Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

I am getting tired of this too since some people
seem to be deliberately blurring the lines because
of some propaganda machine.  The following pages
have a lot of possible answers so take your pick.

I have neither the time, energy nor desire to sort through all that. I
have a life. It's time consuming. It's also a lot more important to me
than anyone's web page, even yours. So answer my one simple question.
What's the proof that Bush is a pedophile? Be specific. I'd really like to
know because I hate the SOB and want to know all the dirt there is to know
about him. But I don't want to say anything about him I can't prove
because that just helps him and makes me look bad. I don't want to help
him. I want to hinder him. That takes proof. Where is it? Be specific.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

If homosexuals can use government land so can Boy Scouts

If homosexuals can advocate a singular form of sex - so can Boy Scouts

JUST because homosexuals can say that they are open to heterosexuals


would be like Wicca saying that they are open to Catholics joining

Would Catholics do so, Would heterosexuals do so.

There are animal rights groups and others that like to eat animals

they both get to use the same funds.

Well, yeah, but what does that have to do with it? How does the recent
Supreme Court decision in favor of the Boy Scouts have anything to do with
"anybody but the  government being able to use public land" What funds in
particular are you talking about?

The only fair solution is this: Either everybody who uses the public lands
pays the same fees, or everybody who uses public lands pays no fee. Both
plans are fair. But if some pay and some don't, that is unfair. If the
government decides who pays and who doesn't pay, and does so on the basis
of some religious precept, that's also unconstitutional. If the Boy Scouts
get a break even though they promote religious beliefs, why not Catholics,
why not Wiccans. For that matter, why not Satanists? If the Church of
Satan fields a scouting group, should they get free access to public lands
while I have to pay a fee? I think not.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Gay Youth Suicide Myth

2000-09-18 Thread NSA



  The Gay Youth Suicide Myth
  by Peter LaBarbera
  Peter LaBarbera, a former reporter for The Washington 
  Times, is executive director of Accuracy in Academia, a Washington, 
  D.C.-based group that monitors bias in higher education. He is also 
  publisher of The Lambda Report on Homosexuality, a quarterly 
  newspaper focusing on the activities of the homosexual rights movement. 
  For information on AIA or The Lambda Report on Homosexuality, 
  call Mr. LaBarbera at 202-364-3085. 

  The rate of suicide has nearly tripled among young people since 
  1965.[1] Efforts to discover the root causes of this epidemic of 
  self-inflicted violence must be dispassionate and free of politics. 
  However, homosexual activists have manipulated this national tragedy to 
  promote their political agenda. 
  Voicing concern over suicide risk for "gay youth," homosexual activists 
  are pushing pro-homosexual programs in the schools, which will invariably 
  ensnare vulnerable teens who might otherwise have avoided the destructive 
  homosexual lifestyle. Their diagnosis: gay youths need affirmation of 
  their homosexuality in a "homophobic" world, or they may become suicidal. 
  The proffered solution: affirmation programs that make gay youths 
  comfortable with being homosexual and the rest of the student population 
  comfortable with the concept of homosexuality. Once everyone accepts 
  homosexuality as "normal" and "natural," gay youth will achieve high 
  self-esteem and avoid suicidal behavior. 
  But this view is based on the aims and values of the gay activist 
  movement, not on any solid scientific assessment. For starters, it ignores 
  the possibility that homosexuality is a condition-apart from societal 
  acceptance or nonacceptance-that often leads to unhealthy behavior, which 
  leads to unhappiness. 
  The genesis of the homosexual teen suicide myth lies in a deeply flawed 
  and pro-homosexual report by San Francisco homosexual activist Paul 
  Gibson. The paper, "Gay Male and Lesbian Youth Suicide," was included, as 
  a supporting document, in a 1989 report by a special federal task force on 
  youth suicide reporting to Dr. Louis Sullivan, former Secretary of Health 
  and Human Services (HHS). However, Secretary Sullivan repudiated and 
  distanced his department from the Gibson paper: 
  ...the views expressed in the paper entitled 'Gay Male and 
Lesbian Youth Suicide' do not in any way represent my personal beliefs 
or the policy of this Department.[2]Sullivan went on to say: 
  Indeed, I am strongly committed to advancing traditional 
family values. Federal policies must be crafted with great care so as to 
strengthen rather than undermine the institution of the family. In my 
opinion, the views expressed in the paper run contrary to that aim.[3] 
  Dr. David Shaffer, one of the country's leading authorities 
  on suicide among youth, notes that Gibson's paper "was never subjected to 
  the rigorous peer review that is required for publication in a scientific 
  journal and contained no new research findings."[4] 
  The following are some of Gibson's most tendentious and oft-repeated 
gay and lesbian youths may account for one third of all youth 
homosexual youths are two to three times more likely to attempt 
suicide than their heterosexual peers; 
suicide is the leading cause of death among gay and lesbian youth; 
gay youth suicide is caused by the internalization of "homophobia" 
and violence directed at gays.[5] Although Gibson's report was 
  denounced by Secretary Sullivan, homosexual activists have skillfully used 
  it to claim that "government statistics" support their suicide assertions. 
  Pro-gay articles routinely (and mistakenly) cite Gibson's unproven 
  statistics as part of the HHS task force's official conclusions on youth 
  suicide.[6] Gibson himself has declined an interview with the author to 
  discuss his controversial assertions.[7] 
  In Massachusetts, a recently established Commission on Gay and Lesbian 
  Youth set up by Republican Gov. William Weld relied almost exclusively on 
  Gibson's unpublished HHS paper to warn ominously of a gay teen suicide 
  epidemic. Gibson's exaggerated claims became the central rationale for 
  creating a sweeping pro-gay counseling program in the state's schools.[8] 
  In an interview in The Advocate, a national gay magazine, 
  Governor Weld, curiously, uses a Gibson-derived statistic to justify the 
  program while at the same time seemingly acknowledging that this program 

[CTRL] [prj] Re: The CIA Environmentalism

2000-09-18 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: "New Paradigms Discussion" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [prj] Re: The CIA  Environmentalism
Date: Friday, September 08, 2000 5:28 AM

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts: * Conspiracy Shopping Cart: * Misc Shopping On-Line **
Alex, I think you are going overboard in attempting
to impute "conservative" philosophy to the CIA.

The CIA has a foot in every camp.  Its has agents,
formal and informal, embodying all the major
ideologies.  Not because any one of these ideologies
represent the CIA viewpoint, but because that is
what they need for their power manipulations.

Through this approach they have veto power and/or
public opinion power when the "chips are down".
For every "conservative" with CIA connects you can
be shown a "liberal" with CIA connects in this or
earlier eras.  _The Liberal Conspiracy: The Congress
for Cultrual Freedom and the Struggle for the Mind of
Postwar Europe_ by Peter Coleman is one of many
books documenting this.

A good example is the membership of Geoge Bush
in the National Rifle Association.  When the chips
were down regarding the Clinton Administrations
gun control initiatives, Bush torpedoed the NRA by
condemning the NRA for their "jack-booted thugs"
rhetoric. Bush was not a member of
the NRA because the CIA wants the American people
to be armed.  He was there to deliver the death blow
to a successful campaign the NRA was conducting
with the rhetoric of "Jack-Booted Thugs", referring
Federal Agents.  A campaign that could have struck
a moral blow the the uncontrolled and escalating
police Statism of the Federal Government.

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 3:33 AM
Subject: The CIA  Environmentalism

Roger Meiners, CIA Economist
(Suffer the Rat) and Big Business

 Contemporary Authors (vol. 110, p. 351) provides this background
information on noted economist Roger Evert Meiners, Professor of Economics
at the University of Texas-Arlington:

 Personal: Born December 28, 1848, in Walla Walla, Wash.; son of
Eugene E. (an Air Force officer) and Mary Jane Washington State
University, BA, 1970; University of Arizona, MA, 1972; Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, PhD, (1976)
 Career {highlights]: CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, Washington, D.C.,
economics intern in the Office of Economic Research, summer, 1973-4.
 John M. Olin fellow at Law and Economics Center, 1975-78.
 Adjunct scholar, Heritage Foundation.

 CIA propagandists are templars of corporate interests. They have long
shaped conservative thought in academia. Thus the participation of Roger
Meiners in a book that disparages environmentalism as "tyranny" and equips
land barons with oily, pro-corporate rhetoric in the guise of a "dramatic
report" on the "nationwide rebellion to defend private property rights
against environmentalist tyranny," an argument reiterated as the theme of a
recent two-hour Fox News (R. Ailes) Network documentary.

The 1990s' Property Rights Rebellion
edited by Bruce Yandle
(reviewed by Jim Powell, June 1995)

Unless you've been on the receiving end of environmental laws, it's hard
to grasp the terrible tyrannical power they have unleashed. This gripping
book documents environmentalist tyranny, reports on the heartening
rebellion against it and provides information which can help government
victims can
seek justice.

Contributors include Roger E. Meiners, CIA.

 Alex Constantine

A-albionic's Books Can Be Browsed and Purchased  Conveniently in the Shopping 
Cart at Misc On-Line Shopping *

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different 

Re: [CTRL] thankfully, this work is banned=Tyranny in Canada?

2000-09-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Nessie you are too young probably to remember a song called Horsement in
 the Sky but it hit the Hit Parade big shotly after WWII

 As I recall it was sung by Vaughn Monroe who also wrote Racing With The

 Vaughn Monroe did not write Racing With The Moon, nor the song you refer to in the 
first paragraph, which
presumably is "Ghost Riders In The Sky", which has also been sung by many other 
singers and groups...Monroe
was just a singer.

 Monroe also sang "Dance Ballerina, Dance"...perhaps you'll enlighten us as to how 
THAT applies to your vast
conspiratorial cosmology?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Yardbird" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You don't consider an active, Presidentially approved attempt to deny the
 BSA their constitutional rights a conspiracy?

 Where in the Constitution does a private group, especially one pushing a narrow 
religious agenda, receive a
guarantee of receiving public funds or the use of public facilities?

 If the BSA wishes to maintain their narrow religious stance that is their right, and 
no one is denying them
that right.  What they ARE being denied is the continued use of public funds and 
facilities, which is no
private group's 'right'...

  That's what it comes down to, the right of the individual/private group

 With the emphasis on PRIVATE...

  to associate with whomever
 THEY choose and not who the multiculturally diversified totalitarians
 demand they associate with.

 Exactly.  But they then shouldn't expect the government to pick up their tab.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 The only fair solution is this: Either everybody who uses the public lands
 pays the same fees, or everybody who uses public lands pays no fee. Both
 plans are fair. But if some pay and some don't, that is unfair. If the
 government decides who pays and who doesn't pay, and does so on the basis
 of some religious precept, that's also unconstitutional. If the Boy Scouts
 get a break even though they promote religious beliefs, why not Catholics,
 why not Wiccans. For that matter, why not Satanists? If the Church of
 Satan fields a scouting group, should they get free access to public lands
 while I have to pay a fee? I think not.

When discussing the utilization of public facilities by private groups, do not 
restrict yourself to discussing
the occasional camp out in public parks.

What is more common is that the Boy Scouts have been allowed to use local public 
schools for their meetings at
no cost, and some states like Massachusetts are now questioning continuing this policy.

It comes down to the fact that public facilities -- whether a park or a local school, 
should be accessible to
THE PUBLIC, which includes people of ALL races, faiths, sexual orientation.  If a 
group wishing to utilize
public facilities excludes anyone based on race, faith, or sexual orientation, then 
they should not be allowed
use of such public facilities (or be given public funds)...and that includes not only 
the BSA, but any
religious group be it a weekly Catholic catechism class (as was done in my public 
elementary school back when
I attended), Wiccans, or Satanists.  And if it is decided to allow one -- like that 
catechism class -- then
ALL must be allowed, and that WOULD include the Church of Satan...


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] New poll shows Gore with 100%

2000-09-18 Thread K

Subject:New poll shows Gore with 100% (the current
state of the media)

©2000 Degenerate Propaganda Media, Inc.

September 16, 2000

New poll shows Gore with 100%

Hillary Clinton: Choice of the Little People

Gore Holds Solid Lock on Presidency.  No point in Republicans
even going to the polls.

WASHINGTON - Vice President Gore has surged to an
insurmountable 100-to-Zero lead over his hapless Republican
challenger, George Whatsisname.

"It's over," says one unnamed source.  "Bush had a chance, but he
was no match for the brilliant and personable Albert Gore, Jr., hero
of Viet Nam and aphrodisiac to millions of women, who swoon in
his presence."

President Gore "There's probably seven or eight dyslexics out there
in flyover country who still plan to vote for Bush, but that's about it,"
said political science professor Thomas Goonzer.  "By my
calculations, everyone else is for Gore.  Certainly everyone here on
campus is."

"Everyone who's anyone is for Gore," explained 1960's folk singer
Stringyhair.  "Bush is just icky.  Nobody's for him."

According to the poll, Gore leads in every demographic segment, in
every area of the country, on every single issue.  Literally everyone
is for him.  Gore campaign Diversity Coordinator Donna Brazile
said, "Our campaign appeals equally to men, women, children,
gays, lesbians, transgendered Native Americans, the spics, the
kikes, the beaners, African-American women, the krauts, the
polacks, the micks, the frogs, the gooks, and the crackers."

This is the first time in polling history that a candidate has secured
100% of the vote in a major media poll.  "It's testimony to the
powerful appeal of the Gore campaign to literally everyone," said
Gore spokesman Chris Lehane. "We'd like to thank the media for
coming up with this result."

ROCHESTER - Hundreds of peasants and nobodies lined the
streets of this rural hamlet yesterday to watch and wave as the
lovely and talented Hillary!  sped through town on her way to the

"I saw her limousine!" said Annette Shoemaker.  "I breathed her
exhaust!  Now I have to vote for her."

Mrs.  Shoemakers's reaction was typical among the little people
who form the core of Hillary!'s support.

Hillary!'s popularity among the yahoos who inhabit upstate New
York has risen in recent weeks.  The tragic shooting of her former
opponent, Rick Lazio, in an apparent robbery attempt at a
Starbuck's coffee shop in Ithaca has added almost four points to
her polling numbers.

"That's not enough," said Alexis Herman, Secretary of Labor during
the Hillary Administration.  "There will be more killings unless we
get these numbers up!"

Speculation on who her eventual opponent will be has settled on a
fellow in a devil costume who calls himself "the doctor." He is the
only Republican in the state who has promised to remain in the
country through the election.  All other prospective nominees
announced they would flee to Bosnia or some other safe place if


...the entire debate of hate crimes
contributes to the devaluing of human
life, by suggesting that one life should
be more protected than another. Our response
must be that every life is valuable, and
harm to one life should be penalized with
the full force of the law, no matter the
motive. --Janet Parshall

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ABC: An Arkansas Grudge

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER


NEW YORK, Sept. 17


An Arkansas Grudge

By Josh Gerstein

Whom does President Clinton blame for the ongoing effort to strip
him of his law license? The media. But the Beltway press corps
needn’t brace itself for another onslaught from the occupant of
the Oval Office. He lays this one squarely at the doors of Little
Rock’s daily newspaper, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

 In an interview last month with the Washington Post, Mr.
Clinton made clear that he believes that the decision an Arkansas
Supreme Court committee made in May to seek his disbarment was
the product of his political enemies at the Democrat-Gazette.

 “They basically intimidated all the good people off that
committee,” Clinton said. In February, the paper reported that
five of the 14 people eligible for the panel that would handle
Clinton’s case had donated money to one of Clinton’s campaigns or
to other Democratic efforts. The Democrat-Gazette ran a few more
stories as panelists recused themselves. About eight people ended
up stepping aside.

 In the end, a group of six Arkansas citizens concluded that
Clinton’s conduct in the Paula Jones civil case violated bar
rules and that he should be disbarred. Within hours after the
decision was made, White House aides suggested to reporters that
those who remained on the committee were biased. One Senate
Democrat called the panel a “kangaroo court.” (The paper later
reported that four of the six who considered Clinton’s case had
voted Democratic in recent elections.)

 Clinton said the owners of the Democrat-Gazette had it in
for him long before they drove the Gannett-owned Arkansas Gazette
under and bought its assets in 1991. The president complained to
Post reporter John Harris that the Democrat and its successor
“was in a tirade daily against us.” The Democrat-Gazette’s
editorial page has certainly not minced words about its position.
“Disbar the shyster,” read the headline on one in a series of
withering editorials the newspaper has published on the subject.

 So it’s understandable that Clinton waxes nostalgic for the
old Gazette. “It was one of the great progressive newspapers in
America for decades,” he said. “Arkansas, I believe, was hurt by
the fact that the Arkansas Gazette couldn’t go on.”

 (In its article based on the interview, the Post indicated
that Clinton believed that members of the committee had been
“hectored into recusing themselves,” but the story didn’t say
that the president blamed the Democrat-Gazette for the pressure.
The full transcript of the interview was released on Thursday by
the White House.)

Josh Gerstein has covered the White House for ABCNEWS since 1997.

Copyright ©2000 ABC News Internet Ventures.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: TWA800 Info

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

From: FIRO

Dear Citizen:

TWA Flight 800 crashed off the coast of Long Island, NY in the
summer of 1996.  Over 600 eyewitnesses were interviewed by the
FBI.  NOT ONE witness was ever allowed to testify at ANY public
or closed-door hearing on the crash.  See the second article,
linked below

Lead FBI TWA investigator James Kallstrom said the U.S. Navy
conducted "classified maneuvers" on the night of the crash.  To
THIS day, the Navy is hiding information from the night of the
crash about "the movement of significant Naval units" under a
cloak of "National Security."  See the first article, linked
below, for the full story.

1) "National Security Invoked Regarding TWA Flight 800" at:

Discusses the Navy's decision to invoke "national security" to
hide information concerning "the movement of significant naval
units" on the night Flight 800 crashed.  Details various ship
movements near the crash site and highlights the closest ship (3
miles), which the FBI has been unable to identify.

2) "The Eyewitnesses: A brief review of official declarations"

Discusses the gathering and analysis of eyewitness evidence in
the federal investigation of TWA Flight 800.  Astonishing,
contradictory stances taken by the National Transportation Safety
Board Witness Group are revealed.

and/or acquaintances if you find the articles interesting.
Provided as a free service from Flight 800 Independent
Researchers Organization (FIRO)-

Tom Stalcup Chair, FIRO

PS: To receive similar, free updates directly, sign up at the
bottom of the main page.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Home Schooling was Holocaust Museum Sued [response to multiple emails]

2000-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

--- tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is a far wiser coarse in my opinion to actually DO something to
 make things better where you CAN than to just bemoan how bad it is.
 This is what is being advocated here, and I think it is sensible.  If
 you don't like the schools then try to change them, but in the
 meantime take your kids out if it worries you.

Responding to this, and also to an off list email about home schooling
being off-topic, here's why I think it IS on-topic: Home schooling is
an anti-conspiracy tactic. Government schools are IMO a socially
acceptible, easily achieved means of changing children from people to
sheeple, of indoctrinating them into advocates of the NWO. In other
words, the schools are part of the conspiracy. Conspiracy theory
research includes, as far as I know, not only exposing the
conspiracies, but also devising methods to counter them, to protect
one's family, especially one's children. And, if anyone on the list is
considering home schooling, by all means, feel free to contact me off
list for advice, links, emotional support (it's hard at first, but it
gets easier), etc.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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Re: [CTRL] DSL Leaves Some Customers Fuming

2000-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

 The phone companies don't have a clue how to manage an Internet
 business. DSL is not a big deal. These publicly-regulated local phone
 companies are just incredibly incompetent regarding Internet
 technology. I
 know. My PacBell experience is just unbelievable... Steve)

We have Bell Atlantic/Verizon, which was mentioned in the article. As
soon as cable modem is available in our area (within the next month or
so), we are getting that, and a cell phone (through our long-distance
provider), and tossing the landline completely. In the last year, our
phone bill has gone from $17 a month to $45 a month, just for basic
charges. That does not include one minute of toll calls. Verizon has
proposed to the Public Utilities commission not only a basic rate
increase, but REQUIRING customers to purchase 15 minutes of regional
toll calls (in state; I use my long-distance carrier) AND a minimum of
THREE custom calling features (Caller ID, call waiting etc.) which are
now optional. At least the state ratepayer advocate brought this to
light, giving consumers time to protest and/or plan alternatives.

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Re: [CTRL] The Jesuit Oath

2000-09-18 Thread Tenorlove

I couldn't find it in the urban legends pages, but I did a Yahoo search
"Jesuit oath" and got over 1500 matches, and just scanning the titles
of web pages on the first page of the search, gives me the gut feeling
that it is, shall we say, less than completely authentic. Most of the
sites listed were obvious anti-Catholic sites: Baptist,
Christadelphian, other Protestant sites. If you can find it in a
pro-Catholic site, or on a pro-Jesuit site, that would give it a
greater air of authenticity.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL]  Mounties end probe of Promis

2000-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A
S.html"The Toronto Star - News Story:  Mounties end pr…/A
 September 16, 2000   Mounties end probe of Promis
Their conclusion: RCMP not using rigged software
By Valerie Lawton and Allan Thompson
Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau
OTTAWA - The RCMP claims it does not have controversial software that
allegedly was rigged to allow foreign spies to peek into top-secret computer

The force said yesterday that a lengthy national security investigation is
shutting down.
But the announcement is unlikely to end questions about the bizarre case.

The developer of the software, called Promis, said an investigator suggested
to him the probe was being wrapped up in a hurry to quell questions when the
House of Commons resumes Monday. And an opposition politician vowed not to
let the issue rest until the Mounties offer a better explanation.

`I would ask why they made such an investment of time and resources and money
to send people repeatedly to the United States to interview witnesses in the
Promis-Inslaw affair . . . It doesn't make any sense.'
- Bill Hamilton
Owner of Promis creator Inslaw Inc.

An RCMP spokesperson wouldn't explain why it's taken over a year and trips
across North America by investigators to conclude the force isn't using

``The investigation . . . was to make sure that national security wasn't
breached,'' said Staff Sergeant Mike Gaudet. ``We're saying today that we do
not have Promis software.''

Four people interviewed by the Mounties - who used Promis spelled backward
(simorp) in their e-mail address - have told The Star an RCMP investigator
explicitly said the force does have Promis.

The Star reported last month that the RCMP was investigating claims software
used by the force and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service had a ``trap
door'' to allow American and Israeli agents to eavesdrop.

Promis was at the centre of a major U.S. scandal a decade ago. Bill and Nancy
Hamilton, owners of Washington-based Inslaw Inc., which created Promis,
accused the U.S. government of stealing their software. They also claim
pirated versions were sold to intelligence agencies worldwide.

Their story has been confirmed by two Israeli spies who've also alleged the
software was fitted with a trap door - essentially a computer bug.

Inslaw's Bill Hamilton said he has spoken with lead investigator Sean McDade
dozens of times in recent months.

``I would ask why they made such an investment of time and resources and
money to send people repeatedly to the United States to interview witnesses
in the Promis-Inslaw affair if they had not done their homework to find out
that they have any interest in the matter,'' Hamilton said. ``It doesn't make
any sense, does it?''

Hamilton faxed The Star a statement on Thursday, a day before the RCMP's
announcement, suggesting political concerns were pushing such a public
comment ``because the House of Commons is about to come into session again
and expects the RCMP to have a definitive answer about this software.''

Hamilton also accused McDade of changing his position on Promis. In the past,
he said, McDade suggested the RCMP acquired Promis from a company in
Massachusetts and it was modified by a Toronto firm. Yet just this week
McDade said he was certain the force doesn't have Promis.

Cheri Seymour, a California researcher interviewed by McDade - who took away
thousands of pages of her research material - said yesterday: ``(McDade) said
that they had a paper trail on the Promis software being purchased by the
RCMP. He told me that.''

McDade, an Ottawa-Carleton regional police officer on secondment to the RCMP,
has refused The Star's numerous requests for an interview.

Gaudet refused to explain why the RCMP launched the investigation last year,
even though the force adamantly denied in 1991 it had the software, or why it
has taken some 18 months to determine whether software in the RCMP's own
computers is Promis.

Canadian Alliance MP Myron Thompson (Wild Rose) vowed to go after answers:
``It doesn't make sense that they traipse around the world and spend a lot of
taxpayers' money investigating something that we're not involved in.''

Potter's field is bigger than Durham knows [Coyle]  Children in war: The
world awakes
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[CTRL] [LeftLibertarian] CIA Creates Palestinian Intelligence!

2000-09-18 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Samuel Konkin" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [LeftLibertarian] CIA Creates Palestinian Intelligence!
Date: Sunday, July 23, 2000 4:16 AM

Did someone else post this when I wasn't looking (or haven't caught
up to yet)? If not, this matches and exceeds the IRS training the
newly-freed Russians how to collect taxes in 1992.

Freely as ever, SEK3

 [forwarded to me by John Fast] Special to World
Saturday, June 17, 2000

RAMALLAH [MENL] -- U.S. intelligence is raising its profile in an
effort to oversee and train Palestinian  security  officers  amid
heightened tension in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Palestinian Authority officials said the CIA will  supervise  the
construction  and  operation  of  the  Palestinian   intelligence
headquarters north of  Jericho.  The  building  as  well  as  the
training of PA security officers will be financed by  the  United

The PA has also decided to  build  a  new  headquarters  for  the
General Intelligence service in Ramallah. About 12 acres of  land
have already been allocated. Again, CIA officers  will  supervise
and finance the construction  as  well  as  the  installation  of
advanced surveillance and electronic equipment.

PA officials said CIA officers are also training  Force  17,  the
praetorian guard of PA Chairman Yasser Arafat. They said five CIA
representatives are responsible for the supervision and  training
of the PA security officers.

Opposition sources  said  the  CIA  and  State  Department  funds
several Palestinian institutions in the West Bank. They said  CIA
representatives  have  attend  the  interrogation   of   detained
Palestinian opposition members.

PA  officials  said  the  CIA  officers  are  also  involved   in
monitoring the security situation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip
as well as counterterrorism cooperation between  Israel  and  the
Palestinians. Israeli security sources report rising  tension  in
the PA territories and have warned of new violence by the end  of
the month amid the stalemate in negotiations between  Israel  and
the PA.

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[CTRL] OEN 9/18/00

2000-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin

Global Financial Mafia

FATF Speaks with Forked Tongue

Of course WE can launder money: we're big countries and you're not.

While few would bet their house and land that the industrialised nations and
their handmaidens, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,
OECD, the Financial Stability Forum and the Financial Action Task Force will
change their course any time soon and drop their threat to impose sanctions
against some Caribbean islands, it seems clear that some recent revelations
have left them embarrassed, so much so that they don’t know how to react.
Here’s what has happened.
After an extensive investigations, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission has
unearthed solid evidence that 19 major banks in Switzerland, Britain and the
United States had a role in helping the late Nigerian military dictator, Sani
Abacha, launder some US$660 million during the five years he was in office.
According to the commission, more than half of the US$208 million that found
itself into secret Swiss bank accounts was funnelled into Switzerland from
Britain while a third flowed through United States banks. Just as bad, of the
US$514 million of the stolen money that left Switzerland some US$219 million
ended up in Britain.
What makes the Abacha case so embarrassing for the United States and Britain
in particular is that they are the driving forces behind an insidious
campaign by the OECD, the Task Force and others to shut down the offshore
financial services centres in the Caribbean on the grounds that they are
“havens” for people intent on laundering dirty money.
To achieve their goals, the OECD, the United States and Britain have raised
the spectre of billions of dollars being laundered in the Caribbean.
Of course, neither the United States nor Britain was on the list of potential
money laundering havens around the world that was created by the FATF and the
OECD. And they certainly don’t face tough sanctions by next July if they fail
to comply with OECD wishes.
And how did officials of the Task Force, a group created by the OECD, respond
to the report by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission?
Basically, it declined to comment.
The Financial Services Authority, the British regulator, didn’t have much to
say either.
“Our locus is to ensure there are adequate systems and controls,” a spokesman
was quoted as saying.
Considering that the United States and Britain have taken the unprecedented
step of warning their banks about financial dealings with both Antigua and
the Bahamas, two key questions arise.
The first: shouldn’t Britain and the United States first clean up their mess
at home before pointing a finger at other countries?
The obvious answer is an emphatic “yes”. But the real world of the rich and
the powerful doesn't operate that way.
As Lester Bird, Antigua’s Prime Minister, told the United Nations Millennium
Summit the day after the Swiss released its findings, what the OECD was doing
was wrong, dead wrong.
“The rule of law has become the rule of the jungle. Rules no longer apply,
only might is right,” he said.
Barbados put it differently.
“We have noticed a tendency by the large and mighty members of the world
community to exploit the very laudable precepts of the United Nations to
maintain an unjust status quo or to impose unpalatable conditionalities on
peaceful coexistence,” said Billie Miller, the Deputy Prime Minister, in her
address to the summit.
She complained about the “efforts of the OECD to direct our tax regime” and
stated that the “organisation’s blacklisting of the offshore financial
centres of small economies is a case in point”.
Now, the second question: how come the British and American banks didn’t
undertake the kind of scrutiny of the Abacha money laundering scheme that
they are seeking to impose on the Caribbean?
The answer: huge profits were at stake.
If they had acted properly, the 19 banks involved would have passed up a
golden opportunity to reap large profits from dirty money.
The Financial Times of London put it well when it stated in an editorial that
the problem arose, not because of “rules” to prevent money laundering but “in
their implementation” by major industrial nations.
Small wonder, then, that the agency created to deal with money laundering,
the Financial Action Task Force, which was shouting loud and clear a few
months ago about the situation in the Caribbean and other small
jurisdictions, has suddenly lost its tongue.
But if it had spoken, the FATF would have found itself accused of speaking
with “a forked tongue.”
In any case, its deafening silence spoke volumes.
Nation Newspaper, Barbados (
1§ion=Business), September 11, 2000

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.

Re: [CTRL] The Jesuit Oath

2000-09-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Tenorlove - it is Pope bashing and has been.  My father was a
Catholic - he knew the difference between propaganda and prophecywas
a "messenger" during the WW.

So - easy way to see things in proper perspective - look who is getting
shot and murdered..three Kennedys, and Joe and John were WWII heros
- and RFK murdered for taking on organized crime - and we had of course
two Popes die suddenly and one thought of the Rosicrucian's goal to
murder the least I did - so we have how many dead Kennedys
now, and this last Pope gunned downimportant to conspirators people
like the Pope and our President meet sudden death, in the open sight of
others - preferable at high or low twelveMafia stuff.

Kiss of death, so to put.MoJo.

So who is so conspicous by their presense?   Well Henry Kissinger if
that guy is not cloned for such as hated man, he walks in safety does he

Clinton is so paranoid yet seemingly not afriad or does he put up good
show.especially during September, October, and November ..he has
more Secret Service than the Pope has Jesuits.

These are dangerous times...Rabin murdered, with a song in his
pocket.Castro survies - he lives..little John John and little
Princess of Wales,well conspicuous by their absence.

Tony Blair is getting pretty deep now - he had to go to the Queen to ask
permission to call emergencys.thought she was just a figure head?

Ask her for permission to call emergency.and little Madeline
Albright - Clinton sends her to the great Red Star Putin for permission
for USA to beef up our security?That would be nice wouldnt it?
Especially since now Russia and China are the former within 50 miles
striking disance of USA and the latter how close to California allegedly
can missile wipe out the Gay Pride State in how many minutes?

Martin Luther King gunned down for dues check off by Union controlled by
CFR President Jerry Wurf who invited him to dinner too?

Marching with sanitation workers for dues check off.and Baby Bush -
my goodness, all he said was he would never let a US Soldier wear a UN
Uniform, and a sanitation dump truck almost assassinated him?What a
way to go ..

Now we had George Wallace too..what did all these people have in
common - the one comon denominator?  As the John Birch Socety once said
- this is not a Jewish, Masonic, or Catholic ConspiracyI agree - it
is a Zionist Conspiracy in collusion with UN and the golden rule is
screw them, before they screw you.

For it is the God Machine - Gold, Oil, and  Drugs and natural resoures
these people want and the bible is the Master Plan for Murder keyed to
Stars and Testaments.

So as the stomach churns and turns.don't lay it on the Jesuits - you
know G. Gordon Liddy had Jesuit Training, and that Watergate Motelwe
had the Judgment at the Watergate in Nehimiah.boy Huzzah - two men
on a horse.   But Liddy I guess bombed out of Jesuit school...but I
say, someone got even.

So we have a President who does not want to go..we have his wife who
also wants to stay - why not, they have had a free ride for how long?
They have had time to hire little people to steal the family jewells for
them but as the public watches this cheap soap opera, they cannot tell
that which is real, from that which is unrealhey this is
real...this man really is our President.

Bring back Dan Quayle or was that Quail.Free Challenger the Great
Eagle and send him after those buzzards in attack mode.

For We the People Shall Know the Truth, and as Huxley said, and The
Truth Shall Make You Sick.


So Society of Jesus - your friendly spies ... like Henry Kissinger
wearing his old sheepskinHenry, we hardly knew yee?

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] NM: Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer is Our Guy, said Stephanopoulos

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and Staff

Monday September 18, 2000; 10:03 AM EDT

Stephanopoulos: Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer is Our Guy

Jim Lehrer, the PBS News Hour anchorman tapped by the so-called
"bi-partisan" Presidential Debate Commission to preside over
three October face-offs between Vice President Al Gore and Texas
Governor George Bush, is so friendly towards the White House that
a former top Clinton-Gore official once described him as "our

Lehrer hosted two Clinton-Dole presidential commission debates
and one Gore-Kemp vice presidential debate in 1996. At no point
did the PBS newsman specifically raise the administration's
Filegate scandal, which had broken just two four months before,
or the burgeoning Chinagate scandal, which was then on the front
pages of every newspaper in the country.

A year after Clinton-Gore handily defeated Dole-Kemp at the
polls, senior White House aide George Stephanopoulos admitted
that the debate deck had been stacked against the GOP despite the
commission's pretense towards bipartisanship:

"We wanted the debates to be a non-event," Stephanopoulos
revealed during a 1997 panel discussion on presidential politics.
"As long as we would agree to Perot not being in it, we could get
everything else we wanted going in. We got out time frame, we got
our length, we got our moderator."

PBS's pro-Democrat bias became even more apparent in July 1999,
when several of its taxpayer funded outlets were caught helping
the Democratic National Committee.

After repeated denials of impropriety, two of the network's
flagship stations, WGBH in Boston and WETA in Washington, D.C.,
admitted sharing their donor lists with the DNC. Others PBS
outlets were also implicated in the federally subsidized
fund-raising scam.

The Presidential Debate Commission is currently involved in a
joint venture with McNeil-Lehrer productions to produce a
documentary on the history of presidential debates.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

September 18, 2000
Contact: Richard Tomkins
(202) 646-5172


Nolanda Hill Testified Mrs. Clinton Was Mastermind Of Sale Of
Trips On Trade Missions For Campaign Contributions In 1996

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch is well underway in commencing
Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") proceedings concerning Mrs.
Clinton's apparent sale of overnight sleepovers in the Lincoln
Bedroom and at Camp David in exchange for campaign contributions.
This parallels the testimony of Ms. Nolanda Hill, former Ron
Brown confidante and business partner, who provided sworn
testimony that former Commerce Secretary Brown had admitted to
her that Mrs. Clinton was the mastermind of the sale of seats on
trade missions.

Yesterday, Internet "guru" Matt Drudge reported that Democratic
donors stayed in the Lincoln Bedroom and at Camp David to raise
money for her during the current 2000 Senatorial campaign, even
when Mrs. Clinton was not in the White House, thereby calling
into question her "alibi" that these sleepovers were to become
"acquainted" with new friends.

"Mrs. Clinton obviously has no respect for the office of the
Presidency and the White House itself, and is willing to sell
anything for a cheap buck. It's no wonder she hasn't tried to
sell the President, who obviously himself is prone to go to the
highest bidder. Judicial Watch, which sparked the campaign
finance scandal through the October, 1996 testimony of John Huang
in its case against the Clinton-Gore Commerce Department, has
already filed FOIA requests and expects to soon file a lawsuit to
fully uncover the latest Clinton bribery scheme,"  stated
Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] WND: China's New War Fighting Skills - full report

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

China's New War Fighting Skills:

Emerging threats to the U.S., India, Taiwan and the Asia/Pacific

An American Foreign Policy Council investigation in Southeast

August 14-26, 2000

by Al Santoli

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] The Gay Youth Suicide Myth

2000-09-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

Found my notes on this Gacy - in prison he called for Hustler Magazine,
Playboy, and a bible.

Most interesting parallel lines between Clinton and Gacy - for I believe
Clinton is someone you could compare to a serial killer..slaughter
of the innocents like Waco for instance what did he say "The Davidians
murdered themselves".
Now what does that comment have in comman with the Killer Clown
Gacywho murdered 15 year old boy scout - JonBenet Style, virtually.
You know Clinton just ran his own little Hustler epidemic in the Oval
OfficeJimmy Carter and his sister Stapleton, of course - got in with
born again Christian Larry Flynt - big bucks here, drugs the whole

And Jimmy made his big story when he ws interviewed by Playboy..and
of course, Gacy the Killer Clown who loved little kids, was a
homosexual, a bi sexual, and a sodomist and then murdered it is said
over 35 people, as I recallmostly all kids young people - hired male
prostitutes - but Gacy liked to make the offer and this man liked to
play Santa Claus too.

Probably spent lots of times in public places, like rod side parks where
little kiddies used to be able to go and feel safe - they like
restrooms, and also bars when some of these kids get a little too high
or need money for drugs.

So what did Gacy say when he was caught with a crawl space full of dead

Well one thing he told about reciting the 23rd psalm, reading it to his
victim - "the Lord is my shepard:then he said of some of his
victims, like Clinton:

"they killed themselves"..with their own little ropes, like the
Davidians "murdered themselves"...

Like all those hemophiliacs in Canada - did they murder themselves with
Clinton's polluted blood he spread about the world?

Those two kids on the railroad track - did they murder themselves down
there in
Arkansas by falling to sleep on a railroad track"

Vincent Foster "killed himself"...who knowswith all those
alleged bank accounts he set up for whom?

Gacy had his picture taken with Mrs Carter, the President's wife - and
you could see Gacy's little S pin meaning he had clearance by Secret
Servicejust put secret in front of anything and people go sex

Gacy's parents were both Polish - not Irish as claimed by this one
Nathan on list.

Gacy had an IQ of 118 which is considered to be bright by some.   But he
still claimed some of these kids "killed themselves" and why - why they
had put the cords about their own neckshe just buried the bodies
..they were killed in the same manner as little JonBenet
Ramsey.these boys when being garoted to death  2 to 3 quick turns,
wet their pants - and little JonBenet as did the little girl in the
Moors murdrs both murdered Christmas Day, did.

So call all this stuff just normal each his own?

These kids all murdered themselves.while like in Moors
Murders.readings from the bible were played - church bells in Moors
Murderswhile little kids were tortured.

Strange - it would seem Gacy might have been using the bible as a come
on too?

Do we want sodomists in our Boys Scouts?   I want them nowhere near me
or mine.

You know strange, while Gacy shoveled bodies under his crawl space and
covered with lime, at Waco they bulldozed them over...little
JonBenet was found in a basementso be on look for a sick twisted
perverted Santa Claus or a Killer Clown someone who hung around ittle
girls and beauty shows?

Somehow I do not like clowns anymore - and be sure to gt your Santa
Claus and Boy Scout Leadrs pedigress before letting your children near

Suicidal homosexuals?That is right, as Gacy said "they kiled
themselves", like Waco - Attorney Clinton said, "they murdered
themselves, as he carried on with a prostitute who played Sodom and
Gommorah in the Oval Office.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] New Discovery At Los Alamos Fire Scene (fwd)

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 11:27:53 -0600
From: Howard Bleicher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: New Discovery At Los Alamos Fire Scene

The fire at Los Alamos has one significant consequence.

A secret scientific document was discovered in a bunker whose
security systems were mostly destroyed by the fire. This document
was leaked to the public last weekend.

Actually it reveals nothing that we didn't already suspect. But
it does show that the government has known all along that besides
arsenic, lead, mercury, radium, strontium, uranium and plutonium,
one more extremely deadly and pervasive element also exists.

Investigators at a major research institution have discovered the
heaviest element known to science. This startling new discovery
has been tentatively named Governmentium (Gv) but kept top secret
for 50 years.

This new element has no protons or electrons, thus having an
atomic number of 0. It does, however, have 1 neutron, 125 deputy
neutrons, 75 supervisory neutrons, and 111 team leader neutrons,
giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by a force called morons,
which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles
called peons.

Since it has no electrons, Governmentium is inert. However, it
can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes
into contact.

According to the discoverers, a minute amount of Governmentium
causes one reaction to take over four days to complete when it
would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a
normal half-life of approximately three years; it does not decay
but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the
deputy neutrons, supervisory neutrons, and team leader neutrons
exchange places. In fact, Governmentium sample's mass will
actually increase over time, since with each reorganization some
of the morons inevitably become neutrons, forming new isotopes.

This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to
speculate that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a
certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is
referred to as the "Critical Morass."

[source unknown]

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Racism? Or Independence?

2000-09-18 Thread J Taylor

  Racism? Or Independence?

  by Steven Yates

   Last week the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) released a series of
   "Intelligence Reports" purporting to reveal an upsurge in "white
   supremacist" and "racist" groups during the late 1990s. "A
   neo-Confederate movement, increasingly rife with white supremacists
   and racist ideology, is growing across America," cries the bold print
   of one of the lead documents, Rebels With a Cause. The document
   proceeds with the (probably true) allegation that a neo-Confederate
   movement has gained some momentum since July 1 of this year, when the
   Confederate flag was removed from the South Carolina State House Dome.
   But what are the real causes, and the real implications?

   One of the SPLCs chief targets is the Alabama-based League of the
   South, the leading group whose leaders speak openly of seceding from
   the Washington government and creating a Southern Republic. Other
   targeted groups include American Renaissance, the Council of
   Conservative Citizens, Sons of Confederate Veterans, the Confederate
   Society of America, the Heritage Preservation Association, the
   Southern Military Institute (a private academy that does not as yet
   exist apart from its website and fundraising efforts), the Southern
   Legal Resource Center, the Southern Party, the United Daughters of the
   Confederacy, the Rockford Institute, and - incredibly! - the Ludwig
   von Mises Institute. They also target the sole news periodical, a
   monthly, that presents news and commentary from a staunch pro-South
   point of view, the fledgling Edgefield Journal, based in the small
   town of Edgefield, South Carolina, west of Columbia.

   In fairness, some of these groups I had barely heard of despite my own
   League membership. I cannot vouch for or rail against the ideas
   attributed to them by the SPLC, never having seen a copy of American
   Renaissance, for example (the magazine apparently published by the
   organization of that name). I hardly need point out the likelihood
   that the groups in the above list are different from one another, with
   different aims and possibly different ideological perspectives. This
   makes tarring them all with the same brush fundamentally suspect. I
   will concentrate on those I know.

   Consider the Mises Institute. It was founded to recover from
   near-oblivion, study and have studied, and further develop, the ideas
   of Ludwig von Mises, a central figure in Austrian school economics.
   Mises was the author of Human Action and other paradigmatic works,
   following a perfectly respectable notion: that the methods of the
   human sciences cannot legitimately be modeled on the methods of
   physics. Hence the writings of Austrian school economists employ
   deductive reasoning from first premises, not reams of statistics and
   empirical models applicable only to this or that situation, or
   economy. One of Mises conclusions, for which he produces formidable
   and very detailed arguments, is that political interference in
   economic activity by the central state is bound to be destructive in
   the long run (there might be some short term benefits). The path to
   genuine prosperity, in the Misesian view, is a free market unhampered
   by government fetters, regulations, licensure laws, and restrictions.
   There is now an enormous literature devoted to this approach,
   including a quarterly refereed academic journal and an annual
   conference featuring scholars drawn from all over the world. The
   influence of the Austrian school in economics is being felt
   practically everywhere.

   While bound to be controversial and likely to receive more than a few
   blank stares of noncomprehension in this age of statism and low
   educational attainment, what we have here is hardly a picture of a
   "neo-Confederate" organization of "white supremacists" and "racists."
   Of course, one of the consequences of the idea that central-state
   interventions are harmful to all concerned is a rejection of such
   policies as affirmative action preferences - and we know how such
   rejections are invariably interpreted by left-liberals. Mises, of
   course, never applauded state-sanctioned chattel slavery any more than
   his intellectual descendents favor our present-day de facto slavery
   (paying almost 40 percent of our incomes into taxes). However, we do
   not find analyses of Mises views or of taxation in the SPLC report,
   because these would not serve the purpose of tarring all the opponents
   of Washington-centered statism with a single brush.

   How about the League of the South? It seems that the SPLC cannot even
   mention the name of the group without using the adjectives racist or
   white supremacist (or both) in tandem, or of describing it as a "hate
   group." This, to a logical mind, is known as 

[CTRL] Rumills: Fw Dark Dreams; The War of Gog Magog

2000-09-18 Thread Donald Park

Not endorsed; Hope its a crock!

 From: Rayelan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon Sep 18, 2000 1:22pm


  This scenario is dependent upon either side provoking the
other. I look for

  Most Christians and Jews believe that current events, as
described in the
  predictions of Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Obediah, and John in
Revelation, are
  to be rigidly prescribed according to God's calendar. Rabbi
Michael Rood, a
  Messianic Jew, has stated that the modern Hebrew Calendar is
off by about a
  month. Therefore, instead of Tishri 1, the first of Tishri,
being on Sept.
  30th of the Gregorian Calendar, it is actually on October
28th. This will
  alter the times of the occurrences of certain predicted

  According to Rabbi Rood, this would put Yom Kippur on November
7th. and
  Sikkott, which I believe is the "Feast of Tabernacles" on Nov.

  The Palestinian Arabs are expected to provoke a war against
Israel any day
  soon, whether or not Yassir Arafat declares a separate
Palestinian State. It
  could be that the Palestinians will attack a "holy Islamic
site' and blame it
  on the Israelis. The likely site would be the Dome of the
Rock, on the Temple
  Mount. This will stir the other Arab states to fury and they
will begin to
  mobilize against Israel. When this occurs, according to
prophecy, Israel will
  retaliate with nuclear weapons, destroying the Palestinian
Arabs, who are the
  Biblical Philistines, and the House of Esau. The remaining
Arabs of Iraq,
  Syria, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and probably the Islamic states of
the Russian
  Federation, and perhaps with the aid of China, will attack
Israel after
  protesting to the UN about Israel's "criminal acts." This is
supposed to
  occur on Tishri 1 which will be October 28th by the Gregorian
Calendar. The
  war will last about ten days, terminated by divine
intervention by God, and
  ending just at Yom Kippur on November 7th, with the wiping out
of the Islamic
  States and much of the Russian and Chinese army. Israel will
then supposedly
  occupy her ancient lands now held by the Arabs...

  Russia and China, who will have also invaded Eastern Europe,
will back off
  from attacking Israel and God will allow them to invade North
America through
  Alaska, Canada, and the Gulf of Mexico. They will be aided by
Cuba and
  Nicaragua. Nuclear submarines will attack both coasts, causing
  destruction and death to millions of Americans. Meanwhile, our
Armies will be
  stranded overseas. At some point, President Clinton will
request the United
  Nations to bring in a peacekeeping force.

  At about this time, with the Middle East war ending at the
approximate time
  of the "Feast of Tabernacles," the location of the Ark of the
Covenant will
  be revealed and the Antichrist will ride into Jerusalem on a
donkey, and he
  will be announced as the "Messiah" of all Christians, Jews,
Mohammedans and
  Buddhists, etc.. It is also believed that at this time that
there will be a
  great outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and the 3 1/2 or seven
year Tribulation
  will begin. Many Christians believe that this will also be the
time of the
  Rapture of the forgiven faithful.

  The Antichrist will rapidly assume world power, with a world
government which
  has its capitol in Jerusalem. It is theorized that he will
soon intervene to
  stop the war in Europe and North America, but not before there
has been much
  destruction. Initially he will be hailed as a peacemaker and
as the
  recognized Jewish Messiah.

  There will be 18 months of "false peace," and he will fulfill
his promise to
  rebuild the Jewish Temple.

  But the tribulation will have just begun for a slumbering
America. The UN
  Forces will seize private weapons and property while executing
most of the
  "useless eaters, the rebellious, the disabled, and the
elderly. The
  Globalists will begin a program of progressive depopulation,
and steadily
  more widespread mass murder, which includes the objective of
racial cleansing
  of the darker races. At the top of globalist governance will
be the corporate
  socialist elitists, who will preside over fiefdoms in a

Re: [CTRL] thankfully, this work is banned=Tyranny in Canada?

2000-09-18 Thread Aleisha Saba

June as usual you speak and do not back up your claims.  Vaughn Monroe
and Pauline Pope wrote Racing with the Moon, th words - and Johnny
Watson, wrote the music.   Monroe was from Akron, Ohio and played here a
lot - I had the opportunity to meet him once, and he ws much more
handson in person than in the movies.

Ghost Riders in the Sky and also Riders in the Sky - same song..your
lack of knowledge sometimes is appalling but note you have brushed up on
your grammar for one who sits back and corrects grammar and ends
sentences with propositions.which I usually ignore.

He had an orchestra and also at one time was to be an opera singer; he
made several movies.

Ghost Riders in the Sky - new movie Blues Brothrs has the four horsemen
riding out of the sky and this is straight out of the revelations -
beautiful scene, in particular the Behold the Pale Horse.

Evidently June you do not now the psychological impact of music and how
it is used and you know as much about music and singers no doubt as you
do art.

Next time you mouth off, check the factsor be a little more civil in
correcting sam.

Refer to Pop Music, Volume II, Revised - 1941 - there you will find who
wrote Racing With the Moonand there was also a legend with regard to
this song that I do not care to share with you.

So much for mis and disinformation?   Check your facts June.

The KKK I might add organized the first American you did
not know that did you, for this was and still is a powerful organization
- the REAL Klan that is.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CIA Use of Nazi Research

2000-09-18 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CIA Use of Nazi Research
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2000 4:08 AM
CIA Use of Nazi Research

The following are not all Nazi war criminals hired to work
for the U.S. though several are. All of them worked with
such, and/or worked at similar unethical experiments.

Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.  Ex head CIA Chemical Biological Warfare
 program. Testified in congressional hearings about
 developing a system of running a pipe under a target's
 door to deliver incapacitating, poisonous or suggestibility
 increasing gas.

Dr. Ray Teichler.   Gottlieb's assistant, and CIA liason aty
 Edgewood Arsenal. Assistant to Edgewood Medical Laboratories
 division of human experimentation director.

Karl Tauboeck.   Nazi scientist constulting for the CIA.

Friedrich Hoffman.   Nazi scientist consulting for the CIA.

Otto Ambrose.   Worked for J. Peter Grace.

Dr. Albert Klingman.   Participated in joint CIA/Army program
 at Edgewood, got prison inmates for these experiments;
 also had a climatic control chamber.

Edgewood Arsenal.   Run by U.S. Army Chemical Corps, which
 had acquired 8 Nazi scientists.

Dr. Robley Evans.   Radiation in WW II, using some data from
 ongoing Nazi radiation experiments on humans, mostly by
 Dr. Boris Rajewski.  Asked for conscientious objectors
 to be sent to him for this.

Dr. Boris Rajewski.   Nazi radiation experimentor.

Gerhard Schubert.   Nazi radiation experimentor, brought to
 the U.S.

Hermann Daenzer.   Nazi radiation experimentor, brought to
 the U.S.

Wolfgang Luther.   Nazi radiation experimentor, brought to
 the U.S.

Dieter Strang.   Nazi radiation experimentor, brought to
 the U.S.

Arthur Demnitz.  Nazi radiation experimentor, brought to
 the U.S.

Dr. Robert Stone.   Also requested and used Nazi data incl.
 Rajewski's report, later with Dr. Evans on the Nuclear
 Energy Propulsion for Airplanes Advisory Committee which
 tried to bring Rajewski to the U.S.

 Evans and Stone did classified radiation weapon development
 research for the AEC and military. Evans secretly a CIA
 consultant for their project to use radiation as a means
 of killing just one person.

Col. Boris Pash.   Started CIA radiation warfare research,
 had made CIA assassination teams from Nazi recruits,
 directed the Alsos Mission to locate and whitewash useful
 Nazi war criminals, and siezed 70,000 tons of uranium ore
 and radium.

Dr. Webb Haymaker.   Co-authored a book with Nazi scientist
 Hubertus Strughold. Co-developed Boron Neutron Capture
 Therapy (BNCT) from CIA ideas to use radiation to affect
 brain centers. They consulted with him on this.

 Boron is injected, and a neutron beam aimed at it in the
 brain, causing a "tiny nucear explosion." NO CURES,
 most patients died.

Dr. William Swee.   Co-developed BNCT. Worked in 1933 and 1934
 in Nazi Germany, observed sterilization of unwitting
 epileptics by aiming radiation at their genitals from under
 a desk they were told to sit at, yet though he called
 this "outrageous behavior," he never revealed this to
 war crimes investigators.

And if you think that the all-wise CIA must be excuseable
as being privy to knowledge or having special competence we
do not, consider this:

 "Think of it: thirty billion dollars a year goes to an
 intelligence establishment that cannot hire one spy in
 the south end of Mogadishu to pinpoint the location of
 a famous warlord who gives press interviews and
 broadcasts radio statements of defiance. Somalia has
 exposed the weakness of U.S. defense intelligence."
  - William Safire, N.Y. TIMES, Oct. 7, 1993 p. A29.

End of File.

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2000-09-18 Thread Amelia

Thank you so much tenebroust,
I was beginning to think I was missing posts, etc.  Also, I think we should
remember our motto "Caveat Lector" for each reader to beware and judge for
himself the validity of a post. Disinformation is fraught in conspiracies.
It is also not a good idea to assume a post represents the poster's personal
beliefs, either.  If I post the Communist Manifesto, does that make me a
communist?  I think not. Many posts are sent for the dissemination of
information only, maybe only to show what is being said on a particularly
subject.  To attribute that to the person's "own personal beliefs" is very
presumptuous.  As for being divisive, well, I am  not the one inventing
things that were allegedly said in order to rant against them for days.  And
shame on you-know-who for reacting to Kris' wanting a little peace of mind
for his symposium!  All I was going to do was greet newcomers and help them
avoid the landmines and learn about our limited bandwidth!  No coup d'etat
planned. :)  I am always available to any new folks if you have questions
about how the list operates or posting, etc.
Peace to All,

- Original Message -
From: "tenebroust" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 11:29 PM

 There have been several list members who have made the accusation that the
majority of pedophiles are homosexual in sexual orientation.  That assertion
was challenged and never successfully defended (at leat to my recollection).
I don't believe it was ever stated by anyone that ALL pedophiles are
homosexuals or that all homosexuals are pedophiles, so to my recollection,
your assertion on that subject is correct.

 On Sat, 16 September 2000, Amelia wrote:

  June, Are you saying the two terms are mutually exclusive?  While a
  may have one primary sexual identity, it does not mean they are
incapable of
  committing acts normally attributed to another identity.  A person with
  primary identity of being homosexual may or may not be capable of
  acts of pedophilia, the same as a heterosexual.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Weekly update etc. I Could Tell You, But I'd Have to Kill You: The Cult of Classification in Intelligence

2000-09-18 Thread Donald Park's Weekly Global Intelligence Update - 18

   We knew it before it was news.

   Iran: Looking to Enter the Global Arms Market

   Indonesia in Hot Water


   I Could Tell You, But I'd Have to Kill You:
   The Cult of Classification in Intelligence
   18 September 2000

   Two people are alleged to commit strikingly similar offenses.
   Wen Ho Lee, spends a year in prison only to have an
   government agree to a plea bargain. Another, John Deutsch,
   been charged with anything but watches as the investigation
   him expands, and expands.

   Both cases perfectly illustrate one of the American
   community's greatest problems: the cult of classification, in
   information both rare and commonplace is safeguarded with
   zeal. Both cases also illustrate the intense political
pressures on
   intelligence and counterintelligence agencies, polluting the
   of the nation's intelligence. These are the parts of our
   that are broken, the ones that no one in Washington wants to

   The Lee case is stunning in many respects. But no more so
than for
   this: Many people regularly mishandle classified information,
   befuddled at the complexity of regulations over what is
   and what is not. Most of these cases never become legal
matters at
   all; they are handled administratively or simply ignored. Lee
   probably singled out because U.S. intelligence discovered in
   nuclear data similar to what Lee worked with at the
laboratory. His
   plea bargain may mean that in learning the whereabouts of his
   missing tapes, the government may get what it wanted all
along and
   uncover an espionage ring.

   But a second scenario now seems more plausible: Under intense
   political pressure from Washington, U.S. counter-intelligence
   grabbed the wrong guy. Either someone else passed sensitive
   information, similar to Lee's, to the Chinese government, or
   was no spy network. The information itself was already so
   disseminated that the Chinese government could readily find
   Throughout the Lee case there was a recurrent theme: At least
   of the material he was accused of stealing had already been

   This raises a series of fascinating questions. If something
   already been published, does mishandling it or stealing it
   constitute a crime? Did the Chinese government really have to
   penetrate Los Alamos National Laboratory to steal nuclear
   or could an efficient open source intelligence operation have
   yielded what was needed? For the U.S. government, the
question is
   more profound. Does anyone really know anymore which of the
   millions of bits of classified information are already in
   accessible databases, books, articles and, of course, the

   The intelligence community underestimates the massive amounts
   information available in the open source. In 1995, for
   the Central Intelligence Agency held a competition to see who
   gather the most information, most quickly, on Burundi. The
   was a Washington company, Open Source Solutions, which left
the CIA
   team in the dust. In 24 hours, OSS compiled huge amounts of
   information, ranging from statistics to scholars; the CIA
   finished dead last, compiling little more than their own

   Promote global intelligence. Forward this newsletter to your
   colleagues and friends!


   There is certainly vital information that must be protected
   foreign espionage. These secrets worth saving should be held
   closely indeed. Far too much effort is being wasted
protecting non-
   secrets, which allows vital secrets to slip through. In

[CTRL] Fwd: Antigravity experimenter arrested

2000-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

A bit late, but interesting nonetheless

John Hutchison's Web Page


John Hutchison Raided At Gunpoint
By Canadian Police -- CLICK HERE FOR UPDATE
Reporting From Shreveport, Louisiana

  Word has been received this morning, Saturday, 18 March 2000, that
John Hutchison
has been raided at gunpoint by Canadian Police.
  John's apartment in New Westminster, British Columbia, was raided at
2 PM Friday,
17 March 2000, by gun-wielding police searching for firearms.  An antique
gun collection
owned by Hutchison was confiscated in its entireity.
  According to Hutchison, a phone call was received at about 2 PM
Friday, stating that
it was the police, and asking John to answer his door.  Hutchison states
that there were
8 to 10 individuals pointing weapons at him, only two or three of whom were
in uniform.
The rest were dressed in dark clothing.
  Hutchison was handcuffed and placed on the outside steps while police
searched the
apartment.  No warrant was claimed or shown at any time.  Police stated
only that there
had been an anonymous complaint that firearms were being brought into the
  Police also called in an "electrical inspector" to examine John's lab
equipment.  This
is the famous "Hutchison apparatus" with which John produces the renowned
  Additional individuals dressed in suits were brought in who took
extensive photographs
of the Hutchison apparatus.  Hutchison indicates that these persons had an
"official air"
about them, and that they might be Government agents, especially given the
of the original Hutchison lab, which took place while John was out of the
country in 1990.
None of these persons showed any identification.
  Those who have followed John's career of invention and innovation
will recall that his
first laboratory was forcibly seized by the Canadian Government on 24
February 1990 by
the direct order of former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.  The
has retained the lab in spite of a court order by Judge Paris of the
Supreme Court of
British Columbia to return it.
  A previous raid on John Hutchison's apartment involving his
collection of antique
firearms occured in 1978, and processing took two years.  The confiscated
antiques were
returned at the order of Judge Cronin.  These events occured under the
administration of
former PM Pierre Trudeau.  Former PM Joe Clark, who took over in the 1980s
the Trudeau administration, wrote to Hutchison offering help and support.
  The present raid follows close on the heels of a recent successful
levitation performed
11 October 1999 which was videotaped by John.  The effect was achieved
after six days
worth of attempts.
  However, neighbors called local police to complain about Hutchison's
experiment.  It
is unclear whether something in their apartment levitated, although there
is no other way
known at this time that they could have been aware of the levitation
experiment that was
in progress.  The neighbors in question live across the street from Hutchison.
  The sound of approaching sirens was recorded on the video soundtrack
of Hutchison's
camcorder during the experiment, and video of some emergency vehicles and
was obtained.
  Further updates on the situation will be posted promptly on this
Mark A. Solis
Shreveport, LA USA
Webmaster for John Hutchison

[CTRL] Test

2000-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan



2000-09-18 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


An all day CIA-Drugs Symposium featuring nationally known speakers will be
held in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 23 at Patriot Hall, 1816 S.
Figueroa Ave. in downtown Los Angeles. Doors will open at 8:30 AM and
Conference presentations will start at 9Am and run to 6 PM.

In the city where the crack cocaine epidemic began a special theme will be
an expression of unity for all the mothers of those affected. In addition to
a presentation from LA activists Donna Warren and Didon Kamathi, Linda Ives,
Jean Duffey and Mara Leveritt will make presentations as the mother,
prosecutor and author personally touched by the brutal murder of two
teenaged boys in the Arkansas countryside after they ran across CIA
connected drug smuggling in the 1980s.

Keynote speaker for the event will be noted author and UC Professor Peter
Dale Scott ("Iran-Contra Connection" and "Cocaine politics"). Additional
presentations will be made by FTW Publisher/Editor and former LAPD narc,
Mike Ruppert; retired DEA Agent Celerino Castillo; and author/producer
Daniel Hopsicker. Topics to be discussed will be the Colombian ground war,
already drawing U.S. troops, the recent Ninth Circuit Court decision
confirming evidence of CIA drug ties during the 1980s and much, much more.

Admission is on a sliding scale with a $10 donation suggested, but no one
will be turned away.

For additional information please contact conference organizer Kris Millegan
877-642-8321 ext. 9696

Or visit the conference web site at

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End


2000-09-18 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

tenebroust wrote:

 There have been several list members who have made the accusation that the majority 
of pedophiles are homosexual in sexual orientation.  That assertion was challenged 
and never successfully defended (at leat to my recollection).  I don't believe it was 
ever stated by anyone that ALL pedophiles are homosexuals or that all homosexuals are 
pedophiles, so to my recollection, your assertion on that subject is correct.

If all you base a relationship on is sex then it is possible
for someone to want multiple sex partners that are as young as

Homosexual have been known to also be very cultured and to
be impatient at those that are sloppy in their ideas and words.
For an the normal Homosexual to be interested in an child that
has very little to offer knowledge or in appreciation of the
knowledge of their benefactor would be ---.

 On Sat, 16 September 2000, Amelia wrote:

  June, Are you saying the two terms are mutually exclusive?  While a person
  may have one primary sexual identity, it does not mean they are incapable of
  committing acts normally attributed to another identity.  A person with a
  primary identity of being homosexual may or may not be capable of committing
  acts of pedophilia, the same as a heterosexual.
What is the difference between a male child and a female child
to someone that is interested in sex with children?  Their undeveloped
bodies are the same.  Also to your point that the person may be
married to an alternate sex partner since they are incapable of
indulging in a particular want, still if you going by an erroneous
accusation that the person is a normal heterosexual as a base line.
First you need to define what is your base line for a monogamous
heterosexual marriage for that point to have validity.

  What should one call an adult male whose main sexual activity is with other
  adult males with opportunistic acts of pedophilia exclusively with male
  children?  Probably a homosexual committing acts of pedophilia but that is a
  very lengthy PC phrase and not easily used by lay people on a casual email
I went over this above in saying that the male and female child body is
physically the same.  Before menses the female child should have
an even greater appeal since there is another orifice to use that
an male child does not have.  There is a greater stigma attached to
molesting female children - at least in the United States - up
to this time.

  The same sort of question could be applied to, for example, a pedophile who
  lives as a heterosexual with a wife and children, abstaining from pedophilia
  because of illegality/unavailability.  Technically, this person could be
  labeled a "non-practicing pedophile."  It is just too convoluted and easier
  to identify the person by what they are doing and that is probably why
  people do that.
Do you know that they have abstained?

  I have not seen anybody on this list say that ALL homosexuals are
  pedophiles.  Will somebody send me the portion of these posts that say that
  because I have missed it. I keep reading accusations that this one and that
  one is saying that but I cannot locate one instance of anybody claiming such
  a thing.  Guess if you want to argue, one thing is as good as another.
Bottom line:  It does not matter to what degree they are
when someone has sex with a child, no matter what their primary
identify is, they are a sadist!!
Laura aka ThePiedPiper 18Sept2000

  - Original Message -
  From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2000 3:49 PM
   From: "Justine Blake" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I had asked a homosexual pedophile
   There IS no such thing.  There are heterosexuals, there are homosexuals,
  and there are pedophiles.

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977

[CTRL] Fw: Janet Poppins

2000-09-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I apologize if this takes an inordinate amount of band width.  I do not know
how that works.  Sending it at a time the list seems relatively quiet.

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia Kay Edgeman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 10:58 PM
Subject: Janet Poppins

[CTRL] New Max Com; Soviets still run Russia! I thought all this time it was the tooth fairy!

2000-09-18 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-

All I can say is: 'no shit'.  How amazing!  Did anyone really think that
power changes hands easily, without bloodshed and a lot of it?  Do Americans
really think that our present crop of robber barons (ie, read elected and
non elected government and corporate elite) will treat them any better than
their Russian counterparts?

Veteran Journalist: 'Soviets' Still Run Russia Monday, Sept. 18, 2000

The Soviet Union may have collapsed almost a decade ago, but the same people
who ran Russia then still do today.

That¹s the conclusion of veteran British journalist Patrick Cockburn, who
last year went back to Moscow where he had served as a foreign correspondent
in the 1980s.

Cockburn believes that communist party barons saw Gorbachev¹s reforms during
the 1980s as an opportunity for them to hang onto power and become
capitalist princes.

They did both.

Writing in Britain¹s Independent newspaper, Cockburn explained that when
Gorbachev launched his campaign to modernize the communist state and went
after the local party bosses who had been running large areas of the Soviet
Union for decades, he failed to understand that they would not go

"They got their revenge," he wrote "when they dissolved the Soviet Union in
1991. The key to the present state of Russia is that the final collapse of
Communism came about because the party and state bureaucracy did not want
change. They wanted to hang on to power and turn that power into money. By
and large they have succeeded. They have done so because there was no
popular revolution in 1991. The old ruling elite found that they could
happily cohabit with the free-market reformers by turning themselves into

And they succeeded, picking the bones of the Soviet Union clean, while
remaining in power.

"It is difficult to think of any historical parallel with this mass looting
of the state," Cockburn wrote. Secure in their fiefdoms, the men who had run
all the state-owned industries simply sold the state¹s holdings to
themselves at bargain basement prices, becoming multi-millionaires

As a result, Russia has undergone the worst industrial decline of any nation
in history. When Cockburn came back to Russia he discovered that "some 38
per cent of the population were living in extreme poverty."

He quotes historian David Satter as writing, "In the period since 1992, the
country's gross domestic product fell by half. This did not happen even
under German occupation. Russia now resembles a classic third-world country,
selling its raw materials ­ oil, gas and precious metals ­ in order to
import consumer goods."

Cockburn is less than optimistic about President Vladimir Putin¹s chances of
making any real changes in the situation. He writes that Putin is in the
same situation Gorbachev found himself in when he challenged the power of
the local chieftains who rule much of Russia.

Gorbachev, he recalls, tried to exercise control over the local party bosses
in the provinces by charging them with corruption and trying to dismiss
them. Putin, he says, wants to do much the same thing, relying on the power
of the security forces.

"He has appointed seven "super-governors" as his presidential envoys to
reimpose the authority of the central government over Russia's 89 regions.
It is unlikely that they will have much success. Local "dukes" stand at a
pyramid of local interests dependent on the provincial governor. As
Gorbachev discovered, they are not going to depart quietly into the
political wilderness on orders from the Kremlin...

"In the Eighties, the Soviet intelligentsia used to yearn for a "civil
society", by which they meant a society which was not dominated by an
all-powerful state. They somehow believed that Russia had a middle-class
society in embryo, much like that in the US and Britain, which would emerge
from its egg once state controls were lifted.

"They forgot that the rulers of the Soviet state were also part of society.
They were not going to disappear just because the state disintegrated. In
the event, they lived on, sudden converts to the virtues of the free market,
feeding, like vultures, on the carcass of the Soviet Union," Cockburn

[CTRL] Stephen Dunifer interview

2000-09-18 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[CTRL] Neo-Confederates Want Out

2000-09-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Neo-confederates want out of US,3604,369585,00.html
Special report: the US elections

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday September 18, 2000

Tens of thousands of white southerners are reported to be joining
organisations that seek independence from the rest of the US, claiming that
the federal government no longer represents "southern values". Opponents say
these neo-confederate groups are allowing militant and racist whites to
organise politically under the guise of a heritage movement.
Last week the Southern party, which advocates secession, won its first
mayoral victory, in a village in Alabama.

The party is an offshoot of a group called the League of the South, which
says there has been a surge in its membership as white southerners become
disillusioned with the "multiculturalism" of the main parties. The league is
led by academics and cites as its inspiration such separatist movements as
the Northern League in Italy.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Centre, which has just completed a
report on the growth of the southern movement, said it was "providing a
veneer of moral legitimacy for people who would be embarrassed to join the
[white supremacist Ku Klux] Klan".

"White supremacists do not always come wearing Klan hoods, shaved heads or
storm trooper outfits. Sometimes they boast business suits and PhDs," he

The growth of the movement became apparent earlier this year when South
Carolina bowed to national pressure and transferred the battle flag of the
Confederacy from the dome of its statehouse to a nearby monument. Many see
the flag as the symbol of a civil war fought to preserve slavery.

"[The new-confederates] were bitterly angry about that," Mr Potok said. "That
was a big loss." But flag issue gave them the chance to recruit whites who
felt increasingly estranged from mainstream politics.

The League of the South is led by a former history professor, Michael Hill,
whose office is in Tuscoloosa, Alabama. Formed in 1994, it has about 9,000

It and other neo-confederate groups point to the break-up of the Soviet
Union, the separatist Québécois movement in Canada, and the Northern League
in Italy as examples of what is possible.

As the League of the South is not a political party, some of its members
formed the Southern party, which now has 2,000 members. Last week Wayne
Willingham, 37, became its first successful candidate in a mayoral election,
in the village of West Point, Alabama, where he beat the incumbent by a
single vote. Mr Willingham described himself as "just an old country boy
who's tired of things being done the way they are".

The other main body in the southern movement is the Council of Conservative
Citizens, which has about 15,000 members. It recently deplored on its website
a music festival in Charleston, South Carolina, as a "multicultural mudbath
[which] attracts mostly queers and weirdos".

The Southern Poverty Law Centre's report, Rebels with a Cause, lists 14
different groups which it says operate in 25 states, mainly in the south, to
promote the confederate cause. They include the Heritage Preservation
Association which has declared "total war" on those who attack southern
values and culture, and the Confederate States of America, a group which
would like to repeal laws that gave citizenship to blacks and votes to women.

The main theoretical journal of the movement is called American Renaissance.
It is edited by a white separatist, Jared Taylor, a board member of the
Council of Conservative Citizens. The magazine promotes such notions as
blacks having smaller brains and the dangers of non-white immigration.

The Edgefield Journal, "the only true southern nationalist newspaper", is the
other main publication; a recent piece suggested that "many slaves were
willing to be slaves".

The groups are represented in court by Kirk Lyons, a lawyer who shows his
affection for the "Anglo-Celtic" roots of the movement by dressing up
periodically in a top hat and kilt. He has described Hitler as "probably the
most misunderstood man in German history" and is now the chief lawyer acting
on behalf of the Southern Legal Resource Centre, which is the movement's
legal arm.

Mr Potok says he accepts that not all who have joined the heritage movement
are racists. "But a scene once dominated by civil war re-enactors and those
who maintain Confederate monuments is turning increasingly ugly."

Michael Hill is dismissive of Mr Potok's centre and its report, seeing the
centre as a "snooping organisation for the federal government" out to
"feather its own nest".

The league was mainly interested in preserving the "symbols, language,
cuisine and music" of the south.

"We are seeking to preserve a distinct regional culture," Mr Hill told the
Guardian, "and we believe in political independence". While he agreed that
independence might be unrealistic now, he said that "in five, 10, 50 or 100
years" it 

[CTRL] Iran-Contra Wen Ho Lee

2000-09-18 Thread William Shannon

September 18, 2000 
Iran-Contra  Wen Ho Lee
By Robert Parry

Over the last few years, Republicans have trumpeted suspicions that Democratic 
fund-raising abuses in 1996 somehow helped communist China steal nuclear secrets 
jeopardizing U.S. national security. Leading conservatives accused President Clinton 
and Vice President Gore of “appeasement” and possibly treason. 

The extreme Republican rhetoric, which rose in the months after President Clinton 
survived impeachment over the Monica Lewinsky case in 1999, set the stage for the 
harsh nine-month imprisonment of Los Alamos nuclear physicist Wen Ho Lee, who was 
released on Sept. 13 after a plea bargain and an extraordinary apology from a federal 

Yet, ignored amid the dark suspicions about the Clinton-Gore administration and the 
embarrassing collapse of the Lee case was another startling set of facts pointing in a 
very different direction: to illegal U.S.-Chinese intelligence collaboration 
implicating the Reagan-Bush administration. 

Little-noticed evidence from the Iran-contra files reveals that it was the Reagan-Bush 
administration that opened the door to sharing sensitive national security secrets 
with communist China in the 1980s.

This clandestine relationship evolved from China’s agreement to supply sophisticated 
weapons to the Nicaraguan contras beginning in 1984, a deal with the White House that 
entrusted China with one of the government’s most sensitive intelligence secrets, the 
existence of Oliver North’s contra supply network. 

In the years after that secretly brokered deal, the Republican administration 
permitted trips in which U.S. nuclear scientists, including physicist Wen Ho Lee, 
visited China in scientific exchange programs. Those visits corresponded with China’s 
rapid development of sophisticated nuclear weapons, culminating in the apparent 
compromise of sensitive U.S. nuclear secrets by 1988. 

Seven years later, in 1995, a purported Chinese defector walked into the U.S. Embassy 
in Taiwan and turned over a document. Dated 1988, the document contained detailed 
information about U.S.-designed nuclear warheads. 

The document showed that Chinese intelligence possessed the secrets of the W-88 
miniaturized nuclear bomb by the last year of Ronald Reagan’s presidency. China’s 
first test of a light warhead similar to the W-88 was conducted in 1992, the last year 
of George H.W. Bush’s presidency. 

In other words, the secrets of the W-88 – the central concern about Chinese nuclear 
espionage – had been compromised before the Clinton-Gore administration began. Logic 
would dictate then that any serious investigation into how Chinese intelligence 
maneuvered into a position to glean U.S. nuclear secrets should focus on the 
Reagan-Bush years when the secrets were lost, not the Clinton-Gore years. 

China’s Missile Shipment 

An examination of the Reagan-Bush time frame – and particularly the Iran-contra files 
– reveal how Chinese military intelligence ingratiated itself with the U.S. 
government. In 1984, the Reagan-Bush administration was desperately seeking a source 
of anti-aircraft missiles that could be smuggled to the Nicaraguan contras, a 
CIA-backed operation that was seeking to overthrow the leftist Sandinista government 
of Nicaragua. 

By late 1984, the U.S. Congress had prohibited additional U.S. military support for 
the contras, who had developed an unsavory reputation for rampaging through Nicaraguan 
villages, raping, torturing and murdering as they went. One contra director 
acknowledged the practice of staging public executions of Nicaraguan government 
functionaries. [For details, see Robert Parry’s Lost History.] 

Despite this congressional contra-aid ban, the White House was determined to secure 
surface-to-air missiles that the contras could use to shoot down Soviet-made attack 
helicopters that had become an effective weapon in the Nicaraguan government’s 
arsenal. Operatives working secretly with Oliver North, a Marine officer assigned to 
the National Security Council staff, settled on China as a source for SA-7 missiles. 

In testimony at his 1989 Iran-contra trial, North called the securing of these weapons 
a “very sensitive delivery.” For the Chinese missile deal, North said he received help 
from the CIA in arranging false end-user certificates from the right-wing government 
of Guatemala. North testified that he “had made arrangements with the Guatemalan 
government, using the people [CIA] director [William] Casey had given me.” 

But China was opposed to the Guatemalan government, which was then engaged in a 
scorched-earth war against leftist guerrillas. Because the Guatemalan army had 
massacred tens of thousands of Indians – including the annihilation of entire villages 
considered sympathetic to the guerrillas – China was not willing to sell missiles to 

To resolve this problem, the White House brought the Chinese 

[CTRL] George W.- Illuminati's Guy

2000-09-18 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Secret Societal Satan
by Clyde Lewis
If the powers of secret societies are influential then the new President of
the United States will be George Bush Jr. If major decisions are made by
whispers in hushed tones in secret fraternal orders then your vote means
nothing. If all the events that happen in the world are controlled by a small
secret society from Yale University then there is no liberty. If clandestine
brotherhoods are in collusion to control the world for their own benefit then
we have limits on our freewill.
In the United States it is evident that we have a love, hate relationship
with our leaders. We put them above us and expect them to work for us only to
shake our heads in dismay when they always seem to go back on their promises.

Yet we always find someone else to love and place in a position of power to
govern over us, only to despise when the leader falls short.

Some ask, how is it that we continue to vote in leaders that have no regard
for our opinions? Why do they always do what they want to do without
listening to the public that put them there in the first place?

Perhaps the answer is, as easy as admitting that we didn't put them there.
Maybe it's as easy as admitting that while it appears that the major parties
are divided on issues during rally's before elections, they truly have one
agenda and that agenda is equally agreed upon in some secret meeting, for
some unknown and mysterious reason.

Perhaps the media itself has key figures in positions of power that belong to
a society or group that has an agenda. Their job is to continue that agenda
in order to keep control of the people. If we allow our minds to wander in
the dark corridors of conspiracy theory and if we look at a preponderance of
the evidence we can tell you with a straight face that the next President of
the United States will be George Bush Jr.

Even if you don't vote in the election it will be George Bush Jr. Even if he
continues to get bad press it will be George Bush Jr. Even if he was the
stupidest man on the planet it will be George Bush Jr. We say this only
because we want to test the waters of Conspiracy theory.

You may ask what conspiracy theory? What are you saying? How can you be so
sure? It's easy.

George Bush Jr. is a member of a fraternity that has had their hands in many
things. A fraternity that has in it many members who control or have
controlled many things that affect your life. This secret society or
brotherhood is known as the Skull and Bones Society.

The Skull and Bones society is a small group, however they have produced some
of the well-known leaders that run the major companies, News organizations,
and political parties.

It has been called "America's little known Secret Establishment" which is
rumored to have ties to secret Satanic combinations. The Satanic connection
is more or less a coincidence when many have laid claim that the Skull and
Bones society is an American version of the "Brotherhood of Death" and the
German "Chapter #322." This allows conspiracy theorists and secret society
watchdogs to connect the dots and point out that it was a "Brotherhood of
death" secret fraternity that trained Adolf Hitler in the Thule Society,
another alleged secret society that dabbled in the occult and paid homage to
secret Gods of the underworld. The symbol of the Thule Society of course was
a skull representing deaths head.

There are many historic pictures and documentation of German Soldiers who
would wear the skull and bones as insignia to show that they are a part of
that fraternity of death.

The Skull and Bones Society according to conspiracy buffs is only one stone
in the pyramid of control. Many writers have connected groups such as Skull
and Bones with the Trilateral Commission, The Council on foreign relations,
33rd degree masons, The Knights of Malta and others who apparently have
secret initiation rights and have the rich and powerful as their members.

These groups allegedly control what you see, and hear. They control major
religions and are responsible for the goods and services that are available
to you. They are also vocal about candidates that further their agenda and
use their influence to sway a great number of people into falling in line
with these said agendas that are "covers" to establish a fascist New World

These groups allegedly adhere to a philosophy known as the Hegelian Doctrine
which we have talked about in previous articles discussing the "game" that is
played by world powers. To refresh a memory, and to retread past theory, The
Hegelian Doctrine or Principle where a unity of thought is created as a
result of an agreed upon social threat. The ruling class offers solutions.
The solution always, increases the ruling class's power and control over its

The people agree to it because they believe that they do not have a choice.
The thoughts and philosophies of Hegel are being felt 

[CTRL] Sample letter to the editor on the United Nations

2000-09-18 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

To the editor,

 On October 24, 2000 the United Nations ( will be 55
years old. Most if not all media commentators will again be editorializing
in favor of the United Nations. I disagree with this opinion because of
the following reasons.

 In the years since the United Nations was formed, we have had the Korean
"Police Action" under the direction of the United Nations (note: no
declaration of war from the United States Congress) through NATO in the
early 1950's.

 The early 1960's saw enactment of State Department Document 7277 (log on
to my website at or log on
to the State Department's website at in the archives
section) into law which mandates the disarmament of both the United States
and the Soviet Union, arming the United Nations and establishing a World
Government under the United Nations. Also in the early 1960's, the United
Nations forced the pro-western Katanga province of the Congo to be
re-united with the pro-Communist central government of the Congo.

 Later in the 1960's, the United States got involved in the war in Vietnam
as a result of the United Nations' SEATO treaty (Note: no declaration of
war from the United States Congress). In the early 1990's, the United
States attacked Iraq under United Nations' authority (note: no declaration
of war from the United States Congress).The same thing can be said of our
policy in the Balkans.This seems like a poor track record for he alleged
"last hope for peace".

 For these and many more reasons I could cite, like under the United
States Constitution, God given rights are guaranteed; under the United
Nations Charter, your rights exist at the whim of the United Nations
General Assembly. Therefore, I urge everybody to call and write your
Federal Representative and your Federal Senators to support Ron Paul's HR
1146 which would get the United States out of the United Nations and the
United Nations out of the United States.

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

[CTRL] Test--Please Ignore

2000-09-18 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-


[CTRL] Fw: Ducan Long's 'That was no accident'

2000-09-18 Thread Donald Park

-Caveat Lector-

Fw Post:

That Was No Accident

By Duncan Long

There¹s an old story about a cowpoke who was walking alongside his horse one
day when he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to
see a rattlesnake coiled to strike. Thinking fast, the cowboy jumped out of
the way just as the snake struck, barely missing him. Latter, after telling
his friends about the incident, one of them said, "You barely missed having
one serious accident." The cowpoke thought about it a moment and drawled,
"That wouldn¹t have been an accident, that critter aimed to bite me." That¹s
the same sort of thing we¹re seeing now. The school shootings and various
criminal assaults that are causing so much national grief aren¹t accidents.
They¹re being done by people intent on killing and maiming, wanting to harm
those around them in serious ways. The political actions that have brought
this situation are no accident, either. It¹s no accident that these
murderers are able to do their work almost unchecked. The most recent
shooting in LA (on August 10, 1999) is the perfect example of how our
governmental gas bags have betrayed us. They¹ve made it impossible for
school officials to carry a gun for self defense, turning our schools into
shooting zones for the lawless cowards looking for a place to do damage with
little chance of running into any resistance. We should all take a moment to
say thank you to the National Educators Association and gun grabbing
politicians for letting these cowards kill our children. Am I being too hard
on leaders who want to disarm citizens? I don¹t think so. Because most gun
grabbers aren¹t stupid. They¹ve seen how concealed carry laws reduce violent
crime. They know that the 20th Century¹s genocides were all proceeded by
stringent gun control laws. They know all the pro-gun arguments you could
probably make are most likely correct. Why, then, does the anti-gun crowd
continue to call for more restrictions on guns? The first hint at the awful
truth comes when you realize that for the most part, those intent on taking
away our guns are also pro-abortion. How do these two views fit together and
what do they mean? At first they seem illogical. Wouldn¹t you think that
someone who was pro-abortion ‹ especially someone who was pro-abortion to
the point that making partial-birth abortion legal ‹ would also be pro-gun.
After all, if guns really kill people the way the anti-gun crowd claims, and
if we really wanted to reduce the excess population, surely we would then
want to dispense guns left and right instead of taking them away from
people. Or would we? Studies show that guns in the hands of honest people
reduce crime. And they do so for the most part without a shot being fired.
Guns most often save lives by preventing the violent confrontation that
takes place when the criminal is in charge, rather than a gun-welding
citizen. Guns in honest people¹s hands aren¹t often used, but do stop a
criminal in his efforts and force him to flee. Criminals with guns may kill,
but honest citizens with guns seldom do. And honest citizens with guns often
stop criminals before they can kill. Net result: Citizens with guns prevent
deaths of innocent people. Citizens without guns result in more deaths of
innocent people. If your intent is to reduce the population, then it makes
perfect sense to be both pro-abortion and anti-gun. But are there people who
really want to get you or your children killed by violent murderers in order
to reduce the population? What would be gained in doing so? The motivation
for getting the population of Earth from growing is hard for moral men and
women to fathom. But if you throw away morality the benefits of reducing the
population become chillingly logical. In the words of conservative
commentator Lee Bellinger (writing in "Revealed: Why the Left Push So Hard
for Population Control," The American Sentinel, No. 613, April 1998): ;

Growing populations create pressure for competitive economies . Leftists in
general, and environmentalists in particular, favor strong policies to
reduce population growth (hence their anti-family agenda, including
subsidized abortion, partial birth abortion and advocacy of teenagers being
able to terminate pregnancies without parental consent or knowledge) .
Consider: Growing populations cannot be fed by socialist economies. As the
leaders of the now-defunct Soviet Union learned, unrestricted population
growth creates unwelcome pressure for social and economic innovation.
Unfortunately for socialists, the only proven system capable of generating
advances in science and technology sufficient to accommodate global
populations is free-enterprise... Were global population to decline, as
leftists want, the sharing-in-scarcity credo of environmental socialists
would become far more manageable (at least in their view) . Take North Korea
‹ its citizens starve from a "famine," when just a few miles South of the
38th Parallel the South Koreans are well 

[CTRL] Drug Czar Wants To 'Check' Chess Players For Drug Use

2000-09-18 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Drug Czar Wants To 'Check' Chess Players For Drug Use

Washington, DC: In the September issue of Chess Life magazine,
drug czar Barry McCaffrey published an article in which he
suggests that tournament chess players should be tested for drugs.
In the article, McCaffrey discussed an Office of National Drug
Control Policy sponsored group, called Chesschild, which is a
substance abuse prevention program conducted in libraries
and schools which promotes drug-free lifestyles and chess.
"Research proves that mentoring youngsters and teaching them
that games like chess can build resilience in the face of illegal drug
use and other destructive temptations," McCaffrey wrote. "Drug
testing is as appropriate for chess players as for shot-putters, or
any competitors who use their heads as well as their hands."
"Just when I thought I'd heard it all from McCaffrey," said Allen
St. Pierre, NORML Foundation Executive Director. "Drug testing for
chess players? What's next from this over reaching drug czar?
Drug testing for tiddly winks players? How about bingo players?
Policy recommendations like this from ONDCP demonstrate a
deep and disturbing pathology that goes well beyond opposing drug
law reform efforts."
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre, NORML
Foundation Executive Director at (202) 483-8751.


The worst thing in this world, next to
anarchy, is government.
- Henry Ward Beecher

[CTRL] Another Test

2000-09-18 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

Ignore ignore ignore ignore.

[CTRL] Peru Gripped by Reports of Arrest of Spy Chief

2000-09-18 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

Peru Gripped by Reports of Arrest of Spy Chief
LIMA (Reuters) - Peru was gripped Monday by conflicting reports about whether
its shadowy spy chief and most-feared man had been detained amid a full-scale
political crisis that has thrown the South American nation into turmoil.

Ana Montesinos, a woman identified by some local media as the sister of
intelligence chief Vladimiro Montesinos, filed court papers alleging that her
brother was being held illegally at the headquarters of the National
Intelligence Service (SIN), the agency he turned into Peru's most notorious

Local CPN radio said he had been detained by the military -- stunning if true
because Montesinos was believed to have handpicked the top brass and rallied
them behind President Alberto Fujimori in his role as the president's key

A bribery scandal involving Montesinos prompted Fujimori, who was elected in a
tainted ballot in May, to make the bombshell announcement Saturday that he was
disbanding the SIN, calling new elections and would not run again. He gave no
timetable for the elections.

The government did not officially confirm or deny that the detention had taken
place, and some congressmen accused the wily spy chief and the military of
playing games to buy themselves time to find a way out of the political crisis.

Meanwhile, U.S. officials expressed concern that the Peruvian military may try
to disrupt moves toward new elections and opposition leader Alejandro Toledo
refused to rule out the possibility of a military coup. Opposition leaders, who
have demanded the arrest of Montesinos, called on Fujimori to resign and make
good on his promise to hold new elections.

For 10 years, Montesinos, a 56-year-old former army captain who only rarely has
been seen in public, has been viewed as the power behind Fujimori. Critics
alleged that he spied for the Central Intelligence Agency, authorized death
squads and colluded with drug traffickers.

His downfall was a videotape that showed Montesinos giving $15,000 to an
opposition lawmaker in an apparent bribe.


Opponents were jubilant over Fujimori's announcement but Peru, which is
struggling to attract foreign investment, felt the pain as fleeing investors
Monday pushed stocks down 5.72 percent, the sol currency down 0.6 percent and
Brady bonds down 4 percent.

Cesar Carmen Ojeda, the lawyer representing Ana Montesinos, said the woman had
requested the release of Vladimiro Montesinos as a preventive measure. But he
said he had no confirmation of the arrest. "We continue in absolute mystery," he
told cable television Canal N.

Ana Montesinos said her brother's detention -- if he has been detained -- was
illegitimate because there was no investigation open into allegations he had
paid bribes.

U.S. officials, who were highly critical of Fujimori's fraud-tarnished
re-election, said they were worried that the military may try to disrupt the
moves toward fresh elections.

"We have every reason to believe that this can be done in a peaceful manner, but
that certainly is not 100 percent guaranteed," one U.S. official said in

Toledo, the opposition presidential candidate who boycotted the May runoff
election against Fujimori alleging it was skewed against him, urged the
president to create a transition government that could hold elections in six

"The democratic bloc is trying to coordinate actions, but anything could happen,
from taking Montesinos into prison, to a military coup, to a resolution that I
hope will be peaceful and democratic," he told CNN.


Toledo's supporters massed in downtown Lima ahead of what he called a peaceful
rally. The last time Toledo led a mass protest, at Fujimori's swearing-in
ceremony in July, six people died and Lima's streets became a smoky

Fujimori's allies tried to allay fears that the military would step into any
political vacuum.

"The president is still in command and leading the armed forces. There is reason
to worry about an alternative situation (coup)," said ruling-party Peru 2000
lawmaker Martha Chavez, a Fujimori stalwart.

Chavez said the unicameral legislature could pass a law that would allow the new
elections to be held in May 2001. "By July 28 we could have a new president,"
she said.

The opposition has said it will not return to Congress to vote to approve an
election date until Montesinos is definitely jailed.

"If the president has said that it's over, that he will deactivate the
intelligence service, he also has to comply with the law and see that criminals
are jailed," Lima Mayor Alberto Andrade, a former presidential candidate, told
CPN radio.

Prime Minister Federico Salas said Sunday night Montesinos was still in Lima and
had not been detained.

Confirmation of his arrest would be the strongest indication yet of a break

Re: [CTRL] Look for the Union Label

2000-09-18 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

 1) Unlike the pre-WWII unions, they did not want to do away
 with Capitalism.

Learn the difference between PRIVATE and government.

 2) They served as buffers between corporations and their
  workers. Just as the FDA, FCC, NLRB, and other
  "regulatory " agencies protect the companies from
  the citizens, the unions' purpose was to protect the
  corporate system from being overthrown from the
  work floor.

Yeah  right.
*I* for one would CERTAINLY want to ADD millions and millions
of dollars to my COSTS ... not to mention the years and years
until my product can be 'profittable'.

Unions are for unions ... brokering THEIR Power.

Too bad you buy so many MYTHS.


Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance
and conscientious stupidity.   -- Martin Luther King, Jr

Re: [CTRL] NM: Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer is Our Guy, saidStephanopoulos

2000-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

All CFR.


 With Carl Limbacher and Staff

 Monday September 18, 2000; 10:03 AM EDT

 Stephanopoulos: Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer is Our Guy

 Jim Lehrer, the PBS News Hour anchorman tapped by the so-called
 "bi-partisan" Presidential Debate Commission to preside over
 three October face-offs between Vice President Al Gore and Texas
 Governor George Bush, is so friendly towards the White House that
 a former top Clinton-Gore official once described him as "our

 Lehrer hosted two Clinton-Dole presidential commission debates
 and one Gore-Kemp vice presidential debate in 1996. At no point
 did the PBS newsman specifically raise the administration's
 Filegate scandal, which had broken just two four months before,
 or the burgeoning Chinagate scandal, which was then on the front
 pages of every newspaper in the country.

 A year after Clinton-Gore handily defeated Dole-Kemp at the
 polls, senior White House aide George Stephanopoulos admitted
 that the debate deck had been stacked against the GOP despite the
 commission's pretense towards bipartisanship:

 "We wanted the debates to be a non-event," Stephanopoulos
 revealed during a 1997 panel discussion on presidential politics.
 "As long as we would agree to Perot not being in it, we could get
 everything else we wanted going in. We got out time frame, we got
 our length, we got our moderator."

 PBS's pro-Democrat bias became even more apparent in July 1999,
 when several of its taxpayer funded outlets were caught helping
 the Democratic National Committee.

 After repeated denials of impropriety, two of the network's
 flagship stations, WGBH in Boston and WETA in Washington, D.C.,
 admitted sharing their donor lists with the DNC. Others PBS
 outlets were also implicated in the federally subsidized
 fund-raising scam.

 The Presidential Debate Commission is currently involved in a
 joint venture with McNeil-Lehrer productions to produce a
 documentary on the history of presidential debates.



[CTRL] (Fwd) [] launches

2000-09-18 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

News release - September 18, 2000
= launches to ask: where do you stand in the
globalisation debate?

Globalisation is in the news again. As the IMF/World Bank annual summit meets
Prague, launches an online game to cut through the
confusion, hype and spin. Get to the real issues about world leaders, activists
and NGO agendas to make your own decisions about global politics. Oxfam and
Diageo plc support the project.

The game has four easy stages:
1. Select a starting position from the five profiles available.
2. Answer 15 key questions on the main globalisation debating points.
3. The game will generate a final position based on your answers - your
opinions may surprise you!
4. Lastly, you can build the globalisation policy profile of an ideal leader, a
fantasy world leader.

Site visitors can compare themselves with a list of all the final positions. A
prize worth £250 will be offered to the best fantasy world leader profile
entered. For details see

Spencer Neal, Publisher of New Statesman, said on the launch of "It's often hard to know what to think about the
modern world - this games is innovative and exciting. It may help people think
more about the issues." is a project, supported by New
Statesman, Oxfam and Diageo plc.

Contact: James Cully
020 7592 3605

To unsubscribe from this mailing list, open this link:
--- End of forwarded message ---

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

[CTRL] Spying on politics

2000-09-18 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Monday, 18 September 2000 21:34 (ET)
Spying on politics
 WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (UPI) --  The sudden eruption in Britain of
a Cold War-era spy scandal, with an alleged East German 'mole'
inside the top London think-tank on international affairs, has thrown
up a startling pattern of Soviet block espionage targeting not
military secrets but peace movements and politics.
 The Stasi, the nickname for East Germany's State Security
Service, claimed to have deployed at least 28 strategically-placed
spies in the upper reaches of the British establishment.
 Three of them were providing reports from the heart of the then-
ruling Conservative Party, headed by prime minister Margaret
 Another was providing documents prepared for the ruling body of
the chief opposition party, the national executive committee of the
Labor Party. And another was providing internal documents from
the Social Democratic Party, a centrist and breakaway group from
Labor that at one point threatened to overtake the parent party as
the main challenger to Mrs. Thatcher's Conservatives.
 The presence of the Stasi mole code-named 'Eckart' inside the
Royal Institute of International Affairs, did not come as news to
MI5, Britain's veteran counter-intelligence operation. They had been
tipped off under an intelligence-sharing agreement with the US-
based Central Intelligence Agency, after CIA officers took
advantage of the chaos in East Berlin after the 1989 fall of the
Berlin Wall to plunder the Stasi files.
 But the presence - and political targets - of the remaining moles
has remained secret until German code-breakers finally cracked
the ciphers under which the British operational files were protected.
 The story broke in London over the weekend, after British
academic  Dr Anthony Glees, director of European politics at
Brunel University, analyzed the decoded index to the Stasi files.
 "This is a unique and compelling archive, and the importance of its
discovery should not be under-estimated", Dr Glees said. "We have
long known that the Stasi were active in Britain at this time, but we
have never before known exactly what they were doing.  (This
index) shows that British agents were able to provide the East
German regime with key insights into the realities of British
political and strategic thinking".
 That is the point. The conventional view of Cold War spying was
that military and nuclear secrets were the main targets. But the
work of the Stasi 28 in Britain suggests that East Berlin, reckoned
by far the most loyal of the satellites of the Soviet block, was
focusing instead on the inside story of politics and policy-making.
  There was a flurry of political protests in London against the
recommendation by  MI5 not to prosecute 'Eckart' under the Official
Secrets Act. But MI5 sources claimed that it was "not at all clear
that a conviction could be guaranteed", an indication that it might
be difficult to prove that real secrets - as opposed to policy
analysis - had been betrayed.
  Chatham House, as the Royal Institute of International Affairs is
named after the 19th century prime minister who lived in the
classic Georgian house on St James Square where the think-tank
now boasts one of the finest addresses in London, is the place
where Britain's foreign policy establishment thinks aloud. The
favored setting for visiting dignitaries to deliver policy speeches, it
also publishes 'International Affairs' , one of the world's top foreign
policy quarterlies. It hosts academics and foreign policy
specialists, and publishes a range of quasi-official policy papers.
 "But this is not a place that gets secrets in the classic sense",
commented one insider yesterday.  "This place is about discussing
and disseminating foreign policy ideas and concepts, not about
military hardware or war plans".
  Intelligence analysts have noted a similar pattern in the way the
Stasi targeted Scandinavian countries like Sweden, Denmark and
Norway.  DESTA, (standing for Destabilization, Terrorism and
Disinformation) is a highly-regarded  Nordic newsletter on security
affairs, devoted an entire issue this year to Stasi operations in
Scandinavia, and again the focus on politics, rather than military
secrets., is striking.
 The Norwegian agent Akker, recruited in 1966, specialized in
reports of meetings between Social Democrat parties and leaders
throughout Europe.
Agent 'Toeppfer', also recruited in 1966, reported on diplomatic
policy-making towards East Germany by various Western
European countries.
Other agents reported on Norwegian politics, on the formation of
Norway's economic and foreign policies, and its links to the
European Union.
  In Sweden, agent Kiesling was recruited in 1982 to report on the
Swedish peace movement and its relations with similar groups
inside the Soviet block. Agent 'Dom' specialized in reports on
Sweden's anti-apartheid movement. Agent 'Martin' was 

[CTRL] Back in the saddle again. And not a minute too soon.

2000-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Protest generation vows to grab reins of power as they prepare for battle of

Anti-globalisation campaigners attend training camp as bankers and ministers
gather for IMF meeting

By Justin Huggler in Dolni Slivno
The Independent

18 September 2000

The world has a new protest generation, and it has arrived in Prague. As the
city's five-star hotels fill up with the besuited bankers of the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, the people who have vowed
to wreck this week's summit and wrest control of the world's economy from
their grip are gathering on a disused farm in the village of Dolni Slivno,
three miles north of the city.

They have come from across the world: not only dreadlocked veterans of
anti-capitalist campaigns, but many who have abandoned highly paid,
white-collar jobs to be here, sleeping in the shell of a wrecked bus, or in
an old barn with holes in the roof, and washing from a communal bucket.
Protest is back, and it is uniting the young from across the social

Unlike the World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting that protesters ruined in
Seattle last year, the summit opening tomorrow is being held in a country
directly affected by globalisation. Nowhere in the post-communist world has
embraced the global economy as eagerly as the Czech Republic: Prague is full
of McDonald's restaurants and Tesco supermarkets, and thousands of Czech
activists are expected to demonstrate alongside international campaigners
from across Europe and North America. Those at the camp are just a tiny
fraction of those expected to arrive in Prague this week - and, unlike many
who are coming, they are all committed to non-violence.

Chelsea Mozen gave up a well-paid job in Washington DC's local government to
come to Prague. Immaculate in designer clothes, she reels off statistics to
support her case against the World Bank, while behind her a guitar lies
against a sign pointing the way to the "compost toilet".

Scott Codey talks to journalists about the history of nonviolent protest.
His conversation is lucid and educated, full of references to Gandhi and
Martin Luther King. He quotes Gandhi, saying that the protesters are
"walking in truth".

This week Mr Codey and Ms Mozen, clean-cut, well-read Americans, will
probably be tear-gassed and beaten by police for the first time in their
lives, as they form a human chain around the congress centre where the IMF
and WorldBank meetings are being held.

"Being tear-gassed is a sacrifice I'm willing to make," Mr Codey says. "This
is something I feel morally compelled to speak out against." These are the
young people the IMF and the World Bank should be afraid of.

The protesters may look clueless as they practise their human chain, but
they are the proof that the anti-globalisation movement has spread far
beyond the hardline fringe groups who want to tear down the entire economic

They will stand hand-in-hand with veteran campaigners such as Martin Shaw,
an electrician from London who gave up his job to "get out of the capitalist
economy", and now lives in a housing co-operative in London.

But, unlike Mr Shaw, a committed anarchist who says he wants to tear down
the consumer society and live without "interference" from any government, Mr
Codey and Ms Mozen are not revolutionaries: they want to reform the system,
not destroy it.

Ms Mozen says: "We're not saying we don't need a body to govern global
trade. We're saying we want an equitable system, where people can decide for
themselves if they want to grow food, so their children can eat, instead of
coffee beans for export."

This time, it is not all about the sort of street protests that wrecked the
WTO summit in Seattle and humiliated President Bill Clinton last year. The
Initiative against Economic Globalisation, the Czech umbrella group for
NGOs, which set up the training camp and plans to blockade the official
summit, is also holding its own counter-summit this weekend, while the IMF
and World Bank delegates are in town.

The protesters will not only condemn global economic policy, they will set
out their alternative vision. Revisionist academics, including the
sociologist Walden Bello and the Egyptian neo-Marxist economist Said Amin,
will address counter-summit meetings.

Mr Codey says: "We're trying to decentralise power so local communities have
a say in their own lives." He first became interested in the
anti-globalisation movement on a trip to Nicaragua in 1995. "I'd never heard
of the IMF or the World Bank before I went to Nicaragua," he says. "But
every Nicaraguan had. I saw what they had done, how they went in and
decimated the local economy. Thousands were forced into poverty because
instead of growing food they were forced to grow products for the world

Ms Mozen's story is similar. "I first started to think about these issues
when I studied in Bolivia," she says. "The Bolivian family I was staying

[CTRL] Corporations ubber alles: War good. Markets bad.

2000-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Network members:

Boeing sees less emphasis on commercial jet sales, and more emphasis on
military production and serves in its future. Boeing is already the world's
largest builder of military aircraft (and civillian aircraft), but is
second to Lockheed Martin in over-all military production.


Sunday July 23, 4:16 pm Eastern Time

By Chris Stetkiewicz

LONDON, July 23 (Reuters) - Boeing Co (NYSE:BA - news) will shift its
business mix in coming years to include more revenue from military and
service markets, easing its dependence on more volatile commercial jet
sales, Chairman Phil Condit said on Sunday.

``We need some things like the services business which are not nearly as
affected by the economic cycle. We also need some faster growing
businesses,'' Condit told reporters on the eve of a major air show in
Farnborough, England.

Airliner sales have traditionally made up the bulk of Boeing's revenue
base. In 1999, the aerospace giant's commercial jet unit pumped in $38
billion of its $58 billion in overall sales, or two-thirds.

But jet sales rise and fall dramatically with economic cycles. For example,
sales of lucrative widebody planes have just begun to pick up as Asia has
rebounded from a 1997 financial crisis that slashed widebody demand.

Condit said revenues from Boeing's military lines could equal revenues from
civilian markets within five years.

Such a shift would likely boost operating margins at Boeing, since the
Seattle-based company tends to earn fatter profits selling aircraft and
missiles to military customers than on sales of airliners to increasingly
demanding airlines.

Condit said last week that prices in the commercial jet market, in which it
competes against hard-driving rival Airbus Industrie [ARBU.UL], had been
and remained ``aggressive''.


A greater presence in the market for plane services -- ranging from
maintenance and spare parts supply to finance and satellite-based
communications -- could boost Boeing's growth rate, and offset cutbacks in
other business units.

Boeing to date has made only incremental steps into services, but has big
plans for expansion through space programmes, leveraging the $3.75 billion
purchase of Hughes Electronics Corp.'s (NYSE:GMH - news) satellite-building
business it announced earlier this year.

``We are always looking for things that help us grow,'' Condit said. ``The
services business promises 15 percent to maybe 20 percent (annual)

Condit has denied dubious but persistent rumours that Boeing would leave
the commercial jet market altogether or merge with General Electric Co.
(NYSE:GE - news), which boasts jet engine manufacturing and plane leasing
in its vast financial and industrial empire.

But Boeing officials have held up GE as an example of how much money can be
made in the services sector -- GE earns more money servicing engines than
it does selling them.

Boeing also plans to sell off less profitable or money losing operations,
including a St. Louis-based parts-making facility employing 1,700, and
hopes to focus on high value-added processes like aircraft assembly or
manufacture of specialised parts.

``We have begun one (asset sale). There will probably be others,'' Condit

Boeing has also undertaken a broad cost-cutting campaign ranging from
improvements in production efficiency to trimming its payroll from a 1998
peak of 238,600 to about 187,000 now and setting a target of about 180,000
by the end of 2000.

Having got a late start on the downsizing trend that began sweeping through
the U.S. industrial base in the 1980s, Boeing has plenty of room to
continue boosting efficiency for years to come, analysts say.

``I don't think you ever stop trying to bring down costs,'' Condit said.


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[CTRL] [Fwd: Nader: Not Just Another Campaign Speech]

2000-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Nader: Not Just Another Campaign Speech
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 23:47:30 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Eisenscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: ?
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

Subject: [IPPN]  Not Just Another Campaign Speech
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2000, 9:14 PM

Not Just Another Campaign Speech

By Ralph Nader

(The speech below was given extemporaneously at a reception of several
hundred Green Party members, supporters and press at the Green Party's
late June convention in Denver, Colorado. We've transcribed it in
preparation for the upcoming fall issue of Independent Politics News but
are sending it out now because there's a lot of good stuff in here.
Thanks to JusticeVision [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] for the videotape of the
convention from which this was taken.}

  This is not the best time for a deliberate exposition, here, but I want
to say, I've met a lot of you on the hustings, whether Maine, or Rhode
Island, Connecticut, or New Mexico. This is really the core of the whole
Green Party effort all over the country, and the key is for all of us to
pool our best ideas, tactics and strategies as fast as possible. The
agenda is pretty much laid out, the issues are being honed, there'll be
more details coming that will be posted on our web site,
  What we want to do is to move out throughout the country in a whole
series of dimensions. One of them, for example, is on the campuses in
terms of students. We've got to try to get with students more, on a lot
of campuses, and with the internet we can do it very quickly, but that
doesn't mean we can't benefit from a lot of practical suggestions by
  The second is to move out in the direction of blue-collar labor,
especially those in the steel, auto, textile and other unions that are
being more and more politicized. You're seeing a higher degree of
legitimate militancy here than ever before. We need to work at the local
level. There's PACE as well, that's the merger between the Paperworkers
and the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers.
  Then we want to move out to the 2 million nurses. As some of you know,
at a news conference about 10 days ago the California Nurses
Association, at a press conference in Washington, endorsed us. This is a
union that sets the standard. It rallies, it demonstrates, it leads, not
just supports, the cause of patients' rights. Last year they got five
laws out of five signed, passed through the legislature and signed, on
HMO accountability, whistle blower rights, the right to sue HMO's, etc.
So we want to try to move out in that direction. Nurses have a great
network. There are few people who are as credible in their occupation as
  We want to try to move through other constituencies here. One of them
is the neighborhood groups in cities throughout the country who are
really struggling against real odds in the inner city, in the areas of
housing, poverty, transit, health care-this is really the ultimate shame
on our country, in many ways, in terms of leaving these people so
defenseless to predators, payday loan sharks, rent-to-own rackets,
landlord abuses, deliberate withholding of health care, even when they
have coverage for it under Medicaid, and of course environmental racism,
that's very important. We have some of the most detailed maps on bank
redlining ever brought together. We've got them in every community so
those of you who want to move forward on that front can do so during the
campaign, because these maps are available to everyone, even Republicans
and Democrats.
  We want to also move forward through the day-to-day beat. There are
reporters throughout the country who have their hands tied by publishers
and media conglomerates, and they don't like it. They would like to
cover progressive political movements and not expect third parties to be
discriminated against. So don't be shy, reach out to them, talk with
them, they'll carry the newsworthy purpose to their editors and, more
often than not, you'll get the coverage that you need, because there are
a lot of local and state Green Party candidates here, from Hawaii and
other places. We need to move at that level as well. With radio talk
shows, 90% of them are run by right-wing radio show hosts because, you
know, the government doesn't advertise but corporations do. Just try
more systematic telephoning. Every time you break through on one of
these talk shows, you're talking to thousands, or tens of thousands of
  Then we have to more out through the small farm, the small ranch areas
all over the country. Small farmers are really hanging on, they're
angry, they've got every right to be angry, they're being exposed to
crushing price suppression by their big giant buyers like Cargill and
IBP, and on the other hand they're being squeezed by the seed companies
and other suppliers, fewer and fewer giant corporations on either side
of them moving to replace 

[CTRL] FBI still working on Bono / Kennedy skiing accidents.

2000-09-18 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 EXCLUSIVE: From the Nurev Wire Service

 After the deaths of Rep Sonny Bono and a member of the Kennedy family
 the FBI received the following cryptic message form an heretofore unknown
 terrorist group.


 StoP tHE LogGINg oR wE WiLl coNtInUE To KIll oNe CeleBrITY EacH WeEK.

  ### theRe ARe nO SkIinG "aCciDenTS. ##


 "They've obviously been spiking ' Miracle Grow ' "
  opined Drug Czar Barry McCaffery.


[CTRL] Need info on New York online archives

2000-09-18 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Does anyone know of a site which would allow an archival search of New
York City and area newspaper articles from the 1920's? None of the online
archives I've found go back much beyond the '70's and I'm interested in
articles on NYC crime/criminals between the years 1923-1933 specifically.

[CTRL] Conjurella: Stranger than fiction

2000-09-18 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Doretta Wildes" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Conjurella: Stranger than fiction
Date: Monday, August 28, 2000 8:43 PM

In the 1970s, TC Brennan was a successful comic strip author and artist.
His "Vampirella" was a commercial success, to say the least.

Today TC Brennan washes dishes for a living and claims that a ticket to
the local cinema is above his means.

Could his plummet from fame have anything to do with un-suppressed
memories? In TC Brennan's case, the memories in question concern his
alleged part in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

As the memories surfaced, Brennan wove them into a work of fiction he
titled "Conjurella." How very appropriate. In real life, whatever that
may be in these times, Brennan claims to be one of many mind-control
victims who were there that day in 1963 pointing their weapons at the
skull of John Kennedy.

The story is, of course, replete with sub-plots. Below are some sites to
explore. Bear in mind that Brennan is a master of a certain kind of
prose. Don't let that lead you to facile conclusions. Brennan's
fictionalized version may contain more of the truth than certain
non-fiction reports.

In any case, it's clear that Brennan has been stripped of his livelihood
— like so many people who venture forward with stories that were never
meant to see the light of day.
So read what he has to say. And come to your own conclusions. You may
email him at:

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:

Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 11:21 AM 9/17/00 -0700, nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This is a list devoted to conspiracy. Homosexuality is off topic and

Oh  brother!

If you don't understand that homosexuals and homosexuality are being
manipulated by others with an agenda that has damn little to do with either,
you don't understand "conspiracy".


Re: [CTRL] Abortion and the English Language

2000-09-18 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:56 AM 9/17/00 -0700, nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Question:  What, if any, crime has been committed?

That depends on the wording of the local laws, and NOT on anyone's
religious beliefs, particularly those of somebody else, not involved, and
living in another legal juristiction.

Your answer is a very close approximation of "Duh-uh?"

Name one jurisdiction in the United States of America  -- ONE --  where it
is legal
for a medical doctor on his sole discretion to stick a needle into an in
utero fetus and kill it?

Name one jurisdiction where "the wording of local laws" affirmatively
permit this action.

Crime is a legal matter, not a religious one.

Yeah.  So what?  You didn't answer the question.

"What, if any, crime has been committed?"

I'll make it REAL simple for you:

A. A crime has been committed.  The nature of the crime is: .

B. No crime has been committed;  medical doctors can spear and mutilate
in utero fetuses whenever they damn well please.


[CTRL] Scientists I.D. Christ's fingerprint - Nonsense of Icke - the Christ Conspiracy

2000-09-18 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] (CTRL) OT: Scientists conclusively I.D.

 In a message dated 9/16/00 1:23:35 PM Central Daylight Time,

  That's because he's an idiot, a liar, and a fool who will make up shit
  to sell books. 

 Au contraire!
 Icke is a brilliant scholar and a daring man...his books are a wealth of
 Might I also suggest the beautiful and talented Acharya S's book THE
 CONSPIRACY for further evidence that Christ never existed.


Au contraire, contraire! Have to agree with J2 "That's because he's an
idiot, a liar, and a fool who will make up shit to sell books." Such truly
is an appropriate claim for the utter crap peddled by self-proclaimed "son
of god" loon David Icke, and co-accused fruit loop and misologist Achy
Breakie heart Acharya S - mere money grubbing charlatans.

Acharya S for example, wouldn't know the difference between true
Christianity and her bunghole. To call these shysters "scholar" - is a
thorough misnomer.

For insatnce, "The Christ Conspiracy" by Acharya S - is published by an
obscure publishing house called "Adventures Unlimited," (1999) not exactly
Harper and Row, or Yale University Press, but at least they know where to
buy ink.

It is written by one who piles on the PROFESSED credentials like they would
disappear if not referred to in a hurry: "...archaeologist, historian,
mythologist, and linguist." Did they forget, con artist, sloppy researcher,
amateur logician, incompetent, angry and irrational person?

Silly Achy Heart S is all of these things; The Christ Conspiracy a tedious,
boring compilation of some of the silliest arguments, some of the broadest
and vaguest generalizations, drawn from some of the most outdated and
unreliable sources, that I have yet seen composed.

Lets face it, such spurious, fabricated nonsense is not new, and is hardly
much more than the re-mashed diatribes of dead and buried sceptics, whose
erroneous material on Christianity even honest, studiously rigorous,
modern-day sceptical scholars are
EMBARRASSED about and would never print.

Yet, here we have another self-appointed guru, rummaging around her box of
stale corn flakes, and attempting to make some ghastly conspiracy mache out
of it.

The somewhat sparse popularity such works receive from Esoteric's, Gnostics,
sham dress-up Sceptics, and New Ager types, is, in my opinion, a further
demonstration, that critical thinking ability has sunk to a new all time

It seems, that as soon as one puts "conspiracy" on the cover, it is like a
fairy-floss attractant to the paranoid, childish conspiracy mindset.

We must also ask, is Acharya S still communing with her ethereal little

I guess also having such supra-human "entities," as your authority and
informational channel, precludes the necessity for hard honest scholarship
when it comes to these higher-than-mortal esoteric mind farts.

Lets quickly make some points on JUST ONE of dear confused Achy's sections -
the Gnostics, and while she is partly right to say that the ideas that were
part of Gnosticism, are indeed old, older indeed quite often than NT
Christianity, she takes the usual overboard position that "Gnosticism was
proto-Christianity." (60) Which I have demonstrated here just last week,
such a paltry claim could not be further from the truth.

The evidence for this concocted claim?

*  That critics of Christianity like Porphyry and Plotinus attacked Gnostics
whom they considered to be Christians--which means about as much as the
modern media attacking the groups of Jim Jones and David Koresh as
"Christian." The ignorance of others, and their inability to offer precise
classifications of religious groups they hate intensely, offers no proof of

*  That three church Fathers were either sympathetic to Gnostic views
(Clement of Alexandria, and Ireneaus, so we are told, who "had a zodiac on
the floor of his church at Lyons" [60]) or once were (Augustine)--which also
means absolutely nothing; that a small number of church Fathers some 200
years after the fact and in an entirely different social-cultural milieu had
any sort of involvement in a contrary movement no more adds proof to the
thesis that "Gnosticism was proto-Christianity" than pointing to a group of
modern Christian youth who play Dungeons and Dragons proves that "fantasy
gaming is proto-Christianity."

*  It is claimed that Christianity shares Gnosticism's "disdain for the
flesh and for matter in general," (60) although the citations offered prove
no such thing, especially when examined in their literary-historical
context. "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of
it, that the works thereof are evil." John 7:7 is cited as proof of Jesus'
supposed Gnosticism!  BUT, this only says that the works of the world 

Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

2000-09-18 Thread NSA

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Damian B. Cooper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Keep the Homophobes Out of Our Discussion

 -Caveat Lector-

 At 11:21 AM 9/17/00 -0700, nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This is a list devoted to conspiracy. Homosexuality is off topic and

 Oh  brother!

 If you don't understand that homosexuals and homosexuality are being
 manipulated by others with an agenda that has damn little to do with
 you don't understand "conspiracy".


Hmmm ...  I for one, think, I can see what you mean DBC?

One can disseminate here, errr ... I mean, "discuss," any conspiracy theory,
so long it is a conspiracy theory limited to, and upheld by the Ruling Class
Establishment here? Does that make reasonable sense? Is there a conspiracy
afoot perhaps?

[CTRL] WSJ: The Wen Ho Lee Diversion

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wall Street Journal


The Wen Ho Lee Diversion

The one thing the Clinton administration has shown the energy and
skill to protect is itself.

Tuesday, September 19, 2000 12:01 a.m.  EDT

The Wen Ho Lee case ended last week with the former weapons
scientist pleading guilty to a single felony charge, with the
President of the United States distancing himself from his own
Justice Department, and now with Asian-American activists
charging that the Lee case was the product of racism.  This has
the look of a classic fiasco.  We're not so sure, though, that
the case didn't end just about the way Bill Clinton would have
liked--in a fog of non-conclusions.  Before our jovial President
saunters away from another stink pile, it might be worth putting
this affair in its proper context.

Incredible to behold, "Wen Ho Lee" somehow became a household
name in the United States.  To the casual viewer, the story line
ran that a sole Chinese-American computer scientist at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory, Wen Ho Lee, managed to become the
conduit for passing some of the nation's most sensitive nuclear
weapons data to China's government.  Lee himself participated in
his inflation, appearing on "60 Minutes" last August to proclaim
his innocence.  By then, needless to say, he had become an ethnic

Let's review the actual timeline on the Lee affair:

Start with the atmosphere of unseriousness about security that
pervaded the administration.  Early on, Rep.  Frank Wolf held
hearings into the White House's slovenly process for issuing
security clearances to its own personnel.  Russian intelligence
managed to place wiretaps in one of the most presumably secure
floors of the State Department, with sensitive laptop computers
disappearing.  There was as well the gaudy cast of characters
rolling through the White House for campaign-contribution coffees
and photo-ops--Macau gangsters, Chinese arms dealers, Johnny
Chung and Charlie Trie, who later fled to China.

At an amazing press conference on Dec.  7, 1993, Energy Secretary
Hazel O'Leary unveiled the DOE's "openness initiative." "The Cold
War is over; we're coming clean," she said.  She announced that
32 million pages of classified documents were now subject to
review and possible release to "put the United States out in
front as a nation willing to share." She joked: "During the Cold
War, I would have been arrested for what I said."

No wonder Wen Ho Lee thought the rules had changed.  They had.

Indeed, in mid-1997, Attorney General Janet Reno turned down the
FBI's request to put a wiretap on Wen Ho Lee, whom they'd been
investigating for years.  Given the stakes here, and the
by-the-books use of a wiretap under such circumstances, the
request should have been a routine slam dunk.  But Ms.  Reno
blocked it.  Her justification: The evidence against Lee was too

We know, however, that Wen Ho Lee copied sensitive data onto 10
computer tapes, a warehouse of information.  Seven of those tapes
are still missing.  He repeatedly failed polygraph tests.  A
prima facie case was obvious; the wiretap was warranted.  In the
event, he entered a guilty plea to one count and promised to
cooperate with investigators over the next year.

The Hazel O'Leary "willing to share" national security policy
ended in January 1999, with the release of the Cox Report,
asserting: "The PRC thefts from our National Laboratories began
at least as early as the late 1970s.  Significant secrets are
known to have been stolen, from the laboratories or elsewhere, as
recently as the mid-1990s.  Such thefts almost certainly continue
to the present."

Exactly two months later, the Energy Department announced that it
had fired Los Alamos computer scientist Wen Ho Lee.  Quickly, Lee
ended up carrying responsibility for the whole sieve of data
leaking out of Los Alamos.

On March 19, 10 days after the Wen Ho Lee firing and two months
after the Cox Report, President Clinton was asked at a news
conference whether any of these Los Alamos security breaches took
place on his watch.  The President replied: "To the best of my
knowledge, no one has said anything to me about any espionage
which occurred by the Chinese against the labs during my

This is almost certainly a false statement.  A New York Times
story the next day notes "different accounts" of when Mr.
Clinton was informed of China's espionage.  A House committee was
told Mr.  Clinton was briefed in 1998.  But in the weeks prior to
the March 19 news conference, White House aides said National
Security Adviser Sandy Berger had briefed the President in July

According to the Times, NSC spokesman David Leavy "said that
since the completion of [the Cox] report, Berger and other aides
had refreshed their recollections.  'After the Cox committee
process, we've remembered more,' Leavy said."

Also at his March 19 news conference, Mr.  Clinton hotly denied
that his administration suppressed reports of 

Re: [CTRL] The Gay Youth Suicide Myth

2000-09-18 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, June, I am reading this and once again you are reading more into the
post than is actually there.  Aleisha is asking a question and then stating
her preference.  She stops sort of stating her reasons for this.  It could
be a number of things from the example set to concern about exposure to
higher incidences of AIDS and the risks through using shared knives.  It
could be lots of things.  It is a lifestyle that is not sanctioned by many
religions.  And since you have repeatedly, repeatedly stated that you did
not want these dreadful scouts receiving federal money, did you read the
article I posted stating that they receive very little and will probably be
just fine without it?  I know that was the case with my region when my sons
were that age.  They raised ALL of their own selling Christmas trees each
year.  I have always judged the people my own children were around by their
character, not sexual orientation.  I do not think children should be aware
of the sexual preferences/peccadilloes/fetishes of the adults into whose
care they are placed.  I think the subject is inappropriate for children

- Original Message -
From: "Ynr Chyldz Wyld" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] The Gay Youth Suicide Myth

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Aleisha Saba" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  And Jimmy made his big story when he ws interviewed by Playboy..and
  of course, Gacy the Killer Clown who loved little kids,

 His victims were hardly 'little kids'...he was sexually attracted to
adolescents and young teens.

  .these boys when being garoted to death  2 to 3 quick turns,
  wet their pants - and little JonBenet as did the little girl in the
  Moors murdrs both murdered Christmas Day, did.

 As anyone at the moment of death does...bowels and bladder let loose...

  Do we want sodomists in our Boys Scouts?   I want them nowhere near me
  or mine.

 Why?  Aren't you implying that you believe every single homosexual man who
would like to give something to the
 community by being a scout leader, would in reality be sexually molesting
his charges?

 That sounds an awful lot like painting all homosexuals as
pedophiles...Amelia, are you reading this?


[CTRL] Who Reads The Major News Papers?

2000-09-18 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Who reads the news papers?

By Anonymous

The Wall Street Journalis read by the people who run
   the country.

New York Times who think they run the country.

Washington Postwho think they ought to run the

USA Today  who think they ought to run the
   country but don't understand the
   Washington Post.

Los Angeles Times  who wouldn't mind running the
   country, if they could spare the time.

Boston Globe   whose parents used to run the

New York Daily Newswho aren't too sure who is running
   the country.

New York Post  who don't care who is running the
   country, as long as they do
   something scandalous.

San Francisco Chroniclewho aren't sure there is a
   country, or that anyone is running

Miami Herald   who are running another country.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

Re: [CTRL] The Jesuit Oath

2000-09-18 Thread nessie

-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

In a few instances,

Jesuit agents assassinated kings who had come to regard them as their most

trustworthy advisers.

Which kings?