Re: [CTRL] Sweet Donna aka Revcoal

2001-04-27 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

 Yes, it does have its humour, . . . though not always enjoyable.  And does
 present one with some fairly typical reponses and views that helps to remind
 one of the picture and forces at work.

 But then its personal inaneity jades one into non-communication, yea
 perchance avoidance.

Hey babe, don't let the bastards get you down!


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Re: [CTRL] Fw What's Happening At The South Pole????

2001-04-27 Thread BB

It seems as though they've had a major fistfight!
Cut faces, a few were to have come back, and latest reports
that a mob of them have returned.
Amelia wrote:

is a really fascinating article! But does anybody know to WHERE these
people have been evacuated? There is a huge Raytheon facility near
me and I hope they were not brought back there because this sounds like
maybe they were exposed to some new organism! Really a scary thought.
Any other articles on this lake?Amelia
- Original Message -
From: William
Thursday, April 26, 2001 6:21 PMSubject: [CTRL] What's Happening
At The South Pole

Re: [CTRL] Bush budget doesn't include funds to fight tobacco

2001-04-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 26 Apr 01, at 18:17, Butch wrote:

 SO WHAT  Big Deal

Bush Loves Cancer. It makes more room for his Reptoid fiends.



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[CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

People who are mentally sick often hang out on UFO and Conspiracy lists
because they need to feel important and often look for followers. Some of
these unfortunate people are victoms of mind control experiments by CIA
and other agencies, others are simply sick paranoid psychotics looking for
a sympathetic audience.



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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] CNN's Fake CIA Agent? (O'Reilly Scammed Too??)

2001-04-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like CIA disinformation to me.


--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 CNN's Very Secret Agent: CIA Says Man's Story Is Phony

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Re: [CTRL]

2001-04-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Hot Pants [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Your campaign
 terror against certain listmembers borders on stalking, and suggests
 psychotic breakdown.

Making psychiatric diagnoses over the Internet, without having
personally examined the patient, smacks of medical malpractice. It
could be grounds for revoking one's medical license. Of course, if the
person making the psychiatric diagnosis is not a licensed physician,
then the whole practicing medicine without a license can of worms opens up.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [FP] Cell Phones to Have Location-Tracking by 2005

2001-04-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I guess this is the price you pay if you feel the need to be accessible

who, at times, would like to yank the land-line out of the wall

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] More Snooping on Militias?

2001-04-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The wealthiest 358 individuals in the world, all of them billionaires,
 collectively own as much wealth as 45% of humanity.
 -- The United Nations Development Program Report '96 --

 The world's 477 billionaires have as much wealth as 52 percent of
 -- According to the Economic Policy Institute, in 1997 --

 Round 'em up. Herd 'em off a cliff.

ALRIGHT!!! Er' which group?


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] Response to the Christian June

2001-04-27 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:
So June still up to your old tricks; just another list below where you
showed your you were not the coal miner's daugher at
that for you were the dog catcher's daughter.

Actually they both were dog WARDENs, not dog 'catchers'.  My mother took
over for my father working for our town when my father went to work for
the state.  Both jobs were considered 'executive level', and indeed my
mother made more money than my father, making more than twice what was
considered an 'average' wage for the era.  My mother was the first woman
in the state to perform that job, was written up in all the state papers
(which never failed to mention that she was a blue-eyed blonde ex-model),
and was on the same level as a policeman, replete with badge and power of

Both my parents had control of departmental budgets, and power of hire
and fire.

Far from being ashamed of the work either of my parents did, I'm
extremely proud of both, especially my mother who broke new ground for
all women to pursue non-traditional vocations, and my father for
supporting and encouraging her to do so.

Since you are so set on stalking me, Kolleen (which, BTW, I can have you
arrested for under the Internet laws of my state), why not go to the
library and look up all the newspaper articles written about my parents?


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Re: [CTRL] Fw: [CTRL]

2001-04-27 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Aleisha Saba wrote:

When I was a kid we hated the dog catcher.

I've found that the only people who hate dog wardens are those who insist
on violating the laws in effect relating to dogs...

These are always the rude, selfish people who insist on not licensing
their pets, and allow them to roam and to disturb the peace at all hours
of the day and night...

My mother was actually pretty popular in our town...except with those few
who insisted on being rude, selfish, and didn't give a damn about their
neighbors and continually allowed their canines to disturb the collective

If she wasn't so popular, there wouldn't have been all those flattering
newspaper articles done about her...

If she wasn't so popular, she wouldn't have retained the job for as long
as she did, because it was an annual appointment that was renewed based
on public feedback...


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Re: [CTRL]

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/27/01 5:48:57 AM Central Daylight Time,

Making psychiatric diagnoses over the Internet, without having
personally examined the patient, smacks of medical malpractice. It
could be grounds for revoking one's medical license. Of course, if the
person making the psychiatric diagnosis is not a licensed physician,
then the whole practicing medicine without a license can of worms opens up.

Not this stupid argument again.
It is NOT "practicing medicine without a license" to make generic claims
about anonymous people on a public list.

Not that Wingate has a clue either...


[CTRL] Fwd: Secretary Powell to address the Bretton Woods Committee

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon

Office of the Spokesman
For Immediate Release
April 26, 2001



Secretary of State Colin L. Powell will deliver opening remarks to the
annual meeting of the Bretton Woods Committee on Friday, April 27, at
9:15 a.m. in the State Department's Loy Henderson Auditorium, 2201 C
St., N.W.

Subject of Secretary 's remarks is The Role of the Bretton Woods
Institutions in Promoting Freedom and Prosperity.  The Secretary will
discuss how the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, in an
atmosphere of free trade, can ease global poverty.

Following his remarks, Secretary Powell will respond to a few questions
from the Bretton Woods Committee members.  The Secretary's remarks and
the question-and-answer session will be open for press coverage.

Pre-set time for cameras:
8:15 a.m.  (23rd Street entrance)
Final access time for all press:
9:00 a.m.  (23rd Street entrance)

Media representatives may cover this event upon presentation of either
(1) a US Government-issued identification card (Department of State,
White House, Congress, Department of Defense, or Foreign Press Center),
(2) a photo ID issued by the employing media organization, or (3) a
letter on official letterhead from their news organization verifying
their employment as a journalist, accompanied by an official photo ID
(drivers' license or passport).

Press Contacts:
Bretton Woods Committee  (202) 331-1616
Randy Rogers
Mai Trinh

US Department of State  (202) 647-2492
Office of Press Relations

See for all press statements

To change your subscription, go to

Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:
People who are mentally sick often hang out on UFO and Conspiracy lists
because they need to feel important and often look for followers. Some of
these unfortunate people are victoms of mind control experiments by CIA
and other agencies, others are simply sick paranoid psychotics looking for
a sympathetic audience.

Ah, that explains the continued presence here and daily ravings of
Aleisha, Amelia, et al...

June ;-)

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Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yes I agree with June and Steve here - these UFO'ologists they call

We used to just call them nuts - for anyone with any smarts at all know
we did not get to the moon on a one shot deal?

Now in my family we did not call them UFO's.we called them
satellities, missiles, and most came out of Vandenberg.and yes my
brother wore a Joint Chief of Staff badge and loved dogs and cats.

He was a hero in WWII..he and a lot of other heros got us to the
moon before Russia while those that would have preferred Russia got
there first, now say we did not go.

Only UFO I have seen lately was our local dog catcher, all 200 pounds of
her, running from scene when a guy's Rotweiler ran the other way after
getting a good load of that porky.


That Porky did not wear hot pants.

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Re: [CTRL] Weyrich's Free Pass

2001-04-27 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 but the examples you give about race are innapropriate- on one side you
 refer to a religion (jews) and in the comparitive ones you mention states
 (greece, itlay, america, etc)c. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I never mentioned race only nationality to the extent that nationality
has any meaning 2000 years ago.

we cannot be continue to go on about who killed christ- it doesn't
 matter... just like we in scotland are meant to not hate the english anymore

  I don't give a rats ass who killed Christ assuming there ever was such
  a person. My only point is that if someone opines who killed Christ
  in a religious / historical context, it is ridiculous and anti intellectual
  to call that anti semitism and in fact to do so only gives such reasoning
  credibility among the ignorant.

 BTW, it is always a good idea to hate the English and especially the Fascist
 State that the UK has become. Rather then waste time over who killed Christ
 we should continue to expose the mass murder and worldwide devastation wreaked
 upon the world by the bloody English and their Scottish co conspirators over the
 past 400 yearswe are still paying the price!

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Perverts Deported

2001-04-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Immigration Agents Were Protecting Schoolgirls, Some Say, But Others In
Greenfield Cry Racism

By Ken McLauglin
San Jose Mercury News,
April 23, 2001, page 1A

-- Greenfield, California
The US. immigration agents thought they would be hailed as heroes.

After witnessing school girls -- some as young as 9 and 10 -- being sexually
taunted and rubbed against, a dozen agents swept into town and arrested and
deported 39 illegal immigrants.

But there were few public cheers. Instead, the people of Greenfield couldn't
be more furious.

It's whom that anger is directed against, though, that has sharply divided
this over-whelmingly Latino farming community of 12,500 in Monterey County
leading to a stew of charges and countercharges that include racism, bad
police work and political-correctness gone mad.

To many parents and schoolchildren, it seems so simple.

I'm glad they were deported, said one 14-year-old Mexican-American girl,
an eighth grader from Vista Verde Middle School. We'd walk by and they'd
try to pinch our butts. They'd wave and whistle and make bad remarks.

Sharon Rummery, a spokeswoman for the US. Immigration and Naturalization
said the agency was meeting the spirit of addressing one of its highest
priorities -- the deportation of criminal aliens, a term that refers to
both legal and illegal immigrants guilty or suspected of committing crimes.

But the questions that linger, and anger many here, are more complicated.
Did INS agents swoop in to protect children in a town where 88 percent of
the population is Latino? Or did they use the complaints to arrest anyone
they saw who appeared to be undocumented?

Rummery said the arrests after the April 6 raid were targeted at men who
had been observed taking part in these activities. But she allowed that in
many INS enforcement actions some non-criminal aliens will be taken into

Some in town say the INS might have caught a few bad guys, but that a lot of
innocent people were snared in the agents' web -- law-abiding farm workers
who leave behind wives and children to fend for themselves.

But Rummery said, Only a few fell into that category. What would you have
done if you had heard these complaints? Ignore them?

The deportees are indigenous people from Oaxaca, a dirt-poor province in
Mexico where Indians have suffered a long history of racial discrimination.
They speak their own dialect, and few speak Spanish well, isolating them
from the general society.

We've just come here to work and feed our families in Mexico, not hurt
anyone, said Andres Cruz Garcia, a Oaxacan farm laborer.

Hugo Juarez, the Mexican vice consul in San Jose, promised to help press for
a human rights investigation.

Mendoza's Family Games on Greenfield's main drag, directly across from the
police station, might be a good place to start.

The men often hung out in front of the pool hall and arcade, and it was
here, many of the girls said, that they were harassed as they walked home
from school.

Another 14-year-old Latina from the middle school said many of the men were
often drunk. They pretended they weren't but they were, she said,
contending that the men often were drinking alcohol in juice bottles. All
the girls would just have to walk by fast.

It was also here and at a nearby street corner where after being tipped off
by a sheriff's deputy and others -- undercover INS agents watched the men.

Our agents witnessed behaviors that could have led to new crimes, said
Rummery, who noted that the agency had received written and oral complaints
beginning in mid-March from a white sheriff's deputy assigned to a drug
program in the elementary school, as well as eight Latino parents, children
and school employees. None of them have spoken publicly.

But at an incendiary Greenfield City Council meeting last week,
rights activists and farm workers excoriated the INS for overreaction,
discrimination and even lying about what their agents saw.

I think all these charges are fabricated, said Maximano, a longtime farm
worker in Greenfield who did not give his last name.

He and other speakers who made similar allegations were roundly applauded by
more than 100 Latino activists and members of the Teamsters and United Farm
Workers unions who packed the small room. Dozens of Latino laborers left
outside peered into windows to watch their fellow workers ask the council to
adopt a resolution declaring Greenfield an INS Raid-Free Zone.

Paul Johnston, executive director of the Salinas-based Citizenship Project,
said the agency has a long and shameful tradition of abuse of authority and
violation of human rights. The raid, he alleged, was done under the false
cover of defending the sexual purity of... girls from dark-skinned,
dangerous predators.

The INS is obviously taking the attacks seriously.. The agency's presentation
at the council 

[CTRL] Oakland Goes Bilingual

2001-04-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Los Angeles Times - April 20, 2001



By Maria L. La Ganga

OAKLAND -- City government is poised to become the first in
California to
require that many departments hire new workers who speak Spanish or
in an effort to provide services to a fast-growing population of
not proficient in English.

Buoyed by census figures showing that 35 percent of this East Bay
residents are Asian or Latino, the Oakland City Council is scheduled
to vote
Tuesday on whether to make all departments that have contact with the
hire bilingual employees.

Some people may think, `Why do this for immigrants?' said Ignacio
De La
Fuente, City Council president and co-author of the proposal. They
taxes. They don't take advantage of services.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors is expected to vote in May on
similar ordinance. No other city in California--the most diverse
state in the
continental United States--has taken such a strong measure, according
advocates for limited-English speakers.

State and federal laws require bilingual access to government
services, but
critics of these laws charge that they are unspecific and lack
provisions. The critics also note that until recently, immigrants,
and non-English speakers have been politically powerless, and their
have been ignored.

Change is coming particularly because of the growing Asian-American
Latino populations that cause policymakers to examine this issue,
says Ted
Wang, policy director for a statewide civil rights organization
Chinese for Affirmative Action. And the growth of the limited-
population has been dramatic.

In the Bay Area, there has been little opposition voiced to date
about the
proposals, which would require the cities to add bilingual staff
whenever a
group of limited-English speakers that shares a language reaches a

But the Oakland measure has caused a flurry of opinion pieces and
letters to
the editor in local newspapers.

Oakland is about to go bilingual, with two `official languages.' But
of them is English. Something is very wrong with this picture,
argued one
writer in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Mauro Mujica, chairman of a group called U.S. English, says
immigrants are
uninvited guests and need to learn English. Hiring some bilingual
government workers would be fine, he said, but to institutionalize
it is a
bad precedent.

But proponents say the issue is access to government. Stories abound
residents wronged--of small-business owners paying hefty fines for
city rules they don't understand, of children translating for parents
city-run hospitals and clinics, of domestic violence victims forced
to rely
on their abusers to make police understand the beatings they just

Oakland's ordinance would require that, in departments that have
contact with
the public, the city fill vacancies with bilingual workers for every
spoken by 10,000 or more residents with limited English.

The 2000 census figures on language proficiency have yet to be
released. But,
using 1990 numbers, Oakland officials believe the first hires should
bilingual in Spanish, Cantonese or Mandarin. Vietnamese-speaking
could eventually be added.

Twenty-five of the city's 65 departments are expected to be affected,
public health and safety departments and business-related services
bilingual workers first. Such departments would include police and
services, business licenses, garbage services, building permit
processing and
senior centers.

City officials emphasize that no one would be fired or transferred
because of
the ordinance and only one new position--a compliance officer--is
expected to
be authorized.

The ordinance would also require that certain vital documents be
into Spanish and Chinese.

De La Fuente said the city's goal eventually is to hire certified
and set up its own translation office.


(Center to Preserve Traditional Western Culture)
Tucson, AZ.

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Re: [CTRL]

2001-04-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Well, duh, how many times has the Aleisha/June saga come up on the
list? No, DON'T count, I don't have all day snort

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not this stupid argument again.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now in my family we did not call them UFO's.we called them
 satellities, missiles, and most came out of Vandenberg.

And they all had white vapor trails, too. Chemtrails??

 Only UFO I have seen lately was our local dog catcher, all 200 pounds
 her, running from scene when a guy's Rotweiler ran the other way
 getting a good load of that porky.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Saw something silver in sky yesterday going from East to Westsmall
chemtrail followed it..but did not increase in size or leave a long
trail..could not tell if plane or not but it sure was up high.

Probably something out of Vandenberg.Russians have tossed out the
challenge - they want to land a man on Mars by 2005.   People love a
challenge and this race to Mars I imagine you will see Al Sharpton and
Jackson if they can put Humpty Dumpty together again, attempting to stop
this program for remember - these are communist cat paws.

All during the space program and Viet Nam War in particular in
California, the same sinister element was attacking our troops
psychologically like Tokyo Roses and Lord Haw Haws - and at the same
time trying to sabotage our space program and our Apollo was sabotaged -

The usual suspects will be activating soon if we pick up the least now we will have an enemy again we can identify?

Strange isn't it - night we landed on moon Teddy Kennedy almost killed
in another accident; then on date of celebration of 30 year landing,
little John John met death; and of course the man who set the goal and
took the challenge he too was murdered while the propagandists spent a
lot of money marking him for murder.

Can you imagine how secure we would feel today if Russia or China had
hit the moon first?   And the KGB had succeeded in closing down our
space program?

What I remember most is the London Times and the story Oh What a
Flopnik when our first missile didn't make it off ground..von Braun
was being sabotaged but no mention of the German scientists who went to
Russia -

Somehow though first man on Mars is not nearly as exciting as landing
first man on moon - and one thing, when I met John Glenn who took the
time to accept invitation to our small city - I was thrilled to death -
got his picture and Annie signed it too.

These were all brave men but then once Glenn told me remember, I was
with  Bobby (Kennedy) when he died:, and I had forgotten that..and
then someone broke into his house and stole his golden medals.

Nice people.Glenn still won but the Kennedys paid a high price for
taking on Meyer Lansky and organized crime - only Hoover recognized the
face, they were all fascists/communists, in disguise.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Briefing on Opening of CIA Records under Nazi War CrimesDisclosure Act

2001-04-27 Thread Linda Minor

The work of Carl Oglesby in securing the release of some of these documents
by filing
and appealing FOIA requests should be
acknowledged.   Carl has read my manuscript:
Reich Wing Extremism in the 20th Century and has essentially told me:  You
solved it
man.  You figured out the Nazi influences
in the JFK Assassination and identified two
of the main conspirators: Vonsiatsky and
And this was BEFORE Doug Blackmon of
the Wall Street Jounal published his amazing findings about Wickliffe Draper
and the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission.  Vonsiatsky was also a Russian
Nazi War
Criminal but most of his records were destroyed after exceeding a 30 year
retention period.Anyone wishing a copy
of my 100+ page bound manuscript should send $15.00 to cover copying and
costs to:

21st Century Ecommerce Systems
1800 Mineral Spring Avenue
PMB 277
North Providence, RI 02904


- Original Message -
From: Alex Constantine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Rich Murray [EMAIL PROTECTED]; John Judge
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 8:40 PM
Subject: Briefing on Opening of CIA Records under Nazi War CrimesDisclosure

 From: Carol Rutz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Cynthia Ford [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: mengele stuff
 Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 07:03:32 -0400
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2615.200
 Press Contacts:
 April 23, 2001
 Giuliana Bullard, IWG, 703-532-1477
 Susan Cooper, National Archives, 301-713-6000
 Tom Cooney, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 202-314-0323
 Press Briefing on Opening of CIA Records under Nazi War Crimes Disclosure
 What:  The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records
 Interagency Working Group (IWG) will hold a briefing on the release of
 files of key Nazis declassified under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act
 105-246).  Packets of information with sample copies of the documents
 be distributed. The full files being opened will be available at the
 National Archives College Park, Maryland, building at noon on Friday,
 Under the auspices of the IWG, the CIA has reviewed and declassified 20
 Name Files, including those of Adolf Hitler, Josef Mengele, Adolf
 Eichmann, Heinrich Mueller, Klaus Barbie, and other important Nazi
 officials, some of whom were later associated with the Gehlen
 a post-war intelligence operation aimed at the Soviet Union that received
 funding from the U. S. Government.
 Who:  Press will be briefed by: IWG Chair Steven Garfinkel,  Senator Mike
 DeWine of Ohio, Representative Carolyn Maloney of New York, Members of
 IWG, and Dr. Richard Breitman, IWG Historian. In addition, Dr. Tim
 Dr. Norman Goda, and Mr. Robert Wolfe of the IWG Historical Staff will be
 available for comment.
 When: Friday, April 27, 9:30 A.M.
 Where: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Rubinstein Auditorium
  100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW (Use the 15th Street Entrance)
 Importance:  The CIA rarely releases such files, which are diverse
 collections of information on individuals considered significant by the
 Agency. The 20 being released are the first of several hundred related to
 war crimes or suspected Nazi war criminals that will be made public by
 IWG.  The release of the Gehlen-related records follows CIA's
 acknowledgement last September that the Agency had an intelligence
 relationship with the Gehlen Organization during the Cold War.  Release
 the Gestapo Chief Heinrich Mueller file follows recent news stories that
 speculated on his survival and activities after the War.
 Background:  Since 1999, the IWG has overseen the identification,
 declassification review, and release of formerly classified U. S.
 records as required by the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act. Under the
 auspices of the IWG, U.S. Government agencies have declassified more than
 million pages to date. These records will take their place among the many
 millions of pages of related documents previously made available for
 research in the National Archives. In its recent passage of the Japanese
 Imperial Government Disclosure Act of 2000, Congress endorsed the IWG's
 effort to finish the European war crimes phase and move into the Japanese
 and Far East phase and thus complete the full task set forth in the
 Disclosure Act. The IWG website provides additional background:
 Note:  Building access is through the 15th Street entrance, where there
 be a security check. Electronic media must pass equipment through the
 security check. Please call Tom Cooney with the Museum, at 202-488-0442,
 more details.


[CTRL] Fwd: Bilderberg To Meet On Swedish Isle

2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan

The Spotlight

Bilderberg To Meet On Swedish Isle

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT By James P.  Tucker Jr.

The SPOTLIGHT has done it again, discovering where this year's meeting
the Bilderberg Group will be held.

Bilderberg will hold its annual secret meeting at a resort near
or Gothenburg, Sweden May 24-28, The SPOTLIGHT has learned.

Bilderberg will meet at the Quality Hotel Stenungsbaden, a luxury resort
Stenungsund, about 30 miles from Gotesberg.  While accessible by land,
resort occupies an entire island off the coast.

According to travel agencies, Bilderberg has chosen an ideal location
security purposes—something it has always emphasized but has become even
more sensitive about in recent years.

Not only is the resort surrounded by a moat, but travel agencies report
finding no accommodations between Stenungsund and Gotesberg.  However,
people who have traveled there say modest accommodations can be found.

In this remote but luxury setting, Bilderberg will deploy armed guards
the gates and around the hotel.  Often, when meeting in Europe,
de ploys the military as well, sometimes with dogs.

The usual luminaries are scheduled to attend, including David
and his valet, Henry Kissinger, who are also leaders of the Bilderberg
brother group, the Trilateral Commission.

Rockefeller shares power in Bilderberg with the Rothschilds of Britain
Europe, and has attended since meetings began under that name in 1954.
ever, Rockefeller is now more than 80 years old and has become stooped


The broad outlines of Bilderberg's perennial agenda are long known:
universal free trade to create a world government under the United
and elimination of nation-states so the international plutocrats can
everyone into wage slaves on their Global Plantation.

But the specific actions planned for the coming year will only be known
after SPOTLIGHT completes its penetrations of Bilderberg in
Stenungsund.  After then, you will be able to read in-depth reports in
SPOTLIGHT and on several web sites which will present the information as
their own, without crediting this populist newspaper.

Ever since its founding in 1975, and before this by its publisher,
Lobby, this newspaper has reported on the secret meetings and often the
plans of this enigmatic group, Bilderberg.  It will be interesting to
if this year the important news will be reported in the controlled

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[CTRL] Lessons Of The China Incident (fwd)

2001-04-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

  Lessons Of The China Incident

April 25, 2001  by:  Phyllis Schlafly

The incident in the China sea has made it clear to those who did not
want to admit it that China isn't a strategic partner after all. Even Rep.
Henry Hyde, chairman of the House International Relations Committee,
said on Meet the Press that it's clear that China is an adversary and
not a strategic partner.

Other labels range from competitor to hostile antagonist or even potential
enemy. Ordinary Americans who refused to buy Chinese-made goods
from K-Mart realize this even if the politicians don't.

Just imagine how differently events would have unfolded if our plane had
been patrolling the English Channel or the Mediterranean. There would
have been no armed entry to the downed and disabled plane, no
hostages, no worries about whether our crew or plane would be allowed
to come home.

Of course, the Chinese pilot was operating under military instruction to fly
as close as he could and harass our plane. The Chinese do not allow
hot-shot pilots to make their own decisions about creating an
international incident.

It wasn't any accident. The video showed by Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld proved that this was at least the second incident of
close-flying harassment, and this time the Chinese pilot came in close
enough to flash his e-mail address to the Americans.

Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld made it clear that the U.S.
reconnaissance plane was flying straight and level on autopilot, and it
did not deviate from the straight and level path until it had been hit by the
Chinese fighter aircraft. Since the U.S.plane was a slow flying propeller
plane and the Chinese aircraft was a fast fighter jet, it's clear which plane
had the greater speed and maneuverability to avoid a collision.

Rumsfeld said that the crew made some 25 to 30 attempts to send
distress signals to alert Hainan Island that the U.S. plane would be forced
to land. It is ridiculous to assert that the Chinese on Hainan Island were
surprised at the invasion of their airspace because the U.S. plane was
immediately greeted by armed troops.

Our EP-3E plane, clearly marked U.S. Navy, was flying a
reconnaissance and surveillance mission in international airspace on a
well-known path that we had used for decades. Many countries perform
similar missions.

Under international agreements accepted by both China and the United
States, China had no legal right to detain the crew or to search the U.S.
plane that was forced to land on Hainan Island. The U.S. plane had the
right to land under a principle called force majeure in order to deal with
an incident beyond its control, such as damage from colliding with the
Chinese plane.

Under the 1944 Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation,
China and the United States are parties which undertake to provide such
measure of assistance to aircraft in distress in its territory as it may find
practicable. There is a traditional right of safe harbor in distress that
goes back to 19th century and even earlier maritime law.

Now that the U.S. crew has told us what really happened, it's clear that
President George W. Bush bent over backwards to accommodate
China's hurt feelings, more than the circumstances warranted. The
Chinese didn't deserve anything that they could construe as an apology,
but since Bush's words got the crew back sooner rather than later,
there's no point in second-guessing him.

The U.S. should cancel the purchase of 618,000 black berets for the U.S.
Army, a contract that should never have been granted to China. Under
the 60-year-old Berry Amendment, military uniforms must be made of
100 percent American components and produced in American factories,
subject to waiver in emergency.

The pressing emergency in this case was that General Eric Shinseki
set a deadline of June 14, the Army's 225th birthday, for almost every
soldier to wear a black beret to symbolize the Army's transformation to a
lighter, more agile force for the 21st century. The Army's birthday is
hardly an emergency that justifies bypassing the law.

China's aggressive tailing of our surveillance planes was probably
designed to make us stop our flights as well as arms sales to Taiwan.
They miscalculated. It is more likely that George W. Bush will do the
opposite: continue the flights and approve the sales of advanced missile
destroyers equipped with the Aegis battle management system, diesel
submarines, Patriot missile systems and surveillance aircraft.

Many members of Congress who voted for PNTR last year are having
second thoughts now, and the ones who voted against PNTR have had
their hands and their arguments emboldened.

While our crew was detained in China, Chinese President Jiang Zemin
was on a state visit in South America. It didn't help his cause when he
praised Cuba as a shining pearl in the Caribbean Sea, and said the
Chinese government supports the just struggle of Cuba in maintaining

[CTRL] [Spy News] Timothy McVeigh says in letter he considered killing Janet Reno (fwd)

2001-04-27 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Timothy McVeigh says in letter he considered killing Janet Reno,1038,500476802-500732495-504188208-0,00.html

By KAREN GULLO, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (April 26, 2001 8:03 p.m. EDT -
Timothy McVeigh said in a letter that he considered a campaign of
assassinations that included former Attorney General Janet Reno instead of
bombing the Oklahoma City federal building in retaliation against the

I considered, among other things, a campaign of individual assassination,
McVeigh said in a letter to Fox News released Thursday.

McVeigh said eligible targets included Reno, making her accept 'full
responsibility' in deed, not just word, for the deaths as a result of the
federal raid on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas.

Other targets included federal Judge Walter Smith, who presided over the
Waco trial, and Lon Horiuchi, an FBI agent involved at a shootout at Ruby
Ridge, Idaho.

McVeigh said he bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City as a
retaliatory strike against a government that he believed had waged violence
against its citizens.

I decided to send a message to a government that was becoming increasingly
hostile, by bombing a government building and the government employees
within that building who represent that government, McVeigh said in the

McVeigh, 33, is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on May 16 for
the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City,
which killed 168 people, 19 of them children.

Until recently, the former Gulf War veteran had not admitted his involvement
in the bombing or explained his reasons for doing it. Last month, though, in
a book about the bombing written by two reporters who interviewed him,
McVeigh admitted his actions and called the children killed collateral

Asked about the passage, McVeigh told Fox: Collateral Damage? As an
American news junkie; a military man; and a Gulf War Veteran, where do they
think I learned that (It sure as hell wasn't Osami Bin Laden!) - he wrote,
misspelling the name of a suspected terrorist.

As in the book, McVeigh said he bombed the federal building to avenge the
deaths at Waco and contended his actions were justified.

Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally and strategically
equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in Serbia, Iraq or
other nations, McVeigh wrote. Based on the observations of the policies of
my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option.

He denied that he was seeking publicity by writing to Fox. I explain this
not for publicity. ... I explain so that the record is clear as to my
thinking and motivations in bombing a government installation.

News organizations are barred from interviewing McVeigh on camera or on
audiotape under federal prison rules recently announced by Attorney General
John Ashcroft.

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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's 

Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Yes I agree with June and Steve here - these UFO'ologists they call

I can't believe this list sometimes - like this is a conspiracy list,
right?  So why is it okay to listen to Saba ramble on about long-dead
who-gives-a-shite people and yet ignore what is happening right now?  It
is nice to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about
the deep past and the shallow past (who cares about Jean Dixon - I mean
really) and why totally exclude UFOs.

Just wondering why the jewish mafia is acceptable and UFOs are not.

 We used to just call them nuts - for anyone with any smarts at all know
 we did not get to the moon on a one shot deal?

 Now in my family we did not call them UFO's.we called them
 satellities, missiles, and most came out of Vandenberg.and yes my
 brother wore a Joint Chief of Staff badge and loved dogs and cats.

 He was a hero in WWII..he and a lot of other heros got us to the
 moon before Russia while those that would have preferred Russia got
 there first, now say we did not go.

 Only UFO I have seen lately was our local dog catcher, all 200 pounds of
 her, running from scene when a guy's Rotweiler ran the other way after
 getting a good load of that porky.


 That Porky did not wear hot pants.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] New Book On NSA Sheds Light On Secrets-

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon

New book on NSA sheds light on secrets
U.S. terror plan was Cuba invasion pretext

By Scott Shane and Tom Bowman
Sun Staff
Originally published April 24, 2001

WASHINGTON - U.S. military leaders proposed in 1962 a secret plan to commit
terrorist acts against Americans and blame Cuba to create a pretext for
invasion and the ouster of Communist leader Fidel Castro, according to a new
book about the National Security Agency.

 "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in
other Florida cities and even in Washington," said one document reportedly
prepared by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "We could blow up a U.S. ship in
Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba," the document says. "Casualty lists in U.S.
newspapers would cause a helpful wave of indignation."

The plan is laid out in documents signed by the five Joint Chiefs but never
carried out, according to writer James Bamford in "Body of Secrets." The new
history of the Fort Meade-based eavesdropping agency is being released today
by Doubleday.

 NSA regularly picks up the conversations of suspected terrorist financier
Osama bin Laden, says Bamford, and has monitored Chinese and French companies
trying to sell missiles to Iran. He provides new details about an Israeli
attack on a Navy eavesdropping ship in 1967, suggesting that the sinking was
deliberate. And he reveals the loss of an "entire warehouse" full of secret
cryptographic gear to the North Vietnamese in 1975, at the end of the Vietnam

 Bamford, a former investigative reporter for ABC News who wrote "The Puzzle
Palace" about the NSA in 1982, said his new book is based mostly on documents
obtained through the Freedom of Information Act or found in government
archives. "NSA never handed me any documents," he said. "It was a question of

 He said he was most surprised by the anti-Cuba terror plan, code-named
Operation Northwoods. It "may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the
U.S. government," he writes.

 The Northwoods plan also proposed that if the 1962 launch of John Glenn into
orbit were to fail, resulting in the astronaut's death, the U.S. government
would publicize fabricated evidence that Cuba had used electronic
interference to sabotage the flight, the book says.

 A previously secret document obtained by Bamford offers further suggestions
for mayhem to be blamed on Cuba.

 "We could sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida (real or simulated).
... We could foster attempts on lives of Cubans in the United States, even to
the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized," the document
says. Another idea was to shoot down a CIA plane designed to replicate a
passenger flight and announce that Cuban forces shot it down.

 Citing a White House document, Bamford writes that the idea of creating a
pretext for the invasion of Cuba might have started with President Dwight D.
Eisenhower in the last weeks of his administration, when the plan for an
invasion by Cuban exiles trained in the United States was hatched. Carried
out in April 1961, soon after Kennedy became president, the Bay of Pigs
invasion proved a fiasco. Castro's forces quickly killed or rounded up the

 Army Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, presented the
Operation Northwoods plan to Kennedy early in 1962, but the president
rejected it that March because he wanted no overt U.S. military action
against Cuba.

 Lemnitzer then sought unsuccessfully to destroy all evidence of the plan,
according to Bamford. Lemnitzer and those who served with him in 1962 as
chiefs of the nation's military branches are dead. But two former top Kennedy
administration officials said yesterday that they were unaware of Operation
Northwoods and questioned whether such a plan was ever drafted.

 "I've never heard of Operation Northwoods. Never heard of it and don't
believe it," said Theodore Sorenson, Kennedy's White House special counsel.
"Obviously, it would be totally illegal as well as totally unwise."

Robert S. McNamara, Kennedy's defense secretary, said: "I never heard of it.
I can't believe the chiefs were talking about or engaged in what I would call
CIA-type operations."

 Bamford writes that besides the Joint Chiefs, then-Assistant Secretary of
Defense Paul H. Nitze also favored "provoking a phony war with Cuba."

"There may be a piece of paper" on Northwoods, said McNamara. "I just cannot
conceive of [Nitze] approving anything like that or doing it without talking
to me."

The book contains many other revelations in its detailed account of NSA, the
biggest U.S. intelligence agency and Maryland's largest employer, with more
than 25,000 personnel at Fort Meade, site of its global eavesdropping
efforts. Among them:
In recent years, NSA has regularly listened to bin Laden's unencrypted
telephone calls. Agency officials have sometimes played tapes of bin Laden
talking to his mother to 

Re: [CTRL] [Spy News] Timothy McVeigh says in letter he considered killing Janet Reno (fwd)

2001-04-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Think they ought to find out a little bit more about a book and a tape -
the book which was written about Oklahoma before the fact, and the tape
that was made about Littleton before the fact - both involved people
writing and/or taping same who had federal connections.

There was a master plan for this stuff okay; but why did the FBI and
BATF and a Judge stay home that day and leave the babies in the nursery?

Who warned FBI and BATF - and what connection did the Judge have to

Does McVeigh believe the truth will set him free nor or save his life?

Keeping in mind we have KGB - the enemy with our FBI - now here is a
book I would love to write - you call that an FBI in Oklahoma and is
this what the BATF is all about?

Way back in 1984 Gordon Novel told me the BATF was the most dangerous
angency in the world.last time I spoke to him, he said it was now
the FBI the most dangerous agency in the world.

Japanese sharpshooters killing dogs and oh my goodness you would think
they were your local dog catchers - but no, they used this little kids
dogs to draw him out and shot and killed both?

Nice people we have in government today..and the KGB sitting in the
FBI for 16 years?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] newsletter

2001-04-27 Thread Linda Minor



Weekly Alert (Revised Edition)
Friday, Apr. 27, 2001 In this issue:
Latest News 
*Professors conclude that criminal proceeds seek refuge in international trade when nations tighten laundering laws 
* Securities firms found to be virtually exempt from regulatory supervision on anti-laundering controls
* Several sources of money laundering control guidance exist for private bankers   
 If you have friends or colleges you feel would benefit from this weekly email alert feel free to forward it to them of sign them up by visiting  If you are interested in sponsoring our weekly e-mail alerts please contact us at: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Attention members: 
Latest news (Revised Edition)

Professors conclude that criminal proceeds seek refuge in international trade when nations tighten laundering laws  
Two Florida University, Drs. John Zdanowicz and Simon Pak, have reached a startling conclusion. They have found that when money laundering laws focusing on financial institutions are strengthened, launderers veer their dirty money away from the financial system and into international trade where the eyes of governments and bankers are not focused.  
The two professors, who created sophisticated software that analyzes more than 50 million transactions each year from data they buy from the U.S. Commerce Department, drew this conclusion by examining trade between the U.S. and Switzerland.  
They reviewed trade before and after implementation of the new Swiss laundering law in early 1998, which some say is the world’s toughest. Before it took effect, $370 million per month moved between the countries at grossly abnormal trade prices. After the law’s effective date, this figure grew to $776 million per month, an increase of 110%. 
Zdanowicz and Pak looked at other variables that might explain the Swiss pricing, such as inflation, interest rates, foreign exchange and currency values, and concluded that no factor, other than the new law, could explain it. 
Whether it's diamonds exported from Russia to the United States at 78 cents per carat or 6-volt batteries exported to Haiti from the U.S. at $5,236 each or rocket/grenade launchers exported from the U.S. to Venezuela at $59.50 each, the research provides compelling evidence that grossly abnormal prices in international trade point to money laundering.  
Zdanowicz and Pak say there are two ways to move money for illegal purposes out of one country and into another: undervalued exports and overvalued imports.  
The two Miami-based experts have been probing trade data for international money flow aberrations since 1990. Their work first came to light in an article in Money Laundering Alert in 1992.

Check out: fora sampling of how dirty money could move in international trade.
(The lead story in the May issue of Money Laundering Alert reports on the latest Zdanowicz-Pak findings. The full text of the article is now available on Money Laundering Alert On-Line.)
Securities firms found to be virtually exempt from regulatory supervision on anti-laundering controls 
In a classic case of bureaucratic lethargy and finger pointing, hundreds of bank-captive broker-dealers are operating without regulatory supervision on compliance with the suspicious activity reporting regulations they must follow as bank affiliates. Freestanding securities dealers are in a worse position because, unlike captives, they have no regulatory duty to report suspicious activity although some file voluntarily. 
This unsettling information surfaced thanks to a new report by the General Accounting Office, Oversight of Suspicious Activity Reporting at Bank-Affiliated Broker-Dealers. U.S. Senator Carl Levin (D. Mi.), of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, who requested the report, said it is “an unfortunate step backwards in the fight against money laundering.”  
The GAO says the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act terminated regulatory supervision of suspicious activity reporting by captive broker-dealers by requiring agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the banking agencies, to supervise entities within their functional areas and, in general, to avoid other areas except in narrow cases where an institution’s well-being is at stake. 
(Money Laundering Alert’s May issue provides in-depth coverage of this development including the entire history of how the securities industry has escaped the anti-laundering regulations that banks have faced for about 15 years.)

Stay informed, visit   
Several sources of money laundering control guidance exist for private bankers  
Because private bankers are constantly faced with money laundering challenges and seek guidance to control money laundering. Here are some of the sources of 

[CTRL] Chemtrail Crisis- And Overview And Update

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon

From the April 2001 Idaho Observer:

 Chemtrail crisis: an overview and update

 by Amy Worthington

 It is no secret that America's military-industrial megalith is secretly
altering the earth's atmosphere in frightening ways. Huge numbers of aircraft
are now kept aloft to create "clouds" with ultra-tiny, ionized metallic
particles. HAARP-generated microwave pulses are continually used to heat and
agitate the ionosphere.

 Synthetically manufactured chem-clouds desiccate the air and very
effectively block the sun. The principles of this grotesque aerosol project
are spelled out in a number of U.S patents. In 1974, persons associated with
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) obtained patent
US3813875 for using barium to create ion clouds in the upper atmosphere. In
1991, Hughes Aircraft Company obtained patent US5003186, a method for seeding
the greenhouse gas layer with tiny particles which include "oxides of metal ,
e.g., aluminum oxide." The patent states that one proposed solution to global
warming was "to add the tiny particles to the fuel of jet airliners, so that
the particles would be emitted from the jet engine exhaust while the airliner
was at its cruising altitude."

 The 1996 Air Force document titled, Weather as a Force Multiplier, declares,
"In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of
national security policy with both domestic and international applications.
Our government will pursue such a policy"

 By 1998, this policy became rudely conspicuous. Blue skies have become a
rarity. Demoralized citizens have become increasingly ill and angered, not
only by the aerosol project itself, but by the arrogance of those who do
whatever they please, the consequences be damned.

 Intrepid chemtrail investigator Clifford Carnicom, despite having his life
threatened and his phone continually tapped, has compiled data showing the
atmosphere to be radically altered toward the alkaline. This indicates the
abnormal presence of barium salts. Using spectroscopy and pH tests to prove
his hypothesis, Carnicom warned that his findings have "major implications
for both the chemistry and biology of the nation and the globe."

 Carnicom also shrewdly discovered that, in 1997, U.S. officials altered
national visibility standards, indicating anticipation of an aircraft aerosol
operation to be conducted over large geographic regions. The old visibility
standard of 40 miles has been reduced to 10 miles. And climatic archive data
shows that visibility BELOW 10 miles is now a regular occurrence, in major
contrast to the norm only four years ago.

 In January CBS News reported on bizarre geo-engineering experiments proposed
for global warming reduction. The report confirmed that one of the methods
advocated by physicist Edward Teller is to fill the atmosphere with metallic
particles to "scatter away 1 or 2 percent of the sunlight...the sooner the

 Last December, a Canadian citizen complaining to his local air authority
about sky-muck over Victoria, British Columbia, was told by that authority
that the chemtrail formations were the result of a joint U.S. and Canadian
military exercise. His explanation was caught on audio tape and played for
radio listeners all over the Western Hemisphere. (We have not yet heard
whether this uniquely candid official has been boiled in oil). Also recently,
an FAA official confirmed in a taped interview with freelance radio reporter
S.T. Brendt that he was told on four occasions in March to re-route
commercial air traffic to accommodate a huge military aerial operation over
the northeastern seaboard.

 Radio talk show host Whitley Strieber recently carried on his website an
unconfirmed report that a group of former military officers used a private
jet to obtain a sample of aerosol material being emitted by a military cargo
aircraft. Laboratory tests on that sample reportedly confirmed that the
effluent contained both aluminum and barium.

 Unfortunately, aluminum and barium are toxic to humans. Hapless populations
sprayed continually with these substances are bound to exhibit symptoms of
neurological damage and chronic illness. The toxic effects of barium are
confirmed by a 1992 Department of Health and Human Services publication. It
states that barium can cause breathing difficulties, increased blood
pressure, changes in heart rhythm, stomach irritation, muscles weakness,
swelling of the brain, as well as damage to the liver, kidney, heart and
spleen. Barium was reportedly used by the U.S. as a weapon in the Gulf War to
make the enemy weak and ill.

 Aluminum is toxic to the nervous system and deleterious to the brain. Its
effects on human health were recently illustrated when Canadians in Espanola,
Ontario, reported mass illness after low-flying U.S. jets staffed their town
with condensation trails containing aluminum coated fibers (chaff).
Investigators found area rainwater 

Re: [CTRL] Weyrich's Free Pass

2001-04-27 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Weyrich's Free Pass

 -Caveat Lector-

  but the examples you give about race are innapropriate- on one side you
  refer to a religion (jews) and in the comparitive ones you mention
  (greece, itlay, america, etc)c. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I never mentioned race only nationality to the extent that
 has any meaning 2000 years ago.

well- nationality had a lot of meaning 2000 years ago- just ask a roman
citizen. my point stands about the innapropriate comparisons tho ;)

 we cannot be continue to go on about who killed christ- it doesn't
  matter... just like we in scotland are meant to not hate the english

   I don't give a rats ass who killed Christ

oh but it is fascinating, flw.

 assuming there ever was such
   a person.

agreed :)

 My only point is that if someone opines who killed Christ
   in a religious / historical context, it is ridiculous and anti
   to call that anti semitism

agreed- but if the claim is innnacurate... and my suggestion is that there
were a number of different pawns/ manipulators involved in his death- not
just one race. and i say again- in my understanding of the christian
religion  there is no emphasis on who killed him except in the context of
the inevitability and neccessity of his death to the religion.

and in fact to do so only gives such reasoning
   credibility among the ignorant.

as i said in another thread to this- when i think of the phrase the jews
killed christ i first think of hitler and the fantastic success this
allegation had in germany at that time. the circumstances for it to be
successful were in place, i know, along with other reasons for villifying
the jews, but it is still the first thing i think of when i hear the phrase.
like- i really like the swastika but it's usage is tainted completely by
it's identification with the nazis so it is unusable now...

  BTW, it is always a good idea to hate the English

mmm agreed, the one third of me that is from there actually claims that
yorkshire isn't actually england...  but , yeah, as a rule, it is best to
hate them first and ask questions later.

and especially the Fascist
  State that the UK has become.

has become? hehehe... i think we had better fascist credentials when we were
kicking the shit out of ireland and india and wherever... we have become
somewhat woosey recently.

 Rather then waste time over who killed Christ
  we should continue to expose the mass murder and worldwide devastation
  upon the world by the bloody English and their Scottish co conspirators
over the
  past 400 yearswe are still paying the price!

yeah well, whatever we handed the torch to our natural inheritors- our
descendents the american people and they seem to be doing just fine. we
taught them all they know, etc.

incidently- why 400 years? did something happen in the 1600s that i missed?
didn't we kill or persecute anyone before that? um... there was the
reformation- is that what you refer to?


 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of 

Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

 I can't believe this list sometimes - like this is a conspiracy list,
 right?  So why is it okay to listen to Saba ramble on about long-dead
 who-gives-a-shite people and yet ignore what is happening right now?  It
 is nice to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about
 the deep past and the shallow past (who cares about Jean Dixon - I mean
 really) and why totally exclude UFOs.

 Just wondering why the jewish mafia is acceptable and UFOs are not.


it is merely kook snobbery... all the UFO nuts look down their noses at
conspiracy theorists and *tut* and sshake their heads in a condescending
manner whenever the NWO is given as the source of all the abductions and
cattle mutilations hehe

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Perverts Deported

2001-04-27 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 Immigration Agents Were Protecting Schoolgirls, Some Say, But Others In
 Greenfield Cry Racism
 By Ken McLauglin
 San Jose Mercury News,
 April 23, 2001, page 1A

It is time to face reality. Mexico has successfully reclaimed California
for the Mexicans. Americans (Blacks, Whites, Asians) should gracefully leave
California since it is only nominally American territory.  Take down the stars
and stripes from Sacramento. Pres. Fox should move the capital of Mexico
to Los Angeles.

Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona are next.

Viva Mexico!!
Viva Presidente Fox!!

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How The World REALLY Works - The New World Order

2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;How The World 
REALLY Works - The New World Orde…/A
More and more Americans are coming to feel that something has gone 
fundamentally wrong in our society. We have suffered repetitive wars, big and 
small, some won and some lost, but with the peace always lost. Our society 
has been drained of around $5 trillion in welfare costs since LBJ's War on 
Poverty was declared, but with no diminution in the incidence of poverty. 
Our War on Drugs has also been lost, with its societal costs running around 
$500 billion per year. The cost of fixes for runaway environmentalism has 
reached about $1 trillion since the birth of the EPA in 1970. Our national 
debt is over $5 trillion and still going up. Two breadwinners per family has 
become normal, just to keep bread on the table. 
Americans feel put upon, and they are right, but they don't know who's doing 
it to them or why. Such issues have been pondered by researchers for many 
years, but the historical facts are finally bringing the pieces of the puzzle 
together. This book paints a picture of that largely completed puzzle, and 
lays out who the culprits are, why they are doing what they are doing, and how
 they are managing to pull off what is probably the biggest mass robbery of 
wealth and individual freedom in human history. Your reading this book will 
help to expose and stop the destruction, and help to guarantee a future of 
freedom rather than slavery for your children.
The picture which our book paints is one which you must understand if your 
efforts are ever to amount to anything. We paint that picture by presenting 
an ordered set of book reviews which identify our enemies and describe the 
primary strategies and actions which they have taken against us over the last 
100 years or so. Our goal in writing the book was to provide an accurate 
portrayal of that picture within the covers of a single moderate- length book
. The 12 chapter titles of How The World Really Works are listed below, and 
consist of the names of the books being reviewed.
1. A Century of War, by William Engdahl, 1993. Engdahl summarizes the horrors 
of the 20th Century, including two World Wars, a stock market crash and 
subsequent depression, the rise of Hitler, the formation of the Seven Sisters 
oil cartel, the Green movement, the slowdown of industrial growth, the 
bankrupting of the Third World, and much more.

2. Tragedy and Hope, by Carroll Quigley, 1966. In this 1300-page book, 
Professor Quigley, having been given access to the private records of the 
Insiders, spills the beans about the identity (Rothschild, Morgan, etc.) 
and the world-wide works of those Insider elites. To his surprise, the 
Establishment was not pleased by his book, and tried to suppress it. Its 
publication was a watershed event in our struggle to understand who was 
running the world. For example, our chapter discusses, among many other 
things, Quigley's account of how and why the British leadership supported the 
rise of Adolph Hitler in the 1930's.

3. The Naked Capitalist, by W. Cleon Skousen, 1970. This was the first 
well-known book to plumb the depths of Quigley's opus and present what was 
found for the benefit of us ordinary folk. Skousen searches for and discusses 
the apparent motivations of the elites, their relation to the world-wide 
socialist and communist movements, their use of the major tax-exempt 
foundations, their creation of the CFR and the Bilderberger group, and the 
primary objective of their conspiracy – to subjugate the American Middle 

4. The Tax-Exempt Foundations, by William H. McIlhany, II, 1980. When this 
was written, the elites had already spent 60 years or so in acquiring a 
stranglehold on the American education system and misdirecting it to 
collectivist ends. This book tells the tale, featuring the testimony of 
Norman Dodd, the chief investigator of the 1954 Reece Committee investigating 
the incestuous ties between government, education, and the major foundations. 
The hearings were forcibly aborted, but this book preserves the highly 
important major findings.

5. The Creature From Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin, 1994. You must 
acquire this book, though it runs to some 600 pages. It tells the story of 
the conspiratorial creation of the Federal Reserve, its real purposes, its 
methodology for enabling government to spend money it doesn't have and 
couldn't otherwise get, its love and perverse utilization of warfare, its 
role and purpose in creating the inflation of the roaring 20s and in 
subsequently instigating the stock market crash, its role in and purpose for 
bankrupting the Third World, and its many other activities aimed at giving 
aid and comfort to the international elites. Our book tries to hit the high 

6. 1984, by George Orwell, 1949. This classic by English Socialist Eric 

[CTRL] Secrecy or Freedom?

2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=;Secrecy or 
Freedom? - Declaring War on Politica…/A
This is our most recent book, published in April, 2001. While countless books 
have been written revealing yet one more outrage which the New World Order 
folks have perpetrated on us, we have resolved on an entirely different 
purpose: to define a way of mounting a counterattack on those elites, and not 
just delay their next victory, but destroy their viability, and take back our 
country and the world for middle class citizens everywhere. 
In the same way that an army or a football team will surely lose in the long 
run if it has only a defense and no offense, we too shall lose our world to 
the elites if we fail to marshal our resources, mount a viable offense 
against them, and reduce their present dominance of public affairs to a 
nullity. To that end, we have in this book gone back into history to discover 
their origin, their modus operandi, their strengths, and most importantly, 
their weaknesses. We have been successful, and have found a crucial weakness 
which may readily be exploited. We will, in this web page, outline our 
search, our major findings, and finally a plan of action to save our country 
for the benefit, we hope, of a great number of future generations of free 
Our historical look will go back 2000 years and beyond. Our sources are not 
generally well known, are not Nobel prize- winning historians, but 
nevertheless are historical truth seekers whose researches are uniquely 
valuable. Each of the chapters of Secrecy or Freedom? carries the title of 
the historical work which is reviewed in that chapter. In this web page, we 
will give you an inkling of what is covered in each of these chapters, with 
the hope that these few words will lead you to order our book, carefully 
absorb its contents, and then join in our proposed action plan to take back 
our country.
1. Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, by Abbé Augustin Barruel, 
1797. Barruel lived through the years of planning of the French Revolution. 
Opposing it, he barely escaped France to England in 1792, with the Jacobin 
revolutionaries in hot pursuit. He resolved to write about the three streams 
of effort which produced the conflagration: the anti- Christian movement 
headed by such as Voltaire, the French Masonic organization nominally headed 
by Philip of Orleans, and Adam Weishaupt's Illuminati organization which came 
to dominate Masonry. Each of these groups demanded utter secrecy and 
ruthlessness of the upper levels of its members, along with expert and 
vigorous lying by those members to protect and maintain their organizational 
secrecy. Barruel's book contains an unmatched discussion of the internal 
organization and methodology of the Illuminati, and lays the groundwork for a 
great deal of the later historical research into the World Revolution which 
has continued to the present day.

2. The French Revolution, by Nesta H. Webster, 1919. In this book, Webster 
details the five major public events of the Revolution, which clearly 
indicate, she says, the non-culpability of the French public in either the 
planning or the execution of the civil destruction. The great bulk of the 
French population favored the creation of a French constitution akin to what 
had just been created in the United States. However, the Constitutionalists 
in the 1789 French National Assembly were outvoted and soon ejected by the 
Orleanist and subversive revolutionary members of the Assembly who, as they 
opposed the will of the people, had obviously lied to their constituents in 
order to get elected. The revolution could not have succeeded without this 
duplicitous behavior of the Assembly, which not only destroyed the people's 
hope for a system of stable constitutional freedoms, but actually destroyed 
all French civil government of any kind, exactly as the high level Masons and 
Illuminati secretly desired.

3. Humanum Genus - on Freemasonry, by Pope Leo XIII, 1884. In this 
encyclical, Leo exhorts the leaders of the Catholic Church to tear away the 
mask from Freemasonry, and let it be seen as it really is, including its 
artifices, its depravity, and its wickedness. He notes that popes from 1738 
have denounced the sect, as have many secular governments. The public, 
however, has remained uninformed as to the sect's secret purposes, secret 
leaders, and secret actions. Members have sworn, under pain of death, to 
maintain secrecy, to unquestioningly follow the orders of unseen and unknown 
leaders, and to lie to the public and to lower level members as to the sect's 
goals. These strategies have been very successful, such that the goals can no 
longer be hidden, namely, the overthrow of the entire religious and political 
order produced by Christian morality. Thus, in 1884 the Church made clear 
that it had been 

[CTRL] South Pole Update

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon

South Pole Update
Mike Bara

After the publication of our recent story "Strange Happenings at the South 
Pole," we got some additional information from listeners to the Art Bell 
Show, and our own readers. One of the first things pointed out to us is that 
the phrase "filling your pockets with salt" -- as reported in news stories 
about the replacement doctor being asked to bring salt packets to the South 
Pole, literally in her jacket pockets -- is actually a term commonly used in 
the nuclear industry. It refers to the practice of taking iodine pills to 
shield people's thyroids during a nuclear emergency. According to this 
source, "fill your pockets with salt" is industry lingo for "pop the iodine 
pills, we're radioactive here." Now, in the absence of iodine pills -- which 
would certainly not be available in any significant quantity in a nuclear 
free zone like the Antarctic -- the alternative would be to take large 
quantities of iodized salt.

This would neatly explain the shortage (in fact, absence) of salt at the Pole 
-- at a time when there should be plenty left in the supplies brought in at 
the beginning of the calendar year (end of the Antarctic Summer). In our 
"scenario," it's been used up -- not just by workers under prolonged outside 
exposure to the dehydrating conditions of the Pole itself, but perhaps to 
high levels of radioactivity incurred in their pursuit of a "Special Project" 
on the Continent!

This would also explain the need for a sudden and unprecedented extraction of 
a dozen Raytheon Polar Services employees from the Continent yesterday. Their 
"illness" could be directly related to radiation exposure, and Raytheon did 
confirm to an Enterprise contact in New Zealand last night, that two of the 
extracted employees were in "critical but stable" condition. The question of 
the day, however, is what exactly could they have been exposed to -- if they 
were "exposed" -- that was radioactive?

Under the terms of several international treaties to which the United States 
is a prime signatory, the Antarctic Continent is a rigidly-controlled, 
nuclear-free zone. Even the reactor which used to power McMurdo Station was 
removed in 1993. There are not supposed to be any nuclear devices, of any 
kind in Antarctica ... at all!

One possibility that has been mentioned to explain this current, highly 
anomalous situation (the emergency evacuations), is that if workers were able 
to drill through the ice to Lake Vostok itself, it could be that the source 
of "internal heating" in the Lake is itself radioactive.

However, radioactivity generated by such a process would be insufficient to 
cause radiation sickness in humans -- certainly in a "short" time frame of 
mere months. The only viable explanation remaining for "a case of radiation 
sickness" is if a radioactive device was discovered under the ice ... or ... 
if the act of drilling through the ice itself was what inadvertently exposed 
the workers to significant radioactivity. It is this second possibility we 
now consider the most likely, in our continuing "scenario."

Decades ago, the US government, under the auspices of the Atomic Energy 
Commission and the military services, quietly began research on 
nuclear-powered tunneling devices. The idea was that superheated fluids used 
to cool the reactor itself could be redirected to the tip of the bore, 
literally melting the solid rock in front of the "drill" and leaving a 
40-foot wide, smooth glass encased tunnel in it's wake (kind of reminds one 
of what we've recently found on Mars ... doesn't it?). Patents were even 
issued (U.S. Patent No. 3,693,731 dated Sept. 26, 1972), and the devices were 
apparently operational by the mid 1970's. The boring machines, dubbed 
"nuclear subterrenes," have evidently been used for secret "black" tunneling 
projects since that time. It's easy to imagine a smaller, more compact and 
less powerful version (built, for instance, around NASA's controversial 
Snap-100 space power reactor) being adapted to effectively cut vertically 
down through the ice to get to Vostok. It is also possible that if such a 
device were rushed into the field (because of a "2001" deadline?), it might 
not have quite enough shielding ... or might, in fact, have little or none at 
all! This could easily lead to direct exposure of the workers to dangerously 
"high levels" of radiation -- as they were engaged in the secret, crash 
project to "get through the ice" at all costs ...

If this scenario is even close to what has actually happened, it would also 
now explain why the workers would have to be totally removed from the 
Continent: the hospitals at McMurdo are well equipped to handle a variety of 
"normal" illnesses and emergencies, but "radiation sickness" is certainly not 
on that expected list.

Of course, our alternative scenario -- that this is all just a cover in order 
"get something out" -- is still very 

[CTRL] : [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I don't think there are any 'acceptable' and 'unacceptable' subjects except
for those listed on the footer of posts.  What I think is wonderful about
this list is that we are free to ignore the rantings and ramblings of each
other.  Each person is free to chose which messages to read and is perfectly
free to delete ANY posts they do not care to read.  I cannot imagine any
group of 'spirators all agreeing on all subjects!  But UFO posts are
certainly acceptable and are posted frequently without any negative comments

Those subjects that do not interest me, I simply do not open.  Certain
subjects interst me very much and I read everything posted on them.  There
are some posters whose posts I NEVER read.  I don't understand why some
people feel the need to censor or eliminate others. Why not just delete
their posts?  It is not even necessary to comment on them, just delete and
they are gone.

On the other hand, I was recently called an 'Idiot' not once but four times
in a recent post and it was suggested that I be 'banned for life' because as
a moderator (I am NOT one) I had condoned (I did no such thing) moving on
with things.  Since this has happened repeatedly and is a personal attack,
it is difficult for me to ignore it.  I hope this individual does not turn
on you (just a matter of time) but if she does, I will watch how you handle
it the tenth time it happens.  Maybe I will learn something as I seem to
lack the patience to ignore forever ad hominem attacks.

I do not personally follow UFO subjects but have no problem with others
doing so.  I just am not likely to read their posts.  There are always
plenty of others on subjects in which I am interested.  And I now believe in
some things that I previously did not, so know is to say who is right and
who is not? It does not make sense to me why we cannot live and let live and
not try to eliminate each other or silence each other.  Just don't read the
posts of Aleisha.  Two other people recently stated that they, too,
understand and enjoy them.  I certainly do not advocate silencing nor
eliminating people with whom I do not agree.  I think that is a wrong way to
approach things.

So why can't we just delete posts on subjects in which we have no interest
or from posters whose thoughts or posts we do not enjoy?  Would this not
solve most of the problems of the list?  If one feels a post in
disinformation, one is free to post contradicting posts proving that.  And
ALWAYS we should attack the POST and NOT the POSTER. If a post is a person's
own personal opinions or thoughts on a subject, we are not likely to change
those and certainly not by name-calling.  Give them some better information
about which to ponder!

Just my thoughts. Hope it helps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

 -Caveat Lector-

 Aleisha Saba wrote:

  Yes I agree with June and Steve here - these UFO'ologists they call

 I can't believe this list sometimes - like this is a conspiracy list,
 right?  So why is it okay to listen to Saba ramble on about long-dead
 who-gives-a-shite people and yet ignore what is happening right now?  It
 is nice to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about
 the deep past and the shallow past (who cares about Jean Dixon - I mean
 really) and why totally exclude UFOs.

 Just wondering why the jewish mafia is acceptable and UFOs are not.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Smells like coup spirit

2001-04-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal -

04-27-01: Smells like coup spirit

By Dwayne Eutsey

April 27, 2001-Thanks to the investigative reporting of journalists such
as Greg Palast, more evidence of a coordinated effort to disenfranchise
tens of thousands of registered voters (mostly African American) is
surfacing in Florida. When these reports are considered within the context
of police roadblocks, cases of intimidation, and possible large-scale
voter fraud and ballot tampering, fears of an orchestrated dirty election
become more substantiated.

There is another aspect of the 2000 election in Florida that remains
largely untouched, however: the possibility of a domestic covert
intelligence operation designed to make certain that America didn't go
Democratic due to the irresponsibility of its own people, to paraphrase
Henry Kissinger's remark concerning overthrowing the democratically
elected government in Chile.

Perhaps the possibility of such an operation in the US is too far-fetched
to take seriously, or perhaps there isn't enough evidence to proceed with
documenting such suspicions.  Unfortunately, history proves that the
former assumption is naive (Watergate, Iran-Contra, and documented CIA
activities against US citizens come immediately to mind). Regarding
evidence, it's the nature of the covert beast to leave no fingerprints and
smoking guns behind (unless you're setting up a patsy).  However, if you
can't find a corpse laying around, the stench in the air can often reveal,
nonetheless, that a murder victim's body is covered up somewhere nearby.

What follows here is not an expose of how a CIA-backed coup in Florida
helped kill the democratic process in November. It is an effort, however,
to draw attention to the disturbing stink surrounding events in the 2000
election that are similar to known CIA actions that thwarted democracy in
other countries, namely Guatemala in the 1950s and Chile in 1973.  To
avoid the appearance of conspiracy theorizing on my part, I've limited
the information presented here to what can be verified.  I have also
limited the focus of this survey to very broad similarities.  Many others
connections exist and warrant further investigation (such as claims that
former CIA/FBI agent Charles Kane, who was involved in possible absentee
ballot tampering in Florida, played a role in the Bay of Pigs invasion and
CIA coups and dirty tricks around the world.  He allegedly retired in the
mid-'70s and would have been employed during the Agency's heyday of covert

Hopefully, this general overview will help prompt others to conduct a more
thorough look into murky activities that, taken as a whole, suggest the
spirit of CIA-Coups-Past may have paid an unwelcome visit last November to

Historical Background

By placing these facts within the larger historical context of CIA coup
activity, many of the baffling events transpiring in Florida last year
begin to make some sense.  The same players (CIA, powerful corporations,
rightwing militarists), the same motives (preserving economic/political
power), and even the same tactics (armed violence, fortunately, being one
exception) begin to emerge that suggest some unpleasant connections among

For easier comparison, I break down these similarities according to coup
patterns in Guatemala, Chile, and Florida.  Unless otherwise noted, the
information here is from David Halberstam's excellent book, The Fifties,
and from the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities (Church Report).

Guatemala:  Prior to the legitimate election of Jacobo Arbenz to the
presidency in the early '50s, United Fruit Company controls most of the
country's land, economy, and politics.  The land reform policies that
Arbenz wants to implement, which would redistribute United
Fruit-controlled land to Guatemalans, threaten United Fruit's economic
interests and political power in the region.  United Fruit has close ties
to powerful figures in America, including Allen Dulles (Director of the
CIA) and his brother Foster (Secretary of State).  The Dulles brothers and
others portray Arbenz as a communist threat and convince President
Eisenhower that a coup is in America's best interest.

Chile:  Despite CIA covert efforts to defeat him, socialist Salvador
Allende is elected as president in 1970.  His plan to nationalize Chilean
industries poses a direct threat to the reactionary Nixon Administration
and the multinational corporate interests it represents.  Prior to
Allende's election, the CIA spent years and millions of dollars waging a
propaganda war to maintain a US/corporate-friendly government in Chile.
After the election, the Agency is instrumental in implementing Henry
Kissinger's desire to thwart Allende's policies and in supporting a
military coup being planned by General Augusto Pinochet.

Florida:  Strategically important in the CIA's covert war against Cuba
(and other 

[CTRL] Public Relations 103...

2001-04-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Online Journal -

04-27-01: Goebbels and mass mind control: Part Three

How PR opinion-shapers undermine the people's political power

By Carla Binion

April 27, 2001-In parts one and two, we compared the methods of Hitler's
propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, with the PR techniques of today's corporate
spin doctors. We also looked at the ways in which corporate PR spin works
against the public interest regarding health care and the environment. Now
we'll explore the ways that corporate propaganda undermines the political
power of ordinary citizens.

Journalist Frank Rich wrote in a recent New York Times opinion piece that
he felt he was living through a Twilight Zone episode when he read the
Palm Beach Post's scoop saying that Palm Beach's butterfly ballot cost Al
Gore about 6,600 votes, more than 10 times what he needed to overcome
George W. Bush's slim lead in Florida. Rich said the reason it felt as if
he had entered The Twilight Zone, was because, beyond Palm Beach, he
could find no sign such a thing had happened.

I turned on my TV, writes Rich, and had to search to find a mention of
the Post's story. It might as well have been a hallucination.

In an article entitled The Invisible People, (The Progressive, March
2001) June Jordan writes about Election 2000's disenfranchised
African-American voters and the corporate-owned news media's neglect of
the story. Jordan, a noted author and professor of African-American
Studies at the University of California-Berkeley, says, We have moved
from The Invisible Man to The Invisible People. It's a raging and a sorrow
at the terrible meaning of that discount-for us, and for democracy itself.

The corporate-owned news media invents reality, as author and educator
Michael Parenti has said, by instructing the American people on which news
stories are real, and which facts to ignore. Parenti has also written
(Land of Idols, St. Martin's Press, 1994) that our political system can be
seen in one of three ways:

1.  A conservative celebration of the wonders of our free-market society,
coupled with an insistence that capitalism would be still more wonderful
were it not for meddlesome government regulations and the demands of
undeserving, low-income people who feed out of the public trough.

2.  A liberal complaint about aberrant problems that remain in an
otherwise basically good System.

3.  A radical analysis that sees ecological crisis, military
interventions, the national security
State, homelessness, poverty, an inequitable tax system, and undemocratic
social institutions, such as the corporate-owned media, not as irrational
outcomes of a basically rational system, but as rational results of a
system whose central goal is the accumulation of wealth and power for the

Parenti adds that if you take the radical analysis perspective, you cross
an invisible line and will be labeled in mainstream circles a 'conspiracy
theorist.' He notes that Abraham Lincoln might today be dismissed as a
conspiracy theorist, because Lincoln once observed in a speech, These
capitalists generally act harmoniously, and in concert, to fleece the

However, Parenti adds that the corporation/ruling class's mode of
operation is systemic and institutional rather than conspiratorial. The
fact that corporate domination is built into our existing political
system, and into many of our institutions, makes it a more daunting
problem than a grand and aberrant conspiracy might be.

In a brilliant article for Online Journal (4/24/01), Scott Morschhauser
took up the same issue, pointing out that the label conspiracy theory' is
used by those defending corporate interests the same way they use the
label 'communist.' If you are successful at pinning a person or idea with
a negative label, then the public will ignore the message. It doesn't
matter whether or not the label fits. The facts don't matter. All that you
have to do is accuse (see the elder Bush administration for prime

When corporate PR teams are able to confuse the public by spinning citizen
dissenters as conspiracy theorists or as wacko, tree-hugging
environmentalists or as extremist fringe, they are able to marginalize
activists and dilute their political effectiveness. Journalist Norman
Solomon once suggested that rather than succumbing to media manipulation,
we can tune up our personal and collective 'radar screens' to track
unidentified flying propaganda.

In False Hope, (Common Courage Press, 1994) Solomon also discusses the
subject of public confusion. He writes about the various ways in which
corporate PR spin and media illusion-making confuse the public. Solomon
quotes Anne Wilson Schaef on the results of this kind of confusion:

First, it keeps us powerless and controllable. No one is more
controllable than a confused person; no society is more controllable than
a confused society. Politicians know this better than anyone, and that is
why they use innuendo, veiled 

[CTRL] Weak Links in the Food Chain

2001-04-27 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Reprinted from
Anthrax Set to Spread to the West

Adriana Stuijt
Friday, April 27, 2001
Editor's note: This is the second of a three-part series for by noted
South African journalist Adriana Stuijt. See part one: South African Censorship
Spreads Disease to West.
South Africa suffers from such extremely poor governance that
veterinary and health care control standards have dangerously declined. And these
problems could hurt you, even tens of thousands of miles away.
The South African government has taken steps to undermine a free press, and this has
had disastrous consequences for government accountability where it counts most: in
the food supply.
This benign neglect by the government now sees
such epidemic outbreaks occurring much more regularly than before 1991.
(Cholera also is rife and seemingly out of control among the human
population with hundreds of deaths since late last year, whereas before
1991, such outbreaks were controlled quickly without much loss of life).
Anthrax outbreaks in South Africa have gone totally unreported.
Of deep
concern are the three outbreaks of anthrax since January
near Kimberley, which to this date still remain totally unreported by the South African
authorities to the International Epizootic Organization in Paris.
Twenty-six people became infected with anthrax after eating infected
carcass meat and required emergency treatment at Kimberley Hospital.
While anthrax is completely curable in humans with one kind of very
expensive antibiotic, such medications are not widely available in South
Africa. Kimberley Hospital had to send away for emergency supplies.
such outbreaks occur more frequently, anthrax will eventually also find
its way into the impoverished squatter communities of South Africa, with
devastating effect in a population already 55 percent infected with HIV-AIDS and
therefore vulnerable to all kinds of infections that would not
normally be deadly to healthy people.
The fact that some South African cattle are now reported with anthrax in
certain regions means that anthrax has escaped from the African wildlife
reserves - and now could also start entering the human food chain of Western
countries such as the United States and Great Britain, unless these countries
continue banning all meat products from South Africa altogether.
Next: Adriana Stuijt's eye-opening The New South Africa: Are Whites Being


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
democratic State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Judicial Selection Monitoring Project

2001-04-27 Thread Yardbird

Judicial Selection Monitoring Project
Coalition for Judicial Restraint
Weekly Update for 4/27/01
Volume IV, Number 5

Published by the Center for Law  Democracy at the Free Congress Foundation.
Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., Director
John A. Nowacki, Esq., Deputy Director
Jason Koehne, Coalition Coordinator 
Phone: 202-546-3000
Fax: 202-543-5605 


*   Democrats Lay Groundwork To Block Judicial Nominations.
*   Judicial Nominations Expected To Begin In The Next Few Weeks.
*   For Edwards, Confirming N.C. Nominees Is Suddenly Less Urgent.
*   Potential Nominee Cox To Meet With Feinstein.
*   Commentary: Judging The Future.


Democrats Lay Groundwork To Block Judicial Nominations

Judiciary Committee Democrats blocked committee votes on the nominations of
Ted Olson to be U.S. Solicitor General and Larry Thompson to be Deputy
Attorney General on Thursday, and they have threatened to block judicial
nominations as well unless Senator Hatch guarantees that both home-state
Senators approve a nominee before the committee proceeds on the nomination.
The dispute centers on the blue slip policy.  Home-state Senators signify
their approval of a nominee by returning a blue form to the Judiciary
Committee, or their disapproval by not returning the slip.  According to a
Judiciary Committee report, the policy operates under the premise that
home-state Senators are uniquely positioned to be familiar with a nominee
from their state, and therefore should be accorded special deference--even
before the committee considers the nominee.
When Democrats controlled the committee under Senator Joe Biden of Delaware,
only one home-state Senator was needed to approve a nomination.  Current
chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has said that he will follow Biden's lead,
although Hatch reportedly changed the policy to require approval from both
home-state Senators after Republicans won control of the Senate in 1995.
Democrats, however, are insisting that if both home-state Senators do not
return the blue slip, they will block that nominee from moving forward.
When asked on NPR whether that means that Democrats will filibuster
nominees, ranking Democrat Patrick Leahy (VT) answered: Well, we'll just
see what happens.
A recent National Post report on the issue said that Leahy was seen yelling
at Hatch about the matter in the Senate cloakroom earlier this week.
White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales has said that the White House will
consult Senators regarding nominations.
They want to be consulted and advised.  It's important for them vis-à-vis
their constituents, Gonzales said in an NPR interview.  I have been
meeting periodically now for the past month and a half with members of the
Judiciary Committee to introduce myself, to solicit their input, get their
advice, ask for their help in getting the President's nominations.
Democrats, though, want consultation to include notice of the intent to
nominate an individual, and have indicated that failure to provide that
notice would be a breach of good faith and justification for the
filibuster of a nomination.


Judicial Nominations Expected To Begin In The Next Few Weeks

With 99 vacancies on the U.S. Courts of Appeals and the U.S. District
Courts, President Bush will reportedly send as many as 40 judicial
nominations to the Senate by the early part of next month.  Several
newspaper reports have also indicated that the nominees are going through
FBI background checks as the final step before their nominations are
formally submitted.
A recent Washington Post report listed several people who may be nominated
for various circuit judgeships, including Miguel Estrada, John Robert, and
Sharon Prost for the D.C. Circuit, and Peter Keisler for the Fourth Circuit.
Estrada is a former clerk to Justice Anthony Kennedy, now in private
practice with Gibson, Dunn  Crutcher in D.C.
Roberts is a former Rehnquist clerk, now with the Hogan  Hartson firm.
Prost is the deputy chief counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Keisler, who clerked for Justice Kennedy and former circuit judge Robert
Bork, is a partner at the Sidley  Austin law firm.
Other potential nominees have been mentioned in various newspaper reports,
including U.S. District Judge Dennis Shedd of South Carolina for the Fourth
Circuit and federal magistrate judge Terry Wooten of South Carolina for a
district judgeship.
A recent Associated Press report indicated that the success of a Shedd
nomination could hinge on whether President Bush renominates Bill Clinton's
recess appointee Roger Gregory to the Fourth Circuit.  The report stated
that the House of Representative's Congressional Black Caucus has threatened
to somehow hold up any white nominee to the 

Re: [CTRL] Bush budget doesn't include funds to fight tobacco

2001-04-27 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

Yes I agree so what?

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On 26 Apr 01, at 18:17, Butch wrote:

  SO WHAT  Big Deal

 Bush Loves Cancer. It makes more room for his Reptoid fiends.



 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban (fwd)

2001-04-27 Thread William Bacon

Please read the constitution, any treaty which goes against the
constitution is null and void, there are only two ways to amend the
Bill BAcon

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

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Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:28:30 -0400
Subject: SNET: U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban

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Title: U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban

Reprinted from

U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban
NewsMax.comFriday, April 27, 2001

The U.N. is after Americans' Second Amendment gun rights – it wants gun ownership banned in the U.S., and it's not going to stop until it gets its way.

That’s the warning from the National Rifle Association’s Wayne  LaPierre, who reveals that for the first time in the history of the world, a United Nations conference has set its sights on global disarmament – disarming citizens worldwide – including you and me.
At an 11-day  meeting beginning July 9 at U.N. headquarters in New York, every extremist anti-gun group in the world will show up at a summit on small arms, where the delegates will attempt to create a global standard of gun control, banning civilian fire arms ownership worldwide.
Their aim, LaPierre warns, is to bring the nightmare of England, Australia and Canada into our country and our homes.
Those nations, along with South Africa and others, have caved in to international pressure and severely restricted civilian gun ownership. Canada has gone so far as to make handgun ownership a felony. As a result, crime rates in England and Australia have skyrocketed since the gun limits went into effect, once again proving the truth of the old saying that if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
While the U.N. has no power to force the U.S. to ban gun ownership, it can, with the enthusiastic help of the foreign and domestic anti-self-defense media,  create a powerful international movement to shame the U.S. into junking the Second Amendment rights of private gun ownership. 
You and I won’t go one day without hearing that the rest of the world is banning guns and it’s time for the U.S. to get in line and do the same, LaPierre wrote.
As a prelude to this frightening gathering of anti-self-defense fanatics, a number of proposals have already been advanced at various U.N. forums. Among them:
 Strategies to reduce the number of guns in private hands that include mandating a maximum one-gun-per-person rule;
 A ban on possession of handguns by anyone other than government officials and target shooters who would be forced to store their weapons at shooting ranges;
 Worldwide licensing of firearms registered in a vast U.N. computer bank. 
The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun – every single gun worldwide – to be under U.N. and government control, warns LaPierre. And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation.
LaPierre urges Americans to`contact Sen. Jesse Helms, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and express their outrage at this latest U.N. power grab.
Helms, he notes, is already on record as deploring  the U.N.’s anti-gun project. He wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development in 1999 in which he described the U.N. gun ban project: nothing less that a brazen international expansion of the [Clinton-Gore] domestic gun control agenda.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:Guns / Gun Control		United Nations

A product that might interest you:Have an Opinion About This? Send an URGENT PriorityGram Today

[CTRL] To the Solari Action Network: Thankless Task by Paul Rodriguez, Editor, Insight Magazine

2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Paul Rodriguez, the editor of Insight Magazine, has written a superb cover

story in next weeks Insight about our targeting called Thankless Task. The

link and a copy are attached below.

Insight is the first serious Washington publication who has written about

what has happened. That is not suprising. Paul Rodriguez has decades of

experience at investigative reporting in Washington and has the stuff to

consume thousands of pages of legal documents and see his way to the facts.

Insight has consistently covered stories that other Washington and national

magazines have avoided. These include numerous other stories on Clinton

Administration corruption. They also include Kelly O'Meara's stories on

PROMIS, Bank of New York money laundering, asset forfeiture, TWA 800, the

HUD Missing $59 billion and her most famous Guns and Doses that revealed

the disturbing links between school shootings and kids taking Ritalin.

We are very grateful to Paul and to Insight for daring to do this story as


Often we are asked what folks can do to help. Here are some opportunities:

1. Send a Letter to the Editors by e-mail through Insight's website to tell

them what you think of the story and the situation;

   Here is the link:

2. Send Paul Rodriguez an e-mail to do the same;

   Paul's email address is on the article below: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

3. Forward a copy of the story to a friend or listserv  without this note

that might be interested;

4. Forward a copy of the story  without this note to your Congressional

representatives with a note that the government should pay ustheir

outstanding bills.

   If you don't have your members' email address, the link to get it is

   For your Congressman:

   For your Senator, click on the web connector on the home page at:

5. Forward a copy  without this note to your favorite internet republisher.

6. Practice Solari Voting and vote with your money for media that takes on

the tough stories by subscribing to Insight

Magazine now. Here is the link:

Love to you all from Hickory Valley. The flowers are bursting, the hounds

are laying out over the doorways hoping for

jerky strips and other dog treats, amd Willie Nelson is singing

Ac-cent-Tchu-ate the Postive in the background.

Carolyn, Ozzie and I have been blessed by your friendship and God's love

throughout this ordeal. We would not be here if it were not for you.

Thanks for life itself.

Catherine Austin Fitts



Thankless Task

  By Paul M. Rodriguez


  Catherine Austin Fitts and her company saved

  taxpayers billions of dollars by creating a program to

  help HUD sell its defaulted loans. Her reward? After

  four years of government probes that found nothing,

  she’s ruined and still hounded by HUD’s OIG.

  Her name is Catherine Austin Fitts, and she’s nearly broke. Though

  battered and down on her luck, she’s still upbeat, smiling and

  optimistic. The truth, she says, will set her free. At least she hopes so.

  But for more than four years those hopes have gone aglimmering as

  she has sought to return to her career in the arcane world of federal

  defaulted-mortgages, where she specialized in asset sales.

 The Fitts story, and the ways in which it has touched dozens of

  her former employees and colleagues, is as strange a tale as A

  Clockwork Orange, in which up is down, white is black and the

  world has gone to hell in a handbasket. Once more we hear echoes

  of former Labor secretary Ray Donovan’s question to the press as he

  left a federal court after being exonerated on corruption charges:

  “Where do I go to get back my reputation?”

 Once more that question has gone unanswered as Fitts has

  waged a one-woman struggle to set the record straight and get at the

  truth about the battering she has taken at the hands of the Department

  of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For Fitts is a savvy

  businesswoman who once worked at and then with HUD to clean up

  corruption and make programs there work better.

 Then there’s John Ervin. He was a successful contractor for

  HUD, servicing defaulted government-backed loans. He was

  prosperous and on top of the world until setting out on a crusade

  against alleged corruption involving his competitor — a highly touted

  and seemingly successful loan-sales program run for HUD by Fitts’

  company, Hamilton Securities Group. Then, he believes, politics

  kicked in, and a conspiracy took over to hide the truth.

 Both players in this five-year struggle to get at the facts as they



2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan




PUBLICITY STUNT GONE BAD? -- Plenty Wrong With The Story We've Been Told

By Peter Gorman  -- (Special to From The Wilderness)

IQUITOS, PERU - On Friday, April 20th at 9:43 AM, a US Department of Defense
radar-aircraft manned by three former US-military men who were under
contract to the CIA and one Peruvian Air Force officer, notified the
US-controlled radar station at Peru's Morona Cocha military base that it had
sighted a plane that had crossed 3-4 miles into Brazilian territory just off
the Jivari river, the Peruvian border with Brazil. According to US
officials, a second sighting of the plane occurred 12 minutes later, when
the same aircraft re-entered Peruvian airspace. US officials say the
American crew then asked Peruvian authorities to determine if the craft had
filed a flight plan; when told it hadn't the Peruvian authorities decided to
launch an intercept and attempted to make radio contact; when they couldn't
they began firing, despite the desperate pleas of the CIA contract pilots to
halt the assault.

About one hour and twenty minutes from the time the plane was spotted
re-entering Peruvian airspace, it was shot down. Two passengers, 35-year-old
missionary Veronica Bowers and her seven-month old adopted daughter Charity,
were killed in the Peruvian fighter jet's assault. Three other passengers,
Bowers' husband, Jim, 38, and their son, Cory, 7, were uninjured. The pilot,
42-year-old Kevin Donaldson,  was shot in the legs and is recovering.

On the surface, the story is clean. The US routinely runs radar checks on
planes flying in Peru as part of a program that has been in place since
1995. When they spot a suspected drug plane Peruvian authorities are alerted
and a call made on whether to shoot it out of the sky or try to force it to
land. This should be a simple case of mistaken identity and an unfortunate
accident, but it may be more than that.

In 1995, the US and Peru came to an agreement on trying to stop the air
transport of basta, coca base, from Peru, to the refining labs in Colombia.
As part of the agreement,  the US built a radar station just outside
Iquitos, the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon. The base is run by former
Special Forces troops. The US runs the radar and suggests which planes might
be drug-planes; the Peruvian airforce does the dirty work. The reason for
the US running the radar show is to keep temptation away from Peruvian
officials who might be taking bribes.

But according to Peruvian pilots formerly involved in the program-who for
obvious reasons won't give their names-no plane is intercepted or shot down
unless the US gives the go-ahead. And this is where the story of the
shootdown as reported in Reuters and the AP falls apart. By Sunday morning
the US was changing it's official story to accept that it had notified
Peruvian authorities of the sighting but was officially claiming that it had
tried to prevent the shoot-down. The US crew repeatedly expressed their
concern that the nature of the aircraft had not been determined, a US
official in Washington told Reuters. Despite serious concerns raised by the
US crew, the shoot-down was authorized by Peruvian authorities.
One report had the Peruvian pilots as cowboys who shot the Bowers' plane
against US wishes. While that is not an impossibility, that's not the way
it's generally done in Peru. The US calls the shots, period, and since only
roughly 40% of the planes they recommend for downing can be connected with
the drug trade-again, according to pilots who have been part of the
program-Peru takes the public heat for downing innocent planes, but explains
that it only does what the US asks and thus keeps its hands clean. The US
makes the calls but doesn't do any shooting, thus it too keeps its hands

The reason so many planes have been downed wrongly is simply the reality of
small plane traffic in the Amazon region of Peru: They're generally old
puddle-jumping Cessnas and very few have any instrumentation left, including
radios, and fewer still file flight plans. They're generally piloted by bush
pilots who fly by sight at low altitudes, basically running errands for
people who live our work out on the rivers in the dense jungle.
This case was different. The Cessna 185 had full instrumentation. Moreover,
while the US insists the CIA-contract plane contacted the Peruvian air tower
in Iquitos to inquire about the Cessna's flight plan and were told it had
none, it is now possible to download copies of that flight plan from CNN or
from the American Baptists for World Evangelism's website. The Peruvian air
tower initially agreed there had 


2001-04-27 Thread Kris Millegan




PUBLICITY STUNT GONE BAD? -- Plenty Wrong With The Story We've Been Told

By Peter Gorman  -- (Special to From The Wilderness)

IQUITOS, PERU - On Friday, April 20th at 9:43 AM, a US Department of Defense
radar-aircraft manned by three former US-military men who were under
contract to the CIA and one Peruvian Air Force officer, notified the
US-controlled radar station at Peru's Morona Cocha military base that it had
sighted a plane that had crossed 3-4 miles into Brazilian territory just off
the Jivari river, the Peruvian border with Brazil. According to US
officials, a second sighting of the plane occurred 12 minutes later, when
the same aircraft re-entered Peruvian airspace. US officials say the
American crew then asked Peruvian authorities to determine if the craft had
filed a flight plan; when told it hadn't the Peruvian authorities decided to
launch an intercept and attempted to make radio contact; when they couldn't
they began firing, despite the desperate pleas of the CIA contract pilots to
halt the assault.

About one hour and twenty minutes from the time the plane was spotted
re-entering Peruvian airspace, it was shot down. Two passengers, 35-year-old
missionary Veronica Bowers and her seven-month old adopted daughter Charity,
were killed in the Peruvian fighter jet's assault. Three other passengers,
Bowers' husband, Jim, 38, and their son, Cory, 7, were uninjured. The pilot,
42-year-old Kevin Donaldson,  was shot in the legs and is recovering.

On the surface, the story is clean. The US routinely runs radar checks on
planes flying in Peru as part of a program that has been in place since
1995. When they spot a suspected drug plane Peruvian authorities are alerted
and a call made on whether to shoot it out of the sky or try to force it to
land. This should be a simple case of mistaken identity and an unfortunate
accident, but it may be more than that.

In 1995, the US and Peru came to an agreement on trying to stop the air
transport of basta, coca base, from Peru, to the refining labs in Colombia.
As part of the agreement,  the US built a radar station just outside
Iquitos, the largest city in the Peruvian Amazon. The base is run by former
Special Forces troops. The US runs the radar and suggests which planes might
be drug-planes; the Peruvian airforce does the dirty work. The reason for
the US running the radar show is to keep temptation away from Peruvian
officials who might be taking bribes.

But according to Peruvian pilots formerly involved in the program-who for
obvious reasons won't give their names-no plane is intercepted or shot down
unless the US gives the go-ahead. And this is where the story of the
shootdown as reported in Reuters and the AP falls apart. By Sunday morning
the US was changing it's official story to accept that it had notified
Peruvian authorities of the sighting but was officially claiming that it had
tried to prevent the shoot-down. The US crew repeatedly expressed their
concern that the nature of the aircraft had not been determined, a US
official in Washington told Reuters. Despite serious concerns raised by the
US crew, the shoot-down was authorized by Peruvian authorities.
One report had the Peruvian pilots as cowboys who shot the Bowers' plane
against US wishes. While that is not an impossibility, that's not the way
it's generally done in Peru. The US calls the shots, period, and since only
roughly 40% of the planes they recommend for downing can be connected with
the drug trade-again, according to pilots who have been part of the
program-Peru takes the public heat for downing innocent planes, but explains
that it only does what the US asks and thus keeps its hands clean. The US
makes the calls but doesn't do any shooting, thus it too keeps its hands

The reason so many planes have been downed wrongly is simply the reality of
small plane traffic in the Amazon region of Peru: They're generally old
puddle-jumping Cessnas and very few have any instrumentation left, including
radios, and fewer still file flight plans. They're generally piloted by bush
pilots who fly by sight at low altitudes, basically running errands for
people who live our work out on the rivers in the dense jungle.
This case was different. The Cessna 185 had full instrumentation. Moreover,
while the US insists the CIA-contract plane contacted the Peruvian air tower
in Iquitos to inquire about the Cessna's flight plan and were told it had
none, it is now possible to download copies of that flight plan from CNN or
from the American Baptists for World Evangelism's website. The Peruvian air
tower initially agreed there had 

[CTRL] AP: Documentary: The Untold Story Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing

2001-04-27 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

A Cry for Justice: The Untold Story Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing,
that contends the attack was the work of a wider conspiracy.
The documentary is due for release after McVeigh's execution on May 16.

Retracing a Killer's Steps

Grandmother Follows McVeigh's Path in Upcoming Documentary

By Jennifer L. Brown
The Associated Press

O K L A H O M A   C I T Y, April 26 - Kathy Graham Wilburn has spent six
years finding out as much as she can about Timothy McVeigh, the man who
murdered her grandsons in the Oklahoma City bombing.

Wilburn is using her research to help a film company make a documentary,
A Cry for Justice: The Untold Story Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing,
that contends the attack was the work of a wider conspiracy. The
documentary is due for release after McVeigh's execution on May 16.


'Creepy' Journey, Forgotten Victims

Right-Wing Conspiracy?

Personal Search for the Truth

She has traveled to McVeigh's hangouts, slept in the seedy motels he
frequented and faced some of the people who knew him best.

Wilburn is using her research to help a film company make a documentary,
A Cry for Justice: The Untold Story Behind the Oklahoma City Bombing,
that contends the attack was the work of a wider conspiracy. The
documentary is due for release after McVeigh's execution on May 16.

'Creepy' Journey, Forgotten Victims

Wilburn's search for the reason McVeigh killed 168 people - including
her grandsons, 3-year-old Chase Smith and 2-year-old Colton Smith - has
taken her many places other victims' relatives wouldn't go.

She spent a creepy night trying to sleep in the same bed McVeigh did
two nights before the April 19, 1995, explosion. She visited white
supremacist camps where the bomber allegedly developed his
anti-government views. She had dinner with the woman who made McVeigh's
 fake driver's license and could have alerted authorities before he
carried out the attack.

Wilburn met McVeigh's father not far from his home in Pendleton, N.Y.
He's the forgotten victim, Wilburn said. He's a sad man.

In Kingman, Ariz., she had dinner with the wife of Michael Fortier,
McVeigh's Army buddy who is serving a 12-year prison term for failing to
go to authorities after McVeigh told him of the bombing plans.

This is probably the strangest call you're ever going to get, Wilburn
told Lori Fortier when the woman picked up the phone at a nail salon
where she worked.

When the women met at a restaurant that night, Fortier wouldn't look
Wilburn in the eye.

I realized I was in the presence of a very broken young lady, Wilburn
said. I don't know why, but I put my arm around her, I said, 'Honey
thank you for coming. I know this is going to be an awkward evening.'

Lori Fortier, the woman who made the fake driver's license, wouldn't
talk about the bombing but apologized repeatedly that night.

As we're leaving, she grabs onto me. She holds me close to her and she
just bawls and bawls and bawls, saying, 'I'm so sorry,' Wilburn said.

 Right-Wing Conspiracy?

Wilburn also wrote to Michael Fortier, McVeigh's accomplice Terry
Nichols and McVeigh. McVeigh didn't write her back.

Wilburn, who worked for the IRS for 10 years but has not been back since
the bombing, gave MGA Films of Fort Collins, Colo., access to her
research and helped MGA crews gain interviews with people who were
willing to talk to her because her grandsons died in the bombing.
Wilburn interviews people in the documentary but is rarely shown on

The documentary says McVeigh and Nichols had help from a right-wing
network. It includes interviews with bombing survivors, witnesses, FBI
officials and former right-wing terrorists.

MGA Films also produced a documentary on the Branch Davidian siege,
Waco: A New Revelation, which promotes the theory that the government
started the fire - something investigators have steadfastly denied. The
documentary was honored at film festivals in Durango, Colo., and

Wilburn believes four or five men helped McVeigh and Nichols plan and
finance the bombing, even accompany McVeigh to Oklahoma City. She thinks
the plot was hatched in Elohim City, a right-wing compound in Oklahoma.

Federal authorities believe McVeigh came to Oklahoma City alone and that
they have prosecuted the only three men involved in the bombing.

Every piece of information that was brought forth to us was thoroughly
investigated, FBI agent Lori Bailey said. We certainly paid attention
and went the entire route with the information.

Personal Search for the Truth

In the two days before the bombing, Wilburn's daughter, Edye Stowe,
stayed home from work with Chase and Colton because she had strep
throat. A friend called to 

Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Moon Hoax (fwd)

2001-04-27 Thread John Szocik

-Caveat Lector-

Man! Are you in denial or what? Are you some super patriot?!
Face the the FACTS and stop all this useless, uninformed defense of all this
very obvious evidence!

Most sincerely,

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Conspiracy Journal

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon

Conspiracy Journal -

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High overhead the UFO silently hovered – its sophisticated electronics
secretly monitored the digital pulses coming over the telephone lines to
the unsuspecting house below. Then, before the home owner had a chance to
turn his computer on, the sinister occupants of the UFO sucked up the
entire contents of the homes Email box.  Is it a conspiracy to silent UFO
believers?  Is it the secret government out to create a New World Order?
Is it the heartless international corporations trying to make even more
money?  NO! It is the CONSPIRACY JOURNAL, here once again to amaze, baffle
and befuddle all those who seek the truth in an ever more complex world!

This weeks issue of Conspiracy Journal brings you such spine-curving
stories as: The Men In Black, chupacabra connection - Book says Israel
Deliberately Fired on U.S. Ship in 1967 - Is Europe's foot and mouth
plague a deliberate biological attack?  All these exciting stories and
more in this weeks edition of Conspiracy Journal.

Be sure to check out our newest feature at the Conspiracy Journal Homepage
( - the Conspiracy Journal E-Group.  Join up now
to discuss conspiracies, UFOs, the paranormal etc. with all of the rest of
the Conspiracy Journal family! We have just opened shop so we need all of
you beloved subscribers to join up today and start the discussions
rolling!  Simply go to the homepage and check out the menu line at the top
left of the page, click on Conspiracy Journal E-Group and sign up.

~ And Now, On With The Show! ~

Men In Black Appear in Wake of Chupacabras Activity

As noted in the last paragraph of an article entitled A Revealing Study
of the Chupacabras Case which appeared in yesterday's Estrella del Loa,
Calama UFO Center Researcher Jaime Ferrer managed to detect--after four
days of research in a sector of El Loa province--the presence of strange
individuals who intimidate those who have had alleged experiences with
UFOs or with the allegedly alien creature known as the Chupacabras.

Although the presence of mysterious characters resembles more closely a
story drawn from the U.S. box office hit Men In Black, the expert claims
that the events described below faithfully coincide with the statements
made by the parties involved. He adds: If I hadn't investigated the case
myself, I would have found it hard to believe.

Yesterday's newspaper chronicle named some individuals who visited the
ranch of a humble resident of El Loa to recover hair samples left behind
by a strange creature which had attacked his poultry animals.

The farmer stated that around 11:00 a.m. on the day following his
encounter with a creature that can be described as nothing short of
abominable, he saw three strange-looking but very well-dressed men appear
while he spoke to a friend who had also seen the creature. They stood some
30 meters away from a group of acquaintances who were busy sharing a side
of flame-roasted meat.

We're policemen and we're here to arrest you, said one of the men--a
phrase which shocked the farmer and gave rise to the following exchange:

Farmer: Why? I didn't do anything wrong.

Person: Look, you can't discuss what you saw last night with anyone. If
you do you'll only make trouble for yourself.

Farmer: If you're policemen, could you please show me your badges? (he
was aware that he had no outstanding matter to settle with the law).

Person: We'll show them soon enough.

After this brief conversation, the farmer began to observe closely the odd
behavior and equally odd garb of the unknown characters.

These guys were almost two meters tall. I found them very strange. They
were thin and resembled one another, especially in their bearing and
constitution. They wore sunglasses that concealed their eyes; one of them
had eyes that reminded me of Spiderman's . They always kept their left
hand in their pockets--perhaps that's where they kept their sidearms. They
only withdrew their left hands when they were away from each other to make
hand signals; they surveyed the entire area, and never once did I hear
them call out to one another, the farmer told Ferrer.

He explained that the trio wore a type of glove which left their ring and
smallest fingers exposed, whithe the rest of their fingers occupied a
single space. Their shirt cuffs– he says–covered part
of this 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Secretary Powell to address the Bretton Woods Committee

2001-04-27 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Hope he can come up with something intelligent and true to say. So far
he's been failing to do this.

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 08:56:00 EDT William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Powell blames Holywood for drug problem!

2001-04-27 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Powell is such a disgrace to his title that I cannot pay any attention to
ANYTHING he says.

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 00:43:33 EDT Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy.

2001-04-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Dr Hertz's book The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death
of Democracy , is published by Heinemann at £12.99. The accompanying
Channel 4 film, The End of Politics will be broadcast as the curtain
raiser to Channel 4's general election coverage.


Why we must stay silent no longer

Noreena Hertz is one of the world's leading young thinkers, whose
agenda-setting new book on corporate power is already sparking
intense debate on both sides of the Atlantic. In this remarkable
special essay for The Observer she argues that governments' surrender
to big business is the deadliest threat facing democracy today

Noreena Hertz
Sunday April 8, 2001
The Observer

In the hullaballoo following the American presidential election, with
hanging and pregnant chads, and ballot forms that needed a PhD to
decipher, it was easy to forget something that was in many ways even
more alarming than confusion over who won. More than 90 million
Americans had not bothered to vote - that is, more than the combined
population of England, Ireland and Scandinavia.

Low turnout is not just a US phenomenon. In the UK, the landslide
victory for Labour in the election of 1997 was achieved on a turnout
of 69 per cent - the lowest since the war. During the European
elections in 1999, less than half of the electorate voted, and less
than a quarter came out in the UK. In the Leeds Central by-election
last year only 19 per cent of those eligible to vote did so.
Predictions for the forthcoming general election are that turnout
will fall to the lowest level yet.

People have lost faith in politics, because they no longer know what
governments are good for. Thanks to the steady withdrawal of the
state over the past 20 years from the public sphere, it is
corporations, not governments, that increasingly define the public

Unregulated or under-regulated by governments, corporations set the
terms of engagement themselves. In the Third World we see a race to
the bottom: multinationals pitting developing countries against each
other to provide the most advantageous conditions for investment,
with no regulation, no red tape, no unions, a blind eye turned to
environmental degradation. It's good for profit, but bad for workers
and local communities. As corporations go bottom fishing, host
governments are left with little alternative but to accept the
pickings. Globalisation may deliver liberty, but not fraternity or

At the headquarters of the World Trade Organisation on the banks of
Lake Geneva we see rulings being made in the names of the free market
that limit states' abilities to safeguard their people's interests.
When the European Union tried to ban synthetic hormones from beef on
the basis of strong evidence that they could cause cancer, reduce
male fertility and in some cases result in the premature onset of
puberty in young children, it found itself unable to do so thanks to
a WTO ruling which put the interests of Monsanto, the US National
Cattlemen's Association, the US Dairy Export Council and the National
Milk Producers Federation first.

Time and time again the WTO has intervened to prevent governments
from using boycotts or tariffs against companies that they find to be
acting in ethically or environmentally unacceptable ways.

In Germany, where revenue from corporate taxes has fallen by 50 per
cent over the past 20 years, despite a rise in corporate profits of
90 per cent, a group of companies, including Deutsche Bank, BMW,
Daimler-Benz and RWE, the German energy and industrial group,
thwarted in 1999 Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine's attempt to raise
the tax burden on German firms, threatening to move investment or
factories to other countries if government policy did not suit
them. 'It's a question of at least 14,000 jobs,' threatened Dieter
Schweer, a spokesman for RWE. 'If the investment position is no
longer attractive, we will examine every possibility of switching our
investments abroad.' Daimler-Benz proposed relocating to the US;
other companies threatened to stop buying government bonds and
investing in the German economy.

In view of the power these corporations wield their threats were
taken seriously. Within a few months Germany was planning corporate
tax cuts which would reduce tax on German companies below US rates.
As one of German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder's senior advisers in
Washington commented at the time, 'Deutsche Bank and industrial
giants like Mercedes are too strong for the elected government in

In the US, the quid pro quo being exacted by George W's corporate
backers is becoming all too clear. Since being elected, the President
has opened up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drillers,
retreated from his promises of protecting forests, made moves to
weaken the requirement on mining companies to clean after themselves
and in recent weeks both reversed a campaign pledge to 

Re: [CTRL] Weyrich's Free Pass

2001-04-27 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Howard wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 4/26/01 11:46:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 was meaning to poke fun at flw and the idea of jews killed christ because

 i thought that it was generally accepted that the parable of christ could

 have happened anywhere- in any religion (and has) and it was man who

 killed christ, not one group of people 

 C, C, what are we going to do with you? Drop the Political Correctness
 non-sense. Truth is Truth. Jesus was put to death by the Pilate at the behest
 of the jewish leaders because they concidered him to be a trouble maker. And
 thats the truth!

 Bill H

Oh well. I was hoping to not get involved in this but you had to go
and claim that this is the truth. Truth is Truth.

This is a Gospel Truth. Which means that never happened this way at all.
The people who wrote this nonsense did so to remove blame from the Romans
for the crucifixion, and place it on the Jews. This is a particularly evil
act and has been a slight problem for the Jews for 2k years.

These fathers of the Gentile Christian Church are indirectly responsible
for the killing of millions of Jews. They were cowards and liars. They had
a real problem on their hands. The man they deified was put to death by
the Romans for being a Jewish rebel. What to do? What to do? Alter history
to make it seem that the poor Roman conquerors of Judea were FORCED to kill
a perfectly innocent man. This took the blame off the Romans, who they were
afraid of pissing off, and put the blame on the Jews who were their main
competitors for converts among the CHRISTIANS in the Roman empire.

People need to understand that the  Passover Privilege  where Pilate
left it up to the Jewish crowd to choose between Jesus and Barabas IS A
TOTALLY MADE UP STORY. There were no such policies practiced by the Romans
in ANY of their conquered territories, much less in their MOST REBELLIOUS
province in the Empire. Inventing the symbol of Pilate washing his hands
was so effective, that Pilate and his wife were made saints in some parts
of Greek Orthodox Christianity.

This story is an obvious fraud. No one accepts it as historical. It would
be almost funny if it were not responsible for so much death and suffering.

So it's not that it isn't PC to talk about the Jews killing Jesus, it's
that it simply is intentional racist literature.

Lucky for you Christians that it didn't happen in modern times, or you all
would have to be wearing electric chairs around your necks.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Pass it on AMERICA!!]

2001-04-27 Thread BB

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Are we Americans as dumb as we appear or is it just that we do not
think?  While the Chinese held our plane and its crew hostage, (they are
free now, thank the Lord)  presumably to get more time to inspect the
plane, the media wrangled its hands and criticized the Bush
for perceived errors.  Yet 70% of Americans believe that the trading
privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended.
Well, duh...why ---do you need the government to suspend trading
privileges?  DO IT YOURSELF!!!

Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and it it says Made
China or PRC (and that includes Hong Kong), simply choose another
product or none at all.  You will be amazed at how dependent you are on
Chinese products, however you will be equally amazed at what you can do
without.  Who needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter?  If you must have
eggs benefit some American farmer.

Easter is just an example, the point not wait for the government
act.  Just go ahead and assume control on your own.  If 200 Million
Americans refuse to buy $20 each of Chinese goods, that a billion dollar
trade imbalance resolved in our!!  The downside??
Some American business will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign
stockpiles of inventory.  The solution, lets give them fair warning.
So, we will not implement this UNTIL May 1, and we will continue it to
1.  That is only one month of trading losses, but it will hit the
for l/12th of the total or 8% of their American exports.
Then they will at least have to ask themselves if their arrogance and
lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, May 1 to June 1.

Send this to everybody you know.
Show them we are Americans and NOBODY can take our people and hold them.

Pass it on AMERICA!


Find and Support American Business
Thomas Register of American Manufacturers

U.S. Stuff- Product List and Index, Products Made in USA

Buy American Online

As you pass this on, pass on this suggestion also. If EVERY American
to remain home from work for one day, the gas prices would come down.
multinational corporations cannot afford to have the slaves at home and
not burning these profits at our expense. Send this suggestion to all on
your lists and lets see what kind of response can be created. We need to
select a day certain then go for it.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Democracy Trampled in QuebecCity

2001-04-27 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks for sharing this. I am s glad people are getting to see
what is REALLY going on.

An interesting notion, as with the protests against the WEF in Melbourne last
year, there is a tendency especially among sympathisers and those who took
part, to portray the protestors as victims of police brutality. But it seems
to me that the heavy-handed reponse in Quebec is a direct result of the
excesses of extremists, the anarchists, Trotskyists and other self-appointed
revolutionaries, usually members of white middle class with a guilt complex
(which they usually get over when they grow up) who show their contempt for
democracy and free speech through their so-called peaceful blockades and
deliberate acts of vandalism and violence.

After the contemptible behaviour of some protestors in London (May 99),
Seattle, Prague and Melbourne anyone who dared to protest in Quebec should
have seen the police overkill coming. But there are times when I think that's
exactly the sort of response that the revolutionaries and other radicals want
to make martyrs of themselves.

That doesn't resolve the issue of whether free trade is a good thing. I don't
presume to know yet. But I suppose it depends on what your self-interest is,
and I have to say that taxing consumers to protect jobs in unsustainble
industries, thereby locking out cheaper, usually developing country
suppliers, is morally suspect...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Keyless Remote Mystery In Bremerton (Again)

2001-04-27 Thread William Shannon


Why don't keyless remotes work? 
By Lloyd A. Pritchett Sun Staff

Something has caused almost all the devices to stop working in Bremerton 

Joel Maimon of Port Ludlow first noticed the problem when he arrived in 
Bremerton for work Thursday morning. No matter how many times he clicked the 
remote keyless entry device for his car, it wouldn't work. 

He wasn't alone. 

Art DeCamp, service manager for Haselwood Expo Buick Pontiac dealership in 
Bremerton, first realized something was amiss Wednesday afternoon when a 
flood of customers began calling with the same problem. 

By Thursday, virtually every new car dealership in the Bremerton-Port Orchard 
area was inundated with hundreds of similar calls from upset customers. The 
outage also affected unsold new cars sitting on their lots. 

The cause of the bizarre problem was — and still is — a mystery. No one so 
far has been able to explain why the remote keyless entry systems on nearly 
every vehicle in the Bremerton-Port Orchard suddenly stopped functioning at 
about the same time Wednesday afternoon and hasn't worked since. 

"It's strange," DeCamp said. "A lot of people are really upset." 

Speculation about the cause has ranged from solar flares to the Mir space 
station or possible interference from USS Carl Vinson or some other local 
Navy ship. 

But Navy officials say there's no evidence that a naval vessel is causing the 
problem, and experts say such a localized problem couldn't be caused by solar 

 A spokesman for the Federal Communications Commission in Washington, D.C., 
which regulates radio-controlled devices, said the agency will look into the 
problem if it persists.

 The malfunction, which seems to afflict all makes and models of new 
vehicles, disappears as soon as a car is driven outside the area. Although a 
few vehicles with remote entry seem to be immune to the problem, the vast 
majority are affected by the outage. 

Larry Sharrett, general manager of the Parr Auto Group, said all new cars at 
the group's Bremerton dealerships are affected, whether foreign and domestic.

 "It's across the board," he said. "I simply have no idea what's causing it." 

DeCamp said remote keyless entry devices use a radio signal in the 300- to 
500-megahertz range. When the "lock" or "unlock" button is pushed on a 
handheld device, it transmits a signal to a receiver in the car that locks or 
unlocks the doors. 

But in the Bremerton area, "something is keeping it from working by not 
allowing the signal to do what it needs to do," DeCamp said.

 The problem started at almost exactly the same time the aircraft carrier USS 
Carl Vinson was returning home to Bremerton from seven weeks at sea, causing 
service managers at some car dealerships to suspect radio emissions from the 
ship are somehow to blame.

 But the ship's communication experts checked the ship over and could find no 
evidence that it was the source of the problem. 

"We've checked all of our radars and communication suites and the ship 
doesn't appear to be emitting any frequencies that might have an effect on 
these remote control devices," said ship's spokesman Lt. Matt O'Neal.

 Daphne Burke, spokeswoman for Naval Station Bremerton, said there is no 
evidence that any Navy ship or shore facility is to blame for the mysterious 

 "We've been looking ... but we have no answer," she said. "We're going to 
continue to check until the problem goes away or until they find something 

 Solar flares, which were also suspected as a possible cause, have been ruled 
out because of the pattern of the outage. 

Joe Kunches, acting chief of the Space Weather Operations Division at the 
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said intense solar activity 
can cause global radio interference.

 But it wouldn't cause such a localized problem, he said, nor would it 
persist for more than an hour or two if solar activity was the source, he 
said. And it definitely wouldn't continue after the sun goes down.

 John Winston, spokesman for the FCC in Washington, D.C., said the problem 
could be caused "by any one of a number of things." 

He said if the problem persists, an agency investigator will be assigned to 
look into it. 

Meanwhile, Joel Maimon and thousands of other vehicle owners are relearning 
how to use their car keys — and wondering how much longer they will have to 
use them.