Re: [CTRL] 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big Trouble'

2001-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

A big f*g SO WHAT?!! You are still stuck on Democrats vs.
Republicans. Can't we agree they both do things wrong at times, even as
far as *gasp* breaking the law!


On 9 Jun 01, at 1:42, Amelia wrote:

> {{Not only has Al Gore Jr. been arrested for pot, he was
> driving in North Carolina 90 MPH in a 30 MPH zone.  The
> Officer contacted the governor and a deal was made and the
> Gov. instructed that young Gore was NOT to be tested for drugs
> nor alcohol.  Discussed on CSpan and various news shows
> recently.  This in addition to his alcohol episodes in other
> areas being hushed up.  At least one of the Gore girls has
> been arrested for marijuana also but not a word in the
> mainstream media.  Now they go after these girls like sharks!
> Amazing!  So does this mean we can now openly discuss Tipper's
> 'nervous breakdown' and subsequent 'hospitalization'? AKE}}
> With Carl Limbacher and Staff
> For the story behind the story...
> Friday, June 8, 2001 5:02 p.m. EDT
> Jenna Booze Buster: 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big
> Trouble'
> With first daughter Jenna Bush in tears, the manager at an
> Austin Tex-Mex restaurant who called 911 on her and her twin
> sister Barbara told police who responded to the scene: "I want
> them to get into big trouble," according to a police report on
> the incident.
> Austin police were summoned to Chuy's Restaurant on the night
> of May 29 after manager Mia Lawrence used the police emergency
> line to report that the 19-year-old twins were drinking
> maragaritas.
> According to the police record obtained Friday by the Austin
> American-Statesman, Officer Clifford Rogers confiscated the ID
> Jenna Bush presented to Chuy's waitstaff before being served.
> "She handed it over and started crying," the report indicates.
> "She then stated that I do not have any idea what it is like
> to be a college student and not to be able to do anything that
> other students get to do," Rogers wrote in his report.
> In a separate report, Sgt. Rodney Keene detailed his
> conversation with manager Lawrence around the same time.
> Lawrence insisted on police action.
> "She said, 'I want them to get into big trouble,'" Sgt. Keene
> wrote.
> Keene responded that police would "handle the situation the
> same way we would for any person under those circumstances,
> which was to confiscate the fake ID and turn them loose."
> Lawrence told detectives investigating the incident that she
> wasn't responsible for notifying the media about the Bush
> booze bust. "She told me that a regular customer named Owen
> (no last name available) ... had called the [Austin
> American-]Statesman," Detective Mark Gil wrote in his report.
> On Friday, Barbara Bush pleaded no contest to charges of
> underage drinking, though sister Jenna pleaded not guilty. Her
> decision to contest charges that she used fake ID to purchase
> alcohol could expose Chuy's management to further scrutiny as
> evidence mounts that the Bush twins were singled out.
> In another development, the office of Austin's City Attorney
> has deferred a decision on whether to release a tape recording
> of Lawrence's controversial 911 complaint.
> On Thursday the city's Law Department faxed news organizations
> around the country, apprising them of its decision to withold
> the 911 tape pending the outcome of legal proceedings against
> the Bush sisters.
> The recording could shed further light on the question of
> whether Ms. Lawrence targeted the Bush sisters unfairly.
> John Steiner, Division Chief at the City Attorney's office
> would not say Friday when a final decision on the 911 tape
> would come.
> "It depends," he told, suggesting that unless the
> Austin prosecutors win criminal convictions in the case, the
> tape could be sealed forever.
> Jenna's case is scheduled to be heard July 31.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

[CTRL] "...whose wide stripes and bright stars..." (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Re: "...whose wide stripes and bright stars..."

"James A. Ross" wrote:
> Friend,
>  The title above refers, obviously, to our flag.  For many years,
> in uniform and in civilian clothes, I have saluted its simple, yet
> elegantly impressive, red, white and blue stars and stripes;  and I never
> fail to be moved by the reminder of the wonderful republic our forefathers
> created.
>  However, of late I have been disturbed because I now see an
> imitation which has four colors: red, white, blue, and yellow.  I saw this
> on the wall in The Bush transition room as I watched Linda Chavez withdraw
> her name from consideration for a cabinet position.  When the CEO of a big
> company showed me his conference room, I asked him whose flag he was
> displaying; and he responded: "My God!  That's not our flag!"   I saw it in
> the news coverage of Memorial Day services, and I saw it in the news
> coverage of West Point Cadets passing in review.
>  I wonder why our beloved flag has been treated this way.  Has
> there been a law passed?  Is there some presidential executive order?  Or
> is this the result of a trick by someone who insults proud patriots because
> he KNOWS his design is better that the original?
>  Can anyone explain what is happening?
> **
> This material is intended for only those who have indicated an interest in
> our offerings.  Our lists are composed of people who have requested
> information from us, and others who have been recommended by them.  If you
> do not wish to receive our periodic emails, just send us a message
> requesting removal.
> Regards,
>   (
> *
> Ross Engineering Associates, Inc., 8807 Sudley Rd.  Ste.204,
> Manassas, VA 20110
> Tel/Fax:  703-365-2200/0363
> WE'RE #  1.  In the ASIS survey of decision makers in the security
> profession, this company scored number one in the categories of: which
> company do you use and which company do you recommend in eavesdropping
> detection.


Flag Code, Etiquette and Laws

Dear Friends of the McGuckins -

When McVeigh Dies Will The Government Coverup Die Too?

Nicely done, Mr. Clinton. You've gotten away with it. Again.

American People Witness Judicial Actions of Treason

FBI Special Agent (SA) R. Wayne Smith Waco Report
Dated 6/9/1993 - 6/15/1993";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] URL for Time Warp

2001-06-08 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

The correct URL for the Time Warp article is

Get your own FREE Email account at... - Someone had to tell you.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Protestants? We Don't Need No Stinking Protestants

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Persecution of Evangelicals Continues in Mexico

By Allie Martin and Jim Brown
June 5, 2001

(AgapePress) - Local authorities in three small towns
in different Mexican states are telling evangelical
Christians to change their religion to traditional
Catholicism or suffer severe consequences.

Evangelical Christians who do not renounce their faith
are being threatened with jail time, expulsion, the
removal of public services such as water and drainage,
and even death.

In one case, two recent converts were jailed for 36
hours and asked to deny their new evangelical
Christian faith.

Terry Madison is president of Open Doors, a ministry
which tracks the persecution of Christians. He says
this is not a new problem.

“This has been an ongoing challenge in Chiapas, where
when people accept the Lord they choose not to
participate in some of the local Catholic
celebrations, many of which involve ‘posh,’ which is a
locally fermented drink,” Madison says. “They choose
not to participate, which means they’re not buying the
candles and the costumes and the fireworks, and some
of the other products that some of the local
authorities profit by, so there’s an economic loss.”

Madison says things are particularly bad for
evangelical Christians in the state of Chiapas. “A
particular community had 230 evangelicals. We’re
talking about a large body of Christ,“ he says.
“Another had forty Christian church members who were
challenged to renounce their evangelical faith and
return to Catholicism or they would face having their
homes burned and their animals destroyed.”

In another example of intolerance, The Alabama Baptist
newspaper reports Catholic leaders in San Nicolas,
Mexico, a town of some 4,000 people, are telling 36
evangelical families they must leave town within 90
days "or be kicked out." The paper says the families’
water and sewer services have been cut off.

A San Nicolas spokesperson is quoted as saying, "What
the town wants is for the evangelicals to stop
spreading their religion to more people and to stop
having their meeting."

Patrick Scully, a spokesman for the Catholic League,
said he couldn’t comment on the story because he was
not aware of the details and also since the
persecution is taking place outside the United States.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-08 Thread BB

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Subj:   Time to Form a New Nation   
Date:   6/8/01 1:38:31 AM Central Daylight Time 
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pro Christo Libertate)
To:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (President George W. Bush)

Dear Mr. President, 
The subject of this article is a very grave matter.  The paradigm has 
shifted; it's a new ballgame.  Please be advised that many Americans will 
soon be seeking your support on related proposals, and we will do well to 
keep these matters in our daily prayers. 
Thank you, PCL
Wednesday June 6, 2001 
Consider it Said: Time to Form a New Nation 
© 2001 
Jane Chastain and Linda Bowles, two of the smartest women and best columnists 
on the national scene these days, each wrote separate but equally alarming 
tomes on Tuesday, regarding the progression (or regression, depending on your 
point of view) of American government over the past several decades. 

Essentially, each said America today resembles little to nothing of the 
nation our ancestors founded, then fought and died for - to say nothing of 
the scores who died defending it since then. 

A more subtle point made in both articles was this: If we don't like the form 
modern America has taken, there is little time left for concerned citizens to 
change its direction, lest it become the kind of socialist, authoritarian 
hellhole we supposedly despise and - at least once - ideologically opposed. 

In her column, Chastain, citing data from a new study on the huge growth of 
federal outlays, spending and bureaucracy since the passage of the 16th 
Amendment (authorizing an income tax, in 1913), warned, "it is time this 
nation has a frank and open discussion about the size and cost of government 
before we reach the point of no return." 

Meanwhile, Bowles' column, which decried the rapid encroachment of federal 
control and regulatory authority over private property ownership and rights, 
mentioned that little debate about this dictatorial phenomenon had taken 
place, outside of the localized areas where some of the worst abuses were 

"One hopes this is due to a lack of coverage by the mainstream media, rather 
than a fatalistic American submission to state socialism. One fears that only 
in retrospect, when it is too late to resist, will it be understood that 
freedoms have been irretrievably forfeited and the Constitution irreversibly 
abandoned," Bowles wrote. 

On the 57th anniversary of D-Day, the allied invasion launched during World 
War II to exterminate the Nazi threat to the world, I think it is more than 
appropriate to explore the incredible usurpation of federal power in the past 
several decades and, perhaps most importantly, discuss what we ought to do 
about it. 

There are lots of "mini-issues" floating about, but they basically revolve 
around the general issues of whether our nation, our people, prefer the 
continued encroachment of state (meaning federal) control over every aspect 
of our lives, vs. those who don't. 

In the pro-big government camp are Americans who don't mind sacrificing most 
of their earnings to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats and unresponsive 
elected officials. 

They don't mind relying on Washington for a host of taxpayer-funded benefits, 
and they are agreeable to the notion that personal responsibility and 
independence should be sacrificed to the power, arbitration and façade of 
"security" offered by most of our leaders. 

To them, there is no limit to Washington's power or reach, save for small, 
specific limits on just a handful of personal liberties. And they view people 
who oppose these ideals as anachronistic, pinhead extremists who are too dumb 
and unsophisticated to know what's good for them. 

On the other side is the small government camp, inhabited by people who 
believe in our Constitution, verbatim, and who hold personal liberty and 
responsibility so dear that they dare to expect others to hold similar views. 

They abhor all but the most limited, specific and narrowly defined forms of 
taxation because they believe their money belongs to them, and that the 
federal government only needs enough funding to perform its few, narrowly 
defined, constitutional duties. 

These folks hate waste, fraud and abuse, would rather seek a hand-up from a 
friend or church than a hand-out from the government, and believe Washington 
has proven it cannot solve our problems, try as it may. 

They hate regulations, unfunded mandates, interference in personal affairs 
and subjugation of constitutional liberties. They see the huge growth of the 
federal government as an impetus towards global imperialism, 
authoritarianism, and eventual dictatorship. 

In sho

[CTRL] 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big Trouble'

2001-06-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{Not only has Al Gore Jr. been arrested for pot, he was
driving in North Carolina 90 MPH in a 30 MPH zone.  The
Officer contacted the governor and a deal was made and the
Gov. instructed that young Gore was NOT to be tested for drugs
nor alcohol.  Discussed on CSpan and various news shows
recently.  This in addition to his alcohol episodes in other
areas being hushed up.  At least one of the Gore girls has
been arrested for marijuana also but not a word in the
mainstream media.  Now they go after these girls like sharks!
Amazing!  So does this mean we can now openly discuss Tipper's
'nervous breakdown' and subsequent 'hospitalization'? AKE}}

With Carl Limbacher and Staff
For the story behind the story...

Friday, June 8, 2001 5:02 p.m. EDT
Jenna Booze Buster: 'I Want Bush Girls to Get Into Big

With first daughter Jenna Bush in tears, the manager at an
Austin Tex-Mex restaurant who called 911 on her and her twin
sister Barbara told police who responded to the scene: "I want
them to get into big trouble," according to a police report on
the incident.

Austin police were summoned to Chuy's Restaurant on the night
of May 29 after manager Mia Lawrence used the police emergency
line to report that the 19-year-old twins were drinking

According to the police record obtained Friday by the Austin
American-Statesman, Officer Clifford Rogers confiscated the ID
Jenna Bush presented to Chuy's waitstaff before being served.

"She handed it over and started crying," the report indicates.

"She then stated that I do not have any idea what it is like
to be a college student and not to be able to do anything that
other students get to do," Rogers wrote in his report.

In a separate report, Sgt. Rodney Keene detailed his
conversation with manager Lawrence around the same time.
Lawrence insisted on police action.

"She said, 'I want them to get into big trouble,'" Sgt. Keene

Keene responded that police would "handle the situation the
same way we would for any person under those circumstances,
which was to confiscate the fake ID and turn them loose."

Lawrence told detectives investigating the incident that she
wasn't responsible for notifying the media about the Bush
booze bust. "She told me that a regular customer named Owen
(no last name available) ... had called the [Austin
American-]Statesman," Detective Mark Gil wrote in his report.

On Friday, Barbara Bush pleaded no contest to charges of
underage drinking, though sister Jenna pleaded not guilty. Her
decision to contest charges that she used fake ID to purchase
alcohol could expose Chuy's management to further scrutiny as
evidence mounts that the Bush twins were singled out.

In another development, the office of Austin's City Attorney
has deferred a decision on whether to release a tape recording
of Lawrence's controversial 911 complaint.

On Thursday the city's Law Department faxed news organizations
around the country, apprising them of its decision to withold
the 911 tape pending the outcome of legal proceedings against
the Bush sisters.

The recording could shed further light on the question of
whether Ms. Lawrence targeted the Bush sisters unfairly.

John Steiner, Division Chief at the City Attorney's office
would not say Friday when a final decision on the 911 tape
would come.

"It depends," he told, suggesting that unless the
Austin prosecutors win criminal convictions in the case, the
tape could be sealed forever.

Jenna's case is scheduled to be heard July 31.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US plans more troops for Ecuador drugs fight

2001-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sat, 09 Jun 2001 02:07:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:[CIA-DRUGS] FT: US plans more troops for Ecuador drugs fight
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[ Double-click this line for list subscription options ]

Subj:FT: US plans more troops for Ecuador drugs fight
Date:   6/6/01 8:27:50 AM Mountain Daylight Time
From:   xx738<@> (Colombian Labor Monitor)

[NOTE: Vietnamization in spades! Send more troops, send more
hardware!  -DG]

"From Howard Airforce base in Panama, we could
get down to Ecuador but not much further south.
Now (that) we're in the area the entire time we
can venture into Peru, Colombia and over the
Pacific Ocean."
_   ===

Wednesday, 6 June 2001

US plans more troops for Ecuador drugs fight

By Nicholas Moss

QUITO, Ecuador -- The US plans to triple the number of troops operating
from a base in north-west Ecuador in its fight against the drugs trade in
south America.

At least 200 mostly air force and navy personnel will be temporarily
stationed at the Ecuadorean airforce base in Manta from October after the
US completes work to expand the runway. Up to 400 personnel may be
stationed there under a ten-year accord with the Ecuadorean government.

Until April, when construction work began, an average of 100 troops were
flying up to three missions a day in P3 propeller aircraft similar to the
spy aircraft at the centre of the recent US-China dispute.

Once ABB Susa, a US-based engineering and construction management company,
completes the Dollars 30m lengthening of the runway, the US will fly
larger, more sophisticated aircraft on reconnaissance missions.

Improvements to the airport, including the construction of a fire station,
will benefit the fishing town's economy, allowing direct international
tourist flights and bigger exports.

Manta is one of four "forward-operating locations" - along with Curacao,
Aruba and El Salvador - that form the US's network of anti-drugs bases in
the region.

The combined operating costs of the four are less than the cost of the
base the US closed in Panama when it handed back the canal at the end of

"From Howard Airforce base in Panama, we could get down to Ecuador but not
much further south. Now (that) we're in the area the entire time we can
venture into Peru, Colombia and over the Pacific Ocean," said a US embassy
official in Quito.

The prospect of more US troops in Ecuador has alarmed some local analysts
who said it represents a first step towards an armed US presence in the
Andean nation to support Colombia's Dollars 7.5bn anti-drugs initiative,
to which the US has promised Dollars 1.3bn in aid. The US refutes this

The Manta base would instead allow the US to observe the movements of
narco-traffickers and feed the information, via its Joint Interagency Task
Force headquarters in Key West, Florida, to relevant government and
military authorities in the region, said one official.

"This isn't Plan Colombia although the flights have a similar goal. Plan
Colombia is about trying to uproot drug trafficking and the planting and
processing of coca for cocaine (poppies, and marijuana) in Colombia. The
Manta base will help prevent the movement out of drugs via boat or small
plane," said the embassy official.

Ecuador has been approved for Dollars 12m of funding from the US, as part
of Plan Colombia, for the police and army on the northern border with
Colombia. A further Dollars 8m has been destined for development projects
although the country's foreign minister, Heinz Moeller, has said that
Ecuador needs more money to counter the impact of spillover problems from
its neighbour and the possible settling of uprooted Colombian drug
traffickers in Ecuador.

Mr Moeller will travel to Washington next week with Udenor, the
government's northern border development agency, to lobby for more money.
The US has pledged Ecuador Dollars 40m a year during the next five years
for development projects.

Copyright 2001 The Financial Times Limited

* CLM-NEWS is brought to you by the COLOMBIAN LABOR MONITOR at *
* *
*  Email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or   *
*  Dennis Grammenos at [EMAIL PROTECTED] *


[CTRL] New interviews with Noam Chomsky (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations with Noam Chomsky
Interviews with David Barsamian

In this new collection of interviews with David Barsamian, Noam Chomsky
interrogates the institutions that shape the public mind in the service of
power and profit. Whether discussing U.S. military escalation in Colombia,
the attack on Social Security, the rise of HMOs, or growing inequality
worldwide, Chomsky shows how ordinary citizens have the power to make
meaningful change.

Noam Chomsky, described in a 1998 New York Times profile as an "exploder of
received truths," is Institute Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology. David Barsamian is the producer of the award-winning syndicated
radio program Alternative Radio. He has published interview books with
Eqbal Ahmad, Howard Zinn, Edward Said, and Noam Chomsky.

For more information on this title, go to

To order desk/exam copies, go to

To order review copies, go to

For more information on Alternative Radio, go to

South End Press
7 Brookline Street #1
Cambridge, MA 02139-4146
617-547-4002 phone
617-547-1333 fax
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Zionism and Nazism: A Discussion on the TV Channel Al-Jazeera

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Zionism and Nazism: A Discussion on the TV Channel Al-Jazeera

Dr. Faysal Al-Qasem's weekly talk show of May 15,2001, on the Qatar TV
channel Al-Jazeera, discussed the question, "Is Zionism worse than
Nazism?"(1) Against the background of this program were on the one hand, the
anti-Jewish remarks made by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, and on the
other, the manifest signed by 14 Arab intellectuals, denouncing the planned
international conference of Holocaust deniers in Beirut.

The program hosted Dr. Hayat Al-Hwayek 'Atiya, "researcher of Zionism" and
follower of Holocaust denier Roger Garaudi and translator of his book into
Arabic. Liberal Tunisian intellectual 'Afif Al-Akhdhar represented the
opposition to Holocaust denial in the Arab world.

At the opening of the program, Al-Qasem, posed the following question to Dr.
'Atiya: "Is there a difference between Zionism and Nazism?" 'Atiya responded
that the question should be looked at from two perspectives, the logical and
the textual. Logically, she claimed, "the question must be asked: 'what is
it exactly that we denounce in Nazism?'" According to her, there are two
elements in Nazism that should be denounced: "The first is the racism, that
is, the belief in the superiority of the Aryan race over the rest of the
races, and the second is the military expansion at the expense of others,
stemming from this belief."

After establishing these two points, Dr. 'Atiya stated that these two
principles "precisely existed in the Zionist mentality and ideology... ever
since the days of the Jewish Torah... the belief in being the 'Chosen
People' is one of the foundations of the Zionist project. As for the
expansion, there is nothing left to say, because we are living through it."

As for the textual perspective, 'Atiya cited "some of the words of both
Jewish and Nazi intellectuals. Nahum Goldman says that there is a common
trait to both German Nazis and Jews, and that is the selectivity and the
belief in a common destiny as a divine mission. Writer Michel Rashlan
compares sections of Mein Kampf to the Jewish Torah, and comes to the
conclusion that... the ideological roots of the Nazis can be found in the
Book of Joshua... In 1935 a French newspaper published an interview with the
Nazi theoretician, Alfred Rosenberg, in which he said he supports Zionism
and is enchanted by it, because of its similarity to Nazism..."

'Afif Al-Akhdhar was asked to respond to the comparison between Nazism and
Zionism, but he began by addressing the manifest by 14 Arab intellectuals,
denouncing the planned conference of Holocaust deniers in Beirut.

The conference was subsequently cancelled by the Lebanese government
following protests from Arab intellectuals and Jewish groups: "The only
reason for which I did not sign the manifest was that I was not asked to.
Furthermore, if they had not been in a rush, hundreds of Arab intellectuals
would have signed it," explained 'Afif Al-Akhdhar.

The main reasons given by Al-Akhdhar regarding his stance against the
conference of historical revisionists in Beirut are as follows: He explained
that from a political point of view, following the collapse of the Soviet
Bloc, no policy can succeed if it is not favorable to international
diplomacy and public opinion. "If we adopt the Nazis' garbage," he
explained, "we will lose on our issue, namely the liberation of the Arab
lands occupied in 1967... Politically, if we support revisionism and
Holocaust deniers... we will lose international diplomacy."

Al-Akhdhar began by emphasizing that he does not denounce revisionist
historians only for political reasons, but also on moral grounds. Before he
could finish his explanation 'Atiya interrupted him and would not allow him
to continue. "Madame," Al-Akhdhar said to her, "do not be a Nazi and do not
be fascist."

Once Dr. 'Atiya was given the stage, she complained: "He did not answer the
question. He avoided the subject. I was talking about the 1930s, when there
was no revisionism and no Holocaust. I was talking about the cooperation
between Zionism and Nazism... he evaded history in order to attack the
Beirut conference... He should not be telling us about appeasing diplomacy
and the media. [The Arab intellectuals] living in the West only want to
appease. Those of us who live here are not interested in appeasing anyone;
we are interested in the truth... The Jews supported the Nuremberg Laws
because they made the Transfer easier..."

Dr. 'Atiya's comments angered Al-Akhdhar, who accused her of "talking like
the Taliban, saying that 'the media doesn't interest her.'" According to
him, "whoever wants to recover the land and establish a homeland for the
Palestinians must take the international media into consideration."

"There is no doubt that there is a commonality between Nazism and Zionism,"
Al-Akhdhar said, but he quickly added, "this commonality exists between
Nazism and all nationalist movements," which are based on one principle,

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush Sued Over Gag Rule, Boxer Supports It.

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

t r u t h o u t | 6.08

BOXER, Bush Sued Over Gag Rule :
"I applaud the CRLP for having the courage to file this suit against
President Bush in order to end the gag rule."

GEPHARDT, on The Final Tax Bill :
"Millions of Americans get nothing."
RANGEL, on The Final Tax Bill :
"Now You See it, Tomorrow You Won't"

FEINSTEIN, on "Cancer Cluster" Hearings :
"If cancer clusters do exist, what do they reveal about the nature of cancer?"
BROWBACK, on "Cancer Cluster" Hearings :
"I have been struck that the war on cancer must be fought on many fronts,""

LOFGREN, Sharply Questions Ashcroft :
"My question is how long will it take the INS to process applications
with at least the same level of efficiency as the Social Security
Administration distributes benefits?"


more --


t r u t h o u t, is a non commercial educational publication. You may
read and quote freely.

To remove your name from this list just reply to this message with
the word "remove" as the subject. *TIP: If you have multiple accounts
make sure we know which one(s) to remove.


[CTRL] Regret to announce the passing of Fletcher Prouty June 5th 2001

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here:";>The Col. L. Fletcher Prouty
Reference Site

I regret to announce the passing of Fletcher Prouty June 5th 2001.

"Fletch" as most close friends called him was a man of rare qualities. I was
lucky enough to become one of his good friends. I treasured every
conversation we had.

Fletcher was very hard working and to his wife's lament never knew the word
"Retirement". After his service in the Pentagon, by accident he stumbled into
a writing career that will keep his wisdom and spirt alive for years to come.

Fletcher wrote, lectured, spoke on Radio shows, and was on Television many
times, often regarding political intriuge from Watergate to the JFK
Assassination. Of course he worked with Oliver Stone, Jim Garrison, and
Zachary Sklar on the film "JFK"

Fletcher Prouty was one of the most warm and amiable men you could ever meet.
Almost endlessly, people from around the world came to visit and interview
him. All you had to do was ask and he would give of his time. It will be his
selfless and dogged effort to educate and inform that I feel he will be
remebered for. For there was much oppostion to the ideas Fletcher wrote

Whenever I was at his upstairs office at his home there was always a stack of
letters that he would be replying to. Not a few, but a stack!

He wrote two books and close to 100 articles for various publications. I know
he was very proud of everything thing he had written, but especially his two
books, "The Secret Team", and "JFK, Vietnam the CIA, and the plot to
assassinate JFK".

He had a wisdom that inspired many to look behind the story. This came out in
his writing, the idea that things were so many times not what they were
reported by news organizations. In response (or retaliation) he had suffered
personal attacks in the press, but told me several times he was just "trying
to level the playing field". He was truly a man of his convictions. He will
be remembered for his integrity and courage.

Fletcher Prouty was the most intelligent man I knew. He was always up on
current events, yet he had a strange habit these days. He never watched TV.
And through a few phone calls to his network of associates and friends
thoughout the world, he seemed to be better off and more informed than most
which is a sad state for the news coverage today.

The power or articulation was another of Fletcher's gifts. He could speak at
great lengths without having to correct himself or backtracking, which made
him very easy to listen to.

He was very organized with his thoughts and those of us who sat through long
conversations can attest to his attention to detail in describing events of
the cold war period.

I consider myself a better person for knowing Fletcher Prouty. I am indebted
to him for all his time he shared so unselfishly. He will be sorely missed.

His Funeral will be at the Arlington National Cemetary July 6th 2001 1pm

In lieu of flowers the family has asked to make a donation to a local Humane

Leonard Osanic

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Colonel X died, from Oliver Stone movie

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan
Fletcher Prouty went to meet JFK and talk it over. Two days ago.

[CTRL] Back again

2001-06-08 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

I am back again. I have a new email address (as you will notice) as the old one has 
ceased to operate.

My website is still updated daily, and should have 
something of interest to researchers.

I have also discovered that history is a lie. No idea if this has been posted, but I 
haven't seen the list for a couple of weeks.

By Timothy Taylor/Photographs by Mark Gilbert

You might think it's the year 2000, but a group of prominent Russian mathematicians is 
arguing that history is all wrong, and it's actually 936AD. They've set off a battle 
that's now come to Canada, and it's getting nasty

The man in the tweed jacket sitting ahead of me is growing visibly agitated. We're at 
a mathematics conference at the University of Alberta just before the end of the 
school year, and things have been predictably calm so far. But twice in the past 
minute what's coming from the front of the room has made my tweedy neighbour twist 
angrily in his seat.

Our speaker is Gleb Nosovskii, a mathematics professor from Moscow State University, a 
man with a long black beard and dark eyes who is deeply serious about the matter at 
hand. This is only appropriate, because his presentation is nothing short of a 
mathematical case against history as we know it.

Nosovskii and his Russian colleagues, led by the famous Moscow State geometrician 
Anatoly Fomen-ko, believe that our "global chronology" is profoundly flawed. They 
argue that the conventional sequencing of historical events in the Mediterranean and 
in Europe from 3000 BC to 1600 AD - a chronology they say was formalized in the 
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries by the scientists Josephus Scaliger and Dionysius 
Petavius, and has never been fundamentally challenged since - is shot through with 
inexplicable duplications. These duplications, Nosovskii maintains, are revealed 
through mathematical-pattern analysis.

In essence, it works like this: if you take the number of years ruled by each king in 
a succession of fifteen kings, you get a series of fifteen numbers that's called a 
"dynastic function." Now, if you compare one dynastic function from the biblical 
kingdom of Judea to a dynastic function derived from a series of fifth-century popes, 
you might be surprised to find these functions looking exactly the same.

Your surprise would be justified, because there is an infinitesimally small 
statistical chance that two different series of fifteen rulers from completely 
different parts of the global chronology will randomly be born, crowned, and die in 
precisely the same pattern.

According to Nosovskii, however, there are several dozen examples of such duplication 
through the ages, right up until reliable historical documentation begins, some time 
around the sixteenth century. At that point the duplications abruptly stop.

This is so statistically improbable, Nosovskii argues, that one must conclude there 
are serious errors in Scaliger and Petavius's chronology. Specifically, Nosovskii says 
their version of history, drawn from accounts in different languages and from 
different oral traditions, is greatly elongated. To explain the incredible statistical 
anomalies, the Russian mathematicians are suggesting that early Renaissance historians 
made mistakes. Some errors might have been honest (such as treating two accounts of 
the same event as two distinct events) and others could have been intentional (whereby 
historians, at the behest of their benefactors, might have altered history in their 
favour). The effect of all this, Nosovskii, Fomenko, et al. believe, is that phantom 
epochs were added to the global chronology. If they're right, the sweep of human 
history is overstated by thousands of years and a great number of ancient events 
happened much more recently than previously thought.

Here at the U of A conference, Nosovskii has spent the past hour using astronomical 
data to bolster this case. He has redated half a dozen ancient eclipses centuries 
later than conventionally understood; he has shown us depictions of planets and 
constellations taken from Egyptian tombs and temples, and has resolved their dates 
into the medieval era; now, he is approaching the summit of his argument with a 
reworking of the astronomical data surrounding the first Noël. "And what new date for 
the birth of Christ will we obtain if we use modern astronomy as our tool?" asks 
Nosovskii as he prepares his final slide.

The overhead projector hums. The students, professors, and a few curious members of 
the public wait as the next transparency slides into place. The man who has invited 
Nosovskii here today, Professor Wieslaw Krawcewicz of the University of Alberta's 
Department of Mathematical Sciences, is in the front row, craning his neck around, 
gauging the reaction of the audience. Nosovskii's new date for the birth of Christ 
fills the screen. The man in tweed in front of me s


2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here:,29,01.htm";>http
David Asimov, of Living Oak Court, Bennett Ridge, Santa Rosa, the son of the
late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, was sentenced on March 28, 2001 to
six months' home detention with electronic monitoring and three years federal
probation for possessing child pornography.  U.S. District Court Judge Maxine
M. Chesney sentenced Asimov after reviewing a series of sealed psychiatric
reports, one of which was ordered by the court.  Asimov who was charged with
four federal counts of possession of child pornography with each count
carrying a five year sentence, pled guilty to two counts in a plea bargain
deal.  There was no forfeiture of any of Asimov's assets in this case,
despite his owning a home in Santa Rosa purchased in 1996 for $375,000, and
despite his receiving $3,000 per month from his father's estate.
How did Asimov, who possessed one of the largest stashes of pornography in
California, skate away from federal prison?  A look at the players yields the
Asimov's child porn stash was so big many child victims and perpetrators
would have taken a fall, had Asimov been zealously prosecuted at trial.
Asimov would probably have escaped detection, if he had not taken his
personal computer to a store when its scanner and color printer
malfunctioned.  A technician working on the machine discovered images of
children engaged in sexual acts with adults.  A store supervisor contacted
the police.  Asimov's case is not the only case where tips about child porn
were generated by store technicians. It seems either child pornographers are
stupid about fixing their computers or  they are unwitting framed.
The police raided Asimov's four-bedroom home with a search warrant and
discovered the largest child porn "processing center" ever discovered in
"There were thousands of disks, thousands of videos," said Sonoma County
Deputy District Attorney Gary Medvigy, who personally referred to Asimov's
home as a "processing center" for child pornography. "Anything imaginable
regarding sex between human beings and human beings, or human beings and
animals, was there. Whatever your imagination can conjure up, he had it. It
was like walking into a TV studio"  Santa Rosa police seized scores of
computer disks and approximately 4,000 videocassettes from Asimov's home, and
approximately 1,000 of those videos contained child pornography.
Medvigy said he had evidence to show Asimov distributed child pornography
through the Internet ``on at least a few occasions,'' which would constitute
a felony. He said Asimov had 14 video machines arranged for high-speed
editing and copying, and possessed cases of blank tapes.
In addition to the videotapes and computer disks recovered, police reportedly
found video cameras, several VCRs, and a costly table-top scanner to create
computer images. "He had a whole lot of editing and mass production
capabilities," Santa Rosa Police officer Zamudio said. "We were greeted by
thousands of tapes, disks, periodicals, and commercial videos with covers
showing child pornography. We spent two days collecting, packaging, and
transporting all the items."
The Sonoma County District Attorney J. Michael Mullins covered up the case,
let the public believe the feds would prosecute it more thoroughly, and then
passed the cover up to U.S. Attorney Mueller.
In March 1998, Asimov was arrested in Sonoma County and charged with two
counts of felony exploitation of a child and possession of pornography.
Asimov faced a maximum state penalty of six years. The identity of the child
whom Asimov alleged exploited was never revealed to the public.  Parents and
associates of the child never came forward.  Was there a secret settlement in
the style of Michael Jackson?  Was any effort at all made to identify the
children in the tapes?  In Europe, parents who are looking for their missing
children or for evidence of child abuse are allowed to view pictures of faces
of children depicted in porno tapes which are seized by the police.  No one
in Sonoma County reported any photo arrays seized from Asimov's home being
shown by the police  to any parents whose children were exploited or
Asimov was arraigned in Sonoma County Municipal Court, with bail set at
$250,000.  Asimov spent a few days in jail.  His lawyer Andrian said Asimov
had the money to post bail, but preferred to attempt to get out on his own
recognizance. In fact, a few days later, Judge Frank Passalacqua released
Asimov after having been told no local victims were identified in the porn
seized from Asimov's home.  Thus, within only a few days of his arrest,
Asimov was released, because the police happened to know no local victims
were involved.  How could they have known so fast?  Obviously, the Sonoma

[CTRL] China Broke U.S. Military Codes After Taking Plane

2001-06-08 Thread tnohava
China Broke U.S. Military Codes After Taking Plane
Charles R. Smith
Friday, June 8, 2001
China broke secret U.S. military codes after the capture of a Navy aircraft.
Japanese defense officials informed the Pentagon that the Link-11 secure
military communication system was compromised after a U.S. Navy plane was
forced down. Japanese defense officials confirmed that Tokyo ordered its
defense forces to change Link-11 codes immediately after the EP-3E was

The U.S. Navy EP-3E surveillance aircraft held by China is equipped with the
most advanced version of the NATO Link-11 secure communication system. The
Navy aircraft was forced to land on Hainan Island after a collision with a
Chinese air force F-8 interceptor in April.

Japan has bought several EP-3E aircraft from America and shares the Link-11
system with U.S. allies in NATO. The Link-11 system passes information
between ground stations and airborne early-warning aircraft of the Japan Air
Self-Defense Force.

The EP-3E in question, aircraft PR-32, was equipped with the latest version
of the NATO Link-11 system, code named "Story Book." Japanese officials are
concerned that, even if the hard drives of the computers were magnetically
wiped and the CD-ROM key disks were destroyed, there is still much the
Chinese could learn.

Chinese Army Uses Stolen U.S. System

Chinese military engineers are already very familiar with the U.S. designed
Link-11 communication system. The Chinese military employs a stolen version
of the U.S.-made Link-11. The Link W system employed by the People's
Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) is an unlicensed copy of the U.S. Navy Link-11.

Japan also shares the Link-11 system with America. Japan has two new Boeing
767 airliners, equipped with huge American designed radars to monitor
aircraft and missile activity inside China. The Link-11 communication
systems in these aircraft are identical to those used on the captured
American EP-3E. Japanese military officials are worried that the new Boeing
early-warning aircraft will be jammed and unable to pass critical data to
command posts in the event of war with China.

The Japan Defense Agency in Tokyo ordered an immediate evaluation of the
risks to Japan after the U.S. Navy EP-3E was captured. Taiwan and Japan
regularly fly electronic surveillance aircraft in the Sea of Japan and the
East China Sea to monitor Chinese army communications and Chinese navy
warship activity. Since the April EP-3E incident, Japanese and Taiwanese
flights have been escorted by fighters and watched closely by radar.

Navy and CIA Ignored Warnings

Pentagon sources are convinced that the EP-3E incident was not an accident.
In March, U.S. Navy intelligence officials ignored the repeated close
encounters with the Chinese air force's jets, deciding that they were the
actions of a single "hot-shot" pilot.

Now defense analysts stated that they are certain that Chinese pilot Wang
Wei acted with permission from PLAAF command. The Chinese air force operates
under a strict Soviet-style control system that does not allow pilots to fly
close passes without permission.

In addition, Chinese army intelligence officials warned their American
counterparts in January that the People's Liberation Army disapproved of
American spy satellites, warning that the PLA might shoot one down in the
future. CIA officials reportedly ignored the warnings from Beijing at the

Defense officials now acknowledge the China has the capability of disabling
or destroying a U.S. satellite. U.S. spy satellites are considered strategic
assets and are monitoring Chinese military exercises. U.S. satellites also
monitored the recent deployment of Chinese DF-11 and DF-15 mobile missiles
to forward bases opposite Taiwan.

Army's Anti-satellite Weapons

The Chinese military has several active anti-satellite programs and has
demonstrated a conventional space-rocket-launched anti-satellite weapon.
More importantly, the People's Liberation Army Air Force is working on an
aircraft launched anti-satellite missile that can pop up unexpectedly to
attack U.S. satellites.

The PLAAF program reportedly included the purchase of a MiG-31 Foxhound
aircraft from Russia to fire a large, two-stage, anti-satellite missile. The
Russian Foxhound is capable of flying at speeds in excess of 2,000 miles an
hour at extremely high altitudes. Apparently the Chinese attempt to buy the
Foxhound from Moscow has failed. However, the new Chinese J-11 Flanker jet
fighter is capable of carrying the large anti-satellite missile.

The Chinese army is also working on a ground-based laser designed to destroy
or disable U.S. satellites. Recent translations of Chinese military
documentation show that the PLA accelerated development of beam weapons
during 2000. The new PLA anti-satellite laser is estimated to be able to
deliver over 10,000 watts of output power on a target up to 500 miles away.

 China Broke U.S. Military C

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] Barbara Hartman Part II

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Shopping for auto insurance? Compare up to four companys'
rates at, rated the top online insurance
carrier by internet quality measurement firm 

  - Original Message -
From: Barbara Hartwell
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];Thomas, Kenneth
F.;[EMAIL PROTECTED];Rayelan;[EMAIL PROTECTED];Kasten, Kathy;Barbara
Hartwell;Uri Dowbenko;Kurt Billings
Sent: 6/7/01 5:30:34 PM

Dear Friends,

Here is Part 2 of my article, Time to Set the Record Straight.

It is intended for publication on Steamshovel Press and Conspiracy
Planet, as the sequel to my Part 1. (Sorry it took so long. )

Uri, please check for errors and correct if necessary. Thanks.

This report is not intended for distrubution on any e-mail lists, but
may also be posted on a website by anyone  receiving this, at your

I have quoted material from Rayelan Allan and Robert Sterling and the
content re  Kurt Billings is continued from Part 1.

Thanks for your consideration.

P.S. I will be leaving tonight for parts unknown --to get some
desperately-needed R&R.
I'll be back in 2 weeks.


Barbara Hartwell
Legal Defense and Research Fund
PO Box 832
Woodstock NY 12498


Time to Set the Record Straight, Part 1 is posted on Steamshovel Press
and Conspiracy Planet


I have found it necessary to withdraw from the public arena for several
compelling reasons: Serious concerns about my safety, including threats
to my life.  Financial destitution. Disability/chronic illness. I have
found nobody among my family, friends and associates willing to provide
any serious backup, financially, professionally or otherwise. On the
contrary, I have been abandoned and betrayed by so many people, I've
lost count.  For far too long, I have been up against the most brutal
persecution all alone, with nobody I can rely on for the type of solid
support I need.

A whistleblower is often the lone gun. And what's it like to be the
target of a CIA "neutralization campaign" ? The enemy deploys their
massive artillery with impunity, manned by inexhaustible battalions of

Folks, I am outmanned and outgunned.

I won't back down, nor will I sacrifice my principles. I will not
compromise with my adversaries. And I will not be intimidated by their
threats and other forms of persecution.  This is a strategic retreat
--NOT a surrender. But enough is enough.  I need a break. And come hell
or high water, I am going to take one.


I can no longer afford to spend my time doing research and writing
articles for which I am not paid, while  trying to fend off  the severe
harassment I have been targeted for over the past seven years, which I
can only compare to trench warfare.  I need to do whatever it takes to
reduce the extreme stress, in order to avoid a total collapse. I have
suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder for many years. And in my
case, since the traumatic stress is ongoing --not just a one-time,
past-tense "stressor" from which I am attempting to recover--I have no
choice but to remove myself from all stressors which are under my
control --until I can catch my breath and make a new battle plan.

In lieu of further public activism and publishing articles on the
Internet, I plan to spend the better part of my time  finishing my book,
titled Hardwired: The True Story of a CIA Black Ops Survivor. Those
people who are seriously interested in my research and experiences can
buy the book. At least I won't be working for no compensation. I am
thoroughly exhausted and I am no longer willing to burn myself out nor
allow my resources and energy to be totally drained, meanwhile being
forced to struggle for basic survival.

I've known plenty of people who pay lip service in support of Freedom
and Justice for All. And who complain about outrageous violations of
human and constitutional rights. But for the most part, that's where
their efforts seem to stop. Few are willing to put themselves on the
line to fight for what they say they believe in --not if it threatens
their personal comfort and security. Not if they have to make serious
sacrifices for the cause. As for myself, I've had no comfort, nor
security, for many years. Sacrifices ? I've exhausted my store.

I'm also tired of being an unpaid investigator for those who are too
lazy to do their own research and seem to take for granted that just
because I have "gone 


2001-06-08 Thread The Extremist

-Caveat Lector-

June 8, 2001

Dear Newswatch Magazine Listeners/Readers:

The United Nations is meeting July 9-13, 2001 in New York to discuss the
final program to disarm private citizens in ALL nations - INCLUDING THE
UNITED STATES!!! Of course, this will NOT affect any Communist country
because they have been disarmed since they were overthrown. THIS PROGRAM IS
the enemy of International Communism - Luciferianism - Satanism. This is
the final attempt to disarm America, so the Marxist United Nations can send
in her "peacekeeping" forces to occupy us.

President John F. Kennedy signed Freedom From War in September 1961 which
was State Department Publication 7277. This document called for turning all
of our military armaments over to the United Nations in three stages. He
also signed Blueprint for the Peace Race in April 1962 which called for
foreign troops to patrol the streets of America - specifically Russia in
the South, China in the West and Venezuela in the North along with one
other country.

The United Nations is trying to eliminate the veto power of the Big 5, so
the General Assembly can vote on proposals and they become law. If this
were to happen and the United States remained inside the UN, we would be
outvoted by Communist countries, Muslim countries, and all third and fourth
world countries. They would have the firepower and the shear NUMBERS in its
army to force America to become openly Socialist/Communist. Every
Constitutional Right that we were given in 1789 would be GONE.

Venezuela, during the week of May 17, 2001, SIGNED agreements with both
Russia and China which included military technical support. WHY? Venezuela
must be prepared for the time of their military patrols in the Northern
sections of America when the UN occupies us. But that's not all! This
anti-American coalition includes India and Iran also. Russia wants to make
sure their ally has the capability of "cutting off the oil" to America when
the right time has arrived. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov signed a
military cooperation agreement with Venezuela's Defense Minister, Jose
Vicente Rangel. We will begin to see Russian and Chinese military advisors
pouring into the country,

V.I. Lenin in 1921 laid out the world program to conquer America and the
West for world government. He said they would first take Eastern Europe,
then the masses of Asia, then surround the United States which would be the
last bastion of capitalism. It would fall into their hands. HOW? They have
Cuba, Nicaragua, now Venezuela and working on Columbia and Mexico. China
now has control of both ends of the Panama Canal. China has nuclear
missiles - at least 18 with 10 multiple warheads that could strike 180 U.S.
cities. Combine this with Russian nuclear submarines that also carry a
payload of warheads off of our East and West coast, and we have the very
scenario they wrote about in 1921.

Russia and the world Communist leaders have left no stone unturned. They
also laid down the Plan in case America did not fall and resistance did
occur. They actually started their 1930 Plan that was written down by
Dimity Manuilski in 1985-1989. The would PRETEND that Communism had
collapsed and was no longer a threat to the West. The treaties that they
had agreed to with the U.S. to disarm would be broken while the U.S. DID
observe them. They would have electrifying overtures of PEACE that would
lull the West to sleep - thinking Communism was NO longer a threat to our

When former President/Communist Bill Clinton gave away our secrets to the
Communist Chinese, it helped the process of surrounding the U.S. with more
advanced nuclear missiles than they had in their supplies. Now President
George W. Bush is doing his part in the dismantling of our military as
called for in those Kennedy documents from 1961 and 1962.

The American people have NO concept as to what is happening to them. The
mass news media has filled their minds with "PEACE AND SAFETY." That sleepy
time will come to a screeching halt before long. We don't know the exact
moment, but it will come. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO HAPPEN? God sifted ancient
Israel through the nations because of their violation of the Everlasting
Covenant that He and Israel entered into. He told king David that He would
use foreign nations to punishment for disobedience: "If his [king David &
Israel] children FORSAKE my law, and walk not after my judgments; If they
break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; THEN will I visit their
transgression WITH THE ROD [of war], and their iniquity WITH STRIPES"
(Psalm 89: 30-32). This nation will suffer at the hand of the enemy. BUT
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO! "Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead
our Lord Jesus, that GREAT SHEPHERD of the sheep, THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE
EVERLASTING COVENANT, Make you perfect [through forgivene

[CTRL] AP: Calif. Congressman Threatens to Sue Over Missing Woman Stories; NYP: Intern called police before vanishing

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Friday, June 8, 2001

Calif.  Congressman Threatens to Sue Over Missing Woman Stories

>From Associated Press

WASHINGTON -- Rep.  Gary Condit has hired a lawyer and demanded that media
outlets retract news stories about the nature of his relationship with a
woman who has been missing for five weeks.

Condit's relationship with Chandra Levy, 24, has come under media scrutiny
since her disappearance April 30.  Police are treating the disappearance as
missing person's case, rather than a criminal matter.

The California Democrat has called Levy "a good friend," but some media
reports have quoted unidentified sources as suggesting the two were
"romantically involved." Condit's office has denied any romance.
Mike Lynch, Condit's chief of staff, said in a statement Thursday the
congressman has hired attorney Joseph Cotchett of the San Francisco area.
lawyer has sent a letter to several media outlets seeking retractions.
"False statements, statements taken out of context and sheer innuendo and
rumor have been published as fact," Lynch said.

"Photos have been doctored to mislead the public."

Levy was a graduate student at the University of Southern California, and
completed an internship with the Federal Bureau of Prisons when she

She had planned to return to attend graduation ceremonies in Los Angeles,
her bags were found packed in her Washington apartment.


New York Post
June 8, 2001



June 8, 2001 -- Missing Washington intern Chandra Levy called Rep. Gary
Condit several times the day before she mysteroiusly vanished, according
to her cell-phone records.

Investigators say Levy repeatedly called the California Democrat at a
special answering service that bypassed his congressional office.

The 24-year-old, hazel-eyed, dark-haired beauty, who had just completed
a six-month internship with the Bureau of Prisons, was last heard from
on May 1, when she e-mailed her parents in Modesto, Calif.

Her cell-phone records reveal that she called the 53-year-old Condit -
whose office she had visited - several times on both April 29 and April

Sgt. Joseph Gentile, a Washington police spokesman, refudsed to confirm
whether the records show Levy called the congressman.

He said only that cops had taken her cell-phone and laptop from her
apartment, and "we are going through the records."

The disclosure of the calls follows a Washington Post report that Condit
admitted to cops that the attractive intern slept at his apartment in
Washington's trendy Adams Morgan neighborhood.

The newspaper also quoted a close relative as saying Levy had confided
she was romantically involved with the married congressman.

Levy had suggested to friends that she was dating a congressman, and in
a home video that the family distributed on May 22, her father, Robert,
talks about her "adventures in Washington . . . and a congressman

Appearing on the ABC show "The View" yesterday, Chandra's mother, Susan,
was taken aback when asked about The Washington Post story.

"I don't know what to say," Susan Levy said. "I don't want to impede the
Police Department and their work."

The anguished mom said the family "is doing terrible. It's the most
horrible thing a family could ever go through.

"My husband's a cancer doctor, and he cannot effectively practice
medicine in the professional way he normally does. He's too nervous to
make heavy-duty decisions."

Condit has denied having a romance with Chandra, and his spokesman,
Randy Groves, declined to comment on the latest reports, saying he
didn't want to distract from efforts to find the missing woman.

"We are not going to feed a media frenzy," he said.

In Ceres, Calif., the congressman's mother, Jean, strongly denied her
son had an untoward relationship with Chandra.

"The news media are vultures," she fumed. "They are trying to destroy
him. They're lying."

Copyright 2001 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CT

Re: [CTRL] ongoing proGay Pressure

2001-06-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

> you claimed that there was a "gay" blocking the referendum. i have asked
> ots of times to name him and show evidence for your totally bullshit claim
> ;) so you haven't quoted your sources at all.

the publications for that stuff is years old - and I don't intend to
reresearch it. BUT
If I could easily identify the government agency that oversees polls both at
and abroad - [I don't think its the electoral commission] - it would
therefore be
the chief executive of THAT organisation.
Bear in mind that not only would it be easy for this chap to say yes to
whitehall -
he would probably do anything Mandelson - the gay architect of tonys
labour - wanted
however - the point is a moot one - tonnes of gays lined up to subvert the
the referendum result - demonstrated that the majority of voters in scotland
- ie. more people than would normally
elect a legitimate government - voted to keep the clause
as we know people/gays actively campaigned against it - though they haven't
been successful
in england yet
> >

and it is of his own admittance,
when he returned to the political scene he announced all his past gay stuff
to nullify any tabloid innuendo. it has worked. he is great guy! hehe, he is
of direct spanish descent (he is fluent) but is very anti- europe... he has
had an active gay life but is anti-gay politically.. he is a paradox and i
think he is dangerous and creeepy and just ace ;) i cannot wait til heis
leader of the conservative party. which he will be and he will run blair
ragged as opposition leader and it will be such a laugh.

sounds fun, but
having fantasies about Portillo is a bad idea - I'll bet he wouldn't have
liked to get locked
up in a tory refugee concentration camp -
If I were you - I'd idolise someone else - Portillo doesn't sound like a
family man.
I hope that the wonderful  family life so blessed with children that you
were describing
to amelia will continue in peace - and don't worry too much about nasty
scotsmen like myself - we never could cope with culloden and paul gascoigne
at wembley :)

why if I explored my feminine side more often I would be more sensitive ;)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Link- DynCorp's $600 Million Dollar State Dept. Contract

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

Corpwatch has acquired a copy of a $600 million dollar contract between
DynCorp and the U.S. State Department. The company carries crop fumigation
and eradication against coca farmers in Colombia, Bolivia and Peru. In
Colombia it is also involved in drug interdiction, transport, reconnaissance,
search and rescue missions, medical evacuation and aircraft maintenance,
among other operations.

Read The Contract Here

[CTRL] Bilderberger Blair Re-Elected...Illuminati Agenda To Unfold As Scheduled

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

By David Icke


Another elected dictatorship was "voted" back into power as Bilderberger Tony
Blair began a second term as the UK's puppet Prime Minister.

It was a classic Illuminati operation. When they wanted Margaret Thatcher in
office during the Thatcherism/Reaganomics era in the 1980s, they first
organised the so- called Winter of Discontent - an explosion of strikes and
industrial unrest that ensured the then Labour government would be soundly
beaten in the 1979 election that brought Thatcher to power.

To keep her in power for the desired period, they ensured that two
unelectable Labour leaders, Michael Foot and Neil Kinnock, led the opppsition
to Thatcher in the years that followed. When she became surplus to
requirements and began to resist, at least publicly, the UK's further
absorbtion into the European superstate, she was removed by her own party
while still in office - a year after the Bilderberg Group was reported to
have made that decision..

The Thatcher regime was keenly supported by the "newspapers" of Rupert
Murdoch and most of the rest of the British press - until that is it was time
for her to go. Then the Bilderberger, Tony Blair, was elected leader of the
Labour Party after the sudden death of John Smith and Murdoch's papers then
switched their support from the Conservative Party to Labour for the first
time. This is hardly surprising, given that Blair is an Illuminati place man
put in office to serve their agenda - particularly taking the UK into the
European single currency and eliminating the pound sterling.

On Thursday morning, election day, Blair was endorsed by the Murdoch papers
and usually staunch Conservative papers like the Daily Express. Even the
Daily Mail, which claims to be opposed to the European superstate, did not
support the Conservative leader, William Hague. The Daily Mirror, the second
biggest selling paper behind Murdoch's comic, the Sun, ran a picture of Hague
on the front page with the headline X Marks the Clot.

Hague was brought to the leadership of the Conservative Party during the
first term of the Blair Government for the same reason that Foot and Kinnock
headed the Labour Party during the Thatcher governments: it ensured that
their chosen puppets would stay in office. Today, Hague has resigned after
being ridiculed by the media dedicated to another Blair government.

Now watch Blair begin the propaganda to manipulate and frighten public
opinion into accepting the end of the pound and taking the European single
currency. That is what he is there for. He says he will hold a referendum
when the economic conditions are right to go into the Euro. Those conditions
could not be met while the pound was at its present value. However, this
morning as I write this, the pound's value is plummeting on the exchange

Just a co-incidence, nothing to worry about.

[CTRL] Pharmacy contaminates shots with meningitis causing bacteria

2001-06-08 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

One dead, at least three others are infected with
WALNUT CREEK (AP) -- At least one man is dead and three
others infected with meningitis after a Contra Costa
County pharmacy apparently contaminated cortisone shots
with the bacteria, health investigators said Thursday.
A 47-year-old Concord man recently died from the disease
after receiving an injection at John Muir Medical Center.
Thee others have been hospitalized with the non-contagious
An elderly man who received similar injections also died
of meningitis, though it is not clear if that death was
related to the contaminated batch of shots.
About 20 patients received the injections into their
spines, Contra Costa County investigators said. They said
workers at Doc's Pharmacy & Home Health Care Center in
Walnut Creek somehow infected the shots before sending
them out for use by health workers.


Best Wishes

If you're a politician, bureaucrat, or cop whose livelihood depends on
the drug war, you're fully as contemptible as any pusher, smuggler, or
cocaine baron -- more so, because, unlike them, you profit directly by
destroying what was once the greatest freedom ever known to humankind.
- Mirelle Stein, _The Productive Class_";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Legal System Linked To Templars & Masonry

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

From the May 2001 Idaho Observer: 
Legal system linked to Templars and Freemasonry?

The legal profession in the U.S., as monopolized by the American Bar 
Association and its subordinate state Bar Associations, has its roots in 
British “Inner Temples.” Under “Inner Temple,” the 1978 Encyclopedia 
Britannica says, “(English law): see Inns of Court.” 

Under “Inns of Court,” the Britannica explains that the “Lincoln's Inn, 
Gray's Inn, Inner Temple and Middle Temple [are] a group of institutions of 
considerable antiquity, located in London, that have been historically 
responsible for legal education. Their respective governing bodies, the 
benches, exercise the exclusive right of admitting persons to practice by a 
formal call to the bar.” 

According to the Britannica, Inns of Court are voluntary societies that are, 
“unchartered, unincorporated and unendowed. Hence their early history [which 
began in the Middle Ages] is obscure.” 

The Inns of Court Temple can be entered from Fleet Street in London. 
Britannica refers to the Temple as “another segment of the City's power 

The Templars 

The Temple was originally the British headquarters of the Knights Templar. 
Historical documents show that the Templars returned from the Crusades with 
incredible first-century documentation, wealth and treasures and was the 
richest organization in the world at that time -- richer even than the 

The Templars became a specific target of the Inquisition in 1307. Pope 
Clement V and King Phillip IV of France ganged up on the Templars and burned 
its Grand Master Jaques DeMolay at the stake in 1314. 

According to Lawrence Gardner, “the appointed historian and sovereign 
genealogist to 33 royal families who,” according to Dr. Len Horowitz, “has 
access to Celtic church records dating back to 37 A.D,” the Templars were 
responsible for creating the banking network that funded every European Court 
of the time and is still in place to this day. 

The Britannica and Gardner concur that the Templars were the ancestors of 
various secret societies, including the Freemasons. 

Considering the incalculable wealth of the Templars up to the time of 
DeMolay's execution; considering they were not “evicted” for past due rent, 
what are we to think? 

The historical impact of Masonic influence in European and American history 
since the Middle Ages to present is extremely well-documented. It is not 
inconceivable that the Templars, which never lost their financial might, were 
forced to change form during the Inquisition. At that time they became many 
things, including Freemasons, Prieure de Sion, Knights of Malta, Knights of 
Columbus, Rosicrucians...and...lawyers? 

The power of those who were educated in the law, knew how to write the law, 
knew how to interpret the law and knew how to twist the law were obviously 
held in high regard when the Templars were forced to change their leopard 
spots as the lawyers were given the keys to the Temple when the Templars 
allegedly left. 


The most interesting clues as to how and why lawyers have gained so much 
influence over all three branches of American government can be found at the 
American Inns of Court website. 

There are hundreds of “Inns” across the nation that boast an aggregate 
membership of some 20,000 judges and attorneys (if there are 1 million 
lawyers in this country, then 1 out of 50 belong to this secret society). The 
page links to the Inns of Europe and describes its mission. “An American Inn 
of Court is not a fraternal order, a social club, a course in continuing 
legal education, a lecture series, an apprenticeship system, or an adjunct of 
a law school's program. While an AIC partakes of some of each of these 
concepts, it is quite different in aim, scope, and effect.” 

The American Inns of Court have adopted the “English model of 
apprenticeship” and are designed “to improve the skills, professionalism and 
ethics of the bench and bar. An American Inn of Court is an amalgam of 
judges, lawyers, and, in some cases, law professors and law students. Each 
Inn meets approximately once a month both to 'break bread' and to hold 
programs and discussions on matters of ethics, skills and professionalism.” 

No further comment is needed here. The state of our lawyer-influenced nation 
speaks for itself. 

An excellent compilation of the involvement of ancient secret societies in 
contemporary life can be found in the book, “Healing Codes for the Biological 
Apocalypse” by Dr. Len Horowitz (1-888-508-4787). 

[CTRL] The McVeigh Ruling- A Travesty Of Justice

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

The McVeigh ruling--a travesty of justice

By Barry Grey
8 June 2001

The ruling handed down Wednesday by Federal Judge Richard Matsch denying 
Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh's request for a stay of execution is a 
flagrant attack on the constitutional principle of due process with ominous 
implications for basic democratic rights.

Matsch's ruling was upheld Thursday by the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in 
a rapid-fire decision that reeked of contempt for the constitutional issues 
raised by McVeigh's lawyers. “McVeigh has utterly failed to demonstrate 
substantial grounds upon which relief might be granted,” the court declared. 
Echoing Matsch, the appeals court judges dismissed out of hand McVeigh's 
complaint that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had prejudiced his trial 
and sentencing by illegally withholding thousands of pages of evidence from 
his attorneys.

Following Thursday's appeals court ruling, McVeigh instructed his attorneys 
to forego a final appeal to the US Supreme Court, making all but certain his 
execution by lethal injection on Monday, June 11 at 8 AM Eastern Daylight 

These rulings are a travesty of justice. They stink to high hell.

The enormity of the crime for which McVeigh was convicted does not give 
federal authorities license to withhold thousands of pages of evidence from 
his defense lawyers, and then rush him to the death chamber before his legal 
team can properly study the suppressed documents. Such a procedure makes a 
mockery of democratic rights.

The operating principle behind these rulings is the motto: “Dead men tell no 
tales.” Behind all of the official talk of “closure” and the manipulation of 
the families affected by the horrible crime in which McVeigh participated is 
an effort by the government and the courts, aided and abetted by the media, 
to conceal evidence of criminality by federal agencies that might point to 
their own complicity in the Oklahoma City bombing.

There is reason to believe that Matsch is far more aware of the forces that 
were at work in the bombing that killed 168 people in April of 1995 than 
McVeigh himself. The only plausible explanation for the unseemly rush on the 
part of the federal government and the courts to put McVeigh to death, riding 
roughshod over the legal rights of criminal defendants in the process, is 
their fear that a further delay in his execution and the reopening of an 
investigation will expose the government's connections to ultra-right forces 
and its own culpability.

Matsch handed down his ruling less than a month after Attorney General John 
Ashcroft revealed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had withheld more 
than 3,000 pages of evidence from McVeigh's lawyers. Ashcroft made this 
announcement only days before McVeigh's original execution date, which 
Ashcroft then put off to June 11. Since then, the Justice Department has 
turned up nearly 1,000 additional pages of suppressed evidence, most of which 
McVeigh's defense team received less than two weeks before Matsch's ruling.

Matsch's decision stunned even government prosecutors, who argued against a 
stay of execution but were all but reconciled to the likelihood that the 
execution would be delayed, given the scale of the violation of McVeigh's 
rights and the obvious fact that McVeigh's lawyers had not had adequate time 
to study the evidence and pursue further investigations.

McVeigh's lawyers argued that their preliminary reading of the documents had 
uncovered evidence pointing to the existence of a wider conspiracy in the 
1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Some of the 
withheld evidence, they alleged, pointed to the involvement of FBI or Bureau 
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms informants, and suggested that federal 
authorities had been given advance warning of the bombing.

They maintained that the suppression of this information had damaged 
McVeigh's defense. While not contesting the guilty verdict against their 
client, they asserted that the suppressed evidence could warrant a new 
hearing on McVeigh's sentence, potentially reducing it from death to life 

The defense lawyers asked Matsch to delay the execution so that they could 
pursue a charge of fraud by federal authorities against the court and reopen 
McVeigh's appeal proceedings.

Without making any reference to specific evidentiary facts raised by the 
defense, the judge dismissed their arguments on the absurd grounds that even 
if their allegations of a wider conspiracy and the complicity of federal 
agencies could be substantiated, such revelations would have no impact on 
either the verdict or the sentence against McVeigh.

“The argument of defendant's counsel that the jury may not have found the 
death penalty was justified if the defense had been able to implicate 
additional perpetrators is just not tenable,” Matsch declared.

To back up this claim, 

[CTRL] Echelon's Cover Blown

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

Spying chain's cover blown


One after another the shutters in Washington came down on the European Union
delegation as soon as they mentioned Echelon.

No one in the United States Government would admit that the electronic spying
system, the most powerful in the world, even existed. And if it did, they
made clear, they would rather not go into it.

The National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the State
Department and even the Department of Commerce refused to talk to the
committee of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) on a fact-finding trip
last month.

Stonewalled wherever they turned, the MEPs left, angry and frustrated,
cutting short their trip.

Now, with the European Parliament's groundbreaking report into the global spy
network published in Brussels, the MEPs who were left out in the cold know
whom to blame. Not just the American authorities but the British Government,
they are convinced, colluded in the obstruction.

The 108-page report, the fruit of seven months' investigation by the
Parliament, does nothing to dampen the controversy long associated with the
clandestine network and raises fresh, disturbing questions.

Echelon was set up during the Cold War by the United States, Britain, Canada,
New Zealand and Australia to collate electronic intelligence. The network has
grown to keep pace with the explosion in information technology.

Today it gives 55,000 British and American operatives access to data gathered
by 120 spy satellites worldwide. Every minute of every day, the system can
process three million electronic communications.

The spy network is very much an Anglo-American show, with the Americans as
senior partners, run from Fort Meade in Maryland, Menwith Hill, Yorkshire,
and GCHQ at Cheltenham. In Germany, 750 Americans operate an intercept
station near Bad Aibling, taken over by the US Army in 1952.

New Zealand espionage expert and author Nicky Hager says New Zealand's
Waihopai surveillance facility near Blenheim eavesdrops on two major
satellites funnelling enormous amounts of information across the Pacific,
whether between Asia and the Americas or between countries on Asia's Pacific

This daily barrage is fed through a computer system which sifts out messages
containing keywords or individual names and divides them between various
intelligence agencies for further study.

Officers of New Zealand's largest intelligence agency, the GCSB or Government
Communications Security Bureau, sit in Wellington checking screen after
screen of communications from Pacific sources.

"The bureau has a name designed to be forgotten," says Hager. "Despite a
best-selling book about them, very few people know they exist."

The communications passed to the GCSB can come from any Pacific nation or
source south of the equator and east of Papua New Guinea.

Other data received in New Zealand, but obtained from different areas, is
never sighted here but sent direct to Washington or Canberra.

Hager doubts whether there is any political will in New Zealand to withdraw
from this alliance as it would fundamentally alter our relationship with the
United States.

One of Europe's main worries is the claim that Echelon gathers industrial
espionage from European companies for American rivals.

Boeing and McDonnell Douglas are said to have beaten France to a $6 billion
contract to supply Airbus jets to Saudi Arabia, thanks to Echelon intercepts
of faxes and phone calls.

There has also been scathing criticism of Britain - and its obsession with
secrecy - from its European partners for siding with the "Anglo-Saxon" club
rather than Europe in espionage matters.

The MEPs were alarmed to learn that their mobile phones were being used to
track their movements and could be transformed into bugging devices.

At least they can take some comfort from claims that the network is just as
capable of being used against the United States.

A former employee of Canada's security agency has claimed that Canadian spies
once managed to overhear the American ambassador in Ottawa discussing a
pending trade deal with China on a mobile phone.

The information gained was used to undercut the Americans and land a $2.5
billion Chinese grain sale.

But while the European report is revealing, the authors did not vindicate all
the claims made about the spy system. They failed to prove conclusively that
Echelon had been used by the United States, or indeed Britain, for commercial
spying on European competitors. And its scope is not as extensive as had been
feared. But the report warned businesses and ordinary individuals that they
were being spied on and that users should encrypt their e-mails. It said:
"That a global system for intercepting communications exists ... is no longer
in doubt. They do tap into private, civilian and corporate communications."

Nicky Hager 

[CTRL] Paul O'Neill's $62,000,000 Delay

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon

Aluminum sliding
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill promised to dump his Alcoa stock in March. He
still hasn't -- and might have bagged $62 million as a result.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Jake Tapper
June 7, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- More than two months ago, Treasury Secretary
Paul O'Neill agreed to sell $100 million in stock in Alcoa, the aluminum
company he used to run, announcing on ABC's "This Week" that he had told his
staff, "Let's get this off the table" in order to avoid any appearance of a
conflict of interest.

For now, though, O'Neill's stocks are still very much on the table. He has
not fully divested and refuses to say just how much stock he has left in his
former company. But he almost surely has earned millions off the stock as its
price has soared in recent months -- in part because of initiatives by the
federal government.

By delaying his sale of the stock, O'Neill could have reaped a $62 million

By Thursday, Alcoa's stock had increased in value about 30 percent since
O'Neill made that March 25 announcement, promising to divest from the company
he ran for 13 years. Michele Davis, a Treasury spokeswoman, said that O'Neill
had sold some of his stock, but would not say how much, refusing to
characterize his transaction as either large or small, saying only that "it
will all be gone by June 22. His financial advisors are selling pieces of it
on a routine basis."

Davis claims that O'Neill's sale of Alcoa stock has been underway since
"maybe April." But as of Thursday, the Securities and Exchange Commission had
no record showing that O'Neill had sold any shares of Alcoa. And according to
Peter Romeo, a Washington securities lawyer, the SEC would "almost certainly"
have to be notified had any large transaction by a former chairman gone
through. Davis did not return a call for further comment.

Considering the meteoric rise of Alcoa stock since O'Neill's March 25 pledge,
such a delay makes financial, if not ethical, sense.

After all, O'Neill left Alcoa with 2.37 million shares of stock and 3.77
million in stock options. Had he held on to all of his stocks as Alcoa's
stock price has shot to the roof in the last few months, he would now be
significantly richer -- $62 million richer.

"One of the sad truths of Washington is you can't take people at their word
anymore on anything," says Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center
for Public Integrity, a government watchdog group. "When we hear people are
selling their stocks, silly us -- we actually thought he was selling it. The
idea that he has gotten wealthier by not doing what he promised the American
people he would do weeks ago is lamentable and misleading to the public."

Lewis also says he was troubled by the fact that O'Neill has "made money by
holding on to [the stock] while at the same time administration policies on
energy have driven up the price of his stock."

When President Bush was sworn in Jan. 21, Alcoa stock was worth $32.69 per
share. On March 26, the day after O'Neill said he would sell his shares in
Alcoa, the company's stock opened at $33.90. Since then, due in part to
actions by the federal government in response to the energy crisis, Alcoa
stock has risen dramatically.

On Wednesday, Alcoa closed at $43.99 on the New York Stock Exchange -- a
$10.09, or 29.8 percent, increase since O'Neill promised to sell the stock.
In other words, O'Neill's net worth because of Alcoa has increased $23.9
million if he has held on to his entire investment.

Moreover, O'Neill also held 3.77 million Alcoa stock options. Alcoa's annual
report says the 44.6 million options given to employees have an average
exercisable price of $23.42. Assuming this to be the worth of each one of
O'Neill's stock options -- a conservative estimate -- the increase in value
of these options from March 26 until June 6 would be approximately $38.1
million. That means, in total, O'Neill's foot-dragging on the matter could
have made him $62 million richer.

And O'Neill has certainly been in no hurry on the matter. It wasn't until
April 23 that the U.S. Office of Government Ethics received his request for
the certificate of divestiture form he would need to defer payment of the
capital gains tax he would owe after selling his Alcoa shares.

By that day, the stock price was already beginning to jump, closing at
$40.42. The day that the ethics office issued his certificate of divestiture,
on April 26, Alcoa closed at $42.08.

A few weeks before, on April 10, officials at a federal government
hydroelectric power company wholesaler in the Pacific Northwest, Bonneville
Power Administration, run by the U.S. Department of Energy, asked aluminum
producers in Washington, Oregon and Idaho to halt their production of
aluminum for up to two years in order to conserve energy, reducing the
worldwide supply of aluminum by 5 percent.

The federal agency also requested that aluminum companies not restart 10

Re: [CTRL] The stabbing Suspect Is A "Schizophrenic"

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This means he was on drugs and maybe into something else - made me
wonder thougoh - Job's Coffin appears in the sky in June.the sabeans
murdered Job's kidsand in Job you have the "astrologer's mark of
doom".and it is written "their children are far from safety.

Now the old Assassins - last name of Sabah (note the Saba) - used drugs
to induce his followers to murder for him - at the nod of the head, they
would jump off a cliff and die for they believed they would return to
the Garden of Eden or Paradise..many of the ancient assassins who
orginated in Persia as I recall ventured into asiatic countries -
consider the Kamakazi pilots of WWII - but first they were given a
little drug to gain control.

Now this guy had tried to murder teachers in the past - by putting
"tranquilizers" in their drinks; and also he moved in around children,
as a Janitor in a school.

Job's Coffin came into the sky when RFK was murdered - and Jean Dixon in
her book (which she had the guts to send me with that othre piece of
crap she wrote with a prayer card) - Tokyo Rose Dixon, had a chapter in
which she had given a title in memory of the Kennedy brothers."The
Son's of Job".

So you see Job is all about murder as in the Song of Solomon full of
drugs and death for all is under the rose in many of these cryptic

No Japan boasted a low crime rate and this was out of the ordinary other
than this cult which I reproduce for you a story re same - murderers one
murdering an infant.

Iniquities of the fathers - are they being visited upon the Children?
Did this guy have any connections to the Japanese Dooms Day Cult, the
"AUM" society and was there a secret word for June that set him off -

So much for these instruments in the hand of God, who murder for

The Japanese police are - well stupid?   But smarter than USA who shares
banking information with Russians through our computer networks - any
Red Communist can latch onto your bank accounts and we know the Chinese
have inside road.Open Sesame.


 Tuesday, March 14, 2000Home  >  World  >  Article
  News  Page One

 Tuesday, March 14, 2000Home  >  World  >

Police hired doomsday cult for secret software
Tokyo: Japanese police have been embarrassed by revelations that they
sub-contracted the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult to write software for
supposedly secret operations.

As a result of this glaring breach of security, the cult - public enemy
number one since it killed 12 people and injured thousands of others in
a nerve gas attack on the Tokyo underground in 1995 - gained access to
classified information and earned 2 million yen ($31,000) from the
police into the bargain.

It is the latest evidence of the ease with which computer companies
linked to Aum have penetrated the top echelons of the Japanese
Government, including the defence agency, as well as many of the
nation's biggest companies and academic institutions.

According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the metropolitan police department
contracted IBM Japan to set up a computer system to manage its patrol
cars, some of which were likely to have been involved in monitoring the
cult, whose name means "supreme truth".

Part of this job was sub-contracted through a complex series of channels
to Vainqueur, a software firm affiliated to Aum, for about 2 million

Neither IBM nor the police were aware of the identity of their software
provider until a month before the new system was to go into operation in
early 1998, by which time the cult had already seen classified data on
the deployment of 115 police vehicles, including unmarked cars.

In a frantic effort to minimise the damage, police took some of the cars
out of use and changed the licence plates on others.

The revelations represent a blow to the police, whose previously strong
public image has taken a hammering in recent weeks with revelations of
drug-taking, cover-ups and negligence.

But they are not alone in providing funds and secret information to

Last month, Japan's defence force, which controls one of the world's
most powerful military arsenals, had to suspend part of its computer
network after discovering that an Aum-linked firm was one of the
installation sub-contractors.

It has also emerged that cult members worked on computer systems at the
construction, education and telecommunications ministries, as well as at
key corporations, such as NTT, Kiyo Bank and the East Japan Railway.
In recent raids on cult facilities, inspectors have found a database
with information on thousands of officials at Japanese corporations.

Neither Aum nor the police has commented on the latest revelations.

The 2,000-member cult has recently enacted a series of reforms,
including changing its name to Aleph and disavowing the teachings of its
guru, Shoko Asahara, in an effort to counter a police crackdown and
growing public pressure for it to disband.

SABA:   So Japan has strict gun will they take a

Re: [CTRL] article about stanley glickman

2001-06-08 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find the url and info below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for mc survivors to read.

excerpt from :



The Observer - 2/14/99 - The Observer Life Page; Pg. 32 - "Conspiracy: In
1952, Stanley Glickman was a promising young painter studying in Paris. Then
one night he shared a drink with some fellow Americans, and his life fell
apart. Did the CIA spike his drink with LSD?" by Russ Baker";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The European Coalition on Oil in Sudan: Misinformed and Irresponsible

2001-06-08 Thread ESPAC

-Caveat Lector-

The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
1 Northumberland Avenue

Tel:020 7872 5434
Fax:020 7753 2848


Date of Publication: June 2001


In Brussels, on 31 May 2001, a number of European organisations,
describing themselves as "working for peace for Sudan", launched what
they called the 'European Coalition on Oil in Sudan' (ECOS). This
"public appeal" was regrettably characterised by questionable
allegations and stale positions. Above all else it demonstrated what can
at best be described as a naïve arrogance in its calls for sanctions on

This grouping made serious claims about the Sudanese oil project, namely
that "in the oilfields of the Sudan, thousands of civilians have been
killed and displaced, their villages burned to the ground". It called
both for all those involved in Sudan's oil sector to suspend their
operations until the Sudanese civil war comes to an end, and for the
European Union to introduce sanctions to that effect.

It is regrettable that such an alliance of European organisations should
make allegations that have been repeatedly questioned by better informed
observers nearer to the areas concerned and, indeed, in large part
disproven by independent analysts. It is equally disappointing that on
the basis of these questionable claims ECOS has then chosen to
arrogantly demand that the poverty-stricken people of Sudan should not
be able to develop their own natural resources.

The partisan nature of ECOS is also clearly illustrated by the fact
while it called on the Sudanese government, other governments and
companies to take necessary steps "towards peace" in the oil fields it
pointedly did not call on the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA)
rebels to stop their concerted attacks on the population around Sudan's
oil areas - despite such Associated Press headlines as 'Sudanese Rebels
Plan to Intensify War Around Oil Fields". (1)


The basis for the claims made by ECOS that thousands of Sudanese
civilians have been displacement has been disproved by a detailed recent
scientific analysis of satellite pictures taken over a number of years
in the very areas of Sudan concerned.

The study was commissioned by the Canadian oil company Talisman Energy,
one of the companies involved in the Sudanese oil sector. Talisman asked
a leading British satellite imagery analysis company, Kalagate Imagery
Bureau, to study a series of satellite photographs taken of several
parts of their oil concession in Sudan, the epicentre of the sort of
"displacement" claimed by ECOS.   The images analysed by the Kalagate
Imagery Bureau included civilian satellite images collected last year
and images acquired by U.S. military intelligence satellites in 1965,
1967, and 1969. Ground resolution in the images varied between about
three feet and 10 feet. There were additional lower resolution Landsat
images from the 1980s and Radarsat images from 2000. (2)  The images
were analysed by Geoffrey John Oxlee, one of Britain's leading experts
in the field. (3)  Mr Oxlee found that "there is no evidence of
appreciable human migration from any of the seven sites examined." (4)
To the contrary, he further stated that analysis revealed that "once the
sites were developed, then people did come into the area, and in fact it
looked as if people developed around the oil sites rather than going
away from it." (5)

The massive "displacement" alleged by ECOS would have been immediately
obvious in any such study. Asked if there was any chance that he had
been provided with doctored images, Mr Oxlee stated that the satellite
photographs examined "are genuine pictures. Having looked at hundreds of
thousands of satellite pictures, there's no way these pictures have been
doctored. Absolutely none. We check these things out."

It would appear from detailed satellite picture analysis that that far
from witnessing the systematic displacement of civilians, southern
civilians seem to be being drawn towards the oil concessions.


It is all too evident that the European Coalition on Oil in Sudan is out
of step with attitudes towards Sudan within the international community,
and particularly the developing world. As much is admitted by ECOS when
it stated in its "public appeal" that "the international isolation of
Sudan is ending."

ECOS is repeating stale claims and echoing naïve and arrogant demands
which the international community have dismissed quite some time ago.
The Canadian government attempted to introduce a resolution containing
many of the same measures called for by ECOS while Canada was chairman
of the United Nations Security Council in 2000. The Canadian government
had to drop this idea in the face of considerable opposition from the
international community. The Canadian

[CTRL] Charles Key Interview

2001-06-08 Thread Beverly Osborne

-Caveat Lector-

Charles Key will be interviewed Saturday June 9 on KTOK's
"Open Mike Live" at 4:00  P.M. CST.  The show will be broadcast
nationally, so check your local AM radio stations.

"You shall know the truthand  the truth
shall make you mad."

  Aldous Huxley";>
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The stabbing Suspect Is A "Schizophrenic"

2001-06-08 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Does this mean that he heard 'voices' telling him to kill children?


Friday June 8 2:36 PM ET

Eight Children Killed in Japan School Stabbing

By Keiko Kanai

IKEDA, Japan (Reuters) - Eight children were killed and 15 people
injured at a Japanese elementary school on Friday when a former janitor
with a history of mental illness went on a stabbing rampage.

It was the worst mass killing in Japan since the 1995 sarin gas attack
on crowded Tokyo subways by the Aum Shinrikyo (Aum Supreme Truth) cult
which killed 12 and made thousands ill.

The victims were mainly seven- and eight-year-old pupils at the school
in Ikeda, a suburb of the western city of Osaka, Japan's second largest
metropolitan area. Seven of those killed were girls and the eighth was a
six-year-old boy, Japanese media said.

Two teachers were injured, police said, one of them a 28-year-old man
who was in critical condition and needed emergency surgery after the
attack. Five of the injured children were in critical condition,
television reports said.

The tragedy began when the man, wielding an 11-inch knife, walked into a
classroom mid-morning and began to stab children in a rampage that
police said lasted a little over 10 minutes.

``He came in holding a knife and started stabbing,'' a first grade girl

One sixth-grade girl told Reuters: ``We were listening to an
announcement over the loudspeaker, and then it was broken into by a
scream and a noise like a desk falling down...Then I heard someone
scream from below, 'Run!'''

Several children ran into a nearby supermarket yelling and crying for
help, witnesses said.

``One of the boys, whose back was stained with blood, fell in front of
the cashier. He was pale and did not speak a word,'' a shop clerk told a
television reporter. A schoolboy said ``I saw a person who had fallen
down. I also saw blood.''

Police were holding in custody a 37-year-old man who they said had
previously undergone treatment for schizophrenia.


The motive behind the attack was unclear, but NHK public broadcaster
said the suspect had told police he had taken 10 times his usual dosage
of tranquilizers and was babbling.

While school shootings such the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School
in Colorado have become a grim part of life in the United States, random
tragedy on such a scale is unheard of at Japanese schools.

The quiet of the summer day around the school, in an ordinary
residential area, was shattered by wailing sirens and the clatter of

Ambulances lined the school driveway while students streamed out of the
building and gathered on the school playing fields.

Frantic parents arrived soon afterwards, talking urgently into mobile
phones and later left with their children, tight-lipped.


The suspect, whom police asked not be identified because of his history
of mental illness, told police he wanted to suffer the death penalty for
his crime.

``I was fed up with everything,'' police quoted him as saying, adding
that he had previously tried to commit suicide. ``I want to be put to

Media reports said the suspect had previously been arrested for
allegedly putting tranquilizers in tea which he gave to teachers at a
school where he was employed as a janitor, but was not tried because he
was under treatment for mental illness.

The government formed an emergency task force headed by Education
Minister Atsuko Toyama and sent officials to the site.

Japan's traditional reputation as a society free of random violence has
been changing in recent years, and the number of senseless crimes, often
committed by teenagers, has risen rapidly.

``These are not ordinary times,'' said Katsuhiro Kinoshita, the father
of a sixth-grader at the school. ``I felt the blood drain from my face
when I heard.''


Voicing deep concern over rising rates of violent crime, Prime Minister
Junichiro Koizumi vowed to do whatever he could to restore Japan's
reputation as one of the world's safest countries.

``The safe society is crumbling. We must think of ways to deal with this
problem,'' Koizumi told reporters.

Last year, one 17-year-old boy bludgeoned passengers at a trendy Tokyo
shopping district with a baseball bat after a fight with his father;
another beat his mother to death with a metal bat; a third stabbed an
elderly neighbor to death because he wanted to experience killing

In 1999, a man entered a school playground and stabbed to death a
seven-year-old schoolboy.

One of the grisliest incidents of recent years, the 1997 murder and
beheading of an 11-year-old boy, was carried out by his 14-year-old

More recently, there has been a wave of incidents on Tokyo's crowded
trains, including one in which

Re: [CTRL] FW: News Release

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Can't you just see that big blimp coming out of the clouds and like Jaws
3 ramming those planes?   Bet it had flying tiger jaws with big fangs
painted on front -

So score one for 7 Up.

The hell with the Pepsi Generation .";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] House panel rejects Bush plan on endangered species

2001-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

House panel rejects Bush plan on endangered species

By JOHN HEILPRIN, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (June 8, 2001 11:10 a.m. EDT) - Rejecting a prominent
part of President Bush's environmental agenda, House Republicans shot
down a proposal that would have restricted the ability of environmental
groups to get plants and animals added to the endangered species list.

At issue are the kind of lawsuits that largely have established the Interior
Department's priorities in deciding which species deserve protection.

Mary Beth Beetham, director of legislative affairs for the Defenders of
Wildlife, said the Bush provision "would have gutted citizen enforcement of
the Endangered Species Act." But Interior Secretary Gale Norton has
argued it was necessary to let the Fish and Wildlife Service do its job.

A Republican-led House subcommittee on Thursday removed language the
administration had sought for the plan from an $18.9 billion lands and
energy spending bill for 2002. The legislation sailed through the House
Appropriations interior subcommittee on a voice vote.

The lawmakers also ignored Bush's request for $2 million for preparatory
studies for oil drilling the president wants to begin in Alaska's Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge. That was the latest sign that Bush's proposal to
drill in the sanctuary, opposed by environmentalists, is all but dead in

The bill would bust Bush's lands and energy budget by 4.4 percent, a
testament to the spending appetite of lawmakers of both parties. It would
boost Bush's request for energy research and conservation by $294 million
to nearly $1.8 billion, and provide $1.32 billion for land conservation, $64
million over his request.

"Most of our bills will be pretty close to Bush," House Appropriations
Committee Chairman Bill Young, R-Fla., said. "Will they be exactly the
same? No, because Congress has the obligation to use its best judgment."

The bill's $1.32 billion for lands conservation is the continuation of a
program Congress and President Clinton started last year. Much of the
money is for land acquisition by the federal, state and local governments.

The bill also would provide:

-$436 million for maintenance of national parks, part of Bush's five-year, $5
billion proposal to reduce a backlog of repairs. That includes only about
$60 million more than this year.

-$105 million for the National Endowment for the Arts, the same as this
year and the same Bush proposed.

The administration's endangered species plan would have removed
deadlines established by Congress in 1982 for the Interior Department to
respond to citizen petitions on possible additions to the endangered
species list, leaving Norton free to decide which animals and plants should
have priority.

Environmentalists argue that without expeditious handling of such petitions,
or later lawsuits, from citizens, species needing protection may suffer great
losses or become extinct before federal protection is afforded.

"We will continue to address the issue and work to prioritize resources on
species that have the greatest biological needs and not the most powerful
set of attorneys," said Norton's spokesman, Mark Pfeifle.

Developers, industry and government agencies have complained for years
that environmental groups use the endangered species law to force the
government to designate "critical habitat" for species and tie up projects
like dams and airport expansions in lengthy reviews.

There currently are more than 500 animals and 730 plants on the
endangered list, while almost 250 candidate species are under review. At
the same time, the Fish and Wildlife Service is contending with nearly 80
lawsuits focused on more than 400 species and has been served with
notices of about 100 more lawsuits affecting some 600 species.

Fish and Wildlife estimates it needs $120 million over five years to deal
with the animals and plants proposed for protections. Without that money,
environmental groups say, some species awaiting protection could
become extinct before getting that help.

The spending bill would cap at almost $8.5 million - the amount Bush
proposed - the agency's budget for responding to those suits. But that is a
$2.1 million increase over the amount Congress and Clinton agreed upon
for this year.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not app

Re: [CTRL] NetZero: Juno Merger Announcement

2001-06-08 Thread Foxter

I have not kept my computer turned 
on and attached to a modem and I havae not been discontinued from 
I am on both juno and 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 5:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] NetZero: Juno Merger 

In case any NetZero member isn't aware of it, a few months ago Juno 
instituted a policy requiring all members to make their computers 
available to the service so that they could use members' hardware to run 
various computations (at least that's what we were told they were doing 
with our computers)...
In other words, as part of your agreement to be a Juno member, you 
had to agree to keep your computer turned on and attached to a modem so 
that Juno could access your computer at will to use it to run programs 
that it said it was running for companies that had paid for the service; 
Juno claimed that it was doing this as a way to keep its service 
'free'.  If a member did not allow this access, we were told that 
their Juno membership would be discontinued.
My guess is that NetZero members will soon find themselves 
presented with this demand to make their computers available to the 
service, too...
Check out Alternative Kite radio at:



_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
  evolved - Click 

Re: [CTRL] NetZero: Juno Merger Announcement

2001-06-08 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  In case any NetZero member isn't aware of it, a few months ago Juno 
  instituted a policy requiring all members to make their computers 
  available to the service so that they could use members' hardware to run 
  various computations (at least that's what we were told they were doing 
  with our computers)...
  In other words, as part of your agreement to be a Juno member, you 
  had to agree to keep your computer turned on and attached to a modem so 
  that Juno could access your computer at will to use it to run programs 
  that it said it was running for companies that had paid for the service; 
  Juno claimed that it was doing this as a way to keep its service 
  'free'.  If a member did not allow this access, we were told that 
  their Juno membership would be discontinued.
  My guess is that NetZero members will soon find themselves presented 
  with this demand to make their computers available to the service, 
  Check out Alternative Kite radio at:


_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

[CTRL] McVeigh Court Documents---

2001-06-08 Thread Beverly Osborne

-Caveat Lector-

After reading McVeigh's appeal to the 10th Circuit I an understand why the
government is in such rush to carry out this execution.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FW: News Release

2001-06-08 Thread tnohava

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Fw: News Release

> BEIJING (Reuters) -
> Chinese officials have stated that they are holding the United States,
> "fully responsible" for today's mid-air collision, involving several
> aircraft and one American craft. This comes just weeks after a similar
> incident involving a U.S. spy plane.
> Officials have stated that at approximately 8:25 a.m., GMT, a
> squadron of Chinese F-8 fighters collided with the American Goodyear
> Blimp. The crash left over a dozen Chinese planes downed and the
> blimp's electronic billboard damaged. Sources say the billboard's
> scrolling marquee had been advertising 7-UP soft drink, and now only
> leaving the line "Up yours" in view.
> A Chinese pilot who witnessed the collision between his squadron,
> nicknamed, "Panda Rash" told China's Xinhua news agency that he saw
> the American blimp dive out of the clouds and into wingman Sum Yung
> Phucker's F-8 jet.
> "I told Yaun Wing Lo his tail was all broken. Keep it straight. Keep
> it straight," said the pilot. "He just couldn't shake the American
> foreign-devil." The blimp then reportedly veered hard left and then
> right, taking out the rest of the squadron.
> Pilot Chawp Suey Wussy told Xinhua the American blimp was "fully
> responsible for the incident," repeating the language Beijing has
> used in the earlier incident.
> China blames this new accident on the Goodyear blimp, saying it
> rammed the supersonic fighters, and has demanded an apology.
> Officials from the Goodyear Company have said it is unlikely that the
> slow propeller-driven blimp could turn inside and ram a dozen nimble
> fighters, unless the Chinese were testing chimp pilots.
> "The direct cause of the collision was that the American blimp made a
> sudden big move toward the Chinese planes, making it impossible for
> the Chinese planes to get out of the way," Suey Wussy was quoted as
> saying. "The savage act of American blimps colliding with Chinese
> planes while conducting spying activities at sporting events makes us
> indignant," he was quoted as saying.
> Chinese officials are calling for an apology from the United States
> and, seriously, enough Goodyear tires to replace the Firestone's that
> experienced spontaneous combustion last year. U.S. officials
> expressed regret, but would not allow an apology until the matter
> could be investigated further.
> In a related story Goodyear has not commented on whether it has
> stopped shipments of condoms to China as a retaliatory measure.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-06-08 Thread Linda Minor


ELLEN NAKASHIMA, WASHINGTON POST: The Bush administration has ordered that
more than 40,000 federal workers compete for their jobs with the private
sector, a first step toward President Bush's goal of making about 425,000
government jobs eligible for private contracting. The move will swell the
contract corps, a shadow-government workforce whose numbers are estimated to
be more than three times as large as the 1.8 million-strong civilian federal
workforce. "Competing out" work is not new, but Bush wants to vastly expand
the practice . . . There are an estimated 5.6 million contract employees
doing everything from mowing lawns on federal property to analyzing
nutrition programs, writing computer programs and building space shuttles .
. . "We're really talking about a basic change in the constitution of our
government," said Dan Guttman, a fellow at the Center for the Study of
American Government at Johns Hopkins University. "It's not just a couple
$600 hammers. The basic change is that we can no longer assume that the
actual work of government is being done by officials subject to the rules
that we have placed on officials to protect the public." No government
official knows the actual size of the contract workforce. The best estimate
comes from Brookings Institution government specialist Paul Light, whose
figure of 5.6 million dates to the end of 1999. The total has likely risen
since then, he said. "Neither Congress nor past presidents have ever really
wanted to know the true size of government," Light said. "The driver for
contracting out has often been to make the federal government look smaller
than it otherwise would, to hide the jobs."



PHILIP J. HILTS, NY TIMES: A Wyoming jury has awarded $6.4 million to the
family of a man who killed three relatives and himself after taking the
antidepressant Paxil. Though many lawsuits have claimed that antidepressants
in the same class of drugs, which includes Prozac and Zoloft, have caused
suicidal or violent behavior, this is the first case a plaintiff has won,
lawyers in the case said . . . The drugs have been shown to successfully
treat depression and reduce the risk of suicide that comes with severe
depression. The issue in lawsuits has been whether the drugs themselves or
the illnesses they are meant to treat are to blame for patients' violent or
suicidal behavior. The drug makers say that when a patient has become
violent or suicidal, it has been because the illness has overcome the effect
of the drug and the patient's natural inhibitions. But researchers who have
testified in the cases have said that, even though the drugs are effective
in most cases, in some patients the drugs cause agitation and violence . . .
The family's lawyers, James E. Fitzgerald of Cheyenne and Andy Vickery of
Houston, told the jury that the fault was not so much in the drug itself but
in the company's failure to sufficiently warn doctors and patients that the
effects of the drug could include agitation and violence. Mr. Vickery said
in a telephone interview that in Germany, warnings are included on the
packages of at least two drugs in this class, Prozac and Paxil. The Prozac
package warns that the drugs could lead to suicide attempts. The Paxil
package says a sedative should be taken with the drug. Those warnings are
not on packages in the United States, but the insert for doctors says, under
the heading "suicide," that "close supervision of high-risk patients should
accompany initial drug therapy."


NOTE: The catch with these drugs, some observers argue, is that while they
are generally effective, in a small number of cases they can produce
dangerous and destructive results. This story has particular importance
since a number of widely publicized mass school killings involved youth who
were on anti-depressant drugs. This aspect of the story, however, has been
largely unnoted by major media.

NORML: Nevada legislators overwhelmingly approved legislation to
dramatically reduce Nevada's toughest-in-the-nation marijuana law and
authorize pot's medical use.  Nevada's legislature is the first in 24 years
to eliminate jail time and criminal records for minor marijuana offenders,
and the ninth state since 1996 to legalize the use of medical marijuana
under a doctor's supervision.


NY POST: Missing Washington intern Chandra Levy called Rep. Gary Condit
several times the day before she mysteriously vanished, according to her
cell-phone records. Investigators say Levy repeatedly called the California
Democrat at a special answering service that bypassed his congressional
office . . . The disclosure of the calls follows a Washington Post report
that Condit admitted to cops that the attractive intern slept at his
apartment in Washington's trendy Adams Morgan neighborhood. The newspaper
also quoted a close rela

Re: [CTRL] The Underground History of American Education

2001-06-08 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I will be adding this one to my collection. I have all of John Holt's
books already. Thanks Kris for the heads-up.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] MRC: Dan Rather; Onset of Senility, or Rather Reveals Truth on TV?

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Dan Rather wants people to love him - way back in 1977 on the Fourth of
July Celebration during celebration - the big one - he sat there in his
expensive suit, smiled sadly and said the most wonderful thing about
America was "the people"

Then I remember what he had done to Nixon with a personal vendetta when
he said "how much will it take to push this man over the edte" referring
to the attack of the news media and the likes of Rather.

Walter Cronkite they tell us was loved, much loved and who wrote all
that nice stuff - why Wawlter Cronkite and his press agents, and Dan
Rather is trying to be beloved by all and it just does not work.

Once my sister tried to get him to come to Columbus and used and asked
this man who was very influential to get him - Rather wanted $50,000 and
expenses - that was back in 80 period and I said - hey you could get
Pinko Cronkite for nothing.

So such is lifieRather tries to shed tears now, and is taking like
Clinton, acting lessions - note now the trend is for men to cry, openly,
and without shame?

Like that Navy Commander or Captain who bawled for dumping a Japanese

People want all that maudlin drama?   Ever see Jackie Kennedy cave in
even when her husband's head was blow off - she was made a widow, her
children fatherless, and another took his office..did Cronkite cry -
no, but he choked up a little for he knew JFK hated the sob.

So much for Dan Rather who wants to be beloved.and build his
image..maybe he should go out and rape somebody and cry on TV and we
all will be sorry for him, and give him a big huggie with love.maybe
the ArkAngel would fall for that crap, but not me.

For I think Dan Rather is just another would be Jimmy Swaggart in the
making.and his tears will flow like wine.

People will not forgive him for his sinister attack on the President of
the United States as he wwaited for him to "break"

Nixon did not break and deep throat Kissinger was one of Rather's CFR
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [MC] expose' on Springmeier out

2001-06-08 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

> -Original Message-
> From: Linda Minor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 2:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [MC] expose' on Springmeier out
> -Caveat Lector-
> Here's the link:
Interesting item; all the Monarch stories are a little too pat to fit in a
world of chaos and uncertainty. Anyone such as Springmeier who is that sure
of anything makes me nervous.

However, I don't see how replacing his type of brainwashing with the
Christian brainwashing of fanatics like Texe Marrs, who says every woman in
the Clinton administration was a lesbian, helps the situation very much.

The human mind is easily convinced the world is black and white, even though
the Bell Curve applies and most things fall into the gray area. The urge to
label things good and bad seem irresistable. Some things are neither, they
just are.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] yet More of proGay Pressure

2001-06-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Hennessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] yet More of proGay Pressure

> -Caveat Lector-
> > i used Souter's finformation regarding the results of his poll. so you
> > do the same to upport your surious claims.
> look buddy - I know what you're angling for

what am i angling for then?

- and I just don't care.
> I quoted my sources - you disagree big deal -

you claimed that there was a "gay" blocking the referendum. i have asked you
ots of times to name him and show evidence for your totally bullshit claim
;) so you haven't quoted your sources at all.

> tell me - do you teach your young kids to respect the Goddess Lilith ??

i respect them to not take any orders from people without knowiung why they
are doing something. lillith was the same. specifically.

> and what sort of detail do you give them regarding the Goddess
> 'Celebrations' ??

there are no celebrations. it is not a religion.

> What was your interest in Michael portillo wanting to lower the age of gay
> consent to 16 ?

i used him to show that sexual orientation does not dictate motive. he voted
against a "pro-gay" issue even though one might have thought he would
sympathis with the issue as he has had positive gay experiences. this is
important when dealing with your claim that a high ranking politician or
civil servant was motiveated corruptly by his sexuality to block a
referendum. i have tried to show that your paranoid fear of homosexuals and
their motivations is without foundation.

> pro gay politicians are not necessarily on my research agenda in the UK -
> hear so little.

no, *you* obviously hear so little if your arguments are anything to go by.

> how do you know so much about Portillo ??

it is *not* much. it is public knowledge- and it is of his own admittance,
when he returned to the political scene he announced all his past gay stuff
to nullify any tabloid innuendo. it has worked. he is great guy! hehe, he is
of direct spanish descent (he is fluent) but is very anti- europe... he has
had an active gay life but is anti-gay politically.. he is a paradox and i
think he is dangerous and creeepy and just ace ;) i cannot wait til heis
leader of the conservative party. which he will be and he will run blair
ragged as opposition leader and it will be such a laugh.

> andrew
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] MRC: Dan Rather; Onset of Senility, or Rather Reveals Truth on TV?

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[First he tells the world that a man lie about many things and still be an
honest man...and, that he considers Bill Clinton is an honest man.  Now
check out what he said last night on Letterman's TV Show (below).  I Wonder
why he didn't bring up this Cheney stuff on his OWN new TV show (it might
have improved his new show's "Rather" dismal ratings)??  You think he was
trying to be funny, was joking around?  Could be, but, personally, based on
his recent behavior [as compared to that of his entire career, prior to his
recent antics], I believe he could easily get a GUARDED clinical diagnosis
of some sort of dementia.  Still, it's sad to see ANY body melting down in
front of your very eyes (makes me feel sorta the same as when I watch a mad
cow stumbling all over the place, i.e., SAD, SAD, SAD!).  Or, as Jed
Clampet of The Beverly Hillbillies would say, "PIT-eee-FULL!!" --MS]

The 1,091st CyberAlert

Tracking Media Bias Since 1996

Friday June 8, 2001
Vol. Six; No. 93

Rather: "Uncle Cheney" in Charge; No Taxes, No Rebate; Human-Induced
Warming Causing Droughts & Floods; McVeigh Blamed on Right

1) Dan Rather twice joked to David Letterman about how "Uncle Cheney" is
really running things, declared that Bush has governed "further to the
right than most people expected" and brought up a new global warming study.
Plus, he threw in a new Ratherism about trailing a bleeding elephant in six
feet of snow.

2) The tax cut bill, as only Dan Rather could portray it: Describe its
features and then relay the left-wing class warfare attack on it:
"Democratic opponents say the cuts are fiscally irresponsible and dangerous
and unfairly heavily favor high income Americans."

3) ABC focused on $21,000 and $18,000 salary people and delivered the
shocker that if you don't pay income taxes you don't get an income tax
rebate and if you pay little in income tax you get less than the maximum
rebate. ABC's John Cochran warned that "millions" of people are in for
"some nasty surprises."

4) "Global warming is real, the new report declares, and humans are helping
to cause it," ABC's John Cochran asserted. Skipping any science, CBS's John
Roberts went straight to the liberal activists: "In Florida, the worst
drought in a hundred years has cracked the land. In Europe, a record winter
of rain and flood. More evidence of global warming, say environmentalists
who plan to meet President Bush with a storm of protest in Europe." But the
National Academy of Sciences report is far more nuanced.

5) "Maverick Republican" is CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer's favorite term as he
attaches it to any Republican who has decidedly liberal views. On Monday
night he labeled not only John McCain as "maverick," but also Rudy Giuliani
and Jim Jeffords.

6) With Tim McVeigh about to die, a Media Reality Check looking back at
1995 media spin. "Smears & Partisan Innuendo in Wake of '95 Bombing. First
Reaction: Liberal Journalists Blamed Conservative Pols and Talk Radio for
Oklahoma Mass Murder."


Appearing on the Late Show with David Letterman on Thursday night, Dan
Rather twice joked about how "Uncle Cheney" is really running things,
declared that Bush has governed "further to the right than most people
expected," brought up how a new global warming study says "that global
warming is further advanced than even they thought it was," but that Cheney
will take care of it, and falsely implied that the CBS Evening News "hasn't
touched" the story of under-aged drinking by the Bush daughters. Plus, he
threw in Ratherisms about Fidel Castro and a giraffe as well as trailing a
bleeding elephant.

 Some of Dan Rather's comments I took down from the June 7 show:

 -- Rather: "I think by any reasonable analysis that George Bush is off
to a pretty good start with his presidency."

 Letterman: "You were pleased with how he handled the situation in
China, you thought that went alright?"

 Rather: "I'm pausing only because you said 'the way he handled it.' I'
m not sure he handled it because remember you have Uncle Cheney who runs an
awful lot of things around there. No, I think that was handled very
steadily. He pulled some good people around him. But now comes the
difficult part, the stands he's taken on the environment, his tax program,
the details of which we do not yet know, all of these things have gotten
him a reputation, justifiably or not, of running an administration that's
further to the right than most people expected."

 -- Rather volunteered: "This new global warming study, if you read the
paper today, saying that global warming is further advanced than even they
thought it was. But I wouldn't worry about that because you remember when
you studied the legends of history, King Canute just walked out on the
beaches of Britain and commanded the waves to stop? I have every reason to

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: [MC] expose' on Springmeier out

2001-06-08 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

Here's the link:

-Original Message-
From: Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, June 08, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: [MC] expose' on Springmeier out

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Underground History of American Education

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here:

Barnes & - The Underground History of…
The Underground History of American Education: A Schoolteacher's Intimate
Investigation into the Problem of Modern Schooling
John Taylor Gatto  John Taylor Gatto

Retail Price: $30.00
Our Price: $24.00
You Save: $6.00 (20%)
Readers' Advantage Price: $22.80 Join Now customers who bought this book also bought:
A Different Kind of Teacher: Solving the Crisis of American Schooling, John
Taylor Gatto
Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, Diane Ravitch
Growing up with Dick and Jane: Learning and Living the American Dream, Carole
Kismaric,With Marvin Heiferman
Tinkering Toward Utopia: A Century of Public School Reform, David Tyack,Larry
Common Ground: A Turbulent Decade in the Lives of Three American Families, J.
Anthony Lukas


 From the Critics
>From Library Journal
Gathering a collection of materials that highlight public education, Gatto
(Dumbing Us Down) analyzes why mass-compulsion schooling is unreformable.
Having taught in a Manhattan school district from 1961 to 1991, Gatto speaks
from experience when offering this speculative history cum personal
investigation. His discussion is passionate but far from scholarly (there are
a very few footnotes for further study). At first it seems ironic that a
former New York Teacher of the Year (1991) can be so adamant in his criticism
of American education. However, the reader comes to recognize that despite
his sometimes obscure thoughts he makes a compelling case. Arguing that
public schools allow "psychic violence," teach numbness, and force the
deterioration of parental responsibilities, Gatto advocates that children
spend less time in school and more with their family and in meaningful
pursuits in their community. He offers many helpful suggestions, but they are
not immediately decipherable, as they are, to use the author's own words,
"perversely sprinkled around like raisins in a pudding." This is a brutally
honest argument that all administrators and legislators involved in schooling
should read. Recommended for most libraries.--Leroy Hommerding, Fort Myers
Beach P.L. Dist., FL Copyright 2000 Cahners Business Information.

Number of Reviews: 1Average Rating:
Penny, a homeschooling mother of 3 from IN, January 10, 2001,
Sometimes the Truth Hurts
This book is an absolutely compelling read detailing the forces that have
forged American compulsory schooling. While not indulging in conspiracy
theory or teacher-bashing, Gatto makes it clear that our current system of
schooling has been imposed with a specific agenda in mind--that of stripping
children from their families, communities, and spiritual beliefs to create a
pliable workforce and consumer base. Homeschoolers will find this book
particularly affirming of their choice to learn at home.

Also recommended: Dumbing Us Down (Gatto), Teach Your Own (John Holt), Family
Matters: Why Homeschooling Makes Sense (David Guterson)

Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 llc";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Disclosure Project - Witness Names

2001-06-08 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 UFOTruth -

   A summary of Disclosure Project witness
 testimony is at:

   A project staff member forwarded these
 relevant remarks by Five-Star Admiral Lord
 Hill-Norton, former head of Britain's Ministry
 of Defense - as to UFO/ET witnesses who
 had been considered trustworthy enough to
 that point, to have been given responsibility
 over nuclear weapons...

 <<   I heard Lord Hill-Norton speak on one of
   the television specials, and he made a very
   profound statement: (I'm paraphrasing) "One
   of two scenarios is true. Either these people
   entrusted with nuclear weapons really saw
   and experienced what they did, or they were
   mass-hallucinating. Either scenario would and
   must be of great importance to National and
   International security."   >>


 Testimony that Explains the Secrecy:

 Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin: Army National Guard Reserves
 Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command
 Lt. Col. Charles Brown: US Air Force (Ret.)
 "Dr. B"
 Lance Corporal Jonathan Weygandt: US Marine Corps
 Maj. George A. Filer, III: US Air Force (Ret.)
 Nick Pope: British Ministry of Defense Official
 Larry Warren: US Air Force, Security Officer
 Sgt. Clifford Stone: US Army
 Master Sgt. Dan Morris: US Air Force, NRO Operative
 A.H.: Boeing Aerospace Employee
 Officer Alan Godfrey: British Police
 Sgt. Karl Wolf: US Air Force
 Ms. Donna Hare: NASA Employee
 Mr. John Maynard: DIA Official
 Dr. Robert Wood: McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer
 Glen Dennis: NM UFO Crash Witness
 Sgt. Leonard Pretko: US Air Force
 Dr. Roberto Pinotti: Italian UFO expert
 Dr. Paul Czysz: McDonnell Douglas Career Engineer
 John Callahan: FAA Head of Accidents and Investigations
 Michael Smith: US Air Force Radar Controller
 Franklin Carter: US Navy Radar Technician
 Neil Daniels: United Airlines Pilot
 Lt. Frederick Fox: US Navy Pilot
 Captain Robert Salas: US Air Force, SAC Launch Controller
 Prof. Robert Jacobs: US Air Force
 Harry Allen Jordan: US Navy
 James Kopf: US Navy Crypto Communications

 Witness Testimony:

 Monsignor Corrado Balducci: September 2000

 Radar and Pilot Cases:

 FAA Division Chief John Callahan
 Sgt. Chuck Sorrells: US Air Force (ret.)
 Mr. Michael W. Smith: US Air Force
 Commander Graham Bethume: US Navy (ret.)
 Mr. Enrique Colbeck: Senior Air Traffic Controller
 Dr. Richard Haines
 Mr. Franklin Carter: US Navy
 Neil Daniels: Airline Pilot
 Sgt. Robert Blazina (ret.)
 Lieutenant Frederick Marshall Fox: US Navy (ret.)
 Captain Massimo Poggi
 Lt. Bob Walker: US Army
 Mr. Don Bockelman: US Army


 Captain Robert Salas
 Professor Robert Jacobs: Lt. US Air Force
 Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson: US Air Force (ret.)
 Colonel Ross Dedrickson: US Air Force/AEC (ret.)
 Harry Allen Jordan: US Navy
 Mr. James Kopf: US Navy/ National Security Agency
 Lieutenant Colonel Joe Wojtecki, US Air Force
 Staff Sergeant Stoney Campbell: US Air Force

 Government Insiders/ NASA/ Deep Insiders:

 Astronaut Gordon Cooper
 Brigadier General Steven Lovekin, Esq.: Army National Guard Reserve
 Merle Shane McDow: US Navy Atlantic Command
 Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown: US Air Force (ret.), October
 Dr. Carol Rosin
 “Dr. B.”
 Lance Corporal John Weygandt: U.S. Marine Corps,
 Major A. Filer III: U.S. Air Force
 Mr. Nick Pope: British Ministry Of Defense
 Admiral Lord Hill-Norton: Five-Star Admiral, Former Head of the British
 Ministry of Defense
 Security Officer Larry Warren: United States Air Force,
 Captain Lori Rehfeldt
 Sergeant Clifford Stone: United States Army
 Major-General Vasily Alexeyev: Russian Air Force
 Master Sergeant Dan Morris: US Air Force/NRO Operative (ret.)
 Mr. Don Phillips: Lockheed Skunkworks, USAF, and CIA Contractor
 Captain Bill Uhouse: US Marine Corps (ret.)
 Lieutenant Colonel John Williams: US Air Force (ret.)
 Mr. Don Johnson
 A.H.: Boeing Aerospace, December 2000
 British Police Officer Alan Godfrey
 Mr. Gordon Creighton: Former British Foreign Service Official
 Sergeant Karl Wolfe: US Air Force
 Donna Hare: Former NASA Employee
 Mr. John Maynard: Defense Intelligence Agency (ret.)
 Mr. Harland Bentley: US Army
 Dr. Robert Wood: McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Engineer,
 Dr. Alfred Webre: Senior Policy Analyst, Stanford Research Institute
 Denise McKenzie: Former SAIC employee
 Mr. Paul H. Utz
 Colonel Phillip J. Corso, Sr.: US Army (ret.)
 Mr. Glen Dennis
 Lieutenant Walter Haut: US Navy
 Buck Sergeant Leonard Pretko: US Air Force
 Mr. Dan Willis: US Navy
 Dr. Roberto Pinotti


 Mr. Mark McCandlish: US Air Force
 Professor Paul Czysz
 Dr. Hal Puthoff
 David Hamilton: Department of Energy
 Lieutenant Colonel Thomas E. Bearden: US Army (ret.)
 Dr. Eugene Mallove
 Dr. Paul La Violette
 Mr. Fred Threlfell: Royal Canadian Air Force
 Dr. Ted Loder

EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, 

[CTRL] The Dirty Truth, The Oil and Chemical Dependency of George W. Bush

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

The Dirty Truth, The Oil and Chemical Dependency of George W. Bush
by Rick Abraham

Our Price: $12.95

Paperback - 200 pages (October 2, 2000)
Mainstream Publishers;  ISBN: 0970519001 Sales Rank:  10,023

Average Customer Rating:   Based on 1 review. Write a review.
Rate this item to get personal recommendations.

Editorial Reviews
>From the forward by Terry O'Rourke, former Texas Assistant Attorney
"...there is almost always a trail of money and improper influence leading to
bad environmental decisions and policy. THE DIRTY TRUTH shows how George W.
Bush pollution made pollution that was awful...lawful."
Sissy Farenthold, former Texas legislator instrumental in passing the
THE DIRTY TRUTH, succinctly written and thoroughly documented, sets out the
further and emphatic environmental deterioration in Texas under George W. B
 See all editorial reviews...


Snow Job? : The War Against International Cocaine Trafficking
by Kevin Jack Riley

Our Price: $44.95

Availability: This title usually ships within 4-6 weeks. Please note that
titles occasionally go out of print or publishers run out of stock. We will
notify you within 2-3 weeks if we have trouble obtaining this title.

Get it for less!
I have one to sell!

Hardcover (April 1996)
Transaction Pub;  ISBN: 1560002425 Sales Rank:  797,166

Rate this item to get personal recommendations.

Write the first review of this book. Earn a chance to win a $50 gift

Editorial Reviews
>From Book News, Inc.
Examines policies intended to control the production and export of cocaine
from Latin America, and their limitations. Part I looks at drug policies of
the past and present, cocaine prices, and the drug's manufacture. Part II
analyzes the economic effects that controls exert on source countries and
probes the Colombian drug lord connection. Part III recommends source country
policies and looks at their implications for heroin and marijuana
trafficking. Of interest to readers in political science, sociology, and law
enforcement. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] DEA

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

 The drug runners found a soft spot.  In the late 1980's they had
enough political cover to arrange for  Barry Seal to fly in an out of Mena
Airport in Arkansas delivering cocaine by the ton.  That was the first big
crack in the dam, with other and deeper penetration to follow.  Some say
that the then Arkansas Senator Dale Bumpers was instrumental in quashing a
federal investigation into the activities at Mena.  Many reports say that
Governor Bill Clinton himself, along with his associate, Dan Lasater, and
others in powerful government positions were involved.   When Barry Seal
was assassinated in 1986 it is reported that he had George Bush Senior's
private telephone number in his wallet.  Those are the well known
names.  One of the other lesser known figures mentioned in the sordid
tangle of the story of Arkansas drug running is that of Asa Hutchinson,
then U.S. Attorney for Western Arkansas.

 In recently published book, "Barry and 'the Boys' ", which is
mainly a biography of Barry Seal, the story of drug running is also
told.  The author quotes Finis Duvall, the Arkansas State Police Commander
in charge of Mena, as saying that Hutchinson provided  "cover" for Barry
Seal on at least one occasion, and that Arkansas State Police did not try
to develop a case against him since it was well known that he was being
protected by Hutchinson.  Others have made similar accusations.  When a
grand jury was convened  Hutchinson was given a list of twenty witnesses,
but he called only three and one of those witnesses later complained that
she was not allowed to tell what she knew.  That grand jury returned  no
indictments against Seal or any others involved.

 Hutchinson is outspoken on the subject of the evils of drugs, and
we are left with the impression that he is one of those many politicians
who say one thing and do another.  His record in Arkansas should have
labeled him as unfit for any office,  but he was elected to the U.S. House
of Representatives in 1996.Recently President George W. Bush nominated
him to head the DEA, the Office of Drug Enforcement.  Evidently the Bush
Administration feels that he can be trusted to sabotage drug interdiction
efforts and cover up for those at the top.  It looks as if he is still one
of the boys.

Hopsicker, Daniel. Barry & 'the Boys' : The CIA, the Mob and America's
Secret History, May 2001, and  The Spotlight, May 28, 2001, p. 1 and June
4, 2001, p. 10.
Arkansas Times  - Asa Hutchinson dogged by Mena - 2/12/99 as reported at
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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] expose' on Springmeier out

2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Diabetic Supplies at NO COST! If you are diabetic and have
insurance Or Medicare we can ship your diabetic supplies
(including Mini-Med & Disetronic) at NO COST TO YOU!
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A 14 page expose' on Fritz Springmeier is now available. It's in a
publication called The Dove (Spring 2001), by John Torell. You may find this
article at their website:

If you are not able to get directly onto that link, try getting onto my

Click onto the Favorite Links section and there you will find The Dove.

I realize several on this forum feel I am somehow "out to get Fritz", but
this is not true. I worked closely with him for several years and had to
overcome much denial about his hidden agenda. I was one of the last people to
hang in there with him, even when he had abandoned his family.

Many people get caught up in the morbid fascination of conspiracy information
and thus, at times, lose objectivity. Just because a person puts out
startling and revealing information about what "the other side" is doing,
does not make that person a trustworthy source. Essentially, Springmeier
exposes himself in much of what he disseminates.

I will be open to any comments regarding the above.

Ron Patton

Ron Patton

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Re: [CTRL] Justice tempered with mercy?

2001-06-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/07/2001 4:00:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Now these people were very humane - if at first you don't succeed -
 well, maybe they should find an old Westinghouse Electric Chair?

 Wonder if Bill Clinton has plans for visiting Afghanistan - or is this
 why he is scared of Osama bin Laden? >>

As I always said, Saba, he didn't lie.  He didn't have sex with that woman.
Sodomy is very different (check Webster). I don't believe anyone is going to
Afghanistan this year.  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FPM: The Barney Fife Navy

2001-06-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 06/07/2001 2:22:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< The May 28, 2001 issue of Navy Times has a feature article with the title
 "Five Bullets and Out." According to the article Navy recruits since 1997
 have never fired one live bullet during Navy boot camp. "Starting next
 new sailors will shoot real bullets for the first time in four years at
 Recruit Training Center, Great Lakes, Ill. After a day of small arms
 instruction each recruit will squeeze off five rounds from a 9mm pistol. >>

Golly, this is wonderful news.  I guess the Navy was so busy raining depleted
uranium over Vieques, they didn't have time for the regular stuff.  Oh and
have they quit tossing their trash overboard in plastic bags, or did they
just do that for the benefit of the boy scouts who filmed the actions?  Prudy";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Mike it used to be an oath to support the constitution was

The flag is easily destroyed is it not and replaced with Gay Pride Flag?

I give my oath to the Constitution of the United States.even the
communists in Russia now fly the red white and blue flag?

Did anybody really die for our flag in this country?

Not they died for the Constitution - the one thing these bastards in the
UN and NWO have been unable to break.

Might be able to burn a flag but the proper disposal of the flag, is to
burn..but you burn the Constitution?   Well to do that you would
have to take the guns first, right?


This guy who wrote the Pledge - a socialist?  Transferred the pledge to
a flag and seemed to forget that men died for the Constitution and for
the last few years we have been operating under many different flags
including Gay Pride and UN who would move in together -

Got to destroy those boy scouts first - and hit hard at the foundation
of this country - better to light the torch and pass from generation to
generation as did the old Scottish Clansone falls, another picks up
the torch -

For anyone can fly false colors, right?";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ADL/Media Are Cowards

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


By Bob Glass


June 7, 2001, Thursday

It is outrageous, hypocritical and cowardly for a journal like the Rocky
Mountain News, whose daily existence rests on the sanctity of the First
Amendment, to take cheap shots at those citizens who choose to exercise
their First Amendment rights in a different way. I am referring to the
attacks made against me and the Tyranny Response Team in the editorial of
May 31, "Louts on the protest line."

I will not apologize for using our passion, our lungs and our bullhorns to
convey our message. Being a true grass-roots movement we do not have the
corporate sponsors or the money that the Million Mom March or SAFE Colorado
has, and consequently we cannot afford to run full-page ads in the News like
they do. We must stand in the streets and holler, because the media has
failed miserably in its responsibility to report all sides of the issue.

Despite the best efforts of News reporters such as Carla Crowder to
discredit us, a handful of people willing to stand up for the Bill of Rights
has drawn large numbers of people into our ranks, not just in Colorado, but
across the country. The numbers of Million Mom Marchers on the other hand,
have plummeted faster than the Mir space station. Their Mother's Day rally
that drew 3,500 people a year ago only attracted a pathetic 200 this year.

They were quick to blame the tactics of the TRT for their dismal turnout,
never once considering that it is our message that is at last being heeded.
Not content simply to point their fingers at us and scream, "No fair!," they
had to rat us out to the high priests and police of political correctness,
the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL, like their cowardly and hypocritical
brethren in the Million Mom March, won't come right out and call us anti-
Semites or racists (a tall order considering that I am Jewish), but must
rely on their stock in trade of smear, innuendo and character assassination.

They claim to be concerned about the "kind of people that might be drawn
into our ranks" and the possible link between "rogue members of the TRT that
might have made threats against Tom Mauser." And like their philosophical
comrades at the News, they too are concerned with our tactics.

This is a transparent and despicable attempt to demonize us without having
the guts to accuse us of anything concrete or engage us in a public debate.
And after all, what can they accuse us of? No member of the TRT has ever
been arrested at a demonstration, nor has any TRT member been questioned
about threatening anyone.

I have repeatedly asked the Million Mom March, SAFE Colorado and the ADL to
debate the issues with me in a public forum of their choosing. They have all
refused. As a consequence of their refusal they have left us no choice but
to use the theater of the street to make our points.

Despite the self-evident absurdity of their emotional rhetoric, their
arguments are historically, ethically, morally and constitutionally bankrupt
and they know it - hence their refusal to debate.

It is an inescapable irony that history repeats itself. Undoubtedly the
good, upstanding, respectable members of Boston society along with its
newspapers strictly condemned the tactics of a band of ruffians and
hooligans, some 200 years ago as they boarded a ship in Boston Harbor and
contemptuously broke the rules.

These "louts" dressed up in outrageous costumes and painted their faces in
wild colors as they trespassed on private property. This band of rowdies
stole merchandise and, in bold defiance of the king's law, dumped it into
the sea. This act of flagrant disregard for all civilized behavior was to
become known as the Boston Tea Party.

You might find our tactics distasteful. We find the destruction of liberty
even more distasteful. Get used to us. Unlike our cause du jour adversaries,
we have pledged our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to winning back
our freedoms.

Bob Glass is president of the Longmont-based Tyranny Response Team.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] Eight Children Stabbed To Death By "Mentally Disturbed" Man In Japan

2001-06-08 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Another 'mentally disturbed' man who decides to go out and kill
children...Mental illness or mind control? I wonder what
"anti-depressant" he was taking (Prozac?,  Luvox?) and whether these
medications *enhanced* the effects of mind control:

"...It was not immediately clear what motivated the attack, although
police in Ikeda said the man told them he had taken 10 times his daily
dose of an unspecified anti-depressant"

"...Takuma was arrested in March 1999 and accused of spiking the tea of
four teachers with tranquilizers at the school where he worked, but he
was never prosecuted because he suffered from psychological problems,
said Nobuharu Sugita, a police official in Itami, near Osaka.."


Knife-wielding man kills 8 children at Japanese school

By KENJI HALL, Associated Press

OSAKA, Japan (June 8, 2001 09:01 a.m. EDT) - A man brandishing a knife
burst into an elementary school Friday and slashed 29 people, killing at
least eight children. It was Japan's worst mass killing since a deadly
nerve gas attack on Tokyo's subways six years ago.

The 37-year-old man was subdued by a vice principal and a teacher, who
was slightly injured. He was then arrested. Police said he once worked
as a janitor at an elementary school in a nearby city, and has an arrest

Two of the children died at the scene and the other six died at the
hospital, said fire department spokesman Tetsuo Higashimoto. Fifteen
others - 13 children and two teachers - were injured, and eight remained
in serious condition late Friday, said Masatsugu Yoneda, another Fire
Department official.

Children described the attack as 10 minutes of sheer terror.

An unidentified schoolgirl, talking to Japanese reporters, said that
during the attack, one of the students managed to somehow get onto the
school's public address system."There was a shriek," the girl said.
"Then I heard a cry for help."

Other students said they saw teachers and hallways spattered with blood.

The slashing was the deadliest mass assault in Japan since a doomsday
cult attacked the Tokyo subways in 1995, killing 12 people and sickening

After Friday's attack, other schools in the area sent children home. The
dead children - six girls and two boys - were first- or second-grade
students, ranging in age from 6 to 8.

"We are filled with anger over this unfortunate situation," said Kaoru
Nakatani, head of Osaka Education University, which operates the
elementary school.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi called the attack "heartbreaking."

Police said the attacker, identified as Mamoru Takuma, carried a 6-inch
kitchen knife. He was arrested at the scene, but was taken to a hospital
- reportedly with self-inflicted injuries. He was turned over to police
about an hour later.

It was not immediately clear what motivated the attack, although police
in Ikeda said the man told them he had taken 10 times his daily dose of
an unspecified anti-depressant.

An Osaka police official said Takuma had told police that he wanted to
be put to death and that he had previously tried to commit suicide. The
official spoke on condition of anonymity.

Takuma was arrested in March 1999 and accused of spiking the tea of four
teachers with tranquilizers at the school where he worked, but he was
never prosecuted because he suffered from psychological problems, said
Nobuharu Sugita, a police official in Itami, near Osaka.

Media reports in the confused hours after the school attack depicted a
terrifying scene, with ambulances and police cars lining the campus and
hundreds of children in their school uniforms sitting in rows on the
playground as other students were treated on stretchers nearby. Nearly
700 children attend the school.

Police said the attacker climbed into a first-grade classroom from a
verandah and began slashing children in the back of the room, and then
moved into a hallway.

Several children were slashed in their sides and arms as he moved into
other classrooms, police said. As the attacker tussled with two
teachers, school officials called police and rushed the children out to
the playground. Ambulances sped onto the campus and rescue workers and
police rushed to care for the injured.

The attack comes as Japan grapples with a surge in violent crime. The
country's strict gun laws mean most of the attacks - like Friday's - are
committed with knives.

Masanori Yoshida, 56, who lives nearby, said the attack was a shock in
such a quiet, residential neighborhood.

"This just isn't that kind of place," he said.

In the minutes after the attack, a cashier at a nearby grocery said a
group of terrified, bloodied children ran into the store.

"I saw one of them, a boy, with blood all over his body," said Ikiyo
Iriye, 23. "He had been stabbed in the back."

School and juvenile violence have been rising in recent years,

Re: [CTRL] yet More of proGay Pressure

2001-06-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

> i used Souter's finformation regarding the results of his poll. so you can
> do the same to upport your surious claims.

look buddy - I know what you're angling for - and I just don't care.
I quoted my sources - you disagree big deal -

tell me - do you teach your young kids to respect the Goddess Lilith ??
and what sort of detail do you give them regarding the Goddess
'Celebrations' ??

What was your interest in Michael portillo wanting to lower the age of gay
consent to 16 ?
pro gay politicians are not necessarily on my research agenda in the UK - we
hear so little.
how do you know so much about Portillo ??

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:";>Archives of

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[CTRL] And you can call me Al????

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

This letter the MER reproduces from the Church Leaders - they have
delusions of granduer when they impose such names upon themselves as
"The Most Reverend Jesse Jackson", let us say - first I question anyone
who signs their name "The Most Reverend" for this is the way, you send a
letter to one of these guys..The Pope does not sign his name His
Holiness, this is a name we use to address the pope to be correct
.like the congressman who signs his letter "The Honorable Gary
Condit", for an example when we know "blow hair" is a man whose "honor"
is questionable".

How to we addres Joe Lieberman "Holy Joe Lieberman" .. or William
Jefferson Clinton - "Chief Sodomist"..

So I liked this letter - a simple Mister (Mr) would suffice - all these
fancy titles some place upon themselves but to sign a letter "The Most
Reverend" shows somebody's ignorance.

Wonder how Jesse Jackson signs his name these days "The Reverend Most
Persecuted Self Ordained Minister since Daddy Sunday"

But better be careful for it is written "they shall come out of prisons
to rule over you"..but not if we get them on a serious felony,

Jesse Jackson and his stripes place more title upon themselves than the
Pope, who knows St. Peter was a humble fisherman - and knows also who
really shot him.

Wouldn't it be something to give Timothy McVeigh a shot of sodium
penethol to get at the truth  think someone has already done that?  Or
were they in on it from the start.

Nobody mourns Waco do they - yet these most "reverends" who confer all
these titles upon themselves - have they ever spoken one wordk, in
defense of the children of Waco?

Or for a little 8th grader and his dog and mother at Ruby Ridge?   You
really think the Japanese Sharpshooter was a Catholic?   He was a
bastard but served his master well   Now I hope someone  heaps a load of
coal on his head


Free To Change
Table of Contents
Author's Preface
1. Free to Change
2. Freedom and Responsibility
3. My Kind of People
4. "Come Out And Be Separate"
5. Private Intepretation
6. A "Monkey-Wrench" Scripture
7. The Truth That Frees
8. Literary Devices
9. Fear of God
10. A Love Story
11. The Three Trees In Eden
12. Imputed Righteousness
13. Different Essentials For Different People
14. God's Sons In All Ages
15. Looking To Lust
16. Divorce Her!
17. "While Her Husband Is Alive"
18. "They Won't Let Me Preach!"
19. God's Perplexing Prophets
20. Religous Titles
21. Who Sinned?
22. "I'll Join Your Church"
23. The Church As The Route To Heaven
24. One Hundred Years Old
25. Can Our Churches Unite?
26. Can The Cause Of Sickness Be The Cure?
27. When Life Begins
28. Abortion: Law Or Principle?
29. Human Chattel
30. The Hope of Israel
31. The Great Temptation of Jesus
32. The Rich Man And Lazarus
33. My Hermeneutic
34. Is Immersion Proved By Example?
35. Who Gets The Credit?
36. Hook's Points
37. Heresy
38. I Am A Debtor
Other Books at Freedom's Ring
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Chapter 20
Religious Titles

If you are sick and tired of having people challenge your accepted
beliefs and practices, skip this chapter. Otherwise, you may become
upset again, bringing a sudden rise in your blood pressure. That might
cause a stroke to wipe you out, and I would feel bad knowing that you
went to meet the Lord in a rage.
To tell the truth, I feel an uneasiness about what I am about to present
because I have been conditioned like others in the Church of Christ
against giving special recognition and distinctive titles to
fellow-disciples. I have looked upon religious titles as a sort of tag
that the devil puts on the goats in order to identify them more readily
at the judgment.
In considering the use of titles, we immediately turn to the words of
Jesus recorded in Matthew 23. There Jesus addressed those who sat in
Moses' seat as legal and cultural authorities whose conduct did not
conform to their teaching. "They do all their deeds to be seen by men;
for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long, and they
love the places of honor at feasts and the best seats in the synagogues,
and salutations in the market places, and being called rabbi by men."
>From Jesus' introduction of the subject, we must recognize that his
teaching here is corrective of an evil use made of a proper thing
instead of its being a condemnation of the thing itself. There are other
examples of such correction. Jesus forbade the use of vain oaths without
forbidding all oaths when he warned, "Do not swear at all" (Matt. 5:34).
Paul dealt with the abuse that wives were making of their liberties in
the assemblies without ruling out their praying or prophesying
altogether (1 Cor. ll and 14). To avoid the abuse of making the
fellowship meal (in connection with the communion) a reinforcement of
party loyalties, Paul instructed, "if any one is hungry, let him eat at
home," but that was not a universal prohibition against eating together
in w

[CTRL] FC: Mass. may block porn, drug info, "intolerance" from library PCs (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:48:50 -0400
Subject: FYI-Mass. Bill will Ban Porn, "Satanic Cults" From Libraries

This pending Massachusetts censorship mandate impresses me as calling for
illegal prior restraint while having moot (and therefore legally no
justifiable) purpose over alleged "obscenity", while tasking librarians
with making judgements about religious issues (eg, define "satanic cult")
they're neither qualified nor legally entitled to make.  MA law requires
public libraries to follow ALA standards, with which this proposal would
butt heads.

It appears Rep. Marini is attempting to sneak a colloquial meaning of
"obscene" backed by the American Family Association and similar
pro-bigotry groups into law in the phrase "character of which is such
that it is reasonably believed to be obscene", rather than stick to the
"Miller" test legal meaning, which would make this law moot in that
point.  (The Miller criteria themselves run head on into the 1st
Amendment, to the extent their sexual and excretory focus is derived from
common Judeo-xtian religions not entitled to impose elements of
themselves on citizens who believe otherwise.  Maybe when Rehnquist is
dead the SCOTUS will clean up that mess.)


Steve LeBlanc, Associated Press writer
South Coast Today (Massachusetts)

Surfing for smut at local libraries would be barred under a bill set to
heard by Beacon Hill lawmakers today.

The measure, sponsored by Republican House leader Francis Marini, would
block Internet access to "satanic cults," "indecent depictions of bodily
functions" and "illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco products."

Civil libertarians oppose restrictions on Internet access, saying
individuals should have the right to decide for themselves what they want
view or read.


The bill would also allow libraries to restrict access to other
including information about "militant or extremist behavior,"
or purchasing tobacco or alcohol.



Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 01:15:10 -0400
Subject: Pending MA censorship Bill

MA has a pending House Bill which would task librarians with making
religious, artistic, political, and legal judgements about the viewing
choices of patrons, which they're both unqualified to make and not
entitled to make under existing MA law as well as basic civil rights
protections against gender, religious, and other forms of discrimination
or speech censorship.

Below are the complete text of and URLs to official state sources for the
pending Bill, existing law defininitions used in said Bill, and
contradictory state library policy law.  American Library Association,
referenced in 78-33, can be found at


HOUSE, No. 3428

By Mr. Marini of Hanson, petition of Francis L. Marini and other members
of the House relative to regulating the use of the Internet in free
public libraries. State Administration.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

In the Year Two Thousand and One.


   Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General
Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

SECTION 1. Chapter 78 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 1998
Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after section 33 the
following section:—
Section 33A. The board of trustees of a free public library in any city
or town, or in the absence of such a board, the city or town official
possessing the appointive powers of such a board, shall establish a
written acceptable-use policy governing patron use of computer terminals
for libraries that provide access to the Internet.
(a) The acceptable use policy is a policy for Internet usage that is
acceptable to and adopted by either a school board or governing body of a
library. The acceptable-use policy shall contain provisions that: (1)
prohibit any person from using the library's computer equipment and
communications services for sending, receiving, viewing or downloading
material, the character of which is such that it is reasonably believed
to be obscene, or harmful to minors, and (2) establish appropriate
measures to be taken against persons who wilfully violate the policy.
(b) At a minimum, each library's policy shall clearly state what types of
information shall be prohibited from user access. The policy may prohibit
access by users to the following: (1) obscenity; (2) gross depictions;
(3) depictions of sexual acts; (4) depictions of full

[CTRL] FC: Legal update: Yahoo and France, Washington state spam, Turkey (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 From BNA's Internet Law News:

Washington Supreme Court upheld a state law that prohibits
the transmission of certain types of spam to or from the
state.  Similar laws had been struck down in the past as
breaching the Federal government's constitutional
jurisdiction over interstate commerce.  The court upheld the
law in part because it found that it fostered rather that
interfered interstate trade.
The decision can be found at:

The lower court decision at:


The Turkish parliament has passed a law that subjects the
Internet to the same restrictions as print media.  The law
provides for fines of up to $85,000 for Web sites that
publish untrue news, insults and similar material.  The
country also decided to scrap controversial plans to require
official permission to set up a Web site.


Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 09:24:53 -0400
Subject: Yahoo! Clears Legal Hurdle in Fight Against Damaging French Ruling

Yahoo! Inc. has cleared a key legal hurdle as it seeks relief in the U.S.
courts from a French court ruling that sets a damaging jurisdictional
precedent for speech and commerce online. In the case of Yahoo! Inc. v.
LICRA et al. a federal court in California yesterday denied a motion to
dismiss the case by the French parties, and will now take up the merits of
Yahoo's claim.

At issue is a French court ruling holding Yahoo! in the U.S. liable under
broad French anti-hate speech regulations. CDT believes that holding Web
publishers in one country liable for simply publishing material that may be
considered inappropriate when viewed by citizens of another country would
chill free expression and commerce on the Internet.

The ruling on the motion to dismiss from the French parties clears a key
legal barrier as Yahoo seeks relief in the U.S. courts. The court has not
yet ruled on the actual merits of Yahoo's claim. But the court's opinion
indicates that those who seek to use the foreign courts to influence U.S.
publishers will need to face legal challenges to enforcement of those claims
under U.S. law.

CDT organized a group including the American Association of Publishers,
Freedom to Read Foundation, ACLU, Human Rights Watch, People for the
American Way, the Society of Professional Journalists, and others who have
filed a "friend of the court" brief in support of Yahoo. Though filed with
the court in April, that brief is now available online for the first time.

Also now available online -

Ruling Denying LICRA Motion to Dismiss (N.D. California) [long - 600K]

CDT et al. Amicus Brief in Support of Yahoo!  [60K]

For more on Yahoo! v. LICRA and jurisdiction issues please see

For more information or comment please contact Alan Davidson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
or Paula Bruening <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at CDT - 202-637-9800.

CDT Update Subscription Information

E-mail questions, comments, or requests to subscribe or unsubscribe
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call (202) 637-9800.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2001-06-08 Thread Mike Switzer

-Caveat Lector-

Nobody ever seems to mention that the pledge was written by a socialist.


-Original Message-
From: Yardbird [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 6:27 AM

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
June 7, 2001

The Free Congress Guest Commentary
by Cindy Furnare

I pledge my loyalty, faith, and devotion and I pay sincere homage to the
flag.  How many people pledge allegiance to the American flag today?  A heck
of a lot less since 1992.  I'm sure about that.  It would be interesting to
watch media outlets and talk show hosts take a survey and ask teenagers and
adults if they can recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag.  An
interesting follow-up question should be asked, "What does the pledge of
allegiance mean to you?"

When I see the colors of the flag, I think of how many lives were lost and
how many people were injured so that I can say the pledge of allegiance to
the flag today.   I think of the wars where young men fought and where young
men died.  I have an American Flag on a flagpole outside my bedroom window.
As the flag billows proudly in the wind, I can hear the sweet sound of
freedom and liberty.

America is a great country.  It's unfortunate that so many Americans do not
understand just how bountiful and blessed our country is.  Even fewer
understand what is meant by the phrase "to the Republic for which it

This nation is a great nation and many of us still give thanks to God for
allowing America to become one nation under God.  It's by God's grace that
we are still a sovereign nation today.

The hateful tool of political correctness is a divisive weapon being used to
carve out the traditional values which are the very heart of our nation's
great heritage.  United we stand. Divided we fall!

"Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
liberty."  -II Corinthians 3:17
As our culture continues to crumble, one can wonder if there really is
"justice for all."  We'll see.

CINDY'S NOTE: Have you taken THE PLEDGE today?

CHRISTIAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior
for whose kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen and coming again,
with life and liberty to all who believe.

BIBLE I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God's Holy Word. I will make it a
lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, and will hide its words in my
heart that I might not sin against God.

AMERICAN FLAG I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of
America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Cindy's Flag Day Page
The History of Flag Day

"My country, 'tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing:
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim's pride,
>From every mountain side
Let freedom ring." -[Samuel Francis Smith: America]

Cindy Furnare is a long-time Notable News Now reader, and friend of the Free
Congress Foundation.
Contact:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit her website at

For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

Note:  Flag Day is June 14, 2001

Visit Our Website at

This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or hinder the passage
of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002 *
202.546.3000 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Project Manager: Angela Wheeler * Copyright * 2001  Free Congress Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-06-08 Thread Kris Millegan


Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Friday, 8 June 2001, 12:54 a.m.


  Mrs. McGuckin's address is listed also. Email and write as if YOUR life and CHILDREN 
depended on it, because they do!! If not you, who? If not now, when? If you do not 
stand up while you can, when they come for you, there will be NO ONE left to stand up 
for YOU!!


  June 7 - McGuckin Family Update

  From: "Don Harkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Organization: Idaho Observer

  Dear Friends of the McGuckins -

  On channel 6 out of Spokane, Washington, on the evening of June 6,
  Phil Robinson (prosecutor) said over the airwaves that he is in the process of
  obtaining a search warrant to check the McGuckin residence for
  possible electrical and/or plumbing work that could be defective or not
  up to code, thereby jeopardizing the safety of "the children". We
  received a call today from a Sandpoint resident who was told that
  Search and Rescue was called out by the Bonner Cty. Sheriff's
  Department to provide round the clock security watch on the
  McGuckin residence while Idaho Hazmat (Hazardous materials) out
  of Coeur d'Alene, a fire marshal from Boise, a plumbing and electrical
  inspector and some specialist from Washington state did a thorough
  inspection of their home. After writing to a local reporter and asking her
  several questions, we were sent the following via email regarding the
  alleged search warrant(s):

  "I checked the court file today - no return of service for either/any of the
  search warrants. At this point, there are no public records available on the
  search warrants or probable cause for the search warrants."

  So there you have it. Phil Robinson is getting desperate to prove that the
  complaint he filed on May 29, leading to JoAnn's arrest, will hold up under
  public scrutiny.

  Another tidbit -- the county has told a woman who wanted to organize a
  protest that she would have to file for a permit and it would be 4 weeks
  before it would be "approved". Also, a non-refundable bond is involved.
  Don and I have organized three protests outside of Bonner County and we
  simply contacted the police to tell them what we were doing and they
  thanked us for telling them and told us the parameters.
  This is truly outrageous!

  Dominant Media newspaper contact info:

  Spokesman Review - tel 208-344-6718; fax 208-765-7149; email

  Bonner County Daily Bee - tel 208-263-9534; fax 208-263-9091; email

  Coeur d'Alene Press - tel 208-664-0212; fax 208-664-0212; email

  Idaho Statesman - tel 208-377-6200; fax 208-377-6449; email

  Address for JoAnn McGuckin, mom:

  Inmate JoAnn Guckin
  c/o Bonner County Jail
  4001 N Boyer
  Sandpoint, ID 83864

  Bonner County "authorities":

  County Prosecutor Phil Robinson: (208) 263 6714

  Bonner County Courthouse at: (208) 265-1432.
  Bonner County Courthouse
  215 South First Ave
  Sandpoint, Idaho 83864

  Bonner County Sheriff:
  Phil Jarvis, Sheriff Bonner County, Idaho (208) 263-8417

  Bonner County Commissioners:

  Jerry Clemens. Brian Orr. And, Retired G-Man (wouldn't you know it),
  Tom Suttemeir.
  Bonner County Commissioners
  Phone: 208-265-1438
  Fax: 208-265-1460

  Bonner County Courthouse
  215 South First Ave
  Sandpoint, Idaho 83864
  Phone: 208-263-1438
  Fax: 208-265-1460


  Idaho Governor Dirk Kempthorne
  Office of the Governor
  700 West Jefferson, 2nd Floor
  PO Box 83720
  Boise, Idaho 83720-0034
  or Fax 208-334-2175
  Yours in the Spirit of Truth,

  Don and Ingri Harkins
  The Idaho Observer
  P.O. Box 457
  Spirit Lake, ID 83869
  (208) 255-2307/fax 255-2607


>From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News:
If you are like I am, and no longer trust the medical profession, check out this page. 
These are the products I use. Without them, I would NEVER be able to keep up the 
schedule I do with Rumor Mill News.

If you need a little extra money as well as added energy, you should think about 
becoming a distributor. Several people have signed up under me, and already they are 
receiving checks. These products SELL themselves! If you spend a lot of time on the 
Internet, you can help yourself physically and financially by adding a Dead Doctors 
Don't Lie link to the bottom of your email.

Signing up under Rumor Mill News will help keepThe  Rumor Mill up and running. Thank 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RMNews, The Uncenso

[CTRL] FC: Operation Swordfish review: A half-baked geek flick (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-,1412,44373,00.html

   This Swordfish Is Half-Baked
   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   2:00 a.m. June 8, 2001 PDT

   WASHINGTON -- Operation: Swordfish could have been this summer's
   must-see geek thriller.

   The Warner Brothers film includes the right elements: clandestine
   federal agencies, an unbreakable government network, and the world's
   best hacker, on parole for breaking into and disabling the FBI's
   Carnivore spyware, who's recruited by a suave megalomaniac who
   just might be a terrorist as well.

   But Enemy of the State or Sneakers this isn't. Flawed though they
   were, at least those films made attempts to avoid the most glaring
   technical errors.

   Not so the forgettable performance by ostensible uber-hacker Stanley
   Jobson, played by Hugh Jackman, who looks far more comfortable loafing
   in an oil field shack in the film's first few minutes than in front of
   a keyboard.

   The script, written by Skip Woods, doesn't help. From Woods' offhand
   references -- Wired magazine is cited, one hacker is a Finn named
   Torvalds, Linux's KDE interface makes a cameo -- you can tell that
   he's passingly familiar with tech lore.

   But any geek worth his copy of The Elements of Programming Style will
   spend much of the movie fidgeting in his seat, wincing at the
   technical mistakes, and cursing Woods under his breath. Note to
   Hollywood: Code for worms is not typically created using AutoCAD, and
   even expert programmers cannot visualize 512-bit encryption keys and
   factor them just by thinking really, really hard.


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[CTRL] Idaho standoff: ex lawyer as Nazi ties

2001-06-08 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

>Typo. I meant "has Nazi ties

Isn't that sort of like saying Johnny Cochran has criminal ties because
he once defended O. J. Simpson?

Best Wishes

A regulation can be for a fool to obey, and a wise man to break.
 -Marshall of the R.A.F., Sir Hugh Trenchard";>
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Idaho standoff: ex lawyer as Nazi ties

2001-06-08 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

>Typo. I meant "has Nazi ties

  This is outrageous! Any lawyer who has a Nazi tie should not
  wear it to may prejudice the judge or jury against his/her
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] CIA director to ask Arafat to arrest resistance fighters (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

CIA director to ask Arafat to arrest resistance fighters

Occupied Jerusalem: 7 June, 2001 (IAP News) - CIA Director George Tenet
will ask Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat when he meets him tonight to
arrest hundreds of Palestinians who took part in the armed resistance
against the Israeli occupation army, informed sources in Jerusalem said

The sources said Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, whose troops killed
over 500 Palestinians, 144 of them children and minors, since the outbreak
of the Palestinian uprising  more than 8 months ago,  gave Tenet a list of
138 names he demanded that Arafat should put them in jail.

In two days, a high-ranking Israeli army officer hinted that Israeli
warplanes would strike at Hamas and Islamic Jihad detainees once they are

"This way we could strike two birds with one stone, we kill the terrorists
and spark off civil war in the ranks of the Palestinians," said the officer
during a talk-in show on the Hebrew radio, Cal Yisrael.

The list of names which Tenet is to hand Arafat doesn't include Fatah

CIA apparently advised Sharon that it would be inexpedient to demand of
Arafat the arrest of many Fatah fighters on the grounds that this would
weaken him since Fatah is his power-base.

PA official Nabil Sha'ath said the PA wouldn't arrest Palestinian fighters
in response to the Israeli request.

"The PA is not going to act as Israel's policeman," he said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, an Islamic leader in the Ramallah region has warned the
Preventive Security Agency, headed by Col. Jebril Rajoub, against arresting
freedom fighters from Hamas, Fatah, and the Islamic Jihad.

"It would be a colossal scandal to see Jebril's men start arresting the
freedom fighters who defended our women and children against the barbaric
Zionist rampage…if he (Rajoub) such a thing, he would be ejected by the
people…and worse," said the Islamist leader who demanded anonymity.";>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) Danforth's Supreme Gambit

2001-06-08 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 8 Jun 2001 03:59:21 EDT
Subject:Danforth's Supreme Gambit
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


Waco Tragedy News


Danforth's Supreme Gambit
by James Bovard

Last week marked the official launch of former Sen. John Danforth's
campaign to snare a nomination to the Supreme Court. Danforth got a
splash in the Washington Post on Friday, in which he declared that the
sought to stonewall his Special Counsel investigation of Waco. Danforth
stated his belief that the FBI may not have turned over all the evidence to
his investigators. But he reassured the Post and the Establishment that,
regardless of whatever evidence the FBI withheld, "there is no chance
it would have any effect on our findings."

It is unusual for a prosecutor to absolve his target after publicly
admitting that he failed to fulfill his duty to gather all the necessary
information to make an informed judgment. But Danforth went much

Earlier this year, Danforth sent a personal note to Janet Reno: "I've heard
you talk about the decision you made in Waco. I have had the chance
as your
special counsel to review that decision. I did not pass judgment on it in
my report but I want you to know that I think you did exactly the right

Perhaps Danforth gives Reno credit for the fact that, despite the final
assault Reno authorized on April 19, 1993, most children in Texas didn't
die that day. Danforth apparently considers it no blemish that Reno
initially justified the final assault because of ongoing child abuse --
yet, after this charge collapsed, Reno shrugged off her error: "I now
understand that nobody in the [FBI] told me that it was ongoing. We
briefed, and I misunderstood." It was a harmless error, except for the
who were gassed or burned to death after Reno misunderstood. Danforth
presumably approves of Reno's statement in congressional testimony
when she
compared the 54-ton tanks used in the final assault to a "good rent-a-
Reno clearly knew what she was doing when she personally chose
Danforth to
investigate her, the Justice Department, and the FBI.

Danforth's recent comments highlight how he continues to view Waco
primarily as an opportunity to offer personal absolution to the federal
government and high-ranking government officials. As for his critics,
Danforth has a term for them. As the Post put it, Danforth complains
'conspiracy theorists' will always find fault with his investigation."

Danforth rushed to issue his Waco report days before George W. Bush
announced his vice-presidential choice. Now, with the Supreme Court
ending later this month and rumors of pending retirements, Danforth is
racing to get his name in the news again.

Unfortunately for Danforth, his credibility continues to deteriorate week
by week. A key part of Danforth's investigation into Waco was the
re-enactment of the FBI's final assault. However, filmmaker Mike
charged in a";>new
( that Danforth's team tested the wrong weapons and
ammo in the re-enactment -- producing results not worth a plug nickel.
Latest Waco Fireball).

On June 1, an Associated Press article quoted Robert Stewart, one of
Danforth's chief investigators, conceding that the re-enactment failed to
use the same type of assault rifle the FBI used on the final day at Waco.
Since Danforth's report focused heavily on muzzle flash evidence to
that no federal agents fired at Davidians before and after their home burst
into flames, use of the wrong weapon makes a mockery of Danforth's

Filmmaker McNulty says regarding the use of the wrong weapon for the
re-enactment: "The question is what did Danforth know and when did he
it?" McNulty suggests that if Danforth knowingly misrepresented the
accuracy of the re-enactment, he may face problems regarding 18 U.S.
Section 1001 -- making false statements to a federal officer -- for his
comments to Federal Judge Walter Smith and U.S. attorneys, as well
as his
testimony to the U.S. Senate. (Given the way this law is administered,
however, only private citizens normally face legal peril.)

In any event, Congress shouldn't wait for a Danforth nomination to the
Supreme Court to question him about his $12 million investigation of
and why he turned it into a self-promotion gambit for himself.

James Bovard is the author of "Feeling Your Pain": The Explosion &
Abuse of
Government Power in the Clinton-Gore Years (St. Martin's Press).

--- End of forwarded message ---

Best Wishes

If a poet has any obligation toward society, it is to write well.  Being
in the minority, he has no other choice.  Failing this 

[CTRL] Coalition for Constitutional Liberties, Vol. 5 #11 (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Weekly Update for 6/7/01

Volume 5, Number 11
Brought to you by the Center for Technology Policy of the Free Congress
Lisa S. Dean, Vice President for Technology Policy
J. Bradley Jansen, Coalition Coordinator (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Hannah H. Woody, Coalition Coordinator (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
phone: (202) 546-3000
fax: (202) 544-2819
[N.B.  Thanks to all who helped us by signing on to the letter opposing the
global Know Your Customer proposal.  The Financial Times credits our
coalition with forcing the administration to reconsider the government's
policies.  Kudos to our members! -- JBJ]

by Lisa S. Dean, from the  "Endangered Liberties" Television Program

by Paul M. Weyrich, from the "Endangered Liberties" Television Program

By Edward Alden and Michael Peel, Financial Times

JOURNAL, June 7, 2001

Makes Criminal Impersonation Easier
By Robert O'Harrow Jr., Washington Post Staff Writer

Forwarded by Norman Singleton, May 23, 2001

By Jon Dougherty,, May 29, 2001,

before the House Ways and Means Social Security Subcommittee, May 22, 2001>

by Lisa S. Dean
>From the  "Endangered Liberties" Television Program

In discussions about personal privacy vs. government databases, privacy
advocates have argued quite correctly that our video rental records have
more privacy protection than our medical records.  Now that the Bush
Administration has given the green light for the implementation of Clinton's
medical privacy regulations, it can still be said truthfully that our video
rental records have more privacy protection than do our medical records.

Under the newly released U. S. Health and Human Services medical privacy
regulations, physicians would be required to report all patients' medical
records to HHS and other government agencies, thereby extinguishing all of
what's left of the doctor/patient confidentiality tradition in this country.
These government agencies would have unfettered access to our medical
histories, for the purpose, they claim, of ensuring that the privacy
regulations are being followed by health care professionals.  How ironic!

Physicians would also be required to turn over that same information on
their patients to any other federal agency who requested it for the purpose
of observing "public health activities".  Your personal medical information
would be turned over to these government agencies without the patient's
consent. In addition to your private, personal medical histories being
readily available to the federal government, law enforcement would also be
able to access them as well, without a warrant.

If the US government wishes, under these regulations, it would be allowed to
turn any citizen's medical files over to a foreign government if they
believe that it is for the purpose of "national health", whatever that

But government agencies, foreign governments as well as law enforcement
aren't the only entities that will know what illnesses you suffer from or
what diseases you might have been treated for.  Under the new HHS rule,
direct marketing companies will be able to view that information as well in
order to tailor their marketing strategies for products to your needs.  And
we all know what happens when one marketing company gets a hold of your
personal information.  Soon you find yourself bombarded by telemarketers who
think that you might be interested in their products as well because, after
all, according to your medical records, you need them.

The worst part about all of this, even the violation of personal privacy, is
that you, the patient, have no say whatsoever in who gets your information.
People who wouldn't tell friends or family members what they are being
treated for will have government officials or some telemarketer, whom they
have never met or will never meet, knowing what illness they have and what
treatment they are undergoing for it, no matter how slight or severe the
illness or embarrassing the disease. 

[CTRL] OKC question was: Partners in Crime:

2001-06-08 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> McVeigh did not know about the nursery, but the FBI and BATF did and
> they did not show up for work that day and let the cihldren die?

Were the children of the BATF and FBI people in the daycare center or
were they absent too?


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] from Undernews June 7--DynCorp

2001-06-08 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-


Julian Borger, GUARDIAN, London: Of the $1.3 billion set aside by Congress
last year for Plan Colombia - the program of military and development aid by
which Washington hopes to stem the supply of narcotics to the US at their
source - a great deal is going to commercial ventures. The biggest of the
companies involved is DynCorp, a huge conglomerate based in northern
Virginia near the CIA's Langley headquarters . . . The DynCorp contract is a
study in vagueness. The section dealing with search and rescue says: "This
operation deals with downed aircraft or hostile action by narcotics
producers or traffickers." It gives no further details. Information about
mercenaries was once draped with a thick blanket of secrecy labeled
"national security". Nowadays the blanket has a new brand name: "corporate
confidentiality". Thus, members of Congress have not even been officially
told which company was flying the surveillance plane on April 20 over Peru .
. . Janice Schakowsky, a Democratic congresswoman from Illinois, has been
amazed at the secrecy surrounding companies that receive hundreds of
millions of dollars of taxpayers' money. "We are hiring a secret army," she
said. "We are engaging in a secret war, and the American people need to be
told why."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ex-Marine on Vietnam

2001-06-08 Thread Dale Stonehouse



[CTRL] NetZero: Juno Merger Announcement

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Mark Goldston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 4:05 PM
Subject: NetZero Announcement

> Dear NetZero Users,
> Earlier today, it was announced that NetZero and Juno Online
> Services have agreed to a strategic merger. Together we will
> form a new company, United Online, Inc.  This exciting merger
> will bring together the two clear leaders in the free and value
> priced Internet access markets to form the second largest
> Internet access provider in the United States.
> While the merger will take a few months to close, be assured
> that you will continue to receive top quality Internet access
> from NetZero and your email address will not change.  In the
> future, United Online will unveil new products and services
> that will further enhance your online experience.
> It is important to note that both services, NetZero and Juno,
> will continue going forward and we will strive to create the
> best possible Internet access experience for each and every
> one of you. As a bigger, stronger company with significant
> resources in capital, technology and people, the new United
> Online, Inc. will be one of the premier ISP organizations in
> the world.
> We thank you for your continued support and look forward to
> a very exciting future under the United Online umbrella!
> Sincerely,
> Mark R. Goldston
> Chairman and CEO of NetZero, Inc.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] WT: Waste, fraud linked to Clinton

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

June 6, 2001

Waste, fraud linked to Clinton

By John Godfrey

The Clinton administration´s staff cuts are to blame for much of
the waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, according to a
report released yesterday by Sen. Fred Thompson, Tennessee Republican.

The report, filed by Mr. Thompson on his last day as chairman of the
Senate Government Affairs Committee, found that staff reductions under
Mr. Clinton "actually detracted from the capacity of agencies to carry
out essential functions and made them more vulnerable to fraud, waste
and mismanagement."

 The report said the layoffs caused a "brain drain that cost the
government many of its most experienced and valuable employees."

 More importantly, the administration did not provide a commensurate
reduction in federal responsibilities, meaning "the federal government
wound up doing the same old things in the same old way, but with fewer
experienced employees."

 At a press conference yesterday, Mr. Thompson downplayed the
report´s criticism of the Clinton administration, saying it would take
leadership and bipartisanship to fix the problem.

 The findings are part of two-volume, 200-page report cataloging
reports of mismanagement filed over the last two years by the General
Accounting Office, departmental inspectors general and others.

 That report found problems not only with the federal work force,
but with financial management, information technology and with overlap
and duplication of government efforts.

 "This is something the president takes very seriously," said Office
of Management and Budget Director Mitch Daniels, who accepted the report
from Mr. Thompson at the press conference.

 "[Mr. Thompson] has provided us a road map to attack a problem that
has been festering for a long time," he said.

 Mr. Thompson said many of the problems, including Boston´s $13.6
billion "Big Dig" highway project, which is more than five times more
expensive than projected, mammoth financial mismanagement at the
Department of Defense, and $12 billion in annual mispayments from
Medicare, "were not created by the Clinton administration. But the
Clinton administration did not give them the attention they deserved,

 Also on a top-10 list of the worst examples of mismanagement is the
Internal Revenue Service for its financial shortcomings.

 But Mr. Daniels said he and the White House will reject the funding
increases recommended by the IRS Oversight Board, an independent board
created by Congress. The board says the Bush administration´s request
for a 4.7 percent funding increase for the agency is inadequate.

 Mr. Daniels dismissed the recommendation as having come from a
"single-issue" group.

 The report took aim at duplication of government effort, such as
the nine agencies operating 27 teen-pregnancy programs, and raw
mismanagement, such as $1.3 billion in mispayments made by the
Department of Agriculture through the food stamp program.

 But the report also found fault with Congress.

 "We, as senators, presume already that the Pentagon needs more
money," the report quotes Sen. Charles E. Grassley, Iowa Republican, as
saying during a speech from the Senate floor this winter. But, Mr.
Grassley continued, "the Pentagon does not know how much it spends,
[and] if the Pentagon does not know what it owns and spends, then how
does the Pentagon know it needs more money?"

 Mr. Thompson said the report shows that the government must also
make some new investments in human capital and technology.

 "We need to get the federal government into the 21st century, even
if we have to drag it in kicking and screaming," the report concluded.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UPI: GAO Probes Vandalism by Clinton White House

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

GAO Probes Vandalism by Clinton White House

Wednesday, June 6, 2001

WASHINGTON (UPI) - The General Accounting Office is opening an
investigation into reports of White House vandalism by the departing
Clinton administration, officials from the agency said Tuesday.

 GAO officials said they planned to look at a newly disclosed list of
damages and conduct interviews with aides to the former and present
presidents to substantiate reports by Bush officials that Clinton
staffers trashed the White House grounds as they left in January.

 "It's probably going to be a laborious, time-consuming process," said
Bernard Ungar, GAO's director of physical infrastructure, who pointed to
a list of alleged damages the White House aired over the weekend, which
the GAO has the task of proving at the request of Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga.

 Ungar, whose agency acts as the investigative arm of Congress, told
Barr last week that the congressman's initial request for an
investigation into reports of White House vandalism was a dead letter
because the White House could provide no written record of damages.

Then, over the weekend, as former Clinton officials demanded an apology
from the Bush administration in the absence of proof of vandalism, White
House spokesman Ari Fleischer offered a list to the Washington Post.

 Ungar said the White House was preparing an official list of damages
for his office, which could begin looking over the claims as soon as
late Tuesday.

 "Now there's a list, that kind of changed our approach," Ungar said.
"At least now there's a place to start."

Ungar said the first step would be to compare the list of damages with
White House maintenance logs, which the GAO previously ruled out as
sources of evidence because the White House said they lacked detail.
Ungar said GAO investigators would use interviews to try to fill any
gaps in evidence between the maintenance logs and the list of damages.
He also opened the possibility of subpoenas, but said so far the White
House had promised to cooperate openly.

 The inquiry would be the first congressional investigation ordered
during Bush's tenure as president.

 Ungar also said his team would look into the previous transition in
1992, when former President George Bush lost the White House to Clinton,
to provide a "balanced presentation" of any findings.

 Reports of "pranks" and crimes by staffers of the outgoing White House
circulated widely in the media shortly after Bush took office in
January. Fleischer and other White House officials suggested that
Clinton staffers were responsible for a wide array of damages they said
they found upon coming into the White House. They did not offer concrete
proof of vandalism, however, because they said Bush wanted to put the
matter to rest.

 The story fizzled when Clinton called for a list of damages and the
costs, and offered to pay for any needed repairs. The Bush White House
then began dampening media speculation about the report.

 Meanwhile, acting on Barr's initial request, the GAO looked into the
allegations, asking the White House administrative offices and the
General Services Administration for any records of the alleged damages.
Neither office offered any written proof, and Fleischer said the White
House's efforts to catalogue the damages stopped at mental notes made by
White House administrative staff.

 Those mental notes, made by an individual who the White House has
refused to name, became the basis for Fleischer's list, which was
apparently drafted Friday for the first time. The list of vandalism,
which reportedly occurred mostly in the Eisenhower Executive Office
Building, includes a presidential seal torn from a wall, vulgar graffiti
in six offices, profane voice mail recordings on 15 phone lines, 10
phone lines cut and 100 broken computer keyboards.

 Claire Buchan, a Bush administration spokeswoman, said the White House
counsel's office had photographs of the vandalism, but did not explain
why they were not offered to the GAO when the agency first requested
proof of vandalism.

 "If the GAO would like more information, we would be happy to complete
a list and be helpful," Buchan said. "We stand by that list as provided
to us by those involved in cleaning up and preparing the offices."

 Ungar said he had seen the White House photographs, which surfaced on
Internet sites Tuesday. But he said the images showed only messy
conditions, not vandalism.

 Copyright 2001 by United Press International.

 All rights reserved.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic

Re: [CTRL] AP: Davidian prosecutor sentenced to probation for withholding information

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe Waco was Warsaw Ghetto Day?  For the FBI and BATF specifically
chose that date to incinerate the children and on their payroll was the
Japanese sharpshooter who gunned down Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge after
the little eighth grader and his dog were shot and killed?

Of course then we know what happened in Japan the day the big bomb was
Japanese sharpshooter who went to West point and was raised in  Hawaii
as I recall.claimed to be Catholic which is the biggest crock of

So think of Waco was Waco Ghetto Day?   For the 19th of April was chosen
for a very particular reason - Gideon and his 300?

Why the need to destroy Waco and everything in it - like Oklahoma,
McVeigh left secret messages in a Gideon Bible in his motel room?

For Gideon was a man who did exactly as "god" ordered (note the little
g)...a cowardly hit and run guerilla fighter - sneak attacks.

And Waco was just good training for whom?
Liars testifying in Court slapped on wrist - is there any difference
between the children murdered at Waco while being tormented by
psychological warfare and the children in the Murrah Building?

Took Delta, tanks, flamethrowers, D Platoons, Nato, FBI and BATF to take
down Waco and a man with a load of Fertilizer took down the Murrah
Building acting all alone>

Maybe we should have a Gideon and his 300 Day in celebration of these
atrocities or maybe Larry Flynt will run a special feature on same

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AP: Davidian prosecutor sentenced to probation for withholding information

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Nation: Davidian prosecutor sentenced to probation for withholding

By JOE STANGE, Associated Press

ST. LOUIS (June 7, 2001 12:58 p.m. EDT) - A former federal prosecutor
was sentenced to two years' probation Thursday for withholding
information that exploding tear gas canisters were used during the 1993
Branch Davidian siege that ended in the deaths of some 80 people.

U.S. District Judge Charles Shaw also ordered Bill Johnston to perform
200 hours of community service.

"Maybe you need to talk to some high school students," Shaw said. "Maybe
you can help somebody not to make a similar mistake."

Johnston, standing before the judge, said: "Whatever my reason, it was
wrong. It will never be right to withhold something in fear or panic or
whatever reason."

Whether Johnston would get probation or jail time remained up in the air
prior to Thursday's hearing, despite an earlier agreement reached with
prosecutors after Johnston pleaded guilty in February.

Prosecutors withdrew their pledge to recommend probation because they
said Johnston violated his plea agreement when he made statements to the
publication Texas Lawyer after his guilty plea.

At the hearing, the judge allowed prosecutor Jim Martin to withdraw the
probation recommendation.

Johnston was convicted of withholding information about the use of
pyrotechnic tear gas on April 19, 1993, the day the compound burned.

It was Johnston himself who set in motion renewed scrutiny of government
missteps in the siege by warning then-attorney general Janet Reno in
1999 that she and the public were being misled about the FBI's handling
of it.

Johnston admitted withholding one page of pretrial notes related to the
1994 prosecution of several surviving Branch Davidians.

"Bill Johnston's behavior is not atypical of other people that claim to
be whistleblowers, often blowing the whistle to cover their own tracks,"
Martin told reporters afterward.

Johnston pleaded guilty to one charge of "misprision of a felony," a
crime similar to obstruction of justice that carries a lesser penalty.
Prosecutors agreed to drop two counts of obstruction of justice and
three counts of lying to investigators and a federal grand jury.

In the Feb. 19 issue of Texas Lawyer, Johnston was quoted as saying, "I
didn't plead guilty to anything they indicted me for. They charged me
with obstruction of justice and five counts of false statements. I did
not plead guilty to that and was not guilty of that."

Johnston was indicted by a grand jury in St. Louis on Nov. 8, just
before former Sen. John Danforth, assigned by then-President Clinton to
look into the Waco siege, released his final report absolving the
government of wrongdoing in the siege.

The Johnston case was heard here because Danforth conducted his
investigation from his office in downtown St. Louis.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal - A Resident's Version Of Events

2001-06-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Interesting item - Nepal was visited by two Presidents  - Papa Bush and
Jimmy Carter - maybe roads have something to do with this.

It is said Nepal is a poor Shangrah Li - three UN agenies make home
there - vendetta,
Russian style here did in entire family and of course we know how the
communists love to wipe out entire lines but one got away - and the
hated brother takes the throne.

Osama bin Laden works to restore rightful heir to Saudi Arabia - the
young prince with whom I had the pleasure to meet in 1967 Prince Turki
Fasal, was to have been the King when his father died - so a black from
Berkley California, a Black Nationalist - murdered the King, and the
brother took the throne.

Nepal is evidently of stragic importance - maybe someone wants to make
it into a Meyer Lansky type paradise and build hotels like Bilderbergers
for the tourist trade and you wonder why the one arab country destroyed
the huge statutes which were "international treasures".worshiping a
pile of rocks as opposed to a group of people who want to prevent the

Surely such a poor little country and note they speak oh how poor they
are - surely whoever behind this has ulterior motives and paves way for
communist takeover?   Like communists murdered 12 million Christians,
and by vicious vendetta murdered the Czar and Czarina and all their

Interesting item..maybe Nepal will turn into real cesspool now, like
London where their bridge is beginning to really fall.


'All Hell Breaking Loose' In Nepal - A Resident's Version Of Events
>From Cynthia Edwards 6-6-1
Monday, June 4
Dear Friends -
Today is a dark day in the history of the world and about to become darker.

Friday night the entire royal family of Nepal and their body guards were
brutally murdered in cold blood at the regular Friday night family gathering
(this included the 9 month old princess).

What has been reported as a family squabble with the crown prince killing
everyone and then shooting himself, and even a gun going off by itself
(somehow killing 30+ people, some of whom were not in the same room?!) are
outright lies.

Immediately, the Royals were burned, much sooner than would be normal
practice. The crown prince, the supposed killer, was made king while lying
brain dead.

Ironically, the king's brother, Gyanendra was out of town. At the same time
his nephew, Paresh, a known murderer of at least 5 people(!) was in the place
. So was the king's other brother Direndra, who has been living in London
since 1990 and has been estranged from the royal family. Both brothers are
criminals who have been involved with stealing and selling the antiquities of
Nepal, drugs selling, and who knows what else. Both brothers vehemently were
against democracy in Nepal and there was a huge fight between them all when
King Birendra gave up the powers of the Monarchy in 1990 and declared a
democracy for Nepal. It has long been known that Gyanendra has had a CIA link
as well as ties to the government of India. What those connections are in
this whole affair remains to be seen. There are no secrets in Nepal!

Since Saturday most people have known the prince was dead even though the
official news was saying otherwise. People knew they were being lied to but
they were in shock so the streets were fairly quiet for 2 days. But as early
as saturday afternoon, crowds were gathering outside the palace and at the
funeral chanting, "Kill the criminals, Kill Gyandera. " In the meantime, more
and more inside news was leaking out and it was fast becoming clear that this
was a carefully orchestrated plot by at least the 2 brothers and nephew to
seize control of Nepal.

This morning, the prince was officially declared dead. One hour later, as I
am writing this, Gyanendra has just been crowned king with full regalia, the
Prime Minister and political leaders standing mutely by. Clearly this was all
planned WELL in advance to be able to pull this off so quickly! And clearly
the Prime Minister is either afraid to say anything or else is in collusion.
And Paresh has already been sent to London for safety.

I can hear the shouts of crowds in the street heading toward the palace.
People are furious that Gyanendra, murderer of his own family and their king,
has now been made king. And this anger has been building for a long time as a
totally corrupt government has been running this country into the ground
since the advent of "democracy" in 1990.

The army is in the street along with hundreds of thousands of people, roads
are closed, and no one knows what will happen. We fear a blood bath as
Gyanendra now controls the army. The lastest report from a friend on the
street is that tear gas is being fired into the crowds.

Democracy was struggling in Nepal, at best, but now it is sure to die a swift

Perhaps it doesn't matter to you what happens in this far away tiny country,
so unrelated to your own lives. But at least you can know the truth and tell

[CTRL] FOX: Dems Launch Investigations Into Bush's Handling of Energy Crisis

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-,2933,26722,00.html

Dems Launch Investigations Into Bush's Handling of Energy Crisis

Friday, June 8, 2001

WASHINGTON - Senate Democrats decided to test their day-old majority
mettle Thursday, launching two Government Affairs Committee
investigations into the way President Bush is handling the California
energy crisis and his decision to postpone several last-minute orders
issued by President Clinton before he left office.

Former vice presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., chose
the day he took over the senate committee from its outgoing chairman,
Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., to announce an investigation into the
energy crunch and allegations that Bush and the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission have been slow to react.

"[FERC and the administration] have been following a theoretical,
ideological model which is hostile to entering into the marketplace with
price controls," Lieberman said Thursday.

"I think that FERC has the authority to act and should have acted
already to give more protection to the electricity customers of
California," Lieberman declared.

He also plans to lead an investigation into the President's decision to
halt the implementation of Clinton's various eleventh-hour executive
orders on the environment and consumer protection, including the
controversial maximum arsenic levels in water and the ban on the
construction of roads in national parks.

"In doing so, we may put the brakes on any additional plans the
administration has to roll back other environmental or consumer
protection regulations," said Lieberman, who fought and lost an
exhaustive battle with former Vice President Al Gore against Bush for
the presidency just six months ago.

Nevertheless, Lieberman says the investigations are not retribution for
the many investigations launched against the Clinton/Gore administration
when the GOP had control of the senate. Thompson's committee had played
a role in many of those probes.

- Fox News' Carl Cameron contributed to this report.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] ABCNews: Intern Spent Night, Condit Told Police

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

ABC News

Condit Demands Apology for Intern Report

W A S H I N G T O N, June 7 - California congressman Gary Condit is
an apology from The Washington Post for reporting that Chandra Levy, the
former government intern who has been missing for more than a month, spent
night at his apartment.

The Post this morning quoted unidentified law enforcement sources as saying
that Condit, a Democrat, told Washington police that Levy, 24, had spent at
least one night at his apartment.

In an interview today with KFSN-TV in Fresno, Calif., Condit's chief of
Mike Lynch denied the Post story and demanded both a retraction and an
from the paper.

"The Washington Post had a report that is false," Lynch said.  "Congressman
Condit did not make those statements to the police."

The Post also quoted an unidentified Levy relative saying the former intern
had claimed she was having a romance with Condit.

After Condit's staff participated in a lengthy bicoastal conference call
today, his office called the Post Metro section.
But acting city desk editor Erica Johnston said the paper has no plans to
issue a retraction.

"We were told by his office that they would be seeking a retraction,"
said.  "All I can say is we have no basis upon which to retract what we

The congressman's staff repeatedly has denied any sort of romantic
between Levy and and 53-year-old Condit, who is married.  The congressman
himself has steadfastly refused to publicly answer questions about the

Asked again to describe Condit's relationship with Levy, Lynch refused to
beyond past statements saying it could undermine police efforts to find the
young woman.

"We've issued statements on that I've got to refer you to those," Lynch
"We've not talked about the investigation since those statements because of
the policy not to interfere with the investigation."

Levy vanished sometime after canceling a gym membership in Washington on
30.  Her parents, who had been expecting her to return home to California
after having completed an internship at the federal Bureau of Prisons,
contacted police a week later.  Police have scoured the city for clues, but
have come up with little evidence.

Condit has released a paper statement characterizing Levy as a "good
and put up $10,000 from his campaign treasury to add to a $30,000 reward

Police still classify the Levy search as a missing persons case and have
uncovered any evidence of a crime.

Brian Hartman, Arianne DeVogue and Rebecca Bershadker contributed to this

Condit Chief of Staff Statement

Condit Chief of Staff Mike Lynch: The Washington Post had a report that is
false.  The police department has made clear that they did not make those
statements.  Congressmen Condit did not make those statements to the
The police have confirmed that they did not make those statements to The
Washington Post.

We have asked the Post for a retraction.  Prior to a days ago, actually
a week ago, the Post ran another article that they had to clarify and
correct.  . Along the same lines

So we hope that the Post will be honorable and retract the article.

Question: Do you feel the Post is out to get the congressman?

Lynch: I can't speak to people's motive on this.

The issue here for Congressman Condit is very very simple.  We should all
to find out what happened to Chandra Levy.  We ought not to engage in
speculation.  We ought not to distract the investigators.  We should just
cooperate with them 100 percent give them any and all help we can and let
do their work.

The rest of this is a sideshow and people who engage in it ought to realize
they jeopardize the overall effort.

Question: Can you describe the congressman's relationship if any with this

Lynch: We're not talking about the investigation at all.  We've issued
statements on that I've got to refer you to those.
We've not talked about the investigation since those statements because of
policy not to interfere with the investigation

Question: Is there any romantic relationship between the two?  Lynch: I
you to the statements

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endo

[CTRL] Panel Tells Bush Global Warming Is Getting Worse

2001-06-08 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday June 07 08:31 AM EDT

Panel Tells Bush Global Warming Is Getting Worse


In a conclusion that may change President Bush (news - web sites)'s
environmental policy, a panel of scientists said that global warming was a
real problem and getting worse.

WASHINGTON, June 6 A panel of top American scientists declared today
that global warming was a real problem and was getting worse, a
conclusion that may lead President Bush to change his stand on the issue
as he heads next week to Europe, where the United States is seen as a
major source of the air pollution held responsible for climate change.

In a much-anticipated report from the National Academy of Sciences (news
- web sites), 11 leading atmospheric scientists, including previous skeptics
about global warming, reaffirmed the mainstream scientific view that the
earth's atmosphere was getting warmer and that human activity was largely

"Greenhouse gases are accumulating in earth's atmosphere as a result of
human activities, causing surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean
temperatures to rise," the report said. "Temperatures are, in fact, rising."

The report was requested by the White House last month in anticipation of
an international meeting on global warming in Bonn in July but arrived just
before President Bush leaves next week for Europe, a trip that includes
talks on global warming with leaders of the 15 European Union (news - web
sites) countries in Goteborg, Sweden.

European leaders expressed outrage in March when Mr. Bush rejected the
global warming pact known as the Kyoto Protocol (news - web sites), an
international treaty negotiated in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, and the subject has
been building as an important test of the administration's foreign policy.

In the White House's first official acknowledgment of the academy's
conclusions, Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites), Mr. Bush's national
security adviser, told reporters today, "This is a president who takes
extremely seriously what we do know about climate change, which is
essentially that there is warming taking place."

Mr. Bush and many in his cabinet, who discussed the subject at length on
Tuesday, have been trying to hammer out a proposal on limiting the
pollutants that cause global warming.

"A cabinet-level working group is still working on what it wishes to say to
the president before we go to Europe," Ms. Rice said.

She said Mr. Bush would talk with the allies "a little bit about what we've
learned thus far."

Without being specific, Ms. Rice said Mr. Bush was being guided by
certain principles in formulating a proposal.

"One would want to be certain that developing countries were accounted
for in some way, that technology and science really ought to be important
parts of this answer, that we cannot do something that damages the
American economy or other economies because growth is also important,"
she said.

In response to critics who have suggested that Mr. Bush is ignoring an
issue of mounting international concern, Ms. Rice portrayed the group as
feverishly committed to educating itself and coming up with a proposal.

"It has been a matter of bringing up to speed some of the highest- ranking
people in this government," she said. "I would dare say dare challenge you
to find a situation in which you've had so many high-ranking people sitting
there week after week after week, understanding the challenge that we face
in global climate change, everybody from the vice president, the secretary
of state, the secretary of interior, secretary of agriculture. It has been quite
something to see all of these people grappling with the issue."

Administration officials have said privately that the White House could have
handled the matter with greater tact, and Ms. Rice conceded as much

"The president had made clear when he was a candidate that he did not
believe the Kyoto Protocol addressed the problem of climate change in a
way that the United States could support," she said. "In retrospect, perhaps
the fact that we understood that we had already said this was not
immediately observable to everybody, and it might have been better to let
people know again, in advance, including our allies, that we were not going
to support the protocol."

This was unusually blunt talk from a White House that until now has
fastidiously avoided the phrase "global warming" and repeatedly
expressed doubts about the clarity of the science underlying the theory that
emissions from smokestacks and tailpipes were heating the atmosphere in
ways that posed a threat.

In an indication of the headwind that Mr. Bush is sailing into next week in
Europe, the journal Science, published by an American scientific
organization, recently carried an open letter signed by 16 prestigious
scientific panels in countries around the world calling for "prompt action" to
reduce the gases like carbon dioxide that trap heat li

Re: [CTRL] NM: Larry Flynt Targets First Daughter with $10 Million Offer

2001-06-08 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

>The celebrated pornogapher first began collecting Republican scalps
during President Clinton's impeachment, 

Another Newsmax lie. Or perhaps they never saw the explicit pics of
Larry McDonald in the April 1984 issue.";>
=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] NM: Larry Flynt Targets First Daughter with $10 Million Offer

2001-06-08 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 6/8/01 12:40:28 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Another Newsmax lie. 


Seems they're purdy' good at THAT!!!
Ain't they on the payroll



Bunch of MORONIC s
And their SHEEPLE!


Re: [CTRL] More of proGay Pressure

2001-06-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Hennessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] More of proGay Pressure

> > show me the supporting evidence for your claim. show me the stats, boy
> >
> If you disallow my information sources - which was the media -
> how could you possibly allow any other evidence ??

i used Souter's finformation regarding the results of his poll. so you can
do the same to upport your surious claims.

> clause 28 pertains to sex issues at school and also teaching the value of
> christian marriage

that is not true- it pertains to local authorities- schools, libraries etc

and NOWHERE is there anything about christian marriage! LOL

> of the opponents - On this occassion at least - the Tabloid had to have
> it right.

tabloids are not on wither side- they are out to make money, nothing else-
they will do anything to keep making money- suggesting that tabloid
newspapers have integrity is just silly.

>  > show me evidence of even one single gay schoolbook. just one.
> you want to dispute the published facts and put the onus on me

no- simply that i say there are NO gay schoolbooks. show me published
evidence, seeing as you claim to have it, that there is even ONE gay
schoolbook. thassall

> to reresearch published facts - maybe even buy a book ?
> if you want to play mind games - you show me the evidence that there
> wasn't warehouses FULL of  gay schoolbooks for young children.
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Disclosure followup chat on Destination Space (fwd)

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

>  Original Message 
> Subject: Disclosure followup chat on Destination Space
> Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 15:52:12 -0400
> From: "Bill Stockstill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello,
>  Destination Space will have guests Stephen Bassett and
> Disclosure Project witness Alfred Webre for a chat on the
> Disclosure Project this Sunday.  It will also have UFO
> researcher Mark Hall as an ordinary Joe who was there at
> Washington DC May 9th Press Club as host.
> For further details please see
> The chat will take place on Sunday June 10th at 18.00 US
> Pacific Time (02.00am June 11th UK Time)
> Please publicize as wide as earthly possible and we hope you
> can make it.
> Sincerely,
> Bill Stockstill
> Destination Space

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] NM: Larry Flynt Targets First Daughter with $10 Million Offer

2001-06-08 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

June 7, 2001

Larry Flynt Targets First Daughter with $10 Million Offer

Hustler Magazine publisher Larry Flynt, who dug dirt on Republicans for
the Clinton White House during impeachment and tried to smear President
Bush with an unsubstantiated abortion allegation during last year's
campaign, is now offering $10 million for a naked picture of 19-year-old
first daughter Jenna Bush.

Taking the politics of personal destruction to new lows, Flynt published
a composite photo of Ms. Bush's face superimposed on a nude model as she
sat spread-eagled on an American flag. The explicit graphic first ran in
Hustler's April issue, shortly after the underage Ms. Bush was ticketed
for alcohol possession by Texas police.

Above the imaginary pornographic photo of the first daughter, Hustler's
mean-spirited headline read: "Jenna Bush, This Could be You."

"Hustler's readers have preselected you to receive this bonafide offer
of TEN MILLION DOLLARS, just for lying around in front of a camera,"
taunts the vulgarity-laced copy. "C'mon Jenna! Accept Larry Flynt's TEN
MILLION DOLLARS and raise the American flag!"

Underneath the caption reads, "This shot's fake, how about the real

A Hustler Magazine editor who requested anonymity told
Thursday that the hardcore ad was no joke and that Flynt is ready to pay
up should the offer be accepted.

"We've been contacted by a few news organizations," he said. But outside
of the Village Voice last month, Flynt's attempt to embarrass the first
family has gone completely unreported.

The celebrated pornogapher first began collecting Republican scalps
during President Clinton's impeachment, when he took out an ad in the
Washington Post offering a million dollars to anyone with evidence of
philandering by Clinton's Republican enemies.

He struck paydirt with House Speaker-to-be Bob Livingston, uncovering an
apparently embarrassing series of sexual dalliances that forced the
Louisiana Republican to resign just hours before the House impeached

But despite Livingston's resignation, Flynt's hatred of Clinton's
enemies was so intense that he threatened to release the humiliating
details anyway. The pornographer was dissuaded only when the
congressman's wife tearfully begged him not to.

The White House became so enamoured of Flynt's dirt digging prowess that
Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart actually took to describing Hustler
as "a newsmagazine."

Last year Flynt said that Clinton had communicated his appreciation.

"The President sent word to me, you know - ahh, he was thankful for my
effort, and maybe after he left office we could break bread or
something," he told The New York Observer.

At the time, Flynt was trying to peddle an allegation that candidate
George Bush had, while in his late 20's, impregnated a Texas woman,
causing her to get an abortion. But the woman refused to come forward
and reportedly threatened to sue the Hustler publisher if he ever used
her name.

While a connection to the Clintons has yet to emerge in Flynt's current
effort to embarrass the Bush family, Hillary Clinton has become the
president's most outspoken critic in the Senate and is believed to be
readying her own run for the White House in 2004.

In 1997 Flynt became friendly with longtime Clinton political strategist
James Carville when the two appeared together in the movie, "The People
vs. Larry Flynt."

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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