[CTRL] Rescuing America's unborn children

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Rescuing America's unborn children



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

The U.S. Congress this week passed -- and sent on to the Senate -- a bill to 
protect unborn children against violence suffered from assaults on the 
mother. In a rational and decent age, it would not, perhaps be necessary to 
marshal special arguments in defense of the obvious truth that violence that 
causes the death of a child is a crime whether or not that child has been 
born. But, of course, there are those who work tirelessly to keep our age 
from being either rational or decent, and they are vigorously opposing The 
Unborn Victims of Violence Act. They object to the bill because it speaks of 
unborn children as unborn children, rather than as fetuses, and because it 
accordingly threatens to disturb the web of sophistries and lies that shrouds 
the real evil of the abortion doctrine. 

The bill is important for the same two reasons as is the ongoing campaign to 
ban partial-birth abortion -- to stop a particular evil in a way that also 
strikes an effective blow in the larger battle. Everyone claims to agree that 
it is good to make violence against women, which harms or destroys the life 
within her, a distinct federal crime. I should say, everyone agrees to this 
as long as the woman has not requested the violence -- but leave that aside 
for the moment. The disagreement begins over the language by which the law 
will refer to the child in the womb. A pro-abortion substitute measure goes 
quite far in criminalizing violence that "terminates pregnancy" against the 
will of the mother, but scrupulously avoids acknowledging that there are two 
victims in such a crime. 

Abortion defenders call The Unborn Victims of Violence Act a strike against 
"choice," because it speaks openly of the unborn child as a person. I believe 
that they are correct. And it may be prudent for defenders of the bill to 
avoid encouraging opposition by arguing too loudly about its effect on the 
abortion debate. But it is necessary here to acknowledge, as well as in the 
case of partial-birth abortion, that we seek this part of justice not only 
for its own sake, but for the sake as well of the larger good -- the 
restoration of the doctrine of human equality in the American regime which 
will bring legal abortion to an end. 

This law has the potential to be a powerful manifestation to everyone of the 
perverse and contradictory logic of the abortion doctrine. For it is clear to 
everyone -- hence the pro-abort rage -- that the logic of the law extends in 
principle to every unborn child. Accordingly, the strained restriction of 
legal protection to the "wanted" child’s personhood reveals the evil 
reasoning underlying the abortion doctrine: That whether killing an unborn 
child today in America is a crime or the exercise of a sacred right depends 
in no way on the nature or intrinsic dignity of the child -- or on any 
unchanging or permanent moral standard -- but simply on the arbitrary will of 
the mother of the child. 

Our words, and the words of our laws, reveal our understanding of reality. 
Our willingness to insist on using the right names for things -- and for 
children -- is a sign of our resolve to insist on respect for the truth. 

Defenders of the abortion doctrine have been quick to realize that a federal 
law recognizing that killing an unborn child against the wishes of the mother 
is murder will be public testimony that some, at least, unborn children are 
acknowledged to be persons equal in dignity to those of us walking around. 
Laws protecting "chosen" children draw dramatic attention to the most 
fundamentally evil aspect of the abortion doctrine. Worse even than the 
defense of the killing of the innocent unborn is the doctrine that human 
beings receive their dignity and their rights from the act of choice made by 
their mother, rather than by the will of the Creator. Seeking to take the 
place of God is a greater offense than violating His law by killing our 

The pro-abortion lobby argues openly that the unborn child -- wanted or 
unwanted -- is simply a "fetus," devoid of human nature and dignity. Despite 
the unanimous conviction of mothers everywhere that the children they 
lovingly carry are human persons inherently entitled to that maternal love 
and respect, Planned Parenthood and NARAL are willing to take their stand on 
the position that even "wanted" children aren’t children until they are born. 
The Unborn Victims of Violence Act specifically exempts the violence of 
procured abortion from its provisions, but it would nonetheless codify the 
opposite of the pro-abortion position that even "wanted" children are not 
persons until they are born. 

Why are they willing to tell living mothers that their children are not 
persons? Bec

[CTRL] CIA Files Confirm U.S. Used Nazis After WWII

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CIA Files Confirm U.S. Used Nazis After WWII
 _Full Coverage_

By George Lardner Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 28, 2001; Page A10

U.S. intelligence agencies used a rogue's gallery of Nazi war criminals after
World War II to help cope with the new threats posed by the Soviet Union and
its communist allies, a long-secret trove of CIA records showed yesterday.

The collaboration was mainly with middle-ranking Nazis, men with obscure
names but often deadly backgrounds. Among them were an SS officer who hunted
Jews in Genoa, an emissary in Rome wanted for a 1944 massacre, a Nazi
intelligence officer "well versed" in the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz
and the "intellectual leader" of an SS think tank who was wanted in Poland
for war crimes.

Their work for Hitler's Germany and then the Americans and other Western
intelligence agencies is detailed in 20 CIA "name files," the first of
several hundred to be made public. The CIA had refused to acknowledge the
existence of the records until Congress passed a 1998 law requiring their

Files on Adolf Hitler and other notorious war criminals were among the 10,000
pages released yesterday, but the most striking disclosures were about a
second tier of Nazis who aligned themselves with Western powers eager to use
their expertise against the Soviet Union. Many of these lesser-known men
"committed serious crimes, but in the postwar period received light
punishment, no punishment at all, or received compensation because Western
intelligence agencies considered them useful assets in the Cold War,"
according to a panel of historians enlisted by the government to study the

Some of the links between ex-Nazis and Western intelligence agencies have
been known, or suspected, for years. But in the absence of hard evidence,
unfounded allegations and conspiracy theories also flourished. The CIA
records, for example, should put to rest rumors that Gestapo chief Heinrich
Mueller and former U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim were U.S.
intelligence assets, historians said.

On the other hand, the documents confirm that three Nazis charged with war
crimes -- Emil Augsburg, Wilhelm Hoettl and Klaus Barbie -- were employed by
the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence Corps or the Office of Strategic
Services, the precursor of the CIA, according to former representative
Elizabeth Holtzman (D-N.Y.), a member of a federal panel in charge of
carrying out the 1998 law. She spoke at a news conference at the U.S.
Holocaust Museum.

Another member of the panel, Washington lawyer Richard Ben-Veniste, said the
files suggest that using the Nazis was "short-sighted and counterproductive"
because of their "inherent defects as human beings and their vulnerability to
being blackmailed."

Historian Norman Goda of Ohio University noted that in the files "the moral
question -- should we use these people -- is never asked." Instead, he said,
U.S. intelligence officials apparently decided: "We can use them, but we
certainly can't trust them."

Augsburg, for example, was an SS major at the Wannsee Institute -- an SS
think tank -- who also took part in "special duties," a euphemism for the
execution of Jews and others deemed undesirable by the Nazis. Although wanted
in Poland for war crimes, he was used by the CIC from 1947 to 1948 as an
expert on Soviet affairs. American University historian Richard Breitman said
Augsburg became an informant thanks in part to his insistence that he had
eight trunks of files about the activities of communist agents -- although
these were never found.

Augsburg eventually was dropped by the Army, but he remained a member of the
Gehlen organization, a counter-espionage network organized at the request of
U.S. occupation forces by Reinhard Gehlen, a German general who had been head
of Nazi intelligence on the Eastern front. Augsburg was finally dismissed by
West Germany's intelligence agency in 1966 amid suspicions he was a Soviet
double agent.

There appears to be little new in the file on Barbie, the Gestapo chief known
as the "Butcher of Lyon" for his hand in the torture, deportation and deaths
of 4,000 Jews and Resistance fighters. The Counterintelligence Corps
protected Barbie from French prosecution after the war and helped him reach
South America. He stayed there until 1983, when he was deported to France to
face trial. He died in a French prison hospital in 1991.

Hoettl, an SS major who worked in Budapest and Vienna and was "well versed"
in the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz, was arrested by American troops in
1945. But he soon established himself "as a peddler of intelligence, good and
bad, to anyone who would pay him," including Israel, France, West Germany,
Russia, Hungary and the Vatican, according to historians who examined his
600-page file. He allegedly set up a Swiss bank account with purloined Nazi
funds at war's

[CTRL] Chinese ship challenges Australian navy flotilla

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Chinese ship challenges Australian navy flotilla
By David Rennie in Beijing and Geoffrey Lee Martin in Sydney

 News - United Nations

 Oceans and law of the sea - United Nations

 Australian Department of Defence

 Ministry of Foreign Affairs - People's Republic of China

 News - White House

 China Daily

  A CHINESE warship challenged an Australian naval flotilla for "intruding"
even though it was in international sea lanes at the time, it emerged
A spokesman for the Australian Department of Defence said the incident, which
happened "earlier this month", involved at least one frigate whose captain
rejected the Chinese challenge and sailed on. He said: "The Australian naval
vessels were challenged by a Chinese naval vessel which claimed that the
Australians were intruding on Chinese waters.

"At all times the Australian ships were steaming in international waters and
abiding by international rights under the 1982 Laws of the Sea Convention and
so the captain insisted on proceeding." Precise details of the ships and
locations were "classified information", he said.

The incident occurred just days after a Chinese fighter jet collided with a
US spy plane over the South China Sea, 65 miles from the southern island of
Hainan on April 1, sparking a stand-off over the fate of the American crew.

Immediately after the collision, China launched a propaganda campaign against
foreign military activity within the 200-mile wide "economic exclusion zone".
Nations have wide-ranging economic rights over the marine resources in such
zones, but they are not sovereign territory.

Chinese state media accused the American military of abusing international
rules on "freedom of overflight". China insisted that under these rules
foreign powers were obliged to "take account of the rights, laws, and
regulations of maritime states" when inside 200-mile limits.

Local coverage left many Chinese citizens with the impression that the
collision took place in Chinese airspace. The Taiwan Straits - which are only
70 miles wide in places - contain some of the busiest shipping lanes in the
world, and some of the most sensitive.

If China steps up aggressive "interceptions" in international sea lanes on
the mainland side of the straits, America and its allies can be expected to
resist strongly. Under the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention, all
vessels, including warships, enjoy the right of "innocent passage", even
through territorial waters.

Innocent sailings must be continuous and "expeditious", and must not involve
threats or use of force, the use or testing of weapons, intelligence
gathering, or the launching or recovery of any aircraft or military device.
Submarines should surface and show their flag.

China has long argued that warships should request permission before steaming
through its territorial waters, but America has never accepted this view.

In 1996, President Clinton sent two aircraft carrier battle groups to the
seas off Taiwan in a show of force after China staged war games to scare
voters during Taiwan's first free elections.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bin Laden said to have nukes

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bin Laden said to have nukes
Report: Extent of fugitive leader's arsenal 'no longer a doubt'



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Fugitive Saudi terrorist-sponsor Osama bin Laden is now known to have nuclear 
weapons, putting to rest previous speculation that left the possibility open, 
according to a weekly intelligence newsletter. 

A report published in this week's Geostrategy-Direct.com newsletter, edited 
in part by Washington Times staffers Bill Gertz and Robert Morton, indicated 
that bin Laden's possession of nuclear devices "is no longer a doubt." 

"Saudi billionaire fugitive Osama bin Laden has nuclear weapons. The question 
is how many," the report said. 

Gertz told WND he didn't write the assessment, but that the newsletter's 
primary editor, Morton, had a stringer in the Mideast who verified the 
information. Morton was out of his office and could not be reached for 

"Russian intelligence sources who are fighting bin Laden members in Chechnya 
believe [he] has a handful of tactical nuclear weapons," said the report. 
"Arab intelligence sources say the Al Qaida head has as many as 20 weapons." 

Al Qaida is the name of the terrorist group bin Laden leads. 

The report says "both sides agree" that the Saudi terrorist managed to 
acquire his weapons by supporting the Chechen cause with money and 
volunteers, in exchange for nuclear materials and technology. 

Bin Laden "received [it] from Chechen insurgents who raided [Russian] nuclear 
installations for fuel and components around the former Soviet Union," the 
report said. 

"With that came the recruits from among scientists from the former Soviet 
Union. The rest was easy," said Geostrategy-Direct.com. 

The report said the actual location of the weapons is unknown, but "the 
assessment by both Arab and Russian sources is that bin Laden has managed to 
sneak at least some of the components to his lair in Afghanistan." 

Bin Laden is one of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. He is wanted in 
connection with the Aug. 7, 1998, bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa -- 
one in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the other in Nairobi, Kenya. Over 200 
were killed in the attacks. 

He is believed to have a connection to the Oct. 12 bombing of the destroyer 
USS Cole as it refueled in Yemen, WND reported Oct. 26. 

The State Department had no comment on the report, but other intelligence 
officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told WND that any reports 
dealing with bin Laden are taken seriously. 

"Reports regarding bin Laden are always taken seriously and investigated," 
the official said. "He clearly poses a threat to U.S. interests around the 
world, so you can't dismiss every rumor out of hand. It wouldn't be prudent 
to do that." 

In January, the New York Times -- quoting U.S. officials -- said bin Laden's 
organization was making attempts to manufacture chemical weapons and "buy 
enriched uranium," one of the main components of a nuclear device. 

But as far back as August 1999, counter-terrorism experts said bin Laden may 
have acquired "up to 20 nuclear devices." 

"Yosef Bodansky, a researcher of the House Task Force for Counter-terrorism 
and author of a new book on bin Laden, told a news conference on Friday that 
bin Laden has been seeking to follow up on his bombings of two U.S. embassies 
in east Africa one year ago. Echoing U.S. officials, Bodansky said bin Laden 
was thwarted in plans to blow up the U.S. embassy and two consulates in India 
last December and January," WorldTribune.com reported. 

"It was also reported that bin Laden has biological, chemical and nuclear 
weapons and has received technical help from Iraq, Bodansky said. The nuclear 
weapons include suitcase bombs acquired through Chechen rebels," the paper 

"The Russians believe that he has a handful [of nuclear weapons]. The Saudi 
intelligence services are very conservative. ... They are friendly to the 
United States [and] believe that he has in the neighborhood of 20," Bodansky 
said, as quoted by the Internet paper. 

Bin Laden reportedly obtained and purchased the suitcase bombs from multiple 
sources, he said. He has a "collection of individuals knowledgeable in 
activating the bombs" and "is recruiting former Soviet special forces [to 
learn] how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines," Bodansky said. 

He noted that, according to his research, most of the weapons had been 
transferred through Pakistan. 

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, 
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in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational 
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[CTRL] Tell 'em to go to Hell!

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

The other day, I finally stumbled onto a page for UN feedback. There is also 
an email addy for inquiries. Be sure to save these for future use on other 
issues as well. Give 'em hell, folks and let them know we don't give a damn 
for their treaties. There is only ONE way they will get our guns and they 
WON'T like it!


Thank you for filling out our feedback form 



U.N. Wants Global Gun Ban 
Friday, April 27, 2001 

The U.N. is after Americans' Second Amendment gun rights – it wants gun 
ownership banned in the U.S., and it's not going to stop until it gets its 

That’s the warning from the National Rifle Association’s Wayne LaPierre, who 
reveals that "for the first time in the history of the world, a United 
Nations conference has set its sights on global disarmament – disarming 
citizens worldwide – including you and me."

At an 11-day meeting beginning July 9 at U.N. headquarters in New York, every 
extremist anti-gun group in the world will show up at a summit on "small 
arms," where the delegates will attempt to create a global standard of gun 
control, banning civilian fire arms ownership worldwide.

Their aim, LaPierre warns, is "to bring the nightmare of England, Australia 
and Canada into our country and our homes."

Those nations, along with South Africa and others, have caved in to 
international pressure and severely restricted civilian gun ownership. Canada 
has gone so far as to make handgun ownership a felony. As a result, crime 
rates in England and Australia have skyrocketed since the gun limits went 
into effect, once again proving the truth of the old saying that if guns are 
outlawed only outlaws will have guns.

While the U.N. has no power to force the U.S. to ban gun ownership, it can, 
with the enthusiastic help of the foreign and domestic anti-self-defense 
media, create a powerful international movement to shame the U.S. into 
junking the Second Amendment rights of private gun ownership. 

"You and I won’t go one day without hearing that the rest of the world is 
banning guns and it’s time for the U.S. to get in line and do the same," 
LaPierre wrote.

As a prelude to this frightening gathering of anti-self-defense fanatics, a 
number of proposals have already been advanced at various U.N. forums. Among 

Strategies to reduce the number of guns in private hands that include 
mandating a maximum one-gun-per-person rule;

A ban on possession of handguns by anyone other than government officials and 
target shooters who would be forced to store their weapons at shooting ranges;

Worldwide licensing of firearms registered in a vast U.N. computer bank. 
"The bottom line is that international gun banners want every gun – every 
single gun worldwide – to be under U.N. and government control," warns 
LaPierre. "And that includes your rifle, your shotgun, your handgun, and even 
family heirlooms that have been handed down from generation to generation."

LaPierre urges Americans to`contact Sen. Jesse Helms, chairman of the Senate 
Foreign Relations Committee, and express their outrage at this latest U.N. 
power grab.

Helms, he notes, is already on record as deploring the U.N.’s anti-gun 
project. He wrote a letter to the U.S. Agency for International Development 
in 1999 in which he described the U.N. gun ban project: nothing less that a 
brazen international expansion of the [Clinton-Gore] domestic gun control 

=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] 27 April 2001 Federalist #01-17.dgst Part 2

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"Tyranny, like fog in the well known poem, often creeps in silently
'on little cat feet.'" --Ronald Reagan  {}  "Those who know how to win
are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of
their victories." --Polybius  {}  "Power when wielded by abnormal
energy is the most serious of facts." --Henry Brooks Adams  {}
"Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes." --Henry David
Thoreau  {}  "Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired." --Titus
Maccius Plautus  {}  "To fear the worst oft cures the worse."
--William Shakespeare  {}  "The study of history is a powerful
antidote to contemporary arrogance." --Paul Johnson  {}  "A government
that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend upon the support of
Paul." --G.B. Shaw  {}  "Democracy and socialism have nothing in
common save one word -- equality; socialism seeks equality in
restraint and servitude, while democracy seeks equality in liberty."
--Alexis de Tocqueville


"The real threat, as seen by the ACLU, is that religious behavior
might give secular behavior a bad name, and that is, surely,
unconstitutional." --William F. Buckley  {}  "For a man without a
sense of God's eternal kingdom is but half free, and will always be a
slave to the loneliness and desperation of slow-growing time." --Doug
Bandow  {}  "From the students of today will come the teachers,
lawyers, journalists and other influential citizens of the future.
That is scary." --Nat Hentoff  ++ "American parents have surrendered
their responsibility for the education of their children to government
-- and increasingly to the Imperial Federal Government. The results
aren't good." --Neil Boortz {}  "When whites questioned the
conventional wisdom on [race] issues, it was considered bad form; when
blacks did so, it was treason.'' --Justice Clarence Thomas  {}  "It
was abortion that introduced Americans to the concept of disposable
human life." --Charles Colson  {}  "The surest way to avoid being
drawn into a war is to deter it." --Paul Greenberg  ++  "We cannot
just pretend that none of this is happening, that all is well with
China, and that it really is evolving into a democratic state. Only if
we delude ourselves will we endanger our own liberties." --Paul M.
Weyrich  ++  "Highest we place the strategic interests of the United
States. And these demand that the PRC should feel the high cost of
reckless behavior." --Wm. F. Buckley  ++ "The incident in the China
sea has made it clear to those who did not want to admit it that China
isn't a strategic partner after all." --Phyllis Schlafly  ++ "In still
Red China, it's still '1984'." --Paul Greenberg  ++  "When the Chinese
government and the Chinese people disagree, the people get mowed down
by tanks." --Mona Charen  ++  "One thing we can expect is more bull
from the China shop." --Lyn Nofziger


"[Democrats express] a sense of weariness that Clinton, even out of
office, is in such a familiar fix: in damage-control mode for behavior
that most other leaders of his party find hard to defend."
--Washington Post



"If the zeal to eliminate drugs leads this state and nation to forsake
its ancient heritage of constitutional liberty, then we will have
suffered a far greater injury than drugs ever inflict upon us. Drugs
injure some of us. The loss of liberty injures us all." --Chief
Justice of the Florida Supreme Court

Events this week have brought the "war on drugs" to the forefront of
national attention. The Bush administration appears poised to name
John Walters director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.
Walters is reportedly a "hard-liner" who favors stringent enforcement
of drug laws and long prison sentences for drug users.

Last Friday, missionary Veronica Bowers and her 7-month-old daughter
were killed in Peru when their aircraft was mistaken for a drug
trafficker's plane and shot down. The deaths of these two innocents
are heartrending, raising hard questions about the cost-benefit
calculations for the drug war.

Just what are the real costs of the war on drugs, in terms of social
divisions, criminal gang facilitation, criminal justice system costs,
costs of increased public and private security, military
interventions, and costs to families caught up in the drug war?

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) reports arrests of 40,383
offenders in 1999. The central government spends about $18 billion a
year in the drug war. Americans spent approximately $66 billion on
illegal drugs in 1998 -- the price of those drugs inflated by their
illegality. Drug users committed millions of crimes to fund their drug
habit. The Wall Street Journal reports: "The federal prison pop

[CTRL] 27 April 2001 Federalist #01-17.dgst Part 1

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

27 April 2001
Federalist #01-17.dgst

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The Founders 
Federalist Perspective 
Editorial Exegesis 
Second Opinion 
Village Idiots 
Short Cuts 


"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare
but only those specifically enumerated." --Thomas Jefferson


In the news this week, as President George Bush approaches his
administration's 100 day mark (April 30), White House Press Secretary
Ari Fleischer announced, "The president will be hosting a lunch for
all 535 members of Congress." Meanwhile, various media outlets are
flooding the airwaves and newsprint with poll results on how Mr. Bush
is performing. The Federalist is a poll-free publication, so we won't
burden you with all the Leftmedia job approval ratings -- which are
merely a reflection of what the Leftmedia netwonk talkingheads have
been saying every night -- tempered by the common sense of the
majority of Americans. 

Suffice it to say, however, we are not joining any "rah rah" chorus. 

Mr. Bush is nothing like the moral and ethical reprobate that his
predecessor proved himself to be. For that, we are thankful. However,
moving on, in Mr. Bush's key areas of legislative focus -- taxes,
education and foreign policy -- he has substantially underperformed
our expectations. 

On his meager $1.6 trillion, 10-year tax cut, he is throwing in the
towel.  "I'm a practical man; I want to get it done," Bush said. "It's
going to be less than $1.6 and greater than $1.2 and we've got to
figure out how to make it work. The definition of reasonable is: who
will vote for it at this point in time? We're now down to counting
votes." (The Senate reduced his tax cut by $432 billion -- and
increased spending by $429 billion.) Of course, Mr. Bush is neglecting
one vote -- his veto. It now appears he will settle for a $1.4
trillion tax cut over 11 years. 

Club for Growth president Stephen Moore notes, "If Mr. Bush scales
back his tax cut, and trillions of dollars of surplus tax collections
continue arriving at the Treasury, we could very easily see the
biggest spending binge in Washington since LBJ launched the Great
Society. Revenues whet the congressional spending appetite." 

Regarding his "education reform," Mr. Bush has called for an enormous
spending increase, despite little evidence that there is any
correlation between central government funding and academic
improvement (for an department whose auditors report it lost track of
half a billion dollars to fraud and waste in the last three years).
The Sociocrats have already killed most of his proposals to
consolidate education programs, give states more flexibility, and
enact school choice. In addition, the Demos are now asking for a $250
billion increase in education spending over the next ten years -- a
tenfold increase over Mr. Bush's proposal.

It is no coincidence that Sen. James Jeffords, the Vermont Republicrat
who killed Mr. Bush's tax cut when he joined Demos voting against it
earlier this month, is the same Mr. Jeffords who is chairman of the
Senate's education committee, now leaving Mr. Bush's education reform
in shambles. Of course, the reason Leftists are so protective of
"education reform" is that government schools are their primary
instrument for dumbing down future generations of Leftist lemmings.

Here is a novel suggestion. Since our Constitution does not authorize
any central government role in education, let's enact President
Reagan's reform plan -- abolish the whole department! Don't wound it
-- kill it! 

On the foreign policy front, though Mr. Bush is dealing with the "Made
in China" residual from the Clinton administration, he earned no more
than a solid C on securing the return of 24 American hostages being
held by the Reds after a PRC fighter aircraft collided with their
lumbering EP-3. Further eroding our national security interests in the
region, Mr. Bush has denied Taiwan's request to purchase
Aegis-equipped destroyers for their self-defense against the impending
invasion by the Mainland Reds. To his credit, however, Mr. Bush, when
asked if the U.S. had an obligation to defend Free China, responded,
"Yes, we do...and the Chinese must understand that. Yes, I would."

Memo to President Bush: In the case of Pragmatism v. Principle,
Principle has repeatedly lost during your first 100 days in office.
There is an indispensable tool of principle for clear governance of

[CTRL] AF News 28 Apr 01

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0576.  President intends to nominate Roche as next SECAF

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- President George W. Bush has announced his intention to
nominate James G. Roche to serve as the next secretary of the Air Force.

Roche is currently corporate vice president and president of the Electric
Sensors and Systems Sector of the Northrop Grumman Corporation. He has
served with Northrop Grumman Corporation since 1984 in a variety of posts.

Before joining the private sector, Roche served as democratic staff director
for the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services from 1983 to 1984, and
served at the State Department as principal deputy director of the policy
planning staff.

He was a senior professional staff member of the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence from 1979 to 1981, and served as assistant director of the
office of net assessment in the office of the secretary of defense from 1975
to 1979.

Roche is a 23-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, received an undergraduate
degree from the Illinois Institute of Technology, a master's degree from the
U.S. Naval Postgraduate School and a doctorate from Harvard Gradate School
of Business.

0571.  Air Force announces selections to captain

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- The calendar 2001A captain judge
advocate general, medical service corps, biomedical sciences corps and nurse
corps boards selected 263 lieutenants for promotion to captain April 26.

The entire list is posted on the Air Force Personnel Center World Wide Web
home page at www.afpc.randolph.af.mil.  Click on "Officer" and then
"Promotions" to reach the list.

The captain's board convened here March 5 to 9 and considered 265 officers
for promotion. The results of the 2001 boards are as follows:

JAG -- 21 selected from 21 considered;

NC -- 133 selected from 134 considered for a 99.3-percent select rate;

MSC -- 48 selected from 48 considered; and

BSC -- 61 selected from 61 considered.

No promotion selections were made below- or above-the-promotion zone.
(Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

0577.  Air Force weather forecasters help with South Pole rescue

by Tech. Sgt. Miles Brown
Air Force Weather Agency Public Affairs

OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Neb. (AFPN) -- People at the Air Force Weather Agency
helped rescuers evacuate Dr. Ronald Shemenski from Amundsen-Scott Station in
Antarctica on April 26 by providing weather forecasts for the ice-covered

Shemenski had to be evacuated after suffering a bout of gall stones and
pancreatitis. The short-notice rescue effort, combined with the extreme
winter conditions and pitch-black skies, required highly accurate weather
forecasts to ensure the safety of the aircrew and passengers. This was the
first attempted aircraft landing at the South Pole so late in the polar

The meteorological models branch of the weather agency here supplies
computer-generated forecasts of Antarctica to the Space and Naval Warfare
Systems Command Center in Charleston, S.C.  It has been supporting the U.S.
Antarctic Program since 1998.  Deployed forecasters stationed in New Zealand
and Antarctica use special equipment -- Fifth Generation Mesoscale Models --
that helps measure the area they are forecasting.  The MM5 fills a gap
between the observed atmospheric conditions and the future state of the

Officials from Charleston and the National Science Foundation contacted the
Air Force Weather Agency seeking support for the mission because the agency
is able to meet time-sensitive requirements, said Dr. Jerry Wegiel, fine
scale models team chief for the agency.

The team generates a 45-kilometer forecast model covering the entire
continent on a regular basis; however, for planning and execution of this
mission, it generated a 15-kilometer model twice daily over McMurdo Station
on the coast of Antarctica.

"AFWA is known as the worldwide leader in operational mesoscale modeling,"
said Wegiel. "We have the expertise and infrastructure to integrate our
customers needs into our production stream within minutes and disseminate
those products in a timely manner."

0575.  Open season brings Thrift Savings Plan changes

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Federal civilian employees covered
by the Civil Service Retirement System or the Federal Employees' Retirement
System will find some changes in the Thrift Savings Plan designation process
and a number of new options during the next TSP open season, May 15 to July

"One of the most significant changes is a revision to the TSP election
process," said Christine Watkins, employee relations specialist for the
Benefits And Entitlements Service Team here.  "It's important for employees
to understand that designating the TSP contribution amount and designating
the TSP contribution allocation are now two separate processes."

Previously, employees used the BEST telephone automated system or the Web to
select the con

[CTRL] [radtimes] # 199

2001-04-28 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 199

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  -->  (See ** at end.)

--Dancing with Teargas in our Eyes
--D.C. police gear up for IMF protests
--Scotland Yard prepares for week of anarchy
--UK plans may criminalize online protests
--Number of Major Strikes Doubled in 2000
--Quebec City: A Turning Point for Activists
--Washington Prepares for Protesters
--World Bank Protests Begin Quietly
--No Protesters at World Bank Meetings
--Rally organizers say no civil disobedience planned in Washington
--Cops provoked riots: rights league
--Black Blocs led the fight
--FTAA Zine


Dancing with Teargas in our Eyes


by Gary Morton

 I headed into the Quebec OQP-2001 March with seven people from Tao
Toronto (tao.ca). The Plains of Abraham were sunny at noon with a crowd
building till about 1.30. In spite of all the hype about how protesters
should dress, the people showed as a mixed crowd - casual and eclectic
with costumed and alternative elements.

 The drumming and dancing began there and continued as the march
poured out into the streets. Then we reached Rene-Levesque Blvd and
confusion took over. A split developed with the main parade heading
straight through to link up with a union parade, and anarchists with the
other half heading for the wall and the riot police.

 Having lost my friends in the mob I ended up at the fence, getting
embroiled in a long encounter with the police. Shooting photos led to my
being gassed badly about 10 times.

 This battle raged all day long and into the night. It was still
underway when we left at ten p.m. Perhaps you've heard of the new world
order bombing Iraq and Yugoslavia into submission --  this time their aim
was to bomb protesters and a large portion of downtown Quebec into

  They opened fire on us with tear gas rockets and water cannons and the
thoom and thud of the fire echoed across the city hour after hour. Riot
cops sent exploding canisters into streets, fields, down steep alleys --
everywhere -- choking those up front and even ordinary citizens and
residents in the downhill streets.

 There weren't any brave groups of cops dashing out to make arrests.
When they came out to charge and try to pincer us it was always with
huge marching columns of riot guys that boomed out more tear gas

 Like in Iraq, they were afraid to risk a man, but had no problem with
bombing everyone in town. Protesters ran through the smoke with endless
energy tossing the canisters back at police. The crowd drummed and pounded
on everything -- metal flag poles, guard rails, snare and other drums --
sending out an eerie din of war that reached its peak in the night below
the underpass -- where a huge crowd danced wildly as the battle continued
at the top of the steep ravine. In the spotlights riot cops and protesters
clashed, huge curtains of gas floated and canisters came right down the
ravine side and exploded, leaving some people overcome while others
continued to dance furiously in the night and firelight with tears in
their eyes.

 In the afternoon I ran from scene to scene. Incredible stuff was
happening everywhere. Arriving at one spot I saw a guy run up and grab the
fence, only to have a gas canister fired into the chain links explode in
his face to send him flying to the pavement. Medics dragged him up an
embankment and I watched them treat his bleeding face and arms. A few
minutes later they were gone and I lobbed rocks and a beer bottle down on
the riot cops then ran off down an alley with tear gas canisters exploding
at my heels.

 In a different area I met up with anarchists in heavy gear going up a
narrow street and watched as they set a building inside the fence on fire
with Molotovs. At times people ran in panic on many of the streets as gas
firing riot cops charged. Protesters fought their way back to the start
point of the conflict. Tremendous waves of gas hit us there and the huge
police columns came back out and caused a panicked run to the downhill
streets. When the cop columns halted cheerleaders faced them at the front,
creating the odd scene of smoke and riot cops preparing to rush girls
dancing in tartan skirts.

 Protest drummers knocked out a steady beat, a Quebec City resident
blasted Pink Floyd's - All in All Your Just Another Brick in the Wall from
his balcony, and when it ended we were running downhill through exploding

 In the lower streets and downtown groups of protesters were everywhere
in circles - sitting, standing, crowding roadways. Yet the only violence

[CTRL] Now everyone else can, too...

2001-04-28 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Since Saba admitted to having one of these (and I've never hidden the
fact that one was bought for me, only 5 bucks 10 years ago), now everyone
on the CTRL list can follow suit...

Personally, I'd prefer a minister's license from Homer instead of
Charles...  ;-)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 11:03:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: .

Minister Charles Simpson has the power to make you a LEGALLY ORDAINED
MINISTER within 48 hours 1st11


As a minister, you will be authorized to perform the rites and
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Don't settle for being the BEST MAN OR BRIDES' MAID
Most states require that you register your certificate (THAT WE SEND
YOU) with the state prior to conducting the ceremony.

A very hard time for you and your family
Don't settle for a minister you don't know!!
Most states require that you register your certificate (THAT WE SEND
YOU) with the state prior to conducting the ceremony.

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The Catholic Church has practiced the forgiveness of sins for centuries
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After your LEGAL ORDINATION, you may start your own congregation!!

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Right?  Well, let's talk about how much the program is worth.
Considering the value of becoming a CERTIFIED MINISTER I'd say the
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program affordable so average folks can benefit from the power of it.

Since I know how much you want to help others, you're going to receive
your Minister Certification for under $100.00... Not even $50.00...  You
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[CTRL] Trading isuses

2001-04-28 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


April 2001

Britain: a rolling crisis

The continuing war in Algeria *

Truth and justice *

The hidden history of the Algerian war *

Chasing the holy grail of free trade

KLA exports Albanian conflict to Macedonia *

Congo: a war without victors

How can I forget they killed my whole family? *

An alternative model for agriculture *

Man's inhumanity to man *

Israel and the memory of the Holocaust

The struggle for women's rights in Togo *

Depleted uranium: a reply by the World Health Organisation *

search the site:

to receive our free monthly summaries, please fill in your e-mail address

(*) Star-marked articles are restricted to subscribers only. See subscription 

Chasing the holy grail of free trade
At the heart of the free-trade doctrine lies the conviction that exports drive growth. 
If every country, or group of countries, were to act in accordance with this belief, 
the contest would in theory become a zero-sum gam
e as long as the players had comparable levels of development. But it is quite another 
thing when development levels are unequal. Removing trade barriers means that the 
strong get stronger, and drives weaker countries fur
ther into dependence, preventing them from fashioning policies to meet the needs of 
their populations, especially in agricultural matters. Such is the logic of the 
proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, which will be u
p for discussion at the Quebec summit on 20-22 April. The FTAA proposes to extend 
throughout the continent the provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement, 
which has already ruined Mexican agriculture. Backed by
 Washington, the FTAA is so untenable for the other nations of the hemisphere that 
their parliaments were not even told of its provisions. These countries are now ready 
to deliver a resounding 'no' to the FTAA.
The proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement will come under 
discussion in Quebec City on 20-22 April. The FTAA project stemmed from the Enterprise 
for the Americas Initiative, proposed by President Georg
e Bush Sr. in June 1990 and initiated by his successor, Bill Clinton, at the first 
Summit for the Americas held in Miami in December 1994 (1). In that same year the 
North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), signed by C
anada, the United States and Mexico, came into effect. Heads of state and government 
from 34 nations of the Western hemisphere (excluding Cuba) will be attending the 
upcoming third Summit for the Americas.
At the urging of the new US president George W Bush and his trade representative, 
Robert Zoellick, the pace of FTAA negotiations is to be accelerated. The negotiations, 
originally scheduled to be completed by 2005, aim to
 extend Nafta's provisions throughout the Western hemisphere and seek to enshrine the 
principles of national treatment and non-discrimination within all sectors, most 
notably in those pertaining to services, investments a
nd governmental contracts. Indeed the standards pertaining to investments were among 
the most contentious provisions in the ill-fated Multilateral Agreement on Investment 
(MAI). For example, Nafta's chapter 11 allows fore
ign investors to bring proceedings against countries in case of losses caused by the 
application of public standards, such as those relating to environmental protection. 
As a result, the Mexican government had to pay $16.
7m to the California-based Metalclad Corporation because the Mexican state of San Luis 
Potosi denied Metalclad permission to install a waste disposal facility that posed a 
public health hazard and against which the local
population had voiced its strong opposition (2).
In its current form, the FTAA aims to integrate a dozen sectors, divided into four 
main "baskets": education, democracy/human rights, poverty and economic integration. 
However, it is in the economic arena that the implica
tions of hemispheric free trade are most evident. Moreover, a lavish gift to the 
multinationals is being prepared on the quiet: a new wave of deregulation and 
privatisation. Washington will agree not to enforce its anti-d
umping laws and will grant access to the North American market for foodstuffs produced 
by countries of the South.
At the fifth trade ministerial meeting held in November 1999 in Toronto, the 
negotiating groups were given a mandate to draw up a framework commercial agreement 
for the sixth such meeting, in Buenos Aires on 6-7 April, a
little more than two weeks before the Quebec summit.
Lopsided and unequal
A statistical overview may provide a better understanding of what is at stake in the 
FTAA negotiations and may shed light on the potential consequences for the parties 
involved. Although neoliberal policies aimed at boost
ing Latin America's under-developed status have been in effect for two 

[CTRL] Fwd: Now is the time to draw the line!

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

P.O. BOX 6157

FDR-PAC is bringing this press release by Executive Intelligence Review
to your attention.

Control Board Confident That It Can Steamroll Congress
on D.C. General

WASHINGTON, April 25 (EIRNS)--In an April 23 conversation with a local
journalist regarding the status of the battle to stop the planned shutdown
of Washington, D.C. General Hospital, Glenn Dixon, the spokesman for the
Washington, D.C. Financial Control Board (the extra-governmental body that
Newt Gingrich's Congress imposed on the District's elected government in
1995), expressed confidence that the U.S. Congress would do absolutely
nothing to impede the Board's
plan to shut down the capital city's only public hospital, despite
massive and growing opposition to that policy, which is increasingly seen
as the implementation of a fascist economic program.
 On April 12, all 13 members of the District of Columbia City
Council voted to stop the hospital's shutdown, by reallocating monies already
in the District's budget to allow D.C. General's continued operation. The
Council's surprise move came after weeks of protests by constituent groups,
as well as by virtually every professional medical and public health organization
the nation, who have said that the fight to save D.C. General is a
test of whether or not the commitment to the general welfare principle
defined by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, still
 The courageous action by the District's elected Council means
that, if the Financial Control Board, largely recognized as an agency that
represents the interests of (Washington Post publisher) Katharine Graham
and the Wall Street financial establishment, intends to force the hospital's
shutdown, they can do so only by usurping the power of the District's highest
elected body.
 Dixon said the Control Board fully intended to exercise its dictatorial
authority to enforce the contract that would turn over D.C. General on
May 1 to the private Greater Southeast Community Hospital Corporation (a
front group for a private ``health-care'' firm--Doctors Community Healthcare
Corp. This firm's chief executive is being sued for racketeering and looting
a previous hospital the firm took over, and the firm's financier-partner,
National Century Financial Enterprises, is being sued and/or investigated
for racketeering in at least four states.
 The Control Board, he said, ``is authorized to act in lieu of
the Council if it so decides. We are fully empowered to execute and begin
the process of implementation of the contract.'' He confirmed that May
1 is the ``planned start date for the contract,'' but added that it wasn't
``an unequivocal, DROP DEAD date.''
 As to the role of Congress, Dixon arrogantly noted that the Board
would notify the relevant Congressional committees ``of our intent to go
forward,'' as the enabling legislation requires, but added that the Control
Board was confident that Congress would not get in their way. ``The likelihood
that they (Congress) will do anything more, than simply accept our notification
and indicate their acknowledgement of our intention is unlikely--it's not
impossible, but it's HIGHLY unlikely.''
 A spokesman for the FDR-PAC, the political action committee associated
with Lyndon LaRouche that has been directing a nationwide mobilization
to force the Congress to stop the hospital's closing, as part of Congress's
sworn obligation to defend the General Welfare, responded to Dixon's remarks.
``We don't think the Control Board's arrogant confidence is necessarily
grounded in reality. Based on the intensity of the national opposition
to the shutdown of D.C. General, we have every reason to expect that Congress
will stand up to Wall Street's Katharine Graham--actually, we call her,
appropriately, KKKatie Graham--and the attempt to dictatorially implement
a Nazi ``Negro Removal'' policy in the nation's capital. If they don't,
it will immediately result in the deaths of many people, who will be denied
the speedy quality care that D.C. General now provides to anyone who comes
through its doors, whether they are rich or poor, black or white, insured
or uninsured. But, even more important, if Congress were to fail to act,
that failure would constitute a conscious choice to allow the imposition
of a fascist policy by KKKatie Graham's and Wall Street's Financial Control
Board, against the fundamental intent of U.S. law, and of the legally elected
government of the region. If the Congress were to submit to that, they
might as well pour into the streets of Washington, D.C. and publicly commit

- 30 -

    Contact your congressman and senators and put
them on the line - will they allow "shareholder value" to deny medical
care to the poor in the nation's capital and kill them or will they stand
up for the "general welfare," which is the only way to so

Re: [CTRL] Thorazine

2001-04-28 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

BRAND NAMES Chlorpromazine; Thorazine

(manufacturer SmithKline Beecham)



Psychiatr Serv 51:327-331, March 2000 © 2000 American Psychiatric

Historical Article

The New Drugs (Chlorpromazine & Reserpine):
Administrative Aspects

Addison M.  Duval, M.D., Washington, D.C.  and Douglas Goldman, M.D.,


Editor's Note: The article on the new drugs reprinted below appeared in
the February 1956 issue of Mental Hospitals.  It is based on a
discussion held during the Seventh Mental Hospital Institute in October
1955 in Washington, D.C.  Chlorpromazine and reserpine had been
available in the United States less than two years when the institute
participants met to discuss how their hospitals were coping with the
demands of the new treatments.  In a commentary and analysis beginning
on page
333, Robert Cancro, M.D., considers the broader impact of the
introduction of neuroleptics and examines the concerns of the 1956
institute participants in the context of today.


Our task this morning is to exchange information about the effects of
the use of the "new drugs"—chlorpromazine and reserpine have been the
most effective so far—for relatively large numbers of patients in large
hospitals.  A larger proportion of patients are being treated with them
than we have so far been able to treat by other means.  This is
something which we have all encountered in our daily work with patients,
and it seems as if not only the whole service, but the whole hospital
has to be reorganized.

First of all we need a new kind of doctor in a psychiatric hospital—one
who is not afraid of medicine; who is not alarmed by seeing an eruption
which is the result of medication, but who can handle it properly; one
who is not afraid if Parkinsonism occurs from either reserpine or
chlorpromazine, but who will evaluate it as an index of the activity of
the drug, and understand how to control it.  Such problems require a new
kind of attitude in addition to the psychiatric point of view, and this
new attitude we might perhaps call a medical or pharmacologic
understanding of what is going on.

This new kind of understanding cannot be confined to physicians.  The
nursing service also faces a huge new responsibility, because instead of
looking after a couple of hundred patients receiving somatic therapy, it
is now caring for thousands.  How can 20 nurses supervise this kind of
How can they even supervise the attendants?

The administrative aspects of the use of the new drugs may for
convenience be divided essentially into the clinical administrative and
the business administrative points of view.

Clinically, in addition to educating more medically and
pharmacologically sophisticated physicians and nurses, we have to
consider how many patients and what kind of patients should be treated
by the new drugs because they are likely to benefit.  What proportion of
our patients can we treat?  Can we give 100 patients one pill a day with
only two attendants working on a ward?  And is it possible to extend
this treatment to the night shift with only one man on?

What effect does it have on the ward and on the hospital when many
patients suddenly improve as a result of the drugs?  A patient who has
been in restraint for two or three years continuously, only out for the
legal number of minutes per day under very close supervision, does not
need restraint any more, and yet he is not a well individual.  He needs
a great deal of extra attention from the occupational therapy
department, from the rehabilitation service, possibly from teachers and
other people who can reeducate him into useful channels.  Vocational
rehabilitation may come into existence in many hospitals for almost the
first time; the problems of social service in arranging for the patient
to leave the hospital have to be considered.  Then multiply this patient
by hundreds or thousands.  The nursing service, the rehabilitation
services, the activities personnel and social service face a monumental
task—a task to which they have not been accustomed.

Budgetary aspects

Moving to the business administrative problems, we are all aware there
is a huge rumble to be heard concerning the budgetary aspects.  An
ordinary, modest drug budget for a state hospital of say
3,000 patients is suddenly increased from its normal $15,000 a year to
twenty times that figure!
Instead of giving drugs to two or three hundred patients in small doses,
we find ourselves giving massive dosages to one thousand or fifteen
hundred; we would like to expand it to two thousand or more because we
feel they would benefit.  Yet at the same time we are asking money for
additional staff.

How can we justify it?  At our hospital, for instance, the number of
patients in residence on Ju

[CTRL] FC: Note from Keith Henson on his conviction in Scientology case (fwd)

2001-04-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Background on how the Scientologists won a conviction of a prominent critic:

Background on Scientology and its fight over alt.religion.scientology:



Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 20:47:44 -0700
From: "H. Keith Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Declan McCullagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[snip --DBM]

Dear Judge Wallerstein:

The Scientologists see the decision in my case as a great victory over one
of their critics.  I think a much larger number of people will come to see
the result as a serious miscarriage of justice and an assault on free speech.

I don't believe any of us fully anticipated the effects of your pretrial
rulings on restricting testimony about the deaths of Ashlee Shaner, Stacy
Moxon Meyer and Lisa McPherson, or restricting testimony on Scientology
beliefs and practices.  Mr. Harr stuck to the letter of your rulings and
once even stopped DDA Robert Schwarz from having read into the record a
reference in exhibit 23 to Stacy Moxon Meyer ("for the latest victim").

But the effect, as you can see from the below declaration was to mislead
the jury into thinking that my use of "destroy them utterly" (quotes in my
posting) was a threat when it was understood by virtually all
alt.religion.scientogy readers to be a reference to Scientology's fair game
threats and practices against critics.

The below declaration may be filed in court early next week, with a motion
to reconsider JNOV.  Unfortunately, this is non-standard practice, so I
have to go pro se to file it.  If it would be permissible for Jim Harr to
come back in for sentencing on May 16 after substituting out so I can file
this, I would greatly appreciate someone from your office telling him so.

Thank you very much,

Keith Henson



   I, Keith Henson, declare:

   The information set forth in this declaration is known to
me personally.  If called upon to testify in court as to the
truthfulness of the facts set forth in this declaration, I would
do so.

   1.   In the just completed trial, defense was forbidden by
the court under Evidence Code 352 from raising issues of
Scientology beliefs or practices, such as "fair game" or TR-L
(Training Routine Lying) and also from mentioning the reason
Henson was picketing, the deaths which occurred in May and June of

   2.   As a result of the first restriction, defense was not able to
dispute the testimony of Ken Hoden on the stand, even though defense knew
Mr. Hoden was not telling the truth because this would have led right into
TR-L, a Scientology belief or practice.

   3.   As a specific example (and defendant is relying on
memory of testimony rather than a transcript) Mr. Hoden claimed
to have known for 25 years the woman (Helen Burke) who was shot
in the Portland facility of Scientology in 1996.  His testimony
was that her unborn baby had been shot through the head and that
Scientology had not taken threats by the assailant (Godeka)
seriously after threats had been made.  Defendant knew both
statements were untrue and told his lawyer in court because
defendant had closely followed this tragic story as it unfolded.

   Exhibit A is the initial report of the shootings, Exhibit B
reports the safe birth of the woman's child, Bridget, a few
months after the shooting, hardly something which could have
happened if the unborn child had been shot through the head!
Exhibit C reports sentencing Godeka, judged guilty but insane.
Exhibits A and C mention that Godeka was under a court order at
the time of the rampage, strongly implying Scientology *had*
taken Godeka's threats seriously.

   But the biggest omission from the testimony is that Godeka was a
Scientologist, who had spent a lot of money on Scientology and
who wanted $50,000 from Scientology for "ruining his life."

   Scientology has had far more trouble with current and
former Scientologist becoming violent than critics becoming

   Defendant understood (perhaps incorrectly) from his attorney that he
could not point out Hoden's testimony was false because any defendant's
testimony as to why Hoden was lying would lead directly into fair game,
TR-L and other Scientology beliefs and practices, and delving into such
subjects would have been a violation of the court's order.

   4.   The same violation of the court's orders would have
resulted from defendant trying to explain Exhibits 23-23A, which has the
quoted words "destroy them utterly."  This, as Exhibit D (search
results for these words of over 1000 web pages from www.google.com) shows
is a common paraphrase of the last three words of Scientology's "fair game
policy" (". . . if possible, of course, ruin him

   Quoting an opponents words is a time honored tradition in
public debate and these words were instantly r

[CTRL] FC: Scientology critic convicted after Usenet posts, picketing (fwd)

2001-04-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


   Scientology Critic Convicted
   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   4:15 p.m. April 27, 2001 PDT

   WASHINGTON -- A California jury has convicted Keith Henson, a
   prominent critic of Scientology, of terrorizing the group through
   Usenet posts and by picketing one of its offices.

   Henson, a computer engineer who has been involved in prior legal
   skirmishes with Scientology, was found guilty on Thursday of
   interfering with Scientologists' civil rights and now faces a prison
   sentence of up to one year and a fine of up to $5,000.

   The charges revolved around posts Henson made in the
   alt.religion.scientology newsgroup about targeting a nuclear missile
   at Scientologists, and Henson's picketing of the group's Golden Era
   Productions in Riverside, California.


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

The lack of coverage of Chelsea Clinton may also have something to do
with the fact that her father is not President anymore.


On 28 Apr 01, at 12:58, Amelia wrote:

> c.
> I am merely trying to provide balance to the posting about the Bush
> daughter.  I am also showing exactly what you expressed, that the Clinton
> offspring is no better than the Bush twins.  The press just did not cover the
> liberal brat and yet attack like hawks on the Bush children.  While all
> politicos are all cut from evil cloth, the media remains steadfastly liberal
> with over 80% admitting they vote Democratic.  But do take note of which group
> attacks the presidential children.  There was no such coverage of Li'l Chelsea
> despite the fact that such behavior obviously exist on her part.  I find that
> very telling. Amelia


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thorazine

2001-04-28 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-


> Daniel Foscarini wrote:
> I am currently updating a report on Thorazine. I am having
> problems
> tracking down the manufacturers of this drug, also known as:
> Thorazine, Ormazine, Thor-prom, Chloropromazine, and Largactil.
> Any links CTRL members could help me with on the subject
> (highlight
> natural alternatives) would be greatly.. umm, worshipped.
> (yes,
> this report is starting to get to me.)
> I  am also interested in any articals or info that relates to
> antipsychotics, that have been found NOT to help, but just mask the
> conditions.
> I will post a link to the report when done, if it is to big post
> completely.
> Dan Foscarini

Michael & The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thorazine

2001-04-28 Thread Daniel Foscarini

    I am currently updating a 
report on Thorazine. I am having problemstracking down the manufacturers of 
this drug, also known as:Thorazine, Ormazine, Thor-prom, 
Chloropromazine, and Largactil.    Any links CTRL members 
could help me with on the subject (highlightnatural alternatives) would be 
greatly.. umm, worshipped. (yes,this report is starting to get 
to me.)    I  am also interested in any articals or 
info that relates toantipsychotics, that have been found NOT to help, but 
just mask theconditions.    I will post a link to the 
report when done, if it is to big postcompletely.Dan 

[CTRL] Gagless

2001-04-28 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


webcast news
Gag Order Lifted; IMC in Free Speech Battle Following FBI/Secret Service Visit

by JL for the Seattle IMC Spokescouncil 9:49am Fri Apr 27 '01
This is an official announcement from the Seattle IMC Spokescouncil
On the evening of Saturday, April 21, a day which saw tens of thousands demonstrate
against the FTAA in the streets of Quebec City, the Independent Media Center in
Seattle was served with a sealed court order by two FBI agents and an agent of the
US Secret Service. The terms of the sealed order prevented IMC volunteers from
publicizing its contents; volunteers immediately began discussions with legal
counsel to amend the order. This morning, April 27, Magistrate Judge Monica Benton
issued an amended order, freeing us to discuss the situation without the threat of
being held in contempt.
The original order, also issued by Judge Benton, directed the IMC to supply the FBI
with "all user connection logs" for April 20 and 21st from a web server occupying an
IP address which the Secret Service believed belonged to the IMC. The order stated
that this was part of an "ongoing criminal investigation" into acts that could
constitute violations of Canadian law, specifically theft and mischief. IMC legal
counsel David Sobel, of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, comments: "As the
U.S. Supreme Court has recognized, the First Amendment protects the right to
communicate anonymously with the press and for political purposes. An order
compelling the disclosure of information identifying an indiscriminately large
number of users of a website devoted to political discourse raises very serious
constitutional issues.  To provide the same protection to the press and anonymous
sources in the Internet world as with more traditional media, the Government must be
severely limited in its ability to demand their Internet identity--their "Internet
Protocol addresses."  A federal statute alrea
dy requires that such efforts against the press be approved by the Attorney General, 
and only where
 essential and after alternatives have been exhausted.  There is no suggestion that 
these standards
 were met here.
The sealed court order also directed the IMC not to disclose "the existence of this 
Application or
Order, or the existence of this investigation, unless or until ordered by this court." 
  Such a pri
or restraint on a media
 organization goes to the heart of the First Amendment.  Ironically, the Seattle 
 learned about the existence of the order from "federal sources," suggesting that the 
purpose of th
e gag order was simply
to allow the government to spin the issue its way.
The order did not specify what acts were being investigated, and the Secret Service 
agent acknowled
ged that the IMC itself was not suspected of criminal activity. No violation of US law 
was alleged.
 It is not clear whethe
r federal law allows the Attorney General ever to approve such an investigation of US 
press entitie
s to facilitate a foreign investigation.  According to IMC counsel Lee Tien of the 
Electronic Front
ier Foundation, "This k
ind of fishing expedition is another in a long line of overbroad and onerous attempts 
to chill poli
tical speech and activism. Back in 1956, Alabama tried to force the NAACP to give up 
its membership
 lists -- but the Supre
me Court stopped them.  This order to IMC, even without the 'gag,' is a threat to free 
speech, free
 association, and privacy."
Responding to questions from IMC volunteers, the agents claimed that their 
investigation concerned
the source of either one or two postings which, they said, had been posted to an IMC 
newswire early
 Saturday morning. Thes
e posts, according to the agents, contained documents stolen from a Canadian 
government agency, inc
luding classified information related to the travel itinerary of George W. Bush (who 
was at that ti
me in Quebec City, part
icipating in Summit of the Americas meetings). Agents claimed that the Secret Service 
was notified
of the existence of such posts by a tip from an (unnamed) major commercial news 
The agents were unable to provide URL addresses or titles for the postings they 
described. Addition
ally, the court order contained a non-working IP address, rather than an address 
assigned to any of
 the IMC sites. IMC vol
unteers nevertheless were able to identify two articles posted to the Montreal IMC 
which partially
matched the agents' incomplete description. These articles, posted first in French and 
then in Engl
ish translations ( HYPE
RLINK "http://montreal.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=505"; 
.php3?article_id=505 , 514 and 515), contain sections of documents purportedly stolen 
from a Quebec
 City police car during
 Friday night anti-FTAA demonstrations; the documents detail police strategies for 
hindering protes
ters' mass action. It does not 

[CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

I am merely trying to provide balance to the posting about the Bush
daughter.  I am also showing exactly what you expressed, that the Clinton
offspring is no better than the Bush twins.  The press just did not cover
the liberal brat and yet attack like hawks on the Bush children.  While all
politicos are all cut from evil cloth, the media remains steadfastly liberal
with over 80% admitting they vote Democratic.  But do take note of which
group attacks the presidential children.  There was no such coverage of Li'l
Chelsea despite the fact that such behavior obviously exist on her part.  I
find that very telling.

- Original Message -
From: "c." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

> -Caveat Lector-
> well, i know, but my point was that both sides are the same and any
> indignation expressed by either side on the subject is pure hypocrisy. and
> was surprised to hear it issuing forth from amelia, thassall.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 6:28 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > The Bush girls get no such consideration:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] William Cooper On Bob Kerry

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

Bob Kerrey... Return Bronze Star!

by William Cooper
Veritas News Service -- Exclusive, April 27, 2001 -- Nobody should ever
receive a medal for killing unarmed innocent old men, women, and children.
Bob Kerrey should never have accepted the Bronze Star medal under the
circumstances that truthfully occurred.

It is the fact that he accepted the medal even though he knew the citation
was a fraud, along with the testimony of the eye witnesses that totally
destroys the credibility of Kerrey's story. The eyewitnesses cliam his tale
is a fabrication.

I am a Vietnam combat veteran. I was in Vietnam in 1969 at the same time as
Kerrey as a River Patrol Boat Captain. I don't believe a word he says.

Bob Kerry, by accepting a medal and a citation that he knew was nothing less
than a bold faced lie, has cheapened the legitimate medals worn by men and
women who earned them the hard way. He has disgraced himself by using that
lie to seek, obtain, and hold public office.

In a story that appeared in this mornings press Senator John McCain said the
"Bob received a Bronze Star for his action that night. He would be the first
to agree that his conduct, no matter how unintentional, did not merit
commendation. But his conduct on another night, one month later, won him the
decoration our country bestows on only her greatest heroes. And were you to
read the citation that accompanied his Medal of Honor, you would know beyond
a doubt he earned it."

What's wrong with that statement? It's a lie, that's what's wrong. No one in
the military is forced to accept medals or commendations. Bob Kerrey accepted
the Bronze Star without so much as the slightest protest and he could have
declined to accept it... which he did not do.

The statement by McCain that, ..."were you to read the citation that
accompanied his Medal of Honor, you would know beyond a doubt he earned it,"
has now been called into question. You see Senator McCain if I had read the
citation that accompanied his Bronze Star I would have known beyond a doubt
that Kerrey had earned it... or would I? Because of the truth of what
happened that night, his acceptance of the Bronze Star, and the insistance of
the eyewitnesses that his story is a fabrication, I cannot now accept either
citation as, "beyond doubt". It makes me wonder about the circumstances under
which he received his other medals.

I also take exception to John McCain telling me the definition of a hero.
McCain had the luxury of flying high above his victims and never saw a one of
them. He was shot down, something he was to avoid. He was captured, also
something that he was not supposed to allow. John McCain did everything he
was not supposed to do.

The kicker is that while his fellow prisoners kept their mouths shut and bore
their suffering, John McCain gave classified information in exchange for
medical care. In addition John McCain made a film with his captors in which
he condemned the United States Navy as war criminals and worse. That film was
shown all over the world. His statements were aired over Radio Hanoi. I
know... my crew and I listened to them over, and over again, night, after
night, after night, usually right after Hanoi Jane Fonda gave her pro
communist anti American spiel which demanded that we surrender to our
benevolent North Vietnamese freedom fighters.

I know what combat is and I know what heros are... I fought alongside some
real heros, both navy and Marine Corps on one of the most heavily contested
rivers in history. John McCain is no hero by anyones definition. John McCain
makes me sick to my stomach every time I see or hear him.

In addition John McCain wears a chest full of the highest medals that can be
given to anyone in military service... non of which were earned by John
McCain. All prisoners of war, at least officers, were automatically given the
nations highest medals on a regular time regulated basis simply for being a
prisoner, not ever for the purposes for which the medals were created.

Bob Kerrey should voluntary return the Bronze Star. He should never have
accepted it in the first place. Someone should be investigating the massacre
that Bob Kerrey ordered performed. And because of the lies that have emerged
someone should also be investigating the circumstances under which he
received his other medals to see if they were legitimate or just more lies.

Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

well, i know, but my point was that both sides are the same and any
indignation expressed by either side on the subject is pure hypocrisy. and i
was surprised to hear it issuing forth from amelia, thassall.

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

> -Caveat Lector-
> The Bush girls get no such consideration:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

The Bush girls get no such consideration:


--- "c." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> curious also that you comment and then post an article about chelsea-
> so oyu
> think all presidential cildren are fair game? will you post similar
> ones
> about the bush babes- or is this high level political intrigue
> reserved for
> democrats?

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 5:30 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

>.  It is the old liberal double-standard and media bias
> at work

hypocrisy is the greatest luxury, and girl, you is binging.
but the only reason i mention it is that i was sure you thought that both
sides are as bad for this as the other, but i musta confused you with
someone else...

curious also that you comment and then post an article about chelsea- so oyu
think all presidential cildren are fair game? will you post similar ones
about the bush babes- or is this high level political intrigue reserved for

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [FAIR-L] Overdue: Media Scrutiny of the "White Bloc" (fwd)

2001-04-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
   Media analysis, critiques and news reports

April 27, 2001

Media Beat--

By Norman Solomon

As police fired rubber bullets through tear gas in Quebec City, many
reporters echoed the claim that "free trade" promotes democracy. Meanwhile,
protesters struggled to shed light on a key fact: The proposed hemispheric
trade pact would give large corporations even more power to override laws
that have been enacted -- democratically -- to protect the environment,
labor and human rights.

Newsweek responded to the turmoil at the Summit of the Americas with a
column by Fareed Zakaria, a favorite policy analyst in elite circles. He
declared that "the anti-globalization crowd is antidemocratic ... trying to
achieve, through intimidation and scare tactics, what it has not been able
to get through legislation." In recent decades, of course, the same was said
about cutting-edge demonstrations for such causes as civil rights, peace in
Vietnam and environmental safeguards.

Protests against the likes of the World Trade Organization, and now the Free
Trade Area of the Americas, have great impact because they resonate widely.
Foes of global corporatization are speaking and acting on behalf of huge
grassroots constituencies.

The ABC television program "This Week" deigned to air a discussion with a
real-live progressive activist, Lori Wallach of Public Citizen's Global
Trade Watch. Journalist Cokie Roberts voiced befuddlement: "It's gotten to
the point where any time there are global meetings, world leaders meeting,
we have a sense that the protesters are going to be there, and there's not
much sense of exactly what you're protesting." The interview only lasted a
couple of minutes.

Most news outlets showed little interest in the content of alternative
forums in Quebec City that drew thousands of activists from all over the
hemisphere. Likewise, a big march in the city, with some estimates ranging
above 60,000 participants, got underwhelming coverage. For that matter, most
reporters didn't seem very deeply interested in the several thousand people
who bravely engaged in militant, nonviolent direct action -- risking and
sometimes sustaining injuries from police assaults -- while confronting the
official summit.

What did get plenty of media attention was noted at the outset of the April
24 lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal, which yearned for "a world
where TV cameras prefer trade agreements to black-clad anarchists." Some of
those few "black-clad anarchists" call themselves the Black Bloc.

Routinely slipping by, with scant journalistic scrutiny, is what we could
dub the "White Bloc" -- a nexus of immense media power serving corporate

The White Bloc is not monolithic. But on the issue of "free trade," it's
difficult to find a major U.S. publication that does not editorially support
accords like NAFTA, WTO and the new FTAA.

The Wall Street Journal's editorial page, at the right edge of the Bloc, is
much honored by the media establishment. Last year, Journal columnist Paul
Gigot won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary. This year, in mid-April, the same
award went to another very conservative columnist for the newspaper, Dorothy
Rabinowitz. But it's the unheralded daily output of the White Bloc that can
be most breathtaking.

On the day Rabinowitz's prize was announced, for instance, the editorial
page of the Wall Street Journal featured a freelance article that began this
way: "In the early 1990s, America's major cities were on life-support,
suffocating under socialistic policies that left them looking like
Soviet-bloc relics." (It was not a humor piece, by the way.) Farther down
the page was a column headlined "The Monarchy Is Worth Saving," written by
the Journal's deputy editorial features editor, who earnestly argued that
British citizens need their monarchy "as a source of authority."

But the White Bloc has a liberal side, too. Several New York Times
columnists take turns condemning those who have the gall to stand in the way
of corporate Progress.

Free-marketeers at the Times know how to pound away at the same line. While
heads of state prepared to leave the Quebec summit, Paul Krugman ended his
column by writing that the protesters "are doing their best to make the poor
even poorer." Two days later, Thomas Friedman concluded his column by
explaining that "these 'protesters' should be called by their real name: The
Coalition to Keep Poor People Poor."

The White Bloc (which includes people of all colors if suitably conformist)
has its own forms of hip solidarity. On the "Hardball" national TV program,
airing on both MSNBC and CNBC, host Chris Matthews closed his April 18
interview with Friedman exactly this way:

Matthews: "You are the future, my man. Thomas Friedman of the New York

Friedman: "Thanks, bro."

Matthews: "The sm

[CTRL] Did the Jews Kill Jesus by Benjamin Soskis

2001-04-28 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree,

2001-04-28 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{Now this little Darling was totally off limits during the whole Cinton
administration.  Any mention of her, her lack of physical attirbutes,
personality, etc. was deemed Verbotten!!  It was not fair!!  She should have
her privacy! She was just a child! Now these very people who wanted blanket
protection from news coverage for Chelsea are the first to start big exposes
on teh Bush children.  It is the old liberal double-standard and media bias
at work. Seems L'il Chelsea may have a drinking problem of her own.
With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Friday, April 6, 2001 9:10 a.m. EDT
Secret Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree

Secret Service agents had to step in last month to halt former first
daughter Chelsea Clinton's wild spring break drinking spree at a tony Aspen
bar before she got "sloppy drunk," according to a report hitting newsstands

And at a second watering hole, one of Chelsea's six taxpayer-funded
bodyguards was apparently pressed into service to help her get around
Colorado's drinking laws.

At a bar known as Aspen Billiards, Secret Service agents watched as "Chelsea
threw back several shots of a fiery spirit and kept saying, 'Hit me again,
baby,'" a source tells the supermarket tabloid Globe magazine.

"Aspen was buzzing with stories of Chelsea hitting the bars, drinking like a
fish and strutting her stuff," the source added.

A second eyewitness at the same bar tells the Globe that Chelsea's drinking
binge visibly angered one of her bodyguards.

"One Secret Service woman had a scowl on her face and you could see she was
not happy" as Chelsea shot pool with strange men after downing "six or seven
roounds of drinks" with her friends.

"She and her pals were joking about dancing on the bar and tables" and male
bar patrons began to egg them on. "But it never got that far," the source

"The girls were all wild and raucous and some of the guys claimed Chelsea
was getting out of control."

At that point, "Secret Service had to step in and stop the flow of drinks
because they didn't want to see Chelsea sloppy drunk."

At the Cooper City Bar & Restaurant, a Secret Service agent was apparently
called upon to persuade one bartender to serve the ex-first daughter alcohol
even though she didn't have proper I.D. proving she was 21.

"We treat celebrities like any other person," a Cooper City staffer said. "I
needed to see her I.D. regardless of who she is."

Asked by the Globe whether Chelsea had the Secret Service intervene on her
behalf, the employee would say only, "Let's just say the matter was

Last month, mainstream news organizations, including the New York Times,
gave headline coverage to reports that first daughter Jenna Bush was
escorted by her Secret Service contingent when she went to retrieve a
drunken friend from jail.

Some columnists complained the press had ignored an earlier, anonymously
sourced National Enquirer report that Jenna herself sometimes drank and had
even smoked marijuana.

So far, no mainstream venue has picked up the Globe report on Chelsea
Clinton using Secret Service agents to escort her while she goes bar hopping
with friends.

In a last-minute executive order, ex-President Clinton extended his
daughter's Secret Service protection till she leaves Stanford University,
where she is a senior.
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Re: [CTRL] The New Billy Carter?

2001-04-28 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/28/01 7:08:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< In the tradition of Billy Beer she ought to market Jenna Juice...I'm
seeing a
fruity cooler-type thingof course this will have to wait until she
reaches legal age but that ought to give her time to perfect her concoction.

She has a long way to go to reach Billy Beer Status.  While he was drying out
at the rehab ward in the Long Beach Naval Hospital, he used to urinate in the
stair wells. And thats just one of the things that can me mentioned in polite

Bill H

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Shroud Of Turin-Is It Jacques de Molay???

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

Imprint on shroud could be priest

John Innes 

The "face of Christ" on the famous shroud of Turin may actually be that of a 
priest who inspired Robert the Bruce to win Scotland’s independence, an 
academic has claimed. 

The holy relic is held as one of the world’s most important religious 
artefacts and is widely-believed to hold the imprint of Jesus after his body 
was wrapped following his death. 

However, new evidence suggests the imprint belonged to Jacques de Molay who 
met up with the Bruce after fleeing his native France. 

Researchers believe the medieval priest came to Scotland to set up a safe 
haven for his followers, who went on to help Bruce defeat the English. 

De Molay, who was head of the monastic order known as the Knights Templar, 
left his base in France after being denounced by King Philip IV. 

Dr Robert Lomas, who is leading the study at Bradford University, said 
yesterday his evidence pointed towards away from the son of God. 

He added: "To begin with, the shroud was put on show by the widow of Geoffrey 
de Charney, a nephew of the man burnt with Jacques de Molay." 

"The Jerusalem Church the Templars worshipped in carried out a symbolic death 
and resurrection ceremony, and members had their own shroud." 

De Molay was envied around Europe in the early 14th century because of the 
power and wealth of the Knights Templar. From their base in Rhodes, they 
exercised similar powers to a sovereign state and became too strong for the 
most powerful king in Europe. 

Philip IV, embroiled in debt, denounced the group because he wanted to take 
away the fortune the Templars had amassed. In what became the Paris 
Inquisition, the Templars were rounded up and tortured, although a large 
number managed to escape to Scotland. 

Along with their leader, they sought refuge with Robert the Bruce. 

However, on 13 October, 1307, de Molay was taken before the Inquisition to 
extract a confession through torture. 

Dr Lomas said he believed de Molay was nailed to a door in a re-enactment of 
the death of Jesus. His research suggested soaring temperatures and sweat 
from de Molay’s body produced metabolic acids which left an imprint on a 
shroud wrapped around him. 

Jacques de Molay survived his ordeal and was imprisoned for seven years 
before being roasted alive along with another Templar called Geoffrey de 
Charney. Three months after his death, Robert the Bruce led the Scottish army 
to victory at Bannockburn. 

It is thought horsemen carrying the Beauseant, the Templar war banner, 
appeared to aid the heavily outnumbered Scots.  

[CTRL] Food and Water to be used as weapons of war and control...

2001-04-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Yesterday read an old story 12 years or so old, re the big NWO bunch
wanting to corner market on meat...so is this mad cow disease and
foot in mouth disease the end result?People can do without meat; but
there will be a lot of land up for grabs now.

This item shows Britain involved in this newest threat - water as a
weapon?   Kuwait was stolen by Britain from Iraq - but lay the odds now
that the water will prove to be a very expensive waste of money.note
Israelies already in fox holes with plan to import water from Turkey
with same pipe line dream.

Who will guard this line from "Arab Terrorists"...will Sadaam
Hussein turn both cheeks to such an enterprise?

That line will look like swiss cheese in no time.


4/27/01 Iran to export 150 cubic meters of water to Kuwait this year

Tehran, April 27, IRNA -- Iran is to pump 150 million cubic meters of
water to next-door Kuwait this year and increase it to 300 next year,
energy ministry said Friday.

It said that the water is to be exported via major Karkheh Dam which was
last week inaugurated by President Mohammad Khatami in the southwestern
province of Khuzestan, on the border with Iraq.

The Karkheh dam has a capacity of 7.3 billion cubic metres, and should
boost the country's water reserves by 30 percent.
Kuwait has moved a step closer to importing water by pipeline from Iran
in a 2.5-billion-dollar project.

Kuwaiti Electricity and Water Ministry has approved technical aspects of
the project, he said. The plan was technically feasible but financial
terms remain to be discussed to determine the economic feasibility.

An Iranian-British-Kuwaiti consortium is in the running for the project
to pump fresh water to Kuwaits Bubiyan island and lessen reliance on the
emirate's costly desalination plants.

Britain's Gulf Utilities Co. (GUC) said in February it was close to
securing an agreement with Kuwait to build the pipeline.

The project would offer "significant economic, environmental and
conservation benefits to the Kuwaitis," the company said, adding that it
would be due for completion in 2005.
The Girl Who Lost Her Smile
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[CTRL] All The President's (Business)Men

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

All the president's businessmen 

Friday April 27, 2001
The Guardian 

Buried in the Bush administration's first budget was a routine-looking 
salaries estimate for the justice department. But one particular group of 
government lawyers saw it immediately for what it was - a signpost to a new 
era. The lawyers were a specialised team, put together in the Clinton years 
to take on the big tobacco companies for lying about the safety of their 
product for five decades. They had worked out that the sprawling, 
groundbreaking case would cost about $57m (£41m). They were allocated less 
than $2m.

 In desperation, the lawyers leaked a memo earlier this week, in which they 
pointed out that the budget would kill their prosecution. In response, the 
attorney general, John Ashcroft, counter-leaked his plans to replace the 
litigation team on the grounds that it had done a shoddy job. The message 
could not be clearer if it was a neon sign on the White House roof: the war 
on Big Tobacco is over.

 The list of defendants who now appear to have escaped federal prosecution is 
also a list of big donors to the George Bush election campaign. At the top is 
Philip Morris, which gave $2.8m to the new president's war chest, his 
inauguration and his party. Big Tobacco as a whole gave $7m to Bush and the 
Republicans, 83% of the industry's total election spending. If the federal 
lawsuit against them is allowed to die, which now seems almost certain, the 
cigarette companies will have saved themselves up to $100bn in damages and 
compensation - an impressive rate of return by any standards. Philip Morris 
would argue, of course, that there is no direct connection between its 
donation and the apparent demise of the government lawsuit - and that its 
support for the president is entirely down to his policies.

 In Washington, this is not some isolated, government-rocking case of support 
for corporate interests. In his first 100 days in office (the milestone 
passes on Sunday) Bush has made this straightforward form of corporate 
payback the defining trait of his administration. This simple fact has been 
obscured by the snickering over his frequent and clunky gaffes.

 For Bush, the first US president with an MBA, the election was a 
straightforward business proposition in which American corporations acted as 
venture capitalists. They were invited to take a moderate risk and put the 
bulk of their political funds behind the Republican dauphin in the most 
expensive campaign in history. The returns, in the form of abandoned 
lawsuits, relaxed federal regulations and the scrapping of at least one major 
international treaty, are heavily loaded with short-term profit. Whatever the 
economic climate in the world outside, for big business it is truly 
springtime in Washington.

 Naturally, the Democrats have lined up to declare that they are shocked to 
discover that business wields such influence in politics. The corporate world 
did not do too badly in the Clinton years, but it was one of many voices 
echoing around the Oval Office. In the Bush administration, business is the 
only voice.

 Thus, whereas Clinton devoted much of the energy of his first 100 days to a 
messy fight over gays in the military, the Bush administration has briskly 
run through a veritable corporate shopping list of swift anti-regulatory 

 In his first few days, Bush scrapped a raft of work-safety measures, which 
had been negotiated between the federal government and the unions for much of 
the past decade, in an attempt to address the new work injuries of the 
computer age, such as repetitive strain injury, affecting an estimated 1.8m 

 The scrapping of the new rules was a triumph for the US Chamber of Commerce 
and a crushing defeat for the AFL-CIO union federation, which had of course 
overwhelmingly backed Al Gore and the Democrats. At the same time, Bush 
lifted regulations on federally funded works which gave preference to 
contractors who used union labour.

 Next on the list was a bankruptcy bill, long demanded by the banks and 
credit card companies (who sponsored Bush and his party to the tune of over 
$25m). Its effect will be to strip Americans who have declared themselves 
bankrupt of some of the legal protection they have from their financial 

 The bill's proponents portrayed the targets of the bill as scam artists and 
irresponsible spendthrifts, but subsequent press reports and surveys 
suggested that the majority of the victims will be poor families who have 
lost jobs and fallen foul of the rapacious US health system. Clinton had 
vetoed a similar bill on the grounds that the poor should be allowed to pay 
their rent and hospital bills before their credit card charges.

 The impact of the Bush era has fallen heaviest, however, on the environment, 
where the legal constraints on business had been the most expensive. In short 
order a

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Burma Beat/ Cobra Gold: Heroin stockpiled at junta post, say locals

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

S.Wansai wrote:
> Shan Herald Agency for News
> 20 April 2001
> No: 04-16
> Heroin stockpiled at junta post, say locals
> A Burma Army post in the eastern Shan State has for several years been
> doubling itself as a storehouse for drugs, said locals coming to the
> weekly
> market at the border.
> IB 65 from Mongton in Monghsat District, eastern Shan State, opposite
> Chiangmai Province, has under the command of Lt-Col  Myint Sway, long
> been
> an establishment for safe-keeping drugs, they said.
> On 16 April, 10-civilian trucks in Mongton and the nearby Nawngpayen
> were
> rounded up by Capt Than Aye, 4th Company, IB 65. The next day, under
> the
> security of his command, the convoy drove to Hwe Khailong in the north
> and
> Hopang in the east to pick up 150 blocks (1 block = 700 grams) from
> each
> place. The trucks were released only after the goods were unloaded at
> the
> battalion post warehouse, according to the sources.
> A Shan State Army source also reported all refineries have recently
> been
> ordered to move away from the border following a bilateral agreement
> made
> at the 2-4 April talks in Kengtung for joint suppression of drugs
> along the
> border areas.
> "It might also be due to Cobra Gold ", he commented.
> Cobra Gold, a yearly joint Thai-American military exercises, begins
> this
> month in the northern provinces. In the past, the exercises were
> usually
> conducted in southern Thailand. The Burmese forces along the Thai
> border
> have been placed on alert since 14 April according to Democratic Voice
> of
> Burma.
> Note: IB stands for Infantry Battalion.
> ///END\\\
> For further information, please contact S.H.A.N. at:
> Shan Herald Agency for News.
> e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> www.shanland.org
> S.H.A.N. is a non-profit, independent Shan media group. It is not
> affiliated to any political or armed organization.
> News related to Shan & Burma, including other interested news items
> are
> collected and posted from time to time for your information.Those
> interested are requested to write to Shan Herald Agency for News
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for subscription, and likewise, if you wanted to
> unsubscribe.

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[CTRL] Wanted by US Federal Govenment

2001-04-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Copy of interesting item.   Consider the money Denise Rich gave to
Clinton; then consider the divorce agreement wherein Denise Rich took
$34 million in settlement.seems this money could have been attached
by the feds?

For today seizures from the poor and from the farmers who cannoto pay
their taxes - their land is seized.   Wish a good lawyer who cared would
come to the aid of their American Friends.

Now the move is on to use water as a weapon..well I have access to a
well of pure fresh water - how about you?


NUMBER=  0-07968
18-Sep-98 1:49 PM EDT (1749 UTC)

Source: Voice of America

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Preview of Legal Defense Briefs for Subscribers

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

April 28, 2001
Please Forward to webmasters, attorneys and activists

Dear Colleagues,

In preparation for Issue #11 of Narco News, we are posting our legal 
briefs in the Drug War on Trial case on the Internet, for all to read.

This week, The Narco News Bulletin moved to dismiss the Banamex-Akin 
Gump lawsuit against us.

Attorney Tom Lesser, chief counsel for Narco News, has now provided 
the most thorough legal memorandum on Internet freedom of speech - 
with all the precedents cited - and submitted it to the Court in New 
York. It clearly shows: Banamex has no right to sue, in New York, an 
Internet site that is written in Latin America and uploaded from down 
here to a datacenter in Maryland, where it is, with seconds, made 
available to all the world.

Our attorneys have now informed in legal memoranda: "The Internet, as 
a forum for robust debate and exchange of information, would be 
unalterably changed" if New York Courts allow the Banamex complaint 
to proceed. It would mean that any giant corporation or wealthy 
interest could sue any Internet site in each of the 50 states and 
innumerable countries of the world. To allow the Banamex complaint 
against Narco News to proceed would constitute and invitation by the 
New York courts to all wealthy interests to make New York the 
international haven for the Cyber-SLAPP lawsuit against public 
participation and speech.

Narco News also introduces the latest member of our legal team, who 
submitted this historic brief with Tom Lesser this week: Attorney 
Leonard Weinglass of New York. Lenny Weinglass, a giant in the field 
of law, best known for his defense of the Chicago 7 in what the ACLU 
called "the most important civil liberties case of the 20th century," 
and who worked with Lesser in 1986 as the lead attorney in the CIA on 
Trial case, has joined the fight to keep the Internet free in the 
21st century. We thank him profusely for his solidarity. He joins not 
just Lesser, but also the world's foremost First Amendment attorney 
Martin Garbus, who represents codefendant Mario Menendez in this case.

The historic Narco News Bulletin brief can be read at:


Please alert anyone with a web site and organizations that defend 
cyber-freedom of his important and historic legal memorandum.

Finally, as you know, I have placed the full force of our legal team 
toward defending The Narco News Bulletin because of the immediate 
threat to cyber-freedom that Banamex and Akin Gump have wrought.

To do that, I am forced to represent myself in Court. I invite you to 
read, additionally, the legal brief that I have just submitted - a 
motion to dismiss the charges against me, the third defendant with 
Narco News and Menendez:


Obviously, it does not compare with the laser-sharp legal brief by 
Narco News attorneys. But it is my truth about this case (and, 
perhaps, easier for non-lawyers to read as well). It demonstrates, 
clearly and simply, with a step by step review of the actual facts, 
that there was no defamation of anyone in New York. Today, I post it 
on the Internet.

In the coming days, we will post the accompanying affidavits, and all 
of it will be made publicly available with Issue #11 of The Narco 
News Bulletin.

Please share the Narco News brief with all webmasters and web site 
publishers, as well as authentic attorneys, law students and 
professors everywhere. Please share my Pro Se brief with authentic 
journalists who might find themselves similarly attacked by the narco-
system someday. When we finally defeat this outrageous lawsuit in 
Court, all of our rights will be strengthened.

>From somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Kelly there are those that cannot tell a load of buckshot from a
UFO; hence, many reports everytime some fly over the cuckoo's nest.

Nice store here re Denmark's Utopia - if you read this you can see what
is happening in Denmark - Welcome to the New World Order.

First course of action is always censorship.face it Kelly,
people like you do not count at all.

So look to the skies - some see UFO's and others see satellites and
missiles and stars.


Dansk Center Parti English
Summary HandlingsprogramOrganisationIndfødsrettenIndmeldelse StifterneKulturarvDirekte
demokratiPartiers svigtMeningstyranniNationaltidendeLandsmøde
1996Katastroferne4 MærkesagerAktueltLinks


The Reformative Party of 1992
Dissatisfaction with the existing parties and the general unwillingness
of the politicians to carry out the Will of the People - after having
been elected - let to the establishment of "The Danish Centre Party" on
March 21st 1992. The founders - who were partly former politicians - had
been aware of the growing gap between the Danish people and the
parliamentarians, loss of faith in the government and ministers, and the
genuine fear of damage to our Democracy in both the short and long run.

Extracts from our political programme:

We demand:

An embargo on immigration and refugees.

The Will of the People should be the Law of the Country.

Direct Democracy. Frequent referendums.

Better social welfare for the old people.

Abandonment of waiting lists for operations in hospitals.

No further development of the European Union. Unlimited. Danish
Sovereignty of our Country.
[how subversive - they want Danish Sovereignty - tut tut.]

Strengthening of Law and Order.

More severe punishments for crimes of violence.

An adequate military defence.

Continuation of our membership of Nato.

700 000 Immigrants, Refugees and
at Costs of About 90 000 000 000 Dkr
The number of foreigners in Denmark have reached an amount of about 700
000. In proportion to our population of 5.2 million people this number
makes up about 14%. Foreigners, their culture and - particularly muslim
- religion create great resistance amongst the ordinary Danish citizens,
who, however, are not allowed to protest. Laws are passed to pinion the
resistance of the Danes. Newspapers are censored editorially to avoid
critical letters from readers. C

Censorship is carried out in television and radio. "Political
correctness" is maintained more or less severely within alle official
institutions - aimed at the Danish People.
A majority af 80-90 % of the Danish People are against this immigration
and are in despair. All this has particularly developed within the last
10 years.

[well people in Amrican now wellcome 18,000 Africans a year who MUST
have Aids as qualificationi to get in .while many have gone by

Expenses are considerable. About six times our defence budget.
Foreigners are permitted to claim national assistance on the same
footing as Danes and are often awarded even more (among other things
because of their large families)

During the latest elections the important question of for or against
immigration has been avoided; the matter which interests people most.
All parties in Parliament are more or less in agreement about avoiding
this subject.. The Danish Centre Party finds repatriation of a great
number of foreigners necessary. We do not acknowledge any international
obligations in this connection.

The Reform Party of 1992
Box 150 2880 Bagsvaerd DK. Telephone: +45 44 97 27 38
Giro 6 15 29 88
Internet: http://home7.inet.tele.dk/dcp
Party Leader: Per W. Johansson, Bøndermosevej 9, 2750 Ballerup DK.
Telephone / fax +45 44 97 27 38. Mobile: +45 40 57 37 35.
Deputy Leader: Kirsten Høigaard, Mørkhøjvej 262, 2730 Herlev DK.
Telephone: +45 42 84 86 01

The "Danish Centre Party" is interested in cooperating with all similar
minded parties in Europe. We find contact between our parties necessary,
both in order to inform each other about the development in our
countries and to exchange ideas and perhaps participate in each
other´s meetings.
So far the Danish Centre Party has only been represented in some local
councils for a few years. But we are preparing to run for Parliamentary
elections within a few years. In November 1997 we prepare to run for
local elections in many parts of Denmark.

Oprettet 1997-06-15
Revideret 1997-08-25

Evt. henvendelser bedes rettet til e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-

[CTRL] Pentagon Misled Bush On Iraqi Airstrikes

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

Officials: Bush OK'd airstrikes on Iraq without full briefing


Herald World Staff

 WASHINGTON -- President Bush authorized the largest American military action
against Iraq in more than two years without understanding the provocative
nature of the U.S.-led airstrikes and without a full briefing on the Feb. 16
targets, U.S. officials told The Herald's Washington bureau.

Bush and his senior national security team were assured by the Pentagon that
the strike, Bush's first use of American military power as
commander-in-chief, would be relatively routine. The president and National
Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice were surprised and angry when that turned
out not to be the case, said officials who agreed to discuss the matter on
condition of anonymity.

The raid upstaged Bush's first foreign trip as president, a visit with
Mexican President Vicente Fox. It started Secretary of State Colin Powell's
first diplomatic mission on a sour note and was widely interpreted as a
signal of a more confrontational U.S. policy toward Iraq.

It also highlighted the president's lack of experience in national security
affairs and the drawbacks of a management style that leaves details to

The officials described an incoherent and disjointed planning process for the
raid, with planning and execution being handled almost solely by the
Pentagon. Details were only shared with civilian officials, including the
secretary of state, at a late date.

The officials who discussed the matter were involved in planning the strike
and were deeply familiar with what the president and his advisors were told.

But a White House spokesman disputed their description and said Bush and Rice
were satisfied with their guidance.

``The allegation that they were not acquainted with the objectives [of the
strike] was not correct,'' said Mary Ellen Countryman, spokesman for the
National Security Council. ``Neither the president not Dr. Rice were upset
about how the strike was handled.''

However, Powell was not told of plans for the attack until two days before it
took place, a senior administration official said. The subject came up on
Wednesday, Feb. 14, at a weekly White House meeting of top national security

``The planning went on over at the Defense Department, at least without
consultation with the State Department,'' the senior official said. Powell
and the State Department ``learned late in the game what was going to
occur,'' the official said, suggesting Powell was not happy about the
last-minute notice.

The weekly White House strategy session was not a place for detailed military
briefings, meaning Powell aides had to quickly follow up with telephoned
questions to determine precisely what was planned, the official said.

At the time, Powell was preparing to depart on a sensitive mission to the
Middle East, in an attempt to win agreement from Arab nations to new economic
sanctions on Iraq.

[CTRL] Isn't Multi-Culturalism Great?

2001-04-28 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Washington, D.C.4/23/01
  "FAIR Denounces Content on Voz de Aztlan Web Site"
"The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR)
today issued a stern denunciation of the blatantly racist
content being published on the Web site of the Voz de
Aztlan, a Chicano organization based in California."
  "In recent weeks, the group's Web site has published the
Protocols on the Elders of Zion and a variety of virulently
anti-Semitic materials.  Dan Stein, executive director of
FAIR, called on several organizations, including the
National Council of La Raza and MALDEF, to publicly
denounce the group.
(NOTE--  the link to "Voz de Aztlan" website:
http://www.aztlan.net/  )


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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: [Spy News] How Bush twin gave Secret Service the slip

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

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Tuesday 24 April 2001
How Bush twin gave Secret Service the slip

Barbara Bush: she 'urged the driver
to top 100mph' to lose Secret Service escort

By Ben Fenton in Washington

GEORGE W BUSH'S determination to keep his 20-year-old twin girls out of the
glare of publicity suffered a setback yesterday with the publication of
allegations that his daughter Barbara "shook off" her Secret Service escort.

Mr Bush and his wife Laura have made clear to the White House press corps
that the lives of Miss Bush and her sister Jenna are strictly off-limits and
transgressors have received harsh treatment from the White House.

But following a story in a student magazine at his own alma mater, Yale
University, where Miss Bush is a first-year undergraduate, the President has
found himself facing the same sort of problems that have troubled former
occupants of the Oval Office.

The story in the magazine, Rumpus, alleged that Miss Bush had given the slip
to the Secret Service officers assigned to protecting her. It said that she
was travelling with friends from the university in Connecticut to New York
to watch a World Wrestling Federation event at Madison Square Garden last

The student driving the car used an electronic chip that allows motorists to
pass automatically through toll booths on the city's motorway system. "[The
Secret Service] didn't have a pass so after they paid their toll, they put
on their sirens and sped 120mph until they caught up with us," the magazine
quoted one passenger in the car as saying.

In another reported incident, a girl who shares a dormitory with Miss Bush,
whose sister is at university in Austin, Texas, was asked by a Secret
Service bodyguard if she knew where Barbara was or whether she would have
her mobile phone switched on.

The university was furious with the magazine's editors, who were given a
severe reprimand and ordered to retrieve and destroy all copies of Rumpus
and delete the internet edition of the story.

But the damage was done and the story was out, appearing in fuller form
yesterday in the Star, a sensationalist "supermarket" tabloid similar to the
notorious National Enquirer magazine.

The magazine added fresh details to the Rumpus allegations, claiming that
Miss Bush had egged on the driver to exceed 100mph and "lose" the Secret
Service vehicles. It also linked the story to a incident involving her
mother, who at 17 was accidentally responsible for the death of a close
friend in a car crash in 1963.

The mainstream American press seems to have respected the request of the
Bush family for privacy by ignoring the story, although a version did run
for one edition in the Washington Post.

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[CTRL] Narco News Publisher Moves to Dismiss Banamex Lawsuit

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.narconews.com/agmotion1.html";>Narco News 
Publisher Moves to Dismiss Banamex L…

April 24, 2001





Index No. 00603429





My name is Al Giordano, and I am a defendant representing myself on three 
charges made by Banco Nacional de México, S.A. ("Banamex"): libel, slander 
and intentional interference with its prospective economic advantage. I did 
not do any of those three things.

There is not a shred of "convincing clarity," when each statement is 
considered in its context and entirety, that any statement made by me 
constitutes defamation. Anderson v. Liberty Lobby, Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 244 

To the contrary, it is Banamex which is guilty of defamation in this case. 
Banamex has falsely accused me in its complaint of a criminal act, a "scheme 
to extort money." It is an outrageous allegation which has absolutely no 
basis in fact. It never should have been made.

The fact that it was brought in a public lawsuit without a single fact or 
piece of evidence to support it is an example to me of the lengths to which 
Banamex appears willing to go in an attempt to silence and restrain my 
constitutional rights and those of other dedicated journalists. Backed by its 
enormous financial resources, Banamex has raised the specter to journalists, 
who might otherwise report negatively on its activities, of being falsely 
accused of criminal activity in a lawsuit that could easily bankrupt them.

As Justice Colabella ruled in 1992, "Short of a gun to the head, a greater 
threat to First Amendment expression can scarcely be imagined [than a lawsuit 
brought to silence public speech]." Gordon v. Marrone, 590 N.Y.S. 2d 649, 656 

Although it may be because I am not a lawyer, I simply cannot understand how 
the law could allow or why it would allow a Mexican bank to bring an action 
in New York state against defendants living in Mexico when: (a) all the 
witnesses with regard to the facts underlying the alleged libel live back in 
Mexico, (b) the evidence is back in Mexico, and (c) the supposed libel had 
been published well before I came to New York, to a far larger audience in 
Mexico (as well to a far larger audience in a Massachusetts newspaper).

A trial in New York just doesn't make sense to me. Do I have the right to get 
Mexican witnesses to trial in New York? How and where will we be able to 
depose all the witnesses who live in Mexico? How will we agree on accurate 
translations of the Mexican judicial proceedings and other documentary 
evidence? How will I ever be able to afford the translations and depositions, 
let alone the trips to New York?

The plaintiff, Banamex, has a documented history in its own country of 
attempting to silence journalists who express dissenting views and those that 
the plaintiff considers to be incorrect. But as the courts in Mexico have 
ruled in the case of my co-defendant, Mario Menendez, the facts about which 
it complains here do not libel or slander Banamex. They meet the standards of 
constitutional protection under the laws of Mexico.

Why should Banamex, which met defeat in Mexico, now be allowed to use the 
courts of New York City, in the United States, to attempt once again to 
silence the same discord?

It is my belief that the laws and constitution of New York state and the 
United States forbid Banamex being allowed to proceed. From the days of New 
York v. John Peter Zenger (1735) to New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), the 
island of Manhattan has played an historic role in setting standards to 
protect our most sacred freedoms: the freedom to speak, to write, to express 
opinions, to make arguments and to petition our government for a redress of 
grievances without fear of persecution or repression.

And it is precisely because of this pioneering New York State of Mind that 
this city achieved greatness, through the free expression of its artists, its 
journalists, its activists, its politicians and all its citizens. From the 
theaters of Broadway and 125th Street to the soapboxes in Union Square, from 
the bootblack stand at City Hall to the colorful dialogue that can be heard 
on every corner, in every language of the world that has come here in search 
of this freedom, free speech has made this city strong and vibrant. And New 
York has, thus, made the entire nation stronger, by lighting the torch that 
illumined the path to this liberty.

This is a big part of my truth: I was born and raised in New York. Its spirit 
runs in my blood and in my entire being. And so it is a disturbing parad

[CTRL] [2] Narco News Files Motion to Dismiss Banamex Laws…"

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.narconews.com/narconewsmotion1.html";>Narco 
News Files Motion to Dismiss Banamex Laws…
Furthermore, there is a serious question as to whether witnesses from Mexico 
are subject to subpoena in New York. Therefore, relief most probably will 
also not be "effective" in New York. Indeed, a fair resolution of the dispute 
may be impossible here.

Fourth, the "most efficient resolution" of the controversy will occur in 
Mexico, not New York, given the location of the parties, witnesses and 

Fifth, substantive social policies militate against a lawsuit in New York. 
Banamex has already pursued defamation actions in Mexico against the 
defendant Mario Menendez, based on statements in his newspaper with the same 
content as the articles made available at www.narconews.com. Those cases were 
dismissed in Mexico based on a finding that although Roberto Hernandez may or 
may not have been libelled, Banamex itself had definitely not been libelled. 
Now, Banamex is in New York, seeking a "friendlier" jurisdiction in which to 
assert its damages. As a matter of social policy, such forum-shopping should 
be discouraged.

D. The substantive law of Mexico applies to the issues in this case of 
alleged multistate defamation under New York's conflict-of-laws rules because 
Mexico has the most significant relationship to the alleged torts and the 
parties. 22

Even if this court decides to exercise personal jurisdiction over the 
defendant Narco News, the substantive law of Mexico applies to the defamation 
claims under New York's choice-of-law rules. 23

22 The analysis in this section of the memorandum is restricted to the 
postings at the www.narconews.com website. Each discrete claim of defamation 
is subject to a separate conflict of law analysis, see Wells v. Liddy, 186 
F.3d 505, 522-31 (1999), and the result argued here may or may not apply to 
the other claims in Banamex's complaint, e.g the statements made by Mr. 
Menendez and Mr. Giordano on the radio broadcast in New York and at Columbia 
University Law School. 

23 Under Mexican law, the parties appear in agreement that these claims must 
be dismissed because the necessary predicate of a finding of criminal 
defamation is lacking. See memoranda of Banamex and Mario Menendez.

1. Under New York's choice-of-law rules, the local law of the state with the 
most significant relationship to the occurrence and the parties applies to 
the substantive issues to be decided.

Following the majority of jurisdictions, "New York's choice of law rules 
require the court to apply the substantive tort law of the state 24 'with the 
most significant interest in the litigation.'" La Luna Enterprises, Inc. v. 
CBS Corp., 74 F.Supp. 2d 384, 388 (S.D.N.Y. 1999) quoting Lee v. Bankers 
Trust Co., 166 F.3d 540, 545 (2d Cir. 1999); Dorsey v. Yantambwe, 715 
N.Y.S.2d 566, 569 (4th Dept. 2000); Padula v. Lilarn Properties Corp., 84 
N.Y.2d 519, 620 N.Y.S.2d 310, 311 (Ct.App. 1994); Nader v. General Motors 
Corporation, 25 N.Y.2d 560, 307 N.Y.S.2d 647, 651 (Ct.App. 1970); Babcock v. 
Jackson, 12 N.Y.2d 482, 240 N.Y.S.2d 743 (Ct.App. 1963).

24 The choice-of-law principles recited in New York cases and in the 
Restatement (Second) of Conflicts of Laws are applicable when one of the 
states is a foreign nation. See Restatement (Second) of Conflicts of Laws §§ 
3 and 10; Hill v. Citicorp., 215 A.D.2d 117, 626 N.Y.S.2d 103 (1st Dept. 
1995); Babcock v. Jackson, 12 N.Y.2d 473, 240 N.Y.S.2d 743 (Ct.App. 1963).

New York's "most significant relationship" rule applies to cases where, as 
here, the allegation is one of multistate defamation. The Restatement 
(Second) of Conflicts of Laws §150(1) ("Restatement") choice-of-law rule for 
multistate defamation cases explicitly provides that:

The rights and liabilities that arise from defamatory matter in any one 
edition of a book or newspaper, or any one broadcast over radio or 
television, exhibition of a motion picture, or similar aggregate 
communications 25 are determined by the local law of the state which, with 
respect to the particular issue, has the most significant relationship to the 
occurrence and the parties. . . .

Restatement §150(1) (emphasis added). See Babcock, supra 240 N.Y.S.2d at 
749-50 where the Court of Appeals employed the "most significant 
relationship" test in connection with a personal injury case with multistate 
contacts. See also La Luna Enterprises, Inc., supra 74 F.Supp.2d at 388; 
Reeves v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., 719 F.2d 602, 605 (2d Cir. 
1983) and Bryks v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp., 928 F.Supp. 381, 383 
(S.D.N.Y. 1996).

25 The phrase "aggregate communication" is used in the Restatement to mean a 
communication with extensive circulation. Arochem International, Inc. v. 
Buirkle, 767 F.Supp. 1243, 1246 (S.D.N.Y. 1991).

Here, the state with the most significant relationsh

[CTRL] [1] Narco News Files Motion to Dismiss Banamex Laws…"

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: http://www.narconews.com/narconewsmotion1.html";>Narco 
News Files Motion to Dismiss Banamex Laws…
April 24, 2001





Index No. 00603429





The complaint brought by Banco Nacional de México, S.A. ("Banamex") must be 
dismissed as to The Narco News Bulletin ("Narco News Bulletin"). The Narco 
News Bulletin is not a legal entity capable of being sued. It is simply a 
name that was given to identify a particular Internet website, 
www.narconews.com. A person, or other legal entity responsible for the 
actions which occur under the umbrella of a particular name can be sued, but 
not, as pleaded by the plaintiff, the name itself.

The fact that the complaint against Narco News Bulletin must be dismissed 
should not be allowed to cloud the larger threat to Internet news reporting 
raised by this case. A Mexican bank (Banamex) is suing a website which 
emanates from Mexico (Narco News Bulletin) over articles concerning events 
which occurred in Mexico. If Narco News Bulletin were required to defend 
itself in New York under these circumstances, the concept of personal 
jurisdiction (as well as choice of law rules and forum non conveniens) will 
have been stretched well beyond its natural and previously recognized 
boundaries. Such a ruling would leave every Internet website potentially 
subject to suit in any of the 50 states or in any foreign country. The 
Internet, as a forum for robust debate and exchange of information, would be 
unalterably changed.


The facts supporting this memorandum are set forth in the affidavit of Al 
Giordano with regard to Narco News Bulletin submitted in support of this 
motion, the affidavit of Al Giordano submitted in support of his motion to 
dismiss, the affidavit of Karen Thatcher and the affidavits submitted by 
Mario Menendez in support of his motion to dismiss. Those affidavits are 
incorporated herein.

The specific facts relevant to the legal issues are discussed in the context 
of the argument below.


A. Narco News Bulletin is simply a name given to an Internet website. It is 
not a legal entity capable of being sued.

Banamex has named Narco News Bulletin as a defendant in Count I of its 
complaint, alleging libel, and Count III of its complaint, alleging 
interference with prospective economic advantage. However, Narco News 
Bulletin is not a legal entity capable of being sued. It is only a name--the 
name that the defendant Al Giordano gave to a web site, 
www.narconews.com--that he established on April 7, 2000 (see affidavit of Al 
Giordano, pars. 1-5). 1

1 New York statutes allow service to be made on (a) an individual, CPLR §308; 
(b) an infant, CPLR §309; (c) a corporation or governmental subdivision, CPLR 
§311; (d) a limited liability company, CPLR § 311-a; (e) a court, board or 
commission, CPLR §312; (f) a partnership, CPLR §310; (g) a limited 
partnership, CPLR §310-a; (h) the state, CPLR §307 and (i) an unincorporated 
association, CPLR §1025. (The complaint properly does not allege that Narco 
News Bulletin is any one of those entities.) However, nowhere in the statutes 
is there a provision for suing a name.

Narco News Bulletin, as the name of a website, is no different than the name 
of a television show, such as "Frontline," the name of a magazine, such as 
Nation, or the brand name of a product, such as Ford. None of these "names" 
(or any other name) can be sued. Only the legal entities responsible for the 
named television show or magazine or product, e.g., the Public Broadcasting 
System, The Nation Company, L.P. and the Ford Motor Company, can be sued. 2

2 Banamex's confusion as to the nature of Narco News Bulletin is obvious from 
its complaint, which alleges that: (a) "Mr. Giordano was an agent of the 
Narco News Bulletin" (complaint at par. 4) and (b) "through its agent 
Giordano, the Narco News Bulletin is vicariously liable for all false and 
defamatory statements made by Giordano in the Narco News Bulletin and is 
directly liable for the false and defamatory statements it publishes" 
(complaint at par. 6). Only legal entities can have agents. A person cannot 
be the agent of a name, which has no legal identity.

The New York statutes governing civil procedure do not specifically address 
the issue of how a defense based on the lack of the capacity of a defendant, 
such as Narco News Bulletin, to be sued is to be raised. However, CPLR 
§3211(a)(3) does state that the capacity of a plaintiff to sue can be raised 
in a motion to dismiss. Therefore, Narco News Bu

[CTRL] U.S. tried to track down Nazis _ then sought to employ them

2001-04-28 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2001/04/28/

national0103EDT0417.DTL">U.S. tried to track down Nazis _ then sought to…

U.S. tried to track down Nazis _ then sought to employ them

RON KAMPEAS, Associated Press Writer    Saturday, April 28, 2001  
Breaking News Sections  

(04-28) 01:03 EDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- There were the Nazis the United States 
wanted to try as criminals, and there were other Nazis it wanted to try out 
as employees. 

Some 10,000 pages of declassified CIA documents made public Friday reveal a 
wartime agency tracking Nazis as deadly enemies, and a postwar organization 
hiring newfound ``friends'' to spy on the Soviet Union and its satellites. 
Some of the Nazis on the CIA payroll were wanted as war criminals, and some 
lived well, apparently profiting from stolen Jewish property. 

``These files demonstrate that the real winners of the Cold War were Nazi 
criminals,'' said Eli M. Rosenbaum of the Justice Department's Nazi-hunting 
Office of Special Investigations. 

In fact, many of the documents from the Office of Strategic Services, the 
CIA's wartime predecessor, show the OSS was determined to identify and track 
down Nazis. A 1946 description of Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the murder 
of 6 million Jews, has him as a ``desperate type, who, if cornered, will try 
to shoot it out.'' 

Eventually, however, the CIA's fledgling Cold War operations led it to rely 
on men wanted for crimes against humanity. 

The Nazis' patrons were well-connected. Allen Dulles, a senior OSS agent, 
never forgot Guido Zimmer, a midlevel Nazi SS officer who negotiated the 
surrender of German troops in northern Italy in May 1945. The success led to 
Dulles' eventual promotion to CIA director. 

A September 1945 memo from another, anonymous OSS official expresses pointed 
resentment at Dulles' protection of Zimmer, who had helped organize the 
murder and deportation of Italian Jews. 

Zimmer ``is evidently receiving protection from some high (OSS) quarter, on 
the basis of his contribution'' to the surrender, writes the agent, 
code-named BB8. ``We, for our part, see no particular reason why Zimmer 
should be treated any differently than General (Karl) Wolff,'' Zimmer's 
superior who was tried and convicted of war crimes. 
Zimmer worked for postwar intelligence in West Germany, and was never tried. 

Another Nazi employed by West German intelligence on the basis of a CIA 
recommendation was Emil Augsburg, a strident ideologue who joined an SS unit 
responsible for killing Jews and other ``undesirables,'' and who was wanted 
for war crimes in Poland. 

Augsburg worked for U.S. intelligence from 1947-48. After that, he joined 
German intelligence, and a 1952 CIA assessment describes him as ``honest and 
idealist ... unprejudiced mind, excellent scientist.'' 

Perhaps the most famous U.S.-paid Nazi is Klaus Barbie, a Gestapo officer 
infamous for ordering the murder of French Jewish children. After the war, he 
helped U.S. intelligence keep track of communists, and was eventually 
smuggled out of France. 

A 1967 U.S. Army document nervously contemplated emerging reports that Barbie 
was in Bolivia: ``Exposure of Counterintelligence Command's role in 
evacuating him from Germany to avoid prosecution would have serious 
consequences for the U.S. government.'' 

Barbie was eventually extradited to France, where he was tried and imprisoned 
for war crimes. 

The documents reveal the murky depths beneath the shifting Cold War 
alliances. In 1953, U.S. authorities contemplated arresting two former Nazis, 
Wilhelm Krichbaum and Wilhelm Hoettl, who were on the U.S. payroll -- not for 
alleged war crimes, but for treason. 

The two had failed to report as Soviet double agents Curt Ponger and Otto 
Verber, two German Jews who had fled to the United States in the 1930s and 
who returned to Germany as U.S. Army interrogators. They interrogated 
Krichbaum and Hoettl, and eventually befriended them. U.S. authorities 
wondered whether the former Nazis had been ``turned'' by their Jewish 

Another time in 1953, U.S. occupying forces in Austria considered arresting 
Hoettl when it became evident that he enjoyed publicizing his exploits as a 
spy. They worried the relationship ``could constitute a source of 

Other records show a different CIA, one trying hard to track down prominent 
Nazis. Countering rumors that the CIA had recruited Heinrich Mueller, the 
Gestapo chief, and Josef Mengele, a doctor who experimented on Jewish 
children, documents from the 1960s and 1970s show the agency pursuing leads 
as to their whereabouts. 

Similarly, the documents show that the CIA knew litt

[CTRL] McVeigh's Letter To Fox

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon

McVeigh's Letter to Fox News
Friday, April 27, 2001

The following letter has been authenticated and was sent to Fox News 
Correspondent Rita Cosby. The opening statement was a photocopied statement 
in McVeigh's writing. The question-and-answer section following it is clearly 
an original version in McVeigh's writing.

I explain herein why I bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I 
explain this not for publicity, nor seeking to win an argument of right or 
wrong. I explain so that the record is clear as to my thinking and 
motivations in bombing a government installation.
I chose to bomb a federal building because such an action served more 
purposes than other options. Foremost, the bombing was a retaliatory strike; 
a counter attack, for the cumulative raids (and subsequent violence and 
damage) that federal agents had participated in over the preceding years 
(including, but not limited to, Waco.) From the formation of such units as 
the FBI's "Hostage Rescue" and other assault teams amongst federal agencies 
during the '80's; culminating in the Waco incident, federal actions grew 
increasingly militaristic and violent, to the point where at Waco, our 
government - like the Chinese - was deploying tanks against its own citizens. 
Knowledge of these multiple and ever-more aggressive raids across the country 
constituted an identifiable pattern of conduct within and by the federal 
government and amongst its various agencies. (see enclosed) For all intents 
and purposes, federal agents had become "soldiers" (using military training, 
tactics, techniques, equipment, language, dress, organization, and mindset) 
and they were escalating their behavior. Therefore, this bombing was also 
meant as a pre-emptive (or pro-active) strike against these forces and their 
command and control centers within the federal building. When an aggressor 
force continually launches attacks from a particular base of operation, it is 
sound military strategy to take the fight to the enemy. 
Additionally, borrowing a page from U.S. foreign policy, I decided to send a 
message to a government that was becoming increasingly hostile, by bombing a 
government building and the government employees within that building who 
represent that government. Bombing the Murrah Federal Building was morally 
and strategically equivalent to the U.S. hitting a government building in 
Serbia, Iraq, or other nations. (see enclosed) Based on observations of the 
policies of my own government, I viewed this action as an acceptable option. 
From this perspective, what occurred in Oklahoma City was no different than 
what Americans rain on the heads of others all the time, and subsequently, my 
mindset was and is one of clinical detachment. (The bombing of the Murrah 
building was not personal , no more than when Air Force, Army, Navy, or 
Marine personnel bomb or launch cruise missiles against government 
installations and their personnel.)
I hope that this clarification amply addresses your question.
Timothy J. McVeigh
USP Terre Haute (IN)
Part II:
Q: What's the deal with you expressing interest in having your execution 
A: First, it has nothing to do with seeking to be on camera - just look at 
how few on-camera interviews I have done. Rather, it is to make a point: In 
the U.S. we show, on television, re-enactments of real executions; 
mock-fictional executions (in movies); and real executions from foreign 
countries - yet we are ashamed to show our own justice system in action. It 
is ironic that we show foreign executions, but are afraid to show identical 
domestic laws being carried out.
Q: What were some other options considered besides bombing? Who would you 
have targeted? 
A: I waited two years from "Waco" for non-violent "checks and balances" built 
into our system to correct the abuse of power we were seeing in federal 
actions against citizens. The Executive; Legislative; and Judicial branches 
not only concluded that the government did nothing wrong (leaving the door 
open for "Waco" to happen again), they actually gave awards and bonus pay to 
those agents involved, and conversely, jailed the survivors of the Waco 
inferno after the jury wanted them set free.
Other "checks and balances" likewise proved futile: media awareness and 
outcry (the major media failed in its role as overseer of government ally); 
protest marches; letter campaigns; even small-budget video production; etc. - 
all failed to correct the abuse
When violent action thus became an option, I considered, among other things, 
a campaign of individual assassination, with "eligible" targets to include: 
Federal Judge Walter Smith (Waco trial); Lon Horiuchi (FBI sniper at Ruby 
Ridge); and Janet Reno (making her accept "full responsibility" in deed, not 
just word).
Q: Further describe motivations for bombing, and why you chose the bombing 
over other options.
A: See enclosed doc

[CTRL] The New Billy Carter?

2001-04-28 Thread William Shannon
In the tradition of Billy Beer she ought to market Jenna Juice...I'm seeing a
fruity cooler-type thingof course this will have to wait until she
reaches legal age but that ought to give her time to perfect her concoction.


Jenna Bush cited for alcohol possession

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Associated Press
April 28, 2001 | AUSTIN, Tx. -- President Bush's 19-year-old daughter, Jenna,
was cited early Friday for alcohol possession by a minor, police said.

The ticket was issued by Austin police who were checking for minors in
possession of alcohol at nightclubs along the city's popular East Sixth

Officers questioned Bush and another woman they believed to be under age 21
at about 1:30 a.m. They were given a citation but were not arrested.

Bush is a freshman at the University of Texas at Austin.

White House officials would not discuss the incident. "We respect the privacy
of this young woman and we're not going to comment on her personal life,"
said Noelia Rodriguez, spokeswoman for first lady Laura Bush.

Bush and her twin sister, Barbara, graduated from high school last May in
Austin. Barbara Bush attends Yale University.

Re: [CTRL] Echelon and the Kogi Tribe

2001-04-28 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:19:43 -0700 Nessie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of course, Echelon might just hear about the Kogi tribe via these emails, and their 
data-sorting computer may direct it to their psychologicl warfare department. They 
might then decide to do a study on them, to see what happens if half of them are 
suddenly addicted to heroin, or all the males are sterilised, or all the women are 
abducted by 'ufos' or

you get the picture.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: SNET: Pass it on AMERICA!!

2001-04-28 Thread tnohava

Take the POLL!!!
Are we Americans as dumb as we 
appear or is it just that we do notthink?  While the Chinese held our 
plane and its crew hostage, (they arefree now, thank the Lord)  
presumably to get more time to inspect theplane, the media wrangled its 
hands and criticized the BushAdministrationfor perceived errors.  
Yet 70% of Americans believe that the tradingprivileges afforded to the 
Chinese should be suspended.Well, duh...why ---do you need the government to 
suspend tradingprivileges?  DO IT YOURSELF!!!Simply look on the 
bottom of every product you buy, and it it says "MadeinChina" or "PRC" 
(and that includes Hong Kong), simply choose anotherproduct or none at 
all.  You will be amazed at how dependent you are onChinese products, 
however you will be equally amazed at what you can dowithout.  Who 
needs plastic eggs to celebrate Easter?  If you must haveeggs benefit 
some American farmer.Easter is just an example, the point is...do not 
wait for the governmenttoact.  Just go ahead and assume control on 
your own.  If 200 MillionAmericans refuse to buy $20 each of Chinese 
goods, that a billion dollartrade imbalance resolved in our 
favor...fast!!  The downside??Some American business will feel a 
temporary pinch from having foreignstockpiles of inventory.  The 
solution, lets give them fair warning.So, we will not implement this UNTIL 
May 1, and we will continue it toJune1.  That is only one month of 
trading losses, but it will hit theChinesefor l/12th of the total or 8% 
of their American exports.Then they will at least have to ask themselves if 
their arrogance andlawlessness were worth it.Remember, May 1 to June 
1.Send this to everybody you know.Show them we are Americans and 
NOBODY can take our people and hold them.Pass it on 
AMERICA!"Made In China" BOYCOTT - POLLShttp://www.madeinchinaboycott.com/polls.htmlFind and Support American BusinessThomas Register of American 
Manufacturershttp://www.thomasregister.com/U.S. Stuff- Product List and Index, Products Made in 
USAhttp://www.usstuff.com/prodlist.htmBuy American Onlinehttps://store.manufacturedinusa.com/cgi-bin/shop.storefrontAs you pass this on, pass on this suggestion also. If EVERY 
Americanwereto remain home from work for one day, the gas prices would 
come down.Themultinational corporations cannot afford to have the slaves 
at home andnot burning these profits at our expense. Send this suggestion to 
all onyour lists and lets see what kind of response can be created. We need 
toselect a day certain then go for it.

[CTRL] NYDN: A Clinton Court Date Canceled

2001-04-28 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


New York Daily News

A Clinton Court Date Canceled

Prosecutors canceled First Brother Roger Clinton's scheduled appearance
today before a grand jury, indicating Clinton will be taking the Fifth
in an ongoing pardons-for-dollars probe.

Ex-President Bill Clinton's brother was to appear in White Plains
Federal Court, but prosecutors said he didn't have to show up after
Clinton's lawyer outlined what his client would say.

Lawyer Bart Williams would not confirm whether Roger Clinton has agreed
to invoke his Fifth Amendment rights and refuse to answer the grand
jury's questions. "I don't want to comment on the nature of his response
to the subpoena," Williams said.

But he admitted prosecutors have set no new date for his client to show
up in White Plains.

Williams said he has agreed to hand over documents relating to Roger
Clinton's efforts to lobby the White House on behalf of six prison
inmates seeking clemency. All six bids failed, and Clinton has said he
received no money in return.

"There are no documents reflecting his receipt of funds in return for
making [clemency] recommendations," Williams said.

The investigation began after the family of a convicted swindler claimed
two of Roger Clinton's business associates took $200,000 they said paid
for Roger's efforts to request clemency.

Greg B. Smith

Original Publication Date: 4/27/01

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

2001-04-28 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 7:26 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Sick, Psychotic F**ks

> I can't believe this list sometimes - like this is a conspiracy list,
> right?  So why is it okay to listen to Saba ramble on about long-dead
> who-gives-a-shite people and yet ignore what is happening right now?  It
> is nice to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about
> the deep past and the shallow past (who cares about Jean Dixon - I mean
> really) and why totally exclude UFOs.
> Just wondering why the jewish mafia is acceptable and UFOs are not.


Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CNN: China Hack attack 5/1 - 5/7

2001-04-28 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Feds warn of May Day attacks on U.S. Web sites

Images of a lost Chinese pilot appear in some of the hacking

April 26, 2001
Web posted at: 8:29 PM EDT (0029 GMT)

(CNN) -- Federal authorities warn that U.S. Web sites and e-mail servers are
coming under an increasing number of attacks and that the malicious hacking
could escalate in the next few days because of upcoming memorial days in

The recent tension between the United States and China was cited by the
Infrastructure Protection Center when it issued the warning Thursday.

The NIPC Web site also said Chinese hackers have publicly discussed stepping
their efforts from April 30 through May 7. That time period includes dates
historic significance to the People's Republic of China.

Key dates:

Here are dates of significance to China that authorities warn might see an
increase in hacking efforts:

* May 1 -- May Day, an international labor holiday.

* May 4 -- Youth Day, commemorates 1919 student demonstration against

* May 7 -- Anniversary of accidental NATO bombing of Chinese embassy in
Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

The agency warned networks and system administrators to closely monitor
Web sites and mail services during that period.

'Lion' worm linked to China

Federal investigators have linked an Internet worm named "Lion" to China.
worm is infecting computers and installing denial of service tools on

The worm sends password files from the victim site to an e-mail address
in China, authorities said.

Some of the attacks earlier this month on U.S. sites were apparently sparked
the United States spy plane crisis in China.

Hackers have showered U.S. government and business Web sites with eulogies
the downed Chinese fighter pilot, denouncements of imperialism and crude

One of the attack victims said that vandalism appeared to have originated in

"We discovered that the home page on one of our sites had been replaced with
posting of a Chinese flag with some rhetoric in Chinese and English," said
Olasin, president of Intelligent Direct.

The map-selling company uses the Dell Computers site-hosting service, which
helped trace the hackers to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in China,
said. Intelligent Direct has since solved the problem by having Dell rebuild

Hacker Union of China

Hackers identifying themselves as members of the Hacker Union of China took
credit for at least one attack.

The defaced site was that of Iplexmarin.com, based in California. The site
covered in Chinese flags, political slogans in Chinese and English and
photographs of the missing Chinese pilot Wang Wei.

Wang crashed and presumably died after his fighter jet collided with a U.S.
plane off the coast of China on April 1.

"As we are Chinese, we love our motherland and its people deeply. We are so
indignant about the intrusion from the imperialism. The only thing we could
is that, when we are needed, we are ready to devote anything to our
even including our lives," the posting read.

A Web page hosting the Hackers Union of China posted a list of 10 Web sites
hacked in memory of the missing pilot. The Hackers Union refers to itself an
"network security organization" on its Web site, cnhonker.com.

According to a Washington Post report, other targeted sites included two
maintained by the U.S. Navy, although neither was militarily critical.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] LT: Rich knew of pardon 'before US officials'

2001-04-28 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Rich knew of pardon 'before US officials'

By Philip Delves Broughton

THE wife of Marc Rich, the billionaire fugitive controversially pardoned by
President Clinton, has disclosed how she and her husband were told of the
decision two hours before the Justice Department.

Gisela Rich said they were telephoned at their home in Switzerland by the
head of the Rich Foundation in Israel, Avnery Azulay. By hiring lawyers who
had worked closely with Mr Clinton in the past, Mr Rich received special
treatment from the White House, which completely by-passed normal Justice
Department procedures.

The pardon soured Mr Clinton's departure from the White House and is
regarded with contempt even by once loyal Democrats. Mrs Rich's disclosure
in an interview with the magazine Vanity Fair further clouds what is already
a murky business.

Despite Mr Clinton's denials, many suspect that the pardon was granted
solely as a favour to Mr Rich's ex-wife, Denise, a friend of the Clintons
and generous contributor to their various causes. She has given millions of
pounds to the Clintons' political campaigns and to Mr Clinton's Presidential

Past and present Israeli prime ministers had been lined up to lobby Mr
Clinton for the pardon. In her first interview since the scandal, Denise
Rich, who also spoke to Vanity Fair, gave few details about her ex-husband's
pardon, which she urged Mr Clinton to grant on several occasions.

However, she does say that the Clintons' decorator sent a list round to
their friends, while they were still in the White House, asking for
furniture and gifts for their new home in Chappaqua.

Mrs Clinton's office previously denied the existence of such a list in an
effort to play down the impression that the couple were trawling for gifts.
Since the pardon scandal, Mrs Rich has not heard from her once great

Mrs Rich, who is worth more than £150 million from her marriage to Rich and
now writes pop songs, says she was persuaded to help her ex-husband, from
whom she had a bitter divorce, after their daughter Gabrielle died of
Hodgkin's lymphoma in 1993.

Rich was unable to see his daughter in America before she died without
running the risk of spending the rest of his life in jail. However, her
death persuaded Mrs Rich to move on and forgive her former husband.

The current Mrs Rich, Gisela, tells the magazine that the pardon was not a
quid pro quo for Denise Rich. She says: "She likes the Democrats and she
contributed for years and years and years. And that has nothing to do with

Mr Rich fled the United States in 1984 after he was charged with involvement
in what investigators described as America's biggest tax fraud. He has since
lived in Switzerland, having renounced his US citizenship. His
multi-billion-dollar fortune was made in commodities trading.

According to Vanity Fair, Mr Rich had been trying to buy a pardon long
before Mr Clinton granted him one. Howard Safir, formerly the head of the US
Marshals Service, said he attended a spy exchange in the late Eighties when
an East German lawyer offered "$250 million on behalf of Marc Rich".

Other sources claim that Adnan Kashoggi, the Saudi arms dealer, interceded
with Mr Clinton on Rich's behalf. Despite all that has happened, Denise Rich
insists that her friendship with the Clintons "went beyond" money.

While denying rumours that she and the former President had an affair, she
says he is "a very spiritual person". She explained: "He has so much
charisma. Who wouldn't be attracted?"

I am Larry O'Daniel, author of Missing in Action: Trail of Deceit - and
Trails of Deceit.  This subject, of course, is not about the books  = I just
wanted to introduce myself for the following.

I have read with interest the accounts of the Kerrey story as portrayed in
the NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, and Washington Times today. I also
watched the Kerrey interview "live" on real audio courtesy of the Post on
line service.

Something drastically is missing here. I am a veteran of the Phoenix Program
(Go Cong and An Xuyen Provinces) in exactly the same time frame this story
took place. Go Cong, as far as I can tell from the very undetailed maps on
the NY Times Website, is just north of this operation. There are important
facts missing from this rendition that I believe Kerrey does not want out.
He is being shielded also by the liberal media in this way.

A - He is described in various stories as being an "inexperienced" officer
or combatant, having arrived in Vietnam only a month earlier. Truth - he
joined the SEALs in 1966 according to the NYTIMES. That gives him almost 3
years or more on active duty - including SEAL Training and whatever else he
did. I arrived in Vietnam in January 1969. Other than 7 years of ROTC
training (3 HS and 4 College), I had a total of 5 months active duty -
(Infantry Officer Basic - ROT

[CTRL] CIA admits employing Nazis

2001-04-28 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

CIA admits employing Nazis

Klaus Barbie: Used by the CIA as an intelligence source

Files released by the Central Intelligence Agency in the United States have
confirmed that World War II Nazi war criminals were employed by Western and
Soviet intelligence agencies.
However, the files dispell the widespread view that one of Hitler's closest
allies, Gestapo chief Henrich Muller, survived World War II and went on to
work for the CIA.

As a body, the real winners of the Cold War were Nazi criminals, many of
whom were able to escape justice

Eli Rosenbaum, Justice Department
They show they Muller died in 1945, but other former Nazi officers were
employed by the CIA, in particular for their knowledge of the Soviet Union.
A US Justice Department spokesman, Eli Rosenbaum, said the files
demonstrated that the real winners of the Cold War were Nazi war criminals.
Other declassified documents give more background information on key Nazi
figures, and a report which suggests that Adolf Hitler's own doctor thought
the Fuhrer was insane.
Mr Rosenbaum said many Nazi war criminals "were able to escape justice
because East and West became so rapidly focused after the war on challenging
each other that they lost their will to pursue Nazi persecutors".

Hitler's doctor predicted he would become the world's craziest criminal

He deplored the CIA's use as intelligence sources of war criminals such as
Klaus Barbie, the infamous "Butcher of Lyon".
Barbie was eventually convicted of crimes against humanity by a French
Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles, a
Jewish human rights organisation, said the publication of the CIA material
was "long overdue".
One CIA document says that in 1937, Hitler's doctor thought he noticed
growing signs of insanity in the Nazi leader before the start of World War
II, and predicted he could become "the craziest criminal the world ever
Later that year, the doctor said "the swing towards insanity" seemed to have
taken place.
Waldheim 'not a CIA source'
The files also shed light on former United Nations Secretary-General Kurt
Waldheim, finding that he was not among CIA sources, as had been suspected
by some historians.
Waldheim, a former president of Austria, was barred from entering the US in
1987 after an investigation of his wartime activities as a German army
lieutenant in the Balkans.
The file on Waldheim suggests that the CIA knew little about him and that
neither the US State Department nor other government agencies that had an
interest in his appointment to the United Nations asked for a background
check on him when he was a candidate for the job

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US fears Chinese hack attack

2001-04-28 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

US fears Chinese hack attack

Attacks predicted to coincide with significant dates

By BBC News Online's Kevin Anderson in Washington
Rising tensions between the United States and China have sparked an online
tit-for-tat between hackers in both countries.
US officials and corporate computer security firms have put the nation on
alert as Chinese hackers have promised to step up their attacks in the
coming week.
The FBI's National Infrastructure Protection Centre (NIPC) said that the
attacks will coincide with several dates of historical significance
including May Day, Youth Day on 4 May and the second anniversary of the
accidental bombing by US forces of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.

US and Chinese hackers have been trading barbs online

"To date, hackers already have unlawfully defaced a number of US websites,
replacing existing content with pro-Chinese or anti-US rhetoric," according
to the NIPC. Chinese hackers have left such messages as "hack the USA" and
"For our pilot Wang", the latter referring to the fighter pilot who died in
the recent collision with an American surveillance plane off the coast of
But US hackers have also targeted Chinese Government websites, leaving
obscenity-laden anti-Chinese statements.
The Chinese National Grain Bureau website was defaced by a hacker going by
the alias of "acidklown", who railed against state repression in China
encouraged others to "join me and deface a Chinese website in the name of
the klown".
The US hackers appear to be aware of the threat of increased activity by
their Chinese counterparts in the coming week.
A hacker going by the handle of "Hackweiser" wrote on a Chinese website: "We
have heard reports that you guys are planning a strategic militant style
strike on cyber grounds during the week of May 1-7. Well let me tell ya one
thing China... don't even try to play us at this game!
Denial of service
But in addition to the defacing of websites, US officials fear that American
websites could also be the target of denial-of-service attacks similar to
the ones that crippled high-profile websites including Yahoo and CNN last
Denial of service
Hide software "daemons" on hundreds of computers
Daemons bombard internet sites with thousands of requests for information
Volume of internet traffic paralyses website
Daemons give false addresses making them hard to trace
The NIPC says an internet "worm" named Lion, which distributes
denial-of-service tools on victims' computers, has ties to China.
These types of attacks surreptitiously install software on victims'
computers. The hacker then uses these remote computers to deluge websites
with traffic so that the web server slows to a halt under the onslaught.
"Analysis of the Lion worm's source code reveals that, when illegally
exploited, it sends password files from the victim site to an email address
located in China," the NIPC said.
Although the US is concerned with China's preparations for information
warfare, there is no evidence to suggest that the recent spate of website
defacing or the Lion worm are state-sponsored activity, according to Dr
Dorothy Denning, director of the Georgetown Institute for Information
She compared the spate of recent attacks between US and Chinese hackers to
online exchanges between hackers in Israel and Palestine.
"Basically, this is a way for young people to express their opinions," Dr
Denning said.
Broadband vulnerable
Private commercial, government and military sites should all be on alert,
she said, adding that with so many attacks happening on a daily basis that
sites should always be on alert.
She also said that home computer users with high-speed connections such as
DSL or cable modems should also be especially aware of security in the
coming week.
Hackers launching denial-of-service attacks often focus their efforts on
users with high-speed connections, because they can use these connections to
send more traffic to targeted websites.
She suggested that broadband users should make sure that their anti-virus
software was up to date, and that they went to a site called Shields Up,
which tests users computers for vulnerabilities.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat L