[CTRL] Fwd: HUD Gives Up With Fitts, by Paul M. Rodriguez, Editor, Insight Magazine

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan


  HUD Gives Up With Fitts

  By Paul M. Rodriguez

  Following an Insight story exposing a possible
  political vendetta, HUD dropped its five-year
  investigation of Hamilton Securities, finding no
  evidence of wrongdoing.

  The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has
  closed with prejudice a nearly five-year investigation after finding no
  evidence of wrongdoing by Hamilton Securities Inc., a now-defunct
  government-mortgage portfolio seller owned by Catherine Austin
  Fitts. The decision of HUD’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
  to close the case followed by weeks an investigative cover story by
  Insight that explored details of this affair many inside both HUD and
  the Justice Department regarded as a political vendetta against Fitts
  (see “Thankless Task,” May 21).
 The Fitts affair resulted when a streamlined mortgage-selling
  program she pioneered in 1995 and 1996 ended bloated contracts
  awarded for decades to firms that suddenly stood to lose millions.
  Fitts had found an efficient way for the government to unload hefty
  loan portfolios instead of managing them, and apparently some who
  had profited on the old deal set out to get her.
 Insight discovered that despite the flamboyant allegations of
  wrongdoing levied against Fitts personally, and against Hamilton
  Securities, the Justice Department’s Criminal, Civil and Antitrust
  divisions determined there was no evidence of wrongdoing. The FBI
  and the Securities and Exchange Commission came to the same
  conclusion, Insight learned. Only HUD’s OIG, led by Inspector
  General Susan Gaffney, pursued Hamilton and Fitts in conjunction
  with its “bounty hunter,” John Ervin, who heads Ervin & Associates, a
  firm that just happens to specialize in HUD mortgage-loan portfolio
 Despite five years of digging and legal harassment that drove
  Fitts and her company to the wall, OIG kept the case open in hopes
  that the “stained blue dress” alleged metaphorically by Ervin would
  emerge. It never did. Once Gaffney quit in late spring after finding no
  wrongdoing, Insight has learned, the case quickly was closed with
  approval from the highest levels at HUD.
 It began as a qui tam case filed by Ervin. He accused Hamilton
  Securities and Fitts of fraud and conspiracy associated with an
  alleged bid-rigging scheme in two multibillion-dollar
  mortgage-portfolio sales held by HUD. A preliminary finding by a
  HUD OIG audit team affirmed that the complicated sales program
  was a well-managed success that recovered upwards of 70 cents on
  the dollar. It saved taxpayers more than $2 billion by unloading costly
  mortgage loans held by HUD and managed by private firms such as
  the one belonging to Ervin.
 Despite the draft report, OIG continued its probe while Ervin
  pressed his case in addition to a separate Bivens action against HUD
  officials he accused of being involved in the alleged conspiracy. A qui
  tam is a secret filing in federal court by a private citizen on behalf of
  the United States that is supposed to be, in effect, a whistle-blower
  action aimed at proving allegations of wrongdoing by government
  contractors or officials. A Bivens action is a lawsuit filed against
  individual government officials on allegations of corruption.
 Although HUD denied any wrongdoing in federal court, it settled
  its part of the Bivens case for an estimated $2 million, based on
  alleged bias against Ervin by HUD officials. According to HUD and
  lawyers for both Fitts and Ervin, this fueled the OIG’s suspicion that
  former HUD secretary Andrew Cuomo either kept or hired crooked
  HUD officials to cover up the alleged conspiracy. That spurred
  Gaffney’s office to pursue Hamilton Securities for suspected
  complicity to hide the truth. However, despite continued allegations of
  wrongdoing claimed by Ervin in secret qui tam filings, the combined
  investigators of the Justice Department, the FBI and HUD auditors
  could find no wrongdoing by Fitts personally or by Hamilton
 Ervin and Fitts now are in federal mediation to resolve his
  continuing qui tam case, as amended at least two times, and her own
  counterclaims for millions of dollars in legal bills she has incurred to
  defend her company from allegations that have proved false. Insight
  sources say Fitts expects to file a civil lawsuit against HUD if it does
  not move quickly to compensate Hamilton Securities for the millions
  of dollars it lost from canceled contracts and spoiled business
  resulting from the “unwarranted” federal investigation.
 HUD’s OIG had no comment on its settlement of the Hamilton
  Securities/Fitts case and neither did Ervin or Fitts through their
  attorneys. However, an official at HUD says privately that the
  department and HUD Secretary Al Martinez are glad

[CTRL] Fwd: Another AMS Slush Fund? : HUD CAPS Loses Billions, LA CAPS has missing money too.....

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Note: The IRS Commissioner is in charge of enforcing revenue statutes. This
includes conforming the data reported by government agencies regarding
revenues generated from government monies awarded to private parties
(private taxable income like HUD subsidies and HUD financing, including
write off or write down of defaulted mortgages, and low income housing tax
benefits to apartment tax shelter syndicators and landlords) and income
reported to the IRS.



  A Financial Fiasco Is in the

  By Kelly Patricia O’Meara

  An alleged slush fund for the Los Angeles Superior
  Court Judges Association may be the tip of an
  iceberg of misappropriation of government money in
  Los Angeles County.

  “Put your concerns in writing and mail them to me.” Click; the line
  goes dead. The voice on the phone was that of Los Angeles Superior
  Court Presiding Judge James Basque as Insight pressed him to
  explain whether the Los Angeles Superior Court Judges Association
  (LASCJA), of which he is the chairman, has made any attempt to pay
  30 years of back taxes to county, state and federal authorities.
 It has been more than two years since Insight broke the story of
  the Los Angeles Superior Court judges earning money off the books
  by providing minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) classes to
  attorneys in the courtrooms. The fees collected were deposited into a
  private bank account that has come to be known as the $100,000
  “coffee and flowers” fund (see “Is Justice for Sale in L.A.?,” May 3,
 The problem with this arrangement is that, apparently to cover
  for the fact that the judges weren’t paying taxes on this income,
  whether earned or extorted, the LASCJA illegally used the
  employer-identification number (EIN) of the County of Los Angeles.
  In time the county politely asked the learned jurists to stop using that
  number. But no criminal charges were filed against the judges and no
  one raised the issue of making good on back taxes. So when Basque
  abruptly ended that telephone conversation, Insight decided to take
  another look at the status of that private bank account and to revisit
  the Los Angeles County Superior Court Finance Office.
 Insight put its “concerns” about those back taxes in writing, as
  requested by the presiding judge, and hand-delivered the formal
  request to his chambers. Basque neither responded to the questions
  nor agreed to a meeting, instead deferring to the county’s counsel,
  Frederick Bennett.
 Although Bennett says that he “has some background information
  concerning the [judges] association,” not once in his three-page
  response did he discuss whether the judges have made any attempt to
  pay what could amount to 30 years of back taxes and penalties.
  Instead, he obfuscates, rambling on that he is “informed and believes
  the association has used its own taxpayer’s identification number
  since approximately 1997, when the county auditor [J. Tyler
  McCauley] indicated that would be the better practice.”
 For the LASCJA to use its own identification number, as
  required by law, is a “better practice?” What about it being illegal for
  the judges to have enjoyed their private income for so many years
  under the county’s EIN? Not a word. But Bennett continues to
  defend the judges by explaining that “the association does not pay
  taxes,” as he is “informed and believes that it is an organization
  exempt from taxes.”
 Bennett provided a copy of the LASCJA’s year 2000 federal
  IRS 990 Form indicating the organization’s tax-exempt status but
  advised that the information he was providing should be verified with
  the LASCJA’s attorney, John J. Collins of the Pasadena law firm of
  Collins, Muir and Traver.
 Collins had less information than Bennett. It appears that Collins
  can only speak about the LASCJA back to the winter of 1997, when
  he first began representing the association. Asked if he is aware of
  any efforts by the judges to pay taxes on these large sums of money
  earned during the 30-year period, Collins tells Insight: “I can’t speak
  about that because I don’t know they made any money.”
 That assuredly is a lawyerly response, given that Collins admitted
  to having read Insight’s earlier article about the LASCJA which
  contained details about checks being deposited into the judges’
  private Bank of America account. It at that time contained a little
  more than $100,000.
 Neither Collins nor the judges have addressed the issue that,
  based on the bank records, large sums of money may be owed in
  back taxes. Furthermore, based on correspondence from Collins, it is
  clear that the association’s counsel is much more informed about the
  status of the ac

[CTRL] [Fwd: A tale of tragic irony]

2001-07-06 Thread BB


Many of us have known all along that the crazy people who support the 
unconstitutional position of controlling our guns were a couple of fries 
short of a Happy Meal. This helps prove it.

Jim Hardin

The Freedom Page
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Alabama Committee To Get Us Out of the UN

From: The Republican <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: A tale of tragic irony

A tale of tragic irony


© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Barbara Graham was sentenced to 10 years to life for shooting and
paralyzing an innocent 23-year-old man she blamed for killing her
19-year-old son.

That's a triple tragedy, for Graham is a 49-year-old mother who has now
been removed from her other children.

It's also ironic beyond words because Barbara Graham is an active member of
a Maryland group that helped organize the Million Mom March against
firearms last year in Washington.

Let me repeat that: Barbara Graham used a gun to paralyze an innocent man,
is pleading for leniency from the courts for her actions, and she is an
activist involved in demanding that firearm possession be more severely
restricted in this country.

To top it off, when she was arrested in the shooting case, police found two
guns at her bedside.

Graham had supporters throughout her trial - leaders of the Million Moms
group. Even though she owned guns and used one to shoot an innocent man,
she is a heroine, in an odd sort of way, to a group that seeks more
government controls on firearms, more limits on gun possession, maybe even
an outright ban on them.

Hello? Earth to the Million Moms - why does this not compute?

By the way, Graham, who sometimes uses other names - like Lipscomb and
Martin - did not shoot Kikko Smith in a fit of rage or on instinct. She is
convicted of plotting an ambush of him along with a co-defendant, Erskine
Moorer, who has already been sentenced to 15 years to life in the case.

Meanwhile, a trial has been set for Daniel William Jackson Jr., the accused
shooter of Graham's son.

I raise all this with you today because I think it symbolizes the total
disconnect from reality that infects the minds of those who want to seize
my guns and your guns but see no problem possessing and using guns
themselves. Clearly, if anyone in this country should be denied the right
to own a gun, it's someone like Graham. Yet, she is one of the organizers
of the anti-gun movement.

It's incredible. Yet it's a story that has hardly been told - a factoid
that is probably too discomfiting to warrant big play in the
pro-government, anti-freedom, anti-Second Amendment big media.

For instance, here's how the Washington Post played it last Wednesday in
its metro section: "A grieving mother convicted of shooting a young man she
blamed for her son's killing was sentenced to 10 years to life yesterday in
an unusual case that laid bare the despair and rage of the city's gun

You had to read until paragraph 14 of the story to get the connection to
the Million Mom March.

It kind of reminds me of a silly incident that occurred last summer when my
wife and I were in Philadelphia around the time of a Million Mom

We were walking around Independence Mall, minding our own business, as they
say. The Million Moms (there were really only a few dozen) had thousands of
shoes on display representing the victims of gun violence. Elizabeth
pointed out that they were using faulty statistics in their display. She
told them they were "an abomination" in the sight of Independence Hall and
all it represented with regard to the birth of freedom in America. She let
them know of the statistics demonstrating that thousands of times a day
guns actually prevent violence.

A commotion ensued and an older, wild-haired man (obviously not a mom, but
a sympathizer) appeared to be on the verge of assaulting my wife. He was
being held back from physically attacking my wife who was guarded only by
four of our daughters, then 14, 11, 8 and eight weeks.

I looked on in amazement, but I wasn't a bit worried. I knew Elizabeth
could deck this would-be assailant. He'd be out for the count. He would
never even know what hit him. But I thought it was interesting that these
practitioners and advocates of nonviolence and disarmament were not eager
to engage in civil debate, but were rather quick to resort to fisticuffs.

It didn't faze this bum that he was threatening the mother of a newborn
only a few feet away. After all, he was fighting for a bigger cause -
disarming every man, woman and child in America and thus destroying the
very foundations of our freedom.

That's right. With Independence Day 2001 just behind us, it ought to be
fresh in our minds that too many good men have sacrificed their lives,
their fortunes and risked their sacred honor fighting for

Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-06 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

I don't have much of a problem, except perhaps for Nasty Newcomers,
who show up from out of nowhere and bash everyone on the list instead
of employing civil, mannerly, gentlemanly disagreement.

My, how touchy your are - ease up a little - you'll live longer.

I'm pretty sure that we're on the same page with some issues, it's
just that the vituperative rhetoric gets in the way of understanding.

You seem to have remarkable insight into my grasp of WWII history--
I understand all your points about censorship,  I do not understand
your point in the last paragraph regarding Roosevelt ---

Did you somehow conclude that I thought him a "good guy?"


"Damian B. Cooper" wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> At 01:07 AM 7/6/01 -0700, BB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> >-Caveat Lector-
> >
> >Duh-uh!  Pick on a word, and divert  attention away from the main
> >point which was that fdr and the fedguv had firsthand reports of massive
> >deportation, concentration camps, and systematic murder of as many Jews
> >as the germans could process.
> >
> >So the word "holocaust" wasn't used in '41  --  SO WHAT??
> >Does that mean it never happened???  What a clever rebuttal.
> >
> >Do not lose sight of the fact that Jews were not the only target
> >of the lunatic's ethnic cleansing.
> Jews served in the armed forces of the Third Reich all the way up
> to and including the rank of Field Marshall.
> How do you explain that?
> You're problem is that you don't know that World War II occurred
> The Roosevelt administration censored the
> news, and the censored news became censored history.
> Can you tell me:  when did the U.S. Government officially announce that
> it would stop censoring the news, AND when did it release all of
> the information that it held back from the American public?
> The answer is:  there are still hundreds of thousands, perhaps
> millions of World War II era documents that are still classified
> or restricted from public examination in the archives of the U.S.,
> Russia, and other European countries.
> Your grasp of  WW II history is nothing more than the Pavlovian
> reaction to a propaganda cartoon painted for you by  Harry
> Hopkins, Alger Hiss, Henry Morganthau, and the other Commies
> who operated Roosevelt.
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-06 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 11:21 AM 7/6/01 -0400, "Prudence L. Kuhn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 07/06/2001 1:48:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton ads >>
>Wasn't that George Bush's campaign?  Prudy

The Bush campaign picked it up AFTER Al Gore had used it against Dukakis in
the primary.   Democrats had no qualms about Al Gore using the issue.  Their
racialist sensibilities only got offended after Bush began using it.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust

2001-07-06 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 08:17 AM 7/6/01 -0400, Steve Suranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-
>> censorship - Please provide a reference of where you have been personally
>> censored by the government.

You are one naive puppy,

If you don't know anything and have nothing important to say, there is no

It's only those who are able to say things that influence people that are

I have been personally censored by "the government" in many different ways:
National Security Act restrictions, retribution by a government employer
for a letter to the
editor, restrictions on what may be said or discussed at public meetings like
school board meetings, restrictions on what may be said or written "in the work
place" to avoid creating a "hostile work environment",  tax penalties for
a newspaper that is "political", prohibitions of "endorsements" of
candidates in
primary elections in a political newspaper, prohibitions in printing the
"party affiliation" of
candidates in elections,  etc, etc.

In my opinion, public education is a form of government censorship.  I want
my children
to learn and read certain things,  I want them to NOT learn or be exposed
to other things.
The government school authorities, prohibit the communication of things to
my children that
I desire to be communicated to them.   The government school authorities
WOULD -- if I left it to them --
tell my children things that are defamatory about their heritage, their
religion, their culture, their
values, or their ethnicity,

One of many examples:  an aquaintance of mine was the editor of a chain of
neighborhood newspapers.  During a city council election, his boss, the
got a call from the mayor.  "We want you to endorse candidate X".  The
chain had no intention of endorsing candidate X.

"If you don't endorse candidate X, the city will not  run any of the city's
announcements in your newspaper," said the mayor.

The newspaper unwillingly endorsed candidate X, and withheld news coverage of
candidate "Y".

It happens at the local level, it happens at the state level, it happens at
the federal

Rich people buy newspaper chains because they want to control the news and
put their puppet candidates in office.  They don't buy newspaper chains or TV
stations because, out of the goodness of their heart,  they want YOU to
have complete
and unbiased news

The New York Times and the Washington Post (the "semi-official" government
newspapers of America)
don't want you to know "the truth", they want you to support the candidates
and policies that
they tell you about.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-06 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 01:07 AM 7/6/01 -0700, BB <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-
>Duh-uh!  Pick on a word, and divert  attention away from the main
>point which was that fdr and the fedguv had firsthand reports of massive
>deportation, concentration camps, and systematic murder of as many Jews
>as the germans could process.
>So the word "holocaust" wasn't used in '41  --  SO WHAT??
>Does that mean it never happened???  What a clever rebuttal.
>Do not lose sight of the fact that Jews were not the only target
>of the lunatic's ethnic cleansing.

Jews served in the armed forces of the Third Reich all the way up
to and including the rank of Field Marshall.

How do you explain that?

You're problem is that you don't know that World War II occurred

The Roosevelt administration censored the
news, and the censored news became censored history.

Can you tell me:  when did the U.S. Government officially announce that
it would stop censoring the news, AND when did it release all of
the information that it held back from the American public?

The answer is:  there are still hundreds of thousands, perhaps
millions of World War II era documents that are still classified
or restricted from public examination in the archives of the U.S.,
Russia, and other European countries.

Your grasp of  WW II history is nothing more than the Pavlovian
reaction to a propaganda cartoon painted for you by  Harry
Hopkins, Alger Hiss, Henry Morganthau, and the other Commies
who operated Roosevelt.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-06 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 11:37 PM 7/5/01 -0700, Steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>-Caveat Lector-
>Yeah, YOUR bad politician is much, much worse than MY bad politician.

Yes.  It's true.

"Moral equivalence" is only for those who don't know anything either about
morality or equvalency.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] The God That Sucked

2001-07-06 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

The God That Sucked

Thomas Frank

Despite this, many economists still think that
electricity deregulation will work. A product is a product, they
say, and competition always works better than state control.
"I believe in that premise as a matter of religious faith,"
said Philip J. Romero, dean of the business school at
the University of Oregon and one of the architects of
California's deregulation plan.

--New York Times, February 4, 2001

Time was, the only place a guy could expound the mumbo
jumbo of the free market was in the country
club locker room or the pages of Reader's Digest. Spout
off about it anywhere else and you'd be taken
for a Bircher or some new strain of Jehovah's Witness.
After all, in the America of 1968, when the
great backlash began, the average citizen, whether housewife
or hardhat or salary-man, still had an
all-too-vivid recollection of the Depression. Not to
mention a fairly clear understanding of what social
class was all about. Pushing laissez-faire ideology
back then had all the prestige and credibility of
hosting a Tupperware party.

But thirty-odd years of culture war have changed all that.
Mention "elites" these days and nobody
thinks of factory owners or gated-community dwellers.
Instead they assume that what you're mad as
hell about is the liberal media, or the pro-criminal
judiciary, or the tenured radicals, or the know-it-all

For the guys down at the country club all these inverted
forms of class war worked spectacularly well.
This is not to say that the right-wing culture warriors
ever outsmarted the liberal college professors or
shut down the Hollywood studios or repealed rock 'n' roll.
Shout though they might, they never quite got
cultural history to stop. But what they did win was far
more important: political power, a free hand to
turn back the clock on such non-glamorous issues as welfare,
taxes, OSHA, even the bankruptcy laws,
for chrissake. Assuring their millionaire clients that
culture war got the deregulatory job done, they
simply averted their eyes as bizarre backlash variants
flowered in the burned-over districts of
conservatism: Posses Comitatus, backyard Confederacies
mounting mini-secessions, crusades against

For most of the duration of the thirty-year backlash,
the free-market faiths of the economists and the
bosses were kept discreetly in the background. To be sure,
market worship was always the established
church in the halls of Republican power, but in public
the chant was usually States' Rights, or Down
with Big Gummint, or Watch out for Commies, or Speak
English Goddammit. All Power to the Markets
has never been too persuasive as a rallying cry.

So confidently did the right proceed from triumph to
triumph, though, that eventually they forgot this.
Inspired by a generous bull market and puffed up by a
sense of historical righteousness so cocksure
that it might have been lifted from The God That Failed,
that old book in which ex-Communists
disavowed their former convictions, the right evidently
decided in the Nineties that the time had come
to tell the world about the wonders of the market.

   Dinesh D'Souza, pedagogical product of the Jesuits, these days can
   be found swinging the censer for Mammon and thrilling to the
   mayhem his ruthless "god of the market" visits on the undeserving
   poor. George Gilder, erstwhile elder of the Christian right, is now the
   Thirty-Third Degree Poobah in the Temple of Telecosm, where he
   channels the libertarian commandments of his digital Juggernaut in
 the language of the angels.

  A host of awesome myths attest to the power of this new god.
  Markets must rule, some right-wing prophets tell us, because of
"globalization," because the moral weight of the entire
world somehow demands it. Others bear tidings
of a "New Economy," a spontaneous recombination
of the DNA of social life according to which,
again, markets simply must rule. The papers fill
with rapturous talk of historical corners turned, of old
structures abandoned, of endless booms and weightless work.

The new god makes great demands on us, and its
demands must be appeased. None can be shielded
from its will. The welfare of AFDC mothers must be
entrusted unhesitatingly to its mercies. Workers
of every description must learn its discipline, must
sacrifice all to achieve flexibility, to create
shareholder value. The professional, the intellectual,
the manager must each shed their pride and own
up to their flawed, lowly natures, must acknowledge
their impotence and insensibility before its divine
logic. We put our health care system in its invisible
hands, and to all appearances it botches the job.
Yet the faith of the believers is not shaken. We
deregulate the banking industry. Deregulate the
broadcasters. Deregulate electricity. Halt antitrust.
Make plans to privatize Social Security and to
privatize the public schools.

And to those who worry about the cost

Re: [CTRL] Strange Readings on HAARP Magnetometer

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 6 Jul 01, at 18:42, i wrote:

> Note the unusual, unipolar nature of the disturbances.

Here's the link:


"The Truth is out there."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Strange Readings on HAARP Magnetometer

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Note the unusual, unipolar nature of the disturbances.


"The Truth is out there."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Drugs and Missions

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Inviting people to take a look at our hypothesis on The Akha Heritage
Foundation web site http://www.akha.org/intromenu.htm

The mission issue and the drug issue seems to be sleeping in the same



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Your donation goes to infant care, vitamins, medical supplies, wells,
bread and fish for the villages.

Donations by check or money order may be sent to:

The Akha Heritage Foundation
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Please let us stay on topic and be civil.
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[CTRL] Feds Mull Calling in Marshals in Oregon Water Fight

2001-07-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Feds Mull Calling in Marshals in Oregon Water Fight
Thursday, July  05, 2001

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. — Federal officials were considering whether to
call in U.S. marshals on Thursday to enforce the Endangered Species
Act after angry farmers and residents sent water reserved for threatened
and endangered fish into an irrigation canal.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation also was meeting with officials of the
Klamath Irrigation District in an effort to restore calm.
"It is a discussion of mutual concerns," said bureau spokesman Jeff
McCracken. "We have a responsibility to follow the law."
The Bureau of Reclamation controls the Klamath Project irrigation
system, serving 240,000 acres of farms and ranches in the Klamath
Basin along the Oregon-California border.
On Wednesday, a crowd of 100 to 150 people armed with a diamond-
bladed chain saw and a cutting torch opened a gate that had been
welded shut and reopened a headgate to send water from Upper
Klamath Lake back into the "A" Canal of the Klamath Project.
It was the second time in a week that the headgate had been opened in
defiance of the bureau's decision last April that severe drought made it
impossible to provide water to 90 percent of the land in the Klamath
Project without jeopardizing the survival of endangered sucker fish in
Upper Klamath Lake and threatened coho salmon in the Klamath River.
Water flowed into the canal for over four hours, until a Bureau of
Reclamation official closed it down, the Herald and News newspaper
Klamath Falls police and county sheriff's deputies observed but did not
interfere because no state or local laws were being broken, the
newspaper said.
The Bureau of Reclamation owns the irrigation facilities, but contracts
with the Klamath Irrigation District to maintain and operate them.
After the headgate was opened Friday night, neither side wanted to
close the gate, saying it was the other's responsibility. The bureau
finally closed it.
"We certainly understand the frustration of the community facing this
situation," said McCracken. "We would hope that cooler heads prevail."
Klamath County Sheriff Tim Evinger said he had notified the Klamath
Irrigation District about the opened gates.
Irrigiation officials said the district would manage Wednesday's flow,
estimated at 200 cubic feet per second.
"It just appears to me that they are trying to save their lives," Evinger
said of those who opened the gate.
Since the water was shut off last April, Klamath Basin farms with no
other source of water have been forced to sell off cattle, let pastures and
hay fields go brown, and give up annual plantings of potatoes, grain and
other crops.
Many other lands in the Klamath Basin served by wells or other
irrigation districts are green.
Ron Johnson, a Klamath Falls farm equipment dealer, said the canal
was reopened because people are frustrated and want to see something
"There is a lot of anger," he said. "It is really unfair to a lot of people who
make their livelihood from farming, having everything taken away from
them like it is."


Best Wishes

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.  - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Amazon & Andes with Peter Gorman

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

(To unsubscribe from this newsletter, click on the link at the bottom)

The Prophets Conferences/GreatMystery.org, in addition to presenting exceptional 
gatherings worldwide with today's leading thinkers and authors, is also facilitating 
very special tours and expeditions with leading adventurers, and we are pleased to be 
once again working with Peter Gorman.  We hope that you may find his truly unusual and 
most possibly life enhancing expedition of interest.  If this adventure is for you or 
not, you may very well find the Gorman excerpt that follows an interesting and fun 

AMAZON JAUNT:  August 4-18, 2001

PETER GORMAN, former Editor-In-Chief of High Times Magazine and regular adventurer 
into the depths of the Peruvian Amazon, is taking a small group of people into the 
jungle and then on to the Andes for the adventures of their lives.

Peter Gorman is taking these people to participate, with authentic and highly skilled 
Amazonian curanderos, in the ceremonious imbibing of the sacred power plant brew - 
ayahuasca.  The opening of doors into the spirit plane, with the resultant physical 
and emotional healing, is taking place under their experienced guidance.

>From Iquitos and the jungle, Gorman and his party move to the high mountains of Cuzco 
>and Machu Picchu for magic mushroom and San Pedro cactus ceremonies.  (Regarding San 
>Pedro, Mother Cactus, the active alkaloid is mescaline, which opens the powers of 
>"Seeing", including the telepathic sense of transmitting oneself across time and 
>matter.  It develops the power of perception.)

These substances are legal and accepted for their curative value in Peru.

Expedition Information at:  http://www.greatmystery.org/amazon.html

The Following is Excerpted from:
BETWEEN THE CANOPY AND THE FOREST FLOOR:  Vision Plants and Medicines in Peruvian 
by Peter Gorman


While everyone who lives in the Amazon has a knowledge of the plants they need for 
survival, those with the most refined knowledge of plants are those westerners call 
shaman-curanderos, healers, medicine men and women. In the little mestizo river 
village of Auchyako, don Julio is the local curandero. On the tributary of the Yivari 
on which most of the Matses live, Pablo and his cousin Wilfredo are the healers. And 
despite never having met them, what don Julio has in common with Pablo and Wilfredo is 
that they all view plants as sentient beings. Though a strange concept to the western 
mind, it is common among plant healers throughout the world. That belief is the point 
at which the science of ethnobotany meets the spiritualism of the shaman. For don 
Julio, who spent several years apprenticing to a healer, access to the intelligence of 
plant life-among other things-is gained through ayahuasca. For Pablo and Wilfredo, 
those portals are crossed by dreaming. According to Wilfredo, !
the two of them "studied plant medicines every day for two years with an old man at 
Buenas Lomas, a big Matses village. The old man is dead now, but Pablo and I know the 
plants." After their initial studies they learned to dream. According to both, 
dreaming involves long hours of attention to specific plants, learning to identify 
them by the insects and animals which associate with them, learning their reproductive 
cycles, and finally by physically sleeping near them until the plants allow you to 
dream them. Pablo and Wilfredo say the plant gives you permission to use it as a 
curative by allowing you to dream the illnesses it treats, and the method of 
treatment. Once again, to westerners this is a foreign concept. With our awareness of 
chemical composition and physical reaction, it's difficult to accept that a plant that 
is used to treat a foot fungus in one village by Pablo will not treat the same fungus 
in another village by Wilfredo. Yet in several medicinal plant collectin!
g trips with both of them, I saw few of the same plants use!
d to treat similar illnesses, a testimony to their different dreams. Both acknowledge 
that the plants themselves have the capability of treating illnesses, but say that 
without the plant's expressed approval through the dream, the results will be 
considerably less effective. To aid the dreaming, the Matses use a psychoactive snuff 
they call nu-nu. Similar to the virola snuffs used by indigenous peoples throughout 
northwestern Amazonia, nu-nu is made by mixing the dried and pulverized leaves of an 
as-yet-unclassified wild tobacco, with the ashes of the soft inner bark of a tree in 
the Macao family; occasionally, other leaves are added as well. The result, a bright 
green snuff, is blown with force through a hollow reed tube by one man into the 
nostrils of another. On occasion, as many as 20 half-gram "blows" may be administered. 
When it hits, nu-nu hurts. It feels as though it will take the back of your head off, 
and lea

[CTRL] Hearts & Minds

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

Editorial: Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Public

David Borden, Executive Director, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 7/6/01

Public opinion on drug policy has shifted noticeably during the past several
years that I've been actively observing it. Six or seven years ago, the idea
of legalization might have been dismissed by most people as a "hippie" or
"druggie" idea. Today, most Americans might not yet be on our side, but at
least realize there are "respectable" citizens who agree with us.

To be sure, there are still some people who react to the notion of ending
drug prohibition as "crazy" or "fringe." They are an increasingly small
group, however. Whenever I encounter one of them, there is usually someone
else in the room who agrees with me 100 percent, and others who aren't sure
but who certainly don't regard my views as off the charts.

Still, we're not there yet. The Pew Trust poll a few months ago was not the
first to find that Americans, paradoxically, believe the drug war to be a
failure but nevertheless continue to support the drug war. Really this means
that Americans are ready for a new drug policy, once some alternative that
they see as non-frightening is presented to them. Getting to the ultimate
necessary goal of ending prohibition itself is another story, and a lot more
work needs to be done before that day will arrive.

There is no doubt, though, that this is a special time in the issue, an
effective time, when our efforts to educate the public, to build our
movement, to build bridges with other movements, all are especially
effective. The media, the public at large, are all ready to hear our message
-- everyone except the politicians, of course, and even a few of them.

Focusing on intermediate but emotion-ridden changes like ending mandatory
minimum sentencing, stopping the spread of AIDS, opposing US-funded Andean
military escalation, can gain us more allies, and more powerful allies, than
our cause has had in decades, perhaps ever. A few months back, for example, I
was flipping channels, stumbled across the African America-oriented news
discussion program "BET Tonight," where I witnessed the stunning sight of
Rev. Jesse Jackson calling for drug decriminalization on national television.

Yet focusing on the larger issue of prohibition, while perhaps bringing fewer
of the high and mighty to the same stage or table immediately, will hasten
the day when that more far-reaching change is itself possible or even
probable. There is no question that sustained educational outreach,
competently crafted and executed, does influence public opinion over the long
term: When New Mexico's governor, Gary Johnson, came out for legalization,
some people were persuaded and others at least had their minds opened -- the
same for Minnesota's Jesse Ventura, or Mexico's president, Vicente Fox, or
Uruguay's president, Jorge Batlle, Gov. Patricio Martinez Garcia of the
Mexican border state of Chihuahua, etc.

And this larger, more fundamental change of ending prohibition is needed:
decriminalization, medicalization, sentencing reform, all of them are good,
but none are enough. As Great Britain's former ambassador to Colombia
editorialized for the newspaper The Guardian (reported below),
decriminalization doesn't help the source countries and doesn't provide users
a safe or reliable supply. These are just two of the many reasons for full
repeal, not mere partial reform.

Our movement must strike a skillful balance, cultivating the moderate or
hesitant and allying with partial reformers, but without losing focus on the
ultimate goal or hiding or backing off from the truths that necessitate it.
After all, if the legalizers won't be legalizers, why should or how can world
luminaries, powerful but vulnerable as they are?

Public opinion will ultimately reward us for that commitment.

Re: [CTRL] Macedonia announces cease-fire

2001-07-06 Thread Joe Gillaspie

-Caveat Lector-


> Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
> TETOVO, Macedonia Under heavy pressure from Western powers, the Macedonian
> government and Albanian rebels signed a formal cease-fire Thursday as a first
> hard step toward heading off another ethnic war in the Balkans.
> .
> The two sides were to lay down their arms at midnight Thursday. But Thursday
> evening, intense fighting raged in this city in the northwest, with rebels
> and government troops trading mortar rounds and automatic gunfire, at times
> from inside the city.
> .
> A government helicopter gunship slammed rockets into the hillside just west
> of Tetovo, where rebels hold positions, and several soldiers and civilians
> were reported wounded. It was not clear if the fighting was a last-minute
> attempt to gain ground or if the cease-fire was delivered stillborn.
> .
> "No one who is reasonable and knows the situation closely here can expect
> that we will have calm overnight," said Stevo Panderovski, a top adviser to
> the Macedonian president, Boris Trajkovski. He stressed however that the
> government stood fully behind the cease-fire.
> .
> The fighting, also reported near villages around the front lines in the north
> of the country, underscored just how close Macedonia has been veering to
> full-scale war in the last several weeks.
> .
> And the cease-fire reflects how seriously the Western powers are now taking
> that threat. Over the last week, both the European Union and the United
> States have appointed full-time envoys to fashion a political agreement to
> expand the rights of Macedonia's ethnic Albanians, who make up roughly one
> third of the nation's 2 million people and who complain that they do not
> enjoy full rights.
> .
> The cease-fire also brings NATO one step closer to deploying a force of 3,000
> troops to collect weapons from the Albanian guerrillas, known as the National
> Liberation Army. A NATO officials said Thursday that the force could be in
> place within "days, not weeks," but only on the condition that the two sides
> here make substantial progress in resolving their political differences.
> .
> Until the fighting here began Thursday, diplomats and government officials
> were expressing far more optimism about resolving the crisis here they have
> in the last few weeks. "It's a very important step on the way to a political
> solution, not a military solution," Francois Leotard, the newly appointed
> envoy for the EU, told reporters in the capital, Skopje, on Thursday.
> .
> In fact, the nation's defense minister, Vlado Buckovski, said he believed a
> political solution could be in place as early as July 15, and that NATO
> troops could begin to arrive a week after that.
> .
> For a decade, since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, Western
> troops have been involved in policing wars in the Balkans, and Western
> officials have made clear they are not eager for another expensive
> peacekeeping operation, like the ones in Bosnia and Kosovo.
> .
> In the last few days, Western negotiators, by all accounts, have been
> aggressively pushing both the Macedonian government and the rebels toward a
> cease-fire, on the theory that political progress can only be made in the
> absence of fighting. The EU has also offered a large, though unspecified,
> package of financial assistance if war is headed off. By Thursday evening,
> though, some of the day's optimism appeared to thin as the fighting in
> Tetovo, a stronghold for Albanians, intensified.
> .
> Although several other cease-fires had been mutually declared, the one
> Thursday was the first that both sides actually signed.
> .
> Apart from the cease-fire itself, several outside experts have been working
> to draft a framework to meet the demands of the Albanians. The issues include
> a recognition of Albanian as an official language, greater representation in
> the federal and local government and official recognition in the Macedonian
> Constitution. These are contentious issues in Macedonia and officials
> cautioned that the progress in the last several days could easily unravel as
> details were worked out.
> .
> With the adoption of the cease-fire, attention also shifted to the ultimate
> role of NATO troops here. NATO officials have been careful to present their
> involvement as far more limited than in Bosnia or Kosovo, where outsiders
> have in many ways taken the role of administering government. Only 3,000
> troops, to be headed by the British, will be stationed in Macedonia, as
> compared with some 40,000 in Kosovo. American troops are expected to assist
> with logistics.
> .
> The Macedonian government has been sensitive about ceding any sovereignty to
> NATO, and have been concerned that an official cease-fire would only serve to
> solidify the rebels' gains on the ground. Mark Laity, an adviser to George
> Robertson, the NATO secretary-general, said that the alliance's disarmame

[CTRL] Israel's Campaign Of Revenge & Ethnic Cleansing

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

Demolitions and Repression

The Israeli Army's Campaign of Revenge and Ethnic Cleansing 

by Jeff Halper 

On July 3, after an Israeli from the settlement of Susiya in the southern 
West Bank was found murdered, and without any suspects being identified or 
arrested, the Israeli army unleashed an unprecedented campaign of revenge and 
ethnic cleansing against the entire civilian Palestinian population of the 
area.  (The same day the Israeli government authorized a whole-scale campaign 
of assassinations as well.)  As this is being written (Thursday evening, the 
5th of July), we are in the third day of this campaign.

The first 24 hours witnessed the demolition of at least five Palestinian 
homes in the city of Yata, which was completely sealed off to the outside 
world, leaving the army to act with impunity towards the civilian 
inhabitants.  Reports are that up to a thousand residents were forced from 
their homes before demolishing dozens of them.  The army also attacked 
residents in the entire rural area between Yata and the area around Jibna 
where the Palestinian "cave-dwellers" live.  Additional houses were 
demolished, wells and reservoirs destroyed and the agricultural 
infrastructure severely damaged.  Even the Channel 1 Israel news spoke of the 
army as acting out of "revenge."  If this is so, the Israeli army, which once 
prided itself as a "defense" force whose moral code included "purity of 
arms," has been reduced during the repression of the past months into a mere 
gang.  The fact that no outside observers were allowed into the entire West 
Bank south of Hebron during this 24-hour period, including journalist and 
human rights observers, and even the Red Cross was prevented from providing 
humanitarian aid to the hundreds of families affected, raises fears about 
acts of violence and intimidation committed with absolute impunity by an army 
against a defenseless civilian population (most of the area affected is in 
Israeli-controlled Area C).  Not only does international law forbid such 
actions, but the Fourth Geneva Convention requires Israel as an occupying 
power to protect the civilian population under its rule and provide for its 

Among the families whose dwellings were destroyed was Rasmiya Nawaja Jamal, a 
woman in her 60s whose husband Mohammad was murdered by settlers from Susiya 
ten years ago (no one was ever tried).  Rasmiya, who ekes out a living as a 
shepherd, managed to raise 12 children on her own, the family living in an 
underground cave. Since her compound is situated close to Susiya, the family 
has endured harassment for many years, including settlers riding horses 
through her living area.  Two years ago the Israeli Civil Administration 
demolished the cave, claiming that the Nawaja family had no permit to live 
there.  Rasmiya then constructed an ingenious compound over her demolished 
cave, made of skeletons of automobiles. She and her smaller children lived in 
the shell of a mini-van, her son and his family lived in the cab of a truck, 
and a pick-up truck was converted into a stable. Rasmiya used the fenders to 
fence off her gardens, and even constructed a cooking area of solar panels.  
On Tuesday morning the army returned and destroyed Rasmiya's compound, as 
well as those of her neighbors, making more than 50 people homeless.  They 
also uprooted more than 1000 olive trees belonging to Rasmiya and her 
neighbors, and destroyed all their cisterns.

This morning we received word that Civil Administration bulldozers were 
destroying homes, farming structures and cisterns in the area of Jibna. This 
is where, two years ago, the Israeli army tried to force the area's 3000 
farming families out of their cave dwellings where they had lived for 
generations.  In October, 1999, the Israeli army declared their lands -- some 
100,000 dunams of land (25,000 acres) south of Hebron -- as a "closed 
military area."  (In fact, this was only one of 16 orders closing vast tracts 
of land throughout the West Bank at that time.)  The land, though semi-arid 
and rural, is home to an entire society of Palestinian farmers who had farmed 
and grazed that area for centuries, developing a unique culture around the 
many caves that dotted the mountainous landscape. The expulsion order 
affected, at that time, around 42 families, consisting of around 730 people 
(among them some 500 children), were violently and brutally driven from their 

They army claimed they needed the land for a "firing zone," but in fact it is 
coveted because it connects the Israeli city of Arad with the settlements of 
the area and creates a corridor from Israel to Kiryat Arba and Hebron.  At 
that time ICAHD and other Israeli human rights organizations initiated an 
appeal to the Supreme Court, which ruled in March of 2000 that the families 
would be allowed to stay in their homes until the issue of their residence 
was resolved. Since that time, 

[CTRL] Pentagon's Newest Weapon- Stinkbomb

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon
Pentagon reveals next superweapon: the stinkbomb

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Thursday July 5, 2001
The Guardian

It is, as 10-year-old boys have known for decades, one of the most powerful
weapons known to humanity. Now the world's most sophisticated and well-funded
centre of defence and armaments has finally made the same discovery.

The Pentagon is developing a stinkbomb powerful enough to drive away hostile
crowds in a move towards what will almost certainly be classified as "stench

No longer will demonstrators be able to say that they smell a rat when they
spot the police or army gathering to halt their progress - they will be
smelling something altogether more subtle.

The new stinkbomb will be part of the police and army's arsenal for dealing
with the increasing number of violent protests against globalisation that
have been taking place wherever world leaders and financial institutions
gather around the globe, from Seattle in 1999 to Gothenburg last month.

"It would give us an offensive capability against large and unruly groups of
people, if they are unwilling to move or are openly hostile," a Pentagon
spokesman told the New Scientist magazine, which this week published details
of the invention. "And it would minimise the risk to our people and to the

The researchers who have been working on the project said there was a close
link between a particular kind of smell and fear, and that a particular odour
can activate tissue deep within the brain.

The aim would be to use such a smell to send a panic through the ranks of

Pam Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in
Philadelphia who is leading the search for a more sensitive stinkbomb, has
tested smells on volunteers of different ethnic origins to try to find a
formula that affects everyone.

She is reported to have found two odours that appear to transcend culture; a
mixture of the two could form the basis of the new weapon.

This could also be seen as the authorities getting their own back for the use
of odour warfare by protesters. A favourite ploy has been to lob lion dung
taken from zoos and safari parks at police horses, who panic at the lions'
scent and throw their riders.

[CTRL] FDA Should Review RU 486 Decision (fwd)

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

FDA Should Review RU 486 Decision
by Teresa Wagner

[Pro-Life Infonet Note:  Teresa R. Wagner is special counsel for life
issues at the Family Research Council.]

The FDA's approval last fall of the controversial abortion drug RU-486
presents a danger to American women and children and should be reviewed by
the Bush administration as soon as possible.

For starters, while RU-486 is distributed in the United States by a
company called Danco Laboratories, it is made by a state-owned
pharmaceutical factory in China.

According to Rep. Tom Bliley, former chairman of the House Commerce
Committee, this same factory has shipped highly contaminated, as well as
mislabeled, drugs to the United States. It also has given false
information to U.S. inspectors about plant conditions and procedures.

According to documents amassed by Bliley's office, one FDA official wrote,
``The information in the (controls) that I reviewed didn't correspond to
methods and specifications used by the firm.''

In fact, authorities at the plant had ``copied'' production standards from
U.S. manuals that had ``nothing to do with the testing they perform.''

Next, the second drug required in the RU-486 regimen (Cytotec) has not
been approved by the FDA for abortion. Its manufacturer, the Searle unit
of Pharmacia Corp., has warned against this use.

Searle explained that the adverse events reported with off-label use of
Cytotec in pregnant women include ``maternal or fetal death'' and
``uterine hyperstimulation and rupture.''

Some claim these risks exist only in later pregnancy, but the Searle
letter contains no such qualification. According to a former FDA general
counsel, the agency's approval and encouragement of a drug's off-label
use, to say nothing of going against the wishes of its manufacturer,
``sets an extraordinary precedent.''

Finally, the FDA approved RU-486 pursuant to regulations titled
``Accelerated Approval of New Drugs for Serious or Life-Threatening

How an abortion drug was placed in this category remains a serious
question. Accelerated approval can compromise the health interests of
consumers, since these regulations allow for less testing of drugs before
they are put on the market. But even more important is the effect on the
legal rights of the drug's users.

Legal scholar Vivian Orlando explains that manufacturers of drugs approved
under these regulations may escape liability for injuries associated with
its use. But nowhere in the pages of warning and labeling for RU-486 will
a woman be told of this.

Even absent the dangers that are specific to American FDA approval, RU-486
presents a health risk. The long-term effects are virtually unknown, and
the method has proved dangerous in France, the country that produced and
first allowed it. France's Health Ministry placed restrictions on its use
in 1991 after the death of a 31-year-old woman and three reported cases of
life-threatening heart attacks.

Logic alone explains why the drug has proved unpopular. RU-486's
administration prolongs the unpleasant abortion experience, requiring
three clinic visits over a span of two weeks, with considerable
psychological and physical pain. And in 5 percent to 8 percent of cases,
surgical abortion is still necessary to remove human remains or to stop
excessive bleeding.

But the fundamental reason RU-486 is a danger applies to all abortion,
chemical or otherwise. As one abortion practitioner testified, abortion is
a ``killing act.'' It destroys the child conceived but not yet born, and
in so doing also destroys a part of the mother. And when mothers and
children suffer, so do we all.

For more information on the risks and dangers of RU 486, see the Abortion
section of http://www.prolifeinfo.org

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN, US: Stop targeted killings

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

UN, US: Stop targeted killings
By Herb Keinon, Janine Zacharia, and Lamia Lahoud

JERUSALEM (July 6) - UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan yesterday urged Israel
to end what he said is a policy of "targeted assassinations" of Palestinian
terrorists, saying it violates international law and threatens Middle East
peace efforts.

Annan "is deeply disturbed by the reported decision of the government of
Israel to continue the practice of what have become known as targeted
assassinations," his spokesman said.

"The secretary-general appeals to the government of Israel to stop this
practice forthwith. There is no alternative to a political settlement of the
conflict between Israelis and Palestinians," the spokesman said in a written

In Washington, US Secretary of State Colin Powell yesterday underlined US
opposition to the targeted hits, a day after Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's
security cabinet endorsed the continuation of the policy.

"We continue to express our distress and opposition to these kinds of
targeted killings and we will continue to do so," Powell told Reuters.

While Sharon went to Europe yesterday hoping to get the Europeans to exert
greater pressure on Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat to end the
violence, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder urged Israel to show "more
flexibility" on the settlements and begin implementing the Mitchell plan for
resuming peace talks with the Palestinians.

Schroeder made the remark at a news conference with Sharon in Berlin before
Sharon flew to Paris, where he held talks with President Jacques Chirac.

Sharon characterized his meeting with Chirac as "very good," and said they
discussed strategic issues. Sharon said that France has a great interest in
the region and can "contribute much to stability in the Middle East and
efforts to reach a diplomatic arrangement." He was to meet later in the
evening with Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, Chirac's political rival and
challenger in next year's presidential elections.

In Germany, Schroeder softened his comments about the settlements and
implementing the Mitchell plan by saying he was only proffering friendly
advice, not making requests or issuing demands. Germany, along with Britain -
which Sharon visited last week on his way to the US - are considered Israel's
strongest supporters in the EU.

Israel has said it will not begin implementing the Mitchell Plan - which
calls for a cease-fire, followed by a cooling-off period, confidence-building
measures, and a return to negotiations - until after a seven-day period of
quiet. Although the Palestinians claim this period ended yesterday, Sharon
told reporters on the way to Berlin that there "has not been a day of calm.
There has not been a day of cease-fire."

Schroeder pledged German support for Israel and said his country is ready to
take on "any responsibility that would help" the peace process, while
stressing that Germany would continue to consult closely with EU allies and
the United States.

Sharon said at his press conference with Schroeder that, "We are prepared for
painful compromises for real peace, peace for generations." At the same time,
he added, "There is no compromise on terror. It is one of the biggest threats
to the world and the free world must fight it."

He told Schroeder that Arafat is not doing anything to prevent terrorism. A
senior Israeli official said in Berlin that Mossad head Ephraim Halevy had
recently shown European leaders classified intelligence reports which prove
Arafat is personally responsible for the violence.

Sharon also met in Berlin with Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who happened
to be in Tel Aviv at the time of the Dolphinarium bombing last month and was
instrumental in getting Arafat to issue orders for a cease-fire. Fischer said
that the rebuilding of trust requires "security for Israel and an absolute
end to the violence," but also a pledge that there would be no expansion of
Israeli settlements in the territories.

In Washington yesterday, the State Department said it would not officially be
counting seven days of calm as a prelude to moving to the cooling-off period
of the Mitchell plan.

State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the US would not announce
"day one, day two" or "have a little countdown clock or thermometer on the
wall. We're looking for a period of calm."

After Powell's return to the US, officials expressed disappointment over the
results of the trip. As a result, the US appears to be scaling back its
involvement in mediation, relying primarily on diplomats in the region for
contacts with the parties. Boucher's comments, which suggested that Powell
would not be dictating the terms of the cease-fire or acting as referee,
reinforced that impression.

Boucher also said the US is focused foremost on security cooperation now - a
much narrower goal than trying to secure a concrete path back 

[CTRL] Israeli cabinet turmoil over toppling of Arafat

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Israeli cabinet turmoil over toppling of Arafat

Special report: Israel and the Middle East

Ewen MacAskill in Jerusalem
Friday July 6, 2001
The Guardian

The Israeli government coalition is in turmoil after a row over the
previously unthinkable option of whether to launch a massive military strike
to topple the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.
The option has been put on hold, though the Israeli prime minister, Ariel
Sharon, is said to be in favour if there is a further Palestinian "outrage"
against Israel, according to the Hebrew press yesterday.

Two rightwing ministers, pushing for the harder line against Mr Arafat, said
they would boycott the cabinet indefinitely because of its failure to agree a
military strike.

The Labour foreign secretary, Shimon Peres, detested by the right for having
signed the Oslo peace agreement with Mr Arafat eight years ago, resisted the
move to escalate the military campaign.

But the Hebrew daily newspaper, Ma'ariv, reported that Mr Sharon favoured
removing Mr Arafat, and quoted "confidants" of the prime minister as saying
that the Palestinian leader was more trouble than he was worth for Israel.

It said the "confidants" predicted that a military strike would be made in
the event of another Palestinian outrage, and that Mr Sharon had reached "the
point of no return".

Questioned at a press conference in Berlin, on the first leg of a two-day
trip to Germany and France, Mr Sharon denied the report: "We don't involve
ourselves in the question of who stands at the head of another authority," he
said. But he said Israel did have a problem with Mr Arafat's pattern of

The toppling of Mr Arafat could prove too big a gamble for Israel. The anger
of both the Palestinians and the international community would be enormous,
and the chaos that would follow could benefit Islamic militant groups such as

In radio interviews yesterday Mr Peres ridiculed his rightwing colleagues:
"They [the ministers] have proposals, and afterwards air them on the radio,
on how the uprising can be ended at the drop of a hat. I have the unpleasant
duty to act as a brake."

Two rightwing ministers, Avigdor Lieberman, the national infrastructure
minister, and Rehavam Ze'evi, the tourism minister, are to boycott cabinet
meetings. Shlomo Benizri, the labour and social affairs minister, was also
reported to have pushed for military action, but did not join the boycott.

During cabinet exchanges, one minister said: "Who could be worse than
Arafat?" Mr Peres, who regards excessive military force as
counter-productive, retorted: "Hamas."

But even the defence minis ter, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Mr Peres's Labour party
colleague, said yesterday that Mr Arafat had completed his historic role as a
leader of peace. There were senior Palestinians who were more pragmatic and
with whom it would be possible to continue the peace process. He did not name

There is no obvious successor to Mr Arafat: the next leader could be one of
his colleagues from his days in exile in Tunis and Beirut or, more likely,
one of the younger generation born and brought up on the West Bank and Gaza.

Mr Ben-Eliezer predicted a lengthy military confrontation with the

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ex-Marine Is Praised as Tough, Skilled

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

If Dismalcrats are for him, there's something rotten in Denmark!  - Bill
Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Ex-Marine Is Praised as Tough, Skilled
 _From The Post_

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, July 6, 2001; Page A01

The U.S. attorney's office in San Francisco was, by all accounts, a shambles.
Prosecutions had plummeted to a record low, some of the office's best lawyers
were jumping ship, and even the defense bar was clamoring for change.

The Clinton administration, desperate for a reformer, turned to a lifelong
Republican, Robert S. Mueller III.

Within weeks of taking over in August 1998, Mueller had forced all of the
office's supervisors to reapply for their jobs, and none were retained in
their original slots. A few months later, the decorated ex-Marine was
recommended for the job permanently by none other than Sen. Barbara Boxer
(D-Calif.), one of the more liberal lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

"It was a troubled office, and he shook things up," Boxer recalled yesterday.
"The U.S. attorney's office had an ingrained culture that was hard to change,
but he was able to change it very rapidly. I think he will be able to do the
same with the FBI."

Mueller, nominated for the job of FBI director yesterday by President Bush,
comes with glowing recommendations from politicians and lawyers on both sides
of the political aisle, hailed for having the kind of tough management style
that many say is needed at the troubled institution.

The 56-year-old prosecutor came to prominence in Washington during the
previous Bush administration, supervising the proceedings against Manuel
Noriega and John Gotti and heading up investigations of the Pan Am 103
bombing and the BCCI banking scandal. He also served earlier this year as
acting deputy attorney general, the Justice Department's second-in-command,
until Larry Thompson was named to the post.

He is widely and uniformly described by present and former colleagues in
cliches: tough-as-nails, straight-shooting, no-nonsense. Communications with
colleagues are direct and to the point. He shuns the press and the limelight,
and he tends to keep a low profile in public.

At his appearance yesterday at the White House Rose Garden to accept his
nomination, Mueller spoke just 79 words.

"He comes off as your central-casting ex-Marine: tough, no-nonsense, and not
suffering fools gladly," said Michael R. Bromwich, a former Justice
Department inspector general who dealt with Mueller during the transition
into the Clinton presidency. "None of us should be in the business of
suggesting that Superman is going to come in and save the day, but . . . he's
got as good a chance as anyone around to grab this institution by the throat
and reform it."

Some have bridled at Mueller's hard-charging style. One former colleague in
the U.S. attorney's office in Washington said Mueller has a low tolerance for
people who don't share his work ethic, which usually includes 12-hour days,
and will shake offices up to improve production. "Some felt he was
unnecessarily gruff," the former colleague said.

William H. Webster, the former director of the FBI and the CIA who is heading
up one of four ongoing investigations of the bureau, said, "Bob's not warm
and cozy in his general demeanor."

But even many of those who have faced him in bitter courtroom battles, or
those who have lost out to him for jobs, tend to give Mueller high marks. In
part, Mueller seems regarded by many former colleagues as the embodiment of
an ideal: the selfless, apolitical prosecutor.

"Bob has a quirky kind of charisma. You end up wanting to make the guy happy,
a little out of fear and a little out of respect," said Rory Little, a law
professor at the University of California Hastings College of the Law in San
Francisco. Little was a leading candidate for the U.S. attorney's job there
in 1998.

"You think to yourself, there must be a flaw or a crack in the facade, some
sort of dark side," Little added. "But the more you work with him the more
you realize, he is what he appears to be."

One of Mueller's career choices is legendary among the fraternity of lawyers
who have spent time as federal prosecutors. After a couple of unhappy years
in private practice after the end of the Bush administration, Mueller decided
to take a job as a front-line prosecutor handling homicide cases at D.C.
Superior Court.

"He called up out of the blue and said he wanted to try murder cases,"
recalled Eric H. Holder Jr., who was then the U.S. attorney for the District.
"I was like, 'What?' Here's this guy who was the former assistant attorney
general, the head of the criminal division, and he came to the U.S.
attorney's office and tried cases as a line guy. . . . He wanted to try
cases. He didn't want special treatment. He wanted to make a difference, and
he did."

When Holder became deputy attorney general under Janet Reno, he recommended
Mueller for the San Fra

[CTRL] NATO, By It's Own Definition Guilty Of War Crimes

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

10:04 2001-07-05


According to definitions used by The Hague Tribunal and by the Geneva 
Convention on War Crimes, NATO is guilty. Pravda.Ru presents the evidence for 
a case against NATO in a court of law such as the one at The Hague. 

Article 3 of the Statute of The Hague International Penal Court states 
clearly that one criterion for indictment for war crimes is: 

“Attack or bombardment, by whatever means, against undefended cities, towns, 
villages, buildings or houses”. 

NATO’s continuous use of civilian targets for military purposes, a scenario 
which this military organization wantonly and callously calls “collateral 
damage”, fits this clause exactly and would be the cornerstone of a case 
accusing this organisation of being guilty of war crimes. 

Another clause of the same Article 3 could also be stipulated: 

“Massive destruction of cities, towns or villages or destruction not 
justified by military necessity”. 

Any number of the unprovoked attacks by NATO in Yugoslavia and Iraq in the 
past decade would fit into this category, namely bombing attacks by NATO on 
civilian targets and structures. The bombing of the Chinese Embassy, for 
example, was not a “military necessity”, by NATO’s own definition, because 
it was officially classified by this organisation as a mistake. In which 
case, and under Article 3, it was a case of destruction not justified by 
military necessity and therefore, by its own definition and using the 
Articles from the Court set up by this organisation, NATO is guilty of war 

However, the case does not stop here. Article 147 of the Geneva Convention on 
War Crimes, defines the latter as “...deportation or illegal transfer or 
illegal detention of a protected person...or to purposefully deprive a 
protected person of his rights of a fair and regular trial...” 

What is being done in the case of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic at The Hague, apart 
from being a case of piracy, kidnapping and illegal imprisonment, is in 
flagrant violation of the Geneva Convention. Not having been appointed by the 
United Nations General Assembly, the IPC at The Hague is at most illegal and 
at least not legal. It is therefore incompetent to try Slobodan Milosevic, or 
anyone else, for alleged crimes. 

More ironic still is this case when we discover that by their own 
definitions, NATO are guilty of the crimes they accuse others of – in an 
organism which has no legal substance whatsoever. How the international 
community tolerates such a scandalous state of affairs and apportions to it 
such a degree of seriousness is ridiculous and a shame for any country which 
prides itself on saying that it is a state of law.  

[CTRL] Macedonia announces cease-fire

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

TETOVO, Macedonia Under heavy pressure from Western powers, the Macedonian
government and Albanian rebels signed a formal cease-fire Thursday as a first
hard step toward heading off another ethnic war in the Balkans.
The two sides were to lay down their arms at midnight Thursday. But Thursday
evening, intense fighting raged in this city in the northwest, with rebels
and government troops trading mortar rounds and automatic gunfire, at times
from inside the city.
A government helicopter gunship slammed rockets into the hillside just west
of Tetovo, where rebels hold positions, and several soldiers and civilians
were reported wounded. It was not clear if the fighting was a last-minute
attempt to gain ground or if the cease-fire was delivered stillborn.
"No one who is reasonable and knows the situation closely here can expect
that we will have calm overnight," said Stevo Panderovski, a top adviser to
the Macedonian president, Boris Trajkovski. He stressed however that the
government stood fully behind the cease-fire.
The fighting, also reported near villages around the front lines in the north
of the country, underscored just how close Macedonia has been veering to
full-scale war in the last several weeks.
And the cease-fire reflects how seriously the Western powers are now taking
that threat. Over the last week, both the European Union and the United
States have appointed full-time envoys to fashion a political agreement to
expand the rights of Macedonia's ethnic Albanians, who make up roughly one
third of the nation's 2 million people and who complain that they do not
enjoy full rights.
The cease-fire also brings NATO one step closer to deploying a force of 3,000
troops to collect weapons from the Albanian guerrillas, known as the National
Liberation Army. A NATO officials said Thursday that the force could be in
place within "days, not weeks," but only on the condition that the two sides
here make substantial progress in resolving their political differences.
Until the fighting here began Thursday, diplomats and government officials
were expressing far more optimism about resolving the crisis here they have
in the last few weeks. "It's a very important step on the way to a political
solution, not a military solution," Francois Leotard, the newly appointed
envoy for the EU, told reporters in the capital, Skopje, on Thursday.
In fact, the nation's defense minister, Vlado Buckovski, said he believed a
political solution could be in place as early as July 15, and that NATO
troops could begin to arrive a week after that.
For a decade, since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, Western
troops have been involved in policing wars in the Balkans, and Western
officials have made clear they are not eager for another expensive
peacekeeping operation, like the ones in Bosnia and Kosovo.
In the last few days, Western negotiators, by all accounts, have been
aggressively pushing both the Macedonian government and the rebels toward a
cease-fire, on the theory that political progress can only be made in the
absence of fighting. The EU has also offered a large, though unspecified,
package of financial assistance if war is headed off. By Thursday evening,
though, some of the day's optimism appeared to thin as the fighting in
Tetovo, a stronghold for Albanians, intensified.
Although several other cease-fires had been mutually declared, the one
Thursday was the first that both sides actually signed.
Apart from the cease-fire itself, several outside experts have been working
to draft a framework to meet the demands of the Albanians. The issues include
a recognition of Albanian as an official language, greater representation in
the federal and local government and official recognition in the Macedonian
Constitution. These are contentious issues in Macedonia and officials
cautioned that the progress in the last several days could easily unravel as
details were worked out.
With the adoption of the cease-fire, attention also shifted to the ultimate
role of NATO troops here. NATO officials have been careful to present their
involvement as far more limited than in Bosnia or Kosovo, where outsiders
have in many ways taken the role of administering government. Only 3,000
troops, to be headed by the British, will be stationed in Macedonia, as
compared with some 40,000 in Kosovo. American troops are expected to assist
with logistics.
The Macedonian government has been sensitive about ceding any sovereignty to
NATO, and have been concerned that an official cease-fire would only serve to
solidify the rebels' gains on the ground. Mark Laity, an adviser to George
Robertson, the NATO secretary-general, said that the alliance's disarmament
role would last only 30 days. Its mission will be to collect and destroy the
Albanian's weapons as part of a peace settlement, not to police areas of the
country split alo

[CTRL] New evidence in Army scientist's death

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

New evidence in Army scientist's death
48-year-old case has links to CIA's secret experimentation program



Editor's note: In 1998, WorldNetDaily first reported on the CIA's secret
behavior-modification program MK-ULTRA, which included experimentation with
LSD on unsuspecting subjects. Authors H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly's
upcoming book deals with the mysterious death of one of those subject, Dr.
Frank Olson. In this report, Albarelli and Kelly disclose new evidence they
have uncovered in this case.
By H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly
© 2001 H.P. Albarelli Jr. and John Kelly

"I would turn our gaze from the past," pronounced CIA Director George Tenet
recently before Congress. "It is dangerous, frankly, to have to keep looking
over our shoulders." Whether Tenet had the unsolved death of Dr. Frank Olson
in mind is not known, but there is little doubt that it is on his mind today.

Informed sources revealed this week that the Manhattan District Attorney's
Office is reviewing dramatic new evidence in the Olson case. The evidence is
said to involve the Jan. 8, 1953, death of Harold Blauer and its subsequent
elaborate cover-up.

Blauer, a widely respected tennis professional, died nine months before Olson
after being injected with a massive dose of a mescaline derivative at the New
York State Psychiatric Institute. Blauer was being treated at the Institute
for depression related to a broken marriage, but the injection was not part
of his treatment. It was administered only as part of a top-secret
Army-funded experimental program. The program, codenamed Project Pelican, was
overseen by Dr. Paul H. Hoch, director of experimental psychiatry at the
Institute, who worked in secret collaboration with the Army Chemical Corps
chief of clinical research, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi.

Born in Hungary and schooled in psychiatry in Germany, Hoch came to the U.S.
in 1933 on a visitor's visa and soon legally immigrated with the assistance
of then-attorney and future Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. (At the
time of Frank Olson's death, Allen Dulles, brother of John Foster, was head
of the CIA.) Before joining the Institute's staff, Hoch headed the Manhattan
State Hospital Shock Therapy Unit and worked as chief medical officer for war
neuroses for the U.S. Public Health Service.

Hoch, along with associates Dr. Harold A. Abramson and Dr. Max Rinkel, was
among an elite group of five private researchers and six U.S. Army physicians
who began quietly conducting LSD experiments in the U.S. in 1949.

Rinkel, the man responsible for first transporting LSD into this country,
supplied the drug to Hoch and Abramson in that same year. Rinkel, who fled
Nazi Germany before the war to work at the Boston Psychopathic Hospital, had
known both Abramson and Hoch when all three studied together at the Kaiser
Wilhelm Institute in Germany. According to 1998 interviews with former-CIA
official Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, it was Rinkel's close associate, Dr. H.E.
Himwich, along with the Army's Dr. L. Wilson Greene, who first drew the CIA's
attention to the "wonders of LSD."

When he died in 1965, Hoch was eulogized by two of his closest friends, Dr.
D. Ewen Cameron, who would soon be exposed as administrator of some of the
most horrendous CIA-funded experiments on record, and New York Gov. Nelson A.

For nearly five years, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau's
cold-case unit has been conducting an unprecedented criminal investigation
into the mysterious death of Fort Detrick biochemist Frank Olson. On Nov. 28,
1953, Olson allegedly dove through a closed and shaded 10th-floor hotel
window in the middle of the night.

He plummeted 170 feet to his death on the sidewalk below. Uniformed
policemen, summoned to the hotel by night manager Armondo Diaz Pastore,
discovered CIA official Robert V. Lashbrook calmly sitting in the room he
shared with Olson. Lashbrook identified himself only as a "consultant
chemist" for the Defense Department and inexplicably told the officers that
he saw no reason to go down to the street to check on his colleague.
Lashbrook also told police that Olson had journeyed to Manhattan to be
treated by Abramson for "depression related to an ulcer."

Two detectives from the 14th Precinct dispatched to the Statler Hotel were
suspicious about what they observed. At first, they suspected they had a
"homosexual affair" gone bad on their hands. Detective James Ward initially
referred to the case as a possible "homocide" in his report. Ward and his
partner, detective Robert Mullee, took Lashbrook to the precinct house for
interrogation. Within less than two hours, Lashbrook was set loose and the
case was closed out as "D.O.A. Suicide." The final police report makes no
mention whatsoever of the CIA or any drugs, nor does the report on Olson's

[CTRL] Both Clintons misused Arkansas state police

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Both Clintons misused Arkansas state police
Bill had cops keep score on Jane Does; Hillary had them chauffeur her to



By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Bill Clinton's misuse of Arkansas state police assigned to his
security detail when he was governor didn't stop at procuring mistresses,
WorldNetDaily has learned. He also allegedly had them keep track of his
extramarital scoring.

After troopers picked him up from trysts with various Arkansas women, Clinton
allegedly would rate their performance in bed, giving points for certain sex
acts. He had troopers keep a record, say informed sources.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, allegedly enlisted the troopers to chauffeur her
to secret meetings with the late Vincent Foster, her law partner at the time,
at a resort hotel about 50 miles north of Little Rock, Ark., sources say.

Records of the trips, along with the sexual rating system, are contained in
several boxes recently returned to the state police by former Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, say sources familiar with the records. The
documents were subpoenaed in 1995 as part of the Whitewater investigation.

"The documents relate not only to Clinton state troopers dropping him off and
picking him up from his late-night sexual rendezvous with women, but also to
the ratings system," said a source familiar with the contents of the boxes.

"They'd sit down and go over it [the rating system], and make little notes
and put them in a box," he said.

The boxes, which contain hundreds of other documents, were found stashed in
the attic of a home used by Chelsea Clinton's nanny. The home is on the
grounds of the governor's mansion in Little Rock.

Other notes stored in the boxes allegedly record secret meetings between
Hillary Clinton and Foster.

"State troopers delivered Hillary to meet with Vince Foster," said the
source, who requested his name be withheld. "The meetings were clandestine
and took place when Bill Clinton was out of the state, which was often."

At least one note allegedly documents a meeting between the two at the Red
Apple Inn golf and tennis resort in Heber Springs, Ark., a remote town about
an hour's drive north of Little Rock.

Attempts to reach former President Clinton and Sen. Clinton for comment were

Starr in February 1995 subpoenaed all trooper documents generated by
Clinton's security detail.

Col. John Bailey, who was the director of the Arkansas state police at the
time, ordered officers, who were not part of Clinton's detail, to search for
the documents. They found the boxes in the attic and turned them over to
Starr's investigators.

Starr returned 11 boxes on May 10, prompting the editor of the Arkansas Times
and a former FBI agent to file Freedom of Information requests to see the

But the state police refused to make the records (save a small, 90-page
portion) public, arguing they are the governor's working papers and therefore
exempt from FOIA requests. And they've turned the boxes over to John R.
Tisdale, Bill Clinton's lawyer in Little Rock.

Tisdale is a partner at Wright Lindsey & Jennings, the former law firm of
Bruce R. Lindsey, who was Clinton's closest White House aide and top
damage-control specialist. Lindsey, whose father helped found the firm, is
now a paid consultant to the Clinton presidential library in Little Rock and
is handling FOIA requests for any White House documents, including e-mails,
transferred to the library.

The boxes of documents stored by the former troopers are "embarrassing to
both Clinton and the state police," a source said. "They'll be destroyed, now
that they have them back, if they haven't been already."



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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocau

[CTRL] Ex-FBI Agent Admits He Spied for Moscow

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Friday July 6 1:55 PM ET
Ex-FBI Agent Admits He Spied for Moscow

By Sue Pleming

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Reuters) - Ex-FBI (news - web sites) agent Robert Hanssen
(news - web sites), one of the most damaging spies in U.S. history, pleaded
guilty on Friday to selling secrets to Moscow and promised a full account of
his actions after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Hanssen, looking gaunt and pale and dressed in green prison overalls,
appeared in a packed high-security courtroom in the Washington suburb of
Alexandria, Virginia. Asked how he pleaded, he said in a strong, clear,
voice: ``Guilty.'' Sentencing of the 57-year-old Hanssen, who according to
his lawyer felt remorse and wanted to make amends for his actions, was set
for Jan. 11.

Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson told reporters later: ``Under this
plea agreement, Hanssen will spend the rest of his life in federal prison,
with no possibility of parole. Hanssen betrayed the trust of his country at
the highest level imaginable, and today's plea ensures that he will be held
fully accountable.''

Hanssen, who worked in counter-intelligence, allegedly gave Moscow names of
double agents and was also accused of compromising secrets related to
satellites, early warning systems, defense systems and communications

He was arrested on Feb. 18 after dropping off a bundle of classified material
at a site near his home in a suburban Virginia park to be picked up by his
Russian handlers.

FBI agents filled the first two rows of the court room to watch their
ex-colleague plead guilty to 13 counts of ''substantive acts of espionage'',
one count of attempted espionage and another of conspiracy to commit

``I wanted closure in this whole thing. I had to see this for myself. Hanssen
is a much hated man,'' said one agent, who refused to give his name.


Under the plea deal, Hanssen, a father of six, will serve life in prison
without the possibility of parole, most likely at a high security facility in

His arrest prompted a reevaluation of security within the FBI, including an
order for 500 agency employees with access to intelligence information to
undergo lie detector tests.

In the wake of his arrest, Washington also ordered 50 Russian diplomats
withdrawn from the United States and Moscow retaliated by ordering 50
Americans out of Russia.

Under the plea agreement, Hanssen will submit to ``full debriefings by the
United States Intelligence Community'', enabling the U.S. government to
assess the scope of his spying activities and the damage caused to his

Randy Bellows, one of the chief prosecutors, said the value of the
debriefings would be ``enormous'' for the government. ''This case could
hardly be more troubling and it involved an extraordinary betrayal of
trust,'' said Bellows.

Hanssen's lawyer Plato Cacheris told the judge Hanssen began spying in 1979,
just three years after he became a special agent, and over the next 20 years
spied intermittently for Moscow, providing ``sensitive and classified

He also told the court his client had a premonition on the day he was
arrested that he was about to be caught, but had gone ahead with the drop-off
of classified documents anyway.

Cacheris told reporters outside the court later that Hanssen, who dropped his
plans to plead innocent after months of negotiating over possible pursuit of
the death penalty, said he now wanted to make amends for his actions.


Asked if Hanssen felt remorse, Cacheris said: ``Yes. He very much wanted to
make amends. That's a big reason for this disposition today.'' He added:
``And he wanted to tell his former agency what he had done and how he had
done it. That is matters of interest to them.''

U.S. Attorney Kenneth Melson told a news conference that Hanssen had betrayed
his country and his fellow Americans ``for no other reason than greed.''

Hanssen agreed to forfeit up to $1.4 million in assets paid to him or put
aside for him by the Soviet union and its successor, the Russian Federation.

Hanssen's wife will be eligible a portion of his pension as long as she
continues to cooperate with authorities. In addition, the authorities will
not seize the family home in Virginia or their vehicles.

Hanssen's wife was not in the courtroom but Cacheris said his family stood by
and that his wife had not wanted to face a barrage of television cameras so
stayed away from the court.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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Re: [CTRL] Scientists find flaws in stem cell cloning

2001-07-06 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/6/01 1:49:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Scientists find flaws in stem cell cloning >>

Steve, are we sure that the stem cells didn't come from burned out pot heads?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Military Units On Hand Or On Call For The 2000 Gop Convention

2001-07-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Ready For Anything?

Military Units On Hand Or On Call For The 2000 Gop Convention

On Location:

-Eighty bomb disposal teams and 35 explosive detection dogs assigned to the
Secret Service.
-Seven Army biological advisory and assessment teams assigned to the Secret
-Four military biological sampling vehicles assigned to the Secret Service.
-Technical escort team from the Department of Defense assigned to approach
and disarm biological or chemical weapons.
-Department of Energy's Nuclear Emergency Search Team assigned to approach
and disarm nuclear weapons or radiological bombs, which are designed to
spread radioactive material.
-Two medical support teams from the Uniform Services University of Health
Sciences at Bethesda Naval Hospital assigned to the Public Health Service.
An additional team assigned to the FBI.
-A regional operations center set up near the First Union Center in
-An "alternate regional operations center" at Willow Grove Naval Air Station.
-A mobilization center for staging or moving federal resources.  One Naval
support location in Philadelphia reserved for use as a detainee processing
center by the U.S. Marshall Service.

On Call:

-Ten military bases called "potential base support installations."
-A military urban search-and-rescue team.  The Marines Corps' Chemical
Biological Incident Response Force, a 200-person team from Camp Lejeune,
N.C.  The Army's Chemical Biological Rapid Response Team from Fort
Aberdeen, Md.
-Joint Task Force for Civil Support from Norfolk, Va.  Joint Task Force
250, composed of the U.S. 82nd Airborne from Fort Bragg, N.C., for
reimposing order in a devastated city.
-Response Task Force East, from Fort Gillam, Ga, to coordinate military
assets in support of civil authorities during a weapon of mass destruction
-Response Task Force West
-Military aircraft on call to deliver emergency antidotes for biological or
chemical casualties.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Military role grows on home front

2001-07-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Military role grows on home front

'Mission creep' becomes a domestic issue

By Robert Windrem

PHILADELPHIA   As Republicans gathered here last August to nominate George
W. Bush for president, a drama played out in secret locations across the
city as thousands of American soldiers stood poised for a catastrophic
event. Along with a host of civilian emergency specialists, these
specialized troops braced for a biological, chemical or nuclear terror
attack on the GOP and its nominees  the kind of attack that might force a
declaration of martial law.
NO SPECIFIC or credible threat ever surfaced in Philadelphia or in any of
the dozen other U.S. cities hosting similarly high-profile events in the
past five years. But the Philadelphia plan sheds light on a new domestic
role for the military.
Some argue that the role makes sense in light of the threat posed by modern
terrorist groups. But a diverse coalition of civilian law enforcement
agencies, civil rights advocates and libertarian groups worry about
allowing the military to play so prominent a role on U.S. soil.
"There used to be a bright line separating the military from involvement in
civilian affairs," says Steve Aftergood, who directs the Project on
Government Secrecy at the American Federation of Scientists. "The
pernicious aspect of terrorism is that it threatens to erode what is a
clear distinction. We are seeing them on all these 'fronts.'"
The "bright line" Aftergood refers to is called the Posse Comitatus Act of
1878, enacted to prevent the military from engaging in police activities in
the United States without the consent of Congress or the president. In the
mid-1990s, after the bombings of the World Trade Center and the federal
building in Oklahoma City  as well as a sarin gas attack on the Tokyo
subway system  the law was amended to allow the attorney general to send
armed troops into American cities in cases of catastrophic attacks.
This new role for the military prompted Rep. William Thornberry, a Texas
Republican on the Armed Services Committee, to introduce a bill last month
that would create an office called the National Homeland Security Agency to
help civilian federal agencies do a job that the military is being drawn
into by default. Thornberry, who is a rancher and fierce critic of
government intrusion into the lives of its citizens, believes the country
should be careful not to put the military in the position of acting as
police in the United States. Thornberry may be facing a tough battle.
As the world's borders have become more porous, the definition of national
security has expanded into many new areas: counter-terrorism, tracking drug
traffickers and disaster preparedness. Secretary of State Colin Powell said
recently he will add immigration to that list as well.
The military's move into domestic law enforcement territory began with drug
interdiction along the U.S. border
during the Reagan administration, and expanded  significantly during the
Clinton years.
Officials at several key civilian agencies  from the FBI to the Public
Health Service and the Federal Emergency Management Agency  say the
military's growing role in preparing for a domestic terrorist attack is
"We used to be the main people involved in this," said a domestic
preparedness official with the Public Health Service who spoke only on
condition of anonymity. "Now, there are fewer of us and more of them."
Despite the Posse Comitatus Act and concerns about domestic mission creep,
a doctrine known as "Garden Plot" exists in the Department of Defense that
would allow the armed forces to step in to take control of civilian affairs
following a  catastrophic event if the president requested it. As with the
military's posture abroad - the "Defense Condition" or "DEFCON"  there is a
step-by-step system for military involvement at home as well. It's known as
Civilian Disorder Condition, or "CIDCON."
This scenario is the last resort following the collapse of order at home.
In this most dire of circumstances - possibly anarchy in the wake of a
large-scale terrorist incident, for instance  the "Garden Plot" doctrine
gives the president the power to invoke martial law under The Insurrection Act.
Here's how it would have worked last August in Philadelphia:
Two military "Joint Task Force" units were available for quick deployment.
One, called Joint Task Force-Civil
Support, is based at Fort Monroe in Virginia. It is trained to coordinate
countermeasures for terrorist attacks and would generally be deployed
without weapons.
The other unit, code-named "Task Force 250," is meant to go in fully
equipped for battle. This unit, according to documents obtained by NBC
News, is meant to restore civil order after major terrorist events. "Task
Force 250" is more commonly known as the Army's 82nd Airborne Division
based at Fort Bragg, N.C

[CTRL] Scientists find flaws in stem cell cloning

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Scientists find flaws in stem cell cloning

By PAUL RECER, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (July 6, 2001 12:44 a.m. EDT) - Researchers have found serious
abnormalities in cloned mice, a discovery that strengthens the opinion of many
scientists that the technique used to clone Dolly the sheep should not be used on

The findings are based on the use of embryonic stem cells in cloning and come as the
Bush administration considers whether to allow federal funds for non-cloning stem cell
research. The research appears Friday in the journal Science.

"This study confirms the suspicions of many of us that cloning of humans would be
really dangerous," said Rudolf Jaenisch, senior author of the study and a researcher at
the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research and at the Massachusetts Institute of

David Humphery, first author of the study, said that many of the mice cloned in the
experiment appeared to be normal, including having normal genes, but there was
evidence that during embryonic and fetal development the genes did not work properly.

"It is quite likely that just the animals that are most nearly normal make it to birth 
cloning), but our study shows that doesn't mean they are completely normal," said
Humphery. "There may be changes in gene expression that could affect them later in

In cloned humans, Jaenisch said the gene expression flaws could affect personality,
intelligence and other human attributes.

Humphery said there was no evidence that the genes in the cloned animals were
altered but that the way in which the genes made proteins was flawed and unstable. In
effect, the researchers found that even though the biological blueprint was intact in 
cloned animals, the way that the blueprint was read and interpreted was flawed. This
could result in abnormal tissues and organs, they said.

Humphrey and Jaenisch said that a number of scientists doing cloning experiments
with mice, pigs, sheep and cattle have reported that even apparently normal animals
develop disorders later in life. Jaenisch said that extreme obesity has developed in
many cloned animals, including Dolly, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell.

Dr. David A. Prentice, an Indiana State University professor of life sciences, said the
MIT-Whitehead study shows the hazards of the current cloning technology.

"Development is a finely orchestrated ballet of cells forming tissues and organs at the
right place and time," said Prentice. "It takes only one going awry at the wrong time
and place to have a seriously flawed individual."

In the study, the researchers made the mouse clones using embryonic stem cells, the
primordial cells known to be able to form virtually any tissue in the body. The DNA 
the cells was removed and inserted into a mouse egg that had been stripped of its
DNA. The resulting embryos were then implanted in mother mice and allowed to grow
to birth.

The researchers monitored the expression, or action, of genes that play a role in
embryo and fetal development. They found that the genes, even from nearly identical
stem cells, worked differently. In fact, said Humphery, stem cells are unstable in gene
expression even in the laboratory dish.

This instability raises the possibility that using stem cells to treat health 
disorders may
not work as well as some scientists have suggested, said Dr. Joann A. Boughman,
vice president of the American Society of Human Genetics.

"When we grow (embryonic stem) cells for a curative situation, we will need to
precisely control the process," she said. "This paper shows that we've got a very long
way to go to fully understand this whole process."

Some researchers have suggested that embryonic stem cells could be cloned from a
patient and used to grow cells that could be used to restore that patient's ailing 
heart or
liver or other organs.

Jaenisch said that it is unlikely that genetic instability would block the curative 
use of
embryonic stem cells. He said in developing cells for therapeutic use, researchers
would harvest and inject into patients only those cells that are normal.

During cloning, he said, no such selection is possible because an embryo must use the
DNA provided and cannot select only that which is perfect.

Regulations that would permit federal funding of embryonic stem cell research has
been delayed by President Bush who ordered a review of the whole issue. Some in
Congress oppose embryonic stem cell research because obtaining the cells involves
the death of a human embryo. Many scientists, however, believe that embryonic stem
cell research could relieve suffering for millions of patients with a variety of 

"The Truth is out there."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  The

[CTRL] Stench Warfare And Stink Bombs-U.S. Secret Weapon?

2001-07-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Stench Warfare And Stink Bombs-U.S. Secret Weapon?

Thursday July 5 2:32 AM ET

LONDON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is developing a stink
bomb to drive away enemy troops or hostile crowds, the magazine New
Scientist said on Wednesday.

Stench warfare could form a key part of the U.S. non-lethal weapons program
and provide police with an extra means of dealing with the kind of rioting
that has disrupted recent summits of world leaders.

``It would give us an offensive capability against large and unruly groups
of people, if they are unwilling to move or are openly hostile,'' New
Scientist quoted a Pentagon spokesman as saying.

``And it would minimize the risk to our people and to the antagonists.''

Researchers said there was a close link between nasty smells and fear, as a
bad smell can activate tissue deep within the brain.

The ``perfect'' stink for defense purposes would be one that triggered an
emotional response in humans.

The problem is that odors can provoke varying reactions in different people
because of social and cultural conditioning.

Pam Dalton, a cognitive psychologist at the Monell Chemical Senses Centre in
Philadelphia who is leading the search for a better stink bomb, has tested
smells on volunteers of different ethnic origins to try to find a universal

She has found two odors that appear to transcend culture, and a mixture of
the two could form the basis of a weapon.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Border

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

 On the tube here in California we see daily what happens on our
overcrowded highways.  Just a simple little fender bender can tie up
traffic for hours.  Generally the California Highway Patrol routes cars
around accidents if they can, but sometimes there is no alternate
route.  There have been a great many truck accidents lately.  Some of those
big rigs are so large and heavy that  if they jackknife they can block
several lanes of highway traffic for many hours.  Further, often they
overturn and big cranes have to be brought in to clear the road.  The clean
up takes a lot of time and makes havoc for travelers.

 Highways must be kept open and clear, but vehicles can stall right
in the middle of a freeway and it is in no way the fault of the driver so
there is no one for the police to arrest!  Cars have lots of parts that can
malfunction.  It is our understanding that they no longer have carburetors,
but maybe they have differentials?  Spark plugs?  Transmissions?  Even
computer trouble might cause a car to stop right in the middle of a busy
highway.  Then too, any vehicle - car, truck, or tractor,  can run out of
fuel or have tire trouble with a spare nowhere to be found.All of these
mechanical problems (and more) are possible and could trigger a highway tie
up with traffic backed up for miles.   The flow of traffic is also affected
by roadside conditions.  This year California has had a lot of grass fires
with smoke obscuring some highways and backing up traffic.  People were
late for work, and sometimes they even missed work!  The police are also
having to deal with road rage, and that isn't surprising given the
frustrations of traveling on our highways.  We are approaching a time when
the only place you can reach from a freeway is another freeway.

 To the South of us the border crossings,  like California's San
Ysidro,  are overcrowded too.   In 1997 California had five border
crossings listed for automobile traffic, Arizona had 6, New Mexico 3, and
Texas 10.   In addition to that there are, of course, train crossing
points.  That is a lot of traffic.  Just like our California highways they
must be having problems down there.   Think what might happen if some of
those border crossings were really tied up for days and on a regular
basis.  The price of cocaine and heroin would rise.  People smugglers would
be frustrated  Vincente Fox might stop calling for amnesty for the millions
of illegal Mexican immigrants now in the United States and be forced to
look for ways to deal with his population problem within his own
borders.  Accepting his surplus people only ruins more of our land and
postpones dealing the root problem.

 Massive civil disobedience on highways that serve border traffic
could make the demonstrations at Seattle and Quebec look very small.  As
well organized as those demonstrations were if these activists concentrated
on our out of control border they would be hitting the corporations where
it would hurt the most: in the pocketbook.   Some of the maquiladoras might
have to ship out their products by air or sea rather than by truck!  U.S.
farmers might be able to compete in the marketplace.   Truckers might not
have to compete with Mexican trucks, and plant owners would not be so eager
to threaten U.S. workers with moving to Mexico.  Should we wait until
hoards of illegal immigrants have degraded our land and caused more floods
like Houston?  Should we wait until we have a carpet of people over all of
the agricultural land in the United States?  The Colorado River no longer
reaches the sea.  Should we wait until people are fighting for fresh
water?  Should we wait until corruption and drugs have made a mockery not
only of government in Washington, but our local justice systems as
well?  Should we wait until our infrastructure is completely
overwhelmed?  Should we wait until the cartels have pried that border
completely open and we are entirely at the mercy of international criminals?

No copyright on the content of AUDREY'S MISSILES is claimed since it is our
hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and distributed
widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately treated on TV or
in the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a request to 209
847-7588 for a free fax subscription. E-mail is free anywhere.  Paid
subscriptions are not accepted.  Comments may be sent
to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  7/6/01 (Border)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is an moderated maillist about government reform.  To join 
or leave send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(un)subscribe audreys-missiles
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[CTRL] Growing surveillance sparks concerns about freedom

2001-07-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Growing surveillance sparks concerns about freedom
Across the U.S., authorities are increasingly photographing
and tracking people in public places, ostensibly in order
to deter crime and monitor conduct. Advocates of privacy
and liberty are worried, with even some police saying
surveillance has gone too far. (07/06/01)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN investigates to see if gun enthusiasts' protest is security threat

2001-07-06 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Associated Press - July 5, 2001

U.N. investigates to see if gun enthusiasts' protest is security threat

The United Nations is investigating whether e-mails and letters it has
received from irate American gun enthusiasts protesting an upcoming
conference on the illicit trade in small arms constitutes a threat to

The world body has received about 100 complaints from Americans who
erroneously believe the conference seeks to infringe on their right to bear
arms, U.N. Undersecretary-General for Disarmament Jayantha Dhanapala said

The gun-rights enthusiasts did not threaten physical harm to any U.N.
official, but their protests were strongly worded and were turned over to
U.N. security experts, Dhanapala said.

"What concerned me was that there was a widespread campaign," he said. "It's
essentially a U.S.-based phenomenon."

The letters and e-mails started arriving in recent weeks, some signed and
some anonymous, alleging that the U.N. is attempting to take away guns from
people, in conflict with the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens,
Dhanapala told a news conference.

"I did not get the impression that they have been orchestrated. They are
differently worded, but clearly they all labor under the same
misapprehension about the conference," he said.

Dhanapala's office released a pamphlet called "Setting the Record Straight"
to address the misconceptions they contained and explain what the conference
hopes to achieve.

"The focus of the conference is on illicit trade in small arms, not the
legal trade, manufacture or ownership of weapons," the pamphlet stressed.
"The U.N. conference will have no effect on the rights of civilians to
legally own and bear arms."

Delegates are expected to adopt a program of action, which is not legally
binding, to curb and ultimately eliminate illegal trafficking in assault
rifles and other small arms that have become the weapons of choice in many
internal conflicts around the world.

Asked about the fears of some Americans that the United Nations is trying to
take away their guns, Secretary-General Kofi Annan stressed that the main
goal of the conference is to try to control the illicit arms trade "to
ensure that guns do not get into the wrong hands."

"When you look at the history of the last 20 years or so, most of the
killing in the world, apart from the AIDS epidemic, is being done by small
arms," he said.

About a dozen gun-rights groups, including the U.S. National Rifle
Association, are among the 177 non-governmental organizations accredited to
attend the two-week conference which begins Monday.

Dhanapala said these groups will be able to attend all public meetings and
will choose several representatives to make statements at one official
conference session.

U.N. conventional arms expert Joao Honwana, a top conference official, said
it wasn't up to the U.N. Department for Disarmament Affairs to judge whether
the e-mails and letters constituted a threat.

"The objective of turning these e-mail and communications to the U.N.
security was precisely to allow them to assess them from a perspective of
threat to the organization of the conference and take whatever necessary
measures they found appropriate, which is what they are doing," he said.

"They analyze those communications, and I'm sure that they will contact with
the appropriate institutions in this country and elsewhere to make sure that
whatever is said in those e-mails does not represent a major threat to the
organization of this conference," Honwana said.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Djindjic's Sale of Milosevic Makes Clinton's National Asset Sales Look Amateurish

2001-07-06 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

Djindjic's Sale of Milosevic Makes Clinton's National Asset Sales Look 
Serbian Prime Minister Sold Milosevic for 1.8 Billion US Dollars
BY: Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty (http://www.bannerofliberty.com) 

July 2, 2001 
Many of us were amazed at the ability of President Bill Clinton to get away 
with selling national assets to improve his personal fortunes and campaign 
coffers. His tawdry list of national assets sold or sold out is impressive: the 
Lincoln bedroom, pardons to drug dealers and other crooks, the seizure of huge 
stores of environmentally friendly coal in Utah, which was supposed to help fund 
education in the state, the sale of Elk Hills Naval Petroleum reserves to Al 
Gores friends and financial supporters at Occidental Petroleum, trying to wreck 
Microsoft to benefit his supporters in the Silicon Valley who are Microsoft 
However, on Friday Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic in Belgrade made 
Clinton look like an amateur by selling the former president of Yugoslavia to 
the same folks who bombed Yugoslavia for 79 days for something like $1.8 
The London Independent over the week-end said of the event: 

"Serbia's gold rush began this weekend. With the ink barely dry on 
  a £1.28bn aid package for Serbia's reconstruction from the wars of the 1990s, 
  the sharp-suited businessmen who stand to make fortunes out of the bombed-out 
  country have already rolled into town. 
  "In the marble lobby of the glittering Hyatt hotel in Belgrade, men in 
  expensive grey suits clutch leather briefcases and huddle in small groups 
  among the ornate pillars. They are the first wave of carpetbaggers descending 
  on the country, representing the international banks, consultancy firms and 
  organisations hoping to capitalise on the investment to come. 
  "The handover of former president Slobodan Milosevic to the international 
  war crimes tribunal has immediately opened the purses of foreign governments 
  attending a donors' conference in Brussels. Now the men in suits are coming to 
  tell the Serbs how to spend it. 
  "The facilitator of this bonanza is another man in a sharp suit: the 
  Serbian Prime Minister, Zoran Djindjic, who organised the extradition of Mr 
  Milosevic to the Hague on Thursday. A new kind of Serbian strongman, Mr 
  Djindjic rode roughshod over legal niceties and issued a decree when he could 
  not get an extradition law passed by parliament. In the process he defied the 
  pro-Milosevic constitutional court which had ordered that the handover be 
This is a bit like a governor of a state, say Florida, selling Bill Clinton 
to a future International Criminal Court for his actions in ordering the 1998 
bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan that manufactured 60% of the 
nation's medicines or the 79 days of bombing everything in sight inYugoslavia in 
1999 contrary to International Law 
The new Yugoslavian president, who took Milosevic's place, Vojislav 
Kostunica, a former law professor opposed the action. In fact, in October of 
last year Kostunica called the ITCY court a "monstrosity." 
What has occurred in Belgrade is a Constitutional crisis. Kostunica is 
president of the country of Yugoslavia. The Prime Minister of Yugoslavia was 
Zoran Zizic. Djindjic ignored the Yugoslav Constitution and its sovereignty as a 
state and orchestrated what really was a kidnapping of Milosevic to sell him to 
the nation's enemies for money. Zizic promptly resigned, which now requires the 
government to be reorganized, and thousands of citizens in Belgrade were out in 
the streets accusing Djindjic of treason. 
This turn of events can be traced back to the FY01 Foreign Operation 
Appropriations Act last year passed by the United States Congress. According to 
Rep. Gary Condit, D-CA, it made "U.S. assistance to Serbia contingent on 
certification the Yugoslav government is cooperating with the International 
Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia including access for investigators, the 
provision of documents and the surrender and transfer of indictees or assistance 
in their apprehension." Since it was signed by President Clinton, the new Bush 
administration is bound by it. 
In other words, if the Serbs want the power plants, factories, bridges, homes 
and railroads rebuilt that we destroyed when we were told that a genocide was 
going on, they have to ignore their Constitution and hand over Slobadon 
Milosevic, even though it is now known there WAS no genocide. When Milosevic was 
indicted, Jamie Shea, NATO spokesman in Brussels, was telling the world that "up 
to 100,000 Albanians have been killed." After almost two years of digging in 
Kosovo, only a few hundred unidentified bodies have been found, and many of them 
appear to be Serbs that disappeared in the fighting, not Albanians. 
In a genocide, the victim population decreases. In the case of the Albanians 
and the Serbs, it has been the Albanians who INCREA

[CTRL] Martin- Illegal Weapons Shipment Seized By FBI

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

Illegal Weapons Shipment Seized by FBI

by Al Martin

HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA -- The interception of an illicit weapons shipment 
threatens to expose the Bush Regime's illegal covert policy of rearming China.

The FBI has intercepted a rented truck containing crates of illegal weapons 
en route to New Orleans from Huntsville, Alabama. Crates marked "Lemmings" 
were discovered on board.

"Lemmings" is an official military designation for sophisticated explosive 
bolts, used in the separation of missile stages. They come in two parts. One 
is the bolt mechanism. The other is the remote control mechanism.

Since the missile program in question was cancelled, these bolts were 
technically classified and declared "surplus" items.

In fact, however, these were being shipped on behalf an Irish arms merchant 
called "Mr. Weinstein." (See previous column "Fraud: The American Way of Life

Prior to the shipment of the "Lemmings," "Mr. Weinstein" had procured the 
missiles themselves from a supposedly "cancelled" military defense program. 
However, since he needed the explosive bolts and the automatic detonation 
system to complete the system, he was able to buy them at the weekly weapons 
auction at the Huntsville, Alabama Redstone Arsenal sale.

Although the type of missile in question is unknown, it would most likely be 
either a theater missile or a strategic missile. A theater missile has a 
range of at least 1,800 miles to a maximum range of 2,600 miles. A strategic 
weapon is a missile with a range greater than 2,600 miles.

According to the Friendly Colonel, the team of drivers of this arms shipment 
was shocked and surprised at being stopped by the FBI. They supposedly had no 
idea that their cargo was illegally obtained weapons. After being questioned 
by the FBI, they were allegedly released and given transportation money to 
get back to Huntsville. The cargo was, however, confiscated.

The state police, who were the first to arrive on the scene, stopped the 
truck on the pretext of a moving vehicle violation. A few minutes later, the 
FBI moved in and the state police were told that the FBI was taking over.

What the Friendly Colonel suspects is that the FBI will attempt to cover-up 
this incident -- and act as if it never happened.

The FBI agents who seized the truck were agents who were out of the loop. In 
other words, they did not understand that the Friendly Colonel is involved in 
the execution of a state-sanctioned illegal covert operation visavis the 
illicit rearming of China.

After the discovery of the weapons shipment, the FBI agents were told by cell 
phone to hush up the whole thing.

This incident may prove to be the opening of the Pandora's box with regard to 
the Bush Regime's covert and illicit policy of state, i.e. to arm China.

Previous reports on the Al Martin Raw website have confirmed this ongoing 
situation as part of a covert Bush Administration policy.

This incident is the latest in a series of startling events in the continuing 
saga of the illegal Redstone Arsenal Weapons Auction story. (See "Have I Got 
an Arms Deal For You: Fraud at Redstone Arsenal")

The revelation of this incident by the Al Martin Raw website may force the 
FBI to once again cover up this embarrassing event.

Or the FBI may be forced a make a public admission about the illicit arms 
deals that continue to be made at the US military arsenal in Huntsville, 

All media groups worldwide are urged to make inquiries regarding this latest 

The successful cover-up by the FBI is not a done deal - yet.

[CTRL] Who Is Jared Bozydaj And Why Don't We Know Of Him?

2001-07-06 Thread William Shannon

Chomsky's proof

By William Rivers Pitt  

The United States is unusual among the industrial democracies in the rigidity 
of the system of ideological control—'indoctrination,' we might 
say—exercised through the mass media. —Noam Chomsky 

June 25, 2001—In the early morning hours of Thursday, June 22, 2001, a man 
named Jared T. Bozydaj took to the streets of New Paltz, New York, with an 
Intrac Arms 7.62 semi-automatic assault rifle. He fired pointedly at police 
officers, wounding one officer named Jeffery Quiepo in the arm. The shooting 
went on for several hours before Bozydaj was disarmed and arrested.

Bozydaj was described as being highly upset by the execution of Timothy 
McVeigh. He apparently had decided to take revenge in McVeigh's name on the 
police, whom Bozydaj referred to as "control mechanisms for the government." 
Weapons and literature in his apartment indicated that Bozydaj had been 
planning this attack for some time.

New Paltz is a small community near the Hudson River about an hour north of 
New York City. The downtown district is filled with small stores, as well as 
a number of bars that cater to the students of the State University of New 
York (SUNY) New Paltz, the campus of which is only a few blocks away from 
where this shooting occurred. The best word to describe the place is 'quaint.'

My girlfriend was born and raised near this town. I have spent many drunken 
hours with her in the bars that now bear the bullet holes from Bozydaj's 
rampage. My girlfriend's parents report that much of downtown New Paltz is 
roped off with yellow police tape today. One can see quite clearly the damage 
done by Bozydaj's assault rifle, and the police believe it is a miracle that 
no one was killed. One SUNY student reported that eight bullets passed 
through her bedroom wall, and said that she would have been shot in the head 
if her radiator had not deflected the rounds.

I discovered this story on the forums of DemocraticUnderground.com, where 
someone had posted it as a topic for discussion about McVeigh-oriented 
violence. I forwarded the link, a story from the Zwire news service, to my 
girlfriend, for obvious reasons. She called her parents and got the story 
from the ground. The local New Paltz paper, the Times-Herald Record, covered 
the shooting in detail, and she sent me the link to their story.

The next day, my girlfriend called me.

"I haven't seen this story in any of the newspapers," she said. "It wasn't on 
CNN or Peter Jennings last night. Why do you think they aren't reporting 
this? Some guy shot up my town, and shot a cop. That's news, isn't it?"

I am a news junkie, and had myself noticed that this interesting and 
disturbing story had not appeared anywhere in the national news media. Using 
the words "New Paltz" and "Bozydaj," I searched The New York Times, an 
obvious place for this story to appear, and came up empty. I did the same at 
CNN.com, The Washington Post, ABCNews.com and several other news outlets, and 
found nothing.

A man, motivated by the execution of Timothy McVeigh, had gone on an 
hours-long shooting rampage directed exclusively at cops in a small New York 
town with a sophisticated assault rifle. He blew a hole in a cop, and shot 
hell out of every storefront in the vicinity. He nearly put a bullet through 
the head of a sleeping college student. Somehow, this was not deemed 
newsworthy by virtually every major news outlet in America, including the 
Times of New York, the state where this shooting took place.


An immediate explanation is that the editors of these news sources were 
acting out of a sense of responsibility. For most Americans, the name Timothy 
McVeigh is synonymous with pure evil. It is likely that a decision was 
reached among the purveyors of our information that nothing should be 
published or broadcast that will give ear to those who consider McVeigh a 
martyred hero. The fear, I suppose, is that if enough of these kinds of 
stories get out, some of our militia-oriented citizenry will think the 
Revolution is finally at hand, and take to the streets of their own small 
burgs with rifles at the ready.

This kind of quiet censorship, however, raises some disturbing questions. If 
unreported McVeigh-motivated shootings like this are happening in New Paltz, 
where I am lucky enough to have eyes on the ground, where else are they 
happening, and going unreported? I have no friends in Akron, Butte, Silver 
Springs, Kissimmee, El Paso, or Needles. Where else in America is violence 
like this breaking loose?

Why are we not being told of it?

What else is being withheld?

Noted linguist Noam Chomsky has observed many times that the national media 
is not the information-disbursing entity created by our love for the First 
Amendment of the Constitution. Rather, the national media is the propaganda 
wing of the status quo. The national media tells us thi

[CTRL] Condit April 30 lunch partner Lasater--background, women

2001-07-06 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-


Pardongate Flashback: Lasater Party Girl Speaks Out

News/Current Events Front Page News
Source: NewsMax.com
Published: 3/19/01 Author: Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
Posted on 03/19/2001 14:00:48 PST by kattracks
In a little noticed report last month on the eleventh hour pardons Roger
Clinton sought from his brother, the Washington Post revealed what may turn
out to be the most explosive aspect of the clemency-for-cash scandal now
swirling around the former first family.

Buried on page 7 of the Post's little read Saturday edition, the headline
seemed rather mundane: "Clinton's Brother Promised Pardons." But scattered
throughout the story was a name that should have set off smoke alarms in
newsrooms all across America.

"Dan R. Lasater, a Little Rock bond broker convicted in 1986 of cocaine
distribution, said Roger Clinton told him late last year he would put in a
good word on his behalf with the president," the Post reported.

"A millionaire entrepeneur who backed several Arkansas Democrats, including
Bill Clinton's campaigns, Lasater got a conditional state pardon from
then-Governor Clinton in 1990. Lasater said he lent Roger Clinton $8,000 in
1984 to pay off cocaine debts."

But there's more -- much, much more to the Lasater story; information so
radioactive that there's little doubt Bill and Hillary Clinton are more
worried over the Bush Justice Department's decision to make Roger a target
of its Pardongate probe than about any other aspect of the investigation.

The best account of Dan Lasater's world comes from Ambrose Evans-Pritchard,
the former Washignton bureau chief of the London Sunday Telegraph whose 1997
biography "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton" was largely overlooked by the

"Dan Lasater's Drug Trafficking Organization" reads the key chapter heading.
On the pages inside the author quotes excerpts from law enforcement
documents covering the accounts of several Lasater party-girls who inhabited
a world not exactly unknown to both Bill and Roger Clinton.

Here's the opening paragraph from the police statement of Patti-Anne Smith,
who was only sixteen years-old-when she met Little Rock's most notorious
"bond daddy":

"I was a virgin until two months after I met Dan Lasater. He plied me with
cocaine and gifts for sexual favors and I finally gave in and slept with
him I could get an eight ball (from Lasater) whenever I wanted it. I
carried a vial of it around at school."

After a visit to a Lasater supplied gynecologist, who put Patti-Anne on
birth control pills, Lasater was making her available for the sexual
entertainment of his business colleagues.

When investigators tracked her down to gain testimony against Lasater two
years later, the terms they used to describe Patti-Anne were "drugged-out
party girl" and "basket case."

And she was not alone. Here's the police statement of Michele Cochran --
19-years-old when she met Lasater.

"He used drugs and money eventually to seduce me. As a result of the
relationship I became addicted to cocaine."

Another teenage Lasater alum told police that after a few months in his
orbit, she "would sometimes get up and snort cocaine in order to start my

Author Evans-Pritchard managed to track Patti-Anne Smith down some 13 years
later. Her account is fascinating for two reasons. First, for the pure shock
value of what she endured during her days as an inhabitant of Lasater's
world. And second, because the thought that an American president pardoned
Lasater once on state charges -- only to have the president's brother seek a
second, federal pardon -- is absolutely beyond belief.

"I was the youngest of all the girls," Patti Anne told Evans-Pritchard. "We
were like hens in a roost, with the rooster. We got along in a bitchy kind
of way because we didn't want to be expelled from the roost."

"I knew a lot more than I should have known. Chuck Berry (Lasater's
enforcer/driver who was later killed himself) told me that I was one of Dan
Lasater's most trusted people and knew a lot about cocaine and his personal
life. If I ever betrayed his personal trust and hurt Lasater in any way I
would not 'see daylight' to tell about it anymore."

Patti-Anne told Evans Pritchard that Bill as well as Roger Clinton was a
part of the Little Rock drug scene.

"I met Bill Clinton several times, he'd know my name and I thought he was a
wonderful person. But I can tell you that he was never acting like a
governor when I saw him."

The Lasater good-time girl says she was present for one late-night meeting
between her boss and then-Governor Clinton.

"He was doing a line," Patti-Anne said of the future president. "It was just
there on the table."

Whether the current Pardongate investigation will probe deep enough to
warrant revisting any of this is anybody's guess.

But if the feds are looking for clues as to why Dan Lasater's name turned up
on Roger Clinton's pardon list, they might st


2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well the CIA Director just visited Israel and trouble spots did he not?

Maybe he was sent over to call off his dogs?

Reeks of Timothy McVeigh stuff, right?   For as was reported with copy
of his death certificate - he died a soldier.

So it is a war between secret socities?   And names are often take from
the bible to make it seem as though the prophecies are being fulfilled -
backed up of course, with murder incorporated?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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2001-07-06 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

> copyright (c) 2001 by the
> Root & Branch Information Services
> Root & Branch Association, Ltd.
> YERUSHALIYIM, D.C. (David's Capital), Yom Shlishi (Third Day --
> "Tuesday"),
> 12 Tammuz, 5761 (Gregorian Date:  July 3, 2001) (Hijri Date:  11 Rabi
> Thani, 1422), Root & Branch:
>   F.P.A. press conference, July 1, 2001
>   F.P.A. press conference, July 1, 2001
>   F.P.A. press conference, July 1, 2001
>   F.P.A. press conference, July 1, 2001
>   by Barry Chamish
>   May 23, 2001
> *
>   Dear Root & Branch Subscribers,
>   The Jewish People, the State of Israel (what's left of it) and all
> Gentile friends worldwide, owe a debt of thanks to one of Israel's
> most
> courageous investigative journalists, an "Ish Gibbor Hayal" (Mighty
> Man of
> Valor), Mr. Barry Chamish [[EMAIL PROTECTED]].
>   Barry provided ALL the information that is contained in my question
> to
> Israeli Defense Minister Ben-Eliezer (the accuracy of which
> information Mr.
> Ben-Eliezer confirmed in his response, which you may read, together
> with my
> question -- verbatim -- below).
>   Time and again, Barry has confronted the Powers That Be, WHOMEVER
> they may
> be, whether Left Wing, Right Wing or Chicken Wing.
>   Barry is NOT a "team player".  Barry is a "truth player".
>   Barry has managed to annoy -- when they have time to be "annoyed",
> in
> those rare rest periods that punctuate the chronic, non-stop
> political food
> fights in our State of Israel Shtetl dining room -- almost EVERYBODY,
> from
> one side of the political spectrum to the other.
>   Barry's absolute commitment to uncovering The Truth is VERY HARD for
> many
> people to take in this Small Time Stalinist Shtetl Shlepperocracy
> (the
> State of Israel).  Here our attitude is not, "My country, right or
> wrong",
> but "My party/religious group/union/youth group/army
> unit/tribe/family/clan/etc./etc./etc. right or wrong".
>   Our attitude here, ON ALL SIDES, is not, "I seek THE TRUTH, WHATEVER
> the
> cost and WHEREVER it may lead" (you readers abroad, come down off
> your
> camels, such an attitude is almost NOWHERE to be found in this
> world).
>   Our attitude here is:  "I am all in favor of The Truth, as long as
> it
> helps my team, and all the better if it hurts the other team".
>   The moment this Balance of Truth and Power is perceived to no longer
> favor
> our team, our commitment to TRUTH is teleported faster than the speed
> of
> light right out the Shtetl Dining Room window.
>   We have completed the first seven year (1993-2000) cycle of hell
> into
> which we have been plunged by the Oslo Death Process (a seven year
> cycle
> which coincides with the seven year Shmittah/Sabbatical Year cycle).
>   We have now begun the second seven year (2000-2007) cycle of hell --
> commencing with the onset of the Rosh HaShanah War at the end of last
> September -- out of which we will hopefully emerge victorious from
> the Oslo
> Death Process with the death of the Process itself, our survival and
> perhaps even our rebirth as a truly Jewish State in the Land of
> Israel.
>   May HaShem save us from all our enemies (internal and external).
>   May we ALL ("secular" and "religious") recognize, IF that salvation
> comes
> to us (whether we merit it or not), that it comes from Him, and not
> say, in
> typically I'm-God's-Gift-To-The-World-And-I-Know-Everything Israeli
> style:
>   "Ze magia li" (It is owed to me)
>   "Ata Chayav" (You -- in this case, G-d -- are obligated)
>   "Lo Echpat Li" (I don't care).
>   NOTHING is owed to us.  G-d is NOT obligated.  We sure as hell
> better care!
> Shavua Tov (Good Week) from Yerushaliyim,
> Aryeh Gallin
> President, Root & Branch Association, Ltd.
> Member, Foreign Press Association in Israel
> Member, New York City Chapter, U.S. Society of Professional
> Journalists
> *

Re: [CTRL] 2 reports re: Condit: WP: Aunt Details Alleged Affair; NM: Ret. D.C. Police Detectiver: Ten Women Claiming Condit Affairs

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Woner why presuming it was this Aunt, Chandra Levy was given a check
under $100 which has not as yet been cashed.

Was it a birthday gift or did she need money;  this Condit is described
as "handsome" but look at him, he looks many years older than his age
and pictures on his web are at least 20 years old.

So "Blow Dry" as he was called - wonder if he had written any checks

Or did she receive a phone call to meet his driver outside and be
careful not to be seen?  And when she was in the car - well maybe she
did leave in a body bag somewhere, for she was 110 pounds of so.

Hair dyed black?   Wanted to go with CIA or FBI?   Evidently she had
become someone's unwanted excess baggage and Condit sits on this Select
Committe House Intelligence?

Many secrets - oh such clandistine meetings - another Monica Lewinsky in
the making for a toyinfluence peddling on Condit's part?

Well Rosie o'Donnell and Paula Poundstone - they all have their play

Somehow could she have been driver away and maybe like Martha Mitchell
put to sleep.

Why the report that Condit not drink; oh so pure, yet he hung around
discos and this sin now is to charge him with so much garbage, nobody
will believe anything ...

He is playing a Bill Clinton maybe   But then if this little girl is
alive and in hiding - well all will profit with books, and the American
public will be taken for a real ride.

Cheap soap operas - but you note, Clinton and Hill still standing - even
though the body bag count trails to hell and back.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust

2001-07-06 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

> you my friend have it much better than most people in the world

That's because America sucks on the world's economy like a tick. Sooner
or later, they are going to get fed up and do something about it.

=CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 4

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Now let's go to the effects of the devices over extended periods of
 time. This information is directly from the CIA and DEA research I read
 in their files in 1977. From the CIA and DEA research and use of the
 devices, they gathered information and experimented with the devices
 further and learned a great deal more information. By using these
 devices they learned they could cause the targeted person to develop
 diabetes in many of the cases. It is a well-known fact that people and
 other animals' sugar levels dramatically increase under exposure to
 radio frequencies. This was a simple process and all they had to do was
 repeatedly deprive the person of sleep while they tortured them for
 extended periods of time while they used radio frequencies, magnetic
 fields and other forms of energy from the implants and/or other devices
 on them.

 Older people would experience the symptoms of diabetes more
 rapidly than younger targets. All most all the targets would develop
 diabetes if tortured long enough at high enough power levels. The amount
 of time varied depending on the physical structure, age and sex of the
 targeted person.

 Next, they learned that if you tortured someone long enough and kept
 them exposed to the magnetic fields from the devices long enough they
 would, in many of the cases, develop Lymphatic cancer. I am now
 diabetic and the diabetes is getting worse with the torture and my
 diabetes was caused from depriving me of thousands of nights' of sleep
 over the years from the DEA torturing me and from the constant exposure
 to the devices. I most likely will develop Lymphatic cancer in time,
 which will cause my death. The court should understand that I did tell
 the FBI while I was working with them the name of a person that would
 develop Lymphatic cancer from the devices that was in the files I read.

 Years later this person did develop Lymphatic cancer and died from the
 cancer. This person's name would be a national security issue if
 released in this letter or if it ever became public. I also gave the FBI
 the names of others that had died from the effects of the devices, like
 Fan McKelvey, who was a person who covertly worked for them. Supporting
 evidence of the devices causing Lymphatic cancer would be the fact that
 the rate of Lymphatic cancer is increasing currently at a rate of 3% a
 year in the United States. In trial, I will be calling witnesses who
 developed cancer from the devices; but the use of the devices was and is
 still unknown to them at this time. They believed their cancers were
 natural. I read their files and I know otherwise.

 Next, I would like to go to the designing of the devices. I did read
 the designing of the earlier models of the devices that they are using
 against me currently. The basic model that they were producing by the
 millions in 1977 was made of a Titanium capsule that was porcelain
 coated and was designed with a porous covering so it would bond with the
 tissue that it was injected into. This would stop the device from
 moving in the body after injection.

 In these files I was reading about the bimetal power supplies and I
 believe this is the power supply in these devices. This power supply
 would last over 100 years and there are no warrants that were intended
 nor are there any warrants that are legal to last over 100 years. The
 microcomputer that was incorporated into these devices was designed on a
 thin silicon film so it could be folded and or rolled depending on its
 intended use to fit into the capsule or other types of enclosures.

 Between the power supply and the microcomputer was a multi value
 capacitor. The film was very thin that the circuitry was etched
 onto...much thinner than a sheet of newspaper paper and 5V-DC powered the
 device. A filter had been designed and incorporated into the device to
 filter out body noises and background sounds, and this filter was also
 able to be remotely programmed to allow the controller to use it to
 filter out the sounds they were using to torture the targeted person

 By rolling the film, they were able to create large magnetic
 fields to also torture the targeted person with. The film was insulated
 with a fine spray insulation that was only microns thick before it was
 folded or rolled and installed into the implants or others. It was not
 necessary for the monitoring device to be powered by 5V-DC but it was
 necessary to adequately torture the targeted person. Filters are never
 incorporated in legitimate monitoring devices because it is necessary to
 hear all sounds during real investigations. In a legitimate monitoring
 device, the filter is always installed in the receiving 

[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 3

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

The DEA in these files and papers also took on many other kinds of
 responsibilities like the cover-ups of the assassinations of John F. Kennedy,
 Robert Kennedy, Martin L. King, Mary Jo Kopechne [and misdirecting
 investigations of these] and the thousands of other assassinations
 that the CIA, DEA and others had committed in these files. The DEA also would be
 responsible for the removal of future threats to the Rockefeller's
 empire and their enemies. There were many such covert operations in the
 files we had like the framing of Ted Kennedy as being involved in the
 drug trade to authorize using the new torture and control devices
 against him. We had many such files and plans like the plans to frame
 Cher Bono to disable and torture her. Another example would be the girl
 who had played the part of the young girl on the TV series "The Waltons"
 They had convinced her that in order to become an actress and
 continue her acting career she would need larger breasts. When she had
 these breast implants install, the DEA installed a microchip in the
 breast implants to monitor, control and direct her. She then suffered
 horribly for the next 20 years from the effects of this device until the
 removal of the breast implants and the microchip.

 It is very important to disclose to the court how the torture and
 disabling of the political witnesses and others is done. First let me
 quote Jose Delgado. Jose Delgado worked for the CIA and conducted
 experiments on the control of people electronically. Jose Delgado was
 Director of Neuropsychiatry at Yale University Medical School. His
 research was funded covertly by the CIA and it did lead to the designing
 of the torture devices in part, that the DEA is currently using to
 torture me with under the cover of law. The following is a quote from
 Jose Delgado. This quote is in the Congressional Record No. 26, Vol.
 118, February 24, 1974:

 "We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society.
 The purpose of physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from
 the given norm can be surgically mutilated."

 "...The individual may think that the most important reality is his own
 existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks
 historical perspective."

 "Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of
 liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the
 brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical
 stimulation of the brain."


 Now, the the court should understand who the DEA is and what
 the intent of the Rockefellers, CIA and DEA was in the designing of these
 devices, let's now go to the portion of the documents I read from the United
 States Department of Justice. I read the memos from Nelson Rockefeller
 to the United States Department of Justice asking if he could legally use
 the devices against the American people.

 The United States Department of Justice replied informing Nelson
 Rockefeller that it would be illegal to use these devices except in
 National Security investigations where no laws would pertain. Nelson
 Rockefeller then sent another memo to the United States Department of
 Justice asking for a list of the relevant laws that forbid him from
 using these devices. The reply from the United States Department of
 Justice was a long list of rulings and laws. I do not remember all of
 these laws due to the torture of me and the amount of time since I read
 these files. I do remember some of the laws that would be hard for a
 normal person to forget like the ruling of Roe vs Wade. This ruling was
 not just an abortion ruling according to the United States Department of
 Justice but it also could be interpreted as a Human Rights ruling giving
 the people rights over their own bodies. Another ruling I do remember
 vaguely is the Supreme Court ruling that no punishment may be given to a
 citizen of the United States without a conviction first. The act of
 injecting these devices can be interpreted as an act of punishment in
 itself. There were also many listings in the United States Department
 of Justice reply that referred to violations of the Constitution of the
 United States and many other laws and rulings.
 Nelson Rockefeller then established covert operations through the CIA
 and DEA to justify the overturning in part of these laws. These
 operations were conducted with the intent to make legal the devices they
 wanted to use against the American people.

 While I was reading these papers one of the most interesting things in
 these files and papers were the files on the experimentation of these
 and many other kinds of monitoring and to

[CTRL] DEA's Dirty Deeds-Pt. 2

2001-07-06 Thread Martin F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Subject: Testimony Of Charles A. Schlund --
 [Before The Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals]
 Author: Charles Schlund
 Date: Nov 05, 2000 20:42 PST

 Statement before the 9th Circuit :

 The torture of me and sleep deprivation by the DEA is so great that I'm
 about 95% disabled and my freedom of speech is very limited. The
 following is part of my statement to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
 All of the following is now before the 9th Circuit and is truthful to
 the best of my ability and knowledge. At present I'm only allowed about 3
 hours of sleep a night and I spend the rest of the night laying there as
 they torture me. At present they use sound that is pulsed at about 6 to
 16 impacts a second to deprive me of sleep. This is being done by the
 devices they injected into my ears. The sounds can be heard using a
 stethoscope and can be felt by placing your finger in my ear. This
 weapon is low tech, but very effective. The following is only a few
 pages of my statement which was about 175 pages long if my memory is
 correct. Chuck


 I would like to inform the Court of the facts involved in this case.
 These facts are quite unbelievable, but this has nothing to do with
 their truthfulness or accuracy. We believe we will be well prepared to
 prove our case to a jury when this case comes to trial. I would like to
 use U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply to a
 eyewitness' description of Auschwitz in 1943. We believe this is a good
 example of how good men refuse to believe the truth when the acts of
 their fellow men are so hideous and outrageous:

 "I know that you believe what you are telling me is the truth but I
 cannot believe it." --- (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter's reply
 to a eyewitness's description of Auschwitz in 1943.)

 I'm going to try to explain how the DEA has framed me as a drug dealer
 to cover up their covert operations against the American people and me.
 This is a very long story and I'm mostly disabled from the torture and
 control modes that the DEA is currently using against me with the
 electronic implants that the DEA injected into both sides of my neck in
 about 1993.

 My health is failing slowly from the continual torture by the DEA. The
 DEA is systematically murdering me in the most satanic ways possible
 with technology, including but not limited to electronic implants.
 These were injected into both sides of my neck. The injection of these
 implants was and is a covert operation by the DEA to cover up their
 criminal actions by removing me as a witness against the DEA and others.
 The injection of these devices into my neck is and always was an attempt
 by the DEA to deprive me of my Civil Rights, Human Rights,
 Constitutional Rights and God given Rights. These implants were designed
 by the CIA to remove political witnesses and other threats against the
 CIA's and the DEA's organized crime network and to also protect those
 under their protection.

 You must understand that I'm very physically and somewhat mentally
 disabled from my torture by the DEA. My mind is gradually being burned
 out using the weapons systems that are integrated in these implants,
 according to the Bolles Papers read by me. I am slowly dying as the DEA
 tortures me in the most hideous ways possible. Pain and suffering are
 invisible to the eye with the use of these devices. These are the most
 technologically advanced torture and mind control systems ever designed
 by mankind, this system is and has been used widely by the DEA for over
 25 years, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of American
 citizens under the protection of the courts and the laws of the United

 [Snip many pages]

 The following is a short list of the kind of papers, files and documents
 contained in the paperwork we read through. I am limiting some of the
 details at this time for security reasons and to make this letter more
 understandable. I have never believed that all of the information
 should be released. The release of this information is only being done
 to defend myself and is an attempt by me to stop my torture by the DEA
 in the cover-up of these papers and files. Some parts of the
 information I'm sure should be released to correct past wrongs by the
 government and to stop future corruption by the government:

 1. Files and papers on the assassinations of two Presidents of the
 United States: Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.

 2. The plans of the Rockefellers, CIA and DEA to covertly direct future
 Presidential elections in the United States and place their people in
 these positions of power.

 3. The framing of pe

Re: [CTRL] Warning For Americans

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well as it is written, those bit by the snake will live; and those who
condemn sodomy in the schools and homosexuals in the boy scouts, will
save their own children - but what about others?

Note Sharon and Rabin went to Military Staff school in England and both
were considered terrorists at one time, but in death Rabin is now
remembered for dying wth the Song of Peace in his pocket.

Seems like every degenerate public official as of late went to Oxford -
but then of course, Eaton is the place to go.

With all their pomp and circumstance - the Rhodes Round Table bunch left
Africa when the heat was on, and left nothing of real value but siphoned
off the great wealth of Africa, the rubies, diamonds and gold - who was
left - the white farmerrs, the peaceful farmers who fed them and now
some have been tortured and butchered by those whom they fed.

Oh all these diamonds as of letter, but then we used to give the Indians
baubles and beads?
Now diamonds are given to FBI spies by KGB, and what Israel is doing
with all those diamonds, and from where did they get same - maybe looks
lot a lot of illegal gun and ammo, and what not sales to maybe the
Sudanese or some other poor country being ravished by the war criminals?

But why should I have concern for Africa?   I see what Africans did as
of late to Cincinnati200 years out of the jungle, and we have
savages still in the streets?

Our welfare lines are something sectacular, so it is my hope in our
county we will cut off welfare so they will move back to their point of
origin and fight their own battles.

So this cheap labor has brought in disease and the food we eat now is
questioned - the slaughter of America has begun - but those who learn
how to avoid this Gay Pride push and evil teachings in schools to their
children, will survive.

Want the beginning and the end - read the King James Bible - for Hitler
did it all -the usual suspects throughout history only now they call
themselves humanitarians.

Strange this Secretary of the UN  was afraid to go to Seattle?   Yet
Clinton came with his army - and smiled and smiled and smiled.

Timothy McVeigh parked that truck at the wrong place.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] Fwd: f.d.a

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

As always, . . .



Colloidal Silver and DMSO would totally screw up the Rockefeler and the
United Nations Population Control Agenda. Most people have never heard of
this because the same people control all of the education and almost all of
the media. Canada and the USA are really no different than Russia or China.
If what people have been taught to think and to do is not on television, it
simply does not exist.

Not many people who continue to watch television have even an inkling that
Dan Rather, Barbara Walters, Dianne Sawyer, Walter Cronkite, Rush Limbaugh
and so many more, belong to David Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations
and their many other Communist oriented groups, such as the Trilateral
Commission, Bilderbergers, Club of Rome, Fabian Socialist Society, Communist
Party USA and many others far too numerous to list here.

The so-called Left-wing and Right-wing are two wings of the same bird which
makes the communist movement fly. All of the companies that build munitions
in this country and the USA, also have been established in all of our
various and sundry "enemy" countries, and all of the same International
Bankers finance them. The people (read tax-payers) get to pay the bills in
perpetuity. That means forever and ever, Amen! Our controllers established
the illegal, unconstitutional, Tax-free Foundations, long before the set up
the income tax.

Now all of the communist agents have a tax-free status and rather than pay
tax, they are the net receivers of the taxes which almost everyone pay. When
the figuring is all done, they have stolen at the minimum, 80 percent of the
fruits of the labour of every person in the world.

We are very fortunate that these mentally deranged idiots are messing more
and more with our health. This is one thing that stirs people up when almost
all else fails. This also shows the governments up for the part which they
play in the murder and sicknesses of their own people.

None of the parties have anything to say about how a country is run, and it
has been that way for as long as most of the people on this earth have
lived. This information is in many suppressed books and magazines - none of
which belong to our controllers.

None of what has happened could have happened without the treason of the
controlled media and the traitors amongst the 'professional educators'. The
universities are full of these communist agents who mess up the minds of
some of our brightest students.

Never vote for a party, but do watch very closely, those traitors and
opportunists who so willingly sell out their own families and friends for
the illegal, unconstitutional paper money that has been circulating since 1913.

Kindest regards,


At 10:18 PM 7/5/01 -0700, you wrote:
>Cliff the message I sent you was about the F.D.A. stopping all information
on collidal silver, because they say it is now a drug. It was at
educateyourself.org where there was lots of information and then there was
none.  Wayne
>Cliff the message I sent you was about the F.D.A.
>stopping all information on collidal silver, because they say it is now a
>drug. It was at educateyourself.org where there was lots of
information and
>then there was none.  Wayne

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP -- update 7/6/01

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop - http://www.bobharris.com/

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Have you visited eBayTM lately?  The Worlds Marketplace where you can
buy and sell practically anything keeps getting better.  From
consumer electronics to movies, find it all on eBay.  What are you
waiting for?  Try eBay today.

Hi all --

Just a quick update on recent stuff... as you know, I'm on a sabbatical
from the column and experimenting with moving my scribbling habit into
other media.

Newest news:  The comic book adaptation of "The Lone Gunmen" (yes,
"X-Files" spin-off) that I did with the wonderfully talented Jane Espenson
(a producer on "Buffy The Vampire Slayer") is on the stands nationwide.
It's a fun little romp about militia folks attempting a military coup.
For those of you who miss the column, the comic ends with a 2000-word
essay expanding on various threads raised in the story.  Even if you never
saw the show, I think you'll enjoy this.

As to the rest, for those who ask, yep, I'm still doing the syndicated
radio commentaries, which you can still probably get in your area just by
calling your favorite news or talk radio station and telling them you'd
like it.  If they need more info, send them to http://www.bobharris.com,
and they can get info on getting a demo from there.

Also, I'm still doing the voice of Sparky the penguin in Tom Tomorrow's
Flash-animated "This Modern World" cartoons.  We're hoping to land them on
the tube one of these days.  (Incidentally, Mondomedia.com is considering
dropping the comic, since we haven't found a multinational corporation to
sponsor us, so if you're a fan and you'd like them to keep the show, this
is a good time to holler.)

The game show, Twisted, is still hung up thanks to the stunning
incompetence or malice (I can't decide which) of Icebox.com, and about a
dozen other various enterprises are still banging into walls, causing
various levels of frustration.  But I do feel certain you'll be seeing
more output soon.

Incidentally, Working Assets, my employer during that morning radio show I
did last year, finally pulled the plug on RadioForChange.com a few weeks
ago.  I greet this news with much sadness.  I still think if a few things
had been done differently, RadioForChange.com could have been something
really amazing.  I wish everyone remotely connected with the project the
best in their future endeavors.

Finally, you might have noticed my own website still hasn't been updated
much since roughly the Bronze Age.  It's a huge job and I'm flying solo
here these days, and I'm busy getting other potentially very large stuff
-- various screenplays and such -- off the ground, so no promises on an
update, although I really am trying.  Sorry.  If you have questions or
comments, just email me directly, and I'll do my best.



The Lone Gunmen comic book:

This Modern World
   Current episodes
   Contact Mondomedia and slather praise on the show
   Tom's Tomorrow's home page:

My homepage

To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] Sons of the Red Pioneers

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

Free Congress Foundation's
Notable News Now
Excerpts from FCF Programming and Other FCF Projects
 July 5, 2001

The Free Congress Guest Commentary
Sons of the Red Pioneers: Lowering of School Age & Other Questionable
Academic Reforms Promote the Cause of Socialism
by Frederick B. Meekins

The fundamental goal of socialism is the establishment of a sociopolitical
milieu where the individual is controlled by the state from the cradle to
the grave.  It seems this dream has taken a few steps closer to reality for
young children living in Washington, DC.

The City Council of the District of Columbia is considering a bill designed
to lower the age of compulsory school attendance from five to three years
old.  WorldNet Daily points out that even children as young as two,
unfortunate to have their birthdays fall after the commencement of the
academic year, will be mandated to participate.

While the proposed legislation does not yet necessitate mandatory classroom
attendance, it does require parents not forfeiting control of their toddlers
to engage in formalized learning activities overseen by professional

The bill's primary sponsor, Councilman Kevin Chavous, told the Washington
Post,  "It would force the school system to take responsibility for every 3-
and 4-year-old in the city to make sure they are prepared for kindergarten."
In other words, the government - not the parents - are to be the one's
granted ultimate authority in the eyes of the law over such young children.

Even more shocking, very few public officials objected to the scheme on
ethical or philosophical grounds.  Most only raised logistical or financial
concerns.  Most endorsed it with the enthusiasm of a Nazi Gaulieter invited
to a Nuremberg Party rally or bookburning.

Mayor Anthony Williams endorsed the need to drag the exceedingly young into
the snares of statist education.  Particularly revealing as to the true
agenda of this bill were the comments of Superintendent Paul Vance who told
the Post,  "The earlier you can get these youngsters to make social and
cognitive impressions, the better your chances for having productive
learners.  I'd like to get all these youngsters in school as early as

I bet these scoundrels would.  For when the Superintendent speaks of "social
and cognitive impressions" he means more than having pupils learn their
"ABC's" or saying "please" and "thank you".  One might be surprised to learn
that there is more to the notion of literacy nowadays in certain elite minds
than "Seeing Spot Run."

Along with more traditional interpretations of the concept pertaining to the
comprehension of numerical and linguistic textual symbolism, Christian
researcher Berit Kjos points out in the article "Redefining Literacy for a
New World Order" posted on WorthyNews.com this academic goal has been
transformed into a euphemism designed to impose a litany of dangerous social
agendas onto the mind of America's impressionable school children.

Among these new literacies ranks "sociopolitical literacy" (which Mrs. Kjos
defines as the acceptance of differing interpretations of the Constitution,
usually those limiting individual freedom) and "cultural literacy" (the
appreciation and unquestioning acceptance of all other cultures, excluding
of course the American version of the Western tradition).

It is highly doubtful either of these will do much in developing critical
thinking skills because these will be downplayed since students will also be
evaluated as to their compliance with workplace literacy.  Workplace
literacy will not so much gauge one's work ethic or ambition for personal
achievement but rather one's willingness to bend to the mentality of the
herd or the whims of management.

But perhaps most disturbing of all is something referred to as "family
literacy".  Berit Kjos reveals that under the Workforce Investment Act of
1998 parents are to be trained as the primary educators of their children.
So in essence, they will be subject to the same kinds of governmental
oversight as other professional teachers, no longer to be seen as the
independent caregivers of their offspring but simply as glorified zookeepers
in an expanding bureau of centralized socio-economic planning.

The DC proposal, hoping to lower the school age, is just the tip of the
conspiratorial iceberg.  As anyone who has studied progressivistic
evolutionary socialism knows, that unlike its cousin violent revolutionary
Communism known to take over through an abrupt seizure of power, this form
of totalitarianism slithers towards assuming absolute control by steadily
taking often imperceptible but highly strategic steps.

Lowering the enrollment age is one such baby step.  Elsewhere we find that
legislators in states such as Maryland suggesting that couples go through an
intensive period of counseling emphasizing the state's version of
appropriate family dynamics before being granted a license to marry.  Yet
nothing is done to p

Re: [CTRL] 2 reports re: Condit: WP: Aunt Details Alleged Affair; NM: Ret. D.C. Police Detectiver: Ten Women Claiming Condit Affairs

2001-07-06 Thread Jenny Decker

-Caveat Lector-

Love your sources, Mike. I think that "news" Chandra had for her aunt on 29
April is called "pregnancy." Everything points.
Jenny Decker
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A24458-2001Jul5.html
> The Washington Post
> Friday, July 6, 2001; Page B01
> Aunt Details Alleged Affair
> By Allan Lengel and Petula Dvorak
> Chandra Levy's aunt yesterday said her niece provided her with an
> account of the relationship with Rep. Gary A. Condit, describing how the
> congressman went to great lengths to keep the liaison a secret and
> explicitly warned that he would stop seeing her if she told anyone.
> Linda Zamsky's account of the relationship is based on conversations and
> meetings she said she had with Levy since last fall, when the 24-year-old
> intern at the Bureau of Prisons first told Zamsky that she was having a
> relationship with Condit. Zamsky, who became Levy's confidante, said she
> speaking out publicly for the first time out of frustration with Condit,
> whose aides have adamantly denied the existence of a relationship.
> In early April, Levy went to Zamsky's home for Passover, where she was
> joined by her family, visiting from California. Zamsky said Levy told her
> the relationship was progressing - she talked about carrying on a
> affair for five years and then marrying Condit and having a baby.
> The relationship seemed to become more serious in April, Zamsky said.

> After Passover, Zamsky said, she did not talk to Levy for a couple of
> weeks. Then on April 29, the day before Levy was last seen, Levy left a
> message on Zamsky's voice mail. Zamsky would not hear from her niece
> "Hi, Linda. This is Chandra. My internship is over," Levy said in the
> message. "I'm planning on packing my bags in the next week or 10 days.
> Heading home for a while. Don't know what I'm going to do this summer. And
> I really have some big news or something important to tell. Call me..."

How many ways, really, can this be interpreted?

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-06 Thread Steve Suranie

-Caveat Lector-

It was either Bush or Regan.

> --
> From: Prudence L. Kuhn
> Reply To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
> Sent: Friday, July 6, 2001 11:21 AM
> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle
> -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 07/06/2001 1:48:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> <<
>  You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton ads
> >>
> Wasn't that George Bush's campaign?  Prudy
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance--not soap-boxin---please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theor-'--with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright fra-ds--is used politically by different groups
> with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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> Om

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/06/2001 1:48:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton ads >>

Wasn't that George Bush's campaign?  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Don't worry about overpopulation. Nature deals with defective species.

2001-07-06 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

On 5 Jul 01, at 19:00, Nurev Ind. wrote:

> For the last 20 years, scientists have known about
> > declining sperm counts.
> > But researchers are now learning that the quality of
> > human sperm is steadily
> > eroding, and might be causing birth defects as well
> > as brain cancer and
> > leukemia in children.
> >
> > Abnormal sperm is also being blamed for a global
> > increase in testicular
> > cancer - a disease that strikes men in their 30s.
> > Scientists believe that
> > when a DNA-damaged sperm fertilizes a woman's egg,
> > it can trigger a mutation
> > of a key gene in the embryo.
> >

That's what you get when you embrace "Better Living Through


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/05/2001 9:14:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< GEORGE W. BUSH took the office of president promising to "restore honor and
 integrity" to government. Last week, he appointed Elliott Abrams, a convicted
 criminal and oath-breaker, to an important White House post. >>

I can't fault Dubya for this appointment.  There have been many in the
Reagan/Bush cabinets who were criminals and oath-breakers; most of the
criminals were pardoned by outgoing Republican presidents.  It's all due to a
difference in what is considered to be honorable behavior--it's a judgment
thing.  Republicans are only concerned about sexual matters, most especially
not sex but sodomy.  They will excuse adultery if the perpetrators are
Republican.   So if you look at him from the Republican aspect, Mr. Abrams is
completely honorable.  Criminal behavior and oath breaking are totally
acceptable in his political persuasion.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Warning For Americans

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

A Warning for Americans: A Message from a South African

Author Unknown

People used to say that South Africa was 20 years behind the rest of the Western 
world. Television, for example, came late to South Africa (but so did pornography and 
the gay rights movement).

Today, however, South Africa may be the grim model of the future Western world, for 
events in America reveals trends chillingly similar to those that destroyed our 

America's structures are of "Western Culture". Your Congress, your lobbying groups, 
your free speech, and the way ordinary Americans either get involved or ignore 
politics are peculiarly your "Western Culture", not the way most of the world 
operates. But the fact that only about a third of Americans deem it important to vote 
is horrifying in light of how close you are to losing your Western character.

Writing letters to the press, manning stands at county fairs, hosting fund-raising 
dinners, attending rallies, setting up conferences, writing your Congressman -- that 
is what you know, and what you are comfortable with. Those are the political methods 
you've created for yourselves to keep your country on track and to ensure political 
accountability, with freedom and justice for all.

But woe to you if -- or more likely, when -- the rules change. Americans may soon find 
themselves unable or unwilling to stand up to challenge the new political methods that 
will be the inevitable result of the ethnic metamorphosis now taking place in America. 
Unable to cope with the new rules of the game -- violence, mob riots, intimidation 
through accusations of racism, demands for proportionality based on racial numbers, 
and all the other social and political weapons used by the have-nots to bludgeon 
treasure and power from the haves -- Americans, like others before them, will no doubt 
cave in. They will compromise away their independence and ultimately their way of life.

That is exactly what happened in South Africa. I know, because I was there and I saw 
it happen.

Faced with revolution in the streets, strikes, civil unrest and the sheer terror and 
murder practiced by Nelson Mandela's African National Congress (ANC), the white 
government simply capitulated in order to achieve "peace." Westerners need peace. They 
need order and stability. They are builders and planners. But what we got was peace of 
the grave for our society.

The Third World is different -- different peoples with different pasts and different 
cultures. Yet Westerners continue to mistake the psychology of the Third World and its 
peoples. Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe are perfect examples of those mistakes. Sierra 
Leone is in perpetual civil war, and Zimbabwe -- once thriving, stable Rhodesia -- is 
looting the very people who feed the country. Yet Westerners do not admit that the 
same kind of savagery could come to America when enough immigrants of the right type 
assert themselves. The fact is, Americans are sitting ducks for Third World 
exploitation of the Western conscience of compassion.

Those in the West who forced South Africa to surrender to the ANC and its leaders did 
not consider Africa to be the dangerous, corrupt, and savage place it is now in 
Zimbabwe and South Africa. Those Western politicians now have a similar problem on 
their own doorsteps: the demand for power and treasure from the non-Western peoples 
inside the realm.

It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people 
strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically 
correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate 
conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

South Africans, you should remember, have been in that part of Africa for the same 
amount of time whites have inhabited North America; yet ultimately South Africans 
voted for their own suicide. We are not so very different from you.

We lost our country through skillful propaganda, pressure from abroad , Great Britan 
the UN (not least from the U.S.A.), with unrelenting charges of "oppression" and 
"racism," and the shrewd assessment by African tyrants that the white man has many 
Achilles' heels, the most significant of which are his compassion, his belief in the 
"equality of man," and his "love your neighbor" philosophy -- none of which are part 
of the Third World's history.

The mainline churches played a big role in the demise of Western influence throughout 
Africa, too; especially in South Africa. Today's tyrants were yesterday's 
mission-school proteges. Many dictators in Africa were men of the cloth. They knew 
their clerical collars would deflect criticism and obsfucate their real aims, which 
had nothing whatever to do with the "brotherhood of man."

Other tyrants, like the infamous Idi Amin, were trained and schooled by the whites 
themselves, at Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard. After receiving the best from t

[CTRL] Why Is America Negotiating Away Her Sovereignty

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Why Is America Negotiating Away Her Sovereignty?

By Allan Wall

FrontPage Magazine.com | July 3, 2001

URL: http://www.frontpagemag.com/guestcolumnists/wall07-03-01.htm

WHY IS AMERICA NEGOTIATING away her sovereignty? There is simply no
other way to adequately describe the present negotiations with the
Mexican government over U.S. immigration policy. Rather than being left
to the American people to manage, through their elected senators and
representatives, the establishment of a bilateral working group to deal
with U.S. immigration policy indicates that the sovereign right to
control its own borders and immigration policy is being negotiated away
to the Mexican government.

The problem is, the Mexican government is not negotiating in good

The goal of the Fox administration is to continue using the United
States as a safety valve. Mexico's white elite government wants as many
of the country's poorer and darker-skinned citizens as possible to
emigrate to the U.S.

They also want the American taxpayer to provide Mexican immigrants,
legal or illegal, with government benefits that they can't obtain in

And, they are working hard to maintain the loyalty of Mexican
immigrants in the U.S., so that even if they become American citizens,
their primary loyalty will be to Mexico. These goals are not new - the
previous Zedillo administration had them as well- but the Fox
administration is bolder in their application and has a more
coordinated and strategic manner of carrying them out.

Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castañeda, in Phoenix at a meeting of
Latino journalists on June 21st, dictated a non-negotiable program that
the Mexican government expects the Bush Administration to follow.
Castañeda made it clear that he would brook no compromise - "It's the
whole enchilada or nothing, we can't slice it one piece at a time."
What exactly is included in Castañeda's list of demands? Basically, the
complete surrender of U.S. sovereignty over immigration policy.

America must legalize all Mexican illegal aliens, loosen its already
lax border enforcement, establish a guest worker program (during an
economic downturn) and exempt Mexican immigrants from U.S. visa quotas!
Not only that, but the Mexican government is demanding that Mexicans
living in the U.S.

receive health care (provided by the American taxpayer) and in-state
college tuition. As Castañeda aptly described such demands during a
visit to Tijuana on June 27th, "We must obtain the greatest number of
rights for the greatest number of Mexicans in the shortest time
possible." (Remember, he is referring to rights for Mexicans in the
United States, not in Mexico!) The Mexican government is demanding a
complete capitulation of the United States on immigration policy and
national sovereignty. What's also amazing is that nothing of substance
is being offered in return. Mexican government officials have taken
their measure of the Bush Administration and concluded that they
probably can demand and receive much of what they want.

They are not even very secretive about it. Castañeda referred to the
United States's transfer of immigration policy from domestic policy to
international diplomacy, pointing out that such a change "is totally,
radically new".

Such a change is quite satisfactory to Castañeda, who once wrote that
"Some Americans dislike immigration, but there is very little they
can do about it." Castañeda is not alone in the Mexican government in
his utter contempt for U.S. sovereignty. Ernesto Ruffo, Mexico's
Commissioner for Northern Affairs advised would-be illegal immigrants
that " if the border patrol finds you, try again." Fox himself
calls illegal aliens "heroes", and the Mexican government recently
distributed thousands of survival packets to Mexicans preparing to make
the trek north as illegal aliens (the packets included lists of
California hospitals where illegals could obtain free medical care).

The Mexican government is also determined to retain the loyalty of
Mexican immigrants, regardless of legal status or citizenship. National
Security Adviser Adolfo Aguilar Zinser, before taking office, wrote in
an editorial here in Mexico proposing the mobilization of Americans of
Mexican ancestry as a tool of Mexican foreign policy. Juan Hernandez,
head of the Presidential Office for Mexicans Abroad clearly stated that
"We are betting that the Mexican American population in the United
States  will think Mexico first." This should be considered an
insult to the many patriotic Americans of Mexican ancestry - they of
course are not the problem! The problem is a growing number of newer
immigrants is indeed remaining loyal to Mexico. And Fox's promise to
grant voting rights to Mexicans living in the United States sets the
stage for a massive increase in double citizenship.

If not checked, the not-too-distant future could hold the prospect of
millions of people voting in both countries and - Fox hopes - voting in
the i

Re: [CTRL] NM: Clinton Precedents May Save Condit

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/05/2001 7:36:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Liz Ward Gracen, Juanita Broaddrick -- they
 all alleged sexual contact with Clinton (in Jones and Broaddrick's cases,
 that contact was unwanted). And after coming forward, all had their income
 tax returns audited. >>

Your entire statement is open to question, but I would have liked to see the
audits myself.  If a woman suddenly has a Mercedes, a condo in California and
plastic surgery, it brights to mind that there might have been some extra
income for which she does not seem to be working, especially when she is best
remembered by her co-workers for irregular attendance and poor typing.

Still, perhaps it is selective.  After all, various members of the FBI, CIA
and even the military were able to demonstrate fabulous life styles, and no
one seemed to get around to checking out their incomes for donkey's years.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: First Amendment Survey

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/05/2001 1:19:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Now, personally I feel that if you publish an article targeted to pedophiles,
on how to commit pedophiliac acts, in a pedophiliac magazine you stand as
guilty as those
 committing the act. There's a big difference from writing "I think the age
 of consent should be lowered to 10 years old" and "Here's how to lure a
 young boy into your home for sexual intercourse. >>

This is absolutely correct, but unfortunately what passes for the legal
system in this country doesn't look at things that way.  Remember the three
strikes system in California that was supposed to protect Californians from
murder, rape and armed robbery.  I suppose that the murderers, rapists, and
thugs just moved out of state after their second conviction, and the takers
of pizza slices or chocolate chip cookies seem to be the guys Californians
are supporting for the rest of their natural lives in prison.  Any case
against NAMBLA would come back to haunt us.  Still, I feel that since NAMBLA
has changed its editorial policy to some degree, the names of their
subscribers should be posted on the internet so that we can take special
precautions for our children and grandchildren.  I'm sure that would not be
allowed, since we have to protect their privacy.  Isn't it amazing though
that we've had hackers go after the secrets of corporations and government
agencies, but never once has the subscription list of NAMBLA come to light.
I guess we know what everyone considers most important when it comes to
corporations, the government or our children.  The FBI brags NOW that missing
children are entered into its main computer, but the battle to get them to do
it was prodigious.  I still have copies somewhere of the letters I wrote to
congressmen to get them to make it the law, so the FBI was forced  to do it.
They had all the stolen cars on the computer, but the kids weren't really
very important to them.  Wasn't that Dubya who was interested in the welfare
of this country's children?  Sure he was.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Abortion: A Dirty Industry (fwd)

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Abortion:  A Dirty Industry
Source:   Citizen Magazine; July 2001

Pro-life legislators and activists in several states are beginning to win
the war over regulating abortion clinics.

By Karla Dial (Karla Dial is a freelance writer in Colorado Springs,

It started in 1992, when two Charleston abortion-clinic workers went to
the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control with a
horrific tale.

The doctor for whom they worked didn't just abort babies-he ground their
tiny bodies in a kitchen garbage disposal, flushing what was left down the
drain and into the public sewer system.

Because first-trimester abortion clinics weren't regulated in South
Carolina, the state could only investigate possible violations of the
Hazardous Waste Management Act. But when state Sen. Glenn F. McConnell,
R-Charleston, saw a television station's three-part expos on the problem,
he turned his outrage into action.

"There's more regulation now in a veterinarian's clinic than an abortion
clinic," McConnell said in launching hearings into the matter. During
those hearings before the General Assembly in 1994, women told what they
saw while undergoing abortions: bloody sheets, bloody cots, dirty
bathrooms- even a dog in the operating room. The bill that emerged from
those hearings- proposing to regulate abortion clinics' sanitation, staff
qualifications and disposal procedures-was signed into law in January

But that law has yet to be enforced. For the last six years, the abortion
industry has fought regulation in court, claiming that imposing even
minimal standards of care on clinics is unconstitutional and medically

The need for regulation doesn't just exist in South Carolina. To date, 16
states have some type of law on the books regulating abortion clinics;
seven others have introduced legislation to do so this year. In at least
two of those states-Arizona and Texas-regulations are still tied up in

But time is running out for South Carolina abortion clinics. Last August,
the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the state
regulations "serve a valid state interest" of ensuring appropriate care
for women and neither restrict a woman's right to abortion nor make it too
expensive. Though the abortion industry appealed the decision to the U.S.
Supreme Court, the justices turned it away in late February without
comment, allowing the Fourth Circuit decision to stand. South Carolina's
abortion clinics now have until July 1 to comply with the 27 pages of
regulations handed down by the Department of Health and Environmental

South Carolina provides a model for other states to follow-and the Supreme
Court's decision provides hope for those attempting to regulate their
local abortion clinics while running a gauntlet of legal challenges.

"The abortion industry, on this issue, keeps saying the regulations
interfere with a woman's right to choose. That's just not the case," said
Kevin Caiello, interim president of the Palmetto Family Council in South

"[This Supreme Court decision] makes it clear that the regulations are not
putting limits on abortion, they're not unconstitutional, and the
arguments against them have not passed judicial muster. The abortion
industry has really been getting a free ride for a long time, and I think
this court decision says that's just not going to be tolerated."

Drawing the line

One would think the statewide attention drawn to the case of LouAnne
Herron-who bled to death after Dr. John Biskind punctured her uterus in a
Phoenix abortion clinic in 1998 (see "She didn't have to die," June 2001)-
would have effected some kind of substantive change in Arizona. Though a
law regulating Arizona abortion clinics was passed in 1999, the New York-
based Center for Reproductive Law and Policy immediately sued to block it
from taking effect. As a result, Arizona women are still receiving
abortions in unlicensed, unregulated clinics-and state Sen. Sue Gerard,
chair of the Senate Health Committee, doesn't see that changing any time

"There are multiple reasons why it's being held up in court, but one of
them is equal treatment under the law," Gerard said. "There's all kinds of
health care taking place in doctors' offices without regulation, and that
needs to be addressed as well. Problem is, we couldn't figure out how to
do it. We don't want to make every pediatrician and ophthalmologist be
licensed as a hospital. So that's the problem-where to draw the line."

But to Holly Gatling, executive director of the Columbia-based South
Carolina Citizens for Life, that line is obvious.

"Our response to that is when there's a crying need within the family
practice for these minimum standards, the Legislature can deal with that,"
she said. "The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals says it's not a violation
of the Constitution to regulate one type of clinic. What you can't do is
regulate one facility and not the entire industry. It's

[CTRL] The Israeli Army's Campaign of Revenge and Ethnic Cleansing (fwd)

2001-07-06 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The Israeli Army's Campaign of Revenge and Ethnic Cleansing


Jeff Halper

On July 3, after an Israeli from the settlement of Susiya in the southern
West Bank was found murdered, and without any suspects being identified or
arrested, the Israeli army unleashed an unprecedented campaign of revenge
and ethnic cleansing against the entire civilian Palestinian population of
the area.  (The same day the Israeli government authorized a wholescale
campaign of assassinations as well.)  As this is being written (Thursday
evening, the 5th of July), we are in the third day of this campaign.

The first 24 hours witnessed the demolition of at least five Palestinian
homes in the city of Yata, which was completely sealed off to the outside
world, leaving the army to act with impunity towards the civilian
inhabitants.  Reports are that up to a thousand residents were forced from
their homes before demolishing dozens of them.  The army also attacked
residents in the entire rural area between Yata and the area around Jibna
where the Palestinian "cave-dwellers" live.  Additional houses were
demolished, wells and reservoirs destroyed and the agricultural
infrastructure severely damaged.  Even the Channel 1 Israel news spoke of
the army as acting out of "revenge."  If this is so, the Israeli army,
which once prided itself as a "defense" force whose moral code included
"purity of arms," has been reduced during the repression of the past months
into a mere gang.  The fact that no outside observers were allowed into the
entire West Bank south of Hebron during this 24-hour period, including
journalist and human rights observers, and even the Red Cross was prevented
from providing humanitarian aid to the hundreds of families affected,
raises fears about acts of violence and intimidation committed with
absolute impunity by an army against a defenseless civilian population
(most of the area affected is in Israeli-controlled Area C).  Not only does
international law forbid such actions, but the Fourth Geneva Convention
requires Israel as an occupying power to protect the civilian population
under its rule and provide for its welfare.

Among the families whose dwellings were destroyed was Rasmiya Nawaja Jamal,
a woman in her 60s whose husband Mohammad was murdered by settlers from
Susiya ten years ago (no one was ever tried).  Rasmiya, who ekes out a
living as a shepherd, managed to raise 12 children on her own, the family
living in an underground cave. Since her compound is situated close to
Susiya, the family has endured harassment for many years, including
settlers riding horses through her living area.  Two years ago the Israeli
Civil Administration demolished the cave, claiming that the Nawaja family
had no permit to live there.  Rasmiya then constructed an ingenious
compound over her demolished cave, made of skeletons of automobiles.  She
and her smaller children lived in the shell of a mini-van, her son and his
family lived in the cab of a truck, and a pick-up truck was converted into
a stable. Rasmiya used the fenders to fence off her gardens, and even
constructed a cooking area of solar panels.  On Tuesday morning the army
returned and destroyed Rasmiya's compound, as well as those of her
neighbors, making more than 50 people homeless.  They also uprooted more
than 1000 olive trees belonging to Rasmiya and her neighbors, and destroyed
all their cisterns.

This morning we received word that Civil Administration bulldozers were
destroying homes, farming structures and cisterns in the area of Jibna.
This is where, two years ago, the Israeli army tried to force the area's
3000 farming families out of their cave dwellings where they had lived for
generations.  In October, 1999, the Israeli army declared their lands --
some 100,000 dunams of land (25,000 acres) south of Hebron -- as a "closed
military area."  (In fact, this was only one of 16 orders closing vast
tracts of land throughout the West Bank at that time.)  The land, though
semi-arid and rural, is home to an entire society of Palestinian farmers
who had farmed and grazed that area for centuries, developing a unique
culture around the many caves that dotted the mountainous landscape.  The
expulsion order affected, at that time, around 42 families, consisting of
around 730 people (among them some 500 children), were violently and
brutally driven from their homes.

They army claimed they needed the land for a "firing zone," but in fact it
is coveted because it connects the Israeli city of Arad with the
settlements of the area and creates a corridor from Israel to Kiryat Arba
and Hebron.  At that time ICAHD and other Israeli human rights
organizations initiated an appeal to the Supreme Court, which ruled in
March of 2000 that the families would be allowed to stay in their homes
until the issue of their residence was resolved. Since that time, the Civil
Administration has admitted it cannot find fault with the families' claims
to the land.  Today's action, 

Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/05/2001 6:08:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< That is why Israel enjoys the unconditional support it gets from
 the world's Jews. That is not to say that it behaves properly. It
 doesn't. It behaves like a modern state. But if it comes down to brass
 tacks, we always want to have a place to go. It's a matter of survial.
 Not intellectual games for fat and sassy Americans and Europeans sitting
 safe at home. >>

No, that is why Israel has enjoyed the basically unconditional support it has
gotten from the United States and Europe.  Everybody compensating for their
own guilt.  Israel behaves like all conquesting nations behave.  I don't know
whether I would consider that modern.  It's not a matter of survival or a
place to go.  It's a matter of being able to take over and then taking it
all.  That is not unique to Israel.  The American colonists did exactly the
same thing in North America, and Spain and Portugal did a pretty fair job of
it in South America.  And of course Israel receives the support of American
Jews.  There's a little bit of guilt in that corner too.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Panel finds CIA soft on China

2001-07-06 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

July 6, 2001
Panel finds CIA soft on China
By Bill Gertz

 A commission of outside experts has concluded that CIA reporting
on China is biased and slanted toward a benign view of the emerging
communist power.

 Numerous classified intelligence reports on China, including those
on Chinese military and security issues, were reviewed by a 12-member
commission and found to be flawed, according to U.S. government
officials and outside experts close to the panel.
 The commission concluded in a final report that China-related CIA
intelligence reports and programs suffered from an "institutional
predisposition" to play down or misinterpret national security problems
posed by Beijing's communist regime.
 The commission also said CIA analysts had "overreached" in
making many incorrect or misleading assessments about China's
military and political activities.
 The conclusions of the commission are contained in a classified
report. The commission was headed by retired Army Gen. John Tilelli, a
former commander of U.S. forces in Korea.
 "There were numerous instances where [CIA analysts] just missed
it," said one official who has read the report.
 The commission included several academics such as Harvard
University professor Stephen Rosen, Princeton University professor
Aaron Friedberg and University of Pennsylvania professor Arthur
Waldron, as well as former Ambassador to China James Lilley. Peter
Rodman, a current nominee for assistant defense secretary also took
part, as did retired Army Col. Larry Wortzel, a former attache in China
who is currently with the Heritage Foundation.
 The panel met three times with CIA Director George J. Tenet. CIA
sources said Mr. Tenet tried unsuccessfully to persuade the
commission to soften its findings, arguing that its findings would fuel
critics of the agency.
 One of those critics is Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Republican
and the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who took
the lead in pushing for the CIA to form the "competitive analysis"
 Mr. Shelby said in an interview that the CIA has "not viewed China in
a realistic way."
 "They have tried to look the other way when China, in my opinion,
may be moving toward a belligerent stand, if not attitude," Mr. Shelby
said. "They are always looking the other way to put their spin on the
U.S.-Chinese relationship, that everything is going well in the long run.
 "It's just not very real. China is, has been and I believe will be a big
competitor of ours, economically, militarily, politically, in every respect.
They could be our biggest adversary. They are certainly not our
strategic partner as Clinton and Gore would lead you to believe."
 A Pentagon report issued in December by the Office of Net
Assessment, headed by long-time defense strategist Andrew Marshall,
also criticized U.S. intelligence shortfalls on China. The report said the
Pentagon could not predict the outcome of a conflict between China and
Taiwan because of major "intelligence gaps."
 CIA China analysts and senior officials, including Mr. Tenet, declined
to be interviewed. A CIA spokesman denied that its analysts were
biased and said they "call them as they see them."
 One China specialist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said
the most serious problem of the China analysts at the CIA is their failure
to recognize the growing danger of a Sino-U.S. war.
 "War is a come-as-you-are party, and the Chinese are thinking
about that very seriously," the specialist said. "The problem is you can't
find those guys at CIA thinking about it."
 Official statements about the possibility of military conflict between
Washington and Beijing have been dismissed by senior CIA analysts as
hollow rhetoric, the specialist said.
 While most of the analyses reviewed by the panel are classified,
some of the CIA China division's work is public. Based on published
materials and interviews with officials who have seen its classified
studies, the following problems were identified to The Washington Times:
 c The CIA provided poor analytical support to the White House
during the recent Hainan island incident. Agency analysts failed to
properly predict Beijing's reactions in the aftermath of a collision
between a U.S. EP-3E surveillance plane and a Chinese F-8 fighter jet
over the South China Sea, in which 24 American service members were
held hostage on Hainan island.
 c The CIA's top analyst on Chinese foreign policy, Paul Heer,
reported in the journal Foreign Affairs last year that the idea there are
divisions within the Chinese leadership between hard-liners and
centrists is a "false dichotomy" that is "misguided and even dangerous."
 His view reflects classified CIA analysis that came under fire from
the Tilelli commission and is contrary to the widespread views within
other U.S. intelligence agencies that major internal divisions do exist

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Official Calls Illegal Palestinians 'Lice'

2001-07-06 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/05/2001 6:03:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< Funny, you don't look Jewish.

 J2 >>

Actually I do.  I also look Turkish, Italian, and like several individuals
who have "passed into spirit" as they say.  I'm going by the comments of
others who have been Jewish, Turkish, Italian and friends or relations of
those passed into spirit.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-07-06 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> Source: Reuters

Guess that is why sales of Campbells pork and beans have

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-06 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

> flw wrote:

> > The evidence indicates FDR knew about Pearl Harbor and
> > did nothing; now it is clear he knew about the impending Holocaust
> > and did nothing. Now we know what FDR really stands for:
> > "F**king Dirty Rat."
> > flw

 This might come as a news flash to YOU, but WE knew about it all
 the time. There was NO ONE who would, or could prevent the mass
 annihilation of the Jews in Christian Europe.

Rather facile, J2.

Most aware folks know all about FDR.

Too many Americans,especially US Jews, look upon FDR as some kind
of Great Progressive. Ole Sanctimonious Eleanor especially causes them
to swoon. Eleanor's letters were full of anti Semitic comments.

FDR was a Fascist anti Semite.

FDR, Churchill, Stalin, and Hitler...all peas in a pod.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Former militia official ready to testify in Sharon trial

2001-07-06 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

>Subject: Former militia official ready to testify in Sharon trial

> Friday July 6, 12:37 AM
> http://sg.news.yahoo.com/010705/1/18ufh.html
> BEIRUT, July 5 (AFP) -
>   A former militia official, who was implicated in the 1982
> massacres at the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps, said
> Thursday he was ready to testify in Brussels, which is probing
> whether to try Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his role in
> the killings.


>  Hobeika said that the "Kahana commission, which is not a
>reference when it comes to impartiality, has accused me of having
>carried out these crimes without allowing me to defend myself."

Guess he doesn't want to be Sharon's fall guy.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: /Barry Rubin: The PLO between Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism, Background and Recent Developments

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

So what is a semite?  Aren't arabs semites?
More divide, conquer, and genocidal tendencies on the part of what?


Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust

2001-07-06 Thread Steve Suranie

-Caveat Lector-

> censorship - Please provide a reference of where you have been personally
> censored by the government.
> loss of jobs - If you are referring to unemployment, well I'm sure things
> were much better back in the depression before Roosevelt came along.
> Employment loss/gains are natural occurrences of any nation's economic
> lifecycle. If you are referring to the movement of manufacturing jobs to
> other nations for cheaper labor that is also an unfortunate natural
> occurrence. A labor intensive business will gravitate to where it is
> cheapest to run that business.
withholding of university degrees - once again, please provide a reference
where this has occurred (in relation to our government withholding a degree)

intimidation - what kind, of who, against what?

acts of terrorism - are you referring to acts of terrorism such as Oklahoma
City or some other situation? Acts of terrorism have been around since the
development of the nation state. There have been and always will be small
groups of people who feel that violence is the only measure to get their
point across. Their anger may be justified but their actions are not.
Terrorism is not something explicit to the end of the twentieth century.

deportation - of whom and for what reason?

> are not "consequences" suffered by people in America for raising questions
> about "historical inaccuracies"? - many people on this list on a daily
> basis make inaccurate and accurate comments in regards to "conspiracies"
> and America's history. Many others routinely make inflammatory remarks
> about recent and current standing government officials to include the
> President. None, to my knowledge have lost their job, had a degree
> withheld, been intimidated, have had an act of terrorism performed against
> or deported because of their comments.
> You are uninformed, naive, or probably both
I am neither. I have no illusions about our government, its relationship
with corporate America and its ability to use every means possible to
protect America's economic interest. Does the government always do what's in
the best interest of the American people? No. There are too many factors
involved in each decision for each decision to benefit all the American
people and at time some decisions benefit none. But having traveled to and
seen the high taxes and unemployment rates in Europe, the abject poverty and
corruption in Africa and the unbelievable political corruption in South
America I would say that you my friend have it much better than most people
in the world. I'll be the first to admit that America is not perfect, we
don't always wear the mantle of being the world's only superpower well but I
also think the world is a much better place than it would have been without
America's existence.

> --
> From: Damian B. Cooper
> Reply To: Conspiracy Theory Research List
> Sent: Friday, July 6, 2001 1:35 AM
> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust
> -Caveat Lector-
> At 08:42 AM 7/5/01 -0400, Steve Suranie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  wrote:
> > But I
> >rather like this world much more, a place where you and others like you
> can
> >sift through America's past and loosely link some historical inaccuracies
> to
> >find a conspiracy where there is none and not suffer any consequences.
> >
> >Steve
> You're suggesting that censorship, loss of jobs, withholding of university
> degrees,
> threats, intimidation, acts of terrorism, deportation and similar measures
> are not
> "consequences" suffered by people in America for raising questions about
> "historical inaccuracies"?
> You are uninformed, naive, or probably both.
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance--not soap-boxin---please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theor-'--with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright fra-ds--is used politically by different groups
> with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
> thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
>  http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of
>  http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl
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[CTRL] Fwd: Environment News Service: Climate Change Linked to UK Floods and Drought

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

When the UK sinks like Atlantis - perhaps those left on Noah's Ark will
want to inquire about the Weather Modification Program which is under
control in part by the UN?   Oh so secret?

Got to warm up Russia also for agicultural purposes..next time you
see men in outer space awakened by the Woody Woodpecker song (Russian
MIR) perhaps enquiring minds will do a little checking in UK, for over
here the program is still "classified" for "national security" is

What - America under Clinton wasn't too concerned with National
Security, was it.

Maybe another story from say like Bel and the Dragon - drop people in
the Lion's den, murder their children, blow up their Temples - so they
may see how others have suffered due to their own greed.



[CTRL] Fwd: Stars and Stripes: Anthrax Vaccine Maker Didn't Report Army Sergeant's Death, According to FDA

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Item sent by "Wildcat" which gives lots of information on Anthrax

Noted this one soldier who allegedly died from this vaccine, and BioPort
again (assume this is Admiral Crowe's investment) involved.

This woman died of aplastic anemia - bone marow damaged - which reminded
me of the 9 cases of aplastic anemia recorded in California in 1964
(when all denied Tolune was dangerous as used in airplane glue)
involving young children most of whom probably died.

One can see where the big bucks are going to be made in the future -
pharmaceuticals and vaccines and the same people making this stuff also
engaged in making pesticides said pesticide companies ready to go into
full gear with chemical and bacteria warfare at the drop of a hat.


Stripes.com - HomeFriday July 6, 2001

Anthrax Vaccine Maker Didn't Report Army Sergeant's Death, According to
Mar 6, 2001
Dave Eberhart
Stars and Stripes Veterans Affairs Editor
The Pentagon's lone anthrax vaccine manufacturer failed to report a
vaccine-related death that occurred in June 2000, according to an Oct.
26, 2000, Food and Drug Administration report of an inspection at the
BioPort Corp. plant in Lansing, Mich.
BioPort also failed to investigate or react to reports by the Pentagon's
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of servicemembers
becoming ill after receiving one or more shots in the DoD's Anthrax
Vaccine Inoculation Program (AVIP), according to the report, a copy of
which was obtained by The Stars and Stripes.
The FDA said: "The military reported a death of an individual who had
received Anthrax vaccine lot #FA V031. The individual was inoculated on
3/14/00 and died on 6/14/00. The cause of death is reported as Aplastic
Anemia and Invasive Aspergillosis. The firm received information in a
VAERS form but there is no documentation as to when that report was
received by the firm [BioPort]."
Blood Disorder
Redmond Handy
Redmond Handy, president of the National Organization of Americans
Battling Unnecessary Servicemember Endangerment (NO ABUSE), told The
Stars and Stripes Feb. 5 that the servicemember involved was Sandra
Larson, an Army sergeant whose sister, Nancy Rugo, testified before the
House Government Reform Committee last year that Larson had died of an
autoimmune blood disorder. She said Larson had blamed the anthrax
vaccine for her illness.
Rugo told lawmakers that Sandra Larson joined the Army in 1995 and was
transferred to South Korea in 1998, where she began the 18-month vaccine
program and received four of the six required shots from lot 17. In
October 1999 she was transferred to Fort Riley, Kan., where she received
the final two shots, from lot 44 in September of that year and from lot
31 in March 2000.   On April 7, 2000, just four weeks after being
injected from her sixth shot, [Sandra Larson] was admitted into the
hospital with a serious rare blood disease.- Nancy Rugo
"On April 7, 2000, just four weeks after being injected from her sixth
shot, [Sandra Larson] was admitted into the hospital with a serious rare
blood disease, aplastic anemia, which could be considered an autoimmune
disease," Rugo testified. "On June 14, 2000, twelve weeks after
receiving her sixth shot, she had deceased."
"This was not a gradual case of aplastic anemia," Rugo said. "She went
from a healthy woman just four weeks prior to having no bone marrow,
platelets and an extremely low count of red and white blood cells. It
was as if there was something in her that was killing her immune system,
shutting her down."
"The firm [BioPort] has not reported the death to FDA in a 15-day
report. The firm has not conducted an investigation [of the death] as a
result of this VAERS report," said the FDA report, which was prepared by
inspectors Marsha W. Major, William D. Tingley and Paula A. Trost.
'No Documentation'
And, the report said, "The firm does not trend data received relating to
adverse events. Further, there is no documentation to show that the firm
investigates adverse events [drug reactions] when received."
Uninvestigated adverse events included "nausea, diarrhea, vomiting,
double vision, dizziness, memory loss, shortness of breath, and
blackouts," the inspectors reported.
The FDA report identified three anthrax vaccine lots that failed initial
sterility testing. One lot "was retested and failed the retest," the
report said. The FDA characterized BioPort's investigations into the
initial sterility test failures as incomplete and "not addressing
corrective actions relating to [BioPort] personnel."
The report cited a "lack of reconciliation of vials that are returned to
the firm from customers" on the part of BioPort. In one instance,
according to the report, BioPort was discovered to have changed its
records on the number of anthrax vaccine vials returned by the military
for destruction.   Larson's death is being investigated by several
organizations, including the FDA and the anthrax vaccine expert
committee, a group of civilian physicians that

[CTRL] Fwd: "The sexualization of America's children ..."

2001-07-06 Thread Aleisha Saba

Title: Blank

This is called 'hate' from those who really 'target those whom we 
hate.'  Speaking the truth cannot be borne by some but O'Reilley has hit it 
squarely on the head.

Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 7:35 PM
Subject: [Conspiranoia!] "The sexualization of America's children 

Thursday, July 5, 2001 
Heather needs a childhood 
By Bill O'Reilly 
2001 WorldNetDaily.com 
One of the biggest problems we have in this country is one rarely discussed 
in polite society: The sexualization of America's children has reached a crisis 
point and the kids are getting hurt. 
Let's walk through it. Traditionally, responsible parents had "the talk" 
with their children around puberty, verbally outlining "the facts of life." At 
least that's the way my parents handled it, and their parents before them. Of 
course, I knew most of the stuff my father was tossing at me but it was 
interesting to hear his phrases and stammers. I loved the stammers. Being Irish, 
I wasn't a junior Hugh Hefner or anything, but the schoolyard is the schoolyard 
and sex stuff always floats around. Always will. 
But my childhood in Levittown was relatively free of sexual themes. It 
wasn't until age 12 that I even thought about how to interact with girls and it 
was the dancing on "American Bandstand" that brought social interaction to my 
attention. I did what most little kids do: I played sports, rolled in the dirt 
and climbed trees. Sex was nowhere in sight and I'm glad it wasn't. 
Today even little children are exposed to sex on an almost daily basis. 
Sex-ed often starts early in public schools. MTV is one big sex extravaganza and 
many of TV's most popular programs like "Friends" are full of sexual situations 
and innuendo. The Boy Scouts are under fire for not accepting "avowed" 
homosexual scoutmasters. And even clothing catalogs aimed at the young border on 
soft porn. Don't be surprised if HBO creates a series called "Sex and the 
This sexually charged atmosphere is bad for kids because they are not 
emotionally equipped to handle it. Sex is a complicated issue. I agree that our 
society is dangerous and children must be warned about sexual abuse. I do not 
oppose responsible education aimed at eliminating bigotry against gays and 
preventing disease and pregnancies. But I am adamantly against any explicit 
discussions of sexual activity in front of children. I don't want my kid to be 
worried about conduct she cannot possibly understand. I want the children of 
America to remain innocent for as long as possible. 
It is flat-out wrong to inject any kind of sexual controversy in the Boy or 
Girl Scouts. No scoutmaster should ever discuss his or her sexual orientation in 
any way. Don't ask, don't tell. Give the kids and society a break. Just shut-up 
and let the kids have a good time. 
But no, children have to be drawn into all the social battles adults are 
fighting. We can't have childhood any more. The kids have become pawns for 
agenda-mad adults. 
Perhaps the worst thing about America these days is the greedy, 
irresponsible entertainment companies. Music aimed at young people is full of 
explicit sexual lyrics, R-rated films are marketed at kids and magazines are 
loaded with sexual content. Unless a kid is living in a fallout shelter – he is 
bombarded with sexual situations on a daily basis. 
There is a clothing store chain called Abercrombie and Fitch. It markets 
clothes that kids like – baggy pants, T-shirts, caps. The store's summer catalog 
is interesting: The first 122 pages are full of models with no clothes on. 
Somehow the logic of this is escaping me since A&F is supposed to be selling 
clothes. Trust me, there isn't a pant leg in sight. 
The catalog is so explicit that the attorney general of Illinois has called 
for a nationwide boycott of Abercrombie and Fitch. The company responded by 
putting the catalog in cellophane paper. That'll do it. 
The question is – why did A&F put out a catalog like this? The answer 
is that the company knows many American kids are now used to seeing sexual 
situations and indeed enjoy seeing them. This display will get passed around a 
lot of homerooms. 
No good can come from adult society's assault on childhood. America doesn't 
need sexually-active 13-year-olds. We don't need a bunch of children asking 
Santa Claus for satin sheets. Clear-thinking Americans need to begin speaking 
out against sexual intrusion and the vanishing innocence of our children. We 
need to begin taking names and withholding our dollars from corrupting 
Enough is enough. Heather doesn't need two mommies. Heather needs a 
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Re: [CTRL] Face of Jesus on Europa

2001-07-06 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

As you wish.  Just wait..

With some experience, and a little maturity, you may have
a change of attitude.

Perhaps an attitude adjustment

Steve wrote:

> Well goddamn.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] World News July 5, 2001

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 06 Jul 2001 02:20:36 -0400
Subject:(ENS) World News July 5, 2001

   ENVIRONMENT NEWS SERVICE (ENS)  http://ens-news.com

   "We Cover the Earth For You"


WASHINGTON, DC, July 5, 2001 (ENS) - The Bush administration has announced
it will open a previously untouched 1.5 million acre span of the Gulf of
Mexico to oil and natural gas drilling - the first new leases offered in
more than a decade. The new energy exploration was tailored to avoid
Florida waters, heading off conflicts between President George W. Bush and
his brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

For full text and graphics visit:



LIMA, Peru, July 5, 2001 (ENS) - Southern Peru was struck again today with
an earthquake just two weeks after a severe quake left 115 dead, 1,600
injured, and nearly 90,000 people homeless.

For full text and graphics visit:



LONDON, United Kingdom, July 5, 2001 (ENS) - The UK Environment Agency
warned today that climate change, along with the extremes in weather that
it leads to, is causing serious problems.

For full text and graphics visit:



BRUSSELS, Belgium, July 5, 2001 (ENS) - Buying energy efficient or recycled
goods and services became easier for government agencies in Europe today.

In a move that could lighten the burden of waste and energy consumption
across all 15 nations of the European Union, the European Commission
defined the legally correct way for European public agencies to make
environmentally sensitive purchases.

For full text and graphics visit:



LONDON, United Kingdom, July 5, 2001 (ENS) - A key battle has begun in this
year's International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting, as its scientific
committee wrestles over the most populous baleen whale stock - Antarctic

For full text and graphics visit:



Japan Waffles on Kyoto Protocol

Supreme Court Grants New Rights to Property Owners

House Votes to Ban Great Lakes Oil Drilling

Bush Promotes Energy Conservation at The White House

Energy Department Pledges $25 Million to Carbon Sequestration

Amtrak Will Spend Millions on Environmental Upgrades

For full text and graphics visit:



California Condor Chick Found Dead

Clean Coal Plant Coming to Kentucky

Study Analyzes Fishing Impacts on Ocean Floor

Hawaiian Coral Protected in New Deep Water Refuge

Goshawk Not Threatened, Judge Rules

Oregon to Remove Cougars to Protect Elk

John Podesta Joins League of Conservation Voters

GPS Could Help Scientists Study Climate

For full text and graphics visit:

  Copyright Environment News Service (ENS) 2000 All Rights Reserved.


E-Wire is a paid press release distribution service.
Responsibility for the factual accuracy of each press release rests
entirely with the individuals or organizations identified on the release.



   The Fund for Animals Condemns Snowmobile
   Litigation Settlement Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jul. 5 -/E-Wire/PR Newswire/-- Today, The Fund for Animals issued a
statement questioning the motives of the Bush Administration in entering into
a settlement agreement with snowmobile manufacturers and us

[CTRL] Face of Jesus on Europa

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Well goddamn.
Even the Euorpians knew about Him, and left an ice sculpture in His Name.
Good God Almighty.

(It most be nice to be so Great that You get extra capital letters. :)

Cardinal 'Birdie' Steven

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Thu, 05 Jul 2001 20:25:33 -0400
From:   Gordon Tibbles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:MARS: Face of Jesus on Europa
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Check this out.  Jesus wearing a crown of thorns.



--- End of forwarded message ---

"The Truth is out there."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-06 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 6 Jul 01, at 1:35, BB wrote:

> At last, a modicum of truth, however inadvertent.

The Truth is all that I post. Most do not understand because they are living in an 
form of reality induced by various factors, both external and internal.  :)


"The Truth is out there."

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] LA WEEKLY: The Bush administration's shell game in Colombia

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan

Subj:LA WEEKLY: The Bush administration's shell game in Colombia
Date:   7/5/01 7:14:51 AM Mountain Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colombian Labor Monitor)

And President Bush has proved a subtle drug
warrior, emphasizing prevention in a May 11
address on the drug policy while maintaining
the government's fiscal commitment to its war
footing abroad.

July 6, 2001

The Bush administration's
 shell game in Colombia

By Marc Cooper

General Gustavo Socha, the commander of Colombia's militarized national
anti-narcotics police, sat patiently in his Bogota headquarters while he
methodically and meticulously briefed me from a series of colorful,
laminated, place-mat-sized maps. The charts depicted recent drug-crop
eradications by his forces, each with a date, description of the maneuvers
and its corresponding military code name.

Sitting at the epicenter of the largest U.S. military-aid package to Latin
America in history, known as Plan Colombia, General Socha effused
confidence. "Thanks to the United States, we finally are getting the
support we needed," he said. Now that Colombia was being backed by $1.3
billion U.S. dollars, now that the Americans were shipping down a couple
of dozen Blackhawk and Super-Huey choppers, now that the CIA and the DIA
and the DEA were openly sharing intelligence with the Colombian
government, now that Pentagon advisers were training elite Colombian
counter-narcotics battalions, the general said, he was sure that he could
meet the U.S. goal of halving the acreage of Colombia's coca fields in
less than five years. American policy planners say this is crucial, given
that Colombia is the source of about 90 percent of the cocaine consumed in
the U.S. and about 60 percent of the heroin that reaches the East Coast.

And in this eradication crusade, the general said, it mattered little if
government troops had to encounter not only the traffickers but also
long-standing and tenacious guerrilla forces in the drug fields. No
distinction was going to be made between counter-narcotics and
counter-insurgency. "I make no differences," he said as he turned to the
maps of the southern Putumayo region. "Anyone who is protecting the
growers, the crops, the labs, the chemicals or the transport of drugs, all
of them are our targets."

As we continued to pore over the maps, it became clear that in this
conflict - unlike Vietnam - real or imagined victories are not marked by
tallying up equally unsubstantiated enemy "body counts." No, the
government side takes way too many casualties to go down that path.
Instead, the general revealed to me a complex formula he has cooked up to
"prove" the effectiveness of his work.

After each aerial fumigation of crops, a "scientific" estimate is made of
how many acres of either coca leaf or opium poppy has been expunged. Then
a breakdown is made of just how many "doses" of the final drug product
have been erased, supposedly, from the world market and thereby blocked
from the bloodstream of users.

And so, as General Socha flipped the charts, the dose count soared. In
1999, 10,000 acres of fields were sprayed, 1.5 million doses destroyed in
one small field, 2.5 million in another, and 360 million doses out of
another big operation. And then, in 2000, a radical escalation: 10,000
acres of poppy fumigated, "removing 4,627 billion doses of heroin from
sale," General Socha affirmed. And some 100,000 acres of coca leaf, which,
he said, "destroyed 3,368 billion cocaine doses."

And there you have it: 3.368 trillion plus 4.627 trillion doses. Or,
totaled up, slightly more than 8 trillion doses of cocaine and heroin
destroyed by the Colombian military, they claim, in just the last two
years. Enough product to satisfy - or starve - the habits of all hard-drug
users in the world for at least several months.

Yet, no market shortages, no rise in cocaine or heroin prices, have been
registered since these supposedly devastating blows have been struck by
the U.S.-backed Colombian forces. In fact, for cocaine, the price on the
street, the free-market's best barometer of supply, has never been lower.

But no matter. The U.S. penchant for pursuing an internationalized Drug
War, centered around Colombia, seems in no way abated. It was the Clinton
administration, with its single-minded emphasis on attacking the supply
side of drug cultivation rather than the demand side of consumption, that
set Plan Colombia in motion. Now the Bush administration has posted
prohibitionist hawks at the top of its anti-drug agencies, and seems more
than likely to pursue or perhaps escalate these same policies.

That these policies are likely to do nothing to reduce drug use in the
United States is the nea

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: DynCorp

2001-07-06 Thread Kris Millegan


RICO Used in Wrongful-Termination 
Alice RobbinsTexas 
Lawyer April 2, 
2001 Depositions are under way in a suit pending in Fort Worth, 
Texas' 17th District Court that alleges a Lubbock man was fired by an American 
defense contractor in Bosnia because he blew the whistle on supervisors and 
co-workers who bought illegal firearms and engaged in buying and selling 
underage girls as domestic help and sex slaves. Ben Johnston alleges in 
Johnston v. DynCorp Inc., et al. that his former employer breached his 
three-year contract when he was fired without cause last June. DynCorp's 
lawyer, Irving, Texas, sole practitioner Greg Marks, declines to be interviewed 
because the corporation has a policy against discussing pending litigation. 
Marks says he filed a routine answer denying all Johnston's allegations. 
Johnston worked as a civilian aircraft mechanic for DynCorp, which has a 
contract with the U.S. Army to maintain military helicopters on the Comanche 
Base at Tuzla, Bosnia. He accepted the contract with DynCorp in November 1998 
and was earning about $120,000 a year, according to the suit. DynCorp, a 
Delaware corporation, oversees its international operations from its offices in 
Fort Worth. The suit filed last August by Lubbock lawyer Kevin Glasheen 
alleges that DynCorp engaged in racketeering activities in violation of the 
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act and that Johnston was 
terminated because he refused to commit an illegal act. If Johnston had not 
reported his fellow employees' alleged unlawful activities, he could have been 
charged under federal law with misprision of a felony, says Glasheen, a 
shareholder in Fadduol, Glasheen & Valles in Lubbock. Glasheen says 
the issues addressed in the case involve "leading-edge stuff" in 
employment law. "This is going to be a case of first impression," he 
says. Among the allegations in the suit are that the corporation and its 
employees engaged in peonage and slavery, sexually exploiting children, dealing 
in obscene material and procuring fraudulent identification documents. 
The suit alleges that DynCorp employees purchased the passports of women 
and girls from Serbian Mafia members who brought them into Bosnia from other 
Eastern European countries. The corporation's employees sometimes resold the 
passports, alleges Richard Hardy, an associate with Fadduol, Glasheen who also 
represents Johnston. As alleged in the suit, Johnston told his DynCorp 
supervisor that co-workers were buying women from the Mafia and was told 
"to mind his own business." According to the suit, Johnston reported 
the alleged activities to the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command in March 
2000 and his whistle-blowing allegedly led to his termination and forced him and 
his Bosnian wife, Denisa, to flee the country. Johnston and his wife 
were forced into protective custody by the CID for fear that they would face 
retaliation by the Serbian Mafia and DynCorp employees, the suit alleges. 
A plaintiff who brings a civil RICO conspiracy claim must show that he 
was injured by an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. The U.S. Supreme 
Court ruled last year in Beck v. Prupis that a plaintiff must prove the 
overt act that injured him was an "act of racketeering." 
"In our situation, we're claiming tampering with a witness," 
Glasheen says. "Mr. Johnston was terminated in order to preserve 
the status quo of DynCorp in Bosnia, the sanctioned buying and selling of women, 
minor girls, firearms, forged passports and frequent trips to whorehouses," 
the suit alleges. NOVEL QUESTION Glasheen says the suit 
raises the question of whether the termination of an employee can be considered 
obstruction of justice under RICO. It also raises the question of whether 
reporting fellow workers' alleged illegal activities to law enforcement 
constitutes refusal to commit an illegal act, he says. Johnston alleges 
that the corporation's conduct toward him was willful or malicious, entitling 
him to recover punitive damages. Jonathan Lyons, a DynCorp supervisor in 
Bosnia, signed the June 9, 2000, letter of discharge that ended Johnston's 
employment with the corporation. The letter said Johnston "brought 
discredit to the company and the U.S. Army" while working in Bosnia. 
In a Feb. 21 deposition, Lyons testified that Johnston was fired because 
of unverifiable statements he made to the Army CID about fellow employees. 
"That was my understanding," Lyons testified, according to a 
transcript of the deposition. Charlene Wheeless, DynCorp's vice 
president of communications, says the corporation adheres to the strictest of 
ethical standards. "The idea that we, DynCorp, would violate any law is 
incredible," Wheeless says. A DynCorp internal e-mail memo that the 
company turned 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-06 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

At last, a modicum of truth, however inadvertent.
Check the yearly increase of the national debt since
1980, then try to tell which was a republican administration and
which was a democratic administration.  Impossible.

As Tom Anderson wisely observed back in 1963,
"socialist party candidate A" and "socialist party candidate B."

Or, as another wag observed, vote democratic and get socialism...
Vote republican, and get socialism ...  a little slower.


Steve wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> Yeah, YOUR bad politician is much, much worse than MY bad politician.
> Steve
> On 5 Jul 01, at 22:47, Damian B. Cooper wrote:
> > And the Janet Reno stonewalling in conjunction with the Clinton's pardons
> > left "MANY, MANY MORE questions still unanswered - not least the
> > extent of the former president's own involvement in the MANY, MANY criminal
> > affairs of
> > the Clinton era.
> >
> > DBC

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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