Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Democracy Trampled in QuebecCity

2001-05-05 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Caveat Lector-

Extremism in the pursuit of liberty is no vice. 

  - - Barry Goldwater

If what the protesters did to that fence in Quebec was wrong then so was
what those terrorists in Boston did to that tea in the harbor, and so
was what Jesus did to the money changers in the temple.

A novel argument Nessie, but a wee bit presumptious to compare a melange  of 
undergraduate middle class hypocrites acting out their revolutionary 
fantasies, unionists with a barrow of self-interest to push, and green 
utopians with JC and some colonists protesting about tea taxes. As I said in 
my original posting, the fence was set up because of what those civilised 
protestors, demonstrating their unique interpreation of free speech and 
democracy (for themselves, not for others),  had done previously in Seattle, 
London, Prague and Melbourne. A fine group of people.

If nobody stands up to the NWO, we'll all end up working in sweat shops
in the middle of a toxic waste dump.

Pull the other one.

You cowards out there  can whine all day about the NWO on the internet from 
safety of your home, and ruling elites don’t give a rat’s ass.

Cowards? Compared to those self-styled global saviours with their balaclavas 
 slingshots, many of whom belong to political organisations which barely 
register a blip on most people's radar, and whose policies most people would 
find somewhat unrealistic, I'm not sure if I should be insulted.

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] South Pole Update- Weapons Inspectors To Antarctica

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 5/4/01 9:45:23 PM Central Daylight Time,

Dr. Serena Serghetti..she looks like Nicole Kidman's
twin sister.

That pic looks EXACTLY like Nicole Kidman...I think it IS Nicole Kidman!
And if it is...she wouldn't melt the Antarctic, Nicole Kidman is known as the
"Ice Queen"...


Re: [CTRL] Behold a Mad Cow

2001-05-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 What name you using today Joshua/Schwartz/Nurev etc

 Why is it you seem it is okay to print anything you want, but you seem
 inclined to want to censor anything that is not to your own personal

Pointing out what what an absolute moron you are is not censorship. I
love what you write.

 You have written garbage about militias; but this item of ours, I find
 to be a real psychological clue to your character.

All you have to do is ask.

 So Mr. Schwartz - I am reproducing one of your efforts - love that last
 line or two about focusing hatred towards those with whom you

 Now Mr. Pierce which you quote wrote the beautiful article with regard
 to the USS Liberty - the entire content was accurate - 34 of our men
 were killed and 171 wounded on that ship..while you Mr. Schwartz aka
 Joshua2 aka Nurev , took it upon yourself to close that case?

Well actually, nazis are not the most reliable sources on Jewish
related stuff. And I didn't write the case closed article, but that
article only reiterated what I have claimed for years on this very
conspiracy list.

 What made me sick was the fact that the Isralies napalmed that great
 ship and bombed it for 45 minutes but it survivied to tell the shrines to the dead upon this great ship   Tell me
 where did Israelies get the Napalm - from our Enemy Within.

You try and try Colleen. But you're just not good at it. You are too
stupid to be an effective propagandist.

 Still want to disarm the militias Mr. Schwartz?


Colleen. You really shouldn't be posting nazi literature in CTRL. I
think that's a no no.

 More horse's mouth
 Fri, 05 Jun 1998 12:10:16 -0700
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 Maybe reply: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: More horse's mouth

 Date: Fri, 05 Jun 1998 12:10:16 -0700


 Subject: More horse's mouth

 For more information about the authors of these articles visit the
 National Alliance web site at
 For patriotic books, tapes and videos, visit the National Vanguard Books
 Catalog at
 American Dissident Voices Online Radio
 Improving Our Souls
 by Dr. William Pierce
 National Alliance Chairman
 Perhaps you won't mind if today I just share a few thoughts with you
 about where our people are now and where we're headed, instead of doing
 my usual news analysis.
 One of the things I've complained about often is that when so many
 terribly destructive things are happening to us, most of our people are
 simply remaining as spectators, refusing to lift a hand against the
 enemies who certainly will destroy us if we permit them.
 We have Bill Clinton in the White House, the clearest proof there could
 be that the present political system in America, the system by which we
 choose our legislators and our governmental executives has gone
 completely haywire. We simply cannot have people like Bill Clinton as
 President, and the gang of criminals in the Congress making our laws,
 and expect America to survive. Hundreds of thousands of responsible men
 and women should rise up in righteous wrath against Washington and its
 system. But they don't.
 Or consider immigration: it is destroying America. Much of California
 and Florida have been transformed from White to non-White areas during
 the past couple of decades, and the same thing is happening in many
 other parts of the country. Areas which used to be clean, decent, and
 White have become Third World jungles. Millions of people realize what
 is happening, but very few are willing to do anything about it, except
 move to a Whiter suburb. Most White Americans are even afraid to say
 anything about the darkening of America, from fear of being denounced as
 racists by the loudmouthed, bullying forces of Political Correctness.
 The Clinton government realizes that most of the people who don't like
 what is happening to America are suffering from moral paralysis at this
 time and will not rebel, no matter what the government does, and so the
 government keeps our borders open, knowing that every non-White
 immigrant is another supporter of the Clinton system, and to hell with
 the country.
 The schools are another indicator of America's illness. I've spoken on
 other programs about specific aspects of the school problem: a lack of
 order and discipline, lower standards, falling performance. The schools
 have become so bad that even the government is worried about them. But
 of course, no one can fix them, because no one is willing to address the
 real problems behind the failure of the schools. The 

Re: [CTRL] Behold a Mad Cow

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Please, Mr Schwartz aka Joshua aka Nurev - no Goldbergs in my family but
once was a Rosenberg and a Greencastle Stamey in 1839.

You may call me Mrs. Rosenberg.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-05-05 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Rayelan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Organization: Rumor Mill News
 From: Rayelan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 2 May 2001 16:54:20 -0700

 Rumor Mill News Forum


 Posted By: Esclarmonde
 Date: Wednesday, 2 May 2001, 3:35 p.m.


   Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States
 relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and gift taxes and
 prohibiting the United States Government from engaging... (Introduced
 in the House)

   HJ 45 IH

   107th CONGRESS

   1st Session

   H. J. RES. 45
   Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States
 relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and gift taxes and
 prohibiting the United States Government from engaging in business in
 competition with its citizens.


   April 25, 2001
   Mr. PAUL introduced the following joint resolution; which was
 referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

   Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States
 relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and gift taxes and
 prohibiting the United States Government from engaging in business in
 competition with its citizens.

   Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
 States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House
 concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an
 amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be
 valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when
 ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States
 within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:


   `SECTION 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in
 any business, professional, commercial, financial, or industrial
 enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.

   `SECTION 2. The constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of
 the United States, shall not be subject to the terms of any foreign
 or domestic agreement which would abrogate this amendment.

   `SECTION 3. The activities of the United States Government which
 violate the intent and purposes of this amendment shall, within a
 period of three years from the date of the ratification of this
 amendment, be liquidated and the properties and facilities affected
 shall be sold.

   `SECTION 4. Three years after the ratification of this amendment
 the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United
 States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy
 taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts.'.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

 P.O. BOX 1784
 APTOS, CA 95001
 TEL 831 462 3949
 FAX 831 462 2545


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] UFO Made in China?

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Just when I saw a UFO as of late  - hey it had to be made in China, for
it was flying over my house, not directly above it but it was chugging
along at 1950 speed leaving a little short track of smoke..

Mrs Rosenberg

Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Conspiracy Journal) Date: Sat, May 5,
2001, 4:07am (EDT+4) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (List Member) Subject: No More
UFOs? Tracking Service Closes for Lack of Use
Conspiracy Journal -
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No More UFOs? Tracking Service Closes for Lack of Use
The following article carried in the Times London, with rebuttals by UFO
Magazine-UK, is a good example of disinformation carried by the media
which falsely discredits the reality and magnitude of the UFO phenomena.
See the comments below about the 40,000 formerly classified UFO
documents that were released into the public domain since Freedom of
Information Act was established in 1974. Also the 3,500 UFO sightings
that were officially reported by military and civilian pilots. There is
neither a small amount of activity in this area nor limited interest on
the part of the American Government and it's many agencies.
Russ Hamerly
THE TIMES LONDON 23 April 2001
No More UFOs? Tracking Service Closes for Lack of Use
L O N D O N, April 23 - The British Flying Saucer Bureau is closing
after chronicling UFO activities for nearly 50 years - because of a
sharp decline in the number of reported sightings.
  The group, which once had 1,500 members worldwide, used to receive
at least 30 reports a week of sightings of unidentified flying objects,
but they had now virtually dried up, the Times newspaper reported on
  I am just as enthusiastic about flying saucers as I always was,
but the problem is that we are in the middle of a long, long trough,
Denis Plunkett, 70, who founded the bureau in 1953 with his late father
Edgar, told the Times.
  There's only so many times you can pick over old bones. There
just aren't enough new sightings, he said.
Anthony James
  A mini-debate is taking place over the Internet following a story
which ran in
The Times, 23 April 2001, in which journalist Simon de Bruxelles (whose
name from memory has appeared in debunking articles in the past),
reports that Denis Plunkett has suspended the activities of the
Bristol-based British Flying Saucer Bureau, which he founded in 1953.
To put matters firmly into context, speak with most enthusiasts today
and they will tell you that they have never heard of the British Flying
Saucer Bureau or Denis Plunkett. While the Bureau was an established
organization throughout the 1950s and 1960s, thereafter little has been
heard from either. Indeed, one will be hard pressed to discover
references to the British Flying Saucer Bureau or Denis Plunkett in
recent times.
I cannot recall when I last met or heard from either Denis or British
Saucer Bureau members, but we are talking 1980s, and possibly before
that. Speaking with my brother, Mark Birdsall, who worked alongside me
on the UFO front for the best part of 30 years (I began in 1967), he is
equally as baffled as the rest of us.
Of course, this is of no consequence to those in the media who have
picked up on Simon de Bruxelles story and created an imaginary mountain
from a grain of salt.
Let us hope that other newspapers refrain from using the caption
attached to
one of the two photographs Simon de Bruxelle chose to illustrate his
piece. The photograph of a
Saturn-shaped flying saucer he credits as being taken over Texas, was in
fact snapped over Trindade Island in early January, 1958 by Brazilian
photographer and journalist, Alimoro Barauna, one of several civilian
passengers on board the former Brazilian training ship, Almirante
A minor factual error on the face of it, but newspapers like The Times
pride themselves on being factual at all times. Hence, I drew on several
additional facts in a considered written response to Simon de Bruxelle's
piece, and comments contained in a third leader article by the
newspaper's Editor. Whether the following letter is published remains to
be seen, but this is what I chose to write:
Letters to the Editor
Denis Plunkett, founder of the British Flying Saucer Bureau, suggests
that reports and belief in the existence of UFOs is declining (UFO
bureau shuts as
aliens shun Earth, third leading article, Times, April 23). I beg to
There are currently 80 recognized UFO groups and organizations evenly
throughout the United Kingdom, most of which continue to generate an
of UFO reports by means of active research and investigation. While it
is true
to say that the Bristol area has been relatively devoid 

[CTRL] [Spy News] Zionist medical group gets UN status (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Zionist medical group gets UN status

May 04 2001 at 06:49AM

United Nations - Despite objections from Arab countries, a Jewish
humanitarian organisation has been granted United Nations credentials given
to many grassroots groups.

Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organisation of America, which runs hospitals
in Israel and promotes health education in the United States, welcomed
Thursday night's decision by the UN Economic and Social Council.

The 54-member council approved a recommendation of its Committee on
Non-Governmental Organisations to grant consultative status to 52 groups,
including Hadassah.

There was no vote, but representatives from Syria, Sudan, Bahrain and Iran
expressed reservations about Hadassah's inclusion, alleging it held some of
the most extreme positions of Israel.

90 years experience in humanitarian work

The Palestinian observer, speaking on behalf of the League of Arab States,
also questioned the humanitarian nature of the organisation, and said it
would follow Hadassah's activities closely in the future.

The United States expressed appreciation for the decision and Israel's
representative noted that Hadassah has assisted Palestinians within and
outside the region.

Hadassah applied for consultative status in the Economic and Social Council
in 1998 so that it could participate in UN conferences and offer its
expertise in running hospitals.

Our mission is one of medical excellence with 90 years experience in
humanitarian work, said Hadassah president Bonnie Lipton. It is one of
rebuilding the lives of children at risk and land reclamation and last, but
perhaps foremost, supporting the largest Zionist youth movement in the
United States and in Israel.

In hearings last year, Arab countries including Lebanon and Syria
recommended the application be rejected, arguing that Hadassah was an
exclusive political organisation. Lebanon noted that the United Nations
had for 16 years equated Zionism with racism. That 1975 resolution was
repealed in 1991.

'Every patient is treated with the same high standards of care'
In January, the 19-member committee on non-governmental organisations
recommended special consultative status for Hadassah by a vote of nine to
six, with three abstentions. Two members were absent.

Hadassah was expecting the full council, known as Ecosoc, to come back with
a final decision when it meets in Geneva in July, and was surprised when the
news came several months early.

We had confidence that the decision was going to go this way, said Lipton.
But I'm very happy because this validates that Hadassah made the right
decision to pursue a status on Ecosoc despite the vitriolic anti-Semitic and
anti-Zionist validations that we had to face.

She scoffed at claims that the organisation was equated with racism, saying
in our health work, every patient is treated with the same high standards
of care, regardless of regardless or religion, colour, creed, politics,
ethnic background. - Sapa-AP

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

Re: [CTRL] South Pole Update- Weapons Inspectors To Antarctica

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

There is no Serena Serghetti.UN Inspectors should be taken on a ride
when they reach have heard of Lost in Space?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Tom Bearden on AIDS

2001-05-05 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Democracy Trampled in QuebecCity

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Nessie you are the 2nd person I have heard to say Jesus made a
mistake when he kicked the money changers out of the temples.

My mother used to say that was his one big mistake - now maybe she meant
that is why he was killed?   For Judas had the bag didn't he.

So - Castro kicked the gamblers out of the gambling temples in Cuba - he
surivied and is probably the only true Marxist communist in the
world.his people love him or they would have given him the big boot
by now.

JFK was about to kick the money changers out of the Federal Reserve?

Mrs. Rosenberg

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rep. Traficant Charged With Bribery (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Rep. Traficant Charged With Bribery

.c The Associated Press

CLEVELAND (AP) - A federal grand jury on Friday indicted Rep. James A.
Traficant Jr. on charges of bribery, racketeering and other counts.

The 10-count, 41-page indictment alleges that Traficant accepted ``things of
value'' for political influence while serving as a congressman representing
the Youngstown area in northeastern Ohio.

The conservative Democrat had long predicted that he would be indicted.

The U.S. Justice Department has been probing corruption in eastern Ohio's
Mahoning Valley for several years. Since the first indictments in December
1997, more than 70 people have been convicted, including a judge, a
prosecutor, a sheriff and a Traficant aide, Charles O'Nesti, who has since

Traficant, who turns 60 next week, was first elected to Congress in 1984.
Despite the expected indictment, he won re-election to a ninth term in
November by winning 50 percent of the vote in a three-way race.

The government's probe is believed to have examined whether Traficant
broke tax laws or House rules by accepting free use of a Chevrolet Corvette
and the gift of an Avanti luxury car, as well as the price Traficant paid
for construction of a pole barn on a farm that he once owned and where he
still keeps horses.

Traficant has said he is prepared to defend himself in court, although he is
not a lawyer. He did the same thing in 1983 when he was acquitted of
accepting mob bribes while Mahoning County sheriff. He lost a U.S. Tax
Court case in 1987 stemming from the same issues.

Since announcing he was a probe target, Traficant has been on a personal
crusade against the U.S. Justice Department. An angry Traficant took to the

House floor in March 2000 and vowed to ``fight like a junkyard dog'' against
any federal charge him.

Anticipating the announcement Friday, Traficant told reporters Friday
morning near Youngstown that ``I'm as frightened as anyone can be. I'm
going to say this to the U.S. attorneys. You'd best defeat me, because
if I beat you, you'll be working in Mingo Junction.'' That is a small
town in eastern Ohio.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig Morford, who has been the lead prosecutor in
the Youngstown-area corruption cases, would not comment on the

House ethics rules bar members or ``anyone with whom the member has a
professional or legal relationship'' from benefiting directly from money
representatives use to pay expenses.

Some subpoenaed rent records reportedly concerned Traficant's district
office, which is in a building owned by Kimberly Sinclair. Her husband,
attorney R. Allen Sinclair, was hired onto Traficant's staff the same month
his wife bought the building.

He made repeated corruption accusations against the FBI, former U.S.
Attorney Janet Reno and federal prosecutors in Ohio. He also introduced
legislation to establish an independent federal agency to investigate
the Justice Department.

``FBI agents in the northern district of Ohio have been on the payroll
of the mob,'' Traficant said on the House floor in June. ``They have
been bankrolled by the mob.''

Traficant also has claimed that an FBI informant, in writing, has said the
FBI asked him to commit murder.

The congressman has long been a popular figure in the blue-collar area he

Traficant, a former University of Pittsburgh quarterback, seems to thrive on
controversy and unabashedly promotes Youngstown, a city known for being a
battleground for rival Cleveland and Pittsburgh mob families.

The town also has struggled for decades to recover from the sudden closing
of old steel mills - long the underpinning of the area's economy - in the
late 1970s.

Traficant's unruly gray hair and affinity for polyester or plaid clothing
have made one of the most recognizable figures on Capitol Hill. When
speaking on the House floor, he usually at some point invokes
``Beam me up!'' - a line borrowed from TV's ``Star Trek'' - to show
his disgust at something in government he finds particularly outrageous.
The tax code is a frequent target.

AP-NY-05-04-01 1347EDT
1  Congressman Traficant -- 2001 One Minute Speeches - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Beam me up! 2001 One Minute Speeches Some of the above files are in Adobe
.pdf format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. If you do not have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, please click here for a FREE downloadable version.

2  U.S. Representative James A. Traficant, Jr. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Official web site of Representative James A Traficant, Jr. (D - OH).

3  In 1999, U. S. Representative Jim Traficant had one of the six worst
environmental voting records among  Democrats in Congress. Voters can
clean up by. In 1999, U. S. Representative Jim Traficant had one of
the six worst environmental 

[CTRL] Gods of Aquarius Excerpt

2001-05-05 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

For even more by Tom Bearden go to

The following is an excerpt from GODS OF AQUARIUS: UFOs and The
Transformation of Man by Brad Steiger (1976).

From pp. 256-267:

Tom Bearden is a most fascinating man. A retired lieutenant colonel as of
December 31, 1975, he was most recently Chief of the Evaluation Branch,
Military Studies Division, SAM-D Missile Project, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
He has published papers such as Quiton / Perception Physics: A Theory of
Existence, Perception, and Physical Phenomena; several articles in Air
Defense Trends; a book on martial arts principles; and twelve
country-western songs. The six-foot, five-inch, 250-pounder is a military
strategist, a holder of a black belt in Aikido, a guitarist, a professional
songwriter, and a student of the UFO mystery.

Because of the synchronicity of our thought processes, I am permitting Tom
Bearden to have the last word in this book. It is my conviction that the
gods of Aquarius, the Olympians of the New Age, will be transformed
humankind. Such a plan as the one Tom presents herewith could bring my
vision and the insights of thousands of Starseeded men and women into

(following written by Tom Bearden)

The evolution of a life-bearing planet may be divided into stages, the first
five of which are: (1) The formation of the planet itself and some billions
of years of cooling, so that a primordial atmosphere and ocean are gradually
evolved; (2) the fomenting of amino acid structures in the violent
convulsions of the primeval sea and planet; (3) the formation of the
self-replicating supermolecules, DNA and RNA; (4) the formation of
one-celled organisms; (5) the formation of multicellular organisms. At the
upper end of the fifth stage of evolution, the intelligent mobiles emerge,
as do eventually tool-using intelligent mobiles. This is the level on which
man finds himself on the planet Earth.

What are actually evolving are competing control systems, and their natural
competition for control surgically excises the less competitive.

An organism uses two basic mechanisms to control its behavior; one type is
genetically programmed and the other is genetically unprogrammed. Thus one
control mode is nonadaptive and one is adaptive or learned. That fraction
that is unprogrammed is available for experiential or learned programming.
Now intelligence may be viewed as the ability to adapt behavior; e.g., to
use tools. Thus an increase in intelligence represents a decrease in the
portion of behavior control that is genetically programmed, and a
corresponding increase in the unprogrammed portion available for adaptive

Each organism must possess a mixture of both types of control. If it were
completely programmed, it could not make any change at all in its responses
to external stimuli; and random environmental changes would quickly present
it with death-dealing stimuli not in its genetic catalogue. On the other
hand, if the organism were completely deprogrammed, it also would be quickly
destroyed. Adaptive behavior must be learned by trial and error, and fatal
errors (e.g., forgetting to beat the heart) would occur frequently unless
there were many preprogrammed responses.

Variations, mutations, and natural selection result in the different species
having differing ratios of programmed versus deprogrammed behavior control.
A more intelligent species is simply one which possesses more deprogrammed
control and less programmed control. For example, on Earth, Man is the
species of land mammal possessing the least programmed control and the most
unprogrammed control.

Eventually, one or more species will deprogam significantly and become
extremely adaptive, i.e., highly intelligent. But if this species does not
possess a highly manipulative body member, its use of external physical
tools will be limited or nonexistent, and it will remain nontechnological.
Examples of such Earth species are the bottlenosed dolphin and the killer
whale. However, if the species has a highly manipulative body part, it can
readily adapt external tools. It is then inherently technological, and its
tool-using abilities will continue to develop due to its intelligence or
adaptive ability. The use of tools intervenes in the statistics of
survivability, and itself becomes an evolutionary determinant. That is,
tool-using skill becomes a survival trait and a selection mechanism for the
species. Man is such a technological species on planet Earth.

With the development of clothing, fire, and fabricated shelter, the
technological species will become less environmentally limited. Further, it
will become dominant over all other species because of the increasing power
of its tools. Its tool-teeth will eventually be sharper than any other
animal's teeth; its tool-muscles will be stronger; its tool-feet faster.
The technological species will dominate its biosphere; and as its natural
enemies are overcome, its numbers will 

[CTRL] JSMP Weekly Update [Democrats Demand Right To Veto Home State Nom inees] for 5/4/01 (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Yardbird

Judicial Selection Monitoring Project
Coalition for Judicial Restraint
Weekly Update for 5/4/01
Volume IV, Number 6

Published by the Center for Law  Democracy at the Free Congress Foundation.
Thomas L. Jipping, M.A., J.D., Director
John A. Nowacki, Esq., Deputy Director
Jason Koehne, Coalition Coordinator
Phone: 202-546-3000
Fax: 202-543-5605


*   Democrats Block Confirmations, Demand Veto For Home-State Senators
*   Senate Democrats Plan For Confirmation Fights At Weekend Retreat
*   Bush Likely To Re-nominate Clinton Recess Appointee
*   Commentary: Politicizing The Courts
*   Commentary: Senate Democrats -- Prolonging The Vacancy Crisis
*   Senate Democrats Weigh In On Ideological Litmus Tests


Democrats Block Confirmations, Demand Veto For Home-State Senators

Senate Democrats have said they will not allow votes on President Bush's
judicial nominees unless individual Senators are given veto power over
nominations in their home states, and in this week's committee meeting, they
refused to allow a vote on two Justice Department nominees.  Earlier this
week, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle said that there is absolute
unanimity among Democrats about holding up confirmations.
The dispute centers on the blue slip policy.  Home-state Senators signify
their approval of a nominee by returning a blue form to the Judiciary
Committee.  According to a Judiciary Committee report, the policy operates
under the premise that home-state Senators are uniquely positioned to be
familiar with a nominee from their state, and therefore should be accorded
special deference--even before the committee considers the nominee.
In a letter dated June 6, 1989, then-chairman Senator Joe Biden explained
that a negative blue slip is a significant factor in considering a
nomination, but it will not preclude consideration unless the home-state
Senators are not consulted about the nomination.
Current chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) has said that he will follow Biden's
lead, but Democrats claim Hatch changed the policy to require approval from
both home-state Senators after Republicans won control of the Senate in
1995--and with an eye on states with a lot of judgeships and two Democratic
Senators, they are insisting that a Bush nomination without approval of both
Senators be considered dead in the water.
Hatch repeated his intent to follow Biden's lead at this week's committee
meeting.  He explained that he ended up giving substantial weight to the
opinions of both home-state Senators because they were not consulted about
nominations under the Clinton Administration.  He also added that a conflict
between two Republican Senators had also been a factor.
Democrats have also insisted that Bush has not consulted them about the
upcoming judicial nominations.  Hatch acknowledged that the White House was
unfamiliar with what the Senate expected, and added that it has been told
what sort of consultation he will require in the future.
Hatch explained that the Administration is expected to call home-state
Senators and advise them of the President's intent to nominate an
individual, before that person's name is submitted to the FBI for a
background check.  A statement of intent to nominate so-and-so is
sufficient, he said.  He went on to add that it is then the Senator's
responsibility to inform the President of any substantive objection to the
Senator Feinstein then asked whether, when informed of an objection, the
Administration says that's the President's decision to make.  Hatch replied
that if there's an objection based merely on ideology, he believes it's the
Senate's duty to consider the nomination.  He also stated that there will be
two weeks to return blue slips--this may be extended upon request--and that
a slip not returned will be presumed to indicate approval.  He also said
that there would be at least three weeks between a nomination and final
committee vote, since some Senators are insisting on obtaining an ABA
evaluation, and the ABA indicated it can complete an evaluation in three
None of this sat well with committee Democrats.  Senator Schumer said that
they need a policy where an individual Senator's consultation is listened to
and abided by.  The policy of advise and consent changes with the times,
he added.
Senator Leahy raised his voice several times, at one point shouting about
how Attorney General Ashcroft should be ensuring that the Administration
properly consults with Senators about nominations, given that he was once a
member of the Committee himself.
The nominees for Solicitor General and Deputy Attorney General, Ted Olson
and Larry Thompson, were scheduled for a vote after Democrats had held them
over from the previous week's meeting.  However, 

Re: [CTRL] Gods of Aquarius Excerpt

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Dale - this is fascinating and six foot five? We still have giants these
days (my sons are 6 '4 to 6'2,

It is said we use 5 percent of our brains = in Joshua2's case, maybe 1%.

Intellectually a handful of peope are always 1 or 2 hundred years ahead
of us.

Thank you for sharing this information.

I noted in a few items yesterday this Timothy Leary and his LSD - he
once stayed with the heirs of the Andrew Mellon family - during this
operation Paperclip thing - all Mellon heirs are CIA - might add this
John Warner when he married Liz Taylor lived on the Mellon farm, CIA
front stuffprobably trying to dry out another investment..

So, Liz Taylor comes out in advance to find cure for AIDS .then
along comes Clinton selling AIDS and HIV contaminated blood which is
distributed all over the world?

This book by the Colonel should be a duzy.he is way ahead of his

He is also a nuclear engineer as I recall.

Always thought people continually programmed in the subconscience - for
instance music and art - sublime pictures.leave lasting impression
and today TV programs our children to violence.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] women in achieving equality throughout the world.

2001-05-05 Thread Carl Amedio
women in achieving equality throughout the world. Barbara Walters did a 
story on gender roles in Kuwait several years before the Gulf War. She noted 
then that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands. She 
returned to Kuwait recently and observed that the men now walked several 
yards behind their wives. Ms. Walters approached one of the women and said, 
“This is marvelous. Can you tell the free world just what enabled women here 
to achieve this reversal of roles? “Land mines,” said the Kuwaiti woman. 

Re: [CTRL] JSMP Weekly Update [Democrats Demand Right To Veto Home State Nom inees] for 5/4/01 (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Tell me what do these guys do for a living?   Maybe if we put them to
work on something - other than just the routine affairs of government it
would get those bastards off our backs.

For these are the Albatross on the back of all Americans.

Wonder though - Democrats Demand Right to Veto Home State that works two ways - Republicans have right to veto
nominees in home state too?Love all those demands - after all they
make the laws do they not?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] women in achieving equality throughout the world.

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Prince Philip must always follow at least 10 feet south of his old

Now Queen Victoria loved Albert dearly; and is that why she put him in a
can (forgive me)..

So Prince Phillip wants when he die to return as deadly virus - probably
horse tail fly for revenge?

Mrs. Rosenberg

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's Lawyer Says Bombing Was Conspiracy

2001-05-05 Thread Elizabeth Smith

-Caveat Lector-

Where do you buy this book?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's Lawyer Says Bombing Was Conspiracy

2001-05-05 Thread magnetic_field

-Caveat Lector-

This is getting frustrating..whether you believe that Tim is
guilty or innocentDEAD RIGHT IS STILL DEAD.

- Original Message -
From: Elizabeth Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] McVeigh's Lawyer Says Bombing Was Conspiracy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Where do you buy this book?

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=;Archives of

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Are the Ten Commandments against the law? (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread The Extremist

At 09:54 AM 5/4/01 , you wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

The Ten Commandments are the foundation of law in our
country and
the moral backbone of our society - 

Not Balderdash. The statement is true.
Here are just a few quotes from the founders of this nation and other
prominent Americans who would disagree with you, Nessie:

We have staked the whole of all our political
institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the
capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves,
to sustain ourselves according to THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF
- President James Madison 

The fundamental basis of this nation's law was given to Moses on
Mount. The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the
teaching we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St.
I don't think we emphasize that enough these days. If we don't have
the proper fundamental moral background, we will finally end up with
totalitarian government which does not believe in the right for
anybody except the state.
-President Harry S. Truman

The highest story of the American Revolution is this: it connected
in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the
principles of Christianity.
-President John Adams

On the mercy of my Redeemer I rely for salvation and on His merits; not
on the works I have done in obedience to His precepts. 
-Charles Carroll, Signer of the Declaration

History will also afford the frequent opportunities of showing the
necessity of a public religion, from its usefulness to the public;
advantage of a religious character among private persons; the
mischiefs of superstition, c. and the excellency of the
religion above all others, ancient or modern. -Ben Franklin

Almost all the civil liberty now enjoyed in the world owes its
to the principles of the Christian religion.
The religion which has introduced civil liberty, is the religion of
Christ and his apostles
This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free
constitutions of government.
-Noah Webster

I believe that there is one only living and true God, existing
three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the same in
substance, equal in power and glory. That the Scriptures of the old
and new testaments are a revelation from God and a complete rule to
direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him.
-Roger Sherman, Signer of the Declaration of Independence and the

The rights essential to happiness We claim them from a
source - from the King of kings and Lord of all the earth.
- John Dickinson; signed the Constitution and a member of the
Continental Congress

We have no government armed in power capable of contending in human
passions ubridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made
only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the
government of any other.-
John Adams, address to the militia of Massachusetts, 1798.

Rights come from GOD not the state. You have rights antecedent to
earthly governments rights that can not be repealed or restrained
human laws. Rights derived from the great legislator: God.
- John Adams

The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scripture ought
form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the
miseries and evil men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice,
oppression, slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or
neglecting the precepts contained in the Bible.
- Noah Webster

Our ancestors established their system of government on morality
religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot safely be
entrusted on any other foundation than religious principle, not any
government secure which is not supported by moral habits
makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.
- Daniel Webster

I think it proper here not only to subscribe to . . . doctrines of
Christian religion . . . but also, in the bowels of a father's
affection, to exhort and charge them [my children] that the fear of
God is the beginning of wisdom, that the way of life held up in the
Christian system is calculated for the most complete happiness.
-Richard Stockton, Signer of the Declaration

I think the Christian religion is a Divine institution; and I pray to God
that I may never forget the precepts of His religion or suffer the
appearance of an inconsistency in my principles and practice.
-James Iredell, U.S. Supreme Court Justice under President George

Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers. And
it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian
nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.
-First Chief Justice of Supreme Court John Jay

Human law must rest its authority ultimately upon the authority of
that law which is
divineFar from being rivals or enemies, religion and law are twin
sisters, friends, and
mutual assistants. Indeed, these two sciences run into 

Re: [CTRL] Are the Ten Commandments against the law? (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-
Lyndon LaRouche's observations about America's historic enemy, the British

I think everyone knows that the United States was engaged in a couple of
wars, actually more than two, against the British Monarchy, and with very,
very good reason
The difference then, as now, in this case here at hand, is [that] the
British Monarchy, and our Constitution, represent two absolutely opposite
conceptions of Mankind, of the Nation, and everything else that we believe.
The basis for our Republic, was a belief which, in Europe, was founded in
Christianity: the belief that man was made in the image of God--man and
woman are made in the image of God, and are given a certain quality which
enables them to exert dominion over the other things in nature. And that
this gift, as the Christians understood it, was the gift of Reason; the
thing that we cultivate in a child by giving it a good education; the thing
we cultivate in an adult, by giving the adult the opportunity to express the
power of reason as developed within the adult, as some suitable kind of life
opportunity. That is, the access to a choice of life opportunity, which
brings out a meaningful potential from the mortal life, from beginning to

We believe that the nation-state must be constituted to guarantee and
provide that right to each individual, whereas under the previous systems of
government, 95% of the population of every culture we know of on this
planet, whether from history or pre-history, that 95% of the people lived as
cattle, as human cattle, as slaves or serfs, or worse

So, we became the model for the modern nation-state. We didn't fully succeed
in getting a pure modern nation-state, because relics of the old financier
oligarchy, in particular, stayed on in Europe, and we acquired an oligarchy,
a Wall Street oligarchy, a New England blueblood oligarchy, and a Southern
slave-owner tradition. But we represented the high point of civilization,
and no American should ever forget that. There's no nation on this planet
which has the honor that the United States has, in terms of its form of
government, and the form of economy, which we sometimes used, and sometimes
didn't, called the American System of National Economy

Now the British Empire today, contrary to what most Americans are misled to
believe, is still an empire, but of a very special form. It's called the
Commonwealth. Most people don't know how the British Empire functions. They
think--they believe a silly fairy tale, that the British Parliament runs
Britain. It's not true. They believe that the Queen of England is a
figurehead. It's not true. They don't know what's going on. The Parliament
is a joke. It's an adaptation, a reform of the Monarchy. It does not run the
Monarchy. The Queen runs from the top down, through a Privy Council. Number
One on the Privy Council, after the Queen, is the Church of England, the
head of the Church of England, and then a whole lot of other people, about
500. These 500 people run the British Empire, including the apparatus of its
old Colonial Office. The Colonial Office was never disbanded. They call it
the Overseas Development Office now. The Crown Agents who ran the colonies
still function. They operate whole countries around the world. The mercenary
forces we see in Africa and elsewhere are British mercenary forces, under
the personal, direct command of the Queen through a thing called the Corps
of Commissionaires; that is, these are generally retired military veterans,
officers and high-ranking non-coms usually, both from the British
Commonwealth system; that is, the various members of the British
Commonwealth, or people like Americans, who are ex-GIs, officers and
soldiers, who are, as was the case with Ollie North, and people like that,
under George Bush, were recruited as mercenary auxiliaries within the
British mercenary system.

from :

The issue is as follows:

The essence of Christianity, and of Mosaic Judaism, is identified
historically first, by Philo Judaeus in his commentary on the first chapter
of Genesis, that is, the account of Creation given by Moses. The point to be
emphasized, is that man is defined in the image of God: not by virtue of any
outward physical attributes of form, but rather by the fact that man, unlike
all animals, contains that spark of creativity which places the human
species apart from and above the animals in general. That spark is the
crucial thing.

This view of man, which is emphasized for Christianity by God become man in
the form of Christ, defines all human beings as potentially reconciled with
God, because of that within them, that divine spark, which is in the image
of God.

Thus, the notion of any form of elect, or a preselection by grace, except by
a merit of choice by the individual who is self-selected, is an abomination.
It is an abomination, because 

[CTRL] [Spy News] FW: Horor of Sudan, media silence (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Daniel Tomasevich
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 9:24 AM
Subject: Horor of Sudan, media silence

News has become a comodity. If it doesn't sell, major networks don't
bother to make a report. Sudan has been forgotten in the media
even thought millions have been killed.

   Again, where is the American press' coverage of Rep. Cynthia
   McKinney's factually precise testimony? Where are Ted Koppel, Peter
   Jennings, Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw? Except for a few limited media
   reports, the terrifying facts on the Sudanese ground have not been
   told to Americans.

   When she was secretary of state, Madeleine Albright said that the
   atrocities in Sudan are not marketable to the American people.

(article not for cross posting)


   The Washington Times April 23, 2001, Monday

   HEADLINE: The horror of Sudan;
   Why does the press remain silent?


   There are Americans who don't know the names of their own
   representatives in Washington, but they are likely to have often heard
   of house Majority Leader Dick Armey and the powerful and voluble
   congressman from Harlem, Charles Rangel. On most issues, the two are
   in combative disagreement, but on March 22, they held a joint press
   conference about slavery in Sudan, along with congressional
   colleagues, Reps. Frank Wolf, Donald Payne, Eleanor Holmes Norton,
   Jo Ann Davis, and Tom Tancredo.

   Mr. Armey stated: Sudan today is a horror without parallel. It is the
   only place in the world in which religious genocide is taking place.
   People are being tortured, mutilated and killed solely because of
   their Christian faith. It is a place where two million people have
   been slaughtered - more than in Bosnia, Rwanda and Somalia combined.

   Said Mr. Rangel, In the Sudan, the world is faced with a human-rights
   nightmare of the first order. We have the opportunity, indeed the
   responsibility, to use our international leadership to help end the
   civil war and the heartbreaking enslavement of women and children,
   which has intensified as a result of the hostilities.

   One would think there would have been considerable press coverage of
   such passionate denunciations of the Islamic government in northern
   Sudan, the source of these horrors. But there was only slight
   attention in the media, although many other statements by Messrs.
   Armey and Rangel are reported regularly.

   On March 7, at an International Relations Committee hearing in
   Congress, Rep. Tom Tancredo asked Secretary of State Colin Powell
   about slavery, the bombing of schools and hospitals, and other
   atrocities in Sudan.

   Mr. Powell responded, I do know there is no greater tragedy on the
   face of the Earth than the one unfolding in Sudan.

   One would think that so anguished a statement by the much-respected
   Colin Powell would be significant news; but have you seen any
   commentary on it, or any serious mention at all, in newspapers,
   or on television or radio?

   On April 3, at a session of the Joint Subcommittee on International
   Operations, Human Rights and Africa, Rep. Cynthia McKinney spoke of
   the government of Sudan's forced removal of black Christians and
   animists in the South from rich oil fields; the investments of foreign
   companies in the oil fields; and the way the National Islamic Front
   uses the proceeds from the investments to intensify its terrorism
   against civilians on these lands.

   Clear evidence now exists, said Miss McKinney, of massive forced
   displacement; aerial bombardments; low-level strafing of villages,
   hospitals, schools and churches from helicopter gunships armed with
   heavy machine guns; and thousands of individual acts of murder,
   torture and rape. The violence against women has been particularly
   brutal and includes allegations that women have been raped and their
   infants nailed to trees with spikes. Have you seen news stories on
   her testimony?

   I have heard from Charles Jacobs, head of the American Anti-Slavery
   Group, who recently went to Sudan on a fact-finding trip. He was told
   by the interviewer of a rescued black woman whose baby's throat was
   slit by an Arab raider. The raider then cut the toddler's head off.
   The mother, after being raped, was forced to carry the head of her
   child on the march north, and eventually was ordered to throw the
   child's head into a fire.

   That story is not surprising in view of the testimony of the many
   rescued black slaves who have endured gang rape and other forms of
   brutality. What are the reactions of American feminist leaders to
   what is happening to women in Sudan?

   Again, where is the American press' coverage of 

[CTRL] Rethinking open borders (fwd)

2001-05-05 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

By W. James Antle III
web posted April 30, 2001

The case for the United States having completely open borders is superficially 
appealing, at least to those who cherish individual freedom and free-market 
capitalism. This is why many who embrace the market, particularly libertarians, are 
intrigued by the idea. The Wall Street Journal used to annually editorialize on behalf 
of a constitutional amendment that would open US borders to anyone willing to enter. 
The late Julian Simon was a passionate believer in expanded immigration. Jacob Sullum 
recently opined in Reason magazine that there was no more justification to restrict 
people's movement between countries as between the 50 states. My colleagues at Enter 
Stage Right have eloquently made similar arguments.

Yet immigration is one issue that divides members of the free-market fraternity. Many 
pro-market thinkers view, with much justification, free flow of capital as being 
indelibly associated with the free movement of people. Others see this as more of an 
abstraction, with the concrete reality being that immigration, particularly from the 
Third World, actually undermines the market by growing the welfare state. Ayn Rand 
believed in unfettered immigration, while Murray Rothbard held that there was no right 
to immigrate and John Hospers, the Libertarian Party's first presidential candidate, 
has expressed skepticism about open borders. Although much of the free-market 
opposition to this concept and liberalized immigration generally has come from 
conservatives, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, and Alan Keyes 
have all spoken in favor of increased immigration.

Open-border immigration conceptually appeals to individualism. Its proponents note 
that people should be free to work, move and seek a better life for themselves and 
their families regardless of bureaucratic regulations and geographic distinctions. 
George Will has noted that the act of immigration itself demonstrates personal 
initiative. Immigration laws, according to open-borders proponents, invite 
bureaucratic harassment of employers, regulatory red tape, intrusion into people's 
lives, interruption of family connections, discrimination and otherwise prevent people 
from achieving their own good in their own way while similarly depriving others of 
immigrants' skills within the marketplace.

All of this is to some degree true and all of it is unfortunate, yet open borders 
remain an unsustainable situation for the United States (or any major country, for 
that matter) and an ultimately self-defeating proposition for its market-minded 
defenders. It should be stated at this point that terms like pro-immigration and 
anti-immigration are crass oversimplifications. Virtually no one opposes all 
immigration to the United States, and even proponents of a moratorium such as Alan 
Caruba favor the resumption of immigration at the end of that specified period. Many 
of the leading advocates of immigration restriction evidence their lack of intrinsic 
hostility toward immigrants by being immigrants themselves, such as John O'Sullivan, 
George Borjas and Peter Brimelow. Similarly, indefatigable immigration enthusiasts 
like Julian Simon and Milton Friedman have indicated their belief that a totally open 
border isn't feasible.

It has been noted that at least 1.2 million immigrants, both legal and illegal, come 
to these shores annually. Presently, immigrants account for about a tenth of the 
population, the largest share in decades, the largest absolute number in history and a 
43 percent increase since 1990. It is not difficult to envision 2 to 3 million a year 
entering the United States if all immigration restrictions were lifted, accounting for 
nearly all our population growth. Those who see no problem with this and its probable 
contribution to the crowding in certain areas of the country should consider this 
immigration's likeliest sources. Even in the absence of immigration laws dictating who 
may or may not come in, people from all over the world will not immigrate here 
equally. Open border immigration is likely to favor countries in the Western 
Hemisphere to our south, as they are closest.

These are the same countries that have provided the largest proportion of our 
immigrants since the Immigration Act of 1965. Since 1965, the pool of immigrants has 
been increasingly mismatched with the US labor market and characterized by 
deteriorating relative skill levels. In 1970, the average recent immigrant had 0.35 
years less schooling than the average native-born American. By 1990, the average 
recent immigrant had 1.32 year less schooling. This educational gap has only continued 
to widen. While immigrants on average earned 3 percent more than native-born Americans 
in 1970, they earned 16.2 percent less by 1990. Immigrants who had arrived within the 
past five years earned 16.6 percent less 

[CTRL] The Empire Strikes Back

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon

The empire strikes back

By Chris Grant  

May 3, 2001—Nope. Not what you're thinking. There's no Luke Skywalker, no 
Darth Vader, Han Solo doesn't even get frozen in carbonite. But it does 
involve Star Wars.

That steady ticking in the background is the doomsday clock, counting down 
from one minute to midnight. Tick, George W. Bush wants to violate the ABM 
(Antiballistic Missile) Treaty of 1972. Tock, the United States' allies are 
none too pleased. Tick, George W. Bush doesn't care. Tock, the allies are 
none too pleased.

It's a broken record. Whatever Bush wants, Bush gets.

I may have been a slight bit harsh when I said that Bush wants to violate the 
ABM Treaty. He doesn't. In fact, he doesn't recognize it to even attempt 
violating it. Instead, he believes it to be a Cold War antiquity and that it 
should be scrapped.

In a previous article, my first here at Online Journal as a matter of fact, I 
said that the United States needed a bogeyman amongst the world's nations. 
The current bogeyman is China. The EP-3 spy plane incident (note I do not say 
accident) saw to that. This incident is now seen as justification, as we all 
knew it would be, to start talking Star Wars again.

Paging Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Strangelove. You are wanted in the Pentagon. Oh, 
there you are. I didn't see you.

Let's let Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Lucas Fischer explain the Bush 
administration's plans, just as he explained them to the Danish Parliament 
this past week:

 "We will deploy defenses as soon as possible. Therefore, we believe that the 
ABM treaty will have to be replaced, eliminated or changed in a fundamental 

The ABM treaty of 1972 states neither the United States nor the Soviet Union 
(and later Russia and the various countries that used to make up the 
U.S.S.R.) would provide or deploy a base for ABM systems for a defense of the 
territory of its country. Nor would they develop, test, or deploy ABM systems 
or components that are sea-based, air-based, space-based, or mobile 

You can kiss that goodbye as American officials (read: Bush administration) 
say that they are planning on a multi-layered system that would involve 
sea-based radars and interceptors and land and space-based "elements."

As of this writing, Bush has made his speech. He's told all of us that there 
bogeymen out there and that without this system online, we don't stand a 
chance against them. He's warned us that we ought to dust off the bomb 
shelters. Kids, you should be prepared for your new class, Duck-and-Cover. 
Your first lesson: find a desk, get under it, and pray your little butts off. 
What good the desk will do you if a nuke should make it to you has yet to be 

We're informed that we need to protect ourselves from "rogue states." Among 
these "rogue states" are Iran and Iraq. Forgetting that the Bush 
administration stole the election in November with the help of the Supreme 
Court (which should, in turn, make us a rogue state), the question that no 
one asks is how many ICBMs (Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) either of 
these countries have in their arsenals?

Doing a little bit of digging, and with the help of the FAS (Federation of 
American Scientists) website, I discovered that Iran has two different kinds 
of operational missiles: the Shahab-1, of which they have anywhere from 50 to 
300 and the Shahab-2, of which they have anywhere from 50 to 450 in their 
inventory. The Shahab-1 is capable of reaching a distance of 300 km 
(kilometers) and the Shahab-2, 500 km. Iraq is just as pitiful with their Al 
Hussein missiles, holding anywhere from 6 to 50 in storage, with a range of 
600 km.

Is it just me or is 600 km nowhere near the United States?

Bush called this a limited-defense package. Yet in order to "protect" our 
allies, the very definition of limited is flawed. From downtown Baghdad, you 
could hit as far west as Cyprus, as far east as central Iran, as far north as 
Turkey, and as far south as Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Limited is not what it used to be.

Let's not stop there.

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday that, "They [the missile 
"defense" systems] need not be 100-percent perfect in my opinion and they are 
certainly unlikely to be in their early stages of evolution."

Let me slow this down for you. The missile "defense" system does not, in 
Secretary Rumsfeld's eyes, need to be 100-percent accurate in shooting down 
incoming missiles. If we are to understand the good secretary, it's okay if 
someone is able to toss an ICBM our way and our "defense" missile misses it, 
allowing it to hit its intended target: us. And it's okay that our missile, 
missing the target, continues on to hit something else, possibly a city that 
had no hand in sending the previously mentioned ICBM towards us.

If that doesn't reach out and shake you, I think you need to lay off the 

[CTRL] Weird Whirlpool Off San Diego

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon


A strange phenomenon spinning off the coast of San Diego. Some say it comes
from out of this world.

It can best be described as a giant whirlpool caught on videotape off Black's
Beach. A man flying in a biplane shot the footage with his home video camera
and it is extraordinary to say the least.

Oceanographers say they've never seen anything like it. But at least one
expert says an unidentified underwater object could have caused the weird

Flying saucers, UFOs, strange lights - people say they've seen them in the
skies, over the water, even in the water. Imagine for a moment what would
happen if a spacecraft did land in the ocean off San Diego. What would it
look like?

Saturday, February 3, 2001 - 1100 feet above Black's Beach. Mike Runion is a
passenger in an open-air biplane on a sightseeing tour when he sees something
he's never seen before. The pilot circles around for another look and there
it is: a huge, spinning whirlpool.

Mike pulled out his video camera and started shooting - 37 seconds of footage
that shows a spinning whirlpool, sucking up dirt and debris, just outside the
surf line -- a spiral of foam rising up from the center.

Mike is a kayaker. He and his friends spend a lot of time in the ocean, but
this video was like nothing they had ever seen. When NEWS 8 first aired this
video about a month ago, we received a phone call from the director of the
San Diego UFO society. Rob Baldwin wanted to take a closer look so we obliged.

Baldwin says UFOs have been reported for years off the coast of San Diego.
But could an underwater spacecraft really cause a whirlpool? Baldwin says the
spinning motion of an underwater flying saucer could do just that.

Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography are skeptical of the
UFO theory to say the least. Bill Schmidt does extensive research on ocean
rip currents. He says the spinning motion in the video appears to be a giant
eddy, perhaps caused by two competing ocean currents.

Rip currents run perpendicular to the shoreline, flowing straight out to sea.
Once they get outside the surf zone they sometimes collide with long-shore
currents heading north or south. When the two currents come together a
spinning, eddy motion can result.

There is also a deep canyon off the coast of Black's Beach, which can make
ocean currents unpredictable. But because the video is so short Schmidt says
it's difficult to say exactly what caused the eddy.

As for the man who shot the video, he's still at a loss to explain it. For
now, the cause of the strange whirlpool off Black's Beach remains a mystery
-- a phenomenon unexplained by either science or science fiction.

No one really knows just how common these whirlpool currents are off the San
Diego coastline. But, scientists say they wouldn't be surprised if they occur
as seldom as once a year or as often as once a month.

For more information go to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and San Diego
UFO Society.

Re: [CTRL] FBI knowingly let innocent man go to prison for 30 years

2001-05-05 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 FBI knowingly let innocent man go to prison for 30 years
 Some members of the House Government Reform Committee
 reportedly wept as they heard testimony from Joe Salvati,
 who spent 30 years in prison for a crime the FBI knew
 he did not commit. Federal agents let Salvati take the fall
 rather then reveal informants' identities. (05/04/01),2933,21095,00.html

Perhaps a lesson for all the BGL's (Big Govt Lovers).
Give them the power - they WILL abuse it.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Springtime for Hitler

2001-05-05 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Forget Springtime for Hitler.

Try Autumn for Amerika.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] One in Ten

2001-05-05 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

The reality is that overpopulation has natural remedies -
birth control; disease; war; pestilence, or starvation

Take your pick.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Marrs-Antarctica A Nazi Base?

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon
News From Marrs
Antartica A Nazi Base? 
Jim Marrs
An Excerpt From 'Alien Agenda'

With the current mysterious happenings in Antartica concerning Lake Vostok, 
an old theory is being resurrected -- that German Nazis as early as the 1930s 
may have built a secret base at the South Pole.

While this idea undoubtedly will strike most people as absurb, there is 
tantalizing evidence to suggest that something along this line might have 
some truth to it.

Long-standing banking and business connections allowed high-ranking German 
leaders in 1944 to forge a formidable Nazi-controlled organization for 
postwar activities. Author Jim Keith wrote, " researching the shape of 
totalitarian controlduring this century, I saw that the plans of the Nazis 
manifestly did not die with the German loss of World War II. The ideology and 
many of the principal players survived and flourished after the war, and have 
had a profound impact on postwar history, and on events taking place today."

Orvis A. Schmidt, the U.S. Treasury Department’s director of Foreign Funds 
Control, in 1945 offered this description of a Nazi flight-capital program: 
"The network of trade, industrial, and cartel organizations has been 
streamlined and intermeshed, not only organizationally but also by what has 
been officially described as `personnel union.’ Legal authority to operate 
this organizational machinery has been vested in the concerns that have 
majority capacity in the key industries such as those producing iron and 
steel, coal and basic chemicals. These concerns have been deliberately welded 
together by exchanges of
stock to the point where a handful of men can make policy and other decisions 
that affect us all." 

Could one of those "decisions" have been the creation of a Nazi base 
connected to the development of UFOs? While this notion may superficially 
appear to be sheer nonsense, the public record offers compelling --- if 
incomplete --- evidence to support this idea.

One theory is that Martin Bormann and other top Nazis escaped to South 
America and on to a secret base in Antarctica where they built UFOs so 
sophisticated that their secret Nazi empire has exerted significant control 
over world events and governments to this day. While there can be no question 
that the business and financial network created by Bormann wields a certain 
amount of power even today, evidence for the existence of a major Nazi base 
containing UFOs is virtually nonexistent, consisting primarily of the known 
exploration of Antarctica’s Queen Maude Land --- renamed Neuschwabenland by 
Germans --- in 1938 and some unverified statements. Reportedly, German Navy 
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz stated in 1943, "The German submarine fleet is 
proud of having built for the Fuehrer in another part of the world a 
Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress." And it has been reported that 
U.S. Admiral Richard Byrd, upon his return from an expedition to Antarctica 
in 1947, stated it was "necessary for the USA to take defensive actions 
against enemy air fighters which come from
the polar regions" and that America could be "attacked by fighters that are 
able to fly from one pole to the other with incredible speed."

Advancing the idea that the Nazis continually shipped men and material to the 
South Pole throughout the war years, author R. A. Harbinson wrote, "Regarding 
the possibility of the Germans building self-sufficient underground research 
factories in the Antarctic, it has only to be pointed out that the 
underground research centers of Nazi Germany were gigantic feats of 
construction, containing wind tunnels, machine shops, assembly plants, 
launching pads, supply dumps and accommodation for all who worked there, 
including adjoining camps for slaves --- and yet very few people knew that 
they existed."

But, while tales of a secret Nazi base in Antarctica may appear plausible to 
some, the idea that a warm water location at the South Pole has remained 
undiscovered and no one has escaped or deserted the place in more than 50 
years stretched belief to the breaking point in years past.

But with the new revelations of 60-70 degree temperature water, magnetic 
anomalies suggesting the possiblity of a hidden city or base and the obvious 
backout taking place concerning current events at the pole, the idea of a 
secret base is no longer so far fetched.

[CTRL] America braced for 'brutalisation effect' as McVeigh waits to die

2001-05-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

America braced for 'brutalisation effect' as McVeigh waits to die

By Andrew Gumbel in Terre Haute, Indiana

Independent (UK)

05 May 2001

Mark Hamm took one look at the gruesome image on television and had no
doubt what it portended.

Someone across the state line in Illinois had ripped out the guts of a dog
and strung up the poor animal in public over a device looking like a

To the average television viewer, it might have seemed a particularly sick
item of local news. To Professor Hamm, who teaches criminology at Indiana
State University here, it felt like the beginning of what he expects to be
a wave of violence to mark the execution of Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma
City bomber, at the federal penitentiary just outside Terre Haute in 11
days' time.

The dog owner was a white supremacist. I think he and a group of skinheads
did it to make a statement about their willingness to do evil, Professor
Hamm said. This was an act of anger about the McVeigh execution. The
brutalisation effect has begun.

The term brutalisation effect is used by academics to refer to a
phenomenon that tends to occur around any execution: a marked increase in
the rate of murders and other violent crimes that starts before a prisoner
is put to death and lasts for some time after.

This happens even at the most routine executions, the theory being that
capital punishment inures people to violence and suggests to criminals that
if killing is all right for the state then it might be all right for them too.

How widespread the effect will be with someone as notorious as McVeigh is
anybody's guess, but the signs are ominous. Not only is there talk of his
death by lethal injection on 16 May being hailed by anti- government
survivalists and white supremacists as some kind of martyrdom; it will also
have saturation media coverage, including a closed-circuit relay of his
final moments broadcast to relatives of his victims in Oklahoma City.

The city of Terre Haute is taking no chances. All schools in the area will
be closed for the day. Up to 1,000 police, from federal investigators to
beat cops, will be on the streets to keep order among the thousands of
protesters, media representatives and other potentially disruptive influences.

We just don't know what will happen, said Sister Helen Prejean, the
celebrated death penalty opponent who plans to address audiences across
Indiana in the next fortnight. She told an audience in Evansville she was
afraid someone might take a leaf out of McVeigh's virulent anti-government
book and attack a federal target. I don't know that I'd be going into a
post office for a few days after, she said.

The disembowelled dog is not the only sign of trouble. This week, a
56-year-old man was beaten to death in Terre Haute by two teenagers with an
axe handle and a baseball bat, apparently in retaliation for a fight they
had had last weekend.

Professor Hamm said there were also unconfirmed reports that a group of
young people had stolen munitions in central Tennessee and were heading
north for the execution. The reports could be part of the general hysteria,
but they could also be a real threat.

The brutalisation effect has been noted by professional criminologists
since 1980, shortly after the United States reintroduced the death penalty.
Two researchers in New York state estimated in a landmark study that the
average knock-on effect of an execution was two murders within one month,
and another within two months. Since then, similar patterns have been
demonstrated in Pennsylvania, California, Oklahoma, Arizona, Illinois and

Anxious to allay any such upsurge, city officials in Terre Haute are
frantically trying to maintain some sense of dignity as the circus beckons.

Mayor Judith Anderson is urging people to do something positive on 16
May. Plant some flowers, take your children to a park ... Try not to dwell
on somebody being killed at 7am, she said. One county official is hoping
to plant 168 tree seedlings, one for each person who died in the Oklahoma
bombing six years ago.

Some Terre Haute residents are making no secret of their desire to profit
from the occasion. Hamburgers and shish kebabs will be sold on the street.
One entrepreneur, 31-year-old Tony Lewis, is selling T-shirts with images
of McVeigh on eBay, the online auction site. One batch bears the slogan:
Terre Haute Extra/Hangin' Times  Die, Die, Die. Another, for death
penalty opponents, reads: Let McVeigh Live.

Rod Henry, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, said: It's a sick
concept. We're going to have a hard enough time maintaining the image of
our community. And now this.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is 

[CTRL] An Enigma Awaits Death

2001-05-05 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

An Enigma Awaits Death

By Lois Romano

Timothy McVeigh is spending his final weeks as he has spent the past six
years, confined 23 hours a day to a 6-by-10-foot cell with a few small
windows, reading newspaper clippings, writing letters, staring at a small
black and white television. But the Oklahoma City bomber has an added focus
to his monotonous prison existence: meticulously and secretly planning for
his execution and funeral, down to precisely where and when his cremated
remains will be scattered. In 12 days, McVeigh, 33, will become the first
inmate executed by the federal government in 38 years. He was condemned to
die for detonating a massive truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah
Federal Building that killed 168 people, injured hundreds more and forever
shattered the nation's sense of complacency about domestic terrorism.
McVeigh has spoken out periodically since the April 19, 1995, attack, and
in an interview with the authors of a recent book he admitted culpability
for the first time. But after one of the most extensive and expensive
criminal investigations in history, countless journalistic exposés and the
unusually candid revelations of his defense psychiatrist, McVeigh will die
an enigma.a. Law enforcement officials know little more about what drives
McVeigh than the rote anti-government propaganda he spews. His stubborn
refusal to express any remorse, coupled with his engaging and polite
personality, has incensed prosecutors and victims and tormented his father.
Although McVeigh has finally offered a rationale for the bombing, he has
otherwise shed little light on how a bright, kind boy known as Timmy, and
a decorated Persian Gulf War veteran admired by his fellow soldiers, came
to commit one of the largest mass murders in American history. He has
instructed his attorneys to reveal nothing about his final hours until
after he is dead -- not his handpicked execution witnesses, not his last
meal, not his last words, not how he wants his remains disposed of.
. . McVeigh is allowed 15 minutes of phone time a day for media interviews,
but his attorney Rob Nigh Jr. said he is not using it -- although he
continues to write journalists. He has selected five of the six witnesses
he is permitted to have in the death chamber when he is executed by
injection on May 16, but he won't reveal their identities. Sources say that
two of them will be his attorneys -- Nigh and Nathan Chambers -- and a
third will be Lou Michel, co-author of American Terrorist, a recent book
on McVeigh. But he has asked his family to stay away, and no priest or
spiritual adviser will be present. McVeigh has, however, written about a
dozen people asking them to be outside the death chamber to balance the
media coverage, said one person who received the letter. Bob Papovich, a
Michigan family friend of Terry Nichols -- McVeigh's convicted
co-conspirator -- will be there. Allen Smith, a friend from the Army, said
he will also be there at McVeigh's request to help safely transport his
remains from the federal penitentiary back to New York state, where he was
born -- a security concern of both McVeigh's and the government's.s. But
one woman, who has known McVeigh since he was a child and who had agreed to
be there for him, has changed her mind. Liz McDermott, a friend and former
neighbor of the McVeigh family, said that for six years she has taken a
tiny bit of solace in believing that McVeigh was the fall guy for a larger
conspiracy. But after she read American Terrorist, in which McVeigh
boasts of being the mastermind behind the bombing, she was devastated. I
guess I had blinders on, she said. The book was just awful to read. I
still love Tim. I just hate what he did..'I Can't Make Sense of It' In
American Terrorist, Michel and Dan Herbeck detail the progression of
McVeigh's anti-government sentiment and his growing sense of isolation and
rage. McVeigh, who cooperated with the project, for the first time
acknowledged blowing up the Murrah Building to avenge the 1992 government
siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, during which an FBI sniper killed the wife and
son of separatist Randy Weaver, and the 1993 federal raid on the Branch
Davidian religious sect near Waco, Tex., in which about 80 people were
killed, including 22 children.. But Michel and Herbeck, whose book has
provoked considerable controversy because McVeigh's words go largely
unchallenged in it, did not succeed much better than anyone else in
penetrating his emotions. What could make a man hate so much, and feel so
little, that he would kill 19 children and later call them collateral
damage? Or ridicule the relatives of his victims as the woe-is-me crowd?
There are some clues: a broken home and chronic low self-esteem, the death
of disappointment with the Army after the Persian Gulf War, and finally his
frustrating inability to find a suitable job or develop a meaningful
relationship with a 

[CTRL] Conspirators-OKC Bombing

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon,3605,485866,00.html


On May 16, Timothy McVeigh is due to be executed for his part in the Oklahoma
City bombing. He claims the blast was all his own work. But, Jon Ronson
discovers, there were probably others, government agents even, who knew what
was afoot

Saturday May 5, 2001
The Guardian

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is a conspiracy theorist. He
believes that a shadowy elite of bankers and industrialists and politicians
are plotting in secret to take over the world, disarm gun enthusiasts and
implement a sinister New World Order - a world government that will destroy
anyone who disobeys. McVeigh considered the Murrah building in Oklahoma City
to be the local headquarters of the New World Order.

 Sure, McVeigh was fully aware that innocent secretaries and receptionists
would be killed as a result of the massive truck bomb he detonated on April
19, 1995. But he was a keen Star Wars fan and he compared those innocents to
the "space-age clerical workers inside the Death Star. Those people weren't
storm troopers. But they were vital to the operations of the Evil Empire. And
when Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star, the movie audiences cheered. The
bad guys were beaten. That was all that really mattered."

 It is, therefore, churlish of McVeigh to scornfully dismiss - as crazy
paranoid nuts - the legions of conspiracy theorists who believe that the
truth of the Oklahoma City bombing has yet to be officially recognised.
McVeigh is seething about this inside his death row cell. He is due to be
executed on May 16. He feels the conspiracy theories are tainting his
impending martyrdom. "You can't handle the truth," he has said. "And the
truth is that it is pretty scary that one guy can do this all alone."

 The conspiracy theories centre on a bizarre white separatist encampment on
the Oklahoma/Arkansas border called Elohim City and two of its regular
visitors: a flamboyant neo-Nazi called Dennis Mahon and an extraordinary
German called Andy Strassmeir. McVeigh says the Elohim City conspiracy
theories are nonsense, a red herring. But I didn't know what to think. They
seemed pretty convincing to me. Perhaps I am becoming a conspiracy nut.
Whatever, I wanted to meet the alleged co-conspirators. It would, at least,
be interesting to ask them how it felt to be widely considered, by conspiracy
theorists, to be the hidden hands behind the Oklahoma City bombing.

 It was a Monday morning in early April. Dennis Mahon was jumpy and on the
run in Arizona. "It drives you crazy," he said. "Thousands think I was
involved. I've started to believe it myself. Maybe I was there. Maybe they
brainwashed me and I forgot about it. Maybe I can get hypnotised and remember
it. Everybody said I was there. Everybody said I drove the truck. They saw

 This is true. In the immediate aftermath of the bombing, many passers-by
claimed to have seen McVeigh in Oklahoma City with unknown others. One
witness drew a sketch of a John Doe who looked remarkably like how Dennis
Mahon might look in dark glasses and a pencil moustache.

 "Maybe there's somebody out there who looks like me," said Dennis. "I'm just
about ready to turn myself in and tell them, 'Okay motherfuckers, I did it'.
But I didn't." Then Dennis showed me his scar - the result, he said, of a
stress-related intestinal infection.

 But for all of this Dennis Mahon seemed secretly thrilled to be a central
player in the alternative history of the Oklahoma bombing. Columbia Pictures
is even considering making a movie of the story I am about to tell. "It'll be
a hell of a good movie," he said. "I hope Tom Berenger plays me. But one guy
said Danny DeVito's going to play me. That'll devastate me. I'll leave the

 Dennis peered through the curtains of our secret rendezvous location: Room
315 of the Hampton Inn near Phoenix airport. "The Feds are on my tail!" he
stammered. "The bastard sons of the FBI followed me here. See that white car?"

 "Why are they following you?" I asked.

 "Well, Tim McVeigh did all his training over there," he said, pointing west
to Kingman, Arizona. "And he's going to be executed. And they're afraid there
might be retaliation for that. And there very well might be.There very, very,
very well might be."

 Dennis Mahon is a veteran neo-Nazi. He was famous before the Oklahoma
bombing conspiracy theories. When you see him in old Ku Klux Klan recruitment
videos from the 80s , he looks striking and quick-witted. Now he is jowly,
the spitting image of the actor John Goodman.

 "Yeah, I'm an old guy now," says Dennis. "I'm an old comrade. I've seen
changes. More lone wolfism. One man one act. These stupid Klan guys want to
be circus clowns. And the Klan's targets are just little negroes. And then
they get drunk in a pub and talk about it. You've got to raise your sights a
little bit. If you're going to get 10 years for calling somebody a nigger, or
throwing a rock through a synagogue 

[CTRL] Bob Kerry-Phoenix Program Hitman???

2001-05-05 Thread William Shannon

"The target for 1969 calls for the elimination of 1800 VCI per month" -
'Vietnam Information Notes,' published by the U.S. State Department in July
1969. [Note: 'VCI' means 'Viet Cong Infrastructure.' 'Viet Cong' was
Washington's psychological warfare term for the National Liberation Front
of Vietnam.]

Bob Kerrey: A Phoenix Program hit man?
by Ken McCarthy [2 May 2001]

Unfortunately for the reputation of Mr. Kerrey and his Vietnam SEAL team,
they appear to have overlooked at least one witness to their visit to Thanh
Phong 32 years ago, a 12 year old girl.
According to this witness (and one of Kerrey's own men), civilians there were
not killed accidentally, but rather were systematically murdered in cold
blood, gangster-style. The goal: to cover their tracks.

"Until Saturday, Bui Thi Luom had never heard the name Bob Kerrey. She had
no idea that he served as governor of Nebraska and U.S. senator and once
ran for president.
"But she did know that 32 years ago, seven American commandos sneaked into
her village in the Mekong Delta and killed 15 members of her family--all
women and children. Luom, wounded in the knee, was the only one to escape.
She was 12.
'"They killed people in cold blood,' she said Saturday as she recounted the
incident to journalists for the first time. 'They should have been
"Kerrey, now 57, was the leader of an elite Navy SEAL unit that attacked
Thanh Phong on Feb. 25, 1969...The Americans had killed 20 civilians,
including 13 children and a pregnant woman, during the two-stage attack."
('LA Times,' April 29, 2001, see )

Missing from accounts so far is an informed description of the particulars of
the mission Kerrey and his men were on. There's a good reason for that:
Kerrey  Co. may have been a political assassination team working on behalf
of the CIA's Phoenix Program.
According to reports, they were in Thanh Phong looking for "a Viet Cong
leader (who) was operating in the village."
The purpose of their search? To "take him out." Clearly this was not a "fire
fight" with enemy troops.
Who was the leader they were seeking with the intent to kill? Before you jump
to the conclusion that he was a "military" leader, realize that "a Viet Cong
leader" could well mean the hamlet's mayor or head man. Or some other
civilian authority.
In other words, this man may have been targeted for assassination for his
political opinions.

"The Phoenix or Phuong Hoang Operation was originally designed to
'neutralize,' that is assassinate or imprison, members of the civilian
infrastructure (VCI) of the National Liberation Front (NLF).
"In a document entitled Vietnam: Toward Peace and Prosperity, published by
the Saigon Ministry of Information [i.e., the pro-U.S. regime in Saigon]
the GVN states that 'The Phoenix program was launched on August, 1, 1968,
in order to eradicate the communist infrastructure, with the following
"[Phoenix program and later CIA director William] Colby himself testified
that Phoenix had resulted in the deaths of 20,587 persons as of May 1971.
This number, [made] proportionate to population, would total over 200,000
Americans deliberately assassinated over a three-year period, were Phoenix
in practice in the United States." (See 'Operation Phoenix' by Ralph McGee,

Given the artfully vague media descriptions of Kerrey's mission, it is
entirely possible that he and his men were doing their dirty work for the
CIA's Phoenix Program which carried out the assassination of thousands of
'Viet Cong' (National Liberation Front) civilian leaders. Oliver North cut
his teeth in this Program, a fact mostly obscured during coverage of the
Iran-Contra Hearings.
Participation in the Phoenix program appears to have been good career move
for those involved.
SEALs were a favorite source for Phoenix Program personnel. More often than
not, Vietnamese military refused to participate.
Meanwhile, Kerrey and company are working overtime getting their stories
straight. I'm sure they're getting plenty of behind-the-scenes help.

"The counterattack launched by former senator Bob Kerrey against The New
York Times and CBS over the weekend was planned, you could say, like a
military operation. Kerrey had the five ex-members of his SEALs squad who
support his version of the tragic events in Vietnam transported here Friday
from all over the United States. I understand they were put up (along with
staffers from the Washington PR agency that's doing damage control for
Kerrey) at the swank Lowell Hotel - the Upper East Side inn where stars who
don't want to be recognized often stay under phony names. Then, at about 8
p.m., the party traveled to the Manhattan home provided for Kerrey by the
New School University, where he is the newly installed president. The group
met until 2 a.m., thrashing out a consensus of 

Re: [CTRL] Behold a Mad Cow

2001-05-05 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Please, Mr Schwartz aka Joshua aka Nurev - no Goldbergs in my family but
 once was a Rosenberg and a Greencastle Stamey in 1839.

 You may call me Mrs. Rosenberg.

And you may call me Mr. Two. Since you still don't know what you are
talking about.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Screw Yahoo

2001-05-05 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Some of the new viruses disable Zone Alarm.

On Fri, 4 May 2001 19:46:32 -0700 Tenorlove [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Well, the lists are back up, it seems. I've gotten all my digest up
 through yesterday. Running a day behind is par for the course.

 As for all those assorted cookie monsters on the Net: I created a
 shortcut to my cookies folder and put it right on the desktop. It
 opened and emptied every time I'm online.

 I also HIGHLY recommend Zone Alarm firewall
 protection (Thanks Mike Spitzer for pointing me to it). Within 5
 minutes of installing it, it blocked someone from accessing my


 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Money Gouging UN - Throw Them Out

2001-05-05 Thread Aleisha Saba

It's nice to be important, but it is important to be nice.Unsub directions are at the 
bottom of this message.
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Get Ready to Fork Over Your Money to U.N.

Wes Vernon
Saturday, May 5, 2001

WASHINGTON - You are expected to pony up money to finance United Nations
corruption, along with the America-haters in the organization hacking away
at U.S. sovereignty.

The House next week is set to vote on a proposal to pay $582 million for
what the House leadership says are reductions in America's share of U.N.
dues and peacekeeping costs.

Further, we are told that this lower assessment rate will provide more
than $2 billion in savings to American taxpayers over the next 10 years.

Nonsense, says Cliff Kincaid, whose America's Survival Inc. argues that we
do not owe any money to the U.N. in the first place.

So paying the money in reductions in future 'assessments' from the U.N. is
not defensible.

Further, he says, House Majority Leader Dick Armey once sponsored the U.N.
Erroneous Debt Act, so he knows better. Kincaid calls the assessment a
U.N. tax on the American people.

We are now paying about one-third of all U.N. costs to subsidize an
organization of countries that mostly despise us. China, by contrast, pays
only about 1 percent, and seems to dominate the U.N.

That being the case, Kincaid suggests perhaps China can pay one-third and
we can pay the 1 percent. At least that would reflect which nation most
often gets its way at the world body.

Ted Turner's Pet Project

This bailout, already passed by the Senate, was approved Wednesday by the
House International Relations Committee just a few days after CNN boss Ted
Turner, referred to by Kincaid as a billionaire bigot, urged release of
the dues money in a letter to House Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill.

Although Turner and other one-worlders try convince Americans that this
money enables the U.N. to sit around and make peace by feeding the hungry,
etc., American taxpayers are being asked to fork over their hard-earned
cash at the same time that U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has announced
plans to erect a $90 million visitors center as monument to this globalism.

It appears some of the dollars will pay for condoms for U.N. peacekeepers
because, America's Survival notes and U.S. officials have confirmed, U.N.
soldiers have been spreading AIDS around the world.

The Senate deal for passing the dues bill was brokered by Sen. Jesse
Helms, R-N.C., chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The U.N.
is supposed to get the money in exchange for cutting the U.S. share of the
operating budget from 25 to 22 percent, and the peacekeeping budget from
31 to 25 percent. However, the U.N. allowed the U.S. share of the
peacekeeping budget to go down to only 26.5 percent.

Honesty Punished

For years, the United States refused to pay this money until the United
Nations made some badly needed reforms. The U.N.'s top budget analyst,
Linda Shenwick, was fired by the Clinton-Gore administration for an
all-too-typical reason: She told the truth. She testified before Congress
about the corruption in the world body. Without Shenwick on the job, there
is no way to monitor the shenanigans that have been going on there.

And the corruption and high-living, courtesy of the American taxpayer,
continue unabated.

M.D.B. Carlisle, assistant defense secretary in the Reagan administration,
and Daniel Oliver, onetime chairman of the FTC, co-wrote a piece in
Thursday's Washington Times detailing how the Clintonistas are still
running things at the American delegation to the United Nations. Bush's
ambassador to the U.N. has not been confirmed yet. These are not career
bureaucrats in the saddle there. These are hardened Bush-hating
left-wingers who will go out of their way to obstruct anything this
administration does to protect American interests if that is seen as
getting in the way of a determined globalism.

For example, they plotted to prevent the appointment of the center-right
John Bolton as U.S. ambassador, and letting it be known that he would even
be considered persona non grata. Why? Because, according to Carlisle and
Oliver, they knew he was acquainted with the inside workings and could not
be manipulated.

When the bill to pick American taxpayers' pockets is voted on in the House
of Representatives by midweek, someone might want to demand that Bush first
fire his enemies there, just as Bill Clinton fired U.N. appointees of the
first President Bush almost immediately after arriving at the White House.

Then after that is taken care of, some lawmaker 

[CTRL] Coca Growers just keep moving......

2001-05-05 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 05 May 2001 23:09:30 -0400
From:   David Goldman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] Coca Growers just keep moving..
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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 March 17, 2001

 In the War on Coca, Colombian
 Growers Simply Move Along


LORENTE, Colombia, March
12 — This isolated town used
 to be as sedate and dirt poor as all
 the rest.

 Then came coca and its
 byproducts, discos and prostitutes,
 pool halls and cantinas, cheap
 hotels and the businesses that cater
 to newcomers, stores with wood
 planks, tin sheeting and other
 materials for flimsy but
 serviceable housing.

 The change began more than a year
 ago, local government officials
 and residents say, but accelerated
 with a huge American-backed
 campaign to destroy coca fields in
 adjacent Putumayo Province. The
 effort, the officials said, displaced
 coca growers and their crops,
 sending them to the jungles here in
 Nariño Province. It is a familiar
 pattern. Coca came to Colombia
 because of success in eliminating
 it in Bolivia and Peru, without
 aerial spraying.

 What the fumigation did was to transfer the phenomenon from
 Putumayo to Nariño, said Gov. Parmenio Cuéllar of Nariño.
 And if they fumigate Nariño, the problem will go to another

 Nowhere are the effects more visible than in this town on
 Highway 10, once a sleepy community of poor farmers that is
 luring hundreds of former Putumayo farmers, coca-laboratory
 workers and others drawn by the coca trade.

 They call this Little Putumayo, and they say people who are
 coming here are leaving Putumayo because of the fumigation,
 said the Rev. Domingo Moreno, a Roman Catholic priest who
 works in Llorente. The people, more and more, are lured by
 coca, tempted by the magic leaf. Not only are they starting to
 plant coca, but they're also leaving behind the other plants they
 grew, plantation bananas and cacao.

 Critics of aerial defoliation say the expansion of coca in Nariño
 and elsewhere bore out a central warning about the plan to
 destroy coca in Putumayo: that eradication in one region causes
 coca to move to others.

 The argument I've always made is that the fumigation will not,
 in any way, do away with the coca fields, said Carlos
 Palacios, an expert on the coca trade and the human
 development secretary in the town of Valle del Guamués in
 Putumayo. What fumigation does is that it causes the fields to
 simply transfer to other places.

 Opposition to spraying is so strong in southern Colombia that
 mayors, church officials and others have been pushing President
 Andrés Pastrana's government and the United States to stop the
 spraying. Mr. Cuéllar and three other governors visited
 Washington this week to criticize the program and to lobby for
 aid to improve agriculture.

 American officials counter that the size of the Nariño crop, with
 fewer than 15,000 acres under cultivation, is manageable
 compared with the 250,000 acres that existed in the
 coca-growing heartland of Putumayo and Caquetá Provinces
 before large-scale spraying began in late December. The
 Americans also note that the movement of people and planting
 of coca in Nariño began long before the spraying in Putumayo.

 The Americans say the defoliation effort, called Plan Colombia,
 with its reliance on crop dusters, military helicopters and
 battalions of Colombian antinarcotics troops, is intended to
 contain the spread of coca. The plan is intended to apply
 pressure in more places simultaneously than previously
 possible, said Jim Mack, deputy assistant secretary of state for
 international narcotics and law enforcement.

 But the officials, and their Colombian counterparts, are

 We're concerned about Nariño, an official at the American
 Embassy said. Right now, there's a lot more coca