-less
computerized, municipal elections.

The city of Barrie can't afford to return to printing paper ballots in
this November's election's, declared deputy clerk John Sisson.

Excluding Aldermen Ainsworth, Eadie and Ramsay, who oppose the
computerized elections, -- the mayor, the rest of council, city clerk
John Craig and deputy clerk John Sisson, are all promoting an illegal
election, an election without ballots, privacy, merit or authority.

(Mayor Janice) Laking said anyone with concerns about how the election
was being held, or the expense, should have made them known earlier.
"We are too far down the road for them (the clerks office) to make a
change," exclaimed Laking.

Well Janice Laking, why indeed, have you and your friends dared to
change our sacred election process to begin with?  Why indeed!

I have sure been concerned, as well as the citizens of Barrie, since the
last computerized election in 1997.  Notwithstanding that you and the
city clerk have spent over $100,000 of taxpayers money, in 6 courts,
making darn sure that an application to the courts, for a [a return to a
verifiable] election, would not be heard.

What are you afraid of? The courts deeming your so-called computerized,
ballot-less election scheme to be illegal and invalid?  Why are you so

I quote the Officer of the Assembly and the Chief Election Officer of
Ontario, Warren R. Bailie, [joined by] the chief provincial and federal
election officers in Canada, [as stated in] a letter to me, dated March
9th 2000.  “The use of paper ballots has been prescribed by the Ontario
Election Act since Confederation. Moreover, Canada, in federal elections
also uses a paper ballot process and this practice also dates from
Confederation.  The method is, therefore, a tried and tested method.” .
. .  “As a result I am of the opinion the paper ballot mechanism is the
most transparent, private and secret method of voting in any democracy.”
Thus stated Chief Election Officer Bailie.

On April 3, 2000, the International Voters Coalition will be continuing
a petition, to restore the paper ballot and our priceless democracy,
immediately, to the citizens of Barrie!

Therefore, alleged Mayor Janice Laking and friends, the jury is in, and
one that can declare that your ballot-less, computerized bogus
elections, are not tested by law, not true, not transparent, not
private, not secret, not audit-able, not accountable, [as well as] with
no merit, no authorization, nor is under any legal statute, nor
principle, nor law.

Well, I guess all the Chief Election Officers across Canada and the vast
amount of citizens 

[CTRL] Biowarfare

2000-04-12 Thread William Shannon

Book details shadowy world of germ war
Tuesday, 11 April 2000 19:25 (ET)

Book details shadowy world of germ war

 LOS ANGELES, April 11 (UPI) - While the threat of an all-consuming nuclear
exchange between superpowers has diminished in recent years, a new book
reminds the world that the grisly development of biological warfare remains
a bustling cottage industry among rogue states.

 Journalists Tom Mangold and Jeff Goldberg report in "Plague Wars" that the
harnessing of lethal bacteria and viruses has been the goal of various major
powers since World War II, and research into making the organisms deadlier,
and delivering them more efficiently to a helpless foe, continues.

 The prospect of an unhinged dictator or a terrorist cell loosing anthrax
or some other vile plague on a major city or against the woefully unprepared
U.S. military conjures up nightmarish visions of mass burials in Central
Park or the loss of entire divisions of troops.

 "I am taking the biological terrorist threat very, very seriously," Jerry
Hauer, the head of New York City's Office of Emergency Services, told the
authors. "I have a background in public health, and I know what the
implications are."

 The implications are serious trouble due not only to a lack of equipment,
medicines and trained emergency personnel, but also to the nature of
biological weapons -- invisible to the eye and capable of swiftly drifting
along on the breeze through streets, air conditioning ducts and subway

 It is this apparent portability that seems to make biological warfare an
attractive possibility for a terrorist bent on causing mass casualties and
panic in an urban area, or a rogue nation looking for a weapon that will
serve as a great equalizer in a confrontation with the United States.

 According to the book, the Japanese doomsday cult Aum Shinrikyo repeatedly
tried to launch biological attacks against Tokyo and against U.S. Navy
installations in Japan in the mid-1990s, but the attempts failed - undone
for a variety of reasons, including faulty equipment or viruses that just
didn't work -- and the cult turned to sarin nerve gas, which killed a dozen
people and injured about 5,000 others in the Tokyo subway in March 1995.

The prospect of facing biological and/or chemical weapons in the days
leading up to the Gulf War was enough to prompt President Bush to deliver a
thinly-veiled threat to Saddam Hussein that the coming battle could go
nuclear quickly if the Iraqis unleashed their arsenal of such weapons
against Coalition forces.

 The nuclear option appears to be what has been keeping the biologicals at
bay, and more likely to be used in a regional conflict such as the Iran-Iraq
war, or the kind of covert "dirty" war as the one that occurred in the bush
during the guerrilla campaigns against Rhodesia and South Africa.

 While the prospects of a strategic biological attack are bone chilling,
the most likely scenario is a small-scale operation during a little-known
war in a remote corner of the world.

 Biological weapons have been under development since World War II when
Japan, the Soviet Union, Britain and the United States all took the plunge
into biological warfare research. The Soviet program appeared to have been
the most ambitious, and Plague Wars reports on a couple of mysterious
outbreaks of disease that swept through the invading German army that may or
may not have been caused by germs grown in Soviet labs.

 The Soviet program frightened the west enough that the United States kept
its program alive after the war ended, even drafting former members of
Japan's ghoulish Unit 731, that had conducted bizarre and inhumane medical
experiments on hapless prisoners in China, to provide U.S. scientists with
their discoveries.

 The western programs never really matched the Soviets' in terms of output
and ambition, and the collapse of the Communist government failed to
terminate research that continued into the Yeltsin years. So cloaked in
secrecy was the Russian biowar industry that even Yeltsin had to fumble
around for the truth when coming clean about offensive biological weapons to
the U.S. and the British.

 The Russians eventually agreed to a series of reciprocal inspections of
both their facilities and those of the U.S., and Plague Wars mercifully
breezes through the frequently tedious negotiations of such arms agreements.

 The secretive nature of biological warfare continues to the present day as
United Nations arms inspectors try to ferret out the truth about Iraq's
program. Plague Wars offers a fresh look at the often-tangled process by
focusing on the adventures of the inspectors themselves in Iraq, the kinds
of war stories one would hear over a drink in a pub rather than read about
in the Sunday papers.

Richard Butler, the head of the UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commission
on Iraq), told the authors that he saw his mission in Iraq as a vital step
toward a solid, verifiable biological arms treaty.


[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #2

2000-04-12 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000412b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/11_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No code-breaker geeks were harmed during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Little Futurama People: http://www.quinnarama.com/futurama.htm
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Astronaut believes there's life beyond Earth. A NASA astronaut who is
  the veteran of four space shuttle missions says his explorations of
  space have contributed to his belief that there is extraterrestrial
  life in the universe. http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal041201.html

# PUBLIC IS READY TO HANDLE  E.T. REALITY Fresh encouragement about the govt
  Acclimation Program of preparing the public for official acknowledgment
  of extraterrestrial contact. http://www.jps.net/drboylan/wlffrsh.htm
@ LGM: http://space.com/spaceimagined/books/little_green_men_000323.html
@ IS ETA CARINA GOD? Yeah sure, why not? http://www.hiddenmeanings.com/

# THE SUN SPEAR. Oh my gosh, I can't believe my eyes. Looking through the
  eyes of the SOHO spacecraft I just saw something spear the sun, right
  through it from north to south pole, or vice versa, stem to stern, slick
  as a whistle! Now what do I do with this? http://www.caus.org/os041200.htm

: Have aliens manipulated/reprogrammed/attacked/penetrated your galaxy/star/
planet/brain lately? Have they conspired with your govt to cover-up damage/
contact/control? Do LGM (Little Green/Gray Men) buzz ominously in your head?
Are the Grays and Greens battling for your heart/soul/mind/money? Who else?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Making and breaking codes at US spy agency NSA. FORT MEADE: Some of the US
  govt's best weapons against terrorism wear eyeglasses held together with
  tape and sometimes forget to wear their shoes. They could be known as the
  Nerd Warriors of the National Security Agency,mathematical puzzle-solvers.
  Geeks'R'Us http://independent-bangladesh.com/news/apr/12/12042000ft.htm#A1

# Shadowy world of germ war. (UPI) - While the threat of an all-consuming
  nuclear exchange between superpowers has diminished in recent years, the
  grisly development of biological warfare remains a bustling cottage indus-
  try among rogue states. http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=78496

# Company running U.S. uranium operations facing serious money problems --
  nukes not profitable any more -- US/Russia decommissioning treaty jeopard-
  ized --- subsidy needed? http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9661987

: What's your favorite military technology? Are war.techs best neutralized/
suppressed by rendering them unprofitable? Is cyberwar cheaper, more cost-
effective than physical warfare? Will all war be cyber in the future? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Did Looped Heart Shape Give Edge To Vertebrates? Asymmetrically swirling
  flow patterns and direction changes in heart cavities may be important for
  smooth, efficient heart action, enabling it to move blood through the body
  efficiently, especially with the increased demands of exercise. But bugs
  never get pumped-up, sweaty: http://unisci.com/stories/20002/0412003.htm
# Sweaters for Penguins: http://www.newshub.com/cgibin/rd.cgi?9660139

# Mystery footprints said to be 500 million years old. A mystery footprint
  found by a fossil collector in Utah two decades ago is said to be 300 to
  600 million years old. And he apparently wasn't alone in his discovery.
  Proof that there were previous civilizations on Earth, or visitors from
  another world? http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal041202.html

: Are you better/bigger/badder than bugs? Then why are there so many of THEM
and so few of YOU? How old are y'r footprints? How old are bugs' footprints?
What conclusions are inescapable? Which aliens influenced your evolution??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# The "Warning" To Take Place This Week. This is the week to watch the skies
  very closely. The info was bestowed upon me regarding the Third Secret Of
  Fatima states a time between April 8th and 16th is a day the sky will turn
  red. There is speculation it will be a near miss asteroid or comet. It may
  also occur as a direct hit from a CME. People around the world should take
  pause. Alert! http://earthchangestv.com/breaking/April2000/0409warning.htm
# Red Skies Already? www.earthchangestv.com/breaking/April2000/0409skies.htm

# Does the New Jersey Devil predict wars? Lurking in the wooded areas of the
  New Jersey Pinelands is a legendary creature that's been scaring residents
  since 1735 or even earlier. The Devil's first appearance dates back to the
  era when Native Americans populated the area and described its haunts as
  "the place of the dragon." http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal041102.html

: Have you bee


2000-04-12 Thread Amelia

Sent: Monday, April 10, 2000 8:07 PM


Sunday, April 9th
Cochabamba, Bolivia

Dear Friends:

The situation here in Bolivia remains critical.  Since the declaration of
martial law  yesterday at least three people have been killed, including a
17 year old boy shot by soldiers with live ammunition here in Cochabamba.
More than 30 people in Cochabamba alone have been injured from conflicts
with the military.  Respected leaders of the water protests have been
jailed, some flown to a remote location in Bolivia? '²s jungle.  Soldiers
continue to occupy the city? '²s center. However, there is now something
real and straightforward you can do to help.

The massive protests that prompted the declaration of martial law here
were prompted by the sale of Cochabamba? '²s public water system to a
corporation (Aguas del Tunari, owned by International Water Limited) which
then doubled water rates for poor families that can barely afford to feed
themselves.  It turns out that that the main financial power behind that
water corporation in the Bechtel Corporation, based in San Francisco
(Source: http://www.bechtel.com/whatnew/1999artsq4.html).

The people of Bolivia have made it very clear that they want Bechtel out.
The Bolivian government is so committed to protecting Bechtel that it has
declared martial law and killed its own people.  While some in the
government here are saying this afternoon that Bechtel will leave, given
the government's reversal on the same promise Friday the statement has no
credibility here ansent a written agreement and end to martial law.  It is
critical that pressure be brought to bear directly on Bechtel in the US.
You can help, here? '²s how:

1) Send an e-mail, letter, fax or make a phone call to:

Riley Bechtel, Chairman and CEO, Bechtel Corp
Tel: (415) 768-1234
Fax: (415) 768-9038
Address: 50 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105

2) The Message:

"Bolivians have made it absolutely clear that they want Bechtel? '²s water
company, Aguas de Tunari, out of Bolivia, through a week of huge protests
that have nearly shut down the country.  To protect Bechtel, the Bolivian
government has now put the country under martial law, leaving many dead and
wounded.  Bechtel has a responsibility to honor the wishes of Bolivians and
bring the crisis to an end by immediatley signing an agreement to turn the
water system back over to Bolivians."

3) Please send this information as far and wide as you can.  More than
1,000 other are receiving this message today.  Even 100 e-mails ro calls to
Bechtel Monday will make an enormous difference.

To give you some additional context on events here I am including below an
article, which I published in Saturday? '²s San Jose Mercury News. The
went to press just before the government reversed position and declared
martial law.

Many thanks,

Jim Shultz
The Democracy Center

for more information please visit

Ravi Khanna, Director
1world communication
P. O. Box 2476
Amherst, MA 01004
Phone: 413-323-7629
Fax: 413-323-9348
E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web-site: http://www.1worldcommunication.org

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[CTRL] Pulsing Light Sorce Puzzles Astronomers

2000-04-12 Thread William Shannon

Flashing Light Source Puzzles Astronomers
[Original headline: Scientists spot mysterious flashing light in Big Dipper]
Los Alamos, N.M. (AP) Astronomers using an automated telescope that scans 10
million stars and galaxies a night have discovered a mysterious pulsing light
in the Big Dipper.
It flashes like a slowly rotating searchlight, scientists say.

''It's a mystery,'' said Los Alamos researcher Jim Wren. ''It's definitely a
strange object.''

It was spotted March 29 by the Robotic Optical Transient Search Experiment at
Los Alamos. It brightens, then dims and brightens again in a cycle, Wren

Ron Remillard of Massachusetts Institute of Technology was the first to see
it. He sent out a request for corroborating observations and received a
response from Japan within an hour that scientists there saw it, too.

Remillard theorizes the pulsing may come from a black hole, a dying star with
a force of gravity so intense that not even light readily escapes its pull.
He said the black hole, perhaps on the fringes of our galaxy, may be sucking
dust and gas which heats as it spirals to its death, giving off the pulsing
light and X-rays.

He has seen similar phenomena, he said, but with different pulse patterns.

''There's a big mystery out there that's not solved,'' Remillard said.

The lightweight ROTSE telescope is designed to wheel around at a moment's
notice, giving astronomers a view of celestial fireworks as they occur. It's
mainly intended to watch for gamma ray bursts, but it will watch for other
phenomena when gamma rays aren't keeping it busy.

The telescope, built in 1997 by Los Alamos National Laboratory, Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory and the University of Michigan, is housed here
in an 8-foot steel cylinder along with the computer that runs it. The
computer is linked to satellites that may signal phenomena like the pulsing

It takes 5.5 seconds from a satellite signal until ROTSE, plugged into the
Internet, gets the message. The satellite gives only a general area of sky,
so ROTSE swings around and starts snapping electronic pictures, rapidly
scanning that part of the sky.

• Story originally published by •
The Boston Globe / MA - April 9 2000

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Coal-Powered Supersonic Jets?

2000-04-12 Thread William Shannon

Source:   American Chemical Society (http://www.acs.org/)

Date:   Posted 4/12/2000

Supersonic Transports Could Be Powered By Coal
Coal-Derived Jet Fuels Less Likely to Form Engine Deposits at High Speeds

SAN FRANCISCO, March 29 — To allow jet planes to fly faster safely,
scientists are looking to coal, rather than petroleum, as a source of fuel.
Coal-derived fuel is less likely to form engine-clogging coke deposits in jet
engines at higher speeds and temperatures, according to research being done
at Pennsylvania State University.

The research, which is funded by the United States Air Force, was reported
here today at the 219th national meeting of the American Chemical Society,
the world’s largest scientific society. The weeklong meeting is expected to
attract about 20,000 scientists from around the world.

Fuel now used in commercial jet aircraft comes from petroleum and is
typically exposed to operating temperatures below 600 F (300 C). As speeds
increase, temperatures are expected to reach up to 900 F (482 C) and higher,
says John Andrésen, Ph.D., of the Energy Institute at Penn State, where the
research is being done.

“Jet fuels presently used have been shown to form solid deposits that can
plug the fuel system and ultimately lead to catastrophic malfunction of the
jet aircraft,” says Andrésen. Coal-derived liquid jet fuels can withstand
temperatures up to about 500 C for several minutes, he adds.

The reason for the superior performance of the coal-derived fuel is its
ring-shaped hydrocarbon (alkane) makeup. Coal is rich in cycloalkanes, which
are more thermally stable than the straight-line linear alkanes found in
petroleum. Linear alkanes “are highly susceptible to thermal degradation at
temperatures above 400 C, resulting in solid particle formation (coke),” says

Underway since 1991, the research project so far has been confined to
laboratory measurement and analysis of how petroleum-derived and coal-derived
jet fuels behave at different temperatures. The next step is laboratory
testing of the fuels in actual engines. This phase is expected to take about
five years, Andrésen estimates.

Although jet speed can be increased using current petroleum-derived fuels,
how long you safely operate at higher speeds is the crux of the matter,
Andrésen points out. Using coal-derived jet fuels, “you can operate at a high
max speed for a longer time without running into any problems with solid
particle formation,” he says.

Speed isn’t the only benefit of using coal as the source for jet fuels. Coal
is much more plentiful in the United States than oil, which could reduce
reliance on imports. Bituminous coal, the most abundant type of coal in the
United States, is being used in the research project.

While more processing is needed to produce jet fuel from coal than from
petroleum, it is still economically viable and competitive, Andrésen

The investigation into coal-derived jet fuels is part of a large Penn State
research project on jet fuels being conducted at the school’s Energy
Institute under the direction of Harold Schobert, Ph.D. Co-authors of the
research report on jet fuel from coal are Chunshan Song, Ph.D., and
undergraduate student James Strohm.

Dr. Andrésen is Associate Director and Research Associate, Applied Catalysis
in Energy Laboratory, The Energy Institute, The Pennsylvania State
University, University Park, Pa.

Dr. Chunshan Song is Associate Professor, Energy & Geo-Environmental
Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.

James Strohm is an undergraduate student studying science and engineering at
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.

Dr. Harold Schobert is Professor and Director of The Energy Institute, The
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa.

Editor's Note: The original news release can be found at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy 

[CTRL] Fwd: Organized crime gone global, NWO style

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Organized crime gone global, NWO style

Not wishing to miss out on the cash to be made from global operations,
organized crime groups are said to be going "global" in a big way lately.
But they're just playing catch-up with the REALLY big criminal
enterprises like the BUSH Crime Syndicate, which has been operating on a
global basis for MANY years now.

NewsHawk® Inc.

+ + + + + + + +

Organized crime on globalization bandwagon

United Press International - April 10, 2000 19:22

VIENNA, April 10 (UPI) -- Organized crime has "jumped on the bandwagon
of globalization to create trans-national criminal networks," U.N.
Deputy Secretary-General Louise Frchette Monday told a U.N. crime
conference in Vienna.

Echoing her concern, Undersecretary General Pino Arlacchi, executive
director of the U.N. Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention said,
"Our task is to examine how, in the face of a globalized threat from
organized crime, we can guarantee to the peoples of the world a life
under a Rule of Law."

Added Arlacchi, "I mean the right to a life free of violence and
intimidation, the right to basic services on an equal footing with all
other people, the right to freedom and dignity."

Frchette opened the Tenth U.N. Congress on the Prevention of Crime and
the Treatment of Offenders.

"As trade barriers fall and data circulates around the world at the
touch of a button, new opportunities abound for increased prosperity,
better information and education and increased involvement of citizens
in many areas," she said, explaining, some of those who realize they
have a lot to gain in the digital age are from what Secretary-General
Kofi Annan calls, "uncivil society."

"To them, opening borders means it is easier to traffic in women and
children for forced labor and prostitution, to smuggle drugs and arms,
and to escape justice," she said. "Open economies man more business to
extract bribes from and new shares of illegal markets to be won.
Technological progress means new opportunities for child pornography,
falsification of documents and money laundering."

Frchette said misuses of new technology bring with them "unprecedented
challenges for law enforcement officials and legislators, who struggle
to keep abreast of highly specialized criminals and grapple with
incredibly complex jurisdictional and legal issues."

She said those challenges have lead to a recognition that "No country
alone can cope successfully with the growth of transnational crime." The
deputy secretary-general said, issues that were traditionally considered
the preserve of nations, "Must now be addressed in multilateral
settings" where joint strategies can be agreed on. "If criminals are
going global, those fighting them must also launch a global effort and
create effective networks of technical, legal and judicial cooperation
or they will always be one step behind," Frchette said. "People choose
to abide by the rules, " Arlacchi said. "Some of them also decide, if
they can get away with it, not to abide the law. The rule of law must be
seen as something broad, a concept linked to the political culture, a
concept that goes beyond legislation. It reflects the social contract
that binds state and society together."

Said, Arlacchi "The new frontier for the defense of our states and
societies, is, in many cases no longer the state border. It is against
crime in all its forms and manifestations, and especially against
transnational organized crime, that we have to build new and better
fences." Arlacchi said the mission of those at the congress is to help
strengthen the rule of law in the world.

Said the undersecretary-general, "Other international bodies deal with
the global economy or with issues of war and peace. Our business is to
help secure that justice is done in the world, that crime does not go
unpunished, that we cannot hide behind international borders in safe
havens. Some forces of crime have taken on global dimensions that we
must, as Madame Frechette stated, now think of global solutions."

Copyright 2000 by United Press International. All rights reserved.

[CTRL] Skeptic News - Wednesday #1

2000-04-12 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000412a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/11_04_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, excuses, news/views: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No cheating hearts were lab-grown during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Nothing's obsolete: http://www.obsolete.com/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Are ETs and alien abductors... us? A UFOlogist has published an extensive
  theory of aliens who travel in parallel universe, and that may be "our own
  species of the future. http://www.cosmiverse.com/paranormal041101.html

# Top scientist sez: SPACE ALIENS ARE STEALING OUR WOMEN & turning them into
  prostitutes! LAS VEGAS, NV -- Twisted aliens are running a shocking inter-
  planetary white-slavery ring, says a top UFOlogist, charging that the ETs
  routinely whisk female abductees off to far-flung planets & space stations
  to serve as hookers! http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/stories/1457.html

# Whither "Jane Doe's" UFO? A probable "UFO/ET abduction" case may prove to
  be too much evidence for Virginia Gov. Gilmore to ignore in his continued
  stonewalling of requests that he do his constitutional and statutory duty
  in repelling the "UFO invasion." http://www.caus.org/gc041200.htm

: Have you encountered any ETs lately? Have they stolen your women/men/kids/
pets/money/land/sexuality/brain/inhibitions? D'ya have cause for a lawsuit?
Can you successfully sue time-travelers?Do they already know what'll happen?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Damaged Nerves Heal Faster With Electricity - stick finger in socket for
  new brain: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/04/000410091145.htm
# GROW YOUR OWN HEART? The future of cardiology -- growing hearts in labs?
  darn them: http://www.healthcentral.com/centers/onecenter.cfm?Center=Hmo

# Study Of Rats' Brains Indicates Brain Continues To Grow After Puberty. A
  simple study of rat brains has added more substance to the idea that the
  adult brain is still a work in progress, even well after puberty. While
  overall size may not change, composition of nerve fibers in a key area
  does. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/04/000406091914.htm

: Have your bodily organs grown lately? D'ya prefer to grow organs in situ,
in vivo, in utero, in labo? Has y'r brain grown after puberty? Is this good?
Have you stimulated growth of your brain/heart/genitalia with electricity or
drugs or prayer or vacuum pumps? Has your insurer reimbursed you? Why not??
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  in secret by Pope John Paul II and intended only for the eyes of his
  successor has surfaced in Rome. And it contains terrifying warnings of
  worldwide turbulence & bloodshed destined to occur in the coming days --
  culminating in Armageddon! http://weeklyworldnews.com/stories/1455.html

@ Take a virtual peek into the future: http://www.cnn.com/future
@ All about 2000: From parties to predictions: http://www.cnn.com/2000
@ 21st cent. scenarios: http://cnn.com/SPECIALS/1999/at2000/index.html#poll

$ ROCK PROPHECY -- The Hendrix/asteroid/Microsoft incident. A new religion,
  the original asteroid prediction of Jimi Hendrix triggered an avalanche
  of asteroid stories. Interpret history in ways that dominators are most
  concerned to obstruct and crush. The story reports Microsoft's connection
  with the end of civilization. Gates IS Satan: http://www.rockprophecy.com/

: What's your favorite prognostication? Does your belief system control/see
the future? D'ya keep your knowledge secret or d'ya warn all humans who will
heed you? Do those who ignore you deserve their dreadful fate? Does anyone?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# NASA & NCI To Develop Nano-Explorers For The Human Body. To treat symptoms
  of the common cold, most people take a gel capsule containing hundreds of
  granular pieces of medicine as a remedy for coughing, sneezing and a runny
  nose. Now, imagine ingesting a capsule of similar size, containing micro-
  scopic sensors to detect, diagnose & treat disease inside the human body.
  Li'l angels: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2000/04/000410092003.htm

# Robots in rescue plan. US scientists are developing a new breed of robot
  to locate avalanche victims four times faster than conventional mountain
  rescue teams. They're developing an army of cockroach-sized mini robots
  that can scour the snow surface looking out for radio signals given off
  from transmitters sewn into modern ski jackets. Robo-bugs swarming on a
  mission: http://www.the-times.co.uk/interface/insight/story328.html

: What's your favorite little robot? Are all

[CTRL] Fwd: [net-alert] Digest Number 21

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Get your money connected @ OnMoney.com - the first Web site that lets
you see and manage all of your finances all in one place.

There is 1 message in this issue.

Topics in this digest:

  1. Net-Alert Volume 3, Issue 2
   From: Mark Neely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 23:02:07 +0930
   From: Mark Neely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Net-Alert Volume 3, Issue 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

April 10, 2000

If you have any questions, comments or other feedback concerning
Net-Alert articles, contact the Editor at 

Previous editions of Net-Alert are available at

Subscription and unsubscription details are available at the end of this


##911 Virus - Not an April Fools joke
##Holding "virtual sit-ins"
##Big figures in online crime
##DoubleClick backdown
##Free protection for your PC
##More privacy worries
##Self-healing computers

911 Virus - Not an April Fools joke

A new, aggressive, self-replicating "worm" (similar to a computer
virus) was reported on April 1 by the US Federal Bureau of

The worm is able to spread itself from computer to computer
without any involvement by the computer's owner.

It does this by scanning PCs connected to the Internet, looking
for a specific security weakness. If it finds the weakness, it
sends a copy of itself to the PC, over the Internet. It can do
this without any indication that this is taking place, so most
users won't know their machine is being infected.

Once installed, the copy of the worm will search for other
Internet computers to infect. Because it is able to copy itself
to multiple machines, and because each copy of itself is able to
infect other PCs independently, this worm may become very
wide-spread very quickly.

Once the worm has infected a PC, it may also format the
computer's hard disk and attempt to instruct the PC's modem to
dial "911" (which is the US emergency services number).

 From initial reports, it would appear that this worm is
specifically targeting US computer users. However, there appears
to be several variations of the worm, and it may be that future
versions will have the capacity to attack computers located
outside the US.

For more information about this worm, including how to detect its
presence, see the reports below.

To test whether your PC has the security weakness exploited by
this worm, use the free Shields UP! service, and follow the
instructions provided by the service in the event it detects and
security weaknesses.


ShieldsUP! - http://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2

Virus Alerts:

SANS Institute Alert
Symantec Alert
McAfee Alert

Holding "virtual sit-ins"

A popular "tool" for demonstrators is the sit-in.

The humble sit-in helps gain media attention for causes, and
draws complaints and issues to the attention of whatever company,
organisation or government the protest is aimed at.

It seems that new Internet tools - little more than slight
modifications of the Distributed Denial of Services software
covered in the last edition - will allow activists to take
similar action online.

Basically, demonstrators invite similarly minded individuals to
register via a central coordinating Web site. On the designated
sit-in date, registered individuals are sent an email which
contains a Web page. The Web page contains special code so that,
when it is loaded in a Web browser, it instructs the browser to
repeatedly send page requests to the Web site of the target

The idea is that the Web site will be overburdened in such a way
that it gains the site owner's attention (in much the same way
that occupying the HQ reception does), though it is done using
relatively benign, peaceful and (possibly) legal means.


Electrohippies Paper:
   http://www.gn.apc.org/pmhp/ehippies/files/op1.htm Rebuttal:
MSNBC article:

Big figures in online crime

I must admit to being terribly cynical when it comes to reading
estimates of the losses caused by "computer crime".

In the late 80s and early 90s, there were a number of
prosecutions against computer criminals (aka "hackers") in the US
(as part of the government's so-called "Hacker Crackdown").

On most occasions, the corporate victims were reques

[CTRL] Upcomingmovies.com: The Ninth Gate

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://upcomingmovies.com/ninthgate.html">Upcomingmovies.
com: The Ninth Gate
The Ninth Gate

Release Date: March 10th, 2000 (moved up a week from March 17th, 2000)

MPAA Rating: R (for some violence and sexuality)

Distributor: Artisan Entertainment

Cast: Johnny Depp (Dean Corso), Lena Olin, Frank Langella (Balkan), Barabara
Jefford, James Russo, Emmanuelle Seigner

Director: Roman Polanski (Chinatown, Death and the Maiden, Rosemary's Baby, Fe
arless Vampire Killers, Bitter Moon, Frantic, Knife in the Water, The Tenant,
many more)

Screenwriters: Roman Polanski (cowriter of many of his films), John Brownjohn
(cowriter of Tess, Pirates, Bitter Moon), Enrique Urbizu (cowriter of Cachito)

Based upon: The novel The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte.

Premise: A rare book dealer (Depp) discovers a strange demonic conspiracy
while trying to find the last two copies of an ancient tome said to hold the
secrets of summoning Satan.
Filming Locations: Portugal, France, and Spain

Genres: Comedy, Thriller

Official Site: ninthgate.com

Also at Theaters: March 2000

Input about Upcomingmovies.com, or any movie covered here, is encouraged.
Just e-mail Greg Dean Schmitz at [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please note that
all release dates are subject to change.

Review (***): There are going to be many people who won't agree with a
*** review for this film, because one of the biggest problems of the film is
that Artisan has been marketing it as a horror film... and it's not one. The
Ninth Gate starts off as a film noir detective story, and ends as an
European-flavored satire comedy that goes a bit over the top, but
effectively... if you're in on the joke. If you go in expecting the sort of
Satanic booga-booga-boo special effects and gore that we've seen in movies
like End of Days and Spawn, you're going to be disappointed, because the film
takes a different route, leaving the evil deeds to be done by the people in
the film rather than some monstrous demonic form.

This is the first movie for director Roman Polanski since 1994's Death and
the Maiden (and only his 7th since Chinatown), and the biting, intelligent
humor in that film is here as well. It's almost like this film is Polanski's
reflection on Rosemary's Baby, complete with a scene where one character
mocks a group of Satanic cultists not unlike the one in that earlier movie.
There's also many film noir elements (mostly in the first hour) that are fun
for film buffs to spot, including homages to The Big Sleep (and indeed, the
film's story is a bit like Double Indemnity). There are some weak spots,
mostly in the form of the anonymous supernatural girl played by Emmannuelle
Seigner (who she is never explained; and though some mysteries in this film
work; that one doesn't). Some people will also be baffled by the ending,
which leaves interpretation to the audience.

The Ninth Gate is especially noteworthy on nearly every technical point.
Wojciech Kilar's score is among the best I've heard this year; it was
alternatingly creepy and beautiful. The cinematography by Darius Khondji (The
Beach, Se7en) is top-notch, including some lighting (such as the closing
scene) that is just about perfect. The Spanish and Portuguese locations were
well-chosen; they evoke a mystery that matches the story.

The Ninth Gate is a distinct acquired taste. It's not for those seeking a
horror movie; a good scare. Rather, it's for those who would enjoy a biting
satire comedy about the sort of people who are attracted to Satanic worship,
to the point where the characters who are being satirized themselves satirize
other characters. I laughed several times; more than I have at some other
recent "comedies" (like What Planet Are You From?). In the end, I think this
is a movie about people who become so obsessed with the search for
information at any cost that they forget to live lives with the information
they've gathered; and that's what makes them "evil", and thus, drives the

Greg's Preview Thoughts: Even now, twenty years later, controversial
directors don't get much controversial than Roman Polanski. That he is one of
the world's most talented directors is hard to dispute, but in the eyes of
some, he may never outlive the pariah of the statutory rape charge which
forced him into his exile.

The Ninth Gate is only Polanski's third film in this decade, following the
brilliant Death and the Maiden and 1992's Bitter Moon. It's worth noting that
the delay between between this film and Death and the Maiden is partly
because of a problem in 1996 with a film project called The Double which was
set to star John Travolta, but which was cancelled by Polanski after Travolta

With its supernatural themes, it appears Polanski is returning to the genre
with which he made such a mark in 1968 with Rosemary's Baby. There is no lack
of films with similar themes this year, but this film has the advantage of
beating the others (Lost Souls a

[CTRL] The Effects of Electronic Media On A Developing Brain

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/FA/MLArticleFolder/effects.html">Th
e Effects of Electronic Media On A Developing…
The Effects of Electronic Media On A Developing Brain

Author: Robert Sylwester
Professor of Education
University of Oregon
Eugene Oregon 97403-1215
Phone: (503) 345-1452

Apportioning Time And Energy During Maturation

We have about 150,000 hours of living to expend between the ages of one and
We sleep about 50,000 hours of this time, and we dream about two hours of the
eight we sleep each night. Sleeping and dreaming appear to be positively
related to the development and maintenance of the long term memories that
emerge out of daytime activities, because they allow our brain to eliminate
the interference of external sensory/motor activity while it physically adds
to, edits, and erases the neural network synaptic connections that create
long-term memories.

We spend about 65,000 of our 100,000 waking hours involved in solitary
activities, and in direct informal relationships with family and friends, and
these activities play a major role in the development and maintenance of
important personal memories.

We spend about 35,000 of our waking hours with our larger culture in formal
and informal metaphoric/symbolic activities -- about 12,000 hours in school,
and about twice that much with various forms of mass media (e.g., TV,
computers, films, music, sports, non-school print media, churches, museums).
Mass media and school thus play major roles in the development and
maintenance of important culture memories .

So on an average developmental day between the ages of l-18, a young person
sleeps 8 hours, spends 10 waking hours with self, family, and friends, 4 with
mass media -- and only 2 hours in school. Our society has incredible
expectations for those two hours!

Young people tend now to spend much time/energy on such electronic media as
video games, TV, and computers -- at the expense of non-electronic media and
socialization (although new forms of socialization are evolving around
TV-watching and video-game-playing).

The attentional demands of electronic media range from rapt (video games) to
passive (much TV), but this is the first generation to directly interact with
and alter the content on the screen and the conversation on the radio.
Screenagers emotionally understand electronic media in ways that adults don't
-- as a viral replicating cultural reality, instead of as a mere communicator
of events. For example, portable cameras have helped to shift TV's content
from dramatic depiction's to live theater, extended (and often endlessly
repeated and discussed) live coverage of such breaking events as wars,
accidents, trials, sports, and talk-show arguments. What occurs anywhere is
immediately available everywhere. Our world has truly become a gossipy global
village, where everyone knows everyone else's business.

Emotion drives attention, which drives learning, memory, and behavior, so
mass media often insert strong primal emotional elements into their
programming to increase attention. Since violence and sexuality in media
trigger primal emotions, most young people confront thousands of violent acts
and heavy doses of sexuality during their childhood media interactions. This
comes at the expense, alas, of other more positive and normative experiences
with human behaviors and interactions. Mass media tend to show us how to be
sexy not sexual, and powerful not peaceful.

Commercial sponsorship in mass media has led to a distorted presentation of
important cultural and consumer-related issues. For example, TV commercials
tend to be very short, superficial, and factually biased. Further, computer
programs and TV editing techniques tend to compress, extend, and distort
normal time/space relationships, a critically important element in the
creation and use of effective long- term memories.

Our Brain and Electronic Media: Biological Systems, Cultural Issues
Brain Development

*   Our awesomely complex, yet elegantly simple brain is the best organized
three pounds of matter in the known universe. Decidedly human but
individually unique, it is a wary, curious, and exploratory organ that
actively experiences and interprets its environment, applying a variety of
cognitive models and systems that it develops (within established limits) to
the reality it perceives. The brain, as a basic animal organ, developed in
three successive layers over evolutionary time to meet survival, emotional,
and finally rational challenges. Our rational cortical forebrain is unique
among animal brains in its size and capabilities, but our sub cortical
survival and emotional systems play much more powerful roles in shaping our
thoughts and behavior than previously believed.

*   Our brain is composed of tens of billions of highly interconnected

[CTRL] Be Afraid

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/polipro/pp2000-04-05beat.htm">Politic
s & Prose - 2000.04.06 - Beatty

Be Afraid

If the digital revolution is soon to produce what Bill Joy -- one of the
world's leading technologists -- fears is a dystopian nightmare, the only
hope for humanity may be the end of capitalism as we know it. Try selling
that in an election year

by Jack Beatty

April 6, 2000

"This is the first moment in the history of our planet when any species, by
its own involuntary actions, has become a danger to itself -- as well as to
vast numbers of others."
--Carl Sagan

In the projectable future robots will replace "biological humans" as economic
actors. Unable to compete in the marketplace with their super-intelligent
creations, human beings won't be able to afford what they need to live and
will "be squeezed out of existence." That is the dystopian vision of
robotics. The utopian vision is that humans will attain immortality by
"downloading" themselves into the undying electronic being of robots.

Genetic engineering will give evil new life, putting the power to loose new
plagues on humanity into the hands of terrorists, madmen, and despots.
Genetic engineering will soon allow our descendants to end hunger, to create
myriad new species with myriad scientific and economic possibilities, to
increase our life-span, and to improve our quality of life in dimensions
beyond our present means to calculate (in the future we can all be blondes!).

Nanotechnology -- manufacturing at a molecular level -- will create plants
that will "outcompete real plants," surrounding us with an inedible jungle
and spawning "omnivorous bacteria" that, wind borne, will spread a
self-replicating pollen that "could reduce the biosphere to dust in a matter
of days." Nanotechnology promises to achieve huge results through the
manipulation of the infinitesimal. Molecular-level "assemblers" engineered by
nanotechnology will allow a grateful humanity to cure cancer, to abandon the
use of fossil fuels before they render the planet uninhabitable (replacing
them with cost-effective, environmentally salubrious solar power), and to
compact all knowledge into a wristwatch.

These clashing vistas of the possible are taken from a horizon-widening 20,000
 word article in the April issue of Wired by Bill Joy, the "Chief Scientist"
and cofounder of Sun Microsystems. The Chief Scientist is afraid of science.
The twenty-first-century technologies of genetics, nanotechnology, and
robotics (GNR) could give us "knowledge-enabled mass destruction" to
supplement existing arsenals of twentieth-century triumphs of mass
destruction like nuclear bombs and germ warfare. Not since Jonathan Schell's
1982 vision of nuclear devastation, The Fate of the Earth, has one seen a
preview of apocalypse to compare with this passage:

I think it is no exaggeration to say that we are on the cusp of the further
perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond
that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation-states, on to
a surprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals.
Humankind's only method of escape from a future so terrible as to drive us
off the planet is "relinquishment: to limit development of the technologies
that are too dangerous, by limiting our pursuit of certain kinds of
knowledge" -- a dread step contemplated by scientists Joy respects.

Relinquishment will require a degree of monitoring and verification that only
a government with near-dictatorial powers could enforce -- and remember, this
is the good news. Government has no monopoly on GNR technologies, as it does
on NBC -- nuclear, biological, and chemical -- weapons of mass destruction.
The GNR revolution is being led by the private sector, meaning that, to
achieve relinquishment, private businesses will have to significantly evolve
into semi-public entities under the total scrutiny of thought-police. This is
incompatible with capitalism as we know it. In history's bitterest irony, the
"knowledge economy" will be the end of Western man's Faustian drive to know
at any cost.

To ponder questions of this heft in an election year, when no candidate in
his right mind will ask any member of the electorate to sacrifice anything,
is to despair of democracy. If two dollars a gallon for gasoline has the
voters in an uproar, imagine their reaction to Joy's thought police! Politics
is more and more about disguising problems than about bringing important
issues to the fore. The politics of candor can't seem to get traction against
the politics of escape. Increasingly, candidates who identify problems so as
to make issues of them -- Bill Bradley making universal health insurance the
justification of his candidacy; John McCain running against systemic
corruption -- get penalized for ruffling the national complacency. Politics
needs to be made safe for bad news before 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] another note on Bechtel

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Hi all,
Though this isn't exactly on target, I thought you all might want to see 
this, those of you who keep a wary eye on Bechtel and friends. Leap to your 
own conclusions about this article's info please.
Wednesday, April 12, 2000

Net hardware at secure and secret California site
 SAN JOSE, Calif. (Reuters) - Caged like a 
criminal and  guarded 24 hours a day, the 
Internet was finally put in its  place Tuesday.  
That place, at least according to officials at 
Equinix Inc.,  is a nondescript warehouse off 
a faceless freeway "somewhere in  Silicon Valley."  

Sheathed in Kevlar to ward off potential artillery 
attack,  fitted with biometric hand-geometry scanners 
to identify  unapproved intruders and equipped with 
generators to ensure  uninterrupted electric supply 
come power grid meltdown or  earthquake disaster, 
the building sits amid the strip malls and  
condominium developments of America's high-tech 
heartland with  no sign to advertise its existence.  

Equinix insists on anonymity for its new high-tech 
facility,  officially dubbed the Silicon Valley 
Internet Business Exchange  Center, or IBX.  

In fact, in a sign of the company's dedication to 
its  cloak-and-dagger image, visitors Tuesday were 
required to sign  nondisclosure agreements promising 
not to reveal where the  high-security warehouse 
actually is.  

But company officials hope it will eventually be an  
important part of a new network of "neutral" sites 
housing the  computer routers, servers and other 
hardware that makes Internet  business run.  



"We know these are important places to keep secure,"  
Equinix founder and Chief Executive Al Avery told a 
group of  industry analysts and journalists gathered 
for the opening of  the IBX, one of about 30 scheduled 
to be built worldwide over  the next four years.  

"It's where the virtual world meets the physical world,"  
Avery said. "It's a mixture between Fort Knox and Mission  

Founded in 1998 by Avery and Jay Adelson, who built 
the Palo  Alto Internet Exchange (PAIX) for Digital 
Equipment Corp.,  Equinix has over $315 million in 
financing, including investment  from the Reuters 
Group Plc. through its Greenhouse Fund.  

In partnership with world engineering giant Bechtel, 
Equinix  has embarked on a $1.2 billion global IBX 
program. The Silicon  Valley facility is the third to 
become operational after  openings in Newark, New Jersey, 
and the Washington area.  

The idea behind the IBX centers is simple: provide a 
single,  secure location for Internet companies ranging 
from content  providers to e-commerce giants to set up 
the computers that make  their businesses run.  

The company is designed to take advantage of what it 
sees as  a sea change in the way the Internet works.  

What started three decades ago with a few tentative 
online  contacts between universities and grew into a 
loose network  based on government and military computers 
has evolved into a  globe-spanning conglomeration of 
public, private and commercial  computers engaged in 
myriad tasks.  



By placing key computer equipment under one IBX roof,  
companies can link directly to other, related Internet 
players  with clear and quick connections that will 
eliminate network  kinks and bottlenecks, the company 

They will also be able to share maintenance costs and 
make  new business alliances -- all while safe in the 
knowledge that,  should a tank-driving anti-Internet 
extremist trundle down a  nearby highway, their 
business computers will be protected.  

"This is exactly the type of ecosystem we were looking  
for," said Mark O'Leary, general manager of ExciteAtHome's  
AtWork division, which announced on Tuesday a deal to 
deploy its  services to IBX clients.  

Taking visitors on a tour of the 133,000-square-foot 
Silicon  Valley IBX on Tuesday, Equinix's Adelson 
pointed out the  building's Kevlar skin, the concrete 
planters designed to thwart  car bomb attack, the 
biometric hand scanners, the bulletproof  glass.  

Inside, computers belonging to clients such as Enron ,  
iBeam, MCI Worldcom and NorthPoint Communications whir 
within  individual "cages" while Equinix staffers monitor 
temperature  and humidity as carefully as workers at a 
nuclear reactor.  

While conceding that armed attacks on data centers were  
fairly low on the computer security worry list -- way 
below  hackers, for instance -- Adelson said Equinix's 
own customers  asked for the Mission Impossible-style 

"They've asked us to provide this level of protection  
because of their fear of what the future could bring," 
he said. 

Get paid for the stuff you know!
Get answers for the stuff you don’t. And get $10 to spend on the site!


2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.umsl.edu/~skthoma/things.htm">Steamshovel
Press: Things Are Gonna Slide!
Things Are Gonna Slide!

AIR CRASHES, BLACK BOXES, and UNSAFETY BOARDS---EgyptAir Flight 990, More of
the Same?

by Sherman H. Skolnick

The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, and its predecessor federal
agencies, have a long, sorry history of covering up foul play involved in
some aircraft disasters. The word "sabotage" is a dirty, forbidden word to
them and the airline industry. How can they sell tickets if passengers are
haunted by the idea that some planes are put down by bombs, missiles, or
other bloody work? Some NTSB panel members, in the past, have been suspected
of concealing that some of their family members and cronies have financial
interests, if not actual stock ownership, in the airline travel business.

There is, in short, nothing safe about the Safety Board.

About 1965 a commercial plane was enroute to Chicago. Just offshore of the
Windy City, the plane blew up and fell in relatively shallow water of Lake
Michigan. Early news accounts in some of the newspapers said a bomb was
suspected. Later editions, like with political assassinations, cleaned up the
messy details. Further stories dismissed the crash as merely some kind of

One night a diver went down to the wreckage and apparently stole one of the
"black boxes", that records various parameters of the plane's operations or
records voices in the cockpit. Also removed were apparently certain items in
the wreckage. What was that all about? According to some news reports, it was
some kind of an unsolved mystery. Left out of reports in the monopoly press
were that one of the passengers was a disgruntled top official of the
American CIA. He was on the way to meeting a prominent journalist in Chicago.
He was going to turn over documents showing that there had been a high-level
cabal implicated in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
[Not the only time key witnesses were snuffed out on the way to meet with
reporters. Example, the Karen Silkwood case. AND, see our details in an
earlier story, about Reporters and Assassins(they sleep together)].

These details I had confirmed to me from two reliable sources. One of them
was federal aircrash inspector. Unlike some of his colleagues, he had several
times endangered his job and career demanding the truth be told about some
crashes. BUT, his superiors always told him to "shut up".

The facts were simple. To silence a top espionage official an entire plane
was put in the drink killing all onboard.

In December, 1972, one month after President Nixon was re-elected, a
commercial plane was headed from Washington's National Airport, set for a
stop in Chicago. Among the passengers were twelve WATERGATE figures,
including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. She was nervous
about her luggage. So, she bought an additional first class seat ticket for
her baggage right near her. Why? Well, contained there was two million
dollars of "hush" money, that her husband reportedly blackmailed out of
Nixon. Both Mr. and Mrs. E. Howard Hunt were long-time CIA officials. Both
reportedly knew about the role of Tricky Dick implicated in the political
assassination of President Kennedy. The two million dollars in valuables were
to be "parked" apparently with her Chicago-area relatives, one of whom
reportedly owns a sizeable accounting and motel operation some say is tied to
the "boys", the traditional mafia.

Some of the passengers perished when the United Air Lines plane pancaked just
short of Midway Airport. Sooner than the police and fire departments, 150 FBI
agents were already in the crash zone keeping local authorities away from the
smouldering plane. The FBI headquarters is 12 miles away. How did that many
FBI get there that soon, ahead of the fire and police? The FBI apparently
were already in the vicinity of the airport waiting to take Mrs. Hunt and
some of the other Watergators into custody, to be charged with extortion,
that is, shaking down a federal official, namely President Nixon. It was
supposed to result in a secret "national security" federal criminal
prosecution with the court records sealed.

>From all the details we uncovered, we knew Mrs. Hunt and some of her
confederates survived the pancaked air plane and were poisoned later by the

We arranged to "liberate" the entire 1300 pages of documents and pictures of
the National Transportation Safety Board, showing sabotage. The NTSB did NOT
intend to release THOSE documents in the form they had them. Without telling
the NTSB we had their file, we sued the NTSB, claiming sabotage cover up. A
local crooked judge, however, put us out of Court without any formal hearing.
Because of the lawsuit, the NTSB re-opened their public investigation later.
Because of talk radio at the time we had caused a commotion and United Air
Lines, likewise unaware we had the 

Re: [CTRL] abortion and gun control

2000-04-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I would think

>the issue is why/whether abortion is related to gun ownersh
> I

>can't see that they are. The fact that some illogically relate the two

>issues should not color the whole movement

Of course they are related. As long as we are united, the anti-gun control
movement is simply to numerous to be defeated. Some people in the anti-gun
control movement are pro-choice. Some people in the anti-gun control
movement are anti-choice. The gun grabbers can use this to split us in to
factions small enough to be defeated.

People who call each other "shitheads" can't count on each other for
succor in times of trial. Times of trial ARE down the road. Are we going
to let the gun grabbers divide and defeat us?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid
and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Operation Mongoose Psy War Against Cuba

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.steamshovelpress.com/operationmongoose.html">O
peration Mongoose Psy War Against Cuba

RE: Operation Mongoose, Etc.

  Below is a follow-up to a recent exchange between Steamshovel editor
Kenn Thomas and Jon Elliston, author of the book Psy War On Cuba: The
Declassified History of U.S. Anti-Castro Propaganda, that appeared in
Parascope Dispatch Three, the hard-copy counterpart of the Parascope web site
(www.parascope.com). Thomas and Elliston recently appeared together, along wit
h Robert Sterling of Konformist, Jonathan Vankin, and a "skeptic" named Dave
from Wired magazine, on the Fox network's Full Nelson program, discussing
conspiracies of the new millennium.

Dear ParaScope,

  If Jon Elliston can forgive my erroneous assertion (a typo, actually)
that Edward Lansdale sat in on the meeting between JFK and Ian Fleming, I
will forgive his misidentification of Gus Russo's 1998 book, Live By The
Sword (Jon calls it Die By The Sword.) Jon is correct that Lansdale has not
been identified as present at that meeting, but Russo does note the presence
there of CIA agent John Bross. I have not seen documentation establishing
that JFK himself initiated the bizarre assassination plots against Castro
which seemingly originated at that meeting with the creator of James Bond. I
don't argue with Jon's assertion that "propaganda and paramilitary actions
were directed straight out of Washington." Washington is a big place,
however, and I think Jon should be careful when he accuses Kennedy of
initiating the 1960s politics of assassination by gunning for Fidel. For one
thing, people like E. Howard Hunt publicly confessed to trying to smear
Kennedy in this way, in Hunt's case, by forging cables suggesting that JFK
had the Diem brothers killed in Vietnam. If JFK was so ruthless, why the need
to frame him?

  Long before Russo's book was published, before Oliver Stone's JFK movie
in fact, he was being quoted in Newsweek and other major media as a critic of
Stone. Mark Lane pointed out in Steamshovel Press that this was noteworthy in
that long-time experts on the assassination (like Lane himself) are rarely
quoted at all. At the very least, in Live By The Sword, Russo is quite
incredulous when it comes to his intelligence agency sources. For instance,
he quotes as credible Edward Lansdale's pronouncements in 1975 that Kennedy
was behind the assassination plots. As the real chief suspect behind the
plots, any reasonable person could hardly accept what Lansdale has to say on
this matter at face value. Unfortunately, Russo does.

  That the CIA resumed its connection to Rolando AMLASH Cubela on the
very day Castro announced his awareness of the plots against him, making the
announcement in Brazil, where Cubela met with his CIA contacts on the very
day those contacts were to resume, is a matter of history. (1) Even the
Senate Intelligence Committee felt that Castro's announcement was meant to
send a signal to JFK.

  As for the back-channel diplomacy between JFK and Castro, I would
suggest that rather than Russo, readers should return to Jean Daniels'
articles in The New Republic just after the assassination (12/7, 14 & 21/63)
Daniels was on hand when it was happening. Castro's "most important" question
to Daniels after getting word about Kennedy's death was about LBJ: "What
authority does he exercise over the CIA?" Time and again, Castro gives
indication that he felt Kennedy himself had potential as a possible ally, but
that the real power, and the real threat to him, resided within the intelligen
ce community.

1. Schulz, Donald E., "Kennedy and the Cuban Connection," Foreign Policy,
Spring 1977. Columbus Dispatch, 6/21/76

>From Parascope Dispatch Three, December 1999-January 2000 (ParasCope, 1430
Williamette #329, Eugene, OR 97401, www.parascope.com)

Subj: Operation Mongoose

  Parascope Dispatch Two came out before I could comment on Parascope
Dispatch One, so I'm send- ing this belatedly. Fine little zinelet you have
there, and I wish it the best success. Hard copy zines still have many
advantages over the inter- net, like reaching new readers from people who
browse the newstands. Despite the proliferation of conspiracy info on the
web, it's all targeted to those of us who have a specialized interest. It is
obviously important that conspiracy researchers reach larger audiences, so I
hope Parascope Dispatch can help serve that function.

  The article about Operation Mongoose (Dispatch One, The Paper Trail,
"Dirty Tricks Vs. Cuba") particularly grabbed my attention. It reported on
Brigadier General William Craig's bizarre projects to discredit, harass and
possibly assassinate Fidel Castro.

  According to new DoD files released by the Assassination Records Review
Board, Craig came up with projects above and beyond those initiated by Edward
Lansdale. As I pointed out in my new book Maury Island UFO, acc

[CTRL] Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.steamshovelpress.com/ksullivan.html">Katherine
 Sullivan's Letter about Jim Keith's B…

Mass Control Redux

  The late Jim Keith's new book, Mass Control: Engineering Human
Consciousness (IllumiNet Press), contains several chapters on the ostensible
victims of Operation Monarch, a secret mind control project, who have come
forward in the wake of Cathy O'Brien's book, Trance Formation. Steamshovel
editor presented one of these chapters to one of the victims interviewed by
Keith, Katherine Sullivan, who offers her corrections below.

Dear Steamshovel:

  I appreciate your sending me the xeroxed copy of "my" chapter in Jim
Keith's book so quickly. I am especially glad you did because he made a
number of errors, and also misunderstood some things I said. Because of this,
I need to make corrections. I realize it's too late that the book is out, but
at least perhaps you can file this letter away to share with whoever makes
inquiries about that chapter.

  First, I need to share something I've only learned since he interviewed
me. I suffered ten additional years of hardcore trauma as my memories came
back and I literally relived so many horrible experiences. Because I was very
upset and overwhelmed by all I was remembering, and because I suffer not only
from D.I.D. but also from P.T.S.D., I was not able to logically sift through
the memories to determine what was probably factual, what was propaganda fed
to me by my handlers, and what was misunderstanding.

  Only in the last year have I been able to step back and take a harder
look at what they told me. Perhaps to them, especially those with Nazi
ideologies, the lies were reality. But that doesn't make it reality to the
rest of us. Example: I was told over and over that by the year 2000, they
were going to overthrow the US government in honor of Hitler and start a new
world government. This never materialized.

  Another example: they told me they were going to create a mock UFO
invasion, and also have the image of Jesus Christ appear in the sky, to
confuse and bring men -- particularly Christians -- to their knees. So far,
neither has happened.

  They had me totally convinced that they were in control of the world. I
fully believed that they could kill me or my daughter any time they chose.
After having been gang raped and tortured and so much more for most of my
life by these people, I believed they were all-powerful and would do
everything they talked about in their get-togethers and planning meetings.
Only recently have I realized they are far from all-powerful, and that a lot
of what they said they would do was the rantings of insanely grandiose men
who are far out of touch with real life.

  When I gave inforinafion to ACHES-MC, to Mr. Keith, and to others about
what I'd heard the movers and shakers talk about, I believed they really
would do it and presented the informafion that way. If I could go back and do
this over again, I would tell the interviewers that I was only told that they
were planning to do such-and-such. I would not present it as facts. I now
realize it was much to my disadvantage to present information as it was given
to me, because it leaves me looking like a fruitcake!

  The other broad clarification I need to make is that a lot of the code
names I heard were just that. Code names. They may or may not mean anything
to anyone outside the Octopus network. The reason I listed as many as I could
in the CKLN series was to throw out a line and see if anyone else had heard
of these phrases and words used in such ways. So far I've gotten very little
verification. That tells me that either these were not true code names, or
were about activities so covert that it will probably be decades before I get
verificafions. If the second hypothesis is true, I am willing to wait ... as

Now for the corrections

  (P. 154:) I was in treatment for codependency in late summer, 1989. My
daughter was in treatment in the same rehab facility before me, for A&D
issues. (She had taken a gun to school and fully planned -- in a rather
mindless way -- to kill a friend, then to stand on the cafeteria table and
"blow her brains all over everybody." Thank God, she was stopped before she
did either.) During that 31-day stint, I recovered childhood memories of
having been sexually abused by my dad, and him making me and my full brothers
do it to each other in front of him. (They still do not seem to remember any
of this.) The ritual abuse memories came a year later, and the government
memories about a year after that. This seems to be about on target for the
progression of such memories. One remembers what is most bearable first, then
more and more difficult material as one's strength and skills develop to cope
with it.

  My memories of assassin programming were inadvertently triggered, but I
did not attempt to kill hospital nurses and staf

[CTRL] OEN 4/12/00

2000-04-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: http://www.aci.net/kalliste/">The Home Page of J. Orlin
Gold Market

No Capital for Gold Industry

World's gold available for $40 billion.

Continued rationalisation was essential for the gold industry to compete for
investor funds in global markets, the Australian Gold Conference was told

The head of one of the world's top five goldmining companies, Mr Ron Cambre
of Newmont Mining, admitted yesterday that "gold is simply not relevant to
most investors" in today's technology-driven equities market.

He said the four biggest North American gold companies had a combined market
capitalisation of 0.14 per cent of the S&P 500 index.

"The capital markets are telling us that size matters," Mr Cambre said.
"North American gold funds today hold only $US2 billion [$3.3 billion] in
assets as investors have withdrawn funds to invest elsewhere.

"Future investors in gold shares must come from the generalists who judge us
not against our relative performance within the industry, but against the
outlook for all investments, including the dot.com world that few of us

"Considering that the Fidelity Magellan Fund and Vanguard's Equity Index Fund
are each managing $US100 billion in assets, the threshold size for
consideration by many portfolio managers today is a market cap of $US5
billion to $US10 billion."

Mr Cambre said the market capitalisation of the global gold industry was less
than $US40 billion, and only nine companies had a market capitalisation of
more than $US1 billion.

He said companies should also give thought to the re-emergence of the major
mining houses of the past, and there was good logic to consider
"multi-metallic" investments in the future.

Mr Cambre said that despite hedging, no major North American producer had
been consistently profitable in the past 10 years.

"Looking only at earnings from operations, the average return on
shareholders' equity for the top producers declined from 13 per cent in 1987
to zero last year. The average return for S&P industrials is above 20 per
cent," he said.

"Generating adequate shareholder returns must be the industry's number one
challenge in the years ahead.

"We must stop believing that because we are gold producers we can ignore the
cost of capital.

"Projects that do not have a high probability of returning solid double-digit
returns at today's gold price cannot be justified."

Mr Cambre's views on rationalisation were echoed by Delta Gold managing
director Terry Burgess.

"For the industry to survive in the lowering grade and lowering margin
environment there will be an ever-increasing push for mergers and
acquisitions to take place between companies," Mr Burgess said.

"Adding value must be the reason for this as growth for growth's sake can
only provide a short-term warmth followed by a hollow feeling - not unlike
the feeling that Internet stock investors will experience when they realise
that revenue without profit is not a driver."

Mr Burgess said the outlook for the Australian gold industry was robust even
in the face of the low gold price.

"Hedging will still provide the confidence and price outcomes that will allow
projects to go forward, although vigilant treasury management and controls
will be of paramount importance," he said.

"The reduction in exploration expenditure will not materially impact the
output of Australian gold mining industry for another three years or so, due
to long lead times between discovery and first production.

"However, like a hand water pump, once the water flow stops, it will take an
appreciable period of pumping, with no apparent results, before the water
starts flowing again."
The West Australian, April 12, 2000

Spy vs. Spy

Computer Failure Left US Spy Sats Useless

One more reason to abolish the US government.

WASHINGTON, April 11 -- The United States government's ability to keep track
of looming international threats was drastically curtailed last year because
of a prolonged computer breakdown at the Pentagon agency that collects and
analyzes photographs from spy satellites, several federal intelligence
officials said.

The computer malfunction was so bad in August that United States intelligence
agencies were left nearly blind for a few days, unable to rely on photographs
from any spy satellites for use in a wide range of intelligence operations,
officials added.

"This was a catastrophic systems failure," one senior official said. "We were
really lucky that there weren't any major crises going on at the time."

The computer crisis, at the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, began in
early August and continued for about a month, and was far more serious than
the brief, previously disclosed Year 2000-related problems in intelligence
systems that occurred over the New Year's holiday, officials said. It came as
the mapping agency was installing a new system, which caused the breakdown.
Some critics have said the new system m

[CTRL] Forwarded Post

2000-04-12 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

>From the Spring-Summer 1993 issue of the Project, the Quarterly Newsletter
of A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MICH 48220-0273

Project Suspicions Confirmed:
Royal Family Under Intense Vatican Attack!

In re-reading the Winter 1992-93 Project article "New Age" Reign
of Prince Charles Stillborn? I was impressed by the lack of need for
revision as events have continued to unfold.  The "increasing evidence of
a Vatican coordinated pattern of covert attacks on the very center of
Judeo-Masonic-Anglophile power" noted in paragraph five of that article
has been further buttressed by the revelations (see insert) that Princess
Di has been under the influence of Catholic Priests and is considering
conversion while she continues her fight to keep her sons in line for the

That Prince Charles has chosen to publish his opinions in a new
journal and confront the Catholic Church on birth control and
environmentalism is also significant.  (The Pope recently reaffirmed his
stand against birth control.) Meanwhile, Australia's P rime Minister, Paul
Keating (an Irish Catholic?) is campaigning to remove the Queen as
Australia's Head of State and humiliated her personally by putting his arm
around her in public and confronting her personally about the issue at

 It is important for historical perspectiv e to note that we are
not suggestin g that there is anything new in the Vatican attacks on the
Royal Family.  As a reminder of the long-standing Vatican campaign which
has already resulted in the assassination o f the Queen's mentor Lord
Mountbattan and the downfall of the Queen's favorite, Harold Wilson, we
are reprinting an improved (we hope) reproduction of the slanderous "devil
at the ear of the Queen" which appeared on Canadian currency in the
1950's, probab ly due to French-Catholic influence, foreshadowing the
covert Vatican campaign which may be nearing its climax only now.

On the Vatican-Islamic (Fundamentalist) alliance against
modernism/gnosticism front, as lead by the British Monarchy, we note that
the Anglophiles continue to get their way in Bosnia by forcing Nato and
the Vatican-leaning, force threatening Clinton Admi nistration to sit on
their hands and dither.  (On 5-13-93 the use of military force by the US
to help "the largely helpless people of Bosnia" was officially endorsed by
the US Catholic Bishops who opposed the Gulf war as "blood for oil".) The
Vatican fur ther tipped its hand regarding its Islamic Alliance by
supporting Libya in it showdown with the AngloAmericans over the Lockerbie
airliner bombing.

The Vatican has also criticized the AngloAmerican Somalia
adventure, a move calculated to please the aggre ssive Iran-backed
Fundamentalist movements and warring factions in nearby African nations.
Italy followed-up by pulling-out their troops!  Iran has accused Britain
of fomenting conflict with the United Arab Emirates oil States over
disputed islands and regarding Rushdie.  Thatcher, with her quasi-Vatican
views, kept up her drumbeat attacks on Prime Minister Major's cynical
geopolitics, especially with regard to Muslim Bosnia.

On the European Economic Community (EEC) front, the Pope's
cherished hopes for early European unity centered around German power have
been dashed by currency speculator's located in the Queen's City of
London.  On August 2, 1993, the Times, the mouthpiec e of the British
Establishment, gloated that the British engineered death of the EC's
exchange rate mechanism (ERM) which kept currency values close together
means that "Post-Maastricht Europe could and must be a British-inspired

We also note d that the British Israel World Federation ran an
article by the noted financier and Rothschild relative, Sir James
Goldsmith, pointing-out the folly of creating artificial conglomerate
nations from diverse ethic elements.  Goldsmith, head of one of the firms
that sets the daily price of gold for the Empire of the City, is one of
the primary currency speculators who combined to sink the ERM!  He also
initiated with Lord Rees-Mogg a legal action questioning the Maastrict
treaty ratification process.  British Israel also printed an
anti-Maastricht article by a former Director of N. M. Rothschild!  We
noted that Europe's "Greens" opposed Maastrict in line with Britain's
"rule or ruin" strategy.

{The next paragraph was written before Clinton finally implemented Vatican
policy and admitted Gerry Adams into the US in opposition to State
Department and British wishes--J. H. Daugherty}

Regarding the Northern Ireland issue, Clinton backed-off his
pro-Vatican position of allowing Sinn Fein terrorist Gerry Adams into the
country, but continued to offer "mediation" on the issue, flying in the

[CTRL] Military Abductions - Hypnosis - K Wilson 4/5

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

Military Abductions - K Wilson 4/5

What could be learned by placing a subject through a "mental maze" and
measuring their evoked response or their P3 wave? One very interesting thing
you could study would be the individual's responses during an abduction or a
"perceived" abduction by alien Beings, and how the subject's responses
differ from a normal life experience. Regardless of whether the implants are
placed in people's brians by aliens or agents of mind control, the evoked
response and the P3 wave are probably just a small representation of the
data that is being collected from these subjects.

Section IV

Hypnosis is often described as a state of relaxation during which the
subject retains a certain amount of control. However, what the hypnotist
says and how they say it can have long-lasting effects on the subject.
People can be led to answer questions in a particular manner while under
hypnosis. Consider the following definitions that have been published in two
university psychology texts:

"Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility in which a person is
unusually willing to comply with the hypnotist's directives, including those
that alter perceptions of self and the environment."[82] Some of the reputed
effects of hypnosis include enhanced memory, pain reduction, improved
athletic performance, improved scholarly performance, and the ability to
remember earlier stages of development.[83] Some researchers believe that
hypnosis can also be used by therapists to create split personalities in
their patients.[84]

Of course, I am not implying that abduction researchers who use hypnosis are
doing anything like this. Rather, this discussion is designed to introduce
the reader to what scientists affiliated with the CIA have done in the past,
and how powerful the effects of hypnosis can be on certain individuals.

The following is a brief look at some of the scientists who were notorious
for their work with hypnosis.

Dr. George Estabrooks was the head of psychology at Colgate University
during the 1930s. Estabrooks stated that "Hypnosis did not work on everyone
and that only one person in five made a good enough subject to be placed in
a deep trance..."[85] In addition, hypnosis and narco-hypnosis, (the
combination of drugs and hypnosis) have been shown to make subjects believe
they were talking to someone other than the scientist-interrogator.[86]

During the early years of the Cold War, the CIA found their first
"behavioral research czar." His name was Morse Allen. One of his successes
with hypnosis was getting "young CIA secretaries to stay after
work...proving to his own satisfaction that [with the use of hypnosis] he
could make them do whatever he wanted."[87]

This takes me back to the time I was reviewing some hypnosis transcripts for
another abductee. During her hypnosis session with a male hypnotist, she was
told while under hypnosis, "The doctor loves you very much." Shortly after
this session, the woman began to feel misplaced feelings of affection toward
the hypnotist. Needless to say, this troubled the woman greatly. When she
realized what had occurred she was incredulous, but had no other way to
explain her feelings. It took several weeks for her feelings to subside.

[This is one example of one hypnotist who made a mistake during hypnosis. I
am using this as an illustration of the power hypnosis can have on
particular individuals. It should not be misconstrued as an example of what
all abduction researchers do to abductees while using hypnosis.]

During Morse Allen's early work with hypnosis, his aim was to "...take an
existing ego state - such as an imaginary childhood playmate - and build it
into a separate personality, unknown to the first." Allen would then work
with this "new" personality he created and would "command it to carry out
specific deeds about which the main personality would know nothing. There
would be inevitable leakage between the two personalities, particularly in
dreams; but if the hypnotist were clever enough, he could build in cover
stories and safety valves which would prevent the subject from acting

This is what was done to a beautiful and talented woman named Candy Jones
during the decade of the sixties. Candy Jones was used by the CIA as a
courier and became a victim of abuse and torture for over ten years. Her
case was investigated by Donald Bain and published in 1976.[89]

This leakage of information is pertinent to our discussion since it also
relates to abductions. Some abduction researchers believe that the aliens
use some type of post hypnotic suggestion so the abductee will not remember
their abduction. However, we know from the information that has been
reported by abductees that much information, has, in fact, "leaked out."

Since we no doubt have "clever" hypnotists and aliens, perhaps "cover

[CTRL] Military Abductions - Proj Open Mind - K Wilson 3/5

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

"The False Memory Syndrome Foundation board is almost exclusively composed
of former CIA and military doctors currently employed by major universities.
None have backgrounds in ritual abuse - their common interest is behavior

-- Psychic Dictatorship in the United States


Project Open Mind

The Technology
Go To: Introduction | Part One | Part Three | Part Four |

Part Two

The goal of this portion of Project Open Mind is to introduce the reader to
the technologies that might be involved in answering the question: Are some
alien abductions government mind control experiments? Even if we decide all
alien abductions are carried out by alien Beings, this information will
still be helpful to our understanding of how humans might be controlled. If
we decide some abductions are carried out by a nefarious force within our
government, or that the alien abduction phenomenon is a "cover" for a covert
project being carried out by other humans, understanding this information
may help us terminate some or all of these activities.

I have divided the following information into seven sections. Please
understand that I am only giving a brief history or description of each of
these subjects since there has been enough information published about all
them - with the exception of Section II - in order to write six separate
books. The information I will cover includes: I) A Brief History of
Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, II) Radio Hypnotic Intracerebral
Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory, III) Applications of
Electroencephalography, IV) Hypnosis, V) Microwave Radiation, VI) A Dubious
Defense, and VII) Virtual Surgery - Virtual Reality.

Section I

A Brief History of Electronic Stimulation of the Brain or ESB
In 1928, scientists discovered what they called a "violence center" in the
hypothalamus of the brain. They found that when the posterior region of the
hypothalamus in an animal's brain was destroyed, the animal remained in a
permanent state of rage. Soon, scientists discovered that instead of
destroying this area of the hypothalamus, all they needed to do was
stimulate it to produce the same effects of rage and violent behavior. Then
came the invention of thin needle-like electrodes that could be inserted
into any part of the brain without causing permanent damage. Scientists
discovered that they could connect these brain stimulators to an apparatus
which would enable the animal to stimulate its own brain.[53] Obviously,
when the animals were given a choice, they preferred to stimulate other
areas of their brains such as the pleasure centers, rather than the violence
or pain centers.

With funds donated by the Rockefeller Foundation to McGill University, a
psychiatric facility named Allan Memorial was established in 1943, and a Dr.
Ewen Cameron became head of the facility. With additional funding from the
CIA during the 1950s, Cameron used experimental techniques on his patients,
most of whom were women.

One of Cameron's therapies was called "depatterning," and was described as
"the breaking up [of] existing patterns of behavior, both the normal and the
schizophrenic, by means of particularly intensive electroshocks, usually
combined with prolonged drug induced sleep."[54] What he created were "mind
vegetables." Cameron left these unfortunate people with very few memories.
However, he didn't stop there.

Cameron would then use another technique on his patients that he called
"psychic driving." During this part of his "therapy" he would bombard the
patient with repeated verbal messages that were "emotionally loaded" and
mentally abusive. The patients were forced to listen to audio recordings all
night long as they lay (drugged) in their beds because Cameron ordered that
speakers be placed under their pillows.[55] After approximately two weeks or
more, he would then force his patients to listen to so-called positive
psychic driving tapes apparently to induce new thinking patterns. Cameron
victimized his patients through unproved behavioral modification techniques.

Also during the decades of 1940 and 1950, a neurosurgeon (at McGill
University) named Wilder Penfield and his colleague performed brain
stimulation experiments on the exposed brains of patients during
neurosurgery. What they discovered was that their patients' brains could be
stimulated in such a way that would make them remember past events. The
doctors also discovered that their patients' brains could be stimulated to
make them experience, "eerie feelings of familiarity." Their patients were
alert during these procedures, but "they reported that things and people in
the operating room were somehow familiar. Some said they felt that
everything around them had happened before or was part of a dream."[56]

Most everyone who has taken a basic psychology course has been introduced to
José Manuel Rodriq

[CTRL] Military Abductions - History - K Wilson 2/5

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

"During litigation against the CIA by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) a
representative of the NSA (National Security Agency) '...admitted in a court
hearing that the NSA had found a total of 239 documents on UFOs that were
relevant to Freedom of Information Act Requests.' -- Timothy Good, Above Top


Project Open Mind

A Quick Reference Timeline
Go To: Introduction | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |

Part One

I have created the following timeline because it is important to understand
the recent history of our Federal Government and how the activities of
certain agencies under its authority do business. I want to make it clear
that the United States government is certainly not the only government that
has allowed experimentation on its own citizens. However, I would like to
remind the reader that it is only in America where we have the right to
publicly express our beliefs, our ideas, and our concerns, without fear of
retribution. I would like to keep this right, and perhaps by teaching others
that secrecy breeds unaccountability, we will not lose this right.

My timeline ends in 1980 because I feel that most of the books and
information about mind control, UFOs, and alien abductions that have been
published or televised since 1980 can still be located. Finally, this
timeline was created as a quick reference guide to show the public how well
the UFO phenomenon has been documented, as well as how thoroughly mind
control and behavioral control have been studied.

1700s In his book, Flying Saucers from Outer Space, Major Donald Keyhoe
references several sightings that occurred during the 1800s and even states
that unusual objects and lights had been reported all over the world as far
back as the 1700s.[4]

1933 The official investigation into unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
began when mysterious "ghost rockets" or "ghost aircraft" were sighted over
Scandinavia, Britain, and the United States.[5]

1939 World War II Began

1941 COI, the office of Coordinator of Information was created by President
Roosevelt for General William J. Donovan, Roosevelt's special emissary.
Donovan's goal was to fight the "new and important war." The psychological
war. It was a war that would eventually be waged against the American

1942 Thousands of people in Los Angeles, California, witnessed a large UFO
hovering over the city. 1,430 rounds of anti-aircraft shells were fired at
the UFO in an attempt to bring the craft down. It failed. The craft moved
toward Santa Monica and then Long Beach, and then disappeared from view.[7]

1942 The OSS, Office of Strategic Services was formed to replace COI. The
psychological warfare charter for the OSS was created. During the three
years of its existence, "it developed psychological warfare into an
effective weapon against the minds of civilian and military populations
foreign and domestic alike."[8]

1943 Small aerial vehicles of unknown origin were sighted by pilots during
WW II. Neither the Germans, the Americans nor the British knew what they
were or who they belonged to. Pilots nicknamed the objects "foo fighters."
This same year, a piepan-shaped object was seen by a twenty-six year old
ship-fitter in the Navy while in the Russell Islands. He would not
officially report his sighting until 1947.[9]

The war that involved every major power in the world was raging forward. In
an attempt to build the first atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project soared into
full flight. A large group of American and "European-refugee" scientists
succeeded in building the first atomic bomb which finally ended World War II
in 1945. World War II not only helped create the atomic bomb, it also made
science the mobilization factor for the defense of a country.

1945 (Post war) the OSS was dismantled and the National Security Act created
the command structure for the Cold War.

1946 "Ghost Rockets" and other unidentified flying objects continued to be
reported over many different countries, world wide.

1947 June: veteran pilot Kenneth Arnold had a sighting of nine shiny
crescent-shaped objects flying in formation near Mount Rainier, Washington.
The objects were traveling "at least 1,200 miles per hour."[10]

1947 July: the crash of what is believed to be an extraterrestrial craft of
unknown origin made newspaper headlines. It is now known as "The Roswell
Incident."[11] In the United States alone, there were hundreds of reports of
unidentified flying objects throughout the year.

1947 September: The CIA, Central Intelligence Agency was created to pick up
where the OSS left off. According to Good, "the CIA...was created the same
month as MJ-12."[12] Still a hotly debated topic, "MJ-12 (Majestic 12) was a
highly secret panel formed by President Truman to investigate UFOs and
report its findings to the President."[13]

1947 Project SIGN was created. It was the Air Force's study of UFOs, their
performance and their purpose. "To preserve security, a li

[CTRL] Military Abductions -The New "Men In Black" - Katarina Wilson 1/5

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

"In 1964...Reports involving mysterious government men who attempted to
silence the witnesses were reported as well. These mysterious men have been
called MIBs or ‘Men In Black.’ There is speculation that these MIBs are
humans from secretive agencies of the government or military. There are also
some ufologists and abduction researchers who believe the MIBs may be aliens
disguised as humans."

-- From K. Wilson’s Project Open Mind

The New "Men In Black"

This area of The Alien Jigsaw Web site covers information that is highly
controversial. MILABS or alleged military abductions, mind and behavior
control, and information about cloning are discussed here. Because these are
disturbing and controversial topics - especially as they relate to the alien
abduction phenomenon - it is highly recommended that you read the articles
in this section in the order they are presented.

"...there appears to be a disinformation campaign underway. This has been
orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore the research community and
the public - as to what the truth is. In order to take the focus away from
the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember seeing 'humans', and the
humans may want us to remember seeing 'aliens.' "

-- Project Open Mind

Why Do Some Abductees Report Seeing Military Personnel During Alien

By K. Wilson © Copyright 1998

Most people realize that as a single entity, the Government is not aware of
the extensive nature of the UFO-ET phenomenon. Although it is safe to assume
their knowledge has been highly compartmentalized, there are specific people
within the Government (specific agencies and military personnel connected
with those agencies) who have a "need to know." It is these individuals I am
referring to when I talk about alleged Government involvement in abductions.
The types of abductions they allegedly carry out have been termed

There are different hypotheses as to why some abductees are seeing military
personnel during their supposed alien experiences.

I. Who Are We Seeing?

The military personnel...

a. ...may actually be aliens using the techniques of camouflage and screen
memories to deceive abductees into believing their government is involved

b. ...may be part of a secret agency or military team that is involved in
retrieving information from abductees about the aliens

c. ...may be working with some of the aliens

d. ...may be hybrids - a genetic combination or cross between humans and
aliens, who wear military-type uniforms to confuse the abductee.[2]

e. ...may be part of a secret human agency or military team abducting humans
in order to create or increase the impression that aliens abduct humans; or
to sow confusion regarding the possible presence and activities of aliens on
earth; or for some other reason beyond our current understanding.

II. Motive

Regardless of whether our abductors are human or extraterrestrial, possible
motives for interacting with or abducting us include:

a. A longitudinal study: studying abductees' psychological and physiological
responses over long periods of time

b. Studying different types of human responses and how they relate to
cultural and socioeconomic differences

c. The Creation of a New Race (a controversial hypothesis)

d. The Creation of a "new and better" Soldier

e. Performing physical experiments for the secret testing of:

(i) new drugs and vaccinations
(ii) cloning techniques (through tissue and fluid collection)
(iii) behavior modification / "mind control" techniques
(iv) alterations and/or mapping of the human genome
(v) unknown (perhaps alien) substances
(vi) inducing paranormal experiences

III. Maintaining Secrecy

Whether we are dealing with extraterrestrials or a nefarious group of
powerful human beings, there appears to be a disinformation campaign
underway. This has been orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore
the research community and the public - as to what the truth is. In order to
take the focus away from the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember
seeing "humans," and the humans may want us to remember seeing "aliens."

IV. Helping Mankind

It is doubtful (but not impossible) that the human group would have
intentions of helping their fellow human beings in the future. Unless the
human group has developed the technology to look into mankind's future, my
hypothesis is that any "helping purposes" relating to this phenomenon would
include a small group of humans who have split from the "nefarious human
group," extraterrestrials, spiritual beings or all three. It is also
sensible to assume that spiritual beings come in both positive and negative
forms and may also be influencing the overall UFO-ET phenomenon.[3]

There may be efforts to show abductees what mankind's future holds, perhaps
even to demonstrate what some of the aliens are planning to do. Many of the
visions and teaching dreams abductees experience illus

[CTRL] UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 1/2

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 1/2


A Lecture by Johannes Fiebag, Ph.D. © 1997
Edited by K. Wilson

The late, Dr. Johannes Fiebag was born in 1956, and is Germany's leading
abduction research specialist. He has published many books about alien
contact in ancient and modern times, and four books specifically about the
abduction phenomenon in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.

Dr. Fiebag founded the CE-IV-Report, a newsletter for abductees, and he also
organizes an annual meeting called Project Exchange that allows abductees to
network with one another. In addition to CE-IV-Report and Project Exchange,
Dr. Fiebag has also formed an interdisciplinary organization of
Psychiatrists, psychologists and other medical professionals who work to
help abductees.

UFO abductions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland - Introduction

Exactly fifty years ago, the modern UFO age began. At that time, on the 24th
of June in 1947, an American pilot named Kenneth Arnold observed several
crescent-shaped objects. Arnold described the objects as looking like a
saucer might look if it were skipping across the water. The media adapted
the term "flying saucer," hence, from this sighting a new term was born. [1]

In the middle of the sixties, a new aspect of the UFO phenomenon became
known, which until that time, nobody had any knowledge about. However, it
was not until the seventies that UFO researchers became interested in it.
This aspect - one that could be considered a sub-phenomenon - is the
abduction of a human being into a UFO by alien beings. Today the abductions
themselves appear to be at the heart of the UFO phenomenon. Without a deeper
understanding of abductions, it is difficult to explain the presence of the


What occurs during an abduction that causes the individual to feel both
alarmed and euphoric? What kinds of changes occur to individuals who
experience an abduction? What happens to their environment and with the
people who are with them?

To be honest, we do not really know the answers to all of these questions.
We have only the reports from those people who have encountered this
phenomenon first-hand. We have statistical results, identical statements
from people who do not know one another, and experiences that seem to repeat
themselves. However, we still do not know why the abductions are occurring
in the first place.

Abductees almost always report the same thing: strange figures appearing in
their room; they are taken - kidnapped - from their environment to suddenly
find themselves inside a strange room. Once there, they are subjected to
bizarre physical and psychological procedures. For example: the artificial
insemination of women, followed by the removal of the grown embryo months
later. After such procedures the abductee is then returned to their home or
to their car in each case.

However, with all this in mind, we must be aware that until now, only a
sub-set of experiences representing the phenomenon has been made public, and
even this sub-set may be an illusion: it may not correspond to what really
happened to the abductee, but rather, what they "believe" occurred to them.

The Hill Case

Abductions by alien beings has been known since the early sixties. The
famous Hill case is now considered a classic case. Betty and Barney Hill
encountered a landed UFO on a secluded highway in 1961 in Canada. If we want
to believe their report, they claim to have been forced - under mental
control - into the landed object. In separate rooms, they were subjected to
physiological tests. Betty was also was shown a star map and was asked by
one of the UFO occupants if she recognized where she was on the map. Betty
said she did not know.

Later, Betty and Barney were returned to their car. It is believed that the
aliens made them forget most their experience by the use of a post hypnotic
suggestion or command. Only when the Hills arrived home, did they notice
they were three hours late.

Barney began to have nightmares and after some time, he developed a gastric
ulcer. Betty and Barney went to a doctor, but he referred them to a
psychiatrist named Dr. Benjamin Simon. Dr. Simon used regressive hypnosis on
Betty and Barney Hill (during separate visits) and took them back to the
events that transpired that night they saw the UFO.

Current Reports

Today we know that most abductions occur where one expects them the least.
They begin where we feel secure: at home. The aliens penetrate the bedrooms
of the abductees, in most cases appearing as small gray beings with huge
heads and big black eyes. It is mostly the memory of the aliens' entering
into the abductee's home that remains preserved in the conscious memory of
the abductee.

The beings bring the abductee, using an unknown technology, into strange
rooms. They subject them to medical tests, physical exper

[CTRL] UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2/2

2000-04-12 Thread Nicky Molloy

UFO Abductions In Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2/2


It is even possible that the tales about Incubi and Succubi, so well known
in the Middle Ages, may have originated by these earlier forced sexual
contacts with alien beings. Originally, they were interpreted as demonic
beings. Masked as pretty young women or men, they generated lustful dreams
and then engaged in sexual intercourse with their sleeping victims: Succubi
with women, Incubi with men.

Even the German religious reformer Martin Luther believed that demons
provided human sperm, and became procreative in hopes of obtaining human or
human-like offspring.

It sounds strange, but the behavior of the Succubi and Incubi, as well as
the imaginations, dreams, and memories of their victims, resemble reports of
the modern abduction and bedroom visitor phenomenon. The stories parallel
one another in such a striking manner that it appears appropriate to state
that they may be one in the same.

Our current theories, based on the reports from abductees worldwide, shows
us that the same phenomenon is occurring today. Sperm is supposedly tapped
from men, and numerous female abductees believe they have been artificially
inseminated by strange looking alien beings. Two or three months later, the
fetus is then removed. It is indeed, a traumatic experience.

The scenario that is emerging in so many of our present-day abduction
accounts is this: years after these "terminated pregnancies" by alien
beings, many of these same women are shown their children again: and they
are described as looking like strange hybrid beings who are part human and
part alien.

This belief of the fertilization of women by heavenly or divine, as well as
demonic beings, has pervaded throughout the course of human history.

The legend of the virgin birth of Jesus of Nazareth and his conception by
the holy spirit can be viewed as the incorporation of much older ideas that
have been scattered throughout the ancient World. Many famous men of
antiquity were believed to have had "heavenly fathers." For example, God
himself went to Sarah, Abraham's wife, in order to beget a son with her.
And, according to the legends, Buddha, Krischna, Alexander the Great, and
Mohammed were also children of a similar "heavenly" union.

In the mythological imaginations of the common people, strange beings like
the Puk originated from such contacts. The description of a small naked
gnome with big eyes, a giant head and a comparatively slight body, is
certainly similar to the descriptions of the small Greys of our present-day
UFO abduction accounts. Again, if we believe the abductees, the beings may
be the result of an artificially induced combination between aliens and

During the Middle Ages women were confronted with Succubi and men were
confronted with Incubi - demons. The same thing is occurring today in the
modern UFO phenomenon.

A Male Victim

Ulrich is a 21 year-old man from Switzerland. Since he was a child he has
had numerous experiences, many of them very frightening to him. He has since
gained better insight into his experiences through regressive hypnosis.

"The event that I can reconstruct best up to now probably occurred the night
of the 10th to the 11th of May 1994. I was in my bed sleeping when suddenly
I was awakened by a strong, pulsating blue light. I creeped under my blanket
and I thought, 'No, not again. This cannot be real!' Then I had the feeling
that I was floating, and my conscious memory abruptly ended!

The next thing I remembered was laying on a table approximately 50
Centimeters high. I was in a dark room. The wall, ground and ceiling were
very smooth. Below my feet and on the right side was something like a marble
column. Suddenly, a slim, small white being got on top of me. She had big
dark eyes and no hair on her head. Even thought I felt sick, somehow she
made me feel sexually excited - I don't understand that. The whole episode
was repeated by another one, but I cannot remember her appearance. And as if
that wasn't bad enough, a third female came over to me. All I can remember
about this last female is that she had more human features. After this,
tears streamed across my face."

What Is It?

What are we confronted with here? Is it a genetic breeding program for the
evolution of a new race? If so, why would it be occurring for a millennia
now? I do not believe this "genetic breeding program" theory holds up due to
the enormous amount of time these visitations have been occurring. If this
were the case the beings would only require a few cells from our bodies.
Even hair samples would satisfy their need if this was indeed all these
beings are doing.

Isn't this precisely what we expect from extraterrestrial beings: they come
from other planets; they are somehow different (but perhaps a little bit
like ourselves); they fly in shining spaceships; and they land on our Earth
to examine us?

Centuries ago we believed in fairie

Re: [CTRL] Is Your Drinking Water Safe?

2000-04-12 Thread Steve Wingate

On 12 Apr 00, at 1:53, Virgil wrote:

> references ?
> Colon cancer ethnology is at best -multifactorial ,with a strong hereditary
> element (inherited potential) -at worse :nobody knows for sure at this point
> in time .:)

Hello Virgil,

Here are some references regarding chlorinated water and cancer,
beginning with this article from Environmental News Service:


Chlorination by-products may increase cancer risk
  Thursday, January 8, 1998

A series of studies published in the January issue of the American Journal
of Epidemiology shows that there is a link between drinking water that has
been treated with chlorine and an increased risk of bladder, colon and
rectal cancers. However, the increased risk is primarily prevalent among
people whose lifestyles put them at risk regardless of their drinking water

According to Epidemiology, chlorination byproducts are found in drinking
water disinfected with chlorine. This sterilization process has been around
since the turn of the 20th century, but it was not until the 1970s that it was
discovered that chlorine reacts with naturally occurring organic matter to
form trihalogenated methanes, which have been linked with cancer.

In the case of bladder cancer, the increased risk was found among people
who are classified as smokers, while there was no elevated risk among
non-smokers, according to Epidemiology.

The study on the relationship between chlorinated by products in surface
water and colon and rectal cancers found that there was an increased risk
in people who live an unhealthy lifestyle and have low-fiber diets. Both
physical activity and high-fiber diets result in quick stool transit time, thus
giving the carcinogens less time to come into contact with both the rectum
and colon.

Given the results of this study, the American Water Works Association, a
water safety group, has issued a statement that says although tap water
often contains chlorination disinfection by-products resulting from chlorine's
reaction with organic matter during the water treatment process, the World
Health Organization notes that the risks to health from DBPs are extremely
small in comparison to the risks associated with inadequate disinfection
and water treatment.

The AWWA is working with the EPA to research the issue of carcinogens
in drinking water and microbial removal processes. Water utilities have
committed to a $180 million investment to learn about and solve this

The use of chlorine to disinfect drinking water is vital in the fight against
microbial diseases such as typhoid and cholera. Potentially harmful levels
of DBPs are extremely rare in drinking water.

However, those who lead a unhealthy lifestyle that includes a lack of
exercise, a low-fiber diet, or smoking ought to take precautions when
drinking surface drinking water that has been treated.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Muslim, AWWA, (303)347-6140.
Copyright 1998, Environmental News Network, All Rights Reserved

  Related stories:
  Study released on tap water contamination

  Related sites:
  American Water Works Association
  American Journal of Epidemiology

(Here are a few more references, 500. I am sorry but I did not have time to
sort through them all but you might find some interesting pro and con on
chlorine. I think one of the biggest problems is that chlorine combines with
organic compounds including gasses dissolved in water like methane and
many other compounds, and the resulting compounds are in some cases
carcinogenic. Many organic compounds containing chlorine are
carcinogenic. --SW)

CHLORINE - A Special Problem for Drinking Water as health concerns of cancer causing 
carcinogenic contaminants may 
Chlorine - Infant Feeding Formula Water - CHLORINE Information 

ENN News - Chlorination by-products may increase cancer risk 

Federal panel ties tap water to cancer, Tuesday 24 November 1998. National News, The 
Ottawa Citizen Online. 
The Bracebridge Examiner: The Paper with the News 
CHLORINE CHEMISTRY COUNCIL® -- Chlorine Disinfects: Chlorine: Cornerstone of Modern 
Why Drink Water? 
Greenwash Awards | Chlorine Chemistry Council 

The wonder of water - A drink to your health 

USANA:USANA What are free radicals 
Whole raw foods are the basis of good health 

Enzymes and Micronutrients: Building Blocks to Good Health 

[CTRL] Forwarded Post

2000-04-12 Thread lloyd


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
Conspiracy Shopping Cart: http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html

   "The Tragedy of Whitewater House"

A work of fiction

Shortly before Clint Willton was given a Rhoades Scholarship to Oxford, he
met a man who said he represented a new world order and claimed that he
could help Willton with a political career.  The man told young Clint that
people had been watching him for years and had great expectations of him.

Shortly thereafter, Clint Willton become increasingly involved with the
anti-Vietnam movement, led anti-American protests in Great Britain and
traveled to the Soviet Union in an act of defiance worthy only of Lee
Harvey Oswald.  Pit-tooey on the U.S.  But
 his political star rose immediately upon return to the United States.
Soon he was elected attorney general of a small, southern state and later
became the nation's youngest governor.

Some years later, this long-shot, know-nobody, womanizing pip-squeak was
somehow elected president.  How could this be?  He wasn't establishment,
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interests that must by nature remain hidden.  State troops could even be
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Banks, S&Ls, law firms, regulators, all easily controlled.  Companies
could be set up to move money and later, when exposed, used as
opportunities to black mail high officials.  Maybe even motive for murder.
If someone discovered th e true nature of one of these, say, real estate
development companies, then they might be in danger.  In the end, it turns
out that it doesn't matter who gets elected president.  Larger interests
control both parties, the national media and the huge trusts and
foundations.  The whole one world movement is exposed by a conservative
radio talk show who late r goes on to become Mayor of New York City, but
is tragically assassinated by an out-of-work covert Russian operative
while touring a Cuban cigar factory.

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not necessarily endorsed by:
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Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
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and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] NAFTA - No American Factories Taking Applications

2000-04-12 Thread Nicola Molloy

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

NAFTA - No American Factories Taking Applications

The NAFTA Corridors
And The Panama Canal Connection
By Tim Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Reform Party
US Constitution Sub-Committee Team Leader   4-8-00

"Indeed, the great sucking sound that was so feared during the
for the passage of NAFTA in late 1993 is being heard and cheered
it is the sound of corporate America gravitating toward this
trade corridor. It is the surge of products moving to market and the
sound of
money filling coffers. It is the free enterprise system at work." North
American Superhighway Coalition (NASCO)

"They'll want to demonstrate to a distant part of the world that they
can be
a responsible partner...And I would be very surprised if any adverse
consequences flowed from the Chinese running the [ Panama ] Canal."
Bill Clinton Oval Office interview November 31, 1999

"Seen from the changes in the world situation and the United States'
hegemonic strategy for creating monopolarity, war is inevitable...We
avoid it. The issue is that the Chinese armed forces must control the
initiative in this warWe must be prepared to fight for one year, two
years, three years or even longer." Chi Haotian, Chinese Defense
Cheng Ming, Hong Kong's newspaper January 11, 2000


What you are about to read will shock you. While the Reform Party has
embattled in a bitter fight for control of our party, NAFTA's expansion
about to get a boost beyond anything we have ever envisioned. The
began with a phone call from a Reformer in Kansas City, Missouri named
Carriger to myself a few weeks ago. He explained to me that there were
to build a "NAFTA Corridor" between the United States, Canada, and
Mexico and
that this Corridor would be I-35. The NAFTA Corridor would run from the
southern border at Loredo, TX right to Kansas City, MO where an
hub would be built on the Richard-Gebaur AFB. From this hub, the rest of
nation would be serviced. Dennis was quite concerned about this but was
online. He asked me to research it for him and what I discovered was
astounding. This is truly the "mother of all issues" and spells out a
only a free trade disaster for our nation, but a incredible threat to
country by the communist Chinese.

As you will see, when the pieces are put together, the puzzle begins to
sense. NAFTA expansion, defense cutbacks, campaign finance violations,
Panama Canal transfer, and a hostel threat from the Chinese are all
into one hereincluding perhaps the reason the Reform Party is in a
to the death over our very principles.

This information below will be posted on the National Reform Party's
Constitution Sub-Committee page at
http://issues.reformparty.org/iss_const.htm as well as sent by e-mail to
whoever will take the time to read it. While we will continually update
on this issue, the following is intended for use as a convenient format
handout or mailout.


stumbled upon the "main Corridor" which was indeed I-35. What I
discovered is
that there are 42 other NAFTA Corridors in the works all over our
>From east to west, north to south they have us covered and Kansas City will
be the homebase hub for the project. From San Diego to Maine and Seattle
Florida, goods will be shipped duty free out of Mexico. You may view a
map of
them here: http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/hep10/nhs/map.html or on the attached
if this is a printed copy. The Corridors have received $700 million in
federal funding from the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
(TEA-21) which was lobbied heavily by such pro-NAFTA organizations as
North American Superhighway Coalition (NASCO). TEA-21 is split into two
funding categories: The National Corridor Planning and Development
and Coordinated Border Infrastructure program. These programs use
improvement and traffic relief as a cover for more convent passage for

Canal was signed over to the country of Panama. Panama has in turn
leased the
Canal to the Chinese company Hutchison-Whampoa, a subsidiary of COSCO
Chinese Overseas Shipping Corporation). Both COSCO and Hutchison-Whampoa
front organization for the communist Chinese. We will now have Chinese
goods (as well as drugs and perhaps bombs or terrorists) being shipped
free all throughout our nation. Fewer then 1% of the trucks crossing the
border at Loredo, TX are searched. Kansas City Southern Railroad, who
run the Kansas City NAFTA hub when completed, is entering a joint
with Mi-Jack Products Inc to begin construction of a rail line parallel
the Panama Canal and has b

[CTRL] Ethiopian Cycle of Famine Continues

2000-04-12 Thread Carl Amedio

Tuesday April 11 2:12 AM ET
Ethiopian Cycle of Famine Continues

AP Photo

By ANDREW ENGLAND, Associated Press Writer

GODE, Ethiopia (AP) - Sakorey Faday and Adan Mohammed are young women from
two different African countries, but they share experiences as similar as
they are tragic.

Adan spent 10 days walking 60 miles with her three children to a feeding
center in Gode, 360 miles southeast of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
The trek proved too much for her 4-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son. Both
died along the way.

Faday walked to Baidoa in neighboring Somalia in search of help after drought
ended her farm work. Faday's husband died a year ago; the twin to the tiny,
malnourished baby wrapped in her arms died at birth. Now, she says, she has

These women's odysseys took place in February and March, as severe food
shortages brought on by drought began to threaten millions of lives. Similar
tales have been told over and over again in Ethiopia and Somalia.

``I have not seen rain for 18 months,'' said Adan, whose family's herd of 200
cattle and sheep died months ago. ``I just have to wait for something from

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The 33-year-old Adan, looking sad yet dignified in her dusty traditional
veils, her remaining child tucked under her arm, now lives in a tiny hut of
dried grass and bits of cloth. Faday has no place of her own and is forced to
rely on charity.

But nature is not solely responsible for the desperate situations of people
like Adan and Faday. Politics, war and centuries of nomadic culture all have
played roles.

The entire region has a history of conflict and perennial food shortages. Of
the countries bordering Ethiopia - Kenya, Sudan, Eritrea and Somalia - only
Kenya can claim any meaningful stability.

In recent years Ethiopia has perhaps suffered the most from drought, worsened
by on-and-off warfare since the mid-1970s.

In 1984, televised images of skeletal, starving Ethiopians pulled on the
world's conscience, and as many as 1 million died. But famine also came in
1972, 1974 and 1989.

Officials in Gode, which is home to ethnic Somalis and one of the
worst-affected areas, say the drought comes in 10-year-cycles.

Now, 11 years after the last severe food shortage, the message is being
repeated. This time, aid groups say 7.7 million are at risk.

``These people are really on the edge,'' said Ben Foot, country director for
the British branch of the international charity Save the Children.

The situation is exacerbated, local officials say, by the nomadic lifestyle
of the people who live in the region. The nomads rely on livestock for food
and income. When the rains fail, cattle, goats, camels and sheep die -
leaving the people with nothing. They then migrate to feeding centers,
stretching local resources and increasing the risk of disease. Some 70
percent of the 3.5 million people in Ethiopia's Somali region, are nomads,
government figures say.

Ibrahim Abdi, chairman of the regional emergency task force, said the key is
to persuade nomads to settle and diversify into farming.

``The problem is people do not adapt so quickly because agriculture is very
laborious work,'' he said. ``If they get a harvest for two or three years,
they will then go and buy cattle and go back to where they started.''

Teshome Emanek, head of the government's disaster preparedness and prevention
committee, said regional authorities in Ethiopia - where regions have some
autonomy - lack the means to end the cycle of famine.

In Gode, the Wabe Shebelle River still flows strongly, but it has not been
used efficiently for irrigation.

``Nothing is being done at this time to bring them (the nomads) off the
land,'' Teshome said.

He estimates it would take at least 10 years to change local habits.

The Somali people on both sides of the border have been nomads for centuries,
and their allegiance is to the land and their clans, not to any state. Most
would resist changes.

Aid officials say political attitudes and trade regulations need to change
throughout the region so that the nomads can take their herds to the closest
market without being blocked by national borders.

In the meantime, the government is asking donors for more than 800,000 tons
of food to keep famine at bay.

But for Adan and Faday, the misery seems guaranteed to continue indefinitely.

``I am a beggar,'' Faday said. ``I have nothing for the future.''


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