Re: [CTRL] AP: Group wants court to oversee Clinton e-mail transfer to archives

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/14/2001 12:24:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 WASHINGTON (AP) A conservative legal group that has fought for
 access to thousands of lost Clinton administration e-mails wants
 a judge to oversee the transfer of the restored files to the
 National Archives after Clinton leaves office.

 Judicial Watch has dogged Clinton with lawsuits throughout his
 two terms, most recently taking the administration to court to
 force production of the e-mails. The group on Friday asked U.S.
 District Judge Royce Lamberth to appoint a special master to
 oversee the transfer of the records to the archives. Such a
 transfer is required under the Presidential Records Act of 1978. 

I don't particularly want to read Clinton's e-mails, but I'd sure like to
peruse the correspondence that Judicial Watch produces.  They're such an
interesting group.


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Re: [CTRL] Hamburger Meat and the Kosovo Cancer Cluster: Destroying Those We ...

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/14/2001 12:42:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 These rounds are apparently denser than steel (and are
 thus great as armor-piercing rounds) and also apparently explode
 on impact (whether this is due to the fact that they are made of
 depleted uranium, or because they are incendiary rounds, has not
 been clearly reported). In addition, they are also quite radioactive
 and thus poisonous to human life. 

This is not an indictment of our action in Kosovo.  It is an indictment of
our military establishment which cannot seem to understand just what its
weapons do.  Since they have been using the same depleted uranium on Vieques,
one might think that the increased cancer rates there might have given them a
clue, but what's the difference they must say, since our good friends in the
arms business are making big profits and contributing mightily to the
campaigns of our friends in congress.  It is true that Clinton finally went
forward with military assistance in the former Yugoslavia, but he certainly
didn't choose the weapons to be used.  I'm sure he left that up to his
military advisers (Strangeloves every one).  The military has always gone by
the principle that military members and adjacent civilian populations are
expendable.  And don't forget, had President George Herbert Walker Bush said
one little word when the Serbs started this mess, there would never have been
a need for any weapons to be used there.  He would only have been required to
raise his head and say stop.  He did not.  Years later, Thomas Eagleberger
responded to a question as to why he did not by saying, "He had business
interests there."  I hope they were very profitable.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] 554 Law Professors Say ...

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/14/2001 1:32:52 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 There are lots of names surrounding the text.  About 10% are
 barely readable.  The remaining names and affiliations are
 completely illegible.  I find this curious for an advocacy ad,
 but given the substance of the ad and the supposed positions of
 the signers, perhaps I can understand.

 Let's see if I can condense all the outrage I feel about this ad
 into a single thought.  Do these Great Men dedicated to the rule
 of law protest every decision of the Court where the Court
 assumes power for itself, or do the Great Men limit their
 displeasure to cases where they don't like the result? 

That would be hard to tell, but it would save this country a lot of money and
effort if all federal elections were decided by the Supreme Court.  Why not
simply present a slate chosen by each party to the Court? They can decide who
is to reign and we will all be spared the kind of trauma resulting from
attempts to manage the votes of citizens who for some silly reason think
their votes should be counted.  All this bruhaha is unseemly.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] REU: Clinton Friend Riady Appears in Federal Courtroom

2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Clinton Friend Riady Appears in Federal Courtroom

By Dan Whitcomb

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Indonesian billionaire James Riady, who
agreed to plead guilty to breaking federal election laws and pay
a record $8.6 million fine, made a brief court appearance on
Tuesday as a conservative watchdog group urged a judge to reject
his controversial plea deal.

Riady, a friend of President Clinton, appeared before a federal
magistrate in Los Angeles for arraignment. The case was then
transferred to U.S. District Judge Ronald Lew, who must approve
the plea agreement and impose sentence.

The Justice Department (news - web sites) said last week that
Riady had reached a deal with prosecutors under which he will
plead guilty to illegally reimbursing campaign donors with
foreign corporate funds and pay $8.6 million in fines.

LippoBank California, which is affiliated with Lippo Group, the
Riady family conglomerate in Indonesia, has agreed to plead
guilty to 86 misdemeanor counts charging that Riady and former
Lippo employee John Huang made illegal foreign campaign
contributions from 1988 through 1994.

Riady's plea deal, which spares him prison time, has come under
fire from some as a ``wrist-slap'' to the billionaire
businessman. Critics have also complained that the deal does not
cover the years 1994 and 1995, when Riady was a key figure in the
controversy over how Clinton and Vice President Al Gore (news -
web sites) financed their 1996 reelection campaign.

At Tuesday's hearing, lawyers for the conservative watchdog group
Judicial Watch said that they would ask Judge Lew -- an appointee
of former President Ronald Reagan -- to reject Riady's plea deal.

``Judge Lew won't be considering the plea until well into the
Bush-Cheney administration and we hope that a new Justice
Department will pursue this case differently,'' Judicial Watch
President Tom Fitton said. ``We'll be there (at the plea hearing)
asking that Lew reject it.''

Fitton said Judicial Watch was particularly incensed that ''the
plea only goes until 1994, not 1995 and 1996 when the bigger
crimes took place.''

The Wall Street Journal on Monday criticized Riady's plea deal in
an editorial, writing that ``it is now well-established that
money from Mr. Riady and his friends in 1995 and 1996 helped fuel
a huge barrage of TV ads damaging GOP candidate Bob Dole and
giving Mr. Clinton an early edge in the election.''

Conservative columnist William Safire on Monday called the $8.6
million fine a ``painless penalty'' to the wealthy Riady and will
not convince him to ``tell the truth about his hugely successful
purchase of White House influence.''

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ashcroft Christian Nation Speech at Bob Jones Univ. Should ...

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/14/2001 5:41:32 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 I wonder how long it's going to be before they put Jesus on a Wheaties

Just as soon as He gets an agent.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Dick Morris
Wednesday,January 17,2001

WHY would the Justice Department conclude a plea deal with
Indonesian businessman James Riady just nine days before
President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno leave office?
Why demand only probation, community service and a fine that his
billion-dollar-plus company, the Lippo Group, can pay for him?

Why offer such a sweetheart deal to the man who orchestrated the
contribution of millions in illegal Chinese money to Clinton's
campaigns, especially when Riady has not cooperated or implicated
anyone other than himself?

Riady is also the man who paid former Deputy Attorney General
Webb Hubbell $100,000 after he left office, at a time when the
special prosecutor's office thought Hubbell might provide key
evidence in the Whitewater case.  Why let Riady off without
requiring that he explain who asked him to pay Hubbell and why he
did it?

Why bring judicial proceedings against Riady to a close without
first demanding to hear why he paid Whitewater co-conspirator and
former Arkansas Gov.  Jim Guy Tucker and his wife almost half a
million dollars?  These payments, over the past five years,
coincided with the precise moments that Tucker was under maximum
pressure to tell the truth about the Clintons and Whitewater.

These questions cry out for answers as President Clinton leaves
office having orchestrated his final coverup.  If Clinton adds to
this disgraceful record by rewarding the silence of Whitewater
felon Susan McDougal with a pardon, the questions should

Riady has been the paymaster of Clinton's efforts to buy silence
from his dangerous aides and co-conspirators.  The Justice
Department indicted him - but not for the payments to Hubbell or
Tucker, nor even for the 1995-'96 donations to Clinton from the
Chinese.  The charges related only to his pre-'95 donations to
Clinton.  Now, he has been permitted to plead out to even that,
ending whatever leverage Justice ever had over him.  That Riady
is being let off with a slap on the wrist in the closing moments
of this administration just adds to the insults to integrity in
Clinton's stewardship.

As Reno, Clinton  Co.  pack for departure, they are cleaning up
any loose ends that could incriminate them. Rather than leave the
decisions on indicting Riady to John Ashcroft, George W.  Bush's
pick to head Justice, Reno has seen to it that Riady will never
squeal.  Riady only has to plead to a single count of conspiracy
to defraud by obstructing the work of the Federal Election
Commission, have his billion-dollar company pay an $8.2 million
fine and do 400 hours of community service (which he can perform
in Jakarta).

To make Lippo pay an $8 million fine is like forcing an elephant
to endure a flea bite.  And community service in Jakarta is about
as enforceable as an order for the tide to not come in tomorrow.

Had Reno not given Riady his pass, Bush's attorney general might
have used the threat of imprisonment to make Riady answer some
tough questions.  After all, it was Riady who supplied the money
that induced Hubbell to "roll over one more time," in the
immortal words of the former deputy attorney general.

If Clinton pardons McDougal, he will doubtless defend his action
by saying that she has "paid her debt to society" by serving time
in jail and that a pardon would just permit her to vote and
participate in our nation's politics.  This will miss the
essential point - he is pardoning a woman whose non-cooperation
with prosecutors is ongoing and deliberate.

The president will say that Whitewater turned out to be nothing,
because he was not prosecuted or indicted.  That brings to mind
the fellow who killed his parents, then begged for mercy because
he was an orphan: Prosecution became unlikely once Tucker,
Hubbell and McDougal kept quiet - and Clinton seems about to
pardon one of them, while his Justice Department is letting the
paymaster of the other two off with a token sentence.

In 1996, a Clinton associate told me a message from Tucker to
pass to the president.  The message: Tell Clinton he owes me a
pardon.  He owes me a pardon.  Now Clinton is about to pay his
debts to at least some of the guilty for their silence that kept
him out of trouble.  It's one heck of a note on which to end an
administration that Clinton pledged would be "the most ethical in

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 

[CTRL] LLF: You Be the Judge

2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


You Be the Judge

An analysis of key opinions by Judge Ronnie White.

The Landmark Legal Foundation

In 1997, Missouri Supreme Court Judge Ronnie White was nominated
by President Bill Clinton to become a federal district court
judge. Senator John Ashcroft (R-MO), now President-elect George
W.  Bush’s attorney general-designate, opposed Judge White’s
nomination to the federal bench.  Senator Ashcroft believed that
Judge White’s judicial temperament, legal philosophy and approach
to the law were not consistent with the requirements of a federal
judgeship.  The Senate rejected Judge White’s nomination in 1999.

Landmark Legal Foundation, founded in 1976 is a conservative
public interest law firm based in Kansas City, MO.  Landmark has
conducted a thorough legal analysis of dissenting opinions issued
by Judge White. In each of the five highlighted cases the facts
are enumerated, followed by excerpts of the majority opinion and
then relevant aspects of the dissenting opinion issued by Judge

State of Missouri v.  Richard J Damask, 936 S.W.2d 565, Supreme
Court of Missouri, December 17, 1996


This Case arose out of two different traffic checkpoints.  These
cases were consolidated in Damask.

On November 22, 1994 Franklin County Sheriff’s Department set up
a drug checkpoint at eastbound I-44 exit 242.  I-44 was a known
drug running corridor and Franklin County Officials had been
operating such checkpoints since June, 1994.  The particular
checkpoint in question operated from 4:00 a.m.  until noon.

The Sheriff’s Department placed signs on both sides of the
eastbound lanes of I-44, stating that a drug checkpoint was one
mile ahead. Sheriff’s deputies set up the drug checkpoint at the
top of eastbound Exit 242 (the exit right before the purported
checkpoint).  Non-local motorists have little reason to exit I-44
on 242 because there is little in the way of food or lodging off
this exit.

Motorists were stopped and informed that the sheriff’s department
was conducting a drug enforcement checkpoint.  Present at the
checkpoint were clearly marked police vehicles and uniformed
police officers. Sheriff’s officers requested a valid license and
registration.  Further, Sheriff’s officers inquired as to why
that particular motorist had exited at 242.  If the circumstances
aroused reasonable suspicion, the officer asked for permission to
search the vehicle.  If the motorist refused, a drug sniffing dog
was used to conduct an olfactory examination of the outside of
the automobile. These procedures were conducted according to
guidelines prepared by Corporal Michael Schatz of the Sheriff’s

Richard Damask exited at 242 at 4:20 a.m.  on November 22, 1994.
When stopped by the police, Damask produced a valid driver’s
license.  However, Damask’s conduct aroused reasonable suspicion
(he hesitated when asked why he stopped, he stated that he was
turning around to purchase food when remnants of a meal were in
the car, he appeared nervous).  Police officers requested
permission to search the car, Damask refused.  A drug-sniffing
dog alerted police to the trunk. Inside the trunk, officers found
a several packages of marijuana.  The stop and search lasted five

The police stopped 66 cars and searched 10.  Damask was the only
person arrested.

The second case involves a drug checkpoint located on U.S.  60 in
Texas County.  Texas County officials used procedures developed
in Phelps County that had successfully interdicted thirty loads
of contraband.

Officials waited at a stop sign at the bottom of the first exit
ramp after a placed sign on U.S.  60.  As was the case in
Franklin County, no travel facilities were located off the exit
ramp.  Officials stopped cars that had exited, asked for a
license and registration, and questioned the driver as to his/her
destination.  Officials allowed any motorist who did not want to
talk to proceed.  If the officials developed a reasonable
suspicion during the course of the stop, those officials were to
ask permission to search the vehicle.  If the motorist refused, a
drug-sniffing dog was utilized.

Garcia and Alverez arrived at the checkpoint.  Police developed a
reasonable suspicion (Alverez could not produce a valid driver’s
license, Alverez appeared nervous, they gave conflicting stories,
there was a strong smell of perfume).  Dogs alerted police to the
spare tire of the car whereupon 37 pounds of marijuana were

Majority Ruling:

The lower court determined that the checkpoints in question
constituted an unreasonable seizure and were thus,

The Majority held that the checkpoints were operated in a
nondiscriminatory fashion and the checkpoints serve a legitimate
government interest.  These checkpoints did not rise to the level
of unreasonable seizure.  Consequently, the checkpoints were
constitutional and the lower court was reversed.

The Missouri Supreme Court noted that properly operated
checkpoints are 

[CTRL] IBT Church Seizure Update - 1/16/2001

2001-01-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 As you probably have heard, the US Supreme Court decided not to hear
 very important case of the US vs. The Indianapolis Baptist Temple.
 Thus, I
 wrote the following letter to the Governor of the state of Indiana,
 to the
 Lieutenant Governor of the state of Indiana and to the Attorney
 General of
 the State of Indiana. I also sent it to the White House and the Vice
 President and called the marshall's office/sheriff's office to
 implore them
 not to seize or allow the seizure of this New Testament Church.
 Please go
 to and you can find contact info.
 governor's email addy is [EMAIL PROTECTED] We need to take action
 this; the clinton administration wants this church seized this week.
 Marshall Frank Anderson's number is 317-226-6566. Sheriff Jack
 Cottey's is
 317-231-8200. Let's take action NOW lest we come to the point where
 we have
 no choice but to take up arms.
 God bless the patriots!
 To the Governor of the State of Indianapolis:
 Dear Sir,
 It has come to my attention that the United States Supreme Court has
 to hear the case of the United States vs. the Indianapolis Baptist
 This is a grave indicator of the state of our nation, indeed. The IBT
 no taxes, sir, and I'm sure that you know that. The IBT is, instead,
 punished for not registering or getting a license from the state
 which would
 allow the state to be involved in what should belong solely to God.
 If the
 Federal Martials seize this church, sir, it will set a precedent of
 magnitude which will have a profound impact on us all. I ask you,
 sir; I
 beg you, please do NOT let this church be unconstitutionally seized.
 stand up for what is right, and I have faith that you know what is
 because you, too, are an American. Patrick Henry witnessed the
 beating of a
 minister, a beating that was so horrific that one could see the
 ribs through his tattered flesh. When Mr. Henry inquired as to why
 the man
 was being so badly beaten and whipped, he was informed that it was
 he was a minister and would not take a license. This bothered Mr.
 Henry so
 badly that the young christian lawyer went back to the Continental
 where he gave his famous speech which ended with the famous words,
 "Give me
 liberty or give me death." The whole speech was entitled "The War
 Inevitable", a fact which holds true today if we are increasingly
 to communistic type rule. Our Founders declared independence from a
 government of tyranny and despotism. We cannot, and will not, allow
 seizing of this church and ask that you will do what is right by
 with Americans as an American.
 God bless and in Liberty
 Barbara Alford
 + + +
 Update Jan. 12, 2001
 Attorney for IBT Makes Request to See Janet Reno

 by Becky Whyde
 Indianapolis Baptist Temple

 Some media sources told IBT that Federal  Marshal
 Frank  Anderson went to Washington, D.C., to visit
 with U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno.  The IBT
 leaders followed by asking attorney Al Cunningham
 to make request that the Church leaders also have
 an audience with the Attorney General Reno.  The
 Church hopes to hear from the Attorney General's
 office sometime today.  In the mean time, the people
 of IBT remain on alert.  Many are in the services
 each evening, with 150 - 200 people staying overnight
 throughout the buildings.

 Today is the 58th day of the peaceful redress of
 grievance from members and supporters.  Services
 will continue nightly.   Most of those present
 have never been in church services for 57
 straight nights.


 God has provided another miracle and opportunity!
 We need you to respond now!
 Pray and please call or fax to the U.S. Supreme
 Court the following message:

 Please hear the case of Indianapolis Baptist Temple
 (IBT) set for conference of January 12, 2001,
 Docket No. 00-761.

 The phone number is: (202) 279-3011
 The fax number is: (202) 279-2971

 The address for OVERNIGHT courier
 (Federal Express 1-800-463-3339,
 AIRBORNE EXPRESS 1-800-247-2676,
 UPS 1-800-742-5877, etc.), U.S. Mail, or
 Western Union
 (800-634-1311) is:
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543

 It is IMPERATIVE that this request be in the
 Supreme Court no later than Friday evening
 January 12, 2001.

 Supreme Court Justices
Chief Justice William Rehnquist
Justice Stephen Breyer
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Justice Anthony Kennedy
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice David Souter
Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice Clarence Thomas

 Update from Jan. 10, 2001
 JANUARY 10, 2001 AD
 (317) 787- 0830 or (317) 783-6753br

[CTRL] [pastorman] Letter to the President

2001-01-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


This comes from a good man who labors with the John Birch Society.

- Original Message -
From: Elaine Gundling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: Fw: Letter to the President

  Dear Phil,
  Please forward to your Knox list, and urge them to write,call,email
  2 senators to NOT ratify this treaty. Thank you. Paul  Elaine
  - Forwarded message --
  Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 11:52:58 EST
  Subject: Letter to the President
  Message-ID: snip
  December 15, 2000
  Dear Mr. President:
  Several internationalist luminaries, including former defense
  secretary Robert S. McNamara and jurist Benjamin B. Ferencz, have
  urged you to sign the International Criminal Court (ICC) statute
  before December 31st as your presidency's "last act." It is our
  that you will, in an uncharacteristic display of constitutional
  statesmanship, decline to do so.
  This is not to say that we entertain any illusions about the
  that is being played out for public consumption regarding the ICC.
  The December 11, 2000 issue of The New York Times contained a story
  almost certainly planted by your administration - reporting that
  had "not ruled out" signing the ICC statute. The same planted story
  described the "frustration" supposedly experienced by David M.
  Scheffer, your administration's ambassador-at-large for war crimes
  issues, as he has struggled to craft a workable ICC and tried to
  overcome your "reluctance" to support the institution.
  As the second act of this charade, the Times published, the very
  day, an op-ed column by McNamara and Ferencz urging you to abandon
  your pose of opposition and sign the ICC treaty, thereby
  "safeguard[ing] humankind from genocide, crimes against humanity
  the ravages of war itself." Failure to sign the treaty, they
  insisted, would "weaken our credibility and moral standing in the
  world." If this charade plays out according to an all-too-familiar
  script, you will heroically triumph over your hesitancy and quietly
  sign the ICC treaty as the crowning touch to your legacy.
  Signing the ICC would be perfectly in character with scores of
  outrages against the rule of law for which you have been
  - such as your decision to grant clemency to 11 cop-killers from
  Marxist FALN terrorist group, your receipt of bribes (in the form
  illegal campaign contributions) from the People's Republic of China
  and the missile-technology concessions you extended to them in
  return, and the sundry acts of perjury, subornation of perjury, and
  obstruction of justice you undertook and commissioned in an attempt
  to conceal your sexual affair with an employee less than half your
  We are not tormented by the illusion that we can appeal to either
  your patriotism or sense of honor, since you are demonstrably
  unburdened by such virtues. Nor do we believe that we can shame you
  into doing the right thing, since you have made it clear that you
  immune to shame. The purpose of this letter is simply to put you on
  notice that we know what you are up to, and that we will do
  everything honorable in our power to see that your tactics come to
  By signing the ICC, you would set the stage for what Dr. Charles
  of the University of Notre Dame has called the "repeal of the
  of July." It would make all Americans subject to trial, in a
  land, before a standing United Nations tribunal composed of jurists
  from foreign nations - many of which have no understanding of, or
  sympathy for, the concept of constitutionally protected individual
  rights. Former Justice Department Counsel Lee Casey has pointed out
  that the ICC statute "contains no habeas corpus provisions, no
  to bail, and no other means of compelling the [ICC] to conduct a
  speedy trial." He also points out that, under the "international
  standards" that may govern the ICC, suspects may be detained for
  years or more without being charged with a crime.
  UN tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda - the existing models for
  permanent ICC - have followed a presumption of guilt, rather than
  innocence. Prosecutors have availed themselves of hearsay evidence
  (sometimes second and third-hand) and have denied the accused the
  right to confront his accusers and witnesses against him.
  Furthermore, in both of those tribunals a defendant's refusal to
  provide self-incriminating testimony has been used as evidence of
  guilt. British human rights activist Barry Crawford, who has been
  observer at the UN's tribunal for Rwanda, advises that "In order to
  enforce its edicts, people have been quite literally kidnapped and
  detained in secret locations and denied access to defense counsel."
  Once again, that 

[CTRL] Conservative Funders

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Strategic Philanthropy of Conservative Foundations

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Proposed EPA Chief Whitman's Enviro Record Is $#!T!

2001-01-17 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for posting this, Bill. I sent this article to a friend who
doesn't believe me about Whitman. In the six years she's been gov of
NJ, the state has turned into an oasis of McMansions and strip malls in
a desert of woodlands.


--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-01-17 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey! I saw HIM too. All the way from here. HE had a beard and looked a lot
 like Jeffery Hunter right?

The best one I read about was regarding a Mexican family who had immigrated to Texas, 
who saw an image of
Jesus in a piece of toast that popped out of their toaster, and who immediately set up 
a shrine to the toast,
visited by thousands of the faithful.

While I am not the avowed atheist that J2 is, I do believe the Divine, whatever and 
whomever it may be, has
better things to do than perform cheap parlor tricks with toast, stained walls, dirty 
windows, etc.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based on false data'??)

2001-01-17 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Frozen Mastodons with undigested food in their stomachs are really intriguing

Speaking of which, whatever became of the mastadon they showed on a documentary a few 
months ago, which was
excavated intact in one huge block of ice, and shown being airlifted by helicopter out 
of the site?  Weren't
they supposed to bring it somewhere to study it?  At the time, there was much 
speculation regarding whether
there might be enough viable DNA to attempt cloning it...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: Congo President Laurent Kabila killed

2001-01-17 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

 January 17, 2001

 Congo Leader Reportedly Dead After Being Shot by Bodyguard


 BIDJAN, Ivory Coast, Jan. 16 - President Laurent Kabila of Congo, who
 deposed one of Africa's great dictators but then brought his country
 into even worse disarray, was shot and killed today, diplomats and
 associates said.

 The president was shot by one of his bodyguards, according to John E.
 Aycoth, a lobbyist and public relations consultant in Washington who
 acts as Mr. Kabila's spokesman in the United States. He said he had
 talked to top Congolese officials, who told him that the president was

 The killing was also reported by Louis Michel, foreign minister of
 Belgium, Congo's former colonial ruler, who said he was told of Mr.
 Kabila's death by "two trustworthy sources."

 The circumstances of the shooting were not immediately known, but one
 report said that it had involved a dispute between Mr. Kabila and some
 of his generals.

 The Congolese government gave no details of the incident, but
 announced that it had sealed borders, closed the airport and imposed a
 night curfew. A televised address by President Kabila's personal chief
 of staff, Col. Edy Kapend, suggested the seriousness of the events.
 Soldiers surrounded the presidential palace, according to reports from
 the capital, Kinshasa, though the city itself appeared calm. There was
 no indication who was in charge.

 Ordering senior commanders to bring their units under control, Colonel
 Kapend said: "No shots may be fired, for whatever reason, without
 prior order. The population must not be thrown into panic and the
 troops must not grow agitated."

 The government's minister of interior, Gaetan Kakudji, one of Mr.
 Kabila's closest allies, went on state television to say that the
 president himself had ordered the curfew, suggesting that he was still

 But in Washington, a senior administration official said the United
 States has received several reports from credible sources that Mr.
 Kabila had been assassinated. "Our operating assumption is that he is
 dead," the official said.

 Mr. Kabila's death would dramatically alter the dynamics of a two-
 and-a-half-year war that has drawn in half a dozen African nations and
 destabilized all of Central Africa.

 Mr. Kabila, who deposed the longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in
 1997, had long been considered the main obstacle to any diplomatic
 resolution to the current conflict, and had become increasingly
 isolated in his four years in office.

 It was not clear tonight who might have led the shooting of Mr.
 Kabila, though his standing in the military had fallen recently.

 After months of stalemate during which the warring parties had seemed
 satisfied with carving up Congo and feasting on its natural resources,
 Mr. Kabila's forces suffered a serious defeat late last year in
 Katanga, the mineral-rich province in the southeast.

 Shots were heard this afternoon near the presidential palace, where
 fighting also had occurred, according to the United Nations in New
 York, citing Kamel Morjane, the United Nation's special envoy to
 Congo, who was in Kinshasa.

 While Mr. Kabila had promised to deliver the Congolese from the years
 of Mr. Mobutu's dictatorship, he immediately banned all political
 parties after coming to power. And he never followed through on his
 promise to hold elections in April 1999, instead running the country
 himself, with the help of a strong military.

 Mr. Kabila steadily lost popularity in the capital. He traveled only
 at night, because during the day pedestrians would lift their shirts
 to show their bellies at his passing motorcade as a sign that they
 were hungry.

 Yet Mr. Kabila had made no effort to end the crippling war, which has
 displaced up to two million people within the country and pushed a
 quarter of a million more into neighboring countries. In fact, he
 appeared to do whatever he could to disrupt diplomatic progress.

 After a peace accord was signed 18 months ago, Mr. Kabila ignored its
 contents. At every turn, he blocked the United Nations from even
 beginning the process of deploying troops in the Congo. The United
 Nations, which currently has about 500 civilian and military officials
 in Congo, has been authorized to deploy 5,000 peacekeepers. But it has
 not done so mainly because of Mr. Kabila.

 Susan E. Rice, the assistant secretary of state for African affairs,
 said that Mr. Kabila's death, if confirmed, would create "a
 significant change in the landscape."

 The United States will soon warn Congo's neighbors not to try to
 profit from the death of Mr. Kabila, she said. "We would urge all
 belligerents not to try to take advantage of this to further their own
 interests," Ms. Rice said in an interview in Washington. She pressed
 rebels and their foreign allies to "work collectively to be a part of
 the solution that 

Re: [CTRL] New BSE inquiry raises fears over milk safety

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/15/2001 1:32:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

  The majority of the 1m or so
 animals thought to have entered the human food chain while
 infected with BSE were dairy cows, whose milk would have
 been consumed for years before they died. 

It's alarming to think that the cow in Italy that just was found to be
infected with BSE was a four year old dairy cow.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Disease of Bipartisanship: Will It Infect The Environment?

2001-01-17 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

The Disease of Bipartisanship:
Will It Infect The Environment?
By Carla Binion

Gale Norton, G. W. Bush's Interior Department nominee, does not believe
global warming is a problem.  She also advocates "takings" legislation.  Will
the disease of bipartisanship cause afflicted Senators to approve Norton's

Takings proponents such as Norton claim that environmental regulations
interfere with private property rights.  In "Eyes Right," (edited by Chip
Berlet, South End Press, 1995) Tarso Ramos of the Western States Center in
Portland, Oregon, reports that Richard Epstein, an originator of the takings
movement, openly said his position on takings "invalidates much of the
twentieth century legislation."

Epstein's invalidated legislation would include the National Labor Relations
Act, civil rights legislation and minimum wage laws.  Minimum wage laws, says
Epstein, are "undoubted partial takings."  He also argues against collective

According to Ramos, President Ronald Reagan embraced Richard Epstein's
doctrine and codified it with Executive Order 12630, which said that
"[e]xecutive departments and agencies should review their actions carefully
to prevent unnecessary takings and should account in decision-making for
those takings that are necessitated by statutory mandate."

The Reagan Administration's Solicitor General Charles Fried discussed
Reagan's Executive Order 12630 in his memoir.  Fried wrote:

"Attorney General [Edwin] Meese and his young advisors -- many drawn from the
ranks of the then fledgling Federalist Societies and often devotees of the
extreme libertarian views of Chicago law professor Richard Epstein -- had a
specific, aggressive, and, it seemed to me, quite radical project in mind:
to use the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment as a severe brake upon
federal and state regulation of business and property.  The grand plan was to
make government pay compensation as for a taking of property every time its
regulations impinged too severely on a property right -- limiting the
possible uses for a parcel of land or restricting or tying up a business in
regulatory red tape.  If the government labored under so severe an
obligation, there would be, to say the least, much less regulation."

Taros Ramos writes that Reagan's Executive Order 12630 "amounted to a
presidential order against regulating industry and an attack on public
interest law."  Many environmental, labor and civil rights organizations see
takings as an extremist anti-environmental and anti-labor doctrine.  Robert
Kennedy, Jr., has denounced Gale Norton for her support of takings.

According to Taros Ramos, groups that oppose takings legislation include:
the Sierra Club, the National Parks and Conservation Association, the
National Audubon Society, Defenders of Wildlife, National Wildlife
Federation, the Wilderness Society, Coalition Against Childhood Lead
Poisoning, United Food and Commercial Workers Union, United Steelworkers of
America, Alliance for Justice, National Urban League, Public Citizen, and the
AFL-CIO Industrial Union Department.

Environmental researcher William Kevin Burke also contributed to "Eyes
Right," (edited by Chip Berlet, 1995.)  Burke says the Wise Use agenda
includes "removing present environmental protections and preventing future
environmental reforms."

Wise Use, according to Burke, was a fundraising idea of Ron Arnold and Alan
Gottlieb.  Arnold once worked for the Sierra Club, but for a few years was
also "a registered agent for the American Freedom Coalition, a political
offshoot of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church," says Burke.  Alan
Gottlieb has served as  a fundraiser for a variety of right-wing interests.

Ron Arnold also co-authored a flattering biography of former Secretary of the
Interior James Watt, Gale Norton's mentor.  Watt consistently favored
corporate interests over environmental protection with his efforts to open
federal lands to logging and mining and his work to eliminate environmental

Today Gale Norton supports George W. Bush's plan to open Alaska's Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration.  Bush supporters say a president
has a right to choose his cabinet.  They claim his opponents object only
because his nominees are "conservative."  Wouldn't a conservative want to
conserve, rather than exploit, the natural environment?

Some bipartisanship promoters imply Democratic Senators should rubber stamp
all Bush nominees without serious challenge.  However, conscientious Senators
are the only buffer between any potentially harmful Bush appointees and the
public's civil liberties and environmental protections.

Newsman Dan Rather told David Letterman on his Monday, January 15, program
that the Senate is very much a club [no surprise], and that Bush's Ashcroft
nomination would surely pass.  Any Democratic Senators more concerned with
appeasing other Senators than with challenging the status quo on the public's
behalf have 


2001-01-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Several years ago in a mexican resturant in down town L.A. , Elvis appeared
to the faithful on a corn tortilla.
In a message dated 1/17/01 6:07:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hey! I saw HIM too. All the way from here. HE had a beard and looked a lot
 like Jeffery Hunter right?

The best one I read about was regarding a Mexican family who had immigrated
to Texas, who saw an image of
Jesus in a piece of toast that popped out of their toaster, and who
immediately set up a shrine to the toast,
visited by thousands of the faithful.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] The Bush-Monsanto-Ashcroft Connection by Robert Cohen

2001-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

Many of you wrote to me requesting a list of PAC donations made by Monsanto.
An interesting event has occurred. Nearly one-billion dollars were spent on
the elections, and Monsanto is aware that they are under the microscope. Do
they stop giving, or do they give in different forms that are not easily
observed? During the 2000 election cycle, Monsanto gave a total of only
$63,350 to Congress...on the record. Nobody will ever know what amounts were
invested in the form of soft money, cash money, party favors, and gifts. The
$63,350 paid to 435 members of Congress and 100 members of the Senate
averages out to $118 per member. Sure. I believe that.

The man receiving the second highest total dollars from Monsanto was Larry
Combest (R-TX). He got $2000. Combest is the powerful chairman of the House
Agriculture Committee.

Who got the most from Monsanto? The winner of the Monsanto sweepstakes with
$10,000 was John Ashcroft, (R-MO). Ever hear of the man? You will in the
coming weeks during the Senate's confirmation hearings.

Now...for those of you who are not regular readers of the notmilk column,
let's review the Bush/Monsanto connection.


Monsanto's lawyer was appointed to the Supreme Court by George Bush, Sr. The
deciding swing voter gave the election to George, Jr. That justice: Clarence
Thomas, Esq.


Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, was president of Searle
Pharmaceuticals, purchased by Monsanto.


Ann Veneman, Secretary of Agriculture, was on the board of directors of
Calgene Pharmaceuticals, purchased by Monsanto.


Tommy Thompson, Secretary of Health, was a supporter of Monsanto in
Wisconsin. He received $50,000 from biotech firms is his election run, and
used state funds to set up a a $317 million biotech zone in Wisconsin.


Mitch Daniels, Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Daniels was
the vice president of corporate strategy at Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Company.
Eli Lilly and Monsanto developed the genetically engineered bovine growth
hormone. Lilly "owns" the European "franchise." Daniels' presence insures
that the bovine growth hormone will one day be approved for use in Europe.


The House of Representatives Committee Agriculture Chairman, Larry Combest
(R-TX), has named Richard Pombo to head Agriculture's dairy, livestock, and
poultry sub-committee. Pombo will have enormous power in chairing this
committee. I remember Pombo as being a long-time member of Dairy, Livestock,
and Poultry. In 1994, the approval process for Monsanto's genetically
engineered bovine growth hormone became the greatest controversy in FDA
history. At that time, the Dairy Committee considered a bill that would label
milk and milk products containing the genetically engineered hormone. After
all, Americans had a right to know what they are eating...right?

The Dairy Committee stalled the proposed bill until the 1994 elections. When
the 1994 session of Congress expired, the bill died. It was never even voted
upon. I began to investigate milk, milk hormones, and milk politics at about
that time. I researched PAC donations, and learned that Pombo had accepted a
total of $252,600 in PAC money that year. Remarkably, $84,385 waw given to
him from private companies and groups doing business in Agriculture. Talk
about buying votes! Even more remarkable was Pombo's relationship with
Monsanto. I learned that this man had the audacity to accept money directly
from Monsanto while voting on a bill that impacted Monsanto's future, and the
future of biotechnology.

I've called that PAC donation a bribe, and I continue to do so.


Bribery is defined as the act or practice of giving or accepting money or
some other payment with the object of influencing the action or judgment at a
parliamentary hearing or other election.

During the 2000 election cycle, Pombo accepted over $450,000. The dairy
industry contributed $17,100, and groups with agriculture interests "donated"
more than double the 1994 amounts. Now, Pombo runs the Dairy Committee.


Last, but not least. John Ashcroft, Attorney General. The one man out of 535
members of the House of Representatives and the Senate receiving the greatest
amount of financial support from Monsanto. He received five times the amount
of money as the congressman finishing second.

Where do Americans finish in this stranger than fiction real-life drama?



Robert Cohen author of:   MILK - The Deadly Poison
Executive Director ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Dairy Education Board

Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 18:29:07 +
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
X-Accept-Language: en
Subject: Ashcroft ( bush, Supreme Ct, etc) TOTALLY In Monsanto's Palm: real-life
Pelican Brief unfolds before us


Re: [CTRL] Is John Ashcroft A Draft Dodger ?

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 01/16/2001 10:26:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 BOSTON (Reuters) - President-elect Bush's controversial candidate for
 attorney general, John Ashcroft, received a deferment from military service
 to teach business law to undergraduates at the height of the Vietnam War, the
 Boston Globe reported on Tuesday.

 Under Selective Service guidelines in force in 1967, the exemption from
 service was allowed for people holding jobs deemed critical to the civilian
 economy such as chemists, engineers and mathematicians, the Globe said. 

Come on guys, he did just what everyone who could did.  I think that Al Gore
may have been the only one inside the Beltway who wore a uniform during the
war in Vietnam.  Those who couldn't get a deferment, joined the Air Force.
We had tons of guys in the Air Force who decided it was better than being
drafted into the Army and ending up in the infantry.  I know they've been
yodeling about Clinton being a draft dodger for the past eight years, but
like the sex stuff and all the rest of the garbage that was presented as the
most awful thing that ever happened in the history of the world, those who
were spreading the Clinton material were dodging the draft and having affairs
(including oral sex).  Which reminds me, did anyone ever come up with the
name of the junior congressman who was having a fling with Lewinsky at the
same time she was snapping her thong at the Prez?  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] 1984 FAA MEMO: DU used commonly in aircraft manufacture poses...

2001-01-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn



(c) COPYRIGHT 2001.

01/11/01 - As the scandal regarding the 1999 U.S. use of depleted uranium
(DU) rounds in Kosovo spreads and re-ignites controversy about the Gulf War
Syndrome that has damaged the health of thousands of veterans, "From The
Wilderness" has today obtained a copy of a 1984 FAA Advisory Circular -
still in effect - that shows that DU has been in use as a component in
aircraft manufacture for years and that the U.S. government has always
treated DU as a hazardous material in full awareness of health risks it
presents. The existence of this advisory bulletin belies the official U.S.
Government position that it was largely unaware of health risks connected
with DU and raises questions about U.S. prioritization of the relative value
of human lives as it becomes increasingly apparent that the United States
Government chose to not advise NATO allies in Kosovo or Iraq, or even
certain members of its own armed forces of known dangers connected with DU
exposure. Moreover, the bulletin specifically indicates that U.S. aircraft
manufacturers like McDonnell-Douglas, now owned by Boeing, routinely posted
health advisory and safety precautions in aircraft manuals as far back as 16
years ago. This was, according to the FAA, a result of cadmium-plated DU
being used as weights to balance "ailerons, rudders and elevators on certain
jet aircraft and certain helicopters."

FAA Advisory Circular 20-123, dated 12/20/84 is entitled "Avoiding or
Minimizing Encounters With Aircraft Equipped With Depleted Uranium Balance
Weights During Accident Investigations." The two-page memo was written to
warn FAA crash site investigators that, as a result of an air crash, DU
weights in various parts of the aircraft might have had their cadmium
plating removed. The memorandum states "While the depleted uranium normally
poses no danger, it is to be handled with caution. The main hazard
associated with depleted uranium is the harmful effect the material could
have if it enters the body. If particles are inhaled or digested, they can
be chemically toxic and cause a significant and long-lasting irradiation of
internal tissue."

FAA spokesman Les Dorr today confirmed for FTW that the 1984 Advisory was
valid and still in effect.

The memo also contains the somewhat ironic statement, "... only 'depleted'
uranium is used, which means it has been processed to remove most of its
uranium 235, the most highly radioactive form used in nuclear power plants."

The 1984 memorandum, written by FAA Director of Airworthiness, M.C. Beard,
and circulated to all FAA crash site investigators, ends with a list of
safety precautions for investigators at crash sites including protective
gloves, eye protection, respirators and other protective clothing. The
memorandum ends by stating that all such protective clothing should be
discarded in containers labeled "radioactive waste" and disposed of

A full copy of the FAA memorandum, including FAA verification of its
authenticity can be found at the end of this document.

While the advisory itself does not specifically list which military or
commercial aircraft are currently equipped with DU components FTW has
contacted corporate spokespersons for the Boeing Aircraft Corporation in
Seattle. As of this writing no response has been received.

The current revelation, along with developing stories on Sarin Gas and CNN's
wrongful termination of producers April Oliver and Jack Smith as well as the
U.S. Government's insistence on the use of the fungicide fusarium oxysporum
in Colombia are strong indicators that charges that the Unites States has
assumed an arrogant and careless posture with regard to human life are well
founded. As the major media ignore or downplay the damning evidence of
American guilty foreknowledge in the use of DU, European media and European
military allies increasingly wonder whether the U.S. has assumed an Imperial
posture in its dealings with the rest of the world. This would include its
so-called NATO allies who were reportedly not warned of the dangers of DU
use in either the Middle East or the Balkans. Such questions also give new
credibility to continuing claims from U.S. Gulf War veterans that they were
used as Guinea Pigs in a conflict where DU was a main staple of the U.S.
military machine.

The FAA Advisory Circular was reported on by author journalist Craig Roberts
("The Medusa File")and disclosed in a casual e-mail on a list-serve
discussion group this morning. FTW Publisher Mike Ruppert saw the e-mail and
immediately notified Gulf War Vet Spokesperson Joyce Riley and French
documentarians Audrey Brohy and Gerard 

[CTRL] UNEP confirms Uranium 236 found in DU penetrators

2001-01-17 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, Belgrade, YU

  (UNEP News Release,For information 
  only-Not an official record)GENEVA, 16 January 2001 - Early laboratory 
  results confirm that pieces of DU penetrators found at sites targeted by 
  NATO during the 1999 Kosovo conflict contain Uranium 236, the United 
  Nations Environment Programme UNEP) reported here today.Scientists 
  working for the UNEP Depleted Uranium (DU) Assessment Group are analysing 
  the contents of the seven penetrators - ammunition tips made out of 
  depleted uranium - found during a UNEP field mission to Kosovo in November 
  2000. Isotope analyses to determine the types of uranium present show 
  that 0.0028 percent of the uranium in the penetrators is in the form 
  of isotope U-236. The presence of U-236 indicates that part of the DU 
  came from reprocessed uranium. This information was provided by one of the 
  five laboratories being used by UNEP for its DU assessment work. According 
  to the laboratory the content of U-236 in the depleted uranium is so small 
  that the radiotoxicity is not changed compared to DU without U-236. 
  However, the final assessment by UNEP will be made only once results from 
  all laboratories are available."This is first laboratory 
  result based on our field work,"said UNEP Executive Director Klaus 
  Toepfer. "We have asked the World Health Organization and all of our other 
  partners for their assessments of this finding while we continue with the 
  scientific analysis."UNEP's Kosovo field mission team, consisting 
  of 14 experts from several countries, collected soil, water, and 
  vegetation samples, conducted smear tests on buildings and destroyed army 
  vehicles, and found penetrators and sabots. Remnants of DU ammunition 
  were found at eight of the 11 sites that were visited.The 340 
  samples collected are now being analysed for both toxicity and 
  radioactivity in five European laboratories in an effort to determine 
  whether the use of DU during the Balkans conflict may pose any risks to 
  human health or the environment.The results of the tests will be ready 
  in early March 2001, when UNEP will publish a full report of its findings. 
  Note to journalists: For more information, please contact UNEP 
  Spokesperson Mr. Tore Brevik at +254-2-623292 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]; the UNEP Depleted 
  Uranium Assessment Team Chairman Mr. Pekka Haavisto at +358-40-588 4720 or 
  UNEP press officer Mr. Michael Williams at +41-22-9178242, +41-79-409-1528 
  also UNEP 
  News Release 01/04Robert 
  Office of the Spokesman/DirectorCommunications and Public 
  information UNEP, 
  P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya Tel. 
  +254-2-623084, Fax. +254-2-623692 [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.unep.org__
  Mrs Jela Jovanovic, art historian 


2001-01-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

If you have ever visited a Press Club, you find often many mischief

Remember the Face on Mars?   Ever hear of the ink blotch tests where
some see demons and others see angels?

Could not help but think of Bill Shannon when I read this
know we Irish have terrible name for being drinkers...

Did you ever notice when you see an old movie and a pregnant peasant on
a donkey, usually Mexican, they play holy music?

So I thought about this all, and it is my hope those 7 million illegal
immigrants that the Republicans are trying to be made legal - I hope
they are all Catholic and believe Elian really talked to
dolphins..and man,  they would out number that Jesse Jackson and Al
Sharpton bunch who are thieves using the name of God to make God
Almighty Buck?

So I thought of this old poem when I read of the face of Christ
appearing to some, even if it was on a piece of toast.rather face of
Christ on a Wall rather than the devil in our Oval Office?


Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (AleishaSaba) Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2001, 12:21pm
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Aleisha Saba) Subject: Re: THE FACE UPON THE
FLOOR-Antoine D'Arcy
What about the ink blotch tests - where some see angels, and others see
I always liked this poem..and remember this St Paul didn't he used
to meet at the Three Taverns.for in nearly every town, was a tavern?
The Face of the Bar Room Floor - see what a few drinks can do to a man

'Twas a balmy summer evening, and a goodly crowd was there. Which
well-nigh filled joe's barroom on the comer of the square, And as songs
and witty stories came through the open door A vagabond crept slowly in
and posed upon the floor.

Where did it come from?" someone said: "The wind has blown it in." What
does it want?" another cried. "Some whisky, rum or gin?"

"Here, Toby, seek him, if your stomach's equal to the work I wouldn't
touch him with a fork, he's as filthy as a Turk." This badinage the poor
wretch took with stoical good grace; In fact, he smiled as though he
thought he'd struck the proper place. "Come, boys, I know there's kindly
hearts among so good a crowd To be in such good company would make a
deacon proud. "Give me a drink-that's what I want-I'm out of funds, you
know; When I had cash to treat the gang, this hand was never slow.

What? You laugh as though you thought this pocket never held a sou; I
once was fixed as well, my boys, as anyone of you. There, thanks; that's
braced me nicely; God bless you one and all; Next time I pass this good
saloon, I'll make another call. Give you a song? No, I can't do that, my
singing days are past; My voice is cracked, my throat's wom out, and my
lungs are going fast. "Sayl Give me another whisky, and I'll tell you
what I'll do I'll tell you a funny story, and a fact, I promise, too.
T'hat I was ever a decent man not one of you would think; But I was,
some four or five years back. Say, give me another drink.

'Fill her up, Joe, I want to put some life into my frame- Such little
drinks, to a bum like me, are miserably tame; Five fingers-there, that's
the scheme-and corking whisky, too. Well, here's luck, boys; and,
landlord, my best regards to you. "You've treated me pretty kindly, and
I'd like to tell you how I came to be the dirty sot you see before you
now. As I told you, once I was a man, with muscle, frame and health,

And, but for a blunder, ought to have made considerable wealth. 'I was a
painter-not one that daubed on bricks and wood But an artist, and, for
my age, was rated pretty good. I worked hard at my canvas and was
bidding fair to rise, For gradually I saw the star of fame before my
eyes. "I made a picture, perhaps you've seen, 'tis called the 'Chase of
Fame,' It brought me fifteen hundred pounds and added to my name.

And then I met a woman-now comes the funny part- With eyes that
petrified my brain, and sunk into my heart. 'Why don't you laugh? 'Tis
funny that the vagabond you see Could ever love a woman and expect her
love for me; But 'twas so, and for a month or two her smiles were freely
given, And when her loving lips touched mine it carried me to heaven. '

Did you ever see a woman for whom your soul you'd give, With a form like
the Milo Venus, too beautiful to live; With eyes that would beat the
Koh-i-noor, and a wealth of chestnut hair?

If so, 'twas she, for there never was another half so fair. "I was
working on a portrait, one afternoon in May, Of a fair-haired boy, a
friend of mine, who lived across the way, And Madeline admired it, and,
much to my surprise, Said that she'd like to know the man that had such
dreamy eyes. 'It didn't take long to know him, and before the month had
flown My friend had stolen my darling, and I was left alone;

And, ere a year of misery had passed above my head, The jewel I had
treasured so had tarnished, and was dead. "That's why I took to drink,
boys. Why, I never saw you smile, I thought 

[CTRL] Something to Ponder-Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia George Wallace

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia
Title: Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia: George Wallace

I did not live in Alabama for most of Geo Wallace's 
tenure as governor but I was living here for his fourth (yep, 4th term). 
Much of the population did NOT support his segregationist antics and were 
embarrassed by some of his publicity-seeking stunts.Talk about a need for 
term limits!I also found it interesting that he was able to carry several 
states in his bid for the president despite not even being able to complete his 
campaign because of the assassination attempt,many far from the Deep South 
with 46 electoral votes. I have forgotten how many times he was shot, five 
or seven, but it was an amazing number of times for his to have survived. 
But what I am wanting those so into race-baiting and name-calling to think about 
is what is stated at the end of this very brief and NOT all-inclusive bio. 
What I would like people to understand is that it was the African-American 
population that elected this man tothat lastterm. This was 
much to thehorror of many whites who thought the State should be more 
progressive than this and found segregation morally wrong and pragmatically 
impossible. Why did the blacks do this? What were they thinking? 
When you understand what happened here, and it is a fact that he NEVER could 
have carried that election without almost total black support, then you will 
understand a great deal more about racial issues in the Deep South. It is 
complex and things are not what they seem.I will offer no explanations 
here and want each person to come to his own conclusion but I will say that most 
people do not have much of an understanding in this area.

| They Would Be 
President | General Articles | The Presidents | GME Contents | 


George Corley Wallace, b. Clio, Ala., Aug. 25, 1919, is a DEMOCRATIC PARTY politician and four-time governor of 
Alabama. Between 1946 and 1958, Wallace was, successively, assistant state's 
attorney, a member of the state legislature, and a judge of the Third 
Judicial Circuit of Alabama. In 1962 he was elected governor after 
campaigning on a platform of defiant segregation. The following year he 
attempted to prevent black students from enrolling at the University of 
Alabama but yielded eventually to the authority of the National Guard. 
Wallace was ineligible to succeed himself as governor, and his wife, 
Lurleen, was elected to the post in 1966. In 1968 he won 46 electoral votes 
as the populist presidential candidate of the newly formed AMERICAN INDEPENDENT PARTY. In 1970 and 1974 he was 
reelected as governor. On May 15, 1972, while campaigning for the Democratic 
party's presidential nomination in Laurel, Md., he was shot in an 
assassination attempt that left him partially paralyzed. In 1982 he brought 
together a populist coalition of blacks and whites to win a fourth term as 
governor. He retired in 1987.
For Further Reading
Burke, Jerald P., With Liberty and Justice for All: The Political 
Philosophy of George C. Wallace (1976)Carlson, Jody, George C. Wallace 
and the Politics of Powerlessness (1981)Lesher, Stephan, George Wallace: 
American Populist (1994)

| They Would Be 
President | General Articles | The Presidents | GME Contents | 

| Grolier 
Interactive Products | Grolier Multimedia 
Encyclopedia (Subscribers Only) | 
Copyright © 2000 Grolier Incorporated. All rights reserved.

[CTRL] Protesters Give Fujimori One-Way Ticket to Peru

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Protesters Give Fujimori One-Way Ticket to Peru

Updated 9:22 AM ET January 16, 2001
TOKYO (Reuters) - Protesters demanding that disgraced former
Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori go home on Tuesday
handed him a one-way ticket back to Lima -- economy class.
"We want him to go back as soon as possible and prove in
Peru that he is innocent," Tatsuya Yoshioka, the director of
the Japanese civic group Peace Boat, told Reuters.

About 30 demonstrators from the group marched on Fujimori's
residence-in-exile in Tokyo, only to be told by police
guards that no one was home.

They dispersed after dropping a one-way economy class air
ticket and a letter signed by the protesters into his

Sunday, Fujimori said he would not return to Lima until he
was cleared of accusations that he hoarded $18 million in
secret bank accounts.

Related Stories
Peru's Fujimori Says No Return Until Money Probe (Jan 13
11:17 pm ET)

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[CTRL] American Lori Berenson May Face Retrial

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

American May Face Retrial A Peru state prosecutor has
recommended that American Lori Berenson, facing a civilian
retrial after her 1996 life conviction as a Marxist rebel
leader was annulled, be formally charged with "terrorist
collaboration," a court official said yesterday.

A senior prosecutor will rule on whether to start an open
trial or recommend that charges against the 31-year-old from
Manhattan, who says she is innocent, be dropped, Javier
Llaquemoya said.

The collaboration accusations carry a minimum 20-year
sentence. In 1996, hooded military judges sentenced Berenson
to life in a trial that Amnesty International called a
"parody of justice." Civilian courts have in the past
imposed lesser sentences of as little as five years for
"collaboration." An open trial before a panel of judges
could be held around mid-February. Peru does not have a jury

The recommendations by state prosecutor Maria Peralta came
after months of investigation that led to charges that
Berenson collaborated with Marxist guerrillas in a foiled
plot to storm Peru's Congress.


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[CTRL] (OT-Parody-Humor Only) Hand-gun Control, Inc.

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Very extensive site just for fun.  AKE

Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 8:34 PM
Subject: Hand-gun Control, Inc.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Alan Garcia Re-Enters Peru Politics

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Alan Garcia Re-Enters Peru Politics

Updated 12:16 PM ET January 14, 2001
... (AP)
By RICK VECCHIO, Associated Press Writer
LIMA, Peru (AP) - At the dingy party headquarters, sooty
from traffic fumes pouring through the windows, the sign
says "Bread with liberty!" and a new vigor seems to flow
among the militant faithful, now lapsing into middle age.

Alan Garcia, Peru's former president and object of their
reverence, has announced he is coming back from exile to try
to recapture his old job in elections April 8.

"He has acknowledged the failures of his first government,"
said Tito Paredes, 50, one of the self-described "active
militants" who hang out at Aprista party headquarters in
Lima's working-class district of Brena. "I believe he has
more experience now, and if elected president he will assure
the country's destiny."

Whether the rest of Peru agrees is questionable. Some may
still revere Garcia as the fiery young populist who defied
the Western bankers during his 1985-90 presidency. Many
others remember his term for its food shortages, corruption,
terrorist attacks by the Maoist-inspired Shining Path
movement and inflation that roared above 7,650 percent in

Garcia fled to Colombia nine years ago, one step ahead of
troops sent by President Alberto Fujimori to arrest him.
Garcia says he will return to Peru by Jan. 20.

His entry into the race is the latest twist in Peru's
turbulent break from Fujimori, who fled to his ancestral
homeland, Japan, in November, his autocratic regime
collapsing under mounting corruption scandals.

The strong favorite is Alejandro Toledo, a U.S.-trained
economist who lost to Fujimori last year in an election
riddled with irregularities and fraud allegations.

But many analysts predict he will have a difficult time
winning the 50 percent needed to avoid a runoff vote.
There's no telling at this early stage how Garcia will do.

Last year, Fujimori and his supporters tried to saddle
Toledo with the Garcia legacy by deriding him as an
"Alanista," a play on Garcia's first name. Toledo
indignantly rejected the comparison. He says he welcomes
Garcia's candidacy, but believes the former president should
turn himself in to face outstanding charges of illicit
enrichment - charges Garcia denies.

For years, Fujimori's iron-fisted rule was tolerated, even
lauded, by most Peruvians. They were grateful to him for
taming leftist rebel insurgencies that Garcia could not
control and cleaning up an economic disaster that resulted
from his predecessor's policies.

For many, Garcia personifies the bad old days.

"It was not good when he was president," said Felicita
Nunez, 31, a cook. "We were always in line to buy groceries,
or searching for basic items. There was no rice, milk or
sugar. If he goes back to being president, it could be like
that again ... I think that the terrorism could return."

But some political experts are not counting Garcia out.

He is backed by a disciplined party that has the mystique of
having survived prolonged persecution by military and
civilian dictators. Support for Garcia never completely
disappeared. Over the years, his name has consistently
showed up at the low end of opinion polls.

Garcia swept into office in 1985 as Latin America's youngest
president at age 36, hailed in Peru as "the president of
hope" and abroad as "Latin America's Kennedy."

Initially, his policies produced an artificial economic
boom, but it fed on massive spending that depleted Peru's

He tried to nationalize the banking system and defiantly
limited foreign debt payments to 10 percent of export
earnings. Peru became a pariah among multinational lenders,
credit dried up and hyperinflation followed.

Analysts say the corruption charges against Garcia could be
eclipsed in Peruvian minds by the alleged money laundering,
influence peddling and illicit arms dealing that stained
Fujimori's decade in power.

"At this point, the public's memory is weak. People are
prone to forget the achievements of Fujimori's
administration," said Guillermo Loli, project coordinator at
the independent polling firm Apoyo. "At the same time, they
could be prone to forget the errors committed by the
government that came before Fujimori."

"Garcia should come back," said Mario Santos, 46, a coffee
exporter who lost his Education Ministry job during layoffs
under Fujimori's first administration. "For all of the
accusations made against Garcia, the corruption in
Fujimori's government was 20 times worse."

Some 6 million of Peru's nearly 15 million voters were too
young to vote when Garcia left power, and many older
Peruvians are worried they will be seduced by Garcia's

"Alan Garcia is a snake charmer," political scientist
Fernando Rospigliosi said. "One has to look not at his
words, what he says, what he promises, but at what he did.
What he did was form a corrupt and incompetent government
and make a disaster of the country. Garcia cannot change
those facts."

[CTRL] Taxpayers Subsidize Attacks on Ashcroft

2001-01-17 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Taxpayers Subsidize Attacks on Ashcroft
Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2001
Left-wing and liberal organizations, many of which have
coalesced to oppose the nomination of John Ashcroft as U.S.
attorney general, have received nearly $150 million in
taxpayer money to finance their operations since 1996,
according to a report by a Washington think tank.
Among the organizations benefiting from taxpayer largess are
National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood and
Sierra Club, along with labor powerhouses such as National
Education Association and American Federation of State,
County and Municipal Employees.

Data from the Federal Assistance Award Data System and
Internal Revenue Service records, studied by the Capital
Research Center, show that the amount of taxpayer funding
for these groups could exceed $150 million over four years
because funding data for some groups is missing for certain

The Capital Research Center is a think tank that specializes
in studying philanthropy and "non-profit organizations, with
a special focus on reviving the American traditions of
charity, philanthropy, and voluntarism," according to the
group's Web site.

NOW, Planned Parenthood, Sierra Club and other groups have
vowed to fight Ashcroft's nomination as attorney general,
and it's not certain the degree to which their anti-Ashcroft
efforts are being paid for with taxpayer money.

According to the CRC report, the pro-abortion group Planned
Parenthood received more than $27.2 million in federal tax
money in 1999, and NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund
received $623,970 in federal funds that year.


Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
Bush Administration

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: [NA] Big Media Clue: We’re Going to War

2001-01-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: Jim Condit Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 12:30 AM
Subject: [NA] Big Media Clue: We’re Going to War

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything."
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

January 16, 2001 NA (Network America) e-wire

Big Media Clue: We’re Going to War

Here is real time news analysis of a Big Media Clue that you will see
George W. Bush ordering America into war in the near future. It may be
as late as mid 2002 --- but I’m betting it will be later this year,
maybe in a few months.

Tonight at 10 PM CNN ran a program entitled “Unfinished War: A Decade
Since Desert Storm.”

Do you get it? Unfinished War. U-N-F-I-N-I-S-H-E-D. Get it. Somebody has
to finish it.

(At the same hour, Paula Zahn pushed the exact same line on FOX cable
news network’s “The Edge” program.)

This is one reason why the Ruling Elite MUST have computerized votefraud
as a stop gap to keep a Pat Buchanan out of the oval office. Buchanan
would never go for the stampede to war that is about to happen.
Incidentally, if you’re thinking that the 5 Big TV networks didn’t need
computerized votefraud to keep Buchanan down in 2000, you’re right. By
election day he was had been so censored by the coordinated Big Media
that many Buchanan supporters were switching to Bush.

BUT the Ruling Elite DID need computerized votefraud to make their polls
come true for a photo finish between Bush and Gore. Without the
assurance that they could manipulate the 100% computerized vote in
Florida to a hairline margin of victory, they couldn’t have published
all those “neck and neck” polls which stampeded millions of potential
Buchanan or Phillips supporters into the Bush camp by election day. As
we said in earlier e-wires, much more important than “Bush or Gore” was
killing the momentum of any independent 3rd Party movement.

The hour started off presenting “Saddam Hussein” as the consummate evil
leader. Hey, he’s pretty doggone evil! But guess who helped put him in
power 25 years ago? Our own C.I.A. And guess who gave Saddam the wink to
go into Kuwait in 1991, and made sure he was well armed in order to do
so? Why, it was President George Bush the Elder. Major papers in Europe,
especially in Great Britain, carried devastating articles proving that
the Bush administration had sold Saddam massive weaponry leading up to
the war. One publication which catalogued this documentation was
Criminal Politics magazine, which can be found at

Saddam has been a useful “bogeyman” to keep in power so that we can keep
going back into the middle east for more war. Why do “we”, that is, the
Ruling Elite want to be able to go into the Middle East for war
regularly? That full answer must be left for another e-wire.

Many might remember that the evil Madeleine Albright said when informed
that probably 500,000 Iraqi children would die due to the POST-WAR US
sanctions. Albright fiendishly hissed: “That’s a price I’m willing to
pay.” (My, my, Mrs. Albright, its looks like we’re beginning to stumble
towards numbers of ‘holocaust’ proportions here — you consummate

Incidentally, the CNN special reported that 500,000 Iraqi children had
already died due to US sanctions restricting medicines and imports that
could have rebuilt such things as the infrastructure to deliver clean
water. CNN reported also that no authority seriously disputes this
number of 500,000 dead Iraqi children since the END of Desert Storm due
to US sanctions. As far as I know, only Pat Buchanan spoke out about
this un-American outrage during the campaign. If Nader did, I didn’t
hear it.

Incidentally, it is possible that the next war against the Iraqi people
(using Saddam as the excuse) will be sparked by a limited germ-warfare
attack in the USA, which would be almost sure to galvanize US support
for a strike. If this should happen, listen up: Gary North has recently
published an important interview with an expert on colloidal silver.
Colloidal silver is available at health food stores, and you can also
buy little machines that make colloidal silver for about $200. Some say
that colloidal silver will be effective against even an anthrax attack.
I recommend you consider getting such an informational tape and decide
for yourself. Colloidal silver is said to work by latching on to the
receptors of invading organisms in our bodies, making it impossible for
those hostile organisms to hook onto our good cells. I pass this along
for your responsible investigation. Do not make any final conclusions
based on this short attempt at a summary.

On another front: the demonstrations against the Sharon-Netanyahu
warmonger machine in Israel have reached all time highs in the last two
years. Leading Jewish intellectuals such as MIT professor Naom Chomsky
are openly opposing the direction of the policies represented by
Sharon-Netanyahu. I am 

[CTRL] Automobiles more deadly than guns.... Teddy knows that......

2001-01-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Feinstein - the Holy Woman - she cashed in on Ryan being murdered -
remember Jonestown?

And Teddy we forgive him so much - but how can he be so stupid - and
then I remember, he got caught cheating on examination in college was it
- he hired a smart guy to take his test and got caught?

So can still overloot Teddy's rampage - but you know I still remember
when he called Jean Dixon's boos and sent letter advising Hearst and
King features to keep his name and his family's name out of her

Had JFK had some secret service awake on the job, he would still most
likely be here today.but they too were too busy drinking in the bars
late at night and came to work with hangovers.the guard was down.

Note the security Clinton and Gore had.and little Madeline it is
unsafe for her to go out in street .. some big bad Arab might get
(with Uzi made in Israel?)

So we see Black Panthers loosed upon George Bush and his wifeand Al
Sharpton and Jesse Jackson attempting to loose savages once again on
white America.

So guess Teddy has finally taken a stand out of fear..afraid of
losing the black vote.

We have to keep white american working overtime to support these
albatross on our backs in and out of government.

As Rap Brown said "Getta Gun"..white male American has taken his
advice, to keep your powder dry - the march to Mt. Nebo has begun.

We need an Attorney General with some guts and who will speak what
others fear to say.


Start here www.  .com

Ashcroft assailed for gun views
Sen. Ted Kennedy lashes out at John Ashcroft Wednesday.
Round 1 of the Ashcroft hearings was civil, but there were some heated
moments. NBC's Lisa Myers reports.
MSNBCWASHINGTON, Jan. 17 —   Attorney
General-designee John Ashcroft faced a barrage of criticism Wednesday at
his confirmation hearing for his conservative views. The harshest attack
was by Sen. Ted Kennedy, who said Ashcroft "owes an apology" to the
nation for his opposition to gun control.

Click the image to watch the second day of the Ashcroft hearing live on
   KENNEDY, D-MASS., described his former Senate colleague
as "far out of the mainstream," especially in his opposition to gun
controls and for having encouraged Americans to bear arms to protect
themselves against a "tyrannical" government.
   "I think this nominee owes an apology to the people of
the United States for that insinuation," Kennedy shouted before the
Senate Judiciary Committee, "talking about our government now being a
source of tyrannical oppression."
   A grim-faced Ashcroft sat silently through the tongue
lashing and did not respond afterward.
   Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., pressed Ashcroft on his
anti-abortion views, asking him why he believes there would be no need
to exempt rape victims from a ban on abortion.
   Ashcroft did not directly answer and instead said he had
"sought in a number of ways throughout the years to reduce and curtail
the abortion of unborn children" and had voted several times for broad
   Asked if he would try to undermine the 1973 Roe vs. Wade
decision legalizing abortion, Ashcroft said the Supreme Court has
clearly demonstrated its unwillingness to revisit the case. He added
that asking the solicitor general that would rank under him to petition
the Supreme Court for a different ruling on abortion would undermine the
Justice Department's standing before the court.
George W. BushismsA Charge to Keep, by George W. BushShrub: The Short
but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush
   Feinstein also questioned Ashcroft on why he opposed her
efforts to make several gun crimes subject to racketeering laws, giving
authorities the power to seize the assets of drug and violent gangs.
   "I don't believe the Second Amendment to be one that
forbids any regulation of guns," Ashcroft said. He said he opposed
Feinstein's measure after the American Civil Liberties Union and others
cited government abuses of the racketeering laws to seize defendants'
   Earlier, Ashcroft was chastised about his comment while
running for president in 1998 that "there are two things you find in the
middle of the road: a moderate and a dead skunk." Ashcroft said the
statement was meant to be a humorous way to emphasize his conservatism.
   Ashcroft said that, as attorney general, he would be
willing to compromise with political foes. He recalled that when he led
the National Association of State Attorneys General, "I understood I had
to sacrifice some of my advocacy roles."

Printable version
Source: CQ Researcher; John Garraty: The American Nation; Encyclopedia

   While they expressed alarm about Ashcroft's past
rhetoric, Democrats conceded they expect him to win Senate approval.
   "You are likely to be confirmed, as we all know," Sen.
Herb Kohl, D-Wis., said as the Senate Judiciary Committee held 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: WARNING: New date rape drug used against men...

2001-01-17 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 All girls have to do is buy a "BEER" or two for almost any guy
 and then simply ask the guy home for no-strings-attached sex.
 Men are rendered  literally helpless against such tactics.

 Sure are, but the beer would have to be a good one.  I may be easy but I
 ain't cheap.

I agree. Warm beer just wont work on me (unless it is English Ale).

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Position Paper of Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation

2001-01-17 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

[DRAFT #BG-12-1-98]
Note:  This position paper has been partially updated from
original 1992 version, but the updating is not yet complete.
suggested corrections, questions and comments should be
directed to Brenda
Grantland by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED],
by snail mail to Brenda Grantland, 20 Sunnyside, Suite A-204, Mill
CA 94941.  Or call 415-380-9108, or fax to 415-331-3696.
Position Paper of Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation

F.E.A.R.'s Proposal For Reform

Forfeiture Endangers American
Rights Foundation
P.O. Box 15421
Washington, D.C. 20003


Police and prosecutors describe civil asset forfeiture as "The Greatest
Single Weapon In The War Against Drugs." They proclaim to the legislatures
that "it hits drug dealers where it hurts -- in the pocketbooks," and that

it "takes the profits out of crime, and gives them to the police."

In truth, civil forfeiture laws allow police to confiscate private
property without having to pay for it, and without even having to arrest
anyone, much less prove the property owner guilty of any crime.

Under current federal law and the law of most states, civil asset forfeiture allows 
the police to keep what they seize and forfeit. Not only do they
get to keep it, but for the most part, they don't have to account for it
And even if they account for it, generally no one looks into where they
got it, or what they did with it.

The Evolution of Abusive Forfeiture Laws

Until 1984, civil asset forfeiture was so rare that few Americans had
ever heard of it. Even now most Americans don't know what it means, even
when it has become so widespread as to generate half a billion dollars
a year
in revenue for the Department of Justice alone -- close to a billion
a year between all the federal agencies.

Since Colonial times, forfeitures were disfavored in America. The forfeiture practices 
of England against the colonies were one of the reasons for the Revolutionary War.

Forfeitures for customs violations have always been allowed. Undeclared, counterfeit, 
or contraband goods coming across the U.S. have always been subject to confiscation 
without compensation to the property owner. U.S. ci
tizens do not possess constitutional rights outside U.S. borders, and
have no right to bring anything into the country. But the situation is
very different when these same laws are applied to activities occurring
inside t
he U.S. - where constitutional guarantees are supposed to apply.

The "Orwellian Amendments"

In 1984, Congress catapulted asset forfeiture into the political landscape,
with the passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill, which drastically changed the
federal forfeiture laws. The bill vastly expanded the forfeiture laws a
to drug offenses. It mimicked the Customs laws by making the process "in
rem", which means against the property itself instead of against its' owner.
It used the "in rem" label as an exception to basic constitut
ional principles
as it took away any semblence of due process for the hapless forfeiture

Since 1984, the forfeiture laws have been drastically expanded for use
inside U.S. borders, for any purpose that law enforcement could come up
with -- as the "War Against Drugs," recently renamed the "War Against Crime"
- overtook America. Now, according to Justice Department Asset Forfeiture Chief, Cary 
Copeland, there are over 200 federal forfeiture statutes, allowing confiscation of 
private property without compensation for federal "o
ffenses" ranging from drug crimes and bank or mail fraud to: making a false statement 
on a bank loan application, killing an endangered species of rat on your
own land, collecting feathers of migratory birds such as sea g
ulls, or
failing to report to the IRS the purchase of over $3000 in money orders
within 24 hours or a cash sale involving over $10,000.

In the effort to fight the bogeyman, "Drugs" or "Crime," the police
said they needed to obtain powers not permitted by the Constitution. In
exchange the police promised they would take the incentive out of crime
-- or "hi
t the drug dealer where it hurts, in the pocketbooks" -- their
reasoning went. The police would take the profits criminals made off crime,
funnel them back into law enforcement efforts, and soon would conquer "Crime."

The theory sounded good on paper and in television sound bites. But
"Crime" is an inseperable part of human civilization; although it can be
deterred, and should be punished, it is not eradicable.

What was not considered in the 1984 Omnibus Crime Bill's radical restructuring
of federal law enforcement priorities and power, was the fact that shifting
the lure of assets from criminals to the police would tend to corr
upt the
police -- and that it would shift law enforcement priorities away 

[CTRL] Colombia effort raises fears of another Vietnam

2001-01-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Monday, 15 January 2001

Colombia effort raises fears of another Vietnam

By Eric Rosenberg

WASHINGTON - With critics of growing U.S. military involvement in Colombia
warning that another Vietnam may be just around the corner, U.S. Army
Special Forces are preparing Colombian military units to launch a sweeping
offensive, aimed at eradicating coca and poppy fields and destroying the
jungle laboratories that turn the crops into cocaine and heroin.

The plan calls for three battalions of Colombian commandos - using
U.S.-supplied helicopters, weapons and intelligence - to crush that
nation's drug trade over a five-year period. Critics, citing the gradual
U.S. escalation of the Vietnam War, warn that these steps could lead to
deep American involvement in a bloody civil war in Colombia.

U.S. Army advisers have trained two of the battalions, and a third will be
ready for deployment in April. The arrival this month of combat
helicopters - first of a fleet of 33 H-1N Hueys and then 16 advanced
Blackhawk helicopters beginning in July - will presage the kickoff of the
offensive, U.S. officials say.

Congressional skittishness over U.S. troops being drawn into a battle with
heavily armed narco-guerillas is one reason that Defense Secretary William
Cohen has ordered the U.S. forces training Colombian troops in the Amazon
jungle to stay clear from combat. The Americans are there only to train,
not to participate in what is known as Plan Colombia.

Those concerns are typified by Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., who argues
the United States could get sucked into a Vietnam-style entanglement.

"It would be a tragic mistake for us to get involved in this civil war,"
he said.

Still, U.S. and Colombian officials are heralding Plan Colombia as a key
step toward eliminating the source of much of the drugs that enter the
United States and the economic means by which a guerrilla insurgency there
has been funded.

The overall goal of Plan Columbia is to hold coca production steady by the
end of 2001 and to cut it in half over five years.

The effort is part of a $7.5 billion international aid program conceived
in 1999 by both governments. In addition to using Colombian army troops to
close down drug laboratories, the project includes funding to wean
impoverished farmers and peasants from planting the profitable drug crops.

Of the total aid package, Colombia hopes that $3.5 billion will come from
countries with a strong interest in shutting down the drug trade there.

But so far only the United States has kicked in a major sum: $1.3 billion
authorized by Congress last summer, aimed mainly at buying military
equipment and training Colombians.

Plan Colombia, with its direct U.S. training, represents a major
escalation in the U.S.-Colombia military relationship. For more than 40
years, the United States and Colombia have had some military-to-military
contacts, with a steady increase beginning in the late 1980s in an effort
to curtail drug cartels. The Pentagon, which has had ground-based radars
in Colombia since the early 1990s, has been sharing intelligence with
Colombian counterparts for several years. And the United States already
has funded Colombian interdiction efforts in an unsuccessful attempt to
curtail the drug supply.

While the U.S. military and law enforcement have worked alongside other
South American countries - notably Peru and Bolivia - to curtail their
drug fields and illicit drug supplies, Colombia is in an entirely
different league.

Colombia is the world's leading cultivator of coca and the source of most
of the cocaine and much of the heroin entering the United States. The U.S.
Drug Enforcement Administration says net coca cultivation in Colombia has
more than doubled, from 120,000 acres in 1995 to 294,000 acres in 1999.

Colombia, about the size of Texas, New Mexico and Arkansas combined, has
the distinction of producing about 70 percent of the world's cocaine base.

But eliminating the drug supply in Colombia is compounded by the desperate
predicament in South America's second-largest country. Colombia is in
virtual chaos: It is wracked by the worst recession there in decades, with
the central government in Bogot facing armed insurrection from all
directions and with rebels taking an increasing role in the production and
distribution of drugs.

U.S. officials fear that left unchecked, Colombia will sink into
"narco-state" status - a condition in which the nation's rebels, powered
by drug revenues, will overwhelm the democratically elected government and
its institutions.

Colombia has been wracked by civil war for more than 36 years, and most
all warring parties, including the military, have been accused of
human-rights abuses.

As much as 40 percent of Colombia is controlled by 20,000 left-wing
insurgents known as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC,
the largest rebel army in the Americas.

As an indication of the FARC's growing drug 

Re: [CTRL] England still owns America?

2001-01-17 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

John Cone wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

   --- Mike Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Nakano Comments:
  Shortly after Bill Clinton was elected President
  for the first time, British Prime Minister Tony
   Blair made a state visit to the White House.
  When the two national leaders held a joint news
  conference in the White House, two speaker's podiums
  were at the front of the room with a red carpet
  running to each.
  The U.S. Flag was beside one podium.
  The British Flag was beside the other.
  Tony Blair spoke from the podium with the
  U.S. Flag while Clinton spoke from the podium
  with the British flag.
  I have often wondered in this was symbolic of
  something, or if it meant nothing at all.

Go here and do a little reading.  You may find something of interest.


Mark McHugh

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [CCNN] Even The Liberal Washington Post Call's Clinton a Do-Nothing President

2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, January 08, 2001 11:46 PM
Subject: [CCNN] Even The Liberal Washington Post Call's Clinton a Do-Nothing

President Do-Nothing

By Robert J. Samuelson

Wednesday, January 3, 2001; Page A17

The Clinton paradox is this: Rarely has a president so dominated the
public stage and so little affected the public agenda. His central
failure lay not in what he did -- which wasn't much -- but in what he
deliberately avoided. As the first baby boomer president, he had a
historic opportunity to prepare for his own generation's
retirement. The task was to redraw the political compact between
workers and retirees by modernizing Social Security and
Medicare. Clinton didn't try, and worse, he consistently obstructed
others in both parties who did.

A lot happens in eight years. Clinton can be fairly judged only on
what he changed -- or might have. Does anyone honestly believe he
caused the drop in crime? As for the economic boom, it was largely
self-propelled. Clinton's main contribution was to stand clear. The
story is the same for the surprising budget surpluses. Two events
beyond Clinton's making (or Congress's proved decisive: the end of the
Cold War, which justified deep defense cuts; and the boom, which
produced an unexpected tax windfall.

Here are some instructive numbers. In fiscal 2000, the federal budget
surplus was $237 billion. Meanwhile, defense spending dropped from 5
percent to 3 percent of gross domestic product (national income) from
1992 to 2000. At present income levels, that represents about a $200
billion annual saving. The Congressional Budget Office has similarly
put the surprise tax windfall at about 2 percent of GDP, another $200

Elsewhere, Clinton mostly tinkered with government. He expanded tax
relief for the working poor by increasing the earned income tax
credit. This was good. But he also effectively destroyed the Tax
Reform Act of 1986, and that was bad. (The 1986 law simplified taxes
by lowering rates and reducing special breaks. Clinton raised rates
and increased tax breaks -- now called "targeted tax cuts." Taxes
became more complex and capricious.) Some trumpeted Clinton
achievements depended on Republican congressional support -- the North
American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico, welfare "reform" and the
agreement to admit China to the World Trade Organization. History will
judge these and other presidential efforts, including Clinton's
attempt to mediate peace in the Mideast.

Presidential activism isn't an automatic virtue. Clinton's modest
record might, in some circumstances, amount to wise
self-restraint. But his resolute refusal to deal intelligently with
Social Security and Medicare constitutes an unpardonable lapse. As a
nation, we rarely have a chance to defuse major future problems. The
impending retirement of the baby boom generation provided just such an

We already know much of what we need to know: that the over-65
population will soon balloon; that Social Security and Medicare
already represent 40 percent of non-interest federal spending; and
that this spending must, with present benefits, rise dramatically.

We also know that Social Security and Medicare have evolved well
beyond their original purpose as a safety net for the needy
elderly. They have become a public subsidy for retirement, although
many retirees are increasingly healthy and wealthy. Finally, we know
that the retirement subsidies come mostly from the taxes of workers
who consist heavily of retirees' children and grandchildren.

Questions -- economic, social and moral -- arise. Might high
retirement benefits harm the economy or crowd out other important
government spending? If not all promised benefits are affordable,
would it be fair -- sometime in the future -- to cut them abruptly? If
benefits are affordable, is it morally defensible for older and
wealthier retirees to be so heavily subsidized by younger and often
poorer workers?

The obvious need was to temper the predictable pressures: to raise
eligibility ages slowly to reflect longer life expectancy; to trim
(but not eliminate) benefits for higher-income retirees; to enact
Medicare cost-sharing measures that encourage the prudent use of
health care. The broader need was to make it safe politically to
discuss these issues without being portrayed as an ogre who loathed

The circumstances for this conversion could not have been more
favorable, especially in Clinton's second term. The country was
enjoying an economic boom. The president was articulate and understood
the issues. As a Democrat, his loyalty to Social Security and Medicare
-- created by Democratic presidents and Congresses -- was
unassailable. He 

[CTRL] Same old shit, different bottle. Foreign policy doesn't change.

2001-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

DemocRAT or Republican. Liberal or Conservative. It's all phony.
The REAL dichotomy is International Corporate Capitalism and


Sources:  Reuters  |  AP  |  AP U.S.  |

Wednesday January 17 12:06 PM ET
Powell Outlines Cautious New Foreign Policy

By Jonathan Wright

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State-designate
Colin Powell laid out a cautious new foreign policy
for the United States on Wednesday, based on
engagement with the world in line with U.S. ``national

``There is no inclination whatsoever to have our
nation withdraw from the world into a fortress of
protectionism or an island of isolation,'' Powell told
the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee at a hearing on his

``We must be involved according to our national
interests and not in some haphazard way that seems
more dictated by the crisis of the day than by
thoughtful foreign policy,'' added Powell, who is
expected to take office with President-elect George W.
Bush on Saturday.

The committee and later the full Senate are expected
to give Powell, a former chairman of the joint chiefs
of staff, an easy passage toward confirmation.

Sen. Joseph Biden, a Delaware Democrat and the
committee chairman, said: ``Without question Gen.
Powell's experience ... makes him well qualified to be
secretary of state, and I have no doubt, general, that
you will be confirmed.''

In a 24-page speech prepared for the hearing, Powell
endorsed many of the foreign policy initiatives of the
outgoing Clinton administration but promised reviews
policy specifically on North Korea, national missile
defense, sanctions against Iraq and U.S. forces in the

Speaking by coincidence on the 10th anniversary of the
start of the Gulf War against Iraq, in which the
general played a leading part, he noted that
Bush wants to ''re-energize the sanctions regime''
against the government of Iraqi President Saddam

Review Of Balkan Deployments

``We need to be vigilant, ready to respond to
provocations, and utterly steadfast in our policy
toward Saddam Hussein, and we need to be supportive of
efforts,'' he added.

Several Bush advisers want the new administration to
increase its support for the opposition Iraqi National
Congress, to which the Clinton administration gave
amounts of money but no military assistance.

On the Balkans, the policy area on which the Bush team
have most alarmed Washington's European allies, Powell
stepped back from suggestions that Bush would
withdraw U.S. forces from Kosovo and Bosnia

``President-elect Bush has promised to look closely at
our commitments in the Balkans, with the hope of
reducing our troop levels there over time and in
with our allies. This will be part of a much more
comprehensive review of all of our commitments,'' he

Biden said he favored the Balkan deployment. ``It
would be a serious mistake to withdraw our forces from
the Balkans. We should stay the course,'' he said.

The general, whose policy hallmark has been his
opposition to deploying U.S. forces on too many
marginal peacekeeping missions, said the U.S. military
was unique
in its mobility and ability to apply decisive force
wherever it wants.

``Tying down such forces is often imprudent. We need
to consider these points whenever we feel the need to
use our armed forces for peace operations that
promise long or undetermined duration,'' he added.

China A Competitor

Powell broke little new ground on either Russia or
China -- the two big powers which most preoccupy the
United States.

He described China as ``a competitor and a potential
regional rival, but also a trading partner''. ``But
China is not an enemy and our challenge is to keep it
that way,''
he added.

He reiterated Washington's longstanding commitment to
the ''one China'' principle, opposed reunification of
China and Taiwan by force and promised to provide for
Taiwan's defense needs, as Washington has done for
many years.

On Russia, he said that the relationship could be
strong and successful only if Russia pursues domestic
reform, establishing the rule of law, rooting out
corruption and
stopping the proliferation of missile technology.

But the Bush administration considers the
Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty with Russia to be
``no longer relevant to our new strategic framework''
and does not
plan to ask the Senate to ratify the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty. The Senate turned the treaty down
under Clinton.

Powell had stern words for North Korean leader Kim
Jong-il, calling him a dictator who fields far more
troops than he needs to meet any conceivable threat.

Powell's predecessor, outgoing Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright met Kim in October as part of a
gradual attempt to bring North Korea out of its

``We will review thoroughly our relationship with the
North Koreans, 

[CTRL] [Fwd: [Activist_List] U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo]

2001-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [Activist_List] U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo
Date: 17 Jan 2001 18:25:51 -
From: "Eric Stewart" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: "Activist Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Activist Mailing List -

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U.S. Military and Corporate Recolonization of the Congo

by Ellen Ray

The United States’ involvement in Congo since before independence from Belgium in
June 1960 has been steady, sinister, and penetrating. Most notable was the CIA’s
role in the overthrow (September 1960) and later assassination (January 1961) of
Congo’s first Prime Minister, the charismatic (and socialist) Patrice Lumumba. The
full extent of U.S. machinations was not known for years,1 but the failure at the
time of the United Nations to protect Lumumba was patent. And questions continue
to linger over the mysterious plane crash in September 1961 that killed U.N.
Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold as he was flying to the border town of Ndola to
meet with Moise Tshombe, president of the breakaway Katanga Province. The plane
fell from the sky, killing all aboard.2 Is it any wonder that in Congo today there
is little trust of Washington or respect for the United Nations?


In October 1996, the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of
Congo-Zaire (ADFL), commanded by and composed mainly of Tutsi military forces from
Paul Kagame’s Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA), along with Tutsi refugees from Zaire
and some Congolese patriots,3 all under the titular leadership of Congolese exile
Laurent Kabila, crossed into Zaire from Rwanda and Burundi. In May 1997, after
only seven months of fighting, they had overthrown the 30-year dictatorship of
Mobutu Sese Seko.4 While marching west across the vast expanse of the country,
divisions of this army had wreaked terrible vengeance on the Rwandan Hutu exiles
encamped since 1994 in eastern Zaire, where they had been driven from Rwanda by
the RPA on the heels of the horrendous massacre of hundreds of thousands of
Rwandan Tutsis, encouraged and supervised by extremists in the Hutu-dominated

In Kinshasa, with Kabila named President, key cabinet posts and the new Congo army
and security forces were immediately staffed at the highest levels by Rwandan

By July 1998, Kabila realized that the Congolese people would not support the
excesses of the Rwandan "foreigners" throughout their government. He also
recognized the extent to which he had become a puppet of his Tutsi "allies," and
after confirmed reports of atrocities by Tutsi military against Hutu exiles in the
east, and later in the west of the country, had become too prevalent to ignore,
and after he had uncovered an apparent Rwandan plot to assassinate him and stage a
coup in Congo, Kabila ordered the Rwandans to leave.

Less than a week later, on August 2, 1998, Ugandan and Rwandan regular troops
invaded Congo with regrouped, well-trained rebel forces, and began the war to
overthrow Kabila that goes on to this day, despite a shaky, much-violated,
U.S.-supported cease-fire. Rwandans and Ugandans control most of the east of the
country, and there has been a de facto partition, a gross violation of Congolese

Yet Rwanda is a tiny, impoverished nation, and Uganda is not much larger or
richer, while Congo is one of the largest, richest, and most populous nations in
Africa, which at one time had its most powerful army. How did this happen? Could
impoverished Rwanda and Uganda have orchestrated, armed, and financed such
operations on their own?

Is it a coincidence that Rwandan strongman Paul Kagame was trained in the United
States?5 That the Rwandan army received, and continues to receive, training in the
U.S.? That the Pentagon has had Special Forces military training missions in
Rwanda and Uganda for more than five years? That vast segments of the Congolese
infrastructure, particularly the mining companies,6 have been taken over by U.S.-
and western-linked multinationals, working with the Rwandan and Ugandan rebels and

The U.S. Role

The Mobutu era began with ardent U.S. support, financial and military. From 1965
to 1991, Zaire received more than $1.5 billion in U.S. economic and military aid.7
In return, U.S. multinationals increased their share of the ownership of Zaire’s
fabulous mineral wealth.8 On the foreign policy front, Zaire was a bastion of
anti-communism during the Cold War, in the center of a continent Washington saw as
perilously close to Moscow’s influence. As the State Department put it, "Zaire has
been a stabilizing force and a staunch supporter of U.S. and western

[CTRL] Lawsuit Could Reopen Watergate

2001-01-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

What Would Deep Throat Say?
Lawsuit Could Reopen Watergate
Associated Press

A defamation suit went to trial Tuesday that could reopen the Watergate
scandal and bring some of its major figures back into court. The lawsuit
was brought by a former secretary for the Democratic National Committee.
She is seeking $5.1 million from G. Gordon Liddy for claiming that the
burglars who broke into DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex were
looking for photographs that could link John Dean's future wife to a
call-girl ring.

Why Journalists' Confidential Sources Deserve More Legal Protection
By FindLaw columnist Julie Hilden

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Big Oil and the Bush League

2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman
Title: Big Oil and the Bush League

-Original Message-From: 
Tuesday, January 09, 2001 10:48 AMSubject: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] 
Big Oil and the Bush League
Do you have anything on Gore's Occidental Petroleum 
connection and the release of reserves and the exploitation of the native 
population and rain forests in South America that started with his communist 
upbringing under his mentor Armand Hammer? Just hoping you might since 
you have so much on the subject of oil. ;)
- Original Message - 
From: ThePiedPiper 
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:26 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Big Oil and the Bush League-- 


2001-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Several years ago in a mexican resturant in down town L.A. , Elvis appeared
 to the faithful on a corn tortilla.

Holy shit!

 In a message dated 1/17/01 6:07:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hey! I saw HIM too. All the way from here. HE had a beard and looked a lot
  like Jeffery Hunter right?

 The best one I read about was regarding a Mexican family who had immigrated
 to Texas, who saw an image of
 Jesus in a piece of toast that popped out of their toaster, and who
 immediately set up a shrine to the toast,
 visited by thousands of the faithful.

I was one of those faithful. I walked all the way from Australia to kneel
before the Holy Toast. The Holy Toast heeled my aching feet.

It was a fucking miracle!

I don't eat toast anymore. Too Catholic.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Chao has ties to Lippo Group

2001-01-17 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Chao has ties to Lippo Group
Sits on board of insurer that co-owns subsidiary with Chinese
By Paul Sperry
WASHINGTON -- A review of financial assets held over the past six
years by Elaine L. Chao and her husband, Kentucky Sen. Mitch
McConnell, reveals that the Labor secretary-designate serves as
director of an insurance
company that jointly owns a Lippo Group subsidiary with the
Chinese government.

Indonesia-based Lippo is controlled by the Riady family and is at
the center of the Chinagate fund-raising scandal.

Lippo chief executive James T. Riady has agreed to plead guilty to
a felony charge of defrauding the U.S. government. Prosecutors
say he funneled foreign donations to the campaigns of Bill Clinton
and other politicians.

Lippo's man in the U.S., John Huang, was convicted of campaign
fraud in 1999.

Senate financial-disclosure records show that, over the past four
years, Chao has held a seat on the board of Protective Life Corp.,
which owns 50 percent of CRC Protective Life Insurance. Lippo co-
owns the rest of the Hong Kong-based unit with China Resources
Holdings Co., an intelligence-gathering front company for China's
People's Liberation Army.

Chao owns more than 7,000 shares of Birmingham, Ala.-based
Protective Life Corp., public securities records show.

The $1.4 billion-in-sales insurer sought out the joint venture in
1994, with the goal of underwriting policies in southern China.

To "solidify" the deal, a company director, William B. Blount, wrote
Vice President Al Gore a letter seeking the administration's
support. The company also lobbied Commerce Department officials
for their support.

Gore, in turn, sent a letter to Riady, congratulating him on the
partnership. And Huang, then a Commerce official with a glaring
conflict, nonetheless helped put the venture on the list of federally
backed projects.

Meanwhile, Protective Life gave $50,000 to the Democratic National

The Chinese government subsequently took a stake in the venture.

Critics of Chao's nomination worry that her ties to Chinese
business interests present a conflict. Her China-born father, James
S.C. Chao, has a cozy relationship with Beijing's Communist Party
leader, and owns a shipping company that does business with the
Chinese government.

"I worry about Elaine Chao's business relationship with communist
China," Chinese dissident Hongda "Harry" Wu told WorldNetDaily.
As a Cabinet member, Chao would have top-level clearance to U.S.
trade and military secrets.

Sequestered from the press until after her confirmation hearings,
she was not available for comment.

The Senate Health, Education and Labor Committee has
not yet set a date for hearings. GOP Sen. James Jeffords and
Democratic Sen. Edward Kennedy head the

Chao's Lippo ties don't end there.

Her husband, McConnell, has received steady campaign
contributions during his years in the Senate from Lippo partner
American International Group Inc., and its chairman, Maurice
"Hank" Greenberg.

Last year, the New York-based insurer bought 5 percent of Lippo
Life and 70 percent of its unit, PT Asuransi Jiwa Lippo Utama, for
about $200 million.

AIG also has business ventures in China, recently opening its
fourth office on the mainland. In fact, $40 billion-in-sales AIG was
the first foreign company allowed to sell insurance in China.

Besides thousands in donations, McConnell also got $2,000 from
AIG for a 1995 speech he gave in New York, his financial records
show, though he says he gave it to charity.

McConnell hasn't been shy about supporting AIG.

He rushed to its side in 1987, for example, to spare it from having
to pay claims on the policy it underwrote on the U.S. Embassy in
Moscow. The bugged building had to be rebuilt.

And he is China's biggest Republican booster in the Senate,
fighting to liberalize trade with Beijing, which is one of Greenberg's
hobby horses.

Greenberg, former chairman of the U.S.-China Business Council,
has lobbied hard -- and successfully -- to sever the link between
China's human-rights and missile-proliferation records and its most-
favored-nation trade status. (He was, incidentally, one of President
Clinton's candidates in 1995 to be CIA director.)

AIG's international advisory board is headed by Henry A. Kissinger,
the leading pro-China lobbyist in Washington.

Greenberg, a Heritage Foundation donor, was so forceful in his
efforts to secure permanent trade benefits for China that he
threatened to cut off funding to the conservative think tank if it didn't
tone down its concerns about China's growing military threat.

Chao, also an outspoken China trade booster, is Heritage's top
Asian studies adviser and a distinguished fellow.

The Huang connection
Chao and former Lippo executive Huang are no strangers.

In 1993, when Chao was taking over as United Way 

Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based on falsedata'??)

2001-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Ynr Chyldz Wyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Frozen Mastodons with undigested food in their stomachs are really intriguing

 Speaking of which, whatever became of the mastadon they showed on a documentary a 
few months ago, which was
 excavated intact in one huge block of ice, and shown being airlifted by helicopter 
out of the site?  Weren't
 they supposed to bring it somewhere to study it?  At the time, there was much 
speculation regarding whether
 there might be enough viable DNA to attempt cloning it...


It disintegrated en-route due to global warming.


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[CTRL] Starr Deputy Thinks Clinton's Indictment Is 'Going to Happen'

2001-01-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2001 10:28 a.m. EST

Starr Deputy Thinks Clinton's Indictment Is 'Going to Happen'

Solomon Wisenberg, a former deputy independent counsel under Kenneth Starr,
predicted Monday night that President Clinton will be indicted by Starr's
successor Robert Ray shortly after he leaves office.

"I think that it's going to happen," Wisenberg told Fox News Channel's Bill
O'Reilly, who was gauging the likelihood of the first indictment of a U.S.
president in history.

"I think the odds are pretty good," added the one-time Starr confidante.

"Certainly [Ray's] office has been sending signals that at a minimum it is
going to be presented to the grand jury. And I think that it's going to

Wisenberg is the first Starr insider to go public with an on-the-record
prediction that Clinton will be prosecuted.

And as one of the former independent counsel's key investigators, Wisenberg
knows a thing or two about the mindset of the team that will decide the
future of the soon-to-be ex-president.

Starr asked Wisenberg to become his deputy at the outset of his Lewinsky
probe. But the top lawyer didn't accept till March 1998.

From there, Wisenberg oversaw the operation of Starr's grand jury, presiding
over the testimony of such key witnesses as Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinsky and
Lewinsky's mother Marcia Lewis.

In fact, it was Wisenberg who prompted the most famous quote of entire
Sexgate imbroglio.

While grilling Clinton before the grand jury in August 1998, the Starr deputy
pressed him on whether his denials of sex with Lewinsky were false.

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is," Clinton told Wisenberg.

The ex-prosecutor told Fox News that he didn't think the fact that Ray's
grand jury was drawn from predominantly black, Democratic Washington, D.C.,
made Clinton's prosecution any less likely.

"I think it's something of a racist assumption there that D.C. juries and
grand juries will ignore evidence because of their political persuasion," he

If anything, Clinton's conduct since his impeachment has made his indictment
even more likely, Starr's deputy maintained.

"I do think that if the president had shown an ounce of remorse since his
acquittal in the impeachment proceeding, that might have affected how Bob Ray
thinks," said Wisenberg.

"But he's done nothing whatsoever to acknowledge his obstruction of the
judicial process."

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[CTRL] Is U.S. hiding Arafat murders?

2001-01-17 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Is U.S. hiding
Arafat murders?
Ex-NSA op blows whistle in ’73 killings
of American diplomats in Sudan embassy
By Joseph Farah
On Feb. 28, 1973, James J. Welsh, the National Security Agency's
Palestinian analyst, was summoned by a colleague about a
communication intercepted from Yasser Arafat involving an
imminent Black September operation in Khartoum, Sudan.

Within minutes, Welsh recalls, the director of the NSA was notified
and the decision was made to send a rare "FLASH" message --
the highest priority -- to the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum via the
State Department.

But the message didn't reach the embassy in time. Somewhere
between the NSA and the State Department, someone decided the
warning was too vague. The alert was downgraded in urgency.

The next day, eight members of Black September, part of Arafat's
Fatah organization, stormed the Saudi embassy in Khartoum, took
U.S. Ambassador Cleo Noel, diplomat Charge d'Affaires George
Curtis Moore and others hostage. A day later, on March 2, 1973,
Noel, Moore and Belgian Guy Eid were machine-gunned to death --
all, Welsh charges, on the direct orders of Arafat.

Welsh, who left the Navy and NSA in 1974, speaking publicly for
the first time to WorldNetDaily, accuses the U.S. government of a
28-year-old cover-up of Arafat's role in the planning and execution
of the attack.

"Over the years I have kept my silence about what I know about
this tragic episode," Welsh told WorldNetDaily. "But recently I
began to wonder how recent administrations could overlook
something as terrible as this in our dealings with Yasser Arafat."

When President Clinton invited Arafat to the White House for direct
negotiations on the Middle East, Welsh says, that was the last
straw. He has been on a personal one-man mission to uncover the
tape recordings and transcripts of those intercepts between Arafat
and Fatah leader Salah Khalaf, also known as Abu-Iyad, in Beirut
and Khalil al-Wazir in Khartoum.

So far, Welsh has not found many allies among members of the
U.S. Congress -- in either party.

"No one wants to touch this thing," Welsh says. "It's a hot potato.
No one wants to be responsible for derailing the Mideast peace

But Welsh thinks the American people, who are footing much of
the bill for Arafat's current activities, have a right to know about his
personal responsibility for the murder of two Americans. And he is
the first American involved directly in the affair to charge publicly
what has long been rumored -- that Arafat ordered the embassy
takeover and the murders of the American diplomats.

"I have decided that my oaths of secrecy must give way to my
sense of right and wrong," he told WorldNetDaily. "I was
particularly outraged as I had spent four years following these
individuals and, at the moment of our g
reatest intelligence coup against them, an uninformed GS level had pooh-poohed our 
work and cost the lives of two U.S. diplomats," he recalls.

Welsh immediately began demanding answers about the breakdown in communication that 
led to the tragedy.

"After some effort, I was told that the choice was mine: Shut up or lose my clearance 
and get ready for Fleet Oiler duty within 48 hours," he said. "I gave in."

Welsh believes the initial cover-up of the communications breakdown and the role of 
Arafat was launched to prevent embarrassment to the State Department and White House. 
President Nixon, he points out, was in the death th
roes of the Watergate scandal at the time. The last thing he needed, Welsh speculates, 
was an international scandal to deal with on the front page of the Washington Post.

Later, after Nixon was gone, Welsh believes the whole matter of the Arafat tapes was 
kept quiet to protect the future viability of signals intelligence intercepts of this 
kind. And, finally, he says, the cover-up persists
 to foster Arafat's role as a "peacemaker" and leader of the Palestinian cause.

"Yet, there is no statute of limitations on murder," Welsh says. "Obviously the United 
States cannot go after Yasser Arafat and put him on trial. But the American people 
deserve to know the truth about a man and his assoc
iates to whom we now give millions, if not billions of taxpayer dollars."

In fact, in 1985 and 1986, Congress requested then-Attorney General Ed Meese to 
investigate Arafat's complicity in the murders of the diplomats.

On Feb. 12, 1986, some 47 U.S. senators, including now-Vice President Al Gore, 
petitioned Meese "to assign the highest priority to completing this review, and to 
issue an indictment of Yasser Arafat if the evidence so war

However, the one critical piece of evidence needed to warrant an indictment -- the 
tape recordings -- was not produced by the NSA, the Central Intelligence Agency or the 
State Department.

"These tapes do exist," claims Welsh. "I 

[CTRL] Transcript shows scale of KGB penetration

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon

Transcript shows scale of KGB penetration 

Moscow: A new day dawned over Cold War Italy. It was January 21, 1966, and
Edward Heath, leader of Britain's opposition Conservative Party, was calling
on President Giuseppe Saragat in the Quirinal, once summer palace to the
popes, now the residence of the head of state of a NATO power.
The two men were old acquaintances. Among topics discussed were Charles de
Gaulle, the future of Germany and the Vietnam War.
The meeting was part of the routine business of European diplomacy at the
time. But a verbatim transcript of the two men's conversation was in Moscow
within days.
Its unearthing in the Communist Party archives 35 years later provides
compelling evidence of the extent of Soviet penetration during the Cold War
of the West, and of Italy in particular.
A senior former KGB officer and an expert on Russia's archives suggested on
Friday that the likely source was a bug in the presidential palace, a well
placed agent or an Italian Communist.
Armed with the conversation, translated into Russian, intelligence chiefs and
policy-makers in Moscow would have gained a precious insight into the
thinking of two senior European figures. Sir Edward has no recollection of
that day in Rome but expressed amazement at the document's discovery in a
Russian archive.
"We never thought at the time there was a risk of this sort of thing
happening," the former prime minister said.
The document is not without touches of farce. In a handwritten note at the
top of the first page, the then Mr Heath is misidentified twice, first as the
Japanese foreign minister.
The word "Japan" has then been crossed out and replaced by "Britain". Mr
Saragat calls de Gaulle's obsession with the threat of Germany starting a new
world war "an intellectual kink", while Mr Heath blames the French leader for
helping to stir up talk of unification in the divided state. Even more
sensitively, the Italian president criticises the Vatican for its peace
initiatives aimed at stopping the Vietnam War and voices alarm at growing
anti-American sentiment in Europe.
It is no secret that the strength of the local Communist Party gave Moscow
freedom of manoeuvre in Italy rivalled only by that in France and West
The Telegraph, London

[CTRL] Depleted Uranium: The horrific legacy of Basra

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon
Depleted Uranium: The horrific legacy of Basra

Iraq: Children are born grotesquely deformed and cancer is rife, but the West 
will still not investigate. What has it got to hide? asks Ron McKay
Publication Date: Jan 14 2001

FORTY-EIGHT hours after the Gulf war ended, an Iraqi Republican Guard tank 
division was making for its base outside Basra along a narrow causeway over 
Lake Hamar. It was one of five agreed exit routes for the defeated army to 
take in its retreat. The ground war had lasted just 100 hours and there had 
been 79 American deaths, eight of them among the 24th Division, commanded by 
General Barry McCaffrey, whose armour and ordnance was lying about three 
miles away from the causeway. Suddenly, and over-riding a warning from the 
division operations officer, McCaffrey ordered an assault on the column. 
Later he would claim that his troops had been fired on by the retreating 
Iraqis, which is hotly denied by the Republican Guard commander. Apache 
attack helicopters, Bradley fighting vehicles and artillery units pummelled 
the helpless column for hours. It was, as McCaffrey later commented, "one of 
the most astounding scenes of destruction I have ever participated in." More 
than 10 years later, the destruction can still be seen. What is left of the 
division pokes rustily from the sand over several square miles. It is one of 
the world's largest junkyards. And it could also be said to be the epicentre 
of the controversy over depleted uranium. DU shells and rockets had ripped 
into the column in the most prolonged use of this ordnance on any one spot in 
the history of their invention. Six months ago, when I visited the site of 
what has become known as the Battle of Rumaila, with a scientist carrying a 
Geiger counter, the needle threatened to burst out of its casing as he 
repeatedly ran it over sand and wreckage, gun barrels, tank parts and spent 
DU detritus. Which may, of course, prove nothing. Dr Jawad Khadim al-Ali is a 
British-trained doctor and a member of the Royal College of Physicians. He 
works in Basra's main hospital. He showed me his maps of cancer and leukaemia 
clusters which coincide with the most intensive use of DU weapons in the war. 
Again, connection could be coincidental. The doctor also showed me the book 
of horrors kept by the medical staff - photographs of the grotesque, 
mis-shapen, stillborn children born in the hospital. There are kids with no 
brains, some with one eye in the middle of the head, others with extra limbs. 
It is the most diverse collection of malformations and deformities I have 
ever seen - and, I suspect, any doctor anywhere outside of southern Iraq. 
According to Dr Jawad there has been a four-fold increase in cancers in the 
area where the use of uranium-tipped weapons was most severe. Two in a 
hundred children in Basra are now being born with birth defects. If could be, 
of course, as my old pal Doug Henderson has alluded, propaganda. When he was 
a defence minister he poured doubt on any increase in cancers and birth 
defects in southern Iraq. "The government has not seen any peer-reviewed 
epidemiological research data on this population to support these claims ," 
he said. There is none, of course . Because the World Health Organisation, 
invited by Iraq to start research into the cancers, was persuaded not to do 
so by the British and US. And a group of Royal Society scientists tasked by 
the British authorities to investigate the local effects of DU declined to 
visit Iraq. Dr Kamil Mahdi, of the Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies at 
the University of Exeter, attended a seminar last February at the Foreign 
Office where the then head of the Middle East section said that the ministry 
was going to cooperate with the Department for International Development and 
the WHO on research into the health effect of DU in southern Iraq. "When I 
probed Ron White of DFID he said that it would only support research into the 
health effects of the Iraqi regime's use of chemical weapons in Halabja in 
1988," he says now. The Basra hospitals are full of young people suffering 
from horrendous tumours, most of them not even born when the Gulf war ended. 
Most are largely untreated because of the shortage of medicines, drips, 
anti-coagulants and basic life-saving equipment. British and US ministers are 
fond of quoting that there is no embargo on food or medicines, but the UN 
sanctions committee in New York continually delays essential supplies . The 
patients lie on sheetless beds because detergents are banned on the grounds 
that they can be put to dual use - a crude bomb manufactured from a box of 
Persil, presumably. One of those patients was Ali Mohammed, a soldier who 
escaped the initial carnage of Rumaila. His belly was distended from a 
massive tumour, and one testicle had been removed. Dr Jawad held up his 
hands. "There's nothing we can do. Maybe if 

[CTRL] The Three Horsemen of the Environmental Apocalypse

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon

The Three Horsemen of the Environmental Apocalypse
David Helvarg, The Nation
January 16, 2001

President-elect Bush's naming of former Colorado Attorney General Gale Norton
as Interior Secretary and recently defeated Michigan Senator Spencer Abraham
as Energy Secretary suggests that Republicans haven't learned from the 104th
Congress of 1995, when attempts to gut environmental protections helped
undermine the short-lived Gingrich revolution. The beliefs that Norton and
Abraham shared about natural-resource exploitation are as close as subsurface
oil and gas but completely out of whack with their departments' stated
missions. As Colorado's Attorney General from 1991 to 1998 Norton pushed
programs of voluntary compliance for industrial polluters and opposed
government (and voter) initiatives to counter sprawl. She has been an active
advocate for "property rights," the idea that government should compensate
developers when environmental laws and regulations limit their profits, while
also fighting hard to protect agribusiness access to cheap federal water.
Since 1999 she's worked for Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber  Strickland, a law
firm that has lobbied for a range of sprawl-promoting clients, including
Denver International Airport and the city's new taxpayer-financed stadium for
its pro football team, the Broncos. A four-year veteran of James Watt's
Mountain States Legal Foundation, Norton continued to work for Watt after he
became President Reagan's controversial ("We will mine more, drill more, cut
more timber") Interior Secretary. In 1998 Norton, along with right-wing
activist and BP oil lobbyist Grover Norquist, became co-chair of the
Coalition of Republican Environmental Advocates. Dedicated to "free-market
environmentalism," CREA included "wise users," property-rights advocates and
auto, coal, mining and developer lobbyists. Traditional GOP environmentalists
like the late Senator John Chafee refused to join the group. In 1999 Norton
joined the team advising the Bush campaign on developing a conservative
environmental agenda. Among those working with her was David Koch of Koch
industries, which last year paid a $35 million fine for oil pollution in six
states; also Lynn Scarlett, a senior fellow at the antiregulatory Foundation
for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE), which according to the
Washington Post lived up to its acronym by holding a series of
all-expenses-paid "seminars" for federal judges at a Montana dude ranch.
Norton's commitment to begin oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge (ANWR) could make her the most controversial Interior Secretary since
her mentor. On the other hand, the media's focus on her being a pro-choice
Republican suggests she'll also support a caribou's right to abort before
losing its habitat. Working closely with Norton as Energy Secretary will be
longtime Republican operative and former Dan Quayle staff aide Spencer
Abraham, who only last year called for the abolition of the Energy Department
(as a cost-saving measure). During his one term as senator from Michigan
Abraham fought to limit fuel-efficiency requirements for SUVs, limit
renewable energy research, abolish the federal gasoline tax and open up ANWR
to oil drilling. While this won him a zero rating from the League of
Conservation Voters, it also scored him close to $450,000 in contributions
from energy and natural resources industries in his failed re-election bid.
Ironically, he has now become a personal example of recycling. Aligning with
Abraham and Norton will be Don Evans, a FOG (Friend of George) oil executive
and $100 million Bush fundraiser. As the next Commerce Secretary (another
department Abraham wanted to abolish), Evans will oversee the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the lead agency for America's oceans
(which are the source of 25 percent of our domestic oil and 26 percent of our
natural gas). If, following the lead of the oilmen in the White House,
Cabinet members Norton, Abraham and Evans should choose drilling,
particularly in ANWR, as their first environmental battle (something national
green groups believe they will), they could quickly find themselves sinking
in a political quagmire of their own creation.

[CTRL] Massive police buildup in preparation for protests at Bush inauguration

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon
Massive police buildup in preparation for protests at Bush inauguration

By Paul Scherrer
17 January 2001

A massive police presence will greet the demonstrators who plan to come to 
Washington this Saturday to protest during George W. Bush's presidential 
inauguration ceremonies. Coordinated by Republican Party officials and law 
enforcement agencies, the well-publicized police buildup provides a preview 
of the undemocratic measures the Bush administration will use to suppress 
public dissent.
Police from 16 federal, state and local agencies will line the parade route. 
In addition, police in helicopters, sharpshooters on rooftops, and police on 
horseback will watch over the protests. Plainclothes officers will be 
circulating among the crowds.
For the first time in history, people participating in the protests as well 
as the inauguration in general must pass though checkpoints. All bags and 
purses will be searched and individuals frisked. Two stops of the capital 
city's subway system will be closed, along with large sections of the city's 
mall from the Washington Monument to the Capitol.
A dozen organizations representing a broad range of views—from those opposed 
to the violation of voting rights in Florida, to opponents of the death 
penalty and continued sanctions against Iraq, to the National Organization of 
Women—have obtained permits along the parade route. Representatives from 
several of these groups have denounced the police build up as an effort to 
restrict their freedom of expression.
“This is intentionally being done to try and scare people from coming,” said 
Louis Posner, chairman of, one of the groups that has 
obtained a permit to protest. “It took us forever to get a permit and now 
they are trying to scare people away,” he said.
The police buildup is the largest ever undertaken for a presidential 
inauguration. The number of police on duty will be more than twice the number 
as were present when Bill Clinton took the oath of office in 1997. For the 
first time an inauguration has been declared a “national special security 
event,” which means that the US Secret Service is in overall charge of 
security arrangements and will direct the activities of the other police 
agencies involved.
No special security concerns have been cited to justify this high level of 
security other than the fact that the largest number of protesters are 
expected since the 1973 inauguration of Richard Nixon, which took place 
during the Vietnam War. Instead authorities have claimed the measures are 
necessary because of so-called violence during protests at the World Trade 
Organization (WTO) meeting in Seattle in late 1999 and the World Bank meeting 
in Washington DC last spring, as well as the national conventions of the 
Democratic Party in Los Angeles and Republican Party in Philadelphia last 
In most cases, the incidents of violence at the previous demonstrations were 
carried out by police against peaceful protesters and those practicing civil 
disobedience. Moreover, several organizations reported that police spies and 
provocateurs had infiltrated their groups in order to create a pretext for 
police action.
Last week the Secret Service invited the press to witness a mock attack on a 
motorcade designed to reconstruct the type of limousines that Bush and his 
entourage will be riding in during the inauguration parade. The protesters 
attacking the vehicles in the demonstration used rockets and automatic rifles.
The press and police have mounted a concerted campaign to depict the 
protesters as violent in order to justify a police crackdown. The same 
rationale was given for the conduct of police at the WTO protests as well as 
at the Democratic and Republican conventions. Police provoked and attacked 
demonstrators outside the Democratic National Convention last August, and 
earlier at the Republican National Convention hundreds of peaceful protesters 
were arrested and many were held in prison for several weeks.
In preparation for Saturday's protests, the Secret Service has stated that it 
has plans in place for mass arrests, including the transportation of large 
numbers of people to detention and judicial centers.
Police will set up 16 checkpoints that all people attending the inauguration 
will have to pass through, where bags, signs and other materials will be 
inspected. Six of these checkpoints will be used for the 42,000 people with 
tickets given out by the Republican inauguration committee. Everyone else 
taking part in the protests or watching the inauguration will be required to 
pass through the other 10 checkpoints, creating the potential for a huge jam 
of people entering the event.
“This is a coordinated police-media campaign to make us out as outsiders,” 
said Shara Sloan, a staff organizer with the International Action Center, 
which is protesting for the freedom of political prisoner Mumia 


2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon

From LEAHY: Thank you. Now,
Dr. Satcher -- David Satcher -- you opposed his nomination to be our surgeon
general even though the Senate eventually approved him. In your speech, you
said, "Dr. Satcher says he has a mainstream approach; he's going to pursue
consensus." But then you went on to say that you didn't believe that. You
told the Senate that he was, "a person of incredibly strong medical
credentials, in terms of his expertise and his capacity, but you said the
United States has participated in confirming nominations or ratifying
proposals without looking carefully at the ethics involved of the guys that
are being challenged." So the opposition to Dr. Satcher, by your own
statement, was not based on his professional qualifications. Indeed, is it
fair to say that applying an Ashcroft standard you were articulating as a
SEN. that you are going to oppose a nominee who you believed to be out of
step with the mainstream of America, to use the words you used in your speech.
ASHCROFT: Mr. Chairman, I'm pleased to have the opportunity to express my
concerns here. Dr. David Satcher supported a number of activities that I
thought were inconsistent with the ethical obligations of a medical doctor
and a physician, particularly the surgeon general, because I think the
surgeon general is an individual to whom America must look for guidance in
terms of not just technical expertise, but the kind of ethics that ought to
accompany people who have life-and-death decision-making in their hands. We
all know how important the medical profession is.
LEAHY: And you disagreed with those ethics and values.
ASHCROFT: Yes, for example, he supported an AIDS study on pregnant women in
Africa where some patients were given placebos, even though a treatment
existed to limit transmission of AIDS from the mother to the child. In my
understanding, this would not be an acceptable strategy for a study in the
United States, but he was willing to support the study under those terms in
Africa. That was a matter of deep concern to me. Let me -- if I might -- he
lobbied Congress to continue an anonymous study testing newborn infants'
blood for the AIDS virus, without informing the mother if the test was
positive. Now, I have real problems with a situation where someone wants to
be the surgeon general of the United States, wants to learn about whether or
not there's AIDS present in a medical situation, and not tell the people
involved about the AIDS virus. This is a matter of deep concern to me. The
idea of sending fatally infected babies home with their unwitting mothers,
even after a treatment had been identified for AIDS, to me was an idea that
was unacceptable for an individual who wanted to be the leader in terms of
the medical community and a role model in the United States. It was on those
grounds that I made the decision. Now, it's my decision and I'm not trying to
duck responsibility for the decision. But those are the facts as I understood
them, and that's the reason I made the decision.
LEAHY: So it'd be fair to say you disagreed with his ethical choices and his
values, and you felt you should vote against him because of that.
ASHCROFT: I think it's fair to say that I believed he violated the ethical
values that are characteristic..
. LEAHY: I'm not trying to parse words, and I just want to make sure I
understand, because I'm trying to get this...
ASHCROFT: It was a shortfall in his adherence to ethical values of the
American medical community that I think were...
LEAHY: And because you disagreed with what you saw as his ethics and values,
you voted against him. I'm not trying to place words in your mouth, I want to
make sure I understand.
ASHCROFT: Well, then maybe...
LEAHY: Trying to give you the fairest...
ASHCROFT: Well, maybe if you will let me state my words...
LEAHY: Sure.
ASHCROFT: ... then you don't have to worry about placing words in my mouth.
I believed that his willingness to accept a standard for medical research in
Africa, on African women, that would not be acceptable in the United States
was an ethical lapse that was very important. I, secondly, believed his
willingness to send AIDS-infected babies home with their mothers without
telling their mothers about the infection of the children was another ethical
problem that was very serious. Based on those standards, which I believe are
less than acceptable standards in the medical community in this country, I
voted against him.
LEAHY: That's what I was trying to get you to say. Thank you.
ASHCROFT: I'm sorry.
LEAHY: Maybe we were speaking past each other. But thank you. And from PRESS: Senator Specter,
Senator Ashcroft was also asked today, in addition to Bill Lann Lee, about
his opposition to David Satcher as attorney general. I was surprised, he made
a very serious charge. He said he voted against him 

[CTRL] Fw: President-elect Bush needs your help!

2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bruce Eberle - Millions of Americans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 5:09 PM
Subject: President-elect Bush needs your help!

Dear Arthur,

If you haven't already done so -- please help President-
elect George W. Bush by going to
(formerly ElectionIntegrity2000) and signing your online
petition to Senate leaders Trent Lott and Tom Daschle
urging them to confirm John Ashcroft as Attorney General.

**Arthur, use the personalized link at the bottom of
this e-mal to avoid re-typing your name and address**

As you know, President-elect Bush is taking a lot of heat
for his cabinet nominees.  Many Democrats are seeking to
undermine his new administration any way possible.

That's why we need to show the Senate leaders that the
American people fully support George W. Bush and we urge
prompt confirmation of the people chosen to serve as his
closest advisors.

So far, has collected over 70,000
signed petitions in just 5 days.  We need to double that
number before confirmation hearings begin.  No schedule is
set for the hearings -- but they are expected to begin a few
days before the January 20th Inauguration of George W. Bush.

Remember, a good Attorney General is worth fighting for -- so
let's keep the pressure on our Senators to do the right thing
and confirm John Ashcroft.

You can help by going to and
signing your online petition.

Thanks -- and PLEASE spread the word by forwarding this
e-mail or telling a friend about

For Integrity,

Bruce Eberle

PS: By the way, if you'd like to see John Ashcroft's bio and
his record as U.S. Senator and Governor of Missouri  -- we've
got more info posted on our site.

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2001-01-17 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/17/01 6:06:39 PM Central Standard Time,

 PRESS: ... of sending AIDS infected babies home without telling their
  mothers. There's the surgeon general there on the screen. Now, I checked
  today after the hearing. That program was not begun by David Satcher. It
  actually done under Ronald Reagan in 1988 to test the spread of AIDS in
  country, and it was ended by Doctor Satcher in 1995, two years before he
  nominated as surgeon general. Again, wasn't that a bogus, and unfair charge
  on Ashcroft's part?

  Amazing.  I noticed that several times Ashcroft said he would follow the
LAW and not look at the results of an action to determine his position.  Yet,
he cited undesirable results as the reason he litigated so heavily as MO AG
against voluntary segregation AND as one of his reasons for opposing Ronnie
White.  Since he said, "I will not look to the results of an action but to
the LAW" several times, I found this to be a glaring contradiction, and I'm
surprised none of the Senators picked up on it.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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[CTRL] Fwd: Why won't Rush Limbaugh denounce Ronnie White?

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon

Why won't Rush Limbaugh denounce Ronnie White?
Maybe he knows White is no more pro-criminal than his own cousin, Missouri 
Supreme Court Justice Stephen Limbaugh Jr.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Eric Boehlert
Jan. 17, 2001 | As the battle over Attorney General-designate John Ashcroft 
rages and the rhetoric is ratcheted up, more and more of Ashcroft's allies 
are taking aim at the man emerging as his most damaging nemesis, Judge Ronnie 
White. Yet one person remains conspicuously absent from the conservative's 
amen chorus: Rush Limbaugh. 
Of course, the conservative talker is ranting about the "disgusting" attempt 
to kill Ashcroft's nomination, led by "dangerous," "fundamentally lawless" 
and "undemocratic" liberals who live "outside the mainstream of American 
But in recent days Limbaugh has seemed reluctant to pull the character 
assassin's trigger the way so many of his conservative colleagues have when 
it comes to defaming White, Missouri's first black state Supreme Court 
justice whose nomination to the federal bench Ashcroft derailed last year. 
That episode of hardball has returned to haunt Ashcroft as his critics 
prepare to use it to question both the nominee's racial tolerance and his 
sense of political fair play during his confirmation hearings this week. 
To help soften those blows, Ashcroft's allies are busy once again ridiculing 
White. Republican National Committee chairman Jim Nicholson sent an e-mail 
alert last week stressing, "Ashcroft voted against that judge because of the 
lack of content of Ronnie White's character, not the color of his skin." 
Beverly LaHaye, founder of Concerned Women for America, told National Public 
Radio, "John Ashcroft has shown his respect for the law. Unlike White, he 
realizes there are laws that are meant to protect the innocent and bring 
justice to the guilty." And asked how Ashcroft allies should respond to the 
Ronnie White question, G. Gordon Liddy told MSNBC's Chris Matthews, "First 
thing I'd do would be counterattack. I'd really expose the guy." 
So why isn't Limbaugh skewering White's judicial record and holding him up to 
public ridicule as a liberal, soft-on-crime judge in advance of White's 
crucial testimony during Ashcroft's nomination this week? Maybe it's because 
Limbaugh, whose family is steeped in Missouri law and its judiciary, actually 
knows better than trying to judge a state Supreme Court justice based on a 
single opinion. Maybe it's because Limbaugh's cousin, Justice Stephen 
Limbaugh Jr., sits on the Missouri Supreme Court with White and might not sit 
by quietly if Rush started demagoguing White the way others on the right 
have. The two judges represent opposite ends of the political spectrum. 
Limbaugh is easily the most conservative member of the Missouri Supreme 
Court. But White and Limbaugh have become friends. When named to the Missouri 
Supreme Court, neither Limbaugh nor White moved his family to the state 
capital of Jefferson City, so the men often eat dinner together and read 
briefs late into the night in their next-door offices. 
Should Rush decide to tell his listeners that Ashcroft was right to oppose 
White because the black jurist could not be trusted to be tough on criminals 
(killers in particular), then the dozens of times White and Limbaugh have 
agreed on death penalty cases might pose a bigger problem. In most of those 
instances, the two voted to affirm executions. But on occasion, they teamed 
up to overturn death sentences for murderers whose guilt was never in doubt. 
Instead, White and Limbaugh joined majority decisions in ruling that due to 
inadequate counsel or legal missteps by trial judges, convicted killers were 
entitled to new sentencing trials. 
Yet according to the Ashcroft camp, White was rightfully denied a seat on the 
federal bench simply because of one 1998 case, State vs. Johnson, in which he 
wrote a lone dissent suggesting that cop-killer James Johnson deserved 
another sentencing trial because of his attorneys' botched defense. That's 
how White, in the words of Ashcroft, morphed into a "dangerous," "activist" 
justice who "would use his lifetime [federal] appointment to push the law in 
a pro-criminal direction." Since White has voted to affirm death sentences 
roughly 70 percent of the time, that's a characterization almost no one 
familiar with the Missouri Supreme Court would likely take seriously, 
including Justice Limbaugh. 
The fact is, if the new Ashcroft standard for federal judicial nominees were 
adopted and opponents of nominees could simply cherry-pick one or two 
opinions in which nominees voted to overturn death sentences in particularly 
shocking, cold-blooded cases, Stephen Limbaugh Jr., the law-and-order 
justice, might no longer be qualified for the federal bench. 
On April 14, 1994, Leon Taylor robbed a gas station in Independence, Mo. 
While Taylor's accomplice ran back to the car with $400 in a bag, Taylor took 
the gas station manager and his 

[CTRL] Excerpts from Religion and the Racist Right - The Origins of the Christian Identity Movement

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Plum Isle progress?

2001-01-17 Thread William Shannon
Plum Isle progress?
By Gwendolen Groocock

 After a year of accusations, stonewalling and murky suspicion, Friday's
meeting of the Plum Island Oversight Committee and representatives of the
Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) provided a breath of fresh air.

The mood was candid at the well-attended meeting, meant to be limited to
organizational issues but transformed into a wide-ranging three-hour
discussion. Plum Island officials turned up -- uninvited, they thought --
after reading of the scheduled meeting in The Suffolk Times. It turned out
that an invitation had been sent to former acting director Dr. Lee Ann
Thomas, who transferred to a new job in Washington last year, not PIADC
director Dr. David Huxsoll.

Despite some healthy give and take, oversight committee members still are
grumbling that they've been lied to, and accuse the USDA-owned island
facility of not trying very hard to be forthcoming. A public hearing on Plum
Island has been tentatively set for Feb. 7.

"When I hear on the streets they're digging up drums and having them taken
off by an environmental cleanup company, and I can't tell anyone what's going
on... the lines of communication still haven't developed, and that's
unfortunate," said Southold Town Supervisor Jean Cochran. Ms. Cochran
co-chairs the oversight committee with Assemblywoman Pat Acampora

."Education and understanding are extremely important," Dr. Huxsoll said
after the meeting. "I am appalled at the lack of knowledge about Plum Island.
There's no reason not to be completely open and understood. I have to work

"The oversight committee's primary concern remains the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's plan for a biosafety level 4 lab to study viruses for lethal,
incurable and possibly unknown diseases. Alarm bells rang in November, when
the committee became aware that the USDA is seeking $150 million for
construction on Plum Island.

 According to the request for proposals, the project is for new level 3 labs
and animal care facilities, some "constructed to meet at a minimum BL3

"The present BL3 lab area would be demolished.

In the early 1990s, $20 million was spent renovating offices, the entrance,
conference rooms and some labs.

Dr. Huxsoll said the $150 million is not yet available and that the final
project will probably cost more. What has been authorized is $3.7 million for
the design of the new labs, he said.

 Right now, the USDA is soliciting bids for design and construction work.

"For improvements? $150 million worth of improvement?" asked Jean Segall,
representing Senator Kenneth LaValle (R-Port Jefferson).

The BL3 labs were built in the 1950s, said Dr. Huxsoll, and much about how
research on animals is conducted has changed since then.

"It's reached a point where we're far better off with new construction than
repairing piecemeal," he said.

 As to a BL4 lab, Dr. Huxsoll said that whatever company does the new
construction will likely be capable of planning and building a BL4 lab as
well. "If a person were to do that, it would be important to build it (BL4
capability) in from the start," he said.

A congressional mandate is needed for Plum Island to upgrade to BL4. Debbie
O'Kane of the North Fork Environmental Council said that when PIADC assistant
director Carlos Santoyo was asked whether such a mandate is being sought
along with the $150 million construction funds, he was not allowed to say.

"Interesting," commented Ms. Acampora, who awaits a response to her letter to
Dr. Huxsoll requesting copies of any studies by the USDA pertaining to the
feasibility of a BL4 lab at Plum Island. "We'll have to do some detective
work," she said.

Committee member Merlon Wiggin, a biocontainment consultant and former Plum
Island employee, proposed a list of criteria for a risk assessment study.
County Legislator Michael Caracciolo (R-Baiting Hollow), who recently formed
his own committee, also proposed a risk assessment and has secured $100,000
for that purpose.

Oversight committeee members agreed such a study could be done for much less,
especially with the cooperation of the USDA.

The process of a risk assessment study, using expert consultants, would not
only help to educate the public along the way and put fears to rest, but
could also point out weaknesses at the research center, possibly leading to
improvements, said Mr. Wiggin.

Ms. O'Kane, also a PIOC member, reported on four meetings of the USDA's
committee on the island, on which she also sits.

Observing refuse sites, she saw "huge syringes sticking out of the ground,"
she said. "I was amazed at the piles of stuff I saw all over this beautiful

 PI representatives explained that past policy called for no refuse to leave
the island, and to be buried on site. The syringes can be seen, they said,
because those pits are being cleaned.

Three of the 10 medical waste sites on the island have been cleaned up, said

[CTRL] A debate with Antony Sutton

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Conspiracy Theory Index

2001-01-17 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] AF News 18 Jan 01 Part 2

2001-01-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0059.  CENTAF commander visits Southwest Asia

by Staff Sgt. Cindy Maier
363rd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) -- During his recent two-week visit to Southwest Asia,
Lt. Gen. Chuck Wald, 9th Air Force and U.S. Central Command Air Forces
commander, said he does not see American forces leaving this area in the
near future.

However, with the new presidential administration just days away from taking
office, Wald said he expects a policy review to evaluate what will happen in
the future for this region.

"The heart of (the review) will be, 'Are we going to stay?' or 'Are we going
to leave?'" he said.  "The spectrum of what could happen is that we could
maybe get more aggressive than what we are being, all the way back to we
would leave. But, leaving is not very likely, in my opinion."

Ward said he thinks the new administration sees the importance of the
mission in the theater.

"I think there will be a policy review; I think there should be because of,
first of all, the mission," he said.  "The bottom line is that the mission
has gone very well.  I think the policy, even as critical as people have
been about it, is very good."

The policy began nearly 10 years ago, after the end of Operation Desert

"We've been doing this since August 1991, and Saddam has not really
threatened anyone in the region, per se, since this has started," Wald said.
"We've cleaned out a significant portion of his integrated air defense
system in the southern part of the (area of responsibility), particularly in
the last couple of years since the (rules of engagement have) changed and
where we have better capability to respond."

Though the general thinks the mission is going along very well, he believes
the review will be critical to the future of American presence in this

"Because of the critical nature of what the policy has been for eight years,
there has to be a review," Wald said.  "During that review, I think they'll
(ask) 'Is there anything else we can do?' When it's all said and done, we'll
probably have something pretty close to what we've got."

There is one thing about the presence here that needs to be clarified, Wald

"Brig. Gen. (Allen G.) Peck, (363d Air Expeditionary Wing commander), and
his folks, as well as all the rest of the folks at Operation Southern Watch
aren't directly related to the sanctions (against Iraq).  Sanctions are
things like restricting commercial flights into Iraq," Wald said. "We are
here to prevent Iraq from attacking Iraqi people in the southern part of the
country.  Additionally, we are here for regional stability.  But, we don't
have a mission for sanctions."

Considering American presence in the region will not lighten, Ward said the
current way of deploying Air Force people to this area, by way of the Air
Expeditionary Force, is the right way to go.

The current AEF system has helped the Air Force in a lot of areas, Ward

"The (operations tempo) issue that we were living with two or three years
ago seems to be gone.  We don't hear people complaining about the fact that
they're gone from home all the time," he said.

Ward said the AEF has "improved morale and predictability, gotten the total
force more involved, and helped us focus on what we need as an Air Force for
equipment, as well helping us see where we ought to place our emphasis and
organize ourselves better."

There is room for improvement, he said.

"We've got a little ways to go on some Air Force-wide manpower tracking
issues and things like that, but, I think it's been a significant success."

0064.  WWII vet gets long-awaited recognition

by Staff Sgt. Brian Jones
20th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. (AFPN) -- In early November 1944 the crew of the
B-17 Flying Fortress "Take it Easy" gathered at an English air base for
their morning brief. When the maps were pulled down to reveal the day's
target, the crew let out a collective sigh.

The 10 airmen of the "Take it Easy" were to bomb a heavily protected
petroleum plant in Misburg, Germany, a target the co-pilot hated more than
any other. The mission would prove to be one the surviving members of the
B-17 would not soon forget, and for one crewmember a mission that would take
56 years to garner proper recognition.

Retired Maj. Charles H. Bonner, the co-pilot on "Take it Easy," was awarded
the Distinguished Flying Cross recently for his role during that World War
II flight.

During the day's events, Bonner recounted -- as if it were yesterday -- the
mission that would end in the death of six of the B-17's crew.

"The Germans had about 400 anti-aircraft guns they could put on you any way
you approached Misburg," Bonner said. "Before we hit the initial point for
our bomb run we were hit by a couple of hundred of these guns."

Bonner was to split time with the pilot in 20-minute shifts, but on this

[CTRL] AF News 18 Jan 01 Part 1

2001-01-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0060.  'Air-war' starts earlier than most people remember

By Staff Sgt. Bob Oldham
314th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. (AFPN) -- While Jan. 17 marked the 10-year
anniversary of the start of the air war in the Persian Gulf, for airmen in
the cargo-airlift community, the "war" perhaps started five months earlier
around Aug. 7, 1990.

These airmen did not fire missiles at Iraq or drop bombs on members of
Saddam Hussein's elite Republican Guard. Instead, they had the laborious
task of transporting troops and cargo to Southwest Asia and providing
intratheater airlift once the troops and cargo arrived in country.

At the core of intratheater airlift was the C-130 Hercules, 16 of which were
sent from Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., to the region.

At 12:55 a.m. Aug. 7, officials here received a secure telephone call from
22nd Air Force to form the base's crisis action team, which is where key
base leaders, such as group commanders, wing staff chiefs and other
mission-critical people meet to "go to war."

On Aug. 14, the 16 C-130s and more than 400 people, primarily aircrew and
maintenance troops, began departing. On Aug. 21, a civilian Boeing 747 left
the base with more than 250 people and support equipment. The majority of
which were deployed to Bateen Air Base, which is near Abu Dhabi in the
United Arab Emirates, to form the 1620th Tactical Airlift Wing
(Provisional). Others were sent to bases throughout the region.

Then-Staff Sgt. D.L. Thompson, a flight engineer who is now a technical
sergeant assigned to the 314th Operations Support Squadron, was on the first
C-130 that left the base.

"I remember when we threw on the power on the airplane," he said. "It took
it a few minutes to get rolling because it was so heavy, and it was amazing
how much runway it took up to get that thing airborne."

Two days later, they arrived at Bateen Air Base.

"It was a nice long runway. It looked like a desert environment," he said.
"The initial shock of where I was at was probably when we opened the crew
entrance door, and it was so humid. Arkansas is very humid, but it's nothing
compared to Bateen. It is humid as all get out, and in August it was bad."

He said there was one gigantic hangar, and everybody was sleeping in it
until "hooches" arrived at a later date.

Crews were notified around midnight, each night, if they were flying the
next day. In some cases, Thompson said, crews didn't receive their full crew
rest before being dispatched to fly another mission.

He said he also remembers how uncomfortable the country was.

"You couldn't put on shorts and a T-shirt without your body just drenching
in sweat," he said.

Insects were also a problem in the region.

"No matter what you did, those flies would just try to get into any opening
they could," he said. "Your ears, your nose, your mouth; they were just a
nuisance. You couldn't get away from them."

And sand was everywhere, he said.

Thompson recalls hauling a lot of Meals, Ready to Eat; troops; spare parts
and bombs to various points throughout Saudi Arabia to prepare for the Jan.
17 air war and the eventual ground war, which only lasted 100 hours, he

One memory for Thompson is how servicemembers were creating ways to make
MREs more palatable.

"Hot sauce became a very popular item," he said. "You didn't have to worry
about heating anything up, because all you had to do was put the MRE, like
the ham slice, on top of the airplane, and it would be ready in 10 minutes.
And I mean it would be boiling; it would be so hot."

While the base's C-130s accounted for 10 percent of the total C-130 force in
the region, the base's cargo aircraft performed 18 percent of the C-130
airlift used during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Although Thompson had to return home early before the Jan. 17 air war
started because of a knee injury, others, like then-2nd Lt. Miles Price, who
was newly assigned to Pope AFB, N.C., and is now a major assigned to the
314th OSS, stayed in the region to continue hauling cargo and supplies.

Price started his tour in the gulf at Thumrait, Oman. Five months later, the
unit he was with moved to Dhahran AB, Saudi Arabia. Dhahran was the site of
a scud missile attack, which struck a dormitory killing 28 servicemembers
and wounding another 98.

"One of the scariest things was listening to the (Patriot anti-missile
batteries) go off," Price said. "The first time the Patriots went off, I
thought it was the end of the world."

There was no mistaking the thunderous sound of a Patriot missile as it
screamed through the air to seek out an incoming Scud missile, he said.

Dhahran AB is one place where Army troops arrived in country and C-130 crews
flew them to airfields near the front lines.

"They would march out a whole bunch of troops who were loaded down with so
much stuff they could barely walk," Price said. 

[CTRL] Hate crimes against whites blacked out by media

2001-01-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hate crimes against whites blacked out by media


FOR RELEASE Tuesday, January 16, 2001

By now, you have undoubtedly learned all the grisly details of the
most recent "hate crime" atrocity, this one committed in Wichita,
Kansas, where, on the night of Dec. 15, two men broke into a
house, kidnapped the five residents, robbed them, raped the
women, forced the men to have sex with them and the women to
have sex with each other and then shot all of them in the back.  Only
one woman survived, walking naked and barefoot nearly a mile with
a bullet in her back in freezing weather to get help and tell the tale.

Of course you really haven't heard this story before, unless you
happen to read the local press of Wichita.  It hasn't been reported
much of anywhere else, certainly not in the national press or on
national television.

Is this an instance of media bias, of the latent racism that regards
"hate crimes" as unimportant?  Well, not exactly.

The Wichita massacre was not perpetrated by white skinheads,
Klansmen, militia members or neo-Nazis.  In fact, it was not
committed by whites at all but by two brothers, Reginald and
Jonathan Carr, who happen to be black.

All the victims were white.  For that reason and that alone, the
Wichita massacre is not a "hate crime" and indeed is not even a
news item. As far as the media are concerned, it never happened.

The Carr brothers, identified by the surviving victim, are also
charged with kidnapping, robbing and pistol-whipping another man,
also white, a week earlier.  Then on Dec. 11 the Brothers Carr
visited a local musician outside her house and shot her repeatedly.
She also was white.

Were these crimes against whites by blacks motivated by racial
hatred? No one in Wichita, neither police nor preachers nor
politicians, will say so.

A Wichita police captain says it's just too early to tell what the motive

The clergyman at the funeral of one of the victims instructed the
mourners that they should forgive the killers as Christ forgave those
who crucified Him.  The preacher at another funeral said the same.

No one demanded that the "community," let alone the black
community specifically, search their souls for the roots from which
these crimes blossomed.

To date, neither President Clinton nor President-elect Bush nor
President-wanna-be Jesse Jackson has condemned the massacre
or visited the community or dispatched a delegate to display his

The brutal truth -- more brutal than the murders themselves perhaps -
- is that no one gives a damn that six white people were butchered
by two black men.

When three white men in Jasper, Texas killed a black man for
apparently racial reasons in 1998, Mr. Clinton immediately
denounced it and sent a delegate to the victim's funeral, and the
Rev. Jackson arrived before the corpse was cold to preach about
the sins of racial hatred the community harbored.

It is not recorded that preachers at the funeral in Jasper called on
the victim's family to forgive the killers.

It is not recorded that local police at once announced it was too
early to determine motive.

Everyone knew what the motive in Jasper was -- white racism, the
hatred that festered in the breasts of every white person in the
community -- and it never occurred to anyone to suggest that that
kind of hatred or the white men driven by it be forgiven.

Before the year was out, two of the killers in Jasper had received
death sentences, and there is no nationwide movement led by
Hollywood starlets to commute them, as there is for the murderers of
white men like Leonard Peltier and Mumia Abu-Jamal.

The total national news blackout of the Wichita massacre is one
more piece of evidence that the real purpose of "hate crimes" is not
to penalize racial hate but to stigmatize whites as those exclusively
responsible for racial hate.

Every "hate crime" committed by whites receives the kind of national
attention the Jasper incident received, while every "hate crime"
committed by non-whites is ignored and denied.

The Wichita crimes are by no means the only anti-white atrocity.
There are also the cases of Kevin Shifflett in Alexandria, Va. and
Missy McLauchlin in Charleston, S.C. and a score of others.  Most
Americans have never heard of them either.

There is, then, an obvious double-standard on "hate crimes" that
masks the political and racial agenda they serve.  Not only non-white
malcontents like Mr. Jackson and his cronies but also white
authorities -- the police, the clergy, the media -- help perpetuate the

Think about this.

As whites become a minority of the national population in the next 50
years, does the double-standard about non-white atrocities against
whites inspire you with confidence that whites will continue to enjoy
equal justice under law?


Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based on falsedata'??)

2001-01-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 became of the mastadon

It wasn't a mastadon. It was a mammoth. It's being studied.

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Re: [CTRL] Massive police buildup in preparation for protests at Bush inauguration

2001-01-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Police from 16 federal, state and local agencies will line the parade
route.  In addition, police in helicopters, sharpshooters on rooftops,
and police on  horseback will watch over the protests. Plainclothes
officers will be  circulating among the crowds. For the first time in
history, people participating in the protests as well  as the
inauguration in general must pass though checkpoints. All bags and
purses will be searched and individuals frisked. 

By way of comparison, consider this:  When the Sandanistas first took
over Nicaragua, President Ortega stood on a street corner in Managua,
with no bodyguards, personally passing out loaded AK-47s to any citizen
who wanted one. 

I guess we wont be seeing Bush do anything like that with the citizens
of Washington DC, will we?

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based onfalsedata'??)

2001-01-17 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  became of the mastadon

 It wasn't a mastadon. It was a mammoth. It's being studied.

Sources please.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Mastadon (was: Global warming claims 'based onfalsedata'??)

2001-01-17 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Sources please.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ike Harley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, January 13, 2001 9:56 AM

A little over a year ago when Hillary decided to run for
the U.S. Senate from New York she found out that first she
would have to be a resident of that state. She and Willy
went and found a nice little place for 2.5 million dollars.
They could not qualify for the loan so the person who is
going to head up the DNC guaranteed the loan for them.

It has come to my attention lately that the way the
Clinton's are paying for this residence is by charging the
Secret Service( taxpayers of this country) to house it's
personnel while they are guarding the Clintons. The rent
being charged is equal to their mortgage payment. They will
get this protection for life so that means that you and I
are going to pay for their meager little 2.5 million dollar

Now comes the real knife to the heart, the same thing is
going to happen at the meager little residence in DC that
they are buying to live in while Hillary is a Senator.

Bottom line: Bill and Hillary will own two multi-million
dollar houses at the end of the mortgage terms and we the
taxpayer will have paid for them. The Clinton's have been
living in government subsidized housing for years and still
do! No wonder they are so big on welfare and the welfare
state, it's how they live!

comments to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Short, sweet and to the point.  If you know of others that
might like to receive Ike's commentaries send their E-mail
address to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Ike Harley" in the
subject line.

Keep up with the latest news and information for Northwest
Florida at

AOL Users:
a href=""Gulf1/a

If you wish to be removed from this mailing list send and
E-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "Remove Ike Harley" in
the subject line.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Hamburger Meat and the Kosovo Cancer Cluster: Destroying Those We ...

2001-01-17 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 17 Jan 01, at 6:09, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 And don't forget, had
 President George Herbert Walker Bush said one little word when the
 Serbs started this mess, there would never have been a need for any
 weapons to be used there.  He would only have been required to raise
 his head and say stop.  He did not.  Years later, Thomas Eagleberger
 responded to a question as to why he did not by saying, "He had
 business interests there."  I hope they were very profitable.  Prudy

Seems to me that Poppy Bush is CitiBank's (or some other major
bank's) liason to Vietnam and whenever I think about Colombia, it
occurs to me that someone with "interests" would like to switch
our major heroin and cocaine sources from Colombia back to
Vietnam, Cambodia and The Golden Triangle. Surely I am thinking
paranoid thoughts again. But it, too, would be very profitable.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-01-17 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/17/01 3:16:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Holy shit! 

No. That's not correct. It's a holy tortilla, The resturant had the tortilla
varnished and mounted in a frame. It's on display in the enterance to the


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Hate crimes against whites blacked out by media

2001-01-17 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well with the advent of AIDS, no need to worry about the USA becoming
dominated by blacks; pretty soon, South Africa will be dominated by
whites.for AIDS and HIV it seems will be the final solution.

Any any white American who permits their children to study sodomy in
schools or mix racially they cannot say they have not been warned.

Now note in Russia AIDS is on the rise and David Duke is over there
denouncing the Jewswhat a laugh, as if David Duke was ever a real

But this opens the door to more christians and moslems being
murdered.has David Duke gone home to roost?

Sometimes I wonder.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Ashcroft Nomination

2001-01-17 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Subject:Ashcroft Nomination
From:   Libertarian Party
Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Watergate Office Building
2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
For information about the party: (800)

January 17, 2001

We recently received the following message
from DRCNet, a nonpartisan
organization promoting drug policy reform.
DRCNet is opposing the
nomination of John Ashcroft for the
position of Attorney General
" . . . because of his record as one of
the most hawkish drug warriors
supporting some of the most extreme drug
war legislation during his
tenure in the Senate."

The views expressed below are those of
DRCNet, and do not represent an
official statement by the Libertarian
Party. However, given the Party's
long-standing opposition to the
government's "War on Drugs", we felt
that this message would be of interest to
our members and supporters.


Dear friend of drug law reform:

As you've probably read in mainstream news
accounts, former US
Senator John Ashcroft (R-MO) has been
nominated by President-
Elect George W. Bush for the office of
Attorney General.
DRCNet, as a nonpartisan organization
devoted strictly to drug
policy reform, is opposing the Ashcroft
nomination because of
his record as one of the most hawkish drug
warriors supporting
some of the most extreme drug war
legislation during his
tenure in the Senate.  We are writing to
ask you to visit a
web site we've set up to encourage
grassroots opposition to
the Ashcroft nomination -- --
and to use the information and the online
petitions there to
help defeat this nomination while there's
still time.

If drug policy and related Constitutional
issues are the
criteria, there is no question that John
Ashcroft has one of
the worst records on Capitol Hill.  As
Senator, John Ashcroft
sponsored a bill that would have
simultaneously violated the
spirit if not the letter of both the 1st
and 4th amendments to
the US Constitution: the "Methamphetamine
Act" would have criminalized certain drug-
and drug policy-
related discussions on the Internet, and
would have allowed
police to conduct secret searches of
homes, with the residents
never being informed before or after that
the police were
there.  Indeed, in his six years in the
Senate, Ashcroft
proposed amendments to the Constitution a
full seven times,
including an amendment to make it easier
to amend the

As Senator, John Ashcroft demonstrated an
unwillingness to
deal seriously with the problem of racial
disparity in the
criminal justice system.  While outwardly
professing support
for a bill to study racial profiling, Sen.
Ashcroft in reality
use his chairmanship of the Subcommittee
on the Constitution
to bottle it up in committee for several
months; the bill
never made it to the Senate floor despite
bipartisan support.

In response to charges that the
powder/crack cocaine
sentencing disparity is racially
discriminatory, Sen. Ashcroft
rejected legislation recommended by the US
Commission and sponsored by African
American legislators that
would have reduced crack cocaine sentences
to the level of
powder cocaine sentences.  Instead, Sen.
Ashcroft supported a
bill to raise the powder cocaine sentences
-- despite a
consensus among criminal justice experts
that the disparities
are driven by enforcement policy and
prosecutorial bias in
conjunction with the laws, and that powder
cocaine enforcement
is also carried out in a racially
discriminatory way.

Sen. Ashcroft objected vociferously to
spending money on drug
treatment rather than drug interdiction,
claiming that
treatment "enables" drug users and that
enforcement is a more
effective use of funds.  But after decades
characterized by
intensive interdiction efforts during
which time the
availability of drugs has increased and
the price plummeted,
and despite study after study showing that
treatment is
dramatically more effective than
enforcement, to claim that
interdiction is more effective than
treatment demonstrates an
astonishing inability or unwillingness to
evaluate drug policy
in an objective manner.  Indeed, there
isn't clear evidence
that drug interdiction is more effective
than doing nothing;
to claim interdiction is more effective
than treatment is
simply off the reality meter.

As Attorney General, John Ashcroft would
have enormous power
and influence over policies such as these.
troubling is his lack of seriousness about
racial disparity in

[CTRL] Harris gets a scolding from civil rights panel

2001-01-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Harris gets a scolding from civil rights panel

Members lash out when the secretary of state says she delegated
responsibility for the election.


TALLAHASSEE--For two days, a federal civil rights commission listened to a
string of public officials shift the blame for Florida's notorious voting
problems during the presidential election.
Frustration boiled over Friday when Secretary of State Katherine Harris,
Florida's chief elections official, testified that she delegates a high
level of authority to elections director Clay Roberts and that she would
refer some questions to him.
The impression was that Harris was shirking responsibility for voting
problems that subjected Florida to national ridicule and sparked a U.S.
Commission on Civil Rights inquiry into alleged civil rights violations.
Irate commission members lashed out at her.
"It (the election) was a disaster for your state as well as for the rest of
the country and the way people feel about having faith in the system of
this country," said commission member Victoria Wilson.
She accused Harris of ignoring local elections supervisors who wanted money
for voter education and other improvements, as well as guidance from the
state on election matters.
Supervisors "were desperate for your help, and the word that comes to mind,
is that you abandoned them," Wilson said.
"The fact is, that you didn't help the voters," she said. "You did not help
the voters and the voters really had to the pay the price. I don't know
who's responsible, the supervisors are saying you're responsible, you're
saying Mr. Roberts is responsible. I'm on the merry-go-round called denial."
Commission vice chairman Cruz Reynoso raised his voice as he told Harris
that she can't avoid responsibility by saying she delegates authority for
Harris is an elected member of the state Cabinet. Roberts is an employee of
the state.
"You're the one that's responsible," he said.
The commission's chairwoman, Mary Frances Berry, posed her questions to
Harris anyway, not to Roberts.
"I care what Mr. Roberts says, but as I understand the law, you are
accountable and even though you delegated it, we should ask you what you
think," she said.
In her prior role as an assistant secretary of education in the federal
government, Berry said, she felt it was her duty to be informed so that she
could answer any questions posed by Congress.
After being criticized by commission members, Harris said that though she
delegates day-to-day operations for elections to Roberts, "I am chief
elections office and I consider myself accountable and responsible for this
The election put Florida in the international spotlight when the close vote
between Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore led to vote
recounts and legal battles for five weeks after Election Day. Bush was
ultimately declared the winner, and Florida's 25 electoral votes put him in
the White House.
Harris, a co-chairman of Bush's campaign in Florida, was in the center of
the political drama. Upon the advice of her attorneys and media
consultants, Harris usually read carefully written statements, answered no
questions, or referred questions to Roberts as her elections expert.
But that didn't work before the civil rights panel Friday.  Commission
chairwoman Berry called Harris' description of her role as a manager who
delegates "laughable."
Indeed, members of the audience began to chuckle every time Harris turned
to Roberts to answer a question.
Harris and Roberts were the last of the witnesses at the commission's
two-day hearing. The commission is looking into a host of allegations,
including that minority voters were intimidated, turned away from the
polls, forced to use outdated equipment at polling places and wrongly
listed as convicted felons on voter lists.
Confusion over the convicted felons extended to non-minorities as well.
Linda Howell, the white elections supervisor in Madison County, told the
commission Friday that she too was being accused of being a convicted felon
after a mix-up created by the state.
She received a letter at her office from the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement in March 2000 that stated:
"After reviewing your Florida criminal history, we have determined that you
have a Florida felony conviction in our repository." The state later
Attorney General Bob Butterworth's civil rights division is investigating
the purging of voters from registration rolls, as well as other allegations
of civil rights violations.
He also told the commission Friday that he has already drafted proposed
legislation that would prohibit motor vehicle checkpoints on Election Day.
Roberta Tucker, 49, a state employee, told the commission Thursday that she
was suspicious and intimidated when she was stopped at a roadblock about
two miles from her polling place by highway patrol troopers. She had never

[CTRL] Florida ballots face one more count

2001-01-17 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


Florida ballots face one more count

By Kim Campbell
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

Maybe you can put the Florida recount behind you, but America's largest
news organizations can't. They are pooling their resources to find out, for
history's sake, what those uncounted ballots really look like.
Results are expected in the next few months from partners The Miami Herald
and USA Today, and from a highly unusual consortium announced last week
that includes The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington
Post, CNN, and the Associated Press.
By sharing the significant costs of the investigation, these normally
competitive news outlets will be able to bring information to the public
that may improve the election process in the future and help answer
questions about what actually happened in Florida.
"We spent 36 days arguing about what was on 180,000 ballots that were never
seen," says John Broder, Washington editor for The New York Times and a
coordinator of the consortium. "Those ballots contain a wealth of information."
When the results are released, Americans will have a better idea of how
many different types of ballots there were, and how many dimpled ones, for
example, each candidate had in his pile.In some cases, consortium members
may draw conclusions about what voters expected to do, but they say their
goal is to create a definitive archive of the ballots, not to change the
outcome of the election.
The idea appeals to readers in Florida, says Mark Seibel, assistant
managing editor at The Miami Herald. "The mail is overwhelmingly in favor
of our doing it. And the reason is a very simple one: curiosity," he says.
But it doesn't sit well with some Republicans, who are concerned about the
accuracy of the media's approach and about taking legitimacy away from
President-elect Bush.
Mediawatchers argue this is a classic case for press involvement. As a
watchdog, it should be investigating the process by which an elected
official came to power.
"That's exactly the function the press is supposed to perform. That's why
it's called the Fourth Estate," says Tom Rosenstiel, director of the
Project for Excellence in Journalism. "What matters is that the public gets
the truest answer it can."
If the results turn out in Mr. Bush's favor, it might give his leadership
more credence, not less, notes Mr. Seibel. "Our projections have indicated
that it's quite likely [Bush won]. But you don't really know until you look
at the ballots," he says.
Likewise, he says, if there are more ballots that look like they belonged
to Al Gore, it could lead to finding ways to avoid mistaken outcomes in the
The Herald started its project mid-December and is looking at 60,000
ballots considered undervotes - those where the presidential choice
couldn't be determined. The consortium is looking at all 180,000 uncounted
votes, including the overvotes, where more than one candidate was selected.
Critics were initially concerned that reporters, with their own political
leanings, would be examining the ballots - but that's not allowed under
Florida law. Both groups are using outside organizations, who themselves
don't touch the ballots, but watch as designated election officials do. The
Herald and USA Today are being represented by BDO Seidman, an accounting
firm, and the consortium is using the National Opinion Research Center, a
nonprofit survey-research organization affiliated with the University of
NORC will provide the members of its group with raw data, and the news
organizations will analyze it separately. The Herald declined to join the
consortium because of disagreements over methodology, and because it wanted
to get credit for work that will likely affect readers in its own backyard.
That may work to the public's advantage. With more than one group weighing
in, "you get a lot closer to an authoritative answer," notes Mr.  Rosenstiel.
He explains that the reason people were comfortable with the final outcome
of the election is because in the month leading up to it the process was
made transparent by the press.
Seibel agrees. "The more the merrier because maybe there's something we've
overlooked," he says, adding, "In the end, because two groups looked at it,
we'll know more."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's 

[CTRL] Fw: CONGRESS ACTION: January 14, 2001

2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Original Message-From: 
Kim Weissman [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Undisclosed-Recipient:; Undisclosed-Recipient:;Date: 
Saturday, January 13, 2001 5:23 PMSubject: CONGRESS ACTION: 
January 14, 2001

CONGRESS ACTION: January 14, 2001
of the extremist left (which now includes virtually the entire Democrat Party) 
to diversity and compassion are proven to be nothing but obscene jokes. By 
giving shelter to an abused woman who was an illegal alien, Linda Chavez 
actually practiced the compassion that the left preaches, and was demonized by 
compassionate leftists for doing so. Sanctimonious leftists believe 
that compassion is the business of government alone (using other people's money, 
of course). The socialist left has turned its venom on Interior nominee Gale 
Norton, for the unforgivable sin of understanding the importance of private 
property rights to the preservation of freedom. The Founders of this nation also 
understood that importance, along with every other non-Marxist economist and 
political thinker throughout history, and the Founders protected private 
property rights in our Bill of Rights. But anyone who defends private property 
rights, and thereby the Constitution and freedom, is on the fringe and outside 
the mainstream, according to the socialist left, and is to be demonized and 
destroyed. Does there remain any doubt that the radical environmental movement 
is the home of unreformed socialists disillusioned by the collapse of their 
fallen icon, the Soviet Union? Then there is John Ashcroft, attacked by the left 
as a racist for having voted against a black Clinton judicial nominee. To 
left-wing extremists, there is not a single solitary reason to ever vote against 
a judge who is black -- except racism. Which therefore makes every Senate 
democrat who voted against Clarence Thomas a racist. But the democrats are the 
ones who demanded confirmation based solely on skin color, so who are the real 
bigots? Ashcroft's record of honorable public service puts the lie to the racism 
charge, and his enemies know it. The real reason he has incurred the wrath of 
that unprecedented coalition of left-wing extremist groups is that he is 
devoutly religious and moral. Religious tests for public office were ended in 
this nation centuries ago -- but not in the totalitarian and hate-filled world 
of the left, where one must act, think, and believe in lock-step with the amoral 
religious left, or one is vilified. The left also impugns Ashcroft's honor by 
claiming that he might not enforce the laws. Because they are without honor, and 
circumventing the law is standard practice with them, many leftists assume that 
everyone is as corrupt as they are. What they really fear, however, is that 
Ashcroft in fact will enforce the laws, evenhandedly and vigorously. 
These hysterical assaults not only prove, again, the truly dishonorable 
character of the left; they prove the folly of Trent Lott's attempt to buy peace 
by sharing Senate power with democrats, whose only goal is to destroy 
conservatives. Appeasement by pre-emptive surrender only emboldens your 
INDICT CLINTON?: The punditry is swirling 
with speculation about whether Bill Clinton will be indicted when he leaves 
office. Clinton's impeachment defenders certainly invited such an indictment, 
claiming that the legal system alone was the proper venue to punish Clinton's 
official wrongdoing, and then only after he leaves office. Of course they 
weren't really serious. They just said that during impeachment because, at the 
time, it allowed them to assume a phony moralistic stance while defending the 
Hypocrisy and unceasing defense of Bill Clinton can be expected from 
democrats and other leftists, but pragmatic republicans have also joined the 
pardon Bill camp. They all mouth the appropriate abstract principles 
-- no man is above the law, we are a nation of laws and not men -- but then 
jettisons those principles and suggests that it is time, in the immortal phrase 
of the Clintonoids, to just move on. Senator Orrin Hatch -- 
It's time to let President Clinton fade into whatever he's going to fade 
into, and I just don't see keeping it alive any longer. Sorry, Senator 
Hatch, Bill Clinton isn't fading away to anywhere; on the contrary, he is 
engaged in a vigorous effort to rewrite history to prove that he 
never did anything wrong and that republicans should apologize to him for 
impeachment; all the while questioning Bush's legitimacy and issuing a blizzard 
of executive decrees designed to undermine the Bush administration. Congressman 
Henry Hyde, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee during impeachment -- 
The president has had his trial, and it is over, and to 
follow up with an indictment and put the president on trial would 
diminish the institution of the presidency and the nation in the eyes of the 
world. Sorry, Congressman Hyde, there 


2001-01-17 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Nurev Ind Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I was one of those faithful. I walked all the way from Australia to kneel
 before the Holy Toast. The Holy Toast heeled my aching feet.

 It was a fucking miracle!

I would opine that your walking ALL the way from Australia to Texas 'twas more the 
miracle than your feet not
hurting...  ;-)

 I don't eat toast anymore. Too Catholic.

In the name of The Bagel, The Scone, and The Holy Toast, go in Pizza, my son...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] New BSE inquiry raises fears over milk safety

2001-01-17 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 01/15/2001 1:32:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,

   The majority of the 1m or so
  animals thought to have entered the human food chain while
  infected with BSE were dairy cows, whose milk would have
  been consumed for years before they died. 

 It's alarming to think that the cow in Italy that just was found to be
 infected with BSE was a four year old dairy cow.  Prudy

I think that it is really alarming that plants can become resistant to
pesticides and herbicides yet carry those chemicals to cows and humans.
Seems as if the main problem from meat would be if the animal were
given inoculations too close to slaughter time, or be sick and
unfit to slaughter.
That could not happen though because to slaughter an sick animal or
one that has just been inoculated is illegal - isn't it?

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: [CCNN] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, January 15, 2001 11:00 PM
Subject: [CCNN] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

54 Socialists are in the United States Congress

  The Chuck Morse Show
  Boston's Radio VOICE of REASON.

  54 Socialists are in the United States Congress

  This Republic honors the right to free speech, expression, and
association. These rights, the hallmark of a free society, are
protected through time honored Constitutional guarantees. An American
citizen is free, for example, to be a Socialist, a Communist, a Nazi,
a member of the KKK, or a member of any group, as long as he obeys the
law and doesn't act in a manner that would threaten the freedom,
safety, and liberty of his fellow citizens. This principle is the
foundation as well as the price of freedom.

  Congressmen, however, swear on a Bible to preserve, protect and
defend the Constitution of the United States. They are elected and
compensated to fulfill that sacred oath both in letter and in spirit.
Affiliation, therefore, with an organization that advocates a
political system that blatantly contradicts the Constitution, while
not illegal per se, has the effect of eroding faith and trust in our
government, society, and the rule of law. A Congressmen who affiliates
with an International Socialist organization is really no different,
in this regard, than a Congressmen who, theoretically, would join an
organization that advocates a Monarchy, or a government based on laws
of racial supremacy. The Democratic Socialists of America, the
organization in question, advocates an authoritarian political system
that is antithetical to American Constitutional principals. This poses
a major contradiction for an elected Congressmen who also happens to
be a member of such an organization.

  There are, presently, 54 Congressmen who are members of the
Democratic Socialists of America which bills itself as the largest
organization in America to be affiliated with the Socialist
International. These Congressmen represent the extreme political left
of the Democratic Party. This is, lets be clear, not comparable to
participation in the old left, Stalinist apparatus which, during the
Franklin D. Roosevelt Administration in the1930's and 1940's, set up
secret Communist cells who were spying for the Kremlin. A Congressman
who is a member of an organization like the DSA has, again, done
nothing illegal per se. However, he nonetheless signs onto, witting or
otherwise, a political philosophy and methodology that is
un-Constitutional and, therefore, un-American. While the purpose of
this article is not to impugn the patriotism of these Congressmen, and
while they, no doubt, sincerely believe that their international
authoritarian faith is pro-American, they, nonetheless, should be
identified and their record and actions studied and scrutinized.
Following is a list of Congressmen who are presently members of the
Democratic Socialists of America:

  Bernard Sanders-VT, Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Cynthia A. McKinney-GA, Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Peter DeFazio-OR, Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maurice Hinchey-NY,Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Major Owens-NY.Co-Chair, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Nydia M. Velazquez-NY,
  Maxine Waters-CA,
  Earl Hilliard-AL,
  Eni Faleomavaega-AL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Lynn C. Woolsey-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  George Miller-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Nancy Pelosi-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Fortney "Pete" Stark-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Henry A. Waxman-CA,
  Xavier Becerra-CA,
  Julian C. Dixon-CA,
  Esteban Edward Torres-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  George E. Brown-CA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Bob Filner-CA,
  Corrine Brown-FL,
  Carrie P. Meek-FL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Alcee L. Hastings-FL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Neil Abercrombie-HI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Patsy Mink-HI,
  Luis Gutierrez-IL, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Danny Davis-IL,
  Julia Carson-IN, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Barney Frank-MA,
  John Tierney-MA,
  David Bonior-MI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Lynn N. Rivers-MI, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  John Conyers-MI, 


2001-01-17 Thread Arthur Hickman

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Howard Rothenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Undisclosed recipients: ; Undisclosed recipients: ;
Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 10:16 PM

Washington Bulletin: National Review's Internet Update for
January 16, 2001

By John J. Miller and Ramesh Ponnuru

A legal reporter smears the A.G. nominee.

Legal Times scribe Tony Mauro wants to know: "Can a deeply religious
person be attorney general?" What an interesting question! And what a
bigoted one!

Yet Mauro asks it anyway, in a USA Today op-ed. Mauro continues: "If
Ashcroft's view [that 'we have no king but Jesus'] leads him to think
that ours is a Christian nation, or that only Christians have the right
answers to the nation's problems, then indeed his vision is too narrow
to take the job of attorney general." It is worth noting that Mauro
provides no evidence that Ashcroft does in fact think these things. He
merely suspects that there's a chance Ashcroft does, and therefore "the
Senate needs to explore these questions fully, even if it necessitates
an intrusion into the usually private domain of a person's religious

Yesterday on NRO, Michael Novak noted the long conservative tradition of
making a distinction between law and morality. He also pointed out that
liberals "demand a religious test for public office, and the test they
propose is simple: No one in public office is allowed to take religion
seriously, or to apply it to reality, or to allow it to shape their
views. The upshot of this test is that all officers of the government of
the United States ought to be effective or practical atheists." (The
entire commentary may be read at: .)

It is difficult to imagine Mauro asking his question if Ashcroft were
Catholic or Jewish. Let's see how he might formulate it: "Can a
profoundly Catholic person be attorney general?" Or: "Can a committed
Jewish person be attorney general?"

We wonder if the editors at USA Today would entertain these sorts of

If President Clinton is indicted, 49 percent of the public believes it
would be a "good thing" to pardon him, versus 38 percent thinking it
would be a "bad thing," according to a Newsweek poll.

 But if the watchman sees the sword coming and
 does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and
 the sword comes and takes the life of one of
 them, that man will be taken away because of
 his sin, but I will hold the watchman
 accountable for his blood."  Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

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107, any copyrighted work in this message
is distributed under fair use without profit
or payment for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

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cannot be considered "spam" as long
as it  includes:
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How the Democrats made loving Dixie a hate crime

2001-01-17 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

How the Democrats made loving Dixie a hate crime
Robert Stacy McCain

When he was the governor of Arkansas only two decades
ago, Bill Clinton routinely issued proclamations, with
the usual rhetorical flourishes, commemorating the
birthdays of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis.

So did the governors of other states once part of the
Confederacy, and tributes to Southern valor and courage
in the service of "the Lost Cause" were no more
controversial than proclamations of Mother's Day,
Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July.

But such tributes to Confederate heritage  held in
reverence by millions of Southerners and other
Americans  are now political dynamite. Two of
President-elect George W. Bush's Cabinet nominees
are under attack this week, not only for their stance
on policy issues, but for sympathetic remarks toward
the Confederacy.

In recent years, opponents have made a political issue
of the Confederate battle flag. The familiar St. Andrew's
Cross in red, white and blue was for decades an artifact
of amiable tourist kitsch, displayed on shelves beside
pecan rolls, corncob pipes and plastic alligators in
gift shops and restaurants along highways to Florida,
the Mississippi coast and other Dixie resorts.

Long-haired motorcyclists displayed the Confederate
colors to proclaim their rebellion against "square"
society. In the 1970s, Southern rock group Lynyrd
Skynyrd toured the nation, taking the stage lavished
with an enormous Confederate battle flag backdrop, while
TV's "Dukes of Hazzard" showcased Bo and Luke Duke as
they raced down country roads in their souped-up Dodge
Charger, nicknamed "General Lee," with the flag
emblazoned on its roof.

"Back as late as 1986, nobody complained about Confederate
symbols at all," recalls P. Charles Lunsford, president
of the Heritage Preservation Association, an Atlanta
group that defends Confederate history.

So how and why has it become a hate crime to whistle "Dixie"?

"I think it represents a hole in our education," says
Walter E. Williams, chairman of the economics department
at Virginia's George Mason University and a nationally
syndicated columnist who writes frequently on race and
politics. He blames "political opportunism" for the
crusade against Confederate remembrance.

"People are associating the War Between the States as
solely motivated by slavery," says Mr. Williams, a black
scholar who argues that the 1861-1865 conflict "was
more of a states' rights issue than a slavery issue."

Thomas J. DiLorenzo, an economics professor at Loyola
University in Baltimore who has written extensively on
Civil War history, agrees. Left-wing groups "insinuate
that if someone even mentions the word 'Confederacy,'"
he says, "they're somehow secretly in favor of slavery.

"It's absolutely crazy. It's an act of desperation on
the part of the left."

The left is now using the Confederacy as a weapon against
Mr. Bush's Cabinet nominees.

Opponents of former Sen. John Ashcroft of Missouri, the
nominee for attorney general whose Senate confirmation
hearing begins today, criticize his 1998 interview in
which he praised Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee and
Stonewall Jackson as "Southern patriots."

Gale A. Norton, Mr. Bush's nominee for interior secretary,
has drawn fire for a 1996 speech in which she said
proponents of states' rights under the 10th Amendment
"lost too much" as a result of the defeat of the South
in 1865.

Chairman Julian Bond of the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) says Mrs. Norton's
remarks "exhibited a wanton insensitivity toward slavery
and its descendants."

In the past decade, elements of Southern history  represented
by symbols such as the Confederate flag and by sentimental
songs like "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny"  have gone
from regional culture to national controversy.

In 1993, Carol Moseley-Braun, then a Democratic senator
from Illinois, persuaded the U.S. Senate to deny renewal
of a patent on the century-old emblem of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy.

The Confederate flag became a presidential issue in the
Republican primary in South Carolina last winter. Sen.
John McCain of Arizona, who called the flag "a symbol
of racism and slavery," was defeated in that key contest
by Mr. Bush, who declined to describe his view of the flag
but insisted that South Carolinians had the right to
decide whether they should honor the flag and if so,
how. Under pressure from an NAACP boycott, South Carolina's
Legislature took the flag from its standard above the
Statehouse in July. But the NAACP vowed to continue the
boycott, upset because the Legislature voted to move the
flag to a place of honor at a Confederate monument on
the Statehouse grounds.

Mr. Bush ordered two plaques commemorating the Confederacy
removed from the Texas Supreme Court building in Austin.
Mississippi's legislature voted last week to hold a
referendum on the Confederate 

Re: [CTRL] 54 Socialists in the United States Congress

2001-01-17 Thread Theodor Parada, MD

-Caveat Lector-

 54 Socialists are in the United States Congress

The entire list is made up of the people who are trying the hardest
to take away the second amendment.

Theodor S. Parada, MD
PGP Key ID 0x537C4815

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot
survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for
he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst
those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the
alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor
appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he
wears their face and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies
deep in the heart's of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works
secretly and unknownest in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he
infects the body politic, so that, it, can no longer resist. A murderer is
less to fear. The traitor is the plague."
Marcus Tullius Cicero 42 BC

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] REU: Feds Restrained by Supremes Again

2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Supreme Court Limits Federal Regulation of Ponds

By James Vicini

WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2001 (Reuters) - A closely divided U.S.
Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the federal government lacks
the authority under the clean water law to regulate isolated
ponds which provide habitat formigrating birds.

The high court, by a 5-4 ruling written by Chief Justice William
Rehnquist, said the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers overstepped its
authority in asserting regulatory jurisdiction in such cases.

Although the case raised broad constitutional issues about
Congress's power to regulate interstate commerce, the justices
split along conservative and liberal lines in deciding the
dispute on statutory grounds involving the reach of the clean
water law that dates back nearly 30 years.

It marked the latest in a series of rulings in the past several
years by the conservative-controlled high court that have limited
the reach of federal laws while expanding the powers of states
and local governments.

The case involved a group of Illinois municipalities that argued
the Corps of Engineers lacked the authority to keep them from
building a landfill on a site in Cook County.

The Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County, a consortium of
23 municipalities, decided during the 1980s to build a
solid-waste landfill on a 533-acre site straddling Cook County,
where Chicago is located, and Kane County.

The site had been a strip mine about 50 years earlier, and areas
that once were gravel pits had become a number of small ponds
used as seasonal nesting and breeding areas by a variety of
migratory birds.

The federal Clean Water Act requires a permit from the Corps of
Engineers to dispose landfill in ``waters of the United States,''
including lakes, wetlands and ponds.

While state and local government agencies reviewed and approved
the landfill, the Corps of Engineers rejected the request for a

Federal Government Suffers Defeat

The ruling represented a major victory for the Illinois
municipalities, and a defeat for the federal government.

Rehnquist said federal jurisdiction over such ponds would result
in a ``significant'' infringement on the states' traditional and
primary power over land and water use.

He said there was no clear statement from Congress that it
intended the law to reach an abandoned sand and gravel pit such
as the one at issue in Illinois.

He was joined by Justices Sandra Day O'Connor , Antonin Scalia,
Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas, all of whom have been
advocates of expanded states' rights.

Justice John Paul Stevens said in a strongly worded dissent that
the court in the ruling ``takes an unfortunate step that
needlessly weakens our principal safeguard against toxic water.''

He said the protection of migratory birds has been a
well-established federal responsibility.

Stevens was joined by the other members of the court's liberal
bloc --Justices David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Black Blood

2001-01-17 Thread Euphorix

-Caveat Lector-


Well ... "Western Europe" ... since 1980 ... so much  for the American
Expeditionary Forces ... and how many MILLIONs of them are there that spent time in
some part of the Old World?  Eating and drinking and drinking and eating and ...
should we be alert to a new syndrome?  AER 


Red Cross Takes 'Mad Cow' Precautions Wires
Thursday, Jan. 18, 2001
WASHINGTON (UPI) - The American Red Cross intends to ban blood donations from people
who have lived anywhere in Western Europe since 1980 in an effort to shield the
blood supply from the human form of "mad cow" disease, USA Today reported Wednesday.
"This will have a very serious impact," Red Cross President Bernadine Healy told the
newspaper. She estimated a loss of about 6 percent of donors, or 360,000 people.
The Red Cross, which collects about half of the nation's blood supply, said it would
urge a federal panel this week to make the restrictions apply to all blood-
collection agencies.
America's Blood Centers, which collects the other half, said the proposal would be
"We would lose 25 percent of New York City's blood supply," said spokeswoman Melissa
But after watching HIV spread through the blood supply in the 1980s, Red Cross
officials would rather err on the side of safety.
The brain-destroying disease called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or vCJD, has
killed 88 people in England, one in Ireland and three in France since the mid-1990s.
The disease is a human form of mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy,
which began in the United Kingdom and has spread throughout Europe. Scientists
believe that people get vCJD by eating BSE-tainted meat.
See more articles about mad cow disease.
Copyright 2001 by United Press International.
All rights reserved.

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Press Office


Kennedy, Torricelli Should be Investigated by an Ashcroft Justice

Kennedy Took At Least $6,000 from John Huang

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the non-partisan public
interest law firm that investigates and prosecutes government
corruption, said today that many of the Senators on the Judicial
Committee grilling John Ashcroft have a severe conflict of
interest because of their personal involvement in the ongoing
Chinagate scandal, which would have to be investigated by an
Ashcroft Justice Department.

Federal Election Commission records show that John Huang, the
accused Chinese spy and Democrat fundraiser, gave at least $6,000
in political donations to Ted Kennedy and at least $2,000 to
Robert Torricelli since 1992. Senate Democratic Leader Tom
Daschle also received $5,000 from Huang and Barbara Boxer
received $2,000. In addition, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign
Committee, which benefits all Democratic Senators received over
$11,000 from Huang. Huang has admitted that all these monies came
from illegal overseas accounts through the Lippo Group. According
to an U.S. Senate Report, the Lippo Group is alleged to be a
front operation for Communist Chinese intelligence.

“In 1997, Bill Clinton reportedly torpedoed support from
Democratic senators for a special counsel to investigate
Chinagate by reminding Tom Daschle in an angry late night phone
call that the money at issue had benefitted Senate Democrats.
Indeed, Huang gave Senate Democrats (and some Republicans)
thousands of dollars in illegal contributions.  Ted Kennedy, Bob
Torricelli and other senators who would face possible
investigation by an Ashcroft Justice Department ought to at least
recuse themselves from the process, for they have an obvious
interest in sabotaging an incoming Attorney General who might
actually prosecute them,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and
General Counsel Larry Klayman.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] AP: Lawsuit Could Reopen Watergate

2001-01-17 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Lawsuit Could Reopen Watergate

Associated Press Writer

BALTIMORE (AP) -- The Watergate burglary was not an attempt to
remove potentially embarrassing photographs of John Dean's future
wife from a secretary's desk, despite the claims of convicted
conspirator G. Gordon Liddy, the secretary's lawyer said
Wednesday in opening statements for a defamation lawsuit.

The lawsuit was filed by Ida ''Maxie'' Wells, the former
secretary for the Democratic National Committee. It seeks $5.1
million from Liddy for claiming that the burglars who broke into
DNC headquarters at the Watergate complex were looking for
photographs that linked Dean's fiance to a call-girl ring.

Wells says Liddy falsely accused her of procuring prostitutes for
the DNC in the early 1970s.

Her attorney, David Dorsen, said Wednesday that Liddy defamed
Wells by repeating the theory about the Watergate break-in that
was raised in the book ''Silent Coup.''

Liddy began discussing Wells in speeches after Dean sued Liddy
and the authors of that 1991 book over its claim that Dean
instigated the Watergate break-in. Dean dropped his case against
Liddy last summer.

Dean, who was President Nixon's chief White House lawyer, said he
would testify and deny the accusations. Dean's wife, Maureen,
also is listed as a possible witness for Wells. Other potential
witnesses listed by both sides include Watergate figures E.
Howard Hunt, Charles Colson and James McCord.

Liddy's attorney, John Williams, countered in his opening remarks
that Liddy has several sources for his theory about the motive
behind the break-in, including a number of books and what
Williams said was a historical fact: that one of the burglars had
a key to Wells' desk.

''He says what he says because the historical literature will
show that Ms. Wells' telephone was being used to contact the
call-girl ring,'' Williams said. ''This case is about whether Mr.
Liddy can openly discuss another theory of history.

''Nobody can explain why the burglars had a key to her desk and
why her desk was broken into.''

Liddy arranged the June 17, 1972, burglary that ultimately led to
Nixon's 1974 resignation, and later served four years and four
months in prison.

The lawsuit contends Liddy has repeatedly, and falsely, claimed
the break-in was ordered not to repair a previously installed tap
on DNC telephones but to recover photos and phone numbers of
Dean's fiancee. According to the lawsuit, Liddy says Dean's
fiancee was a member of a call-girl ring.

Dean, who cooperated with Watergate prosecutors and served four
months in prison, on Tuesday denied being the Watergate

''There is not a scintilla of evidence that there was a call-girl
ring at the DNC,'' said Dean, who has recently worked as an
investment banker in Beverly Hills.

Dorsen has noted that Wells later became personal secretary to

''It defies belief that if there were an active prostitution ring
operating out of the DNC in 1971-1972, in which (Wells) played a
conspicuous role, no Democratic worker or official came forward
to protect President Carter from the political scandal of having
as his secretary an alleged former madam, who supposedly pimped
for countless Democratic bigwigs,'' Dorsen said in court papers.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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