[CTRL] WND: Filegate case nets 25,000 e-mails

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER




Filegate case nets 25,000 e-mails

White House search nets big stash, but lawyers want 30-day

WASHINGTON - Although a court-ordered search of White House
archives has produced a stunning 25,000 e-mails related to
Judicial Watch's Filegate case, White House lawyers refuse to
turn the evidence over, arguing they need another month to
"review" it.

Responding to a 20-day deadline imposed early this month by a
U.S. District judge, Justice Department attorneys yesterday
informed Judicial Watch of their search results.

The stash includes the e-mails of first lady Hillary Clinton and
several current and former top White House officials, including
Maggie Williams, George Stephanopoulos, Harold Ickes, Jane
Sherburne, Cheryl Mills, Michael McCurry, Joe Lockhart, Marsha
Scott and Sidney Blumenthal.

E-mails relevant to the misuse of fired Travel Office chief Bill
Dale's FBI files were also part of the search, as were e-mails
tied to Kathleen Willey and Linda Tripp.

"This is significant because it shows the large volume of e-mail
in the White House relevant to Filegate and related matters such
as Kathleen Willey and Linda Tripp," Judicial Watch president Tom
Fitton told WorldNetDaily.

He says James Gilligan, the White House's lead defense attorney
in the $90 million privacy-rights lawsuit, told Judicial Watch
that it couldn't see the 25,000 e-mails for another 30 days,
because lawyers need time to "review the documents."

"This is obviously a delaying ploy to buy time to take out the
incriminating evidence," Fitton charged.

He says Judicial Watch on Monday will file a motion with the
court to oppose the delay.


Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.  © 2000
WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] URGENT -- Hostettler Amendment On House Floor!! (fwd)

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 19:59:21 -0400
From: Weldon Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: URGENT -- Hostettler Amendment On House Floor!!

URGENT -- Hostettler Amendment On House Floor!!
Date: Thursday, June 22, 2000 7:04 PM

by Neal Knox

The Commerce, Justice and State Appropriations Bill is now being
debated and will continue until at least midnight tonight.

Rep. Hostettler's amendment to prevent the Justice Department
from suing gun companies to enforce the SW agreement, or to take
similar actions, will be voted on either late tonight or early
tomorrow -- as Neal Knox discusses below.

Your Congressman will be there, call him tonight!

June 22 Neal Knox Report -- According to which newspapers you
read, what is now called "President Clinton's gun-safety deal
with Smith  Wesson" either suffered a defeat or won a victory in
last night's votes on Rep. John Hostettler's (R-Ind.) amendments
to the Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill.

Mr. Hostettler is going to take another shot either tonight or
tomorrow, with an amendment to be offered on the Commerce,
Justice  State appropriations bill.

There were two votes last night, the first, to prohibit HUD from
continuing its efforts to get cities and public housing
authorities to give preferential treatment to Smith  Wesson,
passed by 218-207.

The second, and more important amendment, which would have
prohibited HUD from being involved in enforcing the SW
agreement, failed 219-206.

The agreement SW signed, and is now attempting to back away
from, calls for an extra-legal oversight body to assure that all
the many provisions in the agreement are enforced.  It is to be
composed of government agencies and anti-gun groups, and most
assuredly will cause all sorts of mischief if it is ever put into

Though the press has talked about the SW agreement's trigger
lock and "smart gun" provisions, it also goes into gun design,
sales and distribution areas that affect all products sold by SW
dealers, regardless who made the guns.  The oversight body would
be in the position of writing law as well as regulations, and is
unquestionably the most dangerous provision of the agreement.

NRA stayed out of last night's fight, reportedly trying to avoid
making Speaker Dennis Hastert unhappy by legislating on
appropriations bills -- which is routinely done by both sides of
the gun debate.

The appropriations bill coming up tonight, which will provide
funding for the Justice Department, would prohibit DOJ from
spending any of its money to sue SW or any other other signer
for failure to comply with the agreement.

CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN.  Ask him or her to support Mr.
Hostettler's amendment.  Even Congressmen who aren't strong on
gun rights should vote to stop the Administration's effort to
take law-making powers away from the Congress.

Last night, opponents kept claiming Mr. Hostettler was trying to
destroy SW.  Tonight's amendment makes it clear that the Indiana
lawmaker is trying to help SW and the rest of the gun industry
-- and NRA members and other consumers.

NRA shouldn't be sitting out this fight -- even if they might
make the Speaker unhappy.  They should remember that
he's the one who has been pushing to get the Juvenile
Justice bill, and its package of gun provisions, out of the
House-Senate conference committee.

Yesterday, President Clinton again demanded passage of his
package of gun laws in the Juvenile bill while touting a new BATF
report on "illegal gun trafficking."  BATF says that from 1996 to
1998 about 84,000 guns were "diverted" into illegal sales by
crooked gun dealers, many through gun shows,

BATF's self-serving study is based on their investigations, which
too often consist of trying to examine the records of all dealers
while searching for illegal sales, instead of tracking guns
misused in crime back to their source.

To begin receiving Neal Knox's bi-monthly newsletter, send a
contribution of $25 or more to The Firearms Coalition, 7771
Sudley Rd. No. 44, Manassas, VA 20109. For current news,
call 1-900-225-3006 (89 cents per minute) or visit:

http://www.NealKnox.com (free).

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

[CTRL] The World Government Constitution: Proof that Socialists are Fools.

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

The World Government Constitution: Proof that Socialists are Fools.

[Part 1]

By Antonia Feitz

For the past twenty years or so, a document has been floating
around the world gathering signatures. It's called "The
Constitution of the Federation of Earth". It was first ratified
at the second session of the World Constituent Assembly in
Innsbruck in 1977 and was prepared by "a broad global
representation of qualified people" - who haven't bothered to put
their names to it.  Enough said. Now while it is an ineffably
silly document, it is none the less the authoritarian blueprint
for the first world government.

World government? Surely only conspiracy theorists believe
there's a plan for world government? Yes, that's what the
politicians and the mainstream media have been saying until very
recently. But now that it's imminent they're coming clean, and
it's now chic to talk about world government, global citizens,
the global village, and the global commons etc. Read the
depressing details in "Our Global Neighbourhood: the Report of
the Commission on Global Governance". The co-chairs were Ingvar
Carlsson and Shridath Ramphal.

But back to the Constitution. The Preamble begins: "Realizing
that Humanity today has come to a turning point in history and
that we are on the threshold of an [sic] new world order which
promises to usher in an era of peace, prosperity, justice and
harmony -"

Well, that gives the flavour of the entire Constitution. While
such a sentence might bring credit to an idealistic eight year
old, it's a bit alarming that supposedly mature, educated adults
who are drawing up a constitution for world government could
write such utopian drivel. There is absolutely no reason to
suppose that man's nature has changed so drastically that we are
about to enter any golden age. On the contrary, the evidence of
the past twenty years - during which the Constitution has been
circulating - has seen an escalation of hostilities throughout
the world. External intervention by UN peacekeepers has not been
useful, and in fact has exacerbated and/or prolonged conflict. Is
there peace in Kosovo? Sierra Leone? No. Why? Because you can't
impose peace: just look at Northern Ireland or the Levant.

The other sentences of the Preamble are similarly juvenile and
full of apocalyptic green propaganda: "Conscious of our
obligation to posterity to save Humanity from imminent and total
annihilation -"  From what they don't say. Apparently you've just
got to take it on trust that we're on the brink of "imminent and
total annihilation". It's a good scare though; it'll win the
greens over for sure. Such useful idiots will suffer any ignominy
and loss of freedom to "save the planet".

Young idealists and socialists often present their opinions as
facts. So do the anonymous authors of the Constitution:
"Conscious of the inescapable reality that the greatest hope for
the survival of life on earth is the establishment of a
democratic world government -" . "Inescapable reality"? Excuse
me, but not everybody agrees. And who says the survival of life
on earth is threatened anyway? The likes of Paul Ehrlich? They've
made successful careers out of being consistently wrong.  Though
it might shock the global socialists, many people think that
minding your own business would go a long way to establishing
genuine peace in the world.

The Preamble ends with this triumphalist sentence: "We, the
citizens of the world, hereby resolve to establish a world
federation to be governed in accordance with this constitution
for the Federation of Earth".

And what a lulu it is.

The broad functions of the proposed world government are set out
in Article 1. True to its socialist genesis, the world government
plans to regulate every aspect of life. Apart from preventing
war, securing disarmament, resolving territorial and "other"
disputes , our globalist masters plan to protect human rights
which now include mandatory Western-style democracy and even
equal opportunities.  They also plan to obtain "the conditions
required ... for diminishing social differences". It's typical of
socialists that while simultaneously extolling diversity, they
legislate for uniformity. They loathe differences.

Of course they're going to regulate trade, communications,
transport, currency, standards, the "use of world resources", and
"other global and international processes" - that latter one is
nicely open-ended, isn't it. And equally of course they're going
to protect the environment to keep Earth "a safe, healthy and
happy home for humanity". It's hard to credit that supposed
adults could write such infantile nonsense. But it's indicative
of their mentality: clearly they have no conception of personal
autonomy let alone human dignity.

Article 2 is concerned with the basic structure of the World
Federation and Government. It claims the world government will be
non-military (a lie); democratic (another lie);  that sovereignty
will reside in all the people (a very 

[CTRL] JW: Miscarriage of Justice

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Judicial Watch
June 23, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Eleventh Circuit Lacks Courage To Review Its Prior Decision


(Washington, DC) Today the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh
Circuit refused to review its prior petition upholding Attorney
General Janet Reno's decision not to provide an asylum hearing to
Elian Gonzalez.  A lawsuit by Judicial Watch recently uncovered
INS documents showing that the Clinton-Gore Administration and
Castro had predetermined Elian's fate without regard for the rule
of law.

These documents had been provided to the lawyers of the Gonzalez
family before their latest brief was filed with the appeals
court. Inexplicably, little of the documentation was mentioned,
much less used as evidence for the record. As a result, Judicial
Watch attempted an emergency effort to submit the documents to
the appeals court through an amicus curiae, or friend of the
court, brief. Apparently, these documents were not considered by
the appeals court -- perhaps because they were not substantially
provided by the lawyers for the Gonzalez family themselves -- who
had legal standing to do so.

"Judicial Watch will continue to be supportive of the lawyers for
the Gonzalez family with regard to their "hoped-for" appeal to
the U.S.  Supreme Court. However, this time the public-interest
watchdog hopes that they will use all available means to win the
case, and save little Elian from a future of despair in Cuba's
Communist cesspool,"  stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General
Counsel Larry Klayman.

"Today was truly a dark day in American legal history, since it
appears that the court followed the polls, not the law," added
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-24 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:52 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


The U.S. government, fresh from its victory in the Microsoft case, accused
the Visa and MasterCard credit card networks of violating antitrust law and
blocking competition through exclusionary tie-ups with banks in opening
arguments at a federal trial yesterday, according to Reuters.

Visa and MasterCard, which control more than 75 percent of U.S. credit card
sales, do not truly compete with each other, U.S. Justice Department lawyer
Melvin Schwarz told a packed federal courtroom in New York. They also thwart
rivals, barring them from working with their member banks, he alleged.

"The government will show defendants have not bothered to innovate or have
been slow to innovate, and continue to do so," Schwarz said. News stories
did not state what makes the Justice Department experts in credit industry

The government's revitalized penchant for suing companies that "thwart
rivals" or are "slow to innovate" can only lead to more trouble. In "It's
Time To Reexamine Antitrust Legislation," D.T. Armentano writes that
"Microsoft's latest difficulties with the U.S. Department of Justice reveal
the absurdity of attempting to apply 19th century antitrust law to a 21st
century computer and telecommunications marketplace."

In "Rewriting the Rules for High-tech Antitrust," Senior Fellow in
Constitutional Studies Robert A. Levy examines a "post-modern world of
high-tech antitrust, where big is once again bad, lofty profit margins are a
wake-up call to government regulators, executives are brought to heel for
aggressively worded e-mails, pricing too high is monopolistic, pricing too
low is predatory, propping up politically wired competitors is the
surreptitious aim, bundling products that consumers want is illegal, and
successful companies are rewarded by dismemberment."

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 00:45:02 -0400
From: Weldon Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Ladies and Gentlemen:

We believe it will be worth your time to read all of this


For decades gun owners complained that we were losing the Second
Amendment war because our point of view and our arguments were
never heard in the newspapers, on the radio, or on television.
They complained that gun owners and gun rights organizations
always "preached to the choir", and that their message never got
out to the public.


But now our message IS getting out to the public. AGGRESSIVELY.
You've probably heard of us by now: Citizens Of America, a
non-profit organization that is running a NATIONAL PRO-GUN media
campaign.  That's ALL COA does: no lobbying, no PAC funds,
nothing but producing these ads and getting them out to the

And until now, you never heard ANYTHING like our hard- hitting,
emotion-directed radio and print ads in the mass communications
media. If you want to HEAR the radio ads, continue reading and
then come back and click here:


If you want to SEE the print ads, click here:



COA is only nine months old, but already the radio ads have run
in 42 states on over 270 radio stations. At any given moment,
thanks to people like you and patriots in the broadcast industry,
they are running RIGHT NOW somewhere in the country, on the radio
and on cable television. Thanks to patriots in the publishing
industry, the print ads have been distributed in the tens of

COA is funded by people like YOU. COA has no income- producing
fund to draw on, no memberships that we constantly renew, no
wealthy private or corporate backers (yet), no $100-million plus
NRA-size budget (yet). COA will exist only as long as citizens
like you donate to the campaign.  We hope to win this war and put
ourselves out of business as soon as possible. But in any case,
we will not exist one day longer than we can pay to exist, and
right now we need funds to continue.


Remember: only COA focuses on getting the gun rights message to
the GENERAL PUBLIC. And our messages aim at their guts and

You can help us. For the next year, devote 33 cents a day to
continue this one-of-a-kind national campaign. That's ten dollars
a month.  $120 for the year. If you think we've doing a good job,
then give us 33 cents a day next year. If you've already donated
something this year, please consider bringing the total up to


Does $120 a year seem like a lot? Three or four years from now,
when the news media, the federal government and state governments
have inundated the public with enough unanswered lies to turn
them against you, enough unanswered propaganda to convince them
to vote for more bans on guns and the freedom to own and shoot
guns, you'll wish you had spent twenty times that amount.

If you simply cannot afford $120, then donate what you can. (We
do offer incentives: like a free Kydex holster from Springbok,
Inc. if you donate at least $75. Come back and read this when you
finish the rest of this message:
http://www.citizensofamerica.org/programs.htm )


...to ask for money. It's not enjoyable. But that changed when we
saw how much irritation these ads are causing our enemies. And
when we get emails and letters from people who USED to be
anti-gun, but changed their minds when they became aware of the
issues that COA ads bring up. Now we ask for money because we
absolutely believe we can make a difference.


Over the last nine months we've SPENT your past donations- -as
efficiently as possible—keeping this ad campaign going. We work
out of donated office space, have a minimal staff, and use
volunteers or subcontractors for everything else. These
ultra-efficient methods have worked so far, and we intend to
continue this way.

But because our donor base is still in its infancy, with many gun
owners and gun-related businesses still unaware of what we're
doing, and because this is a CONTINUING campaign, we're nearly
out of funds and are in danger of having to cease operations. So
if you want to help, NOW is the time. Please -- DO NOT count on
someone else to donate for you.

You can donate with a credit card by scrolling to the bottom
of our homepage at:


Or send a check to Citizens Of America, 2118 Wilshire Blvd. #447,
Santa Monica, CA 90403.


No, COA isn't the ONLY answer to winning this war.  GOA, JPFO,
KeepAndBearArms.com, 2AnewsTeam and others are performing
valuable functions. But COA alone devotes all its resources on an
essential but almost totally neglected task: 

[CTRL] [WACO TRAIL UPDATE] Firing at shadows: the raid on Waco (fwd)

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 11:50:17 -0700
From: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [WACO TRAIL UPDATE] Firing at shadows: the raid on Waco

Firing at shadows: the raid on Waco

Waco Plaintiffs Wrap Up Testimony

Branch Davidian raid heard on 911 tape

Agents admit firing blindly into windows

The Branch Davidian Trial
by Egon Richard Tausch
E.R. Tausch was a court observer during the Waco trial. This article
is a description of what events he witnessed during the trial.

Judge orders anonymous jury in Branch Davidian trial 12/14/93

Branch Davidian trial notable for omissions
Decisions were part of lawyers' strategies  02/22/94
By Lee Hancock / The Dallas Morning News

Branch Davidian Trial Transcripts


but in the days of the voice of the seventh angel when he shall
begin to sound the mystery of God should be fineshed as he hath
declared to his servants the prophets.

Was Vector Data Systems BOUGHT OFF by the BATF?

Six-member jury picked for Waco suit against U.S.
The judge asked potential jurors if they had lost a child or been in a
dispute with the government. By Sherri Chunn  ASSOCIATED PRESS



+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
If you would like to pledge a contribution to APFN:
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Big response to Mark Swett, and a veritable compendium of materials
that Mr. Bradford and Judge Smith most assuredly DO NOT want you to see.

Judges cut terms of 5 Davidians 6/6/00

Juror in sect members' federal trial
applauds Supreme Court decision 6/6/00

 ~~~CONTACT~~~ David Hall, Producer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 KILLED THE CHILDREN - Tel: 580-767-8827 - FAX: 767-8846 

Take a moment to picture this...


Frozen Courts And WACO In Mind

Waco -- Operation Showtime

Waco - For the Children

Branch Davidian Trustees Message Board:

*** WACO - Please take a moment to picture this...

Rebuild Mt. Carmel - Alex Jones

A couple of Faces from the Waco Holocaust;

The Konformist Waco  The Drug Mafia

* The US military was at Waco

  The initial reaction of virtually every
  person who hears about Clark's involvement
  in the attack on the Mt. Carmel Center of the
  Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas is
  surprise and/or disbelief: "I thought it
  was an ATF/FBI operation that went wrong
  and all the military did was lend a few

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Webster Hubbell, and Vincent W. Foster,Jr.
Sherman Skolnick's Report



Mt. Carmel (Branch Davidian Trustees - Website)
  Email: "Mt Carmel" [EMAIL PROTECTED]


During the 1993 assault, standoff, and siege at Waco, Texas between
members of the Branch Davidian Church and BATF, FBI, and U.S.
and foreign military forces, deliberate interference to various 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: VANGUARD: Veepstakes; or, How to Blow an Election if You're Not Really Careful

2000-06-24 Thread Ronald L. Wilson

no time to open attachments anymore. RW
- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 9:03 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: VANGUARD: Veepstakes; or, How to Blow an Election if
You're Not Really Careful

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] why napoleon should have won

2000-06-24 Thread J Taylor

Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi

2.4 status miles of intravenous surgical tubing at Yale Univer-sity
Hosptial - 1. I.V. League

2000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won Ton

I millionth mouthwash = 1 micro-scope

Speed of a tortoise breaking the sound barrier - Mach Turtle

Time it takes to sail 220 years at 1 nautical mile per hour - knot-furlong

365.25 days of drinking low-calorie beer because it's less filling = lite

16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone = 1 Rod Serling

1/2 large intestine = 1 semicolon

1000 aches = 1 megahertz

Weight an evangelist carried with God = 1 billigram

Basic unit of laryngitis = 1 hoarse power

Shortest distance between two jokes = a straight line

Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement - 1 bananosecond.

1/2 bath = 1 demijohn

453.6 graham crackers = 1 pound cake

Given the old adage "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
step", the first step of a one-mile journey = 1 Milwaukee

Useful metric Conversions:

1 million microphones = 1 megaphone

1 million bicycles = 2 megacycles

365.25 days = 1 Unicycle

2000 mockingbirds = two kilomockingbirds

10 cards =- 1 decacards

1 kilogram of falling figs = 1 Fig Newton

1000 grams of wet socks = 1 Liter Hosen

1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche

1 trillion pins = 1 terrapin

1 million billion piccolos = 1 gigolo

10 rations = 1 decoration

100 rations = 1 C-ration

10 millipedes = 1 centipede 3-1/3 tridents = 1 decadent

10 monologue = 5 dialogues

5 dialogues = 1 decalogue

2 monograms = 1 diagram

8 nickels - 2 paradigms

2 wharves = 1 paradox

100 Senators = not 1 decision

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reference Lizzie Borden - 20 whacks with an axe and from what I read
 would not have blamed here.   One recent TV movie hinted Lizzie's
 did it.  Such a brutal crime for two sweet ladies hard to believe.

If your only information regarding the Borden murders is via movies,
your knowledge is sorely lacking.

By the way, it wasn't '40 Whacks', the children's ditty not

Emma, Lizzie's older sister, wasn't home that day...she had left to
stay with friends at the shore a week before...so how could she have
been in two places at once?

Lizzie was seen shortly before the murders outside in the yard (she
testified she'd been out in the barn when the murders occurred), just
minutes after her father came home from work; it was only minutes after
her father had been murdered when she called the maid downstairs to
tell her of her (Lizzie's) father being murdered...Lizzie was composed,
wearing the same dress she had worn all morning, and didn't have any
blood on her self or her clothes...

The murder weapon was never found (altho the Fall River police did
finally take one broken ax from the house that was later claimed by the
prosecution to have been the murder weapon even though there were no
traces of blood on it and the broken handle had obviously been broken
for some time because it wasn't a new break)...

So how could Lizzie have given her father 11 whacks with an ax, causing
blood to splatter on the wall behind the father and not get any blood
on herself, and be able to successfully hide the murder weapon in a
very tiny house?  There was only a 20 minute time frame for Andrew
Borden to have been murdered in, which makes it almost impossible for
Lizzie to have killed her father...

 The mob cried Give us Barabas..while Judas gave the kiss of
death -
 the informer?   It was that Italian mob all the time?

"Give us Barrabas" is a legend, nothing more.  There is no evidence
that Barrabas even existed.  And the Roman authorities would never have
given up a prisoner condemned to be crucified because the residents of
Jerusalem asked them to.  Those condemned to be crucified were
condemned of high crimes and misdemeanors against the Roman state, and
wouldn't have been pardoned because a rabble asked...

"The kiss of death"...?  Again, Jesus' whole reason for being was as a
sacrifice for our collective sins...in other words, God's plan would
have been meaningless if Jesus had lived to a ripe old age and died in
His sleep of natural causes

So everyone that factored in Jesus' 'betrayal' was part of God's
plan...and that includes Judas...

But there are some clues that the commonly accepted 'facts' of Judas
are skewed to present a picture that is not quite accurate...

In one part of the New Testament it's claimed Judas hanged himself...in
another part it mentions he was found with his throat cut...

Hard to cut one's throat and then hang oneself, eh?

 But in the bible too, they do say The Camels Are Coming.

What book and verse?


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx, Jesuit trained Clinton ... et al

2000-06-24 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "David Sutherland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aleisha - You KNOW ALL THIS stuff below - REALLY!  (ggg)

  you wrote:

 "Screw them all...get that bible and find out who really wrote it
  whyeven Marx knew it was sheer opium and mind control"

 Marx in fact wrote that "religion" not the 'bible', was the "opiate"
not the
 'opium', of the "people" not of 'mind control'.

David, you're referring to KARL Marx, when it should be obvious Aleisha
gets her/his stuff from Groucho...   ;-)


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: CIA Blocks Manuscript of Former Operative

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

CIA Blocks Manuscript Of Former Operative
By Vernon Loeb
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, June 24, 2000; Page A04 

The Central Intelligence Agency is refusing to allow a flamboyant former 
operative to publish portions of a manuscript about his 14-year spy career, 
saying numerous passages in the book contain classified information. 

The CIA's simmering dispute with former operative Bob Baer erupted last week 
when CIA security officers arrived at the downtown office of Baer's attorney, 
Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official, and picked up all 
copies of a letter Toensing had written to the CIA on Baer's behalf.

CIA officials contended that the letter contained classified information, 
including a list of the disputed subjects in Baer's nonfiction manuscript, 
and should not have been circulated outside secure government facilities, CIA 
spokesman Bill Harlow said.

Harlow added that Toensing's son, Brady C. Toensing, an attorney in the firm, 
agreed to delete a copy of the letter from a computer drive at the law office.

Baer could not be reached yesterday for comment. Neither Victoria Toensing 
nor her son was available for comment.

Baer, who left the CIA in 1997, appeared as a consultant on the CBS News 
program "60 Minutes" three weeks ago and lent credibility to the account of 
an Iranian defector who claimed to have documentary evidence that Iran was 
behind the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, and 
the 1996 attack on a U.S. military housing complex in Saudi Arabia.

CIA and FBI officials subsequently concluded that the defector, who 
identified himself as a high-ranking Iranian intelligence officer named Ahmad 
Behbahani, was an impostor who lacked basic knowledge of Iran's intelligence 

In 1997, Baer was the mysterious intelligence officer identified during 
Senate hearings as "Bob from the CIA" after he secretly told a friend on the 
staff of the House intelligence committee about the unusual efforts of Roger 
Tamraz, an oil pipeline promoter and Democratic Party donor, to secure an 
audience at the Clinton White House.

When Tamraz's efforts to curry favor at the White House became a scandal, the 
CIA's inspector general began investigating Baer for improperly contacting 
Congress, prompting his friends at the agency and on Capitol Hill to view him 
as a convenient scapegoat.

If all that weren't enough fodder for a book, Baer also played a key role in 
helping a group of Iraqi dissidents led by Ahmed Chalabi, chairman of the 
Iraqi National Congress (INC), plan a direct assault on Iraq's army from a 
safe haven in northern Iraq in March 1995. The Iraqis referred to the attack 
as "the Bob plan."

But the Clinton administration backed away, ordering Baer to tell Chalabi 
that the United States was withdrawing its support for any invasion, a move 
that split two Kurdish groups backing Chalabi and ultimately led to a 
massacre of INC soldiers by Iraqi forces the following year.

These and other episodes from Baer's career were recounted in the manuscript 
he submitted in December to the CIA's Publication Review Board for clearance.

The PRB is responsible for making sure all current and former CIA employees 
abide by lifetime secrecy agreements. Those agreements require them to submit 
for review anything related to intelligence that they intend to publish or 

After negotiating with the PRB in recent months over passages the board 
refused to clear for publication, Baer filed an appeal earlier this month 
with executive director David Carey, the official empowered under CIA 
regulations to rule on disputes involving the review board. Once the 
executive director rules, the next level of appeal is to the federal courts.

"There are portions of [the manuscript] which we believe to be classified, 
and we were working with him to find ways for him to tell his story without 
damaging national security," Harlow said. In the past five years, he added, 
the PRB has cleared 1,400 manuscripts of books, articles and screenplays and 
generated four appeals to the executive director.

The CIA has a history of zealously enforcing agreements requiring 
prepublication review of any written or oral statements regarding 
intelligence beyond "spontaneous" remarks made to journalists or in public 

In its most celebrated dispute involving prepublication review, the CIA sued 
former operative Frank Snepp over "Decent Interval," his best-selling 1977 
account of how the CIA and the State Department bungled the evacuation of 
Saigon and abandoned thousands of loyal South Vietnamese. Snepp took the case 
all the way to the Supreme Court, which upheld the secrecy agreements and 
said the CIA could seize all of Snepp's profits from the book.

© 2000 The Washington Post Company  

[CTRL] OEN 6/24/00

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Hacking for Jesus

Hole in Slot Machine Software Creates Ruckus

Normally we only use that hole to pay off politicians.

EDMONTON, Alberta -- WMS Gaming of Chicago is suing an Edmonton man for $10
million, alleging that he threatened to publicize a software flaw in its slot
machines that allowed players to consistently win large amounts of money.

The company filed suit in the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench in late February
after Zues Yaghi, an Edmonton software consultant, began to post information
about the software glitch on the Internet. The flaw came to light after a
publication ban on the suit was lifted in court earlier this week.

The flaw may easily have cost the slot machine manufacturer $50,000 a day,
Yaghi said in an interview.

But lawyers for WMS estimate the losses at between $1-2 million, because they
say some Edmonton gamblers visited three states in the U.S. between December
1999 and February 2000, where they used the flaw to win at gaming.

In Alberta alone, some 300 machines were affected. WMS Gaming is one of the
largest manufacturers of slot machines in the world, with annual revenues in
1999 of $125.9 million.
The flaw involves players doubling their bets on an electronic poker game in
conjunction with several other commands. Yaghi said he first discovered the
flaw in December, doing what he called "field intrusion testing," a technique
he described as probing functions on a machine for weaknesses.

Yaghi said tapping on the "draw" button as the last credit registered would
get players into what he believed was a so-called Easter egg. Easter eggs are
deliberately inserted pieces of code meant to produce a hidden option for
users. Normally, Easter eggs are harmless mini-games or puzzles.

Yaghi demonstrated the flaw for Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission
officials last December. Within five minutes he emptied a single slot machine
of about $600 three times.

His problems began when Yaghi offered his services to WMS Gaming as a
consultant for $250,000. WMS counter-offered with about $50,000. The
counter-offer enraged Yaghi, according to Edmonton lawyer Mark Lesniak, who
has been retained by WMS Gaming.

Yaghi began describing the glitch on Internet message boards in late
February. He wrote that he was "amazed to discover a huge open door in the
programming of these slot machines. I can literally empty thousands of
dollars in minutes from these machines."

Yaghi said in the interview he has not used the technique himself on the

Shortly after the postings, WMS obtained a search-and-seizure order, entering
Yaghi's Edmonton home three times and seizing computers and data files. The
company then filed suit.

"At that stage, when we started seeing Internet postings, something had to be
done," said Lesniak. "It's just not legal to try and destroy somebody's share

Shortly after Yaghi demonstrated the glitch, the gaming authority issued a
notice recommending casinos bar Yaghi from entering. Yaghi has filed a
countersuit for C$1 million against WMS Gaming and has also filed a $2
million suit against Alberta Gaming for defamation.
Alberta Gaming is trying to recover an unspecified portion of the losses from
WMS Gaming. The losses would be revenues that would normally have gone into
the Alberta Lottery Fund. The government's revenue is 70 percent after

Lesniak said gaming regulators in Alberta, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois are
investigating to see if they can lay criminal charges against the individuals
who took advantage of the flaw.
WMS Gaming claims to have fixed the glitch with a software patch, but Yaghi
says he believes other models may have similar problems. Scott Schweinfurth,
WMS Gaming's CFO, said the company has no comment on any aspect of the issue.
Wired News, June 23, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
A HREF="http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] [1] CIA Report on Mossadeq Overthrow

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/cia-iran.htm"CIA Report on Mossadeq
24 June 2000: Add exchange with New York Times. Add link to second
installment of the unedited report: http://cryptome.org/cia-iran-ad.htm
23 June 2000: Add messages.
22 June 2000: Add messages and Cryptome response to critics.
21 June 2000: Link to first installment of the unedited report: http://cryptom
21 June 2000: Add messages.
21 June 2000

On June 16, 2000, the New York Times published on its Web site PDF files of a
MOSSADEQ OF IRAN, November 1952-August 1953," an operation planned and
executed by the CIA and British SIS:

The Times wrote in an introductory note that names of participants in the
overthrow were digitally edited from the report "after consultations with
historians who believed there might be serious risk that the families of some
of those named as foreign agents would face retribution in Iran."
Cryptome discovered during reading the report that edited portions could be
read by freezing the page during loading just before the digital overwrite
occurred (this was possible on a slow computer but not a fast one). We
notified the Times of this and another method was used to conceal the edited
material. The Times urged Cryptome not to reveal the information and we said
we would not (see messages below).
Since then Cryptome has learned from messages on Intelligence Forum and other
mail lists that other persons have been able to read material edited from the
report. Now that the edited information has become public Cryptome is
publishing the full unedited report to make it more widely available, in
particular to those named in it until now known by a few hostage holding
Here are messages on the topic:

From: Jerry Ennis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Complete CIA history of 1953 Iranian coup posted by New York Times
Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2000 17:21:26 -0400

Readers may recall that, in April, the New York Times published
portions of the CIA's Clandestine Service History report on the 1953
overthrow of Iran's Premier Mossadeq. Today, the New York Times has
now published the complete report with very minor deletions (made by
NYT editors).

The report starts at


Note that the report's table of contents appears on page 4 of this
file and the table of contents is linked to each section of the
report. Links to all sections are also posted at the end of each pdf
file at the NYT site.


From: Jerry Ennis ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Intelligence Forum (http://www.intelforum.org) is sponsored by Intelligence
and National Security, a Frank Cass journal

Intelligence Forum (http://www.intelforum.org) is sponsored by Intelligence
and National Security, a Frank Cass journal (http://www.frankcass.com/jnls/ins

Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:19:45 -0400
From: John Young [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Complete CIA history of 1953 Iranian coup posted by New
  York Times

The digital means the NY Times used to black out names
of persons it was advised might be put at risk by publication
failed to do the job properly. All the deletions are readle.
The unredacted report shall be published shortly on

The unexpected consequences of digital security are worth

Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:49:57 -0400 (DST)
From: John Chambers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Complete CIA history of 1953 Iranian coup posted by New  York

Are you really this cavalier with other people's lives?

 The digital means the NY Times used to black out names
 of persons it was advised might be put at risk by publication
 failed to do the job properly. All the deletions are reable.
 The unredacted report shall be published shortly on

 The unexpected consequences of digital security are worth

Date: 19 June 2000
Subject: CIA Iran Report

Dear Mr. Meislin,

You may wish to know that it is possible to read the NYT-redacted
portions of the CIA report on the overthrow of Mossadeq.

This is the portion of page 54 which can be read by interrupting
the page load before the digital redaction occurs:

Acting Minister of Court Abul Ghassem Amini
Colonel Novzari, 

[CTRL] [2] CIA Report on Mossadeq Overthrow

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/cia-iran.htm"CIA Report on Mossadeq
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 10:11:01 -0500
From: Chris Moseng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Redacted PDF

If you ever suspect you have encountered a PDF redacted in this manner
in the future, head to Kinko's.

All Kinko's rental computers with the most recent software have an
acrobat plugin called "Pitstop" that can manipulate PDFs *almost as if
they were native files.

This would include moving layers of graphics that cover text below, for

Obviously this method of redaction would only be implemented by someone
unfamiliar with the way postscript and PDF files are created and

Chris Moseng

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:15:31 -0400
From: John Markoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: iran

I am the New York Times reporter who wrote about the CIA's secret
history on Iran. We redacted names in our copy on the web at the urging
of  historians and Iranian scholars who warned that families of  Iranian
agents of the CIA may face retribution in Iran.If you go ahead with your
plans to publish the unredacted version with names, you should recognize
that you will then be responsible for whatever happens to the families
of those people in Iran.
Please call me 202-862-0355
Jim Risen

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:42:53 -0400
From: John Markoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: iran

Please respond to my last message. I think if you go ahead with your
plans to circulate an unredacted version of the Iran document, you must
recognize that you are endangering lives, and must take responsibility
for that.
Jim Risen

Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 19:34:04 EDT
Subject: Iran document

Mr. Risen:

Your e-mails to John Young were posted on his site.

I'd like to remind you that your record on naming CIA names
leaves the suspicion that you are working with them.  You
have zero credibility on this issue.

What about the families of all the victims of SAVAK during
the years that the Shah was in power? Don't they deserve
some consideration?

Do you really think that two generations later, Iran would
retaliate against the families of those involved in the 1953
coup? If your answer is "yes," then would you support
another CIA overthrow of the government in Iran, and
another 25 years of torture and repression?

I think you must take responsibility for NOT including
the names in the document.

And I'm still waiting for that CIA name that you withheld
when you were working for the Los Angeles Times.

Daniel Brandt
PIR founder  president
Public Information Research, PO Box 680635, San Antonio TX 78268-0635
Tel:210-509-3160   Fax:210-509-3161   Nonprofit publisher of NameBase
   http://www.pir.org/   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:15:31 -0400
 From: John Markoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: iran

I am the New York Times reporter who wrote about the CIA's secret
history on Iran. We redacted names in our copy on the web at the urging
of  historians and Iranian scholars who warned that families of  Iranian
agents of the CIA may face retribution in Iran.If you go ahead with your
plans to publish the unredacted version with names, you should recognize
that you will then be responsible for whatever happens to the families
of those people in Iran.
Please call me 202-862-0355
Jim Risen

 Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 14:42:53 -0400
 From: John Markoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: iran

Please respond to my last message. I think if you go ahead with your
plans to circulate an unredacted version of the Iran document, you must
recognize that you are endangering lives, and must take responsibility
for that.
Jim Risen


This is a copy of an e-mail to James Risen, whose byline appeared on a
Los Angeles Times article about a CIA officer accused of wrongdoing:

Dear James Risen:

In a story that appeared on December 2, 1997, you wrote the following:

   The Times agreed not to name the officer, who is still serving
   undercover after being reassigned to a non-management position.
   A 1982 law bans the publication of names of undercover agents if
   it could hurt U.S. espionage activities.

I object to your policy of not naming this officer. The Intelligence
Identities Protection Act of 1982 does not apply in this case. The
relevant paragraph of this law is as 

[CTRL] Fwd: [TheFrogPond] LAUGH BREAK !!

2000-06-24 Thread ATB XX
 Source:http://www.herald.com/thispage.htm?content/archive/living/barry/content.htmDr. Kevorkian's services needed on the campaign trailBy DAVE BARRYHere's some exciting news for you voters: There areonly six or seven more months until the presidentialelection! That's right! Just a half-year or so oflistening to the candidates accuse each other of beingpond scum, and then we get to choose one as ourpresident! Oh, it's going to be a fun campaign. It certainly hasbeen wild and unpredictable so far, hasn't it? I mean,just a year ago, all the so-called ``experts'' weresaying that it was a done deal, that Al Gore andGeorge ``W'' Bush were sure to get nominated, justbecause they had money and the political big shotsbehind them. But guess what? This is not a brutaldictatorship such as Iraq or your cable company. Thisis the United States of America, where the PEOPLEdecide. And the 126 people who actually voted in theprimaries have decided that the nominees will be: AlGore and George ``W'' Bush. Of course both men were challenged in the primaries.Al Gore was challenged by Bill Bradley, formerKnickerbocker and U.S. senator from the state ofSuspended Animation. He reportedly had some goodideas; the problem was that, because of his speakingstyle, nobody heard them. He'd give a speech on healthcare, and the audience would wake up days later, stillgroggy, saying, ``I remember him saying somethingabout pre-existing medical conditions, and thenapparently my head struck the floor.'' Bush's main challenger was Sen. John McCain, who gotgood coverage from the news media, because he invitedthem to ride on his bus. To a normal, well-adjustedhuman, a bus ride is not particularly exciting, but itwas HUGE to the media, because pretty much everybodyhates them, especially politicians, who generallywould not invite the media to ride on anything exceptan inner tube floating just above Niagara Falls. SoMcCain got excellent press, to the point where someBush supporters felt that the coverage was slanted, asevidenced by this front-page headline from the Feb. 2issue of The New York Times: McCAIN IS SEEN GAINING ON STUPID But when all was said and done, the winners were Bushand Gore, one of whom will be our next president,unless -- and I would not totally rule this out - theConstitution suddenly is discovered to be missing, andit mysteriously turns up a few days later in the WhiteHouse living quarters, and, lo and behold, the partthat limits the president to two terms is GONE. But probably it'll be Gore or Bush. Perhaps you'reasking yourself: Since we have the candidates, why notjust hold the election NOW? Why drag it out? Why can'twe be more like, say, Great Britain, which somehow isable to elect an entire new government in less timethan it takes for our presidential candidates to agreeon the lectern heights for a TV debate? The answer is that if we vote now, we will do a greatdeal of harm to something we Americans call ``thedemocratic process,'' by which I mean ``TV and radiobroadcasters.'' These companies are going to be paidmany millions of dollars to air commercials in whichthe candidates viciously attack each other, day afterday, month after month, until nobody wants to vote foreither one of them except their immediate pets. Thisis called ``informing the voters.'' To get you started with this process, here's ananalysis of the two candidates' strengths, weaknessesand positions on the issues:AL GORE: His strength is that he has been vicepresident for eight years, which theoretically giveshim a lot of experience. Unfortunately, he cannotremember ever having participated in any officialmeetings or discussions or anything else that anycurrent or future special prosecutor may or may notfind out about. He is in favor of education, theeconomy and the Family, and he communicates his viewson these topics by speaking in a style identical tothat of Mister Rogers reassuring 2-year-olds that theywill not be sucked down the bathtub drain. GEORGE ``W'' BUSH: His strength is that he is the sonof former President George Herbert Walker HooverFranklin Pierce Kennebunkport Bush. His biggestweakness is that he apparently does not speak English,or anything else, as a native language, and thus hastrouble when asked trick questions such as what hethinks. He is also in favor of education, the economyand the Family. Both men are strongly against the use of drugs, atleast at this point in their lives. So there you haveit, voters! Your exciting choice! Ointment vs.Suppository! Only another 200 days or so, and you getto pick one! This is assuming you have not moved toIraq.__Your Time Is Valuable, I respect that. Take advantage of my generous nature and share in the good fortune I have been graced with. I have done the research, reap the rewards without the problems: http://growrichnow.com/?250329If you are already wealthy, sorry to take your time... If not, enjoy this FREEBIE on me, pass it on and discover how 

[CTRL] Fwd: [A Great Rant]

2000-06-24 Thread ATB XX
 Your Time Is Valuable, I respect that. Take advantage of my generous nature and share in the good fortune I have been graced with. I have done the research, reap the rewards without the problems: http://growrichnow.com/?250329If you are already wealthy, sorry to take your time... If not, enjoy this FREEBIE on me, pass it on and discover how good it feels to share the wealth! http://growrichnow.com/?250329~~for educational purposes only~~Playing Monopolyby Joseph SobranNow that Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson describedas "a pro-business, conservative Republican," bythe Wall Street Journal has ordered the breakupof Microsoft, we should pause to reflect on antitrustmeasures and monopolies of power.Years ago I was asked: "Why don't you criticizeBig Business the way you criticize Big Government?"A fair question. I answered that I wasn't forced todeal with General Motors. I was free not to buy itsproducts, and it couldn't jail me for driving aHonda. By contrast, I had to pay the federalgovernment roughly the price of a new car everyyear and I never got the car. My money wasdistributed among others who were favored by thepoliticians.Since then, Microsoft has replaced General Motorsas the emblematic giant corporation. And I do dealwith Microsoft. I use its products freely andvoluntarily, as everyone else does and they havebecome indispensable to my work, even at this moment.I don't feel that I need Judge Jackson or AttorneyGeneral Janet Reno to "protect" me from Bill Gates.Neither of them could do what Gates has achieved.He is unique, a great innovator. They belong tothe huge class of interchangeable people who runthe government that is, who deal with peoplethrough the constant threat of force, which isthe essence of government. They can be replaced;countless others can do what they do.Miss Reno, after all, was Bill Clinton's thirdchoice for her job. She will be remembered chieflyfor violent confrontations in Waco and Miami, andperhaps secondarily for helping Clinton escapeinvestigation by special prosecutors. People likeher are essentially parasites; they produce nothingto enhance our lives. They are the people we reallyneed to be protected from.The definition of "monopoly" in business hasbecome highly technical and manipulable. Butthe bottom line is that I'm free to use theproducts of Microsoft's competitors. I could evengo back to my old Royal typewriter if necessary.But Gates attracts the predators as what TomWolfe has called "the Great White Defendant."Jackson and Reno are basking in the glory ofhaving nailed him.Why is nobody talking about the real monopoly ofpower that of the federal government? The word"federal" has become a misnomer; there is nothingreally federal about a government that can claimauthority over anything it chooses to control.The Constitution is an antitrust act forgovernment. It was designed to prevent thefederal government from becoming a monopoly ofpower, or what the Framers called a "consolidated"government. A few specific powers were delegatedto it, and all others were denied to it. The pointof the Tenth Amendment is not, as is usually said,to protect "states' rights," but to limit federalpowers.But power tends to accumulate, and throughoutthe twentieth century the United States wentthe way of so many European nation-states. Itabandoned its tradition of federalism anddecentralized power, just as other countrieswere adopting communism, socialism, fascism,and other variants of the consolidated state.The interpretation of the Constitution wassystematically and shamelessly warped toauthorize what that Constitution clearly prohibits.But who will break up the federal government'smonopoly? Most Americans, drenched inpro-government propaganda, are ignorant of theConstitution especially if they've studiedconstitutional law in a pricey law school. We'vefallen for the prevalent but preposterous notionthat the interpretations of the U.S. SupremeCourt somehow supersede the clear, original,traditional, and logically inescapable meaningsof the text itself.By inflating the meanings of a few phrases,some of which aren't even in theConstitution "interstate commerce," "freedomof expression," "equal protection of thelaws" the federal judiciary has helped createmonopoly government.A monopoly of the coercive powers ofgovernment including the powers of taxing,regulating, arresting, and confiscating isfar more dangerous, and potentially lethal,than any powers a private corporation can amass.Bill Gates can't arrest his competitors; he can'tlay armed siege to an eccentric religious sect;he can't punish you for boycotting Microsoft.And he can't distract attention from his troublesby bombing foreign countries.Do You Yahoo!?
Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

[CTRL] Solstice marked by twin executions

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:622784"Solstice marked by
twin executions/A
Subject: Solstice marked by twin executions
Date: Fri, Jun 23, 2000 3:08 PM

  The Bush crime family celebrated the clandestine Luciferian Masonic
(CLuM) high holiday of the Summer Solstice with twin executions in
Florida and Texas.

  The Summer Solstice marks the end of the Zodiac sign of Gemini, the
Twins, the birthsign of the Antichrist, and the beginning of the sign of
Cancer, the "official" birthsign of New Atlantis, a.k.a. the U.S.A.  The
Summer Solstice season is also celebrated on June 24, the Feast of the
Birthday of St. John the Baptist, one of the "patron saints" of Freemasonry.

In the Lone Star (of Pythagoras) State of Texas executions are carried
out in Huntsville, the seat of Walker County, and are presided over by the
Governor, George Walker Bush.  ("Walker" = "Traveling Man", a Masonic
code word and recognition sign.).  George Walker Bush, El Brujo de
Austin ("The Wizard of Oz-tin"), has presided over more executions than
any other state governor in the history of New Atlantis.

  Governor Bush is an initiate of the CLuM secret society Skull and
Bones, just like his father, our Most Puissant Past President George
"Poppy" Bush.  That serial killer was nicknamed "Poppy" by his family as a
reminder of the family's longstanding and loyal service in the British royal
family's opium smuggling business.

  The guilt or innocence of the condemned are not important to CLuMs;
all they are looking for is somebody to kill, a victim to offer to Lucifer.
"Conservative" CLuM Brother Walker Bush was assisted in the Texas
Luciferian ceremony by his CLuM Brother, the "Reverend" Jesse Jackson,
a high-ranking Freemason over at the "liberal" end of the CLuM Rainbow.
Head PUSHer Jackson was praying to his master Lucifer/Satan, as the
lethal drugs were killing sacrificial victim Gary ("Aharon") Lee ("Levi")
Graham in Huntsville.

  Graham had been sentenced to death for a murder that had taken place
on the 13th day of May in 1981, the same day as the Luciferian Masonic
death and resurrection of the crypto-Mason Karol Wojtyla, the
assassination attempt on the man masquerading as "Pope John Paul II' for
the last 22 years.  Graham was sacrificed on June 22, 2000, a period of 19
years, 1 month, and 9 days after the murder.  These repeated digits, 19, 1,
9, are a muted reminder of the 19-year Metonic cycle of the Moon.

  On the previous day, Wednesday, June 21, 2000, another one of
Barbara "La Bruja" Bush's sons, the Governor of the (Luciferian) Sunshine
State of Florida Jeb Bush, presided over the execution by lethal drug
injection of Thomas Provenzano.  The name "Thomas" means "Twin" in

  Thomas Provenzano, a mental patient, believed he was Jesus.
Provenzano stated that he was being killed because people hate Jesus
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #1

2000-06-24 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000624a - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/23_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No Mars landings were attempted during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ Snowballs In Summer: http://www.eyestorm.com/events/goldsworthy/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

@ UFOs, Aliens  Antichrist: The Angelic Conspiracy  End Times Deception.
  Satan: Prince of the Power of the Air,Lord of those that Fly, Intelligence
  behind UFO manifestations and alien encounters http://www.mt.net/~watcher/

  for Satanic plucking: http://worthynews.com/ufo-invasion-new-age.html
@ ASHTAR - GOD, MAN, OR MACHINE? www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/ashtar.html
@ Aliens: ETs or demons? Watch your ass: http://eth.faithweb.com/alien1.html

# Journal of Alternative Realities 7/1. The Oz Factor - Technology Update -
  Tracking UFOs by Satellite - Alien Base - Preamble to the Ultimate Debate.
  From Atlantis to the Sphinx - Spirit Possession - Alien Dawn - Uri Geller.
  Cult Encounter - My ET Experiences - Robot Warriors - Flying Saucers 
  Sonic Booms - Legacy from the Stars - Western Australian Sightings - Und-
  erground Bases  Tunnels: http://www.ozemail.com.au/~amilani/jour7.html

: Who's y'r favorite demonic alien? Are UFOlogists dupes/devils/devout/dead?
Has your planet been invaded by demons/angels/sprites/faeries lately? Where
do they nest? Have you taken TV cameras into their underground bases? When?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# What Now For Mars? A manned landing is the ultimate goal. (BBC) The
  possibility of water on Mars will revitalise our efforts to explore
  our neighbouring world, on which life could have started and may still
  exist today. http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/2000/jun/m24-003.shtml

# Mars Water Speculation Began In The 1870s - That's when Italian astronomer
  Giovanni Schiaparelli spotted what he described as "canali" on the red
  planet's surface. The word means channels but was interpreted as canals,
  and that's when speculation about a civilization on Mars first arose.

# Martian Water Comes In Bursts: http://sightings.com/general2/bursts.htm
# Water, Water Everywhere.  Where there is life there is water. Is there
  life where there is water?  http://www.sightings.com/general2/wat.htm
# LIFE ON MARS? NASA Myth Rebuffed: http://www.nccg.org/016Art-Mars.html

: If Martian exploration is a game, what are the rules? Are you allowed to
find life? Is Mars life allowed to find you? Are you allowed to obliterate
any life you find? Is it allowed to obliterate you? Who judges the contest?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Mind-Control: Canadian/US Survivors Seek Justice. Covert CIA involvement
  is real and is not contested. http://webcom.com/ctka/pr300-mkultra.html
@ Montauk: http://www.mysteries-megasite.com/main/bigsearch/montauk.html
@ NameBase - Database of the Conspiracy: http://www.pir.org/nbhome.html

  Massive doses of electronic mind control programming, thought intrusion 
  brain/biogenetic manipulations will commence. These projects are no longer
  experimental - fully operational. http://www.mt.net/~watcher/conholo.html

  secret electromagnetic/radio frequency mind control project based at a
  documented subterranean facility beneath the derelict Montauk Air Force
  Station, Long Island: http://www.geocities.com/psychicspy_2000/monew.htm

: If mindcontrol is a game, what are the rules? Where is the game played?Who
moves first? Are side bets allowed? What are permissible forms of cheating?
Is the game suitable to computer simulation? Is there an UNDO key? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# UNITED RELIGIONS: THE NEW WORLD RELIGION? Powerful people with a One World
  agenda are trying to meld all the religions into a One World Religion. A
  group in Australia call themselves United Religions. The organization is
  envisioned to serve the same purpose for all religions that the UN serves
  for all nations. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?read=3762

@ The Secret History of America: The Greatest Conspiracy On Earth. This May
  Be The Most Important Document You Ever Read In Your Life! Caution: may be
  triggering for survivors: http://www.freedomdomain.com/Catalog/catalog.htm

@ This Overshadowed Planet. "The name of the game is 'Find Your Adversary'.
  Your adversary's game 

[CTRL] Freedom Activist Dead

2000-06-24 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Freedom Activist Dead
Date: Friday, June 16, 2000 12:54 PM

  Even as research continues to show medical potential
  for constituents of cannabis, such as THC, which has
  been (http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=9257)
  shown in two studies to fight tumors, the author and
  freedom activist Peter McWilliams was arrested for
  using cannabis to treat AIDS in a state that voted to
  legalize the medical use of cannabis. Not deterred by the
  people's call for nonaggression, the federal government
  initiated aggression against McWilliams anyway. Now, the
  terrible news is that while awaiting sentencing, Peter
  died, apparently drown in his own vomit. Cannabis is a
  anti-nausea agent that allows cancer and AIDS patients
  to keep their medicine down. He was denied an effective
  remedy that worked and died apparently as a direct result.
  Just another of the countless victims of the War on Drugs.


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Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 07:55:37 EDT
Subject: [MDLP] McWilliams dead at age 50

June 15, 2000

Medical Marijuana Advocate, Libertarian Author Peter McWilliams Dies at age 50

 Los Angeles, CA: Peter McWilliams, a best selling author who suffered
from both AIDS and cancer, passed away in his home in Los Angeles on June
14th. He was 50 years old.

 McWilliams, who was an outspoken advocate for the medical use of
marijuana, was arrested along with Todd McCormick in 1998 in a high-profile
case for cultivating marijuana in a Bel Air, CA, mansion. Both men said the
marijuana was intended to supply "buyers' cooperatives" that serve patients
in California. At the time of his death, McWilliams was awaiting sentencing
on those charges. His story was featured last Friday by John Stossel on the
ABC-TV news program 20/20.He is survived by his mother and brother. No
details are yet available regarding the funeral.

(more details)


by Don Wirtshafter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Here are the details I have been able to gather.  It turns out to be a
double tragedy.  Last Sunday, Peter had a major fire in his house.  It burnt
up the entire downstairs including his computer and backups.  Peter was just
weeks away from finishing his book on the ordeal he has gone through.  He
was quite excited about it and motivated to finish it.  I heard the firemen
had to rescue Peter through his upstairs bedroom window.

The loss of this work threw Peter into shock.  He was not able to talk to
anyone these past few days.  The loss of his book was overwhelming to him.

Peter was found in his bathroom choked on his own vomit.  Readers may recall
his posting a few weeks back where he described in detail the routine he had
worked out to quiet his stomach so it would not reject the cocktail of pills
he was prescribed for his AIDS.  Medical marijuana worked perfectly for this
purpose, at the time of his arrest his viral count was down to zero.
Federal Judge George King ordered him not to use medical marijuana while he
was on federal bond.  Because his mother and brother had put up their houses
for this bond, Peter felt obliged to follow this order.  But it meant he
could not keep down his medicine and his viral count.

Over a period of time Peter developed a routine of bedrest and other
precautions so that he could keep down his medicine.  See:
His health began to return but he asserted that there was not way that he
could follow this routine in jail.  He hoped the judge would understand this
and sentence him to a period of house arrest.

Peter choked to death due to the lack of a proper anti-emetic.  Forgive me
for my anger, but it feels to me that he died as a direct result of the
bullshit he was fighting so hard.  California voters passed an initiative so
that seriously ill patients like Peter could use medical marijuana.  Because
the federal government is unwilling to face the reality that marijuana is a
medicine, Goliath had to crush innocent patients like Peter.  For lack of a
proper anti-emetic, Peter died.  I hold the feds responsible.

I pray that somehow a copy of Peter's unfinished work surfaces so that the
world can hear his final message to us.  As a movement we need to find some
way of honoring Peter and his work.  And we need to redouble our efforts to
keep our own government from killing more innocent victims.

With deep respect and loss,



2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


J Edgar Hoover, the head of the FBI who worked relentlessly
to undermine Martin Luther King and others in the civil
rights movement in the 1960s, had black ancestors whose
existence he desperately tried to keep secret, according to
a new book.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Subject: Are you a cultist? (fwd)

2000-06-24 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[Remember this, i.e., Janet Reno's alleged cult quotes??  I
always assumed them to be real, too.  --MS]

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 08:20:59 -0700
From: "Scott Jordan (c/o Yahoo)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Are you a cultist?

Sorry, Howard, it is with mixed emotions that I must tell you:
this quote is bogus, an urban legend.  I got taken to the
woodshed by no less than Joe Farah for putting it on my web page
a couple years ago.  Farah researched it thoroughly and among
other problems, there's the one that Reno had never appeared on
60 Minutes.

The frightening thing is that it's so believable.  That alone
says volumes about America in the 21st century.  I have no doubt
that this is an accurate representation of the views of many in
this Administration, and many--even a majority--in the country.

--Scott J.

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 5:45 PM
Subject: Are you a cultist?

Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 9:41 AM
Subject: Are you a cultist?

  I didn't even realize I was a "cultist" until I read Janet
Reno's definition of one (see below). Now, I find out I'm not
only a cultist, but also a threat to my country!  Does this not
foretell, in her own words, of possible future governmental
intrusion into the lives of us all? Are these her words? Or is
Edgar Bergin pulling the strings on the Reno dummy?

  Read this statement from Janet Reno:

  "A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and
Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies;
who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause;
who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival
foods and has strong belief in the Second Amendment; and who
distrusts big government.

  Any of these may qualify a person as a cultist but certainly
more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a
threat and his family as being in a risk situation that qualifies
for government interference."

  Janet Reno, Attny. General of the United States during an
Interview on CBS "60 Minutes" on June 26, 1999.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Homosexuality Law Scrapped In Scotland

2000-06-24 Thread Bard


June 24, 2000 -- 9:02 am

Homosexuality Law Scrapped In Scotland

LONDON, England (CNSNews) -- Scotland has become the first part of the
United Kingdom to scrap a controversial law banning the promotion of
homosexuality in schools - but opponents of the repeal also scored a moral
victory by getting the importance of marriage enshrined in new guidelines
for sex education teachers.

Faced by a growing public campaign in favor of keeping the law, known as
section 28, ministers in the devolved Scottish Executive reversed course
this week, agreeing to a crucial change in the wording for the
legally-binding teaching guidelines.

Lawmakers then passed the repeal bill by a 99-17 vote.

The text of the compulsory guidelines will now say teachers of sex education
should emphasize " ... the importance of stable family life and
relationships" - and then adds the crucial phrase "... including the
responsibilities of parenthood and marriage."

Previously the Labor-led Executive maintained there was no need for
legally-enforceable guidelines ensuring that teachers highlight marriage in
their classes.

Supporters of section 28, aware that its repeal was ultimately inevitable,
fought for the amendment, which they said may help reassure parents who were
concerned that the abolition of the law would result in homosexuality being
actively promoted in schools.

The Roman Catholic Church and Brian Souter, a Christian transport
millionaire who spearheaded a "Keep the Clause" campaign, welcomed the
inclusion of marriage in the guidance.

Souter last month financed Britain's first ever privately-funded referendum
on the matter, in which 87 percent of Scottish voters who responded voted to
keep section 28. On Wednesday he announced he was closing down the campaign.

Souter's "Keep the Clause" drive was supported by Cardinal Thomas Winning,
leader of Scotland's 750,000 Roman Catholics, who warned earlier: "If we are
not very, very careful, we will inadvertently promote a lifestyle for our
children which will reduce their life expectancy, increase their chances of
HIV infection and expose them to predatory and abusive relationships."

The eight-month long dispute over section 28 dominated the first year of the
devolved Scottish Executive's existence.

Section 28 was introduced by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Conservative
government in 1980s, partly as a reaction to the actions of left-wing local
government councils which promoted "politically correct" programs.

It said local authorities "shall not promote the teaching in any maintained
school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family

It opponents, headed by the homosexuality advocacy lobby, said it was
discriminatory and had no place in a modern, tolerant society. Some teacher
groups said it provided an environment in which homophobic bully could

Its supporters said the law's repeal would open the doors for highly graphic
and offensive material already being prepared for use in some schools.

The British government has still not managed to scrap section 28 in England
and Wales, its attempts to do so having been repeatedly stymied by the
Conservative-dominated upper House of Lords.

No more same-sex 'marriages'.
No more homosexual sex education.. http://www.massnews.com/maygsa.htm
 Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] warning: for pet owners

2000-06-24 Thread Eagle 1

I am being told as recently as 
yesterdaythat using a certain household product animals are being put at 
extreme risk and use of this product in a durrogatory way is becoming a serious 
problem in the US for pet owners, as this toxin is easily accessible for 
those who would choose to poison animals. This toxin causes an 
agonizing death to animals who ingest it, particularly in cats. 

Pet owners should be warned of this hazard.

Pass on this information to anyone who has a cat or dog that goes outside 

Antifreeze Poisoning from Ethylene glycol 
Q: Dear Dr Mike 
Recently in Australia a number of show dogs have been poisoned by 
antifreeze. People have assumed that dogs have been poisoned on purpose by 
some unknown party contaminating dogs water bowls at shows. It has also 
been suggested that this may have occurred by air-conditioning systems. 
eg: Home  Cars etc. 
Could this be the case? What are the symptoms to look out for  how 
long does it take for symptoms to occur after ingestion? Your reply to 
these questions would be gratefully received. 
Margaret RA: The most 
commonly used antifreeze compounds contain ethylene glycol, which is toxic to 
dogs and cats if ingested. The minimal lethal dosage for cats is 1.4ml/kg of 
body weight and for dogs 4.4 to 6.6 ml/kg of undiluted ethylene glycol, 
according to Thrall, Grauer and Dial in Kirk's Current Therapy XII. This 
means that 1 teaspoonful of antifreeze (5ml) could kill a 7 pound cat. 
Antifreeze is normally diluted for use in automobiles so more of the diluted 
solution would have to be ingested to achieve toxic levels. Unfortunately, 
antifreeze seems to be palatable to dogs and cats and ingestion of large 
amounts of the solution can occur. 
Ethylene glycol has similar effects to ethanol (the alcohols imbibed 
recreationally by humans). However, it is broken down in the liver into 
different compounds than ethanol and these metabolic products cause damage 
to the kidneys and are more toxic to the central nervous system than the 
ethylene glycol. 
Antifreeze poisoning normally occurs when pet become exposed to antifreeze 
leaking from a car's cooling system or when antifreeze is changed. 
Sometimes antifreeze is placed in home plumbing systems when heat will not 
be maintained during winter months (such as a summer cottage). When this is 
done it is extremely important to remember to flush the system well prior 
to letting pets in the house. Pets have been exposed to antifreeze 
poisoning maliciously in some instances, as well. 
There is at least one brand of antifreeze sold in the U.S. that does not 
use ethylene glycol and is considered to be safer for pets. 
After exposure to the ethylene glycol clinical signs will develop in as 
short a time as 30 minutes to approximately as long as 12 hours, depending 
on the dose ingested. Depression, signs of intoxication similar to alcohol 
ingestion, vomiting, depression, coma and death may occur among the initial 
signs of poisoning. These signs normally last less than 12 hours in dogs 
causing some owners to think the danger has passed. Cats are less likely to 
recover from the initial signs. After the central nervous system effects 
are over, the kidneys are damaged by the antifreeze. In cats this may seem 
like a continuous thing because the kidney effects often show up just as 
the CNS signs would have diminished. In dogs the kidney problems usually 
show up one to three days after ingestion of the antifreeze. Formation of 
urine drops off until urine is not produced at all. This severe renal 
failure causes vomiting, sores in the mouth, a noticeable increase in oral 
odor, severe depression and then eventually coma and death. 
The really bad thing about antifreeze poisoning is that treatment must be 
initiated very promptly for the pet to survive. Dogs do best if treated 
within five hours of ingestion of the antifreeze. Cats need to be treated 
even sooner. The chances of survival diminish rapidly 8 hours post 
ingestion in the dog and 4 hours post ingestion in cats. For this reason, 
it is extremely important to consider the possibility of antifreeze 
poisoning almost any time there are unexplained central nervous system 
disorders that occur acutely in dogs and cats. 
There are tests specifically for ethylene glycol. An "in-house" test kit is 
available to veterinarians and local hospitals are often willing to test 
for this toxin on an emergency basis when exposure is suspected. 
Examination of the urine reveals crystals that are highly suspicious of 
ethylene glycol exposure about six hours after the toxin is ingested but 
waiting for these to show up places the pet at risk. Looking for crystals 
when the timing of exposure is unknown can give good prognostic 
information, though. 
Treatment for this condition is best done with 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP, or 
fomepizole (Antizol-Vet(TM)), which was recently approved for use in dogs. 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Eagle 1

May I add...
Jesus was rejected by the Pharisees' temple cult of darkness. In fact, Jesus
said: "This is your hour and the power of darkness." (Luke 22:53) Regardless
of how many may try, no one will ever be able to apply this identification
of the overspreading of the abomination desolation over the Temple and
Jerusalem to anyone else. Jesus was crucified by these same ones who took
Him. (Luke 22:52-54)

Regardless of how hard many try, the evil deed of rejecting and plotting the
murder of Jesus can never be attributed to Rome Imperial or Rome Papal.
Regardless of how hard some deny it, the Apostles always accused the
Phariseees of this wicked and evil deed (Acts 2:23; 3:14-15; 7:52; 1
Thessalonians 2:15; James 5:6). The Romans were trapped into this murder by
the Sanhedrin and coercing Pilate with threats of reporting him to Rome for
allowing another man in the Roman Empire to be called a King. The Romans
were never blamed by the Apostles for the death of Jesus.

eagle 1

- Original Message -
From: "tenebroust" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

 Your response illustrates my contention exactly.  The Roman rulers of
Palestine had the final say in all executions, it is a historic fact.  The
Jews could not condemn anyone, it had to be the Roman legal system that did
it, so Pilate could not wash his hands.  There is no historical evidence of
there ever being any practice of allowing people to be freed for Passover or
any other holiday, prisoners stayed in prison or were executed, never
released because people wanted it.  Jesus was a prisoner of the Romans, not
the Jews.  Jesus was killed by Roman soldiers, on the orders of Roman
rulers.  But if you want to believe the Pharisees or anyone else was at
fault be my guest.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Skeptic News - Saturday #2

2000-06-24 Thread Ric Carter

SkeptiNews 000624b - - - - - - - - - - - All The News That's Fit To Question

* Yesterday's bulletins: http://web.pitas.com/skeptinews/23_06_2000.html
* Passages starting with ':' are editorial comments to provoke discussion.
* PLEASE do NOT include the ENTIRE bulletin when you reply; cut/paste, eh?
* Site of latest notices, praises, discoveries: http://skeptilog.pitas.com
* No cyberwarriors were hot-wired during the production of this bulletin.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Metal Dogbone Asteroid: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/pictures/kleopatra/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  beautiful: http://CNN.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/06/23/gore.finance/
# BUCHANAN COURTS MUSLIM VOTE - Catholicism and Islam share so many vital
  values: http://CNN.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/06/23/buchanan.muslim/
# Hindu man accused of killing missionary to seek public office in India:
# Singing candidate: http://news.excite.com/news/r/000623/08/odd-singer-dc

@ So, maybe you've heard of http://www.bigidea.com/ Veggie Tales, the
  adorable, computer rendered, Christian vegetables. And maybe you've even
  seen some of the http://www.bigidea.com/products/videos/ videos. But
  have you played the shockwave games? I'll bet that you haven't helped
  super-hero cucumber http://www.larry-boy.com/ Larry-Boy complete his
  http://www.larry-boy.com/mission/default.htm mission, or helped Josh
  http://www.bigidea.com/kids/games/josh/ and his Israelite vegetable
  army overcome the slushee throwing guardians of Jericho, or played their
  frighteningly cute http://www.bigidea.com/kids/games/pile_up/ tetris
  knock-off. Now worship me at http://www.memepool.com/Subject/Religion/
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# Recombinant DNA For The Home Hobbyist. How to amplify and isolate DNA
  chains in your kitchen, using the tried-and-true Polymerase Chain Reaction
  technique. Use it for massively parallel computing experiments; to ID
  friends, pets, and favorite houseplants; or to help eliminate epidemics.
  But what'll happen when enterprising teenagers start playing with plasmids
  and recombinant DNA? http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/18/1316258

# New Theory Proposes Strong Gravity and a Universe at Your Fingertips. How
  much of the universe can you pinch between your thumb and finger? Maybe a
  lot more than you think. Far reaches of the cosmos may lie less than a
  millimeter away. Whole other universes may be within your grasp. Be here
  now: http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/multi-d-universe.html

# The Amazing Bend-o-Nanotubes. A new discovery in the nature of carbon na-
  notubes may be a key contribution to the realization of nanotechnological
  dreams. Revolution: http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=00/06/20/1343204
# Dowsing thrives into 21st Century. A professional well-driller says he has
  found water by dowsing maybe 200 times over 33 years, with a 90% success
  rate. http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/06/22/water.dowsers.ap/index.html

: Have you done any home gene-splicing lately? D'ya use nanobots to rebuild
y'r genes/brain/cat/phone/planet? Have you doused any universes lately? Are
they gooshy? Do you feel God-like? Are you divine? Has anyone noticed? How?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

  ancient maze of underground passages in south Armagh has solved a vast
  centuries-old mystery: http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/tunnel00.htm
# Suffolk site throws up new treasures. (BBC) An Anglo Saxon cemetery has
  been uncovered at Sutton Hoo. Coroners seek cause of death of Galahad:

# SUBMERGED EGYPTIAN CITIES. An underwater archaeological survey of the Med-
  iterranean off Egypt's north coast has revealed the remains of two 2,500-
  yr-old cities (Menouthis  Herakleion?), which served as trading hubs in
  the Late Dynastic Period. http://archaeology.org/online/news/negypt.html

# Ancient Contacts in the Americas. Maya had memories of white gods... Roman
  coins found in Venezuela  Maine... Roman pottery in Mexico... an ancient
  Sicilian coin in Alabama... http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/evidence.htm
# Ancient Egyptians in the New World? 2 statuettes found in Mayan ruins that
  depict the Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris! How did Egyptian artifacts get
  to the New World? http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/sf098/sf098a01.htm

: Have you uncovered any ancient mysteries lately? D'ya prefer mazes, sunken
cities, anomalous artifacts, blasted heaths/plains/deserts/hills, forbidden
knowledge, me? Do the voices in your head guide your explorations? Why not?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

# How many people does it take to change the world? With six billion people
  and counting, Planet Earth faces crossroads on coming to terms with popu-
  lation growth. Cutbacks: 

Re: [CTRL] [whitespeak] This Patriot will NEVER support the Demo/Repub Duopoly!

2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Fred, JFK tried that and look what happened to him.  See my Post, 'The
Reason JFK was Assassinated'.
Pro Libertate - For Freedom

- Original Message -
From: "Frederick A. Weiland" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 8:35 PM
Subject: RE: [whitespeak] This Patriot will NEVER support the Demo/Repub

 I would like for American citizens to regain control of our government.
 do that we must replace the GOP-DEM party combine in Congress and elect a
 Congress whose members will establish a national bank to coin our money
 control its value in accord with Article 1 of the Constitution of the
 States.  This would entail buying present privately owned banks and hiring
 their employees to the extent necessary.  The new bank would be owned by
 United States and be operated at a profit to finance Social Security and

 Voters should support only candidates for the House and Senate who commit
 establish the new Constitutional Bank as soon as practicable after

 Fred Weiland

 Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 11:35 AM
 Subject: Re: [whitespeak] This Patriot will NEVER support the Demo/Repub

 I think we should start a write in campain to wake up the establishment.
 only problem is who do we choose? Some people I've talked to want Duke,
 others want Pierce, some want Hale, while I'm kind of partial to Rocker.
 we can get everyone to write in a vote for the same person for president,
 maybe we can give those in DC notice. If anyone has an idea for someone
 everyone will agree on maybe we can get the ball rolling before it's too


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Study: Fatherhood Turns Men To Faith

2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Note by Sender - Brothers and Sisters, Haven't you had enough of the
Feminist conspiracy, funded by the international banking cartel, to destroy
the traditional family which is so essential to the process of bonding,
nurturing, and instilling respect and discipline in our young?
Would sure appreciate it if you were to deem this Post worthy of
re-distribution far and wide.
Study: Fatherhood Turns Men To Faith

ATHENS, OH (CHARISMA) -- Fatherhood turns men to faith. Forty-four percent
of dads attend worship services at a church, synagogue or mosque, compared
with 29 percent of guys without children, according to an eight-year study
by Scripps Howard News Service and Ohio University.

"I've known a number of men who come back to church when their kids are born
or when they are old enough to start asking their dads the really tough
questions of life," men's issues writer Robert Wolgemuth told Scripps
Howard. "Fathers start to wonder if God can help them to sort out their own
lives and help raise their children."

Religious involvement was just one way that becoming a father changes the
course of a man's life, the survey of almost 6,500 men found. Dads also
typically earn more and move homes less than childless men. "If fathering
does not change your life, then you are not doing it right," said Kyle
Pruett, clinical professor of psychiatry at Yale's Child Study Center.

Fathers are also more concerned about some of the ways society is changing,
found the study. "Once you begin to look outside of your own needs and
selfishness, once you begin to worry about someone else, then you lift your
eyes above the next horizon," commented Pruett, "and when you do, you
realize that there is plenty to be worried about."
(Post date: June 22, 2000)


Power MUST be transferred, come November,

The Harold Pratt House
58 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10021
Tel. (212) 434-9400; Fax: (212) 861-1789
 Washington Office:
 1779 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
 Washington, DC 20036
 Tel. (202) 518-3400; Fax (202) 986-2984

United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CIA Blocks Manuscript of Former Operative

2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

So look at Los Alamos...someday will we read about what happened there
in a book?   I do not like people or CIA operatives who sign agreements
to maintain secrecy only to break their word and a man is judged by his
word is he not?   The contract is supposed to help keep im honest.

I remember reading Victor Marchetti's book and I was invited to
Assassinatoin Committee meeting in 1974 where he and Mark Lane (who
stole my bible code or theory thereof in his book - but I still have
that copyright)...anyway I did not go to this conference for I began to
think as they say, something was rotten in Denmark.   Mark Lane is
always the guy that gets away and he alone escapes to tell the truth -
in a book.  My friend said he was CIA lawyer of worst possible type -
and I now believe her.

Norman Mailer was there and tht guy burned out years ago with Lane -
both tried to run for Council in NYC - guess the former has sobered up
by now.

Bud Fensterwald was betrayed by Lane, who told stories out of school to
Larry Flynt who was later shot in the name of JFK though he was trying
to acquire some respectiblity getting close to the limelight - this man
Flynt was in with president Carter's Born Again Chrisian sisteral
Gore is a born again Christian - what ws he before, a Don in the Mafia?

No this CIA operative is like a Kissinger = the enemy with in and he
wants his 30 pieces of silver.   Remember Welch brought home in a
conffin becaue Kissinger deliberately let pictures overseas CIA lists be
takenBob Pope CIA who headed National Enquired nailed hat bastard on
that one - old KGB Agen Code Name Bore Kissinger.the enemy within.

Look at Colby fund dead in the river = I used to listen to tapes of this
man and a guy named Secord.pretty dull stuff for me, but the man who
played them had big in with Jack Anderson and was on the lam more than
once with Feds out to get him.

So is there safety in Numbers when you have a traitor within who breaks
his word and does not live up to his agreement

Make a fast buck - do like Cavendish and Hunt and some of the others -
make the crap fiction for people get the truth and nobody can prove
itlike the bible code - try to take that to Court.
Like Martha Mitchell when witness in Watergate where she tried to
protect her husband - went to Court with KING JAMES BIBLE..later she
was drugged and ended up dead anyway.

This greedy man puts other lives in jeopardy only because he uses inside
information with which he was entrusted and promised to keep secret.

What happened to John Paisley who lived next door to Bud Fensterwald who
headed up Asassination Committee - he was respected by the House
Committee to Investigate the Assassinations but the CIA told him if he
took job as counsel on the report, etc., he would have his head brought
to him on a platter.   Now Mark Lane betrayed Bud, who said he would
deny it if he revealed what he had said in Flynt's first and last FREE
PRESSLane went ahead, and this guy even went to Jonestown, and
direct association with Rick Strawcuter and was with Dorothy Kilgallon
night or night before she died.he has writen many books.

Read last Chapter of Ecclesiasticsabout the writing of many
books.this were virtually Sam Ervins last words as Chairman of
Watergate Committeebooks, books, books and more books.

Want to see the enemy within?  Why is it when it comes to CIA you find
Welsh, Fitzgerald, and Welch names so active?  Because  these men were
men of honor and a lot of OSS died in WWII..oh it was terrible
becaue these men were Waspswell now get a load of the CIA with a guy
named Deutch who took secrets home and put in his computerhe stole
them, and look at Los Alamos, with red chinese running all over
hell..are these Japanese like this Horihouchi or whatever the hell
his name was..the guy who was at Waco and murdered Vicky Weaver at
Ruby Ridge - was at West Point probably about same time that let the
murdering Meyr Lansky's so in?   How much did they pay..

Looks like they all like to play with fire.check out that Miami hot
spot that was, and see the Star of David flying outside Elian's
housedid you get a load of that kid ditching two over a fence caught
on camera?To an unknown person?And the Star of David flies but
the Confederate Flag is verboten?

Any CIA agent that betrays his country should be tried in a criminal
court if it results in the death of one agent - this country has the
enemy within it its Oval Office .

Anyone for golf, or is that now off limis to Scotsmen?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx, Jesuit trained Clinton ... et al

2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well the Marx Brothers were about as popular as Chalie Chaplin I
understand.Chaplin wrote the beautiful song Limelight but after he
died, someone stole his body later found in a trash bag for they did not
want a Jew buried in this Swiss cemetary.

Marx Brothers?  Frankly I never cared for their brand of humor but they
came at a time when America was being to be destroyed from within.

No one ever really questioned Oswald being a Marxist and Marx hated
jews.Oswald claimed to have omnipotence and power when only 15 so he
was being trained well probably something like little Sirhan.

These Marx brothers, Harpo, Grouch, Chico and Karl (?) had one thing in
common - they all had been charged with being communists .

Some people like low brow humor, I never did - I always liked a little
wit involved.

You guys probably all loved All In the Family, and as usual, this low
brow show began in England where look at them today.

When America is all one big Central Park like NYC.let us see if you
are still laughing.

And when all the White Farmers in South Africa are murdered and those
bastards starve to death with their land looted for diamonds when they
are so stupid they cannot grow food.then I will have last laugh, for
I will remember the murdered White Farmers and their chidren - and as
the face of America grows black with shame - well face it, the ones with
the dough will go elsewhere while America dies from Aids like South
Africa now dies.

Anyone for Aids?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] this seems like old news, but still, here you go, Phil's in Cuba, and in busines

2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

June 23, 2000
Infamous ex-CIA agent Philip Agee resurfaces in Cuba

HAVANA (AP) -- Former CIA agent Philip
Agee, a longtime friend of communist
Cuba who exposed purported CIA
operatives in his infamous book, has
resurfaced in Havana, where he has
launched what he says is the first
independent American business in 40
 With European investors and the
state-run travel agent as his partner,
Agee has opened a travel Web site
designed specifically to bring American
tourists to the island -- even if it
means violating the U.S. trade embargo.

 The site, cubalinda.com, offers package
tours within Cuba and other help with
Cuban tourism that is largely off limits
to Americans because of U.S. law.
 "I would like to see people ignore the
law," Agee said at a news conference
Thursday. "The idea is to disdain this
law to the point that our grandfathers
disdained Prohibition."
 Agee has long enraged supporters of
U.S. sanctions on Cuba by his support
of Fidel Castro's revolution and campaign
to end the nearly four-decade-old embargo,
which limits American tourists from
spending money on the island --
effectively barring them from visiting.
 He has also been accused of receiving
up to $1 million US in payments from the
Cuban intelligence service. He has denied
the accusations, which were first made by
a high-ranking Cuban intelligence officer
and defector in a 1992 Los Angeles Times
 Agee, 65, quit the CIA in 1969 after 12
years with the agency, working mostly in
Latin America during the years that leftist
movements were gaining prominence and
 His 1975 book Inside the Company: CIA
Diary cited alleged CIA misdeeds against
leftists in Latin America that included a
22-page list of purported agency
 Barbara Bush, the wife of former president
George Bush -- himself a onetime CIA chief
-- in her autobiography accused the book
of exposing a CIA station chief, Richard
Welch, who was later killed by leftist
terrorists in Athens in 1975. Agee, who
denied any involvement in the death, sued
her for defamation and she revised the
book to settle the case.
 Agee's U.S. passport was revoked in 1979.
U.S. officials said he had threatened
national security.
 After years of living in Hamburg, Germany
-- occasionally underground, fearing CIA
retribution -- Agee has decided to make
Havana his home and the seat of his new
 American companies have been barred from
doing business with Cuba since the embargo
was imposed in the 1960s to put pressure
on Castro.
 "I don't have a licence. I don't have
permission. I haven't asked and I'm not
going to, because it's a question of
principle," Agee said.
 A spokesman at the U.S. Treasury
Department in Washington said officials
were unaware of Agee's plans and had no
comment Thursday.
 Agee said he received funding for the
tourism project from European investors,
but declined to say how much or even who
they are.
 "They are not especially interested
in advertising the fact that they're
involved with me here," Agee said,
acknowledging his own infamy.
 The Web site, which has been partially
running since February, is to launch
today its first major promotion targeted
at Americans -- a week-long tour during
carnival festivities in July and August.
 Prices start at around $600 inclusive
-- although not including airfare, which
must be arranged separately and through
a third country unless the visitor
receives a Treasury Department licence,
he said.
 The tours must be pre-paid over the
Internet to a European bank account
run by the company -- a rare concession
to U.S. law in that the money isn't
directly deposited in a Cuban account.
 Agee said he has received no word from
the U.S. government about his dealings.
But he has received threatening e-mails
from people he believes are anti-Castro
Cuban-American exiles in Miami, who are
opposed to any dealings with Cuba.
 "It's always nice to know that your
enemy, or that your unfriendly side,
knows that you're in business," he said.

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2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Here is information on USS Liberty - someone on list had sent
informationi out on this.   This is the ship the Israelies tried to sink
- napalmed our troops for 75 minutes while they lay wounded on deck.
34 dead, 171 wounded - the idea was to sink this ship which was in
intrnational waters and blame on the Egyptians.

So there is an investigation I understand going on now - and most
favored nation Israel will be brought into this one.

Did you see one Memorial to the ship on June 8 this year other than
those who lost their sons like the one lady whose son died at only 24?

It seems this story hits a nerve on some people, and I say tough.
International Waters and these assassins murder our men and get away
with it..then they battled two years in Court trying to get out of
paying for their murder?

A Saba

A Day to Remember Always

 "Attack one American and you attack all Americans" was recently
proclaimed by President Clinton. More recently, an Assistant Secretary
for State proclaimed that the U. S. government always protects its
citizens. These are damn lies and meaningless words. These words were
not true in 1967 (when Israel deliberately attacked the USS LIBERTY,)
and unfortunately, and in spite of these beautiful words, they are not
even true today. Moreover, there is no such thing as justice.
(To see a pilot's eye picture of the USS Liberty  CLICK HERE)
(To see a bigger, beautiful picture of the Liberty  CLICK HERE)
(Israel claims they thought it was an Egyptian horse transport.)
On that June day in 1967, the weather was beautiful... Clear and sunny,
visibility unlimited... the LIBERTY, an elaborate state-of-the art
intelligence gathering platform, was in international waters off the
Gaza strip and was flying the Stars and Stripes. Israeli reconnaissance
planes flew overhead for hours. Pilots and ship's crew waved to each
other. Then, inexplicably, unmarked Israeli aircraft began attacking the
The defenseless LIBERTY radioed for help. Two aircraft carriers in the
Med responded by launching fighter aircraft. Unbelievably, they were
recalled by the White House. RADM Geis, then commanding the carriers in
the Sixth Fleet, called Washington personally to confirm the order.
SecDef McNamara came on the line, then President Johnson. Johnson
indicated to Geis that the aircraft were to be returned, that he would
not have his allies embarrassed, and that he didn't care who was killed
or what was done to the ship. Geis, like any good sailor, recalled the
 (If you have RealAudio, and click on the picture of CDR Dave Lewis at
the right, you will HEAR Dave tell about his conversation with Admiral
With no help forthcoming, the LIBERTY fell an easy victim to Israel's
motor torpedo boat attack. FIVE torpedoes were lobbed at the Liberty,
one hit amidships and instantly killed 25 sailors. A total of 34 died in
the attack.
President Johnson went on television and announced to the American
people that TEN sailors were killed in the "six minute accidental"
attack. Sailors were ordered not to discuss the incident with ANYONE
under threat of court-martial. We waited for the investigation... and
for the explanations and the answers. Why did Israel attack the ship?
Why did the U. S. Government turn its back on the crew members? The
answers never came.
There has NEVER been a congressional investigation. No congressman has
the guts to even suggest such a thing. There has been a NAVY-controlled
white-washed investigation of the crew's actions during the attack, but
nothing else was covered. Even in this, evidence was changed, and
officers who knew the answers were not asked the right questions.
The attack has been a matter of controversy since 1967. Survivors and
many key government officials including Secretary of State Dean Rusk and
Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Admiral Moorer say the attack was no
accident. Two Israeli officers have come forward to admit that the
attack was no accident. Yet the Israeli government and its supporters
insist it was a "tragic case of misidentification" and charge that
survivors and their eyewitness supporters are lying.
 (If you have RealAudio, click on Admiral Moorer's picture at the left
and hear what he has to say about the attack.)
The ship's crew is bitter. It is bitter because its own country turned
its back on them... it is bitter because someone killed 34 Americans and
got away with it...what's more, that its own government covered up the
truth and HELPED them get away with it!
"Ahhh," you say. "Anti-Semitism!" No. Many of the ship's crew are
Jewish, and we have many Jewish friends. We are NOT anti-Semitic. We ARE
anti-Israel. We know that Israel has controlled the American congress
for years... to the point where 34 dead sailors can go un-investigated!
"A man who is good enough to shed his blood
for his country is good enough to be given a square
deal afterwards. More than that no man is entitled to,
and less than that no man shall have."

[CTRL] The Military-Nintendo Complex

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Military-Nintendo Complex

In Orson Scott Card's science-fiction novel Ender’s Game (1985), a group of
kids playing video games discover they are actually being used by the
military to fight real wars. What’s actually happening is this: video games
are being trained by kids to fight wars. Virtual combat as a recruitment tool
comes next. Strafing villages as online entertainment will follow.

The U.S. Army’s Web site will offer more interactive gizmos including video
games, to attract teens' attention sagging enlistment efforts aid.

The military trained troops for decades with video games: it taught an entire
generation to fight. In partnership with the public sector, the
military/video gaming industry nurtured a cyber-savvy warrior generation.

Dubbed the Military-Nintendo Complex by John Naisbitt in High Tech, High
Touch (New York: Broadway Books, 1999), the suspected link between the
Pentagon and video arcades has long been a hobgobblin of liberal anxiety.
Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex morphed into a
Military-Entertainment Complex (McKenzie Wark).

Col. John Alexander's Project JEDI (1984) used Neuro-linguistic Programming
and creative visualisation techniques; today, virtual simulations and
scenario generators are commandeered to enhance the art of keeping war at
your fingertips. Like arms merchants, the military also unleashed simulated
warfare into the mainstream.

Game designers frequently receive Pentagon funding and other assistance to
create and promote such entertainment. Since turning Doom into Marine Doom,
the Marine Corps Combat and Development Command (Quantico, Va.) has
"evaluated more than 20 commercially available electronic games for their
potential use as training tools for marines." Atari’s 1980s game BattleZone
was made for the U.S. military, and used as a Bradley Fighting Vehicle
training simulator, one of the U.S. arsenals' best anti-personnel devices.
MAK Technologies (Cambridge, Mass.) won a 1997 Department of Defense contract
to create Marine Exed Unit 2000, an amphibious assault game intended for both
military and commercial markets. Interactive Magic, maker of the flight
simulation game Carrier Strike Fighter, was given permission to roam the
aircraft carrier U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln to film videos to ensure accurate
visuals and a realistic feel.

What gets a spy hanged for espionage will only get a video game designer's
name on the military’s mailing list for upcoming events. Each year the U.S.
government hosted Connections Conference war game designers and developers
for a smooze. "Attendees include personnel of the Defense Intelligence Agency
and game companies like GT Interactive," Naisbitt states. "Conference agendas
have included such topics as 'Wargaming Design Fundamentals' and 'Department
of Defense Wargaming 101.' "

Well-meaning efforts to curb violent multimedia pale in comparison to
designers' efforts keep raising the bar on pixilated mayhem. Raven Software
and Activision released Soldier of Fortune, a first-person shooter that
"stands out for its unmatched level of violence."

If stimulating dormant aggressive DNA is id Software's goal, they should have
received a lifetime achievement award by now. The company is promising a Doom
follow-up; its prequel Wolfenstein 3-D has been clinically tested for
increasing "aggressive tendencies."

It is a gross oversimplification that the Military-Nintendo Complex has an
entire gamers population right where they want them. The U.S. Army’s upgrade
is a desperate attempt to draw out a technologically intoxicated society of
youths too emotionally downloaded to enlist. Suburban super-strata will
likely stay home for Armageddon - unless it can be played out online with a
Playstation2 or Dreamcast device, leaving the upcoming generation in the bad
neighborhoods to play for keeps, brick-and-mortar style. The "digital divide"
must make the Pentagon wonder if America’s underclass has the "nuts" and
know-how for the one-click wars to come.

Research by Douglas McDaniel


The Information War
In this 21.C magazine article, Australian cyberculture theorist McKenzie Wark
proposes that Eisenhower's Military-Industrial Complex had been usurped by
the Military-Entertainment Complex.


Child's Play: Computer Games: Who's Looking Out For Your Kids?
What I could never get an answer for from the ESRB was why Delta-Force, a
first-person shooter, gets a "Teen" rating for shooting Asians, Columbians
and Arabs, but Quake III gets a "Mature" rating for equally grotesque


Killology Research Group
He is a retired officer whose profile was maximized after 

[CTRL] Texas Doctors refuse to do autopsy of executed

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Please repost-from abolish-L:

 Dear friends around the world
 of Shaka Sankofa / Gary Graham:

 In preparing for the memorial program for Shaka Sankofa / Gary
Graham we
 are asking for brief messages (about one paragraph each) from Shaka's
 many friends and supporters around the world.

 We want especially to hear from all those who worked with and for
 over the years.  Those who distributed the "Endeavor" newspaper in other
 countries, for instance, and those who have organized demonstrations,
 press coverage, etc., around the world.

 We need these messages by Sunday morning, Houston time (CDT), since
 memorial programs will be held Wednesday night and Thursday morning, and
 the program must be prepared.

 The memorials will be held at:

 Northwest Community Baptist Church,
 Rev. James Dixon, Pastor
 1000 block of Pinemont St., off N. Shepherd
 in Houston

 Ross Mortuary of Houston is handling arrangements.
 Wake: 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 28
 Funeral:  10:00 a.m. to noon, Thursday, June 29.

 The family is planning a wrongful death suit against TDCJ, and must await
 the arrival from New York of physicians willing to perform an autopsy,
 since no local qualified doctors were willing to participate in a
 procedure which will undoubtedly implicate the powerful prison system.
 Shaka's injuries probably include bruised or cracked ribs and possibly
 internal injuries incurred in an attack by six or eight guards.  He was a
 warrior to the end.

 Please let us know about any other memorials or demonstrations.

 Those we know about so far:

 New York City:  demonstration against Bush at the
 New York Hilton, 54th St.  6th Ave., 6:00 p.m.  Monday, June 26th.

 Brooklyn, NY:  Memorial
 House of the Lord, Rev. Herbert Daughtry, Pastor.
 6:30 p.m., Friday, July 7th.

 Chicago:  memorial on Saturday, July 8th.
 No details at present.

 Long Live Shaka Sankofa!

 Moratorium NOW!

 In Solidarity,

 Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well one man left his wife because his family got into that I am a black
descendent of Thomas Jefferson - and he wanted no part of it.

So they had a big family reunion, the black and the tan of itand lo
and behold, DNA tests then proved - hey wrong Jefferson, for Thomas
Jefferson NEVER fathers any children from a black slave.

So William Jefferson Clinton shame, shame shame.it is said you have
a son, who is black, whom you deny.if this is true, the kid should
have DNA test and if Clinton hasn't had all his blood drained with new
bloodwell maybe a Clinton one hundred years from noiw will say, I am
black and Clinton was my great etc. grandfather, only no self respecting
black would want to admit it.

So imagine that big family reunion of all the Jeffersons, and this one
woman giving up her husband for he wanted no part of it.and ow they
are told, no the legend is not true - for you are not related to this
Thomas Jefferson.

So J Edgar Hoover would have had a good laugh over this one for since
the 60 period this story had been going around about his "black blood".
Why?   Is it a crime?

So another poor soul makes a fast buck?   And someday someone will come
around and say - hey, wrong Hoover - or was it.

Seems I heard this story about Hitler.Churchill had coconut boys
working overtime trying to prove Hitler, was Jewish?

Times change, people do notanything for the buckonly the price
has gone up and guess who controls the major publishing houses?

Who cares?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/23/00 7:33:09 AM Central Daylight Time,

 You obviously had a mistaken notion of this list, if you thought it
  would be a forum where you could post your undocumented ramblings
  without discussion and debate.


  And anyone who expected civility in discussions and debates also had a
mistaken notion of this list.  :(


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [BRIGADE] Letter to All Republicans

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Dear Brigade,

This letter is from the Chairman of the Michigan Republican
Assembly. It is both powerful and compelling.

Please post it everywhere a Republican -- on the Net and off --
might see it, especially conservative Republicans.  Is you Dad
a Republican?  Print it out for him.  How about your neighbors?
Mail it to them.

Most important is that you contact the Republican Assembly
in your state.  Remember, their motto says that they are the
"Republican wing of the Republican Party".

The National Federation of Republican Assemblies conducted
their national convention in Kansas City about a week before
Pat moved to the Reform Party. There were over 300 delegates
in attendance representing 40 states. There was only one vote
cast for Bush. The convention ended without endorsing a
candidate because it takes a 2/3 majority to endorse. Forbes
fell short of endorsement by only 1 or 2%. The rest of the votes
went to Pat.

It was a major victory because it was common knowledge that
Pat was going to leave the party and he still had enough
support to prevent a Forbes endorsement. George W. Bush
received only one vote.  He was never the choice of these
conservative Republicans!

You can go to any search engine on the web.  I used HotBot:

Type in "Republican Assemblies" and look for listings in your
state.  Then get the contact info and mail all of them a copy of
this letter.  You can also search for other Republican sites and
send it to them as well.

Brigade, please read this letter and then get it into the hands of
every conservative Republican across the USA.  I know I'm
always asking you to forward my emails, but this time I hope
every single member of this list will heed the call.

For the Cause,


From: Mark A. Forton - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chairman - Michigan Republican Assembly

June 8, 2000

Dear Republican Assembly Leaders,

The Republican Assembly movement has come along way
since 1996 when our friends in California and Arizona decided
that a national movement was necessary. The development of
38 additional state organizations in just three years gives
testimony to the determination of our nations conservatives to
avoid being "Doled again".

However, in spite of our best efforts, that is exactly what
happened. For the third time we are forced out of the process
and must witness a battle between two liberals, Bush vs. Gore.
We are forced to spend another election cycle listening to the
Robertsons, Falwells, Right to Lifers, NRA, the "Save the
Canal" crowd, and a myriad of so called conservative leaders
and organizations trying for the third time to convince us that
the liberal Republican is better than the liberal Democrat. They
will use all the old excuses, from appointments of judges to the
necessity of protecting a majority in Congress; a wimpy
majority with no heart for a fight.

The major failures of the Republican Congress to make
advances or to prevent losses on our traditional issues like
Abortion, Taxes, 2nd Amendment Rights, and Big Government
are just the tip of the legislative iceberg that has slammed into
our Ship of State.

Under a Republican Majority:

1. We have taken the great Reagan victory against the "Evil
Empire" and transformed our great Republic into its
replacement. Slandering our reputation around the world by
attacking an independent nation with no value to our national

2. We have turned an outdated defensive alliance (NATO) into
a dangerous offensive bully and extended its influence to the
very borders of Russia. We have isolated the hurting Russian
people and forced them to seek alliances elsewhere. Such
action has raised their hatred toward America and serves only
the Russian Communists who are running around saying " told
you so" in an attempt to regain power.

3. The "Free Traitor" Republicans have built up the
Communists in Red China much to our peril. Massive transfers
of high technology, heavy manufacturing, and huge trade
deficits failed to change the attitude of this belligerent nation
towards our friends or us. Their missiles are still pointed at us
and it is no secret that their leaders openly state that they
expect a war with the U.S. in the near future. Why do our
Republicans support this MFN? Because they enjoy using the
Communists to provide slave labor for American Multinational
corporations. "Liberty be damned! Profits over everything!"

4. They have opened our boarders to unlimited and
uncontrolled immigration in order to drive down the price of
American labor without regard to the consequences to the
American people in the areas of health, natural resources,
crime, drugs, education or other social programs. They covet
the incomes of American working people over everything else.
The very people who helped give them overwhelming victories in
80, 84, 88, and 94.

5. They work to drive down the cost of skilled labor by 

[CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God, Part I of II

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

This two-part compendium on HAARP is posted as a research document on
electronic warfare and mind control, for the record.  You may agree with
parts of it, and diagree with others but at least it is on public record for
those who are concerned about the risk assessment of HAARP, on the ionophere,
on dimensionality, on population mind control and other impacts. Alfred Webre
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Armageddon or New Age?)


 Kent Steadman's graphics

 Upon further examination it might be possible that
 the proportions in the patterns emanating from HAARP in fact
 exhibit the Golden Ratio.

 looks like the HAARPsters have discovered the hidden sine wave
 in the Fibonacci series--those sly devils.

 When they juice up HAARP on the 23rd, we might all just see the
 everywhere-shape--expect a brilliant white light that penetrates

 (please note: the above date is in legitimate question)**

 I think HAARPster-hamster agenda is to throw up a shield around
 the planet.  Why?  I wonder (who-what) is in approach to earth?

 You will be able to see through closed eyes.

 HAARP would summon-fabricate God--now that could backfire in their


 I have mapped out this HAARP-Golden ratio thing in the
 enclosed attachment; furthermore, I have interpreted with a
 gif construction animation under the heading, "Fabricating God" at:

 Those of you who are discussing the BLUE STAR concept, consider
 that a five-pointed star is also a representation of the Golden
 Mean as is the dodecahedron, which some think is the basic
 crystaline endoskeleton of the earth and the basis for the
 earth grid concept. Might be a good research to identify
 the exact position of the HAARP array (and other sister
 installations)relative to the earth grid.
 SEE: Wondrous Geometry on Mars at:

 We are in for a wild ride!


 I enhanced to bring out the bands of energy on HAARP cam image:
 This picture was taken: 3/10/97; 3:16:52 PM Alaska Time.
 3/11/97; 12:16:52 AM UTC
 Image attached as well as posted at:

  Nice try, but you've just demonstrated "banding" (an image artifact caused
  by reducing the number of colors available to display an image). In
  addition, radio waves do not image onto photographs.

 I intentionally reduced the colors in order to give shape to the
 radiant-signature that I perceived to be there.

 According to legend and paltry few notes Tesla discovered a radiant
 energy quite separate from normal EM frequencies.  This phenomenon,
 perhaps beyond E=M, seemed to pass through, or exist beyond,
 molecular(ly)-identified structures that would normally provide
 shielding from electromagnetic fields.

 Under certain conditions the aether can be seen with the naked eye. I
 thought I saw this familiar blue etheric glow in the HAARP cam image.
 Again, I made an intentional effort to reduce the colors to in order
 augment the emanating crescent SHAPE of "radiant", not radio,
 phenomenon. Shape as expressed through geometry is a better vehicle for
 identifying radiant effect--as opposed to wave or photon theory which
 speaks for the (lesser or stepped-down toward 3D) electromagnetic

 A study of dynamic symmetry, for instance the golden ratio, would help
 to understand radiant FORM.  Please think SHAPE as opposed to frequency.
 Radiant phenomenon is neither matter nor energy--there seems to be
 something else--in times yore identified as aether.  The correct
 approach in understanding the aether would be toward the gestalt
 geometry of the universe.

 HAARP is a Tesla device, not Marconi--the clue.  When they power up
 HAARP, depending on how the device is tuned, we will see that

 Kent Steadman

 ** question of date
 At 10:47 AM 3/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
   Speaking of the HAARP turn on for the 23rd..Does this have anything
 do with Hale-Bopp approaching the earth at it's closest point around

 No. There is NO known HAARP Pturn-on planned for the 23rd. Yet more
 unsourced misinformation on this list. According to the U.S. Navy in an
 answer to my query:

 "We are conducting a science research effort currently. This test period
 will be completed at the end of this week. The next set of tests has not
 been scheduled as of now."  (I've asked for a clarification on this and
 Kent is checking some of his sources for the unofficial story.)

 A lot of people (including me) are monitoring shortwave signals from HAARP,
 so there's no way for them to transmit without our knowing it. By the way,
 in case you're interested, 

[CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God - Part II of II

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Part II of II
 Date sent:Tue, 01 Jul 1997 22:48:16 -0700
 From: "A.J. Craddock" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:  HAARP - More Disturbing News

 HAARP has always had a bad smell to it, and this erudite and credible
 post raises the ugly specter of us paying for one Government Program to
 destroy another.

 One wonders what HAARP's true purpose really is?

 Tony Craddock
 Web Administrator

 To:  Jeane Manning

 I have read two of your books, "The Coming Energy Revolution," and
 "Angels Don't Play this Haarp."  Thank you for the excellent
 expositional works.  They have meant alot to me.  I found out about you
 through an old friend, Walt Rosenthal.  He encouraged me to share my
 ideas with you, so here goes the first one.

 In thinking about the HAARP project, I started thinking about what it
 means to spacecraft within that region of the ionosphere, and I mean
 normal everyday spacecraft such as the space shuttle and satellites.  It
 means very bad things.  Even if they limit themselves to increasing the
 charge particle density to only double or triple, ionospheric heating
 still means more energetic particles on average, and this will have
 catastrophic effects on certain spacecraft materials.  I have just
 completed a three year study of ionospheric interactions with the new
 International Space Station, and even though the problem is still very
 fresh in my mind, it took awhile for me to grasp what an ionospheric
 heater is really doing, then it took me even longer to analyze these
 effects and apply understand the ramifications on my recent work.

 If I understand you correctly, we could start out by saying that the
 ionosphere is comprised primarily of Atomic Oxygen.  In its natural
 state (before the invention of electricity) a fraction of this oxygen
 (and the other constituent gases) was constantly being ionized by solar
 and other radiations.  The ionized atoms would then re-combine with an
 electron (usually within milliseconds) to lose their charge.  Thus an
 equilibrium condition was reached, where depending on the level of solar
 activity, the portion of the atmospheric gases in that region settled in
 the ballpark of 0.01 - 0.1% ionized gas at any one time.  This condition
 began to change however, with the advent of hi-power transmission
 equipment and power lines.  The new technology affected both the
 ionization and re-combination processes, and resulted in localized
 effects to the ionosphere.

 Now enter spacecraft into the picture.  NASA has been fighting a war for
 a decade on the effects that Atomic Oxygen has on polymer spacecraft
 materials.  Essentially what's happening is that Atomic Oxygen is
 ramming into the weak organic chemical bonds at orbital + thermal
 velocities, and eroding away the material slowly.  This is essentially
 the same thing that will happen with the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere as well, but only if the particular spacecraft structure is
 electrically neutral.  As a detail point, the ionized atoms tend to be
 at the higher end of the gasses' energy distribution, because once they
 become ionized they become accelerated by electric forces.  Conversely,
 atoms which are ionized by deliberate application of EM fields get
 accelerated by that same EM field, hence the effect of raising
 temperature.  The ionospheric heater fits in here I now realize.  And it
 is insanity.

 Consider the effects on the new thin-film Space Station Solar Arrays.
 They do not have the property of being electrically neutral in the
 ionosphere by any means.  1,000 to 20,000 times a second, the entire EM
 field surrounding them is collapsed by the voltage regulating SSU
 (non-shunt) circuit controller, and herein lies the problem.  The copper
 circuitry is covered by 2 - 10 mil thick polymers like Kapton.  When we
 analyzed the naturally occuring effects that the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere has on the arrays in 1994, we found the following interesting
 fact.  The AC electric field present in the array circuitry switches 140
 volts at 1 khz, and couples like a capacitor to the ions through the
 Kapton dielectric.  The ions then slam the charged particles into the
 array polymers with a velocity fifty times greater than the
 orbital/thermal velocities of the non-charged gasses.  That's like 2,000
 times the energy in the collision.  The result is that these atoms now
 have enough energy to damage copper and steel.  The process is well
 known as ion sputtering.

 When we completed our analysis, the result was within an order of
 magnitude of saying that the arrays would not survive the requisite
 fifteen years.  We argued and argued and eventually NASA took
 responsibility of the problem from us.  AKA it disappeared.

 We based our analysis on the 1986 model of the ionosphere which takes no
 man-made ionospheric effects into account.  If 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx,Jesuit trained Clinton ... et al

2000-06-24 Thread Tenorlove

--- Michael Pugliese [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just a hunch, but is Aleisha, really another one of Collen Jones,
 "virtual personalities."???

I figured that out by about her second post, but didn't feel like
announcing it.

large spool of rope by side.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: Communist Party (D) - Communist Party (R) (fwd)

2000-06-24 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 10:50:14 -0700
Subject: SNET: Communist Party (D) - Communist Party (R)

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Subj:How To Be A Good Bureaucrat
Date:6/24/00 10:43:46 AM CDT
From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Agnes Allen)

1.  You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of
federal funding.

2.  You have to believe that the same teacher who can¦t teach 4th
graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids
about sex.

3.  You have to believe that guns in the hands of
law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear
weapons technology in the hands of Chinese communists.

4.  You have to believe that there was no art before federal

5.  You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected
by cyclical documented changes in the earth¦s climate, and more
affected by yuppies driving SUVs.

6.  You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being
homosexual is natural.

7.  You have to be against capital punishment but support abortion
on demand; in short, you support protecting the guilty and killing
the innocent.

8.  You have to believe that businesses create oppression and
governments create prosperity .

9.  You have to believe that hunters don't care about
nature but loony activists who've never been outside of Seattle do.

10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than
actually doing something to earn it.

11. You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start

12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain
parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it
supports certain parts of the Constitution.

13. You have to believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too

14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem
are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson,
General Robert E.Lee, or Thomas Edison.

15. You Have to believe that standardized tests are racist but racial
quotas and set-asides aren't . Because the right people haven't
been in charge.

16. You have to believe Hillary Clinton is really a lady.

17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn¦t
worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't
been in charge.

18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail
but a liar and probable sex offender belongs in the White House.

19. You have to believe that a homosexual parades displaying drag,
transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally-protected and
manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.

20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic party funding by the
Chinese is somehow in the best interest of the United States.

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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/22/00 8:32:48 PM Central Daylight Time,

 A, she looks in the mirror and realizes that "time marches on"and
  yeah, Turner is a NWO/UN supporter...she was too most likely until she
  realized that his eye was more easily averted by wimmin' who were actually
  attractive in the HERE and NOW! At that point Jeeezus is the only
  option...one can have only so much cosmetic surgery

  Of course.  Her appearance was her only attribute of note.  What possible
value could a woman have after the beauty of her prime?  Looks like all us
wimmin'-folk will be headin' for Jzus real soon.


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2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Sender's Note - "... the Fabian Society is a cabal of world leaders intent
on taking over the global economy."

The Patriot
Mel Gibson.

by Neil Norman

Perhaps it's because he's an honorary Australian. Or maybe it's just that he
is a Hollywood film star, but the small but perfectly formed Mel Gibson
seems to have it in for the English in a big way.

 In for another round: Mel Gibson comes back for a second crack at the

 Not content with allying himself with the hairy-kneed porridge-munchers in
a ludicrous travesty of British history with Braveheart, Mad Mel is now
having another bash at the English with his historical epic, The Patriot, in
which Gibson stars as Benjamin Martin, a colonial militiaman in the American
War of Independence whose guerrilla exploits against the Redcoats in the
swamps of the Carolinas earned him the sobriquet the Swamp Fox.

Judging by the reaction so far to the film, which opens in the US on 28
June, the English are not only in for a thorough pasting from Mel and his
band of motley guerrillas but also a comprehensive character assassination.
To a man, the dastardly English are depicted as heartless toffs and
machiavels, war criminals and child-killers. As Jason Isaacs, who plays the
British baddie, Col William Tavington, remarked recently: "I'm Satan in this
film. I'm a nasty, evil British officer and Mel comes after me like a
warrior possessed."

But possessed of what, exactly? Certainly not intelligent objectivity and
partiality. What with traducing the historical facts (as far as we know
them) into the colour of money and anti-English sentiment for Braveheart,
Gibson's latest venture looks increasingly as if he has an agenda above and
beyond the $25 million paycheck he allegedly received for The Patriot. It's
a long way and a lot of dollars in the bank since Gallipoli, in which Gibson
played an Australian athlete who joined the Anzacs in the First World War
only to be sent to certain death by - you guessed it - incompetent English
officers. It is entirely possible that Gibson, who was born in Peerskill,
New York and did not arrive in Australia until the age of 12, has bought
into the Australian legacy of English-hating - an atavistic resentment
against the policy of transportation of convicts; then again, Gibson, who is
a devout Catholic, possibly subscribes to a headily romantic view of Celtic
republicanism that finds merit in the perennial resistance of the underdog
nations (Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall) against their merciless oppressor,
England. Or maybe he is just getting his own back against English critics
who have failed to take him seriously enough. Then again, to pursue an
anti-English agenda in Hollywood is a crowd-pleasing tactic and a cheap way
of earning the plaudits (and bucks) of the home team. As every Hollywood
casting agent knows, the devil speaks with an English accent. The fact that
he didn't actually direct The Patriot (as he did Braveheart) matters not a
jot; his involvement legitimizes the enterprise and indicates an endorsement
of the film's warped sentiments. Once director Roland Emmerich got involved
as director (formerly of Godzilla and all points SFX blockbuster) it was
clear that historical accuracy was never going be high on the agenda. With
Gibson on board the primary aim for the movie was big box-office success.
Therefore, it was necessary to rewrite the "hero" - the real-life Francis
Marion, a thoroughly unpleasant dude who was, basically, a terrorist - to a
level of palatability that is more appropriate for the wholesome Mr Gibson.

A devout traditional Catholic with seven children by his wife Robyn Moore to
prove it, Gibson's inclination is towards the more reactionary political
sentiment. To wit, he has pronounced against abortion, has said he would
encourage his own children to take up weapons in self-defence and believes
that the Fabian Society is a cabal of world leaders intent on taking over
the global economy.

The man appears confused. Now we find him whitewashing the character of
Francis Marion who, according to a recent article in the Daily Express, had
a reputation as a racist who hunted Indians for sport and regularly raped
his female slaves. According to Christopher Hibbert, a British expert on the
American Revolution, Marion "was a wily and elusive character, very active
in the persecution of Cherokee Indians and not at all the sort of chap who
should be celebrated as a hero. ... The truth is that people like
Marion committed atrocities as bad if not worse than those perpetrated by
the British."

Given his penchant for conspiracy theories (he even appeared in a film of
that title as a paranoid taxi driver), Gibson may not be the most reliable
ambassador for the "special relationship" that purportedly exists between
England and America. But as to why he seems to have such a chip on his
shoulder about the English, I am at a loss. Perhaps when you've had as many
demons of your own as 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx,Jesuit trained Clinton ...

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/24/00 1:39:18 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Just a hunch, but is Aleisha, really another one of Collen Jones,
   "virtual personalities."???

  I figured that out by about her second post, but didn't feel like
  announcing it.

  large spool of rope by side.

  But so many things are different from Colleen's posts, most notably the
spelling, grammar and syntax - not to mention the overall clarity.


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Re: [CTRL] Fonda sorry for taking pic in Vietnam

2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Hey Samwhat about some of these men - you go to bed at night with
Dr. Jekyell and wake up with Mr. Hyde?

Married 20 years and suddenly the guy like rabbit, wants to roam?   You
cannot tame wild things for too long.

Take you choiceDr. Jekyell or Mr. Hyde and when their personalities
fuse maybe you get a crazy mixed up kid for the rest of your life, like
Ted Turner.   Goodbye Rip Van Winkle - he sobered up.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

Lizzie was later seen, and attested to to, having burned a dress that did
have blood stains on it. The implicit suggestion by the defense was that
it was menstrual blood though why she didn't wash it and chose to burn it
was never satisfactorily explained by Lizzie.

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reference Lizzie Borden - 20 whacks with an axe and from what I read
  would not have blamed here.   One recent TV movie hinted Lizzie's
  did it.  Such a brutal crime for two sweet ladies hard to believe.

 If your only information regarding the Borden murders is via movies,
 your knowledge is sorely lacking.

 By the way, it wasn't '40 Whacks', the children's ditty not

 Emma, Lizzie's older sister, wasn't home that day...she had left to
 stay with friends at the shore a week before...so how could she have
 been in two places at once?

 Lizzie was seen shortly before the murders outside in the yard (she
 testified she'd been out in the barn when the murders occurred), just
 minutes after her father came home from work; it was only minutes after
 her father had been murdered when she called the maid downstairs to
 tell her of her (Lizzie's) father being murdered...Lizzie was composed,
 wearing the same dress she had worn all morning, and didn't have any
 blood on her self or her clothes...

 The murder weapon was never found (altho the Fall River police did
 finally take one broken ax from the house that was later claimed by the
 prosecution to have been the murder weapon even though there were no
 traces of blood on it and the broken handle had obviously been broken
 for some time because it wasn't a new break)...

 So how could Lizzie have given her father 11 whacks with an ax, causing
 blood to splatter on the wall behind the father and not get any blood
 on herself, and be able to successfully hide the murder weapon in a
 very tiny house?  There was only a 20 minute time frame for Andrew
 Borden to have been murdered in, which makes it almost impossible for
 Lizzie to have killed her father...

  The mob cried Give us Barabas..while Judas gave the kiss of
 death -
  the informer?   It was that Italian mob all the time?

 "Give us Barrabas" is a legend, nothing more.  There is no evidence
 that Barrabas even existed.  And the Roman authorities would never have
 given up a prisoner condemned to be crucified because the residents of
 Jerusalem asked them to.  Those condemned to be crucified were
 condemned of high crimes and misdemeanors against the Roman state, and
 wouldn't have been pardoned because a rabble asked...

 "The kiss of death"...?  Again, Jesus' whole reason for being was as a
 sacrifice for our collective sins...in other words, God's plan would
 have been meaningless if Jesus had lived to a ripe old age and died in
 His sleep of natural causes

 So everyone that factored in Jesus' 'betrayal' was part of God's
 plan...and that includes Judas...

 But there are some clues that the commonly accepted 'facts' of Judas
 are skewed to present a picture that is not quite accurate...

 In one part of the New Testament it's claimed Judas hanged himself...in
 another part it mentions he was found with his throat cut...

 Hard to cut one's throat and then hang oneself, eh?

  But in the bible too, they do say The Camels Are Coming.

 What book and verse?


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[CTRL] Date: 23 June 2000 Federalist #00-25.dgst Part 2

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"To know That which before us lies in daily life Is the prime wisdom."
--John Milton  {}  "At all times sincere friends of freedom have been
rare, and its triumphs have been due to minorities" --Lord Acton
{}  "Government is the great fiction, through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." --Frederic
Bastiat.  {}  "I say: Know your enemy and know yourself; in a hundred
battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the
enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal.
If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be
defeated in every battle."  --Sun Tzu   {}  "Do not do an immoral
thing for moral reasons." --Thomas Hardy  {}  "Fanaticism consists in
redoubling your efforts when you have forgotten your aim." --George
Santayana  {}  "There ain't no way to find out why a snorer can't hear
himself snore." --Mark Twain  {}  "Curiosity is one of the permanent
and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind." --Samuel Johnson  {}
"Men desire to have some share of the management of public affairs
chiefly on account of the importance which it gives them." --Adam
"A comprehended god is no god." --St. John Chrysostom


"Blessed are they who maintain justice, who constantly do what is
right." (Psalm 106:3)


"There is a war being waged right now on prayer and religion by
liberals who are taking every opportunity to make America as God-less
as possible." -- J.C. Watts ++  "[The Supreme Court] disregards the
intention of the framers of the Establishment Clause, which was to
ensure government neutrality between religious factions, not between
religion and irreligion." --George Will.  ++  "Allowing students to
speak about their faith in public in their own words does not create a
government endorsement of religion. The Court has made a high school
student an agent of the state and then censored her prayer." --Jan
LaRue  {}  "This is a very, very, very, very, very -- in case you
hadn't heard so a thousand times already -- diverse society. ... The
culture of 'tolerance' isn't making us happier, it's making us more
fractious. ... The apostles of 'tolerance' seem not to know what it is
to tolerate what they disagree with or fail to understand." --William
Murchison  ++  "Decades of liberal assaults on traditional values and
institutions are bearing fruit. It appears that we will ignore the
wisdom of the centuries and find out the hard way whether our society
can survive a perverted redefinition of marriage and the
disintegration of the basic family." --Linda Bowles  {}  "The news
business frets a lot about its sins. But it doesn't fret much about
class attitudes and the homogenization of opinion in the newsroom. It
should." --John Leo  {}  "Conservatives are typically the Rodney
Dangerfields of the culture. They don't get no respect. At their best
they're elitists. At their worst they're stodgy, stiff and humorless."
--Suzanne Fields  {}  "Conservatives must judge issues by prudence and
principle, not by the shadows cast by our opponents." --National
Review  {}  "Above all, ascribe no decent motives to the federal
government. Always and everywhere, it is the enemy of truth."
--Llewellyn H. Rockwell  {}  "Mission creep is not unique to Congress.
It is endemic to all arms of the federal government" --Bruce Fein
{}  "Relativists believe they've discovered the ultimate weapon
against the sense of right and wrong -- a hydrogen bomb for the
culture war and a doomsday machine against conscience. What is it? The
accusation of 'intolerance'." --Chuck Colson  {}  "The tragedy of
communism is precisely that it systematically and fanatically
interposes the impersonal and malignant power of the state between
every authentic human relationship so that, finally, parents and
children and even spouses cannot be truly together even in their own
homes." --Alan Keyes  {}  "There are only two economists in Congress
and hundreds of lawyers. Does that explain why the government is in
such a mess?" --Thomas Sowell  {}  "Truth has become as elusive as a
bat on a foggy night. It's enough to keep a fellow from a good night's
sleep." --Charley Reese  {}   "...[I]f we care about our remaining
liberties we must at some point draw a line in the sand and let
politicians and bureaucrats know we will not tolerate further
encroachment on our God-given rights to liberty." --Walter E. Williams
{}  "...[H]istory is one of the most rewarding of studies. If nothing
else, it can teach us about the abiding tendencies of men and rulers.
If you know something of the Roman emperors, the Clintons won't take
you by surprise." --Joseph Sobran  {}  "The path of desire is littered
with victims." --J.R. Nyquist

[CTRL] Date: 23 June 2000 Federalist #00-25.dgst Part 1

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 23 June 2000
Federalist #00-25.dgst

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"When the government fears the people, there is liberty. When the
people fear the government, there is tyranny." --Thomas Jefferson


In the news this week, the Supremes ruled that Texas public school
districts can't let students lead a crowd in prayer before football
games. "School sponsorship of a religious message is impermissible
because it sends the ancillary message to members of the audience who
are nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the
political community, and an accompanying message to adherents that
they are insiders, favored members of the political community," wrote
Justice John Paul Stevens.

Memo to Justice Stevens: Does this cover all the "New Age" babble
being uttered in the classroom? We will buy you a steak dinner if you
can find the words "separation of church and state" -- or anything
even close to those words -- in our Constitution, a document which,
its author said in the Federalist Papers, should never be subject to

Stevens added, "Fundamental rights may not be submitted to a vote." We
think that is precisely what the majority of the court did in this

"There is nothing in the Constitution giving the Supreme Court the
authority to decide the constitutionality of federal laws, let alone
state laws," notes Von Mises Institute scholar Lew Rockwell. "These
dictators in black have no authority to tell a Texas school that it
may not have prayer before a football game. The First Amendment simply
prevents the feds from establishing a religion; the states are free to
do as they choose."

More to the point, the RNC's Jim Nicholson says, "Six of nine Supreme
Court justices have chosen to severely weaken the First Amendment's
explicit guarantee of freedom of religious expression."

Our favorite Demo agitator, Rep. James Traficant added, "The Supreme
Court says pornography is OK and it is OK to burn the flag, that
communists can work in our defense plants, that it is OK to teach
witchcraft in our schools and that it is OK for our students to write
papers about the devil. But the Supreme Court says it is illegal to
write papers about Jesus, it is illegal to pray in school, and now the
Supreme Court says it is even illegal to pray before a football game.
.. I thought the Founders intended to create a Supreme Court, not the
Supreme Being. Think about that statement. I yield back a Supreme
Court that is so politically correct they are downright stupid, so
stupid they could throw themselves at the ground and miss."

The Federalist position in this case is, of course, that decisions
about prayers in public settings should be left to the several states,
which would be well-advised to then remand particular decisions to
localities and school districts.

This case is a fine example of why the Founders opposed direct
taxation. The federal government forcibly takes money from taxpayers
in every state, then returns to those states the portion of those
taxes not consumed by the bureaucracies' "handling fee" -- in this
case, by the U.S. Department of Education -- along with all the
central government's mandates in tow. Thus, the fact that schools use
"federalized" dollars is cited as "justification" for such asinine
federal bench rulings.

For almost forty years, the High Court has endeavored to remove any
acknowledgement of God from schools. Of this ruling, Chief Justice
William Rehnquist notes in his dissenting opinion, "Even more
disturbing than its holding is the tone of the court's opinion: It
bristles with hostility to all things religious in public life." The
ruling may well have broader implications for other "public square"
expressions of faith.

This seems an appropriate place to make a point about the "centrist"
leanings of George W. versus the radical left policies of Al Gore.
While our Editorial Board takes exception to Mr. Bush's "rush to the
center," the fact remains that the next president may replace as many
as three Supreme Court justices (including William Rehnquist, who is
75 years old). The Court now precariously hangs in 5-4 balance on most
major issues, including federalism. While our Editorial Board would
most like to see a trustworthy conservative like Dr. Alan Keyes making
those appointments from the White House, the thought of Al Gore making
those appointments is, to say the least, unsettling!

This is why our Editorial Board makes the recommendation that
conservative activists dedicate their 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx,Jesuit trained Clinton ...

2000-06-24 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/24/00 1:47:36 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   But so many things are different from Colleen's posts, most notably the
 spelling, grammar and syntax - not to mention the overall clarity. 

Saba is Colleen...no doubt!


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Pentagon: China is preparing for high-tech war with US.

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pentagon: China is preparing for high-tech war with US.

By Bill Gertz

China is building up military forces in preparation for a possible conflict
with the United States over Taiwan involving high-technology warfare,
according to a Pentagon report obtained by The Washington Times.
The unclassified version of the annual report to Congress states that "a
cross-strait conflict between China and Taiwan involving the United States
has emerged as the dominant scenario guiding [People's Liberation Army]
force planning, military training and war preparation."
The report states that Chinese military leaders are considering a major
escalation of its military building as a result of NATO's air war against
And as a result of the U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade, the
report says, China is discussing ways to "offset U.S. power, to include
accelerating military modernization, pursuing strategic cooperation with
Russia, and increasing China's proliferation activities abroad."
"China's resolve to employ military force . . . should not be discounted,"
the report says.
As for U.S. involvement in defending Taiwan, the report said, China "would
employ all means necessary in the hope of inflicting high casualties and
weakening the intervening party's resolve."
The report is expected to play a major role in the Pentagon's upcoming
Quadrennial Defense Review to begin next year.
The review in the past has pitted defense planners who have sought to play
down the threat from China against other officials who contend the United
States must prepare now to deal with China's growing military power.
The report states that China is seeking to become "the dominant power in
The report outlines China's development of new weapons and high technology
including information warfare, laser and anti-satellite weapons, and new
missiles, ships and aircraft.
Opposite Taiwan, Chinese missile forces pose a growing danger to the region,
the report says.
The Chinese military is acquiring an array of weapons that could be used in
a "pre-emptive strike" against Taiwan, including long-range cruise missiles,
air-launched bombs and short-range ballistic missiles, the report says.
The report states that Beijing's missile force will "grow substantially"
with new missile facilities being built opposite Taiwan. The new bases mean
China could attack the island "with little or no warning."
"Should China decide to attack Taiwan, Beijing's goal would be to erode
Taipei's will to fight with sufficient alacrity to avoid escalation of the
conflict and potential third party intervention in the hope of forcing a
political resolution in Beijing's favor," the report says.
The Chinese military currently has a limited capability to conduct
operations involving naval, air and missile strikes, which could benefit
Taiwan's ability to survive an initial attack, the report says.
"A PLA amphibious invasion of Taiwan probably would be preceded by a naval
blockade, air assaults and missile attacks on Taiwan," the report says.
"Airborne, airmobile and special operations forces likely would conduct
simultaneous attacks to the rear of Taiwan's coastal defenses to seize a
port, preferably in close proximity to an airfield."
The report projects that China's military advantage over Taiwan could
continue to grow in the 2010-to-2020 time period.
The report makes little mention of the heightened tensions between China and
Taiwan after a dispute over Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui's July 1999
statements about relations with China.
"During the summer," the report says, "PLA ground, naval air and strategic
rocket forces reportedly conducted exercises that . . . probably were
tailored to intimidate Taiwan.".
The report states that for the first time China used its new Russian-made
Su-27 fighter bombers as a "show of force" in the Taiwan Strait.
U.S. officials who have seen the classified version of the report say the
public version appears to have been modified to play down the more ominous
elements of Chinese military activities, such as Beijing's recent threats
against the United States and Taiwan.
Chinese military writings recently warned that China is prepared to use
nuclear weapons against the United States if it intervenes in a conflict
between China and Taiwan.
China's government issued a report last year that gave a new condition for
the use of force against the island. Beijing will use military force to
reunite the island if it fails to negotiate reunification, the Chinese
"white paper" states.
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Want to 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati, Talmud, Marx,Jesuit trained Clinton ...

2000-06-24 Thread Aleisha Saba

Whata is in a name - for a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,
and be as sweet (improved upon Shakespeare here)..so what is in a

Colleen sounds like a wonderful, Irish girl with great sense of humor,
or she couldn't last too long on any list.So turn loose the Hounds
of Hell...who the crap cares.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Dubys's Missing Records

2000-06-24 Thread William Shannon

Records of Bush Guard Serive Sought
By Chris Williams
Associated Press Writer
Saturday, June 24, 2000; 1:09 a.m. EDT

AUSTIN, Texas –– Gov. George W. Bush's campaign workers have concluded that
no documents exist showing he reported for duty as ordered in Alabama with
the Texas Air National Guard in 1972. They are looking for people who served
with him to verify his story that he did.

Dan Bartlett, a spokesman for Bush's Republican presidential campaign, said
he reviewed another 200-page packet of documents last week from the National
Guard's records repository in Denver.

"I have read it, and there is nothing earth-shattering," he said. The
campaign was looking for payroll records that would show Bush reported for
duty with the Guard in Montgomery, Ala., while working on the unsuccessful
Senate campaign of former Postmaster General Winton Blount.

The new records were mostly duplicates of documents obtained by the campaign
from the Texas National Guard headquarters in Austin about 18 months ago.
"The official records were either lost or misplaced or not filled out
correctly or not deposited. We are not sure," Bartlett said.

Roberto Trinidad, freedom of information officer for the Air Reserve
Personnel Center in Denver, said the military does not retain the sort of
records Bush campaign officials are seeking.

"His payroll records are not here," Trinidad said.

The military saves only the most important personnel records for 50 years.
Less important documents, including check stubs, are destroyed.

Bush, campaigning in Tuscaloosa, Ala., on Friday, was asked at a news
conference about his 1972 Alabama service. His commitment to the Texas Guard
was adjusted to let him serve with the Alabama Guard during Blount's

"I was there on a temporary assignment and fulfilled my weekends at one
period of time," Bush said. "I made up some missed weekends."

"I can't remember what I did, but I wasn't flying because they didn't have
the same airplanes. I fulfilled my obligations," he said.

Expanding on Bush's remarks later, campaign spokesman Ari Fleischer quoted
Bush as saying he did "paper shuffling" in Montgomery.

"He thinks it was desk work," said Fleischer.

Bartlett said the campaign is now focusing its attention on trying to locate
people who served with Bush in late 1972 in the 187th Tactical Reconnaissance
Group in the Alabama capital.

The campaign was surprised in late May when retired Gen. William Turnipseed
said Bush did not report to him, although the young airman was required to do
so. His orders, dated Sept. 15, 1972, said: "Lieutenant Bush should report to
Lt. Col. William Turnipseed, DCO, to perform equivalent training."

"To my knowledge, he never showed up," Turnipseed said last month.

Bush served as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard from May 1968 to
October 1973, primarily flying F-102 fighter-interceptors at Ellington Air
Force Base, south of Houston.

He received a three-month transfer to Alabama to work as political director
of Blount's Senate campaign. Blount, postmaster general from 1968-71, was a
friend of Bush's father, former President George Bush.

Spokesman Bartlett said Bush remembers meeting Turnipseed and performing
drills in Montgomery sporadically during the campaign and more frequently
after the election in November and December.

"Governor Bush specifically remembers pulling duty in Alabama at the end of
the campaign," Bartlett said.

The Associated Press reviewed nearly 200 pages of Bush's military records
released by the National Guard Bureau in Arlington, Va. They contained no
evidence that Bush reported for duty in Alabama.

Bob Stein, a political science professor at Rice University in Houston, said
the gap in the military record will become an issue only if Bush's story

Bill Clinton's avoidance of the draft did not hurt him in his 1992 election
campaign against Bush's father, a decorated World War II veteran and the
incumbent president, so a gap in Bush's military records will not matter,
Stein said.

"It is just not an issue, unless the very act of asking the question forces
the candidate to deceive or to lie," he said.

Bush was honorably discharged to reserve duty in October 1973 to attend
Harvard Business School. He left the Guard for good in November 1974, records
obtained by the AP show.


On the Net: http://www.georgewbush.com

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[CTRL] The Ghoul in Your Tank

2000-06-24 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: Lloyd Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: The Ghoul in Your Tank
Date: Sunday, June 18, 2000 8:25 AM

From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: Soaring Gas Prices

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The Ghoul in Your Tank
by Llewellyn H.  Rockwell, Jr.


Welcome to June 2000, the month in which new federal gasoline regulations
have come into effect for a third of the country.  The mandate that some
cities sell reformulated gasoline (RFG) caused market supplies to drop,
just at the time when gasoline demand increased for summer travel.

No surprise, gas prices soared to over $2 a gallon in Chicago, where the
new regs hit the hardest.  Everywhere, prices are reaching above the $1.65
range, a post-Gulf War high.  It's the government's way of making sure that
this summertime, the livin' won't be easy.

During the winter months the Clinton administration worried more intensely
about the high price of oil.  A few months back, when prices were last
spiraling upward, there was some concern about low-income families in the
Northeast not being able to heat their homes.  Gas prices also took a jump
so Congress began talking about repealing Clinton's 4.3 cents tax on gasoline.

But fortunately for the White House, super-cold weather never materialized,
so all talk of reducing artificially inflated prices by any means ceased.
More decisively, someone told the Republicans that repealing the Clinton
gas tax would mean that Congress would have less money to spend.  They
thought about that, and quickly changed their minds.

But now that summer is here, and oil prices are up again, there's no more
concern about poor people shivering their way through winter; in summer,
the only people harmed are middle-class vacationers driving gas-guzzlers
archetypical real Americans and who cares about them?

And yet, consumers want answers and the government is glad to give them,
even when it means telling outrageous lies.  "We think the prices that are
being charged are unfair and inappropriate," Robert Perciasepe, an
assistant EPA administrator, told the press, just before summoning oil
producers before the DC Politburo.

We know that no institution is in a better position to discover and punish
unfair and inappropriate behavior than the Clinton administration.  You
merely compare the cost of production of gas to its price.  If there's a
problem, you conclude, as has the monstrous Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson, that there's something wrong with the market.  In the tradition
of "when did you stop beating your wife," he said in a CNN interview: "Is
it collusion or is it price gouging?  We need answers to those questions."

Here's your answer, buddy: it's the misnamed Energy Department!  (And
permit me a small technical point about the relationship between cost and
accounting costs are historical data, while prices always reflect present
forecasts of the future that may or may not be right.  There is no fixed
relationship between the two in the real world.)

It's all very nice and easy to pick on the working-class folks who go to
the trouble of extracting the oil, turning it into gasoline, and delivering
it to your neighborhood station for you to buy.  When you are looking for
someone to blame in these times, it's always easiest to blast the
businessman.  No calumny, no matter how implausible, is too far-fetched to
pin on capitalism.  The press plays along, with most reporters failing even
to mention the new regulatory mandates, or any of the other impositions
that are driving prices sky-high.

Actually, when you consider all the government conspiracy to drive gas
prices up, it's a wonder and a credit to free enterprise that they are not
up to $5 a gallon by now.  Most importantly, there are the taxes, which
today account for at least 32 percent of the pump price of
gasoline.  According to the American Petroleum Institute, gasoline taxes
average over 41 cents per gallon.  Gas taxes zoomed 100% in the 1980s, and
54% in the 1990s.

Oil producers today are treated very poorly by the government.  Besides
being among the most heavily regulated sectors, a percentage of all revenue
from oil produced on socialized land must be forked over to the federal
government in the form of royalty payments.  And the Clinton administration
is trying to make that payment more egregious by increasing it without
regard to the terms of the leasing contract.

This policy is consistent with the restrictions put on drilling and leasing.
The US is home to rich oil lands in Alaska and offshore, to which oil
producers are denied access.  The excuse is the environment, but that can't
be the real reason; oil producers long ago learned to make themselves
virtually invisible as they work to put nature to man's use.  For the
government, high prices are their own reward.

Senate Majority leader Trent 

[CTRL] Republican Appointed Justices: Do They Make a Difference?

2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Republican Appointed Justices: Do They Make a Difference?

By Chuck Baldwin

June 23, 2000

A few days ago, the U.S. Supreme Court, by a 6-3 vote, handed down a school
prayer ruling that is as perfidious as any decision it has ever made. This
ruling rivals the ’62  ’63 Supreme Court decisions that expelled prayer
and Bible reading from our public schools. It might even be worse, because
it prohibits student led prayers, something the court had never before

It is more than interesting that the current court is a lopsided Republican
appointed court. The current Supreme Court is comprised of seven Republican
appointed justices to only two Democrat appointed ones. This fact created a
curiosity that prompted me to review past Supreme Court rulings. My
discovery leads me to believe that there is little difference between
Democrat and Republican appointed Supreme Court justices.

Consider the 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion
on demand. Republican appointed justices held a 6-3 majority on that court.
Yet, the vote was 7-2 in favor of Roe. (And one of the two dissenting votes
was cast by a Democrat appointed justice.) In the Roe decision, Republican
appointed justices voted 5-1 in support of legalizing abortion.

Consider the two infamous cases in ’62  ’63. The first, Engel v Vitale,
resulted in voluntary prayer being removed from our public schools. The
second, Abington Township v Schemp, removed Bible reading from schools.

On the 1962 Supreme Court, Democrat appointed justices held a 6-3 majority.
The same was true in 1963. The vote to remove prayer from schools in ’62
was 6-1 (two members did not participate). The vote to remove Bible reading
in ’63 was 8-1. Republican appointed justices voted 2-1 to remove prayer
from school. Republican appointed justices voted to remove Bible reading
from schools by the same margin.

No one can argue that each of these cases was a landmark case. Many
historians regard the cases in ’62  ’63 and the one in ’73 as the worst
court decisions since the Dred Scott case in 1857 that declared Negroes to
be mere chattel. This latest decision is no less egregious.

The point is this: Republicans insist that we must vote for their
presidential candidate in order to insure that liberal justices are not
appointed to the Supreme Court. Oh, really? The facts described above do
not support their argument. Even a 7-2 Republican majority hasn’t turned
the tide. For the past four decades, the Supreme Court has continued to
take the nation down the path toward secularism, and it hasn’t mattered
which party has had a majority of appointments.

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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Re: [CTRL] AP: Nader Is Worth Nearly $4M

2000-06-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 06/19/2000 12:34:33 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON - Green Party presidential contender Ralph Nader, a longtime
 consumer advocate and critic of corporate America, is worth millions of
 dollars, thanks to investments in high-tech companies, according to
 published reports. 

Come on, guys.  After a lifetime, Ralph Nader is worth less than a minor
executive in one of the Fortune 500 companies makes in a year; they make even
more if they come up with some special way to exploit the environment,
because then they get big bonuses.  George Bush makes Ralph Nader's total
worth in a weekend.  What's your problem?  When have you heard Nader complain
about a company that was not trying to take this country and this country's
people to the cleaners?

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[CTRL] What Israel Wants, Israel Gets

2000-06-24 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

Report: Israel test fired nuclear capable, sub-launched cruise missiles
By Douglas Davis
The Jerusalem Post

LONDON (June 19) - Israel secretly
test-fired cruise missiles capable
of carrying nuclear weapons off the
coast of Sri Lanka last month, the
Sunday Times of London reported

Quoting Israeli defense sources, the
paper reported that the tests were
conducted from two German-built,
Dolphin-class submarines and involved
Israeli-made missiles equipped with
conventional warheads hitting targets
at sea at a range of about 1,500

The sources were quoted as saying the
launches were intended to simulate
swift retaliation against a preemptive
nuclear attack from Iran.

Israel is only the third country -
after America and Russia - to acquire
the ability to fire nuclear-capable
cruise missiles from submarines.

The navy dismissed the report.
"The report is baseless. This kind of
test firing did not take place," said
a statement by the IDF Spokesman.

Nevertheless, reports of the Dolphin's
cruise-missile capability continue to
surface in the foreign press. Israel
has never admitted that it has any
cruise missiles and has sought Tomahawks
from the US, which has so far rejected
the request.

However, according to Jane's Defense
Weekly, Israel has modified the Popeye
Turbo into an air-launched cruise
missile with a range of over 200 km.
The Popeye was developed and built by
Rafael, which has a sophisticated
missile development division.

TAAS-Israel Industries has also
developed the air-launched Delilah
cruise missile, which has a range of
400 km.

The Dolphin has 10 multi-purpose
torpedo tubes which are designed for
21-inch diameter weapons.

The submarines, which were originally
turned down because they were too
expensive, were given to Israel at cut
rates during the Gulf War as compensation
for Iraq's development of non-conventional
weapons using German technologies.
A third submarine is expected to be
operational within weeks.

The paper said Israel, which already
has land- and air-based nuclear weapons,
now plans to equip each of the three
submarines with four cruise missiles.

Under a system of rotation, the paper
continued, two of the vessels will
remain at sea - one in the Red Sea,
the other in the Mediterranean, while
the third will be kept on standby.

The missiles, said the paper, will be
fired only after approval by four
people: the prime minister, defense
minister, chief of General Staff, and
navy commander.

The 1,720-ton diesel-electric Dolphin
submarines - twice the size of Israel's
23-year-old Gal-class submarines - are
among the most technically advanced of
their kind. They are virtually impossible
to detect and can remain at sea for up
to 30 days.

According to the Sunday Times, Israel's
intention to use the submarines as
"roving nuclear launch platforms" had
long been suspected, but few experts
had expected Israel to develop the
capability to fire submarine-based
cruise missiles so soon.

It said planning for a submarine-launched
nuclear deterrent was accelerated after
the Mossad reported in the early 1990s
that Iran would be capable of staging a
nuclear missile attack against Israel by

Latest estimates put the threat back two
years, said the paper, but uncertainty
over Iran's level of nuclear capability
has not reduced Israel's drive to bolster
its defenses.

The paper said "elite crews" have been
assembled to man the submarines and that
the 35 officers and men aboard each vessel
have been nicknamed "Force 700" because
of the average 700 points they are
required to score in psychological tests
- equivalent to an IQ rating of 130-140.

Another five specially selected officers
solely responsible for the warheads will
be added to each vessel once the missiles
are operational.

The paper quoted a US defense analyst as
saying: "This is certain to irritate the
Clinton administration. It makes it that
much harder to get non-proliferation to
stick in the Middle East."

(Arieh O'Sullivan contributed to this report.)

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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:


It means "son of the father" in  Hebrew, right?

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2000-06-24 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


21 June 2000

"When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen."
General George Washington, New York Legislature, 1775

Soldiers For The Truth Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO

SITREP from the President

Hack's Column:
Korea: Lessons Of a War Not Learned

"From my Position" -- On the way!"
Article 1 - Kuwaiti Commemoration of the Gulf War

Big Picture:
Article 2 - Anthrax Fiasco Continues
Article 3 -- Flag Officers Net Jetliners In New Defense Bills

Voices from the Field:
Article 4 -- Political Correctness - a Reader response
Article 5 - Msgt Neil is not alone!
Article 6 - Women in the Military
Article 7 - Training is also a Unit Responsibility
Article 8 -- Veterans' Health -- PROSTATE CANCER
Article 9 -- Tale of a Stolen Flag

G.I Humor:
Article 10 -- The Essentials of Combat

Medal of Honor:
Article 11 -- JOHNSON, OSCAR G., Italy 1944

1.  Main topics:  1) Korea and the Gulf 2) Luxuries for our Princes 3)
Anthrax 4) Readiness/Training 5) Healthcare

2.  Future targets:  a) Leadership  -- veterans speak out about your
experiences b) Training c) Political correctness


!!!  Please continue your financial support for us, so we can grow and
become an even stronger voice for all of you.  Remember, the Pentagon budget
is over 290 billion, and organizations like AUSA work with budgets in the 20
million-range.  Currently we are looking at about 15k but need a base of
100k to be dangerous.

!!!  If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and
your locale papers.  I'll be happy to follow up and expand our exposure.
Remember, we are all in this together and every SFTT supporter is a forward
observer and rifleman for OUR cause.

!!!  Sorry, the credit card operation is still not cooking.  We're doing our

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And once again, we're ready to counterattack -- "LOAD SABOT and DRIVER MOVE

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT
Hack's Coulumn

Korea: Lessons Of a War Not Learned

By David Hackworth

Fifty years ago this week, Harry Truman proclaimed that the Korean War --
which had just kicked off -- was a "Police Action." Harry not only came up
with a misnomer, he didn't send enough "cops."

His next mistake was to believe the air generals who assured him that flying
machines would stop the invading North Koreans.

Granted, airplanes pummeled Korea from one end to the other, but bombs
weren't what stopped the Reds. Their steamroller was halted by determined
mud soldiers behind rifles and machine guns, gallantly dug in along a tiny
scrap of what was left of South Korea, the Pusan Perimeter.

This week, on the 50th anniversary of the Korean War, we honor those who
fought there and remember the 33,686 American warriors who were killed in
action during that three-year-long bloodbath.

Back in those heady days, the United States was the only superpower on the
block, and it rushed a bunch of our young boys -- as green and ill-prepared
for war as the tanks they rode in on -- off to defend a country most
Americans couldn't find on a map. The brass thought the American flag and
the presence of GI Joe would turn the Red aggressor around.

Truth to tell, Gen. MacArthur's inept intell folks actually believed that
when the enemy saw the Red, White and Blue on top of our wheezing tanks,
they'd toss down their weapons and flee in panic. Instead, our pathetically
trained troops, who would've had a hard time guarding a PX in downtown

Re: [CTRL] Martin Berkowitz' propaganda, Thoughts to a Crazy

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

: And another bug crawls out of the woodwork.  We have no idea who he/she is.
: How usual.  But thank you for the opportunity to give my views.

: Let us review the bidding.  Israel came into being through war on the
: indigenous people
: of Palestine by Jewish immigrants mainly from Europe, most of whom have no
: known blood connection to the Israelites who left there nearly two thousand
: years ago.
: They were and are thus alien colonists without a shred of right to the Land.

: At the time they began their vicious war on the Palestinians, the Jews of
: Palestine
: numbered some half million perhaps a few more, while the Palestinians
: numbered about
: one million four hundred thousand.  The Zionist thugs drove somewhere
: between
: 650,000 and 800,000 Palestinians out of Palestine using massacres and
: terror.
: They robbed them of the 94% of the land they owned, their houses, their
: goods,
: and their bank accounts.  Israel is in the same position vis-a-vis those
: bank accounts
: as the Swiss were WRT the Jews of Europe.
: After they had gained strength, the Zionists again attacked the remnant of
: Palestine
: in the West Bank and Gaza, and conquered them.  They have resisted every
: attempt
: of the Palestinians to make peace, and went so far as to invade Lebanon in
: order to
: drive away the refugees there who Israel had impudently and against
: international
: law always refused to allow to return home. They stayed in Lebanon for 18
: years, from time to time attacking the Lebanese as they saw fit, and killing
: more
: than 20,000 people in the process.  Just a wonderful group of all American
: boys.
: Israel only entered the "peace process" when George Bush decided that the
: killings
: of young Palestinians who had gallantly offered up their bodies to the
: brutal
: Israeli thugs guarding their prison of a country had to stop.  It was the
: nightly
: horror on American TV that caused revulsion in our country.  Reportedly the
: Mossad
: tried to engineer an assassination of Bush at the Madrid conference.  But
: you got your revenge
: at the ballot box.

: It has always been the notion of the Zionists that the Palestinians do not
: want peace.
: This appears to be propaganda put forth for the purpose of avoiding having
: to engage in
: actual peace.  Yet the Israelis have gone from terrible offer to yet more
: terrible.
: In Israeli words, the Palestinians never lost a chance to lose a chance.
: But this
: was sort of gallows humor, in that the Israelis used every ounce of their
: then power to
: try to impose on the Palestinians impossible choices.

: Now time is no longer on Israel's side.  Israel has lost over a half million
: Ashkenazis
: those original settlers who feel they are the only true Israelis.  They are
: leaving
: because they want to live well, and they can in New York or Silicon Valley.
: More than a half million have left. Moshe Arens' boy lives in LA, and is a
: vocal
: opponent of his father's policies.

: Israel has no source of Jews with which to replace them, and has been driven

: to accept "near Jews", Russians who may have some Jewish blood or may not.
: More than a quarter of the approximately one million Russians in the last
: ten years
: are not Jewish, and more than half those who came in '98 and'99 were not.
: Why not
: naturalize the women you bring in for the whore houses?  Or would the wives
: of the
: Orthodox object?

: Israel and the United States are isolated on the international scene.  For
: many years
: and on these benighted boards, as late as a year or so ago, some of your
: cult buddies
: were still saying that it was the oil Arabs who engineered support for the
: Zionism is Racism resolution (It is, BTW, clearly) and other resolutions
: calling for sanctions
: on the racist state.  For years, the US and zionstate could pressure some
: twenty or more states
: into voting with them.  This no longer is true.  Recently the US could only
: get Micronesia
: or the Fiji Isalnds, those great continental powers to vote with them, and
: in the last year or
: so even those countries no longer will prostitute themselves.  Recent votes
: in the UN have
: been as high as 153 to 2 in favor of sanctions.

: It has been clear for awhile that time is no longer on Israel's side.  This
: is the most important
: point.  Israel cannot fill those apartments she builds apace and illegally
: in the West Bank.
: Israel spends an enormous amount of money on armaments, while one terrorist
: with
: a suitcase bomb in Tel Aviv could wipe Israel out.  Literally.  The country
: would be devastated
: from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, depending on the wind, but that would not be the
: worst. Remind me to
: point out to the guys that the wind would mostly favor the bomb in West
: Jerusalem or a little north.
: The Ashkenazi would just leave.  In droves.  And more droves.  the Russians
: would follow.

: Without going into doomsday scenarios, Israel wildly bombing the rest of the
: Mideast,

Re: [CTRL] New threats emerge in West Bank

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

: Is it truth or is it fiction?  Concerned human rights people
: think it is but a story concocted jointly by the Israelis and
: the PA to serve as a reason for a crackdown once the PA
: and Israel reach what appears to be a humiliating "peace".
: Scary times appear coming.  The US has shown it can act
: in the most awful ways in support of Israel.

: New threats emerge in West Bank

: USDefense.com  Friday, June 23, 2000
: http://www.usdefense.com/june2000/D/23/story6.htm

: MIDDLE EAST | Analysts with a leading U.S.-based economic and
: intelligence forecasting firm said indications are that new
: violence against Israel may be forming in the West Bank.

: Once-separate terrorist groups, Hamas and the Hizbollah, may be
: forming a coalition to wage more terrorist operations against Tel
: Aviv, now that Israel has pulled out of southern Lebanon.

: Weapons caches left behind by the former Israeli ally, the South
: Lebanese Army, have been plundered by Hizbollah factions that
: waged terrorist warfare campaigns against Israel for decades. The
: weapons, sources told Stratfor.com, appear to be moving into the
: West Bank.

: Palestinian authorities said that the weapons were "flowing in
: like a river," and could indicate new problems for Tel Aviv.

: The terrorist groups, sponsored by Iran, also pose a danger to
: the ongoing peace process in the region. Since a change of
: leadership in Syria -- which also supported the groups in the
: past -- after the death of President Assad earlier this month,
: Damascus may also find itself with its first major foreign policy
: challenge, analysts said Friday.

: Bashar Assad, the late Hafez Assad's son, "will have a difficult
: time curbing Hezbollah. He is still solidifying his political
: base in Damascus, where he is still vulnerable and does not yet
: wield the power of his late father," Stratfor.com said.

: "Additionally, the expected deployment of United Nations
: peacekeepers in South Lebanon will not make it easier for the
: Syrian army to assert control," analysts said Friday.

: (c) 2000 USDefense.com. All rights reserved.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] CIA, Mossadegh Iran

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

: The link below is to the famous CIA documents published by times. Name of
: persons and places were dedacted by Times for their own security reasons.
: John Young, the web administrator of the link, learned how to remove
: dedactions and published it.
: Please read the article as well as the links they are very interesting.
: Ali Forootan

: http://jya.com/crypto.htm

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA Report of the Coup in Iran - Uncensored!

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

: Hello Everybody,

: This is chapter VII and the Appendix D (and table of
: contents) of the book describing CIA coup of 1953 in
: Iran, published recently by NYT. It is the uncensored
: version that was subsequently published by John Young
: at his web site: http://cryptome.org

: The censored version of NYT is at:

: http://www.nytimes.com/library/world/mideast/041600iran-cia-index.html

: Young, a few days back, found out that while loading
: the NYT version first the whole uncensored version gets
: loaded then immediately after the censored words get
: wiped out by some software, so he used a slow computer
: and loaded the text and stopped the loading right after
: the uncensored text was fully loaded but before the
: wiping out process had begun. Later, on finding out
: that others have also obtained the uncensored version
: and it's already out he decided to publish the
: uncensored version as well. So far he has republished
: only Chapter VII and the Appendix D of the book. The
: rest are coming out later.

: I have removed some of the formatting to make the text
: more easily transmitable electronically. I also removed
: the the words "secret" from all pages but kept the
: original page numbering so the text can correctly refer
: to its other parts. Page numbers are at the bottom of
: pages. I also deleted NYT's editor's note that
: pertained only to the censored version. As John Young
: indicates at his web site the missing names and words
: in NYT version are here included within square brackets
: [].

: Remember that every word in this book has come out of
: CIA's own pharynx and therefore can be bull from begin
: to end. The correct version of what happened, general
: or in detail, remain our own and we should just see if
: this CIA blabber should throw some light on it or not.
: I'm not at all doubtfull about the possibility that
: they could have changed names in this report or
: especially switched the ones who did not cooperate with
: them with the ones who did, to get the double advantage
: of saving the ones who did help and endangering the
: status of those who did not, or at least create a
: confusion.

: Note the mention of the city Nicosia on several
: occasions. I think Nicosia is their word for Tel Aviv
: or somewhere else in Israel. Also note that in page 16
: of the appendix D even NYT's version, supposed to be
: censored, reveals the identity of Farzanegan two times
: by apparently forgetting to electronically wipe it off.
: So this matter was never handled seriously and care is
: due not to give too much weight to it.

: Maleki

: ==

: CS Historical Paper
: No. 208


: November 1952-August 1953

: Date written  :  March 1954
: Date publsihed:  October 1969
: Written by:  Dr. Donald N. Wilber

: i


: This paper, entitled Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of
: Iran, was written in March 1954 by Dr. Donald N. Wilber
: who had played an active role in the operation. The
: study was written because it seemed desirable to have a
: record of a major operation prepared while documents
: were readily at hand and while the memories of the
: personnel involved in the acitivity were still fresh.
: In addition, it was felt advisable to stress certain
: conclusions reach after the operation had been
: completed and to embody some of these in the form of
: recommendations applicable to future, parallel
: operations.

: Documents pertaining to the operation described in this
: paper are in the Project TPAJAX files which are held by
: the Iran Branch of the Near East and South Asia
: Division.

: All proper names mentioned in this paper have been
: checked for accuracy and completeness. A serious effort
: has been made to supply the first name and middle
: initial of each individual. The omission of any first
: names and middle initials indicates that such
: information could not be located.

: Dean L. Dodge
: NE Division
: Historical Officer
: March 1969

:  Page
:HISTORIAN'S NOTE  . . . . . . . . . . . .   i
:TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . .  ii
:SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
:I.  PRELIMINARY STEPS . . . . . . . . . . . .   1
:   II.  DRAFTING THE PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
:   VI.  THE FIRST TRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
:  VII.  APPARENT FAILURE  . . . . . . . . . . . .  44
: VIII.  "THE SHAH IS VICTORIOUS"  . . . . . . . .  65
:   IX.  REPORT TO LONDON  . . . . . . . . . . . .  78

:A Initial Operation Plan for TPAJAX, 

Re: [CTRL] Who's Terrorizing America?

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

: Who's terrorizing America?

: It is widely accepted that the Middle East is a hotbed of anti-American terrorism,
: sponsored in part by governments actively opposed to United States foreign policy
: such as those of Iran, Syria, Iraq and Libya. Names like Abu Nidal and Usama Bin
: Laden spring to mind as major enemies of Washington who have carried out ruthless
: attacks against American targets. This general perception was strengthened
: recently by the US Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, who made a statement at
: the release of a State Department report on international terrorism.

: The report said that the primary terrorist threats to the US come from the Middle
: East and South Asia. The report also said that terrorism was currently less
: supported by states and more part of "far-flung and loosely structured webs of
: terror," to use her terminology, and that it was less political and more religious
: and ideological in motivation. But, as Ali Abunimah of the Arab American Action
: Network recently wrote in the New York Times, the State Department's own data do
: not support the contention that the Middle East and South Asia are the major
: centers of anti-American terrorism.

: Of 169 specifically anti-American attacks on foreign soil in 1999, 96 were in
: Latin America, 30 in West Europe, nine in the CIS and 16 in Africa. Only 11 were
: in the Middle East and six in Asia. These proportions have stayed fairly constant
: at least since 1996. The bulk of attacks in Latin America were in Colombia and
: Peru, carried out by left-wing terrorists and right-wing paramilitary groups.
: Attacks were usually for ransom money or to undermine national economies.

: In Europe, most of the attacks last year were in protest against American-lead
: attacks on Serbia in the war for Kosovo.

: In the Middle East and South Asia, most attacks are related to local conflicts in
: which America is seen to be taking sides unfairly. These include the
: Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the Pakistani-Indian fighting over Kashmir.

: Abunimah points out that the threat of international anti-American terrorism
: itself is something of a red herring, since its annual toll is less than the
: average daily toll of domestic handgun violence in the United States. Of course,
: international terrorism should be taken very seriously and dealt with decisively.
: But the bad name given Arabs and Muslims by association is simply not fair.
: Abunimah reminds readers that in the immediate aftermath of the Oklahoma City
: bombing, men of Arab origin were the first suspects. He points out the unhappy
: irony for most Arab and Muslim Americans is that many fled to America to escape
: violence and terror in their homelands. To be stigmatized as a people prone to
: such acts is especially painful for them. Terrorism has typically been driven by a
: mixture of motivations, political and ideological. Groups that fall under the
: terrorist label have fought to overthrow established governments, to destroy
: political opponents and parties and have been driven by everything from
: Marxism-Leninism and Baathism to Zionism and radical Islam.

: Madeleine Albright is no doubt on safe political ground when she points to the
: Middle East and South Asia as prime sources of anti-American terrorism, even
: though only ten percent of all such terrorist acts occurred in those areas last
: year. Most people would nod in agreement. She would cause a stir if she told the
: truth. The world today is not a place of peace and harmony for all humanity. There
: are still many individuals and groups who are not party to either the accepted,
: secularist ideologies or the global prosperity that characterizes the most
: powerful countries on this earth. Islamic activists in general make up one of the
: largest such disenchanted and disenfranchised groups. Their voices are often not
: heard or are ignored, leading to acts of rage and terrorism. There is no
: acceptable argument for terrorism. By its very nature it is anti-human. However,
: there are many good arguments for studying the roots of terrorism and devising
: strategies for the elimination of its causes. This is the work of building bridges
: between peoples, groups and nations. Tell the truth, Albright, and think about how
: to deal with those roots.

: Editor in Chief and Publisher

: The Middle East Times
: http://metimes.com/2K/issue2000-20/methaus.htm

: --
: Islam Guide
: http://www.islam-guide.com

: The Canadian Society of Muslims
: http://www.muslim-canada.org/

: Islam In Canada
: http://www.islam.ca

: Articles on Islam
: http://www.jannah.org/articles/

: The Bism Rabbik Foundation's main purpose is to provides accurate Islamic
: information and services worldwide, in Spanish and English, for those who are
: seeking knowledge and to bridge the gap of misunderstandings between the
: different religions.

Re: [CTRL] IRAQ/USA: National Mobilization to end the Sanctions

2000-06-24 Thread Yardbird

:  National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq

:  "We are destroying an entire society. It is as simple and terrifying
:  as that." -Denis Halliday, former UN coordinator of the Oil-for-Food
:  Program and Nobel Peace Prize nominee

:  Dear Friend,

:  The summer of 2000 is shaping up to be the largest mobilization we've
:  seen yet to end the sanctions on Iraq. Please join us August 6th (A6)
:  for a mass demonstration and rally in DC.

:  Why August 6th?  Why now?

:  On August 6, 1990 the UN Security Council imposed a near total embargo
:  on Iraq, the most comprehensive sanctions in the history of the United
:  Nations. For everyone concerned, the resulting crisis was thought to
:  be a short-term problem created by the 1991 Gulf War and sanctions. Yet,
:  this summer Iraq's humanitarian crisis will enter its tenth year.

:  The United Nations remains at odds with the U.S. overresolving this
:  crisis; Washington insists the international embargo must continue.
:  Caught in the middle are over 22 million Iraqis struggling to survive.
:  According to UNICEF, in the seven years from 1991 to 1998, sanctions
:  contributed to the excess deaths of over 500,000 children under the
:  age of five. The International Committee for the Red Cross recently
:  described the situation in Iraq as "increasingly desperate."

:  The U.S. response? An air war. Earlier this month, Associated Press
:  and Reuters reported U.S. bombings of Iraqi cities for four days in
:  a row (6/1/00). Regular bombing raids since 1991 have caused hundreds
:  of casualties, making America's war on Iraq the longest continuous air
:  campaign since the Vietnam War.

:  In response, members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), Peace
:  Action, American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), American
:  Muslims for Global Peace  Justice, Voices in the Wilderness, Mennonite
:  Central Committee (MCC), Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC),
:  American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Life for Relief  Development
:  (LIFE), and over 20 other organizations are calling for a national rally
:  on August 6th (A6) in our nation's capital to mark the tenth year of
:  sanctions against Iraq.

:  With a growing number of countries, former UN officials, Members of
:  Congress, religious bodies, and organizations coming out against
:  sanctions, the time has come for us to gather and take a principled
:  stand against the Administration's genocidal policy toward Iraq.

:  We hope that you will join us. If you or a representative of your
:  organization are unable to attend, but are interested, let us
:  know. Please see the attached endorsement form which includes the
:  Mobilization's mission statement. If you have any questions, please
:  call us at (202) 543-3649 or (202) 258-4958. For recent updates,
:  please check out our website at http://www.saveageneration.org/a6.

:  In Peace,

:  Stephanie Schaudel  Raed Battah
:  A6 Outreach Coordinator   A6 Outreach Coordinator

:  National Mobilization to End the Sanctions on Iraq
:  504 Eleventh Street SE, Suite #204, Washington, DC 20003

:  http://www.saveageneration.org/a6

:  Tel.(202) 543-3649, fax (202) 543-1062 #61557; Cell (202) 258-4958
:  ***

:  National Mobilization to End the Sanctions Against Iraq
:  August 5-7

:  Although the Gulf War officially ended nearly a decade ago, the war
:  against the people of Iraq continues. Accordingly, we of various faith
:  communities, peace and justice organizations, and concerned citizens
:  demand that the economic sanctions and bombings end immediately. We
:  believe it is reprehensible to use the children, the poor, and the sick
:  of Iraq as bargaining chips for a political standoff in which they,
:  not Saddam Hussein, suffer. We oppose all sanctions that prevent or
:  otherwise hamper a nation's ability to provide for the public health of
:  its people. Our message is clear and direct: "Lift the economic
:  sanctions, stop the bombing!"

:  Name of Organization:__

:  Individual Contact:

:  Address:___

:  City/State:__Zip Code:_

:  Telephone:___Fax:__

:  Email:_

:  ***

:  Please Check:

:  _Yes, add my organization as an endorser of the mobilization*.
:  _Yes, we will advertise this mobilization in our newsletter and
:   in our networks.
:  _Yes, we will mail out/distribute _ copies of the flyer or
:   brochure.
:  _Yes, we will send _ people to DC August 5-7.
:  _Yes, we are  enclosing a contribution to help defray 


2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

From Kent Steadman and elfrad group:


 It has come to our attention,  the HAARP project in Gakona, Alaska is
perhaps being used for much more than is publicized. Below is a letter Elfrad
received from Mr. Marshall Smith of the Teddy Speaks Foundation.  We welcome
your comments and opinions concerning this controversial subject.

SEE LETTER AT: http://elfrad.org/2000/haarp.htm

earthradioTV.com - Alternative News Portal for ecology, politics 
consciousness.   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
earthradioTV.com MIRROR SITES:
USA http://www.earthradioTV.com/
CZECH   http://mujweb.cz/www/ecologynews/
UK  http://members.tripod.co.uk/ecologynews/
Canada http://www.ecologynews.com

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Eagle 1 wrote:

 May I add...
 Jesus was rejected by the Pharisees' temple cult of darkness. In fact, Jesus
 said: "This is your hour and the power of darkness." (Luke 22:53) Regardless
 of how many may try, no one will ever be able to apply this identification
 of the overspreading of the abomination desolation over the Temple and
 Jerusalem to anyone else. Jesus was crucified by these same ones who took
 Him. (Luke 22:52-54)

 Regardless of how hard many try, the evil deed of rejecting and plotting the
 murder of Jesus can never be attributed to Rome Imperial or Rome Papal.
 Regardless of how hard some deny it, the Apostles always accused the
 Phariseees of this wicked and evil deed (Acts 2:23; 3:14-15; 7:52; 1
 Thessalonians 2:15; James 5:6). The Romans were trapped into this murder by
 the Sanhedrin and coercing Pilate with threats of reporting him to Rome for
 allowing another man in the Roman Empire to be called a King. The Romans
 were never blamed by the Apostles for the death of Jesus.

 eagle 1

That is a well written essay, Eagle 1. I have been on the L-Torah list for
a couple of years now and I can't find anything in the New Testament which
would be in conflict with the Torah. So 2,000 years ago there was a Jewish
schism. One faction made a big mistake. The other carried on deeming Jesus
Christ to be the "Prince of the Prophets". The Anti-Christ/Talmudic
faction was pre-eminent in the holocaust of 66 million in Russia and
neighbouring countries (up to 1957 according to Solzhenitsyn). J2's point
that "real Jews don't worship a man" doesn't hold water. Followers of
Christ do not worship the man any more than people going to a temple or
synagogue worship the physical structures there.

 - Original Message -
 From: "tenebroust" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

  Your response illustrates my contention exactly.  The Roman rulers of
 Palestine had the final say in all executions, it is a historic fact.  The
 Jews could not condemn anyone, it had to be the Roman legal system that did
 it, so Pilate could not wash his hands.  There is no historical evidence of
 there ever being any practice of allowing people to be freed for Passover or
 any other holiday, prisoners stayed in prison or were executed, never
 released because people wanted it.  Jesus was a prisoner of the Romans, not
 the Jews.  Jesus was killed by Roman soldiers, on the orders of Roman
 rulers.  But if you want to believe the Pharisees or anyone else was at
 fault be my guest.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Lest We Become Oppressed ?

2000-06-24 Thread Bob Stokes

Joshua2 writes:
I hope you're right Bob but I am forced to believe otherwise. The government
and the Military have been eroding the Posse Comitadas (?) protections over a
period of years now, and all it takes is for the Presidents signature to use
the military against its own citizens.

Bob writes:
 Much of what you say is true.  The government has been growing steadily
and taking powers not afforded by the Constitution.  Government needs to be
put in it's place - small and no danger to the population from which it
derives it's powers.  Presidential Decision Directives and Executive Orders
have no place in government … the President is not part of the legislative
branch and has no power to make law.  The military is controlled by
civilians, the government, most notably the President.

Joshua2 writes:
And then there's shit like this...


Now comes documentation on other plans the Pentagon was
pursuing in those days. Articles by Tim Weiner in the New
York Times Nov. 19 and Nov. 23 tell of some of them.

The military plans approved for development by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff on March 13, 1962, as part of the CIA's
Operation Mongoose included:

u Operation Bingo, a plan to fake an attack on the U.S.
base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, providing cover for a
devastating U.S. military assault on Havana.

u Operation Dirty Trick, a plot to blame Fidel Castro if
the 1962 Mercury space flight carrying John Glenn crashed.

u A "Remember the Maine" incident, in which "we could blow
up a U.S. warship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," said a
Pentagon memorandum. "We could develop a Communist Cuban
terror campaign in the Miami area," it went on, "in other
Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign
could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the
United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route
to Florida (real or simulated), or create an incident which
will demonstrate convincingly that a Cuban aircraft has
attacked and shot down a chartered civil airliner."

The Times reports said no there is no evidence that these
plans were ever carried out. Perhaps.

Perhaps others that did become operational are still
classified "top secret." Cuba has provided very convincing
evidence, for example, of bacteriological and biological
warfare aimed at its crops and livestock.

Nevertheless, these few scenarios reveal enough about the
mentality of the military to demolish the benign image of
U.S. foreign policy so carefully cultivated by the rulers of
this country. In truth, Washington hasn't changed since the
days when U.S. Marine Corps Gen. Smedley Butler said he had
been nothing but a gangster working for U.S. banks and
corporations in Latin America in the 1920s. 

Bob writes:
 The military has been involved in many unsavory exploits, but has always
been controlled by the Government.  Smedley Butler was right about the US
butting in where it doesn't belong and exploiting other countries for big
business.  If our Government wasn't corrupt and didn't take bribes, this
unauthorized use of the military would not occur.  The military should only
be used to protect the people of the US from invasion.  ALL Government
employees from the city street sweeper to the President should be held
accountable for accepting bribes.  Corporations that offer bribes should be
disbanded and the officers prosecuted and jailed.  Corporations are a legal
way of passing the buck and not taking responsibility for actions taken.

Joshua2 writes:
Department Of Defense:

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR
Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces  Arms Control -- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe  NATO -- CFR
Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research  Engineering -- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR
Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR
Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces  Arms Control -- CFR

Allied Supreme Commanders:
1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR
1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR
1956-63 Norstad -- CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR
1974-79 Haig -- CFR
1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:
1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR
1963-66 Lampert -- CFR
1966-68 Bennett -- CFR
1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR
1974-77 Berry -- CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR

CFR Military Fellows, 1991:
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR
Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR
Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1992:
Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR
Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR

Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Adm Wm. Crowe, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR
Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR

[CTRL] New One-Stop Shopping for Government Information

2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Jun 24, 2000 - 02:58 PM

New One-Stop Shopping for Government Information
By Ann Gearan
Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) - The government is consolidating its 20,000 Web sites into
a single Internet location offering information from grants and contracts to
an individual's benefits, President Clinton said Saturday.
"Whether you want crucial information in starting a small business, or you
want to track your Social Security benefits, you can do it all in one place,
24 hours a day, seven days a week," he said in his first exclusively World
Wide Web address to announce the project.

The site, http://www.firstgov.gov, should be operating within 90 days as the
government and Web designers worked "in the spirit of cutting through red
tape," Clinton said.

It will offer individuals, small businesses and others a single source for
information about roughly $500 billion in government grants and contract
opportunities, Clinton said.

"When it's complete," he said, "firstgov will serve as a single point of
entry to one of the largest, perhaps the most useful collection of Web pages
in the entire world."

The site is being developed, at no cost to taxpayers, by a team led by
Internet entrepreneur Eric Brewer.

Brewer, chief scientist at Inktomi Corp., a software developer and marketer
in Foster City, Calif., "developed one of the most successful Internet
search technologies with the help of government grants," Clinton said in the
Webcast, taped in Los Angeles during a West Coast fund-raising trip.

Inktomi's Web site said Brewer and Paul Gauthier, the company's chief
technology officer, "developed a way to achieve supercomputing power at
microcomputer prices" while working on a federally funded project at the
University of California, Berkeley, in 1996.

Brewer did not immediately return a message left Saturday at his office.

"Over the coming year we will make it possible for people to go online and
compete for these grants and contracts through a simplified electronic
process," the president said. "Moving this enormous volume of business
online will save a great deal of money and time for our taxpayers."

The White House said the plan is to offer a more standardized application
process for the 30,000 different organizations that currently receive
federal grants every year.

The site now features information about the coming service.

The president also announced a competition for new ideas in electronic
government service. The nonprofit Council for Excellence in Government will
award up to $50,000 for the best ideas from government employees, students,
researchers and others.


To Keep the Peace, Keep Your Piece!

Pro Libertate - For Freedom

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] French Communist's new social modernization laws

2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Jun 24, 2000 - 02:49 PM 

More Than 100,000 March Through Paris in Gay 
Pride Parade The Associated Press

PARIS (AP) - In a festive celebration of gay 
pride, more than 100,000 people marched and danced Saturday through the streets 
of Paris behind a giant banner with the slogan for this year's parade: 
"Homophobia - a social plague." French Education Minister Jack Lang and the 
Socialist Party's mayoral candidate Bertrand Delanoe were among the politicians 
that kicked off Gay Pride 2000 behind dozens of motorcyclists from the Gay 
Bikers Club. 

"Whenever there is a demonstration for liberty, 
I'm there," said Delanoe, who came out in 1998 and has marched in the parade for 
the past six years. 

Rainbow-colored flags waved under overcast skies 
as the parade wound from southern Paris to its destination at the Place de la 
Bastille, near the city's gay district. 

Booming techno and disco music played as drag 
queens and other elaborately costumed men and women danced on colorful floats 
and along the sidelines of the parade. 

Police estimated the crowd size at between 
100,000 and 130,000 people, while organizers said that 250,000 people turned out 
for the event. 

On Friday, Social Affairs Minister Martine Aubry 
said the government planned to introduce new laws outlawing discrimination 
against homosexuals. 

Aubry said the new legislation would appear as 
an amendment to a "social modernization" bill currently going through 


Woe to those who lust for an innocent 
merely to satisfy their addiction to 

No more same-sex 'marriages'. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/2525/ts/pope_gays_1.htmlNo 
more homosexual sex education.. http://www.massnews.com/maygsa.htmKids 
Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex 

Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Eagle 1

Thanks for the clarifications,  FWP.
I've never found anything of conflict in the Torah myself.

The subject matter, however, is the *Talmud Exposed*,  which,  in my
opinion,  is full of men's opinions, declarations, council decisions, and
false information regarding 'Thus saith the Lord',  when HE never said it.
The Old Testament if full of curses and warnings against those who claim to
speak for God,  when they were not authorized to speak.  Warnings continue
in the New,  specifically in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 and throughout the
Revelation. These "false ones" are who Christ so adamantly warned about...
i.e. accepting men's opinions, declarations, and false information INSTEAD
OF the Words of God.  THIS Judaistic/Babylonian Talmud conglomerate of
disinformation is the antichrist foundation, and is considered a gate to
hell,  even of which many Christian factions allow to prevail over their
church doctrines to this day.  The word antichrist specifically denotes
"INSTEAD of CHRIST",  not necessarily one who is 'against' Christ.  There is
a difference.

Who,  of most religious sects,  rejects Christ most vehemently?   Utilizing
the stones, that is,  calculating the number of the beast,  we find by
historically recounting the steps and smooth stones of those who claim they
are Jews but are not,  and these are truly 'anti-christ' .  Once it is
realized,  and one sees for themselves by tracing the history over a long
period of time,  this adds up to one thing and one thing only...
A clear cut conspiracy of lies and alibis by a certain faction exists...
by those who set out to influence and brainwash as many in the WHOLE world
as they could.  What better place to brainwash,  but from the pulpit of
every denomination... ???
simply because it is a known fact that people are willing to believe a man
who stands in a pulpit or position of leadership in a church or synagogue.
Most people are brainwashed from the pulpit,  because they are afraid or
don't know or don't care to know that they can question and research for
themselves the tenents of any denomination and find out the truth for
themselves.  Most religious leaders don't want you to do this,  then they
lose control.  Instead, they would rather to continue to mesmerize their
congregations, lulling them into a false sense of security...   a false
sense of peace and safety,  with their false doctrines within church and/or
synagogue doors.  You can turn on certain religious TV stations and see
people nodding their heads in agreement to perfect lies,  or you will see a
three ringed circus of so called 'faith healing' going on...  or wild
laughing...  the throwing of blankets on people,  the magical changing of
water to wine, etc.,  etc.,
and all things done proudly in the name of God...

It is merely a great wonder... and should be a giant sign to BEWARE.
Jesus never healed anyone by knocking them over...  or laughing...
He told nearly everyone of whom he healed to rise and walk,
with no dramatics.

Jesus called the religious leaders of his time, "vipers", "hypocrits" and
"tares".  We know why he called them vipers...  Their religious and
spiritual venom is lethal.  We know why he called them hypocrits...  because
they 'act' like they speak for God,  when nothing could be further from the
truth, but these are nothing more than play actors.  But, why did he call
them tares?  Because they look so much like the real thing that until the
maturity time comes, [i.e. judgment]   that even an expert would have
trouble telling the tare from the real.  And so it is...  regarding those
who say they are Jews,  but are not... (Rev 2:9 and 3:9)...  It is extremely
difficult to tell the real Jews from the fakes.  Look at it this way,  only
a well-trained eye can tell the counterfeit from the genuine...

Christ said, "... take heed to yourselves:  for they shall deliver you up to
councils;  and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten;  and ye shall be
brought before rulers and kings for MY sake,  for a testimony against them."
~Mark 13:9
"... Ye shall be hated of all [council men] for my name's sake:  but he that
shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved.
When ye shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the
prophet standing where *he* [it] ought not, (let him that readeth
understand.) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains;  and let
him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment..."
~Mark 13:13-16

What councils are these that people will be delivered up to?  It will be
much the same as the council of the Sanhedrin, those who hold to certain
doctrinal beliefs that you will be expected to believe in also,  or else.
It is specific that some will even be delivered to the synagogue...  to be
beaten,  no less.  And who holds to the councils and tenents of the Talmud?
Note that Christ did not use the generalized word 'church' 

[CTRL] dope-pushing rapist/slumlord plans to addict Seniors [$58 Billion]

2000-06-24 Thread Bard

Jun 24, 2000 - 02:45 PM 

President Revises Earlier Drug Plan, Tapping 
Project Surpluses By Anne GearanAssociated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) - President Clinton wants to 
use $58 billion from the growing budget surplus to help senior citizens pay for 
prescription drugs in 2002, revising an earlier proposal and offering more 
generous Medicare benefits than current Republican plans. "We have the money 
to do this now and do it right," Clinton said Saturday in his weekly radio 
address, broadcast during a fund-raising trip in the West. 

"We should use a part of our hard-earned budget 
surplus to meet America's most pressing priorities, like paying down the 
national debt, strengthening Medicare and providing a prescription drug 

Clinton outlined the package he intends to send 
to Congress this week: a drug subsidy in 2002, a year earlier than he first 
proposed and House Republicans are offering, and a $4,000 cap on an individual's 
annual out-of-pocket medicine costs, compared with $6,000 under the GOP plan. 

The updated White House plan caps a week of 
intense political maneuvering on an election-year issue affecting 39 million 

Senate Republicans voted largely along party 
lines Thursday to reject a Democratic plan for the drug coverage. House 
Republicans pushed their version through the Ways and Means Committee. A floor 
vote is expected this week. 

"It's clear that you can't have modern health 
care without access to lifesaving pharmaceuticals," Rep. Nancy Johnson, who 
heads the Ways and Means human resources subcommittee, said Saturday in the 
GOP's weekly radio address. 

Johnson, R-Conn., said that while more then 
two-thirds of older Americans have some prescription drug coverage under health 
plans, an estimated 12 million have none at all. 

"This is simply morally wrong in the world's 
most prosperous country," she said. "No senior should have to choose between 
filling their prescription and putting food on the table." 

Medicare, the federal insurance program for the 
elderly and disabled, does not cover prescription drugs. Most senior citizens 
have some kind of coverage through private health plans. 

Clinton is proposing to spend $58 billion more 
over 10 years than the $195 billion total estimated in his initial plan in 

Within days, the president is expected to 
announce a $1 trillion increase in projected federal surpluses. Sources have 
told The Associated Press the figure would more than double, to $1.9 trillion, 
the $746 billion the Clinton administration projected in February. The figures 
do not include Social Security. 

The White House long has planned to spend part 
of that surplus on a drug benefit and part on a tax cut. In political speeches, 
Clinton says Republicans want to squander the money on a much bigger tax cut 
that would be unaffordable if the surplus dries up. 

Under the GOP plan, "If we don't have this 
projected surplus we'll be back in the soup" of deficits, Clinton said during a 
political speech Saturday in Los Angeles, where he wound up a three-day 
fund-raising tour. 

Clinton's health care adviser, Chris Jennings, 
said the new White House proposal to spend some more of the surplus on drug 
coverage is not at odds with that criticism. 

"He's not saying spend it all on a drug benefit, 
by any means," Jennings said. "There's lot's of resources left." 

A House Republican leader, Rep. J.C. Watts of 
Oklahoma, countered in a statement Saturday that senior citizens "do not deserve 
partisan wrangling" from an administration "looking only for recognition as 
their days in the executive branch quickly fade away." 

The House GOP proposal calls for private 
insurance companies, backed by hefty federal subsidies, to offer drug coverage 
to Medicare recipients nationwide. The bill includes subsidies for low-income 
senior citizens, as well as those experiencing extremely high costs. 

Clinton and congressional Democrats, who have 
proposed slightly different plans, would require the government offer a uniform 
drug benefit under Medicare. Democrats claim only they offer the choice of 
affordable coverage to all elderly, instead of only those deemed most needy. 

The rejected Senate plan is less generous than 
Clinton's, and slightly less expensive, at roughly $240 billion over 10 years. 

By contrast, the House GOP bill costs an 
estimated $40 billion over five years. 


There is no constitutional provision to use your 
fiat tax 'monies' to mainline our 
The Duopoly will stop at nothing to suck your 
then you, in your naiveté, will have rewarded 
aspirations of the drug-pushers; the 


So here's the Clinton trifecta(1): 
money laundering, addiction, and envy combine to enforce and 
expand federal government control over more and more aspects of our 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati,

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/24/00 2:05:47 PM Central Daylight Time,

But so many things are different from Colleen's posts, most notably the
   spelling, grammar and syntax - not to mention the overall clarity. 

  Saba is Colleen...no doubt!

LOL!!  Ok, you got me.  I read a few posts after making the above assertion
and saw the undeniable "Colleen-ness."  I'm glad, I'd wondered where Colleen
had wandered off to.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Mother Teresa

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

David -

  Yes, Christopher Hitchens isn't the only source for such info - in fact, he
so deeply offends some people that when I have a discussiion about Mother
Teresa, I usually don't mention his work.

  One of MT's former Sisters of Mercy (Sister Virgin/Susan Shields) has
written about her nine-year experience.  Also, a doctor in London, Aroup
Chatterjee, who is from Calcutta, has written a book about MT.  He also wrote
in opposition to her pending sainthood.  Here are links to some of their


Mother Teresa's House of Illusions
How She Harmed Her Helpers As Well As Those They `Helped'
by Susan Shields


The Mother of All Myths  and
by Aroup Chatterjee

In a message dated 6/23/00 12:55:00 AM Central Daylight Time,

 The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice



  "In discussing this book with my friends and co-workers, I found that they
  reacted with the same "raised-eyebrow shock" that I did. But what we also
  shared was the same mis-quided, media driven vision of a person that was
  suposedly unquestionable. After reading this book, intently I might add, I
  wanted answers. I want to know where all the donations to Mother Teresa's
  organiztion has gone because it certainly hasn't gone to the poor. I want
  know why Mother Teresa has posed in pictures with the wife of a dictator,
  with a man claiming to have a higher spiritual consciousness than Jesus
  himself, and with Charles Keating, the man who financially raped so many.
  Her actions and her words are not congruent and I am thankful to those who
  look at a situation and make the hard decisions. Christopher Hitchens is
  intelligent and courageous for writing this book and I am now a fan. The
  book was well written with sources that will withstand independant
  I don't know how anyone, after reading this book, could say that Mother
  Teresa is a saint."

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-06-24 19:31:15 EDT, you write:

 Subj: RE: [MC]  [illusions] NEW HAARP INFORMATION
 Date:  00-06-24 19:31:15 EDT
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wes Thomas)

 Marshall tells me the .9 Hz signal is significant
 because it affects the limbic system (fight/flight/
 food/reproduction). Does anyone have data on

This seems to be an extremely important finding, if true, as it would
seem to establish a framework for confirming what those analysist have
been saying about HAARP's possible effects on mind control, human behaviour,
human thinking.  Is that the case? Alfred Webre

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

2000-06-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Eagle 1 wrote:

 May I add...
 Jesus was rejected by the Pharisees' temple cult of darkness. In fact, Jesus
 said: "This is your hour and the power of darkness." (Luke 22:53) Regardless
 of how many may try, no one will ever be able to apply this identification
 of the overspreading of the abomination desolation over the Temple and
 Jerusalem to anyone else. Jesus was crucified by these same ones who took
 Him. (Luke 22:52-54)

Unfortunately for you, your bible is completely made up propaganda. It is
in total contradiction to known history.

 Regardless of how hard many try, the evil deed of rejecting and plotting the
 murder of Jesus can never be attributed to Rome Imperial or Rome Papal.
 Regardless of how hard some deny it, the Apostles always accused the
 Phariseees of this wicked and evil deed (Acts 2:23; 3:14-15; 7:52; 1

You know nothing of your own religious history but you sure do enjoy the
drama don't you?

 Thessalonians 2:15; James 5:6). The Romans were trapped into this murder by
 the Sanhedrin and coercing Pilate with threats of reporting him to Rome for
 allowing another man in the Roman Empire to be called a King. The Romans
 were never blamed by the Apostles for the death of Jesus.

Which apostles are you talking about? The cowards who revised history to please
Rome? The ones who buddied up to the very people who killed Jesus. You expect
these guys to tell the truth? What you got instead is the " Gospel Truth "
which is an oxymoron.

Think about this Eagle 1, as we speak, there are dozens of digs going on in
Israel and other parts of the old Roman Empire. Every day they find more
information about the early Christian period. If I believed this stuff, I
would be pissing in my pants right now because it's all over but the gnashing
of teeth.


 eagle 1

 - Original Message -
 From: "tenebroust" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:40 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Talmud Exposed

  Your response illustrates my contention exactly.  The Roman rulers of
 Palestine had the final say in all executions, it is a historic fact.  The
 Jews could not condemn anyone, it had to be the Roman legal system that did
 it, so Pilate could not wash his hands.  There is no historical evidence of
 there ever being any practice of allowing people to be freed for Passover or
 any other holiday, prisoners stayed in prison or were executed, never
 released because people wanted it.  Jesus was a prisoner of the Romans, not
 the Jews.  Jesus was killed by Roman soldiers, on the orders of Roman
 rulers.  But if you want to believe the Pharisees or anyone else was at
 fault be my guest.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] French Spymaster Spills Secrets

2000-06-24 Thread flw

June 25 2000 EUROPE

French spymaster revels in publishing the truth
Tony Allen-Mills, Paris

IF Dame Stella Rimington wants advice on how to deal with the political storms that 
greeted her
decision to publish her memoirs, the former head of MI5 should contact Pierre Marion, 
a retired
French spymaster with a taste for literary indiscretion. Marion's last book caused a 
stir; his next
may cause a sensation.
While British security circles agonise over Rimington's plan, the former head of the 
French version
of MI6 is happily embarking on his third book while the writs are still flying around 
the second.

"I'm not fond of secrecy," Marion, 79, declared last week. "There is nothing difficult 
or dangerous
about a spy chief speaking his mind."

He has driven a coach and horses through the long-established convention in France 
that books by
senior bureaucrats should be too dull for anyone to read. In his last, Memoirs of the 
Marion launched a scathing attack on his former boss, the late President François 
depicting him as a corrupt schemer who used the secret services to protect his 
mistress and his
illegitimate daughter, Mazarine Pingeot.

The book, published last autumn, has sold 60,000 copies - rare for a political volume 
- and provoked
Pingeot into issuing a writ on behalf of her dead father. A court of appeal is due to 
rule on the
case this week.

Undaunted, Marion is pressing ahead with a potentially explosive new book on the 
long-veiled secrets
of French freemasonry, nine years after publishing his first volume of memoirs, 
Mission Impossible.

In a Paris hotel bar last week, he spoke with startling candour about his 18 months at 
the heart of
the French intelligence structure in the early 1980s. It is difficult to imagine any 
senior British
official publicly admitting to planning the assassination of foreign diplomats, yet 
that was only
one of Marion's revelations from his time as head of the Direction Générale de la 
Extérieure (DGSE), the French counter-intelligence agency.

After a successful career as an aerospace executive with good security contacts, 
Marion was
recommended to Mitterrand in 1981 for a job that none of the new Socialist president's 
supporters would touch.

"I was an industrialist, not a politician," Marion said. "But I had plenty of 
experience, I was sympathetic to the left and I had a small reputation as a tough guy."

Disillusionment set in fast. In Memoirs of the Shadows, Marion recounts his bitter 
disappointment as
Mitterrand, already suffering secretly from cancer, began to demand that the security 
monitor his many enemies.

"He wanted us to run spying operations on French citizens, not for national security 
but for the
security of his mistress and his daughter."

For a man who had been struggling to persuade the president to crack down on Syrian- 
terrorism - and whose agents had targeted Syrian diplomats for retaliatory 
assassination -
nursemaiding the president's child was not an appealing prospect.

When his book was published, with copious references to Mitterrand's "egocentrism and 
cynicism", and
the president's "strategy of lies", it attracted an unusual writ from Pingeot, who 
claimed to have
identified 25 passages that were "prejudicial" or defamatory to both her father and 
his family. She
demanded that the offending passages be excised and sought £100,000 in damages.

In a court hearing, Pingeot's lawyer argued that Marion was consumed by rancour and 
bitterness and
had attacked someone who could not defend himself.

Marion's lawyers relied on the standard legal defence that it was impossible to libel 
a dead man.

Intriguingly, nobody in France suggested it was inappropriate for a former guardian of 
the country's
secrets to be spilling the beans in public. Critics noted that Marion was far from the 
first spy
chief to write his memoirs.

The court dismissed Pingeot's claim with costs against her. The court ruled that 
defamation of a
dead man could be redressed in court only if it was proved that the heirs were also 

"It has never been shown that the author intended to injure Pingeot's honour," the 
ruling said.
Marion had merely been participating in public debate about the personality and 
actions of the
former head of state. Pingeot appealed at once.

Last week Robin Cook, the foreign secretary, urged Rimington to think again about 
publishing her
memoirs for security reasons. Yet it has never been suggested in France that Marion 
might have
compromised national security. "The danger is that, like the British, you get into the 
habit of not
speaking," he said. "But citizens need to understand what the secret world involves."

Tape recordings made by a former model and actress who claims to have been 
Mitterrand's favourite
astrologer were released yesterday.
Elisabeth Teissier said he had phoned her regularly between 1989 and 1995 before 

[CTRL] Capitalism and technology.

2000-06-24 Thread Nurev Ind Research


Capitalism and Technology: To whose benefit, at what costs?
By Doug Dowd

In 1917, as war ripped Europe apart, Einstein wrote to a
friend that "Our much-praised technological progress, and
civilization generally, could be compared to an axe in the
hands of a pathological criminal."  Subsequently, in showing
that E=MC2, that lifelong pacifist had paved the way for the
most catastrophic technology ever.

His was neither the first nor the last instance of a "father
of invention" discovering that once the genie is out of the
bottle it is also up for grabs; Bill Joy, Chief Scientist of
Microsystems, recently warned of the terrifying
possibilities now attaching to robotics, genetics and
nanotechnology.  Shades of Ted Kaczynski.

Ever since knives and spears, technology has been used both
constructively and destructively; when, how, where and why
it will be used -- and, in consequence, who will benefit and
who and what will be harmed -- finds its answer in the
structure of power, at whose center sits capitalism and its
State.  There have been "collateral benefits" for the less
powerful, of course.  But.

It is a very large "but" that broadens, deepens, and becomes
more multi-dimensional over time.  It is common to think of
production when technology is mentioned, its main home until
very recently; now, however, its use and misuse shape and
permeate all of human, social, and environmental existence.

When technology took its first big leaps in England, the
harm done was almost entirely to farmers and pre-industrial
workers; and the gains went almost entirely to what became
large landowners (who, by 1790, owned 80 percent of the land
of England).  Thus was laid the basis for the industrial
capitalism of the nineteenth century:  the earlier
"progress," in obliterating the fabled "yeomanry" and
cottage industry, gave birth to what became a powerless
working class -- inspiring, in 1770, Goldsmith's "Deserted
Village," and its "Ill fares the land/ to hastening ills a
prey/ where wealth accumulates and men decay"

Those exploited were the fuel of industrial capitalism, and
their lives burned out quickly.  As Hobsbawm has shown,
between 1821 and 1851 the lifespan of the average working
person in Britain declined substantially -- from 37 to 46
percent who died by age 19.  Exploitation became less lethal
as Britannia came to rule the waves -- allowing workers'
real incomes in Britain to rise (in the 1880s), but only
because exploitation spread and deepened globally.

Sound familiar?  In the past several decades, the advancing
technologies of transportation, communication and
transportable capital equipment have allowed transnational
corporations (TNCs) -- with the easily-corrupted support of
their governments and those of the "emerging market
economies" of Latin America, Asia, and Africa -- to deepen
and tighten their hold on the human and other resources of
the whole globe.  Once again, peasants been swept off the
land, to allow the new technologies and agribusiness owners
their way.  In consequence, small farmers have plummeted
from a life that was merely difficult to one that is
harrowing, have lost their culture and history, have been
forced into the exploding cities of their own land or richer
societies, where they confront hatred and a squalid

Ah! economists have said for over two hundred years and
still say:  but in the long-run, all this is for the good of
all; those in the poorer countries need only be patient:
behold the levels of real income of industrial workers in
the strongest countries!   There is much wrong with such
observations; here we look at only some of it.

First, there is no chance whatsoever that the people of the
poorer countries will ever reach the material comfort levels
of the leading industrial economies of today, if only
because there is no other set of countries which they can
"imperialize"; nor will they ever have the access to the
relative military might that cleared the path for the now
rich societies.  And they are already or will be ruled not
by their own governments but by the new Holy Family:

Second, in the richest countries,led by the USA,
exploitation is very much on the rise, very much facilitated
by technological "progress."  In the past ten years, as U.S.
growth and wealth  break records, worker exploitation has
been rising:  not only did real wages fall or remain
stagnant from 1973 into the late 1990s, but, as Business
Week (12-6-99) has reported, the average worker (not just
the poorest) put in 260 hours more in 1999 -- six weeks of
extra work -- than in 1989, with little or no wage increases
(and this says nothing about unreported data, such as the
spreading practice of having workers "punch out" and then
continue to work, and of diverse "overwork" practices of
home workers and part-time temps -- "beloved by many
employers, because they're cheaper and more flexible than
those you put on payroll..." (Fortune Small Business


Re: [CTRL] Mother Teresa

2000-06-24 Thread William Shannon

In a message dated 6/24/00 7:11:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Yes, Christopher Hitchens isn't the only source for such info - in fact,
 so deeply offends some people that when I have a discussiion about Mother
 Teresa, I usually don't mention his work.

Hitchens is AWESOME!!
This book isn't his finest hour...though it's brilliant...and d'ya know that
he auditioned for Mike Kinsley's spot on CNN's CROSSFIRE but was denied...and
the ONLY reason for that is that he was an ACTUAL LEFTY!! He and Bob
"Becks" Beckel were overlooked by the "liberal" CNN because they were
actually PASSIONATE and LEFT-LEANING...from Tom Braden to Mike Kinsley...they
ALWAYS have moderate "liberals" "on the left" yet passionate righties
representing the "right"...
Bunch o' bullcrapola that Turner's network is biased...Pat BuKKKanan, John
Sununu, Novak,"Bimbo Eruptions" Matalin, vs. a neutered Bill Press...what a
joke...Matalin would look like
Crackhead Bob if she had to square off nightly against a Hitchens or a


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Re: [CTRL] Mother Teresa/Hitchens

2000-06-24 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/24/00 9:36:50 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Hitchens is AWESOME!!  ..

  He is.  The title of his book, "Missionary Position" is more than apt -  it
gives a great visual of a horrible prune of a woman who whored herself so the
Vatican could be made more rich.

  Hitchen's style offends some people.  Aroup Chatterjee thinks he's horrible
and refuses to discuss him.  I thinks it's very important that the truth
about Mother Teresa gets out, and if Hitchens' style gets in the way of
spreading the word, I leave him out.

 Matalin, vs. a neutered Bill Press...what a
  joke...Matalin would look like
  Crackhead Bob if she had to square off nightly against a Hitchens or a

Ha!  A neutered Bill Press.  A great description of that soppy milk-toast.


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2000-06-24 Thread Kris Millegan

  From the  Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum 

Barry Chamish-Israel 

Posted By: Noah
Date: Thursday, 22 June 2000, 4:51 p.m. 

This post includes the original article and the Update:


Chamish files complaint with police of 

suspicion of attempted murder attacks 

against him 

(IsraelWire-6/20) Controversial journalist and noted 

speaker Barry Chamish, known for his books challenging 

the official government theory concerning the Rabin 

assassination, has filed a complaint with police. According 

to Chamish, several attempts have been made on his life of 

late, disguised to appear as a car accident. Fortunately, in 

all cases, he managed to gain control of his vehicle, 

escaping unharmed. 

Following are the events which transpired over recent days, 

as described by Chamish on Monday, June 19. 

Two days ago I drove my car to Tel Aviv. I took a sharp 

curve in the city and I lost all electrical power in my car. 

If this had happened while driving on the highway I would 

have been killed. My car was towed to a garage and 

checked. Someone had opened the box below the steering 

wheel, disengaged the airbag and wrapped the electrical 

wires around the steering column. When I turned the wheel, 

the wires ripped out cutting off all control of the vehicle. 

The mechanics had never seen this kind of damage. 

Tonight I gave a lecture in Bet Shemesh. On the way, this 

time on the highway, my back wheel collapsed and my 

brakes and handbrakes ceased functioning. I managed, just 

barely, to regain control of the car. I almost was in a 

fatal accident. I pulled the car into a nearby service station and 

hitched a ride to my lecture. 

This time I was prepared. When the lecture ended, I 

returned to the car with my host David Morris and his 

friend Yaakov Kirschenbaum, an insurance adjuster. We 

were followed all the way by a government jeep. The 

giveaway was the ‘77’ in the license plate, the number given 

to official vehicles. 

Yaakov looked at the wheel, filmed and photographed the 

brakes, while David called the police. Officer Dror of the 

Bet Shemesh police force saw that someone had cut the 

back axle of the car confirmed that it was sabotaged and 

filed a report saying so. 

From the   Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum 

Re: Barry Chamish-Israel-UPDATE 

Posted By: Noah
Date: Thursday, 22 June 2000, 8:56 p.m. 

In Response To: Barry Chamish-Israel (Noah) 

THE GIRL IN THE WINDOW by Barry Chamish 

I received a most disturbing phone call from Yannai G. of Tsfat today. 
Last week, he e-mailed my article, explaining why Shimon Peres was too 
criminal to be our next president, to numerous members of the Knesset. A 
day after my car was sabotaged, he had a similar incident with his 
motorcycle. In his case, his accelerator was jammed. When he braked, the 
motorcycle's speed increased and could not be reduced. He saved himself by 
turning off the ignition and using his emergency brake. His mechanic later 
explained that he's never seen damage like that before. 

It appears that a desperate and dangerous Peres, is trying to put an 
end to anyone who exposes his shady past and corrupt present. If, G-d 
forbid, I meet my demise, recall, he is my first suspect. 

Again, the dirtier the situation turns, the quicker I release new 
evidence. After my near brush with fatality last Saturday night, I released 
a video clip of Yigal Amir verbally accosting Rabin shortly before his 
assassination. Reaction was strong. The clip, which was broadcast on Israel 
Channel One after Rabin's murder, proves the Shabak had to have known Amir 
and under normal circumstances would never have permitted him entrance to 
the sterile area where he shot Rabin with blanks. Many people commented 
that the Amir of the clip might be a phoney because he is not wearing a 
kippah and looks a bit different than the real thing. Perhaps, but the fact 
that Israel Television announced that it was Amir had the same effect, of 
proving to the public that Amir was unstable, radical and stalking 
Rabin...all the reasons, if true, that he would never have been able to 
shoot him unless allowed to. 

In light of the latest report from Tsfat, I am releasing a far more 
contentious piece of evidence. As my readers understand, I contend that the 
driver of Rabin's car on the murder night, Menachem Damti, rought sundry 
family members to the sterile area and that his twelve year old daughter 
snuck into the backseat of Rabin's Cadillac, slammed the door shut and soon 
after, witnessed the assassination within the car. 

Arthur V., a computer expert, using sophisticated photo filter 
technology, has extracted a picture of, if not the girl, someone in the 
backseat of Rabin's car shortly before he was placed within it. Looking at 
the original photo Arthur had to work 

Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Rants, Illuminiati,

2000-06-24 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
  Saba is Colleen...no doubt!

Maybe they're both AI subroutines. If so, the almost pass the Turing test.

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Re: [CTRL] Mother Teresa

2000-06-24 Thread David Sutherland

Thanks for the additional links Sam!

I e-mailed Aroup Chatterjee quite a whilst ago, seems the web site now has a
lot more information posted!

Hitchens does tend to come across as a bit of an arrogant prick, but its
difficult to imagine who else would've had the balls to write a book like
that, especially in exposing a "saint" of the politically powerful and media
dominant RCC and naming her what she really was - a charlatan and crook.

She was no 'saint' because of any high virtue in helping, or morally giving
to humanity, or raising it to a higher level materially, socio-economically,
or spiritually, but because she was/is a myth created by global media
networks and the Vatican.

The Papacy, as you may know, has had centuries to create and perfect its
plethora of bleeding 'saints', 'Madonna's, 'miracle's 'relics', 'holy texts'
and 'visions' et al - from its gigantic and proliferate forgery mill to
manipulate the superstitious and gullible.

The good book tells me that the 'devil' and his all 'ministers' can be
transformed into "ANGEL(s) of LIGHT"  - many therefore, who are worshipping
and supporting these Vatican "saints" and et al, are blind to the fact they
are giving homage to 'devils' ...  "For they are the spirits of devils,
working miracles".Revelation 16:14

BTW - as an aside - did you know when that chap in England wrote 'Hitler's
Pope' last year - the book was at once recalled and pulped because of a
book-binding "accident" -  pages were printed out of order! But I think its
managed to resurface again?

- Original Message -
From: "Samantha L." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Mother Teresa

 David -

   Yes, Christopher Hitchens isn't the only source for such info - in fact,
 so deeply offends some people that when I have a discussiion about Mother
 Teresa, I usually don't mention his work.

   One of MT's former Sisters of Mercy (Sister Virgin/Susan Shields) has
 written about her nine-year experience.  Also, a doctor in London, Aroup
 Chatterjee, who is from Calcutta, has written a book about MT.  He also
 in opposition to her pending sainthood.  Here are links to some of their


 Mother Teresa's House of Illusions
 How She Harmed Her Helpers As Well As Those They `Helped'
 by Susan Shields


 The Mother of All Myths  and
 by Aroup Chatterjee

 In a message dated 6/23/00 12:55:00 AM Central Daylight Time,

  The Missionary Position : Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice

   "In discussing this book with my friends and co-workers, I found that
   reacted with the same "raised-eyebrow shock" that I did. But what we
   shared was the same mis-quided, media driven vision of a person that
   suposedly unquestionable. After reading this book, intently I might
add, I
   wanted answers. I want to know where all the donations to Mother
   organiztion has gone because it certainly hasn't gone to the poor. I
   know why Mother Teresa has posed in pictures with the wife of a
   with a man claiming to have a higher spiritual consciousness than Jesus
   himself, and with Charles Keating, the man who financially raped so
   Her actions and her words are not congruent and I am thankful to those
   look at a situation and make the hard decisions. Christopher Hitchens
   intelligent and courageous for writing this book and I am now a fan.
   book was well written with sources that will withstand independant
   I don't know how anyone, after reading this book, could say that Mother
   Teresa is a saint."

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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