[CTRL] EU Army

2000-11-26 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

>From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org
WSWS : News & Analysis : Europe
Political warfare erupts in Britain over plans for European Army
By Chris Marsden
27 November 2000
Back to screen version

The decision by the Blair Labour government to commit 12,500 British troops, 18
ships and 72 combat aircraft to a new 60,000-strong European Union Rapid Reaction
Force by 2003 has become the focus for a sustained attack by right-wing Conservative
forces of unprecedented ferocity.

Conservative Party leader William Hague rejected out-of-hand government assurances
that no European army was in the offing and Tory foreign affairs spokesman Francis
Maude warned that a "political" rather than a "military enterprise" threatened to
pitch the EU into conflict with the US. On November 21, former Conservative Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher used the occasion of the tenth anniversary of her loss of
office to denounce Labour's "plans to create a new European army" as a measure to
"divide and destroy" NATO to satisfy Prime Minister Blair's "political vanity".

The Daily Telegraph, the Mail and other pro-Tory organs have all joined in the
attack. But the leading player by far is The Sun newspaper, published by Rupert
Murdoch's News International and Britain's largest circulation tabloid.

Blair, meeting with President Putin in Moscow, seemed stunned by the ferocity of the
press reaction to the announcement. He countered by attacking the "anti-European
media" as "fundamentally dishonest" and stating that, "The idea that Britain should
retreat to the margins of the EU, the key strategic alliance on our doorstep, is
absolute and utter madness for our country." He fired off a letter to The Sun
published on November 22 stating that, "contrary to the nonsense written yesterday,
this initiative has been specifically welcomed by the United States and NATO."

The Sun 's counterblast was ferocious. An array of former leading military figures
were solicited to denounce the creation of a Euro-corps that reads like a Who's Who
of the major campaigns of the past two decades. These included General Sir Peter de
la Billiere, Commander of British forces during the Gulf War; two former heads of
the parachute regiment, Admiral Sir Sandy Woodward, leader of the Falklands Task
Force, Sir Michael Armitage, retired Air Chief Marshal and Field Marshal Lord
Carver, the former Chief of Defence Staff.

The Sun commissioned an interview with Thatcher, run in the same edition, and wrote
an editorial entitled, "Who shall we trust?" The editorial stated in answer, "If we
have to choose between Maggie Thatcher and Tony Blair, it's no contest... Baroness
Thatcher is the woman who, with her great ally Ronald Reagan, won the Cold War”.

In conclusion they wrote, "We know who we'd trust to defend this country's
interests. Over the past few years, Britain has been betrayed. It is time to say: No
more. Britain belongs to the people, not the politicians."

How does one account for the open political warfare now being waged against the
Blair government?

Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon made the troop commitment at a meeting of EU defence
ministers on Monday at which France and Germany pledged similar numbers. The Rapid
Reaction Force will be capable of being deployed up to 4,200 km (2,400 miles) from
Europe, commanded by General Rainer Schuwirth of Germany, with Britain's General
Graham Messervy-Whiting second-in-command.

Hoon insisted that the agreement reached specified that there was no intention to
create a "European Army" and the agreement also gives the US-dominated NATO "first
preference" over whether it wants to lead any military engagement. But the decision
to create an independent European military capability is inherently a major
challenge to American military hegemony.

France and Britain signed the St Malo declaration on defence cooperation two years
ago, but moves towards achieving a rapid reaction capability have escalated since
the war against Serbia. There, as in Bosnia in 1995, Europe was again reminded of
America's overwhelming military superiority and its own dependence on the US for
intelligence-gathering and other vital military needs.

The Clinton administration has been supportive of the planned venture because it
wants Europe to shoulder a greater part of the financial burden of policing the
world. What they did not want is for Europe's ambitions to seriously undermine the
role of NATO as the West's military umbrella organisation. Clinton therefore
encouraged the British government to take part in the discussions on creating a
Rapid Reaction Force as their man on the inside, with Blair arguing that the force
remain tied to NATO's command structures. But whatever Blair's and Cinton's
intention, the logic of developments points to the European powers seeking to end
their reliance on the US in the military arena. Thus critics of the move were able
to point to the statement by EU President Romano Prodi last February that, "If y

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-26 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 09:11 AM 11/26/00 -0500, Nurev Ind Research <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>What is wrong with dual citizenship pray tell?

It puts American sovereignty into the hands of foreign nationals and their

The Israeli can incent or coerce Israeli nationals to vote for their
preferred candidate.
The Mexican government can incent or coerce Mexican nationals to vote for
the candidates
preferred by the Mexican regime.

Furthermore, when Israeli or Mexican nationals assert their rights to
government officials, REAL Americans can legitimately question whether the
government"  truly and exclusively represents the interests of REAL Americans.

>The Nazi origin of gun control is a right wing myth. There is nothing
>historical about it.

A rare instance where a mouth-foaming left-winger may in fact be correct.
The oft-cited
quotation about the Nazi's intent to achieve a society where guns were
controlled was
really based on an opinion piece written in a German socialist newspaper
to describe what happen if the Nazi's came to power.  In other words, the
never said it; the socialists only SAID the Nazi's wanted to do it.

>Only Jews were forbidden to have guns.

Wrong-o.  COMMUNIST Jews were arrested and disarmed.  Other Jews served
in the Armed forces of the Third Reich, even up to the rank of Field Marshall.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 25 Rules of Disinformation: How to Fight Back

2000-11-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 25 Rules of Disinformation: How to Fight Back
Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:01 PM


D I  S I  N F  O R  M A  T I  O N  
Back to Home Page

The CIA, NWO and Media: Simple Mind Control
25 Rules of Disinformation: How to Fight Back

8 Traits of The Disinformationalist: What to Look For

The Short Version: 25 Rules and 8 Traits

Example of Disinfo in Media: The Fall-Back Position

Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth:
The Rules of Disinformation
(Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist)
by H. Michael Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
copyright (c) 1997, 2000 All rights reserved (Revised April 2000)

Permission to reprint/distribute hereby granted for any non commercial use provided 
information reproduced in its entirety and with author information in tact. For more 
Intel/Shadow government related info, visit the Author's Web site: 

Built upon Thirteen Techniques for Truth Suppression by David Martin, the following 
may be useful to the initiate in the world of dealing with veiled and half-truth, 
lies, and suppression of truth when serious crimes are studied in public forums. This, 
sadly, includes every day news media, one of the worst offenders with respect to being 
a source of disinformation. Where the crime involves a conspiracy, or a conspiracy to 
cover up the crime, there will invariably be a disinformation campaign launched 
against those seeking to uncover and expose the truth and/or the conspiracy. There are 
specific tactics which disinfo artists tend to apply, as revealed here. Also included 
with this material are seven common traits of the disinfo artist which may also prove 
useful in identifying players and motives. The more a particular party fits the traits 
and is guilty of following the rules, the more likely they are a professional disinfo 
artist with a vested motive. People can be bought, !
 threatened, or blackmailed into providing disinformation, so even "good guys" can be 
suspect in many cases.

A rational person participating as one interested in the truth will evaluate that 
chain of evidence and conclude either that the links are solid and conclusive, that 
one or more links are weak and need further development before conclusion can be 
arrived at, or that one or more links can be broken, usually invalidating (but not 
necessarily so, if parallel links already exist or can be found, or if a particular 
link was merely supportive, but not in itself key) the argument. The game is played by 
raising issues which either strengthen or weaken (preferably to the point of breaking) 
these links. It is the job of a disinfo artist to interfere with these evaluation... 
to at least make people think the links are weak or broken when, in truth, they are 
not... or to propose alternative solutions leading away from the truth. Often, by 
simply impeding and slowing down the process through disinformation tactics, a level 
of victory is assured because apathy increases with time and rhet!

It would seem true in almost every instance, that if one cannot break the chain of 
evidence for a given solution, revelation of truth has won out. If the chain is broken 
either a new link must be forged, or a whole new chain developed, or the solution is 
invalid an a new one must be found... but truth still wins out. There is no shame in 
being the creator or supporter of a failed solution, chain, or link, if done with 
honesty in search of the truth. This is the rational approach. While it is 
understandable that a person can become emotionally involved with a particular side of 
a given issue, it is really unimportant who wins, as long as truth wins. But the 
disinfo artist will seek to emotionalize and chastise any failure (real or false 
claims thereof), and will seek by means of intimidation to prevent discussion in 

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Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

  1.Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil
  2. Become incredulous and indignant
  3. Create rumor mongers
  4. Use a straw man
  5. Sidetrack opponents w name calling, ridicule
  6. Hit and Run
  7. Question motives
  8. Invoke authority
  9. Play Dumb
10. Associate opponent charges with old news
11. Establish and rely upon fall-back positions
12. Enigmas have no solution
13. Alice in Wonderland Logic
14. Demand complete solutions
15. Fit the facts to alternate conclusions
16. Vanish evidence and witnesses
17. Change the subject
18. Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad

Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-26 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

J2 writes in part:
>>I don't think that the shrinking of government in and of itself, is at all
a bad solution. My problem with that idea is that the same bunch of clowns
don't want to shrink the real perpetrators of power, the corporations and the
business cartels. If you don't do away with them FIRST, and THEN shrink the
government, we will have no access to any institution capable of controlling

Looks like J2 is startiing to get it.

Most libertarians agree that the very concept of a "corporation" (AKA a state
licensed entity that is granted improper government/legal benefits such as limited 
and legal personhood) is a statist, anti free market concept.

The "bunch of clowns" he refers to seem to be the statist politicopaths and
their corrupt minions who gleefully divide up the spoils. They go by many
names such as "socialists"; "fascists" or even "capitalists."

The trouble with the J2's and their "progressive" ilk is that they love Big Government 
just claim to hate those who run it. Their idea of political reform is "just put us
good guys in charge - we promise to do the right thing."

Yeah, right!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-26 Thread mirage
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 




Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:25:29 -0800


Tony Craddock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Votes, Lies and Videotape

2000-11-26 Thread Bob Stokes

Steve Veritas and the Staff of Just Facts have written a commentary
entitled, "Votes, Lies, and Videotape." Read it at

Votes, Lies, and Videotape

By Steve Veritas and the Staff of Just Facts

Available on the web at www.justfacts.com/votefraud.htm

With the Presidency of the United States hanging in the balance, news 
reporters have abandoned their normal bias in favor of outright lying. The 
list of examples could fill a small book, but here are a few.

Exhibit A

On November 20th, the NBC Nightly News attempted to discredit eyewitness 
accounts of irregularities associated with the hand recounts in Palm Beach 
and Broward Counties. NBC Reporter Jim Avila dismissed the problem of chads 
falling off the ballots by reporting that this only happens "rarely."

"Rarely?" Who does Avila think he's kidding? On one occasion, police gathered 
78 fallen chads after a Democrat election official refused to pick them up. 
At the end of another day, 283 fallen chads were collected. I guess it all 
depends on how NBC defines "rarely."

        (AP Picture of Fallen Chads)

Avila also stated, "Election officials say missing chads change nothing." 
Does NBC take us for idiots? Anyone familiar with the process knows that an 
extra chad mistakenly or purposely punched out in the presidential section of 
the ballot will directly affect the vote tabulation. If there is an existing 
vote for Bush and an extra chad is punched out, the Bush vote is cancelled. 
If there is no vote selected and a chad is punched or even dimpled for Gore, 
then Gore picks up a vote (and vice-versa.)

Watch this video of a Democrat molesting a ballot. Bear in mind that these 
chads are fragile, and before the hand recount process was even started, 
several election officials stepped forward to warn that aggressive handling 
of these ballots is a common method of election fraud used to create and 
eliminate votes. As you watch this clip, ask yourself, "If the situation were 
reversed, and it was a Republican who was doing this, how many times would 
you have seen this on TV already?"

56k  Video I 
100k Video II

Here's another lie from that very same NBC News story. Avila brushed aside the fact that ballots with votes for George W. Bush were discovered in the pile of votes for Al Gore by stating, “The election judges say yes, that happened once, but observers caught the mistake."

"Once?" There are at least 4 people including a Democrat who claim to have 
seen Bush ballots in Gore piles. One Republican observer stated that in a 45 
minute time period, she caught a Democrat on 5 occasions attempting to put a 
Bush ballot into the Gore pile. One Democrat observer, who twice discovered 
Bush ballots in Gore piles, apologized to the Republican observer and told 
him that the ballots had been “sabotaged.”

NBC summarized their story with Avila remarking, "election officials say 
ignore the spin and watch the less dramatic inside story." If anyone wants to 
"ignore the spin," they should begin with the whirlwind of misinformation 
coming from Avila's mouth. 

Exhibit B

A Newsweek article written by Matt Bai and Michael Isikoff focused on the 
19,000 ballots that were disqualified in Palm Beach County. They highlighted 
concerns that the ballot was confusing and stated that the 3,400 votes cast 
for Pat Buchanan in Palm Beach County amounted to "far more than anywhere 
else in the state." This article is a textbook example of selective 
reporting. Absent from the article were a number of important facts that 
undermine the false impression that the article creates. 

First of all, the article failed to note that sample ballots were mailed to 
all registered voters and published in the local paper before the election. 
Among the hundreds of thousands of registered voters in that county, not one 
of them filed a single complaint prior to the election.  Also, the article 
ignores the fact that there are 7 other counties in Florida that cast a 
greater percentage of votes for Pat Buchanan than Palm Beach County, 
including 2 counties that voted for Buchanan at more than twice the rate of 
Palm Beach. So when Newsweek tells us about how Palm Beach County had "far 
more" votes for Pat Buchanan "than anywhere else in the state," wouldn't it 
also make sense for them to inform us that Palm Beach is one of the larger 
counties in the state? 

Furthermore, this article neglects to mention that in Duval County, which is 
a Republican stronghold, 26,000 ballots were disqualified. How can it be that 
the disqualification of 19,000 votes in a Democrat county is BIG NEWS, but 
the disqualification of an even greater number of votes in a Republican 
county is irrelevant? The scary thing is that some people probably think that 
because they read Newsweek, they are informed. The truth is that they'd be 
far better off if they were incapable of reading, because they would at least 
be aware of the fact th

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [LIFE-GAZETTE] German Jew Kol Nidre ...

2000-11-26 Thread BigSocks

-Caveat Lector-


Was this piece of misused, abusive language really necessary to get a
point across?  I thought we were supposed to be civil as well as
civilized and educated in this group...

Are my suppositions without merit?  I would hope that the moderator of
this group will please make the definition of civility more clear to the
referred poster.

If this type of language is what we are reduced to communicating with in
understanding, in this group,  perhaps I should move on?




CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [LIFE-GAZETTE] German Jew Kol Nidre Cock Sucker Faggots

2000-11-26 Thread Apollyon Hotstuff

-Caveat Lector-

>From: "Apollyon Hotstuff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [LIFE-GAZETTE] German Jew  Kol Nidre Cock Sucker Faggots
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 01:12:17 -
>Fucjk off hofffucker.. You are a piece of shit ansd a SICK JOKE...Kol
>You are like allly Germans Only fit to SUCK JEW COCK. Coward
>Whore.s Prophet Pioro was right/ Go suck more jew cock HITLER
>SHITHEADgonna sue me wthh your LEGAL NOTICE
>fuckeingshitdinkkikescumbagggeee? Har har harrr.. SHIT HEAD GERMAN.
>Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download :

Get more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Certification May Not be Quick

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Certification May Not be Quick

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) -- Certification of Florida's presidential
vote may not necessarily follow promptly after the 5 p.m. EST
Sunday deadline for county results to be filed.

Ben McKay, spokesman for Secretary of State Katherine Harris,
said Saturday that certification could be delayed for hours or
longer if legal action or ''unforeseen circumstances'' intervene.

The secretary of state's office plans to open at 8:30 a.m. Sunday
to receive and report county returns in the tight, disputed race
between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

McKay has said certification by Harris and two other members of
the state canvassing commission could come as early as 6 p.m.,
one hour after the deadline for counties to file their returns.

But he cautioned Saturday that timetable could be disrupted.

''There could be an injunction ... the Legislature could take it
over,'' he said. ''It could be delayed an hour, it could be
delayed 10 hours ... There are a lot of reasons it may not

He did not specify which parties might seek a court order to
block certification, but legal questions remain over the validity
of some recounted votes.

McKay said he expects overseas military absentee ballots that
have been counted in recent days will be included in the
certification. But, he said, ''We'll have to have the attorneys
look at the (Florida) Supreme Court decision.''

The court ordered hand recounts to continue in three south
Florida counties that were conducting them at the time, a move
that Bush is challenging before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Top officials in the Republican-controlled Legislature have also
said the Florida Supreme Court's decision went against the
state's election laws and that lawmakers may take steps to select
Florida's 25 presidential electors.

AP-NY-11-25-00 1714EST<

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYP: Bush's Supreme Error

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



Sunday,November 26,2000

THE U.S. Supreme Court has granted partial review of George W.
Bush's petitions. But he may come to regret getting what he asked
for: Bush could lose far more than he wins in this case.

The Supreme Court commands sacred reverence among citizens
generally. It is vastly more respected than legislative or
executive bodies or the media. Its nine justices are
institutionally above the political fray, enjoying lifetime
appointments and beholden only to their own constitutional

Thus, if Bush is thwarted by the court, no matter what its
reasoning, many will believe that the final word has been spoken
from Mt. Sinai, and that to continue the mudfight with Gore would
be blasphemous. And since seven of the nine justices were
appointed by Republican presidents, Bush will be not able to
blame partisan bias.

The court has already handed Bush a non-trivial defeat. Yes, it
agreed to review the Florida Supreme Court's exotic
interpretation of the state electoral code. But the high court at
the same time rejected Bush's plea from the 11th Circuit U.S.
Court of Appeals.

That federal bench had declined to determine whether the
hyper-subjective manual recounting of dimpled, hanging and
swinging chads in selected Florida counties under a "voter
intent" standard violates the 14th Amendment's due process and
equal protection clauses.

Bush's case there carried emotional if not legal attraction.
Judge Charles W. Burton of the Palm Beach County canvassing board
conceded last Friday that court guidance in discerning voter
intent is worthless: "You have to feel it in your heart."

The Bush camp's two-pronged assault on the Florida Supreme Court,
meanwhile, seems thoroughly unconvincing.

The first prong of the attack takes on the Florida court's
extension of time for county canvassing boards to file returns
with Secretary of State Kathleen Harris from the statutory date
of Nov. 14 until Nov. 26.

This action, the Bush camp argues, was tantamount to a
legislative post-election re-writing of the state election code,
and thus a violation of the federal 1887 Electoral Count Act.
That law provides that in resolving presidential electoral
disputes, a state's laws enacted "prior to" Election Day "shall
be conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of electoral
votes . . . "

Now, Florida's Supreme Court certainly produced an imaginative
interpretation of the state election code. It insisted that the
law's unequivocal seven-day post-election deadline for filing
returns is unenforceable unless necessary for Florida's
participation in the presidential electoral count or for the
viability of post-certification ballot contests.

That logic was outlandish. But state and federal courts,
including the U.S. Supreme Court, have embraced such freestyle
interpretations as within the judicial (not legislative) function
for more than 50 years.

In Steelworkers v. Weber (1979), for instance, the high court
ignored unambiguous non-discrimination language and legislative
history of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in favor of an
interpretation authorizing racial discrimination against white
male employees. A 5-2 majority loftily admonished: "[A] thing may
be within the letter of the statute, and yet not within the
statute, because not within its spirit . . ."

The traditional remedy when courts misinterpret statues is for
legislatures to pass new, superseding legislation. The justices
will surely ask Florida's GOP-dominated legislature (which has
chosen to join with Bush in this case) why it has not corrected
the alleged state court mistake. Is it asking the nation's
highest tribunal to fiddle with the state's electoral code and
judicial system simply to rescue Florida legislators from
political awkwardness or possible unpopularity?

Moreover, if the Florida Supreme Court's interpretive artistry is
conceived as "legislation" as Bush contends, then mountains of
judicial precedents in every state of the union, and the U.S.
Supreme Court itself, would fall under a dark constitutional
cloud. That prospect should daunt justices of any stripe or

The second prong of the Bush attack on the Palm Beach decision is
a weak sister of the first. It claims that the Florida Supreme
Court, by misinterpreting the state electoral code, usurped the
plenary constitutional prerogative of the state Legislature to
"direct" the manner of appointing electors.

But errant judges are still judging, not legislating. Although
the state court clearly stumbled, it did so waving legitimate
canons of construction, and preached: "Legislative intent - as
always - is the polestar that guides a court's inquiry into
provisions of the Florida Election Code. Where the language of
the Code is clear and amenable to a reasonable and logical
interpretation, courts are without power to diverge from the
intent of the legislature as expre

Re: [CTRL] References for Kissinger Quotation?

2000-11-26 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


> -Caveat Lector-
> ..
> >From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
> Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:
> http://www.msen.com/~lloyd/oldprojects/recentmail.html
> From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "New Paradigms Discussion"
> Subject: References for Kissinger Quotation?
> Date: Thursday, November 23, 2000 7:24 AM
> Does anyone have the original sources by which this quote
> can be checked?  I seems a bit "too good". -- Lloyd Miller
> "Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore 
>order . Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told 
>that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that 
>threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to 
>deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When 
>presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for 
>the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
> Dr. Henry Kissinger, Evians, France, 1991
> Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
> not necessarily endorsed by:
> ***
> Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
> class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
>Explore Our Archive:  
> http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org
> ==
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> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [Fwd: Driving to Doom]

2000-11-26 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Driving to Doom
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:39:51 -0500
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lorna Salzman)

Flying to and from South Africa, where my husband and I just spent a month,
I had occasion to read various British newspapers. While the big headlines
were about the US election morass, the above titled article, by Peter
Preston of The Guardian on Nov. 20th, hit a hard note with me. It should be
read by all Greens and especially by those who have shunted ecological
concerns to the back burner both before and during the elections. I would
like to quote some of Preston's statements because they echo, though more
eloquently, the same things I have been saying about the US Green movement
for many years.

First, Preston talks about the debacle in The Hague regarding the utter
failure to deal with global warming. No surprise of course; even the 5% the
US conceded is nowhere near the 70% reduction in CO2 emissions that
credible scientists say must be achieved. Says Preston: "Unless the new
rulers in Pennsylvania Ave, whoever they turn out to be, can be persuaded
to wake up and shape up, then we might as well not bother. A world
environment policy without the polluter-in-chief is a hole in the head and
a hole in the ozone layer. George W. Bush says he does not believe in
global warming. Al Gore believes all right, yet he hasn't managed, over
eight years in power, to do much about it".

 Nothing new there, you Greens say. But hold on. Preston then goes on to
say this: "Hang on though! Isn't there, at last, a strong, growing American
Green party now? And didn't it, in many ways, shape the whole presidential
debate, raising causes that others feared to touch?...Nader, with his calm
fury and idealism, brought in hundreds of thousands of young people turned
off by standard campaigning. He was an energising force (and a prophet his
supporters keep comaring with Gandhi)".

And then he goes on:  "Fair enough. But I went to Nader's last great
Washington rally, almost as the polls opened a fortnight ago, and sat
through four hours of oratory and ambition. I did not once hear the words
'global warming' uttered. Nor "ozone layer". These were Green warriors who
seemed more anxious to talk at length about statehood for the district of
Columbia. These were environmentalists reserving their biggest cheers for
legalising pot smoking."

Preston continues: "Now, of course, Nader does have the requisite policies
somewhere in the greenhouse. Leaf through his position papers and you'll
find him endorsing the standard Ozone Action programme and shredding Gore
as an "environment poseur" playing a cynical con game. But he made precious
little of it, one brick amongst many, at the close. The "uncompromising
political force" he aimed to create was more interested in enfranchising
Washington voters. Which is why I worry so deeply about what democracy can
address, and what it can achieve, in a true environmental crisis."

Preston goes on: "There are 90 or so Green parties around the world..some,
like our own Greens, rise and fall again. There is no pattern to the way
they bring their message, THE MOST URGENT MESSAGE OF ALL (Salzman caps).
The end-of-the-world message. They dont know whether to be part of the
process, or the heart of the process or standing outside it, proclaiming
doom. ...When the case for higher fuel taxes had to be made (he) didnt hear
much cheeping from the British Greens."

Preston continues: "There must, I think, be a parallel staring at boots in
America today...There is no tomorrow if you dont talk greenhouse gases
today. But the voters dont want to listen and even prophet-politicians like
Nader who seek their vote dont tell them in terms. Less petrol at a greater
price? Forget it. When gun holders vote Bush, as they did, to hang on to
their guns, what chance that car owners will vote to make their own lives
more difficult?...democracy shies away because the hard questions cant be

I have asked myself during the Nader campaign just why Nader - like the
ASGP itself which couldnt bring itself to feature an environmentalist as a
key speaker at its convention, and in particular the late David Brower who
managed to live six months past that convention date - has soft pedalled
environment. Surely not because he feared alienating some constituency; his
constituency of college students and young activists is more gung-ho on
environment that most of the ASGP people. And surely he had nothing to lose
seeing as he stuck his neck far out on anti-corporate themes and the like.

But whatever the reason for this, it matters less than what the US Greens
and Green parties do and say in the coming years, and it matters less than
the fact that unless the Greens push themselves as carriers and warriors
for the environmental message, that message will be drowned out or
suppressed.  NO ONE ELSE WILL CARRY IT. If Nader didnt, the next Green
candidate is even less likely to d

Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-26 Thread Carl Amedio
What Crap. It is the Social fascists in the democratic party would rule by any means necessary. I am sure the Maoist gore/Clinton cabal have their red books in hand while counting votes.

I believe was Joseph Stalin who said... power does not lie with the people who vote. Power lies with the people who count the votes.

We know who is counting the votes don't we.

Re: [CTRL] WP: Analysis: High Court Entering Area It Rarely Sees

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/25/2000 7:09:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< The outcome of this year's presidential election may now hinge on
 whether at least five members of the United States Supreme Court
 believe that Florida's high court acted outside the law when it
 allowed hand recounts completed by 5 p.m. Sunday to be included
 in the state's final vote tally. >>

This is a new kind of Supreme Court.  You wouldn't have heard the words,
"Innocence is no bar to carrying out a conviction" from any other one we've
had.  Our Supreme Court used to be about justice.  Those days are gone
forever.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] BH: Supremes get in: We should've known

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/25/2000 6:57:38 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< It's always difficult guessing how the justices are going to
 approach the issues involved. >>

Don't sweat it.  Bush is in.  The Chief Justice owes the Republicans and the
Bush family big time.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: KN4M 11-25-2000

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~>
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

FeedBack: Black shirt coup in Florida 
Fri, 24 Nov 2000

So...only liberals and democrats have the right to street protests, 
eh? Only
FAMU students have the right to sit-in illegally in the Florida 
building overnight, eh?

What, is there a copyright on these tactics that I missed? Is freedom 
speech only for them? Are some pigs more equal than others?

Kim Watson
Tallahassee, Florida


Camelot Blows
Fri, 24 Nov 2000

> kt, who else? Which others? Mark Lane got paid by
  the KGB to travel to Europe and reseach his book.
  I can't knock him for it, but where are these
  paymasters when *we* need them?

According to Mitrokhin Lane got paid by KGB. What are
we going to say about the Mitrokhin revelations when
we find out about his CIA paymasters? But I agree
about the real question: where do we sign up?

Others: Peter Dale Scott, Bill Kelly, Jim DiEugenio
(whose CTKA is going down the tubes even as Gus Russo
seems to be picking up work on cable TV. Watch that
cable special and then read DiEugenio's Destiny
Betrayed about Garrison and then tell me who you think
is a propagandist), Cyril Wecht, Gary Aguilar.

> Bob Harris knows Gus Russo, and was surprised to
  learn, in the pages of Steamshovel, that Gus Russo
  did not exist. Or maybe I'm wrong. Peter Robbins
  knows Gus too, thinks he's a good guy.

I know Gus, too, and I think he's a nice guy. So nice,
in fact, that when he was given high-level access to
people like Richard Helms he naively abandoned his
pro-conspiracy analytical thinking cap.

> When did wisdom have anything to do with it?
  Certainly we need to take a critical look at
  both sides, but in this case I argue for
  Mitrokhin. Kenn, you are dissing a fellow
  archivist, Mitrokhin is your soul bro!
  Certainly under your circumstance you can
  imagine smuggling things offsite in your

I'd pay people to remove things from my archives, so
rare do documents of such historic significance
emerge. Mitrokhin actually violated a code of ethics
we're all supposed to adhere to, if what he says is
true. Although I'm sure the SAA (Society of American
Archivists) wouldn't come after him as the KGB might.

Poor old KGB. Not even around to defend itself


Fri, 24 Nov 2000

Russo had a conspiracy theory, that elements of the US government 
evidence that Oswald had acted with the approval and assistance of 
the KGB.
And then covered it up, for national security reasons. If you look at
Angleton as a mole it makes a little more sense than the way Russo 
it, but that's just my opinion.

Don't you think it's a wee bit odd that Tracey Barnes at the CIA had
Oswald's KGB Minsk files a few days after the hit?  Michael Straight's
cousin, Barnes, all of a sudden had official word from Moscow  that 
was a nut. 

> Poor old KGB. Not even around to defend itself

Oh? Putin is "nash" as Nagell would say - KGB. See:

-Jim Martin
POB 2420, Ft. Bragg, CA 95437
(707) 964-8326


FeedBack: Vote of No Confidence
Fri, 24 Nov 2000

One of the things often missed in the discussion about
using computers for elections is the idea of
cybernetics. "Computers" are not just hardware and
software, but cybernetic control systems that include
an element of feedback. When someone votes, a prompt
could be written in the code, "Are you sure you want
to vote for Al Gore?" before a final decision is made.
Great potential exists, too, to create systems that
would, for instance, call to the screen someone's
complete Congressional voting record for review before
casting a vote. (Done right, the voting system should
take longer with computer technology, not speed it
up.) It's hopelessly corruptible, however, more suited
for spying (as in the PROMIS software) than making a
more open democracy. But look what we have now.



Dear Robert,

I value you Rob...And I sense your struggle for that elusive 
objectivity. I
know u lean left and I lean right...I don't know how well I'd do being
objective if I were in your shoes.  

I do think u would do well too see things thru your conspiracy lenses 
take off the political bias as much as possible. I also think that the
militia guys could be the only thing between us and jack booted thugs
some day. They didn't hardly exist as far as I know during the Philly
Move situation. Who knows what they would have done?

Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/25/2000 3:16:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< The frenzied response of the Bush campaign and its allies in the media to
 Tuesday's ruling by the Florida Supreme Court has highlighted a political
 fact of immense significance: the Republican Party has become the organ of
 extreme right-wing forces that are prepared to use extra-parliamentary and
 violent methods to achieve their aims >>

Not "has become."  The Republican Party has always felt that any means to an
end was the right approach.  They don't care what they do to the country or
to the American people.  I think the ways of Republicans are best illustrated
by the guys who bomb abortion clinics.  Abortion is murder, but killing
doctors, nurses and any bystander who happens to be there is just fine.  We
got to note their morals during the Clinton thing.  You remember--Clinton and
Monica were immoral, but the seedy goings on of Republicans were just
youthful indiscretions.  Of course Republicans are very, very slow to mature.
 They get to be youthful well into their forties.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] VOMIT #48/00 11/25/2000

2000-11-26 Thread William Shannon
VOMIT UK 48/00
Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 25 November 2000

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Almost every institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final blame lies with the Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister, Freemasonry is invariably involved along with the courts, the police and local government. Everything we publish is aimed at the detection and prevention of crime especially in the public sector. We act in the public interest.

Front page " Railway chief resigns with £1m payoff" and "Pensioners cheated of millions by computer". An English public that allows itself to be cowed by a Scottish Mafia in Westminster and robbed by Irish Public Works Contractors will be happy to grind along making ends meet while the Judaeo/Masonic Faction laughs all the way to the bank. Let the beggars on horseback squander public money and become covert millionaires with bank accounts in the Seychelles, Cyprus, Switzerland etc. It is obscene that a man who must accept some responsibility for the railway disasters should walk away with a million-pound award.
Vote Labour but get rid of Blair, Brown, Irvine, Mandelson, Prescott and Straw. We would draw attention to the heavy-handed and life-threatening raids by policemen between August and November 1999 against Norman Scarth in Leeds, Maurice Kellett in Northumbria, Peter and Pat Prankerd in Cornwall, Peter Hayward in Kent and James Todd in Thames Valley. None of the victims have had their complaints investigated by the Police Complaints Authority, the Police Authorities and the Chief Inspector of Constabulary O'Dowd. This is the Stalinist face of New Labour whose leader, the Gargoyle, finds Russia's Putin, former head of the secret police, a man he can do business with. Blair never learns. He introduced BP to a Russian "entrepreneur" who swindled BP out of nearly £400 million.
Same paper, page 28 "Considering that his is only one of 659 constituencies, the Prescott electorate can count itself privileged to have gobbled up 5 per cent of all national road improvements."
Comment: The writer (Giles Coren) makes the assumption that Prescott is sweetening up his electorate whereas it is just as likely that Prescott wants to cut two minutes off his travelling time. Why does the Labour Party put up with this man? He is so bright that when someone mentioned his syntax he thought that syntax was what one paid when visiting a brothel in a foreign port. Who in their right senses would make Prescott a gift of a car valued at over £20,000? The fact that Prescott declared the gift does not mitigate what was either a serious misjudgement or acceptance of a bribe. The same debonair attitude saw him avail himself of the hospitality of a wealthy London developer. It does not appear to strike anyone as a serious misjudgement. Rumour has it that fellow MPs fear Prescott but not on account of his intellectual strengths. Pete Sawyer, in the Sunday Times (19.X1.2000), demonstrates that the UK interest in Sierra Leone is confined to securing a share of the diamonds. Yet Prescott visited Sierra Leone. Prescott reminds us of the pelican. A greedy old bird is the pelican. Its beak can hold more than its belly can. Prescott is the person who overturned a government ban on Freemasons holding planning jobs. One result of that was that we had a police marksman intent on shooting us. Why do ordinary decent members of the Labour Party put up with this working class fat cat who has lost the plot and makes a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth? 
May we advise those people who waste our time and theirs seeking sponsorship and donations that we are not Santa Claus. Furthermore we heartily disapprove of the parasites that offer help to victims in return for an advance fee. Voluntary donations are not our concern. We return all donations. There are several competent people who will assist victims in return for an agreed percentage of any awards to the victims. We have nothing to say to all the clever victims who, from time to time, use us secure in the knowledge that they can succeed without publicity from us. People convinced against their wills are of the same opinion still. Their only weapon is publicity. We have no time for the faint hearts that try to hunt with the hounds and run with the hares. If they come out fighting they may bring about change. 
La Stichbury, formerly of the Metropolitan Police, advertised a public meeting in Dorchester to deal with complaints against the police. The Croleys reported on the fiasco. 
The Croleys, Mike and Julie, decided to attend the meeting to raise questions about corrupt police involvement in their persecution arising

Re: [CTRL] Vocal protesters swarm recount Bush backers turn out in force; Lie...

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/25/2000 2:08:17 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Nov. 24 —  Protesters were out in force Friday
 as Palm Beach and Broward counties plowed on with reviewing disputed
 ballots. Most of the protesters were George W. Bush supporters objecting
 to what they called Democrats efforts to “steal” the presidential election
 Al Gore. >>

I always knew the Republicans were funny, but now they're a riot.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



After finding the Sue Gunzburger for Congress website on the
Liberty1.com website I did a little digging. I did a domain
registrant reverse look-up and found that her son, Ron
Gunzburger, owned the Liberty1.com website and found the others
that he owned.

He also operates a website called Politics1.com and in his bio on
that site, he reveals that he used to be an assistant for, gulp,
Dick Gephardt!

Here is the exact text:

Ron Gunzburger is a political journalist, businessman, lawyer,
and campaign communications consultant. Moving into the realm of
New Media, he created and launched the Politics1 web site in late
1997. L4M, a DC company, acquired Politics1 in April 2000 -- and
Ron also joined their management team as Vice President of
Creative Operations. In that capacity with L4M, he continues to
publish Politics1 and is also Editor-in-Chief of the new
HillZoo.com site.

During his twelve years working as a trial attorney before
changing careers, Ron served as an Assisant Public Defender, an
Assistant Attorney General of Florida and as a partner in a
respected national law firm of Eckert Seamans.

In 1998, the South Florida Business Journal honored Ron and 39
others with its prestigious "40 Under 40 Award" for achieving
career excellence before age 40. Before entering law school in
the mid-1980s, Ron served successively as a legislative assistant
for Congressman Dick Gephardt (D-MO) and later for Congressman
Clay Shaw (R-FL). He began his political consulting career when
his mother Sue Gunzburger first ran for political office in 1982
(she won that race -- and won five more elections since then).

Specializing in direct mail and message development, Ron has
since worked as a professional campaign consultant in over 80
campaigns ranging from municipal races through Congressional
campaigns (with a success rate around 75%). His innovative and
often humorous campaign ads have been featured on the Today Show,
CNN Headline News and in numerous print articles.

Once, in an apparent brief fit of lunacy, Ron actually "crossed
the line" and ran for public office -- losing a South Florida
race in 1994 at age 30 for Broward County Court Judge (149,000
votes - 45%). Originally from New England, Ron currently divides
his time between his work in Washington, DC, and his home in
South Florida.


Politics/Elections Breaking News News Keywords: GUNZBURGER
Source: Politics1 Website
Published: 11-25-2000 Author: Ron Gunzburger
Posted on 11/25/2000 13:15:17 PST by lowteksh


X DRUDGE REPORT X SAT NOV 25, 2000 13:51:21 ET X


As Broward County elections officials pressed to finish their
review of disputed presidential ballots, transcripts of the
canvassing board recount sessions show member Suzanne Gunzburger,
a Democrat, blatantly hunting for more Gore votes!


Gunzburger: I Can See The Light - If You Hold It Just The Right Way

JUDGE LEE: 5A 11 is a slight dimple on the spot. I have to try to
remember these. Judge Rosenberg.

JUDGE ROSENBERG: Cannot be ascertained with reasonable certainty.

COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER: I disagree on this one because it's
pushed more than a slight and there is light visible in the
bottom. I've read some of the opinions that says when there is
light visible that it is a punch for a candidate.

JUDGE LEE: I don't see it.

JUDGE ROSENBERG: I don't see any light visible.

MR LICHTMAN (Democratic Attorney): Hold it up. I can see it from


JUDGE LEE: You're right. You can see it. All right. I agree with
the Commissioner, 5A 11 is a vote for Gore. (Broward County
Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November 23, 2000,
p. 1390 - 1391)

Gunzburger Changes Her Own Liberal Standards From Daylight To Dents


JUDGE ROSENBERG: No clear intent.

COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER: No. Wait. Let me look. The other votes
are Democratic and I'm looking, there is a dent on the No. 3, and
I would say it's a Gore.

JUDGE LEE: I agree with Judge Rosenberg. It remains an under
vote. (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition
Services, November 23, 2000, p. 1432)

Gunzburger Caught Mishandling Ballots - Twisting And Bending
Ballots Until The Light Shines Through

JUDGE LEE: Number three.

COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER: I see a clear vote for Gore. It's like a
garage door.

MR CARROLL (Republican Attorney): I ask you not to bend the
ballot, please.

GOVERNOR: Don't bend the ballot.

MR. POZZOVLI (sic) (Republican Attorney): You may not bend the

JUDGE LEE: I agree that's a vote for Gore. (Broward County
Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November 23, 2000,
p. 1516)

Gunzburger Is Seeing So Much Light, She's Seeing Spots (However,
She's The


2000-11-26 Thread William Shannon
Commentary by Red Rock Eater Digest © 11/24/00
Further details are emerging about the riot in Miami on Wednesday that preceded the Miami-Dade County election commission's decision to give up recounting the votes in the presidential election. As election workers sat counting votes, a mob screamed outside, pounded on furniture, tried to force its way into the building, surrounded a Democratic Party official, knocked two television cameramen to the ground, and kicked and punched several people, including a Democratic spokesman as he attempted to hold a news conference (New York Times 11/23/00 and 11/24/00). 
The Republicans initially asserted that the riot was nothing but a spontaneous outburst, but it soon became evident that this was not true. In a report that is almost too bizarre to believe, ABC News (11/24/00) reports that the riot in Miami "was an organized Republican Party protest, run by 75 party operatives out of a headquarters in a motor home". One operative claimed that they were there to help the media. But, ABC News reports, "they also got directly involved in leading demonstrations, and were even willing to dress up in seasonal outfits to provide so-called protester color for local news reports". 
The protests were clearly organized in some depth. Some participants had heard about them from a Republican phone bank, and others in the Cuban-American community had heard about them from radio interviews with Republican members of Congress. A lawyer for the Republican Party incited the rioters by asserting that the election commission would not be counting predominantly Hispanic districts (New York Times 11/24/00). 
Now, one might imagine that the Republicans had organized a crowd of protesters that had simply gotten out of control. Some of them even claimed as much. But an op-ed column by Paul Gigot in the 11/24/00 Wall Street Journal column, which openly supports the riots, gives this account of how they started: 

Then the Three Counting Sages repaired to semi-isolation, forcing TV cameras to watch through a window and keeping reporters 25 feet away. That did it. Street-smart New York Rep. John Sweeney, a visiting GOP monitor, told an aide to "Shut it down", and semi- spontaneous combustion took over. 

This is the most astonishing thing that I have ever read. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that a United States Congressman explicitly ordered a gang to attack the offices of an election commission with the express purpose of shutting down the counting of votes in a presidential election. 
What is going on in these people's minds? Some Republicans tried to justify the violence by comparing it to protests that have been organized by the Democrats. The same lawyer who had helped incite the crowd in Miami asserted that "[i]t's the same type of democracy in action when Jesse Jackson parachutes in and starts a protest in the black community. People have a right to express their opinions" (New York Times 11/24/00). But this is over the top. Jesse Jackson organized peaceful protests in Florida until he was heckled off the stage by Republican counterprotesters. The NAACP organized a civilized public hearing and submitted a report on its findings to the Justice Department. That is indeed democracy. Violence is not. 
Representative Sweeney, who ordered the attack on the government building where the votes were being counted said this: "thugs in that building are trying to hijack this election". This utterance is very disturbing. It's totally backward. Representative Sweeney commanded a mob that violently attacked people in the election commission's building, yet he asserted that county workers who were counting votes under the supervision of Republican and Democratic observers were "thugs". And he explicitly ordered his violent followers to shut down the counting of votes, yet he asserted that the election commission was "hijacking" the election. This is called projection: attacking people while falsely accusing them of accusing you. 
Projection is also at the core of Paul Gigot's staggering column in the Wall Street Journal. His argument, in brief, is that the rioters -- he uses the word "riot" explicitly -- had been provoked to their marching and chanting by the supposed injustices of the vote count. He does not dwell on the details of kicks and punches and tramplings and menacings and false accusations, playing the whole thing as mild comedy, even though Video of the riot at the ABC News Web site makes plain what a distortion this is. These genteel rioters, he says, "let it be known that 1,000 local Cuban Republicans were on the way" -- an assertion that could not have sounded very peaceable to election commissioners who were already faced with a screaming mob. It was then, he says, that the commissioners "caved", and he makes clear that, in his view, the commissioners' decision was largely a

[CTRL] Did Putin Bomb Moscow?

2000-11-26 Thread William Shannon
November 24, 2000


John Sweeney on the evidence that the old KGB 
deliberately planted bombs in Moscow and 
blamed them on Chechen terrorists. 

The secret policeman stood on the edge of a field of rubble and burnt wreckage, the ruins of what had been only the night before a block of flats. 
He looked Central Casting’s idea of a KGB operative, sporting a cowpat hairdo, a cheap black raincoat, black tie, lean, tall, clean shaven, saturnine. They call the KGB the FSB these days, a new name for the Soviet state’s old organ of terror. 
There had been two bombs in Moscow in four days. The first bomb exploded just after midnight at a block of flats at Guryanov Street. It killed 92 Muscovites sleeping in their beds in the early morning of 9th September, 1999. Several bodies were rocketed into the surrounding streets. By daybreak people could see the sad detritus of the atrocity: children’s clothes, a sofa hanging off a ledge in what had been someone’s living room, open to the sky, books, pictures scattered far and wide. Broken glass crackled underfoot in all the surrounding streets. The edge of fear in Moscow was tangible. 
Four days later the second bomb blew up a similar block of flats at Kashirskoye Highway at five in the morning. The wounded, shocked, painted in dust, as semi-naked as when they went to sleep, a night and a lifetime ago, were carried off in stretchers. The most haunting image was of a man quite blackened by soot from a fire, crawling on his hands and knees through the wreckage: more beast than man. He survived. 130 other residents in the block of flats - men, women, children - did not. 
Enter the secret policeman. He walked up to the TV cameras and presented to the compound eye of lenses a black and white e-fit picture. The e-fit depicted a Chechen man, with a fleshy face, almost Buddha-like in its plumpness, swarthy skin and tinted spectacles. This was the Chechen terrorist the authorities were blaming for the bomb. He was using the name of Mukhit Laipanov, who had recently rented ground floor space in the two apartment blocks devastated by the bombs. The real Laipanov died in a car crash earlier in 1999. The authorities were very quick to pin the blame on a group of Chechen trained terrorists. It was the Chechens who did it - that was the instant effect of the secret policeman’s e-fit. It was posted up all around the bus stops of Moscow. The Russian authorities have yet to produce a single solid piece of evidence to support their theory that Chechen terrorists blew up Moscow. No-one has been tried, no chain of evidence explained. A few men have been arrested, but none of the alleged ‘ring-leaders’. Three days after the second bomb, the bulldozers moved in, obliterating the sites and also destroying evidence against the bombers. 
Two more bombs had exploded in cities in southern Russia. The four bombs together killed more than 300 people in less than two weeks. 
There was a fifth bomb. This one didn’t go off. But the fifth bomb - proved by photographs of its detonator  shown above - provides hard evidence that challenges the official ‘Chechen version’ of the Moscow bomb outrages. The fifth bomb points the other way: that the KGB-FSB bombed Moscow deliberately to blacken the name of the Chechens as a pretext for the second Chechen war. 
The photographs of a detonator, taken by a Russian bomb squad, and other fresh evidence point to a plot carried out by the FSB working to assist their old spymaster, Vladimir Putin, in his rise to control the world’s number two superpower and its nuclear arsenal. 
When the two Moscow bombs went off, Putin had just been appointed prime minister by President Yeltsin. With no public track record, the former secret policeman was widely mocked as a political nobody, a cold, faceless Kremlin insider who had spent 16 years in the KGB and had emerged as the chief of its successor, the FSB. Boris Kagarlitsky is a seasoned Kremlin watcher in Moscow: ‘You cannot turn a bureaucrat into a glamorous person. He is as grey as he used to be. There is a propaganda machine which works but that is exactly the weakness of Putin, because as a politician he is a nobody. To be a politician you need some kind of past.’ 
Matt Ivens, editor of the [Moscow Times, thought the same: ‘Yeltsin had been through a couple of prime ministers and each time he dropped them he made it clear that it had something to do with elections. 
By the end he's picking Vladimir Putin. No one has ever heard of Putin, except very careful watchers of politics or people from St. Petersberg. He's announcing "this is my successor, this is a man who can run the country" and there is widespread ridicule. All the newspapers in town including ours said, there's no way this guy could win an election, unless something really extraordinary is going to happen.’ 
The Moscow bo

Re: [CTRL] References for Kissinger Quotation?

2000-11-26 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/26/00 2:15:10 PM Central Standard Time,

> Does anyone have the original sources by which this quote
>  can be checked?  I seems a bit "too good". -- Lloyd Miller

  I was able to find this.  This source also has other news articles re
Bilderberger.  I did not find your exact quote.  Samantha


WASHINGTON, June 18 /PRNewswire/ --

The first details of a secret meeting of the "Bilderberg Group" to put the
cap on President Bush's promised "New World Order" were revealed today in the
weekly Populist newspaper The Spotlight.

The Bilderbergers, parent organization of David Rockefeller's Trilateralists,
laid plans for the culmination of their esoteric 37-year-old campaign to put
real teeth in the United Nations at a conference held June 7-9 under tight
security in the Black Forest resort of Baden-Baden, Germany.

"What the Bilderberg group intends is a global army at the disposal of the
United Nations, which is to become the world government to which all nations
will be subservient by the year 2000," writes Spotlight correspondent James
P. Tucker Jr.

The press was barred from the Baden-Baden meeting, and a media check by
Spotlight editor Vincent Ryan turned up only one newspaper, The Richmond
Times-Dispatch, that reported the meeting was actually the Bilderberg
group.Tucker, who has covered Bilderberg sessions from "outside the walls"
for years, has developed sources within the organization, which is comprised
of world leaders from finance, politics and academia.

Henry Kissinger was quoted by one of Tucker's sources as telling the
Baden-Baden meeting of some 130 leaders, "A UN army must be able to act
immediately, anywhere in the world, without the delays involved in each
country making its own decision whether to participate, based on parochial

Kissinger and other speakers praised President Bush for his determined action
in the recent Gulf War against Iraq and particularly for obtaining a UN
mandate before laying the issue before Congress, The Spotlight story says.
"The Persian Gulf venture has advanced the cause (of world government) by
years," one speaker is quoted as saying.

However, several Bilderberg participants warned that another Saddam Hussein
can rise to power in other countries and therefore plans should be made now
for dealing with such a threat, possibly within the next five years,
according to The Spotlight.

Significantly, Gen. Manfred Woerner, the German general secretary of NATO,
flew to the Bilderberg meeting after the NATO leadership met with U.S.
Secretary of State James Baker in Brussels.

In addition to planning future wars under UN auspices, the Bilderberg meeting
also endorsed a Trilateralist recommendation for a UN tax of 10 cents per
barrel of oil exported from the Persian Gulf to pay for future military
actions, The Spotlight reports.

The Bilderbergers also, according to Tucker's sources, are opposed to the
independence movements within the Soviet Union; in favor of the Mexican-U.S.
free trade treaty; and supportive of creating a single currency for the whole
Western Hemisphere modeled on the "ecu" which will come into being in Europe
in 1993.

CONTACT: Vincent Ryan, editor of The Spotlight, 202-546-5611


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Moscow's 'Museum of Parapsychology and UFOlogy'

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Moscow Times


The Moscow Times
Friday, Nov. 24, 2000. Page III

ESP, ET and Psychotherapy

By Leila Rejali

Finding the Museum of Parapsychology and UFOlogy was about as
easy as spotting a UFO in the brilliant night skies above Moscow.

And asking passers-by if they knew where the museum was elicited
only bemused smiles and shakes of the head — perhaps because
museum staff prefer to refer to it as "The Center of
Psychoanalysis and Relaxation Research, School of Success 777."

Extrasensory perception, telekinesis, levitation and the like
have never had this reporter levitating with excitement. But
aliens — now they’re a different thing altogether. For a start, I
actually saw no less than three of them on my way back from the

What can I say? Another person might not have noticed this minor
detail but I have trained myself as an alien detector for many
years now and I know an extraterrestrial when I see one.

The museum itself is a tiny little place with only two rooms
actually devoted to exhibits. One of them has photographs of
various people apparently engaged in moving objects through the
power of their minds, plus drawings of various extraterrestrials
and spaceship landings; the other houses computers equipped to
monitor the spiritual powers of visitors.

Museum director Andrei Lee (at right), who said he himself has
"certain psychic capabilities" and happens to be a doctor of
psychiatry, led me to a third room that is not officially part of
the exhibition — it contains a curious-looking wooden board with
nails protruding from it.

The room, it turns out, is where Larisa Weiss, who owns the
building that houses the museum and rents space to the museum,
conducts what she calls "psychotherapy sessions," which consist
of soothing speech, holding hands and a great deal of relaxation.

"A group of Japanese people came to study with [Lee] to develop
their extrasensory skills," Weiss said. "I told them to lie down
on the bed of nails and, at first, they were too scared. But then
I just asked them what their dreams were and relaxed them so much
that, by the end, they were stretched out on the bed and loving

More was revealed about the museum when I returned for a second
(unannounced) visit. For one thing, the "assistant" who answered
the door wouldn't let me in, informing me that Lee had
disappeared without a trace and that her boss, Weiss, had closed
the museum to all comers for spring cleaning — in late November?

In light of recent snows, of course, spring cleaning seemed to me
to be an unreasonable moment for such an undertaking, so I
persisted until Weiss herself emerged.

Several whispered consultations and covert gestures later, I was
whisked away to an office upstairs without having been allowed to
get a look inside the museum. Perhaps the aliens had finally
invaded it and torn everything down, incensed by the very
unflattering images of themselves hanging on the walls? Frankly,
I'd be the last person to blame them. Anyway, their antics
afforded me an extremely entertaining hour with Weiss, who
described her abilities thus: "People call me ‘psychic.’"

Weiss told me the story of her first brush with UFOs: In 1990,
she took a vacation to an area near Lake Baikal with her three
children. While there, her 6-year-old son spotted a "bright
orange object similar to a flying saucer."

The object hovered above the lake for about 15 minutes, long
enough for Weiss to whip out her camera and take 36 photographs —
which she later sold to daily Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Unfortunately, these photographs are not on display at the
museum. But Weiss isn't that interested in UFOs anyway.

"If UFOs want to fly around, let them fly," she said. "I think
there are more interesting things in life, like the power human
beings themselves have." But then again Weiss has more serious —
if equally wearisome — things on her mind these days.

"I have to help out the FSB.

"A boy has disappeared and they want me to find out where he is
by means of clairvoyance," she said. "I've been doing this for 20
years and frankly, I've had enough of it."

The Museum of Parapsychology and UFOlogy (Muzei Parapsikhologii i
Ufologii) is located at 9/8 Bolshoi Gnezdnokovitsky Pereulok,
Bldg. 3, second floor. Metro Tverskaya. Tel. 470-8602. Open 4 to
8 p.m. Wednesdays and Fridays.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are

[CTRL] Boylan: Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant (fwd)

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:21:13 -0800
From: "Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Latest Briefing

Latest Briefing from high-level National Security Informant

By Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

 He emerged from his vehicle in the parking lot of a fancy hotel
near the shoreline, attired in dress-casual clothes with
sunglasses, thrust out his hand, and said, "Hi! I'm [Z]" (name
withheld in this dispatch). With that, I met face-to-face with
one of the highest-level informants in the U.S. National Security
network. What follows are extracts from our three hours-long

 "Z" was deeply concerned about current events in the Middle
East. He said the National Security community considers that the
place where soon war could break out which would engulf not only
the Middle East, drawing in not only Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and
possibly Egypt, Turkey and Iran, but also draw in larger powerful
states such as India and Russia. Then, with India's attention
diverted, China could march into areas of India it considers
within its sphere of influence. The Western Powers would have to
respond, and global war would become a reality.

 He said that the Intelligence community expects a major
terrorist strike within the United States this Winter, most
likely a biological warfare agent dispersed across a city of
note, or even a nuclear weapon detonated. He noted grimly that 18
Soviet nuclear warheads have gone missing, and are most likely in
terrorist hands now. He considered anthrax the most likely
biowarfare agent to be used, but allowed as that there are other
killer microbes available to the terrorists also. He said
terrorist groups are within the U.S. now.

 Z stated that the U.S. is quietly on ThreatCon Delta, the
equivalent of the Pentagon's wartime DefCon 4 (active war) alert
status. ThreatCon Delta is the highest level of civilian threat
alert condition, because biological or nuclear incidents are
considered likely to occur at any time now. Because of ThreatCon
Delta, classified sections of the National Security Act (amended)
and secret Presidential National Security Directives have become
activated. "Did you know," Z asked me, "that the President is not
in charge now. FEMA [the Federal Emergency Management Agency]
is!" I replied that that is unconstitutional. Z replied that the
classified laws and NSD Directives make it legal. We discussed
the various huge underground city-like installations that are all
stocked and staffed and prepared to take in a certain portion of
the population in the event of a disaster or terrorist strike
happening. Such installations include one under the Kansas City
stadium, with a capacity to take care of one million selected
persons. Many such installations exist and are ready to go.

 There is also a "shadow government", Z told me, with substitute
President, Vice- President, Cabinet officers, heads of Senate and
Congress, Supreme Court Justices and other top governmental
officials ready to function if disaster strikes "topside". Thus
he confirmed earlier leaked reports about a secret Continuity of
Government plan. He also confirmed that the "REX Exercise"
authorized by President Reagan was a dry-run dress rehearsal of
the taking over of command of the government, legislature and
courts by the unelected shadow government, implemented, if
necessary, by federalized FEMA troops.

 Z then got down to the more exotic areas of mutual interest. He
confirmed the previously- anecdotal story about President Nixon's
having taken then-famous television star Jackie Gleason to
Homestead Air Force Base , Florida, and showed him the corpses of
Zeta Reticulan (Grey) crewmen retrieved from a UFO crash. Z said
that he, too, had viewed those bodies.

 He indicated that the Bilderberg Council (a transnational elite
world policy planning group comprised of heads of some
governments and multinational corporations) interacts with "The
Nine", a group of extraterrestrial representatives from a Council
of coordination for many cosmic super-civilizations in contact
with Earth. Phyllis Schlemmer spoke of this in her classic book,
"The Only Planet of Choice". Schlemmer herself occasionally is a
channel for The Nine.

 Z also confirmed what black-projects defense industry-insider
Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about in his recent book, "Alien
Rapture": the existence of the TR3-B, a large triangular
antigravity craft within the U.S. antigravity fleet. This fleet
also includes: the B-2 Stealth bomber, made by Northrop, the
Lockheed X-22A two-man antigravity disc, the large space-faring
Nautilus, manufactured by Boeing and EU's Airbus Industries,
Northrop's discoid craft, and the XH-75D or "XH Shark"
antigravity helicopter, made by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical
Corporation of San Diego. Here is what Z had to say about the
TR3-B triangular antigravity craft.

 "TR3-B. This is the code name for what everyone on Earth has

Re: [CTRL] Half of Americans see Demo vote fraud

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 8:48:24 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< If this does take place, then we CAN have a popular vote winner--
 and America will finally be transformed into the DEMOCRACY
 that so many devious/deceived politicians already claim it to be. >>

The other aspect is that we can have Shrub for president.  That will give us
the possibility of a Republican controlled Congress, a Republican Supreme
Court and a Republican White House.  America will be transformed into a
Republicracy.  It will be most easily distinguished by the fact the general
populace will have not rights at all.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] ABC NEWS Poll - Mind Control: ET Awareness

2000-11-26 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

>From Mind Control-L: [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  ABC NEWS Poll - Mind Control:ET Awareness
 Nov 26, 2000
13:04 PST

  This ABC News poll contains data, segmented by demographics, on
  USA adults opinions on an Extraterrestrial presence on Earth and in the
  Universe at large. Some of this sample may be the product of mind
  control, both by covert terrestrial forces, and by an extraterrestrial
  presence itself. Hence the relevance to MC-L readers. Enjoy the
  leading edge in Mind Control statistics!
  ABC News polls can be found at ABCNEWS.com on the Internet at:

  Alfred Webre, Vancouver, BC
EcoNews Service
  Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 07:21:08 +0100
  From: Stig Agermose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
  Subject: Alien visitors? A quarter of Americans suspect so, according to
  ABC poll

  Source: Entertainment Wire.

  This ABCNews.com survey was conducted by telephone Oct. 4-8, 2000, among
  a random national sample of 1,007 adults. The results have a three-point
  error margin. Fieldwork by ICR-International Communications Research of
  Media, Pa. Analysis by Gary Langer. ABC News polls can be found at
  ABCNEWS.com on the Internet at:




  Alien Visitors? A Quarter of Americans Suspect So, According to an
  ABCNEWS.com Poll

  ABCNEWS.com Poll Conducted in Correlation with ABCNEWS.com's Webcast,
  "Chris Wallace's Internet Expose: UFO2000"


  "Greetings, Earthling. Take us to your leader."

  Updated 5:32 PM ET November 20, 2000

  NEW YORK (ENTERTAINMENT WIRE) - Some 25% of Americans might not be
  surprised by that salutation, that's how many suspect that alien beings
  have paid a visit to this earthly realm.

  Most of them don't know it, of course. Two-thirds of those who think
  aliens have visited concede that it's just speculation on their part.
  Just a third of them believe there's actual evidence of alien stopovers,
  which could range from Ezekiel to Roswell, N.M., by way of the Incas.

  A larger group believes intelligent life exists in a physical form on
  other planets: 47 percent think that's the case, while about as many, 45
  percent, do not believe.

  There are some demographic differences: Men are a bit more apt than
  women to believe intelligent alien life exists, 51 percent to 43
  percent. Younger adults are more credulous. But less-educated adults are
  more dubious, as are Republicans. No alien tax cut for them.

  This poll was done in support of "Chris Wallace's Internet Expose"
  special on UFOs on ABCNEWS.com. See



  ...Aliens have not
  visited...Aliens have visited.No opin.

  ...NetDon't ExistExist, haven't visited




  Do you say that based on evidence you've seen or read, or is it just
  your speculation?

  ..Evidence...Speculation...No opin.


  Do you believe in intelligent life on other planets?





  Age 18-34...55.41

  Age 35+..44.47




  High school or less43.49

  Some college or more51.. ..41

  Among those who think intelligent aliens exist, just under six in 10
  take the next step, which is to think they've physically visited Earth.
  This computes to 27 percent of all adults, or more than enough to keep
  Star Trek reruns on air well into the next millennium.

  Note: the language in this poll was crafted to exclude spiritual alien
  life and telepathic alien visits.

  As noted, 66 percent of those who think aliens have visited say that's
  "just speculation" on their part, as opposed to an opinion based on
  evidence they've seen or read. The number who think there's actual
  evidence of alien visits translates to nine percent of the adult
  population. For comparison, in a famous question some years back, eight
  percent said Elvis might still be alive. Perhaps - and perhaps he's only

  METHODOLOGY - This ABCNews.com survey was conducted by telephone Oct.
  4-8, 2000, among a random national sample of 1,007 adults. The results
  have a three-point error margin. Fieldwork by ICR-International

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Help Defend the Constitution!

2000-11-26 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/24/2000 7:44:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< Do we start by painting ourselves up like green men [green party - get
 it?]  and dump the ballots, including chads and dimples and all into the
 harbor at Palm Beach >>

YES (and the two major party candidates along with them).  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Fw: SN793:An Open Letter To Diana Johnstone

2000-11-26 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

> - Original Message -
> Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2000 4:17 PM
> Subject: SN793:An Open Letter To Diana Johnstone
> > "The light shone by the media is not the regular sweep of the
> > but a random searchlight directed at the whim of its controllers"
> > Douglas Hurd
> >
> > An Open Letter To Diana Johnstone
> >
> > By Bl. Doncheva,
> > Sofia, Bulgaria
> >
> > Diana Johnstone, a well-known progressive US journalist , has let in the
> > public space three articles on the September-October events in
> > more or less a shocking surprise for me.
> >
> > I would have awarded her writings with the silence they deserve if my
> > mail-box has not been assaulted with them from all quarters of the
> >
> > You see what a harm can be done by a false assessment of events by a
> justly
> > won popularity and authority of an honest journalist in the past. (The
> > question if it is only a "false assessment of events" or ordered "false
> > assessment of events" remains open.)
> >
> > What is wrong with "In a Spin ", the last Diana Johnstone's article I
> > received by a Zmag.org readers both from Canada and Holland?
> >
> > The wrong in her article can be roughly devided in three groups.
> >
> > 1/ She thinks the elections in Yugoslavia (September 24) have been
> > "democratic". She insists on it. She repeats that sham several times.
> > expression of free will.
> >
> > The truth is they have been BLATANTLY undemocratic.
> >
> > a) Because of the great sums of money poured into Yugoslavia from the US
> and
> > NATO countries
> > - see Emperors-clothes (or  www.tenc.net): there you will find SEVERAL
> > well-grounded articles on that subject, incl. USA Senate Protocol on
> of
> > the KNOWN enourmous sums of US money approved by the Senate;
> > - see "New York Times" article by STEVEN ERLANGER, September 20, page
> > http://www.nytimes.com/partners/screensaver/index.html?eta2
> >
> > b) Because of the direct most  ARROGANT interference in the internal
> affairs
> > of a still sovereign country (before October 6 Yugoslavia WAS a
> > country!) by way of the
> > - so-called "temporary US Embassy" set in Budapest and the feverish
> > activities of the US Ambassador there;
> > - aborriginal - colonial - comprador - etc., government of Bulgaria, a
> > country fully dependant on USA-NATO ("Bulgaria has lost a 100 % of its
> > sovereignty", B. Dimitrov, a Bulgarian historian and scientist, on one
> > the cable TV on Sunday, Oct. 22).
> > Read again Emperors-clothes
> > (www.tenc.net), and also  http://www.indymedia.org (There is a SEARCH
> window
> > there. You write Bulgaria and click.)
> > At Emperors-clothes you can find the Memorandum of the Yugoslavian
> > government concerning that flagrant interference and at both sites you
> will
> > find some translatrions from the Bulgaria media announcing how CIA have
> used
> > the Bulgarian territory and some of  the Bulgarian US lackeys for their
> > dirty tricks.
> > I ask Ms. Diana Johnstone, Zmag site and D. Johnstone's fans how they
> > classify
> > - lecturing "Otpor" activists in Sofia by CIA trainees for a week just
> > before the elections, or
> > - announced attempt at a parallel counting in Bulgaria the votes of an
> > election in another STILL sovereign country?
> >
> >
> > If there is such interference, could elections be democratic?
> >
> > "That is the question." That is why I think there is something rotten in
> D.
> > Johnstone's position re the tragic Yugoslavian September and October
> >
> > 2/ Ms. D. Johnstone thinks a lot about Mr. Kostunica.
> >
> > He is great. A nationalist. A lover of his country. A justice fighter.
> > has saved Mr. Milosevic and his family from lynching. A valorous person.
> > paradigm of perfection.
> > I.e., Ms. D. Johnstone is diligently building a myth around Kostunica,
> > telling fairy-stories and obstinately going round the facts.
> >
> > And the facts are both simple and sad.
> >
> > a/ Kostunica is a leader of an obscure insignificant party.
> > I.e., he would have NEVER been pushed ahead as a presidential candidate
> > that had not been the decision of the newly founded DOS - and those
> > monitoring it.
> > Everybody of the reading public knows how DOS has appeared at the
> political
> > scene in Yugoslavia and the Balkans.
> > Everybody knows that it has happened under the prescription and pressure
> of
> > the USA-CIA and German agents cradling the so-called "opposition" in
> > Yugoslavia for months, not to say for years on a run.
> > Everybody from the region at least knows which party and which leader
> > the last say in that coalition of parties.
> > For Ms. Johnstone and the others who do not know, the answers are:
> > s party. DJINDJIC.
> > She herself has given a characteristic of DJINDJIC.
> >
> > Logical Conclusion:
> >
> > Kostunica is a Nobody.
> > He is only

[CTRL] Origins of American Vote Fraud

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"The lesson to be learned from these historical incidents is that
any political party that is brazen enough to steal a presidential
election through voter fraud is also likely to be brazen (and
powerful) enough to plunder the citizens under its rule, endanger
their lives, and treat them like serfs."


Origins of American Vote Fraud

by Thomas DiLorenzo
[Posted November 22, 2000]

Ever since Mayor Daley of Chicago "found" tens of thousands of
dead people to "vote" for John F. Kennedy in the 1960 election,
many Americans have suspected the Democratic party's urban
political machines to be awash in voter fraud. That suspicion has
not been diminished by the actions of the mayor's son William, Al
Gore's campaign chairman and the man in charge of the vote
"recount" taking place in Florida.

As notorious as the Democrat political machines are, the origins
of vote fraud in America lie in the Party of Lincoln. The massive
vote fraud that took place during the War between the States and
for the ensuing twelve years of "Reconstruction" provides an
abject lesson in tyranny that has ominous implications for
American taxpayers.

There are news reports that during the 2000 presidential election
cycle many absentee ballots never made it to military personnel
overseas, while 40 percent of those that were returned to the
state of Florida were thrown out because of minor technicalities
(like absence of a postage stamp). During the War between the
States Lincoln was known to instruct his military commanders to
furlough registered Republicans while keeping Democrats (and any
others) in the field, where they could not vote. In border states
like Maryland, where there was powerful opposition to the war,
federal soldiers flooded the cities on election days and were
instructed to vote, even though they were not residents of those

Federal soldiers also intimidated voters into voting Republican
by menacing them at the polls. As Lincoln biographer David Donald
has written, "Under the protection of Federal bayonets, New York
went Republican by seven thousand votes" in 1864.

The Republican Congress even created three new states -- Kansas,
West Virginia, and Nevada -- to help rig the 1864 election in
favor of Lincoln, so concerned were they over pervasive antiwar
sentiment and massive desertions from the federal army.

During "Reconstruction" (1865-1877) the Republican party held a
monopoly of power that was so complete, historian Richard Bensel
observed in Yankee Leviathan, that the closest parallels to that
situation are "the PRI in Mexico, the Congress Party in India,
and the Bolsheviks in the early years of the Soviet Union."

One reason the Republican party was able to hold onto this
monopolistic power is that it blackmailed the ten southern states
that opposed the Fourteenth Amendment (Tennessee voted in favor
of it) into passing the Amendment by denying them congressional
representation until they acquiesced. In doing so the Northern
states effectively seceded from the union, a union which Lincoln
never recognized as having been broken.

Almost all Southern males were disenfranchised, while virtually
all of the male ex-slaves were registered to vote (Republican).
No Southern male could vote who participated in the war effort in
any way, including contributing food or clothing to the
Confederate army. Voter registration required one to publicly
proclaim that one was on the side of the federal armies during
the war, something that no sane southerner who valued his life
would do.

The result was that by 1868, ten of the fourteen southern U.S.
Senators, twenty of the thirty-five representatives, and four of
the seven elected governors were Northern Republicans who had
never met any of their constituents until after the war. Any
local officials who did not strictly obey Republican Party
dictates were purged from office by the military and replaced
with Republican party hacks who were supported by the occupation
forces of the U.S. military.

With a political monopoly gained through voter fraud and military
force, the Republican party plundered the South for over a
decade. Since property owners were disenfranchised, the puppet
governments were able to enact tax increase after tax increase,
ostensibly to build railroads, canals, and roads, very few of
which were actually built. Most of the money was simply stolen by
Republican Party hacks and the scheming businessmen who supported
them. The Republican Party began as the party of corporate
welfare and has changed very little in the past 150 years.

Even though the South was economically devastated, the Republican
Party imposed onerous property taxes that allowed party
"officials" to step in and confiscate the property for unpaid
taxes. At one point 20 percent of the entire state of Mississippi
was for sale. By 1872 property taxes in the South were four times
higher than they were in 

[CTRL] The Poverty of Electoral Politics (fwd)

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 09:56:00 -0800
From: Bureau of Public Secrets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Bureau of Public Secrets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Poverty of Electoral Politics

[Just to put the current election hoopla in perspective. . .]

Roughly speaking we can distinguish five degrees of “government”:

(1) Unrestricted freedom
(2) Direct democracy
(3) Delegate democracy
(4) Representative democracy
(5) Overt minority dictatorship

The present society oscillates between (4) and (5), i.e. between
overt minority rule and covert minority rule camouflaged by a
facade of token democracy. A liberated society would eliminate
(4) and (5) and would progressively reduce the need for (2) and
(3). . . .

In representative democracy people abdicate their power to
elected officials. The candidates’ stated policies are limited to
a few vague generalities, and once they are elected there is
little control over their actual decisions on hundreds of issues
-- apart from the feeble threat of changing one’s vote, a few
years later, to some equally uncontrollable rival politician.
Representatives are dependent on the wealthy for bribes and
campaign contributions; they are subordinate to the owners of the
mass media, who decide which issues get the publicity; and they
are almost as ignorant and powerless as the general public
regarding many important matters that are determined by unelected
bureaucrats and independent secret agencies. Overt dictators may
sometimes be overthrown, but the real rulers in “democratic”
regimes, the tiny minority who own or control virtually
everything, are never voted in and never voted out. Most people
don’t even know who they are. . . .

In itself, voting is of no great significance one way or the
other (those who make a big deal about refusing to vote are only
revealing their own fetishism). The problem is that it tends to
lull people into relying on others to act for them, distracting
them from more significant possibilities. A few people who take
some creative initiative (think of the first civil rights
sit-ins) may ultimately have a far greater effect than if they
had put their energy into campaigning for lesser-evil
politicians. At best, legislators rarely do more than what they
have been forced to do by popular movements. A conservative
regime under pressure from independent radical movements often
concedes more than a liberal regime that knows it can count on
radical support. If people invariably rally to lesser evils, all
the rulers have to do in any situation that threatens their power
is to conjure up a threat of some greater evil.

Even in the rare case when a “radical” politician has a realistic
chance of winning an election, all the tedious campaign efforts
of thousands of people may go down the drain in one day because
of some trivial scandal discovered in his personal life, or
because he inadvertently says something intelligent. If he
manages to avoid these pitfalls and it looks like he might win,
he tends to evade controversial issues for fear of antagonizing
swing voters. If he actually gets elected he is almost never in a
position to implement the reforms he has promised, except perhaps
after years of wheeling and dealing with his new colleagues;
which gives him a good excuse to see his first priority as making
whatever compromises are necessary to keep himself in office
indefinitely. Hobnobbing with the rich and powerful, he develops
new interests and new tastes, which he justifies by telling
himself that he deserves a few perks after all his years of
working for good causes. Worst of all, if he does eventually
manage to get a few “progressive” measures passed, this
exceptional and usually trivial success is held up as evidence of
the value of relying on electoral politics, luring many more
people into wasting their energy on similar campaigns to come.

As one of the May 1968 graffiti put it, “It’s painful to submit
to our bosses; it’s even more stupid to choose them!”

[Excerpts from "The Joy of Revolution." To see the complete text,
which discusses many other issues of radical tactics and goals,
click http://www.slip.net/~knabb/PS/joyrev1.htm.]

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Bureau of Public Secrets website, which has received 250,000
page visits during its first two years, features Ken Knabb's
translations from the Situationist International (the notorious
group that helped trigger the May 1968 revolt in France) plus
Knabb's own writings and comics on Wilhelm Reich, Kenneth
Rexroth, Gary Snyder, radical Buddhists, Chinese anarchists, the
Iranian uprising, the Gulf war, etc. The site index --
http://www.slip.net/~knabb/index1.htm -- includes over 2000 name
and topic entries, from anarchism to Zen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
This information is being sent to you in the belief that you may

[CTRL] References for Kissinger Quotation?

2000-11-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "New Paradigms Discussion"
Subject: References for Kissinger Quotation?
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2000 7:24 AM

Does anyone have the original sources by which this quote
can be checked?  I seems a bit "too good". -- Lloyd Miller

"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order 
. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there 
were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our 
very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them 
from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this 
scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their 
well-being granted to them by the World Government."

Dr. Henry Kissinger, Evians, France, 1991

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
not necessarily endorsed by:

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Data Plots main page

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia

Check out Bay St. Louis or Fredricksburg plot for today, top graph.


 Data Plots main page.url

[CTRL] Aspartame Promotes Hypersensitivity Syndrome

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Researcher Believes Aspartame Promotes Hypersensitivity Syndrome
By Don Harkins

>From the November 2000 Idaho Observer

Most people are by now aware that the artificial sweetener aspartame becomes
formaldehyde, a dangerous toxin for which neither the Food and Drug
Administration nor the Environmental Protection Agency has identified a safe
level of ingestion for humans. James Bowen, M.D., a physician who has
dedicated a tremendous amount of time and resources to the study of
aspartame, has identified the neurotoxin to be a catalyst for polychemical
hypersensitivity syndrome (PCS).

PCS is a condition that effects increasing numbers of people who experience
varying degrees of allergic reactions to chemical exposure.

According to Dr. Bowen, "The Persion Gulf Syndrome is largely PCS from the
massive NutraSweet [aspartame] exposure experienced by our men in combat
units in the Persian Gulf."

The Pentagon has repeatedly denied such allegations since they claim that
PCS does not exist. The fact that nothing in orthodox medicine seems to help
soldiers stricken with Gulf War Illness (GWI) is an indication to orthodox
doctors that GWI symptoms are psychosomatic.

"This illustrates the highly significant feature of aspartame poisoning;
that it is an extreme hypersensitization agent which is highly reactive with
other chemicals -- especially toxic ones like the nerve gas and nitrogen
mustard gas to which our troops were exposed in the gulf when our government
tried to destroy the stockpiles of these gases they had previously supplied
to Saddam Hussein. This is a very poignant part of the NutraSweet issue
because those who had problems with NutraSweet will now experience
recurrences of those same problems when exposed to even the most minute
doses of various toxic agents," explained Dr. Bowen.

Dr. Bowen's findings are supported by government studies regarding
formaldehyde sensitivity that were conducted many years ago. It was found
then that, once a person becomes hypersensitive to the toxin, he can
experience a violent physical reaction to a formaldehyde exposure of as
little as one billionth of a gram.

If Dr. Bowen's thesis is correct, the millions of Americans who habitually
drink sodas and eat foods artificially sweetened with aspartame are not only
vulnerable to the entire menu of 92 aspartame-related complications which
range from impotence, hair loss, obesity and chronic irritability to death,
they are leaving themselves open to a lifetime of multiple chemical

"The reason I feel it's so important to publish this information is that
those who have been victimized by aspartame really don't have a good shot at
enjoying the health they had before unless they recognize the problem and
know how to deal with it," Dr. Bowen concluded.

The saddest joke on the American consumer is that aspartame-sweetened sodas
are marketed as "diet" soft drinks. The truth is that aspartame suppresses
the production of serotonin, which makes them crave carbohydrates which, in
turn, causes them to gain weight.

The Idaho Observer
P.O. Box 457
Spirit Lake, Idaho 83869
Phone: 208-255-2307
Web: http://proliberty.com/observer/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Major Wave of Solar Falres Underway

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

: Sunday, November 26, 2000 1:28 PM
Subject: Space Weather Bureau

> http://www.spaceweather.com/

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Nation]

2000-11-26 Thread Mark McHugh

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Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-26 Thread Bob Stokes
In a message dated 11/26/00 7:21:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


We are not subjugated by the will of The People, we are subjugated by the will of The Government that is run by The Corporate Institutions.  There is what might be called a sembiotic relationship between Government and Corporations ... Government gives license to Corporations, corporations then bribe government to subdue the masses.  Laws made by government control individuals, unconstitutional laws that created the IRS, FBI, CIA, FDA, ATF etc.  WE did not vote for these agencies.


Shrink Govenment and remove all the Unconstitutional laws that have been created over the years, then Corporations do not have the power they control today.  Bring back States Rights (State=individual countries) limit the federal government as stated in the Constitution and Corporations literally have no power.  At the same time limit Corporations ... afterall government gave Corporations their power to have the same rights as a person.


"Democracy" has to be at a local level, not national because then it gets out of hand.  Local laws should be applied first, then State, then Federal ... from the bottom up, not from the top down as it is today.  Our Constitution has good rules if we would just follow them.

Bob Stokes


2000-11-26 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

X DRUDGE REPORT X SAT NOV 25, 2000 13:51:21 ET

As Broward County elections officials pressed to finish their review
of disputed presidential ballots, transcripts of the canvassing board
recount sessions show member Suzanne Gunzburger, a Democrat
and an active contributor to the Democratic National Committee
[pictured left], blatantly hunting for more Gore votes!
Gunzburger: I Can See The Light - If You Hold It Just Right
JUDGE LEE: 5A 11 is a slight dimple on the spot.  I have to try to
 remember these.  Judge Rosenberg.
JUDGE ROSENBERG: Cannot be ascertained with reasonable
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER: I disagree on this one because
it's pushed
 more than a slight and there is light visible in the bottom.  I've read
 some of the opinions that says when there is light visible that it is a
 punch for a candidate.

JUDGE LEE: I don't see it.
JUDGE ROSENBERG: I don't see any light visible.
MR LICHTMAN (Democratic Attorney): Hold it up.  I can see it from here.
JUDGE LEE: You're right.  You can see it.  All right.  I agree with the Commissioner, 
5A 11 is a vote for Gore.
 (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November
 23, 2000, p. 1390 - 1391)
Gunzburger Changes Her Own Liberal Standards
 From Daylight To Dents

JUDGE LEE:  29C 3.
JUDGE ROSENBERG:  No clear intent.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  No.  Wait.  Let me look.  The other votes are Democratic and 
I'm looking, there is a dent on the No. 3, and I would say it's a Gore.
JUDGE LEE:  I agree with Judge Rosenberg.  It remains an under vote. (Broward County 
Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November 23, 2000, p. 1432)
Gunzburger Caught Mishandling Ballots - Twisting And Bending Ballots Until The Light 
Shines Through
JUDGE LEE:  Number three.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  I see a clear vote for Gore.  It's like a garage door.
MR CARROLL (Republican Attorney):  I ask you not to bend the ballot, please.

GOVERNOR:  Don't bend the ballot.
MR. POZZOVLI (sic) (Republican Attorney): You may not bend the ballot.
JUDGE LEE:  I agree that's a vote for Gore.
 (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November
 23, 2000, p. 1516)
Gunzburger Is Seeing So Much Light, She's Seeing Spots
 (However, She's The Only One Seeing It)
JUDGE LEE:  Moving on, moving on to 14J.  There is only one disputed
 ballot, and it is number one.

MS. ANGULO:  You mean 15J?
JUDGE LEE:  No 14J.  That was just 13.
JUDGE ROSENBERG:  This is 14J dash one.  No reasonable certainty on that ballot.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  I believe I can see light on three sides, and it's a clear 
vote for Gore.
JUDGE LEE:  I Agree with judge Rosenberg.  That's an undervote.
 (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November
 23, 2000, p. 1504)
Gunzburger: Some Other Votes Are Democratic -
 Must Be A Gore Vote!
JUDGE LEE: 10A 1, no reasonable certainty.
JUDGE LEE: I'm just stating my opinion, I'm sorry.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  The other races are Democratic.  There is an indentation on 
that and I would vote for Gore.
 (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November
 23, 2000, p. 1398 - 1399)
Gunzburger Defines Voter Intent Based On If They Voted For
 Another Democratic Candidate
JUDGE LEE:  Precinct 5D.  5D only has one, and I believe it is 5D 1.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  On this one, I believe there is a discernible intent based 
on the following reasons:  On 21, there was a Democratic
 vote; on 41, there was another attempt to vote for congress on 41, and it
 didn't get through, so that I believe this is a vote for Gore.
JUDGE LEE:  I agree with the Commissioner, 5D 1 is a vote for Gore. (Broward County 
Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November 23, 2000, p. 1436)
When Everyone Else Agrees There's No Reasonable Certainty,
 Gunzburger Still Calls It For Gore
JUDGE LEE: Moving on to 21A, there is only one dispute.  It's No. 4.  I believe no 
reasonable certainty.
JUDGE ROSENBERG: No reasonable certainty.
COMMISSIONER GUNZBURGER:  Well, it's pushed on Gore, but I don't think I'm going to 
have the votes on that, but I'm going to say it is a Gore vote, based on the rest of 
the ballot.
 (Broward County Canvassing Board, Esquire Deposition Services, November
 23, 2000, p. 1405)
Even With A Clear Overvote - Recognized By The Other Two Members Of The Board - 
Gunzburger Still Calls It For Gore
JUDGE LEE:  Moving to Precinct 5H.  One disputed ballot.  It's ballot
 number 10.  I don't what that's - - That's an overvote, clearly.  That's
 an overvote.
JUDGE ROSENBERG:  Punched two numbers, three and eleven, in the presidential race.
JUDGE LEE:  No change to Precinct 5H.
 (Note: Canvassing Board made a d

[CTRL] WSJ The Democrats' War on the Military

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia
Title: OpinionJournal

FIREThe Democrats' War on 
the MilitaryDisfranchising 
soldiers is only part of the problem.BY MACKUBIN THOMAS OWENSAs the postelection impasse continues in Florida, military e-mail 
circuits are aflame with denunciations of Al Gore and the Democratic Party. 
Members of the U.S. military at all ranks are enraged at what appears to be a 
systematic attempt on the part of the Democrats to exclude as many military 
absentee votes as possible.
Gore operatives in Florida have managed to get more than 1,500 ballots 
disqualified. Service members are appalled at the hypocrisy of Mr. Gore's call 
to make sure that "every vote counts" while absentee military ballots are being 
thrown out, often for errors that are not the voter's fault but the result of 
problems with the military mail system.
But angry as they may be at what appears to be an effort on the part of 
Democrats to disenfranchise them, most are not surprised. They see this episode 
as just one more battle in the ongoing culture war between the core of the 
Democratic Party and the U.S. military.
Yes, a culture war. Democrats may deny it, but there is a perception on the 
part of the U.S. officer corps that the Democratic Party is engaged in an 
unprecedented campaign against the military. While officers recognize that there 
are many pro-defense Democrats, they believe that the core of the party is 
hostile to military culture.
This culture war transcends Mr. Gore personally, although he became a 
participant by virtue of his decision to run a campaign oriented toward the 
Democrats' antimilitary core, what Andrew Sullivan in The New Republic called 
the "twitching carcass" of the party's left--"teachers' unions, feminist 
activists, gay victimologists, black churches, faculty clubs."
For most of the military, Mr. Gore revealed his true colors when he stated 
during the Democratic primaries that if elected president, he would not hesitate 
to impose a social "litmus test" on officers in order to please a major 
constituency--the homosexual lobby. "I would insist before appointing anybody to 
the Joint Chiefs of Staff that the individual fully support my policy [on 
homosexuals in the military], and, yes, I would make that a requirement."

What is at stake in this culture war is nothing less than the future 
effectiveness of the military as an institution. To maximize the chances of 
battlefield success, military organizations must overcome two major obstacles. 
The first is "friction," which Carl von Clausewitz called "the only concept that 
more or less corresponds to the factors that distinguish real war from war on 
paper." The second, which operates synergistically with friction, is the 
paralyzing effect of fear on the individual soldier.
Accordingly, the military places a premium on unit cohesion and morale. It 
stresses such martial virtues as courage, both physical and moral, a sense of 
honor and duty, discipline, a professional code of conduct, and loyalty. These 
characteristics are dictated by the requirements of a workplace foreign to most 
Many officers believe that all too often, the core of the Democratic Party 
has treated military culture not as something that contributes to military 
effectiveness, but as a problem to be eradicated in the name of 
multiculturalism, feminism and the politics of "sexual orientation." At a 
minimum, this means that the military is obligated to adapt to contemporary 
liberal values, patterns of behavior, and social mores no matter how adversely 
they might affect the military's ability to carry out its functional imperative. 
Thus members of the military decry the lowering of standards and the softening 
of training.
Some feminists make an even more radical assault on the military. A former 
adviser to the secretary of the Army, Madeline Morris of Duke Law School, 
criticized the military ethos as "masculinist" and called for the military to 
embrace an "ungendered vision" in which unit cohesion is achieved by compassion 
and idealism rather than by "macho posturing." That this approach seeks the 
destruction of the culture, not its reform, was made clear by former Rep. Pat 
Schroeder during the Navy's Tailhook trauma, when she claimed that the service's 
problems represented "the sound of a culture cracking."

This culture war lies behind the controversial endorsement of George W. 
Bush in September by several recently retired generals and admirals. While there 
are no legal restrictions on the participation of retired officers in partisan 
politics, many serious observers of American civil-military relations and many 
officers professed concern about the endorsement as a further example of the 
politicization of what should be an apolitical professional body.
The military should be apolitical. The U.S. places special trust and 
confidence in an officer to carry out an assigned mission no matter who is in 
charge. The favorable opinion of the military exp

[CTRL] Condit on Vote Fraud (fwd)

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 11:22:58 -0800
From: Don Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Condit on Vote Fraud

Jim Condit has done quite a bit of research on the vote fraud
issue over the years. Here is a recent article by him:

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT weekly newspaper

By Jim Condit Jr.

Major television networks are in the process of preparing a trap
for American voters. After years of ignoring documented evidence
of election fraud and easily-rigged computerized elections, the
controlled media is suddenly doing a limited exposé on
computerized voting systems, which they have been protecting for
the last 20 to 25 years.

In the next phase, the same controlled major media will be
clamoring for America to "enter the 21st century" by exploiting
technology to create an election process that is even easier to

On cue, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), point man for the ruling
elite, has emerged to announce that he will be submitting new
legislation to Congress and the Federal Elections Commission.

Prepare to hear the globalist Establishment calling for voting
machines that can be easily manipulated from a central location.
This means the new systems such as those manufactured by Election
Software and Service (ES&S), have two-way computer modems inside
each voting machine.

Amidst all the TV ads promoting the wireless internet, cell
phones that can make wireless calls from one end of the country
to the other, new ES&S voting machines can be accessed by
satellite technology.

Those controlling the satellites and the computer codes could
access and query the voting machines during election day-and
alter the results.

This raises the specter of hundreds of thousands of voting
machines in pre cincts all over the United States being
manipulated near the close of an election day-changing the
results of an election either nationwide or in any targeted
region. Americans, who push the button at the end of the voting
day and get the computer generated receipt, would have no idea
whether the results generated were real or rigged.

The ultimate goal of the globalist-combine is internet voting,
where everyone could vote from their home computer or from an ATM
machine.  While you would know how you voted, no one would know
how everyone voted, except those at "command central," wherever
that may be.


>From June 21 to 25, a sinister conference took place in Athens,
Greece, supported by billionaire George Soros and others of the
so-called "Direct Demo cracy" movement.

The entire conference was a planning session on how quickly
Internet voting could be forced down the throats of Americans and
the people of the world. Representatives from almost every major
country were present, even though the conference was not reported
in the world's controlled press.

But, because the day is far off when every home will have a
computer, the next hoped for phase is voting machines that can be
controlled by satellite.

With either the new modem/satellite systems already in use in
Chicago and Phoenix, or with Internet voting, the results would
be totally unverifiable by local citizens.

This is exactly the opposite of how the election system should

Paper ballots, easily read and easily marked by voters, should be
kept in public view in plastic boxes at each precinct all day. At
closing time, citizens from every faction would count the ballots
in public view, witnessed by those who were not counting-a
reliable procedure.

The results would then be posted in clear view for all to see at
each neighborhood precinct before ballots left the neighborhood.
Under such a system, no election could be rigged from a central

At the present time, Americans are paid below minimum wage to
work in the election day process, even while their county is
shelling out vast sums of money to one of a few mega-corporations
who help "count" the votes.

Just as national defense is our safeguard against foreign
enemies, honest elections are our defense against domestic
enemies. After 25 years of computerized elections, the federal
government looks as if it is being run by domestic enemies.

Remember, as Josef Stalin said, "Those who cast the votes decide
nothing, those who count the votes decide everything."

End of article as carried in the Spotlight weekly newspaper.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theo

[CTRL] FSS: Minority vote denial leads to more suits

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Minority vote denial leads to more suits

Florida Sun Sentinel Staff Writer

Web-posted: 11:43 p.m.  Nov.  25, 2000

Attorneys affiliated with a host of civil rights organizations
have been quietly working for weeks to prove that Florida's
minorities were the victims of widespread disenfranchisement in
the Nov.  7 presidential election.

These attorneys -- representing such organizations as the NAACP,
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, People for the
American Way and the National Bar Association -- have been
interviewing witnesses and taking affidavits across the state,
trying to document thousands of complaints to various federal and
state agencies.

As early as this week, some lawyers said, lawsuits could be filed
alleging violations of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the 15th
Amendment and other federal and state election and civil rights

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
last week asked the U.S.  Department of Justice to investigate
allegations of voter intimidation, ballot irregularities and
outright voting denial that arose during a four-hour public
hearing on Nov.  11 in Miami.

At that hearing, more than 700 people listened to 15 voters from
across the state testify to the charges, while dozens of others
submitted written testimony.

The Justice Department received a transcript of that hearing on
Nov.  16 and is determining whether grounds exist for an
investigation, a department spokeswoman said.  Attorney General
Janet Reno has said she considers election issues a matter of
state jurisdiction.

Civil rights attorneys say whether Reno responds is not the

"We believe the violations of state and federal voting rights law
in Florida are clear enough and substantial enough for us to move
forward with litigation," said Edward Jackson, a spokesman for
the Washington-based Advancement Project, which also has sent
lawyers to Florida.

"And it doesn't have anything to do with trying to affect the
outcome of the election," Jackson said.  "We're trying to seek
justice for people arbitrarily turned back from their
constitutional right to vote."

In the days immediately following the Nov.  7 election, tales of
voting irregularities across the state began pouring in.  Soon,
the complaints took on racial overtones as hundreds of blacks,
Hispanics and Haitians described voting problems in their

Registered black college students at Bethune-Cookman College in
Daytona Beach and Tallahassee's Florida A&M University said they
were turned away from the polls even though they had signed up in
fall registration drives.

In Leon County, highway patrol troopers set up an unauthorized
checkpoint near a polling place in the town of Woodville, the one
allegation of disenfranchisement that the State Attorney
General's Office is investigating.  And, in Miami,
Haitian-Americans said they weren't given mandated ballots in
Creole, or were denied help from poll workers.

In Palm Beach County, precinct-by-precinct analyses show that
disproportionately high numbers of disqualified ballots came from
precincts in black areas.  Those analyses also showed that Reform
Party candidate Pat Buchanan got some black votes, although
blacks almost universally consider him anathema to their

Alarm bells started ringing, and the Rev.  Thomas Masters, a
Riviera Beach black pastor, called for the first rally against
disenfranchisement on Nov.  9, and a second one four days later.
At first, there was a distinct emphasis on race, as Masters was
joined by a bevy of local black elected officials, black pastors
and the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who arrived to lead both protests.
The emphasis later became color-blind.

"Bottom line, we all had problems, regardless of race or
geography. That concerned me," said Masters, pastor of New
Macedonia Baptist Church.  "The problems we had in the
African-American community, here and nationally, concerned me
even more."

There was more reaction.  The predominantly black cities of
Riviera Beach and South Bay, believing their residents had faced
"disproportionate disenfranchisement," are considering legal

And, last week, Rep.  Alcee Hastings, D-Miramar, held a hearing
in Miami, where there also were complaints of voting
irregularities. Hastings aide Mikel Jones said they will be
forwarded to the Democratic Party's campaign committee.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These

[CTRL] Fw: [FPE] 72-year-old not charged in Springs intruder shooting

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia

Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 9:16 PM

Subject: [FPE] 72-year-old not charged in Springs intruder shooting 

24, 200072-year-old not charged in Springs intruder shooting 
Associated PressCOLORADO SPRINGS  A 72-year-old woman who 
shot and wounded a man allegedly breaking into her home won’t face criminal 
charges.Emogene Zamarripa’s action clearly falls within the so-called 
“make-my-day” law, the district attorney’s office said Wednesday.The state 
law allows people to use deadly force to protect themselves in their homes if 
they feel they are in danger.Police identified Anthony Peralez, 40, of 
Colorado Springs as the suspected burglar. He was in fair condition at Memorial 
Hospital, recovering from surgery, a hospital spokesman said.Police were 
waiting for Peralez to be upgraded to good condition before arresting him, Sgt. 
Rod Walker said.Peralez is suspected of breaking into Zamarripa’s house 
about 11 p.m. Saturday.Zamarripa turned on the lights to scare the intruder, 
but he continued, police said.She then shot the intruder several times with 
a .38-caliber revolver. Police said Peralez fled and got into two hit-and-run 
accidents before he was stopped.Peralez had fresh bullet wounds, officers 
said.Authorities were examining the similarities between Saturday’s break-in 
and two in August and September in which two women, one 56 years old and another 
in her 70s, were raped.Police were comparing the DNA evidence left at the 
crime scenes with DNA evidence from Peralez’s wrecked car. They also obtained a 
warrant to search Peralez’s 
residence.   November 24, 2000 


[CTRL] Fwd: Exposing Israel's Original Sins

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

 More Lies and Liars Exposed

God gave the oil to Ishmael and the USA profits from ths oil and try to
murder the people who have kept their country goingwonder what
really hapapened to those two Rokefeller brothrs, the ones who died
under mysterious circumstanced within months of each otherwas it the
Mummy' Cuse or the likes of a Henrissingr who t ried to fill their dead
shoes and took on more importancetruth be known, Lawrence Rockefellr
and Prince Berhnard of the Netherlands have been held virtual hostages
for some time --like Howard Hughes who died in the Pyramid Hotel,
with fingrnails like a falcon.

This is the real Milleiumsee how quiet it isto be continued in
the Revelations  as edited by Zionist peasants or is that piss ants -
waiting to attack

Wonder what really happened to Hughes fortune and who stole and killed
what and whom - was he really put on ice for 6 years?

Then we have the builders - the Carpenter antsinsect world is a
key to life itself and psychological makeup of man.

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  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
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 By Gideon Levy

   "Correcting a Mistake - Jews and Arabs
   in Palestine/Israel, 1936-1956," by
   Benny Morris, Am Oved Publishers,
   241 pages, NIS 64

Oh, we were so good (and did so many bad things). We were so right (and
caused so many injustices). We were so beautiful (and our actions resulted
in so much ugliness). And oh, we were so innocent and spread so many lies -
lies and half-truths that we told ourselves and the rest of the world.We,
who were born afterward, weren't told the whole truth; they only taught us
the good parts, of which there were many. But, after all, there were also
dark chapters which we heard nothing about. Instead, we were fed lies -
there's just no other word for it.

They lied when they told us that the Arabs of Lod and Ramle "asked to leave
their cities" (the head of the history department of the Israel Defense
Forces). They lied when they told us that the murderous Kibiya operation was
carried out by "enraged residents" (David Ben-Gurion). They lied when they
told us that all the "infiltrators" were bloodthirsty terrorists, that all
the Arab states wanted to destroy us and that we were the only ones who
simply wanted peace all the time.

They lied; oh, how they lied. We didn't hear a thing about the horrific
massacre in Safsaf; and not a syllable was uttered about the deportation

The Arabs were always the bad guys. We were the absolute righteous, or the
exclusive victims - or so we were told. Perhaps they didn't want to spoil it
for us; perhaps they didn't want to ruin it for themselves. The huge
celebration of a nation without a country that came to a country without a
nation, settled it, caused its barren wilderness to blossom and established
a glorious state - with exemplary, impeccable morality - should have been
complete. As large, true and deserving as it may be, however, this
celebration cannot be complete without recounting its entire history.
Historical mud-slinging
The time for telling the whole truth is well upon us. Over the past 12 years
or so - and much to the distress of the "old" historians, whose enterprises
are developing cracks - a number of "new" historians have taken up the

The rage with which the old historians are responding to the new historical
enterprise is, perhaps, the entire story: If they had questioned their
truths, which are beginning to crumble before their denying, repressive
eyes, it is doubtful whether they would be so angry. After all, if they are
so sure of themselves, why are they reacting so vociferously and making such
a fuss? History, as the saying goes, will be the judge ... won't it?

As the doubts begin to surface, with Yitzhak Rabin, the banisher of the
Arabs of Lod and Ramle, admitting his deeds even before the historian who
tried to ignore and cover them up did, it is easy to understand the
mud-slinging campaign that the old historians are waging against their new
colleagues. With nowhere else to turn, this is their last resort. With no
other sanctuary available, patriotism, as per usual, becomes the safe

Benny Morris certainly has a large stake in the new historical enterprise,
even if it would have been better if he had let others determine that, "The
turning point ... came in 1988, heralded, inter alia, in the first article
in this compilation" (page 12). Morris' two earlier books - "Israel's Border
Wars, 1949-1956:

[CTRL] Inside the Ring

2000-11-26 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Inside the Ring

Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough
Notes from the Pentagon.

Al Gore's military
 If Vice President Al Gore is elected president, the new
commander-in-chief will inherit an armed forces angry over his campaign's
operation to contest virtually every overseas military ballot on the most
technical of technicalities in Florida. Top Stories
. Florida's high court won't force recounts
. Gore gains 88 votes in Broward
. Gore assails Bush plea to Supreme Court
. Chads show election pregnant with new possibilities to cheat
. Skeptic rebuts global warming premise
. Mall takes jingle out of Salvation Army bells

 The campaign dispatched scores of trial lawyers to Florida's 67
counties to challenge more than 3,000 mailed ballots that lay unopened since
the Nov. 7 election.
 The lawyers made canvassing officials compare on-file and ballot
signatures. They also challenged the addresses of signature witnesses. Any
envelope that lacked a stamped postmark was also challenged, even though
federal law says one is not required.
 Some military members are hopping mad, saying overseas voting is
difficult enough without a team of Democratic trial lawyers scrutinizing
each ballot for any possible flaw.
 "I can properly describe our attitudes toward the Democrats,
specifically Gore, as being of an overtly contemptuous nature and to the
point of being furious," said a senior Army enlisted soldier in Germany. "I
have contact with hundreds of soldiers each week. I cannot say that even one
single soldier displays any level of respect for this man and the actions of
the Democratic Party. I have a number of colleagues who have already
prepared their resignations and retirement requests who state that they
would 'refuse' to serve in a military commanded by Gore."
 Some are also incensed at Sen. Bob Kerrey, Nebraska Democrat. The Medal
of Honor winner traveled to Florida on Mr. Gore's behalf and chastised
military members for not filling out ballots correctly. Service members say
they cannot always obtain the required postmark.
 "All I can tell you is that Senator Kerrey really burned my britches
today," said an officer at the Pentagon. "Like it's a soldier's fault he
can't find a U.S. Post Office in Kosovo or a sailor can't find one on a
submarine? Our fault the things weren't postmarked? Have they no shame?"
 Moreover, other military people are not happy with Defense Secretary
William S. Cohen's near-silence on the issue.
 "This battle will be won or lost by public opinion," said retired Rear
Adm. Riley Mixon, in a faxed letter to Mr. Cohen.
 "As of today, I have not heard a peep out of your office. Why? I would
have expected you personally to be on the national networks using your
'bully pulpit' to get those votes counted," said Adm. Mixon, former director
of naval air warfare. "Your allegiance to the soldiers, sailors and airmen
that you oversee should take precedence over politics. I urge you to make
yourself visible to the nation in support of your troops."

AWACS to China
 Under pressure from the United States, Israel last summer canceled its
sale of an early warning radar plane to China. Israel's decision was
announced the same day Defense Secretary William S. Cohen was in Beijing to
meet with Chinese President Jiang Zemin inside the walled, neo-imperial
Zhongnanhai leadership compound where Mao Zedong once held court.
 Mr. Cohen was forced to suffer the indignity of listening to a lengthy
diatribe from Mr. Jiang on U.S. meddling in China's internal affairs. The
Pentagon had opposed the sale of the radar system, known as Phalcon, for
years. The aircraft could be used against U.S. warplanes defending Taiwan
against an attack from the mainland.
 Russia is now moving to fill the gap. Moscow announced it will sell
China an airborne radar-warning aircraft. The move is viewed by Pentagon
analysts as another step in the growing anti-U.S. axis between Moscow and
 Russian Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov announced Oct. 31 in
Beijing that Russia and China would sign "very serious, strategic contracts"
furthering military-technical cooperation.
 At the top of the hardware sales list, according to Mr. Klebanov, is "a
modified early-warning aircraft," known as the A-50, which he described as a
"purely Russian project." The Phalcon was an Israeli radar outfitted inside
a Russian Il-76 transport.

Lippold in limbo
 Cmdr. Kirk S. Lippold, commander of the destroyer USS Cole, is back
home in Norfolk, awaiting the results of two Navy investigations that will
determine whether he will ever captain a warship again.
 The Persian Gulf-based 5th Fleet assigned an officer to investigate
whether Cmdr. Lippold and his crew followed proper security procedures
before suicide bombers put a gash in the Cole's side. Seventeen sailors
perished. The Office of the Secretary of the Navy is also doing a review.
 To his friends, Cmdr. Lippold is just

Re: [CTRL] LT: Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank fromArafat

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

No Joshua, I am a researcher and I get a couple thousand dollars a month
to live on and make it fine for my house is paid for and I have my son
and daughter in law here - and I do no housework anymore - I am retired
and have a modest bank account but my son pays all the bills now for me
to live here as I have the room for him and his beautiful blonde wife.

Don't I have anything better to do?Let me think - this is what I
have done for many years, only in the 70 and 80 period I would
occasionally pick up a ten thousand dollar check in my mailbox for a
story or idea from my old friend - who tried to keep me busy.for 12
years I did not work outsidei my home in a regular mundate
operation.and the one job I had when my work was done, I
left..and it ws a good job.

I have traveled, met people who would no doubt impress your small status
- and further I bet you are short, Joshua - short men are always bullish

So take your little friends and go gang rape someone else mentally and
psychologically and listen assholl, my IQ at peak when I was young was
145 and my two sisters had IQ's in this range - all in genius range.

So go Climb Mt.  Nebo Joshua,  and take your little friends with you.

I am doing fine.I can live on $2,000 bucks a month especially
when someone else pays all the bills and taxes and I have plenty of time
to do as I please, and believe me, I have do what I please and do not
need a low IQ moron such as yourself to suggest what I do with my time.

Saba aka none of your business, idiot

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Come to think of it Joshua, now is the time for all Black Moslems, Black
Nationalists, and any American to apply for dual citizenship to

Think I will..bet a lot of people would...and then we lobby
the Congress to stop using our money to give to Israele butchers.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Joshua then the Jews who put out that information are dumber than I
am - more you level for this was put out by the Jews.

Dodd picked up the plan and no wonder he was obviously set up and

Disarmament for Amrican and little Uzis for the Israelies to bully the
Arab Nation?   Take away the Uzis and give those murdering bastards a
few stones and rocks and see how brave they are.

Think you will find more and more today, that many believe like George
Patton - the communists/zionists were the real enemy, but then when the
blow up the big Dome in the Holy Land watch and see what happens?

Frankly, oil is old news - solar energy is in.   We need Congressmen who
will stop all funding to Israel - this handful of butchers who murder

So your Jewish friends wrote that garbage I merely forwarded, asshole.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] A Culture of Secrecy

2000-11-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
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From: "Remy C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "endsecrecy list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] A Culture of Secrecy
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2000 1:09 AM


A Culture of Secrecy
The Government Versus the People's Right to Know
Athan G. Theoharis
256 pages, 6 x 9
Cloth ISBN 0-7006-0880-X, $29.95
Paper ISBN 0-7006-0998-9, $15.95

The government is hiding information from its citizens--or so most Americans
believe. While even some members of Congress now call for greater access to
classified documents, federal agencies continue to withhold a massive amount
of information in the name of national security, maintaining a culture of
secrecy rooted in the Cold War.

This new book examines who in government is hiding what from the rest of us,
how they're doing it, and why it should matter to all of us. Contributing
scholars, journalists, and attorneys survey the policies of federal
intelligence agencies and presidents--notably Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and
Clinton--to keep information secret. They show how these agencies have gone
far beyond legitimate security needs to withhold information, and they
describe the frustrations and costs encountered in their own efforts to
obtain classified information.

The authors review important cases exemplifying State Department, agency,
and presidential efforts to withhold, destroy, or delay release of these
records. In chapters centering on the Kennedy assassination, the Nixon
tapes, and the FBI's files on John Lennon and the Supreme Court justices,
readers will find an abundance of startling and disturbing revelations. By
citing some of the methods used by agencies like the CIA, NSA, NSC, and FBI
to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act--often with the cooperation of
the judicial system--these essays clearly show that abuses of secrecy aren't
limited to the withholding of information but extend to the absurd lengths
taken to avoid disclosure.

A Culture of Secrecy is particularly timely reading for a concerned public.
Its cases will instruct others seeking access to classified material, and
its exposure of government practices may lead to greater openness that will
facilitate historical research and guarantee the public's right to know.

"A provocative volume that delivers a cautionary shot across the bow for
journalists, scholars, and every citizen dedicated to responsible
government. It brings into sharp focus the current bureaucratic wars pitting
the public's right to know against government spinmasters who hide and warp
the truth by overclassifying documents that rightfully belong to the
people."--Seymour M. Hersh, author of The Dark Side of Camelot

"This is the best file ever assembled about our government's unconscionable
attempts to keep its secrets from the people. The so-called intelligence
community has been insulting the rest of us for decades. The documentation
is all here. Now it's up to the rest of us to do something about
it."--Victor Navasky, publisher and editorial director, The Nation

"Fills a huge gap in America's understanding of how the Freedom of
Information Act actually works (or doesn't). Scholars have long needed such
a volume, while general readers will be scandalized by its
revelations."--John Prados, author of Presidents' Secret Wars

"A major work exposing the gatekeepers of America's Secret History, and an
important resource for those still searching for the truth."--Oliver Stone

ATHAN G. THEOHARIS is a professor of history at Marquette University and a
leading authority on the FBI. Among his many books are From the Secret Files
of J. Edgar Hoover, The Boss, and Spying on Americans.

CONTRIBUTORS: Matthew M. Aid, Scott Armstrong, Alexander Charns, James X.
Dempsey, Paul Green, Joan Hoff, Page Putnam Miller, Anna Kasten Nelson,
Athan G. Theoharis, Jon M. Wiener.

©2000 University Press of Kansas
2501 West 15th St., Lawrence, KS 66049
Phone (785) 864-4155; Fax (785) 864-4586
mail @newpress.upress.ukans.edu

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[CTRL] [endsecrecy] Creating the Secret State

2000-11-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Remy C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "endsecrecy list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [endsecrecy] Creating the Secret State
Date: Thursday, November 23, 2000 1:09 AM


Creating the Secret State
The Origins of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1943­1947
David F. Rudgers
June 2000
272 pages, 6 x 9
Cloth ISBN 0-7006-1024-3, $35.00

While much has been disclosed about the CIA's cloak-and-dagger activities
during the Cold War, relatively little is known about the real origins of
this secret organization. David Rudgers, a 22-year CIA veteran, has written
the first complete account of its creation, revealing how the idea of
"centralized intelligence" developed within the government and debunking the
myth that former OSS chief William J. Donovan was the prime mover behind the
agency's founding.

Creating the Secret State locates the CIA's origins in governmentwide
efforts to reorganize national security during the transition from World War
II to the Cold War. Rudgers maintains that the creation of the CIA was not
merely the brainchild of "Wild Bill" Donovan. Rather, it was the culmination
of years of negotiation among numerous policy makers such as James Forrestal
and Dean Acheson, each with strong opinions regarding the agency's mission
and methods. He shows that Congress, State and Justice Departments, Joint
Chiefs, and even the Bureau of the Budget all had a hand in the
establishment of this "secret state" that operates nearly invisibly outside
the American political process.

Based almost entirely on archival and other primary sources, Rudgers's book
describes in detail how the CIA evolved from its original purpose--as a
watchdog to guard against a "nuclear Pearl Harbor"--to the role of
clandestine warriors countering Soviet subversion, eventually engaging in
more forms of intelligence gathering and covert operations than any of its
counterparts. It suggests how the agency became a different organization
than it might have been without the Communist threat and also shows how it
both overexaggerated the dangers of the Cold War and failed to predict its

Rudgers has written an accurate and balanced account that brings America's
undercover army in from the cold and out from under the cult of personality.
An indispensable resource for future studies of the CIA, Creating the Secret
State tells the inside story of why and how the agency was called into
existence as it stimulates thinking about its future relevance in a rapidly
changing world.

"This book is a gem. It out-trumps Thomas Troy's Donovan and should easily
achieve the status of the standard account of CIA origins. Anyone with a
serious interest in the history of U.S. intelligence will have to be aware
it. I am filled with admiration for Rudgers's research and the forensic
skill he displays in putting the pieces of the debate into such clear
perspective."--Wesley Wark, author of The Intelligence Revolution: Espionage
and International Relations Since 1900

Independent historian DAVID F. RUDGERS was formerly a staff archivist for
the National Archives and a senior intelligence analyst with the Central
Intelligence Agency.

©2000 University Press of Kansas
2501 West 15th St., Lawrence, KS 66049
Phone (785) 864-4155; Fax (785) 864-4586
mail @newpress.upress.ukans.edu

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End Secrecy List

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] Fatah no longer taking orders from Arafat

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe Arafat has Ace in the Hole now with Putin siding in.

True Moslems do not sell their birithright or their religion - it is not
for sale.

Consult the Great Farrakhan who knows all, sees all, and is on to the
whole CFR Zionist lot.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hey Einstein! Are you still not Colleen?

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Joshua, suggest you write and ask Nicky about that one - remember she
was on this list and did submit some interesting material but could not
tolerate being virtually gang raped pschologically by the likes of
people like youas I recall you accused her of being me.

Go play in he freeway Joshua...whether I am Colleen or Aleisha is
none of your business.

If Ehud Barak aka Brug can use two names, why can't I you little jerk.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Just a little reminder about American " democracy."

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> > It was intentionally not
> >   a democracy because the Founders were well aware that a "democracy"
> >   is merely a tyranny of the majority over the minority.
> J2 wrote:
> "What a bunch of crap. It was intentionally not a democracy because the
> Founding Finaglers knew that democracy meant the weakening of their oligarchy."
> What a thoughtless, foolish statement. These "democracy lovers", i.e. tyranny of
> the majority advocators, are ignorant of life's realities.
> Under "democracy", if the majority of Germans decided to kill all the Jews
> it would be "legal". It would be the "will of the people."
> Why it is preferable to be subjugated and victimized by the "majority" instead of
> being victimized by an oligarchy or dictatorship is beyond rational comprehension.
> The only system that protects us from tyranny is a system that minimizes the power
> of Government - AKA Politicopaths and the clueless fools who march to their
> demagogic drumbeat.
> flw

Everybody is ALWAYS subjugated to the will of the people. Always. This is why
elites even bother with these expensive political shows called elections.

I don't think that the shrinking of government in and of itself, is at all
a bad solution. My problem with that idea is that the same bunch of clowns
don't want to shrink the real perpetrators of power, the corporations and the
business cartels. If you don't do away with them FIRST, and THEN shrink the
government, we will have no access to any institution capable of controlling

In the mean time, only democracy allows ordinary folks to direct the government.
I am not prepared to give this up for your flawed elitist gibberish. But I'm
not at all worried that you guys will ever get enough backing among the great
unwashed, to be anything but annoying.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hey Einstein! Are you still not Colleen?

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

  Sat, 25 Nov 2000 22:34:23 +1300
  "Nicky Molloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  "Bill & Lona Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Newshawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "davidicke2000" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  "Dick Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,  "Colleen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

-Original Message-
From: Nicky Molloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, 25 November 2000 22:30

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fatah no longer taking orders from Arafat

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Fatah no longer taking orders from Arafat

Friday, November 24, 2000

RAMALLAH — A leader of Yasser Arafat's Fatah movment said most Palestinians
will not accept any ceasefire.

Fatah leader Sakhr Habash said the Palestinians will simply ignore any call
for a ceasefire by Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat. He said
Arafat no longer controls many Palestinian groups, including members of his
Fatah faction.

"Arafat is our leader and we respect his orders," Habash said.
"Nevertheless, the anger of the people in our cities is enormous. There is
great disappointment. They were all expecting the negotiating process to
produce results, but look what pass we have come to. There are undoubtedly
groups and areas beyond control."

Habash said he expects a long fight with the Israelis. He said that unlike
the Hizbullah in Lebanon, the Palestinians are not receiving any military
help from Iran or the Arab nations, Middle East Newsline reported.

"Our goal is to force Israel to withdraw from our land," he said. "We know
it will do so when the occupation becomes too costly in human terms."

PA officials said the Palestinians, including the Islamic opposition, have
joined forces in continuing the campaign against Israel until it agrees to a
withdrawal from all the territories captured in the 1967 war. They said they
are hoping that a combination of Israeli casualties as well as international
pressure will change the policy of Prime Minister Ehud Barak.

On Wednesday, PA security chief Mohammed Dahlan said in a meeting with
journalists in Gaza that the PA has raised three conditions for the return
of negotiations with Israel. These are the end to the Israeli attacks, the
arrival of an international peacekeeping force, and agreement that the
negotiations would lead to an end to the Israeli occupation.

But the return to negotiations would not end the uprising, PA officials
said. Instead, Fatah has warned of an escalation in attacks.

At the same time, Fatah and PA officials have not ruled out a return to

"There is one condition to stop the uprising," Fatah leader Marwan Barghouti
said. "This is the ending of the occupation and settlements, attaining
freedom, sovereignty, and independence in the Palestinian territories, and
establishing a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital."

Officials said PA Chairman Yasser Arafat is willing to return to the
negotiating table with Barak. But Arafat will not order an end to the
attacks until Israel agrees to abandon its proposals submitted at the Camp
David summit in July. The proposals envisioned Israeli control over about
five percent of the West Bank and parts of eastern Jerusalem.

"The Israelis think they can bend the will of the Palestinians by military
means," Habash said. "They are hoping to grind us down. Actually, they are
throwing away a great opportunity to strike a deal. We know we cannot win by
force of arms, but we are fighting anyway. The goal is peace, not war."

Friday, November 24, 2000

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: [Activist_List] The Kosovo Connection]

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Activist_List] The Kosovo Connection
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 16:30:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Activist Mailing List - http://activist.cjb.net

[The fruits of Nato's/EU's Kosovo 'humanitarian
intervention' in all their squalor: Murder,
kidnapping, clan vendetta, ethnic expulsion, forced
prostitution and, not least, the new hub for world
heroin trafficking.]

Bulgaria Seizes 94 Kilograms Heroin, Detains 5

SOFIA, Nov 24, 2000 -- (Reuters) Bulgarian customs
said on Thursday they had seized 94.35 kilogramg of
heroin at the Turkish border in a Turkish-registered
bus en route from Turkey to the Yugoslav province of

The haul was hidden in the bus in 178 packages
containing around 0.5 kilograms of heroin each, Kalina
Petrova, customs spokeswoman for the Kapitan Andreevo
border crossing with Turkey, told Reuters.

She said the four drivers of the Scania bus, all
Turkish citizens, and an Yugoslav passenger in the bus
were arrested.

"This morning's haul brings to 1,444 kilograms the
amount of heroin seized at Kapitan Andreevo since the
beginning of the year, compared with 140 kilograms for
the full year 1999," Petrova said. Bulgaria, which
borders Romania, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia and
Yugoslavia, lies on the so-called Balkan route for
smuggling drugs from Asia to western Europe.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> This item I find very interesting.Dodd even after being censored by
> the Senate for illegal use of campaign funds (theft in office more like
> it) was instrumental in introducing anti gun laws into USA taking NAZI
> laws and utilizing same?
> Jews for Preservation of Fire Arms came up with this one.
> So if it talks like a duck, acts like a duck, and walks like a
> duckis it Joe Lieberman and Dodd the son whoo helped the sainted man
> into his present candidacy - is Joe Lieberman and Dodd more inclined to
> lean towards fascism - well Lieberman is Zionist and it is said in some
> quarters holds dual citizenshiplook at these people and remove their
> masks - what and who are they really?

What is wrong with dual citizenship pray tell?

The Nazi origin of gun control is a right wing myth. There is nothing
historical about it. Only Jews were forbidden to have guns. As usual, you got
the only kind of information Colleen Saba is capable of. Moronic, and

Unlike most humans, she gets dumber as she gets older.


> They say the Judas is the one who gets away always to write the books or
> obituaries.
> Maybe CFR and our present political system now the fascist in disguise
> of which Huey Long spoke right before he was murdered by a Zionist?
> The Zionist will destroy the Holy Land and even the big dome which is
> sacred...but what about those creeps who wnted to dig up body of
> Christ for DNA purposes
> Saba
> Origin of U.S. Gun Control Laws
> Excerpts from an article in the May 1993 Guns and Ammo by Jews for the
> Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Posted to the Internet with
> permission by Craig Peterson.
> Members of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)
> consider gun control to be an aggressive cancer. JPFO has a cure, a way
> to destroy gun control. JPFO has hard evidence that shows that the Nazi
> Weapons Law (March 18, 1938) is the source of the U.S. Gun Control Act
> of 1968 (GCA'68). Adolph Hitler signed the Nazi Weapons Law. The Gestapo
> (Nazi National Secret Police) enforced it. In Gun Control: Gateway to
> Tyranny we present the official German text of the Nazi Weapons Law and
> a side-by-side translation into English. Even more deadly: a
> side-by-side, section-by-section comparison of the GCA'68 with the Nazi
> Weapons Law. If you have this in your hands, no one can tell you that
> you're imagining things.
> GCA'68 marked a new approach to gun control. It replaced the Federal
> Firearms Act (June 30, 1938), which was based on the federal power to
> regulate interstate commerce. The 1938 law required firearms dealers to
> get a federal license (which then cost $1). Only dealers could ship
> firearms across state lines. Ordinary people could receive shipments
> from dealers.
> In GCA'68 the government required that in almost all cases only dealers
> could send and receive firearms across state lines. This ended "mail
> order" sales of firearms by law-abiding persons who are not licensed
> dealers.
> GCA'68 hits you even harder. Congress gave federal bureaucrats in
> Washington, D.C., the power to decide what kinds of firearms you can
> own.
> The framers of GCA'68 borrowed an idea--that certain firearms are
> "hunting weapons"--from the Nazi Weapons Law (Section 21 and Section 32
> of the Regulations, page 61 and page 73, respectively, of Gun Control.-
> Gateway to Tyranny). The equivalent U.S. term, "sporting purpose," was
> used to classify firearms. But it was not defined anywhere in GCA'68.
> Thus, bureaucrats were empowered to ban whole classes of firearms. They
> have, in fact, done so.
> The Nazi Weapons Law of 1938 replaced a Law on Firearms and Ammunition
> of April 13, 1928. The 1928 law was enacted by a center-right, freely
> elected German government that wanted to curb "gang activity," violent
> street fights between Nazi party and Communist party thugs. All firearms
> owners and their firearms had to be registered. Sound familiar? Gun
> control did not save democracy in Germany. It helped to make sure that
> the toughest criminals, the Nazis, prevailed.
> The Nazis inherited lists of firearm owners and their firearms when they
> lawfully took power in March 1933. The Nazis used these inherited
> registration lists to seize privately held firearms from persons who
> were not "reliable." Knowing exactly who owned which firearms, the Nazis
> had only to revoke the annual ownership permits or decline to renew
> them.
> In 1938, five years after taking power, the Nazis enhanced the 1928 law.
> The Nazi Weapons Law introduced handgun control. Firearms ownership was
> restricted to Nazi party members and other "reliable" people.
> The 1938 Nazi law barred Jews from businesses involving firearms. On
> November 10, 1938--one day after the Nazi party terror squads (the SS)
> savaged thousands of Jews, synagogues and Jewish businesses through-out

Re: [CTRL] LT: Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank from Arafat

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

> -Caveat Lector-
> [I like the author's first name:)  Maybe it is a reference to
> his/her "pen," i.e., their "sword?"  Or, maybe his family owns
> and loves Uzi machine guns?  Probably not, though.  Sounds more
> like his parents were just on drugs/alcohol while they named
> their child.  I would think that about all ppl over there would
> know of Uzi Arms.  --MS]
> November 26 2000 MIDDLE EAST
> Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank land from Arafat
> By Uzi Mahnaimi
> Tel Aviv

The gun is named after it's inventor whose name is Uzi something.
It was invented in while Uzi was in a Brit jail.


> ISRAELI tank and infantry brigades began training last week for
> the possible reoccupation of three areas of the West Bank ruled
> by Yasser Arafat, the Palestinian leader.
> Should the order be given, the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) would
> move army units into Palestinian neighbourhoods that border
> Israeli settlements. The aim would be to create buffer zones to
> stop Palestinian gunmen attacking Jewish settlers.
> Such a move could cost both lives and international support.
> Palestinian police would defend the areas ferociously.
> International condemnation would follow because Israel would be
> recapturing territory from which it withdrew under the 1993 Oslo
> peace agreement, brokered by the Americans.These areas are now
> fully controlled by the Palestinian Authority, led by Arafat.
> Last Thursday the Israeli cabinet authorised Ehud Barak, the
> prime minister, to take the "necessary military decisions"
> without calling further on the cabinet. "We must understand that
> we are in a state of war with the Palestinians and we should act
> accordingly," said Dalya Itzik, a cabinet minister.
> Ten thousand Israeli soldiers are already deployed across the
> West Bank and Gaza, more than the number of troops in southern
> Lebanon before Israel's withdrawal earlier this year. To allow
> the regular army time to train, thousands more reserve soldiers
> last week re-ceived "call-up decree number 8" papers, which are
> normally distributed only in emergencies.
> Soldiers in the elite Merkava tank and Golani infantry brigade,
> veterans of battles with Hezbollah fundamentalists in the former
> Lebanese security zone, have started training on replicas of the
> areas marked for reoccupation at a military base in the Negev
> desert. The areas the IDF has targeted are heavily populated and
> the battles could degenerate into urban warfare.
> The first, and for the military the most important, is several
> hundred metres of the northwestern neighbourhood of Beit Jallah,
> a Christian Palestinian town near Bethlehem.
> In the past six weeks Palestinian gunmen have been shooting from
> this area toward Gilo, a Jewish settlement south of Jerusalem on
> West Bank land that Israel seized in 1967.
> Palestinians consider the settlement a Jewish colony built on
> their land. To Israelis, it is part of Jerusalem.
> IDF soldiers have fired shells into frontline homes in Beit
> Jallah, and a German doctor was killed in one of the Israeli
> attacks as he ran to help an injured neighbour. IDF sources said
> the soldiers training to take over this area would evacuate it.
> Palestinians would be sure to attack the Israeli posts.
> The second area that the Israelis plan to reoccupy is an area
> east of the West Bank town of Ramallah, bordering on the
> settlement of Pesagot. This comes under Palestinian fire almost
> nightly. Israeli return fire has pock-marked most of the homes in
> the neighbourhood and many people move their children to safer
> places at night.
> Many of the inhabitants hold American passports, having returned
> only since the Oslo agreement, or work in the Palestinian
> Authority. They would be vocal in their condemnation.
> A third area earmarked for reoccupation is on the western
> outskirts of Ramallah, around the village of Betunia, from which
> there is daily firing on Jewish settlers. "The Palestinians are
> not a serious military force, but we must train seriously," an
> Israeli officer said. "If and when the order is given, the
> Palestinians will fight for their homes and it won't be a Sunday
> morning stroll."
> Israel is under pressure to respond to demands for more forceful
> action to quell the Palestinian uprising, which has lasted two
> months. There is no sign of the violence abating.
> In a telephone call brokered by Vladimir Putin, the Russian
> president, Arafat and Barak agreed on Friday to resume minimal
> security co-operation, but the death toll mounted.
> On the same day a Jewish settler was shot dead near the town of
> Nablus and two Palestinians were killed in clashes on the West
> Bank. Two Israelis were killed when a car bomb exploded in
> Hadera, north of Tel Aviv. Yesterday, three more Palestinians
> were shot dead by Israeli troops in Gaza and the West Bank.
> ==

Re: [CTRL] LT: Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank fromArafat

2000-11-26 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Wasnt  Job from the land of Uz...and then we had Uzzah who stumbled
> and touched the golden ark and some believe he was electrocuteda
> transmitter to God?
> Me, I always thought the body of the fallen god, like in the Acts - the
> unknown god - was in htis ark.
> Saw an ark like this once - a real one - in the Schumachker Collection
> in Columbus Art Museum..beautiful work of art...two long poles
> by which to carry ark but I kept thinking wonder if there is a body in
> there.
> Wonder where the name uzzi originatedthen we have the call of two
> men on the horse - huzzah and drop the H.
> Have engraving over 200 years old engraved by Hogarth of Uzzah touching
> the golden Ark...might ad Benjamin Franklin was experiment in
> electricity at that time.
> Barak means "lightning bolt".my brother in law was Thor Chief in
> USAF and you know the Air Force has little lightning bolts on their
> hats.
> Iraelies must feel pretty important carrying around Uzzis intimidated
> the arab moslemsare they permitted to carry such weapons - like the
> little Israelie carried at Littleton against unarmed children?
> Lots of secrets at Littleton yet to be unveiled.
> Arm up both sides and let them fight it out?   Oh see how they run, if
> the Palestinians get an equalizersay 5 Arab Nations who refuse to
> back down to murder and tyranny.

Don't you have anything to do?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bill's cemetery gains another tenant...

2000-11-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> Did Charles Ruff die quite naturally from a 'heart attack' or was his death
> dictated by the tense times of the election recounts? After all, heart attacks
> can be provoked by the right drugs, or should I say the wrong drugs.

Hell, you don't even need drugs.  Just an empty syringe, injecting an air bubble into 
the correct vein.

Years ago I read something to the effect that any cause of death attributed to 'heart 
failure' should be taken
with a grain of salt, as ultimately ALL causes of death result in 'heart failure', 
e.g. the heart stops
beating.  This is the case even if the reason the heart stop beating was a bullet to 
the brain.

So what the author was pointing out is that a cause of death attributed to 'heart 
failure' or heart attack
quite often was used to cover up the real reason for the death.

Charles Ruff was 61 years old, and his death occured at the time of a major holiday; 2 
factors that are common
in deaths by heart attack.  Add to that the obvious strain of the election recount.  
So his death could very
well be due to natural cause(s).  It just says volumes about Clinton's administration 
that we all think "well,
here's one more to add to the count"


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-26 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nessie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>With a little bit of luck we'll see a civil war here, and
>the Democrats and Republicans will kill each other off.
>The rest of us will enjoy a jolly good show.

Do you really believe that?

Considering that both the Democratic and Republican parties kowtow to the same 
masters, who do you really
believe will benefit from a civil war, even if, as you say, the Democrats and 
Republicans 'kill each other

If there IS a civil war (and I pray there is not, and I consider anyone agitating for 
such guilty of treason),
you can rest assured that 'the rest of us' will NOT be enjoying 'a jolly good show', 
and in fact will be the
biggest victims in the final outcome.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] BUSH Suppoter gets State Patrol Escort!

2000-11-26 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Sierra Times.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "SierraTimes.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: BUSH Suppoter gets State Patrol Escort!
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000 6:59 AM

SierraTimes.com Update
For Sat 11.25.00 0350 Ranch Time
A Sierra Times Weekend Special...

That's it! I'm heading to Florida!
by DC Bryan - Posted: 11.24.00

...I saw a re-run of Lieberman's speech. I cannot believe what I just
heard!! This Democrat basTURD just demonized one of the most fundamental
rights that Americans have... their 1st Amendment Rights of free speech and

These pathetic SOB's have just pushed my last button! My girlfriend and I
are loading up the car, putting spray paint and posterboard in my car and
DRIVING NON STOP to Florida!! We leave at 1800 hours CST

This is it! I cannot stand by and let a few hundred protesters be attacked
as a "mob" or "disruptors." I say, "Screw work on Monday, I may not be back,
but I am heading to FL right now to protect our most precious rights." If it
were not for the 2nd Amendment, we would not have the first Amendment!!

I am outraged and I hope that my first vanity post will find you incensed
also, and make you decide to throw some clothes in the car, grab a pillow,
tent and sleeping bag, etc., and get your butts down to Florida!"

2nd Report

We just got pulled over for doing 79 in a 70 M.P.H. zone on I-40 near
Lonoke. The State Trooper said that he stopped us for
speeding in the rain. He said that 79 in a 70 is almost never pulled over,
but with the half dozen fatalities this weekend, and the rain, they are
vigorously enforcing speed laws across the state. (They are everywhere.)

The State Trooper asked us where we were going and we told him, "To Florida
to protest in person the injustice that is going on down there by
suppressing the military vote and especially the injustice and damage the
Demoncraps are doing to our Constitution in the last 48 hours." I proceeded
to tell him what we did and why we are driving all night to FL and now.
Get this:

The State Trooper handed back Brandi's driver's license and looked at his
watch and said, " I appreciate what you guys are doing and wish I could go
with you. I get off at 9 PM, and have an hour's drive back to HQ. Follow me
and I will check in early at the Forrest City State Police Barracks to write
a DWI report. Follow me and I will escort you for almost an hour. We will do
85 and you'll be alright, until I pull off the exit. I suggest you slow down
after that exit."

Brandi and I are right now behind an Arkansas State Trooper doing about 87
M.P.H.!! This is one of the best feelings I have ever had. This guy almost
shed a tear when he took in and realized what we said we were doing and why.
I wish he could escort us all the way!! This is great!!

This report will be updated as events come in. Stay Tuned to Sierra Times
for the Latest.

Also: Truck Stop 2000 on a Roll! Check out the latest Dispatches from Truck
Stops around the Country with you hostess - Sierra Sue

An Internet Publication for Real Americans

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Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms Discussion List,
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Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research a ruling
class/conspiracy research resource for the entire political-ideological
   Explore Our Archive:  

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] NYT: Yemen Links to bin Laden Gnaw at F.B.I. in Cole Inquiry

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 26, 2000

Yemen Links to bin Laden Gnaw at F.B.I. in Cole Inquiry


SANA, Yemen, Nov.  25 — When an American guided missile destroyer
sailed into Aden six weeks ago, the Pentagon, in effect, was
taking a conscious risk.  It was making use of the best natural
harbor on the Arabian peninsula, but depending for the ship's
safety on a government that relies on the uncertain loyalties of
army officers, Muslim clerics and tribal leaders with
long-standing links to Islamic militant groups.

So far, F.B.I. officials investigating the suicide bombing of the
Cole on Oct. 12, in which 17 American sailors were killed and 39
injured, say they have no evidence — at least none they have
divulged — that anybody at any official level participated in the
bombing, beyond the low-level suspects already arrested by
President Ali Abdullah Saleh's security police for issuing false
documents and helping with other logistics.

But from the beginning, F.B.I. agents have kept open an alternate
possibility — that the attack may have involved powerful figures
inside Yemen with close ties to Osama bin Laden, the F.B.I's
most-wanted terrorist.  Despite vigorous Yemeni denials, the
F.B.I. has wanted to know whether any part of the Cole bombing
was supported from within the government, or by powerful men with
Islamic-militant credentials who live under official protection.

>From a base in Afghanistan, Mr. bin Laden, the 43-year-old son of
a Yemeni-born Saudi Arabian construction billionaire, reached out
to Yemen for thousands of recruits for his "holy war," first
against Soviet troops in Afghanistan, later against American
troops in the Arabian Peninsula and the Persian Gulf. Along the
way, he met men now prominent in Sana, the capital, including a
top army commander, the country's most militant Muslim cleric and
a prominent tribal leader. Western intelligence reports say he
gave them money to send Yemeni recruits to Afghanistan, and back
to Yemen when the Afghan struggle ended.

Those so-called Arab Afghans — about 3,000 Yemenis, and perhaps
twice as many non-Yemeni Arabs, including Algerians, Egyptians,
Iraqis, Jordanians, Somalis, Sudanese and Syrians — were then
enlisted in terrorist attacks aimed at Communists who had run a
separate Yemeni state from Aden between 1967 and 1990, when the
two Yemens merged under President Saleh, the Sana ruler. That
pact reached its culmination in a 1994 civil war.  Mr.  Saleh
finally defeated the Communists, using large numbers of Arab
Afghans formed into Islamic terrorist units as his shock troops,
then rewarding their service and buying their further loyalty by
bringing them into the "big tent" of his disparate government.

The F.B.I's concern over possible links to the Cole bombing
appears to have grown as the Yemeni investigation of the bombing
has progressed. The Yemenis, denying the F.B.I.  direct access to
interrogations and other key aspects of their inquiry, say that
their investigation is nearly complete, that it shows that two
bearded men who attacked the Cole in a fiberglass skiff were
Saudi Arabian-born Yemenis, like Mr. bin Laden, and that the most
useful leads in the case now lie outside Yemen.

In the last week, the F.B.I.'s concerns were heightened by the
government's decision to open a trial, probably in January, of
half a dozen key suspects, mostly Arab Afghans who had low-level
government jobs. American officials say an early trial, based on
evidence the Yemenis say links the bombers to Mr.  bin Laden's
network but not to anybody at senior levels in Yemen, could
obscure more than it reveals.

The American officials draw parallels with the Saudi
investigation into the 1996 truck-bombing of the Khobar Towers
military barracks outside Dhahran, which killed 19 American
servicemen.  Saudi officials prevented the F.B.I.  from
questioning any suspects and eventually held a trial, executing
the alleged conspirators without giving the Americans any access.
But the Khobar Towers analogy, and the mere suggestion that
prominent Yemenis may have connived in the Cole bombing, have
enraged the Yemenis.

This week, Prime Minister Abdul Karim al-Iryani, a Yale-educated
biogeneticist, called an American reporter and denied any
suggestion of a coverup.  Throughout his tenure, Dr.  al-Iryani
has been caught in a political crossfire resulting from his
government's desire for improved relations with the United States
— as evidenced by the agreement on Navy ships refueling in Yemen
— and its desire not to provoke Yemenis who are militantly

Over the fierce resistance of Yemeni secret police, the prime
minister has been negotiating with the American ambassador,
Barbara K.  Bodine, for better F.B.I.  access to the Yemeni
probe, including the right to have F.B.I. agents watch Yemeni
interrogations through a one-way mirror or a live television
relay.  Until now, all the F.B.I.  has seen of the interrogations
has been edited transcripts.

In the te

Re: [CTRL] LT: Israeli tanks prepare to seize West Bank from Arafat

2000-11-26 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Wasnt  Job from the land of Uz...and then we had Uzzah who stumbled
and touched the golden ark and some believe he was electrocuteda
transmitter to God?

Me, I always thought the body of the fallen god, like in the Acts - the
unknown god - was in htis ark.

Saw an ark like this once - a real one - in the Schumachker Collection
in Columbus Art Museum..beautiful work of art...two long poles
by which to carry ark but I kept thinking wonder if there is a body in

Wonder where the name uzzi originatedthen we have the call of two
men on the horse - huzzah and drop the H.

Have engraving over 200 years old engraved by Hogarth of Uzzah touching
the golden Ark...might ad Benjamin Franklin was experiment in
electricity at that time.

Barak means "lightning bolt".my brother in law was Thor Chief in
USAF and you know the Air Force has little lightning bolts on their

Iraelies must feel pretty important carrying around Uzzis intimidated
the arab moslemsare they permitted to carry such weapons - like the
little Israelie carried at Littleton against unarmed children?

Lots of secrets at Littleton yet to be unveiled.
Arm up both sides and let them fight it out?   Oh see how they run, if
the Palestinians get an equalizersay 5 Arab Nations who refuse to
back down to murder and tyranny.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mail Sent Wrong

2000-11-26 Thread Birds

-Caveat Lector-


Somehow I was forwarding these to my own mailbox to read later and somehow they came 
back here.  I sent them to my birdie address.
This has happened twice and I am very sorry but I don't know what happened since I did 
not send them to CRTL.

Private Mail Welcome

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NYT: Dowd Alleges Vast Bush Conspiracy

2000-11-26 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 26, 2000

Oyez! Oyez! Oy Vey! This Is One Nutty Election!


WASHINGTON - The old Don had helped the humiliated man in the
black robe get justice. He had treated the judge's enemies as his
own enemies.

He had caused those who tried to ruin the judge to weep bitter
tears. He made sure the nominee under his protection got justice
and became a justice.

"Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do
me a service in return," the old Don, the head of the WASP
Corleones, whispered to the younger man.

For Clarence Thomas, that day has arrived. Don Georgio of
Kennebunkport needs a splash of service in connection with the
hotheaded Sonny, who has gotten himself into his biggest scrape
yet. Nearly a decade has passed, and now it time for Clarence to
repay his political godfather.

Imagine what might have secretly transpired between the two:

"Look how the Democrats massacred my boy with dimpled ballots and
endless hand recounts," an emotional Don Georgio confides in
Justice Thomas. "It's a low-tech lynching. I want you to use all
your powers and all your skills. I don't want his mother to see
him this way."

Just when you thought our electoral spectacle could not get more
surreal, labyrinthine, incestuous and conspiratorial, we now have
Jeb's legislature joining W.'s lawsuit before Daddy's old Supreme

"It's just a family affair," laughed a Bush aide in Tallahassee.

If the Bush forces angrily discounted a decision of the Florida
Supreme Court that went against them, because all the justices
were appointed by Democratic governors, then why would the Gore
forces trust a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court if it went
against them, when seven of nine justices were appointed by
Republican presidents, including two by W.'s dad?

The highest court in the land is supposed to be above politics.
But nothing has been above politics so far in this presidential
mud wrestle.

And the two candidates whose marathon donnybrook has now spilled
into the Supreme Court made that body a major campaign issue.

W. expressed the highest respect for Clarence Thomas and Antonin
Scalia. Al Gore seized on this to scare women voters: "When the
names of Scalia and Thomas are used as benchmarks for who would
be appointed, those are code words, and nobody should mistake
this, for saying that the governor would appoint people who would
overturn Roe v. Wade."

How rich to see W., whose campaign was steeped in skepticism
about Washington, the federal government and trial lawyers, send
his lawyers to Washington to petition a states' rights Supreme
Court to overturn a state decision.

The theme of revenge, so prominent in the race, is continuing in
the coda. Cuban-Americans in Florida, still angry at the Clinton
administration over the seizure of Eli·n, threatened to go back
to the streets, which helped stop the Miami-Dade hand count that
Al was hoping would put him over the top.

The Bush team filed suit with the Supreme Court in Washington
knowing that the Supreme Court in Florida would "always be a
problem and that there had to be recourse," as one Bushie put it.

But the legal tactics of the two camps are running ahead of their
political strategies.

Bush advisers were riding the tiger this weekend, unsure if the
high court would prolong the wrangling rather than head it off.
Their hope had been that W. would eke out an edge in votes by the
5 p.m. Sunday deadline, and Katherine Harris would hold a press
conference certifying W. the winner.

Then he could have emerged and declared himself the
president-elect ó as Napoleon once took the crown from the pope
and proclaimed himself emperor.

"We were counting on Katherine `Where is my ambassadorship? I
held up my end of the deal' Harris to complete her duty," a Bush
adviser in Florida said mordantly.

But now they are not sure what to do. If Al Gore "steals enough
votes to win" on Sunday, in the Bush argot, at least the W. camp
will have the U.S. Supreme Court to keep hopes alive. But what if
W. gets his votes, and then the justices validate the Gore hand
recounts ó hoisting W. with his own legal petard?

Will W. get Jebby's legislature to come to his rescue? Will Al
keep counting and counting and counting . . .Ý

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright